#and they provide me with a shaker of black pepper
maimingkillingiii · 1 year
I need my sense of smell to come back... NEOW!!!
(I went on a whole rant in the tags)
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edwinspaynes · 6 months
Butterflies, Part II
Based on this beautiful art by @hanelizabeth, a continuation of yesterday's story.
Cordelia did not wear her butterfly dress again for another week. But on the day of the Institute's spring ball, when James had gone to help his parents prepare several hours too early, he left a note behind for her.
It sat on their bed with a small, delicate blue carnation to its side. DAISY was written on the envelope in loopy lettering, and when she opened it, she was surprised to see that James had been practicing his calligraphy.
My Daisy, though you look stunning in everything you wear, and though I would love you quite well even if you appeared at the ball in a burlap sack, I would very much like to see you in your butterfly dress again. Would you consider wearing it for me? In exchange, I will pocket some extra raspberry tarts from the refreshments table just for you. -J
Cordelia felt rather silly for smiling to herself as widely as she did. Who was she to resist such a request?
That night, Cordelia walked alongside Anna and Ari into the Institute ball. They had helped her get ready, and Ari had praised the delicate skirt of her butterfly dress liberally. Anna had simply nodded her approval, and Cordelia was left to guess at her thoughts.
But all thoughts of the friends who had vanished onto the dance floor dissipated the moment that James walked in.
Cordelia sucked in a breath, for it was her turn to feel the wind knocked from her lungs. Because in the doorway was James, wearing an outfit that must have been tailor-made to match her own.
His black pants and white button-down were neutral colors, but his waistcoat stood out among everyone else on the dance floor and its outskirts. It was the same lovely sky-blue as her dress, and the butterfly print made her believe that it was cut from the same fabric as her skirts.
She had never seen James in something so delicate. It provided such a stark contrast with the smoldering determination in his resplendent golden gaze.
Those eyes met hers, only hers, only ever hers.
"Dance with me?" He said as he approached, and she giggled as he pulled her onto the dance floor.
Three sets later, they were still twirling. "You are going to be scolded awfully," Cordelia told James with an impish grin. "It is in poor form to dance more than a single set with your wife, I hear. And here we have danced three in a row."
James grinned. "That is truly too bad for everyone else, as I plan to dance every set with my wife. Social convention is overrated when it means that I have to waltz with Rosamund Wentworth or... well, any woman who is not you."
"Oh?" She grinned. "Is that why you had that specifically made to match my dress?"
"Certainly," James said. "Anna helped me identify the fabric. She agonized over its source for hours and deeply lamented that Matthew was not here to instantly tell her where it had come from."
"And she took you to the tailor?"
"Well, no. I went to the tailor today while she distracted you."
They spun in a circle in time with the music, then, and Cordelia laughed. "It appears that I underestimated your determination to show the Clave that we are a set."
"Certainly," James agreed. "They must all know that if we were children's dolls, or salt-and-pepper shakers, that we would be packaged in one box. A unit."
"The true meaning of marriage: becoming salt-and-pepper shakers," Cordelia agreed. "You are the salt."
James kissed her nose. "If you say so."
The music shifted - a new set was upon them, a waltz. So James pulled Cordelia in close, and she rested her head against his chest. The butterflies in her skirt moved into her belly, and their wings fluttered as James kissed her temple and wove his hands around her waist. "See?" He asked. "Would I truly dance such a set with another woman?"
"I should hope not," Cordelia said. "I would step on your foot."
James chuckled. "I would expect no different," he said, his heart pounding against his new suit as Cordelia listened to its rhythm.
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rachelkaser · 3 years
Stay Golden Sunday: Blind Ambitions
Rose’s blind sister Lily visits and might need more help than she’s willing to admit. The Girls have a garage sale.
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Picture It...
The Girls are having a barbecue on the lanai with their guest, Rose’s sister Lily. Lily lost her sight six months ago, and is still adjusting while Rose tries not to be a mother hen. Blanche reminisces about Southern barbecues and Lily tells a story about their St. Olafian camping trips. The Girls discuss Lily’s adjustment -- she claims she can cope with most things now, and she even still watches television. When Sophia grouses about their TV being broken, Lily gives them the idea of having a garage sale to get money for a new one.
DOROTHY: Listen, mom, we cannot afford a new TV. We’re using the household money to repair the roof and repave the driveway. SOPHIA: Great, and what am I supposed to do while every other old lady on the block is watching Cosby? DOROTHY: Well, you can sit in the new driveway and hope that an amusing Black family drops by.
Later, the Girls are gathering together the things they could sell at a garage sale. Dorothy pulls out an old doll, Blanche has a hippy outfit she wore to Woodstock (the movie), and Rose finds a pair of candlesticks she decides to keep. Lily offers to put them in the alcove, and tells Rose not to be so protective. Rose apologizes -- while discreetly moving aside a lamp Lily was about to walk into. Lily then announces she’s going to her room and Dorothy and Blanche scramble to move a half-dozen boxes out of her way without her noticing, and she triumphantly declares, when she makes it to the hallway, that she doesn’t need anyone’s help.
The next day, Lily is cooking bacon on the stove, and when she turns away for a moment, the pan catches fire. She cries out for help, and Rose and Blanche come rushing in, with Rose putting out the fire with an extinguisher. Dorothy runs in as Blanche tells Lily she shouldn’t have been cooking on the stove. Lily apologizes but says it was just an accident as she sulks out. Blanche and Dorothy confront Rose, saying Lily isn’t as independent as she’s saying she is, and she might need to go back to the school for the blind, despite dropping out due to alleged boredom. Rose agrees to talk to her.
LILY: I remember when you were six years old and dad got you that puppy for your birthday. You worried because you thought her paws were too big and that the other dogs would laugh at her. ROSE: Well they did! They used to bark and point at her! LILY: Everybody pointed at her. You made her wear a bonnet and matching booties.
Rose goes to her room, where Lily is staying, and Lily reassures Rose that she’s fine. She says Rose is a worrier by nature, and Rose says not to change the subject. She tells Lily that she’s trying to do much by herself, and the independence of which she’s so proud isn’t serving her now. Lily finally breaks and tells Rose she just wants things to go back to the way they were, but they’re not going to. Rose tells her she needs help, and Lily begs Rose to come back home and live with her before bursting into tears.
Later, Rose tells the Girls that she’s seriously thinking about moving with Lily to Chicago, but both Blanche and Rose are skeptical that it’ll actually help Lily. Dorothy accuses her of doing it out of guilt, and Blanche relates a story of how she lost a male friend because her husband made her feel guilty about it. Sophia has a slightly more relevant story about how she struggled to get back on her feet after her stroke. It took Dorothy pushing her to be independent for her to actually make the effort, and Sophia tells Rose she needs to help her sister “to help herself.” Rose goes off to think some more.
DOROTHY: *after Blanche rebuffs a customer’s offer of $1.25 for her Elvis shakers* Blanche, I can’t believe that you did that! I mean, they’re just a silly salt and pepper shaker. BLANCHE: The King is gone, Dorothy. But we must cherish the things he left behind. His movies, his songs... DOROTHY: And his seasonings.
At the garage sale, every time someone shows an interest in one of the Girls’ things, they react badly. Rose isn’t willing to give up her teddy, Mr. Longfellow; Blanche believes her Elvis salt and pepper shakers must be cherished; and Dorothy squabbles with a teenager over a hockey stick used by Bobby Hull. They come to the conclusion that they’re not willing to part with any of their things, and decide to just pay for a new TV in installments. Blanche and Dorothy go to shoo out their customers.
Lily enters and tells Rose how much she appreciates Rose being willing to help her. She asks Rose to get her a glass of water, and Rose freezes before reminding Lily that she’s capable of getting a glass of water — and if she isn’t, she needs professional help that Rose can’t give. She’s made up her mind: She’s not going to Chicago. Lily gets angry and accuses Rose of turning her back on her, storming out.
DOROTHY: *after the third time Rose leaves the house and returns* Come on now. Come on now, get out of here. You’ve come back more times than Shirley MacLaine.
Two months later, Rose is on her way to visit Lily. She’s sure that Lily is going to pressure her into living with her again and is nervous because it was hard enough to refuse the first time. The Girls encourage her to stick to her guns. She leaves, but not without kissing her friends goodbye. When Rose arrives at the airport later, she thanks the flight attendant for all the extras they provided her (including pillows, Dramamine, and 10 packs of smokehouse almonds).
Rose is surprised to see Lily at the airport, waiting for her. Lily introduces her seeing-eye dog, Becky, who Rose of course melts over (side note: I don’t think you’re supposed to pet service dogs the way Rose does here, but considering the dog is likely not an actual service dog, I’ll excuse it). Lily apologizes to Rose, saying Rose did the right thing by pushing her. She went back to the school for the blind, and is finally in a place where she can take care of herself -- with Becky’s help, of course. She and Becky take the lead to the baggage claim, with Lily tossing off a one-liner that has Rose a bit concerned:
ROSE: I’m so proud of you. LILY: Oh this is nothing! What till you see me drive home!
“If it’s a choice between the two of them, let the blind one make change.”
After Blanche and Dorothy had their turns with sisterly conflict episodes, it’s now Rose’s turn. This time it’s not long-standing animosity or bubbling resentment that sets the two against each other, but a new life change that prompts an adaptation in the relationship. As depressing as it may be, I think Lily and Rose might be the healthiest sister relationship in the show’s history, not that that’s saying much. Lily is one of the more memorable guest characters on the show, mostly because she’s given room to have complex emotions.
In the episode, Lily is played by Polly Holiday, whose main claim to fame is playing Flo “Kiss My Grits” Castleberry on the sitcom Alice -- a catchphrase I’ve always found a little baffling, but at least it’s memorable. If you’d asked me based on what little I’d seen of Alice if she’d be capable of giving one of the most memorable guest performances on Golden Girls ever, I admit I’d have been a little skeptical -- and I’d be wrong, because she really brings it. It’s not often an actor can be in a scene with Betty White and completely command all the attention (and probably some of the credit goes to White for being a great scene partner).
SOPHIA: Why are we cooking outdoors? DOROTHY: Ma, we’re having a barbecue. SOPHIA: You know what they call cooking meat over an open fire in Sicily? DOROTHY: No, what? SOPHIA: Poverty.
I appreciate what the episode does, making Lily an . . . well, I don’t want to say antagonist, but definitely the person who’s causing the conflict. She’s not actually dealing with her problems, but she wants to look like she is because she’s too proud to ask for help -- and when she finally does, it’s from a person who’s not qualified to help her. The first time I watched this episode, I was a naïve youngster who didn’t understand why Rose didn’t go help Lily -- I felt that I would, under the circumstances. Now that I’m an adult, I understand better why that situation is untenable, because Rose would have to quit her job and, given that she can’t really teach Lily to be independent, would never be able to have her own life because Lily would be dependent on her.
The show is also not shy about showing how Lily’s lack of control over her situation is making her lash out, and that this isn’t excusable: During the pivotal scenes between Rose and Lily, Lily does everything she can to deflect taking responsibility for herself. She tells Rose, “You’d be worried if you couldn’t find anything to worry about” when Rose comes to check on her (keep in mind, she’d been screaming for help mere minutes earlier), begs Rose to fix the problem for her, and finally escalates to accusing Rose of abandoning her when Rose tries to get her to take care of herself.
DOROTHY: Will you look at this? I got this doll on my 10th birthday. I can’t believe I’ve kept her all these years. *Sophia enters behind her* Her hair’s falling out, her clothes are all worn, she smells of mothballs... SOPHIA: Hey, I may not be Ann-Margret, but I’m still your mother!
There is a difference between toughing something out and truly coping with it, and I think anyone who’s gone through a major life change would agree. The difference lies in confronting the reality of the situation. For most of the episode, Lily adamantly refuses to do that, and Rose enables her -- the other Girls recognize that and try to help Rose see it. For me, the best (and hardest) part of the episode to watch is that little moment in the kitchen when Rose says Lily is very independent, and Dorothy firmly says, “No she’s not, Rose.”
I’m not disabled myself, so I looked up details on common reactions to late-onset disabilities. We never know how Lily became blind -- if it was something that had been coming on for a while or if it was the result of some kind of trauma -- but I found an article on the Royal National Institute for Blind People’s website that clarified what Lily is going through: Grief. If you watch closely, you can see Lily’s going through a few different stages of grief -- denial, anger, and fear. While her situation is resolved mostly off-camera, it’s nice to see that she’s allowed to have those emotions.
ROSE: *about Lily* She served three terms on the city council, and she was the first woman in St. Olaf’s to ever have a pilot’s license. BLANCHE: Oh really? Well we have something in common, Lily. I was the first woman in my hometown ever to have a pilot! DOROTHY: Blanche’s bed is next to the X-15 at the Space and Aviation Museum.
Still, as much as I like the episode, I do think there are a few parts where the writing isn’t as strong as it could be. Most of the episode is tipped on the serious side rather than the comedic side. The garage sale scene is really funny, but doesn’t make sense. Presumably the Girls went through all their stuff before putting it out on the lanai, to confirm they wanted to sell it and to price it. Why is it that only on the day of the sale do they decide they want to keep all their bric-a-brac? Also, I’m not exactly sure how they plan to get a new TV with a $60 down payment and paying “the rest of it” off on time. Side note: The scene of them frantically clearing Lily’s path of boxes is funny, but it’s really their fault for leaving boxes of stuff lying around while a blind guest is trying to navigate their house.
While the episode is balanced really well between the four Girls, I think Blanche’s major part of the episode -- her extended story about her male friend Andrew (an excellent lover . . . no, riveter) -- doesn’t really serve either the episode or the scene it’s in, which is a recurring problem with first-season episodes. Her anecdotes from the opening scene about barbecues with the Darcy triplets (Hank, Beau, and . . . Dove?) are much funnier and feel more appropriate to the scene.
BLANCHE: *about Sophia’s stroke* But you got better. SOPHIA: Yeah, because [Dorothy] stopped coddling me. She screamed, she hollered, day and night. She made me do my therapy. She forced me to rebuild my life because she knew I could. And for that I’ll always be grateful. DOROTHY: Aw, thanks, Ma. SOPHIA: I only have one question: Now that I’m better, why do you still scream and holler at me?
