#and there's teh choice option
friends!!! what is a writing skill you wish you learned in school? like... it could be something specific in grammar/grammar-related, maybe about how to revise, maybe you wish you learned about different/specific genres, maybe how to write setting... whatever it may be!!! i'm doing a thing on tuesdays and would LOVE y'all's opinions on what kind of stuff to find to add for them to choose!
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d0d0-b0i · 10 months
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crimsonblackrose · 1 year
I had planned to spend most of the time my family is out of town looking for jobs but instead I’ve spent it packing. I’ve been looking at everything and deciding will I use this this year? No. Into a box it goes so that when I move it’ll be easier. But one of my coworkers responded to this with “Are you sure you’re okay with moving? Like emotionally?”
And I’ve just had to sit here like well damn.
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vermont-writes-fanfic · 8 months
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How they make Breakfast
In response to @gothicchippy , how the people of the Hellsing Organisation and Father Anderson make breakfast! Let me know if there should be a part two!
Requested: I am going to tsay that's a yes
Warnings: Mentions of blood, blood drinking, killing people, and the mention of scars
Characters: Father Anderson, Alucard, Sir integra, Seras, Walter, Pip Bernadotte
Father Anderson:
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Seeing as he seems to take care of the children back at the orpahange in Italy, it seems like he would be well versed in some good breakfast making. He would let you help make breakfast and his specialt is an italian breakfast which is simple and consists of yogurt which he would take teh time to make himself, jam and bread and fluffy fresh baked criossants. He lets you help out and will try a breakfast that you might have in mind. He keeps it light and healthy for the kids making sure they are taken care of and raised healthy. He has quite the skill in the kitchen and often times he lets you relax with him ot trace the scrs on his hands as he waits for somthing to cook or bake.
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A morning with him isn’t rare though don’t expect it to be bathed in sunlight and giggles. The last time Alucard had human food was…a long time to best put it. He never had to cook anything because his food of choice is blood and Walter took care of all the cooking for the Hellsings. Instead you take it upon yourself to cook instead, though he is never far from you offering to help we’re he can. He’ll crack eggs or toast bread, but after the first few times of trying this little endeavor you learned not to let him man the spices.
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
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She spends her days holed up in her office most time taking care of her work and looking at the papers she is being sent. Reports from all over the UK of many new young kings appear and in quick succession. Typically she could manage at least toast and Walter always made her tea, but lately even that is left wasted at the table as she works into the late hours. Without much luck and knowing you’re u favorable of her less than healthy eating habits, Walter asks you to coax her into eating breakfast. And you happily oblige, opting for a less American options, you took to fried mushroom, bacon, sausage, and nook and cranny. It was funny, she had no idea how to cook but the moment she was convinced to have breakfast with you and you asked her to cook she smiled and confident as ever she said,
“If I can’t learn how to cook for you, then I can’t call myself your lover now can I?”
With the assistance of Walter you end up at the desired breakfast and enjoy it on the terrace.
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As part of trying to keep her humanity, Seras makes it a point to cook you breakfast almost every morning. Oftentimes you wake up to a bit of juice with some eggs and bacon or the very common beans and toast. When Seras isn’t out working and manages to stay up enough for you two to make breakfast. With a bit of convincing and a promise to clean anything used, she was able to get the kitchen every once in a while, with this she takes you into the kitchen and of course, you help prepare. Washing your hands consists of soap ending up in someone's hair or on their clothes and plenty of goofing around, after, she’ll bring out the sausage, eggs, potatoes, and cabbage and let you take care of the cooking while she peels the potatoes and dices them up. When everything is complete the two of you will sit down in her room and eat chatting about what you had ready for the day while she whines about Alucard or talks about the mission from the previous night. It’s pleasant and pretty sweet as she compliments you on how you can cook. As you eat, she sometimes wishes that she could to, that it didn’t have to be blood.
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Being the top butler in the Hellsing manor, Walter has no trouble making a wonderful breakfast and is capable of making food from around the world. His memory may be a little behind him but he is still capable of making breakfast. He prefers to make the breakfast himself and will often serve you whatever he had made for Sir Integra that morning but if you request something different he is more than happy to oblige. He makes you bubble and squeak most mornings because it is simple enough to make and retains heat more so even if you wake up late it’s warm enough for you to enjoy it. On the chances where Sir Integra is out for the morning or someone else, Alucard, has taken care of serving her breakfast, he will take the time to teach you how to make a light pastry for breakfast.
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Pip isn’t one for extravagant meals or something expensive, he’s still a mercenary. However, he does have a taste for the more expensive tasting things so in true french fashion he opts for a light pastry instead. If he is strapped for time then a bit of baguette and some fruit jelly works just fine for the both of you. Other times, if you and him are feeling especially patient you manage to properly make a pastry , while waiting, Pip will pull you into a dance leading you around the kitchen or tell you jokes or stories from his time some years ago overseas. It always comes out a little under or over done, not that the two of you mind.
