#and the white one with a little black is Everest
prunpplee · 6 months
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the cats for serotonin campaign
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xzaddyzanakinx · 5 months
Cottage in the Woods
Stepbro!Anakin Skywalker x Female reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: sexual content, PiV (unprotected), oral, alcohol (no one is drunk), stepcest
Info: Established relationship, mechanic Anakin, college student reader, Anakin does have his mechnahand but it’s not actually mentioned
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Anakin stirred awake slowly, his eyes still half-closed as he snuggled closer to you. His hand gently massaged your lower back, and a small smirk formed on his lips.
"Morning, Darlin’." He murmured, his voice deepening with sleepiness. "How's my favorite little princess feelin'?"
He yawned widely, exposing his perfect white teeth before sitting up straight, pulling the covers over both of you.
“M’feeling perfect,” You said as you breathed out happily.
Anakin chuckled, reaching over to grab his phone from the nightstand. He checked the clock before looking back at you.
"Well, we've got plenty of time to make sure you stay that way." He stood up, stretching his arms above his head, showing off his toned abs and muscular arms.
"Get dressed, dollface, it's Saturday morning, and I swear I'm takin' you somewhere special today."
He made a show of rummaging through his clothes on the floor, finding his favorite pair of jeans and a baggy T-shirt, which he threw carelessly over his head.
“You’re taking me somewhere?” You asked, immediately perking you up from your formerly subdued state.
Anakin nodded, grabbing his shoes from the floor and putting them on. "Yeah, you deserve a little treat don’t you think?"
"Get dressed, I'll be back in a sec," he said, heading towards the bathroom.
As he left, Anakin's steps were lighter than usual, almost bouncy, as if he couldn't wait to surprise you.
You changed quickly. Putting on baggy jeans and a black crop top with the oversized black zip-up jacket stolen from Anakin ages ago. You were pulling on sneakers just as Anakin returned from the bathroom.
His tousled hair wet and messy. He wore a pair of black jeans that accentuated his toned legs and a plain black T-shirt that clung to his muscular torso.
"You look fuckin' adorable," he complimented, walking over to you and running his fingers through your hair before kissing your forehead lightly. "Let's go."
He held out his hand for you to take, and together, you left your room, heads bent in conversation as you made your way downstairs.
Anakin chuckled softly, opening the passenger door of his car for you before climbing into the driver's seat. Slamming the door shut behind him, he started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.
"Well," he began, turning the corner onto their sleepy suburban street. "We're heading about an hour away from here."
His eyes lit up with excitement as he glanced sideways at you, waiting for your reaction.
“An hour away?” You asked confusedly, wondering what the hell he had planned.
Anakin grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just trust me, alright? It'll be worth the drive."
You sighed, teasingly pretending to be disappointed.
As they drove, he began to hum a familiar tune, and you noticed the car's air freshener had changed from its usual generic scent to the sweet fragrance of lavender.
You spent the rest of the drive smushed against the center console to hold his hand and feel his warmth. Playing music low with the intent of just having background noise while you talked and caught up on things.
Anakin's hand squeezed yours back, returning the comfort with equal intensity. "Sweet girl," he whispered, his voice low and sincere.
"So, how was work yesterday?" He changed the subject, hoping to distract himself from the growing anticipation and an anxiety building inside him with each mile marker that passed.
“The worst.” You sighed. “I would rather sprint up Mount Everest than serve that large of a party again.”
You told him the drama and tidbits of conversation picked up from that large group of 25 people. The gossip was the only redeeming factor of waitressing that large of a group. It was hell while you worked it with one other waitress, but damn what an interesting conversation you had with her by the dumpster when you both took a smoke break later that night.
Anakin chuckled, his eyes never leaving the road. "That's what you signed up for, ain't it?" He teased, reaching over to give your leg a light squeeze.
“Just cause I signed up for it, doesn’t mean I can’t whine and complain about it occasionally.” You teasingly pouted, but shook your head and kissed his cheek in agreement after he made a quick redemptive comment about your shared luck in having each other to confide in.
"So, how's my little bookworm doing? Everything alright in school darlin’, any trouble with your classes?"
You shared some interesting highlights of the past week’s classes and lectures. Watching Anakin’s facial expressions while you spoke was just as entertaining as the stories you were telling him. The animated way he responded to practically everything you said was heart warming; he gave you that ‘only girl in the world’ feeling that you only ever heard of in books.
As he drove, the landscape outside changed from suburban neighborhoods to rolling hills dotted with trees and colorful wildflowers, signaling your departure from the city limits.
“What about you Ani?” You asked, turning in your seat alittle while you held his large hand in your two smaller ones, tracing his knuckles with your thumbs.
“How’s everything at the mechanic’s shop?” You continued. “are you still thinking about applying for that supervisor’s position?”
You were of course referring to his job as a mechanic, he’d used his two year degree in engineering to get him started in his career. His ultimate goal being owning a garage of his own someday.
Anakin smiled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Well, I got offered the supervisor's position actually."
"I accepted," he added quickly, as if anticipating your reaction. "It starts next month. More responsibility, more money, and more freedom to do what I love most—fixing cars."
He glanced at you briefly before returning his focus back on the road. The sun was beginning to rise higher in the sky, casting warm rays through the windshield that danced across his features, highlighting his natural beauty.
“No way really?” You squealed out of excitement for him, dropping his hand to clap almost involuntarily. “oh Ani! I’m so proud of you!”
You picked up his hand again and laced your fingers with his, leaning across the console to lovingly place a hot, wet kiss on the softness of his neck.
Anakin's hand tightened around yours, squeezing gently in response to your excitement. "Thanks, dollface," he murmured, his voice low and husky.
"You know you're the reason I even accepted it, right?" He teased, reaching over to ruffle your hair playfully. "Without you, I wouldn't have found the motivation."
As he drove further into the countryside, dense forests stretched as far as the eye could see. Finally, your destination came into view—a small cottage nestled amongst the trees, surrounded by a tranquil lake and lush greenery.
“Ani you’re so sappy.” You teased, secretly extremely pleased that he would admit such a vulnerable thing.
“What are we doing here?” You asked in confusion. “it’s so pretty…” Your words trailed off.
Anakin parked the car and turned off the engine, grabbing your bag from the back seat.
"Patience, my love," he said, his voice laced with excitement. Opening the door, he helped you out of the car and led you towards the front door.
"Just wait til you see inside," he teased, unlocking the heavy wooden door and ushering you in.
Inside was a cozy interior, filled with vintage furniture and decorations. A fireplace sat unlit in the living area, but you could just picture it casting warm light across the hardwood floors and exposed wooden beams.
You looked up, seeing a loft with a beautiful iron spiral staircase leading up to it. You assumed that it was a bedroom or perhaps a small lounge room.
“Aw it’s so cute…” You said, doing a slow 360 to really take in your surroundings.
“Are you gonna tell me what we’re doing here now?” You turned to ask Anakin, tucking yourself against his chest as he chuckled.
Anakin wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. "I thought we deserved a little something—just us," he said, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"We'll explore the place later, but for now, I have something else planned."
With that cryptic statement, he led you to the living area, where the coffee table was set up with a bottle of champagne chilling on ice and two beautiful 70’s style crystal wine glasses. There was a small wooden box beside it the spread, adorned with a bow.
“What’s this?” You asked, head on a swivel as you looked curiously over at Anakin and back at the box. He pulled you down onto the couch with him, a rumble of amusement coming from his chest. Before he poured you both a glass of champagne.
He reached over to gently caress your cheek, his thumb tracing slow circles on your cheekbone. Watching how your eyes looked over that small box, how your fingers twitched with the impatient need to open it up. He knew you were horrible with waiting, he knew it was practically torture for you. His next statement only further confirmed that for you.
"Open it when we're finished with our drinks, alright?" he requested, raising his glass in to his lips.
You grinned at having been caught ogling over that tiny surprise. You cleared your throat before taking a sip of the bubbly drink. It was light and crisp, perfect for the setting.
You chatted, talking about how quaint the cottage was. He told you about the lake you’d seen as you drove in, how it was only a short walk away. How he wanted to take advantage of the secluded area to go skinny dip that night.
“It’s been a real long time since we’ve done that.” You giggled, remembering the last time you’d went skinny dipping. That was the night you’d shared your first acts of intimacy beyond making out with each other.
Anakin laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I know, I know," he teased, taking another sip of his champagne. "But this time, we'll make it special. I’ll get to take my time with you."
He said, remembering how rushed he’d been. How terrified of getting caught you were. How you both giggled and couldn’t stop smiling. How you blushed anytime you saw him for the next week after… and how that was the night that officially sealed your fate. After that, things were never the same again; you crossed a line that couldn’t be erased, and neither of you cared in the slightest. You were just happy you’d finally admitted the love you shared for each other.
You teased each other, joking around and bantering like it was second nature. It practically was, you’d always been attached at the hip and it only got more intense after deciding to say ‘fuck it’ and reject the title of step-siblings and mold yourselves into something romantic, into a real relationship.
Occasionally you’d glance at the small present box, fingers twitching in anticipation. Your impatience was getting the best of you and Anakin knew it.
“Anakin please!” You complained. “you’re killin’ me. I gotta know what’s in there.”
Anakin chuckled, setting his glass down and taking yours from your hands as well.
"Alright, alright," he conceded, standing up to retrieve the box. "But remember your manners, princess."
He leaned toward the table, then placed the box in your palm. Smiling as he saw you testing the weight of the box.
"Go ahead, open it slowly, alright?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if this was just a little tease of his. Finally, you reached out tentatively, steady hands brushing against the loose bow on the box. As you carefully opened it, a wave of anxiety hit your chest.
“Anakin… w-what?” You asked in confusion. “A key?”
You looked up at him, taking in his wide grin and devilish glint in his icey blue eyes.
“Wait… wait no way Ani.” You gasped standing up. “is this? Did you? Is this place ours?” You asked with your voice cracking in surprise as emotion squeezed at your throat.
Anakin nodded, standing up and wrapping his arms around you. His breath was warm against your ear as he whispered.
"Yeah, baby girl, it's ours. I’ve had this place in the works for a while. I got it ready as soon as I could."
He pulled back slightly, his eyes filled with gratitude and love. "I want us to start fresh, just the two of us. No more pretending, no more secrets. From now on, we're together for real."
He leaned in closer, brushing his lips against yours in a soft, lingering kiss. When you finally broke apart, there was a newfound depth in his gaze, a vulnerability that matched yours.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that… I know our love needs space to grow without the constant pressure of keeping things hidden for the sake of others. I can’t hide you anymore.” He said with a shaky breath.
Anakin's eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation. His hands gripped your waist tightly, holding you close as he spoke.
“The dates where I can’t hold your hand or kiss you even though you look so pretty, so beautiful, so kissable, so deserving of proper attention; it’s torture. Having you so close but not being able to give you the love and affection you deserve, it’s not fair to you and it’s not fair to me.” He cupped your face in his hands, his eyes held an intense piercing gaze into your own.
He leaned in again, his lips brushing against yours in another passionate kiss, one filled with need and desire. When they finally broke apart, he pulled away just enough to look into your eyes.
"I know marriage isn’t an option for us. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be together." he murmured, running his fingers through your hair. "Just us. No more lies, no more secrets. Just us living our lives together, just like we always wanted."
"I love you," he said softly, his voice softer, smooth with honeyed promises. "I don’t need a stupid piece of paper to prove that, not when I can prove it to you everyday on my own."
“Here, we’re away from everything. An hour from our hometown, close enough to go be with friends and family but far enough that we won’t have to hide. You’re closer to your college now, it’s only 40 minutes to the garage for me. It’s perfect.” He concluded his little speech with a tug at your waist to bring you closer so that he could bury his face in your neck and breathe in the scent of you.
“Anakin…” You sniffled, tears cascading down your flushed cheeks. “I love you. I love you, yes. I- I want this. More than anything.”
Anakin's heart skipped a beat as he felt your body tremble against his, your words hitting him like a ton of bricks. He pulled away slightly, his eyes searching yours, seeking any trace of doubt or hesitation.
"Really?" he asked, his voice cracking with the weight of your response. "You mean it? You really want this?"
He didn't wait for an answer, instead, lifting you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his waist so that your legs were locked around his torso. As he carried you towards the bedroom, his long legged stride fueled by desire and need.
He panted, his lips finding yours in a hungry kiss. "Gods above, I fucking love you."
You sniffled, attacking his neck and throat with hot open mouthed kisses while he pushed the door open with his foot. Giving you a fraction of a second to see that he’d furnished the room and made the bed before he laid you softly onto the new comforter.
Anakin followed suit, falling onto the bed beside you, bodies pressed against each other. He broke the kiss long enough to crawl down your body, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your collarbone and down your chest, stopping at your cleavage to slip your shirt off your torso.
"Tell me," he murmured against your skin, his breath tickling the hills of your breast when he’d freed you from the confines of your bra.
His tongue flicking your nipple before he sucked it into his mouth, eliciting a moan from the both of you. "Tell me you mean it."
You squirmed beneath him, arching your back, begging for more of his attention. "I mean it. I want this new life with you."
“Then let’s break in the new bed the way it’s meant to be huh?” He teased in a low voice, his hot breath fanning over your throat as he forced you to wait in between each slow and sensual tongue-filled love bite.
Anakin chuckled against your sensitive skin as he licked down your sternum and up to each hardened peak of your tits. Releasing your nipple with a wet pop. He trailed kisses down your stomach before reaching your pants and unbuttoning them slowly, exposing your lacy black panties.
"I want to taste you," he murmured, his hands hooking into your waistband and lowering your pants and underwear simultaneously. His face hovered over your exposed pussy, his breath heating up your moist folds.
Your body twitched, begging for his touch, but he teased you mercilessly, trailing his tongue around the edge of your entrance before finally diving inside, flicking your clit with his tongue while his fingers teased your tight hole.
Ohhh…” You breathed out in bliss, keeping your hips as still as possible. Knowing he preferred for you to trust him to make you cum. He was always telling you that eating pussy is a privilege and that he’s going to make sure he earns it everytime. “Mmm Anakin, that’s s-so good.”
Anakin groaned, his tongue delving deeper into your wetness, seeking out every hidden crevice of your body. His hand reached between your legs, massaging your sensitive spot before his thumb pulled just above your clit, exposing it for the flat of his tongue to lave. Passing back and forth over it slowly, increasing the pressure until you were on the brink of orgasm.
His tongue slowed down, flicking your sensitive folds before retreating to your leaking hole, teasingly circling it before dipping inside, probing and stretching you with the delicate strokes of his tongue.
With each moan and whimper that escaped your lips, he knew he was getting closer to claiming what was rightfully his—your cum.
“Anakin,” you moaned in a way that felt like it originated from your soul. Anakin’s eyes fluttering as he hummed in response to your pleasured noises.
“Faster please I’m so close.” You whined, bucking your hips.
He didn’t verbally respond, he just smacked your thigh to make you stop wriggling and shook his head. He wasn’t planning on speeding up.
No- not at all.
He slurped at your clit louder than necessary before sucking it into his mouth to provide suctioned pressure as he continued to massage the sensitive nub with the flat of his tongue. His fingers keeping their steady and firm snail’s pace to rub circles into your spongy front wall.
It was a combination of all of it, the added sensuality of the act and the lewd noises that tipped you over the edge. He coaxed the bubbling orgasm into a rolling boil that had your back arching and your juices coating his face.
Anakin groaned, his own cock throbbing against the mattress. Savoring the taste of you on his lips and tongue. After a few moments of post-orgasmic bliss, he finally pulled away, his face messy and his eyes glazed over.
He stood up straight again, towering over you with an expression of adoration, worship. Like he’d discovered a goddess fallen from the heavens sent just for him.
"Feel good huh baby?" he panted, his voice hoarse from his efforts. "Never seen you so speechless."
His eyes gleamed with power and satisfaction in equal parts.
