#and they were like wary about it but yoongi was like RUDE about it??
skswriting · 5 months
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bangfantanfic · 4 years
Our Own World: Chapter 3
Warnings: None???
Type: Not set genre
Authors Note: Hey~ again, so sorry I took so long ;-; I do have two jobs and both are basically full time so I haven’t got much time. This chapter isn’t as good as it could be, I apologise! But now shit can get spicy!!! I hope you guys enjoy 💕
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Your brother's guilty face spread across your laptop screen as apologies tumbled past his lips.
“— it’s not like I wanted to be sneaky, I just really needed you!”
“Oh, come on Y/N don’t look at me like that!”
“I would’ve called sooner, you know that!”
Throughout his 25 minute speech on how sorry he was, then how he actually wasn’t sorry, but still was sorry, your brother groaned obnoxiously. It was late at night for him, his jet lag still messing with his body clock. Beside him Mila slept.
You were jealous of how heavy a sleeper she was.
“You’re the only person I could trust with this, Y/N.” He finally said, exhaustion coating his words. “Mom and dad are too interested in them, they would’ve made the boys uncomfortable. I knew you wouldn’t be interested in them from a scientific perspective. I just wanted them comfortable that I forgot about how you would feel.”
You narrowed your eyes at his confession, his face dropping at the expression.
“You’re lucky I didn’t leave.”
He nodded wildly, agreeing.
Your expression relaxed, your glasses sliding down your nose. You wish you could just leave. But you’re too involved now, and you weren’t one to give up so quickly.
“They’re good guys, Y/N. You should give them a chance.”
“Oh, you’re out!” A surprised voice chirped from behind you.
You spun on your heel, cheeks heating up as you caught sight of the familiar polar bear hybrid. He stood with his hands shoved into the pocket of a large brown sweater that hung not too far off his knees.
“Are you hungry? I made sure the boys didn’t eat everything, we’ve been rationing.” He explained, waving you over to follow him.
He led you into the kitchen, swinging open the fridge. His hands now resting on his thin waist as he stared at the contents. His pretty plump lips were pursed into a pout as he seemed to consider what there was to offer.
“Anything in particular you want?”
You weren’t actually that hungry. The house had been quiet, you thought maybe you had found the perfect opportunity to get some fresh air without being spotted.
Clearly, you failed.
But the excitement on the hybrids soft features made your heart clench. How could you possibly say no to him when he’s looking at you like that?
“A sandwich will be fine.” You smiled sheepishly, watching him nod to himself.
“The others are probably off sleeping somewhere,” Seokjin explained. “Hobi and Yoongi are out in the cages, but otherwise I’m guessing they’re sleeping.”
The cages?
You remembered that was where they had been when you first arrived. Your cheeks turned pink at the thought of them watching you fail at your one job.
Why would they be back out there?
Seokjin must’ve seen the frown on your face, quick to change the subject. He began to babble about how the younger boys had been on his back, bored and missing their gaming.
“You’ve probably noticed the two computers in your room,” He said knowingly. “That’s where we would game, but the boys are under strict orders not to go in there.” He laughed.
You nodded, they were the first thing you noticed when you found the room. Two large PC’s back to back, with multiple screens and fancy setups that you couldn’t even begin to understand, but you knew it all cost more than your entire education so you didn’t dare go near it. You knew your brother loved gaming, he always had. It was one of the only things the two of you had ever managed to bond over, even if you weren’t that good.
You felt bad. They’re all clearly bored, unable to leave the house without your brother and you had taken their favorite form of entertainment away, unintentionally but still.
“They’ll live, they have the console out here and phones. They’re just dramatic.” He laughed, cleaning up the mess from lunch.
“Hyung— oh,”
You stiffened at the unfamiliar voice, eyes glued to the hybrid in front of you that grinned at the new comer.
“Namjoon, back inside already?”
You shifted, turning to see a taller male. He had tan overalls on and a white, muddy shirt on underneath. His silver grey hair was fluffy, clearly not done and standing up in every direction, almost covering up the pointed ears on top of his head.
“It started to rain…” He trailed off, although he wasn’t talking to you he was staring you down, his tanned cheeks slightly pink. “I’m Namjoon, by the way.” He added sheepishly, a dirty hand rubbing at the back of his neck.
You nodded, smiling slightly “I’m Y/N.”
He nodded, smiling bigger. “It’s nice to see you out, I was starting to think we never would.” He admitted, carefully walking over to Seokjin.
He moved and spoke to you like a scared animal, how ironic.
You watched as Namjoon washed his hands in the sink, giving you a chance to get a good look at his face.
He was cute, his face round and eyes reminding you of a dragon. A rounded nose and deep dimples on either side of his cheeks. He was beautifully tanned reminding you of honey, and his smile as he listened to Seokjin just made him all the sweeter.
“Miss Y/N, will you be joining us for dinner tonight?” Seokjin asked after a moment.
Namjoon’s head perked up at the question, and although he was trying to make it seem like he wasn’t watching your reaction, or listening to the conversation, you could see him watching your through his eyelashes as he pretended to clean under his nails.
“Ah, I guess if you guys don’t mind?”
“Oh—ow dammit Namjoon, be careful!” Seokjin scolded, making you jump at the raise in tone.
Namjoon flushed bright red, straightening up and grabbing his silky tail. “Sorry hyung, I didn’t mean it!”
The two bickered, Seokjin telling the younger to be more careful with his emotions if he couldn’t control the physical side of it. Meanwhile Namjoon complained that he needs to word things better because he sounded gross.
Maybe for once your brother was right.
The lead up to dinner was nerve wracking. You had spent the remaining hours in your room scolding yourself for agreeing.
You weren’t sure if you should dress somewhat nice? It would be your first time meeting them, did you want to make a good impression? After all they probably all thought you were a scared, stuck up princess.
Scared? Definitely.
A stuck up princess? Maybe a little.
In the end you just settled on what you had put on that morning after your shower. Sweatpants and hoodie. It’s not like you had to impress them.
“Miss Y/N?”
Your pacing halted. The voice was familiar, but definitely not Seokjin familiar.
“It’s Namjoon, Jin told me to see if you wanted me to walk with you to the kitchen?”
He sounded just as nervous as you felt. You quickly agreed, swinging open your door and almost sighing in relief when you saw him in a similar outfit to your own.
The walk to the kitchen seemed to drag, Namjoon taking him time as he explained a few things about his “brothers” to you.
“Jimin and Taehyung might be a little much, they’re pretty social. Hoseok is pretty loud, he loves to socialise as well.” He had told you, holding three fingers up as his listed people off. “Yoongi and Jeongguk, they may seem rude and maybe even intimidating, but they’re softies. They’re just wary of new people, which is understandable.” He concluded, looking down at you with a small smile.
“Everyone is super nice, I promise.”
When you both arrived at the kitchen three others were already seated, and Seokjin was running back and forth from the table to the stove. Three backs faced you, white hair, brown hair and black hair.
They didn’t turn to acknowledge the new arrivals in the kitchen, but it was obvious they knew you had arrived. The way their backs tended up and ears twitched gave it away.
Namjoon placed a large hand to the back of your shoulder softly, noticing your anxiety. He had honestly expected you to flinch away from his touch. But instead when you leaned into his touch, practically burying yourself into the side of him, he practically disintegrated where he stood. Just when he thought the pink on his cheeks couldn’t get any worse you looked up at him, glasses hanging low on your nose, through your eyelashes and gave him a weak smile.
And that was all it took.
“Boys, why don’t we all introduce ourselves?” Seokjin said once he was seated beside you at the head of the table.
Seokjin sat to your left and Namjoon to your right. Across from you was a boy with white hair and soft features, to his right was a boy with brown hair and then finally, another with black. Two of the three smiled at you, one more shyly than the other, while the third kept his eyes to his plate.
“I’ll go first,” Seokjin suggested, clearing his throat. He shifted himself in his seat so he was facing you properly, a warm smile on his thick lips. “I’m Seokjin, you can call me Jin. I’m, as you know, a polarbear hybrid.”
You smiled, nodding your head. You liked Seokjin. He gave you a warm, cosy, homey vibe which was something you hadn’t felt around anyone else other than your brother. But even then it was a different feeling.
From beside you Namjoon spoke next.
“Namjoon, I’m a wolf— Alaskan interior wolf to be specific.”
You frowned, you had just assumed all wolves were the same. You didn’t realise that there were multiple different breeds. When it comes to animals you really were clueless.
“I’m Taehyung, we already met when you were sleeping!”
“Taehyung, that’s creepy.” The white haired boy snorted, rolling his eyes. The brown haired boy frowned for a moment, thinking before he grinned. A large boxy smile that showed off his teeth and squinted his eyes.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, running long fingers through his hair. “I’m a capuchin.” He added, his tail flicking out from behind and waving. “Not, a furry.”
You wanted to glare, or even flip the grinning boy across from you off. But instead you felt your cheeks burn red and your body curling in on itself. You had a feeling the boy wasn’t going to let your insult go.
You didn’t notice Namjoon glare at the monkey hybrid, or the warning look that Jin shot the boy before turning his attention to Jimin.
The white haired boy smiled, and at first glance you would’ve mistaken the smile as shy. But you knew better.
“I’m Jimin, Arctic fox.” He introduced simply, leaning back into his chair. You noticed he was sitting with his legs crossed in his seat, long fluffy white tail wrapped around his stomach as his brown eyes sized you up.
“And the last one is Jeongguk, he’s your age.”
Your eyes met with the dark haired boys, your back stiffening when you noticed he was already staring at you. He didn’t make any move to look away, in fact his glare seemed to get icier the longer you looked. Your head shot down, eyes to your bitten nails.
“It’s nice to meet you all.”
Dinner went by smoothly. Namjoon was proud of his pack, for the most part they made sure you weren’t uncomfortable. You were even smiling and occasionally, even though you tried to hide it, he heard you laugh. He wanted to hear you laugh properly. Out loud, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. So he left you to laugh to yourself.
He couldn’t help himself throughout the meal, moving closer hoping you didn’t notice the way he inched his chair closer to yours until they were barely a few centimetres apart. You were warm, heat radiating off like the fireplace in the living room. It was his favourite spot to be too, curled up with a book in hand, glasses perched on his nose and the fire roaring beside him. You felt just like that moment.
You were pretty, glasses snuggly sitting on the bridge of your nose, shiny eyes focusing intensely on whoever spoke, all your focus and interest pouring into the one person. Your nose was a cute button shape, and your lips naturally poured, thinning slightly whenever they were stretched back into a smile.
You were easy to read, every emotion spilling across your face. He wasn’t sure if you meant to be like that, but he was thankful for it. He could see how nervous you were the entire night, see how tensed and stiff your shoulders were. It took his entire restraint to not rest a hand on your thigh and to promise you were safe with him by your side.
He really didn't want to scare you off.
After dinner Namjoon was sent off to take the missing two their dinners while the younger three were left to clean up. Seokjin happily accompanied you back to your room, a bright smile on his lips as he babbled away about how well behaved his brothers were. It was sweet how proud he was, and you had to agree for the most part they made sure you were comfortable.
You were surprised how much you had enjoyed the night. Sure you were filled to the brim with anxiety that at some point someone would snap and tear your jugular out, but they all seemed weirdly human too, even with the unique body differences.
Namjoon had made himself closer to you throughout the night, and oddly enough the act didn’t terrify you. It was actually comforting. At one point you had to remind yourself that just because he, and the others, looked more human than animal didn’t mean he wouldn’t tear you limb from limb. Maybe him moving closer was a hunting strategy. But then you realised just how awkward he seemed to feel, the way his foot was bouncing off the floor. How he gnawed away at his poor bottom lip and was practically sitting on his hands to keep them at bay.
His round, dimpled cheeks were flushed pink the entire night, and every so often you could feel him staring.
But there was no way in hell you’d call him out on it.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You pinched your leg, smiling. And for the first time since arrived it was actually genuine. “I’m actually really good! I had fun.”
The blonde smiled, his eyes crinkling and thick lips thinning ever so slightly. You don’t think you’ll ever get use to how inhumanly beautiful he is.
Usually, beautiful isn’t a word you would say to describe a man, mostly because you remember how annoyed your brother would get every time your mother said it, but in this situation you couldn’t help it.
The man was the definition of beauty.
“We had fun too. I hope this means we’ll see you more often?” He looked nervous, his fingers tightly gripping the other hands. You could see he looked hopefully even with his face near only showing anxiety.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Hangang River Bride (OT7 x Hybrid!Reader): Story summary (chapters 1-5)
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Pairing: OT7 x Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Hybrid!AU, Future smut
Warnings: Mentions of myth & Folklore, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Drama & Romance, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, so much Angst, Past Abuse, mentions of domestic violence, rough handling and not in the kinky way, I'm adding more as the story progresses, Cat hybrid Jimin, Dog Hybrid Taehyung, Human Jin & Namjoon, Cat hybrid Yoongi, Dog hybrid Hoseok, Fox hybrid reader, Wolf hybrid Jungkook
(Originally posted by R0ADKiLL on AO3, taken over by me with her consent in July 2020.)
Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon- a married couple and well known Hybrid owners. While Seokjin helps Hybrids as a very respected lawyer, Kim Namjoon focuses on studying them to help the world understand better. Their Hybrids Jimin and Yoongi, two rescued cat hybrids from a shelter, were their first- now the house is full of booming life with Taehyung and Hoseok, the two dogs they had adopted soon after, and Jungkook, the newest addition. Saved by a rescue organisation and taken in by Namjoon partially for his studies and partially just to give him a loving home, they seem to be finally complete. Until they meet the girl at the Hangang bridge.
Or: Y/N tries to sneakily steal Jungkooks lamb skewers, and almost gets herself eaten.
Careful: A lot of writing under the cut. Mobile users with older phones should switch to a browser page since the app could crash. I'm speaking out of experience lol.
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Kim Seokjin enjoyed the simple things in life. Such as the situation he was in right now; in the arms of his husband, sleeping in because they both finally got a day off for once. "Are you worried?" He asks his Partner, who seems oddly serious despite the comfortable silence surrounding them. He knows that Namjoon knows what he's talking about; for the first time in months, Jungkook, their most recent hybrid addition to their family, has gone out by himself with Taehyung, the almost hyperactive australian shepherd hybrid. Jungkook can't be left alone by himself outside their four walls due to safety laws; all because he is a predator hybrid. As a Wolf, together with his alpha-gene, he has to be accompanied by at least one other Person; hybrid or human. Namjoon found it odd at first, but getting to know more about predator hybrids made him understand the thought behind it. Even though Jungkook was one of the most well behaved and down to earth hybrids he'd ever met, there was still a small chance of him acting on impulse. And it wouldn't even be his fault. Maybe he shouldn't leave the house then, but Jin and he decided that he should have a bit of freedom as well; after all, he was partially a person as well. He deserved to make decisions and have some alone time- as alone as he could be. "They're gonna be fine. Taehyung will keep an eye on him." Jin spoke softly, placing a small kiss to the bare shoulder of his partner, who just nodded, before falling asleep again.
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"I'm hungry Jungkookie, let's get something to eat. We can eat it over there!" Taehyung pointed excitedly to the park, while Jungkook just nodded. He didn't like to decide things; he never learned after all. This was all still pretty new to him, even though they had been living together for almost a full year. Growing up in a cage treated like a full blown animal does that to you, they said to him at the rescue center. He's slowly coming out of his shell though; thanks to Jin and Namjoon, and all the other hybrids he now considers his pack, he finally lets loose once in a while.
Grabbing some food, the both walk around the park for a bit, finding a perfect spot to eat. Jungkook always thought what it would be like to have Lunch with friends at this park, never thinking it could all eventually happen. "There you go. Do you need anything else?" Taehyung asked, but Jungkook smiled and denied. He had more than he could've ever asked for if he was being honest.
All while this happened, the two male hybrids chatting away actively, the small fox hybrid saw her chance to strike. Modern pet hybrids didn't hear her usually, and both of them seemed to be of the sorts- even though she could smell something weird on the black haired one. Her own snarling stomach however made her stop thinking, slowly inching forwards until her small hand was able to reach the white plastic bag with the rest of the food still packed for the other ones home- until the dark haired one whipped his head around.
It all happened so fast, the girl snatching the bag and running for her life- quite literally, because Jungkook completely ignored Taehyung shouting at him to stop and come back, his mind running on autopilot. She was stealing, from him, from his pack, and he had to get her. Deep in his brain he knew she probably didn't meant any harm, but his instincts did the thinking for now, his long legs easily catching up to her much smaller form. Grabbing the straps of her honestly pretty torn dress, he yanked her backwards, making her fall on the ground with a loud noise. He threw himself over her, his body hovering, hands holding her struggling ones in a strong grip while his legs tried to keep her from kicking. Only when he heard Taehyung whimpering for him to not do anything, he looked up, noticing the terrified look on his friend's face. He looked down again much calmer now, taking in her appearance for the first real time. Her clothes were a mix of things; two differently colored overknee socks, shoes that looked not to be her size at all, but laces bound around her ankles to keep them from slipping. Her dress was white; probably, because the dirt stuck to it colored it all shades of colors. The fabric was torn at the seams, the entire thing not fitting her at all. But neither her clothing, nor the skinny appearance or the bruises and fading cuts caught his attention. It were her hybrid features.
Her ears, turned backwards so hard they seemed to be wanting to dissappear into her skull were a dirty white, rimmed with pitchblack. Her tail swishing back and forth underneath her was puffed with panic, probably white underneath all the dirt with a greyish black stripe on it. The fur was tangled, parts matted- he knew what this meant. She was probably either feral, or came from a place he knew all too well. "I'm gonna let go. Try to run and I will catch you again." Jungkook spoke lowly, and suddenly the small female went completely still, apart from her shivering, which was probably due to her inner panic and fear. Taehyung watched, wanting to get closer, but choosing to stay a respecting few steps away, too scared he might make her want to flee again. "What's your name?" Jungkook asked after he had sit up on his heels, arms crossed in front of him. Her scent gave her away to him; he already noticed she was a predator hybrid as well. When she didn't answer, he sighed. "Do you even have one?" He asked, his entire posture turning more sympathetic towards her once she finally shook her head in denial. It all made sense to him, even to Taehyung who'd never known such situations himself luckily.
Said hybrid jumped a little when his phone rang, Namjoons ID making him answer. "Hyung?" He answered, before Jungkook held out his hand for the device, Taehyung understanding. "Hyung, Jungkookie wants to talk to you." He said, nodding at something he said over the phone before giving it to his younger brother, wary not to move to fast so you wouldn't flinch too much.
"I'm gonna bring someone home." He simply said, looking at the girl in front of him. In no way in hell he would let her just walk off like that, knowing where she probably came from. He knew this could very well be overstepping a line for him in his new home, but Namjoon simply saying that it was okay and asking if he should set out another plate for food. Jungkook chose not to say anything about her condition yet, knowing it would be rude for him to talk about her like that now. He simply said his goodbyes, giving Taehyung his phone back, before slowly standing up, picking up his plastic bag along the way. "Come on." He said, taking off his zip hoodie to give to her, helping her hide her pretty beat up form in his big clothing. She seemed wary at first, not trusting the entire situation yet, but choosing the jacket after a moment of thinking it over. Taehyung smiled at her comfortingly, but keeping his distance, not knowing how to react. He'd been like that with jungkook at first too, unsure and shy almost. Jungkook however seemed calm, giving him reassurance that at least one of them knew how to handle the situation.
Things however took a turn once he noticed the girl next to him paling even more than she already had; breath turning uneven and eyes suddenly closing, she fell to her knees first before Jungkook could react. "What do we do?" Taehyung asked with a bit of panic in his tone, Jungkook now looking like he was out of answers as well, before picking her up and carrying her back home.
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Luckily for them, the park they were at wasn't that far away, making it easy and fast to reach the large house rather quick. Opening the door, Jin started to turn around to greet them, before he noticed the unconscious figure in the arms of the wolf hybrid, automatically shooing both inside and turning off the stove before telling them to put her on the couch.
"What happened?" He asked, but Taehyung was talking so fast his brain couldn't process all of the information at once, making him simply nod. "Who is she?" But at this question, both fell silent. None of them knew for sure, Namjoon walking downstairs after hearing all the commotion, the rest of the hybrids slowly following, concerned faces everywhere.
"I don't know. She said she doesn't have a name. I've seen her before though." Jungkook simply stated, making everyone frown at the realization what he meant. She probably came from the same company as him, shipped illegally and living with a highly possible abusive owner. Just like him.
Namjoon kneeled down in front of the couch, softly inspecting her hybrid features, careful not to wake her. "From what I see I would say fox hybrid." He stated, standing up and crossing his arms.
"But her ears aren't red!" Jimin, the cat hybrid asked timidly from his spot near the couch at her feet, feeling concerned at her lack of movement. Namjoon smiled a bit, placing a hand reassuringly on top of his head.
"They don't always have to be. Foxes have different breeds and colors as well." He said, and Jimin seemed as entranced as ever. The young cat hybrid always liked to almost soak up every bit of knowledge Namjoon gave him like a sponge, though he was known to be pretty forgetful due to an accident he had as a small kitten.
"I'd say lets bring her in our guest room, let her sleep, and after she wakes up, we'll see what we do." Jin stated, making everyone nod. To wait was the best answer for now.
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Waking up honestly never felt so pleasant as now. Something that should've set you at ease, but it did the exact opposite; not knowing where you were plus the lack of consciousness after just waking up made your fur stand up, and your body shooting out of the bed into the nearest corner. Accidentally pushing down a small table lamp in the process made all hybrids and humans react; a soft knock was heard on the closed door, asking for entrance. But you couldn't answer, even if you wanted to.
The door opened hesitantly, a cat hybrid with black ears and Sandy brown hair making it's way inside gently, before sitting down with his back pressed against the closed door lazily. He seemed calm, collected, but you couldn't read his intentions. He didnt talk; he maybe knew you wouldn't answer anyways.
A long staring contest followed, or maybe he was just waiting for your heavy breathing to calm down, because as soon as he felt you were calm enough he spoke. "If you're hungry, we're having dinner." Noticing your surprised face he had to swallow the chuckle bubbling in his throat. "Its almost noon. Just so you know." He said, and noticed how your cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. He slowly stood up, opening the door to walk outside, but leaving it open. Leaving the choice to you.
After a moment or two, you slowly stood up, legs still a bit wobbly. You didnt know your way around the entire house, but your ears caught noise from downstairs- a lot of voices mixing together. It felt odd to you- where were the guards? Slowly trying to find your way downstairs (you've never really walked stairs before, neither up or down for that matter) your movement stopped as soon as you noticed eyes on you. Holding onto the banisters, you felt insecure, not daring to move another inch. You heard a chair scrape on the tiled floor, and someone stepping up to you. Closing your eyes you got ready to be scolded- this had been a test hadn't it? But as you opened one eye to peak, a hand was held in front of you. "Come on." The gentle voice sounded a bit familiar, and the face was very much so. The boy with the dark curly hair from the park stood one step below you, a gentle spark in his eyes. Slowly taking his much larger hand, you both made your way down the stairs carefully, him always stopping and taking it slow and steady so you wouldnt fall.
"Ah, sit down! I'm Jimin!" Said hybrid cat told you excitedly while pointing to his side, an empty chair waiting for you. His multi colored feline features gave his entire feelings away, and you internally found it a bit cute if you were honest. You looked at the chair for a second, and looked around after a bit as if to ask for permission first. A tall man with broad shoulders and a very handsome face nodded with a smile, and you sat down as quietly as you could. Jimin immediately started to fill your plate with food, your eyes sparkling at the view in front of you; never having received such amounts of nice smelling and looking foods before. Looking up, you felt awkward, yet once everyone around you started to eat too, you took the nod from the handsome stranger again as a form of permission. But there was a problem.
You'd never used cutlery before.
Sensing your trouble, the dog hybrid on your other side (the same one from the park) started to cut up your food into bite size pieces, before he gave you a fork, holding his as well to give you an example on how to hold it. You had to try a few times but eventually made it; the smile of everyone sensing a funny feeling through your body. You had to restrain yourself from reacting too boldly, but if you could you wouldve jumped in your spot at how delicious it was. However, the speed you were eating in gave away how nice it was. The dog hybrid with the marbled floppy ears chuckled a bit while cutting up more food for you and loading your plate until you gave him a sign to stop.
Slowly, one of the two humans stood up collecting the dishes; another odd thing. Why didnt they tell their hybrids to do that? You stood up and attempted to help, when a hand was placed on your shoulder- warm and gentle. "Ah, we'll handle it. Do you maybe want to take a bath?" The handsome human told you, and your eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, obviously asking if he was serious. He smiled at you and nodded. "Do you want someone to help you?" Yiu nodded, not really knowing your way around, your eyes spotting the dark curly hair from the couch, he however wasnt looking at you. The human caught your stare however, turning around. "Jungkook, can you help our friend here run a bath? Oh, and maybe jimin has some clothing that'll fit her-" he said, but Jungkook had already stood up, walking over to you.
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The bathroom was large, and as you sat on the closed toilet just how Jungkook had instructed you to do so while he turned on the water, you took the opportunity to look around. How long does it take to clean the entire thing? Would you be in charge of that? But the others didnt have to do the dishes either, so maybe this was one of those homes one of the domestic puppy's had talked about at the mansion. As if he could sense your thoughts, Jungkook started to talk while he poured a nice smelling purple liquid into the water, making it foam. "We dont have to actually work here y'know." He started, and you listened to him with a bit of confusion. He didnt push it though. "I'll leave you to it now... if you need help just uh.. call me or Someone or whatever." He said and walked out after turning the water off. You sat there for a bit, not knowing if you could do anything, but deciding to just go for it. Stripping your clothes you gently got into the tub, warmth surrounding you as well as a nice flowery scent. You happily started to wash yourself, not caring for a moment as you rubbed your ears and tail clean of all the grime that had piled up, grinning once the fur started to turn white and black again, the dirt finally coming off. Washing your hair you finished off, stepping out and wrapping a towel around you.
Opening the door you peaked around the corner, until you softly called out for the wolf. You thought he maybe didnt hear you, but suddenly you heard feet stepping upstairs and soon he stood in front of you, holding some clothes out. "Here." He said, and at your look of confusion he simple looked to the side, almost as if he was embarrassed. "They're uh.. mine. I- so you can- I mean baggy clothes are comfortable so, yeah.." he said, and you smiled at that, his eyes suddenly widening at the view he got. This was the first smile he'd ever seen you display, and he couldn't help but feel his heart rate increase.
You changed into his clothing before finally coming downstairs, a bit slow but finally without any help, looking a bit awkward. Someone cooing at you made you look in the direction of the sound, spotting the living room it seemed, all hybrids and humans sitting down. The puppy hybrid with the marbled ears had turned around on the couch, looking at you, while the other tall human came to you, towel and brush in hand. "Come on, before you catch a cold." He said, patting his lap for you to sit on. You hesitated for a moment, until you finally sat down, your back facing him. "I'm Namjoon by the way." He said, until he pointed to the broad shouldered man sitting on the other couch. "This is Seokjin. He's the eldest, kind of the head of the family." He stated, gently drying your hair with a towel before he started to dry your ears as well. "Taehyung and Jungkook were the ones you met at the park." Pointing towards the marble eared puppy hybrid and the wolf sitting next to him. "You already met Jimin. Next to him is Yoongi, the one who called you for dinner." He stated, before he pointed to the one who seemed to hold back his excitement the most as if not to scare you. "And that's Hoseok. Hes kinda quiet because he tends to get a bit loud. We dont want to scare you." The towel felt soft against your features, until he took a brush to run it through your hair. "What kind are you?" He gently asked, to which you answered on a quiet voice.
"A marble fox." You stated, everyone listening closely because of how quiet you spoke.
Namjoon nodded, visibly interested, but keeping it in for now. "Do you need anything specific concerning your diet?" He asked, and you shook your head. Not that you'd know. Until now, hybrid pellets were your best bet concerning food. "I see. I know you probably dont want to talk about it, but it's important." He started, turning your around so you sat sideways on his lap. "Do you want to go back to your owner?" He simply asked, and by the way your ears instantly turned backwards, everyone knew the answer. Jimin instantly moved forwards, reaching out to pat your head gently, making your eyes widen at the gesture.
"We wont make you go back. She can stay, cant she Joon?" Jimin asked, looking hopeful at his owner. The calico hybrid had always been extremely social and clingy towards people he liked, and it showed; he took a liking to you, letting you go would prove difficult now. That was one of the many reasons he'd ended up in a shelter; his high maintenance nature and need for attention made him not an easy pet. He felt for you.
"Its not that simple Jiminie, but well try our best." He said, sharing a glance with his husband on the other couch. They'd have to find out if you were in any database first, and after that Jin could start collecting necessary documents for your adoption.
"Wait, wait!" Taehyubg suddenly said, making everyone look up to him, until he sat down in front of you. "You dont have a name right?" You said, making everyone gasp a bit, apart from Jungkook who knew already. "Then we'll give you one!" He said, looking around, and everyone started thinking. Giving a name to a hybrid was a huge thing; after all, you'd be carrying this forever. You started to get a bit nervous, everyone trying out names until Jungkook spoke up, gaze straight on you.
And for one once, everyone instantly agreed.
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The next morning started slow. You found out that both humans, Seokjin and namjoon didnt work on weekends, and took the time off to spend time with everyone. It felt a bit foreign not knowing what your exact purpose was.
"Master Seokjin?" You asked as you sat on one of the kitchen chairs to watch him cook. He turned around a bit before answering.
"Jin is fine, really. That title is.. really not necessary. We're all equal." He spoke in a gentle tone, and you noted not to call him that anymore.
"What is my purpose in this household?" You questioned with great curiosity, and Jin was close to answering until a hand was placed on your head.
"Being cute." Yoongi answered before sitting on the kitchen board, making seokjin shake his head a bit, because he wasnt supposed to, but did it anyways. "We all dont really have a job or anything. We help around the house here and there, Jimin takes care of the garden for example, Taehyung has his pet bunnies outside, and so on. It's more like a hobby though." He explained while continuously stealing pieces of bacon from jin.
"But.."you started, frowning a bit. "Why have hybrids then?"
"Because, we wanted to. Companionship. Simple as that." Jin answered, before ushering Yoongi out the kitchen, who just smirked as he walked out lazily. How he could get away with his behavior was a mystery to you. Just as you wanted to ask something however, a yawn interrupted you. You woke up early again today, a habit you would find hard to get over.
The wolf with the long hair came in, picking you up without asking at all. "Yah, Jungkookie, you cant just carry her around like a ragdoll!" Jin said, the Saif wolf however just shrugged and walked out, putting you down the couch before laying down himself, arms around you.
"Jungkook.?" You gently asked, but he made a sound to silence you.
"Naptime." He simply said, putting his leg over yours for good measure, as if he wanted to make sure you wouldnt escape. During those two days the wolf had been constantly around you, always keeping an eye out for you, making sure you didnt get uncomfortable. It felt as if he'd unofficially claimed you as his, a fact that felt a bit weird to you. There was nothing to claim. You were a used product, still unsure and constantly confused. But before your thoughts could fall any deeper, the gently sound of his heartbeat against your back made you fall asleep.
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Shopping was something that was foreign, again. You knew how it worked of course, but you'd never been out before to buy things- and for you for that matter. You slowly got used to your name however, your brain inking the sound into your memories, so that you'd never forget it again. People seemed so carefree, your companions happy and joking around, Jungkook never daring to let go of your hand, as if he was scared to loose you, and to be fair, a lot of people were out this time.
"You okay?" He asked once he noticed you staring around, and you nodded, looking up to him, since you were a good bit shorter.
"Yeah. It's just.. a lot to take in." You said, while he looked at clothing. "Do you think I.." you started, and he looked at you, urging you to continue. "Stay? Like, could I stay with you.. and your family?"
He smiled at that, squeezing the hand he was holding a bit. "I'll do everything I can to make that happen." His words made your tail sway a bit, the first real time it happened, and Jungkook cooed internally at the sight. And although he didnt voice it out, he made a promise to get more reactions like that out of you.
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Together everyone made their way home after everything was bought, you sitting next to Jungkook and Tae on both sides. Things like these were still exhausting for you, causing you to eventually fall asleep, your ears tickling Taehyungs neck a bit. He looked down on you, trying to burn the image into his mind. You looked so peaceful, angelic even, he couldn't explain it.
Deciding not to wake you he unbuckled your seatbelt, slowly moving you out the car and carrying you inside the house. As soon as he laid you on the couch and tried to walk away however, your hand grabbed his pants, gently tugging to get him back. He smiled and complied, hugging you on the couch happily; you seemed to open up to everyone one by one, making him exhale with fondness.
"Come on, let's get you to bed then." He gently said, as everyone around you said their good nights and walked upstairs into their rooms.
"Can I.." you started, but slowly stood up without finishing, making Taehyung grab your hand this time, tables having turned with him keeping you from walking away now. "I.. uh, you can say no, but maybe I could like... sleep in your room.?" You asked, not looking at him out of embarrassment. His reaction however, was a smile so bright and boxy you swore you could've melted right there on the spot.
"Of course cuddlebug. come on!"
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"This is bad." Namjoon mumbled, carrying an opened letter in his hand while carding his unoccupied hand through his hair. Seokjin looked at him with worry, walking towards him to catch a glimpse of whatever he'd been reading.
Earlier that day, they've gone out for breakfast, jimin suggesting you should ge used to being outside more. Since Jungkook was someone who slept long, Taehyung and Jimin had taken you out instead, happy to get the surprisingly clingy wolf off of you for a few hours. Needless to say, the canine hybrid however wasnt too happy to find you missing when he woke up, a little jealousy mixed with worry making him fussy until you finally came back.
The news in this letter however weren't too good. Apparently, your old owner has taken notice that you've been sheltered at his place without his consent, asking for a date to quote unquote "return his property" as he stated, making both humans scrunch up their faces with disgust at the wording. Jin has had his suspicions about you being treated poorly in the past, and it seems like he was right about it.
"Should we tell her?" Namjoon asked, not sure if it was something you genuinely should know yet. Maybe there was a way to get you out of this without making everyone feel uneasy or restless. They both didnt want you to go back to that place, having already locked you into their hearts. They also thought you deserved to know, making both worry. However, a deep voice startlet both.
"Tell her what?" Jungkook asked, eyes glazed over with something they couldn't quite place. "Huh?" He said again, getting impatient. He was easy to rile up in general, but with you he seemed to be especially touchy. Jin simply gave him the letter that was in question, and the wolf immediately widened his eyes, looking back at them. "He cant be serious. We wont let her go back there." He said, scoffing, but looking darkly at his friends when there was no answer. "Right?" He asked, but there still was no reaction other than uncomfortable silence.
"Jungkook it's not that easy-" but he was soon interrupted by the young wolf.
"Are you mental?! Dont tell me you're actually giving her away like what?!" He raged out, heart racing with the fear that he could be separated from you. "She trusts you hyung! You cant be serious.!" He said, getting quieter the more their silence stretched.
The main reason was that they legally had no ownership. They couldn't afford going against authorities with the other hybrids in their possession, they had to think about what was best after all. And jungkook deep down knew as well- but he considered you a part of his pack already. Loosing you would hurt alone. But losing you to an abusive situation would drive him insane.
The door opened, happy voices cutting threw the heavy atmosphere in the house, but before they could reach the three, jungkook dashed into his room, needing to cool down. Both jimin and Taehyung looked at their owners confused, but the only thing they could do was sigh. This was a difficult situation. And the outcome could be horrible.
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You knew something was up.
The atmosphere had changed, both humans were starting to grow distant from you, keeping a safe bubble around them you couldn't seem to join. Slowly but surely, even though you had a small glimmer of hope this wouldnt happen, you realized what was going on.
They wanted you gone. But they just didnt know how to tell you.
So what was the best thing to do in a situation like that? Exactly. Take away the burden of decision making, and do it for them. Softly folding your clothes, you made sure to leave your room as tidy and clean as possible, as a form of thank you for their hostility. You didnt hold a grudge against them; they had to take care of a lot of wonderful hybrids already. You were a burden that needed to be lifted. Slipping on a red beanie that you may or may not have stolen from jungkook, along with some warmer clothes since it was winter, you opened the window. Walking outside the door was absolutely impossible, since it creaked a bit every time it opened, but the window wasnt a problem to climb out of.
