#and then hed rip out my spine or something
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lookingformoondrop · 10 months
+ Yandere Andy (for my previous request for suggestive themes with a fem reader and him :33)
Yandere!Andrew Graves x f!reader - Drabble thing
TW: TOXIC ANDY, Yandere themes, obsession, possession, manipulative Andy, suggestive themes, foul language, Andy can't keep his hands to himself, threats & intimidation, Andy calls Reader dumb bunny, not proofread.
♥︎Notes: I think out of all the yandere content ive ever written, this is the most toxic. Please readers, if your irl relationship mirrors any of this behavior, LEAVE THEM. Andy is extremely toxic, and if given the chancs hed lock up his bunny for only him to see. I dont condon any of this behavior, but i support Andrew's rights and wrongs. Hope this meets your expectations <3.♥︎
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When dating Andy, there are certain types of rules you must follow.
They're silent rules, sure, never spoken outloud, but you've been with Andy long enough to know that if you break them... there are consequences.
Rule No. 1 : Never dare speak to another man
You can still remember this rule vividly.
It was sometime in April, and you had practically begged Andy to drive you to the mall for new spring dresses.
When he finally agreed, you both drove to the mall and walked around for an hour, just window shopping all the sweet spring deals.
You found a lovely dress and went to try it on. Unfortunately, you realized the size was too small, so you asked Andy to browse the store for something bigger.
This is when the incident happened...
When you finally finished changing, you walked out of the clothing booth with a couple of other items and one adorable shirt that lacked a price.
You searched for a store employee and spotted a young man.
"Excuse me, but is there any way you can find the price of this shirt? I can't seem to find it," you handed the shirt to the employee, and his cheeks turned a dusted pink
"W- Well sure. I can just ask my co-worker to-"
"Fuck off."
You jumped at the cold voice beside you and noticed a very pissed off Andrew. His hand was suddenly on your hip, squeezing your flesh very aggressively.
"I- I'm sorry, sir, but I was talking to this young lady, not you," the young worker looked nervous.
But Andrew was having none of it, "fuck off before I forcibly make you." His eyes narrowed on the man, as he pushed you against his chest.
The employee retreated for the employee back door, his tail practically in between his legs, leaving you absolutely dumbfounded.
You pushed at Andy's chest, "Andrew what the fuck?! He wasn't doing anything wrong, he was literally just helping me find the price tag for some-"
"Do you like pissing me off? I disappeared for not even 5 minutes, and you're letting men drool over you? "
His grip on your hip got tighter, assuring that it would leave a mark for later.
At a loss of words, Andrew leaned in and whispered into your ear,
"You're making me sad, Y/N... Do you honestly want another man?"
His voice sent shivers down your spine, making that spot between your legs ache, and that chilling feel graze your skin with goosebumps.
"Andrew, I don't want anyone else! Please don't be sad, I'm sorry for misleading you," Your eyes got glossy from the guilt that weighed down on you.
He sighed, disappointed. He gripped your wrist, using the hand that was on your hip to rip the clothes you had out of your hand and onto a random display table.
"You're not a very good girlfriend. But I love you anyway."
He walked towards the exit, caressing your hand while he did.
You quickly leaned that Andrew was not going to tolerate any sort of social interaction with other men, and if you broke this rule, he'd be very, very disappointed in you. Simple as that.
Rule No. 2 : Where you're going, what you're doing, who you're with, and why is all of Andy's business.
A year into your relationship, you decided to take a spontaneous girls trip with your friends to a different state.
You'd only be gone for a couple of days, and since Andrew was always busy working, you figured that he wouldn't mind.
Thinking this, you texted Andrew.
I'm sorry I haven't texted you. How was your day? **
It was good! I'm actually packing right now for a trip. **
.... **
What trip? **
A girls' trip. I figured since you're busy all the time, I could take this weekend to vacation! **
.... Where will you be going? **
My friends cabin**
Who will you be going with?**
My friends? **
Whose Cabin? Which friends? Whats their number? How can I contact them? How many nights are you staying? What's the wi-fi situation like? How far away, is it? What's the exact location? Who knows about this trip? When will you be coming back? Will there be any men there? Is it just girls? Will you be changing in front of them? Will you be sleeping separately? Whose car are you taking? How will you get there? By what transportation? Do your friends have boyfriends? Are there any wild animals?**
I... Andrew, how could I answer all these questions? I dont... I dont know.**
Then you shouldn't be going. **
It's in a location I've never been to nor seen before. So many things can happen to you, my dummy bunny. It may be a cabin, but I know you can't handle being alone for so long. Save me the trouble, Y/N, you're not going. **
I'm only looking out for you. You're the love of my life. How could i possibly live with myself if something happened to you? Y/N, you're the air that I breathe, the food i consume, the blood i need to pump my heart. Are you trying to run away from me? **
No! Andy I swear I'm not! I won't go if it makes you uncomfortable. I just thought... **
You don't think many things through, dummy. You're such a headache sometimes. **
So, what's for dinner? I'm hungry. *
Rule No. 3 : You belong to Andy, and only Andy.
"Hey Andy! Guess what I found?!" You walked up to Andy who was lounging on the coach watching some shitty news.
"What's that, Y/N?" He lazily turned his head towards you.
In your hand was an old photograph of you and an old prom date, taken long before you ever met Andrew.
You were cleaning your bedroom and found a couple of old boxes underneath your bed. Once of which, held many old memories of your youth.
"It's all the prom pictures my mom took of me! Don't I look cute?" You leaned your upper body over the coach back and showed Andy the dusty photos.
You expected a snort, a grin, maybe some mockery for your cheesy dress but instead Andrew tensed up his jaw, his eyes narrowing.
He grabbed the photos from your hand and slowly looked through them.
"You are very pretty, Y/N...." his hand squeezed the photos, to the point of crinkling them.
"Andrew, the photos are being!-"
Suddenly Andrew stood up and quickly crossed the distance between you two, letting the photos be dropped to the floor.
You gasped as Andrew smashed his lips against yours.
He grabbed onto your face, pressing his body into yours.
His lips were warm and slightly chapped, the brief smell of mint and cigarettes overpowering your head.
He broke the kiss, a strange hunger dancing in his eyes as he looked at you.
"You're so beautiful... You're so beautiful being mine, and mine alone. Mine, mine, mine, and mine, until the world comes crashing and burning. " He grinned at you, a dark shadow crossing his face.
"Andrew! I- I know im yours, but the photos are being stepped on-" You tried protesting, but instead, you felt Andrew kiss you again, this time going deeper. His hand squeezed your cheeks, attempting to make your jaw open, in a way asking for entrance.
You couldn't help but open your mouth wider, a victim to the rose colored glasses he always placed on you.
Your eyes closed, while Andrews' opened.
He stared at you with a strange intensity.
You, of course, could never hear his thoughts, but if his words were spoken outloud he would scream how much he wanted to rip that prom date to shreds.
Watch him bleed out of your hardwood floors until it stained from that fuckers punishment.
You belonged to HIM.
You were HIS.
And darling, he would go to heaven and drag you back to hell with him if he had to.
He broke the kiss and squeezed you into a hug,
"Promise you wont ever leave me, okay?" Andrew rested his head on your shoulder. You breathed heavily, wiping the saliva from your chin.
You nodded in a daze, the ache between your legs overpowering any kind of hesitancy you had.
Andrew smiled into your neck, reaching his hands under your ass to prop you up around his waist.
"Come on... I want to continue this in the bedroom. I want to see more of you..." He said in just above a whisper.
"Only you..."
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Thank you for the ask (and patience)!<3
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tw: needles
Today is Injection Day. 
I haven’t been injecting for that long, honestly. I had about six months of it, and then my rheumatologist didn’t sign the PA for another six months or tell me for two that I needed another TB test (I guess I have to have that every year to renew treatment? I don’t know, he doesn’t tell me anything), and then I moved to another state, and so I didn’t have it for almost a year of all of that combined and now this is my second injection back on it. 
