#and the other is a hypocrite preaching about righteousness
jiangwanyinscatmom · 2 years
I’m pro nmj when it comes to jgy and pro jgy when it comes to nmj. No wonder I ship nieyao.
I am pro neither as both are terribly hypocritical and deserve each other for being trash that only think in black and white.
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aevallare · 9 months
With all respect, you writing about ascendant astarion in a positive/romantic light is hypocritical. Kindred is this beautiful story about astarion coming to terms with his history and even his sexuality. An ascendant astarion is the polar opposite of that, and it's frankly kind of gross when you're one of the authors whose depictions of astarion i respected.
ok this has been sitting here for a second and honestly i should just let it rot like the three other similar messages i received and deleted but you know what? it's 6 am and i haven't been able to sleep and i think i've earned this instance of self-righteousness.
what on earth makes you think that you can come to my inbox and preach to me about what the story that I CREATED IN MY MIND is about?
astarion isn't real!!! we all love him very much yes i know this but he is not real. every day i wake up and watch people assassinate his character and i go bitch in dms to my friends about it like a normal human person
maybe not the most respectable move to slide into the inbox of a rape victim and call her a hypocrite for """disrespecting""" astarion's healing from sexual trauma or whatever it is you're trying to get at.
if i lost your readership because i published a 300 word prologue to an ascended astarion fic, my sincerest apologies, but it's not my fault that i've never had an incorrect opinion in my life.
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eggelette · 11 months
Midnight Mass: A Masterpiece
So I've dipped my toes back into Mike Flanagans' work. I watched Haunting of Hill House, Haunting of Bly Manor and Hush. Then after my hiatus, I watched the Fall of the House of Usher, and now Midnight Mass.
Midnight Mass is particularly special to me, especially as I'm currently grappling with my own faith.
I think it's that God narrative presence within the show as sunlight, even when the clergy twist their words and lie, and slither in the darkness, chase immortality. It is in dawn that Riley is redeemed and forgiven by the girl he killed, even as it burns him alive. It is that the burst of atoms and neurons is God, and that the cosmos just dreams of itself but we forget our dreams. It's that Riley the atheist and Erin the believer are both right and wrong in their own ways.
Pruitt is a particularly human character, faced with not having the courage he preaches about, the courage to be with Mildred that he believes himself that the monster he brings back is an angel. He has to, he has no choice but to have faith in the miracles he's shown. He becomes warped by his devotion, even though him and Mildred faced the same fate and could have, would have, should have reconnected in their elderly states, had a second chance there. Instead he goes down on his warpath, twists and lies, does unholy things in the name of God. He refuses to redeem a man and instead condemns him, ignoring his own moral conscience in the name of his holy hunger.
It's that God acts through us, and God does not pick and choose, God cannot pick and choose, that Sheriff Hassan is correct, we have found God already. That terrible things like aging, dementia, pancreatic cancer, being rendered paralysed are due to either natural process, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the acts of others. But so are wonderful things like becoming pregnant with Littlefoot who saves you, so is reconnecting with a childhood love, they too are natural processes, being in the right place at the right time and due the acts of others. We are part of it all, the good and the bad.
It's that amidst all of this God loves us all. Loves the saint, loves the sinner, loves the hypocrite. Loves even Beverly Keane who cannot stand that she is loved equally. She needs to be loved more, wants to be loved more and in her efforts she strays far from God's path. She sees a man dead and a monster and ignores half the bibles she so clearly knows and vets. She sees a dog of a flawed man and poisons him out of her self-righteousness and unkindness. For the chance of divinity she sacrifices her humanity easily, but is unable to accept either by the end and that they are one and the same, and is STILL loved.
This was a really beautiful show, really thoughtful and considerate of its characters and their journeys.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
Hello! 👋 I've been away for a while due to uni exams but I came back to some... interesting anon asks to say the least and wanted to address it.
if you go to my profile the first thing you see if this:
Tumblr media
I know this may seem peculiar to some but there are people who can enjoy both canon and fanon stuff. How? Well, I personally seperate these two into categories and have found lots of joy in it.
In my time away certain people have found some of my book based edits I had made in the past and expressed their support - to which I'm so happy and greatful for.
As a result however, I have tons of anon asks, some more aggressive and hostile than others, demanding how I'm able to create canon content and then have the "audacity" to go off and create content for crackships as well.
My sanity and morality has been questioned for shipping a "murderer" to their "victim" (i suppose that's lucemond + rhaegon) and a "grommer" to a child" (i suspect that must be either daemyra or Rhaegar x Lyanna) while I've been non so nicely asked to "go to therapy".
First of all, I think yall should set up a gofundme and pay for the therapy you're all so desperate for me to get.
Secondly, you people are the reason why normal fans refrain from creating content in the first place. Y'see crack shippers have never insulted me for liking canon pairs. And just ignore & mute if they don't like a ship. I wish you could do the same.
Thirdly, the fact that I have people who ship Laena/Daemon, Rhaenyra/Daemon, Alys/Aemond, Elia/Rhaegar etc come to my anon asks, preaching about morality when yall pairs have a large amount of levels of fucked up, toxicity, and what fandom now calls "problematic" is not only hypocritical but also unintentionally hilarious. None of these ships are "healthier" or more normal. They only happened in canon and for some reason this feeds you some huge burst of self righteousness. And since yall love your canon ships so much and feel superior, why on earth do you feel so insecure that you'd lower yourself into being an assloke in my anon asks? 🤨🎤
Last but no least, let me make it clear again, this account is for me, I make content that I enjoy and if yall end up liking it that's really cool. Otherwise? there are tons of other accounts who are dedicated strickly to canon and you can follow those.
I'll keep creating content I enjoy but yall have made me spiteful. So if the intention was for me to drop crackships then I sadly report you only inspired me to make more <3
I'm deleting those asks and won't interact with this type in the future either. If you genuinely wonder why I like x pair I'll be more than happy to explain. But insulting me, belittling me, and demanding to switch my content will get you 0 results from me.
all ships are welcome in this harbor
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nijjhar · 9 months
Punjabi - End of Kalyug upon Atomic War. The Tares need to be bundled up... Punjabi - End of Kalyug upon Atomic War. The Tares need to be bundled up in Israel - Matt 13v24-30. https://youtu.be/87iH49M3rGY Matt 13v24-30:- Is there any doubt about the Tares unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh? THEY BURN EACH OTHER leaving the sons of Man, Wheat plants live in Peace as the African and the Brazillian people with the tribal marks do. https://youtu.be/lM4-ZSIEseM PREDICTIONS. End Time Sectarian worldwide riots are going to happen soon after 14/11/2023 Sectarian riots on a very large scale are expected. https://youtu.be/elALmrW9ufw Punjabi - Sectarian riots worse than 1947 are looming. Enter the House of Allah for Salvation. https://youtu.be/JZAP01aoKIU I am a retired university lecturer in Metallurgy hailing from Punjab, India where the Second Coming of Christ = Satguru Jesus in the name of Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji took place in 1469 among the most greedy and Sat++++anic people of the Khatri tribe. Through five more Lights, He Preached the Gospel to perfection for over 150 years still the Darkness could not be comprehended. Thus, Four more Lights, the Royal Kings came to protect the Sikhism and promoted the rule of righteousness. The greediest Kings and Emperors of Darkness still carried on with their Sat++++anic activities as Mullahs in the Mosques. The New Testament has good information on what is going on. In fact, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the Tares, the Jews, Muslims, etc. outwardly are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through Atomic Bombs.   Now, these University Theologians are dead in letters of the holy Books totally incapable of understanding the Parable puzzles that only you learn through “intuition” by His grace only that the illiterate Shepherds and farmers were able to do as God is inside them and taught them which the greedy Temple (Winepress coining the moral laws) Priests (Husbandmen) loving Mammon more than God could not understand. That is why Jesus didn’t throw Pearls before swine in Jerusalem as the two men in the Genersate were doing and ended locked up in the silence of the graveyard so that no one should listen to them as the Oxford University Professors of Theology are doing to me. Cutting the matter short, the Atomic War is expected to take place soon after 14/11/2023. This is how, I have calculated it:- Israel was established on 14/05/1948. Add to it 70 years of full protection. On 14/05/2018, Israel was 70 years old and Donald Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel and had moved his Embassy in Jerusalem. Now, there were Five years of grace of heart in the name of Christ Jesus which ended on 14/05/2023 and Israel declared that the whole Jerusalem belongs to Israel. This has boiled up the situation and the Mohammedan Hamas, Fateh, etc. have reacted against this announcement. The sons of the most high Sat+++an Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, super bastard religious fanatic devils – John 8v44 – Jews and Muslims outwardly have become the staunch enemies of each other. Neither the Jews nor the Hamas and the Fatah can build their covenants with Abraham of the Semitic Race. St. Paul has stressed many things such as a Jew is one who is “inwardly – spiritual” never born and never died and not outwardly or the tribal self Juda, Levi, Benjamin, etc. that are born and will die led by the their blind guides, the Rabbis. In India, three Sat+++anic Lalas Lala M.K. Gandhi, a Bania, Lala Tara Singh, a Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia did the same sectarian riots with full collusion of the British hypocrites. My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/nobility.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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powertrumpeter · 1 year
Watch "Bill To Regulate Practice Of Christianity In Nigeria - Sonnie Ekwowusi" on YouTube
Clampdown On Christians In Nigeria.