As soon as your shoes (timberlands, a thing that jungkook always cooed over because they looked tiny compared to his own pair) touched the soft crunchy leaves that weren't covered in snow, you breathed in. You made it this far. You could go even farther as well. You believed in that.
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Meanwhile, jin stirred in his sleep a little, cold icy air hitting his exposed feet. Did he forget to turn the heater on? No, it smelled like fresh air, even though his bedroom windows were closed. It took him a sleepy moment to make a very scary thought creep until his mind. Instantly getting up and walking until the hallway, opening your bedroom window, his fear became a reality he hoped to turn out as a mere dream. But the soft wind accompanied by small snowflakes making it's way into the empty room was easy too real. And he swore he could hear his heart crack like glass as soon as he heard the broken growl behind him, not needing to turn around to know whose it was. Namjoon tried to calm the wolf down, but it only caused him to be even louder, luring a tired Taehyung, and even Yoongi out of their sleep.
"Whe-where is she.?" Taehyung slowly asked, fearing the answer he'd get. He knew he cared deeply for you, but jimin would simply be heartbroken by the fact that you left. But before Namjoon could explain, since Jin was still simply staring, frozen, Jungkooks dark voice cut through.
"Gone. Just like they wanted." He said, suddenly speedwalking down the stairs, slipping on his shoes and throwing over a jacked, dashing out, blinded by rage and fear for you. He didn't even hear his friends yelling for him to come back; his mind running on autopilot, his only mission:
Getting you back.
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Warapped up in one of Taehyungs oversized coats, walking along the streets littered with cafes, you wondered if leaving was really the best idea. How could you really have gotten attached so fast though? It wasnt really like you, considering your past experiences with humans, and other hybrids as well.
Pulling the red beanie a little down to make sure it covered you well, you decided to make a trip back to the very park you first met the large family. It felt odd to be back, knowing what had happened- and how far you've come. You had actual clothing now, some snacks in your pockets to keep you going for a while, and some newfound energy you didn't even think you could have. Deep down you had known all along that a future wasn't in it for you; this family was a well established pack already- it felt rather rude to intrude for you. But maybe now you could actually maybe approach people a bit better after coming out of your shell a bit- but the more you thought about it, the less it felt appealing to you.
Because no matter how kind a person would be, jimin would've been so much kinder. No matter how happy someone would make you, Hoseok could've made you smile so much brighter. No matter how smart someone would be, Namjoon could've shown you so much more in this world. No matter how tight someone would hug you, Taehyungs hugs would've felt so much better. No matter how calm a silence would be, Yoongi's would've felt so much more comforting to you. No matter how well someone would take care of you, Jin would've mothered you even worse.
And no matter how much someone would try to make you feel safe, Jungkook would've made you feel so much more protected. As if nothing could ever hurt you in this world.
You sniffled a bit, noticing your eyes stinging with tears that threatened to spill from your dark thoughts alone. But thats what you felt like; for the first time in a long while, you truly felt alone. And it wasn't a nice feeling. If back in the day loneliness comforted you because it was better than being with 'him', it now felt suffocating. You felt small, tiny, and truly vulnerable. And you hated it.
You shook your head, scouting out a place to spend the night without getting noticed by authorities. It was back to your old habits again, your knowledge about the surrounding area and how to survive out here helping you to fit back into your situation again.
However; together with your old situation came an old perso as well, his greeting sending cold shivers down your spine- and that had nothing to do with the flaky-breeze the winter brought.
"There you are."
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Somewhere in Seoul, a distressed wolf was almost running down the streets during the early morning hours, his skin running hot even considering the freezing temperatures. But this only added to his worries.
Were you scared? Cold? Hungry? Or worse?
What if you got hurt?
Where would you sleep?
His mind automatically pictured the worst; you, hiding somewhere, cold, distressed, and all alone, vulnerable to every predator around. He knew deep down that you were strong, that you probably wore clothes to keep you warm, you were smart enough to think before you acted, but his instincts wouldn't let him rest at all. He almost jumped at a heaving Yoongi; the cat wasn't really used to running after the way more active Wolf hybrid, but he had to- if someone saw him running wild without anyone with him, they would have even more problems at hand than just you. "Jungkook-" He began, but before he could even get another word out, the younger Hybrid grabbed his shoulders, his eyes sparkling with fear, showing their bare, reddish-brown color, a sign that he was slipping into a very dangerous headspace for a predator hybrid.
"Hyung, she's out there- she- what if someone gets her? What if her old owner finds her, you know how bad it was where she came from, what if she gets hurt, and I'm not there to help her, I'm supposed to protect her, I-" He was breathing heavily, his eyes opening wide with the fear that his own words began to fire up in his chest.
"Jungkook, we'll find her-" But namjoon may not have been the best person to speak up in that current moment, and Yoongi thanked whoever god was in charge that day, because thankfully the streets were empty this early in the morning.
Because as soon as Jungkook heard his owners voice, his entire body changed in posture- he was ready to jump him. Thankfully Jin had arrived as well, rushing to hold the alpha back while he wasn't thinking straight and yelling at the person he should be able to trust with his entire being. But in this moment, Namjoon seemed to be his worst enemy. "Its your fault! You wanted this didn't you?! Admit it, you're glad she took the decision off your way too high shoulders and decided to make it easy for you!" He yelled, his body language basically screaming hostility. "Its because you're always right- but you never make decisions do you! You only follow rules if others follow with you, and you only run with whatever shit someone seems to spit, you're a coward!" He said, slowly calming down since his body was getting tired. He hadn't been this riled up in a long time- the stress finally taking a toll on him now.
Jin and Yoongi managed to get him back inside the car, leaving Namjoon and Jimin alone. The cat hybrid had followed along as soon as he heard that you left them so suddenly- he was distressed about it as well, but he worried about his entire family situation too. He nodded towards Yoongi, who made a gesture to tell him they'd bring Jungkook back home where Taehyung and Hoseok were waiting as well- having the alpha hybrid running wild while not being in the best state of mind wasn't the best idea. It could also prove getting you back difficult as well, seeing as you were still pretty skittish whenever he was getting only a bit louder when playing video games with Taehyung.
"Lets go back to the park. Maybe she's gonna stay in an area she considers familiar? I know I would.." Jimin said softly, gently tugging at the sleeve of Namjoons jacket, to get him to move. But he had troubles concentrating, Jungkooks voice echoing inside his mind almost hauntingly. He knew that deep down it was just his distressed wolf speaking, but maybe this was what he really thought of him. And the worst part was that he wasn't even wrong about it. Maybe he was a coward. He was insecure, and he shouldn't be. Not as a person, not as a lover, not as an owner, and not in his field of work. But he shook his head, nodding at Jimin who slowly started walking into the direction of the park.
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Namjoon couldn't hold it in on their way as they walked towards the place they had initially met you- or in this case, where Taehyung and Jungkook met you. "Do you think he's right?" He asked softly, not looking at jimin, and trying to look at every corner in front of him to maybe spot you.
"You know how he gets Joonie." Jimin began softly, his red bucket hat hiding his ears, but he could see them move slighty under it. "He wasn't in the best state of mind. I think he was just.. out of it I guess." He said, his senses trying to notice something he could identify as you.
But namjoon only sighed. "But he had a point, no?" He began, his brows furrowing while thinking about it. "He may have blown his thoughts out of proportion, but the root of them was there. I know he's right. But I don't know why it bothers me so much." He said, his steps getting harder as they began to walk on grassy grounds, finally reaching the park.
"That's because its you. You hate it when other people are right." Jimin chuckled, making his statement appear less sharp than it was. "But that's you, and that's why you're so good at anything involving your brain. You and Jungkook are pretty similar; you both hate loosing." He said, his smile spreading as he spotted a familiar coat near a streetlight. However, his pupils became slits in distress, his mind slipping just like Jungkooks as soon as he noticed your body language- you stood in front of a person, a stranger, and your entire being screamed fear at him, making him taste the bitter flavour even though he wasn't in your place. "joonie-" He said, but the man in question was already walking foward.
"Hey, what're you doing?" He said rather loudly, his voice sharp edged, not leaving any room for a smile. The man simply turned towards him, holding his hand out.
"Ah, you're the person that took it in right? I assume because you look quite like the Kim Namjoon I saw on your profile picture while we where in contact via E-Mail." He said, his voice full of a weird sense of pride, making Jimin step back a little. He desperately wanted to get to you, but his fear was getting the better of him, instinctively hiding behind his owner.
"That's right." Namjoon simply said, but refraining from shaking the man's hand. He wanted nothing to do with this person, knowing what kinds of businesses he was involved into, you quite possibly having been a part of this too. Because this had been why he had been so hesitant in answering Jungkook. It was difficult to go against someone of that size, and they needed to think about their actions before actually doing anything. But again Jungkooks words rang inside his ears. He wouldn't stay a coward in this situation. He had the law in his favor. "I also advice you to step away from her because, as you should know, hybrids get anxious when someone other than their owners are too close to them." He said, making the man scoff.
Jimin wanted to lash out as he harshly grabbed the end of your tail making you squeak in pain and him laugh, Namjoons face contorting slowly with growing anger. "Ah yes, but we both know how the situation is. That's my property, and therefore mine to take back. I do thank you for keeping her in your apartment and feeding her, but I have business to attend to."
The cat hybrid was silently crying now, his sympathetic character making him feel just as much distress as you felt, the man still keeping a tight hold of your tail- something you hated as you had told Jimin many times before. He felt helpless- but Namjoon would surprise everyone, just like every time.
He simply took out his phone, tapping a bit here and there before opening a document, holding it towards the stranger. "Legally she is mine currently since you're under official surveilance involving several issues we won't get in too deep. Now, would you mind letting go of my hybrid sir?" He simply said, voice calm.
The man simply scoffed, pushing you forward onto the gravel, making you hiss as you felt your nice jeans scratch open, revealing your knees which scraped open as well on the ground, along with your hands that tried to soften the blow. Jimin dashed foward now, not caring if the man was close to him or not, immediately shielding your body from anyone around him, softly purring in order to calm you, and himself down. The man simply left, Namjoon softly walking over to both his hybrids, patting Jimin's back to get him to reveal you towards him.
He made you sit down, the cold seeping into you but you didnt care- your hands and feet stung, making you tear up. But the reason you were crying was because you were both upset and relieved- maybe there was a chance of staying with them, even if it was just for a while longer. "Can I look at it?" He asked softly, and you just sniffeled, nodding. Namjoon knew it was a bad moment, but he couldn't help but admire you in that moment. Even with a runny nose, all red from crying and the cold, eyes shiny with tears, you had that adorable pouty face making him melt. He observed your scraped up knees and hands, softly brushing over them to at least get most of the dirt out before helping you get up. "Lets go home, yeah? You scared everyone to death." He said, laughing a bit to lift the mood. Jimin, still a bit teary as well, held your arm, since your hands still hurt from the incident. Jungkoo would run wild seeing you hurt, but he would eventually calm down, hopefully. Both Jimin and Namjoon hoped first however, that he left the apartment standing.
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"It's never gonna be the same Taehyung." Jungkook said still angry, sitting on the living room couch with his head in his hands. The Dog hybrid had managed to at least calm him down a little, but overall there was still a rather dark mood surrounding everyone. Tae himself was sad as well, however he pushed his own feelings back in order to at least not fuel the fire even more. The front door jingled a bit with the sound of someone inserting a key, and at first, no one really did anything- until Jungkook got hit with your scent, his head snapping up at the sound of you-
Where you crying? One look towards you confirmed that you were, his mind running on autopilot as soon as he saw those glassy orbs looking at him. He jumped over the back of the couch, almost tripping over the carpet and his own shoes he simply had taken off mindlessly, immediately observing you to look for injuries. "What happened?!" He said in a rush, his large hands taking your small ones in his, hissing at the scratches on the inside of your palms.
"Come on Jungkook, I need to treat y/n first, then we can talk." Namjoon said, Jimin helping you take off your jacket and leading you to the bathroom downstairs. Jungkook followed silently, his pack instincts simply refusing to get him to leave you out of his sight for even a moment. He sat down in front of the open bathroom door with his legs crossed, watching as Jimin made you sit on the closed toilet seat, Namjoon getting a small towel and filling the sink with warm water, beginning to slowly clean up your cuts and scrapes from any dirt and gravel. Every time you hissed, Jimins ears twitched and Jungkook sat up straighter to get a look at you- not because he didn't trust namjoon, but because he just had to make sure you were okay.
Namjoon took out some larger bandaids and placed them onto your knees since they were actually bleeding, but simply brushed over the backs of your hands when he was done. "Try not to do much with them okay? Its better if we leave them like that. It'll heal faster." He said, and you nodded, still a bit pouty and awfully quiet, but everyone could see your interest in the scent that slowly began to creep through the apartment; jin's cooking. "Alright buttercup, go get changed and then let's eat, alright?" He said, silently telling you that you both would talk in private soon. You knew he had made a decision, and you hoped it was for you, not against.
Jungkook stood up, stepping aside so you all could walk outside, Taehyung running towards you and hugging you tightly. "Don't do that again." He mumbled, and you nodded, your own cheeks growing a bit red at the close proximity. "Lets go! Jin made your favorite!" He said, and you followed behind him.
"Hyung-" Jungkook started, thinking about how to apologize, since it was needed, but the older one beat him to it.
"It's fine Jungkook. It maybe wasn't the best moment, but you were right. I guess I can't leave the protecting-part solely to you, huh?" He said, making the young alphawolf scoff and playfully push his shoulder.
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After you all ate, you slowly went outside the kitchen after helping jin a bit, even though he scolded you for using your hands. Suddenly, someone came up in front of you, wrapping his own hands around your tiny form compared to him, and burying his nose into your head between your ears, the soft fur of them brushing against his cheeks, making him sigh happily. "You're part of my pack you brat." He mumbled into your hair, squeezing you a bit tighter while careful not to hurt you. "I don't like people taking away whats mine." He said again, and suddenly, he heard the rest of his family coo at him and you, making him raise an eyebrow. He had hugged you before, so what? But then he noticed it too.
The happy wagging of your tail.
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This have been 5 Chapters, combined in one post. Because R0ADKiLL's chapters are fairly short I've decided to make one out of them, simply to get you all on the same page of the stories progress up until now. The writing officially belongs to R0ADKiLL, not me. Only future chapters are mine. =) Thanks again to R0ADKiLL for giving me her baby practically, I promise I'll take care of it!
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cherryyjjk · 3 years
forever rain [2]
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summary: to greek gods, it was a well-known fact that the fates liked to play tricks. but was this too far? what would happen when they made two unlikely gods have a tugging string in their hearts, yearning for each other?
pairing: hades!jin x persephone!reader
genre: fluff / angst / greek god! au / black swan! au
word count: 18.3k
warnings: the use of the word “whore” / cursing / snake mention
a/n: WOW this is the most i’ve ever written for a fic. please check out both pt 1 and the note about this series in my masterlist before reading! i know this is SO overdue like a year overdue. i’ve been writing it in the last three months bc school <<. anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy!! :D
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By the time you wake up, he is gone— not that you had known he sat next to you. But when you rose up from your slumber, a coat fell from your shoulders.
You looked at it and wondered if he had given it to you. It was a thoughtful gesture, and a necessary one as your hands were getting numb. Before wrapping it around your shoulders, you stretch your hands above you. Blinking the drowsiness out of your eyes and sitting up a little further, you yawned and decided to stand up. Your feet hit a softer material that you weren’t expecting, making you look down. The cold floor that was there yesterday was covered by a soft gray rug and you moved your toes to feel it more.
Him and his dark colors.
You rolled your eyes at the color palette of the entire room and thought that maybe the guy hadn’t decorated in a while. It made you think of Yoongi's liking for dark colors even though he was viewed as basically the opposite— the god of love. If you were going to live here for the rest of your life, a thought that made you sigh, might as well change the place a bit. Adding tones of lighter colors would not be so bad, maybe brighten up the room and seem less like a cave and more like a palace. You looked around the room to the lanterns on the wall and decided that you would have to do something about that.
It didn’t even light up the room! What was the point of lights if you can’t even see the floor?
The air seemed less tense than when you entered the palace and you were definitely feeling it. The entire palace was suffocating when you walked inside, cold and sharp as if to hurt you. But now, it seemed different. Maybe not soft or lush like your home— or what was your home in the mortal realm. It was rather empty instead of spikes, a little bit better, but not great either.
You continued to look around the room before your eyes landed on a small nightstand and saw a few warmer clothes. You walked towards it and with one hand, as the other was tightly holding his coat, you felt the material. It was a lot thicker than your chiton and was a dark green, reminiscent of the forest trees back home. Your lips lifted up in a light smile at the thought and decided to change into it. Before removing your current dress, you saw that there was a flower. You didn’t understand how flowers could grow in the Underworld, and when you picked it up and realized it was a silver color, but fake. Not the color of jewelry that you often saw other mortals wearing, but like a coin. It was pretty.
A piece of paper fell on the floor that had been next to the flower. Picking up to read it, you were surprised by the penmanship.
My apologies, Persephone. I have some duties I must attend to in Olympus. This palace is yours as well, ask for anything to the ghosts and they shall bring it.
You grimaced. While it was a thoughtful gesture in any other circumstance, you still were wary of this God. Putting the flower back on the table, you changed. The dress made you feel a lot warmer and the cloak was quickly discarded.
What time was it in the mortal world?
You wondered how time seemed to simultaneously slow down and speed up. Slowly tip-toeing out the room, you closed the door behind you very softly and continued through the hall. The hall seemed a little more lit up but it was still darker than usual. You wondered if you could use your powers to grow a bioluminescent lily, and light up the hallway. But after squeezing your eyes shut to concentrate, holding your palms out, and thinking heavily about life, you could not do it. You couldn’t even produce a regular lily. You didn’t understand.
Where did my powers go? How would I go back home? Was I.. not a goddess anymore?
You took a few deep breaths and reminded yourself, relax, it’s fine. But it seemed far from fine, you would just have to ask Hades when you saw him. You roamed around the hallways, finding winding staircases, huge rooms, empty rooms, rooms that weren’t empty but you wished they were when you saw inside, and all filled with the scent of death. You quickly turned away from those rooms and opted to keep walking.
It seemed that minutes turned into an hour, an hour and a half, then two. You brought your hands together and rubbed them together. The hallway seemed to never end and you wondered where the door was. You just wanted some fresh air, you tried convincing yourself. It’s not like I’m trying to escape..
“Excuse me,” a voice called out. Your eyes widened and you whipped your head back to only see more darkness, and heard it continue, “but who are you?”
“Don’t come closer! I might seem weak but I could knock you out with one punch.” Your voice was a lot steadier than you let on. You were tired of being afraid all the time.
“..I’m sure you can but you didn’t answer my question. I don’t care what type of hero or princess you were as a mortal but you’re dead now. Listen up, I’m in charge here.”
“Yes, didn’t your mother ever tell you not to get a God angry?”
“..I’m Kore, the daughter of Demeter. Goddess of the Spring, flora, and fauna. Whoever you are, know this. I am in charge here.”
The hallway suddenly brightened up and you lifted yourself with your head held up high. While the light was too bright for your eyes, you tried not to let it phase you and faced the figure that revealed itself in the light. You glared at the man in front of you, he was wrapped in a black cloth— seriously, what was up with the color scheme here?— and wouldn’t meet your eyes. He quickly glanced at you with a grimace but kept his head down for the remainder of the time as he felt utterly embarrassed. His scythe that was on his back made your eyebrows raise.
“Look, I’m sorry—“
“You better be, and you better tell me quickly why you tried to trick me before I turn you into a cactus.”
“..I’m Thanatos, the God of Death, the one who reaps the souls. I..I come here to report to Hades. I didn’t know his wife was here.”
At the word wife, you twitched. You weren’t just someone’s wife, you were your own goddess. Styx, the gods needed to learn some manners. You stepped up close to him, still with a serious gaze. Grabbing his shoulder, you speak coldly.
“Don’t call me just his wife. I’m more than that.”
“R-right, sorry. Kore.”
“No, not Kore. That is reserved for my mother and the nymphs. Call me, Y/N.”
Thanatos looked at you quizzically. You seemed so calm and usually this was where the other gods would punish him. You gave a small smile before complimenting on his scythe. He had never encountered any god that was so carefree and kind. You looked young, maybe a few eons old, yet your eyes held a soft wise look that could only come with experiences.
You asked curiously, “Did you make it so that these hallways are so dark?”
Thanatos answered quickly and rushed over his words, “Um, yes. I apologize. It’s much brighter because Hades sometimes mirrors the daytime of the mortal world.”
“Hm, so you’re the one who made me lost!”
Thanatos tried to test his luck, he was a God he couldn’t possibly die, right?
“..You’ve been wandering in circles for the last half an hour.”
You scoffed at his continued rudeness but it seemed more playful than last time. It was better than being alone all the time, sure, but you wanted to ask someone who didn’t know what was going on like you. Couldn’t the Fates just help you out here? But truly, you were happy to smile and have a friend.
“It gets kinda lonely here, doesn’t it?”
“..Yes. Hades often works until he collapses.”
“You don’t have to be so formal with me, please let us walk.”
You pondered over Thanatos’s words, did he really work like that? That wasn’t healthy but you wouldn’t fret over it for too long, he could take care of himself. Switching to think about yourself, you realized you didn’t have any contact with Jimin, your mother, or anyone else you knew. It was just you in this huge palace, and the guy in front of you of course.
“Hm, Thanatos?”
“Is it.. just you here?”
“Well, mortal souls come and go. Some heroes test their luck with Hades but he’s colder than Hera.”
“In that case, mind being my companion until I go home?”
Thanatos didn’t understand your request. Not only had you just asked the personification of death, the son of Nyx, to be your friend, but you proposed it as if you were leaving. No one but himself and Hades left the Underworld. Thanatos was baffled beyond measure and his face showed it completely. You tried not to get frustrated at his obvious confusion and waited patiently.
“Oh, um. Sure.”
“Awesome, now onto more important matters. Why the fuck am I here?”
“W-What? What do you mean? Didn’t Zeus—”
“Namjoon? I haven’t seen that old man in ages!”
Thanatos stuttered, understanding that you were a powerful Goddess was one thing but talking about the King of all Gods so casually was a whole other. “Well, Hades has visited you once, when you were younger. He asked Zeus for your name and Zeus told him that you and your mother would have wanted this union.”
“When I was younger? OH!”
Suddenly you remembered when you had first come down to Earth to live with your mother. She was busy the first few months and had let you wander off (with nymph supervision of course) but as the mischievous child you were, you had run fast away until you hit a river. At the river you distinctly remembered a young man, the same age as you practically, that held out a purple flower. Entranced by the dark petals— usually only bright yellows and oranges were flowers— and by the dashing young man, you had become friends. Rarely speaking about yourselves, you would talk about flowers. Something both of you really liked. Now that Thanatos mentioned it, the black messed up hair seemed to resemble Hades, and his love for dark colors— something that you didn’t quite agree with— was evident too.
“Oh..I see. Well, my mother would never give me off to someone! She’s wonderful and very protective so Joon’s lied to you. But I guess that’s something to settle with Hades himself. Now, what’s something fun we could do around here?”
Thanatos slowly smiled at your enthusiasm, it was like a breath of life into his life. He had lived most of his life in the shadow of his mentor, Hades and although he enjoyed Hades’s company..it was hurting him. Thanatos wanted to be known for his own thing, why didn’t he have altars or temples in the mortal realm? Though that question was probably fruitless since mortals didn’t know what they were doing most of the time.
For the next few days, or weeks— you couldn’t really tell— you spent your time with Thanatos when he was free. He was free almost all of the time, showing many new rooms and how to not get lost through the hallways. He also let you vent about your worries. You worried that your mother must have been saddened without your presence, and maybe even Jimin was missing your short talks. Hopefully the flowers in the meadow had fully bloomed by now. All of these things, and more, kept running through your head and you liked that Thanatos had basically nothing else to do but give you advice. You appreciated his company but you wanted to see the person that brought you here too. Hades— Seokjin you figured out from Thanatos— was apparently extremely busy with human deaths. Maybe there was a new sacrifice that Zeus was putting them through? Or maybe another war? You didn’t really care too much until you realized that Seokjin would have to stay up there, counting and making sure that everyone and everything that died was in place before coming back. That’s supposed to be Thanatos’s job but apparently even he couldn’t round that many people. Strange.
A conversation with Thanatos also raised your frustration.
“So Tan-Tan.”
“..Can you please just call me Thanatos, Y/N.”
“You call me Y/N! Come on, let me give you a nickname.”
“Y/N is the name you chose. That’s different and no.”
“You’re literally so boring. Anyways, when’s Hades coming back? I’m getting tired of your face.”
“I am literally not boring! I’m Death, how can I be boring? aND MY FACE IS PRETTY WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!”
“You talk like— never mind. Ignoring your pretty obvious questions, I asked, why is Seokjin taking so long?”
Thanatos paused, Zeus had warned the minor god that if he told Y/N what was happening in the world above, he’d be cursed. Being cursed as a God was the farthest from good.
“Mortals..have been in a war recently.”
“Oh, whatever for? They have food, warm weather, sunshine, and plentiful water. There shouldn’t be anything missing…Right?”
Good thing that he would be able to escape your line of questions by just disappearing in a fit of smoke. You glared at Thanatos and when you started seeing smoke forming. You lifted your hand to stop him but it passed through the air like nothing was there.
Stupid Thanatos, thinking he can trick me. I’ll figure out what’s happening up there!
You tried to be determined but you were scared too.
You reached for the front door of the palace, somehow making itself very easy to find, and you pulled on the handle. It didn’t budge. You pulled harder, it stayed the same. Realizing that you were still stuck here, you tried punching the door. But that only left you with a hurt pride and a bruised knuckle. Groaning loudly, you dragged your feet back to your bedroom and decided to take a nap.
Better than waiting for him to come back.
By the time you woke up, an empty gold plate was left on your nightstand. You rubbed the drowsiness out of your eyes and reached for it. Ghost servants usually came to give you your meals this way. An empty plate where you can think about what you want and it’ll appear. It was pretty nice but you were getting more tired about the fact that no one would eat with you.
You finished your lunch? Dinner? You didn’t know and didn’t bother figuring out. A few days ago, Thanatos had shown you a library and you had been encouraged to use it. You had picked out a few books and was still reading it. (F/G) was by far the best genre and you always liked authors that wrote about it.
While reading on the bed, you decided to move around for a change of scenery. Wandering the hallways alone, you stopped in front of your favorite room. The throne room. Also the room that was “off limits” but you lived here so you didn’t really care.
The warning was for a reason. Hades didn’t think you would be there and so when he first shadow travelled there, he was surprised. Finally, the person that plagued your days and nights had come home. But he didn’t look great.
You had heard his footsteps before seeing his face, thinking it was just Thanatos. You sat on Hades’s throne, as it was the only one there. It looked a lot like a hard brick of marble, and definitely felt like it, but it was a lot softer than you imagined too. Not nearly as soft as the meadows back home. It was cold and smooth, like the freshwater rivers.
Soft footsteps grabbed your attention from the book and up to the person in front of you. Your feet that were haphazardly thrown over the throne quickly turned around to the front. The book once in your hands dropped to the floor but you didn’t rush forward to meet him.
“What happened?” You asked breathlessly, your hands fumbling with each other but your feet didn’t move. Hades’s shirt was soaked with gold and he was limping towards you.
Was this a trick? To make you vulnerable?
He looked at you and you could only comprehend the soft murmur of your name on his lips before he fell forward, his eyes closing shut.
You’re here...Y/N..
Running towards his side, you caught him as he landed on your chest. You felt a blade handle on his back and held back a scream.
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Hades had gone up to Mount Olympus the very next morning after your arrival into the palace. His brother Namjoon had looked at him in confusion, Seokjin never came late to their monthly briefings, opting to come on time and leave as fast as he could, but usually they would take a few weeks to finish. His hair had been tousled through several times and he kept clutching his feather necklace when listening to Namjoon, Hermes, and the other gods and goddesses’s discussion of famine, war, and other things that were troubling mortals.
They only knew this because mortals just loved to blame the gods for not being able to do anything to save them. But, when in peril, their curses turned into prayers and while it annoyed the everliving Styx out of all them, it made sense. Deities that were supposed to be all powerful couldn’t even get rid of a simple plague or bug that was absolutely destroying the population and food? Seemed sketchy.
Namjoon wanted to ask what his brother was thinking about but whenever he looked at the feather dangling from his neck, he shut his mouth. When the Gods were first born to take care of the world, Namjoon had banished Seokjin to the Underworld. Only giving a necklace with a black feather before doing so, saying that his miseries would be fulfilled when the necklace was put on its rightful owner. What authority did he have on his brother’s life if he was the one who made it so horrible?
No, Namjoon would keep his bruised ego to himself and stay silent. He did not get the right to ask him what the matter was— it just seemed wrong and distasteful. So, he turned a blind eye and let Seokjin leave in a rush. Jin always left in a rush, he didn’t like sleeping in Olympus for so long. Namjoon was so preoccupied with his thoughts, that he didn’t notice his brother stopping at the foot of Olympus and meeting her.
Unfortunately for Seokjin, it was only the mother of who he was so concerned about. He wondered if the Fates had just thought it would be funny to pair the quietest god with you. He had heard wonderful stories of you, Kore. The original reason he was so attracted to you. Zeus himself had told him that you were the strongest and kindest Goddess there was, sprinkling in your humor and beauty to try and make you seem more appealing. But Seokjin had met you once, you had mistaken him for a minor god. That was eons ago, you probably didn’t even remember but the way you had walked towards him, with such confidence and power.
God, he really liked you.
He felt bad at the same time, here he was, this lovestruck God, for a Goddess that probably despised him from taking you away from your home. Did the Fates hate you so badly to let Zeus convince him to take you? Jin was about to greet your mother but the slap to his face certainly made him backtrack.
Demeter slapped him and the fury she brought with her made all present in Olympus tremble. She spoke with such power, it was clear where you inherited your confidence.
“Are you happy? Now that you have my daughter all to yourself?”
Jin gently touched his red cheek, confused at the sudden aggression and onslaught of questions.
Didn’t Zeus say that Demeter and you were glad to be offered a proposal from him?
“She’s the only thing that kept me alive, the world spinning, and here you are, not even at her side! You fool! Don’t take my status among the Olympians lightly, I am still powerful and if you cross me I will make you regret it.”
Demeter yelled out in one breath, as if she had been waiting years to say it. Her frustration and anger was evident and the icy tone could easily cut harshly into the heart, “Does it bring you so much joy to have Persephone all to yourself? My most precious possession—?”
“She is not an object.”
Demeter paused, then scoffed at Seokjin’s quiet but confident interjection. She glanced up at him and almost gasped at his eyes which had a purple fire burning in them.
Instinctively taking a step back and crossing her arms around her shoulders, she continued, “..Obviously. But you’re still in the wrong. How dare you take her! I’m her mother, you are nothing.”
The fire in Seokjin’s eyes simmered down but were still clearly there, and he responded with a level tone, “It doesn’t matter who I am or will be to Y/N. You or any other living, dead, or immortal being can not talk about her like that.”
“Stop talking like the hero, you stole her!”
“Stole her? Zeus said—”
“Zeus is a liar. You, of all people, should know this.”
Seokjin fell quiet and his eyes returned to their normal color, he couldn’t bring himself to disagree now that he knew the truth. He had stolen you, and he laughed at himself in his thoughts. Who was he to defend you like this when he treated you the same way?
He was not your husband, whether or not the Fates tied your strings together, whether or not Zeus had assured him that you were happy to be with him. He had witnessed the marriages of his siblings and their respective significant others. The Olympians were famous for their affairs, demigod children, and stupidity. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t end up like that, or force his significant other to love him. No, that would be your decision and your decision only. But the moment you step into the Underworld, there was a rule that applied to everyone except himself and Thanatos. No one could leave.
“..Goodbye Demeter.”
Seokjin kept his head down and vanished with only a black smoke left behind in his wake. Demeter folded her arms and tapped her foot impatiently.
“You’ll regret this, God of Death. Mark my words, she is not yours.”
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Seokjin appeared in the middle of Demeter’s palace, somewhere completely different to where he was aiming. He should work on his powers.
What type of god (a bumbling idiot for sure) couldn’t even control his powers? He wasn’t a few eons on for Styx sake! But he definitely acted like a blushing teenager when around you— again, another thing he sincerely had to work on.
He looked around the white, marble balcony he was standing in. He could feel you. But you weren’t here…right? Where was he? He willed himself to shadow travel again and landed in the middle of a town. If he could still call it that.
It was destroyed.
By war, famine, or a plague, even Seokjin would never know. It was barren, but he heard coughing in a few huts. The crops in the field nearby had dried up and the river that used to flow was only a trickle. He walked through the paths and found a family of two bundled together trying to fight off the cold— cold?
Now that he thought about it, it was freezing. There was frost on the ground. Usually the mortal realm was flourishing in either Spring or Summer but it was neither right now. What was this cold, soul-less feeling? Something was terribly wrong and Seokjin was sure Demeter should have fixed it back to Spring.
Was this her anger?
Seokjin shook his head in confusion. Obviously, Demeter was angry that her only daughter was taken from her. The thought made Hades nauseous, how would he fix this? Better question, shouldn’t Namjoon have said something in the meeting?
Seokjin’s ears burned red when he realized that they probably did. It’s just that he was too preoccupied by the thought of you and your enchanting eyes, and soft lips— oh shit, shit, shit. Trying to snap out of it, Seokjin failed to hear the small footsteps of a child behind him.
Not that it should matter, mortals couldn’t see him. Right? The Fates were probably laughing at him, one of the Big Three yet he was dumber than a skeleton.
Seokjin whipped his head around so fast that he was sure he heard a crack. But he was more focused and confused on the little child staring up at him in curious wonder. The kid had matted hair and a cloth dress that was barely thick enough to keep her from getting goosebumps on her arms. She was staring up at him but the dagger in her hand radiated power, but not just any power.
Godly power.
It flowed through the dagger into the surrounding air and Seokjin was sure that at this point there was no way this child wasn’t a monster or a god in disguise.
Her eyes suddenly rolled back and turned white. With her mouth open, she started to chant ancient Greek at a speed even Seokjin couldn’t keep up to, but he picked up one phrase.
Περσεφόνη νεκρός, άνοιξη νεκρός.
Everything clicked in his head just as the girl seemed to vanish.
Persephone is dead, Spring is dead.
Seokjin felt an electric shock in the middle of his back, intense heat, and then he doubled over from pain. He hadn’t experienced such scalding and burning feelings ever. His legs collapsed from under him and when he looked at his hand covering his midsection, he saw ichor, the golden blood of all immortal beings, covering his hand. He looked behind him to see the young, mortal girl.
The young girl transformed into the goddess in an instant and the dagger in her hand was coated with ichor. Looking at it made him queasy— ironic because he’s the god of the dead and he’s getting nauseous from blood. Poseidon and Zeus would surely laugh at his deplorable state if they ever saw him. But Seokjin was still more concerned about why Demeter had stabbed him.
Demeter may have been angry but not enough to kill— even she had principles. But, nonetheless impressive, he’ll give her that. But the pain was making him see black flecks in his vision— poison perhaps. It made him more worried than he should be.
“You were foolish to think that I would let you get away with this. Truly, is there anything in that head of yours?”
“You— why? I didn’t take her on purpose!”
“LIES, you men are all the same! But, don’t you like my little toy? It’s wonderful, truly. Hephaestus must’ve pitied me, not that I care as he has his own problems with Aphrodite and Ares, but he made a weapon that even a God could get hurt from. Zeus said I had one chance, but judging by the fact he lied to me, I don’t care. Now, this. THIS is for Persephone. DO NOT FORGET IT.”
With that, Demeter stabbed Hades in the same wound and Seokjin yelled out. The tip of the blade sank deeper and Demeter twisted it to make sure the blade touched every part of his wound. She jerked it out only to push it further, making Seokjin choke and roar in agonizing pain. Demeter saw the ichor flowing freely out of the wound and stepped back. She disappeared into the night, leaving Seokjin alone. He had one thought in his mind while the pain took all energy out of him to do anything else.
