#and then i look at my camera roll and nope that all happened and i was just 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
kimjunnoodle ¡ 2 months
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anyway other than meeting the loml today i also got a dual walking stick/dagger :)
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harunayuuka2060 ¡ 2 months
Vil: Did you manage to resolve the issue?
MC: Yes. It was a bit difficult at first, but the client listened in the end. 
Vil: …
Vil: You shouldn't have disclosed that you used to work as a concierge. 
Vil: Now everyone is bothering you. 
MC: *smiles* That's better than doing nothing. 
MC: I'm not here for relaxation anyway. 
Vil: …
Vil: Anyway, I received news from Dad. A director, who is a friend of his, needs a stand in. 
Vil: And he wants to hire you for this.  
MC: Huh? 
Vil: What do you think?
MC: …
MC: Is physical appearance a requirement? 
Vil: He didn't specify. Although he might need you for doing action stunts. 
MC: …
MC: Alright. 
Vil: Hm. Great. We'll be meeting him this afternoon to discuss it. 
MC: Okay. 
The casting director: *after seeing MC for the first time* Oh my seven… 
MC: …
The casting director: Their face, their eyes, their built… *turns to look at Vil’s dad* Oh, Eric! Where did you find such a fine specimen?!
Eric: *chuckles* They're a friend of Vil. 
The casting director: *turns to MC again* Do you have any experience in acting?
MC: …
MC: Yes. But it was a long time ago. 
The casting director: Oh? How come I've never seen you in any movie? 
Vil: They usually played as a double at that time, especially for action scenes.
The casting director: A double? With this gorgeous face? 
Eric, MC, and Vil: …
The casting director: Oh sweetheart, you are straight out of a fairy tale! 
MC: Um…
The casting director: Everyone! We found our protagonist! 
The staff: *cheers* 
MC: …
MC: *smiles* We might've some misunderstanding—
The casting director: Thank you so much, Eric, for bringing me this one! 
Eric: *chuckles* You're welcome. 
Vil: …
Vil: Dad. 
Eric: Er, I didn't know she was looking for someone to be a protagonist. 
Vil: …
Vil: *has managed to convince the casting director to do a screen test first before deciding on MC* 
The casting director: MC, don't be nervous. Okay?
MC: *nods*
The actress: Good luck. *smiles kindly at them* 
MC: *smiles back* Thank you. 
The casting director: Okay! Let's roll the camera! 
Vil: …
The casting director: Action! 
MC: *looks at the actress with a gentle gaze* *then subtly smiles* 
Vil: …
The actress: …
The actress: *ends up blushing* 
The casting director: Cut! Cut! That is perfect! 
Vil: …
The actress: I-I’m sorry. 
MC: *feeling slightly embarrassed* It’s alright.
Vil: …
Vil: Looks like you'll be doing separate work now. 
MC: Yes. But I won't still be neglecting my duties here. 
Vil: …
Vil: Have you told the news to Che’nya?
MC: Yes. *smiles* He was really happy about it. 
Vil: …
Vil: I haven't congratulated you yet. Let's have a toast?
MC: It's already late and you have an appointment tomorrow. 
Vil: You're right. 
Vil: Let's do it tomorrow then. 
MC: *smiles*
MC: Why are you still awake, Che’nya?
Che’nya: I wasn't able to call you all day, nya~. 
MC: Yeah, I'm sorry. Something unexpected happened. 
Che’nya: That you got scouted for a movie and received the protagonist role?
MC: …
MC: How did you know?
Che’nya: Nyaha~ The actress you practiced with is Neige’s co-star before! 
MC: I see. 
Che’nya: Congratulations nya~. 
MC: *smiles* Thank you. 
Che’nya: When will the taping start?
MC: In the next couple of weeks. 
Che’nya: Hmm… Does that mean you have to stay there longer?
MC: Hm. Yes. 
Che’nya: …
Che’nya: Nya love~ 
MC: Hm?
Che’nya: I miss you nya~! 
MC: *chuckles* I miss you too. 
Che’nya: *squeals* So sweet~! Bye-bye~! *ends the call* 
MC: *smiles* 
Neige: How did it go?
Che’nya: Nya love has no idea we're here! 
*Both of them has arrived to the airport* 
Neige: Oh Che’nya, I told you to inform MC. 
Che’nya: Nope! I'm surprising my spouse! :3
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samandcolbyownme ¡ 2 months
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Summary: anon request - "Hey so it's my birth day tmr and was just wondering if you could write something for me like Zach justice x reader and he has a guest on the podcast and he gets jealous and the at the end of the podcast they have a cute moment before leaving and going home for like a rough but passionate smut" 
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, Matt Rife Warning, Zach being Zach, banter, guest flirting with reader, Zach getting jealous, kissing, biting, hair pulling, slight choking, slightly rough and unprotected sex, fluff with a dash of filth 
Word count: 4.9k | unedited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"So are you finally going to tell me who the special guest is?" You ask as you look at Zach through your phone screen. 
He laughs, "Mm, what's in it for me?" 
"Because tomorrow is my birthday and you'll be making me happy?" You say slowly and laugh, "come on." You pout into the camera and Zach sighs, "Stop being cute." 
You smirk slightly and tilt your head as he continues, "or at least come be cute in my bed." You let out a laugh, "I think that that's my cue for going to bed." 
"Laaaame." Zach drags out loudly. You scoff, "excuse me?" He laughs, "I said saaame. Goodnight." 
You roll your eyes, "goodnight." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You show up to the house and walk through the door. Tara is standing with Alyssa and you walks up to them, "Hey." 
"Hey!" Tara says, "Are you excited for today's show?" 
You roll your eyes, "Zach wouldn't tell me who's coming." Alyssa laughs, "Really?" You nod, "I called him last night to see if he would tell me.. nope." 
"Oh, well it's Matt Rife." Alyssa fills you in, "I have a feeling that Zach is going to be very jealous today." 
Your brows furrow and you look between her and Tara, "Why.. um, why do you say that?" Tara rolls her eyes, "Please. That man is head over heels for you, y/n." 
You laugh, shaking your head, "There'a no way." 
"Alright party people, let's get ready to get this show on the road." Zach yells as he walks to his seat, "Special guest will be here in five." 
You roll your eyes and make your way to your seat. Matt is going to sit where you normally sit, which is right next to Zach, so you sit in the seat next to Matt's. 
"Fuck, sorry I'm late." Matt says as he rushes in through the door, "I'm here now." 
Zach holds his hand up, "There he is. What's up, brother?" Matt walks up to Zach and give him a hand shake. He looks over at Jared saying hello to him and Tara before he look at you. 
You're not looking at him, but you can tell his eyes are on you, and Zach secretly hates it already. Matt sits down and he waves to Alyssa, "Hey." 
Alyssa smiles and puts her headphones on, along with everything else.
"What's up everybody, welcome back to drop outs." Zach says and you all cheer, "We have a special guest with us today, and it also happens to be very special day for someone else." 
"Haaa-py biirthday.." Jared initiates by singing and soon everyone joins in. 
"Happy birthday dear y/n. Happy birthday to you!" 
"Thank you." You smile, "Thank you." 
"Alright, now moving on to the more special part." Zach says and motions to Matt, "Matt Rife everybody." 
"What's uppp." Matt smiles before looking to Zach, "Don't be mean to her. It's her birthday." 
Zach looks taken aback for a split second before covering it up, "Yeah, you're definitely new here." Zach rolls his eyes, "Anyway." 
"Oh. Wait!" Tara yells and stands up as she takes her headphones off. She runs off the set and over to her bag. Everyone is watching her and she comes back over with a tiara that says Birthday Girl in cursive, "Here!" 
"Weird way to propose, but my answer is still yes." You laugh and look up at her from the tiara in your hands, "Thank you." 
She takes it from your hands, placing the tiara gently on your head and fixes your hair, "You heard it here first everyone, this bitch is mine." 
Zach raises an eyebrow as you look over at him and you roll your eyes as you smirk, "Zach." He shrugs, "What? You were thinking it too because you wouldn't have accepted Tara's marriage proposal if you didn't." 
You tilt your head, raising your hand as you shrug, "Okay." You look over at Tara, "You got me there." 
Tara puts her headphones on and leans in with a smirk, "I think I actually just fell in love with you, y/n." She laughs and you smile as you look around. 
As the rest of you get lost in conversation, Zach's eyes zone in on the tiara resting perfectly on your head. His mind goes to watching you drop down to your knees and bob your head on his dick with it on. 
"I think Zach fell asleep on us." Jared teases, "What the hell man? Are we that boring today?" Jared laughs and Zach looks at everyone, "I'm just not feeling it today." 
"Everyone hold on." Alyssa laughs, "He's up to something." 
"Are you okay, Zach?" You ask looking at him and he nods slightly, "Yeah," Quickly changing the subject, "So Matt, your profession is comedian, right?" 
Matt nods, "Something like that, yeah." 
"Huh." Zach nods, "What is your favorite thing to do within the show?" Matt purses his lips as he thinks, "Crowd work." 
"That was my favorite thing to do at our live show." Tara nods, "getting to interact with the people was so fun." 
"Exactly, exactly. And most of the people who come to my shows, know exactly what they're in for." Matt continues and you nod, "I can can agree that." 
Matt turns his head, "You've been to one of my shows?" He smirks slightly and you smile, "I have." 
"Which one?" He tilts his head and you laugh, "Liberty, I think? Cincinnati or something. I don't know but you went back and forth with someone who was a stripper." 
Matt laughs and that causes Zach to clench is fist. He reflexed when Tara started talking, but he resorted to picking at his nails. 
"Wait wait wait you need to eleborate." Tara laughs, "Please." 
"Yeah we need context of this stripper incident." Jared laughs and Matt sighs, laughing as he starts to tell the story. 
You look past Matt and stare at Zach. 
His stare is on you and you squint your eyes at him. He  purses his lips slightly and quickly winks at you. You smirk and so does he because he has you blushing. 
"so yeah, but like I said, people basically pay to come get bullied by me." Matt nods, eyes flicking from your eyes to your chest. 
"Have you ever hurt anyone's feelings by doing that?" Zach asks and Matt laughs, "Dude, are you not caught up with me?" 
Zach sighs, "What the heck." He pulls out his phone and starts to google him, "Matt Rife Controversies." 
"I love how he made controvers-ies, like more than one." Alyssa laughs and Jared nods, "Uh huh. Right." 
"So while we wait, "Y/n. Are you excited about your big birthday bash tonight?" Tara says moving around to get comfortable, "I can tell you that I am so fucking ready to drink." 
You nod, "Oh my god. I actually can't wait. I just got pictures of the venue being set up and it looks so good so far." You pull out your phone and go to the pictures. 
You hand your phone to Tara and she swipes through, "Oh hell yeah." 
"What time does it start?" Matt asks and you look at him, "You can come anytime after eight." He nods, "anytime after eight, got it." 
This had Zach's blood boiling, "So you have made a lot of people mad." Zach chuckles, really wanting this podcast to be done and over with already. 
Matt laughs, "Yeah, yeah. But I mean, that's honestly party of the gig." He shrugs, "I'm not for everyone and that is something that actually took a while for me to come to good terms with." 
You carry on the conversation and a few others for the next hours and a half. 
Zach couldn't wait until Alyssa said you all were good so he can finally get you alone for more than a few seconds. 
Once the time comes he rips his headphones off of his head and rests them on the mic, "Thank you for coming onto the podcast, Mr. Rife." 
Matt stands up, shaking his hand, "Thanks for having me." He points to you, "I hate to rush off but I have a few other things to do, but I'll see you guys later, yeah?" 
You nod, "See ya." You wave and Tara waves, "Bye, Matt!" Alyssa waves and says by to him and right before he walked out he turns back, "Happy birthday, sweetheart." 
Zach wanted to mock him horribly, but that would just be so out is the blue that people would start to question it, so he turns his eyes to you. 
You smile and nod, looking back at him, "Thank you." 
Matt gives you a wink and you turn back around, "Are we getting ready at my place or.. where do you want to meet?" You ask Tara and Alyssa. 
"We can do it at my place." Alyssa nods, "Plus, I am close to the venue, so if we did need to we walk it's not far at all." 
"Yes that works." You nod, "Okay. I'm going to go home and get my stuff ready. I will meet you guys at Alyssa's say.. six?" 
They both nod and you give them a thumbs up, "Love yas. See yas." You go to turn and walk away but Zach walks up to you, "Hold your horses for a second." 
You laugh and you turn around, mocking him, "I don't have horses." He smirks and tilts his head, "C'mere for a sec would ya?" 
"Why?" You sigh, tilting your own head, "I need to go shower." He smirks, "You'll get a shower, I promise now come here." 
He pulls you into the hallway leading to the stairs and he looks down at you. You and Zach have been good friends for a while now, even made out when he took you home drunk the one night. 
You know the look he's giving you. You take a quiet breath, "Who told you?" 
He smirks, "Eyes talk, sweetheart." 
You bite your lip and you smile, "So are you coming home with me because I need to get my shit around." 
He tilts his head, "Do you want me to come home with you?" You chew on your lip, this wave of boldness washing over you. 
You lean in, "I have my own house. No one can hear anything." You lean back and smirk as you tilt your head towards the door, "Come on." 
He follows you out to the car and gets into your passengers seat. You get in and look over at him, "So can I ask you something?"
You start your car and start to back out of the parking space and Zach nods, reaching over to slip his fingers into the rip of your jeans. 
His gentle touch right above your knee driving you absolutely insane, "So, why now?" You glance over at him and he furrows his brows, "not following." 
You sigh, laughing slightly, "why did you wait until now to finally tell me that you liked me, too?" 
"I didn't say a word." 
You look over at him, tension building rapidly the longer your eyes hold on his, "You didn't have to." 
You lick your lips and look away, beginning to drive when the light turns green. His finger still brushing against your leg, itching for you to grab his hand and hold it within yours. 
"So how do you feel about Matt being on the podcast?" You look over at Zach and he shrugs, "It is what it is." You roll your eyes, resting your arm on the consol as you dangle your hand right above his wrist, finger tips barely grazing his skin. 
"Why are you acting like it wasn't a good podcast? I mean other than you being pouting and flirting with me on the down low." 
You poke his arm and Zach groans, "Alright, you yanked my dick enough." He laughs and you roll your eyes, "You wish I did." 
He points to you and smirks, "And that my friends, is a true statement." 
You laugh, "Get on with it." You say as you pull into your driveway. You put the car in park and reach down to unbuckle, "We're not leaving this car until you tell me what I wanna know." 
Zach opens his mouth, repeating exactly what you say at the same time you do, "It's my birthday, Zach. You have to be nice." 
Your mouth drops and he gives you a nod, "Yes, princess. It's your birthday. Now.." he tilts his head, fighting back a laugh, "we needed to talk, and it needed to be somewhere you could take your clothes off.. " he fights back a smirk, "So, we can fuck in here or we can fuck in there." He points to your house and looks back at you. 
You smirk, "who said anything about fuckin'?" He lays a hand on his chest, "Oh is this not why you brought me to your house? My apologies." 
You roll your eyes, "You sound so jealous right now." 
He scoffs, "Jealous of what, y/n?" 
You press your elbow into the center console and rest your chin in your palm, "You know, you flirt, I mean.. fuck around with me every time I'm on the show and every time you see me, but never.." You hold up your pointer finger, and right now he's doing what you're doing and his face in an inch away from your finger. 
"Not once." You move your hand and look into his eyes, "Did you pull me aside and give me that kind of a look." 
"Explain this.. this look." He tilts his head, cheek now resting in the palm of his hand, "But you might want to make it quick because I don't want you to bitch because I made you late." 
You roll your eyes, "You looked at me like you were in love." He slowly grows closer and you lick your lips quickly as your eyes bounce from his to his eyes. 
"You ever think that maybe I am?" He whispers and you can't help but smirk, "I mean.. not like I was going to make that my birthday candle wish or anything."
He laughs, "Okay. I'll give you that one, that one was funny." You laugh and look at him, "Was Matt flirting sure me the final straw?" 
You see him nod slightly and you bite your bottom lip.
His eyes flick down to your held lip and back up to your eyes, "Hey, um don't you have a party you need to get ready for?" 
"Fuck." You laugh, nodding, "Yeah." You look at the house and back to Zach, "Come on." Zach stays still, "Where are we going?" 
You smile and lean in, "So I can show you that you are the one that I want." You press your lips to his and his hand lays on the back of your head, not wanting you to pull away. 
"Mm. Zach." Your giggles muffled by his lips on yours and you manage to lean back, "Hey. Come on." Zach huffs, "way to be a cock block, sweetheart."
He gets out, following you up to your door and his hands are roaming all over your body as you get your key from your key ring. 
His hands slip under you shirt, "Runnin' outta time." Zach mumbles against your head and you push your door open. 
He walks you in, hands on your hips and he uses his door to swing the door closed. You spin around and his body is on yours, a hand on your hip and a hand on the back of your neck, holding you to him as your lips meet his once again. 
By this time, you had totally forgot you were still wearing the tiara that Tara got you and Zach's eyes fixate on it as he remembers what he first thought about. 
"Knees." Zach says as he places his hands on your shoulders. You slowly drop down and you look up at him. He bites down on his bottom lip at he watches you undo his belt, "You know. As soon as that thing sat on the top of your head, I picture you exactly like this." 
You feel your cheeks grow warmer and you let out a breath, "I totally forgot I had that on." Zach smiles, "I didn't." 
You work to get his throbbing dick from his boxers move you've tugged his pants down. Your hand gently gripping the base of it, squeezing gently as you rise up to run your tongue over the head of his leaky head. 
He lets out a groan and bites down on his lip, groaning lowly, "Mm." He looks down at you, "That's it, baby." He lays a hand on the back of your head, fully taking in everything about his fantasy that's coming true. 
He moans lowly as you bob your head up and down, earning a gasp as you take him in fully, "Fuck, babe." Zach throws his head back, "That's my-" he looks down at you and pulls your head away from him. "-girl!" 
You smile up at him and bite down on your lip, saliva dribbling down your chin. He swipes it away with his thumb and he nods towards your bedroom, "Lead the way."
You stand up, taking his hand into yours before you lead him up the stairs and into your bedroom. 
You pull him in and close the door before Zach pulls you into him, lips meeting yours once more. 
You let out a whine, gripping his shirt, "Zach." You whimper, "Please." You push your hips into his, reaching down between you to stroke his cock a few times. 
He groans, hands gripping the hem of his shirt to rip it up over his head, and he places his hands on either side of your neck, "Shit." He breathes out, moving his hands down to your hips, "Get back there." He walks you backwards and it wasn't long until your knees buckled from hitting the bed. 
Your back meets the mattress and Zach's lips meet your neck, "I really.." he speaks in between kisses to your neck, "..want to watch.." he kisses up to just below your ear, "..the birthday girl ride me." 
You nod eagerly, "Please." You beg, "Please; Zach."
Zach chuckles, "And if I'm being honest, your whining and begging is completely boosting my ego-" he very quickly corrects himself, "I mean completely makes me want to cum inside that pretty little pussy." 
You roll your eyes, "your head is swelled either way, Zach." You laugh, "But I'll take the second option please." 
You bite your lip and his grip on your hip tightens before he rolls over to pull you on to his lap. He stares up at you for a few seconds before he nods while glancing towards your shirt, "C'mon now, you just told me you want me to cum inside you. Don't be shy now." 
You smirk, laughing slightly as you pull your shirt up over your head, discarding it to the floor, "Happy now?" 
You smirk at him and his hands move to your boobs with a nod, "oh hell yeah." 
You watch as he looks up at you and with a swift motion, his hand is pulling you down to him by the back of your neck so he can kiss you. 
Your lips move in sync for a few minutes then you suddenly remembered, it's my birthday!
But in panic mode, "Mm." You lean back, "What time is it?" You ask and Zach, obviously frustrated, lets out a short sigh, "Do I look like Father Time to you?" 
"Well if you didn't still have your pants on, I could be on top of you already." You roll your eyes, leaning over to check your phone. 
Zach scoffs, planting a gentle slap to your ass, "Sor-ry, I didn't know taking our time to enjoy this, wasn't on your agenda,too." You bite down on your lip to hide your laugh and you lean back over, looking down at him. 
