#and then when HE apologizes to Mitsuba Mitsuba’s like WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING WHO DID THIS TO YOU INSWEAR I WILL KILL THEM!!!
amyyythestarry · 1 year
Who do you think gave Amane his bruises?
Y’know I’ve been pondering on this for so long. Like I just don’t know really, I have my small little theory so I’ll share it.
I have no idea what was up with his parents during his middle school days ( Last middle school days ), I’ve heard theories that maybe Amane’s parents were absent, and I can see why they think that. He was probably one of those quiet kids that nobody payed much attention to so I don’t think he was bullied.
AND TSUKASA, ever since that ‘Tsukasa SA’s Amane’ theory went viral I just deny any theories saying Tsukasa maybe hurt Amane. I’m traumatized ok 😭.
BUT, I’m trying to be realistic here and say that, maybe, just maybe Tsukasa did cause the injuries. But maybe not on only his account.
When speaking of his ‘abuser’ Amane was really forgiving about the situation, he said that he didn’t care and that he’d put aside all of the violence.
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I don’t think he would have said this about anyone else for hurting him. It has to be someone he’s close to, someone he cares about, loves, and cherishes. And I’m pretty sure the only person he feels that way about back then was his only sibling.
But it’s also confusing to think that it would be Tsukasa because of how he acts around Amane. He doesn’t act violent or anything. Tsukasa can be violent though, like with Mitsuba, or apparitions and whoever poses as a threat I guess, but he’s never been even a little bit violent with Amane.
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This is just a way that Tsukasa shows affection. He wanted Amane to see the stars, and probably wasn’t aware that he was pinching Amane cheeks too hard.
He’s really cute like that y’know. I believe sometimes he can just innocently, accidentally, hurt someone by being intrigued curious and excited. He’s very non-self aware.
So using the term non-self aware is what I actually imagine him to be most times. Not knowing he’s doing bad things to people, probably until someone tells him he is. Like when Sakura told him to be gentler to girls seeing how he was with Nene the first time.
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He looked a little absent there at first, didn’t he? Even while he was about to bash her head he was looking forward. When she stopped him from feeding Mitsuba he just sat there for a minute. Maybe not even acknowledging what he was doing? Just doing it. Like a reflex? Then stops what he’s doing, carries her like a gentleman, apologizes and puts her to sleep so she wouldn’t have to see him shove a bird heart down Mitsuba’s throat ( At least he listened to Sakura ).
I imagine he just came back to his senses when he realized he was about to hurt Nene. Like his brain told him “Hey dude, I need you to stop dissociating, you’re about to become really misogynistic if you don’t gain some self control” ( Lol ).
But yeah. Maybe that stuff happens to him on a daily basis, like he’s not fully aware and mentally there but he’s physically there.
If he was actually the one to cause harm to Amane when they were human, I could see that dissociating thing being the case.
ALSO, he has that wish granting supernatural in him! Like they’re one and everything, being present in the the same body.
I think that supernatural may also be the reason of the abusive Tsukasa back when he was alive ( If he was abusive to Amane ).
Maybe it was like that cartoon ghost possession rep where the character possessed by the ghost switches up every now and then because the ghost is apart of them too.
Him randomly dissociating, not feeling like he’s in his own body and accidentally hurting his twin brother, then coming back to his senses and realizing what he’s doing. I could see that.
Since Amane is his older brother, Amane forgives Tsukasa for the random outburst. Or maybe he notices something is wrong?
Whatever the case might be, I hope in this arc we can at least see more of the Yugi twins’ backstory, especially more of Tsukasa POV.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
HIII!! I always wanted to make this request but I didn’t know if they watched or read the manga so hear me out…how about Mitsuba, Kou, Hanako, and Akane (Hopefully that’s not too much-) with a s/o that is like Princess Syalis? ^^ (I can honestly see the apparitions being scared of them and the Mokkes help them steal stuff idk why I can strangely see it)
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Follow My Orders
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Aoi Akane, Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, Hanako-kun
TW : None
A/N : Aww this is so cute, I even imagine the mokkes help us escape cleaning too
I hope you enjoy 💗
I'm gonna use their old banners for awhile, I am unmotivated to make them rn
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You're a handful..
He didn't have any problems with you when you joined the school
You were very quiet and kept to yourself
And... you were mostly asleep...
Not like he wanted to talk to you
Nah, He thinks your sleeping face and cute snoring captured his heart
it clenched him
So he would sometimes wait for you to wake up
which you don't...
You were only awake when he was doing something or he had stacks of work to do
and it frustrated him
But he liked you so
He followed this pattern of yours and quickly finished all his work so he could talk to you
And for the first time, he actually caught you awake
He cleared his throat to get your attention as you were sewing little clothes for the Mokke which he found absolutely adorable
You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked up at him, Akane froze at how pretty your eyes were, given that you would sleep most of the time he rarely saw how your eyes looked like
Its like he took a screenshot in real life, the image of your face burned into his brain
Neither of you said anything first, you just kind of stared at him as he stared back at you, when you were about to go back to what you were working on he spoke up
"Ah my apologies, what are you still doing here, It's after-school already" Akane didn't want her to go, but it was per school regulation, all students who don't have a club were to go home immediately.
"Can't I stay a little longer?" Your pouting face and sleepy voice shot an arrow right thru Akane's heart as he fell on his knees and bowed his head
"STAY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT MY GODDESS!" You smiled as you pat his head which made him explode and run off somewhere probably to grab something to proclaim his love already
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O-oi! You're supposed to be my prisoner!!
You just wanted some good sleep
like everywhere you go, someone or something just has to ruin it
and right now it was happening something ruined it
or someone?... they look alien..
You went from asking Yashiro and Kou where to sleep
But ended up being sucked inside the mirror
the last thing you heard and saw was a very panicked Yashiro and Kou
And a very scared Hanako
And now you're here, in a.. what did they call it a boundary?
"Hey! Were you even listening to a word I said?" Ah they were speaking? Actually.. you couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl with very boyish clothes.. Though their hair was pink so maybe—
"So you weren't listening, Good these hands dragged in a sleepyhead you even slept on the wya here!" The pink haired... person said in frustration, you cleared your throat to get their attention which it did "I have a question.. Are you a girl or a boy?"
He calmed down and introduced himself
He said his name was Mitsuba, and he was lost here
well thats all you heard cause you were really really sleepy at the moment
One thing led to another, Hanakos doppelganger showed up
And he put you to sleep
and you were very happy
While you were napping, you heard commotion around you and the ground shaking, It annoyed you so you opened your eyes to see Mitsuba infront of you blocking rocks from falling on you
"Ow ow... Are you alright?.." He asked
"Why did you wake me up..."
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Stealing isn't good..
Kou has always been really helpful and fun to be with!
So you decided to use up ypur saved up energy to make him something, like cookies
Chocolate chip cookoes with a marshmallow on top mhm
But the only problem was
you didn't have ingredients
but you heard the other section was gonna use the home economics room to make goods so you can just 'borrow' right?
But you couldn't do it all by yourself so you bargained with the mokkes with a bag of candy to get the things you needed
Halfway of getting the ingredients Kou caught you with your schemes
You hung your head low and also the mokke, Kou was walking around the halfway when a group of mokkes you sent out to find flour bumped into him making the mokkes freak out cause what they were carrying was a surprise for him, what happened? well the flour flew and landed on his head
and teared open
Kou sighed as he threw the wipes into the trash bin "Stealing isn't okay [F/N], and asking the Mokkes to steal for you aswell isn't great" He slightly lectured you
"I'm sorry.. You were just really fun to be with that's why I borrowed all these stuff to make you cookies.."
Kou sighed as he smiled, he can't stay mad at you "If ya wanted to make cookies you should've called me, you suck at baking"
That comment hit you straight in the chest as you pouted "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.."
Well, If you did successfully gather all the ingredients, the Home Economics room would be in ruins, so glad you didn't
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D-don't word it out like that..
A scene of a very flushed hanako hiding his face with his hat, and you standing clueless and confused
What happened here exactly?
Well, your back was aching that's what was happening
No one here had very strong looking hands
except for a certain toilet boy
He had long, slender, and strong looking hands
perfect to help with your aching back
But you couldn't ask him yo massage you it was embarrassing!
Like him massaging you wasn't embarrassing enough...
You peaked inside the bathroom to spot your victim playing cards on the windowsill, Hanako felt your presence and turned his head to see you
"My~ What brings you here so early hm? Couldn't wait to see me?~" Hanako flpated over to you as you eyed his hands, He followed your gaze and looked at his hands "Why whats wrong? Do you want to hold them? Oh my [F/N] you are very bol—"
"I need you to touch me."
He choked back as he swatted his hands with a big blush on his face "W-W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?" Hanako trembled, if he tried to touch you he'd get a beating from his assistant
He's here thinking that what you meant was a rather.. Sexual request, and your out here looking for something to massage you.
You took a step forward, He took a step back.
Forward, back forward back forward, until Hanako hit his bacm on the wall and you stood infront of him "Just touch me here—"
"I-I MAY BE A P-P-PERVERT BUT THAT'S A NO" He formed his arms into an 'x' as you stood their your face slowly turning into a sad one, He freaked out as he thought about it and agreed
"F-fine.. um... w-where do you want me to t-touch.. you..." His voice getting quieter and quieter
You pointed at the book you were holding as he deadpanned "Here, it aches in this area." Hanako covered his face trying to get the dirty thoughts out of his head, god you were just asking for a massage
Hanako sat you down and started massaging your back still blushing "If you wanted a massage you could've said so... I got the wrong Idea.." He mumbled the last part
You leaned onto his chest as he looked down you fell asleep, He sighed as he patted your head "What am I gonna do with you, [F/N]?" Hanako smiles at your sleeping face turn into a smile
Not only were you sleeping peacefully as your aching back was fixed, you found yourself a new pillow.
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Hello! Could I get Tsukasa and Rui with an s/o whos like Mitsuba Sousuke?
If you dont know who that is, Ill give a summary. Despite his cute appearance, Mitsuba is a somewhat obnoxious person, he constantly comments about how adorable he is and has no problem hurling insults at others. He also seems to mess with people by riling them up and then switching to a cutesy act and acting like theyre the agressor, but he doesnt do this in bad faith or with intent for others to actually believe their target is being aggressive. He just seems to find humor in it. He's a photography geek and carries a camera with him everywhere he goes. Due to bullying when he was younger for his girly appearance and twisted personality, he decided to hide his true nature when he went to a new school, acting as nice and polite as he possibly could and doing his best to not offend anyone. He hoped to make friends and avoid bullying if he did this, but it backfired, as he watered himself down so much that he became extremely unremarkable, and hardly spoke to anyone in his efforts to not offend anyone. He essentially became part of the background, with most of his classmates unable to remember his name or anything about him.
OOO I've been meaning to watch TBHK sometime.....hope you like this!! <3
♡ BACKGROUND PHOTOGRAPHER - Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Despite the fact that most people would say you melted into the background, Tsukasa would notice you immediately
I mean, not everyone carries around a camera everywhere, or carries such a nice and polite exterior.
So, despite your initial embarrassment, he looks out for you, loudly proclaiming that he wants to be your friend
You initially try to push him away, but with his insistence to be your friend, you hesitantly accept
The two of you would spend time together, and as you grew closer, your true personality began to shine through
You would ask Tsukasa how cute you were before immediately insulting another person- You'd apologize afterwards though
While he didn't mind it in the slightest, he thought it was a bit strange that you were able to come up with insults easily
Eventually, you tell him why you tried so hard to be polite and stop messing with people. He would immediately pull you into a hug once you're done
"My lovely co-star..." He smiles, squeezing your shoulder in reassurance, "I do not care what those people said, you shouldn't have to hide your true self!"
So, after his insistence, you start embracing your true personality again. He usually makes sure to step in if he feels your insults are a bit too personal-
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While Rui doesn't blend into the background anymore, he certainly spent a long time of his life trying to
So, of course he'd notice you, the polite kid with the camera who nobody seemed to notice
He would casually start talking to you, much to your surprise. He'd ask you questions on your camera, or just talk about random things
You tried pushing him away, but he insisted on staying by your side. So, you accepted him as your friend
The two of you would hang out, and as you grew closer, your true personality begins to shine through
You would tell Rui that you were super cute before immediately insulting someone else- An apology left you on instinct
Much to your surprise, he would simply grin and shrug, saying that he thought it was a bit funny
Eventually, you tell him the reason you always tried to stay polite and not insult people. When you were done, he would place his hand on your shoulder with a sad smile
"Ah, we aren't so different then." He looks off to the side, sighing gently, "Well, I assure you that I've grown into that side of me. I hope you can do the same."
