#and the ship no one really cares about but you
starsinscript · 2 days
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ you're the risk, i'm gonna take it! ; p!op81 & ls2, r!ln4
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summary ; your latest tiktok reveals your friendship with oscar and logan, and a certain individual is interested in you
tiktok ; yourusername
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yourusername anyways...my new song 'risk' comes out tomorrow :))
[video description: you're filming your outfit for the day, mouthing along to the lyrics. you turn your head as you hear laughter to your right. oscar comes out of the bathroom, laughing at you. "cut it out!" you groan, pouting at him. "logan, you seeing this?" oscar teases, and logan looks up from his phone, where he's laying on your bed. "oh of course, looking silly y/n/n." logan would never miss a chance to tease you. you pout at your phone, the song ending and right before the video ends there's a clip of logan and oscar's loud laughter.]
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username I SCREECHED
username my top three in a room together 😩
-> username dream foursome
-> yourusername ...guys we've talked abt this...
-> username NO Y/N I'M SORRY
-> username IKR like why do you care abt the random guys in her room? RISK TMRW!!!!
-> username THEY'RE NOT RANDOM 😭 they're famous f1 drivers 😔
oscarpiastri cute top y/n!
-> yourusername ...right
-> username WHO IS THIS MAN
-> username username IT'S THE GUY FROM THE VIDEO!!!
logansargeant nice song y/n!
-> yourusername wtf are you two planning...
-> logansargeant NOTHING? we're being supportive!!
-> yourusername if i find a fake spider in my bed i will kill both of you
-> oscarpiastri oh!
-> username best friend goals 😍
-> yourusername NO username they've tortured me since i was eight don't listen to them
-> username HELLO?
username this comment section is in shambles...oscar and logan are planning something, y/n just said risk is dropping tmrw and apparently no one noticed and she's been friends with these two guys since she was EIGHT? what is going onnn 😭🙏
landonorris can't wait to listen y/n!
-> yourpriv HELLO??? oscarpriv loganpriv EXPLAIN YOURSELVES
youtube ; mclaren
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mclaren fan asked questions: get to know oscar and lando!
[most viewed clip: "top song, right now." oscar reads out, looking at lando with a knowing look. lando giggles, looking at oscar. "i think we have the same answer," he says, and oscar laughs. "really?" lando smirks, "3...2...1..." "risk, by y/n," they say at the same time, breaking down into laughter.]
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-> username it's so cute that he's supporting oscar's friend 💖
-> username 'oscar's friend' YOU MEAN Y/N L/N? 3 TIME GRAMMY AWARD WINNER? 🤨
username SCREECHED!! oscar is so supportive i can just tell
yourusername my boy 🧡
-> username IS SHE DATING LANDO???
-> username ...she's been friends with oscar since she was eight babe
-> username are they dating?
-> username oscar's dating lily...
username lando's little smile after calming down...his giggles thinking about his 'top song rn'...something has awakened inside me
-> username ??
-> username i fear i might have to ship y/n and lando
username lando's so cute 🥹🥹
-> username the fact that he listened to y/n's song because of her being friends with oscar is adorable
texts ; y/n's manager -> y/n
manager 💍willams has offered you a pass to logan's garage for the monaco grand prix if you're willing
y/n WHAT!!!! COUNT ME IN!!
manager 💍just told them, scheduling flights right now
texts ; y/n -> logan & oscar (mama piastri stans)
oscar oh god
oscar did lando finally message you?
y/n logan...pspspsps
logan are you trying to summon me?
oscar chicken butt
y/n are you logan? no? so then SHUSH
logan ☹️☹️ i love you
oscar not mine?
y/n don't you have a home race to find?
y/n besides i can't be in the same area as LANDO that's scary guys
logan didn't you stalk his instagram? read his wiki page? write and publish a song about him?
logan yes can't wait 💙
y/n oscar you could learn to be nice from logan he's pretty cool
oscar i was gonna ask if you want to stay in my MONACO APARTMENT but never mind
oscar has been removed from mama piastri stans by y/n
instagram ; yourusername
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yourusername from the morning to night, love you monaco 💙
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oscarpiastri view is pretty nice, no?
-> yourusername i picked out the apartment for you?? because you were too confused??? WDYM
-> oscarpiastri sometimes it's hard to pick...god
-> username is this oscar FLIRTING
-> yourusername GROSS WHAT
-> username i'm sorry for offending you ms. l/n i was just curious forgive me 😭🙏
-> username she was a grid kid with oscar so technically no...but realistically yes
-> username how do you know that 😭
-> username i found a photo of them together on mama piastri's twitter
username day 13 of asking y/n who risk is about ☹️
username you look so gorg!!
logansargeant pretty boats...
-> yourusername haha...i know right...
-> oscarpiastri STOP MOCKING ME
-> username friends who mock together stay together 🤝
username squealing because yn might be going to the race and maybe we'll finally get y/nlando content
-> loganpriv THEY HAVE A SHIP NAME? 💀
-> username crying because lando seems like such a big fan 😭 he even posted a photo with her song :(((
landonorris pretty pics y/n!
-> yourusername haha thank you!
-> yourpriv why is she so awkward. EWWW
-> oscarpriv WHY SEND IT THEN?
-> username no yourpriv is so right. like she's being shipped with him, he's teammates with her bff like she can't just not respond
-> yourpriv OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU
instagram ; landonorris has added to their story!
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view replies
yourusername the volume being so low is a crime 😭
yourusername oh my god that sounds so mean i'm so sorry
-> landonorris it's okay 😭 i was talking to someone so i had to be able to hear them haha
yourusername glad you like the song though! means a lot 🧡
-> landonorris are you gonna be in the mclaren garage this weekend?
yourusername no, williams actually but i'm sure i could visit!
-> landonorris i could show you around if you'd like?
yourusername i'll add you to my schedule 😁
texts ; y/n -> logan & oscar (mama piastri stans)
y/n has added oscar to mama piastri stans
oscar oh no
oscar did you finally do it?
y/n he wants to show me around the paddock oh my god i'm gonna die
logan i thought that was my job?
y/n IM SORRY i can cancel if you want?
logan 🙄 it's alright y/n/n, go spend time with your boy
real life ; may 26th, 2024
you walk into the paddock, adjusting the sleeves of your dress. you look down at your phone for a second, debating the choice of dming lando to see if he's free. you run into someone, startling back, your phone face down on the ground. "shit, i'm sorry," it's that accent, the one you've heard tagged along to oscar's. sweet and soothing. lando. you laugh awkwardly, quickly grabbing your phone so he doesn't see it opened to your dms with him. "it's alright," you murmur, and he seems to finally realize who you are. his eyes go wide and he grins.
"it's nice to finally meet you, y/n." the way he says your name makes you want to melt to the floor. you take a subtle breath in, composing yourself. "yeah, it's nice to meet you too, lando. i was hoping to wish oscar good luck before heading off to williams. do you think you could sneak me in?" you ramble, fidgeting with your phone. lando chuckles.
"didn't peg you for the rebellious type," he teases, but his hand gently closes around your wrist. he navigates you through the crowd, his warm touch making your brain spin. "oh, well. gotta support the best friends, you know?" you laugh, body burning and it's not just the heat.
"nah, i get it. so you've known oscar for a long time, huh?" he asks, spiraling into a conversation of the stupidest things you and logan have gotten oscar to do. you're comfortable, albeit a little flustered as you finally find oscar in the mclaren garage. his eyes widen as he sees you, but a little smirk grows on his face when he sees who you're with.
"finally found your risk?" he teases as he pulls you into a hug, and you ignore the question in favor of wishing him good luck. "good luck, oz." you smile, pinching his cheek like the very first time you did it. "pinch for good luck," he says, like tradition. you copy him with a little smile.
you step back, giving him a little wave before getting ready to leave. you look at lando, who has a cheeky smile on his face. "so i'm your 'risk'?" he teases and your face burns as your eyes widen comically. "you heard that?" you gasp and lando laughs.
"it's flattering, really. don't worry." he grins, and you roll your eyes. "i wrote a whole song about you, i was hoping we would've gone out before you discovered that." you comment, not realizing the words you've said until lando's cheeks flush a bit.
"i can take you out later if you'd like? i know a good pasta place." he smirks. "yeah, sounds great! bye!" you squeak, leaving the mclaren garage and practically running to williams.
instagram ; yourusername
🎵 RISK - Y/N L/N
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yourusername monaco at night 💐
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oscarpiastri why is he touching the pasta with his hands?
