#and the newest one dresses more 'plain' compared to the rest
eltehdork · 2 years
So what im gathering is the doctor had to become a black gay guy in order to learn how to dress properly.
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Universal Signs
Chapter 16 / Previous Chapter 
A/N:  Warnings!!! This chapter contains talk of torture and a mild torture scene involving a knife and the use of being shocked. I wanted to mention it as a warning before hand, though it's not described in massive amounts of details but it is there.
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
How much blood does one have to loose before they die? Tim’s not entirely sure but he's thinks he’s going to find out soon enough. Then again how would he know how much he's lost if he dies of blood loss? Because then he would be dead and not able to calculate how much he’s missing….
What the fuck is wrong with him?
His mind is in scrambles as he sits on the cold stone floor of a small, enclosed cell watching his newest wound sluggishly bleed. He stares as the red liquid pours over his pale skin, leaving a trail behind as it drips onto the floor.
It hurts, he knows that much. There’s a dull throbbing sensation coming from the wound which is a constant reminder of how fresh it is, no more than an hour or maybe two at most.
The newest wound is a deepish slice across his thigh. The Demon’s Head had “accidently” put a little bit too much pressure with the knife he had been ghosting over his skin as he interrogated Tim about his escape and those he had been with since.
It’s not the worst Tim has had to face, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Besides the wound in his leg, the rest of his body is aching. The most recent ‘session’ with Ra’s had him hung from the ceiling by his wrists as the alien circled around him, asking questions, demanding answers, poking and prodding him with different tools in attempts to make him talk.
Being stripped down to nothing but his underwear hadn’t helped but Tim can overlook that compared to everything else that had been happening.
When the prodding and poking hadn’t achieved what the Demon’s Head wanted, he moved to a more physical approach. There had been some slapping, one or two punches and rough manhandling but once again it’s nothing that Tim hadn’t experienced before.
That had been a light session and seeming to be bored of it, Ra’s had his guards throw Tim back into his usual cell and bolted the door once it shut. Tim slumped on the ground, leaning against the wall and hasn’t moved since.
His wound continues to bleed and Tim watches it with morbid curiosity. He knows there’s more to come. Ra’s won’t leave it at just a slice and a few bruises. Tim’s got a vague idea on what he could be expecting in future sessions but he really rather not think about it. Maybe he would bleed out from this wound before that could happen?
Probably not.
An unknown amount of time passes by as Tim sits there. The achiness only grows as he sits on the hard floor but he doesn’t do anything to try and ease the pressure off of his body. His mind drifts in and out, sometimes giving him confusing and completely random thoughts and other times being completely devoid of anything at all.
How were the others? Are they dead or have they somehow managed to survive the attack by the League? How are his family back home? How long has it been since he had been kidnapped and stuck in outer space? Does time work differently in space, perhaps he could have only been away for a couple weeks, or oppositely could he be away for years?
His mind must have given into exhaustion because the next thing Tim knows is that he’s jerking awake, smacking his head against the wall as he does, and finds the cell door opening. As he clears the fogginess from his mind, there’s an exchange of words from outside before a figure is stepping into his cell and the door shuts behind them.
Tim’s instantly alert. He watches as the figure steps further into the cell, allowing him to fully see them for a first time. He's surprised to find a woman standing opposite him, or at least someone who resembles a human female (he’s still completely clueless and in shock when learning about the existence of different species’ and aliens in the universe).
She’s petite with curves, has pale skin, is bold and has sharp facial features. She stands there watching him for a moment, studying everything about him just as Tim does in return. While he’s nearly naked, she’s fully clothed in what is the League of Assassins black uniform. After a moment he notices that she’s carrying a small case in her hand and Tim feels himself tense up at what that could mean.
The woman strides forwards silently and Tim could only watch her warily, he flinches when she comes to a stop at his side and then proceeds to sit on the floor next to his wounded leg. Feeling apprehensive, Tim tries to shuffle away from her, creating a space between them. “What are you-”
His question is cut off when she simply reaches out and grabs his leg to effortlessly drag the limb back towards her and holds it down with an arm while the other rifles through the case she had brought with her. Tim yelps at the touch and protests against the action. “Hey! What the hell? Let me go!”
He reaches over to push her arm off his leg but she bats his hands away and sends him a hard look. Not having much energy to really put up a fight, Tim slumps against the wall in defeat and settles for glaring at her.
To his surprise all she does is clean his wound before bandaging it up afterwards. Other than the occasional hiss of pain from Tim when she puts too much pressure on the cut or when the antiseptic (at least that what he thinks it is) is applied, the two of them are silent throughout the ordeal. Anytime Tim would try to move away, she would slap him, send him a glare before continuing with the administrations.
Once she was done, she packs up her stuff, stands up and heads towards the door, banging on it twice. When it opens up, she slips out of the room and then the door is being slammed shut and bolted. Tim blinks at the sudden disappearance, it’s like she never had been there at all.
What the hell was that about? That's never happened before. He also has never seen that particular assassin before either. What’s Ra’s playing at this time?
Tim once again gets lost in his thoughts and loses track of time, not that he had ever been following it to begin with. For a second time he's jerked awake when the door to his cell opens up and he blinks away blurriness from his vision as three tall assassins dressed in black enter the room. One of them stops at the door while the other two storm forward only stopping when they get to him.
His body is still sore and achy, so when they bend down and grab his arms to force him to his feet, Tim is too weak to fight their restraining holds. All he could do is stumble along with them as they march him out of the cell and down the corridor of the ship towards a room Tim is becoming very familiar with.
The room is empty when they enter and Tim notices how this time there’s a table in the middle of the room rather than a chair or even ropes hanging from the ceiling.
The assassins force him over to the table and Tim does his best to resist their movements. They pay him no mind as one lets go of him so the other could simply pick him up and slam him down onto the hard surface.
The table underneath Tim’s bare skin is metal and cold. It makes him flinch though he doesn’t pay it too much attention because as soon as he's on there the assassins are grabbing his arms and legs and forcing them down against the flat surface, pinning them in place as they tie leather restraints around each limb.
They tie both wrists down along with his ankles, stretching his body out along the cold surface. They strap one restraint across his hips, torso and even his forehead. Once they’re done, Tim is left completely immobile. No matter how hard he struggles, he couldn’t move an inch.
Once they were satisfied he wasn’t going anywhere they leave the room. Tim’s eyes widen and he thrashes again. So he’s being left here, strapped down to a table just to be left all alone? The worst thing is that he can’t even turn his head to survey his surroundings, all he could see is the plain ceiling above him.
Tim didn’t know if it was a blessing or a curse but his time alone was short. As the door to the room opens Tim listens intently as an unknown figure enters. He tracks their quiet steps as they walk around the room, then as they stop on the other side for a moment before continuing towards him on the table. He finally gets a look at the owner of the steps when they stop right beside the table and lean over into his eyeline.
Ra’s Al Ghul.
Tim didn’t know if he wanted to shake with fear or roll his eyes in annoyance. It’s certainly is an odd feeling, feeling both scared and exasperated at the same time. In the end he avoids eye contact and stares off centre at the plain ceiling.
“Timothy.” Ra’s says in greeting, his tone is sharp and emotionless. “Have you thought anymore about our previous conversation, what you may be willing to tell me now?”
Tim grits his teeth in anger and stops himself from retorting back. He despises that he now can understand what the Demon’s Head is saying. The universal translator at first was a blessing but now it seems like it’s a curse.
As for what he's implying, then no, Tim hasn’t thought any more about it. Ra’s wants to know more about the others, the team that had picked him up from the planet he crashed on after escaping. He wants to know what their motivations were, why did they help him, what was in it for the leaders they work for. Tim refused to tell him anything, not that there was actually anything to tell to begin with.  
Apparently, “there aren’t any alternative motivations involved”, isn’t a satisfying enough answer.
When Tim stays silent Ra’s looks down at him and narrows his eyes. Tim takes in a deep breath and prepares himself for whatever is about to come. His heart is pounding inside his chest and he could feel his body trembling against the table he’s strapped to.
Ra’s disappears from his sight, Tim figures he's gone to the other side to the room to get something. The panic and anxiety inside him only grows at the thought of what he’s about to be forced to endure. What does Ra’s want from him?
“If you really wanted those answers you would have taken the others in as prisoners rather than kill them off.” Tim states, fighting to keep his voice steady as he speaks. “You know there’s no point in asking me, I don’t know the real reasons why they helped other than just because they wanted to.”
There's a moment of silence as Ra’s either thinks about Tim’s words, debates his own answer, or simply because he’s ignoring Tim altogether.
“Y’know, just because I can understand you now, nothing still makes sense.” Tim continues talking. He doesn’t know why he’s sprouting out nonsense, his nerves seem to have removed his filter.
“Is that so?” Ra’s questions him, coming back into his sight. Tim hears him place something on the table down by his thigh. He goes to have a look at it but the strap across his forehead stops him from so.
Instead he replies to Ra’s, letting his mouth run without a thought. “Yup. You still haven’t told me why you kidnapped me of all people. All I’ve heard is that “I’m interesting”, “I’m different”. But why is that? There are over 7 billion people on Earth and you choose little ole me. Why?”
He stares at Ra’s, expecting an answer. Tim doesn’t know where this brave streak is coming from but he genuinely wants the answer. Why him? What had he done to deserve all of this torment and treatment?
Ra’s face hardens as he glares at Tim. His thin lips press into a thin line and his eyes narrow in anger. Clearly he isn’t impressed with Tim questioning him, especially in such a blunt way.
After a few beats Ra’s looks away down towards his hip and Tim sees his hand reach over to grab something, when it comes back into his eyeline Tim finds Ra’s now holding a metal rod. It’s curved at the end, is long and thin and at the other end there’s a wire sprouting from it leading to somewhere out of his sight.
Tim feels his stomach drop at the sight, dread now pooling inside of him at what this could be. Maybe bluntly speaking up wasn’t such a good idea after all.
The Demon’s Head looks between Tim, the metal rod and whatever is by his thigh. “You want to know why Timothy? What makes you stand out from the rest of them?” Tim’s unsure if Ra’s actually wants him to answer or if it’s a rhetorical question. In the end it doesn’t matter too much because Ra’s continues in a matter of seconds.
“Well, let me tell you this…”
The rod suddenly makes a crackling sound and lights up and Tim only has time to register those things before a sharp jolt is coursing through his body. Tim yelps at the suddenness of it. His body goes rigid and strains against the straps holding him down. It only lasts a couple seconds but Tim is left heavily breathing by the end of it.
Electrocution. Or something similar to it at least, maybe being shocked is the more appropriate term. Fan-freaking-tastic.
After the initial shock, it takes a moment to realise that Ra’s is once again talking.
“You’re different because you have potential Timothy.” He says causally, as if he wasn’t practically torturing Tim as he talks. He starts wondering around the table Tim is strapped too and Tim tries to keep his eyes on him the best he can. Especially of that rod he’s holding.
“I’ve been watching you for some time.”
Before Tim could respond to that the rod crackles again and Tim clenches his teeth as his body seizes on the table. He trashes to try and get away from it but the straps hold him down firmly. Once the rod is taken away it takes a moment before his body is slumping down against the table again. His heart is hammering inside his ribcage and Tim’s mind is in shatters, unable to think about too many things at once.
He should be better than this but all of the events of the day is seriously catching up with his mind and body, playing into the exhaustion he's now feeling. Getting shocked certainly isn’t helping.
“You differ from your competitors Timothy, despite being young for your kind, you show huge potential, you think differently, taking risks which will result in the best outcome. You’re on your way of becoming one of the most powerful influences on your planet.  It’s unfortunate that your brilliant mind is trapped inside this pathetic species.”
This time, when the rod is pressed into his skin, a whimper escapes his lips as his body spasms on the table. His back arches up off the table straining against the restraint across his hip, his hands clench into fists and his legs jerk. Tim’s left panting when the rod is pulled away from his torso.
“But… why me?” Tim pants out trying to control his rapid breathing as well as get his thoughts together at the same time. “There are more powerful people than me, smarter too… older… wiser… it doesn’t make sense…”
“It’s not always about the present Timothy. More like what you’ll be able to achieve in the future Humans are a vile, underdeveloped species, not worth anything if you ask me but nonetheless I decided to invest, play a move no one would see coming. Thinking outside the box, as you humans would say.” Ra’s rattles off as his eyes wonder over Tim’s body. He's moved down by his feet now, almost having done a total three-sixty.
“You intrigued me in many ways Timothy.”
For a fourth time the metal rod is being jabbed into his skin, this time against his calf, and the shock travels right up through him. A pained scream escapes his lips as he thrashes against the torment. If his legs hadn’t been strapped down he would have kicked Ra’s in that stupid head of his by now. His body jerks and spasms as his muscles painfully contract with the forced tension.
He doesn’t know how long this particular shock goes on for but it feels like forever. It goes on long enough that he thinks he's about to pass out from the pain when it finally stops. His body doesn’t immediately get the message as his muscles stay tight for several long moments until he's slumping down on the table, heavily breathing, uncontrollably shaking and feeling more than exhausted.
As he composes himself, the Demon’s Head moves out of his eyeline until he comes back holding a different device in his hand. A knife. The same wickedly sharp knife he happened to have used earlier. Tim barely registers it as he lets his head roll to the side in resignation.
Compared to last time, Ra’s doesn’t hold back, he drags the knife along Tim’s body, letting it ghost over his sensitive skin, before actually digging it in to make the skin spilt. Tim hisses and clenches his eyes shut.
