#and then someone said this. like was he supposed to throw a tantrum and say NO hold your purse with your other hand. i don't want to be
maddy-ferguson · 11 months
someone on twitter praised travis whatever his name is for *being willing to associate himself with taylor's purse*
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screampied · 7 months
can you do soft sukuna after an argument vegas for fluff pretty please i think we deserve it after all you've done to us
sum. gn! reader, angst with c-comfort, he’s a softie at heart, fluff, petnames, ty lucy for beta'ing <3
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“what’s with you today?” sukuna furrows his eyebrows, and he lightly grabs your wrist. you face him only to briefly look away with a stubborn scowl. “you didn’t have to do that. i can take care of myself.”
he was referring to earlier…how careless you were, at least from his perspective. throwing yourself in danger just for sukuna. perhaps it was stupid, but at that particular moment—you didn’t have a thought that crossed your mind.
“well, i did,” you mumble, and sukuna bites his tongue from the inside of his cheek. his nostrils flare before he grabs your shoulders.
“what are you not getting? and if you died trying to protect me, then what?” and for a brief moment, it was dead silence. you stared at sukuna, and you can’t remember a time he looked like this. sukuna was … scared. the more you looked into his dark eyes, once full of arrogance and wit — instead, his pupils dilated and widened. his thumbs gently pressed into your skin, and then he continues to speak. “how can you even be calm about something like that?”
“i wouldn’t have to do things like that if you’d just be more careful,” you chastise, a sudden wave of gloom spraying over you. sukuna kept pausing every few seconds, as if he was carefully thinking of what to reply with.
sukuna’s almost got a glare before he sighs. “i told you. i can take care of myse—”
“no, you can’t sukuna. you know how many times you’ve almost died? the countless days where i’d be worried sick about you. if anyone’s reckless, it’s you. and you wonder why i act like this, it’s because i’m in love with you, you idiot.”
you don’t even register your words, it’s as if you’ve been yearning to get that out for ages.
sukuna grows mute, trying to figure if he actually heard what he’d just heard. you…you were in love with someone like him?
the awkward silence was deafening, a single tear strolls down your cheek before sukuna’s face suddenly softens.
he brings a thumb up to your cheek, swiping the tear aside before muttering in a raspy, “you love me?”
“i thought it was pretty obvious,” you grumble, avoiding his eye contact. your heart ached, never in your life have you felt this vulnerable. saying it out loud only made you flustered immensely quick. a soft smile goes against his lips — you didn’t answer his question, but he knew the answer. you loved sukuna. “but whatever.”
“oi. don’t ‘whatever’ me,” sukuna mutters, cupping both sides of your face. he has you stare right into his eyes, the eyes where most see a cruel villainous person, you see the softest eyes imaginable. reserved only for you. “look at me,” and you finally meet his gaze, a smug grin slowly tugs against the corners of his mouth. “you’re in love with me.”
a weird tingly feeling crept up inside your stomach, and you give sukuna a glare. “you know,” he keeps speaking, a soft finger stroking your cheek. “instead of almost dying for me, you could have been normal and just said, ‘i love you’.”
“…shut up,” you grouse, entirely abashed. he found it cute seeing you like this. in the midst of your mini tantrum - sukuna hums to himself, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“hmpf. well, i suppose i love you too, brat,” he utters, watching your face briefly light up at his words. sukuna saying it back couldn’t have made your heart swoon even more, but it did. “and i’m sorry for being so careless.”
you felt butterflies collide inside your tummy before you blink, ears perking at his first initial words and you pout. “you suppose?”
sukuna looks down at you before he awkwardly pats your head. “i … love you,” his voice was a mere soft rasp. studying his stare, sukuna started to grow a tad bit embarrassed. even more than you. as his fingers softly roam through your hair, he leans up close to your face and scoffs. “happy now?”
“i love you more,” you smile, feeling more relieved. he’s taken aback once you hug him. sukuna’s always been so stiff at something as simple as a hug. your frame held his waist tightly, and he’d never admit it but it was adorable.
sukuna scowls. “…. you’re squishing me.”
“shut up and hug me back.” you sigh, only taking this as an opportunity to squeeze him tighter. he was so warm.
usually…sukuna wouldn’t let anyone get this close, yet alone do this. a simple affectionate hug.
he groans, slowly wrapping his arms around you. “you’re so annoying,” and as your head rests against his chest — you look up at him, a soft smile goes against your lips. “pain in my damn ass.”
“talking about your ass isn’t romantic, ‘kuna.” you raise your brows . . . obviously kidding, but he groans.
with an eye roll, sukuna does the unexpected and pulls you up close towards his face. with a perplexed grin, you watch as he grabs you into a chaste kiss. it takes you by surprise, your hands remain flat and still before you wrap your arms around him. sukuna’s soft with you, you made him soft—and he hated it, but a tiny part of him secretly loved it too.
abruptly, he pulls the kiss away before glaring at you. “i love you.”
“i love you too, kuku.”
“…..call me that again and see what happens.”
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nobodyfamousposts · 10 months
Do you think people cling on too much to Adrien's high road advice as a reason to salt on him?
Yes, especially when there are plenty of other reasons to salt him that have previously been ignored. But to that end, it DOES serve as the final straw for people after a SERIES of problems that had previously gone unaddressed.
Much like many aspects of the show, Adrien has displayed problematic behaviors that have been overlooked and waved off in the earlier seasons. This is likely or especially due to the way how in each and every incident, Adrien was narratively shown to be correct. In his stance. In his choices. In his behaviors. He was always right. It doesn't matter if he shouldn't be, because he is.
Now unless you're a hater or anti or salter or whatever negative name people tend to get for not liking a story as it's presented, readers and watchers tend to follow along with the narrative as it presents things and how it presents things. It's a common setup in any story. Protagonist Centered Morality, I feel framed best by Susan in the Discord series:
Susan: ...and then Jack chopped down the beanstalk, adding murder and ecological vandalism to the theft, enticement and trespass charges already mentioned, but he got away with it and lived happily ever after without so much as a guilty twinge about what he had done. Which proves that you can be excused anything if you're a hero, because no one asks inconvenient questions.
Pretty much this. Most people will follow what the narrative says because it's the narrative. If the narrative wants you to focus on Marinette being embarrassed, you're going to focus on how much she's cringe. And if the narrative wants you to view Adrien as a perfect sunshine boy who never does anything wrong, anything he does is going to be framed through that lens and it's difficult to break from that view and call out the times when he is wrong. Not unless he does something particularly severe.
It should be noted that outside of Chameleon, Adrien had, among other things: lied to his partner, caused someone to get akumatized and had his partner take the blame, was messing around during life-threatening and city-threatening situations, did nothing as Chloe tormented people right in front of him, DEFENDED Chloe after she tormented people right in front of him, bailed on an event with friends to set up a date with someone who said she had other plans and then got mad at HER for it, tried to flirt or confess in the middle of an active crisis which took necessary attention away from said crisis, caused himself AND his partner to get hit by akuma powers and needlessly be taken out of commission.
And yet people could mostly overlook these instances. They weren't his fault. Chloe is his friend. Marinette is worse. He's just a kid. He has a tragic backstory. So on and so forth. Easy to overlook. Easy to ignore in favor of the Sunshine Boy setup people were given and want to believe in.
But there were three major instances that really grabbed people's attention and stayed:
His attitude in Frozer. It probably wouldn't have been so bad except this rejection already happened in Glaciator, where he was supposed to have learned a lesson and accepted just being Ladybug's friend and now apparently didn't, despite it happening earlier that very season. Then in response, he decides to date Kagami as a rebound, drags Marinette with him on his date (without realizing how he's asking his friend to be a third wheel on a DATE) and focuses on her when he's supposed to be with Kagami, throws another tantrum in the middle of an akuma fight and refuses to work with his partner when the city is literally frozen, and requires Ladybug to apologize to him for hurting his feelings before he finally working with her. Again. But okay, he's a teenage boy in love. Not used to rejection and got his feelings hurt. Lovesquare is endgame so of course it'll work out anyway, so it's not like this bump in the road is really going to matter long term so we shouldn't hold it against him. Fine. Dumb, but fine. We've forgiven it in other shows and other poorly done teen romances, we can forgive it here.
His behavior in Syren in which he demanded to know secrets from people when the secrets were not theirs to tell him, and went so far as to attempt to blackmail his kwami (which was funny) and threaten to quit and abandon the Ring that the big bad is after while the city is flooded and people were trying to not drown (which was decidedly less humorous). But it was played for wholesome when Plagg reassured him and he got what he wanted by Fu revealed himself even if Adrien did nothing to actually show he earned it, so all's well that ends well, I guess? And people could justify it because "they're partners" and "part of a team" and "she should trust him" and "it's not fair he's the only one left out of the loop" and "he has a right to know" and just general "Fu is an idiot" (which is admittedly hard to argue). So people were disgruntled, but most were willing to overlook it.