He brought his palm to his mouth while tugging his boxers down, wiping the mixture of salvia and slick from his skin. Using the fluids to lube up his hard, veiny cock.
He nudged his cockhead against your wet hole, testing its readiness and indulging in the satisfying warmth against his sensitive tip.
“Just relax doll, I’ve got you.” He murmured, resting his weight above you on his forearms that he slid beneath your upper back, one large palm cradled your skull while the other gently squeezed your shoulder in a possessive grip.
Anakin lined up his swollen member at your entrance, teasing you with the head of his cock as it pushed barely past your sensitive folds. He waited for your body to adjust to him, his hips rocking back and forth, pushing just in just enough to make you writhe in anticipation.
"You're so tight, baby girl," he groaned, unable to control himself any longer. With a single thrust, he plunged into you, filling every inch of your tightness. You let out a sharp yelp of pleasure mixed with pain that he loved hearing.
“Relax. Open up f’me.” He soothed with loving kisses, moans swallowed by his eager mouth. He pushed past your lips gently trading the flavors of your cum with that of your tongue.
“Gonna make love to you right.” He promised in the most seductive tone he could muster. “slow and deep.”
“Gods Anakin…” You whispered, bringing your knees up higher and spreading your legs a bit further to accommodate him properly and get comfortable with the feeling of being so full.
“Yes.” You whined, mouth hanging open in a silent moan as you felt every ridge, throb and twitch of his heavy cock. “you’re so deep Ani.”
Anakin grabbed your legs, holding them in place for you as he began to move in and out of you slowly, savoring the sound of your moans escaping your throat. Each thrust was deliberate and powerful, filling every crevice of your pussy with his length.
"Pretty girl," he groaned. "Y’keep squeezing me so tight. Let go for me doll, you can do it."
Catching his breath between each thrust, he continued to praise your body, telling you how much he loved feeling connected to you in this way.
“That’s my girl, just like that.” He nodded, looking down at you with pride written in the corners of his crooked smile. “Perfect. Good job darlin’ there we go.”
“M’gonna… gonna cum.” You mumbled against his lips, feeling the vibration of his deep groan as his response.
“Yeah you are, aren’t you babydoll?” He growled, eyes burning your blissful face into his memory for ever. “Almost there darlin’ I can feel it coming.”
“Uh huh.” You nodded in agreement, stomach clenching as the tightly wound coil finally burst and allowed your body to feel a heavenly warmth as your flesh pricked with goosebumps.
Anakin groaned, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he felt your climax flood out around him.
"Oh god, I’m right there.” He mumbled, his sweaty forehead resting on yours, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
With one final stroke, he buried himself to the hilt inside you, holding you tight as his cock throbbed violently within your depths. A hot, thick stream of cum shot out of him, painting your insides with his seed. It was like fireworks as your bodies shook with shared ecstasy. His orgasm lasted long enough for him to pull out slightly, then plunging back in again, claiming every inch of you before collapsing on top of you, spent but satisfied.
“Mmmm Anakin.” You moaned softly. “Gods, I think you’ve ruined me.” You laughed quietly, a tear or two escaping your eyes from the intensity.
Anakin chuckled, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he caught his breath.
"That's what I aim for," he panted, his voice raspy. "Never gonna let you forget how good it feels to be mine."
He rolled over onto his side, pulling you close against him, spooning your body against his, his arm wrapping around your waist protectively. "Rest now doll. You’ll need it.”
“I’ve got you all alone for the first time in a while. You’re not leaving this bed till I’ve made sure my little princess has been fucked stupid." he whispered into your ear, his lips brushing against your temple in a gentle kiss.
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate
@burnthecheshirewitch @cherrylooney @star611
@tahliac11 @exquisit?corpse @jeldog @arzua10
@bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay
@aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn
@illiethefairy @slut-4-ani @offthethirlwall
@slutforhayden @ausskywalker @angelsadmired
@slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie
@starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @no1klet @lethargic
@allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi
@bobtheturmpetman29 @mortalheartache
@fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot
@joshfutturmansrighthand @chaoticantihero
@vadersslut @luvvfromme
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peachesyeo · 2 months
Treasure - MATZ preview
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⊹ 0.6k words ⊹ alpha!seonghwa x beta!male!reader x packomega!hongjoong.
✧a/n: hello, darlings. so yeah, my second attempt at writing smut. sorry if it's x male reader, but there's just so less of them that i feel that i needed to contribute more. this story is inspired by @holybibly (oh i feel so nervous for tagging you ma'am, but i hope you know you inspired me through your work) and strawberry_luna on AO3 (i can't seem to find her tumblr account). this is only a small preview, it would be released on 14th April, a gift from me to all readers (:
tags are welcome, just reply under this post.
𓋼𓍊 playlist: Mount Everest - Labrinth
⊂ content: not your traditional a/b/o dynamic, daddy/mommy kink, mommy!hwa supremacy, powerbottom!hongjoong, dom!seonghwa, sub!switch!reader (for this chapter). :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? :̗̀➛ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞? :̗̀➛ 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? (for all works)
Looking for the next part?
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Being a beta means a lot of things.
In a pack, a beta serves as somewhat of a mediator. Their role is to ease tensions between alphas or to soothe nervous omegas. In terms of sexual dynamics, betas are there to assist alphas with their rut when no omegas are available, and to mate with pregnant omegas, as unlike alphas, they do not possess knots, therefore could safely grant an omega's sexual needs while pregnant.
A beta cannot impregnate someone, nor can they become pregnant. While some see this as a limitation, others relish in the fact. Slowly, betas became objects designed to satisfy an alpha or an omega's sexual pleasure, and soon, most betas have become pets.
Some betas took pride in becoming a pet. Some entered training school, ready to be spoiled by their future masters or mistresses. Some were forced to become one, picking up skills along the way as their masters or mistresses fucked them into submission.
The world is ran by alphas and omegas, after all.
Some betas were not so fortunate. Abusive alphas and omegas were common, reveling in their status at the top of the hierarchy while subjecting their beta pets to torture. Sadly, not all betas survived such treatment, while those who did continued to endure suffering.
The lucky ones were spoiled. Their loving owners would do anything in their power to satisfy them. Be it big, fat dildos with rare gems as decorations to plug up their nice, hungry holes, or thick, jeweled collars or leashes tied around their neck to show off their ownership.
That's what Hongjoong desired when he first saw the little beta curled up in the corner of the cage: the image of your neck wrapped in a pretty, diamond-studded collar to match his own favorite set of white, lacy lingerie drives him into a frenzy.
"I want him, Hwa," he whispered to the elegant alpha beside him, his lips grazing against his earlobe. "I like him. Buy him for me." He nuzzled closer, burying his nose in the alpha's neck, inhaling the rich scent of champagne that enveloped him. Seonghwa stroked Hongjoong's head lovingly, intertwining their fingers and pressing a tender kiss against his hand. "Anything for my Luna," he replied softly, his gaze drifting toward you. The scent of roses, Hongjoong's scent, grew stronger, a subtle indicator of his contentment.
"Any bidders?" The auctioneer called out, as the flashlight fell upon you. You were dressed in a tight, black crop top and a short mini skirt that shows off your caged cock and plug. Your face and body was covered in shimmering dust, your slightly long hair falling messily on your thin shoulders. "Starting from ten-thousand-"
"A hundred-thousand." A deep voice echoed through the room, momentarily halting all conversation. From your cage on the main stage, you caught the gaze of the speaker seated on the second floor. He looked like an alpha, with slicked-back black hair and a confident smirk playing on his lips. Murmurs spread through the crowd as you began to recognize him.
Or more correctly, recognize the omega on his lap.
His fiery red hair peeked out from beneath a furry black beanie, adding a splash of color to his ensemble. Dressed in an expansive mink fur coat, he exuded an air of opulence. As he met your gaze, a possessive glint flickered in his eyes, sending a shiver down your spine.
Kim Hongjoong. The famous Pack Luna of one of the top packs in this city.
"A hundred-thousand!" The bidder's voice echoed, attempting to elicit further bids, but the room remained eerily silent. No one dared to challenge the offer. With a decisive nod, the auctioneer lifted the bidder's hammer, bringing it down with a resounding thud, signaling the close of the deal.
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➳ pernament taglist: @wonwooz1 @kwanienies @leyittara @lonewolfjinji @sousydive @joshuahongnumbers @devilzliaison @yeodeulz @enhacracy
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friedbaekhyunandeggso · 6 months
mr. kamo
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art credit: @/adrienwithane on instagram
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pairings: choso kamo x female oc (kaori everest)
tropes: kindergarten teacher! choso x college student! teacher assistant/aide! oc
warnings: all lowercase, 18+ only, age-gap (choso: 28-30ish, oc: 19), lying/ulterior motives, underage drinking, mentions of weed (once), virgin! choso, dirty talk, pet names (good girl, baby), unprotected s3x, failed pull out attempt = creampie (don’t be silly & cover your willy)
word count/plot: [9.2k] kaori meets her little sister’s kindergarten teacher by chance & can’t forget him. he might not know her yet but she's not afraid to do anything to get what she wants.
a/n: honestly this story is kinda random but i was thinking about choso & this fanart that i saw of him a while ago as a kindergarten teacher. i didn't see him as a kindergarten teacher then but now i kinda think it's a cute concept. i was originally gonna make the oc a cafe worker but the idea for this slightly chaotic oc came in my head hella last min. anyway, i hopeee u enjoy-especially if ur one of the peeps who voted for this on my poll :) happy holidays!!!
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“mom! come onn, you can pick her up on your way back.”
she hastily put on her jacket, “stop it, kaori. your dad and i aren’t sure if we’ll make it back on time so i need you. i know you can do it.”
“mommmm, do you seriously have to go to yoga today? aren’t classes twice a week?”
“yes, but todays bring your husband to yoga day so you know i have to. i made your dad leave work early for this.”
suddenly a car honked.
“alright, i’ll see you okay? make sure you get shiloh okay?”
she sighed, “alright, alright.”
she'd wanted to enjoy the fact that her last class of the day and evening work-shift got cancelled but it seemed she had to get out of the house anyway.
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kaori parked her car alongside the million other cars at the sidewalk. she was 7 minutes late. it wasn’t terrible but she’d meant to come earlier—if only she hadn’t gotten distracted talking to her friend on the phone.
she stepped out of the car, hastily closing the door behind her. she checked the time on her phone once more before slipping it into her trench coat pocket. she quickly jogged towards the kindergarteners entrance.
she only remembered where it was because she'd went to this school when she was a child. and now it was her little sister’s turn.
she glanced around to see other parents waiting as well, some conversing with a few teachers and—
“ri! ri!” a familiar voice yelled.
kaori immediately spun around to see shiloh pointing at her. her familiar pastel purple puffer coat standing out.
she walked over, noticing the tall white-or grey, was it?-man standing beside her. he had the most interesting tattoo on face, right along his t-zone were stark black lines. and the skin surrounding his eyes was a deep purplish shade as if he lacked sleep. and his hair? his hairstyle was the most.. outlandishly cute hairstyle she’d ever seen.
it was two spiky, space-bun like ponytails at the crown of his head. he wore a fitted long-sleeve purple sweater, layered with a white collared dress-shirt underneath. the sleeves of his shirts rolled up to his elbow, revealing firm forearms. he had on dark grey slacks and matching black dr. martens?? specifically the 1461 platforms? she swore she had the same pair at home.
to say she was speechless was an understatement.
shiloh tugged on his finger, “riri here.”
she let go of his finger then and waddled up-to her. just as shiloh reached out to clutch her finger, he was there. his large hand cupping shiloh’s tiny shoulder.
kaori blinked, she hadn’t even seen him move.
he then bent down, adjusting one of the loose straps on shiloh’s backpack before looking up at her.
“i’m sorry, are you here to pick someone up?”
“yes,” she gestured towards shiloh, “i’m here to pick up shiloh actually. i’m her older sister.”
“ah,” he stood up, revealing his full height before her. he had to be about 6 ft tall-maybe 5’11 but it didn’t matter. she had to look up at him to maintain eye contact and something about it made her jittery inside.
“do you mind showing me your ID?”
right. It was probably protocol for newcomers that came for pick up-and her mother had reminded her exactly of such but-just as she reached for her wallet and examined its inside, her ID wasn’t there. fuck.
wait. she quickly checked the back of her phone case. yes! her fake ID was in there.
she was nineteen but her fake id looked exactly like her real one, minus for her birth year-of course-which revealed her to be ‘twenty three’. she hadn’t used it much but she’d gotten one anyway. last year-well, freshman year her friends were convinced they needed one so they got her on the bandwagon.
she handed him her fake id with a light smile. he took it, examining it for a short moment before handing it back to her.
he removed his hand from shiloh’s shoulder, “nice to meet you, ms. everest.” his voice was flat but not entirely impolite.
she offered him her hand, “kaori,” she corrected, “you can call me kaori. what’s your name?”
he shook her hand steadily, as if it were a practiced motion, “cho-“
shiloh suddenly bounced up and down, “mr. kamo! mr. kamo!”
kaori suddenly blanked with recognition. this was mr.kamo? mr.kamo was the teacher shi would not shut up about-which was rare because shiloh was actually a reserved kid. well, as reserved as a five year old could be but even mom had been praising him for making shiloh come out of her shell.
he glanced down at her, the corner of his lip lifting handsomely. this had to be the first emotion she’d seen on his face.
he lightly patted her head, his tone completely changing, “yes, mr. kamo. this is your sister?”
she beamed up at him. what the hell? she never smiles at me like that? “yes. riri is big shister.”
his smile widened ever so slightly, “alright, have fun at home, okay? don’t give big sister too much trouble.”
kaori couldn’t help but smile at that, “i hope she hasn’t been giving you trouble in class?”
even if shiloh was the reserved type she always like to be on the move. she sometimes had a hard time sitting still and got bored rather easily. adhd diagnosis incoming..
he shook his head, “no, no. she’s been good. she almost took another kid’s juice box today but it was because her water bottle was empty.”
he glanced down at her, “-but we talked about using our words right? we use words before hands.”
shiloh blinked up at him, holding onto the straps of her backpack tightly, “words ‘for hands.”
“and do we steal?”
shiloh turned red at that, “no, no stealing.”
he then raised his hand for her to high-five, “good girl.”
shiloh immediately hopped up to high-five him and he moved his hand at the last second.
“kamo kamo!” shiloh whined before hugging his leg as he chuckled. “mr.kamo! high-five.”
“okay, okay,” he bent over slightly, raising his hand out to her once more.
shiloh high-fived him with a cheeky smile.
he lightly ruffled her hair, “you gotta go home now, okay?“
shiloh scrunched her nose before letting his leg go, “okayy.”
she walked over and wrapped her tiny fist around kaori’s index finger. kaori was merely stunned at how well shi listened.
he nodded at kaori, “i’ll see you tomorrow. i mean-well-“
“yes,” she smiled cordially, “you’ll see me tomorrow.”
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Her mom had just picked out the hanger with her coat from the closet when she suddenly heard kaori’s voice.
“wait! mom,” she hastily bounded down the steps, “are you picking up shi?”
“yes, where are you going?”
kaori had on a jacket and her hair styled in a way that emphasized her wispy wolfcut perfectly.
(a/n: if anyone is curious i was picturing her haircut as this bc i think its sooo cute, anyway pls continue)
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“it’s alright i’ll pick up shi today.”
her mom blinked, “you will?”
“yep.” she plucked off her keys from the key hanger before heading out the door.
her mom stared after her wake-in shock. she slowly put her coat back into the closet, “okay then.”
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she was early, early enough that the teachers weren’t outside yet so she waited in the car, tapping the steering wheel with her almond shaped french tips.
she zoned out to the song playing until she heard children noises-in abundance. she glanced outside the window just as he stepped out the building, the rest of the little kids in his class in tow. it didn’t matter that several other teachers and kids had also just stepped outside. all that mattered was that he was here. and, of course, shi.
she waited until only a few kids were left to step out the car. it seemed a lot of parents liked to stop and talk to him while picking up their child. with his face, she couldn’t blame them.
she took her time walking over, letting him notice her before she approached. which is exactly what he did, he quickly ushered shi forward.
she took off her sunglasses, slipping them into her prada shoulder bag before offering him a smile.