His form was gone with a flash and all that was left of his presence was the pool of ichor on the ground. Even that faded into the ground.
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“Styx! Hades, Hades, stay awake!” You screamed while trying to see how to pull out the dagger that was inches deep in his back.
His breathing had slowed down and your hands were frantically trying to keep him up. The bedroom was way too far so you would have to set him down on the floor. Trying to be careful, you made him lean on you and sit on the floor. His head was on your chest and his eyes were closed. There was a bit of gold on his lips and you were getting increasingly worried.
You looked around, “Shit, this is bad. Thanatos! How did this..” You tried not to shuffle Hades around but your arms were weak with worry.
Thanatos immediately appeared in front of you at your request and the scene made him startled. His hands were shaking and he didn’t understand what was happening. The words you were saying were muffled and his eyes were blurred. He could only look at the deep gash and the skin cut around it, a horrible shade of green.
“Thanatos! Pay attention. I need you to stay calm and get me some bandages, okay? Can you do that?” Your voice was shaking but you tried to keep it level.
His head nodded slightly and he instantly disappeared. He’d have to find mortal supplies because there was no reason to keep medical supplies in a palace for a god. Something was very wrong. Gods couldn’t die, right?
“Okay, okay Y/N. You got this, just put pressure on the wound and seal it shut. Okay, how hard could this be?” You reassured yourself in frustration, you were scared beyond belief.
You hesitantly put your hands on the dagger’s handle and when you touched it, a blood curdling scream left Seokjin’s mouth.
His breathing was getting shorter and faster, but he was still awake. You had nurtured a squirrel back to life after it fell down a tree but that was basically all the experience you had with medical equipment. You reasoned that until Thanatos brought back bandages, you wouldn’t be able to securely stitch up his back wound. A thought entered your mind, Why are you helping him?, but you shook it off as soon as you thought about it. It didn’t matter, Hades didn’t deserve to die.
“O-okay Hades, I’m gonna need you to stay calm. Okay? I’m flipping you on to your stomach, just keep talking to me okay?”
“I.. okay. I’ll keep talking..”
“Good, that’s good. You’re doing great.”
“You can call me Jin, you know.”
“Oh alright, Jin. You can call me Y/N, just keep talking.”
You slowly put your hands on his chest, trying to ignore how your left shoulder was numb from his weight, and slowly focused on the dagger in front of you. You could see the wound was ghastly. Green and gold colors mixed, as if it was poisoned. Poison. You hoped you would be able to save him. The ichor had finally clotted on the dagger, but the green foam seemed to keep stopping Jin’s body from regenerating. You remembered when you fell once and got a scratch, it instantly healed.
“Shit, shit, shit. This i-isn’t working. I-I need to—“
Jin frowned, “It’s okay Y/N. Don’t…worry. I’ll be fine.”
“You’re not healing, you are not fine!” You insisted. “I wish I had my powers, then I could do something. Ugh, this is so stupid.”
Jin paused, thinking over your words. “They don’t work here? That’s odd. My palace..should let you have everything.”
You huffed. “Uh-huh, you’re telling me. Look, just…don’t die, alright? We’ve barely met and I’d like to be friends.. again.”
“Did..Thanatos tell you that we were friends?”
“..No, I remembered it on my own obviously. It’s not like it’s been eons since then.”
“Y/N,” Jin’s clammy hand found your open one. “You’re really…something.”
You grimaced when he squeezed your hand from the pain. You were pleasantly surprised with how this conversation was turning out, it didn’t seem too forced. But it was almost like the Fates were tricking you again. Probably laughing at your naivety and hope.
Jin groaned and particularly squeezed your hand tighter, making you yelp in surprise. He apologized softly but even you could see that the poison was seeping through his shirt more and making it lighter somehow— possibly from the golden color of his blood.
You’re losing time, and Jin is not getting better. You really don’t want him to die, and you’re not really sure why either.
What has Jin done for you? He’s taken you away from your home, forced you to live in his palace, and for what? To be his ever loving, loyal, and submissive trophy wife?  
Whispers in your mind keep telling you, don’t care! But you can’t. You can’t just leave him here, hurt and poisoned. You won’t.
Maybe that’s your fatal flaw. Helping everyone without actually considering if they deserve it. Maybe your mother was right, you aren’t ready for this world. But it didn’t matter. Jin needed your help, and you were going to help him. Somehow.
Looking down at Jin’s body, he was still breathing but definitely labored. You didn’t know how to help him other than try to put pressure on the wound. Recounting words from a friend, you decided that a certain god might be able to help you.
“Oh Apollo, God of Immeasurable Light, the Healer of Sickness and Diseases. Please, I ask you to heal Hades for he has done no wrong where this poison should have befallen him. Please, listen to my prayer.”
Kore, daughter of Demeter and Goddess of the Spring, flora, and fauna. You ask for too much. What has happened to Hades is of his own doing.
“Who has he hurt? Let him live and I will see to it that they are reimbursed for his sins.”
Oh, Y/N. You do not understand. He has hurt someone that is insatiable. What they want will never be allowed for.
“Who? Who has he hurt? Surely I can convince them?”
You will do it? For his life? What has he done that makes you compelled so? Saving his life is not simple. My powers may not curse you but you will be eternally bound to your duty after he has been healed.
“Do not ask a question that is none of your business. I shall complete your task when he has fully healed. Now, heal him!”
Alright. But do not beg me to undo this.
You didn’t think about what would happen to you. Hoseok was usually kind and the task would not be so heartless. You’re sure he was only being so formal because of pleasantries..right?
As you questioned your intentions, you saw that the green foam was becoming concentrated into a glass-like orb. It was the potent poison that the blade had been coated with. You carefully took it in your hand and stuffed it in one of the pockets of your dress.
Lifting Jin so that his face was facing you, you realized he was unconscious, probably from the pain. His eyebrows furrowed, and lips in a thin line made you think of how much stress he was in. But a more pressing matter plagued your mind.
Who did this to him?
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After asking Thanatos for help, the two of you were able to lift Jin into his bed and let him rest there. The entire time Seokjin couldn’t bear to remove his hand from yours and you could practically see Thanatos’s eyebrows moving up and down in a suggestive manner. That god was basically a man-child at this point.
“So, what do we do?”
“We have to wait, Y/N. There’s not much else we can do.”
“Right, right..He’ll be fine, right? Like nothing will happen to him that bad, right? Maybe I should try praying to Apollo again, yeah—“
Thanatos put a hand on your shoulder to stop your rambling and look up at him. His eyes tried to tell you to stop but you could see the pity in it.
“Y/N. It’ll be okay. You did the right thing by praying to Apollo. You should probably be more worried about yourself and what duty you have to follow than Hades. Hades is the God of the Dead, he’ll be fine.”
Your heart twisted and you could feel your hands becoming clammy. You wondered why you kept feeling so anxious, hoping that it would go away if you walked around or something. You didn’t like the antsy feeling, wanting to get rid of it by all means. The duty Apollo had asked of you didn’t even register when you were praying, you just were too preoccupied with Hades almost dying.
“Right, right..But maybe I should stay here? To make sure he’s okay?”
“..It’s your choice, but don’t let it overtake you. I can’t help both of you if you collapse from exhaustion.”
“Haha, yeah..”
Thanatos disappeared quickly after, saying he had some work to do. Taking a seat, you brushed a piece of hair out of Jin’s face while trying not to disturb him in his sleep. His left hand was still holding onto yours, not letting go anytime soon. Gently trailing over his knuckles in an effort to soothe yourself and hopefully Jin, you started thinking about your stay here.
It was shit. You had been taken from your home, the Fates had told you that you got married to the God of the Underworld, who apparently was one of your oldest friends, you were stuck in a really dark palace, and now your spouse is resting in bed from almost dying. And you’re indebted to Apollo.
Swarmed with less than kind thoughts about Seokjin and how you managed to get here, you didn’t take notice of him stirring until his hand squeezed yours slightly, “Hey sleepy head..”
He blinked lethargically, raising his right hand to stretch,“..How.. how long was I out?”
“Not long, just a few hours at most. Are you feeling any better? Need anything?”
“No.. Um, why are you helping me?”
You paused, so maybe the thoughts that plagued your mind weren’t just in your head. Not knowing how to answer— because you had been beating yourself about it too— you shrugged your shoulders.
“You don’t deserve to die, no one does. The person who stabbed you.. should watch their back. I’ll personally give them the worst harvest for the rest of their life.”
Jin laughed abruptly but the pain in his chest didn’t subside, making him cough. You lifted him up more and patted him to try to calm him down, which worked for a while. The tips of his mouth were upturned, as if he didn’t just almost die, and his ears were turning red.
“I don’t understand you, Y/N and I don’t think I ever will.”
“No problem but you got to answer me this, what in the everliving Styx happened?”
Jin’s happy expression dropped for a second and you thought it was your imagination but you could feel that the atmosphere had changed quickly.
“..Humans have been starving recently, I was afraid to tell you because you have such a close connection to them.”
“So it’s not a war, like Thanatos told me?”
You sighed a shaky breath, as this majorly concerned you. Your mother was very strict in making sure everything in Spring was correctly taken care of and nothing was out of place. If it had become so bad where people were starving, well something was wrong. War wasn’t exactly starving people, sure it could lead to less food and things but the real problem here was why everyone kept hesitating to tell why this was happening. Was Zeus mad? Was Apollo mad? Who the fuck was mad to make the mortal world so bad?
“So..you’re not going to tell me who started this?”
Instead of fidgeting with your hands, you fully sat down on the bed. You looked at the bandages on his back and decided to redo them because they had already soaked through. Carefully unwrapping the bandages, you tried not to fluster at how close you had to be to unwrap the from around his body. While rewrapping the cloth and your hands were basically hugging his torso at one point to get them all the way, Jin gently put his hand on yours.
You stopped, suddenly too aware of how you were almost cuddling Jin and how he was soothingly rubbing your hands. You could already feel your face getting hot and you desperately tried to think of anything except his hard chest or his broad shoulder you kept brushing over.
“No..no, I can’t..”
You tried not to let his words have too much of an effect on you, it’s not like he couldn’t have some privacy from you. But this was different, his life was on the line a few hours ago. You hoped you would be able to persuade him later. Right now, you had a bigger responsibility to take care of. You tightened the bandages on his torso, causing him to yell in pain.
“HEY! What was that for?!”
“You’re not.. very nice, you know that?”
The moment you said the words, your entire body sagged and Jin could feel your hands slowly pulling away. But he didn’t want to let go, they were much too comforting, much too soft for him to let go of them. Jin tried to speak but your response cut him from doing so.
“Whatever, just go to sleep Jin!”
Jin heard the crack in your voice and got ashamed of himself for not being able to answer you. He didn’t want his relationship with you to be any more strained and telling you that your mom almost killed him would definitely screw it up. While your hands had stopped and your head was down, Jin slowly turned around so he could face you. You were so preoccupied with what he had said that you didn’t realize he was facing you until he cupped your cheeks.
Your eyes were glistening a little bit, which made Jin’s entire body soften and feel helpless, but you didn’t even know why. This didn’t even happen with your mother yet when Jin was hesitant to say who hurt him, you naturally started to feel sad and uncomfortable. A few tears started to fall down and Jin softened even more, wanting to try and help you or comfort you in some way. He brushed his thumb over your cheek to get rid of the tears and you closed your eyes at the movement.
“Why can’t you just tell me? Weren’t we friends once? I’m not that kid okay! I can handle it, I’m a lot stronger than I look.”
Jin’s heart breaks at your questions and he can’t even explain how the string in his heart starts to feel strained— you feel it in your own too. Taking his hands off your cheeks and holding yours, he swiftly puts a kiss to your forehead before you can even realize. It was soft but it burned into your memory. You could feel his eyes on you but the kiss was quick and yet your cheeks felt like they were on fire from the sweet gesture. If Jimin had done it, you wouldn’t have felt anything but now that Jin did it, you definitely were feeling something.
“I want to, I do! You’re not that kid anymore, you’ve definitely grown up. But, it’s complicated and you really wouldn’t believe me.”
While you were still reeling at the revelation that Jin kissed your forehead, the god in question started feeling immensely proud of how he was making you flustered. It was a much more welcomed look than you in tears, that sight would always hurt him. He smiled lightly at your shocked expression before feeling extremely drowsy from all the events.
“..I see, alright then. Tell me when we’re better friends.”
God, they’re really cute. I wonder if..
Taking another risk, Jin settled his head into your lap and you almost stopped breathing.
Never thought I’d say this but my husband is going to be the death of me.
“It’ll take a while but I will. Eventually.”
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After that day, the two of you kept getting closer to each other. Whether that be when you woke up and saw that he had draped a blanket over you. Or when you found his office room, after a long time trying, and pushed his hair out of his face when you saw him trying to take a nap. You also helped redress his bandages because they seemed to wrinkle more often than usual; believing that Jin had something to do with it, you didn’t bring the question up.
Why would you not want to see your husband shirtless?
He even had another throne built for you beside his own, decorated with lighter colors which had made you laugh as it stood out so much in the dark room. The two of you would eat together in a dining room you didn’t even know existed. There were two big chairs on either side, but the table was so long so you opted to move it closer to him. Seokjin tried to play it off as if he was cool about it but on the inside he was screaming about how sweet the gesture was. At one point you even had the idea of making rings for each other. Seokjin was also the God of Wealth—since jewels are created underground— and so had an advantage, making two gold rings. While you tore a small piece of cloth of your green dress to make two cloth rings. Each of you wore both a gold and a cloth ring, symbolic for the friendship (and later love) you shared.
Once, he even showed you a large library, full of books about, death for sure but many others about adventures, myths, romances, fantasy, and some new ones about (F/G). You spent most of your time going between the bookshelves trying to find something to expand your knowledge on godly powers. For some practice with your own, you had asked Jin to get some seeds or plants down to the palace. But, the moment he did, they were instantly killed and even then, your powers couldn’t revive them.
“This is so useless!” You groaned for the umpteenth time, “How is it that my powers just disappear?”
Jin looked at you and hummed in solidarity, “I’m not sure, I’ll check the library for some books about godly powers and um, maybe Demeter..”
At the mention of your mother, you stiffened but forced yourself to loosen your limbs. You shook your head from the intrusive thoughts and nodded towards Jin, allowing him to lead the way to the library as you thought about what your mother had taught you about your powers.
They are an extension of yourself, Kore. If you’re uncomfortable, it’ll become jagged and out of control.
Jagged and out of control was certainly the emotions and atmosphere you had when you came into Hades’s palace.
You have to control your powers just like you are able to control your emotions.
Your environment is important. Olympus is not a place where your powers can work because Spring does not touch it. Only the mortal realm does.
Maybe the Underworld wouldn’t let you have powers either.
Be careful! When you get upset, those plants can grow thorns rather than flowers.
“Are you alright? You seem..disturbed.”
“Disturbed?” You came back to the present and raised your eyebrow as if the adjective Jin said was the most illogical word, “I’m fine, just a little confused.”
“Fair enough, but I think I know what book you need.”
You looked at the seemingly never ending shelves and rows of bookcases. The books in here defied time; there were section of ‘past’ books which were finished, ‘present’ books which added a new page and words every time the author wrote in real time, and ‘future’ books which had books with blank pages without titles but the date they would be finished was already printed on the cover. It was magnificent, you could find any book and read it as it was being written, and if you cracked the intense magic that protected the books, you could even read the literature that hadn’t even been written yet.
Jin sighed, running his fingers through his hair and taking one look at the library before fixing on you, “It’s in the past section which is good but the title escapes me, probably having something about godly power or an index of their abilities.”
“Who wrote that?”
“Athena, she’s a bit too enthusiastic when it comes to things like this.”
“..Did you just call Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, a nerd?”
“Well-I mean..am I wrong?”
You laughed loudly, echoing across the long walls and between shelves. Your head tipped back and your arms hugged yourself to keep your frame from shaking. Jin’s ears turned red with embarrassment, for he had no idea why you were laughing so much. To be honest, you couldn’t either. It was just so funny that one of the most formal of gods talked so normally, a happy accident truly.
“It’s alright,” You were still giggled a little bit and by this time Jin was chuckling too, “Let’s go find this book. Split up?”
Jin nodded and went to the right part of the ‘past’ section while you headed over to the left. The two of you looked at the titles of each book but none of the key words or phrases in them matched. The search seemed useless.
Seokjin couldn’t find anything in his section, and even after having several ghost servants to help him— Thanatos showed up for a few minutes too— there was nothing to be found. Deciding that working together or at least being in the same company as you would be more beneficial then the current strategy, he headed to you.
You weren’t having any luck either, but hearing footsteps, your mood turned for the better. After spending some time with your husband, you had realized he had a lot of endearing qualities to him. He always took care of you when you were missing home, opting to bring fake flowers, like the silver one from your first day here, that wouldn’t die but would remind you of your home back in the mortal realm. They were delicate all the same, but you liked holding them and imagining yourself back in those fields.
You missed it, a lot. You missed your mother even more.
But you couldn’t deny that Jin’s company wasn’t delightful. He never made you do anything or feel afraid, his presence was calming and when you were together, the string in your hearts felt connected and alive. The two of you were unfortunately way too shy to admit it but, there was definitely some sort of love between you two. The way your heart soared when looking at each other or laughing at the most unfunny jokes. You hadn’t missed the red ears he had when you complimented him and he definitely didn’t miss your stuttering when he called you loving names in front of his servants or the inevitable mortal or “hero” who wanted something from Jin.
Since gods were not permitted to directly help mortals, often blessed or favored mortals called heroes emerged. They were given unimaginable powers and strength to fight off evil monsters or save villages. Once a man endowed with superhuman musical skills came to the two of you, asking for help. His singing moved the ghost servants and the gray horses that were outside the palace. The two of you were no match either.
“Oh God who rules the dark and silent Underworld,” The man sang with his lyre, tears in his eyes, “I beg you to help me. All lovely things at last go down to you. But I seek one who came to you too soon. The bud was plucked before the flower bloomed. I tried to bear my loss. I could not bear it.”
Seokjin knew that Orpheus was seeking out his wife, Eurydice, and the prominent aspects of love in the song tightened the string in his heart. While Orpheus sang for his dead wife’s revival, he glanced at your face and the refusal suddenly got stuck in his throat.
You looked longingly at Orpheus as his song for Eurydice’s freedom made you feel drowsy and heartbroken. Here was a newlywed couple, both full of joy that they could marry the person of their dreams, but then disaster struck. The woman had unfortunately died on their wedding day and here was her husband, traveling fearlessly through the depths of hell to beg for her back— all for love. A few tears escaped your eyes as the desire to resonate with the man was so strong. You wanted to feel as loved as Eurydice did, wanted someone to love you as strong as Orpheus did for her. Did Hades even know what love meant?
Seokjin could feel your pain, the string that connected your hearts often shared those strong emotions. He liked sharing the happy ones, when you were laughing at something he said or smiling brightly because of his cheesy and old fashioned jokes. Not because you didn’t feel loved. It was breaking his heart to know that you wanted to feel this love and despite his own insecurities of being unlovable, he promised himself that he would love you fully. He would love you as much and more than Orpheus loved his wife, and even more than that. Seokjin felt so heartbroken that you didn’t feel loved already and made it his mission to show you just how much he cared.
“My love is too strong. So I beg of you, King of the Dead,” Orpheus was on his knees and looked at only Jin, “Help me so that I may hold my Eurydice!”
Seokjin raised his eyebrows by the blatant disrespect that Orpheus showed by ignoring you completely. You most likely did not notice it but the clear distinction the man had from you and him was a glaring red flag. But Seokjin could also sense that you were too swept up with the song that you would want to see the couple reunited despite the rudeness.
You put your hands on the hand-rests of your throne to lift yourself up when Seokjin put his hand on yours to stop you. Setting yourself back down, you looked in confusion up to him whose eyes did not stray from the man in front of him. Although Orpheus’s story was tragic, he had heard of many before. As the overseer of the Underworld, his heart had to be hard as steel, and so it was— until you of course. You had softened him by doing practically nothing, but the thought of you continued to melt him. Many mortals had approached Hades to beg for loved ones back and all requests were always refused. No doubt, Orpheus' music was sweet and very moving, but the look in your eyes and tears that dropped down your cheeks were much more convincing; anything to see his wife happy.
Seokjin slowly rubbed your knuckles before finally answering Orpheus, “Your music is ever so moving, but you must know that many couples have begged for their lovers before. I have refused all.”
At the statement, you had gasped and swerved your head to your husband trying to comprehend how someone could refuse so many heartbroken lovers. Orpheus is distraught and close to sobbing harder, dropping his lyre to the ground. But ignoring it all, Seokjin gently chuckles at your expression and strokes your cheek.
“However..” Seokjin starts with a twinkle in his eye.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you ask, “However?”
“To my right side is Persephone, Goddess of the Spring, flora, and fauna. She is my equal, my other half, and the love of my life. Her presence moves me to help you more than your music. For that, I shall grant you your wish of seeing Eurydice again.”
There is that familiar blush Seokjin has witnessed almost everyday, that adorns your cheeks again. Your eyes bulged out at his words and you couldn’t help but lean over to his throne and kiss his cheek in appreciation. He snickers lightly but in reality, his heart almost beat out of his chest. He’s as smitten with you as you are with him. A loveless King had turned sweet for his Queen.
But Orpheus does not seem to care for the intimate words between the two of you. For he seems angry, possibly envious of the love you two share, and resentful that his music that could move rocks on every hillside and turn the course of all rivers was nothing compared to what you could do. The loving look you two shared made him more furious that Eurydice was not beside him at the very instant. Unfortunately, having such wonderful musical abilities often followed with instant compliments and help. For that praise to be lacking from the Gods hurt Orpheus’s pride, and would eventually lead to his demise.
Orpheus snatched his lyre from the floor and said, “My music.. did not move you? I am appalled.”
You tilt your head in confusion, still with a smile on your face you turn to face the man. Seokjin looks at you when you ask, “Appalled? What for?”
“How has a whore been able to influence you, my King?”
At the comment, your smile falters and you see Jin’s eyes light up with the purple fire you saw when you met him. But instead of being a warm, welcoming and even comforting flame, it is chaotic, burning, and seething. He doesn’t need to see your face to see the crestfallen look, but instead whirled around to walk towards Orpheus. Jin’s anger was immeasurable and Orpheus was alarmed at how his eyes seem to flicker brighter with every passing moment. Glowering down at the man, the god was Hades, not the Jin you were used to. His eyes flashed and Orpheus saw every moment in his life up to then and what looked like an older version of himself. Only later would he realize that the God of the Dead had shown him his life in only a few flashes to humble him of his worth and his insignificance.
Realizing that the man may be scorched by your husband’s anger alone, you gracefully walked up to them. Your presence eased Orpheus’s mind for a split second before his eyes flickered back to Jin’s, it was obvious that Jin would not back down. Showing disrespect to you would result in nothing less than banishment to the Mourning Fields of unrequited love for the rest of eternity, or even a trip to Tartarus, the deepest abyss known to all deities.
But he really should have paid more attention to the scowl on your lips.
You spoke with a steely, calm tone, but it reeked of annoyance, “Who are you, a trivial, fleeting thought for me, a Goddess? You are nothing. Mind your tongue and consider yourself lucky that I do not turn you into a corn plant right here.”
After summoning Eurydice with a wave of your hand, you continued, “As you ascend, do not look back as she follows you. Like the explicit disrespect you showed me today, I will take Eurydice away from you.You will lead a desolate and lonely life, as your music will never be heard again.”
Without waiting for a response, you sent the two on your way and sat back down on your throne. Jin sat next to you in utter disbelief and awe of how you commanded respect in the room. He would tease you about it later but it truly showed you how the two of you were so interconnected with one another. Many other challengers would come to try their luck with the softened God, but he didn’t accept all of them— only the ones that you also approved of.
“Hey,” Seokjin started and you only just noticed how dangerously close he was to your face, “Is everything okay? You zoned out for a while.”
Coming back to the present, you realized that you were still in the library trying to find a book to help you with your powers. You had opened one that was clearly not what you were looking for, as the title had something related to (F/G) instead of godly powers. Snapping the book abruptly shut, dust swept up into the air and you coughed up a bit. Seokjin leaned away while you put the book back into its rightful place and tried to clear the air.
You sighed, “I haven’t been able to find anything even remotely related to what we were searching for.”
“It’s alright,” Jin said as he placed a hand on your shoulder in comfort, “I haven’t either. Maybe we should look for a book about you specifically.”
“Me? You think I would be in a book?”
“Well, you are the Goddess of Spring.” He chuckled and patted your head, “Pretty sure that’s important, baby.”
“Did you just call me..?”
“Shit, I didn’t know if nicknames were okay. Are they okay? I’m guessing they’re not okay? Are you not okay with them? Can I call you something else? Should I just stick to Y/N? Or Persephone? Wait, what about Kore? Or is that only reserved—”
You stopped his rambling by grabbing his hand and interlocking them. Looking up to gauge his reaction, you were pleasantly surprised to see that his mouth was upturned and he tried to turn away from your gaze.  
“It’s perfectly fine, my love.” With your term of endearment, Jin groaned and shook his head, “Now what should we do next?”
“I call you something cute like baby and you call me my love? Are you trying to open up my wounds?”
“I’m sure your heart will stay intact, what you should be more worried about is your lips!”
“..My lips?!”
You giggled at his star struck expression before you realized that you may have come of as too strong. Deep in thought, you caress his hand with your thumb before grabbing the black feather necklace he’s always worn. It takes Seokjin by surprise and he leans towards you, his face only a few inches from touching yours. His eyes flicker to your lips then back to your eyes and your smile slowly relaxes. He subconsciously licks his lips, and you were so close to just capturing them but you think again.
Did he want you as much as you did?
Seokjin could cut the tension with a knife, and he was going crazy not being able to kiss your lips. He internally groaned because his shy side was poking at him to run away and hide in a corner while the confident side of him wanted to do nothing but kiss you.
God he wanted you, he hoped you did too.
“Can I kiss you, Jin?”
“Please do, you’re going to kill me if you don’t.”
“I think I’ll kill you either way, I’m a pretty good kisser.”
His eyes fluttered closed, and then your lips were on his. Unlike you had imagined— because yes, you had been dreaming for this for a while— he tasted like nothing but everything at the same time. Fireworks and bursts of warmth burned in your hearts and the string in your chest seemed to tie with Jin’s. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he gripped your waist, the both of you wanted to get as close as possible. You let go of each other eventually, and could only stare at each other in awe of what you had done. Glancing at his ears, you immediately grinned seeing them completely red and his flushed expression. Not that you were doing any better, the color tint on your lips was smudged and your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. It may have been your first kiss but it definitely would not be your last.
You eventually found the book you were looking for in the first place and Jin would help you control your powers until you could blossom flowers and fruits from the dead seeds he brought when he would go back up. It was a team effort and it definitely earned you some kisses whenever you were successful.
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Almost six months had passed since your arrival in the Underworld. After Hades was poisoned, he did not show up to the meetings in Olympus, believing that he knew he was not welcome. Nor would he be able to clearly face Demeter, his mother-in-law, and not absolutely go ballistic. The love for his wife had increased one hundred fold since the last time he saw Demeter and any type of insult to how he cared for her daughter would surely set the deadly side of him off.
But many things happened in the mortal realm. Orpheus looked back at his wife just as the two were leaving the Underworld, and he would live in eternal sadness without his other half. The rest of the mortal realm was not faring well either. While the two newlywed Gods were happy, things like famine, drought, and death plagued mortals. Spring had not come, but was replaced with a harsh, cold winter. Diseases and frostbite was common since Demeter had no intention of changing the season until her daughter was back at her side. Since Hades was not the bringer of Death (Thanatos was), his job was maintaining a record of who died, was alive, and where they would spend their rest of their lives in.
The Fields of Punishment for eternal torture or The Fields of Elysium for rebirth?
The paperwork was clogging up as Hades had renounced his duty and was so lost in his love for his wife, that he only tended to his wife’s needs and taught their three-headed dog Cerberus how to fetch a bone of some unfortunate skeleton than anything else. At one point, your Seokjin had even gifted you a garden full of pomegranate trees, the only real plant that could successfully grow in the Underworld, to you as a sign of his love for you. You were overjoyed by the garden but he had warned you about something, but it all fell on deaf ears.
“You’re kidding..Jin!” You gasped, twirling around and noticing all the blossoming flowers and the vibrant colored plants in your garden.
“It’s for you,” Seokjin looked at you lovingly, seeing you so happy and bright made his heart and face glow too, “An entire garden of pomegranates for you. But be careful alright? They have powers that can make you stay here. So don’t eat them or then—”
“You’ll stay here for that many months and I doubt that your mother—”
“Yeah, yeah, enough talk! Oooh, that one looks pretty.”
Seokjin’s face softened at your giddy expression and he couldn’t help but admire you from afar. But as he realized what your true intentions with the fruit were, he became worried.
“Y/N, wait! Don’t—”
Before Seokjin could finish his sentence, there you were, grabbing a pomegranate that split open with a gentle, magical prod by your finger. You took twelve seeds and threw them into your mouth with a smile on your face. Looking towards Seokjin, or at least where he was last, you saw that his eyes flamed with purple. He looked terrified.
Before you could even bite one of them, Jin was kissing you feverishly. His lips molded against yours and before you could blink, the gentle but insistent press of his hand on your waist made you part your mouth. He slipped his tongue past your own lips and while you were too distracted by the passion behind his actions, he had another thing to worry about. Finally when you parted, both of your lips were stained red with pomegranate juice and were breathing heavily.
Still reeling and drunk on his lips, you only barely noticed his frown and furrowed eyebrows. Jin licked his lips and you blinked slowly before wondering what he could possibly be thinking about. On your end, you definitely enjoyed that heated makeout session, and you were pretty sure his urgency was a good sign.
“Fuck, only got six seeds out,” Jin cursed, before looking at your satisfied expression, “You still ate the other six!”
“Uh, what?” You said lethargically, holding on to Jin’s arms to balance yourself.
“I tried to warn you that pomegranate seeds are dangerous, Y/N! If you had eaten all twelve of the seeds, you would have stayed in the Underworld for all twelve of the months in the year.”
Jin cupped your cheek and sighed, “I tried to kiss you to take them out but I only ate six so you still ate the other six. Now you’ll have to stay with me for half the year.”
“What? That doesn’t sound bad at all! I’m not regretting that kiss because, wow Jin you really know how to kiss someone, but I feel like I should have eaten all of them. What’s so wrong with being bound to you for all eternity?”
Everything, Jin wanted to say. But he could not get his lips to move for the breathless expression you had was too alluring. He stroked your cheek and wished that he could stay by your side but he knew that would not be good. While his ghost servants, Thanatos, and surely all the other Gods in Olympus believed that Seokjin had completely forgotten about his duties, he had not. He was too swept up with the thought of you to do anything about it but he knew that the mortal world was failing.
“It might be safer.”
“Bullshit! I would be much safer, here, with you.”
“I’m the God of the Dead, I doubt your mother wants a son-in-law like me.”
“And? She’s not married to you.”
“My kingdom, it stinks of death. You’ve lived all your life with the beauty of life, are you sure?”
“More than sure, my King. This kingdom is also mine.” You smirked, putting your hands on your hips, waiting for the next thing you would defend.
“The deaths that our love has caused? I’m sure Thanatos has slipped that by now.”
“He has! But what happens to mortals is not our fault, that’s someone else’s fault.”
He knew that. But he also knew that while he was in that poisoned, dying state, you had prayed to Apollo for help. Jin cursed himself for not being stronger so that you would not be indebted to the Hoseok, but he could not change the past. In his own time, Jin had asked Apollo for what you would have to do, and the answer made him scared beyond belief.
“She must go back home, that is her duty.”
“Home? Hoseok..”
“You and I both know that Demeter is mourning for Persephone. Without her daughter, she has put an eternal blanket of winter on the mortal lands. Even Hestia’s hearth in Olympus flickers away at times.”
“She won’t leave, Y/N will be suspicious of my intentions. She’s not some dumb deity that is oblivious to everything around her, she will ask why I am making her do this. I cannot do this.”
“Then lie to her. Tell Persephone that Demeter asks for her or that the mortal world is falling. Or better yet, betray her—”
“I cannot— no, I..I can’t.”
“Please, for the sake of Demeter and the sake of all mortals, force her back. If you must trick her into thinking you don’t..care for her— do it. Even Namjoon has tried convincing Demeter, she won’t budge.”
It was heartbreaking for him to know that Seokjin would have to hurt you like that. But he couldn’t allow himself to go against your duty and responsibility as the bringer of Spring and life. Your mother would not budge without seeing you, it was stated by the Fates too. Maybe if he betrayed you, then you would be safer and wouldn’t be with such a wretched god like himself.
Who was he kidding?
The God of the Dead with the Goddess of Life? It seemed like a cruel joke, especially because of how much he adored you.
Not wanting to worry you, Seokjin kissed your forehead and smiled as best he could. He realized that this might be the last time he could be honest with you, and so took off his black feather necklace and placed it on your neck. You grinned and pecked him on the lips.
“Maybe you’re right, Y/N.”
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The Underworld had only one connection to the living world and that was by a boat ride on the River Styx with the reaper of souls. Unless you could play music, then you might be able to charm your way through like Orpheus, but even that was unlikely. In that sense, there are a few ways to get to the underworld but for a normal person, it was impossible.
But you were far from normal.
You were the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone or Y/N, alongside your king, Hades or Seokjin. It was nice having a title to yourself and not Kore, which was just ‘maiden’. It was yours and you loved it.
You couldn’t feel the sunshine on your face, the dewy breeze of a spring morning, the crisp droplets from a rainy night, nor anything else that you usually felt. Only the emptiness from the souls that were reaped, dying to be put back into the world above. But even that beautiful to you, the beauty of death often allured you. The dead stayed dead but even some of them were happy to leave their suffering above.
You wondered why your Jin had taken you for a walk around his palace, he hadn’t spoken a word to you the entire time either. Thinking it was just him being a little distant, you didn’t find anything weird. Seokjin wasn’t the most extroverted so instead of getting caught up with what his silence may have meant, you instead thought about the events that had happened in the last few months. Things had moved so fast, almost as if to compensate for your still life with your mother.
Originally, you had felt that she had done nothing but kept you inside like a prisoner but now you could clearly see why. The way Jin treated you was the biggest indication but you’ve realized your self-worth. You matter to both the mortal world and the Underworld, you’re a powerful Goddess, and you feel lucky that your first love was such a sweet, kind man. Mom wasn’t trying to force you into solitude, but she never trusted any of the Gods in Olympus and that’s why you didn’t even live up there anymore. It wasn’t like she forced you to stay home but the restrictions and ‘protection’ she gave was stifling.
You missed her so much. You missed the sunshine and you missed picking flowers and making flower crowns. You missed feeling the grass underneath your feet and how the Spring would hug your body.
You closed your eyes while taking a large breath in before opening them and smiling, anyone looking at you would have wondered in curiosity or more so horror. Who would smile in the Underworld?
You would, for multiple reasons but mostly because it was more of a home that any place you had lived before. You looked at your bare feet and the black rocks beneath it. They were sharp unlike the grass above, but there was no pain due to the increase in your powers. Having always walked through fields and meadows, you were used to walking without any protection on your feet— though scorned and scolded by your mother.
“Jin, where are you taking me?” You asked at last, giggling a little but your patience running thin.
Seokjin did not answer nor did he move his head in your direction. He kept walking with longer strides, heading to the River Lethe. You had hated that river, a river to make those who touched it forget their memory. You had always expressed your disgust with the concept but Jin usually just laughed at the thought.
“You are the Queen of the Underworld, love.” He said, with a slight smirk on his face.
Jin cradled your chin and looked into your (E/C) eyes with a softness the other gods would’ve laughed and mocked. The god of the Underworld, your Hades, was happy and smiling with such adoration at your face that your cheeks started to heat up. You were a goddess but that didn’t prevent your heart from twisting when he said such sweet words.
He closed his eyes and touched your foreheads together, saying, “You shouldn’t be afraid of it, not when it’s yours.”