Unlike last time, Ra’s doesn’t stop at one slice. He repeats the motion over different areas on Tim’s body. It’s like he's playing a game. Ghosting it over one area only to cut somewhere completely different with no warnings. It’s also like he's finding what areas make Tim react more than others.
In an unknown amount of time later, Tim is now sporting slices over his arms, shoulders and torso.
“You know Timothy, I do not need to explain my reasons of why I chose you. Just know that I have and know I plan on making it a good investment. Even if it means beating that stubbornness out of you.” Ra’s tells him in that casual tone once again as he rounds the table Tim is still strapped to.
“You happen to be proving how humans are somewhat a capable species despite your lack of development and skill set.”
Tim lets out a pained yell as Ra’s drags the knife across his torso. It glides smoothly across his skin, splitting it apart and forcing blood to seep through it. It stings like hell. That seems to be the final one because the Demon’s Head places the knife down by his hip and stands in Tim’s eyeline. For a moment he doesn’t say anything, his cold eyes rake over Tim’s abused body, taking in every little groove, muscle and blood covered skin before he’s looking at Tim’s face.
All Tim could do was blink tiredly at him. His energy is low and he’s having trouble staying awake. His body is sore, feels super sensitive and heavy, like he wouldn’t be able to move a limb no matter how hard he tried to.
“This is just the start Timothy. Later on you’ll endure the real punishment and truly be shown why you shouldn’t disobey my orders and what happens when you embarrass my empire.”
Tim swallows thickly. He isn’t surprised to find out worse pain is yet to come, but it doesn’t make it easier to accept. He doesn’t know how much more he could take.
Tim must black out because with his next blink he finds himself upright and being held between a couple guards as he’s dragged back through the corridors of the ship. After another blink he finds himself colliding with the ground after being thrown into what is now his cell.
He lies in a heap on the ground for a while until he's able to get the will power to pull himself up and drag his weak body over to the wall.
More time passes and Tim’s next conscious thought comes when something pokes him. Frowning, Tim opens his eyes only to jerk in surprise, letting out a pained hiss with the action, when he finds a person next to him treating his wounds.
It’s the same woman who treated his wounds last time. Tim tiredly looks down at his body to find a majority of it bandaged up. He continues to frown, how long had she been at it before he realised?
He yelps when she presses down on a cut on his arm and tries to jerk his limb out of her hold but she simply slaps him and holds on tightly before continuing with her administrations. Too tired to object further, Tim lets her do what she needs to. If this is the only time he's going to get treated nicely while trapped here then he’ll take it.
His mind once again drifts off, he's only brought back when a sharp stinging sensation erupts from his leg. He hisses and glares at her. Tim would have thought his pain tolerance would be higher than this, then again he’s exhausted and just feels overwhelmed with everything that’s happened recently that it’s probably effecting him in more ways than one.
“I heard that humans were weak but you are really being pathetic.” A dry voice deadpans. Tim blinks as he comprehends the words, realising after a moment it was the women treating his wounds who spoke them.
Tim gasps mockingly. “She speaks!” He gasps for real when she unnecessarily presses against his wound firmly in retaliation. Tim clenches his teeth. “Rude.”
They fall back into silence as she finishes off cleaning the rest of his cuts and as she bandages the worst of them. When she’s finished she pulls back and regards him for a moment before standing up and crossing her arms over her chest.  
Tim mindlessly watches her back. The silence between them stretches and not once does her gaze stray away from him. In the end Tim gives up, the tension in the atmosphere is almost suffocating and being as tired as he was, he irritably snaps. “What? Am I supposed to say thank you or something? I can’t imagine you’re here voluntarily.”
She gives him a pointed looked, one which is a mixture of amusement and surprise, as if she hadn’t expected the sass from him, especially in his current state. “I suppose not.” She states in the end, keeping a steady gaze on him. “I happened to be thinking that this is in fact a rather unfortunate circumstance, on your end of course.”
Tim snorts, wincing soon after as his body shifts uncomfortably. “Because I totally chose to be here in this situation. Beaten, bruised and bloody with no idea what’s about to come my way in the future.”
“Your purpose of being here was originally something else.”
Her words get Tim’s attention immediately and his eyes snap to her. “What?”
She shrugs like it’s a bunch of nonsense. “I don’t know what it is, I don’t really care, but yeah boss man had you taken for a different reason. You weren’t supposed to be a slave initially, I think the Demon’s Head got rather enamoured of you and decided to keep you for himself.”
Tim’s mind takes a moment to catch up with what she’s telling him. Ra’s had told him earlier that Tim intrigued him in some ways but hearing it again was rattling. Also finding out that he was originally taken for other reasons is also worrying. If he wasn't supposed be a slave to be paraded around and tortured, then what else is there to be? What else was he needed, wanted, for?
Tim takes a shaky breath and tries to compose himself. It’s been a long, long, mentally draining and exhausting day. He wishes he could just curl up on his bed, wrapped up in his blanket on the softest of bed sheets and sink into his fluffy pillow. However, as life has proven, we can’t always get what we want. Instead he’s stuck in a cell, nearly naked, being tortured and stuck in out of space.
He looks back up at the assassin who dressed his wounds. “Was there anything else or are you going to keep badgering me until my next torture session?”
“Am I what?” She scrunches up her face in confusion. “My work here is done, you’ll see me again when the Demon’s Head allows it.”
Then just like that she turns away from him, heads for the door and bangs on it twice. After a short pause it opens up and she steps out of the cell, the door slams shut with a loud thud and Tim once again finds himself alone in the cold cell.
He blinks at the recently vacated spot, trying to wrap his head around the recent events. The longer this day goes on for the stranger it’s gets. Maybe he's now hallucinating? Having passed into insanity territory? Whatever it is, it’s not like Tim could fight it, he’s exhausted and quite honestly past the point of caring.
Time drifts as Tim sits there alone in his cell. His body having long gone numb and his mind having gone away with the fairies some time ago. He still doesn’t fall asleep though, just finding it difficult to keep his eyes shut without jolting awake from panic a few moments later.
He’s brought out of his daze when the door opens again. Tim’s surprised to find that it’s the same female as before and this time she’s carrying a white bag in her hand. Tim watches as she steps into the cell, his eyes widen when she chucks the bag down by his feet.
“The boss says you’re allowed these items. He also passed a message along saying he’ll go back to treating you better once your punishment is over, once you have paid the price for making us look foolish.”
Then as quick as she came, she left. Tim only breathes as he looks curiously at the bag. It takes a huge amount of effort but he's able to push his body upwards and is able to stretch his hand out to grab the thing. Once it’s in his grasp he falls back with a grunt and takes a moment to breathe before looking through the contents of the bag.
To his surprise and even delight, he finds the bag has a set of plain dark clothing, something that resembles crackers and a water bottle. The clothing is a plain dark grey t-shirt and black sweat pants. Tim struggles putting the clothing on, his abused body protesting at the movement but he has to admit he immediately feels better being covered up.
Once that’s sorted he pays attention to the water and the crackers. The bottle is sealed so Tim opens it up and takes cautious sips, as much as he would like to down the whole thing he doesn’t know when he’ll next be getting another one. Eventually he turns to the crackers and opens the packet, finding them to be plain and begins to nibble on one.
Time passes once again and all Tim does is take his time with the water and makes his way through several crackers. He has no idea what’s in store for him next and he's terrified to find out but he knows he needs to be resilient and not give in. Perhaps like last time he can try to escape again, or maybe the others somehow survived the attack and would come to rescue him.
He doesn’t know what to plan or expect but he knows he needs to keep fighting every step of the way.
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floof-reppu · 5 years
Aight, so… this is my piece for the BNHA Writer's Fest, written for @ellectric-blue. I wanted to give you the best quality writing I could manage with my knowledge and time crunch, so I chose to write for Yaoyorozu. I've been a little bit preoccupied lately with a lot of family issues since it's that time of year, but nonetheless I was able to pump this out for you just in time. Happy Holidays to you!
Word Count: 2.4k
It was getting to be that time of year yet again; Christmas was just around the corner.
Many hours were always dedicated to shopping for friends and loved ones, this year being no exception. You had gotten to know your current friends over the course of the past few months, especially living at the dorms together with them for at least half that time. Going through such hardships together with your classmates solidified your bonds with one another and made this Christmas feel special to you.
The lot of you decided to host your own Secret Santa of sorts, which was fun and all, but you ended up drawing a name you… didn't exactly expect or desire to draw. Momo Yaoyorozu was more than just a fellow classmate or a friend; to you, she was your crush. To say that you were absolutely terrified was an understatement. She was rich beyond measure, something that you couldn't compare to in the slightest.
Yaoyorozu wasn't much of a materialistic girl thankfully, but it was hard to point out her exact interests and put them to heart. As far as she was concerned, she bought things out of habit and would rather better the economy than use her quirk and imbalance it. Maybe she would like something that you made yourself?
Instead of dawdling on the thought, you instead decided it might be nice to learn how to crochet. Homemade gifts were the best, because it shows how much you care, the time dedicated and the overall process being most meticulous. A scarf would look lovely wrapped around Momo's neck (and possibly around your own as well), a winter coat look sounding appeasing to you, and crocheting one couldn't be all that hard… right?
Your time limit made everything all that more stressful, as well as trying to hide the supplies from your fellow classmates, especially Ashido. If she found out, she would have an absolute fit and press for more information, which you couldn't have at all. That's why you did shopping by yourself, picking out the softest yarn at your disposal. The colors you'd chosen were a compliment to her hero costume: crimson and silver. They both look good on her regardless, but you thought it would be nice for a potential outfit.
Smuggling the materials into the dorms without getting caught wasn't as hard as you thought it would be, given that everyone was preoccupied with one thing or another. However… you did catch a glimpse of Yaoyorozu, and— well, she's walking over here now. Shit.
"Oh, Y/N? Everyone was wondering where you had gone!" The smile she had on her face sent butterflies through your stomach. She glanced down at the bag in your hand which you tried your best to hide from plain sight, but was too wide. "You went to the store? What did you buy?"
"Oh, ah… just a few things, nothing special…" You had to get away from her, and quick. Her eyes continually glanced at the bag, which you kept moving around to block from her sight. "Anyways, what are you up to? Not doing any shopping?"
"There's no need! I purchased my present the day I drew a name!" Momo had her hands folded in front of her body oh so characteristically of her as she spoke proudly. Of course she would have purchased something already. "It was quite easy for me to choose for the recipient of my Secret Santa gift."
"Oh… well, I'm still thinking of what to get mine."
"I'm sure whatever it is will be amazing, Y/N. You're such a thoughtful person, and I know whoever receives your present will absolutely cherish and adore it."
There she goes again, saying something so beautiful that it makes your heart melt. She always seemed to know just what to say to put you to ease, but it made you feel even more pressured to make your gift as perfect as possible so she isn't disappointed. Momo seemed to notice the awkward silence you gave her, blushing a bit out of embarrassment.
"I hope I haven't said anything wrong, Y/N."
"Oh, no! Not at all! I'm just thinking about what you said… thank you, Yaoyorozu. I'm going to start working on my gift now."
And with that, you gave her a small wave before going to your dorm room and practically throwing the yarn to the side. She almost caught you red-handed, but thankfully you were able to change the subject quick enough before she had the nerve to peek in your bag.
Opening the lid to your laptop, you searched up a tutorial on how to crochet a scarf, and thank goodness there was one that popped up immediately that seemed to be reliable enough to follow. You almost forgot that you bought the needles as well (because how would you have been able to crochet without the needles). Grabbing all the materials from the bag, you started to work on your hopefully wonderful masterpiece for Momo.
Weeks had passed since that fateful day, and with every new talent came bumps in the road. You had failed at least five times trying to make the scarf the way you wanted it to turn out, even while following the tutorial. Yarn was wasted and you even had to make a second trip to the store to purchase even more of it.
But your hard work finally paid off, and in front of you sat your finished creation. Each thread was carefully crocheted together perfectly, and you couldn't wait to present it to your crush. Putting it in a box and wrapping it up, you didn't put your name on it, instead writing Your Secret Santa on the tag. You didn't forget to put Momo's name on it, though.
Going down to the first floor, the tree looked marvelous and grand in the middle of the lobby. Presents were already adorning the underside of the tree, while bulbs and lights alike decorated the branches. A star was placed on the top, shining brightly and looking over you and everyone else. You remember putting it up with your friends vividly, as if it just happened yesterday. Iida and Yaoyorozu did most of the clean up when it came to the decorations, all of them being strung in the same places on the tree. Moving them so it looked nice was a must.
And there she was, Momo Yaoyorozu, dressed in some of the most Christmas-like articles of clothing she owned and sitting alone. Placing your present under the tree, you swiftly took a seat beside her, a blush evident on your cheeks.
"Merry Christmas, Yaoyorozu." She turned to face you as you spoke, a bit surprised since she wasn't really paying attention to the seat beside her before now. She returned your greeting earnestly, eyes closed and a wide grin taking up her face.
"Thank you, Y/N, and a Merry Christmas to you too. Are you excited for the Secret Santa present exchange?"
"Yes, I am. I can't wait for a certain someone to open my gift and hopefully smile just like a kid when they see what it is."
"I see. I'm quite confident that my gift with have that same effect, but I'm not sure… maybe I overdone it?" Momo opened her eyes, and for a second you saw a hint of doubt in her expression. "Gifts aren't always things you should buy, that much is for certain. Sometimes I wish Mother and Father would stop purchasing them and be a tad more creative."
