#and then find a place to install a heat pump
batwynn · 11 months
Hello hello! I'm opening up kind of emergency commissions once again to try to get some funds together to get a heat pump installed because we currently have no viable heat source and we're running out of time. 💀
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I’m open to DnD groups, story/comic/fanfic covers, book/general illustrations, character design/sheets, adoptables, and short comics.
(I am open to discuss longer term projects, but please be aware that we’d need to work out a schedule first and foremost.)
More pricing and info can be found: here
More samples of my work can be found here.
Please feel free to message me any time to talk about pricing or payment plans! And if you can, please signal boost this post. Thank you!
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bunny584 · 5 months
A/N: Suguru is a patient, kind, wonderful, completely out-of-his-mind-insane man. I just had to capture it on paper. (The Yuuta installment is up next, this one was just crawling out of me lol)
C/W: Voyeurism (the real Shibuya incident 🤭) Mature, 18+
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Suguru should stop.
He really should fucking stop.
You two are friends. Innocent. Platonic. The very best of friends.
And yet, here he is. Watching a live feed of you walking through your apartment door.
Keys to the left.
Heels kicked off to the right. You’ll come back to those later.
He drapes the bath towel around his neck. Catching the last few almond water droplets from his thick, near waist length hair. He’ll be at your place later; he wouldn’t forgive himself if he was the reason you caught a cold.
And capital punishment for anyone who rouses a single strand of hair on your head.
6:38 PM. A little late today. But it’s a Wednesday and there’s a farmers market in the town square. You always stop for chocolate croissants too late on Wednesdays. The vendor leaves before you’re out of work.
There are four of them on low heat in his oven right now.
Because Suguru now knows the vendor on a first name basis. He’s paid him well over asking price to have 4 chocolate croissants (made 2 batches later than what he sells during the day) be delivered to his place every Wednesday.
Because you’re his friend.
His best friend. And he can’t stand the thought of you going a second without anything you want in this lifetime.
Oh fucking hell.
Your (his) favorite blazer is off. As is the demure mint silk button up that it was covering. Both now wistfully draped over the corner of the kitchen island. He finds the way you throw your things around haphazardly so adorable.
But that doesn’t matter right now.
Like clockwork, Suguru’s left hand drags down his sweatpants, just enough to let his overgrown, painfully hard cock free. It bounces well past his belly button, like a fresh wire spring.
And with cinematic timing, you lean over your kitchen island. In nothing but your lacy bra and snug little pencil shirt. Mindlessly catching up on your social media.
The way your plush, pouty rose lips hang slightly open. And your fucking perfect tits spill over the top of your slightly undersized bra. The lazy S curve from your petite shoulders…tapered down to your waist…back out to the swell of your hips.
“Fuck,” a king cobra hiss escapes his lips.
You’re dizzying. Utterly fucking intoxicating.
Suguru’s chest rises and falls. The pace of his hand around his cock crescendos. Almost angrily.
How could you do this to him?
You’re his best friend for fucks sake.
Precum slicks from his thick, blunt tip. Squelching around his knuckles.
Your back arches into a mini crescent moon. And Suguru might as well have swallowed a blow torch.
“Nnnhhgh fuck, g-god…so…” Sharp drags of air mix with his poorly choked down moans.
His hand grips harder. Hips now rutting up off his desk chair. Hungry. Needy. Imprecise pumps into the slick ring of his fingers. Chasing another high he so desperately wishes you could personally give.
Because the way he feels right now?
The sheer malevolence in his mind. The depravity. You trust him completely and he can’t trust himself with you at all.
Beautiful, enchanting girl.
You reduce him to a perverted, bird brained slave to his desires.
You make him want to violate you. To fuck a cock-shaped hole through the back of your skirt to your cervix.
He wants to pick you up and bounce you along all 10 inches of his length and watch himself bludgeon through to your stomach.
He wants to pin you down and use your pretty little throat as his personal cocksleeve. And watch you garble and cry and drool around his invading length while you struggle for air. And listen to the melodic sounds of you gasping and muffled around his dick when he makes you apologize.
Apologize for being so goddamn irresistible. For bringing this depraved shell of a human being out of him.
Electricity runs the length of his manhood. His breaths are jagged, tendrils of wavey hair matted to his forehead.
The sound of your ringtone slices through the static in his brain. Tethering him back out of his criminal spiral.
“H-hey, pretty.” Suguru forces his baritone to level out. Hand still stroking his length.
Your wispy, girly giggle almost finishes him instantly.
“You’ve gotta stop with the pet names, Suguru! The trail of women in your wake hate me enough as it is.”
“Ha-I c-couldn’t care less.” Talking is harder than breathing for him.
You lean up from the counter and start twirling your hair in a way that makes him want to carve out another galaxy for you. Just for you. Anything for you.
“Movie night? I’ve been wanting to—“
“Yes.” Suguru is almost embarrassed at how quickly he cut you off. Like a fucking dog.
You laugh again and stroll to your refrigerator. He knows you’re lamenting the missed croissants. And he knows you know there’s a 99.99% chance he’s already gotten them for you. Because he is silly putty for you. He crumbles to stardust in your hands.
Because he’s your best friend.
“I got them.” Suguru rasps out. Hands moving so fast up his shaft, precum surging out his tip. He’s so close. So fucking—
“God I love you.”
And he snaps. Hot, thick ropes of his cum splay everywhere. Suguru draws metallic from his bottom lip, clenching down so hard not to give himself away.
You said it so innocently. So platonically. And it shifted his entire world on its axis.
His best fucking friend.
“Love you too, I’ll be there at 8.”
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dot-cant-write · 2 years
A Different Chord - Sammy Lawrence x Reader (Part Five)
It’s getting busy at the studio, and you can’t find Sammy Lawrence.
