#and then have a motion activated string of low lights in the bathroom
queen-mabs-revenge · 2 years
so i have a great idea. but it's going to involve drilling a hole through my wall. i'm gonna do it.
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grandexodus · 3 years
Breaking and Entering - (Part Three)
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
A/N:  This is the first finished short story I’ve written in years.  While I still need to write more often, I’m thrilled that you guys have enjoyed this mini series.  If you have any feedback, criticism, or requests my inbox is always open.  Thank you for the support.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,933
Content Warnings:  discussion of stabbing (wound), stalking, breaking and entering, animal abuse (not explicitly detailed), blood, fighting, light cursing.  Fem reader insert, she/her pronouns.
Summary:  When the replicator continues their criminal activity, you find yourself as their target upon arriving home from a long case with the BAU.  Aaron Hotchner, your unit chief, is more than accommodating during the string of traumatic events that you endure before, during, and after the replicator case.  
Previous Part // First Part
Listen to the playlist based on this story -> Spotify // Apple
“There’s only one bedroom, so you can have it.  I’ll take the couch.”  Hotch stated.
“Hotch-” You started.
“Aaron,”  He corrected.
“Aaron, I’m not taking the only bed in the house.  I’ll take the couch.”  You said as you set your go bag on the ottoman.
“Y/n, I’m not the one with an injury.  You should take the bed.”  He insisted.  
“Daddy.”  Jack came into the living room.  His babysitter was following close behind.
“Sorry.”  The sitter mouthed from behind Jack.
“Hey, buddy.  Listen, it’s really late, so you should get back to bed.”  Hotch said as he hugged his son.
“Is y/n going to stay the night?”  Jack asked tiredly.  Though a twinge of excitement was evident.
“Yeah, she’s going to stay with us for a little while.  She’ll be sleeping in my room, so if you need me I’ll be in the living room, okay.”  Hotch explained.
“Why don’t you share your room like I do with my friends?”  Jack asked innocently.
“Well, Jack, I think that’s up to y/n.”  A smile spread across Hotch’s face.
“I don’t mind.”  You said as you gave Jack a warm smile.
“I’m going to head out.  Goodnight, guys.”  The babysitter said.
“Goodnight, Jessica.  Thank you.”  Hotch said sincerely.
“Goodnight, Jack.”  Jessica smiled and gave a small wave before leaving. 
Hotch looked at you, “Have a seat, I’ll be back.”  He turned his attention back to Jack, “Come on, Jack.  I’ll tuck you in.”  
You took a seat on the couch.  You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you noticed how happy Hotch was when he was with his kid.  It was endearing.
“I’m sure you’re more than ready for bed.”  Hotch said upon returning to the living room.
He picked up your go bag, and he slung it over his shoulder.  “You have no idea.”  You stood up, and Hotch almost immediately had an arm around you to support you as you walked.
The walk to the bedroom was a short one.  “There’s a bathroom right through there, and this will be your side of the bed.”  Hotch gestured to each location.
“I’m going to get cleaned up real quick.”  you said.  You were suddenly sheepish now that you were in his room.  He nodded, and you took your go bag into the bathroom.  
You quickly removed what was left of your makeup, brushed your teeth, and changed into your pajamas.  When you returned to the bedroom, Hotch was changed and lying in bed reading.  You crawled on to your side of the bed, thankful to finally be off the clock.  Hotch closed his book, set it on the nightstand, and turned off the lamp.
“If you need anything, let me know.  Even if you have to wake me up.”  His voice was low.
“Okay.”  There was a moment of silence.  “Aaron.”
“Thank you for everything today.”  At first he was silent.  However, within seconds he found your hand and laced his fingers with yours.  
“You’re welcome.” 
You smiled to yourself, and before long the two of you were asleep, hand in hand.
It had been four days since the replicator had broken into your apartment.  You had stayed with Hotch and Jack the entire time.  You, Hotch, and Jack had said your goodnights two hours ago, and Hotch had been snoring peacefully for about an hour.  You had just rolled onto your side and closed your eyes when you heard your phone vibrate against the nightstand.  You grabbed it and unlocked the screen, squinting until your eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness.  Once your eyes focused, you opened the text notification.  
Your heart sank to your stomach.
“Aaron.”  Your voice came out in a whisper, and he didn’t stir.  “Aaron.”  You said louder.
“Hm.”  He groaned.
“It’s the replicator.”  You couldn’t keep your voice steady no matter how hard you tried.  Hotch was alert at the sound of your words.  You handed him the phone and watched as he read the text.  
“I’ll call the team.”  If he wasn’t wide awake before, he definitely was now.
He called the team into the office before calling Jessica to come pick up Jack.  
“Y/n, I want you to stay here.  Whoever did this will be expecting you to work the case.”  Hotch stated as he hurriedly got ready.
“Aaron, I can hold my own in the field.”  You argued.
“Y/n, this is an order, not a suggestion.”  You hadn’t heard him this harsh in a very long time.  He sighed when he noticed your taken aback expression.  He came over to you and placed his hands on either of your cheeks.  He looked down at you, as you were sitting on the edge of the bed.  “I’m sorry,”  He started, “I didn’t mean to sound so harsh.  I just have to keep you safe.”  You felt heat rise to your cheeks.  “I guarantee you would be safe if you worked this case as you are the target.”  
You couldn’t muster up a response that was anything more than an understanding nod.  This man was driving you absolutely insane.  He removed his gentle hold on your face and finished getting ready.  I felt like a mere matter of minutes had passed before he and Jack were out of the house.  
You certainly couldn’t go back to sleep.  You were far too anxious.  Last time your nerves ran this wild you at least had the privilege of busying yourself with a case.  Now, you had nothing.
There was a small stack of books on the nightstand on Hotch’s side of the bed.  Surely he wouldn’t mind you borrowing one to keep you at ease.  You scooted over to his side of the bed and skimmed the book’s titles.  Most of them were informative regarding law in some way.  Those weren’t necessarily your cup of tea.  However, at the very bottom of the stack was George Orwell’s ‘1984.’  You retrieved the book from the stack before you propped yourself up on Hotch’s side of the bed and began to read.
A few hours had passed and you hadn’t heard any updates from the team.  Perhaps they weren’t updating you in order to keep you as uninvolved as possible.  Undoubtedly per Hotch’s orders.  As much as you tried to focus on the book, you could only manage to read a few sentences at a time before allowing your mind to wander.  
The sound of the front door closing pulled you from your anxiety ridden trance.  Your brow furrowed.  It couldn’t possibly be Hotch.  He would have let you know the case closed and he was on his way home.  It was far too quiet of an entrance to be Jessica and Jack.
Your heart began to pound as whoever was in the house got closer to the bedroom.  In an instant, you dialed Hotch and placed your phone face down on the bed.  
The bedroom door burst open.  Your breath caught in your throat.
“So, we finally meet face to face.”  An older man began stalking toward you.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  You spoke quickly, unable to hide your panic.  You were trying to focus on the man and search the room for anything that could be used as a weapon at the same time.  That venture wasn’t proving to be easy.
“Y/n, or should I say special agent y/l/n,”  He paused, “You know why I’m here.”
“Do I?”  You questioned as you took a step back.
“I was supposed to be where you are, an agent in the BAU, but you took that away from me.”  He stepped closer.  There were only a few feet between the two of you.
“We’re going to do things my way, or not only will you get your brains blown out,”  He flashed the gun that was tucked into the waist of his trousers, “but this whole place explodes.”  He took another step.  “You see, y/n, in ten minutes the bomb in the garage is going to go off.”  He was calm.  He had been planning for this moment for a long time.  “But before it does, I’d like to have a little fun before it does.”  He was now only a few inches away from you.  You had to think quickly if you stood any chance of getting out alive. 
Without hesitation, you stomped on his foot as hard as you could.  As he doubled over you swiftly brought your knee up to his face.  Before he could regain his composure, you snagged the lamp from the nightstand and shattered the base against his head.  You saw your chance to make a run for it, and you limped as fast as you could to the bedroom door.  
You were almost to the door when you were slung to the floor by your shoulder.  The man held you on the floor with a foot on your throat, just barely pressing down.  “One move and I’ll crush your windpipe.”  He threatened.  In one swift motion he pulled a knife from his pant pocket and crouched next to you.  He smirked as he ran the back of the knife down your cheek.  You shivered against the cold metal.  
“Rumor has it you got a pretty nasty stab wound.”  He moved the knife to your wounded leg.  “Let me guess, the wound is right,”  He tapped your shin with the blade, “about,”  he tapped your knee, “here.”  He plunged the blade into your healing wound.  
Instantaneously, a blood curdling scream rose up from your core.  It was all you could do to stay conscious.  Tears ran down your cheeks as you frantically looked around for anything to use as a weapon.  There was nothing.  
“FBI, hands where I can see them.”  Rossi stood behind the man with his gun drawn.  With a glare in your direction, the man raised his hands, leaving the blade in your thigh.  Rossi holstered his weapon and cuffed the unsub.
“Y/n.”  Hotch came barreling in.  He collapsed beside you as Rossi left the room.  “I need a medic.”  Hotch shouted over his radio before returning his attention to you.  
“Try not to move.”  Hotch said.  “I’m so sorry.”  You hadn’t ever seen him like this.  His eyes flooded with fear, with worry.  He brushed the hair out of your face and left his hand resting on your cheek.
“Don’t apologize.”  You winced and placed your hand on top of his, “You couldn’t have known.”  Without warning he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours.  Immediately, you gave into the kiss, ignoring the butterflies raging in your stomach.
“Sir, I need you to back away.”  The medics were finally in the room.
“Wait, there’s a-” You suddenly remembered the bomb in the garage.
“It’s diffused, we heard everything during the phone call.”  Hotch reassured you and you let out a sigh of relief.  “The house is safe.”  He still had his hand in yours, “You’re safe.”  He gave it a gentle squeeze before letting go so the medics could get you on to a stretcher.  “I’ll meet you at the hospital.”  He said as he stood up.  
“Can’t you ride with me?”  you asked, exhausted.  Hotch looked at one of the medics for permission.  The medic simply nodded. 
“Of course.”  Hotch said.
“Thank you, Aaron.”  you reached for his hand and quickly laced your fingers with his.
He didn’t say anything before softly planting a kiss on the back of your hand as he followed you and the medics outside.
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seabass-plums · 4 years
Let’s give it a try
Summary : Bucky has been chosen by SHEILD for a special task alongside Sam , he’s forced to desert you for quite some time once he is gone into hiding yet he seems to be having quite a few plans himself before he leaves.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x reader
Theme : masturbation , surfing through porn , oral sex and hardcore sex.
Do not repost my work , reblogs are more than welcome and appreciated.
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Your heart skipped a beat as you witness Bucky walk out the bathroom doors , his sweat-glistening body perfectly mirrored itself under the lights , the yellow towel loosely tied up around his waist. You feared yet hoped for it to unravel itself , secretly wishing upon for a second round that day.
“Hey there handsome.” You smiled sleepily while tossing around under the satin sheets. Your hair was all ruffled up over the satin pillowcases , signifying the infamous bed-head.
“Morning doll.” The mist concentrated into the metal can of his deodorant beautifully fogged up the section of the room , his seductive after-shave making a trail towards your nostrils as you inhaled his scent. He has clean shaved !
