#and the music videos were so good like none of these people from my uni had seen the footage before
chaos-coming · 1 month
Falastinvision was fantastic, 11/10
Convinced my uni friends to hold a watch party and the host even mentioned us up here in the north (tho the folks on the zoom video were a different group from our city)
So many talented artists and it was a joy to hear music blasting Free Palestine all the way down the hall
Was really nice to show my european friends what some of the swana diaspora culture is like in this country and that they enjoyed it felt like a win for spreading awareness about palestine
Palestine will live forever
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
Anything you’re looking forward to this month Easter, IPW etc.
What’s the current temperature? 19C.
Have you or would you ever forage for mushrooms? No, why would I? LOL.
What’s something you dislike about spring time? Hayfever. Bleh.
What’s your favorite lollipop flavor? Cola or lemon.
Are you into gardening and what do you enjoy planting? No.
What’s some flowers you find to be pretty? Sunflowers, roses, tulips etc.
Would you say you’re easy to get along with? I hope so.
Who did you last hold hands with? My boyfriend.
What sounds help you sleep? The cars driving past on the highway, it's like white noise. During Covid lockdown when there was none, it was too quiet, I hated it.
Do you have a loud or more soft laugh? Loud haha.
Tell me your best pick up line. None. Too cheesey.
What’s a song that reminds you of warm weather? Girls Aloud - Long Hot Summer haha.
Do you have any interest in fairies? No.
What’s the last refreshing drink you had? Water.
Do you name your plants? No.
Do you like to dip your fries in a frosty or ice cream? Yes.
Do you prefer staying in cuddled up or going out for a date? Both!
Cookies or brownies? Cookies.
What is something you are proud of? Graduated uni.
Are you a fan of musicals? No.
Do you like lemonade? Do you add anything to it? Yes.
Are you more of a fast talker or do you talk more slow? Fast talker, most Kiwis are. We have to remember to slow down in other countries.
Is there anyone who makes you smile no matter what mood you’re in? My boyfriend! <3
What are some inanimate objects or things in general that have the same energy or vibe? Like what objects make me smile? Haha. My laptop? My phone?
What is something that is quick to cheer you up? Wrestling.
Have you ever stargazed with someone? No.
If you were royalty, what would you like to be addressed as? Um...
Are there any foods you could eat daily and never get sick of? Chips xD
Are there any things coming up that you have to travel for? I wish.
What was a time when you have laughed so hard you cried? The other day when I was watching a YouTube video, I had to pause it cos I couldn't breathe and was crying so hard from laughter xD
Plan a good day. That really depends on my mood is on the day.
What would you do with $10,000 right now? I'd pay off my student loan cos it's about 5 grand at the moment, and spend the rest on a trip.
If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, what would they be like and what’s their name? I have one, her name is May and she's a wrestler xD
What’s one of your biggest accomplishments today? Nothing so far, but I'm going to the gym in a few hours so it'll be that haha.
Do you believe in reincarnation? why or why not? No clue.
What relative are you closest with? My Mum, cos we live together.
Do you have any recurring dreams? Yes. It's always about packing a bag or suitcase for some reason.
What last had you startled? A big bug in the bathroom.
What emotion have you experienced most lately? I've been pretty happy.
Let’s say there are no obstacles preventing this.. What would you do for the rest of your life? Travel.
What’s an odd phobia someone you know has? Dunno about other people but I'm scared of ladders.
What did you last search online? A Pokémon's type cos I am awful at remembering them.
Do you have any ghost stories you’ve experienced? No.
If you were to be a food, what would you be and why? Mac & cheese.
When did you last dust your home? The other week.
If you could pick an age to stop aging at, what would you choose? Now tbh.
Recommend me something you’ve been into recently. (: If you like Pokemon, then I recommend the fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation, it's such a good game.
Do you like sushi? No.
What’s something you’ve been putting off? Going to the dentist for a teeth clean, it's expensive and takes ages.
Do you know someone who is always starting drama? Yes.
What’s the current temperature outside? Still 19C.
What is one annoyance you’ve had today? Not having enough time to go to the gym between coming home from the mall and Smackdown starting. I usually need about 2 hours to do my workout and then get the bus home, I had less than an hour and a half today. So now I gotta go after Smackdown ends lol.
What’s one of your favorite videos? The pregnanant one, everytime someone links it, I watch it again cos it makes me cry laughing.
Do you get at least 6 hours of sleep every night? Most of the time, but the other night I only got 5 hours.
Can you see any outlets from where you’re sitting? Yes. There's a lamp plugged into it.
Who is your favorite person to spend time with? I can't pick.
What last surprised you? Hmm.
Do you know anyone who has 2 different color eyes? No.
What was the last medication you had to take? Migraine meds.
When was the last time you sprayed air freshener? No idea.
What color is the vehicle you ride in most often? Our buses are blue lol. But if you only count cars, then it's my boyfriend's car, which is black.
Do you remember the whole 2012 mess? You mean the 'end of the world'? LOL.
What does a typical weekend look like for you? We go to the mall in the morning and I have Starbucks with my Dad, then I go to the gym, then watch WWE Smackdown, then either just hang out or go to a wrestling show.
What kind of key chains do you have? I have a NYC one and one from the Grand Canyon with my keys. I also have a few on my bag - one of Seth Rollins' logo and the other is a Converse shoe haha.
Have you ever gotten into a physical altercation and lost? No.
What is a movie that you hated the ending? Hmm.
Do you have anything you need to tell someone? No.
When did you last laugh out loud? Just before at something my Mum said.
When did you last yawn? Earlier.
Did you have your own bedroom growing up? Yes.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? Never tried xD
What’s the last thing you done outside? Walked to the gate to let my Dad's car out.
Do you try to carry all of your groceries in at once to avoid another trip? I don't carry groceries lol, my shoulder won't allow it.
What did you last purchase? Starbucks for my Dad and I - he had hot chocolate and I had a mocha java chip frappe.
What’s your favorite kind of pasta? All.
Would you say you’re a condescending person? No.
Have you ever mowed a lawn? No.
What time did you go to bed last night? I think I went to sleep around 1:45 or so.
What did you last write down? Something at work.
What was the last game you won and lost? Both were at games night haha. David and I teamed in this game and won together, but then the next game we lost xD
What’s the last song you listened to? CuteBad - Provocateur
Are you content with your social life? Oh yeah. I have my wrestling friends, I have my BFF who I go to the gym with and I have my boyfriend's friends too.
What kind of phone do you have? iPhone 14.
What is something freeing that you’ve done recently? Dunno.
Do you own bluetooth headphones? Yes, I have Airpods.
How many months until your birthday? 4 months.
Have you ever had edible flowers? No.
Do you read other people’s survey answers? Kinda, I read them when I'm stealing someone's surveys lol.
What’s your favorite thing to put on a tortilla? Dunno.
Do you work better alone or in a group? Depends who the other people are, if it's people I know and like, then that's fine. Otherwise I'd prefer to work alone.
When did you last go shopping for shoes/socks? I go to the Converse outlet everytime I go out that way, and as for socks I had to replace all my socks last year when I suddenly got allergic to them, I bought a bunch of bamboo ones.
What’s a good midnight snack? Chips xD
What are 3 essential items you won’t leave the house without? My phone, my sunglasses and HOP card, which is for the bus/train.
Do you enjoy spicy foods? A bit, but not too spicy.
Do you ever shop at Walmart? What’s the last thing you purchased there? We don't have Walmart here.
Have you ever hosted a party? Yes.
What color are your eyes? Green.
What’s a song you’ve had on replay recently? Liberty X - Saturday
Have you ever played volleyball? Yes.
Have you ever slipped in the shower? Yes.
How many miles away is your favorite grocery shop from your residence? It's at the mall, about a 15 min drive?
When did you last have a toothache? The other day, cos my wisdom teeth are coming through.
What should you be doing right now besides surveys? Nothing.
What is something you want to be remembered for? Dunno.
What’s your favorite kind of juice? I like most juices tbh.
Do you like lounging around or do you enjoy being more active? Both.
What is something besides cash/cards that you keep in your wallet? I don't use a wallet lol.
Do you like pickles? No.
How many colors are in your outfit today? Let's see... blue, black, orange, red, white. Five!
Do you own a pair of combat boots? Yes.
Do you consider yourself to be more of a loner or outgoing? In between.
What is something you take a lot of pictures of? Things I buy. And food xD
Where do you stream or listen to your music? Spotify, and occasionally YouTube Music.
Have you cut yourself on a glass on accident? Probably.
What’s your plans for the next upcoming season? Working, lol.
Do you use a lot of seasonings in your cooking? I don't cook much.
What’s a dish you love to prepare for yourself? Haha...
What emotion do you feel the strongest right now? Tired lol.
What are your most used emojis? The top 5 on my iPhone are the the sideways laughing emoji, the crying laughing emoji, the heart, the big eyes with tears and the big grin one lol.
What’s the strangest name you’ve heard someone name their child? Hmm...
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2jaeh · 2 years
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24/7 |  Na Jaemin 
genre: angst, smut
warnings: bf!haechan, haechan is not a good bf, toxic relationships, mentions of cheating!, oralf!recieving, M!receiving, unprotected!, mentions of alcohol.
wc: 2k
Author SIN
You and your boyfriend have had a rocky relationship for months but you were convinced it was because of his gaming tournament. One of his closest friends however lets you in on a little secret seeing as he has a little crush on you. 
A/N: Haechan is solely used for plot! I dont see him in this way ever and all content is purely fictional! On another note I have been getting requests after my johnjae fic, im saving them all and when im free I will get back to you i promise ! 
You stood in front of the mirror, adorning the new glittery lilac dress you bought specifically for your boyfriend's party and just the sight of how good you looked had you anticipating what his reaction would be like. Now this wasn't just any party, this party was celebrating his overwatch team winning a campus tournament. To some, a gamer boyfriend sounds like an eye roll but Haechan’s team were the hottest on the campus and every girl on campus wanted a piece of them.
Luckily for you, Haechan was pretty much adamant on dating you ever since you sat side by side during your first lecture at uni. He quickly introduced you to the team and before you knew it you were introduced to their girlfriends and all of you hung out constantly.
Recently though you weren't sure if it was because he was team captain or because he got an interview with some magazine, all the attention was now on Haechan but he gave none of his to you. Sometimes you did feel like the cute trophy girlfriend and nothing more than that.
But now it was the end of the season so you were hoping he’d change his ways.
You manoeuvred your way through bodies of people and found the boys sitting around a table watching Haechan and his teammate Jeno go at it over some video game.
“Isn't this a party to end their gaming tournament ?” you folded your arms and one of Haechan’s quieter friends Renjun scoffed.
“As if, somebody at the bar mentioned Jeno was actually the best player and Haechan wanted to prove them wrong in a quick match” he rolled his eyes as the crowd cheered them on.
“Haechan baby, how long are you going to be?” you whined, draping your arms around his shoulders and emphasised how needy you were for his attention.
“y/n i'm busy just let me play one more match” he snapped back and kept his focus on the screen in front of him.
“Yeah let him prove why he’s good geez” you heard some girls mutter behind you and you were truly not in the mood to fight for attention with his troop of fangirls. Rolling your eyes you excused yourself from the competition but felt a soft grip on your wrist.
Turning around you met with Jaemin, Haechan’s teammate and also one of the biggest campus heartthrobs. Despite his looks being out of this world, Jaemin was absolutely charming and when Haechan told you the story of how he ordered 365 roses for his girlfriend on their one year anniversary you were floored.
He was truly the standard.
“Where are you going ?” he asked over the music and moved closer to your body.
“Getting a drink at the bar” you spoke back and he grinned against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Let me join you.”
The two of you made your way to the bar which was located in their kitchen, where the crowd was a little more breathable and you could finally hear yourself think. Jaemin handed you an ice cold cider before retrieving what looked like a fruit punch drink from the ice cooler.
“You don't drink ?” you questioned his choice of beverage and the black haired man just shrugged.
“Don't like the taste of alcohol” he smiled sweetly and for a second it made you forget that he is standing with you right now instead of his girlfriend.
“We split up, do you wanna go outside ?” he cut you off and already started leading you to the small dimly lit garden patio. You frowned at how casually he spoke about such a long relationship as if it meant nothing to him. Jaemin kept a neutral expression, sipping his drink as he looked up at the stars.
“I'm sorry about what happened Jaemin I didn't know” you tried to console him, still unbelievably surprised that the couple everyone looked up to were now over.
“Don't be y/n” he pressed his lips together and looked over at you, “she cheated on me.”
You felt worse for him than before but his expression never faded. He looked so done with the entire situation that he was most likely numb at this point. You wondered how you’ve never noticed before but you realised you hadn't really been around the team since the tournament had started. She must have felt how you felt but instead of waiting it out she found another man to give her the attention she needs, you would've never had the guts to do that.
“Jaemin im so sorry you had to go through that and I don't know how you feel right now but-”
“y/n, she cheated on me with Haechan.”
You felt a white noise fill your ears and your heart began to race uncontrollably. It felt like someone had punched you in the throat and you had to focus on not throwing up all over the front lawn.
“They were drunk, I found out from Chenle and it happened twice during the tournament” Jaemin stepped in front of you, giving you some sort of a realisation that this was actually happening.  
Jaemin took your hand in his and rubbed your soft skin with his thumb, and used his other hand to lift your chin up to meet his eyes. You could now feel the pain he was feeling and his eyes told a different story from the ones you had met earlier. You were now in his position in a matter of seconds and you were not sure how you were planning to move on.
“I feel like I should be surprised but I'm not,” you laughed dryly, “he’s been so distant lately to the point where we haven't slept together in a month.”
You exhaled deeply and threw your head back in frustration. “I cant believe that asshole told me that he was too busy with the tournament meanwhile he’s busy fucking other women behind my back! God if I could just put his ass on blast right now-”
“He’s not even worth your time y/n” Jaemin shook his head, “he doesn't deserve you, you always do too much for him.”
You nodded in agreement knowing he was probably right. Haechan would most likely laugh it off, one of his fangirls would come to his defence and then you're left hurt and embarrassed.
“I wish I could make him feel what he made me feel” you wiped away a stray tear and returned your gaze on Jaemin.
“How did you get over it ?”
“We’d been fighting for months before that I kinda saw it coming just like you did” Jaemin shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets.
You sighed and rubbed your temples still muddled about how to deal with this situation.
“Do you want to know why we've been fighting all those months ?” Jaemin questioned and you simply nodded with curiosity.
“She thought I had a crush on you” he answered in a serious tone.
“D-do you ?” you asked softly and he replied with a nod.
“Yeah, I liked you from the moment I saw you so I did everything in my power to make my relationship so perfect that I'd forget about you and give her the boyfriend she deserved back then” Jaemin explained.
“I couldn't be mad that she cheated on me but the fact that it was Haechan and he was with you-”
You had no idea what came over you but you placed your hands on his shoulders and pushed yourself up to meet his lips, pressing yours against his passionately, startling him before he eventually sighed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“y/n I can't do this if it’s just for revenge I can't-” “It's not revenge, I'm sure Haechan was sick of me comparing him to you constantly. About the boyfriend you were and how attentive you were, something he could never do for me.” You responded as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“Once I have you I'm not going to be able to stop” he whispered.
“Then don't stop.”
Jaemin guided you back through the dorm and up the stairs, out of the corner of your eye you could see Haechan enjoying himself with all of his groupies, unaware of where you were or what information you now had on him. It made you sick to your stomach but it was not revenge. Jaemin was someone you deserved and you wanted to give him everything he deserved. You wanted to show him that he was the better choice and always will be.
The two of you ended up in his bedroom and Jaemin immediately locked the door and began ravaging your neck with sweet kisses and bites. His hands were all over you, pulling down your dress and watching it fall and pool around your feet.
“Sorry I forgot to mention but you looked absolutely sexy in that dress” he complimented and pulled you over to his unmade bed. The two of you exchanged heated kisses, pulling each other closer until it was impossible to feel any space between your bodies. Jaemin tossed away his clothes and you licked your lips at the sight of his gorgeous body hovering over you.
“You're so beautiful” you looked up at him, tracing a hand down his abdomen and tugged on the waistband of his boxers to bring him in for another tantalising kiss.
“My pretty baby i'm going to make you feel so good” he hummed, settling in between your legs and slowly pulled your already dripping underwear off your body.
You sighed at the instant contact of his tongue against your clit, arching your back at the feeling as he dug his nails into your thighs. Your fingers found the tufts of his hair, arching more until his tongue was practically fucking you and you were close to seeing stars. You chased your orgasm while Jaemin quickly replaced his tongue with two of his fingers. He curled them and watched your eyes roll back, contorting your body so beautifully just for him.
“I'm so close, Jaemin!”
“That's the only name you're going to be orgasming to from now on” he groaned as his member twitched in his boxers. Jaemin watched you come undone all over his fingers and he was in awe of how addicting you were.
Quickly discarding his boxers Jaemin gave his member a few strokes before lining it with your entrance. You gave him a quick nod and he entered you slowly, grunting and groaning at the feeling of you around him.
“You feel so..fucking good” Jaemin exhaled and began moving, rocking his hips in rhythm with you and gripped your hip tightly. Your moans and sighs were like music to his ears as he fucked you better than anyone has.
You pushed yourself up to switch positions and sat on his length, allowing him access to your ass as you rode him. Your eyes were on each other the entire time, taking in the moment as you felt his member please you and fill you up perfectly. Your movements became faster as you heard his breathy moans against your neck, chasing his own orgasm.
“Faster Jaemin, I'm so close” you cried and he quickly quickened his pace until you had your second orgasm of the night, your tightness already making it harder for him to hold on any longer.  
“Baby where can I cum” Jaemin desperately gripped your hips as his member twitched inside of you.
“I want you to cum in my mouth baby please, I want to taste you” you mewled and Jaemin bit down on his lip at your dirty words, quickly pulling out of you because those words would have had him release right then and there.
You obediently got to your knees, gave his length a few pumps before placing your swollen lips over his tip and allowed him to release into your hungry mouth. Jaemin threw his head back as he came and you sucked him in, making sure to get every bit of it before releasing him with a pop.
Jaemin was quick to respond and make sure you were cleaned up well and offered you a shirt to throw over your body while the two of you recuperated on his bed. With heavy breaths the two of you  zoned out to the music from the floor beneath you.
“Don't for a second think that was done out of revenge okay?”  you reassured him as you snuggled closer to his chest. “This was probably one of the best nights of life.”
“I don't think hearing about a cheating boyfriend would top the best nights ever” Jaemin snickered as his eyes closed.
“True, but it ended with someone I would most rather wake up to every morning” you grinned to yourself.
Jaemin pulled you closer to his chest and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Here’s to our first morning together. The first of many.”
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markberries · 3 years
the one that got away.┊na jaemin
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•  info: a perfect couple who just couldn’t get timing right.  
• warnings: none
• genre: light fluff, angst, fem reader
• word count: 997
• a/n: this was just a short thing i wrote while i was in my feels, i recommend listening to the one that got away by katy perry while reading! if people like this then i might make a part two. mwah love u all
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na jaemin was, and quite plainly put, your first love.
you had been single throughout your entire high school career, that was until the fateful beginning of your junior year. tests on top of tests, stacks of textbooks, and loud students were the main reasons you hated high school.
na jaemin knew you, or he knew of you. he was an idiot, a complete goof, but you somehow let his bright smile and witty humor sweep you off your feet.
when you two spotted each other in the hallways, he would grin at you, and you would give him a small wave, your movements restricted as you carried your school supplies in your hands. his friends would lightly push him in your direction, a pink tint forming across his face. you would brush it off, continuing to your next class as the hallways filled with classmates speaking loudly, and jaemin’s laugh echoing.
you two had one class together during junior year: psychology. a class that jaemin nearly flunk, until you rushed to his side to tutor him in order to make sure he got above fifty for his final grade.
you two went to the library together for your fourth study session, black coffees grasped in each of your hands, backpacks slung over your arms.
he was finally beginning to understand the subject, having explained to him the idea of social construct nearly three times, and you felt a little bit of pride creeping up on your ego.
“you know? we should do this again. maybe not as a study session, and maybe not at a library..”
thinking about the words jaemin said that day made your heart clench, it made you want to shove your head in a pillow and scream, but you did not regret it; no, you could never regret it.
the start of your relationship began to bloom, it was filled with cuddles and kisses placed across each other’s faces. it was full of lines like, “you’re so cute when you smile” and “you’re absolutely gorgeous”. when you saw him, he would envelope you in his arms, burying his head into your neck as you two stood there, stuck in time, only thinking about each other.
after a good few months, the arguments began to roll in, they were stupid arguments though, most of you barely remembered the topics. they would have you two accusing each other, throwing insults back and forth to hurt each other, but it was never enough to break you two. those fights would end in a phone call, jaemin’s small voice on the line saying, “i miss you. please come see me.”
during your fifth month of being together, you told jaemin you loved him, and jaemin told you he loved you back. you two were in his bed, you poking at his cheeks as he enjoyed the attention he gained from you. you two loved cuddling together, and just existing together.
he giggles at you, pinching your cheek. in response, you squished his own cooing, “you’re so goddamn cute, i love you!”
his eyes went wide, followed by you mimicking his expression as you were quick to slap a hand over your mouth in embarrassment. then, a wide smile spread across his face as he pulled you closer to him, rolling over to go on top of you as he smothered you in kisses.