"I have a little under two hours." You whisper and he nods. His hands move to grip your waist and he slowly rocks your hips over his dick, that's straining against his pants. 
"Zach." You whimper out, "stop teasing." 
He rolls you over onto your back and his hands move to take off your jeans. He slips them down your legs and tosses them. 
His bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes focus on your lace panties lying perfectly against your skin. He leans down, his lips lacing your skin with fiery, open mouth kisses as his fingers drift up your legs. 
His fingers slip into the band of your panties and your hips rise as he pulls them down. His eyes flick up to you and back down to your soaked cunt. 
He drops your panties beside him and locks eyes with you as he pushes both his pants and boxers down before moving to make his way in between your thighs. 
You smirk, tilting your head as he lifts your hips slightly, "You know, you're incredibly hot when you're jealous." 
You feel his dick brush against your clit and you gasp. Zach smirks and pushes the tip between your folds, "Me? Jealous?" He fakes a laughs and leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips, "Over you? Yes." 
He thrusts into you and you let out a loud moan, "Fuck." You whimper out, "That's why it's so hot." He smirks and presses his lips to yours, and you accept his invite to make out. 
His hips roll slowly into yours and you moan into his mouth. He swallows your moans with ears, kissing back towards your ear, "You're so beautiful." 
His voice is low and you slide a hand down his arm and grab his wrist. You drag his hand up your body and place it around your neck.
You look up at him with such a pleading look, Zach can't help but not resist. 
His hand tightens around your throat and you moan out, and your moans quickly grow quieter the harder he squeezes. 
He leans up on his free arm and watches down at how your pussy swallows him with such great ease, "Fuckin' hell baby." 
He looks up at you and his jaw literally falls slack to the scene below him, "Shit." He breathes out as his she's scan over your slightly reddened face, your eyes are rolled back with your lips slightly parted. 
You're just absolutely loving being fucked by him right now. 
His thrusts remained slow as he loosens his grip and you let out a quiet gasp. Zach stops thrusting and gently taps your cheek a few times, "Oh no. I killed her." 
You smile and he sighs, "Phew. Great, because I did not want to have to put necrophiliac on my resume tonight."
You let out a laugh and lean up to push him to him to his back, "I mean, you know you have consent either way." You laugh as you straddle him.
Zach sits up, his face close to yours as he fixes the tiara that's slightly crooked on your head, "Hold on, baby." 
Zach calling you baby and even sweetheart and especially princess, gave you butterflies. Even his jokey insults like slut, and bitch, and yapper number two, but especially slut because you would be his slut. 
Any time of day. 
"Better?" You ask watching him lay back, an arm tucking behind his head, "Better." He bites down on his lip as he watches you lift your one leg to reach down and hold his dick steady. 
You spit into the tip of your fingers and smear it on him which causes him to gasp slightly. You smirk as you slide down onto him, eyes locking with Zach's. 
His hands fly to your hips. You grip his forearms as you pant, gasping out at how deep he feels inside of you. 
"Move. Sweetheart." Zach squeezes your hips, urging you to move in some type of way. You let out a whine as you roll your hips slowly, crying out Zach's name and other curses lowly. 
"Use me to get yourself off, sweetheart." He winks, "I just wanna watch." 
You smirk and you lean back, placing your hands on his knees for support. You bite down on your lip and keep your eyes locked on his as you start to move your hips up and down. 
Zach positions one arm behind his head again, and places his hand under your thigh. His eyes move down to your pussy taking his dick, then he looks up at your tits bouncing each time your body meets his. 
His eyes roll closed and his hips buck upward, "Goddamn." He groans out, "S-swe-etheart.. you're gonna make me cum." 
You lean down, pressing kisses to his before you lean up, "Isn't that the point?" You ask, rolling your hips into his, moaning out quietly, "Zach." 
He sits up and flips you over so your hips are pinned to the mattress, "I'd say you got about, maybe an hour to shower and get all your stuff around before you have to leave to get ready." 
"Just fuck me." You whine, sitting up as you pull him towards you. His lips crash onto yours and you feel his hands push your thighs back, knees to chest type of deal. 
You moan loudly, arching you back as Zach slides his dick back in to you, "What's the birthday princess want, baby?" Zach pants out and you dig your nails into his back, "I-I need you to cum in me." 
Zach bites his lips, laughing slightly, "It's a risky move. I love it." He picks up the speed of his thrusts and sloppily presses a kiss to your lips, "I love you." 
You freeze, "W-h- wai-" you laugh slightly, "Zach." He kisses up to your lips, "Mm. Wh-Wai- what, baby?"
"What di-"
Zach cuts you off, "I'll tell you later." He presses his lips to yours and you let out a loud moan as he thrusts his dick into you fully. 
"Your arms tighten around his neck and you whimper in his ear, "I love you, too." 
You feel his body tense and his grip on your hips tightens, "Say it again." He mumbles, turning his head in to kiss your neck, "Please." 
You slide your arms down, laying your hands on his neck, moaning out as you squeeze his dick with your, desperate for release walls, "F-fuck.. Zach." You whimper out, "I love you." 
You let out a moan, arching your back as you feel yourself quickly become engulfed with an intense pleasure. 
Zach fucks you through your high, listening to every sound he can pull from you, "So fuckin' pretty." Zach grips your chin and his thrusts grow sloppy and slow. 
You bite your lip as you feel his dick twitch inside of you and you look up at him. He raises his brows and lets out a sigh, "You told me to." 
"I know." You laugh and reach over to grab your phone, "Fuck." You jump up, "If you're showering with me, let's go. But we're not fucking around." 
Zach stands up, following you to your bathroom, "Yeah, you say that now. How much time you have?" 
"Forty five minutes." You turn the shower on and Zach bites his lip, "Give me five of those minutes while we're in here."
You smirk and pull him into the shower with you, "Let's see it."
You were still shocked that Zach got you both off in five minutes before you rushed around and went to Alyssa's, but that was only after Zach trapped you in the car for another make out session while dropping him off. 
Your party was going very, very well. 
Everyone was having the time of their lives, and honestly so were you, you loved the attention but the only attention you wanted was from one person and his eyes have been on you all night. 
His stare begging to get you alone. 
You had to admit, Zach losing his final straw today was the best birthday gift ever, his jealously was super sexy.
"You look bored." You say walking up to him, "My party not good enough for you?" Zach laughs and leans in, "Nah, I just can't stop thinking about how pretty you sounded earlier." 
You feel your cheeks darken and he smirks, "Happy birthday, Princess." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you liked this! I'm going to get some Sam snippets out so in the mean time, tell me what you thought about this. Ilysm! 🖤
likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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part two to this little thing 'cause i saw these tags on the last part from @stevesjester and actually kicked my feet and giggled about it
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After Pretty Boy kissed him, Eddie walked back to the staff break room in a daze.
His slow lumbering gait still managed to scare some folks, though, so that’s a plus.
He opens the door, slowly turns to close it softly, and leans back against it once it is.
“Eddie? You okay?” Comes a voice he’d know anywhere. “Wait, that is you, right? You’re supposed to be Piggy Man tonight?”
Eddie pulls the rubber mask off, making his stomach flip thinking about the last time it was pulled up. You know, ‘cause he’s a sap.
Chrissy takes in his shocked, sweaty face, “Oh my god, you okay? What happened?”
He looks up at his roommate (best friend, sister) in her bloody cheerleader costume, an ironic holdout from their time in high school, and breathes a laugh, “I fell in love.”
“OMG OMG tell me everything right now!!” Chrissy bounces over to him excitedly and pulls him down to the bench of their one (1) break table, a sagging plastic picnic table.
He looks up at her bright happy face and barks out a half hysterical laugh, “I can’t believe you’re this excited about me potentially falling in love with someone I’m literally being paid to scare.”
“Oooh, so they were a runner??”
“Yeah, literally in this case.”
“Start talking, Munson, or I’m going to throw all your guitar picks down the garbage disposal.”
“Okay, okay, Jesus Christ.. Okay, so I did my usual creepy husky voice at him, called him all the usual things,”
“Let me guess, you started with ‘pretty boy’?”
“Yeah. ‘Cause he’s pretty. Duh. Damn was he pretty…”
“Uh huh. And you fell in love with him ‘cause he was pretty?”
“No, no of course not, listen to this:” Eddie sits up straighter in preparation for the story. “I had him backed into a corner, right? The fake gate over in section 2B,”
“Ah yes, of course.”
“Yeah! And when I lunged at him, he caught my arm, and spun me around.”
“Shut. Up.”
“No, never. SO he’s got me backed against the fence, and he–I swear to fucking Jesus H. Christ–lifts my mask up and kisses me.”
Chrissy starts to squeal incoherently. “Eeeeee!!! Shutupshutupshutup!! Holy shit there’s no way this happened!!”
“Look, 100% serious right now; he kissed me stupid, and spun around and booked it again.”
“Pretty Boy distracted you with a kiss to escape!?! I cannot believe this, c’mon..” Crissy grabs ahold of his arm again and pulls him out of the breakroom with her insane unchecked leftover cheer squad strength.
“Whoa, what? Where’re we going?? He’s probably gone by now! I was standing over in 2B like an idiot for a while after he left!!”
“Not that, we gotta go see Argyle.”
“Argyle why—ohhh shit. Oh my god, you think they caught it on camera?” Eddie’s actively following her now.
The two burst into the warehouses’ security office, where they’re met with the backs of two ‘zombie’ guards (and the leftover smell of weed).
“Argyle, Jonathan, you need to look at something for us,”
“Is it the footage of Eddie’s makeout sesh in 2B? ‘Cause we’re waaayy ahead of you pompom.”
“Ah!! Holy shit he was telling the truth?!” Chrissy bodies between the two, sending Argyle rolling away on his chair, and Jonathan staggering back a step.
“Dude, that’s so cool of your boyfriend to come to the haunt, keepin’ us in business.” Argyle directs at Eddie, though still spinning slowly in his chair.
“He’s not my–you thought he was my boyfriend?”
“Yeah man, why else would you look at him like that.” Jonathan points down at the screen. 
Chrissy re-winds it again and Eddie watches himself charge forward at Pretty Boy (damn, he’s still pretty though this grainy footage too, how the fuck is that possible??), get spun and–oh shit, they’re right.
“Oh Jesus Christ.” he hangs his head into his hands, falling down into Jonathan’s previously abandoned chair.
“Sooo…he’s not your boyfriend..?”
Chrissy re-winds the footage again. Squeals happily.
“Nope. Just met him tonight.”
“Wow dude, that’s like, love at first sight if I ever saw it.”
She re-winds it again, squeals.
“Yeah I know, it’s embarrassing as shit, alright?” Eddie’s still talking into his palms.
Chrissy snorts at that, “Not for you! Well..kinda..but him too, did you not see that pause?”
“...What pause?”
His question goes unanswered as Jon and Argyle move back in over Chrissy’s shoulders and after a few seconds both “Ohh…” in sync.
“The fuck’re you talking about?”
“Look,” She re-winds the tape once again and points, “Watch after he lifts your mask.”
So he does, and..okay, there was a pause.
“He totally fell in love with you at the same time you did him. Fell with him. With each other?”
“You both fell in love at the same time.” Chrissy says what Jonathan was trying to. “We have GOT to find this guy somehow.”
Chrissy records the footage on the screen with her phone, intending to post it online to find the guy, but Argyle’s positive he’s gonna show back up tonight.
“Give him a chance, pompom, he’s totally in love too, remember?”
“Fine, but if he doesn’t come back today, I’m posting this. Maybe it’ll get us some more business too.”
“Do I get a say in this?” Eddie asks, already knowing the answer.
“No.” Yep, there it is.
So, he rolls his eyes, puts his mask back on, and finishes out the night like everything is normal and he didn’t just fall head over fuckin’ heels for a random (hot) stranger earlier.
He’s done for the night before Chrissy since she’s got a lot of that fake blood to try and wash off, so he grabs up his stuff and heads out the front, intending to wave bye to Gareth at the front counter before braving the frigid late fall wind to warm up his car (and move it closer to the entrance so Chrissy doesn't have to walk in the cold). 
“See ya Ed,” Gareth calls, and he waves over his shoulder at him as he passes, his attention pulled to a blonde with a choppy bob looking in through the glass of the door, partially silhouetted by the bright ass headlights of a shiny Tesla parked behind her.
He can see the shadow of someone in the driver seat too, as he gets closer and opens the door for her, their face only partially lit up through the tinted glass by the glow of a phone screen.
She starts rambling off immediately after the door is open. “Oh my god, I thought we were too late and you were closed and I completely didn’t even realize I’d left something here when we were here earlier an–”
“Nope, no worries, ma’am, just go talk to Gareth at the front counter and he can tell you if someone turned in…whatever it is you left here.”
She says her thanks and scoots past him, and he spins quickly towards the side lot where his old Neon is parked.
He glances back when he hears the bell chime over the door, a bit delayed (probably the wind holding it open), and sees that the Tesla’s stopped beaming their headlights into the front door, that’s nice of them.
He unlocks his car and gets in, turning the engine over and cranking the heat as high as it’ll go. Once the engine stops it’s signature ‘I’m cold as fuck rn, don’t even try to move me’ rattle, he drives to the front door to wait for Chrissy, pulling in next to the burgundy Tesla.
He scrolls down TikTok for a couple minutes before a banner pops up on his screen
Chris C.: oh my holy fucking shit eddie, get your ass back inside!
Panicking, he races back in through the door, not even bothering to shut off his engine (or close his car door for that matter), thinking shiny Telsa duo is like, robbing the place or something, but as soon as he gets back in, he’s stopped dead in his tracks.
His heart’s still beating a mile a minute, but now with nerves.
Because standing infront of the counter are Chrissy (who’s actually vibrating with excitement), choppy blonde, and…
Oh fuck.
No way.
“H–hi, hi. I’m Steve, you’re Eddie right?”
He can’t help the grin that splits across his face. “Hey, pretty boy.”
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thanks to @henderdads for rightfully pointing out that modern day rich boy steve would probably have a tesla <3
tagging everyone i saw in the tags of the last post that seemed interested in more/wanted to see the aftermath lmao: @bangarangdarling, @tartarusknight, @kas-eddie-munson, @wormdebut (AMAZING url btw), @vecnuthy, @perseus-notjackson, @homosexual-having-tea, @matchingbatbites, @scarcrossdlvrs, @anzelsilver, @auroraplume, @kkpwnall, @wildwildsoul, @bennys-burgers, @steveharringtonssluttywaist
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scoutswritingcorner ¡ 2 months
Borrowing The Chauffeur PT.2
Poly!Vee’s x GN!Chauffeur!Reader
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Aka Part 2 of when Vox realizes that you are now chauffeuring Alastor now. 
A/n: @aboyscriminalrecord COME HERE POOKIE- COME GET YOUR DINNER!! Also I know these three could kill Chauffeur Reader but I find it funny that they are all collectively simps and in their minds Reader can’t do anything wrong.
TW:Valentino, Chauffeur Reader kinda snaps, Vox being Vox and there is a verbal fight. All the Vee’s get horny for Chauffeur Reader being absolute feral. A LIL NSFW.
It took two weeks for Vox to realize that you were driving Alastor around the town and to say he was pissed was an understatement. He was beyond livid, so when he called you to the tower that night you immediately knew something was wrong. He never sounded that angry when talking to you, glitching every few seconds between his words.
When you arrived at the meeting room in the tower, you were met by all three of your bosses. You slowly walked over to the long table, “Do you know why we called you here?” Vox asked looking up at you as Valentino took a hit from his cigarette and Velvette was typing away on her phone. “..No Sir, I do not. Please enlighten me.” Vox growled his screen glitching and he threw his hands up in the air, “He thinks you're betraying us since you chauffeured Alastor around.” Velvette explained making you stop and had to reset your brain. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You snarled out, rubbing at your eyes. Vox stopped and leaned back, all eyes on you as you rarely ever got angry like this, especially at them. “You called me at 4 in the fucking morning to yell at me, forced me to come here and now your throwing a fucking temper tantrum because THE Radio Demon, asked me to chauffeur him around a few days out of my work week?” You asked glaring at Vox, his screen glitching every few seconds from pure anger. “You shouldn’t have accepted!” He yelled back making you look at him like he grew two heads and then you looked at the other two at the table. “Are you two pissed off?” You asked moving closer to the table, this was a dangerous game you were about to play and it could be your afterlife on the line here.
“Nope, it’s not really a big deal-” Valentino hummed out as Velvette nodded and went back to her phone as you glared the TV man down, “So- with that out of the way. What in the actual fuck goes through your head? I’ve been loyal to you for decades Vox, is that not enough for you to think, maybe I’ll stay by your side for the rest of my afterlife.” You asked, venom lacing your voice as you slam your hands on the table. “Then why did he ask you? Why did you say yes?” He stood up, electricity pulsing around him, “Vox. Put yourself in my situation. I get home and I get woken up two hours later by the fucking RADIO DEMON at my door. I don’t have the power to stop him and I’d like to not die a second time.” You hissed out clenching your fists on the table, you so badly wanted to knock some sense into him but you took a deep breath, hands shaking.
Vox glared at you before sitting back down, “Do you know what that’ll do to your reputation? To OUR reputation?” He asked, making you slam your fists on the table, “Respectfully, Sir. I couldn’t give two shits right now. So when you stop throwing a damn temper tantrum, call me back. I’m going back to bed.” You snarled out before turning and storming out of the conference room. 
The room was silent as the door slammed, Vox snarled and turned his attention to the sharks behind him. “...That was hot.” Valentino called out making Velvette roll her eyes, “Oh come on, Cariño. You’re gonna sit here and tell me that wasn’t the hottest thing that happened today?~” Velvette sent him a glare as Vox growled, silently fuming in his seat as he watched you storm out of the Vee tower through the cameras. “Fine! It was! I never knew they could snap back like that.” Velvette huffed out her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.
Satan be damned…he was hard.
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recklesssturniolo ¡ 7 months
pleaseeee write where Chris and y/n sit in the back for a car video (they’re just friends at this point) and she keep grazing and touching him knowing exactly what she’s doing. Matt and Nick have to run in target after filming and Chris takes the opportunity and gives her a little punishment in the car 😇😇😇 (lots of dirty talkkk)
Car Video - C.S
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As requested !! Dom!Chris
Hope you enjoyyyy🫶🏻
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
After being convinced by Nick to join them filming a car video, I had now just sat down in the back and greeted all 3 boys.
“Alright now how did you end up in the back? What happened to passenger princess Chris?” I laugh looking over at Chris.
“Oh do not even get him started on being in the back, bro lost a bet with me and hasn’t stopped crying about not having the front seat since we got in the van” Nick says turning around to face me.
“Oh you poor baby” I say to Chris as I place my hand on his thigh and faking a pout.
“Yeah yeah whatever let’s just get the video filmed” Chris mumbles out.
Nick starts the video off and not surprisingly is now on a rant about god knows what. I glance over at Chris and can’t help but notice how good he looks. He was only in grey sweats and a white tank top, but him manspreading with his arms crossed against his chest and head thrown back was doing things to me.
I lean over and whisper in his ear, being aware that the angle I was at he could see my cleavage, “Look any more miserable?”
“If Nick keeps talking I promise I will” He quietly laughs back, but I notice his eyes drop down to my chest for a moment after he speaks.
“Holy fuck Nick okay we get it enough” Matt exclaims.
Thanks to Matt the topic is switched. Chris now talking about his preferred superhero and why, then Matt giving his opinion. Without looking at him I place my hand on his thigh, purposely close to his dick. I feel his eyes flick over to me. I slightly move my hand up and down his thigh as I continuing debating with the 3 of them. Noticing out of the corner of my eye his hands move to seemingly cover his dick.
“Something wrong?” I ask him quietly.
“Nope, just getting comfortable” He responds back with a smile.
I took that as a note that I wasn’t teasing him well enough. I purposely lean over the console, knowing all Chris could see was my ass and pretend to be reading something off Nick’s phone. Sitting back down I hear a slight groan come from Chris as I place my hand now directly on his dick which I could immediately tell was hard. Thankfully, the angle the camera was at it wouldn’t be able to see it.
“Feels like you’re a bit worked up eh?” I smirk at Chris, obviously referring to the fact that he was hard.
“You know exactly what you’re doing Y/N” He says back, his eyes narrowed.