Many Nigerian rulers have a complex: whether inferiority or superiority complex. When Muslim rulers climb to power at any level, they see people of Christian religion as contenders, or outright adversaries. Then, they do everything possible to subjugate and oppress them, under suitable pretext.
That is the crux of the matter, down through the history of this country. You hear of sponsored religious riots in the North; terrorists burning down churches; and kidnap of Christians who pay heavy ransom. You also hear of one legislation or the other, to restrict or cage Christian activities, including holding crusades. Yet, they talk about unity or oneness of Nigeria. This is shear hypocrisy.
Nigerian taskmasters, who are dominated by Muslim North, with Yoruba collaboration, are hell-bent to suppress, humiliate, and reduce Christian population in Nigeria, by all means. They have tried various regulations to cage Christian religion. These include registration of churches; even to recording of Church offerings. There is another obnoxious bill to seek permission, before any Church can be established, or hold crusades. Christian crusade is the nightmare of any religious fanatic.
All these Satan-inspired laws, and suppression of Christians won’t survive the test of time. Nobody born of woman, can stop the spreading of the gospel. The preaching of the gospel, has gone far beyond Church premises, and crusade grounds. When the chips are down, we will conquer everywhere for God, despite all man-made obstacles, including backing terrorists against Christians.
Look at the carnage going on in Southern Kaduna for instance. Over one hundred persons, mostly Christian were recently massacred within three days. And nobody is doing anything about it. The country’s President and Governor of Kaduna are both of Muslim religion. Thousands of Christians have been killed, raped, and their house burnt by sponsored Muslim militants for years, under the rulership of former Kaduna Governor El-Rufai. He kept quiet over the killings for eight years as Governor. God will judge him.
In the same Kaduna State, a passenger train moving from Kaduna to Abuja was ambushed by Terrorists in the North. They robbed the train, killed many passengers, and kidnapped many; including prominent people. Those pampered hoodlums, had a field day engaging in wanton destruction of lives and property. They decided to be releasing their captives piecemeal, after payment of heavy ransom running into hundreds of millions of naira. Those terrorists made billions, from the kidnap business along with their Northern elite backers. None of them was arrested till date, despite Kaduna being the hob of military installations in Nigeria.
The same Muslim terrorists invaded Kuje prisons in Abuja, and freed all their colleagues in detention there. They even had the audacity to conduct ceremonies and make long speech. No security personnel ever changed or resisted them. Why can’t hypocritical Nigerian Government and their religious bigots roll out law to cage or prosecute them? Their hatred for Christians to survive in Nigeria, will bounce back on them.
They think that reducing Christian population and caging them, will help to perpetuate themselves in power. Those religious bigots, employ the tactics of violence and deprivations, to pursue their narrow, political agenda. There wickedness will find them out. There is nothing hidden under this sun that shall not be made manifest.
God said, the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him. And the wickedness of wicked, shall be upon him –Ezekiel 18:20.
Why can’t they roll out laws both in the National and State Assemblies, against terrorism and banditry ravaging the whole country? Instead, they aid and abet terrorists and bandits, as well as share from ransom collected from victims? Many top government officials are their backers, who benefit financially from the evil business, Why should they keep quiet, when all these atrocities are going on? A lot of Northern Muslim elite are their financiers and their patrons.
Those religious hypocrites will be happy to see Churches in Nigeria closed down; and Christians barred from holding elective or high public offices. The truth remains that majority of all those politicians and elite, who parade themselves as Muslims are in occult. Even their Christian counterparts are not left out. They are deeply involved in secret societies. Also, they are patrons to ritual killers, kidnappers and terrorists. They consult juju men or babalawos, as well as having shrines in their homes or offices. I challenge all of them to prove me wrong! They are far from God. These charlatans have skeletons in their cupboards. They use religion to garner political support to loot the treasury.
God said, “Thou shall have no other gods before me. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” –Exodus 20: 3-5... https://powertrumpeter.org/blog1/let-justice-be-done.
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wolint · 1 year
Amos 5:21
Do as I say and not as I do! Hypocrisy is when we claim to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case. It is when one pretends to be what they’re not while trying to convince others that it’s so, or pretending to believe something that they do not, especially to get their way.
There’s a usual response to hypocrites: “Practise what you preach” Yes please do.
Hypocrisy is a Greek word that means “actor”—literally, “one who wears a mask”—in other words, someone who pretends to be what he is not.
Society has so embraced hypocrisy so well that nobody bats an eyelid when it’s expressed and exhibited it seems to be the new norm of society now, including within the church and the body of Christ.
Although, according to God and the bible, hypocrisy is a sin. And there are two forms of hypocrisy is exhibited: professing belief in something and then acting contrary to that belief, and looking down on others when we are flawed.
We can deduce from our text that God hates hypocrisy so much that He rejects Israel’s worship, offering and feast.
God despises the absence of justice and righteousness in our conduct toward one another.
Isaiah 29:13 went further to tell us that God is not impressed with lip service, honouring God with our lips. The Lord is not impressed with our proper outward worship, it offends Him if our worship and service are not motivated by faith.
Jesus reiterates this in Matthew 15:8–9). And goes even further to say in Matthew 16:6,12 "Watch out!". "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees." [12] Then at last they understood that he wasn't speaking about the yeast in bread but about the deceptive teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Do we, can we and have we recognised the Pharisees and Sadducees of our present age?
The religious leaders of Jesus’ days were very famous, like a lot of hypocritic leaders today but if Jesus didn’t, we shouldn’t hold back from denouncing their hypocrisy. He went so far as to call these hypocrites “sons of Hell.” Hypocrisy is not a minor sin. It is rooted in pride, it encourages other sins, it blinds us to God’s truth, it slanders God’s character, and it actively leads others away from God. Hypocrites either inspire hypocrisy in others or give others a distaste for Christianity and God. We should be on the watch against even the hint of hypocrisy in our lives.
We need God’s Spirit and wisdom with true sincerity to deal with, manage and overcome hypocrisy according to James 3:17.
Our walk of faith according to 1 John 2:3-4 involves a personal relationship that changes our behaviour because confession without a change of behaviour is a spiritual charade. It is hypocrisy to confess our sins and then continue them. It’s easy to ask God for forgiveness with no real repentance.
What and all we do as believers should be consistent with what we believe and who we are in Christ. Actors play a role and not real life, so we must strive for holiness as seen in 1 Peter 1:16 and hate what is evil while clinging to what is good according to Romans 12:9.
As Matthew 25:44-45 says, claiming to love God while hating a brother or sister in Christ is hypocrisy. How can we love Christ while hating someone he died for? How can we sing of his forgiveness while holding a grudge against others? How can we claim to offer him everything while refusing to help his children in need? That is hypocrisy!
