#and things will happen tomorrow that id prefer to not happen. lol.
thebirdandhersong · 5 months
Botheration :-)
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Gotta keep that hope around for sure i will keep my fingers crossed for you. Oh that is a win win i gotta remember that, i say as if adhd wont make me forget. I usually just look for em to see like. What kinds are around. Whole ones. Broken ones. Weird shapes. Its interesting. Dont take any with me though. That. Makes me wonder how they teach english over there. Honestly yeah i look for a name in the bio or just. Shorthand the username somehow because i gotta have some way to refer to people. I havent used a bio in years so people use my username all the time. Oooh norway i have always wanted to go there. I dont camp as much as id like to but i should more tbh. I have seen her stacks & i gotta say. Clara is wild cant believe i let her sit unused. I dunno how much ill get but im gonna for sure be savin as i can. I think that one is last yeah. I am always interested at the start but fade by the end because the new stuff always slows down. Same ive been playing indies more like gris & obra dinn. To try & branch out. Good story annoying exploration is chasm in a nutshell yeah. True big cities be like that. I live in a smaller one now so very little happens. Mine hold dye decently well which i appreciate. Just wish we had true permanent dye. Maybe one day. Thats how i am with nail polish i always get it on the sides & mess up but ive gotta just. Be patient & let myself learn. Happy 1.2 star rail update
sorry for the late reply shfjglk i truly have no excuse other than "i was holed up in my room in an attempt to avoid interaction with my grandma but i accidentally also avoided interaction with Everyone Else" so im. So sorry ab that. COMING BACK hehe thankies!! if things go wrong i guess ill just move out for a while and then come back Suspiciously A Different Gender. nobodys gonna know. but yeah good luck on remembering that shdjfk!! and ahh thats fair i just usually visit pretty big beaches so theres not many around by the time i get there. english is taught just so you know the language but following the education system without external classes will get you a2 knowledge At Best and its getting worse with each year so. lol. and yeah frfr i use usernames as names alllll the time...... norway is very fun i recommend it!! esp if you prefer colder climates like i do. ahhh understandable!! i dont actually. own a tent but as i said, maybe one day. id rather go with friends tho which is a problem in on itself cos i dont have that many friends that actually know each other. unless i go with my photo camp friends. thats an Idea actually. YEAH CLARA IS GREAT.... i unfortunately dont have her quite built [terrible relic luck...... plus ive been more focused on trying to prepare for kafka recently] but seeing as shes my main [despite having jing yuan] i Will get her better stuff someday. i have 140 pulls rn so im equally nervous as i am excited. yeah it really Is like that bc im always paranoid ab spoilers so i always do at least the new story as fast as i can. except for right now as i still havent played the new honkai chapter [but tbf my game only managed to download the update yesterday, 3 days after the launch of 6.8] and i honestly dont have the energy to do it today so maybe tomorrow. ah that sounds fun!! i came back to minecraft recently idk why but ive been having a Great time. after 130 in-game days i am finally no longer homeless. and oh when i get older id like to move to a smaller city [since i like having things close but dont like having drama all the time] but im still thinking ab where. ah thats cool...... i tried looking for the dye that i used on camp but couldnt find it. rip. and yeah same tbh thats why i never paint my nails. and yeah happy star rail 1.2 o)-( i like the double planar ornament event since thats the only thing im missing for kafkas things......
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dumbbitchfrommars · 2 years
who knew i how much i appreciated a chill night in. i am absolutely knackered though last night was fun. i need to learn to handle my liquor, or just not drink at all. its fucking up my skin and mental health and honestly i feel so concerned while i work that ill end up like those addicts. anyway, tomorrow i will eat extra to makeup up for lost time yesterday and today. 
so.... i have feelings for my friend. he is sweet and charming and so so kind, and i know he likes me too, he literally has since the day we met. its been, what? two years since we met? that’s crazy. i havent been ready for the longest time. ive known i liked him for ages as well. i kissed him on my birthday. i feel like things happen between us whenever theres some alcohol in our systems. but at the same time, its like it reveals the truth. i have less fear to act on my feelings. the stolen glances and smiles to each other, the way he’d come to me just from a look. like a magnet pulled us together constantly. i wasn’t interested in anyone but him... maybe one girl but its different with her, more flirtacious and no strings attached. 
anyway, towards the end of the night i ended up next to him in his bed. i get so nervous with him. but i feel like a little girl. like, just the biggest most wholesome schoolgirl crush. i invited him to dinner and he agreed. so theres my olive branch after two years of mixed messages. my mum likes him, i like him, he has great friends, i like him on an intellectual and physical level. which is crazy, cause for the longest time i didnt want to like him on a physical level. 
i think this whole experience, of having these feelings but trying to push them down on account for my physical preference, has taught me alot. its not fair to body shame someone. i have struggled with feeling inadequate for my body when i have no control over it. imagine if id just been accepted as a girl, i wouldve been able to enjoy my stumbling deer days when i was supposed to be lanky and skinny and awkward. so, i want to accept him as he is, and maybe that could help me grow in my own way too. 
there’s no denying i feel a little weird about it, but its just so different with him, compared to scorpion, cause i genuinely am attracted to him. hes flirty and assertive and interesting and a darling. i dont want to be afraid of having feelings for someone again. i want to be open and ready. i am ready. ive been seeing 888 999 and 555. change and transcendence. perhaps a transformational relationship. or romantic friendship? i dont want to put any expectations to it. i just want to enjoy the connection we have. 
anyway, i mainly wanted to come on here and gush about a certain moment last night. i can barely even remember what happened, or the context of the situation. i just know, he stroked my hair, and it made me feel like i was on fire. my stomach was going crazy and i looked straight into his eyes and ugh it was just magical and so seductive lol. i cant believe im even saying this! and then i instantly told him dont you do that, and smiled in that knowing way. how embarrassing!!!!! but also how sexy!!!!! he definitely wouldve known what i was thinking, and how i was feeling. 
i am the worst at hiding my feelings. i wish i could be mysterious and sexy but the reality is im an open book and i am a professional at embarrassing myself. hopefully he doesnt remember. but also... hopefully he does. i like that he has that power/effect over me. i dont think ive felt genuine attraction like this to someone in the longest time. scorpion and my summer fling both made me cringe, they were hopeless and truly gave me the ick. i still dont understand how i managed to convince myself i had feelings for them. 
but, this man is a libra, and hes wonderful, and i have feelings for him. i want to be better for him. i want to be there for him. i want him to be happy and to feel cared for... i dont know. i am so glad i got the courage to ask him to dinner. because i honestly have been wanting to for weeks now, but i didnt know how to ask. thank you God for bringing these opportunities into my lap! thank You for the protection you give me and the love i am surrounded by!!! xxxxxxoxoxo
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tokyoghoose · 4 years
something that never was
pairing: daisuke kambe x reader
playlist: even if it's a lie - matt maltese*, a soulmate who wasn't meant to be - jessica benko, the less i know the better - tame impala, id rather go blind - beyonce ( cadillac records ), the house we never built - gabrielle aplin*, i cant make you love me - dave thomas junior, i go crazy - orla gartland, blow my brains out - tikkle me, hidden in the sand - tally hall
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating,
summary: the coldness he radiates gets the best of you, ultimately leading to the end.
i dont really see daisuke cheating unless it was a misunderstanding or smth, but i liked the idea of this fic. Let me know what you think!
you can tell i didnt write this in a sitting lol. Im vv sorry if it's hard to follow!
feedback is welcome and appreciated! requests are open!
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There's a warm body beside you, yet the bed feels cold. The arm around your waist feels almost as foreign as the face in front of you. It hurts to look at him, to feel him. It hurts to even be around him. He's so beautiful but he feels like half the man he once was. It's disheartening.
Maybe the saying, what you don't know can't hurt you is correct because you were feeling the repercussions right about now. Curiosity really did kill the cat, and at this point, you don't even know how to get satisfaction from it. How does one bring up cheating to their partner? Especially when the partner is like Daisuke.
He likes to brush things off without paying a price except for whatever was in his bank account, the type to hand you a card and say 'go get yourself something pretty.' And it wasn't like he was a bad lover, in fact, it was very easy to fall in love with him. He has a charm about him that's magnetic, one glance and suddenly it's impossible to look away. Or at least that was your experience.
With the final confirmation that closing your eyes will do nothing other than bringing pictures into your head, you turn your back to him and try and distance your body from his. It doesn't do anything to help when he pulls you closer subconsciously, except for maybe it makes you want to cry.
You'd confront him tomorrow, you decided.
If you need to.
The pace you set is leisure and if kt wasn't for the poor nail bed quickly coming to nothing, it'd seem like you weren't completely losing your head. It's all you can think about. Daisuke out with some girl—who you know for a fact isn't his sister, and who is all over him. He didn't even make a move to push her off! He hates that kind of attention so if he didn't object it, then he was asking for it. He wanted the girl on his side. In fact, for someone who insists the other person sits across from him at a restaurant- he looked quite comfortable with her nearly in his lap.
Maybe you're overthinking this, y/n.
The door clicks open and your ears strain to hear the sound of Daisuke's dress shoes. He's rather indulgent when it comes to dressing wear and the shoes were practically silent, even with the short heel on the back.
"I'm home." He says to no one particular, taking off his trenchcoat and hanging it on the rack beside the door. He stops his path to the bedroom when he sees you frozen in place and staring in the living room. He merely quirks a brow, going to take off his suit and tie.
Suddenly you can't speak and you have tunnel vision. It's unfair how calm he always looks—it's almost smug like he knows everything about you and more. Like he can read your mind and tell you your darkest thoughts and when you'll die because let's be honest, it'll probably be by his hand. Maybe you should back out now before you can say anything. Forget it all because what if you're mistaken? The more you think, the more weight is added onto your shoulders and the more it pushes you down, down further into the hole you want to crawl into. Maybe you should let it because all you want to do now is escape his piercing gaze. His eyes are studying you, taking in your form and the cogs in his brain are turning to find an explanation as to why you are standing there like a psychopath and not welcoming him home like you usually do.
You feel like you're drowning. Is the light getting dimmer? The black around your vision only seems to close in around Daisuke and you try to look anywhere else but his face. There's water in your ears, the popping of them only intensifies until you can feel it pounding into your head with faint static.
Am I going to pass out?
It's not until his hand comes down gently on your shoulder that the closing circle of vision widens out and suddenly all the imaginary water rushes from your ears. You glance down at his rings before back up him, barely catching the end of his words.
"Are you alright?"
He's never been one to beg, so you would have to answer now or he'll leave it be for the rest of the night and probably months after until you're like this again.
"I-can we talk?"
He eyes you suspiciously, narrowing his eyes and keeping his brow raised before nodding, slipping his tie off around his neck, folding it neatly into the palm of his hand. He gestures for you to start the conversation, going to the minibar curving around the kitchen and living area.
When you don't reply he urges you on, "Why so tense? Did something happen, darling?"
It'd seem like he didn't really care from how cold his voice was, but you've grown accustomed to the monotone to know that he truly is concerned for your health. He genuinely wants to know why you're acting so odd. It only makes this so much harder? You're wrong- you have to be. This must be a sick trick your brain has played on you. Or he must be playing some sick trick.
Anxiety settles itself into your gut and it seems like it won't leave anytime soon.
"Daisuke, are...- are you cheating on me?"
His eyebrows finally go lax but he doesn't look up from unbuttoning the cuffs of his white button-down. His fingers fidget at the buttons and instead of the previous loose form, his hand forms a fist.
"I- "
"Why—exactly, are you accusing me of this?"
His gaze sends chills down your spine. He's offended but he doesn't offer a defense. Suddenly your mouth is dry and you lose all your words? How exactly were you going to tell him you stumbled across him and some woman in a restaurant and practically stared them down for fifteen minutes.
You decide the bear it and swallow a lump that has formed in your throat.
"You were with a woman earlier this week snd well, the displays of affection that I saw were not very like you. You've been gone for long hours and even if you blamed it on the new job, Daisuke—you never tell me anything. Is she for a case? Are you using her for information? Go on, tell me about it. Give me a reason not to accuse you."
You regain your confidence but it falters when you meet his indifferent expression. You'd prefer it if he looked angry and the silence that fills the room is deafening and the tension suffocating.
"I can't tell you anything about our cases-"
"I'm your partner! What am I going to do? Rat you out to whoever is breaking the law? Why would I even how those connections, Daisuke?"
Daisuke inhales deeply through his nose like this whole conversation is a burden on him and you can't help but feel like a burden too. Was this relationship not worth the time to talk this out? One hand grips the bar and the other pinches the bridge of his nose.
"You aren't my partner, you're my fiance. My partner and I work together. So, no. I can't tell you about the cases."
You want to rip out your hair. This isn't about his stupid job or his stupid partner. This is about the dumb fucking restaurant and the dumb fucking woman who was hanging off him.
He can't actually be this dense!
"It's not about that! Either you aren't getting the point or you keep changing the subject because it's true!" Your voice rises in pitch, your confidence failing and turning more so into desperation. But you aren't crying yet. There are no tears and your eyes are dry and you absolutely refuse to cry in front of a Kambe.
It's like the beginning of your relationship all over again. A protective barrier around yourself so you don't get hurt and offended by his cold shoulder. Was it so bad to think you've moved on from that feeling? Why is it so difficult for him to just comfort you and push back those fears? Is he that emotionally stunted? You may not know much about his past and his family, but damn— at least you're trying to work through it with him. Can he put out a little more effort?
All he does is pour himself a glass. All he does... is pour himself a glass.
"You know what- forget it. If you're so entitled and so emotionally reserved that you can't even talk to me without a drink first, then I guess we'll talk about it another time—when you don't look like my voice gives you a headache."
Daisuke actually looks taken back by your words and you suddenly feel bad for hitting a sore spot. He may not have shown it often, but he doesn't particularly like not being able to show his true emotions; no matter the reason being.
"Y/N, wait.."
But you're back on adrenaline just as soon as he felt a drop, pushing past him to get to your coat. You just needed to calm down before you said something you'd truly regret. Words tended to stay in his mind much longer than they were intended to.