“Do I?” I reply, moving my hand slightly to apply pressure to his dick. At that he thrusts his hips up ever so lightly, only causing me to continue to palm him through his sweats.
“Y/N! Chris! Were either of you even listening to me?” Nick shouts. Causing both of us to flinch slightly and me to remove my hand from his dick - obviously not wanting Nick to see it there.
“Uh” I mumble.
Nick rolls his eyes and repeats himself, “I said, Matt and I are running into target for a few things, do you guys just want to wait in here?”
“Oh yeah that’s fine we’ll just wait here” Chris immediately responds, not even giving me a chance to.
“Alright we won’t be long, text us anything you guys want” Nick replies before both him and Matt get out of the van.
Knowing I had just teased Chris for about 30 minutes, I got a bit nervous, not quite knowing what to say.
“All quiet now?” Chris asks me with his head slightly tilted, moving himself closer to me.
“What?” I respond.
“You think you get to tease me like that and then just sit there all innocent afterwards?” He questions, his lips now inches away from mine.
“I - uh no I was just waiting?” I say but it comes out more as a question.
“Yeah? Waiting for what? To be treated like the slut you are?” He smirks and then connects our lips. His hand around my throat as our tongues fight for dominance. The kiss filled with passion and need, both of us acknowledging how long we’ve wanted this for.
As he begins kissing down my neck, Chris’ hands make their way down my thighs before coming up and brushing against the waistband of my shorts, his fingers slipping under and pulling slightly.
“Gonna let me take these off and fuck you pretty girl?” He asks.
“Yes, fuck please” I moan out, knowing how needy it sounded but not caring.
As he takes off my shorts, I see a smirk come onto his face before he says, “Look at you, so fucking wet. Such a little whore” His fingers slightly rubbing my pussy.
“Chris” I whine out, “We don’t have much time”
“I know baby” He nods, taking off his sweats and boxers.
Pulling my legs gently so I lay on my back on the seats, he opens my legs wider and runs his tip between my folds, using my arousal to slick himself up. Quickly, he lines himself up with my entrance, and pushes himself in.
I immediately cry out his name, my hands pulling at his hair as I did so.
“Fuck you’re so tight” Chris groans out.
Without warning, he picks up his pace and begins slamming himself into me.
“Oh my god oh my god” I moan out, my nails digging into his back in response to the increase in pleasure.
“Such a pretty slut taking me so well. Is this what you wanted?” He questions, his dick still pounding into me.
“Yes my god, just what I wanted” I stutter out, feeling my climax creeping up. “Chris don’t stop I’m gonna come”
“Good, come on my dick baby” He groans out, grabbing my legs and wrapping them around his waist. Dipping his head down after and kissing my chest.
“Fuck fuck Chris I’m coming oh my god” I whimper out. My legs barely able to stay wrapped around his waist as I clenched around him, and he continued to thrust himself in and out of me.
“Such a good girl coming for me” Chris says, earning a moan in response from me. Moments after his dick beginning to twitch inside of me.
“Chris, come in my mouth” I tell him, it coming out as almost a whisper.
“Of course you want that, fucking whore” He grunts out, but nonetheless after a few more thrusts he moves his dick to my mouth, not even giving me a moment to adjust before it’s hitting the back of my throat and his come fills my mouth.
“Swallow all of it, I know you can” Chris moans out, his hand on the back of my head.
He pulls out of my mouth shortly after, my hand wiping the come on my chin that had dripped out as Chris watched, “Fuck I never want that image to ever leave my head”
“Chris that was so good” I state, out of breath but now in a small state of shock that we actually just fucked.
“Yeah it was, I always knew you wanted me” He smirked back. Causing me to smack his chest in response. “Oh don’t worry I’ve always wanted you too”
“Wait shit Chris get dressed I can see Nick and Matt” I practically yell.
We both get dressed again and attempt to look as casual as possible before his brothers got back in.
“Why the fuck does is smell like that?” Matt asks almost immediately.
“Like what?” Chris retorts.
“It smells like fucking sex” Matt tells him.
“Oh my god, there is no way you two just had sex while we were inside” Nick interrupts.
Chris and I both flushed red and unfortunately both struggled to come up with a response fast enough.
“You did! You dirty freaks! I’m the one that almost always sits back there, I’m going to be sick” Nick gags.
“I agree it’s sickening but on a good note for me, Nick you owe me $20” Matt smiles.
“You BET on us having sex?” Chris and I yell out.
“I mean yeah, no one’s that stupid. We’ve seen the way you both look at each other. Nick and I have had this bet going for 2 weeks now” Matt laughed.
“Yeah and you stupid fucks couldn’t wait just one more week and have me win the bet” Nick grumbles out.
“This is so embarrassing Jesus Christ, Matt drive home” I mumble out, my face in my hands.
“Yeah and once we are home, you’re both cleaning those fucking seats” Nick yells.
Chris assures him we will and laughs a bit as he throws his arm around my shoulders.
TAGLIST: @devsturniolo @strniolosworld
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dirtybitfic ¡ 2 months
Lets get horny
chris x y/n
Contains- talking about sexual topics, smutt, kinks, dom-chris, bondage, blindfolds, choking, slapping, rough, orgasm control, dirty talk, degradation, breeding kink, daddy kink.
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y/n pov-
The guys decided to make a r-rated video and see how it goes and naturally they asked me to join them they said it was a "comfort" thing having me there when they talk about such topics.
I obviously said yes so right now we're parked in a spot and getting the camera ready.
i'm sitting in the back with nicks as he's going through the list of questions and topics well be talking about.
i've never been one to share my personal life on social media so i'm a bit stand offish with the video i'm about to be in but id do anything for them so here I am.
okay cameras set but y/n scoot closer to the middle so the camera can see you. matt says and I scoot closer touching legs with nick . I feel bad im so much in his space but it is what it is.
okay everyone ready nick asks and we all say yes.
Okay hey guys today were doing a rated r video since you all seemed to really want one nick says and we all nod along.
as you can see we have y/n here with us matt says looking back at me and I give an awkward smile and nod .
okay nick what's the first topic chris asks as he smiles a devious look on his face as he rubs his hands together.
okay umm first kiss stories well start if off a little chill he says
ill go first . okay I think I was like 15 and I was hanging out at the. park with some friends and I kissed a girl that was there and yeah thats it matt says as he smiles and looks at chris to go next
okay It was like 8th grade and I kissed a girl at our dance win the hallway and yeah that was my first kiss he says and then looks back at us .
I look at nick brows raised
I role my eyes as he smiles
okay fine ill go . I was a freshman in highschool and I went on a movie date with a kid who was literally 5'2 I shiver from the memory but yeah he kissed me
I look at nick waiting for him to answer
umm I think I was 17 and I went on my first date with a guy and he kissed me when he dropped me back off at home and yep thats it ... okay next topic .Ummm loosing our virginity
oh god I sigh as I lean my head back in embarrassment
ill go first I guess . It was senior year for me . it was very awkward chris says
I lost mine junior year also very awkward
I lost mine senior year
I internally scream as I know I have to answer now
I lost mine sophomore year
damn youngest out of all of us chris says smiling back at me and I cut my eyes and mouth "turn around" making him put his hands up in surrender and turn back around chuckling.
okay now well get into the juicy stuff , most embarrassing thing thats happened during sex he says with a laugh .
well there was one time a girl was riding me and I leaned forward at the same time as her and we but heads really hard and she started crying he says laughing
ooh awkward I say laughing a bit too.
there was one time a girl asked me to choke her and I gripped to tight and she choked cause I was pressing on her wind pipe
come on chris everyone knows you squeeze the sides not the middle I say rolling my eyes and smiling
okay ms choking expert he says looking back at me narrowing his eyes.
I shrug my shoulders
since you have so much to say lets hear yours he says tilting his head.
okay fine... there was one time a guy tried to talk dirty to me and I laughed right in his face
poor guy matt says and we all laugh
okay there was one time as guy hadn't uhh cleaned up the area well and I literally left cause I just couldn't do it nick says shaking his head.
I laugh damn nick
yeah yeah anyways next one this ones mostly for y/n cause its how many times has someone made you cum during sex and obviously its easier for guys then girls
I sigh as my face Gets red .
I look down at my hands as I mumble zero
sorry what I didnt hear you
I said zero
wait what ... never matt asks shocked
nope never I say as I get embarrassed
damn thats embarrassing for the guys you've been with chris says laughing .
okay now lets ask how many times have you two made someone cum
matt and Chris look at each other smiling
4 times I think matt answers shrugging
wait all in the same day I ask shocked .
yeah why he asks looking back at me smiling
oh nothing just wish it was that easy for me I say as I look out the window .
he nods his head in understanding as we all look in chris's direction
oh uhm I think 6 he says smirking after .
damn okay then well now we have some questions y/n wanna find a good one he asks and I say sure as I take the phone scrolling through trying to find a good one.
okay this one is bold but what's your kinks I read off as I look up .
I have a couple but ill say two ... chocking and... bondage but not like ropes just like belts and shit matt says turning a little red as he sighs and looks at chris .
ummm ill say a couple of mine , slapping, chocking uhhh breeding and daddy kink he answers confidently before looking back at us .
I try and hide the blush that creeps up o my face. I have a little crush on chris so hearing these things about him have me flustered and a little turned on.
nick you go first I say as I think through all my crazy ass kinks trying to think of the ones that won't be to crazy to admit.
okay uuh chocking, slapping and like dom and sub type thing he answers then looks at me .
hold up let me look through my list real quick .I say as I open my notes app
damn you got a whole list Chris asks a little shocked
yeah why is that a bad thing I ask a little nervous
no just didnt know people keep lists
well ... shit I don't know if I wanna out myself like this I say as I read through my list realizing most of them are a bit out there compared to theirs
nick looks over my shoulder whispering a damn making me smack him
girl you freaky the last one is crazyyy nick says as he chuckles.
now we have too know just read the chill ones matt says as he looks back at me
okay ummm... humiliation, impact play which is like slapping and whips and stuff , umm fuck thats the most chill one
they cant be that crazy chris says with raised brows as he looks back at me
oh don't be too sure about that nicks says and I smack his arm again.
okay fine ill say three more , choking , dom and sub and uhh cnc
wait what's cnc
umm consensual non consensual
hold up matt says as he looks up the definition
oh wow he says as he reads it and hands it to chris too read
oh ... so its like a submission type of thing
yeah I guess so idk I think its more liking the idea of playing out being forced even though its fully consensual
hmm okay I understand it better after you explained it like that
okayyy next one I say getting embarrassed . I look through the questions finding one I know will be juicy .
okay biggest sexual fantasy you have I read off as I look up waiting for one of them to answer
how about you go first this time matt says smiling back at me cocking his head to the side
nah last tike I checked this is you guys channel not mine y'all go first I sass back . I need to get a feel for how crazy there's are so I can narrow mine down to the best one to say out loud.
okay fine whatever i'll go nick says as he talks about his fantasy of someone overstimulation him which is very tame compared to all of mine.
okay mine would be like role playing as like a teacher or student or something like that Matt says as he looks at Chris waiting for him to answer.
okay mine is to have complete control over a girl like tying her up and going for hours until she's crying and begging me to stop chris says as he smirks .
my legs clench and I can feel a pulse start in between my thighs .
I gulp as they all turn to me waiting for me to answer
i... ummm I have a fantasy of being fucked by a guy in a ghost face mask I say as I get red and embarrassed
oh come on you have to have one more freaky than that chris says as he looks at me with a smirk
I mean I do but some of them I don't want to share to 6 million people I bite back making it obvious I don't want to share the other ones.
I know one of hers nicks says smiling and I slap his chest harder than I meant too
shut the fuck uuuup nick I say in a sing song voice showing my annoyance.
nah nick tell us chris says as he narrows his eyes at me like hes challenging me.
I sigh as I cover my face and sink lower in the seat
she has one of being tied down and blindfolded and being over stimulated and also..
I cu them off by slapping my hand over his mouth as he still says it into my hand but its muffled .
okay okay well stop chris says as he laughs and turns back around .
I take my hand off oh nicks mouth and he smiles wide before opening his mouth and the words fall out
being forced to crawl to a guy by a collar and chain he rushes out before scooting further away from me knowing im gonna beat his ass
both matt and chris eyes pop out of their head as they turn to me mouth open and brows raised
I read it in a book okay now turn the fuck around I say as I grab nicks arm and mouth "im gonna kill you"
he just smiles and goes to do the outro to the video.
once we finish we headed back to their house since I was sleeping over .
nick tells me hes gonna be in his room editing for a bit and I know that means he needs space and quiet so I decide to chill on the couch.
as im zoned out on my phone a hand grabs my shoulder making me jump .
I look back and see chris
he smiles at me and I return it
come with me he says as he holds out his hand
what why I say as I get up and take his hand
you'll see he says with a expression I cant place .
I gulp as I follow him to down the stairs and into his room.
he shuts the door and locks it making me even more nervous
so he says as he tilts his head and smirks
soo i question back as I stumble back as he steps closer
what did you think about the video he says as his hand comes up and traces my jaw
I gulp which makes him smile harder
it was fun I guess I-i don't know I stumble back again as he gets even closer .
mmm I know you liked it ... you wanna know why he asks as I smirk grows onto his face and his eyes sparkle with lust.
wh-why I question as my heartbeat accelerates
I saw the way you got red and your thighs clenched when I talked about all the things ive done
mm I hum as he closes the space between us so his front is flush with mine
his hand slides into my hair at the back as he pulls it tight making me look up at him
do I turn you on y/n he asks as he leans in closer our faces so close if I moved forward just an inch our lips would touch.
my face heats up as my knees buckle
I- uh I don't ... I cant even finish my sentence before he interrupts me
I think I do ...I think you want me just as much as I want you he says as he presses a soft kiss right under my ear making me whimper
am I right he whispers into my ear making me gulp.
I- y-yes I whisper . His hands moves to my neck squeezing a bit causing me to whimper .
He smiles as he walks me back until my legs hit the bed and I flop down on the edge .
He stands above me as I look up at him through my lashes.
here's what's gonna happen your gonna be a good girl and strip for me ... and then im gonna tie you up and use you . does that sound good ma
I whimper as I nod my head and start slipping my sweat shirt over my head then my shorts and underwear .
good now lay down he orders and I scoot myself further onto the bed and lay down.
He grabs my wrist as he ties my right arm to another one connected to something behind his bed frame then he switches to the other one doing the same thing.
I tug a bit too see how much movement I have which is little to none.
He moves to my legs and ties them so im spread out for him .
I whine from the way my limbs are tightening from the stretch which only makes him smile and chuckle.
fuck you look so hot tied up for me he groans as his hands roam my naked body until his hands move to my tits and he pinches and pulls my hard nipples making me gasp and arch off the bed. He continues groaning and adding a couple light slaps to my tits as he starts sucking on my neck leaving marks as he goes along.
Im a whimpering mess for him and ive never felt so alive. I never thought that video would lead to this but ive always wanted a man to do this too me and the man being chris makes me ten times wetter.
chris p-please I whine out in a begging tone wanting him to touch me where I need him most . I know I sound pathetic judging by the way he smirks into my neck .
what do you want baby he asks as he looks down at me .
a-anything just please I whimper as I look into his eyes.
he smiles before he moves to be in-between my thighs
fuck so wet for me he groans as he runs his fingers through my wetness making me gasp and buck into him .
his mouth all the sudden latched around my clit and he licks and sucks at the perfect pace that has me whining . He slips one finger into me and pumps it in and out making my legs tense and shake.
F-fuck chris I whine as I try and close my legs but remember they are tied and I physically cant close them.
he adds another finger and starts sucking on my clit sending my body into overdrive with how much pleasure im in.
f-fuck fuck oh-my I cry out as I shaking and gasping for air . Im so close and he can obviously tell by the way my body is trembling .
Come on slut cum all over my face he says before going right back to sucking and licking.
I scream his name as I reach my orgasm and my body goes tense in the restraints army legs shake .
thats it such a good girl he praises as I come down from the high . His fingers are still pumping in and out .
Im trying to catch my breathe as he comes back up and hovers over me placing kisses and bites on my neck and chest . He curls his fingers to perfectly hit the spot that drives me crazy.
C-chris wait I he cuts me off
You're gonna take it. I know you can he says in a deep gravely voice that makes me even more wet.
im whimpering and breathing heavy as I feel pressure build and squelching sounds can be heard signaling i'm going to squirt.
f-fuck oh-my god chris I cry out as I feel my juices spray out of me all over the bed, his hand and my legs.
he pulls out his fingers and grabs my throat as he brings me into a deep needy kiss.
I knew you'd look pretty when you cum and before I even have the chance to comprehend what he just said my legs are untied and i'm flipped over onto my knees and back arched. My arms are uncomfortably crossed over each other pulled tightly by the restraints.
I hear clothes rustling and it only takes a second before the bed behind me dips and I feel his body right behind me.
His hand comes down on my ass making me gasp .
you like that don't you he says in a dark tone with a bit of amusement mixed in.
he slaps harder
I said don't you he waits for me to answer
y-yes I l-like it in stutter out
good girl using your words he whispers in my ear before I feel him rub his tip along my folds making me whimper .
My breathe is taken away as he slides into me so deep that all I can do is cry out .
He stays still for a second stoking my back sweetly before his hand grabs my hair tightly and he starts slamming into me relentlessly.
I scream out as he somehow thrusts more rough than before.
I’m moaning and shaking as he continues slamming into me with such force my wrist burn from the restrains and how they continue tightening with each movement.
Just a good girl taking my dick so deep
He says to me as he lets go of my head and it drops on-top of my arms
Fuck fuck IM GONNA CUM I cry out as my legs start to shake and my arms tense
Not until you beg me for it
He says as he grabs my hips and angles my back so he hits even deeper making me to struggle to get any words out.
p- fuck please can I cum please I whine out holding my orgasm back painfully.
mmm no I think you can do better than that he says as he continues his rough deep thrusts
my legs are shaking and im gasping trying do get the words out
PLEASE FUCK PLEASE DADDY CAN I CUM PLEASE I scream out praying to god he'll finally let me.
fuck yeah you can cum he groans out and I immediately break as I cum harder than I ever have before . I scream out as i'm coming down and legs continue shaking .
such a good girl for me he groans as he slows his pace down giving me a moment to rest.
He pulls out and flips me onto my back as he stares down at me .
god you're beautiful he says as he slides back in .
I blush as I continue looking into his eyes.
he comes down to kiss me and he starts pounding into me again . I try my best to continue the kiss but fail when he lefts my legs onto his shoulders and hits my spot repeatedly .
f-fuck oh my god I moan as his hand comes down to my lower stomach where he's bulging inside me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he groans as he smirks down at my face morphed into full pleasure.
mhm fu-fuck im gonna I cry out but cit myself off as my juices squirt out all over him and the bed below.
fu-fuck he groans in pleasure as he watches me squirm and whimper.
my legs shake on his shoulders as I start to become very overstimulated.
c-chris I c-cant I whine as I try and move my arms to push him away but fail.
come on baby you can give me one more I know you can he says in a deep sweet tone as he strokes my hair.
mmm o-okay I whimper out as he does my legs and lowers his body flush with mine and his arms wrap around and under me lifting my lower half up just a little .
he starts pounding into me rough again and his thrusts get sloppier telling me hes close too.
fuck your gonna be a good girl and cum with me he groans into my ear and I whimper and shake my head in response .
my legs start trembling around his waist and my whole body starts twitching the closer I get to my final orgasm .
All that can be heard is skin slapping and my heavy breathing mixed with his deep groans.
he groans loudly into my ear bringing me even closer to my orgasm.
fuck come on ma cum for me he groans and I do just that .
he thrusts a couple more times before he fills me up and his body drops onto mine as we breathe heavy .
Jesus I say as im still catching my breathe and he comes up and invites my arms and I sigh in relief and I stretch them .
he goes to the bathroom to grab a towel and then cleans me off .
that was... the best sex ive ever had he says smiling down at me
yeah same I say as I laugh a little .
can I tell you something he asks as he looks at me with a slightly worried expression.
yeah of course I say as I sit up and give him my full attention.
ive wanted to that for so long like ... ive liked you for a while I just was to scared to tell you he says as his face gets a bit red from embarrassment .
chris... i've liked you for a while too I just didn't want to scare you away I say as my face gets red and I cant help but smile.
he brings me into a tight hug making me laugh and he laughs too .
you free Saturday he ask and I look at him
yes why
cause we're going on a date he says with a big smile on his face.
we lay down and get comfortable and drift off to sleep.