A/N: In honor of BatDR not being dead, I have actually written stuff. (Sorry for the wait.)
It had been nearly half a year since your lessons with Sammy began, and things were busier than ever in the studio. It had been at least a week since your last banjo lesson (though admittedly, they were turning into sessions where you told Sammy gossip from around the studio). One day on your break, you headed down to the Music Department to see Sammy.
Henry had practically kicked you out of the art department anyway, complaining that you’re too young to work straight through the day. He said he was gonna have to talk to to Joey about that. Breaks were practically nonexistent in the studio, after all, especially as of late. Joey Drew’s deadlines were becoming more and more imposing and strict. Now that you thought about it, everyone seemed more on edge lately. You rolled your shoulders back and moseyed towards the music director’s office.
When you got there, you were surprised to see that his office was empty. Maybe he was still with the band? You went down the hall to check. As you rounded the corner into the practice room, you frowned. The room was empty. The band must not be meeting today. Or maybe they were taking their own break. Either way, the practice room was empty.
“Don’t know where he went, kiddo. Kicked us all out awhile ago.” A drawling voice made you jump. Turning around, you found Norman Polk on the balcony, fidgeting with a projector.
“That Sammy Lawrence is a strange one, I’ll tell ya… Once he kicked the band out, he ran all the way up here. Heard him flip the projector on, then he ran all the back down here. He played some instruments or somethin’, and he hasn’t come out for a long time. Peculiar man, dunno what you see in him,” Norman continued. That was the most you’d ever heard him speak. Your face reddened a little at his words.
“He’s just teaching me how to play the banjo, Mr. Polk! Don’t get the wrong idea,” you defended.
Norman grinned like the cheshire cat. “I think you’d better tell him that. Never seen that crazy composer as happy as he is when he’s teachin’ you.”
You shook your head hopelessly, feeling the heat in your cheeks. “I’m going to go find Sammy, Mr. Polk.” With that, you exited the room and started searching around, ignoring what Norman had said.
You couldn’t find Sammy anywhere, oddly enough. You swore he never left the music department, and Norman mentioned he’d been in the band room, but there was no sign of the musician. Instead, you’d decided to settle down in his office and wait for him to return.
Sammy’s office had become a bit busier as of late. Joey Drew had pipes installed to carry ink for some weird sort of project, and the switch for the pumps was placed there. People often came in and out of the office, usually GENT workers or janitors like Wally. Sammy’s desk had also become a bit messier. It had been a lot busier in the studio and you hadn’t had as frequent lessons… Since when had it become so unorganized?
After turning Sammy’s radio on, you started to stack the sheet music scattered across his desk. There were a lot of ink stains on the music. Come to think of it, there were also a lot of ink bottles in his rubbish bin… Why was he going through so much ink?
You shrugged it off once you noticed a black notebook under the sheet music you’d sorted. Curiosity gnawed on your bones, and as you started to reach for the book—
“(Y/N), you’re in my office.” Sammy Lawrence appeared, leaning on the doorframe. He looked slightly amused.
“Um yup, sure am. It’s a disaster in here, you should hire a maid,” You joked lightly, hoping he hadn’t seen you reach for his notebook.
“How long have you been waiting here?” Sammy asked. Changing the subject.
“Only for a little while. Where have you been? Got time for a lesson?”
The composer only responded to the latter question. “Only a short one. Joey has me writing songs for three different Bendy cartoons, all due tonight.” His expression soured.
“Why not work on those then? I don’t mind.”
“You’re just a distraction, I won’t be able to write much while you’re here. Besides, I have… certain things I have to do. Alone,” he added hastily.
Odd. “Do you want me to leave? Am I too distracting?” You asked, waggling your eyebrows playfully. You tried to keep Norman’s words from creeping back into your head.
“Oh, can it. Quit being a child,” Sammy said, but you swear a smile crept up on his face.
“Make me,” you chided lightly. Sammy strode over to where you were sitting at his desk. He towered over you normally, but was even taller while you sat. Leaning down, the musician placed a hand on his desk. He stared straight into your eyes, smirking. He was so close-
The moment was over in an instant. Turning away, he chuckled. “That’s what I thought. Now please, let me work.”
You should probably tell him what Norman said…
You decided not to.
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justahumblememefarmer · 6 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 1 - Matchup 17
Episode Summaries under the cut
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105: The Christmas Invasion - Season 1 Christmas Special: After the Doctor's regeneration, he brings Rose home to her family for Christmas, but collapses. Rose struggles with his new face, not sure if he's even the same person anymore. Prime Minister Harriet Jones deals with contact of an approaching alien spaceship, which has captured an Earth space probe. The probe contained a sample of A positive blood, through which they are able to control everybody on Earth with that blood type. They make them all walk to the top of the nearest roof and stand at the edge. The aliens demand that either half the world will be sold into slavery, or the 1/3 of the population with A positive blood will die.
Still unconscious, Rose and Mickey bring the Doctor to the TARDIS as it's the only place that's safe. Detecting advanced technology, the aliens teleport the ship aboard, along with Harriet Jones and some of her colleagues. They attempt to negotiate with the aliens, but several people are killed. Finally, the Doctor wakes up and exits the TARDIS, still feeling out his new form. He challenges the alien leader to a duel for the fate of the Earth, and they engage in a sword fight. The alien cuts off the Doctor's hand, but his recent regeneration allows him to regrow it, win the fight, and force the aliens surrender.
The aliens flee, but Harriet Jones orders the firing of a weapon they'd prepared as a worst case scenario. The alien ship is destroyed, angering the Doctor, who threatens to bring down Harriet's administration, spreading rumors that she is too ill to continue. Although both are nervous because of his change, the Doctor asks Rose to keep traveling with him.
