#and they all slap absolute ass
plushslug · 11 months
Ludo continues to be The monsterfucker band of all time
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nopanamaman · 10 months
Can we have the one scrolling asset at about 1:58 in 100 epitaphs pretty pwease
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Here you go babe
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reblogglelog · 1 year
Sad Boy Hours: Billy Batson
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He's trying so hard to get the screaming adults in the room to just stop screaming at each other and be reasonable.
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He is immediately dismissed and storms off, justifiably insulted.
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And Billy goes right back to blaming himself, trying to figure out where he went wrong, how he could have fixed things, managed the emotions of the room better--even though he is 100% correct and the adults are absolutely failing, and badly.
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"Even if he's wrong...I should respect him." Honey, the thing that's eating at you is the absolute dogshit way they act and then expect you to just accept as normal. These grown-ass heroes should not be hitting each other.
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And a degree, honey. Several of them.
He sounds like a teacher trying to get the class to behave and that script keeps failing him. Over and over the adults around him dismiss him for his optimism, ignore his calls for reason. And they're heroes. They're the good guys and they tear into each other regularly and viciously. And Billy is fifteen years old in a room of adults screaming at each other. The team is sometimes down right abusive, and this child is trying to keep them from falling apart.
I worry about him, ya know?
(anyway, thank you for coming to my Sad Boy Hours)
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mementoasts · 2 years
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"ah, let's go over there!"
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i binged csm after forgetting to watch the new episodes consecutively every single week since episode 5, made some sillies as protocol demands
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ravenwolfie97 · 5 months
im obsessed with this poetry so i was just introduced to "0 (zero)" by LMYK aka the first ending for Case Study of Vanitas by my friend Cake and it's such a good song and i continued to listen to it and looked up the lyrics especially because i was interested why - when there's an official full english version - there are still a couple of lines kept in japanese i wanted to find the significance in them, and one of them is just. so poetic and beautiful and it wouldn't read the same if translated word for word to english
"When I lose myself, I become you 一から十 leads me back to you"
so like i can basically understand that, the japanese reads "1 to 10" but what does that really mean? it doesn't really make sense on the surface i think the answer lies in the way the kanji for the numbers are written
because when one becomes ten, it's two lines intersecting, becoming a whole other number much greater than the sum of its parts
and man. i think that's beautiful
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samsspambox · 6 months
update: i'm not dead
hello hello! idk if yall still remember this humble blog but tis I! the one and only sam in a spam can, samsspambox!
i realize i may have neglected this blog but i have come back from the trenches (going back to them tho) and have been quiet and i'm sorry but i'll probably be shifting back to posting again?? idk depends on how everything goes
tl;dr: i got hit by the ao3 author curse and had to take a step back
if you want the full woes keep reading, but otherwise,,, hello again! jkbzskjbzc
so much started going on around september 2023 and just now they started to calm down (or, i started to learn how to deal with it i guess)
here's a whole comprehensive list:
Sep 2023 - Complex where I lived for 16+ years got sold, had to start house hunting
Oct 2023 - idk if yall remember but i ended up dating that one guy i talked abt here (this came with consequences)
Nov 2023 - Family death, Mom got Sick
Dec 2023 - Mom had surgery, Another Family Death
Jan 2024 - internationally traveled to place where my parents are from (alone) to go to the funeral and pay respects to prior death, broke up with that one guy (which is a whole ordeal)
Feb 2024 - Moved out of childhood home
Mar 2024 - Interviews for jobs
It was just one thing after another after another and, well, i don't think that was an environment conducive to writing, even if i came up with cool concepts or rambles or stuff like that. i had no energy. and ik i had so many plans but life really said 'no, you stop right there' and essentially paused my fic writings which sucks but oh well. now ive got some stuff figured out and an extra day off so i might be able to pick up where i left off.
and ngl i miss all the tumblr homies *cries*
but yeah. slowly but steadily ill try to post again but no promises!
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Another night in Titans Tower. Another night Cassie finds Rose up at an ungodly hour, making herself coffee at a time where anyone else would be dead asleep.
Cassie leans against the doorway, watching Rose murmur grumpily to herself as she tries to to tear open the coffee pod packets without breaking them. For once, she seems so engrossed in her task that she hasn’t noticed Cassie. Or maybe she’s just letting Cassie think that for… reasons. Maybe.
