#and then got a cease and desist
sandwichsapphic · 5 months
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“very amusing sir” DO NOT ENCOURAGE HIM. your boyfriend is making jokes during the apocalypse this is NOT the time
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firstroseofspring · 11 months
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dr. b'elanna torres phd! (eventually) she got first place in the 35th annual planet-wide science fair but she nearly knocked kessik's moon out of orbit so she was asked not to return the next year
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bougiebutchbitch · 11 months
man it'd be real nice if people kept their Shitty Uncharitable Takes and Blatant Character Hate out of the character tags, but this is the fandom where 'Ed physically mutilating Izzy over and over, and torturing the crew, is actually all Izzy's fault because Ed has no agency and Izzy said A Mean Thing to him once' is a genuine popular take. so I don't know what I expected
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sbnkalny · 4 months
I got a cease and desist letter from Nintendo for breathing.
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ovkl · 4 months
Being healthier in every sense and happier in spite of living with my abuser after years of charged enablement by people that could not admit to being ill equipped to the point of leaving me to my sole devices/suggestions/help when I was attempting and self harming almost daily due to being exhausted with my mental health that I had been one-sidedly expressing for months, only offering/suggesting their financial aid and considering it a job well done versus an obvious small part of the core issue, is certainly a tragicomedy and pretty on brand for the fact every single person involved consists of high functions with married, well-off families who can and will do anything for them on a dime.
I grieved our friendships significantly less after finding that they believe being (rightfully) angry with my actions manifests open doors to spit up horrifically ableist vomit and randomly call me a groomer, after 5 YEARS of not commenting on it, for offering a safe home/guardianship to someone I'd been close friends with since we were both kids. Talking about me like I'm Michael fucking Myers the way I am "actually evil". I have been open and forward with the consequences otherwise, and have solely stressed accountability where it's due, which they evidently do not enjoy and have resorted to essentially ignoring it every time I have spoken of it at all, even prior to putting my foot down about the aforementioned upon speaking with people I have known longer and/or have had similar experiences. I'm done talking about it though. How are we on a Thursday.
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aibidil · 7 months
I love that people are loving Fast Car in 2024 but if you’re not listening to the Tracy Chapman version, why live. Like, I enjoy covers. But FAST CAR? Get out of here.
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r1ngfinger · 2 months
@ sys i need you to get over your paranoia about my using a name? lmao?
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ace-s-fave-tv-shows · 3 months
Poor Nurse Red Heart.
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She made at least a cameo in like 90% of the infection aus that were going around, and she's barely tagged in any of them.
Even if she's the subject of the post and is dying a horrible brutal death.
Especially when it always happens when she's just trying to do her job.
Also the real world government made her change her cutie mark because her original cutie mark was apparently violating the Geneva Convention.
I'm using pictures of the toys because her new cutie mark is sometimes hard to see in the show screen shots I've been able to find.
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I just don't understand why they didn't have the cross be pink in the redesign?
I feel like that would have made it a lot more easy to see on her stark white coat, rather than just having the cross have just a pink outline.
Like the original caused problems because no one could easily see the light pink hearts in contrast with the red cross. Making it look like she had just the literal Red Cross symbol on her flank, which is what is illegal.
If they just made the hearts red in the original design, or had a pink heart in the middle of the cross originally, or had her coat color be something other than white (because it's the red cross on a white background), like that light seafoam or powder blue color that a lot of nurse scrubs are.
Like we already know from Minty that pink hair goes with a light blue/green coat color. Oh or maybe a really light purple, like a lavender color even paler than Twilight. Though her mane color might have needed to be darkened just a bit to keep the design balanced.
I wouldn't go for a yellow or pink though. Yellow would be too similar to Fluttershy who's hair is nearly the exact same shade, if not an exact match, for Red Heart's.
While a light pink wouldn't really work either as her mane color is already such a light shade of pink, not to mention it would mean pink-red would completely dominate her color pallet with only the blue of her eyes being the outlier.
But her canon design is extremely de saturated, like the brightest pop of color on her whole design is the red in her cutie mark, with either of the cutie mark designs.
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boycritter · 9 months
dad dropping the craziest lore
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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magentagalaxies · 11 months
y'know i didn't expect to explain the entire history of riverdale and also who dan and phil are to paul bellini this weekend but now he is aware of these things because of me. you're welcome i guess?
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"I wonder how Pixelmon is going nowadays"
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darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
I think the other thing about the Glee documentary is, if they wanted to do an exposé on the working conditions for the crew, told from the crew's perspective, they could have done that and marketed it as that and that would have been worthwhile. And I would argue that Glee looms large enough in people's memories and there's enough of a sense already that there was a lot of untold fuckery happening behind the scenes that it would have had an audience! And been very timely too! But they didn't do that, because they didn't want to tell untold stories. They wanted to cash in on tragedy, and they used the faces of the main cast to do that, despite not one single member of said main cast agreeing to participate.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
number 15... long ass creature.. caught in the public zoo, the story behind this no one knowss. but we will find out when we cannn
Cryptid noodle boy. Seen at your local zoo
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blakquill · 1 year
The AI Covers were fun at first but i KNOW they're gonna face so much legal trouble for this shit. especially when they start making original songs with it and try to get money from it.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
good bye to the weekend… _(:3 」∠)_
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