#and the whole time they have a weird poly thing going on (affectionate)
bumblebeebats · 2 years
I've been watching so much Leverage lately while in the grippe of a terrible cold and honestly it's been so soothing in this billionaire-bootlicking day and age to watch a show that is so unashamedly fond of just straight up psychologically torturing corrupt rich people. Like remember that episode where they locked a hedge fund manager in a hospital and made him think he had a fatal disease? Every single ep the client is like "I just want him to face legal justice for what he did to my poor daughter/grandpa/pony/etc :(" and the crew is like "Not only will we do that, we will also find out this bastard's hopes, their fears, their deepest darkest dreams and desires, and rip their whole life to shreds right in front of their eyes while they watch and weep in abject dispair. And then we will give you $2 million dollars cash." Fucking legends. Do Elon next
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invinciblerodent · 7 months
ffff I woke up thinking very hard about how heartbreaking it'll be when I get Halsin kidnapped by Orin on my romance playthrough with him
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and as I dally on with Iona and fuck around before I'd go rescue Lae'zel, I just... keep thinking about how at this point in his playthrough, Petyr is going to be just single-mindedly focused on murdering Orin.
like I know that immediately, as soon as he realizes what had happened, what was taken from him, he'll throw himself into the investigation.
not eating. not sleeping. Shadowheart has to pretty much force-feed him a potion of angelic slumber, and it's still Jaheira threatening to knock him out manually that manages to convince him that running himself ragged isn't going to help anyone.
the whole investigation, and the murder tribunal thing, and finding the temple takes no more than, say, four days tops. in that time, he probably sleeps all of two hours, and not even consecutively.
and he of course looks awful for it. eyes sunken in and rimmed in red, cheeks sallow, hair all weird and loose and falling into his face... the tremor in his hands is the most worrying part, being a marksman, but his aim inexplicably holds true. advantage is granted on intimidation checks just by the fact that he looks like he's all of one second away from putting an arrow through anyone's throat, and won't even need to use a bow to do it.
he holds it together when Halsin finally comes to on that cold stone slab, whole, alive, and pretty much unharmed by the looks of it. even though he feels like his guts are all squirming like a bagful of snakes, he keeps his wits about him as they reach the Elfsong and get themselves cleaned up. he even keeps a stiff upper lip and a straight spine all throughout dinner- maybe he's a bit more quiet than usual, but overall he seems fine, or at least more fine than he's been until then, if a touch... colder, more distant than anyone had expected.
really, with how visibly upset and scary determined he was, all expected a more... affectionate reaction, or at least more obvious relief. even Halsin himself is probably a bit... not disappointed, that's not the right word, more like somberly resigned about it. Accepts that maybe this time apart was a time of reflection, and a different conclusion was reached than what was expected. Maybe there was some disillusionment (the Big Strong Archdruid letting himself be tricked and whisked away by a jumped-up Bhaalspawn with just... so much wrong with her, that's kind of embarrassing in retrospect), maybe he just needs some time to process. Who knows. Maybe the ardor had simply petered out, as it were.
so they all retire for the night. and in less than an hour, once breaths quiet and movement stills in the room, Halsin feels an awkward body just... wordlessly crawl into his bed and tuck itself up against him.
He feels his ranger's pointed nose smush in the middle of his chest, feels him taking long, shaking breaths of his scent (no longer that putrid stench of sewer-filth and rotting meat, but the usual pleasantly herbal, earthy scent), and feels it all too acutely as the young man just.... starts to quietly weep. With completely silent, but desperate, full-body sobs, clinging to Halsin with what feels like more limbs than he has. He's weeping tears of exhaustion, and stress, and worry, and a loss mourned before its time, and all the druid can do is run soft fingers through his hair, let him cry it out, and whisper "I'm here" over and over again in a tone that means more than either says right now.
like the hold this has on my brain this morning?? unreal
(thank u Larian for the poly option so I can have a playthrough with not just one, but two opportunities for my utter bitch of a PC to dramatically not-confess-but-confess his love to his LI)
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
bokuakasunaosa headcanons for my dear kennedy (@monstrsball)
they all get together through akaashi because akaashi wouldn't stop flirting with osamu
suna would never say no to a third. or fourth.
i think bokuto was a little (lot) more hesitant about the whole thing. like not because he didn't like suna and osamu, but he had never even thought about being poly and the thought of sharing akaashi made him feel weird and he didn't know what to do at first
although, spending more time with suna and osamu opened bokuto to the idea of letting akaashi date sunaosa but bokuto wouldn't get involved
and then bokuto started doing occasional morning jogs with suna and bokuto fell for suna surprisingly fast after that
and then osaamu after that
bokuto and osamu are both super physically affectionate. so its just them constantly showing love to each other and their boyfriends.
bokuto and osamu often pull akaashi away from his computer, they will literally pick him up and carry him away while akaashi complains
(one of them always saves akaashi's work when this happens, do not worry)
they are all so used to the distance. anytime they can find to spend together, they will, but they all four have nightly facetimes and call each other and text as often as possible
akaashi makes the travel to bring osamu and bokuto food
boktuo loves it
osamu often returns the favor and gives akaashi even more food than he could possibly eat
akaashi also visits suna more often than the other two do, just because he has a bit more flexibility in his schedule for it
and they both like to have quiet moments together without their louder boyfriends around
during the off season, suna lives with osamu and bokuto stays with akaashi
they'll make the trip in pairs to visit each other a lot
bokuto demands they have a date night every week
so that may just be watching a movie together over facetime (or discord or some other similar platform) or when they're together, they'll have game nights, sometimes they'll all go out to eat together (from a restaurant that osamu chooses)
yeah this is all i have for now. you can ask for specifics if you would like :3
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carnalphenomena · 11 months
headcanons about rachel louis mack noah
cis man. thought he was completely straight until he was 18 or 19. then he really leaned into not just exclusively fucking women. ezra haven's whole thing is an incredible turn-on.
extremely sexually active. does weird sex stuff with his buddies in hotels, louis' apartment, ezra's apartment. extremely open-minded but mostly sticks to his rough dom persona (unless he's with ezra or someone ezra adjacent - then he turns into a bratty little mess who badly needs to be tamed).
has never committed to any person for more than like, three months. took a long time to view sex as something more than just masturbation with a twist - then he got a lot better at it.
his mustache makes receiving oral sex from him a bit of a Trip, but he's very not bad at it - mostly through trial and error.
cis woman. has never really doubted this about herself, but it was easy for her to wrap her head around cass and jm's gender non-conforming swagger because they were so confident and she never really knew them as anything else
realized her sexuality was not hetero from a very, very young age. in fact, liking men came up much later in life. women, more feminine people - her attraction to them has always made more sense to her.
mack herself is still quite feminine, however. not quite butch, not quite a complete femme either. some secret third thing. she definitely looks more femme around cass, though - cass can dress more edgy and carry themselves more intensely.
being poly was also something that just kind of made sense to her very quickly. when mack was younger, she saw her complete and utter queerness as a complete rejection of everything her father stood for, so she really leaned into that. now she's a lot more comfortable just being who she is because that's...who she is.
bla bla idris is homophobic bla bla cass and mack were always seen as Very Good Friends and mack is now very open about her relationships with cass and jm - very affectionate in public, quick to introduce both of them as her partners, etc.
definitely the switchiest of the three in the bedroom. loves having control and feeling powerful - which makes giving those things up so refreshing and such a turn on. likes really intense, passionate sex, even with people who are strictly sexual partners, friends with benefits, etc.
fucking loves oral sex - receiving, mostly, because she can be a bit indulgent like that.
probably one of the more straightforward of my muses. very masculine (despite his long hair and the fact that he's a sensitive tortured artist, which like, okay, are we really going to go there)
used to use his paintings to get people to sleep with him like in the titanic (ive never seen it)
cis man. bisexual. most likely monogamous, but i can also see him enjoying multiple partners and spreading his affections. can also see him engaging in relationship anarchy. who's to say!
very dominant but not rough or overbearing like louis, kieran, etc. more of a gentle dom, unless he's really into it - then he gets more intense and grabby. hates dirty talk, however.
deserves to get fucked in the ass more than he is currently getting fucked in the ass. i think if he got pegged he would see god. he's reluctant to give up that control though - he thinks so much of his appeal comes from his dominance and how much he loves topping.
exploring gender identity and expression came naturally, especially considering who their parents are. knew they were gender non-conforming / non-binary from a young age. they/she pronouns mostly result from an ambivalence to the system writ large - rachel knows who they are and they don't really care whether you know it or not, too.
definitely more butch than anything else, but i don't see them strictly adhering to these very rigid classifications.
like mack, rachel realized their attraction to more feminine individuals before they realized they could also like men or more masculine individuals. having the capacity to do so was actually quite a surprise in her 20s. still, rachel vastly, vastly prefers women and more feminine individuals.
likes topping. thinks being a pillow princess or anything adjacent is downright shameful. gets really, really into sex like she's been worked up and frustrated for years. in reality, she can get laid pretty much whenever she wants, and she's not too good for some quick and dirty masturbation, especially in the shower after a godawful shift.
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Ok,,hear me out,,poly yanderes Pim and Charlie,, maybe they met you on a job as the person who needed help and Pim can't believe someone as lovely as you was so sad!! Dude because absolutely obsessed with making sure your happy and taken care off. Charlie feels like he'd be a more reluctant yandere at first, and after he falls for the darling he'd still be pretty chill. (I haven't watched the show in full, so I apologize if this isn't in character ^^)
DNFNDDNDNDJ Anon aaaaaaaaa I loved this ask so much, I HAD to write for it aaaaa
It's not exactly the same, but I hope you like it! c:
Pim was crazy. He was crazy, he was crazy, he was crazy.
Okay, well, maybe crazy wasn't the best word. He was… Eccentric. He was quick to develop strong feelings for others, was incredibly affectionate, highly empathetic, and held a certain naivety for the world around him, despite his age. In fact, Charlie thought Pim was a great balance for him. Charlie didn't think himself a cynic, (more of a realist, really,) but Pim's almost constant optimism was a great pick-me-up, and besides that, he was a great friend and person. A perfect fit for the job of making people happy. Though, the guy couldn't help becoming a bit too invested in a client and their feelings. Pim could see a client's distress and become upset, himself. Charlie, however, took a more realistic, less emotional approach. Sure, it sucked when they couldn't make someone's day better, but hey, no one's perfect. For Pim, a frowning client meant a personal failure. For Charlie… Well, he tried his best, and the moment he went off the clock, he really didn't want to worry about work anymore. His Ma always said he'd be a good therapist, able to separate himself from certain people and situations so as to not dwell on them too much. That's what made the two of them such a great team.
The point was that Pim had his share of eccentricities, as did Charlie, and the yellow critter was well aware of that and accepted his friend for who he was. What Charlie did not accept was Pim projecting his shit onto him! 
The critter groaned softly as he sank onto his bed, rubbing the bridge of his snout. Freaking Pim…
Digging out his phone, Charlie squinted up at the screen as he scrolled through his friend's recent messages. A bunch of nonsense about how badly they needed you, how you deserved to be taken care of, that he knows Charlie feels the same, that they need to-
Charlie made a face, swiping away from the messages. Ugh, he didn't want to deal with this right now. He grumbled to himself as he set his alarm, placing his phone facedown on the nightstand beside him before settling in for the night. Turning over to face the wall, Charlie let his eyes fall shut as his mind began to wander. 
God, Pim had been acting so weird. Whatever the hell had come over him, Charlie prayed that it would pass. It wasn't exactly out of the ordinary for Pim to develop a crush on someone, what with the whole Shrimp and Jennifer thing, but a crush was one thing. Obsessive infatuation was on a whole different level. Charlie gritted his teeth. Ugh, whatever. Whatever! Pim could be a weirdo if he wanted, but he didn't have to drag him into it. Charlie didn't need you...
Well. Okay, maybe a little. But, you know, that's normal! Friends needed each other. They thought about each other all the time, craved each other's companionship. And hell, the three of you had hit it off so well when he and Pim first met you as their client. In fact, it was the most fun Charlie had had on a job in a long while. It was a blast hanging out with you - getting you out of the house, seeing the sights around the city, going to Daveland, shooting the shit and making each other laugh. And your smile… He loved your smile. It made his chest feel so warm and light. And, God, were there butterflies in his stomach?
… What was he saying? Oh, right. Despite making you happy in the moment, it was clear that your unhappiness hadn't stemmed from a particularly bad day, but an ongoing mental health issue - which he and Pim wanted to help with! But, they weren't exactly mental health professionals. So, Pim had set up an appointment to get you a psychiatrist (and offered to come with, in case you were especially nervous), and Charlie had recommended a few therapists in the area. Besides that, he and Pim made sure to text you often, and hang out at yours or one of their places, or around the city. You were always incredibly grateful, even stating that you didn't deserve it, but the two smiling friends were quick to dissuade those thoughts. Your friendship and knowing that they were helping someone out was gift enough.
And everything was great and fine and chill, until Pim started acting off. Like, really off. Pim never half-assed jobs! But now, all he seemed to be able to think about was getting the job done so he could get back to you. And, well… Okay, maybe that was a bit hypocritical. Charlie, on occasion, would tune out of whatever they were doing to think about you or text you or… But, hey, that was usual for him, right? Charlie usually took a backseat with clients, emotionally speaking. He wasn't usually too invested. He wasn't the one acting weird here, Pim was. Unlike his friend, Charlie hadn't changed his behavior at all, and he couldn't believe his best friend would try to convince him otherwise. Just because he daydreamt about you or constantly had you on his mind or made sure to text you consistently and got nervous if you didn't respond right away or went out of his way to go to places he knew you'd be or walked by your home before going to his own every night to make sure you were safe, it-... That. That didn't mean anything. It didn't.
He… This was so stupid. He didn't want to think about this anymore. He just wanted to go to sleep. He'd go to sleep and never, ever think about this again for forever. Or until the morning. Whichever came first. 
Just. Sleep. Just go to sleep. All he had to do was sleep. Come on. The critter let out a frustrated growl as he clenched his eyes shut, closed eyes boring deeply into the darkness that made up his vision. He focused so intensely that colors began to pop up within the blackness, swirling in asymmetrical patterns across his vision. 
Charlie sighed deeply, body shuddering as he did. Freaking Pim, this was all his fault. Making him paranoid about you. Was this his plan or something? To try to reverse-psychology his way into convincing Charlie to not go for you-
Wait, no. No. Where did that thought come from? He… Charlie didn't like you like that.
… Or did he?
And when Pim sent those messages, it made it sound like… Like he wanted the both of them to share you, take care of you, to make you happy. Butterflies fluttered in Charlie's stomach again, and underneath his fur, his face burned.
God, what a mess. He was too tired for this. Too tired to deal with this and having to get up early in the morning. He just wanted to sleep, but you and Pim haunted his thoughts.
Charlie let his whole body go loose. Fine. Maybe… Maybe Pim was right. His brain could think up whatever weird bullshit it wanted, just let him sleep and he'll deal with the ramifications in the morning. He didn't care.
He imagined… You. Lying prone on under his covers, Charlie felt his fingers twitch, itching to reach out and touch you. So, in his mind, he did. He was a big guy, and despite not being particularly affectionate, he'd been told he gives great hugs. Would you think so, too? Did you imagine what it would be like in his hold? His body so close it was like you were melding together, the shapes of your body fitting together perfectly. 
And you'd be… Maybe on a picnic? Or having fun at Daveland? Some sort of fancy restaurant that he couldn't actually afford? Nah, Charlie didn't really need anything fancy to be with the person he loved. The… The people he loved. You and he and Pim, chilling at his place. It'd be late at night. He'd put a movie in that you'd already seen before like a million times, but you still loved watching it. You in his lap, using him as a pillow as you laid back, and Pim able to sit in your lap thanks to his small stature.
You'd eat comfort food and snacks together, repeating the lines you'd memorized by heart and cracking jokes and making each other laugh. You might not even make it through the entire movie. Charlie figured he wouldn't. He'd feel… So warm. So nice and warm and safe and… Complete. Holding the two of you, the two people he loved most in the world, falling asleep with the feel of you and Pim close to his heart.
And then Charlie shot up, morning light flitting in through slightly parted curtains as he alarmed blared loudly next to him. Turning, he fumbled with his phone before finally dismissing the alarm and plunging the room back into silence.
God, morning already?
Charlie groaned, rubbing the sleepiness from his face with both of his hands, fingers brushing against his snout. Sighing heavily, Charlie squinted down at his phone, eyes burning at the sudden light. He managed to open his messages - two recent ones. A good morning text from you, and one from Pim. The critter's heart fluttered, from affection and anxiety.
Charlie bit his lip, before shaking his head and begrudgingly getting out of bed, away from the warmth and comfort of the blankets and his fantasies.
Mornin', Charlie! I hope you thought over what I said yesterday. I'll see you later!
Pim… Pim had been right. He did need you. He wanted to be with you. He wanted to take care of you. They both did.
But, that didn't mean Pim wasn't crazy. It just meant they both were.
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Disclaimer - the following scenes shall be talked about as they are seen through my own two gay ass eyes, the gayz gaze™. To add, on this blog we kiss the ground Lucius walks on but it is also run by an Izzy Hands apologist. Take that as you will. Ye have been warned.
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I gotta gush about this whole scene. I just gotta.
Both because it makes me happy on a personal level™ and because it gives me an excuse to write bullshit about Lucius and Izzy and how their personalities are wonderfully opposed in this scene. Like, these two motherfuckers even have opposing views on how love works and what it does to a person.
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This. This is art. Now, is this confirmation Lucius is poly? Nah, I don't think so, but as someone who's Extremely tired of the "you belong to me"/"I belong to you" possessive bullshit that comes across as completely unromantic and creepily (and accidentally) unhinged 99% of the time, I'm just happy we got this line. Because yes, to Lucius, it isn't about owning each other! But about different entities liking and respecting each other, seeing the other as an equal. Throughout the season, we see him and Black Pete actually communicate and express their feelings, fears and genuinely try to help and understand each other… There's just so much sincerity in it all.
Meanwhile Izzy. The pint-sized whore who, can we agree, has some weird thing going on with Ed? Like, it's repressed gay yearning™, right? Much to talk about this lil' freak, this wet purse dog (both affectionate). This man has seen things™, okay? He's been the one alongside Blackbeard (not Ed, mind you), for a very long time and, in the fashion of a proverbial suburban (house)wife (and her husband is quite openly cheating on her with his new coworker) scorned, has dedicated his best years to serving him (and got nothing in return???). He's seen Blackbeard, he knows him, what the man of the myths is capable of, what he has done and what he can do again. Izzy has first-hand experience with how Blackbeard's traumatic experiences (his father, then Hornigold etc.) have shaped him and convinced him he must enact violence for self-preservation and just plain survival (simplifying, obviously). So, I reckon Izzy has probably gotten some of that Hornigold treatment from Ed. And honestly, I'm pretty convinced that THE Izzy "trapped in the wrong genre" Hands has a similar background of poverty and punishing violence Ed has. So before Ed grows "erratic" and unpredictable and Izzy has to step in to “control” it, Blackbeard's been the only part of Ed he has known. It's the persona Izzy thinks he knows how to deal with and serve. The one he can gratify and get things from, one he can nudge and shape and the one he just knows how to interact with. In some ways, I think Izzy defines his own self worth and self-respect in respect to Blackbeard. Like he doesn't know what else he's really good for. Sure, he insults Ed, threatens to leave, BUT he then apologizes, comes back, is a "sentimental bastard" who goes around the whole of fucking Nassau telling Spanish Jackie of the petty things Stede does that make him angry, jealous one might say.
And unlike Lucius and Black Pete, who can be a wonderful duo (and I'd like to see more of that in season 2 because Lucius isn't DEAD, repeat it with me-), who can exist outside their relationship to the other, who have other shit going on in their lives, Izzy, on the other hand… Well, he has dedicated himself to his captain. The one he has only a subtextual, unsaid relationship with. And he's mostly fine with that. He doesn't want to define whatever the hell his mind's got going on for Blackbeard. But the moment Stede enters, yeah… And then, he sees Blackbeard gradually (not even THAT gradually, mind you) "degrade" into Ed, and while it's absolutely funny to us, Izzy really is completely confused by what Stede has done to his captain. How? What? And Izzy's just such an insecure git. The only way his fever dream lizard brain imagination could've thought those two were fucking on the deck is if he had some real insecurities about it all (his face goes through three phases - first, the shock and initial disgust, second, slow realization of some feelings™ and basically a sad "oh my god" cry for help and third, righteous fury followed by an angry "OH MY GOD" this time). And then let's not forget about the symbolic failure to perform of the getting Blackbeard out of the belts (or whatever the hell those are?) scene, as some great meta writers have pointed out. And then the "you think you know everything" of it all. Dizzy Izzy really is one emotionally constipated individual.