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beesmygod · 1 year
Somewhat embarassing writer question- how do you write characters that like screw up so well? I think I sometimes get stuck in a neurotic rut where like I always want characters who aren't The Bad Guy or something to do the right/smart thing or like not make them look bad and realize its probably holding me back writing wise
not embarrassing to anyone but me i think; i honestly take a long time to reply to questions that ask me to explain my process because i get overcome with the waves of sheer terror that come with being in front of a live audience. im know how i read from an external perspective; i represent that contingency of people who position themselves as some sort of authority on taste and/or artistic creation who themselves are only capable of making subpar and shallow works. uhhh like, its embarrassing to be caught thinking so hard about something you do that sucks, if that makes sense. esp when im a v critical person lol. so, like all things, remember that this is one idiots perspective on writing.
i understand this problem even if i dont think i succumb to it as much as i used to. i think there are a few avenues to think about this starting with:
are you afraid of audience reaction? this is a common fear i see pop up that i think is very overblown by people who cut themselves off at the knees creatively over the mere concept of being yelled at by an imaginary person. the comforting truth is that not enough people will be reading your comic to find a reason to get mad about it and the people who do read it will be doing it in good faith. and if they do get mad....thats teh power of art babey!
does the bad behavior make sense? it doesnt have to be morally grey or logical, it just has to be COMPREHENSIBLE that someone would do what they did. a reason for an audience to react poorly to a character's choices is because the character's motivations are inscrutable to anyone but the author. if the audience is not privy to a character's intentions, desires, goals, or habits, a bad choice may come off as random and arbitrary. like, you can do that, but you can only do "i did it to be random" so many times before the audience loses patience with the cast and starts to wonder why they should care about people with no sense of self-preservation.
is it important that the character is right? i almost always default to what would be the funniest/more interesting/quickest action depending on what i'm trying to do with the scene at the original time of writing or while making the actual page lol. i only choose the cleanest option when i need to get myself out of a scene for my own sake
i hope this helps. thank you for asking something that made me think
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Spinach Asparagus Risotto
the first thing to cover is that recipes, like real recipes in cookbooks, have been tested and written carefully, thought about and shit
I'm going to do none of that because the few recipes I have written are so full of shorthand to be illegible to anyone else, and they're only for baking
but I start with the things I need to do before you ever get the shallots for the 'sotto going
the chicken was just chicken thighs with salt pepper oil chili powder and onion powder, cooked on 400 until done and then set to the side. i nuked it in the mike to serve because chicken thighs are forgiving abt that, chicken breast less so.
the vegetables were cooked on a sheet tray at 400 for ??? until the tomatoes started to blister. It was a pound of asparagus, ends chopped off, cut into like... 1/3-1/2 inch long pieces and a pint of... grape? tomatoes cut in half. If you have thick asparagus i'd leave teh tomatoes hole, because youll need a longer cook time, but mine were really thin which Im not pleased abt but whatever
while ur cutting veg i'd chop your shallot, I go for pieces the same size as the rice grain, when I'm adding it to any rice dish, because I DO NOT like cooked onion texture and I want to lose it in there. set it aside
ur also gonna want to grate your own parmesan, i use a microplane, pregrated cheese is covered in cornstarch to keep it from sticking together and It fucks with the consistency of everything
I also cooked 4 slices of bacon and rough chopped them, set them to the side. Save the grease if you want to use it to sautee ur onions, i did bc i wanted the extra flavor. otherwise use ur oil of choice
the most annoy part was blanching the spinach? you can ABSOLUTELY just rough chop some spinach and throw that shit in after you've added the other veg, but i had a whole bunch i needed to process that I got for free from work. You get a large pot of water, boil, dump in your spinach. dump into a strainer, squeeze out some of hte excess water, but be careful it's hot as hell, and then dump it onto a sheet tray and throw it into the freezer for a few minutes. Take it out, blend or food process it, and then put it back on the tray and then back in the freezer. i know ur about to use it, in this case, but cooling it quickly helps retain the color, some bullshit to do with chlorophyll
then you can start the 'sotto. take ur bacon grease or oil, let that get hot, then add ur shallots. when they get transparent, add minced garlic, i use the jar kind because I'm VERY LAZY, give that a minute, listen to the sizzles, dump in ur optional bacon, and then u add ur rice. get the rice to stock ratios from a random recipe online, that's what I did, and then you toast that shit for a little bit. I don't really know WHY you're supposed to do this, maybe depth of flavor maybe liquid retention?? i just know that you DO and it helps or some shit.
once it's like, toasted, (I had a lot of rice and a bit too much fat so it took like five minutes), add your stock like, 1/2 a cup at a time? I don't measure, so idk if i'm actually adding 1/2? you just add a little stock, let it get fully absorbed, and then add more. when you can scrape the bottom of the pan and the like, goo stuff, stays fully in place, thats when ur good to add more. once you've added all the stock, dump the spinach puree in, if you pureed it, because it will have to come to temp. then add the veggies you roasted, then ADD the parmesean, then let it cook a bit longer to get everything together
i don't cook with alcohol really, so I don't use white wine, but i know lots of recipes do use it? i hope that ANY of this makes sense, but that's what I did!
oh yeah and then nuke the chicken in chef mike and put it on top and BAM you got 'sotto!!!