“i love you too!”
when senior year rolled around, you two went to orientation together. people didn’t care, but some people were surprised that a junior couple stayed together for nearly a year. you didn’t mind, you were just happy you had jaemin.
on your one year anniversary, jaemin set up a nighttime picnic for you two. of course, there was a cameo by his friends, jeno, renjun, and jisung, who performed a terrible version of “i will always love you” by whitney houston, making jaemin cringe as you clapped your hands in glee.
“i thought you guys said you practiced this!” jaemin whined that day.
“we did. once.”
the night had butterflies erupting in your stomach as you two watched the sunset together, fairy lights surrounding the red and white checkered blanket.
on that day, you knew that you never wanted to let jaemin go. he felt like your other half, and it felt like you two were absolutely perfect together.
but now, in the current present, you asked yourself, “where did we go wrong?”
you two stayed together for the rest of senior year, but then, he moved to another city to become a trainee, which was an hour flight away. not too long and not very costly, but to a new trainee and a full time uni student, it wasn’t very convenient.
it started out okay, you visited him every two weeks as he couldn’t really travel back to the city you lived in, and sometimes he would be busy but he would always tell you before you bought a plane ticket.
soon enough, he began getting busier, schedules being packed as his debut was merely around the corner, while finals ate away at you.
you two always texted each other, called, facetimed, until you two didn’t. until you two finally called it off.
the fight was the worst, it was when you went to visit him, and the day he forgot to say he was busy on. you screamed at each other, you complaining about how he was always busy, him complaining that you were too clingy and needy, and then, the silence came.
“we don’t have time for each other anymore,” you whispered.
“i know.”
“i love you so much.”
“i love you too.”
and that was it.
you saw him on tv, now and then. his group’s music videos and comeback stages would come on your recommended, and in response, you would either turn off your tv or close your laptop.
no matter how much you wanted to forget, na jaemin would always be your first love.
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
aww freddie drabbles yay!
here's a few, choose whichever you like :)
- freddie and roger in high school/uni and a meet cute
- freddie and brian composing
- freddie babysitting john's children and singing vocal improv to them (i was that anon yeah, the one who sent it in first)
Alright, seeing as I've already just done Freddie+kiddies and I was talking about a "She's All That" AU on the server to you all (I am so sorry, I realise you're too young to know it, BUT watch the music video linked below and you'll get the idea) Also this turned into a Roger drabble instead because it was funnier that way 😁
Here's a High School AU Froger meet cute "She's All That" style!
*queues Sixpence None The Richer 'Kiss Me'*
- - -
Crystal could be such a prat, but this time Roger didn't mind almost being knocked off his feet as his mate and the rest of the water polo team swooped in on him from behind.
True to form, Crystal jumped on his back and almost sent him stumbling into Kelsey, who Roger had been talking to, all while looking for a good reason to stop talking to her, because while she definitely had a killer rack, and he'd spent more time than he'd like to admit perving over her Insta, most of which prominently featured her arse from one angle or another, she was also incredibly, painfully dull. She'd spent the last ten minutes talking about her holiday in the south of France, although the entire story had mostly consisted of detailed descriptions of her parent's yacht. It had a fridge with an ice cube dispenser, several gaming systems and a flatscreen tv, Roger now knew.
Luckily, she decided to take her leave as his noisy mates arrived and he waved her goodbye, admiring her Instagram-famous derriere as she walked away.
He wasn't the only one. When he tore his eyes away, most of his mates were still oogling her.
"Oi!" Roger elbowed Gery, who happened to be standing right next to him and was gaping open-mouthed, in the ribs. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."
On the other side of him, Crystal gave a low, appreciative whistle. "So," he grinned, "did you ask her to prom or what?"
Roger snorted, crossing his arms. That had been the plan, of course. Ask Kelsey to prom. And he'd meant to. He wasn't afraid. It was just that, for all her good looks, and despite the fact that she was the most popular girl in their year by far, he just... hadn't really felt like it, once he'd started talking to her.
"Nah," he said with a shrug. "Still considering my options."
His water polo team mates stated disbelieving.
"Mate," said Gery, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Are you for real? That girl's a ten out of ten and I heard," he dropped his voice a little, "she's proper up for it, you know?"
Crystal slung an arm around Roger's shoulders, shaking his head. "What are you thinking? You're the most popular guy in our year, she's the most popular girl, you're bloody perfect for each other, innit. And we're all fuckin' jealous, mate!"
Roger grimaced, throwing him a look. "Whatever. I could go to prom with whoever I like and," he grinned, "they'd be popular by association."
"Oh yeah?" Crystal raised his eyebrows, grinning back at him.
"Damn right," Roger assured him, "anyone in this school, you wanna bet?"
As the rest of his team mates headed off home, Roger, Crystal and Gery walked toward the parking lot where they'd left their electric scooters - and Crystal's hoverboard.
"D'you know," said the very same, a lop-sided grin on his face, "I do wanna bet."
"You what?" Roger blinked at him, not sure what he was talking about.
"I bet," said Crystal, and the grin on his face turned very smug, "that there's no fucking way you can make anyone popular just by going to prom with them."
"Oh yeah?" said Roger, feigning non-chalant confidence.
"Yeah." His friend stopped and stretched out his hand, eyebrows raised. "Seriously, wanna bet?"
Roger Taylor was many things. He was a drummer and lead singer in a teenage band that was definitely going to make it big. He was the captain of the water polo team. He was going to ace his A levels because no matter what some people thought, he wasn't an idiot.
He also most definitely wasn't someone who shied away from a bet.
"Sure thing." Roger shook Crystal's hand.
They continued across the school yard, with Crystal trying to spy the perfect candidate.
"Oh, shit, look! What about her?" he snickered, pointing to Brianna May, who had her fingers buried in her wild mass of curly hair and was sitting at a table, bent over a book as though trying to memorise the contents of it.
"Nah," said Crystal, before Roger could comment. "Oh! What about Deaky?"
Gery guffawed.
"Yeah, right." Roger turned to follow Crystal's gaze, to where a girl with an undercut stood, wearing ripped black tights, shorts and a flannel shirt, her hand around her girlfriend Ronnie's waist. "That's cheating, pick someone who's available and also," he gave Crystal a look, "no lesbians."
"Yeah, fair enough," Crystal conceded. And then, his eyes lit up. "Oh shit, oh yes."
Roger followed his friend's line of sight and stopped, eyebrows drawing together in a frown. Struggling to ascend the stairs from the arts classroom in the basement, juggling several sketchbooks, two canvases and an easel, was Freddie Bulsara.
"You're not serious," Roger scoffed, turning to look at Crystal, fully expecting him to burst out laughing any moment.
But Crystal only nodded, still smirking in Freddie's direction. "Oh yeah."
"No way!" Roger protested, glancing back at Freddie, who had managed to fall over with all the things he was holding and struggled to get back up, wavy strands of hair that had escaped from the bun on top of his head obscuring his face. "He's a bloke!"
"So?" Crystal's grin was positively wicked now. He gave Roger a look and a shrug. "It's 2021, innit. You said you could take anyone to prom and they'd be popular-"
"How d'you now he'd even be interested-" Roger started, but cut himself off. Yeah, he didn't have a leg to stand on with that question. Freddie was definitely not straight and their whole year knew it. "Listen," Roger rolled his eyes, regretting what he had got himself into, "I can deal with fat, I can deal with ugly or socially awkward, but a guy and plain weird? Come on!"
"A bet's a bet," Crystal waggled his eyebrows, and Roger turned to Gery for support, who held up his hands.
"Hey, you made that bet with Crys, not me!"
"And now you're losing time," Crystal pointed out, nodding in the direction of the skinny boy in the paint-stained jean overalls who was hurrying toward the school gates now.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Roger took a deep breath and went after him, Crystal and Gery on his heels. Freddie stopped by a bench right beside school gates, in front of a girl who had been sitting there waiting. She rose to her feet, taking the sketchbooks off him to lighten his load.
"Hey," said Roger, when he was close enough to be within war shot. "Freddie, what's up? You got a minute?"
Both Freddie and the much younger girl who Roger was pretty sure had to be his sister turned to look at him. The girls eyes went wide, as thought she couldn't believe Roger Taylor himself was speaking to her brother, but Freddie's eyes narrowed. In all fairness, Roger though, he had never had a go at Freddie or made fun of him, although some others did. Some people who he hung out with and considered friends.
"What," Freddie replied curtly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. His eyes darted to Crystal and Gery, who were standing right behind Roger, and his expression darkened.
"Just thought we could... have a chat," Roger tried lamely, and heard Crystal supress a snicker.
Freddie stated at him for a long moment, eyes full of suspicion.
"I'm alright," he said, and turned back to his sister. "Come on, Kash, let's go."
And with that, he swept past Roger and his mates and walked out of the school gates, followed by his sister, who cast Roger a dreamy smile on the way out.
"Or you could just..." Roger watched them go, shaking his head in disbelief. "...embarass me, why don't you?"
Jesus Christ. This was going to be one hell of a mission.
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hongnanglen-arina · 3 years
The Ulzzang Project - Part 1 | Jeon Wonwoo
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Read part 2  
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Genre: Fluff, crack (maybe explicit content in the next chapters)
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x female reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2.6k
A/N: Hello there! Here’s part 1 of my mini series of you and Wonwoo, the next ulzzang stars hahaha :3 I’d be happy to know your thoughts about it. I’m already working on part 2. I might spice it up in the upcoming chapters. If you don’t like that, scream at me and I will stop hehet. So, have fun! And as always, please remember that English isn’t my first language so excuse my grammar ♡
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You sat in Wonwoo’s apartment. It was one of those Saturday nights where you two would order greasy food, have competitive game sessions and cuddle together on his couch or in his huge bed. You’ve known each other ever since your mothers went to driving school together. Both got married to their significant other and soon you two were born, making them joke that you two should end up together when you get older. That didn’t happen obviously. Instead you grew up like siblings, spending nearly all of your free time together, fighting over stupid little things but always making up quickly after. Even studying together, entering the same university and sharing the same group of friends. You two were kind of inseparable. 
“Wait, why is the bucket of fried chicken already empty???” You shot a shocked look at the boy beside you who wasn’t paying attention to you but bobbed his head to the music of the band in the youtube video which was playing on his tv screen, licking his fingers clean to get another slice of pizza. Before taking a bite, he gave you a rather emotionless answer, his face dead ass serious. “Dunno. Maybe we ate it?”
You scoffed at his words. Oh Jeon Wonwoo.
More laughing, more jamming to music and more teasing until you were full, halfway lying on the floor while you talked about the new annoying professor at uni that scolded Dokyeom on his very first day and was on bad terms with him from that day on. 
After a while you cleaned up and started to play Dead or Alive to ‘relieve some stress’. You two had mastered this game for years now, resulting in you and Wonwoo winning and loosing the same amount of times. While you stick to one character, he switched to different ones but even though you two were always close, you would never grow tired of this game and those competitions with him. 
When he left for using the bathroom, you unlocked your phone and scrolled through Instagram, stopping at a specific post of a couple who uploaded a suggestive photo of them without revealing much of their person. You cocked your head to the side and Wonwoo noticed it when he came back. “What are you looking at, y/n?” He sat down beside you and you showed him your phone. “Look, they aren’t doing much and the photo has quite a bad quality - maybe on purpose - but it is still good that I understand why people push the like button. Effortless aesthetic.” 
Wonwoo made an annoyed grimace at your words and you raised an eyebrow. “What?” “Anyone can do that.” “Why do you think that?” Your best friend thought for a moment and pulled out his own phone, unlocking it and going through some apps until he held it in front of the two of you. Before you could ask what he was doing, he got closer to you and took a photo. You noticed that the room was silent. Only some faint noises from outside the window could be heard when he showed the photo to you. It was a photo of you two next to each other but other people wouldn’t recognize you two. The photo showed only your lips, chin, neck and a little bit of your shirt. You looked up at him and saw his grin. Wonwoo moved a little so that it seemed like he was going to kiss you. Slightly panicking, you automatically covered your face, asking him what the hell he was doing when you heard the shutter of his phone once again, signalizing that he took another photo.
The room was quiet when you removed your hands, a soft blush on your cheeks when he turned the screen, giving you a better look of the new photo. Wonwoo used a filter that gave your photo a nice vintage look. Blinking, you were kind of impressed. If you didn’t know better, you would say that it was a photo of a famous ulzzang couple from Instagram. Noticing Wonwoo’s pleased smirk, you hit his chest. “Yah, what was that all about, huh?? You can’t just-“ “I’m going to open a new account. I’m curious how many followers and likes we can get in a month.” 
You had a hard time to follow, squinting your eyes and opening your mouth like a fish without saying anything. He tapped on his phone happily, completely ignoring your confused state. “W-wait, what did you say? What do you mean? A new account? Followers? What?” You tried to have a better look on his screen but he turned around, chuckling a little so that his round glasses slid down the bridge of his nose a bit in the process. “Jeon Wonwoo! Answer!” 
Fighting you off his shoulders, he took his sweet time to do whatever he was doing on his phone and you whined, asking for answers but not getting one at all. Sighing, you gave up after a while, giving his broad back a death glare as you turned around and took your own phone, opening the previous app and pouting while scrolling through the already seen posts. You were facing the other direction, sitting back against back. Hearing Wonwoo chuckle from time to time or giving a thinking noise, he always got your attention but since he never explained what he was doing, you took some selfies, sticking out your tongue and pointing at the boy behind you. After editing it a little more, you uploaded it on your Instagram site with the single word ‘idiot’ and tagged him. Giggling to yourself, you didn’t notice the shuffling noises and the warmth behind you disappearing when Wonwoo literally shoved his phone in your face. Your groan got stuck in your throat when you finally got your answer.
Taking his phone out of his hand, you took a better look. It was a seemingly new Instagram account with one content, zero followers and zero following. Your eyes widen when you click on the only photo in this account. It was you two. The photo from before. You were covering your face while the photo was cut, only showing Wonwoo’s grin against your hands. Your eyes travel lower, silently reading through the hashtags he had added. #cutecouple #shy #ulzzangcouple #saturdaynight and 18 more. It didn’t take long until the first stranger liked your photo and you blinked in disbelief. That’s when you noticed the user icon. It was the sunflower you got Wonwoo when he moved into his apartment. The very first day. You remembered the moment when he stopped you in his door and took a photo of you. Although he cut it, you could still see your hands holding the flowers plus a part of your white dress from that day.
Another notification. Another 3 likes. You turned to Wonwoo, who was awaiting your opinion. Pointing at his phone and the still open app, you asked “Are you serious?” “Totally.” His short remark wasn’t convincing enough and the way Wonwoo continued talking showed you that he understood. “It’s like a little experiment. We take some photos together, upload it and wait. As I said, I’m curious how famous our little site can become. We can delete and close it after a month if you want.”
He watched your face patiently until you met his gaze. “Okay. Fine for me. But I have a question.”
“Go ahead.”
“Are we going to upload cute photos only or.. uhm… other photos also?”
“What do you mean with other photos?”
Oh Jeon Wonwoo don’t play dumb, you thought to yourself but lifted your arm, pulling your collar down a bit to reveal more of your neck and collarbone. “This.”
“Sexy?” Wonwoo smirked at you and you rolled your eyes, giving him a hard push so that he rolled onto his back, laughing at your reaction. 
You pouted and crossed your arms in front of your chest in an attempt to distract yourself from the blush on your face. You have seen it often enough. Accounts like that. And you would lie if you say you didn’t like them. Many of them showed their strongly edited faces but some didn’t show their faces at all and you guessed your site would be like the latter. If you are going to include more revealing or suggestive photos, you would care less if no one could see who it actually was. 
That’s how you agreed.
The whole night the two of you brainstormed. You collected ideas for your next photos and had lots of fun with it. Even lying in his bed together, giggling about the most common couple poses and making gagging noises when looking them up. At around 3 am you yawned and Wonwoo put his phone and glasses on the little night stand, opening his arms for you to crawl in as you always did. You just loved to sleep in his arms. It was some kind of habit since you were little. You loved his scent and his warmth and sometimes you even found yourself at your own home unable to fall asleep because he wasn’t there. 
The warm and bright sun woke Wonwoo up. He wanted to turn around and get some more sleep but decided to open one eye instead, noticing that you weren’t there anymore. So he stretched his limbs in all directions and put on his glasses. After grabbing his phone and getting out of bed, he waddled to the living room and found you in the small kitchen corner, humming a song he knew while preparing breakfast - or according to the time on the clock, lunch.
He was about to join you when he stopped in his tracks and unlocked his phone, quickly taking a photo before putting it away again. 
“What is my baby making?”
Facing him, you shot him your infamous death glare. “Baby? Really?”
Wonwoo laughed at your unamused voice and joined you, stopping right behind your small form and looking over your shoulder. “Do you know how I like my omelette?” Snorting loudly, you threatened him with your balled first that he quickly ran to the dining table and took his seat. Like the good and obedient boy that he could be. Sometimes. 
He was silent while you added your finishing touches to the late breakfast but when you started to set everything on the table Wonwoo was waiting at, he took another photo, a smile plastered on his face. "What did I do to deserve you, hm?"
You were about to take the first bite of omelette when you stopped in your tracks, fork just inches away from your lips. "Okay, what's going on, Wonwoo? You are super strange today?"
"Is that a surprise to you?"
"Not really... but today you're super super strange so tell me."
He grinned at you and took a sip of the orange juice. "I'm just happy to be with my baby, that's it."
"There!" You pointed at him with your fork. "What is that all about, huh? Since when am I your baby?? Did I miss out on something last night or what??"
The dark haired boy in front of you chuckled as you tried to squeeze an answer out of him, with no success. Slowly worry crept up your spine. "Wait.. I didn't do anything to you, right? Or, I didn't say anything uh... strange, right? I know we had alcohol but... Wonwoo, tell me." 
You saw him wiggle with his eye brow at you. "What do you wish did happen between us?"
"Yah! Jeon Wonwoo, I- .... I saw you naked more than one hundred times! I know all your secrets! I know you better than you know yourself! I.... I am just not your baby!"
He leaned back, crossing his arms in front of his chest while watching you pout. "Chill. I'm just trying to get into the mood."
"For what?"
"For sexy photos."
"For what?!"
"For s-"
"I heard you!!"
"Then why are you asking?"
The piece of omelette had fallen down from your fork a long time ago and you weren't sure what was more important in this very moment. The only thing that you were sure about was the fact that your cheeks were burning like fire. "I... why the heck do you want sexy photos?!"
"You wanted sexy photos for our experiment and here I am. The bestest friend that has ever existed is willing to take some with you. Shouldn't you feel all giddy or so?"
"Says who?" You mirrored him, crossing your arms as well, trying to remember your exact words from the day before. You thought you did ask about more revealing photos but it was just a question about the content of your shared Instagram, your little experiment or how Wonwoo had called it. You just wanted to be sure. Never have you imagined to take some with him a day later, today.
"Forget it. I'm not going to do that."
"Now I'm sad."
Snorting, you rolled your eyes, sure he said it only to sound funny. 
You sat with your friends from uni, poking your lunch with your chopsticks in such boredom that you were more than sure nothing could grab your attention nor lighten up the mood. But you were wrong. Seungkwan hit your shoulder and you were ready to start a fight when he showed you his cellphone screen. "Y/n, what do you think? Yesterday I started a couple Instagram with my girlfriend. It was something I've been thinking about for a while but yeah. How do you find our first post? Pretty nice, huh? We already got 217 likes!"
One chopstick fell out of your hand in surprise but you quickly nodded at your friend. Your own site was a secret. There was no way you would ever tell your friends about it especially if - one day - you would really post less child friendly content. No way. Also, where was Wonwoo?
"W-wow, 217 likes after a day is pretty impressive!"
"To be exact, it's been 20 hours and..... 32 minutes."
When Seungkwan turned around to the other friends to show them his site, you secretly opened your own with Wonwoo, scrolling through the amount of likes you got until now. That's when you saw the 2 new posts. A photo of you standing in front of the stove, dressed in an oversized white shirt from Wonwoo, bare legs and one from when you set down the food in front of him. Both photos from that morning. Your own face couldn't be seen but they were edited similar like the first post. 
Your eyes flew over the texts Wonwoo had added to each of them.
G'morning baby.
My baby is the best.
Looking around, you quickly made sure that your friends didn't notice what you were doing and you tried to get rid of the warm layer that was covering your cheeks. He wrote baby.
Then you remembered the real reason you opened the app. You wanted to see how many likes you got until now. The newest of the food had 7. The one of you cooking breakfast had 38. And the first one from last saturday had 305 likes. Although you had more than your friend, you wanted the gap to be bigger.
Without noticing, your competitive personality came out. You didn't want to lose to Seungkwan and his girlfriend. Opening Kakao Talk, you wrote Wonwoo a message with a lot of cute shouting emoticons you once bought.
[Y/n] We need more photos - today. I'll be at your place at 7. It's urgent.
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This gif is literally Wonwoo right before he came up with his genius idea lol
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hiding-bliss · 3 years
Emotions - Sims 4 Challenge
This challenge is a whimsy challenge. Filled with chaos, excitement, and emotions, you will never be bored. Basically. (Idk, don't quote me on that)
1. No mods that could effect your performance of the challenge 2. CC and MCC are aloud 3. The only way to lose the challenge is your gen dying without completing the qualifications 4. No bringing Sims back to life in any way 5. Life span must be on normal unless gen rules say otherwise 6. This challenge uses all packs, if you do not have the ability to complete a gen because of your lack of packs, you have my permission to override it ;) 7. HAVE FUN. now.