“nice to see you again, mr. kamo.”
he blinked as if stunned. shiloh watched the two of them with a frown. shiloh had been grilled by her sister yesterday, she’d wanted to know everything about mr. kamo. she’d asked her question after question, some questions the poor 5 yr old didn’t even know the meaning of herself.
he subtly shook his head before returning her smile with a faint one of his own. “you as well, kaori.”
her smile widened before she bent down to meet shiloh eye-to-eye. shi pouted, still holding onto mr. kamo’s index finger.
“did you have a good day at school today?” kaori asked, while lightly pinching her cheek.
“yes.” she mumbled.
he glanced down to look at shi’s moody expression. his dark brows furrowed in concern until kaori snapped her fingers.
“mr. kamo, i know this is kind of a random question but what did you major in in college?”
“i majored in elementary education.”
“wow, they had that program at your school?”
he nodded.
“what school did you go to?”
“boston university.”
“boston?” she laughed slightly, “that’s so far out. what made you come here?”
he seemed somewhat taken aback by the question. she wasn’t sure if it was because he hadn’t considered it himself or because no one else had asked, “i.. i like this town.”
“you don’t think it’s boring?” she pried, “-at all?”
“no,” he answered, rather composed, “i like boring. its peaceful here.”
she supposed that was true. there was barely any crime here, most of the ‘crime’ was just college students doing something chaotic during rush season or partying too hard. this town was as nice upper middle class america could get.
and unfrickingfortunately she wasn’t able to get out. she was a commuter so her college campus was merely a fifteen minute drive away. and because she was commuter she had the unfortunate experience of seeing many familiar high school faces.
she’d chosen to commute to save money because her parents deal was that if she moved out they’d help with electricity, wifi and other bills but she had to pay to her own rent. she supposed it was their not so subtle way of trying to help her get on her own feet since she was kind of a crazy spender.
she hadn’t been able to save any of the money she made during high school due to her bad spending habits but she decided she’d lock down this year. she’d save as much as she could so that she could have the chance to transfer somewhere else and move out.
she ran a hand through her hair, lost in thought. she supposed not everybody wanted to get out.
she was immediately drawn back to reality, her eyes flickering up to his.
my god, are his eyes dark purple? it had to be the sunlight playing tricks on her.
she shook her head, “sorry, i just-zoned out.” she muttered.
“you’re good.” something about the baritone of his voice felt reassuring-despite his tone being oddly detached, “is there a reason why you asked about my educational background?”
ever so professional. she nearly smiled to herself but held it in. she was glad he asked because—
“yes, actually, there is,” she tilted her head, “i actually go to [insert nearby university name] and i’m double majoring in math,” truth. “and education,” lie. “but i feel like im leaning more towards education.” another lie. “but i actually have no experience working with any particular age group so i was wondering if i could..” suddenly she felt a bit nervous but quickly cleared her throat, “y’know, shadow you?”
he blinked-repeating, “shadow me.”
“yes,” she smiled slightly, “shadow you. i’m open to helping out with the class as well but if you prefer that i just watch that works too-but yes, i’d like to shadow you.”
his brows furrowed slightly, as if unsure.
she quickly added, “sorry, i know im springing this on you but i’ve heard that your a great teacher-“ she watched his gaze lower to shi and she beamed up at him, making him smile in return.
she cheered internally as she continued, “-and this would really help me sort out my future career plans. i’ll probably jus shadow you until the end of this semester, which is in a month so i won’t be bugging you too long—“
he quickly shook his head, “it’s not that. i’m just not entirely sure on the protocol for this so.. i’ll have to get back to you.”
he paused, “are you going to be here tomorrow?”
“alright, i’ll update you then.”
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and that was how she landed in a classroom of eighteen 5-6 year olds as a young adult who hates kids.
he clearly didn’t hate kids though. in fact, he was wonderful with them. he somehow knew exactly what to say to stop a kid from throwing paint on his friend. he knew exactly how to get a kid to stop crying after getting a ‘boo boo’ and he had little to no problem repeating himself several times to get the simple directions of the activities through the little kids heads.
his level of patience was truly commendable. it was also commendable how attractive he managed to look while dealing with the little menaces. she was truly shocked.
she straightened in her seat when he cloaked the last kid in a blanket. it was ‘rest time’ which basically meant all the kids got to lay out on soft nap mats for about forty five minutes. apparently it was either this or recess after lunch, depending on the weather.
he approached her, looking tired—as usual, “you can take a break if you want, i know its been a hectic day.”
“hectic for me?” she smiled at him, “i was just watching.”
he half heartedly smiled back. he’d decided that for her first day she should just observe, so that she could at least get a gist of what went on in the day.
“can i get you a coffee?”
he sat at his desk now and merely retrieved a thermos from his messenger bag at her question.
“i have some.”
“do you know where the bathroom is?”
“o-of course,” he shot up from his desk, “i’ll show you.”
she followed him out of the classroom, watching as he quickly notified the hall monitor to keep an eye on his class before leading her to the staff break room.
he showed her where the extra utensils, plates and mini fridge were-as well as some extra snacks-before showing her the bathroom last.
he seemed embarrassed about this when-in reality-she hadn’t even needed to go. she just wanted to get him alone.
he shook his head, speaking in his typical monotonous fashion, “i’m sorry, you probably needed to go right away-“
“you’re fine,” she gently placed her hand on his elbow, “honestly, you’ve been so helpful with everything. i’m glad i even got this opportunity in the first place.”
she watched his partially open mouth close as his dark purple eyes dropped to her hand. before he could speak, someone else entered the room.
she quickly dropped her hand.
it was another teacher, mr. benson. she’d seen him send off other students during pick up time.
he immediately whistled at the sight of her, “yoo choso, who is this?”
she smiled tightly, hating when other people talked around her like that.
“this is k-“ he glanced at her before continuing, “ms. everest. she’s shadowing my class.”
“oh wow! nice to meet you, ms. everest. i’m dan benson.”
he noticed that she didn’t offer him her hand to shake, but she did offer him a genial smile.
“right back at you, mr. benson.”
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dan came to his classroom a lot after that. well, as much as he could anyway—which was hard since elementary school children usually demanded their teachers attention 24/7.
so it was usually around lunch time when he came to bug them. which usually consisted of him talking at choso while he ate and then roping kaori into unwanted conversation.
well, to be fair, it wasn’t like the conversation was boring but kaori was the worst when it came to people that she had a bad first impression of. it took her a lot to like them even if they tried.
but generally-all things aside-dan was a nuisance. it only took her a few days to figure out he’d be useless for her plans since he didn’t actually know much—about choso anyway.
just as the last kid grabbed their lunch bag and followed the hall monitor out the classroom to the cafeteria, kaori stood up from her desk. her desk was adjacent to choso’s and just about half the size of his.
he watched her stand.
“um-is it okay if i close the door?”
usually he left it open, allowing anyone who walked by to glance inside or wander in if they wanted—and boy did dan take advantage of that.
he held her gaze for a moment, “sure.”
she walked across the room, purposefully walking with a certain gait since she knew she was being watched. she closed the door only to jump when she heard his voice directly behind her.
“dan’s not coming, if that’s what your worried about.”
her eyes widened as she turned around. he was merely a foot away from her, his empty water bottle in hand. she hadn’t even heard him walk..
she finally found her words, “really?”
he nodded, “i asked him to come less frequently.”
she was a bit hesitant to ask but asked anyway, “why?”
“he talks too much.”
they stared at each other for a long moment before she started laughing. the corner of his mouth twitched.
she placed her hand over her chest, “i didn’t want to say it but yes he really does.”
he smiled subtly, “he usually comes by once a week but everyday.. is too much.”
she opened the door for him, knowing his ritual of going to the staff room to re-fill his water bottle.
she tilted her head, “i’m glad we agree.”
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if it was silence he wanted during lunch breaks, it certainly wasn’t what he got. they talked, a lot.
he knew she was a college student, with both in-person and online classes. that she was a commuter. that her friends were mostly her high school friends and she hated that fact. he knew she struggled to make new friends and he told her not to worry because he was the same.
she knew he had an apartment. that he had a younger brother in high school, whom he wanted to go to her college since it was nearby. he didn’t have any pets-because he was afraid of the responsibility (ha!). he liked to play the piano. and he really really valued his alone time.
he was truly comfortable in his introvertedness, and something about that made her appreciate him more.
he was truly content with his life. she could tell by the way he spoke about his job and family—well, just his brother but he was truly fond of him. and he didn’t take the responsibility of being an older brother lightly-it almost made her feel like she wasn’t doing enough for shi.
it was truly no wonder he was so good with kids.
watching the way he was with kids made her start to warm up to them as well. she began to look forward to her shadowing days more than she thought and she could only hope he did too.
ugh, the truth was she wanted him bad. the more she talked to him, the worse her crush got.
it got so bad that she started to wear tighter things during her shadowing gig. not that she already hadn’t been—but it was definitely more skimpier than before. like a dress-shirt that was a little too short-revealing a sliver of her navel-or a long sleeve thin enough to show the color of her lacey bra. or a fitted v-neck sweater that ran a little too low at the chest.
god she was a mess. but she couldn’t help but mess with him.
one time she knew he was walking near her and she dropped a toy block on purpose, bending over right as he passed.
she only saw a glimpse of him-through her peripheral vision-but he immediately stopped. from the quarter of his face she saw he was beet-red by the time she straightened, giving him enough room to pass.
ugh, but it wasn’t enough. it wasn’t nearly enough. she wanted him and she wanted him to want her just as much. the semester was almost over and she didn’t know what to do.
pathetically enough, she landed in shiloh’s room. she watched her younger sister play with toy cars in front of a multi-level barbie palace on the floor.
she lay beside her, resting her face on her propped hands, “shi, what do i do?” she sighed.
shi made her cars stop, “do whot?”
kaori eyed her, “i don’t like mr.kamo.”
shi’s doll-like eyes widened and kaori already knew she was in trouble.
“huhhh?” that was the last response kaori ever expected, “did you just call your big sis a liar??”
she shrugged, resuming her task of making two toy cars smash into each other, “you like kamo, i like kamo.”
she stared at shi in stunned silence. in truth, shi and her had gotten closer ever since she began to shadow his class. in fact, shi went to her first sometimes when she needed help, which was a feat considering how much she liked ‘mr.kamo’. even at home she noticed shi wanted to spend more time with her. she supposed that was another thing to credit mr.kamo for.
god, why do i keep thinking of him?!
kaori sighed, placing her head down on the floor. “i need help.” she mumbled to herself.
here she was thinking about a kindergarten teacher while she had untouched college homework and upcoming finals to worry about.
she felt a toy car glide through her hair, “mista kamo help you, kamo help me when i sad.”
“thanks shi.” -_-
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kaori was cleaning up the toys left on the carpet while the kids were at recess. it was nice to have some peace and quiet-or what would’ve been if mr. benson hadn’t decided to pop by.
in truth, she didn’t mind him as much now-since he came by less frequently-but whenever he did come he usually had interesting staff drama to share. she loved to eavesdrop on those convos even though choso seemed like he could care less.
to be honest he rarely looked like he cared about anything—or even, alive at that. except for when he was with the kids and during their little conversations (maybe she was just delusional).
she couldn’t help but believe it though. especially when she swore he was starting to smile more. she noticed he always smiled at her whenever she dealt with an issue amongst the kids—she hadn’t realized it’d become second nature for her to look to him to see if she’d done something right.
he was never a second late to offer her silent reassurance whether it be a nod or now, a smile. god, i am such a simp.
“bars?” his monotonous voice pierced through her thoughts, “you know i don’t go to bars.”
“oh, c’monn. its my birthday and i haven’t gotten shit-faced in a while. besides you haven’t met my new girlfriend, nai, yet. i really want you to meet her.”
she instinctively turned around, watching choso’s wide back-which faced her-as he seemed to be shuffling things around in his messenger bag. appearing to look for something.
“bars really aren’t my thing, benson.” he sounded distracted.
she placed the last of the displaced toys in the bin before standing up. dan immediately spotted her.
“kaori! you should come too. are you free this friday?”
choso immediately went still at that, glancing over his shoulder to find kaori right next to him. in her hand was the pen he’d been looking for.
he took it expressionlessly, though he couldn’t describe the turmoil he was feeling inside. it was a nonsensical thing really, but he had a habit of only bringing one pen with him wherever he went. he liked to use it until its last drop of ink before picking up another one.
and she’d found the exact pen he’d been using. he hadn’t even stated that he was looking for it and she’d known.
it wasn’t any of the pens from the cup-holder either, even though they all looked the same. it was the one with only a little bit of ink left, the exact amount he’d remembered seeing when he used it last.
he sure it was just a random compulsion of his, but to think she'd noticed...
“thank you.” he murmured.
she merely nodded before facing dan, “depends, what are you inviting me to?”
“my birthdays on friday and im inviting a few friends and colleagues out for dinner. we might hit a few bars after as well.”
dan suddenly paused, “wait, your over twenty one right?”
“yes.” lie.
“sweet,” he grinned, “then you should totally come.”
she leaned against choso’s desk, crossing her arms—completely unaware of choso’s eyes boring into her, “sure, i’ll come.”
“forreal? great! i’ll add you to the reservation.” dan whipped out his phone, appearing to do just that as he went on, “i’ll have choso forward you the details since he’s coming.”
“i am?” choso muttered.
“yes,” dan confirmed without a second’s hesitation. “you are, because you love and support me and cuz i’m your favorite co-worker.”
kaori pursed her lips to hold in her laugh.
choso rubbed his chin, “whatever helps you sleep at night.”
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it was friday, the day of the dinner and choso still hadn’t forwarded her the details. she wasn’t sure if that was his way of saying he didn’t want her to come.
she currently stood outside the school, beside him. waiting for the last few kids parents to show up before she could take shi and head on home herself.
she finally built the nerve to ask him, “mr. kamo?”
he glanced over at her, “yes?”
“do you mind sending me the details for tonight’s dinner?”
she stared ahead as he faced her. she could feel him examining her as she bent over to let one of kids know that their parent was here and waved them off.
she looked back at him once the kid made it safely to their parents arms.
“you still want to go?” he asked, somewhat monotonously.
“yeah,” she then added, “do you not want me to?”
“no, no,” he shook his head, as if just now realizing that that was how his words could perceived, “i just don’t want you to feel obligated to that’s all.”
she laughed lightly, “i don’t feel obligated, don’t worry. i would never feel forced to show up to a party.”
he sighed, “right.”
she smiled a bit, “a birthday dinner won’t kill you, i promise.”
“how are you certain.”
her smile widened at his attempt at humor, “i’m not, but i’ll be there? it’s your job shadow’s duty to follow you around and help out right?”
his eyes narrowed doubtfully, “sounds too good to be true.”
was he flirting? his voice rumbled too much to tell. goddammit, why’d his voice have to be so deep?
she laughed, internally refraining from responsing with all the things her flirt-wired brain wanted to say as she spoke, “i’ll see you tonight, mr. kamo.”
he nodded before glancing down at shi-who was holding onto his finger. he usually let kaori go home when all the kids but shi had left.
he offered shi the most handsome smile, “bye, lo-lo.”
shiloh let go of his finger to clutch his leg, “bye kamokamo.”
just as shiloh let go of him and held onto her finger. she felt a firm hand grasp her elbow.
kaori glanced back, her heart immediately racing.
“do you need a ride? for tonight?”
yes in more ways than one, mr. kamo.
she quickly shook her head. she was hoping he would ask but she wanted to keep him on his toes-for now, “that’s alright. thank you though.”
he let go of her, “ ‘course.”