But honestly, it's not completely his fault. Hell, for all he knows, Ed has never existed, because Ed had been keeping up the performance of Blackbeard for a very long fucking time, not exposing much of anything to other people. And I'd say, even the little he had shown, most of it was shown to Izzy who got the "Excuse ME, only I get to call him Edward" privileges. Blackbeard has also set, or at least shaped, the standard of what Izzy thinks is a “real man”, Izzy probably not sufficiently picking up on the traumatic, self-hating and self-preserving aspects of Ed’s Blackbeard invention.
Now, let's go back to the beginning - "we don't own each other". Bitch, Izzy cannot comprehend that. HE is the only one who gets to call his captain Edward, he is there to serve him and do what he is commanded to do. And in return for his generous service, he thinks Ed owes him, that he owns what Ed is and gets to be, because after all, he thinks he knows Ed best.
Lucius is open, sassy, talks back and doesn't overcompensate, he is his own person, one that says what he thinks and wants and does something about it. Izzy is all about the unspoken duties and intricate rituals™ babey, he keeps that shit locked away but so easy to fucking spot from a mile away by someone like Lucius.
And Lucius sees through it - the demand for respect that comes from insecurity, the possessiveness of something (ahem, someone) he has never and could never own, the fear and reluctance of wording his desires for a myriad of complicated reasons… and what does Lucius do with it? He twists the knife and makes a mockery of it, admittedly in self-defense. And after all, the first response Izzy gives is in the only language he has known to use - the language of violence, shame, blackmail and vague threats.
So Lucius demands respect and gets it through some possibly unconventional means while Izzy tries so desperately through intimidation and instilling fear only to fail spectacularly.
And this that is just *chef's kiss*.
I just think these two should fu- i mean come on, the stare Izzy gives Lucius before telling him to fuck off, amazing, impeccable etc.
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This was my TedTalk, thank you for your time.
sorry y’all had to witness the brainrot, but I’m waiting for some season 2 news and need a place to scream into the void while I wait
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slashersangel · 2 years
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Heyoo! JayJay is here uwu
Now listen to this young ward, listen to this request of a riddle
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I request for a possible for poly lost boys (and michael) x feline like s/o. I think it was cute, Imagine having a gf or bf that's cat like in a way ;-; .. We finna simp :D plus i liked the stu macher one :/
But PROBLEM I don't exactly know what I want with this request BUT I wanna see how s/o would react to one of the lost boys buying her like a cute collar with a bell and is always calls her hot for it meanwhile she's like "bitch..i will claw your eyes out" in a loving aggresive manner uwu
Whenever michael has to go outside for whatever reason, she's like "k bye" but secretly really misses him as soon as he is literally fully dressed and stepped a toe outside. Hugging him from behind and just softly begging him to not leave, he can go laterrr why noooow??? (She lives with the emersons, that's why)
I feel like marko would buy her a scratching post as a joke .. (or try buying her one, michael or david keeps stopping him and paul from buying her cat toys)
Who wants to bet money that they would probably have a pet cat named...? (Whatever name You like ^^ I would name it blueberry :3 ..even though it's not blue ;-; nor a berry ;^;)
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Pls for the love of GOD let her nicknames be "kitty, kitten, kitty cat, sleepy cat, lil kitty" owo
okie bye bye ♡♡
again, this is cute, and it just gives david another reason to call you kitten🥰 and i was literally working on this, fell asleep and it didn’t save, i was so close to finishing it but IT DIDNT SAVE!!! i had to redo this whole thing that’s why it’s so late (and i forgot half of what i put too)
Poly! Lost boys + michael w/ a cat like s/o
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• the boys knew of your strange habits, sure they loved that you slept during most of the day, it made more time to spend with you when they’re awake! And when you turn it’ll just made the transition easier!
• the one thing that they hated about your weird personality, is that you loved the sun, well, they didn’t hate that about you per say, they just hated that they couldn’t be out with you while you sunbathed, well, Michael could, which they were even more salty about. But what they did love was that every time you’d meet up with them that night, your scent would be covered in warmth.
• you could be cold some times, they know but they still love you for it. they know what it’s like to not want to be affectionate all the time, just don’t pull away too often whenever Paul or Marko hug and kiss all over you, or else they’ll think you hate them and while grovel and whine all night. (especially paul, he’s a big baby)
• They notice that you’re extremely affectionate whenever one or more of them have to leave, even if it’s just for a second. You were cold to Michael when he had to leave the cave early because of his family, but once he actually got up to leave, you threw yourself onto him and wouldn’t let him actually leave, whining about how he could just leave later, and just stay a few more hours minutes, please? And he ended up not leaving the cave until you were ready, nearing the early morning when the boys had to flee back into the darker part of the cave.
• they all definitely joke about you being a cat, calling you kitty is the usual now. The joke went as far as Paul and Marko getting you a collar with a little bell, which they both earned a slap across the face and an evil look when they tried putting it on you. You also didn’t talk to them for half of the night. You ended up putting the collar on as an apology, they were sulking because you were mad at them, and you promised to cuddle them as much as they wanted. They all kept complimenting you about the collar, Paul and Marko thought it was hot, Michael was so flustered that you actually wore it, David kept calling you kitten and not your actual name, and Dwayne was too respectful to comment on it other than a small “it looks nice.” but really, he loved it.
• They are also used to you randomly biting them. Take Dwayne as an example. You were standing near the bikes at the boardwalk, Dwayne was sitting on his bike with a book in hand. You walked up to him and stood in front of him wordlessly. When he looks up at you, you took his arm and bit him, kind of hard. He was confused and pulled away slowly but didn’t say anything on it.
• David was your next victim, then the rest of the boys, and it wasn’t really a problem, I mean, they bite people all the time, as long as they can bite you back, it’ll be fine! Not hard enough to draw blood (unless you allow them to). Michael still has a hard time understanding why you do it, he doesn’t bite you back though.
• David makes it a habit to stroke your hair while calling you kitten, or asking you something with a soft but teasing voice. You love it though, the subtle affection was amazing in your opinion, and many outside people may think it’s weird how he’s talking to you, or might think he’s talking down on you, but you know that’s just his way of flirting. And it’s subtle way to tell anyone that you’re his.
• Dwayne loves just how physically affectionate you can be, he isn’t good with words, hence him being silent most of the time, he loves just laying with you, not saying a word, just letting actions say everything. He also loves it when you bring things to him, stuff you like or stuff you think he’d like, he find it cute when you run up to him with the item in your hand and just drop it into his hand, not saying anything, just walking away after.
• Michael, whom you live with, is used to you cuddling up to him while you sleep one moment, then the next, you’re at end of the bed, the furthest you could be without falling off. He’s honestly used to the mood swings and isn’t really phased when you go from super loving and doting to cold but still in a loving way.
• Paul loves your bursts of energy, even if they don’t last long. He’d run up and down the boardwalk with you, sure! Oh you want to rock out to some of his music, dancing around and singing at the top of your lungs? Of course! Oh now you’re tired and want to lay down? He’ll lay with you, and you can wear his jacket if you’re cold, too! He’d do anything you’d want
• And Marko, he likes that you’ll just sit with him. He could be drawing or putting on a new patch on his jacket, and you’d sit with him, either chatting or just in silence. You have patience with him. You’d also (playfully) attack him and get into play fights. He’d let you win sometimes, which you’d brag about to all the boys, but most of the time, he just body slams you on the couch or the makeshift bed.
• this one time, you were meeting the boys on the boardwalk with Michael, when you got there, Marko pulled something out from behind his back, claiming he had a gift for you, that you’d love, and he pulls out a scratching post :|. and you’re all like, “you have five second to get that out of my face or I’ll kill you, again.” and you didn’t speak to him for a few hours out of pure spite.
• whenever you’re sleepy and you cuddle up to one of them, they’ll tease you and say, “awe is the kitty sleepy?” or “what a sleepy little kitty.” and stroke you hair or cheek gently. Especially David, when your all cuddled up to him, he’d be smoking in one hand, and the other hand would be gently petting your hair, he’d look at you with a small smirk on his face and h; say “what a sleepy little cat.” you’d groan but not move, eventually falling asleep, right on his chest.
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sagessoftwings · 3 years
Hello!! May I request a JJK and Demon Slayer matchup please? Thank you in advance!
Hello! I'm Estelle or Aster. I'm 18 years of age, a psychology student, and my pronouns are : He/They. I'm also Poly-Panromantic Asexual.
I'm an introvert who barely goes out, I usually stay in my room reading manga/manhwa while listening to music. I have social anxiety so I don't do well with a lot of people, especially if it's a crowd of strangers. Though, I have noticed and am quit grateful for, I have very low presence so most of the time, people around me doesn't notice I'm there at all, even if I walk in front of them, they don't notice nor see me at all.
I'm very quiet and awkward at first but once I warm up to someone, I can be pretty loud and shameless. I swear a lot, I tend to hug or have any sort of physical contact with my friends, and I make a lot of sexual and dark jokes.
I'm an indoor person, which means I'm not athletic at all. I enjoy watching sports but I don't enjoy doing them. I do play a lot of board games though, if you count that as a sport.
I'm a night owl who stays up until 3 AM in the morning and I'm usually dancing to K-Pop songs during those hours or coming up with weird ideas or thoughts ( Like those shower thoughts ).
Apart from all that, I am a kind and caring person, friendly too but lately I'm very cautious over making friends because I care too much that it ends up hurting me instead. I commit a lot to friendships and relationships, and I'm usually the therapist friend. I just care a lot and love a lot that I end up bottling up my own problems so that I wouldn't bother anyone. I have self-esteem issues and constant negative thoughts of myself, I cope by making jokes about it though. I do have a short temper and I tend to ghost or push people away when I'm angry. I love playing pranks on people, as well as having deep conversations about fandoms and making theories and such. I like to think I'm a chill person who, when left alone, can be weird ( talking to myself, doing strange dramatic acts, etc. ) Oh, I hate failing, so I work hard to win whenever I can. Be it on games, competitions or school exams, I don't like failing. It doesn't matter if I didn't win first place, as long as I didn't fail. I'm a passionate lover and friend ( though, I tend to call people I love and care for, a bitch, but lovingly 💗 ) Also, I suck at cooking, I'm only good at arts & crafts.
My style is completely androgynous.
My ideal type is someone who's willing to take the time to understand me and to be patient with me. I love a lot and will shower you with affection but I have moments where I need to go into hibernation from socializing so much because it physically and mentally pains me if I force myself to socialize more than I already have. My love language is physical affection, corny/cheesy flirts, and overly affectionate words. I will literally write you a long ass paragraph, declaring my love for you. I'm very supportive, so I want someone to support me too. Free of judgement as well. Also, communication is something I hold very strictly in relationships. If you don't want to communicate with me, we're done. I hate misunderstandings, so please be open with me. I won't rush you but don't hide it from me forever.
Hi hi my love!! I love your name it’s so cool 😪 anywho I hope you like your matchup <33
Warnings: sexual content (aged up), cursing, and fluff
For JJK I ship you with: Yuji Itadori!!
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Yuji is the guy for you if you like a chill manga reading sesh
He’ll set his whole place up for the two of you with lofi music on the tv, candles and mood lighting and snacks
He really out did himself with this one bestie, It’s little things he does to try and show you how much he loves you
Yuji is the sweetest, especially when you two first meet and he could tell you were the type not to open up right away so he took the first step to let you know he was rlly interested in you
Yuji loves to just sit around and watch dumb videos with you, he also plays a lot of video games and likes when you sit on his lap and he’ll even teach you how to play if you want
I feel like Megumi would be his room mate and constantly have to tell you two to shut up while you two dance battle to k-pop
Yuji likes to sit on the bathroom floor while you take a shower and you two just have like weird ass conversations
He’ll join though if you want him too, he won’t tell but he secretly hopes you ask him to join you in the shower
He definitely has those crayola washable shower crayons to give you feel detail on why aliens exist and they truly don’t want anything to do with us
Yuji always notices that your perceived as the ‘therapist friend’ so he typically will pull you into his lap and ask you if your genuinely okay and if there’s anything on your mind
He cares so much he just doesn’t wanna see you unhappy
Yuji and you are constantly playing pranks on Megumi and Yuji has considered making you two a YouTube channel
Yuji always makes sure he sends you ‘Good Morning Handsome’ texts if you aren’t spending the night at his place
Yuji specifically bought one of those headlamps so when you two have random late night theories he can pull his ‘Theory Book’ out (which also double as his private diary which has a lot of thoughts about you in it ;) )
Yuji has always, since day one, put so much effort forth to understand every single thing about you he just adores you so much and honestly doesn’t wanna lose you
Yuji is the least judgmental person on earth, I mean this mans fkn farted on Megumi's pillow to really test if it gives people pink eye (it does)
He likes to send you stupid flirty (lokey cringy) vids while he’s not with you and be like “Haha I wanna fuck you so bad ahhh autocorrect I meant good morning-”
Mans pulls up with a notepad and pen and stares into your soul then be like “what pet names you like??”
If he gets drunk he will spam you about what he loves about you
If you get into a disagreement he will try everything in his power to just talk it out with you cause you can’t leave him now… he got you matching build- a-bears :(
Smutty Smut-
SUCH A GIVER, if you even try to give him head before he gets to you mans will tie you up “You always come first… no pun intended”
He makes everything so fun and carefree like yes it can be serious sometimes but he wants to make sure your feeling good and having a good time
He’ll sit between your legs with them thrown over his shoulders and just suck at bite at your pretty legs
His moans are so pretty but he can get kinda embarrassed so please tell him he sounds pretty
Bestie don’t be surprised if Sukuna pitches in too, he might be a million year old curse but god dayum shawty you is a fine one
Yuji has a HUGE stamina so babes your insides will be obliterated so you will need a wheelchair
Yuji likes to give you kisses while his hand uses Sukuna’s mouth for something better than being an asshole
After Yuji has cleaned you up and kissed over all the marks he left behind he’ll always pull you into him and tell you how well you took him
For Kny I ship you with: Genya Shinazugawa
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Genya loves to stay in with you and will make you baked goods while you chill and read mange
AND HE’S SO CUTE, he’ll come up and cuddle next to you and always ask what’s going on in your manga, he’s so invested in you and your interests I’d die for him
Genya quite literally couldn’t get a word out when you two first met it was his brother that had to say “hey my dumb ass of a brother thinks your really handsome and would like to ask for your number”
Genya can always use a hug and never fails to give that amazing bear hug squeeze
Please teach him to dance, he trips over his own feet
He will however always stay up late with you to dance and he’ll even practice when your not there
You once went over to his and Sanemi’s apartment and saw him doing a lil dance routine in the kitchen while making sandwiches
Like Yuji, Genya will sit on the bathroom counter and talk to you
Genya is so cute, he has a problem with staring at you and just going “You’re so beautiful my dove”
Sanemi has definitely thought about getting a restraining order on the both of you
Genya is the last person in the world to be judgmental towards anyone unless someone deserves it
Genya is like literally the best with communicating his feeling like this mans has the softest spot for you
-Smutty Smut-
He is so freaking gentle with you, his rough callused hands will drag over every point on your body with such a feathered graze and he’ll look up with the FATTEST blush and be like “is this okay?”
But if you want it rough mans won’t hesitate
His aftercare is phenomenon and if you want something cooked he won’t falter to run to the kitchen and slave away
Such a innocent soul but please teach him to kiss, you’re his first and genuinely doesn’t know what he’s doing
Please tell him sweet nothings while he thrusts into you, tell him he’s pretty and such a good boy HE’LL GO FERAL
His biddies are also very sensitive so don't be shy, give em a kiss kiss
He likes to place one hand on your cheek while his forehead rests on yours when he cums
Genya always puts a cold glass of water on your side of the bed when he’s done cleaning you up
He’s so warm so great for after sex cuddles
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celamoon · 3 years
bestie im about to be big brain, imagine kusuke and kusuo fighting over you <3
Bestie that is so hot I love you so much-
I went haywire and turned it into a fic JKDFHSDf enjoy <33
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Warnings: none (the header is just for dramatic effect pfft), Kuusuke. For obvious reasons that was a joke.
Pronouns: they/them
Summary: You transferred to PK to learn, not learn how to pull the Saiki brothers.
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“What did I say not to do??” Irritation creeps up your back at the sight before you.
“Send you flowers?”
“And what did you do?”
“Send you flowers-“
“THESE AREN’T FLOWERS KUUSUKE, THIS IS A GARDEN! WHAT ON EARTH-“ You point at the garden wheelbarrow. Kuusuke had created some micro-organism garden in there and you had no idea how this was going to work. You didn’t have the time to be tending to plants in your backyard every day! You had school for goodness sake!
“Look, I can tend to the flowers if you want. I’m at home all day too-“ the window shattering cuts Kuusuke off.
“Kusuo!” You greet. “Heal the window the poor thing didn’t do anything to you,”
‘When are you going to realize that Y/n-san isn’t interested?’ The window is restored and you’re pushed behind Kusuo.
“Oh? And they’re interested in you?” Kuusuke raises a brow.
‘More than they are in you,’ Kusuo glares.
When you had first transferred to PK Academy, you were not expecting to meet a psychic, pull a psychic, and pull a genius. You went over to Saiki’s place to meet your new host family, NOT pull both of their children. Yes, you’re hot as hell, but like who do you even pick?? Would it be incest if you went poly-
‘Don’t finish that sentence,’ Kusuo glares at you.
“Would it though?”
“Doesn’t matter since I’m not willing to compromise,”
“How about this?” Kuusuke smirks. “One week, and whoever Y/n falls for wins,”
You blink in confusion. What if you fall for someone else-
So the week begins. Kuusuke flies you to school each morning, always sure to mess up Kusuo’s hair before he left the house. He takes you for a walk each day after dinner, forcing Kusuo to stay home. He rubs your head affectionally before you go to bed, and built you a fridge for the guest room. He also tried putting some weird gadget on you at some point but you managed to dodge it.
Kusuo is a bit more subtle. He wakes you each morning with a cup of coffee, and he brings you breakfast in bed when you’re running behind schedule. He keeps you close by when you’re getting harassed, and he takes you to Cafe Mami every day after school. He keeps you on the inside of the sidewalk when you walk home together, and he always waits for you to finish packing up after class ends before leaving. Even Teruhashi starts suspecting you two.
“Uh Y/n-san do you have a moment?”
“Huh? Oh sure Teruhashi-san, is there something wrong?” You turn to her with a smile.
“A-ah well I was wondering if you and Saiki-sun were… dating?”
“Mm,” you couldn’t tell her yes because you weren’t, but you couldn’t tell her no because that wasn’t exactly the case either. “He’s courting me.”
“hUH?!” Teruhashi loses her composure before she flushes red.
‘Y/n are you there?’
“Sorry Kusuo-kun! I was answering Teruhashi-san’s question,” You zip up your bag and wave goodbye at Teruhashi. Kusuo was laughing the whole way to the cafe.
One week passes quickly, and when you’re forced to make a decision you’re in literal shambles. Huh?? Sir I didn’t consent to this??? Why am I being forced into this? Should I just flip a coin and go with it????? Is dating an 18 year old even legal???
“What do you mean I’m supposed to choose??? I never agreed to this whole thing!” You groan.
“Who’s the better friend then,” Kuusuke shrugs.
“Both of you hate human beings how did I become the only tolerable human to you two??”
“Not sure,” Both respond at the same time.
“Yeah, so I’m leaving-“
‘Pick.’ Kusuo grabs your wrist and you turn back.
“Well Kuusuke friendzoned me so I’m sticking with Kusuo,”
“I-“ Kuusuke’s face falls and mans has a crisis. You almost feel bad, keyword almost. He friendzoned you first.
‘Run me through, how did he friendzone you again?’ Kusuo folds his arms and you shrug.
“He’s the one who asked who was the better friend. I supposed he wasn’t taking this as a competition of who loves me more, but as a competition of I gotta beat my brother you know?” You hum. “Also I needed a reason to reject him so twisting words is suddenly the way to go,”
Kusuo ruffles your hair affectionately and smiles.
‘Tomorrow’s hangout at Cafe Mami’s gonna be a date then,’
“Wait doesn’t that mean we’ve been going on dates for the whole week-“
‘Who knows,’
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beomglocks · 4 years
three’s a crowd ; h.k & k.th
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summary : just you and your two boyfriends
pairing : bf!taehyun x bf!hyuka x reader
warnings & other : requested, fluff, idk much abt poly relationships other than there’s more than two people, sorry if this is bad LMAO, tyunning best boyfies, sleepy kai
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you groan, rolling over only to find that you couldn't actually do that. had it always been like this? maybe not, you think to yourself. you groan once again and try to force your body to roll onto the right side of your bed but a firm hand kept you in place. already this early in the morning you couldn't have what you want.