I am okay with it every day but Injection Day. I am badass, I am metal, I am punk, I am Taken Seriously, I am brave enough to stab myself with a needle full of liquid that may or may not hurt going in for 15 seconds (this new formula isn’t supposed to hurt, I never had to suffer the original one), and then I put a cool space band-aid on it (from a brand that is so expensive but I have to use because normal band-aids rip my skin off, and I need something cute or pretty in order to deal with injecting), and for three or four days after the injection spot will itch like crazy and it will feel like I’m carving holes into my skin from scratching so hard and so often. A black hole of itchiness. 
But my spine will not fuse. Not if it itches. Not if I take this medication as directed every two weeks for the rest of my life. 
I am only angry on Injection Days. 
Angry that this is how I have to bear the brunt of the trauma of my life up until now. Angry that I don’t get to be like everyone else, that this is the manifestation I have to be worried about now. Angry that doctors can take this away by not bothering to do their job. Angry that I can’t travel without thinking of if I can take my medication or how to bring it or worry over if it’s frozen or thawed or unusable or how I’m going to keep it refrigerated or how I have to keep track of time to take it and which leg I took it on last and call to get it refilled and how to pick it up or have it shipped because I am not allowed to fill it at my normal pharmacy or how to afford it when the copay assistance program runs out. 
How I hurt when I can’t have it, the hell of going back into constant flares. 
How I can’t sleep through the night if I stop taking it from the pain and stiffness in my back and my hips. How my ribs get so stiff that I can’t breathe, how I roll onto the floor from my bed (I have to always make sure I can roll onto the floor from my bed) and stop breathing just from the pain in my back that even Prednisone and hot showers can’t take away. How I feel it in my hands first, and how I can't even pull a blanket onto me because of the pain.
I am fucking livid on Injection Days because I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS. I don’t want this to be my life. Injecting myself every other week and not being able to do anything else about it. An endless cycle of get it out of the fridge an hour before to warm it up, that’s supposed to make it hurt less-find a spot that won’t hurt to pierce-prep-dry-look at the liquid, is the liquid clear, is the liquid safe-pinch skin with aching, shaking, unsteady hEDS hands-press to skin-hold finger on button-hyperventilate-please god don’t mess this up-press the button-press the button-press the goddamn button-press the fucking button-press the button-wait-wait-wait-is it 15 seconds yet-lift-is the yellow indicator visible-did you do it correctly it’s so simple you dumb fuck-hope the medication made it in you-should you be worried about the drop on your skin-bandaid-wait-there it is, the itchiness, thank god, that means it worked-itch-itch-itch-okay good you finally stopped itching-time to do it again.
There is a patient at the physical therapy clinic I work at who took my same biologic for a different autoimmune disease and it gave him yet another autoimmune disease. He is younger than me (and I am still young) and cannot walk. I am worried that one day it might happen to me. It could, just as easily as the medication could help me keep the disease at bay. Not cure it, never cure it. Just keep it from disintegrating the function of my spine and fusing it into a stick of bamboo. That’s what they call it: bamboo spine.
I am so tired of the loneliness of this experience. Of what it means for me in a pandemic that no one else cares about anymore. I am scared, and lonely, and I don’t want to inject myself anymore. But this is it. This is the rest of my life. It’s too unfair to be bearable.
And I’m angry. Not just because I have to do it. 
But because it will never, ever end.
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em0avacado · 4 years
They say
( Coco Cruz x Reader )
a/n : this is how i cope, don’t mind me, i’m just breaking my own heart.
trigger warnings : none i don’t think? except heart break, sadness. ends happy tho. i think. maybe.
word count : 2.4k
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They say that, if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be, if it doesn’t? well you just couldn’t accept that. You’d poured every ounce of yourself into him, you’d told him all your fears, all your pet peeves, all your insecurities, because you trusted him. You’d accepted all his weird quirks, all the strange habits he had that you looked past, youd accepted him for who he was, as you do when you love someone as much as you loved him. You supported him, mentally and physically, from up close and from far away. You encouraged him, reminded him of little things he easily forgot, you told him every day how proud you were of him, how loved and appreciated he was.
He used to do the same for you, used to. But at some point, he began holding back, he stopped doing things he started doing to win you over. You used to have a list of pet names hed call you when he babied you, now it was just ‘baby’ if he was in a good mood, or [Y/N]. You noticed it as soon as it started, you noticed everything. You knew he was stressed so you didn’t want to push it, but you also know that “stressed” was a norm for Coco, so you couldn’t wrap your head around it entirely. He started coming home later, crashing on the couch in hopes of “not disturbing your sleep.” it sounded like an excuse to you, and it hurt. it really fucking hurt you.
At some point, you’d had enough of your boyfriend distancing himself like that, ignoring your feelings, ditching you when you needed him, you couldn’t live that way, you wouldn’t. So, when he came home, you’d waited up for him, sitting at the small kitchen table you both used to enjoy your breakfast on every Sunday, now it stood empty, with nothing but a stack of newspapers from the passing weeks piled on it. With a bit of liquid courage crashing against the rocks of ice as you swirled the brown liquid around in the cup, your eyes felt red with fire, and your cheeks were stained with few dried tears that rolled down your face as your mind came up with the worst possible results you could imagine, all to which, came true. With a jingle of his keys in the lock, you straightened your posture, looking at him.
“What’re you doing up?” he asked her, that same vacant look on his face.
“I wanted to talk”
“it can wait till morning.”
“it really can’t.” with that, she was met with utter annoyance, and an obnoxious scoff that made her blood boil.
“go on then.”
“you’ve distanced yourself, so hard. I barely see you. We don’t sleep in the same bed, I can’t remember the last time you touched me, hell, even looked at me like you used to. What’d I do?” that was your go to, blaming yourself. It’s how you dealt with the unexplained.
“Get off my ass, [Y/N].” He dismissed you, you watched as he pulled off his kutte, and settled into the couch. You kept your eyes on him, murder on your mind. God he irritated you, you wanted to take his neck between your hands and wring it. Maybe that’d breathe some sense into him, if you deprived him of oxygen a little. But you didn’t need another felony charge, you inhaled deeply, balling your fists, the sting of your nails digging into the palm of your hand bringing you back from picturing all the ways you’d brutally murder him, out of love, of course.
If you loved someone... you’d refrain from strangling them, you turned from the spot you stood, and headed into the bedroom. You did the breathing exercises your therapist had taught you, but they worked only slightly. You grabbed a duffel bag, and started shoving clothing into it, as much as you could, you pushed all the belongings you’d need the next few days, and zipped it up. Pulling on a hoodie, you tossed the bag over your shoulder, and headed out. You walked passed him without a word, when you went to grab your car keys, you did the only petty thing you’d let yourself, trying to be the better person, you hid every single key to everything you had, knowing how easily he lost keys, you’d help him, in your own favour, however.
You left, and you didn’t look back. You couldn’t. The mere thought of Coco made you tear up, and it didn’t help that every tiny thing made you think about the lost love that still caused your chest to feel like it was about to concave. This wasn’t natural, you hadn’t felt like this, you were the queen of bottling up emotions, and ignoring them so you didn’t feel the pain of anything. But as you lived and breathed, everything reminded you of him.
You were in the middle of a girls lunch date, it’d been weeks since your seen your girlfriends since you’ve been trying to isolate yourself trying to get over this man, in the midst of drinking mimosas on the balcony of one of those entirely too fancy restaurants, you were laughing at highschool memories of your best friend who would start fights in the halls because she was bored, it was then, when a roar of motorcycles sped past where you were sitting, and it threw you into a whirl wind of emotions.
“make sure you hold on tight, mamas. Wouldnt want you to fall off.” the smirk heard in Coco’s voice sent a chill down your spine, being too intimidated by any sort of physical contact, usually, you usually ease yourself into it, but with Coco? It was brash and sudden, he started the bike, and gave you maybe a millisecond to grab a hold on him.
