#and thus already like 'i care not about you people because you dont like me'
fruitbearing-thing · 2 years
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✨Religious Trauma✨ "That voice criticizing you is the devil and he wants you to fail!" No that voice in me is me and I have a dissociative disorder and also fuck you.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
How do you're ocs treat Reader to a self care day?
Theodore is beating his chest with thunderous hands and opens his arms wide and that is your cue to fucking jump on him and let him cuddle you- cuddle the sadness, the depression, the fatigue OUT OF YOU. At least thats his idea of self care (that and shooting people... and breaking stuff... and causing chaos and destruction) but he'll compromise and do whatever you wanna do, as long as he gets to grumble and hold your hand (at least, he loves physical intimacy). Honestly, u can get him to agree anything u want if u just give him a kiss on the nose- and he will instantly melt. He will still complain, thats non negotiable.
Dimitri is a man of money. He will spend his entire account on you if it pleases you, and if retail therapy is your thing, girl u just hit the jackpot. Of course, hes down for seggsy times too, but thats really his idea of self care and if you wanna do something else, he can put his needs aside for now even though he promises you would've felt 100000 times better by the time he was done with you. But like i said, he's a rich guy, he will give u his credit cards and money if u wanna do something else. Hell, he's even rained them bills on you. "Do you want to jump on a pile of money, pchelka? Hm? I can arrange that for you, darling." (pchelka = little bee)
Eros... the golden boy, the charmer. He will literally sweep u off your feet with how sweet and caring he is omg he will actually drop everything he's doing the moment he hears you sigh out the wrong way. Like you take one breath way too deeply and he's right in front of you, holding your face ever so gently and asking you whats wrong. And you dont even need to tell him anything because he's just so darn smart and he can read you like an open book and thus, he knows what you need. He knows if its a "retail therapy" kinda day or "stay at home, do face masks and watch comfort movies" or "take long bubble baths together" kinda day. Please rant to him, he pays close attention to all of it and has the best and most appropriate reactions and... he just loves your voice. And the thing with Eros is that he doesnt just make it a self car day- no, its a self care days/week/months or however long HE deems that you need it. He's the best, i love him.
Magnus is... not the dude u wanna self care with. Like dont come to him and say "can i have some space/leave the house for a while because I desperately need some me time." because to him that means he needs to STEP TF UP and be there more for you as if u werent already tired of him breathing down your neck 24/7. "Hm, what did you say? You want some space? Oh but angel, that's not what you need. No, silly! God made us for each other, we're soulmates! And we need to be there for each other, in sickness and in health! Aww but I don't blame you for getting confused about what your body needs! Its what happens when you dont have a baby in you. And it has been a while since we had our last! I think its time for baby number 8! :D" And you best believe the cult members are glaring at you through the windows of your house, pointing their pitchforks at you to fucking follow your husband to the bedroom and let him put another baby in you or they will come in to help him do just that (and maybe beat u up a little when he's gone for baby shopping).
You say self care and Lucifer's mind goes to torturing souls and eternal damnation. But thats what he likes, and now that he likes you, he will let you express your preferences. I mean, personally he would kinda try to get u into adding more oil into the fire that burns souls, but he knows you dont like it when they scream... maybe he can pull their vocal cords out?? Hm, maybe. Lucifer allows u to do whatever you wanna do as long as you do it in hell/within the premises of his home(castle, really. Real edgy dark, satany theme going on). One time, you wanted someone to just hold u and since Lucifer is the only one who is allowed to touch you, you climbed into his lap and let him hold u for hours as he sat on his throne, and he swears he's never felt more content in his life than with you softly snoring in his arms and shuffling closer to him every now and then, with him carding a hand through your hair and kissing your soft cheeks.
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
Fuck it I'm gonna blab about another crossover fic i'm working on once i'm done with two souls
I dont care if it takes me years or if this fandom dies out (which it won't, tmnt is timeless)
But anyway.