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oh man talking about 'bad choices that don't make sense' swtor was good for that on the imperial side as a lot of the choices were like 'you can make a sensible adult choice that would make sense as a stragetic choice during a war' and the dark side option would be something really like 'muhahahah teh evilz edgelord' that just didn't make any logical sense but then as we know bioware is not great at actually doing grey morality
oh SO TRUE gfdsgsd that's definitely an example of like, even me playing a character who was meant to be self-serving and amoral, a lot of times I couldn't rationalize the "dark side" choices because they were just... silly?? Like you cannot expect me to believe the Sith Empire is this galaxy-spanning unshakable powerhouse when they've got people running around just murdering and blowing things up at the expense of literally any ounce of actual military strategy.
On the other hand, my favorite mmo experience was definitely playing swtor with Vartan and having the moments where we were split on how to resolve a Moral Choice and had to leave it up to a dice roll, which inevitably always ended up with one of us being like "noooo 😭" while the other did something extremely normal or comically evil.
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does teh wrt 1900 acs act as a vpn
🔒🌍✨ Get 3 Months FREE VPN - Secure & Private Internet Access Worldwide! Click Here ✨🌍🔒
does teh wrt 1900 acs act as a vpn
WRT 1900 ACs VPN compatibility
The WRT 1900 AC router is known for its high performance and advanced features, making it a popular choice among tech enthusiasts and businesses alike. One important feature that many users look for in a router is its VPN compatibility.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) compatibility allows users to set up a secure connection to a remote network, ensuring their online activities are encrypted and protected from prying eyes. The WRT 1900 AC router supports VPN functionality, making it an excellent option for users who prioritize privacy and security.
With VPN compatibility, users can easily configure their WRT 1900 AC router to connect to a VPN service and enjoy enhanced privacy and security when browsing the internet or accessing sensitive information online. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to secure their employees' remote access to the company network or for individuals looking to protect their personal data from potential cyber threats.
Additionally, the WRT 1900 AC router's VPN compatibility allows users to access geo-restricted content by connecting to servers located in different countries. This feature is beneficial for streaming enthusiasts who want to bypass content limitations and enjoy a more diverse online experience.
In conclusion, the WRT 1900 AC router's VPN compatibility enhances its overall functionality and makes it a versatile choice for users seeking robust security and privacy features in their networking device. Whether for business or personal use, the VPN compatibility of the WRT 1900 AC router offers added value and peace of mind to its users.
VPN functionality on WRT 1900 ACs
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) enhances security and privacy when using the internet, shielding your online activities from prying eyes. When it comes to the WRT 1900 AC router, utilizing a VPN can further bolster these benefits.
By configuring a VPN on your WRT 1900 AC router, you can encrypt all the data transmitted through your network, ensuring that even your Internet Service Provider cannot monitor your online actions. This is especially crucial when using public Wi-Fi networks, where security vulnerabilities are prevalent. A VPN on your router secures not just one device but all connected devices, offering a blanket shield of protection for your entire household or office.
Moreover, a VPN on the WRT 1900 AC can help circumvent geo-restrictions imposed by certain websites or streaming services. By masking your IP address with one provided by the VPN server, you can access content that may be blocked in your region.
Setting up a VPN on your WRT 1900 AC router may require some technical know-how, but the enhanced security and privacy benefits make it a worthwhile endeavor. There are various VPN service providers that offer guides on how to configure their services on different routers, including the WRT 1900 AC.
In conclusion, incorporating a VPN into your WRT 1900 AC router can significantly elevate your online security and privacy levels, making it a valuable addition for anyone conscious about safeguarding their internet activities.
WRT 1900 ACs VPN features
The WRT 1900 AC is a powerful router renowned for its robust features, and its VPN capabilities are no exception. With VPN (Virtual Private Network) support, this router offers enhanced privacy and security features, making it an ideal choice for users seeking to safeguard their online activities.
One of the standout features of the WRT 1900 AC's VPN functionality is its ability to encrypt internet traffic. By utilizing encryption protocols such as OpenVPN or PPTP, users can establish a secure connection to their VPN provider, ensuring that their data remains protected from prying eyes. This encryption is particularly crucial when accessing sensitive information or conducting online transactions, as it helps prevent unauthorized access to personal data.
Moreover, the WRT 1900 AC's VPN capabilities extend beyond mere encryption. This router also boasts robust authentication mechanisms, allowing users to verify their identity before establishing a VPN connection. Whether through username and password authentication or more advanced methods such as certificate-based authentication, users can rest assured that only authorized individuals can access their VPN.
Additionally, the WRT 1900 AC offers support for multiple VPN protocols, providing flexibility and compatibility with a wide range of VPN services. Whether users prefer the security of OpenVPN or the simplicity of PPTP, this router can accommodate their preferences, ensuring a seamless VPN experience.
Furthermore, the WRT 1900 AC's VPN features are complemented by its powerful hardware specifications, including a high-performance processor and ample memory. This ensures that the router can handle the demands of VPN encryption without sacrificing speed or performance.