"I'm staying at my mother's. Don't call me, don't text me, don't come near me until you're ready to tell me what the hell you were doing with her. "
When he doesn't say anything more and you can practically hear the cogs in his head turn, you make your way out there door, making sure to slam it shut.
You slip on the coat angrily, slamming open the door without sparing him a glance but waiting for him to say something. Anything. Were you being too rash? You shake your head and scold yourself, mentally. You can't just turn around now, not after an outburst like that. He has to learn something from this.
Irrational or not, hopefully, his true colors would show.
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deluxewhump · 5 years
Frat house box boy part 2!
Let’s see how our boy fares with the various members of the house. credit for this universe goes to @sweetwhumpandhellacomf ​ and @shameless-whumper ​! ps i know some lovely current and past frat boys irl who do community service and are all around good folks lol no shade this is very much a boxoffice movie portrayal lol. I'll do the tag list tomorrow thank you for those who asked to be tagged!!!!
heres part 1
“Just be glad it isn’t Bacardi this time.” One of the boys says dryly over his shoulder, turns back to the game.
He is. He’s grateful it’s just water. But they keep making him drink more every time their favorite team on the TV fumbles, every time they lose a point, even sometimes when they win. It doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t have to. The point is they tell him to do something and he does it.
“How much is that now, Z2? Hold it up!”
Z2. The first letter and number of his BoxBoy serial ID. It’d stuck, and now they called him Z2, sometimes making beeping noises at him like a Star Wars droid. Except Alex. Alex just calls him Z.
He holds up the plastic gallon of water. Even three quarters empty, the weight of it makes his arm shake. He hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning. No one had offered him anything since then.
Last night they had a party, one of their all-night affairs that ended with the house in disarray and people he’s never seen passed out under tables, on the stairs. Even the front yard had been a mess. Part of his job is cleaning up after the parties, which he much preferred to being included in their games.
His hand still hurt from the game with the darts. He was told to stand beside the board and hold his hand up—  to keep it still even if one hit him. One had been thrown so hard it stuck right in the meat of his thumb. That got a round of raucous laughter. Even the pledges, freshmen who always looked so eager and nervous liked to join in. He was the only thing lower on the totem pole than they were.
Later, Alex found Z2 curled up on the floor at the foot of his bed and bandaged his hand for him. It took a half hour of gentle questions before Z2 could even formulate the story and tell him what had happened.
Alex rubbed antibiotic cream over the sore punctures, wrapped them in gauze. He’d stayed in Alex’s room that night, the sleeping bag and pillow bed Alex had made him on the floor of his closet. It felt safe there. Alex installed a hook-eye lock on the inside of the closet door for him, told him not to tell anyone about it. Only when he was inside and it was latched could he relax enough to truly sleep.
“Almost there.” Someone taunts.  “Can you get the gallon down before halftime?”
He whimpers, feeling the pressure on his bladder like an anvil, like a balloon about to burst.
One boy leans close to him. “You don’t have to drink any more of that.”
Z2 looks to his left and sees Dominic, a senior who’d set some sort of school record last semester for the football team. He’s tall and broad-shouldered, with a mischievous look in his eyes that has always made Z2 nervous. He hadn’t realized how close he’d been sitting to him until just now, distracted by his own misery.
“How?” He whispers back.
“Just don’t if you don’t want to.”
Cheers erupt from the boys. Something’s gone right for their team. The team in white, he’s deduced from their noises of joy and dismay so far.
“I….” He bites his lip, embarrassed. “I really have to use the restroom.”
Dominic gives the smaller boy a once-over glance. His fraternity brothers would like nothing more than to know that information, to tell him no and taunt him, make him keep drinking the water until he wets himself in front of everyone.
Dominic leans in close again so no one else hears. “Hold it until halftime. I’ll get up for another beer and take you with me, alright?”
He feels a surge of gratefulness that stings the back of his eyes with tears. He hurries to blink them away. A round of let-down cries makes him jump.
“Come on, Z2. Take one for the team. Bottoms up, little bitch.” Cameron says.
Z2’s heart thuds in his chest. It feels like the water he’s drunk is in his throat, like his sloshing stomach couldn’t take another ounce. His bladder hurts, and he’s started tapping his heel to avoid having an accident right there in the living room among all of them.
“You deaf and stupid?” Cam asks. He’s the one who’d missed the dart board deliberately, aimed for Z2’s face instead, laughing as he flinched away to protect his eyes. Z2 was nervous around a lot of the boys, but feared Cameron above the rest.
On the rare occasion they were alone, Cam would beckon him close only to twist his arm behind his back in a way that made it feel like it was going to break, just to hear him yelp. He’d hold it there until he begged for mercy, and sometimes wait a little longer after that. The sight of him made Z2 flinch and look down at his feet. Only when Alex was around would Cam leave him alone, knowing Alex was fiercely protective of their BoxBoy. Cam would tease him, asking if they’d sealed the deal yet, if Alex had fucked him.
“You’re projecting again, Cam.” Alex would always reply, nonplussed.
But Alex wasn’t here to protect him right now.
“Drink. Up.” 
Z2 shakes his head. “I can’t.” He says quietly.
A few heads swivel in his direction.
“What’s the matter?” Cam stands, coming closer. “You not thirsty anymore? You’re always thirsty.” He presses the heel of his hand to Z2’s lower belly. He whimpers, squirming. “Gotta piss yet?”
“Leave him alone, Cameron.” Dominic says in a voice that begs no argument.
Cam lets off, laughing. “Little water never killed anybody.”
Dominic dips his head. “It has, actually. And I’d like to graduate without being involved in a lawsuit.”
“That’s what we got him for. No more lawsuits from pussy boy pledges.”
“Go use the restroom.” Dominic tells Z2. He looks at Cam flatly. “No one will follow you.”
Z2 gets up slowly, wincing at how badly he needs to relieve his bladder. When he comes back, as he knows he is expected to, he keeps quiet as possible and climbs onto the sofa next to Dominic... closer this time, holding his breath. Dominic might have only been helping him to annoy Cameron. He’s heard them arguing before.
But Dom lays a heavy arm around Z2’s skinny neck, pats him gently on the opposite shoulder. Z2 glances up at him and gets a little smirk, a nod that seems to say see? It’s alright. You’re alright.
He doesn’t know what would become of him without Alex, and apparently Dominic, who was the last guy he expected it from. He only hopes he doesn’t pay for it later.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets? baking definitely. I want to get more comfortable cooking.
Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? yes. I used to be pretty good at doing my brothers hair-- even the fading. But I’m sure I’ve forgotten it all by now.
Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? probably my sister or my nephews.
How many long term relationships have you been in? blegh. not many. Whenever I’d know that it didnt have long term potential, id drop it. no sense dragging out the inevitable.
Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? so for the longest time I kept my room super dark. I slept well. once miller died and kile broke my heart, I couldn’t sleep without the tv playing. I needed to hear something calming and voices talking so I wouldn’t be left with my thoughts. I still can’t turn it off.
Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done? i think its easy to say “forgive and forget” but the reality is that once we have endured trauma we don’t easily forget. I think its kind of unrealistic. I’m trying to forgive kile but thats going to take.. i dont know how long. As for what it was... it was just betrayal.. lying. for six+ years. lots of laughing at me. 
Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? I like some of her songs.
Do you know your blood type? o+
Do you know your mother’s birthday? Yes. its coming up. 
Have you ever been pregnant? I dont think so. I was really late after my assault but who knows.
How old were you when you first went on a plane? like 7ish
Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything? Yeah, student loans. 15k feels so daunting right now.
Are both of your blood parents still in your life? One is. My mom.
When was the last time you went apple picking? highschool maybe?
Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? money.. or a trip.
Have you ever been drunk at school or work? definitely not. 
How many bedrooms are in your house? four. 
Are you smart about computers? I know some stuff.
Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii? oh heck’n yeah
Do you own a Xbox 360? I had one from my brother for a little while but I traded it for the gamecube since Kile was going to send me one of the 15 he had lol. That didn’t end up happening, but its OK i really dont need more gaming.
Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars? oooooooo.. probably not.
So, do you need a nap? all day is full of naps to try and get over this.
What would you rather be doing? school
What sport are you the best at? maybe volleyball or swimming
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope, im the baby. 
Do you complain a lot? no, i try not to. I find complaining to be the most unattractive and yet common human trait and while there are definitely situations worthy of complaining, most of the time it just makes a situation worse than it actually was.
Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple? temple
Do you like fruity or minty gum? definitely minty
Are you looking forward to any day of this month? i was really looking forward to Kile’s birthday on monday, but since we arent talking anymore then there is no joy in that. all the other special dates have been ruined by covid.
Have you ever gotten detention? Nope. homeschoolers and detention arent a thing. 
Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life? oh sure. heartbreak, deaths, assaults, etc.
Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? no, i can’t be super picky because not every store carries clothing long enough for me.
Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently? i havent got a clue
Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? I mean I’m very fond of cats & dogs
Ever cried so much you threw up? this is what happened the whole 2-3 weeks following finding out about Kile.
Who is your best guy friend? I suppose now that would be Nathan
What do you two do when you hang out? drives, game nights, get food/drinks, or just talk.
What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving? Her
Do you even like horror movies? not particularly. I’ll watch them if someone else wants to but its not my preference.
Do you live in the country? i live in the suburbs i suppose.
What is your favorite accent? Some southern and British accents. <same ... i have no idea how I made the font like this.
Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? Not that I can think of.
Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? diet coke
What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday? my family celebrated during the day and then I think nathan took me out on the town
Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? nope.
Do you take a lot of pictures? man. this question is hard. I used to love taking pictures of myself. I had much more self confidence and some of it was because kile LOVED my selfies -- or so he said. and I just had so much fun doing that. Since the heartbreak, I’ve maybe taken 10 selfies. I just don’t have any self confidence in my looks anymore. its so different now. most of my pictures now are of other people or scenery.
What kind of face wash do you use? cerave when I want to. otherwise i use water and a very particular type of fabric. 
Does drama always seem to follow you? No, i dont think so.
Does anybody in your family race? like cars? running? no.
Are you closer to your mom or dad? My mom.
How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?” I think i got it like 2x and it was a dollar.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
Do you like your parents? i love my mom.
Do you secretly like someone? No.
Would you ever date your best male friend? I don’t see any romantic feelings developing between nathan and I
What are you currently listening to? I have gilmore girls on.
Do you want to be single? oooof. Um. I am torn on this subject. On the one hand, i really am ready to be loved, held, protected, cared for, etc. I love the idea of building a life together with someone and us both protecting our unit. I miss supporting, cherishing, loving on someone. Yet on the other hand, im fine being single. I have so much insecurity about myself lately that I dk that anyone else needs to deal with that baggage. Idk
Did you go out or stay in last night? I stayed in. ill be staying in for some time.
Have you pretended to like someone? romantically, no. professionally, yes.
How is your heart lately? Sad. heavy. 
Are you wearing socks? not at the moment. 
What do people call you? Di, diana, dee, ana, di-nan-na, dine-uh, deenah.
Do you get stressed out easily? no, I really dont
Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? yes
What is wrong with you right now? im sick. im heartbroken.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? not that I know of. if I do, it’d be from like middle school. I never shopped there but people tended to give gifts from there.
Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? Alone. maybe I havent found the right sort of person to share a bed with.
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No.
Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Yes, several times. 
Did you get any compliments today? No.
Have you ever gone to a beach? many many many times.
What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? not my thing. at all.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes.
Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Yes.
Do you have long nails? they are healthy length. I want to grow them out a bit more. 
Do you like the gender you are? Yeah.
Do you generally look nice in photos? Not anymore
Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet? no haha
What colour are your father’s eyes? Blue.
If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? uhhhhm, blue october
Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? maybe not anymore. 
What’s your favorite hot beverage? hot chocolate from dunkin
Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? i did. no comment.
Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? oooooohhhhhhhhh man i love both.
Do you think you’re important? I mean i offer some importance to this world but eh.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Hmm no idea.
Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? no
Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new? No.
Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? Nope.
What was the first thing you ate today? I haven’t eaten since breakfast yesterday
If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like? for the longest time it was to spend the day driving aimlessly and getting food and talking about everything and nothing with Kile. now, its just.. idunno. blank.
If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out? I’m not doing well.
What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do? There’s a few things related to school.
Is there anything that you wish you could take back? not really, no.
What, in your mind, could make you truly happy? this whole covid nonsense going away, heartbreak to soothe, and my miller back.
If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference? i dont know. 
When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I just changed it up so itll be a bit.
Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow? Fast.
Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’ yes. several times.
How many drugs are in your system? lol lots of meds rn to kick this. usually none.
What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? the same as today.
Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body? No. i dont like the idea of bite marks but hickeys were fun for a time. in not visible areas tho.
Do you call anyone baby? Not anymore.
What’s your current mood? Bleh.
What were you doing before filling out this survey? Watching gilmore girls
How late did you stay up last night? I took PM meds at i wanna say 8? maybe 7? I don’t remember.
When was the last time you cried really hard? its been a few weeks since ive cried about Kile. I’m in the numb stage.
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? hahahahahahah
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homosociallyyours · 4 years
@velvet-impala tagged me to answer this long set of questions, and bc I love this sort of thing I’m DOING IT! I’ll tag folks here just in case you don’t want to read thru this whole dang thing. But I wanna say: if you want to do this, PLEASE DO IT and tag me so I can see-- I *love* reading responses to stuff like this. But @la-paritalienne @disgruntledkittenface @and-id-marry-larry @calmrry @crinkle-eyed-boo @lightwoodsmagic -- y’all are tagged :) 
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? black, but what matters most is how smoothly it writes.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? walkable neighborhood in a city. 3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? would love to learn how to hack into billionaire bank accounts without getting caught so i could redistribute their wealth to a variety of mutual aid funds. :)  4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? no, just milk! unless it’s really shitty/bitter coffee, and then i will take it with a couple sugars or sweetened creamer. 
5. What was your favourite book as a child? probably the Anne of Green Gables books  6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! i wanna love a bath, but i get bored too fast and i never feel comfortable (where do i put my head? my feet? what do i do when my belly isn’t covered by the water and it gets cold?) so they’re meh. 