It's called Pink Puppets, a crossover AU with a similar concept to Dagger From the Mirror (although i havent read it yet cuz i am scared)
It's going to ve reversed this time, with the Rise brothers being older because it's set after the movie and the 2012 boys remaining 15 years old (so kinda the same age as Mikey in the movie)
I was gonna use Draxum but i fell in love with the idiot so now I'm gonna use an antagonist that i had in plan for Two Souls season 3, that's why I was gonna write it after I finish Two Souls.
Basically that antagonist wants to replicate Draxum's warriors themselves, but don't want to go through the lengths to actually start doing it. They idolize Draxu and his beliefs and was angry that Draxum threw it all away to play family.
Kraang Subprime of 2012 gets involved and they discover there's countless of universes out there he can pull tirtles from.
He chose 2012.
It's season 3, a few days or a week from the fourfold trap (Karai escapes and is never seen again) episode and the bous are still about 15. This antagonist sees the brainworm in action and takes some for themselves, takong it home and modifying it before they snatch the brothers right in front of 12 April and 12 Casey.
They get dragged into Rise.
The brothers were imprisoned and one by one, a brainworm is forced into their brains. This is where the AU gets its name, the worms are pink and made the brothers' eyes pink.
The new modified brainworms aren't like Shredder's. It slowly influences the victim, making them the worse versions of themselves and think the antagonist is liek their parent or something, using their emotions against them.
12 Mikey is toxicly positive and brutal. He acts as if everything was just a game, he uses his kusagirama a lot, enjoying maling people bleed. He's dangerous and doesn't realize what he's doing is wrong. He's the new leader of the brainwashed gang, bossing his brothers around and they can't say no because of his little brother charm. He knows to emotionally manipulate people with his looks, which gives him a big advantage.
12 Donnie is a complete wreck. He's a ticking timebomb, he doesn't stop talking, doesn't mind his volume, doesn't care about his own wellbeing. He's destroying himself, he literally ignores his injuries if he gets one. 12 Mikey goes for a playful kill, toying with his victims while 12 Donnie always keeps them alive so he could experiment with them. He also uses his hidden blade a lot. He's twitchy and explodes very easily, making him a hard unpredictable opponent.
Then there's 12 Leo.
In this AU, you would expect his "bossiness" is gonna be the trait that gets amplified to be the worse, no, its his obedience. He's more like a puppet than his brothers. He's silent, completely silent, he never talks under the influence of the modified brainworm and follows every single order his brothers tell him to do. Unlike his brothers that would prolong death as much as possible, he strikes for the neck, immediately. He's basically the trump card, only used when things don't go as planned. He's hollow, emotionless, just a shell of his former self. Dead to the world and control by invisible strings.
What's funny is that despite the fact that their worse traits are amplified, they still love and care for each other. They're fiercely overprotective, they will stop the battle if one of them gets gravely injured, they'll take care of each others injuries.
That overprotectiveness is one of the reasons they still haven't got out of the worm's control, it was used against them.
And don't worry, i didn't forget about 12 Raph.
He escapes.
Remember that Raph centric AU i posted about? Yeah, this is it.
It was supposed to be 12 Mikey in thus position, but he's already got experience with dealing with his brothers turning evil, same goes for 12 Donnie, and maybe 12 Leo but he's the one that's evil, but not 12 Raph as far as I know.
12 Raph hasn't fought his brothers alone before.
Plus he already got a taste of the brainworm, why not fight back against his own fear of it?
So he runs away, stumbles upon the Rise turtles and pushes away his pride, beghing for them to help him save his brothers, and of course they do.
While the 2012 brothers cause chaos for the humans in New York with a subplot of trying to get 12 Raph to their side, the Rise brothers and their friends now have to deal with teens Mikey's age wanting murder and their brother who just wants them back.
This time, the Rise brothers have to be the responsibile older guys and the 12 boys the chaotic little shits.
(Don't worry, everyone is looking for them back in 2012)
Tell me ya'lls thoughts about it. Is it good??
