#and then another girl that likes me like.... jesus christ thats a whole can of worms
nomaishuttle · 7 months
ALSO sry im so talkative today idk whats gotten IN to me but anyways. its sooo crazy 2 me that ppl have other birthdays that arent the sake day as my birthday like obviously i know ppl do but its crazy to me. bc january 13th is like My birthday ykwim. like its such a good day to have a birthday on so beautiful 1/13/2005 gods specialest girl was born ykwim.
#also the cafe is plsying so much lana del rey im rly scared guys. ive never listened to ldr outside of nightcore when i was 11#but ya i loooove having a january birthday bc it makes it so easy to figure out how old i was during an event. bc its like. ok unless the#event happened in the first 12 days of the year i can just subtract 5 from the year it happened and thats how old i was. ykwim. like 2007 i#was 2 rhe entire year basicslly 2012 i was 7 the entire year its awesome#whereas if i had a september birthday. Like some people (my sibling). itd be a wholee production like ok was it before or after the end of#september. which is isnt rly that difficult but i have trouble remembering what specific month a thing happened in#but i can remember seasons. which again like ig isnt the difficult bc if it happened in wjnter etc. spring etc. summer etc. but if it#happened in fall id probably be confused..#basically january is the best month of the year and the most beautiful girls are born then#a fun fact is i wasnt born on friday the 13th. i was born on a thursday#BUT my 1st birthday was friday and so was myyy 16th i think. idr. but yeah sometimes its on a friday which is cool :]#and another fun fact is it was a sunny day but (according to my dad) there was a random lightning strike like. right when i was born. so#basically i think im rly rly quite special. joke. i think that lightning strike was god saying Lord well hold on. why would god he saying#lord. thats kinda funny. thats like if i went Connor i am going to put this guy in situations. which tbf i do refer to myself in 3rd person#mentally On occasion. but anyways. sry i distracted mysekf and forgot what i was gonna say. its tly funny to imagine god just being like#Lord almighty.#speaking of idk if you guys know this abt me but i say lord almighty and jesus christ and good lord etc so much. and i didnt always i like#started saying them a year or so ago and now i cant stop. i wasnt even raised religious im not religious in the slightest . but my first#reaction to things now is Lord almighty... like girl you do not even know him.#anyways thats all. sry
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my coworkers called me a "crazy lightning-rod" because everyone whos into me is batshit insane, also "insane asylum poster boy". do i share genes with daigo and yayoi??? that would make me feel so much better about being an insane person magnet
i think if we look deep inside ourselves we're all a lil daigo and yayoi in our hearts
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dvmbgvtz · 1 month
who wants another scythe rant??? am i hearing a yes😍😍 (spoilers for all books includong gleanings, also this is copy and pasted from discord so it might be a little funky)
ok ok thinking about the end of the toll because it’s SUCH A GOOD FUCKING ENDING. also thinking about Volta because I’m never not, anways the Toll first because I’ve read that book twice and it’s SIX HINDRAD AND TWENTY FIVE PAGES. And that’s, like a lot of pages, times two, SO. I think the ending is so so smart because first off, the vault, it ends all the scythes but not like ends, like it ends their jobs and the fact that Faraday still helps well the people die from the plagues is so cool and ALSO a reference to the beginning of the first book which is like my favorite thing ever it’s so smart and UGHHH also the fact that all the tonist bodies got supplanted if that’s how you spell it, AND CURIE CAME BACK. which makes me want to know who else got brought back out of everyone, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE that the Thinderhead supplanted Volta into one of the bodies because it saw that he didn’t want to be a scythe and liked killing people and then supplanted-Volta was on Rowan and Citra’s planet and met again and it was happy because JESUS CHRIST THIS BOOK IS SO SAD I NEED PARTS OF IT TO BE HAPPY, Also Jeri and Greyson dumb little part “I’m going to miss you” “Me too” “Better go to your ship” “I’m not leaving?” “Me either” THEYRE SO STUPID, NO ONE GETS THEM LIKE ME YOU DONT UNDERSTANDDDD they’re so in love I CANT handle it and oh jdbdjsjbfjf my LORD, like Greyson not understanding the fact that “Oh! I don’t care if Jeri is a girl or boy, oh well it doesn’t matter” and he’s just actually confused about it for like half the book, also also ALSO. the Thunderhead. Because oh my god the way that it talks about Greyson makes me want to scream and cry and THROW UP because it loves him so much and spends so much time and energy and attention making sure Greyson ok, even just in the second book but especially in the Toll, then Greyson shuts it out which is so sad and the Thunderhead was so sad about it, it cried, it rained for so long then it was alone I CANT DO THIS Also in Gleanings with Cirrus when it didn’t understand how to greive because it didn’t have anything to make rain like the Thunderhead did so it dimmed the lights :(( then it was so scared the whole time AUUGHGGNGNHN anyways. But then the Thundehead was so so lonely and it’s so sad because it had never been lonely before and the book was like “The Thunderhead had never been devastated before, but it found out what it meant to be truly inconcosible” obviously not a direct quote but I can’t remember and jsbgjfbfbfh I can’t it’s litterely so tragic and the fact that I’ve cried over this book is dumb but JESUS CHRIST DUDE how does someone just write that?? I’m super excited for the show because I want to see how it’s gonna portray the Thunderhead (even though there isn’t as much of it in the first book but whatever) and UGHFBBG I can’t I quite literally can not, it might be my second favorite character because HFHFHGBG it’s so sad and so well written and the fact that it’s supposed to be this all powerful being and still acts like how it does is so special to me no one gets this book like me YOU DONT UNDERSTAND Hi!
ok so I’m not saying that Greyson SHOUDNT have shut the Thunderhead out, it was reasonable considering that the Thunderhead USED Jeri’s body and basically possessed her (it’s not cloudy) which I don’t think was talked about enough still, or it just isn’t talked about enough in the aoas community in general but there’s barely a fandom so it’s whatever I GUESS. but it was like “Greyson saw the Thunderhead in Jeri’s eyes” WHATST THATS SO COOL AND NO ONE JUST GONNA TALK ABOUT IT?? like the Thunderhead USED JERI AS A BODY, A BODY FOR IT TO DECIDE IF HUMANITY AS A WHOLE WAS WORTH SAVING. it’s so oh my god idek the right word for that scene to be honest, then RIGHTFULLY Jeri was upset about it, I mean she did fucking PASS. OUT. afterwards, imagine you meet some random twink you think is close then this all knowing AI that rules the world but its favorite person is the twink POSSESS YOU, AND JUST USED YOUR BODY TO WATCH THE SUNRISE, and also touch Greyson cheek which is technically the exact moment Cirri was made fun fact!! But then it leaves and you just, collapse then even after she wakes up the book talks about how she freaks out and flips Greyson off of her and, is scared, it scared her, and Jeri is barely scared in the book, even when the place they had been staying with Citra was getting attacked and people had died and were still getting revived, they weren’t panicking or anything, but after the Thunderhead possess them they were scared ☹️
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sshireens · 2 months
2, 6, 8, 12 👉👈?
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
this requires me to narrow down my favs, which is so much more difficult than i ever could have expected. yin if i don’t answer the ask quickly this was why. catelyn tully would never top because ned lays pipe and she’s a freak like that. saw a ss of a reddit post that was like ‘my wife likes to get blitzed and then come home and have me fuck her brains out’ and thats her. brienne is never bottoming and jaime is never topping because jaime has some kind of reversed gender thing going on that makes him want to be a girl but not to another man. and brienne lives to serve. she literally is a sword. and thats a penis metaphor as we all know. margaery is never topping men because despite being the first ally in westeros she thinks thats weird. these are compelling arguments to me! daenerys stormborn is NEVER. NEVER NEVER NEVER. never bottoming because A). thats the prince that was promised B). jon likes to get dicked down C). i personally believe that being sold and traded will lees her to discover (amidst her several trysts with irri jhiqui and doreah (bc u cant tell me otherwise. irri is canon first of all)) that she, as the breaker of chains and mother of dragons and khaleesi of the great grass sea, is not inclined to experience things at the whim of others but rather the opposite. is that appropriate to say.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
oh god. SORRY PLEASE DONT SHOOT ME EVERYONE! daemyra (this might be biased bc i just dont like daemyra) some sansan ppl really get under my skin…. LUCEMOND JESUS CHRIST. almost forgot about them (was almost free). wow sorry lucemond shippers first place for annoying. its not that im an omegaverse toxic incest yaoi anti its just. Its the people it truly is i cannot even enter that circle. there is a blog on here though i can’t remember the url of that makes cute sfw art that doesnt frighten me and ive been known to browse, even hit like once or twice. lucemond still stay away from me please
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
daenerys is not going to be queen of the seven kingdoms NOR SHOULD SHE BE. if daenerys takes the iron throne the whole series is pointless
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
what qualifies as unpopular. also what do we consider like. because i consider like as in ‘this is a fun character to see interact with the world’ and NOT!!!!!!!!! ‘i support this guy’. just to clarify for any other viewers at home. a character ive seen a lot of people Dislike but i think deserves to be heard out is criston because he’s funny and thats it thats why everyone should like him. but i dont consider him unpopular? hmm tough tough …… will i get flayed if i say larys like i mean he’s just sick i love wondering what is going on in that head. in regards to characters i think are not given enough attention: jaehaera targaryen. ‘she’s a little girl shes a non-character’ SHUT UP. she’s a little girl exactly. she didn’t get the chance to be her own person she is alicent’s pain helaena’s pain and her own. GOD MY BABY GIRL….. she names her dragon death…… AUGH DONT EVEN TALK TO ME DOONNTTT EVEN. um also rhaella, daughter of rhaena the lesbian AND! mother of daenerys. bc first of all rhaella and aerea switches thats true. so like. rhaella septa rhaella wondering if that was meant to be her. wondering if maybe it would have never happened if she hadn’t traded places. is it kinder to force her twin into the faith or to let her die? Augh. also daenerys’ mommy just… why dont we know about her i need more people on here like me willing to band together to make up canon. i guess thats not really a reason why people should like them. ALSO SHIREEN BARATHEON I DONT KNOW IF YOU CAN TELL BUT IM THE BIGGEST SHOOTER FOR SHIREEN THATS BABY THATS MOTHER THATS THE PRINCESS THATS MY DAUGHTER THATS ME I LOVE HER SO BAD OH NY GOD SHIREEN PEASE COME HOME THE PEOPLE MISS YOU. and i know everyone dgaf about baby boy bowl cut brown boba eyed broken bran. but i gave birth to him. and thats why you should like him.
i don’t consider myself a targ girlie and then it comes to questions abt asoiaf and i can only answer in reference to them 😔 tried to be diverse 🤞
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pesterloglog · 3 months
Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, Dave Strider, Roxy Lalonde
Page 99-105
JADE: the prince’s power grows.
JADE: i feel him resonate through the void.
DAVE: dude can you chill for like even a single fucking second
DAVE: also are you ok
JADE: i am uninterested in that scenario.
DAVE: yeah i may be totally misunderstanding the intricacies of "next gen technology" designed by an idiot in microshorts
DAVE: but im pretty sure i locked that door
JADE: i unlocked it with my mind.
DAVE: fuck
JADE: the prince’s powers are growing, but so are mine.
JADE: ...
DAVE: karkat its fine
DAVE: who cares
DAVE: no dude im up fuck it
DAVE: i want coffee
DAVE: oh me too
ROXY: oh what up
ROXY: its a whole ass pajama party up in here
ROXY: couldnt sleep??