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? dryad! i wanna be a tree spirit!
8. Paper or electronic books? paper, i guess. but i do love reading fic electronically, so..
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? used to be my work hoodie. but now i would say this blue striped button down i have OR this one black dress i have with 3/4 sleeves that’s really soft and comfy. 
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? i always meant to start going by Dottie when I got older, but it hasn’t happened yet so it probably won’t by now? but i would never change my name generally speaking. 
more after the cut! 
  11. Who is a mentor to you? i had a co-worker who was really a mentor for me since i got into being a cheesemonger in 2008. he’s been in the industry for a long time and basically recruited me to the job i have/had here. but when i got sick he basically dropped me/hasn’t spoken to me in a long time. let me tell you: it fucking sucks. bc a mentor is a cross between a friend and a colleague and a relative; we jokingly called him my lesbian uncle. and so losing him from my life so completely over something like this is deeply shitty. 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for?  not now, but before i was sick i would’ve said yes. BUT only bc i think i would be a great Saturday Night Live host (not a cast member! just a one time host with a monologue/skits). So whatever level of fame i needed to get that..
13. Are you a restless sleeper? I have really bad insomnia that means i take at least an hour to fall asleep most nights. Once I’m out, I usually sleep ok, but i do have intense dreams/nightmares that wake me up sometimes. 
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? yeah :/
15. Which element best represents you? earth: the wet dirt and leaves in a forest after rain in particular
16. Who do you want to be closer to? emotionally i’m pretty good i think. physically i wish i could be closer to friends and family in NYC, Seattle area, TN/Atlanta, and Germany
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? the people referenced above. also missing my Grandmomma a lot lately and my mom. 
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. art lessons with my grandmomma. her set of pastels that were all worn down and the heavy paper (black) that she pulled out to work on. she drew a quick portrait of a man, showing me how to create depth in skin tones with blue and green against the softer flesh tones. she didn’t blend it out, the marks all painterly and strong-- her style. i was 10, maybe? 12? so not *early* but it feels like forever ago. 
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? i have no idea? i’ve eaten a lot of weirdish cheeses. i’ve had geoduck? 
20. What are you most thankful for? the amazing friends i’ve gathered into my life along the way, my dad, and my baby dog. 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes, within reason (i don’t get stuff that’s spicy just for the heck of it, like ghost pepper chips or whatever? but when spice is integrated in with other flavors i love it)
22. Have you ever met someone famous? i used to make up stories about meeting famous people that were based on partial truths. i’ve hung out with or met a lot of gay famous people. but the biggest person who comes to mind is Sandra Bernhard. I sold her cheese.  23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? i have over the years. now i sometimes write things down in a paper journal, but mostly go to a really old blogging site where i basically put all my big feelings down in a public but sorta private spot.  
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? depends on my mood.
25. What is your star sign? taurus sun and moon, gemini rising
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? in between...not HARD crunchy, but not soft soggy. 
27. What would you want your legacy to be? would like people to remember that i loved them well and made them feel good/happy when i was around them. and hopefully that it made them feel like being good to others too. 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? i do, but i’m mostly reading fic these days. i think the thing i read last was Pink Like the Paradise Found, which was FANTASTIC!
29. How do you show someone you love them? i tell them, shower them with physical affection, and do little things for them. also try to remember small details about what they enjoy and then do stuff to make them feel good when they’re down
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? yes, but not too much
31. What are you afraid of? sometimes being along but only when it’s very dark out and i’m in the sads. honestly-- this is some deep internalized ableism but here it is --i’m very afraid of never getting better and not being able to take care of myself or anyone else. 
32. What is your favourite scent? jasmine flowers, pu-er tea, the specific scents of people i love
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? however they’re introduced i guess. maybe because i’m an older person lol
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would live in the apartment i had alone (with a guest room). i would hire someone from my community to come help me out sometimes. i would get a weekly grocery delivery from the good quality place. i would have a dog walker. and i would fly home to see my family more than once a year and fly my family out for a visit sometimes. so like. probably the way a lot of ppl live? idk. 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? ocean
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? get dinner at the thai restaurant down the street a couple times. 
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? yes, lots! 
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? i’m not having kids BUT for the kids in my life, i try to teach them/model the importance of consent and respect for their own bodies as well as other people’s. and i know it said one thing, but alongside that is that i respect and love them for who they are, and that’s something they get to decide. 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i want a lot of tattoos, but if i could get one tomorrow it would be a cheese themed tattoo with a variety of cheese knives (parm tools, dutch style knife) and a small cheese assortment. or a portrait of my dog
40. What can you hear now? this kinda dumb netflix show that i decided to binge today even tho it’s only kinda meh and my dog snoring just a little. 
41. Where do you feel the safest? when i’m surrounded by friends. 
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? my stupid money issues prolly
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? wanna go back to 1977 and live in the girl direction AU i wrote last year, lol.
44. What is your most used emoji? laugh crying emoji or sobbing maybe
45. Describe yourself using one word. colorful
46. What do you regret the most? not sure if this is a thing but i regret not realizing when i got bitten by a tick/got lyme disease the first time, bc maybe i could’ve just taken antibiotics and killed it, and then maybe i wouldn’t be sick? 
47. Last movie you saw? watched the new charlie’s angels the other night
48. Last tv show you watched? this dumb show is called sweet magnolias, and it’s. honestly not terrible! it’s just not my style of show. OH WAIT i take it back, they left it on a really shitty cliffhanger without warning, and that is the one way to make me drop your show/fic HARD unless i like. genuinely love you. so byeeee dumb show, hope you get cancelled
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. saungry: sadness brought on by being hungry, like hangry except oops you’re crying now! example: “fuck i knew i should’ve eaten before calling my best friend, now i miss them and i’m too saungry to figure out what to eat! Guess I’ll have tears for dinner” (almost called it sungry, but the internet thinks that might just mean ‘so hungry’)
did you make it to the end? WOW! devotion. thank you. 
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nekojitachan · 5 years
Okay, so the A/B/O fic won with two votes (LOL, voting counts, people). But I still have time tomorrow, so may do the HtSaM and I’m still plotting out the Spiderman fic.
Anyway, This is like the first scene, just to give you an idea (A LITTLE) of how things will work out in this world.
Uhm... don’t think there’s much to reference for triggers here, other than Neil’s past (very vague).
Neil watched from his seat in the bleachers as the maintenance crew cleaned up after Millport’s graduation ceremony – a graduation ceremony he’d attended despite some misgivings in the end. He’d decided that it would raise less questions if he disappeared after receiving his diploma, one more student who wandered away without any prospects, than be a no show.
His duffel bag was at his side and packed, he merely needed to decide on Reno or Chicago (north or south) as the place to buy his next ID – did he want to return to Canada or try Mexico? The States never had brought him any good luck, it was time for something different.
While he pondered his choices, the bleachers creaked as someone approached – Hernandez. “I didn’t see your parents anywhere,” the counselor said as he sat next to Neil, blue tie askew and grey-shot hair mussed as if he’d run his hands through it a few times.
“No, they’re too busy working. Besides, it’s no big deal, just high school,” Neil murmured as he tapped the folded piece of paper against his knees. “Not like it’ll do me much good.”
“Your grades aren’t too bad, especially for math and Spanish. Mrs. Engles said you’ve a talent for languages, that you speak French better than most of her students.”
Neil winced as he thought about that slip, about responding in the language the one day when he’d been too tired to think straight. “Still not going to do me much good when I can’t afford to pay for university.”
Hernandez grunted as he stood up. “About that, come to my office, would you?”
Neil hesitated for a moment, suspicious of the man, but during his year in Millport (several months too long, really, but he’d been so tired after his mother’s death), Hernandez had done nothing to make him doubt the middle-aged beta. Had asked about his parents, had constantly pressed snacks on him and asked about his health, but hadn’t tried to hit him or appeared to be working for his father.
So Neil followed, figuring that the counselor would press one more college or scholarship application on him (wasn’t it too late for that stuff) and then he’d be on his way, off to another city by the night’s end.
“You’ve got a lot of potential,” Hernandez said while they walked, the start of his usual spiel. “I know it seems that things are easier for the alphas, that they manage to claim whatever they want, and people feel that omegas need special help, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any support for betas. In fact, there’s groups out there who are doing their best to make things equal for everyone, regardless of their classification.”
“It’s been the same way for centuries, I doubt it’s going to change anytime soon,” Neil murmured as he thought about his father and fought to rub his fingers against the side of his neck, where he’d applied the scent patch earlier in the day; it should still be good for a few more hours.
“No, things are already changing, and they’ll continue to change as more people take a stand.” Hernandez gave Neil a significant look before he opened the door to his office, as the scent (odor) of an unfamiliar alpha washed forth to overcome the familiar one of the friendly beta. “I think you can help, too.”
“Who- no,” Neil denied as he shook his head even while Hernandez all but shoved him into the office; he gripped the straps of his duffel to both hold on to it better and to use it as a potential shield/weapon even though the stranger merely stood still on the other side of the room, muscular arms folded across his chest and wearing an orange jacket bearing a familiar fox head logo. “Fuck, you’re a Fox,” Neil breathed out.
Hernandez winced, probably at him swearing, then motioned at the alpha. “Neil, this is David Wymack, and yes, he’s in charge of the Palmetto Foxes. I asked him to come here to meet you.”
“Pretty mouthy for a beta,” Wymack chuckled; he was taller than Hernandez and had the typical ‘alpha’ build, was broad-shouldered and looked as if he could pick Neil up and snap him in half with ease (looked too much like Neil’s father even if his skin and hair and eyes were darker). Yet his smile was friendly and eyes warm… though Neil knew to never trust someone by their appearance. “Hernandez there sent me your files and I can use someone mouthy who has a talent for languages to help out my crew. What do you say?”
No, this couldn’t be happening, not the Palmetto Foxes; the straps of Neil’s bag burned against his palms as he thought about the binder inside of it, of how the man who ran the Palmetto chapter of the Foxes had invited him, someone who’d once dreamed of attending the Edgar Allan academy, be part of the same ‘crew’ as Kevin Day, who’d run from the prestigious school for alphas to join the Foxes.
Just how much more fucked up could Neil’s life become? What next, would he bump into one of the Malcolms when he went to buy more hair dye or a bus ticket?
“Kid, are you having a panic attack?”
“No,” Neil managed to wheeze out while he shook his head; if Hernandez wasn’t blocking the room’s only exit, he’d make a run for it. “No, I don’t think it would be a good idea, me joining the Foxes.”
“Neil, don’t make a hasty decision here, this is-“
Wymack cut off Hernandez with a slow shake of his head. “Look, can I talk to Neil alone?” he asked, and only the fact that he didn’t back it up with any of the usual alpha posturing kept Neil still when Hernandez agreed after a slight pause.
“I’ll be right outside the door,” he told Neil, which wasn’t as comforting as it sounded. “You’ll be all right, I promise.”
It was quiet in the room for several seconds after the counselor left, then Wymack cleared his throat, which made Neil jump a little. “Seems like a nice guy, he clearly cares about you.” The alpha cleared his throat again and pushed up the sleeves of his garish orange jacket, which revealed tribal flame tattoos on his thick forearms. “Look, you seem a little familiar with the Foxes, so you must know that we take in people around your age from troubled homes regardless of their classification and work with them to earn an education in return for them helping out others. We’re trying to teach a generation that it doesn’t matter if you’re an alpha or beta or omega, that we’re all human.”
Neil stared at the man to make sure if he was finished then sighed. “Am I supposed to slow clap now?” When Wymack glared at him, Neil reminded himself that he was pretending to be a meek beta and shuffled a step back. “I don’t see why you’re interested in me.”
“Because when everyone’s not studying online, they put in some hours at a call center that provides assistance to… well, it’s usually omegas and betas in need,” Wymack admitted. “I could use someone who speaks French and Spanish, and from what Hernandez said, you could use both the degree and someplace safe to live.”
“I already have someplace to live,” Neil lied, indignant over the implication even if it was true.
“Yeah? Then how come Hernandez suspects that you’ve been crashing in the various locker rooms here some nights, hmm? That you seem to avoid your parents as much as possible?” Wymack appeared smug when Neil glanced aside, upset that the counselor had picked up on him sleeping at the school since it at least had running water and heat, unlike the abandoned, partially constructed house which he’d been squatting in for most of the year. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on at home, but this is a chance, kid. Don’t be stubborn and take it.”
It was a risk, is what it was… but Neil was tired of squatting in and breaking into places to bathe and… and he was terrible at living alone, of being on the run without his mother. She might have ‘only’ been an omega, but she’d had the will of an alpha, had been so strong and focused, had kept him focused.
If he left on his own, how long until he just… just ended up rooted somewhere like he had in Millport again? At least if he accepted Wymack’s offer, he’d be one in a group, could blend in and build up some supplies, could properly plan for once. He’d have a stable address to receive his patches and contacts, and could work on a new ID if needed.
There was a risk with Kevin being involved, but he looked nothing like the ten year old kid he’d been the one time they’d met, eight years ago. He smelled nothing like Nathaniel Wesninski anymore, especially when he used the patches.
It should be all right.
It had to be all right, because Neil didn’t have any better ideas.
“When do you need an answer?”
A pleased grin spread across Wymack’s face as if he realized that he’d won. “I’m here for the night and leave tomorrow at 10am. I’d much prefer to take you back with me, unless there’s something holding you here for a few days.” It was as if he feared that Neil would change his mind once he was out of sight.
“I… give me the night to talk to my mother,” Neil lied as he shuffled his feet again. “But there shouldn’t be a reason why I can’t leave with you.” No, that would be plenty of time to grab one or two things that weren’t in his bag, change clothes and apply another patch.
Now Wymack appeared concerned. “Do you need my help when you talk to her?”
“No, it’s better that I do it alone,” Neil said in a rush. “She doesn’t like strangers.” That was an understatement.
Wymack didn’t appear pleased to hear that but was mollified when Neil signed an agreement to work for him in exchange for a scholarship, room and board, and a small stipend. Hernandez almost burst into tears when he was told and would have hugged Neil if he hadn’t stepped out of reach in time.