For the child aspirations, you do not have to complete them!!
GEN 1 - Happiness
You were born into this world with no care in the world, and are a little naïve. You grew up with positive, loving parents, and feel that positivity is something everybody needs. You're the type of person who walks around feeling bubbly and pumped all the time. All you want to do in life is spread your joy, and bring everyone you can with you.
Complete Aspiration: Big happy family Aspiration as a child (do not have to complete): Social Butterfly
Your sim has the traits: Cheerful, Childish, Family Oriented
Trait as a toddler: Silly
Max out the career of: Education
Max out the skills of: Parenting and Charisma
- Have three toddlers at the same time (if you need to temporarily move your sims lifespan to long for this, you can) - Have next gen kids visit every Saturday - Read your child to sleep every night - The only way to have fun is watching kids TV or playing with kids toys - In retirement have this gen have 4 pets. Two cats, two dogs. (they can be un-played)
GEN 2 - Sadness
You had the best childhood anyone could ever ask for, but always seemed to be down, and overall negative. You like a lot of things, but have never really loved anything. You don't really know what you want to do in life, and even though being raised in a house where you always have a plan, you have none, and that's the way you like it. All you know is that you're an emotional, creative, mess.
Complete the Aspiration: Bestselling author Aspiration as a child: Artistic Prodigy
Have the traits: Gloomy, Clumsy, Loner Trait as a toddler: Independent
Max out the career: Writer
Max out the skills: Writing and an instrument of your choice
- Have at least two failed relationships           - Have the first relationship fail because they cheated on you           - Have the second fail because you cheated on them - Have main next gen from random hookup - Have four children overall - Get into at least 3 fights with your spouse in your lifetime - Write in journal everyday as a kid - Age up with uncontrolled emotions
GEN 3 - Disgust
You grew up with a parent who was afraid to voice her opinions, and a father who made your life extremely easy. In result of this, you live your life comforted by money, being posh, and insensitive. All you did as a kid was argue until you got your way. But then as a young adult you're dumped in the city with zero simoleons, and all you want is your old life back.
Complete the Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration as a child: Social Butterfly
Have the traits: Self-Assured, Ambitious, Snob Trait as a toddler: Charmer
Max out the career: Law
Max out the skills: Gourmet Cooking and Violin
- Move to San Myshuno with zero simoleons as a young adult - Have all A's as a child - Age up with good manners - Age up with insensitive trait - Don't get married until career maxed out - Only have one child - Become best friends with the grim reaper - Make a club where you argue every week
GEN 4 - Fear
You grew up with a parent who was a little rough around the edges, and tried to get you into the lavish lifestyle, but you just weren't for it. You don't like to argue with people, and want to keep the peace. You're the type of person who's scared of what's around the corner, whether it's violence, or other people. You never voice your emotions, save for when you're painting.
Complete the Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration as a child: Artistic Prodigy
Have the traits: Creative, Squeamish, Paranoid Trait as a toddler: Angelic
Max out the career: Painter
Max out the skills: Painting and Wellness
- Never break up with anyone (to end a relationship, kill them or make them break up with you) - Leave someone at the altar as a young adult - Age up with the mediator trait - Age up with the polite trait - Have one argument with your best friend - Paint a painting in the mood of previous gens (as close as you can get) - Get married to two people (have the first marriage divorce you) - Live in a tiny house for all of young adult life (mid tier)
GEN 5 - Surprise
You grew up with a simple, loving lifestyle, and all throughout your childhood you were just kind of... bored. The only thing you ever enjoyed was food. You don't like the idea of settling down, all you want to do is explore the city, and lead a pointless, reckless, life.
Complete the Aspiration: City Native Aspiration as a child: Rambunctious Scamp
Have the traits: Non-committal, Foodie, Adventurous  Trait as a toddler: Wild
Max out the career: Food critic
Max out the skills: Cooking, Dancing, Mixology
Get to level 5 of: Bowling and Singing
- Go half way into the food critic career before owning your own restaurant - Sell restaurant once adult - Go back to level 5 of food critic as adult (you may use cheats for this) - Have one boy and one girl (you may use cheats for this) - Cook dinner for your family every night - Age up with no bonus traits - Get married as an elder - Live in every district of the city - Have six cats
GEN 6 - Pride
Your mother always taught you to have fun and be confident... but eventually you became a little lazy and too confident. You know this, but don't know how to fix it. You decide to lose all the fun, go to university, and be a doctor. Maybe you'll lose your arrogance if you're good at something?
Complete the Aspiration: Academic Aspiration as a child: Rambunctious Scamp
Have the traits: Goofball, Lazy, Ambitious, and Self-Absorbed Trait as a toddler: Independent
Max out the career: Doctor
Max out the skills: Knitting and Robotics
- Have D's as a kid - Go to park every other day as child - Host at least three parties at your home as a teen - Go to Uni for biology - Go into florist career as an elder - Have the lazy trait has a teen, trade it out for ambitious as a young adult - Max out knitting as an adult/elder - Drink milk every day
GEN 7 - Shame
At school, kids would always tease you for your mom being rude and rich. In your childhood, the only happiness you found was with video games. You were always ashamed of yourself, and the way you lived, and could never find good people that didn't judge you. Once you move out, all you're looking for is someone who can finally understand you, and to lead a simple life in the country where you can play games to your hearts content.
Complete the Aspiration: Soulmate Aspiration as a child: Whiz Kid
Have the traits: Genius, Geek, and Lazy Trait as a toddler: Clingy
Max out the career: E-Sports Competitor
Max out the skills: Media production, Programming, and Video Gaming
- Live in Brindleton Bay from young adult to elder - Age up with polite trait - Age up with emotional control trait - Play games after school everyday - Never have any friends until young adult - Meet all your friends online (from work) - Only ever have one relationship (the one you die with) - Get cancelled for having your spouse cheat on you (story flipped)
GEN 8 - Embarrassment
As a child, your parents were always loving and "with the kids". Your life is everything you've dreamed of until your mom gets cancelled and your parents split. Once they've split and you've moved to a whole new world, you bury yourself in music and books. But in the end, all you want in life is to move on, and pretend like you're something you're not.
Complete the Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress Aspiration as a kid: Social Butterfly
Have the traits: Outgoing, Music Lover, Bookworm Trait as a toddler: Clingy
Max out the career: Actor/Actress
Max out the skills: Acting, all toddler skills, and get to level 8 of 3 skills of your choice
- Age up with the responsible trait - Have three different part time jobs - Have a part time job while in the actor career (tiers 1-3) - Never be broken up with - Have three children - Have all your children enrolled in drama club - Never pass level 3 in parenting - Say something to someone from a different category every day - Have your number leaked (you may use cheats) - Move to a new world as a child/teen
GEN 9 - Excitement
Your mother was always embarrassed due to her past, and in so never really talked to anyone. You've grown up in the spotlight and find it exciting, but don't think you want to be in it forever. Your life was always fun and exciting, and once you move out that's all you want, light-heartedness and fun. You’re a messy, private, jokester.
Complete the Aspiration: Joke Star Aspiration as a child: Rambunctious Scamp
Have the traits: Goofball, Slob, Un-flirty
Trait as a toddler: Charmer
Max out the Career/Branch: Entertainer/Comedy
Max out the skills: Comedy and Mischief
- Spontaneously adopt a child (next heir) - Never get married - Never have a fight - Never move - Have a party every week - In your final house, have a full-on stage to practice comedy - Age up with the in-polite trait - Witness three deaths (you may use cheats, or make them your own)
GEN 10 - Anger
Your parents always tried to make you laugh as a kid, but every hint of laughter just made you more angry. You're naturally angry, and don't care. All you care about is your career, and not how other people see you. You're a little emotional and stubborn, but who isn't?
Complete the Aspiration: Public Enemy Aspiration as a child: Whiz Kid
Have the traits: Hates Children, Evil, Ambitious Trait as a toddler: Fussy
Max out the career: Criminal
- Age up with 3 negative traits (parenthood) - Kill 5 sims from your work (you may do this in any way, whether through violence mods or MCC)  - Go to work for one day in Law Enforcement - Get in a fight at every place you go - Have six enemies - Each time you age up, invite someone over just to fight them (for toddler, child, you may just do a mean interaction)  - Don't have any kids - Die from someone poisoning you - Go to your local park every week to yell at kids
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vlindervin7 · 4 years
“22. basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss” for Davenzi.
From this prompt list! Not my best work and also too long to be a drabble but! i hope it’s a little enjoyable at least! 
basorexia - the overwhelming desire to kiss 
The first time David meets Matteo he’s pretty sure he stops breathing for a moment. It’s a windy October afternoon when he goes to meet Leonie at their favorite coffeeshop. His shoulders ache with the weight of his backpack. He’s a bit grumpy, tired from class after class after class, his ears sizzling. He’s excited to see Leonie, though. She’ll hopefully be able to snap him out of his mood and make him laugh. 
When he arrives, he sees a group of boys with their backs to him, but no Leonie, which is weird because she’s never late and it’s already five minutes over the decided time. He’s just about to take his phone to send her a message, when he hears his name being called. There, from behind her hiding spot in front of the boys, Leonie steps and calls his attention. David loves how tiny she is. 
Once he stands next to her and gives her a quick hug, she turns away from him and gestures to the boys in front of her. ‘These are friends I went to school with. I’ve told you about Jonas, my ex.’ She points to a curly-haired boy who offers him a warm, albeit sheepish smile. ‘Carlos, Abdi’, both of which give him a goofy one, ‘and that’s Matteo, Jonas’ best friend.’ And oh. 
The boy, Matteo, is possibly the most beautiful person David has ever seen, and as an artist, he spends most of his time collecting beautiful things. Matteo has messy blond hair that’s blown back by the wind, and eyes that make David want to find a way to press the ocean into a pencil, a cute button nose above a pair of soft-looking pink lips. There’s this one song that plays sometimes at his job at the student’s common room I’ve never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss and it’s the only thing coming to his mind right now. It’s a sappy thought, and a ridiculous one that would ruin his whole entire tough exterior, so he dismisses it immediately, but it still lingers at the back of his mind. 
He tries to nod at the boys in what he hopes is a collected manner. Matteo gives him a small smile, but so sweet and David can’t handle this. 
‘We were just telling Leonie about the party at Carlos’ place tomorrow’, Jonas says, finally pulling David’s attention away from Matteo. ‘You can totally come too if you want!’ 
David hesitates for a second. He has so much work to do, but he has to admit a party would do him good. He might see Matteo again, too, this way, but that’s definitely not why he answers: ‘Yeah, maybe. That sounds cool, thanks.’ 
Not soon after, the boys go on their way and Leonie and David get that coffee they’ve been wanting since they woke up. 
The next day David dresses nice and heads over to Carlos’ place with Leonie and Sara. They soon get lost in their weird flirting and don’t even notice when David slips away and finds himself in the bathroom with the boys he met yesterday, smoking a joint and trying not to stare at Matteo too much. He has a surprisingly good time, the boys easy company, never making David feel left out. At the end of the night, he leaves the party slightly drunk and still a bit high, having been added to the ok.cool group chat, which he knows will both make him laugh and give him a headache, with four new friends. And maybe a crush, too, but that’s not what is important here. 
They all grow very close, very quickly. As swiftly as the boys had added him to their group chat, just as swiftly they’d accepted David as one of their own. They hang out, and meet at one of their apartments to play video games and eat kebabs, to smoke sometimes. They go to more parties, hang out in parks, coming up with crazy ping pong tournaments that last hours. 
He even goes as far as telling them he’s trans when talk of high school comes up one day, and they eventually asked David for input. They take it well. Some stupid question are asked, but all with good intention, and none offensive. 
Sometimes, he hangs out with just Matteo, too, and it definitely does not lessen his attraction. He learns more about him and starts to trust him with secrets of his own. Their conversations are often light, but they always feel important, never feel unnecessary. It turns into one of David’s favorite things to do. 
He finds out Matteo is gay, which his brain is having a field day with, that he studies programming at uni and that he’s crazy smart even though he tends to underestimate himself and downplay it, that he has a complicated relationship with his mother but that he loves her more than anything, and that he’s quite possibly the cutest person David has ever met. 
They’re having a movie night at Matteo’s flatshare, watching some Hollywood blockbuster David could drag through the mud if he were in the right mood. He’s not about to ruin it for everyone, though, and he does m anage to just enjoy himself sometimes. It’s a nice night. Hans and Linn join them after a while, and they bring them more snacks. David’s met them a few times in passing before, but he’s never really spent time with them, but unsurprisingly they turn out to be equally lovely as everyone else he’s met through these people. 
When the movie is over, no one moves, too content to sit there and be stupid. They play some silly drinking games with shitty beer that won’t actually get any of them properly drunk, although David does start to feel slightly tipsy after a while. 
Abdi is just telling some complicated story when David looks to his right, having forced himself to stop stealing glances at Matteo every two seconds as it would soon become glaringly obvious, and notices Matteo has dozed off. He’s laying on the sofa’s headrest, a light blanket covering his legs. He looks so peaceful, much to David’s confusion. He’d never be able to fall asleep that deeply with this much noise around. 
Jonas must see him looking, because he leans closer to David, making his voice clearer over Abdi’s passionate story telling. ‘Luigi can fall asleep everywhere. Once when we were smaller, he’d invited me to one of his cousin’s wedding. I lost him after a while, but then when everyone was dancing in the evening, I found him behind one of the buffet tables, fast asleep. He’d made his suit jacket into a pillow and didn’t seem to mind the party around him in the least.’ 
David laughs imagining a tiny Matteo being fed up with everything and just deciding to make himself a makeshift bed. He must have been even cuter back then, as hard as that is to imagine. ‘I can’t relate.’ 
Jonas looks down at Matteo with an amount of open softness he’s rarely seen, and adjusts the blanket a bit, and with a laugh says: ‘Yeah, me neither. He’ll probably wake up here tomorrow morning wondering what happened.’
Looking at Matteo like this, so peaceful and serene, there’s an undeniable urge building inside David to just reach out and. Comb through his hair, kiss his forehead, cuddle up to him, convinced he’d feel warmer than ever just being close to him.
He shakes those thoughts off, focuses back on Abdi. It’s weird, he tells himself, to think of a friend in that way without their consent. Or maybe it isn’t and David is just too much of a coward to act on his feelings, for fear of rejection and the possibility of losing this group of people, knowing they’d pick Matteo’s side if it came down to it. 
They’re at another party, which this time one of Leonie’s friends is throwing. The boys are here, too, but he’d told them he wouldn’t have that much time to hang out this time as he’d be hired as Leonie’s official wingman. Her and Sara are finally starting to get somewhere in their relationship, but it just won’t actually take off and Leonie’s getting frustrated. She’d decided this would be the night she’d finally kiss her and David would help her with it. He wasn’t exactly sure how he was supposed to do so, but he was sure Leonie had some sort of plan so he didn’t question it. 
When the boys had heard about the plan, they’d laughed. David hadn’t understood at first, why everyone but Matteo seemed to be dying of laughter, and Matteo was so red, until they’d explained about him dating Sara before coming out and how it all been very awkward. They were on better terms now, but Matteo still seemed to regret the way he’d strung her along. 
David is standing under the fluorescent lights now, talking to a girl he vaguely knows from school. Leonie had disappeared a while ago. He’s still on the lookout for her, but she’s so tiny he has a hard time finding her. He’s holding a half-empty cup with liquor that’s slowly having an effect on his body and he can’t quite hear everything the girl is saying, but enough to understand he’s not super interested. He’s polite, though, so he keeps listening. 
On the other side of the room, Matteo is talking to Carlos, having a much more interesting conversation it seems, as they keep bursting out in laughter. Every few minutes, Matteo catches David’s eye and offers him a smile, lighting drunken sparks in David’s stomach. 
He’s desperately trying to look at least a little bit interested and not lost in the boy on the other side of the room, but it’s not working very well, he has to say. He’s never felt like this before, never had someone he just wanted to spend all his time looking at, someone that made something burn under his skin, an itch that told David to touch.
He manages to keep himself under control until the music switches and he sees Matteo do the silliest, smallest little dance David has ever had the pleasure to see, and something snaps. Everything inside him is screaming to walk over there and push Matteo against the wall, gently box him in with his arms and -- 
He excuses himself from the conversation, renewing his efforts to find Leonie. He comes across a shots table on his way and does two in quick succession, trying to feel the music only and get lost in it, banishing images of blue eyes and silly smiles out of his head. It doesn’t really work, but at least he has a good time and gets to third wheel Leonie and Sara at the coffee shop now.  
Matteo is being annoying. Well David isn’t sure if annoying is necessarily the best word to use as, really, David isn’t actually annoyed, and has never been with Matteo. He’s just being silly, but it’s so endearing David can’t help but smile when he tells him to stop. 
They’re watching a movie, on his bed, just the two of them, which is already reason for David to freak out a litte. He’d picked the movie of course, something he was required to watch for his course, and thought he’d make more interesting by sharing it with Matteo. It works, but while he’s having a better time altogether, he’s also not really paying attention, so it proves a less than effective plan.
Matteo keeps fidgeting first of all, which David doesn’t mind. He can deal with that, and he knows it’s just something Mattoe does sometimes, to concentrate better or because there’s some kind of energy inside him he doesn’t know how to get rid of otherwise. At first, it was just that, but then he’d started poking David and shifting the computer and making very dramatic sighing noises when ‘nothing happened’. He’s clearly bored and wants David to pay him more attention, but David refuses to give in so soon, no matter how hard is whole body is screaming for him to. He needs to keep up some kind of facade. 
It’s not long before he can’t take it anymore, though. Matteo is poking him in the side now, sending stupid sparks through David’s stomach, and okay, he hasn’t heard what’s been said for ten minutes now, there’s no use continuing this. 
He hits the space bar and turns around, trying to feign annoyance. ‘Oh, my God, Matteo, what?’ 
He shakes his head softly when he sees Matteo sitting there with his big eyes and that grin on his face, looking to anyone like a devilish little angel. His hair is a mess and his cheeks are a bit pink, but David is afraid his are, too. His eyes are so blue. ‘I’m bored.’ 
The thing is that David can’t even blame him. He should be able to get all the important nuances in the movie, but even he thinks they could’ve added something to make it more interesting. 
‘What do you want me to do about that?’, he answers, tilting his head and smiling just a little bit because he can’t help it. 
‘Entertain me.’ 
David lifts his eyebrows and looks at Matteo for about ten seconds and then they’re play fighting. It’s not the first time it’s happened, but when he can help it David tends to avoid it because it’s a lot to feel Matteo all over him like that. He can forget about in the midst of the fighting when he gets too competitive. That’s not a problem. He always wins, though, and that is a bit of a problem. 
He has Matteo on his back, hands above his head and hair splayed out around him. There’s a dangerous glint in his eyes, and his cheeks are still pink. Their bodies are pressed together, too much for David to relax. They’re so close David can smell Matteo’s deodorant.
The things he’d do to him like this if he could. He’d bend down, pressing him deeper into the mattress, before kissing him and --
They’re still staring at each other without saying anything, and the heat is suddenly just on the right side of uncomfortable and David has to get out. 
‘I need to pee.’ 
He scrambles from the bed as fast as he can, and he just has the time to get a glimpse of Matteo’s face, who perhaps looks a little disappointed, but David’s sure that’s just his own feelings being projected. 
He forces himself to calm down in the bathroom before coming back out. When he does Matteo is sitting on the bed. ‘You can continue watching. I’ll be quiet, I promise.’ David normally loves how soft Matteo’s voice is, but he thinks it’s just a little bit too soft right now. It almost sounds a bit sad, and David hates to think he might be the cause of it, acting as shifty as he is. 
He gives him a real smile this time, putting everything in it, no holding back. He climbs back on the bed, putting the laptop in-between the two of them, trying to be subtle about it. ‘Are you sure? We can watch something else, I know it’s not the most interesting.’ 
But Matteo vehemently shakes his head at that suggestion. ‘No, no, watch.’ He takes a look at his phone, before turning back to David. ‘Actually, are you hungry? I could make us some pasta or something?’
David’s heard about his pasta-making skills, from the boy himself, but also from their friends. Even Leonie and Amira had attested to it, which is proof enough for David. ‘Yeah, sure. That would be nice.’ 
‘Okay’, Matteo jumps up, with enthusiasm he doesn’t often show. ‘You watch your movie, I’ll be back.’ 
David settles in, turning the movie back about ten minutes and pays real attention this time. 
When Matteo comes back with two steaming plates, there’s only about twenty minutes left. Matteo settles in next to him and keeps quiet until the very end, all the while looking a mixture of cocky and embarrassed whenever David compliments the pasta. 
This time, David wants to kiss him for another reason entirely.
It all comes to a head one night. David should have seen it coming, should’ve known one day he wouldn’t be able to hide it all anymore. 
He used to deal with his problems by running away, and in a way that’s still what he’s doing, except it’s not as effective because there’s something about Matteo that just won’t let him leave all the way. Like an invisible string pulling him back in when he gets too far. 