Also, bit of dubious-but-fun trivia for you: I already said that Holliday is great as Lily. That said, she allegedly wasn’t the first choice for the role. If the information in Golden Girls Forever is correct, the person who the producers originally wanted to play Lily, the actress whose name was thrown around early in the process . . . was Lucille Ball. Yes, that Lucille Ball.
Keep in mind I couldn’t find a secondary source for this information. Contrary to the impression I probably give, I don’t take Golden Girls Forever as gospel and I generally do try to confirm what’s written via some other source. If I can’t, I don’t want to present it to you as fact. So allegedly the reason Ball declined the role was that she didn’t want to do too many serious roles, and I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad Polly Holliday got the role instead of Lucille Ball. If she had, I think the whole episode, including the dramatic scenes, would have been less about the characters and performances, and more about “OMG, that’s Lucy!”
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
Sophia shows how much patience she has for haggling:
CUSTOMER: How much? SOPHIA: Two bucks. Get wild. Treat yourself. CUSTOMER: Nah, I’ll give you a dollar-fifty. SOPHIA: What does this look like, Baghdad? *pulls vase out of her hands* Get the hell out of here! DOROTHY: Ma, that’s no way to sell things! SOPHIA: Hey, go to Neiman Marcus sometime, see if they treat you any better.
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fire-bear · 4 years
Familiar Voices
(Working title, from that song that goes “All around me are familiar faces”, etc.)
So, I’ve been doing the AFTG Bingo 2020, as you may have noticed and, since I had a few hours since I posted my last one, I decided to start work on another square. I’m not going to finish it tonight so I decided to just post the part that I’ve got done now and relax before I go to bed (or I won’t sleep well, as per usual). Anyways, I was going to attempt another line, but since I knew I wouldn’t finish, I went with the Musicians AU.
(I’ve put some under the cut cause this is a rather long post, but I wanted to show off the first part, so.)
The summary would be something like:
Neil was happy with his new name, new life, new friends, new home. He still had a lot of pop culture and movies and music to catch up on. Which is probably why all of his friends are excited when the popular rock band that Neil has never heard of - The Monsters - have come to town.
“There’s a rockstar in town,” Matt told Neil, three months after Neil had finally felt settled in his new life. 
“Okay,” said Neil, placidly. He pulled out a paper cup. “What do you want today?”
“A mocha,” said Matt, distractedly. He was scrolling through his phone, even as he was bent almost double to lean against the counter. 
“Cake?” Neil asked, knowing that Matt liked to have something at this point in the day.
“Hm, yeah. I should be healthy so, like, the carrot cake?”
“Sure,” said Neil, grinning cheekily at Matt when he looked up with a pout.
“Aren’t you interested?” Matt demanded, waving his phone at Neil.
“Neil!” Matt whined. 
“You know I’m not a big music fan,” Neil pointed out, already starting to work the coffee machine. The clanging and hissing filled the air of The Foxhole, the little coffee shop that Neil now worked in. 
He loved working there. Aside from the delicious smells that bloomed from the kitchen, the shop itself was cosy. There were two types of tables. Some were low for the comfy couches and armchairs. Others were attached to the thin pillars that were dotted around the place, tall stools available for the customers. The walls were painted white with little fox pawprints dotted across it. Napkins with foxes printed on them were available at the tables and every table also had fox salt and pepper shakers. A giant fox looked down on Neil from above the machines, nosing at the menu that was done in orange writing. 
It was home and Neil treasured it.
At the moment, since it was an hour till closing, there were very little people in. Anyone that wasn’t Matt were taking their coffees to go, on their way to back shifts and night shifts. Only a few people were actually sitting in, most of which were students. There was also a couple who were on a blind date, blushing at each other and stuttering through flustered conversation. That meant that Matt could block the counter without annoying anyone.
“I can let you listen to some right now,” Matt said, quickly tapping away at his phone.
Neil glanced towards the students and the date. “I don’t think doing that here is a good idea, Matt,” he said, nodding to them. “Maybe another time.”
Instead of backing off like Neil had hoped, Matt pointed his phone at Neil. “Tonight. After work. Come by my place. We’ll get pizza and we’ll listen to The Monsters’ albums and watch movies. Right?”
Rolling his eyes at the coffee machine as he poured Matt’s mocha, Neil sighed. “Okay, fine. If you want me to listen to them that much, then yes.”
“Great!” Matt exclaimed. “I’ll go pick up Dan and see if the girls want to join in!”
Shaking his head with a fond smile, Neil set down the cup and the bag with the carrot cake. “Okay,” he said. “Now, get lost so I can shut up shop.”
“You’ve got an hour!” Matt protested, pouting. “How mean!”
Neil laughed and swatted at him with the cloth he used to wipe down the counter when he had nothing else to do. Grinning, Matt scooped up his purpose, left more than enough money - a tip for Neil was included, as usual - and left with a wave over his shoulder. Shaking his head, he returned to his work which was mainly cleaning at this late stage. He also stocked up things like the cups and sugar. Half an hour later, he retied his orange apron and began to move around the room, wiping down every table and chair. The blind date decided to move on. Frantic students checked the time and cleared out, too.
He was utterly alone when there were only fifteen minutes left of the coffee shop’s opening hours and the door opened.
Having already wiped everywhere down, he was back behind the counter. He hid a sigh as he looked up, watching the lone man enter and look around. Compared to the cosy, sunny atmosphere of the coffee shop, the man was a black hole. Black combat boots; black skinny jeans with a rip at one thigh and a rip on the opposite knee, a chain hanging from his left hip; black tank top with jagged edges and a deep v-neck; black armbands; a black, dangly earring shaped like a tooth. His hair was the only light colour on him, the blond in it pale enough to reflect the light and make it golden. The man sauntered closer, gazing around as he moved, and his hazel eyes landed on Neil.
“Hi,” said Neil, forcing a customer service smile. “What can I get you?”
“A mocha,” the man said in a deep, rumbling voice. “Extra chocolate, extra cream.”
Neil resisted commenting on his choice. “Sure thing,” he said, pulling a to-go cup off the freshly stacked pile.
“No,” said the man, stopping Neil in his tracks. “To sit in.”
Turning back to him, Neil gave him a baffled look. “Sir. We’re open for less than fifteen minutes now. Wouldn’t it be best to-?”
“No,” the man repeated. He turned away from Neil, heading for one of the many, many tables that Neil had already wiped down. “I’ll sit in.” He stopped and turned back to Neil before he decided where to sit. “And bring me cake.”
Looking him over again, Neil realised what his mistake had been. Though this man had ragged looking clothes, they were clearly designed to be like that. The material of his clothes were good, likely to last, and probably expensive. Neil was interacting with some rich asshole who shouldn’t have been allowed to walk around on his own. Dan would kill him, though, if he didn’t at least try to be nice to him, so Neil smiled a little wider, trying to shake the fact that he probably looked like his father from his mind.
“Of course, sir.” His voice was tight. He was probably going to be told off, at the very least. “Which kind?” Gesturing at the display - something he would have normally been packing away at this very moment - Neil forcefully returned the to-go cup to its pile. Once this man left, he’d have to wash the dishes - again.
“Chocolate. With ice cream.”
“We don’t have ice cream. Sorry. Sir.” Neil was ridiculously pleased that he could actually refuse the man something and focussed on making his awful drink, hiding his amusement.
Behind him, the man sighed. “Whatever.”
Neil rolled his eyes but didn’t respond. Instead, he made the man’s drink, pulled out the cake, got everything ready on a tray with cutlery and napkins, and took the arrangement over to the man. Without looking at him, Neil unloaded the tray and straightened, holding the tray against his chest. It provided him with a shield against the man’s intense gaze, though Neil couldn’t understand why he would want to look at him. He wasn’t particularly interesting, even after he had bit the bullet and returned his eyes and hair to their original colours. 
“Anything else, sir?” he asked, for something to say.
“No.” The man sounded dismissive, but he didn’t take his gaze off Neil’s face. And hair. And eyes. Neil blinked at him for a moment, trying to work out what he wanted or what he was doing. Then he gave up.
“Do you want me to take your money now, or…?”
For a moment, the man stared at him. Then he dug his hands into his pockets, searching, searching, searching. He pulled out a phone. “Google Pay?”
“Uh…” Neil pointed at the sign by the till. The one that read: Google and Apple Pay functions currently not working. We are working to get this fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
The man stilled, staring at it. Then he looked down at his coffee and cake. Finally, he looked up at Neil. “I’ll need to make a call.”
“What do you mean?” Neil snapped, losing his patience. The man raised an eyebrow. “The shop’s about to close. I’m not going to wait for you.”
“If I call now,” the man explained, “my cousin will get here in roughly ten minutes.”
“Sure,” said Neil, sarcastically.
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rotcon · 5 years
"We all have a skeleton or two in our closet... I just happen to have one big enough with which to hide them in, room for them to move." she answers, persisting in the toy of his hair. The hand combed through the black strands with wonder, a tender touch despite how rough those claws can prove to be. "Just as how I won't maim you lest you give me reason." She smiles then, her sharp teeth still hidden, yet poke regardless for every given word. "Your importance has provided leniency from wrath."
“Careful now; you wouldn’t want to make me feel special.” Despite not being acquainted with sleep, Sebastian found himself being lulled into a similar sensation by that gentle touch of hers. “From your wrath in particular, I take it. Because just the other day I was given a difficult time by a rowdy pubhouse owner.” His fake pout quickly morphed into an inhuman grin, long canine teeth bright even under orange light of the candelabra.
“It’s a good thing I enjoy the odd bar brawl, or it might have just ruined my Tuesday. What would it take to outweigh my importance then, hm? Tell me so that I might avoid it -- or in the worst case, take a swift exit by your hand if the troubles of the world become too much to bear.” The devil lay the back of his hand against his forehead in a mock despair. “Betrayal? Murder of a pet? Ah, I know -- replacing all your salt shakers with pepper.”
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mortaljin · 7 years
Word Count: 4.2k Warnings: None Genre: Gets a little fluffy at the end. Soulmate!Au Member: Taehyung
Summary: Making it in fashion is hard. It’s even harder when you’re colorblind and the only person who can bring color to your world is your soulmate. Will Y/N be able to find out who her soulmate is after seeing a splotch of color for the first time?
Masterlist | Afterstory Drabble
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“Why should we hire you,” the man asked what is probably one of the most common interview questions known to man, his next words were dripping with doubt, however, “Y/N, you are colorblind after all, and the use of color is a vital tool in the fashion industry.”
You knew this quality, or lack thereof, was to be brought up at some point during the interview. This was an answer you had rehearsed for the past week after you had gotten a call back from a well-known design studio. A great deal of thought had been put into the answer you would provide because this studio was the first one to move you to the interview process; all other studios had turned you down after seeing that you had, unfortunately, checked off the colorblind box. Praises were given over your impressive resume, and they had all ended the conversation with a simple ‘call us when the color comes to you, we would love to have you join our team then.’ Throughout your seven-month-long process of hunting for a better position, however, the color never came, and you didn’t think it would anytime soon, but you weren’t going to let that stop you.
“It is no lie that I cannot see color, but it has not stopped me from creating what I think are exceptional pieces.” You could practically feel your heart trying to escape your chest as you feigned confidence. “Statistically, over half the population is rendered colorblind like me, and that is the audience I will do most of my catering to. As you can see with the examples I’ve brought with me, I have managed this far with my own strategies, techniques, and system to create clothing that is appealing to those who cannot see, and even to those who can.” You paused for a moment, and when you saw the interviewers unchanging facial expression, you continued. “In a world obsessed with the idea of color, I want to prove that in this world, and in fashion, color is not what makes or breaks a work of art.” You finished with a shallow exhale and prayed that your determination for success had seethed through your words enough.
“Well, Y/N,” the interviewer shuffled your paperwork as he stood, and you stood with him as you prepared to say goodbye, “it looks like your determination compensates for your colorblindness, and we are excited to have you join our team of designers.”
You stood there dumbfounded for what seemed like an eternity with your jaw slack and slightly open. When you came to your senses, you brought your chin a little higher, back a little straighter, and your voice that much more confident. “As am I, sir, you will not regret this,” you gave his outstretched hand a firm shake, and then followed him towards the rest of the building so he could give you a rundown of the workplace.
Pleasantly exhausted, you made your way to the large, overly-fancy doors to the entrance of the studio. It wasn’t even your first official day at the studio, yet the amount of information was almost enough to wear you down. You were shown your workspace as well as the two designers who would be monitoring you for the next month while the company decides if you are worthy to keep around. The fabric room at the back of the building was filled with what had to be the best quality fabric you had ever seen; there was no doubt that the color selection had to be vast as well. Glancing one more time at your new location, you pushed open the doors to make your way home.
“I am so sorry! Are you okay?” A voice rambled as it picked up the folders and items that were now sprawled on the ground. Your eyes had been lowered to the ground as you walked out the building, causing you not to see the man rounding the corner and running straight into him. You just laughed, nothing is ruining your high spirits.
“It’s fine, really. At least neither one of us was carrying coffee!” You joked with him to calm his worries and picked up the rest of your things, “thank you for helping with my papers, take care!” You didn’t give him a second glance, or even a first, as you made your way down the street, a newfound pep in your step from landing such a great job.
This must be a dream, you thought to yourself as you made your way down the final few blocks towards your apartment. Most people to make it in the fashion industry were older, and well, usually married. Color was the world’s wonderful gift that was only bestowed to those who had found their special someone; it was something people could see only after meeting their soulmates. Most people found their soulmates in their twenties, some in their teenage years, few are rarely older than forty, and unfortunately, some never meet them. Your great-aunt was one of those people; no matter how much of a social butterfly she was in her youth, her soulmate never came and neither did the color. Your parents, on the other hand, were just barely eighteen when their entire world became drenched in the beautiful colors, and had you not long after. Maybe I’ll be the medium of the two, you slightly snickered to yourself at the thought. Twenty-five and still without a soulmate, not the end of the world, right? It wasn’t for your great-aunt; at thirty-three, she met a man that, despite not bringing color into her life, made her feel as if he had. They fell in love, although it’s not recommended to do so with someone who isn’t your soulmate, and have spent the last forty years in a blissful, black-and-white world.