"you're gonna wake him up," someone whispers softly. you peel open your eyes which are heavy with sleep and are lowkey protesting for you not to do that. you wonder for a moment if rolling over was worth slightly waking up for, however whoever was awake knew you were awake too now. maybe next time, you suppose. it would've been nice to sleep comfortably last night but it felt like you hadn't slept in ages and you can only guess why that is. the bed was cramped, and hot, and goddamn, someone had turned off the aircon in the middle of the night!
when you look up, one out of two of your boyfriends, taehyun, is already sitting up against the headboard, completely awake. his head is perched up against the headboard and in his hands is his phone. "were you awake this whole time?" you ask him. your voice is raspy and sounds gross as you prefer to not speak as soon as you wake up but you're curious. though it's true that he was the early bird among you three it was still fairly early for him to be awake.
"i woke up an hour ago plus the bed is too stuffy," he says looking down at you staring up at him. so he had felt it as well, nice to know you weren't the only one who slept uncomfortably. "well.." you let your words drift off into the air as you turn to the other boy who is completely unconscious on the bed. his mouth is slightly open and you swear you can see drool threatening to slip out of his mouth. his curly hair is messily strewn all over the place and in his clutches is a plushie you or taehyun had once gifted him for a birthday, you don't remember.
what a sight, you think to yourself. huening kai, ever the dreamy sleeper. he looks peaceful despite the contrast of how absolutely petrified he was at the sight of the haunted doll, annabelle, in the movie you all watched last night.
taehyun shakes his head with a smile on his face, "it's not like i suggested watching literally anything else." you make a movement that you think could pass off as a shrug but you don't think taehyun can tell. "he said he could handle it and you know i can't say no to our baby."
you move around on the bed for a moment to find a comfortable position to speak to him in without disturbing kai. "plus we all got to cuddle for once, even though it was hot as hell last night," you mumble.
"sacrifices were made," taehyun mumbles. he sets his phone down on the bed beside you and rubs your head in what you think is an affectionate way but he's been working out and it hurts. "ouch," you grumble, deciding to stick by hueningkais still asleep frame.
the moment you cuddle up to kai who is facing away from you, he turns over so that you're both face to face. you don't think he realizes so you just kiss the tip of his nose lightly. "breakfast?" taehyun suddenly asks. you think to yourself for a moment. it sounds tempting to go help taehyun with whatever he plans on making for the three of you to consume however, the bed is just too comfortable. despite it being hot, kai's body heat is a type of hot that doesn't make you uncomfortable.
"can you go make it? i wanna be here when he wakes up so he doesn't think we abandoned him after the movie." kai can be a bit tender after scary movies. the whole reason why you and taehyun hadn't slept well was that, for no other underlying reason at all, kai suddenly wanted all three of you to cuddle on the bed.
it was a cute idea that you agreed to and although taehyun was reluctant, he too agreed to the proposal.
you move your boyfriends hair away from his peaceful looking face and you watch as his nose scrunches up but soon goes back to normal after a couple of seconds.
"we also need a bigger bed," you mumble randomly. you hear taehyun snort a laugh behind you, "when we first moved in, the first thing i pointed out was how tiny the bed was." he crosses his arms over his chest and decides to watch you play with kai's hair.
you turn over with a playful frown on your face, "im not the one who had a growth spurt! the bed was fine back then." you feel hueningkai stir beside you and suddenly his gravelly morning voice is rumbling through your ear.
"bunk beds?" he mumbles with his eyes still closed and a lopsided smile on his face. you tug on a piece on his hair when he situates his body to lounge over both yours and taehyun's like free real estate. "hell no," you both say in unison, protesting the idea.
"im going back to sleep," kai grumbles with a slight roll of his eyes. taehyun pats the other boys hair, soothing out the stray bed hairs that are sticking out. "what do you want to eat?" taehyun asks, getting up from the bed and stretching out his limbs. "make pancakes," you suggest. thankfully, hueningkai is fast asleep once again so he can't protest to the food choice.
taehyun nods, walking away to the kitchen. you decide to stay and run your hands lightly up and down your boyfriend's back. his slow breaths are lulling you back to sleep too but you fight to stay awake. if you fall back asleep you know you both won't wake up until late in the afternoon and that just won't do because kai has to finish the errands he didn't finish yesterday.
you get up from the bed, making sure not to wake kai up, which somehow you manage to do successfully. you make a mental note that he sleeps like a baby after scary movies.
you walk into the kitchen and see taehyun preparing the ingredients for pancakes. he lets you watch him for a while until you go up to him and insist on clinging to him, something he can't and won't protest against.
about 15 minutes into making pancakes, hueningkai straggles into the kitchen. you snort out a laugh at his appearance. his tall frame is leaning forward, the first indication that he's still half asleep. the second is his pouty lips and closed eyes. his hair is sticking up in all different directions as he messes with it because he sees you staring at it.
"you left me," he scolds. "you were sleeping," you defend quickly. "i got hungry," you smile.
"whatever, they smell good," he yawns. "wanna taste?" taehyun asks, holding up a piece of a previously cooked pancake. "yes, me first!" you detach yourself from his back and stand in front of him so he can feed you. hueningkai sleepily walks over for his bite of food to taste after you.
"they're good," you both say. "of course they are, i made them," taehyun says proudly. you fight the urge to flick his head, "i helped." you mumble. "i don't doubt it at all," hueningkai pipes up. "they have a bit of your flavor."
"what the hell does that even mean?" you give him a weird look, waiting for him to elaborate. out of the corner of hit eye you see taehyun smile lazily at overhearing the early morning conversation. "god wait, i didn't mean it like that! im still half asleep for fucks sake," he raised his hands up and waves them.  "im going back to sleep," he announces.
as he starts sauntering off back to the room you detach from taehyun who seems to be almost done. "im still kind of tired too... come join when you're done," you give him a chaste kiss as you walk away from him.
taehyun sighs to himself as he finishes up the rest of the food.
just another day.
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sluttyten · 4 years
Coming Home
Poly Orgy Series: Part 8
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Poly Series Chapter Index
summary: when you found out you were pregnant, you worried you’d have to go it alone, but instead you find that you have quite a lot of support, several boyfriends that love you wholeheartedly, and a place to call home.
length: 21,227
tags: pregnancy!!, smut, polyamory, multiple partners, unprotected sex, the usual poly orgy series type of tags
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“Baby, I don’t want to have to worry about anything in the future. I don’t want you to have to worry either. I love you so much, and the other night I was thinking about the future, about you, about the baby, and really it seemed to me that there’s only one true next step for me to take.” Mark takes a deep breath.
Your world freezes.
“Baby, will you marry me?” Mark asks even as he’s sinking down on one knee.
“Mark!” You cry out, slapping him on the arm hard enough that the sound echoes around your living room.
“Fuck!” Mark straightens up with a whine, his hand immediately flying up to cover the burning imprint of your hand on his arm. “What the fuck?”
Tears burst to your eyes, though you're not sure exactly why. “Mark, why would you ask me... ask me to marry you?” Your voice pitches up at the end, a surprised and somewhat almost frightened squeal.
Mark looks at you then, all wide-eyed seriousness. “I just thought it’s the right thing to do. If you’re pregnant, then shouldn’t you have something stable? A husband? Someone who can help you out and take care of you and the baby? And with the way our lives are, it’s a miracle that no rumor has gotten out to the fans about you at all yet, but now if it does, if they find out about you being pregnant, well, then everyone’s going to want to know which of us you’re with and the answer can only be one, and it’ll just make sense for us to get married, right?”
“And you think that should be you?”
“Well, why not?” His tone is slightly angry, defensive and hurt.
You sigh and turn your back to him so you can wipe at these tears without him watching you. 
“Mark.” Your voice breaks and you clear your throat before turning around and addressing him again. “Mark, I appreciate it and I get where you’re coming from, but I’m going to say no. I love you, and I love that you want to do the right thing by marrying me, but it’s simply not fair to all the others. It’s not fair to you if you’re not the--”
“I don’t care about who the dad is.” Mark straightens up, determination burning in his gaze. “I know the odds of it being mine are slim. I would love if it is mine, like, the idea of being a dad is scary, but no matter what happens, who turns out to be the father, I figure I’m still going to be involved, right?”
You open your mouth, but you can’t find any words to comfort him, to give him a satisfying answer. You don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. Of course, you’ve always known that this whole polyamorous relationship couldn’t be sustainable, though you’ve all tried your best. This news, the little life growing inside of you, might just be that last little chip to shatter the relationship to bits. How can you hope to stay in a relationship with them all when you’ve got a baby? How could you raise a child with fourteen possible fathers?
“Maybe I’ll just Mamma Mia the whole situation,” you mumble. 
Mark snorts. “You gonna run away to a Greek island and raise this baby on your own? And in twenty something years when we’re all doing our own things, we’ll get an invite to a wedding, and only then will we unravel the mystery?” He smiles and steps up, wrapping his arms around you, one hand gently cradling the back of your neck. “Baby, you don’t have to do any of that. We’ll all figure this out. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done this tonight. I just.... I’m a traditional kind of guy, I guess. Baby, marriage, moving in together. Those are all things I’ve wanted for a long time, and we’ve already got two of those things in the works. But it’s okay, I understand.” 
You sink into his hug. Mark’s so warm and soft and with his arms wrapped around you, you feel even more sleepy than you had before. You breathe in, just taking in the smell of his soap and laundry detergent, and you breathe out.
“This feels nice,” you mumble, your words muffled against his shoulder. 
Mark’s hum of agreement vibrates through his chest, and a moment later it turns into a laugh.
Without breaking the hug, you ask him, “Why are you laughing?”
“I don’t even have a ring or anything.” Mark’s voice bounces happily, and he hides his face in your shoulder. “Probably a good thing you shot me down, honestly.”
A while later when you’re in bed, Mark yawning now too as he settles into your bed, you sit up and reach over to rummage through the drawer of your bedside table. 
When you turn back around, Mark’s watching you curiously, and he wordlessly gives you his hand when you gesture for him to give it to you. He watches as you uncap a Sharpie marker, and then you separate his ring finger from the others, as you draw a fine black line around the base of his finger. When you’ve completed the ink band you hold his fingers in yours.
“This is a promise,” you tell him, “that we do have a future together, no matter what. That we’ll always be in each other’s lives as lovers or friends or whatever it may be, you’ll always be special to me, Mark Lee.” 
You turn his hand over, and bringing his palm to your lips, you kiss right beneath the black band that you just drew on him.
Mark lunges up, wrapping his arms around you, dragging you down against his chest, and he kisses you, kisses your cheeks and nose and chin, and you’re laughing with your hands braced against his chest, kissing him when you can too.
And the next morning when you wake up, you find that some time in the night, Mark had picked up your abandoned Sharpie, and drawn a matching black ink band on your ring finger.
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Things are a bit weird for a while after that while everyone adjusts to the awareness that you’re pregnant. And after your first prenatal appointment, some of the boys start acting even more differently.
For one thing, the appointment confirms that you are indeed pregnant, and about eight to nine weeks along by the looks of things. Which, as you listen to your doctor, makes a lot of sense given the symptoms you’ve been experiencing. And that news of you being approximately eight weeks along, and therefore bringing a baby into the world in about 32 weeks, definitely changes how some of your boyfriends start behaving.
Especially after you show them the ultrasound picture.
It’s just a little gray, blurry blob, but there’s a heat in your chest that’s not caused by the heartburn you’ve begun to feel 
For a few of the boys, this means that they get protective over you. Taeil and WinWin, for example, both offer to do pretty much everything for you, from opening doors to running upstairs to grab something. Anything that actually might be in any possible way considered “overexerting yourself” they argue with you to let them do. 
Johnny, Jaehyun, and to your surprise, Jungwoo, all get much more touchy, wanting to be around you as much as possible. And Jungwoo is just a horny boy all the time, to the point that one evening after you get home from a date with him, as you’re sitting on his lap on the sofa in the otherwise empty house, Jungwoo just starts touching you, and you can tell that he’s already half-hard.
“What is with you lately?” You ask with a laugh, letting Jungwoo pull your shirt over your head. “You’ve been so horny. Is it something I’m doing different?” You perch yourself on his knees, bat your eyelashes at him, and push your chest forward, smiling as his eyes slide down to the curves of your breasts.
“Oh my god... Yeah, angel. Just thinking about you pregnant is actually really sexy.” Jungwoo’s hands settle on your hips. “You’re gonna look even sexier, and your boobs are going to get bigger and, uh, it’s not something I’ve really talked about before, because I was afraid the others would make fun of me or you’d think it’s really weird, but the idea of, like, nursing?” Jungwoo averts his eyes from you, his face going a pale shade of embarrassed. “I think it’s pretty hot.”
You smile and pat his head. “You’ve always had a thing for my boobs, you know, so honestly, I’m not too surprised.” Jungwoo leans into your touch, smiling all sweetly even as his hands knead at your ass roughly. “But you really think me being pregnant is sexy?”
Jungwoo nods. “Definitely. Plus,” he shrugs and says, “I don’t know, there’s just something about you right now that is very, very attractive. Jaehyun says so too.”
“I’m sure he does. Especially since he’s been hot for the idea of knocking me up since the first time we all had sex.” You drape your arms around Jungwoo’s neck. “You, him, Johnny, all three of you are acting so clingy and affectionate lately, meanwhile most of the others wouldn’t dare to try to have sex.” 
Just the day before you’d tried to initiate something with Hendery. He went along with it while you were just making out, but as soon as you slid your hand into his pants to rub his erection to full hardness, he’d backed away, making excuses. Taeyong had done the same a few days before that.
“I’ll dare to do it.” Jungwoo leans his head down, mouths at your breasts, as he murmurs, “I want you to ride me, right here. But turn around.”
Reluctantly you climb off his lap, and as you’re facing away from him, Jungwoo pulls your pants and panties down. You step out of them, look back over your shoulder at him, and see Jungwoo watching you with a look of pure awe on his face. 
“You’re always so beautiful.” Jungwoo slides a hand down your side, over your hip, curving around to your butt. He leans in and drops just a tiny kiss right at the small of your back. “What did we do to deserve you and everything you’ve blessed us with.”
Your face heats up with a blush. 
When he pulls you back onto his lap, his hands settle on your hips, guiding you all the way back until your back is pressed to his chest, his cheek touches yours, and your ass is right over his bulging erection. His fingers flutter for a moment, and then he brushes his hands up to your belly, gentle and light, and then he touches one warm palm flat against your skin, the soothing heat of skin on skin sinks down into you. 
Jungwoo’s lips rest against your cheek as you sigh, relaxing back against him.
His other hand wanders lower, fingertips dipping into the crack between your thighs, and obediently you part them for him, letting your legs fall off to either side of his, giving him access to your wet heat.
“Look at you, already soaking wet, spreading your legs so easily for me.” Jungwoo murmurs. “You really do want it badly, don’t you? How long has it been since one of us touched you?”
Truly not that long. That evening with Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong, Kun, Doyoung, and Ten was the last time, and that was just a little over two weeks ago. But compared to just a couple months ago, a week could be considered a dreadfully long time to go untouched by any of them.
You whine when Jungwoo only strokes his finger teasingly over your entrance, avoiding your clit, hardly giving you anything.
“Too long, Jungwoo. I want you.”
“Me? But I’m sure you went to others first. Lucas? I know you love how big and broad he is, making you feel all small. Or Kun hyung? Remember when he and Ten were hogging you all to themselves; you couldn’t get enough of them then.” Jungwoo teases. “You want me? Why do you want me so badly?”
You squirm, wiggling down against his erection. “Because I love you, Jungwoo. I want you.” 
He tuts, his lips trailing down now from your cheek to your neck, brushing over sensitive skin, his nose bumps against your jaw. “But why though? What exactly do you want about me?”
His teeth meet the skin of your shoulder just barely, and you whine. “I want you to have me all to yourself, Jungwoo. You can make me feel small too. You’re so big and broad and long.” You rub your ass down against his erection, your head dropping back against his shoulder. “I want you to make me feel small, like your little angel doll.”
Jungwoo smiles where his lips are against the top of your shoulder. 
You can feel yourself dripping wet, the slick arousal gathered on his finger that just keeps up its petting of your pussy lips. 
His mouth moves, teeth pricking your skin occasionally, and then you feel the moment that he catches your bra strap between his teeth, dragging it along to the curve of your shoulder. When he releases it, the band tickles down your upper arm, and Jungwoo shifts, focusing his nipping kisses on your other shoulder until he against takes that bra strap between he teeth and drags it over the curve of your shoulder. 
“Sit up, angel.” Jungwoo murmurs, and you do just that, feeling excited but also disappointed when his hands disappear from your skin, only to return a moment later. His slick finger touches against your back along with several non-slicked fingers, and a second later the clasp of your bra comes apart. You let it drop from your arms, leaving you fully exposed in the room, sitting in a fully-clothed Jungwoo’s lap.
He spreads his legs apart, and you lean back against him once more as his spreading legs push yours farther apart as well.
“Sexy.” Jungwoo kisses your cheek again.
He scoots your forward just a little, just enough that he can fit his hand between you both, and unfasten his zipper to get his cock out. You feel him hot and hard against your tailbone, and your core throbs. It’s been too long since you last had one of them inside you, and now....
You moan from the satisfaction of lifting yourself up and sitting down on Jungwoo’s cock. 
“Perfect.” Jungwoo murmurs, his lips against your bare shoulder once more. “Love the feel of you when it’s been a while. The way you react.” His hands circle around to the front of your body, one hand lifted to gentle cup your breast. You groan, leaning back against his chest, sinking down the last inch around him, and Jungwoo’s other hand strokes lightly at your clit. “You’re so beautiful.”
With his arms wrapped around you, his hands caressing your body, his cock filling you up, you feel so perfectly small and safe in his arms, even with you being so exposed out in the room.
Jungwoo smiles as you start to squirm, needing to move to get more than just feeling full and having his teasing touches on your clit. But as you move away, pushing up onto your feet, pulling off his cock, you turn to see Jungwoo frowning slightly. Until you sit back down on his lap facing him. 
“I want to see you.” You push his cock back inside you, nice and snug, and then plant your hands on either side of his face, lower your mouth toward his, and start riding him.
Jungwoo’s hands fall to your hips, keeping your rhythm steady as you bounce in his lap. The sound of your gasping breaths and breathy moans echoes all around the space, and you’re grateful that tonight it’s only the two of you here. You feel the sparks of pleasure buzzing and zipping around under your skin; Jungwoo’s hands grope at your ass, his lips burn along your jaw, and you needed this, you really did. 
The orgasm comes over you before you expected it, suddenly crashing through you--walls clenching around Jungwoo’s dick, thighs twitching, unable to hold you up any longer, but that’s when Jungwoo just holds you up by your hips and keeps fucking you through it, his thrusts rocking through your body, elongating your orgasm.
Jungwoo grunts as he approaches his orgasm, low moans under his breath and swearing, and you just twist your fingers in his hair, dragging his lips to yours as he cums.
He pulls out of you as he does, cumming half inside you and half against your thigh, but you don’t mind. You sink down, feeling the mess as you sit against the front of his jeans, the denim rough against your sensitive clit, but at the moment you’re a glutton for that kind of oversensitivity. 
With Jungwoo’s softening erection still wet and the rough denim of his jeans, you start humping against him, desperate for another orgasm to keep this warm buzzy glow inside of you going. 
“Fuck,” Jungwoo groans. “Gonna cum again, princess? You’re making quite the mess of my jeans, look at you.” You do duck your head, looking down at the front of Jungwoo’s jeans where his own cum is smeared along with your wetness and more of his cum as it leaks out of you while you wantonly rub yourself against the denim, making a larger and larger wet patch, grinding forward against his cock, back along the denim.
His hands circle around your back, broad hands covering the expanse of your back, and you arch backwards a bit, leaning into his touch, keeping the movement of your hips against his pants. Jungwoo dips his head forward, his tongue swipes a circle around one of your nipples, his lips then skirt around kissing your breasts. They hurt but right now it doesn’t feel so bad, not with everything else you have going on.
“Cum again for me. I’ve got you.” Jungwoo murmurs, and he sucks gently on your nipple. Your mind falls straight to what you’d been talking about with him earlier, and you picture Jungwoo sucking on your breasts like this, breastmilk on his tongue, and somehow you find that to be a stimulating thought. 
This orgasm writhes through you, and your hips twitch erratically over his jeans, your body falling into the overwhelming pleasure of it, and you can feel the heat squirting out of you, and Jungwoo’s moans of surprise mix with yours. And all through it, the heat of his hands holding you safely remains, and then he pull your forward against his chest, those same hands rubbing soothingly up and down your back. 
“I’m sorry about your jeans,” you whisper to him after a little while when you’ve come back to yourself. “We should probably throw them in the wash before they’re permanently ruined.”
“No,” Jungwoo hums. “It’s fine. We can just stay like this for a bit longer.”
But you feel like your pussy is drying to the leg of Jungwoo’s pants, and that idea is certainly not pleasant, so when you peel yourself away from him, you wrinkle your nose a bit in disgust and Jungwoo groans at the loss of contact. “Let’s go shower and throw the clothes in the laundry. Plus, we shouldn’t stay here like this much longer. Who knows who will come home and find us like this?”