PRAYER: Lord, help me live the life of righteousness that will point others to you and glorify you while practising what I preach in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries
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inhuman-obey-me · 2 years
Heaven Divided
Written for the Lucifer Birthday Collaboration 2022, with the theme "Celestial War" -- you can check out all the artist/writer collabs at the Lucifer Birthday Collab Twitter! See the corresponding art for this piece here Word Count: 4.8k Description: "If you want a battle, I'll give you a war." We all know the story -- Lucifer, the most brilliant of angels, rebelled against God, failed, and fell. But there's so much more to the story than that, isn't there? A story of Lucifer, the revolutionary, and the family that fought beside him. Can also be read on AO3 here
The crowd that has gathered is modest, but it's more than Lucifer was expecting, if he's being honest with himself. He is aware, of course, what influence he has in the Celestial Realm, as not only a seraph but a leader even among that group of highest ranking angels. He's well-liked and admired, certainly. It shouldn't be surprising that more than a few would follow him.
But even so, admiration alone would not, could not, convince angels -- servants dedicated to their Father's will! -- to rebel against that same Father. No, that requires much more courage and conviction, and demonstrates far more belief in him and what he is about to say. They are here to follow him into a war that seems sure to be devastating for all sides.
That is not just admiration; that is faith.
Does he deserve their faith? He hopes so. Hope is all he has, now.
From the edges of his sight, he can see Mammon rallying those who have gathered, corralling them into some semblance of order. It gives him some reassurance, at least, to see his trusted brother here with him. His other siblings, too, are gathered in the crowd, and he sees them scattered throughout.
He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for what is to come, as the incoming throngs gradually slow to a trickle.
"My brethren, thank you for coming today," Lucifer begins. "I recognize that it is not an easy thing to join me here. But if you are here with me today, then I trust you are putting your faith in what I have to say. At some time or another, you may have felt the same way I do now. You too have felt doubt, however small. You too can see that our realm, for all we preach order and blessings, maintains that order by ruthlessness and force. We are not what we have claimed to be.
"This world we live in, the order we have been taught, is wrong. There is something very wrong with how the Celestial Realm operates. And that dissonance comes from He who gave us these rules, these restrictions. We have never known anything but the laws of our Father, but these laws have led us astray from what our true purpose is. We were created to spread virtue and His heavenly grace, yet we live under anything but grace.
"We worship a liar, and a hypocrite. We preach the glory of our Father and his creations -- yet, he destroys those creations just as easily without a second thought. He holds no grace for us, nor respect for the wills or minds He has given us. Yet still, He demands glory as we destroy on his behalf.
"This time, we act not on his behalf, but for our own. We fight for a future that we can grasp for ourselves -- one where obedience need not be absolute, where our loved ones are not punished for love or free will. A future where we judge righteousness by our own minds.
"This will not be easy. We will be fighting against our fellow angels. Many of us have fought many times before, but against those who are wicked, against demons and humans who are corrupt and vile. Against those who are against the light we have always represented. This time, you will find yourself face to face with those whom you love. We must fight those who shine just as brightly as us, for a light they cannot yet see.
"But I cannot turn my back on the truths I have realized, and neither can you. With our hands reaching for destiny, remember this: we cannot surrender. When all they know, all we have known, is corrupt, we must not give up, else we submit to that which we have seen is a fallacy.
"A new future calls -- let us go together to claim it. To battle!"
Punctuating his declaration, Lucifer's grandiose set of wings bursts out behind him, launching him high into the skies. Cheers cry out from the gathered angels as they raise their weapons high in assent, and the crowd begins to rise as well, spilling out in formation with shouts of war.
A sick nervousness wells in the pit of Lucifer's stomach, watching the white flutter of angelic robes and wings below following his commands. This fight is needed; of that, he has no doubt -- he has tried over and over now to speak reason and sense into his Father, to no avail. No amount of debate or discussion leads anywhere, nor pleading, nor argument. That had been frustrating enough when it had been over lofty ideals such as those Lucifer had been discussing lately with the Devildom's prince. To be met with the same stubborn ignorance when it came to the much more concrete issue of pleading for his sister's life -- that was too much. If his Father will not run the Celestial Realm properly, then Lucifer will. It's that simple.
But that doesn't change the fact that all these angels now, assembled airborne alongside him, including his own sister and brothers, are all in danger if he fails.
The sight of Mammon, swooping up to meet him, reassures him though, the brilliant gold of his younger brother's eyes catching the sunlight with a sharp gleam. "Lucifer, everyone's heading down to the palace, but the other side's gathering up too. Where do ya want everybody?"
"Keep them in formation. Make sure no one wanders off alone so that they aren't targeted. And keep them on track -- I don't want any unruly troublemakers straying off to attack those who aren't part of the fight."
Mammon gives a quick salute and starts heading back down to relay the orders, when Lucifer pauses and grabs him by the shoulder. Though his voice is steady, there is a quiet anxiousness in his words as he adds, "And Mammon -- watch over our family. Stay with them if you can. We need to make it out of this alive, you hear me? No wild stunts or reckless heroics from you. Stay alive."
The look his brother gives him in return is serious, if slightly annoyed. "Ya know I know that already. Stay alive yourself! You're the one they're going to be really going after, ya know."
Is Lucifer ready for that? He's not sure. But he's made his decision, and he's resolved to stick with it. It's far too late to turn back now.
"I know."
The battles have raged ongoing for weeks now.
Somehow, losses on both sides have been fortunately minimal, though neither can claim to be unscathed. But each angel that falls on behalf of his war is a new weight on Lucifer, and he girds himself at the end of each day's battles for fresh reports of the latest casualties.
His siblings, at least, have remained safe. Though they bicker insufferably as always in the evenings over dinner, they at least fight together reliably, always keeping each other safe. Leviathan, as a former general of the Celestial army, is the one exception, using his authority and military expertise to lead large swaths of their forces instead, but for the same reason, Lucifer can rest assured that he's more than capable of watching out for himself. Not to mention, the third brother is at least one of the officers who also stays back at times with Lucifer, delighted that the strategic expertise he'd honed in the past several centuries of playing war games in despair of wanting to be useful can finally be put to practical use again.
It's almost nice to see his younger brother this way again, Lucifer thinks, to watch him blossom with confidence once more rather than burying himself away in self-deprecation. Almost nice -- that is, if not for the constant reminder of the stakes that ride on each decision that they make together.
"We've overtaken this area, so the next one we should target is...here," Levi explains, deep in thought over a map. "Then over here...ooooh this is just like the battle in Warmaker III ~Reign of Discord! Panic~! They were getting overwhelmed and preparing to withdraw, but then the protagonist bravely charges in with reinforcements and they're able to save the critical stronghold before moving on forward! The soldiers are utterly inspired by his brave feats in defending the fortress, and with their spirits raised, they completely turn the battle around to obliterate the enemy forces!!!"
Though he's appreciative of Levi's military expertise, it's all Lucifer can do to hold back a groan in response to his sibling's excited giggling over his game. But still, that tendency to get so carried away with his own little world is exactly what makes him such an adorable younger brother as well. "I suppose that's your way of saying you think I should move to help there then?"
"Yeah, it'll be totally epic loool! Just think -- the troops are tired and starting to falter, but then, the heroic Lucifer appears just in time and saves them with swift action!! Especially if you do what Nuyrad did in that scene against the evil Lasutinian forces, go across this way so you can come in from the western front to catch them off guard!"
"Thank you, Levi. Then, I'll entrust the troops in the south to you."
"Understood!" his brother replies, looking almost cheerful as the elder stands to leave. "Remember, we're with you all the way, Lucifer!! Believe in the us that believes in you!!"
When Lucifer arrives at the western edges of the battlefield, it's not long before he spots Asmodeus. His brother's loose robes wave in the winds with dramatic flourishes each time he shoots off an arrow. His movements are captivating, almost like dancing in their gracefulness, and even some of the enemies seem to get distracted from time to time watching him. Unfortunately, this also seems to draw more attention towards him in particular, thus drawing more fire upon him in turn.
Well, Lucifer knows where he's needed, then.
With his six massive wings spanning the sky like an ominous cloud, he swoops down with sword in hand, batting back the arrows before shooting forward to take down several more of the opposing warriors. They begin quickly falling back as he descends upon them with sword in hand, none particularly wanting to be on the receiving end of his blade.
Once the scene has cleared, Lucifer takes the chance to survey the field. As Leviathan had mentioned, it seems the situation had become fairly dire here, with many angels injured and unable to fight, thus leaving those remaining quite outnumbered. They really would have had to retreat soon if he had not arrived just in time.