Right before you reached your apartment, you stop dead in your tracks in front of the cute little bakery you buy your desserts from. Your mouth grew dry and your throat began to close a little as you stood in shock of the sight before you. It wasn’t the view of extravagant cakes or the heavenly smell of freshly baked goodies that caused your entire world to stop. It was the sign above the door with its once black cursive name now flaunting the horrendous green color that everyone had always told you it would. You squeezed your eyes shut and violently shook your head, reopening them only to find out the sign was still green. Without trying to process whether you even liked the color, you ran into your apartment and began searching every square inch for another sign of it.
“Why did I only see one color?” This phrase had been repeated almost twenty times in the last hour. The house was practically turned upside down, the disastrous aftermath of your quest for color. As you began to place your pots, pans, and cooking utensils back into their respective places, you noticed that at the very back of the cabinet stood a single, lone pepper shaker. Here, Y/N, you can have this pepper shaker. It’s an ugly green color that I know you can’t see anyways. The conversation with your mom from three weeks ago replayed in your head. With shaky fingers, you grabbed it from its place and turned it in your hand, observing how it held the exact same green color from the sign outside.
“Hoseok, please. Will you please calm down and let me finish?” You scolded as you sat across from your best friend. After accepting the fact that you could now see what people said to be one of the worse shades of green, you immediately rushed to Hoseok to figure out what it meant. When you knocked on his door unannounced and quickly blurted out your new ability to see color, Hoseok was ecstatic and began to pull you towards his closet so he could show you the new purple shirt he had gotten yesterday.
“Oh right, of course, I need to know what your soulmate is like! I bet he’s super tall, and smart, I know you’ve always wanted to marry a doctor!” Hoseok began rambling all these predictions before you finally had to cut him off.
“I didn’t meet my soulmate Hoseok,” his eyes went wide and you continued, “well obviously I must have, but not like everyone else has. And I can’t see all color, only this shade of green.” You held out the pepper shaker that you brought with you, as proof to him that you could see that it was green.
“This doesn’t make any sense, Y/N. If you can see this green, then that means you met your soulmate, which means you should be seeing all kinds of color right now.” Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and began typing away.
“I know, I don’t get it either. I was around so many people today after getting that job. I got the job by the way!” You beamed, you just realized you hadn’t even told him about your new job. “So, I came across and met a lot of people today, some of them were pretty attractive I won’t lie, do you think that has my body thinking it’s trying to meet someone?”
“Firstly, congrats on the job! I knew you’d land one eventually, you have a knack for fashion and once you get the rest of your color, you’ll be unstoppable. Secondly, listen to what I just found. About five years ago, some research was done about the phenomenon that is soulmates and color,” he looked up to make sure you were listening and continued, “it says here that the majority of people who meet their soulmate, meet them in a circumstance where all of their attention is on each other. Like me and Yoongi for example, when I met him at the bar it was like no one else existed but him.” You rolled your eyes and grinned at how cliché and cute their story was. “These people are the ones that see color immediately and in everything, however, there are people, presumably like you, who begin to see splotches of color here and there that gradually bloom. These people weren’t focused on their soulmate or didn’t have a proper meeting. These scientists discovered that briefly touching, bumping into, or talking to, does not fully bring out the essence of the soulmate and causes the person to see few, if not one, color.” You stared at him blankly.
“You mean to tell me, I finally meet my soulmate and I didn’t even do it right?” You were fuming and honestly annoyed at yourself.
“Not necessarily. You were probably just so caught up in getting this new job and meeting all those new people that you didn’t have time to focus on anyone for longer than five seconds.” Hoseok’s smile grew more mischievous as the seconds counted on.
“Why are you looking at me like that,” slight fear in your voice without knowing what he was thinking, “what are you planning?”
“I’m thinking that you need to get yourself a makeover! Now that we know that your soulmate is tied to your job, we have to make sure that you look the best at all times! No more mismatched clothes!” You grimaced at the word mismatched. “No offense, Y/N, you usually do a good job and while those earrings aren’t a total fashion disaster, they’d be better in a different color.”
“I’m going to roll my eyes out of my head because of you. I don’t need new clothes. And excuse me if I can’t tell that this hint of gray isn’t the proper shade.”
“Fine, fine. At least let me come to your house and rearrange and label your closet? You’re due for a new outfit range.” You glared at him before relenting. Having someone label and arrange your outfits for you so as not to wear green shirts with orange pants is nice, but every so often they needed to be relabeled and rearranged so that you could keep the outfits looking fresh. You snatched your green pepper shaker and made your way out the door, forcing Hoseok to run after you before you changed your mind.
The following morning was nothing short of stressful as you ran around your apartment trying to get ready for work. After rearranging your outfits last night, Hoseok became your saving grace and helped you tidy up your destroyed apartment. All this for a pepper shaker? You laughed as his exasperated statement came back to your mind. Pulling on the pantsuit and choosing its new matching accessories, you stood back and looked at yourself in the mirror.
“Hoseok said that this pantsuit is burgundy colored and that it looks good on me. I can’t wait to see this color!” This thought had been said aloud, but your voice trailed off towards the end. What if I don’t see my soulmate again and I never see more color? What if I’m stuck with one shade of green? You inwardly laughed at this last thought, because one color is perhaps better than none.
The commute from your apartment isn’t that difficult, and you felt a little different now that you knew you would be passing that green sign every day. It was strange, everything was once black-and-white, but the closer you look, the more you notice that shade of green found here and there. You saw it on a magazine rack, and then you later saw it on someone’s shirt. It had to be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen; how can people say this color is hideous?
You were greeted by the secretary at the front and you made your way to the workspace you had been assigned. A couple of the older women that you had met yesterday came over to you and started up a friendly conversation before the day’s assignments were to be distributed.
“I looked at your portfolio yesterday, Y/N, the way you are able to mix such odd colors together is amazing! I’ve never seen someone mix colors like that and have it still look good!” One of the women, Catherine, had complimented, holding up a picture of one of your dresses you designed.
“Thank you so much! That’s such a compliment,” you gushed, surprised that someone complimented on your skill with color. “Most people brush off my color choices, and focus on my designs themselves seeing as I’m colorblind.” This merited a gasp from the group of women surrounding you.
“What do you mean you’re colorblind, how could you hope to ever work in fashion if you can’t even see color?” This remark came from the woman you met yesterday that seemed to be a little cold, and now she proved your suspicion.
“Well, I mean-” but you were cut off by another coworker, John you think his name is.
“Oh, be quiet Brenda, if you took the time to look at her portfolio like we did, you would realize that she obviously knows what she’s doing despite her color deficit.” He countered her snarky remark and turned to you with a smile. Wait.
“Wait, ‘look at her portfolio like we did,’ does that mean you’ve all seen it?” You asked meekly, fear creeping into you as you learned that all these skilled people, who have the ability to see color, have seen all of your work.
“Of course! We see every newcomer’s portfolio so that we can assess them properly. I think it’s safe to say that we all think you’re brilliant, despite being colorblind!” Catherine praised you and patted your shoulder. Suddenly your boss and another man in tow were approaching you.
“Ah Y/N, good morning! Glad to see that you’re here early!” The man said. Mr. Boudreaux was in his early sixties but didn’t look a day after fifty. He was a legend in the fashion world for this area. The others had returned to their work and had left the three of you alone.
“Of course, Mr. Boudreaux, I wouldn’t be late even I wanted to be!” Shooting a smile his way, he laughed at your enthusiasm.
“That’s good to hear. By the way, this is Mr. Kim. Taehyung got here a few months ago, so he’s new as well.” You shook his hand and introduced yourself, but you were not able to give him much thought as Mr. Boudreaux was talking a mile a minute about all the work he had planned for you. Before turning away to get to work, a ring on Taehyung’s right hand caught your eye. A large stone glistened under the bright lights of the studio and it was a wonderful color you weren’t sure of. This observation made you gasp slightly and left you staring after him as they walked away.
Did I ignore my soulmate again? This thought screamed inside your head as you wracked your mind as to who it could possibly be. There are a couple of the younger men here that you’ve briefly talked to since yesterday, but none of them seem to be your type. Then there’s Mr. Kim. Nonsense, I didn’t see him yesterday. Did I? You wracked your brain trying to come up with any memory of seeing Taehyung and came up empty. Your mind drifted back to the stranger that you bumped into without looking at, and you almost squealed in realization. His voice! Their voices are the same! After making this connection, you added Taehyung to the possibilities on your soulmate list and continued to work your way into your assignments. Apparently, Taehyung and a few of the other workers were invested in a tedious project downstairs, and so you didn’t see any of them for the rest of the day. You didn’t see any color either.
“Hoseok,” you huffed into the phone as you climbed the stairs to your apartment, “I see another color.”
“This is great Y/N! What color is it?” You could practically feel your best friend’s excitement for you.
“Well I wasn’t exactly sure at first, it was a light color, but when I walked outside I saw it in the sky before the clouds came in, so I’m assuming it’s blue!” Blue had always been a color you had dreamed of seeing.
“That’s wonderful, I’m so glad you can enjoy the sky now!”
“Me too, Hoseok. Me too. I wouldn’t have seen the ring on Mr. Kim’s finger if I didn’t have a problem of staring at my feet.” You confessed, wishing you had paid more attention to Taehyung instead of listening to Mr. Boudreaux’s rambling.
“Try to pay attention to him more! Maybe he’s the one!”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see.”
Due to being constantly busy, you were hardly able to pay attention to yourself, let alone any of your coworkers. Thankfully, however, over the past few weeks you were able to narrow it down through a process of elimination. Your two possibilities as to who your soulmate could come down to Park Jimin, the guy that you see once in a blue moon downstairs, and Kim Taehyung, who you also rarely see. You decided to test your possibilities and headed downstairs to make conversation with Jimin. For the first time, you gave him your full attention; the two of you held a pleasant conversation about favorite styles and designs. No matter how much attention you gave him, however, your world never changed. The hidden colors that were left to be seen didn’t come out, causing you to accept defeat and head back upstairs. Time for Taehyung.
This time you were nervous. Through your quick, half-hearted conversations in the coffee room and hellos in the hallway, you began to enjoy his presence. You were scared though. Anything could happen if you found out you were each other’s soulmates. What if he was your soulmate but you were not his? The thoughts ran through your head as you made your way to his office. Quickly you knocked on his door and entered after he called.
“What can I do for you, Y/N?” His eyes never left his papers as he questioned you. Your heart fell to your stomach. You were completely paying attention to him, yet there was no burst of color.
“Oh, I was wondering if you had seen Mr. Boudreaux lately, I went to his office and he wasn’t there. I needed to speak with him.” This was a total lie, you could see Mr. Boudreaux clearly on the other side of the studio.
“He was just in a meeting, he should be back soon.” He never bothered to glance up at you, nor did he say anything as you turned on your heel and shut your door. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes, and suddenly you felt incredibly sick to your stomach. Thankfully, Mr. Boudreaux had swung by almost immediately after.
“Y/N? You look awful, no offense, but are you feeling well?” He looked at you with concern, and all you could manage was a simple shake of your head. “Get out of here then, leaving an hour early so that you don’t puke on the clothes is not the end of the world. Feel better.” With that, you were practically running out of the studio.
You didn’t know where to go to, everything had begun to have color in it and you couldn’t stand the thought of seeing it. Despite this, you found yourself sitting in a park for over an hour. This had become your favorite place as of recent; all shades of green had now been bestowed on you and you came to the park to see it almost every day. A few shades of different colors had come into your life; blues, reds, and yellows could be seen more frequently now, but your world was still mostly under a black-and-white filter. Green was your favorite color, and you still adored the sign above the bakery near your home, despite everyone’s protests that it was awful. Your eyes were glued to the ground in front of you. Throughout the area of the green grass were holes of grey and black. Dirt. I’ve become greedy with seeing color and I’m mad that I can’t see the color of dirt. You wanted to laugh at this thought, but you couldn’t. Tears began to form in your eyes, and suddenly you were sobbing in that secluded part of the park.
“This isn’t fair! Why did I ever have to see color at all!” You screamed, cursing yourself for ever getting that stupid job.
“I thought you were colorblind, Y/N?” The voice came from the right of you, and instinctively you turned away when you realized who it belonged to.
“Not completely, Mr. Kim.” You muttered under your breath. You couldn’t bear the thought of looking at him again and having your dreams crushed, so you hastily stood up and began to walk away. A hand caught your wrist and froze you to the spot.
“Y/N, wait. I need to tal-”
“Please let me go, Taehyung. I don’t want to have a conversation about color with the person I had mistaken for the one who gave it to me.” By now you were crying again, but you didn’t care. You felt beyond defeated. Suddenly you were being yanked back into Taehyung who quickly spun you around. His hands were on your shoulders and shook you a little bit to get your attention.
“Damn it, Y/N, look at me!”
So, you did. When your eyes met his, a slow spread of color began to flow out of his skin. First, his eyes became colored, brown like the dirt below your feet, but so much richer. Then you could see the slight tan of his skin, and the burgundy of his shirt. The world around you started to erupt with color, and you had to cover your mouth to prevent the obnoxious gasps coming from it.
“I don’t understand. Why now?” You had the mixture of every emotion welling up inside of you, irritation, confusion, and especially happiness. “Some people only see color with their soulmate after paying attention to them, and I went to your office to talk to you and I didn’t see any color, so you shouldn’t be my soulmate. I-” your rambling was cut off when Taehyung engulfed you in his arms and ran his hand along your back, calming you down.
“That’s true, technically,” after breaking from the hug, Taehyung reached a hand up to caress your cheek. “But what they don’t tell you is that it doesn’t count if both people don’t have their full attention on each other. That’s why I’ve only gotten a few colors here and there, I always seemed to be at the back of your mind, and perhaps you’ve been at the back of mine sometimes.”
“Can you see everything, too?” you whispered, the sound of your heart beating in your ears seemed to drown it out. Taehyung nodded.
“I can see the color in those beautiful eyes of yours now, the blush in your cheeks is more prominent, and I can finally admire all the beautiful clothes you wear and make.” You giggled slightly as you could feel the heat rising to your face.
