#and then vic is just. r o g u e. but he feels like he owes six but six feels like he was just repayin him for saving his life
zkylearnstherope · 9 months
Goal for this year
Learn Animation and make The Monochromes dance to Yakusoku No Kizuna - Future Star ✨ nice
I'm telling you guys now to make myself accountable. Now, I won't have an excuse for not doing it.
It's not going to be smooth since I'm just winging it, but here's how it will go:
A - Mitsuki (purple)
H - Mirai (pink)
vic - Hiroomi (green-scarf)
Agent - Akihito (yellow-hoodie)
Eyes - Ai (gold)
PB, Hunter, and Sign will be the BTS guys and will not be dancing
I have a couple of other Animations planned, but this is the final goal.
If Alan somehow kills them at the end of AvA 6, things will be very awkward when I finally release it.
But we are not going to let awkwardness stop us.
Yeah, we're going to be idols for a day!
I'm not sure about this.
I W A S A C T U A L L Y L O O K I N G F O R W A R D T O S E E I N G Y O U D A N C E.
. . . How are we going to do this?
[Leave it to PB and me.]
◼ How did I get roped into this thing? ◼
[Hey, Hunter. What say you and I... go brainstorm togeth-]
◼ I will do it! Also, f*ck you! ◼
< thumbs up >
If things don't work out, we can just blame Sign.
[Me!? Why?]
I'm sure he's not going to let us down. Right, Hazard?
[Why do I feel like those are thinly veiled threats?]
.. - .----. … / --- -.- .- -.-- / .. / -… . .-.. .. . …- . / .. -. / -.-- --- ..-
[Thanks, Eyes. But I'd appreciate it if you say that out loud.]
Hmm? What do you mean? I didn't say anything.
[You guys are just messing with me at this point.]
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archersartcorner · 3 years
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A collection of Vic doodles I did a few months ago Cus Im Thinkin About Him
Bonus Gen 3 Yes Man!
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camelliacats · 5 years
The Best Thing Out There
A freeverse poem, best viewed on FFN or AO3.
Fic: "The Best Thing Out There" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Lily Luna Potter/Teddy Lupin
Rating: K+
Words: ~500
Additional info: romance, poetry, freeverse, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: And eventually, Lily would convince him. Or he would convince her.
Lily'd always i_m_a_g_i_n_e_d Teddy'd join their family someday [but someday just couldn't come fast enough, in her opinion] Lily'd been too -little- to know r.e.a.l.l.y what Teddy meant to her [he's just another brotherbrotherbrother] Lily'd had a picture of her & Mum & Dad & James & Al & Teddy & Vic & the rest of the family in her mind &&Teddy would chuckle 'n' ruffle her hair [oh, Lily-Dilly, you always made him smile] B::u::t Lily'd grown She wasn't some !kid! anymore Yet she wasn't the WoMaN that Teddy wantedneededwas meant to have [even if Victoire couldn't make him :)smile(: as brightly as she could] ((and ±suddenly±)) When Teddy ruffles her ~h~a~i~r~ it's not as playful anymore [because she has the first d.a.t.e, the first k*i*s*s, the first «time», the /w\e/d\d/i\n/g\, the h•o•n•e•y•m•o•o•n, the kids' n-a-m-e-s, && the g_r_a_v_e_p_l_o_t_s figured out] {she's feeling quite h!o!r!r!i!d by now} Isn't it that Teddy's a brother? Her G_O_D_B_R_O_T_H_E_R (and she'd like to curse the gods all the more for creating that sacred thing known as .::family::. 'cuz she's not too fond of it right now) So. Lily does the next best thing She watches O ._V M_E I_R H [& with every day that »passes» it gets harder&&harder to tell herself that Teddy's just another guy, that it's not l-o-v-e she has for him] ((she's been known to /lie\ to herself every now 'n' then)) But even though Lily tried to ^throw^ herself into school (a Potter with Exceeds Expectations—who woulda thunk it?) The day that Vic&&Teddy call it quits is when her resolve comes C r A s H i N g D o W n [you knew, Lily-Dilly, that nothing would change with you even if it did with THEM] And so the year passes. And a/n/o/t/h/e/r goes by. And, while she's trying to juggle Auror-training w/playing w/potions, she's calming herself down Because Teddy only is another guy [he's just another brother brother b_r_o_t_h_e_r] In the Potter house, it's as though ¤Teddy&&Vic¤ •never• .was. *poof* &&it's almost like early times again, when Teddy can ruffle her crimson locks &&she can tease him about becoming a Potter someday &&he can smile 'n' let his hair turn its brightest turquoise ever as he cracks a joke to make her laugh [& she has yet to realize *at* this point that Teddy only ever smiles&laughs for her anymore] So, one day (let's call it "once upon a day," instead!) Teddy takes her out to lunch &&it's a normal thing •u_n_t_i_l• Teddy asks her to try him out [because Scorpius was meant for Rose, Lorcan was meant for Roxanne, & sadly Lysander was meant for Dominique] She agrees She gives it a GO She promises that he'll still be her (god)brother even if he can't be her lover ;)well...(; Lily'd always i_m_a_g_i_n_e_d Teddy'd join their family someday [but Teddy Remus Potter had a better ~ring~ to it than Lily Luna Lupin, she's s*u*r*e]
Well, it's been a while since I wrote a Lilted, but I think this is my best one yet. My best work, meant as a Christmas present for the best LilyTeddy author on FFN. Thanks to jojor99 for the prompt "sacred."
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Very cute. I like the pace, the beat, the rhythm of this one. Lilted is endgame, as far as I'm concerned. XD
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years
Relationship ABC’S-Victor Criss
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A/N:Yes I’ve used this gif before and I hate reusing gifs but there are only like 2 gifs of Vic close up so I gotta work with what I’m given lol
A- Anniversary
(What would they do for your anniversary?)
Vic likes to switch it up, but rest assured it will be nice and extra 
B -Birthday
(How would they celebrate your birthday?)
He always gets you something great and something you will never expect, he takes you to a nice dinner somewhere, and then of course great things after dessert ;)
C- Cook
(Do they cook? Can they cook? What food do they like to cook for you?)
Vic is actually a decent cook so from time to time he will totally cook for you, his speciality is Italian
D- Domestic
(How domestic are they? Would they clean/cook? Help you clean/cook? Or would they just mess everything up?)
Vic will always help you cook even if he isn’t the one making the food, and he’s slightly OCD and hates mess so he definitely helps you clean
E- Effort
(How much effort do they put into your relationship?)
Vic puts as much in as you do it’s a very equal effort
F- First Date
(Where do you go on your first date? How does it go? etc...)
Vic took you out to the ice cream shop 
G- Gifts
(What kind of gifts do they give you? What kind of gifts do they like receive? etc...