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doll-book · 1 year
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𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚛𝚔𝚜…♡ (random sht i do when scripting / shifting (´ω`★)
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🍭 i always use my own first name in my drs, but switch up my nicknames (which sometimes dont sound anything like my real name). the reason for this is because if i can't have anything but memories from my dr in my cr, i'll bring something from my cr to my dr. hearing my s/o call me by the name my parents gave me would feel so intimate and personal, and makes it more special imo. it's the name i'm used to, whether it's aesthetically pleasing or not. i also feel that it'd help me adjust to my dr quicker after shifting in - because if i woke up in a whole different place with a whole different face and a completely new identity, i already know ill be going bonkers. hearing someone call my cr name will help calm me down, and i'll feel more in tune with my dr self.
🍭 i also use different last names that suit each dr; like for my rich/famous dr, i chose the last name celene-sinclair because it just feels expensive and it-girl like. for my princess dr, i chose bluebell because i have the power to grow flowers in that dr and bluebell blossoms are one of my favorites. in my florist dr (i have a thing for flower themed drs lmao) my last name is magnolia. in my bakery dr my last name is coco for the spice, etc etc etc! i really like embodying the vibe of the dr, which i talk more about in the next point.
🍭 i have a light case of synesthesia (tasting shapes, hearing colors etc) and it definitely affects the way i approach scripting. each of my drs has a highly specific color, theme, taste, and/or sound; and to be honest, i feel like this made meditating and hyperfocusing on my drs super easy. hearing a certain song immediately makes me think of a scenario i scripted, or helps me embody the person i am in that dr. because of these connections i make subconciously, i'm able to enter the void state pretty easily and experience intense symptoms. i have other mental blockages that have been stopping me from shifting thus far, but we're working through them! it's only a matter of time.. ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ
🍭 one thing i'd like to add is: i feel like we all subconciously associate things in a similar way, whether you have synesthesia or not. my stance is that making connections to your dr through music / mood boards / colors / sounds / etc is super helpful, and helps you slip into your dr headspace in a much shorter amount of time. the connections you make literally become triggers, and once you shift for the first time, you'll likely be able to do so again if you use what triggered you previously.
🍭 i like categorizing my drs. why am i shifting here? what will i feel once i shift there? currently, i have pleasure drs, travel drs, different lifestyle drs, job drs, self care drs, comfort drs, and book/show drs. each one gives a diff vibe and i like having options when choosing where i wanna go at night lmao
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🍭 i never script in my irls, especially not my parents. it's not because i don't love them or anything like that, it's because i'm scared of growing too attached to my drs, and / or changing the relationship i have with that person in my cr. i love my mom so much, if i see her in any other reality i know i'll find it hard to consciously make the decision to leave. in a way, she's what's grounding me to my current reality, and my safe word is literally her name. i always script that my parents are never anyone i know personally. the same thing goes for close friends - if i see my best friend in my dr, how the hell am i supposed to leave? i cherish the memories i have with the people i know, and interacting with them in a new reality where we have completely different backgrounds and upbringings .. idk it'd be unsettling to me ( ╥_╥ ) it'd probably affect the way i interact with that person in my cr too. but that's just me!! if you feel differently you do you ganggg
that's all!
kisses, pearl ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊
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drawballa · 6 months
How would you describe Jungkook from shield and shelter, like what type of personality he has and his characteristics? I feel like he’s kind of a closed off person with some people. (Sorry this is just so interesting to me🩷)
Hello there 👋😊 what a lovely questions. I think because of his role as a trainee and now a guard, he puts on a more professional front - not necessarily overly serious, but more like he KNOWS he's being watched by those who are higher rank than him; and because of this, he's not being silly or irresponsible. He entered the training program at a very young age so, he's basically been raised as a guard - its ingrained into him.
With that being said, I wouldn't characterize him as someone who follows the rules blindly. I think he has his own opinions of whats right and wrong and he'll go against orders if he thinks its the right thing to do. We saw this when he decided to take the prince outside of the castle grounds and to his parents place.