"Do you get the same things every year?"
"Unfortunately so. Clothes are always high on the list as well as the newest technologies, but once in a great while I might receive something completely different."
"Really? Like—"
"Everyone, we are now going to start passing out the Secret Santa presents! Please refrain from opening yours until they are all handed out!" Iida was ever the wise one and cut you off, but for a good reason at that. Both Yaoyorozu and yourself directed your attention to the blue-haired president and his wild hand gestures as he spoke. The raven-haired girl beside you took that as her cue to stand up, dusting off her skirt.
"I apologize, Y/N. It's my duty as the vice president to help Iida with handing out the presents. You wouldn't mind saving my seat though, would you?"
"Of course not, take your time."
In a little less than ten minutes, everyone had their present on their lap. Ashido looked to be the most excited to open hers, while Bakugo glared at his. Your present seemed to be big, but not heavy, so you took it as something that was either a gag or a very expensive item (because everyone knows the smaller the gift the more it costs these days). Yaoyorozu sat down beside you yet again when she was finished, the box you had so precariously wrapped earlier placed on her legs.
"I'm quite curious to see what I've received. It's not on the heavy side, but…" She looked over at your present, the curious side of her lighting up yet again. "Perhaps you have a clue as to what your gift is, Y/N?"
"Not a clue. It looks like it would be something big, but it's so light that it doesn't feel like much." You wanted to shake the box, but you didn't want to break whatever was inside if it was fragile. Trying to keep the attention off of you, your head glanced down at the box in Momo's grasp. "Why don't you open yours first? We can see what each other has gotten that way."
"That is a very smart idea, Y/N. Very well, I'll open mine first."
Her hands went and tugged at the bow you added at the very last minute, pulling it free and making it easier for her to tear off the wrapping paper. She read the tag, a bit confused as to why there wasn't another person's name written. Nevertheless, she tore off the rest of the paper and lifted the lid to the box. Tissue paper covered your creation as well as a card you decided to put in so she knew who it was actually from. Pulling it out, she unfolded the envelope and stared wide-eyed at the card.
Momo Yaoyorozu,
I thought of you when I made this scarf for you with my own hands. Your family spoils you with material possessions, and nothing that comes from the heart. They want to make you happy with whatever you desire, but that's not what Christmas should always be about. It's about giving others heartfelt, thoughtful gifts. I hope you cherish this scarf as much as I cherish the time I spent making this for you. I wouldn't have it any other way.
With much love,
You saw tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she read the card. She threw the tissue paper aside and took out your real gift, the one you handmade yourself. The silver accented the crimson perfectly, and she clenched the material in her hands. The tears started to flow like a fountain; that's when you knew that you did the right thing.
"Y/N, I… just can't believe that you spent so much time making this for me. You didn't have to do this—"
"I didn't do this because I had to, I did this because I wanted to. I… meant every word that I wrote on that card, Momo. I love you so much, and I would do anything for you. I wanted to make you smile, because God how I love it when you smile. I messed up a lot of times while I was making that, and even while training and studying I managed to get it done for you in just the nick of time," You paused, catching your breath and chuckling slightly, "but anyways, I hope you like—"
"Like it? Y/N, I absolutely love it. This is the most thoughtful present I've ever received. Thank you from the bottom of my heart," Momo wiped the tears away from her eyes and wrapped the scarf around her neck, her gaze fixed on yours, "so… would you care to open yours now?"
You nodded, prodding carefully at the paper covering your present. Whoever wrapped it used a lot of tape, which wasn't the best idea in a situation like this, so it caused you to take a bit of extra time tearing it off. Finally, it was revealed to you.
The one who had your name was none other than Yaoyorozu herself.
Neither of you expected for it to end up this way, but it was quite the pleasant surprise. You looked at the culprit out of the corner of your eye and opened the box at the same time, revealing a card for you as well.
I know how much you adore the Christmas holiday, as well as books. I myself, as you may already know, enjoy both just as much as you. My gift to you comes from the heart, as I have purchased a book full of Christmas fables for us to enjoy. I would love for us to sit under a blanket together and read it.
This is the most discreet way I could confess my romantic feelings. I would very much love to spend more time with you, as well as… get to know you more than I already do.
Please accept my invitation as well as my feelings.
Momo Yaoyorozu
This was… no way was this happening.
"Y/N…?" Momo sounded worried, her pitch lowering drastically as she met your gaze once again.
"Yes. Yes, Momo, of course I accept your feelings." Now you were the one that was tearing up, grasping the book in your hands and letting the box drop on the ground. "I want this to be the first thing we do together. Tonight."
"I would love to, Y/N."
You spent the rest of the night in the comfort of your own room, Momo and yourself wrapped in a blanket with no worries whatsoever as you took turns reading aloud the many tales. When you were at the last few pages, a blank space was occupying them.
This was where you were going to write your own Christmas Story, with you and Momo as the main characters.
You would never, ever forget this day.
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defleurtradingco · 5 years
The Merry Month of Mirth- Plea
(Previous: Leaves , Next: Eyes)
“Huh, I don’t think I been into THIS neck of the woods before...Almost literally! Who knew it got so woodsy around the Big Apple!” Ben had his face plastered against the passenger window, staring at all the passing trees as they drove up the road. “I would not exactly say ALL parts are like this so close to Manhattan, but the further you get away from the city,” Solaina slowed down so she could make the turn.
“I guess! Melville, didn’t even know about this place.” “Remember to disguise yourself. And try not to say much just incase.” The moth-man sighed and his form shimmered into something more human (well, totally human in comparison.) “How’s this?” “Good enough. We are his coworker and boss.”
“WHAT? I- well...ok.” The car slowed to a stop in front of a house with a large front yard. All of them had large front yards. To be fair, the house with THIS front yard was red for some reason or another. A roomy two-story slightly hidden away by the trees growing near everywhere in the neighborhood.
“Oh this is cute,”
“Come on.” The two stepped out of the car and headed up the walkway lined by flowers and garden gnomes and other cute but odd looking garden statuary. Flamingos, cats, rabbits, more gnomes (those were debatable the worse.) On the other side of the lawn they could see the garage and driveway, with a well-used SUV parked behind another SUV.
“Soccer mom car, watch out,” Ben whispered as they arrived at the front door.
“Shh.” Solaina rung the doorbell.
They weren’t waiting long.
Ben made a small shrill sound at the sight of the woman who answered the door. By all means she looked plain. But a special brand of it. Shoulder length and obviously-dyed-to-hell-platinum-blonde-hair, blue-eyes, nearly hot pink lipstick and overdone mascara, an outfit of only solid colors and the intense need for moisturizer. The crow’s feet and the wrinkles were at that point where they were starting to become VERY noticeable.
And legwarmers...in summer?? Also hot pink.
“Can I help you?” She seemed confident at least. “I’m not interested in buyin’ anything honey-” Solaina interrupted her. “Hello, you must be Mrs. Turner I assume. My name is Solaina DeFleur and I am your son’s new boss, I wanted to stop by to tell him more about his new position at my company over on Staten Island-” Immediately the woman’s face lit up. “THE DeFleur?? Oh I never heard about you before! I always thought that big ol’ super model Adrian DeFleur owned the place! I am SO glad t’ hear that a WOMAN is in charge...that’ll teach the boys a thing or two won’t it? Come in come in I was just about to pop my chocolate chip cookies into the oven! They’re vegan by the way-”
Ben gave Solaina a questioning look as they were led inside.
The interior looked like any soccer mom’s house, or maybe a vegan mom’s house… or maybe both. Overwhelming, photos of kids everywhere (well, one kid) and the rest of the family- a well kept and well loved house no doubt but- still.
“You know I had no idea he’d gone out and gotten work! He hasn’t told me a single thing about anything- always so secretive up there with his whacky experiments and all that video game stuff and the uh- the board game with the little wizards and knights,”
“Dungeons and Dragons??” Ben chirped timidly.
“Yeah somethin’ like that… Sit down sit down! You, Ms. DeFleur are gonna LOVE these cookies, I have the recipe right on the fridge if you were maybe interested in-” “Ah- maybe another time. I would like to speak with your son. Is he here at the moment?” “Oh yes, he’s upstairs, I’ll get him for you.”
As she moved past them and to the bottom of the staircase. And instead of going all the way up, she called out to her son instead. “FRANKLIN! YOUR NEW BOSS YOU DIDN’T TELL ME A THING ABOUT IS HERE! COME ON DOWNSTAIRS!”
The sound of muffled yelling replied back to her but no one could make out what was even said.
“He’ll be down in a minute.”
Ben squinted and gave Solaina another look. Solaina shook her head and kept relatively calm. This woman had more energy than the Energizer bunny.
The sound of a door roughly being thrown open came next, followed by stomping coming down the stairs. Before the culprit of the sounds even hit the middle of the staircase, they panicked and ran back upstairs, slamming the door.
Mrs. Turner looked up from her spot at the kitchen sink while she washed the dishes. “FRANKLIN RIGHT NOW!!”
Ben giggled. “Franklin.” Solaina shushed him.
Another minute later, the door upstairs blasted open again and the footsteps came practically FLYING down the steps.
The figure slid to a stop at the top of the first half of the stairs, dark cape swishing behind him ominously.
“And JUST WHO ALLOWED YOU INTO THE MASTER’S NEW PLACE OF RESIDENCE?!” Fabio’s voice boomed through the house. Although his appearance at the moment was the least threatening he’d ever looked.
He had the mask and the cloak still. But a two-piece pajama set wasn’t going to fool anybody. Nor were slippers. In the middle of the afternoon no less.
Ben clapped his hands over his mouth as Solaina merely raised a brow.
“Oh Franklin- c’mon now this is serious! What with the costume and the voice- you need to take this more seriously!! Especially if you’re gonna be working somewhere high profile now! Have some class!!” Mrs. Turner chided.
Fabio’s hands turned into claw-shapes as he let out a sound of frustration. “MOTHER! NOT NOW!!”
“Now don’t you MOTHER NOT NOW ME young man, go back up there and actually get dressed! It’s already past noon! You can’t stay up there in the dark all day! Oh and open the windows while you’re at i-” “YOU TWO, we will discuss this matter PRIVATELY UPSTAIRS.” He pointed at Solaina and Ben, before whisking away out of sight.
Solaina sighed. No part of this would ever be easy. “Not to worry Mrs. Turner, I am well prepared for just about any situation. I would like to respect his privacy.” “Well if you say so honey!”
With that they headed up the stairs and to the far end of the hallway, to the only door with all sorts of creepy things either drawn on it with marker, painted on, or scratched into it. Runes and all sorts of pictures of other things magic related taped to it or glued to it- it didn’t matter. Compared to the rest of the house, you’d think something evil was kept locked away behind such a door.
“You think it is that one?” Solaina asked Ben, with a note of humor in her voice.
Ben stood behind her and let her go first. “Ha...haha yeah...Yeah that’s it.” They both made their way to the door. It shot open by itself, and they were greeted with darkness.
..The kind of darkness only blackout  curtains could get you. There was a red light illuminating everything coming from a statue on a shelf in there, giving everything an overly evil and ominous look straight from a horror movie.
They stepped in, and the door shut.
The inside of the room should have come as no surprise. From the walls to the ceilings there were runes and words and all sorts of scribbles crossed out or circled- almost like the cell of some deranged man who’d been given writing implements (that he somehow didn’t kill himself with.)
Books were jammed into a bookshelf ranging from all sorts of interesting topics like, religion, and cults, and magic and dark magic and witchcraft, angels and demons, ghosts, folklore- just about everything you could ever want.
Rocks, gems, beads, trinkets and charms, scrolls-
Ben was rattled by the amount of conflicting energy in here. “W-wow...you sure like uh..DND huh?”
“You simpleton, TIS NOT D-N-D. Tis the results of many a failed path before I stepped forth unto the Master’s! Reminders of my failures in the times before!!”
Solaina sighed again. Louder this time. “I have come to speak with your master. Are you able to call him?”
“HAH, CALL him?? Fool, he resides within me now, for after events at the Vatican- albeit failed ultimately, he has found me WORTHY as his newest vessel!-”
“Solaina?” A whispering voice asked from out of nowhere.
Fabio immediately silenced himself and looked around as though he himself didn’t know where it was coming from. “Master these HOOLIGANS wish to speak with you about-” He looked back at the two questioningly.
Before anyone could answer, dark smoke began to well out of a spot on the floor. The smoke solidified and turned into a dark thick liquid that rose upwards and grew into the form of a person. A person in long, black robes with his hands firmly yet peacefully folded in front of him, just barely poking out of the sleeves.
That smile and those half-lidded red eyes that always seemed to be tired, beneath a mop of wavey dark hair.
“Hello Solaina DeFleur.”
“Hello, Hedous.”
“THAT’S MASTER TO Y-” Hedous held up a hand and Fabio silenced himself once more. But he grumbled about it.
“I trust you have been working on that sanctuary you promised me and my children. How is it coming along?”
Solaina swallowed, “It is coming along well, however I have come into a spot of trouble lately. Or potential trouble. And I wish to dispel it before it gets out of hand.”
“Oh? Tell me.”
From there she explained everything that happened. The Jesters, the fae magic being thrown into the public, the subtle threats, the increase in their presence, all of it.