ROXY: oh
ROXY: jade why did u do that
ROXY: sometimes a girls just got to get her drift on i guess
ROXY: it be like that
DAVE: yall want coffee
ROXY: sure
DAVE: hate to give it up to venture capitalism but this coffee is EONS better than the garbage we had on the meteor
DAVE: this ship is maybe the dumbest thing ive ever looked at but its a give and take right
ROXY: maybe u just developed a taste for it
ROXY: i used to think coffee tasted like ass but drinkin it was another thing i felt like my mom woulda done
ROXY: turns out rose drinks tea and i stockholmed my own dumb butt into liking this addictive bean juice
ROXY: well i mean who knows what she drinks now
ROXY: dirk probs tossed the coffee machine out the space window right away
ROXY: dude doesnt "believe" in "substances"
ROXY: well i wasnt but then somebody screamed like a rooster boned a teapot and had a noisy lovechild
DAVE: yeah thats basically accurate
DAVE: maybe if youre lucky
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: in the fridge
DAVE: wheres kanaya
ROXY: idk
ROXY: sleepin i hope
ROXY: last time i saw her she was on the second floor
ROXY: no
ROXY: the third floor observation deck
ROXY: this place is huge
DAVE: yeah dude but that was basically a city
DAVE: this is more like a castle
DAVE: a castle of idk
DAVE: twenty something ennui
ROXY: anybody hungry
ROXY: i was thinkin about alchemizing some pancakes
ROXY: or maybe eggs
ROXY: they all basically taste the same at the end of the day i think alchemized food is like eighty percent imagination
ROXY: but both of you barely eat and its making me anxious
DAVE: damn thanks mom
DAVE: i mean
DAVE: shit
DAVE: dad
DAVE: roxy
DAVE: fuck sorry im tired
ROXY: haha its ok
ROXY: dont worry about it
DAVE: okay but just because our relatives turned evil doesnt mean we have to act like total animals
DAVE: we can still try to respect each others identities and shit
DAVE: anyway im gonna go check on kanaya
DAVE: possessed jade dont follow me
JADE: i am fine where i am.
DAVE: cool
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seancekitsch · 2 years
Can we get “i’m tired of having to pretend we hate each other.” and “they’re gonna hear us if you don’t be quiet.” “good.” with Richie? I miss that pathetic Reddit Troll
reader isn't ghost face but knows what's up
Tumblr media
You throw yourself into one of the chairs in the little vending machine room in the hospital, sighing loudly as you crack open a room temperature can of coke zero. You’ve only been in Woodsboro for a few hours, and already you just want to go back to Modesto and serve your stupid little beers at the bowling alley bar. Living a horror movie isn’t as glamorous as you thought it would be. Instead, you’ve just forgone a shower and watched a soap-opera-worthy fight between whiny siblings who can’t see the story unfolding around them. 
“That bored already?” Richie’s voice comes from behind you.
“Jesus tap dancing Christ!” you exclaim, nearly spilling your soda. You hate when Richie sneaks up on you. 
“Nope, just me,” he quips, and drops himself into the other chair at your little metal table.
“You know, you really shouldn’t sit with your back to the door. Not when there’s a killer on the loose.”
You roll your eyes. 
“Thanks for the advice. What are you, my dad?” you sneer. 
“Your dad isn’t even in the picture, thats why you like me so much,” Richie bites back meanly, but both of you crack up with laughter about your supposed daddy issues. 
“I do!” you exclaim, fake exasperated, “I like you so much! Ugh.”
You throw your head into your hands dramatically. This is normal for you and Richie, this was nice. This was how you liked it to be. You wish it was always like this. 
“I’m tired of having to pretend we hate each other,” you admit, head still in your hands. 
“I know, baby, I know,” Richie coos, leaning over the table to grab one of your hands in his big warm ones. 
“Just a little bit longer,” he promises, and you know he’s right. The timeline is working out even quicker than he thought. Soon, you’d be hamming it up for the cameras and you could have Richie back again. 
“I just wanna laugh at your jokes again,” you whine. It’s hard, playing the role of Sam’s best friend that HATES her boyfriend. You’ve spent the last day and a half in cramped quarters with both of them, trying to sit back and not let it bother you every time Richie has to say he loves her, to not laugh when Richie makes some joke about not being a horror fan. If only Sam knew…
“I know baby, come here,” Richie squeezes your hand, urging you to stand. He pulls you to his side of the table and pats his lap for you to sit. “C’mere.”
You sit, draping yourself across him and letting your arms rest around his neck comfortably like you always do. Richie immediately starts kissing up the side of your neck, soothing any doubts or annoyances from the past day. He doesn’t care that you haven’t showered and you don’t care that he stinks of his “girlfriend’s” god awful perfume, you just need each other. Your fingers rake through his curls, and his hands grab at you, pulling you close and groping at you wherever he could.
“Fuck, Rich,” you moan, your voice bouncing off of the sterile white tiles in the room. 
Richie tuts and pulls away from you slightly. You want to whine at the loss of his lips on you, but you suppress it. You don’t want to seem as needy as you are. 
“They’re gonna hear us if you don’t be quiet,” Richie warns. He’s right. Sam and her twerp sister and that girl Richie met on Reddit are all only three doors down. They could easily catch you, and your status as the final girl in Richie’s movie would be gone instantly. 
“Good,” you whisper, pulling him in for a deep kiss on the lips, him easily parting his lips and letting it become a full blown make out. 
He can’t deny he loves the idea, the danger of being caught too. That would be just another piece of the puzzle for him to manipulate. The only thing of this whole situation he isn’t manipulating is you, surprisingly. You’re willingly, and gleefully going along with everything, even adding you own input. Half the time “Richie” and Amber are messaging, it’s actually you. He would fuck you in this room if he could find the lock on the door. Or maybe you’ll be down to fuck even if the door doesn’t lock. You’re full of surprises. 
“Richie, do we have time?” you ask when you pull back, and he knows exactly what you’re implying; your lipstick scandalously smeared in a way you’d have a really hard time explaining. He can’t even imagine what his face looks like. 
Richie fuckin’ called it. 
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 4 months
I promised myself I would stop writing my rants so aggressively but for real....
Wtf dude! This IF is making me have violent tendencies. I want to stab catalyst (think thats his name that pos) in the face multiple times! Just stabby stabby stab!!!!!! 🙄
Okay proceeding with rant normally:
I don't know if you truly know how insane your writing is? Like do you?
I loved the update. It took me on a Rollercoaster honestly. My poor baby MC. Losing so much, going through so much, still enduring so much. It's kinda heartbreaking.. and fills me with rage at the same time.
Because the whole illusion of freedom is even worse. And I love that it's constantly brought up in dialog. How getting close to anyone is dangerous, scary and yet still makes us hopeful In enjoying a bloody conversation. Like humans do. But MC doesn't feel really human anymore or like they are anything like their former self. Or like they have any autonomy at all.
The melancholy really is so real for me in this IF. Themes of loss and love are so real and just how dealing with pain in different ways can make you a different person. For me my MCs personality presently is wholly different from what he was like in the flashbacks.
While your writing can be humorous at times lol it really is it's also triggering af but not in a bad way. It made me really think about MCs Character how something so horrible can happen and how it could lead to even worse consequences from just a simply trip they took with friends to essentially just make a goddamn vlog. That's so wild!
I like seeing the different aspects of the ROs. And Mal is a whole menace if you are a shy MC. That whole t-shirt interaction made me both giggle like a little girl and want to throw something at them. And again the parallels of new vs old. Mal very much reminded me of Grant and that just adds another layer of sad to my poor MC because he dated Grant.
I'm sorry this is so long but jesus christ. YOU CAN WRITE! I even wanted to cry at some point. I'm so fully inlove with this IF at this point I'm beyond help. 😭♥️
*loud gamer noise* *even louder gamer noises* *car hitting the curb noises* hellooooooo gamer number 6 that is asking this question during the most wonderful capitalist time of the year, the Superb Owl!
"You are welcome to rant as much as you like :) I'm glad/sorry to hear of the tribulations you went through reading it! I sort of knew that CH4 was gonna start swinging big in the trauma department and I enjoyed writing while playing into the MC grappling with the pall their past is casting over their present. Mal's horrible, I love them."
*fanfare music* *dorito commercial* *car explosions* i sure hope you had a beautiful time during the advertisement of the Superb Owl!
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themetalvirus · 1 year
prime spoilers
its so funny that shadow kept screaming SONIC JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME FOR A SECOND into sonic's face and he just KEPT. IGNORING HIM. DUDE LISTEN TO SHADOW HES A FUCKING GHOST STUCK IN THE VOID YOU SHOULD PROBABLY HELP HIM. JESUS CHRIST. i'd punch sonic too after that
i love rusty rose. i love her. i LOVE her. i hope she gets her free will back, she is clearly capable of good (and was turned good in that one episode). get all of the programming OUT of her and just let her make her own decisions, i don't even care if she returns to eggman anyway because it's all she's known for so long, i just need to see her with free will. please. someone help this poor girl
speaking of people who need help, nine :( NINE. nine. NINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes SO!!!! he needs to experience the magic of friendship and shoot his first friendship rainbow beam so bad. hes so lonely and USED to being lonely that he chose a barren wasteland to call home. that's no way to live, man.
also captain knuckles had a reeeeally concerning turn in that last episode, his Gemstone Guarding Instincts kicked in and he went a little nuts. i want more of that tbh. more nutso knuckles
i was expecting a lot more from prime but this is very very clearly not the end, it's clearly not even the whole of season 1 and is being split up into different release chunks for netflix (like glitch techs is 1 season but was released in two seperate chunks as "seasons 1 and 2"). i personally hoped to see more worlds, but i'm also glad what we DID see was fleshed out. i was expecting a more episodic format in terms of visiting the worlds so i'm happy we get to spend actual time in each of them and get to know the characters and their problems
i'm wondering if sonic erased his original friends out of existence when he shattered the paradox prism (like how green hill doesnt exist anymore) or if they also landed in different worlds. or the void. or something else entirely
speaking of green hill, isn't it super weird that they just... decided all of sonic's world is green hill. i guess it's for budgetary reasons? and to control the scope? but it's super fucking weird right, like, i'm not the only one that thinks that's weird? there are. other places in sonic's world. sonic doesn't live ANYWHERE he just ends up in green hill a lot. maybe it's also for a point of comparison, like how the loop-de-loop is always in the same place? just to have more solid landmarks to see what's different. i just wish they did that with like. multiple areas of the world. instead of multiple landmarks of Just Green Hill
anyway waiting for the next part of this show to drop is gonna be torture. i have some Gripes and Grumbles (WHERE IS BLAZE IN THE PIRATE DIMENSION? WHERE IS SHE!) but nothing is ever perfect and also i love having stuff to gripe and grumble about. rusty rose is my new best friend btw. (also the knuxouge enjoyers are eating well, congratulations to those who that applies to)
theres gonna be so much fanfic about these goddamn places i can tell. especially the fucked up eggman won world. theres so much potential there. i'm hoping (like another person said) that rusty rose's backstory is that she got kidnapped, sonic wasn't there, and she got turned into a fucked up robot thing. because wouldn't that be fucked up. that would fuck this version of sonic up too, he'd feel so upset and guilty that he couldn't help her (and then be determined to help her NOW even if shes evil). i wish they spent more time on rusty and the pirate amy recognizing each other and being freaked out tho. thats also a lot of potential
i also want to see sonic find another version of himself. i don't think that'll happen? because like, he doesn't exist in any of these worlds because he's the god of these gajillion universes. but also i want him to find a fucked up version of himself and go dear god that could have been me. itd be neat i think
in any case i am kissing these writers on the mouth for rusty rose and nine. i am a sonic fan who craves being spoonfed more funny little guys so i can point and go HEY I KNOW THAT GUY but i'm also just really glad that big is part of the crew. hes so good :)
i have more thoughts but also i am eepy and i dont feel like typing anymore. sonic prime flawed and for babies but also good. i'm glad we finally got a proper action cartoon this time, it's wicked cool. i love rusty rose did i mention that yet. i love rusty rose
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newportangels · 2 years
Jesus fucking christ I mean, 
As someone who is heavily involved in the equestrian community and has been for a number of years. It's so disingenuous to think of it as a women's sport, or a sport played more by girls. That in itself is misogynistic. The idea that horse girl is a slur? Utterly ridiculous. Horse girls while there are MANY other reasons they may face misogyny in the sport do not need some ridiculous campaign about a word. Sure I've had my fair share of people calling me weird, but they are usually just uneducated on the sport and dont get how much time and effort gets put into it. When they do, they usually think ok thats just another sport, just like everyone else. No one deserves to be bullied, thats a given. But this isn't, fuck it just isn't how we should be tackling misogyny in the horse world. Why do we care so much about what others think about us or our sport? When we have deep rooted issues in our own community that could be tackled first. This is no different to people not getting why people watch football or baseball or whatever else people like to watch. You find your niche, you stick to it. It's kind of how forming interests and friends around those interests works. If you’re getting bullied for being a horse girl, chances are they will bully you for anything you do. The horse culture in Australia is just so much larger and more celebrated than in other places so maybe this bias exists in my country's “horse girl” echo chamber but I seriously doubt there is some mass oppression campaign against horse girls. Bullies will bully you for anything you do. Actually, this idea that being a horse girl “makes you quirky” and “different” is so weird because horse riding is an extremely expensive sport and at least when I was younger, only kids born into those types of families had the privilege of “being a horse girl”. What I'm trying to say is, that being an equestrian is a privilege. Not everyone can afford this sport and when it comes down to it? It's not a welcoming environment for ACTUAL minorities. This fake oppression star stable is creating here is so weird. There are so many better things you can be doing with your time and resources. This is a whole lotta nothing. 