A little squeal forced its way out of your mouth as you quickly grabbed onto him, gripping onto your own hands, clinging to him. You buried your face in his shoulder. You felt him chuckle, and wanted to knock him out right then and there, but perhaps that wasn’t the best idea. It took you a moment, but once you opened your eyes, and watched as buildings, cars, people, hills and piles of dirt passed you by, trees whipping by. You felt yourself calm, you felt at peace. The wind flipped through your locks of hair, his scent filling your senses.
“This isn’t that bad.” you heard yourself admit in a soft mumble, you shut your eyes and felt the wind attack your face, balancing your inner battles with yourself. You felt peace in Coco, he tamed your chaos, and you his. God, what you’d give to feel like this all the time, but you only felt it with him.
You felt your throat burn, your bottom lip lodged itself between your teeth, and you did your best to fight the rage that tinged your eyes with tears. Your friends saw this, noticing immediately, the emotion that washed over your face, paling your features and dimming a smile that brought them laughter that lasted for days. You’d always been the group clown, with the loudest laugh, the brightest smiles, you were the one they’d all turn to when they couldn’t hold themselves up. You were a force to be reckoned with, you fought their battles when they couldn’t even hold themselves up. You never failed to show up with booze and ice cream to heal broken hearts. You brought things that made you think of friends, you remembered the finest details and came through every time. You listened to the quietest ones, heard every story, laughed at the lamest jokes. Seeing you with tears streaming involuntarily down your face as you tried to hide it, wiping them as fast as they came, it broke their collective hearts. They looked at one another, an unspoken question “how do you skip to the part of the storm that sprouts the flowers when the rain stops?”
Your relationship with sleep was toxic, it came and went as it pleased, your eyes were sunken, it was three A.M. and you felt your thoughts running through your mind a million miles a minute. Your head in your hands as another memory floated to the surface.
Panic overwhelmed you, hearing something, or someone, rustling around the kitchen, you grabbed the gun you kept tucked under your mattress. You cocked it, and took the safety off, holding it out in front of you in a defensive position. You opened your creaking door, the noise working at your nerves as you creeped into the kitchen where the only thing that illuminated the dark room was the bulb from the old white fridge. You watched silently as the head ducked from inside the fridge, you found it peculiar, but all you saw was a figure in your home you didn’t know. Getting closer, you held the barrel of the gun to the head of the man that stood in your kitchen.
“Hands up, Foo. Before I blow your brains all over my backsplash.” You threatened, your voice tense, and you were met with laughter that was all too familiar. Furrowing your brows, you were still panicked, not thinking straight. You shifted the gun so the bullet that was about to fly, only ripped through his hair. The shot rang loud, causing Coco, who you didn’t know was Coco, to crash to the ground.
“Crazy bitch!” he shouted, you flicked on the light, still having the gun pointed at him. Your eyes widened quickly, the man on your floor was Coco, and now there was a bullet lodged into your ceiling. You could kiss your security deposit goodbye, fuck, and you just shot at Coco. You put the safety back on, and set it on your counter before going to help him. A few minutes passed before both of you sat in fits of laughter, him mocking your voice, your words.
Coco told you so many times that the night you nearly shot him in the head, was the night he fell for you entirely. Sure, he’d known you were the one way before that. That night, though, he knew he was in love with you. That night he swore he’d break past your barriers, he’d demolish how you saw yourself, he taught you to love you, he made you promises to show you love like no other, and to show you that you didn’t have to be afraid of either physical and emotional aspects of love. He did do exactly that, but then ripped it away from her. Leaving her heart with him, and her chest feeling heavy with nothing. Once again tears were brought to your eyes, you were thankful for his love, but without it? you wished you’d never had experienced it in the first place. Maybe you wouldn’t be hurting now.
You were brought out of your train of thought by the knocking on your door, furrowing your brows, you got up from your spot on the counter, where you were thinking of better times, you looked through the peephole and it felt like someone took a vacuum to your weak lungs. Coco. Struggling to breathe proper, you just intended on ignoring him, it was the first time in months youd seen him and you didn’t know if you could handle it. Your heart screamed at you to let him in, he looked beat up, tired, and one of his eyes was bandaged up, he looked broken. you wanted to embrace him, forget the distance, but your mind scolded you, reminding you of the progress youd made, bouncing back from the pain oh so slowly. This could set it all back. So you decided, you wouldn’t open the door. He’s a big boy. You silently turn on your heel, away from the door.
“I’m sorry.” you heard him rasp, and you froze in your spot, a deer caught in headlights. You couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. “I know you’re there, I know you’re awake and I know you know it’s me. You have your kitchen light on, so I saw you stand on your toes to look through the peephole because you’re too short.” you cursed his observant ways, how well he knew you, like he had quirk notes tattooed on the back of his hand and read them like a bible. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice when you left, that I was too deep in my own world to see how me fading away for my own selfish needs was hurting you. I’m sorry I made it seem like I didn’t care, that it hurt you, I’m sorry that I made promises and broke them. I started thinking about things I never knew I wanted until you marched your stubborn self in my life and gave me a taste of a love that changed me. It scared the fuck out of me.”
That familiar burn of emotion lit up your head, and singed your chest. You let his words sink in, you couldn’t speak, not yet. Squeezing shut your eyes, you turned back to the door, setting your hand on the knob. You felt the door shift, like he’d gotten up from leaning his head against the poorly tinted wood. He got it, you could feel him prepare to walk away. If you love something, let it go. But Coco came back. He came back. You unlocked it, and turned the knob. Looking at him through sore eyes. “Running when you’re scared isn’t an option for me.” you said, defeat obvious in your voice. He stopped, turned to you and closed in quick. You pushed his hands away. “You can’t - You can’t just show me, tell me, and hold it to me that i shouldn’t shut you out, and i should trust you, and i should turn to you before anyone and anything else only to turn around and do that to me. You can’t do that and come running back.” you practically yelled at him, your voice shaking and raw.
“I know, I know I’m sorry.” he said, his hands dropping to his sides when you reached forward and yanked him in with all your might. The gesture was aggressive, sure. But pure.
“i’m sorry too.” you muttered, embracing him tightly.
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kats-randomology · 5 years
It had been a week since his escape from the House of Fortune. He'd since gotten himself a new yacht, and was currently enroute to Duckburg, seeing as Donald and the rest of the fam had flown the coop and left him here. He supposed he couldn't blame them, the whole hotel trap deal had gotten a tad...out of hand. But things had turned out alright, everyone was safe and not enslaved to a luck eating demon, all's well that ends well, right?
 .....at least, it should've been. 
 Despite the fact he was well away from Macaw and the hotel and Liu Hai....Gladstone still found himself on an edge of sorts. He'd be fixing some tea, or sunbathing, or just watching TV, when out nowhere he'd just be struck with an overwhelming feeling like he was being watched. Like a million eyes were on him from everywhere. It set his spine on ice and had him constantly looking over his shoulder and jumping at the slightest movement in the corner of his eye. There were times it got to be so much he'd just retreat to his bed and bury himself in blankets, attempting to hide from the invisible eyes, until either the feeling passed, or he eventually fell asleep; usually it was the latter. 
 It was a familiar feeling that had begun in the hotel, with Liu Hai's numerous constructs watching his every move, and even Liu Hai himself had occasionally popped into his room out of nowhere, or would make comments on his supposed to be secret escape attempts.
 "I have eyes everywhere, Mr. Gander..."
 He thought he'd left that paranoia behind when he left Macaw, but apparently, it had followed him, and that would've been enough to deal with.
 But then the dreams started. 
 The eyes he couldn't see suddenly became very visible; hundreds of glowing eyes surrounded him, watching his every move, staring into his very core. Taunting him, daring him to make a move. The only move he could make was to run, run fast, and try to get away from their prying gazes. But they followed, never blinking, never looking away, just staring, staring and laughing and piercing--
 Worse than the eyes was the large smoky form that would appear before him, its own eyes as large and imposing at itself. Grinning down at him with sharpened teeth and laughing as it engulfed him in its form, swirling around him at a blinding pace, so fast he couldn't make anything out, sucking the air from his lungs as chains and hands weighed him down, everything would go black and--
 He'd wake up in a cold sweat, gasping for air, and heart thumping so loud he could feel it in his head. It'd be hours before he could sleep again, if he even wanted to.