With his help, you start to embrace your true personality again. The two of you quickly become the local menaces-
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minamotosousuke · 2 years
Thinking about this reverse car accident plot and it’s so funny imagining Kou laying there hopped up on pain meds watching as the cute quiet boy who sat infront of him the year prior cry and scold him for “getting himself hit” and “making him so scared” and kou having NO clue what’s going on but feeling what he would later describe as “falling in love”
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amane-by-together · 2 years
Amane Yugi x Reader
Where in Amane only uses the reader to get close to yashiro, and after their close enough he ends up ghosting them
ghosting || amane yugi
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genre: angst (comedy bc of mitsuba)
pairing: amane yugi + reader
summary: in which amane yugi ghosts you after helping him get close to yashiro
warning⚠️: mentions of suicidal thoughts (to heighten the angst)
author's note: amane's kind of a jerk here so i don't think this would squeeze your heart anon, hopefully you'll enjoy this
"you disappeared for a moment like a faint ghost"
you thought it was a good idea. you thought it was for a helping hand that your bestfriend since sixth grade, amane yugi, needed. he asked you for assistance—and knowing that you're naive and gullible.
previously, before you ended up crying on the bathroom floor playing sad songs—amane approached you, he looked like he was willing to ask you something. "hi [name], so like, you're close with yashiro-san right?" he asked while twiddling his fingers.
"hmm, yeah? why did you ask? do you like her or something?" you asked with a smirk.
"n-no! it's not like that!" amane denied with a huge blush on his visuals. "i just wanted to be close to her since sometimes i feel out of place when you wander off to talk to yashiro-san instead of me." he pouted.
"you trying to third wheel with my girl?" youeyed amane suspiciously, then you smiled and flicked his forehead. "i'm joking, of course i'll help you, that way we can get along with each other." you grabbed his wrist and led him to the classroom where yashiro was busy doodling with some hot guys or something.
"yashiro!" you beamed. "i have a special delivery!" yashiro immediately closed her notebook and hid her pen, pretending that she's not doing anything suspicious. she gave you a smile as you and amane approach the radish legged girl.
"this is what's going to happen so the three of us will be getting along from now on," you gestured at amane and yashiro. "i decided to make you two get along so that no one would feel lonely." the two agreed that they will try to get along.
it started with some small talks, from their interests and the one thing they have in common, then a bit of banter and flirting while you tease them for having a thing with one another. as months flew by, you notice how amane was paying attention to yashiro more, it's not like you care,
amane amane!
let's hang out together!
sorry [name]
yashiro and i plan to watch a movie together
huh. that's odd, he never refuses to your invites, he used to come along wherever you go. you felt a small pang in your heart at the message, looks like the plan of making amane and yashiro closer got backfired.
then, you and amane stopped communicating completely. the text stopped, the classroom talks stopped, everything came into a halt. yashiro started to drift apart from you because she was now hanging out with amane more.
now, who's to blame? is it amane's fault for gatekeeping you to be close with yashiro? or was it you who reached out to help amane that you never expected that he will be ghosting you?
i'm sorry i ghosted
you blinked, well that's unlikely for a ghost to text after months had past. your hand shook—maybe with anger or fear? what made him talk to her like this? did something happen.
you were still kind, for now. so you replied.
what do you want?
in case you didn't know
yashiro and i are dating now
for three months
im sorry for not telling you
'he had the guts to apologize.' you thought with a bitter smile but tears started pooling out from your eyes with so much pain. you liked amane since, then how come he had to end up with your bestfriend. it sounds cliche, who knew it would happen to you?
i should go now
amane didn't even tell you to wait, he just said it like that. you grabbed your earphones from the table and dashed down to the bathroom then slamming the door shut. you didn't know whether to feel sad or angry. you broke down in the bathroom, your cries echoed through the bathroom walls, cursing amane yugi to that damned hell for ghosting you for your female friend.
you wanted to disappear. your thoughts were suddenly swarmed by many ways to end your life. you didn't want to continue on, you were too depressed to even process things. amane ghosted you. amane ghosted you. amane ghosted you.
"i... i... don't want this anymore..." you sobbed while brushing your hair through your fingers while hunching down on the bathroom floor. you plugged in your earphones and started playing some heartbreaking songs, even singing in the bathroom while crying.
ring ring!
"oh for fucks sake!" you yelled, pausing the song. "i'm in my feels!" you saw that mitsuba, your junior since you two are from the photography club, was calling you. you wanted to ignore the call but then maybe talking to someone will make you feel better?
"senpai, what took you so long to answer my calls. actually, i was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to take some pictures." mitsuba requested.
"hi mitsuba.." you said with a sniffle.
mitsuba stopped. he puts the volume of his phone up. "[name]-senpai, what's wrong? why are you crying? who hurted you?" he asked, his voice softening a bit.
"*sniff*... uuu... uwaa..." you couldn't speak well since you ended up crying once again. "a-amane... g-ghosted me..." you tried to say.
"man, when someone told me that the people whose name starts with an a are ghosters, they're right." mitsuba clicked his tongue in annoyance. you eventually told mitsuba on how everything started, you can practically hear mitsuba gasping at every tea you spilled. "oh my god, he did not did you dirty like that."
"but mitsuba what am i going to do?" you asked while wiping your tears with a tissue. "i lost my two close friends..."
"i think you should start by getting the fuck away from them, you're going to be relevant again once they broke up, knowing that you're the one who helped them to be together and now they'll be gatekeeping you and turn you into a bridge." mitsuba explained with a hint of sass in his voice.
"lift your head up, senpai. don't look down at yourself like that. just because you were ghosted doesn't mean you're gonna let it come over you completely. you gotta show who's boss, and that's you."
"even if you've done everything to that guy, you're still forgetting something, and that is loving yourself, senpai. if he can't love you, then love yourself."
you smiled, wiping up your tearstained cheeks with your fingers. you feel epiphany in mitsuba's words. "thank you, mitsuba."
the few days after that incident, you decided to hang out with kou and mitsuba for a while as for you and amane, you two never talked after that incident. even if you two have different lives now, you wished him a happy one.
sike. you and mitsuba were talking in the hallways about the pictures you two were assigned to take. amane somehow managed to pass by, and he looks practically normal. "oh no mitsuba, i didn't know there's a ghost in the hallways."
"oh my gosh, you're right senpai." mitsuba says while hinting an innuendo at amane who just walked by like it was nothing. "did you develop a third eye?"
"i think so mitsuba!" kou was standing there with a confused expression on his face, he was holding his lightning staff on one hand.
"what is it? is there a ghost?!" kou asked.
"we're just joking you lame earring." mitsuba rolled his eyes.
"say kou-kun, your staff exorcises ghosts and supernaturals right?"
"yep! it can disperse an evil ghost easily!" kou says with a smile on his face, being proud that he was able to possess such a family relic. a smirk spreads across your face at the idea that entered your mind.
"may i borrow it kou-kun? there's an evil ghost lurking around the school. heh."
its up to your imagination on what happens next.
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author's note: i hope you all enjoy this! sorry for not posting for so long! have some angst (that turned to comedy)
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Picture Perfect {MitsuKou}
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A/N: i am,,, so excited to write for these two omfg. They’re such a big comfort for me, i hope i was able to capture them well in this fic! I also hope I managed to get enough tsundere mitsuba in it for ya hehe. Enjoy!
Summary: Kou and Mitsuba are out in the garden taking pictures when Mitsuba discovers something new about Kou.
Word Count: 1.7k (under the cut)
Mitsuba and Kou were walking together outside of the school near the gardens, Mitsuba with his camera in hand as he took pictures of everything around him, feeling rather inspired.
Insects, flowers, the fruits and veggies, nothing could escape Mitsuba’s lens. Finally he turned to Kou, who was leaning down in the flower patch and picking a few carnations. Mitsuba snapped his camera, a quick flash glaring in the corner of Kou’s eye as he turned, looking at Mitsuba who only smiled at him.
“How handsome did I look in that one?” Kou teased with a toothy grin, making Mitsuba blush.
“N-Not handsome at all!” Mitsuba quickly answered, huffing. Kou rolled his eyes. Typical Mitsuba…
Mitsuba clicked through the pictures on his camera, stopping at the one he had just taken of Kou. He smiled softly, zooming in a little bit. 
“I think I look pretty handsome, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kou quipped, now standing behind Mitsuba. Mitsuba screeched in surprise and jumped, not expecting Kou to suddenly be behind him and seeing him staring - no, checking Kou’s picture!
“D-Don’t sneak up on people like that, creep!” Mitsuba quickly snapped, pulling his camera closer to himself. Kou frowned at the insult and rubbed the back of his neck. Mitsuba huffed and Kou only chuckled softly, muttering out an apology.
“Hey, do you mind if I take a picture?” Kou asked, leaning to the side so that he was in Mitsuba’s peripheral vision again. Mitsuba’s cheeks warmed at the sight of the blonde boy, and he quickly shook his head to try and rid himself of the blush.
“Is that… a no?”
“No! I mean… yeah, you can take a picture. Just be careful with my camera!” Mitsuba quickly tacked on the last sentence, making Kou chuckle. He handed the camera to Kou, who was a bit shocked at its weight. He held the camera up to his face, looking through the lens as he followed a butterfly, quickly snapping a picture. 
He pulled it back and looked at it, groaning in annoyance. 
“It’s blurry.”
Mitsuba glanced over at the indeed blurry picture and chuckled. Kou looked at Mitsuba with a disappointed puppy look and Mitsuba felt his heart throb. 
“Can you help me?”
Mitsuba huffed, crossing his arms. Kou looked down dejectedly and kicked a rock. Mitsuba looked at Kou again and sighed, reaching his hand out.
“Give me the camera really quick.”
Kou immediately perked up and handed the camera to Mitsuba, who smiled at Kou. He held up the camera to his eye and followed the butterfly, snapping a quick picture. He showed it to Kou, who whistled.
“It’s not blurry,” He said, and Mitsuba scoffed.
“Of course it’s not. Congratulations, you have working eyes,” Mitsuba jeered, and Kou frowned, putting his hands on his hips.
“Can you just show me how to take a better picture?”
Mitsuba nodded, smiling sweetly as he handed the camera back to Kou. He stood behind him and moved his hands so he was holding the camera up to his face. Both of their faces warmed as they stood in close proximity with each other, Kou shaking slightly from being nervous.
“Stop shaking! You’ll get a blurry picture again!” Mitsuba reprimanded, and Kou quickly straightened up, stopping his shaking.
Mitsuba pulled his hands back along Kou’s arms, making him shiver and huff as Mitsuba warned him again to hold still. Kou tried to hold still, but Mitsuba’s hands gently holding his upper bicep, so close to his underarm was making him nervous. He giggled softly out of anticipation and Mitsuba groaned.
“You’re so fidgety, what’s wrong?!”
Mitsuba huffed and gave his arms a light squeeze as a means of warning Kou to keep himself still. What he wasn’t expecting, however, was for Kou to squeak suddenly and pull his arms back, nearly dropping the camera. 
Mitsuba looked at Kou with a questioning look, and Kou froze, his face bright red. Mitsuba squeezed his hands again, and Kou jolted, though he had better control over his voice at this point.
“Kou, are you-”
“I’m not!” Kou immediately hissed, cutting Mitsuba off. The pink-haired boy chuckled, wiggling his fingers on Kou’s arms as he shrieked, jumping forward and away from Mitsuba, turning around to glare at him, face bright red.
“Are you sure you’re not? You seem pretty tick-”
“Don’t say it!” Kou whined. Mitsuba only grinned, raising his hands and wiggling his fingers in the air, making Kou giggle nervously in anticipation. He shoved the camera into Mitsuba’s chest, Mitsuba quickly scrambling to grab it before it could fall as Kou bolted in the other direction.
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Mitsuba yelled, setting the camera down gently and chasing after Kou. 
Kou ran and ran, he was about to run off the school grounds when he tripped over the Confession Tree’s roots. He cursed as he fell flat on his face, scrambling to try and get up before Mitsuba could catch him, but he was too late.
