#and tho they haven't answered it yet
wakanai · 3 months
Waka Waka somehow I've managed to convince people I have a harem with all the pregnant bsd men help me- hdhdhdhdhd
I've also been dubbed the mpregginator by @flowerofbuffoonery :(
Sighs. Only I would be able to get in a situation like this.
I just know the details will be traumatizing.
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dovewingkinnie · 4 months
i literally want to marry the big boss..PLSSSPSLSPS ONE CHACNE BIG BOSS!!!.😼 (got bored of being anonymous..)
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you've finally revealed yourself funny cat emoji person i'll give you an answer to your requests for showing your true face (im assuming this is funny cat emoji person)
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caluupin · 3 months
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been catching up on TGAA/DGS !! :D
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destiny-islanders · 14 days
Hey! Do you watch Bridgerton? Jonathan Bailey (voice of G'raha Tia) is one of the main characters!
ye i'm one of those people who started watching it because he was in it lol. ended up really liking it for its own merits tho lol
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camellcat · 7 months
ohhh I don't know how to articulate that I think rose tyler and clara oswald would be best fucking friends other than I'm like 20 minutes into s8 and I've never been so sure of taking two companions and going "look at my barbies they drive cool cars and talk shit together"
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absolutebl · 10 months
I was wondering if you’ve seen Good Omens (2 seasons out on Amazon Prime) and if you would consider it BL? It has some similar aspects while other aspects are considerably different. Thoughts?
I started watching Season 1 but like Our Flag Means Death it's not really my thing. I don't watch much TV in English anymore unless I have to for work.
I do not consider it in any way BL. It has none of the tropes, origins, source material, country, archetypes, settings, characters, or yaoi heritage. There's nothing BL about it.
It's kinda gay, I guess?
ALL BL has a queer romantic arc, but not all content with a queer romantic arc is BL.
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Also, Good O doesn't NEED to be associated with BL. It's not in it's marketing or DNA. It's not relevant to its fanbase or demographics. Why would they want to slap a BL moniker on it? Why would you? Why would anyone?
I mean there is crossover watchers (between BL and us) but that's about it. But that's because it's Gaimen (not because it's at all BL) and for some reason Gaimen is a big deal with lots of fans. (Don't @ me I can't STAND his stuff. It's like Stephen King. I'm never gonna get it. You do you massive fandoms, don't involve me, I don't like your content. I'm side eyeing Star Wars, Twilight, and Harry Potter too. Look I'm either too old or too young and that shit just sailed by me and I toddled along in a weird kid fog of trying to find queer shit as a total geek - which, as a few of you reading this know, took us olds to some very odd places in the days before the internet... bootlegged Ranma ½ anyone? Just me?)
See my feels on Heartstopper for more on this kind of discussion.
Also, I do think I'm coming down pretty firmly on the side of...
BL has to be Asian.
Something about the cultural and linguistic backbone means BL just doesn't seem to work if it comes from somewhere else.
I'm thinking also about the great 2020 Dialogue around Date Me, Bryson Keller - which is an English Language derivative(?) work of my favorite BL of all time, Seven Days.
And I really don't want to get into that kind of debate again.
All of which is to say:
Good Omens is not BL.
IMHO of course. But...
I'm right.
So there.
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*** Added note from the comments chatting with @heretherebedork
The point of genre (or sub genre) is to manage our expectations. It's like the label on a TV dinner. We gotta know if we're getting Spaghetti or Pad Thai. That packaged meal could very well be a terrible execution of either, and they ARE both noodles, but I want my expectations met. And if I opened a container labeled Pad Thai and got spaghetti I'd be pretty darn pissed.
If someone sold me Good Omens by saying it was a BL? And I watched it thinking it was? I'd be mad at both them and it.
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365sadiekane · 7 months
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This is it this is all you get for now
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 8 months
Alas, it is now Mutuals Assigned Bedtime so I must log off Tumblr and secretly work on fanart late into the night go to bed, farewell!