In conclusion, the WRT 1900 AC's VPN features offer a comprehensive solution for users seeking to enhance their online privacy and security. With robust encryption, authentication mechanisms, support for multiple protocols, and powerful hardware, this router provides a secure foundation for all your internet activities.
Setting up VPN on WRT 1900 ACs
Setting up a VPN on your WRT 1900 AC router can enhance your online privacy and security by encrypting your internet connection. By following a few simple steps, you can establish a VPN connection on your router and protect all devices connected to it.
To begin, make sure your WRT 1900 AC router is connected to the internet and log in to the router's administration interface. Locate the VPN settings section, which may be found under the "Security" or "Advanced" tab of the interface. Choose your preferred VPN protocol, such as OpenVPN or PPTP, and enter the necessary configuration details provided by your VPN service provider.
Next, enable the VPN service on your router and save the settings. Your WRT 1900 AC router will now establish a secure VPN connection to the server specified in the configuration. You can further customize your VPN settings to suit your preferences, such as enabling split tunneling or using a VPN kill switch for additional security.
Once the VPN setup is complete, all devices connected to your WRT 1900 AC router will benefit from encrypted internet traffic and improved online anonymity. Remember to regularly update your VPN configuration and router firmware to ensure optimal performance and security.
By setting up a VPN on your WRT 1900 AC router, you can safeguard your online activities and enjoy a more private browsing experience across all your devices.
VPN performance with WRT 1900 ACs
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a crucial tool for ensuring online privacy and security. When using a VPN with a WRT 1900 AC router, the performance can vary depending on several factors.
The WRT 1900 AC is a powerful router known for its high-speed capabilities and reliable connection. When paired with a VPN, the router can handle encryption and decryption processes efficiently, ensuring minimal impact on internet speed. However, the performance of the VPN with the WRT 1900 AC may still be influenced by the VPN provider, server location, and internet connection speed.
Choosing a reputable VPN provider with fast servers can help maximize the performance of the VPN with the WRT 1900 AC. Opting for servers closer to your physical location can reduce latency and improve connection speeds. Additionally, having a high-speed internet connection is essential for achieving optimal performance when using a VPN with the WRT 1900 AC.
It is important to note that while a VPN provides security and anonymity, it may slightly slow down internet speeds due to the encryption process. However, with the right VPN provider and server selection, the impact on performance can be minimized when using a WRT 1900 AC router.
Overall, the combination of a VPN with the WRT 1900 AC router can offer reliable performance without compromising on security and privacy online. By considering the aforementioned factors and making informed choices, users can enhance their VPN experience with the WRT 1900 AC router.
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bestentours11 · 2 months
10 Reasons to Pick Singapore Honeymoon Package
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Embarking on a honeymoon is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that sets the tone for your marital journey. Among the plethora of destinations, Singapore stands out as an ideal choice for couples seeking a blend of romance, adventure, and luxury. Here are 10 compelling reasons why you should pick a Singapore honeymoon package: Urban Sophistication: Singapore is a city-state that effortlessly combines modernity with tradition. From futuristic skyscrapers to colonial-era buildings, the city's skyline is a testament to its rich history and rapid development. Garden City: Despite being a bustling metropolis, Singapore is renowned for its lush greenery and meticulously landscaped gardens. Escape the urban hustle and bustle by exploring iconic green spaces like Gardens by the Bay, Botanic Gardens, and Sentosa Island. Culinary Delights: Singapore is a food lover's paradise, offering a tantalizing array of culinary delights influenced by its multicultural heritage. Indulge in a gastronomic adventure as you sample local delicacies such as Hainanese chicken rice, chili crab, laksa, and bak kut teh in our Singapore honeymoon package. Iconic Landmarks: Singapore is home to iconic landmarks that serve as the perfect backdrop for romantic moments. Take a stroll along Marina Bay Sands, admire the panoramic views from the Singapore Flyer, and marvel at the majestic Merlion statue. Vibrant Culture: Immerse yourselves in Singapore's vibrant cultural scene by visiting ethnic enclaves like Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam. Explore colorful temples, bustling markets, and historic shophouses that offer a glimpse into the city's diverse heritage in our Singapore honeymoon package. Luxurious Accommodations: Singapore boasts a wide range of luxurious accommodations, from lavish hotels to intimate boutique resorts. Treat yourselves to a staycation at a world-class hotel with stunning views of the city skyline and impeccable service. Shopping Paradise: Shopaholics will delight in Singapore's myriad shopping options, from designer boutiques and luxury malls to bustling street markets and quirky boutiques. Orchard Road is a shopper's paradise, offering everything from high-end fashion to unique souvenirs. Thrilling Attractions: Experience adrenaline-pumping thrills at Singapore's world-class attractions. From the thrilling rides at Universal Studios Singapore to the immersive exhibits at S.E.A. Aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark, there's no shortage of excitement in the Lion City. Romantic Cruises: Set sail on a romantic cruise along the Singapore River and Marina Bay. Enjoy stunning views of the city's skyline illuminated against the night sky, accompanied by a sumptuous dinner and live entertainment. Accessibility: With its excellent transportation infrastructure and convenient location in Southeast Asia, Singapore is easily accessible from India and other major cities around the world. Whether you're flying in for a short getaway or planning a longer honeymoon, Singapore offers convenience and accessibility for travelers. In conclusion, a Singapore honeymoon package offers the perfect blend of urban sophistication, natural beauty, cultural diversity, and romantic experiences. From exploring iconic landmarks to indulging in culinary delights and thrilling adventures, Singapore promises to create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. So why wait? Choose a Singapore honeymoon package and embark on the journey of a lifetime with your beloved.