The mirror situated over the dresser gave off a perfect view of Bucky as your eyes began wandering over his anatomy. His rock hard abs almost threw you over the edge until you decided to travel a bit future down , focusing on his v-line that lead it’s way to his dick that was prominent enough to take its shape under the towel.
You were bought back from your reverie whilst Bucky cleared off his throat , his eyes piercing into yours through the solid mirror that you feared may crack due to the impact of his glare.
“Eyes up top doll , you certainly don’t want to loose the feeling of your legs , I suppose ?” He smirked and leaned against the dark wood dresser , his muscles flexing hard from the clutch , showcasing his beautiful veins.
“I’m sorry , I’m just trying to make the most of it.” Your lips formed into a pout , eyes shying away from his gaze while a melancholy feel took place between the two of you.
“I know it’s going to be hard doll , but it’s my job we’re taking about.”
Bucky quickly brushed through his wet hair , sleeking it back and taking one quick glance at himself before walking over to the edge of the bed. “I’ll be back sooner than you think.” He leaned forward , capturing his lips with yours for what seemed like an innocent , little peck but you had others plans instead.
Your hands wound around his neck , pulling him deeper into the kiss while poking your tongue out the perfect amount for a sneaky tease.
“Seems like you’re not done yet.” He pulled back and lazily rested his lips onto yours , staring deeply into your eyes as his hands found your clothed breasts , toying with your-now , erect nipples through the satin sheets.
“I guess were commencing round 2 ?” You grinned , sitting upright whilst inviting him onto the bed. The satin sheets were ripped apart from your body , exposing it to the cool air that blowed out through the vents. You shivered slightly but instantly warmed up over the thought of having Bucky between your legs once again.
Bucky swiftly parted your legs open , his gaze being persistent with lust and love , darkening his azure eyes.
“Sure prinţesă , but first , I have a kink that needs to be completed.” He said , readdressing the events that took place last night.
The both of you were highly intoxicated , drunken off of each other’s bodies as you wondered what it was like explore each other’s fantasies. Amongst the metal arm , mirror and foreplay kinks , one certainly was left unattended.
“And what would that be , Sergeant ?” You simpered , knowing well enough of his prioritised kink. He loved it when you showed him some form of respect , as though he owned you in bed. He liked knowing he was determined for the causes that took place during your little fiesta.
He took in a deep breathe , “I want to see you play with yourself prinţesă.”
You felt yourself going blue , absolutely dreading the idea of having to indulge in pleasuring yourself , especially when he stood before you but that wasn’t the only reason.
“I-I don’t..” You muttered , your cheeks burned with great intensity , resulting in a scarlet shade that was clearly apparent.
“What’s wrong doll ? Did I ask for much ?” Bucky questioned , a glimmer of worry shone through his voice as he looked at you with a certain hope.
“No , not at all.” You blabber quickly. “It’s just..I haven’t really..” the rest of your sentence came off in a silent , confusing Bucky out of his mind.
“I didn’t quite get you babe.”
“I haven’t touched myself before..” You mumbled , the octave of your voice really awfully low but loud enough for Bucky to catch on to.
“Oh-” it was his turn to fade into a light shade of ruby , acknowledging the fact that he had asked a lot from you until his curiosity heightened up. “But..what are you going to do once I leave for my mission ?”
You casually shrugged over your inabilities to pleasure yourself , internally cringing over the conversation taking place.
“I don’t...know I suppose.” You whispered , your eyes stayed hidden away from his.
“Well then...let’s give it a try ?” He bit his plump , bottom lip while patiently waiting for your approval. He was certainly not the kind to usher you into things.
You were shocked out of your wits , finding it extremely hard to correlate his fixation over watching you satisfy yourself. Your mind wandered over it’s in thoughts , the sheer sweat of awkwardness surrounded your temples. For the first time in forever , you felt vulnerable.
“Press play and just relax.” Bucky whispered against your ears , his tongue slowly poked it’s way out , obtaining a low moan from you.
The black screen lit up and the infamous porn site was revealed. The home page filled with recent and new activities , yet not a single one peaked your interest , instead you dreaded over the though of surfing through porn.
“Come on doll , choose one.” Bucky prompted , his lips travelled down to your neck , peppering away soft , wet kisses.
“Nothing seems to catch my attention Buck.” You sighed , resenting the idea of having to choose a short film that was vital in stimulating your senses.
“Oh doll.” Bucky huffed , the pad of his forefinger danced over the cursor of the laptop , scanning through the different titles. “How about this one ?”
You diverted your eyes from his ripped forearm to the title of the video , ‘ Naughty girl gets punished by daddy’s huge cock.’ A shiver was sent down your spine once the buffering signal was swept away and replaced by a very naked woman thrown across the comfiest looking bed.
“Oh gosh !” You exclaimed right after hearing the roaring creek of the bed , the woman had the sheer look of pain across her face but soon realised her role and went on with it. A young male , nearly in his thirties walked up with his bare ass hanging out , your eyes widened with pure shock before retrieving away from the screen as his dick was in frame.
“Look sweetheart.” Bucky muttered , his hands pulled you against his chest , relaxing your tightened muscles with slow palming motions. “It’s going to get better , trust me.”
Your back picked up the movement of chest , heaving at the same intensity as the woman flashed her shaved cunt , her hole already leaking out it’s juices.
“Bucky , I dont know about this..” You mumbled , breaking the gaze away from the screen and looking deep into his steel blue ones.
“Why ? What’s wrong doll ? Would you like to watch another one ?” He blabbered on , a look of worry across his eyes.
You knew how much this meant to him , the whimper in his voice gave off much of it away. You didn’t want to let him down and so settled for the same old video.
The woman was now bent on all fours , the man’s dick encircled her hole before thrusting hard and deep. You squirmed above Bucky , biting your lip to contain a moan that almost slipped out. Maybe this wasn’t so bad ?
Bucky was quick with his reflexes , sliding open your legs while exposing your pussy to him. His fingers moved down to your clit and circled it in the ‘figure 8’ motion.
You relaxed under his touch , arms gripping onto his while your hips bucked up , silently begging for more friction.
He chuckled deeply , “ here , you try now.” His warm fingers left your clit and grabbed onto your wrist , bringing them over your clit while guiding your motions.
You felt the softness of your clit between your forefinger and your middle , the sloppy wetness creating an alluring music to Bucky’s ears as he nearly bursted through his pants.
His warm hands soon left yours all alone , observing your movements with precision. “Over the bud sweetheart , right here.” He guided your fingers to the correct spot as your head fell back , a loud string of moans escaping your lips.
“How does it fell ?” He muttered , his hands moved down to his pants , unbuttoning them and lowering them just enough for his thick girth to slip out , his fist was pressed up towards your back as you felt every single stroke on his dick.
“It doesn’t feel the same as when you do it.” You whined , your motions picking up as you rubbed yourself with fast circles , your hips stuttering forward with every lap while your eyes closed shut immediately.
“You’ve got to improvise once I leave doll. Think of it this way , when I get back there’s much more in store for you.” He grunted at his own filthy words that ceased its way out his lips , his strokes getting faster by every passing second.
“Ahhh Buck.” You moaned , feeling your tight cunt clench around nothing.
Bucky was quick enough to notice how close you were and so proceeded to help you with the second step , adding a finger in you.
You whimpered at the feeling of your slender fingers being coated in your cum , plunging in and out of your tight hole. Soon enough you added in a second finger , curling it up at the right inclination while hitting your g-spot that Bucky would perfectly hit with just his tip.
“Oh fuck !” You yelled out , switching your free hand over your clit while rubbing yourself vigorously. You could feel your muscles tighten in your lower abdomen , the bubbling feeling and the verge of exploding right on that couch.
“James , I’m gonna cum !” You warned him , your eyes closed shut furiously as you fell back into his chest , convulsing over the long-lasting orgasm you seem to have experienced.
Bucky picked up his pace and mimicked your movements , pumping himself harder and faster to the point where his low grunts along with the slick wetness coating his dick as he pumped it were audible. A string of profanities left his mouth as he ejaculated all over your back , the sticky substance gliding down with the sweat beads that made its way down your back.
“That...was amazing.” He grinned , holding your limp and fatigued body in his arms. “You did so good for me doll.” His rumbling voice caused goosebumps to resurface on your neck , tickling your body with ease.
“How have I never done that before ?” You tittered whilst slowly turning your head towards his and sneaky a little peck.
“We should get you cleaned up and maybe we could have a little bathroom session ?” He suggested while kissing your neck and licking over your sweet spot.
With one swing of a motion he picked you up in his arms and made his way to the bathroom , filling the tub up with lukewarm water and settling you down in it before joining you shortly after.
Taglist : @a-mess-of-fandoms @amisutcliff
Want to be added to my taglist ? Just inbox me or send me a direct message , comments can be accepted too !
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erintoknow · 4 years
leave no room for anything
Spiraling - A Fallen Hero: Rebirth Fan-fiction
You need cover, you need an alibi, and you need a place to plan and work out your next criminal action. What could go wrong from combining all that? [Survival]
[Read on AO3]
Another day, another spike of adrenaline courses through you as you dive feet first through a stack of boxes, sending crates of delicate electronic equipment everywhere. You can hear alarms sound around you as the factory goes into full alert, the clanging of barring gates. You grin under the mirror sheen of your helmet. That suits you fine, keep the small fry penned up and out of the way? You’re too kind.
The wall in front of you collapses into dust thanks to the nanovores and you tear through the office, grabbing at papers at random. What you take doesn’t actually matter at this point, compromising their records is the goal here.
Damage done, you refer to your map, dissolve another wall and follow your thread out, back to the main entrance.
The woman standing in your way gives you pause. You’d been psyching yourself up for a rematch against Chen, but no, its Lady Argent, hands at her sides and poised to rush you. A half-circle of rent-a-cop security goons behind her block you in. “A factory, Puppetmaster? What, they stop inviting you out to parties?” She smirks and hunches down, fingers lengthening into sharpened claws.
Your face twitches under your helmet. “Don’t read the papers, Argent? It’s Ghost.” You hiss. Your voice, filtered through your helmet has a hollow, flat sound. You take a quick count of Lady Argent’s back-up, who’s most pliable to tying up the rest. None of the officers seem to trust Argent. Good. That makes this easier.
The woman of steel looks unimpressed. “Can’t say I care what you call yourself.”
That does it.
One of the rent-a-cop’s guns goes off ‘prematurely’, firing wide to your left, the rest follow in blind panic as you dive to the side. Argent is too focused on you, but with the Rat-King’s help you’re able to pull the rest of the goof troop into your song, pulling their attention in random directions. One of the shots dings Argent in her shoulder, bouncing off to through ground and to her credit she doesn’t look for the culprit, making straight for you.
You run your hand along the ground as you move, leaving a split in the asphalt as the Nanovores chew through material. Lady Argent tries to cut you off so you encourage two of the goons to stumble into her way as you continue your circle around them. You can’t afford to move slow enough for a deep groove, but if this works as planned, all you need is to prime the cut.
If it works.
Argent huffs, shoving one of the men the side, only for another to conveniently take position between the two of you. “Get out of the way!” It doesn’t slow her down for long, but it’s enough for you to finish the circle. Under your helmet you grin, heart pounding.