“I guess you’re right.” Jungwoo stands up suddenly, and it’s then that you really get a look at his pants. The whole crotch of them is dark from you squirting and from his cum. He quickly stuffs his cock away again, wipes his fingers along the front of his pants, and then you watch, bemused, as he lifts his fingers to his face and sniffs.
“You’re gross.” You laugh, taking his hand, and grabbing up your clothes before heading for the stairs.
“What? You smell good.” Jungwoo reaches up to touch your butt as you climb the stairs, and you stop so that you can spin around and look at him, and Jungwoo just grins. “Come on, thought we were going to shower?”
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Moving day comes quickly, and the move is easy when you’ve got a whole moving crew at your disposal, every one of them more than happy to move things for you so you don’t strain yourself at all. Especially since they’ve all had multiple chances to look at that little blur that was the beginning of a baby in your ultrasound picture. You first showed off that picture two weeks ago, and now ten weeks along, you’re really starting to feel the pregnancy.
You’re exhausted, wanting to just nap all the time. And then, on top of the morning sickness, you’re dealing with heartburn too, plus just the day before the move, you stood up too quickly and felt dizzy, so now the boys are being very protective over you.
“Don’t lift that!” WinWin cried out in frustration as you bent over to lift a box from the floor. His hand rested on your back as you straightened up. “I’ve got it. Don’t worry about it, what do you think we’re all here for?”
He quickly stooped to lift the box for you. As soon as he was out the door, you looked for anything else that you could do. You hated being unable to help yourself move out. Ten had refused to even let you try to wrangle your cat Miso into the carrier since he seemed to be uneager to leave the apartment and move into his new home. So far most of your stuff had already been taken out before you could lift a finger to help, but now you saw a few boxes left, and just as you moved toward them, Xiaojun came through the door and caught your eye.
Xiaojun shook his head. “Don’t. We’ve got this.”
When you fold your arms across your chest and pout at him, Xiaojun smiles and walks over to you. 
“Don’t be like this.” He laughs. “We’re just looking out for you and the baby.” Xiaojun lifts a hand to your cheek, his thumb touching the corner of your lips tenderly. “Just think, all it takes is one day to move out, and then you’re living with us, baby. No worries about getting home late at night to your empty place.” 
You glance around at your startlingly empty apartment. This little place you’d made into a home, but it had grown less homelike over the last few months as you spent more time with your boyfriends. 
Home was them, the comfort of their kitchen filled with spices and warmth of whatever was cooking up, the sleepiness of sinking into the sofa with a few of them after a long day at work. 
Home was Taeil cuddling up behind you, his nose chilly on the side of your neck, but the rest of him so warm. It was Johnny kissing you hello every time either of you walked into the house after not having seen each other all day. It was quiet chats with Taeyong with your limbs tangled together, Yuta’s little moments of caring for you through words and touches and gifts. Home was Kun and Ten bickering with each other and turning to you to point out that they’re both fools, hearing them murmur ‘I love yous’ with Ten’s chilly fingers intertwining with yours, Kun’s contrastingly warm lips on your skin. Home was the smell of Doyoung and the sound of his voice singing so smooth and beautiful, his laugh, his gentle touches and bright smile when he saw you. It was Jaehyun sleepily slipping into the shower with you, just wanting to be close to you, WinWin silently taking care of you and quietly showing affection through light touches and surprise moments of intimacy. 
You could find home in Jungwoo’s playful, needy rambunctiousness and in his quieter heartfelt moments. Home was in Lucas confiding to you worries and secrets that he feared would make him look weak; it was in Lucas gathering you into his arms and bracing you against his chest, easily making you forget that the rest of the world was out there. Home was Xiaojun holding your face in his hands like the most precious treasure in the world; it was him laughing with his whole chest and spending hours curled together without sleeping, just having the quiet time together on your phones or listening to music or whispering to each other or gazing up at the stars. It was Hendery always being able to make you laugh, knowing the right things to say, caring and worrying and loving you. 
Home was Mark playing his guitar and singing under his breath, smiling out at you from beneath a hoodie, holding your hand as if he worried you might fly away, and most importantly home with Mark was found in him always being the first to invite you into their company, into their hearts and homes.
“Let’s go home,” Xiaojun tells you.
You nod, take his hand, and walk with him out of your apartment for the last time. 
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Miso doesn’t like living in the house, not right away. He hisses at the boys, always bolting from room to room, trying to hide from anyone that’s not you. It’s only after Ten accidentally shuts Miso in his room with him and you that Miso finally mellows out just a little bit. After that he likes Ten. Only you and Ten. But that doesn’t keep Taeyong, Taeil, Jeno, YangYang, Renjun, and Jaehyun from trying to befriend him. 
Even when you’re napping on the sofa and Miso curls up on your chest, as soon as Jaehyun and Ten come downstairs, Miso stands up, flicking his tail angrily, and jumping off your chest, which wakes you up. You just catch sight of Miso’s tail disappearing from your line of sight, and then you look around.
It’s dusk outside, the sky a pretty pale blue with hints of pink and periwinkle clouds, and through the door in the kitchen you can hear laughter from outside. Johnny and a few of the others are out there grilling dinner, some others are in the kitchen. Jaehyun sits down across the room from you, but Ten slides onto the sofa with you.
“I’m sorry Miso doesn’t like you, Jaehyun.” You stretch your arms over your head, savoring the feel of your sleepy muscles stretching. You shiver at the feel of your shirt skimming up your stomach, a slight tickle. 
“Yeah,” Ten laughs. “He only likes me. Let’s hope that the baby’s the same way.”
Ten’s chilly hands slip under your shirt and you whine, smacking his hands away. “God, Ten! Stop that!” 
But he laughs and pulls his hands out, only to bring them to his face, puffing some warm breath into them before he does it again. It’s slightly better, though not by much. You pout at him. 
“I just want to feel.”
“Feel what? The baby’s not big enough to kick yet. I don’t think it even has proper legs. It might still have a tail.” You roll your eyes, looking across the room to where Jaehyun is watching all of this with a light smile on his lips. “And I’m not even showing yet, so you’re literally just feeling up my belly. I have much less to show under here than you do.”
And you dive for his shirt, trying to pull it up to expose his toned abs, even higher so that you see the black tip of his chest tattoo. Ten laughs and wrestles his shirt out of your grip carefully. He drops a kiss on your lips, and dances away before you can protest. He vanishes out the back door of the house, into the cooling afternoon where Johnny and Hendery are grilling dinner. 
You sigh and sink lower into the cushions. Jaehyun’s looking back down at his phone now, but you watch him anyway. 
Ever since all of this with you announcing your pregnancy, showing off the first ultrasound of Little Blobby (as you and a few of the others, including Jisung and Haechan, have begun calling it), and since moving in, you haven’t really had many opportunities to speak one-on-one with Jaehyun. He’s been busy MCing, taking on an acting role, fulfilling other idol duties. 
“Jaehyun?” You call. He looks up at you, and when you hold out your hand to him even though there’s still quite a few feet of empty space between you and him, he raises his eyebrows. “Come here?”
Jaehyun slides smoothly onto his feet, and you scoot into more of an upright position, making room for him to join you in the oversized armchair that you’ve been reclining in. He plops right into the spot with you, and you shift around, getting comfortable, which ends up meaning that you’re tucked against his side, one leg thrown over his. Jaehyun takes your hand, lifts it to his lips, and then brings your intertwined hands back down to rest atop the leg you have thrown over his.
“Yes, my love?” His voice is low, soft, and a bit scratchy as you know he’s at the tail end of a cold.
“I just wanted to be close to you,” you tell him. “And I feel like we haven’t really talked much recently. I miss you. Have you been sleeping enough? Eating enough?”
Jaehyun’s nose crinkles as he laughs. “Mom instincts already kicking in? Yes, I’m getting plenty of those things. I’ve been busy, but I’m managing. What about you? I heard you’ve been having trouble sleeping the past few nights. Taeil hyung said that you toss and turn. Mark said that you were sleep talking about some weird shit last night.”
You snort. “Yeah, last night I had a dream that we were all out eating at a restaurant, like one of those weird ones you’ll find sometimes in America with the fresh seafood tanks? With lobsters and stuff in them? And we were waiting for our food to be served, and it was taking forever, so Doyoung asked the waiter how much longer it would be, and the waiter pointed at me then at the fish tank and said, looks like you’re almost done. And there, in the giant tank, was me, looking like one of the people from Avatar in that big tank, my belly all big. It was fucking weird, that’s for sure.”
Jaehyun gives you a weird look, but laughs. “Your imagination is something else. But other than that weird dream, you’re doing well? Morning sickness still bad?”
You nod. “I walked past Jisung and Chenle earlier after they got home from practice, and they were eating like spicy teokbokki and all those smells combined, I couldn’t take it. Also, I guess my weird food cravings are starting too, because I really wanted crunchy peanut butter and watermelon earlier? I have no idea where that craving came from.” You shrug, and look at Jaehyun’s face again. “But I think morning sickness might be going away soon, that’s what the blogs I’ve looked at say. That the sickness starts to wane at the end of the first trimester and goes away for most women. Hopefully I’m not one of the ones that it continues for, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle that.”
He’s looking down at your belly, and you bite your lip. Was he even listening while were talking? He looks miles away. 
You bump him with your shoulder. “Jae? What are you thinking about?”
Jaehyun blows out a heavy breath. “You’re really pregnant, huh?”
You sit up a bit more, lean away from him so you can look at him more straight on. “Yeah? Duh. Thought we went over this like four weeks ago? Confirmed by an ultrasound and everything. And even before that you were totally on board when all I had was one positive cheap pregnancy test from a convenience store. Why the tone of, like, surprise?”
Jaehyun shakes his head. “No, it’s not-- I’m just still thinking about it a lot. Like, it’s amazing, honestly. Thinking that one of us is a dad, and we don’t really know it. I know,” he sighs, rubbing a hand over his face as he says, “That I’ve been a bit of a jealous asshole in the past. And I’ve tried working on that, right? I love you and of course I want this baby to be mine, like, fuck, how many times have I talked about that. But I want you to know that, uh, even if it’s not mine, I’m just excited and amazed that in a few months you’re going to have a baby. When do you get to find out the sex?”
“I think about at 20-ish weeks.”
“And have you started thinking about names yet?” Jaehyun strokes his thumb over your knuckles. 
Before you can answer him, Yuta appears, perching himself on the arm of the chair beside Jaehyun. “What are we talking about?”
“The baby,” Jaehyun answers, “and if she has any names that she’s thinking about.”
“You should definitely give the baby a Japanese name,” Yuta teases. “Since I’m probably the father.”
Jaehyun’s head turns so fast that you’re surprised you don’t hear his neck crack.  “Why do you think that?” The look he gives Yuta is so sharp, the glare so powerful, you just hide your face against Jaehyun’s neck, trying to soothe him with some physical attention. So much for working on his jealousy. It looks could kill, Yuta would be six feet under. 
“I’m just joking, Jaehyunnie.” Yuta pats the younger man’s hair. “But one of the fourteen of us is the father, and considering how often you sit out and just watch the rest of us fuck her, I’d say your odds are pretty low.” Yuta says that with a smile on his face, but Jaehyun frowns and slaps Yuta’s hand away.
“Oh, knock it off, both of you.” You place a kiss lightly on Jaehyun’s neck, and put your hand on his head, comb your fingers soothingly through his hair. “I literally slept with every single one of you right around the time that this Little Blob was made, so therefore, it really could be any of you. And, about names, I don’t think I’m really going to choose until after the baby is born. It’ll be my choice.”
“How are you going to choose which of us goes with you to have the baby?” Yuta asks.
“Maybe I won’t take any of you along.” You tease. “Maybe it’ll just be me and my mother. Speaking of which, I still haven’t told them.”
Jaehyun freezes then turns to look at you slowly. “What do you mean you haven’t told them yet? Aren’t you, like, twelve weeks along? Babe, you need to tell your parents.”
You know that, you completely agree that you need to tell them. But you know they’re going to ask who the father is, that they’ll definitely judge you harshly when you tell them that you don’t know who the father is, and they won’t understand if you attempt to reassure them that it’s okay that you don’t know who the father is because you know that it’s for sure one of your fourteen boyfriends, because your parents likely will disapprove of that too.
“You can tell them I’m the father, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Jaehyun says softly, tipping his head gently against yours. 
You bite your lip. “Thank you. That would help, for sure, but also, like you said, I’m twelve weeks along. My mother will be pissed that I waited so long to tell her.”
Yuta shrugs. “Tell her that you just found out. It’s not like you’re showing. So you say that you’ve been feeling weird, and you finally went to the doctor to get checked out, and found out you’re pregnant.”
“Just text her, tell her you’re pregnant, and that you don’t want to answer a lot of questions.” WinWin appears behind the chair, leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands. “At least you can tell your parents that you’re adding a grandchild to the family now. One of us is going to have to wait to tell our family about the baby until after it’s born when we find out who the father is.”
You hadn’t thought about that either. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, resting your head again on Jaehyun’s shoulder.
“Don’t apologize for that.” Yuta stands up. “It’s not like it’s your fault.”
“Time to eat!” Johnny shouts as he comes through the door, carrying a platter piled with grilled meat. You catch a whiff of it.
Covering your nose, you shake your head. “I can’t deal with that.” Johnny catches sight of your face and whisks the plate back outside, not that it takes the smell with it, and your stomach rolls. “I’m going upstairs. I’m not hungry.” You pull yourself out of the chair and hurry up the stairs, gladly breathing the air up on the top floor that’s untainted by the smell of meat.
You shut yourself in the room you share with Taeil, and as you sit in the bed, your back to the headboard, you stare nervously down at the phone in your hand. 
It takes a few moments to build up your courage to finally press the contact for your mother, and you hold your phone up to your ear.
When she answers, you take a deep breath. “Hi, what are you up to?”
“Oh, nothing. Just watching your father try not to burn our meal.” She laughs, and you can hear your dad laughing in the background too. “What are you up to? Dinner plans tonight?”
Your heart pounds in your chest. “Um, no. Actually there’s something I want to talk to you and dad about.”
“Are you okay?” Your mother’s voice suddenly grows sharp, concerned.
“I’m fine. Definitely. Can you put me on speaker?” You wait a moment until your mother gives you a confirmation that she’s done just that. Your dad’s speaking over your mother, both of them with concerned tones that you finally silence by speaking over them even louder. “Do you remember me saying I’m seeing someone?”
You had, several months ago, told your parents that you were seeing someone after your mother had repeatedly tried setting you up with a young man that owned her favorite bakery. Up to that point you didn’t want to even tell them that you were seeing someone so they wouldn’t ask too many questions. You’d not given them many details, and they didn’t push. 
“Yes, we remember.” Your mother says.
“So, things have gotten pretty serious with him. Especially recently.” You can hear your voice shaking with nerves. This is not how you ever imagined telling your parents you were pregnant. You’d always thought that cute reveals to new grandparents were very entertaining videos to watch online, but now that you’re in this situation, you don’t think you could do it, not given the circumstances.
“Serious?” You father repeats. “How serious?”
You’re quiet for a few moments as you try to think of the best way to phrase it, but you wait so long that you mom says your name, checking to make sure that you’re still on the line.
“Um, so, I’m pregnant. About twelve weeks along, according to the doctor.”
“Twelve weeks?!” Your mother gasps. “Oh my! You’re pregnant! Honey, she’s having a baby! And your boyfriend... he knows? Is he excited also?”
“Do we finally get to meet the boy?” Your dad asks. “Now that he’s got a baby in you?”
Your mother hisses your dad’s name, and you hear her slap his arm. “But really, do we get to meet our future son-in-law?”
“Well, that’s another thing. Don’t.... I don’t want you to think that he and I are getting married now because of this.” You cradle the phone in your hands. “Nothing like that is set in stone. Right now, we’re just focusing on having the baby. And I suppose you should meet him.” But you’re not sure about that. It doesn’t seem fair for you to choose one of your boyfriends, one who may not be the father, and have him be the only man in this relationship that gets to meet your parents. 
“Oh, well, I suppose you’ve never been so much of a traditionalist, have you? So, it’s not terribly much of a surprise that you’re not necessarily going to marry him. But a baby! Our baby’s having a baby!” Your mother cries out in excitement. 
You spend the next half an hour to forty-five minutes talking with your parents, catching them up on moments in your life, talking about your pregnancy, dipping into details of how your mother’s pregnancy with you had gone. By the time you end the call, you feel much better, much lighter.
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You feel as if the transformation happens suddenly. One day you look just as you have usually done, and then the next.... you’ve popped, the bump evident when you look in the half-fogged mirror of the bathroom.
You can’t help touching your belly, feeling the mound that certainly wasn’t there just weeks before.
“What are you doing?” Johnny asks, coming up behind you. He wraps his arms around you, hands covering yours on your belly. His skin is still wet and warm from the shower that’s still running in the background for you to step into. His hand is such a welcome presence, the heat of him against your bare skin. “You’re starting to show.”
You’re about fifteen weeks at this point, right in the timeline your doctor had told you that you might start showing. After that moment in the bathroom, you start wearing looser clothing, and just find it increasingly difficult to hide your pregnancy from anyone that you’d still been trying to keep it from, and your body is changing in a way that other people certainly take notice of.
“Shit, look at you, baby.” Mark whistles when he walks into the kitchen late one night, and he finds you standing beside the refrigerator with a midnight snack. You’re just wearing a pair of shorts and a low-cut camisole. Your belly standing out in evidence of the life inside of you, but you’re quickly made aware that that’s not exactly what Mark is pointing out.
He steps closer to you, and instead of touching your belly (as all the others have done as soon as they realized you were starting to show), Mark cups your tits.
“They’re bigger now.” His eyes are wide glued to your chest.
“Of course they’re bigger. Once this little blob comes out I’m going to have to feed it with these.” You nudge his hands away. “They’re not just toys for you all to play with, you know. They serve a purpose.”
Mark smiles at you and kisses your cheek. “I know, baby.” He tucks his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, and he stands there watching you eat, apparently entirely forgetting the reason that he entered the room himself. It’s quiet for a moment before Mark finally asks, “When’s your next appointment? Don’t you get to learn the sex of the baby soon?”
You nod. “Soon. I’m not sure if I actually want to know what we’re having though.” You drop a hand down to touch your little barely-there bump. “I might want it to be a surprise.”
Mark steps closer again, and this time he touches your belly too. “This little angel’s going to be full of surprises for us, isn’t it?”
You push your fingers into Mark’s hair, enjoying having him so close to you and the way he melts into your touch. Mark’s eyes flutter shut as you comb your fingers through his hair, he leans his forehead down against yours.
“Mark?” Your voice is very quiet even in the silence of the kitchen. “Mark, what do you want from this?”
“What do you mean?” He murmurs, not pulling back from you at all, but staying right there with his eyes closed and his forehead against yours. 
“I mean, do you want to be the dad? Or are you secretly hoping it’s one of the others? Do you want it to be a boy or a girl? Do you think this is going to really fuck up this relationship?”
“I think if it was going to mess this up, it would’ve already done so, right?” He stands up straight again, putting a few inches of space between you. “We’re all still here, excited about the baby. Hell, even the others are excited and they’ve not got any DNA in the game.”
You know he’s talking about the younger members, the ones not in this relationship. They’ve all been excited and supportive too. You’d taken several exhaustion naps on the sofa between Renjun and Jeno; just the other morning as you’d been looking at a pregnancy book at the kitchen table, YangYang had sat down beside you and started asking you questions about it. Haechan swore that he’d be glad to help babysit in the future. You’d heard Chenle and Jaemin offering to take bets on the paternity of the baby.
“And I don’t know about being the dad,” Mark says, “I don’t think it matters too much to me one way of the other. I don’t mean that in a bad way! I feel like that sounded kinda bad, but like, if I am the dad then that’s awesome and I’m going to try my hardest to be the best dad I can be, but even if I’m not, I’ll still try my best to be here. But I guess it also depends how you want to raise the kid, like, fourteen dads? Or are those who aren’t the dad just going to be Uncles who occasionally share mommy’s bed?”
You wrinkle your nose at that. “That’s exactly what I mean, Mark. This relationship is going to change, and that’s scary. I don’t want this to change, I love how we all are together, but after this, then what?”
“Hey.” Mark cups your face between his hands. He tilts your face up toward his, and when he kisses you softly, almost chastely, for just that moment in time you forget your worries. “That’s a problem for when we get to it, but it’s miles and miles away in the future. You don’t need to worry about that now, okay?” He kisses you again, and this time the kiss isn’t so sweet or tender. 
Your midnight snack is entirely forgotten on the counter beside you. Mark envelops you--his smell and his taste, the heat of his skin against yours-- and you lift your hands to his arms, first touching his wrists up near your face, and then your fingertips dance down his forearms, resting for a moment against his elbows as Mark twists his fingers into your hair, tilting your head to a better angle as your mouth opens to his, and you gasp quietly. 