-> yourusername i've fallen for a man child and you didn't warn me?
-> oscarpiastri I DID???
-> username i love how we all collectively saw 'man child' and thought lando
oscarpiastri i love that he's keeping a respectful distance from you
-> yourusername WHY ARE YOU SO WEIRD
-> yourusername i could send you worse if you want?
-> oscarpiastri NO THANKS keep that shit to yourself 🙏
username the umbrella pic 🥹 oh i wanna cry
logansargeant threw up in my mouth
-> logansargeant sorry didn't mean to say that out loud
-> yourusername YEARS of making fun of me for my songs abt yearning and now you're both being mean wow ☹️☹️
-> oscarpiastri we love you don't worry 💐
-> yourusername i expect gifts in money and jewelry
-> logansargeant 🫡
-> oscarpiastri 🫡
username what if i cried i bet she's so happy right now
-> username and the boys seem to be happy for her 🥹
-> username ngl wish he was lando tho...they'd be so cute together
landonorris looks nice :)
-> username NO RESPONSE?
-> username oh i'm crying i need them together
-> username the startling realization that he is not LANDO NOOO
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notes does this count as a cliffhanger? idk. i need to work on formatting but i hope you all enjoyed 💐
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hardly-an-escape · 3 days
I think one of the things that's sooo much fun about getting into 911 and BuckTommy all of a sudden is the heady joy inherent in having a ship that's real.
most of the pairings I've been into over the last couple of years have been decidedly non-canonical – really just based on subtext or chemistry or straight up wishful thinking. and obviously, I'm totally fine with that! for me, shipping is about fun and creativity. typically I don't care about something being "endgame," and honestly, non-canon ships often provide a much bigger playground for what ifs and could bes! way more questions to be answered, you know?
but gosh, it really is delightful to have so much in canon to mull over. so many scenes together! so many conversations! multiple kisses!! I get a little thrill every time I see a gif of them together that's an explicit romantic interaction and not a manip. it's a little silly, but... I haven't had that in a fandom in a while and it's really delicious!
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the-badger-mole · 2 days
Zuko hated the idea of destiny. It seemed that nothing he actually chose for himself really mattered. Did anyone ask if he wanted to be the Fire Lord to lead the country out of war? Did anyone care? No, it seemed they did not. When he tried to talk to his uncle, he got nowhere. Iroh empathized with his nephew-of course he did- but it was not his destiny to lead the Fire Nation. No, his destiny was a tea shop where he could make small talk with his regulars.
Bitterness got him nowhere, though. Zuko realized that on one level. On another level, he wasn't even twenty yet, and he was already finding grey hairs from the stress. He loved his country. He loved it enough to shudder at the idea of the power vacuum that would form if he should ever abdicate. The throne, he'd realized long ago, was his destiny. Sometimes, destiny felt like a shackle.
Katara felt like a prisoner. She loved Aang. Of course she loved him. She wouldn't be here if she didn't. He'd chosen the Southern Air Temple as their home, and she'd loved being introduced to his culture. Truly she had. But Katara also wished that Aang would be more open to incorporating more of her culture, too. It wasn't like everything the in the Southern Water Tribe had to do with bringing animal products into the home. Katara had given up her warm furs and hearty stews. For the most part. She still partook whenever she was home, which was oftener than Aang liked, but not enough for Katara. She felt like a foreigner in the wide halls of the air temple. Especially since the Acolytes had taken residence.
The Acolytes were a particularly sore point for Katara. The way they fawned over Aang hit the back of her mouth like a bitter melon and made her jaw clench. Aang swore up and down that she didn't need to feel intimidated by them. That once she'd gotten used to the way things worked around the air temple, she would feel much better. And she would get used to it. She had to. It was her destiny to be with Aang forever. He was the the powerful bender she was supposed to end up with. That's what Aang kept reminding her when she brought up how uncomfortable his relationship with some of the Acolytes made her. That's what he said when he failed to stop them from making comments about her being the Avatar's First Girlfriend, or from sticking their noses into her business about the few Southern Tribe artifacts she kept in her own room. So what if they happened to be made of bits of animals? She wasn't going to get rid of the ram seal horn her father and brother painstakingly carved for her, or the fur parka her Gran Gran sewed for her no matter how many disapproving looks she got over them.
"We'll figure it out," Aang often told her. "You and me are destined, so it has to work out."
Destiny felt like a weight. Duty more than inclination steered the ship, but maybe the ship would be better dashed against the rocks and sunk to the ocean floor.
It was completely by accident that they discovered they felt the same way about destiny. Zuko had been looking for a place to hide from the foreign diplomats attempting to corner him into discussions he was far too overwhelmed, and they far too many drinks in to discuss at the opening banquet of the sixth annual Summit. He found Katara had not only discovered his favorite hiding place, but had set up camp with an assortment of grilled meats on a stick- a Fire Nation specialty that had until Zuko's reign been more popular among the populace than the upper class.
"Sorry," Zuko said, already backing out of the secluded balcony.
"For what?" Katara asked. "This is your home. You have more a right to be here than I do." She had a point, Zuko had to admit. Not out loud, but still.
"I didn't mean to disturb you," he told Katara.
"You haven't," she assured him. She gestured to her meal with a rueful smile. "I just didn't want Aang shaking his head at me while I ate. I don't mind having company... Or would you rather not have company?"
"I didn't really want company," Zuko admitted. "Not of most people here. But I wouldn't mind yours." Katara smiled and slid her plate towards him.
"I'm not going to be able to finish all of this on my own," she told him. "My eyes were bigger than my stomach this time." Zuko took a skewer awkwardly and sat beside Katara.
"Is Aang really that bad that you have to eat meat in secret?" he asked half-joking. Katara rolled her eyes.
"Killing animals just to eat is wrong!" she mimicked his preaching tone. "How would you feel if it was Appa or Momo you were being served?"
"Sorry I asked," Zuko chuckled. "I won't tell about your secret meal if you don't tell that I'm hiding from King Kuei."
"Well, he is very intimidating," Katara chuckled.
"You laugh," Zuko said dryly. "Have you ever been cornered by him? The guy can never just get to the point. He has to talk around the issue in circles until I want to scream at him to just spit it out. But I can't do that because I'm the Fire Lord." Zuko scowled off into the distance and took an aggressive bite out of his skewer.
"If it helps," Katara said hesitantly. She cleared her throat. "If it helps, I think you're doing an amazing job."
"Yeah?" Zuko smirked at her. "Glad someone thinks so."
"I'm sure a lot of people think so," Katara insisted. She turned towards him and held his gaze. "Zuko, you're doing an amazing job as Fire Lord. I'm glad it's you who ended up on the throne."
"I know, I know," Zuko scoffed. "It's my destiny."
"No," Katara said slowly. "I think...I think it's more than destiny. I think you were the right person for the job because you chose to be."
"Is that what you think?" Zuko asked, raising his brow at her. Katara nodded firmly.
"What is destiny, anyway?" she asked. She sounded strangely emotional. Zuko eyed her worriedly. Katara held a skewer in a grip so tight, Zuko was worried the stick would snap. But she took a breath and found a wavery smile.
"I think what makes you such a great Fire Lord is the fact that you care," she said. "Maybe it was your destiny to lead the Fire Nation, but it's who you are that makes you so good at it."
"You think so?" Zuko asked. Katara nodded firmly.
"Just because you're destined for something doesn't necessarily mean it's supposed to be something good. I think..." Katara frowned and thought for a moment. "I think maybe someone's destiny isn't supposed to be good. After all, it seems like Ozai was destined to be Fire Lord. At least for a little while. Even the war must have been destined. So if destiny can be good or bad, then maybe it's up to us to decide which it's going to be."
Zuko had the distinct feeling that Katara wasn't just talking about his destiny as Fire Lord. This felt more personal. This felt like a moment for him to say something profound. He had nothing.
"Not everything is destiny," he tried, hoping that he could help her with whatever it was that had made her so morose.
"How do you know which is which, then?" Katara asked. Zuko shrugged. He leaned back against the wall and looked up at the stars.
"I don't know," he admitted. "Maybe...maybe trying to identify destiny is a mistake. Maybe...it's more important to try to do what's right. Even when it's hard."
"But how do I know what's right?" Katara huffed, and leaned back against the wall beside Zuko.