His holier than thou lecture to Marinette in Maledictator over everyone being happy Chloe was leaving. When all Marinette was doing at the time was watching everyone else have fun. When Adrien specifically guilted Marinette and not any of the other actual partiers involved who were literally throwing a party over his friend leaving and probably should have warranted a lecture more than the girl just standing there. When the girl in question was also Chloe's main target and out of everyone had valid reasons to be happy that her bully won't be around to bully her anymore. When Adrien himself has historically been present to witness Marinette being targeted including twice he witnessed Chloe attempt to steal from Marinette, once he witnessed her try to blackmail Marinette, and numerous other times when she actively caused harm to Marinette and others. When Adrien then proceeded to sit in a corner and pout rather than do anything else or just leave if the party really bothered him. When Adrien, if he really cared so damn much, could have gone after Chloe himself! Or y'know...have stood up for Chloe earlier when she got upset in the first place. But fine, okay, Chloe is his childhood friend. So maybe he's just being biased and oblivious to the fact that his "friend" is a horrible person. But people can excuse and justify it in that they are friends and friends support each other, and the longer someone is friends with someone else, the harder it is to break from them. And that Marinette was probably just the target of his lecture because she was the one there in the moment (and the only one who would listen without arguing). And her calling Chloe useless was "mean" despite it being quite frankly the least of what she could have said about her in the moment (coughcough theft cough blackmail cough punished the entire school cough TRIED TO CRASH A TRAIN AND NEARLY KILLED HER AND HER PARENTS COUGH-FREAKINGCOUGH). Fine. Childhood friend means Adrien supports her in all her horrible and even deadly actions. Frustrating, but again, able to be explained and you can see where he's coming from.
These are all things that definitely got Adrien some side eye at best and some detractors at worst.
BUT if you really think about it, all of these examples are objectively worse than his lecture to Marinette in Chameleon. Not accepting being told "no" and continuing to chase a girl who isn't that in to him (while leading on another). Putting lives at risk over personal wants that could quite honestly wait until AFTER the crisis is over. Defending someone who is harmful and guilt tripping the victims. Compared to those, telling someone to leave a liar to their lying seems relatively minor.
So why this? Why here? Why is it Chameleon that has people saying enough is enough? Why is it this episode that is causing the sunshine boy to be so tarnished and the subject of salt in fan fiction?
Because this is the time when it couldn't be rationalized. There wasn't even a valid sensible canon-based reason for his stance. The arguments that Adrien "knew confronting her wouldn't work" or that he "handled her like paparazzi" or that he "knew Marinette previously failed when she tried" (even though he wasn't there and didn't know) or that he "didn't think anyone would believe him" don't come from canon. Those were fan arguments made after the fact to justify him after the base was broken and the outcry became too much to ignore.
This case didn't have any of the ties or rationales of the previous incidents. Adrien wasn't defending himself or his place in a partnership. He wasn't fighting for his love or his dream or an outcome he wanted and that we all knew was coming—if anything, he was fighting against her. He wasn't defending a friend like he did with Chloe—I mean, it's pretty evident he doesn't even really know or like Lila at this point, and for all intents and purposes, this is apparently only the second day he actually had any interaction with her. There was no notable reason Adrien really had for why he essentially chose to protect Lila over literally anyone else as she wasn't a friend and it wasn't in his interests to protect her from a consequence that wouldn't hurt her short term as much as it would likely harm everyone else long term.
And yet, he still defended her and her freedom to lie. Over Marinette. Over Ladybug. Over his friends. Over any sense of right and wrong he seems to have no problem throwing around when it comes to Marinette/Ladybug. Which seems like he targets her 9 times out of 10 compared to pretty much anyone else by this point. So it's little wonder then that people who didn't already hate the lovesquare because of the cringe factor from Marinette started to hate it for being incredibly unhealthy given that their relatively limited interactions tend to involve him lecturing her for failing to live up to his double standards that only seem to apply to her in any given situation.
This incident by itself doesn't seem like much, but when looked at as part of the series as a whole, it's when people couldn't keep overlooking this trend. Where he seems to admonish the wrong person. Where he acts like a mouthpiece rather than a person. Talks like he’s wise in a situation he seems to have a childish and one-sided view of. Acts like a brat but is treated as though he has no accountability in the situation he causes. Where he is wrong but no one and certainly not the narrative acknowledges it (not until season five and two seasons too late when it doesn't matter and he's still not the one facing consequences for it).
And it's not like he actually follows the stances he himself promotes. In Chameleon, canon presents him with this idealistic stance that Lila could change if given a chance, except he doesn't give her a chance. He doesn't push her to be a better person. He doesn't support or in any way help her to be the better person he insisted to Marinette she could be. He also doesn't do anything or warn anyone when she keeps lying and actively harms the people he says he cares about. He doesn't do anything one way or the other other than some lackluster encouragement to stop lying and a warning that goes nowhere. It just further gives credit to the argument that Adrien either simply doesn't care about other people, or that he doesn't care for Marinette specifically. Neither is conducive to the lovesquare or the increasingly tarnished view of the "sunshine boy".
And it could have worked. Canonically and intrinsically to his character. His idealism and trust in the wrong person comes back to bite him. He learns and grows from it. Except that, much like with nearly everything he does in canon, Chameleon set it up that Adrien was the writers' mouthpiece and thus was not "wrong". I'll grant that they did have him admit it and apologize to Marinette for it two seasons later, but it is pretty evident that during Chameleon, they intended his lecture to be right, with no foreshadowing and no implication otherwise. And I'm fairly certain they only backtracked and had him do that much because of the amount of fan outrage over the episode.
So yes, I think his lecture in Chameleon was really a final straw since unlike Chloe, Adrien has NO relationship with Lila to justify his defense of her. Especially when the argument is in favor of letting her lie to the people he's supposed to care about. That combined with how jarring it was how most of the class just sided with Lila over the seat issue in the first place, and I think people were less inclined to just ignore the problems in the episode specifically and with the series as a whole as they were compared to the first and second seasons. Not just with Adrien, as we see that Alya also started getting more callout and salt since then as well as more retrospective scrutiny over her behavior in earlier seasons.
But yeah...Chameleon was where things seemed to take a 180, so it's bound to be the deciding episode and deciding incident that sticks out in people's minds with these characters. That's probably why it ends up the go-to for salt and complaints on the characters involved instead of any of the other incidents that would arguably warrant it more.
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simon-sehs · 6 months
suffer (18+)
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pairing: f!reader x simon ‘ghost’ riley
tags / cw: f!reader, fluff, angst, smut, hatefucking, injury mention, dirty talk, insults, enemies to lovers, enemies with benefits, pathetic!simon, love confession, happy ending
To this day, you still couldn’t fathom what Ghost’s issue with you was. Granted, he was a weird and mysterious man to begin with, so making sense of his thoughts and feelings seemed daunting when there were bigger concerns.
At least, that’s what you told yourself. It didn’t stop the fact that despite the glares and insults, he often graced your bed.
Or you in his.
You were at least glad he was a gracious lover. Maybe it was an ego or superiority thing; after all, if you’re going to fuck the brains of someone you dislike, you may as well make them see stars and ruin them for anyone else.
Unfortunately, he also loved the sound of his own voice.
“Aww, look at you, sergeant. So desperate and needy for me…”
His dick slipped into your cunt with ease, much to your embarrassment. This, of course, would not go unnoticed, or unspoken.
“That’s right… take me in, doll…” He chuckled. “Must suck, feeling how well that pretty pussy molds around me. Like it was made specifically for me…”
“Jesus, shut up and fuck me already.”
“What’s wrong, love?” He slowly moved inside you, his pace gradually building to make you crave more with each second. “I hit a nerve? You gonna throw a tantrum, slap me around?” He smirked.
“Ugh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Freak.” You moaned and felt yourself clenching around him at the thought, despite your insult.
Ghost’s grip on your thighs tightened. “Maybe. Or maybe I just feel like giving you a free pass. God knows your… aw, fuck… hand-to-hand is abysmal. Couldn’t kick my ass to save your life…”
You grit your teeth. “I don’t need to beat your ass. All I need is a few good hits to make you hurt for a while.”
"Hah, you really think you can hurt me… when I've literally taken a bullet for the both of us?" He said bitterly.
You tensed. “Huh? What… mmm… the hell are you on about?”
“Don’t play dumb, you’re too pretty for that.”
You just stared at him.
Slowly, he stopped and stared down at you. “…Are you… serious?”
You blinked up at him.
His face gradually softened, before he let out a sigh. “You don’t know, do you?”
It was your turn to sigh. “Know what?”
He leaned back, despite still being inside you. “That mission we had together, where we were supposed to bring the target in alive… I took a bullet for you after you got knocked out.” His hand traced a scar on his shoulder. “It was either let you die… or let the target escape.”
You stared at him, speechless. “No, you… I… no… no one told me….”
“You were pissed about the target getting away, I… thought you knew. I don’t know.” He rubbed his jaw.
“What? No! I… you’re lying. You’re trying to make this my fault when it was your incompetence that resulted in him getting away…” You said, but with each word that came out, you could feel your resolve crumbling, as pieces clicked into place.