MItsuba finally caught up to him, panting heavily as he quickly pinned Kou down by straddling his back, Kou wailing beneath him.
“Don’t you dare! Let me gooooo!” He yelled, throwing his hands around as he squirmed madly underneath Mitsuba. Mitsuba only chuckled, lowering his hands and pinching Kou’s ribs experimentally. He squeaked, quickly slapping a hand over his mouth.
Mitsuba grinned and dug in, tweaking Kou’s ribs with pinches and prods, his giggles filling the air despite him trying to keep them restrained. They were slightly muffled by his hand, though it didn’t remain covering his lips for very long when Mitsuba’s hands travelled up to Kou’s underarms, poking and scribbling in the hollows.
Kou hollered suddenly, clamping his arms down as he squirmed beneath Mitsuba, who laughed.
“Not thehehehehere! Mit-Mitsubahahaha!”
“Your laugh is so cute!” He said mindlessly. He quickly realized what exactly he had just said and blushed madly, correcting himself. “I-I mean, not cute! You sound like a shrieking monkey!”
Mitsuba… wasn’t necessarily wrong. Kou had quite the cackle, it was loud and bright and squeaky, with a few brief snorts mixed in between. He wanted to cover his mouth again, he thought his laugh was so embarrassing. But with Mitsuba tickling his underarms with such ease, he was finding that covering up his laugh was going to be difficult.
“Mitsubahahahaha! Dammit, stahahahahap!”
“No way, this is pure gold,” Mitsuba said eagerly, hungry to test out every spot of Kou’s and to hear every bit of laughter that would emerge from the blonde’s lips. 
He started to rub circles in his underarms with his thumb, making Kou screech as he tried to clamp his arms harder against his sides, squirming madly as he tried to shake Mitsuba off, but he wasn’t budging. 
“GYAHahaha, plehehease! Sohohomewhere else, not thehehehere!”
“Hmm, somewhere else? Alright, how about here?”
Mitsuba pinched Kou’s waist, making him screech as he shook more violently than before, pounding his fist into the ground.
“Nohohoho wait! Not thehehehere!”
“You said to switch spots, I choose here!”
Before Kou could protest further Mitsuba’s hands were around his waist, giving it a firm squeeze as he squawked, laughter flowing from his lips loudly as he cackled. He shook his head around, snorting and squealing as Mitsuba continued to tickle his waist, going up and down his sides as Kou could do nothing except pound his fists into the dirt and laugh.
“Mitsubahahaha! It’s bahahahad, plehehease no more!”
“How bad? Tell meeee~” Mitsuba teased, rubbing circles on Kou’s back, just below his kidneys as he cackled madly, shaking his head.
“BAHAhahahad!!” Was all Kou could formulate before dissolving into unintelligible hysterics. He could feel tears beginning to prick the corners of his eyes as he continued to howl. Mitsuba continued to explore Kou’s torso, digging into his ribs before going back to his sides and giving those a few more good squeezes and even pinching at his hips. 
“Boop, boop, boop,” Mitsuba chanted as he poked randomly at Kou’s torso, from his ribs down to his hips, making Kou jump and squeak with every touch as his giggles dispersed and he shook with quiet laughter. Mitsuba finally got off the poor boy, deciding that he had had enough.
Kou laid there for a minute, just trying to regain control of his breathing as Mitsuba frowned, worrying that he might’ve gone too far. It was never his intention to really tire Kou out, he was just excited to hear his laugh…
Kou sat up, a big, bright smile on his face as he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Wow, you really got me good!” He said, his voice full of glee as he turned to Mitsuba, who stared at him in shock.
“Wh-Why are you acting so happy right now? I just tickled you half to death,” Mitsuba said, slight concern in his voice as Kou blinked. He laughed suddenly and blushed a little bit, scooting a bit closer to Mitsuba.
“I’ve never really minded being tickled, and it was nice when you were the one doing it,” He said honestly, making Mitsuba’s face burn hotter than a volcano. He hit at Kou’s chest, pouding his hands against him as he whined.
“You - You can’t just say things like that! It’s embarrassing!” He wailed, and Kou only laughed, grabbing Mitsuba’s hands.
“I mean it though! You made it really fun…” Kou said, the last part closer to a whisper as the two blushed bright red. Mitsuba finally broke the silence, his voice squeaky as he barely managed to speak.
“I had fun too,” He said quietly, and Kou smiled. Mitsuba averted his gaze and turned his head, huffing. Kou chuckled, pressing a quick peck to Mitsuba’s cheek as he had his head turned, and he immediately snapped back around, Kou’s face still right next to Mitsuba’s as their noses touched. Mitsuba squeaked and fell backwards, yelling.
“D-Don’t do that! Stupid pervert!”
Kou laughed and fell down next to Mitsuba, looking over at him as Mitsuba rubbed his cheek with his hand, Mitsuba trying to muster a look of disgust despite the grin on his face.
“I have exorcist germs now, yuck!”
“You love me and you know it,” Kou teased, and Mitsuba narrowed his eyes at him, wiggling his fingers at him. Kou squeaked and tried to jump up, but Mitsuba already had his hands on him, scribbling over his tummy as Kou laughed even more, the two of them having plenty of fun in each other's company.
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The Phantom of the Opera chapter 2❣︎
Phantom Hanako x reader
Previous chapter (chapter 1)
A/n: Lets be honest, I didn't expect to continue this-
I didn't know what to do for chapter 2 so I just did whatever came to mind...
I do know what is going to happen in chapter 3 tho!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and have a good day or night!
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You put your hand on the stair railing leading to the top floor where the curtain fell.
“Don't worry… there is nothing up there” You reassured yourself. Before you could take a step you felt someone put a hand on your shoulder causing you to jump.
“Oh sorry for scaring you! You’re Y/n l/n, right?” The stranger asked.
“Yeah that me… and you are..?” You turned to the boy. He had light orange hair and bright blue eyes and was holding what looked like an umbrella.
“I’m Kou! Kou Minamoto!”
“Oh you are the manager's younger brother! Sorry for not recognizing you sooner!”
“It's fine, It's not like I perform on stage or anything” He nervously laughed.
“Do you need anything?” You asked.
“Oh not really, I just wanted to know if we could perhaps be friends!” His cheeks turned pink and he looked down. He reminded you of a kid.
“Of course!” You smiled.
“Y/n!! Kou!!” The cream haired girl called out to us.
“Oh hey Nene.” You turned to her.
“Mitsuba is on his way to the hospital… did you see what happened Kou?” She asked.
“Yeah, it was crazy…” Kou looked at me with a worried expression. “Well lets get going now, I bet they will want us in the front of the stage!”
“Yeah!” Yashiro said, “Lets go!”
“I’ll be right there, give me a second okay?” I nervously smiled.
“Okay!” Yashiro grabbed Kou’s hand causing him to turn red and she ran off with him.
You walked up a one of the stair steps, determination on your face. You looked up and your eyes widened. A small envelope fell from the top floor. You picked it up and opened it.
“Dear Y/n,
I thought I told you, you were going to be that star of the show.
Please don't disappoint.
- The Phantom of the Opera”
You puffed your cheeks out in annoyance.
“Well I don’t want to be the star!” You shouted, throwing the envelope on the ground. You ran to the front of the stage, meeting with Kou and Yashiro.
“So do you know who might perform for the opera next week?” You asked Kou.
“Uhm… no not really…!” Kou threw his hands up in defence. “But most likely Yashiro, since she is the understudy of Mitsuba. But are you interested in doing it at all Y/n?”
Interested? Why is he asking me? I’m just a ballerina, nothing special. I can be replaced easily.
“No, I’m not really into the whole performing thing..!” You nervously laughed.
“Oh, okay…” Kou kept his eyes on you.
“Yeah I can do it!” Yashiro's eyes lit up. “And the boys will notice me and I will be popular and hopefully manager Teru will notice me as well-”
“My brother?” Kou turned to her in shock.
“ECK-! I FORGOT HE WAS YOUR BROTHER-” Yashiro was flustered. “IT’S NOTHING KOU! DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT!! PLEASE DONT TELL HIM!!!” She was begging on her knees giving him puppy dog eyes.
“I-I won’t…” Kou blushed and looked away.
“You're acting like he doesn’t already know you are obsessed with him…” I face palmed.
“Hello everyone!” The owner of the voice placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned to see manager Teru with a wide smile on his face.
“Teru-nii!” Kou smiled.
“M-manager Minamoto-!!” Yashiro blushed madly.
“Oh Yashiro, I need to tell you something important! I’m sorry if I startled you!” He apologized.
“I-It’s fine!” Yashiro nodded her head rapidly.
“Well, Yashiro, you’re going to be the replacement for Mitsuba on stage.”
“Okay! I won’t let you down Manager Minamoto!”
“I hope you won’t…” Teru turned to you, hand still on your shoulder, he was a little too close.
“I will be seeing more of you soon…” He whispered in your ear before letting you go and walking off the stage.
‘Seeing more of me…? What does that mean…’ You thought as you watched him enter his office. Kou noticed your weird expression and pulled you out of your thoughts.
“H-hey Y/n..! So Yashiro seems pretty happy about this, has she always been like this?” Kou pointed to Yashiro who was rambling to herself about falling in love with some prince on set.
“Yeah, well for as long as I could remember… I knew Nene for a while now and she has always been like this.” You sighed.
“I think it’s kind of cute-” Kou stopped himself from finishing his sentence but you heard enough. You were going to tease him for it but was interrupted by the ballet teacher.
“That’s all for today ballerinas, you can go home now..” She spoke with such grace. The ballet teacher was the only person who actually acknowledged the ballerinas. She knew we were working hard even if we were just background dancers. She has even been seen as a mother figure to some of the ballerinas here… she was flawless.
“Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute?” She turned to you.
“Oh yeah sure…” You walked over to her waving bye to Kou. “What do you need Miss Sakura?”
“Did you fix the skirt that Akane requested you too repair?” She asked, concern in her green eyes.
“I did!” You smiled.
“That’s good. Are you going to stay late tonight as well?”
“Okay, I just wanted to know.” She lightly smiled “Stay in good health Y/n.”
“Okay… y-you too..!” You responded and she walked away.
That was… weird…
You hummed to yourself as you sketched the moon on a sheet of paper. It was dark so you could barely even see your drawing so you didn’t even know if it was good.
“I’ll find out tomorrow…” You sighed and stood up. You looked at the clock and it was 9, time for you to head home. You grabbed your bag and started to walk to the door then you remembered the experience from the night before. When you found the letter from the Phantom of the Opera.
Did you believe in the Phantom? No, that stupid. But… it wasn’t impossible. You have heard Sakura talk to the ballerinas about the phantom before. Does she believe in the phantom?
“Y/n~” A childish voice was heard. You looked around to see no one, but of course it was dark so you questioned if someone was actually there.
“Yes..?” You squinted your eyes but still saw no one. Suddenly the curtains of the stage opened and a little light entered the room. You saw a silhouette of a short boy. He wasn’t anyone you recognized.
“W-who are you..?” You asked.
“I’m a phantom of the opera!” He had a childish voice, he sounded around your age.
“The phantom of the opera…” You repeated, wide eyed.
“Yes! You can call me Tsukasa!”
Was he the one who has been sending you those two letters? Was he insane? You knew you needed to get out of there.
You took this opportunity to run. You approached the doors of the opera house but stopped when you felt a hand on your mouth.
“Shh my dear, we can’t have you running away now~ not when someone has taken quite an interest in you…” He whispered in your ear. Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as he placed two fingers on your forehead.
“Now go to sleep for me~”
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sunfetti · 4 years
Hi! I saw you from a shout-out/reblog, and came to offer my support! I also wondered if I could ask for a Hanako and/or Mitsuba x reader, in which they’re trying to earn their girlfriend’s forgiveness after they make her so mad, she cries, and then she gives them the silent treatment? I’m always on the lookout for mild angst. I hope I’m not asking for too much, but if I am, feel free to ignore me! I wish you luck with your blog!
An: Thank you so much for the support!! I’m extremely grateful to that shoutout (not only was I starstruck over being recognized by one of my favorite blogs) but it lets me write for so many new people and make them happy with my writing! This is my first time writing headcanons (if you wanted a fic or an imagine I sincerely apologize!!) for characters, so hopefully I did this request right and was able to create something you enjoy! ( I once again sincerely apologize for how terrible I am at them)
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Hanako with an upset S/O 
 You know how he was when Yashiro was upset? Multiply that by a billion and that’s what happens when his s/o gives him the silent treatment. 