You two always like to surprise each other with gifts, always making sure what you get is something the other hasn’t mentioned before
H- Honeymoon
(Where do you go on your Honeymoon?)
Vic takes you on a trip to all the places you’ve wanted to go before 
I- Intimacy
(how touchy feely are they? when would they become comfortable to be touchy feely?)
Vic is pretty sweet and intimate with you 
J- Jealous
( How jealous are they? How often do they get jealous? How they react? etc...)
When Vic gets jealous he tends to make snarky comments to the boys about it before he goes over to you and wraps his hand around your waist
K- Kids
(How are they with kids? Do they want kids? etc...)
Vic is okay with kids, he probably won’t want more than one, but only because of your busy schedules
L- Long Distance
(How do they cope with Long Distance? How they prefer to keep in contact? etc...)
Vic hates being away from you and will call you every day
(Do they want to get married? How do they propose to you? The wedding? etc...)
Yes he does and damn is his proposal and the wedding like everything else he does for you EXTRA, he proposes to you during a vacation you two are having on the beach, and the wedding is huge with the boys your families and a bunch of other friends their, making you feel like a princess
N- Night’s Out
(Where do they take you on nights out? How often do nights out happen?)
For dates he again loves the element of surprise, as for venting nights he will just talk a walk with you whenever you need it 
O- Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or what a while to reveal?)
Vic is a pretty open guy within a month you pretty much know him inside and out
P- Public Displays Of Affection
(Do they like PDA? Do they have boundaries? etc...)
Vic is pretty chill with PDA and let’s you pretty much call the shots on that front, you wanna hold his hand? Do it. You wanna be in his lap? Go for it. You wanna kiss his cheek? Go right ahead. 
Q- Quarrel
(What do you argue about most? How often fights occur?)
Most of your fights sparked because of how loyal he is to Henry, almost to a fault
R- Reunited
(What’s it like when they reunite with you after a trip?)
Vic takes you into his arms and tells you how much he misses you 
S- Snuggling
(Do they like cuddling? How do they cuddle? etc...)
Vic loves cuddles, doesn’t matter whether your holding him or he’s holding you
T- Text
(How often do you text? How do they speak when they text? How do they react when they receive texts from you? etc...)
When you text Vic he tends to have a decent poker face, and damn can this boy text paragraphs back to you 
U- Upset
(What do they do when you’re upset? What do you do when they’re upset?)
You two tend to have the same reaction when each other are upset, which is holding the other and listening to them vent
V- Valentine’s Day
(What would they do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?)
Again much like everything else expect a surprise gift and date
W- When
(At what point do you move into together? What kind of place? etc...)
You two get into the same college so you move into together after you move out of Derry 
(What are their hugs and kisses like?)
Both Vic’s hugs and kisses are very soft
(What do they love most about you?)
Vic love’s how smart you are
Z- Zoom
(Zoom into the future, what does your future look like?)
You two live in New York, Vic is a concert pianist, and you are killing it at your job, you have one child 
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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                                  ⚜  ~ T H E   I N F E R N O ~ ⚜
It’s been a night to end all nights, and for some, unfortunately, that’s not merely a turn of phrase. The ancestors have come for their final Harvest Child, Davina Claire, and have pulled all the stops to get her right where they want her: alone, powerless, vulnerable. 
But they’re wrong. 
Davina Claire when vulnerable, despite being encircled by lobelia, inhaling it with with every breath she takes, is anything but powerless. Davina Claire, when vulnerable, is at her most uncontrolled, her most unpredictable. In short, Davina Claire, when vulnerable, is neither alone, nor powerless. She’s  d a n g e r o u s. Davina Claire is a powder keg, and she’s about to explode. 
Beneath the cut, you’ll find an extensive summary of the character-specific plot drops that will occur during our event.
Please note that while we have laid out this guide, it is up to the individual roleplayers to decide when and how to start these threads. In order to do so effectively, please makes sure to read or at least skim each other’s threads on the dash, so as to make sure your character jumps it at the right time (in the case of a three-way para, for example) and doesn’t interrupt the flow/chronological order that is roughly set out in the summary below. Also, please read ALL of the plot under the cut; not just the section that pertains to your character. This will become increasingly significant as the event goes on.
This is the last stage of VN: Carré Ravagé. In the prompts below, not all members will be mentioned, simply because phase three is for wrapping up the encounters that began during the event. For those who do not receive a direct prompt, you are welcome to react to the events as you see fit for your character, though we ask all members to run any large plots past the admins first. 
Open/casual starters are permitted aside from the plot-threads listed below, though please manage your time accordingly so that the plot-threads are completed by the end of the event. Please tag your starters with VNCarreRavage and VNStarter! If you have any questions, ideas, or concerns, please do not hesitate to message the Main!
Most of all, remember to be inclusive to as many people as possible (without biting off more than you can chew), get creative, and enjoy!
~ The Admin Team @ VN
With the ancestors closing in, Vic Kloeckler-Kuyavar’s soothing words do little to calm Davina Claire. With fear and rage growing in her heart, Davina can feel the familiar rips and tears in her control grow into great gashes, gaping chasms. The fire in her heart has burned through the ancestors’ paper chains, and now burns true, blasting from every pore in Davina’s body. In mere seconds, the room has become an inferno, and Davina is its very heart. 
Beyond the circles and walls trapping party-goers inside, people in the streets are dropping like flies, silver bullets finding the heart of every target they seek. Sophie Deveraux is gambling her neck against Katherine Pierce’s legendary knack for self-preservation. Unfortunately for her, it’s a gamble she loses when a shot by the sniper lands a little too close to home, and Katherine unleashes her temper via her teeth, incapacitating Sophie with a particularly vicious bite to the neck in order to get away and get free of the sniper’s line of sight. 
Jackson Kenner is bleeding out, which is slightly uncomfortable since his abilities for regeneration won’t allow that. It seems to be the only thing his healing can handle because the bullet which tore through his shoulder was silver. With every ounce of blood that bleeds out, he edges closer and closer to unconsciousness, but wolves are still dying around him. All he can do is sit there and watch. There’s another wolf nearby, however. Isaac Lahey takes in the carnage and knows it has to be the ancestors. Part of him screams to leave, to run, to hide, but the other part of him, the part that had to figure out how to suture himself, the part that learned how to dress his own wounds sees the bodies in the street and can’t bear to leave them behind. He runs to the closest, and finds Jackson struggling to breathe in the front of a car, two dead wolves in the seats behind him. Despite the carnage that is Jackson’s shoulder, and the dead wolves in the backseat, Isaac can smell alpha, and fights his apprehension to see how he can help. 