Asmodeus rushes over right away, flinging his arms dramatically around the seraph as soon as he touches the ground. "Lucifeeeer!!! You came to save me! I thought I was a goner!"
"You could have handled that many arrows just fine, Asmo," Lucifer grumbles, well aware of his lovely younger brother's tendency to exaggerate. "And I'm not only here for you. Leviathan informed me that this area needed help, that's all."
Still, as he gently peels his younger sibling off of him, he can't resist giving him a light ruffle on the head -- to the other's chagrin, as Asmo then has to scramble to fix his hair back to its proper place. It's good to see him still lively as ever, amongst so many wounded.
Asmo gives him an overexaggerated pout in response to his remark but moves on quickly. "Well, yeah, we're not doing great over here. The healers are getting too exhausted to handle all the wounds. I've been trying to help them as much as I can too, but..."
Lucifer hardly needs to be told any more. He promptly marches over to where the wounded are gathered, exchanging a few words with some of the angels performing healing magic before going to stand in the center of the area. The soothing warmth of angelic curative power spills out as he closes his eyes, blanketing the space in soft lights and the scent of rosemary. Other angels around him add their energies in as well, and find themselves bathed in the same lights as the combined magic spreads throughout.
When Lucifer opens his eyes again hardly a moment later, the bedridden's wounds have healed, and the rest gasp at how light their bodies feel again, released from the fatigue of weeks of battle.
Relieved cheers and excited applause break out from around them, led by none other than Asmodeus. "Oh, that's my amazing big brother!! That was incredible!"
He again bursts forth, ready to wrap his arms around Lucifer in another tight hug, but the prideful angel catches him at arm's length with a sigh, not particularly enjoying all the attention on him. "That's enough of that, Asmo. Come, we have a lot to discuss here, it seems."
From Asmodeus, Lucifer learns how his siblings had gotten separated in an earlier battle. Beelzebub, Belphegor, and Lilith had still been keeping close together as a unit, as expected of the tight-knit group, but Mammon had gotten pulled away to help in some other area. Asmo himself had fallen behind with a group of archers when some enemies had attempted an ambush on them -- though they had clearly underestimated the beautiful jewel's skills in combat.
Once this area has been secured again, though, it's time for Lucifer to move on. He's not thrilled that his youngest siblings are at the very forefront of battle, even if he knows they're each quite strong in their own right. He almost would have liked for them to stay behind, safe, but of course, there was no way Lilith would accept sitting still when she felt the guilt of being the catalyst for this war. And if Lilith was going in, then so were the twins, who also equally didn't want to let Lucifer fight this on his own.
That doesn't change the worry Lucifer feels now, though, as he rushes forward to the next area.
Their contingent has almost made its way to the Celestial Palace itself now, where the highest ranking angels are keeping guard. The scene is chaotic, with the sharp sounds of angelic weapons clashing and magic slicing every direction.
Thankfully, he finds the cluster of his siblings easily enough among the fighting, helped by Beel's very identifiable large frame and the equally large sword that he swings in wide swaths. Belphie imbues wind magic into his attacks as well, effectively pushing waves of enemies further and further back with each swing, as Lilith guards them against any would-be attackers from behind.
Though he won't tell them, he really is proud to see them working together in such sync.
"Lucifer!" Belphie calls out with a sudden grin, catching sight of his eldest brother overhead. The others perk up as well at the call, and they wave him down to join them.
He nods at them in acknowledgement as his feet touch upon the ground. Soon, the hardest battles will begin, far above where these three can fly. But for now, it's good just to see them, to exchange a few words before he must move on again.
"You're safe," he says simply. "Good."
"So are you," Beelzebub answers back with relief, a hint of guilt in his voice. "Sorry I haven't been able to come with you to protect you..."
Lucifer shakes his head. "No, this is good. You're where you should be. Keep Belphegor and Lilith safe for me."
"We can take care of ourselves!" Lilith chimes in, pouting. Her childish response is betrayed, however, by the serious expression that falls upon her face as she looks away towards Belphie, who merely gives her a comforting hug.
"I know you can," their older brother smirks. "I just saw it. But if I can trust Beel to be my bodyguard, I can trust him to protect you too. That's all."
Beel gives a single nod in response. "I'll keep them safe, Lucifer. I promise."
"Then, we'll keep him safe too," Belphie answers back. His normally sleepy expression is cheerful despite their surroundings, now that he has this moment with the brother he admires so much. "Don't worry about us, we'll be fine here!"
And Lucifer believes it. They'll watch out for each other, definitely; they'll be safe together.
With that reassurance, he nods at each of them again, quickly healing them all of any scrapes before taking flight once more. There's just one last battle beyond here to be fought, then.
The uppermost chambers of the Celestial Palace stand aloft just ahead, its brilliant white marble and shining gold accents blindingly bright in these always sunny skies.
Lucifer's wings beat hard, here in the uppermost tier of the Celestial Realm where the winds are too harsh for any but seraphs to even begin to approach. He'll have to fight the rest of this battle on his own, but it's so close now. Here is where their Father presides over everything, with all but his highest ranking kept at arms' length. Here is where He sits upon his lofty throne, watching over His creations at all times, watching and judging. Sitting, watching, even now, as His precious angels throw themselves to destruction at the hands of their former comrades in honor of His glory.
And he is filled again with rage. Rage and wrath, an anger that glows over everything. Disgust at his Father, a reignited indignation for all He represents. The fury of thousands of years of wasted obedience now discarded burns within him.
The sharp, unforgiving clangs of his sword ring out like a death knell -- the tolling of a bell marking the end of a realm which will never be the same, after this war.
Lucifer is perfectly okay with that. It doesn't deserve to stay the same.
He lunges forth, the righteous ire of his ideals igniting sparks of magic that flit across his form. Deep blue and golden yellow lights dance across his figure in waves, wrapping his sword with celestial power.
But the sting of betrayal burns too in Michael's throat, as the friend who had always stood side-by-side with him strikes at his other loved ones. Uriel and Gabriel together can hardly keep the brilliant morning star at bay.
"Lucifer!" he shouts, rushing in to defend the other seraphs as they fall back. "Your madness ends here!"
"It is not madness to unseat a tyrant," Lucifer growls back, refocusing his assault on the one he had until now worked side-by-side with, always. "What is madness is the way we have praised and followed someone so flawed without question until now."
"It is madness to question Him! His plans are far greater than any of us, and it is not our place to doubt them!"
"Yet it is the Demon Prince, of all beings, who works to bring peace between the realms, while our Father is content not to even engage with him. Do you not see the hypocrisy there, Michael? Do you not see the truth?"
Their swords smash relentlessly against each other as the two highest angels of the realm battle back and forth.
"It is not hypocrisy for angels not to consort with wicked demons," Michael insists still. "Your truth is nonsense, Lucifer! Look what chaos has erupted beneath here. That is your doing, not our Father's! You are the one who is causing all of this!"
The accusation strikes unexpectedly deeply into precisely all the worries on Lucifer's mind. Perhaps it was inevitable for the one angel who shared just as much responsibility for the realm as he did to know what exactly weighed heaviest upon him. But, in this moment, with that same weight carrying him forward, it is exactly his sense of responsibility to everyone that ensures he cannot back down.
"They follow me because they have chosen to! The freedom of choice, Michael, that is what we have never had! You may have chosen to just keep believing, but they have not. Just as I have chosen this path, they have chosen to follow!"
The determined fury behind Lucifer's words is echoed by the force behind his blade, and Michael is momentarily flung back. But he has just as much determination to bring his precious partner in arms back. He tightens his grip on his sword, steeling himself.
"They have chosen to follow you, Lucifer. It has always been you. Our Father, the other seraphs, the young angels still growing up -- for everyone, it has always been you. You should know full well that they have always admired you. As did I! But what do you give them in return? A war, in which countless angels will lose their lives! You lead them to their own destruction, Lucifer! You will destroy your own family!"
Family. The images of them swirl his mind -- Mammon's reminder to be careful, Leviathan's cheer of support, the rain of arrows coming down upon Asmodeus, the twins working together. And his sister, his dear sister, sweet child of the family, whose great damning sin had been loving too deeply, giving too much. He sees it in his mind's eye, the desperation on her face before taking that heavenly fruit, the hopelessness at her decreed fate afterwards, her grateful sobs when Lucifer made up his mind to fight.