His tongue touches yours, springing another moan from you, and Mark smiles, his fingers tightening in your hair. 
It doesn’t take much more kissing than that to have you craving a midnight snack of a different sort. The hunger grows inside you, the heat building, and soon you can feel your shorts are damp with arousal and your fingertips itch to undress Mark, your body aching with the need to have him inside you.
“Mark,” you mumble, planning to ask him to fuck you, but your hands are already moving. Your hands drop from where you’ve been holding onto his arms, instead gripping the bottom hem of his shirt which you tug at until your fingertips find skin instead. 
Mark groans, feeling your cool skin against his. And when your fingertips move across his abdomen, quickly dipping inside the waistband of his sweatpants, Mark inhales sharply, breaking the kiss for a moment, just to ask, “Here?”
You nod. “Yeah, why not?”
That’s good enough for him.
Mark dives back into the kiss, making little noises of contentment as you push his sweatpants lower, as you dip your hand inside his boxers, wrapping your hand around his cock. It doesn’t take long for him to start chubbing up in your hand.
“Mm, baby,” Mark pulls out of the kiss, his hands shaking to detangle his fingers from your hair, and his hands fall to your hips instead. Mark lifts you carefully up to sit on the edge of the countertop you’ve been leaning against, and now you’re at the perfect height to spread your legs and pull his cock free of his boxers to rub at the already damp fabric over your pussy. 
You remember the time you almost did this with Kun in here. Things got hot and heavy with him, but the younger boys were just in the other room, so you moved things upstairs instead. But tonight there’s no one around. Everyone’s either out or upstairs in their rooms. There’s nothing to stop you from having sex with Mark right here in the kitchen with the lights on and everything.
Mark thumbs the middle of your shorts out of the way as you keep jerking him off, rubbing the tip against the material, which he’s tired of, craving the direct wet heat of you on him.
“Fuck, baby, why aren’t you wearing any panties?” He almost whines. His thumb glides along your slit, and you shift forward, wanting to have him just slip his thumb inside you, but he pulls it away, putting his hand back to the safe distance of your thigh. “That’s dirty. Looking so sexy already with your belly growing and your tits too, then no panties either. Shit, it’s like you knew this was going to happen.”
“Maybe I’ve just been hoping.” You lean in, capture his lips in a brief kiss, and then say, “You’ve all been so careful with me. I don’t get fucked nearly as much as before, and while this pregnancy has messed with my sex drive a bit, I do still want to have sex, I just think you all should know that.”
“So no panties because you’re horny, hoping to entice one of us into fucking you?” Mark grins crookedly, looking down at your pussy, which you finally bring his cock closer to, and you dip his tip against your clit, moving it in circles.
You smile and try to stifle a moan.
“Do you want it?” Mark asks you.
“Yes, Mark,” you sigh, and you guide his cock to where you need him most, and Mark lifts a hand to tilt your mouth up to meet his once more. 
Mark enters you smoothly, slowly, in one thrust. Your toes curl at the slow feeling, the stretch and glide, the way that you’ve barely had anyone touch you in weeks, since Jungwoo, probably. You don’t think you’ve been with another one of them since him, not having one of them inside you like this--just you helping them out with a blowjob maybe and then possibly a bit of fingering, but most of them were still treating you like some fragile porcelain doll--and that was probably a month and a half ago when you were with Jungwoo, the last time you’d had one of their dicks inside your vagina.
“Oh, fuck,” Mark groans. “I swear you’re tighter than normal.”
“Shh,” you shush him, laughing as you try to kiss him quiet. “It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve had more than a finger or two inside me.” 
Mark moans, deepening the kiss, silencing you as he thrusts slowly, each push of his cock deeper inside you feels incredible. 
You both take it slow, in no rush to get off right now, it’s just good enough to have him inside you, to kiss him, and Mark seems to feel the same. Kissing and hands slipping under clothes, just touching, hips rolling, everything slow and warm and you feel so wet, growing wetter with each glide of Mark’s cock inside your pussy, pants and moans rising in frequency. 
Your goal isn’t to cum, just to have Mark so close to you, but soon there’s no denying that you’re both getting close. It’s been too long since either of you had this kind of sexual release. Mark’s thrusts start to grow faster, sloppier, and he pants against your lips, “Can I cum inside you? What about---?”
“It’s fine, Mark.” You gasp, dropping your head back. “Please, I want to feel it.”
Happy to oblige you, Mark ducks his head to kiss at your neck. His hand sinks to the apex of your thighs, his thumb tracing quick, careful circles on your clit as he thrusts into you, chasing his quickly rising high. The sound of your breathy sighs and moans, soft whimpers of his name, all seem to drive him on, and you cum just moments before him.
“Mark, fuck!” You gasp. You clutch at his shoulders, holding yourself close to him as the sensation pulses through your body, dragging Mark into his orgasm as well. He bites down on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, muffling his moans as he spills inside you, his cum making you feel warm and full, and you don’t want to move from right here like this, just want to stay here with Mark inside you, close as he can be to you, his body pressed fully against yours, your baby bump against his belly.
You don’t want to move, and you probably wouldn’t have for quite some time, but suddenly there’s the tapping sound of someone jogging down the stairs. 
Mark pulls away from you, stuffing his cock back inside his sweatpants, and he reaches out to tug your shorts back into place. He even rearranges your hair so it falls over your shoulders, hiding the mark he’d just sucked on your throat. And then he steps away, leaning against the stove and pretending to study a box of cereal someone had left out.
WinWin walks into the room, his eyes puffy from sleep. He yawns as he looks between the two of you, walking across the room toward you to reach the sink. 
“Were you just messing around in here?” He asks, opening a cabinet door to pick out a glass. “Because that’s gross. We all eat in here.”
He looks away as he fills the glass with water. Mark’s eyes go faux-innocently wide, and he opens his mouth, prepared to give some excuse.
You cut him off. “You’re one to talk, Dong Sicheng. Are you forgetting the time I rode you right over there at the kitchen table? You weren’t so concerned about this being a place where we eat then. I’m pretty sure I remember you specifically pulling me into your lap and telling you that this is where we eat, so you wanted to eat me.”
WinWin coughs, almost choking on the water. Mark laughs loudly.
You smile at them both, and then push off the counter, landing on your feet, and you wrinkle your nose at the feeling as a bit of Mark’s cum begins to trickle down your thigh. WinWin reaches out to you, as if worried that the look on your face is due to some discomfort of the baby.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry.” You walk the few feet over to Mark, kiss him, and then you turn to WinWin, kiss him as well, and turn to walk away, calling back over your shoulder, “Good night!”
Their returned well-wishes of sweet dreams follow you upstairs as you crawl into Hendery’s bed. 
He stirs a bit when you slide in beside him. He fell asleep watching videos on his phone, and the phone’s laying facedown on his chest, the edge of it still outlined from the light of the screen, so you move it off, rolling back to the side of the small bed to plug his phone in before you re-situate yourself on your side, and Hendery moves up to spoon you from behind.
He murmurs your name sleepily and drapes his arm over you, nuzzling his nose against your neck before he falls immediately back to sleep. And you soak in the warmth of his bed, his body curled against yours, wishing you could fall asleep, but somehow you just can’t.
You stay awake, staring at the shadows in the room, praying for sleep to claim you as it’s claimed Hendery behind you, Xiaojun across the room. 
You hear footsteps climbing the stairs up to the floor above, hear the creak of movement, and then the closing of a door. A few moments later, the door to this room opens as well. The dim glow of a nightlight in the bathroom down the hall casts a streak across the room, right over you in Hendery’s bed.
“Sorry,” WinWin whispers as he comes inside, tiptoeing. “Did I wake you up?”
“I wasn’t sleeping. I can’t sleep.” 
WinWin sits on his bed, and in the darkness, you can just barely make out the shape of his shadow patting his bed. “You can come over here. I can help you fall asleep.”
You don’t see what he’s going to do to help with that, but you carefully extract yourself from Hendery, tiptoe across to WinWin’s bed, and slide in with him.
He props himself up against the headboard with a few pillows, and then you feel him draw you in, resting your head on his chest, leaned back against him. His cheek rests against your head, an arm casually curled around your waist, his hand touching your belly, and he whispers, “I think we just need to tire out that busy mind of yours. What is it that you’re thinking about? Tell me?”
So you start talking, telling WinWin in whispers all of these worries and wonders in your head. Concerns for the future, for the state of this relationship, how they’ll all react when the day comes that you do find out which of them is the father because you’ve long since accepted that you have to find that out, though you had briefly entertained the idea of just not doing any paternity test at all. You talk to WinWin until you’re certainly tired out, or at least your voice is.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize then. “You’re probably tired, aren’t you? But I just keep talking.”
WinWin mumbles something that never quite makes its way to words. Then, “It’s fine. You need to sleep too, though. Aren’t you tired yet?”
Not quite.
“Alright then.” WinWin sighs and shifts his head, his lips right beside your ear, and he starts singing to you quietly in Chinese. The song is familiar, but you can’t place it; it’s a relaxing tune, and WinWin’s deep voice works wonders, lulling you into such a state that you don’t even notice when exactly you fall asleep.
One moment you’re awake in his arms, and then you’re dreaming.
You’re walking down the hallway, passing by the door to Lucas, Ten, and Kun’s room, climbing the stairs, you walk along until you reach a door just beyond Taeil’s room. A faint golden light outlines the door which looks shiny and new, recently installed, and from behind the door you hear the cries of a baby.
Your heart leaps in your chest.
Just a touch of your fingertips, and the door opens on a nicely decorated nursery -- creamy white walls and gauzy curtains decorated in stars and moons, a crib is tucked in the corner under a gently spinning mobile, and that’s the source of the crying. 
The baby’s crying. Your baby. You walk closer, and making shushing noises as you approach, you look down into the crib and see your baby.
But it’s not only one baby. There are multiple babies, a whole row of them side-by-side, waving angry fists up at you. A baby wrapped in blue with Johnny’s face. Another that looks like Yuta. A little girl who has Hendery’s big brown eyes, one that looks exactly like Taeyong.
You blink.
There’s only one baby, cooing up at you happily with an undeniable resemblance to ---
You wake with a jolt. WinWin, still curled there together with you, strokes his fingers over the back of your hand, mumbling something in his sleep to comfort you. In the dark, you stare at his face in front of you, but all you can see are the faces of the little babies in your dream.
You shift closer, pressing your face against WinWin’s chest.
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At work, you try to avoid talking about your pregnancy. Not an easy thing to do when many of your coworkers are women, including older women who just want to offer up advice based on their own pregnancies. And they’ve all got so many questions: how far along you are, who’s the father, are you still dating that guy who came to briefly visit you once so many months ago, are you learning the gender, and many more questions.
You can’t help thinking about that dream again and again.
Previously, you didn’t think you really wanted to know the sex of the baby until the birth. But after that dream, you can’t stop thinking about it. 
Sometimes you’ll find your mind wandering back to that dream or mulling over what you think you’re going to have. And after your coworkers repeatedly asking you who the father is, you keep thinking about that too, trying to run through your mind the encounters you’d had with your boyfriends around that exact time that this Little Blob was conceived. The younger boys are actually taking bets on which of your boyfriends is the father, whether it’s going to be a boy or girl, and all sorts of silly bets.
And it’s not only them; the last time you spoke to your mother she was making guesses on gender based on family history and invasive questions into your sex life, which she’d followed up with an inquiry about meeting the father-to-be that you’d edged out of by feigning an incoming call from your doctor.
But you know you can’t put it off forever. At some point your parents are going to want to meet the man who impregnated their daughter. You just have to choose one of the possible men to introduce to them. 
“I wouldn’t mind, I don’t think.” Xiaojun tells you late one morning.
The house is quiet. When you left Taeil’s room this morning as he woke to go to Inkigayo, you sat downstairs in the kitchen, drinking a morning glass of water and taking a handful of recommended prenatal vitamins, watching as half of the house cleared out, your boys going off to work. 
You were excited, getting to see them work in different combinations than normal. 
After they’d all left, piling into multiple vans, it’d just been you, Xiaojun, Jisung, Haechan, YangYang, and Taeyong left in the house. Haechan and Jisung were firmly shut inside their room, probably not likely to wake until at least the afternoon, and YangYang was similarly probably sleeping. Not that any of them would give you the company you wanted. 
Sure, you enjoyed hanging out with the younger members, playing games and watching movies, and teasing them endlessly. But you didn’t want to just be entertained, you didn’t want to just go back to sleep now that you were awake. 
You were horny.
You’d been dreaming nicely up until the moment that Taeil jerked awake at the sound of their manager’s voice calling from the doorway. It was a rude awakening, considering how just a second before you’d been in the midst of sucking off Doyoung while sitting on Jaehyun’s face, having the absolute time of your life. But the dream had faded in moments, leaving you with only the ache between your thighs, the heat that needed to be quenched. 
So now, with all of the others gone, you were left with three choices. One, you could just take care of it yourself, which is the least fun option. Your second option was Taeyong, but you knew he had only dragged himself home from the studio a couple hours ago because he’d climbed into bed with you and Taeil, snuffling and clingy, just wanting a cuddle. A third option was Xiaojun, an eager, always good option.
So you went to Xiaojun’s room.
He was awake on his phone, and the sight of you in his doorway brought a smile to his face. You stepping inside and closing the door behind you made him smile brighter and start to sit up in bed. And when you reached down and pulled the long shirt of Lucas’s you’d stolen to sleep in over your head, Xiaojun’s smile melted into liquid desire pooling in his eyes. 
“I’m horny, Dejun. Please help me.” You drop the shirt on the floor, and in seconds you’re on your back in Xiaojun’s bed, his mouth hot on your skin, lips on your breasts then your stomach, taking his time trailing slow kisses over your increasingly noticeable bump. And then he’s on your thighs, kissing, nipping, and when he licks at your pussy, your body glows with lust and pleasure.
Xiaojun performs oral sex right then like he’s going to be graded on it. Soon you’re shaking in his bed, thighs closing around his head, hips rocking against his face, and Xiaojun just keeps licking until you whine and whimper his name, knotting your fingers in his hair. He moves quickly up to kiss you.
You stay like that, kissing as the morning passes by outside, soft kisses that turn hot and passionate with your hand down the back of Xiaojun’s sweatpants as he grinds against your thigh, kisses getting softer as you spread your legs for him to fit between them and push his sweatpants down just enough that he can thrust into you. And it’s slow, soft and lazy sex in the haze of the golden rays of sunlight shifting across his sheets from the window above his bed. 
Xiaojun cums and uses his fingers to get you off, and then keeps kissing you even as he rolls off to the side, holding you there in his bed even though you both feel gross and sticky sweaty. 
The kissing tapers off eventually. He holds one of your hands, and your other hand absentmindedly goes down to your belly, and you start talking about the appointment you have in next week where you can finally find out the sex of the baby, and how your mother wants to come, and she wants you to bring your boyfriend.
“I’m serious,” Xiaojun says. “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to introduce me as the representative for all of us. Your singular boyfriend, father of your baby.”
You look at him out of the corner of your eye.
Xiaojun smiles and hides half of his face in his pillow. “I think I’m probably not the dad, like, it’s just a feeling I have, but who’d be better to meet your parents than me? I’m nice, polite, handsome, funny, smart. Not to mention modest.”
You laugh and push at his shoulder, and Xiaojun dramatically rolls away and then stands up off the bed. 
He looks down at you, still smiling. “And also, I think one of us should be there with you at that appointment. I think one of us should always go with you, because you need the support, it’ll be nice, right?”
“I don’t know. I cried when I first heard the heartbeat.” You sit up and look down at your belly. “Pretty sure several of you would have teased me about that.”
“Pretty sure several of us would have cried right along side you. You played us that recording of the heartbeat.” Xiaojun shakes his head. “Maybe you weren’t paying attention, but there was quite a bit of excitement and emotion that day among all of us.” He reaches down and strokes his thumb along your cheek. “Just think about it. I’m gonna go eat, do you want some?”
You don’t, so you stay there wrapped only in Xiaojun’s sheets and mentally draft up a conversation to have with your boys.
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You put it up to the boys to decide which of them would accompany you to your next appointment at eighteen weeks, and who will also be the one to meet your parents. 
“Whether you vote or play rock paper scissors or draw straws or something, I don’t care, as long as you’re all aware that it’s perfectly fair no matter who wins. I don’t want any of you feeling jealous, like I’m playing favorites or anything ridiculous like that.” You gave them this task right before you walked out the door to go grab dinner with some friends, hoping that by the time you arrived home later, they would have the answer.
Dinner was great. Since starting the relationship with the guys, you’d seen less and less of your friends just because it was a full-time kind of thing being with multiple boyfriends, plus it was difficult having this love life and not being able to openly talk about it with friends for various reasons such as being in a fifteen-person relationship was not at all common and also because your fourteen boyfriends were idols who could have their careers damaged if word of your relationship with any one of them got out.
Your friends were excited to see you and your not-so-little-anymore baby bump. They’d seen what you’d posted on social media -- the sonogram photo when you decided to finally post about the pregnancy, Snapchats and Instagram stories complaining about the woes of morning sickness and other symptoms -- and it was really great to catch up with your friends, and by the end of the night they were already telling you that they couldn’t wait for the baby shower.
“And we can’t wait to meet your baby daddy!” One of them cries, flinging her arm around your shoulder in a one-armed hug. “Like, you’re dating him right? You’re always so secretive with your love life; I can’t remember if you were dating someone, or was this just like a fling kind of thing?”
“Yeah, who is he? When can we meet him?” Another says.
You look around at your friends. “He’s just really private. But, yes, we’ve been dating for several months. But it’s also kind of complicated.”
“Complicated? Does he not want the baby?”
“Complicated and he’s private? What, is he an idol or something?” One laughs, and everyone bursts into laughter. You try to laugh along, but then you catch the eye of one of the girls and quickly look away. She’s been with you the time that you ran into Taeyong in public while you were broken up; you wonder if she’s thinking of him.
Another friend gasps, “Oh my god. Bitch, he better not be married!”
You try not to look like you’re caught in the spotlight, but you definitely are. “He’s not married!” Is the first answer you can think to give them. “And, no, it’s not that he doesn’t want the baby. He’s very excited, I mean, like, they’re excited.”
That raises several eyebrows. One of your friends nearly chokes on her drink.
“They? Like personal pronoun they or they, as in like, multiple people they?” One friends seeks clarification, and you take a deep breath and stare down into your water glass at the ice cubes clinking together before you give her the quiet confirmation of “multiple people.”
There’s giggles and teasing catcalls from around the table. You feel on fire, like you’re being roasted alive, and even gulping down the cold water doesn’t really help. There’s a fluttery feeling in your belly, so you lay a hand over it and just swallow down another mouthful of water, hoping to quell the nerves of having all of their attention on you after admitting this.
The friend beside you who’d been hugging you, squeezes your shoulders in what is probably meant to be a comforting motion. “So do you know which one of them is the dad?”
You shake your head. “No, but it doesn’t really matter. Like, they’re all excited and this relationship has been going on for a while. It’s serious, and I do love them, and it’s very unconventional, like super unconventional, but I’m happy.”
“That’s all that matters, isn’t it?” One of them says. “You’re happy and in love and having a baby! Damn, I wish I could be so blessed.”
After that the topic turns away from you and your love life for a bit, and you’re glad for that, but you’re also glad to have opened up just a tiny bit about the relationship. To have finally told someone that you’re in an unconventional relationship that includes more than two people, though you’re sure your friends think that it’s probably just you and two boyfriends, and you truly don’t feel like enlightening them any more. But it’s nice to have put it out there.
And when you do get home later, with a box of dessert that Ten had texted you begging you to bring home about halfway through your dinner, you find that half of the boys are still sitting around the table in the kitchen debating, but a handful of them are sitting in the living room.
Mark is sitting on the sofa with his laptop, Chenle leaning his head on Mark’s shoulder. Ten is in the armchair with Miso tucked in the nest of his legs. Hendery laying on the floor, his chin propped up on his hands, and Yuta’s sitting right beside him, watching a soccer match on the TV. Haechan, Jisung, and Jeno are also sitting on the second sofa, slouching down on the cushions, either on their phones or also watching the game.
You look around at them, before you glance toward the doorway into the kitchen.
“We lost,” Ten explains to you. “They’re still deciding.” He strokes Miso’s head, and then looks up at you, squinting in faux-anger, “You know, it was pretty rude of you to put us at odds with each other like that, and then you dip out to a fancy fun dinner with your friends. And did you even bring us anything tasty to eat?” 
You stick out your tongue at him and pull the box out from behind your back. 
“Do you think I don’t love you or something?”
When you hold it out to him, Ten eagerly reaches for it, but you pull it back quickly. 
“You have to share it, you know.”
Ten whines, but nods, and as you start to hand it over again, Kun sweeps in out of nowhere, and takes the cake, then brushes a kiss on your cheek. Chenle laughs loudly, watching all of this, especially when Ten snatches the back of Kun’s shirt and jerks him back, nearly tumbling him into Ten’s lap on top of your poor cat.