Back inside, with the blaze beginning to pick up pace in the back rooms of the opera house, Evelyn Jones has finally come back to herself. She’s been used by the ancestors and now has been discarded like a child’s forgotten toy. Terrified, and feeling not a little sick, Evelyn races to get out of the Opera House, and return to the sanctuary of her home, where monsters and magic can’t find her. Only when she approaches the door... it’s like she can feel them there, keeping her out. As though her child can feel her panic, she feels a flutter, her baby answering her prayers, calling out for help. As it happens, something hears her child’s wordless cry. Lydia Martin has been resolutely ignoring the anxiety growing in her chest, the voices in her ear whispering more and more urgently with every minute. She doesn’t want to hear them, doesn’t want to know the horrors they speak, but even if she did, the small white pill she took won’t allow her to. The whispers are murky, consonants catching in fog, vowels swallowed up in smoke. After hours of enduring it, the whispers she can’t quite catch are beginning to drive her mad. Despite herself, she starts to strain her ears, trying to decipher the whispers. She moves closer and closer, winding her way through the tumultuous crowd, toward the voices, toward Evelyn. Whatever death is in her seems to be echoed in Evelyn, and that Death does not want anymore added to its ranks tonight. The two of them face down the invisible magic keeping them in and       t e a r     i t     d o w n. 
After his conversation with Chris, Marcel Gerard knows exactly who he’s going tear limb from limb. Kate Argent’s days are numbered, and if Marcel has anything to say about it that number is zero. Luckily for him, Kate’s put down her sniper rifle and is coming for her brother. She may not be known for her soft heart, but even she won’t condemn her own blood to the fiery death those locked inside are doomed to. She’s confident the ancestors will let her pass their human-proof gates, but little does she know that gate has been reduced to metaphorical cinders. Marcel can smell her the minute she steps foot in the opera house. She might as well consider herself dead where she stands, or worse. 
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vicweasleya · 7 years
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Hey all, I’m Jules!! I’m 21, PST timezone, your resident patron st. of chipotle and this is Victoire ‘I Speak Dragon’ Weasley my punk, dragon & family loving, queer child!! Under the cut is a lot of info on Vic and it’s pretty long ( though I cut it ) but my other characters won’t be as long!! If still need to fix her profile but her pronouns are she/her & gon/gons for the ambitious. If you want to plot you can like this or send a bat signal or something and I’ll come to you.  I’m also playing Jane Longbottom, Adele Rosier, Cecilia Diggory, Riley Hayes & Clarabel Moreau!
Character Name: Victoire Apolline Delacour-Weasley
VICTOIRE: Seventeen years of hearing stories about those who died on her birthday before her. Almost a decade of not celebrating her own birthday when she realized what it meant to others. Of course, she understands that this is the burden she carries – while her cousins bear namesakes of those who had fallen before them, she is the painful reminder of the day they lost people – so they could win freedom. She is the h e l l f i r ethat is left after a victory, scorching technicolor brutal memories into the minds of those who were left behind.  APOLLINE: The french derivative of the name Apollonia which comes from the Greek god, Apollo. Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, beauty, healing, poetry, plague and so much more. It could be said that Victoire is her own brand of beautiful – of course the Veela genes help ( or do they? ) but if there’s anything she’s gotten from this namesake it’s the love of music. She’s sure that if she wasn’t going to work with dragons when she was older it would be with music – something she practically speaks as a language. The name might sound too flowery or too soft for Victoire – but her grandmother from which she was given this name was still a Veela. She still had the siren song that was deadly to almost associated with her name. Still, just because Victoire is comparable to a constantly raging storm – she has times where parts of her mother and grandmother comes out.   DELACOUR: While she embraces the Weasley, Victoire also embraces her French heritage. If there’s anything of her mother, of this side of the family that comes out – it’s when she speaks French. She refuses to call her mother anything but maman, and will quickly switch to French around her during Weasley-Potter-Lupin gatherings at the burrow to make her feel even a little more comfortable. For Victoire, the Delacour name embodies softness and embodies femininity that she’s not always connected to. It reminds her that she’s not been alone in being discriminated against or objectified, that others understand what it’s like to be in her place to some extent. It’s then that she’s able to embrace the girl, that she’s able to feel like one and not always so at war with her body and herself. WEASLEY: If the other parts of her name didn’t already come with enough precedence – perhaps the name ‘Weasley’ was the icing on the cake. She couldn’t be prouder to be a Weasley, no matter how much fussing her grandmother does or how everyone is in everyone’s business – Victoire knows she is lucky. Vic is well aware of how privileged she is & how her infamous family of blood traitors are lucky to have the life they do.
Year: Seventh Year. This makes Victoire seventeen years old.
Pronouns & Gender:   She/Her or Gon/Gons. Victoire identifies as a Demigirl.
C h a n g i n g. From the minute Victoire was born, she was always fidgeting, alwaysmoving and her first display of magic was at 4 years old, when she tried to change her hair blue like Teddy’s. Instead, it changed her beautiful crop of ginger hair into a dirty blonde. Often, she’d find herself envying Teddy’s abilities to change, feeling uncomfortable in her skin and angry that it wasn’t as easy for her. As she grew older, she came to understand  what her body was, what it would be and that she’d never be able to change herself like Teddy or change herself at all. Any change that she’d make would be permanent and she found herself not wanting that in the slightest. Not wanting to limit herself because while Victoire loved her feminine side – there was something she felt growing in her soul that was just … something else. It didn’t have a label but it became her, it was her, and it was confusing but it was who she was. Victoire did research and after a while the closest thing she could find to what she felt her gender was the term:demigirl. Of course, after she realized this she told her parents, getting nothing but support from them. A reason they’ve let Victoire dye her hair so much and wear clothes that some parents would have heart attacks at, is so she feels like she has an option to be who she is. Even though they know that their child will be who she is with or without their permission, they figure helping her along the way in a world where there are many people who are against what her gender is & think it’s unnatural. They are Vic’s parents after all and after a war where they lost family and friends who gave their lives so their children could have freedom  – it seems trivial to ever fuss over something like gender.
House: Slytherin
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is associated with the neck and throat. Positive characteristics include stamina, patience, practicality, frugality, creativity, a love of beauty and nature, faithfulness, loyalty, determination, sensuality, and affection.Negative characteristics are stubbornness (there’s a reason why stubborn people are called bullheaded), materialism, resistance to change, laziness, a terrible temper once aroused, prejudice, and sometimes an unimaginative nature. In this House, the traits associated with Taurus that will be most emphasized are materialism and loyalty. These Slytherins will be almost blindly loyal to their friends and allies, and they will value wealth and the trappings of wealth over more intangible assets.Determination will also be emphasized. All Slytherins are determined, but the stubborn Taurus Slytherin is unstoppable once they have their mind set on something. A large number of Slytheirns in this sign work for Gringotts after graduating from Hogwarts, for they are very good with money.