All that’s left is the magic word. You give the Rat-King the command to pull the strings and yank everyone back in.
You dash forward and slide down, just under the swipe of her claws. She turns to stab down at you as you come to halt. You roll out of the way and kick her arm aside on your way back up.
You check to make sure everyone’s inside the circle you’ve carved through the asphalt. “Heads up.” is all the warning you give before an explosion rocks the ground under everyone’s feet. A furious Argent diving towards you finds only empty space underneath her, and you leap back as the asphalt caves in.
When the dust clears you risk taking a quick check of everyone’s mental state; a lot of fear and alarm, some pain, but the headcount is still the same. You think.
You shake your head. Focus. Don’t get distracted. Stay in control. You watch Argent and the rest pick themselves up, clear rubble off their buddies. You have to harden your heart against it, remember who they are, what they represent. “Next time,” you call down, “remember my fucking name!”
Admittedly, Argent makes it easier. She’s staring up at you, a single silver middle finger outstretched.
You don’t like the way she’s eyeing one of the support columns. Can she climb her way out? You don’t intend to stick around and see, it’s time to make yourself scarce.
Every super villain needs a secret lair. A base of operations. Somewhere you can plan your next move, keep mission critical materials. If Ariadne is going to be stuck playing retired civilian, it’s even more important to keep her as separated as you can from Ghost’s activities.
Eventually the day will come when you have to cast off that identity completely, but two years isn’t long enough to make you eager to resume a life of being actively on the run from a government agency. You need to gather more influence – and protection – if you’re going to ever unmask without it being an immediate disaster.
To that end… Ariadne needs a cover. She needs a job, co-workers, hobbies. A new wardrobe. You need Ortega to take a breather and ease off on trying worm her way in and fix every little aspect of your life.
So you’ll combine the two.
Technically a ‘Melissa Simone’ owns the computer repair shop you’re standing in front of. Ms. Simone also interviewed and hired yourself and the middle-aged lady with greying hair now manning the front counter.
You put a hand on the front door, hesitating. You keep putting this off but… guess you better ‘officially’ meet your new co-worker.
A bell chimes as you step inside. Old computer advertisements adorn the walls while parts and models are neatly stacked into three aisles across the open front half of the room. The building itself is on the older side. Hopefully a bit more use will get it looking properly run down enough to seem like it’s always been a repair shop here.
The woman at the counter looks up with a smile, a phone pressed to her ear. She holds a finger up as you approach.
You didn’t hire Marcie for her customer service skills. You hired her because she’s a terminally incurious middle-aged woman who fully intends to spend as much of her time talking to friends on the store phone or otherwise shirking her duties as much as possible.
Leaning an arm against the counter you wait for her to finish her current conversation, drumming your fingers against the wooden countertop. Watch the clock on the wall tick the seconds by. Finally she hangs up and turns back to you with a tired expression. “Alright, what do you want?”
You put on a sickly sweet smile. “My name is Ariadne Becker? Y–your um… co-worker?”
Marcie blinks, frowns, then flushes red. “Oh!” She hurries out from behind the counter, “Oh, I’m so sorry. I thought you were a customer.”
“I could tell.”
She puts her hand out and you give it a quick shake. “Are you really the only repairm–person here?”
“Eh.” You shrug, glancing at the beaded doorway to the back room. “If business ever picked up maybe it’d be worth hiring more.” Glance back to her, smile again. “For now, I’m it yeah. I don’t usually bother with – with um, the front entrance.”
“Well, if you ever need something from me, sweetie, you let old Marcie know, okay?”
You blink, not sure how to respond. She wasn’t this nice to Jane– ahem ‘Melissa Simone.’ “Uh. Y–yeah, sure. Thanks.” You cough. “Um… Ms. Simone gave you the – the rundown about the back right?”
Marcie looks at you, arching a skeptical eyebrow. “To stay the hell out? Yeah.” She leans in, “So… what are we fronting here sweetheart? Drugs? It’s drugs isn’t it.” She straightens her back with a dramatic sigh. “It’s always drugs.”
“I – what???” You stare at her. “W–we’re not – not ‘fronting’ anything!?”
She frowns. Is she… disappointed…!? “Oh? Really? Well. A job’s a job, I guess.”
“I… I just have a… very particular system. Okay?” You shove your hands into your pockets, looking away from her. Stare at the posters on the wall.
“Ah. You’re one of those.” One of those what? You can’t pick it up from her thoughts, just the sliding of her changing expectations. “Well, I’ll keep out of your hair, sweetie.” She steps aside, “It was nice to meet you Ariadne, dear.”
You walk past her in a daze. Push through the bed curtain into your ‘workshop.’ A central table has a pile of half-deconstructed computer cases, their silicon guts scattered haphazardly. A tool kit hangs from the wall alongside a clear plastic cabinet of replacement parts.
Hopefully the facade holds up. You don’t have much intention of actually doing computer repair work here. It’s more than a little concerning that Marcie of all people immediately jumped to the ‘criminal front’ explanation. Was hiring her a mistake? She doesn’t seem to actually care. Maybe you should go out of your way now and then to drum up business. Put some effort into looking legit.
Aside from the bathroom and breakroom, there’s one more room. Your actual workshop. The shop technically is built onto the side of an old warehouse. You’ve walled off most of the space, installed a hidden door, just inside next to the back door out.
You didn’t use up the entire warehouse. Just walled off a decent sized chunk. The rest has been dressed up. Mostly shelves of boxes full of bricks. Something that’ll pass at least cursory inspection.
The door slides open to your touch, keyed to your fingerprint. It springs back into place as you step past. The lights flicker on at low-power. Now here is where you can finally start to get shit done. Your armor is mounted to a secondary hidden compartment recessed into the far wall, next to a bed in case you need to crash or puppeteer Jane for a bit.
You’re particularly proud of the hiding place you’ve created for the Rat-King; an oversized lava lamp sits on the bedside table, a soft blue glow filling the room. Even if anyone breaks in here, anything of value will still be hidden. You’re not completely stupid.
One corner of the room is taken up by a bank of screens and a computer terminal. A system of motion detectors, CCTV, and trip alarms have been carefully set up over the past month in a two block radius around the shop. Nothing is coming near here without you getting some kind of record of it.
And then, last but not least, against one wall a full-length table stretches underneath a pristine corkboard.
Not pristine for long… You reach back into your pocket and pull out a wad of folded up, blood stained papers. The only thing you were able to salvage from the Marconi fiasco. Could have just pinned this while you were setting everything up, you guess.
But this feels more dramatic.
You grab a pin from the cork board and smooth out the creases with your other hand. Jam the paper to the middle of the board. A bill of sale for something called a ‘Regenerator.’ You don’t recognize the name of the buyer, but the listed seller is the personal assistant to Mayor Alvarez.
You pin a scattering of related articles next to the receipt, your prize from today’s factory theft. They’re all related to the sudden government take-over and closure of the regenerator’s parent company, PharmaCore.
What exactly is going on here; you have no idea. But it’s shady as shit, and that means it’s a point of attack. If you’re going to crack the damn city open, this is your starting point. You grab a pen and paper as you sit down at the desk.
You hum a tune under your breath as you work. Time to start planning out your next moves.
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rmjagonshi · 4 years
In For A Penny, In For A Pound - Chp 3
On AO3
Amidst the giggling and affectionate name calling, the toe fish were baked and shredded. The evening was spent eating bland fish smothered with cheese and re-hydrated guacamole. Ford had dug through their cupboards and pulled out a box of chipackers and powdered sugar. They’d used some leftover butter and water to make a crude frosting and had a desert of hobo cookies. Two folding deck chairs were pushed together, an empty bucket used as a table in the small space. The bowl of frosting sat between them, forgotten, as they watched the stars and listened to the sounds of the ocean. With no light pollution from the city, the sky lit up with millions upon billions of stars, all twinkling more brilliant than any light show Stan had ever seen. Even living in Gravity Falls, far off the beaten path, the skies were nothing like they were out on the ocean. Ford pointed out what stars and constellations and galaxies he could remember; holding Stan’s hand and helping him trace the patterns in the night sky.
Stories of Greek and Roman gods and heroes gave way to reminiscing and inside jokes. Ford regaled him with tales of his inter-dimensional travels and Stan retorted with his own sordid history of crime and punishment, and his own experience with the paranormal creatures in Gravity Falls. Though it hadn’t been as detailed or as scientific as Ford’s, Stan had tried keeping a journal of his own to keep track of everything he had learned about physics, and all the weird stuff he’d encountered. He’d been on first name basis with some of the gnomes and manitaurs, part of the reason they had run to the mystery shack when things got hairy at the end of the summer. They were both flopped on deck, a giggling mess by the time either one thought to go to bed. It was fucking magical.
Stan’s heart was light when he curled up into his freshly cleaned sheets. Not even the memories beginning to prickle at the edges of his mind could ruin his night.
“Hey, not to push, but we really are getting’ low on supplies. Think well be alright fer another week or so. Wouldn’t give it much more than that. But it’s up to you.” It wasn’t completely a lie. They were getting low. The ship’s storage could only hold two, maybe three months’ worth of food and water tablets before they had to start stacking cans in the bathroom.
“Yeah. We can hit port. The ‘toe-fish’ as you call them really aren’t that strange. They act like any other species of Atlantic cod, aside from their odd appearance. I think I have enough data to document them. We can head for Ireland starting tomorrow.” Ford had already pulled off his sweater to change and was now hunched over his bunk, straightening the sheets. Stan’s eyes traveled over the scars and ink that littered his brother’s back and arms. He felt his gut tighten and his hands hitched with the desire to reach out and touch them. It had been a long few months before Ford was ready to show Stan the damage the past thirty years had done. Stan knew they were there, knew where each one had come from, but it didn’t make seeing them any easier. Sure, Stan had his own fair share of scars, but they were few and far between compared to his brother.
Stan bit his lip to hold back saying something that really didn’t need to be said. Not at this point. He let his mind drift as he watched the muscles of Ford’s back shift and slide under the raised scars and burns. He was still amazed at how much stronger Ford was. Gone was the lanky teen from their youth. Gone was the scrawny researcher he’d caught a glimpse of that late January day. Ford was muscular, but not overly buff. Lean, like a runner. Legs able to sprint a mile with little effort and arms that could throw a punch to match Stan’s own. It was kinda hot. Intrusive thoughts prodded at Stan’s mind, but he shook his head to get rid of them. Not now. Not ever, but really not now.
Ford turned, picking up the discarded tank he slept in, and caught Stan’s eye. Stan turned his head, staring at the wall to give his brother privacy. “Sorry. I didn’t mean…I just…thinkin’s all. Didn’t mean ta stare.”
“No, Stan. It’s fine. I…it helps…sometimes…for you to see them. Helps me be more comfortable in my own skin.” Ford rolled his knuckles and flexed his fingers as he spoke. He smiled and held up his hand, fingers spread. “Of course, you’ve always helped me feel comfortable about myself.” Stan chuckled, giving his brother a shy smile. But it was getting too touchy feely for his tastes. Any way too intimate.