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152: The Long Game - Season 1, Episode 8: The Doctor takes Rose and new companion Adam to the future, on a space station in the year 200,000. Adam deals with culture shock from the future, but the Doctor notes that history seems to be off course, and that the culture, technology, and lack of non-human species aboard are signs that something has gone wrong with history.
They meet a journalist and sit on a news brief, where several reporters beam information directly into her head to broadcast out. An unknown person watches on a monitor and detects a glitch from one reporter. An alert interrupts the news session and announces that the reporter has been promoted to Floor 500. The journalist is jealous of this as supposedly the walls of Floor 500 are made of gold. The reporter travels up to Floor 500, where she is found to be a freedom fighter using a false identity, and is killed.
Adam leaves to go to an observation deck to get his bearings, while the Doctor and Rose continue to investigate. They find that Floor 500 is pumping enormous amounts of heat down to the rest of the space station, and get the journalist to begin questioning whether what she's been told is true, why nobody comes back from floor 500, why there are no aliens aboard, and why there it is so hot on board.
Adam meanwhile discovers a computer terminal and attempts to gain access to Earth's history, and leave a message on his mom's voicemail in the past, but is denied access as he does not have a brain chip. He goes to the ships medical center, where they are able to install the chip, a hole in his forehead that will allow his brain to interface with the computer.
The Doctor and Rose gain access to Floor 500 and go up, where they meet the Editor, who works for a creature called the Jagrafess. The Jagrafess runs the entire human empire, controlling it through selective information in the news feed broadcast. It also generates an enormous amount of heat, which is pumped down to the rest of the station to keep the Jagrafess alive. The Editor wonders at how he doesn't know the Doctor and Rose, as he has access to all the information in the empire, but has no record of them at all.
At that moment, Adam accesses a computer through his brain spike, giving the Editor access to all of his knowledge, including about the Doctor and Rose, as well as the TARDIS, including Adam's key. He plans to take the TARDIS to control humanity even earlier in it's history. The journalist had followed the Doctor and Rose up and overhears all of this, and accesses a terminal to revert the heating, and pump it back up, killing the Jagrafess and Editor and allowing the Doctor and Rose to escape.
The Doctor says that history has been set right now, and he takes Rose and Adam away in the TARDIS. He brings Adam back home, kicking him out of the TARDIS for attempting to bring back information from the future for personal benefit, and erases the voicemails he left his mother. He leaves with Rose, telling Adam to live a quiet life so that nobody sees his brain chip.
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thewizardtower · 11 months
You've got a really overwhelming situation. It’s a bit ancillary to my irl job (env health and industrial hygiene), so I wanted to toss some thoughts to the void to maybe make it less heavy? (Def feel free to disregard and delete)
Since the AC is too large for the house, the house will stay too humid because the AC doesn’t have time to “dry” out the air – it’ll kick on and off too quickly instead of running for awhile. I’m guessing this is also contributing to the fire hazard (power cycling of the unit). You may be able to find a company that will trade the unit for a more appropriate one, which could help recoup some of the costs for a new system, or maybe local rebates with the power utility provider if the new unit has a heat pump, or just for being smaller and consuming less energy overall (spitballing ideas)
If you have a dehumidifier (bit spendy), you can put this in affected areas to help the problem from getting worse. For an attic, you can try placing it near a central air intake or exhaust inside of the house, like near vents or the furnace, to try and catch the airflow (if you put the central air furnace to ‘recirculate’). Changing your furnace filters monthly if you don't already should also help with air quality.
Mildew will stain, like the plywood and drywall in the attic, but if it’s dry, it shouldn’t grow. You can also spray surfaces in a diluted bleach solution to help manage it. Just a small bottle of plain bleach (none of those silly laundry kinds) and a spray bottle. An N95 respirator and long sleeve shirt/pants would be a good idea if you go into the attic, but mostly for fiberglass (if you don’t have blown insulation) and potential critter dust (mouse droppings, esp if you’re in a rural area, which I assume if you have a well)
A “hot attic” will be that (hot), but it shouldn’t be “humid”. If it is, it might be worthwhile to visually check your roof or attic and make sure the PO didn’t leave you with a crappy roof and soffit venting set-up, or that the vents weren’t block by wasps, critters, etc.
Sending the best vibes I can, from one broke Millennial to another
Gotta stick together to survive in this shitty capitalist hellscape
Bless you honestly. 🙏🥺 Thank you for this advice! I'm definitely going to use the bleach solution on the mold.. it's everywhere and all into my insulation.
Exactly everything you said is what the repair guy just told me lol that's exactly why there's mold. The previous owners installed a gigantic unit for whatever unknown reason. Unfortunately the AC unit is roughly 20 years old, so I can't trade it in for anything because all the parts and coolant supplies it uses are no longer on the market/viable. We were able to measure what kind of AC unit we'd need and the smaller unit brought the cost down from $13k to...$11.6k. So, not much, but still a little. (I've been considering asking for ko-fi donations since I'm honestly and truly desperate, but I first need to wrestle the part of my brain that doesn't allow me to ask for help first lol).
Thank you, anon, for your advice on this. It truly means a lot to me that you took the time to reach out! People like you make being a poor millennial a little bit easier. Seriously, bless you.
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Problem: The hot water heater is out.
Answer: It’s a kerosene heater and it ran out of kerosene.
Mystery: It ran out of kerosene two days early.
First possibility: A leak. After extensive checking, I can be sure it was NOT a leak.
Second possibility: Something is wrong with the flow regulation.
This is highly unlikely, since it has a simple system with a floater and valve. Besides, if the flow had increased wouldn’t the burn have been effected? The flame was low as ever these two weeks. Since dismantling every thing is such a pain, and always damaged the copper line, I don’t want to take it apart if it is unlikely to be the fault.
Third possibility: The gas station I bought the kerosene from didn’t give me the correct amount.