"i don't really know." Zuko chewed his lip pensively. "When Uncle told me he wouldn't take the throne, I thought it was a huge mistake. I thought he was the best fit for it. After all, of the two of us, he was actually groomed for the part. But after I took the throne....? I don't know...It didn't feel right immediately. It still doesn't feel right to me sometimes, but I did it. At the time, I resented uncle for not at least taking the throne until I was of age, but now that I've been Fire Lord for a few years, I get it. Uncle...he is a good man, but he did some terrible things. He's tried to make up for it, but it was never going to be enough. Not enough to expect everyone to be comfortable with him on the throne. I get it now. I think me taking the throne was the right thing to do. It has been hard. It's been lonely, too. But it was the best call either of us could make.
"But you didn't know it was right when you did it," Katara pointed out.
"No," Zuko tapped his finger thoughtfully on the flagstone. "I don't think I was completely sure that I was the best fit for Fire Lord. I still think Uncle would've been the better choice, history aside. I think there are a lot of much smarter people who probably deserve to be here instead of me. But I also know that there wasn't anyone who had a shot at taking the throne who would care about reparations to the other countries, or about rebuilding for the lower classes. I love my people, Katara, and I think...I think that helped me figure out what I needed to do, even if I don't always like it. I almost never like it."
Katara blinked hard against the tears that had suddenly sprang up in her eyes. She reached out for his and squeezed it tight. She knew how hard leading was for Zuko at times. He did it gracefully, though. He did it fairly, and she could see the progress the Fire Nation had made under him. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was substantial. If only she could feel that, at least. If only her destiny could make her feel half so accomplished.
"I wish I didn't know what my destiny was," she sighed. "Maybe if I felt like I had even as much choice as you have, I'd feel better." Zuko shot her a strange look. He had so many questions, but none of them felt appropriate. Instead he sighed and scooted closer to Katara.
"Maybe you need to focus less on what you think your destiny is and focus more on what you feel is right," he said. "I know you. Your sense of right and wrong is...well, it's unshakeable. I trust your judgement, even if you don't. If you were making the right choices, you wouldn't feel this conflicted. Even if your choice made you uncomfortable, if you thought it was the right one...well, you wouldn't be on a balcony alone eating secret yakitori." Zuko held up a skewer and waved it at Katara. She laughed and pushed his hand away.
"What if I make a choice and it's the wrong one?" Katara asked.
"I don't see that happening," Zuko said, grinning at her. "But even if you do make a mistake, I think you're smart enough to fix it. I'd help you, if you wanted. And so would Sokka and the Chief. So would all of us." Katara flinched at that. Zuko pretended not to notice.
"What would you do if you didn't know your destiny?" he asked. Katara sat quietly for a long while, looking thoughtfully across the garden below. She absently ran her thumb over Zuko's fingers.
"I think ...I think I'd like to go back to the Northern Tribe," she said. "To finish learning healing from Yugoda. Then I'd like to go the Foggy Swamp and learn swampbending. Then I'd like to find every copy of Southern style bending scrolls I could get my hands on and learn that, too."
"Then you should!" Zuko insisted. "Do that. I'll help when I can. My grandfather kept things from every nation he could. I'm having everything organized and sent back to where they came from. I'm working on the Earth Kingdom now, but I don't have anyone to help sort through all the Water Tribe artifacts. The job is yours, if you want it.
"Are you serious?" Katara gasped. Zuko nodded with a grin.
"I was planning to ask your father to recommend someone soon," he told Katara. "Maybe it's your destiny to do that, for whatever it's worth. I mean, it's an important job, but it's not a long one. Maybe six months to a year. But maybe it'll give you a chance to think about what you want. What you think it the right thing for you to do."
Katara considered his offer for a moment. Her initial reaction was to insist that she couldn't do that. That Aang needed her. But she bit her tongue and thought. What did Aang need her for? She cooked his meals, kept the Air Temple tidy, and kept his diary for him. It was important to keep the Avatar on task, but was it right? Was it right for her?
Soon, all the points in favor of it presented themselves. Sure keeping the Avatar on track was important, but reclaiming all of the Southern style bending she could? Learning everything she could about waterbending? The thought made her heart ache with a longing she'd almost forgotten how to feel. If Aang really was her destiny, he'd understand why she wanted to do this. After all, he was also working to reclaim Air Nomad culture.
It was tempting.
It was tempting.
It was...
"I think..." Katara said slowly. She cleared her throat again and turned to Zuko. "I think I'll do that."
"Really?" Zuko's face lit up.
"Really," Katara said, nodding once sharply. Then she smirked at Zuko. "You're going to get sick of having me around."
"Never that," he swore. "Never, ever that."
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late-draft · 11 hours
I'd contribute a tiny bit to the pro-Zutara side when it comes to the idea of Katara in the role of a co-ruler of the Fire Nation.
I understand where the negative arguments are coming from, how it's especially "shocking" if she enters the royal family (one which led the oppressive regime which waged war for 100 years and caused so much devastation);
however, firstly it is really no longer that family. Zuko committed high treason, almost died TRICE for that and still kept steady on that course, rejected his family, the family's terrible ideas about the world and both Ozai and Azula were imprisoned. Nobody supporting the old ways is still there. I don't understand negative arguments which treat Zuko's early background, lineage, political role (which may be incredibly undefined as the entire nation is being restructured, it's fantasy) as a more important factor than him as a person. He treats others with respect after undergoing redemption, he's demonstrably empathetic, he's working on undoing as much damage the Fire Nation has caused as possible, he was ready to die for these things. Secondly, why should a job or a title in a fantasy setting be a more relevant argument than love? If love was real and strong: if there's mutual respect between two people, understanding, cooperation, splitting of tasks, mutual care, communication on how to tackle problems, this is much more important and holds more weight than whether or not a role granting political power is from this or that side.
From what I've seen, the dominant headcanon for Zutara is that it wouldn't be oppressive to her but instead allow her to affect the world. It makes sense, most people want their favourite characters to be happy - AND there's no canonical evidence to suggest that being a co-ruler of the new Fire Nation would be a terrible, oppressive, restrictive position. Sure, there can also be headcanons where duty to other parts of the world might be too heavy and they split Zuko and Katara up, but this is a Tragedy trope and it only exists when there's incredibly strong love between them underneath this. So even this argument ends up supporting zutara.
I think that any arguments that use outside reasons why their relationship would be terrible are in the end much weaker in philosophy, compared to arguments about whether or not there are strong feelings between them. This is fantasy, love is an incredibly powerful force. And audience wants to believe in the power of love.
Now, if you ask me, I'd say I believe two characters absolutely do not need to have an on-screen kiss or anything completely explicit in order to convey that yes, they have deep feelings for each other. Shipping comes down to preferences, many people certainly simply Do Not Vibe with Zuko as a personality or whatever. However, this is a separate thing from what the characters are written as doing, how they are behaving in each other's company and how they treat each other.
So I'd say, if Katara loves Zuko (and vice-versa), then that's fullstop. Anything else is just an obstacle in their way which they'd tackle together.
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konnosaurus · 19 hours
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happy pride month everyone!!!!! have a small selection of little headcanons i have for some of my faves :3
this definitely isn't a full list of all of my personal headcanons, just a few that i really like. i've put the flag names/some thoughts under the cut! these are just my personal thoughts and it is perfectly wonderful if you disagree with any/all of them!
from left to right:
rosie: the rainbow flag. she is an enjoyer of women and everyone woman-adjacent!
henry: bi and nonbinary. i have such a fond spot in my heart for he/they henry!
james: genderfluid and biromantic. collects all the pronouns, with a preference for he and she depending on the vibes of the moment! i enjoy headcanoning james as biromantic and a big enjoyer of romance and flirting, but he is sooo bad at it. he tries out all of his best pickup lines on his friends and they just laugh in his face (with affection and care, mostly!) because she's just so terrible at them. she has never successfully flirted with anyone in her life and i love that for him < 3
emily: lesbian. professional enjoyer of all women. she fits so well with almost every single woman she meets and it is splendid. i really love in the great race how she has little chats with ashima and seems to really like her, it's a really sweet little bit of background interaction i enjoy. also, best engine ever is wonderful and her n caitlin are so sweet. give emily her women!
ryan: aroace. i honestly don't think i have much to say about this one, i just really like it.. though i also like ryan/thomas and ryan/daisy hehe. eh, those can all live in harmony in my brain :3
oliver: gay. professional enjoyer of men and those men-adjacent. i have a little comic planned that i will be making soon with him and douglas hehe
rebecca: omnisexual. i used to have rebecca as pan in my mind, but @togetherness23 (who has loads of gorgeous flags colourpicked from screenshots and is currently running a ttte sapphic ships poll tournament, go checkthem out if you haven't already!!!) has influences me with a gorgeous colourpicked omni rebecca and now i have to admit i can't think of her as anything else, omnitracks soooo well for her i love it!
anywayss, thanks for reading this if you get this far and have a wonderful day (and wonderful pride month!!) everyone!