You smiled, closing your eyes and reaching out to hold his face in your hands. You weren’t afraid. As long as Jin was there with you.
You remembered the moments that you shared, when you’d be paranoid about your identity and your husband would reassure you that you did have a place in his— our world— he would say. That you were in the right place. A lot of things had happened in the past six months. But none of that could have prepared you for your husband’s next words.
“..You need to leave.”
“What? Seokjin, this isn’t the time to make jokes.”
“I’m serious, leave.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, you felt dizzy, as if the entire world was spinning. You couldn’t breathe for a moment, and then you took a shaky breath in before shaking your head in dismay, smiling to try and fight the large tears in your eyes.
But he continued, “This..isn’t right, your mother was right. We can’t be together.”
Your mother had warned you to not fall for such a man. Yet you had, for a man that you believed loved you back— no he loved you. A few tears rolled down your cheeks and you hurried to brush them away. You walked slowly towards your husband, your bare feet scraping against the dark rocks and your fern green dress trailed behind you.
You held out your hands in a comforting manner, trying to hold your beloved in your arms. In an instant, he shoved them away with his hand, his knuckles scraping against your arms. You winced but held your ground. “What are you saying? My mother was..right? Right about what?”
Jin’s resolve could have broken right there, but he stayed true to what he was told to do. He had to do this quick, or the tears in his eyes would fall and there would be no way to send you away. It hurt every fibre in his body to know that you were hurting because of him.
You looked up to try and find some sort of sign in Jin’s eyes, only to be met with dark purple ones— the very same that burned Orpheus only a few months ago. They looked empty yet were surrounded by that fire you hated.
“She told me this would never work out. And then poisoned me.”
You shook your head again, chuckling softly to yourself, trying to convince that this wasn’t true. You tried to speak confidently, but your voice started to shake after seeing his entire form move away from you.
“Do you truly think I’m so stupid to believe that lie? My mother may be overprotective of me and may have said this wouldn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean you should listen to her! And she would never hurt a God.”
At your words, Seokjin gets uncharacteristically angry at you, “She almost killed me and you defend her? Before me? When I have protected you—”
“Protected me from what?! Orpheus?! I am a Goddess, I do not need your protection!”
“You don’t need my protection?! Then leave! Stay with that mother of yours, even though we both know I’ve shown you more care than she ever will.”
He stated, turning his back to you and chucking the gold ring into the River Lethe. His ashy gray coat that covered his shoulders fell to the ground, at the feet of his dark robes. He didn’t even flinch, a tell-tale sign of him teasing or lying to you.
He wanted to forget you.
“Please,” You reasoned, “don’t send me away for such a stupid argument.”
“You’re right, I won’t be. You’ll leave on your own because you don’t belong here.”
Only then did you break into full sobs, you fell to the ground, clutching your heart in pain. This wet anger made you curse the Fates. Why did you have to be so weak in front of him?
You couldn’t believe it, the one man you had ever loved, threw you away. As if all the kind words, light kisses, and soft touches were worthless. He had lavished you with affection, even in front of disapproving others. From the day he unknowingly rescued you from a hell to now, he had always looked at you like you were his world.
You hadn’t said a word the night you had left with him, too much in shock with your future. But you couldn’t bare to let yourself ask him to take you back.
Anywhere was better than up there.
You had foolishly thought. And during that time you stayed with him. Fell in love. Thinking you would finally get a happy ending, one where the love of your life loved you back.
“Goodbye,” He stated, without looking back at you. All you could see was his tall figure in front of you before you disappeared. He was standing in front of your home. Or what you thought was. But home is where the heart is.
And yours was shattered.
He snapped his fingers and you were gone in a puff of dark black smoke. The feather on the black necklace that he once wore so diligently close to his chest, vanished with you. There was silence in his world for a few moments, after long months of happiness and joy. The flames in his eyes faded, for how could he be angry?
He had just screamed at the one he loved most.
You didn’t see the tears that fell from his eyes without stopping, wetting his cheeks and the ground in front of him. You didn’t see how his shoulders shook with the thought of your absence. You didn’t see him scramble from his hunched position to the River Lethe. You didn’t see him dive in to try and find his ring and realize that it vanished. His legs started to burn from the river’s powers but he stayed in it, thinking that this was nothing to what he deserved. The green cloth ring that you had once put for him, kissing his hand and saying your vows with a happy voice, was still on his finger.
“I’ll stay with you, Seokjin, as long as you want me to. For you are my friend, my companion, and my truest love. I trust you.”
You didn’t see how broken he was when he came back to the palace only to collapse in front of your shared bed and scream until his throat went dry. You didn’t see that his heart was shattered too.
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It wasn’t long until you made it back to the meadow, a small walk away from your mother’s palace in the mortal realm. It was dark, and you felt no sun on you. It was a different type of dark, rather than being ominous and mysterious, it held a type of serenity you weren’t ready for. But looking around, you felt empty.
The meadow was covered with some sort of cold, white fluff (snow, you would later find out) that pinched your toes. The once vibrant meadow, filled with plants of different colors and sizes, no longer welcomed you. The soft grass between your toes was now frozen ground and had grown into a long grass that reached your chest.
The world around you was imprisoned in a deafening silence, nothing was awake, nothing sang. The nightingales and woodpeckers were silent, there was nothing. It felt like the world above had stopped living the moment you left. Gashing winds had stripped the once bright green leaves from the trees, leaving them vulnerable and groaning from the cold.
You had never seen such coldness, felt such coldness.
Where am I?
The dark green dress you wore held up well, while the Underworld did not have as the biting cold as you experienced now, it was too similar for you to believe that you had really left there.
The stars twinkled sadly, as if crying out for someone. The moon waned brilliantly and yet everything felt dull. While this world seemed beautiful when you first entered, even though goosebumps had erupted on your limbs, it felt colder than you think it should have. The loneliness you felt was something you had never felt before, nor did you want to. The trees moved as if mourning and you felt like it was your death they were mourning.
Was this why people were dying..?
You turned around. Squinting to see the far-away figure, you realized it was your mother with her (H/C) hair in long locks, tumbling down her back— an unusual sight as she hated keeping her hair down— but she was hesitant to come to your side. She was looking at you differently, like she used to when you were a child. Not like how she pretended to when you got older but different. Better.
Like a mother should.
“Mom..” You whispered, but she heard it.
A flowing stream of tears started down Demeter’s face, and she made no move to wipe them away. Demeter held a hand out to her daughter, silently calling out to her. You slowly walked through the field to your mother’s side until finally putting her chin on her mother’s outstretched arm. As you saw your mother’s happy expression, you started to shakily smile and a few of her own tears started to drip down your cheek. Demeter stroked her daughter’s cheek and kissed your forehead in joy.
The mother and daughter were finally reunited.
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Quickly after you reunited with your mother, she interlocked your hand and led you back to the palace. Your home. But even saying that had a sour taste in your mouth, because all you could remember was the dark walls and soft smiles of your husband. The walls of your room were just as blindingly white and clean and smooth as you remembered it. But, you remembered what you used to think in the Underworld. As much as you had loved it and the people who came with it, it wasn’t what you were used to. You loved the mortal realm much, much more, and finally seeing the lush vegetation wherever you walked, the pretty flowers sprinkled here and there, the ponds of clear water, and the countless species of animals was both a shock and a blessing.
A few days after you arrived, the winter and snow that had swept through the mortal realm was finally vanquished. Your mother held your hand and simply waved her hand, causing Spring to come back to the world. She was glowing, much more than before you left. You wanted to both strangle her and hug her.
You even asked her about the poisoned dagger and she confirmed what he had said, she did poison him. It made your stomach squeeze and feeling uncharacteristically angry and snappy, you conveyed your concerns to your mother, but she didn’t brush it off like you had feared.
“Mom, I won’t get mad if you tell me the truth.” You sighed out one night.
Demeter raised her eyebrows and laughed merrily, “Oh? This is new Kore, usually I would say that when you were younger!”
Your throat was feeling dry and scratchy but you pressed, “Heh, right, um. Did you.. poison him?”
“Don’t speak of that monster! I—”
“Whether you did or not, please answer me.”
Demeter looked at her only daughter. Her wonderfully talented, intelligent, witty, and beautiful daughter. She couldn’t imagine the emotional manipulation that she went through in the Underworld. Demeter wanted her daughter back and she was afraid of how you changed. That time when you were gone was over.
“Please, Mom.”
Your eyes pleaded and shined in the moonlight and even Demeter couldn’t hold back, “I didn’t have a choice. Even Zeus approved of it, but you have to realize that you were gone.” She poked your chest with your finger and you felt small, like a mouse in the presence of a hawk.
“I didn’t even know where you were and to learn that, the God of the Underworld had taken you..It wasn’t okay and I’m glad that you’re back. That’s all that matters now, don’t worry about it, okay? You’re safe.”
Demeter combed through your hair and smiled at you but her eyes didn’t crinkle up like usual and you knew that she wanted this conversation to be over. But you’d test her limits.
You continued, “But it could’ve killed him, Mom.”
Demeter didn’t miss the flinch at the raise of her tone and she instantly regretted her actions. She didn’t want to be like her siblings, loveless of their children and so enraptured by mortals. But at the same time, she wanted to protect you. Why couldn’t you see that she didn’t want someone like the God of the Dead, an emotional manipulator and kidnapper, to be any of your concern. It tore her heart in two.
“You are the most important part in my life, I used to only live for you. Obviously, that doesn’t mean your life should revolve around me but you were kidnapped!”
“It was Namjoon’s fault though, he told him that we wanted this.”
“You’re right, Zeus is just as punishable for this crime. But if he wanted your hand so much he could have easily come to us formally. Where was the need to capture you like that? None.”
But that wasn’t it either. Sure, you were upset that Seokjin had taken you away. Sure, that seemed logical from your mother’s perspective, realistic. But that’s not what happened. Namjoon was a drunk idiot and had told Seokjin a lie which caused all of this. But even with that figured out, you were still angry that you didn’t see the color black more often or you didn’t have a library full of books to read, or someone that would keep your head in their lap as you slept.
You missed him the most, and that’s why it hurt the most.
No, you repeat to yourself, You aren’t going to be caught down by someone you’ve only known for a few months. You’re better than this, Y/N.
So you busy yourself with other things that need your attention, like the new plants that are popping up in villages. It helps with the loneliness that seems to have taken you captive, even though your mother smothers you with affection. She wanted to celebrate the way you’ve finally come back to her, from that monster.
The new plants seem to have medicinal properties and you keep record of them in a small journal. In the same journal, you’ve been writing down your feelings as a way to cope with the environment changes. You’ve been liking the cool shade and swift breezes that come rather than the blinding sun that you were so used to. You often nestle between a few apricot trees, and would stare blankly at the fruit. It was so close to pomegranates but entirely different. The red color hurt and even the nymphs could see it, often asking you to pluck flowers with them far, far away.
Jimin visits you and the two of you spend an entire day in each other’s company. He talks about how he wasn’t able to visit you in the Underworld and missed you. You find comfort in his words and you confess that you miss Seokjin. Terribly. He’s the only person you have that won’t go to your mother and snitch on you.
“It hurts, Jimin. But I am afraid that you.. will not like what I have to say.”
“What does, Y/N? Don’t be afraid.”
“My heart..it misses him so much.”
Jimin had furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, he couldn’t understand why you would miss such a horrible God. He tried to comfort you about the matter, but it was stiff and rehearsed. When you had cried yourself to sleep that night, Jimin had quietly snuck out of your door only to see Demeter wiping her tears. Your mother had heard your pleas and she broke.
Why did you have to love such a disgusting monster?
Six months have passed and the world has been recovering. You don’t forget the black feather necklace on your neck and almost daily, you rub it to make sure it’s still with you. Your mother had asked what it was and Jimin had saved you before you could stutter out a response, saying he gifted it as nostalgia for being nicknamed pretty bird. Even the rings you had were considered a gift from other gods.
Demeter had looked at you in fear but hid her emotions well enough with a smile that you thought she wouldn’t ask again. She didn’t.
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Seokjin couldn’t bear it anymore. Ever since you had left, his heart was heavy with the fact that he had pushed you away. Not even telling you anything and you just had to go.
Thanatos could see that his friend was drowning himself in his work, checking and double checking who were coming into the Underworld. Even Cerberus was ignoring Hades in fear of making him angrier. The dead souls rarely would see their king and while that usually did not worry many, those in Elysium were confused. Sometimes the two of you would visit their houses and get togethers, and even then they could make out his lovestruck expression whenever you talked. He looked at you like you were the moon, made of wonder and beauty, and had painted the stars in his world with small kisses.
Thanatos has gotten angry at Seokjin and forced him out of the palace, locking his office to be extra sure. Walking around aimlessly, everything in the palace reminded him of you. When you would walk next to him and talk about the most useless topics, it was the first time he noticed the sharp rocks on the floor. Instead of creating shoes or anything that a logical  God would’ve done, he offered to let you get on his back while you walked. At your shocked expression, he was sure he embarrassed himself more than he thought was possible. But you quickly grinned and jumped onto his back while he held on tight to your legs to keep you steady.
At the memory, Seokjin smiled bitterly and scoffed at the tears that escaped. He wished he was stronger. You were probably going through something a hundred times worse, the love of your life just randomly banishing you must have hurt.
It was to protect her.
Either way, it made him curse out the Fates for even allowing him to meet you once. It wasn’t fair, for either of you. He even cursed his brother Namjoon, he would never listen to his brother again. It wasn’t fair.
The pomegranate trees in front of him made him stop. He wanted to break down in tears and throw his life away for what he had done to you. The brightest red fruit was on the lowest branch, but it was open. With twelve seeds missing, Seokjin shook with fear.
Six months was almost up.
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You walked through the meadow, somehow leaving the safety of the nymphs that followed you on Demeter’s request, and brushing through the flowers. You twirled around, feeling free for once. Not in a palace, under someone’s watchful eye or endearing gaze. You loved both of them dearly, but it was hard for Kore, the Goddess of flora, and fauna to be expected to stay in the same place. You felt lost everywhere but here, with nature, was where you felt at peace. There was some substance in what your mother said. Nonetheless, your duty as Persephone, Goddess and Queen of the Underworld, stayed the same. You would have to leave soon, but that made your stomach twist and turn.
While preoccupied with your thoughts, you failed to notice the grass parting behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something long shoot through the field. You froze, knowing that it was too late to move and your body felt on edge, the feather on your neck started to heat up and become uncomfortable. Another quick movement and—
Something grabbed your arms and the intense motion made your eyes squeeze shut. You were shaking, and spots danced behind your eyes. It took you a few moments to realize who had grabbed you, and now shielded, sporting an all-too familiar clothing color palette.
“..Jin,” You whispered breathlessly, “You’re here.”
Worlds away from each other, lifetimes away, or in different versions of reality, Seokjin heard your words as if it burned in his mind, clear as day, your presence bringing him back to life. You could only stare at him as he stroked your cheek, probably because there was some dirt on it because you had fallen asleep on the crumbling soil before walking around.
“I ask you to go away,” He starts calmly, looking at your dumbstruck expression  “And you actually left, huh?”
Your growing smile for him saving you quickly falls and you roll your eyes with a hard frown on your lips. You push him away in annoyance and hurt, and walk away from him with your arms crossed. You tried to tamp down your irritation but you were fed up with Gods trying to take your life and just throw it around.
“Why,” You asked, seething with anger, “did you come here?”
You didn’t even turn around but with the way your fists were clenched, Seokjin knew that you were not feeling happy about his presence. Better than utter despair that he had thought of, you hitting and being angry at him was infinitely times better than you being sad.
“That snake wasn’t any ordinary one. I..” Seokjin said slowly, looking back at the dead reptile, “I was cursed by a God once that I wouldn’t be able to protect someone I loved from one of my own. And well, snakes are my sacred animal so..”
“So you think that I needed your protection again?”
Seokjin felt at odds with your response. Of course you could protect yourself, it was just his wish that you didn’t have to. That he could do so instead. He knew you were smarter than you let on, you knew exactly why he had sent you away and were angry why he couldn’t have just communicated it.
“I’m sorry,” He relented, putting a hand on your shoulder before you brush it off, “I was rude and disrespectful. You didn’t deserve that. I thought that you would leave and I was scared what would happen if you didn’t. The mortal world was dying—”
“So? I would’ve come up if you had just told me! It’s really not that hard,” You finally faced him, “especially when you’re supposed to be trying to be everything that my mother thinks you are, you shouldn’t have shouted.”
“Well.. you shouted too.”
“Yeah, to make sure I was heard over your voice!”
“I just wanted to protect you.”
Of course he was. Even when you had snapped at him, he was protecting you. Seokjin had promised you that he always would take care of you, and here he was, doing just that. The more you thought about the day you were forced to leave, you realized that Seokjin had tears in his eyes.
“I know but, there’s better ways to do it.”
Seokjin’s voice wavered with sadness, “I hope that you can forgive me for the stupid things I said. I promise I’ll work harder to show you that I deserve to be your partner and that I can take care of you.”
He was scared, afraid of your reaction and how you might refuse him outright. A figure in the distance, behind Jin, captures your attention and you’re thinking of them while Jin continues.
“I wanted to make your garden a little prettier,” He admitted, his thumb stroking your finger were both the golden ring and your makeshift cloth one was tied together, “I added flowers and different fruits that reminded me of your aura. But much of them are made of jewels since, well, you know, you can’t have live plants in the Underworld.”
“Mhmm, yeah.”
“And that ring I tossed into the River Lethe,” Your ears naturally perked up at the river’s mention, “was my ring and I found it just as soon as you left. I would never mean those things I said and I’m sorry you had to hear them.”
“Right, well,” Your eyes shined with excitement and giddy, “My mother is coming, so you better be able to convince her.” You quickly removed your hand from his before your mother burst in.
Oh shit.
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“So you’re saying,” Demeter’s eyes burned into Seokjin and he could feel his mind turning to shreds at her words, “ you want my daughter to go back with you into that wretched palace?! She won’t return as long as I’m her mother and she has no obligation to leave. Kore will stay here.”
“Persephone is the Queen of the Underworld,” Seokjin looked at you tenderly, “it’s her duty now.”
You cringed at his wording, that was not the way to convince your mother. If anything, talking about duty would bring up the fact that she’s the Goddess of vegetation in the mortal realm. And mentioning her other name? Total loss.
“Do not defy my Hades. She will not leave my realm.”
You butted in, “I ate the pomegranate seeds, Mother.”
“You— what?” Her fiery anger dissipated into a tame flame, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears, “No, no. You,” She pointed straight to Seokjin, “You did this, didn’t you? Tricked her into eating the flirt of the Underworld to where she must leave me, her own mother for you? A lying cheat and disgusting, dishonorable coward!”
“I am no coward. I warned her and she said she wanted to,” He interlocked your hands and it made Demeter angrier, “She won’t be away for long. Only half of the year.”
“Half of the year?!” She moved towards Seokjin at a pace that even made him panic, “If you want my daughter’s hand, then propose to her properly. If she accepts, fine. She’s her own person and she had the right to choose her partner. But if she doesn’t, I will make sure your life is living hell.”
Kinda already is, Seokjin wanted to sarcastically comment but kept his mouth shut. But he reasoned that this was the best he was going to get. He turned to you and saw your wide smile and twinkling eyes. To him, you were the only person he needed. If he must, he would scourge the four realms and more to find you and even just hold your hand. With you, he had nothing to worry about.
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So the two of you got “engaged” and you reapplied rings (different ones because your mother wanted you to have only the best) at the very place your mother met Seokjin. He summoned the most beautiful of jewels to make the rings and many other riches when he saw how Demeter’s eyes bulged and gravitated towards the power. She was warming up to him alright.
The night before you would leave, you held a celebration— the wedding— in a small gazebo that your friend Chan, or Hephaestus, happily built for you. He started crying in the middle of building it because his own partner, Yoongi or Aphrodite, seemed to have no interest in doing the same— but another story for another time!
Celebrating with your nymphs and other Olympian Gods and Goddesses that you had befriended long ago, it was a magical experience. You saw Jungkook, or Hera, and his husband Namjoon, or Zeus, arguing animatedly in the gazebo that you had proclaimed your love for each other earlier in the evening, something about how Namjoon never made any romantic gestures for him. In another place you saw Yoongi and Hoseok, or Apollo, sharing drinks with each other while Jimin, or Hermes, was flying around trying to meet everyone. Even Seokjin, basically the God of Shyness, was smiling and accepting praise from Irene, Wheein, and Taehyung, or Ares, Athena, and Hebe respectively.
You casually walked around, the rich purple wedding gown that you wore dragged through the grass but stayed dried, magical powers were always nice. Talking with some people, drinking and eating with others, it was wonderful. At the end of the night, Demeter came up to the two of you with flower crowns, and all the Gods watched with curiosity, except you and your mother of you knew what was to come next. The crowns were beautiful and matched your auras perfectly. One made with pink lilies, purple lavender, and white baby breath, while the other was made of cress, ferns, black and purple roses. The lighter one was for you and the darker for Seokjin.
“It’s tradition,” Demeter’s voice wavered with sadness and her hands trembled as she continued, “When a nymph is married and leaves my care, she is given a crown to remind her roots and to be happy in her new life.”
Demeter turned to you, the tears in her eyes finally came pouring out and she tried her best to allow this day to be a happy day. You looked ethereal in your dress and your expression made everything she had sacrificed worth it. Cupping your cheeks, she lovingly gazed at you and put your heads together. Your own tears were coming down and you held back a sob.
“Be powerful and strong, my Kore. If anything happens, I will always be waiting here for you and you can come back, alright? It is your duty in the next six months to take care of the Underworld, rule it with a wise mind and even sharper mouth. Many will test you but prove them wrong. Your husband’s duty is to take care of you, you are equals in love. Never forget my teachings and that I have and will always love you.”
You kneeled down to your mother and touched her feet in a sign of respect, and she crowned you with all the flowers you loved most. Standing up, you saw Demeter’s eyes stare at your husband. She looked neither happy nor angry, and everyone in the room held their breath.
“It is your duty,” She started as she firmly grasped the other crown, “to protect and take care of my daughter. She rules beside you as equals and you must treat her as such. When you are troubled, find peace in the fact that she can calm the ground we walk on from rumbling, a panther from pouncing, and my very nature. After seeing your love and hearing about it from Kore, I trust you and bless you to be a good King for the Underworld and a better husband to your Queen. You are part of my family now, Hades.”
Demeter looked pleased at how her heartwarming words touched Seokjin and made him weep as well. Maybe it was her own power, because all the deities present were desperately wiping their tears so others couldn’t see. Even Jimin, both known to be lighthearted and not as sentimental, had burst into tears when he saw his best friend crying and getting crowned while Taehyung tried to soothe him.
Seokjin kneeled and did the same as you when Demeter crowned him. Seokjin mouthed a ‘thank you’ to his mother-in-law and held out his hand for you to grab. You smiled and interlocked your fingers together before looking at your mother and then the rest of your guests.
“All hail, Persephone and Hades,” Your mother continued, “The Gods and rulers of the Underworld!”
The other gods and deities, and even nature itself seemed to bow down. But the two of you were so immersed in each other, that you only waved goodbye before Jin kissed you and the ground broke beneath you and went home.
© 2021 by cherryyjjk ;; all writings and other content on this blog are my intellectual property. you may not reuse, reprint, translate, repost, steal, or any other type of stealing of my works.
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jjkwyd · 3 years
bts reacts! s.o is friends with another members s.o
ღ requested: Hii! Can you please do a BTS reaction to they introduce their gf to the other members but they are worried about how the gf of another member would react cuz she is usually wary abd rude with new people but are surprised when the girls hug eah other (everyone is surprised). turns out the member's gf and their gf are childhood friends. Thanks💖💖 i love ur writings so much
ღ network: @btsgoldnetwork
ღ genre: fluff
ღ links:  request away | m.list | request rules
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he took a deep breath as he walked in to the dorm with you, not sure how you’d react to meeting namjoon’s partner. when he watched your face light up and hers as well he exchanged a look with namjoon. when he heard you say “wow, it’s been so long! at least 6 years, he started to add everything up and eventually came to the conclusion that you met a long time ago.
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he held your hand, a little nervous about the idea of going on a double date with hoseok, just because you weren’t the friendliest with others. however, when you gave his larger the look of familiarity. that’s when everything started to look up for him. the way you guys started to click it was calming for the both of them as you guys talked and talked, catching up as you smiled then looked at yoongi. “oh this is a childhood friend of mine by the way,”
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hoseok’s biggest worry was that people wouldn’t like you because of your tendency to be a bit rude when meeting new people. so when he was bringing you over to jungkook’s house, knowing that his partner was over made him so nervous. he’d keep looking at you, making sure you were okay as he pulled in and parked. when you walked in, you immediately ran over to greet jungkook’s partner. “no way! what’s the coincidence that this is how we meet !” you grinned as hoseok blinked. “well that’s new,”
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taehyung never thought to tell namjoon about his partner being over. when namjoon saw another car in the driveway he sighed a little, expecting to see the ruder side of you as he parked and walked inside with you. taehyung smiled over. “hey! my partner is in the bathroom but they’ll be right out,” you nodded a little and watched as you heard a familiar voice call out, getting you excited as you ran over and joon and tae gave each other a look, very confused on the sight.
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he never knew what to expect when you’d meet people. you either knew them already and liked them or would be rude to them right away. when he went over to yoongi’s he was nervous the entire ride. asking for you to try and like them to which you said “no promises” jimin sighed as he walked into the dorm with you. you looked around and found a seat and then made eye contact with yoongi’s partner. he was in awe as the two of you started to get along as you smiled at jimin. “this is my childhood friend jimin,” he nodded understanding right away.
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he would always tell you to try and be on your “best behavior” when you meant someone new. it wasn’t something tae liked when he watched you be rude to people, he tried to remind himself that you didn’t mean it all of the time. when he walked into the dorm and saw jin’s partner sitting there he felt a bit worried as you made your way to the couch. he sighed as he took his shoes off, getting ready to apologize for you to jin and his partner. however he realized he didn’t need to do either as you guys talked. he smiled to himself and walked over, just in absolute awe that you were this calm. it was a possibility? later when you told him they were a childhood friend it made sense.
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he would try and understand that you didn’t mean to be rude, it just happened to come out that way but it would still make him nervous when he introduced you to new people. when he was bringing you to a dinner with the other boys he was nervous and didn’t know what to do when he got a text in the group chat that jimin’s partner was over. he started to dread it as he walked through the door, he got over it quickly as you interacted with them in a friendly manner, all the boys looking at each other in a bit of shock as they never saw that side of you. “why are you so nice?” jungkook let out as you smiled and introduced him. “this is my child hood best friend,”
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
The Arrangement Chapter 3
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Series Summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: Interview Round 1 and our first encounter
Previous chapter here
----------------------------- You bartended through the weekend without incident. You had honestly kind of forgotten about your strange encounter with Mr. Rude Dimples as you geared up for another work week. You arrived at your office job early Monday morning and headed to the breakroom. You loaded up on coffee and some fruit someone had sat out and went to your desk. At exactly 8 am you opened up your emails. You scanned through the work correspondence answering a few quick questions and queuing up some to answer after you checked on a few things. You then opened up your personal email and almost fell out of your chair when you saw **Google Calendar invitation: Job Interview. Very Personal Assistant. BTS Corporate Accept/Decline**
You opened it and lo and behold there was an invitation to a job interview this Thursday at Grindhouse Coffee Shop. You shook your head, so maybe it was a real job. Maybe. You were relieved to see the interview was in such a public location. You went into your work calendar and marked yourself out of office for an hour and half. You never took any time off so it wouldn’t be a problem. How does one prepare for a job interview for a personal assistant? You wondered. 
You opened an incognito window and started researching job interview questions and also looked into what exactly BTS Corporate was. It was a media company who seemed to dabble in everything from modeling to music. You recognized two of the models immediately, JK and V. They were both well known in the modeling world and graced the covers of many magazines. Ok so this was a legit company. Cool. Cool.  Oh my God, you thought. What if the position was to be an assistant to a model who was as hot as those two? You remained calm. You had bartended and been around hot dudes before. It would be fine. You would be fine. You kept the incognito window open as you returned to your actual job and continued to email and message colleagues about your projects. You also skimmed through BTS Corporate’s website to learn more about the company and spy on some of the other models and talent who they employed. 
The rest of the day went by without incident and you were excited for two reasons: one, you had a job interview at a place that paid more than your two of your current jobs combined, and you had Monday night off from bartending. You headed home, looking forward to spending time with your family.  
You rarely got to see your brother, who was in his second year of high school, and your sister, who was finishing up elementary school. You walked into the apartment, slipping off your shoes and work bag. 
“Hey everyone!” You yelled and headed into the living room.  Your sister and niece were doing their homework on the coffee table side by side. “Hey girls. How was school today?”
You got some noncommittal “goods” out of them and left them to their schoolwork. Your brother would be at cram school for another two hours. You walked into the kitchen where your aunt was preparing some food.
“Hello Aunt Vi,” you said, scooting around her towards the refrigerator to make yourself useful. “How can I help?”
“Hello [y/n]. If you could get the rice cooker ready and prepare the chicken that would be great.”
“You got it,” you responded, dutifully beginning the tasks you were assigned. You loved your Aunt Vi and were so grateful she was able to take the three of you in. The apartment was cramped and she did her best to make sure you all never felt like you were imposing. But, it was hard not to feel that way given the circumstances. You found your mind wandering back to the job interview. With that much money you could easily afford to either pay for a larger apartment for all of them, or pay for your brother to live at the school’s dormitory. You tried not to let yourself get too excited about it, you still weren't sure if it was a real job. And you had already had more disappointments in the past 5 years than you could deal with. You tried to keep it from making you pessimistic, but it definitely made you wary of most situations. Especially ones that seemed too good to be true. 
“Suho called this afternoon,” she said quietly while chopping green onion. 
You involuntarily flinched. “Oh? I’m sorry. I didn’t give him this number.”
“I know I know. He asked for you and wanted to talk to your sister.” She paused, “I told him to go to hell.” 
It was always weird for you to hear your very proper aunt curse, but when it came to Suho, there was no escaping the rage she felt. And rightfully so.
You nodded your head. “Good. I’ll see about getting our number changed again.” You said, feeling like it was your responsibility. 
She didn’t say anything in response and the two of you continued to make dinner together silently. 
The rest of the week flew by. Office job, bartend, check on your siblings’ homework, check your bank account, pay your aunt, skillfully balance every cent in your checking account, sleep, caffeinate, repeat.  Before you knew it, Thursday afternoon had arrived. 
You walked into the coffeeshop. Grindhouse Coffee was across the city, near Club Tokki, so you had to watch your time carefully. You immediately noticed a large concentration of very attractive women with perfect faces and perfect tits. Damn. Were they here for the  same position?
“Tokki,” you heard a voice call towards you. You turned and saw Mr. Rude Dimples walking towards you with a tablet in hand. Oh God, you had a nickname? “Rich Asshole.” you waved, smiling “It’s nice to see you again.”
He guffawed, clearly not expecting that. “I am conducting your job interview Tokki,” he loosened his neck tie. “You should watch your mouth.”
You raised your eyebrows. “I’m pretty sure my mouth is what landed me this interview since it clearly wasn’t my good looks” you gestured to the space around you. “And it’s ‘[y/n]’ not Tokki.”
He swiped his tablet. “Got you all checked in. I’ll let you know when it’s your turn.” He shook his head as he walked away. 
Yoongi sulked at a booth in the cafe, his delicate lips pressed firmly into a pout. He refused to take part in the interviews or look at the resumes, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him. So far he was unimpressed. It was like walking around work: a bunch of models who all looked the same. Who the hell would believe he would marry one of these women? He sighed. You shouldn’t judge someone based on their looks, he reminded himself. He kept one earbud in, lazily eavesdropping on the people in the cafe. A group of three women were sitting in the next booth over. 
“I wonder what kind of job this is. It sounds like an escort service but like also a secretary.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“I wonder if it’s for one of the models.”
They continued to prattle on about the job, how Namjoon has approached them, and stuff like that. Yoongi scanned his phone and looked over, Namjoon was interviewing one of the girls right now. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking out over the cafe again. Maybe he would grab a coffee. He pulled out his other earbud and got up to order his usual iced Americano. 
“I totally think that’s what it is. What kind of loser has to pay for someone to date him?”
“Yeah. And it’s definitely not that guy,” she gestured over to Namjoon. “He’s hot. This guy is probably hella ugly. Like rich and ugly. Which I guess I could get over for the price tag.” The girls all laughed.
Yoongi felt his face grow red. That’s what all these women thought about him. Some rich loser idiot desperate for their attention and willing to sell themselves off for his and BigHit’s attention. He didn’t even want this. He didn’t need this shit. He headed towards the door. Fuck this place. Fuck these girls. Fuck Namjoon.
You looked up from your seat by the door to see a man around your age walking over quickly and pushing the door open hard. You shrugged, he must have realized he was late or something. You looked back to where he had been sitting and saw he had left his earbuds sitting on the table. You got up and walked over and saw that he had actually left his very expensive earbuds. Shit. You could probably catch him if you tried. You picked them up and headed for the door.
“Where are you going Tokki?” You heard Namjoon say as he got up from the interview table, clearly done with his latest interview.
“I’ll be right back.” You yelled, “Probably!” You amended. You had been spending the past fifteen minutes talking  yourself out of the interview. You knew your office skills were mediocre, your mouth got you into trouble all the time, and you were so not as pretty as every other girl in there. 
You peered out onto the sidewalk looking for the black hat and black outfit. Damn it. Wait. Across the street. You waited for the traffic signal to change and then ran across the street. By the time the signal had changed he was far ahead of you. “Hey!! Hey you!” You yelled, ever so inelegantly across the sea of people. There was no way he was going to hear you from where you were. His head was down and he was definitely in the zone. But, you were running and he was walking so you finally caught up with him by the next block. “Hey, you,” you pulled gently on the back of his jacket. “You…”
Yoongi turned to see what was happening. He had heard a woman yelling but assumed she would have been talking to someone else. He saw a girl around his same age and height standing there, panting slightly like she had just exercised. He was still upset from the whole cafe incident, leaving him short tempered and just wanting to get somewhere private. “What?” He asked tersely.
You stood eye to eye with him. This guy was good looking. And kind of rude. Oh well, you thought he had been in a hurry when you started chasing him.  “Here,” you held the earbuds out in their case. “You left these on the table.” 
He looked at you for an extra second, suspicion in his eyes. “Thanks.” He took them from you and relaxed slightly. “At Grindhouse?”
“Yeah.” You fan your face. Running in office clothing sucked.  Ok. Well your business here was concluded. You stood there for another few awkward seconds. 
Yoongi looked at the girl who was standing in front of him. He hadn’t seen her in the cafe, and he couldn’t believe she had run the few blocks to return the headphones. He tried to think of something to say. Small talk was not his strong suit. “Do you work near here?”
You huffed and puffed a little, still recovering from your unexpected jog. “No. I work across town.” You thought for a second.  “Well during the day anyways. I do actually work near here at night though at Club Tokki.”
Yoongi put the earbuds in his bag. “What brings you to this side of town then? The coffee’s not that good.” He deadpanned.
You shrugged, “Eh, I’m supposed to have a job interview. I don’t know though. It seems shady and that place was populated with models who I think are also going for it. I think I’ll just get some of that coffee that you don’t recommend and head back to my day job.”
Yoongi stood there putting the pieces together. You were there for that interview. Normal-looking you who apparently already worked two jobs. He sighed, feeling like a creep for knowing more about the job than you did and knowing that it would be working with him. He rubbed along his jawline with his hand, “I don’t know. I think you should go for it. Maybe you’ll stand out.”
You laughed, “Because I’m ugly and sweaty?” You teased, you knew you were normal looking and could be pretty if you did your hair and make-up. 
You thought you saw the tiniest hint of a smile as he replied, “Yes. Take your ugly face back there and apply for the interview and do better than those models.”
You rolled your eyes, “That was the shittiest pep talk I have ever had in my life but ok. I’ll march back in there sweating like a pig and do my best.”