Miso bristles and flees Ten’s lap to the comparative safety of the stairs where he begins grooming himself and glaring at the ruckus below. 
You end up with Kun and Ten squeezed together in the chair, you perched on Kun’s lap with the box of dessert open in your lap, the three of you taking turns with a single fork. Your feet rest in Yuta’s lap on the floor, and after a bit, he leans over and rests his head against your knee, his actions sleepy but his eyes are wide awake following the moves of the players on the screen. 
You can’t seem to relax, nervously glancing toward the kitchen doorway every few minutes. And thinking about who it’s going to be, which of them is going to be the one to meet your parents, to come to your appointments with you, it makes you nervous. While you sit there you feel flutters in your belly multiple times, and that just makes you feel even more nervous.
When the other boys finally come out of the kitchen, Taeyong whines, seeing the nearly finished dessert in your lap, and he comes over to beg a bite.
“What did you decide?” You ask him as Taeyong takes the box from you and settles on the arm of the chair. “Which of you is it? Whose egos do I need to soothe?”
“Probably Jaehyun,” Taeyong mumbles around the cake. “He’s pouting.” He jerks his head toward the other side of the room, and you follow the move just to see Jaehyun standing behind the sofa where Mark and Chenle are sitting. Jaehyun’s got his arms folded across his chest, his jaw tense, his eyes deadset on the TV, though you can tell he’s not actually watching the game. 
Taeyong clears his throat and whispers, “Johnny won; we figured he’d be the best in these situations. He’ll charm your parents for sure, and he’ll be good at the appointment too.”
You catch Johnny’s eye as he comes around the sofa to sit down beside Chenle. He immediately starts tickling Chenle’s sides until he’s squirming and making loud squawking laughs while Johnny just laughs at him and calls him cute.
Eventually Yuta lifts his head from your knee to shush them, his eyes still glued to the screen as one of the teams makes a goal. You look over at Johnny again as he’s petting Chenle’s hair while the younger settles back down. And then you look up at Jaehyun. WinWin’s now standing beside him, his arm slung around Jaehyun’s shoulders, and they whisper to each other, but after a moment Jaehyun seems to feel you watching them, and he catches your eye with a sweet smile.
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“How do I look?” Johnny asks, nervously tugging at the collar of his shirt. You’re about to leave for the appointment, and as you sit on Johnny’s bed watching him get ready, you fight down your own nerves. 
“Handsome. As usual.” You sigh, fluttering your hands over your belly. “What about me?”
You push up to your feet, standing right before Johnny. He smiles warmly, a hand sneaking around to the small of your back, and you step just a bit closer to him. 
“Sexy as always,” Johnny says with a grin. “Pretty and cute and beautiful too. If your mother looks anything like you, I can’t wait to meet her.”
Yes, the source of all your nerves. Johnny meeting your mother. Your mother coming to your appointment with you both. And then there’s the late lunch you’re having afterwards with Johnny, your mother, and your father. 
“Hey, don’t be so nervous, sweetheart.” Johnny cups your face in his hands. “I’m great with parents. By the time we come home later, they’re going to absolutely love me, we’re going to know if you’re having a girl or a boy, plus we have a little surprise the others should have ready for you by the time we’re home.”
Now, that makes you more suspicious than nervous.
Typically you don’t have a good history of your boyfriends trying to surprise you with things. Seven times out of ten the surprise ends up being an orgy, and the other three times out of ten are just a failure on their part. So as you and Johnny walk out of the house, you watch the others suspiciously, such as when Taeil kisses you on the cheek as you pass him on the stairs, when Renjun pipes up from the sofa to tell you that they’ll all be anxiously waiting to see who has won the first of their series of bets, and when Doyoung hurries up from behind you to give you a few words of luck and calming for the appointment and for introducing Johnny to your parents.
“Thank you, Doyoung.” You press up on your toes to meet him for a brief kiss. “See you later!”
As you turn to follow Johnny, Doyoung’s hand falls reluctantly from your arm, and you look back at him to offer him a reassuring smile because he’s pouting.
“Doyoung also really wanted to come with you today,” Johnny tells you a few minutes later. “Him and Jaehyun were really duking it out there toward the end of our debate. Both of them were pretty pissed when I was the one who was decided on.” 
You don’t know what to say to that. If it were possible, you would happily bring every single one of your boyfriends, but that is neither practical nor realistically something that your parents would ever possibly approve of. Your parents are not like your friends; your friends think it’s different and sexy that you’re in a relationship with more than one man, but your parents would think that something like that is disgusting and wrong and would certainly try to influence you to choose just one of them.
So you fall into this rabbit hole of thinking, and it’s not until Johnny puts his hand on your thigh, squeezing slightly as he says, “We’re here,” that you snap out of your thoughts.
You’re at the doctor’s office, and when you look up through the windshield of the car, you can see your mother standing beside the door into the office, somewhat awkwardly smiling at passersby, looking nervous as well.
“This will be wonderful, okay?” Johnny reassures you. “Are you ready?”
You nod, and then push the car door open.
The moment that your mother sees you, her face lights up, and then her eyes fall down to your belly, the definite mound of your belly, and she breaks into a smile so wide that you think she also might start crying.
“Oh, my baby!” She pulls you into a hug. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m good, Mom. Taking good care of myself and the baby, with some help of course.” You pull out of the hug and turn to Johnny. He’s standing a few feet back, not wanting to intrude on the moment with your mother, but when you hold out a hand to him, he steps forward. 
The second his fingers interlace with yours, you feel confident and happy, and you turn back to your mother. “Mom, this is Johnny. My boyfriend.”
She looks at him. Looks him up. Looks him down. You can tell she’s analyzing everything about him, filing away little details that you’re sure she’ll want to discuss with you later. 
And then Johnny holds his hand out to her. “Johnny Suh, ma’am. It’s great to finally meet you. I was just telling her this morning that --” You elbow him sharply in the side and glare at him, not wanting him to finish that sentence calling your mother hot. He laughs, and holds his hand out to your mother again. She shakes his hand, still watching him appraisingly.
“It’s nice to meet you too, finally. She’s always been secretive about relationships, but I think this is the longest we’ve ever had to wait to meet someone she’s dating.” Your mother glances at you. “Why’ve you kept this one a secret?”
“He’s too charming for his own good sometimes. Come on, let’s get inside.”
As you sit in the waiting room, nervously tapping your foot as you wait, you look around at the other women in the room. There are some whose bellies are huge, looking ready to pop at any moment. Some who aren’t showing at all. There’s one woman wrangling two toddlers along with her big pregnant belly, looking increasingly frustrated at the two children climbing over her and over and under the chairs. 
You don’t even notice that you’re shaking your leg so much until Johnny’s hand comes to rest on your knee. His voice is low, soft so no one else can hear it when he asks, “You okay?” 
“Fine. Just ready to find out.” You place your hand on his, and that’s when you notice your mother watching you very observantly. 
The three of you chat a little bit, and she tells you that your father is all ready to interrogate your boyfriend, especially since you’d given them no information about him. “She wouldn’t even tell us your name.”
“I can’t talk too much about us, you know. We’ve got to keep it a little bit of a secret.” You whisper to her. “Maybe you don’t recognize him, but he is an idol. Other people might recognize him, and we can’t let word get out.” 
Johnny’s wearing a mask and a hat now that you’re in the doctor’s office together, keeping his head down somewhat just on the off-chance that someone could recognize him. But now, with the way your mother is staring at him in surprise, you think it might draw some attention.
When you go to the restroom a few minutes later, leaving the two of them alone, you worry that you’ll come back to find things in a disastrous state, but to your surprise, after an extended bathroom break due to the number of others trying to use the single restroom available off the waiting room, you return to see them laughing and talking more comfortably with each other, and just a few minutes after that you’re called back to meet with your doctor.
Now, it’s not like the appointment jumps straight into finding out the gender of the baby, but that’s all the matters, all that you can focus on while you and your doctor talk, while she examines you, while your mother and Johnny sit nearby, but then it’s time and you’re on your back with your shirt pulled up over your belly and a technician spreading the cool gel over your belly.
You don’t remember reaching for Johnny’s hand, but suddenly you’re holding onto it while you look at the screen. Your mother’s leaning forward eagerly too, all three of you plus the doctor staring at the screen at the inside of your body, searching for your Little Blobby. 
“Ah, here we are.” The technician pauses for a moment, and you can hear the heartbeat inside you--not the one that belongs to you, but the second smaller one, the faster tiny one--and you can see it on the screen. 
“That’s the baby?” Johnny squeezes your hand and leans closer to see the screen more clearly. “That’s our baby?”
“It sure is.” The technician moves the device a bit more, trying to get a better view. “Is this daddy and grandma’s first time seeing the baby?”
“It is!” Your mother says excitedly. Her hand briefly touches your leg as she shifts closer to see as well. “It’s just too exciting to learn the baby’s gender, don’t you think? How could we miss the appointment for this?”
She’s right, you realize. It’s very important for the father of the baby to be there when you find out the baby’s sex. And as much as you love Johnny, you look back up at him right then, and you realize that he very well may not be the father of this baby. There are thirteen other men who it could be, and it’s not fair to rob them of this experience.
“Wait,” you say. The technician stops, and when she looks at you, you clear your throat. “I don’t think I want to know today. If you can just, like, write it down and put it in an envelope?
“Honey, what?” Your mother picks up your hand from where Johnny’s just dropped it. “You don’t want to know today?”
You shake your head. One look at Johnny shows you that he’s a little bit hurt, but that he understands the thought process behind this decision. He wanted to be the special one here with you for this momentous step in your pregnancy. But worse than Johnny is your mother. She wants to be here for this. 
“We can have a reveal party, Mom. I thought I wanted to know today, but I just think it’ll be more exciting to be surrounded by family and friends, you know?” Well, by that you mostly mean with all of the potential fathers there as well.  “So, can you do that?” 
The technician happily agrees. “Of course, once I verify the sex of the baby, I’ll be glad to do that for you! Your little one isn’t exactly in the right position for this, but let me try to move around, see if I can get a better angle.”
Your mother sits back in her seat, folding her arms across her chest, seeming very disappointed, but Johnny stands right at your side and puts his hand on your shoulder. You meet his gaze, and Johnny smiles.
“What are you hoping for?” You whisper. “When you’ve thought before about having kids, what were you deep down hoping to have?”
“Honestly?” Johnny turns his attention back to the screen, though at the moment there’s truly not much to see. “Growing up, I was an only child, you know. I always wanted a little brother, and then when I moved here I found my little brothers. Mark and Haechan, Chenle, Jisung, the other kids. And I realized that boys are such a mess, such a chaotic hassle, but that’s easy for me to understand and handle.” Johnny’s voice dips lower as he says, “A boy. I hope you’re having a boy.”
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Later that day as you and Johnny return home with a sealed envelope tucked safely in your purse, still filled with happiness from the success of the long lunch with your mother and father (who in the end both loved Johnny entirely and were very charmed by him), you just want to tear open the envelope and share the news with all of the boys inside. It’s been hours since the appointment, Johnny had kept up conversation with your parents, and then he’d insisted on stopping to grab some stuff from the store on the way home. 
By the time you walk through the door of the house, you’re buzzing with nervous excitement. You want to tear open that envelope to find out the sex of the baby, dive into the bags of candy you’d begged Johnny to buy for you, and be with the men you love. But as soon as you’ve stepped out of your shoes and tucked them away in the entryway of the house, Johnny reminds you that the boys all have a surprise for you.
“We’re back!” He calls, taking you by the hand and leading you into the living room.
You leave the grocery bags sitting beside the sofa. The house is suspiciously quiet and still. You frown.
A voice calls down from somewhere high above. “Just a moment!”
“Johnny... What is the surprise? You know usually, it’s...”
“It’s not a sex thing, don’t worry.” Johnny places a soothing hand on your head. “A good surprise.”
“You can come up!” Another voice calls down, and Johnny leads you by the hand up the stairs. By the time you reach the top floor, you can hear that all of the boys are up here, not just your boyfriends but the younger boys too. And once you’ve climbed the last step, you can see them all gathered around in the hallway.
“Okay, seriously, what’s going on?”
“We have a surprise for you.” Taeil says, stepping out of his room and joining the others right in front of him. “Come here.”
Johnny lets go of your hand, and you walk forward slowly. You know that there’s no need to be suspicious of your boyfriends or the others, yet you can’t help it with them all being so mysterious. 
“We all worked really hard today,” Jaehyun explains to you. “We honestly weren’t sure that we’d have it ready by the time you got home, so we had Johnny distract you a bit longer.” You frown back over your shoulder at Johnny, but he’s smiling down at Ten who’s whispering something to him. Jaehyun continues, “But we did finish. And it’s for you.”
He steps forward and lays his hand on the door to Taeil’s room.
“What did you do?” You look around at all of them assembled around you. 
Tired of waiting, Yuta steps forward and pushes the door open. It’s not what you expected.
In place of the usual massive bed that occupied the space just earlier that morning is a more normal-sized bed. And, on top of that, it’s pretty, prettier than any boys room. 
You take a step inside and look around a bit more. The walls have been repainted--three of the walls in cream, one in a dark shade of green. The room’s been redecorated entirely, and then as you turn and take a look in the corner of the room you see a crib and an armchair, a dresser with a stuffed polar bear toy that you recognize from Doyoung’s bed sitting on top of it. 
“What is this?” You ask, then to Taeil, “Where will you sleep?”
“I moved down the hall.” Taeil grins. “We just thought that you need a space. For just you, for the baby.”
“You guys...”
You don’t know the exact moment when you start crying, but then you’re just suddenly in tears, bawling into the shoulder of whichever boy sweeps you first into a hug. They wrap around you, trying to comfort you, but you don’t exactly need comfort, you just need to outpour all of these emotions. 
“It’s lovely, thank you all.” You eventually manage to get the waterworks under control, and as you wipe at your tears, you lift your head, catch sight of the crib again, and you remember. “Oh, I forgot! Johnny and I, at the appointment, I decided I didn’t want to find out right away, not then. I felt like you should all be there when I find out. My mother wasn’t too thrilled with that, but we can have, like, a gender reveal party, with my parents, some friends.”
“A party? Here?” Doyoung asks, ruffling his hand through his hair. “When? It’s almost Christmas.”
“Next weekend? Do you think that’s too soon?” You look around at all of them. Ten and Taeyong glance at each other, looking doubtful. “It is too soon, isn’t it. What about the following weekend? The, what would that be, the thirteenth?” 
There’s murmurs around the room, the boys talking over their schedules, and after a few moments the general agreement is that they do have that day, for the most part, free for a party. 
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“I’m hungry.” You groan, sinking down onto the edge of Kun’s bed.
He looks up from his phone, frowning in confusion. “Why did you come in here instead of just going to the kitchen?”
“Because I don’t want to go all the way downstairs.” You shift, trying to get more comfortable, but that’s easier said than done. 
“Oh, I get it.” Kun laughs. “You want me to go down there, make you something, and bring it back up here for you to enjoy?” 
“I wouldn’t say no to that.” You finally lay down on your back, pillowing your head on Kun’s arm. “But, mostly I came in here because I know you have snacks. And snacks, plus cuddling in your bed is always going to be much, much better than walking downstairs to the kitchen.”
Kun rolls his eyes playfully and sits up, moving around you and bending over the edge of his bed to get at his snacks. You shift around, getting comfy, and tell him “I’ve been craving something salty. This baby just wants salty food.”
“Well, this baby convinced you to come to the right place.” Kun sits up again, dropping a bag of perfectly salty snacks into your lap. He settles back into place beside you, and after a few moments filled only with the sound of you crunching on your snacks, Kun asks, “Do you really not know what the baby is? Boy or girl?”
You shrug. “We really didn’t find out at the appointment, if that’s what you mean.”
“No, I believe you. But what do you think it is? Or what are you hoping for?” Kun steals his hand into the bag in your lap. 
You shrug, stuff your mouth full so you can buy yourself some time to think.  
“I don’t think I really know. I had a dream a while ago, though, with a baby boy. But I think a girl would be good too. Little girls always have such cute clothes, and I know more about girls than boys. ”
“That’s what we’re here for, though. Me and the guys.” Kun puts a hand on your belly. “I want the baby to be a girl. I think raising a daughter, getting to spoil her, treat her like a little princess, that would be great.”
You snort. “No matter if this baby’s a boy or a girl, I’m sure it’ll be spoiled rotten by all of you. Chenle’s already bought a few things, he told me, and then I’ll never want for babysitters, with all of you around. But I don’t think I’ll be disappointed either way, boy or girl.”
“And what about names? Have you seriously thought about that yet?” Kun asks, once again dipping his hand into the bag, stealing away a handful of the snack. And because he’s Kun and avidly listening to you as you both relax and snack in his bed, you tell him all of the names you’ve been considering, he makes suggestions, you both fall off in a tangent about naming your child after characters from movies or dramas or books.
You’re still talking about it when Jaehyun peeks his head through the door. “There you are.” 
“Here I am.” You sit up a little in Kun’s arms. “Were you looking for me?” 
Jaehyun glances around the room before his narrowing eyes fall to Kun’s hand on your belly. “Yeah. I mean, no, not really. I was just... missing you. I didn’t need anything.” His hand flexes around the edge of the door.
“We were just talking about baby names,” Kun says. “And talking about what she wants the baby to be. Boy or girl.”
Jaehyun steps inside the room then, closing the door back behind him as he comes over to sit on the floor beside the bed. “Definitely a boy. An athlete.”
“You just want a mini-you.” You reach into the bag (which has drastically lost most of its contents since Kun first gave it to you) and toss a few pieces in Jaehyun’s direction. 
“No, I just want a sweet baby with you.” Jaehyun tosses it right back at you, then lunges up to kiss you briefly. You twist your fingers in the front of his shirt, holding on even as he backs away. “Yeah, I hope you’re having a boy, but I bet you’re hoping for a girl, aren’t you? Taeyong told me he’s hoping for a girl because he’s already watched a boy be raised with his nephew, and he just thinks a girl will be easier.”
He’s probably not wrong. You often hear about the hijinks and mischief of little boys, and you imagine any son of yours, raised in a house like this, would definitely be chaotic, an uncontrollable whirlwind. Though, you’re sure that due to the influence of all of these men, a daughter might turn out equally as mischievous.
Kun and Jaehyun begin playfully bickering back and forth about names, and you zone out a bit, only snapping back to reality when Jaehyun puts a gentle hand on your knee. 
“Sorry, I’m feeling tired.” You shake your head, and move, trying to push yourself to sit up. “I should get to bed. Growing a baby is tiring, and I have to work tomorrow.”
Kun reluctantly watches you leave his bed, but you kiss him before you go. Jaehyun walks with you upstairs to your door, and he leans against the doorway as you go inside, his hand quickly snatching yours to keep you there a moment longer. 
“Goodnight.” He smiles, a loose, easy, happy expression. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You drape your arms over his shoulders, your hands tangle behind his neck, and you lean up to kiss him. Jaehyun smiles into the kiss, pushing it to be more than just a goodnight kiss, which you entertain for a moment longer. But you truly just want to sleep tonight, so you slide your arms from his shoulders, pressing your palm against his chest as you pull away.
“No,” Jaehyun moans greedily, giving you one, two, three more little kisses.
You bite your bottom lip and hold his gaze. Jaehyun’s warm eyes soak through you, heating you with a gentle radiant glow. Your stomach flutters, like the giddy butterflies you’d felt early on in this relationship.
“Goodnight, Jaehyun.” You pat his chest over his heart. “Love you, and I’ll see you in the morning.”
Jaehyun’s hand clings to yours, only slowly letting up his hold so your hand can slip out of his.  
“Go to bed,” you whisper at last, stepping inside and beginning to draw the door shut. “Go to sleep and dream about the baby. About me.”
Jaehyun laughs, steps close just one last time to kiss you, and then, as he pulls away, he murmurs, “You know I always dream about you.”
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It doesn’t feel practical to be having a threesome when you’re twenty weeks pregnant, with a big round belly, yet that’s exactly what you find yourself doing.
Jungwoo and Hendery are goofing around together while the three of you are shopping together. Laughing, pushing each other, being loud enough that they draw attention to the three of you, but the weather’s recently turned very cold as the winter season truly takes hold in these days leading up to Christmas, so they’re covered up with hats and scarves, and Hendery’s wearing a mask as well as glasses. You find it unlikely that anyone could recognize them, but you continuously try to calm them down just in case.
You’re shopping for a few things to decorate your nursery, for some last minute Christmas presents,  and originally you’d intended to come alone or to ask your mother or some of your friends if they wanted to come along, but at the last minute, Jungwoo volunteered and Hendery said he also had a need to go shopping.