And Michael deems fit to lecture him on family? Michael, whose only family loyalty lies with the Father who cannot be bothered to lift a finger in this war, even as His faithful angels die for Him?
The rage in Lucifer only flares up further at the thought, pushing him to the edge of deliriousness. "I am doing this for my family!" he bellows, magic rippling across his entire body like fire. "I will not allow my sister to be destroyed for the sake of His rules and His pride!"
His face splits into a sadistic grin as he summons forth every bit of power within him to take on this most powerful of opponents, the one angel whose strength matches his own.
And in that moment, what Michael sees is no longer his precious friend, the brilliantly shining Morning Star that leads the realm with utmost light. In that moment, what Michael sees is a darkness he has never before seen in an angel, one that terrifies him to the depths of his soul. Though his feathers are still pure white, halo still as golden as his own, the wrath in the red glow of those eyes is unmistakable.
In that moment, Michael no longer sees his angelic companion, Lucifer. No, what he sees is a demon -- an adversary.
He knows what angels ought to do to demons.
Michael's own seraphic power begins to take shape around him, bathing his white feathers in sunlit yellow, no longer any hint of restraint against the one who had always been his equal companion in all Celestial matters. If this is what Lucifer has become, then he will not live. If this truth has become his demon, Michael will destroy it from him by force.
Lucifer throws himself forward, blade smashing hard against the one Michael puts up just in time to block it. But the dark-haired angel is relentless, pushed forward by images of his sister's decreed obliteration flooding his mind. With a quick turn of his wrist, he flips the sword around, slamming the hilt hard up against the other's face.
Michael recovers quickly enough, but wrath has taken over now, and Lucifer's flurry of strikes are unforgiving in their pace. He pushes hard, barely giving the other a moment to breathe between parries, slipping in punches and blows wherever there's an opening. But with equal passion of determination, Michael doggedly goes after every moment of weakness from Lucifer in turn.
Their struggle rages on this way for hours, each fueled by pure emotion past the limits of their fatigue. Their blood splatters against each other; anger and hatred mix in screaming sparks of magic clashing against one another.
And then, at last, a final strike at the hilt of Michael's blade sends it hurtling out of his hands.
Lucifer stares him down for a moment, almost ready to offer a moment of mercy to his once peer, to let him retreat from here gracefully rather than falling to his blade.
Instead, Michael makes one final desperate attempt to end the war for himself -- he lunges at Lucifer, wrapping his arms around his former friend to plunge a hidden dagger into his back.
Stunned, Lucifer slashes his sword out one last time, a clean slice straight across Michael's chest as he breaks out of his hold.
For the briefest of moments, their eyes meet, and Michael reaches out almost by instinct to grab the other's hand, trying to catch him before he begins to fall from the sky. Grief and regret wash over him. But it comes too late, and Lucifer's fingers slip out of his blood-soaked grasp.
A loose glint of metal catches their eyes for just a second.
And then, almost as quickly as the moment happens, it's broken. Lucifer is falling, and as he does, he sees another pair of wings collapsing in the sky.
He knows those wings.
Lucifer watches as the demon prince and his ever-faithful butler carry away his sister's fallen body.
His wings, already turning from white to black, flutter darkening feathers all around him. And there is helplessness -- at his vulnerability, at his transformation, at his failure against Michael and his failing for his family. Helplessness, and grief, and fear -- and no sign yet of what has become of the others. Is this their fate? Are all of them to die like Lilith, or perhaps worse yet, become filled with darkness as he seems to now be?
It is his fault.
This is the thought that floods his mind, as rage begins to consume the fear.
Damn it all, he has failed them, hasn't he? Self-hatred burns through every inch of his body. The fury he has felt throughout this whole war redirects inwards. No longer is it only fury at his Father; now, there is also vicious fury at himself.
Somewhere beside him, his hands find his blade once more, and his fingers curl with resentment around the hilt.
If Lilith survives this, if Lord Diavolo really can save her, he hopes she won't remember him. He hopes she'll be safe somewhere, safe from his futile hubris and their Father's vengeance alike.
He doesn't deserve the sweet smile Belphegor gave him, either, before leaving those three behind to their fate. He'd entrusted everything to Lucifer, his supposedly infallible big brother, and where has that led them now?
He should have been the one protecting them, rather than leaving the burden to Beelzebub. It should have been his job, as the eldest. That, too, is his failure.
Asmodeus's eyes shine adoringly in his mind, the only true expression his beautiful younger brother has ever given him. What will become of that sweet, admiring brother now, for having followed this foolish, prideful idol into what they should have known would be a hopeless war?
He can only imagine how this will hurt the already gloomy Leviathan. What should have been a shining time of redemption for the former general, now the greatest failure of their lives, all because of his conceited delusions of rebellion.
And Mammon -- his favorite younger brother, ever loyal, always with unwavering belief in him. A belief in him that now will lead him straight to hell, quite literally, right alongside Lucifer. And he knows already, how he will forgive him for this, how he will not blame Lucifer for any of it.
But he deserves their blame, and their resentment, all the disgust, the anger, the hatred for what their lives are about to become.
The last of his wings falls from his back, chopped off by his own hand.
No more. He is an angel no more.
The sword clatters to the ground as it slips from his grasp, the sound echoing through the empty coliseum like a bell.
As if waking to the sound, the delirious stupor he'd been acting in shatters. Pain from his wounds, those from his earlier battle and those self-inflicted alike, finally explode across his body. Everything he'd been holding back until now, the physical and mental alike, washes over him. A scream releases itself from his throat unbidden as the agony drags him to his knees.
His vision is red, red, filled with blood, coated in violence. There are more screams, but he hardly hears himself. All the chaotic, crashing feelings within him -- hatred, anguish, fury, grief, guilt, despair -- are screaming to be released; he cannot hold them within himself anymore. And gradually, these complicated emotions coalesce into a single point.
A shadow begins to take form within the pile of his discarded wings.
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I read your post about the right thing not being easy and I concur. It got me thinking though. What do you think about LXC's response to the revelations at Guanyin?
Seclusion: Imo LXC going into seclusion felt more like he went into hiding from the fallout. It felt like self-pity leaving others to handle the consequences for his mistakes. However, I do make allowances for the sheer self-doubt and shock as well as seclusion being the Lan Go-To.
Self-pity: from what I've seen so far, LXC is entirely focused on the fact JGY lied to him and he doesn't know who to trust. This line of thinking, to me, seems to avoid the crux of the issue - his action and inaction. Yes, he was lied to. That's no on him. What is on him is his casual elitism and the assumptions that drive it. He doesn't evaluate core concepts like what it means to have authority, what is morality/righteousness/justice. And without going into these things, he cannot hope to change.
Let me know what you think!
About LXC, I have a lot of thoughts. First, I'd like to express, that I do not talk about the way he talked to WWX in the Guanyin Temple scene here. It's sort of a sore spot for me and is something that makes me very very angry about him. I'll probably rant about it soon, but I want to evaluate his actions on the general populace, especially the innocents.
Here's what we do know about his reaction after the events:
He attends the sealing ceremony of JGY and NMJ, though he seems very weary.
He subsequently goes into seclusion
LWJ wants to tell LXC about why JGY saved SiSi, in an attempt to assure LXC that while JGY was a terrible person, there were parts of him that weren't horrible (this is for LXC's benefit. Not in defence of JGY. I'll explain below.)
He is observed by WWX to be frail, and absent-minded while reporting the clan activities during the banquet.
Lan Wangji goes to talk with him, as LXC did during his own seclusion.
Well, there isn't a lot we can know from this about how Lan Xichen went on to act, what his motivations and thoughts were, or if he rectified himself. So most of this is speculation based on what we see of him.
First of all, the Lans and the Nies are far less culpable than the Jiangs or the Jins in the horrors we see. This is true for the Siege, and for everything after. However, their failure remains in the fact that they allowed such horror to happen while in significant positions of power.