“How did you know I was going to be in the park?” You wondered how he even found you in the first place.
“I didn’t,” Taehyung shrugged, “this became a place of solace to me when your green dress became the first color I saw that day I bumped into you.”
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todayshoppinginfo · 3 years
New Post has been published on https://todayshoppinginfo.com/all-time-best-amazon-buys-of-2020-top-recommendations-you/
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My 2020 best Amazon purchases! If you’re new hit the & subscribe to be notified when I upload every MWF 6 pm PT #amazonfavorites #amazonthingsyouneed
▼ WATCH MORE ▼ Etsy Favorites https://youtu.be/zeFu_A2NLl8 Amazon Travel Essentials https://bit.ly/3716EOl Amazon Must-Haves https://bit.ly/3acB6Hk Amazon Things You Need https://bit.ly/32L5UJB Amazon Favs (latest one) https://youtu.be/6TLdCqVwMKI
▼ Amazon Shop Page (a bunch of stuff I like listed in 1 place!)→ https://www.amazon.com/shop/taylorwynn
PRODUCTS MENTIONED ◇ Glass Straws https://amzn.to/3cVetad -Glass cup used (for some reason priced super high but goes on sale frequently for cheaper) https://shrsl.com/2piua ◇ Sunglass holder https://amzn.to/2X7dKwN ◇ Soundcore Anker Earbuds https://amzn.to/2JDogJ8 ◇ Sunglasses https://amzn.to/3b44uBJ ◇ Dryer Balls https://amzn.to/389Rt7Y ◇ Coffee- Hazelnut Creme https://amzn.to/2LcRjnt ◇ Anker phone charger brick 20W https://amzn.to/3hAEOho -charging cord I use with it https://amzn.to/3baAeoO ◇ Hair Waver https://amzn.to/2X5CK7W -Bondi Boost mentioned https://bondiboost.com/products/wave-wand ◇ Water Kettle https://amzn.to/2X2s3D1 -salt & pepper shakers in the background https://amzn.to/3puaOr0 ◇ Color changing lightbulbs https://amzn.to/3hCgPOO -black lamp https://go.magik.ly/ml/127jx/ ◇ Diffuser Oil (Santal) https://amzn.to/3rNhly9 -Diffuser I use https://amzn.to/353Rng5 ◇ Keyboard https://amzn.to/2LfT7vW ◇ Ipad Stand https://amzn.to/2JDo5xs -other iPad stand shown if you’re more into that one! https://amzn.to/3pVTElR My iPad is 10.2 inch Space Grey https://amzn.to/2PmQJ5a *my iPad background https://bit.ly/339Gl7n ◇ Power Strip https://amzn.to/3pO2CkZ ◇ Perfect Haircare Towel https://amzn.to/2D4EzeE
️️ WHAT I’M WEARING / RANDOM THINGS ️️ -Candle Burning is Lumberjack by Anchored Northwest https://rstyle.me/+J2N2ceADBaowEDlqSbWOmA -Nails are impress press ons but I don’t recommend -Jacket was thrifted and turtleneck was from F21 Lashes: Random ones I cut in thirds and then added Ardell individual clusters -Lipstick: Charlotte Tilbury Iconic Nude liner https://go.magik.ly/ml/13ekf/ with NYX Corset lipstick https://go.magik.ly/ml/13wun/
FTC | This video is not sponsored. Links listed are affiliate links, any product can be linked through different affiliate platforms, it has no bearing on products I mention. Affiliate links provide a small commission off of each purchase, which enables me to invest back into my channel and purchase more products to review. If you don’t want to click on affiliate links and help support my channel, feel free to Google the products instead. Here is my full disclosure and thoughts on Sponsorships, affiliate links, etc.: http://bit.ly/2l2VZd5 All thoughts and opinions are my own….Girl, you know I’ll tell you what’s up.
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▼▼▼ DISCOUNT CODES ▼▼▼ Hautelook (Nordstrom Rack flash sale site- makeup, shoes, etc) http://www.hautelook.com/short/3CRuD RAKUTEN (Cash Back when you shop online – FREE $10 Gift card when you signup, it’s legit.) http://goo.gl/6tgn02 Source
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kdenbibi · 7 years
Endless Chapter 5
Damian Wayne x Reader (x various)
Summary:Some questions are answered, some questions arise.
Warnings: Slight language, war flashbacks to Discowing
Authors Note: Yeet, hope ya like it
Tag List: @mirajanestrauss1999
I walked into the small coffee shop, shaking the snow from my beanie as I trudged towards the very back, my long winter jacket fluttered from the speed I was walking, I silently thanked the Lord they had the heater blasting in here.I peeled off the coat, tossing it in the empty booth in the back I'd been instructed to snag.  I tried my best not to let my nerves show, although to be fair I was meeting a complete stranger all by my lonesome, unfortunately Jon got an urgent call and had to bail, he seemed pretty hesitant to leave but after some reassurance that I'd be okay he dipped. Seconds felt like hours as I waited for the guy to show, my fingers drummed down on the worn down surface to the beat of the Christmas song softly drifting throughout the shop. The cheery atmosphere did nothing to quell the anxiety in my stomach, if the smell of cinnamon in the air and overall warmth the cafe provided couldn't help, then yeah I was definitely nervous. I tugged off my knit beanie, and attempted to smooth out the serious case of hat hair I had going on, thankfully, I braided my hair earlier so the loose curls sticking out looked on purpose, my fingers, now bored with the drumming, toyed with the ends of braid as a means of distraction. I felt my eye wander from the homely decorations hung up and around the walls, to watching the world go by through the window. I took in the sight, the snow had finally started to come down in Gotham so people were bundled up almost comically, and despite it being  below 40° outside, they went about their lives as usual, whenever new folks paid our city a visit, they were always perplexed at Gothamites abilities to ignore the freezing temperatures. I have to admit as sweet as the snow falling was to watch, hands down my favorite thing about this time of year was the city's tradition to string up what looked to be a million Christmas lights above and through downtown, making the usual dim, dark, nights much brighter. I was so in my thoughts I jumped at the sudden body very casually-and very loudly I might add- sliding into the booth across from me, I ended up slamming my knees into the table so hard the salt and pepper shakers knocked over. I whispered a curse under my breath as I rubbed at my newly bruised knee, and before I could roast the unwanted stranger, my head snapped up to see a familiar grin. "Yikes- that sounded like it hurt, you okay kid?" "Besides needing new kneecaps? Yeah just peachy - thanks for asking strange grown man." Said random man gave a warm laugh at my response, I took in his appearance, trying to gage if he was a threat or not, I could tell even sitting down the guy had a few good inches on me, he was wrapped in a brown bomber jacket, underneath was a crisp white shirt just asking to be stained by the grease that came with living here. He simply smiled while I analysed him, familiarity pinged in my head once I laid eyes on him grin. I scanned over his facial features, trying my damnedest to figure out where the hell I knew him from, his eyes were almost the same shade of electrifying  blue as Jon's, his hair fell in tufts of black waves, the few scattered snowflakes atop the waves made the black stand out even more.
All I got from my mini evaluation was this guy was hot, but I wasn't about to lower my defenses because of it.
He broke the silence before I could, suddenly looking confused as he glanced around the building. "Hey I thought you were gonna bring a friend? Or are they just hiding out in a vent waiting to ambush me if things go bad?" He joked, and just like that I remembered why I was even here. "Holy shit you're Ni- you're here." He nodded, the goofy grin ever present.My voice cracked mid sentence, I managed to stop myself from basically screaming 'Well butter my biscuits it's Nightwing! In the flesh!' and cleared my throat trying not to show the heat of embarrassment steadily creeping up my neck. "He uh- had to cancel actually, but don't worry I have a plan in case you turn out to be a weirdo." He laughed again, not taking any offense to my sort of threat. "Smart girl." He leaned back against the booth, thumbing through the menu like we were just two buddies catching up over coffee."I wonder if they serve any food, I'm starving.” He waved over the waitress grabbing himself a coffee, "Want something?" I responded still staring at the man confusion plastered across my face."Coco please." After a few moments of silence he spoke, clearly amused.
"You okay over there?"
"What no, wait I mean yeah why- why wouldn't I be." I internally cringed at my answer, he gave me a look which said he didn't but it, but the conversation dropped there.He filled the time spent waiting for our orders with casual stories about his day job as a police officer and how crazy it could be."Moral of the story, don't try to drive after your eyes have been dilated." I nodded, still, if not more nervous than I was earlier, a part of me felt like I should have been taking notes, he sighed into his palm, a smaller smile on his lips. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?" He picked up the dingy napkin dispenser, attempting to look at himself in the just barely reflective surface. I couldn't help the snort from escaping my mouth. "Nah I'm just trying to wrap my head around," I gestured to him with a wave of my hand. "- all this." He put down the dispenser with a smile. "It's pretty weird huh?" "Just a little." I laughed out pinching my fingers together. "I mean you're so - normal." Just then the waitress brought us our orders,He laughed into the coffee mug, taking a long sip before responding. "Well what did you think we did all day, work on our outfits and plan witty comebacks?" I paused before nodding. He sighed, rubbing his temple, "I can't speak for everyone but I happen to be a very normal guy- mostly." "Well 'normal guy' I gotta get your name cuz’ I'm running out of things to call you." He stuck out his hand,"Richard Grayson at your service, but my friends call me Dick." I took his outstretched palm with a firm shake. "Those don't sound like very good friends,” I joked “ I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." After half my drink was gone and the atmosphere was much lighter than earlier, a question popped up in my mind. "Let me ask you a question Dick." "Shoot." "Why'd you come here- you know, out of your whole 'sparkly' get up." He squinted at me, wiping his face before pointing a finger at my face. "First of all it is not 'sparkly', and let me tell you I know sparkly, one version of the costume had a very, very deep v-neck, I'm talking uncomfortable to look at deep, trust me this is an upgrade." I laughed, nearly chocking on my drink as I pictured him in the world's deepest v-neck, I wiped at my mouth with the back of my sleeve, the nerves finally leaving once I realized he was really just a normal dude.
Well a normal dude who kicks ass in tights at night but that's besides the point.
"Okay well that still doesn't tell me why you showed up all not-clad-in-skin-tight-kevlar. Aren't secret identities kind a big deal for y'all spandex junkies?" "Well yeah, but like I said before, you're a good kid, so I'm not all that worried." He leaned forward, a hopeful smile on his face. "Besides, there's gotta be trust between the people you work with- if you'd like to join us spandex junkies that is." I smiled at the man, a new wave of warmth spread through me as he spoke, I mentally paused, searching for any kind of hesitancy from my gut but all I got was a 50/50 ratio of nerves and excitement. "I'm listening, although I can't promise I'll squeeze myself into anything uncomfortable, even if it looks good." "Duly noted." He laughed. We spent the next hour shooting questions back and forth, most of his were unsurprisingly about what I could and could not do.
Mine were mostly about the tights.
By now the sun had set but there were still plenty of people walking about, apparently the threat of crime wasn't about to deter their Christmas shopping. "So what made you change your mind? About calling me that is?" He asked pulling me from my thoughts. I pulled on the sleeves of my shirt out of habit. "Something happened at the bank the other day-" "Wait, that mysterious hero was you?" "Yes and no," I gave a dry laugh "-anyway something..uh new happened with my powers and I figured if anyone could help me it be a dude who spends all his time around other people like me, can't exactly learn about this in chemistry class ya know?" He nodded with a warm smile, before his face shifted into something more of determination, "Look, I'll be honest here, personally I can't relate to the whole 'ooky spooky abilities' deal but I know a few people who do, and we'd all be willing to help." I gave him a soft smile, a warm feeling of appreciation swelled in my chest. "Thank you- I mean it really, I have no idea where it comes from- or what the full extent of it is." I huffed leaning back into the seat. "It sure be nice not to worry about it any more." "Again, like I said, it's kind of our job to help and protect. So it's not a problem kiddo." 
This felt like a moment from those sappy films where the older sibling figure ruffles the younger ones hair affectionately, but it wasn't.
Because if he tried it, I'd stab his hand with my fork out of reflex.
"So what's the plan here, am I gonna meet up with you in your secret lair and practice?" He chuckled out a no before continuing. "Not exactly, I'll have to finalize things with the big guy and when everything's ready we'll come to you." "Big guy?" He looked at me questioningly, a small smirk curling on his lips, waiting for me to come to my own conclusion. "Oh shit you mean Batman oh. OH." He shushed me with a laugh looking around at the other patrons before turning back to me. "Don't worry he's not at scary as everyone thinks." "Are you shitting me? Hell no." I shook my head with an uneasy laugh."He's on the Babadooks level- He's on that Freddy .vs. Jason level of scary." He barked out a laugh before pulling out the money to cover our bills. "Trust me kid, you'll do fine." "What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't make the cut and he throws me out a six story window?"
"That's oddly specific and-" he looked around for the sake of dramatics and whispered. "You didn't hear this from me, but if it'll make you feel better, you won't be dealing with him much." "Wait- who will I be dealing with then?" He winced out a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck."See now I really can't tell you that."I pouted at the older man,"Dude! You said it yourself, there should be trust between people working together, don't contradict yourself Richard." I spoke with grin. "Damnit you got me there." He snapped his fingers together before leaning in "Okay but I'm only telling you because I think you deserve a warning." My brows shot up in concern at that. "Why would I need a warning exactly?" "Well, you remember that kid I had to stop from turning you to mincemeat?" "Yeah sure, I remember the goblin." He said nothing else, calmly sipping his mug, eyes cast away from me, making me realize exactly who he meant. "Shit."