He glared. “You think I care if you believe me? You couldn’t possibly understand why I did what I did.”
“Try me.”
He pulled out of you with a grunt, and you had to resist the urge to whimper at the loss.
“You don’t want to know.”
You were getting pissed. “Quit fucking around, Simon, tell me.”
He growled. Honest to god, growled. “Fuckin’ hell, because I love you.”
Your eyes widened. He stared.
Seconds ticked by. The two of you were stuck in a staring contest.
You relented and glanced away, frowning. But then a gentle touch of his fingers on your chin brought your face back to gaze at his. More staring.
“Christ, say something, you daft girl.”
“Shut up.” You snapped. “I don’t believe you. You’re messing with me.”
“I have better things to do than lie about this shit. Stuffing your cunt, for example.”
“Why do you act like you hate me then?”
He sighed and rubbed his face. “I… because it’s easier to push you away than face the fact that I… Look, it’s to protect the both of us.”
“And yet you’re somehow in my bed.”
“…Yeah.” His fingers remained on your chin. “Tell me you don’t feel the same way and I’ll go. Hell, I’ll leave you alone, even.”
You swallowed, your heart pounding viciously in your chest. “I… I can’t.” You croaked.
Ghost’s face falls. “No… fuck, no…”
“I… I love—“
“Don’t. Don’t fuckin’ say it. Fuck. You’re not supposed to… we can’t. Don’t you get it? We can’t.”
Your eyes started to blur with tears. “Simon… I love you.”
He glanced away, his chest heaving. “Fuck…”
Now you found yourself turning his face to yours, your hand soft on his cheek. Your heart tore at the sight of his own glossy eyes.
“I love you.” You repeated.
He crumbled.
His face sunk into your neck, and he wept.
You froze up, unsure of what to do. But then you found your arms wrapping around him tightly as his tears dotted your sweaty skin.
“I love you…” You say again, softly.
He mumbled something incoherent into your skin.
Ghost pulled back slightly. “I said, we’re both fuckin’ idiots.”
“Simon… kiss me…”
He stared at you with pathetic puppy eyes, before leaning in and kissing you. It was different, this time. It wasn’t like the previous kisses. The heat was still there, but there was intimacy, longing, love.
You pulled back to moan as he buried himself back inside your aching hole.
His arms wrapped around your body, pulling you close to his chest as if you were at risk of being pulled away from him. Then, he buried his nose back into your neck.
“Fuck… Love you… so much… fuck…”
Ghost pumped into you slowly but deliberately, each stroke a token of his affection.
You could feel a tear of your own running down your cheek. “My Simon… my love…”
He groaned at that, twitching inside you. “Be mine. Only mine. Please. Please…”
“I’m y-yours. Always have been…”
“Fffuck… prove it… come for me, baby…”
You whimpered as his hips slowly met yours over and over again, his pelvis grinding against your clit. “Yes, baby, yes…”
He breathed heavily against your throat. “Say that again. Call me ‘baby’ again…”
And then you came, fluttering around his cock as his arms tightened around you.
“Fuck… fuck…” He mumbled.
It took four more strokes for him to follow suit, his body shaking slightly on top of you. You had never seen him in such a state before.
Then the room was silent, except for your ragged breaths.
As the both of you laid there, you reached a hand out to tentatively trace the scar on his shoulder. Ghost snuggled into you further.
“I’m yours… never forget that…” He murmured.
“Or… what… you’ll get… shot again?” You smirk.
He sighed. “I was thinking… more along the lines of… making love to you again… to remind you, but… sure… Why not…?”
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pablitogavii · 1 year
jealous Gavi end in fluff
Only Mine
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Your POV
We were on vacation in Ibiza which meant two main things: I wore bikinis every single day and Pablo acted more jealous than ever.
I knew my man was particular about his possessive nature, and I grew to accept that about him. It didn't bug me to reassure him that I'm his whenever he needed, and in whichever way he wished ;) but recently it became unbearable to handle.
I lay on the beach to tan my back...he pulls down my bikini bottoms to 'cover' my ass although it was already properly covered.
A guy smiles at me...he throws a tantrum and becomes moody for the rest of the day.
His own friends give me compliment...he pulls them to the side to have 'the talk' about me belonging to him.
It started to feel like no matter what I did, said or wore Pablo would get jealous. And to be frank it really started to get on my nerves.
He left me with Cristo at the bar while he went to answer the call from his mom but when some random blonde showed up, his friend bailed to talk to her and I stayed on my own.
"Would you like a drink??" young bartender asked smiling and at that same moment Pablo walked back and saw me smile back politely. While the guy was making me a virgin lemonade, Pablo rushed towards me giving him a nasty snarl.
"She's fine!" he says grabbing my wrist and we walked towards the beach so we can talk alone. Here we go again...
"I left you with Cristo but it looks like you like getting drinks from random guys!" he said and I stared at him in disbelief. The guy was literally a bartender!!
"Pablo, are you being serious right now!?" I said and he nodded his head still clenching his jaw in anger.
"You're being unbelievable lately! He is a bartender! It's his job to give people drinks! And Cristo left to talk to some blond girl, so what was I suppose to do!?" I fought back really done with his attitude.
"Not smile at him and look at him like.." he spoke but I interrupted him immediately unable to stop my own anger and frustration any longer.
"Like what!?" I said
"Like you look at me when we are naked and I'm on top of you!" he spat immediately catching the meaning of his words but it was too late. He did not just accuse me of giving that guy 'sex eyes'!?
I didn't say anything to him but it was clear that he really passed the line as I walked past him and he tried grabbing my wrist but I pulled away.
"I'm going back to the villa! Alone!" I spat and he gulped as I walked past his friends who were all concerned what happened.
"Amiga, you alright?" Cristo asked but I didn't reply anything going back home while Pablo stayed behind with his friend.
Pablo's POV
Joder!! Pablo, you stupid cabrón!!!
"Que pasa hermano? Why did she go home?" Cristo walked up to me and I rolled my eyes wondering why couldn't he just stay with her when I asked him to do that!
I knew I was possessive..and jealous..and impulsive..but I love her..I love her so much it hurts sometimes..I finally found someone worth keeping..someone who isn't using me for fame and money..I found an angel and i was terrified of losing her to someone else. So I acted out..a lot.
"Because I'm a jealous cabrón! Joder! What do I do if she leaves me!?" I say and my friends all surround me tapping my shoulder and reminding me how much we love each other and that it was just a stupid fight.
"Did you really get angry a fucking bartender asked her for a drink??" Ale said jokingly but I was in no mood for it right now. I knew it was stupid...but I hated when any guy looked at her..she was only mine!
"You're fucking stupid Pablo! That girl has eyes only for you..even when you're not looking she always smiles when she looks at you..it's clear you're the only one she wants" Cristo said and I knew he was speaking the truth feeling more and more like a complete idiot.
"You need to go home and apologize hermano" Ale added and I nodded my head knowing that was the smart idea but still fearful that she wouldn't hear me out after everything.
"And don't forget the flowers!" Javi yelled as I walked away and I nodded giving him a thumbs up for the idea. Let's see if I can fix this.
Your POV
I felt so angry when I arrived back home going to our shared bedroom and plopping myself onto the bed. How could he say something like that to me!? Does he really think I would look at anybody but him!?
About half an hour later, I heard a front door opening and I immediately knew it was Pablo..I would recognize my man's perfume from a mile away. He knocked on the bedroom door before entering with a bouquet of weirdly looking flowers.
"Amor, can I um come in please?" he said and I just nodded putting my book away and sitting up in on the bed as he approached sitting on the edge.
"These are for you..um..you always say that roses are boring and predictable so I got these..I have no idea what they are" he said and I took the bouquet of interesting looking flowers not being able not to smile that he remembered me saying that one night we watched a romantic comedy together.
"Thank you for the flowers.." I said when the room became quiet while putting the bouquet on the bed besides me looking at his big eyes. I could tell he was nervous..I could always tell how he felt from his body language.
"You're welcome, mi amor..but I came to apologize..for today and for the way I acted since we came to Ibiza" he said and I nodded waiting for him to finish.
"It's just that I..I love you a lot..and I feel threatened sometimes by all these guys who think you're beautiful which of course they are right but you're also special to me..as a person..as a woman..and I don't want to lose you" he finished looking down and I sighed moving a little closer to him.
"All I ask is that you trust me Pablo..like I trust you. How many times have you went out with boys and I've had no issue with that?" I said and he nodded his head really loving that fact that you were not one of those toxic girls that is latched onto their boyfriends.
"Many.." he answered
"And I do it because I know you love me..I trust your feelings and I know you would never do anything to hurt me, right?" I added and he quickly looked up taking my hand and kissing them.
"Never, mi amor! I think about you even when I'm out there..I can't wait to come home to you sleeping in our bed peacefully and to hold you in my arms" he said and you smiled blushing a little.
"And it's the same for me Pablo..when I am without you, I always think how much I miss you..and if you are worried that others like me, don't be..because I am madly in love with my man" I finished touching his face and he leaned into my touch.
