#and then Leo gets his ass handed to him while Raph ignores them for a nice relaxing spa day
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Shell quirks! Part 3, Donnie!
Donnie, you flat fuck. Pancake lookin mf. He makes for the perfect floating table when relaxing in the water (at least until he’s awake enough to murder, that is)
Ah, yes, familial urge to stack random objects on a sleeping person to see if they notice. I used to balance, like, up to five plushies on my dad’s head before he’d wake up lol
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Time for some Leo centered asks!!!!! Everyone seems to have a lot of questions about our blue boy!
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@livsinpjs Daily life for Leo was pretty much zero fun allowed. Wake up at the crack of dawn and train, then studies, then missions or more specialized training with Saki, then sleep. His schedule while in the foot clan was pretty repetitive and boring, with missions being the only time he ever got to have any excitement. Shredder didn’t try to be a father to Leo, but he did warp himself into being Leo’s whole world. This leads to Leo trusting Shredder’s orders near implicitly and pushing himself to his limits to show that Saki wasn’t wrong in making Leo his second. The only time in which canon, smart-ass Leo leaks through is when he has to work missions with (🤐), cause Leo loves the fact that despite his young age, he’s technically higher ranked than (🤐). Despite the older mutant’s years working with Saki—he was still just a part-time member of the Foot until only recently, which Leo throws in his face whenever he can. Regardless, the two mutants are the Shredder’s most trusted and strong Commanders, so they work together well when they need to. There’s even been one or two times (🤐) has shown a very microscopic, teeneey tiny soft spot for Leo, but they’d both rather lose an arm than admit to that 😜.
Kitsune is another constant presence in Leo’s life. One he’s always despised for a reason he’s foggy on. He doesn’t really remember her role in his kidnapping, he’s just always hated her, but he keeps his hatred of her a secret, solely because she’s Master Shredder’s strongest source of mystic power and Saki holds her skills in very high regard. He’s pretty sure she knows anyway, it’s like the witch can see right into his soul—it sets his teeth on edge.
It doesn’t help that a few times a week Leo is required to report to her for what Shredder calls “meditation” sessions, and though he does leave them feeling more calm and centered than before, he konks out as soon as he gets back to his room from how much energy they seem to drain from him. At the same time though, it’s almost as if he’s…dependent on these sessions—if he goes too long without sitting through all her waving hands and chanting, he starts to feel antsy, and irritated, and his thoughts begin to fall out of the neat order they’re usually kept in.
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Leo is not great with new people. He’s used to viewing everyone as part of a hierarchy, and either ordering them around, or being ordered around, but when his older memories begin to come back to him, logically he knows that his family doesn’t work like that, it’s just so hard to not slot every person into the roles he’s familiar with.
Raph is the oldest, and the one who Splinter trusts to lead them, but Raph will sometimes request their input and clearly doesn’t take the same kind of pride in his own high rank that Leo used to. April is a total unknown to him, but Raph and Mikey treat her like she’s family (it’s like a knife in his back when he realizes that his brothers appear to trust her more than him but he ignoreignoreignores that feeling). He ignores her for the most part, but eventually sees her as a solid combatant in battle, then shockingly—an emotional confidant when he’s struggling, to eventually a friend, and finally a big sister who he can unwind with.
Splinter seems lost with the way Leo treats him. From the get go, Leo’s trying daily to shift through the lies that Shredder filled his head with, and works hard to treat Splinter with the respect that he’s owed as the head of the Hamato Clan. But Leo’s beyond confused that, this only seems to upset Splinter, which frustrates him to no end, because he’s trying to be as affable as possible, but he just can’t treat Splinter like Mikey, Raph, and April do. Leo can’t magically force those feelings to develop after spending so long hating him. Yes, there’s a part of his brain that knows Hamato Yoshi is his father, and had no say in Leo being taken, but there’s a bigger part that’s been conditioned for years by the Shredder—that’s screaming every time he sees the rat, that Splinter deserves a slow and painful death. But at least Leo’s self-aware enough that he won’t trust himself to be alone with Splinter until he can silence that voice for good. It might break his father’s heart to be kept at a distance and referred to as ‘Master Splinter’ in such a dead tone, but Leo knows it would hurt him worse to know what Leo’s struggling with.
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Leo is softest with Mikey because he’s so protective of him, but Leo can be kinda low on everyone’s list, except for where Donnie is concerned, mostly because of his sharp temper. Which Donnie could care less about, because the boy has zero self-preservation.
While Donnie deals with his haywire emotions with a kind of anxiously sad/manically happy mixtured response, and Mikey always tries a positive approach—Leo’s trouble is he can’t really control himself when he gets frustrated. Not without some kind of hard and fast explosion eventually getting out. He’ll go from feeling no emotion and calm, to growling and spitting in an instant. It’s usually only over things like Splinter trying his best to reach out and help him in his own awkwardly painful way, or any time Raph ‘babies’ Leo on accident, or if Donnie’s just invading his space too much. His flare ups are pretty unpredictable for months until he gets a handle on them, and so the others often feel it’s best to leave him to work through his anger in his own various ways. Whether that be storming off for a few hours or destroying a dummy in the dojo.
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I think Donnie would’ve been over the moon, but probably not really changed much in the way he approached Leo. He might not have gone so hard in getting Leo’s attention, but would’ve talked just as much and invaded his personal space the same amount!
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@uniqueness351217 Hmmmmm interesting….also 2007 TMNT my love. Like, maybe after Leo finally connects with his ninpo, but in order to truly embrace the connection and make it stronger, Splinter suggests he goes on a vision quest for a few months! I think Raph would step up again as full time leader, or maybe April would act as temporary co-leader until Leo returned. Mikey would be sad to see him go, but if Leo was okay with leaving, and promised he’d be back, I think Mikey would put on a brave face and try to keep busy to make the time go by faster (lol I’m not evil enough to make him into a party clown. Shame on those writers—poor 2007 Mikey. Even if it was hilarious. He didn’t deserve those nightmares) Donnie would probably lock himself in his lab for a week and be super dramatic about missing his twin, but he’d work on his tech and maybe refurbish stuff from the scrap yard to sell, for lack of anything better to do.
I imagine if Leo was sent on a mission is take place in between them finally taking down Shredder, so they’ve all earned a well deserved break, but Leo would return quickly when a few months in, the Kraang attack and derail everyone’s vacation.
(I’m still working out the exact details of how the Kraang would fit into this AU, just in case we ever make it up to the point of the movie. I know a lot of y’all have been asking, and I’m hoping we make it that far ;D)
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Draxum was furious, but also confused. From what he’d seen of Two, he’d been hoping that with a slow, delicate approach he could get him on his side, but then the child had just up and deserted the Shredder out of no-where? It made no sense from what he’d seen of the boy’s loyalties. Later when he sees him with his brothers though, he understands what’s happened. After all, he’d ordered Three to subtlety exploit their brotherly bond during his meetings with Shredder, but he’d put too much faith in that idea. It seems like Three wasn’t as good at convincing Two as Draxum had hoped. Just another failure on Three’s part to follow any one of his directions.
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If Leo had tried the hug back when he was still getting a handle on his temper he very likely would have, but for the most part and especially later on, Leo can reign it in, especially when Mikey and Donnie are concerned. Although he did step on Donnie’s foot pretty hard, both out of shock, and to get him to let go. Also he complained for the entire time it healed.
Leo looking in a pocket mirror he got just to be dramatic: All these years and never once have I managed to marr this beautiful mug! You better hope this doesn’t scar, Don!!
Donnie embarrassed beyond belief but so over apologizing: YOU SURPRISED ME! You gotta warn someone before you just throw yourself at them—!
The entire family turns to give Donnie the most looking, look to ever look.
Donnie: (´∀`;;;; ) Y-yeah. Point taken.
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spoopyblues214 · 7 months
Mmmmmm what if I said 2012 Mikey angst because my boy here is, I have to admit it, a bit of a player. :’)
Who knows, maybe we steal his time traveling girlfriend instead.
I decided to just call it finished instead of letting it rot for longer. I hope you enjoy!
Requests are open btw!
Player 12!Mikey, ficlet
Word count: 612
“-C'mon, angel face, you know I'd never-”
“Do I know? Cause it seemed like she was all over you.”
“But I'd always choose you, baby cakes!”
You scoffed, crossing your arms and leaning back against the wall. This wasn't the first time you'd had this fight, or similar, and you knew it wouldn't be the last; it wasn't the other thirty times. A hand came to your temple while you sighed.
“You sure like keeping your options open, though,” you huffed, eyes opening to glare at him under your lashes.
He physically recoiled like you lashed him.
“That's not what it is.”
“Then what is it? It can't be that hard to tell them to back off-”
“I don't wanna be an ass-”
“It's not being an ass, it's setting boundaries!”
He reached for you and you pushed his hand away with the back of your own, “I'm not dealing with your shit anymore.”
“We're done. I'm sick of your people pleasing.”
“You can't just-” he said your name while you stood from the wall, turning to leave before you ended up in tears. “I love you!”
“If you did, you'd stop hurting me.”
You were thankful when Raph stopped him from following you, even if it felt embarrassing that he had heard the fight.
It took about a week before you heard Mikey was kissing someone else in an alleyway. Leo had avoided your eyes and Donnie was even worse at keeping things from you. Especially when you gave him a look that threatened he'd burst into flames by pure will. When you turned to Leo with the same look because he hadn't told you first, he lowered his head like a dog that got caught chewing the furniture.
Any tiny piece of you that might have felt remorseful evaporated, as Michelangelo clearly disregarded everything so easily. Of course, your heart hurt, it felt as though some thorny vine was growing inside your chest; but the idea of feeling bad for him.
It was already a trillion miles away.
At least he had the courtesy to hole up in his room with his comics instead of being out here. At least he had some shame. Or maybe he just didn't want to see you. If that were the case, it was perfectly fine, considering you didn't want to see him either.
You rolled your eyes before squaring your shoulders, determined to beat the two turtles present in their favorite video game.
It took you a couple months to fully get over everything. The brothers also quit walking on eggshells around you, aside from Raph who had always been blunt. Even Mikey stopped hiding in his room every time you'd come over, though he had a staring problem. You ignored it; he had ruined his chance.
Today you brought along someone new, whom you had warned about the friends they'd be meeting being mutants. She was surprisingly cool about it, though she was cool about everything. It's what attracted you to her in the first place.
“Guys, meet my girlfriend, Angel,” you introduced her. Only one person seemed unhappy, which was a rare feat considering he loved making new friends.
“Surprised she's not screaming,” Raph joked, fist bumping Angel while she shrugged.
“You guys aren't doing much to warrant a freak out,” she replied, shaking Leo's hand while Donnie just waved.
The three gave their names accordingly, but Mikey stood with his arms crossed, looking almost like he was pouting. Angel waved at him anyway. Besides the orange coded turtle's sudden jealousy issues, things went surprisingly well.
Michelangelo would just have to get over it, like you did.
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Pool Party
Bay turtle bois!
18+ for cussing, alcohol 
First off. SO sorry I haven’t been posting original stuff on this profile. I was visiting family for a coupe weeks and wasn’t posting. brain storming, occasionally writing, and reblogging? Yes. 
I will make it up to you guys, I made another one shot, and I’ll post a couple chapters of ostracized this weekend! 
Which it where I got this inspiration. with @mysticboombox 
it all started with some amazing art I was just being a spaz on (I am so sorry to the artist. It was not my intent. I was just being a weirdo. The art is gorgeous) 
it sparked a hilarious conversation with mystic, we just kept feeding off each other to make a shit post/one shot. It was amusing and fun for me to write, hope its amusing and fun for you guys to read. Lemme know!
Tashi = Mystic enjoy friends!!!!!
The boys had a pretty rough day. It all started when they found a massive foot clan operation, Leo had a solid, well thought out strategy to take them down.
One Raph decided to blatantly ignore and barge into the fray. Long story short. An entire skyscraper almost crushed Mikey, and they barely completed their objective.
Which naturally turned into Leo and Raph arguing, which lead to fighting the second they were back in the lair. Splinter had to split them up, and tell them to simmer down.
So when they all got the invite to go to upstate New York where a couple of their friends were? You bet your ASS they went and took it.
They made the hour long drive in the tartaruga truck in about half the time with Leo's angry/hurried driving, he was driving like a true new yorker. But he had solid reasoning, he was annoyed with his brother and Jess and Tashi were exceptional cooks, it was happening at April's house, so naturally she was there.
So for them to pass up seeing a bunch of pretty women in their swimsuits cooking up a storm for them while they enjoyed lounging near an in ground pool? You'd have to be stupid to actually pass that up! They all quickly agreed, knowing their sour (except for Mikey…. Some how. Like seriously how was he always in a good mood???) moods could be turned around.
The truck pulled through the nice neighborhood, sticking out like a sore thumb, but luckily Donnie had such a dark tint on the windows no one could see the boys the late afternoon they made their the journey. The fact they hadn't gotten pulled over by authorities was a miracle. Being friends with the NYPD may or mar not have something to do with that.
The diesel truck came up to a nicely made gate, Don getting ahold of one of the women on his phone, all the boys knew  which one he decided on. Leo lightly drummed on the steering wheel while they waited for the electric, black cast iron gates to open.
Don got off the phone and seconds later, the boys eagerly drove up to the house, parking behind the 2 car garage door. Mikey was diving out of the sliding door before Leo even stopped fully, gaining him a tired and short warning. Leo needed this break, they all needed this after such a long and rough day.
The walking ball of energy turtle brought a big glass pan of oven baked Mac and cheese. The girls requested it since he insisted on cooking something. Jess opened the front door, her arms enthusiastically up in the air as she loudly greeted them. A can of beer was already in her hands.
"What's up fuckers!" She beamed. Hugging each of them as they walked through the door, making amusing grunts as she did her best to bear hug them and lightly sway them side to side.
"Damn. Y'all need some alcohol!" She noticed immediately. Before any of them could agree or deny one, she followed up with a:
"Hand grenades all around!" Taking the mac and cheese from Mikey and leading them through the open hallways that lead through the living room and to the backyard where the pool was.
Three were groaning behind her, she was about to mess them up, but it was probably in their best interests at the time, to loosen up, not get wasted. Mikey was cheering and dancing as he followed her, making her laugh as they both hyped each other up.
"Hi guys!" April and Tashi smiled at them as they got up from their lounge chairs at the pool side and rushed over to their friends.
"What happened? You guys alright?" Tashi frowned seeing how gloomy they were. All 4 turtles were already cheering up more than before they arrived, but still needed a moment to decompress.
"Come on guys! Sit down, take a load off, dinner is almost ready" Tashi immediately noticed they weren't ready to talk about it, she understood, everyone needed de-transitioning period, especially considering what they did on a nightly basis.
"You making them drinks?" She called to Jess who was in the kitchen as the large reptiles eagerly got to the lounge chairs and got their large feet up with sighs, the sun felt fantastic, they were sunning like true turtles.
"Oh absolutely! You want anything?"
"I gotchu!" The brunette assured her friend from the kitchen.
Jess knew the boys were very large and dense. It would take them a bit to even feel the alcohol. So she started them off with something strong, and then gave them the occasional beer to keep the pleasant buzz going, she would show mercy on them this day.
April watched them with a frown, but knew it wouldn't take long to get them all back into a good mood. They always eased up after a long mission at her house.
"Here we go! Hand grenades" all four terrapins smiled at Jess as she skillfully handled their drinks. She always made these ones for them because she found it hilarious that it was a green drink.
"Drink up, you'll feel better. We're having steak!"
"Right on! You fine ladies need help with anything?" Mikey gave them eyebrows.
"Chill out Mikey. We got it" Tashi smiled. Mikey only gave a cheesy grin back, making Don elbow him with a little jealousy. He met Tashi first, after all.
The boys drank their hand grenades, and they were now on a beer. A lot more lax, dancing to some low volume techno music near the pool. The girls kept it lower so people could have conversation easier.
"There we go that's better!" Jess cheered from behind the grill, another Miller lite in her hand large grill tongs in the other as she swayed her body a little, she had a tank top covering her swimsuit up as she cooked.
Tashi had a big smile as she put out a large steel bowl of potato salad. Running back in she came out with a couple racks of ribs straight from the oven. Some hamburger quiche, and a Chinese chicken salad. But wait! There's more! She had some coffee cake she made, and some blueberry cream pie. The boys didn't eat that stuff often, but when she made it, they jumped it.  
Jess went to the butcher and had some New York strips ready for the fire, lightly seasoned and the grill was at the perfect temperature.
"You mother fuckers best be hungry" she pointed the tongs in warning, causing a small wave of amused snickers from everyone.
"Yeaaah. We made a little too much food" Tashi said sheepishly, taking another sip from her cider, making April roll her eyes in a good natured way.
"You guys always make too much food. Come on guys! Fix a plate and chow down" the Mike, Leo and Donnie lined up at the grill with a plate, getting their steak now before loading up with other good food.
Tashi was behind Donnie, looking up at him curiously. Her light brown eyes catching attention from his peripheral vision so he looked down at her.
"What happened today to make you guys so upset?" She finally asked him quietly when she got his attention. Don frowned a little, but it didn't kill his buzz.
"Raph went against orders. Almost got Mikey squished" the brunette looked at him with doe eyes, fear for the youngest.
"Oh shit! That's terrifying. I'm glad everyone's ok" Tashi responded as she gazed at Raph, who was standing near the pool, looking in, clearly considering hoping in to cool off. Also probably waiting for the line for food to die down a bit, he typically served himself.
"Wanna get even?" Was her very quick follow up question. The turtle side stepped to get closer to the grill, looking at her with interest.
"Go on" he said all too quickly.
"Think you could throw me?" She had such a devious aura to her as she grinned up at up.
"You weigh nothing soaking wet. So yes.... but why is the real question"
"He's standing by the pool... throw me at him and knock him into the pool" Don was about to load his plate up with a steak but froze at the idea. Making Jess raise a brow at him, even wave a hand in front of his face in a poor attempt to break his concentration.  
"Lets do it"
"Um... do what?" Jess drank a sip of beer but shut up and watched when Donnie picked up Tashi, watching Raph carefully to make sure he didn't catch on somehow.
Don had a hand on the small woman's lower back, balancing her by grabbing her legs, her whole body near his head as he reared up. Clearly calculating where he'd need to throw to get the largest turtle down.
"Ready?" He whispered.
"Do it" Tashi gave a small giggle.
"No fuckin way" Jess said quietly as she watched the scene, her eyes were wide as she took a large swig of beer in excitement. Donnie threw his weight into the wind-up, even stepping a little, making sure to clear the 5 feet between he and his brother easily.
Tashi gained momentum, she was on a direct course to Raph's head. She sprawled hilariously like a cat. And clung to his head enough to drag him down to the pool where he did a belly flop as he fell like a freaking sky scraper, the splash, lord THE SPLASH.
Everyone started laughing their asses off as Raph broke the surface tension of the water.
"What the fuck! Did you just throw a whole ass person at me?!"
"I did!" Donnie assured his older brother who had absolutely no other words. His brother had thrown one of their friends at his head. Tashi did a sloppy front stroke to the edge of the pool, barely, she was laughing so hard.
"Good shot Donnie!"
"Stop throwing your girlfriend at me Donnie!" Raph huffed as he made his was back out of the pool.
"Fine. Next time I'll throw yours" Raph would've choked if Donnie said that while he was in the pool.
"Zufuck is that supposed to mean?" He mumbled. It appeared the brother in purple chose violence today.
"Welp. That was surprisingly therapeutic. Thanks for the recommendation Tashi!" Don adjusted his glasses with a grin at the small woman who walked around the pool back over to Donnie.
Jess snickered as she took the rest of the steaks off the grill. Noticing a mutter from Leo along the lines of "I could use some therapeutic shit right now." Ha! Big blue seemed to be a bit jealous he didn't think of it!
Jess walked over to him, after grabbing a beer from the cooler right next to the grill. (Walking all the way back inside for alcohol was for plebs) the blue eyed woman got to where the turtle was sitting at the glass table, setting the can next to him, and opened it for him, then she got close enough to his ear.
"You can have a turn. We ride at dawn" Jess probably had a little too much. But she was so down to help the eldest brother out in his revenge ploy, though.
"Jess what are you on?" Leo shook his head at her.
"The good shit. Ill hook you up once it's done" the blue eyed turtle laughed at her and watched his three brothers come over to the table, their paper plates doubled up so they could load them up with food, still getting over their laughter from watching the brains of the operation chuck one of the short women. Raph Got a towel off one of the lawn chairs that was still in front of the pool, as he began to dry off.
"What better time than the present?" Leo side eyed Jess as he had a sip of his beer. She pointed at him as she took her shirt off to reveal her blue swimsuit top.