You’d done Hendery’s shopping first, which had perhaps been a mistake as he was now weighed down with his own bags of new clothes. The emptying of his wallet had been encouraged by Jungwoo who was in a very bright mood, and suggest that Hendery buy everything he tried on, from a large fuzzy Nike jacket to a beanie that had cat ears, and even an umbrella that Hendery commented was pretty as the three of you passed by the store selling it. And now that he had all of these things, Hendery was distracted, and neither of them were helping you find the store you were looking for while you walked.
“Jungwoo!” You whine, clutching his arm and clinging to him when you have to turn around because the two of them stopped to play-fight right in the middle of this shopping mall.
An older man sitting on a bench a few feet away watches them somewhat fearfully, but a small group of young girls who are clustered together in front of a makeup store are hiding their giggles behind their hands.
“Sorry,” Jungwoo laughs. “Hendery’s just so cute, I can’t help but play with him today.” He reaches over as if to pinch Hendery’s cheek, and that just starts them off again.
“Ya!” You cry out, slapping at whichever of them is nearest you. “Focus!”
This time it’s Hendery’s turn to apologize. “Sorry, sorry.” He dramatically moves about six feet away from Jungwoo, well out of arm’s reach. “I promise to be good for the rest of this shopping trip.”
“Please. I just want to finish up and then go home.” You curl a hand over your belly as you feel something like bubbles, almost like you’re feeling gassy. And you know the sooner you get home the better if that’s the case. You refuse to use a public restroom just because you truly can’t be sure of how clean it is, and the risk of infections freaks you out, especially now that you’re pregnant and have another being's health to worry about.
“Are you okay?” Jungwoo asks, stepping closer, the light mood gone in an instant, replaced with concern as he notices you touching your belly. 
“I’m fine, let’s just go so we can head home.”
After that, they’re both still somewhat goofy, but they stop messing around so much. Even as you’re in the baby store so you can find some cute decorations, Hendery sticks close to you, smiling awkwardly when another pregnant customer starts chatting with you about some things he’d rather not hear about.
But at some point in the chat she asks you, “How far along are you?”
“Twenty weeks.” You place your hand on your bump. “It’s crazy when I think about it, like, it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long since I found out.”
She smiles. “Yes, but you should definitely enjoy it while you can. I remember my first one. Experiencing everything for the first time. Feeling my son kick for the first time was the strangest but most wonderful experience. Have you felt your little one yet?”
“Oh, I’m not really sure.” You look down at your belly while Hendery and Jungwoo whisper to each other a few feet away, looking at a selection of baby shoes. “I definitely haven’t felt like a kick.”
The woman laughs. “I don’t expect you would at only twenty weeks. The baby’s probably still too small for you to feel a big kick yet. For me it felt like butterflies in my tummy at first. Just little movements, kind of like gas sometimes, honestly.”
“Really?” You rub your hand over your round belly, thinking back to that feeling just earlier, thinking back further a few weeks, feeling random bouts of what you’d thought were nervous flutters. But maybe they were more. “Then I think I have.”
Almost as if it knows you’re talking about it, you feel it again. That little ripple of movement inside you that could almost be mistaken as something else. You look up at the woman in front of you, probably wide-eyed with surprise, and a smile breaks across your lips. 
“Did you feel it?” She asks, her own smile rising to her lips.
“Yeah.” Quickly, you turn to your boyfriends. “Guys, I felt the baby move!”
They both reach for you at the same time, hands on your belly. The woman laughs, “They probably won’t be able to feel it yet. But soon. My husband first felt our son kicking through my belly when I was about twenty-five, twenty-six weeks.”
You hurry to finish up in the store, but you can’t stop touching your belly, can’t stop trying to feel the baby moving. By the time you’re back at the house, you can think of nothing else.
You take your purchases up to your room, and Jungwoo follows you.
“What does it feel like?” He asks, trying to put his hands on your belly again as soon as you’ve laid the bags down in the corner by the crib. 
“Just a little flutter.” You tell him, moving to lay down on your bed. You pull your shirt up, exposing your belly to the room. Jungwoo comes closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. There’s a soft knock on the door, and then it cracks open, Hendery comes inside, his eyes eagerly falling on your belly. “I agree with that woman earlier. You probably won’t be able to feel it yet. When I feel it, it’s not that strong yet.” You move your hand over your belly, thinking, this is so weird.
You knew that there was a baby inside you. Obviously. You’ve dealt with the morning sickness and the sore tits and everything else. You’ve watched and felt your body changing to accommodate this new life. You’ve heard the heartbeat and seen the sonogram.
But now you’d felt that life moving within you. And that was the realist thing yet.
“That’s amazing.” Jungwoo caresses your belly, leaning in to drop a kiss right below your belly button. “Do you remember what I told you that night, when we were in the living room after our date?”
“Hmm?” You sink back fully into the pillows and glance over at Hendery as he comes closer. 
“About finding you pregnant very, very sexy.” Jungwoo kisses your belly again. “Your belly, your boobs. This glow.” His hands slide along your thighs and you shiver. He turns his head to the side, looking up at Hendery then back at you as he says, “I just want to make you feel good, princess. You’re doing so much, you deserve to feel good.”
“I do, don’t I?” You smile, lifting your hips a bit to encourage him.
Another kiss to your belly. His fingers at the waistband of your pants. 
“What about me?” Hendery asks. “I want in, but I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt her.” Jungwoo tugs your pants down from your hips, bringing your panties down too. “She’s not made of glass, and it’s not like she’s been abstinent since the baby was made. The baby’s going to be fine, she’ll be fine. Want me to show you how, Hendery?”
Hendery makes a face. “I know how to--”
“Then kiss her or something.” Jungwoo watches hungrily as you sit up just enough to pull your top over your head, then you reach back and unfasten your bra, and once that’s fallen away, you’re bare in front of the two of them.
“Your boobs.” Hendery groans lustfully. 
You feel Jungwoo’s lips hot on your belly, moving higher to the top of your bump. His hips drop against your leg, and you feel his erection, and when you reach for Hendery, wanting to drag him into a kiss, your fingers brush against the front of his pants, and he makes such a desperate sound, pushing his hips forward into your touch. 
Jungwoo nuzzles against your breasts, breath tickling along your skin. 
Hendery pulls his shirt over his head, sinking down to the bed with you, and his lips connect with yours in a messy, uncoordinated kiss as you plunge your hand down the front of his pants to touch him.
Hendery’s always easy like this, so easy to work up, to touch him and get him going quickly. 
You moan when Jungwoo touches you, slicking a finger between your folds, teasing. Hendery hurries to wiggle out of his pants, and his hand takes over from yours as he kneels up on the edge of the bed as soon as he’s free of the pants. Jungwoo flicks his tongue over one of your nipples and then sits up, kneeling back between your legs and looking at Hendery, then at you, then back at Hendery.
“Wanna suck you, Hendery,” you mumble, stroking down his thigh. His hand squeezes around his cock. “Please, you know I’ve missed your dick, the taste of you.”
“Fuck, princess, you’re wet.” Jungwoo enters you with two fingers, the glide easy because you truly are so wet right now. “Give it to her, Hendery. She’s clearly drooling for it.”
Hendery shifts forward on the bed, and you open your mouth for him. His eyes all but roll back in his head with pleasure as he sinks his dick between your lips. And while you’re distracted in getting Hendery’s dick wet, Jungwoo’s fat tip presses against your pussy, and with just a push, you stretch open around him, taking him in just as well as Hendery.
It feels so good to have them both inside you. It’s been months since you last got double-teamed; the boys are scared enough when having sex with you one-on-one, but doing it like this, the closest you’ve had to this was when rolling around with Xiaojun he’d given you his fingertips to suck on while he was inside you. 
“Oh, god.” Hendery moans.
You wrap your hand around him, and bobbing your head on him, focusing on just the tip, it’s easy to get him close. Hendery’s been without any action except for himself for so long, since at least a couple weeks before you realized you were pregnant. 
You drag his cock between your lips, push down once on him, taking him deep. You hungrily lick and suck, working your very best to get Hendery off while Jungwoo thrusts into you. 
Hendery’s cock falls from your lips, and his breath comes out raggedly as his hand jerks over his length, carrying him to his orgasm. You feel it splash warm across your chest and your chin, striped across your breasts. You moan, stretching up to wrap your lips around his tip again, licking, lightly sucking, and you snake a hand down your body to touch yourself, fingers on your clit as Jungwoo pulls out, running his hand over himself.
And when you feel his cock rub against your belly, you get what he’s doing. His kink for your pregnant body doesn’t end with just fucking you, he wants to cum on you, mark up your pregnant belly with his semen. 
“Jungwoo, Jungwoo, please!” You pant, sliding your own fingers inside yourself, trying to reach your orgasm. “Wanna cum!”
“Ah, baby.” Hendery pets your hair. “Want me to help you?”
You nod, already grabbing his hand, bringing it down your body, but his hand slows as it passes your belly, and before he can even touch you, Jungwoo swats his hand away. 
Jungwoo fucks back into you, his hands touching your belly, driving into you again and again. 
The orgasm shudders through you, powerful and good, and Jungwoo pulls out a second later, and his cum stripes across your swollen belly. Carefully, so as to avoid landing on you, Jungwoo drops off to your side and pushes his face into your pillow with a satisfied sigh.
Hendery disappears into the ensuite bathroom, emerging a few moments later with a damp cloth which he uses to wipe the drying cum from your chest, chin, and belly. He gently wipes between your legs, and then runs it once more over your belly. 
“That was the first time I’ve had sex in this bed.” You sigh, wiping your hand across your forehead, brushing away some hair. “Thanks.”
Hendery laughs. “Oh, anytime.” 
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It feels very strange having your parents there in the house along with all of your boyfriends and the younger boys. If your parents think this is an odd location for your sex reveal party, they don’t comment on it. They don’t ask you why Johnny’s parents aren’t there. They certainly don’t ask why all of the older boys are eagerly introducing themselves to your parents, or question why your mother walks in on you holding Kun’s hand in the kitchen. 
If your parents find any or all of this strange, they don’t say a word, and for that you’re very grateful.
Because the day has finally come to learn the sex of your baby.
It’s been two weeks since the appointment, and Johnny has sworn up and down that he hasn’t looked at the envelope. He hid it away where no one would find it, so no one else would be tempted to open it until the party.
As you’d begun setting things up for the party the day before, cleaning the house, organizing, you’d entrusted one of the boys’ managers with picking up a gender reveal cake for you. She’d been supportive of your pregnancy since the boys had told their managers about it, so you trusted her to do it well.
And then there’s your friends. Your close group of friends who already had suspected your baby daddy to be an idol after that last dinner. It had started out as a joke, obviously, but as you wanted to invite them to the party, and after talking with the boys, you’d texted your group chat with your friends and told them that the father actually is an idol, you can’t say who, just that he is.
So naturally, after telling them and inviting them to the party, they were all asking you all over again who the father was, and you refused to tell them, just made them promise that if they came to the party, they wouldn’t talk about it. You didn’t want to ruin any careers over this pregnancy. And you trusted them a lot.
Having all of them here--you parents, your friends, your hoard of boyfriends, and the other members--was very odd.
Especially when you overheard Mark and Ten and YangYang giggling together about you inviting your parents to a sex party. “Sex reveal party! A reveal! Not a sex party.” You’d cried out in exasperation. 
 As everyone showed up to the party, they were dressed in either pink or blue, depending on whether they thought you were having a boy or a girl. It was interesting to finally see what each of your boyfriends thought as they emerged from their rooms wearing either color. 
“I just don’t own anything pink,” Taeyong tells you, tugging at the strings of his blue hoodie. “But I think it’s a girl.”
Your friends arrive in their various shades, the majority of them wearing blue. As soon as their eyes land on Mark, you hear gasps. 
“What the fuck, I knew it!” The friend that had been with you when you ran into Taeyong during your break wraps her arm through yours. 
“NCT?” Another of your friends cries, pulling you even closer into the midst of them. “The father of your baby is a member of NCT? How the fuck did you manage that? Why have you kept this a secret for so long?”
The hungry eyes and titters among a few of the girls is reason enough, you think. There’s a jealous flare in your belly as one of them tries to catch Lucas’s eye as he passes by wearing a gaudy pink sweater.
“It wasn’t easy, I promise you. Just, don’t flirt with them, okay?” You try to slip away, wanting to go hide in the balloon bouquet of blue, purple, and pink that someone had placed in the corner by the stairs. 
“What? You want to keep them all for yourself? Babe, that’s just not practical.” One of your friends laughs, and the others laugh too. You feel warm now because that’s exactly what you want; all of them for yourself. It might not be practical, but it is reality. “So which one of them is it? Which one are you dating?”
You praise the universe in the next moment when your mother comes over, all smiles and her second mimosa in her hand. “That Doyoung is so polite. Girls! You’ve made it! Goodness, when was the last time I saw you?” She pulls your friends into hugs, and in that time, you escape.
You sit down beside Jisung (in blue) and Ten (in pink) at the kitchen table where they’re picking through the snacks, nibbling and now watching your friends warily.
“How much do they know again?” Ten asks you.
You reach for his glass of water, gulping it down to calm yourself. “They know that one of you is the father, I haven’t given them any name or anything. I did, however, make them promise not to talk about being here today. God, I’m nervous.”
Ten covers your hand with his, squeezing gently, and says, “Don’t be” at the same time as Jisung asks, “About what you’re having or your friends finding out that you don’t even know who the dad is?”
You just groan and drop your face into your arms. Ten laughs but puts a soothing hand on your back. “It’s okay. You know it’ll be fine.”
Your nerves just continue to increase as you notice your father trying to chat with Johnny (in blue) even as Mark (also in blue) keeps trying to get your father to talk with him, and your mother is simply being charmed by Kun (wearing both pink and blue, unable to decide) and Jaemin (wearing an unhelpful shade of pale purple that could almost be pink) and Taeyong. And then there’s your friends, dispersing among the boys, sometimes huddling together in pairs to whisper, sometimes they’re all over the place-- one talking to Lucas, while another blushes as she asks Taeil to hand her a napkin to wipe up the drink she spilled, while another stands beside Ten and Yuta to admire Ten’s tattoos.
“Relax.” Jaehyun comes up behind you, startling you. His hands settle on your shoulders. “You’re so tense, I feel like you need some cake. Then for this party to end, then maybe a nap or at least a footrub, right? Nice bubblebath?” His hands massage your shoulders, thumbs digging in wonderfully to the tense muscles. 
You drop your head back with a groan. “That sounds great.”
“I’ll go get the cake,” he whispers. His lips just barely brush against your cheek in a kiss, and then he’s gone, disappearing into the kitchen to fetch the cake from where their manager left it chilling in the fridge. 
“Everyone!” You call, but your voice shakes and gets lost in the din of other voices. Doyoung notices you though, so he shouts instead, “Everyone!”
The attention in the room shifts to Doyoung beside you until he waves at you, passing all of the attention right onto you. Nervously you rest your hands on your belly. 
“We’re going to cut the cake now.” You move over toward a small table that had been moved into the living room, in front of a wall of blue and pink streamers and balloons and golden string lights that Ten and WinWin had hung up earlier that morning. 
Jaehyun emerges from the kitchen, carrying the cake in front of him. Renjun’s right behind him with a knife and a stack of plates.
As soon as Jaehyun sets the cake down and Renjun’s handed you the knife, you stand alone up there. 
You’d decided it was best if you stood up there alone. Yes, as far as your parents are aware Johnny’s the father, but you don’t really want your friends to think that because it’s simply not a certainty. So all of the boys stand back, and you clear your throat. 
If your parents and friends can feel the pure excitement and anticipation radiating off of most of the young men in the room, they don’t seem to think twice about it. But every eye is on you as you lift up the knife Renjun handed you, as you make your first slice into the cake. An excited ripple moves through the room as you make the second cut. And then you slip the knife under the slice and carefully bring the slice out of the cake, revealing the color inside.
Cheers around the room.
Pink! Pink! The cake is pink!
You throw yourself into the arms of the first boy who approaches you. Jungwoo, Johnny, Lucas, Jaehyun, Kun, they all pile in.
“Careful! Careful!” You hear your mother crying. “Be careful with her!”
The boys all back away, giving you just enough space, and Johnny’s hands fall to your round belly. Doyoung touches the back of your head, his fingers wandering down through your hair, settling on the back of your neck. WinWin stands right beside you, nearly bouncing in his excitement.
Your mother rushes forward and your friends, all gathering around you to touch your belly. Already your mother’s suggesting names to you. One of your friends, who’s already had a daughter, is offering you hand-me-downs. With everyone around you like this, the heat of everybody surrounding you, your head begins to buzz, and you look around, searching for anything to steady you.
“Cake? Who wants cake?” Mark asks, and you turn to see him right beside you, a slice of cake on a plate in his hand. He starts slicing and handing them out, getting people to move away from you, offering you more space to breathe. 
You sit down at an empty spot on the sofa. Johnny sits down beside you, grinning, handing a delightfully pink slice of cake to you. He bumps his shoulder against yours. 
“A girl. A baby girl. What do you think about that?” He asks.
You put a gentle hand on your belly, feeling the baby--your baby girl--stir inside you. Lately you’re more in-tune to those movements. You can tell the difference between butterflies and gassiness and her moving inside you. 
“Eat up, baby. Let this little girl taste her celebratory cake.” Johnny taps the plate, and then stands up, clearing the space beside you for your closest friend to slip into. Johnny goes over to Jaehyun and Hendery, throwing his arms over their shoulders, all three of them cheering. 
“Congratulations!” She folds one leg over the other. “A sweet baby girl. And with a daddy like this, she’ll have life made.” She grins and looks around the room, scanning over all of the boys, your other friends, your parents. “But really, which one of them is it? I’ve been watching you, trying to figure it out, but I can’t tell. You seem really close with all of them.”
You push a forkful of cake between your lips. “I am close with all of them.”
“Right, but which of them got you pregnant?” And then her voice drops lower. “And at dinner you said they, so like, is that they two of them that you’re with, or one of them with someone else?”
“I can’t tell you that.” You reply, keeping your voice low so no one else hears. “I can’t risk it getting out.”
She smiles again, amused and victorious even though you didn’t really tell her anything. “I’ll take that as you’re having sex with two of them. You don’t have to tell me, but I just hope that you’re happy with them.” 
“I really am. Happy.” You lean back, stroking your bump. “They make me so happy, how could they not when because of them I have this to look forward to.” You feel like you’re probably smiling like a fool, looking down at your belly, unable to block out the daydreams that pour through your mind. A life with your daughter. You feel that little now-familiar flutter. “I’m having a girl. A daughter.”
You look up from your belly, catching Yuta’s eye from across the room. He winks at you, and you can’t help the giddy feeling that rises up in you, so you just laugh, sinking back in your seat, feeling more relaxed, lighter, happier.
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Good Thing <- Previous || Next -> gimme that: a drabble
a/n: oof this was a long one, now I hope y’all see why I split the last one and this one into two parts instead of keeping it as one long one. I’m not really sure when the next part is going to be posted, but I do have a drabble to post probably a week from now. I hope you enjoyed this part, like that resolution to Mark proposing, I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s reactions to that ending of Good Things. Please let me know what you thought, as usual, reblogs, comments, likes are super appreciated! 
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pinkesthoney · 4 years
Pairing: Poly!BAU w/ an emphasis on Hotch x gn!Reader (can be read as platonic all around!)
Warnings: A/B/O fluff! probably some errors cause I tippity-typed then copy-n-pasted
Summary: “being the omega at the bottom of a BAU puppy pile”
It was weird at first, being a new addition to the BAU and an omega. On my first day I was hesitant, not knowing how the other members would react. Most of the alphas (Prentiss, JJ, Morgan) were reserved but friendly, with the acceptation of Hotch, who I could have sworn hated me with the way his eyebrows were always furrowed. Reid, a beta, kept his distance but I think that’s just a beta thing. The omegas (Rossi & Penny) however, were tactile and friendly from day one. 
The alphas started taking their cues from the omegas and soon it was common to feel a hand ruffle my hair as JJ walked by or Prentiss to hold the back of my neck during rough briefings. Morgan was the most affectionate, treating Garcia and I like his little rays of sunshine. He loved on Rossi too, but in a more filial way. It took a long time for me to recognize Hotch’s signs of affection. It wasn’t until Reid made a comment one day, crinkling has nose and telling me I smelled like Hotch. Thinking about it, I realized how many times Aaron would brush by me, put my coat on for me, lead me with a hand on my spine. He touched me all the time, just in less noticeable ways. It made me smile every time I noticed now. 
Reid was affectionate in a different way, not liking the overly scent-focused affection of alphas and omegas. Instead he showed his care in other ways by telling my helpful information about my hobbies, rescuing the middle brownie from the feral alphas just for me, and saving me a place by the heating vents on cold days. 
The best part to get used to were the post-case (and sometimes mid-case if the case was really bad) puppy-piles. The whole team would pile onto one bed, or the jet’s pull-out futon, in a giant tangle of limbs. The only rule was that pajamas were mandatory (something about a button nearly taking out an eye??). It was the best feeling ever being at the bottom of an alpha pile, burrowing between Rossi and Pen. Reid always hung on the outside, but he would hold my hand when I managed to sneak it between Rossi and Morgan.