The angel listened silently until she finished. “Creatures like these, I had kept at bay for many, many years. To prevent this sort of trouble from ever happening in the first place. They don’t like us, you know.”
“Like who? Humans?” “My children. The dead. Other angels. You see,” He held a hand up and a line of light manifested wherever he moved his finger to. He drew shapes in the air. A chart, more like.
“This is where you are.” He explained as he drew a circle in the middle. “The fae were the inhabitants of this world long before any of us arrived.” At the bottom, was the crude shape of a humanoid ...thing with wings to represent the fae. At the top, many eyes were drawn instead.
“Over time the fae grew considerably weaker and weaker as more turned to… other means of worship. They do love to play tricks on humans, unfortunately. The were-curse being one of the biggest ones of all.”
“I do not know what they are up to but I believe they may be looking for an opening, now that you are gone.” Solaina said quickly, before realizing she’d sort of interrupted him.
Hedous seemed to take no offense however. “That is likely. I am not exactly at the height of my full power to fend them off, even if I am free now. That much will take time...Time we may not have, essentially.” He waved the glowing ‘chart’ he’d drawn away. “I will help you, because you asked.”
“And you’d BETTER appreciate it.” Fabio grumbled from his computer desk chair.
“Rest easy, Fabio. All this to better the world...You know that…” The angel glanced over at his consort briefly. Ben almost let out a laugh and clapped his hands over his mouth again.
Hedous turned to look at Solaina again. “Return to your home. We will come to you when we are ready.”
Solaina nodded. “Thank you. Your help means a lot.” “I am glad to hear it.” The angel smiled before his form began to break down and turn to smoke once more. Then he was gone.
Fabio crossed his arms, huffing. “Well?? Go then! The Master has heard your plea and we will arrive when we do!! And DO NOT speak to my...mother, about ANY of this. UNDERSTAND?” He threatened.
“Sure thing haha,” Ben almost muttered that.
“We will not.” Solaina reassured him, pulling Ben with her as she made her way out of the bedroom. The door slammed loudly behind them.
“Well THAT was sure pleasant. What a grouch!” Ben straightened his shirt out once Solaina had let go of him. “What now?” “We return back home of course. There is nothing else we can do here.”
“I guess...”
They went back down the stairs only to be stopped by Mrs. Turner yet again, and after being nearly assaulted with free cookies, they took one each and excused themselves, speed walking back to the car.
“His mom though is craaazy.” “Crazy? I do not think so at all.”
“Dude she’s TOTAL VEGAN SLASH SOCCER MOM it’s SCARY- she’s the Karen they always talk about on reddit! I’ve seen the threads, I know!! I’m amazed she didn’t kill us or something- but I guess that’s why you barely said anything huh?? Better to give ‘em nothin’ to latch onto!!”
Solaina rolled her eyes as she chewed on her cookie. It was surprisingly good. Not that all vegan food was bad. She wasn’t vegan. What did SHE know?
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up just as she opened the car door on the driver’s side.
She paused, glancing around and then upwards towards the trees.
“Hey! C’mon let’s gooooo!” Ben rolled down the window.
“I know. I know.” She got into the car, and they drove back west.
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grimlegate · 6 years
The Childish Detective’s Distorted Desires - Ch. 1
               Clouds doting the skyscape above them seemed to race along without a care, despite the stillness of the air that threatened to choke each of them. The world below seemed to hold its breath, the manicured lawn before them, an almost artificial green, stood eerily still. Framed perfectly by hedges, ending in the pristine white picket fence that lie before the group of teens steadily rising to their feet.
               Each shared a strange, confused look with their neighbor, eyes meeting with too many questions that bubbled over in their chests, unable to bring the words to disturb the open air. Each of them wondered exactly how they had arrived into this strange corner of the Metaverse, the silent question receiving its equally silent answer when the headcount came up one short.
               Every single one of them had shared the same look when the app had popped up on their phones, the woman’s voice ringing out clear as day to all of them, but had went largely unignored by the majority of the audience sat clamoring around them as the bubbly announcer had introduced the mousey brunet onto the set.
               Goro Akechi – match found.
               What had followed was a dazzling shower of prismatic confetti that had rained onto the stage, even catching some of the first few rows of the audience in the crossfire. With the musical fanfare playing in the background along with the roar of his fan’s adoration, the detective had looked almost startled, before the expression melted into the signature smile he wore like a mask.
               “Every time I come on stage, it’s like a birthday party!”
               Birthday party – match found.
               Only when the cheering around them had begun to die down could any of them think for a moment, each shooting uneasy glances to the people around them, and then to the leader, sat with his phone clutched in hand.
               Glad that the others couldn’t see his white knuckled grip that kept him from shaking.
               Each set of their eyes followed his finger as he raised it, the hostess and detective’s voices dying into a distant murmur, the ooh’s and aah’s of the crowd following their statements with every breath, a barely audible drone. Each tap against each letter on the keyboard sent a jolt through his phone, until the word was spelled out plain as day, and the unfeeling voice cut through his conscious clear as day.
               TV Station – match found.
               Beginning navigation.
               Their chairs had melted away, each of them coming to feel the impact on their lower bodies as they sat on the harsh pavement of the sidewalk in front of what could only be described as a manor. Beyond them this magnificent, columned home loomed up out of the earth, almost radiant with the sun bouncing off of the flawless white paint that stretched up the side. Each of them could only gawk, feeling more than a little put off at the sight of the home that only someone like Haru could ever feel at home in.
               Their breath slowly seemed to return as the thoughts racing in their heads began to draw to a standstill, but none daring to break the silence of the world around them. It was all that they could do to glance to their leader, the closest to the gate before them; separating their world from its. The messy tangle of curls on the back of his head betraying nothing of his emotions as slender fingers lifted, gripping the edge of the gate which jostled lightly under the new weight.
               The movement broke the reverie that had surrounded the others, snapping their heads towards the movement. A light push had the gate swinging open, well-oiled hinges barely squeaking as it lightly brushed against the side of the fence.
               “H-Hey man, wait up! Don’t you think that’s a bad idea? I mean, Hell, who knows what this place is like?” The blond’s chest shaking behind his tacky graphic-tee with the sudden force of the spluttering words bursting out from his chest. He swung his head around, settling on each of the other members, looking for a sympathetic face and finding nothing but unsure demeanors and uneasy eyes. The blond gawked open-mouthed at the rest of the group, his head swinging between them and their leader; his long-legged stride placing him closer and closer to the home.
               “Akira!” He called, pushing himself over the threshold, stumbling over the cobbled path that lead to the elevated landing. The rest of the group were spurred on by the boy’s actions, each following at their own pace. The bespectacled teen didn’t wait for the others to catch up, ascending the steps one foot at a time until he stood before the open doorway, arching high over his head.
               The inside seemed just as lavish, just as outrageously expensive as the outside had, especially compared to the austere furnishing of the attic he called his home. The furniture looked like it had never been sat on, the stained surface of the coffee table reflecting fractals of light beaming down from the chandelier above it. The wooden floors shone with wax, cut off by the shadows of finely dressed men and women, gliding over the veneer in stiletto heels and polished dress shoes.
Akira’s foot slid towards the door, tempted to enter the house and see exactly what lie beyond those walls, wondering exactly what kind of place awaited them. Before his shoe could even touch the frame, a small figure blocked his approach.
A petite child with a curious mahogany gaze, peering up at him through mousey brown hair.
The last of the group of students filed up precariously onto the landing of the manor, those of lesser stature rocking up onto the tips of their toes to catch a glimpse of the boy. Whispers of confusion broke out, staring at the familiar, yet diminutive appearance of the newest addition to the Phantom Thieves.
Each of them suffered through a scrutinizing gaze that they all recognized from the boy’s real-world counterpart. After the boy seemed to have his fill of the motley group of strangers on his doorstep, his eyes glanced to their hands and around their legs as though seeking something out. He eventually settled back onto Akira, their eyes locking as the boy’s mouth opened,
“Welcome! Are you here for my birthday party?” The tiny doppelgangers voice and its boyish charm would have been comical to the rest of the group, were it not for the deathly serious implications of the boy’s existence.
“Your… birthday… party?” Came the slow, halting words of the blond, his poor posture sinking lower and lower while his jaw jutted out, lips pursing as he tried to parse just what was going on. The waving locks bobbed with his emphatic nod, once more glancing around at the party with confusion etching harsh lines in his soft features.
“Did you bring a present? You can’t come in if you didn’t bring a present.” His voice was matter-of-fact, almost chiding, as he swung his head side to side in negation.
“A… present? Are you shi—!”
“Ryuji!” The pigtailed blonde at his side took the opportunity to slug the boy in the arm, the vulgar teen yelping and hopping away from the source of his abuse, grumbling and moving to the other side of the group while he rubbed his arm. Akira looked away from the scuffle, kneeling down to meet the boy at eyelevel, the grey eyes placid behind their frames.
“You’ll let us in if we bring presents?” The boy gave a solemn bob of his head, and the teen letting out an almost inaudible sigh before rising from his knee. He gave the cue to follow, and for a moment, Ryuji almost seemed inclined to argue, motioning with a vigorous swing of his arms towards the child, but his comments were quelled by the icy look that Ann leveled at him; leaving him with nothing to do but to stick his hands in his pockets and sulkily follow behind their leader.
Once out of the gate, the air seemed to charge with energy, and they allowed the familiar oppressive feeling to envelope their minds.
               “What the eff, cat – I thought you said a Persona user couldn’t have a Palace?!” Ryuji brandished his fist at the feline perched on top of the table while pitch fur bristled at the other’s accusatory shouting.
               “Don’t you yell at me, I thought that’s how it was! How was I supposed to know?! I’ve never seen it before, and if I had, I certainly don’t remember!” Flexing his claws, he hissed at the blond, until the other sitting at the table slammed her hand down.
               “Could both of you shut up? Obviously, it can happen, we’ve just seen it! We’re not going to get anywhere with both of you yelling at each other!” The teen’s scolding was enough to send the two sulking, Ryuji crossing his arms as he leaned up against the side of the desk by the table.
               “I couldn’t agree more with you, Ann. We should be focusing on the fact it even exists, and how to rid ourselves of this predicament.” Pressing back the sheaf of blue hair from his eye, his gaze turned to the rest of the group, flitting over to the brunette sat neatly in her chair, her hands pressed together on the table.
               “I still just… well, I can believe it. After all, we know he’s been colluding with Shido. Still… it’s bad enough that he has a Palace?”
               “I can’t believe I didn’t even pick up on it! I knew that slimy detective couldn’t be trusted!” The rest of the group felt the spectacled girl’s fury, justifiably angry at how the teenager had blindsided them all.
               “Do you think that he even knows that he has a Palace?” The rest of the group frowned, the same question having popped up in their heads plenty of times by that moment. The rest of the time that they had spent in the station had been tense, each and every one of them wanting to burst out the questions that lay coiling in their chests. But now, those questions drug like barbed wire up their throats, unable to escape into the air.
               “Well…!” Futaba’s voice caught in her throat, as though every single thought in her head were fighting to come out at once, piling and piling as her cheeks puffed out in aggravation, until her small, pale hands slammed onto the top of the table, startling Morgana. “I don’t care! All I know, is that ace defective wants Akira dead – and I’m not gonna let that happen!” She shouted, prompting the other members around her to try and quell her fury, while Akira and Ryuji shared a look, trying not to laugh at the nickname they had given Akechi. The ginger eventually flopped back onto the couch while she rubbed her abused hands, glowering over the frames of her glasses.
               Morgana looked up to the group around him after catching his bearings, ears pulling down as he stared at his white paws kneaded the table, small pinpricks from thorn sharp claws scuffing the veneer. “The fact he was talking to Shido might’ve… should’ve been our first clue.” The tuxedoed tom mewed, followed by a heavy sigh that shook his small frame. The rest of the group chimed in with varying sounds of agreement, most still looking in any direction that didn’t mean staring at a person.
               “Well,” Finally, Akira’s voice broke the air, having remained stoically silent the entire time the others had been talking. “Whatever the case, it’s up to us as the Phantom Thieves to stop it, right?” A few of the members openly gaped at the suggestion, Ann and Ryuji both stumbling over their words as they tried to remind their leader that this was the very same person who wanted him dead.
               Makoto’s attention was drawn to the demure girl who had so far-in remained quiet through the entire discussion, her lips pursed tight as if she had eaten something sour.
               “Haru,” she started, turning to face her. “What are your thoughts in all this?”
               The girl gave a start as she realized the attention of the entire group was on her now, even Ryuji and Ann who had given up on their attempt to make Akira see reason with trying to save the other teen. She shuffled in her seat, keeping her eyes downcast until she could manage to speak.
               “I… I don’t think I could do it.” She said softly, a bitter edge to her words that made it perfectly clear what her stance was, even if her words didn’t. She rose from her seat, dusting herself off slightly. “I’m sorry, all of you – but… I just don’t trust myself, after what he did to Father… I want his heart to be changed, but I can’t be a part of going in there.” She said firmly, turning and heading towards the stairs.
               The rest of the group exchanged glances, before Morgana hopped off the table, shooting a glance over his shoulder. “I’ll make sure she gets to the train alright, I’ll be back.” He said, starting after the girl.
               “Anyone else who’s not okay with going in?” Akira asked, shooting a pointed look out of the corner of his eye towards Futaba, who, besides a small wrinkling of her nose, made no other move of disagreement. “Alright, so that leaves the rest of us. The Shadow said that we needed presents to get in, right? How are we going to get a present into the Palace?”