Damian POV
I easily dodged Jon's incoming fist, his stance was wrong and his punches were sloppy, he was distracted by something. I used this to land a firm kick to the back of his exposed knee, bringing him down with a wince worthy thud.My heel pressed into the center of his back as I leaned down to the struggling teenager, the pressure increased on his back the lower I went. After realizing he wasn't getting up any time soon he tapped on the mat twice, signaling his defeat. "You're terrible at this you know." I offered him a hand after he managed to roll onto his back, he scoffed at me but took my offer, pulling himself into a standing position."Well yeah, thats the whole point of you training me." He rolled his shoulders before setting his feet in the proper position. He motioned at me to come at him, I simply walked towards the nearest bench and took a seat. "Aw come on Damian! You told me to come home and train but you won't even-" "You are distracted, in a real fight that would kill you." I spoke before taking a short sip from my water bottle. "Sort yourself out Jonathan." I watched the boy from the corner of my eye, his face was furrowed in frustration, I could tell he was losing his cool, it brought a smirk to my face. "I'm not distracted-" "You and I both know I'm not wrong, so talk, spew your problems like some prepubescent child, if it'll get your mind in the game."He sighed plopping down to sit on the slightly worn down mat, "I'm just a little worried about (y/n)-" "Why is there an update?" I spoke up interrupting him. He shook his head no. "Besides what happened at the bank? Nothing, I would have told you." He spoke that last line with a hint of bitterness, when I first told him to get intel on the girl, he was completely against the idea. My mind flashed to that first initial morning where they walked off together, a plan had came to my head to get the information I needed without doing much of anything. As the week progressed, I'd ask the Kryptonian if anything interesting happened with her, hoping she'd share with the boy, but unfortunately for me, he began to catch on. "Damian, can I ask you something?" "You just did but fine, go ahead." We sat at our usual lunch table, the everyday chaos of high school chatter blended our conversation into the background. "Why are you so curious about (y/n)?" I looked up from my book to meet his suspicious gaze."Is it wrong to be curious, Kent?" His leaned into his hand, the puzzlement in his eyes never faltering."No there's nothing wrong with that! its just, you don't really take interest in, well anything." I stared at him unimpressed. "No offense! I meant normal teenage stuff, like I only ever see you talk to a few people here, and whenever we talk it's about her." I won't lie, his intellect surprised me, but I didn't let it show. "She's seems like a nice person is all." I watched as his suspicion fell and the smile on his face grow into something mischievous. "So would you say she'd make a good friend?" My face scrunched in confusion."What?- sure yes if it'll shut you up." And with that he suddenly rose before making his way across the cafeteria, to my dismay he came back with the girl in question. (Y/n) looked between us, clearly just as confused as I was."Are you gonna tell me what was so urgent or keep me standing here like boo boo the fool?" "Damian wanted to know if you would sit with us for lunch!" Our eyes met, her's skeptical, mines more surprised than angry that the little shit had it in him to do this. I realized she was waiting for my confirmation, obviously not buying what Jon said. "If you want." I spoke after clearing my throat. An uneasy smile made it's way on her face before she sat down across from me, Jon took the seat next to her."Uh thanks? I mean this is uhm, nice of you and all but why?" Jon spoke for me. "Well we were just talking about how Damian here doesn't have many friends-" I kicked his shin hard under the table, but it only hurt my foot, I held back a wince and the urge to rub my now pulsing appendage. 'Boy of steel, right, I forgot.' Jon looked to me with a smirk before continuing."-and I was telling him all about how you're so nice and cool and yeah, here we are." She looked at me with a smirk stretched across her full lips, a perfectly arched brow rose in question, "That's surprising, who wouldn't wanna be friends with someone as charming and kindhearted as pretty boy over here?" The sarcasm was practically dripping from her voice.Jon, either too oblivious to notice or too excited to care, ignored this. "Great to hear! Well how was everyone's day?" Neither of us answered too busy in a stare off, I tried to analyze her, and she stared right back, refusing to step down from this unspoken glare contest. Jon interrupted us with a cough. "Well my day was great thanks for asking." She turned away to look at the taller boy, her expression much more friendly than the look she gave me. "Sorry, his whole 'children of the corn' thing going on is pretty distracting." she pointed her thumb back motioning to me, "-what'd you do today anyway?" He went on to list all the miniscule things he achieved before lunch. I half listened to their conversation, mostly focused on the novel I had, occasionally chiming in whenever I felt it necessary. Just like that the lunch period was over, and it was time to head back to reality.(Y/n) looked to me before she left, a half smile on her face, I was surprised it was directed at me and not the younger boy by my side. "You're not so bad Wayne, when you aren't talking that is." I smirked at the girl, slapping my novel shut with one hand."I'll admit, the brief moments your mouth was shut were rather nice." She laughed off my insult with a wave of her hand, before returning to her group to finish their day.
When the school day crawled to an end, and I was driving Jon and myself back to the manor, it occurred to me the boy in my passenger seat wasn't one to be easily fooled, it also occurred he may already know of her abilities and is acting stupid to throw off my questioning. I decided to sidestep all the bullshit of my original plan and straight out ask him. "Let's not beat around the bush Jonathan, has (y/n) told you anything strange about herself?" He snapped his head up, away from his phone to stare at me. "Pardon me?" I rolled my eyes at his act. "You know? Her powers, what has she told you of them?" "She has powers?" He practically screamed, I resisted the urge to slam the car into the traffic surrounding me and took a deep breath. "I'd appreciate it if you refrained from screaming like a banshee in my car." I spoke with a roll of my eyes, god the more time I spent with this kid the more I saw the inside of my head."You can drop the act, I know of her powers already." "I didn't!" He yelled, deflating in his seat."You're kidding me right?" He didn't answer."I'll take that as a no then, TT." He groaned tossing his hands up in the air, clearly distraught. The rest of the car ride was silent, him no doubt letting the information sink in. It wasn't until days later did we speak again, after he returned home rather late, looking like he'd been kicked down a flight of stairs. I sipped at the tea steaming in my cup as he sat down at the table, rubbing at his neck, exhaustion clear in his body language. "What's up with you?" His tired eyes lifted to meet mine. He hesitated before speaking, having some sort of internal debate on whether or not to tell me. "Something happened today, something with (y/n)." He gave me a very rough explanation, not wanting to delve into the details too much, before trying to head up to bed, I grabbed his arm stopping him in his tracks. "You saw what happened today, it could get worse if she doesn't get help, but she won't listen to me, so you have to do it." "What- me? I don't even know what you're saying." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the kid before speaking again. "You're her friend, it should be easy to get some information about the extent of her abilities and bring it back to me." He scoffed at me, "I wouldn't deceive her like that- I wouldn't deceive anyone like that!" "You wouldn't be deceiving anyone, you'd simply be using your friendship to gain information for the greater good." I responded with a shrug."It would feel wrong, I don't wanna use her." "No one said you'd use her, you can still keep up that happy go lucky friendship shit once you tell me what I need." "That's not how friendships work." He chewed on the nail of his thumb, deep in thought. I continued, placing a hand on his shoulder. "As a hero, it's your responsibility to protect the public from any threats, or any potential threats." I used my Robin voice, the tone I used to talk to civilians, commanding but nonthreatening, trying to get it through his thick head."She's not a threat." He looked conflicted as he spoke. "Any unregistered meta is a threat, hell me and you both are threats. Power in the wrong hands is never a good thing." "Well it's not in the wrong hands, she saved those people today!-" "Prove it to me, show me she's not a threat and I'll drop it." We stared at one another in silence before he nodded, a fire in his eyes.
I was brought back to the present when he moved to stand, stretching out his body."I think I'm good now, you ready for round two?" I placed the water bottle down before rising, I walked until I was an arms reach away from him, "Let's see if Kryptonian's are all their hyped up to be."
After a good two hours of sparring (aka me tossing him on his ass in many different ways) and getting an idea of what he could do and handle, we called it a day. We made our way up from the cave, into the empty kitchen, he grabbed two water bottles from the fridge, tossing one to me before sitting down at the table.I nodded as thanks and pressed the cold bottle against my warm skin, sure the kid couldn't fight for shit but he was resilient as hell. I leaned against the counter, the cold of the marble bringing some relief to my overheated body. "What had you so worked up earlier anyway?" I asked breaking the silence that had fallen over us as we tried to catch our breaths. He finished patting his face with a towel before speaking."Oh it's nothing serious, I was supposed to go with her to meet someone but she texted me everything's going smoothly." "Why would she need you there?"
Thankfully he learned early on not to take my bluntness to heart, so he replied with a smile.
"I mean who wants to meet some hardcore vigilante all by themselves?" My head snapped up so fast it startled the younger boy. "She's doing what?" He grimaced at me, a nervous smile on his lips. "Meeting up with a vigilante to discuss her powers?" He spoke as more of a question than an actual answer.I felt the urge to slam my hand to my forehead, or alternatively his head into the cabinet. "It just occurred to you to share this with me now?" 
My voice was rising, I couldn't believe the amount of stupidity bottled up into one human. "Hey in my defense I thought you knew! I mean it is Nightwing, you guys are cool right? You have nothing to worry about!." His eyes shifted from me to the doorway, as he inched towards it, his voice had gone up a few good octaves in fear. He held up his hands like he expected me to throw something his way, a good chunk of me thought that wouldn't be a bad idea. I paused, racking my brain for answers to all the questions I had, why would Dick go see her? Why didn't I know about it? Why was I not strangling Jon right now? So many questions with no answers. I looked up to ask him for any other withheld information only to see his body quickly disappearing down the hallway.
"I'm sorry I'm running but you're way too freaky to be around when you're mad!" He yelled over his shoulder, it echoed throughout the hallway. I had now two options, call Dick, demand an explanation and hope he'll give it to me, or take my anger out on my housemate and then call dick.
Option two sounded much more fun, and besides, a quick throw off the balcony would test his flight skills.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
Easy Cocktail Recipes: 16 Festive Drinks To Enjoy All Winter
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/easy-cocktail-recipes-16-festive-drinks-to-enjoy-all-winter-2/
Easy Cocktail Recipes: 16 Festive Drinks To Enjoy All Winter
When the weather outside is frightful, I like to drink something delightful. Some days call for a warm cocktail that will keep me cozy all night. On nights I’m feeling homesick, I may want a rum-based concoction that reminds me of my tropical upbringing in the Philippines.
This being the (objectively awful) year that it is, I needed all the help and inspiration I could get. Here, fifteen spirits professionals shared their winter drinking strategies—and of course, favorite cocktail recipes. And there’s something for every palate—from a Cognac-based old fashioned to ginger highball and beyond.
Easy-to-Make Cocktail Recipes for the Winter
“I love American whiskey—so this cocktail was a no-brainer. The Harper Carol is a cold season variation on a ‘Junglebird.’ Kentucky meets tiki, contrasting this base spirit with Italian red bitter liqueur. Then, a cinnamon-date syrup deepens the beverage with notes of soft spices and dried fruit. Pineapple and fresh lemon juice add a sharp tropical acidity to the drink. This libation is a wonderful aperitif sour, best indulged during the holidays. Please enjoy responsibly.” —Adrian Alvarez, bar captain at Cecconi’s, New York City  
1 oz. I.W. Harper whiskey
0.50 oz. Italian red bitters
0.75 oz. pineapple juice
0.75 oz. lemon juice
0.25 oz. cinnamon-date syrup
Method: Combine all ingredients in a shaker tin, shake, double strain into a coupe. Garnish with dehydrated lemon wheel and grated nutmeg.
“There’s nothing I enjoy more on a cool fall day than an Old Fashioned, which transports me to the vineyards of Cognac during grape harvest. With its high proof and fully round profile, Ferrand 10 Générations acts as the perfect replacement for bourbon in this cocktail—a welcom twist on the classic cocktail.” —Nico de Soto, beverage consultant and owner of Danico (Paris) and Mace (New York City)
2 oz. Ferrand 10 Générations Cognac
0.25 oz. simple syrup
Orange twist, for garnish
Method: Stir all ingredients with ice in mixing glass. Strain and pour over large clear ice cube in double old-fashioned glass. Express the orange peel and place into glass.
“We had a significant amount of bourbon in our liquor room when we reopened. Obviously, we wanted to find creative ways to use our inventory since reopening was so costly after the quarantine closure. I wanted something that was approachable, crushable, refreshing, and pretty. I used a whiskey buck as a template, which is basically whiskey and ginger. I amplified that with fresh raspberries, fresh lemon, cracked pepper, and a bit of spiciness from the ginger beer. And I wanted to name it something that was simple and straightforward that really tells it like it is. We’re not looking for any ambiguity these days. Do you like bourbon? Do you like berries? If the answer is yes, you will definitely like this drink.” —Naren Young, bar director at The Fat Radish Popup at The Orchard Townhouse, New York City
1.5 oz. Woodford Reserve bourbon
0.25 oz. Frangelico
0.50 oz. raspberry purée
0.50 oz. lemon juice
0.50 oz. simple syrup
3 dashes saline solution
Barspoon of raspberry vinegar 
10 grinds of black pepper in shaker
Method: Shake ingredients and pour on highball glass. Garnish with lemon wheel and 3 skewered raspberries.
“Tea calms me down. And 2020 has been a year where I had to practice a lot of flexibility and roll with the punches—and drinking tea has helped keep me centered and focused. So yes, as you can imagine, I drank a lot of tea these past six months. I also spent time thinking about tea and how so many different cultures and people use tea to bring balance into their lives. For example, the English and Japanese have a high appreciation for tea—along with the peace and tranquility both can bring. Gin has typically been associated with England but Roku breaks the mold and celebrates Japanese botanicals like sencha tea, yuzu peel, and sakura. The Hai Tea is a nod to the English tradition of high tea, where one unwinds after a long workday with a cup of tea, while highlighting Roku’s Japanese flavor profile. After this long year, I think we all deserve to enjoy to unwind and have a Hai Tea with the hope it can bring peace and tranquility for just a moment in our new normal.” —Amanda Carto, bar manager at Nickel City, Austin, TX
1 part Roku gin
0.50 part Giffard Carribbean Pineapple liqueur
1 barspoon honey
1 dash Scrappy’s Cardamom Bitters
1.50 parts hot ginger green tea (Tazo green ginger tea recommended)
Dried pineapple (optional)
Method: Add all ingredients to a heat-safe teacup. Stir 3 to 4 seconds with a small spoon to incorporate ingredients. Drink is intended to be served warm. Garnish with dried pineapple, if desired.
“My inspiration for this pairing was familiar because of my love for Latin culture and the multiple layers of flavor, sight, and sound. Tanqueray London Dry pairs perfectly with the cocktail’s delicate balance of citrus and herbaceous notes.” —Danny Louie, bartender and founder at Gāmsāān Cocktail Co.