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likeadevils · 8 months
Fave 1989 lyrics?
i had to be RUTHLESS about this like talk about killing your darlings jesus christ
“kaleidoscope of loud” kicks off my favorite lyrical motif in 1989, i’ve ranted about it so many times, the way she conflates and celebrates light and sound and then uses silence and quiet in moments of love is just. so good. i’m not gonna mention all of them in this post but just know everytime it comes up i’m screaming
“it’s been waiting for you” has made me cry many many times
“i can read you like a magazine” immediately established character in such a short amount of time
“keep you second guessing like “oh my god, who is she?” i get drunk on jealousy” is genius. i love how either the love interest or her could be saying “oh my god who is she”. it’s just. she’s so smart
“midnight, you come and pick me up, no headlights” just. works on so many levels. it sets the scene, it establishes character of a reckless couple who can’t see their future, it continues the metaphor of love existing in darkness and quiet, mwah mwah mwah perfect line
“i’ve got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt” WHEN THE ENTIRE SONG US DETAILING HER LACK IF FAITH? she has no faith in the future of the relationship, and she hasn’t been strictly faithful to the love interest— she’s been there too a few times, after all. like, it just so quietly encapsulates the theme of appearances vs reality
speaking of “i said i’ve been there too a few times” made my jaw DROP the first time i heard it
“two paper airplanes flying, flying, flying…” SHOULDN’T WORK ON SO MANY LEVELS. IT SHOULD JUST BE A CLEVER METAPHOR. AND YET!!!
“the monsters turned out to be just trees, when the sun came up, you were looking at me” IN A SONG NAMED OUT OF THE WOODS???
“let me remind you this is what you wanted (you ended it), you were all i wanted, but not like this” good line. absolute burn
“i miss you to much to be mad anymore” what if you just run me over with a car instead huh
“we’re a crooked love, in a straight line down” good metaphor
“his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room, and his voice is a familiar sound” is such a good way to express a relationship getting more serious. it’s like, the pinochle of show don’t tell
“you’ll see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night, burning it down. someday when you leave me, i’ll bet these memories follow you around” she just. sings it like a curse it’s so good
“in silent screams, in wildest dreams” and “in losing grip on sinking ships” are just. i love it when lyrics reference other lyrics in different songs it makes the album feel so cohesive it’s so good
“when you’re young you just run, but you come back to what you need” was already one of my favorite lyrics on the album but i’m also pretty sure it’s referencing “while our bloods still young, so young it runs” WHICH COMES RIGHT BEFORE “won’t stop til it’s over” which is the treacherous secret message, and THATS right before “won’t stop to surrender” which is the line harry has incorrectly tattooed
just every lyric in clean. i can’t pick one they’re all good
“he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown, and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars, and why i’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words” is like. possibly my top five lyrics of her whole career. don’t ask me to do that it would be too hard but this would possibly make it
new romantics is another song that’s just like pick a line i can write an essay about why it’s so good i can’t believe this didn’t make the standard edition it’s a literal crime jail for ms swift
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Contact the media, Emma has finally found her spine!
It's been a week since she was rescued and Andrew and Logan finally sit her down to talk to her about how the Rogue King is looking for her since she's rhe True Luna like the prophecy bullshit, and Emma, immediately, looks Logan straight in the eyes and she's crying, says, quote,
"Is that why you suddenly changed your mind about me? Is that why you suddenly accepted me, now that I'm supposedly powerful? I'm GOOD ENOUGH to be your mate and Luna?"
GET HIM GIRL. Logan's wolf Leon is literally screaming at him inside his head "I will fucking kill you Logan!!" because Leon actually liked Emma all along and was telling Logan literally the entire time that Emma was perfect and Sienna was a bitch.
LMAO SHE JUST LOOKS AT HER BROTHER , asks how long he's known, he says "the day you went missing" and she replies, sobbing "is that why you searched for me? I was worth something to you because you found out I was powerful?" yes, yes, YES it only took 49 fucking chapters but this was the catharsis I have been waiting for, girl, keep going, put them in their place
Nope nevermind, she just tells them she wants time alone and refuses to hug them :/ girl keep going. They literally. Called you a liar for years. Like. You are traumatized going into your own kitchen of your family home because Sienna made you kneel on the floor before beating you. Stop even humoring them. Stop letting your barely older brother call you Pup when you're an 18 year old woman now. God. God. Meanwhile the entire fucking time, her wolf Eliza keeps whining about how she can't leave Logan because Eliza wants Leon, and oh please don't shut out Andrew, I want my brother, like bitch he's not YOUR anything, you're a wolf spirit inside of her, shut up and listen to the actual human whose body you're in. Idiot. Now Emma just gets to be sold off to Logan and be his breeding whore and Luna.
Emma is literally hoping she isn't the True Luna "because then Logan will reject me and I can be with Jake, the only person who's ever really protected me and wanted nothing in return" YOU can reject HIM you weak ass... oh my fucking god. Stupid girl. Why why WHY do I get the sinking feeling there's going to be a "Jacob was secretly a prick the whole time" reveal just to make Logan seem better.
Emma goes to leave her house and see Amy to double check if she's actually pure white, and Andrew whinss "oh no Emma you can't leave the house, it's too dangerous" "I can and I WILL. She's my friend and the only one I can trust right now" "thats not true! You can trust us!" "It's a little late for that now isn't it?" Get them girl, get them, this is your chance--
Oh my fucking god. In this fic, the wolves can retreat and kind of talk which each other in another realm or mindlink each other. So you know what happened? Emma suggested to Elixa earlier about taking a trip, nor a permanant one, and coming back later, and stupid fucking Eliza TELLS ANDREW'S WOLF. You absolute fucking bitch. And Andrew just says "she will never leave me. I won't allow it"
And this is like. The penultimate fucking problem. Both Logan and her own fucking brother treat her as a possession. Oh she's so powerful and good to become Luna but not make her own decisions? And then, Logan overhears Andrew asking Emma to promise she won't leave the pack and like, from his POV, quote:
She wanted to leave? She wanted to leave the pack? She wanted to leave ME? My heart broke, and the pain almost made me scream. No. I wouldn't let her. I would do whatever I had to do to make her stay. She couldn't leave me. It would kill me. I barely lasted those 4 days without her. (Jesus christ I forgot she was missing and tortured for 4 days) Leon was howling in pain, and I couldn't even talk to him right now. I felt him calling on Eliza in pain. I hoped she can calm him down. I hoped he could convince her not to leave us. I hoped that she would stop Emma.
If she couldn't, I definitely would. I wasn't letting her leave. She was fucking MINE.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and I turn around to see Andrew. "Where is she?" I asked, panicking and jumping up from the couch. I was terrified she would leave through the window again. I was going to have to do something about that. I would put BARS on her window. I don't fucking care. She was MINE. She couldn't leave me"
Buddy this isn't even HOT possessive. You are legitimately a backstabbing weak willed fucking loser who uses dirty tricks and sweet words to try and brush off your YEARS of fucking up. You and her had never even kissed until recently and she immediately regretted it because she didn't like how the mate bond was driving her crazy because she WANTED to be mad at you!!
It's just. It's the being treated as a possession. Oh gosh have I ever made you guys feel this way lmao. At least when I write fics it's for the purpose of a fetish. It can get your blood boiling but like the guy is definitely always a massive creep or piece of shit. Logan is just genuinely being treated like he's the best possible guy for her and she's so lucky to have him and I just. I still wish there was a different ML. I have literally never seen anything about Logan worth liking. We've barely even heard anything about him besides "oh he's such a good alpha, he's a strong fighter, he was good friends with Emma besides the whole never believing her about Sienna thing and even scolding her in her own fucking home for even showing attitude to Sienna because he bought into her fake attitude when even his own fucking mother could tell she was fake" like literally almost every time Logan is in the scene, he's growling loudly, he's snarling, he's being possessive, he's being rude, Jacob is the only one who's been on Emma's side besides Amy and Logan, to Andrew, outright accused him of being the spy that leaked the word Emma is a white wolf, and just. Ugh. I hate this. I'm anger-listening at this point. The second she finally accepts him, im out, but I wanna squeeze out a few more chapters to see more tongue lashings between them maybe. I want to see her put them in their place more 😤
Jesus christ even as I am about to post this, it just keeps piling up. Logan asks Andrew why he made Emma promise not to leave the pack and Andrew scolds him for eavesdropping when he promised he wouldnt. they apparently have the repress their werewolf senses so they aren't overstimulated and logans control slipped while he was focusing on dishes. And of course this instantly transitions to Logan mentally explaining how that's why most of the packhouse rooms are soundproofed "because there's nothing worse than hearing your friends or family fuck. And i would kill someone if anyone else heard my mate as she reached her climax. I am the only person who gets to see and hear her cum. Just thinking about it made me hard" listen fella you are constantly sexually fantasizing about her when she is PISSED AT YOU and you two have NEVER even had sex and you only kissed recently because you basically forced her to, and of course she had to moan 🙄🙄🙄 fuck this entire pack, my dudes, these people are unbearable
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synchlora · 4 years
#my mother: oh im so glad ur a **** i wouldnt have had another kid if u werent a **** hahaha#i literally got a book abt how to time having a child so it'd be a **** hahahha#i am. hmm. having a night#just going on a walk w her earlier and its like alright this is a Normal conversation and then oh noo time to talk abt how much she wouldnt#have had me if i were not a **** (((((:#like it is almost funny bc she said yeah according to the chart i used technically u were concieved on a day between boy and girl#like hmm did not need to know these things but hey speaking of which yeah thats more accurate anyway i am. nb.#but no i didnt say anything instead i could not speak for the rest of the walk ((:#and BITCH oh my fucking god#another tangent but she decided to like. hype me up abt how i look in the weirdest fucking way#like i went driving today and i had to like. wave to another person to tell them to turn first#and my mom was like nice job!! haha he probably just thought u were hot tho hahaha#MA'AM. i am DRIVING YOU. and you're gonna start making weird comments abt 50+ y/o men checking me out as a COMPLIMENT?????#AND SHE FUCKING DID IT AGAIN WHILE WE WERE WALKING#which is. 10x worse bc walking u can see my whole body and not just like my face and hands (w the skeleton gloves oh no)#and like this creepy ass motherfucker passed us and my mom once again was likd ooh he must think ur hot like ???????#bitch i currently look like if mike milligram kinned frank iero i just-#also GOD stop being so fucking weird??????? i am already paranoid as shit around cis men#i dont need you commenting on top of that abt how much random old ass men was to fuck me#jesus christ#today was just a fucking Day#one two punch of whatever the hell that was on top of my mom constantly reminding me of why i cant come out#dumbass thots#vent
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
We Belong Together
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Request: Can you do one where Johnny is cuddling with y/n and they ask what he sees in them, then he tells them how much he loves them?