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Okay upon checking tfwiki in regards to Quintessons I have learned that Jesus fuck is there more variety than just the five faces Judges we picture when we think of the Quintessons. Originally the Scientist in Cyberverse had confused me so much, but now it makes more sense to me
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gazspookiebear · 1 month
Hey there! How have you been doing! Just thought I'd check up on you! Hope you've been doing well! I don't really have much to say, except that you're epic and cool! Since I was sharing some of the ideas I've had today, I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to do the same? :> You don't have to, but I'm just curious! Also, out of curiosity, have you ever received requests on this blog? :o Not that you have to write them, of course! Either way, I hope you have a nice day! :>
I'm doing well, I just got home and ate some cucumber slices! (and chugged like 2 full bottles of water lmao)
I have a ton of writing ideas rn. Like- I think there are 100+ vague ideas written in my notes app, and at least 30 active wips. I keep switching back and forth between them, chipping away at each one slowly but surely 🫡 (gonna end up finishing all of them at once or smt, idk)
Some of the ones that I've been working on the most are:
Bartender reader x Gaz after a bad breakup (it's gonna end up being like 5 parts if I ever decide to post it, shit goes crazy in that one)
Firefighter Valeria (I finally got it started instead of letting it rot in my head 🙌 I don't even know how many parts that would end up being)
Transmasc cbf Gaz x transmasc reader (really don't know where I'm going with this one)
I also have a handful of platonic and romantic Ghost x reader ficlets floating around, might finish some of those up at some point.
And I know I mentioned a hybrid poly 141 x reader fic a while ago- that one is technically finished, but I'm not happy with it yet so I might go back and revise it
And nah, I've never received requests on this blog. Probably because I haven't posted a ton of my writing + I don't even have a pinned post so my blog is like. Impossible to navigate 💀✋️
I used to take requests on my other blog tho! I stopped after my hyperfixation on cod took over (plus I got like a shit ton of requests in one night and got intimated by it, never looked at them again)
I haven't even deleted the old requests from my inbox even tho some of them are from as far back as September. I have a couple of drafts for some of those, so I'm just holding on to them in case I randomly get motivated to write for those requests again. Probably won't happen, but who knows?
I've definitely written a lot more since I stopped taking requests tbh. Well, on this blog at least. I haven't posted any writing of my own on my main blog since January 😶
Anyways, thanks for talking to me!!! I love chatting with you lovie 💕
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stick-by-me · 8 months
how many new follower stickers do you have to do at the time of me asking? i admire the dedication and personalization of each one!
Thank you so much! I'm glad y'all appreciate them, they're super fun to do :] And at the time of you asking? Oh gosh golly XD. I have 7 prepped and ready in the queue and 14 more I need to investigate/pick out right now.
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radiaking · 4 days
+ memes / accepting!
@cagedchoices sent: ✐
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        "Hope is somethin' really tough and tenacious you gotta give up. It’s an addiction to break."
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sleepinglionhearts · 3 months
Who's the bigger bitchy man kelsier mistborn or howl book version
All I know is that if you locked the two of them in a room together for an hour one of two things will happen:
-Howl will be crying and Kelsier's hair will be a new color
-they will be making out
That said, I think Howl could out-bitch Kel, but this is mostly because Howl is more pathetic than Kel is. Hope this helps.
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jalapenyochips · 3 months
watching legends and feeling specifically catered to by your behrad art/fics. thank you deeply for all you do
Hello!! So glad to hear that you're enjoying my work <3 it really means a lot!!
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danthropologie · 11 months
charles definitely debuted ugly trousers at monaco!! also i know alex has just changed his hair but can't remember what colour now is it just black?
not monaco, it was miami!! the oufit actually worked for me, but those pants WERE categorically ugly so. on the bingo card it goes.
@monagasque also reminded me that christian HAS defended charles in the media as well, so that's another check mark
ferrari admin also HAS been horny on main (tho surprisingly less so than last year i think?) so that's another one too
alex i think wouldn't count for me cause while, yes, he died it back to his original color, that's not really the spirit of the of bingo spot unfortunately :/
new bingo card under the cut:
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autistic-ranpo · 7 months
saiki kusuo is not canonically romance repulsed, you just didnt pick up on the fact that hes an unreliable narrator LMFAOOOO hes just a tsundere let him have romance
people who dont care enough about the show to analyze it past "main character hate friends, main character hate romance, etc" do not get the right to tell other fans how to enjoy the show.. lol..
no hate towards shippers people can enjoy the show however they want and its rly not my problem but he states so many times that he can never see himself ever having romantic/sexual feelings towards anyone ever. like he can care abt people and value them as friends without people having to make everything a ship like let the aros have this one singular win 😭
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