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she stepped into the restaurant, feeling like an absolute bombshell. she knew there was no coming back from this but that was fine. she only had one more week left with him and it was all she could think about.
she wore a slip-style maroon mini dress that had the thinnest black straps known to man. there was a black net ruching at the bodice of the dress, emphasizing her bust just right. she’d used some heat on her hair as well, keeping her sparse bangs and layers swept in a way that made her look effortless yet feminine.
(a/n: in case anyone was curious here is the dress inspo)
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she pressed her lips together, making sure her lipstick was still intact as she followed the waiter. she walked with perfect ease in her heels as the waiter gestured towards their private table.
she briefly adjusted her shrug before letting her eyes sweep over everyone at the table.
dan’s eyes brightened, “kaori!”
she saw his head turn in her peripheral vision before she met his gaze. his hair was down—my god, his hair is down. it looked so good, his hair was just a little shorter than her own length.
he wore a fitted, dark gray dress-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and she couldn’t perceive much else because she felt him looking at her. she watched his dark purple eyes take her in. his eyes gliding down her face, her neck, her chest and everything below before finding her eyes once again. the light flush on his cheeks-under his face tattoo-was all she wanted.
she greeted everyone but him at first, before making her way to the empty seat beside him. she sat down, easily slipping off her shrug to hang it over the back of her chair before facing him.
his dark eyes were already on her and she smiled gently, “hi, mr. kamo.”
“ms. everest.” he greeted.
she leaned back in her seat, “i think it’s alright if you call me kaori here.”
“is it.”
she nodded before reaching over to take the champagne flute and take a sip. the restaurant was nice, it was inside a hotel and she had to pass a lot of floors in the elevator to get here.
but nothing was as nice as the man beside her. she didn’t know what cologne he was wearing but god it was making her wet. it didn’t help that his dress-shirt was slightly more unbuttoned at the collar than at work. she swore she could see a peek of his chiseled chest. and the swell of his triceps above his rolled up sleeves?? she'd already guessed the man was built from the subtle outline of his body she’d perceived but—this built?
she just wanted to rip his shirt off.
“kaori,” he said, with that typical deep riff to his tone. she already wanted to hear him say it again, “you can call me choso.”
finally. she smirked slightly, “choso.”
she tilted her head, “i’ve never seen you with your hair down.”
something at the corner of his lip flickered, “i’ve never seen you in a dress.”
that was true. and almost as if it were instinct she watched his eyes glance down to her legs. it was then she realized that her mini dress had hiked up now that she was sitting—an ample amount of her smooth legs free for him to see.
totally not a planned occurrence ;)
he immediately looked away, she didn’t miss the way his jaw tightened.
“do you like it?” she asked innocently.
he didn’t answer right away. he seemed to consider something before he spoke.
“it looks nice.”
of course he would say that. she wanted to smack him in the forehead, but no. this was how he was, and it ultimately made this a lot more fun than she intended for it to be.
she rested her head on her propped hand, “your hair down looks nice too.”
not that she ever minded his hair up in those two spiky ponytails. she’d already asked him why he styled it like that and his answer was simple—the kids loved it.
“thank you.” he muttered.
“when did you get here?”
“just five minutes before you.”
“not bad.”
“i’m surprised you're as early as you are.”
she grinned. she usually was the type to be chronically late to everything. she honestly didn’t know how she had a job, or this job shadowing gig.
“i wasn’t gonna ditch you, don’t worry.”
he squinted at her and she smiled.
“what did you gift him?” she asked.
“i paid for his gym membership for the rest of the year.”
her eyes widened, “what?”
he shrugged, “we both go to the same gym-sometimes together but rarely.”
the thought of him getting all sweaty in the gym… should not have made her feel the way it did. she had to see that in person one day. and maybe help him with cardio.
god, she needed to calm down. maybe taking a few hits from her dab pen wasn’t the best idea.
she lightly tapped her nails against her empty champagne flute, “are you gonna get anything to drink?”
“i did but it doesn’t taste that great.”
he pushed a multi-colored drink towards her. she hadn’t even noticed it was on the table but now that it was in front of her she couldn't help but find the drink rather aesthetic.
“you picked this?” she asked, humor interlaced in her tone. most guys she knew would call something that looked like this a girl drink.
“are you judging?”
“not at all.” she moved the straw between her lips, “what is this?”
“a zombie cocktail apparently.”
she laughed before taking a sip. the flavors that burst into her mouth were quite welcoming.
“mmm, this is good. what are you on about?” she lightheartedly asked before drinking more.
“it’s too sweet for me,” he stated airily, “maybe it’s because i’m hungry.”
hungry for what?
she closed her eyes, sipping the drink until it was done. she set the empty glass down, “i’m hungry too.”
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she was using a handkerchief to pat away any crumbs from her lips when dan whisper-yelled, “guys there’s actually a bar downstairs. let’s go, okay? let’s go.”
he was already drunk. he wasn’t able to sit still when the waiters came by to sing happy birthday, but she was able to get a funny video.
his girlfriend, nai, wiped a bit of marinara sauce from the corner of his lip.
“alright, alright, fool. they heard you. we’re all gonna go in a bit.”
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she was in the elevator, staring up at him. somehow they’d gotten placed like this.
the elevator was packed with their crew so she couldn’t fault him but-god, when he was this close all she could smell was his cologne. something about it was sexy, bitter and masculine, intriguing in a way she couldn’t describe.
they’d been talking all night and she didn’t want it to end. a pang went through her as she remembered they only had one more week together. one more week until her job shadowing with him would end.
“you okay?” his voice seemed to travel down her temple.
she tried not to take note of how he had to lean a bit lower to speak to her. she glanced up at him again, prying her eyes off his chest.
“yeah.” her voice sounded weak and breathy to her own ears.
she didn’t know how he managed to hear her amongst the ruckus going on in the elevator especially with dan’s loud, drunk-ass but he did.
“you don’t have to go to the bar if you don’t want to.”
a flirty retort rested on the tip of her tongue, but her nerves suddenly came fizzling through. it was hard to think when he stood so close, and looked down at her like that.
“i- i want to.”
she watched him search her face.
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the bartender handed her the drink.
“thanks.” she responded with a bright smile.
“i don’t think you should drink anymore than that.”
she glanced over to see choso seated on the stool beside her. he didn't know about her tolerance, and nor did he know that she was technically underage drinking butttt that was a problem for another time.
she tilted her head, “are you worried about me?”
she watched him run his teeth over his bottom lip, “depends. should i be?”
“does it look like i’m drunk?” she asked.
he observed her for a moment before answering, “not really but.. you’ve definitely drank enough to be.”
“what, can your wallet not handle it?” the drinks were really loosening her up.
he grinned-and something about it kicked off the most unruly butterflies in her gut.
she suddenly straightened in her seat, “honestly though, why won’t you let me pay for myself?”
she cradled the drink in her hands as she mumbled, “it’s not like we’re on a date.”
he easily removed the drink from her hands and set it back down on the bar. she knew he was afraid she would drop it.
she couldn’t help but notice how he sat facing her, his head resting on his propped arm. it was a small thing really but something about having all of his attention at once..
his low voice cut through the noise, “do i have to take you on a date to pay for you?”
she opened her mouth, ready to say whatever came to her tongue first until a man approached her.
she couldn’t hear what he said, all she noticed was the stark contrast of choso’s countenance now to when it was just them before. his jaw was clenched and the tilt of his lips betrayed a rather harsh annoyance.
she’d never seen him look this.. hostile.
she saw choso’s mouth move but couldn’t hear his response. all she knew was that his words were rather curt. no humor in them. no smile. no smile.
her fingertips touched his lips and his eyes flickered towards her.
all of the previous tension suddenly melted away from his features, “you didn’t want to talk to him right?” he asked lightly.
she shook her head.
“good.” he muttered against her fingers before he catching her wrist. he lowered her hand to her leg and lingered there a moment longer than he should’ve. his fingertips grazed her thigh, her skin was just so.. so soft.
he meant to quickly pull his hand away but suddenly she moved her hand was over his. keeping his palm flat against her smooth thigh.
“let’s go somewhere else.” she murmured quietly. he swore her eyes sparkled under the bar lights.
he was glad she said it because he wanted to leave too. he didn’t like all those leering eyes… on her.
it made him mad in a way that was different from the times he’d gotten mad before. he didn’t want to think too hard about it.
“let’s go.”
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“kaori-“ he glanced over to see her in the passenger seat, her back partially facing him.
“kaori.” he repeated. she still didn’t turn around.
he reached over then, gently moving her hair aside with his knuckles before noticing that she was passed out.
he knew he could just look up her address in his student directory due to shiloh but.. she lived with her parents. how would her parents react to seeing him there? he assumed she’d already told them she was his voluntary teacher aide at this point, right?
he frowned. he couldn’t be too sure with her. what if she hadn’t told her parents she was out at a birthday dinner—or that she was staying out late at all? did she drive here herself?
he drove around the parking lot, eyeing the cars. he didn’t spot her car.
he pulled over then, glancing at her beside him once more. she lay curled up on the seat now, her legs drawn against her chest, with her hand loosely over her purse and shrug. her sparkly eyeshadow glimmering in the dim car lights.
kaori kaori kaori
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she felt a something soft get thrown over her and immediately woke up. she quickly sat up, only to feel a firm hand grasp her shoulder.
“it’s me.”
he watched her anxious expression completely melt away the second she saw him. something inside him softened at the sight.
“did i.. fall asleep?”
he nodded, “yeah in my car.”
he reached for the glass of water on the coffee table and handed it to her. she gulped it down, taking long sips before setting it down and patting the couch space beside her.
he complied, outstretching his arms atop of the backrest as he plopped down. he was rather exhausted, his social battery was shot for the night.
she couldn’t help but take note of the few inches between them. she watched him lean his head back and close his eyes. he looked so relaxed. his adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he exhaled slowly.
her eyes dropped down to the few open buttons at his collar. had he opened more? she just wanted to open them all.
she closed her eyes for a moment, trying to gather herself before she opening them again to look around. his place was sparsely decorated but not entirely empty. it looked minimalistic, modern.
she was finally here.
“you have a nice place.” she complimented. truly, it suited him.
“thanks.” his voice rumbled before he raised his head and looked at her. “i- i can take you home if your ready.”
she shook her head, “i’m not ready..”
she kicked off the blanket off and stretched her legs atop his lap. “i think i need to rest more.”
his eyes immediately went to her legs, fuck, he wanted to touch them. he was supposed to move her off but..
he closed his eyes and moved her legs off of him, “kaori-“
“why do you do that?” suddenly she was straddling him, her pretty face right above his and her hands propped atop his shoulders. her groin merely inches above his.
his eyes were wide, “kaori-!”
“no.” she cupped his chin.
his eyes dropped down to see that her dress had hiked all the way up, above her hips. revealing the tiniest sexiest lace black panties he’d ever seen. he nearly groaned.
she yanked his chin up, “look at me.” she demanded.
“i am.”
his voice was so husky she nearly caved and kissed him but no- he needed to listen first. especially since his hands were digging into the couch’s backrest like his life depended on it. he was still holding back.
“why do you act like you don’t want me?” she demanded.
his dark purple eyes narrowed, “you already know everyone wants you.” he spat.
one of her hands fisted his collar as she leaned close. her face was directly above his now, her chest close to his chin.
“then why didn’t you act on it?”
“you’re my aide, for fucks sake. the sibling of one of my students. there’s too many—“ he flushed, barely able to get his words out, “-it's not app-“
she grabbed his collar tighter, her glare sharpening, “that didn’t stop you from thinking about me though, did it?”
his eyebrows skyrocketed.
"did you think i didn't see the way you look at me?"
"what way?"
"you check me out every morning."
his flush deepened as he gritted out, "do all your shirts have to be so tight?"
"if you had a problem you should've said so."
"you did that on purpose, didn't you?"
"what are you gonna do about it?"
she felt his muscles contract underneath her hand at his shoulder but he quickly looked away, “kaori, stop.”
he didn't meet her eyes until she loosened her grip on his collar.
“i-i’m a virgin.”
“what?” she nearly shouted.
his face was nearly crimson now, but she didn’t care. she didn’t understand how that was possible but something about the vulnerability and embarrassment in his expression made her believe him.
"is that supposed to stop me.." she murmured while cupping his chin, "that didn't stop you, did it? you still thought of me when you touched yourself didn't you."
“kaori—“ his eyes were blown wide, his breath staggering.
she lowered her hips slightly, still not touching his groin.
her hand slid down to his chest, “i still think you know what to do..”
she was careful to only use her fingertips when she played with the zipper of his pants.
“i think you know exactly what you wanna do to me..” she whispered, tearing the last shred of self restraint he had.
she almost screamed when he ripped off her panties with one firm tug of his fist. he unzipped his pants so fast it was just a blur, any shred of control she thought she had over the situation was torn away the second he grabbed her hips and sank her down on his cock.
he stared at her open mouth as she dug her nails into his shoulders. he was so fucking big, she couldn’t think.
she glanced down to see that he’d only managed to fit half of himself inside. half? wtf—there’s more? she glanced at him to see he was panting. his hands on her hips slowly raising her before bringing her down again, making her bounce on his cock.
“you feel so fucking good, kaori.” his fingers digging into her soft hips as his cock twitched.
“so tight.” he breathed out haggardly, still dragging her up and down his cock.
she kept a hand on his shoulder as she placed the other over his on her hip. she tried to move her hips with him but her thighs kept trembling.
she pressed her forehead against his, a low whine coming from her as he picked up the pace.
“y-your so fucking big, you know that?” she whined, biting her lower lip to keep her moans together. his cockhead was bumping into her most sensitive spots and she was trying not to think about the rest of his cock fitting inside of her.
“you got me like this.” he grumbled, “s’your fault.”
suddenly he forced her hips lower and she shrieked, “choso-!”
his lips were on her—kissing her hard, as his cock pumped fast and deep inside her. he kept her hips still as he fucked her. using all the strength his legs to let out his frustration. he would’ve nutted in her the second he got inside if he hadn’t masterbated before the dinner.
and yet, he was already close.
she broke the kiss, clutching his shoulders as she moaned and whined prettily. her long fingernails digging into his skin, sparking little bouts of pain that only made him thrust faster.
“c-chose! p-please-nnnngh! t’much—ugghh!”
he couldn’t think. it was like something else had taken over inside him. all he wanted was her, her.
the tip of his cock twitched inside her.
her nails dug into the back of his head, “choso, unnghh-y-you have to pull out—hnnngh, fuck! so good-“
he pounded into her the fastest his hips could let him. his cock was drenched in her juices, her body felt so fucking hot—so perfectly wet. her pussy was coiling around him like it wanted him to cum.
so he did, he couldn’t think. merely spewing thick loads of cum straight into her warmth.
she gaped, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt all of it. so much cum fill up her narrow insides. she felt it leak down her inner thighs and shivered. shivered hard enough that he held her shoulders.
“kaori,” he panted. his face was flushed, strands hair dark hair pasted to his forehead. “kaori.”
he pressed his forehead into hers, “m’sorry,” he lightly moved her hair out of her face as she fell into him.
“i can't—couldn’t stop,” he panted before groaning slightly as he shifted his hips, his cock still inside her. her insides were coiling and un-coiling around him. “you feel.. too good.”
suddenly she was upright, kissing him desperately, like her life depended on it. she hugged him tight, slipping her arms around him as he gripped her hair, keeping her lips on his as his cock drilled into her once more.
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she was naked now, her hands flat against the table as his cock bullied into her.
she pressed her head down on the table, “f-fuck!”
his cock slammed in and out of her at lightspeed. she was sure he’d made all of himself fit inside her at this point. especially since she felt his balls slap her cunt with each rough fuck. he truly did fuck like he was pent up for a while.
she wasn’t sure if she could take it.
he groaned as she tightened around him. her juices squirting all over the place as he continued to bully her pussy.
she moaned so fucking loudly, she would’ve been embarrassed if she was watching herself.
he gripped her hips hard enough to hurt, she was sure there was going to be bruises later. his forehead pressed into the crown of her head, one his large hands cupping hers over the table.