WARNING(S): Mentions of abuse It was a cool summer night, and by far one of the best nights you've had in a long time. The lighting in your bedroom was dim, you had your window cracked open to let in a small breeze. The temperature earlier that day was excruciatingly hot, but now that the sun was down it was perfect. The record player on your nightstand was playing "We Belong Together" by Richie Valens. You and your best friend Johnny were huge fans of the singer, so you figured it was appropriate you play one of his records while John was over.
You're mine And we belong together You were laying in your bed with Johnny's sleeping figure on top of you, he was in between your legs with his arms wrapped around your torso. You softly hummed along to the lyrics while your fingers raked through his raven locks, a permanent blush tainted your cheeks due to how close the both of you were in the moment. His warm cheek was pressed against your collar bone as small snores escaped past his lips, he looked relaxed for once. You had known Johnny for quite a while, and you've cuddled with him multiple times before, but tonight just felt different.
Yes, we belong together For eternity You couldn't help but feel guilty for having such a good time, because the whole reason the boy was in your bed was because things got really bad at home again. Usually he goes to the lot or to the Curtis house at times like these, but this was the first time he ever showed up at your house in the middle of the night. You weren't clueless about the abuse he faced at home, if anything you spent most of your time worrying about him whenever he wasn't around. Thoughts of Johnny clouded your mind more often than you'd like to admit, which almost felt wrong because you knew that "normal" friends don't constantly think about how handsome their other friends are. The feelings you had for him were more, you finally came to terms with that, but the last thing you wanted to do was spring something like that on him while he was sobbing in your arms. Needless to say, waking up to see his broken expression staring back at you through your window ripped your heart into shreds.
You're mine Your lips belong to me You closed your eyes and breathed in deeply, savoring the moment as much as humanly possible. If only the both of you could just stay here locked away in your room forever. "Yes, they belong to only me." You sang quietly, one of your hands moved down from his hair to his back to rub his shoulders. "For eternity." A low groan erupted from the sleeping boy as he began to stir in his sleep. You immediately removed your hands from him and laid them by your sides awkwardly, afraid you had made him feel uncomfortable. "Mmm..." Johnny hummed He lazily lifted his head from your chest to look up at you. A smile tugged at your lips upon the sight of his messy hair and half-asleep state. He was an angel. "Why'd you stop?" He asked, his voice sounding foreign to you. It was deeper and scratchier than usual, it sent shivers down your spine. "S-Stop what?" "You was rubbin' my head." He grumbled before burying his face in your neck. "It felt nice." "Oh." Your hands shakily returned to massage his scalp, Johnny let out a content sigh. The feeling of his breath fanning your neck sent goosebumps flooding over your skin. You're my, my baby And you'll al-al-always be "I'm sorry if my god awful singin' in your ear woke you up." You joked. Johnny let out a breathy laugh, "You didn't wake me, doll." Doll, such a simple nickname yet you yearned for it to have a significant meaning behind it. "Okay." You whispered. I swear by everything I own You'll always, always be mine 'Oh if only it were that easy, Richie.' You thought to yourself. "You okay?" "Hm?" "You alright?" He asked you again. You laughed, "I think I'm the one thats supposed to be askin' you that. Don't worry about me, John. You got enough stress as it is." His arms untangled themselves from around you and moved underneath your pillow, it felt like he was cradling your head in his hands. You were now running your fingertips up and down his back, lightly dragging your nails every now and then. "I always worry about you." He admitted. Your heart was doing summersaults in your chest at this point. Why was every little gesture-- every word affecting you as much as it did? He wasn't making this easy at all. You mentally cursed at yourself as tears began to prick your eyes, you hastily blinked them away.
You're mine And we belong together "Johnny." "Yeah?" "What... What do you see in me?" You regretted your words as soon as they left your mouth. Your hands unintentionally stopped running along his back and you could've sworn you felt him tense up. The both of you silently embraced each other while your question hung heavy in the air. As more seconds passed your anxiety sky rocketed, all you could think about was the possibility that you just ruined your relationship with your best friend. You cleared your throat nervously, "Uh, never mind. Forget I said anything." "Well... I see a good friend." He finally answered. Your heart dropped into your ass at his statement. Jesus christ, the friend zone-- "I care about you a lot." He continued. "You've done a lot for me and you're one of the best people... if not the best person in my life." Yes, we belong together For eternity The song ended, now the room was really quiet. Once he realized you weren't saying anything he propped himself up to look at you. He could immediately tell by the look on your face that something was bothering you. "Hey..." He was fully sat up in between your legs now, "Whats the matter?" By now you were even more upset due to him pulling away, you just wanted to hold him a little bit longer before he went away. You hated yourself for even saying anything. Your brain wracked for any excuse you could use but it was no use, it was too late to take it back and you couldn't lie to him. "I love you." You admitted. His eyes softened as he looked down at you, you looked absolutely horrified. Before he could even respond you spoke again. "I don't mean as friends either..." Your eyes averted his gaze. "It's okay if you don't feel the same, I won't be weird about it or anythin'." He shook his head and snickered, "You didn't even let me answer you, honey." "Honey?" "Y/N." He smirked at you, making you roll your eyes. He was definitely getting a kick out of your embarrassment, yet you almost don't even mind because it seemed to be cheering him up. "I love you too." Your eyes widened in pure shock, you could've sworn your ears were playing tricks on you. "I love you." He continued. "You are my best friend, you make me happy, and I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you in my life." You didn't even notice you started crying until he swiped under your eyes with the pad of his thumbs. "Are you sure you're not just sayin' that cuz you feel bad?" You sniffled. "Oh stop it." He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth, you were still so shocked you couldn't even reciprocate the kiss. He laid back down, only this time he was on the side of you and he pulled you against him so that he was spooning you. You felt him place another kiss on the back of your head. "I love you." He told you again. "I love you too." You murmured in disbelief. He paused for a moment, as if he was debating the next thing he was going to say. If you didn't know any better you would think he fell asleep, but you could tell he was awake just by his breathing. "You're my girl, right?" His voice was so small you almost didn't hear him. Butterflies were in an absolute frenzy in your stomach. If this was a dream, you certainly wouldn't mind if you never woke up. The feeling of Johnny's finger rubbing soothing circles on your hip reminded you that this was in fact real. "Of course."
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hwangsies · 4 years
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(part 2 of galvanising green, read part 1 first!)
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pairing: slytherin!hyunjin x slytherin!reader
summary: you dont know where you stand with hyunjin after the greenhouse incident, getting grouped together in potions class might give the both of you some clarity.
warnings: swearing, smut as in: heavy petting, some bathtub fun, praise kink i guess, pretty tame and very fluffy
3.6 k words,
enjoy <3
“class, listen up” your potions professor claps his hands together “today we’re making amortentia upon a special request from ms weasley” he smiles at victoire, who’s standing next to you behind labtable.
Potions is your only class you have together this year so you’re always exited for it, especially cause she excels in almost every class.
“mom told me she only realised that she liked dad through making this in class” she whispers to you as the professor keeps telling the class about the ingredients.
“mhh” you nod, pretending to be interested, but you simply cant be. Not when hyunjin is staring holes into the back of your head.
You turn around slightly just to see him at the table diagonally behind you, propped up with elbows on the table and locking eyes with you.
He clears his throat and straightens up to look over at his partner, james , when you catch him.
You sigh as the professor tells the class to begin, victoire already starting to chop up some rose thorns.
“hey, can you grab the pearldust and measure it?” she rips you out of your thoughts about if you were to harsh to the blonde boy that’s been on your mind for the past week.
“uhh- yea” you mumble, grabbing the little sliver bag that’s labelled as ‘pearl dust’.
“how much of this?” you ask before victoire points at the measurements in the book that’s laying infront of her on the table.
After about 20 minutes of mixing the ingredients you suddenly hear a loud clinging of someone dropping a glass, followed by yelling.
You turn around to see hyunjin and james at each others throats, fellow classmates quickly jumping in to get them off of each other.
“hey!” your professor comes running “this kind of behaviour is not acceptable in my classroom! I forbid it!” he says sternly.
Hyunjin and james breathing heavily as they nod apologetically.
The professor looks around before his eyes land on victoire “ms weasly would you be so kind to switch places with mr hwang?” he asks but you know its more of an order than a request.
“uh-“ your best friend looks over at you before a small grin tugs at her lips “yea of course” she chirps.
Your eyes widen as she leaves you alone, turning back around to your concoction to mix the fluid before hyunjin appears in your peripheral.
“hey” he says in a small voice, you just nod, eyes trained on the liquid that’s slowly gaining a pearly sheen.
“you’re still not gonna talk to me?” he asks, watching the silver liquid in the big pot as well.
“I said everything I had to say” you answer blankly.
“well I didn’t” he rebuttals, at which your eyes jump up diagonally to meet his.
“what did you and james fight about?” you ask, ignoring his statement before.
“that’s private” he says almost immediately after you stop speaking, at which you huff.
“that’s great, hwang. i love talking to you when you get defensive” you say sarcastically, continuously stirring the potion.
He exhales irritatedly “then why do you always bring up stuff that you know I don’t want to talk about?”
“because, shocker hyunjin the world doesn’t revolve around you” you turn to him, gesturing with the hand that isn’t stirring the liquid “also jesus christ how much aftershave did you put on?” you scrunch up your nose.
He furrows his brows at you before scoffing “you’re the one to talk, your perfume is stinking up this place” he shakes his head as he looks away from you.
“excuse me?” you turn to him.
“yea- as soon as I got here all I could freaking sme-“ he stops himself and his expression softens as he looks from the liquid in pot back to your face.
“what?” you ask, still infuriated as you look over to see the silver spiralling steam coming out of the pot, signalling that the amortentia is working.
“wow!” your professor comes over and applauds “that’s looking really good kids!”
You feel the blood rush to your head when you lock eyes with hyunjin again.
“I don’t feel too good professor I need to go to the bathroom” you quickly excuse yourself before storming out of the classroom, not waiting for an answer.
Hyunjin is quick to tell him that he’ll go check on you before running after you.
“y/n” he yells down the hall “can you stop running away from me? its getting old” he pants as he catches up with you.
“I never told you to follow me” you snap back, not stopping “leave me alone”
“no” he grabs your wrist to stop you, looking into your eyes when he succeeds “I like you, a lot”
“and I know that you like me back” his eyes are soft when he looks into yours.
“so for as long as you smell my aftershave and I smell your perfume in the amortentia I will run after you” you swallow when he closes in on your personal space.
“it doesn’t matter what I smell because I don’t know if i can trust you” you say quietly.
“I understand, but what can I do to change that?” he asks seriously, you shrug your shoulders.
Hyunjin gnaws at his lower lip, sliding his hand down your wrist to enclose your smaller hand in his.
“how about I can be your boyfriend for like 2 weeks, as a test run” you chuckle and shake your head.
“no-no listen” he pleads.
“yea- okay” you signal him to keep going.
“and if you don’t want me after that we’ll just stop, no pressure no anything, we don’t even have to tell people” he proposes.