I've also got him down as a very caring and devoted person. We see this with his parents (how he agreed to start the training program to reduce their burden and how he's suggested that the money he makes will be passed along to them) - and we'll also see this kind of behaviour more as he spends more and more time with the prince. I think you've probably already seen some instances of it thus far.
Overall, he does have that same sweet, playful attitude (like when he's with amir) but because of the nature of his position, we dont get to see it as often. He's hardworking, devoted to his duties & to the prince, and he enjoys doing it. I would agree with you and say that yes, he really only blooms around those he trusts and loves.
I hope that helps! ❤️ thank you for asking, I'm always happy to go into detail about stuff like this - there's so much I have in my head and only so much that I can show in 4 page updates 😂
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throwbacktears · 1 year
The nhie poll you made was interesting because I have been most people over the age of 20 go towards Benvi while most people under 18 are more Daxton. I personally have been in a relationship (still am) so I would go towards the type of guy I can have common goals with and maybe because of my experience I always saw Paxton as the high school guy but never the long term gal. there’s a point in ur life where u care less about physical attributes and more about contributions long term.
thats so interesting because i have the exact opposite experience for both myself and from other people. my friends and i are over 20, have been in relationships, and we all rooted for daxton.
while i think having common goals is great to have in a partner, i dont think thats the only consideration for what will make a relationship work with someone better over another -- there also has to be respect, kindness, and trust there as bare minimums, which were qualities that devi got from her relationship with paxton (even if devi couldn't see that at the time), but not from ben, until MAYBE the finale, and even then im not sure if i would say really that, or say their getting together even felt earned from a writing perspective. i mean, ben and devi struggled to just properly communicate and become a real endgame until the very last episode of the show. to your point about long term contributions from a partner, i also think paxton and devi are different enough to contribute something to each other so they can each learn and grow as individuals (more on this later). for that reason, i actually saw ben as the high school guy but never the long term guy and paxton as vice versa, because having common goals isn't always enough long term if the foundation for a healthy romantic relationship isn't even there.
i also think its a big misconception i see, particularly on tumblr for some reason, where people assume that daxton shippers only ship them because of paxton/darren's looks, which isn't always the case - at least of me and my friends, it isn't, and i'd argue that's the case for a lot of daxton shippers on here too more often than benvi shippers might want to admit: devi and paxton push each other just enough in a way that enables them both to grow as people and thus better partners, whereas ben and devi bicker to the point where its more toxic than it is endearing, particularly ben's racially insensitive and body-shaming comments towards her that he's made throughout the whole show. paxton has always gone out of his way to show his support for her, even if that meant putting his reputation on the line, while ben always stayed on the sidelines -- too scared to stand up for devi -- until, again, the finale. and devi and paxton share more common ground just from the standpoint of both coming from Asian backgrounds, so they already have that understanding and acceptance of each other/each other's cultures in a way that's instantly recognized compared to someone not from the same ethnic background (see: paxton complimenting devi's sari in season 1, vs. ben pointing out devi's mustache in season 1). so i've always found ben and devi's romantic dynamic and the hints of it thereof very off-putting (but as friends, sure, they work).
in a similar line of thinking, i actually thought people in the 18-25+ ages would prefer daxton, since that age group might have more relationship experience just by virtue of growing up and meeting more people outside of high school, whereas those younger and who haven't experienced something like that might not yet see benvi's dynamic as something unhealthy/not worth rooting for yet. but because the leading age group demographics for both ships were split even in the poll, i guess we can all just agree to disagree.
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reygwenwrites2 · 4 months
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I Love Ard1n, and You Should Too With Ard1n
By Rey Gwen
February 6th, 2024
Photo above taken by @666.pastel on Instagram
If I were to describe Ard1n in a word, the word I’d choose in a heartbeat is vibrant. The unique style that they’ve orchestrated turns music into a captivating encounter with Ard1n’s craft, with their upbeat energy seeping into everything that they do. Their dynamic presence on stage parallels the powerful energy reflected in their music. Ard1n turns music into not only art that is full of life, but also an unforgettable experience.