Leo quietly stood up, abandoning his food for now. And did exactly what Don did. Mikey was biting his lower lip in both excitement and to hold back laughter. He usually pulled the pranks but he wasn't even mad. This shit was hilarious! Especially when someone like Leo got involved!
The leader in blue didn't want to tip his brother off. He looked at the human Canon ball in silent question. Asking if she was ready, she eagerly nodded her head as she looked at the target, locked on, evil grin on her face.
"Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru" Jess called in midair
"What?" Raph ever so slightly turned just in time to see her but not enough to dodge her. He was fast but not THAT fast.
It was a beautiful repeat. Sprawled out like a spider monkey, dragged the turtle in red down to the water with another slap, towel was around his head, it was definitely a bonus. This time big red surfaced and began to angrily cuss at his brother.
"You're right don. That hits the spot" all the girls were laughing. Jess nearly drowned she was laughing so hard, Raph had to actually help her to the side of the pool next to him.
"Don't die you little enabling ass hole" Raph huffed at her as she rubbed the tears from her eyes. She had to give herself a moment to stop laughing to get the strength to pull herself out of the pool.
"Tashi. I'm so proud of you for coming up with this. That shit is so awesome dude" Tashi and Jess walked up to each other, bumping knuckles wile they snickered.
"Do I get a turn to throw a pretty lady at Raph?" Mikey chirped.
Raph was sopping wet again and glared at the youngest in quite the silent death threat.
"Kidding big bro!" He waved off, making Raph slightly relax.
"I don't need an accomplice, I'm advanced" he rubbed his hands together with his tongue out.
"I swear to god Mikey" the biggest pointed a finger at the youngest in warning. This time when he grabbed a towel, he kept a large distance from the pool and watched everyone with paranoia. Which gave the small crowd another round of solid laughter.
Jess got a high five from Leo as Raph now begrudgingly went to go get his food while muttering angrily about Donnie and Leo.
"Bro's please tell me someone got that on camera" Mike said through a big mouth full of his mac and cheese.
"There's cameras posted in two different spots back here, one if not both got it" April grinned as she nonchalantly stabbed some Chinese chicken salad onto her fork.
"Right on. We'll need that before we go" Donnie quickly pointed at the black haired woman.
Raph went back outside as everyone else migrated to the couch, wanting to watch a movie and let the alcohol wear off. Possibly sleep as well.
It was evening, still light outside, but all he wanted was a peaceful moment at the pool before he joined everyone. His large muscular body raised and lowered as he released a large sigh.
He made sure no one followed him, the coast was clear, air was a perfect temperature, water was deathly still.
This was the literal definition of peace/peaceful. The turtle did another double take in his surrounding area, even looking up at the direction of the roof.  
Thank god, not a soul in sight, he walked to the pool side. Sitting down, and he plunged his legs into the pleasant temperature the water gave. Leaning back on his arms, a smile on his face, his guard slowly being let down.
Body relaxing, this was nice, this is what he needed after such a tense day. He lightly kicked his feet with a hum, this is what he was talking about!
All of a sudden, a sixth sense went off, making his eyes snap open, and look around. There was no one around but why did he suddenly feel so uneasy?!?
He looked around again just to make sure, he felt something for a reason. There was no one around him though?! So what was the deal!
That's when it occurred to him to look down. So he did, into the water, to see the youngest brother submerged there, eyes as wide as they could go staring up at Raph.
Raphie boy went through all stages of grief in a split second, ending on a bitter acceptance. He wouldn't be able to outdo the prank master in speed, even when he was under water.
Sure enough, he felt Mikey wrap his arms around his Calves, shins against the attacking turtle's plastron. At first it was slow, Raph took a t-pose with his arms.
Accepting his fate as he was lifted up, and slowly got dragged into the pool. The rest of his upper body got yanked in quickly, causing bubble to rise to the surface quickly.
He guesses he deserved this after today....
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Hi! Could I get HC from the guys? 👀 How they would always react to catching the reader seeing them "badly", in addition to the fact that he usually avoids them, but with his brothers it is incredible and they feel bad because they think they do not like him.  But she actually likes them and she looks at them like that because she "studies" them to draw them and she is too clumsy and shy to talk to them, that's why she ends up avoiding them. Until finally he catches her drawing them with lots of hearts or maybe they'll find her notebook with lots of portraits of them.
It's kind of funny because when I study people to draw them, they think that I look at them with hatred xd maybe I should increase my glasses prescription
God, glasses are such a pain in the ass but I have to wear them. If I don't anyone within my near vicinity doesn't have a face. But why they gotta get dirty so easily???? Makes me wanna explode or something
TMNT Headcanons
The boys w/ a quiet reader who is fine with his brothers but acts cold around him and stares a lot
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mikey couldn't describe his disappointment upon realizing that you didn't want to be friends with him
well, you never actually said that to him
but he was pretty sure it was the case
you'd never made an effort to be friends with him
stared at him an awful lot though, but there was always something off about your gaze when you looked at him
like you were sizing him up, scrutinizing him, like he was an opponent
it kinda worried him
to add to that, you didn't even attempt to look embarrassed when he caught you staring
you'd just stare harder
on your end it was quite the opposite
you always found the brothers fascinating and you LOVED studying their anatomy, you'd confessed this to Donnie early on and he happily indulged in your questions
and you loved how easily you got along with the boys
well, except for Mikey
but it wasn't for a lack of trying
whenever the orange sporting turtle came around your normally flamboyant personality crept back into its little corner and hid
any words of excitement that had previously been with you died in your throat
for the longest time you didn't understand it
and you hated not understanding things, so you turned to your only outlet
that's how you ended up with an entire sketchbook full of the youngest brother in vastly different styles and poses
you had a separate book for the others, none of them as detailed as this
and when you stared to analyze you'd fallen into a habit of not looking away when caught
by your logic, if you stared back hard enough he'd look away first or just assume you'd zoned out
he didn't
and on one hectic day you'd left your sketchbook open on the kitchen table in your rush to get to work
you hadn't even noticed the slip up until Leo texted you to let you know during your shift
instant panic
in truth, Mikey was the one who discovered the book upon waking up from his nap and he'd spent the next three hours analyzing every drawing
when you finally dropped in after work to grab your book the turtle was waiting for you with it in hand
he'd asked you if you hated him
you told him no and accepted your sketchbook from him
he was relieved and screaming excitedly, just in his head
"Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?"
You sighed in relief and nodded
"If you're cool with it- you don't think I'm weird do you?"
"I mean- you are talking to a turtle..."
you lightly shoved his chest and smiled, although it faded within a second
"Oh hush, 10 o'clock tomorrow? I'll bring snacks."
he was so stunned he could only shoot you finger guns in approval
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Donnie genuinely couldn't understand your unease around him
he'd followed all the proper expectations of holding a conversation
he was polite and engaging
so why wouldn't you talk to him?
this boy has read so many social blogs to try and figure out what he was doing wrong and he just couldn't put his finger on it
you were fine with the rest of his brothers, you'd stay up for hours laughing and gaming with them
you'd even sat still long enough to listen to Leo explain some old Japanese myth that he'd read about in a book
but with him it was always a quick, cordial greetings and farewells with bland small talk in between
Donnie had picked up pretty quickly that you weren't interested in any sort of interaction with him
and he convinced himself that that was okay
but that didn't explain the staring
he'd caught you in the act several times, eyes narrowed and locked on him
especially when you were alone with him in a room or just in the lair
the poor turtle just couldn't put his finger on it
then he caught you drawing, he noticed early on that you always carried a small sketchbook on your person but he didn't think much of it
and it wasn't so much that he caught you drawing, in fact, he wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't snapped at him while he was trying to do a sudoku puzzle
"Damn it Donnie! Stop moving! If I fuck this arm up one more time I'm gonna decompose!"
he'd quickly moved back into the position he was in prior
but you'd gone silent again, occasionally glancing up from your work and running your eyes along his frame before looking down again
nearly twenty minutes later Donnie had finished the puzzle and it seemed as though you had finished your drawing
"Uh- can I ask what are you-"
"I'm drawing you but you kept moving your arm and making me mess up. You always do that when I draw you so every damn picture I have of you stays a sketch because you always come out looking like a fucking octopus."
He just stared
"Sorry, I uh- I didn't mean to explode on you like that. I'm just- I'm really bad at talking to you okay? It's so easy with everyone else but you've just gotta be so damn smart all the time and I worry that you'll think I'm boring so I just... don't talk to you?"
Donnie is stunned™
You refuse to show him the drawing until you can complete the line art and color it
But at least he knows that you don't hate him
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To be completely honest Leo didn't mind that you were distant from him
You created an aura of calm when you were around and you always managed to distract his brothers while you were present
And he enjoyed the alone time
But after a few months that calm acceptance turned into jealousy
Not that he would ever admit it
He would just push it off and ignore it, that usually seemed to work
So why wasn't it?
And your obvious staring problem didn't help at all
Leo didn't spend much time considering his appearance but something about your gaze made him self conscious
And he hated that with a passion
Why was it that you could hold entire debates with his siblings? Even his dad for gods sake. You'd have hour long conversations on almost everything but whenever he tried to say hello you'd make up some lame ass excuse and scamper away
He just wanted an explanation
It appeared that the answer resided in your sketchbook
You'd left it open on the couch when Raph had called you away to spar with him
Leo very delicately flipped through the pages, careful not to disturb some of the polaroid pictures of his brothers
He was admittedly surprised to find pictures of himself among the pages
One of him in a handstand, another of him meditating, there was even one of him mid sneeze that you'd recreated with pencil and paper
The image of his eyes was the most startling, but the book held no polaroid of his eyes
You drew them from memory
And he was shocked when you returned to the room and didn't immediately panic
But that might have been because he didn't try to withhold your book from you
"It took me three months to color them, your eyes. I could never get the shade of blue just right."
"I'm gonna be honest with you y/n, I really thought you didn't like me."
You had the nerve to roll your eyes and follow it with a laugh
"I don't. I mean- I do but no, you just remind me a lot of myself and I haven't exactly figured out why yet. I thought that maybe if I drew you it'd be easier to figure you out..."
"Well did it help?"
You grinned
"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"
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If there was one thing Raph hated it was not understanding something that was right in front of him
which is ironic, as a much younger version of himself probably couldn't care less
and a part of him wishes he didn't care about it so much
he wishes that your blatant avoidance of him didn't upset him
but shit, it got under his skin better than any needle ever could
was it too much to ask for you to just tell him what he said or did wrong?
was he asking too much of you?
but on the same scale you'd never shown obvious dislike towards him, you were never rude and you sure as hell didn't talk shit about him to his brothers
you got along great with them
in fact it was getting more difficult to remember a time before you became a part of his family
he'd become so used to your presence that it no longer put him off when he found you hanging around the lair
but in another sense he was certain that you hadn't spoken more than three sentences to him in your time knowing him or his family
so what was the reason
several months in he finally caught onto the staring, your narrow, glassy gaze locked onto his body and refusing to look away
he stared right back at you
this annoyed you for several reasons
because within five seconds your very peaceful drawing session had turned into a staring contest and your eyes were getting VERY dry
then you exhaled in a half-sigh and looked back down at your paper
"Huh, I guess your head is more of an oblong shape..."
he took offense to this
"What tha' hell is that supposed t'mean?"
now your eyes held more of an amused silent judgement, you begrudgingly held up your sketchbook
"I'm drawing you, you fucking walnut."
now you rolled you eyes and tossed the book to him, he nearly dropped it and fumbled with the pages
your annoyance was quickly growing
"Careful with that."
He flipped through the pages at a snails pace, assumingly because he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing
you had some real talent
when he looked back up at you he was wearing that crooked smile
"and here I was thinkin' that my eyes were just green."
Hope I was able to get this down pretty well! I really enjoyed writing this one! Thanks for the patience!
-Mars 🌠
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froggy-frogz · 3 years
Heartbeats [2016 Raph x Gn!Reader]
Request 4 @peybonggoring :
May I request 2016 Raphael trying to make up stupid excuses to hold hands with his s/o? Like “let me feel your heartbeat by holding hands- UHHH NO THAT'S NOT MINE GOING THAT FAST SHIT-“ *runs away*
A/N: I am so sorry :,) thank you for waiting. I feel terrible so I’m making it extra long <3!! Hope you enjoy it!!!
You sigh and hug your coat closer to you, a frown creasing your lips, “I know you guys can’t really go above ground in the daytime but- it’s freezing. Shouldn’t we, maybe go back? Order some pizza? Watch a movie?”
There was a snicker, and you flashed Mikey an upset glare, “Michelangelo, what in the high heavens is so funny?”
“We’re grabbing pizza angelcakes, or more like you’re grabbing them for us. Our regular pizza guy is sick so there’s no other way to get it, you said it yourself, it’s not like we can go in an-” He was promptly shut up via getting playfully smacked.
“I’m going to-” You cut yourself and press the coat closer to you, “Then why couldn’t I just have gone to get it myself, and taken a cab to get there?”
“Because Raph wanted to make sure you were sa-” Another wack to Mikey’s head echoed around the alley. “Shut up Mikey, c’mon babe, let’s go get the pizza already so we can get ya outta this rain.”
Raphael tugged you under his arm, shielding you from most of the cold and you flashed Mikey another glare.
“You three act like children.” Leo grumbles from next to you, “The faster we get the pizza, the faster we can start the movie marathon back home.”
Rolling your eyes you look up to Raphael, “It’s sweet you wanted to make sure I was okay Red, but I can get pizza myself.”
“I just wanted to come with ya, is that such a crime?” He eyes you, “But are ya okay? Ya look freezin.”
“That’s cause I am.” You mumble, cursing Mikey silently. This was probably his idea, and it’s not like Donnie or Leo would object to pizza. Especially if it was from their favorite place.
The four of you trudged in the pouring, freezing rain, Donnie staying behind to set up everything for when you all got back. Lucky him. He was all warm while you were freezing your ass off in the cold New York night, but hey, at least Raph generated a very considerable amount of warmth.
“Raph pauses for a second, takes your hand, before continuing to walk again, tugging you along. You raise an eyebrow and look up at the towering turtle. Huh. That was new. Raph didn’t like to show affection. And you two were in front of Mikey too.
“Heh, ya right, it is starting to get chilly.” Raph mutters, squeezing your hand, but not enough that it would hurt.
You raise an eyebrow, you were pretty sure that he didn’t really get cold. Raph was like a giant heater. Hence why you were pressed up against his body, but hey, you’d take it.
“Finally, you guys are back. What took so long?” Donnie asked when you came in holding 3 boxes of pizza, which you were sure you would only get a slice or two of. Three if Raph was feeling nice.
“Ah, figures.” Donnie snorts, and takes two of the pizza boxes from you, “Thanks for grabbing them, [Y/n].”
“No problem, now let’s get this marathon on, what movies did you pick out?” You ask as Mikey comes rushing behind you to grab pizza as soon as the boxes made their way onto the counter. Jesus. Mikey would be the death of you. Unless you didn’t strangle him first.
Donnie grabs a couple slices as Mikey is distracted by Leo’s scolding, and passes them to you, “I picked out all the horror movies we haven’t watched with you yet. Raph told me that you haven’t watched a lot of them.”
You spurt, “Horror movies? I’d at least thought we’d watch action or something.”
Not that you didn’t mind horror, but you could get jumpy. What on earth was Raph planning, cause he definitely knew because of a certain time he made you watch The Shining with him.
“C’mon babe, ya don’t have to worry about a thing. I’m right here with you.” Raph says, suddenly appearing behind you with his own very, very full plate of pizza. “What, are you scared?”
“No!” You rush, turning to him, “Let’s just start already-” so we can get this over with.
Raph grinned and hoisted you up in his free hand, making you squeak before carrying you and his pizza to the couch.
“Mikey, Leo, hurry up.” Donnie calls from next to you, reaching for the tv remote, as he had somehow managed to grab pizza amidst the mini-war that started between the two turtles.
You ignore the commotion in the kitchen and turn to the flickering TV, and when The Exorcist popped up onto the screen, you groan and lean into Raph’s arm.
“Here, if you get scared you can hold my hand.” Raph teases, pressing a kiss to your head.
Instead of answering him, you angrily munch on your pizza, muttering curses under your breath, of course, Raph planned this, and y’know what, if he wanted a war too, you would give him one, and you had an idea too.
Halfway through the movie, and your nerves already felt frazzled. As Raph had pretty much predicted, you were almost wanting to hold his hand, surely that would help you in this dire situation.
“Babe, ya practically radiating with fear, maybe if ya hold my hand it will go away?” He mumbles as he takes another bite of his pizza.
What the hell?
You grumble to yourself and lean into him again, and you can hear a heartbeat- Raph’s heart was hammering. Was he scared too? No, nothing really scared Raph, er, movie-wise, so it had to be something else. So it couldn’t be the movie.
Giving in to Raph's wanting-to-hold-your-hand, partially for science, and partially for your own damaged nerves [and ego], you take Raph’s hand, and you can hear his heartbeat grow faster.
Bingo- that was it. You grin, no longer focusing on the movie before looking up to him, your plan into motion. “Hey Raphy, this movie is really scary.” You whisper, “Thanks for holding my hand.”
Raph gives you what you think is a nervous grin, “You’re welcome babe.”
When his heart stopped stammering as much, you moved his arm just a bit so you could climb onto his lap, and curl up to his side. You tucked your head under his chin, right where you could hear his heart stammer.
“U.. Uh babe?”
You tighten your grip on his hand, “Don’t worry you big lug,” You whisper so the others don't hear, “You don’t have to be so nervous to give me affection.”
Maybe you owed Mikey an apology, cause this wasn’t bad at all.
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cherryglossie · 3 years
TMNT Tik Tok Challenges (Series/Part One)
Tik Tok Leggings (brownie points!- the leggings are in the turtles signature color) [Tik Tok Series]
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You've been planning this ever since you saw the challenge on tik tok. You had bought the leggings off Amazon a couple days ago, but they finally arrived and you couldn’t contain your excitement. You slip on the leggings and look into your full body mirror and nearly gasp. 
You were really never to brag, especially about your body, but- holy mother of pizza- your ass and thighs look delicious. 
You turn your body a couple times to look at all the angles and all you can think about are the ways Leo is going to eat you alive. You peek out your window and see the sun was finally coming down. 
Before you headed to the lair, you took a shower. You did the whole she-bang. Exfoliating, shaving, and slathered your body in lotion. You left out the hair and make up, knowing good and well that it was going to get ruined at the end of the night anyways. You were ready and you couldn’t wait any longer.
You arrived at the lair a little earlier than you usually do, but you knew it wasn’t a bother. When you had walked in you looked around to see the place was pretty bare. Mikey wasn’t at the couch playing video games, Donnie wasn’t in his lab, and Raph wasn’t in his private gym.
You rarely see Splinter anyways, so you didn’t worry about him too much. Frankly, you didn’t care where the others were, you only focused on finding your man in blue and just when you thought you missed him since they patrol through the nights often, you hear some clattering in the dojo.
You rush over to the area and a thrill goes down your spine. There he is, doing kicks and flips, while throwing his katana’s in the air, catching them and waving them around as if it were nothing. His body was covered in sweat, his muscles glistened oh-so delightfully.
Without waiting another second, you walk inside the dojo, knowing Leo is gonna scold you for it in 3... 2... and-
“What have I told you about walking into the dojo while I’m training?” Leo says immediately, but continues on as if you aren’t there.
Hm, we need to fix that.
“Not to do it,” You say with an uncaring tone and a mischievous smile, “Where are the others?” You ask, actually interested in knowing. You didn’t want any interruptions tonight.
“Donnie went to the Museum to do whatever research he does, Raph went with 'cuz’ he was bored, Mikey went with because he likes playing in the ball pit in the kids area and Splinter went out on one of his nightly walks through the sewer.” Leo replies swiftly, as if he didn’t just do four backflips three seconds ago.
“So everyone's gone? Just you and me?” You ask, acting like those questions aren’t the most important questions right now.
“Yeah, why?” Leo asks this time, taking a pause to take a water break.
You grab one of the small towels and walk towards Leo with a smile, “Just wondering.”
Leo gives you a look and doesn’t press any further, taking the towel you offered him. You turned back around to take a seat where you usually sat while he trained (but really you were giving him a juicy view of the booty).“So, how was your day?” You ask and go to sit down, but you receive no response.
You look back at Leo to see him standing there, staring intensely at you, but more specifically, you lower half.
“Are those new?” He mumbled.
You smiled and looked down at your leggings, “Yes they are! You like em’?”