“you don’t want to tell people because you don’t want other girls to know?” you ask teasingly.
“I- no-“ he sighs when he sees your grin.
At the same moment the door to the classroom open and the whole class comes out for their lunch break.
Hyunjin looks at you before looking back at them.
“what?” you ask, but he doesn’t answer you.
“hey!” he shouts at the fellow students including james and victoire “I like her!” he points at you.
“oh my god” you whisper, burying your face in your hand embarrassedly.
“a lot!!” he continues before looking down at you “she’s smart and funny and not to mention incredibly beautiful”
“get a room” someone yells before the students laugh and move past the two of you.
“I don’t care about other girls” he turns to you again “please?”
You inhale deeply before nodding “okay”
His pretty lips form into a big smile as his hands find your waist over your cloak.
“so does that mean I’m your boyfriend now?” he pulls you closer to his body, grinning from ear to ear, his eyes turning into crescents.
“14 days test trial boyfriend, sure” you grin back as he slowly leans down.
“but” you say, making him stop his actions “you’ll need to earn the first kiss as my boyfriend” you softly tap your index finger against his lips.
He groans playfully and buries his face into your neck “okay” he mumbles “whatever you want” he presses a kiss to your cheek as you grin victoriously.
"are you ever going to tell me why you and james fought in class two days ago?"
"It's not that serious" hyunjin shakes his head, not looking up from the notes on his lap.
"okay" you hum, pushing you hair back when a breeze of wind rushes through hagrids pumpkin field.
You observe the tall blond boy sitting on one of the huge pumpkins next to the one you're sitting on.
"did it possibly have to do with the big griffyndor vs slytherin quidditch match coming up?" you absently tap your feather against the tough skin of the pumpkin.
He sighs, looking up at you "yea"
"Scouts are coming and seekers aren't needed as much as other players, you know, since there's only one in each team" he runs a hand through his hair.
"so we know only one of us could possibly get scouted" you lock eyes.
"you dont know that" you try cheering him up "what if they think the both of you are amazing?"
Hyunjin chuckles "that's sweet of you but even if they did, they'd probably pick james because of his name"
You frown.
"Not that he isnt talented or anything but, you know" he shrugs.
"no, baby dont think like that. I've seen you play, you're amazing, anyone with eyes sees that" hyunjins eyes crinkle up as his pretty lips stretch into a smile.
He pushes himself off of his pumpkin to lean against yours.
"you just called me baby for the first time" he tilts up his chin, locking eyes with you.
"thats the only thing you took from my emotional speech just now?" you snicker, leaning down to boop his nose with yours.
"wanna kiss you so bad right now" hyunjin mumbles, biting his lower lip.
"hmm" you hum "not yet"
"Hey kids, listen i'm all for young love but please not on my pumpkins" hagrid shouts from his window.
"shit" hyunjin laughs.
"sorry hagrid"
"you came" hyunjin beams at you, gracefully landing on his feet next to you on one of the high tribunes.
"you asked me to" you tilt your head, as he steps closer.
"yea but it's only a practice game so-"
"i'm still gonna support my boyfriend" you grin, getting on your toes a little to kiss his cheek.
He blushes a little, his cheeks matching the faint redness of his nose, which you attribute to the cold weather; you swear it's the cutest thing he's ever done.
"are you blushing" tease him, cradling his cheeks in your hands.
"am not" he huffs sarcastically at which you giggle and press another kiss to his cheek.
"ay hwang! we dont have all day" a male voice calls for your boyfriend.
He looks back briefly to nod at his teammate .
"come with me after practice? i wanna show you something" he requests.
"yea, okay" you smile.
"okay, have fun watchig, babe" he drops a kiss to your cheek before turning his back to you.
"wait" you hold his arm "you forgot something"
"what?" hyunjin frowns.
"this" you place your hands on his cheeks once more and pull him flush to yourself, slotting your lips against his.
You hear his broom hitting the ground, a second later his hands encase your waist, pulling you closer.
The faint sound of hyunjins teammates hollering is the last thing you hear before his tongue prods at the seam of your lips.
The blood rushing to your ears keeps you from hearing anything but your tongues chasing each other.
You only seperate from each other when a high pitched whistle fills the air.
"fuck" he breathes, grinning before dropping a last kiss to your lips.
"continue this later?" youbite your lip as he picks up his broom.
"definetely" he winks before pushing himself off the ground to meet his teammates hovering in the middle of the field.
"that was so hot" you jump at victoires voice.
"what the fuck" you hold your chest as you turn around to see your bestfriend take a seat on the tribunes.
"how much did you see?" you adjust your green-white scarf as you sit down next to her.
"enough babe, that was a sexy girl move" she fiddles at you scarf as well.
You laugh "yea?"
"hell yea, look" she points up at hyunjin, where him and his teammates are still talking, one of them pushing hyunjins shoulder playfully.
"they are totally jealous of him" she squeals "and i'm totally jealous of you" she squints her green eyes teasingly.
“i can’t believe they let you use the prefects bathroom” you awe as you look around the spacious room with high walls and windows, where he had taken you after practice.
"one of the perks when you're the star of the slytherin quidditch team" hyunjin grins, dropping his slytherin coat to the ground.
He walks over to the gigantic bathtub and turns on the water, glancing over at you.
"luke warm or hot?" his hand rests on the tab.
"huh?" your head snaps over at him.
He chuckles "the bathwater"
"oh, uh hot" you nod.
"fitting" hyunjin grins, mumbling.
"Hm?" you lock eyes as you take off your coat and mimick hyunjin in dropping it to the ground.
"nothing" he giggles, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
"take it off" he whispers against your lips, his fingers tugging at your shirt.
You comply and get rid of your clothes.
"Ooh" you sound as you step inside the big tub thats filled to the brim with bubbles.
"good?" hyunjin asks as he takes your hand to help you inside, he himself already sat down.
"great" you close your eyes as his arms envelope you from behind, leaning back against his chest.
“so what’d you think of seeing me play?” he whispers after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
“fishing for compliments are we?” you joke.
“ha ha” he murmurs against your neck, making goosebumps spread over your legs which doesn’t go unnoticed by him when his hand runs up your thigh.
“feels nice?” hyunjin runs his nose against the shell of your ear.
“hmh” you nod, closing your eyes when you feel his lips on his neck, tongue darting out to taste your skin.
“this?” he whispers, one of his large hands palming your breast, pinching your nipple as the other hand softly travels over your mound.
You open your eyes “hyunjin”
“hm?” he continues to kiss at your neck.
“wait a second, please” you say, moving from your spot from between his legs.
“whats going on?” hyunjin asks concernedly, reaching for your arm, urging you to stradde him.
“I just feel like I have to tell you this” you say, playing with his hair at the back of his head.
“what are you so nervous about baby” he huffs, smiling when you shake your head.
“I- I don’t know” you sigh, his hands soothing up your back.
“I” you exhale shakily “I’m a virgin”
“huh?” he blinks, his eyes threatening to pop out of his skull.
“I mean I- I didn’t know” he runs his hands down your arms to take your hands in his “but I really don’t care if that’s what you were scared of”
“well, kind of” you grow a little smaller out of embarrassment.
“hey” he chuckles, pulling you a little higher on his lap “you didn’t actually think I’d laugh at you or something, did you?” he gets more serious.
“I don’t know, you always called me ‘miss goody shoes’” you mumble, pushing some hair behind his ear.
“baby I was joking” he cups your face “you know just like little boys who pull the little girls pigtails because that’s the only way they know how to get their attention”
You scoff “you never actually pulled on my hair though”
“yea, cause I don’t know if you’re into that yet” he quips, your jaw going slack.
“you little sh-“ you slap his shoulder, the water sloshing and some bubbles flying into the air as hyunjins laughter fills the room.
“I’m kidding” he laughs, catching your hand in his.
“I’m kidding” he whispers again when leaning in to press his lips to yours.
“you are my good girl though” he whispers against your lips, your heart stuttering at his words and your core clenching.
He bites his lip as if he knows what effect he has on you, you part your lips to say something but instead of words coming out, a little whimper tumbles from your lips.
“cute” he giggles before slotting his lips against yours, a groan tearing from his throat when you suck at his lower lip.
His arms circling your waist to pull your chest flush against his warm one, a groan tears from his throat when you suck on his lower lip.
You loop your arms around his neck and angle your head to deepen the kiss, gasping a little when you feel his erection poke against you pubic bone.
“sorry” he smiles coyly, reaching down to adjust himself.
“don’t worry I don’t want to wait forever, you know i-“ you explain.
“hey, you don’t have to explain yourself to me, we’ll do whatever you want, I lo-“ he cuts himself off.
“you?” you repeat after him questioningly.
“I” he laughs “shit, uhm” his fingers draw circles on the skin of your hips.
"I've had a crush on you for like half a year now" he chuckles.
"huh?" you lock eyes.
"yea" he grins "remember when that one ravenclaw asshole called you a muggleblood and you let him have it six ways from sunday?" you giggle as you remember the incident.
"I got detention for that" you smile at him.
"yea but only because you turned his nose into a rhinos horn" he laughs with you.
“anyways, that’s when I was like… damn she’s cool as hell” he recalls, tucking a wet strand of your hair behind your hear.
“why did you never talk to me?” you ask, running your finger over his toned chest.
“I wanted to but you always seemed to avoid me and I didn’t want to annoy you” hyunjin closes his eyes, feigning regret.
“I had a crush on you so I was scared to be around you” you confess “but to be fair every girl in this grade has a crush on you” you roll your eyes playfully.
“well you’re the one in this bathtub with me right now” he grins, leaning forward to place a kiss on your collarbone.
You hum “yea I am”, when hyunjin licks at the base of your throat before gently sucking at the soft skin.
“wanna turn around again?” he cocks up one of his eyebrows.
“why?” you grin “so you can feel me up better?”
“exactly” he kisses your lips before you comply to his wish.
You lie your head back against his shoulder as he presses kisses to your temple, lifting one of your hands to caress the side of his face.
“how are these bubbles not dissolving?” you think out loud.
“magic” hyunjin whispers, kissing the skin under your ear.
You giggle when his hands move down your sides.
“can I touch you?” he asks quietly, kissing the slope of your neck.
“please” you mewl.
“you’re so perfect baby” hyunjin says, palming both of your breasts before moving one hand in between your legs, which you instinctively spread for him.
You can feel an amused puff of air against your neck “see? you are my good little girl”
Your stomach tightens in arousal when he brushes two fingers through your folds.
“aren’t you?” he mumbles against your skin after sucking a bruise onto your neck.
“yes” you moan when he draws circles over your clit.
“hyunjin” you whimper, the warmth in your core spreading into your limbs.
“I’ll make you feel good, baby” he rasps, his fingers picking up the pace.
You grab onto his bicep as you throw your head back, pleasure booming behind your lid as hyunjin suckles on your earlobe.
“fuck” you cry out.
“that’s it baby” he urges you on, rubbing at your sanity as you try not to fall into him completely.
“I’m close” you mutter, bucking your hips up to meet the friction of his fingers.
“come for me, babygirl” he whispers “I got you baby”
The knot in your stomach snaps and spikes of pleasure flood through your system as high pitched moans tear from your throat.
Hyunjin slows down his fingers when your legs start trembling and you gasp for air.
“good fucking girl” he chuckles, gently rubbing your folds before you hold his hand still, the overstimulation setting in.
“fuck” you groan before he tilts your head up to catch your lips with his.
Humming into the kiss before you break it, hyunjin bites his lip as he grins down at you.
You can feel the blood rushing through your face and quickly bury it in the crook of his neck; his throat vibrating with laughter.
“don’t go shy on me now, pretty girl” he mumbles, fingers dancing over your stomach.
“sorry” you giggle before looking up to kiss him again.
“don’t be sorry, you’re perfect” he kisses you back.