He doesn’t even want to run from him, is the thing, and he’s not strong enough to force himself to like he usually is. Too scared to jump into the water, too weak to leave the cliff he’s standing on, so now he’s just looking out over the edge into Matteo’s ocean eyes, poisoning the breeze on his skin and in the end not only hurting himself, but hurting Matteo, too, every time he acts distant.  
He’s stuck, though, can’t move, no matter how much he wants to, feels that he’s overstaying his welcome where he is. 
It’s the two of them again, which has been happening more and more the longer their friendship lasts. They’ve come to be referred to as matteoanddavid by their friends, which David doesn’t mind, although it does unfurl something hot in his stomach, that tells him it’s not enough, both what he’s doing and what they are. 
They’re playing video games this time, and Matteo has just taken out the weed. It’s getting worse, is the thing. At first, David would get overwhelmed with the urge to touch when Matteo did something particularly cute, said something sweet, something funny. He was able to ignore it then, mostly, still able to look away when he felt it coming up. He can’t anymore. 
It’s come to the point where everything Matteo does, is reason for David’s insides to riot. He’s not even doing anything, just lighting the joint between his lips and setting up Mario Kart, but David is already panicking. 
It’s too hot, too much, too little. He can’t do this today. 
It feels wrong fishing his phone out of his pocket, pretending to read a message on the screen. Feels awful, painful almost, turning to Matteo and telling him his sister needs him and he needs to go now. He hates lying to him, that sweet boy who’s never hurt David in any way he could control, but whom David keeps pushing away, keeps on being the reason his smile slips and his eyes lose some of their light. 
He’s up before he has the time to take in everything about Matteo’s reaction, and is already in his hat and shoes, with jacket in hand in the hallway when Matteo joins him. 
‘David, wait. Please, wait.’
David inhales, exhales, clutches his jacket tightly between his fingers and turns around to face him. ‘Yeah?’
For a moment, Matteo doesn’t speak, just stands there looking a little bit sad and a lot beautiful. ‘Why are you avoiding me?’ He says, then, finally, and lets out a breath of air right after like just saying those words took a lot out of him. 
David hates that he can’t stop lying. ‘Avoiding you -- Matteo, I really need to go.’ 
‘God, David, I’m not that stupid. I can tell when someone doesn’t want to spend time with me.’ And that’s officially enough to make David break character, at least a little bit because he’ll do anything before he’ll let someone call Matteo stupid, especially he himself.
‘You’re not stupid at all, Matteo.’ 
‘Then why are you acting like I won’t see what you’re doing?’ He doesn’t quite sound choked up, but there’s a thread of breath running through his voice, so fragile David thinks it’ll break if he moves, so he stands very still. 
Matteo’s always been so brave. God, he -- 
He’s too scared to take the plunge and let Matteo know how he’s feeling, because he doesn’t want to lose him, doesn’t want to feel that rejection. He’s been slowly losing him this way, too, though, and suddenly he can’t stand hurting him anymore. He’d rather be hurting himself because Matteo turns him down, which he’ll do gently, he knows this if nothing else, than to have to hurt Matteo cruelly, the only way he knows how to.
So. He hangs the jacket back in its place. He takes a breath. Looks into the gentle waves in Matteo’s eyes. ‘Do you know what basorexia means?’ 
Matteo frowns at that, understandably. David would roll his eyes at himself in his place. ‘What?’ 
‘It means -- ‘ He takes another breath. ‘It means ‘the overwhelming desire to kiss’.’ 
Matteo’s still frowning in confusion, but there’s something else in his eyes now, too, a spark of something lighter, hope or something close enough. ‘Okay?’
David looks just right of Matteo’s face when he says what comes next, like not clearly seeing his reaction might lessen the blow. ‘It means I want to kiss you. It means I like you and sometimes you do things that make me want to kiss you, but I can’t, so I leave because I’m scared and overwhelmed.’
Silence. David dares shifting his eyes a millimeter to the left, just enough to look at Matteo, and then when he sees he looks. Happy? straight at him. He’s blinking rapidly and rubbing his face with one hand. ‘You want to kiss me?’, he asks, and this time a smile is breaking through the clouds of David’s fears. 
David nods.
It’s quiet again for a moment. And then: ‘Why don’t you?’
David can’t have heard that right. ‘What?’ 
‘You heard me.’ 
‘What do you mean?’ Because he has to be sure. 
‘It means I want you to kiss me, you dumbass! I like you, too.’ 
He’s been waiting months for this, holding it all in, so now that he’s allowed, it’s impossible to keep his body from rapidly going to stand right in front of Matteo. They’re both giggling at this point, which doesn’t make for the best circumstances when David puts one hand on Matteo’s cheek and the other on his neck, and kisses him. 
There’s no fireworks or eruption of golden light beneath his eyelids. Matteo’s lips are chapped against his and the giggling hinders them from doing anything serious. But it’s perfect. It’s perfect because it’s them and as simple as it is, it might be the best thing David’s ever experienced. He doesn’t want to ever stop, doesn’t think he can physically get himself to right now. 
He’s still giggling when they pull back, and he buries his face in Matteo’s shoulder, wanting to feel him as close to him as possible. ‘You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that’, he says against it. 
‘I’ve wanted to since Leonie introduced us at that coffee shop. I thought you were the most handsome boy I’d ever met.’ 
David looks up again, not laughing anymore, but overcome with too many feelings to name them all. Matteo had once told him he always feels like his chest is overflowing with emotions and that sometimes it’s easier to just shut it all off by smoking or drinking or sleeping, because sometimes it’s so much he can’t think. David wonders if this is how he feels like then, and it makes him want him even more because it’s been three minutes and David is already at his limit. 
He pulls Matteo in, kissing him again, properly this time, putting it all in that kiss. The ocean water is warm all around him and he doesn’t need to breathe, doesn’t think he’ll ever need to breathe again as long as he has this.
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Swansong || Roger Taylor x fem!Reader
summary || sequel to ‘debut’. it’s sixteen years after you and roger first started dating. fourteen years since you graduated university. eight years since you married someone else. three weeks since you realised your husband was cheating on you. what are the chances that you run into roger, after all this time?
rating || family friendly, folks, apart from a few swear words here and there. just angst. pure angst, basically. with a christmassy, festive vibe.
word count || 5.8k (somehow, for fuck’s sake)
author’s notes || so, i’ve had quite a few people ask about a ‘debut’ sequel. surprise! here’s the sequel that i’m sure none of you were after. the idea just popped into my head and, despite the fact that i do not like reading angst (or writing, generally), here i am. also, this is a much older roger than i normally write for (he’s 52 in this), but i still wouldn’t call it pd roger by any means. this video is what i pictured when i was writing him - he was actually 52 years old in 1999, so it works perfectly. roger talks about his kids in this fic, but bc this is an alternate universe, of course, i’ve not used the names of his real kids. (sidenote: there’s an oc in here whose name is naoise - it’s pronounced ‘neesha’!)
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     “I can’t do this anymore. I have to break up with him right now. I have to.”
    Justine grabs your wrist, snatching your phone from your hand. “No, are you serious? What are you going to do, break up with him over the phone? Text him?”
    Your bottom lip trembles, and you feel tears well in your eyes. “I can’t deal with this anymore, Juss. He hates me.”
    “He doesn’t hate you.” Justine sets your phone down on the table, and cups your cheeks in her hands, brushing the tears away with her thumbs. “Hey. Hey. It’s okay. Deep breath. In and out. With me.”
    You follow her lead – a shaky breath in, a shaky breath out.
    “I’m sorry you’re going through this,” she murmurs. “I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone, especially not my best friend. But you have to hold it together until after Christmas, okay? Just two more weeks. For April.”
    You nod, and take another steady breath. “For April.” April, your daughter, the love of your life.
    “Let’s just go to this stupid party, all right?” Justine said. “Go fix your make-up, I’ll call an Uber.”
    You nod, she gives you a warm, sad smile, and you head to the bathroom.
    You take a drink of water and sigh heavily, then dig out your make-up to fix your foundation and mascara. Fuck him, you think to yourself. Fuck him for ruining everything. Eight years of marriage. Hope that side piece was worth it.
    You’re not sure if he knows that you know about… all of that. But you have your suspicions. He’s not exactly trying to hide it. Coming home late, smelling of another woman’s perfume, having no other excuse other than he’s ‘working late’. He’s been telling you for weeks that he’s just been ‘too tired’ for sex.
    But he’s with April tonight, while you and Justine are heading to the Christmas party of an old friend from uni.
    You tell yourself it’ll be a fun night. It’ll be nice to get away from home for a few hours, anyway.
    The host, Naoise, welcomes the both of you with a glamorous smile and kisses on the cheek, and waves you over with a manicured hand to the drinks table. You recognise a few familiar faces in the room, but you and Justine stick mostly together. Christmas music – mostly Michael Bublé, from what you can hear – croons in the background, just underneath the hum of conversation.
    “She was always good at throwing these things, wasn’t she?” Justine murmurs into her glass of champagne.
    You nod and hum in agreement, trying to surreptitiously cram an appetiser into your mouth and eat it as quickly as possible. “Nice of her to invite us,” you manage to mumble around the mouthful.
    “Yeah,” Justine says. “Naoise was always lovely.”
    “Have you met her kids?”
    “Yeah. She had them young, didn’t she? Right out of uni? They’re, what, ten and twelve now?”
    You finally swallow the food. “Christ.” You pick up your wine and take a gulp to wash it down. “Uh, yeah, I think so. She and Chin got married, like, a month after we graduated or something. Can you imagine April being that old?”
    Justine snorts. “I thought I had my kids young. But she seems happy, so I’m happy for her.”
    “Mm, yeah.” You take another sip of wine. “Wow. Getting married at, like, twenty-one, twenty-two. Oof.”
    “Right?” Justine says lowly. “Like, I would’ve been terrified. I was dating Amanda.”
    Your eyes widen. “Holy shit, Amanda. I forgot all about her.”
    “I know! I can’t believe we dated for almost three years. Even I forget about her sometimes. Can’t imagine being married to her. Eugh. Plus, if Amanda hadn’t dumped me six months after graduation, then I never would’ve met Jules. I wouldn’t have the kids I have now.”
    “Yeah. Weird.” Justine’s eyes idly meander over the mingling crowd, and then she looks to you. “Out of everyone you dated at uni, who would you have married? If you had to choose.”
    You sigh. “Juss, I don’t know if I wanna talk about marriage and stuff right now. Not marriage when it’s got anything to do with me, anyway.”
    “Right, of course. Sorry.”
    “It’s fine.” You give her a reassuring smile.
    The two of you drink in silence. You know you should be mingling with everyone else, making small talk, but it’s been a rough couple of weeks, to put it lightly. And everyone will be asking how’s Will? and all of those casual questions and you’ll feel overwhelmingly uncomfortable and bitter that everyone is prying into your personal life, even if they aren’t, they’re just being polite, and that’s just too much to think about.
    So staying by the snacks table it is.
    “Roger,” you say softly.
    You chew on the inside of your cheek, and glance at Justine. “I, um– I would’ve married Roger. You remember him? Second year? The older guy?”
    Justine gives you a look. “Uh, do I remember him? The guy who was, like, twenty years older than you and you lost your virginity to? He paid you for it? Yes, I remember him.”
    “Sixteen years, thanks,” you correct her. “And he didn’t mean to pay me for it, it was a mix-up, his friends set him up, and– oh, whatever, you know the story, I don’t know why I’m telling you again.”
    “I’m just saying, hard to forget something like that,” Justine says. “You would’ve married him?”
    You nod. “Given time, yeah, I think so. There was just something about him, y’know? I mean, it makes sense why we didn’t work out. He was older, and I had uni, and I’d never really dated before, all of that. I think it was just a matter of wrong place, wrong time. But he’s – well, everyone has their ‘one that got away’, don’t they?”
    “I guess,” Justine says. She thinks for a moment, and then says, “I used to think mine was the girl I dated all through high school, Kayla. Then I met Jules.”
    “Really?” you say. “You don’t have anyone who you think would have been your perfect match, had things just been a little different?”
    Justine shrugs a shoulder. “Maybe at the time. But not now.”
    You look away, and finish the rest of your wine. “I’m getting another glass,” you mutter.
    “Hey, hey, [Y/N],” Justine says, taking your wrist. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
    You shake your head. “It’s not your fault.” You hesitate, and then say, “Am I a bad wife for– for thinking that? Even after Will and I got married, I– I mean, I never wished I had Roger instead of Will, but I just always knew that, if things had been different, then I know I would’ve ended up with Roger.”
    “No,” Justine says firmly. “No. You were never a bad wife. You’re still not. Don’t ever think that.”
    You take a moment to drink this in, and then say, “You know, I’m the same age now that Roger was when I first started dating him?” You let out a laugh. “Oh my God, I’m thirty-six. When the fuck did that happen?”
    Justine chuckles. “I know. I still feel twenty.”
    “I still feel seventeen, sometimes.”
    “I don’t think that ever changes.”
    “No, maybe not.” You twirl the empty wine glass in your fingers. “I was head-over-heels for that guy.”
    “For Roger?”
    “Yeah, I could tell,” Justine says with a grin. “I always thought it was just because the sex was really good. And he had the money to buy you nice stuff.”
    “All of that helped,” you say lightly, and Justine laughs. “But he was just such a good guy as well. He was such a good listener, and he was so thoughtful and patient and understanding, and, I don’t know if you remember, but he used to do this thing where he’d invite me over if I’d had a hard day at uni, and when I arrived, he’d have a bubble bath all ready for me, and some snacks, and he just…” You trail away. No point in getting too caught up in the memories.
    “I always liked him,” Justine says. “After I got over the age gap. For what it’s worth, I think he really liked you, too.”
    You nod. “Yeah, I think he did.” You sigh. “Well. No use thinking it over, is there? Doubt I’ll ever see him again.”
    Justine freezes, her eyes like dinner plates.
    “Juss?” you say. “What, what is it?”
    “No fucking way,” she murmurs. Her eyes flick to yours, and she grabs your wrist again, her grip tight. “You’re not going to believe this. I cannot believe this is happening. Turn around.”
    “What?” You turn around, and your jaw drops to the floor.
    Talk about speak of the Devil.
    He’s older, definitely. How old would he be now? Fifty-two.
    You wouldn’t have picked it. You would’ve guessed maybe mid-forties. But he always did have a bit of a younger face.
    “Am I dreaming?” you say. “Am I actually dreaming?”
    “What are the goddamn chances,” Justine says incredulously.
    You watch as Roger greets Naoise, and then her husband Chin. By the way Chin beams, you guess Roger was his invite.
    “Go say hello,” Justine hisses, nudging you.
    You whirl around to look at her. “Are you out of your mind?” you hiss back. “I haven’t seen him for, like, sixteen years!”
    “Then you’ll have so much to catch up on.”
    “He wouldn’t even remember me. We only dated for less than a year.”
    “Don’t be like that. You’re as hard to forget as he is. I’m sure he’ll remember forking over three months’ wages to sleep with y–”
    “Jesus Christ, Justine, can you give it a rest already?”
    Justine tries to smother a smile. “Sorry.”
    You shake your head. “No, it’s too weird. Especially in light of everything, and this whole conversation, it’s… No. Maybe later, but not now.”
    “Maybe it’s fate, or something.”
    “Don’t,” you say, your voice hard. “I’m gonna get another drink.”
    You leave Justine at the snack table.
    You’re just deciding whether to stick to wine or to switch to champagne when a shocking familiar voice says behind you, “Good God, [Y/N]?”
    Hearing him say your name again really is like something out of a dream – like a memory come to life. You turn to him, and, inexplicably, feel a blush heat your cheeks. You have no idea what to say, so you just say, “Roger?” as if you hadn’t already known he was here.
    Up close, you can tell more easily that he’s aged. But he still smells good – different, but good – and he’s dressed nicely.
    Still not wearing glasses, though. He never did. You used to pester him all the time about it when you dated.
    There’s a moment of awkwardness, but both of you go in for a brief hug. It’s weird. You shouldn’t have gone for the hug.
    “My God, it’s been how long?” Roger says with a laugh. “Fifteen years or something?”
    “Something like that, yeah,” you say.
    “You look great.”
    “Thanks. So do you.” 
    “Oh, don’t,” Roger says, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m actually old now, I know.”
    “No, you do,” you insist. “Look good, I mean. Genuinely.”
    His outfit is simple, black-and-white, which almost surprises you. He used to dress a little more eclectically; there was always something patterned or brightly coloured in just about every outfit he wore, especially to parties. Maybe it’s something he’s outgrown. The thought makes you quietly sad.
    He does have a little reindeer pin on his lapel, though. It looks handmade, like something he would have bought at a market, made out of mini pom-poms and tufts of tinsel. So maybe he hasn’t outgrown that part of him entirely.
    He seems a little flustered by your compliment, and, yep, that’s the Roger you remember. “Well, er, thank you. And I meant it too, of course.”
    “Thank you.” An unmistakably awkward moment passes, and you blurt out, “You– How are you? What brings you here?”
    “Funny story, actually.” Roger ducks forward and grabs a glass of red, and you take the opportunity to take some champagne. “I, uh, decided I hated dentistry, so I went back to uni and studied biology instead. Wanted to become a professor, but I was already thirty-seven when I started, and I would’ve had to retire by the time I got my PhD. I’m a teacher these days, high school teacher. Chin just started working with me earlier this year, and we hit it off, I suppose.”
    You blink in surprise. “A biology teacher?”
    Roger chuckles. “Yes, I know. My friends were all shocked and appalled when I told them. The salary’s miserable in comparison, but I don’t hate my life when I wake up in the mornings, so I see that as a positive.”
    You hesitate, unsure whether to ask, but go for it anyway. “Did you always hate being a dentist? I don’t…” Is this too far? Is this out of line? “I mean, well, I don’t remember you hating it that much.”
    Roger drinks this in, and then nods to himself. “Right, yeah,” he says, sounding almost surprised. “I, um, never really told you, actually. I didn’t want to, uh, force you to listen to me whine about a job I hated while you were studying and all of that.”
    “Oh,” you say. You look at your champagne. You should’ve stuck to wine.“Well, for what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have minded. At all. As I remember, I used to whine about university all the time.”
    “University’s for whining,” Roger says with a shrug. “I’d done my fair share of that already, all through dentistry school. And I got to do it again, as it turned out.”
    “Is there, ah, anything else you didn’t tell me while we were dating?” you joke half-heartedly.
    Roger’s eyebrows raise. “Oh, I–”
    “No, sorry, I was kidding,” you jump in. “Obviously, I don’t expect you to…” You inwardly curse yourself, and pour some champagne down your throat.
    Roger opens his mouth, as if to say something, and, in the back of your mind, you recognise that look, but you can’t quite place what it is.
    Then someone calls Roger’s name, and the look is gone, and Roger politely excuses himself from the conversation to be swept up in another.
    You bolt back to the snack table, as subtly as you can, but Justine is nowhere to be found. You quietly vow to throttle her next time you see her for disappearing on you, and shovel one more appetiser into your mouth, washing it down with champagne, then turn to face the crowd you’ve been immaturely avoiding all night.
    It feels like an hour, but must be no more than twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes, before you find a reasonable excuse to slip away again. You’re not having a bad time, per se, and you’re enjoying getting to catch up with old acquaintances, but it’s damn exhausting. You still haven’t seen Justine.
    You wish it wasn’t so freezing outside. You could do with some fresh air.
    Maybe another drink will help keep you warm. Even though you know you shouldn’t. You’re already tipsy.
    You take another flute of champagne and slip outside onto the balcony. The automatic light switches on.
    Your fingers and toes immediately feel like they’re about to fall off. “Eugh, this was a mistake,” you mutter to yourself, and bob up and down on the spot. The balcony is dotted with snow, but it’s hardly been the coldest winter you’ve ever lived through. It’s not snowing right now, at least. And it is nice to have some time to yourself.
    The back door slides open, and you turn to see who’s joining you, hoping it’s Justine.
    It’s Roger. He gives you a smile – a little nervous, a little shy, almost – and holds out your jacket. “You looked cold.”
    The first thing that comes out of your mouth is: “How’d you know it was mine?”
    “I asked Naoise. Here, let me hold your drink.”
    You pass him your champagne, and slip on your jacket, then take the flute back. “Thanks.”
    “No worries.” Roger moves closer to you, standing beside you, and squints up at the dark sky. “Not much snow this winter.”
    You follow his gaze. The moon is half-full. “No,” you agree.
    The sounds of the party are muffled behind you. Beyond the balcony, you can see through the bright yellow windows of Naoise’s neighbours – the silhouettes of family dinners, of other parties, the white light of TVs.
    “Sorry,” Roger says, breaking the silence. “You probably came out here to have some alone time. I shouldn’t have intruded. I can go back inside.”
    “No, it’s all right,” you say. This is nice, you want to add. But you don’t know if that’s appropriate, and you can’t think of anything to say instead, so you just leave the sentiment hanging in the icy air.
    “I realised I never asked what you’re doing with yourself these days,” Roger says.
    “Ah, just working,” you reply. “I’m a market research analyst.”
    “Oh, right. How long have you been doing that for?”
    “Since I finished uni, really. Well, I worked my way up. Started as an intern in web content writing, realised I preferred data analysis, so I wormed my way into market research. But I’ve been an analyst for almost ten years now.”
