#and broken and bandaged
xylo-art · 11 days
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@missalimaotwo Because you asked for them, I opted to update my Kin design a bit to match my other vessels! :D
Be careful they bite
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fairyfortalliance · 11 months
the imagery of no health regen…… wounded skin that doesn’t heal…. torn clothes….. burns…. scorch marks….. bite marks….. blood everywhere…… unraveling bandages…… oh…….
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boywifesammy · 4 months
sam winchester would NOT have a binder… he binds with ace bandages and packs with socks 👍
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 8 months
Cross's assumption is correct, that's exactly what I'm implying. So be a good boy and lay down pls :3
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Cross: you-
Killer: implying what?
Cross: that they're gonna break my leg
Killer: .
↓ Damage Count ↓
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i-eat-worlds · 3 months
Starcross Chapter 7
Almost forgot to post this lol
content: medical whump, conditioned whumpee, fear of punishment, bandage changes, angst, injured ankle
Free Space, AFS Starcross, 5/5/4763
Together, Oka and Ziar were able to get Kim back on the bed. They apologized profusely the whole time, but they were otherwise calm. No biting or scratching, only some tears. She decided that was a win.
Their ankle didn’t look worse than it had before, still swollen and dark purple. Kim was unnervingly quiet as they took off the splint and poked at it. Even though she tried to handle it gently, it still had to hurt.
After making sure that their ankle wasn’t any worse off than it had been, she re-splinted it and set it back down on the bed. When she reached to pull the blanket back down over their feet, they suddenly jolted, gasping for breath while their eyes went wide. Ziar’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you alright, Kim?”
They seemed to shy away from her. “Unit KM-4682 is experiencing electrical discharges from its myelolumbar cybernetic implant.”
The damn implants were malfunctioning. That would be fun to bring up to another doctor. “Alright. How often does this happen?”
She could see the concentration on Kim’s face while they formulated an answer. “It doesn’t know, ma’am.”
“That’s okay.” She keeps her face relaxed and friendly. “How many times has it happened since you’ve been here.”
“Five? Maybe eight?” Their voice was shaky. “Unit KM-4682 was not instructed to keep track.”
“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. There's no wrong answers,” she said.
Kim looked at her, unbelieving. They seemed uncertain. “Yes, ma’am.”
Ziar smiled a little bit. She hadn’t been called ma’am in ages, but especially not in Yeran. For a brief moment, she thought about telling them they didn’t have to use it, but that would probably only make them more distressed. “Besides the shocks, does anything else hurt? Do you have any numbness or tingling anywhere?”
They shook their head. “No, ma’am.”
She could tell that they were simply trying to guess what she wanted to hear, instead of saying what they were actually feeling. “It’s okay if you’re in pain. If you are, I want to know.”
Kim swallowed, shifting uncomfortably. “Unit KM-4682 is experiencing discomfort in its ankle, lower back, and neck.”
“Alright.” Their eyes flickered down as Ziar spoke. “I’d like to look at your back, if that’s okay.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Kim started to roll off their back, wincing as the movement agitated their broken ribs.
Ziar grabbed a pillow. “Here, this’ll make it more comfortable.” Hesitantly, they took the pillow, wiggling it between their body and the bed for extra padding.
While they got comfortable, Ziar pulled open the drawers at the bottom of the bed, pulling out two packages of sterile gloves and two extra DF packs. The ones in the packs were always too small for her. “I’m going to start with your neck, alright?” The sanitizing gel burned at a hangnail as she rubbed it over her hands.
“Yes, ma’am.” Kim’s voice was quiet, resigned. Ziar unfastened the first couple closures on the back of the gown, revealing the entirety of the implant.
She started to open the pack, setting the bag aside as a trash can and placing the pack on the bedside table. She pulled the flap on the far side open before doing the others. Using two fingers, she pulled a drape off the top of the pack, grasping its outer edges so she didn’t contaminate it.
Kim was perfectly, worryingly still as she peeled open the package of gloves and carefully pulled them on. The process of preparing the pack was familiar, peeling open the dermafibran and setting the sample cup to the side. She took the forceps in her hand. “I’m going to peel the old DF off. Sorry if the tools are cold.”
Kim didn’t react at all, with the exception of a quietly mumbled. “Yes, ma’am.” Ziar wondered if they said anything else.
Carefully, she slid one side of the forceps under the dermafibran, then slowly began to peel it back, revealing the implants. It didn’t look much better than it had the night before, still red and puffy. The dermafibran had turned a different color, indicating that it had been doing its job.
She dropped the old covering into the trash, then looked closer. A rivulet of pus was coming from the wound, and Ziar sighed internally. If only Yera’s surgeons could actually do their fucking jobs when they were experimenting on people’s fucking spinal cords.