               Their bags always disappeared, and even though some items transferred along with them, most of them did not. The rest of the party looked as though they had been contemplating the same thing, most of them stewing over their own thoughts until Makoto lifted her head.
               “What if it’s something like with my sister? That we have to do something in the real world to affect the cognitive one?” She offered, the rest of the Thieves nodding along, before Ryuji piped up.
               “So? What are we even gonna get him? What does he even like?” The rest of the group looked around in vary degrees of bashfulness, realizing that hardly any of them knew anything that he might like. Akira sighed, pulling out his phone and tapping out a quick message, watching the screen for a few moments until his text tone rung out in the attic, and he stuffed the phone back into his back pocket.
               “There, he’s coming over tomorrow.”
               “What?! Tomorrow?! Are you outta your mind! There’s no way we’ll be able to get stuff for him on time!” Ryuji gawked, unenthused with the smirk that their leader had.
               “It’s Sunday, tomorrow. I’ll go out and get some goodies, throw it together, and it’ll be fine. I’ll even make him some coffee.” Akira shot Ryuji a small smile, which the blond only knew that he was up to no good. “Man, it’s like you actually care about him.”
               “H-Hey! That’s not true! I’m just not gonna have my name put on a shitty gift, alright?!” Ryuji huffed, crossing his arms and pouting as he tried to retreat into the couch, the tension in the room finally easing as laughter began to trickle out of them. Once the noise had died down, Akira looked over the group remaining.
               “So, it’s set – I’ll text you guys later tomorrow to tell you how he liked it, hopefully if it goes smoothly enough we can get into the Palace later tomorrow. We really don’t have much time to waste.” He glanced over to his phone, clicking the power button for a moment and taking in the date emblazoned on its surface.
               Fourteen days…
               They really didn’t have the luxury of messing this up.
The first chapter of a multi-chaptered fic based off of the wonderful aryll’s AU based on if Akechi had a Palace. I highly suggest going through and looking at her art work and sending her your love!
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The Beginning
Luce~ (20 Years old)
Year- 974
The soft summer wind blows across the yellowed tall grass. The sun beating down on my head, making the heat stick to me along with my single layer of clothes.
“I hardly remember this.” Suzanna aggressively swats the tall grass away with her hand, it coming back and hitting her leg in seconds.
“Mom was pregnant with you when I moved in with Sir Caveris.” Spencer remarks in a monotone, moving gracefully through the grass, “She kept you here. I only heard that I had a baby sister when she came to visit me the last time, dad didn’t come with.”
The field obviously is familiar to Spencer and Suzanna, yet it isn’t to me. Nothing about this small open field not far from Arkyn brings up any distant memories that could be unlocked from the sight of something familiar.
“You didn’t grow up here?” I ask, not sure what our parents did for the ten year period where we were all born since I was the end of their relationship according to my mother.
Spencer shakes his head, his dark hair moving blowing gently in the warm summer breeze as it quickly becomes tangled. For the first time that I can remember, he isn’t dressed up in his court clothes. Instead, he has a plain white shirt tucked into a black pair of pants, it makes him look someone I would find on the road. I think it was done intentionally since the fields towards the west are less traveled through since the road to Waddle is far easier.  
Suzanna’s light hair is taken by the wind and hits me in the face as well as it hits her in the face.
“Please do something with your hair.” I complain.
“Oh shut up.” She grows deeply annoyed.
She nearly trips over the skirt to her pale and faded red dress as the last word comes out of her mouth.
Neither Spencer or I try to catch her, we both stop and look at her.
Spencer is leading us both. I let Suzanna go ahead of me. It was easier knowing I didn’t have her breathing down my neck the whole time about the way I walk or something stupid like that.
Spencer is a bit annoyed at me. I told him I was going to bring my sword regardless since a lot of bandits hide in the fields west and north west of Arkyn. Lots of falling apart abandoned farm houses to hide in and pick travelers of their coin purses and other goods very easily.
A falling down house stands alone in the field as the three of us stop to look at it.
“It’s depressing.” Suzanna remarks, putting her hands on her hips as she stares at the moss grown porch.
A few branches break in the Saidaria forest a ways back, Suzanna and Spencer don’t notice. Tak, our youngest sister, has been following us since we left Arkyn. Spencer told her to stay with Maester, the house butler. She obviously didn’t listen and somehow got past him.
“What do you expect? Mom left over twenty years ago.” I remind them, “Dad obviously didn’t come back, he’s dead.”
“Why did you bury her this far out?” Suzanna complains.
“Not like we could bury her with our family.” Spencer makes a good point.
Suzanna scoffs at the comment, not wanting to admit she’s wrong.
Our mother died a few weeks ago, Spencer and I made the tombstone after he showed me where the house was. Suzanna wanted nothing to do with it and Tak was a mess.
I believe Spencer’s newest romantic endeavor helped him dig the grave. I offered but Spencer did make the point that mom and I’s turbulent relationship would’ve made it feel wrong I was the one to help. He was mom's golden boy and Tak was her little girl. Suzanna and I were means to an end as far as her and Dad’s relationship.
Suzanna grew up in the brothel in Arkyn, Spencer grew up in the nobility of Arkyn under our fathers surname, Tak grew up attached to the hip of our mother somewhere outside of Alyria, and I grew up in the mountains with the Dhori. Somehow we all found each other, then we found our mother for the last few months of her life.
The three of us stand in the tall grass, staring at the house we were born in. Some of our parents' belongings still sit on the floor beneath the broken bed, the broken chest, and the fallen down wall. Nothing of value. Only broken plates, old blankets, and ruined books.
The breeze covers the silence between us as we look to see where our stories began, now where they have lined up.
“Hey!” Tak tells across the field causing all three of us to turn to see her.
She’s holding her pale blue dress up as she runs through the field.
“Tak,” Spencer starts, surprised to see her.
Suzanna audibly shows her disgust.
“She was my mother too!” Tak yells at us, becoming more out of breath as a face of annoyance becomes more clear the closer she gets.
“But he wasn’t your father.” Suzanna doesn’t hesitate to say.
“Suzanna.” Spencer scowls.
Tak stops, looking at each one of us with disapproval, her off tone eyes to ours makes her stick out compared to the three of us. I will never point it out but I know eventually people will.
“Go home.” Spencer says nicely, “I told you I would take you out here later today.”
“Get lost.” Suzanna says rudely.
“I want to see her with the rest of you.” She whines out
“Tak, please, I promised I would.” Spencer tries to hide his annoyance.
“Just let her stay.” I find myself sticking up for her, “Just let her see it now.”
“She wasn’t born here.” Suzanna snaps back.
“So? She’s still our sister, she’s still our mother's child.” I don’t see her logic.
“She is our half sister, Luce, not our full sister.”
“Still a Sigilius.” Spencer turns back to look at the house.
“But not a Ralieu.”
“What do you have to show to be either?” Spencer lets out his annoyance at our sister.
Suzanna’s jaw locks up in anger as she turns back towards the house, ignoring Spencer.
Tak comes to stand to my right, between Suzanna and I.
“We finally all made it out here.” Spencer says, the breeze ceasing for a second as he all stands facing the house.
All of us look at the regrowing grass and the grey slab of stone that Spencer and I made.
The last of the Sigilius royals is buried in front of the house her knight husband and her hid in and the house her heirs were born in.
In crude hand carved letters, the stone slab only reads Kathalyn.
Author Note- Hello! This is Amelia posting for the first time. This is how I write for the overall introduction into the world that I created. I will put the maps to the world up after this post. Feel free to ask questions about characters, I will be on and off tumblr today and the rest of the weekend :) 
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
What’s in the 2021 Wedding Trends?
Our classic wedding perception is changing in 2021 and formality is being replaced by sincerity. This situation affects every detail of the wedding, from the wedding dress to the evening dress, from the organization to the wedding rings. Here are the prominent wedding trends of 2021!
Intimate Wedding Organizations
The most prominent events of the year are boutique weddings, which are held especially in open-air venues in 2021, where the closest people are hosted, and that start with brunch and spread throughout the weekend. The low number of guests also makes weekday and daytime weddings popular.
Color of the Year: Gray and Yellow
Announcing the trend colors of the year every year, Pantone Color Institute determined the colors of 2021 as gray and yellow. Gray, the symbol of strength and endurance, and yellow tones representing hope, appear in every detail of the wedding, from decoration to cake, from bridal accessories to wedding suits.
‘Order’ Crumbles in Decoration
Small but ambitious items stand out in decoration. Scattered seating arrangement created with armchairs providing home comfort, regardless of whether it is open or closed, is preferred. Small but large ornaments such as bulky bouquets and large balloons accompany these designs.
Eye-catching lighting comes into play to make this comfortable and stylish environment even warmer. Lighting elements such as lads, fancy bulbs, and floral chandeliers create an impressive ambiance at this year’s weddings.
Eco-Friendly Options
Recently, couples also take care to make environmentally friendly choices in wedding organizations. For example; Grow able plants, which have been one of the trendiest wedding gifts for the last few years, are among the nature-friendly wedding supplies this year.
Elegant, Natural and Comfortable Bridal Appearance
Comfort as well as elegance are at the forefront in 2021 bridal trends. While the popularity of flowy dresses made of plain, satin or silk fabrics is increasing, mini and midi dresses will also stand out in 2021.
Wedding dresses with details such as removable skirts, sleeves, collars and capes can be transformed into designs that can be worn on both weddings and weddings, after parties and even on special occasions after the wedding. Let us also point out that cape wedding dresses, which are worn on the shoulders / straps in 2021, stand out among these models.
The flamboyant bridal gowns become even more magnificent with ruffles, layers and puffy shoulders. Especially the designs, which are enlivened by the folded drapes extending to the shoulder, are among the most attractive and trendy models of the year.
On the complementary hair and make-up of the wedding dress, the focus is on naturalness! In 2021 bridal hair and make-up trends, we do not often see exaggerated applications anymore. Bridal hair models that feel like they are made quickly are accompanied by vivid and understated make-up applications. Accessories help brides who want splendor.
Comfortable and Remarkable Grooms
We can say that colors, patterns and comfortable designs are dominant in the 2021 groom fashion.
Colorful and sports designs appear among the newest suits. Suits with blazer jackets offer both elegance and comfort, while all and accessories of colored suits add vitality to weddings. A classic dress suits and suits made of tweed fabric are among the trendiest options of the year.
Treats Personalized
This year, the wedding concepts have shifted to the intimate style, which also affects engagement and wedding cake trends. It ensures that smaller cakes such as two layers instead of multi-layer models are among the trendiest models.
In addition, single, mini wedding and engagement cakes, prepared according to the number of invitees, are ideal options for 2021 weddings because they are both hygienic and different.
Rings Now More “Different”
Speaking of going out of the ordinary at weddings, we can say that it is time to get used to different models in wedding rings such as wedding rings and solitaire. Black, multi-body, stone wedding rings are among the most fashionable rings of the season.
In the marriage proposal rings that stand out in 2021, the body as well as the middle stone draws attention. Solitaire models with body details, open ends and thick bodies are very popular now. In addition to these models, the sets designed in a form intertwined with wedding rings are among the favorite models of 2021 couples because they are different, stylish and practical.
How to Make a Wedding Menu to Satisfy Everyone?
In the wedding planning rush, perhaps the only time you can breathe comfortably and rest a little is the meal selection and menu design phase with your catering company and your spouse. Prepare yourself for a delicious and fun experience that will taste many different dishes! Well, do you know what you need to do to make your wedding menu enjoyed by everyone?
Capturing Common Likes
Impossible! Yes, it is not possible for the menu you have prepared to be liked 100% by everyone. Therefore, you should stop dreaming and be more realistic in menu selection. While one of your guests likes red meat, the other may be a vegetarian, the other a fish lover, a child who prefers to eat meatballs and potatoes. Especially if you are planning a crowded wedding and if you can afford it, the open buffet will be a very good option for your wedding dinner. Of course, if you want to really please your guests, do not forget that you should learn the secrets of tasting for your wedding dinner and try the dishes your catering company will offer in advance.
A Piece of Everything
If you have the chance to prepare a multiple choice menu, things will be easier than you guessed. When alternative menus and not having a limit come together in wedding invitations, it means waiting at the door with excellent treats. You can satisfy almost all your guests with a starter plate consisting of two kinds of meat, two kinds of vegetables and again. In general, it will be a familiar offer for catering companies as multiple choice menus are frequently encountered. If you are going to have strict vegan or vegetarian guests, you can have an alternative wedding dinner menu prepared for a very small fee. One method that will relieve your budget a little without forgetting is to consider the season while determining the menus.
Catering Services Discounts
It is useful to create healthy and delicious menus for your elderly, diabetic, pregnant or allergic guests. It is really easy to do this by not letting them know, but also by showing them what you think! Under the menu, under the heading of “healthy options”, you can list the less calorie and light meals compared to other dishes, allowing people to eat comfortably and with pleasure at your wedding. In this way, you will be talked about how good a house you have been for many years to come!
Do Not Forget Cleaning!
We are always worried about the importance of the taste and satisfaction of wedding treats, but it is also important how the presentation will be and a spotless service. No matter how good the taste of the food is, before your guests learn about it; they will pay attention to the table setting, serving plates and the cleanliness of the cutlery. You should talk to the company you will work with in a clear manner that you will never compromise on this issue, and emphasize that you want the service to be on time. Thus, your guests will eat their meals with peace of mind and leave your wedding with a delicious taste.