Leo walks up to you and turns you around to look at your backside more. His touch makes you shiver and you have no doubt that he noticed. You waited for him to answer, but all you felt was his hand on your thigh, gliding up to your ass and giving it a firm squeeze.
He ignores you and squeezes it again, but this time giving it a few love pats until he decides to give you a hard smack instead. You squeal and jump, but Leo keeps you where you are.
“Where did these come from?” Leo questions, his eyes and hands still on your butt.
“I bought them a couple days ago.” You answered, your voice shaking as you did so.
Leo looks up at you and sees the prominent blush on your face. His own face feels hot and thanks to his green skin, you can’t see it, but you definitely see the hungry look in his eyes.
He pulls you closer to him so your back is right against his front.
“Do you like teasing me my love?”
The question makes you automatically shake your head no, but Leo doesn’t believe you.
“Are we lying now? Is my good girl lying to me?” He asks.
“No!” You almost shout, never wanting to make him upset.
Leo pulls you against him tighter, reaching a hand around to grab under chin. He pulls your head up so he can look in your eyes. You look up at him and even though he’s upside down you can still see the familiar glare in his eyes and gulp. You can’t help the tingles from hitting your core.
“I don’t like liars Y/n.” He states firmly, gipping your chin a little tighter.
“I’m not I promise!” 
Leo looks at you for a moment. He lets your chin go and turns you around to face him. He wraps an arm around your waist, while his other hand reaches up to wrap around the back of your neck, even grabbing some of your hair. He uses his grip on your hair to pull your head back and looks at you with disappointed eyes.
“Do you think I’m stupid darling?”
His question has you shaking your head, but he grips you tighter.
“Use your words.”
You can’t help the small whimper from leaving your mouth, “No, I don’t.”
Leo scoffs, “Apparently you do. You don’t think I know what you're doing? Do you think I train, meditate, and read all day? I may not stay up on the latest trends like Mikey, or know how to work a computer like Donnie, but I know my way around the internet.”
The guilty look on your face gives it all away, not that he didn’t already know your plans the moment he saw the leggings. He’s silent for a couple seconds, looking into your eyes and you can see the cogs spinning in his head. Your body shakes with arousal and you try to pin your legs together.
“Don’t you dare.” Leo growled.
He bends down so his face is closer to yours. His lips hover over yours, but they never touch and it’s infuriating. He can see the frustration gleaming in your eyes.
“You have no right to be pissy with me.” He growls again, “Now here’s what your gonna do.”
You wait in anticipation for his next commands.
“You're gonna go to my room and wait for me there, while I clean up the dojo. You’re gonna be good the entire time for me. Do you understand?”
You go to nod your head, but Leo cuts you off, “Did you forget how to speak?” He snaps, pulling on your hair a tad bit, enough to make you hiss and whine.
“I understand!” You cry out, not caring if any of the others had arrived home.
“Understand what?”
You look in his eyes and see no mercy. You knew for sure he was going to ruin you, but not before giving you a taste of your own medicine. The images of him teasing you till you cried entered your thoughts, making your legs shake. 
You do nothing, but say the words he craves to hear.
“I understand, sir.”
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You weren’t exactly sure what you were doing, but you had bought the leggings a week ago, and now that they are here you stare at the red leggings in your hands with a look of determination.
“So, this is it huh’?” You say to yourself, but you question them no further after seeing the countless results on tik tok.
If this is what it was gonna take to end your dry spell, you were gonna do it.
Yes, the dry spell. The past couple weeks have been hard, leaving you and Raph not being able to spend any time together alone. While he was free, you were working. While you were free, he either had practice or patrol. It was a tiring game and you were sick of it.
You put the leggings on and you were surprised. They fitted you well and were actually very comfortable, so comfortable that you hadn’t realized you wore them for the rest of the day and forgot you were wearing them on your visit to the lair.
You had come by as you always do. The sun was down, meaning the boys were up and ready to roll. When you arrived, you expected to see them gone, but they were all here. Mikey was practicing a few moves on his skateboard, Donnie was messing with the garbage truck, and Leo was probably up top patrolling by himself.
You already had an idea of where Raph was, so you pass the two younger brothers, giving a wave to Mikey before you head up to Raph’s private gym. You can hear his groans and pants, and suddenly you start feeling very hot, something that always happened while watching Raph work out.
You enter his gym and come face to shell. You walk around him carefully to take a seat on one of his benches and continue to watch him beat the crap out of one of his punching bags.
“Hey baby.”
He only grunts to your greeting and that makes you sigh. You can tell he hears it, because he stops what he is doing to give you a proper hello.
“Hey doll.” He says quickly, but then points at another one of his benches, “Can you hand me one of those water bottles please?”
You smile and do as he said, walking over with a bounce in your step. You grab the water bottle and turn, expecting Raph to be patiently waiting for you, but what you saw was something else entirely.
There he stood completely still, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open (his toothpick falling to the floor). You look at him with an eyebrow raised. You follow his eyes directly to your leggings and stare at them in confusion, before you remember.
Your eyes widen, “R-Raph? You good.”
“Turn around.” Is all he says.
Slowly, you turn around, giving him a full view of your backside.
“Dammit.” You hear him mutter.
You can almost hear a whine coming from the hot-head, which makes you tense up. A shiver goes straight to your core and you begin to fidget with your hands. You turn your head back to see Raph was staring your ass as if it was the only thing in the world.
Raph walks over to you and his hands are on you immediately. They caress your curves and thighs before stopping at your butt. He gives one of your cheeks a hard smack, making you squeal in surprise. You use both of his hands to caress your ass, a look of memorization on his face. 
Raph looks up at you and wraps his arms around you, bending down to kiss one of your shoulders.
“Where did ya’ get these babe?” He asks, his breath tickling your neck.
“W-well, I saw them on tik tok and I really like them, so...”
You left out the part where you sort of planned this, but you forgot last second.
“Do you like them?” You ask, hoping to get a positive response, but with the way he was looking at you, you had no doubt he was about to take on you on one of his benches.
“Like em’? Baby I love them.” He mumbles, “Why don’t you bend over one of the benches baby? Let me get a closer look?”
He doesn’t even wait for you before pushing over a bench. His hand is at the back of your neck, keeping your upper half pinned against the bench while your lower half is raised up.
While Raph loves the way your ass looks in the leggings, he knows you’d look so much better without them, so he grabs the waistline of your leggings pulling them down enough until your butt shows fully.
“Raphie?” You moan out, wiggling in your spot.
“Stay still.” He demands and with a small whine, you stay completely still.
You feel his hands go over the skin of your backside, making you sigh at his touch, but then a yelp escapes your lips after another hard smack is delivered.
“You're playing a dangerous game, wearing these around me. Is my girl desperate or something?” He asks gruffly, squeezing your neck in warning.
You whimper, “Well obviously. You haven’t fucked me in weeks!” You yell out.
You feel another hard smack against your ass, making you hiss.
“Watch your mouth babygirl, don’t wanna make this ass any redder than it already is.” He warns.
“Please.” You moan under your breath.
“Please what?”
You gulp and hesitate with your next answer.
“I said please what?”
You feel a pinch on one of your cheeks.
“Please fuck me!” You cry out.
Next thing you know Raph is already pulling your leggings off, carefully, not wanting to rip them.
“Hang on tiger. I’ll give ya’ what ya’ want.”
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You had heard of the challenge thanks to Mikey. After watching the video Mikey had sent you, you bought the leggings ASAP. Truly you didn’t really need materialistic things to turn Donnie on. You rarely have to do anything and the turtle is on you in seconds.
With the reactions you’ve seen towards the leggings, you decided to say ‘fuck it’. The day the leggings came in, was when you were on your day. You had checked your mail that morning and was happy to see the packaging in your mailbox.
Quickly you got ready to go to the lair, with your purple leggings on. You entered the lair and saw Mikey first, seeing play another video game.
“He du- Woah.” Mikey goes to say, but pauses when he sees what you're wearing.
You stand there awkwardly, but Mikey only smiles.
“I see what you’re doing.” Mikey teases, “Donnie is messing with the garbage truck.” 
You give Mikey a shy thanks and walk away, blushing when you hear Mikey giggle. You walk over to Donnie's workstation and spot him under the truck. You smile as you walk closer.
“Hey Donnie.”
“Hey Princess.” He says right after, his voice muffled from being under the truck.
“What are you doing?” You ask, taking a seat on your designated chair Donnie made for you.
“Checking the oil on this thing and adding a few embellishments.”
You nod your head and watch as he continues to work. His legs are the only things to see, but you don’t mind. His legs may not be as big as his brothers, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have something to look at.
You squirm in your seat as you remember that one time Donnie made you ride his thigh while he was working on something at his desk. He pretended to ignore you, which weirdly turned you on even more. And when you came, Donnie stopped working to take you over his desk.
You jump at the sound of his voice and sit up straighter. Donnie comes out from under the truck, looking at you and pointing at something beside you.
“Can you hand me that wrench?”
You look to the side and see the wrench and pick it up, standing to give him the wrench. 
“Thank you Princess.” He smiles at you, making your heart flutter.
You turn around to go sit back down until you hear Donnie gasp. You turned around to see what happened, but all you saw was Donnie staring at you.
“Donnie?” You say his name, but received nothing from the turtle.
After a few more seconds, Donnie shakes his head.
“Sorry love. Um… Those look good on you by the way.” He coughs out.
You smile and turn to the side to show off your leggings better.
“Thanks! I just got them today.”
Donnie nods and gets up to walk over to you. He turns his head to the side to get a better view of your butt. Your skin turns pink as you watch him stare at your ass with no shame, but you don’t expect him to lay a love tap on you.
You jump back a little and laugh in disbelief.
“Donnie, somebody could see!”
Donnie's silence shows he doesn’t care and continues to grope you with one of his hands, his other on your arm to keep you still. You start growing restless, the heat hitting your core making your thighs stick together to create any sort of friction to calm down the tingling.
Donnie finally looks up at you, still unashamed from his actions. He turns you so you face him fully and wraps his arm around your waist. He raises his hand to caress your cheek before he uses his fingers to hold your chin.
“You drive me insane.” He whispers, leaning down to press a small kiss against your lips.
You smile at his words, but you gasp as his hand around your waists moves to give your ass a smack again. 
“Now why don’t you get in the truck while I make sure the coast is clear.”
You only nod your head and once Donnie releases you from your hold, you walk towards the truck to get in with Donnie watching you the entire time.
Once you're inside the truck, Donnie looks around to see if his brothers or Splinter was around. Donnie is happy that they are all busy and slowly makes his way inside the truck.
He smiles as you wait for him in the passenger's seat. He climbs in the back seat and settles down before patting his lap.
You crawl into his lap and his hands all over you.
“My precious girl.” Donnie praises softly, holding your face in his hands.
“I am going to ruin you.”
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You got the leggings a long time ago, before it was even a trend on tik tok. You saw them on some advertisement and liked the way they looked, so you bought a couple pairs.
You are wearing them right now, as you got ready to go visit Mikey. It was movie night and Mikey was happy to have a Marvel marathon with you. 
On your way to the sewers, you stopped by a convenience store to grab a couple of Mikey’s favorite snacks.
When you set foot into the lair, Mikey already has you in his arms, too excited to notice your orange leggings. He plasters your entire face with his kisses, loving the way you giggled as he did.
“How is my baby doing?” Mikey asks, finally setting you down to drag you over to the couch.
You smile, “I’m doing good!” You gleam before holding up a bag of his favorite treats, “Guess what I got…”
Mikey gasps and takes the bag from your hands, “Starburst! Thank you baby! Have I ever told you that you're my favorite?”
You laugh, “Everyday Mikey.”
Mikey smiles as he plants himself on the couch, but makes enough room for you.
“Hold on, I feel like popcorn.”
Mikey nods, but he barely pays attention to you, his focus was on the candy. You walk towards the kitchen, but turn back to ask  Mikey if he wanted a drink.
“Sure ba- oh my god-”
You only hear him say sure, so you turn around to go head towards the kitchen. Mikey chokes on his spit a little, his eyes wide as he replayed the way your ass looked in those leggings, but he didn’t let his imagination run for long. Not when you were only a couple steps away from him.
He jumps off the couch in a hurry and dashes into the kitchen, seeing your back was facing him. He looked down at your butt again and nearly drooled, and without waiting another second, he walked over to you.
You yelp as you feel the hardest smack you’ve ever felt  against your ass. You turn around to see Mikey with a dumb grin on his face.
“You’re looking sexy, little lady.” Mikey says in a dream-like voice.
“M-Mikey! What are you doing?” You ask, but can’t help the laugh from leaving you.
Mikey pulls you towards him, “How about we skip the movie and head to the bedroom baby?”
You look at him weirdly, “What has gotten into you?”
“Don’t blame me, blame these.” Another smack lands across a cheek.
You smack his arm, “Stop it!” 
Mikey’s smile grows larger, “I can’t help myself when you look so good in these pants.”
You look down at yourself. You turn your head a little to see your ass actually looks really good, but you roll your eyes anyway and go to turn back around to keep making the popcorn.
“You’ve been talking about this marathon for weeks. You can contain yourself for tonight.
Mikey glues himself to you, running his hands along your ass, making you shiver. Damn him and his magic hands.
You feel the wet kisses against your neck and that makes you melt. You lean against him as he goes on to press more kisses against your neck and shoulders.
“Come on baby, let me make you feel good.” Mikey says into ear, nibbling on your earlobe.
You whimper at his tactic and give into his needs.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the Bay Chapter 18, Flooded Tunnels
Tags: @brightlotusmoon @ilo-artistry @selfindulgenz
Summary: The brothers encounter a dead end— and a near-dead rat
Content warning: medical treatment, swears
Eight sets of feet sloshed through the cesspools, the red and blue leaders heading their designated team. Leaders in the front, Raphael and Leo, and navigators, the Donatello’s, right behind them. Donatello and Donnie, with their quickness of mind and hand, had created in less than ten minutes a device they said could track the most minuet of electric life pulses; at first, there had been the plan to use Donatello’s mutant tracker, but it had quickly proven to not be effective at tracking in such a mutagen-tainted sewer. Donnie was the designated holder of the new device, while Donatello had his goggles flicked down over his eyes scanning and searching the tunnels for any abnormality. Directly behind them wereMikey and Leonardo, and at the back of the group were Raph and Michelangelo, watching the flank.
Leo kept finding himself looking just to make sure Mikey was keeping up; that was why Raph was there at the back, making sure Mikey didn't fall behind, but the anxiety tickling at Leo’s chest refused to let him just accept that. He was still seething bitterly at being outvoted with the vote of Donatello, and more than anything he wanted to order Mikey to go home where he was safe, but he didn't. He had made a promise and he intended to keep it. The vote had spoken, even if it had spoken against him. He had to ignore the sick, clawing feeling in his gut that told him to go back on his word. Not this time. No more dictatorship…
“You know.” Leonardo’s vice was a saving grace from Leo’s darkening thoughts, “Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to go after a giant dinosaur head-on without, I don’t know, a tank?”
“We have a tank!” Raphael declared with a proud pat to his chest, “Besides, if he’s got their dad, then we don’t got the time to spare.”
“But we have a… literal tank also.” Donatello pointed out, immediately talked over by Leonardo.
“If, that’s a big if.” Leonardo scoffed, “I’m not saying we don’t need to find their dad, but I am saying we need a plan.”
Leo found himself agreeing with Leonardo. His dad was strong, but that didn't mean he couldn’t get hurt, especially when he was alone. He’d been gone at least a few hours, and a lot could happen in a few hours…
“I can’t help but agree with Leo.” Leo admitted, “At the very least some of us could have stayed behind to watch your father, or went searching for Honeycutt.”
“April’s at home.” Raphael commented with a shrug, “This is an all hands on deck situation.”
Leonardo gave a long sigh and shook his head. “Listen, Raph, I love April and everything, but she’s not exactly… mutant.”
Raphael paused, and there was a few seconds of processing before he turned to look at Leonardo. Raphael stopping was enough to cause a chain reaction that backed up the narrow tunnel.
“I mean, she’s soft and squishy.” Leonardo tried to reason, “And even with her bat, I’m not sure she’d stand a chance. I’m not even sure we stand a chance!”
“It’s fine!” Raphael snorted, “She has us and Casey on speed dial if anything goes wrong, which it won’t.”
“No offense Raph, but you didn't see the size of those ‘triceratons’ or whatever they are.” Donnie said, “They’re massive! Your Leon’s right to be concerned.”
“We’ll handle it. We’re on the move.” Raphael set them in motion once more. They didn't get very far at all in the stressed silence.
“I’m getting some strange readings.” Donnie reported.
“And it’s nothing mystic.” Donatello followed up, “So I’ve got the slightest inkling we’re close.”
“Well it’s the end of the road.” Leonardo pointed out the stagnant water that filled the tunnel ahead of them. “Unless dinosaurs can swim, I think we took a wrong turn.”
“Actually, triceratops’ were probably very prolific swimmers—“ Donnie started.
“Again with the dinosaur facts, Don?” Raph threw his head back and groaned.
“I love dinosaurs and you will not shame me for it!”
“I’ll shame you for every damn thing your tree-looking ass does.”
“Say that again, Shrek, I dare you--”
“Guys…” Mikey’s voice cut through the argument. He didn't answer the questioning gazes passed his way as he pushed through the crowd at a brisk walk that quickly turned into a sprint until he fell to his knees in the muck.
His hands groped around the gray water until they found something solid and furry. He yanked Splinter up and held the sodden rat tightly to his chest, feeling his fathers heartbeat against his chest. He was alive. Mikey had been expecting the swarm of turtles, so when they came he wasn’t caught off guard; their shouts of ‘father’ and ‘sensei’ and ‘Splinter’ fell deaf on his ears as he blocked out the shouts for the sake of his own sanity; within seconds, Splinter had been snatched from Mikey by Leo, and then snatched away from Leo by Donnie, and then ushered to be laid on dry stone; Leonardo was there in an instant to help, moving the rat’s head to the side while Donnie took his vitals.

“He’s breathing, but he’s so cold.” Donnie said in a quick, soft voice, “Potential for hyperthermic shock. Pulse is thready…”
“What’s going on, Don?” Leo demanded.
“No obvious trauma. Evidence of water aspiration, wet breath sounds…”
“Is he alright?!” Raph was pacing as he grabbed at his head.
“If he doesn’t start coughing soon we’ll have to suction lungs of excess fluid…”
“Talk to me, Donnie?!”
“Potential for infection…” Donnie’s rambling just kept going on and on and on. He and Leonardo seemed to be working with the same hivemind, the older assessing the state of his father while the younger worked to dry and stabilize.
Without a word passed between the two medics, Donnie lifted Splinter up so his back was pressed to the wall. Leonardo held his hands over Splinter’s stomach so they formed a butterfly, and once Donnie had provided Splinter with four big breaths, Leonardo pumped firmly on the space. Splinter immediately coughed, and once he started coughing he didn't stop. Water spilled out of his mouth and was quickly wiped away by Donnie’s tender touch, and though the rat’s eyes were open they were hardly seeing.
Raphael pulled off his torn coat and offered it to Donnie, who took it without even having to look. He used it to cover Splinter before taking off the rat’s wet robes and discarding them. He then scooped Splinter up in his arms while still vigorously rubbing the coughing rat’s chest.
“What the hell happened?” Raph’s soft words held none of the normal, brutish anger as he laid a hand over his father.
“The entire lower level of sewer is completely flooded.” Leonardo offered, “Has been since we were born. There’s a section of it that opens up into our lair, In the zen room— we never let dad in there by himself. Maybe he fell in?”
“Or was pulled in…” Leo muttered.
“Well whatever the case, it’s a miracle he’s still breathing.” Donnie said, and his hand went from rubbing Splinter’s chest to rubbing his hair. “Nice spot, Mike.”
“I didn't even see him there.” Raph sighed and shook his head.
“Uh, fellas?” It felt wrong invading such a private moment between father and sons and medics, so Michelangelo and Donatello had slowly been drifting away from the group to give them their space. Now, they were backtracking to return to the safety of their numbers, eyes locked Beyond the rescue scene.
The stagnant and still water was no longer still. Bubbles were rippling at the surface, rising through the water and bursting to make room for more to form in rapid succession. The water started to swell, like something - something big - was about to break through.
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
The Forgotten - Chapter Five Punishment
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Here is the fifth Installment
Full story here
Warning: Blood, gore, mild torture, mild smut
 Aurora utilized those precious few moments she still had with Leo, running her hands over his face, arms and torso drinking in as much of him as possible, before they came for him. He looked so peaceful lying there, eyes closed, taking even unhurried breaths. Like so many times before when she’d wake before them memorizing every scar and scrute as they dreamed peacefully, another life time, so far away.