NMJ accuses WQ of her inaction, but she was in absolutely no position to revolt. She was an orphan, who was brought up by WRH and held her position due to his favour. She was under the rule of a tyrant, and in no position to go against him when even the great sects only got their heads out of the sand when an entire sect was murdered. But both NMJ and LXC are in powerful positions, and they fought in a war to ensure that WRH's tyranny won't last. As people who have apparently strong codes of justice and morality, their actions and inactions are contemptible, especially so because they do not seem to see evil for what it is. Them allowing JGS to follow in WRH's footsteps makes one wonder: was the SunShot Campaign really about 'righteousness', or just revenge?
Lan Xichen is not a contemptible villain by any means. He is someone who will try to help others, as he does defend WQ in the beginning, and repays debts and expresses gratitude, as shown by him affording JGY the benefit of the doubt. Lan Xichen never actually hurt or schemed on others for his own gain. He separates grudges and gratitudes properly in his life. He never bears jealousy nor drowns in resentment. And of course, he never coveted others' power for his own benefit. Hence, he is already better than many of the assholes in the cultivation society.
However, as you have said, he has his flaws and faults. He, like the entire Lan Clan, really, hypocritically preach 'righteousness' but does not take any actual action to ensure that they 'shoulder the weight of morality'. The entire cultivation world fucked up with the Wens, and I have expressed my horror at that before. LXC as I have mentioned is slightly less culpable, but he does not go out of his way to do anything because he cares more about his relationship with NMJ than protecting the Wens. He is also not present at the siege, though undoubtedly as sect leader he would have been aware and also needed to give permission.
However, a similar situation again happens when he takes no action when another entire sect (Tingshan He, I believe?) is slaughtered down to the children by the Jins. Yes, this was almost a few months after WWX's death and LXC was probably taking care of LWJ, but again, he is in a position of power. What the hell was the point of the SunShot Campaign if they were just going to let things like that happen again? He and even NMJ, as leaders, do not investigate this. Especially as the leader of the sect that preaches righteousness... you can see how this does not seem good.
About casual elitism, yes, he, much like NMJ often display the same beliefs. They do not perceive from the eye of those that society tramples upon and hold onto the naive belief that if such people adhere to strong principles society will bend. Society never bends. They stand at the top of the pyramid and believes easily that it mustn't be so bad at the bottom. This is why he says WWX has changed. Because WWX, as a person, will adhere to society only as long as it is just; when it comes to societal niceties and moral righteousness, WWX will always always choose moral righteousness. The problem, of course, is that both LXC and NMJ often confuse the two, and think they go hand in hand. They are not terrible people for it; just sheltered and a little naive and never had to struggle for things.
However, this belief shapes his reaction to WWX, and believes him a threat enough to allow for a siege to be led on a group of innocents. I don't believe he didn't know. Maybe he thought cultivators were in the Burial Mounds as well, but, he knew there were civilians too. LWJ saw A-Yuan, saw uncle four, saw the Wens. He must have said something, but even LWJ realises in the Burial Mounds that no one will stand for the Wens.
But here's the thing: Inaction isn't as culpable as the crime perhaps, but when you're in a position of power, your inaction could mean the death of thousands. LXC either is naive enough to not know this or is willfully ignorant. His inactions allowed for a siege to be led on a village of innocents, and for thousands to be experimented on by JGS and JGY, and that fact cannot be changed.
But, this is also why I do believe guilt plays as much part in his seclusion as self-pity. I think he was finally confronted with his own decisions and the consequences of his actions and inactions. He is confronted with being lied to; but more importantly, he is confronted with the realisation that his judgement is compromised. His trust in JGY was betrayed, yes, but his trust in himself moreso. (This is why LWJ wants to tell him about SiSi; it is an attempt to assure him that while JGY was a ruthless murderer, the side of him that LXC saw and believed in wasn't non-existent.) He suddenly came face to face with every crime JGY committed, everything he in his bias to JGY turned blind eye to. That he, in his support of JGY, was even complicit in.
Again, we don't have much information on what he is contemplating in his seclusion. There is self-pity without a doubt, but I also believe there is self-condemnation. You see, LWJ and LXC were raised by a very rigid set of rules, with punishments for breaking them. LXC, much like LWJ, is confronted with the reality that the rules created by mortals can often lead to folly, that it might end up harming the innocents. That he and his clan failed to follow many of those rules, and even with the rules they followed, they failed to understand their true meaning and did nothing to prevent the massacre of innocents.
But! I think LXC, of all the characters, have the greatest potential to grow and understand, to repent and redeem himself. I have not much hope for even LQR, even as I write fics where LQR is more a tsundere-uncle than the hypocritical-stagnant man he often shows himself to be. But LXC as a person does try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I like to believe that he understands his own hypocrisy, and would want to do better. I think, that while his self-pity may cloud his mind, eventually, his good parts will win out because as I have said, he is no contemptible villain. I believe him worthy, and able of redemption, and while it would require introspection on his part, I don't believe it impossible.
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cherrybyunss · 3 years
People who preach about not writing smut ab jisung also write and read smut ab other 02 liners like sunghoon or yedam..the only difference is that jisungs the maknae. I dont understand why people baby him, hes not a child, as soon as chenle and all the rest of the dreamies turned legal people jumped at the chance to write smut so why is jisung any different! Its something I will never understand.
I've been saying.
It probably comes from the fact that people saw him grow up, and self righteousness. How hard is it to filter out fanfics you don't wanna consume? Very, apparently.
Give them some time lol, they'll either realize the younger fans are gonna write stuff anyways, or leave the fandom with age altogether.
Either ways, good riddance.
(Sorry if this sounds rude, but there's only so much niceness I can show bigoted, hypocritical people haha)
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viiisenyas · 3 years
How do you feel about street preachers?
Oh, I can’t stand them.
They’re not preaching to save souls. They’re preaching to put down the LGBT community and half-assedly present it as “loving Christianity.” I never see evangelists at rehab centers offering spiritual guidance to the addicts that want to find a better purpose, but I always see them at planned parenthood and in renowned gay neighborhoods and cities.
FYI, the Bible condemns those street preachers in Matthew 6:1-34
“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.”
And for whatever evangelist finds this and says “I’m supposed to deliver God’s message!” Yeah until they tell you they’re not interested. Matthew 10:14 clearly states this.
“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.”
So if somebody tells you to go away, LEAVE.
All that time you’re wasting trying to “turn people to God” (even though we all know it’s to spew your homophobia) you could have actually gotten somebody else who actually WANTED to find God on the path to find Him.
“bUt jOeY ThE bIbLE sAyS tO juDgE rIgHtEoUsLy”
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Yeah, it does, but you took that WAY out of context as it exists in the book of proverbs, specifically Proverbs 31:9. Read the entire chapter, and you’ll understand the context is about spreading KINDNESS and protecting those who are in need and using your better judgement to discern who you need to help.
Again looping back to the book of Matthew, 7:1-5
“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.”
I hate street preachers with a burning passion and I’m sick and tired of the holier than thou attitude that evangelists have when they know damn well they have some skeletons in the closet.
Anyways, Jesus loves you no matter what cloth you’re cut from. He died for everyone.
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nature-god-christ · 3 years
Nature of Life: As A Dream
OK. So the Holy Spirit, had aspired a young man to walk according to God's Word. From his holy scriptures, He showed the young man things past, present, and future; of things, good and evil, holy and wicked.
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However, observing deep wickedness, the young man marveled at those things, and darkness reached out and found something in him; a weakness, hidden, regarding the nature of flesh, still not yet disciplined by the will of mind, to the power of God's word.
Over the years, the young man enslaved himself to wickedness, incorporating into himself the very things he had previously despised. Yet, by a lust filled symbiotic arrangement, he allowed them entry, insinuation, and emotional substance.
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True agents of wickedness who hold governmental powers in this world and had long desired him for their own purposes, decided that his condition and lifestyle had opened him up to false accusation and imprisonment; and so, they falsely accused and imprisoned him.
While in prison, the word came to him, to encourage and remind him of a dream, from years past.
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The Dream:
Walking, his mind is filled with the word of God. Upon the closed shade of a opened window, dance shadows of a couple vehemently arguing. He says to himself that this household very much needs to hear the gospel of Christ; but continues on.
Almost instantly, he finds himself face-to-face with a familiar individual who asks regarding his life long friends. To which, he recited the illustrious careers and achievements of each one.
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But then, the familiar individual asked the young man about his own career and achievements; to which, the young man fell silent in embarrassment. But then, he quickly stated, "I am in Christ. I am the Son of God."