“I wish you luck. Thanks again for the earbuds.” He said, giving you a polite wave as he turned and started to walk back to BigHit’s headquarters.
You laughed a little bit and decided, what the hell, you might as well go for it. You returned to Grindhouse, to the seeming annoyance of Rude Dimples. 
“Finally Tokki, I was getting ready to give your time slot to the fucking barista.” He gestured to the table.
“Oh my God, you are so immature. How are you the one in charge of this interview?” You asked as you took a seat in the chair.
“I’m the boss of the company Tokki, if you don’t like it you might want to leave now.”
“One: From my research, as President and CEO, Hitman Bang is the boss of the company. You’re the CIO. Two: I’m guessing this isn’t an interview to be your assistant or I definitely wouldn’t be here. Three: it's [y/n]. So let’s get to the part where you ask me questions and I answer.”
Namjoon sat there for a minute, opening and shutting his mouth a few times in shock. He spread his hands out along the table. “Huh. I’ll give you that you actually did research on the company. Well done. Let’s begin.” NEXT CHAPTER
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blu-joons · 5 years
BTS Reaction: They Stand Up For You
Stepping out of the hotel, his heart stopped when he saw tens of paparazzi waiting to snap the exclusive photo of the two of you. He kept you behind him, shielding your frame.
“Move out of the way please, have some respect,” he ordered, but as expected, all of them ignored him. “I’m not messing around, step aside for the lady, please. Just be polite.”
“Jin, can we have a few words please? Is it true that your relationship is on the rocks?” A man shouted out, shoving a microphone into his face.
He brushed it aside, shaking his head. “We are better than ever, thank you for your time.”
He continued to guide you away until you were in a place that was pap free. “That was scary Jin, thank you for looking after me, and getting me out in one piece.”
“Don’t be silly, I’m always going to stand up for you, and for us, to those guys. I hate that they are all so rude,” he frowned, rolling his eyes.
“We don’t need to worry about them now, they got their answers. Who even started spreading rumours?” You questioned, trying to calm yourself down.”
“They just want a story, ignore them.”
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A club was the last place you wanted to be, but as the boys hosted a celebration for the new album, you felt obliged to go. Looking around you, you could feel eyes staring at you.
“Yoongi, I want to go home, I’m beginning to feel uncomfortable,” you whispered into his ear. “Can you help me, please. There’s a group over there who keep looking at me.”
“Just try and ignore them jagi, it’s only because you look so beautiful tonight,” he complimented, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
He held you close, shielding you so you couldn’t see. “Do we have to stay much longer?”
He shook his head, feeling your body shake. “Not if you don’t want to. There’s a few more people I need to speak with. Stay with me, no one will hurt you near me.”
“Thank you Yoongi.” Your hand intertwined with his as he led you right through the group who had stared at you, keeping your head held high.
“I think they all know not to mess with you anymore, you handled yourself so well,” he encouraged, taking you to a much quieter place.
“It’s only because I have you by my side.”
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You could feel eyes staring at you as you walked around the studio, as people stood all around the arena, ignoring the boys’ presence, focussing solely on you.
“I can feel eyes staring at me,” you whispered up to Hobi as you scanned the room. “There’s loads of people looking in my direction right now. I feel like I’m being judged right now for being here.”
“What do you mean?” As he looked around, he quickly realised what you were talking about, as people all looked away as soon as they noticed Hobi staring at them.
You’d never felt so conscious, hiding in his body. “I honestly feel like a piece of trash right now.”
He sighed, kissing the top of your head, refusing to let his continue any longer. “Have none of you got better things to look at than my girlfriend? Get a grip of yourselves.”
“Hobi, I don’t want a big deal to be made,” you whispered up at him. “Just can we head back to your dressing room or something?”
“They need to be told that they are in the wrong, I won’t let people talk to you in such a way, I will always stand up for you against anyone.”
“You’re incredible, thank you darling.”
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The slam of your laptop closing made him jump, as he looked across at you trying to hold back your tears. He frowned, moving to sit beside you on the sofa.
“What’s got you in such a pickle?” He asked, wrapping his arms around your tired frame. “Tell me what’s got you so upset, or I’ll open up my laptop and have a look for myself.”
“It’s just your fans being your fans,” you sighed, “a few comments are getting to me, that’s all. It’s nothing really to worry about, I’m honestly fine.”
He shook his head, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I’m putting an end to all of this now.”
You watched as he began to type a message up on Twitter. “You don’t need to do any of this, I don’t want to cause any trouble for you and the fans.”
“As if. I’m not going to sit back and let you be treated in such a way. If doing this can get even one fan to get off your back, then it’s a success.”
“This is your thing, but if it goes wrong, then it’s going to reflect on me,” you sighed, resting on his chest. “They can’t hate me more.”
“They won’t, I promise you that.”
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Your heart was pounding as a guy walked over to you at the bar whilst you waited for Jimin to come back from the toilet. He had a disturbing smile, and two drinks in his hands, smiling towards you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing all by yourself?” He asked, taking the seat that Jimin was sat on moments ago. “I’ve already bought you’re a drink, so don’t worry about that.”
“I’m waiting for my boyfriend to return, if you wouldn’t mind leaving,” you smiled, trying to move aside, but he pulled you straight back. “I’m not playing games with you.”
Behind him, a hand reached up, tapping on his shoulder. “What can I do mate? I’m talking to the girl.”
Jimin chuckled, standing beside you. “Yeah, my girl. Now if you could kindly do one that would be great, we’re trying to enjoy a nice evening together.”
“She wasn’t worth it anyway, far too cheap for me,” he scolded, brushing you aside as if he hadn’t just clearly tried to get in your pants.
“I leave you alone for five minutes and this is what happens. I’m sorry this happened jagi, are you doing alright? Do you want me to take you home?”
“No, I think I’m good now.”
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He knew the boys would never hurt you, but he was always wary. They often found you hanging around the studio, even if you weren’t necessarily wanted to be around.
“Have you not got anywhere better to be?” Yoongi asked you as their rehearsal came to an end. “Surely you don’t want to be sat around the studio all day doing nothing.”
“I don’t mind, I like supporting you all and seeing the things you get up to. Do you not want me here?” You asked, confused by his negativity.
He sighed, shaking his head. “I just think it would be beneficial if you weren’t here all the time.”
Behind him, Taehyung cleared his throat, having heard the whole conversation. “What gives you the right to speak to her in this way Yoongi.”
“It’s not that. I just think that it would be good for you to not have her distracting you all the time,” he tried to reason, but Taehyung was having none of it.
“Having her here is what gives me the motivation to do well. She’s not going anywhere,” he snapped, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist.
“Thank you, Tae, you’re too cute.”
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Looking around you were terrified by all the notes that you had scattered around the table, you were at a loss, barely able to hold yourself together anymore as you struggled with it all.
“Jagi, don’t you think it’s about time that you put the work down and took some time for yourself,” Jungkook proposed, sitting down beside you at the coffee table. “Please.”
“I really need to sort all of this out, I just need some time then I’ll be fine,” you replied, not eve bringing your eyes up to look at him.
He shook his head, grabbing your hands. “I’m not taking no for an answer, listen to me.”
His hands pulled your face up to look at him. “Listen to me Kook. This work needs to be done, and I need to do it before the deadline comes.”
“Then please take a moment to help sort yourself out so then you can study again, rather than lose yourself more, and forget all about this.”
“I hate that you’re always right, it’s so annoying,” you grumbled, pushing your work away from you. “You’ve got twenty minutes of my time.”
“That’s all the time I need.”
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH31
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,782
- Author Note: Happy new year! the beginning of the year has always been crazy, hahaha sorry for late update~ my goals are still similar, to finish posting BTS caretaker before 2021 endss. stay safe everyone <3
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Chapter 31
“Nuna!” Hoon announced while making his way inside the shop with a bright smile. “You seem happy” Seul popped out behind the counter with a huge smile. Wongeun looked at Hoon quizzically, from the corner of his eyes he caught a glimpse of giggly high schoolers swooning over the young man in front of him.
He let out a small chuckle “Someone earns bunch of fangirls” Seul followed his gaze and cringed instantly at the sight.
“What is so good about Hoon?” she slanted a look his ways and found him frowning as he gazed up Seul’s face. His eyes narrowed as he sneered sarcastically “Do I need to remind you I appeared in a show which is insanely famous with bunch of other good-looking men on planet. Technically, I am a celebrity now” Wongeun stared at him in amazement, more like because of Hoon’s confidence.
“Celebrity my foot. The only good-looking about you is your smart brain. Drinks?” she repressed her giggle watching the younger guy pulled a long face, looking petulant. “Mango smoothies. Your treat” he trailed off to his seat before his sister could protest.
Wongeun nudged her, laughing heartily “I wonder where he got that attitude, he is a male version of you” she had a dissatisfied look on her face, and he couldn’t stop teasing her until she had enough. Seul ditched Wongeun and prepared Hoon’s drink as she was excited to hear the good news from him.
She prepared the drink with extra care and love knowing how things had changed between them. These days had been nothing but rainbows. Hoon opened up to her more, and they learned how to respect each other. That was more than enough to foster this relationship.
“Boo!” Hwasa came up behind her unannounced with hope to startle the girl, but only to get twisted on ears by Seul. “Ow, Ji Seul! You, horrible woman” she swatted her hand, rubbing her ears with a slight pout.
“That is what you get for fooling around like a kid. Why are you late today?” she pressed.
“There you go acting like a mom. I had to submit my final project. I will take over the night shift today, so you can head back early to meet your oppas” she was teasing Seul, wiggling her brows up and down.
Seul rolled her eyes at her “Meet my my oppas” she mirrored her making the latter to throw a nasty glare. “The only oppas that I approve is Jeon Jungkook, have you made up your mind yet?” Hwasa’s question paused her beating heart. It continued to pump not long after a little quicker and wilder than earlier. She was affected by it though she tried her best to get used to the fact that there were men lined up behind her.
Clearing her dry throat, she placed the drink on the tray along with a plate of brownies. She avoided her best friend wary glance, just when she thought Hwasa finally took her discomfort seriously, the girl spoke up again. “Lucky woman. You have Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around your little finger. You are basically living the dreams of every girl on planet” she pursed her lips.
“You don’t need to emphasize my small fingers. Gosh, if and only you know how hard it is to deal with those hormonal men” Hwasa choke up as her ears caught the last phrase clearly. She let out a high pitch squeal surprising everyone in the shop. Panickily, Seul covered her loud mouth with her hand hushing her down.
Hwasa was exaggerating her reaction which annoyed the hell out of her, “Oh my god, what do you mean by hormonal men? What did they do to you?” her voice was muffled underneath Seul’s palm. She pulled away her hand, glaring at her best friend signalling her to stop asking questions. To her dismay, questions after questions came from her without stop.
“Did you do it with any of the members?”
“If yes then who?”
“Goodness! Could it be Min Yoongi! I knew it since he is the most aggressive one!”
“Wait-Wait could it be Jeon Jungkook? He may be innocent, but I wonder what is hidden under those shirt”
Seul’s cheeks reddened like a ripe tomato as Hwasa continued to harass her mind with those wild imagination “Yah! It is not like what you think. Stop stop, I am getting dizzy. This is not working. Our conversation ends right now. Cover for me, I need to talk to Hoon” she shook her head and flee from the scene before her precious best friend explored another topic to annoy her.
Hwasa gawked in disbelief watching the girl disappeared from her sight without giving her any answers.
“Guess what!” he clasped his hand, resting his elbows on the table. Seul scrutinized his face with a questionable look “You got dumped by a girl?” he reached out and flicked her forehead earning a nasty scowl from the girl.
Hoon frowned “No, you silly! Remember I went for an audition today?” he chortled excitedly.
“So, you got kicked out before you could even open your dirty mouth?” she joked.
Gasping dramatically, he placed a hand over his chest as if he just got shot by a bullet “Of course not meanie! I got in. Well, not officially as a trainee but I passed the first and second stage. Next month, I will be meeting them again for the final stage” Seul smiled fondly at her brother. He continued to share his story and his face lit up with a bright smile.
Just seeing the smile on his face was enough to keep her satisfied for the rest of her life. Hoon’s happiness meant the world to her. “Are you happy Hoon-ah?” he nodded without any hesitation.
“Then that is enough. As long as you are happy, I will always be with you. I promise..” she brightens her smile, grasping his hand in hers.
His large hand began stroking hers “Thank you nuna for having a faith in me. I will not waste this opportunity and make you and mother proud! Oh, by the time I become a big star like BTS, I am hiring you as my personal caretaker. You can quit your job at BTS” he cracked a silly grin.
“I am so not babysitting you Ji Hoon! Ew, that sounds torturous and hellish” she cringed at the thought.
“It is not that bad. I am your brother, so it is better to look after your own flesh rather than strangers. Wait, don’t tell me you are dating one of the members since you seem reluctant to leave them?” his eyes bore into hers, mentally judging his sister.
“Are you here to pick a fight? Don’t you dare to have those wicked ideas in your head. Now finish your drinks and brownies, I need to work” she whacked him on the back of his head making the latter to hiss in pain.
“What is that for?! I am stating the obvious! Just so you know I like someone dependable like Jin hyung or Namjoon hyung to look after a clumsy woman like you” rubbing his head, he pouted slightly.
Seul gritted his teeth “What is with everyone invading my personal life?! You and Hwasa need to mind your own business, my god. Give me a break will you!” she leaned back into the seat and squeezed her eyes.
She waggled at his direction, gesturing the innocent guy to leave “Don’t stay, you only bring more harm than good. I will pack your brownies and enjoy it at home instead. You’re giving me a major headache” she massaged her temples, groaning lowly.
“Yah you evil witch! I am still your customer. Should I report you to your manager?”
She rose out of her seat, shooting daggers at his way “You don’t even pay for your drinks. Get ready to leave, Ji Hoon-ssi” Hoon pursed his lips before muttering something just to annoy Seul again. “If you don’t want Jin hyung or Namjoon hyung. Yoongi hyung would suffice. He is a cool hyung.” she walloped his head again, cussing in her head.
“Ji Seul-ssi that is rude!”
“You deserve that”
When the clock struck six, Seul’s shift ended and she was ready to meet the boys at their dorm. They spammed their group chat in the last two hours with tons of selfies and irrelevant messages just to get her attention. Scanning the messages briefly, she scoffed at their childishness and shoved her phone inside her sling bag.
She fixed her hair one last time before heading out, bidding farewell to her fellow colleagues. Wongeun who noticed her presence at the counter, stopped whatever he was doing and shifted his attention on her “Do you have to work again after this?” his eyes disappeared as he smiled.
“No, I am meeting my friend. Are you staying until the closing?” Wongeun pressed his lips, glancing at the round clock on the wall. “Seems like it. Our boss plans to pay a visit” her mouth agape in horror.
“Oppa! Why didn’t you tell me that our boss is coming? I can’t leave if he is planning to come. Would it be rude to leave since this is his first time visiting us?” out of habit, she chewed her nails and started to freak out.
Wongeun chuckled lightly “You are overreacting. That old man doesn’t even know who is working here, all he knows is the number of the employee. Don’t worry, your shift already ends. You don’t need to stay though. Enjoy your time with your friend” Seul stared at him suspiciously.
“But, what if he is not in a good mood and-“ the tall guy cut her off once again, chuckling softly. “That won’t happen, can you just leave peacefully and stop worrying about him” he said firmly.
Placing the dry dishes on the island, Hwasa nodded in agreement “We will handle him. Go and meet your oppas. They must be waiting!” Wongeun crossed his arms, gazing tenderly at Seul.
“Oppas? How many oppas that you have which isn’t me?” she let out a tired sigh, glaring at her best friend who had put her innocent façade. Sneaky woman.
“I am not going to have this talk again. Hwasa if I hear you spread another rumour about me, I will strangle you to death. It is a promise” she said, exchanging a hard stare with her. “I will see you guys tomorrow. Have fun meeting the boss. Take photos for me, bye!” she winked cheekily, making her way to the entrance.
Seul bumped into someone as she got close to the entrance and looked up into the stranger’s eyes. To her distaste, the stranger is not really a stranger at least to her. She remembered those eyes. Her mind and body froze suddenly. Every muscle in her body tightened as a flash of memories gushed in her mind. It was him.
She could tell his eyes flickered in amusement and confusion. He had aged since the last time she saw him. His face got thinner, there was an obvious wrinkled at the corner of his sharp eyes, but she remembered those cruel eyes. The evil eyes had thrusted into her iris causing her to squirm under his cold gaze.
Her face contorted in pain and disgust. She felt the need to escape from this place immediately, or else the horrible memories might come attacking her again. This time there’s no Jin’s kisses to save her.
His hands almost rested on her body but shield away before they could. He gazed at her with heavy eyes that gleamed darkly “It has been a long time” this man’s voice disgusted her and sent chills down her spine. How was it possible to meet him again after years?  
Seul clenched and unclenched her fists. Seul’s silent treatment caused him to frown in disapproval. He disliked her coldness and rudeness. “You never change, I can see..” he sneered with a smirk.
Fighting dizziness, she managed to get back her sense and walked pass the man avoiding his fiery gaze. The only thing matters right now was to escape from this evil man. She would not allow him to control her life or worse claiming her as his. Wongeun and Hwasa were left in daze as they watched her figure disappeared from their vicinity.
Realizing that he had been staring way too long at the older man, Wongeun gathered his thought and hurriedly welcoming the man, forcing a smile on his face “Good evening Sir” Hwasa eyes widened upon hearing the greetings. Her body automatically bended over into a deep bow mirroring Wongeun, showing respect to their employer.
The man moved his eyes down scrutinizing the young man before him as he finally straightened up “The young lady just now, is she one of the employee here?” his questions startled Wongeun.
“Yes, Sir! Ji Seul has been working here for two years. Please forgive her cold demeanour, she has no idea that you will be coming. And, she doesn’t know you are the owner” said Wongeun. He sounded like he’s pleading the old man to spare Seul’s life.
A small smirk edged the corners of his mouth “Interesting. Let’s get back to business. Bring out the annual report” he ordered.
7 Years Ago
Scanning the dark room, Seul squeezed the hot tears out in despair. She had tried to open the oak door using every ounce of her strength. Unfortunately, it came to no avail. There was no sign of Mr Kwon coming to mentally and physically tortured her today.
Every day was hell.
She suffered an intense psychological harassment, which drained her energy.
The cruel man would tie her up to the bedpost leaving her only in her undergarments. He would use different toys or equipment just to torture her. To see her body squirm and writhed under his touch was driving him up the walls. Even so, he had never go beyond the boundaries. As much as he wanted to take her in that manner, yet he had a better plan for the young girl.
He must make sure she’s ready to receive him.
He liked it raw and rough, so he cared of her ability to take him in fully one day.
And, that one day happened to be sooner than he thought.
He was satisfied with his work of art, Seul was not an easy girl but she handled the torture so well which made him even more eager to taste her.
Mr Kwon was not a normal paedophile but a sadist. He was sick in the head.
The sound of the door opening made her squirm in fear, she backed away, until her back hit the brick wall. She shuddered as she heard the faint footsteps approaching. Seul couldn’t feel her body anymore knowing what would happen to her in a minute.
The usual torture.
The usual pain.
She collected her knees to her chest, burying her face in her knees and started to bawl her eyes out. Screaming in her head, she wanted to push the old man away from her only with her powerful screaming. How she wished it worked that way?
The man kneeled in front of her, oddly he didn’t smell reek alcohol and tobacco. That was very unusual since she was used to his dirty scent. She could tell from few feet away with her eyes closed with a mere smell. This time around the person in front of her showed no sign of Mr Kwon’s signature smile and horrible breath.
“Hey..Are you alright?” at the sound of his voice, she lifted her head with an effort. Tilting her head confusedly, she stared at the individual in bafflement. He looked around his age with his cute bangs almost covering his eyes. For some reason, he gave away some kind of glowing aura that made her feel secured and safe.
The young boy spoke up once again garnering her attention “You are Seul right? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he reached out to touch her arms but watching her flinched and ducked away from his touch, he murmured a soft sorry.
“We have to get you out from here. Can you trust me?” she averted her gaze and shook her head like he expected.
He sighed softly “Look, Mr Kwon is my uncle. Yeah, I know I have a bastard uncle.  Hell, he is not even my real uncle but a week ago, I saw him brought you in. I thought he finally adopted a kid from the orphanage, but I was wrong. I..watched how he tortured you every day. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I planned to save you from this house. Trust me, I don’t like him either. If there is one person that you can trust in this house, then it is me. I will help you to escape” as soon as he began to talk of this, her lips trembled, and her tears began to fall.
“Seul.. please give me a chance. I can help you. I can help your mother and your brother. Your father won’t be able to bother you anymore”
Seul croaked “H-ow.. you find out about my family?” she shifted her gaze away from her afraid this was another way for the old man to fool her.
“Let’s just say. I.. pretty much spied on my uncle. I went through his office, I saw the contract that he made with your father. I knew about his money issues that he sold you in exchanged of freedom from his debt. I am sorry Seul that you have to suffer this way, but I am here to help. Trust me please. We don’t have much time..” he muttered desperately as he eyes darted at the door in case his evil uncled made an appearance there.
Seul bit her chapped lips, feeling remorseful at this sudden appearance of her knight and shining armour. She had nothing to lose anyway.
Reluctantly, she nodded weakly “Okay. Let’s go! He will be back in 10 minutes. I managed to distract him for a bit, so I can sneak in. Brace yourself this escape will be nasty” Seul blinked her eyes cluelessly watching him grabbing clothes from the closet.
He bended forwards and whispered “Can you stand?” she palmed the wall behind her for support as she pulled her strength to stand on her own feet. The latter flashed a quick smile and helped her to put the grey sweater on.
Reaching out to her hand, he interlaced their hand together. She flinched at the contact of their skin and looked up at him with a glint of hope. Their gaze locked, and he gave her an assuring smile “Let’s go Seul” Seul nodded obediently following his every step, exiting the dreadful room.
I will trust you. I will follow you. Seul chanted in her head encouraging herself to do this without regret.
Present Day
There was no text or call from Seul causing the boys to have cold feet. They had planned to watch movies together with Seul before they flew to Japan tomorrow. God knows when they will be able to meet her again once the tour starts.
Jimin had brilliantly suggested to have a movie marathon today and thankfully Seul didn’t have to serve her usual night shift.
12AM and there was no sign of Seul.
Tired of waiting, some of the boys ended up falling asleep on the couch whilst Jungkook stayed up waiting for her arrival.
He tried to reach her numerous times, yet it brought him straight to the voicemail. Yoongi sat up groggily and his eyes landed on Jungkook whom looking anxious at the corner “Any news from Seul?” his rough voice brought the maknae back to reality.
“Still can’t reach her” his lips emitted a heavy sigh.
Yoongi glanced at his phone “It is unusual for her to leave us hanging without a text. Don’t worry she will be fine gukkie, something must come up. Head to bed. It is late” he stretched a little, running his hand to his sore back.
Jungkook smiled meekly “Hyung, sleep in your room. I will clean this up and head to bed right after” he stood up from his seat with distressed face. Yoongi bid him a goodnight and went straight to his room though deep down inside he’s worried sick of Seul. The least that he could do was to be optimist about the whole thing. She is a strong lady, nothing would happen to her.
 Seul wandered aimlessly around the city dragging her soulless body to find peace. An escape from this awful reality is all she needed. Recollecting the memories back only to pain her even more and it reopened the wounds. She had somehow ended up in front of Bangtan’s apartment, with a single move she will be reunited with the seven sunshine.
It dawned on her, that she was in no place to burden them with her problems. They had enough things to deal in life. Her hand curled into a tight fist, as she turned her heels to leave the place right way.
This wasn’t right.
She shouldn’t come here.
She must go.
“Seul…I know you will come” she heard her name being called. Seul turned around to find the owner of the voice stood at the entrance handsomely in his oversized white tshirt. Just when she assumed her world was dark and loney, there were Jungkook presence radiating love and grace transported her to a higher place called, hope.
He closed their distant, looking at her confused “Seul.. Where were you? God, you are worrying us” Jungkook’s voice rang in her ears, weakened her knees. The young man noticed her puffy eyes, and his brows furrowed in concern.
Giving her no time to respond, he inquired “Have you been crying? What happened baby?” he reached his finger to caress her wet cheeks. Little did he know, his little action made her to cry her heart out again. This emotion is overpowering her. She couldn’t handle it.
His eyes rounded in sheer surprised, and like a reflex he wounded his arms around her tight, embracing the girl closely. “Baby, what is wrong” he whispered. Jungkook lower down to match his height with her, running his hand up and down on her back. He hummed softly to calm her down “I am here. It is alright” her body trembled due to the intensity.
Sera ran his finger to his chest, clutching onto his shirt listening to his beating heartbeat. They stayed like that for a while, embracing each other before Jungkook led her inside the apartment quietly. The couple reside in his room, while Jungkook went out to get a warm drink for Seul.
He came back few minutes a later with a cup of warm water which she gladly took and gulped it down in one shot. Jungkook chuckled lightly and place a gentle kiss on top of her head “Cute. Now mind telling me, what happened to you?” she looked down, feeling the sadness came creeping in again.
Jungkook took her small hands in his, as he stroked it affectionately “Look, I wont force you to tell me if you are not ready. But, I will always be here to listen to your worries. Tell me whenever you are ready. Don’t bear the pain alone, it is meant to be shared” he tucked the strand of hair behind her hears.
She looked sadly at him, and mumbled “Will you listen to me till the end? Will you promise me that you will never hate me?” the despair and sorrow in her eyes were evident making the latter to frown in his seat. Just what happened to her that she looked this soulless?
He pecked her lips, smiling genuinely “I promise I will listen to you till the end. It is impossible to hate you Seul, I am listening” he stroked her hair, admiring her feature. She took a deep breath before finally revealing the pain that she kept to herself for years. Seul spoke to no one about her dark past making Jungkook as the first outsider to know about it. Telling him this was not easy but seeing how Jungkook would listen attentively to her story, with unreadable expression, Seul mustered up her courage until she reached the end of it.
“I…am not the girl that you think I would be Jungkook”
There was a long pause and silence, a cold silence. Her stomach sank. Did Jungkook feel disgusted of her? Dread and fear saturated her sense.
“Scumbag..” he said it at last. “He’s a snobby old ratbag. How could he do that to a fifteen years old girl?! Fuck, if I get my hands on him. I will fucking kill him without mercy” all this time, she never heard Jungkook spouting some nasty remarks and it really scared her to see this side of him.
Seul embraced him out of fear, baffling the furious guy in process “I..dont want to be reminded with this memory. Now, that I met him again.. I am scared Jungkook.. I am scared” she buried her face in his shoulder, damping his shirt with her tears.
“I will protect you from him” he encircled one of his arm around her waist, holding her close to his body. “I vow to protect you, I won’t let him touch even a strand of your hair” his voice was soothing even the promises that he made convinced her that she had nothing to fear as long as Jungkook’s there for her.
“Thank you..” she rubbed her face in his shoulder, leaving a soft kiss on his shoulder blade. He sighed deeply, pulling away from the hug, resting his forehead against her “You have me. No matter what happen, I will never leave you in the dark, baby” he whispered romantically causing her face reddened.
Baby. She made a mental note that Jungkook had been calling her baby for the umpteenth time tonight.
He rubbed their nose together, smiling handsomely which melted her cold heart. Jungkook slowly smiled before leaning down to take her mouth in a soft kiss. It turned passionate as they let their emotions took over. He was ticked off that the old man ruined her life just to fulfil his rotten lust. His sense of responsibility towards Seul thickened. Security and love, that’s what he’s willing to provide for her.
They stopped moving and looked into each other’s eyes. He rubbed his nose up against hers, blowing wisps of hair from her eyes before he moved in again. Jungkook gave her waist a deep stroke and dropped his head forward, moving swiftly and capturing her bottom lips devouring her sweetness. This time the kisses were not slow, they were hard and hungry.
Their lips moved together, overlapping each other’s. He pushed her body lightly onto the soft mattress, as he hovered over her. Seul moaned into the kisses, pulling him closer to her desperate to feel his warmth all over her body again.
His hand roamed down to cup her bottoms, bringing her flush against him. They gasped softly, feeling their body burn up to the sensation. He inhaled her sweet scent and moved to kiss down her jaw as his hand sliding down to her throat, caressing the skin gently.
Jungkook trailed a string of kisses across her shoulder, and inched closer to her neck. Pressing a kiss to her neck, he brushed his lips down over her soft skin drinking in the sweet scent of her. She thought her heart exploded from this ministration.
Seul stroked his chest over the clothes, moving down to his obvious abs. His biceps flexed as she skimmed her hand beneath the shirt, rubbing his hard muscle in the most torturous way earning a low groan from the man. Warmth spread throughout her as he stripped her blouse away, pressing their heated body together.
He returned to love every inch of her skin.
Every tug of his mouth on her sensitive skin sent a sweet spike of pleasure in her.
Jungkook never thought being closed to a girl like this sent wild spiral of sensual magic through him. Watching how she wrecked with pleasure under him, made him wanted to love her all night.
He wanted to make her feel special.
He wanted her to himself.
He wanted her so desperately.
The darkness of the night was not the clean blackness but a thick darkness which swallowed the sound of their desperate grunts.
 This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
The Baby Project || M.YG || Bonus Chapter #1
Pairing : Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Summary : This is an extra chapter for my finished series 'The Baby Project
Wordcount: 0.7k
The Baby Project Masterlist
Also, I didn't add the tag list cos I didn't know if any of y'all wanted to be tagged for a bonus chapter. Oh and I uploaded before midnight today :D.
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" Yah, Hurry up! I wanna go!~" Jaehyuk whined as you were still putting on your shoes.
Today you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi were going to a fun fair because Jaehyuk had really wanted to go there. The drive to the specific fun fair he'd seen was about an hour, but according to him, it'd be worth it.
Jaehyuk has been back in your lives for around seven months now, and to all of you it felt natural to just be together.
After a week, none of you tip toed around each other. For example, Yoongi used to always walk around in his underwear im the morning, and after a week of Jaehyuk living under your roof, he continued like he always did.
Jaehyuk had been a little wary of it first but before you knew it, he too had started walking around in his underwear.
" Yah, don't use that tone on your mother Hyuk'. It's rude." Yoongi pointed out gently.
Jaehyuk's behavior had changed over the years, and that sometimes made it difficult to correct, but Yoongi managed to put it in words after a while on how to tell him.
" But you sometimes use that tone on her too." Jaehyuk complained.
" Yes, but I am married to her. Unless you want to marry your mother, I suggest you talk to her with respect at all times." Yoongi deadpanned.
Jaehyuk made a face akeen to disgust, but changed his expression once he saw your amused face.
" No thank you. I'll find my own wife at some point of my life I'm sure." He said as you chuckled.
" Alright boys, let's go!" You cheered as you grabbed your bag.
" Yah, I'm your husband don't adress me as if I'm a boy." Your husbabd cringed.
" Oh, I'm sorry Honeyponny, is that better?" 
" Ew. Please flirt after my bedtime."
" Mum, can I talk to you?" Jaehyuk asked after spending a few hours there.
" Of course sweetie, what's wrong?" You asked him as you waved Yoongi off, who took your heed and went to get candyfloss.
" I know that I said that it'd be fun here. But it's a little too crowded. Can we go home early?" Jaehyuk asked, not meetimg your eyes as he felt a little guilty.
His friends had been ecstatic about the fun fair, and he honestly tough it would have been fun, but he didn't think it would be this crowded and that every line would be that long.
You ran your hand trough his hair with a soft smile, a habit you had with both of your boys, or well, your boy and your man.
Jaehyuk's shoulders instantly relaxed a little, his posture less tense as the familiar feeling of being safe and protected came over him.
" Sure sweetie. And it's alright, you can't know how to feel about certain things without experiencing it first." You smiled.
Jaehyuk let out a breath of relief.
Yoongi returned after a moment.
You knew for a fact that Yoongi was uncomfortable with so many people around too. Even tough he always worked backstage at busy concerts, he still felt a little misplaced when he was in fun fairs or overall just crowded places.
" Let's go home. I think we're all a little tired." You told Yoongi, who looked confused.
" I mean sure? Hyukie, are you set on leaving yet or do you want to stay a little longer?" Yoongi asked him.
Jaehyuk shook his head.
" No. I want to go home too." He said.
Yoongi shrugged but nodded.
" Thank god, some people here really smell."
[A/N: This is really just a random chapter, but y'all seemed to be sad that the story ended even tough it had like 23 or sum chapters lol. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm think about writing a Q & A chapter from the characters point of biew, it'll have 4 smoll parts ( one for Y/N, one for Jaehyuk, one for Yoongi, and one for your author dipshit. So ask away your questions :D]
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hungline · 5 years
sweater paws
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pairing: namseok   genre: angst, fluff, uni au, f2l au, rated g  warnings: none  words: 1365 
summary: He won't admit to enjoying the way the long sleeves of Namjoon's hoodie fall past his knuckles and gift him with sweater paws that usually make Hoseok weak in the knees whenever Namjoon's sporting them.
They're cute, obviously, but they're more of Namjoon's thing than his actually.
⇢ day three of namseok week 2018 
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"So you and Joon, huh? Finally."
Hoseok startles up from his lunch, eyes meeting Yoongi's and becoming puzzled by the relieved expression on his face. "Huh?"
Yoongi rolls his eyes, reaching out to tug on the rolled up sleeve of Hoseok's hoodie. "That's his hoodie, isn't it? I know it's his. No one else would wear something that blatantly yellow and be able to get away with it."
Hoseok looks down at his hoodie, pushing the sleeve up his arm again so he can continue to eat unbothered. Eventually, he shrugs, not really understanding what Yoongi meant in the first place. It's normal for friends to borrow each other's clothes. Perfectly normal.
Or at least, that's what Hoseok had told himself when he'd woken up pressed against Namjoon in the younger's dorm room, their chests touching one another's and their breaths intermingling in the air between them. Namjoon hadn't woken up when Hoseok prodded him in the arm, claiming he had no classes today and so Hoseok had let him sleep. He had rolled over the younger, taking care to not let Namjoon bear most of his weight as he did, then Hoseok had pulled the hoodie on as he left, taking a moment to take a deep inhale of Namjoon's scent on the soft material once he'd closed the door to Namjoon's dorm room behind him. He'd ushered off to Literature class afterward, almost late but managed to make it right on time.
Since then, he's gone through two of his morning classes and is now enjoying his hour and a half lunch before he rushes to the last class of his day. He'll admit to sniffing the hoodie throughout the morning because with how good Namjoon smells, it's pretty hard not to, but he won't admit to enjoying the way the long sleeves of Namjoon's hoodie fall past his knuckles and gift him with sweater paws that usually make Hoseok weak in the knees whenever Namjoon's sporting them.
They're cute, obviously, but they're more of Namjoon's thing than his actually.
Anyway, back to Yoongi.
"Yeah. It's his," Hoseok mumbles, taking a bite out of his sandwich, chewing then swallowing it before he adds, "So what?"
Yoongi blinks, his relieved expression morphing into one of caution instead. "Nothing. I'm just glad Namjoon finally confessed is all."
Hoseok takes a moment to make sure that he heard Yoongi correctly. When the words only seem to echo in his head, he notches it to the side and looks up to stare at the elder again. "I'm sorry. What? Confess?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," Yoongi sniffs, indifferent until the look of confusion in Hoseok's eyes doesn't lessen. "Wait ー shit ー don't tell me he didn'tー"
Hoseok is pretty sure that he's never seen Yoongi's eyes that big or that panicked before, but he doesn't get a chance to tease the elder for it because suddenly there's a very familiar presence standing behind Hoseok and a warm hand on his shoulder as the seat beside him is dragged out. Yoongi's mouth closes with a sharp snap that must've hurt the elder and he ducks his head as Namjoon takes his seat beside Hoseok, his lunch of carrot chips, bubble tea and two sandwiches already on the table before them.
"'Sup guys?" Namjoon asks, already tearing into his lunch before he's even finished speaking.
Yoongi mutters something about a forgotten project under his breath then grabs the rest of his lunch, dumps it and leaves Hoseok and Namjoon to themselves. Namjoon looks after him with a puzzled look on his face, then turns to pin Hoseok with it.