“Yeah. If you’re gonna be made fun of, it’s gonna be about your nerd personality, not how ya look. Besides, can’t be a badass pirate without the badass scars to go with it.” Ford had pulled on his shirt and sat on the now perfectly straightened sheets.
“Stanley, we aren’t pirates.”
“Yes we are.”
“No, we aren’t.”
“Yes, Poindexter, we are. We were in international waters, and took control of the abandoned Iceland research buoy without permission. Ergo. Pirates.” Ford had reworked the buoy’s internal system to act as a satellite sonar beacon. It was bobbing about two miles from their ship. They’d go and pick it up before they headed to port the next day.
“I…” But Ford didn’t really have a response. While the buoy hadn’t been active, it was still Icelandic property. Technically, they had stolen it. Technically, Stan was right. They were pirates. “Shut up, Knucklehead.”
“HA! I’ll get the cloth from port and sew up a nice pirate flag! Unless ya want ta string up our shirts like we did before?”
“No. And you are NOT raising a pirate flag. Do you have any idea what would happen if we ran into the coastguard?”
“Which coastguard?”
“Any! It’s bad enough that I’ve got a criminal record the length of the Mississippi, thanks to you, and you are legally deceased. We don’t need anymore legal trouble.” Ford had curled up under the three blankets he insisted on having to keep warm. Stan, being the human furnace he was, was fine with just a sheet most nights. Hot and cold, the two of them.
“Get some sleep, Stan. We’ll set out tomorrow.”
“Night, Sixer.”
Stan and Ford drifted off with the slow rocking of the boat and the gentle sounds of the ocean waves.
Stan stretched out his spine, letting his back ease into the soft mattress. The boat rocking back and forth with the smallest of motions. He felt warm. The sheet around him growing softer and heavier. He could hear music. Light and unobtrusive. A lullaby. Wait. There were words. Someone was singing? Stan blinked open his eyes to be greeted by a smiling stuffed rabbit. It was tiny and hung on a string above his bed with four other tiny stuffed toys. A mobile. His mom was singing, off somewhere else. But it was okay. She was near. Stan turned his head to see the grey fluff of his brother’s head. Ford was sleeping soundly with six fingers wrapped around Stan’s arm. Stan rolled to his side, facing his brother. With light touches so as not to wake him, he traced Ford’s features. Fingers running over each closed eyelid, trailing back to trace over the curves of his ears. Over Ford’s hairline and eyebrows. Down the bridge of his nose and over the pink parted lips.
Ford’s lips puckered as Stan traced them with his thumb. Ford mumbled, chapped lips catching on Stan’s skin. His eyes blinked open, lashes fluttering. Bright blue eyes stared blearily back at Stan as a sleepy smile spread over his lips. He gently kisses the thumb resting against his lips and nuzzles against Stan’s open palm.
“Morning.” He breathes against the callused skin. Stan grins.
“Morning, Sixer. How’d ya sleep?”
“Mhn. Good. Still tired.” Ford closed his eyes again, pulling the covers up to his neck and pushing his face further into the pillow.
“Heh. We don’t hafta get up. Nothing we gotta get done right now.” Eh, that wasn’t true. But who was paying attention out here? They could enjoy a late morning if they wanted.
Ford hummed, frowning. “Cold.”
Stan chuckled, holding the blanket up. “Well then, get yourself over here, nerd. I’ll keep ya warm.”
Ford shuffled across the space between them and wrapped his arms around Stan’s torso, burying his face in the soft grey hairs that blanketed Stan’s chest. He hummed in delight, resting his forehead on Stan’s clavicle. His body fit perfectly along Stan’s, hips chest pressed into Stan’s soft gut and hips settling against Stan’s thighs. Stan hummed at the feeling of Ford’s soft cock sliding against the sensitive skin of his inner thigh. He ran a hand over Ford’s bare side and back. Callused hands sliding over scarred skin to trace along the pudge of a hip, the top of a thigh. Ford squeaked when Stan gripped one ass cheek in his hand and squeezed. Dexterous fingers followed the line of it, up and down, each pass getting closer and closer to Ford’s tight puckered hole. The tip of his index finger pressed against the ring of muscle and worked to ease the tension.
“Stan.” Heavy breaths ghosted over Stan’s chest. He could feel Ford relaxing for him. The ring of muscle contracting and loosening around his fingertip. He circled the ring from the center outward. A slight press and his finger was enveloped in heat. A muffled whine echoed in the room. Stan pressed a grin into Ford’s hairline, still working his finger passed the first ring. It was dry. He wasn’t going to get far, he wasn’t trying to, but it was the best way to get Ford worked up. Light touch, teasing, just fingering the inner ring. Six fingers clutched Stan’s hips, kneading the flesh. Ford was mewling before long. His hips rocking against Stan’s thigh. He was hard, or getting there. He was panting now, hands traveling south to squeeze Stan’s ass.
“Shh. It’s alright. I gotcha.” Stan pressed a kiss to Ford’s temple. Pulling his finger free, he pushed against Ford’s shoulder to roll him onto his back. He placed a quick kiss against Ford’s lips, a soft nip along his jawline, before sucking a trail down Ford’s neck. Lips and tongue danced over pecks, pausing to give each nipple attention. Ford watched him with half-lidded eyes, gasping and wanting. Stan circled each rosy bud with his tongue, nipping at the sensitive flesh and rolling it between his gums.
“Stanley! Uh, huh, uh!”
“Heh, whatcha want, Sixer? Whatcha want yer brother ta do for ya? Just name it.” Stan purred into Ford’s abdomen. He mouthed a line down to Ford’s navel. “Hm? What is it?” He darted is tongue in and out of Ford’s navel, tracing the outer circle. “What do you need?”
“Stan, please!”
He grinned.
He leaned back, just enough to kneel on the bed and get a good look at Ford. Writhing and wanton and aching. Ford was hard and leaking. Prick straining and twitching; the head pulsing. Stan wrapped a hand around the shaft and Ford’s hips came off the mattress with a scream.
“This what you want? Need yer bro to take care of ya? Just ask me, Sixer.”
But no answer came. He looked up, expecting to see Ford red faced and shy. instead, Ford’s face was cloudy and distorted, like one of Mabel’s drawings had gotten wet and all the colors had run together. An answer came then, distant and muffled, coming through water.
“Wha’, Sixer, what’s wrong?”
“Sta-, pl-se. I’m -orr-. Ple--, don- -o…”
What the hell was going on? They were just getting started. Ford was aching to go, wasn’t he? But...no. Ford wasn’t under him anymore. Least, not the one he was expecting. The sculpted body he’d been worshiping was gone. The form under him, beside him, drifting away from him, was child-like. A kid. Ford was younger now. Ford was just a kid. Scared and crying. Was it him? Was Ford crying because of him? But Ford had wanted it...didn't he?
Oh God.
What if Ford hadn't wanted it? Was he just placating Stan? Was that why Ford was going away? Was that why he was crying?
“Please. I’m so sorry...don’t…” Ford voice grew clearer, even as he drifted further and further away.
“Ford. Hey! What’s wrong? Hey! Sixer! Talk ta me!”
Stan was losing him. Ford had known about Stan's dream. Had figured out Stan had gotten off to it, even though he tried not to. Ford had cleaned his sheets, of course he knew. Genius man he was. He was going away now because he knew Stan was disgusting. Stan didn't even know why he wanted this. But it didn't matter. It was going to end now. He'd do anything to keep Ford with him. He'd never jerk-off again. He'd castrate himself. He'd do whatever Ford wanted if he'd only just stay.
"Ford! I'm sorry. I won’t do it again. I promise. I don't know why it happened the first time, but I swear, never again!"
Ford's voice was getting louder and more desperate. He was pleading. But why? Stan had stopped. He was so far away now. Why was Ford still asking him to stop?
"Don't leave!"
But Stan wasn't leaving. He wasn't moving. Then...Ford wasn't trying to leave. Something was making him.
Stan was awake and out of bed before he’d even had the chance to make a conscious decision or even realize he was asleep. His heart hammering in his chest and eyes scanning the room for any signs of danger. Survival skills ingrained and hard learned from his tie on the streets kicking into high gear. His blurred vision fell on the struggling lump across the small space on the second bunk.
“Hey, I’m here. It’s okay. Shh. It’s alright.” Stan knelt on the floor beside Ford’s bunk, voice low and soothing, or as soothing as his smoker’s voice could be. Bed springs screeched under the thrashing, covers tossed and tangled around arms and legs. Ford was panicking. The last time Stan had tried to wake him from a nightmare, Ford had damn near broken his jaw. His jaw throbbed with phantom pain at the memory. But this was a bad one. Stan reached his hand out, soft and deliberate, to curl around one of Ford’s flailing hands.
“Sixer! Ford, common. Wake up.”
Ford shot up with a snap. A fist swung at Stan’s head even as a second gripped his fingers hard enough Stan felt his bones creak. Stan ducked, head and shoulders hitting the mattress and dodging the swing by millimeters. His knees slipped on the smooth floor, and Stan found himself clinging to the bed sheets and Ford’s hand for support.
“Ford, Jeezus! It’s me!”
“Stan?! Oh, God. I’m sorry…I…” But the end of his statement was swallowed up by a heart-wrenching sob. Instead, he rolled off the bed, pushing Stan flat in the space between their bunks, and crawled into Stan’s arms. Stan found himself laying on the floor, ass naked, with his brother curled up tight to him. Ford had buried his face into Stan’s gut, chest in line with Stan’s hips. He was shaking. Splatters of water caught in the grey hairs to pool in his navel.
Stan carded his fingers through the sweat damp fluff of Ford's hair, rubbing his thumb over Ford's temple. Hushed and incoherent words tumbled from his mouth. Attempts to sooth, but not to pry. Ford would talk when he was ready. Maybe. Sometimes they didn't talk about their nightmares. Too much emotion all at once that neither one was ready to deal with. Neither one used to being able to lean on someone when they were having problems. They would get there, but after a lifetime of bottling up their emotions, it wasn't going to happen right away.
So, Ford may or may not talk to him about it. Which was all well and good because Stan was not really up to talking himself. It happened again. He'd dreamt about Ford again. And this time, he was complicit. He'd known it was Ford. Before, he was just enjoying a steamy dream about a hot guy. His subconscious had made it Ford. But this time...he knew. And he still did it. What did that say about him? That he would actually, knowingly...
Stan clenched his eyes closed and willed the memories to go away. Ford was calming down now. Harsh and heaving breath eased, tears all but dried. Ford's heart at slowed, no longer hammering its way through his chest. But he showed no signs of moving anytime soon. Stubbled cheek scratching against the soft skin of Stan's navel. The delicate flutter of an eyelash tangled with the fine hairs.
Stan felt chapped lips part against his skin as Ford sighed. His hand stalled in Ford's hair. He became acutely aware that he was still naked. When Ford shifted to ease the pressure on his back, Little Stan became aware of Ford's position. Little Stan was very interested in continuing where things had left off, even if they were imaginary. Stan was strongly against it, but Little Stan wasn't listening. Stan desperately tried to imagine McGucket in his swimsuit. Or that creepy hand witch. Something, hell anything to make his erection wilt. He felt it twitch, filling with blood and rising to meet the pressure and warmth above it. Stan wondered if he could shift, ease out from Ford's grasp just enough to let the cool air shock his system enough to stop this problem before it got any worse. Ford buried his face in Stan's navel, a deep inhale and shuttering breath heaved out if his lungs. Stan pulse flared. This was way too close to a memory he was trying very hard to ignore.    