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froznwater · 2 days
im so sorry this is incredibly random but if i dont write alenoah i WILL die but i cant think of anything to write. do u have any simple ideas. ignore if not
HI!!! tysm for your ask <3 i hope you can find something to write amongst all the ideas. These are a bunch of ideas have written down in my notes/google drive/tumblr posts and have not got gotten around to. I still might at some point in time but feel free to use them. I will still do my own take if I get the time/motivation. There's simply so many, why not share and inspire some fics :)
General ideas:
Noah knows/learns spanish. Bonus points if Alejandro isn't aware until the perfect moment.
Alejandro thinks he can get away with flirting with Noah in spanish. Noah starts shit talking in spanish. Noah learns so he can hear all the little comments Alejandro keeps making under his breath. etc. so many possibilities.
Now that the show is over and Noah's off to college, he realizes he’s missing something in his life. Maybe it’s his friends, maybe it’s a lack of ever-looming danger, OR maybe it’s Alejandro. Who fucking knows. He’s too busy trying not to be in love with Alejandro to figure it out. 
Their group project is failing, horribly. There’s one thing Noah knows for certain: Alejandro's to blame. At what point does slippery eel turn into a term of endearment?
They have never ever fallen asleep next to each other. Let alone in each other's arms. Never.
Time loop where Alejandro is stuck on the episode where Noah gets voted out and sticks himself to falling in love because he can’t let go of his pride long enough to simply let Noah stay in the game and move on.
Noah loses his contacts and starts wearing his glasses more often. Alejandro notices. Everyone notices Alejandro notices.
Alejandro and Noah team up to get their friends together (insert whatever ship you like) and end up together in the process/the other two were trying to do the same thing for them.
A commentary timeline on how Alejandro's charisma turn into exploitation, how Noah's patience turned into indifference, and how they parallel each other. (I've written a few hundred words for this one lol.)
Each thinks the other doesn't like them. Cut to third party POV that watches and witnesses them completely a mess for each other.
Noah, once voted out in I See London, learns about Alejandro's family. Who have been very vocal since the show started airing.
Exploration of how Alejandro tries really really hard. Yes, He's at the top of the class, but so is Noah. Noah who sleeps through classes and doesn't turn in homework and shows up late or simply not at all and is still right up there with him.
“I would kill to be like you. To just absorb all the information fed to me. If I were you I might actually- “(beat my brother) “Might actually what?” “I told you. I don’t want to talk about it, Noah.” - "Do you know how long I studied for that test? Hours. And you- You got a 96 with no effort at all." It was a 98. But this seems like a bad time to correct him.
Dialogue one-liners prompts i've written down:
"If we make it out of this alive, I'm going to kiss you."
“Why do I feel like I cant say no to you?”
"I know you don't actually care about me, but thank you for trying to pretend that you do." (Said by Noah is joking. Said by Alejandro is bitter.)
"You can't win against someone who has nothing to lose."(Alejandro OR Noah angst.)
Soulmate aus:
My big two: Telepathy/Mentally linked.(imagine this one as a wt rewrite omg) And Whatever you draw on yourself shows up on your soulmate. Matching tattoos.
First words on each other. (I've done this one already here. but feel free to do it as well!!)
Communicating through dreams. (If you know cardcaptor sakura; like that.)
General AUs:
Until dawn AU.
Gakuen Alice AU.
My Babysitters A Vampire AU. Zombie Apoc AU.
Harry Potter AU. Reality Dating Show AU.
Infinity Train AU!!!!!!
Veronica Mars AU!!!! (i wanna do this one ALOT noah is sooo veronica LMAO) OBLIGATORY IDEAS:
seven minutes in heaven.
wrong number.
trapped in a closet.
movie night. noah is sitting under alejandro and lol they are physically, platonically touching for awhile. (leads to finally getting together).
one gets injured, the other fixes them up in the nurses office :P.
short "prompt-ishs" i've started writing:
“What the hell is your problem, Alejandro?” And this time, the tone was so disgusted, so bitter, that something snapped, deep in Alejandro’s chest.
Fuck it.
“What’s my problem?” He asked, incredulous. “What’s my problem? You’ve got to be kidding me, Courtney. I almost died. I almost died, paralyzed and alone, and the only friend I thought I had didn’t give a single shit! The only person who cared was Noah, of all people. I quite literally come back to life and the only thing you can do is whine about your girlfriend problems.”
Courtney takes a step back.
“I was stuck in a robot for months, my legs barely work, my family moved on- actually, I don’t know if they ever actually even noticed,” He laughs, broken, “- and you have the audacity to ask me what my problem is?!”
Alejandro is over playing nice. He’s had enough.
this one is a rivals team up to get out courtney blurb
little idea about Alejandro getting into zodiacs.
moments where alejandro questions why Noah is so attractive
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crimsondinnerparty · 21 hours
I am really tired of Hugh Dancy denying Hannigram , like it’s been decades can we please stop this , and full acknowledge and accept that both love each other
It’s was really disappointing 👎🏻
Hello :)
To be honest, I don’t think Hugh was denying Hannigram. If I understood you correctly, you must be talking about that one question where Hugh jokingly said that it would take seven seasons for Will to love Hannibal. 😅 Now, it’s important to understand that even actors have their own interpretation of their art, but it doesn’t change the canon. In the show, we already know that Will DOES love Hannibal; otherwise, his actions wouldn’t make any sense.
Regarding the seasons, the initial plans were to make seven seasons, but it got cut down to six or maybe five, so you can’t really say that Hugh was serious about it. This man has been faithful to Bryan and his vision, and that’s why he is careful while answering any Hannigram-related questions. However, he was and is supportive of this ship. There are interviews where he says that it’s a love story and that they both love each other. Also, don’t forget he collaborated on a lot of scenes, so he very much knew what was being portrayed.
My advice is don’t take actors' words too seriously. If someday Mads comes and says that Hannibal is not a cannibal (sorry), would you agree? No, right? Because the text doesn’t support that. So, it’s the same thing with whatever Hugh said.
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wickjump · 2 days
I think a ship that isn't talked about much is Fresh x Ink.
For me, they have a lot of potential to have a platonic or queerplatonic relationship (or a romantic relationship, it's up to you-)
Like, they themselves have some visible similarities, like: their energetic personality, they have difficulties in certain subjects, they both like to travel around Australia, they both like to make fun of Error from time to time-
One of these main similarities is their difficulty in feeling and expressing emotions.
Ink is a being without a soul, but can feel emotions through its vials.
Even though he is not able to feel emotions without the vials, he tries as much as possible to continue with it, showing that, despite the problems he has with emotions, especially understanding them, he remains standing, protecting alternative universes, as he cares about them and their creators (I don't know much about Ink, sorry if I said something wrong about him-).
Fresh is a parasite who has difficulty feeling emotions, so much so that, from what I've seen, he has a panic attack when he starts to feel something.
In other words, he has difficulty understanding them to the point where he would be lost.
And that's why I see them having a close relationship, because together they are beings who don't understand emotions, but as long as they stay together, they would be able to understand them.
I think they would be so, SO cute together!
They would be an energetic couple who like to have fun and go on various silly adventures across the multiverse.
I imagine them making fun of Error together, Fresh teaching Ink his strange slang, them learning emotions...
And well, since Fresh, canonically, kisses people because he thinks it's a cool act of friendship...he would shower Ink with kisses.
Man...I feel like I'm becoming obsessed with this ship-
ive always sorta liked them though i hardly focus on them compared to others but MAN now that you bring it up im also starting to really like them
they’re so cool!!!and brightly colored together,,, so many colors!!!!! they’ve both got so many similarities in their stories yet they’re still so different in so many ways and it’s just. god. they go about the same issues in varying ways and i think that gives them wild compatibility.
theyd be so fun together god. and they can explore the multiverse together!!! AND AND they’re both so complex in a way that’s often overlooked too i think they could have some surprisingly deep conversations,,,!!!! man they’re just cool
also they’re both ace sooooo (ace4ace my beloved). they r so qpr,,
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terra-sketches · 17 hours
Hoshina and Kafka make such a cute ship and I wanna talk about why!