"Something wrong with hyung? He left in a hurry," Namjoon says, one brow arched in question.
Hoseok shrugs, not really sure about what just happened himself but happy to still have company as he finishes his lunch. "I don't know. He was saying some weird stuff before you got here."
"Like what?"
Namjoon's mouth is full of sandwich at this point, but when Hoseok looks up to answer he finds that the words die in his throat as a sudden realization dawns upon him. His mouth is probably hanging open and it must be weird because Namjoon is giving him a concerned look now, but Hoseok's only paying attention to the epiphany he's experiencing right now.
And then oh, that explains a lot.
Hoseok tilts his head to the side to study Namjoon, watching the way the younger keeps looking at his mouth before trailing down to his stolen hoodie then back up again. And yeah, okay, Hoseok's an idiot sometimes when it comes to feelings, but honestly, he should've noticed the way that Namjoon is incredibly in love with him a long time ago.
Namjoon clears his throat when Hoseok still hasn't said anything and the elder hastens to reply, then, hoping with all hope that he's right.
"He asked if you had finally confessed, and you know, it didn't make sense at first when he asked me, but looking at you looking at me makes me see what hyung was talking about and I don't expect this to change anything between us, but I just wanted you to know thatー ARE YOU CHOKING?" Hoseok's spiel is cut short when he notices that Namjoon is hunched over, thumping his chest repeatedly as he coughs harshly, his entire frame shaking with the force of it.
Hoseok beats his back then guides Namjoon into an upright position where he can properly make the younger drink some water to help wash the sandwich down. Namjoon swallows it roughly, looking as if it's a great feat, but Hoseok doesn't let himself smile in reassurance until Namjoon's leaning back in his chair, now wary of the food in front of him.
They don't say anything for a few moments, but Hoseok intends to get this over with right now because he's been pining after Namjoon for years, too blind to notice that the younger had been pining after him right back and really, it's high past time they got their shit together.
"So before you so rudely interrupted me with your choking, I was trying to tell you that I think we should date," Hoseok huffs out, pretending to be annoyed by Namjoon's antics.
Namjoon blinks, ducking his head as a blush blossoms across his cheeks. "Um."
Hoseok leans forward into his space, not close enough to be uncomfortable but enough that it'll get Namjoon's full attention on him. "You like me, right? I like you. Kind of been in love with you since we graduated high school actually."
Namjoon sputters, mumbling something under his breath that Hoseok has to ask him to repeat. "Of course I like you. I've loved you since middle school."
Hoseok leans in closer, Namjoon's scent growing stronger as he approaches him. "So, we should date. I mean, I look cute in your clothes, don't I? And aren't you supposed to wear your boyfriend's hoodies when you're in a relationship? We're already halfway there then."
Hoseok is practically vibrating with excitement, his inner self cooing at the adorable way Namjoon flushes a darker pink while toying with his fingers. It's cute, Namjoon is cute and Hoseok thought he'd be scared and afraid when he last thought of confessing, but right now, he's just happy. Happy and excited and positively vibrating in his seat with joy.
Eventually, Namjoon reaches out and takes Hoseok's hand in his, nodding shyly as he peers up into Hoseok's face to meet his steady gaze. "Yeah, I guess we're already there."
Hoseok whoops loudly in the cafeteria, uncaring of the dirty looks other students shoot them and kisses Namjoon's cheeks once the younger has pulled him back into his seat. The tips of Namjoon's ears start to flush red then and Hoseok smiles.
Sweater paws are more Namjoon's style, but Hoseok won't miss an opportunity to wear his boyfriend's hoodies now that they're really together, after all this time, instead of dancing around each other and their feelings like they've been doing since they were teenagers.
And, hopefully, they'll stay together for a long time to come as well.
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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Chapter Five
Summary: When you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. But after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. In the late 18th Century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. Will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind?
A/N: did MC really think it was going to be that easy? her job isn’t over yet... Also, this chapter we meet Taehyung! You guys are gonna love him, Sov!Tae is my favorite Tae yet xx
When you awake, it’s the middle of the night. You can feel the warmth and pressure of Jimin lying beside you, snoring away quietly. You sit up, deftly detaching your limbs from his, and squint as you look for the red bars of the alarm clock somewhere in the darkness.
When you find it around where Jimin’s bedside table is, your eyes widen. Instead of numbers for the time, your name is spelt out in boxy lines, glowing ominously red in the night. You rub your eyes and look again, but it says the same.
“Y/n.” You jump, and whirl around, looking to the other side of the room. There’s a small light, a flame flickering. What’s odd is that rather than it coming from a lamp or a match, it licks at the tips of somebody’s hand. A hand covered in familiar rings of bone and wood.
“Yoongi?” you whisper incredulously. “How did you get to the future?”
He scoffs, the sound awfully loud in the oppressive silence of Jimin’s bedroom. “I’m not in the future, you fool. You’re dreaming.”
You gape at him, or rather, where you imagine his face to be. “You can enter people’s dreams? I’m not even in the same time as you!”
The flame moves closer to him and grows in size, lighting up the corner of the room he stands in. His face glows orange in front of the flame just like it did when you first met him. A reflective glare dances across his eyes as he stares down at you with a placid smile. “You really shouldn’t drink whatever someone gives you, Y/n. Who knows what I could’ve put in it?”
“Hey!” you hiss, still wary of waking Jimin up, even if this Jimin is a figment of your imagination. “That’s not fair! Get out of my dream, loser!”
He sighs and sits down on the side of the bed, pinning your legs down as he does. “Y/n, His Royal Highness was not happy when he sent one of his men to my house to collect you and you weren’t there. I had to tell him you were feeling indisposed. I do hate having to lie to authority, Y/n, and next time I won’t be so considerate. Like it or not, you now have obligations and responsibility in my time, and I expect you to honor them.”
You huff and wriggle your legs underneath his ass in complaint. “You said I had to save the King from dying today, and I did. As far as I’m concerned, I’m done with that place. I don’t want to fuck things up. What if I accidentally say or do the wrong thing and I return to 2019 and everything’s on fire? Besides, I have a life here, you know?”
He sighs again, slow and dramatic, and leans closer to you, near enough that the flame in his hand begins to warm the skin of your face. “You didn’t save him. Well, not completely. He’s sick, Y/n. The wound is leaking some strange yellow fluid and he’s been running a fever for hours now.”
You groan, flopping back against the pillows. “The wound got infected? Didn’t I tell that doctor dude to disinfect it? He should’ve let me stay.”
“Seokjin doesn’t know what to do,” Yoongi explains, “he washed the wound with water and wrapped it, but still it isn’t healing. We need you to come back and fix this.”
You rub your eyes, and glance down at Jimin’s sleeping form. He’s wrapped himself back around you, clutching at the fabric of your pajama top. “Fine, let’s go. I’ll write Jimin a note. If my boyfriend gets sick of me and we break up, it’s your fault!”
He tuts at you. “Y/n, this is a dream. You can’t go anywhere. When you wake up, return to us hastily. I’ll take you back to the palace; King Jeon is already bedridden.”
You bite your lip and nod. “Can I…bring stuff through? If I’m going to do this right, I’ll need proper medication. I can put it in a glass container so that it doesn’t look like it’s from the future.”
“Of course, you can take stuff through the passage. If you couldn’t, you would’ve arrived naked, no?”
“Touché. Okay, go away, I’m going back to sleep. And stay out of my dreams!”
Yoongi sighs once more, but once the flame in his hands is extinguished, the pressure on your legs disappears and you feel yourself becoming drowsy rapidly, falling back into unconsciousness.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You sigh in relief when you hear Namjoon’s voice on the other end of the line. “Thank god you picked up, I have another research emergency.” You listen to his hearty chuckle, completely confounded as to how he can be so awake at barely five a.m. You swear that guy never sleeps. “I was going to come down there, but I’m a little pressed for time and I was hoping you’d know. King Jeon, 1743. Does he still die that year?”
“What do you mean, still? I told you the other day; King Jeon dies of a fatal infection. Did you forget already?”
You pause, half-dressed as you quietly hop around Jimin’s room, not wanting to wake him. “What? You told me he was stabbed and bled to death.”
Namjoon sniggers. “Oh my god, scatterbrain, you seriously did forget? No, he got stabbed in his royal court, but the wound developed an infection, I’m almost certain.”
You sigh, fumbling one-handed with your jeans zip. “Could you maybe check for me?”
Namjoon clicks his tongue. “Your lack of faith is hurtful, Y/n. Give me two minutes, tops.” The noise on the other end drops out, and you take the chance to track down some notepad paper on Jimin’s desk and write him an apology note. Fuck King Jeon and his fickle mortality, at this rate your boyfriend would get sick of your excuses by the month’s end. You slip out the door and down the hallway. Hopefully this time would be the last time. “Y/n, you there? Good, okay, I was right. There’s an old scrap of a newspaper here; says that he met with a witch and a shaman and died of a wound infection within a day or so. The village people got furious and beheaded the shaman. Couldn’t find the witch, though. That’s random; I don’t remember reading about that part. Interesting stuff, huh? People sure were barbarians back in those days.”
You quickly say your thanks and goodbyes and hang up, not wanting Namjoon to hear the thick wobble in your voice. If you don’t go back, not only will the king die, but Yoongi too. Somehow, you had only made things worse.
Yoongi isn’t waiting for you this time when you slip out of the passage and into the eighteenth century, and a flash of panic grasps you when you see the empty room. Were you too late? But no, the front door opens, and a hooded figure steps in. “Yoongi, thank god, we need to-”
You break off in shock when the man you thought was Yoongi slips off his coat. It’s clearly not, judging by the mop of fluffy brown hair, rather than Yoongi’s sleek silver. He turns around after hanging his coat on a rack behind the door and smiles at you warmly. “Y/n, right? No need to freak out, Yoongi’s just down at the market.”
You nod distractedly. “Sorry, who are you?”
“Oh! Forgive my rudeness, I’m Yoongi’s assistant. Apprentice,” he corrects hastily. “Kim Taehyung, at your service.”
You take a seat on one of the wooden chairs at the main table as he introduces himself. “Well, Taehyung, it’s nice to mee-”
“You’re from the future, right?” he interrupts excitably. “Yoongi told me not to tell anyone, don’t worry! What’s the future like?”
You bite your lip. “I don’t know if I should say…”
He pouts and sits across from you in a dramatic slump. “Come on,” he whines, “I said I wouldn’t tell anyone! I know, I’ll guess something, and you just have to say if I’m right or wrong, okay?”
You laugh at his eagerness. “Just until Yoongi gets back, yeah? We’ve got some important business to deal with.”
“Flying horses!” he blurts out. “Or flying carriages and wagons! So that we can cross rough terrain and travel faster.”
“I’m sorry, we don’t have those,” you say softly. Bringing up airplanes might be a little much, so you stay quiet and wait for the next thing.
He frowns and rubs at his nose. “Damn it, that would’ve been so cool. Uh, in the future you’ve trained animals to do jobs around the house so that you don’t need a servant!”
You laugh. “No, although you can teach dogs to sit and shake hands.”
Taehyung huffs, blowing a strand of hair out of his face. “Anyone can do that,” he moans in disappointment, “my dog can do that. Man, the future isn’t that cool, huh? What have you guys done?”
You shake your head. “That’s not part of the- Oh, Yoongi, you’re back!” You break off and rush up to him the moment the door opens.
He blinks at you in shock, pausing in removing his coat and choosing to leave it on. “Y/n, you came back?”
Your eyes widen. “Of course, I came back! Look, Yoongi, if we don’t go to the palace right now and save King Jeon, they’ll blame us. The villagers. I don’t know how much I should say, but-”
He gives you an understanding smile. “I can guess. Okay, then, get chang- Oh, you ruined your clothes. I didn’t get you a new dress, I apologise.” He bites his lip. “You can’t go outside in that.”
Taehyung pipes up, taking down his brown coat and slipping it back on. “She could wear some of your clothes, Master? Just this once, and her and I can go down to the market once the King is saved.”
Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose. “That’s fine, but for the last time, Taehyung, don’t call me Master. What do I always tell you? Loyalty is-”
“Loyalty is in actions, not words,” Taehyung recites monotonously. “I get it, I get it. Alright, Y/n, I’ll grab you some of Yoongi’s clothes quickly. I’d offer you mine, but they’d be way too big.”
After getting changed into some slightly roomy leather pants and a burgundy tunic, listening to Taehyung chatter away behind the tapestry all the while, the three of you set out. The air is crisp and the grass is dewy beneath the worn boots Yoongi leant you. Unlike the other day, when Taehyung was sent out in advance to notify the royal court, apparently Yoongi was unsure you’d even show up. Nevertheless, he said he had visited King Jeon late last night and the young man was awaiting your return anxiously. In fact, the doctor you had met only briefly was waiting outside the front of the palace when you arrived, and you spoke with him as he led you deep in the palace to the King’s private quarters.
“So, all you did was wash and dress the wound?” you question, trailing behind Yoongi as Taehyung brought up the rear.
The man, clad in a balloon-sleeved blouse and tight brown pants, nods dutifully. “Correct.”
“Where did the water come from?”
He shrugs. “All the water in our village comes from either the well or from melted snow in winter.”
You bite your lip, beginning to realize what’s happened. “Please tell me you at least boil the water before applying it to somebody’s open wound.”
The shaman quickly glances behind you in shock and the healer scoffs. “We would burn the skin if we washed the wound with boiling water! Surely that is not what they teach you in Mirefeld!”
You shake your head in disbelief as he leads the party to a stop outside a heavy wooden door. “You don’t apply it while it’s still hot! You boil the water to make sure…” you break off and bite your lip, looking at Yoongi in consideration. You couldn’t exactly start talking about killing off bacteria and sterilizing water. “To make sure all bad spirits are gone. Spirits can’t stand the heat, so when you boil the water they disappear. You let it cool, and then use that purified water to wash wounds, and to drink.”
Surprisingly, the healer doesn’t balk at your explanation but nods thoughtfully. “So, King Jeon has become taken over by a bad spirit that was lurking in the water we used to wash him?”
Your med-student heart dies a little. “Yes, that’s right. Don’t worry, I know how to remove the spirit. I can teach you, so that this doesn’t happen again.”
He smiles gratefully at you and bows. “That would be much appreciated, my lady. Let’s go in now.”
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
Four Letters: Ch 7
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Four Letters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ship: FWB!Jungkook | IceQueen!Reader | Yoongi Description: College!AU. Enemies to Lovers. Your icy exterior makes it seem as though you dislike everyone- which is partially true. But the one person you truly dislike is the cocky frat boy Jeon Jungkook. Warnings: Lots of Angst, Lots of Vomit, Intercourse, Blowjob, Deepthroating, Breathplay, Dirty Talk, Choking, D/S Themes, Degrading Names, Praise Kink, Light Hitting? Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Fingering, Cum Play, Cumeating Word Count: 10,760
"Wait- you're what?" Xiyeon question, her eyes wide as she blinked up at you.
You gnaw on your lower hip, taking in a deep breath, avoiding Lisa's accusing stare. "I'm... hooking up with Jeon."
"As in... Jeon? Jeon Jungkook?" Xiyeon asked, dumbfounded.
"What other Jeon?" Lisa questioned, scoffing. She had been acting snippy to Xiyeon all day today, despite the fact the focus was supposed to be you confessing the dreaded secret to them. You didn't know what her damage was today- but you didn't exactly feel like getting into it.
"Yeah. That Jeon," you affirm, ignoring the tension. "We've... been hooking up for a few months now."
"When did this begin?" Xiyeon questions.
"You know that concert I went to? For that cover band I liked? Well, he was there as well, and he and I sort of hooked up. After that it became a lot more consistent," you explained.
Lisa put her hands on her hips, cocking her weight to one side. "I want to know why you didn't tell me- us, this before."
You let out a sigh, giving her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. I guess it was fun keeping it a secret- it's what we both agreed on. I guess it was also kind of embarrassing considering the fact that I hated him for so long."
"That's understandable," Xiyeon nodded along, looking to Lisa nervously. "I thought I sensed something different between you two."
Lisa's face softened as she looked at you. "Are you guys friends with benefits now?"
"What? I mean, I guess. Not like, exclusively or anything. But I guess so," you murmur.
"Why're you telling us this now, anyway?" Xiyeon asked.
Your mind flashed back to what happened the night prior.
"What?" you question, raising yourself from his chest slowly to look at him properly. "What brings this up?"
Jungkook gives you a nervous glance, obviously anticipating your shock from his question- and perhaps even worse. "It doesn't have to be now, or anything, just... maybe in the future."
Your brows furrow. "What's this about?"
"Nothing. I guess... I dunno. It's hard keeping you a secret. I don't want to keep you a secret. It's tiring having to sneak around and such and gets in the way a lot," Jungkook admitted. His eyes changed from the sheepish expression to one of lust. "I don't want to keep it a secret that I want you just because there are friends around."
You purse your lips, wary. "So this would just be to help us hook up more often?"
"Yes! Exactly. It's difficult having to make sure no one else is in the house or around or yada yada," Jungkook rambled.
"Makes sense... So this is so that it's all more convenient, right?" you say softly.
Jungkook's mouth goes small. "You don't have to decide now. It doesn't have to be immediate. I was just... wondering. No pressure."
You couldn't help but think about what your friends would think. They'd be shocked, and Lisa would be furious that you didn't tell her earlier. And Yoongi?
Would he stop liking you if he found out?
"I should tell you something, actually," you say quietly. "Um... Jimin already knows."
Jungkook's eyes are wide. "Wait- what?"
"Um, remember when you and I hooked up? And you walked out of the room and talked a bit to Jimin?" you question, bashful.
Jungkook's jaw clenches. "I remember."
"Well, basically I walked out of the room after you, and Jimin was there and put two and two together. He was planning to hold it over me, sort of as a joke, but it went too far. When he asked if anyone hooked up with a friend in the friend group, the question was targetted to us, to tease us. He figured we would lie, but Xiyeon ended up blowing it anyway. After that, he's been trying to get on my good side, especially with how guilty he feels," you explain.
Jungkook sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. "Why didn't you tell me this before? I didn't even know he knew."
"I'm sorry. I guess... I dunno, I didn't know how you'd react," you admit. You didn't know what you were trying to say truthfully. Were you afraid everything would stop suddenly?
"It's ok. I know now. I'm sorry you had to deal with that alone," Jungkook said truthfully.
You bit your lip, making up your mind. "Alright. We can go public."
Jungkook's eyes widened. "What? You're serious?"
You nodded in affirmation. "Yeah. I'll tell the girls, and I guess you can tell the guys. We won't have to sneak around anymore."
"Is this what you want, too, though? I don't want to force you to do anything you're not comfortable with," Jungkook asked nervously. You could tell just how genuine he was from the tone of his voice. It was touching, really.
You nod again, pressing a small kiss to his lips, not trusting yourself to look him in the eyes. "If it's what you want, I want it too."
Jungkook only smiled and wrapped his arms around you, kissing you back.
Xiyeon studied your expression as you told a bit of the story- though leaving out as many details as you could. Lisa only gave you a hardened expression, arms crossed as she pursed her lips. She was pissed to learn you were keeping secrets from her.
"Y/N... Do you like Jungkook?" Xiyeon questioned.
You gave her a confused expression. "What? No! I don't do relationships and neither does Jeon- that'd be ridiculous."
"Sorry, just from how you spoke of him I just-" Xiyeon shook her head as if catching herself. "Sorry, I'm not in the right mindset. Forget it."
Lisa's expression softened as she looked at you. "Y/N- you can't get feelings for Jungkook, alright? He's such a fuckboy- everyone knows it. And trust me when I say that catching feelings for someone who will never feel the same... Let's just say it's the worst thing you could do. I should know better than anyone."
"But you can't control how you feel," Xiyeon pointed out.
You pursed your lips at that, shaking your head. "That's bullshit- of course, you can. Your emotions are yours to control- no one can do it for you."
"I think you're thinking of reactions," Xiyeon explained. "You're going to feel a certain way about something no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise- but you're allowed to control how you react and what you do. If people could control how they feel... life would be a lot easier, wouldn't it?"
"What would you know about control?" Lisa snapped. "You didn't exactly control your reaction when you slept with Hoseok, did you?"
Both you and Xiyeon turned to look at Lisa, your expressions shocked at what she said. You could see the regret in Lisa's eyes the moment she blurted out, but it was almost as though she were too prideful to admit her wrongdoing. Instead, she stood her ground, looking uneasy as she stared Xiyeon in the eye.
"Lisa, what the fuck?" you whispered, eyes narrowed. "What is up with you today?"
"I should go," Xiyeon says hastily, getting up. "I... probably overstayed my welcome."
You gave Xiyeon a sympathetic look. "Xiyeon, no-"
"It's ok. Lisa has a point... I don't know what I'm talking about. I have the least amount of experience in basically anything out of anyone in our group. I... shouldn't even be here," Xiyeon says softly. You can see her eyes welling up with tears, and deep down you suspect this is something she had been thinking about internally for a while. Possibly for as long as you had known her.
Lisa's face softened at that, and she reached out for Xiyeon. "Wait, I'm s-"
"I should go. I've got an essay to do," Xiyeon says quickly, exiting the room as fast as she could. You heard the echo of the door slamming behind her before you turned to Lisa, crossing your arms with a cold expression. Lisa had never been on this end of your facade, but it wasn't going to go well, that was for sure.
"What the hell do you think you were doing?" you questioned slowly, voice low. The fact it was barely even above a whisper made you even more intimidating. Lisa would've expected screaming or yelling, a red face and veins popping out from the temples- that's what she'd expect from anyone angry. But not you. At your scariest you were low and quiet, calculating, like the small ticking of a bomb in the corner of a room. Screaming and shouting at the top of your lungs indicated the person wasn't in control of the situation and had to attempt to overpower the other person with their voice- and control was your specialty when it came to your reputation. The only difference at the moment was who was at the receiving end.
"You've been acting nothing but cold and distant to Xiyeon- which isn't you. Not only that, but you've been exceptionally rude to her when she's done nothing wrong. I understand you might still be perturbed by what happened between her and Hoseok- but for God's sake, instead of acting like a petty teenager, you can act like a civilized adult and talk it out. Instead, you went out of your way to drive her away from the uncomfortable situation and glare at her the entire day. You told me before that you were completely over what had happened- or at the very least you didn't blame Xiyeon for the happenings of that drunken night. I'm very disappointed to find out that you lied."
Lisa's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she felt as though she were being scolded by a parent. You tapped your fingers against your arm, leaning back as you stared at her expectantly, wanting an explaination.
"I'm waiting," you said, cocking your head to the side. Both of you knew that she'd have to crack soon.
Lisa's head hung low as she stared at her feet. "I guess... I got jealous."
"We're all jealous. She's a genius- that's no reason to be an ass, however," you said.
"No, not of that," Lisa said, a lump forming in her throat. "I'm afraid she's gonna replace me."
You quirked a brow at the girl. "I don't follow."
Lisa let out a sigh, rubbing her hands over her tired face. "First with Hoseok- God, you have on clue how many times I thought to myself that he would've preferred her over me. She'd end up being his new friends with benefits, or worse, his girlfriend. And not only that, you two have been getting closer. You're... She... I don't know. I feel left out, and I know you've spent some time together. Hell, didn't you shop for a dress with her or something when you were preparing to meet Jungkook's parents? I guess I feel like she's replacing me in the group. She's gonna be Hoseok's new hook up and your new best friend. I feel unstable enough as it is."
Your expression softened as you saw how she sniffled, tears hitting her cheeks now that she let it out. You rubbed her arm, stepping forward as you comforted her. "No one's gonna replace you, Lisa. Xiyeon isn't the new Lisa. Xiyeon is Xiyeon. You are you. We aren't carbon copies of each other for a reason. Even identical twins have their own identities. I didn't know you were feeling so insecure about your footing here but... We don't plan on letting you go unless you want to be let go. That's how it is for anyone. No one in our group is evil, despite how many mistakes we make. We're all just trying and failing in our own way to live life- we're winging it just like you. We won't push you out."
"I know, I just-" Lisa sniffled again, wiping away tears. "God, I feel so awful for snapping at Xiyeon like that."
"You were sort of a bitch," you weakly offered, showing a small smile simply to humor her. Lisa didn't mimic your false smile, and you let it fall hopelessly. "Well- you can explain. Xiyeon feels insecure about her own place in the group as well, apparently. She'll understand."
"I don't think a simple text will get things through," Lisa sighed. "I doubt she'll want to meet up."
"I'll convince her to come to the next party at the guys' frat. You guys can talk there," you shrug.
Lisa looks at you fondly before throwing her arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze. You feel your lungs try to collect as much breath as possible under Lisa's crushing grip. You pat her back with singular pats, still not exactly the best at the whole comforting thing. Or affection, more accurately.
"I wish we were more like you," Lisa said quietly.
"No, you don't," you manage to grumble with what little breath you have.
"I do," Lisa reaffirmed. "You don't care what people think. You don't care if you're in the group or not, you'd be happy even as a lone wolf, I'm sure. The rest of us are so busy scrambling for available places and you feel secure and are in without even trying..."
"I'm not that secure, Lisa. I'm still uneasy about a lot of things. I doubt myself," you tell her truthfully.
Lisa let you go, though still holds onto your forearms as she looks at you. She's still got tears running down her cheeks. "Well, none of us doubt you. Jungkook especially."
You think back to how you disappointed him with his parents. He should've doubted you then. "I suppose," you weakly offer.
"No, I'm serious. He's... He's admired you for a long time, y'know. Before you changed. Before he changed, for that matter," Lisa says wistfully. "I know I told you not to fall for him. It wouldn't be wise, or logical- and you're both of those things. But Xiyeon was right, as much as I hate to admit. You can't control how you feel. And if you really do feel for him... Well, I'll be nothing but supportive. Do whatever makes you happy. You should choose what's best for you and what you feel like you want. Even if it's Jeon Jungkook."
"I'm not going to catch feelings for him, Lisa," you assure her.
She gave you a weak smile, wiping away at her tears with her sleeve one last time. "I think this is the first time I've seen you in such a naive light."
You furrow your brows. "What do you mean?"
Lisa giggled at that as she cooed, brushing your hair as she looked at you sympathetically, almost as though she were looking at a child who didn't know any better. It reminded you of the look you gave her at times.
"Because that's the same thing I'd say about Hobi."
Jungkook's nose nuzzles against the side of your neck, running over the expanse of your skin, his hands massaging at your breasts, having your shirt ride up your chest and bunch over his wrists. It still felt weird, simply marching into his frat house as they prepared for the upcoming party, supplying themselves with so much beer that by the end of the night even the air would make someone intoxicated, to hook up with Jeon in the middle of the night. Where you could very publicly drag him away (albeit Yoongi was out of sight) and take him to his bedroom. You were currently straddling his hips, lips pressed against his as he fondled your chest.
Jungkook looked up at you, breathless as he gasped for breath. "God, I want you," Jungkook admitted, licking his lips as his hands slid down from your breasts to your hips, holding onto you firmly.
You grinned at that, loving the feeling of being desired by his lustful gaze. You slid your hand down his broad chest, slipping your fingers down into the waistband of his sweats, palming at his erection before sliding further south to squeeze his balls. "You're about to get me," you tell him, giving him a firm squeeze as you fondled his balls, rolling them in your palm. "All of me."
"Shit," he cursed, tongue diving past your lips to lick at your mouth again, suppressing a grunt. He bucked his hips into your hand as he groaned, cradling your face as he kept you close to him, breathing in the scent and keeping you pressed against him. "Can't wait to fuck you. To feel you," he said as you began descending down his body. He lifted his hips for you to strip away his boxers and sweatpants, hooking them around his knees. "Can't wait to have you crying from cumming so hard on my cock."
You felt arousal flood between your legs at his words, and you pump his erection slowly, licking your lips at the sight. It had been a while since you blew him, admittedly. You loved the small moments when you'd have him squirm beneath you. One of the few moments you truly felt as though you had the power in the situation, and though you loved relinquishing all control to the man, it was funny seeing him so powerless on occasion. "How do you want me, baby?"
"I want your hot mouth all over my cock, babygirl. I know you're hungry for it- so get me ready to fuck you," Jungkook said, hand coming to your head to press it lower, your mouth diving to his balls. You sucked at them, licking against them as you saw his eyes roll into the back of his head. You maintained eye contact with him as your tongue slowly traveled up his erection, from the curve between his balls to slide all the way up his shaft, to finally wrapping your tongue around the pretty pink head, sweeping the wet muscle over the sensitive head.
You grin deviously as you feel his thigh muscles tense under your touch once your mouth leaves his cock. "Gladly," you tell him, descending upon him once more to bury your nose into his pubic hair,  sinking to the base as best as you could, doing your best not to gag as the head of his cock reached the back of your throat. You deep throated him as best as you could as he cursed, bucking his hips into your hot mouth instinctively and grabbing onto your hair to sink you down as far as he could.
"Fuck, you fucking minx," Jungkook hissed, slapping down at the back of your head to sink you further, making you squeeze your eyes shut as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. You stayed down there for a few more seconds before you finally popped off of him, taking deep breaths as your chest heaved up and down, his cock shiny with spit and slobber from your mouth. Once you collected yourself you went down on him again, slightly more prepared, though the walls of your throat still contracted and squeezed around his cock, making the man groan. You could feel his cock twitch inside your mouth as you slowly inched higher and off of him, making sure to let your tongue sweep along the underside of his shaft and cock as you made your way up for air.
Jungkook's cock was an angry shade of red, now, the veins popping out as he tried to control himself. Beads of precum were at the tip from your menstruations, and you were sure if you continued a few minutes more, you'd have his hot and sticky load sliding down your throat. Jungkook grabbed at your face, hands pressed against the sides of your head as he leaned in, pressing your lips sloppily against his own as you still struggled to regain your breath.
"God, you're fucking perfect," Jungkook groaned, making his way down your neck, his tongue tasting the salt of your sweat as he traveled down the glistening skin.
You arched your neck, showing more exposed skin for him to bruise and mark as his own, though your thoughts still lingered on his words. You were far from perfect. You never thought you were good enough ever since what happened.
You pushed away the thoughts, however, the minute Jungkook flipped you over, taking off your pants and underwear before spreading your legs so that they laid flat on the bed. He aligned his head to your entrance, slowly pushing himself in, the familiar squeeze of your slick walls contracting around him making him grunt above you. He began his pace, angling himself at your sweet spot.
"Such a good cockslut. Fuck, you take my dick like such a good girl, don't you?" he grunted, hands so tight on your thighs you were sure it'd bruise. You nodded breathlessly, eyes pleading each time he called you a slut. Jungkook's cock twitched inside of you when he saw you arch beneath him, shuddering as you closed your eyes and let out a drawled out moan. "Fuck, you look so good wrecked beneath me. I could fuck your tight cunt all day, baby."
You grabbed onto his hand at those words, prying it from its grip on your thigh to reach towards your throat. You had been choked before, sure. One or two one night stands had begged to do it, and you didn't hate it.
You wanted his fingers to be clasped around your pretty little throat now.
Jungkook looked to you skeptically, slowing down his brutal pace inside of you. "You sure?"
"Dear God, Jungkook, if you don't choke me now I think I'm gonna choke myself," you say, rolling your eyes. You knew he at least had experience with it. Some of his previous hookups would gossip on what they begged him to do.
Jungkook pressed his forefinger and thumb against the pressure points, constricting your breath immediately as it hitched. You felt his cock twitch inside you at the sight, and he instinctively thrust inside you again, making both of you groan.
Jungkook began plunging himself back into you again. "Tell me if it's too much, ok?" he said, keeping his grip around your neck tight. You trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't hurt you. That would always be the furthest thing from Jungkook's mind.
At least you hoped.
"Fuck, fuck," you managed to gasp out, your face growing hot and red as you felt your orgasm approach. Jungkook's hips slapped so hard against your pelvis you knew it'd bruise by tomorrow, but you didn't care. The way his cock would angle towards your g-spot had you spasming around him, and soon enough you were arching your back and moaning once his hand joined the process, rubbing quickly at your clit. The now familiar wave washed over you as your juices spilled all over him, drenching his sheets and clothes, though he didn't stop until he spilled inside of you, and you were crying from the pain of the overstimulation.
Both of you were breathless once he finally let go, and you were limp beneath him. He panted, leaning over you, caging you in.
"You made such a mess," Jungkook noted, a smile in his voice as he saw some of the droplets that had splattered on you as well. "I'm gonna make you clean that up, babygirl. You made such a mess on my bed."
Your cheeks flared even more out of embarrassment. "I'm sorry," you told him, sheepish.
He dipped his thumb into your hot cavern, pressing your tongue flat against the bottom of your mouth. "You're gonna suck your cum out of my sheets, babygirl. And I'm gonna fuck you from behind Knowing how hot it'll be, I'll be hard enough in no time. Now that I can fuck you whenever I want, you won't be leaving this bed for a long time."
You gulped at that, seeing the mischevious glint in his eyes and knowing he was dead serious.
He licked his lips, hand diving back between your glistening folds to insert two fingers. "But first..." he trailed off, crooking the two fingers into your g-spot with a loud squelch, the cum coated digits having lewd sounds fill the room along with the stench of sex. You gasped out, arching your back at the feeling, his thumb soon colliding with your clit, still overly sensitive from your previous orgasm. "Hear that babygirl? I filled you up so good, didn't I?"
You could hear the fingers moving inside of you, the cum acting as a lubricant as he continued to tap against your g-spot. You cringed at the overstimulation, biting your lip. "F-Fuck."
"You're so wet still, babygirl. Your juices are sliding between your cheeks to make my bed even messier," Jungkook cooed, speeding up the pace of his thrusts to make more of it leal out of you, your arousal mixed with his seed. "All the more for you to eat."
You felt bliss overtake you through the pain, and you stopped attempting to push Jungkook's hands away as your orgasm approached closer.
"Awe, is my baby gonna cum so soon?" Jungkook teaser deviously, entering a third finger to make you go wild. "You like having my cum fucked into you, don't you?"
"Yes," you gasped out. "So much- fuck, Jungkook, I'm close."
"I know, babygirl, I know. You're gonna make a big mess for me, alright? Cum all over my dirty fingers already."
You felt yourself lose it, orgasm washing over you as you buckled into Jungkook's hands, feeling it overtake you as you came for the second time. Jungkook continued to milk you for all you were worth, the sloppy sounds filling the room as you continued to drip onto his hands and the sheets.
Jungkook slipped his hand out, the three digits glistening with a mixture of your own cum and his. He had a devious glint in his eyes as he raised his fingers to you, and you obediently opened your mouth, sucking on the juices until they were clean.
Jungkook slipped his hand out with a wet pop, slapping the side of your face fondly with his sticky fingers. "Such a good slut," he cooed.
You shuffled through the contents of the refrigerator. Damn these parties. Damn your friends for constantly forcing you to come to these. At this point even if you stopped hanging out with them you'd attend these ridiculous events out of sheer habit. Four cups of beer weren't going to cut it for you tonight, frankly. You couldn't feel it in your system yet, and you needed to be hit, hard.
You pulled out a bottle of vodka- half empty. You supposed it'd be enough, popping off the cap and pressing the bottle to your lips, taking a swig. You close the refrigerator door shut, only to be shocked by the magenta-haired man that appeared. You jumped in mid-air, heart pounding as you stared at him.
"Jesus fucking Christ! What's your problem, buddy?" you question, hissing out the words, your hand clenched over your racing heart.
Jungkook laughed at that. "Sorry- didn't mean to startle you. I didn't even know you were coming to this party."
"Uh, yeah, I am. You guys drag me along anyway, so why not skip all of the trouble and get to the inevitable," you say, shrugging as you took another swig of the vodka.
Jungkook grinned smugly as he took it from your clutch, taking a sip himself, wiggling his brows in response to your glare. "By the way, I told the guys. Jimin knew- Hoseok was surprised though. Told me to be careful in case you suddenly got feelings, but we both know you're not like that."
You chuckled uneasily. "Yeah. Right," you say, doing your best to not let any of the usual sarcasm seep into your words. You grabbed the drink from Jungkook again, this time holding it close to your chest.