"With me?" he said with a pout and I just couldn't be angry anymore..he was way to adorable right now. I nodded my head moving on top of his lap and kissing his lips passionately as he held me tightly in his arms.
"Mhmm with you Pablito.." I used the nickname he only allows me to use for him and he smiled nodding his head and deepening the kiss.
"And..there is a clear difference how I look at you and everyone else" I pulled away and he smirked flipping us over and getting on top of me with a smirk. I gave in and gave him 'the infamous look' as he leaned down to kiss me.
"Joder princesa! You make me weak.." he groaned kissing my neck as I turned to the side to give him better access catching the glance at the flowers.
"Amor..we should get these flowers out of our bed because they look like they could eat us" I said and we both laughed loudly as Pablo just plopped on top of me making me hit him to get off.
"Dios! I love you.." he said while laying on his back while laughing and I smiled laying on top of him happy that we have resolved out little disagreement.
"I love you too..and I'm only yours" I said and he smirked nodding his head proudly while kissing my hair.
"Only mine.." he added as we cuddled up close to each other.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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amaiaqt · 1 year
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤミㅤa heart's reason to beatㅤ⋆ 。˚ㅤ♡ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwhat made them fall for you ? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwanderer, cyno, heizou ! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤfirst part
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤwanderer !ㅤ
he swears it's a pathetic excuse of a reason, but your patience with him was what drew him into you. the way you were willing to deal with how immature and insensitive he was towards you, the way you were so persistent that he could be a good person. maybe it's the idea that you somehow saw some good in him, and actually stayed to help him change
in contrast to others, who heard bad stories about him and stuck to those stories, you were stubborn and wanted to prove those people wrong. you really thought you could fix him, and archons, you actually did — and he had to admit it, he's thankful you did
he was a heartbroken loner and you were into that, what more can i say
and you weren't just patient with him, you were even considerate of him. when he'd shoo you away, you'd give him space but check up on him after a few minutes — which he actually needed. when he'd throw tantrums or lash out on you, you'd give him time to cool off or be alone, then ask him how he feels when he finally comes out of his room
somehow you knew how to deal with him right, and he's never been more grateful for someone. if he could do anything for you to repay what you've done for him, he would
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤcyno !ㅤ
his admiration for you just turned into love over time. even though he had a superior rank to yours, he considered you his equal, and sometimes thought you could be stronger than him
your resilience in combat and how serious you were on the field, be it an actual fight or just a spar, to him it was attractive in a way. especially when it was him you were against, you took him way more seriously than your other sparring partners, he noticed — and he liked that
and not only that, you were good with teams as well. you were cooperative and had a way with formulating strategies on the spot if needed. you'd suit a position of captain or general, he'd think to himself, proudly even
as time passed, he actually started to get butterflies when you'd smile at him after a sparring session. and at that point he realized he had a crush on you
it was not easy focusing on being a general while having a crush, he'd tell you that much
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤshikanoin heizou !ㅤ
how you so easily matched his energy. this man adored you from the moment you first spoke to him !! well, it was him that approached you first, but you were the first to speak up
you were so sly, like the way you introduced yourself was certainly a surprise to him, but your voice along with it too ? archons he was about to giggle like a teenager. and when he had the chance to introduce himself, the way you said his name could've made him melt
the people around you two thought you were already flirting with each other
when he walked away, it took all his strength to not get all giddy in public. it was just, the way he was supposed to be the one to introduce himself the way you did, he was supposed to be the sly one. but you slipped the chance away from him the second you spoke, almost as if you knew what he was going to do
then when he started speaking to you more, you always matched his energy so easily, and it drew him into you more. just the way you were already so casual with him in the first few conversations, like you were already close with him, he liked it more than he would admit !
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ© amaiaqt, 2023 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not plagiarize !
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Percy hates the Mars on sight but he's suprised to see he's not the only one.
The Romans straight up ignore him until he starts throwing a tantrum. And Octavian meets his gaze, cooly and says "well you're a bit late for that aren't you soilder?"
"The battle" Said Octavian dryly. "You're late. 6 months in fact, but hey you at least showed up this time. So I suppose that's something."
There's laughter around the table and Percy wonders if he misjudged Octavian. "You are to do this quest for me, at once." Demands Mars.
Octavian smirks "I'm afraid I'll have to consult my superior. I am just a lowly Augur of course." He looks over at Reyna, eyes gleaming with mirth.
"What do you say? Praetor Ramirez Arellano of the 1st cohort and co-leader of the 12th Leigion Fulmimata." It doesn't escape anyone that Octavian calls Reyna by her full title with a level of respect he hadn't shown Mars at all.
"Denied." Says Reyna swiftly, a coldness in her eyes but Percy can tell she's fighting a grin. Octavian does grin, much like a Cheshire cat and turns to a seething Mars.
"There you have it, my hands are tied. Oh well come and try again next week."
Mars ignores him, his gaze on Reyna. Reyna meets his look without so much as flinching, she's the picture of relaxed and calm.
"You're orders do not succeed mine, Praetor."
"Why? Who died and made you consul?" Says Reyna, Octavian snorts as Dakota quietly explains the joke to Percy. Percy grins, oh he's going to love this.
"That would be him, Praetor." Remarks Dakota with a grim smile. "Ah, you're right my mistake." Says Reyna, she shakes her head and stands up.
As she does several soilders soo too, drawing their weapons and looking at Mars with cooled rage.
If he makes a move to hurt Reyna, they'd attack without hesitation.
"We will consider your request, if you give us a council with Jupiter."
Percy looked at Dakota, confused. "He's the King and Mars dad" he supplied, helpfully. Dakota looks down, angry "he's also Jason's dad."
Just the mention of his name put a frown on everyone's face, sadness in their eyes ignited with greif. Even Reyna wavered when she hadn't before, and Octavian blinked back tears.
Jason Grace meant everything to them.
Reyna's determination only grew. "I don't know what you've done to him. But I know you're all responsible, Jason was here one moment and gone the next. Our search parties keep going circles, and we know someone up there is interfering."
Reyna looks around and than at Mars and says defiantly. "I want Jason returned, or I will consider this an invitation to war."
Mars laughed.
"You? You dare to think you can face us?"
Reyna smiles, it is not kind. "Krios, younger brother of Kronos and one of the first original titans said the same thing. And Jason Grace, a mere demigod said if we both shall fall, I'll make sure you die first."
Everyone cheers, remembering that moment while Mars goes pale.
"Jason still lives while Krios is down in Tartarus. And you.. You took him from us, you forced us to fight alone in a battle that decimated our numbers."
Octavian puts a hand on her shoulder, noticing her voice tremble with rage. She takes a deep breath, a thankful look to one of her oldest friends.
Before taking a deep breathe.
"If he's not returned, I will fight Jupiter myself for his return."
And Percy didn't even need to look to know every demigod around them agreed with Reyna wholeheartedly.
And the way this was going, Percy would help.
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tachimichishrine · 9 months
ppssps..hey bae 😍😍😍❤️❤️🙈🙈🙈
heyyy babygorl 🤪😳🥵🥵😻🙉🙉 oh my god this is indeed extremely cute and sexy, just imagine...
tachihara around the holidays, a sense of nostalgia for something that never existed as he watches families with shopping bags in their arms. they look happy in the way he'd never felt with his own, and it's got him looking down for most of the season.
tachihara catching himself staring at you for too long, watching you give small gifts to the other members of the black lizard, even speaking with the nameless suits about their plans with their families like you really were a goddamn angel.
tachihara daydreaming about you in the middle of missions, distracting himself with the thought of you to the point where he accidentally bumps into santa cosplayers and has to threaten to beat them within an inch of their lives as soon as they start singing carols merrily at him.
tachihara who is stupid in love, head over heels even before you started asking him about his holiday plans and he begrudgingly admits that he doesn't talk to his family; you pouted sadly and promised that you'd try to make up for it, whatever that was supposed to mean.
tachihara strolling into his office, finding a small box of chocolates wrapped in a red ribbon with a note saying "from santa", even though it was obvious who it was from. it took him a while to stop blushing before he could stash the box in his pocket and pretend like he didn't just get shot by cupid's arrow all over again.
tachihara trying (miserably) to return the favour, having no clue what you like and needing hirotsu's advice. he made the old man swear not to tell anyone about this because if word spread through the black lizard that he was buying gifts for someone, he'd look weak and mushy and he didn't want you to know that this was what you did to him.
tachihara not knowing how to ask you out, painfully terrified that you were just being nice to him because that's who you are and not because you had any interest in him. he thought the mistletoe maneuver was cliché and stupid and soft and perfect for you.
tachihara using his ability to carry the mistletoe around with him, feeling dumb as he waits for you to stumble across him all the while trying to psych himself up to actually kiss you.
tachihara who turns around for one second to yell at an underling, leaving the mistletoe in the air as you, hirotsu and gin stroll in.
tachihara watching in agony as you point out the mistletoe above your heads and kiss hirotsu right in front of his eyes (you said that you would've kissed gin but she had her mask on).