“this is what you wanted right? hmm?”
he gritted out, his cock slamming into her at a punishing pace.
“y-yes! nnnnh-ohmy ohmy godnnchoso! choso!”
she came again, cumming so hard her legs shook and she no longer could lay still if he hadn’t been gripping her hips.
his voice was ragged, “good girl.”
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she was spread open, on full display for him on his bed. she stared up at him and his muscular body as his cock moved inside of her. the insides of her thighs sticky with his cum.
“choso,” she moaned, weakly shaking her arms which were held down by his own. his fingers interlaced with hers.
“m’close, baby, i’m close.” he murmured into her cheek.
her back arched as she felt it. she felt his cockhead twitch inside of her and she knew she was gonna get addicted. addicted to feeling so full of his hot sticky cum, addicted to feeling so stretched by his thick curved cock.
“nnnnggggggh,” she whined. she was gonna loose it.
the bed shook his cock pounded into her. he knew the neighbors were gonna give him shit for the noisy headboard later but fuck, the way her tits swung with each rough fuck. god, he never thought he would get to see them.
nor did he think he would get to mark up the pretty skin of her neck. or kiss her so hard that lips would swell. she looked like a goddess, just waiting to get undone.
her tear stained eyes stared up at him, “kiss me, choso.” she begged. the simple order making his chest bloom with wanton.
he kissed her, with a bruising intensity. so forceful that he couldn’t hear how loud the noises of them fucking were. only focused on the feeling of her. of how her pussy suctioned his cock like it was made for him, like it craved him.
he groaned, pressing her body deep into the sheets as he ground his cock into her. spewing load after load in her perfect little cunt.
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she awoke to his face in her neck and his firm arms wrapped around her chest. he was clutching her like she would escape.
she shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable only for him to squeeze one of her tits.
“stop moving.” he grumbled sleepily.
she froze before everything from last night flipped through her memory and she smiled girlishly.
she glanced over at him, at the head of dark hair buried in her neck and the broad back that followed it. she didn’t miss all the nail marks embedded in his skin.
now that he was finally shirtless she could see that his arms were truly a work of art. each muscle protruding against his pale skin and his veins—something about the way they traveled down his forearms made her swoon.
she bit her lower lip, “can i use the bathroom, mr. kamo?”
she felt him shift on the bed, groaning grumpily before mumbling, “you can’t shadow me after this.”
“that’s fine, we only had a week left anyway.”
he seemed to freeze at that, before raising his head from her shoulder, “you seem.. too okay with that.”
she turned over, resisting the urge to smile the second she saw his face. he was just so handsome— his dark hair was barely messy, merely framing his neck and face in a way that made him look like a hot biker. and the hickeys on his neck—myyy, she’d forgotten she’d done those.
she bit her lower lip to hide her grin once again, “well i got what i wanted out of it.”
he raised his brows, “what?”
she resisted the urge to laugh, “wellll there’s kind of a lot i should probably tell you.”
he leaned back more, as if wanting to clearly see her face as she said this. the crease in his brow deepened, “like?”
“you can’t get mad at me.”
“oh great." he shook his head as he joked sardonically, "as long as you don’t tell me you’re a minor i’m fine.”
his face dropped.
“joking!” she giggled, “i’m joking. i’m actually nineteen.”
“what?!” he exclaimed, “i saw your ID. your twenty three.”
“that’s actually my fake ID.”
he ran a hand through his hair as he sat up straight, “christ, your closer to my little brothers age than mine.”
she followed him up, only to wince when her body suddenly ached all over. she decided to stay laying down, merely reaching her arm out to rest atop his leg.
“listen, i’m sorry. i should’ve told you but i just didn’t know how to bring it up-“
“that means you were drinking underage last night.” he was frowning.
she clutched his hand, “yes, i was. but who doesn’t?”
his frown turned into a glare.
she squeezed his hand, “choso, please! just hear me out. i know i shouldn’t have lied but i really like you.. i liked you the second i saw you and i wanted to get close to you but i didn’t know how.”
“you liked me the second you saw me?” he repeated doubtfully. “why didn’t you just tell me?”
“if i asked for your number the first day we met, would you have given it to me?” she asked while playing with his fingers.
he opened his mouth, eager to say 'yes' until it dawned on him. "..no."
"exactly. conflict of interest, right?"
his brows furrowed as he contemplated the situation. he chuckled dryly, "so that's why you asked to shadow me, hm? get some teachers-ed experience and talk to some eye-candy." he shook his head, "two birds, one stone."
“welllll,” she felt her face heat up, “i’m actually just a math major.”
“…and an education major. you double majored in both.”
“nope,” she pursed her lips, “just a math major.”
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allw3doisadvert1se · 3 months
Life, Death, and Back Again
I died.
I was dead.
And now my body breathes again …
It all happened so fast. First I was leaving the apartment complex I had woken up in, sneaking my way down the impossible streets that seemed to turn an endless number of times on itself, trying to find someone I knew … anyone.
The streets are not empty as I thought. Once I was on the ground level walking along the streets, I saw hundreds, perhaps thousands of shadowy shapes walking along the sidewalk in silence. They didn’t seem to notice my presence, though I tried to get a few of their attentions. In the distance I could hear what sounded like a commotion of some kind, though it was hard to distinguish what noises were real over the constant droning hum this wretched place seems to give off (maybe it was just in my head).
It took far longer to reach the source of the shouting than the volume would imply. It was like a current was dragging against my movements, stretching the streets longer than they seemed. Nevertheless, I eventually turned down an alleyway to see a sight that truly shocked me.
Swatch, the once butler of her majesty, was stood atop the shoulders of … a suit. No, suit doesn’t properly describe it, this thing was a TITAN. It had to be easily over 25 feet tall, covered in vibrant metal plates and among the machinery, Spamton’s proportionately small head was poking out of a hole on the top. He was laughing maniacally, while Swatch was shouting commands as they were being attacked by these humanoid figures that were glossy black and covered in sharp spikes like a sea urchin from head to toe. (Note to self, save the name Void Urchin for a later categorization of the anomalous entities)
Realizing I had accidentally been pulled into a fight, I tried my best to stay out of Spamton’s way when he fired blasts of energy from his hands at the creatures. As the fight progressed and more of these things spilled out of the walls (WHICH IS NOT HYPERBOLE, BTW), I ended up on my own, blocked off from the others by a large amount of entities. I could hold my own for a little bit, and these things were luckily receptive to ad-based attacks, but there were just too many …
One closed the distance, and before I had time to put up an AdShield it stabbed me in the gut with one of the large spikes protruding from its palm. I thought I felt pain when I woke up here, but it was nothing like this. Every nerve ending in my body felt like it was being branded in white hot flame. The wound was quickly beginning to emanate this pulsing black energy, and I guess Spamton must’ve heard me screaming, because a moment later a massive blue egg slammed into the entities near me, sending them flying back. (Can’t for the life of me remember what he called them …)
I guess we had killed enough of the entities because the remaining ones were finally starting to retreat, but the energy on my wound was becoming quickly more agitated as the pain somehow grew worse. Swatch had noticed my injury at this point, and he strangely seemed to recognize it. He ordered Spamton to “put her out of her misery before that thing collapses.” I tried to get them to stop, but I was quickly turned to ash once Spamton turned his arm towards me.
… Here I am now. One cycle later and I’m alive once again.
I need to find Swatch and Spamton again and get them to explain what the hell they shot me for, and more importantly what we need to do from here.
Hopefully those things don’t come back …
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thatgirlissopeculiar · 10 months
Dream’s dnf fanart likes
August 23rd
George and Dream bts of the Everest music video, George wearing the too big cat ear beanie
two different versions of baby!Dream telling the moon to wake up and kid!George waking up
various doodles of behind the scenes of the Everest music video, top left: George and Dream, George wearing the too big cat ear beanie, bottom left: Dream putting a lei around George's neck, right: the DTeam looking at Mt Everest
three versions of itt!dnf hanging from a dandelion
itt!Dream looking at itt!George, who is upside down from the top of the image (plus a tweet Dream liked of the artist celebrating him retweeting the art)
itt!George getting flustered while taking a picture of itt!Dream
Dream laying in the snow, George on top of him from the bts of the Everest music video
itt!George calling the the spectral fish they're riding on 'beautiful', itt!Dream looking at him and agreeing
George and Dream looking at each other, in black and white
a pencil drawing of George and Dream from the Everest music video bts, George in the too big cat ear beanie
Dream leaning his chin on George's shoulder, both wearing star cat ear beanies
soup!George and roll!Dream
itt!Dream and itt!George holding hands
Dream and George bts of the Everest music video, George in Dream's cat ear beanie
soup guy and cinnamon roll guy
a gif of 'Dream' and 'George' in front of the Eiffel Tower, 'DNF' and blue and green hearts above them, a big subscribe button below them
Dream holding an umbrella out over George
blob!dnf in a field, under a rainbow
close ups of band au dnf, George with blue in his hair and blue make up in a star around one eye, Dream with green in his hair and green make up in streaks under his eyes
Dream, mask on, ruffling George's hair, hearts above his head
itt!Dream and itt!George reaching out to each other
George and Dream, George wearing the too big cat ear beanie
cinnamon roll!Dream and soup!George
c!George in a mushroom hat, c!Dream in a green hoodie
a puppy and their green and blue art <3
various little blob!dnf doodles
a redraw of a screenshot of George and Dream from the DTeam Santa Monica Pier stream
tiny!dnf standing beneath some mushrooms, holding hands
various Everest music video bts moments, including Dream leaning super close behind George
Manager Ken and Dream in the studio, Dream sitting on the floor writing in a book, Ken holding a guitar and telling Dream to tell 'him' how he feels
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theburgessobserver · 3 months
YETI!(This is meant as Edutainment so you can enjoy and learn)
The Yeti is an ape-like creature. They are taller than an average man. It can walk like a man and has long white or brown hairs covering its whole body.
Colors vary between sightings; sometimes they're snowy white to match the camouflage of the Himalayas.And sometimes in different colors: reddish brown, bluish gray, cream, coffee, light gray, white and light brown.
They are found in the Himalayas. Inhabiting Nepal,Tibet and Russia and India, the Yetis according to modern sightings are said to stand from 8 to 10.5 feet tall, have a furry coat of brown, reddish or black hair and to resemble a huge, upright walking ape.Several expeditions have taken place to find the Yetis, however, only footprints, bones, and hair samples have been discovered-
The "Yeti" or "Abominable Snowman" is a variety found high in the Himalayan Mountains(round Shangri-La), commonly depicted with white fur in fiction.
The Yeti was even mentioned in pre-Buddhist cultures, such as the Lecha people, who worshiped a "Glacier Giant." Tibetan and Nepalese monasteries have collected several skulls and bones of the yetis, some of which reside in the Smithsonian Museum today. Although one of their specimens was proven to be a human bone, others stored in the museum are still in question.
In Buddhist mythology, the Yetis were peaceful creatures that were very shy, and lived in dense snow caves on the glaciers which form the Ganges River in India some legends even state that they had their own tribes and chiefs. In modern times, most sightings and evidence are on K2. The name Yeti derives from "Yeh-Tah", meaning "rock thing".
Around the time of the 16th century the number of yeti sightings and alleged meetings significantly decreased,why did this happen?Skeptics say because people stopped making so many fairy tales…however according to legend they were hunted and feared by many locals and so some went into hiding deep into the himalayas whilst another legend states they were taken under the protective wing of a cossack warrior and left to whereabouts unknown….
Michê : translates as "man-berar”
Dzu-teh – 'dzu' translates as "cattle" and the full meaning translates as "cattle bear",
Migoi or Mi-go translates as "wild man".
Bun Manchi – Nepali for "jungle man" that is used outside Sherpa communities where yeti is the common name.
Mirka – Another name for "wild-man". Local legend holds that "anyone who sees one dies or is killed". The latter is taken from a written statement by Frank Smythe's sherpas in 1937.
Kang Admi – "Snow Man".
Jungli Admi – "Wild Man".
Xueren Chinese: 雪人 - "Snow Man"
Fun Fact!
The name Abominable Snowman was coined in 1921, the year Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howar-Bury led a reconnaissance mission which he chronicled in Mount Everest The Reconnaissance, 1921. In the book, Howard-Bury includes an account of crossing the Lhagpa La at 21,000 ft (6,400 m) where he found footprints that he believed "were probably caused by a large 'loping' grey wolf, which in the soft snow formed double tracks rather like those of a bare-footed man". He adds that his Sherpa guides "at once volunteered that the tracks must be that of 'The Wild Man of the Snows', to which they gave the name 'metoh-kangmi'".. "Metoh" translates as "man-bear" and "kang-mi" translates as "snowman".
Now i invite you to a journey to a land which boundaries are that of imagination!A story.....that you will not believe! Little does anyone know that a threat IS COMING!!!! Pitch while powerfull and dangerous....this....is far worse! There is far more at stake then just belief! (It was alluded to in certain offical rotg content) And will have some details about the past.
Find out on MARCH 27TH!!! WHO WILL SAVE US????? And what is this giant threat that will imperil everyone?
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harpieunion · 11 months
when I’m given the chance to talk about my Little Ladies, imma do it. I love my Whisps. I adore them. And I will make you love them too.
These are the Whisps (I use she/her when referring to them, but they/it is also acceptable). Named so due to a spelling error turned lore, these Will-o-the-wisps are notable for the indescribable and hushed whispering that fills the air around them. The gals are short, two or so feet tall, and act like intelligent toddlers. They have no features other than elemental “crowns” and color differences. More about them individually under the cut.
The Whisps do as wisps do, assist the lost. Be it the person is physically lost, or something else. They will guide you. (Note: whisps are prone to distraction. They’ll get you to where you need to be, just expect a detour or two.)
Anyways they love climbing people and sitting in laps, holding hands, making forts out of any available martial, being cozy, and playing pretend. But make no mistake, these intelligent toddlers are incalculably old.
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Woohooooo you clicked read more I get to talk more about my ladies to yoooooou
First up we got little flower gal. This one is probably the most social and outgoing of the three. Her favored biomes are temperate and full of foliage and life. Got lost heading home from the creek on a summer evening? She’s your whisp. Her skin is snowy white, and would probably blind you as such if the light hit her right. The flower atop her head is forever blooming and decaying, sometimes changing color and type. She’s the tallest when with her sisters.
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Next we got Lil Pebble. She’s aloof and playful, but gets her job done. More of an egg white compared to her floral sister, and her halo of rocks make delightful tinking noises when they softly collide. Did you know whisps could cook? This one can. Hit her up for a great soup or stew. Something to warm you on those cold days she favors so much. Ice and snow, she’ll be there. She’s best friends with all the avalanche dogs.
Please note she is not responsible for anything on Everest.
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Last we got our fire. Either delightfully warm or searing hot, this lady has a fast temper (dewdrop, is that you?). Somehow, she’s the responsible one. Order and neatness and organization. While she’s slow to warm up to people (ha), she also loves attention. All eyes on her! She loves deserts and the dark, being the guiding flame for those needing safety. “How does a pitch black flame provide light?” You ask. I don’t know, I say.
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iriswestscloset · 1 year
We start in the very first episode, the pilot.
Look 1:
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Our first glimpse of our leading lady is when she’s watching the particle accelerator be turned on. Though it’s nothing especially exciting, I love this look. All of it feels like it couldn’t be worn separately- which is very, very Iris. Yes, she can be impulsive and emotional, but at the same time, she doesn’t make a move without considering everything, and such details are woven into her outfits.
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I love her moto jacket!! I REALLY wish she got to repeat it in the show. Wornontv informs me that it’s the Montesson Jacket in Navy Marine/Everest by Wilfred.  It’s gorgeous on her. The dark purple and red combo looks great. 