116 notes ¡ View notes
azaprocky ¡ 1 year
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┃ pairings ➣ 〔 ❛ platonic f1 drivers x reader ❜ 〕
┃ summary ➣ 〔 ❛ emma chamberlain's vlog got taken over by formula 1 drivers. ❜ 〕
┃ face claim ➣ 〔 ❛ Nailea Devora + Bianca Bustamante ❜ 〕
┃ warnings ➣ 〔 ❛ cursing ❜ 〕
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emmachamberlain posted a new story!
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emmachamberlain posted a new video
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watch Emma's new video?
Yes ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ |‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎No
❝ On the way to Ferrari's motorhome, (Y/n) is calling me like crazy, she clearly missed me ❞ Emma said to her camera, walking to the paddock on the way to Ferrari's Motorhome that's currently stationed in France, once she had arrived to the Motorhome, the 23 year old driver rushes to give her a hug that almost knocked her over "I missed you so so much" (Y/n) kisses the cheeks of her childhood friend
"Aww look, maybe Ferrari's It Girl isn't all that tough" Emma gushes with the camera having a full view of the interaction "Shut up" (Y/n) pushed her friend Jokingly "Oh fuck here comes Lord Perceval" the female driver said in a jokingly disgusted tone looking at the older Ferrari driver who's walking to their direction "Emma what are you doing here?" Charles hugged the youtuber greeting her, while mouthing to (Y/n) "shut up, Mickey Mouse" the nickname referring to where (Y/n) had wore a Mickey mouse costume when she was a child on Halloween.
"What happened to 'hello?'—'How are you?'—'My name is—' " (Y/n) clapped back to the Monacan after breaking the hug with her childhood friend, "yeah, like eversince he became a multi millionaire he acts like he can ask women whatever he wants" Emma said teasing the Monacan driver who just seem to roll his eyes at his friend's antics "oh I swear to God I will put a fucking pencil on your eyes, stop rolling your eyes, here take my camera, your bad vibes is like bumming out my entire existence right now" Emma handed her camera to the 25 year old driver
"What am I gonna do with that— omg you're filming a vlog!" the older Ferrari driver excitedly said as he snatched the camera from the girl's hand "Vlog takeover—Hey Carlos!" Charles singsonged to the camera while calling out to the Spanish driver who's making his way to the younger girls who's conversing and Charles who's putting his literal face to the camera, the Spanish driver hugged Emma "Hi Emma!—what is Charles even doing?" the Spanish looked at his Monacan team mate with judging eyes
"I'm doing a vlog takeover and say hi to the camera" Charles said to his team mate putting the camera quite close to the Spanish driver's face "Hello Everyone!" Carlos said to the camera rolling his eyes to his friend in contrast to his smile that was displayed on his lips, while the two older drivers continued to talk and goof around the camera, the younger girls was now Infront of (Y/n)'s Ferrari car with (Y/n) teaching Emma the basics of F1 cars "Chassis is the main body of the car which the engines and suspensions are attached, Power unit is the term for engine, Sidepods keeps the car as tight and possible—" "Wait hold on, is there any safety feature in here?" Emma questioned (Y/n) slightly interrupting her discussion "I was about to get to that, this bad boy right here is Halo " (Y/n) touched the bar that is positioned on the top of the driver seat "Keeps us drivers safe whether there's an incident occuring, aside from the helmet" (Y/n) explained to her friend "So you ready?" She continued, Emma looked at her confused
"Ready for what?" She asked "YOU'RE DRIVING AN F1 CAR! PLEASE PLEASE" (Y/n) pleaded giving her friend the biggest puppy eyes she could master "WHAT?! no, nope, no way" Emma walked backwards as to run off from her friend but (Y/n) gets a hold of her wrist "Give me an acceptable reason first." The Brunette argued
"Because Ferrari. wants. clout." (Y/n) said to her childhood friend in a serious tone but still smiling while the nervous vlogger was looking at the white and red car unsure what to reply to her "what's in it for me?" Emma muttered as she huddled closer to the girl, I mean why would she agree immediately if she just saw her life flash through her eyes while her friend was explaining earlier, there must be an exchange for her friend's deal.
" i mean Ferrari will be paying for your extended 3 days stay here in France" The Ferrari driver offered confidently, she knew her friend would agree to this for mountful of reasons, her right hand was now offered to the now grinning brunette "deal " Emma spoke with ease as chuckles escaped from her lips, she has to admit that this was a dumb idea but anything she will do to let her stay here in France for a few days and to just avoid being in Los Angeles, a place she wanted to avoid for too long now.
Charles and Carlos
While the two girls were currently in the Ferrari motorhome, the two older Ferrari drivers are on their way to the McLaren's humble abode not until they came across two alpha Tauri drivers who was currently filming a video for Yuki's YouTube channel.
"YUKI" Carlos screamed catching the attention of the Alpha Tauri drivers, "He runs like Cookie Monster whenever it sees a cookie" Charles spoke to the camera while displaying Carlos who seem to be now carrying the Japanese Driver
"OMG, PUT ME DOWN!" Yuki screamed "my son, how I missed you" Carlos had put down Yuki who has a clear discomfort look on his face "wow, like I wasn't even here" Pierre said to the Spanish driver who was clearly just paying attention to the younger alpha tauri driver, "You're not as valuable as Yuki, stop acting like you're all that Mate" Charles entered the conversation with the camera still intact with his hand and is beside Pierre "Oh really? not like you're just as important to (Y/n), actually yesterday, she said that she'd choose Daniel over your stupid ass" Pierre said pretending to do a hair flip on his hair
But before Carlos could reply to the other french driver's 'joke' Daniel and Lando approach the four
"Hey guys" Daniel was the first one who spoke from the McLaren drivers followed by Lando snatching Emma's Camera "Let me take over, Leclerc!"
"I'm about to—" Charles said trying to reach the camera from lando who was now running far from him, "Hi guys" Lando said posing for the camera with Daniel also joining to pose "so this is the feeling when you're a vlogger—" before Lando could even finish the sentence a sudden voice was heard from speakers around the paddock "This is Ferrari's (Y/n) (Y/l/n) speaking to the mic, can I call for the attention of Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz—"
"do you know who holds your Camera em? .. Yeah, unfortunately it's in the McLaren motorhome .. how did you even know that?! .. Gps, the camera costs me 500 dollars and memories ain't wasting that money for just someone to steal it ..."
"Ehem" (Y/n) clears her throat "And also callingfor McLaren's Lando Norris or Daniel Ricciardo, or whoever holds Emma Chamberlain's Camera, please go to Ferrari's Garage, thank you and goodbye" (Y/n) added walking out of the room and heading to the Ferrari's Garage
"I'm Nervous, what if I die?!, who's gonna feed my kids?!" Emma panicked, she was now using her phone to vlog slightly regretting giving Charles her vlog camera
"You'll be fine, You can do this!" (Y/n) cheered for her childhood friend while Emma was still asking herself what did she do to have gone through this point, as they enter the Ferrari garage they immediately saw Lando, Daniel, Charles and Carlos joking around with Emma's Camera, the four was greated with a now racing suit Emma fuming about them being careless about her camera "I swear if you break this Camera, you will never ever see the light of day" Emma ripped her camera from Lando's hand as she gave it to (Y/n)
"Hey not fair"
"If we were careless, (Y/n) wouldn't even holding it right now"
"I saw Lando almost drop it—"
Despite the ongoing protests of the drivers, Emma rode the Ferrari car, a camera span to her face and her flashing a heart before gearing it up, she held her breath and remembered the things that (Y/n) said to her, but damn she forgot
"if I die, then I die" Emma said to herself as she start the car.
(Y/n) heard all of it she couldn't help but laugh at what her friend said, "She is going to die" Charles said to her laughing as they monitored Emma through a tv.
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liked by emmachamberlain, hunsterschafer and 2,306,956 others
your.username‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ You're the girl, You're the one.
view all 18,967 comments
emmachamberlain‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ I love you <33
liked by creator!
shericryiz‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ my fav duo!
scuderiaferarri‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ so cute
landonorris‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Im gonna steal that camera and become YouTube famous!!!
emmachamberlain‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ oh really? 👎👎
mischareii‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ the mothers are mothering!
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459 notes ¡ View notes
crabbunch ¡ 1 year
“Scar!” Cub rushes into the room. Scar gasps loudly and falls backwards off of the balcony, dying on impact. “Oh. My bad, dude.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Scar says, getting up from a nearby bed. “It’s not the first time that’s happened today.”
“Yeah. Anyways, did you vote for me?” Cub asks.
“Vote for you- oh! For the tumblr sexy-ma-doodle thing!” Scar says, gathering up his stuff. “Not yet! I’ll get on that right now.”
“It’s really close right now,” Cub says. “I think I can pull ahead, but it won’t be easy.”
“I don’t know what the masses are thinking!” Scar complains. “I mean, I know I’m sexy, but can’t they see your appeal? Don’t they know the power of the Convex?”
“You should make a calendar with both of us on it,” Cub suggests.
“Shirtless?” Scar checks.
“Shirtless,” Cub confirms.
“Yeah, okay,” Scar grins. “Hot Guy… Cute Guy… you can be Sexy Guy, I guess.”
“Sexy Man,” Cub corrects. “Tumblr Sexyman.”
“That doesn’t roll off the tongue at all!” Scar complained. 
“It’s what I’m going for,” Cub smirks. “How quickly do you think you can get that calendar printed.”
Scar pulls off his shirt and out a camera. “You had me at ‘you should make a calendar with both of us on it.’”
- - -
“ETHO!” Bdubs shouts, landing face-first into the luscious, green, beautiful jungle grass. “WE’RE IN A TUMBLRMAN SEXY- AH- A TUMBLR SEXYMAN COMPETETION!!!” 
“Oh snappers,” Etho murmurs, closing his shulker box and turning to look at Bdubs. “Wait, what-?”
“I voted for you, of course,” Bdubs says, holding up his phone to show Etho the bracket. “You’re winning by a landslide.”
“A tumblr sexyman competition?” Etho repeats, eyes darting between Bdubs and the bracket. “Like- a tumblr competition?”
“Yeah,” Bdubs grinned. “They love us.”
“That’s the place- is that where the- you made a tumblr account?” Etho asks, sitting on the shulker.
“Well, of course!” Bdubs brags. “I had to vote for us! Cleo, too, she’s doing good. She’s the one who told me about this in the first place, actually.”
“Oh,” Etho says. “Oh.”
“You’re winning,” Bdubs says again. “I voted for you.”
“I’m not making a tumblr account,” Etho folds his arms. 
“Aw- come on, man! I voted for you, it’s only fair that you vote for me!” Bdubs whines. 
“Nope,” Etho repeats. “Not on your life, Bdouble0.”
“Fine,” Bdubs says, pulling his phone out again. “I’m gonna rally the troops, though. I’m gonna make sure you win.”
“Wait, no, don’t-” Etho begged, but it was too late. Bdubs was flying off to who-knows-where to convince the masses to vote for Etho. 
- - -
“Tango,” Zedaph says, frowning at his phone. “Are you-”
“Yeah,” Tango smirks. “I’m sweeping.”
“Oh, come on!” Zedaph whined. “Impulse-”
“I’m beating Fwip,” Impulse says.
“Jeez!” Zedaph throws his hands in the air. “Is it not enough to wear a catmaid outfit? Is it not enough to put catmaid pillows in my merch shop? It’s not my fault none of my fans made me a How Bad Can I Be animatic.”
“What’re you even upset about?” Tango teases. “Aren’t you crushing Schlatt?”
“I was,” Zedaph pouts. “The people rallied against me. Did you know Schlatt wears a suit? I should have worn a suit. I should have…”
“Oh, look at this!” Impulse pulls up the poll on his own phone. “You’re not loosing that badly.”
“I’m not sweeping,” Zedaph complains. “I’m not even winning! This is disgraceful.” 
“To be fair, Schlatt is a pretty typical sexyman,” Tango says. “I’m surprised he didn’t get more nominations.”
“Fwip’s sexy!” Zedaph points at Impulse accusingly. “He’s a vampire, and Impulse is still obliterating him!”
Impulse shrugs. “No one’s campaigning for him.”
“Why’d they have to campaign against me,” Zedaph wails. “I’m sexy! I’m hot! I deserve this!”
“...there, there,” Tango reaches over to pat him on the back. “This is more of a popularity contest than anything.”
“That's not better!” Zedaph groaned. “The hermit fans practically rule the polls, and I’m loosing to SCHLATT?”
- - -
“I can’t believe this!” Iskal complained. “I’m loosing to this- this upstart! This young ‘un! Why’s he favorite to win?”
“You’re not even a man,” Stress giggles. “I don’t think-”
“I’m a man sometimes! And besides, I was their first example for a good sexyman!” Iskall whines. “I can’t believe this! I can’t believe it!”
“Oh, quiet your trap,” Stress laughs. “You’re perfectly sexy.”
“I know!” Iskall says. “I just need the masses to realize it…”
“You could try campaigning?” Stress suggests. “Everyone who’s talked about it or posted about it has been pretty successful.”
“Naw,” Iskall sighs. “I wanna win fair and square. Campaigning’s cheating in my book.”
“Everyone’s doing it, love,” Stress points out. 
“It’s the principle of the matter,” Iskall shakes her head. “I can’t believe this.”
- - -
“Joe,” Cleo says, looking down at her phone. “Do you think we’re going to meet each other in the bracket?”
“Well,” Joe peeks over their shoulder to look at the bracket. “I’d say there’s a good possibility of it.”
“I won’t be voting for you,” Cleo says immediately. “I mean, sorry, but. Well. You know how it is.”
“I do,” Joe agrees. 
“I’m doing a violence already,” Cleo giggles. “I’m destroying Zloy.”
“Oh, really?” Joe asks. “By how much?”
“Ninety percent,” Cleo brags.
“Oh, darn, me too,” Joe sighs. “I was going to rub it in your face if mine was higher, and conveniently forget to mention mine if it was lower.”
“I wouldn’t have let you do that,” Cleo says fondly.
“Yeah, but I would have tried,” Joe smiles back. 
“I’m gonna beat you into the ground,” Cleo smirks. 
“I don’t know about that,” Joe hums. “I’ve got a good campaign going. There’s a lot of users saying that you’re ‘too traditionally sexy.’”
Cleo scoffs. “This is a glorified popularity contest. It has nothing to do with actual sexyman merit.”
“Well, maybe I’m more popular than you,” Joe sticks his tongue out at her. “I’ve been campaigning.”
“We’ll see,” Cleo says. “We’ll see.”
- - -
“Come on…” Grian mutteres, watching the percent of votes between Mumbo and Grumbot wiggle back and forth.
“Father,” Grumbot beeps. “Please let me make an account. I need to vote for Better Dad.”
“No,” Grian snaps. “You’re not 13 yet.”
“No one will know!” Grumbot protests. “We can lie!” 
“It’s about the principle of the matter!” Grian scowls. “We can’t commit voter fraud. It won’t be a real victory then.”
“I would commit voter fraud for Mumbo,” Grumbot mutters. 
“I know, Grumbot.”
“I would kill to let Mumbo win,” Grumbot says.
“I know, Grumbot.”
“I could kill Scar,” Grumbot muses. “Everyone says he’s favorite to win.”
“He’ll still win if he’s dead.” Grian points out. “There’s a few- not everyone on here is alive. Or even real. Schlatt died years ago and he’s putting up a good fight. Mumbo’s doing fine. He’s beating you.”
“Good,” Grumbot beeps. “I’ll kill anyone who votes for me.”
Grian pauses. “Now there’s an idea. We’d have to kill them before they voted, of course, but that one’s got some real merit to it…”
- - -
“Jimmy,” Scott sings. “They love me.”
Jimmy looks up at him, eyeliner smudged. “They pity me.”
“I’m gonna wiiin,” Scott brags.
“They called me a wet paper bag!” Jimmy cries. “I’m winning, but not because they think I’m sexy! They just- they just-”
“...” Scott raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, they think I’m a little sexy,” Jimmy admits. “But only because I’m pathetic. That doesn’t count!”
“Take what you can get, Jimmy,” Scott says. “It won’t last long.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jimmy sighs and pulls out his phone. “I just- Scott, what’s this job you’ve done on the tags? It’s kind of cringe.”
“That’s one of my tactics,” Scott grins. “They love pathetic men on tumblr. I’m totally going to sweep you.”
- - -
“Oooh, Lizzie, I can’t wait to get curbstomped by you next round,” Joel says, lounging on a cat bed. 
“I can’t wait to curbstomp you next round!” Lizzie crows. “Oooh, I’m a fish-cat-lady, and I’m so sexy!”
“No, that’s kind of my thing,” Joel sniffs. “...people are saying I’m trying too hard.”
“Well, you are,” Lizzie points out. “No one’s going to take you seriously if you go around announcing how sexy and tall and lore you are.”
“Oh, but it works,” Joel says. “I’m super tall now and everyone loves me.”
“I’m still going to sweep,” Lizzie smiles.
“Oh, yeah, absolutely,” Joel agrees.
- - -
“You know,” Connor says, sipping a bottle of vanilla. “The syndicate’s doing pretty good in the tumblr sexyman competition.”
“What are you talking about,” Techno replies, biting into a potato.
“Me and Niki might drop out this round,” Connor continues. “But you and Ranboo and Phil… you’ll keep going, I think.”
“What?” Niki wrinkles her nose. “What do you mean?”
“No, no, I get it,” Techno nods slowly. “I wouldn’t have known, I’m not on tumblr.”
“What’s tumblr?” Ranboo whispers to Phil.
“Mate, you have an account, you of all people should be in on this,” Phil whispers back. “You need to start campaigning, you’re barely beating Xornorth.”
“What,” Ranboo says.
- - -
“Aw sick I’m starting to beat Iskal in the tumblr sexyman bracket,” Quackity says, and doesn’t say anything else because he is annihilated by a nuclear bomb. 
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warmaidensrevenge ¡ 5 months
It's not a never.
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Pairing: Eddie x best friend!Fem reader
A/N: Hey loves. Hope you all had a great week. Tonight's fic is part one of two. I hope all you like it. As always thanks for reading. Kay love ya byyyye.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,045
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, angst, sexual implications and not proof read.
Summary: New feelings? Yeah Eddie's got it bad.
Part 1
Eddie looked around the cafeteria table at his friends. “ Uhhhh you're joking…you gotta be joking…pfff that's hilarious.”
Everyone sat there in silence.
“ Guys? Seriously?! No way! No fuckin way!” He said, putting his hands up. “ Nope!”
He locked eyes with you and raised his brows. “ Common, you agree with me right?”
You averted your gaze to your lunch and shrugged. 
He looked at the imbecile that brought up the subject in the first place. “ You turned her against me!”
Gareth scoffed. “ Dude no. All I'm trying to say is that prom is like a highschool right of passage. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out.”
Eddie tuts and narrowed his eyes at him. “ Miss out on what exactly? Penguin suits?”
You answered his question. “ You guys don't have to wear tuxedos. You can wear all black. Like always.”
He shot you a look and you smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes. “ Okay how about shitty music?”
You answered again. “ They're bound to play something good.”
He gave snake eyes now to you and you stuck your tongue at him. 
“ Okay how about all of us are broke and we can't afford a limo?”
You opened your mouth to respond but he pressed his lips and widened his eyes at you.
Grant cleared his throat. “ Ehem. Well, you do have a van.”
Eddie licked his lips and looked at his lunch box. “ You guys are nuts. I'm admitting you all to Arkham…I-I can't believe you're trying to convince me to go to prom…Where the hell am I gonna find a date?”
“ Eddie, we're going together as a group. No dates.”
He looked up at you and you gave him a pout. God he hated when you did that. He could never say no when you put your lip out like that.
“Do you even own any dresses?” He asked sarcastically. 
When you beamed at him, he gave you a defeated look. You'd convinced him.
You smirked.“ Oh you'd be surprised what I have in my closet.” 
Eddie sat there and kept shaking his head while his friend talked about the plan for prom. 