Utter panic.png 
He hadn’t meant to make her upset, it’s just she absolutely refused to back down when he said to stay away from other supernaturals (after all they were dangerous in his eyes) and he kinda just snapped at her. 
Keep in mind that even though he has been a school wonder for over fifty years, he is still a teenage boy
So he’s still inexperienced with relationships and how to act, especially during disagreements
“You’re such an idiot, why won’t you just listen to me!” Hanako yelled, glaring at his s/o in anger—arms crossed in front of his chest.
Though that glare faltered when he saw the tears start to roll down her face. Guilt overtook anger as he tried to reach out to his s/o only to be shoved away.
 “Fine! I’ll just leave you alone then!” You yelled, running off—needing to be away from him for now
The guilt only worsened when you started avoiding him everyday, barely sparing him a glance..
.He started to become upset and even Yashiro and Kou were starting to become worried
.Hanako was rarely sad, and yet here he was looking like a dejected puppy who got scolded?
 It threw Kou through a loop honestly
 Finally after a week of this, Yashiro drags him by the collar to his s/o and makes you both face each other (Kou puppy-guarded the door so they couldn’t run). 
There’s a few minutes of awkward silence, the only sound being shoes scuffed against the ground. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Finally Hanako, taking off his hat—gives the best most genuine apology he can muster.
 it was actually quite sweet and you forgave him and also apologized for giving him the silent treatment (and also agreed to talk about problems instead of running around them). 
There was lots of hugs and cuddling afterwards
Mitsuba Sousuke with an Upset! S/o.
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 You guys playfully bicker but it really never went beyond teasing. 
Though one day it seemed as though the teasing was taken too far. It was a petty argument really, something that didn’t matter and was caused by your usual playful bickering.
 Much like Hanako, he hadn’t meant to make his s/o upset, but you simply were just having an awful day and you weren’t in the mood to bicker.
 “Hey idiot! What’s up with your face? You look like that weird spider dude!” Mitsuba says, floating by you—poking you on the cheek constantly. 
Normally stuff like this was welcome in your relationship and you’d usually throw a funny reply back but today was just the worst day and this was the tipping point.
 Mitsuba kinda jumped back when he saw tears pooling in your eyes, a frown prominent on your face.
“Hey what’s wrong with you idiot?? Why are you crying like that?” He asks, a nervous smile on his face, though you instead of yelling at him—just walked away.
 You were already so angry that you didn’t want to spur him on with an insult back.
 The next few days were quiet for Mitsuba, you didn’t visit nor did you make an effort to see him like you usually did.
 It left a kinda empty feeling in him, yet he stubbornly refused to approach you—after all for such a cute ghost like him to grovel before an idiot like you? Impossible.
This silent period goes on for even longer than Hanako and his s/o’s silent period—mostly due to Mitsuba’s stubbornness and your avoidance.
Eventually it’s left up to Natsuhiko to ask if you two had broken up for Mitsuba to realize just how much he missed you.
 So after a few pointed insults under his breath to Natsuhiko, Mitsuba set off to find you.
It didn’t take long, as you were sat taking photos outside—one of the things that made Mitsuba warm up to you in the first place and it made his heart ache again.
“Hey id—y/n.” He mumbles crouching down beside you, causing your gaze to turn towards him.
 “I feel bad seeing you upset and it’s lonely without your nagging.. So I’m sorry..” He says, not meeting your eyes and instead poking at the dirt.
Though a bright blush bloomed on his face when he felt you embrace him. Mitsuba opened his mouth to protest but it died in his throat and instead he just awkwardly hugged you back,
He had really missed your hugs...
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astickofbutter · 3 years
Yeah it’s okay! And like I agree! Tsukasa was clearly still thinking about happy memories with Amane and children can be influenced and manipulated by spirits fairly easily. It’s a literal trope used in every horror movie. The child finds an evil spirit, the spirit is nice to them, the child thinks they’re friends and then the spirit ends up influencing them. We can also see that the real Tsukasa still has his same desire to help people. If we look at ghost Tsukasa, unless we have confirmation that Tsukasa’s death restricted the hole to granting wishes to the far shore (or perhaps being a Yorishiro restricted it) but he’s granting wishes for people who had no hope or future and are desperate for a change.
Not to mention, he’s had two instances and more where his real personality shines through
-shocked that people went to be his friend
-comforting nene and Mitsuba
-being pissed off no.3 was “picking on things weaker than him.”
- “I hope your wish comes true this time.”
Why would he even care about granting Mitsuba “another wish” if he’s already got what he wanted? It’s clear that Tsukasa at least wanted to grant Mitsuba a better wish than the screw up he did in the mitsuba arc
The memories that are shown in one of the panels are happy ones. So that contradicts the idea the Tsukasa is an abuser because why would they have happy memories like those if he was? Simple. Because he isn't.
Also, I think in the donut arc people confused the source of Amane's fear being one of the apposed "abuse" some people speculate Tsukasa inflicted on him rather that the amount of guilt and grief he feels from killing him. So much of it that the mere mention of the event makes him react in a way someone with PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder would act. And honestly it think he did gain PTSD from it. I mean who wouldn't. Killing someone so close to you is definitely going to make you act like that.
And you make valid points. Tsukasa isn't a heartless monster, he just lacks a bit of manners I suppose. And when he does come to like someone he cares about them. And makes quite a show of it. He makes that much apparent with Amane. And has started to make it just as much with Mitsuba and granting his wish. Also, he's kind with Nene.
So this proves he is capable of loving and caring just as much as anyone else.
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 6 - Back in the Early Heist Days
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Flashback time!
Let's take a pause from what happened in the previous chapter and backtrack to the past~!
We'll be mainly sticking with Kou for this.
This happened before the first chapter!
-Phantom Thief Hanako released a heist notice to steal yet another jewel
-The detectives and police force were working together to strengthen security
-This thief was astonishingly outwitting them all if he never failed a heist
-Minamoto Kou, younger brother of Teru who is one of the top policemen, was just starting out his career as a new police officer
-His first mission was to join some police officers to capture Hanako
-Teru couldn't join the team during the heist since he was busy taking care of other more serious offenses
-So he was cheering Kou on for the time being, congratulating him on officially becoming part of the police force
-While Kou aimed to be like his brother, he admired a certain radish girl Yashiro Nene
-They didn't really know each other right now
-Before, Kou just came to visit the police station and departments to give lunch to Teru and make sure he's eating properly
-And it was a coincidence that Kou saw Yashiro with Detective Tsuchigomori as they came by at the same time
-Seeing Yashiro working hard on cases became part of his motivation to also work to fight crime along with Teru
-and so she was a Senpai to him in the field and a current acquaintance
-Kou was hoping he could get closer to Yashiro
-Preparing a small bouquet of pink flowers, he wanted to present them to her to make a good impression since they would be working together from now on
-On the day of the heist, he went to look for her with the flowers in hand
-When he found her with Tsuchigomori, he immediately went to hide behind a wall
-Kou peeked over and noticed that they were talking about the heist
-Would right now be a good time to give them?
-He stopped peeking to gather himself together before deciding to head over, feeling nervous
-Only to realize that the moment he let them out of his sight, they were already gone
-Darn, he missed his chance
-Well, it will be okay. He could see them again at the heist itself
-He tucked the flowers in his pockets
-The location of the heist was at a hotel owned by Akane
-Kou heard from Teru that Hanako would go steal from Akane from time to time
-He couldn't help but wonder how the gem collector was dealing with the situation
-Night time arrived and a small crowd gathered
-Not too many people knew of Hanako yet but already there were a few reporters at the scene and word had spread
-Kou was looking around when he accidentally bumped into someone
-"Hey! Watch the camera, Lame-ass Traffic safety Earring!"
-Kou: "Oh sorry--wait what?"
-Kou looked to see a pink haired boy with a scarf and camera on. He seemed to be around Kou's age
-Kou: "Do you know who you're talking to?"
-Mitsuba: "No. Should I?"
-Wow, this guy was testing his patience
-Kou: "Geez. Look at my uniform. I'm a police officer."
-Mitsuba: "Okay, police officer. Now could you let me go? I gotta take photos for the papers."
-Kou's eyes widened as he looked down at Mitsuba's camera he's holding
-Kou: "Oh! Are you a photographer?"
-Mitsuba: "Well I'm a journalist but I guess--"
-Kou: "THAT'S SO COOL! Sorry for bumping into your camera! What's your name?"
-Mitsuba was surprised at Kou's outburst. He felt a little embarassed all of a sudden.
-Mitsuba: "....Mitsuba Sousuke."
-Kou: "I'm Minamoto Kou! Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see all of your work!"
-Mitsuba: "I've done a few already but I'm still new at my job so my writing isn't that great."
-Kou: "That's okay! My reading isn't that great either!"
-Kou gave a thumbs up at that.
-Mitsuba: "Reading and writing are two different things. Also, I don't think you should be proud of that pff"
-Kou: "Hm? Is that so?"
-Mitsuba: "Anyways, I'll be going to the hotel rooftop to take pictures of the cityscape from there. Would you like to come along? There should still be time before the heist"
-Kou: "Sure! Let's go!"
-And so they are both at the rooftop chattering away as Mitsuba took photos with his camera
-Kou: "Huh so you like taking pictures of animals and landscape stuff. How about photos of people?"
-Mitsuba: "I do take them as well. The papers get way more media attention that way anyways."
-Kou: "How about taking one of me? I'll be the ultimate subject! Just call it 'Police Officer Minamoto Kou Makes His Debut'!"
-Mitsuba: "Hm....No thank you."
-Kou: "Aw come on! I want to be in the papers!"
-Kou tried to grab the camera from Mitsuba
-Mitsuba: "Hey wait a minute!"
-Kou: "Just a bit!"
-"Two gentlemen fighting on the rooftop? That's quite dangerous."
-Kou and Mitsuba looked over to find the the phantom thief Hanako standing near the edge of the roof
-When did he get there?
-Oh wait, did the heist start already?!
-They lost track of time!
-Kou: "Hanako!"
-Hanako: "I will be taking the treasure~"
-Hanako showed them the jewel in his hand.
-Kou: "Oh no you don't!"
-Kou rushed towards him and Hanako just dodged Kou's attacks, keeping the jewel out of reach
-As they got closer to the edge of the building, a sudden strong gust of wind burst forth
-Knocking the jewel out of Hanako's hand
-and the pink flowers from Kou's pocket
-Ah. The flowers. Kou completely forgot about them
-Both items were being blown away far apart from each other and off the roof
-Kou: "Oh no the flowers!!"
-That was Kou's immediate response
-Hanako ran and jumped to grab the flowers, dismissing the jewel
-He just jumped off the roof without a thought
-That madlad
-Kou's body moved and he managed to reach and grab onto Hanako's legs to prevent his fall from the roof
-Hanako was a bit heavy so Kou was having trouble lifting him up and they were right at the edge
-Mitsuba grabbed onto Kou and they both were able to lift Hanako up to safety
-Kou was shocked at Hanako's sudden move
-Kou: "Why did you just risk your life for a bunch of flowers?!"
-He couldn't understand
-Hanako also let that jewel drop!
-Hanako: "These are important to you, no?"
-Kou was rendered speechless at Hanako's words
-What kind of thief was that considerate?
-Hanako: "I'm sure you wanted to give these to someone. Also, I got my equipment on me so I wouldn't have fell to my death but thank you anyways"
-Hanako handed the flowers back to Kou and took a bow
-A racket of footsteps and shouts came from the door leading to the rooftop
-Hanako: "Welp, time's up, my fellow gentlemen. Perhaps we'll meet again~"
-Hanako escaped using his smoke bomb as a smoke screen
-Kou and Mitsuba coughed through it and once the smoke cleared, Hanako was gone
-The door slammed open to reveal a frantic Akane, panicked Yashiro, and a curious Aoi
-Akane: "AAAAAA NOOOOO we're too late!"
-Kou: "Huh? What are you talking about?"
-Yashiro: "Hanako made off with the jewel!"
-Kou: "Wait but I saw the jewel drop down the building. I apologize about--"
-Akane: "That must have been a fake! I prepared fake copies but he saw through my plan and still stole them anyways. He already stole the real one when I wasn't looking, since it was in a different location. That bastard thief!"