 Other times, he got more physical reminders of the past events. 
 Gladstone scowled at the small marks trailing along his neck and down his upper arm. They didn't hurt, really, but the memories they brought up--
 The teeth sinking into his skin, the hands keeping him immobile in their iron clad grip, the nauseated feeling that washed over him as he was drained to the dregs. The screams and cries for help no one ever responded to--
 He shook his head, attempting to dispel them as he hastily pulled his shirt on. No reason to dwell. He was Gladstone Gander, he didn't let little things bother him, right?
 But no amount of rubbing or scratching would quell the itchy tingling sensation that claimed his arm when he'd think back to those times. It drove him mad, it did.
 He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.
 Docking in Duckburg, Gladstone breathed in the familiar air with a sigh of relief. Being home was good, that would surely drive off all those unwanted emotions and bad dreams.
 Uncle Scrooge's mansion loomed over the city, and the sight gave him a slight twinge of guilt. The fam was probably still a little upset, even a week later; they probably wouldn't wanna see him just yet. Especially Donald....
 But....seeing him would be good for Gladstone after everything....
 Well he'd dealt with Donald's temper before. Once more wouldn't be a big deal, even be welcomed.
 He'd gotten a less than thrilled greeting from Uncle Scrooge, but it wasn't nearly as enraged as he'd expected. If anything, he was passive, simply directed him to the pool where he found Donald's houseboat. He chuckled at the sight, and approached the door.
 He stood there for a moment, hesitant now that he was actually here. Donald was probably still mad, what with the challenge and him getting stuck there for all of five minutes. And the unintentional embarrassment he caused in their round through the casino.
 But...he really needed to see him. Needed the familiarity. Needed SOMETHING to help him feel normal again. Even if it was anger. 
 And so he knocked. 
 A minute passed before it finally opened to reveal a tired looking Donald. 
 And the door was abruptly slammed in his face. 
 Well, he had wanted normality...
 He knocked again, lighter this time, and offered a grin instead as Donald begrudgingly pulled it open.
 "Hey, cous, how's it shaking up here in high society living?"
 "Peachy, thanks for dropping by, see ya--"
 "Wait, wait, wait--!"
 He quickly grabbed the door, keeping it open as he scrambled to find a way in.
 "Look I know you're not my biggest fan right now--"
 "I never was."
 "--but I just wanted to drop in and see how you're holding up!"
 "....so you picked the middle of the night?"
 "It's only....seven thirty, barely sunset hours right?"
 "That doesn't mean I wanna visit, especially with you; also what's with the turtle neck, it's like eighty degrees out."
 "Oh....y-you know me, always on the cutting edge of good looks. Now you gonna invite me in or should I grab a poolchair?"
 Donald only gave him a quirked brow this time, but to his surprise and delight, did finally step aside to let him through. Grinning lazily as he always did, he sauntered his way in, and made his way for the table as Donald shut the door behind them.
 Not much had changed since hed last seen the place. Small, homey, and a bit dated for his liking but otherwise charming. Very Donald, he thought. 
 "So, Spitfire, how are things? Uncle McGruff wasn't exactly chatty in the two minutes he actually acknowledged me."
 "Well we had an exciting unplanned visit to Ethiquack."
 "Oh? That sounds great; how's Selene, the lovely Moondrop?"
 "Dunno, got kinda distracted with not getting killed by Zeus or hugged to death by Storkules."
 "Oh yeah, Zeus...did not care for Zeus..."
 "Neither did anyone else, apparently, they all left."
 Gladstone snorted as he toyed with one of the placemats. Awkward silence followed, broken occasionally by him clearing his throat or making comments on random decor. Donald busied himself making tea, both knowing they'd need it to get through this visit. 
 Gladstone offered a small thanks as he set the mugs down, and sighed in content as he took a drink. 
 "Man, no one makes it better than you, Donnie Boy. Really did miss this."
 "What, they didn't have tea in a big shot, fancy hotel in China?"
 The mention nearly made him choke; he hadn't been expecting that to pop into the conversation so soon. He managed to hide his shock behind another feigned cough, and flashed a stiff grin.
 "Well...yeah but it's not the same, ya know? Homemade and all."
 ".....I think that was literally the most homemade tea you could have."
 "Ok look I'm trying to compliment your cooking, alright?"
 Donald merely rolled his eyes as he took a tentative sip. Gladstone idly twirled the mug, watching the dark brew for a moment before speaking up again. 
 "Look...about the whole accidentally trapping you thing..."
 "Forget it, everything worked out fine, didn't it?"
 "Well, I mean...yeah but not exactly how I wanted it to. No one was supposed to swap with me or bring the kids into the mix--"
 "Like they were going to stay home when I mentioned you calling and Scrooge wanted to take them on a trip to a golden cricket temple?"
 "....ok that's fair. But I really never intended for things to happen like they did; I figured your...complicated luck would either rub off on me or wreck the place to the point Toad would just kick is all out. Either way seemed like a good option."
 "Whatever, it's fine; one more battle scar to add to my collection."
 "Ahhh, a few minor burn marks, you'll still have your decent looks. Ladies eat that stuff up, don't they?"
 "That's not what I meant."
 He set the mug down, and pulled his shirt down as far as it would go.
 Gladstone gaped at the sight of several shallow bite marks in Donald's shoulder.
 "Wha--where'd those come from?!"
 "I'll give ya three guesses and they all smell like soggy mint leaves."
 "....wait did Toad...?! That slimy son of a--- okay that's it I'm dragging him back from wherever he went and ripping him a new one so help me--!"
 "Take it easy, Gladstone, they're not even that deep. He barely broke skin before he started freaking out about my terrible luck. But, that's not why I brought it up,"
 He fixed Gladstone with a pointed frown, and the latter withdrew somewhat as he subconsciously tugged at his collar.
 "So....why did you...?"
 "I want to know why you're really here."
 "What...are you talking about? I-I just wanted to visit."
 "Lemme see you arm."
 "Let me see."
 "Don it's fine--"
 "Look I just wanted to drop in and say hi, not dwell on the past. It's no biggie--"
 He yelped as Donald abruptly snatched his arm and started tugging at his sleeves.
 "Hey cut it out! You're gonna stretch the material--!"
 "Let me see your dang arm--!"
 "No, it's fine!"
 Donald finally managed to snag his shirt collar, and jerked it down to reveal his neck and part of his shoulder. Like Donald, he too bore bite marks, but his were far deeper and older, scarred over with time. Gladstone froze for a moment, before abruptly lashing out with his foot and kicking the other away.
 "GET OFF...!"
 Donald backed off, riled up and ready to hurl an insult-- but stopped as he took in Gladstone's appearance. The bristled feathers, the defensive stance as he pressed a hand to the injured area, the distant, fearful look in his wide eyes.
 Like he'd been through this before.
 He seemed to snap out of it moments later, and quickly averted his eyes, instead scowling at the floor.
 "I'm leaving, I'll see you around."
 He brushed past, headed for the door at a brisk pace, intent on just leaving all this behind, this was a mistake, he shouldn't have come--
 Donald stepped in front of him, frowning but more concerned than angered. 
 "Gladstone, I don't want to argue with you right now."
 "Neither do I, D.D., really..."
 "Then tell me WHY you're here. Why'd you come to see me?"
 Gladstone didn't answer. His narrowed eyes were looking everywhere but Donald, who sighed and moved closer. He carefully placed a hand on his other, presumably uninjured shoulder, and only then did he finally meet his eyes. His were on the verge of breaking, letting all the pent up emotions spill out, but he forced them back. He couldn't let his emotions get the better of him, not with Don, HE was supposed to be the emotional one, Gladstone was always the one who maintained a calm demeanor no matter what. He didn't stress over things, didn't have worries, didn't let minor problems bother him--
 Donald tightened his grip, and lightly shook him back to the present. 