He couldn't believe it. Eddie absolutely could not believe he was doing this. He was driving to a damn dance. It was the last thing in the world he thought he would be doing. Yet here he was. Pulling up to the last stop before prom. 
He lowered the music and parked in front of your house. He honked the horn and waited. 
A minute passes and he sees your mom open the door. She then motioned for them to come in.
Eddie sighed when he saw her waving a camera. This was not a night he wanted to remember. Or there to be any evidence of it ever happening. 
Everyone hopped out and walked to the house.
“ Oh my! You guys look sharp.” Victoria said, giving them each a hug.
Eddie grinned and gave her a warm embrace. “ Look who's talking. You look ravishing.”
Victoria playful slapped his chest. “ Oh you.”
“ Seriously Eddie? Dude, stop hitting on my mom.”
He turned his head to give you a smirk but instead his jaw nearly hit the floor. 
There was only one word to describe how you looked coming into the foyer in your off the shoulders black satin dress. 
That word along with your name in the same sentence was not normal. Well other than him saying (That nat 20 was beautiful y/n.)
But now you are beautiful. Not that he thought you were ugly or something. It's just he never thought about that at all. 
You were just one of the guys. A kid that liked to ride bikes and wrestle with boys. A kid that didn't care if you got dirty or cried when you scraped your knee. 
You were one of his best friends and up until now, he never saw you as anything more. 
“ Stop gawking dude.”
Your comment woke him up from his initial shock.
“ Ermmm. Y-you clean up alright kid.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “ Gee thanks. I appreciate that. You don't look awful yourself. I see you pulled out your funeral attire.”
He looked down at his black short sleeve button up and his uncle's black slacks. Along with his white Reeboks. 
“ Well you did say-” he looked up and you turned around and went to say hi to everyone else. 
You always did that. Whenever he was gearing up to argue, you would walk away. It always irritated the living fuck out of him. However, right now all he could do was smile to himself. 
Before the group pictures you had gotten each of them a white rose to pin on their shirt. Eddie watched you smile happily as you and your mom put them on.
When it was his turn, his heart started to race. You were so close to him, he could smell your perfume. It was sweet and floral. Playful yet sexy. Something he could smell forever. He could just bury his nose in your neck and die happily. 
He shook off the intruding thoughts and focused on your hands. 
“ OUCH!” He hissed.
You pulled your hands away and looked up at him worriedly. He grinned and thought your forehead looked so cute when you pinched your brows together like that. 
He grinned. “ Just kidding.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and mumbled under your breath. “ You dick.”
He chuckled and apologized.
You guys were sitting at a table near the exit in the gym. Talking amongst yourself. Eddie would have complained how they have been there for half an hour and the DJ has yet to play a passable song. Instead, he sat there wondering if he should ask you to dance. Would it be weird? No one else asked you yet. And he didn't think Gareth or Jeff would. Grant maybe. Because he liked all kinds of music and loved to dance. And he had a secret crush on you.
But Eddie had to beat him to the punch. He needed to know what it felt like to hold you close. 
Just as his mind went haywire, he felt you tap his thigh and began spelling something out.
‘U- ok?’
He glanced at you and nodded. He always did like how you guys secretly communicated. He put his arm on the back of your chair and started writing on your back with his thumb.
‘Yeah- u?’
He kept his thumb pressed against your skin. Loving the warmth radiating from it and how smooth it was.
You wrote back. ‘Hungry.’
He looked down at your salad plate and it was empty. While cursing at himself for declining his salad that he should have given you, he searched around for more food. 
He leaned in towards you when he found some. “I'll be right back.”
He got up and went for a plate when someone sat down in front of the one he was eyeing. He sighed and went on the hunt for another. It took a few minutes but eventually he was able to sneak one.  When he came back he saw that you and everyone else at the table had a dinner plate already.
You grinned at him. “ I spoke too soon. But I'll totally eat that one too.”
He shook his head. “ I think all of us are gonna need 3 servings of this. With how much the tickets cost, they could at least give us more than an ice cream scoop of potatoes and a chicken wing.”
You agreed with him and offered to take them out for burgers after.
You guys were in the middle of eating when yours and his song came on. You immediately put down your fork and wiped the corners of your mouth.
“ Mhmmm. Okay! Let's go.” You said standing up. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone looked at each other and got up too. Except him. 
“ Muuunnnnsooonn.” You sang out, walking backwards towards the dance floor. “ Common. This is our song dude. We have to.”
He chuckled while you pretended to cast out a line and start to reel him in. 
He had no choice. He had to join and belt out the song with you. 
What's goin on!”
While grabbing his hand, you started swaying with him and the others. 
“ And so I wake in the morning and I step outside. And I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream at the top of my lungs.
Eddie re-lived all the memories you and him had.
All the times he was bummed or sick. You would show up with food and sing that song. When you had a bad day at school or got anything less than a ‘A’ on an assignment, he would wrap his arms around you and rock you back and forth. Singing at the top of his lungs. Making you laugh like crazy. 
He liked hearing you laugh. Especially when you laughed so hard that you would let out a small snort. He also liked how your fingers felt, scratching his head when he had a headache. The way you hummed What's Up? always made him feel better. 
Even now, seeing you rock back and forth, singing your heart out. It made an alright night to one he'll never forget. 
A couple weeks went by and Eddie couldn't get you out of his head. After prom, everything went back to normal. Except his feelings. You weren't that kid anymore. You weren't just one of his best friends. 
In addition to being that, you were a girl who he wanted to hold. Maybe kiss and have sleepovers. Well, a different kind of sleepover than he was used to. 
He tried so hard to avoid you as much as possible during those weeks. But he eventually missed you, so he gave into whatever was taken over his heart.
All the times he hugged you hello and goodbye would last a little longer. He became more affectionate than he'd ever been. Random tickling you when it wasn't weird. Just so he could touch you. Or he constantly had his arm around your shoulders whenever you were together. 
He thought no one would notice since it was so close to graduation. But he was wrong. Apparently he was doing it so much that Gareth had to pull him aside and talk to him.
“ What the hell's going on man?”
Eddie's eyes went wide. The jig was up. “ Ermmm hmmm? What's up?”
Gareth crossed his arms and stood quiet. That's all he needed to do to get Eddie to talk. That and a stare down.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “ I…I don't know what happened…one minute she's who she's always been and the next, she's not.”
Gareth tilted his head to the side and remained silent.
Eddie clicked his tongue and shook his head. “ Look man, I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that I feel different.”
Gareth straightened his head and raised his brows.
Eddie let out a long sigh. “ Fine! I like her. I like her, like her.”
Gareth smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. “ Welcome to the club.”
Eddie jerked his head back. “ What the hell does that mean?”
Gareth laughed. “ Dude! We all had a crush on her at some point. Remember when Jeff needed help with the spelling bee in the 6th grade?”
Eddie nodded.
“ Well she helped him for a whole 2 weeks. Jeff swore he loved her after that. And Grant…well you know he always liked her. But it really hit him when she decked Jenny for calling him fatso.”
Eddie was quiet for a second. “ W-what about you?”
Gareth put his hands in his pocket and gave him a thin lip smile. “Uhhhh…so I broke my arm once. Before you moved here…She helped me out a lot during that summer. She did my chores and helped cut up my food sometimes… You know, she was the only one who signed my cast.” He smiled. “ She's a great friend. She always has been. Honestly, I'm surprised it did happen to you sooner.”
Eddie licked his lips and put his hands in his back pockets. They had all liked you because you helped them out or defended their honor. But you hadn't done anything different with him. Besides you looking incredible at the dance, there was nothing that he could think of that made him like you like that.
“ S-so all of you guys still like her like that?”
Gareth shook his head. “ Nah man. I knew that it was just a crush. And Jeff, well Jeff's dating Connie. Grant…Grant still likes her. He even tried to kiss her.”
Eddie flexed his jaw. “ What?! When?!”
“ Prom.”
“ PROM?!”
“ DUDE!” Gareth hushed him up. “ Calm down. You left to get food and he tried. But she let him down gently. She said that she sees him as a brother. In fact, she sees all of us as family. And it would be weird if she dated any of us.”
Eddie's heart sank. Did you really think that about all of them or just the 3 stooges?
“ Look Munson, don't worry about it. It will go away.”
“ What-what if it doesn't?”
Gareth shrugged. “ Then talk to her. Maybe she can say something that will make you feel better about it.”
All of sudden Eddie felt hands on his hips.
“ Hey ladies! What are we gossiping about?”
He turned slightly to find you staring up at him. His heart fluttered seeing your amazing smile.
Gareth spoke up when Eddie couldn't answer.“ uhhhh nothing. Just talking about Mrs O'Donnells final.”
You huffed and grabbed his hand. Pulling it over your shoulders. Lacing your fingers with his. 
What did that mean? It was weird right? You and him were close. But now that he had feelings for you, everything you did seemed intimate.
“ Don't you guys worry, okay. I've helped both of you and you'll do fine. Then all of us are gonna walk the line and finally get the hell out of here.”
You looked up at him and beamed. Making him grin right back. 
There was a moment there where he thought that you felt the same for him. But that was squashed when you let go of his hand and hook your arm around Gareth’s. 
“ Now common. They're serving pizza and you know how I love pizza Fridays.”
He and Gareth chuckled and responded at the same time. “ More than us.”
You started for the cafeteria. “ You betcha!” 
A week later and Eddie still couldn't shake you. He just couldn't get past the thought of being with you. Or even if what he felt was just a hard core infatuation. But nothing could prepare him for the events of senior outing.
It wasn't camping or a field trip to Washington. It was a movie in the park. 
Sure, you guys could have rented a decent horror flick and binge out on snacks in your basement. But you argued that it was one of the last chances to hang out. So of course everyone went. 
Eddie was walking back with Jeff. Hauling bags of popcorn and drinks for everyone. As soon as he was close enough he caught your eye. You bit your lip and waved him over. 
He immediately felt butterflies in his stomach. 
When he sat down you scooted closer to him and covered his legs with a blanket you brought. 
You then grabbed your purse and pulled out his favorite candy.
He smiled and patted himself down. Pulling out a box of milk duds from his jacket pocket.
“ Awwww you remembered. Thanks.”
His eyes went wide when you gave him a peck on the cheek. 
He had only a second of shock before he tried to brush it off. “ Of-of course. I could never forget.”
You happily rocked side to side as you combined the candy and popcorn. Then you held out a bite for him. 
His heart started to race the closer your hand got to his mouth. 
He closed his eyes and let you feed him.
Under any other circumstances, this was totally normal. You were very affectionate. It actually annoyed him most of the time. However this time, it only served to make him think you actually did like him too.
As the movie he couldn't pay attention to kept playing, he tried not to think about his “crush”. But it was a battle he was losing. Every time you would laugh, it would warm his heart. Every time you guys reached for popcorn at the same time, your fingers would touch. All he wanted to do was hold your hand or pull you closer by your waist.
Then like a sign from above, the wind picked up. You moved closer to keep warm. Out of nowhere you rested your head on his shoulder and put your hand on his upper thigh. That's when his breath caught in his throat. He tried to clear it and ended up coughing. 
Without hesitation your reached over and lifted up your lemonade for him to take a sip.
He licked his lips and took a drink. After you put the cup down, you started tracing across his thigh. 
He gulped and nodded. “I uhh I'm gonna get us refills.”
He felt your eyes on him as he got up and grabbed your cup and his. 
While he walked to the snack bar he tried to talk down a chubby. This wasn't okay. The way you made him feel was agonizing. But in such a good fucking way.
When he hit the stand there was a huge line. 
Shit! He thought. 
By the time he got back to the spot, you had moved to sit between Gareth and Grant. That's when he noticed you wearing Grant's leather coat. He instantly got jealous. 
You looked up and gave him a small smile. “ Sorry Eddie. I got really cold while you were gone.”
He shook his head. “ It's cool. The line was long.”
Once he handed you your drink he plopped down and sulked.
Obviously his feelings weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
What the hell was he gonna do?
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therealcocoshady ¡ 4 months
Recovery - Chapter 9
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Eminem x FemReader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : After relapsing, Y/N wakes up next to Marshall. She confronts Cassie and has an anxiety attack.
Tags : Angst, Comfort
CW : Bullying, Alcohol, Drugs, Relapse, Anxiety attack, Mention of masturbation
When you woke up, you were feeling groggy and nauseous. You groaned at the memory from last night. You felt some stirring beside you. It was Marshall, laying next to you on top of the covers. 
Hey, he said in a raspy voice. How are you feeling ? Better ? 
Mmmmh, you moaned. 
He groaned and yawned. 
How about we try some words ? He asked. How are you feeling, Y/N ? 
Ashamed, you mumbled. 
You stared at him as he rubbed his eyes. You couldn’t help but think that he looked perfect, even in the morning. He was pretty damn sexy, only wearing gray sweatpants with no shirt on. He scratched his beard before looking at you. 
Did you sleep here ? You asked. 
No, I slept in the garden but decided to come back here before you woke up, he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. Yes I slept here. I wanted to make sure you were alright. 
Thanks, you said. You could have slept in your bedroom, you know ? Instead of here with me. 
And risk finding you dead in a puddle of your own barf ? Nope, he groaned. I don’t feel like having forensics in the house on a Sunday morning. The press would have a field day, though. 
Oh my God, the press…, you murmured as you remembered the flashing camera from last night. 
I called Paul after you fell asleep, he said. He’s going to try and get the picture deleted. He gave me so much shit about it. 
I’m sorry, you whispered as you took your face in your hands. 
You were embarrassed. There was so much that you needed to apologize for. 
It’s fine, he shrugged. It’s Paul anyway. He gives me shit all the time. That’s kind of his job, you know ? 
I’m so sorry I ruined your night… 
You didn’t, he said in a softer voice. I mean, I could have done without the worry, for sure, but my night pretty much sucked anyway. 
Why ? You asked. 
I hate that kind of events, he shrugged. I was there because the Lions PR Team wanted me to do some promo shit. I was supposed to meet someone there to talk about that but I ended up swarmed by drunk people bugging me about the album. And then, I had to take some ho to my place, he chuckled.
God, I am so embarrassed, you whined. 
About what part exactly ? He grinned. 
All of it ? You said. I mean, you had to help my grown-ass to undress and shower and you held my hair while I threw up. That’s pretty damn embarrassing. 
He chuckled and looked at you. 
Yup, he simply said. 
I’d say the outfit and kissing people was pretty embarrassing, too. And… Oh my God I danced, too, you whined. 
Oh yeah. That was some dancing, he grinned. 
Just kill me, please, you whined. 
He let out a laugh as you buried your face in your hands. Suddenly, the idea of digging a hole and dying there was quite appealing.
It’s fine, he said with a chuckle. I mean, you got some good moves. Didn’t expect you to, to be honest. 
Yeah, I don’t know about that… 
It wasn’t that bad, I promise. You put on quite a show on the dance floor. 
God, I made a fool of myself, you sighed. 
I don’t think you did, he said earnestly. Everyone there was doing the same thing anyway… But yeah, that was a bit foolish. I mean, it’s just not you, Y/N. 
You nodded softly. 
I don’t deserve you being so nice to me, you sighed. 
Me being an ass to you wouldn’t help matters, he shrugged. Besides, you already know what you did wrong. You’re a grown woman. 
I thought you were going to kill me, back there, you whispered. 
Dramatic, much ? He chuckled. I mean, yeah, I wasn’t really pleased with you. I was mostly worried, though… 
I thought you were doing good, you know ? He explained. You were sober for, what… Four months ? 
Yeah, going on five, you said with a hint of sadness. And now I threw it all away…
Slipping… it happens, he said. What matters is that you’re able to dust yourself off and try again. 
Easy for you to say, you mumbled. You’ve been sober for fifteen years. 
He scoffed and shook his head. 
You’re not the only person it happens to, you know ? He sighed. I’ve tried to quit a few times before I managed to stop for good. I’ve slipped-up and relapsed a few times. Even after rehab. 
You did ? You asked. 
Yeah. So I’ve been there and I know how you feel. I just wish I would have known you were struggling, he said. 
I wasn’t struggling, you said. I mean… There were times lately, when I missed drinking, but that’s about it. I think that… I have been feeling a bit lonely, mostly. 
You didn’t tell me that, he pointed out. 
Does it matter ? 
Of course it does, he said softly. You matter. 
You let out a small “aw” and blushed. He sat up and stroked your shoulder. 
So, what happened last night that led you to this ? Walk me through it, ok ? 
You sighed and proceeded to tell him everything. How happy you were to see Cassie, how generous and kind she was to you and how much you didn’t want to disappoint her or let her down. How her calling you a dud made you want to gain her approval so badly. You also mentioned that, regardless of the fact that you had messed up, you looked up to her and you wished you could be more like her but only seemed to get as sociable when you were under the influence. 
This girl is a bully, he scoffed. 
No she’s not, you replied. 
That’s high school mean girl 101, Y/N, he said. You do realize she used you as a prop, right ? She played with you like a doll, she dressed you up in that skimpy outfit, ignored you when she wanted to flirt with people and used you to arouse men, either by kissing you or suggesting threesomes…
Well, if you put it like that, it does make her look pretty bad, you mumbled. But she’s my friend ! 
She's not, he groaned. Talia is your friend. Jamal is your friend. I am your friend. This girl ? Nope. 
You sighed. Maybe he was right on some level, but you didn’t want to hear it. After all, Cassie had been there for you numerous times. 
Well, I have to see her today, you said. I still have stuff in her hotel room. 
I’ll take you, he offered. But first, we should discuss what you’re going to do. 
That’s fair. What am I going to do ? 
First, you’re going to tell Talia and Jamal as soon as I take you home. They’re your roommates and they deserve to know that kind of thing. Lying about it would be a shitty idea anyway, he said. 
Talia’s going to kill me, you said. 
She’s not, he said softly. Then, first thing tomorrow, you’re going to a meeting and calling your sponsor. 
Meetings are on wednesday, you said. 
I’ll get you an appointment with a therapist, then. You need to see someone. The earlier the better. If today wasn’t Sunday, you’d be there already. 
You nodded, but tears were welling in your eyes. 
I can’t do it, you said as you choked on your words. Marshall, I just… I can’t. I can’t face people and tell them I fucked up. 
Hey, he said softly as he took your hand in his. Yes you can, and you will. Shit happens. Do you remember what I said when I took you to the observatory ? 
That I’m not alone ? 
Exactly. Your road to recovery doesn’t have to be a lonely one, he reminded you as he stroked your cheek. I got you. So do Talia and Jamal. The others at the studio too. They love you. 
They do ? You asked. 
Yeah. Everyone thinks you’re great. They keep going on about how cute you are. Especially when you fall asleep on the couch, he chuckled. 
Thank you, you whispered as you let your head roll on his shoulder. I love them too, you know ? 
He kissed the top of your head and decided to get up. 
Get up, Dobby, I’ll make you breakfast, he said. 
Are you really going to call me that ? You groaned before letting out a yawn. 
Yep, he said with a smile. You were right, you do look like a house elf in my tee-shirt. 
I wouldn’t have pegged you as a Harry Potter fan, you said with a grin. 
My youngest was obsessed with the movies and books for a while, he chuckled. She’d be so proud of me right now. Anyway, breakfast in ten minutes, ok ? 
You nodded and took some time to stretch as he walked towards the door. 
Oh, and, Dobby ? You’re much hotter in my clothes than in last night’s dress, he added with a wink. 
He left the room and you were speechless. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks. 
Have you seen my phone ? You asked Marshall when you walked in the kitchen to the smell of pancakes. 
No idea about your phone, but your purse is on the table, he said. 
You grabbed your phone, that was inside your handbag and checked your phone. You had about fifty notifications. Had you been sleeping that long ? Had the world ended without you knowing ? Was someone dead ?
From : Unknown. “Hey. It’s Jared. Loved meeting you tonight. When are you free for dinner ?”
From : Talia. “Is that really you in the picture with Em ???” 
From : Talia. “Hand holding and stuff ?!?! What is happening ??? I thought you were with Cassie ???” 
From : Talia. “CALL. ME. BACK. I need to knoooooow !!!” 
From : Talia. “If you call me back I promise I will let the questionable outfit slide. We need to talk about your fashion sense tho…”
From : Talia. “I know the two of you are probably busy right now, but call me back when you can ??? I hope he is ravishing the shit out of you right now :)”
From : Unknown. “I just saw the pictures online. I didn’t realize you were with Em ! Sorry I suggested that date. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful at all…!” 