Courtesy: best farmhouse in Lahore
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introvertseriesff · 8 years
Welcome to the Complication
Part One
Well this was a bit of a bad idea. For weeks, Dustin has been hounding me about going to some party that his homie was throwing. I told him no, but I should have known better. Now I am standing in front of this mirror, trying to figure out if this outfit is cute, or am I too big to fit in it. Either way, it’s coming off. The purple bodycon dress hit the floor before I walked over to my closet. What do I wear? I mean let’s go over what kind of party this is, shall we? It’s a dank ass house party down on Pine Street. Dustin’s homie is a pothead, who also happens to be his plug. So that purple dress is a no and so is the rest of my clothes. I want to look different, you know? I want to look sexy. Mysterious. But I am a size 20 in jeans and double X large in shirts. So sexy is a bit out for me. I know Isadora would say different, but her size 10 to my 20 isn’t exactly comparable. But whatever. I glanced at my clock. I had about 20 minutes exactly before Dustin came busting through the door. And if I let him dress me, I will run. So with a quick decision, I pulled on a pair of dark gray leggings with a white long sleeve tunic. Outfits require the best socks. I slipped my white socks with the chipmunks onto my toes, and in went my feet in my white Keds. Looking in the mirror, I smiled.
“Not bad Ms. Walton.” I said to myself.
“That’s a cute outfit.”
I looked over my shoulder. Dustin’s 5’11 slim frame stood in my bedroom doorway. He had on black jeans with a light blue American Eagle hoodie. His black Addias were spotless as usual.
“What’s up?” I asked, looking for my keys.
“Nothing much. I must say; I am so glad you are already dressed and ready. Usually there is this big ordeal to get you to go somewhere, but this time there isn’t. I am so proud of you.” He beamed.
I rolled my eyes. “Your idea of fun is strange.”
“Regular normal people like to go out and party. Not go to an Art museum and then to Starbucks to sit in a corner with their friends. And not speak to them. At all. Like total silence.”
“Lies, we have plenty of great conversations.”
“No, we, as in me, Dora, and Reggie have a plenty of great conversations. You just chime in random for about three seconds and then continue to blast Busta Rhymes so loud in your headphones, people from three streets down can hear it.”
“Whatever Dustin. I am going to a stupid ass house party, and can’t find my keys tho,” I frowned.
He held his hand and jiggled my keys. Damn. I was hoping I would get out of this.
“They was in the same spot you always leave them. On the couch. Let’s go. I gotta pick up Reggie. You know how she hate being late.”
With my head down, I followed my best friend.
My music was loud as hell, but I didn’t care. It’s a Friday, and I had a long week. The office has been on edge since we lost a client due to someone’s errors. But we managed to get things under order. Now, it is time to party. I glanced at my watch. Dustin and Artie should be on their way now. I looked at myself in the mirror again. These new jeans from ASOS were looking real nice on my hips. They are a pale rose pink color, while my shirt is light gray. My shirt color was an excellent choice because I am wearing my gray Nikes. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my phone and keys. I quickly went over everything I needed.
“Keys, money, phone, set alarm and make sure Tay has food.” I told myself.
Tay is my turtle. Artie thought it would be a great 23rd birthday gift. And it was. I wasn’t sure about the little guy at first, but he grew on me. Plus it went with my idea about exotic creatures. I fed Tay and set the alarm. I had a break in a couple years back, and I haven’t been the same since. Got this alarm and felt secure ever since then. With the alarm set, I walked out my door. I smiled. Loud rap music was making its way down my street. They had arrived. I locked my door and ran to the car. They stopped just as I reached the curb. The window rolled down.
“What’s good Reg?!” Dustin’s grin spread across his face.
“Nothing much kid. What’s good Artie?!!” I kissed her cheek.
She smiled. “Going to a party I don’t want to go to.”
I laughed. Classic Artemis. We all know that she hates going out, but we always had a good time. Once she get a few shots, she will be alright.
“We gone have fun. Open the door Dee,” I said reaching for the back door.
I hoped in.
“Somebody call Dora and tell her to be outside. Y’all know how she be.” Dustin said lowering the music.
“Oh we know.” I and Artie said at the same time.
Dee laughed as he turned Big Sean all the way. And we were off.
My phone went off. That means they on they way. I sighed. These leggings are cute, but I think my other outfit is better. It’s a black off the shoulder Capri body suit. Perfect for looking sexy, cool and house party. Plus I had just got these new booties. Yeah they were 6 inches, but they are cute and I want to wear them so bad. Plus they are open toe, so I won’t have sweaty feet. I thank God for always making me get my toes done. Pedicures are life and if someone doesn’t think so, they feet ugly. Plain and simple. Those shoes, the body suit and a nude sweatshirt scream perfection. I stripped out my current outfit and put on the bodysuit. I would date me. I gave myself a once over as the horn blew. Shit, they here already. I opened my window.
“I’m coming! Chill!” I yelled at them.
Dustin had his top down. They all looked up at me. Artie blew me a kiss, Reggie grinned and Dustin waved. Damn his music was loud. I shook my head. I shut my window and went back to my bed. Making sure I had everything, I turned my lights off and left my room. My son Jay was sitting down on the floor eating fruit snacks. His cousin, Amanda, sat next him. My grandma on the couch, was absorbed into the show they was watching. I looked at the screen. Adventure Time was on. Dang, it would come on as I am leaving. Love this show.
“Alright y’all, I gotta go. Be good for Grandma. See y’all later.”
Jay got up and gave me a hug. I love this little boy more then anything.
“Have fun mom.” Jay a=said with a grin.
“Awwww thanks love. Be good, okay?” I kissed his head.
“Okay,” he answered.
“Alright. Amanda, I love you.” I kissed her as well.
“I love you too auntie. Have fun.” She kissed back.
I blew a kiss. She was such a sweetheart. I walked over and gave my grandma a kiss.
“Be careful. You and the other three. Don’t drink nothing y’all ain’t pour ya self. People crazy.” She patted my hand.
“Got chu Grandma. We will be careful.” I hugged her tight.
“Good. Tell Artie I said hi and hi to the other two. Have a great time. Y’all deserve it.”
I gave her a kiss again. “Thanks Grandma. See you later.”
I grabbed a juice from the kitchen and walked outside. The night was young, cool and ready. I ran over to the car and hopped into the back.
“What’s up y’all?!” I greeted.
“Ain’t shit. We about to have a good time. My dude Mark got the super speakers, plus y’all might get a chance to hear my new shit.” Dustin answered.
Reggie groaned. “Is that boy gonna be rapping on your beat again? That nigga trash. Seriously.”
“No, but he is. Like super trash.” Artie agreed.
“Yeah. I mean you mixed the hell out of your tracks man. But that dude, he should just go to college and learn how to fix computers. He can’t rap and his teeth are ugly.” I frowned as I sipped my juice.
“So is his fingernails,” Artie put out there.
“What? Why you looking at his fingernails?” Reggie asked.
“To see if I want his fingers touching me. And I don’t. I don’t want his fingers, his lips or his voice. He should just stay home.” Artie shivered.
“Y’all rude.” Dustin huffed.
“No his rap skills are.” I replied.
“Completely disrespectful.” Reggie chipped in.
Dustin sucked his teeth. “Anyway, y’all might get to hear my newest shit, so let’s go and have fun. Cam got all the liquor on deck, so get y’all drinks and have fun. If y’all behave, I might let y’all hit the blunt a few times.”
“Whatever, just make sure the men are fine.” I smiled.
“I need all corners to be vacant.” Artie giggled.
We laughed.
“Artie you a fool.” Reggie grinned.
Artie turned around and winked. “At least you know.”
Dustin shook his head and turned the big back up. Tonight is gonna be a movie.
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alicestiles1-blog · 7 years
How to Effectively Manage Construction Costs
Services to Expect From a Whole Body Wellness Clinic Cost management is an powerful manner of ensuring that a commercial enterprise controls its expenditure on the subject of doing ordinary business. In the case of construction, quantity surveyors Wooden Pallets  are available reachable in making sure that organizations are in a position to devise and execute their commercial enterprise strategies in a price-effective manner. To cut at the huge price of creation, there are numerous steps companies can take to make this possible.
Identify the charge of commodities
The first step to ensuring decrease cost of production is figuring out the worldwide rate of commodities which can be going for use inside the whole procedure. It is the work of amount surveyors to make sure that they have supplied agencies with an updated listing of all commodities for use and the retail price advocated. Most construction initiatives   pallets for sale want gadgets like metal, cement and unique ones like ceramics and marble. Identifying the fee prior to the kick off of the venture makes it possible to regulate each time there is need to accomplish that.
Compare the rate to previous comparable initiatives
Another top tip is to examine the cost of the undertaking to comparable initiatives which have been done some place else. Businesses need to hold discussions with amount surveyors so as to carry out fee analysis of other initiatives and examine them with one that they're about to start. This is the simplest manner to preserve track of whether the price of exertions and material has long gone up or down over time. The most up-to-date information ought to be depended on with the aid of quantity surveyors advising companies to be able to keep away from conditions wherein the value pallet ideas of doing the project goes past the preliminary budget that changed into meant for the assignment.
Consider the usage of technology
Today's creation value estimation wishes to take gain of available era in terms of growing percent of accuracy. The quality manner to reduce the fee and keep away from unnecessary wastage of price range is for amount surveyors to make sure that they observe the today's generation on the subject of doing their paintings. The quality aspect is that it maintains the whole thing in vicinity and all parameters may be looked at to ensure that the fee of the mission can be predicted without delay. Project control software pallet program within the marketplace today are clean to use and the output can easily be understood for purposes of decision making by companies which are involved in the complete procedure.
Services to Expect From a Whole Body Wellness Clinic
A wellness clinic that treats the whole body for optimal health offers more than just a few basic medical services. Ask questions about some of the following services to get a better idea of the Personal Training Wynwood capabilities of the facility and staff.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) An electrocardiogram is one of the fundamental tools for assessing heart rhythm. An experienced physician can tell a lot with a stethoscope, but the EKG printout is often more effective at identifying specific blockages and types of problems with the heart. Heart health is a fundamental part of overall wellness, and identifying problems as early as possible can help with effective treatment.
Carotid Ultrasounds The carotid arteries carry blood from the heart to the brain, and their occlusion (or blockage) can be a significant risk factor for strokes. By assessing these key passageways for blockage with sound waves from an ultrasound machine, a wellness clinic can identify whether at-risk patients may be developing peripheral vascular disease (PVD). The development of blockage in arteries in one part of the body is a good sign that it's a problem throughout the system.
Ankle-Brachial Index The simple, non-invasive procedure of ankle-brachial index is a tool for assessing blockages throughout the circulatory system. The ankle-brachial index compares a patient's blood pressure measured Best Personal Training Wynwood  at the arm with the blood pressure at the ankle. The brachial artery that passes along the interior side of the upper arm is a major artery that is relatively close to the heart. Its proximity to the heart and ease of access is why this artery is most frequently used for blood pressure cuffs. By contrast, the pulse at the ankle is relatively weak because it is so far removed from the heart, and the arteries at that point carry a lower volume of blood. Comparing the ratio of blood pressure at the two points allows for a wellness clinic to determine if there is a buildup of blockage that has accumulated in arteries.
Spirometry Testing Spirometry tests measure the function of lungs, assessing the volume of air inhaled and the pace at which lungs are emptied on exhalation. Problems with lung function can be indicators for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and other chronic conditions that greatly impact a patient's quality of life. Caught early on, many lung conditions can be monitored and minimized, but when they are allowed to progress, especially Wynwood Personal Training with patients who refuse to give up smoking, lung conditions can mean dependence upon oxygen cylinders or inhalers.
Home Sleep Studies The hours you spend asleep are an important part of your daily life. Sleep apnea and other problems that affect a person's quality of sleep can adversely affect mood, energy level, and performance at work. Problems breathing and other nocturnal issues can also be symptoms of medical conditions developing over time. Making sure that you are well rested is the first step to living a healthy lifestyle every day.
These are just some of the many services to expect from a full body wellness clinic.
Home School Preschool - Should You Teach Your Child To Read And Write At The Same Time?
Young youngsters, between the ages of 2 and 5, have an uncanny ability to study. As a determine who is making plans to domestic college or even preschool domestic faculty your toddler, it is in your best pursuits to harness this potential and use it to your child's benefit.
The most desirable time for gaining knowledge of
According to current scientific research, youngsters have a window length for ideal learning that lasts shape the a while of two to 5. They examine the maximum vital and additionally the maximum Online Tesol Certification  difficult obligations at some point of this time. They learn to walk and speak, the variety in their sight increases, hand-eye co-ordination develops and lots of more things.
As infants we research the entirety simultaneously
It isn't natural to learn sports one at a time. As infants we research to stroll and to decide distances; we analyze the mechanics of speech as well as how to talk a language, all on the identical time.
So, when it comes to mastering to read and write, now not best is it easy in your child to learn how to do these at the same time, but it is also a bonus.
In order to start writing, your child will learn how to examine the letters of the alphabet in addition to the numbers 0 to 9.
Writing can then be a bonus as this may then in turn assist your child with their analyzing and even their spelling.
Writing may even take longer to master than analyzing. Teaching a toddler to maintain a pen and direct it inside the manner that you want it to move, takes time, particularly if your toddler could be very younger.