1.50 oz. Tanqueray London Dry Gin
0.75 oz. almond syrup
0.75 oz. lime juice
0.25 oz. passionfruit juice
Method: Build all ingredients in a shaker and shake. Fine strain into a punch glass. Garnish with grated nutmeg.
“I’ve found myself avoiding crowds during this period of uncertainty, while still perpetually seeking the sun. From the beginning of quarantine to the recent fall equinox, I’ve enjoyed most of my moments of imbibition on the steps of my classically Chicago wooden fire escape. I will absolutely be enjoying this seasonal sipper on my fire escape to capture all the cherished, yet rare bursts of vitamin D that the skies will allow.” —Brittany Simons, cocktail consultant and former head bartender at Bad Hunter
1.25 parts Suntory Whisky Toki
0.75 part Basque cider
0.50 part Contratto Bianco Vermouth
0.50 part apricot simple syrup
0.25 part Bragg organic apple cider vinegar
Method: Gently stir all ingredients on a lemon twist, strain, pour into chilled Nick and Nora glass. Garnish with a manicured lemon twist.
“Those who know me best know that my two favorite classic cocktails are the daiquiri and the sidecar. With the Jamaican Gold I wanted to build a bridge between the two. And I knew Plantation Xaymaca, with its traditional Jamaican esters and Cognac influence, would be the perfect composer to lead the symphony. The flavors from the sour apple liqueur always remind me of my first visit to the apple orchards in northern California during harvest. The marriage between the rum and the apple liqueur influence thoughts of homemade apple pie. Lemon juice adds the perfect balance and brightness; while cinnamon syrup provides subtle warming spice. The perfect cocktail for chilly winter nights.” —Benjamin Jeffers, bartender at ABV, San Francisco
1.50 oz. Plantation Xaymaca Special Dry Rum
0.75 oz. Leopold Bros. Sour Apple Liqueur
0.75 oz. Lemon Juice
0.25 oz. Cinnamon Simple Syrup**
**Cinnamon Simple Syrup: Bring 250 ml. water to boil and add 15 grams toasted cinnamon. Steep for 10 minutes, strain out cinnamon, and combine equal parts sugar and hot cinnamon tea until dissolved into a syrup. Cool and store in the refrigerator. 
Method: Shake with ice, strain, serve up in coupe.
“Scotch and ginger is a delicious and refreshing highball that allows some simple twists to elevate it to new heights. Johnnie Walker Black Label has loads of fall fruit flavors, coming from the selection of Speyside malts in the blend. The ginger ale pairs perfectly with the Scotch and the lime garnish freshens up the finish and aroma.” —Aidan Bowie, mixologist
1.5 oz. Johnnie Walker Black Label
4.5 oz. Fever-Tree ginger ale
Method: Combine ingredients in a highball glass over ice and stir. Garnish with a lime wheel or wedge.
“When creating the Cîroc cranberry martini, the first thing that sparked inspiration was the ripe and crisp notes from the white grape in the vodka. Keeping winter in mind, we felt that the presence of cranberry (more specifically, cranberry bitters) would balance these notes while imbuing a palate ideal for the season. The dryness of the Fino Sherry adds additional luxuriousness to the drink and results in a cocktail that should warm up even the coldest night.” —Matt Landes, founder at Cocktail Academy
1.50 oz. Cîroc White Grape vodka
0.75 oz. Fino Sherry
3 dashes cranberry bitters
Method: Add all ingredients to a mixing glass. Fill with ice and stir 20 to 25 times. Strain into a chilled coupe. Garnish with 3 cranberries on a cocktail pick.
“This is a perfect cocktail for the season. This hot toddy variation is one of my favorites. The honey, hot water, and lemon combination is a great remedy that’s long been known—and pairs with the Singleton 12, which brings spice and smoky notes to the mix. Garnish is important as well—to finish the recipe for more complexity and layers.” —Eric Ribeiro, mixologist and bar manager
1.50 oz. The Singleton of Glendullan 12 Year whisky
4 oz. hot water
0.50 oz. honey
0.25 oz. lemon juice
**add cinnamon and apple slice for a flavor twist
Method: Add all ingredients in a mug glass and garnish with a lemon wheel spiked with 4 cloves and a cinnamon stick.
“We wish you a merry Christmas and here is some Figgy Pudding. This cocktail is inspired by the flavors of a Christmas pud with fig- and date-infused whiskey and OM Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Liqueur. It’s topped with a coconut-lychee whipped cream too. Have a wonderful Christmas!” —Claire Mallett, bartender at Catch One, Los Angeles
2 oz. fig- and date-infused Jack Daniel’s apple whiskey**
0.75 oz. OM Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Liqueur
0.50 oz. Becherovka
0.50 oz. Frangelico
Coconut-Lychee whipped cream**
**Infused Whiskey: Add 2 figs (sliced) and 6 dates to a mason jar of Jack Daniel’s Apple. Leave for 7 days. Remove the fruit and the whiskey is ready to use.
**Coconut-Lychee Whipped Cream: Add 2 oz. of OM Coconut and Lychee Liqueur to whipping cream and whisk.
Method: Pour ingredients into mixing glass with ice and stir. Pour the mixture into your glass and top with coconut-lychee whipped cream.
“I don’t know about you but I need all the squishy and comforting feelings this winter. This warm cocktail filled with local bright apples and baking spices brings back memories of going to orchards with my family, witnessing the leaves change, and taking a bite of the first apple I picked off a tree. It urges you to relax and sit by a crackling fire to enjoy the subtle vanilla and ginger notes of the Suntory Toki paired with fresh cider and local honey. Get yourself some apple cider donuts and you will be wrapped up in heaven.” —Meredith Barry, beverage development consultant at Niche Food Group
Ingredients (Serves Two):
4 parts Suntory Whisky Toki
1 part local honey
4 parts fresh-pressed apple cider
1 cinnamon stick
1 clove
Small pinch of salt (optional)
Fresh sliced Fuji apple, candied ginger, and honeysuckle flowers (for garnish)
Method: Rough chop cinnamon stick. Place cinnamon pieces and clove in a saucepan and toast until fragrant on medium­­–high heat. Add cider and salt. Lower heat to medium. Bring cider up to desired temperature. (Do not boil.) Take mixture off heat, then add honey and Suntory Toki. Stir until honey is dissolved. Remove pieces of spices. Pour into a teacup or mug. Garnish with fresh apple slices and candied ginger.
“The drink is a semi-modern reiteration of what probably would have been drunk at a New Year’s Eve celebration in the 1920s with the Fitzgerald. The ideal way to enjoy it would be in the once-omnipresent communal punch bowl with fresh raspberries and orange slices floating around. But since we’re still living through this pandemic and safety is a must, it’s as easy to shake a single serving. The citruses and the raspberry syrup are complementary to the aromatic Pomp & Whimsy flavor profile—with a little kick from the absinthe and a touch of complexity from the cognac-based triple sec.” —Giuseppe Santochirico, libations curator for Halftone Spirits at Finback Brooklyn, New York City
Ingredients (Single Serving): 
2 dashes absinthe
0.25 oz. Benedectine
0.50 oz. Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao
0.50 oz. lime juice
0.50 oz. lemon juice
0.75 oz. raspberry syrup
2 oz. Pomp and Whimsy Gin Liqueur
4 oz. Champagne (or dry sparkling wine)
Ingredients (6 Servings):
12 dashes absinthe
2 oz. Benedectine
3 oz. Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao
3 oz. lime juice
3 oz. lemon juice
4.5 oz. raspberry syrup
12 oz. Pomp and Whimsy Gin Liqueur
1 750 ml. bottle of Champagne (or dry sparkling wine)
Method (Single): Pour all the ingredients in the shaker but the sparkling wine, shake, top with wine in the shaker, serve over ice in a small wine glass or a cocktail glass. Garnish with fresh raspberries and orange slices.
Method (Batched): Pour all the ingredient in a large punch bowl, add ice and stir to adequately mixing the punch. Garnish with fresh raspberries and orange slices.
“The Jilo Old Fashioned is perfect for any occasion but it especially soothes the soul on a cold day. Let the robust and toasted notes of corn (unlike you have ever had) warm your body—while the light hint of chamomile, honey, and cocoa rounds everything out with a long finish. This gives you a small taste of Mexico in the comfort of your own home!” —Cesar Sandoval, national ambassador at Abasolo 
2 oz. Abasolo Ancestral Corn Whisky
0.50 parts Nixta Licor de Elote
3 dashes Angostura bitters
Lemon and orange twists, for garnish
Method: Add Abasolo, Nixta, and bitters to a mixing glass, then add ice and stir until cold and diluted. Zest citrus over rocks glass and add fresh ice. Strain drink into glass, roll zest into attractive curls and lay garnish atop the ice.
“Twenty–twenty was a weary trainwreck of a year, but this tropical tepache tipple is refreshingly balanced.”  
1.5 oz. rum  
2 oz. Big Easy Pineapple Tepache   
0.75 oz. ginger syrup, such as The Ginger People organic ginger syrup 
0.5 oz. fresh lemon juice (Natalie’s brand preferred)
2 dashes bitters, such as Angostura  
Pineapple leaf, for garnish  
Sparkling water, such as Topo Chico, to top 
Method: Combine rum, ginger syrup, lemon juice, and bitters in a shaker tin filled with ice. Shake and strain over fresh ice cubes into a cocktail glass. Top with tepache and sparkling water and garnish.
“This cocktail really brings out the different flavors of the holidays with the cranberry, pomegranate, and rosemary. The fruity, citrus notes that you get from the fresh juices complements the fresh agave and oak notes from the Patrón Reposado, which makes for a truly refreshing cocktail. It also doesn’t hurt that the cocktail is a beautiful red color making it perfect for any holiday celebration.” —Stephen Halpin, manager of mixology and trade at Patrón Tequila
1.5 oz. Patrón Reposado tequila
0.75 oz.rosemary simple syrup
0.75 oz. lemon juice
1 oz. pomegranate juice
1 oz. cranberry juice
2 oz. club soda
Method: Combine all ingredients except soda water in a shaker with ice. Shake to chill and combine. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice, top with club soda and garnish with a rosemary sprig.
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mattpajak · 4 years
Nutrition: Exploring Food Sensitivity
I’ll just start by saying that I’m not a nutritionist, however, the experience that I will share will have takeaways that you can hopefully use to keep your body feeling good.
Back in May, I visited a doctor who ran a quick food sensitivity (food-allergy) check on me. A friend of mine had recently retooled his fridge by removing certain foods from his diet that he had sensitivities to, per the check, and noticed a drop in weight (as a result of reduced inflammation), stable digestion, and an increase in general well-being and energy. I didn’t seek this check, however, I was curious based on his feedback and was presented with the opportunity, so despite not having any glaring issues, I went down the rabbit hole.
Initial Evaluation
After about 5 minutes, the doctor had given me a laundry list of foods to avoid because I may have sensitivities. Now, again, my body didn’t present any glaring issues and at the time I subjectively reported feeling good. So, when the doctor told me that I should try and avoid dairy (which I had largely cut out anyway), chocolate, peanuts, cashews, seeds, gluten, chicken, oranges, corn, and eggs, I was heavily skeptical.
I had replaced dairy chocolate milk with chocolate-almond-cashew milk about two years ago and I drank that regularly. Both cashew and chocolate came up as potential sensitivities. Was it not enough to cut back on the dairy? I ate a lot of eggs and eggs are an ingredient in a lot of things I eat. So, no more eggs? Come on, chicken? I don’t eat it all the time, but I love fried chicken, and what about grilled chicken thighs? I’ve always been told chicken breast is one of the best lean proteins for you. Well, apparently not for me?
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I made the decision that I would do my best to avoid the foods that came back with potential sensitivities for a 2-week period. I would say that I was at least 90% compliant and any of the 10% that wasn’t compliant was a result of a small-trace of a food item that was used as an ingredient in something I ate.
What did I eat for 2 weeks?
The first trip to the grocery store was a long and frustrating one. Finding an attractive gluten-free bread isn’t easy. Finding an attractive gluten-free bread that wasn’t made with egg is near-impossible. I arrived at a gluten-free cinnamon-raisin swirl bread (it actually wasn’t half bad). I also found that many of the foods I was targeting for healthy snacking were made with sunflower seed oil (seeds came up as a sensitivity).
Ultimately, your best bet for snacking with heavy-restrictions is food that doesn’t have a ton of ingredients. For me that was a homemade trail-mix with lightly-salted almonds, raw walnuts, dried cherries and honey-roasted pistachios. Lara bars were a necessary discovery (most are made with 4-7 ingredients only). Peaches and cherries are in season. Green pea snack crisps are inexpensive, made with only 6 ingredients (and you can pronounce them all), and the cracked and spicy black pepper ones play well with an almond butter, pecan, and honey sandwich on the aforementioned gluten-free cinnamon-raisin swirl bread.
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A steak prepared with onions and cilantro, a side of tomatoes w/ balsamic vinegar, and a sweet potato w/ pecans and honey. 10 total ingredients on this plate.
When it came to meals, I could still work with steak, pork, fish, rice, sweet potatoes, and avocados. In tandem, there were plenty of onions and peppers chopped, tomato, brussels sprouts (I did not know there was a third ‘s’ in brussels before spellcheck), and of course, cauliflower.
Unfortunately, no non-dairy ice cream made the okay list, so I pivoted to frozen fruit bars (also very few ingredients) for dessert.
The first result was weight-related and as it was explained to me, foods that you have sensitivities to create inflammation in your body (add weight). It shocked me none to see the volatility in both directions during and after the two-week period.
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The green lines represent the start and finish of the 2 week ‘food evasion’ period.
After two weeks of the great food evasion of 2020, I was down 2.6 lbs. (without modifying my physical fitness or sleep patterns). Mind you, I had monitored my weight on daily basis for 2 months prior to this and had weighed in consistently between 188 and 192 for at least a month. I broke the two-week evasion with a pizza, because I love pizza, and weighed in 2 lbs. heavier the next day. Over the course of the next week, I became less rigid with what was going in the fridge and in my body and one week after breaking the two-week evasion, I was up 4 lbs. from the two-week low (also, without modifying my physical fitness or sleep patterns).