NICKNAME[S]: Vic, Tweety Bird, Valk, Toire, Uses the alias Freddie Bowie when getting arrested in the Muggle world. Blood Status: 1/8th veela. Special Powers & Abilities: 1/8 Veela. Allegiance: Unaffiliated. Student Functions: Care of Magical Creatures Club. Dueling Club. Face Claim Choices: Penelople Mitchell, Maddie Hasson, Alona Tal, Amber Heard,  Eliza Taylor, Adele Exarchopoulos, Natalie Dormer, Terese Pagh, Rita Volk, Arielle Kebbel, Hattie Watson, Madeline Rae Mason Secrets:  TW: VIOLENCE, SELF HARM, DEATH, BLOOD
It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley thinks she killed someone. A month and a half after Victoire’s big seventeenth birthday, she went to a bar with her cousin, Lily. It was nice, the birthday rush still in her veins, the fact that she was legal ( at least in one world ) was nice. She easily used her charm to get past the front, and just sat at the pub drinking away at a Shirley Temple cocktail and before long she got talking with a random man. Really, there was nothing romantic on her part – but he got a little too friendly and just before Victoire could punish him for doing so, his girlfriend came out of the lavatory. She was smashed, so obviously, and angry as well but Victoire was able to slip away outside for a minute before her anger and thirst for release got the best of her. While she smoked a spliff, thinking that she had finally been able to get it under control, her itch for a fight – the girlfriend came outside and started a fight with Vic, something Victoire engaged in. It wasn’t before long that the other girl was being beaten senseless by the wix, and Victoire hadn’t stopped until she was suddenly snapped from her blackout. Inspecting the girl – Victoire’s veins practically went to ice when she saw she wasn’t moving. The girl looked dead – she had to be. Victoire ran. The next day in the muggle newspaper, Victoire couldn’t find a report of what had happened which just solidified the fear that she had actually killed someone. Unknown to her, the girl was okay choosing not to share her story with the press. It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley self harms. She can’t remember how it quite started – a punch to the wall there after a fight, a purpose slap in the face, anything that released the rage she had. Victoire didn’t dare release it on the people she loved because she’d never be able to forgive herself for that, but it grew. The feeling grew and soon she had to hurt herself. But she can remember when she knew. When she needed reminders, when she needed blood and big bruises to litter her body. It’s something she’s so ashamed of, that she hasn’t let on to anyone. A reason Victoire craves fights and sometimes throws them is because of this masochistic need to hurt herself – just letting people beat her to unconsciousness. Her anger is so great, so c o n s u m i n g, there’s the small hope if she finds a way to release it somehow – it’ll go away. It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley has hated her birthday since she was eight. Being born on May 2nd was more of a curse than anything as far as Victoire is concerned. She’s not selfish enough to be mad at everyone for grieving on her birthday, not at all, just mad that she doesn’t have it on a different day. Each year, there’s been at least one family member crying and one of her best friends parents died on the day she was born. When she was younger, before she knew why it was truly so upsetting for the people she loved – she didn’t understand. Now that she does, she hates the day and wishes she was born on another like she was supposed to be ( Victoire was a month early ). Still, she treats it as the day it is for everyone else and doesn’t express how she really feels about the day.
Storm with skin. The performer. { Secret Strategist }. Masochistic with sadistic tendencies because she is just so filled with A N G E R ( being sexualized at a young age, her ass pinched on her first Hogsmeade trip, and so so much more that she doesn’t have a language to explain it in — only violent actions ). N o t that she’d let you know.  Warrior, no, VALKYRIE more of a DRAGON than a girl ( if she ever was a g i r l in the first place ), fiercely protective of the people she loves — and if you dare mess with her family, friends, or any of the sort, you better run for oblivion. V I C T O R Y in her veins that she will hold onto until her dying breath.
Victoire Weasley is more than just a simple human being, she’s the true embodiment of what it means to be a storm with skin. Enigmatic even. First approaching this version of Victoire – I was nervous. It’s been a year and I’ve still been nervous to play her as well as how I imagine she’s percieved. An improper Victoire who wears leather pants more than pajamas? A Slytherin Victoire? A bar fighting, dragon loving/part dragon, tattoo adorning Victoire Weasley? Punk to the core? Constantly dyeing her hair? Terrified. Victoire is quite sure of who she is, what she wants in life & what she will get, she’s quite sure of everything that she is —- but in those moments she blacks out in pure rage — she’s not so sure. She’s h o r r i f i e d. In those moments where she looks for pain like she’s a drug addict and it’s her next fix, she’s mortified.  “I will always scare; and more than anyone else — myself.”
It was in House of Serpents that she learned there is grey. There is moral grey, and it’s where she lives. With a heart so big, so W I D E, that even she doesn’t realize it’s part of the reason her anger can consume her. Feeling things for Victoire Weasley is never half arsed, it’s full arsed, and her passion, her ambition, could be the death of her. Her ambition to save the ones she loves, to protect her family. F a m i l y. A word redefined by Victoire fucking Weasley. But when you meet her, she’ll s m i l e. She’ll laugh, she’ll charm you most likely and she’ll talk about the fact that Freddie Mercury is much more interesting than John Lennon, thank you very much. How Johnny Cash, Jeff Buckley, Arctic Monkeys, Queen, HAIM, and Aerosmith should be listened to at least once a day and how if she wanted anyone’s singing voice besides Freddie’s, it would be Hayley Williams, no doubt. She’d take off her shirt to show you the tattoos that run down her back, tell you about the ones that s n a k e down shoulders, arms, legs and how they’re ones dedicated to each and every one of her family members. For her best friends. With child like w o n d e r m e n t and pure genuine glee, she’ll talk about her dragon, Mercury, and how her and Hagrid have planned to try to start a campaign to get real dragons at Hogwarts.
Then, a competition that made her think of The Goblet of Fire came along and she couldn’t help the suspicion that flared within her. Everything might’ve been safe, dandy, fine, but it could change in the drop of a hat. Victoire just wanted to be excited but time showed that was not going to be easy.  All she knows that if it does go wrong, she will protect them, she has to. She’s had to put herself together, she had to keep herself more composed. Her family & friends need to her to her stable – as stable as she could be. Vic may have gone about a month without an incident, as well as been in the eye of the storm that is herself, but there’s a storm around her now.