The piles shifted and changed, depending on how people were feeling, and sometimes who was mad at whom. I noticed that no matter how we started, Hotch always managed to end up with his nose buried in my neck. At first I just wrote it off as his alpha instincts needing to comfort his newest member, but after the 20th case, it seemed like more than a coincidence. This latest case was particularly awful. The victims had struck a nerve, resembling some bad memories from my past. 
While I’d managed to keep my cool while we were investigating, the facade had quickly snapped the moment we got into the SUVs headed for the hotel we’d be staying in one last night. It was me and Morgan in the back with Reid and Hotch up front. The SUV doors thudded shut and a high, distressed whine finally escaped. That was all it took for me to break down into sobs. I barely noticed Morgan undoing my seatbelt and pulling me into his lap. The low rumbling coming from his chest was soothing, but it wasn’t nearly loud enough to cover Reid’s distressed noises or Hotch’s low growl. The ride to the hotel was spent with me buried in Morgan’s neck and him murmuring in my ear until I finally fell asleep, exhausted from the waves of emotion that had just crashed over me. 
I was blearily aware of some more growling and a short argument before I was being carried through a series of halls. I woke up later that night tangled in sleep-heavy limbs. I could feel Morgan blanketed above me, holding me and Penny together in a bear hug. Rossi was to my left with a hand on the back of my neck. I think my feet were tangled with Emily’s, but it may have been JJ’s. What surprised me was the firm body below be with thick arms wrapped around my waist. I could tell just from scent that it was Hotch. What surprised me was that he was at the bottom of the pile. 
Alphas hated being beneath the pile, something about how instinctually it was a vulnerable position. He must have felt me moving and sense my confusion, because one of his hands came up to tangle in my hair, pushing my head back down. “Go back to sleep” He said lowly. I could tell from his voice and heartbeat he was wide awake, and knew he would be all night. I settled back down, stretching out my limbs, tangling them further into the pile of limbs and nuzzling into Hotch’s neck, pressing the lightest of kisses to his pulse point. That earned a soft growl from him. “Go to sleep sweetheart, we’ve got you.” came Morgan’s rumble from above me. I slipped back into sleep feeling completely secure and protected with my team.
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What I Think About Some Canon and Fanon Ships!!
Romione (ron x hermione): Cute!! they have been through so much together and just fit together. Their fans are also really nice and pure (except for some Lavender haters)!! I do have different characters that I ship with them more (fanonically) but for canon, they are really good together!! 8.5/10
Hinny (ginny x harry): Meh.....not my most favorite ship ever but still pretty cute.....I think it was just kinda too stereotypical (his best friend’s sister has a crush on him) blah, blah, blah! I think it would’ve been better if Ginny was just more confident and independent (like she was in the books) but overall it’s a pretty decent ship. 6.5/10
Remadora (tonks x remus) : Pretty good but I ship wolfstar!! I honesty think Tonks was lesbian or aroace or something like that, and Remus was prolly bi/gay. It still was a cute ship and we got Teddy Lupin out of it, so no complaints there. I wish it would've been developed more because it didn't have the best storyline/backstory. Overall a pretty good ship tho! 6.8/10
Bleur (fleur x bill): I really liked this ship!! Especially how Fleur said the whole line after Bill became a werewolf (cuz that was perfection)! I'm kinda sad we don't get to see a lot of this ship in the books/movies but it's still great! 9/10
Charry (cho x harry): One of my least favorite canon ships tbh......cho wasn't (emotionally) in the best place after Cedric's death so I have no idea why she would want another relationship so fast!! also, she was quite jealous and untrustworthy of harry (after the whole harry/hermione debacle) which isn't the best thing to be in a relationship....3.9/10
Voldytrix (voldemort x bellatrix): ugghhh yuckkkkk.....this is like one of the main reasons I hated the book cursed child....also, voldy-moldy had no "heart" so he couldn't "love" and Bellatrix only "loved" him not her own husband.....this ship was kinda just one-sided so was just a horrible ship.....why was this even a thing?! -∞/10
Deanevra (dean x ginny): I think this was a pretty cute ship while it lasted. The only thing that was kinda weird was how they broke up......ginny broke up with him because he was helping her get through a door....it kinda looked like j.k.rowling (who I do not support btw) was trying to make it misogynistic but it just ended up weird...nonetheless, it was a nice ship while it lasted. 7/10
Jily (james x lily): This is one of the best canon ships out there, everyone knows that.....the only thing I really didn't like about this ship was how James kept pursuing Lily, even when she said no......it's supposed to be romantic but it kinda edges the line of harassment.....and James was a bully soooooo......but I liked the ship when they were out of Hogwarts....then it was cute and pureeee!! 8.3/10
Marthur (molly x arthur): this ship is freaking awesome!!! it really highlights was a good parent should be to their children (not all the time tho.......*hint, hint*, percyyyy) overall a 9.1/10
now for Fanon
Perciver (Percy x Oliver): THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHIP OF ALL TIME!! and it has sooo much potential!! it could be enemies to lovers, jock x nerd, muggle au, fake dating, friends to lovers, soulmates, there was only one bed, etc.....and omgtheywereroomatesssss.....they probably aren't the very most affectionate in person but just by themselves they are!! overall, I think they compliment each other very well and are just two adorkable boys!! ∞/10
Deamus (seamus x dean): such a pure ship oml.....I think it would've taken some time for them to realize they were bi/gay/queer and liked boys, but when they did, they would be really affectionate and stuff 10/10
Linny (Luna x Ginny): such a pure ship too!! this gives me jock x nerd vibes kinda like percy and Oliver, and is probably such a cute ship. I doubt they would be overly affectionate like deamus but probably would be more affectionate then perciver. I think this would be the start of ginny's bisexual days 8.9/10
Rarry (Ron x Harry): kinda like a friends to lovers thing going on!! I think they would compliment each other very well (even tho they had their differences) and would be a great ship!! 8.7/10
Dramione (Draco x Hermione): No, just no. I don't think I would want by bully to be my boyfriend/crush unless he completely changed himself (which I do not think Draco did)......so no.....but it's better than like Snamione/Snarry/Sneville 1.2/10
Snamione (Snape x Hermione): No again. He bullied her a lot, and was like 2-3 times her age (I get that some people like that thing but I don't so sorry) so nooo 0.9/10
Snarry (Harry x Snape): he bullied him even more than he bullied Hermione....not my ship so sorry about that 0.5/10
Sneville (Neville x Snape): No, no, no, no!! no way.....Snape bullied Neville the fucking most out of everyone else and Neville was deathly afraid of Snape (Snape was his boggart in 3rd year) so no 0.1/10
Percivercus (Marcus x Oliver x Percy): finally!! a poly ship!! I think ship would be really cute cuz it has friends to lovers and enemies to lovers all in one!! it has lots of potential, much like perciver, so cute ship!! I think this is a really good poly ship and I rate it 9.5/10
Dreville (Neville x Draco): eh....I’m not really sure how to feel about this....if Draco is the same brat he was at school then it’s a big fat no, if he’s “redeemed” or trying to, then maybe? It’s better than Drarry and Dramione, at least. 4.3/10
Wolfstar (Remus x Sirius): Absolute beauty of a ship. It’s probably my 2 or 3rd most favorite fanon ship! they really complement each other and are just so cute!! Though it must’ve hurt for Remus when he thought/realized Sirius was a spy (cuz he didn’t have all the facts)!! 9.1/10
I’ll post the rest later because I’m bored so if you have more ships u want me to react to ig, just reply/reblog!! Byeee! Have a good day/night!!
@pluto-the-planet1 wanted me to do pavender (Parvati x lavender) so here you go!! pavender is so cute!! just two lesbians being queens! I literally love them, so adorableee! and I love reading fics about them that include deamus (dean x seamus)!! I rate it a 8.9/10
@princessdiana1967 wanted me to do roneville (Neville x Ron) so here ya go! roneville is really cute! two shy boys being adorable tbh! I feel like both of them would have a hard time expressing feelings but when they did, it was genuine! They’re literally so pure oml! I rate it a 9.2/10
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Hey! Would you please be able to do some head cannons about the reader being in a poly relationship with Vic and Eddie? If you’re uncomfortable doing that concept that’s totally understandable! Either way I hope you have a nice day and thank you for taking the time to read my ask!
Hi anon, OMG I love this idea! Thank you for being so polite about it, and for following the guidelines so well too! I am absolutely comfortable with polyamorous headcanons, I do them all the time, so you don't need to worry at all. Thanks for being considerate, however! And I would be MORE than happy to fulfill your wish. I just hope that these are satisfactory, and I apologize for them being so short and shoddy!
Trigger Warnings: polyamory (if that’s a trigger, I don’t know), mentions of violence, and light smut!
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Okay, right off the bat, you are in for a WILD RIDE with these two gorgeous studs. You've got sugar daddy Eddie on one end of the spectrum, the soft and affectionate type; and then you have the rough-around-the-edges coolheaded gangster that is Vic. So it’s a pretty weird dynamic, only really balanced by you.
THEY LOVE YOU TO DEATH, no questions asked. You are their whole world, their stars and moon and universe, everything revolves around you. You’re their top priority, and likewise for you as well. The idea of them hurting you is horrific, they can’t even bring themselves to think about it, it’s too frightening. And let me tell you, these two aren’t scared of anything really. The only thing that truly makes them afraid is losing you or harming you.
Both are tactile with their affection. They are handsy men, touching you constantly in the form of hugs, kisses, holds on your waist and hands, or when they’re feeling turned on, your ass. Sometimes they forget their strength, pulling you into tight bear hugs or squeezing just a little too hard. But they’re always apologetic afterwards, they never intended to hurt you.
You are spoiled by them, there is no other way to put it. Whatever you want, you get it, you have both Eddie and Vic wrapped around your finger. You saw something in a shop window that you vocalized you’d liked? Into the store you go, and it’s in your grasp a few minutes later. You rave about something you saw on television or on one of your friends? Expect it to be yours too the next day. But don’t worry about being greedy, because indulging you is Blonde an Eddie’s favourite hobby, especially true in the case of the latter.
I’ve talked about how Eddie shows affection in a separate post, so let me discuss Vic. Out of the two of them, he’s the least affectionate, but only by a slim fraction. He knows when to keep his hands off of you and when to control himself—so that’s the only reason he isn’t all over you constantly like Eddie is. Kisses on the cheek, slaps on the butt, and encompassing hugs are how this jailbird shows you his love.
You might be down in spirits one day, and Vic would see that. Puffing on his cigarette, he’d say nothing but sweep you into his arms and carry you off towards the bedroom for, let’s say, romantic activities if you get my gist. A lot of that sort of thing happens in your house, all three of you at once at a time. And these boys aren’t afraid to share you with each other, they’re basically best friends, so it’s no issue.
I have to talk about the bedtime routine you three share, it’s so funny. You have your normal routine that you go about each night, and fits well into Eddie and Vic’s as well. Most nights, Blondie combs his hair out, puts on his pyjamas that consist of a fitting tank top and equally snug bottoms, has one more cigarette in bed while he reads, then curls up next to you on your left. You’re always in the middle of the giant king-size bed, so that both guys get to cuddle you. Eddie takes longer, he is a diva after all. He showers every couple of nights, so expect that to be twenty minutes alone. Then he shaves, puts cream on his face, slathers his hair in dry conditioner, and moisturizes. He’s almost like a pageant queen, fussy in the way he does things. Only after he’s all finished in the bathroom, does he come out in his silk shirt and bottoms with his initials embroidered on his chest. He smells soooo good, so you can’t help but breathe in the delicious smell of his body when he gets into bed. Before putting on his eye mask, he kisses you goodnight, tells Vic to sleep well, and then lets you nuzzle into his chest. Vic clutches you from behind, strong but gentle.
Lots of nights where you three go out for fancy dinners or coffee dates with the Dogs. And let me tell you, the other Dogs have a very hard time keeping a grip when you’re around. They harbour little crushes on you too, and who wouldn’t? You’re the coolest, best looking, smartest, and funny broad/cat that Eddie and Vic have picked up in a long time. But they would never dare to steal you away, the consequences of that would be draconian and end in blood.
In the times where another guy/girl/individual hits on you, Blonde and Nice Guy get so jealous. The latter is very vocal and bombastic about it, kissing you and grabbing your hips in front of the person. Vic? He’s the coolly intimidating type, giving the person one chance to leave you be. If they don’t get the idea, then he escalates to violence. Vic does competitive boxing Raging Bull style in his free time, so he gives the unwanted company a good hook to the face or shoves them back. They try anything further? Oops, then they get a bullet to the head. Plain and simple as that. Eddie and Vic are not afraid to hurt people to keep you safe, so you best get a stomach for violence early on in your relationship because you’ll be surrounded by it in their work and their attitudes.
The last headcanon I have revolves around how they act around you. Eddie and Vic are very against being vulnerable, or doing what they perceive to be as weak. So, before you came into the picture, they only cried, admitted flaws and struggles, and vented to each other, they were only comfortable doing anything very emotional when one of them was there. But you became the second person that they trust to show emotion around. There have been times when a rivalling criminal gang or drug lord has tried to take you ransom or have, and afterwards, Eddie will cry into your chest. He was so afraid, and it built up until he couldn’t take it anymore. You’ve noticed Vic is much more stable when you started having routinely talks with him about managing his anger issues, violent ways, and emotional reluctance. He isn’t afraid to talk to you when he’s not feeling mentally healthy, and you’re more than happy to help however you can. And yes, he’s cried too, because we believe in men who are allowed to cry on @killingitreservoirdogsstyle!
Sorry if these weren’t what you had in mind, let me know and I’ll gladly fix it! Thank you all for being so patient, the requests are coming, I’m just trying to navigate my crazy schedule. Don’t stop tagging me or sending in stuff, I love it when you guys do that, but no pressure! Have a great day, and see you in the next post!
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Hi! Can you do the ”s/o who likes giving hugs, initiating hand holding and affection in general but gets flustered when the affection is initiated by someone else.” But with Link and Zelda (not poly) Headcannons x thank you!
Affectionate s/o easily flustered (BOTW)
This boy. This poor child. He hasn’t a clue how to react to affection. He’s worse than his s/o when it comes to receiving affection because this was not in his training. No one prepared him for this. 
Link loves the affection, he’s simply very confused on how to respond. It takes him a while to work up the nerve to actually return the affection. He wants to! Desperately! And he wants to be as confident but doesn’t know how but he is trying!
After a lot of near-attempts and misses, Link finally goes for it and gently grabs their hand. He refuses to look them in the face while doing so - if he does he won’t be able to stop blushing.
Then he feels their hand shaking in his. He looks over, and realizes very quickly that for all their confidence in affection, they’re equally bad as he is at this.
Comforted, this drives the boy to do more, more often. After all, the only way both of them are going to get past this is if they do it more often.
Summary: Two dorks holding hands and losing their minds over this. 
The princess of Hyrule is better at the borderline feral boy under her employment, surely. After all, she’s been tutored her whole life, has been in the public eye, dealt with the attention of many, just to name a few. Receiving affection most not be that big of a deal. 
Lies. Lies and slander.
It’s clear from the games that Zelda and her dad did not have the best relationship. With him being controlling of her time, the princess didn’t really have the chance to develop relations with others outside of the Champions and Link. This is someone who is used to affection from a very specific group of people. She has no clue how to receive it from someone else who she feels so strongly for.
Zelda does feel somewhat bad about not being as good about returning the affection as her s/o. It’s not fair to them, in her mind. They’ve made her really happy and she would very much like to do the same for them.
Out of the blue, maybe in the middle of exploring the wild or in a quiet moment, she kisses their cheek. Doesn’t say a thing, just goes for it. Then overthinks. Was it too much? Or too sudden? Should she have asked first? Why are they still so quiet about it?
They’re quiet about it because they’ve stopped functioning Zelda. You’ve broken them.
Seeing them just as flushed as she gets is a comfort. It’s not just her. She’s not being the weird one. They’re both figuring this out. And they will do so, together. 
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dead-inside-mcgee · 4 years
SO THAT POKEMON AU. I know we've already discussed ships but. I'm a diehard fan of marvin/jackie and I also remember you mentioning something about poly boys??? Anyway if you would like a prompt, how about Jackie and Marvin doing a double battle or smth where they work together. Maybe Jackie is trying to get Marvin to start training but Marvin can do like 1/2 pushups / murder-schmurder
So like, I started this when i got this like a week ago and then I forgot about it so if the first half is infinitely better than the second half then I’m sorry. @murder-schmurder
Marvin was never a very shy or easily embarrassed person, but there’s something particularly intimidating about walking into a building of half dressed people and Pokémon who all have the strength to beat you in a fight. Sure, Marvin had a three headed dragon just chilling in their pocket, but they weren’t actually trained for battle. 
  When Marvin stepped into the Gym all eyes were on them, which is usually what they want, but here it felt strangely suffocating. Something about these types of gyms always made Marvin feel weird. 
  Maybe it was because it was the one thing Marvin just couldn’t wrap their head around. I mean, when you’re best friends with the ex-champion of the region and dating a gym leader, people expect you to be good at Poké battles, but they just couldn’t see the appeal.
  Marvin walked across the building, trying to keep his head up and forward. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, but didn’t move. Even the ones that would challenge anyone they saw just watched. 
  All of the regulars had heard about the relationship between Jackie Griffin and Marvin Phoenix, but this was the first time any of them had actually seen Marvin themselves here. 
  Marvin simply wanted to spend time with Jackie before he had to leave to do a performance all the way in Unova, and then Kalos. They’d like to spend the little time they have here with someone they care about. Preferably somewhere that wasn’t a hundred degrees celsius and smelled like sweat and body odor. 
  They made it to the arena right as a battle was going on. Jackie and his Roseraid were up against a trainer’s Gardevoir. Marvin subconsciously put his hand around his Gardivor’s ball and took a seat in the audience.
  A few poison stings and the trainer’s Gardevoir was out. The crowd cheered as Jackie shook the trainers hand and offered them a handful of revives. Then the crowd cleared out. 
  “Marvin!” Jackie called out happily. “I thought I saw you.” 
  The two share a hug while the Roseraid rolls her eyes. As much as she loved Jackie, a Pokémon can never help but hold a grudge against the trainer that gave them away. 
  “It’s nice to see you!” Marvin said, giving him a kiss and Roseraid an affectionate smile. 
  “What are you doing here? I thought you were getting ready for that trip of yours.” 
  “All the preparations are done. I just wanted to spend some time with you before I left.” 
  Jackie couldn’t help the blush creeping onto his cheeks. “You’re a sweetheart.” 
  “I was curious if you wanted to go out to eat with me soon. I thought it would be nice to have a taste of home before I’m shipped off to a whole new region.” 
  Jackie looks at his wrist before remembering that he doesn’t wear a watch and looks up at the wall clock. “I’m not supposed to leave the gym for another few hours… Then again, what are they gonna do? Fire me?”
  Marvin giggled. “So, you’re coming with me?” 
  “Yeah, let me just change clothes real quick.” He returned Roseraid to her ball and paused, his eyes lighting up. “Hey! What if we have a battle!?”
  “If you want we could do a double battle, and work together!”
  “I’m afraid I’m lost. Double battle?”
  “Okay, let me explain.” Jackie pauses. “So you know that show you put on with Holly Flint back in Hoenn? You two used your Pokémon, as well as your own skills together to put on a great show. It’s kinda like that, but instead of using your Pokémon to look cool together, you use them to beat up another pair of Pokémon.” 
  “Well, I’ve never been good at the whole battling thing.” 
  “That’s okay! I just thought it might be fun to do something like that with you. We don’t have to though.” Jackie rubs the back of his neck. 
  Seeing that timid look on Jackie’s face, made Marvin’s heart twist. They sigh. “Of course I wanna do this with you.” 
  Jackie beamed and called one of the fellow gym members into the arena. “We’ll have a simple two on two.” 
  The trainer sends out a tough looking Salamence and an equally intimidating Stoutland. 
  Marvin fidgeted with the Pokéballs before finally throwing out their Florges alongside Jackie’s Lucario. 
   At this point the author gets tired of writing because looking up random moves and writing them down and describing a Pokémon battle is not fun to write or read. Just imagine an epic battle here. 
  Marvin panted, their face red with excitement. “That was awesome.”
  The trainer carefully pet the weakened Salamence before returning them to their ball. “For you I guess.”  
  “Don’t be a sore loser.” Jackie said, handing them a revive. 
  “I can’t believe I won my very first double battle!” Marvin said, hugging Jackie tightly. “–I mean, we won of course.” 
  “No, I think that was all you.”
  “Don’t be modest!” They shove him lightly. 
  “I’m not! Lucario got knocked out by a Stoutland!” Jackie said as if he hadn’t purposefully gotten Lucario knocked out. “You did great!”
  “Oh, shut up, let’s hurry up and go out to eat.”
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