She isn’t sure what to make of Rose these days. She and the white-haired daughter of Deathstroke had established something of a tentative peace following their fifth hookup… a tentative peace that had grown into something like domestic bliss in the months since her return to the team. She didn’t think it would be possible for anything about Rose to feel so comfortable, but…
She isn’t even sure what to call them now. They haven’t really been rivals since Eddie’s death, but they certainly aren’t friends. And yet…
Cassie has held Rose through her night terrors more than once. She’s stumbled upon the secret crate of plushies Rose keeps behind a hidden panel in her closet and knows that they were gifts from Rose’s mother before her death, recovered by Slade’s manservant of all people as part of a hopeless attempt at reconciling his friend and his daughter. She’s accompanied Rose to AA meetings, she’s driven her to her dentist’s appointments, she’s even taken her out on dates to the movie theater or to that one shaved ice cream shop near Titans Tower that everyone on the team seems to like. Cassie knows Rose. She knows every curve of her hip, every bulging muscle, every thin white scar. She’s seen Rose at her smuggest and at her most flustered, at her flirtiest and at her most withdrawn, at her meanest and at her best. She knows Rose. Really knows her, as far as anyone can claim to really know Rose Wilson. She’s seen beneath the aggression and the snark to catch real, genuine glimpses at the person beneath, and has done so with some regularity for months now. So why is it so hard to figure what they are?
They haven’t talked about it. Maybe they should. Maybe—
Coffee powder flies everywhere as Rose rips open the pod in her hands a little too hard, scattering flecks of grounded coffee all over the floor of the kitchen. Rose curses beneath her breath—then again, more audibly this time, just for good measure—and begins brushing it off the countertop with one hand while the other cups beneath the edge of it to catch it as it falls. Cassie just watches, waiting until Rose is almost done to reveal herself.
“Nice mess you’ve made here, Rose.”
Rose doesn’t even look at her. Maybe she knew she was there all along. Maybe she didn’t, and is just pretending. It’s so hard to tell with Rose, sometimes, what’s real and what’s just pretending. “Oh, buzz off.” She finishes clearing the powder off the countertop and gets on her hands and knees to scoop up the flecks of coffee on the floor, presenting two large, round targets that are just too tempting to ignore. “You gonna stand there all night or are you gonna help me—”
Cassie can’t help it. She takes two steps forward and smacks her not-girlfriend right on the ass, cutting her off mid-sentence. Rose pauses, turning to look at Cassie with a raised eyebrow.
“Was it my imagination or did you just slap my ass?”
Cassie bites her lip, trying to stifle a grin. “I guess I did. Was it too much?”
Rose stands up, very calmly wiping her hands on her shirt—one of Cassie’s, a long red shirt with a Wonder Woman logo on it that is jut a bit oversized on her—before stepping towards Cassie, a smirk pulling at her lips. “Not really.”
And with that, she steps forward and pulls Cassie into a long, hungry kiss.
Maybe, Cassie reflects, a hand coming up to tangle into Rose’s tousled morning curls, being Rose’s girlfriend wouldn’t be the worst thing.
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evansbby · 11 months
If y’all wanna know what racism in the UK looks like in 2023, especially racism towards black women, then watch the current season BBUK.
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magnusbae · 2 years
POV me joining the gang :D
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The Silly Rabbit AU Triumvirate is god damn powerful.
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nominalnebula · 6 months
wednesday has been cancelled due to a scheduling error
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calliopechild · 10 months
Me, getting slapped extra hard with the depression hammer for the past 2 months couple weeks: Why does everything suck so much lately? Why don't I have any energy or motivation? I know the seasonal depression is waiting in the wings, but the weather's honestly been pretty mild lately.
My vitamin D supplements, gathering dust because I forget they exist if I don't see them: ...gee, wonder why that is, dumbass.
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cnidariandreams · 1 year
zox and stacey when they bump fists/forearms over stupid shit
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the dragon prince is such a weird show. in some ways it’s really cool. in other ways it’s really really bad and the writing objectively sucks. it’s like they had great concept artists and ideas but awful screenwriting. it’s almost as if netflix undervalues their writers but that can’t possibly be it
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princekirijo · 1 year
I gotta say I was not expecting to enjoy Devil May Cry as a series as much as I am, I'm kinda surprised it took me this long to get in to.
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bugmin · 1 year
so yesterday i sat my coworker down and i told her "the first thing i need you to know is that i respect you, i think you're awesome at what you do, and i dont have a bad word to say about you. its important to me that our working relationship is good and that we don't have unresolved tension but ive noticed in the last few weeks just that. tension. something has changed between us and i need to know what. i want to right any wrongs that might have happened. did i say something hurtful? did someone say something to you? what changed between us because i know something did." can you fucking believe that her answer was essentially "u run circles around me u do my job for me they kick me out when ur here coz u did everything already" oh okay. well you're welcome. also and maybe tell me to fuck off if its bothering you so badly you want to give me nasty fucking bitter stank face for weeks
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