Kim inched as she collected a sample of the discharge for culture. They had gone distant, and the contact had brought them back. “How’re you doing Kim? I’m nearly done with this one.”
There was a beat of silence, and then Kim spoke. “It is functional, ma’am.” Their voice was wobbly.
“Okay.” She started to recover the wound, pressing the fresh, hazy blue sheet of dermabran over the implant. “Does your neck hurt?”
“A little bit, ma’am.”
Ziar set the sample to the side, collected her trash, and peeled her gloves off. “Alright. I still need to change the DF on your back, but I know it isn’t very comfortable for you. Do you want to wait for a little while before I do that, or do it right now?”
Kim didn’t say anything, seemingly frozen still. Finally, they spoke. “Unit KM-4682 finds that either would be permissible.” A carefully neutral statement.
She wasn’t going to get anywhere with them like this. It was going to be a tough conversation, but it probably needed to happen sooner rather than later.
“Kim,” she started, tone gentle. “Can you turn around to face me?” They complied, slowly rolling back onto their back. “Yes, ma’am.”
“I’m not mad at you, but I think it would be good for us to talk, okay?” Kim stayed quiet, eyes downcast. “I know this is scary, and that’s okay. You don’t know me, and I don’t know what’s happened to you.”
They nodded silently, breaths quickening.
“I don’t want to hurt you, and I’m not going to,” she continued, reaching over to move the table out of the way. They started to pick at their fingernails, pointer finger ramming into their thumb. “That is not going to happen to you here, alright. Ever.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She could hear the shake in their voice. Tears were welling up in their eyes, just about to fall.
“I want to help you, alright. To do that, I need to know what you honestly think and feel, even if you think I won’t like it.” Kim blinked their eyes, trying to prevent the tears from falling. “It’s important, because you deserve to be safe, and I can’t help you with that if I don’t know what's wrong.” It grated at her, having to speak like this, making them afraid like this, but it needed to happen. “It’s okay if this feels weird, or if you have questions. Do you understand what I’m saying, Kim?”
“Yes, ma’am.” The tears were owing freely as they pushed the blanket away and pulled the gown up, revealing their electrowhip scar flecked upper thighs. Kim looked up at them, ghting to keep their expression blank. “Unit KM-4682 understands and is ready for correction, ma’am.”
Oh. Oh-no.
Taglist: @whump-snob @whump-kia @itsoundslikeafury @blackberry-bloody @snakebites-and-ink
@whumpacabra @cepheusgalaxy @softvampirewhump @my-little-versaille @pigeonwhumps
@whumped-by-glitter @snaillamp @rainydaywhump @platysaurus @whumpy-daydreams
@whiskygoldwings @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @rainbowsandwhumperflies @risk606 @starfields08000
@loonybun @paingoes
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petalpatches · 8 months
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Posts angsty fanfic art then disappears into the void ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Click for better quality like always~
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myfandomhalf · 7 months
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I just realized the reason they couldn’t show us Chuuya cleaning up / changing Dazai is because in order to clean all the blood properly he would’ve needed to undo his bandages and they can’t show us what’s under them yet 😭😭
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Prompt: "Stranded"
Horizon Line (2020)
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tora-the-cat · 8 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 7 months
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sheep dazai page because he lives in my head rent free... cooked up by me and my pal @evermorethecrow
(closeups under cut)
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sheepzai my little guy....... my silly......
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anannua · 4 months
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injured on a mission
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callaeidae3 · 1 year
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Whumptober2023 Day 5: Debris | Pinned down | "it's broken"
Susan tending to Kyle's broken leg, making a makeshift splint out of broken wood debri and the rest of the bandages she has on hand.
The broken leg isn't the most concerning injury, however...
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actuallysillyzai · 2 months
I was supposed to go home an hour ago but it hurts too much when I try to move so I don't want to get up _(._.)_
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babylon-crashing · 3 months
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"Don't forget love; it will bring all the madness you need to unfurl yourself across the universe," Mirabai.
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zoethehead · 6 months
Here's an idea that's currently in my head...
Imagine a whumpee who's badly injured, their body tied to a breaking wheel after having their bones broken one by one as they're left out in the freezing cold elements... A bit later, a caretaker finds them and frees the now unconscious and half-frozen whumpee, carrying the whumpee off to somewhere warm...
They reset every broken bone, which elicits cries and groans of pain from the whumpee, but the caretaker comforts them, the whumpee's injuries are then patched up with bandages, with splints being placed on the whumpee's broken limbs and secured with more bandages before laying the whumpee down on a bed and tucking them in.
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creppersfunpalooza · 3 months
creppersfunpalooza more like crepperscaraccident
so guess what i did today…
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