-Kou: "HAAAH?! Wait, why didn't I know about this??"
-Mitsuba: "Ahhh drama between the police and the gem collector once again. Why do you guys think he managed to get away?"
-Aoi: "So the rumors about Hanako were true! He's a clever mastermind!"
-Akane: "Ao-chan praising that thief....oh no no no no no that charmer did not just--"
-(Inside Akane's head of delusional fantasies):
-Aoi: "Hanako-sama! Please take me with you!"
-Hanako: "My dear sweet lady, I shall come for you as my next prize~"
[They fly and get farther away as Akane runs after them]
-Akane: [reaches out] "AO-CHAN! NO WAIT I LOVE YOU!"
-Aoi: "Hm 1 point~. Farewell Akane-kun! Please forget about me. I'm eloping with him now ♡"
[End of delusion]
-Akane: 'AAAAAAAA NO THAT CANNOT HAPPEN! IT ALL BACKFIRED!! I should not have brought Ao-chan here...Now I gotta watch out for not just that Teru bastard but also him aaaargh!'
-They were all staring at Akane leaning against the wall, agonizing
-Akane: [mumbling] " 'If we met under different circumstances, we could have been friends' my ass you thief, not when you're flirting with Ao-chan you son of a-"
-Kou: "Uh...is he okay? He's been leaning against that wall, mumbling weird stuff"
-Aoi: "He'll be okay ♡. Akane-kun's a big boy"
-Mitsuba nudged Kou
-Mitsuba: "Minamoto-kun, there's something you want to do, right?"
Kou: "Huh? Oh! Right!"
-Kou approached Yashiro who was zoning out, looking a bit troubled
-Yashiro: [mumbling to herself] "Aah~ I can't believe I got lost again...it's a good thing I found Akane-kun and Aoi along the way"
-Kou: "Um! Senpai!"
-Yashiro snapped out of her thoughts
-Yashiro: "Me?"
-Kou: "My name is Minamoto Kou. I'm a new police officer in the workforce so I'll be in your care! These are for you!"
-Kou handed the pink flowers over to Yashiro
-Yashiro: [smiles brightly as she received them] "Thank you! They're so pretty! I think I've seen you around. I'm Yashiro Nene. It will be a pleasure working with you!"
-Kou flustered as steam came out of his head and his heart felt like an arrow shot through it
-He may have developed a slight crush
-Kou: "Y-you're welcome! And I-I look forward to it too!"
-Kou turned around to see Mitsuba, trying to distract himself
-Kou: "Mitsuba! Did you get any good pictures?"
-Mitsuba, taking a look at his camera, smiled to himself
-He had taken a few photos of Kou without him realizing
-Mistuba: "Mhm. I sure did~"
-As Hanako walked casually through an alleyway, he heard footsteps coming closer and he stopped
-He didn't have to look back to know who it is
-This happened often enough after all
-Hanako smiled
-Hanako: "Of all the people who could actually capture me if serious, you sure don't really take me seriously."
-He turned anyways to face the person responsible for the noises
-Hanako: "Great detective Tsuchigomori."
-Tsuchigomori stood in the alleyway as Hanako figured, looking at him nonchalantly
-Hanako: "What is this, a game of catch and release?"
-Tsuchigomori: "Hmph so you really did go this way. There wouldn't be many people here after all. It's a good escape route."
-Hanako: "Why didn't you tell the police?"
-Tsuchigomori: "They need to learn for themselves. Seriously incompetent if they can't capture a single person. Besides, I realized there's more to your stealing. I haven't figured out why exactly though."
-Hanako: "Oho I see. So that's what you care about. Curious?"
-Tsuchigomori: "I'm too busy for that now. I have an apprentice to look after....who apparently got lost since she's supposed to be with me..."
-Hanako: "Oh? You have an apprentice?"
-Tsuchigomori: "I'm showing her the ropes for now. And then, she'll be taking over my place to capture you."
-Hanako: "What, great detective? Aw, I'll miss you! Things won't be the same"
-Tsuchigomori: "Oh don't worry. You'll find her to be quite a persistent one."
-Hanako: "Heh~ Interesting!"
-Hanako vanished from sight using his fancy garment and smoke bomb for the second time, saying one last thing.
-Hanako: "I'll keep that in mind."
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akkalixx · 4 years
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Season 2 Predictions: What's the content?
hello!! this is going to be a season 2 speculation, meaning none of this is official info. this is all based off of opinions for what i think was going to happen. for those of you who haven't read the manga, i advise you do not read this. please read the manga first since this post will contain major spoilers! this will be a long post so beware haha
Table of Contents:
Season 1 overview
Studio and animation quality
Where the anime left off and where it will pick up (and overview)
Season 1 Overview
okay, so the span of season one was 12 episodes, covering up until volume 8 (excluding young exorcist) before tanabata arc in episode order of the following:
1.) Hanako-san of the Bathroom
2.) Yousei-san (The Faeireis)
3.) Misaki Stairs Pt. 1
4.) Misaki Stairs Pt. 2
5.) Confession Tree
6.) The 4 PM Bookstacks
7.) Donuts (referring to the chapter where Nene and Kou make donuts for Hanako and Tsukasa appears
8.) Mitsuba (referring to Mitsubas debut)
9.) Tea Party
10.) Hell of Mirrors Pt. 1
11.) Hell of Mirrors Pt. 2
12.) Little Mermaid
the anime adaptation was not the same as the manga, as they skipped a few scenes from chapters including young exorcist. my prediction for why they did this is because if they did go in order of the manga, the anime would end in the middle of the clock keepers, which wouldn't be a good decision. the little mermaid was a good option for the season finale since it was some comical relief for the characters, nothing too special going to happen. i get what people are angry about for skipping an important character arc for kou and hanako, but being rational here i dont think it was important to the story in general. 
one more thing, we notice that each episode with at least 3+ chapters have recieved 2 episodes. one with -2 have only one episode. those episodes with 2 pts beings misaki stairs, mitsuba, and hell of mirrors.
Studio and animation quality
i believe lerche will continue to work on jibaku shounen hanako-kun. they were the ones who animated it, with the budget to make it. we saw the animation of the anime dropped at episode 3. i believe because one: they could've started animating that episode when the corona started getting more serious and rushed it, or they were probably.....just lazy. that is possible because of the way the danganronpa animation was made. but i do believe if we get another season, the animation quality will improve from the first season!
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Where the anime left off and where it will pick up
season one ended at the scene where, excluding the Yashiro and Hanako part, Kou promises Mitsuba to save him from Tsukasa
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this is the start of chapter 36 (or 37), where nene invites him to the star festival. now let's think about it: what the mokke give kou from nene is summer vegetables, not something she baked like what happened in the manga. we also know that the manga skipped the part after hanako trying to apologize to nene (in which he miserably fails). now the real question: will the anime skip the tanabata arc? my answer is going to be no thank GOD. reason is that number one: it follows up the clock keepers arc, and two is that we have some key evidence for past amane and hints on tsukasa. there are many theories out there that lead to believe that hanako remembers nene, which is also a supportive reason. i also believe tanabata will take up the span of two (or one? because ig its kinda weird to have a pt 1 pt 2 at the start of a season haha) episodes.
okay next, clock keepers arc. my bet is that is has to at LEAST have 3 episodes. in the arc, there are 5 chapters in all. in season one, all episodes that were adapted had no more than 3 chapters, which like i said adapted into 2 parts.
now we have the searching arc, which consists of two chapters. i believe this will most likely come after clock keepers arc, with the span of a full or half of an episode. its a good way for redemption after finding out that you know, yashiro is gonna die
now, we were supposed to have hell of mirrors after this, but that was part of season one. i believe this is because they're going to put fake world after this. how will it play out? well i mean, there's still mokke of the dead arc! it'll be a good placeholder for the show if they still have some empty space.
so far with all of those, we're at 5-6 episodes. moving on!
after mokke of the dead, we have PP arc! which lasted...about 19 chapters. thats about what, 6 episodes? honestly i think pp arc would be better off getting a move haha. there's a lot that happens within that arc, so they can't possibly cut anything out. if we did add fake world arc to the episode list, that would result in 12 episodes, meaning the arc would end on them returning home.
with all of this in mind, this is how i think the order of the episodes will run:
Star Festival Pt. 1
Star Festival Pt. 2
Mokke of the Dead
Clock Keepers Pt. 1
Clock Keepers Pt. 2
Fake World Pt. 1
Fake World Pt. 2
Fake World Pt. 3
Fake World Pt. 4
Fake World Pt. 5
Fake World Pt. 6
honestly this is HIGHLY unlikely but you know, it's more reasonable since there is going to be a lot of major things going on in the season.
okay, season one broadcasted from January 9th 2020 - March 27th 2020 in the winter season. taking some different animes into account, kaguya sama love is war broadcasted in winter 2019 along with the promised neverland. with love is war s2 now airing in spring 2020, and promised neverland originally set for october 2020, i think we can predict that s2 might come at spring/summer 2021.
thanks for reading this long and probably useless post,,
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magioftheseas · 5 years
Summary: Sometimes, Hanako gets annoyed that he's the only one of the group with secrets.
Rating: G
Warning: None, really. I guess implications to Hanako’s vague past?
Notes: I honestly wrote this just to see if I could come up with a simple enough idea that would then be made into a fairly short fic. I’m trying to get more productive in my writing, see, so sometimes I have to resort to methods like that. In fact, I was so fixated on the idea of completing this before the day was over (and I had like, two hours before it did) that I ended up missing the deadline for applying to a zine I wanted to apply to. Now THAT’S burdensome.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
The world is filled with secrets. He’s known from the beginning that there are a lot of things that are kept from others. Crushes, concerns, dreams, ambitions, motivations—the deepest aspects of a person were often the most hidden.
He knows this well, and yet—
Those two are a bit different.
“Hanako-kun, what’s up?” Yashiro would ask, and the young exorcist would also glance his way. They both had such wide, honest and open gazes. “You’ve been staring for a while.”
“I was thinking,” Hanako says, waving his hand with his usual smile. “You two are way too easygoing.”
“Coming from a spirit!” Minamoto bit back as Yashiro similarly protested.
“I have plenty of worries not in the least thanks to you!”
“That’s not what I mean,” Hanako laughed. “You two are also pretty naïve, aren’t you?”
“And what is that supposed to mean, Hanako?!”
“Yeah, Hanako-kun! What do you mean?!”
What do you think?
Irritation nips at him. His smile twists the slightest bit.
Normal people have secrets. Normal people have baggage that they wouldn’t share with the world. I’ve observed the students here enough to know that hasn’t changed over the decades. You two, on the other hand...
Open books. Both of them. Even with their torn pages.
“Never mind,” Hanako chirps. “I was just thinking.”
“I bet you were,” Minamoto huffed as Yashiro pouted.
“I swear, Hanako-kun. It wouldn’t kill you to be more honest with us sometimes. You’re way too secretive.” She does pause, however. “O-Of course, I only expect you to tell us things when you’re ready.”
“Yeah, what senpai said.”
Even with the verbal agreement, there is a flicker of aggravation in the young exorcist’s eyes. An open book. Hanako already knows what he’s thinking about. It’s obvious. Too obvious. Minamoto Kou was a simple man of simple concerns, after all. He wanted to be respected, but he wanted to protect those around him. His family, friends, Yashiro—and the other Mitsuba.
Even now, Tsukasa lingers between them like blood in the water. They’re both just too afraid to bite because matters could escalate and that wouldn’t be ideal when Yashiro’s always a factor. That—and Minamoto was kind. He and Yashiro were both kind people. There was that, too.
Kindness was often granted as a privilege. It shouldn’t have been such an easy, accessible resource.
It’s cumbersome—how much the two humans that Hanako is closest to just don’t act like normal humans.
Yashiro was tugging at Minamoto’s sleeve, and she sways him into resuming their cleaning. With a sweet and disarming smile, the matter is settled and discarded. It might not ever get brought up again, because these two aren’t the types to hold grudges.
They’re kind. They’re just very, very kind.
How infuriating.
“Is there a reason why you’re giving those two attitude all of a sudden?” Tsuchigomori asks him. “You’ve got them complaining to me about you, Honorable Seventh. And y’know—I can’t exactly reprimand you as your teacher anymore.”