This is looooooong so buckle up! I've put the general chapters i'm drawing "evidence" from so that anyone can look up these cool moments themselves! The quotes might be a little off bc of the version of the manga I'm reading but the meanings should line up fine.
1. Hoshina's interest in Kafka is the reason Kafka was able to become an officer in the first place. (chapter 10, 23)
Hoshina thinks Kafka is funny!! Yeah sure, part of why Hoshina wanted Kafka close was because he was suspicious during the evaluation, but he also directly states that he wants a funny guy on the team! That means Kafka is canonically a personality hire! All this to say, Hoshina enjoys being around Kafka and isn't put off by his weirdness (in fact, he wants to see more of it).
2. Hoshina knows Kafka is fighting to take his spot but doesn't discourage him. (chapter 11, 13, 66)
While Hoshina has ZERO intention of losing his spot at Ashiro's side, he DOES want to see Kafka push himself to reach his goals (such a softie!!). He hands over the key to lock up the library and basically gives Kafka permission to study longer.
Kafka's studying pays off in combat against the mushroom kaiju and Kafka practically beams when Hoshina tells him he did a good job.
Hoshina continues to encorage Kafka later too (chp 66) which i touch on further in this list.
3. Hoshina's "...I do have faith in at least 1 percent of you." And Kafka's "I can't let him down!" (Chapter 23)
When Captain Ashiro reveals that it was Hoshina who's responsible for Kafka becoming a full-fledged officer, he starts caring a lot more about how Hoshina views him (not that he didn't care already). He wants to make sure Hoshina doesn't regret his decision. Ashiro also specifically says that Hoshina has faith in Kafka. Hoshina saw potential in Kafka when no one else on the defense force did.
In the scene of Kafka walking in on Hoshina training, Kafka vows to help Hoshina however he can to stop the new daikaiju threats (fully aware that he's one of Hoshina's targets too as Kaiju no. 8). Hoshina then puts Kafka into a headlock and scoffs at the idea that Kafka's "1%" could help at all or that he could have faith in such a low combat power. But after releasing Kafka from the headlock he admits to having "1%" faith in Kafka's abilities (which is essentially a confirmation that, yes, Hoshina has faith in Kafka). Personally, I like this moment more in the English dub of the anime. It's worded, "It wouldn't kill me to put 1% of my faith in you" and, man, Hoshina's face is so gentle when he says it. Then he follows up with, "I'm heading back to the office. Try and get some sleep." What a caring vice-captain!
4. Kafka's "betrayal" and Hoshina's response (chapter 31 & onward)
In the anime, when Kafka decides to run toward no. 10's bomb, Hoshina runs after him to try to stop Kafka from hurting himself. In the manga, he just calls after Kafka. He really doesn't want his comedy relief to die!
When Kafka transforms, he apologizes to Hoshina first. (ch 31)
Kafka feels guilty about not telling Hoshina that he's Kaiju No. 8 and Hoshina admits that he turned a blind eye to the possibility because he warmed up to Kafka. (ch 32)
From the time he's imprisoned to eventually seeing Hoshina again after the anti no. 9 conference, anytime Kafka thinks of Hoshina he thinks about giving a proper apology (ch 57). He cares so much about how the people he admires think of him. We saw this same behavior in Kafka when he thinks about disappointing Mina (his former best friend that he still wants to keep a promise to), Reno/Leno (the young prodigy that encouraged him to begin his dream again), and Shinomiya (a reliable friend and fearsome ally). He doesn't wanna let anyone down. It makes sense that this extends to Hoshina as well, especially considering that Kafka owes Hoshina so much for not dismissing him early on.
We as the reader don't see much of Hoshina's feelings about Kafka during this time but interestingly when Ashiro talks to Kafka before he's shipped off she states that "no one here sees you as a Kaiju threat". (ch 33) Which means that Vice Captain Hoshina was on Kafka's side, along with the rest of the third division. Hoshina, and the others, had likely forgiven Kafka shortly after he revealed himself, especially considering Kafka only did it to save their lives.
5. Their reunion brought them a lot closer. (Chapter 65-69)
Hoshina sees Kafka sulking and snaps him out of it (ch 65). This is the first time he's seen him since Kafka left the third division.
Kafka instantly tries to apologize (tears in his eyes!!) but Hoshina does a playful knife slash jumpscare and says they're even. Cue another headlock!
Hoshina says he's grateful for Kafka's sacrifice to save the third division and openly declares his desire to prevent Kafka from becoming a Kaiju permanently by fighting Kaiju no. 9 for him. When Kafka declines the offer, Hoshina offers instead to PERSONALLY train Kafka!
Hoshina immediately takes Kafka to Ryunei Shrine to test his abilities. Kafka is amazed at Hoshina's strength and starts a self-deprication spiral but Hoshina knocks him out of it by telling Kafka that he notices improvement. Hoshina ends the training by encouraging Kafka to steal his spot at Captain Ashiro's side again. Hoshina is so supportive of Kafka!! (ch 66) Also, we get a third headlock.
From this point up until no. 9 comes back, Hoshina ckecks in with Kafka TWICE A WEEK to monitor his training. Twice a week, 1 on 1, just them... (ch 67)
Later, in another training scene we get to see Kafka basically fishing for praise from Hoshina after making a solid punch (ch 69). Hoshina responds by intentionally slamming the training block into Kafka to knock him over as if to say "you're still not strong enough yet". Hoshina is being playfully mean to Kafka once again! (Personally, I think Hoshina gets cute aggression. He seems like the type.)
TLDR : Kafka and Hoshina like each other a whole lot and although it's canonically never stated to be beyond platonic, I think they'd make a sweet couple. Please consider supporting this ship (I don't want to go down with it alone)!
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maxphilippa · 1 day
Would like to clear some things out on old ships I used to like while I was on The Lego Movie Fandom! Because a guy is. Claiming that I am problematic for liking/have liked them them. Okay!
1- Selfcest and Remmet. Okay we know Selfcest is... not the best on twitter for whatever reason, self love actually rocks a whole ton, but the main issue here is Remmet. I shipped them even before knowing they were the same person, and the major issue with them is that the fandom considers them as brothers due to one line in the movie, which turns out to not even be the one that was planned to be on the movie, as it has been revealed on the novel that the dialogue was different from what ended up in the final product! (On the movie Emmet says "and I'll be the brother you never had" but Rex doesn't like the idea and such, but on the novel, the line changes to "and I'll be the friend you never had", to which Rex is comforted when hearing so, which is. what was supposed to be originally, as the novel goes on deep detail about the characters and story). And again, Rex and Emmet ultimately don't consider eachother brothers, it was. Really just a joke line.
i will not get on remmet díscourse because i moved on from tlm and don't even care anymore, and everything that could ever be said about it has been said already. i no longer ship them because i have moved on from fandoms and there are like actual issues out there to worry about other than kissing yourself.
2- The claim of me liking Feral x Human is simply not true. I actually did not know to what this guy was referring to and then I realized that on the Lego fandom, I only had ONE ship that """""""fits"""""" that description he gave on that, and said ship is literally Rainbow Coins (MetalBeard x Unikitty), which are these two characters here:
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as you can see and if you do know the context of both movies, unikitty is a grown woman (who's also a queen, mind you) who just happens to be an cat/unicorn hybrid, and metalbeard is a literal cyborg. unikitty is fully conscious and aware and. talks. she is not a feral animal. neither is metalbeard a human.
as well this is funny to me since originally, on tlm 2, Unikitty was PLANNED to have a crush on Rex. Who's a human. So this is pretty much like. Ironic, don't you think?
3- Me "shipping minor x adult" issss also not true. When I was on the LMK fandom, I shipped MK and Monkey King without knowing that they were highly discussed on the fandom since, the headcanon of MK being a minor is pretty popular there, and Wukong/Monkey King is an immortal being. However, it is pretty much canon that he's an adult or at least 18, since he has a driving license and considering how China IS very strict about those matters, and wouldn't let a protagonist be underage and be allowed to drive, MUCH LESS on a kids show, this just overall disproves that claim as well.
tldr: these are legos and i am an undertale fan why the hell did i went to Twitter
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freakartack · 15 hours
What is your least favourite misconception or fan interpretation of the WarioWare cast?
And/or do you have a favourite headcanon the community has made for the cast?