How was Ford not feeling this? Stan wasn't really complaining, he didn't want Ford to notice, but he was still confused as to how he hadn't yet. Stan didn't want to brag, but he wasn't exactly small. He wasn't a monster by any means, but a respectable 9 inches was still big enough. Certainly, big enough for Ford to notice that it was pressing up into his chest. He could feel Ford breathing. Every breath brushed against his straining cock. Another deep and shuttering sigh and Stan's eyes crossed, toes curling. NOPE!
"Hey, Sixer. Ya wanna move this off the floor? My back is gonna be yelling at me if we lay here much longer."
Ford said nothing. Just patted Stan's stomach and lifted himself onto his hands and knees. 'Wait. SHIT! NO! Don't do that. DON'T...' But it was too late. Ford's movements had brought him face to face with Little Stan. Little Stan was very happy with the arrangement.
It was dark. Completely dark below deck on the Stan O' War II. There was a chance Ford hadn't noticed. Please, please let him have missed it. But that little glimmer of hope died when Ford stopped dead. Stan couldn't see him, even if he didn't have his eyes closed, but he could fucking feel Ford's breath ghosting over the straining head. And he stayed there. He wouldn't move, get up. Wouldn't say anything. Stilted breaths enveloping Stan's prick in warmth, teasing with a promise that wasn't a promise and he didn’t want it anyway. He almost wished that ship would hit a rogue wave and knock them about. Ford took a breath to speak. Finally.
"I'm..." But that had been a mistake. Ford's lips had moved. He was a lot closer than either one had thought. Chapped lips just barely brushed Stan's leaking head. Stan's eyes bulged out of his sockets when he felt a sticky strand follow the movement of Ford's lips. NOPE!  
A foot connected with Ford's shoulder. Not a kick, but enough force to propel Ford up to his knees and as far away from Stan as they could get. Stan sat up and scooted back until his hands hit the curtain covering the doorway.
"SHIT! Sorry. It can't tell the difference between you and the busty babe I've been dreamin' about. Imma go piss, you sit. We'll talk if ya wanna when I get back." It was all said in one breath as Stan stood and backed out of their shared room. Stan felt his way to the bathroom and flicked on the light. He squinted through the brightness to the toilet, feeling a rush of deja vu as he flipped the seat up. His gut rolled, but it wasn't enough to come up this time. Instead, he braced one hand on the wall above the bowl while the other wrapped around his prick. He squeezed. He muffled a moan by biting the flesh of his upper arm. He didn’t bother trying to clear his mind this time. He couldn't, not with the real memory of...SHIT!
He pumped once, twice, hips following his fist. His mind blanked, body seizing. Sticky white jets splattered over his hand and the underside of the toilet seat. His jaw clamped down on the flesh of his arm to quiet his moans. He couldn't actually break skin without his teeth, but the bruising wasn't going to feel too great either. He felt his knees give out, and he sat awkwardly backwards on the toilet bowl, hunched over the small water tank. His chest heaved. Head spinning.
Stan was still in the shock and disbelief stage of grief. He hadn't had enough time to really comprehend what had just happened. He knows if he does sit with this, he may end up throwing himself off the boat. But he doesn't have to process this. He doesn't have to deal with this. He can shove it down and ignore it. Denial, denial, denial. But he and his subconscious were having a bit of a disagreement as to what was okay and NOT okay to think about. A little voice in the darkest and most depraved pit of his mind remind him that Ford hadn't pulled away. Ford hadn't reacted with disgust. Hadn't really reacted at all, as a matter of fact. Stan pile-drived that voice back to the rancid and perverse pit it crawled from.
But the thought was there now; he couldn't get rid of it. He'd been so close. Ford had been so close to...he'd...no. No. No way! It wasn't intentional. Ford was just as shocked as he was. He didn't pull away because his nerd brain had overloaded. He was just looking for comfort from whatever nightmare had spooked him and hadn't been expecting a hard dick in his face. And Stan had just left him there to deal with it on his own. What kind of brother was he? Stan chose not to answer that stupid question. Mainly because he wasn't ready to deal with the answer. It was fine! It was all fine. Stan's thoughts tumbling over themselves. It was best now to shove all that shit down and bury it under more and more layers of repression. A few tons of self-hate wouldn't hurt either. Just bury it where that shit won’t ever see the light of day again.
He didn't know how long he sat there, ass and thighs going numb balanced on the slim toilet bowl rim. He needed to get up, clean up and see how much Ford was freaking out. Shit! Ford was probably freaking out now. He had to explain. Though maybe the absolute truth in this case was a very shitty idea, but he could come up with a lie. He's good at that. Been doing it far longer than anything else in his life. But it was definitely time to go and figure out what hole Sixer was spinning himself into.
Stan stood on shaky legs, tore a wad of toilet paper from the roll and wiped himself and the toilet seat down before washing his hands. He refused to look at his reflection. Hands dried and all evidence flushed away, Stan was about ready to flick off the light when he spotted a pair of Ford's boxers left tucked behind the door. Comets and planets and little UFO's. Considering how awkward this was gonna be, he should try and cover himself up. Ford had been fine with Stan sleeping nude, but that was in his own bed. Best to make this less awkward. Though, they were Ford's boxers. From today, yesterday? Would that just make it worse? Stan didn't bother mulling it over. He picked up the worn fabric and slipped them on before flicking off the light and stumbling his way through the darkness.  
Stan felt his way along the galley counter, shuffling through his shitty night vision to the far wall. He stubbed his toe a few times on the books scattered on the floor and nearly tore down the curtain when he collided with it. He lifted the curtain and stood in the doorway, hesitant. There was no way to disguise what he'd done. He'd been in the bathroom too long. Ford might be oblivious to many social cues, but it wasn't hard to put two and two together. But he couldn't stand there forever. Time to rip the band-aid off.
"Hey." His throat felt dry.
"Hey." came the reply in the darkness. His ears, sans hearing aid, could only tell him that Ford was off to his left. Ford's bunk was on the right.
Stan cleared his throat. "You, ah...ya wanna talk about it." Stan paused, then corrected himself. "Nightmare, I mean. Seemed pretty bad this time. Could hear ya even in my own dream." Not that he was going to talk about that. Nope. Nope, not that. Never that.
"Heh, at least you enjoyed yours." Ford sighed. Stan could hear shifting on the bunk and he could picture Ford picking at the sheets. "I don't...I shouldn't bother you with this." The bed creaked as Ford shifted to stand, but Stan wasn't having it.
"Hey, no. I'm here if you wanna talk. You ain't bothering me. You never bother me."
"Well, mostly. Nerd talk is still a bother, but not this. Not something this important."
"No, 'cuz it is. You said yerself, we need to stop pretending we don't have feelings." Stan felt his way to the bed, hands patting the sheets to find where Ford was sitting. Hands found one hairy knee and Stan worked his way onto the bed. "So, I'm here ta listen. If ya wanna talk, that is." They sat wrapped in silence and darkness, shoulders rubbing together every so often. Stan blinked, attempting to let his eyes adjust to the dark, but there wasn't enough ambient light to see by. It was all just oppressive blackness. He couldn't even see his own knees.
Ford didn't talk, and so the silence permeated the darkness around them. It pressed in on his mind, and without a distraction, it dug into the layers and layers of freshly laid repression and self-hate to unearth what had just happened. His mind had been given enough time to work through the denial and really get to the meat of it. It was starting to set in what had actually happened. A spike of guilt and despair beat down on his shoulders while revulsion and horror clashed with each other in his gut. There wasn't much in his stomach but bile, but he doesn't think that will matter much. He enjoyed it. That was the worst part. That was the worst part of all of this. He'd wanted it. For a brief moment, he'd wanted Ford to lick....
STOP! Don't. Just, don't. Screw it. It happened, now let it go.
God, he needed to get laid.
A weight slumped to his side shook Stan out of his thoughts. A voice spoke in a harsh whisper right next to his ear. "You were gone. You were gone and there wasn't anything I could do to bring you back." Oh. Stan blinked as Ford continued. "You...", there was a long pause while Ford collected himself. "You left. Told me I made you sick. That you didn't know why you brought me back. Said you wanted to travel without me. That I was holding you back." Oh and damn. Now he really felt like a pile of shit. Ford had woken up panicking over Stan calling it quits and Stan had gone and waved his dick in his face. Stan swallowed down the rising bile and self-revulsion to address Ford’s statements.
“Ford. I’m not…I’m not going anywhere. I would be outta my mind ta want ta leave.” An uncommitted grunt was the only response. Stan sighed. “Stanford,” not a name Stan used often, “I spent thirty years trying ta get you back. All I’ve ever wanted was ta be out here with you. Nothing you could ever do, will make me want to be without you.” Stan leaned his head over, resting his lips atop Ford’s scalp. He could feel the tension drain from Ford’s body. They were pressed together, sharing the warmth and comfort of being close to one another. The bed was big enough, heck there were two beds, they didn’t have to. They were men. Pines men. But it felt nice. It felt really nice, and after the shit Stan was trying to pin down and bury, he was willing to indulge in a little nice. Even better when Ford started rocking from side to side.  
“Always, Ford.”
“Even if I did something you hated?”
“You could never do something like that.”
“What about if I did something ‘unmanly’?”
“Well, when ya put it like that…” But there wasn’t really an end to that statement. Stan breathed a deep and rumbling chuckle over Ford’s hair, grinning at the responding laugh.  
"Stan..." Ford had placed a comforting hand on Stan's knee. Except it was dark, and that wasn't his knee, and his borrowed boxer shorts had ridden up his thighs. Six surprisingly soft fingers fluttered over the sensitive flesh of Stan's inner thigh for a brief moment before Stan linked his fingers with the offending appendage and lifted it to rest where it ought to be. Six fingers completely enclosed his as they rocked back and forth on the ocean waves.
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crown-eater · 6 years
Only the Vital Ones, Pt. 1
“In those days, desires weren’t allowed to become reality. So, fantasy was substituted for them–films, books, pictures. They called it ‘art.’ But, when your desires become reality, you don’t need fantasy any longer, or art.”–Amyl Nitrate, “Jubilee”
[ With Symbiotic Self-Indulgence, 3, Pts. I, II. ] [ The Uptake (table of contents)]
The small brushed steel kitchen table of Cecil and ‘Choly’s studio apartment abutted a full-height open-frame modular shelving unit, which doubled as a space divider between the kitchen and the daybed in the back corner that ‘Choly frequented whenever scaling the loft bed proved too taxing. Slumped at it in a dark tank top and his orange leggings, before the ex-stalker lay a quaint butcher-paper and twine parcel, a paring knife, and his reader on a kickstand. With the apartment to himself, ‘Choly surveyed some of the pieces in his drafts and rubbed at his marred face in a dull restlessness. Grazing his recent cheek suture, he flinched and stood, and he paced in the narrow track the length of the apartment which functioned not unlike a hallway.