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ohmloungecr · 4 months
Hookah Lounges for Modern Socializing
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Hookah lounges, cafes, dens, or shisha lounges are popular establishments in Western cultures. These places originated in India, spreading to the Middle East, where they were initially known as coffee houses serving hookah and food. But as hookah smoking gained popularity in the Western world, these establishments evolved to become sole hookah joints. A hookah is a water pipe for smoking flavored tobacco. Hookah lounges like  Ohm Lounge have been attracting people from all walks of life who want to unwind and socialize at the same time. Let us explore more on this theme.
Modern hookah lounges like Ohm Lounge offer a wide array of flavor and smoking options, thus catering to diverse preferences. Modern lounges emphasize decor and a welcoming ambiance. They also make use of technology to enhance customer experience through digital menus and Wi-Fi availability. There are also non-smoking options like live music, food, and games. Thus, modern hookah lounges have undergone significant changes to offer a great variety of technological integration, upscale environments, and a wide range of experiences.
History of Hookah Lounges
Hookah has its origin from ancient India. It is constructed out of a glass base, hose, tobacco bowl, and handle. Hookah smoking was once only reserved for royalty but became increasingly available to the public in the early twentieth century. This resulted in teh emergence of hookah lounges across the Middle East and North Africa. Today, hookah lounges are found worldwide, featuring cozy seating, Middle Eastern or Mediterranean themes, and unique decor. They have become popular socializing and entertainment destinations.
What are hookah lounges like?
Hookah lounges often use modern and chic themes to draw in younger generations. They are usually decorated stylishly and offer comfortable seating arrangements; most of them serve customers indoors, but there are some that offer outdoor seating. Modern hookah lounges offer a wide range of tobacco flavors that appeal to both smokers and non-smokers.
You can have fruity choices like apple, orange, and watermelon, as well as vanilla, mint, etc., so there is something for everyone’s taste. Many hookah lounges have been integrated into restaurants to create a social atmosphere where people can enjoy food and hookah. Customers can enjoy each other’s company while sharing a hookah and having conversations. The atmosphere in hookah lounges is usually laid back, relaxing, and friendly, with a variety of shisha flavors and background variety to choose from.
Some lounges also offer modern hookahs with unique facilities for providing an enhanced experience. Some of them offer disposable mouth tips to prioritize cleanliness and reduce secondhand smoke through ventilation systems to improve air circulation.
The popularity of hookah lounges can be due to many factors. Today, smoking shisha is seen as a social activity that helps people foster connections with others. These places provide a unique and laid-back atmosphere that appeals to a diverse group of people seeking relaxation. Hookah lounges also serve as a way to preserve cultural traditions for those with South Asian or Middle Eastern backgrounds.
Final Take
While hookah lounges have been around for a long time, they have recently acquired popularity as a preferred leisure activity. These lounges have evolved into popular social environments. They focus on offering a comprehensive hookah experience with specialty cocktails, exotic cuisine, and a relaxing environment for those looking to unwind in a different way.
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vcurioushhh · 4 months
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Two days deep into the labyrinth of the Indonesian presidential election. Three options on the table, and once again we have to choose the lesser evil. GZZZZZ It's like choosing between a rock and a hard place, but sitting on the fence [GOLPUT] feels too self-centered. The repercussions could reverberate through the lives of many, especially those in the lower echelons. It's not just about me; it's about all of us. The everyday struggles that might go unnoticed but can't be ignored. As citizens, we often find ourselves preoccupied, and in the midst of it, some play fast and loose with constitutional laws, siphoning off hard-earned money. Tax money, a collective contribution, doesn't always circle back to benefit the people. It's like a mysterious journey – does it dissipate into thin air, soak into the earth as blood-soaked soil, or simply NAMBAHIN SALDO REKENING THOSE PEOPLE. 10000000000000000. MAY GOD SAVE THIS COUNTRY. In this intricate dance of choices, I find myself at a crossroads. So, I choose. I choose not to align with 02. Why? Because amidst the chaos, I yearn for a leader who can weather criticism, someone approachable, ready to listen to the heartbeat of the nation.
In my judgment, 02 seems to be the most unapproachable of the trio. SORRY.
Here's to hoping my choice resonates with the collective heartbeat.
Milih JKW 2 periode. Saya rasa perhitungan saya emang seburuk itu. What's next?
Nempelin quotes dari Tumblr Teh Nabhan years ago.