After getting out of the tub first and wrapping a towel around his hips, hyunjin helps you get out and wraps a towel around you and rubbing you dry vigorously.
“baby ow” you laugh and take the towel from him.
“sorry” he giggles, cradling your cheeks in his hands and pressing a wet smooch to your lips.
“eww” you laugh but he holds your face still in his hands “don’t ew your boyfriend”
You smile “apropos boyfriend”
“yea?” he releases your face, pushing some hair out of his face.
“I think I want to upgrade you from test trial boyfriend to real boyfriend” you say sheepishly, looking down.
“only if you’re up for it though, I don’t want you to leave me hanging-“
“yes” he interrupts you “I am up for it, like… super up for it” he steps even closer.
“really?” you ask as you wrap the large towel around your torso.
“yes!” he chuckles, kissing your cheek before moving to the other one before attacking your nose.
“okay! okay” you squeal.
“does that mean you’ll come to the game as my girlfriend and cheer me on and stuff?” he grins, wiggling his brows cutely.
“yes, yes I will” you promise before locking lips again.
a/n: hi there! thank u for being so patient with me! i was rly crammed up with life lol. anyways i feel like this was kinda lack luster, but i intend on writing a thrid part as the finale of a trilogy i guess lol.
so thank you sm for reading if you’ve made it this far, lots of love to you <3
(also unedited so pls dont come for me im tireddd lol)
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
ok so. why not. basically i got there and there were just 2 ppl in the room, Him & some other guy, both in the second row. i put my stuff down where i usually do in the first row. literally as soon as i started doing that he got up and moved to the first row one chair over from me
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so its like. ok. youre doing that okay alright okay.
then another girl comes in and sits between us like this a few minutes later
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so then we do warmups and there was a little game everyone played it was like 7 people in the class today and it whittled down to just me & him in the final round. im not gonna bother describing the sexual tension but you get the idea. also i made a joke about just fighting it out, and then made a reference to the song the final countdown that he got and hummed along and then we both made eye contact and went stiff like 😐😐🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ then we played and we were both super focused maintaining eye contact but then i laughed and he won. thanks universe. and then i made another joke about just fighting it out (what can i say im a sore loser) and i think he thought i was a bit too serious cause he laughed more nervously but not even that much but there was Fear in his eyes. which is fair because i WAS a bit too serious.
anyways then i mentioned transferring schools and he was a little too enthusiastic when i said im staying in this area (for reasons ive vented about on here) (and also mentioned his school is one of my options) so we talked a bit about that. (his school is my least favorite option for reasons not even related to him tho). anyways ill elaborate on this later
THEN we taped our scenes (today was SUPER fun holy shit i loved it). so THEN when he came back in he changed seats so it was like this
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by this point i wanted to punch his face and/or google if shaken baby syndrome can affect 19 year olds cause aside from excitement and flattery i wanted to enact physical harm. THEN after we taped AGAIN he moved seats AGAIN to sit right befuckinghind me
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like okay jesus christ dude whats your deal.
so thats the most notewory stuff that happened. keep in mind ive mentioned on here that talking about shit that happens in everyday life is hard on a platform people go to for entertainment and consumption (like this is the same space people will discuss fictional stories and talk about Implications between people. irl stuff is incredibly underwhelming in comparison) so it all looks like im making mountains out of molehills. but bear with me yk this isnt the same as a written story where Unless its intentionally leading up to something it means absolutely nothing. yk?
anyways he also wasnt wearing his rings which. GOOD he should be consistent with people (still kinda stung to see tho yk. like that whole thing last semester was one of the most gaslightable things to ever occur. and like. heres acknowledgment and confirmation that there was a little game we had fun with and its only being recognized because its gone). but like. he was still looking at me throughout the class and looking away when i caught him (it happened much less though which is overall good). and also flexed his hands/fingers a little bit and idk if it was intentional (even though it was always where i could see it) but either way i paid it no mind. but yeah the moving seats continuously was especially weird (nobody else was doing it everyone was just sticking to their same seats so. ?????????). also like when i started walking out the door to leave he started hurrying out of the room despite saying something to someone else and ended up walking like a few feet behind me. again seems like nothing when its typed out but its weird as hell when it happens real time
so idk yeah thats today idk what that guy wants or if he was wanting to say something or if.he just likes being close to me and talking to me even if that never goes further. or if he was hoping to talk later i dont know. i dont know
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heartofsnark · 3 years
Honey, I Laugh When It Sinks In. (Johnny/Fem!V) NSFW
Note: So, ya girl’s having whore hours. And I wrote Johnny getting his butthole reamed by my fem!V’s strap. 
Warnings: peggings, assplay, sex toys, oral sex, cum fixation, dumb jokes
Summary:  Johnny's got his body back, that's nice. Both him and V are super alive, doing great things. Those great things do mostly involved fucking each other and denying the fact they love each other; because they're dumbasses. But more importantly, now that Johnny can interact with real life object, V has a chance to fuck him with a strap-on. And doesn't that just sound like a fun time.
The fact that Johnny to some degree likes his ass played with is a secret to absolutely no one. But especially not to V, she’s not sure the two could have secrets from each other after their time being brain roommates. Dreams of his memories haunted her for months and the guy did a lot of fucking. It wasn’t uncommon to fall asleep and find herself in Johnny’s skin being reamed by Rogue’s strap-on or getting fucked after letting Kerry top for a change.  
There’s not a lot of mystery left between V and Johnny, to say the least.
But, for some reason, Johnny’s ass has remained uncharted territory for the merc. Well, maybe not for no reason at all. Most of their sex life has been while he’s a digital ghost rattling around in her skull and unable to interact with real life objects. And she never quite had the courage to see if that limitation included strap-ons and butt plugs, though she has a sneaking suspicion it probably did, she doubts Arasaka included a butthole exploit in their tech.
However, the two are no longer dependent on Arasaka’s ass related limits. He’s real, now, out of her skull and back in the flesh. His original flesh even, after they found it in the depths of Arasaka’s bullshit amongst the other bodies the corp had gotten their hands on over the years.
It was a whole thing; but he’s here now and they’re fucking again. Because that’s apparently just what they do. Probably because she’s hopelessly… infatuated with him and knows casual sex is probably all she’ll ever get. Because he clearly still loves Rogue and could never want her beyond sex-
V promptly smacks herself in the head, groaning as her thoughts begin to spiral. She twists in her bed, crushing a pillow to her chest. Trying to hype herself up into asking for a chance to peg Johnny turned into wallowing about her stupid fucking feelings. Because every thought about him turns into wallowing about her stupid fucking feelings.
She hears the shower turn off, having nagged Johnny into taking one as soon as they got home. Which means it’s almost time to ask and she wonders why this is making butterflies swim in her stomach, why she’s so nervous? The merc is no stranger to pegging or taking control in the bedroom.
Maybe because she does lean towards the submissive side of things and Johnny leans towards the dominant, the rockerboy having taken charge in most of their bedroom interactions. Maybe because it’s Johnny and the idea that he may not feel comfortable doing this with her, the idea that there’s a part of him he’d give others but not her, makes a pit form in her gut.
She drops the pillow and lightly smacks herself in the head again; for fucks sake she’s asking to peg the man, not asking for his hand in marriage. Not that she would ever ask for that… That would be weird. Her face is bright red at that thought, feeling like a school girl fantasizing about being Mrs. Silverhand someday. Mrs. Linder?
Both of those sound awful, actually.
There’s the padding of footsteps across her apartment as Johnny leaves the bathroom. The merc moving to sit at the edge of the bed as he comes walking closer. Her favorite geriatric rockerboy, condolences to Kerry, is absolutely shameless and as much as she chides him, she certainly doesn’t mind the show.
Johnny is completely naked, save for a towel casually on his shoulders as he ruffles it through his overgrown dark hair. Damn near every inch of skin and chrome on display to the merc. Her mouth dries as she watches a bead of water run down his stomach, past the inked skin of his ribs. V’s eyes then shift to get a look at his ass, her fixation of the night. He’s on the flatter side, to say the least, broad shoulders and narrow trim hips. But it belongs to him and thats all that matters, pancake ass or otherwise.
“You’re tracking water everywhere,” she scolds him, comfortably using her voice around him. Maybe due to left over remnants of his own brain in hers or just because it’s Johnny.
“Eh,  Nibbles will clean it up.”
“What part of  ‘don’t let him drink shower water’ do you not understand?”
“The part where you tell me what to do.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?”
“Am I?”
He’s suddenly in her face, hands pressed to the mattress on each side of her hips, as he leans into her space. A smirk on his lips, damp hair falling into his eyes, and forehead nearly knocking into her own. She can feel the heat coming off his body, the droplets of water rolling off his skin and onto hers. And before another word can be said they’re kissing, drawn to each other in a way neither can explain, coming together like this as natural as breathing.
It feels like a tingle of electricity under her skin wherever her touches, every cell in her body begging for his tongue. The pure relief of feeling his tongue push into her mouth, to feel the scratch of his beard on her skin. It feels right, every time, as if this is just how they’re meant to be. Like a part of her soul is finally slotting back into place.
She wraps her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his wet hair as he kisses her, deep and heavy. The taste of cigarette smoke and mint gum still clinging to his tongue, the latter meant to help suppress the cravings for the former. Different from how his kisses tasted as an engram, but still so distinctly him.
V breaks the lip locks when his hands start to push under her shirt, a soft whimper on her lips, as badly as she wants him anyway she can get him, she can’t lose her nerve in asking for what she wants most tonight. His mouth is on her neck in a second, licking and biting at her pulse point, beard scratching the tender skin as she gasps.
“Johnny, I.. fuck,” she whines as he bites at the skin, “can, uh, fuck, can I… peg you?”
His mouth stops moving on her neck and that pit in her gut comes back, terrified she ruined something. Wanting to tell him to forget it, pretend she never asked, as he pulls away from her pulse point and she misses his touch, only a second apart and she’s starved for his affection. But then he pulls away enough for her to see his face, the grin on his lips, and it's a rush of relief.
“That what got you acting like a basket case all day?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Fuckin’ knew something was up; acted like you were a second away from humping my leg all day, then send me off to shower all by myself.”
“I wasn’t that bad.”
“You seriously spent all day thinking about fuckin’ my ass, didn’t you?”
“Not all day.”
“Jesus christ,” he lets out something between a laugh and a breath, she can’t help but giggle too, “well, then, show me what you got, princess.”
And she surges forward, clumsily wrenching  her fingers into his hair as she kisses him, teeth nearly clacking together in her messy excitement. Deep but quick, not wanting to spend much longer in this awkward position, she pulls away with a bite to his lower lip.
“Lay down on the bed, for me?” She asks softly when she breaks away, looking up at him with big eyes and a bat of her eyelashes. And she can see for a moment, the mischievous light in his eyes, the impulse to refuse, to be a brat. But he rolls his eyes and does what she asks, behaving for now.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know that?” he mimics her words from earlier as plops back with his hair against the pillows and she giggles, scrambling to straddle him. To have him naked beneath her.
And what a sight that makes. Johnny is unfairly gorgeous, something she’s thought for far longer than she’d care to admit. Long dark hair wetting her pillows, deep brown eyes looking up at her with lust, the messy scruff of his beard, the scar over his lip, and the burn scars that trace up the side of his neck.  Beyond the visual, as she settles over him, she can feel his hard cock smearing precum across her skin. Good to know he’s excited.
His hands squeeze her hips, the warmth of flesh and the chill of silver sending sparks up her spine. He squeezes tightly and the hint of a smirk that teases at his lips tells her he’s about to say something stupid.
“Hate to break your heart, V, but, this isn’t exactly what pegging means.”
“I’m not about to just ram a strap-on up your ass dry, Johnny, it’s a process.”