Wymack also wasn’t pleased when Neil chose to run home that evening instead of accept a ride, but he soon would learn that Neil did things his own way. Neil promised to be at the airport on time then left, mindful to make sure that neither man followed him ‘home’.
Since he was leaving the next day, he stopped by the grocery store for food and a few items, such as wipes so he’d be clean enough the next day without taking a shower. Considering it lucky that he’d just dyed his hair a couple of days ago, he went to the rest room after he paid so he could clean up and change clothes, then went to the laundry mat to wash anything that was dirty and ate his supper while he waited.
He thought about how nice it might be to have a shower every day again, or wash clothes whenever he wanted, or to sleep in a real bed….
It was another night on a plywood floor with the sleeping bag, another night where he slept in snatches, always on the alert for any sound which might indicate someone trying to sneak up on him. As soon as the sun began to rise he was up; he had a breakfast of fruit and granola bars washed down with energy drinks, then used the wipes to clean himself before he applied another scent patch. While it sunk into his skin, he checked that everything he needed was in his duffel bag; anything he was discarding was rolled up in the sleeping bag, which he would throw out in a dumpster on the way to the nearest gas station.
He cleaned up once again when he reached the gas station, just to make sure he was presentable for the flight, and brushed his teeth. Then he bought a couple of snacks and used the pay phone to call a cab to take him the airport, where he waited for Wymack to meet him at the one check-in station.
The alpha was surprised to see that he didn’t have any luggage to check and gave him an odd look as he handed over Neil’s ticket. Neil did his best to act nonchalant when they went through security, to not worry about his fake ID, but the TSA worker barely paid him any attention.
There was a reason his mother always made him present as a beta, even though his build was small enough to pass as an omega as well; people didn’t think much of betas, didn’t expect much trouble from them. Betas were amicable and hard-working and common.
If the TSA agent had known that he’d just dealt with a null? Well, the place would probably be on lockdown by then, with Wymack swarmed by guards and placed under arrest while Neil was (carefully, but all the same) hauled off to a secure location, was sequestered from everyone.
A null was anything but common.
A null didn’t just walk around without an armed escort, oh no.
A null, so rare that there were only a handful known to exist at a time, were cherished and protected (were owned) by the most powerful families. Families which used them for their abilities to remain unaffected by an alpha’s aggressiveness or an omega’s emotional manipulation, who wasn’t triggered by a heat cycle or overwhelmed by pheromones. Everyone around Neil was susceptible to their own nature, could be weakened or enraged by a mere scent or a growl or look… but not him.
It would make him feel powerful if he wasn’t so terrified of the artificial scent which fooled people into thinking he was a beta failing, of them realizing that he didn’t have a scent, and everything his mother had sacrificed for him would then be for nothing.
Ha, nothing, just like him.
However, no one called him out as a fake and he was able to board the plane, even though the scent of cigarettes which clung to Wymack made him want to dig the pack out of his bag and light one up, to hold it near his face so he could inhale the smoke (and let it wash over him, to add its scent to his own as yet another layer to the mask).
Wymack waited until they were in the air to speak. “Look, some of the others… most of them mean well, but a few of them are rather rough. If you have any trouble, come talk to me, Abby or Dan. Abby’s the group’s nurse and unofficial den mother, and Dan’s like my second in command.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, it’s not like I’m going to cause any trouble,” Neil insisted before he opened one of the magazines he’d brought along to keep himself distracted during the flight. After all, he was pretending to be a quiet beta and had every intention of keeping his head low for the next few months before he moved on.
“Sure, you say that now,” Wymack muttered before he opened a notepad and started writing things down.
Neil didn’t know why the man was so worried – it wasn’t like he was the one who had a serial killer father hunting him down because of a weird genetic quirk. However, he decided to keep that fact to himself, since he planned to be long gone from Palmetto before anyone had a chance to figure it out.
I guess if I wrote more, I would have to figure out a name for the damn thing? And it’s more A/B/O/N at this point. Obviously I’m playing with Neil being Demi/on the Ace spectrum here (though it’s not such a rare thing in the real world, I have to have some reason for him to be in the run).
 I think what’s held me back from writing this (well, other than FREE TIME) is what the heck would the Foxes do?
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missgoalie75 · 5 years
gilmore girls | kayaks | rory/jess
for: @fayevalcntine​  summary: in which jess drives past rory | s6 divergence word count: ~1,500 note: lol thanks angela for the idea and talking it out with me - hopefully it makes other people laugh.
Jess can safely say that when he woke up this morning to make the trek to Hartford this hot July day, he did not expect a few things.
One, he didn’t expect to fuck up the directions because he had, in fact, made plenty of trips to Hartford when living in this state, but he guesses coming from Massachusetts threw him off.
So, he’s on some weird stretch a route that somehow expects to hold frequent traffic, but is half empty on this Wednesday morning.
Second, he didn’t expect to drive by a small group of individuals completing community service on the side of the road, one of whom looks…a lot like Rory.
It happens every once in a while - a tragic side effect of failed love, he guesses. Sometimes someone’s hair from behind takes him by surprise, or he’ll see a profile that stops his heart. But this is truly uncanny.
His foot on the accelerator lifts as he stares through the passenger side window, and when the person who looks like Rory glances up and stares at him, he realizes with a jolt that holy shit, that is Rory Gilmore standing on the side of the road wearing an orange vest and holding a garbage bag and picker.
They continue to stare at each other as he inches forward until he has the sense to stop the car with a jolt.
He puts the car in park and continues staring at her, and she stares back and eventually, she walks over toward his car.
“Hi,” he says, bewildered.
“Hi,” she responds, her face flushed.
He drums his fingers against the wheel. “Please tell me you got arrested,” he jokes. He looks over her shoulder and he doesn’t see any other people that look like Yale students, but what does he know? Maybe she specifically chose this group to volunteer with or to write some piece -
“I did,” she says in a daze.
He stares at her, waiting for the punch line that doesn’t come.
“Gilmore! Back to work! Shift ends in forty-five minutes!”
If it’s possible, Rory turns a darker shade of pink. “I gotta go, um –"
He has enough sense to go into his back pocket for his wallet, pulling out two business cards by accident and handing both to her. “Call me when you get out. I’ll be in Hartford.”
She takes the cards and there’s a distinct, shared sense that life currently is weird and not real.
Jess picks a coffee place that’s frequented by college kids, but the coffee he ordered is surprisingly decent, so that’ll give him points if Rory decides to contact him.
He pulls out his rolled-up copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the last book in the series he’ll be able to do it with since the others look like door stoppers.
(He finally caved because Lily begged him for her thirteenth birthday and he’s capable of being nice. He was also strapped for cash at the time, which she figured because she’s smart.)
He’s figured pretty early on that this Lupin guy definitely knew Harry’s parents and is weirdly being evasive about it when he gets a call from an 860 number.
He picks it up. “Mariano.”
“Uh, hey. It’s Rory. I’m…done, so. I can meet you…where?”
“It’s called the Steam Room.”
“Uh, ew?”
He snorts. “Yeah, bad name. The coffee is actually pretty good. It’s on Woodland Street by the Mark Twain House.” He almost asks why they never went there, but he catches himself in the last second.
“Oh, I actually know where that is!” she says, obviously pleased with herself – her sense of direction clearly hasn't changed. “I’ll be there in…ten minutes?”
“Hot or cold?”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, um. Iced. Hot day. Thanks - you don’t have to –"
“I’m here, it’s fine. See you in a bit.”
He hangs up and goes to order two iced coffees. He doesn’t remember if Rory takes iced coffee with milk - they were never together during the really hot months, were they - so he brings them back to the table black.
He goes back to reading to give him something to do other than stare at the door, even though he ends up re-reading paragraphs.
“Sorry, I made a wrong turn,” Rory says, jerking him out of the book. “Are you actually reading Harry Potter?”
He puts the book down and sees that she changed her outfit – a sundress that her grandma would definitely approve of – and her hair is pulled back in a bun, her hair dark at the temple with sweat.
He swallows. “Yeah, it’s a long story.”
Rory smiles down at the two coffees. “Thank you - I can’t believe you remembered.”
“Didn’t remember if you took milk with it,” he admits.
“Sometimes, but mostly no.” She picks a coffee up and sucks down half of it. “This is good.” She puts it down and seems to have a moment where she realizes this is a little too easy, which is a shame because he always preferred the easy banter.
“So, what are you doing here?” she finally asks, eyes downcast as her finger collects the condensation alongside the cup.
“It’s not remotely as interesting as you telling me that you got arrested. You gotta explain that.”
She flushes. “It’s a long story.”
“I can’t believe you got arrested and I wasn’t remotely involved,” he continues with a semi-dramatic sigh. “I have a cleaner record than Rory Gilmore. Your mother’s head would spin.”
“You definitely have stuff on your record,” she retorts.
He smiles. “As a juvenile, which was wiped when I turned eighteen. I’m as clean as a while to this day.”
She scowls.
Jess leans forward a little. “Please tell me what you got arrested for.”
She finishes her first iced coffee and begins sipping on her second. She mumbles something.
“What was that?”
“Stealing what?” he asks, bewildered.
He didn’t think her face could get any redder, but it does. What the hell would she steal that would require an arrest and court and community service -
“A boat.”
He blinks a few times. “Excuse me?”
“I stole a boat,” she blurts loudly.
They stare at each other for a long second.
“Like…a kayak?”
“No. A bigger boat.”
“Can you even sail?”
“It was…bigger.”
He furrows his brow. “A…what? A yacht? Come on, Gilmore, you have to tell me.”
She purses her mouth and doesn't correct him and he just about loses his mind.
“You, Rory Leigh Gilmore, stole a yacht. And you got arrested by port police, were taken to jail, you attended a hearing, and you were sentenced to complete many hours of community service…all for grand theft auto?”
“It was a misdemeanor and it’s categorized as larceny,” she mumbles defensively.
He laughs loud enough to attract attention. He can’t help himself.
“Stop laughing at me!” she hisses.
He brings a hand to his mouth, but he’s still laughing.
She leans back in her chair, trying to glare, but she ends up exhaling a laugh and shaking her head after a while.
“Can we please stop talking about this stupid mistake I made and get back to you?”
He drops his hand, still grinning. “I still have questions.”
“Well, you’re not getting answers unless you start sharing, mister.”
“Fine. I’m working.”
He smiles a little. “I work for a printing press.”
Her eyes light up. “Wait, what? Where? How did you get the job? When?” She leans forward excitedly. Maybe it’s because there’s a chance for the conversation to move away from her, but he likes to think she’s legitimately interested.
He opens his mouth to start explaining, but Rory's phone rings with an incoming call. She gasps at the caller ID. "Shoot. It's my grandma – I totally forgot I had a – well. I have to go." She gets to her feet and stops in place as she looks to him nervously. "Do you…plan on staying long?"
"Just until tomorrow night. Then I go back to Philly."
Her eyebrows raise. "Philly?"
"Philly," he confirms.
"Do you want to grab coffee tomorrow? I really want to hear how you've been," she asks.
She gives him a small, genuine smile before it cracks into a bemused grin. "I can't believe you drove by. What are the odds?"
"The same as you stealing a kayak."
Rory scrunches her nose at him before leaving the coffee shop with her remaining iced coffee. He finishes his coffee that's gone cold and brings up her empty plastic cup to the register, requesting an iced coffee. Can't be wasteful.
He's tempted to call Luke, but he refrains. He can wait to hear from her. In the meantime, he saves Rory's phone number into his and goes about his day, occasionally laughing at the idea of Rory Gilmore pirating boats. There are definitely more jokes to come.
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helloalycia · 5 years
cheater [one] | kara danvers
summary: after catching your girlfriend cheating on you, kara happens to be there for you when you've never felt more alone
warning/s: cheating I guess?
author's note: there's another two parts to this because it was pretty long and I had to split it lol soz guys
part two | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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       "I think that's a wrap," Kara said with relief, smiling as she closed her notebook. "I can begin writing this up tomorrow."
      "I can't wait to read it," I told her honestly, returning her smile. "You've got the quotes, you've got the story, you've got the pictures. It can't go wrong."
      Kara chuckled as she began to pack up. "You're right. Thank you for staying late with me to help me finish the prep. I owe you."
      "It's nothing." I waved her off as I also stood up and packed away. "You've helped me out a ton of times. It's the least I could do."
      She didn't say anything, but the appreciative smile on her lips said enough. I checked the time on one of the many clocks hung on the walls of CatCo and decided to give my girlfriend a quick call.
      "Anna, love, hey," I said, an automatic smile appearing on my lips. "What are you doing right now? I thought we could hang out tonight. I know it's late, but Kara and I finished up some work so I thought I could stop by."
      Anna sounded tired as she answered, "Aw, babe, I'm glad that you got your work done, but I'm half asleep between episodes of The Office and I don't think I can stay awake long enough to do something. I'm sorry."
      I shook my head, despite being on the phone. "Oh, no, it's okay, no need to apologise. I'll leave you to it... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
      "See you tomorrow," she replied. "Love you."
      "I love you, too," I said, before hanging up.
      "That Anna?" Kara asked, glancing up at me as she grabbed her bag. "She doing good? I haven't seen much of her lately."
      "Yeah, she's good, she's been busy sorting out that new summer segment for the fashion section," I said, pocketing my phone and grabbing my own bag.
      "Oh, yeah, I saw, that looks pretty cool," Kara nodded as the two of us began to walk to the lift.
      "Yeah," I agreed, a little half-heartedly.
      It went quiet as the two of us rode the lift down to the lobby, until Kara suddenly spoke up.
      "Hey, erm, since you've not got plans, do you want to maybe get some ice cream?" she asked, before a confused smile appeared on her face as if she was unsure to why she was asking me in the first place.
      I smiled with amusement. "I guess, yeah. Bit random, I must admit."
      Kara rubbed the back of her neck as she glanced down at her shoes. "Yeah, well, I'm in the mood for something sweet. And it can be my treat. Y'know, for helping me."
      I shrugged, still smiling. "I won't say no to free ice cream."