—& she is now a hurricane. Controlled chaos because despite it all, she’s a Slytherin for a reason. She’s manipulative, cunning, a silver tongue used mostly for words, and she needs to become some sort of matriarch. There were crushing expectations that were supposed to do just that but were thrown out the window since day one. Now, the expectations of being Victoire Weasley must be embraced. Now, they are because her family needs her, and she finally can be what they wanted her to be. A leader of sorts. Their VICTORY. Beneath the chaos is kindness she shows to people, is the gentle touch and wise words that make you wonder — who exactly is Victoire Weasley? A teenage hurricane, in the middle of a chaos, who came to find that maybe she was born to fight.
✪ : Critique they have about others
While she can understand some her classmates animosity and anger she doesn’t approve of how they choose to take it out. Vic as well doesn’t approve of their reasoning for it — yessome of them may be brainwashed into their views but she still feels it’s unacceptable.
✫ : Pet peeve
When people don’t understand the word “no”. Having a history of being harassed by various men in some of the places she hangs out (Hogshead at times, Romania when she’s there with her uncle Charlie, anywhere really Merlin knows her curiosity and badass-ness has gotten her into some sticky situations as well as weird places ) she absolutely hates when people don’t respect the word “no” — especially in those situations.
✬ : Something minor they enjoy
Rainbows. Colors. While colors might not necessarily be minor, even little things, little colors that she loves make her really happy and intrigued. What is that color?  Is there a name for it? She idly in her spare time likes to name colors on her own. One day she hopes to successfully dye her hair rainbow on her own without any magic.
✭ : An obscure interest
Dragons and Care of Magical Creatures. Mostly dragons, Vic loves everything dragons — especially the uses of dragon blood, which she has tried before. Even dragon dung as fertilizer (even if she’s not the most knowledgable on Herbology ) interests her.
✮ : A moral standard
As Vic aligns with the Chaotic Good alignment there are Ten Chaotic Good sins which of a few, Victoire definitely identifies with. Though, there is one in particular that Victoire practices and holds as a standard for herself. “ Failing to perform a random act of kindness when appropriate.” Vic feels deep down quite ashamed of some of her actions while blinded by rage, especially the ones that involve hurting herself. Performing random acts of kindness to her sort of makes up for her actions, sort of balancing good and bad — even if it’s just in herself. Sort of like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch when Lilo illustrates those drawings of Stitch’s bad and good. While she knows it’s not that black & white, she can’t help but feel that it is when it comes to herself. She knows that she acts out and is flawed as well as acts irrationally — so maybe just maybe that helps her add to her own goodness.
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camelliacats · 5 years
Baubles, Bitches, & Blood
An award-winning freeverse poem, best viewed on FFN or AO3. ;)
Fic: "Baubles, Bitches, & Blood" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Victoire Weasley/NevilleLongbottom (tho rather Vic-centric), the Delacour–Weasley family, the extended Potter–Weasley brood, & cameos from Scorpius Malfoy & the Scamander twins
Rating: light T
Words: ~680
Additional info: romance, cross gen, angst, poetry, freeverse, Next Gen era, 1st person POV
Summary: Yes, my name is Victoire. Yes, I'm fairly proud of myself. So why must you all tear me down or write me off?
"Come inside from the cold, Victoire"
I'm standing out here, in nothing but my crepe-thin sweater, in the
b-l-i-s-t-e-r-i-n-g cold
to prove a
Father, dear Father—
you won't ever get it
A girl's heart and soul
are much more than /s/i/l/l/y/ things
that will be broken&&repaired
over 'n over 'n over
"Come eenside from ze cold, Victoire"
Mother, dear Mother—
you should know best how I feel…
Shouldn't you?
Because—last I checked—I wasn't the only part-Veela who everyone thought was
So, please, give me a
I can't be what you once dreamed
"Come in to the house, Vic"
Sister, dear Sister
Fuck. You.
You eyed Teddy all along
(and, no, I could care less that you took him&used him&now he's all Lily's)
what gets me the most
is that you'll never change
you are
What, you thought I got into Ravenclaw because I screwed the Sorting Hat?
This girl knows her *shit*
she knows where all the skeletons are
so I dare you to go behind my back again,
to think you got the upper hand over me again,
to think you can sweet-talk me into
Because you can't just cuddle your way back into my good graces.
Try Hexing me instead.
"Come inside from the cold, Vic"
Brother, dear Brother
You are nearly as innocent as you
(and, really, I was once proud of the façades I taught you to build up)
But, now…
Everything's different
I smile, you see,
to cover up the shards of
broken p_e_r_s_o_n_a_l_i_t_y
with which you all have left me
Can you do that, too?
Has the apprentice
s u r p a s s e d
the master?
Louis, when you reach that point,
come back to me.
Only then could you
begin to understand the enigma that is your
*oldest* sister
Aunties & Uncles
Bugger off
I have nothing to say to you
You're like Mum&Dad
is not some
damn DOLLY
for you all to "coddle" and "adore"
Must I remind you that
Cousins, scores of cousins
I have the least to say to you
I think I'll make myself
when you
need me
Chorused as usual, boys
Ickle ones, Malfoy, Scamander, & Scamander
Go comfort Rose, Scor
Go find Roxanne, Lorcan
Go buy half a brain, L_y_s_a_n_d_e_r
Some friend you are
Full of myself, you so honestly pointed out?
I need to say something when I'm upset?
isn't it e_n_o_u_g_h
for my "mates" just to…
read what's on my face?
Ignore the tears on my cheeks now
They're just silly little things that will dry up soon enough (according to Dad)
After all, I'm the strong one
*the g_l_u_e*
I'll keep all of our friends, our little group
Glue never fails, does it?
Get away from me, Neville.
I won't romantically
into your "big, strong" a_r_m_s
as you might so desire
so that this will all
I'm allowed to C_R_Y, damn it
I'm allowed to feel V_U_L_N_E_R_A_B_L_E
I'm allowed to think that this is D_E_S_P_A_I_R I feel, at the cost of others
I'm allowed to
I'm allowed to hurt,
so if you can't see it, then you go back inside, and warm up
If…by some chance…you DO see me…really hear me…
then come closer
Envelope me in your big, strong arms (ha, no, really, they aren't that skinny)
Look at me with your dark, boring-holes-into-me eyes (and brush that lock of hair away, you know I've always loved your eyes)
K~i~s~s me with your pillow-like lips
&maybe, just maybe
I'll stop drawing everyone's b-l-o-o-d
Because there's more to me than
baubles & bitchiness
I have a p_r_o_u_d heart, too,
that I use to lead a p_r_o_u_d life
Stand up to all the others for me, with me
&& make me a proud
Well. I think Victoire has said a mouthful. Understandable, though. I was in a bit of a mood and I scratched this out…on my phone's notepad. When I finally wrote it in my freeverse notebook, this turned out to be seven pages long. Well, we all know that doesn't really equate to seven pages typed, but…it just goes to show that from dark comes light. From the negative emotions has come something I consider to be amongst my best work. So, some of my best work is dedicated to some of the best buddies ever: Mango—one of the best friends a mew could ever ask for; Mor—Vicnev wouldn't be here without that Lilted (and thanks for beta'ing!); Aimy—Vicnev enjoys your constant support; Kimmy—here's something AWESOME to read after such a long break from FFN; Claire—the M&MWP forum wouldn't be complete without your drop-bys; & Jo & Kylie & Beth, who always keep me delighted and entertained.