In future, the purple and red would reflect Barry and Iris as a superhero power couple so while I’m sure it was unintentional, A+ for unintentional foreshadowing with Iris’ outfit. Also the fact that it goes so well with Barry’s outfit? Soulmates.  
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Candice said that Iris rarely wears flat shoes and this is reflective in the Pilot where she starts off by running in heeled ankle boots.
Not pictured, but she also has cute little red bracelets and studded earrings which look great, not overpowering her look but adding to it. And this is the first time she wears rings! Rings are Iris’ go to accessory throughout the series so it’s neat to see where it all started! Unfortunately, I can’t find where to find them. 
Also love the bag with her psych dissertation in it. For as much as Iris ribs Barry about his nerdiness, she is SUCH a nerd. Yes, Iris, the particle accelerator unveiling is the best place to work on your dissertation and not something you could go back to when you get home! 
God bless.
Look 2:
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Not much of a look- it was very briefly shown but it looks like casual wear. Which is very exciting- we don’t get to often see her casual garb this season! Looks like a pink top, green or black jacket and grey pants. A chaotic colour combination that is more chaotic than others, but still looks good on her. 
This is probably due to the fact that this is one of the most chaotic moments of her life so far- her best friend just got struck by lightning.
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Look 3:
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Not many pics since this is one of her most recurring outfits, so you’ll def see it again! It is the Wilfred Free LISIÈRE DRESS in CRS Dye/Mykonos BL. I think it’s one of her simplest looks of the season. 
She’s grieving Barry, but she has to get to work, smile and be friendly and that is reflected in her costuming. I love that her necklace is off centre- her head doesn’t seem to be tilted and the shot is straight. Off centre necklaces are Iris’ thing in early s1 and honestly, I wish they would make a comeback. 
Look 4:
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In her next Jitters scene, she wears an army green jacket, a red floral dress (Talula: Lipinski Dress), burgundy tights and of course, heeled ankle boots. There was…a lot in this outfit lmao. I love the jacket- the gold accents, the scalloped back, the collar. 
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It’s a very cute dress too! And I love the way scoop necks look on her. The daisy necklace is adorable and matches the dress. Still, very cute and very fitting for the outfit. I love the silhouette of her outfit, too.
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Look 5
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This look is cute and I’m so surprised it only has .4 seconds of screentime considering it was the main promotional look.
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Regardless, it’s a short reddish purple dress which is a really unusual shade for her in that she doesn’t get to wear it that frequently. Which is a shame, she looks great in it. She also has a bracelet which looks gold and red in the photoshoots. I’m unsure if she wears it in the show, given the short amount of time she’s in it. 
And another off center necklace! Another circular necklace though this one has points. I originally thought it was a locket but no. just a circle.
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A baby Iris flashback! This look reappears in 3x21…appears? It’s a pink and white dressing gown with flowers on it and white pyjamas with details on it. 
It’s really cute but I can’t get over how close the West family home set looks to Barry’s lab set. Also Barry’s  perspective with Iris glowing golden is very, very cute.
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This doesn’t seem to have Iris vibes to it which might be why this is only in a “blink and you miss it” scene in the trailer. She rarely wears polo collars, and she very rarely wears burgundy and black.  That being said, she looks cute. 
Look count: 6 (5 shown; .5 for the two deleted)
Favourite look: probably the first outfit
Boot count: 2.5! Depending on whether the pic of Candice in the blue dress is 100% accurate to her pilot look)
Continuity: N. A. 
Thank you for reading!
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Inside Gryffin's House: A ITBT? Snippet
A/N: I'm alive people! And I brought you something I wrote back in *check notes* april. Enjoy!
CWs: mentions of blood as part of someone's name, pets.
WC: 871
Gryffin unlocked his front door, but did not open it. Instead, he turned to look at Elaine. 
It was the first time the Blood Witch had been to his building (and his house as well), but she knew where he lived: Isaac had spent quite a few afternoons away from Clay River, and Elaine could only imagine he’d be at Gryffin’s, since Sol stayed in a residency.
“Don’t get scared,” he cautioned, making Elaine tense up suddenly.
What exactly was on the other side of the door?
“Barrach if you try to-” she started, but her ally put his hands up in surrender, they key still dangling from his fingers. 
“Nothing like that, Blood Witch,” he assured, hiding a smile. 
He went inside the apartment and motioned her to follow.
Elaine inspected her surroundings: there was a little entrance, with a table in which Gryffin had left his keys, a mirror on top. Then the space opened up to what she supposed might be the living room and kitchen area. At the end of the hall there were big windows, the evening Sun streaming through them. 
She supposed it was a nice place, and wouldn’t even think of Barrach to be a tidy person, but everything was spotless…
Except for-
Was that hair?
Something heavy landed on top of her, sending her to the ground. Before she could even begin to process what had happened, small knife on her hand, Gryffin talked, his voice authoritative:
“Everest, sit!”
A dog. A dog had jumped over her and thrown her to the floor, paws on her chest, his wet nose sniffing her face drooling all over her cheeks.
Everest turned to look at his owner, and followed orders, letting Elaine free from his grasp and sitting beside her. She got up trying to wipe out the mess on her face. It was a big dog with black and white spots, one of those great danes or something, she had never been interested in breeds.
“I’m sorry,” Gryffin apologized, “Everest gets excited when he meets new people.” He was petting him now, lightly scratching his head.
“This is the reason for your warning?”
Paws scratching the floor. Multiple. Elaine was already preparing herself for another big dog, but instead what appeared in the hallway were three cats, all of them in different colors. One of them was missing its back legs, and they were replaced by a wheelchair; another had half an ear cut off and one of its eyes was glossy white.
They all went close to Gryffin, snuggling on his legs while purring, and, after the most uninterested glance Elaine had ever been given, totally ignored her.
“These are Peanut, Diva, and Waffles,” he introduced, and then signaled with his head to the living room. “Come, I’ll show you the rest.”
After the initial shock of having Everest on top of her, Elaine just nodded, hesitating a little. She had never imagined someone like Gryffin would be… like this.
“Just how many animals do you have?”
“Oh, they are not really mine. They are all strays I’ve adopted.”
The living room covered almost the entire part of the complex: there was a nice TV backed up in one of the walls, with a sofa and a small table in front and a console underneath. To the side, right below the windows, a desk with some chairs, all of them mismatched. Right on the other side, a big cage with a dog bed (Everest’s, Elaine supposed?) and a cat platform.
There were three smaller beds right behind the sofa, but what was unusual were the little tubes all along the walls, creating some sort of circuit that came down to another cage on the desk.
She was about to ask, but heard a flutter of wings and suddenly there was a bird perched on her shoulder as if she were a pirate and Gryffin had one to match right on top of his head.
“There’s a parrot on my shoulder, Barrach,” she tried to keep her voice calm while creating as much distance as possible between her and the animal.
“Not a parrot,” he said, clearly distracted. Gryffin was crutching, looking for something under the sofa, and then the coffee table, and then the desk. “It’s a parakeet. And her name is Lacey. Don’t worry, she’s very cuddly.”
“What are you even looking for?” 
And how do I get this cuddly parakeet named Lacey off me?, she asked herself.
“Ninja Turtles.”
“I- excuse me?”
Gryffin looked at her, the bird still balancing on his head, clearly annoyed. “My turtles,” he repeated. “Have you never seen Ninja Turtles? Well, I have four, named after them. They usually are under some-”
He stopped, straightened up suddenly, provoking the bird to fly somewhere safer, and walked fast to his room: the door was open and Elaine could hear the “Aha! There you are!” from the outside.
Next thing she knew, Gryffin was walking towards her, four turtles in his hands. 
“These are Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo.” He explained, while letting the animals down and closing off his bedroom door. “There used to be a Master Splinter, but he passed away a few months ago.”
Is the Blood Thicker Taglist (ask to be added or removed!):
@writing-is-a-martial-art @rose-bookblood @enchanted-lightning-aes @the-orangeauthor @moonlitinks @writerfae
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rotm-channel · 4 hours
Mysterious Times:Chapter 2 Yetis
YETI!(This is meant as Edutainment so you can enjoy and learn)
The Yeti is an ape-like creature. They are taller than an average man. It can walk like a man and has long white or brown hairs covering its whole body.
Colors vary between sightings; sometimes they're snowy white to match the camouflage of the Himalayas.And sometimes in different colors: reddish brown, bluish gray, cream, coffee, light gray, white and light brown.
They are found in the Himalayas. Inhabiting Nepal,Tibet and Russia and India, the Yetis according to modern sightings are said to stand from 8 to 10.5 feet tall, have a furry coat of brown, reddish or black hair and to resemble a huge, upright walking ape.Several expeditions have taken place to find the Yetis, however, only footprints, bones, and hair samples have been discovered-
The "Yeti" or "Abominable Snowman" is a variety found high in the Himalayan Mountains(round Shangri-La), commonly depicted with white fur in fiction.
The Yeti was even mentioned in pre-Buddhist cultures, such as the Lecha people, who worshiped a "Glacier Giant." Tibetan and Nepalese monasteries have collected several skulls and bones of the yetis, some of which reside in the Smithsonian Museum today. Although one of their specimens was proven to be a human bone, others stored in the museum are still in question.
In Buddhist mythology, the Yetis were peaceful creatures that were very shy, and lived in dense snow caves on the glaciers which form the Ganges River in India some legends even state that they had their own tribes and chiefs. In modern times, most sightings and evidence are on K2. The name Yeti derives from "Yeh-Tah", meaning "rock thing".
Around the time of the 16th century the number of yeti sightings and alleged meetings significantly decreased,why did this happen?Skeptics say because people stopped making so many fairy tales…however according to legend they were hunted and feared by many locals and so some went into hiding deep into the himalayas whilst another legend states they were taken under the protective wing of a cossack warrior and left to whereabouts unknown….
Michê : translates as "man-berar”
Dzu-teh – 'dzu' translates as "cattle" and the full meaning translates as "cattle bear",
Migoi or Mi-go translates as "wild man".
Bun Manchi – Nepali for "jungle man" that is used outside Sherpa communities where yeti is the common name.
Mirka – Another name for "wild-man". Local legend holds that "anyone who sees one dies or is killed". The latter is taken from a written statement by Frank Smythe's sherpas in 1937.
Kang Admi – "Snow Man".
Jungli Admi – "Wild Man".
Xueren Chinese: 雪人 - "Snow Man"
Fun Fact!
The name Abominable Snowman was coined in 1921, the year Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howar-Bury led a reconnaissance mission which he chronicled in Mount Everest The Reconnaissance, 1921. In the book, Howard-Bury includes an account of crossing the Lhagpa La at 21,000 ft (6,400 m) where he found footprints that he believed "were probably caused by a large 'loping' grey wolf, which in the soft snow formed double tracks rather like those of a bare-footed man". He adds that his Sherpa guides "at once volunteered that the tracks must be that of 'The Wild Man of the Snows', to which they gave the name 'metoh-kangmi'".. "Metoh" translates as "man-bear" and "kang-mi" translates as "snowman".
Now i invite you to a journey to a land which boundaries are that of imagination!A story.....that you will not believe! Little does anyone know that a threat IS COMING!!!! Pitch while powerfull and dangerous....this....is far worse! There is far more at stake then just belief! (It was alluded to in certain offical rotg content) And will have some details about the past.
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whatmattered · 2 years
Books to read while in quarantine
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There are times when you simply need to get away. And though escaping while quarantining may prove difficult during the Covid pandemic, you can do it while never leaving your chair with a good book. After a year in separation, we've sorted out which activities cause us to feel better. One of those feels-excellent activities has been reading. A year into the pandemic readers know like never before. A few readers leaned toward light interruption, while others ran to stories that handled pandemics head-on. I've gathered a list of a portion of my favorite books. Included are a few books that appear to be fitting for the current conditions.
1: Such a Fun Age' by Kiley Reid
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Kiley Reid This is a transitioning novel that investigates prejudice, hypocrisy, and racism. The subjects are intense, Kiley Reid figures out how to make it a fun (even interesting) read.
2: The Vanishing Half  by Britt Bennett
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The Vanishing Half  by Britt Bennett Everybody was discussing Brit Bennett's novel this mid year for good explanation. The Vanishing Half is a splendidly told assessment of bias, race and identity. On one level, Bennett provocatively investigates the question, What in the event that you could pick your race? But as the characters create, she plunges further into the significance of the past. And whether you can at any point get away from your history.
3: My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh
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My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh I don't know that a book about trying to rest one's year away could all the more likely describe the national psyche as of now. It briefly specifies Purdue's own leader, Mitch Daniels, when he was in the Bush administration as the director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.
4: The Naked Truth by Leslie Morgan
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a girl reading book Its a diary around a 50-something divorced mother recovering her sexuality by casually dating around Philadelphia. she wrestles with what a "great" lady of a specific age ought to do and what she really truly desires, love, and sex.
5: Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
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Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer   Close to the start of quarantine, I watched Everest, the 2015 film in light of the 1996 genuine story of what was then the deadliest day on Mount Everest and developed a gentle fixation. Each page a retribution with mortality and the things that cause us to feel alive.
6: If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino
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If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino A book about people reading books couldn't be more significant than now as everybody is attempting to kill time in quarantine. This novel begins in second individual and just gets more out of control from that point.
7: Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo
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Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo It's difficult to summarize "Girl, Woman, Other" since it deftly wanders into the thoughts, lives, and backstories of such countless people. Turning your thought process are little side characters into completely figured out people by their own doing. It follows various (generally Black, for the most part British) ladies and weaves their stories together unexpectedly.
8 White Ivy by Susie Yang
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White Ivy by Susie Yang Ivy is a Chinese worker living in a low-pay area outside Boston and desperate to find a place with her all-American schoolmate.  And to get well known, preppy, political son Gideon Speyer to see her. She's prone to shoplifting, as supported by her enterprising grandma. At the point when she's caught in a lie by her mother, Ivy is sent to visit family members in China. Who it ends up are rich, establishing Ivy's long lasting desire for honor. After 10 years Ivy's a single, unhappy teacher who reconnects with Gideon and cleared into his WASP-y world. She working hard to change everything about herself. What about this novel is that you're not intended to pull for Ivy, you do so in any case because she's a smart, convincing character.
9 Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney
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Sally Rooney speaks onstage during the Hulu Panel at Winter TCA 2020 at The Langham Huntington Recall those things you preferred having not over Zoom? Well, this one spectacularly and realistically displays a great deal of the complexities of social circumstances, especially in the appearance of computerized communication, where a ton of our communications are occurring now.
10 "The Waves" by Virginia Woolf
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The Waves by Virginia Woolf It comprises of discourses across nine recesses by six unique characters with particular personalities. This book is lovely and beautiful in language and foggy spots the lines among poetry and prose. These nine breaks stream from their experience growing up to adulthood to death by each person. And they reflect on fear, love, understanding and loneliness of life. I like how these characters analyze their life through their experience and thinking. And connection back to their most crude memories from childhood.
11 Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong
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Cathy Park Hong Minor Feelings is the sort of book that people call timely. It came out a year ago, as the pandemic held New York and people all around the country became awakened to the horrible discrimination that Asian Americans were facing. It's a personal, intimate investigation of being Asian American from the splendid writer Cathy Park Hong that doesn't pull a solitary punch. It's ambitious, mesmerizing, honest, and tough.
12 "The Wedding Date" series by Jasmine Guillory
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red heart shape with the pages of book Jasmine Guillory's composing is fun, spirited, and clever. Her heroes are strong Black ladies who understand what they need and how to get it. Whether it's in issues of work, life, or love. The tales frequently connect with each other, so you get the fun surprise of characters returning into the story after their joyfully ever afters. These romance books don't avoid difficult issues, either, and there are many plain discussions about prejudice, wealth, privilege, and race.