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nouies · 5 months
hii, lou! 💙
no physical touch for you? why is that? i mean i'm the same, when the contact is unwanted. but if i initiate it, it's okay. 😉
i looked for the blog recently, but they for sure changed their pfp, so i can't recognize it. but you can recommend me some, if you want. 🦋
i used to think i'm not into angst, but my movie choices say the opposite. so i might be? i have never watched "one day". another movie i will add to my watchlist. ☺️
a soundtrack of my life. a while ago i made a playlist on spotify, which i think describes me as person. it includes songs i relate to, or songs i have been listening on repeat, or songs in connect to other people/events in my life. but i will tell you some of them.
1. little things by one direction
2. falling by harry styles
3. the loneliest by måneskin
4. bitter by fletcher
5. without me by halsey
6. pointless by lewis capaldi
7. the archer by taylor swift
8. this is me trying by taylor swift
9. anti-hero by taylor swift
10. defenceless by louis tomlinson
i felt weird referring to them with their full names. anyways, that's just little part of my intro playlist. 🐳
rarely talking? not very gemini of you. they are very talkative people. now i'm really curious what is your moon and rising sign. and i'm sorry people interrupt you. sadly, one of my toxic traits is exactly that. i love talking and a lot of thoughts are going through my mind at once. and i'm always in hurry to share them. so i usually interrupt people to do exactly that. 😓
my question for the day: what is your favorite hot drink? 🌀
hope you have a great día,
- your secret valentine 😋
hi lovely!!
tbh i don’t know why, but like you i can give hugs once in a while. it’s funny bc on the internet i say a lot “sending hugs” but in reality i never give them lol
i’ll try to find the blog later in the day, but like i said, there are several blogs on that topic hehe or maybe i can send my options once we can dm each other?
i mean maybe with movies you like angst and with fics you don’t heheh. you have variety that way 🤭
that’s a great playlist! and i say that bc i recognise all the artists hdkdhdjd i only like three though. aaaaand i forgot to make mine 😭😭😭 i know i’m the one who came up with the idea but i thought it would be easy to come up with something at the moment (it is not). i’ll try to give you an answer tomorrow, i’m sorry 😭
hehee that’s why i don’t believe in those things bc how am i supposed to be one way that i’m not? and tbh when it’s been a while that i haven’t seen the person, i talk a lot but i’m mostly a listener so if you want to talk a lot, i’ll just let you and then i’ll gather the courage to say a sentence and let you continue hdkdhdj
my favourite hot drink is coffee although i can’t drink it right now (doctor’s orders) so i’m gonna say my second option which is hot chocolate. what abt you?
today’s lesson will be chocolate bc it’s a word from my country 😁 choh-koh-lah-teh. 🍫
have a nice day! <333
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
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and the design basics would be the look of the bottom one function of the wood one in the middle and wiht kids on it and good sized inside up and down with halls and such. a big clubhouse. for 8-12 and we would make smalle ones with safety featurs for younger children that are more plentiful same basic design. and layout. and yes of a castle. tos want it and see it.
precast panelled floors
lego type blocks our cemetitions ones and yeh the same hollow on the bottom but a divider thicker walled about two inches. and yes a mastic and it is permanent fuses it. but look like grey legos can be colored can have split faced rock look can be smoothrock look smoth block and with factory colors on the exterior. and for a castle is what we re doing it for and four inch wide. by 12". and is to build a small castle. and will for smaller children have teh feaatures seen on the bottom. larger children more action type and real fort not playhouse. are very solid and hve non sip surfaces and fenders and safety rails. are for kis though. mostly 8-12 and 4-8 and are fun ok we design several oh ok have them. and tons of toys will work nicely water guns paint ball guns laser tag. and nerf projectile stuff. huge markets up again yes. and a brochure with the manufacurers brands. and cosplay stuff old time stuff medieval outfits and plastic shiny metalic armor and cosplay for hlo and such for laser tag and commandos for paint ball. good stuff. even smnowball fights
and safes for kids for comic books and furniture too for inside. light packages you can wire or batery operated. easy to replace. most like wiring it. not hard stuff and kits. for each. outide lights interior. and windows for bugs wind cold. space heater systems. small ac systems ys.as options. and old fashinoed shuter systems for windows for those who like it rustic
and they glue togther kids help build it.
the foundation needs to be right. and instructins show how.
foundation is poured bag mix. add sand yes and about a yard. delivered and mix per insturciotns and with a mixer prefered and speed is important. half and he other and spread footers yes.
and you level an area and with a bord andlevel. 16 fooot board and then you put a timplate down. unfolds and you hold it piin the corneers.....and it comes with rods. you push in..flags on top. and you remove the template it is paper. careflully. yes not to pull up stakes. and those are on the footer and shown where to put them dig down 12" place 6" and it is self leveling so fast ok you mix place until done. is liquid and you have to follow the insturctioins is two foot wide...
and measure side to side back to back square and find the start pint on the footer to incldue all the walls. fill in if you hae to wiht the self levling six inches deep it is ok
cures in a day two is best. lay it out and follow the numbered block install instructions they go together easy mix the mortoer in batches you can use. as instructions say.