The second result was digestion-related and is what made me a believer. Regular digestion came within a few days and at no point over the two-week period was my stomach upset in any way. There’s a difference between the “my body is feeling good,” I subjectively expressed prior to avoiding the laundry list of foods and the “my body is actually feeling good,” that I can say with confidence was a result of avoiding the said foods.
Pulse Test
The doctor provided me with an at-home, easy to execute food sensitivity test (if you’re ever curious). 
The crux of it is that you take your resting pulse (how many beats in 1 minute) with nothing in your system (I opted to do all food sensitivity testing prior to my first meal of the day). Once you are confident in your resting pulse. Put the food item that you want to test in your mouth for 30 seconds and make sure it covers all tastes buds – do not swallow the food item – this is your body’s opportunity to gather all the information it needs on the food item (a significant increase in pulse is your body’s way of preparing to defend the fort). After 30 seconds, keep the food item in your mouth without swallowing and take your pulse for another minute – record your pulse now and note any difference. If you intend to test another food item, do not swallow the food item, if you do not intend to test another food item, it doesn’t matter. Per the above linked article, an increase of 3-4 bpm confirms a food sensitivity. The higher the increase, the more severe the sensitivity. Results from 7 food sensitivity pulse tests below:
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Elimination and Moderation
Keep in mind that the following notes and explanations behind them are my own interpretations and not those of a licensed professional.
The combination of the Chocolate Almond-Cashew Milk test and the Milk Chocolate test results revealed to me that the cashew was likely the cause for the pulse spike. As such, I have decided to avoid cashews moving forward. Chocolate did not seem to have much of an effect at all on my pulse, so I will continue to enjoy in moderation.
Parmesan Cheese came back with a +4, so there was a sensitivity to dairy. I had largely removed dairy from my diet anyway, but because the sensitivity is on the milder side, I won’t feel bad about enjoying a pizza from time to time.
My primary bread of choice for quite some time has been sourdough, and that’s mostly because I enjoy the taste – also turns out, it is lower in gluten and easier to digest – who knew? I was pleased to find that my Sourdough Bread test came back with no change in pulse rate. Since that test, I have reintroduced sourdough bread into my weekly rotation.
The Blue Bell Cookie Cake Ice Cream test is the one that is most interesting and unfortunate. Looking at the ingredients list, it shocks me none that I saw a +8 spike in pulse after testing this food. This was one of my favorite ice creams, and after the two-week food evasion, I decided to follow the test with a full bowl. Keep in mind that this half-gallon was half-empty prior to the two-week period, so I had already consumed part of the container. After I ate the bowl, I experienced an upset stomach – a reaction that I had never had previously (both with this particular container and with multiple past half-gallons). After essentially cleansing my body for two weeks, I think that was its way of telling me that it would prefer if I didn’t go back to eating Blue Bell Cookie Cake Ice Cream. Dairy ice cream as a whole will be an infrequent treat for me moving forward, fortunately, there are plenty of non-dairy ice creams out there (that are starting to taste just as good).
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Milk, cream, wheat flour, milkfat, butter, eggs, skim milk, high fructose corn syrup, and corn syrup were all identified food-sensitivities for me + the things I can’t pronounce can’t be good for me + what is a natural flavor anyway? Do those grow on trees somewhere?
The last two food tests that I recorded both involved peanut butter as the primary identified-food sensitivity. Both an almond milk-based, peanut butter-flavored Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and a Clif Chocolate Peanut Butter Builder Bar yielded a +4 jump in pulse. From this, I have decided to moderate any use of peanuts or peanut butter and substitute where possible (almond butter has become a new mainstay for me).
I haven’t tested corn, oranges, egg or chicken yet in isolation, though, it hasn’t been entirely difficult to avoid these foods. I do plan to test them, but I have already mentally decided to move forward in moderation with these food items.
It is worth noting that concentration of a food item likely impacts the effect it may have on your body. Eating an egg and eating something made with egg are likely two different things – I would guess that it’s akin to taking a straight shot of alcohol vs. having a mixed drink.
An Aside on Salt
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I, like many of you (I’m guessing), have been under the belief that salt is no good for you. As an aside, a conversation I had with the doctor yielded a new lease on salt. It turns out that table salt is the salt that spikes sodium levels and has been attributed to heart-issues (think salt-shakers/salt-packets at restaurants and the stuff fast food restaurants use). My understanding now is that table salt is boiled at a high temperature and stripped of a TON of minerals that are good for you in the process. The good news is that the salt that isn’t bad for your heart and still has all of the minerals is available at your grocery store. Grey Celtic Sea Salt is my new salt of choice, but here is an article on other salts you should look into / use at-will and without fear.
Closing Thoughts
Fortunately, I’ve never needed or explored a popular diet – I know Paleo and Keto have emerged as popular diets in the past few years and obviously, vegetarians and vegans have been preaching largely plant-based diets for a long time. Those diets are one-size fits all, and that’s not how we’re wired – there’s no magic bullet for everyone. The human body is complex and individual to you and that is probably what the past month or so has opened my eyes to the most.
I must make clear that none of the identified food sensitivities were affecting my quality of life. With the knowledge gained, application and observation, I have decided to make some adjustments moving forward.
Objectively, I just want to feel good with regularity. If that means I have to stop eating certain foods and moderate other foods, I’m willing to do that. I would urge anyone at any age to explore what they are putting in their body and how it may be impacting their sleep, energy, and general well-being.
Food is joy and health is wealth – so find a way to enjoy food that keeps you healthy. Your health is your long-term freedom.
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jobone123 · 5 years
Seems as if IOWA was red flagged BECAUSE WE HAD TO FIND ANOTHER BLACK Ops Site OR BECAUSE SNOW N A REOCCURRING THEME is brown doesn’t want his family dead
The snow thing is a satellite thing SO TO TAKE ME ANYWHERE ASSOCIATED WITJ THIS SUNRISE is a deadly accident for her SPECIFICALLY
White gem
More so brown has been a no show for years LEAVING ME THE SALT GRAIN IN THE PEPPER SHAKER to speak on behalf of Juan center IT WASNT AFTER UNTIL I DEVELOPED THE SENSE OF ONE CENTER SAT BAE FOUND ME I found oh my gov BROWN FUCKS UP LIFE for a white gem THAT ISNT HIS haha lol
Fuck Juan
Most importantly surrounded by blacks that listen to Two whites BROWN N GEM
The only reason I hate black people ITS AN OPEN EYE TO HATE CRIMES N BULLYING LEAD BY ONE BLACK MAN on orders from two white men
Sometimes one has to go n that one that has to go is brown BECAUSE WHITE GEMS UCRANE HAS ITS OWN BLACK PERSONEL
More so let point out the obvious THESE FREE TRIPS ARE AN ILLUSION OF RECRUITMENT FOR A BETTER BLACK AMERICA more so payment to refill buildings with more black People FOR TOMORROW let’s be clear if I didn’t leave you this theory would make sense AFTER ALL THE BLACK UNION IS A REASURRANCE OF YOU PEOPLE DID THE RIGHT THING but that’s bus route talk n yesterday news TODAY IS A NEW DAY one plane
For me to have filled BUS routes with black People FOR AMERICA S THANK YOU was an honor BUT WE HAVE FOUND black People targeting me N THAT WILL ALL CHANGE WITH ONE PLANE because I’m not your bitch n your whistle blowing white Friend BROWN IS AFRAID OF COOLER TEMPERATURES N WIL MEET A DEFEAT with me n white gem dancing over his bodys in snow
I know my rights
Any other reason brown needed PARENTS to assure I was brown n not gem MORE SO FAME makes it very clear BROWN CRISSED A LINE WITH THE PARENT Op more so Killing them quite often AS PAYMENT so for the greater good I’m out I will get it done
It’s going to be my most racist tour yet because you dumb niggos provided me with the hate crime allowance
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drawerevent03-blog · 5 years
Holiday Gift Ideas for Foodies
This time of year, people always ask me for gift ideas for their food loving friends. Until now, my answer has always been simple – a set of CIA Master’s Collection Knives. They’re the knives I use and I absolutely adore them – I even prefer them to my more expensive knives. Unfortunately, they seem to be out of production now. Booooo.
So my new answer? It’s not quite as easy, but I put this list of ideas together to get you pointed in the right direction. Some of them are specific (that GORGEOUS instant pot) and others are more general ideas that you can use as inspiration at your local holiday market. 
(This list contains affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission if you make a purchase through the link provided.)
Pioneer Woman Instant Pot I can’t handle how cute this instant pot is. I already have a standard silver one, but I’m seriously tempted to add this one to my collection. Just think how cute it will look on the counter! (PS you’ll definitely want to grab an Instant Pot for yourself before my book comes out, too)
Marble and Wood Coasters I love coasters. They’re great for drinks, obviously, but I also use them under candles and even to add a pretty layer under small plants. I love the contrast of wood and marble on this pair, but check out local glass blowers and potters for more gorgeous options that help support an artist in your neighborhood. 
Hand Mixer I kept my hand mixer in the back of a cabinet for years, but recently rediscovered how useful it is for making cookies and other small baked batch baked goods that don’t necessarily require my big stand mixer. Pair a with a pretty batter bowl and some pancake mix or local maple syrup for a fun gift!
Cravings: Hungry for More I bought this book for myself on a whim and I’m obsessed. The photos are gorgeous and the recipes are so fun – think popovers with brie and blackberry jam, mushroom and shallot nachos, and coconut short rib curry. There’s also a whole chapter of drool-worthy Thai recipes. 
Portable Bluetooth Speaker Everyone needs some music in the kitchen while they cook and a portable speaker can easily be moved to the dining room or patio when it’s time to eat! I’m usually blasting Taylor Swift on my speaker. 
Marble Rolling Pin Do you know anyone who’s still using a wine bottle to roll out cookie dough? Give them an upgrade with an actual rolling pin. Marble is great because you can stick in the fridge or freezer for a few minutes to get it super cold. 
Stemless Wine Glasses I’m a sucker for pretty glasses, and I use my stemless wine glasses for everything from wine (duh) to seltzer.
Nespresso Machine  The ultimate gift for coffee lovers – I use mine every single morning. I even bought myself a second one to keep at the office. 
A Giant Serving Board These are really useful for making appetizer platters or sandwich boards. When they’re not in use, they also make a pretty layer for under a centerpiece. I keep a low candle and salt and pepper shakers on mine, which I purchased from a local woodworker.  
Salt and Pepper Shakers Speaking of salt and pepper shakers, this Kate Spade pair it too cute to pass up. Pair them with coarse black pepper from Penzy’s. It’s made with tellicherry peppers, which are my favorite. They have so much flavor!
Le Creuset I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love Le Creuset. These little coquettes are an affordable entry-level piece and are great for making mini pot pies or creme brulee. 
Fondue Set Fondue has fallen out of popularity, but it’s still super fun! Besides using it for chocolate or cheese, you can use it to make Chinese hot pot at home. 
Fancy Candles You can never have too many candles, right? I love pretty ones that do double-duty as decor. 
Food & Beer This is another book filled with gorgeous photos and off the beaten path recipes that are made to pair with craft beer. 
Ice Cream Bowls I love these sweet pastel bowls. They’re the perfect size for ice cream. Pair them with a jar of homemade hot fudge sauce and a jar or two of pretty sprinkles. 
Oil and Vinegar Set Fancy oil and vinegar isn’t the kind of thing that you buy yourself very often, but they can really take your recipes to the next level. 
Sea Salt This is a fun little kit filled with flavors sea salts – they’re a great way to add an extra pop of flavor to your recipes or to jazz up things like baked fries or grilled vegetables. 
Source: https://www.healthy-delicious.com/holiday-gift-ideas-for-foodies/
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Garden Herbs List: No Salt? No Sugar? No Sweat!
By Gail Reynolds – Let’s face it, having to reduce or eliminate salt or sugar from our daily diets can be a tough morsel to swallow. Whether we’re confronting this under strict doctor’s orders or voluntarily embarking on this as a preventative measure, it can be a fairly tasteless proposition. However, armed with a little knowledge of “food enjoyment” basics, you can turn this potential “palate emergency” into an appetizing adventure, with the creative use of this garden herbs list and vegetable alternatives.
In fact, this common vegetables and garden herbs list would be great to incorporate in this year’s garden plans if you don’t grow these delights already.
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First, let’s examine the how’s and why’s of our food enjoyment, then we’ll go into the particulars of replacements or substitutions from the vegetable and garden herb list that can turn an otherwise bland diet into a palate pleaser.
Enjoyment Basics
As humans, we perceive four basic tastes—sweet, salty, sour and bitter. (Ed. Note:  More recent research in the past few months suggests fats may also be perceived on the tongue.)  From birth on, the scope of our eating habits and food preferences widens through the development and refinement of these four basic tastes.
When faced with the abrupt removal of an accustomed “taste” from our diet, we find ourselves not only robbed of the familiar, but at a loss as to how to rekindle our previous food interest.
However, what we want to eat; what we enjoy eating; and what our body craves, digests and absorbs is not simply something delegated to the tastebuds. For this reason, a mere chart-type replacement or substitution of ingredients often fails.
In fact, the entire satisfaction process pretty much involves all of our senses—as nature designed us with a pre-digestion system which triggers not only our appetite or desire for the forthcoming foodstuff, but readies the body for digestion and absorption of it.
For example, the aroma (smell) of food under preparation plays a major role in our desire for the finished product. So does the sight and texture of the food set before us. These sensory enjoyments, as well as taste, kick off the flow of saliva, which in turn, sets off the actions of digestion and absorption.
Think about that soup, stew or roast that’s been simmering on the woodstove all day.  The aroma itself has set the stage for your interest. And, if you’re like us, you’ve lifted the lid from time to time to take a peek and get a whiff on the upcoming meal, thereby further elevating your interest associated with the site and smell.
Bear in mind, then, that the meal is a total sensory experience. If we set our objectives beyond simple “taste” substitution to the realm of creating a total “flavor” we can replace the familiar (but now absent) ingredient with something equally (if not more) interesting and tangy.
Garden Herbs List for Flavor Replacement
I’ll list the items we need to remove from our diet and then go over some actual taste substitutes and replacements.