Last words
Whether you're an energetic reader or somebody who simply wishes that they could enter an entrance and departure reality for some time, this list is for you. However, with the exception of those understanding lists, everything reach a conclusion. So does a good book, thus will the quarantine. For that reason we have compiled a list of books to read during quarantine that helped us alongside a ton of different readers all over the globe in releasing the stress. Read the full article
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gwldcnz · 3 years
* 𝑴𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑻: boho / hippie names ( + meanings & origins ) !
under the cut you'll find a masterlist of +100 safe male names (some of them are good for be surnames or middle names) and they meanings / origins with groovy 60s & 70s vibe inspired by nature, animals and music.
aster: a daisy-like flower (greek origin) bud: symbolic of a budding future (american origin) miller: a silver-leaved perennial flower (irish or scottish origin) quince or quincy: a type of shrub in the rose family; means “apple like fruit” (latin origin) ren: lotus; is a symbol of self-growth and enlightenment (japanese origin) rhodes: where roses grow (greek origin) rosen: roses; a popular jewish first / surname (german origin) alder: an alder tree’s wood is used to make electric guitars (english origin) arlow or arlo: evergreen barberry tree (spanish origin) asher: blessed and happy (hebrew origin)  birch: a white slender tree that can bend to the ground without breaking (english origin)  calyx or calix: a husk or pod / the funnel-shaped part of a flower (greek / latin origin) cane or kane: a stalk of sugar (english origin) carver: wood carver (english origin) cedar: a tree known for its scented wood (latin origin) forrest: a land of trees and magnificent nature (english / scottish origin) hollis: of the holly tree known for its lovely red berries (english origin) huck: like the huckleberry fruit, the state fruit of idaho (english origin) linden or lyndon: a large deciduous tree with a sturdy trunk (english / german origin) perry: dweller near a pear tree (english origin) reed or reid: a tall grass; also means red-headed (english origin) ripley: strip of clearing in the woods (english origin) rowan: a reddish brown tree; also means “little redhead” (scottish / irish origin) sage: an herb with grayish-green leaves; also means wise (latin origin) silas: man of the forest (latin origin)  timber: growing trees (english origin) berg: mountain or cliff (german origin) brent: from a steep hill (english origin) bryce: means speckled (scottish origin) canyon: a deep person with layers (spanish origin) clay: as earthy as it gets; fine-grained earth (english origin) cliff: a steep rock face (english origin) coal or cole: a natural resource; a dark gray or black color (english origin) denver: green valley (english origin) everest: as in the world’s tallest mountain (english origin)  hutton: a ridge enclosure (english / scottish origin) jasper: a red, yellow, brown, or green gemstone; also means "bringer of treasure" (persian origin)  jet: a coal-like organic gemstone (english origin) knox: a round-topped hill (scottish origin) lander: means territory (german origin) lyle: topographic name for one who lives on an island (scottish / english / french origin) onyx: a black gemstone (greek origin) ridge: a long narrow hilltop; an elevated strip of land (english origin) sawyer: woodcutter; one who saws timber (english origin) stone: means "solid as a rock" (german origin) abner: father of light; creator of the sun and stars (hebrew origin) aden or aiden: means little fire; also means "attractive" (irish / hebrew origin) blaze: a fiercely burning fire (english origin)  brenton: fire or flame; also means "town of fire" (english origin) flint: a stone that makes a spark (english origin) sorin or soren: means "sun" (romanian origin) brooks: means "small streams"; one who dwells by a brook (english origin)  calder: means "rocky water" (english origin) callan: means "flowing water" (scandinavian / gaelic origin) dylan: son of the sea (welsh origin) hurley: means "sea tide" (gaelic origin) kai: means "sea" (hawaiian origin); ocean, restoration, or recovery (japanese origin) moses: delivered from the river (hebrew origin) nile: means "champion" (greek origin)  remy: oarsman; one who drives a boat forward (french / latin origin) rivers or river: flowing water; a large winding stream (latin origin) rivo: means "stream" (italian origin)  trent or trenton: gushing or flooding water (english origin) wade: at the river crossing; wading through the water (english origin) zale: power of the sea (greek origin) raiden: thunder and lightning (japanese origin) ari: means eagle (nordic origin) or lion (hebrew origin) buck: means "male deer" (english origin) colt: a young horse less than 4 years old (swedish origin)  corbin: means "crow" (latin origin) falcon: a bird symbolizing victory (english origin) finch: a cute and colorful small bird (english origin) hawk or hawke: one of the most intelligent birds (germanic / english origin) lynx: a wild cat with luminescent eyes (greek origin) lyon: means "lion" (french origin) phoenix: a mythical bird symbolizing immortality (greek origin) talon: the claw of a bird of prey (french origin) corwin: heart’s friend; also means "one who lives near a castle" (english origin)  darrell: means "beloved" (french origin) felix: happy and fortunate (latin origin)  fenmore: means "dear love" (english origin)  fritz: peaceful ruler (german origin) jayden or jaden: means "thankful" (hebrew origin) jonah: means "dove", a symbol of peace (hebrew origin)  leif: means "loved"; also means descendant (scandinavian origin) levi: joined in harmony (hebrew origin)  lev or liev: means "heart" (yiddish origin)  milo: peaceful and calm; also means "soldier" (latin / german origin)  pax or paxton: peace or peace town (latin origin) ziggy: victorious peace (german origin) arrow: means "shot by cupid" (english origin)  art / artie: noble one (latin origin) damon: to subdue; a symbol of friendship (greek origin) dax: means "leader" (french origin) echo: a reverberating sound (greek origin) rex: means "king" (latin origin)  rider or ryder: means "horseman" (english origin) sutter: means "shoemaker" (english origin)  tanner: leather tanner (english origin) zane: means "god is gracious" (english origin)
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KRYPTOS: Before I Knew What Love Was
Billy Russo x Reader, 1.5k
A/N: idk man, I'm in the mood. Let's see how much we can crank out before this burst of inspiration dies again. Title Song, Before I Knew What Love Was by Everest Cale.
This is a companion piece to Let it Burn, Part Eighteen and the story told from Billy's point of view.
Billy Russo and his hiding spots.
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Billy slammed the drawers with increasing frustration. Clean. Clean.
The bathroom looked exactly the way it should for a woman living alone, with a few notable exceptions. You’d added a bar of Irish Spring to your shower. It made him pause the first time he found it. Even in another thirty years, he wouldn’t accept people wanting him around, providing him space...soap, whatever. But you did.
The cabinet next to the toilet looked the same as it had yesterday. Every shelf. Clean. Clean. He pulled a fresh 12 pack of toilet paper from the bottom shelf and felt around behind it. Clean.
That dog- Job, with his big floppy tongue and the tan eyebrows perked up against his all black face- was sitting at the door. Watching. This fucking dog was always watching. Waiting for Billy to drop a slice of pizza or his hand for a scratch.
“Wha-” Billy stopped himself from asking questions. To a dog. He huffed and pushed past the firm black body to continue his sweep.
The kitchen was clean. Junk drawer still filled with junk. The metal folder for mail was overstuffed, but nothing was out of the ordinary. Billy shook his head, blinking fast. Too much white, too many words. It made his head hurt, but after a few seconds, a few aggressive breaths, he went right back to it. He inspected every piece of paper, searched your laptop, and when you came back home in thirty minutes, he’d wait for you to fall asleep so he could do the same to your phone.
Billy stopped in the archway to the living room, tilted his head a bit, and stared at the couch. He’d slept on it too many times already. Job huffed a little, nails clicking against the floor as he shuffled his feet impatiently. Still by Billy’s side, following him room to room. They locked eyes and Job whined. Billy cocked an eyebrow at the beast. That dog had slept on that couch too many times too. On Billy’s legs mostly. Or his chest.
“Fine,” Billy admitted out loud. “I’m done.”
Job’s tongue was loosed again and looked immediately relieved. Billy turned toward the hall and Job bounded ahead of him, like it was a race. Not a race, but certainly a routine. He’d shower. He’d change into a pair of clothes that were obviously his even though he couldn’t remember them. He’d rifle through the freezer and eat whatever looked good. There was more food now than when he’d started coming around, another not so subtle reminder that his presence was a welcome one. After that he’d lay down and try to stay awake until you got home. With Job, of course.
Before he could decide between the bed or the couch, the garage door rumbled to life signalling your arrival. Job was visibly excited and for the first time in an hour the dog was away from Billy’s hip, suddenly preoccupied with your incoming. As the garage door rang out again, this time on its way down, Billy eyed the switch on the wall next to him. Without hesitation, he turned every light off and stepped out of sight.
You opened the back door, using the high pitched voice you only used when you thought you were alone to greet Job. You were quiet for a moment and let out a heavy sigh before clipping on his lead and disappearing. Billy knew the routine. In a few minutes, you’d be back with the dog and you were. Job bounded around the corner and when you followed your head was down. Billy could see the moment you noticed his shadowy figure leering from the hall and the noise you made in surprise was… entertaining.
“Jesus, Billy!” You sounded out of breath, flipping on the lights before pushing him in the chest as you made your way to the bathroom. He couldn’t remember the last time he grinned so earnestly. It tugged uncomfortably at the scar on his cheek. Billy tongued the inside of his cheek as he followed you, pausing to watch you wash your face. Water dripped off the end of your nose when you met his eyes in the mirror, glaring. “Why do you do that shit?”
“Do I scare you?”
Your face scrunched up before softening. “No, of course not.” A ridiculous look for a ridiculous question, he figured.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Am I scared of my s-” you stopped yourself and he caught the way your eyes fell to his arm, mark hidden under his crossed arms. “You hide in the dark and eat my tamales,” you continued, as if you hadn’t stopped. “I’ll be scared when you stop.”
It was Billy’s turn to glare, not sure what you meant by it. Or why you wouldn’t say what he knew you wanted to.
You’d finished whatever you were doing to get ready for bed when you grabbed the edge of your sink and locked eyes with him in the mirror again. “I’m not jumpy because I don’t want you here. I-” he could see the way you chewed the inside of your lip, preparing the right words for him before blowing your lips out. Giving up, he guessed, as you spun to face him, crossing your arms to match his. “I’m just always prepared to come home and not see you,” you admitted. “Then never see you again.”
Billy frowned. “Is that what you want?”
You dropped your arms. “No. No, Billy, That’s not what I want.”
He watched your face change again. The annoyance gone. The testing gone. Just you, with eyes on his, and he felt it again. That… something in his chest. He could tell when you were telling him the truth. He was good at picking up on liars when he was younger. It was a vital skill for survival in a group home. It served well in the barracks. In the field. But this was different. It was physical, palpable. Like something tugging inside of him. The pull was internal, but the urge was to move toward you, not away.
Soulmate. You told him what you were and were it not for the mark on your arm he would have called you a liar. Until the tug. It felt like heartburn and he ignored it at first. He listened now.
“Then what do you want?”
You lifted your arms like you didn’t know before dropping them again. Giving up again. But at least you were honest. Finally a weak smile broke out across your face and you shook your head. “I just want you to leave a light on or something. Leave a cup in the sink. I dunno. Sometimes I think you like scaring me.”
Billy followed wordlessly as you made your way to the bedroom. He did like scaring you. He liked the way you jumped and looked at him with wide eyes that narrowed again when you realized it was him and not a killer. Well. Not a killer that wanted you dead. He liked the way you’d started to touch him after avoiding it, hesitating before, apologizing after. You just shoved him in the hallway, a bold move. You scrunched your face up and let it fall with every thought that passed through your mind. He liked those things.
Dr. Dumont didn’t do that. She never changed her face. She was flat and even toned and she didn’t joke and she didn’t touch him. She liked to talk about masks, but the best one he’d ever seen was hers. There wasn’t anything honest in the way she spoke and it unsettled him, but he stayed close. After a while, he realized that if he stopped coming back to her apartment, she’d call the police. You… he didn’t believe you would and you’d all but admitted it a moment ago. You lived in uncertainty, never knowing when he’d show up again or if he would at all. You bought soap and extra toilet paper and more freezer food that may never be used. Krista checked in. She didn’t like not knowing where he was, like her attention was contingent upon his willingness to play along with whatever fantasy therapy session she was conducting by keeping him around.
She kept secrets too. And a gun.
You didn’t, yet you let him sleep next to you. It was reckless.
He looked up and you were already in bed, Job sprawled out across your feet.
“Do you have to go back?”
He almost asked where, just to see what you knew, what you suspected, what you might be keeping from him. Then he decided not to. That tug was sharp and acidic beneath his ribs.
“Not yet,” he offered and you nodded, rolling until your back faced him and he watched as your body lay stiff as a board. You were holding your breath. Another tug.
Billy shoved Job’s nose out of the way and slid into bed next to you. A second later that blocky black head was resting atop his ankle and black eyes were staring up at him. It was unsettling, but in a different way.
Dr. Dumont’s apartment had an office for seeing patients, but the whole place had become an office the second Billy crossed the threshold. He was a patient. A project. Something broken that needed fixing. Something that only she had the power and the patience to mend. At least that’s how she spoke.
Here… fuck. Here he was a chin rest for a 90 pound dog.
But he slept. And when he slept, he didn’t dream.
So he came back. And he kept coming back. And you kept being honest. And Job kept following him around while he looked for reasons to leave. And that tug got stronger. His chest burned at some of the looks you gave him, some of the things you said. And he kept coming back.
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If you would like to be added or removed from said list, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!
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Hiking Buddy // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Once upon a time you could joke that quaratine bordom was the cause of the mass amount of 2020 pregnancies. Well you could until you found yourself in the same boat...or shall we say crib?? Go on the journey as Y/N reveals the pregnancy to Charlie and later their friends.
Warnings: Swearing, talk of vomiting, pregnancy, and fluff.
Words: 2.5k
Requested: Yes. Anon
A/N: Someone asked for dad!Charlie and I couldn’t resist.
Please ask to be tagged in my inbox because I can’t promise you will be through commenting on the posts!
I take requests as well!
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Pulled from deep in your chest was a groan at the dizziness rushing from the bedroom into the bathroom. The tile floor cool to the touch as your body was flush on the bathroom floor recovering from the bout of sickness. The fortunate thing about the pandemic was that you had no obligations taking you out of the home. Sitting up, you sat back against the white porcelain tub grimacing at the bitter aftertaste of your date with the toilet.
Slowly you found your grounding enough to shakily stand on two feet to brush your teeth to get rid of the nasty aftertaste. Your eyes found the pale expression of your reflection fading as nausea faded as well.
“This is tainting naps for me.” You muttered under your breath, washing your hands before proceeding to splash your face.
Your social media had been flooded with many people in your personal life and celebrities announcing pregnancies. You and Charlie often made teasing remarks about if people were so bored. Guess you couldn’t joke about it anymore.
Your hand splayed across the bare skin under the band shirt hanging loose on your form with a small smile. It had been a hectic year getting married to Charlie while filming the first season of Julie and the Phantoms. The plan had been to wait a few years to enjoy your careers and marriage before children. Get more established in the film industry as a woman was necessary, but you couldn’t get mad. This child would be a gift.
“I’d appreciate if I don’t have gross cravings okay? I have to put up with your dad’s questionable food combinations. I may throw up looking at it.” You muttered smiling at the smooth skin you couldn’t wait to grow into a bump.
At the beginning of the pandemic, you, along with Charlie, had flown back to Canada. Living outside of city limits, Charlie was able to still hike and meet up with family in a safe condition. You grew more as a couple as well.
Turning the light off in the bathroom, you made your way to slip your faux fur lined grey and burgundy moccasins—the mid-afternoon sun shining through the windows of the bedroom giving a picturesque view of the forest. Charlie was more than likely in the home gym you had thrown together once arriving at the home.
“I have an idea a little one.” You spoke to the little life you carried inside your womb. After the positive pregnancy and your confirmation with the OB/GYN, you had ordered a few items.
First, it was baby-sized pair of hiking boots to go with a forest green, that matched Charlie’s eyes, onesie with black lettering. The lettering saying ‘And so the Adventure Begins’. The background had with trees and mountains. As nature enthusiasts, you thought it would be perfect.