 Leaning forward she took her final taste of his lips as the door opened to her room.
Aurora ordered Leonardo’s unconscious body returned to the location they had apprehended him. He couldn’t stay in the base, no matter how bad she wanted to keep him close. Though if and when Donnie returned, the genius would want access to his brothers. But she needed him out of there before he escaped and gave away their location to Bishop’s troops. Her first priority was to the people here, if their safe haven was compromised everything would be lost.
 As they hoisted Leonardo onto the cart, Casey stepped in front of Aurora insisting the kunoichi didn’t accompany them. Her first reaction was to object but after a few moments she reluctantly agreed. At this moment she was too emotional, she could change her mind and go get him. So, she added not to be informed of the drop site.
 She watched them prep him for transport; sound canceling headphones were put over his ears set to an annoying brand of music and his eyes covered with dark fabric. Before the hood was pulled over his green crown Aurora bent down cupping his cheeks to gather his warmth in her palms.
 “You have an hour to get him there and get clear before the pressure points wear off. It usually takes a few hours on a human, but the mutagen helps him recover faster, his muscles don’t hold the pressure as long. Don’t stop; don’t engage any hostiles, especially his brothers if you encounter them. Get in and get out.”
 They left with the leader a few minutes later and with a huff Aurora sat down on the edge of her bed. Her hands ran back into the messy sheets finding them still a little damp from their tryst. She suddenly had an insatiable need to smell him again. Crawling onto the mattress her face ran over the sheets taking in his scent that still lingered there. She had touched them all except for Michelangelo today. But she knew when Leo returned home and the youngest found he was the last to leave his scent on her Mikey would rectify that rather quickly.
 Wrapping the blankets still thick with Leonardo’s scent around her, Aurora closed her eyes and found slumber quick to take its hold. Leo’s face flush with pleasure was the last thing she thought of before she fell asleep.
 She slept for several uninterrupted hours cocooned in their memories and smell. It wasn’t until a soft tapping at her door that finally woke her from sleep. Her voice groggy and sleep laden allowed entrance into her room.
 The heavy door opened slowly and April came into focus as her eyes adjusted to the hallway light from the doorway. In her hand was a plate and the wondrous smell of bacon filled the large space.
 “Rise and shine sugar tits. Casey scored some bacon on his way home last night; I thought you’d enjoy some.”
 “That big beautiful idiot, it’s about time he made himself useful.” Sitting up in her bed Aurora’s hands rose above her head to stretch out the sore muscles in her body. “God I think it’s been a year since I’ve had some.” Accepting the plate Aurora bit down on a still hot slab of pork. The salty goodness burst with flavor coating her tongue delightfully and Aurora’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. “Fuck, that’s delicious and you made it crispy just the way I like it. You do care….”
 “Most days……”
 “Bitch…” Aurora laughed slipping the rest of the piece in her mouth. “How long have I been out?”
 “Ten hours, but you needed it. If it wasn’t for this pipin hot pig and a lead to follow I’d order you to stay in bed a few more. But alas duty calls, I need that fine ass up, showered and in the war room in 30 minutes.” April leaned down to Aurora and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead.
 “Ok mother.”
 “Don’t sass me little lady. You’re lucky I don’t ground you after last night’s debacle.”
 “You would have done the same.”
 “Touché, I’m just glad no one was killed. He could have easily cleaned house last night. I think if you weren’t here last night it would have been a completely different outcome.”
 “I agree, sadly.”
 April stopped at the door and turned back around to face her friend; her face held the seriousness of the situation but as their eyes met April’s lips curled just a little with mischief. “For…..reasons…..how was it?”
 “Heartbreakingly good.”
 “I’m glad but I’m sorry at the same time.”
 The hot spray of the shower was usually a relief to Aurora, the warmth seeping into her tired muscles and washing away her daily tasks. But the thought of washing away the evidence of Leonardo’s visit was excruciating. What had transpired was dangerous, he had nearly killed her the last time they met, but she could see it in his eyes. He was a desperate man and she gambled with her life, it was stupid but she needed it as much as Leo did….maybe more. That piece he shared was just a taste of what she had been missing all these years. People would think it selfish and maybe it was but what miserable existence they had. All that they had given up, no promise of life with each mission, a little happiness was due every once in a while, no matter how short lived it was. For all she knew she would never see them again.
 Finished with her shower Aurora pulled on fresh clothes and headed out to the war room anxious to hear about the new lead that was found.
  The warmth of her was gone, but as he came to the scent remained strong and evident on his flesh. Taking a deep breath Leo tried to sooth the swimming headache throbbing in his skull. She really did know how to adjust the pressure points on their bodies taking in account of the shells on their backs. Curiouser and curiouser, each time they had an encounter with that woman……Aurora, things seemed to become more confusing yet more clear. If that was possible, someone was lying that he was certain but was his master or the woman who was driving him and his brothers insane? But right now he had bigger problems.
 He had woken up where he had laid his trap. A carefully planned scheme he had worked on for months down the drain because of that woman. That infuriatingly beautiful woman, she really did have some sort of hold on him. Maybe there was truth her to lies, she said something was in him? What did she mean by that?
 Stumbling to his feet Leo began his trek back to main headquarters and Leonardo was not looking forward to reporting his failure to Bishop. The man did not take failure well; his tolerance was paper thin but Leonardo rarely came back with bad news so there was hope…..perhaps. The rebel base was supposed to be overrun with his brothers and Bishop’s men by now. If he hadn’t been weak and sought out the blonde, his mission would have been successful. Her name even if not spoken out loud had a profound effect on the leader. Leo’s heart tightened and his insides spun with an unknown feeling. A feeling that took control of him as he searched for the vexing woman’s room in their base and claimed her in her ridiculously large bed. It could easy fit him and his brothers along with her……like it was meant for them all.
 A sudden vision of Raphael, Mike, and him with another turtle wrapped around Aurora sent his head spinning and his chest constricting in unimaginable pain. It intensified as he focused on the fourth mutant turtle he had never seen before but somehow looked familiar. Purple was wrapped around his skull and he was taller than them all, for some reason he knew he was a genius. Brother? Another heart stopping shot of pain surged through his chest and Leo toppled onto his knees clutching at his harness as he struggled to breath.
 What was that, a memory? Why did it hurt so much? Holding his labored breathing Leo closed his eyes and cleared his mind until the pain passed allowing him to stand and resume his return to base.
 The moment he entered into their home base both Raphael and Michelangelo were on him.
 “Where the fuck have you been? You were supposed to call us hours ago!”
 Leonardo ignored his hothead brothers’ questions pushing past him to make his way towards their shared quarters. He was not in the mood, but Leo should have known Raphael was not one to be ignored. His brother’s large mitt encircled his arm and yanked him to a halt.
 “Fuck you if you think you’re gonna pull the silent leader bullshit today. Despite your failure to inform us of the rebels base Mike and I were fuckin worried.” Raphael whipped his older brother around to look into his eyes. He wanted a fuckin explanation. “You were supposed to get ‘caught’ and taken to their base to escape then tell us where ya were so we could overtake them………” Raphael’s nostrils flared, and his line of questions halted abruptly. The grip on his brother’s arm intensified as his eyes dilated with realization.
 Leo winced at the increasing pressure and tensed further feeling his youngest brother get closer scenting the air as well.
 “Ya bro, what kept you?”
 Raphael leaned in close almost pressing his beak to his brother’s plastron and took in a long pull of air. Then something unexpected happened, his hothead brother pulled away with is mouth open wide in a toothy grin and started to cackle. It was a deep sound that started in the depths of his chest.  “You botched the mission for a piece of blondie?!”  The barreling laughter began to rise. “This is fuckin rich! Mr. Self-control couldn’t keep it in his pants to finish the mission.”
 Mikey hit Raph in the shoulder trying to pull him away from Leo, “Shut up Raph. If Bishop hears that he’ll….”
 Refusing to give Raph the satisfaction of acknowledging his weakness for the woman Leo ripping his arm free and pushed past him but stopped in his tracks nearly running into his master.
 Bishop though smaller than the three brothers stood with such confidence the mutants stepped back falling into line on instinct. The dark shades that sat upon his nose was adjusted and his suit jacket opened with a flick of his thumb and forefinger. “Is this true Leonardo? Did you fail in your mission over the blonde commander?”
 The usually stoic leader’s head fell unable to look Bishop in the eye. “Master, I went to her chambers to subdue her. She is a formidable fighter, but I have a weakness for the woman that I cannot comprehend. I am drawn to her and she welcomes it. I lost myself in her and she took full advantage rendering me unconscious. I will not fail you again Master.”  
 A heavy sigh came from the man as he took his sunglasses from this nose ridge to clean them. “I am disappointed in you Leonardo. You, out of your brothers are the most disciplined and to let a mere woman take you from your mission makes me question your loyalty to me. Was I wrong to give you the highest command in my army?”
 “No Bishop, you were not. I….”
 Bishop cut him off moving past the leader to his younger brothers. “You see Leonardo, when you are the leader; you hold the lives of your men in your hands. The responsibility of the mission, of your success rests on those large shoulders of yours.” Bishop moved around Michelangelo to Raphael. “You see, I chose you. Because I knew you could handle the pressure, but I am aware you are still human….so to speak. You are not without your flaws, but you see, there has to be consequences to your actions.”
 Leonardo did not like the way Bishop was circling his brothers eyeing them like they were prey, “Yes, I am fully prepared to receive my punishment Master.”
 “And receive you shall.” Bishop’s hand reached for the top of Raphael’s shoulder and pulled. “On your knees Raphael. You and your brother are going to help me show your leader what happens when he disappoints me.”
 Honeyed eyes met blue, weary of what was happening, but Raphael swallowed the rising lump in his throat obeying his superior sinking slowly to his knees. “Master Bishop, Leo isn’t the only one distracted by her. Mike and I…..” The man’s hand squeezed painfully into the muscle of his shoulder making the brute wince.
 “Quiet Raphael, know your place.” His hands moved to his glasses and pulled them free of his face and folded them carefully placing them into his jacket pocket. “Your team is small, so the effects of your decisions affect them more, but you ultimately suffer the most.” Bishop leaned down wrapping his long fingers around the hilt of Raphael’s long blade strapped to his side. Slowly he removed the blade from its sheath and rested the business end against the scales of his red banded brother’s arm.
 Leo’s brother instincts kicked in and moved forward to protect his brother. He wanted to reach for his katanas, Bishop was their Master, their commander, their savoir but right now he was threatening the only two people he loved on this miserable planet.
 “Unless you wish for their punishment to be far worse, I suggest you stay where you are Leonardo. And if your brothers do not wish for this to happen to you, I hope they do the same. You need to be taught a lesson Leo; no deed goes unpunished.”
 Movement halted but his senses were still on high alert. Leo’s hands clenched into tight fists and his eyes locked with Raph as his green scales gave way to the sharp metal of his own blade. The tip sunk into the dense tissue and began its decent down the deltoid drawing a steady river of crimson in its wake. “Please, not my brothers, I’ll take this, it’s for me and my failings not theirs. They weren’t even there!” Leo voice had risen in pitch watching Raphael groan in agony but stayed where he was told.
 “That would be too easy, you are self-sacrificing Leonardo so taking this pain, this punishment would not heed the lesson. But if you witnessed your loved ones suffer this, it would be engrained in your memory a constant reminder not to fail me again.”
 “I’m fine fearless, I can take it.” Raphael tried his best not to make a sound while the blade began to carve through the thick muscle of his bicep. His nostrils flared trying to regulate his breathing. Something he was taught..by….not Bishop…..but by who? His mind began to scream at him adding to the excruciating pain radiating through his arm. Raph closed his eyes taking in heavy uneven breaths and a hoard of rats swarmed his vision.
 Bishop paid no attention to Raphael keeping his sight solely on the panicking leader. “You did this, you did this to him. You three are beasts, unworthy of love. You actually think that woman truly cares for you….FOR ANY OF YOU! She is a kunoichi, a deceitful vile whore trying to wear you down, gain your trust so she can find me to kill me.” The blade pulled from Raphael’s flesh with a sickening sound and Bishop thrust the tip into the exposed side of Raphael’s body between his plastron and shell. Almost instantly he began to drag the blade down opening up a large weeping gash in Raphael’s’ side.
 This time Raphael gasped in pain letting out a breathless growl, “F..uh….uck.”
 “You are nothing without me, I am all you have. If it wasn’t for me you would have been put down in the labs I found you in! I spared your lives, ME! I gave you purpose!  The rebels only want information from you nothing more. You are freaks; monsters and they will kill you the first chance they get.”
 Gritting his teeth watching his brother in pain Leo kept the fact the rebels had done no such thing. The only thing they threatened was to take him to R&D and remove what was ‘inside of him’. None of them had looked scared or even disgusted by his appearance.
 Blood was now pooling at the brute’s feet slipping down his green flesh like a waterfall.
 “That’s enough!” Leo couldn’t take it anymore. The look on Raph’s face was cutting into his soul squeezing his heart to the point of him unable to pull in a full breath.  
Bishop’s eyes darkened at the challenge put after a few never ending moments he pulled the knife free turning to Michelangelo to continue his ‘lesson’.
 Not to be outdone by Raph, Mikey held his ground ready to take his part in all of this. Planting his feet the youngest stood tall but soon found the solid walls of his brothers in front of him an impenetrable force keeping Bishop and his punishment far from their little brother.
 Leo growled at Bishop holding the bloody knife that was just inside his brother’s side a few moments ago. “I said that is enough. You’re point was well taken.”
 It took their master a few agonizing moments to come up with a decision whether to punish them further or concede. He took a fresh cloth from his breast pocket and wiped the crimson from the knife and held it back out to its owner for retrieval. “Very well, but next time Michelangelo will get it much worse than Raphael did…..much worse. I tire of these games the resistance plays. I want this over with. I want that base found and those three commanders caught and executed. They have caused us too much trouble. They need to be made an example.” Bishop watched Leo’s eyes darken with defiance further but remained where he was. “Do we have a problem with those orders Leonardo?”
 Raphael and Michelangelo watched their brothers hands tense at his sides and his back straighten. “No.” Leo ground out darkly. “I will personally make sure those orders are carried out.”
 “Good, I will not tolerate failure again.” And with that Bishop left leaving the three brothers alone.
 After the hallway was clear Raphael finally stumbled into Leonardo’s arms. Mikey quickly came up to the other side of his brother helping Leo brace his immense weight. “Fuck Leo, I hope it was worth it.”
 Leo adjusted his brothers’ weight and pressed his palm into the weeping gash doing his best to slow the flow. “It was…enlightening, and don’t throw stones Raphael. You know full well if you were given the chance you would have took part in her body without hesitation. Now let’s get out of the hallway and to our quarters. We need to tend to your wounds.”
 Without any word of protest all three made their way to their shared room. When they had been brought to this facility after Bishop and his men had freed them from a secret lab doing tests on animals, they were each offered up their own rooms. Something deep inside them found the thought unpleasant and asked to be housed together. They had even moved their beds together finding comfort in each other’s warmth. Like they had been sleeping close years prior.
 Carefully they set Raphael down on a chair in their living quarters and Mikey began to address his wounds. Leo brought over their med kit and pulled out the tools Mike would need and left to fetch something to flush the gash with to clean and disinfect it.
 Returning to his brother’s Leo handed Mikey the supplies and assisted with keeping Raph’s steady for treatment.  
 Raphael finally broke the silence eyeing Leo suspiciously. “You really gonna kill her?”
  The war room was empty except for Casey who was sitting on the edge of large table in the middle of the room. His booted feet swung slightly as the dark haired man cleaned out from beneath his nails still unaware of her presence.
 “April would be fuckin pissed if she saw you doing that in here.”
 Casey yelped dropping the small knife from his fingers to grab his shuttering chest. “Jesus Christ, you’re gonna give me a heart attack! I need to get a bell on you!”
 Aurora giggled hearing him whisper ‘fuckin ninja’s’ under his breath as he slipped from his perch to grab his lost blade. She moved into the room and took his spot crossing one leg over the other. “Then I wouldn’t be effective now would I?”Her fingers reached down to her knee high boots and straightened the seam to lean back to watch her friend. “She said you had something for me, and by the lack of backup I can assume it’s not for everyone’s ears.”  
 Flipping his knife closed Casey shoved it back into his pocket. He turned away from Aurora, took a few steps to the white board and stopped. She watched his shoulders lift with a few deep breaths and he turned around with a very sheepish grin plastered on his face.
 “I did somethin’ stupid..”
 “This isn’t something new Case, I love ya kid but you’re as unpredictable and careless as Raph. That’s why you two were best fuckin pals. Why don’t you tell me what you did and we’ll go from there?”
 Casey moved quick until he was just in front her and his palms were on her knees squeezing with enthusiasm. His eyes were now ablaze with excitement and he licked his lips. “I followed him….well to a certain extent.”
 There was only one person he could have followed, but the moron wouldn’t have been that stupid? Right? April would have skinned him alive. “Who did you follow?” her voice was a whisper hoping she was wrong but her intuition knew better.
 “Leo, I followed him for about a half an hour, hoping I could at least get a general direction of Bishop’s base.”
 His hands came up resting on her shoulders, “Wait, wait, …hear me out. He was still groggy when he woke up, stumbling, holding his head. So I figured I’d watch him as he went. I know him; known him for half my life so I know when he’s out of sorts and when he’s not. I followed him until he wasn’t walking funny and he quit holding his left shoulder. When I noticed he was more aware of his surroundings I backed off. At least I had a direction, we needed something Aurora, I took the opportunity. We need to find that base.”
 Aurora pushed him away and jumped from the table. She began to pace, “You idiot….I….I know what you did was for the cause and I appreciate it. But Casey he’s the best, you were so fucking lucky he didn’t know you were following him. He could have captured you, tortured you.”
 “Hey, I ain’t weak, I’d never give up the base…..ever.”
 “I know Case, but the end result would still be your death.” Aurora turned back to face Casey and he looked a little hurt. “I’m sorry, I know you were doing what was needed. I just……I just don’t know what I’d do if I lost you….April…..” she could feel the tears brim and settle into the corner of her eyes. “You two are the… last….my family.”
 “I know I know, April was pissed too but I had too. This was too good of an opportunity to let it pass by. It’s been nearly 10 years of this god damn war and we’re losing and I know you know this. Each day we lose more and more people to Bishop’s hold. So any edge, anything at all was worth the risk.”
 Wiping a stray tear free Aurora let out a long sigh and gathered Casey into an embrace.
 Then a new voice broke them from their moment, “He’s an idiot but…he did good.”
 Both Aurora and Casey looked up to see April standing in the door way.
 “He spent all night trying to narrow it down. He thinks he might know where they are. But we need to make sure before we go in. Casey is good but inconspicuous he is not. We need someone to go in and confirm the location. Someone quiet, someone who can slip in and slip out without being noticed. Avoid detection, which means recon only, you hear me?”  
 Aurora slapped her hands over Casey’s cheeks and pressed them together, “Where should this ninja go for said mission?” she pressed closer giving Casey fish lips which he worked playfully.
 “Rockefeller State Park Reserve.”
The evening air had cooled enough to ease the uncomfortable thickness in the air; if it wasn’t for the task at hand it might have been a good night to watch the stars. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky leaving the stars glittering like diamonds.
 Aurora had ditched her bike a mile before she had entered the reserve and continued on foot. Keeping mostly to the trees she moved soundlessly searching the acreage for any sign that Bishop’s base was close.
 They had never thought to search state parks, thinking the madman would find it too difficult to build his compound in the middle of nowhere. But he was a stubborn man and if anyone could make it work Bishop would find away if it kept him hidden from prying eyes of his enemies.
 It took hours to search, but what a peaceful evening it was. The frogs and bugs were creating a wonderful symphony that echoed throughout the forest floor. Even a few lightening bugs were out flashing across the long grass trying to find a mate.
 As she moved through the forest it began to get thicker, the foliage getting denser and then something caught her eye. The moonlight caught the refection of something and Aurora moved back into the shadows pulling out her binoculars.
 Zooming in she saw something that didn’t belong in a park reserve, a motion sensor.
 “Now we’re onto something….” Climbing higher she disappeared into the foliage concealing her presence further and moved forward her senses now on high alert. As she got closer more sensors popped up with the addition of cameras. Soon men with guns began to come into play and that’s when Aurora knew she was on the right track.
 “Good boy Casey, good boy.”
 Then she saw it, a large compound hidden in the park surrounded by a large fence littered with armed men swarming the grounds. “Oh goodie.” She mused watching a guard cross below her unawares of the danger looming above them. “Fresh meat.”