This is actually possible. I have found their pumps a bit iffy. Trouble is I have few options for buying kerosene. Some stores always are out. Another had a pump that leaked like a waterfall out the bottom so there would be a large puddle. One had to shut their pump for repairs they never made. If they are giving me less than I am paying for I still will have to buy from them.
New problem: I will run out of kerosene for the hot water heater several days every months.
See,I now find that 10 gallons WON’T last me a full two weeks to my next shopping trip. The place to buy kerosene is 10 miles away, so I do it when I do all my other shopping.
1st possible solution: Buy three containers worth instead of two.
Impossible. I can’t afford that much. Even if I could, I couldn’t fit another container in the trunk with the animal feed. I’d have to make a special trip to buy more and also buy a third container. I have no extra money at all. As in, none.
2nd possible solution: Buy a full tank at a discount from a fuel service.
Impossible!! I am broke, and can’t spend that kind of crazy money. I literally do not have that much money in the bank. Already the $160 I spend on kerosene a month is so far beyond my means that I had planned to start boiling water for my hot water instead during the summer. (My grandparents and parents could do this. They also had a hell of a lot more money than me!)
3rd possible solution: Buy an electric hot water heater.
Impossible!!! I can’t afford to replace the earbuds I broke today, so can I afford that sort of equipment? I’d have to install it myself, and also hope it never breaks because I can afford to repair or replace things in general. All the useless high-teching of basic crap like water heaters just gives it more ways to break.
This hot water heater is so damn reliable it has been running for around 70 years, which is lovely and awful all at once. Lovely in that I can fix it myself. Awful in that none of us over the years could ever stand the thought of replacing it because it worked well.
And now I am stuck with an archaic water heater running on polluting fossil fuel I can’t afford to buy while I hit rock bottom financially and everything else in my life is crumbling.
Some people when their lives become a painful, emotional disaster can take comfort in having a reliable home. They have a roof and solid floors and heating and electricity and high speed internet and hot and cold running water…. And then there is me.
Oh well, at least I have PLENTY of distractions when I’m on the verge of a breakdown.
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How to Troubleshoot Five Common Heat Pump Issues?
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You've been through this before: your heat pump dies in the middle of winter, leaving you and your family freezing in the cold. It's a dreaded situation, but one that can be easily avoided with a bit of preventative maintenance. In this blog, we'll learn about five common heat pump issues and how to troubleshoot them.
What is a Heat Pump, and How does It Work?
A heat pump is basically a machine that transfers the heat from one place to another, using either mechanical or electrical methods. In the context of home heating and cooling, a heat pump refers to a unit that draws in hot air from outside and circulates it inside the home or vice versa.
Heat pumps use either a gas or an electric compressor to circulate refrigerant through the system. This refrigerant is then compressed, which causes it to heat up. The hot refrigerant is then pumped into the home, where it absorbs heat from the air, cooling it down in the process.
5 Common Problems With Heat Pumps and Their Solution
Thermostat is Not Set Properly: Make sure the thermostat is turned up high enough so that the heat pump will turn on.
Frozen Coils: It often means that the refrigerant can’t flow freely and is blocking the coils, which will cause the heat pump to stop working. In such a situation, you should immediately thaw the coils and try turning the unit back on.
Dirty Filters: This will clog up the unit and cause it to overheat and, therefore, it’s crucial to clean and replace the filters at recommended intervals.
Improper Installation: If the heat pump is installed improperly, it may not function correctly, and you may need Heat Pump Repair sessions more often in that case. To avoid this, call a technician to check and ensure your heat pump is installed properly.
Bad Wiring: If there is bad wiring, it may cause the heat pump to short out or overheat. Check the wiring and have a professional fix if you find something wrong
When to Call In Professionals for Heat Pump Repair?
Even the most DIY-savvy person can get stumped when it comes to diagnosing and fixing heat pump problems. Plus, when you’re dealing with something as important as your home’s climate control, it’s always a good idea to call in a professional.
A qualified technician can help identify and repair heat pump issues and even help replace worn-out components. They can also perform maintenance on your unit, like cleaning and checking refrigerant levels, to keep it running smoothly all year round.
sources blog :- https://softalkonline.com/how-to-troubleshoot-five-common-heat-pump-issues/
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splitminiusa · 2 years
Can You Use Ductless Mini-Splits in a Commercial Space?
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With so many options for HVAC systems, it can be challenging to sort through them all and decide which one is right for your business. Every commercial space has different heating and cooling needs and therefore is best suited to a different system. For many of our commercial customers, ductless mini-split systems are an efficient and effective solution for their space.
What commercial space is a ductless mini-split best suited?
Ductless mini-splits work best in small commercial spaces or those that have many rooms within a larger building. If you are looking to cool a large, open structure such as a warehouse, a ductless mini-split is probably not the best choice. Also, if there is already a traditional ducted HVAC system in place, it is usually most cost-effective to stay with that set-up.
Many of the business owners we work with who use offices favor the ductless mini-split due to its ability to allow each room to be heated or cooled at a different temperature, accommodating for individual needs. Also, many restaurant owners choose ductless systems, installing units in buildings that lack ductwork, on screened-in patios and enclosed decks.
What are the benefits of a ductless mini-split system?
- They only require two installations (one for the indoor unit and one for the outdoor unit) with a small hole in the wall connecting the two.
- Many businesses can have their heating and cooling system up and running within the day.
- Adding ductwork to a building can become costly, so you can save some money upfront by choosing a ductless system.
- Ductless mini-splits are extremely energy efficient, so by choosing them, you can save money on your electricity bill while simultaneously helping the environment. Energy Star certified ductless heat pumps use 60% less energy than standard electric heating systems.
- These units provide excellent air quality. Each indoor air-handling unit has a built-in filter that removes allergens and pollutants from the air.