 "Gladdy, talk to me, please."
 He took a stuttered breath, and swallowed the feelings bubbling inside.
 "I just...wanted to see ya, see how things were going, how the kids are doing. You know, the usual."
 Donald's skepticism remained, and he directed Gladstone back to the sofa bench.  
 "Will you stop with the crud already and tell me what's going on?" he asked, sitting them down. Gladstone hesitated, biting at his lower lip, but Don's hand on his shoulder urged him to respond.
 "I.....needed to see you. Needed something I can handle...I can handle your temper tantrums, and Uncle Scrooge's nitpicking, and people loving and hating my luck. I can handle all that! I can't handle...whatever THIS is. The dreams, the paranoia-- I can't watch TV without feeling like I'M being watched, I haven't had a decent night's sleep in days and it's driving me crazy--!"
 He cut himself off with a sharp inhale; he glanced briefly at Donald, as if to gauge his reaction, before looking away again as a light blush formed.
 "S-so anyway, yeah, just...yeah..."
 "Why didn't you just say so?"
 Gladstone let out a shaky laugh, breath hitching at the end. 
 "Because I'm ME, I don't have worries or problems, right?! So what if I have a few bad dreams or get worked up over nothing being there even when it feels like there is! I've got it all, don't I?"
 Donald stared at him as he went on, before he sighed and shook his head, and lightly bumped him with his shoulder.
 "You dummy, being lucky doesn't change the fact you went through something horrible. You should already know that,"
 He said the latter half of the statement softly, being careful not to sound condescending.
 "If you were going through all that, you should've called me, or Grandma or Uncle Ludwig; you know we aren't gonna turn you away when you need us."
 "Well, you were closer and I just...I knew you were still gonna be mad, so I thought I'd let you cool off."
 "Well yeah I was mad, I don't like nearly getting cooked alive or eaten by a tiger when we could've avoided it all if you'd just said 'Hey, being held captive by a luck demon'."
 "I feel like you and everyone else missed the whole 'under surveillance 24/7 and I literally couldn't tell you without being caught' thing; I mean he even SAID he'd have found out, how did you not get that--?"
 "ANYWAY, the point is yes I was mad but that doesn't mean I'm gonna ignore you when you're upset. Your family, even if you're a pain in the neck half the time....okay a majority of the time. If you needed to talk, you know I'm always gonna listen."
 He could feel Gladstone shaking under his hand, and was still visibly fighting back everything wanting to burst out of him. He sighed, and forced Gladstone to meet his eye.
 "Gladstone, just talk; whatever you want to say just say it."
 Finally he let out trembling sound, some mix of a laugh and a sob, before letting his head drop onto the other's shoulder as it grew into what was most definitely a sob.
 "I was so scared, Don! I didn't know what to do, I'm not like you or Scrooge or.....I-I can't THINK my way out of problems like you guys! My luck always did it for me but it did the opposite there it just made things worse! Every time I got close to maybe getting out of there he'd turn it around on me and I'd be back to square one! He'd get so mad and he was scary when he was mad you don't even know; he'd have me gaming til I dropped or when I really ticked him off he'd get physical and drain me directly and I--!"
 He collapsed against Donald, who remained respectfully silent as he embraced him and rubbed his back.
 "I HATED those times, I hated it, it hurt so much! I tried fighting back but he'd just hold me tighter and I swear he was gonna break my arm once, I had bruises for a week! Sometimes he'd lock me up in some backroom for hours beforehand just to freak me out and I'd get so worked up by the time he came in I couldn't even think I'd just lose it and I don't...!
 "I'd yell and scream so loud, hoping someone would hear, anybody, and come help but no one...no one ever did..."
 He trailed off, heaving out another sob as his grip tightened. As if to keep himself grounded in the present, to remind himself...he wasn't there, he wasn't in that room.
 The next few minutes ticked by in near silence, save for the weeping and uneven gasps. Donald finally spoke, offering soft comforts, that everything was alright now and he's so sorry they left him there, and hugging him tighter, almost painfully so but neither cared. It didn't matter, nothing else did at the moment; their past quarrels, good luck, bad luck, it didn't matter. All that did was making sure Gladstone felt what he clearly hadn't in some time.
 Huey, Dewey, and Louie approached the houseboat, curiously eyeing it.
 "Why are we out here again?" Louie grumbled.
 "Uncle Scrooge said Uncle Gladstone came out here to see Uncle Donald." Huey replied as they crossed the boardwalk.
 "Exactly, and I'd like to stay as far away from the ticking time bomb as possible..."
 "I mean it's been two hours and the boat hasn't sunk or blown up, sooo...good sign?" Dewey offered weakly, clearly unsure if he even wanted to go in.
 All three sighed, and continued forward; their curiosity was too great. Ever since Macaw, Uncle Donald had been vocal in his displeasure with their distant pseudo uncle. So there was sure to be some crazy antics going on inside...
 Walking with practiced steps to avoid the creaking planks, the triplets gathered beneath one of the windows, and stood on the very tips of their toes to peer inside, finding....
 Their uncles bundled up on the couch, passed out in a sleeping pile. 
 Well, it was certainly something none of them had expected. Pretty soon they quickly and quietly scrambled their way back to the mansion, leaving the sleeping cousins be.
 It was a rare moment of peace for them that no one had the heart to destroy.
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the-rxven-king · 7 years
Hope it doesn't bother you to ask, but I'm really in love with Amadius and I want to know more about him so bad. What's his favorite song? What food does he like? Would he date a genderfluid person? What makes him smile? Amadius love meeeee pls ;A;
oh no it doesnt bother me at all!!! im like… honestly surprised someone remembers him! you can ask about him any time you want honestly because im always ready to talk about him, especially since hes an active, main npc in the campaign im currently running so he always comes back to mind every few days at some point! 
under a cut for dash cleanliness
favorite song
honestly anything thats violin, really? i found this song on youtube that very much fits his vibe, which is both mystical but has that feeling that it could pick up in pace anytime, or very very easily turn to a minor key and sound more melancholic, or possibly even scary??? its beautiful on its on and is very relaxing and lovely, but if you think about it enough youre just waiting for it to pick up speed, yknow? thats the beauty in it honestly, especially considering the title is “the dragon charmer”. one wrong note on the strings and that dragon could snap right out of its trance, yknow? it just fits him i think.
what food does he like
tbh even im not sure cause like… amadius has been part of the cult pretty much all his life until just days ago in game time (simulation wise that is, but thats p much all that counts at the moment), and he wont give himself the chance to experience new food or life. he feels unworthy of finding a place in society after being part of the night crier cult since its done so much harm and brought so much darkness and death behind it. hes used to bread, water, and the occasional meat for protein which is unseasoned and only cooked to be edible. they only eat enough to sustain their life in the cult, as thats all lyxairtes needs them for; theyre his pawns and his tools and thats that. its all amadius thinks he deserves - as a former part of the cult, he knows how hed be viewed in a public place especially since hes just so lost. he doesnt know where he fits, where he goes, just knows that hes drifting alone in some sort of middle area, so he doesnt feel comfortable seeking anything else out really. he likes bread the best because it was a long term baking project that reaped a reward in the end, and hes quite good at breadmaking, so… bread. 