Final say: Interpret the last few lines as you wish. Is Victoire actually hitched to Neville here? Or is she just implying that he ought to stand by (& up for) her if they're ever going to reach that point? Hmm… Who knows…? ;3
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: It's funny. Sometimes, rereading old works will make me cringe. Other times, ones like this 5yo piece will make me smile and agree with my A/N from 2012—I'm still very proud of this piece, because it paints enough of a picture of Victoire and where she stands in her family. I love the pacing and formatting, too, and I love how her resistance starts to soften/crumble towards the end once Neville speaks to her, because it's not that she's weak to love but feels as if she finally has someone she truly can trust. Even amongst such a large family as hers…I don't doubt it can be hard to find that person. :')
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vicweasleya · 8 years
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Hey all !! I’m Jules aka the Patron St. of Chipotle and this is QUEUE’d. I’m currently working / out of the house. I love Chipotle and I play Victoire Weasley & Jane Longbottom. This is the intro of Victoire Weasley. If you’d like a shorter more concise version or if you’d like to plot or have any questions let me know !! 
Character Name: Victoire Apolline Delacour-Weasley
VICTOIRE: Seventeen years of hearing stories about those who died on her birthday before her. Almost a decade of not celebrating her own birthday when she realized what it meant to others. Of course, she understands that this is the burden she carries – while her cousins bear namesakes of those who had fallen before them, she is the painful reminder of the day they lost people – so they could win freedom. She is the h e l l f i r ethat is left after a victory, scorching technicolor brutal memories into the minds of those who were left behind. APOLLINE: The french derivative of the name Apollonia which comes from the Greek god, Apollo. Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, beauty, healing, poetry, plague and so much more. It could be said that Victoire is her own brand of beautiful – of course the Veela genes help ( or do they? ) but if there’s anything she’s gotten from this namesake it’s the love of music. She’s sure that if she wasn’t going to work with dragons when she was older it would be with music – something she practically speaks as a language. The name might sound too flowery or too soft for Victoire – but her grandmother from which she was given this name was still a Veela. She still had the siren song that was deadly to almost associated with her name. Still, just because Victoire is comparable to a constantly raging storm – she has times where parts of her mother and grandmother comes out.   DELACOUR: While she embraces the Weasley, Victoire also embraces her French heritage. If there’s anything of her mother, of this side of the family that comes out – it’s when she speaks French. She refuses to call her mother anything but maman, and will quickly switch to French around her during Weasley-Potter-Lupin gatherings at the burrow to make her feel even a little more comfortable. For Victoire, the Delacour name embodies softness and embodies femininity that she’s not always connected to. It reminds her that she’s not been alone in being discriminated against or objectified, that others understand what it’s like to be in her place to some extent. It’s then that she’s able to embrace the girl, that she’s able to feel like one and not always so at war with her body and herself. WEASLEY: If the other parts of her name didn’t already come with enough precedence – perhaps the name ‘Weasley’ was the icing on the cake. She couldn’t be prouder to be a Weasley, no matter how much fussing her grandmother does or how everyone is in everyone’s business – Victoire knows she is lucky. Vic is well aware of how privileged she is & how her infamous family of blood traitors are lucky to have the life they do.
Year: Seventh Year. This makes Victoire seventeen years old.
Pronouns & Gender:   She/Her or Gon/Gons. Victoire identifies as a Demigirl.
C h a n g i n g. From the minute Victoire was born, she was always fidgeting, alwaysmoving and her first display of magic was at 4 years old, when she tried to change her hair blue like Teddy’s. Instead, it changed her beautiful crop of ginger hair into a dirty blonde. Often, she’d find herself envying Teddy’s abilities to change, feeling uncomfortable in her skin and angry that it wasn’t as easy for her. As she grew older, she came to understand  what her body was, what it would be and that she’d never be able to change herself like Teddy or change herself at all. Any change that she’d make would be permanent and she found herself not wanting that in the slightest. Not wanting to limit herself because while Victoire loved her feminine side – there was something she felt growing in her soul that was just … something else. It didn’t have a label but it became her, it was her, and it was confusing but it was who she was. Victoire did research and after a while the closest thing she could find to what she felt her gender was the term:demigirl. Of course, after she realized this she told her parents, getting nothing but support from them. A reason they’ve let Victoire dye her hair so much and wear clothes that some parents would have heart attacks at, is so she feels like she has an option to be who she is. Even though they know that their child will be who she is with or without their permission, they figure helping her along the way in a world where there are many people who are against what her gender is & think it’s unnatural. They are Vic’s parents after all and after a war where they lost family and friends who gave their lives so their children could have freedom  – it seems trivial to ever fuss over something like gender.
House: Slytherin
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is associated with the neck and throat. Positive characteristics include stamina, patience, practicality, frugality, creativity, a love of beauty and nature, faithfulness, loyalty, determination, sensuality, and affection.Negative characteristics are stubbornness (there’s a reason why stubborn people are called bullheaded), materialism, resistance to change, laziness, a terrible temper once aroused, prejudice, and sometimes an unimaginative nature. In this House, the traits associated with Taurus that will be most emphasized are materialism and loyalty. These Slytherins will be almost blindly loyal to their friends and allies, and they will value wealth and the trappings of wealth over more intangible assets.Determination will also be emphasized. All Slytherins are determined, but the stubborn Taurus Slytherin is unstoppable once they have their mind set on something. A large number of Slytheirns in this sign work for Gringotts after graduating from Hogwarts, for they are very good with money.