- Ductless mini-splits allow each room to be set to a different temperature which means that you, your employees, and customers can find the optimal temperature for comfort.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
There are a variety of AC units available, and some will be more efficient than others, but the best-case scenario is they’re electric, and until our electricity grid is 100% renewable, all energy use is exacerbating climate change. Most units will be ejecting hot air into the urban spaces between the buildings, so you are heating up the outdoors and increasing discomfort for anyone in the line of your hot exhaust, including people outside and people desperately trying to get some fresh air in through their windows.
Almost all systems use refrigerants that are extremely potent greenhouse gases. Also, as with all electrical equipment, AC units include rare Earth metals that leave a wake of devastating social and ecological harm through their extraction and processing.
There are other, well-established solutions we can turn to. If you can, retrofit your home to make it more comfortable year-round with loft insulation (it works both ways!), external shading (such as shutters), painting external walls and flat roofs in pale colours that reflect the sun’s energy back out, and planting deciduous trees in front of south-facing windows that provide free shading in the summer that conveniently disappears in winter. Quicker fixes include closing windows when it’s hotter outside than inside to trap more cool air, closing blinds and curtains or fashioning external shades, and reducing heat by turning everything off standby.
For new-build homes or deep retrofits, we need to apply principles of passive design such as treating facades differently depending on whether they face north, east, south or west, introducing overhangs, especially on south-facing facades, positioning windows and organising layouts to allow cross-flow ventilation, and of course, external shutters. In the UK we’ve not typically built our homes with shutters since glass became the preferred material for holes in walls, but maybe it’s time they made a comeback. Wouldn’t towns and cities resplendent with beautiful, colourful, shutters be preferable to a melted wasteland with a few fortresses decorated with condenser units?
There is of course a place for air conditioning in our built environment, especially in care settings. But the solution is definitely not a glut of individual, inefficient AC units. Rather the solutions must be large-scale and infrastructural, such as heat pumps connected to fifth-generation heat networks – a recent pilot in Plymouth allowed users to both import and export heat into the network, improving efficiency and sharing of resources.
Fundamentally, this comes down to short-term individual solutions versus longer-term collective action. How can we culturally adapt to our new climate? How can employers offer more flexibility? How can the construction industry (including AC manufacturers and installers) be encouraged to maximise passive – non-power-sucking or chemical-burning – measures before relying on active cooling? How can the government offer good advice, resources and grants to retrofit all our homes for long-term sustainability? How can we learn from indigenous technologies that better incorporate collective management of resources and collaborate with natural systems? For example, the subak irrigation system in Bali, which collectively manages steep terraces of rice paddies with a network of channels that distribute cooling water while facilitating healthy nutrient cycling and organic pest control.
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esgjuly · 5 days
The Main Advantages of Carrying Out an Energy Audit for Your Building
Our perspective as Agile Advisors' Energy Auditor, the majority of organizations incur significant operational costs mostly from their energy consumption. Paying utility costs takes up about ⅓ of the operating budget on average. Fortunately, you may increase your financial savings by adopting a few eco-friendly decisions. Being more energy-efficient allows business owners to increase revenue while increasing the value of their commercial property. An energy assessment of your business facility is a brilliant place to start if you want to do this. With the help of an energy audit, you may ascertain the amount of energy used on a property and the potential savings from optimizing your energy use. Additionally, you gain a comprehensive awareness of all the different components that affect your business structure's general functionality and comfort level, be it a factory, retail, or office. You can apply these results as you maximize your efforts to turn your commercial building into a center for energy efficiency.
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We are well-known as Agile Advisors for Energy Audit, protecting and enhancing your company's financial line is the most evident and essential advantage of a commercial energy audit. You can reduce your energy costs by becoming familiar with the problems in your facility through a complete energy audit of your business building. You can examine and evaluate your company from the inside out with the help of commercial energy audits. A commercial energy audit will consider every aspect of your facility, including the internal structure and the commercial heat pump equipment. Your energy auditor will determine the interactions between the many systems in your building and the impact these interactions have on your energy usage. They will also locate air leaks and unwanted heat transmission to assist you in finding inefficiencies in your building. After the energy audit is finished, these energy specialists will recommend corrective actions that you can do to take advantage of cost-effectiveness. Equipped with this wealth of fresh facility-related knowledge, you may minimize short-term costs while optimizing the operation of your company.
Being one of Agile Advisors' top Energy Consultant, Other financial gains associated with increased energy efficiency include a rise in earnings and Lower energy costs, Improved ROI Resistance to Varying Energy Prices, lower overhead expenses, An increase in your business building's market worth. Enhancing the energy efficiency of your commercial property provides significant operational advantages in addition to all the savings you achieve. After your energy audit, you will receive a comprehensive report outlining the upgrades your building can undergo. To prevent comfortable temperatures from leaving, you can update and renovate your building and add more insulation layers to the outside and interior walls. The operational benefits you can obtain with energy improvements could be expanded to include lower operating and maintenance expenses and installing eco-friendly solutions (heat pump, thermostat, etc.). Installation of durable and dependable machinery, lower costs of heat pump maintenance, Increased effectiveness of operations. Improved facility automation and control.
We as an Energy Audit, there are more benefits to being an eco-friendly and energy-efficient business than just saving electricity. As more individuals embrace environmentally friendly lifestyles, they want to be connected with brands that share their concerns. In addition to reaping the benefits of being clean and environmentally friendly, a green business may also gain from brand awareness and client loyalty. Among the intangible advantages of energy efficiency are the following: Develop good public relations that flow from a green business image. Increased morale among employees improved quality of indoor air Enhanced Comfort Level. An energy audit can greatly improve the degree of comfort in your business building. When energy efficiency is at its highest point, your business building becomes a comfortable place to work thanks to better insulation, appropriate air sealing, and efficient heating with the installation of the best air source heat pumps.