      She met my eyes, a glint of excitement in her own. "Great. I know a place. It's a little out, but it's really good."
      As we walked out of the lift, I nodded. "You know your food, Danvers, you have all of my trust."
      She laughed, giving me a glance before leading me outside to hail a taxi.
      I'd hung out with Kara a handful of times – we worked together and naturally became work friends, so I was used to her random ideas and acts of kindness from her. So, allowing her to take me to get ice cream downtown at almost midnight was definitely a little out there, but nothing too unusual.
      "What d'you think?" Kara asked, a massive grin on her face that made her blue eyes sparkle.
      "This is really good," I admitted, chuckling when I saw her first pump.
      "I knew you'd love it," she said, before accepting her own ice cream cone off the salesman.
      "You know what you'd love?" I asked, a thought coming to mind. She hummed as she dove into her ice cream, unable to speak. I smiled with amusement as I continued. "Mr Whippy."
      "Mr what-y?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
      "Mr Whippy," I repeated, noting her urge to laugh. "It's an ice cream we have back in England. You get it from ice cream vans in the summer and it's basically a soft, white ice cream. They put sherbet, sprinkles and whatever sauce you want on it. Usually raspberry though. Then they add a flake and it's complete! It's the best thing ever. Immediate sugar rush. You'd love it."
      "Sounds like my kind of thing," she said, eagerly.
      "Definitely," I agreed, walking out of the ice cream shop with her.
      "Right now though, this is definitely hitting the spot..."
      I stopped listening to Kara as I looked ahead and furrowed my eyebrows. There was a restaurant opposite the ice cream shop and it looked like my girlfriend was sat inside, laughing over dinner with another girl. Huh..?
      "...and you're not listening. What's up, Y/N?"
      Kara followed my gaze and judging by the way she tensed up, my thoughts were confirmed. I wasn't imagining it – Anna was definitely sat there with another girl. Or should I say she was now kissing another girl.
      "Y/N... I don't... I..."
      Kara hesitated, unsure what to say, but I could feel her staring at me with pity.
      I reached for my phone and called Anna, waiting as it rang. I looked up and saw Anna interrupting sucking face with a girl who I didn't recognise to check her phone. I swallowed the lump in my throat as she checked the caller ID and declined the call, before getting back to the girl she was with. I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I locked my phone, forcing myself to look away.
      "Am I alright to go home?" I asked, my voice surprisingly quiet and steady.
      Kara tried to meet my eyes, but I avoided hers, embarrassed enough as it was.
      "Yeah, of course," she replied, squeezing my arm gently. "I'll get you a cab. Come on."
      I nodded and followed her, but not before glancing behind me one last time. I don't know if I expected to not see anything, but that wasn't the case. Anna was still sat there with somebody else, leaning into her and laughing at whatever.
      She was still cheating and I was still left hurting.
      My eyes were glued to my computer screen when I heard her voice, calling for me like usual. Except it wasn't like usual because now I knew the truth.
      "Babe, I thought I'd drop by your desk and see how you're doing." Anna leaned down and tried to kiss me, but I moved my head, resulting in her kissing my cheek. She frowned as she pulled away. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night..." No, you're not. "I know you wanted to hang out, but I was falling asleep." No, you weren't. "But you hung out with Kara, right? You said you got ice cream?" Yeah and I saw you cheat on me. "Sounds fun!"
      I swallowed hard and forced a small smile as I looked up to her. I tried to understand how this woman who I'd grown to love could throw it all away as if it meant nothing, so she could be with someone else? If she wanted to break up with me, she should have just done it. I would have preferred that over being cheated on and used like an accessory. I used to look at her and feel love. Now all I felt was pain.
      "It's okay, I did end up going out with Kara," I said, maintaining my voice and any stutter. "It was nice. But I was thinking that maybe we could go out for lunch today? If you're not too busy?" Too busy making out with other girls.
      "That sounds great," she agreed, a plastic smile on her face. "I'll see–"
      "Sorry to interrupt," a woman approached, and I widened my eyes when I realised it was the woman from last night. She was the new fashion intern. "Miss Fox, we need you to look at the layout for this week's issue. It's a group effort."
      I felt my mouth go dry as I looked between them both. They were smiling innocently, but their eyes spilled a million secrets. She was cheating on me with the intern?
      "How many times have I told you, Katy, you can call me Anna," Anna said, playfully. "I'm not that much older than you."
      "Right," Katy agreed, playing the part. "My apologies, Anna."
      "I should get going," Anna said, looking to me with a smile, "but I'll see you here in a few hours to get lunch."
      I nodded, unable to get words out without screaming. Anna blew a kiss towards me before following Katy out of here. My stomach turned at how many times I'd seen them together in the past and how I never knew. I didn't notice Katy much – I was a news reporter, not fashion. I rarely saw her. But she saw me evidently. Everybody at CatCo knew Anna and I were together, so she wasn't exactly in the dark. She was knowingly with my girlfriend. And knowingly playing me, just like Anna.
      I tried not to let that sour thought disrupt me from my work, but it was hard. I felt like somebody was sitting on my chest, squeezing it tighter and tighter and making me extremely uncomfortable. I just had to make it to lunch, where I would confront Anna and make her admit that she was cheating on me. That she was a horrible fucking person. That she broke my heart and that she broke me. She... she broke me.
      Lunch time rolled around soon enough and I found myself walking towards Noonan's with Anna when I stopped us from going any further. Every second more I spent pretending I didn't know felt like a disgusting coat of shame I was carrying. I didn't know how she did it – the very thought made me feel revolting. I couldn't even walk to the coffee shop with her, let alone sit through a lunch with her. I had to do it now.
      "Why did we stop?" Anna asked, confused as she turned around to look at me. "What's–"
      "You're cheating on me," I blurted out, before breathing out slowly. No going back now.
      "What?" she played dumb, raising her eyebrows. "Y/N, are you crazy?"
      I clenched my jaw, shaking my head. How could she keep pretending, even when I called her out on it?
      "I saw you last night," I said, meeting her eyes. I needed to see the realisation in hers when she knew I knew the truth. The guilt, if any. "Kara took me to an ice cream place downtown. Not somewhere I usually go. But you knew that. That's why you took Katy to dinner down there. Right?"
      Her mouth closed slowly as she stared at me with a blank expression, but I could see the desperation creeping in her eyes.
      "How– how long has this been going on for?" I asked, cursing inwardly at my stutter.
      "It's not what you think," Anna tried to amend the situation.
      "I saw you kiss her!" I shouted angrily, earning the attention of some bystanders, but I didn't care. "And you declined my call! I'm not stupid, Anna! Now, how long?"
      She looked down to her shoes, purposely avoiding my eyes. "A few months..."
      I breathed out through my nose, feeling my heart begin to ache. A few months. She was with somebody else whilst with me for a few months.
      "Are you sleeping with her?"
      "Y/N, what good will this do you?" she asked, trying to divert the question.
      "None of this is doing me any good, but I deserve to know," I told her sternly, containing my anger. And I'll know just how stupid I was to trust you.
      Anna didn't answer straight away, but eventually, I saw her nod slightly. So, that answers that then. She was sleeping with another woman whilst being in a relationship with me. Lovely.
      "I'm sorry," she muttered, finally lifting her eyes to mine. "I didn't want you to find out like this."
      "Sounds like you didn't want me to find out at all," I got out, my voice cracking.
      My eyesight was getting blurry and that's when I realised that I couldn't contain my emotions for much longer. I needed to go. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of watching me get upset.
      "I don't want you to speak to me unless it's work-related," I told her calmly.
      "Y/N, please let me explain–"
      "I mean what I said," I snapped, before turning to leave.
      I speed-walked away, hoping to God that she wasn't following me. If she was, she would have seen me wipe the stray tears from my face and suck up a deep shaky breath.
      When returning to the office, I made sure I looked presentable in the toilets before heading to my desk. On the way, I passed Kara at her desk and caught her gaze.
      After getting a taxi home last night, I never really spoke to her this morning and I felt a little guilty for just leaving so suddenly. She must have felt very awkward to be with me as I found out Anna's secret. I wanted to apologise, but I didn't trust myself right now because I was still pretty sensitive from before.
      Kara flashed me a concerned smile, to which I returned with the most convincing smile I could muster, before I headed to my desk to get on with some work.
      I didn't see Anna or Katy for the rest of the day which I was glad for – now if only that could last the rest of my life. I did see Kara however, who kindly decided to stop by my desk towards the end of the day.
      "Hey...," she greeted, hanging by my desk but not quite committing to staying.
      I appreciated her thoughtfulness and decided to give her my full attention, hoping she'd get the hint she could stay. "Hey, Kara."
      She offered a small smile as she sat at the edge of my desk. Concern flashed in her eyes though, as she asked, "How are you doing?"
      I pursed my lips, ignoring the sharp pain in my heart. "I'm fine."
      Kara nodded, and I almost thought she would accept my answer and leave it there, but then she looked back to me with a nervous look.
      "I know it's not any of my business, but did you talk to Anna about... you know?"
      I nodded slowly, eyes flickering to my desk. "Yeah. I did."
      I looked up when I felt Kara's hand rest on mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.
      "I'm sorry," she said, a frown on her lips. "About what happened."
      "You don't need to say sorry for anything," I said with a careless shrug, before adding, "but I'm sorry for letting it ruin our evening. I was having fun for what it's worth."
      Kara cracked a small sad smile. "It didn't ruin anything. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. If you wanna talk about it. Or if you just want to hang out and not talk about it at all. Either way..."
      "You're here."
      "Thanks." I looked up and met her eyes. They were kind and generous and thoughtful all at once, making me feel like I wasn't completely alone.
      She nodded, her smile still present, before standing up and saying, "I'll leave you to it then."
      "Bye, Kara."
      It hadn't even been a day when Anna tried to talk to me again. She obviously didn't respect me enough, nor feel any amount of guilt enough to leave me the hell alone like I asked.
      "Can we talk?" she asked for the millionth time, standing in front of my desk, looking down at me with pleading eyes. "Please, Y/N."
      I stayed quiet, continuing to ignore her and instead look at my computer screen. I didn't want to speak to her because I had nothing more to say, and she knew that. She broke my heart and I was just trying to forget about it. Forget about her. I couldn't do that if she wouldn't leave me alone!
      "Y/N, you have to let me say something," she tried again, making me roll my eyes. "I want to make this right. Or at least explain!"
      I gritted my teeth as I tried to keep up my act of pretending she didn't exist. It was growing increasingly difficult however.
      "Hey, guys," Kara swooped in out of nowhere, and I looked up, never more glad to see her face than I was now. She glanced between Anna and I before directing her question at me. "Everything okay?"
      I caught sight of Anna rolling her eyes in my peripheral, making me squeeze my hands together with annoyance.
      "Yes, everything's fine, Danvers," she spoke up, a hint of frustration laced in her voice. "We're just talking. Do you mind?"
      Kara pursed her lips in response, merely ignoring Anna's passive aggressiveness and instead looking to me for a response. I gave her a pleading look and she nodded subtly before smiling.
      "Y/N, you up for that coffee run yet?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
      Already locking my computer and grabbing my bag, I nodded and stood up. "Yeah, sounds good."
      Anna groaned quietly as I walked around her to stand by Kara. She tried to reach out to me, but I stepped back as if she had the plague and thankfully, Kara stepped between us, staring her down.
      I didn't know what she did, but it seemed to work as Anna backed off, letting Kara and I walk away. I breathed out with relief as we headed to the lift, feeling grateful for the blonde's presence.
       “Thanks for that," I said when we were in the lift. I looked up to meet her eyes, offering a small smile.
      She returned the smile, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Any time."
      Kara was a kind person. It was something I'd always known, I mean, we always helped each other out with our articles and she was always interested in what was new with me at work. We were good friends, but since breaking up with Anna, I truly saw how much our friendship meant to her. A lot more than I thought, apparently.
      A week had passed since I broke up with her and I was trying very hard not to concern myself with why we broke up. If I sat for too long thinking about the fact that I obviously wasn't good enough for her, or that she would have rather strung me along whilst with someone else than break up with me, or how how I was evidently a shitty girlfriend to be faithful to, then I would have broken down. And I didn't want to be one of those girls who cried her heart out because of a break up. I refused to be that girl, be that cliché.
      But sometimes clichés are clichés for a reason.
      I was signing off on a parcel at the reception on our floor when I felt Kara's presence beside me.
       “Hey," she greeted me. "How are things?"
      She'd been checking in on me whenever she saw me around the office, and even took me out for lunch and coffee when she could. I knew what she was doing and I appreciated it a lot. She truly was a blessing.
      I smiled, looking up at her. She was already staring at me with sparkling blue eyes.
      "I'm good, Kara," I assured her. "Especially since you asked me twenty minutes ago when you stopped by my desk."
      She pressed her lips together into a sheepish smile as she looked down to her shoes with embarrassment. One of the few reasons left to smile was Kara's silly antics, and I found it amusing that she felt the need to constantly make sure I was okay. It was cute.
      "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure," she said, making me chuckle.
      "It's cool," I said, accepting my parcel from the receptionist.
      I was ready to walk back to my desk, but the sight of Anna and Katy kissing behind Kara caught my attention. I forgot how to breathe for a moment, feeling like the wind had been smacked out of me, as I saw them making out. She'd moved on already, with the girl she'd cheated on me with. Because she'd done that. Cheated on me. She cheated on me.
      I noticed a few people in the hall glancing between them and I, evidently picking up on the fact that we were no longer together. It didn't take a genius to know what they were thinking – I was pathetic. I was supposed to move past all of this, but seeing Anna there, absolutely fine... I couldn't take it anymore. I was sick of bottling it up.
      Kara glanced behind her, following my gaze, and gasped a little. I felt my throat close up, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. I felt like an idiot.
      "I'm sorry, I've gotta go," I croaked out, neglecting my parcel at the reception desk and backing up.
      Kara spun around to me again, her eyes widened with pity. I hated it, knowing she felt bad for me. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat as I walked away, eventually running to the toilets so I could escape this suffocating situation.