would he date a genderfluid person
of course! i dont see a reason he wouldnt and neither does amadius. as long as youve got a gentle and kind personality and youre willing to stick with him and help him find himself and find his place in the world hell love you not matter what
what makes him smile
its hard to tell, what with his wrappings and all. he tends to chuckle at sarcastic jokes, and is slightly amused by bad puns. also, more worryingly i suppose, more morbid things will make him laugh a lot more than anything else (as an example, one of my players a session or 2 ago got a skull with the spine still attached that she herself ripped from the body of someone she killed and named it henry (dont ask) and amadius had kind of secluded himself to the side. she went up to him with her skull and made its jaw move up and down to ask “whats wrong, amadius?” or something very similar in a goofy voice. he lost his shit. he knew exactly where she got it and what she had to have done to get it and he still just lost his shit. it was very funny to him.). on a lighter note, he also thinks other peoples minor failures (as in like tripping on the pavement and falling on your face, trying to do a backflip and not sticking the landing, bad parkour, putting the laces on your feet and walking on top of your shoes, that kinda ‘failure’. i couldnt think of what else to call them) are pretty funny. 
laughing aside, people showing him approval and acceptance make him smile. when they dont find his lack of social manners weird, let him take his time, allow him to pause and stutter and figure out his words. praising him for good ideas or a good fight in combat will make him smile, especially since it will make him feel useful and more needed. when hes comfortable enough, compliments will bring a smile to his face, but at first they always make him confused and flustered
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pokeasleepingsmaug · 7 years
How to Conquer: A Feed You the Sky oneshot
And without further ado, here is today’s work! Thank you so much to @shesafreesoul for giving me the idea for this oneshot, and for encouraging me to re-write it when the first one wasn’t quite what it should have been! I’m so excited to post this haha. And so without further ado, I give you How to Conquer, which is set about 4-5ish years after Feed You the Sky will end. I hope you guys enjoy this little peek into the future!
Ivar's eyes gleamed with excitement, seeming to hold the gaze of every person gathered to hear him speak. It was the first feast of the early spring, and this was the day the king would reveal his plans for the summer raiding season. Seeing him like this made Kára's heart beat faster, the anticipation growing in her belly in proportion to the amount of ale she'd drunk tonight. She unconsciously tightened her grasp around the dark-haired girl in her lap, and the toddler squirmed, screeching her protest. Kára ran a gentle hand over the fine black hair of her daughter's head, smiling as Ivar's eyes found them.
He paused, taking a moment to drink in the sight of his wife and daughter. Her auburn hair in a simple braid over one shoulder, hazel eyes boring into his as she stroked the baby's hair, Ivar wondered—as he had every day since she stormed into his hall—what he had done to deserve such favor. The baby would reach her third summer soon; she was all huge blue eyes and black hair, fine and soft as raw silk. He stuck his tongue out at her and was rewarded by a shrill giggle.
The grin he shot his little family was like the sun breaking through the clouds, and then he was all business once again, a king always ready for battle. He took a deep drag from his drinking horn, letting the anticipation in the hall build. He set the cup down deliberately, dragged the back of his hand across his mouth. His eyes traveled from one man to the next, the ones that fought beside him since he had taken his father's throne, and the ones who had always remained steadfastly loyal to his wife. He knew it warmed her to see them sitting together in one hall, sharing stories and ale like lifelong friends.
He took another moment to watch her watching them, the sum of all their kingdom gathered here before them: the bold fighting men and their wives, children rolling around scuffling under the tables while their parents laughed and drank. Ivar saw the quiet pride in his wife's eyes, and in that moment he promised himself he would bring more men to this hall after this raid, expand their army and make her even more proud.
“This summer,” he thundered, immediately silencing all talk in the hall. He let the tense quiet grow for a moment before shattering it with another roar, “we raid north! Ubbe will lead the boats up the coast, to the lands of Jarl Hastein, and I will lead our army through the pass in the mountains. Since he will have spies along the coast, we must make that our smaller force. Let him think we are weak and will be easily defeated.” He paused, glancing around, a wolfish grin spreading slowly across his pouty lips. “But we are not weak!” The words were a menacing growl, sending shivers down Kára's spine, awakening a heat between her thighs. She could barely contain herself when he was in this mood.
“I will lead the army through the mountain pass, because it will be lightly defended. We will burn every village and farm we find, sparing them only if they swear loyalty to me and my queen.” He shot the queen in question a scorching look, the heat in his blue eyes threatening to burn her from the space between their thrones. “And then we will meet outside the town of Hed, Hastein's stronghold, and there crush him! His lands and armies shall become ours, and you will all come home with silver! I swear it to you right now, Ivar the Boneless has no more need of riches! All I need is the head of Hastein, to show to the world that we are to be feared. All riches gained shall be split evenly between the fighting men and their families.”
He sat back against his ornately carved throne, the one he had won from Kára's father, as the hall erupted into cheers. Kára'ssmall hand found his and he twined his fingers with hers automatically, bringing her hand to his mouth and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. She leaned in closer to him, her breath hot on his cheek, “You are brilliant as always, Ivar.”
He chuckled, slowly dragging his blue eyes over her flushed cheeks. He knew what she thought of his mind. “Is that so, min elskede? How brilliant do you think me?”
“The most brilliant man I have ever met,” she answered with no hesitation. “I can show you how brilliant I think you are.”
“And how will you do that, my Valkyrie?” He stroked his thumb gently over the back of her hand and felt her shiver at the light touch. Ivar couldn't stop the slow smirk. He loved seeing the way he made her feel. He had been worried, at the start of their marriage, that she would come to find him unappealing. That his legs would overshadow his mind, and she would realize she had been foolish to tie herself to a useless cripple.
They have been married for a few years now, and this doubt is just finally starting to die. Every time he hears her moan his name, every time her hips rise up to meet his, every slow kiss and every word of praise that falls from her lips weakens that doubt further, and he knows that soon it will be nothing but a memory. But for now, at least, he still needs the proof of her love, still needs to hear her tell him how wonderful he is to her.
She settles herself on the arm of her throne, the toddler banging on the table with her little fists as her uncle Ubbe makes silly faces at her across the table. “I will begin by telling you how flawless your plan is, as always. Then I will feel your chest and arms and back, running my hands over your body to feel how strong you are. After I am satisfied you are strong enough, I will tell you how your sword-arm, like your strategies, will never fail. What happens next, husband, is entirely your decision.” She raises her brows, smiling at him, and he feels himself hardening at the hungry look on her face.
“How is it my decision, Kára?” His voice is husky with lust, and it only widens her smile.
“It depends on whether or not you will let me conquer you. To demonstrate how best to conquer Hastein's lands.”
Ivar gripped his chair so tightly his knuckles turned white. He saw his wife's eyes slide to his hands and knew she was imaging them clenching the furs on their bed as she rode him. Her breathing was a little faster than normal now, and he had to close his eyes for just a moment, he was so overwhelmed by her in the flickering glow of the fire.
When he opened them, the chair beside him was empty and his wife was placing their daughter in his lap. The tiny girl snuggled against his chest with a content sigh, popping a thumb into her mouth. “Wh-where are you going?” Ivar sputtered at Kára.
She smiled down at him, eyes glinting with mischief, and leaned down low to whisper in his ear. He was no fool, and caught the way she threw her shoulders back to bare the swell of her breasts right before his eyes, his wild little woman. “You don't really expect me to just sit here, do you? If I don't do something, I'm going to soak through my dress.”
He watched her walk away, slender hips swaying beneath her skirts, and the hardness in his trousers became nearly painful. Curse that woman, he had to have her. “Ubbe!” His voice was sharper than he meant, and his brother looked up immediately. “Come take Ingrid, I have urgent matters to attend.” Ubbe saw the queen's empty throne and rolled his eyes as he reached across the table to collect his niece.
“Come sit with me, little Ingrid, and maybe mama and papa will give you a little brother,” Ubbe crooned, settling the toddler in his lap and ripping her a small bite of chicken. Ivar dropped hastily from his throne and dragged himself out of the hall as quickly as he could. Ubbe wasn't the only one who noticed Kára's empty throne and Ivar's hasty departure; the cheers of warriors and clinking of ale horns followed him through the door.
It was not far to their bedchamber and she didn't have too much of a head start, so Ivar hoped she hadn't gotten too far without him. He finally pushed open the door and closed it quickly behind him as he entered the room. She lay sprawled on the bed, eyes closed and auburn hair spreading around her like a wildfire. Her dress was a heap on the floor, and one of her fingers teased lightly at the center of her pleasure. Her breath caught in a hitch and released in a breathy moan of his name, and finally he alerted her to his presence.