“Oh, I get prep work, damn, didn’t know I was that special.”
“Kiss me before I kill you,” she taunts, leaning over him to capture his lips. She pushes her tongue deep into his mouth, devours that distinct taste of him, getting another fill of it before she forces herself away.
It’s her turn now to latch onto Johnny’s neck, finding a spot to leave a mark not unlike the one he no doubt left her. The taste of his skin beneath her tongue, the heavy sigh of pleasure from his mouth as she sucks, bites and licks. Only when she’s certain, she’s marred his skin, does she pull away with a wet sound. Bruised skin looking back at her. She smiles at her bit of handiwork but can’t admire it for long, wanting to taste him again just as soon as she’s stopped.
V peppers kisses, licks, and bites across his skin. From his shoulder to his jaw, leaving faint little bruises wherever her teeth get involved. He groans and sighs under the touch, just soaking it in, as starved for it as she is. V can feel his cock stiff and leaking against her thigh as she nips his jawline, kisses down and across his throat, to run her tongue along the other side of his neck now. His hands grope and squeeze at her ass as she works him over, feeling the roughness of his scarred skin under her tongue. She gives the same treatment, sucking and biting every inch of flesh she can.
“Fuck,” he curses, rocking his head back further into the pillows, instinctively trying to give her more access.
V shifts her lower body, giving herself room to reach between them and touch him. She wants to make him cum before she even gets the strap in, maybe more than once, overwhelm him with pleasure and get him relaxed before she slides inside fully. The merc wraps her hand around him, feeling the heat and weight of his cock, wet with water and precum. He groans at the touch, a rumble she can feel in his throat as she kisses it.
“Might need an anatomy lesson, sweetheart, that’s not quite my ass,” he taunts, earning him a harsh bite to his neck and a tighter grip on his dick.
“Can you be patient for a fuckin’ minute? I’ll get there when I get there.”
“And will that be some time this year or next? Oh fuck, fuck,” he chokes on his words as she begins stroking him in earnest, using his precum to keep him slick as she works.
The merc has plenty of lube in the little drawer area under her bed, along with all her toys, but for now she wants to stick to the basics. It's just the first round for him and barely a precursor of what's to come. She bites and sucks his neck as she strokes him, first slow and languidly, just feeling every inch of him. Feeling the way he twitches in her hand, the way each stroke brings more precum, how he groans a little louder each time she gets to the head of his cock, flushed red and more sensitive than the rest of him.
Then she starts to get quicker, shorter, almost rougher strokes of her hand, working harder and faster to feel him cum beneath her. His breathing getting quicker, more curses beneath his breath, rumbles of them in his throat. He’s getting close, fingers sinking into her hip tighter and tighter, the other gripping the sheets as she builds his pleasure as high as she can with just her hand.
Johnny’s body draws tight, a flush across his skin, as he twitches once more in her hand and cums. White shooting quickly across his stomach and chest, cum sticking to his skin and her’s. It’s nothing compared to how much he’s left inside her before, no floodgates broke open, just enough to make a mess. She shamelessly licks and sucks off what he left on her hand, hearing him groan at the sight, the bitter salty taste of it heavy on her tongue. And she knows it should be gross to her, the taste of it, but she loves it.
Once her hand is licked clean, she moves over him to lave her tongue over his chest, catching the cum that landed over his skin. A rumble of a chuckle in his chest as she works her way down; lapping sweat, water, and cum off of him.
“Swear,  could bust into a cup and you’d down it like water, wouldn’t ya?”
“Fuck off,” she curses against his skin, already having licked the cum off of his rib tattoo, already chasing down drop of it that’s dripped down his stomach.
“Such a little cum whore.” He lazily rubs his hand through her hair, taunting her as she licks his stomach and hips clean of any cum, her face feeling like it’s on fire.
She pulls away from his skin, once she’s convinced she’s gotten most of the cum off his skin and the head of his cock starts to bump her chin.
“Spread,” she demands, trying to maintain some mask of domme-ness as she taps his thigh. Johnny bends his knee, spreading his legs slightly and hands grabbing at the pillow over his head; a painfully beautiful sight to the merc.
“Fuckin’ finally, about time,” he responds, because he’s still an asshole.
“Again, not going in dry, you’re not getting the strap quite yet.”
She pinches his thigh and he just grins, finding her annoyance just oh so entertaining. V takes a moment to peel off her shirt, feeling a bit of relief from the fever on her skin, open air hitting her sweaty flesh. And she can feel his eyes on her when she does so, brown eyes staring at her small breasts, following her pierced stiff nipples. As much as he’s bitched about her being a member of the itty bitty titty committee, he seems to always gawk at them when he has a chance.  She likes to think that… means something , but it probably just means he’s a slut.
V considers taking off her panties too, slick and sweat making them stick to her neglected cunt, but that would require far too much maneuvering to make it worth the effort. Especially when tonight isn’t about that. She’s able to balance on her knees to lean over the edge of the bed, rolling out the underneath compartment to get what she needs. And she can feel that stare now hoving on her bent over ass, not that he can even get a decent look at it from where he’s laying. But that won’t stop him from ogling apparently.
“So, when do I get to fuck your ass?” He asks as she’s grabbing lube and a butt plug from her sex toy stash.
“You’ve played with my ass before,” she says, kind of surprised, memories of his fingers and tongue in that specific hole.
“Haven’t fucked it yet, which just seems like a crime, quite frankly.”
“Oh no,” she rolls her eyes, “not a crime, we’ve never done one of those before.”
“Would you let me fuck your ass?”
In a heartbeat, she thinks immediately and is so happy he no longer lives in her skull.
“Hmm, maybe, but it's your ass on the chopping block tonight, I’m ‘fraid.”
“Yours is so much nicer though.”
“Yeah… that’s not saying much, gonna be like fucking a hole in a wooden plank.”
“Or you could just give me a titty fuck, oh wait.”
She grabs the strap-on she intends to use, a big cyan blue one that she’s been waiting entirely too long to try out. And she shakes it in front of him.
“I’m either gonna fuck you or beat you to death with it, I swear to god, Johnny.”
He grins and laughs, she’s laughing too. Unable to help it, their back and forth always bringing a lightness to her chest. It just feels like them, as they should be. Two dumbasses making fun of each other.
V has what she needs except for one other thing, she stretches to reach the night stand and grab her phone, having to lean over Johnny to do so. And she can feel Johnny looking at her funny, brows furrowed for a moment, as he watches her pull up the app she needs.
“Are you checking your fuckin’ email, what is this?”
She laughs, unable to resist a chance to tease;  “Oh yeah, just checking my texts, me and River are supposed to do something after this.”
“Haha, that’s so funny,” he says dryly, a bite to his words, as he suddenly grabs her hair and looks into her eyes, “mention the pig’s name in bed again and I’ll fuck you in front of him.”
His tone is on the harsh side, but his pull in her hair is barely rough enough to feel it. The threat and movement only serving to make her face scarlet and her cunt slicker. Johnny has always had some… jealous, possessive tendencies, especially in the bedroom when she pushes him just a bit. And she knew exactly what she was doing by mentioning River’s name specifically, the former cop always an oddly shaped sore spot for Johnny.
She kisses him, soft and quick, before pulling away. His grip not even hard enough to control her movements.
“It's an app that vibrates the butt plug, Johnny,” she explains, smiling as she quells his worries, though something in her still has to wonder why he has them.
And its faint, but she can see a hint of red come across his cheeks, pink behind the scruff on his cheeks.
“Oh, well, carry on then,” he says, letting go of her hair and running his hand down her back.
“All my attention is on you, promise.”
“Fuckin’ better be,” he grumbles under his breath as he falls back against the pillow, she doesn’t see embarassed Johnny often, his lack of shame truly astounding. But, when she can manage to get him flushed, it's adorable.
“You’re such a gonk.”
“Shouldn’t there be a way to sync it with your neuroware or something, I don’t fuckin’ know.”
“I’m not installing buttplug tech in my brain, Johnny, that’s a malware nightmare waiting to happen.”
“Didn’t have to mention that asshole.”
“Stop pouting, only asshole I’m worried about right now is yours,” she jokes, getting back to where she can comfortable play with him, starting to cover her fingers in a healthy dose of lube.
“Ugh,” he groans, “that was so stupid, its a miracle I’m still hard.”
“Being a slut isn’t a miracle, Johnny.”
“Is the way I do it- fuck,”  he gasps and curses as she slides a lubed up finger inside of him, “you could fuckin’ warn a guy.”
“You said you wanted me to hurry up, you don’t get to bitch about it now.”
He lets out a quiet groan as she works one finger inside of him, feeling the heat of him around the digit. V has small fingers, one of many drawbacks to her petite stature. One finger doesn’t even stretch him, more so just getting lube into him, so everything that comes next has an easier time sliding in. She leaves him empty for just a moment as she coats a second finger in lube and begins to work both digits inside of him.
Tighter with a second finger added, stretching him a bit more as she shifts and scissors them inside of him. He groans a bit at the added pleasure, but his sounds are still soft, her fingers not thick or long enough to give him exactly what he needs. More lube and she adds a third finger, which makes him curses, cock twitching as she does her best to prepare him.
With her other hand she starts to stroke his dick, earning a deep throaty sound, the combined pleasure making him nosier. V works faster, wanting to wring more of those sounds from him, As she works her fingers inside of him quicker, fucking them into him as deeply and fast as she can, a soft squelching noise starts to ring out combining with the wet slide of her hand on his cock.  His hips squirm and writhe, bringing himself down further on her fingers, just to thrust up into her hand.
“Fuck,” he’s reaching up and gripping the pillows again, expression tight as she toys with him, “fuck, fuck, V!”
His cock twitches in her hand she moves to wrap her lips around the head of it, swirling her tongue over his heated skin just as he cums, something between a curse and a growl as he paints the inside of her mouth white. That same salty bitter taste coating her tongue, more of it this time, that she swallows down without shame. She pulls her mouth off of him with a wet pop, her fingers leaving him with another squelching sound.
“Needed it straight from the tap this time?” He tries to sass her, but his voice is a breathy rasp.
“Gon-gonna make you cum one more time before I use the strap, alright?”
Something between a whine and groan leaves his lips, but he spreads his thighs a little wider, pushes his head a bit further back against the pillows. She rolls her eyes, just thankful his stamina is good enough to withstand all the overstimulation. V covers the butt plug in lube, a black silicone one with a flared base, tech inside to make it vibrate. Once it’s covered, slick as it can be, she gently pushes Johnny’s thigh a little big further out and slides it inside, Johnny cussing at the wider stretch of the toy compared to her fingers. There’s not much resistance to the stretch of it inside of him, every fiber of her dying to tease him for being a slut. But she stays nice, instead grabbing her phone with the app open.
Johnny honestly, probably doesn’t need as much prep work as she’s doing, Though, she is mostly doing it because watching him cum his brains out is a fun time. But he clearly is ready for the main attraction of the evening, her strap. So, she won’t drag this one out too long, she decides looking over the vibration settings and hitting the highest.
“Jesus fuck!” He yells out, not expecting the intense vibrations of the plug. His hips grinding and thrusting, squirming from the pleasure of it buzzing against his prostate. The whirr of the toy audible even through his groans and moans.
And she can feel her mouth watering at the sight of him trying not to whimper against the buzz of the toy, hips moving on instinct as it works it’s magic, hard flushed cock twitching with pleasure. V grabs his narrow hips and pins them down against the bed, feeling him squirm under her touch. And she takes his cock back into her mouth, but this time she doesn’t hesitate to swallow him down as deeply as she can, feeling the slide of it on her tongue, the head pressing into her throat.
“God damn it,” he curses and both his hands grab at the back of her head, pressing her down further, “you need more fuckin’ cum?”