    Roger ponders this. “Do you enjoy it?”
     “Yeah,” you say with a nod. “I know it sounds boring. Most people think I’m mad for not only wanting to do my job, but actually enjoying it, but I do.”
    Roger smiles, and it’s a fond smile, a smile that you used to see all the time, and you feel a stab in your chest. A voice in the back of your mind whispers, Do you remember what it feels like to be loved like that? When was the last time Will smiled at you like that? When was the last time he smiled at you at all?
    You push that voice aside. You’re just lonely, and hurt, and sad. You’re reading far too much into a simple smile.
    “I think it’s great that you love it,” Roger says. “How lucky you found something you enjoy doing so early in your career.”
    You’re taken a little off-guard, and you duck your head to hide your smile. “Yeah, I guess I am lucky.”
    You take a sip of champagne.
    “Speaking of lucky – who’s the lucky man?”
    You try not to cringe. “Oh. Uh.” You glance down at the wedding ring that caught Roger’s eye. “Yes. Um, his name is Will. We met at a work do, actually. Been married eight years.”
    “He couldn’t make it tonight?”
    “No.” You don’t elaborate.
    Roger says nothing to that, and you wonder if he’s picked up on the bitterness in your tone, as much as you tried to hide it.
    “Right,” Roger says eventually. He clears his throat. “Any kids?”
    “Yes,” you say, and there’s no pretending now – the love in your voice is real. “April. She’s three.”
    “April,” Roger muses. “Lovely name.”
    “Thank you.” You grin at him. “Actually, this is going to sound so strange, but I always thought to myself that I wanted to be as good of a parent to my kids as you were to yours.”
    Roger blinks at you – his eyes are still big and blue, but you doubted even God himself could change that – and, if you’re not mistaken, you can see his face start to colour in the beam of the balcony light. “Oh,” he says. “That’s… one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.”
    You chuckle. “Well, it’s true. You were such an amazing dad. I’m sure you still are.”
    “I try to be.”
    “How old are they now? Gosh, they’d all be finished high school now, wouldn’t they?”
    “Yeah,” Roger says, shaking his head in disbelief. “Yes, um, my youngest, Sam, she graduated last year. She’s taking a year off this year, working and travelling. Daphne’s the oldest, if you remember, and she’s moving in with her girlfriend soon. She still lives at her mum’s, but her and Asha have been looking for a place for a few months now. She’s an industrial designer. Then there’s Fox, he’s a musician, he’s a bassist, and Sophie’s still at uni, she’s studying theatre, and she wants to do a master’s in artistic directing.”
    “Wow,” you say. You never got to know his kids personally too well – you met them a handful of times, but you were far too nervous to spend too much time with them back in the day. The last time you saw them, Daphne hadn’t even started high school. Sam was still learning to talk. “Wow, that’s– they’re so grown-up now.”
    “God, you don’t have to tell me,” Roger says with a chuckle.
    You shake your head, sighing, and drink some more champagne. “Do you have a lucky lady, then?”
    Roger’s face tightens, and he looks down at his left hand, splaying his fingers, but you don’t see a ring. He tucks his hand into his pocket. “I’ve been seeing someone for two months now, almost three,” he says. “Jean. I teach one of her kids. She’s lovely.”
    “Jean,” you repeat. “She couldn’t make it tonight?”
    Roger shakes his head. “No. She’s a nurse, so she often works nights.” He pauses, and then says quickly, “She’s fifty.”
    You can’t help but laugh. “Right.”
    “I didn’t want you to think that I always go for younger women,” Roger explains hastily. “You were an outlier. A wonderful outlier, but an outlier nonetheless.”
    “‘A wonderful outlier’,” you muse, a touch playfully. “Could be the name of my memoir.”
    “It could very well be,” Roger says.
    Something doesn’t sit quite right. It seems impossible that someone wouldn’t have married Roger in sixteen years. Surely he’s not just been dating on and off that whole time. Not a guy like him.
    Don’t pry, you tell yourself. Don’t pry, don’t pry, don’t pry– “I don’t mean to pry,” you say, and hate yourself for it, “but – did you ever get remarried, or…?”
    Roger looks a little taken aback.
    “Sorry,” you say. “That’s so rude, I’m sorry.”
    “What gave it away?” Roger says.
    You bite your lip. “You, um, looked at your left hand. No ring.”
    Roger nods. “Hm. Well. Got it in one.” He shoots you a wry smile, but you can see that he’s uncomfortable. “You seem to keep appearing in my life after I’ve gone through a divorce.”
    “I’m so sorry,” you say. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
    “It’s all right,” Roger says. “It was a year ago now, just about.”
    “Were you married long?”
    “Twelve years.”
    “Christ, Roger, I’m sorry.”
    Roger just shrugs, and sniffs, staring out at the apartments and houses beyond the balcony. But you can see the tension in his shoulders.
    “I’m divorcing my husband,” you blurt out.
    Roger looks to you. “I thought so,” he says carefully. “I could see it in your face when I asked about him.”
    You chew on the inside of your cheek. “Yeah.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    You shake your head. “Don’t be. He deserves it.”
    Roger grimaces. “Oh.”
    “He’s been cheating. But I want to wait until after Christmas to– to do all of that. To tell him I’m leaving him, the lawyers, the paperwork. So April doesn’t have to go through it during Christmas. I don’t want to ruin it for her.”
    Roger nods in understanding. He looks for a moment like he wants to reach out and touch you, comfort you, maybe, but he doesn’t. He just nods again and says, “You’re a good mum.”
    Your throat tightens, and you have to look away. You don’t dare to try to thank him for the compliment. The last thing you need is to break down at a Christmas party in front of your ex.
    “I’m sorry,” Roger says.
    You manage a forced laugh, turning to him. “For what?”
    “I don’t know,” he says. “I just… felt like I needed to say it.”
    You drink him in. The moment feels familiar somehow, and simultaneously foreign altogether.
    You sniff, but, luckily, no tears have fallen, and you take a breath to compose yourself.
    “Can I get you another drink?” Roger offers, holding out his hand to take your empty flute.
    “No, I shouldn’t,” you say. “I’ve had more than enough.” You chuckle. “I don’t remember ever saying that when we dated.”
    You expect Roger to laugh along with you, but instead he blinks in shock at you. “Oh, er, I– I also never– I’m glad you…”
    “You’re glad what, I enjoyed getting shitfaced?” you tease, not quite understanding his confusion.
    His eyes go wide. “Oh, drinking. Yes, well, everyone’s like that at uni a bit, aren’t they?” He chuckles uncomfortably, and then rushes out, “Just getting a drink,” and disappears inside.
    You frown to yourself. ‘Oh, drinking’? What else could you have possibly meant?
    Unless Roger thought you were referring to–
    Surely not.
    Referring to the sex?
    Your stomach drops to your feet. “Oh, God,” you groan softly, hiding your face behind your hand. You hope Roger doesn’t think you’re flirting with him.
    That’d be a story to tell the kids, wouldn’t it? Or to tell Jean. Hey, love, guess what happened last night? Ran into an ex, I dated her almost twenty years ago for a couple months, and we weren’t even chatting for more than half an hour before she was cracking onto me. Even though she’s married. Turns out I still got it!
    A shiver rocks through you, and you realise you can’t feel your fingers, but you’re loathe to head back inside. It’s nice out here, in the snow and ice, in a stiff, numb sort of way.
    Roger reappears not long after, wine in hand. “Thought you’d have headed back inside by now.”
    “I probably should,” you say, and cross your arms to warm up your hands. “But no, I don’t think I will.”
     “Do you mind if I stay out here with you?”
     You smile. “Not at all.”
     You don’t know for how long the two of you stand out there. With each passing minute, more of the awkwardness and discomfort slips away. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but soon the two of you are chatting away like no time has passed at all, laughing and bickering.
     He tells you more about the kids, and you tell him about April. He tells you about his second ex-wife – a title that he despises, and, for a while, you let him bemoan the notion that maybe he’s just a terrible husband  before you tell him to stop feeling sorry for himself.
    Mostly, you both reminisce about the past. About the good times and the bad.
    “It was mostly good, though,” you say. “I like to think it was mostly good.”
    Roger nods thoughtfully. “I think it was, yeah,” he says.
    “I can’t even remember how we broke up.”
    Roger snorts. “Are you joking?”
    You shake your head, shrugging. “No. I remember going through the break-up period, which took me far longer to get over than I’m willing to admit to you.”
    Roger grins. “Oh, yeah?” he teases.
    “No, don’t,” you warn him with a laugh. “You’re not getting an ego boost from me.”
    “Did you cry every night? Have a photo of me under your pillow? Eat lots of ice cream and watch rom-coms?”
    “Shut up, I’m not saying a word.”
    Roger laughs, and the sound of it makes your heart sing. “You’re not saying no.”
    You roll your eyes. “I was in a lot of pain for a long time,” you say. “There, are you happy?”
    Roger’s smile fades, and he looks down at his feet. “No, of course that doesn’t make me happy,” he says. He looks back to you. “For what it’s worth, I probably took even longer to get over you.”
    You study his face. It’s a little more weathered, a little more lined, but it’s a face you missed for a very long time. “What happened?” you ask, so softly it’s almost a whisper, like you wouldn’t dare to speak the question any louder. “I… I really liked you, Rog. A lot. Loved you, even, although I– I didn’t know what love felt like at the time. Where did we go wrong?”
    Roger swallows, and shakes his head minutely, his eyes drinking in yours. “I don’t know,” he murmurs. “Wrong place, wrong time. But I…” He cuts himself off, and takes a deep breath, looking away.
    “But what?”
    “Nothing.” Roger gives you a small smile. “I’ve never met Will, but he sounds like the stupidest man alive to hurt you like that.”
    You snort a laugh. “Well. I’m sure he doesn’t think so.”
    “It’ll be too late by the time he figures it out. Stupid men are like that.”
    You don’t know what to say to that, so you don’t say anything at all. All you can think is that Roger really hasn’t changed much at all, and that Jean is a very fortunate woman.
    Your phone buzzes, and you pull it out of your pocket to check it. “Ah, shit,” you mutter. It’s Will. April’s come down with a fever, the text says. Need you home.
    “Is everything all right?” Roger asks.
    You pocket your phone again. “April’s sick,” you say. “Duty calls.”
    “Right, of course. Let me walk you inside.”
    He opens the sliding door for you, and waves you in. “Age and beauty,” he says, and it catches you unaware, makes you laugh.
    “I forgot you say that,” you say. It’s a play on age before beauty – Roger used to say that you bested in him both age and beauty, so the original phrase didn’t fit, and he insisted on saying his version of it every time he opened a door for you. Which was often. He liked that his silly little phrase made you giggle and give him a gentle slap on the arm.
    “I haven’t said it in a long time, actually,” Roger says with a grin, closing the door behind him, trapping you both in the warmth, along with the music and conversation. “Not since you.”
    You both stand there for a moment, grinning at each other, unsure how to proceed, and you feel a familiar squeeze of your heart. “I need to go,” you say, almost apologetically.
    “Yes,” Roger says.
    “I…” You hesitate. “Wait for me at the door, I just want to make the rounds, say quick goodbyes to everyone.”
    “Sure,” Roger says, and you give his arm a quick squeeze, then track down Naoise and Chin to say your thank-yous and farewells, then Justine, then a couple of other people.
    You grab your purse, and meet Roger at the front door. “I had a really nice time tonight,” you tell him. “Thank you.”
    “I was just about to say the same thing,” he says.
    You’re unsure what to say, but then an idea strikes you. “Do you want my number? It’d be nice to keep in touch.”
    “Oh, yes, of course,” Roger says. “That’d be lovely.”
    He hands over his phone, and you save your number. “Give me a call whenever,” he says, as you hand his phone back. “If you need someone to talk to, y’know. Or just for a chat. Divorces are… really not fun.”
    You chuckle wryly. “Well, I suppose you’re the expert, aren’t you?”
    “God, you’re just as rude as I remember,” Roger says with a roll of his eyes, laughing alongside you.
    He stops in his tracks, his gaze towards the ceiling.
    You tilt your head up. A decorative sprig of mistletoe hangs above the door.
    You and Roger look at each other, your faces both pink.
    Your heart clenches. Yes, Jean is a very fortunate woman indeed. “Funny,” you say with a nervous chuckle.
    “Yeah, weird,” Roger says. “I don’t think I’ve ever even seen mistletoe in real life before.”
    “Me, either.”
     Another moment passes. “In another lifetime,” you say with a smile.
    Roger takes a breath, and there’s something in his eyes, something you haven’t seen for a long time, and he nods, smiling back. “Yeah,” he says. “Right time, right place.”
    You nod again, drinking this in, and sigh. “Okay, well, I really do need to go. I’m sure Will is on the verge of panic without me there.”
    “Of course,” Roger says. “I hope April’s all right.”
    “Thanks, Rog.” On a spur of the moment, you give him a peck on the cheek, and then let yourself out. “Merry Christmas.”
    “Merry Christmas,” he says. “I might see you soon?”
    “You will,” you say. Your ride is almost here, so you give one final wave, and head to the lift.
    The door closes.
    You take the lift down and climb into the car.
    You go home, say hello to your husband, and take care of your daughter.
    That night, you sit in the dining room, nursing a hot chocolate, listening to the silence of the house.
    Then, and only then, do you allow yourself to cry.
     Your wallowing was short-lived, though - swiftly interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number.
     You wipe your nose on your sleeve, grimacing, and answer. “Hello?”
     You’re gobsmacked. “Roger?”
     “I- I wasn’t expecting you to answer. I was just... going to leave a voice message to say this was my number.”
     You let out a pitiful bubble of laughter. “Why didn’t you just text?”
     There’s a pause, and then an embarrassed, “Oh, yes. I could’ve done that.”
     You sniff. “It’s fine, no harm done. I’ll let you get to bed, it’s late.”
    “Right,” Roger says. “Um, how’s- how’s April?”
    “She’s good, yeah, thanks for asking. Gave her some painkillers and she went right to sleep.”
    “Good, that’s good.”
    “Yes.” You sniff again, wetly, and quickly wipe at your nose a second time. “Ah, well, I, um... should probably...”
    “Go, yes,” Roger says. “Sorry. I didn’t wake you, did I?”
    “No, no, not at all,” you reassure him. “I was just, um, having a hot chocolate.”
    “Right, sounds important.”
     You laugh. “It’s very important.”
    “I’m sure it is. I’ll let you get back to it, then.”
    “I appreciate it.”
     You realise you’re smiling to yourself like a loon. “Thanks for calling,” you say.
     Roger chuckles. “No worries at all. And, um, seriously. If you need someone to talk to, at any time, please just call me. I couldn’t bear the thought of you, I don’t know, sitting alone and crying, or something like that.”
     You almost laugh out loud. “Thank you, Rog. I’ll make sure to save your number.”
    “Please do, so I don’t have to call you in the middle of the night again.”
     You smile. “G’night.”
    “Night, [Y/N].”
     You hang up.
     Your hot chocolate tastes a little sweeter than it did before.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Future Management
Pairing: Roger x Reader
Summery: Roger rewires your mind
Warnings: Smut!, Bimbofication/intelligence play, Hypnosis/trance state, drinking, tickling, oral (m and f receiving), protected sex (yes you read that correctly there’s actually a condom in this one wtf), mentions of spanking/restraints/blindfolds/degradation/public sex but not explicitly, a bit of dom!rog sub!reader, thigh riding.
Words: 6969 (N I C E !!)
Inspired by: Future Management by Roger Taylor (oh my god that video im hhhhHHHhh this song really makes me feel some kinda way)
A/N: So Bimbofication has a bunch of different connotations for different people. For some the emphasis is on the physical shape of a stereotypical bimbo – think big boobs and blonde hair and a valley girl accent - which can lead into body modification stuff. For some it goes hand in hand with hypnosis and mind control. For some it’s about intelligence play - turning a smart person dumb. There are a bunch of different ways to play with this kink and different things to get out of it, especially when you start mixing the different aspects together or connecting it to a dom/sub dynamic. I’ve gone with an interpretation that aligns with what I personally find hot about bimbofication, mostly focusing on the turning a smart girl into a dumb slut/sex object aspect (though I’ve also included a little hint of the physical appearance) using some light hypnosis stuff as gateway to the “bimbo state”. I am by no means an expert in hypnosis (or anything), I just have a passing interest and think it’s kinda hot. A lot of the hypnosis part of the script was inspired by THIS podcast episode which discusses bimbofication/intelligence play and ends with one of the hosts hypnotising the other to make her dumber (it’s a really interesting discussion and FUCK that hypno scene at the end oof its hot). 
Also big thanks to @somekindof-cheese @idontbelievethiss and @dtftomholland for being my betas and giving me some great feedback!!
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Taglist: @ezmina98  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon​ @kellypenac​ @labessieisallama​ (i hope none of you mind being tagged in this, couldn’t remember if you’d asked to be tagged in all my fics or just the RRL ones lmao, let me know if you wanna be removed from the list!)
To the world at large you are a well-respected, intelligent, and accomplished woman. You graduated university top of your class and head of multiple extracurricular groups. After uni you’d found a job that you loved, working in a law firm, gaining attention as you rose through the ranks and became a prominent attorney. Two years ago you’d thrown it all in to start your own non-profit organisation that aimed to reduce the growing rate of homelessness. It was challenging work but rewarding and you loved it. You’d appeared as a guest on news panels and talk radio programs to discuss the issue and campaign for support which had made you, if not a household name, certainly a recognisable figure in the community. Which is how Roger knew you when you first met. Of course, you’d known him too – how could you not?  
You’d run into him at bar, most of your friends having ditched you for the dancefloor or whoever they were hoping to take home. That wasn’t really your scene though so you’d intended to finish your drink and then head home. Before you could leave, he was in front of you, introducing himself and apologising for the interruption. “I wanted to congratulate you on your work, what you’re doing is incredible,” he said earnestly, “the world needs more women like you. More people like you.”   “Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say,”   “I’ll leave you to your drink now, have a good evening,”   “Wait,” you said, surprising yourself, “this seat’s free if you want to join me,”  
That introduction sparked a conversation which lasted hours. For the rest of the night you were wrapped up in each other entirely, the flow of conversation never stopping as you covered every topic under the sun – politics and music and food and literature and everything in between – without any awkward pauses or uncomfortable silences. You found yourself hanging on his every word, blown away by his quick wit and intelligence, and that cheekiness that permeated his very being. He kept both your glasses topped up as you talked, well beyond the point where all your friends had left, until eventually he invited you back to his place. You hesitated, the first hitch in your conversation all night.   “You okay?” Roger asked after you were silent for a little too long.   “Yeah. I just, don’t...know...”   “Don’t know if you want to come home with me?”   “Yeah.” You nervously chewed on your bottom lip. “That’s okay, you don’t have to. Just figured, we’re having such an amazing night, why should it end now?” he said with a slight shrug, “It does kinda surprise me that you’re unsure about it though.”   “What d’you mean by that?” “Nothing bad I promise.” he chuckled, “Just that you’re so sure about everything else. Don’t really seem like the type to not know your own mind.”   You exhaled a single breathy ‘ha’, “About everything else you are correct. Not so much with this sort of thing.”   “Well, at least let me drop you home.”   “That would be nice, thank you.”   “You’re welcome.” He stood to call a car since neither of you were in any state to drive, “The offer still stands by the way, if you do decide you want to. You’ve got nothing to lose.”   You laughed as he threw you a wink but his words stuck with you, looping through your head as you waited for him to return.  
Roger led you out into the street to wait for the car, placing his jacket over your shoulders when he noticed you shiver slightly. He leaned against the brick wall of the bar as you chatted in soft voices until the car arrived. Once you were both tucked away in the back seat, safely hidden from prying eyes and cameras, Roger leaned towards you. His hand came up to cup your jaw, thumb sliding softly over your cheek. Your eyes darted to his lips and then back up to his eyes.  “At the risk of ruining an otherwise great night, I’d really like to kiss you.” You nodded, the closeness of your bodies already releasing a colony of butterflies in your stomach, their fluttering only getting faster as he moved closer still. His lips were softer than you’d been expecting, his hands rougher as the one remained on your face and the other rested gently against your arm, though you should probably have realised so many years of drumming would leave their mark. You rested your hands against his shoulders, gradually slipping one up into his hair as he deepened the kiss.   Well, shit, if this is how he kisses...   You blinked your eyes open as he broke away from you. No one had ever kissed you like that before and there was only one thought running through your head. Roger’s voice. You’ve got nothing to lose.   “Take me home with you,” you said softly but decidedly, throwing caution to the wind. Roger grinned and indicated the change of plans to the driver before pulling you into another kiss.  