 With no sound made Aurora dropped down on her prey finding luck was on her side catching a female guard and rendered her neutralized. She stripped the woman of her clothes and ID badge and quickly hoisted the woman into the tree to conceal her work. Pulling on her clothes assuming her identity Aurora pulled the brimmed cap down and made her way to her next task.
 The shadows concealed her perfectly as she scaled the fence with ease. She waited for the flood lights to move past before she dropped down into the inner grounds of the base. A passing truck served as a shield bringing to a side door and with her stolen ID badge she was allowed entrance.
 Keeping her head down she disappeared into the crowd following them into what looked like a mess hall. There were many tables filled to the brim with brain washed New Yorkers. All oblivious to their predicament following orders of a man they once fought against. She needed to keep moving, she needed to make sure this was the place, she needed a visual, she needed to see Bishop, or one of them. They would be in the same facility as Bishop; he would want to keep them close.  
 Moving away from the loud space Aurora made her way down another hall searching for her target, keeping an eye out for those god damn sun glasses and that well tailored suit, pompous asshole. Soldiers, doctors, and what looked like civilian men and woman littered the halls. Waves and waves of people came, this was a busy place, very important no doubt.
She needed to be quick though, the longer she was there the more chances there was to be seen, exposed, and even captured.  Then green, large striking green and orange came from the distance. The youngest came striding down the hall, an unpleasant frown plastered over his face, jackpot, she had found it.
 As the crowd parted for the determined terrapin like the red sea Aurora’ saw his massive mitts covered in blood. Whose blood was that? He looked very upset and stressed. Her happy ray of sunshine looked so angry and she fucking hated it. Wanted to run up to him and kiss him, make him smile she even had to refrain from calling out to him. It hurt to hold it in, hold in his name. It turned bitter on her tongue and it swirled around the remaining saliva on her palette to wash the anger from her mouth.
 Then she watched his stride hesitate. He slowed and his nostrils flared as he neared her position. His dull blue eyes widened, brightened, his current mood momentarily forgotten he began to search the crowd frantically.
 Jesus fucking Christ those god damn mutant noses, he had smelt her! A flawless entry and she was compromised by their over achieving mutant senses.
 “God damnit.”
 She had to think quickly, she needed to disappear before he followed that god damn nose like a fucking blood hound.
��As luck would have it a man wearing an ungodly amount of cologne walked up next to her. She reacted quickly and shimmied up to him batting her violet eyes and smiled.
 “Helloo.” Her hand reached for his chest adjusting his name tag so she could read it. “Mattson…I’m new here and you look like a man who knows where things are.” Her hands ran over his chest to his shoulders keeping her proximity close to keep him interested.  “Would you be willing to show me where the mess hall is. I’m starving.” Her hands ran down his arms trying to get as much of the reeking scent of his over compensation all over her hands. Anything to mask her natural scent, to throw Mikey off her trail.
 The man looked Aurora over and his smiled widened enjoying the intimate contact. “Sure thing sweetie, I can show you whatever you want.” His arm snaked around her low back and he pulled her closer.
 As she pulled him away from Mikey’s last know location, down a different corridor both of them were grabbed.
 “I heard this one needed a tour, I’d be more than happy to show you around blondie. I can get you into far more places than he can.” Mikey was leaning down practically lapping at her ear. Fuck, fuck, fuck…..
 “Oh I’m sure he can show me around, it’s ok I don’t wanna bother you, you look important.”
 “Oh no, no bother at all and I insist. I’ll take it from here Mattson.”
 The man looked terrified as he pried himself away from the two and high tailed it down the hall leaving Aurora in Mikey’s clutches.
 “Not smart.” Mikey growled nuzzling into the back of her hair while pushing her towards a door.
 She didn’t struggle; Michelangelo wasn’t drawing attention to her to out her presence  so she didn’t either. His beak was pressed into her hair taking in deep breaths, his grip was secure but not too tight, she would easily be able to break free but something told her to follow his lead.
 Allowing him to usher then into what looked like an unused office, she turned when Mike pushed her into the room and quickly locked the door behind them.  
 There he stood, full height; the shortest of his three brothers but Mikey still had an impressive stature. Just as bulky as Raphael but not as tall. The dullness in his eyes was gone, vibrant baby blue hues swirled in his irises as he took her in, up and down. He gawked hungrily, mouth open in a wicked smile.
 “M-mike.” She whined suddenly finding it difficult to breath. That fucking look was devouring her whole. “Say something…do something.”
 He moved quicker then she had remembered him able and found herself pressed up against the wall with a brutal shove. The back of her head clacked with the dry wall pushing a huff from between her lips which was quickly silenced by his mouth. Mikey slanted his lips over hers plunging his board tongue into the warm cavern of her mouth still hung open from shock.
 The thought was to fight back, to push him away but that god damn mouth of his, that tongue swept away any and all resistance that remained in her head. God he was good and tasted even better, pure bliss.
 He must have felt her melt into him because the deep rumble that emanated from his chest vibrated into her chest as his reached down to grab hand fulls of her ass. Her hands moved around his thick shoulders grasping wildly at his bald dome, more, More, MORE!
 Mikey’s mouth separated from hers with a wet pop and descended down her throat nipping and sucking at the flesh growling and groaning like a wild beast.
 “Mikey….” Her words breathless as his hands cupped her backside squeezed at the plump flesh in his palms spreading her cheeks.
 “Again.” He mewled against her throat cooling the saliva spread across her flesh.
 She obliged willingly giving him his full name, “Michelangelo.”
 “Unngghh fuck yesssss…..” He lunged forward and his teeth sunk into her neck as he began to grind his titanium hard cock along her clothed core.
 “God Mike I miss you.”
 “Do you?” his breathing was labored as he tried to keep his cool but was failing miserably. He rocked his hips again mesmerized by the friction.
 “Every day, since he took you and your brothers from me.”
 One hand relinquished its hold from her ass and his finger drug along her hip lining the top of her pants before slipping below. He smiled against her throat finding no underwear beneath. It gave him better access as his thick digit parted the swollen folds sinking into the accommodating heat it sought.
 “Did you enjoy Leo last night?” he husked sinking his finger deep hooking it to gain a gasp from his prey.
 Aurora arched into his hand clawing at his shoulders as he hit the section of nerves at the top of her snapping cunt. “Mikey!”
 Mikey pressed the spot again leaning into her ear as his voice dropped an octave. “Did you?”
 “Yesss, I did. It had been so long, it hurt a little. I miss taking you too Mike, Raph too. I miss your tongue, your laugh, your cooking….arghhh…ahh…..fuck!” true to form Michelangelo was the best with his hands. The talented little shit always knew how to bring her to a shuttering climax the quickest compared to his brothers and just with his fingers. And today was no exception; she could feel it rushing through her blood, lighting up her central nervous system setting her ablaze with need.
 He worked that finger inside her swirling the pad of his finger over and over making sweet grunting moans in her ear. His sounds always got her going, bringing her closer to her peak quicker.
 “Can you cum for me?”
 Just then his thumb gathered the moister from her core and circled with the right amount pressure against the soft pearl at the hood of her sex and Aurora gave way. If it wasn’t for his hold on her Aurora would have collapsed as she toppled over into her climax. Her body clenched around his finger gaining a groan from the youngest.
  “That’s it, cum for me. Good girl.”  
  She began to shake as he helped prolong her climax repeating the stimulating motion rocking his finger in and out of her. Then he pulled her ear lobe into his mouth and sucked gently as he slowed his motions allowing her to finally come down.
  As the last of her climax subsided Michelangelo pulled his drenched fingers from her body and brought them to his mouth. Keeping eye contact the terrapin slipped them into his mouth and sucked them clean. His eyes closed as he savored the taste swirling his tongue to get the last trace of her essence. “Even better than I had imagined.” Slowly he moved forward brushing his lips against the shell of her ear and whispered. “I have a birthmark.” 
  A test, but she knew what he was talking about, so intuitive, smart. She tried to calm her breathing, Mikey was intense when he wanted. “Your left ass cheek, I always told you it looked like a slice of watermelon. I always enjoyed chewing on it when you laid on your stomach after a shower. That ass makes the perfect set of bongo drums. ”
  He stopped moving and pulled back, his eyes were wide with surprise and Mikey let out a long breath.  “I want to remember, I really do. But you need to get going though; he can’t know you’ve been here. Please hurry, he’s ordered Leo to kill you.”  @imthegreenfairy88 @tmntspidergirl​ @ravn-87​ @alonia143​ @blossom-skies​  
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tmntxreader-fics · 5 years
TMNT Leo x Reader: Warming Up To You
Summary: You had long dismissed the idea of becoming friends with the icy leader in blue as it seemed to be an impossible mission. Finally, both of your frustrations lead to an explosive encounter; providing you both the opportunity to warm up to each other.
Find Raph’s Version HERE!
A/N: I HAVEN’T WRITTEN IN A WHILE I’M SUPER RUSTY.  Yeehaw we got a LEO version of this fic!!! We stan a tsundere king. He’s almost got a predatory vibe to him and I’m not exactly sure where it came from but I think it’s kinda hot so here we go. 
WARNINGS: Cursing, Leo scaring the reader half to death during a sparring match, AND TYPOS!
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You’d think that Raphael would be the unapproachable one. 
In fact, even Donatello had the potential to be unreachable when any one of his projects were involved. 
But the leader of the group? You’d have figured that at least he would be someone who had qualities relating to friendliness. The success of his role depends on being communicative; surely he would carry that trait off the battlefield?
You were so wrong. 
When you had first arrived you’d assumed his indifference to you was simply because of your unfamiliarity. You were, of course, a stranger. He had a duty to protect his family and you were obviously a threat to that; there was no way he’d give you the opportunity to ruin the life they had set up for themselves. 
However, as the months rolled by, he never came around. 
Each attempt to conversate was blown off with a polite exit or an awkwardly executed excuse to avoid talking. You were literally only asking about the weather, not attempting to uncover his family secrets. 
You watched the way he interacted with April and Casey, maybe he was simply a quiet person. Lo and behold, he had absolutely no issue speaking to them. He spoke, he joked, asked them to join him when eating and hung around them fairly often when not attending to his duties or training. 
Something in your chest stung with each rejection and you couldn’t help but become slightly bitter with the attitude he held towards you- simply because you knew it was you that he was avoiding. After a few days of digesting this new revelation, you decided that if you genuinely made him uncomfortable with your attempts of friendliness then you would step back completely and remain professional. 
Each time he asked you a question when mapping out a mission, you’d begun to clip your tone just as he had been. Each word was stiff and your sentences were minimal. While the others were a little confused by the change, Leo refused to pay you any attention. He probably appreciated the intangible distance you had put between you and him. 
The third time you’d done this, it was clear that he, in fact, was not appreciative. At the strange silence that stretched across the table, you looked up from the sheet beneath you to catch eye contact with Leo. His gaze was narrowed, the piercing blue was almost suffocating. Your heart leaped into your throat and you stood frozen in place when his bottom lip curled a little; a clear implication of frustration. He leaned back and opened his mouth as if he were preparing to say something or question you. 
Then he closed it. 
There was absolutely no logical reason for him to be irritated with you. You weren’t withholding information from him and you were effectively communicating your points. 
Raising an eyebrow, you rested a hand on your hips; daring him to make a comment. Instead, the leader grit his teeth, exhaling slowly before returning his gaze to the strategy splayed across the table. There’s a long silence before he continued to talk- but at that point, your heart was beating too loud for you to focus on his words. 
Raphael glanced between his brother and yourself, a picture of bewilderment. You ignored him. 
Just as you had ignored Leo for the entirety of the following week. 
Well, perhaps ignore is the incorrect term; rather, you were indifferent to his presence. 
Each time you were alone in the kitchen together, you made no effort to spark a conversation with him. Instead, you’d nod your acknowledgment before making a swift exit- just as he had done to you countless times. 
What had piqued your curiosity was the fact that all of a sudden, the number of times you’d been caught in a situation alone with Leo has risen significantly. He had begun to appear in places that you’d otherwise never see him, at times that were completely off from his usual schedule. 
The most drastic example would be today’s training session. You had swaggered into the room, ready to provoke Raph until he snapped and kicked your ass. It had become a sort of unorthodox tradition, one that left you sore but you’d look forward to it nonetheless. It was the only time for you to really test your skills without him worrying too much about being careful with you. 
However, this particular session made you halt your steps, suspended in motion within the doorway. 
Leonardo was there. 
You blinked. 
He’s still there. Brandishing his katanas with lethal grace and performing his kata’s flawlessly. Raphael was nowhere to be seen and you’re just about to turn tail and escape before you make eye contact with the turtle in the center of the room. His gaze was intense and the air felt different, as if it were alight with a thick tension. 
Leonardo didn’t avert his stare like he usually did; instead, he lowered his arms to his side and straightened his stance. You gulped and your brain worked to churn out an excuse to leave, the last thing you wanted was to have the leader judge your training routine. 
“I’ll just come back later then,” you blurted, shattering the silence with a small wince. To your surprise, he had shaken his head almost immediately. 
“No,” he began, eyeing you carefully. “I’ll stay to my side of the room while you train.” 
Your breath hitched and it felt as though someone had stuffed cotton into your mouth. “Uh,” you desperately searched for another excuse, “I usually spar with Raph. I’ll just come back another time.” 
You thought you had him, there’s no way he could come up with a rebuttal unless he planned to bring in Raphael. However, when his reply was almost instantaneous, your heart thrashed in your chest. 
“Spar with me.” 
You blinked at him. “What?”
He spun a sword in his hand before moving to rest his weapons against the wall. Leonardo turned back to you with a raised eyebrow ridge. “Spar. With. Me.” 
“I can’t,” you heard yourself say, your voice almost a whisper as you took an involuntary step back. Your heart pounded beneath your rib cage at the mere thought of training with the blue-clad turtle. 
“Sure you can,” he said with a slight shrug, slowly advancing towards you. Each step he took made you want to flinch away. 
Raphael was an intensely brutish opponent but his techniques were very straight forward. Everything about him was bared for you to see, unashamed in his temperamental disposition and foul language. Leonardo was a completely different story, the idea of being put against him in a sparring session genuinely terrified you. 
Especially with the new demeanor he had obtained, one that was almost predatory in nature. He was frustrated and you could clearly sense it. 
“It’s fine I’ll just wait for Raph,” your voice was a breathy whisper as he came to a stop only a couple feet before you. That was the closest he had ever been to you voluntarily, usually opting to steer clear of you as if you were the plague. 
His eyes flashed an electric blue, crackling with an energy that you had never seen from him previously. He reached for the bag in your hand, maintaining eye contact as he gripped it tightly, skin brushing against yours. “I insist.” 
You swallowed heavily when you realized he was no longer asking you.
After nodding quickly, you're finally able to catch your breath when he leaned back with your gym bag in his hold. 
Following him further into the room, he placed down your things and met you in the center. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, simply taking to observing you. 
“How do you want to do this?” You questioned, nervousness rattling around your stomach as he rolls his shoulders lightly. 
“Win by submission.”
The simple statement had you grimacing.  
"I really don't think this is a good idea," you muttered, casting your gaze to the floor.
"Then stop thinking," he said, supplying a solution you would never enact. You rolled your eyes, glancing at him with a bemused expression.
"For someone who's meant to be wise, you're not exactly adept at giving good advice," you snarked, fuelled by the growing stress and pressure of your current situation. You were in uncharted waters with your new opponent; someone you had spent so long playing against with an unrecognized advantage on your side. Now that he had finally given you what you wanted, you realized that maybe gaining his attention wasn't as satisfying as you'd originally thought. More like terrifying.
His eyes hardened at your words and you immediately knew you had made a mistake by jabbing at his position. "Get into your stance," he ordered with a narrowed gaze, "now."
"I really don't-" you began, heart thrashing with panic when he cut you off.
"Now," he repeated.
Hesitantly, you shifted your feet into the correct position, raising your shaking hands to guard your face. You felt as though you were going to be sick when he bowed, a sign that the sparring session had begun.
He returned his gaze to meet yours as he straightened up and you could hear the blood rushing through your ears. Yes, you thought, puking could definitely be an option here. Your bottom lip quivered on par with your trembling hands guarding your face.
This was not right. 
You had sparred with Raphael, of all people, multiple times. You never feared an ass whooping from the temperamental turtle; so, why are you afraid of the leader? Someone who has constantly exercised restraint where his brothers would usually indulge? Out of all of them, he would be the least likely to hurt you. Hell, Raphael had fractured bones every now and then.  
The leader launched forward, breaking you from your chain of thought as you sloppily dodged a reaching fist. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 
You stumbled backward, forced to be on the defense. There was no time to even attempt an offense with the speed that Leonardo was operating at. He was a flurry of kicks and well-placed punches and you knew that you were immediately being overwhelmed. 
“Leonardo,” you rasped desperately, squeaking when he answered only with a sweeping leg in which you barely escaped. The intensity of this fight was way too high for a spar that had only begun 20 seconds ago. 
“Just hold on!” You cried out after a failed attempt to throw your own punch. Another right jab on your behalf had only resulted in you almost being snatched up by the blue-clad whirlwind. 
Each attack that he executed had built in the force behind it, forcing you back with each blow. You were quickly realizing that physically blocking his moves was not going to work out well for you and you opted to jump out of the way instead. 
All of a sudden you felt like this was less of a sparring match and more of a slaughter-to-be. 
“Press pause!” Your screech was reinforced by sheer panic when he feigned right and you fell right into his trap as you twisted your body away from him. Leo moved with you and you squeaked when he finally caught a tight grip on your arm. 
In that split-moment, your eyes met his, an electric blue that made your wildly racing heart just stop. His hooded gaze was steely and the pent up frustration was thinly veiled, boiling beneath his skin and communicated through his movements. 
You suddenly realized that this fight was about to end very, very quickly. 
With a flash of his teeth, Leonardo wrenched you towards him. 
You can’t breathe as your splayed palms connect with his chest, your body pressed against his. His hands moved down to your waist and you want to puke when you instantly realize he’s about to launch a very painful maneuver on you. 
It felt as though everything was suddenly in slow motion as his fingers tightened above your hips, bringing you off the ground. You had no idea how to stop him, how to save yourself from what was about to occur. Racking your brain, you screamed the only words that came to mind and prayed that they would work. 
“I submit!” 
Leo’s entire body froze as if someone had pressed the pause button on his remote controller. You could hear the blood rushing through your ears, mingled with his unusually labored breathing. 
“I’m sorry, okay?” Your words were nothing but a breathless whimper and you squeezed your eyes shut in an attempt to stop your body from trembling. “I submit.” 
There’s a pregnant pause, in which neither of you moved. You were vaguely aware of your face buried in his chest, latching onto his shell as if that would’ve stopped the further attacks. The feel of his body rhythmically rising and falling beneath you with each breath felt strange, you would have almost described it as intimate if it weren’t for the current situation. You only noticed that you were suspended a few inches off the ground when Leo, ever so gently, lowered you back down. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeated quietly, heart pounding in your chest. “I don’t know what you want from me.” 
And it was out. 
Leo’s fingers tightened fractionally on your waist and you heard him take a sharp breath. 
Then he sighed. 
“I’m the one who should be apologizing,” he murmured, his voice rumbling in his chest against your ear. 
You don’t know why but for some reason you weren’t actually expecting a response from him. You’d almost expected him to disappear in a puff of smoke, something he had done many times in your presence when you confronted him with conversations. 
“I tried to keep a respectful distance,” Leo began, faltering slightly in his words. You held your breath. “I didn’t mean for it to become like this.” 
You assumed that “this” meant growing bitter and resentful towards each other for absolutely no logical reason with no visible end. 
“Respectful?” You couldn’t help but scoff softly, pulling your face away from his shell. You turned your gaze upwards to meet his, startled by the close proximity. “You gave me the complete cold shoulder. Ostracized me.” 
Leo’s gaze narrowed slightly, electric blue gaze searching your own for an answer to a question only he knew. “You certainly weren’t innocent, either.” 
You felt the heat rush to your face, indignation building in your chest as you hissed, “don’t make me say “you started it”. Don’t make me do it.” 
He sighed through his nose and glanced away for a brief moment before turning back to you, “I know, I’m sorry. I was avoiding distraction by avoiding you and it was the wrong choice to make.” 
You frowned lightly, “distraction?” You scoffed as you glared up at him with guarded eyes, “You’re fine with April O’Neil but I’m the distraction?” 
You watched as his jaw moved while he grit his teeth. That electric gaze flickered away from you, suddenly seeming insecure. “You’re different,” he muttered finally, voice softer than you had ever heard it. 
Suddenly you’re very aware of his gentle but firm grip on your waist, his thumb subconsciously rubbing lightly against your skin. His hands were hot, setting alight every place that they touched. 