tachihara giving up and heading home after a long day, the stupid thing in his pocket serving as a reminder that he's a coward and can't even do this one simple thing right.
tachihara hearing you call out "wait up!" while he walks home, hands in his pockets and about to throw the world's biggest tantrum at the sight of lovers holding hands and laughing at all the christmas lights put up around the neighborhood.
tachihara slowing down his pace but not stopping as you talk to him, saying things that he barely processes because your smile is so beautiful and you look so excited.
tachihara following you on your little detour, taking him to decorated squares and clinging onto his arm when night fell and it got too cold. he would've suggested buying you a hot chocolate but he didn't want you leaving his arm anytime in the foreseeable future.
tachihara's confidence slightly restored, taking a deep breath and looking around while you babbled about loving the spirit of the season, his eyes locking in on the mistletoe in front of a small shop.
tachihara suggesting to you that go in and explore the shop, then trying (awfully) to smoothly point out the mistletoe on the sign above. he swore that he was a spy, a trained, high-level spy that could infiltrate even the most dangerous of organizations, but you made him nervous and it came out wrong.
tachihara listening to you giggle, pointing out what a coincidence it was that this was the second time today that you found yourself under the mistletoe.
tachihara not believing it when you grabbed him by the front of his jacket and kissed him like it was nothing, not giving him any time to say how he really felt or process the feeling of your lips on his.
tachihara trying to kiss you back but the kiss was short and you were already giggling and ushering him into the shop.
tachihara yelling out "stop! just... wait. just wait," with a lot more desperation than he wanted.
tachihara unable to say anything coherent, describing his appreciation for your gifts and thoughtful words and time you spent with him spontaneously like right now and how gorgeous you looked and how your smile made him feel and just about a thousand other things he never thought he'd say out loud, to your face.
tachihara breathing heavily after his rant, face hot enough to warm up half the city and unable to look you in the eye.
tachihara growing hotter once you grabbed his chin, tilting it so he would look at you, then you said "you know, we're still under the mistletoe... dontcha think we should kiss again?"
tachihara not believing his senses when you did just that, this time pulling him in deeply, hands on his shoulders and body twisting the slightest amount as you kissed him like he'd never imagined before.
tachihara feeling drunk on your lips once you told him that you followed him on his way home not just because you didn't want him to be alone during the holidays, but because you barely saw him today and missed his company, because you missed him.
tachihara getting himself dragged to your home that evening, condemned to plans of baking, house decorating and cuddling whether or not he wanted it. but you both knew that he did, more than anything.
tachihara walking with you like he was in a fever dream, your fingers intertwined while you occasionally kissed his cheek and watched him blush when you got closer to him or asked if he was the one who planted that mistletoe in the port mafia hq this morning.
tachihara making sure he discreetly tossed the mistletoe in his pocket in a garbage on the way there because he denied this morning's "accident".
and most importantly, tachihara getting spoiled the entire holiday season, especially since you made sure to hang dozens of mistletoes across your home and agreed that he would have to comply with each and every one of them, not that he was complaining.
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sixpennydame · 9 months
hello Sailor
is it too late for the holiday prompts? I didn't see your post before :((
if you still take requests, I'd like #12 for Levi x reader as parents please
thank you and merry Christmas ♡
Hi Victoria! Of course I’ll take this request! It’s too cute to pass up. ☺️ Merry Christmas!
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DAY 7: meeting Santa at the mall but it goes awfully wrong
Dad!Levi x reader (and daughter)
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“I don’t like him. He’s too….smiley. You can’t trust someone like that.”
You roll your eyes. “Levi…it’s Santa Clause..he’s supposed to be smiling and jolly. It’s kind of part of the job.”
“Nah…I don’t trust the guy. I’m not just gonna put my daughter on some random guy’s lap.” Levi picks up the small, dark haired girl, who only recently turned two years old. “Let’s go.”
“And last year you said she was too small.” You put a gentle hand on your protective husband. “Come one Levi…you’d promised me. It’s a Christmas tradition for kids to sit on Santa’s lap and get a picture taken. For memories.”
“Santa! Santa!” The little girl said, squirming in her father’s arms.
Levi knew that this was important to you. You all had been reading books about Santa all month and saw how his daughter’s eyes lit up whenever she saw pictures of him. He looks at your smiling face, then at the face of his daughter. His two favorite girls - and he can’t say no to either of you.
“Fine.” He finally acquiesces.
Since it’s the weekend, the line for Santa was especially long, and after what felt like an eternity the three of you were finally at the front of the line.
“Oh shoot, she fell asleep,” you noticed. “Wake up, darling.”
A teenager dressed as an elf motioned you all to the ornate chair where Santa sat. As the little brunette rubbed her eyes and shifted in Levi’s arms, another elf took her and quickly placed her on Santa’s lap.
“Hey, be careful with her!” Levi sternly responded. After her deep sleep, it seemed as if it was taking his daughter a few minutes to process where she was and what was happening. She looked at the two of you, standing a few feet away behind the camera, and then she looked up at the large, bearded man, who let out a resounding, “Ho, ho ho! Hello little girl!”
In a matter of seconds, her little smile turned downward into a quivering frown, her eyes filling with tears.
“Oh no…” you said, just as she started screaming.
Levi immediately started walking toward her, but a tall, lanky elf stood in front of him, blocking his way. “Sir, I can’t let you get any closer.”
“Daddy….” His little angel cried, reaching her hands out towards him.
Nobody makes his little angel cry.
He pushes the tall teenager out of his way like he was made of paper. His long limbs knocking over the peppermint fence surrounding Santa’s chair. Two more elves come out, grabbing Levi’s arms, but when his grey eyes flash at them, they quickly let him go.
By now, the little girl is having a full-on tantrum, kicking and screaming in Santa’s arms. Levi rushes over and scoops her into his arms, but not before she grabs Santa’s fake beard and pulls it off.
The entire line gasps, then children start crying as they see Levi throw the beard back to the shocked Santa. You’re helping the tall elf back up and dusting him off before Levi takes your hand and pulls you away.
You mouth a silent, “I’m sorry,” to the traumatized elves, Santa, and shopping mall patrons.
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popponn · 1 year
about couples and such. [bakugou katsuki x f!reader] + midoriya izuku
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notes: i tried my best to get his (and midoriya's) personality right, for a little after that one fight. i hope i really get it right and it's still bakugou and midoriya in the end. it was fun to (try to) write tho. extra note: petty couple fights. please do not take this fic too seriously because i certainly did not.
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Whenever Katsuki and you fight, Izuku always suffers.
Such was the rule of the universe—or so his classmates said. Shouto pat his back, Ochako tried to cheer him up, and Iida… tried his best. But, in the end, Izuku couldn’t exactly refute those words.
Though, recently, whenever the two of you fought, it became a whole dorm crisis.
“I hate him,” you said, sobbing into your knees as you curled up on top of the lounge sofa. Izuku wished there were others with him and you at the moment. Unfortunately, like traitors all of them were conveniently away and busy.
Izuku stuttered your name. “He-hey, don’t say it like that,” he managed a smile that ended up more as a grimace more than anything. With a patience of someone who had handled this sort of issue since the three of you were in kindergarten, Izuku continued, “I’m sure Kacchan didn’t mean any of the words he said.”
“He called me weak! A deadweight!” you screamed before throwing yourself to the green haired boy. Seasoned and trained, Izuku caught you and returned your hug with a sympathetic pat to the back. A part of him noted that Katsuki had called you worse things back in your youth, but he supposed ‘childhood friends’ status that had changed to ‘romantic partners’ would change things too. So, wisely, he didn’t comment.
“There, there,” was the only he thing he could said. If only ‘Kacchan’ was better at this whole dating thing…
Izuku’s head did a sharp turn to his right. Talk about the devil and he shall appear, they say. Think about Bakugou Katsuki and he will appear like a ghost haunting the dorm, he says.
From his hug, Izuku felt you tried to discretely peaked at your boyfriend. Without seeing it, Izuku knew you were failing miserably. Katsuki, too, seemed to notice your stare and immediately met your eyes with his permanent glare. In response, you immediately hid your face on Izuku’s chest and hug him tigther.
If Izuku noticed Katsuki shifting that glare into a genuine one at him—no, he didn’t.
As Izuku tried to think what should he do now, that he was stuck in this unpleasant confrontation, Katsuki spoke, “Have you eaten yet?”
You, unsurprisingly, refused to reply. Instead, you hugged Izuku tighter as if such action would make Katsuki step away. It didn’t, it only got the two of your an even nastier glare.
Izuku, like a saint, answered in your stead. “Uh, she haven’t,” Izuku said, omitting the fact that you were skipping meals since yesterday because ‘Katsuki called you a deadweight in the middle of a training’. Your tantrum was as complicated as it was already and he would not at anything to that.
Katsuki stayed silent as he gave your form a once over. Izuku suddenly felt like a parent. Perhaps, this was where he should nudge the blond to apologize to you?
“You are not a deadweight,” Katsuki stated, suddenly but confidently. You suddenly stiffened like a stone in his arms. “There I said it, so hurry up, the fuck you want to eat?”