Two years ago, such incisions would have been made in the spirit of verbot chasing. He sniveled in anger at the impotence of having had to make such a superficial adjustment for sake of his own clumsiness, rather than in the aftermath of risky enterprises. He'd tried several times to contact the Tellurides after the riots and subsequent quarantine, and he knew in his gut that all three of them had gotten walled up with the rest of the Quarter. And the Geek, and Chalcedony, too, for all he knew. His only solace came in knowing that at least his parents had moved back in together downstate before things had gotten especially hairy.
He returned to the kitchen and rinsed out a mug to pour himself a fresh cup of black coffee from the carafe Cecil had brewed for breakfast, and he sat again. Then, he snipped the string on the box and unfurled its wrappings. His horn-rimmed glasses came off and lay across the table from him as he continued massaging at his cheeks and chin and neck marbled with errant scars. He flicked up the messaging app frame and clicked on Augen’s active username, and sighed. Rather than initiate conversation, he produced from the small wax-coated cardstock box a decently-sized chalky pastel ball. He smoothed out the parchment with a detached free hand, and set down the ball of Confec atop it with the other.
The ball bore a mealy consistency somewhere between soap and fudge. A quarter-inch butt fell to the paper, and he stuck it in his mouth to let the hyssop-like bouquet melt on his tongue as he sank into his chair and hesitated on the chat he’d opened.
ketherphorbia: you’re up early 9augen: funny, i was just about to message you. not at the library today? ketherphorbia: no, and i’m not getting anywhere with what i <i>was</i> trying to do so you have my full attention 9augen: how does meeting up for lunch sound? ketherphorbia: i ketherphorbia: i just started in on a fresh confec bonbon, but yeah 9augen: the finnegans across the street from your old place? its on me ketherphorbia: something tells me you’re just looking for an excuse to milk their one-cred goldfinch lunch special 9augen: if you want a few, just say so. can you be there in... say, an hour? ketherphorbia: it honestly sounds fantastic. we can both talk. if you want
Still rattled from the abrupt invitation, ‘Choly put the knife in the sink and rounded the modular divider to rummage in the side-table drawers for something to throw on. First came his back brace, splints, and wrist braces, and he yanked together his salmon button-up, black sweater with the elbows cut out, and slashed jeans over the orange leggings. Taking his jewelry box into the bathroom, he then brushed his bangtails and tucked the right side back with his ABC-gum barrette. He hooked his new black acrylic skull-cutout gauge hangers into his ears, and plucked his balloon animal and saturn-symbol pendants to string around his neck. The spoon pin went in his left collar-point, and he sat on the daybed for his socks. On the way out the door, he tucked the wax paper wrapped Confec into his diamond-shaped cross-body bag and nabbed his cane, retrieved his glasses, and slipped into his mint creepers.
Along the short trip down to Level 5, he shot Cecil a short message:
|| Might not be home when you get off work. Augen invited me to lunch. He hasn’t said hardly a word since it happened, and I get the feeling he needs a friend right now. ||
Cecil replied to him as ‘Choly waved his pass and boarded the toll lift:
|| I can only imagine how hard it’s been for him. Hope he’s doing ok. You two have a good time. Love you. Give him a kiss for me ||
With a chuckle and a fish emoticon, ‘Choly exited the lift and hobbled down the street. He texted Augen that he'd arrived, asking where to meet him, because at first he didn't see him outside. Leaning on the front facade of the Finnegan’s, a tall gothic figure smoked religiously. The young man with dark hair pulled into a low messy bun wore a black button-down and drop-crotch pants, a dark grey knee-length gauzy vest, a large black shawl-scarf wrapped around his shoulders and neck, and mesh boots. Upon closer inspection, the combination of facial body mods--spider bites, gauged one-inch ears and 2ga medusa with glass plugs, symmetrical double brow piercings, and batwing clicker--confirmed for ‘Choly that this was his friend. Somehow, even with his suspicion as to why Augen had initiated the meeting, he’d still expected to find him his old self, and not this anxious chain-smoking human mess. Augen rolled his eyes at him, having just checked his messages.
“Word of warning, I’m a bit thrushed right now,” 'Choly blurted out. Rather than respond, Augen leaned down and steadied ‘Choly’s chin to give him a kiss. ‘Choly smiled strangely and reciprocated with a second peck, then navigated the awkward posture into a hug as he tucked his head against Augen’s chest. It unnerved 'Choly that his friend was no longer cold-blooded, no longer clammy and tepid, but he kept it to himself. “...Hello to you, too.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Augen rubbed at ‘Choly’s scruff and held the door for him. He eyed ‘Choly’s sweater dully in passing. “<i>Don’t Quit Your Daydream</i>, huh?”<br>
‘Choly looked down at the saying printed on his front once they’d cleared the atrium, and his brows upturned.
“Hah, maladaptive daydreaming. Had it for years. I just kinda threw something on so I wouldn’t run late.”
“Daydream... into a living nightmare...”
With the detached comment, Augen waved down a server to seat them. Marinating in his dissociative veneer, ‘Choly swallowed hard at the prospect of purposefully navigating his mental filter. They settled at a table amid the lunch traffic, and with a series of finger gestures along the tabletop which doubled as a touchscreen menu, both ordered pinzones dorados and got to glancing over their options in silence. The server, a young brunet named Bert, promptly came and left with their drinks, as well as a basket of multicolored meal-rinds and two dishes of salsa. 'Choly sipped at his golden glowing pinzón, a smooth over-ice mix of tonic, hydroponic mezcal, triple sec, and lime liqueur, and mentally praised the facility with which one could get drunk at any hour in this city.
“So... this is a thing now.” ‘Choly got a rind real heavy with salsa and shoved it in his mouth.
Augen knocked back half his liquor in one motion, and slouched over it.
“I’d lived myself so fully, that I’d nearly forgotten what it was like to be human. I’ve missed smoking, if we’re looking for an upside to all this.”
“There’s gotta be a way t’get back what you had. At least some of it?”
“That’s... just about the last thing I want to talk about right now. Past tense doesn’t feel so great.”
They used their mouths to crunch rinds and nothing else. Augen took a hit off the cig around his neck, and with a deep exhale he shut his sunken eyes, the vapors entangling with the odd abstract light fixture over the table. Once they'd placed their orders, 'Choly did his best to people watch behind a zoned out Augen, mostly observing the rotation of three servers popping in and out of the kitchen door with dishes. When a couple that sat on the same side of their far-corner booth thought 'Choly gawked at their unapologetic PDAs and gave him a stink-eye, he coughed, and started trying to read the pattern of scrapbooked web articles which plastered every wall and the ceiling of the restaurant. The theme of all the articles painted up Tri-City's sheer melting pot culture as a fusion city, boasting a collage of articles about people from just about every level in the hyper-metroplex.
Bert interrupted their silence with their meals, and 'Choly squirmed back to give the server the space to lay it out on the table. The teen couldn't hide a sigh of relief as he picked up one plate, and glanced between the both of them.
"Who ordered the wraps?"
Augen gave him a lazy hand gesture, and the plate slid over to him. On Augen’s plate of spring wraps lay six large seared shrimp. Sliced in half both for presentation and facility, the three girthy wraps were stuffed with a combination of mushroom slices, seaweed, and fried mealworms.
"And then, the benedict's yours. Extra sauce?"
"Yes, thank you," 'Choly lauded with a heavily modulated affect, as the other mess of a plate came his way. A viscous pale yellow-green mess blanketed two nondescript mounds of protein and bread, and along its side the cook had scattered soft, colorful citrus gummies. "So glad I can still get breakfast here this late."
"Is there anyth--" Bert broke off, unable not to stare at Augen, as he fished out a pair of napkin-rolled utensils to give them. Augen returned the stare, deadpan.
"...Spring wraps, and a side order of shrimp. It is you."
‘Choly gave the poor boy a glossy smile, about to praise how good it all looked, but he quickly drooped in recognition of the tension.
“So I took a bath today,” Augen dismissed, total fatigue in his voice. “Big deal.”
‘Choly coughed, cataract-bloom eyes wide as he took a stiff sip. Setting the pinzón back down, he tried to smile up at the waiter again, his voice cracking.
"Could we get more rinds?"
The waiter shook his head and shut his eyes, then nodded.
“--Sure thing.”
“And we already need another round of <i>birds</i>.” Augen traced the edge of the faded glass with one black-polished finger and a heavy-lidded, eyelined smirk.
The server flashed him a fake grin, poorly hiding his revelry that the city had defanged the loathsome goth.
“I’ll be right back.”
‘Choly fought with the self-conscious selfishness of directing the conversation to himself, but still he persisted, hoping to distract his friend from getting recognized by his typical order. ‘Choly unrolled his flatware to tuck the napkin beside his plate, and took up the table knife and fork with zeal. He didn’t want to admit it, but as had become typical in the past few weeks, the only thing he’d put in his stomach so far by that time of day was a slice of wax and half a cup of coffee. Augen took precise bites, holding his food gingerly with thoroughly ring-encrusted hands. His face stitched with a faint sweat which could have been from stress, the heat of the food, or even from the start of enebriation. 'Choly observed in distant and fascinated contemplation, unsure whether his friend derived his mannerisms from humanity or the vestiges of having so recently once been a hybrid. Augen shot him a vague glance, and he cringed from getting caught watching. ‘Choly pushed the sauce-drenched larva-hash back up on the one round bready thing he’d been cutting bites from, sheepish.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, there’s gotta be something you can do to take your mind off it instead? Have you tried... writing, since...?”
Augen finished off the first drink right when Bert swung by two replacements and more rinds and salsa. ‘Choly hadn’t even drunk half of his first pinzón yet, and he nudged his new one his friend’s way, knowing the rate this meal was going. “Most of the time,” the goth mumbled, welcoming the offer, “my writing takes a particular head space. And I sure as fuck haven’t been in it.”
“I mean, like. Not in a carnal sense. Sort of in a carnal sense. An emotional sense? A purgative sense?”
Augen kept his eyes on his food, but his ears patently on his friend. ‘Choly’s hallmark withdrawn posture and tone signaled vague, incumbent rambling. With welcome resignation the goth listened, as he’d aspired from the start. After all, ‘Choly always had been the long-winded one of them.
“You... You remember how I was writing stories about me gettin’ with the Geek, but then I stopped abruptly? The last wip I posted before I stopped was right after I found out that the Geek and the Larva were the same person. Early on, the reasons I couldn’t reconcile with finishing the piece were ‘cause of how badly my first encounter with him went, but then fantasy turned into reality and he... caught me stalkin’ him and. You remember that right?” ‘Choly fished his reader from his bag, and tried to locate a picture in his camera roll. “I know I sent you a selfie of the black eye he gave me...”
“...You couldn’t shut up about it for a month. Heh.”
‘Choly looked up from his reader with a dull gloss to his features, and sniffed. “He even tracked me down, what, five weeks later? An’ things got super weird--" He chewed at his labret. "...I’m still trying to process everything that happened two years ago.”
“This is about the walls, isn’t it.”
“Not quite. And yet. Exactly. I just. I owe it to him to get the details right, don’t I? It feels real lousy to even consider writing a nonfictional account of him, and yet.” He popped an orange gummy in his mouth, and licked the thick, tangy sauce off his swan-splinted fingertip. “I feel like I need to get the very concept of him in print, to get it out from inside of me. I know it’s already been two years since the walls went up, but I don’t think it’s possible for me to forget all that... death, even for a day.” A grapefruit one, this time. “How do you stay motivated to write something that hurts and arouses you, both in ways nothing else has ever really managed to?”