It seemed you were not the only one suddenly aware of your compromising position. 
Leo was observing you intently, lips parting when his gaze traveled to where your hands rested against his shell. You couldn’t bring yourself to correct your position even when under his study. 
“Let’s start over,” you whispered, watching him snap his attention back to you at the words. 
There’s silence between you both until Leo swallowed thickly, exhaling a shaky breath. Extending an olive branch would be your final attempt, your last hurrah. The air was charged with energy you couldn’t decipher as you leaned into him, meeting his bewildered stare imploringly. He doesn’t budge other than the grip on your body tightening a fraction. 
You’re almost prepared for rejection until you catch the corner of his mouth shifting upward ever so slightly. 
“I’m Leonardo,” he said, and your hearth thrashed in your chest as a charming smile stretched against his full lips. “It’s really nice to meet you.” 
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Do you think that if Shredder!Raph will occur in rottmnt, the aftermath might result in Raph inheriting some of Shredder’s rage even after saved? Maybe that is how the crew is going to implement Raph’s trademark temper throughout previous generations and maybe even make him have to step down due to it, making Leo the new leader?
Short answer: “Inheriting the rage of a centuries-old demon" is a dope-ass idea, so if you’re a writer I would definitely encourage you to use that in your own stuff. But I think that if Raph’s temper worsens throughout the show, it should be because of his own character development and not a magical effect. However, a Shredder!Raph scenario could contribute to said worsening temper by inflicting emotional/psychological damage instead. :)
Long answer ahoy!
Looking at “Many Unhappy Returns” from the Shredder’s perspective makes it very clear why he does what he does. Like, he’s been dead for five hundred years, and then something went wrong with his resurrection. He’s waking up with no idea where he is or what’s going on and oh shit those guys are pointing weapons at him, that’s a threat!
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Note that he doesn’t even bolt for them immediately, he does a warning stomp and screech (back off!) before starting to approach.
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Those other guys are yelling, that’s also a threat,
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and they’re closer so he’s gonna attack them first, actually. (None of the Foot wind up even comically injured, suggesting that flailing them around was an intimidation tactic rather than genuine Murderous Intent.)
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And then the first group attacks, so of course he’s going to retaliate.
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And then suddenly he’s somewhere else, with other threats (the animatronics), and then the first group that attacked him is back, so he’s gonna fight them again.
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And these jerks just keep following him? He’s not going to ignore that. And WOW that’s a lot of bright lights and loud noises, which are also threats, what the fuck is going on?!
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And then this tiny human girl chucks a giant metal box at him, holy SHIT?! Sure, the Shredder is a dangerous antagonist, but at this point I wouldn’t call him a “bad guy”, he’s literally just responding to what’s happening to him.
In summary, the Shredder was stressed tf out because he didn’t know where he was or what was happening, he retaliated against perceived threats, and quite possibly wouldn’t have attacked the turtles in the first place if they hadn’t just rushed in without understanding the situation.
Gosh, doesn’t that sound familiar?
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So yeah, I’m waiting for Rise to give us that good good Shredder!Raph content.
As for the possibility of Leo taking over afterwards... no, but also yes, sort of? On the one hand, we know that Leo does have leadership capabilities, and it would be a waste for the narrative to not explore that. On the other hand, Rise has broken from the status quo in many ways, and it would also be a waste for the show to do a complete 180 and return to Leo Being The Leader™.
Consider how the “leader” role has influenced Leo in past iterations: his perfectionism wears on him and his brothers, any failure tanks his self-esteem, he feels isolated from the rest due to taking on such a large share of responsibility, being an authority figure grinds everyone’s gears, etc. It’s just bad for his mental health.
No doubt all this responsibility will also wear on Rise!Raph as the story progresses and the stakes get higher. It will be bad for him as well. But if Raph steps down, Leo will once again suffer from the weight of this role. So if neither option is quite correct, if neither brother can shoulder the burden of leadership alone, then the solution is just... for neither of them to shoulder the burden of leadership alone. Sure, Raph will probably remain leader in title and in spirit, but Leo taking on a sort of “deputy” role makes sense from a strategic standpoint, and would be good for his character development.
Here’s how I think it could go down:
The Shredder!Raph scenario will be different from the Shredder!Draxum scenario. The Shredder was starved for mystic energy the first time around, so he immediately chewed Draxum up and spit him out. But Raph could be compared more to a battery than a meal; it will take a while for the Shredder to drain him. And at this point the Shredder could be back in “evil samurai” mode, and thus will understand the value of holding Raph hostage.
Y’all who have followed my blog for a bit know about my “Raph is a system” theory; that when he was little, he got separated from his family and pursued by some cryptid hunter. This trauma formed Savage Raph, who is able to handle “being lost/alone/threatened” when Host Raph cannot. “Pizza Puffs” didn’t give us a lot of info about who I’m calling “Red Raph”, but he made his presence known when Host Raph was sort of... "emotionally alone”? In that his brothers were dying a little bit and too stoned to care.
So if Raph is trapped inside a living cage, scared and helpless and hurt and exhausted, his family unable to help him... he’s not going to be able to handle it.
Or, rather, Host Raph isn’t going to be able to handle it.
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These two can, though.
I’m imagining a scene in the mindscape where the Shredder says something like “Your pathetic family cannot bear to strike you down, and so there is nothing that can stand in m- wait, why are there three of you OW FUCK-” Red and Savage will mentally kick his ass long enough for the other turtles to rip off a chunk of the armor so Leo can portal it into another dimension or something. Shredder gets K.O.’d since he’s not whole anymore, and the battle is won.
Since the armor didn’t drain Raph as severely as it did Draxum, he won’t become as weak as Draxum did. However, it will still take him some time to recover. Raph trusts Leo in serious moments as of “Many Unhappy Returns”, and he already took charge when Raph wasn’t available back in “Man vs. Sewer”. So Raph will be like, “Hey Leo, can you handle the Mad Dogs for a bit? Just long enough for me to get back on my feet.” And Leo will be like, “Sure bro, I’ve got this.”
He does not, in fact, “got this”. Leo’s ego has caused trouble before (”Shell in a Cell”, “Minotaur Maze”), and being in charge will no doubt go to his head. This has the potential for both comedy and seriousness, leading to wacky mishaps and genuine danger. Being the leader is hard work and it’s not always fun, but someone has to do it and Leo will have to put the others before himself for it to get done. Once Leo realizes this, he could bond with Raph by asking for his advice on leadership. Sometimes Leo will follow the advice and sometimes he won’t, sometimes that will work out and sometimes it won’t, laying the foundation for the idea that there are situations where it will be better for one or the other to lead, rather than having one lead all the time. But that will only happen for a few episodes, because Raph will heal quickly and he’ll be the leader again and everything will be fine!
Everything will not, in fact, be fine. Raph is the strongest in the family, the tank, the one who can take a hit so the smaller ones don’t have to... the idea of being hurt, of being weak, scares him because his family is also in danger if he’s unwell. So I don’t think he’ll acknowledge to anyone, not even himself, that getting possessed hurt him emotionally as well as physically. And when a wound isn’t acknowledged, it doesn’t get tended to, and when a wound isn’t tended to, it gets worse.
That he’s a system will add another layer of complexity to this. The Shredder!Raph incident would make all the alters aware of each other via mindscape shenanigans, but it would also leave them with the fear of not being in control, so I think they’ll come in conflict with each other for a bit. They’ll argue with themselves, switch, and lose time more often, enough that it impedes their ability to function and the other characters start to notice something is wrong.
Host Raph will convince himself that Everything Is Fine and try to get things “back to normal”, which probably means he’s just straight-up not going to acknowledge that he's a system. He’ll rationalize that he’s always “gotten weird” from time to time, so it’s nothing to think too hard about... right?
Savage Raph will be on high alert because they just survived a near-death (a near soul-destroying) experience. He’ll probably take the front and go overboard fighting some villains that Host Raph could have ordinarily fought on his own. It might also take a while to convince Savage Raph that these “sewer monsters” who keep following him around really don’t mean him any harm.
Red Raph will get snappy (pardon the pun) about the more social aspect of “not being in control”; that Host Raph asked Leo to be in charge and then Leo started being an egotistical dumbass. And when Leo does make the right decisions, Donnie and Mikey might side with him over Raph, and that will also grind his gears.
Mix all that together and you have a recipe for a capital b Breakdown.
So yeah, I can definitely see how the Shredder!Raph incident and its aftermath would worsen all three of their tempers, trauma will fuck up your emotions real bad. Perhaps Host Raph loses faith in himself and tries to step down and get Leo to replace him as leader... only for Leo to be like “Bro I cannot do this full time I will one hundred percent have my own Breakdown if that happens.”
The life lessons here are that Leo learns to offer support by sometimes taking the leader role; not to benefit his own ego, but because he wants to help Raph. And Raph learns to accept support by letting Leo be in charge sometimes; not because he’s weak or incapable, but because he can’t always be a Staunch Immovable Rock and he needs to let himself rest by trusting Leo.
And then the Raphs can work on communicating, cooperating, letting their allies know about them, digging into their trauma, etc. now that they have some breathing room.
(Do you think the Hidden City has therapists? Steven Universe and Mao Mao both have therapists can we BLEASE get one for Raph.)
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misswildfire · 5 years
Tail Obsession
Thanks @brightlotusmoon for your support with this. 
Reader discovers the boys have tails. Reader also discovers that tails are sensitive. 
Sitting in the kitchen, she couldn’t help her eyes wander towards the turtle currently bouncing around, throwing ingredients together for their dinner tonight. She was currently supposed to be keeping Mikey company as he cooked, but she found herself more lost in thought than anything else. She loved spending time with the boys, but it was also an exercise in self-torture. She had a crush, not just on one of them, but on all four of the terrapins. There was one snag however, and it wasn’t that she couldn’t, and didn’t want to chose, but the fact that they were already in a poly relationship with each other.  She loved them too much to ever risk messing up their relationship with each other or their friendship with her to do anything about her crush. So she left it, hoping that if she ignored the crush, it would just go away.
To her dismay, it hadn’t worked, her affection for the brothers deepening with time. She was at a standstill. Not wanting to leave or distance herself, but hurting when she was around them, seeing the small touches and glances they shared when they thought she wasn’t looking. Sometimes she had to wonder if she was wrong. She would catch a fleeting glance her way or they’re hands would linger on her too long if they steadied her if she was reading for something high up, or if she tripped, or if they were simply handing her something. Chalking it up to wishful thinking, she kept her cool. Or tried too. Sometimes she couldn’t help the blush that stained her cheeks.
Clearing her thoughts she decided that perhaps a nice cup of tea would be a good idea. Smiling as the youngest turtle bounced around the kitchen as he cooked, she moved around him, reaching into the cabinet for the tea. It had been pushed back a bit, so she had to reach up on her tip toes to try and grab it. Loosing her balance, she stumbled back a bit, accidentally brushing against Mikey, who let out a churr. Regaining her balance, she looked at him quizzically. She had stumbled or lost her balance and had accidentally ran into him before but he had never made that sound. Seeing the blush staining his cheeks made her even more inquisitive as to what was going on. Before she could ask him what was going on, a movement caught his eye.
Was that a tail? She blinked, wondering if she was hallucinating. Nope. Not hallucinating, it was still there. Peaking out from his pants, as a little tail, wagging back and forth as she had often seen dogs tails do. I wonder if he tail reacts like a dogs tail, does it wag when he was happy? She felt her free hand itch to touch it again, wondering what it felt like. Did it feel like the scales covering the rest of his body? And what was that noise he had made? She had so many questions.  Had she hurt him accidentally? Was his tail sensitive?
“Did you want me to boil some water for your tea?” he asked instead, refusing to look at her. She could still see the blush that was staining his cheeks. Was he embarrassed?
“That would be great,” she said instead, not wanting to cause him any further embarrassment.
“Sure thing Babe, coming right up!” The look her shot her was one part relieve and one part embarrassed. Perhaps it wasn’t that it hurt, but the exact opposite. Could it be that any little touch was arousing? He wasn’t yelling at her or telling her not to touch it. Was it possible he had liked it but was embarrassed about his reaction?  Did the other guys have tails too? She had seen them all in various states of undress, Leo and Raph preferring to work out with no pants. The first time she had walked into the lair and found them like that had been very embarrassing. She had covered her eyes and stammered out an apology, trying to walk backwards the way she came only to trip over the table and landed on her ass. Once they had explained to her that it wasn’t an issue for them, as long as it didn’t bother her and the fact that she couldn’t see any visible genitalia (which lead to more questions that she had never vocalized about where it was, there were some questions she figured she shouldn’t ask) she became more comfortable with the idea. Besides, this was their home, if they were comfortable and they didn’t care, why should she? And what good would it do her to impose her morals on them? They already had grown up with such a different life.
The whistle from the kettle brought her out of her current musings. Since her mild flirting with the boys wasn’t working, perhaps this would be a way to see if they did return her affections after all. As long as she kept it discreet, and not overly obvious what she was doing, she could put the idea to rest one way or the other. The first step would to be if the others had tails.
Over the next few days she watched the guys, which was no easy feet. It wasn’t easy to observe a fully trained ninja who was aware of his surroundings without being caught, but had been able to spy a tail from each of the guys. Mikey was the one who seemed to have his tail out the most, but there seem to be certain situations where their tails would come out, if they were happy, or thinking (in Don’s case), or if they were relaxed. She tried to stop her brain from going down other situations in which their tail may be visible. No point in going down that rabbit whole, at least not until she confirmed a few things at any rate.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she was making the right choice. Should she just leave things? But at this point, she had to know if they felt the same way. Flirting with them hadn’t worked in the past, not that she was the greatest flirt ever, which may be contributing to her current situation (they probably didn’t even realize that she had been trying to flirt with them). Wandering into Don’s lab, she paused by the entrance. He was really making it too easy for her, always being in his lab. It made him a sitting duck so to speak.
“Hey, you ready for me?” she asked, waiting for his response. She had found an excuse to help him in his lab, needing to be close for her little experiment to work.
“Yep! Let me just grab some parts and we can get started.” She watched as he walked over to a box on the floor, bending over to rummage through it, looking for the parts he had mentioned, his tail peaking out through his pants. She blinked. Was it really going to be so easy? Not wanting to waste this opportunity, she made as if she was simply trying to get past him in the little space that remained between his body and one of his work tables, making sure that she “accidentally” brushed his tail with her left hand. The deep rumbling sound, which she would later figure out was a churr, and the fact that he froze let her know that she had hit her mark. She watched him carefully, trying to make sure that she hadn’t accidentally hurt him, still unsure of exactly how sensitive the tails are.
“Don, did...did I hurt you?” she asked, suddenly unsure. His reaction was so different to Mikey’s and now thinking about it, had she hurt him? His response hadn’t seemed pained, just embarrassed. “It was an accident, I swear.” She sounded lame to her own ears, praying that Don hadn’t picked up on that fact as well.
“No, no, I’m alright.’ He straightened, blush staining his cheeks. He shot her a shy smile as he moved to put the parts on the lab bench. “Ready to get started?”
She nodded, allowing him to change the subject, not wanting to cause any embarrassment if she hadn’t already. She remained careful for the rest of the evening to avoid any possibilities of touching his tail, despite the aching need to do it again. The blush that had stained his cheeks had been too cute. Once she could play off as an accident, she wasn’t sure if she could pass off another. She was going to hell for this, wasn’t she?
It was a secret thrill of hers to watch Raph work out. She had found just about every excuse in the book every time she had been over and he had been working out, to join him. She loved to watch the way his muscles moved and flexed as he lifted the heavy weights. It never failed to get her going. Today he had asked her to sit on the bench with him as he lifted weights, the only space being at the end, practically between his legs. He had said something about him needing her to spot his form, like she knew anything about that, but hey, she wasn’t going to argue. His preference for not wearing pants when he worked out gave her a great vantage point and her position was conveniently right near her target.
The first time she had come to the lair and had seen one of the boys with no pants on, she had immediately covered her eyes, stammering out apologies while trying to walk backwards the way that she came. Not being able to see and being too embarrassed to pay attention to where she was had caused her to trip over a coffee table in the common area, resulting in her falling to the ground. The resulting conversation afterwards had been a bit mortifying, but she had gotten through it. It turned out that the boys occasionally liked to not wear clothes, and it wasn’t as if you could see any genitalia, which lead to another whole trip down the rabbit whole as to where it was, not that she was going down that hole thank you very much, and they didn’t have the same hang ups about nudity that most humans had. She figured if they were comfortable, and they didn’t care, and it was there home, then why should she care or try and push human values or morals on them? She had rolled with it and now occasionally saw them walking around with no pants. Though, it was mostly Leo and Raph who preferred to wear no clothing when they worked out or spared or did anything ninja related in the dojo (which for Leo was a whole host of activities, most she wouldn’t actually name).
With Raph’s lack of clothing obscuring her view, she was able to spy his tail, tucked against his body. Ah ha, so that’s where it is when they aren’t peaking out of their pants. It made sense that something so sensitive was kept tucked close to the body.  His tail did look bigger than Mikey’s or Don’s had and she suspected probably Leo as well. Then again, just about everything on Raph was bigger than his brothers. I wonder if tail size corresponds to the size of their... Nope, nope. Stopping those thoughts right there, she tried to stop the blush she could feel forming. Now as not the time to go down that thought train that would lead her no where good. She had a mission to accomplish and now was not the time to be derailed.
Grabbing her water bottle that was sitting on the floor beside her, a plan quickly formed in her mind. Taking a sip, she deliberately put it in the small space between her and Raph, so when she went to grab it next, she would “accidentally” touch this tail. Not wanting to seem like she was acting deliberately, she forced herself to wait, the anticipation nearly killing her. She just had to know! Deciding to wait until he did a few more reps, she helped him count, giving herself something else to focus on.
Making her move, she made sure to brush against his tail as she lifted the bottle. His response made her so glad she had waited. His churr, so much deeper than either Don’s or Mikey’s seemed to reverberate right through her, making her almost instantly wet. She could almost imagine what it would feel like if she was astri....no, no, she had promised herself she wasn’t going down that mental pathway. Shoving the thoughts away, she tried to keep her expression neutral and innocent looking.
“What are you playin’ at there, girly?” his deep rumbling voice was not helping her not get any wetter.
“Nothing,” she swallowed thickly, part of her wondering if he somehow sensed how aroused she was (and oh, was she in for a surprise much later when she found out exactly how much they could sense). He eyed her for a moment before laying down and picking up his weights, continuing where he had left off. His lack of reaction left her momentarily stunned. Was she wrong in all of this? Were they simply reacting because it was sensitive? Was she misreading the looks she had caught Mikey and Don giving her after she had brushed against their tails? If she didn’t get a reaction out of Leo she would give up and drop the entire issue, resigning herself to being their friend and only their friend.
It had taken her a few days to work up the courage to approach the leader in blue. She had gone back and forth with herself wondering if she was doing the right thing, or if she had everything completely wrong and was doing nothing but embarrassing her friends. Finding him in the dojo, sans clothes as was his preferred state when he did his katas, she entered quietly, keeping herself off to the side and in the shadows a little bit.
Not that she thought she would remain hidden from him, even if she wanted to. While he hadn’t yet acknowledged her presence, his body gracefully flowing from one move to the next, she knew without a doubt he was aware of her being in the dojo.  He was always good at knowing what was in his immediate surroundings, but she’d found that he always uncannily knew where she was, his gaze sliding to hers first when he entered a room she was in. It didn’t matter where she was in the room, he always knew where she was.  Lost in her thoughts, she missed his tail relaxing from where it was normally tucked against his body.
Any plan she had was suddenly shattered when he suddenly broke his kata mid stride, his movements still graceful as ever, and stalked towards her. Not expecting his sudden movement, she took a step back in surprise only to hit the wall behind her. Her crowded her, forcing her body closer against the wall. He held his body a hairs breath away from hers, silent, watching her.
“Did you know you drive me to distraction?” he leaned down, his breathe tickling the tip of her ear.
“Do I?” She couldn’t stop the breathless hitch to her voice or the blush she could feel staining her cheeks. Wasn’t she the one that was supposed to be in control right now? When had she lost it, or had she ever had any control the moment she stepped into his domain.
“Yes,” he didn’t speak the words so much as growled them, the sound, much like Raph’s churr seemed to reverberate through her, sending her arousal soaring. “You test my control, but it’s not just my control that you’ve been testing, have you? Do you know what you’ve been messing with?” They had known the entire time what she had been doing, well the first time truly having been an accident, but the rest, even her coming here today, had been deliberate. If they had known, why were they still hesitating? Was it not something that they wanted? Did they not want her? Her fear that she had gotten everything so horrible wrong dampening her arousal, cooling her skin which until now had felt like a raging fire.  Deciding that she needed to know where things stood for certain, she raised an eyebrow at him in challenge.