NICKNAME[S]: Vic, Tweety Bird, Valk, Toire, Uses the alias Freddie Bowie when getting arrested in the Muggle world. Blood Status: 1/8th veela. Special Powers & Abilities: 1/8 Veela. Allegiance: Unaffiliated. Student Functions: Care of Magical Creatures Club. Dueling Club. Face Claim Choices: Penelople Mitchell, Maddie Hasson, Alona Tal, Amber Heard,  Eliza Taylor, Adele Exarchopoulos, Natalie Dormer, Terese Pagh, Rita Volk, Arielle Kebbel, Lindsay Morgan, Chloe Bennet, Hattie Watson, Madeline Rae Mason Secrets:  TW: VIOLENCE, SELF HARM, DEATH, BLOOD
It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley thinks she killed someone. A month and a half after Victoire’s big seventeenth birthday, she went to a bar with her cousin, Lily. It was nice, the birthday rush still in her veins, the fact that she was legal ( at least in one world ) was nice. She easily used her charm to get past the front, and just sat at the pub drinking away at a Shirley Temple cocktail and before long she got talking with a random man. Really, there was nothing romantic on her part – but he got a little too friendly and just before Victoire could punish him for doing so, his girlfriend came out of the lavatory. She was smashed, so obviously, and angry as well but Victoire was able to slip away outside for a minute before her anger and thirst for release got the best of her. While she smoked a spliff, thinking that she had finally been able to get it under control, her itch for a fight – the girlfriend came outside and started a fight with Vic, something Victoire engaged in. It wasn’t before long that the other girl was being beaten senseless by the wix, and Victoire hadn’t stopped until she was suddenly snapped from her blackout. Inspecting the girl – Victoire’s veins practically went to ice when she saw she wasn’t moving. The girl looked dead – she had to be. Victoire ran. The next day in the muggle newspaper, Victoire couldn’t find a report of what had happened which just solidified the fear that she had actually killed someone. Unknown to her, the girl was okay choosing not to share her story with the press. It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley self harms. She can’t remember how it quite started – a punch to the wall there after a fight, a purpose slap in the face, anything that released the rage she had. Victoire didn’t dare release it on the people she loved because she’d never be able to forgive herself for that, but it grew. The feeling grew and soon she had to hurt herself. But she can remember when she knew. When she needed reminders, when she needed blood and big bruises to litter her body. It’s something she’s so ashamed of, that she hasn’t let on to anyone. A reason Victoire craves fights and sometimes throws them is because of this masochistic need to hurt herself – just letting people beat her to unconsciousness. Her anger is so great, so c o n s u m i n g, there’s the small hope if she finds a way to release it somehow – it’ll go away. It’s a secret that: Victoire Weasley has hated her birthday since she was eight. Being born on May 2nd was more of a curse than anything as far as Victoire is concerned. She’s not selfish enough to be mad at everyone for grieving on her birthday, not at all, just mad that she doesn’t have it on a different day. Each year, there’s been at least one family member crying and one of her best friends parents died on the day she was born. When she was younger, before she knew why it was truly so upsetting for the people she loved – she didn’t understand. Now that she does, she hates the day and wishes she was born on another like she was supposed to be ( Victoire was a month early ). Still, she treats it as the day it is for everyone else and doesn’t express how she really feels about the day.
Storm with skin. The performer. { Secret Strategist }. Masochistic with sadistic tendencies because she is just so filled with A N G E R ( being sexualized at a young age, her ass pinched on her first Hogsmeade trip, and so so much more that she doesn’t have a language to explain it in — only violent actions ). N o t that she’d let you know.  Warrior, no, VALKYRIE more of a DRAGON than a girl ( if she ever was a g i r l in the first place ), fiercely protective of the people she loves — and if you dare mess with her family, friends, or any of the sort, you better run for oblivion. V I C T O R Y in her veins that she will hold onto until her dying breath.
Victoire Weasley is more than just a simple human being, she’s the true embodiment of what it means to be a storm with skin. Enigmatic even. First approaching this version of Victoire – I was nervous. It’s been a year and I’ve still been nervous to play her as well as how I imagine she’s percieved. An improper Victoire who wears leather pants more than pajamas? A Slytherin Victoire? A bar fighting, dragon loving/part dragon, tattoo adorning Victoire Weasley? Punk to the core? Constantly dyeing her hair? Terrified. Victoire is quite sure of who she is, what she wants in life & what she will get, she’s quite sure of everything that she is —- but in those moments she blacks out in pure rage — she’s not so sure. She’s h o r r i f i e d. In those moments where she looks for pain like she’s a drug addict and it’s her next fix, she’s mortified.  “I will always scare; and more than anyone else — myself.”
It was in House of Serpents that she learned there is grey. There is moral grey, and it’s where she lives. With a heart so big, so W I D E, that even she doesn’t realize it’s part of the reason her anger can consume her. Feeling things for Victoire Weasley is never half arsed, it’s full arsed, and her passion, her ambition, could be the death of her. Her ambition to save the ones she loves, to protect her family. F a m i l y. A word redefined by Victoire fucking Weasley. But when you meet her, she’ll s m i l e. She’ll laugh, she’ll charm you most likely and she’ll talk about the fact that Freddie Mercury is much more interesting than John Lennon, thank you very much. How Johnny Cash, Jeff Buckley, Arctic Monkeys, Queen, HAIM, and Aerosmith should be listened to at least once a day and how if she wanted anyone’s singing voice besides Freddie’s, it would be Hayley Williams, no doubt. She’d take off her shirt to show you the tattoos that run down her back, tell you about the ones that s n a k e down shoulders, arms, legs and how they’re ones dedicated to each and every one of her family members. For her best friends. With child like w o n d e r m e n t and pure genuine glee, she’ll talk about her dragon, Mercury, and how her and Hagrid have planned to try to start a campaign to get real dragons at Hogwarts.
Then, a competition that made her think of The Goblet of Fire came along and she couldn’t help the suspicion that flared within her. Everything might’ve been safe, dandy, fine, but it could change in the drop of a hat. Victoire just wanted to be excited but time showed that was not going to be easy.  All she knows that if it does go wrong, she will protect them, she has to. She’s had to put herself together, she had to keep herself more composed. Her family & friends need to her to her stable – as stable as she could be. Vic may have gone about a month without an incident, as well as been in the eye of the storm that is herself, but there’s a storm around her now.
—& she is now a hurricane. Controlled chaos because despite it all, she’s a Slytherin for a reason. She’s manipulative, cunning, a silver tongue used mostly for words, and she needs to become some sort of matriarch. There were crushing expectations that were supposed to do just that but were thrown out the window since day one. Now, the expectations of being Victoire Weasley must be embraced. Now, they are because her family needs her, and she finally can be what they wanted her to be. A leader of sorts. Their VICTORY. Beneath the chaos is kindness she shows to people, is the gentle touch and wise words that make you wonder — who exactly is Victoire Weasley? A teenage hurricane, in the middle of a chaos, who came to find that maybe she was born to fight.
✪ : Critique they have about others
While she can understand some her classmates animosity and anger she doesn’t approve of how they choose to take it out. Vic as well doesn’t approve of their reasoning for it — yessome of them may be brainwashed into their views but she still feels it’s unacceptable.
✫ : Pet peeve
When people don’t understand the word “no”. Having a history of being harassed by various men in some of the places she hangs out (Hogshead at times, Romania when she’s there with her uncle Charlie, anywhere really Merlin knows her curiosity and badass-ness has gotten her into some sticky situations as well as weird places ) she absolutely hates when people don’t respect the word “no” — especially in those situations.