It didn’t take too long to figure out the photos had been published. You quickly went online and saw a bunch of headlines. You also received messages from people you hadn’t seen in a long time. It was as if, suddenly, they remembered you. You knew it was no coincidence.You clicked on an article titled “Eminem in love ?!”. 
“Eminem is known to be somewhat of a recluse and very private about his personal life, but he was spotted leaving a fancy fundraising event in Detroit yesterday night, holding hands with an unknown woman. No smile on his face, as usual, but his jacket on her shoulder and the hand-holding says it all ! The rapper was reportedly holding her tightly and keeping her close when they exited the party and hopped in a car, accompanied by his bodyguards. The news has fans in a frenzy and desperate for details. We do not know the name of the woman, who wore a stunning Sandro dress and Jimmy Choo accessories (no doubt gifted by her wealthy beau). It is the first time the Rap God was spotted with a woman since his divorce from ex-wife Kim, with whom he shares three children.”
Fuck, you mumbled under your breath. 
What’s wrong ? He asked as he placed a plate in front of you. 
You gave him your phone. He took a minute to read the article and groaned. 
Guess Paul was too late, he mumbled. I’m sorry about that, Y/N. 
I’m sorry, you said sheepishly. 
I don’t care, he said. I mean, I’m used to dating rumors, you know ? It just sucks for you… 
Well… My phone is buzzing with people congratulating me, you giggled. And at least I don’t look wasted on the pics. Although I think it just cost me a date. 
What date ? He asked suspiciously.
A guy named Jared asked me out yesterday, you explained. He’s a football player. 
Jared Goff ? The Lions quarterback ?! 
Yeah, him. Anyway, he just texted and apologized for asking me on a date and hitting on me, you said. 
Sorry for accidentally cockblocking you, he chuckled.
Maybe that’s karma ? You said with a shy smile. Anyway, I don’t think I would have said yes. I wasn’t really myself last night, after all. Poor guy would have been disappointed
He chuckled and you ate breakfast. 
You know, maybe it’s for the best, he commented between bites. Maybe you should hold back on the dating thing. You’re going to have to focus on recovery anyway. 
I guess, you groaned. That’s unfair though. 
How so ? He asked. 
I can’t get drunk, I can’t take pills, I can’t even smoke a fucking cigarette and now I can’t get laid ?! You blurted out. 
You could tell he wasn’t expecting that statement, as he almost spilled his orange juice. 
Classy, he grinned. 
I’m serious, though, you pouted. I’m feeling lonely. I want affection. I want hugs…
He smiled as he put an arm around your shoulders. 
That’s easily remedied, he said softly.
… and I want sex,you continued. 
Aaaand we’re done, he chuckled as he let go of you. 
How did you do it ? You asked. How did you manage to stay abstinent ? Also, when did you start dating again ? 
You’re 27, for God’s sake, do I really have to explain to you how masturbation works, Y/N ? He groaned as your face reddened. 
But it’s not the same, though, you said. I want contact, I want intimacy. Maybe I should get a friend with benefits…
Right, he chortled. Good luck with that. 
You don’t think I could get one ?! You asked in an offended tone. 
Oh, believe me, after the show you put on last night, I know you could get absolutely anyone, he chuckled. But a lot of people seem to think you are spoken for, now. By yours truly, no less. 
Until you put out a statement, that is, you replied. 
Yeah, I’m not doing that. 
What ?! You asked in disbelief. 
A statement will get people talking. Saying nothing and waiting for the thing to die out is probably the best option, he explained. Besides, I wouldn’t be offended if people thought I was with you. I don’t really mind, to be honest. 
So, you’re not worried that it would cockblock you ? 
Nope. If anything, people might be leaving me alone on the subject for a while. I’m not really into dating anyway, he shrugged. 
Are you some sort of asexual hermit monk ? you asked teasingly. 
I think we’ve established that I’m not, he said with a smirk. Unlike some people, though, I know how to keep it in my pants. 
Oh, I can keep it in my pants, you said as you rolled your eyes. I just don’t really want to. 
Right, he chortled. 
Anyway, do you know if Porter is seeing anyone ?  
He froze as you asked the question and dropped the glass he had in hand, causing it to shatter on the floor. 
Shit, he groaned. You’re not serious right ?!
Relax, I’m joking, you giggled. You should see your face, though. It’s hilarious. 
You’re impossible, he said, rolling his eyes. 
You chuckled and helped him clear the glass pieces on the floor. 
Anyway, I get how you’re feeling. But just be careful, ok ? You need to be safe and healthy. That should come first. Not your sexual urges. To answer your question, I didn’t date for a couple of years after getting sober. I just focused on my family and music. Also, I have found that exercising really gets your mind off… You know, he said with a grin. 
I’ll keep that in mind, you chuckled. 
And if you need hugs, I’m here, he said with a smile. Just hugs though. 
You giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
Thanks for being so amazing, you said. Thank you for being here. 
Anything for you, Dobby, he chuckled. 
Anything ? you smirked. Really ? 
Oh, man… Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this ? He sighed with a grin. 
Well, I do look amazing in that Saint Laurent jacket…, you began. I mean, the pictures in the article prove it. 
Not happening, nope, he said as he shook his head. 
Can’t blame a girl for trying, you giggled. Your closet is full of great pieces. 
I’ll tell you what, he said with a smile, if you’re good and put in some work towards your recovery, I might let you borrow some stuff. 
Really ? You squealed. Even the jacket ?
Yeah. Even the jacket. For every sobriety milestone, you get to borrow a thing for my closet. Except for my sneakers and a few pieces of jewelry. The rest is fair game, he said. 
I’m going to crush recovery, you said cockily. 
Don’t get ahead of yourself, Dobby, he chuckled. You need to stick to therapy, go to meetings, and mostly, you have to call me or anyone else before you fuck up. Not after. Understood ? 
Yes, sir, you giggled. Totally unrelated, but is 10 hours sober a milestone ? 
Go and take a shower and get dressed, he said as he shook his head. I think I have the clothes you left here last time around there somewhere. Then, I’ll take you to the hotel, ok ? 
An hour later, you knocked at the door of Cassie’s hotel room. Marshall was waiting for you in the parking lot. He offered to go up with you, but you figured that you needed to have a talk with your friend, one on one. As much as you didn’t want to believe what Marshall was telling you about her using you, you wanted things to be clear. 
Hey chÊrie, she said with a smile as she opened the door and let you into the suite. Last night was sooo fun. I do have a bit of a hangover, though. 
Oh yeah ? You asked awkwardly. 
A guy I met took me to an afterparty, she explained. I ended up coming back here in the morning with a couple of people. They just left. 
Oh, did you…? 
Yes, we fucked, she giggled. 
Speaking of which… Can I talk to you ? 
Of course, she shrugged. 
You sat on the couch and your anxiety levels started to rise. You didn’t quite know where to begin. 
What, you mean to tell me that you got laid by Eminem last night ? she chuckled. 
W-What ?! No, absolutely not, you said. 
Relax, she said. I saw the pictures online, but I figured nothing happened. If that’s any comfort, I don’t think anyone is going to believe it anyway. No offense but… You couldn’t get someone like that. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. Was your friend seriously implying that you weren’t good enough for Marshall ?! You sort of knew that already, but it stung. 
What do you mean by that, Cass ? 
What ? Just the truth, Baby, she shrugged. Men like that, they like beautiful, interesting girls. Not that you don’t look good, but… You’re sort of plain, you know ? You see what I mean, don’t you ? 
I don’t, you said. 
Whatever, she said. I just think you’re not the type to hang out with someone like that. Even as a friend, you know ? I didn’t mean to hurt you. You know that. I’m just being honest here. I’m your friend. 
Is that why you basically dragged me into a threesome with him ? Because we’re friends ? 
Oh God, you really haven’t changed, have you ? she asked with a laugh. 
You bit your lip. 
Seriously, you were always so sensitive, Ms Goody Two Shoes. I flirted, it was a joke, alright ? We had kissed earlier because you were being initiating. You’re the one who told me you were horny, remember ? I don’t see what the big deal is. Nothing happened. Even if it did… You would have had a great experience, she said as she rolled her eyes. 
I wasn’t initiating, you muttered. 
You said you were horny, she pointed out. 
Only because of the stuff you gave me, you squealed. 
I gave you this because I knew you wouldn’t have a great time otherwise, Y/N. And guess what ? You had a great time. You danced, you flirted…You were finally acting normal. 
I was drunk. 
What’s the big deal ? She sighed. It happens to everyone. You were drunk, so what ? No one died. 
I just… What I mean to say is… I don’t feel comfortable with what happened last night. It doesn’t sit well with me. It’s not who I am, you know ? You tried to explain, while keeping your composure. 
Maybe you should ask yourself the right questions, Y/N, she scoffed. 
Meaning ? 
Is this really who you want to be ? A 27 year-old dork who is still in school, single, living with two roommates, with a sad social life ? You could do so much better with your life. 
In this instant, she managed to break your heart. Recovery and yesterday’s fuck-up aside, you were pretty proud of who you were. Granted, you didn’t have a lot of friends, a boyfriend or a glamorous job. You weren’t a homeowner either. But you always thought you were doing pretty well, especially considering the hand you had been dealt. 
Is it what you think ? You asked as your voice broke. That I’m not good enough ? 
I didn’t say that, she defended herself. 
I thought you were my friend, you muttered. 
I am your friend, Y/N. I want you to thrive, she shrugged. You should be thanking me. Honestly, do you have a lot of people in your life who want the best for you ? 
I do, you said, feeling extremely defensive. I have Talia and Jamal, I have Marshall… 
For how long though ? she asked. 
What do you mean ? 
I’m just thinking that, if you weren’t such a dud, maybe you’d have more people around you, you know ? You’d have more friends. People you meet would stick around. You’d have a boyfriend. Hell, maybe Simon wouldn’t have left you. 
You swallowed dryly and got up. You decided this was your cue to leave. 
I can’t take this anymore. Goodbye, Cassie, you said as you grabbed your things before exiting the room. 
Y/N, wait… 
Tears were streaming down your cheeks when you got to the parking lot. As he saw you come, Marshall immediately got out of the car and engulfed you in a hug. 
What’s wrong? He asked. 
I’m fine, you lied with a breaking voice. 
Bullshit, he sighed. You’re crying. What happened ?
You didn’t talk. Instead, you simply looked in his eyes. As you stared at him, you were reminded of Cassie’s words. “For how long ?”. Suddenly, something hit you and you felt scared. You realized that you were playing a dangerous game. In a matter of months, he had become a constant in your life. Most of the time, not a week went by without you seeing him at least twice. You texted all the time, whether it was to talk about your day or simply to exchange silly jokes. He was always there for you but, as thankful as you were, you were scared of the day he wouldn’t be around anymore. It would come eventually. Maybe Cassie was right. Maybe there was something about you that made people want to leave. And, let’s face it, she was definitely onto something when she said that girls like you usually aren’t interesting enough for people like him. He walked into your life unexpectedly, but you feared the moment he would walk out. He kept on gazing at you, waiting for you to talk, but you couldn’t. 
Talk to me, he said softly. 
I have to go, you whispered. 
Go where ? I don’t understand, Y/N. 
You took a step back and muttered an apology before starting to walk out of the parking lot. At that moment, nothing made sense anymore. You realized that maybe you had been wrong all along. Maybe you were in fact a 27 year-old failure. If so, why bother people ? They would be better off without you, right ? Hell, it wasn’t just about Marshall. It was about all your friends. Maybe you should do them a favor and leave them be. 
You were still wearing your heels from last night, as you obviously didn’t have any spare pair of shoes at Marshall’s place and had not taken the time to change since retrieving your stuff from the hotel room. Your feet hurt but you kept on walking.
Y/N, Marshall called as he followed you. 
Please leave me alone, you said. 
I’m not leaving you alone when you’re crying and just had a slipping episode, he said as he grabbed your arm. Just come with me, ok ? We’ll talk. 
Get away from me !!!! You yelled as you pushed him. 
He looked at you, taken aback. It was the first time you yelled at him and you could tell he was not expecting it. His eyes were full of questions. But what exactly could you say that would actually make sense ? 
I’m sorry, you whispered. I just… I have to… 
You were panting and slurring your words. It was all too much. The only thing you wanted was to get out of here, but as seconds went by, it was clear that your body would not cooperate. You felt a pain in your chest and your heart was pounding. Despite your attempt to move, you were unable to. To make things worse, your eyes were wide open but you couldn’t quite see. It was all a blur. You were feeling trapped. You were on the floor, your hand on your chest. 
Y/N, Marshall said in a soft yet alarmed voice. You need to breathe, ok ? 
I… C-can’t, you stuttered. 
Yes, you can, he reassured you. I’ll help you. I’m going to touch your hand. Is that alright ? 
You tried to nod, to the best of your ability, but your body felt so stiff that you weren’t sure if Marshall could see your reaction or not. Regardless, he got closer and gently took your hand in his before placing it on his chest. You could feel his heartbeat. 
Now, you’re going to try and inhale through your nose and take in as much air as you can, ok ? Can you do that for me ? 
Don’t speak for now. Just inhale. As deep as you can, he directed. And then, exhale slowly. 
Your first tentative attempt to breathe deeply was a complete failure. You thought you were going to end up choking. Yet, after a while, you managed to breathe a bit more normally, slowly. Your hand was against Marshall’s chest, his own breath guiding yours. One of his hands was on your back, gently holding you. 
That’s it. You’re doing so good, Y/N, he encouraged you. 
Mar…, you began. 
Shhh. Just keep breathing for now, ok ? 
As minutes went by, you were shivering, but thankfully, you were breathing properly. 
You’re safe, he said gently. It may not feel like this right now, but I promise. I got you. 
You closed your eyes as he wiped the tears from your cheeks. You stayed like this for a while, unable to tell if it was seconds or hours. Eventually, you came back to your senses. 
Do you feel better ? He asked. 
Yes, you whispered. I’m so sorry. 
What the hell are you apologizing for ? He chuckled. Having a panic attack ? Yeah, you better apologize for things that are out of your control… 
You let out a small, exhausted laugh. He kissed the top of your head and you went back to the car. Your body was stiff and tense. 
Let’s get you home now, he said gently as he started driving. You need some rest. 
Can we… not ? You asked anxiously. 
What’s wrong, Y/N ? He asked. 
I don’t know, you replied. I just…
If you’d had any tears left, you would have cried. Instead, you just choked on your words. You took a breath and tried to speak more clearly. 
I don’t want to face them, you explained. Especially Talia. I can’t disappoint her like this, you know ? 
They’re your friends, he said. Sure, once you come clean about what happened and the fact that you used again, they won’t be too pleased. But you’ll be fine. Because they love you and they care about you. 
For how long, though ? You blurted out. 
What ? 
They would be better off without me. Everyone would be better off without me, you said. I’m a failure. I stall people. Who wants that ? 
You’re only saying that because you slipped and you’re tired, he replied as he shook his head. Is that what your friend told you ? Of all people, I don’t think she is the one you should listen to. 
No, I figured that myself, you said. But as much as I am mad at Cassie right now… She got a few things right. 
Oh yeah ? About what ? He scoffed. 
I’m a failure, you simply said. 
That’s not true.
No, Marshall, you don’t understand ! She said I'm a 27 year-old dork who is still in school, single, living with two roommates with a sad social life. That is absolutely true. She also said that… It doesn’t make sense why someone like you would hang out with… someone like me. She’s not wrong about that either. 
He shook his head and scoffed. 
I hang out with you because I like you, Y/N, he said. And because of everything else she said. 
What do you mean ? You asked with a confused look. 
Let’s dissect, ok ? You’re 27. That’s a fact. I don’t have to have an opinion about it. Same goes for the single thing. As for the rest… I think it’s great that you are still in school. It shows that you are driven and that you are full of ambition. You’re getting a fucking PhD, for God’s sake. Not a lot of people can do that, you know ? You’re the smartest person I know. Most of the time, when you talk about your work, I don’t understand a word of what you’re saying. But I see how passionate you are, and it’s fucking inspiring. And you are a dork. But  it’s fucking great. I love that about you. I think that’s the cutest and funniest thing ever. I’m a dork too. There’s nothing wrong with that. And you do have friends. You have us. You have me. You might not be the most sociable person I know. That’s true. But that’s fine. I like that you’re not the loud type anyway. And it’s cool that you live with Talia and Jamal. I’d even go so far as to say that I like it, because otherwise… I wouldn’t have met you, you know what I’m saying ? 
You stared at him and nodded. 
Don’t let her get into your head, he continued. You’re absolutely amazing. There isn’t a thing I would change about you. Meeting you is the greatest thing that’s happened to me in the past year. You’re a ray of sunshine. Every time you walk in the studio, you make everyone’s day better, just by being you. You make those silly jokes, you put up with us and, most importantly, you get us. You’re not one of those groupies who think of us as stereotypes. Especially me. You’re so genuine, it’s refreshing. So don’t let anyone change that. You are exceptional. You are brave, strong, and beautiful, inside and out. 
You couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful thing anyone had ever told you. Sure, you’d received compliments before, but never to this extent. Hell, none of the people you had dated had never made such a declaration. You could tell by the look on his face that he meant every word he had just said. 
I’m scared to lose my friends, you finally said in an emotional voice. Especially you. 
You’re not losing anyone, Y/N. Especially me, he chuckled as he brushed your face with his hand. Don’t you worry about that. You’re pretty much stuck with me. 
You giggled softly before curling on the car seat and watching him for the rest of the drive. You felt comforted, grounded by his presence. It was a good thing, too, because you weren’t too sure how the conversation with Talia and Jamal would turn out.
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metallicaislife ¡ 7 months
What’s Your Fantasy?
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A/N: I made a reference to one of my first fics. I saw the opportunity and took it lmao 🫡
Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ Smut minors dni
Word Count: 685
Warnings: Threesome, m x f x m pairing, oral(f and m receiving), taking pics during sex, drug use
I was hanging out with Cliff and James. Two of my best friends. We were sharing some of Cliff’s magic green and having a good time. I’m not sure what brought us to the topic, but we found ourselves talking about sex. 
“Okay, but seriously, what is one of your fantasies?” James asked me curiously. 
“I can answer and you aren’t going to judge me?” I followed up with a question. James rolled his eyes. 
“Duh. Are you going to judge her, Cliff?” James turned to Cliff who was sitting next to me. 
“Nope.” He responded, then took a hit off the joint. 
“Fine, okay. This stays here in this circle and dies in your memory tonight.” I started, “I have a fantasy where you two fuck me at the same time.” I said. I immediately regretted it. I should have said something else, anything else. I could have easily lied, but that weed was like a goddamn truth serum. They shared a look and I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. “Well I’m gonna go.” I said standing up. 
“Sit down.” Cliff said in a commanding voice. I did as he said. I held my breath. 
“Funny, I’ve fantasized about having sex with her, but never sharing. Sounds fun though.” James said. 
“Very.” Cliff added. 
Before I knew what was happening, we were in James' room on his bed. I laid between Cliff’s legs with my head resting on his chest as he played with my breasts. 
James head between my thighs as he lapped at my cunt. 
“Oh fuck.” I moaned and fisted James' hair. 
I could feel Cliff’s erection poking my back. He shifted every once in a while rubbing his cock along my back. 
James slipped two fingers in me alternating between curling and scissoring them. I came moaning loudly. 
James looked up, he looked so hot with my slick all over his chin. He got up and went to the dresser, he put a condom on. He grabbed a camera and came back over. He knelt in front of me, lifted my hips with one hand and entered me. 
“So fucking hot.” He muttered and snapped a picture. 
“Lars wishes this is what was in his spank bank.” Cliff said and nibbled my shoulder. I giggled but it turned into a moan as James hit my g-spot. He pulled out.
“On your stomach.” James commanded me. “Cliff, hand me a pillow.” He said. I flipped around and Cliff handed him a pillow. James grabbed my shoulder pulling me up. He placed the pillow where he wanted and let me lay back down. The pillow under my hips so he had the perfect angle to fuck me. I took Cliff’s cock in my hand. I rubbed the precum that had leaked out rubbing it down his shaft. I licked the tip then took him in my mouth. I heard the camera click a couple more pictures before it was discarded. James gripped my hips as he snapped his hips into me unrelentingly. He reached around to rub my clit and I found it hard to focus on giving Cliff the head he deserved. Cliff’s fingers tangled in my hair as he helped guide me on his cock. 