“Yes, min elskede?” He pulled himself up onto the bed beside her, his large, blunt fingers taking the place of hers. He moaned, feeling the wetness that was waiting for him. “Is this what the thought of me does to you, wife?”
She didn't answer, only pressed herself against the heel of his hand. He reached down to kiss her. She tasted faintly of ale, and he sucked her tongue into his mouth and nipped it gently. And then she was on him like a flood, and he was all too willing to drown. She pinned him beneath her, careless hands ripping his clothing off. When he was bare before her she looked down at him, chest heaving and pink lips parted. “Let me show you how to conquer.” Her hands were everywhere, kneading and stroking his skin, feeling the taut strength of his rippling muscles, and he was powerless beneath her onslaught.
“You start by weakening the defenses,” she explained, tongue and teeth harrying him, nipping and teasing wherever she pleased—his collarbones, inner thighs, his nipples, the palms of his hands. Her tongue dragged slowly across his navel and down, before circling his tip in one quick stroke. “Sometimes they call for words, for an offering of peace.” She met his eyes.”Be ruthless, Ivar.”
And then he was in her mouth, felt her take him in until he hit the back of her throat and started sucking. She bobbed along his length, occasionally dragging her tongue along him, and as the precum started to drip into her mouth, she suddenly released his cock with a pop. “After the time for words is over begins the fighting. In this, too, show no mercy.”
She threw her leg over him and lined her entrance up with his manhood, and then he was held tight in the warm wetness of her core, and finally he began to move. He bucked his hips up against her, fingers digging into her thighs, and she threw her head back with a cry of release similar to one he'd heard her make before she took a life.
As he came deep inside her and she collapsed down on him, he thought—not for the first time—that this wild little woman was, in fact, his Valkyrie. She was the one who had carried him home, not to Valhalla, but to a hall they shared together. He locked his hand behind her head, tangling his fingers in the fiery silk of her hair, and drank in the taste of her kiss. He thought she must be even sweeter than the mead they drank in Odin's hall.
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kurasmaniac-blog · 3 years
#it needed to be more violent, I’m going to burry you, you don’t have magic.
In the hospital
daddy dropped me
there are historical figures and concubine queens
they chose me as martyr for my workout regime and as reward for my honesty
little girls resemble solid black babies who try and eat your face openly
tried to fix their dented heads when they got dropped from their cribs
syringles full of things slightly acidic
they opened my trachea
i was unconcious and interrogated
i begin smacking them around
TELLING them how stupid it was to do a thing like that
still managed to tell them a few things they didn't know
at home
finger nail clipping troubles
black widow bites
white python with yellow rings
they think they can abandon me if not completely financially
put hom outside
generaly not there very much
no tv
on and off one way then the other
they refuse to feed me
two faced talking to kids who would have been my frinds
i don't get hurt very much i guess
tee ball
dented a kids head for harassing me
coach thinks he can fuck my little butt
i knocked half his teeth out
one swing
no damage initially but as he tries to go back to get my poor little butt hole
i was three
they all talk to eachother about what a bad little shit i must be
pedophile kids in day care #1
moved on to a second
fought every kid who asked me
knocked a kids teeth out for being a little mexican and trying to give everyone HIV
teacher knew the two intruders and tried to drug me
one single cop shows up somehow tries to break one of my wrists
i can see he is full of crying and try to assist him mentally
i continue fighting kids relentlessly
residual growing from the drugs
in and out seeing it all conciously
people try to break my legs
their wish dreams begin manafesting showing me broken memories and arguing that they had done what they said
im still 100% in tact
my grandmother on each side trys to rape me
assorted shit they try and feed me
elementary school starting with kindergarten
i rip a little girls broken arm off basically
a few more kids say they have fought me
little girl tries putting paper clips in my head
i bend her jaw with two punches
she loses her mind and says "i just got that off"
my soul smiles up at them openly
first grade second grade the cops had already seen me
i loved jumping off swings
but i had hurt so many people god came down and put my face in the ground
as high as the roof landing solely and flat on my face
i bled crainially
a puddle of clear liquid on my face and desk they would have licked me
stop defending yourself you're fucking the kids up
kid thinks he is hercules and wants to help everyone by trying to break my nose
i lie to him like they had lied to me
my nose is clearly not broken
i lose more of the kids its like they're just not there
i lose the ability to run without pain
teeth filed
suppposidly removed for breaking the coaches face
second set is given to me
i had only walked into school twice even at that point
ultra decked a kid because a girl said he was a little fucker "stop raping me" they said
more drugs for beating so many of their children
kids who had been to my house lose it and go after things pets and family
there was supposed to be a funeral at some point they tried to kill me
i broke a toe walking down to the kitchen for a drink
i was sent back home from hell and scared the shit out of everyone royaly
im no longer capable of hearing them try and explain their reasons to me
one night i woke up having to remind myself to breath
brother and girlfriend kill parents
they go after me
putting cigarettes out in my nose
trying to cut
and failing horribly
the girl was daughter of a police officer whose face i had also broken right after his daughter
at a friends house other dad and second son come hope after going to the hospital having tried teaching the boy fighting and yanking his neck breaking the spine they
they had refused treatment and his head falls off in my arms
i had still only used violence defensively
i refuse to take karate for fear of perminantly damaging a student then instructor in that order
on anotyher night the dad of the dead boy tries to fuck my poor little butt hole
my only explanation is i simply don't and can't have the fucking of my butt magically
loss of memory
cop dughter girl has doctors try and cut off my arms and legs leave a for fork in my chest and chain me to my bed
the chains are broken i manifest new arms and legs which i use a bit to grab the girls face a bit and i notice they urge me to not hurt the girl by fading in and out
there are too mny things in my list here for me to just be full of shit believe me
sixth grade camp for 2 of the 7 day week a proctor dissapears for judging me and another kid and trying to put shit on at least my ear
he dissapears
my pants and broken belt fell off in front of a girl and i notice she has trouble not noticing my nuts
jr high first new friend trys to hold me under water but i didn't like it and shattered one of his testicles he has one
at a girls party somehow i overstayed my welcome so they try and cut my face off paint it with tatoo ink burn bitch at then shun me
before i can get out i find myself inside the house and the girl freaks out she wanted me to leave because my mother followed me in and i had to bitch slap her
i make a big scene talking to my mom on a cell phone they don't like me
the girls dad carrys me outside by the shirt and puts me directly into mothers car
pipe bomb
met tiesto he lived there i guess
the girl was rape/fucked because people knew my parents thinking of them poorly
i would have to have at least one of these mentioned having this many
havent done homework since second grade
little herculese still thinks of bending one of my arms so i shove a foot right up under his girlfriends butt in a class
on an extended field trip a fat kid drugs me and i hear i defiled a sanctuary but don't have memory of crying myself to sleep much less living with it like a mistake at all actually
kids had put shit in their pockets and thought of me
i don't get to go to the girls second party
on the final days of school field trip i miss the buss call but find some kids who stayed also find myself out by a buss and rape a police officer to get myself put home
i had robbed a crain game and grabbed at least 15 stuffed toys
i was punnished for not doing the monkey bars right and dislocate a sholder but still manage to get to the top the climbing pole
teleport frisbe
a bee flies right up into my shorts and didn't seem to want to leave
im debating not going back to add in all the other things for elementary school typing this is tiresome in itself
high school
staying late after school eventually turns to my brother throwing my dad a surprise party where i had died in the bathroom party girl put magnesium on my hed and it melted its way right through me
the bathroom is a mess and my dad watched me die
i pop back up and walk out into the living room naked not having clothes some mexican kids tried to piss all over my room
there must have been something wrong with my dad for refusing reason like he did i hear i knocked teeth out of his face for my poor little butt holes honor
barbeque injector to the heart
huge trap door spider made a snack of me
people tried to kill my cat
loss of vision but there were people who tried talking to me
the police had investigated the corpse in the bathroom and say it wasn't me
i smiled
stabbing for my method of provocation
soemthing fucked me
someone cut the skin off my left arm and tried to wear it
the next day i walk back to the hangout just fine
people threw rocks at my mother i didn't make it all the way home conciously
