#and thorin is a king!! movie thorin is supposed to be a great king!!! isn't he supposed to be smarter than this???
themoonking · 2 years
i will never understand why peter jackson decided to make the dwarves so awful when they stay in rivendell. this is a conscious change that gives nothing. they’re our main characters that we’re supposed to like, WHY would you make them rude and discourteous to their host(s) for literally no reason?
because bestie elrond is bestie elrond, he’s letting 14 guys he’s never met stay in his house as guests, and the company responds by starting a food fight, bathing in a fountain, tearing up furniture to start a fire, et cetera et cetera. it makes them look like awful people who love being destructive at worst, and complete fucking idiots who can’t see what’s wrong with their behavior at worst.
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sotwk · 1 year
Sorry for bothering you with so many asks recently but here goes. I haven't read The Broken Shield (yet) but I think it is really a shame when fics that aren't romance-oriented get less attention, despite all the effort people clearly put into them. I guess all I can do is encourage you by saying that although non-romantic fics may not be as popular, that doesn't mean that their stories are less interesting or important and I personally think they're great.
Aww @hobbitwrangler you're so kind and sweet and supportive (especially since we're relatively new Moots) and I cannot believe you think any of your Asks would ever bother me! <3 Thank you so much for this encouraging message. You are 10,000% welcome in my Ask Box any time with whatever thoughts pop in your head!
There's a quote from my favorite childhood sports movie, "D2: The Mighty Ducks", by Julie Gaffney, that pops into my mind when it comes to this particular fanfiction woe:
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At the end of this month, I will celebrate my 1-year anniversary on Tumblr. I came here to share my "Sons of the Woodland King" AU stories following a nearly 10-year hiatus from writing any fanfic. Before that, I was doing forum roleplaying, mostly in Marvel, so it was very action-oriented. Eventually I became unable to keep up with the posting speed of my peers, and I decided to try something new.
Don't get me wrong; I have enjoyed writing and sharing all the Reader Insert romances that have gained a decent amount of attention and wonderful feedback that I am grateful for. But if you were to ask me what my strongest suits/genres are, romance isn't at the top of the list. It's action, drama/angst, and then romance is tied for third with family relationships.
I like writing about badass heroes kicking ass. If my fics get Mature ratings, it would be likely for Violent content, not Sex. I like making readers swoon, but I also want them to be like this:
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Unfortunately, it has become clear to me during my time on Tumblr and Ao3 that most fanfiction readers aren't quite that interested in stories that feature this. That's the primary reason why none of my fics so far have featured much action. (Broken Shield probably contains the most.) I know writers are supposed to write whatever they want without a care for feedback, but that hasn't been what I have done.
So, even though I am happy to write and share things that are popular because they make others happy, I just feel like by not writing and posting the fics that I am probably most skilled at and feel passionate about, I'm not "showing the world what I can do".
My hope is that eventually, after I have earned the trust of my readers and followers, they will enjoy my writing enough to give my Gen fics a chance. After all, there is so much potential when you have amazing kickass characters like Thranduil and sons, Boromir, Eomer, Thorin, etc. to work with!
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