“And yet, you’re reprimanding me,” Hanako pointed out, tucked between the curtains. “I assume you do want me to stop.”
“It’s just troublesome behavior,” Tsuchigomori says with an impassive shrug. “Troublesome for them, for you, for me. Rather than just bottling it up, you should just vent.”
“It is annoying,” Yako chirped up in the midst of grooming her tail. “Those brats are going to keep on whining and it’ll soon be troublesome for everyone.”
“Don’t think we asked your opinion, dumb fox,” Tsuchigomori muttered, to which she hissed back.
“It’s hard to nap peacefully when everyone is as gloomy as you!”
“It’s because,” Hanako spoke up. Immediately, Tsuchigomori turns to face him, ever attentive. “I’m frustrated.”
“With what, exactly?” Yako asked, muffled against her tail. “Don’t tell me you’ve gotten bored of them.”
“Oh no, they’re still plenty fun to mess with.” Hanako waved his hand. “However—don’t you think it’s weird? Yashiro and that boy are both so simple. They don’t really have any deep dark secrets.”
“They don’t,” Tsuchigomori confirmed. “As transparent and blatant as they come. Do you feel awkward, then? Like you don’t fit in? You’re already an apparition, Honorable Seventh.”
Even as a human, I wouldn’t have fit in with them. Even acting as a human, I had to distance myself from them.
“Keeping secrets may be natural, but it is a burden you must undertake if decided.” Tsuchigomori inhales, sighing out smoke. “Even so, don’t act out so much.”
“They’re both still bratty garbage humans,” Yako murmured, ever unimpressed. “Tasteless and tactless.”
“I’m sure you’d make tasty udon,” Hanako cheerfully remarked.
Yako snorted, but curled up into an unassuming ball all the same.
“Honorable Seventh.”
That smile on Hanako’s face remained, even when stared down by Tsuchigomori’s stern, knitted glare.
“Do those humans make you feel inferior?”
Yako’s ear twitched, but she mercifully kept any further commentary to herself.
“Maybe a little,” Hanako admitted, laughing. “I get it. I’ll apologize. I’m sorry for the trouble, sensei.”
Tsuchigomori didn’t look remotely reassured or convinced.
Haven’t you prodded a little too much already? I could still squash you like a bug.
Aha. Those thoughts sound like something Tsukasa would say.
Hanako leaves without another word.
“You don’t have to say anything.”
Yashiro speaks the second he slinks in. She’s not looking his way but her hands are fisting into her skirt.
“It’s not like I don’t understand—sometimes people have a lot more going on. I get frustrated, too, when I see Aoi able to laugh off guys confessing to her. Aoi’s really carefree. Sometimes I envy her so much that I get upset.”
Hanako blinks, tugging at his collar awkwardly.
“I know!” she exclaims. “So don’t—don’t treat me as if I’m shallow just because I might not have as much going on as you do! I’ll have you know I have plenty going on!” She turns on him, fierce despite her tears. “I-I actually really want to have a bunch of rodents! And I want to have a huge garden! A-And not only to I want to marry a handsome boy—I also think I want kids! A-A boy and a girl! It’s too early but—who knows! Having beautiful children might be really, really fun! I don’t know—but I think about it! One time I dreamed about my own daughter making fun of me for my legs! And I woke up crying!”
She was still crying right now, in fact.
“I’m going to graduate and I still want to be friends with Aoi even though she’s inevitably going to an elite college that I could never dream of attending! I-I also want to make more friends. I-I heard that—once you get to college, people start caring a lot less about their appearances...! But that because everyone’s all matured, they’re still super attractive...!” Yashiro blubbers. “I-I’m gonna graduate, I’m gonna go to college, I’m gonna grow up, I’m gonna get my garden, my rodents, my husband, my children, and, and, and... I’m still going to visit you if I can... Because I don’t want you getting lonely. Even if Tsuchigomori-sensei teaches here forever, I—I’ll worry about you, Hanako-kun.” She sniffles. “I’ll worry...a lot. What if you completely go off the deep end without me and Kou-kun? I’m—so worried!”
“Are you saying I’ll become a villain out of loneliness?” Hanako asked, mildly offended, mildly amused. “I was lonely before I met you for a long time.”
“That might make it worse,” Yashiro mutters. “Losing your friends is awful, even if you were friendless before.”
Friendless. I wasn’t really friendless. That said. That said...
“The fact that you’re so compassionate really does irk me,” he said. “Yashiro—you’re way too kind. Please be careful.”
“Or I’ll be taken advantage of, you mean?” Yashiro’s frown deepened, her cheeks darker. “I’m not helpless, Hanako-kun. I’m not always going to need you to save me. I’ll do my best to manage on my own. As well as I can.”
“I believe you. After all, I have underestimated you in the past.”
“Hanako-kun...” Yashiro huffed and she stomped forward. Raising her hand, she furiously ruffled Hanako’s hair. “You’re so immature! Don’t act like you’re not!”
“H-Hey, Yashiro.”
She knocks off his hat so that she can ruffle him harder.
“Immature! Childish! Bratty! Meanie! Hanako-kun!”
“Y-Yashiro, cut it out!”
Yashiro finally laughs at him. Hanako glares back, but then, after a while, his expression twists.
“Sometimes, it’s so heavy I can’t move. I should be glad you can move about so freely.”
Yashiro shakes her head, smile strained but sympathetic.
“We’re friends, Hanako-kun. If you want me to shoulder the burden with you, all you have to do is ask.”
I won’t. I refuse.
But Yashiro does hug him, and it’s far too easy to fall into her embrace.
She really isn’t one to be underestimated.
“There, there,” Yashiro coos, petting his hair. “There, there. Just let Nene-nee help you.”
Hanako chortled.
“I’m half a century older than you.”
Yashiro chuckles.
“You’re still a child, Hanako-kun.”
Still a child. She really is naïve. As if all I am is a child that desperately needs reassurance and validation. I needed more than that. We both did. But, still. Still, still, still.
Hanako’s lips pressed closely together as he buried his face into her shoulder.
I guess this is still nice.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hiiii!!! Hoshi!! Can I be your friend? Also can I get headcanons of Tsukasa and Mitsuba (yanderish?) with a s/o who is like Mikan from danganropa? Especially when people look at them and seek them taking to the ghost boys and don’t see anybody but seeing their happy face ❤️Please and thank you!!!(if you need her personality she’s shy has trust issues and apologizes a lot and offers to take her clothes off due to abuse and you don’t have to add that)
Happy to be with you
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Yugi Tsukasa, Mitsuba Sousuke
TW : Bullying, Murder, Kidnapping, Abuse, Foul language
A/N : AWWWW OFC!! Love making new friends LMAO and thank you for including her personality! I've already watched gameplays or some parts of the anime so I kind of forgotten how she acted HAHA
But one thing I remember, is that she always gets picked on and says sorry alot but your information helps 💗
I hope you enjoy 💗
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Don't worry Love! We just had a discussion~
You were never the brightest color in the crayon box
Yet you'd often get picked on
Why though?
Is it because you're an easy target? Or is it because of your shy nature, You don't speak much maybe it's cause they took your shyness as an advantage?
Maybe it is that..
It was one of those days again
Where this 3 girls would pick on you everyday
This time, they did it INFRONT of your lover
You think Tsukasa will let that slide? Nope!
The three girls infront of you started laughing hisy "What we're you smiling about earlier freak? Awww did your imaginary friend say something funny?" One girl cackled as she left and the other followed
He saw it all unfold, Right infront of his eyes, what went from a very lovely conversation with his S/O turned into a wreck after you left, You already had enough bruises as it is yet those girls had no mercy and made sure to pepper your whole entirebody with bruises
When he followed you to hive you a bunch more kisses the scene unfolded, he wanted to do something, but for the first time he froze in his spot as he watched you get beaten up, You stood up and wiped your tears "I-i'm sorry.." Everytime you wipe your tears, new ones just kept coming
This broke Tsukasa's heart as he immediately ran to you and held you in his arms "Hey.. hey.. shhh.. It's okay, I'm here now.." Tsukasa ordered his Tseushiros to bring them to the broadcasting room, As black smoke surrounded the two of you, both of you were now in the safe zone of the broadcasting room
He held your arm to look at your bruises as you whimpered in pain, He didn't like seeing you like this. So he was gonna take matters into his own hands.
He bandaged you up and comforted you with hugs and kisses until you've finally calmed down and fell into a slumber, He laid you down in a comfortable position as he wiped the rest of your tears away, He hates seeing you like this, It breaks his heart to see you like this, He doesn't want not one scratch on your perfect skin
Tsukasa kissed your forehead as moved away strays of hair off your face "Don't worry love, I'll do something to make them stop." He ordered one of his Tseushiros to watch over you and he dissappeared somewhere.
The next day, You heard rumors that the three girls that always picked on you got injured, One went missing, the other was found dead, and the other was hospitalized.
"Its crazy... they were just doing fine yesterday"
"Who cares, they won't bother us anymore.."
You heard the rumor and the murmuring of the students, You went straight to the broadcasting room and opened the door to have Tsukasa jump on you "[F/N]!!! My lovely and dearest of S/O~" He wrapped his legs and arms around you like a koala and snuggled on you "Hi Tsu" You ruffled his hair
You two sat down, seems like Sakura and Natsuhiko weren't here yet "Where's Natsuhiko and Sakura-senpai?" You asked Tsukasa "MMMMM probably on a date~ HEY we should go on one too!!" He excitedly suggested, you didn't wanna decline him so you accepted
He was opening up the boundary when you heard muffling you turned around and saw nothing "Are you okay?" Tsukasa asked
"Mhm, I just heard something"
"Probably A rat! Come on let's go~ We have the whole day to ourselves" You held onto his hand as the two of you dissappeared to the location
The source of the sound earlier?
It was one of the girls who kept giving you the worst bruises of all. Tied up to a pole as her mouth was duct taped and blindfolded
But of course, Tsukasa didn't want you his lovely S/O to know about that right?
He doesn't.
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Oh, well why do you care they went missing?
Mitsuba was your boyfriend when he was alive
He helped you escape out of your abusive household, Scare away the people that were bullying you even though he was scared himself
Or is he?
It shattered you whole when you heard he got into and accident and passed away on the arrival
You couldn't move on
Without his protection or his guidance to escape from your house
Everything just got worse
But, after 2 years
You found him again, as a ghost..
You were overjoyed and the two of you continued where you left off
You still loved him, and he still loved you even after death
But the thing that you didn't know was, you were the only one who could see hik and not other students
In their perspective, you were laughing and talking to air
"Look.. aren't they weird.. they have been talking to herself everyday.." A guy said passing by
"better clear way, we might get infected" The two of them laughed as you lowered your head
You heard what they said, but you were used to it
But not Mitsuba
"What the fuck are their problem? Can't keep your nose out of something?" He hissed
You were already having a hard time at home and yet the students here also give you a hard time, Can't they give you a break? does seeing you this vulnerable make them happy?
Mitsubas blood boiled in anger, he has witnessed EVERYTHING everytime the two of you talk in a more quiet and isolated area. Yet students just can't stop snooping around can't they?
"Mitsuba.. It's alright.."
"No. it's not." He looked at you as he held your hand "come.. I'll bring you to my boundary hm?" He said in a calm voice, he didn't wanna trigger any bad memories you had
He took you to his boundary and that's where the two of you continued your conversation
As you were doing your own thing, He excused himself and said he'll be back shortly.
When he finally came back, he had a blood stain on his cheek "A-ah! Mitsuba what happened?! did you.. Did you get hurt?.."
"No no.. I was.. Making you a uhmm.. Strawberry.. Cake!! See?" He held out a box as your eyes sparkled
This is the type of reaction he wants to see from you, The happy go lucky and free attitude you have always shown.. Yet those people took it for granted.