Neither of you even contemplated stopping the whole way to his house, only breaking apart briefly to fall out of the car and hastily climb the steps up to his front door. Even then, his hands remained on you – lightly tracing over the small patch of exposed skin on your back where your shirt had come untucked from your pants. Clutching Roger’s arm, you leaned in to kiss along his neck as he fumbled with his keys. You felt very unlike yourself but it wasn’t an unwelcome difference. You’d never felt such a connection with anyone before. Never found anyone quite as irresistible as you found him. You were glad you’d agreed to this, vaguely recalling the rumours you’d heard about how capable Roger was with women and deciding you could use a little capable. When he finally figured out the keys he ushered you inside and lunged for your lips again, pressing you against the wall as he found them.   You’ve got nothing to lose.   It was the only thought you had time for as his hands slid down to cup your arse, pulling you tightly against him, and he began kissing down your neck, making your breath quicken. He pushed his jacket from your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor in the middle of the hallway as he found his way back to your mouth, and began walking you through the dark house towards his bedroom. You hit the edge of the bed faster than you’d been prepared for, falling backwards with a giggle and a soft thud. Roger laughed as you scooted backwards towards the centre of the bed, and followed you, slightly more gracefully than you managed. Moonlight streamed through the partially open curtains, bathing you both in a soft light that made him look somehow more gorgeous, and you couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Hovering over you he began unbuttoning your blouse, his lips wandering over your sternum and down towards your chest. You moved to unfasten the buttons and zip on your pants, trying to speed up the process.   “Someone’s in a hurry,”   “Want you so bad Roger. Been a while since I did this and god I need it.”   “How long’s a while?” he paused midway through pushing your shirt down your arms.   “Umm... Months, not sure how many.”   “Christ. If you wanna slow down...”   “Don’t slow down.” You leaned up to kiss him again, to show him how eager you were, “Just don’t try anything too crazy, I’m a little out of practice.” You pulled your shirt off and throw it to the floor. “Noted,” Roger said as he began tugging your pants off and dropped them to the floor as well, “I’m gonna make sure the wait was worth it though.” He lowered his head towards your thigh and you couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up in your throat.   “Oh, you’re ticklish!” his face lit up in cheeky delight as he brought his hands up to your sides, making you squeal and writhe as you tried to escape the sensation. Every twitch of his fingers pulled more laughter from you until you were panting and struggling to say his name, begging him to stop. “You’ve got such a cute laugh,” he said as he removed his hands from you, dropping a small kiss just below your bellybutton as you tried to catch your breath, “can’t wait to hear what you sound like moaning.” You could feel him smirking as he left another kiss, lower than the first, on your skin and you let out a breathy whine. He kissed lower still, leading down to your still clothed pussy and the small wet spot that had appeared over the course of the night, as you pushed yourself up on your forearms to watch. When a kiss landed over the top of your clit your hips bucked and when he wrapped his lips round the wet spot, sucking the soaked material into his mouth you whined again. He was clearly enjoying teasing you, the tent in his pants more obvious with every passing moment.  “You want some help with that?” you indicated his noticeable bulge but Roger told you to hush. “I’m not the one that’s gone without for months. Just lie back and let me take care of you.” With that he finally tugged your underwear down your legs, and you let your head fall back against the pillow.  
Roger didn’t hesitate, pushing your legs further open as he dived in to lick your pussy. He took his time, covering almost every inch of you with his mouth, listening to your whines and whimpers so he could find where you were most sensitive, but steadily avoiding your clit. When he sucked one of your lips into his mouth you moaned and he made sure to repeat the action, sending a jolt through you each time. You were already babbling about how good it felt, breathless words rolling off your tongue with no rhyme or reason, bleeding into each other and the moans that followed, when he began to tease your entrance, pushing his finger tip in and letting it slip back out as you tried to clench around it.   “Aren’t you just so needy,” he said as he sunk his finger into you, deeper this time, and let it slip out again, “haven’t even touched your clit and you’re already close to cumming for me,” he continued to finger you slowly, pushing deeper each time until it was buried knuckle deep in your core. Then he began again, adding a second finger, as he returned his mouth to your wet folds. You whined his name as the pit in your stomach began to ache with the need for release, and put your hand on the back of his head trying to press him closer. Roger scissored his fingers inside you for a moment before he brought them to a complete halt. You whimpered at the sudden change but didn’t have time to reprimand him as he finally brought his mouth to your clit, flicking his tongue back and forth over it. It felt fucking incredible but the pressure wasn’t consistent enough to push you over the edge.   “Oh fuck. Roger I’m so close,” “I know, can feel you clenching round my fingers.”   You bucked your hips again, trying to get the friction you needed and felt Roger laugh, his breath ghosting over your pussy.   “Want to hear you scream my name when you cum. Let everyone know who makes you feel this good.” He pressed his tongue against your clit before sucking it between his lips, at the same time he made a come-hither motion with his two fingers. Within seconds you were coming undone, moaning his name loudly, as per his request. He held you there, blissed out beyond belief, eyes closed as you rode out the orgasm, quivering slightly as his fingers twitched inside you.   “So was that worth waiting for?”    You blinked as you came back to reality and found Roger looking up at you, his head resting against your thigh as he drew random patterns over your stomach.   “You realise It’s been months since I last had sex not since I last had an orgasm, right? Like, I do know how to masturbate,” a pause, “But yes, well worth it,” you conceded with a smile.   Roger flashed you the cockiest grin you’d ever seen, “told you so.” He crawled back over you and you could taste yourself on his lips as he kissed you hungrily, “and by the way,” he said breaking the kiss, “you masturbating is something I would be very interested in watching. But right now, all I want is to be buried in your gorgeous cunt. The way you felt around my fingers, fuck, want you on my cock so bad.”   You hummed as you kissed him, “Think I can make that happen,” you said before rolling the both of you over so you were leaning over him.   “Condoms are in the top draw” he pointed at his bedside table as you hurried to undo his fly and pull his pants and underwear down his legs.   “I’ll get it, you get those clothes off.”   “Yes ma’am,” he said, already ripping his shirt over his head. You saw it fall to the floor as you dug around the draw, followed by the sound of him kicking his pants off his feet. His cock was already standing at attention when you got back to the bed, tearing open the condom wrapper with your teeth.   “Might have to take this a bit slow,” you said as you rolled the condom down his shaft. Roger nodded as you took hold of his cock to line him up with your entrance. His breath caught in his throat as you slowly sunk down on him, taking your time as you adjusted to the unfamiliar and complete fullness.    “Christ, fuck,” you swore under your breath as you took him a little deeper and paused again.   “Stole the words right outta my mouth,” he grunted, squeezing your hips, “fuck, you okay?”   “Told you I was out of practice,” your laugh turned into a moan as you lowered yourself the last inch or so, sheathing him fully inside you. Roger moved his hands to squeeze your breasts as your breaths turned to pants. You slowly began rocking your hips, the room filing with your gasps and whines as you picked up speed.    “Fuck, want to be buried in your cunt forever.” he gasped out as you began raising and lowering yourself on your knees, needing more more more.  “Roger, ohh god, rub my clit, please,”   He didn’t need to be told twice, letting one hand drop down where you needed it. His touch sent a shiver down your spine and your back arched as his name dripped from your lips again. This only encouraged Roger who sped up the furious circles he was making on your clit. You felt yourself hurtling towards another orgasm as your pussy clenched.   “Gonna cum soon,” Roger’s hips jerked up as he grunted his warning.  “Same,” you said as you leaned forward to suck a hickey onto his collarbone. It wasn’t much longer before he was calling out your name as he hit his climax, and pulling you into yours with his fingers still on your clit.  
You collapsed on your side next to him, still breathing heavily. Roger left the bed long enough to dispose of the used condom before he was back, pulling you against him and throwing the covers over the two of you.   “I’ll call a cab in a moment,” you said, voice thick with exhaustion.   “Don’t be daft.”   “Not gonna kick me out?”   “Course not. Jesus, what d’you take me for.”   “Good. I’m too comfy to move anyway.”   “Good. I like having you in my bed.”   You hummed as his arms tightened around you and you felt him drop a kiss to the back of your neck. You could feel your eyes drooping but fought off sleep for as long as you could, not wanting the moment to end. Letting your fingers trail softly over Roger’s hand which was flung over your stomach, you listened as his breathing slowed and became deeper. Smiling into the pillow you finally let yourself succumb to sleep.  
When you woke up you were alone and slightly confused by your unfamiliar surroundings.   Oh, fuck...  Things started coming back to you as you took in the clothing still littering the floor. You hurried to dress yourself in yesterday’s clothes and then made your way out of the room, wanting to find a phone to call a cab from. You found Roger first, following the sound of the kettle through the house to the kitchen. He was standing over the stove, back to the doorway and you allowed yourself a moment to look him over in the daylight before you caught his attention.   “Morning,”   He whipped around at the sound of your voice, “Morning. I was gonna bring breakfast up to you.” He held up the spatula he was clutching as proof of his intentions.   “Thanks, but I should probably get going.”   “Already?” You were surprised by the note of disappointment in his voice.   “That’s how this sort of thing normally works, isn’t it?”   “Told you last night I’m not gonna kick you out.”   You hesitated.   “It’s a free meal, love, might as well stay. Nothing to lose.”   There were those words again. They reverberated through your head and you found yourself sitting down. Roger smiled as he turned back around to the stove, shuffling fry pans and plates around as he served the breakfast.   “I hope bacon and eggs are okay,” he said as he placed your plate in front of you.   “Brilliant,” you suddenly realised just how hungry you were, not having eaten properly since lunch yesterday.   “Dig in, don’t wait for me. Tea?”   “Yes please. No milk, two sugars.”   “Can I ask you something? About last night?”   “Yeah,” you said, a forkful of food halfway to your mouth as your stomach began to twist with nerves.   “What made you change your mind?” He put the tea down in front of you, “You were going to go home and then you changed your mind. What was it that convinced you to stay?”   “You’ve got nothing to lose. You said that to me and I realised you were right.” You shrugged as you brought the fork to your mouth, “Plus, no one had ever kissed me like that before.”   “I was giving you my A game, had to impress you.”   “I was worth A game?”   “Course, couldn’t give such an incredible woman less than that”   “You flatterer,” you laughed, “It had been a while though, I probably would have been happy with C game.”   “Well I didn’t find that out till later did I.” He took a sip of his tea, staring at you over the top of his cup. “Out of curiosity, why had it been so long? Something to do with the lack of A game kissing?” he teased.   “I mean, it was a factor.” You could hear the indignation creeping into your voice and willed it away, “Not everyone has mountains of groupies after them.” So much for no indignation.   “No need to get defensive,” Roger held both his hands up, palms towards you, “wasn’t judging.”   “Sorry. It’s a bit of a sore spot is all.”   “No, you’re fine. I shouldn’t pry.”   “Truth is I haven’t dated much. And none of the guys I did date were any good. Recently it’s just been easier to put work first.”   “Does that mean I’m the best you’ve ever had,” his cocky grin from the previous night was back and you couldn’t help but laugh.   “Yes, but it was a very very low bar.”   “I’ll take what I can get.” He looked you over, seeming like he wanted to say something else but wasn’t sure how, “I had the best time with you last night and I was thinking y’know...maybe this doesn’t have to end here. Let me take you out tomorrow night on a proper date.” “Let me guess… I’ve got nothing to lose?” you laughed.   “That a yes?”   “Yes.”  
You left Roger’s place a little while later, heading home to sink into a hot bath and relax, and barely thought about anything besides him until he picked you up the next night. Your first official date went well – dinner, drinks, making out in the car before he dropped you home. You invited him inside but he wanted to prove he was interested in you for reasons besides that, instead leaving you with lips tingling from a long deep kiss as he departed, and the immediate need to masturbate. He took you out again the next night and again two days after that. Before you knew it, you were three months into your relationship, spending more and more time with him. You introduced him to your friends and family and met his in return. To the outside world you were still the same intelligent and accomplished woman, but now you also had an enviable relationship which seemed to get you more attention than your work did, though Roger was always the first to brag about it. He loved showing you off, telling anyone who’d listen about your work, pulling you into conversations so people could see you were just as bright and self-assured and brilliant as he’d told them you were. More than once you found yourself in a deep discussion with someone he’d been talking to, and caught him staring at you like he’d never seen anything more beautiful. It made your chest burst every time. The way he celebrated every aspect of you, cared enough to ask about your day and pressed for details about your job. Even when you disagreed about something, he’d hear you out, maybe with an eye roll, but he genuinely cared about your thoughts and opinions.  
Which made it easier to take yourself less seriously and loosen up a little. Your work was still incredibly important and something you cared deeply about, but now that you had Roger it was easier to admit you’d been spending too much time at the office. Using it as an excuse to avoid the terrifying unknowns of life and the impending future you hadn’t been able to imagine. Where before the question ‘where do you see yourself in five years’ would have caused anxiety that led to a week’s worth of overtime and insomnia, now you were able to confidently say, “I might not know but I hope it’s with Roger.” You smiled more around him, laughed more. He could turn you into a silly giggling fool with one look, and that was the most freeing feeling you’d ever experienced. You had nothing to prove to Roger. You didn’t have to make him see you how you wanted to be seen, like you’d had to do within your studies and work, because he already saw you as wonderful. And frankly you liked the person you were with him more than you’d liked the person you were alone.  
And then there was the sex. You’d never believed people when they talked about the incredible sex they were regularly having. Never understood why everyone made such a big deal about it. In your experience it wasn’t worth it. Roger had quickly changed your mind. On your third official date he agreed to go back to your place but you’d spent most of the night talking about sex rather than actually having any. The topic of your limited experience had come up again and Roger was trying to gauge what you'd already tried.   “Yes, I’ve sucked dick before,” you rolled your eyes as you stood to fill your empty wine glass, waving it round as you spoke, “not my favourite thing ever if I’m being honest but no one ever complained about my techniques.”   “Hand job?”   “Is that a request?” You raised your eyebrows and took a sip of your wine.   “Stop trying to get my pants off, love,” he laughed, “You’re the one who keeps saying you’ve never had good sex, ‘m just trying to find out what you have had, so I can decide how to blow your mind next.”   “If you really must know, all the guys I’ve been with were fairly bad at it. Only two of them made me cum regularly and even then it was a one and done situation. You did more to blow my mind on our not-quite-a-one-night-stand than anyone else has.”   “Keep talking like that and you’ll give me a big head.”   “As if you don’t already have one.” You dropped yourself into his lap, giggling at the small ‘oof’ of surprise he let out, and wrapped your arms around his neck.   “Alright, alright. So, what’s the kinkiest you’ve done then?”   “Does being eaten out count as kinky?” “God, are you serious?”   “No, I did convince one of them to spank me once which was fun. Hinted that I might want to try more, being tied up and stuff, but he wasn’t into it.”   “Christ, no wonder you gave up on dating,”   “I wouldn’t say gave up, just put it on the back burner.”   “Well it’s a good thing you met me then.” he said, looking up into your eyes, “I’d be very happy to tie you up, and stuff.”   A shiver ran down your spine at the suggestion, “Really? You’re into it?”   “Oh, love, we are going to have some fun. You’ve got -”   “Nothing to lose,” you finished before leaning down to kiss him.”
The longer you were together the more you found yourself thinking about sex. It was like meeting Roger had flipped a switch inside your brain, set off some sort of chemical reaction that made your blood run hot and your skin tingle with the need to be touched. Suddenly you cared about sex, wanted it, even dreamt about it. You had years of bad sex and dry spells to erase and Roger was only too happy to help. To his credit he never rushed you or pushed you to try things you weren’t comfortable with and he always made sure you were safe as he slowly opened your eyes to new things. It started out small, a light spanking one night, since you already had experience with it and liked it. He used it as an excuse to question you more about what else you’d be interested in trying, promising to reward you with another hit for every answer you gave him. At first you’d felt self-conscious, especially when asked to describe what you’d fantasised about. But soon enough he’d had you admitting to everything you’d ever wanted to try, desperately trying to earn another spank as you slowly dripped onto his knee. And then he’d praised you for answering so well and god you could have cum from that alone, the three fingers he'd pressed into you were just a bonus.  
Your answers gave him ideas for what to try next. Adding handcuffs or blindfolds when he fucked you, calling you degrading names while you tried out words like Sir or Master for him, testing how they felt on your tongue and deciding which you liked. Pulling you into public restrooms and other secluded spaces because you admitted that the danger of being caught was a turn on. He’d use your own ideas against you until you were begging, often times for more. He was particularly fond of bringing up the fantasy you’d had of being turned into a silly, giggly, dumb slut – empty headed and eager to please. It was something you’d developed a penchant for back at uni, a fantasy you turned to when the pressure to be smarter than everyone else got too much, though you’d never actually told anyone about it before. The idea of him knowing – of anyone knowing – your desire to be a brainless bimbo was terrifying and exciting and every time he mentioned it you got goosebumps and butterflies. He’d lean in close to your ear, running his hands through your hair, and tell you that a good slut had no use for her brain. That you should just let it go. What could you possibly have to think about besides being pretty and filling your holes however he wanted? It was so easy to sit and listen, let his words fill your head until there wasn’t room for anything else, just the need to please him. It was your favourite release when work was stressful and tough, and for the last week that’s all work had been. Between the land deal you were trying to organise taking longer than you’d planned and the constant juggling of calls to contractors for quotes and calls to estate agents to renegotiate terms, everything was getting to be too much. You just needed to forget about everything for a little while.  
So, when Roger got home that evening, he found you waiting, wearing the tightest, skimpiest clothes you owned – a skirt that only just covered your lace panty clad arse, and a low-cut singlet over a bra that pushed your tits together, plus the tallest heels you owned. It was the sort of outfit you only wore when you wanted to be his brainless toy. It helped you drop into your new role faster, helped your brain melt away.   “Everything okay?” He asked as he pulled you into a hug. “Yeah, just need a break. If you’re up for it?”   “Course, love. You know I love playing with my bimbo doll.”   You hugged him tighter, trying to convey how much you loved him with one gesture, already feeling slightly tingly. He led you to the couch, sitting you down to face him.
“Just need a break from all that noise in your pretty head, don’t you?” His voice sounded different to when he’d first come in, softer and calmer but more authoritative, “all that stress from work. Just need to listen to my voice and slowly sink deeper down, away from your brain, away from everything bad and stressful. And the more stressful things are, the more worries and noise in that silly brain, the faster you sink down down down until you can’t remember anything anymore. Down deeper, where there’s nothing to lose. Where there’s no need for big words. Where the only thing that matters is being a good doll for Sir. Pleasing Sir. Because pleasing Sir makes you happy and horny, doesn’t it?   “Yes,” you sighed softly, a wet spot already beginning to form as you stared into his eyes. “It’s so simple, so easy, isn’t it my pretty, silly, slut. So simple and easy to leave your mind behind.”   You breathed deep as Roger’s hands glided through your hair, gently smoothing it back, his fingernails running over your scalp and down down down to push it behind your ear.   “That’s right, just relax. You’ve got nothing to lose by listening and relaxing. Thinking about how fun it is to be simple and easy.”   Your eyes were shut, though you didn’t remember closing them. You felt Roger’s hand move further down your hair, splitting it into sections, running his fingers through it to smooth it out.   “You like being simple and easy, don’t you? Simple and easy and fun and dumb. My pretty, silly, bimbo.”   He was winding your hair round his fingers, moving slowly and gently, sending tingles down your spine as you took another deep breath. A whimper dropped from your lips and you could almost feel your mind emptying with every word he spoke, letting go of the day, the meetings, the harried phone calls, the forms you had to sign. All of it was so unimportant compared to his voice.   “And d’you wanna know the best part about you being like this?”   “Yes.” If you’d been able to think properly you would have said your voice had changed too. Higher pitched than normal. Brighter and bubblier.   “The best part about you being simple and easy and fun and dumb, is how hot it is. How wet you get. Isn’t that right?”   “Yes,” you giggled, “hot and wet.”   “Good girl,”   You giggled again, his praise making what was left of your brain feel mushy and happy. Roger chuckled at your giggly, giddy response, letting his fingers slip out the bottom of your hair and onto your arms. You shivered at his touch, face breaking into a smile.   “Feels good being touched when you’re like this. Simple and easy and fun and dumb. You want me to keep touching you?”   You whimpered, “yes,” breath coming out in pants as his hands slipped down your arms, setting your skin aflame.   “Yeah, you like that. Got nothing to lose by being touched. Just feels good.”   “Yeah, feels so good,” you giggled and you heard Roger chuckle in response.   “Open your eyes for me, wanna see your pretty eyes,”   Your eyes shot open and you beamed at Roger.   “You like when I compliment you, don’t you?”   “Yeah,” you giggled again, feeling bubblier and lighter now that you could see his reactions. His hands had slipped down to your own, tracing patterns softly over your skin, between your fingers, tapping over your nails.   “Like, when I tell you how cute you sound right now, all giggly. A silly, giggly slut.”   Your response was so predictable, Roger was smiling even before you started to giggle again.   “How do you feel, love?”   “Ummmm, fuzzy. Happy.”   His hands slipped further, landing on your thighs and slipping over your knees, making a wave of arousal roll through your body and a soft whine roll off your tongue.   “Yeah? Do you remember those four words I used to describe you earlier?”   You thought for a moment, furrowing your brow as you searched for the right words, “dumb?”   “Yes, that was one of them, do you remember the other three?”   “Umm,” you stared at Roger, mouth slightly open, “horny?”   Roger laughed again.   “Dumb and horny.... and... easy?”   “That’s right, but horny wasn’t one of the four words.”   “Oh,”   “But that’s okay, you feel horny, don’t you? D’you want me to tell you the four words?”   You nodded fast. “Simple and easy and fun and …?”   “Dumb!”   “Good girl.” He leaned in, brushing his nose against yours as you laughed again, “And now that my pretty bimbo doll has nothing left to lose, all dumb and mindless, what does she want to do?”   "Ummmm,”   “What is it?”   “I want to suck your cock, Sir,”   “Is that so? Thought you said you didn’t like sucking cock.”   “Noooooo, I love sucking your cock Sir.”   Roger looked so amused by your answer you couldn’t help but giggle, even though you didn’t quite understand why. All you knew was you wanted to please him, that pleasing him made you feel good.