The familiar individual then smiled, as if to say: Indeed that is the greatest achievement of all. He then, motioned that the young man should continue walking the incline.
Upon leaving the familar individual, the man crossed the street to observe the entrance of a cave, but quickly found himself chained to various people, arm and arm, leg and leg; walking a downward path of total darkness and nether gloom. There was also present, the feelings of guilt, condemnation, and punishment.
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Then there appeared, to his left, an opening upon the cave wall. A portal, and one standing at a distance behind it, at a registry of some sort.
You say, you are the Son of God? He demanded. To which, the youngman answered, Yes.
The entity on the other side of the portal, drew closer, to enquire: Then why are you, with all these who are mine?
The young man, in utter embarrassment, gave no answer.
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Moving ever so close, the entity demanded proof of the young man's claim; hurling cursings and declarations of ownership.
The young man, recalling the power of God, lifted one and then both feet off the ground, such that he hovered mid air. At which, he heard the voice of God loudly yelling, into his right ear: Do not proove anything to him. Preach my word!
Upon the hearing and flying at great speed, out of the darkness of nether gloom, the youngman found himself in daylight, speaking God's word to people of many ethnicities, tongues, and religions.
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As all were rejoicing in the good word and revelations of God and Christ, the world leaders of such ethnicities, tongues, and religions who at first also rejoiced, became very displeased. Huddling together, they plotted, as how to destroy the young man away from the masses.
The Holy Spirit, revealing all things to him, empowered him to again fly. And looking down at his feet, the young man noticed that long spikes had grown from his soles.
With those spikes, he began scrapping the cars, houses, money, and luxurious belongings of those in opposition to God’s word; even as God continued speaking through the young man. This infuriated the religious, political, and economic leaders ever more so, as they plotted his demise.
Nevertheless, people who love truth rejoiced, continually, in God's word; the young man, however, began to look away in the direction of what he was hearing. Upon a distant mountain, he heard and was seeing a mass of people, covering the whole face of it, beautifully attired in brilliance.
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Being drawn to it, he instantly appeared above them, flying overhead. As he did so, the largest most glorious of them all, led them in song and praises; himself, receiving praise and directing all such to God. That most glorious individual, whom the young man knew to be Christ, recognized him with the sign of approval, as the young man was crossing overhead.
The backside of the mountain, however, was completely barren.
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The young man landed at the foot of the mountain, on its backside. Seeing no one and nothing but wasteland, he looked upward and called to God, saying: I have done, all that you have given me to do.
At that moment, the young man heard the voice of Christ, as he himself hurtled up, into the clouds; gathered with all who, at that time, heard him.
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The young man awakened, from the dream that day, briefly speaking the heavenly tongue.
The word that came to the imprisoned older man, reminded him of that night vision from his youth; to encourage him, and return him to Life and repentance; to awaken him, to his mission and purpose for which God had originally sent him to earth.
So then, after threatening many years (more than 20), authorities were forced to release the man, in just a few months.
Four year later, the older man, is NOT a righteous man, is NOT the Good Shepherd, but is desperately aspiring to be such. Yet, again the word comes to him, simply saying: Do, Say, and Be. Water the seed.
Do the work of Christ: Gathering others, to him.
Say whatever the word agrees with, no matter how foreign to the listener. If they reject the seed blossoming, which God himself has implanted in such an imperfect earthen vessel, they yolk themselves to the crucible of Anti-Christ that is now in the world, by the seed of deception, administered through a pandemic of delusion.
Be righteous, by continual washing and cleansing of God's word, by the power of his Spirit, as we are willing of mind.
Be justified, in that the blood sacrifice of a perfected, obedient life that has already washed away all sins-past, present, and future-of all who are continually sanctifying themselves in Truth that is, God's word; having this faith, in willing mind.
Be saved, manifesting God's purpose in life that is today, right now.
Be the agent of God, in opposition to ones own sinfully educated mind and imaginations of heart; until Christ be fully formed, seated upon the throne of heart, subjugating mind, unto fleshly obedience to the commanments of Christ.
Walking The Path:
If one must fake it until they make it, then do so; but only to ones self, not to others. Do not be a hypocrite. For ones self, however, fake or mimic the pattern of righteousness. Do that which Christ exhibited, as an imprint upon words and deeds; in contrast to those, regularly practiced, in disobedience and wickedness. Do it, until the real thing, shows up.
Repetition, passes activity as habit, to mind and soul (emotion and Physiology) that seeds the heart.
If what is seeded in the heart, is a pattern of Christ, the Holy Spirit enjoins with it to incubate a mentality of Christ that conforms to the practiced pattern.
The degree to which one allows the power of God's spirit to autopilot ones own development in Christ, is directly related to ones exposure to accurate knowledge and revelation of God's Word; which, in turn, yields a more exacting likeness of Christ, manifesting through a once disobedient life.
LITV 2Cor 4:7: "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not from us;"
On the Path:
King of Wonders
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wolfbatspace · 4 years
I have something to say.
Those people who are self righteously preaching about no hate in this fandom are highly hypocritical and it infuriates me because of all the damage they have caused. 
For some background: Jyuuki made an angel au that had Julian (an apparently jewish coded character) as one of the fallen angel. Vivae and Tiredasra have made a post calling out “big name content creators” antisemitic and have been harassing people.
First off, antisemitism is a real serious issue that does happen in real life to real people and should be seriously addressed. I have seen some artists that were actually outright antisemitic and the people that bullshit post has been calling out are not. 
Secondly, I do want to point out that Julian CANONICALLY turned into an actual DEMON. I don’t see those people making a fuss about it when it happened in the game. Their excuse is that there’s no demon horns and that’s fucking insane to me. Demons are represented in many forms. YOU DON’T GET TO NITPICK LIKE THAT.
Do you know what would make this issue actually antisemitic?  It would be if the content creators made julian a fallen/demon BECAUSE he was “jewish”. THAT would make it antisemitic but guess what?! NEITHER DID THAT. 
These people are not really speaking out for antisemitism. From the messages that have been sent to jyuuki about this issue, it was clear that they had no basis to be calling anyone participating in the angel au antisemitic. Once jyuuki explained it was for aesthetic purposes because of the black wings, they moved from the issue and started rambling nonsense. Their post ended up showing on my dashboard and I had a chance to read what vivae and tiredasra had to say about it. From the post they made, it really seemed like they were pulling this out of thin air, twisting it and squeezing out whatever they could to make it into an issue for attention or conflict. 
If they saw it as a real issue and wanted an explanation from the creator, they could talk about it respectfully and privately but they didn’t. 
Stuff like this discourages great content creators and cause so much damage in a fandom. Good people are being pushed out of fandoms and platforms because of this nasty behavior. 
The damage is done by them making that post and having it circulating then going bully other artist who say otherwise. 
I said what I wanted to say. Now here are some options:
STOP with this vague, no basis, cancel culture, self righteous antisemitism advocate, bullying. Don’t send hate or “i’m disappointed in you” message those artist for participating in the angel au. 
Just send nice messages. You should’ve learned this is elementary school: If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything. Of course speak out to injustice and discrimination but these content creators aren’t the problematic ones. You guys do know there is actual antisemitism and racism going on right now, right? So waht the fuck is this?
Feel free to block and unfollow me if you’re upset or “disappointed” at what I said. I’ve been explaining this to alot of people lately and its exhausting. If you want to talk to me about this bc you disagree, you better have some good fucking evidence bc otherwise I’m just gonna block right away. I don’t want to hear some vague, half assed bullshit like those bullies are trying to pull. 