and you have lap like legos. they look llike legos. pilasters for the planks are structural and staris are prfeab and attach. and other items widnow frames ad all are premade. square too yes. and you cut to them. tool joints is nice.
all in all nice easy work. and not too pricey
a full twnty by 15 castle for larger children 8-12 about 2000 basic doors and windows. and you yes have to place the floor on the iside most use concrete and well a bit loose and flow it in let it just sset. works and follow the instructions we give.
includes on our price doors windows hardware opportunances ok details on the castle and yes a large door on the front like a castle. add for a moat ramp.
so they saymb laser tag small robot capture the flag and fort. and dfend the fort wiht the small rc robots ad you have laser tag and so many hits and the machine stops. for five and more seven adn tons more off. a variaity of bots by your choice the mix. but max number per team per team size
and good they love it
Thor Freya
and i love it and can be colors and differetn styles and copies of certain castles like disney yeh yeh ok cool
no way i want one
camilla parker
and we do too
and me
us too hahaha lol no way we will make it lool
ahaha he says bahh humbug and we face clones daily ok
have families like it ok and you make the lbock we take it
macs similar for e vehicles ok need em all
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savorytouch · 7 months
Explore the rich and flavorful world of halal food within Suntec City.
Suntec City stands as a bustling hub for shopping, entertainment, and most importantly, a melting pot of culinary delights. For visitors seeking delectable halal options, Suntec City boasts an impressive array of restaurants and eateries catering to diverse tastes while adhering to halal standards. halal food in suntec city Join me on a culinary journey as we explore the rich and flavorful world of halal food within Suntec City.
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Breakfast Delights at PappaRich
Kickstart your day with a flavorsome Malaysian breakfast at PappaRich, located in Suntec City's West Wing. Indulge in a hearty serving of Nasi Lemak, a traditional Malaysian dish featuring fragrant coconut rice accompanied by sambal, fried anchovies, peanuts, and a choice of protein. Pair it with a cup of Teh Tarik, a pulled tea that perfectly complements the richness of the meal.
Authentic Mediterranean Cuisine at O' Coffee Club
As the day progresses, head over to O' Coffee Club in Suntec City's North Wing to savor the tantalizing flavors of Mediterranean cuisine. This halal-certified establishment offers an extensive menu featuring classic dishes like succulent kebabs, flavorful hummus, and freshly baked pita bread. Don't miss out on their delectable mixed grill platter, showcasing a variety of grilled meats served with aromatic rice and tangy sauces.
Japanese Culinary Excellence at Sushi Express
Craving Japanese fare? Sushi Express, situated in the Fountain of Wealth, is the go-to spot for delightful halal sushi. Treat yourself to an assortment of sushi rolls, sashimi, and appetizers prepared with precision and authenticity. Whether you're a fan of salmon nigiri or California rolls, Sushi Express offers a wide selection of halal-certified Japanese delicacies.
Fusion Flavors at Encik Tan
For those seeking a fusion of local and international flavors, Encik Tan in Suntec City's East Wing is a must-visit. This halal-certified eatery presents a unique twist on traditional Singaporean dishes, offering items such as Mee Siam, Nasi Ambeng, and Hainanese Chicken Rice. Experience the vibrant culinary heritage of Singapore through their diverse menu crafted with a modern touch.
Sweet Indulgences at Geláre
No culinary exploration is complete without satisfying your sweet tooth. Geláre, nestled in the Fountain of Wealth, offers an array of halal-certified desserts. From creamy gelato flavors to sumptuous waffles topped with fresh fruits and drizzled with decadent sauces, this dessert haven is the perfect ending to your gastronomic adventure at Suntec City.
Suntec City stands tall not only as a premier shopping and entertainment destination but also as a haven for halal food enthusiasts. The diverse range of culinary options available within its walls ensures that every palate is catered to, offering a delightful fusion of flavors from various cuisines. Whether you're craving traditional Malaysian fare, Mediterranean delights, Japanese sushi, local Singaporean dishes, or delectable desserts, Suntec City has it all, serving up a tantalizing experience for food lovers seeking halal-certified dining options. know more
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m980 · 9 months
Roti Canai: The Malaysian Breakfast Sensation Taking the World by Storm
In the heart of Malaysia, where diversity is celebrated through culture and cuisine, a humble breakfast dish has risen to international acclaim—Roti Canai. A flaky, aromatic flatbread that embodies the essence of Malaysian taste, Roti Canai has become a sensation not just within the country but across borders. Let's dive into the story of this delectable Malaysian breakfast delight that has taken the world by storm.
A Glimpse into Roti Canai's Origins
Roti Canai, often referred to as the "national bread of Malaysia," has a rich history rooted in Indian influence. The term "Roti" is derived from Hindi, meaning bread, while "Canai" is believed to have originated from the Tamil word "Canai" or "Chanai." The dish made its way to Malaysia through Indian Muslim traders, evolving over time to suit local palates and preferences.
This delightful fusion of cultures resulted in a soft, flaky, and versatile flatbread that is enjoyed by Malaysians daily, especially during breakfast.