As soon as you heard the jangle of Roger unbuckling his belt your mouth fell open and your tongue stuck out. He moved around so his leg was stretched out down the length of the couch, his other hanging over the edge, with you kneeling in between. Slowly, his eyes glued on you, he unzipped his fly and pushed his pants down his hips enough to let his cock spring free. You waited patiently for his word, watching as he grasped his shaft and lazily stroked along it. Your mouth was almost watering as your desire to lick and suck grew, drowning out everything else.   “God you’re cute. Practically drooling. Ready to show me what a desperate cockslut you are?”   You hummed, replacing Roger’s hand with your own, wrapping it around his base as you kitten licked at his tip. He sighed softly as you took him into your mouth, relaxing further into the couch, and you felt a small burst of pleasure pulse through you. It spurred you on and you sunk lower, taking more of him, before rising back up to swirl your tongue around his tip. He groaned and you were hit by another jolt between your legs. Every noise you pulled from him set you on fire, the pit in your stomach tightening, your cunt dripping, only encouraging you to suck harder and take him deeper. His fist tangled in your hair, holding you down as you gagged around him. Looking up with watering eyes you could see Roger had dropped his head back, his lips silently forming words he couldn’t get out, lost in the sensation of being in your throat. It was enough to make you moan and redouble your efforts, bobbing up and down faster, working him as deep as he could go.   “Fuck, Y/N” Roger choked out, “gonna make me cum soon,”   You released him with a pop, unable to stop the grin the crept onto your face.   “You like the idea of me cumming down your throat?”   “So much, Sir!”   “What about the idea of you cumming?”   “If that pleases Sir, yes”   “You’ve been such a good doll, think you deserve the reward. But only after you’ve swallowed all my cum okay?”   “Promise, Sir,” “That’s enough talking now, wanna hear you gagging instead,” he tapped your head and you leaned down, letting him slip all the way back down your throat. His grip returned to your hair, pulling you up and then pushing you down again, showing you the speed at which you should be moving. You fell into rhythm, breaking the pattern every now and then to hollow your cheeks around his tip or lick along the underside of his cock or gulp for air, before finding the rhythm again.   “So close, fuck, so so close,”   Your movement was suddenly halted as he pressed down on the back of your head, making you choke. You tried to move, needing another gasp of air but he held you down as he came, coating your throat with hot spurts of cum. You swallowed every drop he gave you, your body surging with the electric knowledge you’d pleased him so much, tingling from head to toe.  
“Did you enjoy yourself?” He sat up, brushing his fingertips over your cheek.   “So much, Sir! I love your cock,” you giggled, leaning forward to drop a quick peck to the head, “love drinking your cum.”   “And you’re so good at it. My pretty, cocksucking doll. Do you still wanna cum?”   “ummm, yes?” You didn’t really care if you got to cum, you just wanted to make your Sir happy.   “I’d like to watch you cum,”   “Then yes!” another giggle.   “Then why don’t you sit that cute cunt right here,” he patted his thigh, “and show me what a good slut you are.” You settled yourself over him, hitching your skirt up in the process, so you could grind against him, still wearing the skimpy panties you’d picked out. A moan escaped you as you rolled your hips and Roger placed his hands on them, to keep you pressed firmly against him as you rocked yourself closer to your release. You were already so worked up it didn’t take long for you to reach the edge, whimpering as Roger’s grip tightened. “That’s right, cum for me,” His permission was all you needed to let yourself fall over the edge with a gasp. You felt so light and happy, buzzing with pride and the knowledge that your Sir wanted to see you fall apart. You shuddered and fell forward as the orgasm washed over you, leaning your forehead against Roger’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you, pressing his lips to the top of your head as you shivered through the orgasm.   “So beautiful,” he was playing with your hair again and you hummed at how good it felt. “That’s right, just relax, listen and relax and come back. Nothing to lose by coming back. Back to who you were before. Who you are. So simple, so easy to come back. Relax into it. Relax back into yourself. Letting go of the bimbo. So easy to come back to your mind.”   You took a deep breath as you returned to yourself. More aware of everything around you. The salty taste of Roger’s cum on your tongue. The warm, wet feeling between your legs. The scent of Roger’s cologne as you breathed deeply. You sighed contentedly as the giddy, giggly lightness you’d felt slowly faded and the real world came back to you. Roger’s eyes found yours as he tilted your head up, searching them for anything amiss.   “Hey,” he said softly rubbing your arm soothingly, “how was that, you okay?” “That was exactly what I needed. Thank you.” You pecked him on the lips. “You’re very welcome. You wanna talk about work?”   “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now I’m,” you shifted slightly, still straddling his thigh, “still a little worked up actually. Race you to the bedroom?” Roger’s lips slammed against yours as he held you tightly, the kiss heated and hungry, “who need’s a bedroom when there’s a perfectly fine couch here. Time I repaid you for the fucking fantastic blow job.” You squealed as you found yourself on your back, Roger pulling your soaked underwear off hurriedly.  
To the world at large you were a well-respected, intelligent, and accomplished woman with an enviable relationship. And you were. All that and more. But you knew, and Roger knew, that deep down you were just a silly, giggly, dumb slut, who loved sex and craved cock and lived to please. Just a pretty bimbo who had no use for anything besides her Sir. And really, what more could you possibly want.  
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toxicxxmyth · 5 years
Dating Richard Camacho headcanon
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Authors Note: This all over the place lmao so bear with me. I also got a little carried away oops.
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Y’all prolly met at the club or a house party tbh(like almost every other Richard fic :’)
And you were there looking bomb as ever ;)
And he was there looking fine as ever ;)
And you were just in a corner talking to a few friends when he sat beside you
At first it wasn’t a big deal bc it’s a couch..hello
But when y’all got a good look at each other’s faces under the smoke and blue laser lights
Y’all were like
So that’s how you met, lol
It might’ve taken a long time for you guys to actually start dating
With him being so private and secure when it comes to relationships
And you having bad experience with relationships
You guys took it slow, yet you both considered each other as your s/o even if you guys haven’t even shared a kiss
And after, let’s say, four months, y’all started dating
Starting now with and actual headcanon
My boy’s hands are on you 24/7
Your hips, waist and ass are his hand holders
Literally cannot get enough of you
If you’re cooking you can bet your ass he’s wrapping his arms around you(or just unpacking takeout if you don’t cook)
Squishing you into his buff chest with his strong arms :’) whatta dream
Even in public his hands are wrapped tightly or losely around your waist, 0 fucks given at the pictures people take or the stares
He’s you number one support and judge
Perfect candidate to take to the mall when you want to buy some clothes or whatever
This is one horny ass man(but y’all knew that already)
Anything you wore he’d just melt and start making Inappropriate jokes
“How’s this one” you’d mutter mostly to yourself as you examined the dress
“It’s great ma, it look even better on the floor tho” He’d chuckle darkly
But your just like
“guess I’ll fuck him in the dressing room ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “
Sometimes you have those down moments where you basically just hate yourself(terrible fucking feeling m8)
I feel like he’d cancel EVERYTHING he has on his schedule and clean the whole house and set up the cutest fort and puts on a shit ton of Disney movies and snacks for you
He takes his time leaving soft and gentle kisses all over your body, starting from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, whispering sweet nothings in your ear before lazily clicking play on the little mermaid
He could barely focus on the movie
His hands would be draped lazily over your stomach squeezing the soft skin(making you uwu)and his head buried in the crook of your neck, giving you innocent kisses
A wide smile permanent on your face
You’d order some take out and just drink some red wine as he worships your body in the most innocent ways possible to the dirtiest ways
This dude is the dream boyfriend once he’s met the one honestly
and vice versa
Every time he feels down(which isn’t a rare thing) you’d be there.
His head would be against your chest as you softly massage his scalp, lips pressed against his forehead and you whispered all the things you love about him and all the good qualities that he has
Anywhore, moving on
it took Richard 6 months for him to introduce you to Aaliyah bc he wanted to make sure that you were actually serious
Which is completely understandable
He was so nervous bc like
whAT if you don’t want that big of a commitment??
Or what if Aaliyah doesn’t like you???
His worst nightmare is both his baby girls not getting along
Literally had to take a moment alone so he could recompose himself
He wouldn’t know what hell to do if both the loves of his life dont get along
But let’s be honest
He was stressing for nothing
You guys ended up loving each other
It took Aaliyah a few minutes to open up due to her shyness
But y’all ended up being the best of friends
And Richards heart just meLTED
You ended up befriending Yocelyn too
And Richards all like :0
If you weren’t confident before you met him, then he really did boost your confidence up little by little
Starting with random messages throughout the day
Some sweet other explicit ;)
Would take so many pictures and videos of you just so you could see how pretty you are
And if you were already confident(which we all should be :’)
Y’all would take some bomb ass pictures together
Like them cute ass insta couples
Will make such cute and inappropriate comments under your posts
Making many fans gush and hollar
Ugh, goals man, literal goals
Most fans don’t take the news well
Hate comment after hate comment
But you know what?
Y’all prolly fucking too hard to pay attention
This man is a sex God(I have no proof but I have no doubts either)
Y’all caNNOT change my mind
Pull out game weak(sorry lol)
This one kinky motherfucker istg
From bondage to breeding to choking to ooff I need a shower
Will take you anywhere in the house
The couch? check
Kitchen? check
Guest room? check
I want to say that he’s into public sex but I doubt it, like he’d think it’s hot but he wouldn’t want to risk anything
Lazy make out sessions are a common thing
Lots of booty grabbing
My man loves that booty
You get along perfectly with the guys
Even though at first all of you were a bit iffy
“Oh shit, new girl and she isn’t a one night stand :0”
But after like a week maybe, all of you started getting more comfortable
Maybe a little too comfortable which had Richard seeing red
I mean
He’d love the fact that everyone was getting along
Ooff did I mention that he’s super protective with a tad bit of possessiveness
Not enough to be considered dangerous or unhealthy but enough to irritate you
“Like back tf up bruh I can protect myself”
And he’s all like
You could be at the club, dancing and having the time of your life and some guy just creeps up behind you
And Richards got this murderous look on his face that even scared you
But let’s not lie, mad Richard is a sexy Richard
Y’all have some bomb sex after but then a deep conversation about your faithfulness to each other
Speaking of conversations
It’s 2:49am and y’all talking bout raiding Area 51 or some shit
You’re both drunk off sleep that you just go deep in thought
Or it could be 11:11pm and you guys are just confessing your love for one another
Singing his songs while you clean around the house or catch up on your work
And his just staring at you with the biggest heart eyes
Random slow dances with or without music happens at least one a week
Dates could go from a fancy ass Italian restaurant or a stop at 7/11 and a drive around the streets listening to slow r&b music
You could be gazing up at the stars and he’d try his best to focus on the road instead of your beautiful face
Days away from him suck ass
With him touring and practicing could be hard on both of y’all
But you make it work
Or when he’s finally home and you have to go to uni or work leaves him a bit disappointed
But you’ll do some romantic shit when you or he gets back
will surprise you with diamond earrings or necklaces
You end up calling him your sugar daddy jokingly
Speaking of nicknames
Calls you mami more than your name
Like, does he even know your name?
Prolly not(jk)
You’re just mami, baby girl or babe
But you don’t mind whatsoever
Teaching you Spanish)if you already don’t know it) and kissing you every time you get something right
He’s a messy one lady’s
So every time you fight it’s prolly bc of his mess
You end up yelling at him to clean the mess
And he act all offended but does as you says cause he’s a good boy
Literally cried when Aaliyah calls you mommy
But your panicking
Like full on panicking
Like what if Yocelyn comes and drags your ass??
You’re out here worrying while Richard is bawling his eyes out in happiness
None of them have a problem with it thankfully
It just means you’re treating their baby girl right
Now it’s your cue to cry
Damn you love both of them so much
And he loves both of y’all twice as much
OH and meeting your family would be the end of him
His having a full on breakdown once again
His confidence is out the window
Cause what if they don’t accept him bc he’s a dad????
Or bc he’s constantly on the road and not being able to give you all the love and attention you deserve???
That’ll crush him
And Yashua’s prolly making fun of him lowkey
Your dad(or male figure if you don’t have a dad) would intimidate THE SHIT out of him
But once again, after a few minutes or hour
Everyone got along perfectly
Your family ended up loving him and his family ended up loving you just as much
And there’s so much more that could go on with dating Richard but this is all my poor brain could think of
Plus I’m afraid that if I write more tumblr will fuck my shit up like always :’)
Deuces 🤙🏼
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Weird Questions that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups!
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? We call elementary school primary school. It depended which teachers you asked, my favourites always said I was “conscientious, kind, and a pleasure to have in class”.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glass cups or bottles.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? I have like 4 looks, pastel, boho, and goth/witchy/grunge, also vintage-inspired which wasn’t mentioned but I love it.
7. earbuds or headphones? Depends on the shape, I love my Razr headset because it doesn’t squash my ears, and I like galaxy bud shaped earbuds, the ones with the little rubber doo-dads that fit actually in your ear. Apple or a lot of older flat earbuds cause me a lot of pain.
8. movies or tv shows? TV shows. Movies are getting longer and longer and my focus is getting shorter and shorter
9. favorite smell in the summer? Rainy days!
10. game you were best at in p.e.? The game of queue-ducking (where you go to the back of the queue to avoid your turn), or dance, or the less strength intensive parts of gymnastics. Or crying, always been great at that xD
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Muesli, or nothing.
12. name of your favorite playlist? I prefer to listen to full albums rather than playlists, but I have a few favourites on Spotify. Born to Run 150BPM, Infinite Indie Folk, Irish Folk: Jigs and Reels, All Out 80s/90s/00s. I also love scene/pop-punk playlists.
13. lanyard or key ring? Key Ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Message Hearts (or anything with that texture), the red pack of starbursts (the UK version is vegan). Does Turkish Delight count because if so then that is my fave. I also like gummies if they’re vegan.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? To Kill a Mockingbird (high school), or The Bloody Chamber (uni), or Hamlet (uni)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? One foot under me, the other foot out to the other side, but both in the same position (if the surface is flat), or knees up.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? I own a lot of shoes so there isn’t really a single pair I wear the most. Recently my Air Force 1s, I’m trying to wear them in because the previous owner didn’t so the cause blisters.
18. ideal weather? Cold, overcast, rainy, still. Or without the rain. or snow (as long as I’m not going in the car and I can go crunch my shoes in it xD
19. sleeping position? Either side, but my body is kinda rotated towards the bed so it’s like half way between on my stomach and on my side. 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebooks
21. obsession from childhood? Animals, dinosaurs, goddesses, magic, crystals, neopets, sims. I still love all of these things, I am a rotating door of obsessions, usually a bunch of the same obsessions on repeat.
22. role model? I don’t have one particular role model, I do have tons of people that I love and respect.
23. strange habits? I have so many strange habits that I have become one myself. Nothing actually stands out though because 99% of it is because of my brain.
24. favorite crystal? rose quartz or moonstone.
25. first song you remember hearing? Maybe Dancing Queen by ABBA, definitely the first I remember dancing to, but my dad loves music so I grew up with a constant stream of it.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Suffer xD when I’m able to do so comfortably I’d love to go out looking for pretty stones, and nice sticks with my fiance, also would like to go on picnics with him, or a friend if I had one.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Baking, drawing, crafts, standing in the rain. Everything.
28. five songs to describe you? 6/10 - Dodie Robert Frost - Mal Blum Caught in the Middle - Paramore Side Effects - Jade Bird Snitches Get Stitches - Onsind  Bonus track: The Seed - Aurora I wish I still had the playlist I made of songs I relate to, several of these were on it though.
29. best way to bond with you? Oversharing, or telling me about things you’re into.
30. places that you find sacred? Nature. My favourite spots are little creeks/rivers in wooded areas, but just like, all of it is special and should be treated as such. Also bedrooms.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I think maybe I’m not gutsy or whatever enough, but also unpredictable. I wear whatever I like, and I’m just as likely to cry in all of them as I am to accidentally get in a fight.
32. top favorite vines? I feel so basic because I never really did the vine thing.  There was one that nearly killed me because I literally started to choke that was in some kind of office and the bit like can you run this past me again, and they just fucking legged it past them holding a folder up, Saw it once, never saw it again. Road work ahead. Why you can’t lift a house (might be a tok?) Brass dad and oven kid Look at this graaaaph Never learned how to read I can’t sit I have hemorrhoids The one with the people in blankets bobbing the nana nanana song Fr esh avo ca do Look at all these chickens
33. most used phrase in your phone? I love you - if I had to guess
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? right now, nothing. I often get the old Super Liquor jingle lodged in there though.
35. average time you fall asleep? 6am?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Charlie the unicorn or that one Noodles video by Cyanide and Happiness. Are those even memes?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Depends. I mostly use a bag though since I never go anywhere for long.
38. lemonade or tea? Tea? Usually if you ask for lemonade here you get Sprite which is not lemonade.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I had a vegan lemon meringue pie once, so good. Cake is easier to make though, and I can eat more in one sitting without getting sick xD
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Um, the principal in my last year of school got caught for being a peeping tom a few years after I left.
41. last person you texted? My Fiance.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Depends on the rest of the outfit and the weather. I wear Jean jackets most though.
44. favorite scent for soap? I love lavender, or vanilla/candy/fruity/baked goods type scents. I still have a bottle of Sugar Fairy spray from lush from a year ago and I love the smell of that.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy I think.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Nekkid?
47. favorite type of cheese? As a kid it was feta. Now I only eat vegan cheese. I was never a huge cheese fan tbh.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Rotten xD um probably a cranberry or something because I’m small, and I’m not a fan of cranberry.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? An it harm none do what you will. Or treat others as you wish to be treated.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably one of the vines I listed above, either “run it past” or “can’t lift a house” because both of those resulted in crying and choking.
51. current stresses? My cat has been throwing up and having diarrhoea the past week or so, she’s been to the vet, it got better for a bit, but tonight suddenly got worse. Living with my parents who I have a very toxic relationship with. Living in a single very overfilled room. Trying to not spend money so that I can save up to move next year. Nightmares about my trauma. Either the house is haunted or there’s a build up of negative energy (probably that).
52. favorite font? I always liked the look of all of the script style fonts (freestyle, french, lucida, lucida calligraphy, Edwardian, Palace) but they’re not accessible so for anything people will actually see (which is literally nothing) I always go with arial.
53. what is the current state of your hands? Slight rash on one finger because I’m sensitive to what is in a lot of hand washing products apparently (never an issue until the pandemic), one broken finger nail that is a bit shorter than the rest. Not painted nails because energy. I always wear my engagement ring, usually I wear several other rings but with how my skin is being I thought I’d better not for a while.
54. what did you learn from your first job? Bakeries are hell, my circadian rhythm will not adjust to anything besides its natural state for longer than a couple of days at a time no matter how long or hard I try. I can absolutely fall asleep standing up.
55. favorite fairy tale? Ugly Duckling
56. favorite tradition? I don’t have anyway... Yet? Hopefully when I move this can become a thing.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? I’m interpretting overcome loosely here, meaning “I have not died from this” - Suicide of my first love - Bullying - 3 different jobs that all nearly killed me
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Literally can’t think of one. I’m not talented. I’m passable at a couple of things, but I worked for those things and I’m still not good enough for anyone to confuse me for being talented xD Those things I care about that I’ve worked on a lot are singing, art, languages, crafts? I still struggled to come up with 4. My bad.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Aw jeez xD
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Magical Girl! This is an easy one, give me the powers and the clothes yessss.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Literally sitting here drawing a blank, so instead of favourite here is the first one that came into my head “eyes are the genitals of the head” (may have that wrong, I’m watching the Office for the first time rn)
62. seven characters you relate to? Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Amelie from Amelie Matilda from Matilda Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notredame (also my favourite plush as a kid) Iris - The Holiday Jess - New Girl Amelia Shepherd - Grey’s Anatomy Struggled with this because suddenly I drew a blank and also couldn’t remember who my Fiance was talking about every time he’s watched a character and said “that’s you” repeatedly.
63. five songs that would play in your club? Starlight - Superman Lovers Pump It - Black Eyed Peas I Bet that You Look Good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys All the Things She Said - tATu Doctor Jones - Aqua Bonus: Push Up - Freestylers These are ones  I have memories of dancing to when I was younger so that’s how I picked, but I’d absolutely be a themed night club with different music on different nights.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Neopets, which I still play daily. The first I played was MaMaMedia, then Bubblegum Club.
65. any permanent scars? That’s a SORE subject heh get it heh
66. favorite flower(s)? Lavender, rose, peony
67. good luck charms? I usually carry gemstones if I’m needing to be particularly lucky, or sigils.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? I hate anything spicy. I had rootbeer candy that tasted like literal dirt. I can’t eat banana stuff without gagging and getting a headache. I hate anything that is artificial blackberry or blackcurrant, tastes like shitty cough syrup.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Sea Monkeys breathe through their feet, but I remember where I learned that.
70. left or right handed? right
71. least favorite pattern? depends entirely on the colours, I like patterns. but certain stripes do make my eyes feel funny.