✬ : Something minor they enjoy
Rainbows. Colors. While colors might not necessarily be minor, even little things, little colors that she loves make her really happy and intrigued. What is that color?  Is there a name for it? She idly in her spare time likes to name colors on her own. One day she hopes to successfully dye her hair rainbow on her own without any magic.
✭ : An obscure interest
Dragons and Care of Magical Creatures. Mostly dragons, Vic loves everything dragons — especially the uses of dragon blood, which she has tried before. Even dragon dung as fertilizer (even if she’s not the most knowledgable on Herbology ) interests her.
✮ : A moral standard
As Vic aligns with the Chaotic Good alignment there are Ten Chaotic Good sins which of a few, Victoire definitely identifies with. Though, there is one in particular that Victoire practices and holds as a standard for herself. “ Failing to perform a random act of kindness when appropriate.” Vic feels deep down quite ashamed of some of her actions while blinded by rage, especially the ones that involve hurting herself. Performing random acts of kindness to her sort of makes up for her actions, sort of balancing good and bad — even if it’s just in herself. Sort of like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch when Lilo illustrates those drawings of Stitch’s bad and good. While she knows it’s not that black & white, she can’t help but feel that it is when it comes to herself. She knows that she acts out and is flawed as well as acts irrationally — so maybe just maybe that helps her add to her own goodness.
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camelliacats · 7 years
One Day of Relaxing Sin
A freeverse poem, best viewed on FFN or AO3.
Fic: "One Day of Relaxing Sin" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: established!Neville Longbottom/Victoire Weasley
Rating: T
Words: ~190
Additional info: romance, angst, cross gen, poetry, freeverse, sequential, Next Gen era, 1st person POV
Summary: Neville sees things in his own unique perspective. Obviously he'd see their love differently than Victoire does. So he will make the world seem like all is right again.
"Now let my body do the moving
And let my hands do the soothing
Let me show you the world in my eyes"
—Depeche Mode, "World in My Eyes"
You came h…o…m…e,
sick with yourself
I understand
You saw them again, didn't you?
& the cheer starts fading,
the hope starts burning,
your stomach starts churning—
&& you come home to
who has all the yearning
But I'm a f r a i d
that I'm not enough
& all I can do is pray
that you
& don't want someone m o r e
So I do what you say I do best:
I make you feel
As my hands dance across your arms,
your cheer
Feel my lips graze that swan-white neck,
&& your hope flares back to
And as you curve to fit into my ams,
our bodies meld,
&& your insides settle but
for a whole other reason
Your sigh is a mix
halfway between a
moan & a
I smile as I see
there's yearning in your eyes for
my love,
(not his),
my body,
(his is inexperienced),
&& my heart
(does he even have one?)
You'll forget all about TeddyLily, LilyTeddy
& consider only VictoireNeville, NevilleVictoire
as you see our L.O.V.E as I do
Ahhh, yes… Vicnev can be both so sweet and sexy at once. ;3 I really do love them. Neville completes Victoire and vice versa. And yup, I had to squeeze in a bit of Lilted here. Why not? XD This actually kinda goes with the oneshot "Given"—the same oneshot in which I first wrote Vicnev (it was a Lilted from Vic's POV)… I guess I just can't leave "Given" alone.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: Ahhh, I'll never be over Vicnev. Ever. Whether Vic mopes about Lilted or not, Nev is there to make everything better. Also, it's funny—in rereading this to edit, I honestly thought it was from Vic's POV at first, though I do have a tendency to write the yearning in this relationship as Nev's (tho sometimes my Vic gets nervous about him believing their relationship is a good thing). AHHH. My babies. ;w;
0 notes
camelliacats · 7 years
Roped In
A freeverse poem, best viewed on FFN or AO3.
Fic: "Roped In" [FFN] [AO3]
Pairings/Characters: Louis Weasley/Lavender Brown
Rating: K
Words: ~360
Additional info: romance, cross gen, poetry, freeverse, sequential, Next Gen era, 1st person POV
Summary: He's an imp, a little devil. He thinks he can ensnare her and never let go. Well, the tables have turned. He hadn't expected that.
I feel you
Your sun it shines
I feel you
Within my mind
You take me there
You take me where
The kingdom comes
You take me to
And lead me through Babylon
I always knew Lavender would be a bigger part of
my life
She was my aunts' and uncles' friend
She was my Divination teacher (occasionally)
& she was a fellow Quidditch goer
It was a premeditated, random
I wasn't too ashamed of my mind
(She's the best-preserved of her generation, you see)
& it's not as though this would be too horrible a
(She's intelligent & has a backbone—very nice)
But I'd always wondered…
Do male Veelas have any power over women?
(To my delight, I found they do)
I'd never use my blood
I doubted it'd really work
My mother & sisters can wave or something
& they'll get their w;a;y
But me?
Male Veelas occur once in a
blue moon
Everything pointed to me being a regular wizard
But I was clever, shrewd
(& then the idea happened)
Maybe it was because I saw her
at a Puddlemere United game
Maybe it was because my mates pointed her out to me
M…a…y…b…e I was doing a little foreseeing
of my own that day
"How are you?"
"Stunning as ever"
One of the three did it
It was enough
She started talking
Then she was laughing
& we were cheering the team on
But the game was long
She was very aware of me
(& I, of her)
The next thing I know, I've
talked her into a cuppa
&& her eyes are almost as mesmerizing as mine
The more I'm with her,
the less effective my powers are
but she's
It's all right, though
I'm finding I'm glad I saw
&& no one else
W E E K S…
I see
Apparently, male Veelas have one side-effect…
they end up on the short end of things
My powers no longer work on Lavender
But me…
I love her
It's both a light & heavy statement
But I know it, because my powers ordered it so
I'm a w a r e of her
I c a r e for her
much more than I thought I would (could)
Mother told me today no Veela can work his magic on himself
So I guess this love is just right for us, Lav
I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
Each breath you take
Where angels sing
And spread their wings
My love's on high
You take me home
To glory's throne
By and by
XD I love the Louis I write in Lavlou… He's so devious, but he still carries that darned innocence about him… Sheesh. I do like Louis a little on the dark, manipulative side. Not the playful one we see with Scorpius, but actually rather dark. I feel it suits him better. Haha, a devil with the face of an angel…oh. I think I have another Lavlou in mind!  Also, the lyrics (in bold) framing the FV at the beginning and at the end are from "I Feel You" by Depeche Mode.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note: This 7yo FV is precious. The formatting rly works here, and I love Louis' voice in this. But it makes me think how I rarely touch upon the Veela in Vic, Dom, and Louis… I should work on some headcanons… ;3
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