“And if I do? It’s not like you guys were responding to anything else. What’s a girl to do?”
“Be very careful of what you say next, we won’t let you go.” She could practically feel his entire body vibrating. It dawned on her that he was holding himself back, not wanting to touch her without a clear invitation. Deciding that actions speak louder than words, she reached around him, and grasped his tail in her hand. She locked her eyes onto his as she gently squeezed, mindful of how sensitive they seemed to be. If this didn’t communicate what she wanted she was completely out of ide...her thoughts came to a crashing halt as his lips claimed hers in a searing kiss that left her breathless. He nipped her bottom lip, his churr an answering call to her moan. His hands found her hips, hiking her up the wall and pining her there with his body.
“Maybe I don’t want to be let go, did you ever think about that?” Growling once more, he carried her out of the dojo to where his brothers were waiting.
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nights-legacy · 4 years
Persevere through Imperil - Leo Pt. 1
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Leo 2012
+ Raph, Donnie, and Y/N were captured on a nightly patrol and Leo & Mikey can’t save them. After returning to the lair, Leo, Mikey, Master Splinter, April, and Casey devise a plan to find and rescue the three. While waiting for night to fall, Leo breaks down from fear only to be consoled by Master Splinter. He tells Leo that he has come to a new lesson perseverance and love.
I struggled against the Foot ninjas that were holding me by the wrists. I couldn’t get out of their grip. Breathing heavy, I looked across the rooftop to see the guys fighting off more of these jerks. Well two of the four were fighting. Donnie was unconscious and Raph was hurt.
“You jerks. Let me go!” I screamed. “Leo!” I yelled out. I saw him freeze and look my way. I saw his eyes widen at the sight of me being dragged away.
“Y/N!” He called out. He tried to make it this way.
“Grab the two and let’s split. We’ll take them and the girl back to the boss.” One of the Foot commanded.
“No!” I screamed. I yanked one hand free and punched one of them. He groaned and turned to me angry. He returned with a punch in my stomach. I hit the ground with a thud and gasping for air.
“Y/N! Don’t touch her!” I barely heard Leo and Mikey yell before I was picked up and thrown over someone’s shoulder. The last thing I remembered was Leo and Mikey running toward us then a black cloud of smoke before passing out.
Leo’s POV
“Y/N! Raph! Donnie!” I coughed trying to clear the smoke from my lungs. I could hear Mikey doing the same thing. I looked over at him and made sure he was alright. “You okay, Mikey?”
“Yeah, I’m good. But Leo…” He looked from me to the open air in front of us. “They’re gone. Raph, Donnie…Y/N.” I looked at where they were standing before running to the edge.
“Come on. We need to search the area for any sign of them or where they went too.” Mikey nodded his head and jumped off the roof to the next. I took the opposite direction. After about an hour of looking, Mikey found me.
“Nothing.” He said. I sighed, looking down. I knelt down, clenching my fists against the ground.
“Dammit!” I screamed slamming my fists on the ground. I closed my eyes tight, trying not to cry. In felt Mikey’s hand on my shoulder.
“Come on, Leo. We need to go and tell Master.” I heard his voice shaking. I could tell he was trying to keep it together. I nodded and got up slowly. I turned to him. His eyes were watery and I pulled him into a hug. He returned immediately, shaking terribly. I pulled back and guided us towards the lair.
“Sensei.” I croaked. Master Splinter’s head shot up and looked at us. His eyes widen and looked around, probably searching for Raph and Donnie. “We failed tonight Master.” I fell to my knees.
“Raph, Donnie, and Y/N all got taken by the foot. We, we, we couldn’t stop them.” Mikey whimpered.
“My sons…this is not your fault.”
“But how!” I screamed. “We saw them start to take Y/N away and we were to slow to stop them from taking them all away!” I cried. Tears started down my face.
“Oh Leonardo, Michelangelo.” Master Splinter came over to us and pulled us to him. He hugged us tight. “We will find them.” I nodded and took a big breath, standing up.
“I will call April and Casey. They can help us search.” I bowed before exiting the dojo. Once out of earshot, I let a sob go. I leant against the wall. “I’m sorry Y/N. I should have never of let you go with us.”
*Time Skip*
April and Casey arrived shortly after I was able to call them. We were able to compile a list of known location the Foot has used in the past and present. April was able to use Donnie’s computer to start a trace on Raph’s and Donnie’s t-phones.
“Since I’m not completely sure how to do this, it should take a…” A sound and message popped up on the screen. “Oh no. Their phones are here in the lair. So that was no help.”
“Great.” I groaned and pinched my forehead. “So no way to track them. So next step is to check out the spots.”
“That will have to wait until tomorrow night I’m afraid. The sun will be up in less than an hour and you two need rest before then.” Master Splinter said.
“But Sensei.”
“NO Leonardo! I know you are worried about your brothers and your beloved but you know very well that your brothers, healthy or hurt, they would do anything to protect her. You just need to be patient.”
“Yes Sensei.” I replied reluctantly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mikey looking at me worried. I ignored the look and made my way to my room.
“We’ll check out these places today and see if there is any indication they’re there.”
“Thank you April.” That was the last thing I heard before closing my door. I stood there for a second before the tears raced down my cheeks. I choked on a sob and stumbled toward the bed. I hit the ground on my knees next to the bed. I gripped the sheets as sobs ripped from my chest.
“No, no, no.” I chanted. I buried my head in the blankets trying to keep quiet. I don’t know how long I was crying but I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around seeing Master Splinter.
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“My son.” He held his arms open. I sniffled and leapt into his arms. He held me tight as I cried into his chest.
“I’m sorry father. I know I should be keeping a level head like a leader should but I just can’t. It hurts too much. And I can’t stand the thought of losing her or my brothers. I know this is not the worst situation we’ve ever been in but, but…”
“This is the first time your beloved has been imperil.” Master finished my thought. I nodded. “I understand my son. You have every right to be scared. You have to remember that courage is not the absence of fear.” He leant back and looked at me. “You have come a new lesson my son. A new lesson in perseverance.”
“I have?”
“Yes. You have faced the threat of losing your brothers and you have faced the threat of losing me but you have never faced losing someone who holds your heart entirely. It’s a feeling I do not wish on you but I understand it. This love is different than between you and your brothers. It hurts different when something like this happens. You have to find the strength to persevere through this my son. I know you have it in you. You must find your strength with wherever or whomever it lies.” He squeezed my shoulder before departing from my room.
“Find the strength.” I whispered and wiped the leftover tears off my face. I sat down and took a big breath. I closed my eyes and thought over things to find strength. “Y/N. I find my strength in you,” After a few minutes of meditation, I felt a warmth wash over me and I felt my body relax. My eyes shot open. “We’re coming my love, my brothers. Just be patient.”
I continuously kicked at the bars in front of me. I didn’t know what else to do since we were thrown in this cage and haven’t seen another soul since. I looked over at Donnie and Raph. Donnie had patched up Raph’s wound with my over-shirt.
“That will do for now. Hopefully Leo and Mikey come soon though. It don’t know what way it will turn.” Donnie said sitting back on his heels. Raph nodded and then looked over at me.
“You okay, Y/N?” He asked. I nodded silently.
“I just got punched in the stomach, that’s all.” I said before I flinched while shifting on my back.
“Let me see.” Donnie came over and gently lifted my shirt. I pushed up on my elbows and saw a bruise forming. “Ow.” He said while looking at me. He gently pressed against different parts of my stomach looking for anything wrong. “I don’t feel anything wrong.”
“Thanks Donnie.” HE nodded before standing. He walked over to the door and looked out on guard.
“Hello Freaks!” A guard threw open the door and walked in. I turned over in shock.
“Y/N, come here now!” Raph called. Without question, I scrambled over to him and pressed into his side. He wrapped his arm around me and sneered at the Foot.
“Are we comfortable?” the guard laughed. He leant against the bars and stared at me. “How about you sweetheart? Can I do anything to make you more…comfortable?” He winked. I whimpered and pressed harder into Raph just as he pulled me tighter. Donnie stepped in front of us.
“Stay away from her!” Donnie growled.
“Ohh. Someone is defensive.” He held up his hands in surrender. “Be careful there. You don’t have your weapons.”
“We don’t need them to beat your asses.” Raph exclaimed.
“Whatever. You two aren’t even who we wanted. You are just bonuses. She is who the boss wanted. Be prepared. You’ll meet him soon.” He smirked and walked back out, slamming the door.
“We won’t let anything happen to ya, darling.” Raph said while kissing my head.
“Not while we’re still breathing.” Donnie said from behind me and set his hand on my shoulder. I tried to stifle a sob but it snuck past. I felt them both wrap their arms around me.
“Come on Fearless. We could really you use you right about now.”
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dershloopmain · 4 years
End Of Everything - Chapter 2
‘’Jesus,’’ Casey said, looking down at the broken fence with multiple zombies, all in different states of living, tried to claw their way out of their barbed wire and wooden confines.
‘’Tell me about it. I knew they were dumb but I thought they were supposed to have dope eyesight? Doesn't look like it to me,’’’ Raph scoffed, pulling his own splintering baseball bat out of his bag, poking the arm of the closest trapped zombie.
‘’Won’t Donnie want a sample for his tests? Don't poke em too much what if they come free you ass!”
‘’They won't come free! I dunno I thought he was good for all that.’’
‘’I dunno either but shouldn't we at least ask him? Besides, we need the help,’’ Casey said with a shrug, ‘’and stop poking em Raph!’’
‘’What? You can ask him, but if I show my face in that lair before this is done, Leo will end my life so you’re going,’’ Raph said, pulling back from the undead recipient of his abuse.
‘’Fine, I’ll go alone then.’’
‘’Don’t say it like that you’re making it seem like you're going out into a haunted forest. You just gotta drop down the sewer pipe and walk like 100 feet then you’re at the turnstiles.’’
‘’I know! I also know I am, just as susceptible to Leo’s… whatever we’re calling them.’’
‘’First of all, when did you learn such a big word Jones and second just text him then you big dope,’’ Raph rolled his eyes, turning back to his undead victims, beginning to poke and prod at their bodies.
‘’I said stop fuckin’ poking em dude!’’ Casey said, pushing Raph away from the fence with his foot as he tapped out a text to Donnie, ‘’And it's surprising what hanging with D all day makes you learn.’’
‘’Hey! Rude. They're not gonna hurt anyone they're stuck as anything in there. Besides, I’ve been hanging with Don for years, you won't get smarter in a couple of months. Half his ramblings are gibberish at this point,’’ Raph said, sitting up and continuing to poke the zombie. Casey rolled his eyes, realising he wasn't going to win this.
‘’I dunno. I guess I just actually pay attention to him,’’ Casey said with a glare.
‘’Oh sorry,’’ Raph said with a sarcastic high pitched tone, ‘’What is he your boyfriend now? Why’re you getting so defensive?’’ Casey shot another glare at Raph, ‘’Yikes, touchy subject then. I’ll support you no matter what bro, and if you wanna kiss some time, just let me know,’’ Raph said, standing and pouting his lips while moving towards his friend.
‘’Dude stop it,’’ Casey laughed, pushing Raph back, ‘’No he isn’t either I’m just saying, maybe you’d be less of a bone head if you actually listened to him.’’
‘’Nice to know I’ve still got a chance with you then,’’ Raph said with a smirk, ‘’And who are you calling ‘bonehead’ Casey Jones, you’ve got more skull than cells.’’
‘’Alright alright I get it you’re gay for me, its hard not to be, just don't let Mona hear or she will kill both of us. I’m also just gonna ignore that last part but what I said still stands you’re a bonehead.’’
‘’I show you bone head,’’ Raph said, diving at Casey and tackling him to the ground, locking him in a headlock, ‘’Say I'm not a bonehead and I’ll let you go.’’ He said with a smile.
‘’Well then, I hope you like the taste of dirt and sweat because I ain’t moving until you say it!’’
‘’Children, children, come on stop it,’’ Donnie said, rolling his eyes as he pulled himself out of the sewer. Raph looked up at his brother and smiled, allowing Casey a moment to flip Raph up and off of him. He landed on the dusty, cracked tarmac with a shout of surprise, before huffing and pulling himself and Casey up off of the floor, ‘’Now then. What’s the problem?’’
‘’We need help and Case was wondering if you needed new samples to test,’’ Raph said, pointing at the hole in the fence and multiple zombies clawing at the floor in an attempt to pull themselves free and feast on the 3’s flesh.
‘’Right… I’m guessing Leo said you couldn't have help right? That’s why you texted me?’’
‘’Thought so,’’ Donnie said softly with a small grimace on his face. A grimace that didn't go unnoticed by Casey and Raph. Nothing was said regarding it but yet… they all understood. A silent yet ever-present cloud hung over them all but not a word was said. Raph cleared his throat.
‘’Right then,’’ He spoke, rubbing his hands together readily, ‘’Let’s get on with it.’’ With that, the moment was over and the cloud disappeared, however not completely. It still loomed over them, threatening to take over their beings at any point. Donnie and Casey nodded, pulling their splintering boe staff and baseball bat out respectively and begun to shift the monsters, pushing them back from a safe distance.
‘’How long have our defences been compromised?’’ Donnie said, straightening up and letting out a deep breath.
‘’Not sure,’’ Raph said, copying his brother, ‘’But they’re really stuck in there so it must’ve been at least a couple of days. Probably longer.’’
‘’Why did Leo only send you two to do this?’’
‘’Your guess is as good as mine. He probably still hates me because of what happened.’’
‘’He can’t be still hung up on that. It’s been 3 months.’’
‘’I know,’’ Raph let out a shaky sigh, lifting his hand and pinching the bridge of his nose, ‘’He's not the only one who lost someone important though. We all lost something but we aren't all tyrannical megalomaniacs.’’
‘’You know how close Usagi and he were though. You can’t be mad at him for missing him.’’
‘’It’s past ‘missing him’. Fuck, I miss Mona too but it’s not my fault it happened I just- I just hate that I can't stop loving him. He's my brother, no matter what he does to me. I nearly died on that supply run, if it weren't for Casey I wouldn't be here but… no matter how mad it makes me I can’t stay mad at him,’’ Raph bit his tongue, his shoulders sinking in defeat, ‘’I’d do anything to get him back.’’
‘’I know Raph. I know,’’ Donnie said softly, moving towards his brother and wrapping his arms around him, rubbing his shell comfortingly. Casey didn’t say a word, he only followed Donnie’s lead and wrapped his own arms around his friend.
‘’Fuck me, man, there's something about the apocalypse that's making us all sappy,’’ Casey laughed, pulling an arm away from Raph and wrapping it around Donnie, who evidently also wasn't taking the entire situation well, but was just a lot worse at talking about it. He could tell from the turtle's physique that it’d taken a toll on him. Initially, while he had always been relatively thin, any muscle mass he had had before was gone, leaving nothing but skin, bone and organs. The eye bags Donnie had always sported seemed deeper and more rooted in weeks of sleepless nights rather than days of late nights and early mornings. His face was sallow and thin, his cheekbones protruding through his skin, almost pushing to escape their green confines. But he never said a word. Not to him. Not to Mikey or Raph. Not even to April. He was a silent sufferer, he wouldn't say a word to anyone but yet everyone knew. One of these days, Casey thought, he was going to have a proper conversation with Donnie. A proper talk. Even back before all this, they hadn’t been insanely close. Always at war over something or other yet something drew Casey to Donnie. He wasn't sure what yet but he’d figure it out. Eventually.
‘’Guys you do realise there's still zombies literal centimetres from us,’’ Donnie said, glazing towards the green-grey decaying hand reaching out for Raph’s ankle.
‘’Oh shit yeah,’’ Raph and Casey said in unison, pulling away and starring down at the writhing mass.
‘’How are we gonna move ‘em then?’’ Raph said, pulling a broken hockey stick out of Casey’s bag and poking the creatures again.
‘’My God Raph you’re like a 6-year-old. Stop. Poking. The. Fucking. Zombies!’’ Casey said angrily, ripping the hockey stick out of his hand and shoving them firmly back into his bag.
‘’Well, by the looks of things,’’ Donnie said, crouching down and levering the creatures up using his staff, ‘’They’ve been impaled by the fence. Pushing them back is just going to lodge them in even more and break the fence even more. We need to create some kind of lever system to lift them up so we can push them off the fence and out of our perimeter,’’ He stood up again, stretching his legs out and giving them a small shake, before looking over at Raph and Casey.
‘’This is why you’re the brain’s and I’m the brawn D,’’ Casey said, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pushing him down into a headlock.
‘’Cut it out Casey,’’ Donnie said indignantly, squirming in an attempt to get out of Casey’s arms.
‘’Yeah Casey, cut it out. We gotta sort this out before ‘Nardo throws his rattle out his pram,’’ Raph rolled his eyes and Casey grimaced, loosening his grip and allowing Donnie to pull himself free.
Without another word, Donnie pulled a small toolbox out of his bag and placed it on the floor not too far from the creatures writhing in the barbed wire and jagged wood. Opening the box gently, he pulled out a small, clean-looking glass syringe and a neatly folded wet wipe.
‘’Ok,’’ He said finally, ‘’I need you two, and its imperative that you listen and do exactly as I say because I’m your only hope for a cure and if I get turned you’re all doomed so,’’ Donnie pointed at the pile of zombies, ‘’hold them down and away from me. But under no circumstances are you to do ANYTHING that could kill that one. If they die, their sample will be tarnished and it won't be effective,’’ He finished, a stern and serious expression on his face.
‘’Got it, Don,’’ Raph said, walking towards the pile and pushing his foot down onto the head of the creature Donnie had said, ‘’Casey, can you hold the others back while try and sort this one out?’’
‘’I’ll try,’’ He said sheepishly, looking down at the 3 or so other zombies laying at his feet before quickly composing himself and beginning to use his hockey stick to lift them up and pushing them back and away from his friends and home. Stepping over the barbed wire and broken fencing, he jammed his hockey stick back into his bag and pulled the splintering bat out, moving towards the now free pile of freaks.
‘’You want me to kill em, D?’’
‘’Can do,’’ Donnie said flatly, not looking up from his test subject.
‘’Uh- You know what never mind I’ll just kill em,’’ Casey said, swinging his bat in a downward arch, smashing the creatures’ skulls in, killing them all instantaneously. Mushy brain and dark, viscous blood splattered on his sneakers and jeans, coating them in another layer of grit and grime. He had to admit, the idea that these were once living people was disturbing to him. They’d once had lives, jobs, families and friends. They’d been like him once. Alive and free. Would everyone have bashed his skull in if he’d been infected? Or would he have been corralled and used as a test subject for Donnie to find a cure? He hoped the latter but… He wasn’t sure. After what’d happened, he wasn’t sure Leo would’ve been insanely happy with the idea of keeping zombies in the lair, especially not him. Being low on the hierarchy had its perks but not having Leo on his side in regards to anything was not one of them. He sighed, shaking the viscera off of his shoes and bat before stepping back into the borders of their home.
‘’Nearly done Don?’’ Casey said, crouching near him. He glanced over at his
‘’Nearly and… there we go done,’’ Donnie said, wiping the mucus and deep red blood from the small wound he’d just created, smiling at his work.
‘’Why’d you wipe it after. They’re dead their entire body is infected,’’ Raph said, removing his foot from the creatures head and letting Donnie back up before dropping its arms and dashing around to the other side of the fence.
‘’Force of habit,’’ Donnie said quietly, clearly uncomfortable with what was about to happen.
‘’We have to do it, Don, I know you don’t like it but we do,’’ Raph said, walking over to his brother and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. Donnie looked away, gently placing the syringe into a ziplock back and putting it back into his toolbox.
‘’I know you do I just- I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing them be killed. They used to alive and through no fault of their own, now they’re monsters I- I don't know how much more of this excessive violence and murder I can take,’’ Donnie said, his eyes filling up with tears.
‘’Hey, hey don’t get upset. Crying’s healthy and all but if you start, I’ll start and even Raph might start- hey ow!’’ Casey exclaimed, whipping around and shooting Raph a death glare. Raph snorted, a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. Donnie laughed, wiping away yet another batch of unshed tears.
‘’Sorry it just… gets a little much at times,’’ Donnie shook his head, rubbing his elbow nervously.
‘’Don’t apologise for having emotions you big dummy,’’ Raph said, walking to stand next to Casey, ‘’I gotta say, me and Casey aren’t exactly peachy. I doubt Mikey and April are either. Don’t even get me started on Leo. It’s ok to feel like this Don, just stop bottling it up. That’s where it’s not healthy.’’
