#and then WHAT?
pianokantzart · 7 months
What do you think the status of "nothing can hurt us as long as we're together" is for the bros? What I mean is- I see a lot of pre-canon fics use that line, and I love it, but based on the way Luigi's face slowly lit up when Mario said it to him as they were flying through the warp pipe, I think that might have been the first time either of them ever said it, and then it stuck after that as they pulled it out in different high-stakes situations lol
I'm with you. I think that moment in the warp pipe was the first time it was said.
That was, no doubt, the first time they were ever in a situation that bizarre and unpredictable. Nothing but a reassurance that sincere and heartfelt was going to help Luigi calm down.
Then there's Luigi's reaction, that look of utter surprise that slowly turns into a heartened smile.
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That's not the face of someone whose heard that same sentiment a hundred times before.
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realizing that 100% of the times B'Elanna showed overt interest in having sex with men were moments when she was under the influence of some kind of alien bullshit or another is yet more "Voyager what the fuck" fuel... I'm a lesbian B'Elanna Torres truther now but I feel bad about it because it makes her arc in the show so much worse to look at. Seven years of desperate gambles and alien meddling by the end of which you're married to the guy you kind of liked once and you have a newborn daughter with him...
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service4cops · 2 years
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Officer: “Keep talking, but you’re still going down.”
Yeah, turns out I was, on him, all the way down to the base as it happens, before he released his nut liquor down my throat. 
(totally worth it)
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narukyuu · 2 years
Some question don't have clear answers, but you can't stop seeking them.
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taintedcigs · 1 year
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i am his controversially young gf (real)
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yellowpamonha · 11 months
If tumblr really goes down, which seems inevitable at this point, it would be so funny in the awful sense of the word. Years and years and years of fandom material, of friendship and gifs and fics and meta theories and then… nothing. and the sensible alternative would be going to twitter, except twitter doesn’t really exist anymore. and none of the other big media is suitable, like, Instagram and TikTok don’t even have proper working sites. and the talks about shutting down the archive site!!
it will probably be slow and things will stop working before the entire site stops working, but I’ll be so sad the day I try to log in and all there is is an error message. like yeah that will be my roman empire.
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baejax-the-great · 2 years
Fic Wrap Up Meme 2022
Tagged by @swaps55. Man, I debated doing one of these, but it's nice to look back on the year. I pivoted majorly fandomwise and feel a little bad for leaving friends behind, but Mass Effect is one I know I'll always come back to.
Words Published: 282,655
Fandoms: Dragon Age, Hades Game, Mass Effect, The Song of Achilles, and The Iliad
3 Fanfics with the most kudos in 2022:
even if it's a lie
(All ThanZag, hah. The only fic that breaks these 3 for other stats is Sunset in Your Veins, which has 3rd most comment threads.)
Favorite opening line from a fic in 2022:
He is eighteen, freshly home from his first and last Olympics, and he steps out of the taxi to find the front lawn of his house littered with black garbage bags, little cards affixed to them on which Patroclus’s name is neatly printed. x.
Favorite ending line from a fic in 2022:
If Zagreus is willing to die to steal a few minutes of Thanatos’s attention, Thanatos is willing to put his duty to the side for a few moments more to watch for the sunrise. x.
Fic I'm most proud of from 2022:
Void. It was one of those fics where I felt like I was possessed while writing. I wrote fast and compulsively, hah, and I really liked how it turned out. (But I think if I do a good job with the ending of All That Glitters, it might be the fic I'm most proud of in 2023. I really love some of the sections in that fic and it's been really fun and challenging to tackle so much time in just small snippets.)
Longest fic in 2022:
even if it's a lie clocks in as the winner at just under 85k words. Most of my longfics are 50k or below, but I think modern AUs get me a little wordier (I thought Gold would be 10-15k and ATG would be shorter than Gold, and I was very wrong on both counts).
New Things I Tried in 2023:
For some reason, I started writing in the present tense this year, and now I can't stop. I broke my previous record for number of POVs in a fic with around 15 in Void. And I think ATG is my most ambitious in terms of how much time is covered-- it spans over 20 years, and it's been a fun challenge to show them changing, growing, and fucking up over two decades.
Goals for 2023:
I have a couple fics that got put on the backburner for most of 2022 for a number of reasons, and I'd like to sit down and finish them. Now that my love of Thanzag has settled into something less all-consuming, I think I can actually turn my attention to other beloved ships (thinking particularly of Overboard and the dozen Shakarian WIPs I have).
Tagging: @johaerys-writes @juliafied @gloriesunsung @nicolasadrabbles @annalyia @thehawkewithgoldeneyes
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rhysnolastname · 1 year
Thinking about how I can never play Elden Ring because it’s so hard….. game developers keep me in mind. A girl who wants to play games on the easiest setting possible
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 1 year
🍷���= (🇨🇭-💰) + 👦🏽🔥
riddle me this 🤭
😹😹😹 would you like to share with the class Akira?
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crappymindofficial · 2 years
and when simon tries to move on by kissing someone else, not knowing that wille is watching then what? AND THEN WHAT?
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supemaeve · 11 months
Wait... But when Elena said that... How DID the know?
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elinillustrates · 1 year
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This is another redraw from the Link to the Past comic
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beewitch4 · 2 years
Contrary to what my mom thinks, I can’t just call a crisis line every time I’m suicidal. They never help me and I’d never get anything done.
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maudiemoods · 2 months
If life is a never ending loop of dirty dishes and laundry then that means life is a never ending loop of home cooked meals and comfy clean clothes
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miametropolis · 8 months
and what if I told you nine was less afraid of love than ten. what then.
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hydrattan · 3 months
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I was feeling agitated and artblocked yesterday so I decided to give my brain a rest by watching TV and then the next thing I knew these were in front of me
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