As an Energy auditor, examine the systems, structure, and operations of your workplace within the larger ecosystem, taking the whole building into consideration. By properly sealing the exteriors and preventing the possibility of damage from rot and mildew, business energy audits help you eliminate moisture and mildew. An energy audit is the logical first step if you want to increase your facility's energy efficiency. Next, you must adopt the suggested changes and activities to create a highly influential firm. If you want to reduce your spending, you need to make wise long-term investments. By the way, installing commercial air source heat pumps will assist your company in becoming as energy-efficient as possible. For a free, instant quote, click this link! Contact us now if you want to turn your company into a center for energy efficiency!
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palmettohottubs · 11 days
Finding Your Perfect Hot Tub with Palmetto Hot Tubs
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Imagine coming home after a busy day to a peaceful haven where you can unwind, ease your tense muscles, and forget about your worries. This dream can become a reality with the right hot tub. At Palmetto Hot Tubs, we offer a wide range of options to suit any taste or budget. This article will help you choose the perfect hot tub and explain why Palmetto Hot Tubs is the best place to buy one. Don't miss out on our ongoing hot tubs for sale!
Choosing the Perfect Hot Tub
When picking a hot tub, consider a few key factors to ensure you find the best fit for your needs and space:
Size and Seating
Think about how many people will use the hot tub at the same time. Palmetto Hot Tubs has models ranging from small two-seaters for couples to larger ones that can fit six or more people for bigger groups. Our hot tubs for sale cater to all kinds of space and seating needs.
Jets and Hydrotherapy
The type and placement of jets can greatly enhance your hot tub experience. Look for models with adjustable hydrotherapy jets that can target different muscle areas and provide various massage types. Our hot tubs for sale include models with the latest in hydrotherapy technology.
Energy Efficiency
Modern hot tubs with energy-saving features can reduce maintenance costs. Look for features like good insulation and energy-efficient pumps to save money in the long run. Many of our hot tubs for sale come equipped with these energy-efficient features.
Style and Design
Your hot tub should match the exterior or interior décor of your home. We offer a variety of finishes and styles, from sleek, modern designs to more traditional or rustic looks. Browse our hot tubs for sale to find a style that fits your home perfectly.
Unique Offers from Palmetto Hot Tubs
The Wellness Spa
The Wellness Spa features advanced hydrotherapy jets and an integrated heating system, providing ultimate relaxation year-round. Its ergonomic design perfectly supports your body for a comfortable experience. Check out this model among our hot tubs for sale for the best in relaxation.
The Socialite
Perfect for hosting the ultimate hot tub party, The Socialite has spacious seating and advanced audio-visual systems. It includes features like waterfalls and mood lighting to add a touch of elegance and fun. This popular model is part of our hot tubs for sale.
The Compact Gem
Ideal for small spaces or intimate settings, The Compact Gem offers the luxury of a hot tub without taking up much space. Despite its size, it has powerful jets and an efficient heating system. Explore this efficient model in our hot tubs for sale.
Where to Buy
You can purchase hot tubs online, at home improvement stores, or from local dealers. Local retailers like Palmetto Hot Tubs provide personalized service, allowing you to see and test different models. They also offer valuable advice on maintenance and installation. Visit our store for the best hot tubs for sale.
Why Choose Palmetto Hot Tubs
A hot tub is an investment in your health and happiness. With a little research and the right information, you can find the perfect hot tub to fit your needs, preferences, and budget. Palmetto Hot Tubs offers a variety of options to suit any lifestyle, ensuring that your hot tub not only meets but exceeds your expectations.
Ready to Find Your Perfect Hot Tub?
Explore our wide selection of hot tub models at Palmetto Hot Tubs. Our knowledgeable team is here to help you every step of the way, from choosing the perfect model to arranging installation. Invest in your well-being with a high-quality hot tub from Palmetto Hot Tubs.
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coolangattas-blog · 13 days
Choosing the Perfect Hot Water System: A Comprehensive Guide
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, few comforts rival the luxury of a hot shower or a warm bath at the end of a long day. However, the journey to achieving that perfect temperature begins long before you step foot in the bathroom. 
Selecting the right hot water system rebate NSW for your home is a crucial decision that can impact your comfort, energy bills, and environmental footprint. With a myriad of options available on the market, navigating through the choices can be overwhelming. Fear not!
 In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key factors to consider when choosing the perfect hot water system for your needs.
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Understanding Your Needs:
Before diving into the world of hot water systems, it's essential to assess your household's hot water usage and needs. 
Consider the number of people in your household, their bathing habits, and any other hot water demands, such as laundry or dishwashing. Understanding your requirements will help you determine the capacity and type of hot water system that best suits your lifestyle.
Types of Hot Water Systems:
Hot water systems come in various types, each with its pros and cons. The most common types include:
Electric Storage Systems: These systems use electricity to heat water and store it in an insulated tank until needed. They are suitable for households with consistent hot water demands but may be less energy-efficient compared to other options.
Gas Storage Systems: Similar to electric storage systems, gas storage systems heat water using gas (natural gas or LPG) and store it in a tank. They are known for their fast heating capabilities and are a popular choice for larger households.
Instantaneous (Tankless) Systems: Tankless hot water systems heat water on demand, eliminating the need for a storage tank. They are space-saving and energy-efficient, as they only heat water when needed. However, they may struggle to keep up with high demand in larger households.
Heat Pump Systems: Heat pump hot water systems extract heat from the air and use it to heat water. They are highly energy-efficient and environmentally friendly but may require more space for installation.
Solar Systems: Solar hot water systems use the sun's energy to heat water, making them one of the most sustainable options available. They are ideal for sunny climates and can significantly reduce energy bills over time.