Augen dipped a spring roll in his salsa, and started working on the third drink. Not glancing up from his food, his brows piqued with heavy lids.
“A difficult question. Perhaps a better reply would be another question: Who’re you writing this for?”
‘Choly set down his utensils and stared down his food.
“I’d say it was for me, but I feel like I need to put his ghost to rest. I’d say it was for him, but it’s also in hopes of jamming my brain because something more accurate could exist of him than anything I’ve written of him prior. And I’d... say it was for you, or any of my followers, but I... don’t even know if I can bring myself to post the results.” The dreg sneaked the Confec from his bag and set it beside his plate. “I... I gotta have another slice.”
That got Augen’s attention.
“Mmh. Mind sharing?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
‘Choly sliced through the partial ball a few times with his thumbs against the spine of the knife, and Augen reached over to help himself to one. Wincing at the bitterness, he chewed it up and washed it down with more liquor. 'Choly simply slouched back and let the stringent melt go for a few minutes, thinking it nearly paired with the citrus cubes.
“Cecil knows about us,” Augen began, eyes stitched shut, “but you never did tell Cecil about the Geek, did you? Have you ever wanted to?”
“I told him about Chalcedony. And he may not have said anything, but I know he knows about me an’ the Geek. Can’t not. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how open he is to it all. It’s like he believes leaving me untethered keeps me more faithful. He’s... not wrong, I guess.” ‘Choly looked up when he heard Augen stifle a choke, and suddenly he regretted sharing. His friend’s face was glistening, grey eyes wide. “Are you-- all right?”
“How’s everything tasting so far?” Bert interjected in passing, trying to hide concern when he he paused noticing Augen’s demeanor.
“Don't mind him." 'Choly quickly stashed the Confec back in his bag, unsure whether having it would cause them trouble. "I think something just went down the wrong way.”
The boy frowned at the Augen, who blanched and rubbed at his Adam’s apple a bit. On cue, Augen forced a cough.
“I... It's nothing."
Augen tapped a finger on his glass, not looking to Bert, and the waiter plucked up their empty glasses with a nod and excused himself, shaking his head in delirious incredulity at what had become of their once most troublesome patron.
“Seriously... Are you okay? You know you’re supposed to let that stuff melt slow.”
Rather than reply, the goth took one of ‘Choly’s wristbraced hands in both of his own, and guided it to hold his strained throat. He sustained breathless, tormented eye contact.
“It's wearing off faster than I was planning. Thought for sure I'd at least get to slagging finish eating. I'll... I'll take it.”
On to part 2 »»»
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the-uptake · 6 years
Only the Vital Ones, 1
The Uptake, With Symbiotic Self-Indulgence. Book III, Chapter 3, Part 1. (Go to Pt.2) Go to next chapter.
TW: Drug use?
“In those days, desires weren’t allowed to become reality. So, fantasy was substituted for them–films, books, pictures. They called it ‘art.’ But, when your desires become reality, you don’t need fantasy any longer, or art.”–Amyl Nitrate, “Jubilee”
The small brushed steel kitchen table of Cecil and ‘Choly’s studio apartment abutted a full-height open-frame modular shelving unit, which doubled as a space divider between the kitchen and the daybed in the back corner that ‘Choly frequented whenever scaling the loft bed proved too taxing. Slumped at it in a dark tank top and his orange leggings, before the ex-stalker lay a quaint butcher-paper and twine parcel, a paring knife, and his reader on a kickstand. With the apartment to himself, ‘Choly surveyed some of the pieces in his drafts and rubbed at his marred face in a dull restlessness. Grazing his recent cheek suture, he flinched and stood, and he paced in the narrow track the length of the apartment which functioned not unlike a hallway.
Two years ago, such incisions would have been made in the spirit of verbot chasing. He sniveled in anger at the impotence of having had to make such a superficial adjustment for sake of his own clumsiness, rather than in the aftermath of risky enterprises. He'd tried several times to contact the Tellurides after the riots and subsequent quarantine, and he knew in his gut that all three of them had gotten walled up with the rest of the Quarter. And the Geek, and Chalcedony, too, for all he knew. His only solace came in knowing that at least his parents had moved back in together downstate before things had gotten especially hairy.
He returned to the kitchen and rinsed out a mug to pour himself a fresh cup of black coffee from the carafe Cecil had brewed for breakfast, and he sat again. Then, he snipped the string on the box and unfurled its wrappings. His horn-rimmed glasses came off and lay across the table from him as he continued massaging at his cheeks and chin and neck marbled with errant scars. He flicked up the messaging app frame and clicked on Augen’s active username, and sighed. Rather than initiate conversation, he produced from the small wax-coated cardstock box a decently-sized chalky pastel ball. He smoothed out the parchment with a detached free hand, and set down the ball of Confec atop it with the other.
The ball bore a mealy consistency somewhere between soap and fudge. A quarter-inch butt fell to the paper, and he stuck it in his mouth to let the hyssop-like bouquet melt on his tongue as he sank into his chair and hesitated on the chat he’d opened.
ketherphorbia: you’re up early 9augen: funny, i was just about to message you. not at the library today? ketherphorbia: no, and i’m not getting anywhere with what i was trying to do so you have my full attention 9augen: how does meeting up for lunch sound? ketherphorbia: i ketherphorbia: i just started in on a fresh confec bonbon, but yeah 9augen: the finnegans across the street from your old place? its on me ketherphorbia: something tells me you’re just looking for an excuse to milk their one-cred goldfinch lunch special 9augen: if you want a few, just say so. can you be there in... say, an hour? ketherphorbia: it honestly sounds fantastic. we can both talk. if you want
Still rattled from the abrupt invitation, ‘Choly put the knife in the sink and rounded the modular divider to rummage in the side-table drawers for something to throw on. First came his back brace, splints, and wrist braces, and he yanked together his salmon button-up, black sweater with the elbows cut out, and slashed jeans over the orange leggings. Taking his jewelry box into the bathroom, he then brushed his bangtails and tucked the right side back with his ABC-gum barrette. He hooked his new black acrylic skull-cutout gauge hangers into his ears, and plucked his balloon animal and saturn-symbol pendants to string around his neck. The spoon pin went in his left collar-point, and he sat on the daybed for his socks. On the way out the door, he tucked the wax paper wrapped Confec into his diamond-shaped cross-body bag and nabbed his cane, retrieved his glasses, and slipped into his mint creepers.
Along the short trip down to Level 5, he shot Cecil a short message:
|| Might not be home when you get off work. Augen invited me to lunch. He hasn’t said hardly a word since it happened, and I get the feeling he needs a friend right now. ||
Cecil replied to him as ‘Choly waved his pass and boarded the toll lift:
|| I can only imagine how hard it’s been for him. Hope he’s doing ok. You two have a good time. Love you. Give him a kiss for me ||
With a chuckle and a fish emoticon, ‘Choly exited the lift and hobbled down the street. He texted Augen that he'd arrived, asking where to meet him, because at first he didn't see him outside. Leaning on the front facade of the Finnegan’s, a tall gothic figure smoked religiously. The young man with dark hair pulled into a low messy bun wore a black button-down and drop-crotch pants, a dark grey knee-length gauzy vest, a large black shawl-scarf wrapped around his shoulders and neck, and mesh boots. Upon closer inspection, the combination of facial body mods--spider bites, gauged one-inch ears and 2ga medusa with glass plugs, symmetrical double brow piercings, and batwing clicker--confirmed for ‘Choly that this was his friend. Somehow, even with his suspicion as to why Augen had initiated the meeting, he’d still expected to find him his old self, and not this anxious chain-smoking human mess. Augen rolled his eyes at him, having just checked his messages.
“Word of warning, I’m a bit thrushed right now,” 'Choly blurted out. Rather than respond, Augen leaned down and steadied ‘Choly’s chin to give him a kiss. ‘Choly smiled strangely and reciprocated with a second peck, then navigated the awkward posture into a hug as he tucked his head against Augen’s chest. It unnerved 'Choly that his friend was no longer cold-blooded, no longer clammy and tepid, but he kept it to himself. “...Hello to you, too.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Augen rubbed at ‘Choly’s scruff and held the door for him. He eyed ‘Choly’s sweater dully in passing. “Don’t Quit Your Daydream, huh?”
‘Choly looked down at the saying printed on his front once they’d cleared the atrium, and his brows upturned.
“Hah, maladaptive daydreaming. Had it for years. I just kinda threw something on so I wouldn’t run late.”
“Daydream... into a living nightmare...”
With the detached comment, Augen waved down a server to seat them. Marinating in his dissociative veneer, ‘Choly swallowed hard at the prospect of purposefully navigating his mental filter. They settled at a table amid the lunch traffic, and with a series of finger gestures along the tabletop which doubled as a touchscreen menu, both ordered pinzones dorados and got to glancing over their options in silence. The server, a young brunet named Bert, promptly came and left with their drinks, as well as a basket of multicolored meal-rinds and two dishes of salsa. 'Choly sipped at his golden glowing pinzón, a smooth over-ice mix of tonic, hydroponic mezcal, triple sec, and lime liqueur, and mentally praised the facility with which one could get drunk at any hour in this city.
“So... this is a thing now.” ‘Choly got a rind real heavy with salsa and shoved it in his mouth.
Augen knocked back half his liquor in one motion, and slouched over it.
“I’d lived myself so fully, that I’d nearly forgotten what it was like to be human. I’ve missed smoking, if we’re looking for an upside to all this.”
“There’s gotta be a way t’get back what you had. At least some of it?”
“That’s... just about the last thing I want to talk about right now. Past tense doesn’t feel so great.”
They used their mouths to crunch rinds and nothing else. Augen took a hit off the cig around his neck, and with a deep exhale he shut his sunken eyes, the vapors entangling with the odd abstract light fixture over the table. Once they'd placed their orders, 'Choly did his best to people watch behind a zoned out Augen, mostly observing the rotation of three servers popping in and out of the kitchen door with dishes. When a couple that sat on the same side of their far-corner booth thought 'Choly gawked at their unapologetic PDAs and gave him a stink-eye, he coughed, and started trying to read the pattern of scrapbooked web articles which plastered every wall and the ceiling of the restaurant. The theme of all the articles painted up Tri-City's sheer melting pot culture as a fusion city, boasting a collage of articles about people from just about every level in the hyper-metroplex.
Bert interrupted their silence with their meals, and 'Choly squirmed back to give the server the space to lay it out on the table. The teen couldn't hide a sigh of relief as he picked up one plate, and glanced between the both of them.
"Who ordered the wraps?"
Augen gave him a lazy hand gesture, and the plate slid over to him. On Augen’s plate of spring wraps lay six large seared shrimp. Sliced in half both for presentation and facility, the three girthy wraps were stuffed with a combination of mushroom slices, seaweed, and fried mealworms.
"And then, the benedict's yours. Extra sauce?"
"Yes, thank you," 'Choly lauded with a heavily modulated affect, as the other mess of a plate came his way. A viscous pale yellow-green mess blanketed two nondescript mounds of protein and bread, and along its side the cook had scattered soft, colorful citrus gummies. "So glad I can still get breakfast here this late."