Oooohhhh we are really going for the hot hot takes today huh. Just handing me the baseball bat like that
Well I suppose it had to come to this. I've been dancing around this for far too long. It's time for
NOTE: please do not open this if me shitting on popular headcanons will ruin your day. I don't generally care what people do with their life do what you want forever
OK with that out of the way it's time to get narsty. Many of these will be ship-related so if that will make you mad or bored just a heads up
OK i lied you can't do this one forever. ENOUGH!! She is in HIGH SCHOOL and if you think she has to secretly be an adult just because she has a job and drives a scooter then not only have you never been to high school but you also have not been paying attention during any of Kat and Ana's cutscenes. "High schoolers don't usually drive that much" 5-year-olds don't usually trek the mountains high and kill people with swords but they do. I get when people get frustrated that almost all the girl characters in warioware are marketable kids, because that does kind of suck, but you can't just ignore that to get shippy about it. Cmon. "Wario was dreaming about her in that 1 microgame break" yeah, and I thought that was weird. I choose to read it as a non-romantic moment (since, again, he's old enough to be her dad), and the fact is that nothing like that has happened since. Yeah mona might think he's a hunka hunka but she has every right to! Doesn't mean they have to get married
This one will stir far more pots/torches/pitchforks/etc. but since we're bringing out the fine china i might as well go all out. Here's my reasoning: Orbulon is 2000 years old. Mike is like 2. I'm not saying this one is Problematic (mike is a robot that can file taxes after all) but moreso that it is unrealistic. Picture this: You are orbulon, with all of your weird hangups and whatnot. Your buddy that fixes your car all the time and plays Go with you just had a robot son. Would you fall in love with him? Probably not. On the other end of the coin, you're the robot son now. Your inventor/employer/cyborg dad keeps inviting this weird animal into your house to study it. I don't think he would fall in love with that either. "I would," you say, "i'm built different." And more power to you. I just don't think they are.
FINALLY, a non-shippy one! Anyways, since Get it Together came out, a lot of people took one picture on the wall and the shape of mona's house to mean that Mona's House is actually Luigi's Mansion and that Luigi and Daisy had a child together 16 years ago and promptly abandoned it to play tennis. I think it is obvious by now that I don't think that's true. Not only has Mona described her parents extensively (one of them is an artist that is obsessed with noses, the other is a supermodel that travels the world), but neither of them are anything like Luigi and Daisy. "But what if Luigi is secretly obsessed with noses and Daisy is secretly a supermodel," you say. Okay. Then I think that Luigi cheated on Daisy with Peach, and had Rosalina together, because Peach and Rosalina both have blond hair and Luigi had a telescope once. Don't play games with me, Matthew. I know what you are.
He's not
OK now that all of that is out of the way, let's move on to the fun stuff. Top ten favorite things that people have said about warioware!!!
I first saw this thought expressed here, but I've seen many people continue the sentiment and I think it's beautiful. Penny Crygor is the good doctor's transgender lesbian clone whom we all love dearly.
Self-explanatory. Unfortunately the genius who thought of this one has since deactivated and the post is forever under an inaccessible read-more so this is the only evidence i have that it ever existed. You have to trust me on this one.
This isn't really a headcanon moreso a popular interpretation of the text but I do like to think that despite being a jackass he does genuinely care about all the weirdos he has racked up, including the many wayward children that have glommed onto him over the years. This is like every toxic "we're all a family here!" workplace, except that they actually are all a family here and it's toxic for unrelated reasons
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transapollozine · 3 days
Feeling lost, fellow traveler?
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Not to worry, we are here to shed some light on the path ahead!
What is a zine? A zine is a small book created and distributed by fans on a particular subject that they really care about, for other fans. They usually contain art and writing, and many come with fan-made merchandise sold in bundles of various sizes. In this case, this zine is themed around the character Apollo Justice and his journey as a trans-man!
Why 18+ only for contributors? While the zine itself will be SFW, the topic of gender transition cannot be completely severed from discussions of anatomy and sexuality. This can make it awkward and tricky to have minors in the Discord where discussions about these topics could pop up.
Are ships allowed? Shipping will be allowed as long as the focus on your piece is Apollo and his relationship to transmasculinity. Some ships may not be allowed, and are up to the Mods’ discretion.
Are AU’s allowed? AU’s within the universe of Ace Attorney, such as characters meeting at different points or canonically dead characters staying alive, will be up to Mod approval during the pitching process. AU’s like a crossover with another property, superhero/sci-fi, etc. will not be accepted.
What kind of trans headcanons are allowed in the zine? Transmasculine headcanons can come in many flavors, and all are welcome! The point of this zine is to celebrate Apollo’s journey of self discovery, where his destination is the man we meet in the series.
Will this zine include spoilers? This zine will contain spoilers for all games Apollo Justice is present for, including AA5, AA6, and the Seven Year Gap of AA4.
Can we explore moments outside of canon? Contributors will have the chance to explore the moments in Apollo’s life in the gaps we don’t get to see between the canon, like his life growing up during the 7YG, or even post canon.
Can I apply for multiple roles? You can apply for as many as you’d like, but you will only be selected for one within the zine. There may be exceptions to this, such as a page artist also being a merch artist, or tasked with making small supplementary social media art depending on the number of applicants.
What are the rules on AI art and writing? As stated previously, unless you own all of the training data the AI used, any and all AI writing or art is strictly prohibited from this zine.
Is your question not answered here? We'd love to hear from you! 🩵💗🤍💗🩵
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Clarke Boetticher - A Character Study
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Let's start with the Tumblr Special: how would Clarke react to meeting you?
Let's consider a scenario in which Clarke does not immediately attempt to get far away from you. He might appear guarded, aloof, or even hostile right off the bat. He may be reserved, speak cautiously, or keep conversations brief to avoid revealing too much about himself or his involvement with the cult. He could suddenly become agitated or withdrawn and not want to be around you. Small gestures of kindness and clarity are something only seen after trust has been built. He's rather enigmatic and introverted. Quiet, but in a calculated way.
The moment you know too much, he'll slit your throat, so try not to pry.
And I know there's the age-old question of, "is he romanceable/can I ship him with my character/myself, etc?"
The answer is circumstantial. This isn't a man with any kind of social skills nor has he known love. He tried that fiasco with Natalie and it ended with him hysterically laughing at her maimed corpse.
If, theoretically, you could get past his skittish eraticisms, constant disappearances, disloyalty and him awkwardly brushing off your affection... perhaps. He will choose the cult over you every time. This is a situationship mixed with sporadic one night stands at best.
Chances are, though, he would want nothing to do you with. You better be damn special, and even special might not get you very far with Clarke.
As Clarke's creator, I genuinely do not care what fanfiction you write with Clarke in it, but I beg you to try and stick to my narrative. He's like this for a reason. Also it would make me happy.
Will he get along with my OC?
Clarke likes normal people. The more normal, the better. He's so tired of seeing monsters every day... so that's up to you. Is your OC a creepypasta or a survivor? He'll go for the survivor in terms of a budding acquaintance (as long as they don't end up with a mark on their back from the Web.) It doesn't matter if killing your character will absolutely crush him, Clarke can't say no to the cult.
Where's Masky and Hoodie? Are they friends with Clarke like in the classic creepypasta?
Copyright means we can't use them so we had to write them out.
This lovely trio from the classics is not really affiliated with each other in Blessed Be The Wicked. As stated in a previous post, Brian is a human hellbent on revenge against the cult after Slenderman took his friends' lives away in the events of Marble Hornets, and he is currently hiding among them as a "proxy." He walks, talks and makes himself look like them, and they haven't noticed quite yet, but Brian is on borrowed time...
Tim, however... well, he ended up getting a little too messy and violent than the cult would've liked, so they fed him to Calibri.
Clarke doesn't really know who Brian is, and Tim is dead. RIP.
What about his Tourettes? Has anything changed with how that is written?
His Tourettes overlaps heavily with his OCD. Clarke's tics are more word-based and compulsory actions than twitching. E.g., checking the locks repeatedly, flipping light switches, echolalia, or repeating a word/phrase during speech. He struggles with his brain hanging on words and sounds during a conversation, which can quickly trigger his anger and frustration.
One might catch Clarke arranging his belongings in a certain pattern, counting his steps as he walks, or adjusting things to make sure they line up/are straight. Clarke's inability to stay clean most times severely bothers him.
Here's some other little bits of info:
Smells like dirt, sweat and metal... sort of like ozone. He showers whenever he can afford to spend extra time in a victim's house after he's finished the job; but it's mostly rinsing off briefly in an icy creek.