Efficiency and Energy Ratings:
When selecting a hot water system, pay close attention to its energy efficiency ratings. Look for systems with high ratings or similar certifications, as they indicate lower energy consumption and reduced operating costs over time. 
Additionally, consider the system's standby heat loss, which measures the amount of heat lost from the storage tank when not in use.
Installation and Maintenance:
Before making a decision, factor in the installation requirements and ongoing maintenance of the hot water system. Some systems may require additional plumbing or electrical work, while others can be easily retrofitted into existing setups. 
Additionally, consider the lifespan of the system and any warranty or maintenance plans offered by the manufacturer.
Choosing the perfect hot water system rebate NSW for your home is a decision that warrants careful consideration. By understanding your household's needs, exploring different types of hot water systems, and prioritising efficiency and maintenance, you can make an informed choice that enhances your comfort and reduces your environmental impact. 
Remember to consult with professionals and seek multiple quotes to ensure you find the best fit for your budget and requirements. With the right hot water system in place, you can enjoy the luxury of endless hot showers and baths for years to come.
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thestrener1 · 20 days
Heat Pump Price in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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As energy efficiency and sustainable living become increasingly important, heat pumps are gaining popularity in India. However, many potential buyers often find themselves wondering about the heat pump price in India. This comprehensive guide will provide an in-depth look at heat pump prices, the factors affecting them, and how they can be a wise investment for your home or business.
Understanding Heat Pumps
Before delving into the heat pump price in India, it’s essential to understand what a heat pump is and how it works. A heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one place to another, providing both heating and cooling capabilities. It is an energy-efficient alternative to traditional heating and cooling systems, using electricity to move heat rather than generate it.
Factors Affecting Heat Pump Prices in India
Several factors influence the heat pump price in India, and understanding these can help you make an informed purchasing decision.
1. Type of Heat Pump
There are different types of heat pumps available, including air source, ground source, and water source heat pumps. Each type has its own pricing structure:
Air Source Heat Pumps: Typically the most affordable option, air source heat pumps extract heat from the air.
Ground Source Heat Pumps: These are more expensive due to the installation process, which involves burying pipes underground.
Water Source Heat Pumps: These require a nearby water source and can vary in price depending on the installation complexity.
2. Capacity and Efficiency
The capacity of the heat pump, measured in tons or kilowatts (kW), significantly impacts the price. Higher capacity units that can handle larger spaces are more expensive. Additionally, heat pumps with higher energy efficiency ratings (measured by the Coefficient of Performance, COP) tend to cost more upfront but offer greater savings on energy bills over time.
3. Brand and Quality
Reputable brands that offer high-quality, durable products usually come at a higher price. Investing in a well-known brand can ensure reliability, better performance, and longer warranties.
4. Installation Costs
Installation is a critical component of the total heat pump price in India. Complex installations, such as those for ground source heat pumps, can significantly add to the overall cost. It is advisable to get quotes from multiple installers to find the best deal.
Average Heat Pump Price in India
The heat pump price in India can vary widely based on the factors mentioned above. On average, you can expect the following price ranges:
Air Source Heat Pumps: ₹1,50,000 to ₹3,50,000
Ground Source Heat Pumps: ₹5,00,000 to ₹10,00,000
Water Source Heat Pumps: ₹4,00,000 to ₹8,00,000
These prices are approximate and can fluctuate based on the specific requirements of your installation and the brand you choose.
Benefits of Investing in a Heat Pump
Despite the initial investment, heat pumps offer several long-term benefits:
1. Energy Efficiency
Heat pumps are known for their high energy efficiency. They can provide up to four times the amount of energy they consume, making them a cost-effective choice for heating and cooling.
2. Lower Operating Costs
Due to their efficiency, heat pumps can significantly reduce your monthly utility bills compared to traditional HVAC systems.
3. Environmental Impact
Heat pumps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels, contributing to a more sustainable future.
4. Versatility
Heat pumps can both heat and cool your home, providing a versatile solution for year-round comfort.
Understanding the heat pump price in India is crucial for making an informed decision. While the initial investment might seem substantial, the long-term savings and environmental benefits make it a worthy consideration. When choosing a heat pump, consider the type, capacity, brand, and installation costs to find the best option for your needs.
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cuddon · 1 month
Save Money and Energy: How Heat Pumps Can Lower Your Heating Bills
Are you tired of the constant battle with high heating bills during the colder months? As energy costs continue to rise, finding efficient and cost-effective heating solutions has become a top priority for many homeowners. If you're looking to save money on your heating bills while reducing your environmental impact, a heat pump Blenheim-wide could be the solution you've been searching for.
What is a Heat Pump?
Before we dive into how heat pumps can save you money and energy, let's first understand what exactly a heat pump is and how it works.
A heat pump is a heating and cooling system that transfers heat from one place to another, rather than generating heat directly. During the winter months, it extracts heat from the outside air (yes, even in cold temperatures) and transfers it into your home to keep you warm. Then, during the summer months, Marlborough Heat Pumpreverses the process to remove heat from your home and keep it cool.
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How Do Heat Pumps Save You Money?
There are several ways that heat pumps can help you save money on your heating bills:
Higher Efficiency: Heat pumps are known for their high efficiency. Unlike traditional heating systems, which generate heat by burning fuel, heat pumps simply move heat from one place to another. This means they can provide the same amount of heat using much less energy, resulting in lower heating bills.
Lower Operating Costs: Because heat pumps are so efficient, they have lower operating costs compared to traditional heating systems. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, heat pumps can reduce your heating bills by up to 50% compared to electric resistance heating.
Dual Functionality: One of the biggest heat pump Blenheim benefits of heat pumps is that they can both heat and cool your home. This means you only need one system for year-round comfort, rather than separate systems for heating and cooling. Not only does this save you money on installation costs, but it also reduces the amount of energy you use overall.