The box had arrived early this morning when Charlie had been in the shower giving you time to hide it. Now you just had to mention you wanted to go hiking with him.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Charlie spoke, kissing your forehead as he walked into the home. His first instinct to grab a snack after his workout, “How was your nap?”
“Energized me. Hey, are you too tired to go on a short hike?” You questioned filling a glass with water to hand to him. His smile was thanks enough as he tugged you to sit in his lap.
“We haven’t gone on one in quite a while. What brought it on?” Charlie asked, wrapping his arms around to finish his protein bar. His chin coming to rest of your shoulder familiarly; you relaxed into his chest.
“It’s a nice day. We’ve been cooped up in the house for a while. Just wanna get out.” You replied heart doing a flutter when his arms wrapped around your midsection.
“Let me get a few things,” Charlie spoke gently, pushing you up to the job to the spare bedroom. The closet kept the supplies you used for hikes, like the first aid kit that he started bringing after you cut your knee once.
As he collected the items, you quickly changed into clothing acceptable for the hike and shoving the things into the backpack. Slipping it on, you met your husband at the front door lacing up your boots. Charlie lifted the house keys in his hands before he tugged you outside, excited for the escape. His hand never leaving yours, you found the well-used trail you had explored countless times.
“Are you feeling better?” Charlie asked, swinging your hands together, refusing to release his grip. His eyes glancing over to catch your expression.
“I think I was overtired.” You replied, keeping your eyes on the trail looking for the rock you wanted to use.
Charlie’s phone was pulled out to make a short video.
“Get yourself a partner that suggests a hike before you.” Charlie slowed to press a kiss to your flushed cheek, “No but seriously. I’m incredibly lucky to have someone like my wife here.”
“Oh, shush.” You snickered as he intentionally pulled you to a stop to press kisses all over your face. His grin and his love would melt the hearts of his followers. Charlie returned the phone to his pocket as he hummed the melody to Unsaid Emily.
“Be right back.” Charlie spoke, squeezing your hand as he jogged to the forest, “I drank too much coffee this morning!”
You couldn’t help the laugh at his blunt words and his typical caffeine intake, but it gave you the perfect opportunity. Using the limited time, you were quick to place the onesie on the rock with the baby hiking boots near the shoulder. You had forgone on asking for a sonogram picture so you could share that moment with Charlie.
“I always forget to pee before we leave the house. Good thing we live near nature.” Charlie spoke jogging closer to where you were hiding the items behind you.
“Do you think green or mine?” You asked, bringing an expression of confusion on your husband’s face. He stepped closer halting when you stepped to the side, “I think yours. I love your eyes.”
Charlie was frozen entirely at the surprise you had planted in his short absence. He didn’t even notice he had moved until the soft cotton of the onesie brushed his fingertips. With his attention solely on the boots, he hadn’t seen you had a stepped up a camera to catch his reaction.
“Are those…?”
“They won’t need the boots in our arms, but I thought we could match.” You continued shifting with the camera to catch his wonder-filled gaze. His expression melted your heart as he gently caressed the side of the boot from his crouched position.
“-getting a new hiking buddy.” You finished beaming as Charlie lunged you swing you in his arms, “Okay Char. I’d prefer not throwing up again.”
Charlie stumbled back glancing around the area, “I love how you surprised me, but what if you had fallen? I can’t have my loves hurt.”
 “Charlie. We’re on an easy trail, not Everest. I’m fine.” You deadpanned watching his cheeks flush at your response, “But I would like to get home. I’m so hungry.”
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September 2020
Emma Roberts, Sasha Pieterse, Bindi Irwin, High School Music alumni Ashley Tisdale, and Hilary Duff were only a handful of celebrities welcoming babies. If hiding your marriage with Charlie was hard during filming, hiding the pregnancy was harder with your friends. Especially hitting seven months with a big bump concealed with camera angles.
You wanted to keep the news under wraps, so the media focused on the show, not your pregnancy at an early age. Of course, your friends were suspicious of Charlie’s posts and stories, not showing their favourite Gillespie. Carolynn knew just by the fullness of your face barely noticeable to the others.
“Oof.” You breathed wincing at the sharp kick to your ribs from Sprout. Charlie’s concerned gaze glancing over from his interview.
Swiftly rubbing the area, the kick happened your fingers returned to flip the page of the pregnancy book. You had grown used to the concern Charlie carried, he always had his phone fully charged on his hikes. Hikes you hadn’t taken since you surprised him with the little boots; it had been a disagreement, but you got where he was coming from.
“I’m fine, Charles.” You spoke, forcing him to turn his attention back to the closing interview. Once he turned the camera off, he rushed over to crouch in front of the couch, placing his hands on your stretched belly.
“Thought we had a deal Sprout.” He cooed caressing the band shirt covering your stretched skin, “Don’t hurt your mama.”
Your face twisted as the baby shifted, while you were enthralled by the fact you were carrying a child it felt like an alien. It was weird feeling something move inside and kick your damn inside like a fucking soccer ball.
“I can’t wait for the baby to be out.” You groaned, hiding the smile as Charlie’s lips pressed against your belly. You couldn’t wait to see him interact with his child.
“I say we name him Luke.” Charlie teased shifting you ahead so he could slide behind you in the usual position. His fingers immediately massaging your stiff shoulders and neck.
“I like Alex better. He’s the best Phantom.” You retorted reaching up to hold his hands, “Sensitive and his sarcasm? Immaculate.”
“We can table the options at a later time.” Charlie quickly replied chuckling as you moved position once more to rest against his chest. His fingers finding their way into your silky hair, pregnancy hormones had sped up hair growth.
“Hey-“ Your words fractured as your phone buzzed with a FaceTime request from Jeremy. Charlie quickly answered with a snicker as your response was cut off.
Jeremy’s eyes narrowed at the sight of you two on your couch, “My wife and I had drinks with our family. Carolynn slipped and told me something interesting.”
You and your husband froze as Carolynn sheepishly joined her husband in their white bedroom with a quick apology. Guess the cat was out of the bag.
“You guys are having a kid?” Jeremy asked, taking in the two actors he had quickly become good friends with during filming. His mind recalling a moment at his wedding when you guys had disappeared for a good twenty minutes.
March 2020
The Shada wedding had been gorgeous and like a dream to see someone you saw as a brother find his other half. Your hand was kept tight in your husband’s sitting among Owen, Tori and Kenny himself. Owen had snuck himself and Tori wine while Kenny turned his eye to the underage drinking.
“Wanna take a walk?” Charlie murmured in your ear as Jeremy and Carolynn made their way around their guests. His hot breath sending a chill down your spine as his left hand came to rest on your thigh.
The romantic atmosphere with the wine you had had during dinner lowered your inhibitions that you and Charlie snuck to the less used bathroom. You two quickly gave evidence that wedding hookups were very real. You managed to sneak back into the reception where dancing was taking place; a perfect story to why you and Charlie were a little dishevelled.
“Hey!” Owen called seeing you two join him on the floor. The wine had blinded his view of the very obvious couple, Owen knew from catching you two what a quickie appearance looked like.
“I think you’ve had enough to drink Bud.” Charlie spoke to the teenager as Jeremy made his way over to his friends, “Congrats Jer!”
“Thanks, man! When will we get the Gillespie wedding we didn’t get?” Jeremy called over the music beaming when his new wife plastered herself to Jeremy.
“Maybe in the next year.” You retorted twirling in Charlie’s arms thanks to the dance lessons of boot camp.
“Oh my god. Little Gillespie was conceived at our wedding.” Jeremy spoke, leaning back to his wife, “You’d be due in November, right?”
Your cheeks burned as Jeremy and Carolynn put the pieces together swiftly, “Well can we keep this a secret until October? I don’t want to take attention away from the show.”
“You should tell the others.” Jeremy suggested squeezing his wife’s hand, “They might think Charlie kidnapped a baby otherwise.”
Agreeing to announce to your friends Charlie had set up a video hangout with Owen, Mads, Savannah, Jeremy and even Kenny. It was in the later evening with the hiking boots out of shot and your shirt and belly below the camera view.
“Hey, guys!” Charlie greeted his friends as everyone entered the video, “Insane how many fan edits there are!”
“So cool!” Mads beamed addressing Kenny, “Thanks for giving me the chance to be involved in the coolest project.”
“You did all the work.” Kenny waved it off, taking in the cast of one of his favourite projects to date. You all meshed together so perfectly even if your character was only recurring like Sav.
“Hey, Kenny can we get your opinion on something?” You asked, gaining everyone’s attention and excitement after only using texting with the group. Morning sickness and fatigue had depleted your desire to be physically seen.
Kenny nodded, leading you to grab the baby hiking boots, “Do you think these are adequate enough to run from the witches?”
It was utterly silent as Charlie raised the little plaque he had ordered. The plaque included the Hocus Pocus witches in front of a cream moon, faces featureless other than eyebrows and lips. The corner had a cobweb with a little spider and just under it said ‘Winnie, I smell…a child’ with the pregnancy test snug in the cut out. Your favourite was the ‘it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus’ under the test.
“No way!” Owen screamed as all hell broke loose with the others. Charlie beamed at the sheer excitement on their faces.
“You’re having a baby?” Kenny murmured with a smile at the touching announcement and acting being involved.
“Charlie suggested the Hocus Pocus theme because we may have kept it to ourselves and our family?” Your voice went up a few octaves as the truth broke free.
“You haven’t had the kid, right?” Mads questioned peering in the background behind you finding nothing.
“Hopefully we have our hiking buddy in November on the due date. I don’t want to overdue, this kid weighs a ton.” You moaned snuggling into Charlie’s side, “We defin-“
“Jer’s wedding.” Owen interrupted with narrowed eyes, “You disappeared and came back with-“
“-O there is a child present.” Sav joked getting Mads to scoff at her, but everyone made a face as they recalled your disappearing act.
“Oh, your house must be filled with gross food combos. I hope the baby gets Y/N’s looks and taste buds.” Mads called hanging up before Charlie could retort at her. His eyes rolled, but the smile told another story, but slowly each of their friends said their goodbyes.
“At least Owen won’t go spilling the news to anyone.” You snorted playing your hand on Charlie’s large one splayed across your tummy.
You had a lot to thank Kenny for too. Without being cast by him, you wouldn’t have met your friends which in turn would mean you wouldn’t have been at Jer’s wedding. That would have been tragic since his marriage is the sole reason you had a child due in two months.
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whipped up this little gallavich father’s day one-shot bc i woke up and had feelings!
(to everyone who has a complicated relationship to father’s day—know that i love u 💗)
tw for mention of dead parents / abuse (terry 🙄🙄)
It was quiet when they woke— it had been months, and Mickey could finally admit that he had gotten a little bit used to waking up to the silence and blinding sunshine, the light reflecting off of the shiny glass exterior of their neighbors’ apartment complex windows and the soft chatter of people sitting down below at the pool as the slow summer mornings turned into lazy afternoons.
He turned to face Ian, shifting under the plush duvet they were wrapped in tightly; usually summer heat meant sleeping in underwear and a pool of your own fucking sweat in the South Side, but this boujee-ass place had fucking air conditioning that blasted all night long— Mickey nearly wore a fucking sweats and a hoodie to bed the first hot summer day when they’d started blasting it in the place. Ian had just grinned, making fun of him for being dressed like he was about to climb Mount Everest, and had pulled him closer under the sheets to wrap him in warmth.
Mickey rubbed at his eyes, reaching for his phone and clicking it to see the time. 7:52, the asscrack of dawn on a Sunday morning as far as he was concerned. No wonder Ian was still sleeping.
He had a couple of notifications— a few texts from Sandy, livetweeting when she was out last night and probably drunk out of her mind at some gay bar she’d started going to on the West Side at Ian’s recommendation; while Mickey had resisted those expensive-ass hipster beers at every fucking turn, Sandy had been coming by his and Ian’s place a lot more these days, and Ian had kept convincing them to all go out at the boujee queer spots along the block. Whatever— so what if he blew $9 on a fucking IPA that tasted like fucking battery acid? Ian loved it, Sandy loved it more, and he could afford to spend a few nights at some hipster-ass bar with his cousin and his husband hanging off his hip. He could do that shit now.
He scrolled through some emails, trying desperately to tune out the work bullshit and ignore the unread emails in his inbox— he and Ian had been making bank lately, the business growing more than ever especially now that COVID restrictions were all but nonexistent and people were ready to fucking party. He and Ian definitely spent more hours than not attached to their fucking Gmail app, scrolling through new requests and niche demands from growers; but they’d agreed that weekends were off-time, and talking about work was strictly forbidden. “Weekends are husband time, not co-worker time, Mick.”
Even so, Ian was still sleeping, and Mickey didn’t know what else the fuck to do until he woke up— he filtered idly through the inbox, then opened Instagram and started scrolling mindlessly, through pictures of his few dipshit cousins and their new gun purchases and questionable tattoo choices.
It was then when he saw the picture that V had just posted: a black-and-white photo of Kev and the girls, sitting at some sidewalk restaurant in Louisville.
To the papa bear of my amazing girls. Happy Father’s Day.
Fucking Father’s Day.
It’s not like Mickey didn’t know when Father’s Day was— it was more that its occurrence was knowledge that he passively avoided. The only time he remembered knowing when the fuck it was was in elementary school, when they’d been forced to draw colorful cards for their dads on thick sheets of construction paper. He’d drawn a fucking cool one for Terry, with scribbles of skulls and snakes and a picture of him and Mandy. He remembered clutching it tight between his fingers the walk home from school that Friday, and immediately shoving it deep into his backpack when he returned home and it was one of the bad days, the days filled with screaming and sobbing and him and Mandy huddled together in his bed.
“Hey, you okay?” Ian’s arm was snaking around Mickey’s waist under the blankets—a heavy weight, welcoming the air back into Mickey’s lungs.
Mickey reached over to ruffle Ian’s hair. “G’morning, sleepyface.”
Ian’s eyes searched Mickey’s face, then squeezed tightly shut as he yawned. He leaned to rest his head on Mickey’s shoulder, a dull weight on his chest.
“You know it’s Father’s Day?”
Ian craned his neck back again to meet Mickey’s eyes. “Huh.”
From his pensive gaze, Mickey could tell that the realization stunned Ian in the same way it had hit him. “Yup.”
They were silent. Ian reached his arm aimlessly under the covers, searching for Mickey’s hand— intertwining their fingers.
“It’s fucking weird, man.”
Ian breathed out a silent laugh of relief, a gust of air through his nose. “Was just thinking the same fucking thing. I could hate Frank on Father’s Day when he was alive, talk all the shit I wanted— seems kind of hard to do now that’s he’s gone.”
Mickey pressed his lips together. “Yeah.” The heavy feeling—the loss, the dread, was still heavy in his chest, beating next to where Ian’s head was resting. “Homophobic that this shit is during pride month, anyways. Don’t they know all the gays have fucking daddy issues?”
Ian snorted—and they laid there, breathing. Ian’s thumb started to trace a pattern on Mickey’s inner palm— soft, slow. “What d’you wanna do today?”
“I don’t know, man. A distraction would be nice. Can’t fucking scroll through Instagram without thinking about my dead dad, kind of a fucking mood kill.”
Ian laughed. “Yeah.” He took in a breath. And then:
“I know I keep talking about the kid shit. But I can’t stop thinking about when today will be, like. Exciting for us. Someday. Y’know?”
Mickey felt something lurch in his chest—he didn’t really know what it was. He and Ian had been talking about the kid thing— Ian dropping hints here and there, Mickey giving his wary consent that he’d tell Ian when he was ready. And now—this.
There was gonna be a day, some day—when Father’s Day didn’t feel like the hardest goddamn thing in the world anymore. Even after a lifetime of bad ones.  
Mickey felt the beginning of tears pricking in his eyes—stupid, stupid.
“Yeah, man. Guess so.”
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