72. worst subject? If PE counts, then that. If not, math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I love pineapple on pizza but that’s not weird. Iused to eat cheese and jam sandwiches as a kid though.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I operate on how long it has lasted instead of how bad it is, essentially I get so desperate so I’ll try it even though it probably won’t help. I have the resistance of a rhino to most meds.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea, like 4 I think? I did keep them in a weird little box for no reason though because they never got taken away from under my pillow.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I’m a fan of a good mash if it has lots of flavour (like gravy). Otherwise, crisps or fries.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I grew a radish once! Something cat safe though these days, also maybe something heavy, and hard to knock over?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Grocery Store sushi, if it’s just veg.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? My only ID is my passport, and it is BAD.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Both.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies (ten million of them to be precise)
82. pc or console? Grew up with PC. Now play my switch mostly.
83. writing or drawing? Both. Wrote more as a kid, draw more now.
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Both. But I prefered pollies as a kid
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? cupcakes
87. your greatest fear? Based on my nightmares, stairs.
88. your greatest wish? To live in a comfy house, in the country, with my Fiance, I have travelled the world, we have pets, I can function, we are free.
89. who would you put before everyone else? My Fiance and out animals.
90. luckiest mistake? Can’t think of any, most of my mistakes have been more like bad choices, also never turned out well for me.
91. boxes or bags? Depends what it’s for?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? lamps, or fairy lights. Unless I’m particularly anxious, then overheads.
93. nicknames? None.
94. favorite season? Winter
95. favorite app on your phone? LINE, it has my fiance, and animated stickers.
96. desktop background? Little Twin Stars
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My own.
I never get asks and needed to distract myself so I’m going to just answer these anyway, like a survey or something. Original post by tr33-g1rl 
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checkoutafrica · 4 years
Stonebwoy; A major player in Ghanaian Music
Every single month without fail African artists are constantly reminding us that they are in fact the kings and queens in this music game. So far in terms of music, this has really been our year and I could not be more excited! One album we cannot stop talking about here at COA is Stonebwoys ‘Anloga Junction’. This is his fourth studio album and a body of work that the Ghanian musician has been working on for the last 5 years. He describes it as a beautiful African scene with a touch of western experience and influence – Anloga junction is the juncture between those two contrasting perspectives.
Specialising in dancehall, reggae, and afrobeats Livingstone Etse Satekla is not only a major player in Ghanaian music but in African music as a whole which is why he will forever be one of the continents most celebrated artists. Having rose to international stardom after being the first artist of his kind to win a BET Award in 2015 and has subsequently won many other international awards such as Afrima, Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award as well as received nominations from MTV EMA, Grammy Awards and more. This man is not to be slept on!
Who was Stonebwoy 10 years ago?
I mean, I was still doing music …. I mean I was and still am a son, I come from a Christian family, you know? I have been doing music since I was 16, you know what I mean? It never stopped, I just kept going harder and harder. YHHH 10 years ago, I should be out of school, out of uni or something!
You create Afropop, reggae and dancehall, which one out of the three is your favourite genre and why?
I mean all three because, for me, it’s all the same roots but different branches. So when it all comes to me, I comfortably create either of the genres, I find it difficult to actually choose a main one. I think I always do all together because when you pick up any Stonebwoy song, you still feel all three; some dancehall, some afrobeats, some reggae – every single time you pick up any stonebwoy song. But you may notice that it is mainly the dancehall and afrobeat that you can feel everytime you hear any of my songs.
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Nominate challenge?
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#AnlogaJunctionAlbum #TommyXLewis #BwoyFiger
A post shared by 1GAD (@stonebwoyb) on May 4, 2020 at 1:26pm PDT
You’ve worked with the likes of Kranium, Sean Paul, Burna Boy and of course the beautiful Ms Keri Hilson. Who has been your favourite to collaborate with so far and why?
You know, when it comes to this type of question – the favourites question, it sort of limits me in a way because every collaboration of mine is a favourite, they are all unique in their own ways, you know what I mean? So I can hardly pick which one stands out amongst all of them. However, the one that is making a lot of noise right now, making a lot of impacts and that one that needs to be very much appreciated at this moment in time is the one with Keri Hilson – Nominate. It’s so crazy, it’s amazing! The combination of afrobeats and RnB with some dancehall in there is just crazy, it’s really nice to hear.
How did the collaboration with Keri Hilson come about and should we expect more collabs in the future?
Uhmm what happened is that whilst we were recording the album we really planned to have an American collaboration on it, but the collab with Keri Hilson, it so happened that it was not planned, because if it was planned then that would mean that, that would sound like I called her up and said I wanted her on the album. But none of that happened, a friend of mine met Keri on a flight and that’s how beautifully it happened – we got introduced. My friend didn’t even know it was Keri Hilson until something happened and they got the opportunity to talk and so by doing so, the conversation turned to music, we ended up exchanging contacts right there and then and we gained some nice relationships. Then when I went on tour in America, it so happened that she invited me to the studio and then we cooked nominate as a beautiful song and here we are today!
What was the idea behind calling this album Anloga Junction?
I mean it’s my roots, the intention behind the album is to give it that identity you know? It represents the fact that I have gained some influences and a lot of things having learnt from the African perspective when it comes to the music and it is at this junction that it meets with the influences from the west as well. That is why you get the name Anloga junction.
You said the theme of the album is a beautiful African scene with a touch of western experience and influence. Can you go into more detail on what you mean exactly?
Exactly! Yeah, I just think sonically it is a beautiful African song, the sound and the way the musical wave has taken a diverse turn when it comes to African music and the way it’s been received by the western world lately. All that has influence because I am one of the people, I am one of the musicians, one of the new schools who have added their voices to that type of style, especially coming from mixing the afrobeats with the reggae and dancehall to create the afro dancehall which is what I have been known for these last 10 years. When it comes to the continent of Africa, I think that I am well representing for that African sound and wave, that is a representation of that sound. Plus the Caribbean sound and which is at large the Western sound, which is what I mean by that!
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Still on the JUNCTION…which music video should we drop next?
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A post shared by 1GAD (@stonebwoyb) on May 22, 2020 at 5:47am PDT
Why did you choose to record the intro track (Le Gbs Gbe) in your home language “ewe”, what was the initial idea behind this?
Yeah, the intro track is in my home language because that is what the album is representing cause when I say Anloga you know that anybody who is going to pick up the record they have to find that masterpiece, they have to find that significance or that representation of the whole of the Anloga vice in there, that is why you find I speak in my dialect for the first track on the album, so it can truly represent what I mean with the album.
You said that some of the songs in your album are actually 5 years old, which of these are and why did you wait to include them in Angola junction rather than epistles of mama?
The reason being for that one is that there had always been a plan and I had known this particular song is timeless enough and that the project that I wanted to bring out was not yet, it was not yet due for that song and so you know as we’ve gotten here and as we started Anloga junction project, this one here qualified. That particular song is called “Nkuto” feat Kojo Antwi, track number 5 – that’s the one, that song is like 5 years old and bow down is like 2 years old. I take time to fix these songs, it took me a total span of 5 years to fix this body of work for the people.
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Which is your favourite song from the album and why?
Track one, nominate and everlasting. But the whole album literally! I love the whole album, not going to lie.
You’ve worked with SA artists (AKA, Nasty C and Cassper Nyovest) in the past, do you yourself listen to SA music? If so what’s your favourite thing about their music/ artists?
Yeahh I do, I do. I love their sound and their whole African culture. You know the whole of Africa is culture – when you see Africa, you see strong accents, you see strong melanin, you see black, you see strong people. And all of that is depicted in our music when we sing so per the various places we have and the diverse cultures we have is well well enjoyable when you are a creative and span your scoop into all these areas. I listen wide to all these forms of music, I love south African music; their house, their kwaito etc.
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How does it feel to be inducted into the Grammy museum sound of Africa exhibit?
It feels great! That was an exhibition that happened 3 years ago around 2016/2017 that they had to select some African artists who have won in that category before and those who are making strong waves and that exhibition, it was only meant to last a week but went on to last a whole year and it had me in there and legendary Kojo Antwi in there. So it was a coincidence to have him on my album and then for the both of us to be inducted at that level and that is one of the great levels that afrobeats music has been able to reach by the help of Ava Hall and the whole team who put together the BET international category. So thanks to the whole team who made it work!
What would you say is your biggest achievement so far in your career?
So far I still have a lot of things to do, I still have a lot of miles to reach, you know I’m just taking it easy now and I can only say that at this level it might even be difficult to choose my biggest achievement but I know that I must be the number one when it comes to afro dancehall and reggae and I am grateful for that.
What do you believe is the future of African music/ afrobeat’s?
In the next 10/20 years, African music is still going to be on the rise. You should understand that it can only get better and better. I pray that, not only musically but on the African continent that everything can work together for good because our arts and our creative industries are dependent on the governors of Africa. So in the next 10 years, we pray that Africa becomes more independent, more resourceful and more developed in the right sense and that way our music is going to go far. Big up to every African artist who is putting in the work!
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glamrockmonarch · 5 years
Max Taylor's first single
Warnings: None.
A/N: Someone sent me this ask about what they think Max would sound like, so...I decided to do this right here. IM SO SORRY FOR THE BAD EDITS! I HAD FUN MAKING THEM PLEASE DONT SUE ME.
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Max released his first single after a good four years of doing YouTube seriously. It was Rufus and Adam who asked him why didn't he try to write his own music, since he was a decent drummer and guitarist, only always too lazy to pick up bass - unlike Jazz -. The youngest of the Taylor men picked the worse of times to write his album: finals. He was in an angsty mood most of the time but the songs were more than good and with a little help from his best friend Max got some clean sounding demos to show to his dad. With these demos, he decided to film a music video for his song “If I Killed Someone (for you)” - the name was only changed afterward. 
For a few weeks, nothing seemed to come of it, except Harry May constantly praising his best friend's lyric writing abilities on interviews... But at last, he got a call from Roger telling him that the people from Warner were interested in his music. Of course, Roger could have helped his son by recording and releasing an EP under the Nightjar productions name, instead, he let his son choose what to do. 
Max did not want to use his father’s fame or money to get through life, or to achieve his goals, so he went with Warner and got himself a not too great deal - but a deal nonetheless! 
His first album was a bit of a surprise to everyone but maybe Freddie, Harry, and Luke - The Undergrad’s bassist -, who had been there to help him record his demos months before. The first surprise to Max’s siblings was the style of his music, more specifically, everyone was taken aback by the heavy use of acoustic guitar present. 
His fans from YouTube were excited about it, a large part of his fanbase was looking forward to seeing Max live, and he released the tour dates on one of the shortest videos he ever uploaded to his channel where he put together some footage of him and the May twins when they sat down to write the songs, some old pieces of videos from when he showed people around his room when he was moving out to go to uni; through the voiceover he spoke of the importance of the time he spent going to uni, how much he loved it and at last he appeared on the screen speaking with a white background behind him as he explained that he was dropping out of film school to pursue a career in music. 
“...it won’t change my love for the platform, I will always upload, I’ll stay in touch with you through this channel. I did not take this lightly, I spent a while thinking about this... I have my family and friends’ full support and now all I have to say is... Here are the dates! I will be joining Ed Sheeran on Tour and I’m so excited I cannot wait!”
The video was simple and straight forward, and it let everyone know what he was doing in the future. It also stopped speculation about whether or not the release of his album was going to be the end of his YouTube career. 
The best thing about the whole thing was that now Rufus and Harry were constantly making fun of his for his live performances - all in good spirit, but still...  And also, Harry and Luke constantly wear Max’s merch on stage or on interviews, so Max does the same. 
And don't think for a second that Max doesn't have his fun being a fool with more reach thanks to his expanding fanbase:
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(*Excuse my awful humour edits: I tried.)
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yooncuffs · 5 years
I’m 19. So young and yet too old.
I’m currently at this point in my life where everybody I know expects me to be at uni, studying focusing on school, getting a degree.
But I am not.
Whenever I talk about my worries, people usually either laugh at me jokingly, scoff at me, or furroe they brows whenever I say “I think my life is headed nowhere.” after I say something like that they would often say “But you’re still way too young to worry.” I know, okay.
But that’s not the case.
Yes I am young, yes I have more years ahead of me but it isn’t that easy to build yourself from nothing and to accept this reality of series hardships called life. Honestly I am forced into a situation where I needed to grow up and be there for myself when my mother died.
But I never did actually learned to stand on my own.
Instead I just learned to set aside ny feelings and emotions and just bottle them up. Because that’s how growing up was depicted around me. “You need to toughen up.”, “You’re own your own now, so stop being so emotional.”, “Those tears won’t get you anywhere.” , “There’s nothing you can do about *this* certain situation so get pass it.” those were the usual words I heard from people around me whom today disappeared and couldn’t care any less.
You might be wondering, but she must have her father with her right? Yes, yes I actually do. But the thing is my father and I had this weird relationship since I really didn’t grew up with him, he worked abroad all my life almost and just turn up like 3 years ago after my mother died and after he had been layed off from his job. And so we never really gotten any close or talked about emotions and stuff and all these things you probably talk about your parents with.
I swear when you have the chance and opportunity PLEASE DO TALK TO YOUR PARENTS, because it’s all I ever wanted but couldn’t. Don’t get me wrong I tried. I told my father that I think I’m depressed *without diagnosis yet* and I told him that maybe I should have myself checked.
But you know what he had just replied to me? “It’s all in your head.” —oof. When he said that I didn’t want to take it by heart because maybe he didn’t mean it or maybe people his age doesn’t really understand mental health as much as our generation do, because of the stuff we get through and suffer from.
So I let it pass.
My days aren’t always sad, lonely or dark. Some days I ALMOST THOUGHT I am FINALLY FINE AND BETTER. But some days like today I just feel like genuine shit. And the more I look at myself physically, my state in life, my current situation the more I sulk and just crawl back to this dark place.
HONESTLY, I will tell you this. I rarely go out of the house and interact most of my interactions are online and some at work but most are shallow *I think?* Also I am not doing anything almost literally.
I know it’s a bad habit, but the FACT THAT I CAN’T PUSH MYSELF TO DO ANYTHING and I KNOW IT IS JUST—-like how? What do I do, I try my best to find things to cheer up. I really do you don’t even know. I stan BTS, other kpop groups, try and chat with users online find friends, sometimes I try to go out and eat with a real life friend. I watch countless funny videos. I cuddle with my cats, sleep, I edit photos/videos.
But nothing seem to fill in this gaping hole I have.
It’s easier really to just hope that when I close my eyes I won’t wake-up because honestly that’s what I want a painless death.
Because a year ago I tried to hurt myself, but I couldn’t do it. I just can’t the thought just always comes up but the worst I did was just a few cuts not even that deep.
Okay, when I said earlier I have no tears left to cry, now I take that back because I know every time I walk this earth I’m always on the verge if crying and breaking down.
But I always try to hold it up, suck it up and just “TRY” to be strong.
I am so bad at many things and good at abosolutely nothing.
1. I love to write but I have never finished anything.
2. I love editing photos/videos but I don’t think it’s that remarkable to be noticed.
3. I love music but have never really did anything to learn it or be good at it.
4. I love anything related to art but then again I never really did anything to learn it or be good at it.
5. I start to do something (in general) and I don’t ever finish it.
6. I give up easily.
7. I’m not smart/ nor I have a remarkable talent(so applying for a scholarship will never be possible for me)
8. I have tried getting into theater/student govt/cheer dancing/dancing/marching band —but I gave them all up and prioritized a person instead. =BIGGEST FCKING MISTAKE.
——I could go on and on about stuff I’m bad at or hate about myself. And there’s nothing good I can basically say about me NOTHING not even how I look. Especially that I hate everything about me physically.
I feel such a fake fan/ARMY for not incorporating the Boys’ motto—Love yourself. But how can I bring myself to do so? When I’m such a mess, such a wreck.
I just. What do I —-
This post is just all the place my thoughts are just clouded I can’t.
So yeah I’m 19, probably depressed but not yet clinically diagnosed. I hate myself, I have a work instead of going to school. I walk this earth questioning my existence I have I think 1-2 real friends or maybe even none. I’m not close with my father or other family members I am broke af literally FILIPINO POVERTY BROKE. I have so many abitious goals and dreams: BUT DID I EVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT THEM? Oh bitch I’m such a disappointment.
If this isn’t enough to say FML then I don’t know what is.
—-if youdo feel the same way, or anything similar or worse please do seek help, or try your best to fight it.
I try to. I want to.
Is it too much to ask for?
I just wanna be normal, I want to be okay. To actually be OKAY.
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
Have you ever wished you could start life over?: i wouldn’t.
…or at least go back in time?: no. yes, there are soooo many things i’d love to change but i wouldn’t want to fuck with the butterfly effect.
When did you last eat pizza?: maybe 2-3 weeks ago.
Do you prefer to hear the painful truth or a beautiful lie?: painful truth.
How many exes do you have?: none.
Have you ever known a pathological or habitual liar?: yes haha.
Do you enjoy writing?: not at all. i haven’t written anything since uni.
If so, do you prefer writing lyrics, poetry, stories or something else?: -
Are you angry right now?: not really. just disappointed.
Have you ever punched a wall?: nope.
Have you ever lived in a motel/hotel?: no.
Do you think you would enjoy running your own business?: yes, especially if it was something i was super passionate about.
What’s the average rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in your area?: $350-$400 a week.
Do you think rentals are too expensive where you live?: yes. the housing prices are freaking ridiculous.
Have you ever changed a car’s alternator?: nope.
Do you have Netflix?: yes.
What about Hulu Plus?: no.
Do you have an Xbox Live gold membership?: no.
Would you rather master Guitar Hero or a real guitar?: a real guitar, duh. guitar hero is basically dead.
Have you ever used an electric drill?: no.
Do you know anyone who’s had brain surgery?: yeah. my cousin had a tumour in his brain as a kid but they got it out thankfully.
Do you like playing FPS (First Person Shooter) video games?: yes.
Have you ever heard of, the band, Porcupine Tree?: no.
Would you rather wear boots or sandals?: whichever’s more comfortable tbh.
Have you ever rescued a lost dog?: no.
Have you ever adopted a dog from a shelter?: no.
Have you ever cleaned a cat litter box?: no.
Have you ever used a machete?: i don’t think so.
What’s the last gift you gave to someone?: i forgot haha.
What’s the last gift you received?: a valentine’s day card lol.
When was the last time you rode a bicycle?: two years ago.
Do 2 wrongs ever make a right?: not that i’ve seen.
Are you a vengeful person at all?: a little bit lol. i hardly ever follow through though.
Do you have a good memory or do you forget things often?: i have a fairly good memory.
Do you know anyone who suffers from chronic fatigue?: lmao i have a suspicion about someone who may have it.
Have you ever felt like you “lost yourself”? : tbh no.
Do you judge people based on their weight?: no. i only ever judge people based on their behaviour and personality.
Do you know anyone who’s hardworking but still struggles to make ends meet?: yes.
What do you think is more harmful? Cigarettes or Marijuana?: cigarettes.
Is your air conditioner on?: nope.
Is your heater on?: no.
Do you enjoy going on walks?: i hate them unless it’s in a new environment.
Do you like having picnics?: i hardly ever have them.
Have you ever had a panic/anxiety attack?: yeah lol.
Have you ever dated a co-worker?: yes. but we were dating before we started working together.
Do you still buy CDs or do you just download music?: i just have apple music.
Do you like iPod/song shuffle surveys?: i haven’t done those in years.
Do you suffer from social anxiety?: not really. if i’m too lazy to socialise i just won’t.
Are you more introverted or extroverted?: i’m in between tbh. i was much more extroverted when i was younger but i got socially lazy over time.
Do you enjoy organizing things?: yes!
Have you ever watched “Mystery Science Theater 3000”?: nope.
Do you know anyone who plays Tuba?: nope.
If you had to get a tattoo of someone’s name, who’s name would you choose?: my mum or dad.
Have you ever been to Catalina Island?: nope.
Would you rather swim with dolphins or sharks?: dolphins.
Do you know how to change a vacuum belt?: nope.
Have you ever given a business a bad online review?: yes but it was constructive criticism. 
Do you know anyone who used to be a stripper (that you know of)?: no.
Do you know anyone who’s a hoarder?: yes lmao.
Do you know who Maynard James Keenan is?: no.
Do you take responsibility for your actions or tend to make excuses?: i always take responsibility. 
Have you ever used the shower at a gym?: nope.
Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship?: kinda tbh.
Do you believe that “love is blind”?: oh yes. i’ve seen some people so blinded by the toxicity of their relationships, it was crazy.
What’s the furthest distance you’ve ridden a bicycle? meh, a couple kilometers.
Do you rate every survey you fill out, here on bzoink?: i don’t use that.
Do you know anyone who gets way too angry when playing video games?: haha me.
Do YOU get too angry when playing video games?: mhmm.
Do you like to sing karaoke?: only while drunk.
Do you know what micro-expressions are?: i’m not sure.
If so, do you have a talent for seeing/reading them?: -
Have you ever had insomnia?: oh yes.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been awake?: like 36 hours.
Have you ever been in denial?: haha yes.
Have you ever been in The Nile?: no.
Have you recently used a nail file?: literally tonight.
Do you know anyone named Kyle?: yes.
Is it annoying that I started rhyming my questions?: didn’t even notice.
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