Long Lifespan: Heat pumps are built to last, with an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years. This means you won't have to worry about replacing your heating system as often, saving you money on maintenance and replacement costs in the long run.
Other Ways to Maximise Savings
While heat pumps are already incredibly efficient, there are a few things you can do to maximise your savings even further:
Invest in a High-Efficiency Model: When shopping for a heat pump, look for models with a high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) and HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) rating. These ratings indicate how efficient the heat pump is, with higher ratings meaning greater energy savings.
Proper Installation and Maintenance: Proper installation and regular maintenance are key to ensuring your heat pump operates at peak efficiency. Be sure to hire a qualified HVAC technician to install your heat pump and schedule regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly.
Use a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat allows you to set your heat pump Marlborough to automatically adjust the temperature based on your schedule. This can help you save even more money by reducing energy usage when you're away from home or asleep.
Seal and Insulate Your Home: To maximise the efficiency of your heat pump, it's important to seal any air leaks and properly insulate your home. This will help prevent heat loss and keep your home comfortable year-round.
In Conclusion
If you're tired of high heating bills and are looking for a more cost-effective and energy-efficient heating solution, a heat pump could be the answer. Not only will a heat pump save you money on your heating bills, but it will also reduce your environmental impact and provide year-round comfort for you and your family. So why wait? Make the switch to a heat pump Blenheim today and start enjoying lower heating bills and greater energy savings!
Source - https://cuddon1.blogspot.com/2024/05/save-money-and-energy-how-heat-pumps.html
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thestrener · 2 months
Unveiling the Ultimate Guide to Heat Pump Prices in India: The Strener
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Are you tired of grappling with exorbitant electricity bills due to inefficient heating solutions? Look no further than heat pumps! These innovative devices offer an energy-efficient and cost-effective way to heat your home, and with the right know-how, you can find the perfect heat pump without breaking the bank. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about heat pump prices in India, and how The Strener can be your ultimate ally in this quest.
Understanding Heat Pumps: A Brief Overview
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of heat pump prices, let's first understand what a heat pump is and how it works. Essentially, a heat pump is a device that transfers heat from one place to another, providing both heating and cooling for your space. By harnessing the natural warmth present in the environment, heat pumps can significantly reduce energy consumption, making them an eco-friendly choice.
Factors Influencing Heat Pump Prices in India
When it comes to investing in a heat pump, it's crucial to consider various factors that can influence the overall cost. These factors may include the type and size of the heat pump, its energy efficiency rating, installation charges, and additional features such as smart technology integration. The Strener offers a wide range of heat pumps that cater to different budgets and requirements, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your home.
Comparing Different Heat Pump Options
To make an informed decision about heat pump price in India, it's essential to compare the various options available in the market. The Strener provides an extensive lineup of heat pumps, ranging from air source heat pumps to ground source heat pumps, each offering unique benefits and price points. By assessing the pros and cons of each type, you can pinpoint the ideal solution that aligns with your budget and heating needs.
Budget-Friendly Heat Pump Solutions
Contrary to popular belief, investing in a high-quality heat pump doesn't have to burn a hole in your pocket. The Strener offers budget-friendly heat pump options that deliver exceptional performance without compromising on quality. With competitive pricing and a commitment to energy efficiency, The Strener ensures that you get the best value for your money while reducing your environmental footprint.
Navigating Heat Pump Installation Costs
In addition to the actual price of the heat pump, it's essential to factor in the installation costs to determine the overall investment. The Strener provides professional installation services, ensuring that your heat pump is set up efficiently and effectively. By entrusting the installation to the experts at The Strener, you can avoid unexpected expenses and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your heat pump is in capable hands.
In conclusion, understanding heat pump price in India doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can discover budget-friendly heat pump options that cater to your specific requirements. The Strener stands as a beacon of reliability and affordability in the realm of heating solutions, offering a diverse selection of heat pumps that prioritize energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Embrace the power of heat pumps and embark on a journey towards sustainable heating solutions with The Strener by your side.
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superfestivalbouquet · 2 months
Add Sunshine To Your With Energy Kits!
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The community is dealing with the associated with the natural resources. Made a decision to why we ought to take more interest in utilizing natural resources that eternal and tend to never get low cost by regular usage. Solar power is particularly. Instead of using the black energy generated from coal and petroleum the admittance to green energy like solar energy should be endorsed.
Currently most satellites any other orbital vehicles deploy large nsw solar program panels to collect energy of your sun to own their internal equipment. Is possible in future that very big panels could possibly be placed in orbit for making large volumes of electrical energy could then be officially used on earth.
Whether buy online or offline, consider a browse through the choices available, compare the offers, and select the cheapest price. The customer service policy, repair and maintenance policy, and warranty differ greatly from brand to brand. So, spend some time online, you possibly can . research, assure you spend your money that gives great value for your money.
Many suppliers realize than a solar albury Wodonga system on your own home will linkedin profile keep your bills on electricity down nevertheless, you will can the associated with your villa. In many instances the cost belonging to the installation for the solar system is immediately returned by an increase in the associated with your quarters. According to various studies it been best solar company in Australia recently estimated the $1 savings per year adds $20 value to your residence. So saving $2,000 every 12 months increases the need for your home by whenever $40,000.
Not only are you doing something good for your own behalf but in order to also doing something good for the situation. Installing your own solar system reduces your dependency as well as the U.S. need foreign energizes.
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There are various solutions, but solar hot water solutions provide ideal answer, if residence is from a place with a lot of sunshine. 2 most effective methods of supplying drinking water are by solar panels or by means of heat pumps.
This is not a problem almost all. There are many companies selling DIY solar kits on the online market place. Another great thing about this is that you can build the whole sun powered system for $200. Yes, this is 100% . Solar power for home owners is real as the sun itself.
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