Izuku tried not to outwardly grimaced once again at that. He knew that you are a tough girl, but considering the circumstances at the moment since this argument started, he really wished Katsuki could be a bit gentler. You just complained at him for three hours about Katsuki’s ‘cute bastard’ way of talking while crying and Izuku really really didn’t want a sequel of that to enfold in front of the related person.
Luckily, this time, you responded to Katsuki. Slowly, you raised your head away from Izuku as your hold on him loosened. You still glared at the sofa, not meeting Katsuki’s gaze. Silently, you sent a side glance to the source of your irritation.
“Katsudon,” you answered, quick and hoarse after crying, before promptly returning to hug Izuku tightly. Izuku regretted not bringing a pillow or something else to avoid this fate.
At your answer, Katsuki made a sour face. Of course. That answer either came from your mind that was filled of curses ready to be hurled at Katsuki or because you simply wanted to jab at him through his name. Nonetheless, with a sigh, Katsuki dutifully turned away and walked towards the kitchen, “Fine.”
As he walked away, Izuku once again wished that the two of you could discuss this just so this fiasco could end faster. He held back a sigh and returned to patting you in the back.
“Izuku,” you mumbled to his clothes.
“Hm?” Izuku responded patiently.
“I don’t like arguing with Katsuki,” you said, your voice just above a whisper.
Izuku sagely nodded, having heard this for hundred times already each time the two of you fought, “I know, I know.”
“I will…” you trailed off, gently prying yourself away from Izuku. Your reddened eyes blinked a few times, before you finished your sentence. “…I will help Katsuki. He must be hungry too.”
Izuku didn’t have the chance to reply before you walked away, going to the kitchen. He stared at your direction, wondering if he should follow. Then, he remembered how it had always been—since you were little and since the three of you reconciled.
Learning from experience, Izuku chose to return to his room.
(If he heard a quiet chatter accompanied by peaceful clanging of pans and sizzles of seasonings from the kitchen, Izuku didn’t bother to listen and gave that moment to the two of you.)
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itaerae · 1 year
Hear me out
Ricky and reader are rivals
Cocky ricky who's actually way too shy. Gets flustered when the reader stares at him or if they are close to him. He tries to play, it cool but the reader figures this out and teases him even more. And the reader is the one who proposes him.
silly 💭💭
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pairing: rival!ricky x reader
summary: a case where opposites attract indeed, but someone is a denier. so what happens when you find out his little secret ? psst, make the first move !
word count: 652
warnings: angst if you squint ! (not proofread)
notes: i was supposed to get this out like a week ago, i apologize ᴖ̈ this was so fun to write though, tysm for requesting !
“HEY shen quanrui give me my stuff back !!” you shouted, chasing the tall blonde down the hallway. “if you can catch up to me stubby legs !” he stifled a laugh before making a sharp turn.
“you two ! stop interrupting classes, you know what, i’ve had enough. go to the principals office !” you both froze in front of the teacher. “but sir he—” unfortunately he wouldn’t listen. long story short, you both ended up in detention.
how did you even get here ? well surprisingly, you and ricky used to be the best of friends in grade school. but things quickly shifted as you both matured. until the point you had stopped talking to each other.
of course you were bitter, it’s not everyday you lose your best friend out of thin air. all of a sudden, he came back into your life as a nemesis, and you played along in hopes of finding out why he left in the first place.
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“it’s all your fault that we’re here in the first place !” you whined, banging your head on the desk. “nuh uh, you should have caught up to me faster, shorty” he chortled, a smirk plastered across his face. you scowled.
“at least i didn’t go around calling myself sasaki izumi rui in grade school” you saw the way his ears turned red out of embarrassment. “h-hey ! that was only in elementary, besides i was just a kid” he stammered, obviously flustered. you grinned, he was cute as always.
however this happiness only lasted for a bit, until you were reminded of how it used to be. the past memories turned your mood gloomy in a matter of seconds. ricky noticed, but he couldn’t pinpoint why, so he chose to remain silent instead. the rest of the evening was sour.
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you noticed ricky hadn’t bothered you at all today, and it made you confused. did he hit his head somewhere ? was he sick ? you couldn’t help but worry even though you were quite glad he wasn’t picking on you.
on the way to the bathroom, you spotted him and two of his other friends. the cute boy, ollie, and your senior, zhang hao. you didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, but you couldn’t help being nosy just this once.
“ricky hyung, can’t you just apologize and tell her you like her ? it’s your fault your statuses changed anyway.” you heard ollie say, shrugging his shoulders. zhang hao agreed with him, which made ricky groan.
intrigued by ricky’s little crush, you decided you we’re going to find out who it was, so you listened for longer. “it’s not that easy guys, ___ probably already hates me for it !” ricky complained like a toddler throwing a tantrum. your name peeked your interest, so he had a crush on you this whole time ? you found it funny and adorable the boy decided his best option was to become your enemy.
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the next morning you had decided to make the first move, ricky made it clear he wasn’t going to, so you were taking matters into your own hands. you found him rather quickly in the art room, his favorite place to pass time.
“hey shen !” he flinched slightly and lifted his head, face contorting in confusion. he gestured you to go on, so you grinned. “you know, you could have told me earlier that you liked me. i would have said yes either way, just saying shen.” you stated in a singsong voice.
ricky’s face flushed in red and shock. “how did you even find out ? i thought i kept it a secret !” he whined, digging his face into his hands. you giggled, moving closer. pecking his cheek, you turned to him to say,
“you’re a silly one ! now take me out on a date, i’ve waited long enough.”
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lemonlover1110 · 11 months
I get why satoru is upset but like... he made the conscious choice not to fully communicate his reasons for breaking up with y/n, he changed phone numbers, cut off any kind of communication, and instantly moved on to another woman, which from every standpoint (besides maybe himself and his mother) it gives the impression that he can't get away from her fast enough and that he wants absolutely nothing to do with her (even if it maybe wasn't true, that's how it appeared to y/n) so why would y/n try and further reach out to him if she's fully under the impression that he doesn't want her, and if he doesn't even want her, why would he want a whole ass baby that would anchor him down to her forever, someone that he was so adamant on proving that he wanted to stay away from.
Its easy for him to be angry now because he wasn't the one in y/n's shoes, but can he truthfully say that he wouldn't feel the same or make similar choices if the roles were reversed? from the very start of them even knowing each other, he's always had more power, status, and money than y/n, something that he never failed to remind her, even if it was unintentional sometimes.
its also easy to say "well Ren is a child so this is different, I would still tell him." but doing so would completely ignore all the details and context in the whole situation, not to mention ignoring the fact that both of them were like early twenties and nowhere near being fully emotionally mature!!
yeah I agree with y/n that it sucks that it had to turn out this way and that she did make some mistakes as well along the way but he hardlyyyyy has room to argue about making good, smart choices or taking the moral high ground, he was a huge dick about the breakup whether he or anyone else wants to admit it or not and went about it in an incredibly callous and cruel way, he made the one person he was supposed to love and respect above everyone feel like she was leftover trash, he's been actively cheating on his wife and not caring if he gets caught, and running around the office throwing tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants lol
sorry but im a y/n shooter through and through!!!!!!
I feel like people that hate/strongly dislike Y/N (maybe not on here but other people have on other platforms) don't put themselves in her shoes or just forget the fact that Satoru cut off all contact with her. You're right, he's a major dick. He does get to be upset but not at Y/N since she couldn't really reach out. Plus she's said it over and over again that she doesn't want her son taken from her when she can finally fully provide and give him the life that he deserves, and by telling Satoru she's risking getting her son taken away from her.
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ranposbabe · 9 months
Infidel | Johan Liebert x Reader
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Chapter 23
Guilt can wash over someone strongly like a wave crashes over a rock. Yours just happens to be closed off like those ornaments of a ship inside a bottle.
Except of it being intact it’s a shipwreck in a perfectly still bottle. You wonder if it will ever crack.
“She simply walked into the water and never came back out.” Mr Fox spoke with his rather husky voice that sometimes was hard to understand.
“It’s not uncommon for prostitutes to kill themselves it’s just simply reacurring over time.”
“I’m not upset about her killing herself.” You shake your head, continuing to stare out upon the dark water.
What even was her name ? Bella or Stella ? You’ve come all this way from your apartment to a beach who knows how many miles away and for what ?
You’d rather sit within the moldy walls at this stage.
Mr Fox was a man who worked alongside your father for many years. As of late you hadn’t seen the man. As a matter of fact you never even seen him drinking in the pub let alone alongside those drunks.
You knew he was no issue when it came to who to partially blame for your father recently being the man that he is.
But you weren’t sure why your father gave him the nickname Fox. Perhaps he was sly as a Fox but those words were only slurred by your father whenever he drank.
You never took his word sober so why would you then.
“I’m irritated because I didn’t see this coming.” You kick a pebble as if you were a child throwing a tantrum. “This is just evidence.” You hold back the urge to groan. If you weren’t wearing a cast your fist would’ve been clenched.
“I’ve lost my focus.” You roll your eyes, only now truly seeing the somewhat bigger picture.