“So cock drunk. Getting fucked and sucking. Such a pretty slut.” Cliff said. My glossy eyes met his as he smirked at me. Tears streamed down my face as I came. Cliff shoved my head down as far as I could go, coming down my throat. I could feel the condom expand inside me as James hips stilled. Cliff pulled my head up letting his cock fall from my mouth, he gingerly laid my head on his lap petting my hair as he lit a cigarette.  
“Fuck, you did so well.” James said as he rubbed my ass. “When you’re done, are you ready to swap?” I lifted my head as he spoke to Cliff. Cliff looked down. 
“Think you can give us two more orgasms sweetheart?” He asked. I nodded, knowing it would be so overwhelmingly great. 
“Good girl.”
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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propertyofyoutube ¡ 2 months
Hey guys! Thought I’d post one of my one shots on here and see how it goes for those who don’t use Wattpad! This was the first of my Sam one shots, I promise the writing gets better! Thanks you !xx
Summary: reader has been good friends with Sam and Colby for a few years now and has featured on the channel multiple times. Sam has a fat crush on reader but hasn't mentioned anything until now, after a ghostly investigation, reader is seriously shook up so Sam insists that reader spend the night with him...
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, foreplay, panic attack, mentions of ghosts, pure and utter FILTH and FLUFF!!!
You took a deep breath as you sat in the back of Sam's Tesla, pulling you knees tightly to your chest as Colby turned back from the passenger seat to look at you, "you okay, y/n?" He said worried. You don't respond at first trying to comprehend what just happened in there. Colby sigh as he reached behind and rubbed your arm slightly in comfort. "Don't worry, demons lie... nothing is going to do anything to you." He said with reassurance in his voice.
You take another breath as you look up at Colby, your body shaking slightly but you appreciated his attempt to make you feel better. So you gave him a soft smile, nodding your head slowly at him.
Suddenly the trunk slammed closed, closely followed by the drivers side door opening as Sam climbed in. "Right that's everything," he said as he exhaled holding a camera tightly in his hand. As he closed the door and turned his attention to Colby and the uneasy environment as he looked around confused before turning to see you in the back clearly not okay. "Woah, are you alright?" The look on Sam's face made you melt as you could see the genuine worry in his eyes as he reached out. Since you met Sam a couple of years ago, he had been all you think about, your friendship was pure and exciting, he was the one you turned to for everything! Something good happened? Call Sam. Something bad happened? Call Sam. Feeling down? Call Sam. But you were also that rock for him too. You loved coming on these investigations, you truly were interested in learning everything about the afterlife, you would stay up on the phone with Sam for hours, discussing theories and telling each other ghost stories you've heard. But tonight was different, and Sam knew it was affecting you in worser ways than usual.
You lifted your head as you give him a small smile, but your eyes were giving away just how shaken up you were, "I'm okay, don't worry. Let's just get this outro done," you say as you take a deep breath and move to position yourself between the two front seats.
Sam is reluctant at first but he can tell by your face and tone of voice, you just needed to get out of here. He nodded before quickly turning back around and putting the camera on the dash board pressing record, "well then guys..." Sam said as the three of you exhaled weirdly in unison as you suddenly looked at each other shocked before laughing.
"It's been a night to say the least!" Colby chuckled out.
Sam looked at you as you laughed, glad to see a bit of a relief come across your face for a moment before the shaking kicked back in. He turned back to the camera "I think... it's been a wild night for us all, especially y/n back there..." he said looking at you through the camera screen.
You gave the camera a look, "you think?" You giggle slightly, "I will not be sleeping for a least a week after a demon literally threatened to kill me slowly...." You say with a joking tone however, there was no joke about it. You were kind of terrified.
Sam looked back at you, his heart breaking slightly as he knew that you were downplaying how you were truly feeling. "Don't worry, we will keep y/n safe. No demons will get her!" Sam said to the camera as Colby also chimed in.
"Nope! Not whilst we're around!" Colby smiled at you as you rolled your eyes trying to fight back your own smile.
You look back at Sam as you leaned forward, as he turned his head to face you, you were just inches away from each other's face. Your close proximity made your brain freeze and heart pound. Sam's too, but you didn't know that he had frozen for the exact same reason. Colby looked at you both, almost awkwardly like he was interrupting something until he spoke, "well, I'm hungry as shit, I don't want to have to stay here for any longer!" He laughed as you and Sam both snapped your attention back to Colby and then the camera.
"I agree," you giggle, "I need Taco Bell." You say as Sam looks at you with a smile, "and you're paying, because it's your fault I got threatened tonight!" You smirked at Sam as he held his hands up laughing.
"That is absolutely fair enough," he said to the camera. "Well guys, don't forget to head to shopxplr.com to get the new merch!" He said excited as all three of you pointed at the t-shirts and hoodies you were wearing.
"And we'll see you in the next one, peace." Colby said as both him and Sam put their hands over their mouths before blowing a kiss to the screen. Sam reached up and turned off the camera, slowly turning to face you again.
"Right... shall we get you a Taco Bell?" He said with a smirk.
You nodded your head as you pouted at him with puppy dog eyes. He laughed at your reaction as he turned back to the stirring wheel as he accidentally whispered under his breath, "you're so cute."
"What dude?" Colby said, as no one in the car heard exactly what he said.
Sam's eyes went wide as he stumbled to find the right words to say, "uh... I was just thinking, I think you should come back to our house with us and we'll watch a movie before you go home... might make you feeling better?" Sam said with a smile as he turned to look at you.
You take a deep breath thinking about going home alone and your shakes return and your body is filled with nervousness and fear, "I'd really like that actually..." you say softly As Colby turns to face you too.
"I think that's a great idea," Colby smiled as you put on your seatbelt ready for this night to be over.
The Taco Bell was exactly what you needed, you hadn't realised just how hungry you were before the antics of the night. As you all got comfy on the sofa, the boys let you pick the movie, "y/f/m" you say as they both turn to face you with their eyebrows raised.
"Seriously?" Sam giggled.
You scrunched your face at him as you pulled out your Crunchwrap, "yes I'm serious! It's my comfort movie!" You say before taking a bite.
Sam watches you as he can't help but smile. You didn't know this, but Sam has been head over heels for you since you were there for him last year, whilst he went through one of the hardest few months of his life, but he didn't think you felt the same as you had been friends for so long and you never even flirted with him.
"Sounds good to me!" Colby said, breaking Sam's stare. Sam laughed again and he put on the movie.
After around an hour into the movie, Colby looked over and chuckled as he whispered to Sam, "Sam..." Sam turned his head to Colby away from the TV. "Look," Colby whispered again gesturing towards you as you laid between them, your eyes tightly closed as you slept soundly. Sam looked at you and felt his heart twinge and butterflies fill his body. You were so peaceful, and so beautiful. He thought to himself, as he couldn't take his eyes off you. Colby watched how he looked at you before whispering once again, "you should tell her, brother" he said with a smile.
Sam's attention snapped back to him, "what do you mean?" He whispered back clearly trying to mask his feelings.
"Dude" Colby said sternly, giving him a look. Sam looked at him as he tried to hide his smile. "You love her." Colby says straight to the point.
"Dude... come on" Sam says as he shakes his head. Suddenly you stir in your sleep slightly causing Sam's attention to land back on you as he looked at you with worry in his eyes once again.
Colby watched him, how his eyes examined your features as you slept, he tried his hardest to fight back his smiles just at the sight of you. Colby sigh as he too had to smile at the sight of his best friend being so in love, "dude... tell her."
Sam didn't look back at Colby, he just continued to watch as your chest rose and fell with each breath you took. He whispered, "I will."
As the movie came to an end, Colby stood up slowly, trying not to wake you as he walked past you both, "night brother," he said as Sam looked up from his phone.
"Night dude," he said as he looked back down at you still fast asleep. He looked as you began to shiver slightly, fidgeting in your sleep before he thought. She must be cold. He got up slowly and left the room to go and get you a blanket.
Whilst he was gone, your heart began to pound in your sleep, as you squirmed and began to shake from a nightmare. All of a sudden you are sprung awake, as your body jolts and you sit up sweating slightly, your breath becoming shorter as you look around the dark room, no one in sight. You raise your hand to your chest as the memories of tonight come flooding back and paranoia sets in. Panic. "Sam..." you whispered out, hardly able to speak. "Sam!" You called out a little louder just as Sam appeared in the door holding a blanket.
"Woah," he also panicked as he noticed your state, he threw the blanket onto the sofa as he ran to you, grabbing you quickly pulling you into his chest, "hey hey hey..." he said softly as tears fell from your eyes. He rocked you rocked you back and forth his hand running up and down your back. "You're okay... you're safe." He whispered softly as you slowly came back down to earth, your heart rate slowing down and your breathing settling. "I'm so sorry, I just went to get you a blanket." Sam said softly as you could hear guilt in his voice.
You suddenly noticed what was happening as you woke up properly, your thoughts returning to its normal processing speed. You couldn't help but feel as though you've overstayed your welcome and this panic attack was an inconvenience to him as you felt your spiral about to come back. You pulled back from Sam as he gave you a soft smile. "I'm so sorry." You said looking around the room.
Sam looked at you confused, "what for?" He said with a slightly chuckle but his voice was still riddled with concern.
"I um..." you quickly jumped up from the sofa to find your shoes in the now dimly lit room, from the light coming in from the door. "I better let you get to bed, and get home..." you said scrambling.
Sam watched you as he stood up confused, "woah, no. Absolutely not." He said, quickly causing you to freeze. You turned to face him as he crossed his arms at you. "You are not going home like this, you're staying here." He said sternly.
"Sam I-" you tried to speak but Sam cut you off.
"No y/n. Please. In insist. You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the sofa if you'd be more comfortable..." he said, he really didn't want you leaving, especially not after the night you'd had, and you clearly weren't okay. You looked at him ,your eyes glistening over. Every single thing he does, how he is with you, how he treats you, how much he cares, makes you fall for him even harder. Sam took a deep breath before he spoke again, but this time his voice had a hint of nervousness, "but I... to be honest, I'd rather you weren't-"
"Alone..." you cut him off, "I'd... I'd really like to not be alone." You said softly as Sam looked up at you, his heart breaking seeing how vulnerable you are right now.
"Of course, you don't need to be... come here" he said holding his arms out to you as you quickly moved into them wrapping your hands around his waist hugging him tightly. He swayed with you, as a smile came onto his face, his embrace was so comforting and you felt so safe in his arms. This hug felt different, it felt more tighter than usual, it felt more honest... Sam slowly pulled back slightly to look at you, he lifted your head so your eyes met his as a small smile came onto his face. "Before we go to bed..." Sam said as he pulled out his phone from his back pocket, "I think you need cheering up a little." Sam smirked at you as you looked up at him. Suddenly, he began to play your favourite song as your eyes widened at him. How did he know you so well? Did he really pay this much attention to the little things you've mentioned over the years? You can't help but smile as he held his hands out to take yours. He pulled you in tight to his chest as you both began to rock to the music.
After a moment, you couldn't take it anymore, this secret. Sam was like no one you'd ever met before, and for years, you'd held onto this secret, and your heart needed to know, if there was even the slightest possibility he loved you back, you had to take the risk. Just as you conjured up the courage, you said his name softly at the exact same time he said yours. You both looked at each other still rocking to the music as you both let out a laugh.
"You go," you said giggling.
"No no it's okay, you first..." Sam said and you could suddenly feel him shaking slightly in your grasp. Was he nervous?
You took a deep breath before looking into his eyes, your body melting into his gaze, "I just wanted to tell you that... I really appreciate everything you do for me... and well it means more to me than what you think-"
"I'm in love with you, y/n." Sam suddenly blurted out as you froze and looked up at him. Sam's body trembled as his anxiety filled him entirely, afraid of how you would react. "I'm so sorry it has taken me till now to say something..." he said resting his head against your forehead. You felt your eyes fill as you've wanted nothing more than to hear him say this for so long. You were struggling to process what he had said. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it in anymore, please, finish what you were saying." Sam said, with a hint of a sadness in his voice, almost as though he thought you were reacting badly from your silence.
You let out a chuckle, as Sam pulled back looking at you confused. "You stole my speech Sam!" You said giggling.
"Wait what? How?" Sam said , not realising what you were saying.
"You took my speech!" You smiled up at him, "word for word actually..." Sam started to realise what you were talking about as the swaying slowly came to a stop.
"You..." Sam examined your face his heart pounding through his chest, "you love me?" He said in disbelief.
"Why are you saying that like it's something crazy?" You laugh, "wasn't it obvious?"
Sam looks down at you dumbfounded as he began to laugh himself, "no y/n, it wasn't." You both chuckle as you begin to sway to the music again, "do you really?" Sam said, still finding it hard to believe.
You look up at him with so much love in your eyes, your eyes moved to his lip before flicking back up to meet his blue oceans, you slowly leaned in connecting your lips, taking Sam by surprise as goosebumps covered his body before he completely relaxed into the kiss. You pulled away slowly, "does that answer your question?" You giggled.
A smile appeared on Sam's face as he held you closer and tighter than ever, "no... I think you better try again..." he bit his lip as you giggled and you both connected your lips once again for a much more deep and passionate kiss. A kiss that was years overdue.
You had never felt more complete in your life as you did in this moment. Your lips pressed together, you and him. Together, finally. The kiss depended as his hands explored your entire body, pulling you closely to him as neither if you would take a breath for air. His hands on your body sent a wave of electricity through your muscles as you felt yourself becoming hot, and your body trembled wanting to feel more of him. You needed to closer to him, if that were even possible. You started to tug on his clothes pressing yourself into his body, your need for him becoming clear.
Sam suddenly pulled back, as you both gasped for air catching your breath, he grabbed your face with both hands looking into your eyes as he spoke, breathlessly, "are you sure?" His care for you made you need him even more. After the night you've had, he cared more about you being okay than anything else.
You quickly lifted your arms, grabbing his face in response, running your hand up the back of his head as he took a sharp breath at your touch, "I've never been more certain of anything in my life." You looked deep into his eyes as they seen them change from worry to hunger. He too needed you, just as much as you needed him. He wasted no more time before crashing his lips back onto yours as he reached down grabbing the back of your knees, hoisting you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Sam mumbled against your lips, "shall we go upstairs?"
You pulled away for a second looking around and see the huge sofa, looking very inviting, "I think here will be just fine," you said as you bit your lip.
Sam smiled wide as he too bit his lip and reconnected the kiss once again. Sam walked you over to the sofa before slowly lowering you down, positioning himself perfectly between your legs, hovering just inches above you. Both of you being so careful not to break this kiss. You reached down gripping onto the bottom of his sweater, before quickly pulling it up over his head. As his face reappeared you seen nothing but love and happiness on his face as he admired you lying beneath him. He sat you up taking off you shirt and unclasped your bra in one swift movement as you giggle, "you're not wasting any time are you?" You pulled him back down with you, your lips moving in sync.
Sam groaned against your lips as he mumbled, "you have no idea, how long I've wanted to do this" he said between breaths.
"I think I do," you laugh as he suddenly kissed down your jaw to your neck. As he found your sweet spot almost Instantly you couldn't help but let out a soft moan, and you could feel Sam smile as he sucked and bit into your skin. As he worked away on your neck, he took his hand slowly making its way down your body, his touch sending shivers up your entire body. He eventually reached the top of your XPLR sweats, you were wearing for the video. As he kissed your neck his fingers ran along the band making your body squirm beneath him. He knew what you wanted and he wanted to do everything he could to make you feel as good as you deserved. He slid his hand into your sweats finding your clit instantly, your core already soaked. "Fuck Sam..." you moaned out as Sam rubbed in circles at a caring pace. Your hands tangling up in his hair tugging slightly.
Sam moaned out at the sounds you were making, "fuck baby, you're so fucking not." He gasped as he moved at a quicker pace.
You felt your body itching for more, as you found yourself grinding against his hand. You quickly reached down and began to undo the button on his jeans as you both moaned into each other's necks. Sam suddenly lifted himself up slightly to look at you, as you pleaded, "Sam... please..." a smirk appeared on Sam's face as he moved his hand further down slipping two fingers inside you as you let out a much louder gasp.
"There's Colby awake..." Sam laughed as you couldn't help but giggle with him. That was quickly cut off by another loud moan as Sam curled him fingers hitting your g-spot. Sam reconnected your lips kissing you like you've never been kissed before. You leaned down again tugging on his jeans, almost whimpering for more. Sam pulled away again still moving his fingers at a fast pace, "don't worry about me yet baby, I need you to come first..." he said breathing deeply. His voice alone sent you even closer to your climax. Your body desperate to feel that sweet relief. Sam could feel you starting to clench around his fingers as he moved quicker, your moans getting louder.
"Fuck Sam!" You screamed out as Sam bit his lip, having you feel this good because of him was enough to make him cum.
"Shit y/n, I can't wait to fuck you." He groaned as he leaned down against muffling you noises. He felt you clench again, and this time he was determined to send you flying, he leaned back up to get a better angle and his fingers pumped in and out faster and deeper than ever, "that's it baby, come for me..."
That was all you need to hear as his voice echoed down your ear canal, your body exploding into ecstasy as you came all over his fingers. Sam groaned as you moaned loudly, calling his name. He slowed down his pace before pulling his fingers out slowly, not breaking eye contact with you as he placed his fingers in his mouth sucking them clean. Your eyes went wide at the sight. "Fuck baby, I can't wait to taste you properly, but that's for another time. I can't wait any longer." Sam sat up quickly jumping off the sofa and taking off his jeans and boxers in one quick movement, kicking them across the floor. As he done this, you quickly took off your sweats and underwear, throwing it out of the way and Sam instantly repositioned himself between your legs. You felt as his already hard cock grazed your entrance. He teased you with his tip as you squirmed beneath him desperately.
"Sam, please baby..." you whined as Sam examined your face.
"I need to hear you say it..." Sam said, with a hint of dominance in his voice. You looked up at him confused, your mind struggling to focus on anything other than his cock that was waiting to push into you. "Tell me how you feel... you didn't actually say it," Sam said with a smile on his face.
You reached your hands up, cupping his jaw as your thumbs rubbed his cheeks, "I love you, Sam Golbach." You said, with nothing but truth in your voice, "I've loved you since the day I met you..." suddenly Sam slowly pushed himself inside of you as you both let out moans. His pace was slow and punishing as you needed more of him.
"Fuck y/n" Sam moaned out as he didn't break your stare.
You threw your head back in pleasure as Sam continued his slow thrust, he felt as though he was going to cum at any second. "I'm gonna cum already..." he whispered out between breaths. "You mean everything to me..." you could hear the passion and love in his voice and it made you melt as you pulled him closer to you.
"I'm yours, from now on... all yours" you breathed out as Sam began to pick up his pace. "Oh fuck!" You threw your head back as your eyes rolled once again. "That's it baby,"
"Fuck" Sam grunted.
"Faster, please" you begged.
"Fuck baby, I'm so close." You could feel Sam's body desperately trying to hold it back.
"Me too baby, just a little longer," you pushed your lips to his. You could feel his groans mumble against you as he thrusted in and out, his pace picking up with each push. "Fuck fuck fuck...." Your moans hit the ceiling, not caring if Colby heard or even the neighbours for that matter. "Don't stop,"
"Cum for me baby, you can do it," Sam said sternly as you felt your body twitch once again at his demands.
"Shit, I'm gonna- I'm gonna" before you could finish you came all over his dick as it continued to pump in and out, "fuck Sam!" You shouted your body melting as it was filled with pleasure and passion.
"I can't hold on much longer," Sam groaned out.
You looked at him, pulling on his head as he let out a louder groan, you leaned his head down and whispered down his ear, "cum for me baby." As soon as you spoke it sent Sam over the edge. He began to pound into you harder and deeper and within seconds you felt him twitch inside you.
"Fuckkk..." he moaned out loudly as he suddenly pulled out of you, spilling himself all over you lower stomach. "Holy shit..." he said as he stroked himself, riding out his own high.