      Fresh tears were flowing from my eyes when I reached the toilets. Thankfully, the cubicles were empty and nobody was here to see me look so pathetic. I stopped by the sinks and clutched my stomach, feeling sick.
      My hands began to shake and it was as if all the pain from the past week had reached its boiling point and was spilling over. My heart felt like it was crumbling, the image of Anna and Katy kissing playing in my mind over and over. She didn't want me anymore. She stopped wanting me a long time ago.
      I looked to the toilet door when I heard it open, glad to see it was just Kara, though I was still embarrassed because of what she was seeing.
      She stopped when she saw me, frowning as she took in my appearance. "Oh, Y/N."
      I shook my head, one hand still clutching my stomach tightly. "I– I don't understand h– how somebody can do that."
      She didn't know what to say, but when she stepped forward, I moved towards her, falling into her embrace. She held me close as I cried into her arms, finally letting it all out. It felt good to stop avoiding my pain. But it hurt a lot. I was convinced my heart would never recover.
      Kara simply held me, rubbing circles on my back and telling me it would be okay. I wasn't sure if I believed her, but she had a special talent of making you want to. She was warm and comforting and her voice was soft and inviting. I wanted to believe her.
      I wasn't sure how long we stayed like that, but I eventually ran out of tears, leaving only pure embarrassment as I pulled away from Kara. I avoided her eyes as she kept ahold of my hands, squeezing them comfortingly.
      "I think I'm gonna take you home, Y/N," she said quietly, and I could feel her eyes piercing through me. "Is that okay?"
      I wanted to tell her it was okay to leave me. That I'd be fine and I could get home myself. I didn't need her help. But the truth was, I didn't want her to leave. Not now. I didn't want to be alone.
      I nodded and she breathed out a little, keeping ahold of one of my hands as she held me out of the toilets. I kept my eyes glued to the floor as she told me to wait on the side as she went to grab my bag and hers. It didn't take her long to join my side again, grasping my hand in hers.
      She ended up taking me back to my flat, coming inside with me and sitting me on the couch. I was surprised that she joined me.
      "When you're ready to talk, I'll be here," she said, and I looked up to see her watching me with certainty. "Even if you don't want to talk, I'll be here."
"Thank you, Kara," I said, my voice dry, making me clear my throat.
      "Come on, we can watch some TV," she said, moving forward to grab the remote off the coffee table.
      She flicked between the channels and eventually settled on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It played for the next ten minutes or so, but I wasn't listening. I was trapped in my own thoughts, unable to stop thinking about how I ended up here. How I ended up crying over somebody who I once loved. This time last week, we were happy. And now... now I didn't know what to do.
      "Y/N," Kara said, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up and she was frowning, moving forward to wipe away some tears from my face. I didn't even realise I'd been crying again.
      "She did something wrong, yet I'm the one suffering," I said quietly, swallowing hard. "How is that fair?" I paused, my fingers fidgeting uncomfortably. "How is it fair that she's making me feel insecure about myself? I feel like... I feel like this is my fault... I know it's not, but... but it feels like it is. She... she cheated on me. It had to have been my fault. Nobody just cheats..."
      "You're not to blame, Y/N," Kara said, resting a hand on my fidgeting ones. They stopped. "You did nothing wrong, you hear me? Cheating on somebody is disgusting. There's no justification. She's the one who should feel insecure. It's all her fault and... gosh, one second."
      She let go of me and pulled her phone from her pocket, raising it to her ear. "Alex, what's up?" I watched as she seemed tense, turning around slightly. "But you can handle it, right? ...No, I'm with Y/N... I'd prefer not to... You've got this... Okay, thanks. Let me know how it goes later... Bye."
      She turned around and pocketed her phone, relaxing into her seat. "Sorry about that."
      "You can go if you need to," I said, feeling guilty for keeping her. "It sounded important."
      "No, no, it wasn't," she said, waving her hand, before peering at me with sincerity. "I'm here. And I was saying how none of this is your fault. It's hers. She should feel horrible."
      "She seems pretty happy with Katy," I pointed out, smiling sadly. "I'm the one crying on the couch."
      "Because you actually have feelings unlike some people." Kara shook her head. "This isn't your fault. I can promise you that. I know it's hurts. It will. Because you loved her. But you'll get through it. It won't hurt forever."
      "You make it sound easy."
      She cracked a small smile. "I know it's not. But you're not alone."
      "You've said."
      "Well, I mean it."
      "I know." I rested my hand on hers and met her eyes. "Thank you for being here. I don't know if it's because you feel obligated to, since you were there when I found out, but–"
      "That's not it," she cut me off.
      "Well, thank you," I finished, nodding slightly. "You're gonna get sick of my face eventually, but I'll make the most of having you around, Danvers."
      "You can't get rid of me that easily, Y/L/N," she joked, leaning forward to pull me in for a side hug. "I'm–"
      "Here, I got it."
      "Doesn't seem like it."
      I couldn't help but smile as I glanced up at the blonde, seeing the amusement dancing in her blue eyes.
      "There's that smile I missed," she pointed out, grinning down at me.
      I rolled my eyes and faced the TV again, but my smile was still present. I wasn't getting rid of Kara and I wasn't complaining. I didn't want to be alone and she was better company than I could have asked for. God bless Kara Danvers.
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Hi! Are you coming to Madrid to see Louis and Liam?!? Well, WELCOME!!! 🎉🎉Here’s a GUIDE that you would like to check!!!
So First the FESTIVAL, I see a lot of people asking where The F*ck the Festival would take place?? Don’t worry here’s the answer
The Festival is going to be in el RECINTO VALDEBEBAS-IFEMA!!! This year is gonna be bigger than others and IT’S AN OPEN VENUE!!!!
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As you can see It’s a little far away from the centre so my recommendation for you is to stay NEAR THE CENTRE, we have really good connections to the Festival so don’t worry (transport would be my next point) 
Others festivals take place in the same venue, here some pics of last year Mad Cool Festival, I think the Coca-Cola Festival will look something like this: 
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Madrid has good connections so PUBLIC TRANSPORT  is your Friend!!!
First METRO MADRID (The Tube) Line 8 have a stop in the festival called “FERIA DE MADRID” 
You’ll have to go to the station called “NUEVOS MINISTERIOS” and there take LINE 8 
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Don’t Forget!! Your Stop is FERIA DE MADRID!!! 
And When The Tube Closed???? You’ll have time!! Metro Madrid opens at 6.00 am and closed at 1.30 am 
What type of ticket I’ll need? You’ll need a card “Tarjeta Multi” it’s rechargeable!! you could use it for the tube, the bus, train. It looks like this: 
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You can buy it in the automatic machines in every metro station!! and it cost 2.50 euros
You can put in there: single tickets, 10 travels tickets or TOURISTIC  TICKETS (best option for you I think: YOU WILL NEED A TICKET FOR ZONE 1 Only AND ONE DAY COSTS 8.40 euros, TWO DAYS = 14.20 euros, THREE DAYS= 18.40 euros... the max is seven days)
Other transports.- 
Línea C1: Príncipe Pío – Aeropuerto T4. STOP VALDEBEBAS.      
 Línea C10: Villalba – Aeropuerto T4. STOP VALDEBEBAS.
Línea 171 (Mar de Cristal – Valdebebas). STOP AVDA. JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH. Starts at  06:30  and Finishes at 23:30
Línea 174 (Plaza de Castilla – Valdebebas). STOP AVDA. JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH. Starts at 06:00 and Finishes at 23:10
*OWL LINE (NIGHT) Línea N2 (Plaza de Cibeles – Valdebebas). Starts at 23:50 and Finishes at  05:50
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The yellow points are the zones I prefered: 
In the Centre: Zone Embajadores, Zone Universidad (Malasaña! Yes I’m a hipster.) Zone Justicia, Zone Cortes and Zone Palacios my faves.  (I DON’T RECOMMENDED ZONE SOL) 
Neighbourhood: Chamberí (Zone Trafalgar) (Zone Almagro) 
Neighbourhood: Retiro (Zone Jerónimos) (Zone Pacífico) 
Neighbourhood: Salamanca (it's a little expensive but maybe you would like to check it) - Zone Goya - Zone Fuente del Berro - Zone Castellana
Neighbourhood: Chamartín (Zone Prosperidad) 
Neighbourhood: Moncloa-Aravaca (Zone Argüelles) (Zone Ciudad Universitaria) 
You like art!!! Well, you are lucky we have some amazing museums in the city!!! THE TRIANGLE:
MUSEO DEL PRADO: 15 euros - General entry but you can enter for FREE from Monday to Saturday at 18:00 - 20:00h (the museum closed at 20:00) Sundays - 17:00 to  19:00h 
MUSEO REINA SOFIA: 10 euros - General entry. FREE days: Monday (19.00 to 21:00) W-S (19:00 to 21:00) TUESDAY CLOSED
MUSEO THYSSEN-BORNEMISZA: 13 euros- General entry. ALL MONDAYS FROM 12:00 to 16:00 FREE ENTRY. 
You like HISTORY: 
We have the Royal Palace: Summer to 10:00 to 20:00. 13 euros General entry. FREE: Monday to Thursday (18:00 - 20:00) for EU citizens (don’t forget your ID) I recommend the Gardens because are really pretty. 
The TEMPLE OF DEBOD: an Egyptian temple in Madrid?? Yes, it’s next to the Parque del Oeste, and it’s free too. 
Don’t mind Crowded Places: 
- Go to Plaza Mayor and Mercado de San Miguel, then have a walk to Puerta del Sol!! 
- Have a nice walk to GRAN VIA, there are a lot of shops and One of the biggest PRIMARK in the world is there. (Five floors - open from 9:30 to 22:00 every day)
- Plaza de Cibeles and Palacio de Cibeles. 
- Terrace of El Circulo de Bellas Artes in Calle Alcala next to Gran Vía. You would be able to see the city. It costs 4 euros and it’s open from 9:00 to 02:00am) 
- Plaza de España
- Puerta de Alcalá. 
- Park El Retiro: There you could have a nice ride in a small boat (it’s only until 19:00). There you should visit El Palacio de Cristal. (Crystal palace) 
- If you are rich and want to buy some Gucci bags (like Harry jijij) La Milla de Oro is your place. It’s in the neighbourhood Salamanca - Calles Serrano, Ortega Y Gasset, Velazquez... 
- Chueca (Our gay District !!!) is colourful and beautiful. You will have fun there!!
- Want to have a drink on a nice terrace while you swim! Also amazing view of Madrid: 
Hotel Oscar Room Mate (Plaza de Vazquez de Mella, 12) It’s in Chueca and its an IT place to be! You could stay all-day having fun for like 25 euros (M-T) (F-S / 50 euros) 
Hotel Emperador (Gran Vía, 33): M-T = 38 euros / Friday and weekend = 48 euros. 
Gimnasio Gymage (Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 2) Yes, It’s a GYM but also you can have lunch there and go to their terrace. It’s in Malasaña, it's like 15 euros. (and yes I go a lot lmao) (que mamarracha soy lol) 
Have the body to dance and some party after The Festival here some places to go: 
-  Joy Eslava (Calle Arsenal) 
- Kapital (Calle de Atocha) SEVEN FLOORS TO PARTY!!! Different kind of music on every floor. The price is 17 euros! (my crazy years happened here!! lmao) 
- Cocó (Calle Alcalá) you want to dance to reggaeton! Latin music! and electronic!  this is your place! 
- Teatro Barceló (Pachá de toda la vida) (Calle Barceló) 
- El Independance (Calle del Dr. Cortezo) the indie place you have to go! 80′s and 90′s music!! Heaven!! 
- Chá Chá The Club (Calle Alcalá) you want to see our celebs?! possibly you would find them here! (I also go here because like I said I’m a mamarracha) 
Here’s a map with touristic things in Madrid!!
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I feel I’m forgetting something... If I remember it I’ll update it tomorrow!! Hope this helps you!!! Any other question, please don’t hesitate to message me !!! Have a great day!!! <3 <3 <3 
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p. 1)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
More Jolex on your timeline because y’all seemed to love what I posted before! Also I’ve posted this whole piece on AO3 as well so it might look familiar.  
this idea came to me in a fever dream and i am not sorry that y'all have to deal with it. 99% of this fic will be in "texting" format, so be prepared for that. 
Jo is regular Alex is italics
Saturday 11:04 PM
heeeeey is thiss doctor evil?
I gotta say ur phone sex namee needs sum weerk
u soud like a comic book village 
Who the hell is this? And how did you get my number? 
i’m just a girl at thee bar!!!! 
Joe’s Bar?
i’m at enerlad city bar
You didn’t answer my question. 
u asked a quesitoon?
whata was it?
i’m goos at takifjg tests 
How’d you get my number?
it qas in the bathrooom!!!
it said “for a good tiem txt dr evil spawne” 
so I did
I am ready to havee fun
You’re drunk, obviously, and I’m going to have to kill Cristina for putting my number up. 
ooooooh is thatt ur girleifnd?
Wow you’re really gone. And hell no, she’s my roommate. One of them. 
ooooh how many do u hav
roomees not girlfriends 
Three. Two girls and a dude. 
well it’s tome for fireball shoots
steph is yeeling at me 4 txting too much
goodbey doctor eviel apawn!!
Oh lord. Tell Steph you need water. Or an IV. 
I’ve got her. she’s throwing up on her shoes. thanks doctor. - steph
  Sunday 10:11 AM
You know you’re pretty funny, Bar Girl. 
jesus christ what fucking time is it?! 
10 AM
I’m assuming you have a massive hangover. 
hold on I can’t hear you over the sound of me vomiting
TMI as the kids say these days. 
what’re you a grandpa or something?? 
No I just don’t know how to use text lingo. Except WTF. I know that one very well. 
quick question
who the fuck are you?
Dr. Evil Spawn. You found my name graffitied in the bathroom of Emerald City Bar. 
holy shit
I thought I dreamed that... WHAT THE FUCK
Nope. I’m real. 
holy shit i’m so sorry
my texts were so annoying
Who hurt you? I mean you were shitfaced, I’m assuming someone broke your heart into tiny pieces. 
the opposite actually, I was at a bachelorette party
not mine, i’m so single it hurts
Ahhh that makes sense. So you got shitfaced in solidarity? 
exactly you get it
you seem like you’d be the DD at a bachelorette party
Well seeing as I’m a dude I don’t do Bachelorette parties. 