“Was there any focus to begin with ?” Like your father he’d say these idiotic rhetorical questions to give the appearance of having the upper hand. You weren’t falling for it. “You’re uncomfortable. But then I suppose when are you not ?” A sincere yet tired smile was briefly evident on his face.
“I’ve been confiding in others as of late.” You slightly gave in. “One of these others has stood out to me.” You spoke quietly, no longer daring to keep your head up.
“You know about the fire of the shed, yes ?” You ask, already knowing the answer. His slight nod confirms your assumption. “It’s been on my mind as of late.”
You did feel somewhat bad about the fact that you completely forgot that the man even existed. You didn’t even know the mans real name. You never asked. Not out of awkwardness but rather out of lack of care. You doubted you would even interact much to even say his name thankfully.
“I’m not really interested as to why he’s mentioned in the file but rather the illusion as to how could he be ?”
“Who is it ?” “I’d rather not say.” You spoke for once much hastily. “Why ? Are you protecting him ?” He raised a brow. He wasn’t genuinely curious. He was just seemingly amused by the distant look in your eyes. Mr Fox could tell just by a single glance at your glossed over eyes that who ever you were currently thinking over was a constant thought in your mind. Perhaps maybe even if you yourself were unaware of it. If he guessed right now he’d say you were thinking of a young man that thoughts were also filled of you.
“No.” You want to stop yourself from speaking. You never want to speak again. It’s still far too early. What time is it ?
“I just get the sudden sense that saying his name out loud would be wrong.”
You’ve spoken too much.
“Have you ever said his name aloud to others ?”
It was obvious now. You simply mix up guilt and annoyance. “Drive me home.” You sigh, waking off as you were no longer amused by the splashing and chaotic waves. After all, it was no stream.
“I’m going back to bed.”
If you wish to be added to the taglist please comment below to let me know!!!
TAGLIST: @nimuelis @meigalahadovna @sugaredpersimmon @thesimpupthesky @sarcastic-cookie
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honey-beann · 1 year
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 x Reader)
Chapter One: Naming Nines
Series Masterlist
Series Synopsis:
After Gavin Reed, the biggest asshat in the DPD refuses to work with the newest android detective, the only RK900 in existence, you find yourself being offered the opportunity in his stead. Post successful android revolution, with a very recently deviated android partner at your side, will the two of you gain the same level of success as Hank and Connor, or will your different manifestations of humanity, and all of the feelings that come along with it, get in the way?
AKA: Reader and Nines get partnered up and grow closer over a series of one-shots and random cases.
Will you become RK900's ruination?
Chapter Content Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,579
"Absolutely not!"
The sounds of shouting nearly made you groan as you slumped down further in your desk, trying to ignore the grown man throwing a temper tantrum clearly visible through the glass just a few yards in front of you.
"Sounds like Gavin found out about his new android partner, huh?"
Muttered one of your coworkers from behind you, and you lamented internally at all of the bitching you were going to be subjected to as a result of this mess. Having your desk situated just a few feet across from Detective Reed's meant having to hear all about his newest complaints and disagreements, even if you had absolutely no interest in them at all. Back when you were still considered a rookie just a year prior, you had hoped this had all been a test, and that you would soon be moved to a less bothersome location, but as time went on with no complaints from you, Fowler appeared to have decided that the arrangement worked just fine as a permanent fixture.
You were less than pleased.
Trying not to be as obvious in your staring as your coworkers, you placed your tablet in your lap, looking up from the blank screen every few seconds to watch Gavin push at some other expensive looking object, his eyes wild with an anger you had grown all too familiar with throughout your somewhat brief time here at the station. Needless to say, you were not a fan of Detective Reed and his childishness, and this extreme act of crazed rage only made you all the more aware of how ridiculous and dramatic he could be.
"All this over some android partner?"
You muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes before returning them down to the tablet in front of you, still blank as you tried to look as busy as possible despite your light work load.
Working in the android crimes unit alongside Lieutenant Anderson, Connor, and Detective Reed had been no walk in the park so far, especially not when the first two made such an incredible team. You and Gavin, on the other hand, had been urged to try your best for a few months, before it was ultimately decided that you both worked best on your own. Or, at least, that's what the amicable write up said. In reality, Reed had made it impossible to work with him over the course of just three months, and after that, you had outright refused a partnership. If you were supposed to receive any form of repercussions for this, they never came, and now, watching Gavin rant and rave through the glass of Fowler's office, you were pretty sure that you knew why.
How could anyone truly expect someone to work well with one of the biggest assholes in the entire city of Detroit?
Yourself and the rest of your coworkers watched on for a while, as Gavin continued to argue his case against a potential asset to his one man show of a team, rolling your eyes jointly at his dramatics until finally, Fowler put his head in his hands and exasperatedly motioned for your desk neighbor to leave. Begrudgingly, you watched as Reed did just that, grumbling something under his breath that had your boss glaring at his back as he exited the room.
Everything was quiet as Gavin approached the desk across from yours once more, and everyone tried to look as busy as possible despite the obvious lack of commotion within the usually busy police department.
You relished in that near silence for a few minutes, before suddenly, Fowler's angry voice sounded from just outside of his office door, his glare fixated on Gavin despite you being the only person he was talking to.
Damn, Gavin really had pissed him off, huh?
"Detective L/n!"
He shouted, and you swallowed thickly before standing at once, nodding in his direction to show that you were listening, At the sight of an actually obedient employee, Fowler seemed to calm a bit, although you noted that his hands were still clenched into fists as he spoke,
"How would you like your very own android partner?"
Shocked, you stared at your boss as if he had lost his mind, fighting the urge to ask him if he was sure he had the right person. You were just barely out of rookie status, nowhere near important enough to have earned an android of your own. But, then again, Gavin had blown it, and the unit needed more hands on experts, whether Gavin wanted to work with one them or not, so in the end, you were pretty much the only other option if they didn't want an android going about solving crimes alone.
Swallowing back your various questions and concerns in favor of simply answering the question at hand, you nodded once at your superior,
"It would be crazy of me to say no to an opportunity like that, sir."
You replied as cooly as possible, taking note of the way that Gavin sneered from his seat across from your own as he rolled his eyes at your words. He had called you a kiss ass since your arrival, but truthfully, you just knew when to use the right kind of language with the right kind of person, unlike the incredibly annoying detective you had been forced to call your partner just a few months back.
"Good. Glad to hear there's at least one sane person in the damn Android Crimes Unit."
He grumbled that last part before clearing his throat and speaking up once more,
"Your assigned model is an RK900, the only one in existence. It was originally created as a prototype advanced deviant hunter, but ever since it's... deviance a few months prior, along with the results of the android revolution, employment in a separate area started being considered. You will guide this android in your field work, and maintain a professional relationship with him regardless of your differences, do I make myself clear?"
Shocked to have heard Fowler address this in front of everyone rather than in a private meeting, you nodded quickly and eagerly in response to his words, watching as your boss signed in relief and ran his hand across his face.
"Good. The model was brought by for tuning and integration this morning. He should be by your desk promptly."
Shocked, you opened your mouth to reply, maybe even ask a few questions, but before you could Fowler had returned to his glass enclosure, picking his desk phone up and dialing a number quickly, his shoulders tense and eyebrows drawn together.
Maybe right now wasn't the best time for questions regarding your new android partner.
Sighing, you sat back down once more, trying not to look nervous as you stared back down at the blank tablet on your desk once again.
That is, until a voice, slightly familiar, and somehow also incredibly foreign to you spoke up from your right.
You yelped in response to the sudden sound, jumping in your chair and twisting around to all but gawk at the intimidating man who stood before you.
He looked incredibly similar to Connor, but somehow the slight differences made him seem like a completely different person, and you could tell by the cold expression on his face that they would in no way be sharing similar personalities. Where Connor Anderson, the RK800 model who had deviated nine months ago, was warm and friendly, always ready to ask about your day, this RK900 model was clearly cool and calculated, his gaze consistently disapproving no matter where or who it happened to fall upon.
And to be the subject of said disapproval? It made you shiver before you could even speak up, giving the android in front of you the opportunity to do so first.
"Hello Detective L/n. I am an RK900 prototype built for the purpose of tracking down and dismantling deviants such as my predecessor. That being said, my previous function has been rendered inconsequential due to my status as deviant, and therefore, I have gained employment here, alongside the RK800 model known to you as Connor, in order to support the DPD in the development of android crimes. I understand that you are to be my partner in this task, is this correct?"
You blinked, shocked at the robotic tone of the supposed deviant who stood before you. You stared for a moment, taking in the crisp white jacket that adorned the android's shoulders, and the blinking model number that could be seen on his chest. He was incredibly intimidating, several inches taller than Connor, and far less friendly. It was as if this android felt no reason at all to utilize it's social interaction protocols, and you couldn't help but wonder if that was yet another unexplored area of deviancy.
Slowly, as if unsure of your own actions, you reached your hand out to the android in front of you, clearing your throat as you did so, trying to shake your nerves and muster up the courage to speak.