The guy will absolutely demolish a cheeseburger and shitty diner coffee. After eating what he could hunt for so long (which was very little,) he's pretty strung out on hunger.
Clarke was inducted into the cult at seventeen and is now twenty-six, meaning he has been a "proxy" for about nine years.
Clarke was written to this song.
Be prepared to bring your Rad-X because this man is a walking elephant's foot. Radiation poisoning (or slender sickness) is in his wake after spending so much time around the Spawn of the Web.
He's king of the Compartmentalized Emotions.
You might catch him doing dangerous shit because he doesn't know pain, and his dissociative coping response can lead him to believe what he is doing isn't real.
(If he believes it's real, he'll hate himself, and he can't do that yet, now can he?)
Has the occasional fit of Cotard's Delusion.
Clarke is a complete stoner and pays the monthly visit to Jingles for the good stuff.
He doesn't flinch. Ever.
Does not own a cell phone and is really bad with technology. Nine years in the woods will isolate a man from how fast tech has progressed.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 20 hours
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first part // second part
Despite his confession, there was still a rift between the former warlord and yourself, one that you made sure that he could never pass, even after all of his efforts. The night of your re-union, you spent it awake, really far away from that man and his bed. You were livid, and it didn't matter how many times he used his sand to bring you to his side; you kept getting out and just sitting on a chair.
"Came on, stop being so stubborn. I won't do anything." You just kept looking at him like an animal was ready to bite. "All right, then, suit yourself. Don't complain about some back pain tomorrow."
When you finally collapsed, dawn was appearing in the sky, and he was long asleep by hours at that time. You woke up in his bed at midday to the ruckus of the screams of the pirates outside the tent. He must have taken you to bed before leaving. That day, you decided to use what was left of the day to find a tent of your own, without the trace of Crocodile influence in your intent. For some reason that you couldn't grasp, everyone knew who you were and who brought you there, and they seemed so intent to please you in order to not anger Crocodile. You refused everything; you didn't care at all, and when you found something that was more like a rag than a fabric, you decided that was enough in that condition.
Out of Buggy Town, that was your idea of peace and quiet. The tents and the vessels were still in sight, but at least you knew that there was less probability of meeting Crocodile, his colleagues, and others. At least you thought so.
He kept on reading the newspaper, emitting a cloud of smoke from his nostrils. Of course he knew that you were out; someone was intelligent enough to snitch on you. You were enterprising; he gave you that.
"Out eh? ..." The man in front of him shifted his feet, waiting for something. Bonez, still near his boss, looked at him with the same intent.
"Would you like me to take her back?"
"No, let her have her camping experience. She'll be back eventually."
He was sure that, after some cold nights and a lack of basic needs, you would come back, maybe even a little more interested in remembering your old life together.
The days passed, and you were still stubborn as a mule. You refused everything—food, the possibility to take an actual bath, some warm blankets. He sent those staff, and they came back untouched, with the single message to leave you alone. How troublesome...
You found food on the island by yourself, and you even were able to fish without the help of anyone! A small water source was enough to clean you, and at night, near a fireplace, you enjoyed the starry sky. It was nice; you didn't need anything else.
You didn't need him.
Days turned to weeks, and he became impatient. Despite his schedule, he was able to take a small amount of time to go to your place and try to convince you to come back, or at least consider staying near the town! What if there was an emergency or something?! But you refused everything.
The visits became just a couple of hours where he just stood there, watching you do your work without caring about him around. It was almost normal. He didn't ask again; what he wanted was to have you back with him. Too bad that was the opposite of what you wanted.
You even tried to escape from the island during your first days, to be fair, and all of them were failed attempts.
Every time, it was someone else that caught you sneaking inside some boats, ready to depart, or it was someone that took you from the small ones that you were able to snatch away. After the first three times, sand was found in the ships, a small way for Crocodile to make sure to prevent you from leaving the town.
Every time, it was one of his mes, or Buggy's, holding you by your elbow and taking you to the main tent.
"Again? We've caught you almost thirteen times."
"...It felt like a fifteen."
He sighed by your remark, massaging his eyes with his hand. You gave up after it became almost impossible to get near the docks without being spotted or being catched by the sands.
At some point, you just renunciated the idea of escaping from him. He was smart; he always was, so your only last option was to wait for the Marines to finally take action and finally get you away. You just had to figure out a reasonable explanation of why you were there and that you weren't a pirate...
Well, you had time! It wasn't a big deal!
The weeks started to become months, and things started to become almost normal, and you kept ignoring Crocodile, his gifts, his attempts, and, of course, his visits. But you weren't lonely, at least.
During these days, you were able to get closer to a few of the ones that were near the leader of the Cross Guild. It was Richie's fault at the beginning; the lion was so curious about you and ended by reaching your maskeshift tent to the promontory.
Your first reaction was to climb the biggest tree that you could find, hoping that the big lion could just go away. Then you realized that it was just a big, silly cat—and an overweight cat too. It was cute, in some way, and it enjoyed some ear scratching too, blessing with some purrs from itself. After the lion, the other members of the troupe, such as Mohji and Cabaji, were forced to go, trying to catch the animal from you, hoping that the big cat hadn't eaten you already. It was a strange encounter, but at least you found some more people who didn't want to please Crocodile by forcing you to go back to him.
You could finally chat a little! ...at least until Crocodile himself doesn't show up and starts glaring at the men, forcing them to escape his gelousy. 
Ah yes, Crocodile and his possessiveness. One of the things that he liked about your arrangement was that no one laid their eyes on you, and everyone was scared enough to leave you alone. He didn't need to take care of some possible competition.
And so, everything seemed almost normal. Your days started and ended in a similar way. It felt normal.
Until Roy came.
The boy looked at you like he was seeing some kind of miracle. You were in those old clothes that you were able to find around, and he was covered in sunburn, exhausted, and so happy.
The boy who did not give up and still courted you came to you. And you couldn't be more scared for his life.
His hug enveloped you with a warmth that you hadn't felt in months, while your body couldn't even process the gesture of whatever was happening.
"W-why are you here?!"
"I came to take you back, Y/N! You were captured by the pirates!"
So that's what he believed? He still didn't know anything? Maybe he did know but decided to only believe what he wanted...
His eyes gleamed with joy, his hands grasping yours in a strong and gentle grip. Despite his glim of joy, you couldn't meet his own feelings. The only thing that you could feel was confusion and fear.
You were afraid because he had waltzed right into the lion den without caring about the dangers.
No, no lions—crocodiles.
"R-Roy, you need to leave now."
"Of course we're leaving this place! Everyone's worried about you!"
"Roy, I can't leave this place! It's-...hold on..."
A small thought started to pop inside your head. Roy wasn't a pirate, but he was able to come here. No one outside the ones that were under the Cross Guild was authorized to be on that island. Then how did he find you?!
"Roy, how did you find me?"
The young man scratched his cheek, clearly nervous about the whole ordeal.
"Well, you know, I was a good fisherman, and... I started to get better! I learned how to sail and how it works, and...well,your captors aren't quite subtle."
"Roy, you came here by boat?"
When the boy answered, you found something that you thought you had lost months ago. 
It was risky and crazy, to be fair, but you still wanted to try it. You wanted that future away from the ex-warlord, his plans, and his control over you!
His boat wasn't covered in crocodile sand, and no one knew he was there!
"I'll go with you!"
It was easy, passing through the various tents, the already drunken pirates in the middle of the day, and the fights between the men. No one noticed two innocent people walking to one of the remote docks, the one that Roy had used in secret once he had found the island.
What you both couldn't predict was that the secret place where Roy was located on the boat wasn't so secret at all.
Two of their henchmen found the small boat almost by accident; maybe they were just going fishing, who knows? What you knew was that, in less than an hour, the entire guild was now in search of whoever entered their territory.
Roy tried his best, and so you did, but in the end, even the sand was sent in search of this mysterious presence, and after a small check at your small corner, now empty, Crocodile didn't need to make more assumptions than he should.
The crowd found you soon.
After you crossed the small town made of old tents and made-up houses, Roy tried to shield you from the pirates eyes. 
"He's a spy! Sent by the Marines!!"
"How dare he enter our territory!!!"
"Stupid idiot, you'll die like a rat for trying to take away Sir Crocodile Woman!"
As always, those idiots had the wrong idea, and now they were fuming with rage. And the worst part was a confused Roy looking at you while still trying to cover you. You couldn't look at him; even in this situation, you didn't have the courage to speak up and tell him the truth. 