"How'd the gals take it?" Jungkook questioned.
You scoffed. "Oh my God, please never say 'gals' ever again. It's cringy."
He flipped the snapback from off your head, letting it tumble to the floor. He ruffled your hair, palm grinding into the top of your head as he messed it up. You glared at him, swiping the hat up from the floor to hit him with it. "They took it fine!" you huffed. "Well, not really. But I told them, don't worry. Happy?"
"Mm, very," Jungkook murmured, caging you against the refrigerator, body pressing against yours. You couldn't press your hands against him or hold onto him for support as you slipped down slightly, the bottle in one hand and hat in the other. Jungkook's nose nuzzled into the side of your face, lowering down your neck as it cascaded and grazed down the slope of the curve. "Now I can have you whenever I want."
"Not right now, Jungkook. I've... I've got to get piss drunk first, anyway," you excuse despite the arousal pooling between your legs. Truth be told, you still needed to get Xiyeon since you convinced her to come tonight, unknowingly however so that she could talk to Lisa.
Jungkook immediately backed away, shrugging nonchalantly. "Sure. Later then?"
"Er- yeah," you say, quickly putting the hat back on your head as you excused yourself from the kitchen. You tried to find your way over to the living room, wondering if Xiyeon had even arrived yet.
You were surprised to see Yoongi and Jimin chatting with one another, beer in hand. You talk a long gulp before forcing yourself to march over. The two boys spotted you, both of their eyes lighting up with that familiar glow. Yoongi hooked his arm over your shoulder, holding you close, and you wrapped your arm around his waist in response, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. You quickly glanced around however for Jungkook, uneasy for what his reaction would be. Even Jimin was giving you a weird look- but he wasn't going to criticize you for that. He was still in your debt, and you weren't planning on letting him forget just yet. You made sure to give him that knowing stare as you chugged down the rest of the drink until the bottle was empty, not a drop to spare.
"I thought you didn't go to parties," you say, quirking a brow to Yoongi. "Don't tell me you're here to see me, now."
"Partly," Yoongi laughed. "But a friend of mine is in town, and I wanted to see him here before he leaves town. I don't know when he'll leave, but seeing as he barely ever comes, I can't take chances."
"Is it another rapper?" you questioned.
Yoongi shook his head. "No. He's just a regular guy. Met him about a year ago, and we've been talking ever since on the phone. More of an internet friend than anything. Believe it or not, he's the one who gave me the courage to even make the first move... Or should I say moves?"
Jimin furrowed his brow. "Wait, you two are going out?"
Yoongi shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, as though embarrassed. "Uh, I mean... We went on one date. We didn't talk about it much."
You turned to Jimin, quick to change the topic. "Where's Hoseok and Lisa?" You still needed to get Lisa to talk to Xiyeon, but the girl was nowhere in sight. Where was she?
Jimin pointed towards the ceiling. "They went upstairs. I trust you to put two and two together."
You frowned at that but gave an understanding nod. You sighed to yourself, wondering if Lisa would ever blatantly tell Hoseok her feelings and work things out. Before you could pry yourself from Yoongi's comforting hold, however, Yoongi lets out a sudden outburst.
"There he is! Hey, Tae, over here!" Yoongi waves over.
Your blood runs cold as you see Taehyung and none other than his wife saunter over. He looks pleasantly surprised to see you here as well, a grin on his face, his hand clasped around his wife's. "Y/N, I didn't know you'd be here! You know Yoongi?" he questioned, looking over at the man.
"Uh, yeah, I do," you say, coughing nervously.
Taehyung's wife, who you hadn't seen since the two of you could still be considered teenagers, looked over at the two of you. God, you hadn't seen Yuha in forever. She looked a lot more mature now. A lot more... Motherly, in a sense. Maybe it was the bob that did it. Either way, your stomach churned as you tried to suppress any urge to run, as well as the many memories that bubbled to the surface.
"You two make a cute couple!" Yuha beams.
Taehyung gave you a surprised look. "Wait, what? I thought you were with that Jungkook guy?"
Jimin looked at you, alarmed. "I thought you two were just hooking up?"
All eyes are on you, and you feel your face flush. You send a warning glare to Jimin, who lets out an apologetic expression, immediately regretting his sudden outburst. It was too late, however, as Yoongi looked down at you, his expression puzzled. "You're hooking up with Jungkook?"
You felt your insides bubble, and you quickly shoved the empty bottle into his hand, shoving his arm off of your shoulders. "I've gotta go," you hastily say, feeling the bile rising up within you. You shuffle out as quickly as you could, looking frantically around the house for a nearby bathroom. Otherwise, someone would have to clean up the present you had left for them on the carpet.
You quickly escaped to the bathroom, not bothering to even head to the toilet as you hurled in the sink. You watched it splatter against the bowl of it, and you're surprised that your dinner could even come out in that color. The vodka didn't even have time to settle into your system yet, and here you were puking as though it were already the end of the night. The beer had settled in your system, so you were the slightest bit out of it and woozy, but not nearly piss drunk enough to be vomiting already. You supposed this is how Xiyeon felt when the stress got to her.
The door opened, and Yuha have you a concerned look, letting out a shocked yelp as she quickly took your hat off of your head, as it was tipping over precariously, threatening to spill into your collection of bile. She put it on the counter as she held your hair behind your face, making sure it was gathered into a ponytail as you horked up what appeared to be lunch as well.
You heaved, letting out dry gags as more of it piled up into the back of your throat, just waiting to spill out of your open cavern, the acidic taste sliding down your tongue. Both you and Yuha grimaced when some of it slid down in a slimy trail into the bowl, and you felt the tears make your mascara streak down your cheeks from the force of the vomiting.
You looked up at Yuha, and because of how weak you felt yourself suddenly get, you couldn't help but feel yourself be sent down the whirlwind of that night.
It was your 18th birthday.
Or was it your 19th? The details didn't matter.
You were celebrating your birthday. Lisa was already sauntering off somewhere else, and you were looking for your boyfriend. Well, sort of boyfriend. He seemed off at the moment.
Really off.
You couldn't even make sense of what he had been saying the night before. It wasn't like you were dense. It was just the fact that he was rambling on about nothing. You admittedly weren't really invested in what he was trying to say, finding yourself too hyped for the birthday party that Lisa had planned for you.
His friend Yuha had stomped towards you.
Yuha never liked you, admittedly. She was Taehyung's best friend and the near opposite of you. She was far more chic than you, in her opinion. Still, she was cold and distant to you in particular, though she was never quite snippy. Still, you always sensed a bit of hatred from her end, and you decided to avoid her. Deep down you expected that she was in love with Taehyung, and though you confronted the boy on it, he insisted that you were being ridiculous. Yuha was just a friend, and that's all she'd ever be.
You remembered how that day you walked in on her crying in the bathroom.
You were surprised she was here anyway. There weren't many people here- just a few. Closer friends of Lisa's, in all honesty. Which was fine, since you were mainly planning on spending it with one person in particular.
"You can't fucking listen, can you?" Yuha questioned, eyes narrowed. "He even tried to break up with you last night, and you couldn't even listen to a goddamn word he was saying that time either, could you?"
Your eyes glazed over, stunned, and you were unable to comprehend what she was saying. "What?" you said, unsure what she was talking about.
Yuha rolled her eyes and huffed, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of your own party and into the hallway. She slammed the door shut, cornering you. Her eyes were like liquid fire, and you felt small under her piercing gaze.
"Taehyung's breaking up with you," she said simply.
"What? Why? Why isn't he telling me this himself? I don't believe you," you quickly stammered out, blinking rapidly at her words.
Yuha groaned. "That's what he was trying to say last night- but you couldn't even listen to that, could you? And now I have to get it through that thick skull of yours, don't I? Because you don't even listen to your own boyfriend."
You could only blankly stare at her, paralyzed. "Why's he breaking up with me?" you asked softly, voice meek.
Yuha only seemed to become more ignited by that. "Why?!" she roared. "I'll tell you why. Because you're an immature, childish, kid who has unrealistic standards and is living in a fairytale. You think that your first love is the one you'll grow old with, who you'll marry and lose your virginity to, and all will be happy and well. You think the world's full of sunshine and fucking rainbows- dear God, you're like a toddler in an adult's body, for crying out loud! You're so naive and innocent and you can't act your own age, and Taehyung can't spend his whole life babysitting you."
Your lower lip trembled at that as you stared at her. You let out a squeak, attempting to say something, but nothing would come out.
"You can't even deny it, can you?" Yuha said quietly. "Even you knew you were holding him back. Y'know, the only reason he's here is because of you. And he hates it here. He hates every minute here- it's like torture. It's killing him on the inside- but of course, you don't notice that. You don't notice him the way I do. How he's putting his own happiness aside for yours, as always. How he's so afraid to leave because he doesn't think you'll so much as be able to survive on your own. Because he's been holding your hand for every step of the way."
"Why're you attacking me like this?" you asked, eyes welling up with tears as you looked at her.
Yuha's expression softened, and she stepped back, as though finally putting distance between the two of you. She gave you a sympathetic look, her own eyes shiny with tears. While yours spilled down your cheeks, she refused to let them fall. "Because I can't watch Taehyung waste his life away for a girl who can't even live her own," she said.
Tension hung between the two of you as you stared at each other, a lump in both of your throats as you struggled to speak. Yuha nodded, making her point clear as she stepped away, turning around to walk down the hall.
"Enjoy your party," she grumbled.
"Get the fuck off of me!" you snapped, shoving her away as you wiped away the spit on your chin. She staggered back, looking at your form with concern instead of the malice of her younger self. "I don't need your he-" You were interrupted, and soon you were doubling over again, gripping the edges of the sink as you felt more of your insides turn inside out to force the fluids out where they came in.
Yuha quickly pulled your hair up again rubbing your back soothingly. "I know, I know, let it out," she cooed. "You can yell and curse at me once you feel better."
You didn't protest, too busy hurling your guts, repeatedly dry heaving and coughing between the sputtering. When you felt your stomach calm for a bit, you looked to her in the mirror, her eyes trained on yours.
"Why're you being nice to me?" you asked quietly.
Yuha pursed her lips, biting the inside of her cheek. "Because I should've been nice to you all along."
"Too late for that," you grumble, reaching for a towel or something in the drawers to wipe your mouth.
Yuha looks through the cabinets, getting a rag. "Here, this should work," she offers, holding it out to you.
You look at it skeptically, as though she were the evil queen offering you a poisoned apple. You hesitantly took it to wipe against your face, deciding you didn't like the rancid liquid on your chin. You frown, turning on the faucet to wash away the copious amount of vomit in the sink.
"I'm sorry about all those years ago... and before that," Yuha said quietly. "I know it doesn't mean much. I know it's too late now. I know I was a horrible person. But I truly felt guilty about everything, and I've matured a lot now. Everything I said about you was wrong, but I was so focused on my jealousy and hatred and love for Taehyung- I didn't think. I made it out that you were the bad guy, despite the fact you weren't. I was. I know that now, and it's been eating me up inside and out."
"Thanks. Leave now," you grumble, staring down at the sink, unable to look her in the eye.
She gave you a sympathetic look. "I'm really sorry. Truly. If I could rewind time I would. Teenage me was an idiot."
"Well so was I, apparently," you say, tossing the rag down to the countertop. "You've done enough- you can tell Taehyung."
Yuha looked at you with as much emotion as she could muster. "You weren't. You weren't naive or immature or childish- I was. I was wrong, Y/N. So very, very wrong. I shouldn't have attacked you in that way. In truth, I wished I was like that because I was the opposite of that and... I just wanted him to love me as much as he loved you."
"Clearly he does. He married you," you say, looking over to her ring, glittering in the bathroom's dim lighting. "More than he ever loved me."
"He loved you so much," she said softly. "He really did."
"He still left me for you," you remind her, your tone clipped and bitter.
You sat across from Taehyung. A cafe. You loved cafes. They reminded you of romantic comedies. You loved this cafe in particular. They served your favorite- peppermint mocha.
You weren't in the mood for something so sweet this time, though.
You stared at Taehyung, his eyes trained on the table. You made a point to dress more maturely this time. Long sleeved black tee and jeans with boots. It wasn't frilly, it wasn't pink- it was adult and mature. That's what he wanted, right?
"So, you're really leaving?" you question quietly, stirring the tiny stick in your black coffee. You stared at his beautiful features- so delicate yet so somber.
Taehyung nodded grimly. "Yeah."
You licked your lips, sighing to yourself. "And... You're breaking up with me as well."
Taehyung nodded again. "Yeah."
You felt your eyes well up with tears, the lump in your throat only seeming to swell within, and you felt yourself getting choked up. "She's coming too, isn't she?"
Taehyung looked up at you at last. "Who?"
"Yuha," you say, your voice barely above a whisper as you barely managed to choke out her name. "I know, y'know. About you and her. She loved you for so long... You never believed me, though."
Taehyung didn't respond to that.
"She's the one, isn't she?" you whimper, tears hitting your cheeks. You hate yourself for letting yourself cry. Yuha would never let a single tear drop, you knew that. And you had spent so long trying to get your makeup just right. "She's everything I'm not, isn't she? Is she more? And I... I was never enough, was I?"
"Y/N..." Taehyung said, his voice cracking as he finally said your name. You could see how glazed over his eyes were once they met yours, his brimmed with tears. "That's not it at all. I loved you, really, I did."
You don't miss how he uses past tense.
"But you're leaving," you say, voice shaky. You want to hold him close. You want to grab onto his hands and sob for him to stay with you. You want so, so badly for him to stay with you.
Taehyung gulped. "It's unfair to you for me to stay here."
"No," you say, sucking in a breath. "It's unfair to you for me to keep you here."
Taehyung was silent again at that. He attempts to reach for your hand, but you pull away, recoiling at the mere thought of him touching you now.
He had made up his mind anyway.
He chose her over you.
"I hope you two are happy together," you say quietly, your voice a mere whisper. If there were even the slightest bit of wind, or if the AC was on, it would've gone unheard. Taehyung heard every word, however, and took it as his signal to leave, slowly sliding out of the booth as he bid you farewell.
You were left crying, tears dropping into the coffee you didn't even like as you bitterly sobbed to yourself.
You buried your face in your hands, no doubt smearing your eye makeup all over the place. The memories make your limbs go cold, and your heart is heavy. You feel almost numb, yet at the same time, you feel too much. A million different emotions wash over you, and you want it all to stop.
Yuha cradles your face in her hands as you crumble into her, unable to so much as support yourself. She smoothes over your hair, saying nothing as she comforts you. You squeeze your eyes shut, hoping that you can imagine her embrace as someone else's. She'd be someone else. Her perfume could melt into a more familiar scent.
But everything felt so foreign to you.
Yuha wordlessly opened her purse, getting a makeup remover as she wiped away the streaks of mascara on your cheeks. Throwing it aside, she smoothes over your hair.
"Put some cold water on your face. Your eyes will probably stay puffy, but I did the best I could," she says quietly.
"Why now?" you ask her, your voice soft. "Why is it now that you decided you wanted to reappear?"
Yuha sighed. "Tae is enlisted for the military in a few months. He leaves and... and I wanted to make sure we at least attempt to right some wrongs before then. I don't know what will happen and... What I did to you was my biggest regret. It was his, too. He knew you hated us, though. It took me forever to drag him here. I thought you'd want to talk to him first before talking to me. It didn't go so well, though, apparently."
"You broke me on my birthday," you say quietly. "You ran away with my boyfriend. I thought I was gonna marry him."
Yuha nods. "I know. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do to make it better but... I'll try," she says. "Tae will, too. You were his first love, you know. He still misses you."
You feel the lump in your throat swell. "I should go," you say quickly, exiting the bathroom as you shuffle past her. You're rubbing your eyes, thankful that you stopped crying. You should've thanked her at least a little bit for holding your hair back or wiping the mascara off your cheeks- but you felt too prideful to even do that.
You quickly bumped into someone, and you looked to Xiyeon in alarm.
"Xiyeon- I've been looking for you everywhere, where were y-"
"Lisa just confessed to Hoseok" Xiyeon instantly blurted out. "She confessed to him just now, as we speak."
Your eyes widened at that. "Wait- what? How do you know that?"
"I just walked by- I was looking for you and I figured you might be busy hooking up with Jungkook. But he was in the hallway drinking so he wasn't with you. I figured that I'd go downstairs but then I heard Lisa's voice, and I walked past the door and I saw and- Oh my God, Y/N."
You let out a shaky breath. "What'd he respond?"
"I don't know. I left as quickly as I could. It seemed so private, it wasn't my business, though I'm here telling you so I guess that doesn't make things any better. I don't know what happened afterward, it could be up to anyone's guess."
"Shit, we should look for her when they're done," you sigh.
"What happened to you? Were you crying?" Xiyeon questioned.
"No, I smoked pot," you hastily excused. "I'm fine. Joking. Haha. Let's go."
The two of you scramble, looking around for where the two would be for when they came downstairs. You cautiously avoid the married couple, and Yoongi for that matter, not wanting to explain the fact that you were currently hooking up with Jeon. It wasn't until you got to the bottom of the stairs that you spotted the two of them walking down.
Hoseok wore a glum expression, and Lisa, on the other hand, had tears streaming down her face.
Your eyes widened as you turned to Hoseok, anger igniting in you.
"What the literal fuck did you do, Hoseok?" you hissed, hands clenching into fists.
Hoseok's eyes widened when he saw you, your irritated form glaring up at him. He held his hands up in defense. "Y/N... I need you to calm down."
"Don't tell me to fucking calm down! You hurt my best friend so many times already and-" You couldn't even speak properly, you were so angry. You had been bottled up with so many emotions after this eventful night- and now you felt as though you were ready to explode. This was the last fucking straw.
"Y/N, please don't, it's ok," Lisa said, rushing to your side, grabbing onto your arm.
You wrenched it from her grip, frightening her. "He's hurt you so many times already, and you're crying and- oh my God, Lisa, how much are you willing to put up with? Hoseok's made mistakes. He's a good guy. He made a big mistake for sleeping with Xiyeon when he was piss drunk, sure. But by now you should be done with all of this bullshit. You know this isn't fair to either of you and now he knows and he had the nerve to make you cry? What'd he do?"
Lisa gulped. "He didn't do anything. He just explained everything."
You frowned at that, brows furrowed. "Explained everything? As in what? You crying could only mean one thing. And I don't think it's good."
Hoseok turned to the frail Xiyeon, who was shaking, paralyzed as her head whipped between all three of you. "Xiyeon, explain to her, please," he pleaded, voice begging.
Your eyes widened as you turned to her. "You knew? What did you know!?"
"I-I don't know what he's talking ab-" She began.
"Sure you do! The night we hooked up. Just tell her," Hoseok pressured, voice strained.
Your eyes narrowed to Hoseok. "Don't you dare start stringing her along this as well, Hoseok. You and I might be friends, but I swear to God I'm one second from clocking your ass."
Hoseok gulped. "I promise you, I can explain."
"Fucking do it already!" you hissed, irritated this was taking so long. "Dear God, you guys know how to speak, fucking do it already!"
"Y/N," Lisa said, trying to calm you down again.
You looked at her, eyes fiery. "Why can't you just tell me what happened?"
Lisa's lips trembled. "It's not my information to tell, Y/N."
Your eyes widened at that. "You confessed to him tonight, didn't you?"
"Yeah," Lisa said softly, voice quiet.
"And?" you pressed on. Lisa stared down at the ground, and you saw more tears slip down her cheeks, the black streaks marking her cheeks. You wanted her to continue, still so confused as to what was going on.
"And... I turned her down," Hoseok finished, his voice tense.
You turned to him quietly, brows scrunched. You let your tongue prod your inner cheek as you looked to him. "You. Turned. Her. Down. Mhm. Ok. Yeah. Ok." Your voice was short and clipped, and your fingers twitched at your sides.
Hoseok gulped. "Xiyeon can help explain! The school's threatening to kick me out if I don't pull my grades up. I'm barely hanging on. If I got here on a scholarship it would've been taken, and now I'm being threatened- that's why I needed Xiyeon to help me so badly. And I was gonna have her tutor me but shit hit the fan! But I can't focus on a relationship- or hell, even a hookup until I have my grades up. I won't even be able to attend parties, y'know. One more late assignment and I'm out of here. I promised Lisa I'd consider dating her once my grades were stable."
You blinked up at him, slowly comprehending what he was saying. "So let me get this straight- you turned down Lisa for your grades... and yet you still lead her on."
"What?" Hoseok blurted out, brows furrowed. "Did you not get any of that?"
"Oh, I got all of that," you said slowly, taking a step forward, which made Hoseok take a step back up the stairs. "I even got the part where you basically said that the grades were what kept you from her, and you lead her on even more, convincing her she'd have a chance if she simply held out until your grades went up. And then you'd consider it."
Hoseok gulped.
You launched yourself up at him.
Hoseok leaped out of the way, bolting up the stairs. You were quick, but not quick enough for the strong arms slowly circling around your waist, pulling you up and off of your feet. You screeched, flailing about and kicking your feet as you turned back to Jungkook, his grip tight.
"What the hell is up with you, Y/N?" Jungkook blurted, struggling to keep you under control.
"Let me at him!" you hissed, clawing at Jungkook's arms. "Let me go, Jungkook! Hoseok's an idiot and someone needs to beat some common sense into him."
"No way in hell am I putting you go," Jungkook curtly responded, keeping you secure against him as he finally let your feet touch the floor. You glared at him, attempting to wriggle your way out of his arms, but he rewrapped his arms around your arms as well, locking you in place. You attempted and failed to pry yourself from his iron grip, and could do no more than growl to yourself.
"Can someone fill me in?" Jungkook questioned, glancing up at the other two girls.
At that, Xiyeon's sickly green face paled of color, and she doubled over, her stress-vomit finally taking its toll.
Right on Lisa's shoes.
Everyone grimaced at that, and Lisa leaped back, kicking off any guck or slick on her shoes, but it was too late. Xiyeon could only mumble a quiet apology between sputters.
"I'm going to clean my shoes, and then we're going home," Lisa said, stomping over to the nearest bathroom.
Xiyeon quickly followed, presumably to throw up somewhere that wasn't the floor.
"Hoseok's probably long gone now," Jungkook told you, earning a low growl from your throat. "Can you, um, explain what chaos is going on?"
"Oh, well, Lisa finally confessed to Hoseok," you said curtly, your tone bitter.
"Really? That's great! I always knew she liked him-"
"He turned her down," you interrupt, watching his face fall.
"Oh," he said. "Well, he can't control how he feels. If he doesn't feel the same-"
"That's not what I'm angry about!" you say, stomping your foot and wrenching yourself from his grip to turn to him. "He's leading her on! He promised he'd 'consider' dating her if he got his grades up. Apparently he can't focus on girls or hookups or parties or whatever until he gets his grades up- otherwise, he'll get kicked out. I'm just mad at him for saying he might date her after he gets his grades up. I just... that's leading her on!"
"I see what you mean," Jungkook nodded understandingly. "That's definitely wrong of him to say."
"You see?" you say, throwing your hands in the air. "I'm not crazy!"
"You're still crazy," Jungkook chuckled. "But... I get what you mean. He's just afraid of losing what's always been there. It's wrong for him to try to keep her even if he doesn't want her as a girlfriend."
"Exactly," you say, groaning to yourself.
"That doesn't mean you should attack him, though," Jungkook reminded you.
"I didn't attack him. Yet," you huff. "You sort of stopped that."
"Just in time," Jungkook sighed. "Dear God, woman, you were a mad man. Look, they'll deal with this. Hoseok's an idiot when it comes to common sense- and school, apparently, too. I've never seen you so passionate about something before, but this isn't the answer. You have to let them deal with it- it's their decision. Both of theirs."
You bit your lip, feeling yourself calm down again. "I guess you're right," you sigh. "I'm just... it's been a long night. I don't know how much more I can handle."
"I get that," Jungkook said softly. "Do you want to sleep in my room tonight? I'd take you home, but you definitely seem a bit... tired."
You look at him lamely through hooded eyes. "I don't want to sleep together, Jeon. I'm definitely not in the mood after tonight."
"I wasn't suggesting that," Jungkook hastily said. "Look, I'll let you sleep in my room, ok? You seem tired and you definitely look like you could use some sleep."
You rolled your eyes at that. "Wow, you know how to make a girl feel beautiful."
"What? You look like a zombie," Jungkook teased cheekily, earning a small smile from you. "Prettiest zombie I've ever seen!"
"You're lucky you have no brains for me to eat," you huff, trudging up the stairs.
Jungkook placed his hand over his left peck, over his beating heart. "That's so hurtful."
"Says the one that just compared me to a monster."
"It's not comparing if you're basically the same thing."
"Y/N?" Jungkook's voice quietly called in the dark.
You ignored the sound, groaning in your sleep as you snuggled closer into his broad chest. The boy was like a human surface, you didn't even need any of the covers. You hugged him tightly, enveloped in the smell of his cologne and his fingers massaging your scalp gently. You were in just your underwear, and so was he, and your legs were tangled together as you pressed yourself more firmly against him, trying to get impossibly closer. It was probably the middle of the night, yet you weren't able to fall asleep completely just yet.
"Y/N?" Jungkook huffed again, voice strained.
"Oh my God, what is it you infernal piece of muscle? I'm trying to sleep," you grunt, looking up at him as you gazed at him through drooped lids.
"You're kind of making my arm fall asleep," Jungkook said.
You lifted your head, allowing him to slip the makeshift pillow out from beneath your head. You pressed your head against his chest instead, feeling the rhythm of his heartbeat as you struggled to keep up.
You hummed, mimicking the pace quietly beneath your breath with small puffs from between your lips. Jungkook hummed along, fingers continuing to massage your scalp in that comforting way that had his fingers thread through your scalp.
"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked quietly. "I asked Jimin a bit earlier- he said you got sick or something."
You sigh, squeezing your eyes shut. "I probably just drank too much- and I was stressed."
"Apparently it was before the whole fiasco between Lisa and Hoseok and all that, though. What worried you so much?" Jungkook asked quietly.
You frowned. "Do you remember when we met up with that Taehyung guy?"
"Mhm. What happened?" Jungkook questioned softly, looking to you.
You sighed. "He's my ex. He broke up with me and left me- but the girl he left me for harassed me on my birthday. Sort of called me immature and a toddler in an adult's party. Sort of... Sort of the reason I'm how I am now, I guess. They left and I didn't see them for years... and now they're back. His wife even apologized for what happened but..."
"That's a bitchy thing to do," Jungkook quickly said. "What kind of asshole would do that? Especially on someone's birthday? I wondered why you had changed so drastically and I thought that I had seen Taehyung before- it was probably briefly on campus freshman year- but dear God, next time I see him I'll punch him. That sort of behavior is inexcusable."
You chuckle lowly at that, amused by the thought of Jungkook being so fired up. "No, don't. I... She helped me when I threw up, actually. She's nicer now. She... changed."
"I would hope so," Jungkook grunted.
"I mean she seemed genuinely sorry for what she did and wanted to make things right," you tell him.
"I repeat: I would hope so," Jungkook said, rolling his eyes.
You rolled your own as well, smacking softly at his chest. "Yeah, yeah."
"Well, do you believe her?" Jungkook questions, peering to you, wary.
You nodded softly. "I... I think so. She seemed so genuine. They both did. And they come all the way here and- I dunno, I think they really are genuine and want to make it up. Right some wrongs, or whatever."
"Well, are you going to forgive them?" Jungkook asked.
You pursed your lips at that, still not quite so sure about it yourself. "I don't know," you admitted. "So many years of hurt and trying to prove both them and myself wrong- It's made me change so drastically. But wouldn't it be time for me to finally let go of a long-held grudge? Wouldn't it just hold me back if I kept harboring negative feelings towards them forever? Would it even benefit me at that point?"
"You have a point there," Jungkook hummed.
"I don't mean to be imposing or sound dependent- I know this is my situation and mess and all that. That being said, however, I'd like to know your opinion," you say softly. "I mean... do you know what you'd do? In my position?"
Jungkook thought to himself for a minute, quiet. "Forgive but never forget- they say that a lot. You can't be expected to forget everything... but I don't think forgiveness can hurt. Grudges can, however. Again, though, that's just my opinion. Whatever you do, I'll support you of course."
You smiled softly at that, looking up to meet his doe-eyes. "Thank you, for that," you said genuinely, your eyes soft.
Jungkook grinned down at you. "What are friends for?"
For some reason, those words seemed to sting a bit.
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Safe with Me -Hybrid AU Part 8
Description: You’ve always wanted to help people, and suddenly, you’ve been given the chance to help three hybrids who are down on their luck: Jimin, a cat hybrid, Jungkook, a bunny hybrid, and Jin, a dog-hybrid. Opening your home and your heart to these three, anything could happen. Including you getting hurt.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, implications of sexual abuse, mentions of death, mentions of violence
Posted: 7/13/2018
Tags: Readerxbts, hybrid!Jimin, hybrid!Jin, hybrid!Jungkook, hybrid!Namjoon, hybrid!Hoseok, hybrid!Yoongi, hybrid!Taehyung
Fluffy and Angsty: 3,051 words
A/N: Here, have another part. It’s a little shorter than normal, but not by much.