Well I did go to one, but that’s a different story.  
hmmm you seem like a very interesting man doctor evil spawn 
going to bachelorette parties, living with women who aren’t your girlfriend 
George? No absolutely not. And before you ask, my other girl roommate is gay. 
so you’re single?
i’m only asking so when you murder me the police have as much information as possible
Haha very funny. I would be a terrible murderer. 
you didn’t answer my question
Fine. Yes I’m single. 
i’ll note that in the “serial killer file” i’m building 
gotta go, I have to do work :/
Have fun, don’t die. 
  Sunday 8:38 PM
Arizona is trying to set me up on a blind date. 
who’s arizona?
My gay roommate. She wants me to meet this “bubbly blonde” she knows from her pilates class. 
ahhhh. why don’t you go?
Bubbly blonde is not my type. Sounds like she’ll spend the whole date talking about how much she loves dogs or her knitting hobby. 
Plus she does pilates, that tells me more than enough. 
you’re making some good points. I don’t pity you. 
You better not. How was work?
the longest day of my life
it was just paperwork, I don’t actually work on the weekends
What do you do?
hmmmm that’s exactly what a serial killer would say
i’m an elementary school teacher
Oh so you sing and dance and paint pictures all day?
what school did you go to?
were working on multiplication tables and basic photosynthesis tomorrow
Wow that sounds like a lot.
it’s may, ive got three weeks of school left so I have to cram all the crap we didn’t cover into these last few weeks 
Ahhh that sounds more accurate.
and what do you do? 
besides text strangers that you don’t know
I’m a pediatrician. 
oh so you make kids cry and wipe snotty noses all day? two can play at that game
Well we both have to deal with snotty noses sooo...
I GET IT!! Doctor Evil Spawn!! 
why evil spawn though? 
I wasn’t this nice when I started med school. My personality is an acquired taste. 
ha! that’s a funny joke. 
so if you’re a fancy schmancy doctor why do you live with three other people?
I’m only a resident, not making the big bucks yet. Everyone else is a doctor too. 
are they all pediatricians?
No. Arizona is too but Cristina is a cardiologist and George is a trauma specialist. 
interesting!! I too live with my coworkers. it’s not fun. 
the table is always covered in craft supplies. 
Well I can never read the grocery list on the fridge. Stupid doctors script...
oh that’s a classic. you’re pretty funny Dr. Evil Spawn
Thanks Bar Girl. 
I gotta go. monday tomorrow and you know how fourth graders can be. night!! 
Night . 
  Monday 9:47 AM
there’s not enough coffee in the world for monday mornings. 
  Monday 10:52 AM 
Sorry I was yelling at the interns. We have a decent coffee cart here. Keeps me alive. Are you texting in class?
no it was recess
now they’re at spanish class
i’m not totally irresponsible 
Oh good to know the future of America is in good hands. Teacher Princess is “not totally irresponsible”
teacher princess?
Well, Cinderella lost her shoe, you puked on yours. Same thing. 
that was so uncalled for...
I thought it was funny. Gotta go set a broken arm. 
broken arm vs. adverbs... can we switch? have fun lol
  Monday 3:26 PM
I don’t even think I know what an adverb is. 
how did you become a doctor??
Don’t need to know adverbs to fix a couple broken bones and snuffy noses. 
oh darn I should’ve gone to school for seven more years then
Haha. How were the adverbs?
better than expected, grading papers while I wait for my roomies to be done
we carpool, saving the environment and shit
Okay Eco Warrior.
you text like a 60 year old man
you’re not a 60 year old man are you?
No I’m a 28 year old man though
28 a doctor and you’re single? your personality must be worse than you described 
I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to settle down. And I have no desire to. 
yet you have time to text a complete stranger? 
hmmmm interesting...
Ouch, that one hurt Princess. 
steph is making me socialize with the other teachers
if I don’t respond, they killed me or dragged me to an essential oil party
  Monday 5:18 PM
Did you get roped into a pyramid scheme?
nooo but therew as wine
I should sotp drunk texting you so often 
It makes your presence that much more entertaining. And bearable. 
woah woah dude
i’m a gem 
I can tell. Elementary school teacher with a heart of gold. 
awwww your too sweet tome
It’s a Monday. Who the hell gets drunk on a Monday?
we deserve it
You’re a teacher and you’re single and still going to Bachelorette parties. You’re what, 23? 
i’m 25 and i’m doing greta thanks you very nuch 
cnat believe that i’m supplying my perosnal info to a serial killer
What makes you so sure that I’m a mass murderer? 
ur weird nickname and ur intimate knowledge of the himan body
Mmm yes well a good amount of women do find themselves screaming around me often. Or under me. On top of me...
omg are you sending me dirty jokes
you’re crazy 
What can I say. 
Gotta go, I’m on call tonight. Get to bed safe, Bar Princess. 
mmmkay thanks Doc
  Wednesday 11:29 AM
What do you think is worse: School lunch or hospital food?
hospital food, no doubt
thursday is mac and cheese day here... I could bathe in that stuff
We have Spaghetti Wednesday but that’s the only good thing here. 
mmm how depressing
the teachers do a pot luck once a month and that’s always good
the art teacher next door to me makes the BEST blueberry muffins. 
Lucky. All I get here is vending machine cookies. Anything interesting happening in the elementary world? 
a first grader got lice last week so naturally we all have it now
I had to chop off six inches of my hair
Holy crap. Lice can be vicious, be thankful you didn’t have to shave your head. 
it feels like I did, my hair hasn’t been above my shoulders since the backstreet boys were still touring
Wow. I’m glad to know you’re well cultured. 
of course I am
gotta go, kids are back from music class
Don’t be too hard on them, they deserve a break every once in awhile. 
  Thursday 3:06 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jenna you forgot your lunch pail. Have a good day!”
“Hi Mrs. Peters. I didn’t grade Henry’s test yet, I’ll have it tomorrow. Thanks bye!”
“Steph I gotta grab my things, I’ll be there in a seco- oh shit. Hello?”
“Bar Princess?”
“Doctor Evil Spawn? I must’ve butt dialed you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I... I don’t mind the interruption. Are you leaving work?”
“Just about, we’re wrapping up the solar system and I have to bring home the diorama.”
“I was never good at the models, I prefer working with the real thing.”
“Oh ho, a man that works with his hands. I can appreciate that.”
“You know now we’re officially talking and we still don’t know each other’s names.”
“Well around here I’m Miss Wilson, but you can call me Jo.”
“Jo. Hmm I like chicks with dudes names. I’m Dr. Karev but you can call me Alex.”
“Well nice to kinda meet you Alex. I’ll talk to you soon, I gotta get out of here.”
“Talk to you later.”  
  Thursday 4:34 PM
I wouldn’t mind if you were my teacher.
how did I know you’d send me something along those lines
I’m predictable. I’m still calling you Bar Princess. 
as you wish doctor evil spawn
I get to assist on a surgery today. Tonsillectomy. 
like removing tonsils? that’s awesome
for you, not for the kid
Oh she’ll be fine, she gets ice cream and jello for a week.  
okay yeah I might be jealous of her now
id love to be off work for a week and have you waiting on me hand and foot
the ice cream is a nice bonus
You think that’s my job?
well you said you aren’t making the big bucks yet so.... yeah 
Keep dreaming. I’ll talk to you later, gotta scrub in. 
have fun!!!!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the most unsettling film you’ve seen? Unsettling films are my jam, man. To name a few, there’s Eraserhead, Room, Midsommar, Eyes Wide Shut, Misery, and most recently, I’m Thinking of Ending Things. Eraserhead takes the cake though. That movie always makes me queasy...
What unethical experiment would have the biggest positive impact on society as a whole? I’m a firm believer in nothing good ever comes out of unethical practices. I’ll never forget reading about an experiment where a group of newborn babies were given basic needs like food and being bathed, but weren’t shown any affection whatsoever and it was meant to see if humans can survive with just the most basic physiological needs. By the end of the experiment period half of the babies were dead. The results were honestly a lot bleaker than how I’ve put it, but I don’t wanna be a downer lol. Suffice it to say that experiment haunted me for days after reading it.
When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t? It was around a week or so ago, I’m pretty sure.
Which celebrity or band has the worst fan base? My sister is into K-pop and I hear insights from her all the time, but her one constant is that BTS breeds the most annoying, toxic fans. I’d have to agree. Ariana Grande’s fandom was also annoying at one point, but I haven’t heard much from them making a mess these days.
What are you interested in that most people aren’t? Autobiographies.
If you were given a PhD degree, but had no more knowledge of the subject of the degree besides what you have now, what degree would you want to be given to you? Why would I deserve a PhD on something I’m clearly not qualified for...I’m not sure I’m following this question right, but I don’t feel like thinking too hard about it.
What smartphone feature would you actually be excited for a company to implement? I’m happy with the features that are widespread now, but I wish companies adhere more to countries other than the common ones like US, UK, Australia, etc. I always see ads about phones being able to tell you how much movie tickets cost or track boarding passes, but those are all irrelevant here. It makes a lot of Apple’s basic apps useless on this side of the world haha.
What’s something people don’t worry about but really should? Long-term effects of poor habits like not getting enough sleep or drinking too many cups of coffee. I know because I’m guilty of this.
What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis? “I won’t think about that now, I’ll think about it tomorrow,” but I usually say it to myself, especially when I feel stressed.
Do you think that children born today will have better or worse lives than their parents? Better, but idk if that’s just me being biased because my generation will be the next parents lol. I just think that a lot of Gen X parents still have a lot of dated prejudices and mindsets that my generation was able to learn better from. For example my mom doesn’t like using people’s preferred names, especially if they’ve transitioned -_____- and I know I’d never want to set such an example for my kids.
What’s the funniest joke you know by heart? I know I’ve come across hilarious ones but I always fail to come up with one when asked on the spot.
When was the last time you felt you had a new lease on life? LOL RIGHT NOW
What’s the funniest actual name you’ve heard of someone having? It’s more stupid than funny and I know I’ve already mentioned this before, but Covid Bryant as a first and second name still takes the cake for me. My sister went to school with a girl whose name is just her surname backwards, and for a time I was really weirded out by it. But in the times I’ve seen her she really owns her name and never looks bothered by it, so I quickly stopped caring.
Which charity or charitable cause is most deserving of money? For me it would have to be organizations for animal welfare.
What TV show character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week? Post-El Camino Jesse Pinkman. I wouldn’t want to live through his chaotic shit  from Breaking Bad, but his fate after El Camino is something I’m super envious of.
What was cool when you were young but isn’t cool now? Flip phones, Blackberry phones, Roshes, Frappuccinos.
If you were moving to another country, but could only pack one carry-on sized bag, what would you pack? Phone, laptop, their chargers, important IDs, some of my favorite tops and jeans, underwear, essential toiletries, wallet, a family photo, a journal and pen, earphones, certain knickknacks to remember Gab and my dogs by. Minus the clothes, all of these are pretty tiny so I think these would all fit in the bag just fine.
What’s the most ironic thing you’ve seen happen? I don’t know. I’m not really a fan of rating the most/worst this and that stuff in my life, either. I feel like I unnecessarily rack my brain too hard for them when I take surveys to have a chill time.
If magic was real, what spell would you try to learn first? Probably something that’d keep my dogs from dying.
If you were a ghost and could possess people, what would you make them do? No thanks. I’d be the chillest ghost tbh, I’d like to just sneak up on people’s business and hang out but never interfere in them.
What goal do you think humanity is not focused enough on achieving? Climate change, global warming, alleviation of poverty. Corporations and the few people who actually have the power and money to change things only ever come up with short-term shit like donations and never look at the big picture. What problem are you currently grappling with? So many personal ones. But just like the recurring theme of my surveys so far, “I don’t want to get into it.”
What character in a movie could have been great, but the actor they cast didn’t fit the role? As much as I love Kristen Stewart, I heard she was cast as Princess Diana for an upcoming film and I’m not really feeling that decision. They could’ve gone with a British actress for starters?????? The movie is still in production but it is pretty annoying to think about lmao.
What game have you spent the most hours playing? Probably GTA: San Andreas as a kid.
What’s the most comfortable bed or chair you’ve ever been in? Luxury hotel beds are always so fluffy and comfortable.
What’s the craziest conversation you’ve overheard? Omg one time at a coffee shop Gabie and I sat beside this older couple that obviously was going through some heavy SHIT. There was a lot of animosity and tension between them and I caught the lady silently break into tears a few times. I never overheard anything but then again they sat in silence for hours until the lady finally walked out on him. Never knew what it was about but I’ve always guessed that the man did something crappy, like cheat, and was discovered. It was a really sad sight and a crazy situation to witness and I think I felt even more sorry because they were obviously in their 50s or 60s. I hope the woman is in a better place now as she looked rough as fuck that evening.
What’s the hardest you’ve ever worked? I wore a lot of hats when I was in my college org, and that was on top of balancing my acads as well.
What movie, picture, or video always makes you laugh no matter how often you watch it? That scene from Friends where Ross plays the keyboard for Chandler, Phoebe, Monica, and Rachel.
What artist or band do you always recommend when someone asks for a music recommendation? It depends on what music they’re into and if I have actually have a recommendation in mind for them. I obviously can’t suggest Paramore to someone who mainly listens to metal.
If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose? I’m down for any monuments that are super ancient like Stonehenge or the Pyramids of Giza.
If animals could talk, which animal would be the most annoying? I’d go with frogs, but only because they get annoyingly loud in the evening.
What’s the most addicted to a game you’ve ever been? Playing The Sims, Mario Kart, Rock Band, or games in the Burnout franchise.
What’s the coldest you’ve ever been? Japan was so fucking cold when I was there. Didn’t do my research and ended up being dressed poorly, and I was so cold I could barely talk to my parents or fully enjoy my time. Sagada was also nearly unbearable in the early morning.