i thuroughly haunted a school performance and broke a girls face for their indirectivity
my bend in my jaw is still there
i don't go to my fathers house anymore after that party
find myself at my mothers and know not much more than that her housband breathes heavily when hes angry
when im at another house with one of his kids i end up staying for a week strait
when they wre drinking they poison me
on another night i make it too the bathroom after drinking heavily and think of it as a victory
i wake up in the bathroom with my left hand clutched around a puking girls pony tail shes screaming WAKE UP WAKE UP don't put my head in the toilet
as i take it off my hand responds slugishly with each finger prying itself off individually starting from the left pinky
i clutch my hand and call back to sleep
i have a few short visions one of a neck readjustment i enjoy pranoidly
another of my mother and her housband trying to get me to leave that house why not just put me outside
i get a car
i drift around this same turn in my city 10 times having looked at the reason and ignoring my good way out i slam one front left axel into the curb breaking it loose then take a right turn and make it to a spot to park
the tire stayed on and they cannot police me
im gifted a few dips in the road and scrape part of a plastic under carrige piece off partially but being half an inch thick it cannot have happened
i was smoking at a church and let a guy try my manual car without me i hear a loud crash but the car seems fine later i realize he must have tried to blow the transmission seeing how the car acted just after
the car now runs on me
another set of people tests me at first mostly with steroids in a single spot cutting drugging
when someone threatens me i still just tell them to hurry the fuck up
a few long trips drugs found a girl with "tongue fur" which i cant have because earlier i was given a yellow funguns that was "if you're not dead in a week that's not what this is" i lived and the fungus formed a line around the horizontal rim of my tongue
there is a tackle box on every corner and everyone is on a foreign telephone netowrk
one night i appear just in front of my drive way pull in and am followed throught the door shot up and left unconcious
earlier there had been mexican workers broght from a separate city so many that step father is shuned "you never bring them back"
if a person fails it is clearly their fault or literal mind rape possibly
i made the girl who showed interest hot and for a while she thinks of it as raping me until she gets HIV
the last mentioned group of people one night summon me with wishes to go and have a rave far away and by the end the only thing i can say is they couldn't afford what I bought them by being there
a girl of them is kidnapped and raped supposidly
i tried many times after being shot up maybe 10 times taking pills and not smoking to pull her ass back to my car but the best i can do is offer my sholder for stabbing
the brakes became clogged with sand
we were moved and i took people home
the girl is recovered by one of the group and her authority father she had jondis
the now hot rape girl and a guy had given HIV to many people including both their families
i got a job
i somehow broke the computer system at that restourant but i had been driving my car with parifanalia and a broken tail light for long enough to get the idea i should use this chance to continue my high school work of being there weather anyone liked it or not
the cop whos sons head had fallen off in my arms tied to put a harpoon slug in my left eye
one morning on the way to school my windows had been rolled up and the frost was heavy on my windshield
i back out at a point of defrosting thinking it would clear up but find myself in the same place as before looking right at the answer clearly but not able to act
i passed throught a pillar my mother having been pushed into the drive way and proctor on the corner of my mountain rode street where there were some kids waiting for a buss i had never noticed
hercules had killed one of my cats for raping his home and i end up running over a kid who was playing in the street
the proctor pulls a boi knife and puts it through my face i have a vision of POW soldiers being hydrolically injected so i say no
one of the kids starts yelling about how a little gir had started crying and i pull off to make more magic
parts of the kids body were stuck to the bottom of my car and i took all of it strait to the closest parking space at the school to the school
there were police waiting but they just shoot so i vanish again losing memory not really knowing
the puddle was hercules' little cousin and my cat was at home
i did mushrooms up in the mountains and played car pinball all the way down to a friends house
the police showed up there but i had already fallen asleep from eating too many mushrooms
at the school graduation there was a special surprise for me in the form of some guy holding my diploma who the just ran thinking i didn't have it but did
father was there and tried to rip it in half i vanish again
my year book had been handed around the whole school
i didn't see it at all i'll make some wish for that later as long as not too much is a staged story
many people have HIV at this point
one final night after work i had been drugged for a week or so by the guy who brought the HIV back from cuba
i cant do anything but hurt people
she stood there in the hall unable to call me a bitch without explanation and I finally understood psychology
that part of their face is bent, so is mine but if it actually matters i wont ever care
i don't have HIV but i like to think that maybe some had been let go
i don't know how much of that acid they gave me but i drove home parked turned the music up as my brain dried out
if anyone had an objection i didn't hear of it right then
brother and the second cop had the second cops dad take drills to my teeth at a party i was summoned to
the damage wasnt immediate but later and just some
if that kid was hercules then my tee ball coach was zues whose lack of teeth have fucked my head up for years
i went to the planned parenthood and almost was raped but found myself outside
i was taken to two 5150's where by the end one had missing people the the other had seen me inside a secret wall room
i end up in the mountains one night and a kid with heppatitis shoots me up
everyone has a fucking needle
historical figures all around along with a zues and herculese makes me think there once was an after life but they refused to take responsibility and leave it there before showing up here to rape little boys
i raped and took a walk through the rave in LA one night on invitation apparently party girl told me i was a fagot
i didn't pay but i still even got inside after tiesto himself had failed to just walk up and beat me
once inside i was split into five went everywhere then took a seat up in the top section
they asked me to leave twice played me part of a song saw my brother and floated down to a door across the crowd from where I was
i landed on the other side near the enterance to the VIP section but just walked out into the fog
went the wrong way and found myself home turned the music up and began wrenching around my bent faw right side
finally once i headed around to the back drive way it was loud again but i had a magic barrier that kep the high school kids away and the kids kept the other people away
my head started screaming at me and i was alone with it to beat as time went on
my psichiatrist heard me once say that the human trafficing people couldn't do anything about me either so they decided t kill me
one night i was sick with the flu had a heart attack
another day i went out to mow the lawn but i had gotten so clogged by the medications there was some pain
a while after i see my drivers license picture looks just like the kid from terminator two after he beat that hooker
on walks i found things i had never seen a mushroom that reminded me of a lamp shade red fat butt spiders like a black widow and small tube scrap that looked like it had been cut
i was going to use it as a blunt crutch but thought it might be metal lit one end and held it at the other
it was hot in less than 1 second and probably cold before i dropped it
i think about it having the mark of being cut and a piece left from it being broken off but i don't think people have anything like it
i threw it away thinking nobody would ever give a fuck who cares i found it on a walk no you don't have it
i have the kings crown magnet still
on the way i had broken kids cops an fbi agent but who gives a fuck i was born in a hospital
the phich meds were good for a while and i had gone back to laughing then suddenly it turned drastically to extreme discomfort the word for which people still don't acknowlege
it was that way for at least a year of painful discomfort not being able to sit still or stand
until one day i decided to give a bit and stop taking the medication
then the drugs quietly gently turned back a few different attempts later
but the yelling i had done in my room and the music had attracted me attention again i didn't hear of any of it from a person at all
nother guy dances down my hallway uninvited bounces into my room and tries to flip the light switch but the bulb breaks and im sitting there blinded by the light of my computer screne
they cant hear me thinking
someone got the little girl at the end of the street the tongue fur right the fuck up in the top end of it
i herd some people outside my window even my land lord so i guess they cant get the fuck out of my house either
i got my new house of my own in a mobile home park and in the first few days someone had assigned a hagared lady to try and do "something"
once the pandemic hit in the first few days there was a guy in a truck and not knowing well enough to stay away i talked to him
my casual manerisms concerned the people from down the street
but after the builders tried to crack the house in half and the HIV kids spitting at my father
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