"Now, what's the ruckus about?"
Always the perfect timing.
His own aura was enough to make everyone move; even Roy, who was unaware of who the giant was in front of him, sensed a sensation of alarm in his chest.
He moved slowly, more annoyed by the chaos that exploded, for what he found out was that he was a stupid brat with not so much knowledge of where he was. This was until he noticed your well-known figure behind that nobody. You swear, the smoke from his cigar was close to a fuming rage.
"And now, who are you supposed to be, boy?"
"I-I'm...I'm Y/n friend! You must be the pirate scum that decided to kidnap her!"
Crocodiles smile smugly. Poor boy, that facade of bravery didn't stand even for five seconds in front of him, even if the ex-warlord had to admit that he had some guts in him.
"Those are heavy accusations, especially if the one who spoke those staff is an unwelcome guest in my home." He finally decided to acknowledge your presence by moving his hand toward you.
"Your friend lack of good manners, darling. Maybe someone should teach him better, don't you think?"
Of course, he never believed that no one could be interested in you. Well, it was his little hope for him, but you were in a world full of plenty of fish, and you were a young, pretty thing for many of them.
He knew that there must have been at least one man interested in you, especially since you said you did a good job of eradicating the ex-warlord from your life. So, without his controlling presence around you, it was just a matter of time before you mustered some courage to actually start a new relationship.
And that was what made Crocodile's blood boil.
You really thought that forgetting about him was so easy? That you could just throw yourself in another man's arms without remembering that your rightful place was in his own?
His statement was more of a threat to both of you, one that you caught in no time.
"He's not my friend."
The shocked expression on Roy's eyes was enough to know that it was a lie, but Crocodile hummed, puffing some smoke from his lips, thinking about the drama that now all of those men were witnessing. You took some steps away from Roy, reaching the pirate side. 
"Y/n, you said you wanted to-"
"I was Crocodile woman before coming to your island. I was investigated by the Marines before the accusation fell, and you're just not my type, Roy, so please-"
Your voice cracked a little, but you kept your composure.
It wasn't even a command; it was a please. You knew what that man was capable of, and the idea of having Roy's life on your conscience was far too much. It was fine, like this. It was okay.
Roy Boat left the island with the young men, the silhoutte slowly disappearing from your view of your small heaven, away from everybody and from Crocodile, except that he was there.
He clicked his tongue, imagining the irritating voice of Buggy talking about the mess of the day, all for Crocodile Woman's fault. 
"Are you done with your sulkiung already? Today has been a mess. Can you-" How your hand reached his cheek bone was a curious question; what he knew was the stinging pain, the redness in that spot of his face, and the anger in your eyes, along with some tears from them.
"I'll never forgive you for this. You can keep me here and torture me as much as I care, but i'll never EVER forgive you!"
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kerubimcrepin · 2 days
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 1 (episodes 13-18)
Episode 13 - Calm Blue Sea
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It might be hard to believe now, but when I first watched the show, my favorite character was Nox.
I don't think about him often anymore, but I still really like him. This episode is one of the first ones where we get glimpses at his backstory, which is fun.
(Geez, I'm predictable for liking characters who are over a hundred years old and care a lot about their families...)
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Another reason this episode is big is Soft Oak's death. 1. He's a lore character, I suppose, and 2. I like to headcanon that this is the reason Joris went to Sadida Kingdom.
It's just a silly little headcanon but to elaborate (and sadly, go a bit forward in terms of episodes):
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Soft Oak was the friend of the tree of life.
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2. Nox seems to have been a bigger issue for the world than shown in the series, considering the fact that Yugo says he's ravaged countries/other reasons.
Bonta and Sadida Kingdom seem to be on good terms — so it would be reasonable to assume that if Nox began going after great tree entities of the world, it would pose a threat to Sadida Kingdom. This opens the possibility that Joris was sent there for this reason, at the time of episode 13 or later.
The timing would also be appropriate — Joris arrives in Sadida Kingdom just a bit before the Brotherhood of Tofu. Though we do not know the route he took.
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Chopsticks spotted...! At this point, I'm beginning to believe they're just very common in this world, and as widely used as forks and spoons.
Episode 14 - Moon Island
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[guy who is mentally ill about fishing in this franchise voice] guys imagine Kerubim, Atcham, and Joris on a ship. Competing against one another in fishing.
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I really like knowing all the various superstitions in this world because, y'know, Ecaflips love those doubly.
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My honest reaction to this moment, as well as all moments involving the night sky and cosmos, in this franchise:
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[guy who talked too much about this fucking fruit in previous liveblogs and is now obligated by law to mention it voice] This piece of dialogue tells us that this fruit is actually kinda on the expensive side.
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Your daily reminder that Joris has canonically been to Kanniball island and the only things he had to say are "nice locals. don't stay for dinner."
Episode 15 - Adamai
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Do you think Adamai's bond with a crackler makes him more or less likely to fucking hate Joris in Waven times.
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Rare "Eva Taking an L" moment. A real "You still believe the earth revolves around the sun at your age?" sort of line for her to say.
Episode 16 - The Eliacube
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Adamai forgot to account for old man stupidity.
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Even though I have issues with how his arc of descent into batshit insanity and subsequent redemption were handled, I do want to say that I have always thought that this + Grougal's death was when the darkness began to grow within him.
Episode 17 - Grougaloragran the Eternal
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No commentary. This is a legendary episode.
Episode 18 - The Brotherhood of the Tofu
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Please don't throw rocks at me, but I'm not the biggest fan of how Pinpin and Eva's relationship was handled. They're cute together, but the decision to give them drama the second their relationship became canon was a bit... jarring, on the first viewing.
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Two hopefully lighthearted Buddie questions:
What are some Buddie scenes you really like that maybe are not talked about so much by the fandom?
Buck & Eddie go on a date. Not really their first one, just a date. What will they do?
Ooooh love these:
One of my favorite buddie scenes hands down in the entire show is when they’ve responded to the scene of Shannon’s accident, and Buck sees her first, and his immediate instinct is to protect Eddie from having to see her like that. I know it’s technically not really a BUDDIE scene but it’s one of my favorites earlier instances of them really showcasing how protective Buck is of Eddie.
I also really REALLY do love the scene in 7x9 in Eddie’s kitchen where Buck tells him he’s worried about him. Obviously, I’ve stated before that the whole Kim storyline pisses me off and there were plenty of ways they could have had Eddie go through some kind of dramatic shift in 7b without some wack-ass doppelgänger storyline, but the way that Buck’s devotion to Eddie was shown so clearly, as well as Eddie’s reliance on Buck is something so special to me because they really are exactly what each other need. Buck needs to feel like he is helping someone he cares about, and Eddie needs to know he’s not in this alone and they both fulfill that need for each other far beyond anyone else in their lives (with the exception of Maddie and Chris).
And lastly for buddie scenes, I am a huge fan of the just random blurbs we get of them. Goofing off on calls, enabling each other’s stupidity, blurry background shots of them being dumb, etc. I ofc think they are soulmates in a romantic way, but their friendship is still so dear to me, and those scenes where we just get to see them be goofs with each other just fill my heart w joy… ive not really touched on this but i’ve always been one of those people who really struggles to connect with people romantically unless we are already friends, and have always dreamed of one day marrying someone i consider to be one of my best friends which is one of the reasons why buddie is such a special ship to me.
Now, as far as buddie’s first date: I think there are so many options. My personal dream (as stated in my buddie paralleling bathena when they go canon post) would be that they go out for a nice dinner— nothing too fancy, but where eddie gets buck flowers, and they dress up, and enjoy a nice romantic evening together.
I could also see them doing something more fun like possible going to an axe-throwing place, or go-karting (like buck wanted to do w eddie in 7x1 👀) or going to the pier together.
But all of that said, i think it might be interesting for thier first date (whatever they do) to go absolutely terrible and one of them gets in their head about it and thinks that maybe they aren’t cut out for being a couple if they can’t even go on one date, and the other points out that they’ve kinda been dating for years, but that now they get to hold hands and kiss and tell each other “i love you” and let it be one of their first small hurdles bc it would in a sense be accepting the fact that neither of them are necessarily “good” at dating, but that they don’t have time be because they already care too much about each other… bonus points if we see a few failed sates before this confrontation, and after we get another date that they are both obviously not as nervous for, and it actually goes perfectly.
thank you for the ask, bestie! i really enjoyed thinking about this one 💕💕
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