Spend a touch time with each
You ought to spend no more than 10 mins consistent with day on every pastime. If you decide to study together with your toddler in the mornings, you could write with them within the evenings.
This permits lots of time to your child to assimilate these skills, and also leaves them with lots of time for their different activities in order that they do not lose interest or pissed off.
Both analyzing and writing are an ongoing procedure, so the earlier you start teaching your baby to examine and write the better.
Also once your infant has mastered those two critical competencies you can then proceed with their "formal" education whichever way you pick; be it sending your toddler to school, following a exact home faculty curriculum or doing it your very own manner.
So, now not best will your baby be able to cope with both reading and writing at the equal time, they will additionally compliment each other, Tesol Certification Online   each making the other stronger.
Trinity focuses on domestic school and home college preschool reading, writing, math and much greater.
Look Your Best For All Occasions With These Fashion Tips
Do you want to learn to dress a little better? There are a lot of people who would like to dress to look their best. The following article contains some great fashion tips you can use when you want to find the clothes that work for your body and lifestyle.
Look inside fashion magazines to get an idea of what you should be wearing for this season. You don't have to get clothes that directly match what the latest fashion is. However, you can form  long hairstyles for men a style that is very similar so people may know you are up to date with the latest fashion.
If you are used to dressing down but you would like to spruce up your style, try buying some sparkly accessories. These will make your outfit look brighter and you will not have to change your entire style. You can make a plain outfit fit for any occasion by changing the style of accessories.
Tight levis can look attractive on someone who is fit with a slender figure, but if you are a bit on the heavy side, look for jeans that fit well without being tight. Your extra pounds will be even more noticeable if you look as if your pants are painted on you.
Choose your fashion shopping friends wisely. Your friends can make hunting for the newest fashions fun and exciting. But if you bring a friend with a competitive shopping streak, she may tempt you into buying clothes that either don't fit you well or are outside of your budget. Make your decisions on your own time with your needs in mind.
Complement your style with a wonderful smile. If you walk around looking sad, then it will not matter what you are wearing. A truly fashionable person knows the importance of sporting a beautiful set of pearly whites. You should smile whenever you can. It will make you feel better and keep you looking fashionable.
A very important fashion tip is to make sure that your pants are the correct length. This is important because having pants that are too long or short can be a critical mistake in looking good. Be sure to plan for the type of shoes that you will be wearing because it will make a huge difference.
Don't be afraid to experiment. Instead of going with the norm, play with your wardrobe. Try pairing a stiff skirt with a soft and flowing top. Combine dress shoes with your favorite casual pair of jeans. Often the most unusual pairings can turn out to be the most stylish choice.
Do not be afraid to be unique. Although high school beats into our heads that everyone should be the same, the truth is that being unique is vital for success in any area. Lady Gaga is a prime example. Uniqueness is a good thing. You should never try to hide it.
Throw away that sweater with the hole in it or those jeans that are barely staying together at the crotch. They may feel like old friends, but if you're spotted in them, you're going to be viewed as the neighborhood bag lady. It's easy to forget that your shirt is stained if you suddenly have to leave the house. Buy and wear clothing that you won't mind being seen in.
Looking your best not only makes you look good, but it helps you to feel better about yourself. It will also cause people to look at your differently and respect you because you look great. Use the tips shared in this article and you can learn to dress great and get the respect that you deserve.
Weight Loss Tips That Will Give You Back Your Figure
People often talk as if losing weight is nearly impossible, but it only seems that way when you don't know what you're doing. miami personal training  Learning will help you feel confident. The greater your weight loss knowledge, the higher your chances of success, so take full advantage of this article.
Drink green tea to lose some weight. Green tea is linked to metabolism boosting and it is all natural. Just having some green tea before a workout in the morning will give you the energy you need.
If you want to watch your weight while you eat out, you need to look at who you're eating with. Research shows that women and men both eat less when eating with a man. Reasons for this phenomenon are not yet known, but knowing that going out with the girls may tempt you to overeat may give you the edge you need to face your next "girls' night out" with more self-control.
Instead of eating your large meal in the evening, eat your large meal at midday. If you normally eat a sandwich for lunch, change it up and eat it for supper, instead. Calorie burning slows down at night, so take advantage of the higher calorie burn during the day with your larger meal at that time.
Slow down and savor your food when you eat. It will help you lose weight. You can start feeling full as you digest your food. By eating slowly, your body has time to signal that you are full. Put the fork down often and enjoy the flavors of your meal. Eventually, you will start to feel a lot more full.
Try to stay surrounded by other active people. This will help you to move around more, which can burn additional calories. Conversely, low-activity people might cause you to get lazy too.
Have ice instead of junk food. Sucking on some ice can be very effective in dispelling the urge to eat because sometimes it just boils down to having something in your mouth.
Something as simple as climbing the stairs can help you to lose weight. You might only burn a few extra calories, personal trainer brickell  but it's still a good idea to take the stairs rather than the elevator when possible.
Think about eliminating alcoholic beverages if you are interested in losing weight. Alcoholic beverages contain a lot of calories. Alcohol has the ability to undermine your judgment and your discipline as well, causing you to make bad dietary choices.
When trying to lose weight, don't use large plates. Larger plates often merit larger portion sizes, which makes it easier to overeat in an effort to clean your plate. Don't use a plate that is larger than 9 inches in diameter. Larger plates are simply too large for successful weight loss.
Accompanying any meal with some form of physical activity is a perfect way to lose fat. Are you planning on packing a sack lunch? If you have your picnic in a nearby park, you can walk there. Try to combine mealtime and physical activities to help you lose weight.
When you start your weight loss program keep a record of your progress to lose as much weight as possible. Make sure to weigh yourself regularly to help you see your goals being realized. Monitoring your progress serves as a powerful motivator for achieving your target weight.
There are so many diets out there today that fail to help you achieve weight loss. You need to commit to an exercise program at a gym or elsewhere. Working out goes along with participating in a diet. This will assist you in burning a greater number of calories than consumed, which leads to weight loss.
Skipping a meal causes your body to slow its metabolism and slow metabolism makes it harder to burn calories. If having a full meal isn't possible due to time restraints or other reasons, at least make an effort to eat a healthy snack to tide you over until your next meal. Whether it is a box of raisins or a pack of peanuts, something is far better than nothing.
It is important to exercise; plan to do so about 3 or more times a week for about 30 minutes to an hour each time. Stick to a schedule, exercising in the early morning or right after work. Just have a consistent diet routine which includes exercise and soon you will see the pounds come off.
Pizza lovers should take note that there are alternatives to the calories carried by most pizzas. You can simply sponge up grease from the pizza with a napkin.
Clearly, weight loss success comes from understanding. When you've taken the time to put the information into practice, personal trainer wynwood  you'll notice yourself losing weight. As you are practicing this weight loss advice, you can work towards your weight loss efforts much more easily.
Having A Bad Hair Day? Put An End To Them With These Helpful Tips!
Many people do not know how to take care of their hair. When it comes down to it, you have to take good care of your hair and manage it correctly. The piece that follows can help point you where you need to go in order to get the hair you have always wanted.
If you have dry hair, considering cutting down the amount of times you wash your hair each week. When you shampoo your hair, you strip it of its natural oils, which help keep your hair silky and soft. Seek out products that will allow you to keep your hair clean without washing it.
You can damage your hair by blowdrying it. To minimize the harmful heat, use the lowest-temperature setting. Do not let the dryer linger on a particular area; keep it constantly moving. Use your fingers to work through knots, so you don't damage hair by tugging and tearing it with a brush.
Use a hair serum to turn frizzy hair into hair that shines. There are many serums that have been specifically designed for whatever type of hair you may have. These serums can give your hair the sleekness and body that you are looking for. Check out your local drugstore or salong to see what they have in stock.
To get the best looking hair possible, consider using a leave-in conditioner. These conditioners give you the amazing effects that you typically associate with normal conditioner, but the effects last all day long! You'll find leave-in conditioners at your local drug store or salon, in either, lotion or spray-on form.
Be careful with the use of hair extensions. While hair extensions are a quick way to get longer hair, they can also cause serious damage to your natural hair and scalp. The heavy weight of the extensions can pull out natural hair, and the bonding solution can dry it out.
Wash your hair when it seems dirty. Some folks insist on washing their hair daily. This could cause more damage than it will help. It could cause your hair and scalp to dry out. Typically, a person's hair only needs to be washed about two or three times a week.
Hair products that you use to make your hair look nice can be doing more damage than you think. As you choose your products, avoid the ones that contain any alcohol. The alcohol will dry your hair out quickly. These products could also dry out your scalp, so avoid any contact with the scalp.
Brush your hair from the scalp down to the ends to distribute the natural oils to your hair shafts. The oil in your scalp is very healthy for your hair. However, you need to get it from your scalp to your hair. You can accomplish this by brushing from the scalp to all the way down to the tips of your hair. Try bending over and brushing your hair upside down to make this a little easier to do.
When you are going to sleep at night, take out any clips or bands that you have in your hair. When your hair is pulled back in your sleep and you move around, you could cause your hair to break off. Also, use a satin pillowcase, if possible, so that your hair glides when sleeping.
When you are applying conditioner to your hair, use a wide-toothed comb. This helps to distribute the conditioner evenly to all of your hair shafts. Also, the comb running through the length of the hair will help to prevent tangles. Using this method will help you have shiny, healthy-looking, tangle-free hair.
A large, vented paddle brush is an excellent investment for those whose hair is very long and very thick. Taming this type of hair requires plenty of brushing. Using a paddle brush will speed up the brushing process. A vented one will help the hair dry faster, preserving its volume and bounce.
Take care with brushing your hair if it is still wet. While hair is wet, it is weaker and more susceptible to tension and breakage. Allow most of the moisture to leave your hair before you begin brushing. Also, avoid creating too much tension on your locks from hairstyles that increase breakage over time, such as cornrows or high-tension braiding.
A soft, smooth pillowcase can help you keep your hairstyle, as well as, your hair. Sleeping on a pillow covered in a textured fabric or low-thread count cotton pillowcase can actually pull your hair and cause it to fall out. Use a smooth pillow-covering, wherever you lay your head and help keep your hair where it belongs.
Your hair can make people notice you, as you walk by. The reason is because your hair will look amazing. People will always give you a second look if you have healthy, shiny hair. Use the hair care advice contained in the tips featured above, and before long, you will be getting a lot of second glances.
Having A Hard Time Keeping Up With Fashion? Try Out These Tips!
Fashion is what you make it to be, not what everyone else says it should be. You are your own unique person, Short hairstyles  and you decide what's important for you. After researching different tips, it's up to you to decide how you wish to look. Continue reading for some helpful guiding tips.
If you are going directly from work to an evening out on the town, take a few makeup basics with you to change your look. Consider darker lipstick and some smoky eye shadow to transform your look. You may also darken your blush a bit, providing some contour for darker time. These three products will ease the transition.
Keep a pair of lightweight, inexpensive ballet flats in the bottom of your handbag or briefcase. In the event that you break a heel, develop a blister, or simply need to give your feet a break, you will be prepared without compromising your style. Choose a neutral color that matches the majority of your wardrobe to prevent clashing.
Save money by shopping online. If you are a fashionista on a budget, check online before you splurge on your wardrobe. There are websites dedicated to deals and coupons that can save you serious cash on clothes by your favorite designers. Shopping online also gives you an easy way to compare prices and ensure you are getting the most bang for your fashion buck.
Always dress respectfully for the occasion. Don't wear a tube top if you're going to a wedding, and don't shorts to the prom. Learn to respect fashion traditions, even if you're tempted to defy them for no good reason. Is it really going to hurt to to put on that tie Mom wants you to wear to church? Showing respect in how you dress will gain you respect in return.
It's ok to mix up prints and colors in your fashion choices. Many people think that layering a print on top of another print is a fashion no-no, but it can work and look extremely stylish. Just make sure that your clothes have classic lines. It's when you've got multiple prints and crazy clothing shapes that the fashion police will take notice.
Visit consignment stores for great value on formal wear. Women usually only wear formal gowns once or twice for those special occasions before they do not want to wear it anymore. You can find gowns that are almost brand new at a fraction of the price of a new gown.
The next time you're out shopping, try on a piece that you wouldn't typically wear. By wearing something that you're not used to, you may really surprise yourself. You can look really trendy and different, and you might just develop a new style. Also, it will help to give you a vibrant personality with an expanded wardrobe.
One great fashion tip is to pay attention to what specific designer or brand fit you best. This is a very good idea because many times, a designer will mold their outfits around a specific body type or individual so you will find success with much of their clothing options.
Be a trend setter. You can buy the newest, hottest styles but you won't stand out if you are wearing the same thing as everyone else. Be daring and try something off the top of your head. Some of the biggest fashion designers made their mark by being completely unique and sometimes even bizarre.
When selecting a swimsuit, there are many things you can do to minimize figure flaws and emphasize the right parts of your body. For instance, if you have bigger hips, emphasize your legs and accentuate your small waist by wearing a suit that is cut high on the thigh. Look into more options for swimsuit wear as well.
Lose as much weight as you can so that you open up your options to fit into any wardrobe. A lot of people find themselves discouraged because they simply cannot fit into the clothes that they want to purchase to keep up with the latest their is with fashion today.
Update your shoes. Shoes, more than anything else, need to be in fashion. You can get away with older clothes if you keep yourself in modern shoes. If you love shoes and buy them all the time, make sure they are in classic styles that you will be able to wear year after year.