She gags a little as he starts fucking her face, no longer able to keep his hips pinned, as he keeps her head in place. V relaxes her throat as best she can, just letting him use it as a fleshlight while the plug vibrates inside of him.  His pace is brutal, trying to match the intensity of the vibration as he fucks her throat.
“Such a fuckin’ whore for my cum, two loads not enough, huh, princess? Needed to feel me cum down your fuckin’ throat too?”
She’s unable to respond, too busy being choked on Johnny’s cock, mouth a drooling mess as he fucks her face. But each word, little comment and taunt makes her clit throb, makes her that much wetter. And the thought of reaching down and fingering herself is so tempting, but Johnny isn’t going to last long. Between her throat around his cock and the toy in his ass, if she bothers to touch herself, she’ll only work herself up more.
Sure enough, just a few more messy thrusts, then his cock is throbbing against her tongue and he’s cumming down her throat just like he promised. That familiar taste coating her mouth as she swallows every last drop, even when she catches herself nearly coughing on it.
He pulls his hands from her hair, still whining as the toy vibrates, V having to take a minute to come up for air and catch her breath. Once the lightheaded feeling passes away she grabs her phone and turns off the vibrating, Johnny’s body relaxing as he gets a break from stimulation, though not for long. She gives him a moment to adjust before softly pulling the plug out of him, earning a sound suspiciously close to a whimper. V puts the plug aside and grabs the strap, Johnny catching his breath, still hard and leaking by some miracle,  as she secures it over her underwear.
A bright vivid blue strap, thick and long. She slathers it in lube, no such thing as too wet, as she empties the rest of the tube over the toy. The blue silicone shining with the slick gel. Johnny watches her as she lubes it up, she can nearly feel the impatience radiating off of him.
“Any position you prefer for this?” She asks, wanting to make sure he’s as comfortable as possible. Johnny responds by rolling over onto his knees, ass up in the air with his face in the pillow.
“Should be easier like this,” he murmurs into the pillow and then chooses to wiggle his ass at her, like the weirdo he is.
“Don’t exactly have much worth shaking, Johnny,” she taunts, giving him a small sharp smack to the ass.
“Hey, you’re the one who wanted to fuck it so bad.”
She rolls her eyes and prepares to finally peg Johnny. She’s on her knees behind him and would like to line up her toy with his asshole, but… there seems to be a newly discovered logistical issue. She tries to raise herself up higher, but her hips can’t quite align with his ass. She’s well aware that Johnny is over a foot taller than her, but it only becomes a problem at the weirdest of times. She kind of assumed since he can fuck her from behind, she’d have no trouble returning the favor, but… alas.
“Can you get your butt any lower?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No… “
“This is what I get for fuckin’ a hobbit, I swear.”
“Just lower your ass, please.”
Johnny does his best to bring his ass down as low as he can and with a little finagling and the knowledge that she’ll probably have awful leg cramps for it, she’s able to get the head of the strap aligned with his hole.
She grips his hips and brings him back onto it as she slowly slides it inside as deeply as she can. A long low groan leaves Johnny’s throat, something that sounds like the word ‘finally’ With a bit of effort, she’s able to start slowly thrusting into him, watching it slide in and out of him. Hearing each grunt and curse as she fills him, the squelching of the strap sliding inside his slick hole. Slow direct long pushes into him, her thigh muscles already burning from the effort.
V runs her hand down the expanse of his back, the freckled skin of his shoulders, and she wants to kiss it. To kiss his  back and shoulders while she fucks him. And when she does her best to lay further over his back, she can barely kiss his shoulders with entirely too much effort, she must look ridiculous. This is ridiculous, she finds herself giggling, stomach hurting as she laughs.
“Are you- are you laughing?” Johnny asks, voice incredulous and she feels bad to beg him for a chance to do this, but in this position it’s just not working well.
“I’m sorry, I just, I feel like a Chihuahua trying to hump a Doberman, Johnny.” She says through laughter as she pulls the strap-on out of him. And he’s laughing too, chuckling as he rolls back over, staring at her.
And she’s sure she looks ridiculous, red faced and giggling with a blue lubed strap-on around her hips. She buries her face in her hands, unable to stop laughing at how fucking ridiculous it is, she’s too short to peg that way. Then his hands are wrapping around her wrists and he’s pulling them down, back in her space. And there’s a soft smile on his lips, that forms soft wrinkles around his eyes, a gentleness in his gaze. He’s so pretty and she can’t even fuck him right, the world is cruel. Johnny kisses her through her laugher, a soft press of their lips, before he pulls away. He lays back against the pillows, like he was before the not so bright idea of trying doggy style.
“Here,” he spreads his legs, smile still on his lips, “let’s try it like this.”
“Thank you,” she says through a giggle, moving to try this again.
It’s much easier with him laying down on his back, able to raise his hips easily to meet the strap-on. And she can look at his face now, which she definitely considers a plus. She can stay in a comfortable kneeling position as she lines it up perfectly and sinks into him again. His teeth sink into his bottom lip, head shifting back as she fills him again. Comfortably so this time and able to see his cock leaking precum onto his stomach as she fucks him.
Her nails dig into his hips as she begins thrusting into him, listening to the wet sound of it pushing inside of him. She keeps her motions slow and smooth, not wanting to fuck him senseless quite yet, watching for ever sharp intake of air from him. Staring at the flush across his skin, the sheen of sweat across his flesh. The groans, the sighs, and curses he lets out with every thrust of the toy into him.
“Faster, V, fuck, I ain’t gonna break.”
“Know what I’m doing,” she says,  just barely speeds up, wanting to tease him, to drag it out.
“That remains to be seen, fuck, c’mon, harder,” he tries to demand, writing his hips to meet each thrust of the strap, trying to change the pace.
“Nothing wrong with me taking my time, patience won’t kill you,” she teases, getting just a little harsher with the thrusts, just enough to hear the slap of her thighs hitting his, the soft pap of skin hitting skin. And he groans, eyes closed for a minute before opening again, a look in them that she’s seen too many times before.
“Nah, fuck this,” he says, then she’s being pushed back, metal and flesh hand shoving her against the bed as the world shifts around her.
“Hey!” She yells out as she’s suddenly on her back, looking up at Johnny who’s now straddling her hips. But she doesn’t have it in her to be mad, not when he’s naked on top of her, with hair falling into his eyes.
The shift in position made the strap-on slide out of him again, but Johnny wastes no time, bringing his ass down onto it, filling himself with the dildo. And she realizes he’s going to ride it cowgirl… cowboy style. He leans puts his hands back on the bed behind him, for leverage as he begins to do just that, bouncing on the silicone cock, hard and fast.
“Won’t fuck me right, gotta do it my goddamn self.”
“Swear to fuck,” she squeezes his hips, watching the way his cock bounces as he fucks himself on her strap, “next time I’m tying you down and gagging you.”
“Look forward to it,” he says, a wicked grin telling her how powerful her threat really is.
Johnny sets a brutal pace, as he’s one to do, his weight coming down on his hips heavy and powerful with every bounce. He barely pulls himself off of it with every movement, lifting himself just an inch off the slick toy before he’s bringing his weight back down. Its desperate, frenetic movements, just fucking himself on the toy. Each movement brings the slap of flesh clapping together, the squelch of the toy pushing into him, and the soft grind of the strap’s harness into her clit through her underwear. Not enough to get her off, but enough to make her whine.
And she tries to meet his pace, to thrust up into him, but Johnny doesn’t give her a chance, every time his weight comes down on her, it pins her hips in place, leaves her to lay there and let him have his fun. Just to watch as he rides it, as it slides in and out of him, barely out as he’s just desperate to grind the toy into the deepest parts of him. Let her mouth water as she watches his flushed red cock drip with precum and bounce along with his body.
“Fuck, you look so good like this, Johnny,” she tells him, just staring and Johnny groans, grinding himself down onto the dildo.
“Yeah,” his voice is breathy, panting through the words, “like watching me ride your cock?”
“Mmhmm, so fuckin’ beautiful…”
Her words trail off vaguely, squeezing his hips, just staring at him. Sweaty tanned skin, the ink that marks his ribs and arm, the rough flesh of his scars, freckles she could map out with her tongue if he let her. Broad shoulders, muscled bicep on one side and solid chrome on the other. Long dark hair with those deep brown eyes. The thick trail of hair that goes down his stomach. The trim narrow hips grinding him down onto the blue toy, his thick cock that really does deserve all the hype he gives it.
“Christ V,” he curses, voice rough and she can see the flush across his cheeks again, “stop fuckin’ looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” She asks, watching him rub a hand over his face, why is he embarrassed? Does he not expect her to look at him when he’s fucking himself on her silicone dick?
“Like, like, fuck!”
V gasps as his body goes tight, cock twitching as cum splashes across chest and chin, hot on her skin. A stray drop hitting her lip, only there for a moment before she licks it off, Johnny goes slack on top of her. Body relaxed and loose as his orgasms works its way through him, cock throbbing as a few more dribbles of cum drip onto her stomach. After a moment, Johnny curses again, blinking as he comes back to earth. Another moment and he starts to pull himself off of the strap.
“Can’t say that went exactly how I planned, but-eep!”
V squeals as he starts ripping off the strap-on harness, throwing it aside without any care before he’s yanking her underwear off, air hitting her slick cunt. He throws her panties across the apartment without another thought.
“Johnny, what are you do- oh fuck!”
Before she can finish the sentence he’s between her thighs, legs thrown over his shoulder as he buries his tongue inside of her. She grabs onto his hair on instinct as he begins to lick up every drop of slick inside of her, painfully wet after all she’d done to him with no relief for herself. Johnny eats pussy like a man starved, making groans and grunts of pleasure against her core as laps at her insides. Like he could really lick away every drop of slick, even as each swipe of his tongue makes her whine and as she just gets wetter.
Then his mouth is at her swollen clit and she’s seeing stars as focuses in on the most sensitive part of her. Never knowing when he’s going to lick patterns against the bundle of nerves or suck on it, his actions are quick and unpredictable, but everything makes her cry out. Her hips squirm and grind against his face, hands unintentionally pushing her into her center at the same time. Johnny’s arms wrap around hips and pin them to the mattress.
“Fuck, I-I’m close, Johnny, I-”
A harsh suck on her clit, the scratch of his beard against her core, and she’s gone. Toes curling and fingers tight in his hair, a keening moan on her tongue as the world goes blank. Pleasure hitting its peak and overcoming every cell in her body, a mess of her wet coating Johnny’s tongue and chin, that he licks up without hesitation.
After another moment he comes up for air, leaving her boneless and panting as she tries to get her bearings back. She didn’t expect for Johnny to touch her like the, meaning for the night to be completely about the pegging, but she really should have known. V’s sure the rockerboy would take it as personal offense if she didn’t cum at least once during sex with him.
The merc is pulled up to the pillows and against Johnny’s chest, the two settling in as they catch their breath. She’s sure the apartment is a wreck right now, things thrown haphazardly, there’s lube in her bedsheets, but can’t find the energy to truly care. V buries her head into his chest, listening to his heartbeat, smelling the musk of his skin, at peace just laying here against him.
“Can’t sleep with your hearing aids in, you know that, V,” Johnny says, skimming his fingers over the shell of her ears, just barely touching the little devices.
“I can sometimes…” She whines, wanting to fully hear his heartbeat and snoring while she sleeps. .
“And you’ll wake up with your ears rubbed raw.”
She glares up at him, pouting as he takes her hearing aids out for her, putting them on the side table. He looks back down at her, then brings his hands as high as he can so she can see them.
“Good night, princess,” he signs and she can’t be upset anymore, the sight of his admittedly sloppy sign language always making her heart melt. A flush of red crawling up her cheeks as she nuzzles her face into his chest, unable to hear his heartbeat, but still feeling the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. Mururing a good night against his skin as she drifts off.
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