He wants to see you stay positive all the time while he watches over you
So he took out the negativity out of your life
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I feel like I didn't portray Mikans personality right so pls educate me HAHA
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12-am-username · 4 years
(If you have time,) imma save the angst for another day— but just, imagine Nene quietly singing "say so" by doja cat while cleaning the bathroom (lol there's an animatic about it too) and then Hanako hears it and teases her LOTS and heck calls her "babe" X'D
say so
(hanako x yashiro nene | oneshot | fluff and crack ish | 1.4k words | SPOILER FREE)
— requested by @aliarosella —
i’m going crasy and HIGHKEY PISSED THAT THIS IS MY THIRD TIME WRITING THE SAME AUTHOR’S NOTE BECAUSE THE WIFI SUCKS HHHHHHH i am okay now. but damn non angst AND spoiler free??? never thought i’d live to see the day HAHA. sorry for the delay since sOMETHING IS ACTING UP. ALSO PLEASE STICK AROUND TO THE END TO READ AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT which is like,,, my third time making the announcement 🤪🤪. (unedited)
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“Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment. I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?” Yashiro didn’t think he’d hear it. She wasn’t singing loudly, the song just came to her unprompted as she cleaned the girls’ bathroom. At least, to her it wasn’t loud. From the corner of her eye, she could see the mokke having a small dance party, jumping from sink to sink. She supposed that the mokke didn’t mind her singing. Unbeknownst to her, neither did the apparition of the bathroom.
“Didn't even notice, no punches left to roll with. You got to keep me focused, you want it, say so.” Hanako came from the rooftop when he heard someone sing in the bathroom. It sounded like Yashiro, but his ears couldn’t believe it. Once he saw though, there was no denying it. She had her eyes closed as she mopped the floors. He quietly rested atop the door to the third stall, almost cat-like. He rested his head in his hand as he watched her dance with the mop as a smirk formed on his face.
“It's been a long time since you fell in love. You ain't coming out your shell, you really ain't been yourself.” Yashiro continued to dance her heart away while mopping the floor. Hanako’s eyes softened as he watched her give her soul into the song. The smirk on his face slowly turned into a smile, his eyes never leaving her figure. She’s really cute like this, he thought, especially when she’s not yelling. He quietly snickered to himself before resting his head in between his arms. “Tell me what must I do—do tell, my love—'Cause luckily I'm good at reading.”
“I wouldn't bug him, but he won't stop cheesin’. And we can dance all day around it.” Yashiro spun around, a smile on her face but never looking up. She danced with the mokke, who seemed to be repeating the phrases like background singers. They jumped around, occasionally sliding across the floor. She let out a giggle as she set down the mop. The floor seemed clean and shiny, all that’s left to do is to let it dry. She removed her gloves and set them to the side. “If you front then I'll be bouncing. If you want it scream and shout it, babe. Before I leave you dry—“
Perhaps she mopped the floor too much. Maybe she didn’t pay attention to where she cleaned. She figured that she was lost in the song that one part of the floor was clearer than the rest and didn’t notice. Or maybe it was all in her head and that she was naturally not thinking at that moment and really thought it was a good idea to step on the recently cleaned tiles. It was definitely the last one that caused her downfall. Literally. She barely had time to react as she found herself getting closer to the ground. She let out a shriek as she raised her arms to her face.
“Gotcha!” Yashiro opened her eyes, mere inches away from the floor. Arms wrapped securely around her waist, she turned to face a smiling apparition. His face was closer to hers than the floor as his grin only grew. His teasing smile did not make her cheeks flush. No, that’s not what happened, it certainly didn’t make her breath hitch. It definitely didn’t make her want to hide her face. It undoubtedly didn’t make her stomach fill with butterflies. It certainly, unquestionably, definitely, did not make her heart race.
“Ha-Hanako-kun!” She stammered. Yashiro liked to believe that she wasn’t fast. When running, she found herself at the average level. Not an impressive feat, but she found herself moving faster than the beating of her heart as she tried to stand up. However, Hanako didn’t let her escape from his grasp, only tightening his hold on her. His smile softened, something Yashiro was grateful for until she found his hand inching closer to her face. Instinctively, she closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to hide from him. However she was, undeniably, not closing her eyes for a kiss.
“You never told me you could sing.” Huh? Yashiro opened her eyes. His hand brushed a stray lock of her hair from her face. His touch was so gentle. Maybe it was because he was an apparition, or maybe it was affection. Her train of thought stopped as she recalled his words. Her cheeks flushed a bright red as Hanako smiled at her. He wasn’t teasing her, at least, she thought he wasn’t. Did he hear her sing? That’s a stupid question, he probably did. How long? Why didn’t he say anything? Did she sound bad? Did he like it? Why should she care if he liked it? Why is she not asking these questions out loud?
“You’re a good singer, Yashiro. I could listen for hours.” Her blush worsened as her eyes grew wide. She stuttered out incoherent words, her mind raced as she tried to find something to say. Hanako let out a giggle as her eyes refused to look at him. What should she say? She could thank him, but she found her self esteem dropping exponentially. She could ask any of her questions, but she couldn’t find the right one to start with. Her mind came up with a blank as she stopped speaking, even though she knew that the jumbled up words were nonsense. Hanako snickered. “Not a bad voice for a daikon.”
She lunged at him. She hit him in the chest with her elbow, grunting as it made its impact on him. She didn’t expect to fall down with him. Clearly she forgot that he had an iron grip on her waist to prevent them from falling. Except now she fell. She fell on top of him. She unmistakably didn’t fall in love with him. There is no falling in love, just falling. Hanako let out a grunt while Yashiro was debating on whether or not to apologize. On one hand, it probably hurt a lot. On the other, he called her a daikon. A decision was made.
“Don’t ever call me a daikon.” Hanako watched as her expression changed from flustered to pouting. It was cute how her expressions can melt his heart. He let a smirk form on his face as she looked away, blushing slightly. Hanako saw a scale appear on her cheek. When did she get it? Almost like it was second nature for him, he reached out and dried it off. For a moment, they stood still, not moving. They supposed that Akane literally stopped time, but the small movement of her eyes as she stared into his denied it. He must have been staring for a long time, before he let out a laugh.
“Whatever you say, babe.” Nothing stopped Yashiro from backing away. She may have knocked a few mokkes out of the way. Her back met the third stall door as her face flushed pink. Hanako tipped his hat as he walked away from the bathroom, Yashiro screaming out incoherent words. Perhaps it was because he was too far away. He could admit that seeing her annoyed face made his heart leap. Her blushing expression did not keep the butterflies ar bay. While all of that is true, there is no denying one thing: he felt something deeper than butterflies and faster heartbeats when he watched her dance and sing. It was a good feeling. He liked it.
“Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment. I'd let you had I known it, why don't you say so?” A few days passed as Hanako found himself singing the song too. He sat on the rooftop with Yashiro and Kou as he quietly hummed to himself while they ate their lunch. Yashiro didn’t know whether to feel happy that he liked the song or annoyed that he was probably mocking her. Her thoughts were interrupted by a groan coming from the young exorcist.
“That’s the fourth time I heard that song today!” He exclaimed. His outburst shocked the two, Hanako immediately stopping. They looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Instantly regretting it, Kou slumped down and ran a hand through his hair. Embarrassed, he muttered an apology to them.
“Fourth time?” Yashiro tilted her head in confusion. They spent a fair amount of time together before lunch. How could he have heard that song three times before now? Kou sighed. He didn’t want to tell them, but he supposed it was good to let it out.
“Mitsuba kept singing that while class was ongoing.”
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there’s no doubting that i’m not as active as i was before, and for those who stick around to read my fics i cannot thank you enough for being there. i might not be as active as before since i’m focusing on my studies to prepare for college entrance exams which would be a lot stressful since my wifi is acting up so i sincerely apologize for any delay and thank you all for liking my little fics 🥺🥺 STAY SAFE AND WASH UR HANDS
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unlockthelore · 5 years
a quick intermission
Part 8 of Know-It-All a.k.a the modern AU snippet series that no one asked for. To find other parts of the series, follow the know-it-all tag.
If anyone had told Nene that she would be lying on a well-worn couch in a bookstore on a school night with the boy that she’d been nursing a tentative crush on in her arms, she would’ve told them her fantasies were wild but not that wild. 
And yet, here she was with Yugi Amane curled up with his head resting in her lap and his face pressed against her lower stomach. The hem of her shirt damp with his tears and guilt wrenching her heart that he cried. 
Enough to exhaust himself. Her fingers tangled in dark hair, lightly scratching over his scalp and behind his ears, the slightest brush to his nape making him shiver. It crossed her mind a few time before but he was always so sensitive to touch. Especially when it came to hugs. 
He always preferred to initiate them rather than being caught in them. A lesson that Kou learned the hard way when Amane evaded him again and again, refusing to have his arms pinned to his sides and jumping at surprises. An unspoken rule that if Amane was going to be touched — he should be the one to initiate it. Nene stilled her fingers in his hair, easing her fingers away, dark strands slipping from between her fingertips as she held her hand in front of her. 
What made her different? 
Different enough that he would lower his walls and drop his cheshire grin enough to let her see his tear-streaked face. It was a sight she never wanted to bear witness to again but in that moment — it felt as if she were seeing the real Amane. Someone who was afraid of being rejected, guarded by walls fortified with barbed wire and a silver tongue sharper than any knife, and so lonely. Was there a way for her to help him so that he wouldn’t feel like this anymore? 
Traitorously, she thought that he brought it on himself because of the confession from before but the bitterness that lingered was gone. No purpose in holding onto it. Amane wasn’t like the boys that confessed to her on a dare or simply to get her to do what they wanted. After he comforted her, he stuck by her side. Apologized profusely, kept his distance until she was ready to extend her hand to him.
In those weeks, she missed his touchiness. Familiarity in the way he’d sing her name and take her hands. It was odd seeing him reach for her then pull away as if he’d been burned. Waiting until she cradled his hand in hers, lacing their fingers and pulling him closer. How’d she miss the way that his eyes lit up like someone lit a flame in him that’d been going out?
Or how bright his smile was when she tipped her head, quietly gesturing for him to come closer and hug her as tight as he wanted. When it felt as if they were finally back on track. 
We are back to where we should be, aren’t we, Amane? 
Or were they walking onto a new road. This time, together. This time, honestly. 
His cries had settled a half hour ago and if not for the idle brush of his fingers against her back, she would’ve thought that he fell asleep there. 
“Yashiro…” Amane whispered, voice rough and hollow, likely weary from the sheer amount of emotion he displayed. 
Her fingers pressed to the underside of his chin, tipping his head to the side so their eyes met. 
“You called me Nene, Amane…” She smiled as he blushed, admiring the color as it filled his cheeks. “Want to try again?”
He swallowed thickly, averting his gaze from hers, his eyes half-lidded and expression so shy that it almost caught her by surprise. In a quiet voice as he shuffled to lie on his back, he said, “Nene…” 
And it was unfair.
Where did he get off being that cute out of nowhere? Nene thought about whining and protesting about this but it would only break the moment. This peaceful moment where her fingers traced along Amane’s jaw, and he leant against the touch. His eyes half-lidded and drifting shut, tension easing from his frame when he practically melted against her. It was like watching him come undone bit by bit. Snuggling closer to her stomach, sighing contentedly with that little smile that was so fragile and rare that she thought it only existed in stories.
Amane’s real smile.
Her palm cupped his cheek, thumb brushing beneath his eye as she cradled his head against her. Reaching up with her free hand to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. 
“What are we going to do now, Amane?”
“Huh?” Amane mumbled, his lips parting and eyes opening fractionally, dazed with a slight flush to his skin. As if he hadn’t heard her at all and was in his own little world. Nene sighed, utterly fond of that look but they did need to talk.
“About us…” Nene clarified, watching the realization dawn on his face gradually. “About this.”
For a moment, Amane said nothing. His gaze transfixed on her face, searching her eyes for something, and whether he found it or not she wouldn’t know. As if he’d become aware of where he was, he eased himself upright, brushing her hand aside and sitting upright beside her. The couch cushion sinking with their combined weight, his pants leg brushing against her thigh as he shifted close to her with just the barest hint of space between them.
“Oh…” He finally muttered, tangling his fingers in his hair and combing it back. It was getting longer, she noticed. Would he let her cut it again this time or would he just let it grow? 
Amane glanced at her then looked ahead of him, muttering softly. “Being honest is a… good start, I guess…”
Nene almost wanted to pinch his cheek. Honesty is what would’ve kept them from being on this road in the first place. Rolling her eyes with a slight huff, she looked away as her cheeks puffed with the breath she held. Amane’s worried face visible from the corner of her eye. It was difficult to stay miffed with him even if she was just kidding around. With a defeated sigh, Nene set her hands in her lap and looked at him dead-on.
“I told Mei and Aoi about… this,” she admitted, and smiles apologetically. “Are you mad?”