"Is there anyth--" Bert broke off, unable not to stare at Augen, as he fished out a pair of napkin-rolled utensils to give them. Augen returned the stare, deadpan.
"...Spring wraps, and a side order of shrimp. It is you."
‘Choly gave the poor boy a glossy smile, about to praise how good it all looked, but he quickly drooped in recognition of the tension.
“So I took a bath today,” Augen dismissed, total fatigue in his voice. “Big deal.”
‘Choly coughed, cataract-bloom eyes wide as he took a stiff sip. Setting the pinzón back down, he tried to smile up at the waiter again, his voice cracking.
"Could we get more rinds?"
The waiter shook his head and shut his eyes, then nodded.
“--Sure thing.”
“And we already need another round of birds.” Augen traced the edge of the faded glass with one black-polished finger and a heavy-lidded, eyelined smirk.
The server flashed him a fake grin, poorly hiding his revelry that the city had defanged the loathsome goth.
“I’ll be right back.”
‘Choly fought with the self-conscious selfishness of directing the conversation to himself, but still he persisted, hoping to distract his friend from getting recognized by his typical order. ‘Choly unrolled his flatware to tuck the napkin beside his plate, and took up the table knife and fork with zeal. He didn’t want to admit it, but as had become typical in the past few weeks, the only thing he’d put in his stomach so far by that time of day was a slice of wax and half a cup of coffee. Augen took precise bites, holding his food gingerly with thoroughly ring-encrusted hands. His face stitched with a faint sweat which could have been from stress, the heat of the food, or even from the start of enebriation. 'Choly observed in distant and fascinated contemplation, unsure whether his friend derived his mannerisms from humanity or the vestiges of having so recently once been a hybrid. Augen shot him a vague glance, and he cringed from getting caught watching. ‘Choly pushed the sauce-drenched larva-hash back up on the one round bready thing he’d been cutting bites from, sheepish.
“If you don’t wanna talk about it, there’s gotta be something you can do to take your mind off it instead? Have you tried... writing, since...?”
Augen finished off the first drink right when Bert swung by two replacements and more rinds and salsa. ‘Choly hadn’t even drunk half of his first pinzón yet, and he nudged his new one his friend’s way, knowing the rate this meal was going. “Most of the time,” the goth mumbled, welcoming the offer, “my writing takes a particular head space. And I sure as fuck haven’t been in it.”
“I mean, like. Not in a carnal sense. Sort of in a carnal sense. An emotional sense? A purgative sense?”
Augen kept his eyes on his food, but his ears patently on his friend. ‘Choly’s hallmark withdrawn posture and tone signaled vague, incumbent rambling. With welcome resignation the goth listened, as he’d aspired from the start. After all, ‘Choly always had been the long-winded one of them.
“You... You remember how I was writing stories about me gettin’ with the Geek, but then I stopped abruptly? The last wip I posted before I stopped was right after I found out that the Geek and the Larva were the same person. Early on, the reasons I couldn’t reconcile with finishing the piece were ‘cause of how badly my first encounter with him went, but then fantasy turned into reality and he... caught me stalkin’ him and. You remember that right?” ‘Choly fished his reader from his bag, and tried to locate a picture in his camera roll. “I know I sent you a selfie of the black eye he gave me...”
“...You couldn’t shut up about it for a month. Heh.”
‘Choly looked up from his reader with a dull gloss to his features, and sniffed. “He even tracked me down, what, five weeks later? An’ things got super weird--" He chewed at his labret. "...I’m still trying to process everything that happened two years ago.”
“This is about the walls, isn’t it.”
“Not quite. And yet. Exactly. I just. I owe it to him to get the details right, don’t I? It feels real lousy to even consider writing a nonfictional account of him, and yet.” He popped an orange gummy in his mouth, and licked the thick, tangy sauce off his swan-splinted fingertip. “I feel like I need to get the very concept of him in print, to get it out from inside of me. I know it’s already been two years since the walls went up, but I don’t think it’s possible for me to forget all that... death, even for a day.” A grapefruit one, this time. “How do you stay motivated to write something that hurts and arouses you, both in ways nothing else has ever really managed to?”
Augen dipped a spring roll in his salsa, and started working on the third drink. Not glancing up from his food, his brows piqued with heavy lids.
“A difficult question. Perhaps a better reply would be another question: Who’re you writing this for?”
‘Choly set down his utensils and stared down his food.
“I’d say it was for me, but I feel like I need to put his ghost to rest. I’d say it was for him, but it’s also in hopes of jamming my brain because something more accurate could exist of him than anything I’ve written of him prior. And I’d... say it was for you, or any of my followers, but I... don’t even know if I can bring myself to post the results.” The dreg sneaked the Confec from his bag and set it beside his plate. “I... I gotta have another slice.”
That got Augen’s attention.
“Mmh. Mind sharing?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
‘Choly sliced through the partial ball a few times with his thumbs against the spine of the knife, and Augen reached over to help himself to one. Wincing at the bitterness, he chewed it up and washed it down with more liquor. 'Choly simply slouched back and let the stringent melt go for a few minutes, thinking it nearly paired with the citrus cubes.
“Cecil knows about us,” Augen began, eyes stitched shut, “but you never did tell Cecil about the Geek, did you? Have you ever wanted to?”
“I told him about Chalcedony. And he may not have said anything, but I know he knows about me an’ the Geek. Can’t not. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how open he is to it all. It’s like he believes leaving me untethered keeps me more faithful. He’s... not wrong, I guess.” ‘Choly looked up when he heard Augen stifle a choke, and suddenly he regretted sharing. His friend’s face was glistening, grey eyes wide. “Are you-- all right?”
“How’s everything tasting so far?” Bert interjected in passing, trying to hide concern when he he paused noticing Augen’s demeanor.
“Don't mind him." 'Choly quickly stashed the Confec back in his bag, unsure whether having it would cause them trouble. "I think something just went down the wrong way.”
The boy frowned at the Augen, who blanched and rubbed at his Adam’s apple a bit. On cue, Augen forced a cough.
“I... It's nothing."
Augen tapped a finger on his glass, not looking to Bert, and the waiter plucked up their empty glasses with a nod and excused himself, shaking his head in delirious incredulity at what had become of their once most troublesome patron.
“Seriously... Are you okay? You know you’re supposed to let that stuff melt slow.”
Rather than reply, the goth took one of ‘Choly’s wristbraced hands in both of his own, and guided it to hold his strained throat. He sustained breathless, tormented eye contact.
“It's wearing off faster than I was planning. Thought for sure I'd at least get to slagging finish eating. I'll... I'll take it.”
On to Part 2 »»»
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20 Wonderful event. Number 16 is Absolutely Spectacular.
Seven Taboos Regarding celebration You Ought to Never ever Share On Twitter.
Every new bride looks for the excellent outfit, the perfect cake, the ideal place for her wedding celebration. Golden oldies celebration materials and designs could consist of anything from tableware things such as plates as well as mugs to party banners as well as balloons. If your beach celebration is being held at your swimming pool play a CD which contains the audio of waves and seagulls as this will certainly do a fantastic work of transforming your backyard celebration right into a coastline event. These types of invites are significantly like the standard celebration invitations with the only distinction being that you are sending the card by means of the net. Know what offering items you are going to utilize for each and every recipe being served so that there isn't really any kind of frantic presuming during the celebration. The DUP is the biggest political celebration in the declined Northern Ireland assembly and also returning 10 MPs in Thursday's vote is the group's best-ever Westminster performance, making it the fifth-largest celebration in the House of Commons. Because Under the Sea parties are generally for more youthful children having actually a sandy tinted vinyl tarp on the floor of the celebration area will certainly create a great sandy coastline. Ocala has great deal of lounges, resorts, bars as well as clubs to satisfy each and every person's event demands. Many event hosts will certainly locate that using numerous Golden Oldies icons such as record cds, Cadillac vehicles, poodles as well as other saddle oxfords are a terrific method of enhancing for the event. This will certainly enable visitors to find your home very conveniently in addition to the directions that are on their event invitations. A simple suggestion for enhancing your house for a Xmas celebration is to hang strings of tea lights from the outside roof covering. Because some grass materials could be acquired with the acre and also a couple of by a large number of square feet, it's a smart suggestion to understand exactly how you can transform the amount of square feet into acres. Twilight is a big hit, both the books and also the motion pictures, and also this is a terrific party concept, especially if you are holding an event for a young adult. Even if you do not have a backyard, or a backyard large enough for the type of party you desire, once you obtain imaginative you'll see there are numerous outdoor alternatives for a children's event. Pay unique attention to the kitchen and bathroom, as well as ensure there are added towels or other materials that a guest may discover helpful.
10 Various Ways To Do event.
Websites that supply deep discount rates will also be an outstanding location to locate the supreme Christmas celebration gown. Invitations: Send out Easter themed event invites well prior to the Easter party scheduled day. Graduation event: For a college graduation event small party city hours san jose (http://wellnessnyheter.xyz/botemedel-mot-erektil-dysfunktion-hos-unga-man) support tokens can be considered that have the day of the college graduation event. Consist of a note on the invite and also obtain words out when you discuss the celebration to people. Locating the best event clown for your kid's birthday celebration celebration can really be testing because of your requirements. Gorging on scrap drinking, dancing and also food alcohol is one way of appreciating a bachelorette party yet a different suggestion could be a relaxing trip to the spa. Given that a birthday celebration party is a special event sometimes having special as well as personal invitations sent to your guests could make them feel as if you have actually made the effort to intend on a special invitation that is simply produced them. I progetti realizzati durante il celebration sono state delle scatoline disadvantage carta igenica riciclata (a brain sono serviti benissimo anche i rotoli di cartone vuoti dello scotch), quelle di Silvia e Giorgia erano bellissime! Also, we had thirty individuals one year and rented a Limousine Bus with stripper posts makinged for a fun time. Having adults around in a child's event is practical, if there are activities that require grown-up supervision. Therefore, from the easy to the complex having a variety of event prefers, decorations as well as finger foods will certainly make any type of party very unique as well as will certainly include a great deal to the occasion. Buy Low-cost Event Hats for Kid, Sweet wholesale, Birthday celebration Celebration Games, Reward Bags, Wholesale Uniqueness Toys and more. The hotel is 18km north of Mombasa City and 30km from Mombasa's international flight terminal. You have additionally one more choice readily available to obtain John Deere private event support items that are available individually to purchase to ensure that you can contribute to packages as you see fit. For instance, printing out treasure maps and hanging them on your wall surfaces (or fencings, if you are holding the party exterior.) Attempt producing some basic surroundings from cardboard or felt to make your residence or yard look like a forest or forest sort of area with added trees and also such.
7 Massive Influences Of celebration.
. Party influences celebration organizers to produce distinct children birthday celebrations in TELEVISION & Flick personalities. Whilst the bridal shower is still a basic event for new brides, a bachelorette event is an extra relaxeded celebration. Actually, youngsters party materials must be equally as playful as well as youth drivened as the vibrant youngsters they celebrate and also honor; and should rate among one of the most vibrant as well as eye-catching birthday celebration materials of all.
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