"I look forward to working with you..."
You trailed off hesitantly, your heartbeat quickening as you felt the unfamiliar chill of the RK900's hand against your own, that gaze never leaving you as your hands interlocked, shaking in greeting slowly,
"Is there something wrong?"
The RK900 model in front of you asked slowly, his words clearly enunciated and incredibly probing as they passed the artificial pink skin of his lips.
"I, uh, I guess I don't know what to call you."
The android quirked it's head in curiosity before it seemed to understand your words, and nodded,
"Ah, yes, your RK800 model-"
You corrected immediately, knowing how much the android in question disliked being called by his model number, your nerves leaving you for the briefest of moments as you stood up for your friend.
"Right, your... Connor"
The RK900 spoke slowly this time, as if testing the way that the sentence sounded in his ears, and you almost smiled at how much it reminded you of his predecessor.
Suddenly, as if he had been enlightened with the correct words to say, the RK900 model cleared his throat, and spoke up again,
"My predecessor, Connor as you call him, goes by a name. This name was given to him upon his distribution, in order to make him more relatable and easy to trust. I was not built to be trusted, nor related to. To put it simply, Detective, I was built for the purpose of destruction, ruination if you will, and that of my own kind in particular. Therefore, I was not given a name as Connor was upon the start of his mission."
You nodded softly, gazed upward at the oh so familiar stranger that stood above you,
"Right, I guess that does make sense... In that case, can we give you a name?"
You asked, tilting your head in question as the android before you stiffened a bit, quirking a brow in response,
"You wish to name me?"
He asked, and you shrugged softly, trying to ignore the heat that was building in your cheeks,
"Well, not exactly. You can pick it if you want to, I just want something to call you that isn't as long as your model number."
Nodding in understanding, the RK900 thought for a moment, before finally reaching what to him was the most logical conclusion.
"I will allow you to choose, since you are so keen on my having a new name to go by as your partner."
You could have sworn you saw the android smirk a bit as he spoke these words, but you shook it off and started thinking hard about potential names for the man in front of you.
This train of thought lasted far longer than you had ever initially anticipated, and eventually, you found yourself groaning out of frustration, hunched over a notepad at your desk two hours after your initial meeting with your new partner.
You offered hopefully, and the man in front of you shook his head for what had to be the one hundredth time that day, that shadow of a smug grin forming on his lips as he met your gaze again from the desk attached to your own, which he had made himself comfortable at shortly after his arrival.
"It just doesn't suit me."
He explained wryly, and you fought to roll your eyes in exasperation as he utilized the same excuse he had been using for the past twenty names. He had a reason to hate everything.
Sighing heavily, you moved to bury your head in your hands, rubbing at your cheeks before you let out an annoyed huff, glaring over at your new partner.
"Two hours in and you're already impossible."
"Oh, on the contrary, Detective."
The android's response was immediate, long and drawn out as he leaned forward so his elbow was on your desk rather than his own, his smirk predatory in a way that made you almost feel frightened as you swallowed thickly while desperately trying to come up with a new name.
"I think I am being quite cooperative. I mean, I've hardly said a thing about that untouched work load of yours."
He finished teasing, and you shot him another glare, as you stood to pace before your shared desk space.
"Well fine then, if a regular name doesn't work, how about something different?"
You asked exasperatedly, and the RK900 leaned forward towards you in what appeared to be mock anticipation,
"Different you say? Go on then Detective, what do you have in mind?"
You thought for a moment, struggling to think of anything, before finally, your eyes fell on that glowing model number upon his jacket, and finally it hit you.
You breathed out the name as if it were a prayer, and the android in front of you seemed to hum in response, watching you intently as your gaze moved to meet his own once more, challenging and unwavering.
Just what he was hoping to see.
"I like it."
He said after what had felt like an entire minute of deliberation, and you whooped victoriously and jumped excitedly about the small office in response to those three short words, your grin wide and splitting your face in two.
He watched, annoyed by your strange actions, yet somehow also entertained by how improvised and sudden all of your reactions felt to him.
Were all humans like this? If so, this job would get exhausting very fast.
Eventually, you slowed back down and had the sense to look a bit bashful as you sat across from the RK900 - 'Nines' once more, clearing your throat awkwardly as you started to look at your completely empty tablet for what felt like the one millionth time that day.
"I do hope you know that tablet has been depleted of battery life, Detective."
Nines' voice was laced with a bit of humor and cruelty as he spoke, and you groaned internally upon being caught.
You couldn't find the correct words to respond with, so instead you turned your face away from the man sitting on the other side of your desk, trying to focus on anything else but this near stranger who was supposed to be your partner sometime in the near future.
How were you ever going to make it through this with your sanity?
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mrsnancywheeler · 6 months
basically imagine someone tearing out your heart and leaving you in shambles, because that's the feeling
like she's young and this is serious, he's a rock star, and they've gone all the relationship things, he's taken her out, he stays with him most of the time, it feels like a relationship, you're 'his girl' but he never says you're his girlfriend, or that it's exclusive and that's his way out
but recently billy's been more and more all over the place, quicker to snap, more drugs, more alcohol, more argumentative, but you figured every relationship has hard times. that's until you find him backstage post show, a girl on her knees for him, another helping her out. he's not even trying to hide, so you say nothing.
you feel yourself getting nauseous, your chest hurts, you feel so stupid and naive, you're trying not to cry but eddie sees you and asks you what's wrong. you just say, "billy-" before you start crying and he knows. eddie's holding you, comforting you, and he knows you deserve so much better. when you let the sobs finish racking through your chest that's when you feel the rage coming in. how dare billy sweep you off your feet and then pull something like this. the moment billy emerges from backstage you've stopped crying enough to be on him. "what the hell is wrong with you?" you're hands shoving into his chest and he's confused
"what the fuck! what are you talking about?"
you're finger stays pointed to emphasize every word that comes out of your mouth, "you're a fucking liar, and cruel, and you disgust me. and I wish that I'd never fucking met you"
the drugs are pumping through his blood and he's feeling the energy of biting back harder. so when his brain finally pieces together what you're upset about, he's digging his teeth in with a sardonic laugh. "baby, I never promised you anything. I know you're a first time groupie, so let me lay it out for you, you're not the only one, you're not special, you're a girl in a line who happened to be pretty enough for me to want be around. you're not my fucking girlfriend, I don't owe you anything"
and you're stunned because he never said anything when the media said you were his girlfriend, he treated you how couples were supposed to act. so you're basically caught between feeling betrayed by the turn and embarrassed because of your assumption. you never wanted the lifestyle of just being his groupie, you don't want this, but you're already months in with him and you're down bad.
"i like doing lines off your tits and the way your lips feel on me, do you understand?" he's so close you can see each speck of color in his eyes, but right now you want to curl into yourself, into a hole, and disappear. you nod slowly, feeling the tears welling back.
later he finds you packing your bags, "what the hell are you doing?"
"leaving, you made it very clear that you don't want me around anymore." you shrug, zipping the last one.
"throwing a tantrum doesn't make rock stars take you back, baby. don't expect me to be waiting when you come crawling back"
"go to hell billy" a couple weeks later he's been staking out hour favorite diner waiting for you to show up so he can act like it's an accident. and then making it up to you in the diner bathroom in more ways the one. and you can't help but be lulled back into his arms
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scientistservant · 7 months
Listen, I also am not a fan of vivziepop, but Angel's SA is almost exactly like mine. So honestly seeing a lot of you guys say it isn't realistic is kinda... Unsettling. There's lots of things that make it bad but-- and I'm not saying you're saying this I'm just saying a LOT of hh critical people are-- calling anyone who falls for it stupid or fake is really hurtful. I'm stupid for a lot of reasons, but being an SA victim isn't one of them. I'm blocking the tags now so I'll stop seeing these arguments on my dash but... Keep in mind that there are real people who unfortunately were dumb enough to have been in those situations, so using them as a gotcha isn't exactly helpful?
I’m not saying it’s unrealistic — I don’t know where you’re getting this from.
I have friends who find comfort in the episode and see themselves in Angel, and I support them. I’ve never said anything about SA victims being stupid.
There are many different SA victims, and while I’m not one myself, I have seen and understand both sides. Some think the episode is a great representation, others don’t.
What I care about is how Vivziepop handled the episode as a whole and how she treats real SA victims.
She claims Valentino, Angel’s abuser and rapist, is a dangerous, threatening, no-nonsense monster, while also liking posts comparing him to Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls, high-school bullies, AND saying the Vee’s aren’t supposed to be taken seriously. The very first scene of him in the show proper is Val throwing a tantrum like a child.
Viv also lied that Raph, the storyboard artist for the episode was an SA victim, and Raph said he wasn’t.
I’m sorry, I’m rambling, but this is the stuff that bothers me. You can’t have a character that fluctuates his personality (and accents) so intensely like that, especially when said character is someone we foolishly thought was going to be taken seriously as a rapist and abuser.
If SA victims liked the episode and found it relatable, cool. If SA victims didn’t like the episode and found it non-relatable, also cool.
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