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Your peaceful corner of the universe was utter chaos. There was crying in all parts of the house, but also the chatter of children that were with Jungkook over in one corner, fascinated by the kids movie playing on the television. The kids wouldn’t go near you, and if you went near them… The babies, thankfully, didn’t care as long as their needs were met. There were about twenty-five kids total, seven of which were under the age of one. Hobi was doing his best to calm kids down, then deposit them with the others in front of the movie. Jimin had a few that were asleep upstairs, and two on each hip as tried to soothe them to sleep, his purr sounding more forced the longer it went. Jungkook kept checking on the ones around him, seeming a little jumpy. You carefully set the sleeping kitten into the carrier, careful to rub her ears a little and tuck the blanket around her. “Next.” Jin passed the Rabbit-hybrid he was trying to soothe to you, picking up the last one that was only slightly fussy. He was great with the babies, and the toddler that had attached himself to Jin’s leg. He seemed to know exactly what to do, despite the overwhelming numbers. You helped the bunny-baby curl into your arm, tucked up to your chest. He instantly calmed down. Jin looked over, looking slightly offended. “I did that.” “Um, Jin, I’m a little more…motherlike?” You glanced down meaningfully. His gaze flicked from your face and he looked away, cheeks red. “That’s…valid.” You stirred the pots again, then tasted both. “Soups are done.” “So, about the picnic,” Hobi started, looking amused and exhausted. “It’s been postponed until I find out what the hell my brother was thinking sending all these kids here,” You murmured, feeling a little flustered. Jin got up, scooping up the toddler on his leg and strolling over to stand beside you as the lab-eared toddler shrunk and hid his face in Jin’s shoulder. You looked down as the child whimpered a little. Jin licked his ear, then leaned forward and kissed you. “It smells amazing, darling. Besides, would you rather they were sent to another farm?” You shuddered and shook your head. “No. Never. But it’s hard to take care of kids when they’re afraid of you.” “Eomma! Look at this one! Human ears and a fluffy tail!” Jungkook said, bringing over a sleepy child. He was grinning broadly. You smiled softly. “She’s adorable.” The other kids that had been with him sort of followed, probably because you had said food was ready and Jungkook told them all that they were going to be eating. Many little eyes were on you. “But, Eomma, isn’t it really unusual?” Jungkook asked, setting the girl on the counter. She was sleepy enough that she just sort of blinked at him. You nodded, not daring to move closer in case you scared her. “It’s rare, yes. Not unheard of. It’s especially rare for fox hybrids like her.” “She’s a fox hybrid?” Jungkook asked, surprised. “But she doesn’t look like Hoseok-hyung.” “Hobi isn’t a red fox hybrid, he’s a Canadian marble fox.” The girl looked at Hobi and did a cute little gesture. Immediately, Hobi came and rubbed his face against hers. His hand rubbed behind her human ear. She grabbed onto his arm, giving a whimper of sorts. He nudged Kookie out of the way and picked up the little fox girl, letting out sounds that made the only other fox child, a bright eyed boy who was about five, look up and go over to rub against his leg. Both of them were responding with different noises. Jin chuckled softly. You watched with a smile. Kookie was close to you now, looking at the little bunny in your arms. “There is a bunny! Wow…he’s so little…” “You want to hold him?” You asked. He hesitated, glancing at the kids. “In a bit. We should get them fed.” You nodded. “Right, plenty of time later. Get the bowls out?” “Yes, eomma.” You noticed that the kids looked less wary every time he called you his mother, and you were silently grateful that Jungkook had noticed it before you had. Jimin came down with the baby monitor. “Food?” “You’ll have to help some kids eat while you do,” You told him gently. “Yes, eomma,” He said it without thinking, looking at the baby sleeping in your arms before sleepily rubbing his head on your shoulder. “What’s Hoseok-hyung doing?” “Um, bonding with the other little foxes.” He purr sounded natural now and amused. There was a soft mewl from one of the kids and he straightened. “Because she is my eomma,” He said, scowling slightly. “Doesn’t matter if she’s human. She’s still our eomma.” “Mmhmm,” Hobi hummed, butting his head gently against your other shoulder as he passed by on the way to the sink. Jimin left your side, looking annoyed. “You can’t compare y/n to other humans. Same with her brother, Micheal. They’re the best. You’ll see. Now shush. All of you sit down at one of the tables, we’ll bring you food. There are two soups: vegetable and chicken. Who wants chicken?” Some hands were raised. “Alright. If any of you change your minds you just let us know,” You said in a calmer tone than Jimin was. He seemed a little…hangry. Jin turned your head and kissed you as the kids scrambled to seats while Jungkook and Jimin helped the smaller ones. “We’ll have to have the oldest ones bathe first, then tag-team the younger ones. Especially the cats. This little one can’t have a bath, we’ll have to use a wash cloth for him. The bunny trait is stronger when they’re younger.” He placed a kiss on the baby’s head. “See the white tuft on his head?” You grinned and nodded. “That’ll disappear when he’s older, right?” Jin nodded. “About the time they hit puberty. Jungkook-ssi still had his spot when I took him in.” “No, really?” You grinned, imagining a cute little Jungkook with a white spot on his head. “Jimin-ssi had pictures. I had one of those cameras where the picture is available instantly…” “Polaroid camera.” “Right, and I took pictures of them a month or so after I rescued them. Jimin loved that camera up until its death about a year ago. He took pictures of us a lot. I don’t know what happened to them. Probably still in the shed.” You looked up at him. “You said the place got bought by someone else?” “I assumed it had. I just knew that the owners said I couldn’t work for them anymore and that they didn’t own the farm anymore.” You hummed, then let him take the baby bunny so you could help Kookie fill bowls with soup. It took another ten minutes to get food in front of everyone, including Jimin, Hobi, Jungkook and Jin, and even then, you stayed busy, feeding one of the babies that had woken up hungry. “The food is really good, Eomma, thank you for cooking,” Jungkook called over, keeping the tone of his voice soft so that he wouldn’t disturb the sleeping ones. “You’re welcome,” You said softly, knowing he heard you. One of the little ones had finished and slipped away, coming hesitantly over and looking at you and the babies. Her kitten ears flicked when you smiled at her. “She is nice,” Jimin said, turning in his seat to look at her. “And stop talking in cat. It’s rude.” “Are you really his mom?” She asked, a bit of a mewl to her voice. You smiled a little. “No, but I take care of him as a mother would. I love him like he’s my own.” “But you’re a human.” Jimin growled slightly at her tone. You gave him a look. “Stop it, Jimin-ah. Yes, sweetheart. I am human. But that doesn’t change the fact that I care about them. Kookie, JImin, and Hobi are my babies.” “What about Jin?” She asked, eyes flicking to Jin as he helped four kids at once, two of which sat on his lap. He heard his name and his eyes flicked over, a smile resting on his face. You couldn’t help but smile back. “Um…that’s a little more complicated. Let’s just say that he’s my friend for now.” “Her very good friend,” Jin corrected. You grinned and picked up one of the babies as she fussed over her empty bottle. You had a burp-cloth over your shoulder already and you patted the baby’s back. “So…you adopt them as your own kids?” She asked, tilting her head with wide eyes and alert ears and tail. “Yeah, I guess so. They sort of adopted me first,” You answered, setting the baby back in the carrier before picking up the other and burping it. “Are you adopting us?” You looked at her in surprise. “She can’t,” Hobi said gently. “You’re all too young. We’re taking care of you guys for now.” You gave Hobi a grateful look. “Oh.” Her tail drooped. “But while you’re here, we’re going to take the very best care of you,” You told her, setting the baby down in the carrier. “Which includes food, cuddles, and playtime.” “Cuddles?” She whispered, peeking up at you. One of the other boys had slipped over and his tail wagged a little, looking hopeful. You grinned and nodded. “Cuddles.” The boy didn’t need any more encouragement to hurry forward into your arms, rubbing his head against your shoulder. The girl gave an indignant sound and hurried to claim your other shoulder. She purred softly as your arm encompassed her, rubbing your cheek against the top of her head. The boy’s tail was wagging wildly as he cuddled up to you, a slightly wistful look on his face. “I miss my momma,” He whispered softly. The girl tensed, eyes going wide. You kissed her forehead before letting go of her to hug the boy who was sniffling now. He hugged your neck, whimpering and whining as he started crying in earnest. “Where’s my momma?” “I don’t know, honey,” You murmured, picking him up and cuddling him close. You started humming a lullaby, hoping it would strike a chord with him and provide a little comfort. He calmed down a little, listening to you humming. After you sat on the couch, kids slowly joined you, cuddling close with everyone else as they got close to you. You eventually switched to reading a story, running out of songs. You didn’t want to lose their attention, afraid they would go back to mourning their parents. To remembering the horrible events of the day. Jin and Hobi took kids in pairs to take baths, starting with the kids waking up from napping upstairs. Jungkook and Jimin were going back and forth between helping you with all of the munchkins around and checking on the babies and the kids that were still sleeping upstairs. Before you knew it, all the kids had been bathed and were low-key exploring the house. Well, the kittens were pouting by Jimin because they were forced into water. He was talking lowly, his smile a little tired, but his tail continued to stroke over their ears and try to comfort them. “They’re better when you’re not as dirty,” He told them sweetly. “Y/n?” Micheal called softly from the entrance, then wandered in, watching as the curious children scurried away from him. “Hey…I’m sorry about…this…” You arched an eyebrow. “How long?” “Well…” He looked at all the kids that were listening intently from a distance. Jin cleared his throat. “Why don’t you two talk outside?” You nodded, slipping out from under the kids and following your brother and Jin outside after Micheal waved for Jin to join. You punched Micheal in the arm. “Some warning, maybe?” “I know, sorry. If I had some warning I would have sent some more people to help you.” “Okay, but what’s going on?” “This is…temporary. They wanted to send them to a different farm, I argued that it would be better to put them in a caring environment for a while. That got them to agree to send them here, then I talked to a bunch of people to come up with a different plan. The word has been put out to the hybrid families…see if anyone wants to take in a kid.” Jin eyes widened. “You’re…going to try and place them with hybrid families?” Micheal nodded. “They’ve been through a traumatic experience. The politicians I talked to agreed that it was in the childrens’ best interest to be with their own kind…indefinitely.” Jin let out a choked sound, turning away. You looked at your brother in surprise. “How…?” “I may have exaggerated their emotional state a little. Only one of them actually saw any of the adults getting killed. The others were upset because their parents were taken from them. They don’t really understand that they’re dead. They’ll come to their own conclusions eventually, but being able to be with their own kind is better than most would get.” Micheal looked away. “The place was a nightmare.” You hugged him. “You were amazing today,” You whispered. He shrugged. “Becca’s going over to my house tonight to meet the boys. Do you guys need some extra help here?” “Probably in the morning. You go home, take a shower, relax. Enjoy your time with Becca. Eat.” You told him, kissing his cheek. “We’ll take care of these kids. Just…let me know.” Micheal kissed your forehead as you pulled away. “I’ll see you soon.” Jin caught him and hugged him before micheal could leave. “Thank you. Thank you…” He breathed, sounding choked still. Micheal just nodded, and patted Jin’s back before being released and going around the house to leave. Jin looked at you. “They’re going to be safe…they’re not going to have to suffer like me…like the boys…” He grabbed you and hid his face in your shoulder as you hugged him tightly. His tail was wagging a little as he pulled back and kissed you. You melted into his happy kiss, arms sliding from his waist to around his neck. The news was…beyond what either of you ever imagined. He pulled out of the kiss too quickly for your liking. “We should get back inside before the boys get overwhelmed.” You nodded, then kissed him again. “You know, I thought I was going to be the one to try and make a huge difference. Turns out it’s my brother…” “Only because you influenced him. His actions are reactions to your passion. If it weren’t for you, would he have had hybrid workers?” You hesitated, then shook your head. “It took a lot to convince him. It was a risky move and he didn’t want to endanger my future, or his own.” “If you hadn’t taken us in, would he have adopted Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi?” You shook your head again, knowing he probably wouldn’t have even thought of going to the shelter while he dealt with his workers if you hadn’t had Jungkook and Jimin. Which would have meant that Hobi and the other three would still be in the shelter… “You were the one with compassion for hybrids, your brother learned it from you. He can only do these things because he has your support.” Jin looked down at you. “Because he sees the future you’ve chosen and he wants to protect you from the harshest parts of it. Change it for the better. He’s a good brother. Now, we need to go be good parents and make sure our boys don’t get trampled by a couple dozen small children.” You grinned. “They’re so cute! Did you see Hobi with those fox-hybrids?” He grinned back. “And Jimin-ssi with the kittens?” “And Kookie with all of them. I mean, I didn’t think he could get cuter.” He kept an arm around you as he led the way inside. “Neither did I.” Hobi looked over, curiosity spelled out in the tilt of his head and the alertness of his ears and tail, concern flickering briefly over him when he noticed the remnants of the overwhelmed tears Jin had cried, but quickly realizing that Jin was happy. Beyond happy. The kids quickly seemed to sense his happiness and gathered around him, asking him to play with them, which he agreed to with a big grin. You made your way over to Hobi as the kid he was entertaining abandoned him for the group game. “So?” You shrugged and shook your head. “Best to wait until all the little eavesdroppers have gone to sleep.” “Right. They’re so cute.” He looked at the kids fondly, then looked at you. “But I think Jungkook is getting overwhelmed” You looked over seeing that Kookie’s smile was just a little too fake, and hurried over. “Alright, Jungkook is going to go take a bath now.” Jungkook looked at you in surprise, then smiled and nodded, looking a little relieved. He got himself out from the tangle of the kids arms and legs and bounded over and up the stairs to that bathroom. Soon the kids were trying to hide how they were hungry again, but after hearing a couple rumbling stomachs, you headed back into the kitchen, coming up with some extra food to go with the soups that had made it through lunch somehow. “Food will be ready in another half an hour,” You called to Jin, Jimin, and Hobi. Jin’s tail started wagging. “Thanks, y/n.” Jimin’s purr was audible as he grinned over at you. Hobi’s ears flicked acknowledgment, but he was busy acting silly with a bunch of the kids. Loudly, actually. You were glad Jin had moved the babies into your room so that they wouldn’t be disturbed by noise and thankfully there were multiple sets of baby monitors, but you knew you were in for a long night. One baby was hard enough, but having about nine kids aged two and under? You wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon.
Masterlist.  Part 7.  Part 9.
@ephemeral-mindset @hollzarmy @stitchattacks
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trippydooda · 5 years
another snippet of the Tangled AU thing, i’ll post a link for its AO3 page soon
Pairing: Kim Seokjin/Jeon Jungkook
Word Count: 2,291
Rating: T
Yoongi’s pub had quickly become a safe haven for the less than endowed in society, and that’s exactly where Jungkook is sitting at present, grinning wildly at a not grinning Yoongi behind the counter.
“One of these days you’ll rot in a cell forever,” Yoongi tells him, entirely fake intent behind the words.
Jungkook smiles against the rim of his mug and drinks down. “Hasn’t happened yet,” he counters.
“I wait with bated breath for when it does,” Yoongi retorts, swiftly turning on his heel.
Swirling around on his stool, Jungkook watches the pub with a strong familiarity and comfort of home. In one corner someone is playing an aggressive game of chess, in another group of people (including Taehyung, of course) are playing a game of poker. Taehyung cheats, everyone knows, but everyone is also too afraid to say anything about lest they invoke the wrath of Jimin, who when Jungkook looks is sprawled across a chair, no doubt trying to sleep. A wasted effort to be sure.
The only two who were missing was Namjoon and Hoseok, who had been out running errands since their faces weren’t as hated as the Terrible Trio. The two of them had made a silent agreement to wear masks whenever they did business with the Trio, and it would have been a good idea all around if it wasn’t already miserably too late for the other three to even try. Besides, Hoseok took more enjoyment enacting acts of violence against the castle guard and having them not have any clue who was doing it.
Jungkook sits back, resting an elbow on the edge of the bar. He’s smiling, Yoongi makes some rude remark about keeping his bar clean thank you, but Jungkook just laughs under his breath.
This was his home.
                                         — — — — — — — 
Kim Seokjin doesn’t know what home means.
He reads books on it every day, the same ones he has read hundreds of times, and can only conclude where he is trapped is the closest thing to “home”. And that was the reality, Seokjin was trapped in this tower and doesn’t even know what it is to feel the grass between his toes. He has no idea what a breath of fresh air is truly like, and can only imagine it through dreams and hopes of one day being free.
His keeper is Yi Jihu, a younger man but still older than him who had found him as an infant, helpless and alone. Jihu is a nice man, Seokjin thinks, but has told him the horrors of the word below and although he doesn’t want to believe them, he has no point of reference to counter otherwise. It was his hair, he’s always told, people want his hair for intentions laced with malice. Seokjin tugs at his golden shoulder length hair, playing with it in between his fingers, and finds he resents it. 
One night he had tried to cut it, but Jihu had found him and ripped the scissors from his hair and bursting into an anger Seokjin had never seen before. His face turned red and the veins in his eyes popped as he shrieked and screamed at Seokjin, saying he would let him starve if he dared to cut his hair. He hasn’t questioned it since, hasn’t even bothered to try, knowing Jihu watches him constantly under the guise of concern, but Seokjin knows there’s something more sinister hidden underneath. 
It’s magic, Jihu had told him the first night he experienced it. Seokjin had been singing mindlessly, letting tunes flow off his tongue and not even knowing the words he sang. It was in the midst of this his brilliant golden hair had started to glow wildly, emitting flecks of what looked like stardust to him in abundance. Jihu had walked in then, holding it in his hands with the look of what Seokjin thought was like how mother looks at her child. He had brushed his cheek against it and sighed deeply, thanking Seokjin for finally giving him what he was hoping for all these years. Seokjin didn’t get it at the time, still doesn’t as much, but it made Jihu happy so it made Seokjin happy.
Seokjin isn’t happy though. At first he was, always happy to be around his books and his small sugar glider (who he named Cane as a pun to himself), and thought he never needed anything else. Anyone else. He had Jihu, he had food and a home, and there was nothing else he was missing. It was only when he first noticed the stars that he had seen the error in his ways. 
Up in the sky where Seokjin can’t reach, where he can’t even begin to understand the complexity of, sat balls of super heated light that looked down on him. He watches them every night until he falls asleep at the window, watches them while he sings tunes to no one, and watches them like they’re his salvation.
Kim Seokjin doesn’t know what home is, but when he looks at the stars he thinks he’s getting somewhat closer.
                                          — — — — — — — 
“This is the most idiotic thing you’ve ever proposed,” Namjoon says, “And that’s including robbing the brothel that was, if I need to remind you, full of palace soldiers.” 
Jungkook shrugs and grins. “It was funny seeing them realise we had the blackmail power to use against them.”
“That’s true,” Taehyung pipes from the chair.
Sighing, Namjoon runs a hand down his face. The pub had recently closed, and it was just the six of them sitting around trying to figure out how to make some quick cash. Boring breaking and entering had lost its luster, and it never made much money. You always had to do multiple robberies, and that made it easier to be caught and it just wasn’t fun anymore. Jungkook liked to raid, and come back with more than a leather cap and a few gold coins. He wanted bigger, badder, and harder to get. 
Enter his master plan to steal the crown that belonged to the “long lost” prince, if you believed the stories.
“We have Hoseok to lead us around and find the best way in,” Jungkook reasons when Namjoon continues to stare at him.
Hoseok squeaks, “That’s not a lot of pressure though.”
Jungkook shrugs again. “I’m just saying, imagine how rich we would be if we had that thing.” He smirks, showing a toothy smile, “We’d have the kingdom wrapped around our fingers.”
“You seem to be forgetting the part where you could get executed,” Namjoon grits out, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m not, I swear,” Jungkook pouts, “Besides it wouldn’t even be on you if I died, it would totally be on Taehyung,” he finishes just as Taehying yells an indignant, “Hey!” And Jungkook is being hit in the shoulder by a blunt butter knife. 
The thing was, Jungkook harbours more than a little animosity towards the king and queen. Ever since he could wrap his head around thoughts beyond he was hungry and pillows were comfy, he had seen his fair share of turmoil surrounding the monarchy. It didn’t care about its citizens really, it only cared about the rich ones. They would try to guilt the citizens by saying the king and queen still mourn their lost son, but if Jungkook can get over his dead parents he thinks the goddamn leaders of a nation can get over their son.
It’s because of this that he wants to steal the crown. He wants to covet it and dangle it above the kingdom’s head, taunting and bribing for them to get it back. He wants to see them suffer like the poor and ill, wants them to know what it’s like to not be born into royalty or the aristocracy. Perhaps it’s a bit childish, perhaps he was just being petty, but it doesn’t change how he feels.
It turns out the best way to get into the castle is through the roof. Jungkook doesn’t pretend to understand, just scales the sides of the castle with a foolish grin and adrenaline pumping through his veins. He’s always loved climbing, always climbed trees and hills when he was younger, much to his caretaker’s dismay. 
Jungkook reaches the place where they will quite literally drop in before everyone else, because of course he does. He’s bouncing foot to foot, squeezing his hands into fists only to let them go in rapid succession. The whole gang decided to come this time, even Yoongi. He mentioned something about being bored out of his ever loving mind in the pub and was keen to see them all fuck up. It was an empty insult, because everyone knows he came because he was worried about Hoseok getting hurt again. Jungkook wishes they would just fuck already and get rid of the sexual tension he can practically smell every time they’re near each other. It literally makes him nauseated, and even more so when he sees them eye fucking each other. Absolutely ridiculous.
“I don’t like heights,” Taehyung idly comments, staring down into the throne room. It’s where the king and queen keep the crown, moping about it every time they held council. 
“I’ll go in then,” Jungkook says, already reaching for the rope Jimin is holding. 
Jimin keeps it taut against his hip, resisting Jungkook’s grip. “Shouldn’t I be the one to go? I’m the smallest,” he says, gnawing at the bottom of his lip.
The thing is, everyone else is always slightly wary about doing big heists. They’re always quiet as they prepare, quiet as they start, always hesitant. Jungkook, by contrast, welcomes the chaos that no doubt descends upon them. He relishes the fact that he’s in danger, that he could be thrown in prison forever, or even worse he could die. It was exhilarating, knowing he had control over what he could do. And that was the thing, it was all about control. All about the thrill.
So Jungkook forcefully yanks the rope from Jimin saying, “We can’t have anyone be scared or unsure about this, or we’re all fucked.” To that, everyone slowly nods. He’s right, he knows, and he knows everyone else sees it as well. It’s why, despite being the youngest, Jungkook is the leader. 
“Ah, bravery,” Yoongi muses with a chuckle, “A far better term for stupidity, is it not?”
Jungkook shoots him a look, lips thinning. “No one needs your poetry bullshit right now,” he retorts, but there’s no venom in it, not when he grins wildly right after. Yoongi grins right back, raising his hands in mock defeat.
“Don’t die,” is what he says next, and it’s the best evidence of concern Jungkook is going to get out of him.
Jungkook is let down slowly, needing both Namjoon and Taehyung to hold him steady. “You’re all muscle what the fuck,” is what Taehyung had muttered as they first dropped him through the glass ceiling. He dangles more or less stably as he’s brought closer to the crown perfectly sitting on a silk pillow, atop a pedestal adorned with so many jewels it makes Jungkook’s mouth water. If he could, he’d rip the damn thing out and keep it for himself it was so pretty. It’d be like a trophy, since he really has no plan on what to actually do with the crown once he gets it. He’ll figure it out.
A sweat has built up on the nape of his neck when he first grabs the rim of the crown in front of him. He holds it close to his chest, looking up at where Jimin is peering down at him and grins. He motions to be let up when one of the guards sneezes, turning his attention back down.
“Hay fever?” He casually asks, and can feel the grip on the rope stiffening. 
“Like a bitch,” the guard says, and Jungkook can tell he’s wiping his nose from where he stares at his back. It takes a moment for the guard to realise where the comment came from, and turns to Jungkook with eyes blown wide. “What the fu—”
“Sorry, got to go,” Jungkook interrupts with the most shit eating grin. He can feel himself be pulled up only slightly, and he’s pretty sure the assholes are considering letting him go altogether. 
As he’s being hoisted up there is nothing short of chaos that erupts. He can’t tell if he’s hearing his friends curse or the plethora of guards below him, but it doesn’t matter when he feels an arrows slice his cheek. Still clutching the crown with one arm, he instinctively jolts a hand to where he’s no doubt bleeding, sending an incredulous glare at the trembling guard who no doubt tried to kill him. So rude.
“You’re a fucking idiot,” is what Jungkook is greeted with when he finally clambers onto the roof. “Can you not be a cocky bastard for one minute of your life?” It’s Yoongi snarling at him, but it’s clear he’s afraid. Poor bugger shouldn’t have come along.
“I have to agree,” Taehyung adds, dropping the rope right as Jungkook stands. He points an accusatory finger at him, “If we all die I am so haunting you in the afterlife.”
Wriggling out of the rope tied around his waist, Jungkook grins. “Fair enough.”
                                               — — — — — — — 
He finishes singing for Jihu as the sun starts to set. 
“Beautiful, as always,” Jihu says to Seokjin, sliding an affectionate thumb across his cheek.
Seokjin smiles, though it doesn’t quite meet his eyes. Cane wriggles in his lap, and he softly pets his head. “Thank you,” he says quietly. 
Jihu kisses the top of his head as he stands, brushing off his knees. He had been kneeling in front of Seokjin as he sang atop of a terribly worn down wooden stool. It had been like this ever since Seokjin can remember, singing for Jihu before bed. He’s always thought the dynamic was supposed to be the other way around, but it always made Jihu happy so he never questioned it. It got old after maybe twenty years when Seokjin realised he doesn’t get much in return. Sometimes a nice muffin, but he hardly considers it compensation.
It started to get old when Seokjin’s back hurt from sitting too long, his hair sometimes not wanting to glow how Jihu wanted it to. 
It started to get old when Jihu would strike him for not wanting to do it, and then immediately cradle him and telling him he was sorry.
It started to get old when Seokjin realised he was alone.
He always has Cane, who scurries up his arm to rest in the crook of his neck, but sometimes he wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Cane’s fault of course, and he usually was enough to keep Seokjin sane. But the thing was, Jihu would be gone sometimes for weeks at a time, and instead of welcoming Seokjin into his arms when he returned, he would always drag him to the wooden stool and practically beg Seokjin to sing for him, bags latent and obvious under his eyes.
Seokjin has never denied him in those times either. The pain on Jihu’s face made his heart hurt, and he would stop whatever he was doing to help. Perhaps he was chasing a feeling that maybe Jihu would show him true love, and not just something he has to covet. Seokjin frowns at the familiar sentiment that crawls upon behind him. It’s been getting harder to ignore as of late, and when he tries to be more affectionate with Jihu, he’s pushed away. Seokjin only matters when he sings.
Sometimes he wishes he would fall ill and lose his voice forever. What was the point of being able to sing if he could never share it with the world? He’s always told how cold and unforgiving the outside world is, but when he looks out his window into the endless woods with its singing birds and beautiful elk, he thinks maybe Jihu is wrong. He thinks maybe if he was just given the chance he would be able to think for his own.
He thinks many things, but never voices them.
He belatedly realises Jihu is trying to talk to him when he blinks up to an impatient face. “Sorry?” He asks.
“I said,” Jihu says, “It’s time for you to sleep now. I have to leave early tomorrow and I need to know you’re safe in your bed before I sleep.”
Seokjin rubs his lips together. He has grown accustomed to Jihu treating him like a child despite his age, but there are moments where it infuriates him. Surely they should be equals now. Surely Seokjin isn’t the stumbling infant he once was. In any case, he nods. “Of course,” he replies, standing delicately. 
Jihu watches him, a shadowed figure as Seokjin crawls into bed and holds his blankets close to his face. He hides it enough to know when Jihu leaves, obviously convinced he’s asleep already. The sigh that Jihu always lets out as he leaves has not made Seokjin find comfort since he was a small child, and so when he hears Jihu’s bedroom door close, he promptly sits up. Cane comes over to sit atop his head as he does what he’s done as a ritual for years now. 
He props himself up, crawls into the expansive window sill he has, and stares at the stars. He stares at the stars and definitely doesn’t cry. 
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yukheii · 6 years
one hundred ways to say i love you
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× notes: a few nice anons convinced me to try spelling jungkook as jeongguk, and i actually think i prefer it lmao shout out to y’all. this makes very faint references to this prince!yoongi drabble from the series, but you don’t need to read it to understand this
× 007. “i dreamt about you last night” + prince!jeongguk
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According to Yoongi, Jeongguk is cut out to be a prince.
His equestrianship far exceeds that of his brothers, he’s light on his feet, and albeit a bit outdated, he’s not too bad with a sword, either. He’s a good dancer, not bad at public speaking, and is always genuinely excited to participate in charity work. 
And while he’s no Namjoon at the war table, Jeongguk does understand international policy; well enough to head a meeting in place of his older brother, and if he does say so himself, it was going pretty well.
Except for the fact that the guest of honor wasn’t paying attention to a single word he was saying. 
“I think a brief recess would do us all good,” Jeongguk speaks up, glancing between you and the other bleak expressions in the room, “We’ll take an hour break, and resume at quarter to noon.”
Staff and officials from both parties exit the room. You’re half-way to the door when Jeongguk calls for you to stay behind. Seungcheol is wary to leave you unguarded, but you assure him you’ll be fine, and reluctantly, he recedes with the rest of the crowd.
You reclaim your seat on the left-hand side of the table, but Jeongguk stands, pushes his chair in and paces slowly until he’s standing directly across from you.
“You know,” he begins, his fingers gliding along the oversize books on the shelf, “It’s rude to daydream in the middle of a meeting, your highness.”
You crinkle your nose at the formality, and that’s when Jeongguk breaks, too. His leader-esque facade falls; the crinkle of his own nose, and curve of his lips and eyes replace his stoicism, and pleasant familiarity permeates the room.
His stance becomes relaxed as he casually shifts his weight. He looks at you expectantly, eyes twinkling with satisfaction once you unlace your fingers and slouch.
“I wouldn’t call it daydreaming,” you comment, looking up at the nebulas painted on the ceilings of the room. It’s different from the last time you saw it. Namjoon’s touch, no doubt.
Jeongguk cranes his neck—not slightly upwards like when he’s confused, nor quickly like when he’s feeling a bit cocky—but, rather, slowly, testing, curious.
“No, I suppose you wouldn’t,” with pursed lips, he rolls up the sleeves of his button down, “Daydreaming ought to be pleasant, no?”
“Am I wrong?” he interjects, “You’re not happy to be thinking of him, are you?”
You shake your head slowly, eyes tracking his silhouette resumes pacing in the frame of the window.
“Then why do you do it?”
“I don’t want to.”
“Then don’t.”
“Not all of us have the luxury of being seventh in line for the throne,” you remind him, “I have to get married.”
Jeongguk stops pacing.
According to Yoongi, Jeongguk is cut out to be a prince. He’ll never be king, he has too many brothers to think of that, but Yoongi still thinks Jeongguk was born into the right family. That he was born to be a prince.
He’s cute, courteous, charming. He excels at everything. Everything, except courtship.
Hoseok and Namjoon tell him he’ll grow into it. Taehyung jokes that Jimin gets enough for all of them. Seokjin tells him that he need not worry about finding a spouse so young, and that he’s the one who needs to worry about marriage.
Yoongi tells him to grow a pair and ask you the fuck out before somebody else does.
Jeongguk hopes it’s not too late to heed the elder’s warning.
“What if I told you I dreamt about you last night? And the night before, and every night before that,” he stops pacing again, aiming his body and words directly at you, “What if I told you I saw our wedding?”
You turn to where Jeongguk has begun to round the table, “That depends. Was my dress pretty?”
“Gorgeous,” he doesn’t stutter, taking calculated steps towards you.
“Was it televised?”
“You wouldn’t have shown up if it were.”
“Did the venue have a view?”
“Danang Peninsula, just like you always wanted it.”
You stop to smile. Jeongguk keeps on walking. “You remembered?”
“How could I forget?” he near whispers when he’s standing over you.
For a moment, Jeongguk remembers you in this room when the two of you were smaller. He remembers you pulling this same chair out, back when he could sit on the chair tucked under the desk, looking up at him. He remembers scrunching in his face in defeat of this round of hide-and-seek. 
He remembers you pointing a chubby finger at him and your subsequent declaration through high-pitched giggles, “You made so much noise, I could hear the chair squeaking! Jeon Jeongguk, I found you!”
And now he looks down at you, grateful for that sparkle in your eye, but missing the smile framed by the apples of your cheeks. Things aren’t exactly the same, you’re bigger now, different now, but Jeongguk is still right in front go you.
He hopes that you can still see him.
“Marry me,” he blurts, a hesitant hand resting, turning you towards him, “Seokjin would approve in a heartbeat—hell, they all already have. You could stay here, or I could move to you, whatever works. We could be perfect—no, we could be happy, and I know you don’t think it’s important, but you deserve to be—”
In his scramble for words he hadn’t noticed you leaning up, he hadn’t expected you to kiss him. But it’s nice, it’s warm, it’s slow, it feels right.
“You always made so much noise with that big mouth of yours, Jeon Jeongguk.”
And he considers himself really fucking lucky to have been found again.
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all rights reserved. (c) ageustd 2018. editing, reposting, or translations of any kind on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretake CH6
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,070
- Author Note: I forgot again to update last week, so i am giving the update today instead! 
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Chapter 6
“Wait where are you guys going?” Yoongi’s gruffy voice stopped everyone on their track. Jin who seemed engross preparing the last plate of toast for the youngest one in the group diverted his attention to the grumpy guy. For some reason Yoongi looked extremely pissy today in his usual comfy clothes, black hoodies and his favourite ripped jeans.
Jungkook approached the seat beside Jimin, looking squeaky clean with his dam hair “Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?” his signature bunny smile spread across his face. Upon feeling Jungkook’s presence beside him, Jimin turned to face the younger boy to greet him a good morning but only to be welcomed by his wet bangs sticking on his forehead.
An unpleasant frown could be seen on Jimin’s face as he reached out to touch Jungkook’s damp hair “Can you dry your hair properly? You might catch a cold kkuk” the latter sighs softly. Being an obedient younger brother, Jungkook only nodded in response as he let Jimin stood behind him, drying his hair manually using towel that hang loosely around his neck.
Watching the two youngest guys pampering each other with affection so early in the morning, Jin shook his head while munching down his own food. “We have practice in a bit Yoongi, weren’t you informed by Hoseok yesterday?” his nose scrunched up, pushing his round glasses back at the bridge of his nose.
“Right. But isn’t it too early? Shouldn’t we wait for the caretaker Ahjumma to show up?” Yoongi retorted in hope others would agree with his odd ideas.
“Mmm hyung? I thought we aren’t allowed to be here when the ahjumma perform her job?” Jimin voice croaked cutely as his hands were busy stroking Jungkook’s soft hair making sure it was dried properly. “Jungkook stay still ishh” said Jimin, puckering his lower lips in between.
Jungkook tilted his head following Jimin’s movement whilst finishing his breakfast without complain. To him, whatever food prepared by Jin, was the best food that he ever tasted ever. He’s used to his cooking to the extent when they were too busy with their promotions, he craved for Jin’s food all week long.
Yoongi snapped “I know, but aren’t you curious to see who she is?” he tapped fingers on the kitchen counter anxiously.
“Whoa, chill man. Why are you so worked up today?” Hoseok inquired with his innocent round eyes. Apart from Jin, Yoongi talked to no one about the incident yesterday. Oh well, he was taking Jin’s word into consideration that he did not want to worry their manager over this petty thing. If it was a petty thing per mentioned by Kim Seokjin, he would not be as restless. He was sexually harassed by someone, eventually and he could not let this thing slide. God knows, what else the girl could do to them if she decided to return.
If the girl from yesterday was not a legit daughter of the caretaker ahjumma, shouldn’t  they be worried? What if something happened to their caretaker? That would be so mess up.
Jin eyed Min Suga in the eyes with a smug “Guess, he seems interested with the caretaker romantically. He claims the caretaker is a lady around our age” all eyes in the room were on him. Some were mentally judging Yoongi’s ridiculous ideas and some were reconsidering the things that he mentioned earlier.
“Is that even possible?” the leader finally said something showing his interest.
“I know what I saw. I met her yesterday and trust me she is not that ahjumma”
Everyone choked on their food and drinks as they gave Yoongi a wary look, perhaps disbelieving every word that he said. Before anyone could interrupt, Yoongi held one of his hand signalling he was not finish talking and continued “She claimed to be the caretaker’s ahjumma daughter saying that she worked in her place temporarily due to her health condition. However, I was not convinced by her so called “I am Mrs Hwang’s daughter” story. Plus, if she is really ill, the company would notify us. Don’t you think it is odd?” he exhaled softly, feeling satisfied with his explanation. Again, he left the unexpected kiss part because he did not want to answer more questions from the floor.
“Holy… Are you serious right now?” Jungkook’s brow flinch in confusion followed by Jimin exaggerated reaction, as he sank beside Jungkook.
Taehyung muttered “But hyung, are you sure what you saw? Before we left yesterday, you ate your medicine, right? Don’t you think it is the after effect from the drugs that you consumed?” Yoongi snorted in annoyance.
“It is just pills not a fucking drug that could get me high, Kim Taehyung! I know what I saw, the girl invaded our dorm. Should not you be worried? She could be a sasaeng!” he exclaimed with a displeased face. Jin on the other side was dissatisfied with the choice of word made by Yoongi. No cursing word is allowed with his presence in the room.
Namjoon lips was pressed into thin line, indicating he’s working on something discreetly inside his mind “That is weird. Did you manage to get something from her like her identification card or something?”
“Uhm, about that. She did show me her mother ids, proving that he is one of Bighit’s staff but not hers. Something came up that it really took me off guard. I lost her in the blink of an eyes” he grunted.
Hoseok chuckled teasingly “And what is that something?”
“Oh my god could it be!” Jimin lips formed into a cute ‘o’ shape as he exchanged glance with Hoseok and Jungkook. Whatever these guys had in their mind, it was not an innocent thing for sure.
“Yah yah, it is not what you think. Don’t you dare!” Yoongi warned sternly silencing the small giggles from the three idiots in front of him. He could not believe this, that none of them would trust his words. When will they ever grow wisely and consider everything he said was the truth.
“Alright, prove it to us” Namjoon suggested, crossing his arm defensively.
Yoongi’s eyes glimmered in sheer happiness, finally someone took him seriously. If the leader said so, everyone would eventually listen to the leader’s words. “So how long we should wait?” Taehyung asked out curiosity. Frankly speaking, everyone was dying to meet the caretaker ahjumma.
“She should be here in few minutes since we were supposed to leave around 7 today, she usually come on time right after we leave” Yoongi glanced at the clock on the wall. Would Seul show up today to end this doubt between them? He had to prove to everyone that what he’s saying was the truth.
Jin agreed with the idea and smiled “Okay we will wait for 30 minutes, if she did not show up then you are so done Min Suga” the latter rolled eyes in his seat. Jin’s threat was empty and like he would get scared over that tiny warn.
Tossing her body on bed, she grew frustrated over the memories that she had with Yoongi yesterday. What was on her mind? Why would she be this dumb? To kiss one of Bangtan members just to save her ass. This was so fucked up to be honest. How could she turn up for the job knowing Min Yoongi would be there waiting for her at the doorstep? After all, she did sexually harass him. Stealing a kiss without permission is considered crime.  
Seul stayed up all night searching for Bangtan Sonyeondan profile just because she was dead curious of the guy that she accidentally kissed yesterday. Then, she found out he was Yoongi the rapper and oh it came to her realization Yoongi was Agust D, her favorite Tony Montana song was rapped by him. How could it be possible?
The kiss was incidental, yet it taunted her even in her deep slumber.
The door to her room was clicked open, and her mother’s head popped out behind it with a bewildered look “Why are you still here? Should not you be at the dorm already?” she sighed.
“Mom, I don’t think I can do it” she sat up, crossed leg on her queen size bed.
“What is wrong? Did something happen?” her weight sank in front of her as she looked at her daughter worriedly. Not that she wanted to force her to fill in the job, yet the two stubborn kids insisted her to rest and get a proper treatment until they found her a donor.
Now, it was worrying her. She assumed things were doing just fine, since Seul had not shown any disagreement or complains these past few weeks.
“Someone caught me in red handed yesterday. I was cleaning the dorm because according to the schedule no one should be home until night. But mom, someone was there. The guy with gruffy voice and small eyes, he caught me red handed!” she facepalmed feeling remorseful.
“Min Yoongi caught you?” Mrs Hwang gasped upon hearing the news.
“Yes, whatever his name. He was there at the dorm, but no one informed you about it! For a record, he saw me. We talked, and I told him about replacing you. That was the only thing came out from my mouth! I screwed this up”
Mrs Hwang rubbed her temple accompanied with a soft sigh “That is bad, the boys have no idea how I look, and they may think you are lying. Did you show my id?” Seul was quick to nod in response to her mother question.
“MIN YOONGI ACCUSED ME FOR BEING A SASAENG! SASAENG MY FOOT! I know nothing about them except few of their songs! He is rude I can say” she flinched in disgust.
Mrs Hwang squished Seul’s hand with a motherly smile, it was an assurance that she would solve this thing with the company soon and made sure things would not get out of hand. It was enough for the boys to know Seul’s existence but not the management.
“I will manage that, don’t worry. Take a break for a while, I will find way, so it won’t be messed up. Now, go wash up. You still have your bubble tea job to attend” Seul paused briefly feeling a little calm after the conversation that she had with her mother.
With hope, she did not need to show up to that dorm ever again.
“It is 7.30 and there is no sign of the young caretaker” Namjoon frowned purposely highlighting the young part just to annoy the older guy.
“I SWEAR SHE WAS HERE YESTERDAY? CANT WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER 30 minutes!” Yoongi rubbed his hair in frustration. This called for trouble, why the girl did not show up after the stunt that she pulled yesterday.  
Namjoon eyebrow quirked up automatically, exasperating a deep sigh “I believe that is not possible. We have something important going on at the company today. I suppose you have a meeting with Pdogg hyung to attend, are you forgetting that already?”
“Hyung, I think you have seen it wrong. It maybe the ahjumma but she is not that young. It is possible if she takes a good care of her skin though. Some may look like in their 20s” Hoseok chortled positively.
I know what I saw, I know what I feel. That soft lips of hers, how could I forget it. The kiss was real. Suga mentally facepalmed disliking how the situation turned unfavourable for him. No one is going to believe him anymore.
“Come on Yoongi hyung we have lots of thing to do today, don’t waste your time. We will meet the caretaker ahjumma soon” giving Yoongi the last pat on his back, Namjoon went to get his stuff inside his room joining others to get ready for their practice.
Staring blankly at the cold and empty entrance, Yoongi clutched his fist, steadying his rapid breathing. Out of all days, why would Seul chose not to show up? Was she scared after the yesterday encounter? Was Yoongi’s warning affect her that much?
He wished to see her one more time to clear things between them.
They still had to talk about the kiss though. He couldn’t pretend as if nothing ever happened between them. Heck no, he was not an easy man.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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