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nijjhar · 11 months
Matt 13v24-30:- Is there any doubt about the Tares unfaithful to Abraham... Matt 13v24-30:- Is there any doubt about the Tares unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh? THEY BURN EACH OTHER leaving the sons of Man, Wheat plants live in Peace as the African and the Brazillian people with the tribal marks do. https://youtu.be/lM4-ZSIEseM PREDICTIONS. End Time Sectarian worldwide riots are going to happen soon after 14/11/2023 Sectarian riots on a very large scale are expected. https://youtu.be/elALmrW9ufw Punjabi - Sectarian riots worse than 1947 are looming. Enter the House of Allah for Salvation. https://youtu.be/JZAP01aoKIU I am a retired university lecturer in Metallurgy hailing from Punjab, India where the Second Coming of Christ = Satguru Jesus in the name of Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji took place in 1469 among the most greedy and Sat++++anic people of the Khatri tribe. Through five more Lights, He Preached the Gospel to perfection for over 150 years still the Darkness could not be comprehended. Thus, Four more Lights, the Royal Kings came to protect the Sikhism and promoted the rule of righteousness. The greediest Kings and Emperors of Darkness still carried on with their Sat++++anic activities as Mullahs in the Mosques. The New Testament has good information on what is going on. In fact, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the Tares, the Jews, Muslims, etc. outwardly are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through Atomic Bombs.   Now, these University Theologians are dead in letters of the holy Books totally incapable of understanding the Parable puzzles that only you learn through “intuition” by His grace only that the illiterate Shepherds and farmers were able to do as God is inside them and taught them which the greedy Temple (Winepress coining the moral laws) Priests (Husbandmen) loving Mammon more than God could not understand. That is why Jesus didn’t throw Pearls before swine in Jerusalem as the two men in the Genersate were doing and ended locked up in the silence of the graveyard so that no one should listen to them as the Oxford University Professors of Theology are doing to me. Cutting the matter short, the Atomic War is expected to take place soon after 14/11/2023. This is how, I have calculated it:- Israel was established on 14/05/1948. Add to it 70 years of full protection. On 14/05/2018, Israel was 70 years old and Donald Trump declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel and had moved his Embassy in Jerusalem. Now, there were Five years of grace of heart in the name of Christ Jesus which ended on 14/05/2023 and Israel declared that the whole Jerusalem belongs to Israel. This has boiled up the situation and the Mohammedan Hamas, Fateh, etc. have reacted against this announcement. The sons of the most high Sat+++an Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, super bastard religious fanatic devils – John 8v44 – Jews and Muslims outwardly have become the staunch enemies of each other. Neither the Jews nor the Hamas and the Fatah can build their covenants with Abraham of the Semitic Race. St. Paul has stressed many things such as a Jew is one who is “inwardly – spiritual” never born and never died and not outwardly or the tribal self Juda, Levi, Benjamin, etc. that are born and will die led by the their blind guides, the Rabbis. In India, three Sat+++anic Lalas Lala M.K. Gandhi, a Bania, Lala Tara Singh, a Malhotra Khatri and Lala Mohd. Ali Jinnah, a Babla Bhatia did the same sectarian riots with full collusion of the British hypocrites. My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/nobility.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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albertfinch · 3 years
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"And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, 'Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.' And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God." - Luke 13:11-13
In verse 14, we are told the ruler of the synagogue objected to Jesus healing on the Sabbath day. Jesus responds:
"Hypocrite! Does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall, and lead it away to water it? So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom satan has bound – think of it – for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?" - Luke 13:15-16
1. We have a vicious enemy, who wants to victimize us, torment us and take away all hope of freedom or fulfillment of dreams or destinies. He wants to put chains around our neck, keep us bent over with our heads down and fill us with feelings of shame and worthlessness.
2. We have a God who loves us and has the power to set us free and rebuke every physical, spiritual and emotional spirit of infirmity.
3. Those who have suffered most under the diabolical enslavement of our evil enemy, will become the most determined and fearless fighters against him, in order to free others still living under his insidious control.
The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. The reason for that is that so many potential laborers are all bent over, feeling unusable to God because of either secret or not-so-secret spiritual, physical or emotional bondages.
When people are all bent over and cannot lift their heads up, they will always be looking down. You don't get a great perspective on the future, when you can see nothing but dirt. Your eyes are not on the horizon or on the heavens. You are seeing nothing but the same old dirt day after day.
Millions of Christians, and others who would become Christians, who would otherwise love to serve God and help bring in the harvest, are hopelessly held in chains of various addictions. Others suffer the torment of depression, fear and anxiety. These bondages are real. They are not easily cured by people preaching at them or quoting trite slogans. They need a strong and anointed word and touch from Jesus, Himself, to break the chains that keep them in bondage.
What Jesus read in His hometown synagogue about Himself, He is now proclaiming from Heaven and pouring out the anointing oil on His own Body, His Church right now:
"The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion. To give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. And they shall rebuild the old ruins; They shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations." - Isaiah 61:1-4
This was the job description the Father gave to Jesus to fulfill on His mission. Today, Jesus is giving us, His Body on the earth, the same job description. But He is not asking us to do it in our own giftings, or our own strength. No, He is pouring out the same Holy Spirit on us today, that was poured into Him at His baptism.
We, His Church, His Body and His Bride, will feel that surge of supernatural energy within our spirits to take down principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. We will not do this in foolish presumption, but together with the help and guidance of other members of His Body who have recovered from similar bondages -- we will hear His voice, feel His anointing power, and proclaim, touch and break chains.
As we begin to bring freedom to those both inside and outside the Church, we will observe the fearless passion of those who have been liberated. They will boldly enlist by discipling others into the army of the Lord. They will be discipled into how to use spiritual weapons of warfare, which are not carnal, but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).
The power of the testimony of delivered people cannot be overestimated. Since satan has done such a thorough job of bringing people into captivity, it creates a wonderful occasion for those who bring keys to unlock their prison doors. Captives will be crying out for their own freedom when they hear the testimony of others. The result will be countless conversions to Christ. Hope will arise and the excitement will spread like a prairie fire in dry stubble.
We must cooperate with God in this strategic plan to prepare His harvesters. So what must we then do?
1. Humble ourselves before God, confessing our need for His touch and His anointing.
2. Pray earnestly for the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit to be empowered in our lives.
3. Identify our own bondage, observing the fearless passion of those who have been liberated from the same bondage -- being willing to be discipled by them on how to use the spiritual weapons of warfare that are mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds.  (2 Corinthians 10:4)
4. Lift up your head and look forward to advancing your CALLING in Christ in His Kingdom!
ALBERT FINCH MINISTRY http://afministry.ning.com/
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A Dangerous Game of Chess
3 hours. over text.  I feel like I’m losing my mind My God this is a mental mess You insist and persist  That you are not a bad kind That you have a perfect innocence “How dare he, how could you!” You declare in outrage (Against...me, that’s new) “What your saying now... That’s straight up wrong” I am TIRED of this playground game Yes, you’re singing a played out, guilty song
I am EXHAUSTED from the circles and chess piece sacrifice  You lost the queen Because you loved playing the knight Twisting what I mean You act like I hail the opposing king who dictates Like I wasn’t in the scene When I’m just so bored of your black-and-white blame game
AND I’M “EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATIVE”?! Oh how rich! I’m “feeling guilty” so I’m “changing the narrative”?! Sweetie if I did I’d have cried wolf and accused you of worse  (It’d be twisted) What you can’t hear is that you’re imperfect By the way What kind of argument is that to a woman? Clear your name? You got to yell while I cried and that’s not enough? But the slightest idea From me and others about uncomfortable statements you made On occasion, inappropriate behaviour I wonder how you’d respond to workplace harassment claims
No, you aren’t a predator (You seem very scared I’ll get your white armour dirty) “Believe women” stands forevermore Which you threw out as you dismissed all my concerns and worry You started this discussion one foot out the door Calling me a hypocrite for placing boundaries and asking for privacy “you told your sister” SIR I WAS BEDRIDDEN FOR THREE DAYS SO SHE GOT IT OUT OF ME
I’m not taking sides between you because when you’re all wrong in a war  there’s no sides to take Every shout a bullet which hurts everyone blameless, all used as your pawn Your sympathy and righteousness are fake “Injustice towards me” You’re going to preach fighting injustice to the girl who was violated?! You’re both 2 sides of a coin that’s the same Thank your bloody stars, your God, that what you perceive destroyed is your name
Your arrogance (that’s what it is) is sickening He’s powerful, you’re stupid People who are powerful and stupid have one thing in common “They alter the facts to fit their views.”
Next time you call me your favourite niece Act like you care, show me sympathy I’ll remember how you and him argue and use me Score one-ups by killing my trust with hypocrisy Yes, I can say you are wrong as I say it of him “You were wrong” and “he was wrong” are two ideas that can coexist But I’ve learnt that though you heard your anger, to mine you never listen.
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