‘’I can’t believe for once WE are the one's schooling Donnie,’’ Casey said, crossing his arms and shaking his head jokingly. Raph rolled his eyes, as did Donnie.
‘’Now the sentimental shit’s over, let’s just finish up here and go down, I seriously doubt ‘Nardo is gonna be happy with how long we’ve been,’’ Raph said, trying not to think about what was inevitably to come.
‘’Tell me about it. D, we’ll deal with the creature and you can like, close your eyes and ears if that’ll help, then we’ll get started on the fence,’’ Casey said, trying to add an air of enthusiasm to his voice to bring up the mood, however, even he could tell it wasn’t working.
‘’Sure,’’ Donnie said, walking back to the manhole cover and looking away, covering his ears as Raph and Casey pulled out their respective weapons and began pulling the zombie out of the barbed wire and splintering wood, replacing it out onto the dusty street. Then, Raph stepped towards the thing that was slowly attempting to crawl back towards them and slammed his sai down into its head, cracking its skull and killing it, once and for all. He felt the vibrations up his arm as the metal of his sai clashed with the concrete, causing him to shiver a little, before pulling himself up and shaking the remnants of blood and brain off of his sai.
‘’Ok D, all done,’’ Casey shouted over, turning around to his friend and giving him a reassuring smile, who offered a small, shaky smile in return.
With that, Raph tucked his sai away and stepped over what was leftover of the small portion of the fence.
‘’You got any nails in that thing Donnie?’’ Raph asked, gesturing at the toolbox.
‘’I should have a few, I brought some hammers too, I figured you two wouldn't have remembered to bring any with you,’’ Donnie said, opening the toolbox and pulling out a handful of nails and handing them to Casey, before pulling his backpack around so it hung over one shoulder and rummaging through it for a couple of seconds before pulling out 3 relatively clean hammers and handing one to each of them.
‘’Well then, let's get to it,’’ Raph said, swinging the hammer around and grabbing a couple of nails from Casey’s outstretched hand, before picking up one of the wooden boards and beginning to bash it back into the wooden post that protruded from the tarmac. Casey and Donnie soon followed suit, before finally beginning to carefully pick up the barbed and wrap it around the makeshift fencing.
‘’That wasn’t so bad,’’ Raph said, grinning at their handiwork.
‘’Definitely a lot quicker with you here D,’’ Casey said, smiling at his friend.
‘’No problem Casey. I know how Leo can be, so just text me if you ever need help with anything. He already doesn't like you coming down to my lab. Thinks you’re stopping me from working or something,’’ Donnie said with a sigh.
‘’Well, I’m not gonna stop coming unless you tell me to. I don’t care what he thinks,’’ Casey said defiantly, putting his hands on his hips as if he were some hero.
‘’A real modern-day revolutionary you are Casey Jones,’’ Donnie said, rolling his eyes with a smirk.
‘’Should we head back? It’s getting cold,’’ Raph said, wrapping his arms around himself and rubbing them in an attempt to preserve any sort of body heat he could.
‘’Jesus it is. Must really be September,’’ Casey said, stuffing his hands deep into his hoody pockets.
Donnie nodded, flexing his fingers before pulling them back into a fist multiple times.
With that, the three headed towards the manhole cover and climbed down back into the sewer. It was surprising how much you learned about New York’s bathroom habits after 6 months of the apocalypse. Raph had always assumed that there’d always be greywater down here, no matter how many humans lived up top yet somehow, the sewers had run dry. Remains of final faeces and bathroom breaks lay dried up or non-existent along the floor of the sewer. It was almost impressive yet disturbing. The world really was ending. Or, as Donnie had put it ‘’Humanity's end as the dominant life force on earth’’.
‘’Bite your tongue Raph. If Leo says anything, don’t bite,’’ Donnie whispered as they hopped the turnstiles into the lair. Raph swallowed in a desperate attempt to dampen his dry tongue, failing miserably. He could feel his stomach turn in knots and any food he’d eaten in the last 24 hours was churning in his stomach, threatening to make a reappearance.
‘’Raphael,’’ Leo’s deep voice filled their ears, Raph flinched, ‘’I trust your supply run went well.’’
‘’Yeah. Got more medical supplies. There wasn’t much else we needed though so that was it.’’ ‘’What about our defences. Are they secure now?’’
‘’Yeah. Casey and Donnie helped me patch it back up so it should be fine.’’
‘’Donatello helped? I thought I told you that you and Casey were to do it alone.’’
‘’Yes, I know, I’m sorry but he was already up there to get another sample from the zombies and he had stuff on him to help so…’’ Raph trailed off, his eyes trained on the ground. He refused to look into Leo’s cold, uncaring eyes. If he did, he already knew he couldn't hold himself back.
‘’Hmm. Donatello? Is this what happened?’’
‘’Yes, Leo. I promise you, they didn’t ask me to help them. I asked them if I could come up to get a sample for my studies,’’ Donnie said sheepishly, looking up at Leo, trying his best not to let his fear be shown.
‘’Fine. I’ll believe you. You may all leave now.’’ Leo said plainly, glaring down at Casey and Raph, both of whom were starring at the ground still as they walked away, shoulders hunching slightly.
Leo nearly felt himself crack. He wanted to stop them, tell them he was sorry and wanted everything to go back to normal but… he couldn't. He couldn’t stop hating them for what happened. He couldn’t stop his blood from boiling every time he saw Raph walk past him to leave the lair. Maybe time would heal all wounds, but for now, he was perfectly content blaming and hating his younger brother for what he’d done. Not just because of what he'd lost. It's what all of them had lost. It was how reckless and immature Raph had been and HOW he'd caused it. All of it added up into a pit of rage that had been brewing for years. The number of times he'd been kidnapped or injured because of Raph's idiocy and complacency and arrogance. What had happened had broken him, the small, sane and happy, innocent part of him had snapped. Maybe if Usagi returned that part would be reconnected but… he knew that wouldn’t happen. It couldn’t happen. And it was all Raph’s fault.
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Lol hi im back, alright this is based off another thung i read by milky theholy1 and its like donatello uses this time machine etc etc. Well what if di. Had one of his brothers (preferabley raph) and the reader go forward 10 years and see they have a family of their own? Idl just thought itd be a fun oneshot :)
Oohhhh I've actually read that fic and I absolutely loved it. Hope I do it justice for ya 🧡
TMNT Oneshot's
Yeah you guessed it- time travel
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This was not, under any sort of circumstance, how you thought you were going to spend your Thursday evening. You did get a waffle out of it, so that took some of the edge off but with the boys just waking up they had way too much energy for you to deal with. Excluding Donnie of course, the turtle had been awake for longer than 36 hours and it definitely showed.
Cue you going into a total mom-friend moment (you didn't care if he could technically bench press you he was going to drink his water dammit) and yanking the bottle of melatonin gummies out of your bag to throw at him. No shock was felt when he caught them and raised an eyebrow ridge, you opted to simply flip him off.
Over coffee the two of you sat at his desk and discussed his latest plan, you really shouldn't have been surprised that it was a time machine. You knew Donnie well, of course he'd be the one to think of something like this.
"Okay good, I see your point there- no I'm still not happy that you're making me your test dummy but it is a time machine," You pointed out with an exhausted tone.
The genius seemed to perk up at this and your heart plummeted towards the ground.
"Oh right! I forgot to mention it, you're not going alone. Raph's going with you!"
With that statement now out in the open you took the liberty of pushing your mug to the side to avoid any damage before letting your head slam into the desktop. Donnie, still finding this amusing, poked at your shoulder with a smile. His optimism made you fight against your instinct to groan like a toddler.
"Donnie why t'hell are ya waking me up so damn early?" The very antagonizing, very familiar voice drawled from behind you.
Raphael looked asleep, scratch that, he looked like a whole corpse and a half. Standing in the doorway of his brothers lab and glancing between the two of you like you'd grown extra heads. Which you figured was fair, but the fact that he was perceiving you made you want to light him on fire.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Wha- I didn't say anything! Donnie, don't make me go with him. Literally anyone else. I am legitimately begging you.
"Yeah, what they said, lemme go back to sleep," The terrapin yawned mid sentence and stumbled over his own feet, nearly resulting in him landing on his own face and seriously disappointing you when he didn't. He was too tired to shoot you the normal withering glare and instead opted to shove you off of your chair when he stood up, Donnie did nothing to discourage this.
You gave Raphael a single enraged look and turned your gaze to his brother.
"I'm not going with him."
"I can't believe I'm stuck in this fucking box with you."
The turtle scoffed in mild offense and rolled his eyes, attempting to turn around again and in doing so shoved you into the wall with a pathetic groan of annoyance. He was completely ignoring you and while you were fine with that it also made you want to vomit.
"Raphael I swear to god if you crush me one more time I'm gonna French fry your green ass," Your voice may as well have been a growl, that's what it sounded like anyways.
Your companion had the nerve to laugh at you but at least he stopped his movement, you looked the other way, your stare boring into the wall to avoid his questioning stare.
"You good shorty?"
"I'm five eight you fuck-"
The machine rattled around them in protest and the sheet metal looked like it was about to catch fire, you and Raph made hesitant eye contact.
"How likely did Donnie say that this thing was to catch on fire?"
You shrugged helplessly and shuffled your feet as a nervous habit, your shoulder bumped his side as you pushed your way to the door.
"We should check it out, right?"
He didn't get the chance to nod because you'd already stepped out of the machine and back into the room you started in. You gave a sigh of displeasure and glanced around the room. Raph followed behind you and kept his eyes narrowed for threat. You were definitely in the lab, there was no doubt about that. But this lab was cleaner than you'd ever seen in your life and you knew that there was no way that Donnie had cleaned all of this in under five minutes.
You didn't have to be psychic to know that your turtle escort was staring at you, not that you cared, you were far to interested in the photo frame on Donnie's much newer desk. It appeared to be a family picture. Sporting a much older looking Splinter, a more mature Casey and April with their arms around each other, and an even more shocking looking Leo, Mikey, and Donnie, who for some reason all hand someone under their arm who looked shockingly human.
But what really took the air out of your lungs were the four at the side of the picture. A person who you assumed was you, but somewhere in their early thirties, tucked under Raph's arm. That wasn't inherently shocking, but the young boy standing in front of you with your hand on his shoulder and the little girl hanging from the turtle's other arm was.
He was still clueless.
His eyes bulged out of his skull the second they landed on the picture frame in your hand, you gave him a calm raised eyebrow that was concealing your bubbling anxiety within. He took an extra moment to look between you and the picture several times before awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and watching you set the frame back on the desk.
"I uh- I think this might be a good time to tell ya that I like ya?" At your confused expression he sighed in defeat, "I'm mean to ya because I don't like the feelings you give me..."
You snorted out a laugh and rolled your eyes, "Dude, I'm just mean to you because you act like an ass."
You both took a second to laugh at that, then you heard voices approaching and made a quick scramble back to the machine.
Donnie was eagerly awaiting your feedback and met you with a nervous smile when you both stepped out the smoking door.
"Well? How'd it go? What'd you see? Are you hurt?"
You and Raph shared a glance, hiding the underlying hilarity of the situation at hand. You were the one to respond first.
"Not much. But your lab's clean in the future."
123 notes · View notes
gildedmuse · 4 years
I was totally going to post about what makes Raizo awesome, answer a question and fill a request but then my phone got destroyed. While I spend the next day or so fixing that. Here. Enjoy this....
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Poor guys, their dreams were crushed...And it was a simple dream. They just wanted mystical shadow assassins to be real. ...And now I'm imagining a crossover between One Piece and Ninja Turtles.
@gildedmuse replied:
Which one does Luffy inevitably ask to join his crew? Cause I feel like the easy answer: Michelangelo. But actually I think it would be Master Splinter.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can see Luffy and Law fighting to get all five on their crew, and being forced to settle on shared custody. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
I asked my brother and his expert opinion was, "I don’t know, you're probably right. But Donatello and Franky be bros."
Also, we agreed that Raphael is just an angry Zoro. Which I was like, "You don't think Luffy would ask Law to join his crew?" 
His reply, "Well, he hasn't asked yet. Probably jealous of all that sweet time Law got with Zoro on the way to Wano." 
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Clearly! 😂 I think Donny would get along well with Law, too, as would Leo, while Raph and Mikey would prefer Luffy if only because he gets into the craziest adventures.
And Master Splinter would just want to listen to his shows.
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo: We need a plan. 
Luffy: Good point, Lion Turtle! 
Luffy: Huh. I guess never heard you before because you're not a giant turtle ninja guy.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Oh my god, that's exactly what would happen! 🤣 And Zoro teaming up with Raph to pick on Sanji, while Donny joins up with Usopp and Franky to build some crazy stuff while Mikey rolls around the deck with Chopper like a dork.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael's and Zoro's Sole Interaction: 
Raphael: *Nods to Zoro* Nice swords. 
Zoro: *Nod returned* Nice Sais. 
Small But Morally In The Right Group Of Fans: Oh, well, I would ship the FUCK out of these two.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
That sounds about right!
Poor Master Splinter, I think he'd hide on the Polar Tang for some peace and quiet...
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo suggests all the most Law like shit only Luffy actually acknowledges him and takes it into consideration because he’s a goddamn ninja turtle. Law spends the entire time just over Leo's shoulder in various states of sullenness, outrage and indignation. This is exactly the advice he gave yesterday and Strawhat-ya straight up ignored.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I figure he'd just take advantage of it and work with Leo to get things back on track after a while, still muttering under his breath about how Luffy never listens to him.
@gildedmuse replied: 
For some reason all I see now is Law being like, "Alright, I'm agreeing to leave Leo here because God knows someone should reign in the Strawhat. But goddamnit, Raphael comes with me. You only get one!" 4
Luffy: Okay if we also keep the rat monster! 
Nami: No, Luffy, that doesn't make sense. There are 4 turtles and 2 of you! 
Luffy: Oh, yeah, thank God we have this navigator-
Bepo: That is not what navigation is! 
Luffy: What do you mean we only get one?
Law: -pointing between Zoro and Raphael- You. Only. Get. One.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can definitely see Luffy just assuming everything Nami does as a 'navigator' thing. And Law trying to barter for Donny so he doesn't get stuck with Mikey. 😂
Oh my gosh, YES. 🤣
@gildedmuse replied:
You know Zoro tries to just stare down his captain as Luffy looks between the two like he isn't secretly nervous. Like... He believes in Luffy and their connection but also.... It's a goddamn ninja that's also a turtle and has goddamn awesome sai. So... You know, could go either way. He understands. It's a fucking ninja turtle.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I would definitely be torn! And there's Sanji, egging Luffy on to keep the turtle. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
Sanji: come on he's exactly like Zoro only useful! 
Zoro: Oi! 
Sanji: What? At least if we're stuck out at sea we can make turtle soup out of him. 
Chopper: Using food to guide Luffy's logic isn't fair! (Turtle soup does sound yummy though)
And Zoro just standing there like come on, Chopper, you too?
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Mikey asking to go on the Tang because he doesn't want to be made into soup, while Raph grabs him by the mask like, I'm not getting stuck with you!
@gildedmuse replied:
I love that both Raph and Zoro are like well, you know what? I've accepted my date of being forced to go with Law. That is some good sidekick vision. They know who the fucking protagonist is!
Actually, phone, I meant fate but fuck it. I'm sticking with date.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raph hates it, but he's a natural second-in-command. And he also doesn't want to be stuck with Leo. 😂
There are no accidents.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael: Well, I'm choosing Law. 
Zoro: -At the same time- We'd obviously both like to stay with our actual Captains so- 
Zoro: Wait did you just pick Law? 
Zoro: -Eyeing Leo- 
Zoro: Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and go with Law as well then.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy goes all anaconda on them, like NO! Law only gets one! Zoro's mine!
@gildedmuse replied:
On the sidelines Nami, Chopper and Usopp who do not want to be left without a super strong swordsman are just like WHAT!? 
Zoro can't explain. There's just something about some other dude with blades that he would definitely fight To The Death that he inherently trusts.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Sanji is trying to convince him to let Zoro go while Leo just tries to massage away a headache, and Donny raises a hand, like "I...also want to go with Law now."
Though I could also see Zoro taking Leo as a sparring partner.
And Usopp bartering for Donny, while Brooke quietly hides Master Splinter behind him.
@gildedmuse replied:
But that would be like Zoro taking Law as a sparing partner. Like I see it... I get where you're coming from. But there is sparing partners vs people you want to be on a crew with. Said with all the love in her heart. (Also, let's face it, it's Zoro. He can argue about it but whoever Luffy says they're taking... Those are now the people he would die for.)
@dragonprincess18 replied:
True...Zoro would do pretty much anything for Luffy. Except be nice to Sanji. There are lines.
@gildedmuse replied:
Also, for the record, Bepo considers them all minks and try to treat them as such and the turtles just like, "Well, no bro." And Bepo continuously shocked by this. Continuously.
I mean there are lines than there are fucking impassable mountains forever separating two spots.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yeah, Bepo would be so confused. 
Exactly, there are some things that can't be done.
@gildedmuse replied:
Luffy: Zoro, I need you to die for this crew
Zoro: I have already accepted this sacrifice and moved to make it so. Just as long as you become pirate king and my crew lives.
Luffy: Zoro, legitimately the only way the crew will survive is if you are nice to Sanji for like an hour... At most.
Zoro: Well, Captain, you and the crew can go fuck yourselves cuz that ain't happening.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yup. That's a canon conversation they've had in their minds. No need to voice it, Luffy knows. It's hard enough when Zoro has to work with Sanji for two straight minutes!
In comparison, Leo and Raph are best friends!
@gildedmuse replied:
For the record, if you were writing some weird NT/OP fanfic that was also ZoLaw friendly that is right there how you would get Zoro on the Polar Tang. 
Law: Actually, we'd have to take the turtle bladesman. Obviously yours is too invested in staying here with you... And black leg-ya who will also be on this ship. 
Law: -I got your swordman. Whatcha gonna do Strawhat? But nonverbal cuz Law-
I mean yeah because Raphael clearly a second. I know this because I have an unfortunate love of seconds. Like just love a main character or at least the fucking leader goddamnit. But still... You always love your captain, even if he has a stick up his ass.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy pouting, but letting Zoro go... Because he plans on never letting Law leave, either. 😝 Neighbors!
 It's an unfortunate truth. Especially when you're the second-oldest.
@gildedmuse replied:
Oh well you've broken me. That's too cute. Just Luffy pouting like fine... But NAMI NEVER LET THAT SHIP OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! 
Zoro just like "I'm an adult and also.... Two years."
Luffy: I will never. Let you. Leave me. 
Zoro: I am in no way trying to. 
Luffy: -Dark eyes of Determination- Never.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Law standing there like, I'm never getting away from this, this is my life now, what did I do to deserve this? While the turtles are mostly relieved they're all staying together.
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: -Despair- 
Bepo: There there captain. At least you got a Swordsman now. 
Law: I AM A SWORDSMAN! Leo-ya is a swordsman! Why does no one think of us!? 
Penguin: Well no one actually forgot about Leo, we just accepted him as staying with the Strawhats so.... 
Meanwhile, Across The Ship
Zoro: Alright, so Kid and Drake are out. Why not the Bonney Pirates? 
Nami: Again,not physically here. 
The only argument regarding Law being all, "You know what? Fine take him back" is regarding if it's Zoro's destructiveness or Luffy's stubbornness that drives him to the edge.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Zoro: It's me or the shitty cook. 
Sanji: I'm not going anywhere, mosshead! 
Zoro: See? 
Chopper and Usopp: 😭
Or both. Both is possible. And Luffy will still follow him everywhere because "We're allies, Torao! That means we're friends, and friends don't run from friends!" "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: GET OUT! 
Nami: Now would you say it was Zoro or Luffy's behavior that finally broke you? 
Law: Excuse me? 
Nami: Look, there is actual money on the line here, Law, so I will not hesitate to kill you.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law: ...Luffy. 
Nami: I knew it! Pay up! 
Usopp: Aw man, I swore it'd be Zoro's sense of direction...
@gildedmuse replied: 
Bepo is just like "Usopp is not wrong it's pretty bad you guys " No one pays him any attention. Maybe if he was a fucking ninja turtle....
When a Kung Fu polar bear just isn't enough
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law is a grumpy panda teddy, and Luffy knows it. There's no denying it now. They've all seen it. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Mikey both read Sora: Warrior of the sea.
Poor Bepo, he's still cute enough for me! *hugs Bepo*
@gildedmuse replied:
I mean you know Raphael reads that shit but doesn't openly tell anyone right? Because I feel that is definitely true.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raphael has a reputation to uphold. And a baby brother to annoy. 😂
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