Spend money on your shoes. You may be tempted to buy shoes as cheaply as you can, especially if they look good. However, buying a quality pair of shoes means that they will last a long time and won't fall apart after just a few wearings. They are also made of better materials and are more comfortable on your feet.
Now that you've read this article, you should have a much better self esteem regarding fashion and your own personal flavor. Fashion is better if it's unique, and you can do that since you're a unique person. Remember the tips and advice you've read here as you work towards fashion in your life.
Fashion Tips To Keep You Looking Your Fiercest
At points in your life, you are going to spend time around photo-fanatics that snap hundreds of pictures with their camera or phone and upload them to their social media account. Mehandi Designs  If you want to always look your best in pictures, you need to always dress your best. However, fashion is easy to pull off with the right ideas, and some of them are in this article.
If you want to make yourself look thinner, try to wear the color black. Whether it is a black shirt, skirt, dress or suit, the color tends to make the whole body appear to be thinner. If black is not a color you are fond of, try to accessorize your outfit with brighter colors.
Choose items to add to your wardrobe that make sense for your lifestyle. If you spend most of your time in jeans, then buy the best looking and best-fitting jeans that you can afford. The money you spend on an item for your wardrobe that you wear regularly is always a good investment.
When selecting a dress, choose one that has a vertical (rather than horizontal) pattern. This makes you appear longer rather than wider, giving the illusion that you are slimmer than you really are. Also, seek out a piece that has an empire waist, as it makes it seem like you have a smaller waistline.
Keep your haircut low maintenance. Everyone runs into time crunches when preparing for meetings, outings or other events, and having an easy to fix hairstyle cuts the time needed to get ready. Many fashionable hairstyles are available that will allow you to bounce quick and still maintain a great look.
One piece of clothing that never goes out of style is the simple black dress. A black dress looks good on anyone because it produces a slimming effect, which is something all women want. You can find this dress in any discount store, but if you want one that will last, you need to search elsewhere and be willing to spend more money.
If you want to have a slimmer appearance, select dark colored clothing. These colors will camouflage your shape and reduce the appearance of any bulges you may have. Seek out apparel with elastic bands so that you will feel good in what you are wearing.
Save money by shopping online. If you are a fashionista on a budget, check online before you splurge on your wardrobe. There are websites dedicated to deals and coupons that can save you serious cash on clothes by your favorite designers. Shopping online also gives you an easy way to compare prices and ensure you are getting the most bang for your fashion buck.
On days when you aren't feeling your best, a nice, big pair of stylish sunglasses can be your best friend. If you did not get enough sleep, the night before or are ill, a pair of sunglasses will cover your sickly-looking eyes and add mystery and added style to your ensemble.
Before getting ready to throw out your beauty products, use every last ounce of it. For a products that come in tubes, think about using a squeezer that is made for toothpaste. You can turn a bottle on the side or upside down to help you get all the product out. Sometimes you can cut off the top to get another two or three uses of the product. You can save tons of money this way.
When purchasing jeans, go for timeless looks. For example, classic straight leg or boot cut jeans never go out of style. Opt for either of these styles in either a dark denim or slightly faded to remain in style throughout the years. By opting for these styles, you will always be in style no matter the current fashion.
When considering fashion for yourself, be sure to take into consideration what type of cuts look best on your body type. This is important because there are vastly different body types, and certain cuts look better on some than others. Find something that accentuates your best features and makes you feel comfortable.
When shopping for vintage clothing, don't make assumptions based on the size on the tag. A size 8 in the 1950s fits differently than a modern size 8, so save yourself some disappointments by always trying items on before buying them. Once you get a feel for how sizes have changed through the decades, you will have a better idea of what to look for.
You never know where you will be when someone takes your picture and puts it online for the world (or at least their social network friends) to see. If you want to always look at least a little fashionable, follow the easy ideas presented in this article. It does not take much to look like a lot!
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taniasinel · 7 years
An Apartment Renovation– Part Two!
Early last year I wrote a story about Color Outside The Lines blogger and interior designer Artie Vanderpool’s newly renovated apartment.   Fresh from a break-up, Artie had moved to several different apartments, until he finally found one that he thought might be good enough to put down some roots – AND one he could decorate to his heart’s content.  After living in an older, vintage house with dark moldings – Artie craved light and bright.   His newest place was all this,  plus large and airy, and after a rough start, he was ready to share his place with the world.
Originally, the apartment had white walls and a sea of beige wall to wall carpeting.   What you can’t see here is that it also had lots of windows to let in the bright sun.
But the carpet had to go and so did the light fixtures and mini blinds – it was all too boring for Artie’s chic aesthetic. 
Artie’s manager gave him permission to make these changes, but he probably would have rescinded if he had seen what the apartment looked like during the reno process!!
Before he moved in, Artie had all the boring carpet pulled up with plans to put down wood floor tiles.  Except, decades of carpet glued down to concrete doesn’t make a pretty picture.   Artie spent nights cleaning up the concrete in order to install the tiles.
But they wouldn’t adhere to the concrete.  He almost gave up and put the carpet back down…but instead, Artie had a brainstorm…
He painted the concrete white!
And then decided he absolutely hated all the white. 
Except, now that the floor was tacky from the paint, he tried to install the wood tiles again, and miraculously – they finally stuck!
It’s not actually a real wood floor, but it looks exactly like one. 
And here is the new dining room with his newly installed wood floor, chandelier, and gallery wall.   He also installed dimmers on strategic lights such as the dining room and hallway.
He added curtains, textured shades and lots of accessories and the apartment looked fabulous!
Here is the living room with the tufted sofa and chinoiserie cabinet.  More art work and a layered rug over seagrass give the apartment a real luxe feel.
The view from the dining room, with two slipcovered stools.
And in Artie’s bedroom – what he really didn’t want you to see, is that he never pulled up the carpet in the bedroom.   This detail was overlooked in the original story.
Artie had bought this four poster bed online and when it arrived, he discovered it was a bit out of proportion and he had to remove the top canopy.  The bed was just too short, as you can see in this photograph.
Since Artie was never really happy with the bed (of course not!) nor the bedroom in general (of course not!) a MAJOR change was in the works (of course!)
Besides the changes in the bedroom, there also was his media room, which he NEVER told me he even had!  Actually, the apartment has two bedrooms and the second one was turned into a cozy TV room. 
Along with those two new projects, there was his kitchen.  He totally redid the tiny apartment kitchen over two weekends and a few nights.  It is amazing.
The Living Room:
There have been a only few changes in the living room since the first story.    Artie’s favorite pieces include his pair of Savonarola chairs with their custom black slipcovers and the chinoiserie chest, which is the focal point of the room.    The Kravet sofa has a Pindler and Pindler velvet cushion cover with a Samuel & Sons jute chevron trim to help protect the cream sofa against his two puppies.
In the corner, Artie added an old concrete urn.   He bought the urn for his dining room table, but it was too heavy, the plant is perfect for it.
The new urn and more plaster pieces.
On this side, he added a new brass lamp – and a fancy-pants Hermes blanket is peeking out!!   The chair is from Pottery Barn, but has been discontinued and the brass chest is from Ken Fulk.
                The Dining Room:
In the dining room, there’s a new side chair and a new friend – the bust on the chest. 
The cane and leather chair was a steal – $40 at a NYC thrift shop.   Plus the $200 he paid to ship it home!!
 His new room-mate is Mr. Nathaniel Hawthorne.  At least he is quiet and doesn’t have an opinion about painting over dark molding.  And he likes to drink, so Artie keeps the bourbon close by.
The Hickory Chair table got a new urn and orchid.
And the very latest tablescape – new blue & white and a collection of antique cross bottles which Artie creates and sells HERE.
The  Kitchen:
Before:  The kitchen is just a regular apartment kitchen.  Nothing too grand, but nice and clean with new cabinets.
How to make this plain area look more “Artie?”
To turn it into his own,  first Artie took down the upper cabinets.  Yes.  He did that himself.  Next, he added shelves for dishes and glasses.  Then, he made a linen skirt to use instead of lower cabinet doors. 
The new look:  Artie made a fabric shade for the window and bought a new glass pendant to dress up the kitchen.  A lamp and candlelight add mood.
Artie added open white shelves instead of closed cabinets which makes the kitchen look so special.  And,  I love the linen skirts instead of lower cabinet doors!
Love the oil painting.    I am crazy over the changes!!!  The kitchen looks so great compared to what it looked like before!!
Hard to believe this is the same space – just a few days later!
Artie added a rug to tone down the vinyl flooring but who notices the floor when the shelves are so cute?!?
The brass stool in the hallway is from Target, believe it or not!  The oil painting on the top is by Ted Ellis of Ted Ellis Fine Art and is one that Artie treasures.
One more view!
The Media Room:
The Media Room had two windows and more boring carpet.  For a few months, Artie just kept the door closed.    Then, inspired by a photo of an extra long day bed…
he ripped up the carpet, installed the wood tile floor and created a sofa/day bed:
One long daybed becomes a slip covered sofa.  Artie added three sconces from Lowes for reading light.
I love the one gilt frame mixed amongst the black framed pieces of art.
Artie said he took a few months to decide what to do with this room.  He knew he needed a  space for guests to sleep in and he wanted a spot to watch TV.  He designed the day bed with a 10” memory foam mattress and stiff back cushions make it feel like a sofa. 
Art work hangs on the walls.  Love the two wicker chairs.  You know what?  I think the Hermes blanket would look really good in here, Artie!!  Maybe you should move it here?
Art is from Stellers Gallery in Jacksonville HERE.
Seagrass rug layered over the floor and Thomasville leather ottoman doubles as a coffee table. 
IDEA:   Artie switched out the legs and added these brass caster ones, which really is an upgrade and a great idea!!!  The caster legs look so much nicer!!!
The custom made sofa is 10' long and 36" wide and is slipped in a white cotton denim.
Pindler & Pindler mohair and silk velvet pillows.
The throws are so inexpensive, Artie bought 8!  HERE  They come in different colors, too.
Curtains with fabric shades are lined with textured shades – to make it all cozy and warm. 
IDEA:  Notice the skirted table the flatscreen is on – it is really hiding the dogs bed that is underneath the skirt!!
BTW – Artie made the curtains, shades AND the skirt!!
Plaster side tables and garden seats do double duty.
The wicker chairs are old – from Williams Sonoma.
A very similar chair is available at Wayfair HERE.
I love a wicker chair in a room – it’s a great accent and adds texture and warmth and a touch of individuality.
So sweet – Louna’s watching TV!!!
This is such a cozy and warm room to read and watch TV in.
Great job Artie!!   Now, go bring the Hermes blanket in here.  LOL.
The Bedroom:
The master bedroom was just the same as the rest:  more boring beige carpet and mini blinds.
Artie’s first bedroom décor was very nice – in blue stripes.  But he never cared for the bed.  So he sold it.
And then, he bought a lot, a LOT of brown and white striped fabric and….
Now the bedroom looks like this.  Amazing!!
First Artie got a new bed,  which is iron with a painted finish,  then he lined the walls with the brown and white fabric.  And next he added a striped rug over the seagrass over the wood floors that he had installed.
It’s just beyond fabulous!!  Seriously.   It’s beyond fabulous.
I’m so in love with this room!
At the left is a French bench with a slipcover and an oversized mirror.  At the windows are the white curtains and textured blinds.
The fabric is from Valdese Weavers, a mattress ticking with a brown ribbon used for trim.  Artie ended up using 35 yards!
Close up of the slipped French bench.  Notice the trim.  And notice the trim around the wall covering.  Perfect!
Even though Artie complains that the stripes aren’t straight in places, it looks perfect to me.  He said it was really hard to hang the fabric, but it was all worth it because this is his favorite room.   I agree.  It’s my favorite too!!!!!
Across from the bed is the chest flanked by two slipper chairs with striped fabric. 
The two slipper chairs flank the chest.  The chairs are in a different striped fabric.
Another view.  Notice the trim at the ceiling.  So perfect!
The rug is from Safavieh.
Awwww.  Sweet Louna, the French Bulldog!!!
Parting shot.  Notice how Artie brought in some art work with orange tones to tie in with the blinds and the velvet tiger fabric. 
Just perfect Artie.  Seriously – this is a dream come true apartment.  I’m sure he could be happy here for the next decade, but something tells me he probably will be moved out before the year is over!!! 
To visit Artie’s blog and portfolio, go HERE.
Be sure to visit Artie’s Cross Bottle Shop  HERE.  He sells antique cross bottles, above,  AND he will custom make what you want in case something is sold out.  Just email him at: 
to discuss his bottles!
And  more.
Christmas season is coming up and new design books are being released weekly.  Interior designer Victoria Hagan’s book Dream Spaces is one of the new ones and it’s so beautiful!!
Hagan’s book features 10 houses – and each has something in common…they are all second homes, vacation homes.   The book is large and luscious with beautiful photographs.
There is Victoria’s own house in Nantucket….
And this house is in Aspen.  Can you imagine waking up to these views of Ajax Mountain?????
And this Florida house.
To order Dream Spaces, just click on the book or HERE.
And I haven’t read this one yet.  I did read his wife, Joanna’s book and found it interesting and entertaining.  Now that the Gaines have announced they are retiring from HGTV (no!!!) – I’m afraid we won’t be seeing so much of the Gaines.  To order, click on the book or HERE.
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/10/an-apartment-renovation-part-two.html
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