You both tried to catch your breath as you became lightheaded from the pleasure pulsating through your body. "Fuck yeah...." You chuckled as Sam looked at you with the warmest smile on his face.
"Are you okay?" He asked moving the hair out of your face.
You nodded slowly as you fought to keep your eyes open.
"I love you, y/n" Sam said sincerely as this moment between you felt more real than anything in the last year.
"I love you too." You said slowly as Sam slowly leaned down placing a soft and loving kiss against your lips.
I hope you liked it! Let me know if you have any pointers, I'm not used to writing y/n. I usually write in third person with characters... I tried my best!
I'm also taking requests, let me know if there's something you'd love to read! Xx
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letsgetrowdy43 ¡ 1 year
When Honey Falls in Love (Rowan’s Version) ☆—
I heard 'When Emma Falls in Love' on Speak Now (tv) and immediately was like I NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING ABT THIS
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Au Masterlist!!
"When Emma falls in love, she paces the floor, closes the blinds and locks the door When Emma falls in love, she calls up her mom, and jokes about the ways that this one could go wrong"
When honey falls in love for the first time it’s sweet and gentle, full of unrequited feelings and fleeting glances.
Honey made eye contact with Quinn Hughes for the first time through the lens of the camera held up to her eye, her heart stopping for a millisecond as she watched his fast pace skating coming to a halt, just to stare at her for a second longer.
The camera in her hand lowered as blush crawled up her cheeks, nipping the tips of her ears before the sound of the head coach's loud whistle startled her.
On her drive home from the rink, it was like her heart couldn't keep a steady pace, running a mile a minute, feigning to get home to the comfort of her private room so she could quietly freak out about the boy she had yet to have a conversation with.
The moment she made it to her room, she immediately locked her door and closed her blinds, preparing herself for the major freakout that the world just wasn't ready to see yet. She began pacing the entirety of her room before throwing herself down on her bed, face in her hands as she fought off the urge to squeal as loudly as possible.
"Hey hun, you okay in there?" the gentle voice of her mom appeared on the other end of the door. "I don't know," she said weakly before standing up to let her mom in, "I met the new boy, he's so cute, I think I'm in love," her voice was laced with haze as she thought back to practice. Her mother laughed at her dramatics, fingers running through her daughter's hair as Honey laid her head in her mother's lap, "that's very forward, don't ya' think?" "You know what I mean!" she groaned, melting at the rhymic touch of her mom playing with her hair.
The older woman smiled at the antics, ones that reminded her of a younger version of herself, "he is a hockey boy though," Honey sighed, "sluts." "You don't even know the poor boy, Hun, you can't just assume," her face pulled into a frown as her daughter looked up at her innocently. "Doesn't matter anyways, I can fix him" she laughed as her mother rolled her eyes.
"When Emma falls in love, it's all on her face, Hangs in the air like stars in outer space"
She can’t help but flush at the mention of his name, her head filled with giddy thoughts of the boy she’d never spoken to. Quinn Hughes becomes a victim of her love-sick imagination as she watches him from afar.
"Y/n, you're taking photos of the new Hughes boy next, Coach will be bringing him in a moment" Her boss, who wasn't much older than her, smiled as she helped the younger girl with the backdrop.
Honey's face broke out in a bright shade of pink as she nodded, her lips forming a tight straight line as her boss' brows quirked at her flustered appearance, "you look a little red" she joked. "It's just hot in here," she shrugged awkwardly as she went to charge the backup battery for the camera just in case. "Yeah okay," her tone sarcastic, "you look a little love-struck to me." "Nope, just warm!"
Quinn entered the room shyly, stealing glances towards the girl his age who was conversing with the coach and her boss about what photos they needed from her. Her attention averted to the boy staring at her, feeling his haze on her with a stunned look on his face as hers flushed red.
Both the coach and her boss stared at the two of them, blushing like idiots, with amused grins as they left them to get the media taken care of
"When Emma falls in love, she disappears, and we all just laugh after seein' it all these years"
Her mom dialled Ellen's number after searching the house for any signs of life, "Hey Ellen! Sorry to be a bother but my daughter wouldn't happen to be at your house would she? She didn't come home after school" "I believe so! Just give me a sec to yell out for her," Ellen held the phone away from her head, "Honey! Are you upstairs!" she yelled out to be met with a muffled confirmation from Quinn's room.
"She's here, do you need me to send her home?" Ellen asked with a laugh, looking over at her youngest son at the kitchen counter who stared at her in agony as she helped him with his math homework. "No no, it would just be nice if she would give me heads up," she joked bitterly, "I've been seeing less and less of her recently since they found out we were neighbours." "I know!"
Luke listened to the laughter from upstairs, frowning at the sound of happiness as he looked down at the equations in front of him, "I would send her home," he said pointedly. A smirk on his face as Jack perked his head up from his spot on the living room couch, "They're in love, can't imagine what they're doing with no adult supervision" he mumbled grumpily making Ellen furrow her brows and point at his homework. "Be quiet and do your work," she said pushing a pencil on the sheet in front of him.
"Sorry about that, I'll send her home before dinner, promise" she mused before hanging up the phone.
"When Emma falls apart, it's when she's alone, she takes on the pain and bears it on her own 'Cause when Emma falls in love, she's in it for keeps, she won't walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave"
It had already been a shit day, but to top it all off Honey had run into Quinn in the hallway, his arms wrapped comfortably around the waist of some random blonde in their grade, crushing her little heart as he looked up at her and nodded so nonchalantly.
She was heartbroken, feeling such strong emotions for the first time as she walked home by herself. Passing up on Ellen's offer to drive her home so she didn't have to be in a confined space with him, unable to stand the idea of being in a car with him and not breaking into tears.
"What's wrong hun?" her mom asked as she slammed the front door behind her, a groan leaving her lips as she stomped over to the couch and collapsed next to her mom. "I found out my friends have been making plans without me recently cause I apparently work 'too much', it's such bullshit," she said tearfully, her mom reaching forward to rub her back reassuringly, "and I think Quinn has a girlfriend, which like, good for him, but I really like him" she cried as her mom held her.
Her mom softly frowned at her daughter's hurt, "oh honey" she said pulling her into his chest, "have you talked to the girls about how being excluded makes you feel?" "No, but an invitation once in a while would be nice" she shrugged defeatedly.
"As for the Quinn thing, you guys are best friends, girlfriends come and go but you're gonna be a big part of the rest of his life" She looked at her daughter with soft eyes as the tears continued. "I hate this crush I have on him, makes me soft," her frown deepened, "but I really like him, like a lot" she cried harder. "My sweet girl, you'll learn, boys aren't the brightest"
"And she's the kind of book that you can't put down, like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town And all the bad boys would be good boys if they only had a chance to love her"
Quinn watched as one of his teammates skated up to her during practice, a smile gracing her lips as Clayton said something funny to her, pointing at her camera and mimicking how she looked hiding behind the camera. His head spun in circles as he recalled every interaction that they had, trying to decipher whether or not he had ever made her smile that widely or blush that deep of a colour. He couldn't make reason of it, but Honey was like some sort of sorcery, one that his brain couldn't let go of.
"You look a little down Quinner," Brady said nudging him with his stick, his gaze following Quinn's to the media girl, "Y/n? I thought you were going out with what's her face?" "I am," his brows furrowed as he looked at his friend, "I just don't want Honey to get hurt, she's too sweet to be toyed around with" he nodded over to the guy who was shamelessly flirting with, her face a bright pink as he fixed the girls scarf.
"Honey?" Quinn rolled his eyes, "Her mom and my mom call her it, it suits her" he shrugged. Brady shook his head with a laugh, unimpressed by the sheer oblivion that Quinn was living in, "You sound like you like her, not whatever her name is." "I don't like honey like that , we are neighbours, really good friends even," Quinn sighed and glared at Brady who held his hands up in surrender.
"Well in that case I'm sure Keller will be a nice guy for her, seeing as she's sweet and all, I'm sure he would change his little douchey ways for her," Brady mused, watching as Quinn's face crumpled up in distaste.
"Emma met a boy with eyes like a man, turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand Now he'll be her shelter when it rains, little does he know, his whole world's about to change"
Going to UMich meant a lot of new beginnings, and for Quinn, it meant his last years of freedom before inevitably moving to some other state or even country to start his career. His came and went, meaning that this everlasting freedom was starting to whiter away as the beginning of sophomore year approached, knowing that by the end of this school year, there was a good chance that he would be packing his things and flying all the way to Vancouver.
Honey sat on the edge of his bed, a grin on her face as he messily unpacked his suitcase full of clothes, "you have no reason to be this unorganized Hughes," she joked as he looked up with a dishevelled look on his face. "It's kinda hard to fully concentrate when you're watching me, and sitting so quietly, It's freaking me out," he said as he grabbed a bunch of hangers from his closet. She furrowed her brows as she moved from the bed to sitting right down next to his suitcase, taking a handful of the messily folded shirts and pants and helping by refolding them.
"Do I make you nervous Quinn?" she joked flirtingly but what she didn't expect from him was his hand cupping her chin and capturing her lips in a slow kiss. Quinn was the first to pull away, cheeks flushed and his chest huffing as he caught his breath, "you always make me nervous, Hun," he said so casually before getting back up and hanging up his clothes.
Her lips tingled from his touch, eyes blown with desire as she tried to wrap her head around everything that just happened. She sat stunned for a second before she stood up, “you just kissed me?” “It was an impulse, I’m sorry”
Her hand grabbed a fist full of his t-shirt and pulled him into her, his hand finding her hips as she kissed him again. And for the second time that day, actually in her entire life, Honey felt fireworks erupting around her head as he held her closer and closer to his chest.
Quinn was unable to get enough of the feeling of her skin on his, the small of her back becoming a resting place for his hand as he backed her up to his smallish bed and lays her down on it. He hovered over her as his lips found comfort on the skin of her jaw, then her neck, all the way down to her collarbone as her fingers pulled gently on the hairs at the back of his neck.
“I’m being so serious with you Quinn” she whispered against his lips as he pulled away momentarily to look at her, eyes full of a mixture of love and lust as his thumb ran over the kiss-covered skin of her shoulder, “I want this, you, me, I want us to happen” she whispered as her fingers flattened the messy hair on his head. “I’m all in,” he said truthfully as his fingers played with the messy hair on her face.
And in that second she placed her fragile little heart in his hands, just as she’d been dreaming of doing since she was sixteen years old, watching him from afar through the lens of a camera. And in that present moment, he hovered so close to her that she can feel his breath brush against her skin, so close that his nose is nearly touching hers, their whole worlds colliding.
ahhh I kinda love it, kinda hate it
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hwaseonghwasworld ¡ 3 months
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Arranged marriage chapter 11: Where’s Y/n….
Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Word Count: 1.06k
Genre: series Mafia au!, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Media au!
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Updates: Probably Thursday at 7pm BST
I looked over at my dad who turned out to be the boss, Yunho walked over to me, I glared at him saying “why didn’t you tell me? What happened to no secrets” “That’s what I wanted to tell you, I promise” “I’m going home” I walked away and called Harin to come pick me up “yah, it’s basically night time…. What’s up?” “Can you come pick me up” after sending him the location he came to pick me up and saw that I was upset and stressing “what’s up” “my dad is Yunho’s boss” “what do you mean?” I looked at him and he realised what I meant “oh shit…. Didn’t Yunho tell you?” “No he was going to but then he got that call” he nodded, understanding what I meant and was about to drive me home.
“Can you take me to my house?” He looked at me knowing what happens when I’m home alone “yeah no, you’re staying with me and tsuna” “why???” “Because whenever you’re stressed you drink… a lot and I’m not dealing with you calling my wife 10 times every second then crying about your issue” “you’re a crying drink and it’s not something I want to deal with cause tsuna always tells me to come with her to pick you up” I roll my eyes because I know he’s right “I’m not gonna do that, I don’t even have soju at my house” I pouted and he agreed, he took me home but checked the fridge and cabinets to see if I was lying “alright stay safe” “ok manager” I smiled and he walked out, right after I went to go order alcohol and some chicken, as soon as it came I started drinking and putting loud music on.
30 minutes later I was feeling really drunk, I started tearing up and called Tsuna, after ringing her, I ended the call and called her again since I thought the call wasn’t working, over and over again until she answered “are you drunk?” I started crying. Loud. “YAH YOU SAID YOU WERENT GOING TO DRINK” I heard Harin shouting in the background making me cry louder “do you want me to come get you?” “Y-yes please”
Setsuna pov
“Come on let’s go get Y/n” “nope” I glared at him and he immediately stood up “fine” Harin drove back to Y/n’s house “I hate when she gets drunk” I walked out knocking on Y/n’s door “she wasn’t answering so I called her, when she didn’t answer I was getting suspicious because she never misses my calls, even when she’s drunk or busy. As I unlocked the door I walked in “why didn’t you do that in the first place?” I glared at him and walked in, seeing that Y/n was nowhere to be seen, I ran to all her rooms not finding her and I started to panic.
“Maybe Yunho picked her up” I checked the security cameras in one of her rooms seeing 2 guys in full black running into the house “YOU LEFT HER DOOR WIDE OPEN” “no I closed it” “she probably orders soju, you know how she gets when she’s stressed” “ exactly that’s why we bring her to us when she’s stressed” I slapped my forehead in distress and went into the car, telling Harin to drive us to Yunho’s place as soon as we knocked I could see in his eyes that he was expecting to see Y/n.
“Where’s Y/n…” Harin looked at him confused and yet spoke in a panicked tone as he said those words “she’s not here” I rolled my eyes “read the room” Yunho ran out, getting into his car and checked his phone.
Yunho pov
I looked at the tracker in her necklace seeing that she’s at some sort of abandoned area, I drove there as fast as I can to get my wife back into my arms, pissed as she could never catch a break.
Y/n pov
I was crying uncontrollably as these two guys tried to shut me up “we’re not gonna kill you we just need to speak to your husband “w-who are you?” I stopped crying leaving the men confused “why were you crying” I tear up again while I was trying to get my words out “m-my dad is a mafia boss” the tears became cries, which were louder than before “you guys kidnapped a bosses daughter!!!” We all looked towards the door as a taller male approached “we’re all dead if anyone finds out you know..” “then what should we do?” They looked at me as I stopped crying but tears were still flowing “kill her and make it quick” the guy pulled out a gun giving it to one of the guys, as the male pulled the gun to my head someone ran in and immediately shot the guy holding the gun, instantly killing him.
I froze in my place as the male’s blood was all over my face, Yunho proceeded to shoot the other two and ran up to me untying me, “are you ok? Did they hurt you?” I was still in shock as I was still frozen in the seat, Yunho picked me up, putting me on his back and taking me home. He cleaned the blood off me and put me in the bed. “Are you ok?” I nodded, and a second later I felt like I was going to be sick, I went into the toilet and threw up, Yunho helped me and as soon as I finished he laid me in the bed, he went in and I rested my head on his chest trying to feel comfort for the guy that I just shot 3 people in front of me.
“I saw the contract” I looked at him and he sighed “it’s not what you think, it’s depending on how your feelings are towards me, if you don’t love me within 3 years then I sign the contract and let you go” I nodded realising he was telling the truth and he hugged me again kissing my forehead
“I’m sorry I had to do that in front of you…” “that wasn’t my intention” “it’s fine, you saved me” I was thinking about how my whole life is in danger because of my brother, father and husband, it’s like every male around me is dangerous and there’s no way of escaping it.
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canirove ¡ 2 months
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 5
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"The internet is going nuts about you and that Nico."
"Yep" Jourdan laughed. "Right now it is team Mason vs. team Nico, and it is so funny. I don't know who has the craziest fans."
"As long as they leave me alone..." Adele sighed.
"Have you heard from any of them?"
"Nope. Mason seems to be still working in Italy, and Nico followed me on Instagram and that's all I know."
"Was he just a one night stand, then?"
"Yeah. He's cute and we had fun, but I don't think anything else could happen."
"Then team Mason wins!"
"I hate you, Jourdan" Adele said, rolling her eyes.
"Hate you too" she smiled. 
"And my mum is calling me, I guess it's time to leave."
"Oh, good luck! I can't wait to see those photos, they are gonna be amazing."
"I hope so."
"They will, you'll see. Good luck, Addie."
"Thank you. I'll need it" she replied before hanging up.
"Mum, move your right hand a bit. Yes, perfect" Adele said before snapping another photo. 
"She's a natural" she heard the other photographer say behind her.
"Both of them are" Maria Grazia added.
They had decided to stay and see her and her mum work together for the Dior campaign, which had made Adele feel even more nervous than she already was. This was her first professional photoshoot, and since being for one of the most iconic brands wasn't enough already, she had their creative director and a photographer who had been working for as long as she had been alive, keeping an eye on her. 
When she first picked up the camera, her hands were shaking so much that she thought she wouldn't be able to take a single photo. But as her mum started posing, she relaxed and everything flowed. 
"Ok, I think we are done" Adele said.
"Wait, no" her mum stopped her. "Let's take a couple more. Maybe standing?"
"Maria Grazia, what do you..."
"Yes, yes" she said, holding Adele from her shoulders and not allowing her to turn around.
"Ok…" Why were they all suddenly acting so weird?
"Now I do think we have them all" Elizabeth smiled after just a couple of shots. "Should we check them on the computer?"
"Sur... Mason?" Adele said when she was finally allowed to turn around. "What... How..."
"Hello, Addie. Elizabeth" he said with that smile of his that had broken so many hearts.
"What are you doing here?" Adele finally managed to say. "Weren't you in Italy?"
"I was, yes. But we wrapped up early, my mum told me that you were shooting your mum for Dior, and I said to myself, why don't I pay them a visit? I know this is huge and I wanted to be here for you. To support you."
"Thank you, Mase" she smiled, feeling her cheeks get warm.
"Mason, since we have you here, would you mind taking a photo of Adele and I together? You are the only one who manages to convince her to pose in front of a camera and I want to remember today."
"Of course. What do you say, Addie?"
"I'm not looking presentable, I..."
"Nonsense, you look beautiful. Give me that and join your mum" he said while taking the camera from her hands.
"C'mon, do as he says" Elizabeth insisted.
"Ok, fine" Adele replied, rolling her eyes and doing as she was being asked. Or ordered to. 
"I hate you so much."
"Why?" Mason laughed.
"The trap you and our mums set up?"
"Oh, that. We just wanted to surprise you on a big day."
"Yeah, sure" Adele snorted.
"Will a macaroon make you forgive me?" Mason pouted, offering her the little box. After the shoot was done, they had decided to go for a walk around the city to catch up and stop at their favourite bakery.
"It may help" she said. "So, how was Italy?"
"Definitely not as fun as Paris. Every time I saw you on Instagram I wished I was here with you. It looks like you've made some new friends."
"I've met so many people, Mase... So many" she chuckled. "But I don't consider them my friends, just acquaintances."
"Nico too?" Mason asked as he looked down, suddenly too interested on the floor.
"Nico too."
"You won't be seeing him again, then?"
"Good?" Adele chuckled.
"I mean, you've probably seen everything that is going on online. Team Mason vs. Team Nico and all that. You are struggling enough with everything going on with us, you don't need to add more to it."
"Yeah, you are right" she sighed. 
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Eating another macaroon?"
"Haven't you had enough?" Mason laughed, hiding the box behind him.
"No, I have not. I barely ate today, I was too nervous."
"Then let's go find something else to eat. This is too much sugar."
"Oh, c'mon, Mase. Just another one" Adele pouted.
"Just one, please" she said, trying to take the box from his hands.
"I said no" Mason smirked, lifting it in the air so she wouldn't reach it.
"That won't stop me. I'm almost as tall as you are."
"Yeah... Perks of having a mum who is a supermodel and a dad who could have played basketball, right?"
"Exactly" she said, standing on her tiptoes and reaching the box.
"Addie, wait… Addie!" Mason said, the macaroons that were left on the box falling to the floor. "Now what?"
"Now I guess the pigeons will be having a feast, and you'll have to buy me lunch" she shrugged.
"Ok, come here you little rascal" he laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder and starting to walk. "What do you fancy?"
"Addie, I just came from Italy. Can't we have something else?"
"Ummm... No" she replied with her best smile.
"Ok, then. I can't say no to that face" he said before kissing her cheek, her skin tingling where his lips had been. It was something Adele had never felt before with any other guy, and definitely not with Mason. 
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