The Art of Making Roti Canai
The magic of Roti Canai lies in its preparation. Crafting the perfect Roti Canai requires skill and precision. The dough is prepared using a mixture of wheat flour, ghee (clarified butter), condensed milk, sugar, egg, and water. The dough is then kneaded thoroughly to achieve the desired texture—soft and pliable.
The dough is skillfully stretched and flipped to create thin layers, each one contributing to the characteristic flakiness of the final product. It's an art form to see the Roti Canai master at work, effortlessly maneuvering the dough on a hot griddle, resulting in a crispy, golden-brown exterior.
Serving Roti Canai: A Gastronomic Experience
Roti Canai is typically served with an array of accompaniments that take its flavors to the next level. The most common options include dhal (lentil curry), chicken or mutton curry, or even fish curry. The versatility of Roti Canai allows for both sweet and savory variations, making it a beloved choice for breakfast or anytime during the day.
People often gather at mamak stalls or eateries to indulge in this delightful Malaysian breakfast, sipping on a cup of Teh Tarik (pulled tea) while savoring the flaky goodness of Roti Canai.
Roti Canai Goes Global
In recent years, Roti Canai has gained popularity beyond Malaysia's borders, making its mark on the global culinary scene. The unique texture and delightful taste have captured the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide.
In countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, and Canada, Roti Canai can be found in Malaysian restaurants, food trucks, and street food festivals, captivating a diverse audience and introducing them to the flavors of Malaysia.
Roti Canai, with its flaky layers and savory or sweet accompaniments, has become a symbol of Malaysian culinary pride, representing the country's diverse cultural heritage. As it continues to conquer international tastes and tables, Roti Canai stands as a testament to the magical fusion of cultures, showcasing the beauty of harmony and diversity through food. So, whether you find yourself in the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur or at a Malaysian eatery across the globe, don't miss the chance to savor the delightful sensation that is Roti Canai.
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shaneskitchen · 1 year
Sip & Savor: Signature Soup Broth from Singapore
Are you a fan of comforting, flavorful soups? Look no further than the signature soup broths in Singapore! Known for their rich, aromatic flavors and heart-warming goodness, Singaporean soup broths are a culinary delight that will tantalize your taste buds. In this blog, we'll explore the world of soup broths in Singapore, highlighting their unique flavors and ingredients, and why they are a must-try for any food lover.
Singaporean cuisine is a melting pot of flavors and influences from various cultures, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Peranakan. This diversity is reflected in the country's soup broths, which boast a unique blend of spices, herbs, and proteins that create a symphony of flavors in a single bowl.
One of the most popular soup broths in Singapore is Bak Kut Teh, which translates to "meat bone tea" in Hokkien dialect. Bak Kut Teh is a pork-based broth that is simmered for hours with a fragrant blend of herbs and spices such as star anise, cinnamon, cloves, and garlic. The result is a dark, flavorful broth that is often served with tender pork ribs, mushrooms, and tofu. Bak Kut Teh is believed to have medicinal properties and is often consumed as a nourishing tonic to boost health and vitality.
Another beloved Singaporean soup broth is Hainanese Chicken Rice Soup, which is a lighter option compared to Bak Kut Teh. The broth is made by simmering chicken bones with ginger, garlic, and pandan leaves, resulting in a clear, aromatic soup. The soup is then served with tender poached chicken, fragrant jasmine rice, and a side of dipping sauce made with ginger and garlic. This soup is refreshing, comforting, and perfect for those looking for a lighter yet satisfying soup option.
For seafood lovers, Singaporean Fish Soup is a must-try. Made with fish bones, vegetables, and herbs such as cilantro and parsley, the broth is light, refreshing, and bursting with umami flavors. The soup is often served with fresh fish slices, prawns, and vegetables, making it a nutritious and flavorful choice.
One more unique soup broth from Singapore is Laksa, a spicy and creamy noodle soup that has its roots in Peranakan cuisine. Laksa features a rich, coconut milk-based broth that is infused with a fragrant blend of spices such as lemongrass, turmeric, and chili. The broth is typically served with rice noodles, prawns, bean sprouts, and garnished with fresh herbs like coriander and laksa leaves. The combination of the spicy, tangy, and creamy flavors in Laksa is truly irresistible.
In addition to these popular soup broths, Singapore also offers a wide variety of other soup options such as Soto Ayam (chicken soup), Borscht (beetroot soup), and Minestrone (Italian vegetable soup), among others. With such a diverse range of flavors and ingredients, Singaporean soup broths are a food lover's paradise.
In conclusion, the signature soup broths from Singapore are a true culinary treasure that is sure to satisfy your taste buds and warm your soul. Whether you're a fan of rich, aromatic Bak Kut Teh, refreshing Hainanese Chicken Rice Soup, flavorful Fish Soup, or spicy and creamy Laksa, there's a soup broth in Singapore to suit every palate. So, the next time you visit this food haven, make sure to indulge in the deliciousness of Singaporean soup broths and experience a symphony of flavors like never before. Happy sipping and savoring!
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