Let me preface with the fact that these suggestions are based on the use of fresh (or home dried) herbs, vegetables and spices. Grocery store items may contain high levels of sodium or other elements used as preservatives or in the processing, which could completely defeat your purpose.
For tips on growing herbs, here are some great tutorials from Countryside Network: Growing chives, growing basil and peppermint plant uses.
Let’s face it—salt is salt.  I’ve never been sure whether my affinity for salt has been its actual taste or the kick it gives to the tip of my tongue. To replace that tongue-tip kick, the closest thing I’ve come up with is lemon in some form.
Consequently, for that reason, I’d suggest using lemon in moderation in any salt-free recipe. If you have either lemon balm or lemon verbena, these herbs will do the trick.  So will regular lemon juice or rind.  Mustard seed is good, too (although avoid commercially processed mustard, which reportedly contains quite a bit of salt).
My favorite taste and all-around salt-free combo is a lemon, sage, basil and garlic mix.  Along with an interesting new flavor, it provides me with the tongue tang I used to derive from salt.
Here are some other suggestions:
1. Celery, lovage, summer savory, thyme and marjoram in the right combinations can almost totally replace your salt intake.
2. Salt-Less Salt (suggested in The Pleasure of Herbs): 3 tablespoons each of basil, marjoram, thyme and parsley mixed with 2-1/2 teaspoons each of rosemary, paprika and onion powder.  Grind to the fine consistency and place in your salt shaker.
3. Try sprinkling these herbs over your hot popcorn for a real taste treat:  oregano, parsley, basil and powdered garlic.
4. Try using these salt-free blends on the following:
● Thyme, oregano, basil
● Lemon (in some form), rosemary, pepper
●Herbed vinegar (any), garlic, pepper
●Basil, marjoram, parsley, thyme & celery
● Basil, sage, garlic, lemon (in some form)
● Basil, vinegar, garlic
● Dill, basil, garlic, lemon
● Thyme, marjoram, apple cider vinegar
● Fennel, garlic, lemon
● Tarragon, lemon, onion or chives, garlic
● Celery, carrots, garlic, lemon
● Dill, lemon, garlic
● Celery, lovage, lemon, pepper
● Fennel, lemon, mustard seed, bay
● Fennel, lemon, garlic
● Tarragon, chives, dill, lemon
● Mustard seed, sage, garlic, basil
● Lemon, sage, garlic, basil
● Fennel, lemon, garlic
● Basil, sage, summer savory
● Mustard seed, thyme, garlic
Green Vegetables:
● Garlic, lemon
● Dill, lemon, bay
● Chives, onion, savory
● Chives, lemon
● Basil, nutmeg, marjoram
● Vinegar, garlic, dill
● Onion, garlic, dill, lemon
For light-colored vegetables try combos using nutmeg and/or cinnamon in combination with some form of citrus juice, plus celery or thyme.
● Dill, lemon, garlic
● Chives, dill, parsley, pepper
● Oregano, basil, lemon, garlic
● Basil, chives
● Tarragon, garlic
Beans and grains:
To spice up your beans or grains, try using a very minute amount of lemon with any of these herbs: marjoram, parsley, thyme, bay or savory.  My favorite is savory, but they all do quite well.
If you’re trying to reduce your sugar intake try replacing your usual desserts with fresh fruit salads. These can be embellished with a sprinkling of any of the following herbs or spices: Rosemary, lemon balm, lemon verbena, marjoram, nutmeg, spearmint, cinnamon.
The following is a garden herbs list of natural sweeteners that you might experiment with: Angelica, beebalm, mints, lemon balm, lemon verbena, violets, rosemary.
Lemon balm, angelica and sweet cicely have been found capable of reducing the use of sugar in cooking and in sweets as they take away the tartness of some fruits (such as in pies) making it possible to use less sugar.
Try mints with water for a refreshing beverage.
If you’re trying to reduce your pepper intake try these herbs for replacement: marjoram or oregano, thyme, basil, summer savory, basil.
Also, try using a small amount of cayenne pepper to replace your ground black pepper since cayenne (in moderate amounts) is known to actually assist the digestive process rather than fight it.
Remember that these seasoning tips from this garden herbs list in no way can replace the advice and recommendations of your physician or nutritionist. These folks are educated and trained to examine and determine your individual overall health status, medical conditions and nutritional needs.
Originally published in Countryside 2002 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
Garden Herbs List: No Salt? No Sugar? No Sweat! was originally posted by All About Chickens
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cearyfloyd · 6 years
Dining Room Halloween Decor Ideas
Black and white dining room Halloween decor ideas.  Simple Halloween decorating ideas you can use for Halloween parties, Halloween dinners, or any Halloween vignette!
Today I’m joining Kristen from Ella Claire for a spooky Halloween home tour!  There are over 25 bloggers sharing their haunted spaces and creative Halloween decor ideas.  You can start the tour at the end of the post.  Enter if you dare!
Black and White Halloween Decor Ideas
Welcome to our Halloween dining room!  I don’t usually do a lot of Halloween decorating around the house because I prefer all of the pretty fall decor, but the kids love decorating for Halloween! Generally I compromise and decorate the dining room and front porch for Halloween and leave the rest of the fall decor up in the kitchen and family room.
One of the hard things about being a blogger is trying to enjoy the holidays in real time.  I’m usually planning out content months ahead of time, so sometimes I really have to step back and just go with the moment.  This dining room tour is actually from one of our Halloween dinners last year. I didn’t get it up on the blog then so I thought this would be a good time to share!
Halloween Sideboard
I always enjoy decorating the sideboard in our dining room, but I needed to find a way to incorporate the artwork into a Halloween theme.  When in doubt, use bats! I found some 3-D bats at Michaels and attached them with some double sided temporary adhesives {like you use for scrapbooking} so it looked like they were flying through the trees.
I then added some more trees with these lighted white trees that are actually from our Christmas decor.  They provide a pretty Halloween glow and some additional branches for the bats {and a few crows!} to rest.  You can see this year’s version of our side board {which I made into a Halloween hot chocolate bar} HERE.
Halloween Tablescape
The Halloween tablescape went together really quickly.  I used a Halloween table runner that I found at HomeSense and then topped it with some white pumpkins, a couple of black Halloween trees, and a black boa for some added texture.
  The centerpiece is actually just an old outdoor lantern that I spray painted black.  I little ribbon and a Halloween sticker transformed it into a spooky birdhouse.
Regular glasses are easy to transform into Halloween decor with some vinyl or stickers to create jack-o-lantern faces.  This is actually a great project for the kids to do while you’re getting the dinner ready. You can always use plastic clear plastic cups if you don’t trust them with glass!
If you’ve been around here for a while, you may know that I love collecting fun salt and pepper shakers.  I totally could not resist these “Here Lies Salt and Pepper” shakers that I found at a local store.  They’re probably one of my favorite Halloween decorations!
I hope you enjoyed the little tour and get inspired to throw your own spooky Halloween dinner party! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.  It’s lots of fun to get you in the spirit for pumpkin carving or a Halloween movie night!  You can find some great Halloween food ideas HERE and HERE to help get you started on your dinner menu.  Happy Haunting!
Halloween Home Tours
Are you ready to go on a haunted Halloween home tour?  Just click on the links below to tour around these spooky spaces.  Lots of Halloween inspiration and decor ideas to get you excited for the season.  I hope you enjoy!
Ella Claire | French Country Cottage | So Much Better with Age | Sweet Rose and Wren | My Sweet Savannah
Inspired by Charm | Happy Happy Nester | The Wicker House | Zevy Joy | Nina Hendrick Design Co.
Paint Me Pink | Brooklyn Limestone | Clean and Scentsible | Twelve on Main | Happy Housie
Finding Silver Pennies | Nest of Posies | A Burst of Beautiful | Lil’ Luna | A Blue Nest
Sagehill Cottage | Taryn Whiteaker | Town and Country Living | Tattered Pew | Live Laugh Rowe
Kelly Elko
The post Dining Room Halloween Decor Ideas appeared first on Clean and Scentsible.
from Home Improvement https://www.cleanandscentsible.com/dining-room-halloween-decor-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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gemwindows · 6 years
Repurposing Old Windows
A few years ago, I provided windows for a beautiful gothic church with lots of wood cathedral windows that needed to be replaced. These old windows were no longer structurally sound enough to remain in place. It occurred to me that the old windows were likely to end up in a garbage bin. This would have been a shame, so I approached the church property manager and secured permission to take away and keep all the old windows. At first, they were piled in my yard, leaning up against our shed, but as friends and neighbors saw the window sashes, one by one they began to disappear. I soon realized that these had become materials for a variety of home décor projects. This got me curious regarding what my neighbors had decided to do with the windows. Here are some of the ideas from people who took a window or two, augmented with a few ideas I liked from searching the internet.
Generally, it is the sash of a window, which holds the glass, that is the desirable part for an interior design or yard project. Sometimes the glass is an integral part of the project. Sometimes it is replaced by mirrors or more opaque materials. Sometimes it is best used minus anything in the glazing pockets.
Most of us have seen mirrors utilizing an old wood window sash. They are a favorite with designers and other decorators because they combine a great ambience with true functionality. They can be particularly useful in bathrooms or in bedrooms where there can never be too many mirrors! Another popular decorating material for a country feel is the use of heavily weathered barn board. An old sash can be the perfect complement to barnboard as part of a country look.
Depending on how many identical window sashes you have, they can be amazing doors ranging from a single medicine cabinet to a full set of kitchen cabinet doors.
How about a chalk board in a window sash? Perfect for a kitchen or office to track anything from shopping lists to appointments. You don’t even have to replace the glass as it can be painted with a product called chalkboard paint. Similarly, collect a ton of wine bottle corks, slice them in half and you can arrange them glued to the glass to create a cork board.
What can you do in a bedroom (besides the obvious dresser mirror?) Replace the glass with lexan or leave the sash empty to turn a window into a bed headboard.
What about a sash for artwork? A window sash is ready made for this purpose, or instead of mounting the art in the window, mount the art in another frame outside the window!
We already mentioned kitchen cabinets, but larger windows can make an excellent self- standing broom closet or curio sash to give a wooden picket fence a unique, eye-catching touch? Build in some window sashes into the design!
Build a mini-greenhouse or a garden hotbox out of windowsashes.
Your windows were designed to provide a view of your outside environment, so why not take a picture of a favorite scene on your property to be blown up and put in the window sash? Then, mount the sash on your wall and it is almost back to its original purpose, of course minus the air infiltration and difficulty opening! Go three dimensional and use your window sash as the front of a shadow box to display your collection of salt and pepper shakers, antique miniature trains (or whatever you fancy!)
How about using an old window as a table top? Attach legs or use an existing coffee table bottom. Put a piece of tempered glass over the window and look through the tempered glass to see the features of the wood window sash. Maybe you have a great side table top, so use two matching sashes as the legs of the side table in your living room or TV room.
Next is a hanging room divider. Suspend a sash from two chains in a room where you want to create the appearance of more separation.
Need a way to keep your pots and pans handy in the kitchen, but don’t have the shelf space? Use a window sash, minus the glass, hung from the ceiling and with hooks to hang a number of pots and pans!
Last on our list is a terrarium. This is a way to grow some interesting forest plants in your home. It is both beautiful and educational!
Consider the possibility of painting your window sash in any of the projects we’ve outlined. Early in the article, I wrote about using window sashes as a complement to barnboard in a country design. On the other extreme, painting your window sashes black becomes a complement to the black windows in which more and more homeowners are investing. Nothing country about that look!
Maybe you are not interested in the kind of projects we have described, however there is no need for your old windows to end up in a landfill. A Habitat for Humanity ReStore will happily take your windows that are no longer weather worthy but are structurally strong enough for one of our projects!
The post Repurposing Old Windows appeared first on Gem Windows & Doors.
from Gem Windows & Doors https://ift.tt/2LvU3HS
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yule73 · 7 years
Barbados food scene
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Swimming with sea turtles was one of my dreams since childhood.  Without knowing I have planned but failed to go/camp at Dry Tortugas 8 years ago for the dream, my husband took me for our honeymoon (and my birthday) to Barbados, where we could snorkel with sea turtles.  Our only concern was, as usual, if food is good there and we would find good restaurants and bars (since it was a former British colony and we did not know anything else than rum!!).  Needless to worry, Bajan cuisine was interesting and very delicious with a lot of fresh seafood, and we really enjoyed their local food and many restaurants. 
The must-try Bajan food is fried flying fish.  Flying fish is Barbados's national fish as it is depicted on a $1 coin.  Fillet of flying fish was soaked in salt water with lime juice, marinated with Bajan seasoning and deep fried.  According to recipes I found on internet, seasoning for marinade is paste, which we can buy in a jar, and dried seasoning (a mixture of herbs and spices like onion, thyme, garlic, coriander, black pepper, parsley, marjoram, paprika, scotch bonnet paper, etc) is used to season breadcrumbs.  Unfortunately I have never found flying fish in Boston, but I was so sure I would miss the dish and brought the seasonings back from Barbados.  Less than two weeks after we came back from Barbados, I craved it and decided to cook by my own.  I used sole fillets.  It was a great compromise.
Blue Room Sports Bar and Grill was our favorite place for fried flying fish.  Their Flying Fish Goujons was the best among places we tried, but it was not only dish we enjoyed there.  Their rum punch was the best among ones we had at many places.  Our very first hour in Barbados, we found the place and decided to celebrate a start of our honeymoon there.  It was during a happy hour, which happens twice a day (6-7 and 9-10pm).  We ordered 2 rum punches, one each, but a bartender started making 4 glasses.  The glasses were kind of small, so I just thought 'Oh, they don't have glasses for rum punch right now, and dividing one portion into 2 glasses.'.  But later, when I decided to try Bajan beer, Banks, I got '2 bottles'.  Yes, during a happy hour in Barbados, drinks are the same price, but provided double amount!!  We loved it!  <3<3 
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In addition to fried flying fish, you should try fish balls at Rockely beach, jerk chicken at the seagrape beach bar, nice restaurants like Tapas or Champers, or at Shaker's among locals.  Oh, fish sandwich at Cuz on the pebble beach is also must-try.  My husband and I really enjoyed the food scene in Barbados, and cannot wait going back there.
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