Amane stared at her for a long while then sighs, hiking his shoulders with a slight shake of the head. “I’d be a hypocrite if I was…” He scratched his cheek, the corner of his lips twitching up into a half-hearted smile. “I kinda told Kou and if he knows then Mitsuba knows and if Aoi knows…”
Nene nodded sympathetically. “Akane knows.”
“And the only person who shouldn’t know is…” Amane lowered his hand with a slight shudder.
Looking at one another, they spoke at the same time. “Teru.”
Amane’s eyes crinkled at the corners and laughter bubbled up in Nene’s chest as they dissolved into giggling and leaning against one another once their laughter became too much. Her cheek pillowed against his quivering shoulders, faint glow from the lamps making the world around him fuzzy. The curve of his smile and the way his eyes were more orange than brown, like the sun setting. His hair was getting too long, brushing against his eyelashes with every blink.
“Nene..?” Amane’s voice was much closer and quieter, snapping her out of her stupor when she noticed they were practically nose to nose.
She squeaked and practically threw herself backward, wincing as she collided with the arm rest. A loud clatter coming from the floorboards and she winced. Her phone was sitting there, wasn’t it? Hopefully the screen wasn’t cracked or anything. Leaning over, she reached down for the device, both grateful that she wasn’t looking at Amane and also wishing she was.
“So, what’re we…” Nene asked again, brushing her fingers against the back of her cellphone before scooping it up in her palm, bringing it close to her chest.
“Well, I know that you love me…” Amane said, and her head whipped around, ruby eyes meeting sunset-colored ones and the wide smile on his face softened. “Since you sang it at me.”
He was so close. One of his hands resting on the back of the couch while the other was perched upon his knee but he was practically pressed against her side, his gaze searching her own. There was something almost vulnerable there and she wasn’t sure what he saw but having him that close was not good for her heart.
As his words caught up to her, she sputtered.“Wh—” Swatting at his chest,  Nene pouted. “I-I just… it was symbolic!”
And romantic if she was honest. Singing to someone to confess your feelings happened all the time in the movies she liked. Although, it normally didn’t happen when they were sleep-deprived from studying too much. Something that she still had to scold him over but not when he was grinning at her like that.
“Ooooh, symbolic?”
“Yeah, because.. you.. you said you loved me when you sang it to me…”
Her heart hammered against her chest as he eased closer and the arm rest pressed against her back. She almost missed the other Amane but this one wasn’t bad either.  But this one was…
Yashiro, I love you. Go out with me.
Her heart ached and she curled her fingers into fists, tucking her chin as she asked quietly. “Didn’t you?”
Amane’s smile fell almost immediately and his eyes widened. The hand on the couch back shifting and Nene glanced at it as it came closer to her, brushing against her hair, gently lifting the ashen locks and tucking them behind her ear. “Yeah…” Amane whispers as if he was telling her a secret, his fingertips brushing against her cheek, soothing the heat gathering behind her eyes. “Yeah, I did.”
Pressure built behind her eyes and she sniffed, rubbing the heel of her hand against her eyes. Dull panging aches in her chest eased as Amane framed her face in his hands, pressing and tipping her head up. His own eyes seemed wet as if he were going to cry but kept it at bay. She wanted to tell him that it was okay to cry but trusting her voice was beyond her right now. 
“How about we stay away from the labels for now?” Amane offered, pressing their foreheads together as he wiped away the stray tears at the corner of Nene’s eyes. She couldn’t figure it out. She was happy so why was she crying?
If Amane was confused by it, he didn’t say. Carefully wiping away her tears, his voice soft and warm.
“You love me, and I love you…” He whispered, emphasizing the last three words with a light press of his lips to her cheek. Nene’s heart skipping a beat as she forced her eyes open, staring up at him helplessly. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Easing his hands from her face, her cheeks felt cold where he last touched and she shuddered.
Amane lifted his hand, offering his pinky to her with a hopeful smile and watery eyes. “So, stay by my side until then?”
Nene’s heart stammered. Whatever she said next could make or break everything that was between them. This path, this step that they were on, it was shaky and Amane was already there. Worried and open-handed, waiting for her to come to his side. Just like the thieves who made off with the princess in the stories.
He wouldn’t make her go.
Amane was too kind for that.
And she didn’t want to stay like this. On another page of their story , away from him.
“Okay,” Nene muttered, linking their pinkies and holding onto him tight.
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 19: Mitsuba (Part 2)
Previously: we started a new arc! We shifted the focus to Kou and his new ghost friend, Mitsuba. He’s a new-ish ghost and not at all what I expected (but I’m honestly kinda living for it). Together they’re trying to work out what Mitsuba’s unfinished business is so he can move on. They seem to work well together (in a very chaotic type of way). It started out very cute and then it got real angsty real fast, and I suspect it’s only gonna get worse this chapter :)) I can’t wait :)))
Now onto the next chapter!
You know when you say you’re gonna upload more regularly but then life happens and you get sick (AGAIN)........yeah, don’t know what that’s like or anything……..sigh
Anyway, time to finally keep going with the feels train from last chapter. And omfg
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Only the first page and I’m already feeling all the feelings ;n; Look at them!! They were so precious! I know it’s not rare for people to stop being friends when they change classes but still :C
He’s saying that he tried to reach out to everyone he considered a friend but none of them recognized him. I know I said it last chapter but god, this is so heartbreaking, this poor child. Kou looks speechless, and I can’t say I blame him, it’s a lot to unpack.
Awwww baby he was bullied in elementary school for “looking like a girl” and being “cocky” :( I know not everyone is like that, but people like these are the reason I was so glad to be over with high school (not elementary school because I went to school with basically the same people since I was five). Kids can be so unnecessarily mean :/
Ah, okay. So when he started middle school, he decided to change things up.
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Oh, sweetheart ;; He tried, he tried so hard because he just wanted to have friends and be happy but it backfired. I can’t even imagine how that must have felt. Like, what was the point of locking away his true self if no one cared about him either way? “A boring guy who barely stands out from the background” I really resonate with this line (and I’m sure a lot of people do as well). I’m quite shy nowadays but I was extremely shy when I was younger; I only really had two close friends in class (they’re thankfully two of my best friends to this day) and I knew everyone else didn’t particularly cared about me unless they needed something. I didn’t really get bullied but I was made fun of a few times because I was a bit overweight, and that, inaddition to my anxiety, really dealt a blow to my self-esteem. I only started to really open up during my second year of college when I met a lot of people who had interests and personalities similar to mine. What I’m trying to say with all this is that it can take a really long time for you to be comfortable in your own skin and to be comfortable sharing who you are and what you enjoy; hell, I still have a hard time doing it. But it gets better, even if it doesn’t seem like it will, it does, and it breaks my heart to see that Mitsuba didn’t get the chance to experience that, that he didn’t get the chance to find friends that loved him for who he was when he was still alive.... Oof, okay, that got sad fast. Let’s keep reading.
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In his own clumsy way, I think he’s trying to lift Mitsuba’s spirits. Since he’s one of the people who forgot about him, he probably feels guilty, so this is his way of saying “I didn’t remember the fake you, but I will do my damn best to remember the real you and I’ll let the others know as well”. And yeah, it’s brash, but I like it, I see it as a way of preserving Mitsuba’s actual memory, who he really was and not the persona that just made him unhappy.
Ah, good, he apologized for not remembering him and he also explains that the reason he didn’t recognize him was because he was so different from when they first met. Fair tbh, there’s quite a gap between the seemingly soft spoken boy and Mitsuba’s actual teasing nature and colorful vocabulary.
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Kou is such a good kid. Like, I know Mitsuba is already dead but I’m so glad someone told him this. And hey, it could help him move on as well. OH! HANG ON. Okay, so, Mitsuba said that he thinks his regret has something to do with taking a picture he couldn’t when he was alive, right? If we take into consideration what we’ve learned so far, it seems like Mitsuba’s biggest regret centers around the fact that he couldn’t form long-lasting friendships. So like, is the picture he wanted to take one with his friends?? Because that’s- that’s so sad but also so sweet I think I could cry. Kou, in his own way, tells him that he’s a pretty alright guy and Mitsuba says “a lot of good that does me now” but hey, it actually does, because I think he really needed to hear that.
Ahhhhhh Mitsuba asks him if they could have been friends if he were still alive. Of course you could have, sweetie! Come on, Kou, tell him!
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ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ
He’s taking a picture of Kou!!!!!!!
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(TдT)(TдT)(TдT) my heart oh my god I love them so much look at these babies.
Kou is being oblivious but Mitsuba tells him not to worry about it and that he thinks that once they develop the pictures, he’ll be able to move on ;; (Or at least I think that’s what he means.) 
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(⚆.⚆) (⚆.⚆)
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(;;⚆_⚆) Oh…………..there he is……..oh dear
But ALSO, hello?? do they know each other?? how? when??? (also imo the stylistic choice of making that speech bubble black is incredibly effective because you can just feel the malice behind it)
Oh, I’m so glad that Kou realized so fast that he isn’t Hanako. Like, yeah, the clothes are a big help but I feel like this boy’s aura is so different from Hanako’s (well, from regular Hanako, since he does have some moments when he smiles creepily).
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Σ(゚Д゚|||)  (゚д゚;)  Σ(゚Д゚|||) HOLY FUCKING SHIT W H A T
What is he doing???? what??? did he like, kill him off, like, for good??? wha   t????
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Σ(゚Д゚|||) Σ(゚Д゚|||) Σ(゚Д゚|||) OH GOD, IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE
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………………….oh? So he does work as a “Hanako-kun” like Amane? That’s interesting because when I first came up with that I thought it would be possible if “Hanako-kun” was one spirit that split itself depending on who summoned him. But now that I know that he’s actually Amane’s twin, I have to wonder how and why did this happen. Like, why is it that both of them ended up with this role? Is it because they are twins and since they look the same the rumors then would consider them to be just one entity?
Mitsuba’s wish was “I want to stay in everyone’s memories” and I just ;;;;;;;;
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(゚д゚;) (゚д゚;) (゚д゚;)
First: please let the child go omfg. Second: that’s not your decision to make. If Mitsuba thinks that having Kou remember him is enough, then that’s it, there’s nothing more to argue. And I repeat: ple a se let go of the child. Why is he trying to interfere? Like, yes, Hanako helped Yashiro as much as he could when she made her wish(es), but he only kept interfering because she still wasn’t happy with the outcome. Mitsuba seems to be okay with it, so he shouldn’t have a reason to meddle.
“Don’t you lay a hand on my friend!!” I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kou is such a good kid, we don’t deserve him. But also he’s being reckless and it fills me with worry ;;
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Ohhhhhhh okay. I didn’t consider that before. Whether Hanako could only grant wishes to living people or not, I mean. I assumed he did, so it’s interesting to know that there’s someone who can grant the wishes of the dead. That brings up a couple of questions, though. Like, what are the limits of his powers? What does he take in exchange? Are the wishes of the dead similar to Mitsuba’s or do they have a bigger range? Is any spirit able to summon him or are there restrictions like in Amane’s case (even if we still don’t know what the conditions for summoning him are yet)? Also, again, it seems like he’s more “pushy” than Amane is in regard to his wish granting.
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…...oh, oh no. they’re gonna forcefully change his rumor so that his wish comes true (even though Mitsuba was happy before and ghost boy here doesn’t like to listen to other opinions, apparently)
[also now I feel really bad about the crooked man joke I made last chapter. I didn’t think it would come back to bite me in the ass like this;;]
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Oh god, that’s some horrifying imagery. There’s nothing gruesome but the way that it’s drawn conveys the despair he’s feeling so well.
“If you can’t tell him his name then he’ll break your neck to make you look like him” jfc that’s just cruel ;; to turn his sincere and desperate wish into a weapon, to turn him into a mindless weapon (because we know that he’s gonna have to do it unless Yashiro is able to change it or unless Hanako takes matters into his own hands). Also it just hit me that Mitsuba is not dead dead so like, why the fuck did Hanako n°2 put a hole in his chest???? what was the point?? just to be a piece of shit?
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Yes. that, same. Wh-what the fuck
OH! Haku-joudai went to report to Hanako what happened! Oh boy, oh dear. He looked shocked and slightly afraid and I’m :)) terrified :)))
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So, he’s on the side of chaos, basically. Like, he clearly does whatever the fuck he wants, and he wants complete and total freedom to do so, without a care about how that might affect others. Lovely :))))
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