Which protagonist from a book or movie would make the worst roommate? Not from a book or movie, but BoJack Horseman. Diane can also be in the running as I always found her too whiny. I get that she had her personal shit to deal with, but I don’t think living with her would be good for my own sanity and mental health.
Do you eat food that’s past its expiration date if it still smells and looks fine? It annoys my chef dad to death that I don’t lol. No matter how great it looks, I’d bounce. I once ate expired Kit Kats that tasted like cardboard and that scared me off of expired food forever.
What’s the most ridiculous thing you have bought? I once bought a stupid novelty soap that to this day I’ve never even opened. It’s in one of my drawers, and I plan to just throw it out at some point.
What’s the funniest comedy skit you’ve seen? Not a fan of these but one that got to me is Dear Sister from SNL.
What’s the most depressing meal you’ve eaten? A few years ago there was a local breakfast place that offered red velvet pancakes for a limited time and I was all over that crap, so I went and ordered. The actual pancakes ended up not being any bigger than my palm, and I remember not being able to hide my disappointment once the server placed the dish on my table haha. I felt so scammed. I had to order something else to feel full, because those pancakes were stupidly small.
What tips or tricks have you picked up from your job/jobs? One of my superiors, when she was presenting a pitch to our director yesterday, kept asking questions and picking at the director’s brain so that she can get suggestions and answers straight from the director herself and so that she didn’t have to do any brainstorming anymore. I thought that was a pretty nifty and clever hack.
What outdoor activity haven’t you tried, but would like to? Hiking a mountain!
What songs hit you with a wave of nostalgia every time you hear them? Umbrella by Rihanna feat. Jay-Z.
What’s the worst backhanded compliment you could give someone? Idk, anything can be the worst depending on the context. I’m not a fan of giving those, though.
What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched? Unsolved Mysteries’ Dupont de Ligonnès episode was a lot of fun to watch.
What was the last song you sang along to? I think it was Thinking of You by Katy Perry? but I’m not entirely sure. I haven’t sung along to anything in a while.
What app can you not believe someone hasn’t made yet? I don’t really download and use a lot of apps other than the basic ones, so I don’t care too much.
When was the last time you face palmed? Last night.
If you were given five million dollars to open a small museum, what kind of museum would you create? I’d give it away to the Martial Law museum currently being made near my university so that it can do more to show the atrocities of the Marcoses. And so that I can piss off my pro-Marcos relatives.
Which of your vices or bad habits would be the hardest to give up? Uh hating myself, if that counts.
What really needs to be modernized? Public transportation systems in this country.
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thiccboycalum · 5 years
ok first imma preface and say y’all don’t have to read this (lol no one will prolly read this and I’m prolly just kidding myself thinking that people actually will). I just wanted to get this off my chest and I feel like this is the only place I feel like I can without worrying my friends who follow me on other platforms.
so on Saturday I had sex for the first time and I was drunk at a frat party/tailgate (my university is really big on football and it was the first game of the season). now ever since I first found out what sex was and what “losing your virginity” was I never really one that always said “I want my first time to be personal and super romantic, etc.”. I mean I would’ve preferred it to be with someone that wouldve been with for a good amount of time but thats not really how life worked out. He was just some guy who was probably equally as drunk as I was, that one of my friends knew and who gave us booze throughout the party.
Now I’m gonna be real and say I don’t remember exactly what happened or what led us to have sex with one another. All I remember is us dancing as group with all our friends and then next thing I know we were making out in his bed. Then my friends coming in and taking me home. Honestly what I remember is telling him I was on birth control (for different reasons) but I’m not sure how far we got into it nor do I remember if he even put a condom on. So just to be safe I am going to get tested tomorrow at my schools health center. But idk I just feel like with my luck something bad will happen or something bad will come out of the results. I for a while thought I might get pregnant bc I have also been sick so I’ve been taking medicine and I heard that it might counteract the effectiveness of my birth control. But when I looked it up today it didn’t say the medicine I was taking should effect it but honestly idk.
and I don’t know I’m just so nervous for my appointment tomorrow bc I’m worried about what the outcome might be. It could very well come back with nothing on it or with something and that really worries me. It’s just that Saturday was such a mess towards the end of the night (I lost my wallet with ALL my cards/ids and stuff, my nose stud fell out and now my nose piercing is closed, and just so much else that is way too embarrassing to share). But the sucky part was that everything before having sex with the dude was so much fun. and now I feel like I worried my friends so much about what happened that they may be hesitant to agree to go to parties with me anymore (and I lw feel like they think imma hoe for that).
Honestly idk what this post was even about or the point of it. I just wanted to rant a bit and get this stuff off my chest before my appointment tomorrow. So if you made it this far congrats and hope you have a wonderful day. (Lol idk how to end this)
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hobisolostan · 6 years
85 question tag thing 🏹
tagged by: @sleepbugs (ilu !!! 😙)
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 (lmao funnyyyy) people
tagging: uhmmmmmmmmmmm @libraop @justinsgf @lilchims @namugf @brightjoon @moon9oddess @joonsgoth
1. drink: h2o 
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: my yearbook group chat .. its just spams from my friend cause she’s touring Europe ALONE , lucky bitch
4. song you listened to: always you - astro (stan talent !!!) 
5. time you cried: two days ago ish
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: what is this kiss?
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: is this a question?
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
12. favorite colours: blues/neutrals 
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yup!!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yea ig ?? not like crying with tears streaming down my face but definitely a few tears slipped out 
18. found out someone was talking about you: o yea
19. met someone who changed you: yup
20. found out who your friends are: lets not go there :)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them ??? stranger danger kids dont friend people u dont know irl
23. do you have any pets: skjfl i wish :(( 
24. do you want to change your name: no actually, as much as i hate when it gets mispronounced and not like even a tiny mispronunciation, it literally gets butchered :) , it has a lot of ties and significance to my culture which is important to me
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my friend whom i would die for (the one in Europe rn) invited me over to her place and her and two other friends planned surprised gifts and hot pot ! her mom literally paid for all the ingredients akfdskjl i love her sm :(( 
26. what time did you wake up today: 7 am, my body she just did it ? idk lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a horror movie
29. what are you listening to right now: aint nobody takin my baby - russ
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: this morning
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no
32. something that gets on your nerves: narrow-mindedness, arrogance, ignorance, when ppl chew with their mouth open skfsjldfjs
33. most visited website: definitely between tumblr and youtube 
34. hair colour: black
35. long or short hair: short, it’s just below chin level rn sklfjsld
36. do you have a crush on someone: u ask me when hoseok is right ... there ?
37. what do you like about yourself: uh my lips and dimples and the fact that I’m pretty self-driven 
38. want any piercings: more like need ????? ive been wanting double helix piercings for the longesstttt time. might get some this year .. hopefully
39. blood type: i literally dont even know sklfjskd but its definitely a or b or ab since my parents are a combination of those 
40. nicknames: utshee ? just my normal name but instead of the ending ah sound its an “e” as in the letter e lol and then ironically its usa, long back story id rather not get into lol. shira if ur reading this u know 😔
41. relationship status: married to hoseok obviously
42. zodiac: this is virgo solidarity !!! 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: dont really watch tv shows anymore tbh but the last good one i can remember was supernatural but its .. been awhile lmao
45. tattoos: nooooooo , i want a few small ones tho one day when im of age
46. right handed or left handed: normal regular righty 
47. ever had surgery: nope, i did fracture my arm once tho when i was like uh 2-3 
48. piercings: 2! just regular earlobe piercings, one on each
49. sport: volleyball, lacrosse, and gymnastics i did for a while competitively. i also love ultimate frisbee and long distance running on my free time
50. vacation: i havent been out of country since i came here to the states ksdjsdf my family just isn’t one of those that take family trips, at least out of country 😔ig my last family vacation was 2016 winter break where we drove down to las vegas and arizona to see the grand canyon. it was so damn cold omg
51. trainers: um i have superstars and two pairs of nikes that i wear on the daily. i really want some new van slip ons tho ugh 
more general:
52. eating: i eat literally everything lmao, im one of the least picky eaters tbh but i prefer seafood over meat. i still like and eat meat but sometimes id just .. rather not lol
53. drinking: water !!!!!!!!!! ( i down a good 10 cups at least everyday) i also love boba so much omggg u dont understand but i really do try to limit myself 😔
54. i’m about to watch: perfect man jimin focus skdjfklsdf jimin stans raise up for ur national anthem !!!!!
55. waiting for: college apps to be over even tho they technically havent opened yet akfjds;lfs
56. want: to go into my career field with zero in debt so basically impossible but a girl can dream :( 
57. get married: yea if it happens sure
58. career: medical !!! looking into anesthesiologist but im not set on anything, just wanna do Doctors Without Borders as my end career goal 😔
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: kisses pls 
60. lips or eyes: eyes bc they just convey sooo much about a person but also pls ... if ur lips are as cracked as the sidewalk outside of my house we’re never smooching 
61. shorter or taller: definitely taller, also wanna be the little spoon during cuddles so yea
62. older or younger: older for sure because i look at the underclassmen and shudder in disgust bc they’re ur typical overgrown yet immature high school students. honestly dont know wtf happened to selecting genuine students to enroll into our school but skfjsdfjs im out of there in less than a year so whatever
63. nice arms or stomach: arms bc i like tummies but if u have abs i dont mind either
64. hookup or relationship: can’t really see myself doing hookups so relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: depends? i definitely want a playful relationship but they should know when their behavior is verging on immature so ig slightly  leaning on the more hesitant side
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: o yeaaa, new years eve and home alone with my in-college cousin lmaoo
68. lost glasses: I LOST MY FIRST PAIR IN 5 MONTHS AND I STILL DONT KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ???? i had to buy another pair after begging my parents for a good 2 months bc the first pair were so mfcking expensive ksfjsld tbh the ones i wear right now are a lot cuter tho so 
69. turned someone down: yes
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: maybe ? dont know to the extent the other person liked me so
72. had your heart broken: no
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yea
75. fallen for a friend: yea 
do you believe in:
76. yourself: love urself right hahha :)) lmao im trying ig
77. miracles: hmm sure 
78. love at first sight: idk depends, im neutral. definitely think theres more to it tho
79. santa claus: no, wish i was still at that age where i did 
80. kiss on first date: hmm depends
81. angels: yea
82. best friend’s name: i have two: one’s andreana and the other is sybil (the one who left me here to die while she went to europe yea, love that betrayer)
83. eye colour: dark brown
84. fave movie: was gonna say black panther but thats too much of a popular opinion so the ritual ?? its a horror movie which i love so much omg fljsd and it was surprisingly good ??? definitely have not said that about a horror movie in the longest time bc the newer ones are always so cringy and predictable 
85. fave actor: mistre kim seokjin of course 🤩🤩
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memedbts · 6 years
for the bangtan asks: ALL
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
none. i dont like all that marvel/dc crap. actually no, it’s not crap, just not for me...
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
omg idek tbh. i lowkey feel exposed lmaooo
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be?
idk tbh anything that i said that caused an argument, caused things between me n another person to get awkward, or anything that made people change the way they look at me
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
kids that act older than their age for sure
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
already answered this lol 
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
snatch up that money real quick
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
i dont really drink coffee but @ starbucks, caramel frap, extra whip n caramel
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
maknae bc i like being the youngest. im the oldest sibling so its nice when i get the be the youngest 
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
like november of 2016. i was reintroduced to kpop by some of my friends and boy oh boy did they make a good ass decsion
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
a place where all my friends are and i can be myself
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
already answered this tooooo lol 
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
my family n friends. also bts if they could lmao
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
have a glo up HAAAAA
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
my personality and my advice. some people dont take it and then i end being right.....
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
jump: favorite childhood memory?
anytime in preschool bc i had some lit ass friends
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
umm.. funny obviously, i mean i want them to be somewhat attractive, decently smart, similar personality to mine
i like it pt. 2: dream date?
oooof idk i’d have to think about that one
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
no oh my god im so grateful that ive never had one
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
i fell on my ass in front of this big group of guys lmaooo
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
volume up - 4minute
return to pooh corner - kenny loggins (fight me)
rain - bts
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
it depends on who’s secret. if im not super close to them, i wont tell everybody i know, but i’ll most likely tell a few friends ooof. brutally honest lmao
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
idek im not that impulsive i guess
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
my off the should pink lace thingy with jean shorts
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)?
from like 8 to like the next day. i was dying rip
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?\
next year volleyball and kpop club
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
no rip
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
3.96 gpa
i need u: are you in love?
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
it depends what kind of physical contact
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
move: last time you cried?
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
bts existing
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
yes! honestly like hawaii or something
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
hawaii ha im so basic
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
not old enough to vote but when i am, i will. and yeah i guess. im not like SUPER into politics but i know for the most part whats going on. i think ill pay more attention when i can actually vote.
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be an actress. now ive realized im not cut out for that. 
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
it depends on who im with but like not really
save me: your favorite place on earth?
my room tbhhh
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
idek just like the childhood show movies that they made
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
yall already know who im bout to pick with 7 people lmao
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
not exaclty sure, also not about to get up n count. but probably around 10. but i only wear about like 3 or 4
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
this was real. i was walking my dog and this guy with nothing with underwear on was standing outside on the porch screaming. mind you, i lived in a nice/decent neighborhood. 
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
never committed a crime. imma good child lmao. but the worst thing ive ever done was call someone from my friend from nz and for 50 minutes and cost my dad, $200 lolllllll
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
um. im not there yet sweetie
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
my parents and my friend group from where i used to live
lie: biggest fear?
spiders n death
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
cause bc then i can prevent it possibly
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
i guess
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
get into bts earlier
mama: are you good at giving advice?
yeah i am
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
pansies bc they’re my grandma’s favorite
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
i dont lost easily unless people are distracting me
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
i do face masks, add some extra steps to my skin care
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
a memory where im reflecting on all of my memories. HA 
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
depends on with who
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their personalities
spring day: who do you miss right now?
my old friend group.
not today: what are you procrastinating right now?
this project for agriculture and natural resources oop 
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
when we first take off, aisle, but as i get comfortable in the air, i can do window
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
my old friend group and my parents.
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