REY GWEN: Could you walk me through your process on curating your sets?
ARD1N: Well, the sound of my set fully depends on the party and what crowd I can expect to be there. I play parties for some pretty different scenes so I need to know my audience, but once I decide on what sound I'm looking for I go straight to Soundcloud and begin digging. Song selection can take up to a week because I want to be 100% happy with the songs I pick.
GWEN: How does your mindset change when working on a singular song versus an hour(+)-long set?
ARD1N: When working on a set, my head is very production heavy. I’m more focused on the texture and sound design in the songs I select as I feel that is what I pay attention to when I'm hearing other people dj. However when making my own music, of course the production is still a huge factor but what matters most to me is if my voice is compatible with the beat. Sometimes people have voices that are better used with certain sounds or genres and that is what i try to get right when making my own music.
GWEN: What role does audience feedback play in curating your sets?
ARD1N: I like to play what I want. Yes, audience feedback can decide what song I play next, but usually I have a setlist I want to get through before I begin freestyling. I think I always have more fun freestyling though. Oh and I DONT TAKE REQUESTS. That shit will irk me. What I consider audience feedback is their reaction and movement to the current song playing or what sounds/beats gets the people to move. That is what will decide what comes next.
GWEN: How do you know when a set is ready to be performed?
ARD1N: I’m never 100% ready 🤣 you can ask anyone of my irl friends and they will tell you that before I go on stage I’m always shitting my pants and worried what I have prepared won’t be good enough. I do think having more songs prepared for the set makes me more comfortable though.
GWEN: What has been your favorite experience thus far in your music career?
ARD1N: This is a hard question to answer! I’ve had so many really cool experiences and opportunities come from music. I think one of the coolest things i was asked to do was play Boiler Room in December of 2022. My good friends at Subculture Party invited me to play one of their Boiler room stages since they were working in collaboration together. It was a great weekend filled with great music and friends. The next best thing would probably have to have been the Halloween party I threw last year. I co-organize a party called Dancing For Heaven with my best friend, HVN, and we worked together with other Toronto party series ‘Body2Body’ and ‘Bambeeno’ to throw a mega Halloween warehouse rave we called ‘House of Skin’. It was absolute insanity and we want to throw another one again next Halloween 🤭🤭
GWEN: What/who are your inspirations? How do they influence how you work on music?
ARD1N: I'm inspired by any new artist I find with fresh ideas. They inspire me to look outside of the box and try stuff I've never thought of before, and explore sounds I didn’t think would fit in music. I’m also so inspired by my friends. When I see the people I care about doing cool things it makes me so happy and makes me want to do cool things as well!
GWEN: How do you mentally prepare yourself for performing?
ARD1N: I’m freaking out every second until I’m on stage. It’s only once I’m already djing or performing that my nerves go away and I fall into the groove of what I’m doing and I lock the fuck in. It’s like I forget the crowd is there and I’m djing for myself like how I would in my bedroom.
Ard1n on Soundcloud
Ard1n on Instagram
Ard1n on Twitter
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first of I only made this account Because of MaM also finale warning SPOILERS BELOW!!
And in the chapter Dazai specifically says that he needs to kill Pomfrey AND just after Dazai leaves the great hall he is all like “ gosh darn it well I guess I better get to setting up a murder now”
so is she dead well I thought she was but if he was just gonna kill her why did he ask about the potions? And if was just gonna petrify her and not kill her why was he all like “this is the last time that I’m gonna talk to you” cause he DEFINITELY KNOWS Snape can brew the potion thus un-petrify her so then he would have to also petrify or kill snape (which he kinda has to already cause he knows too much)
But isn’t that just making more work for him??!!
ANYWAY I think he killed her is what I’m getting at or at least he thinks that she’s dead
BUT ALSO I think that a lot of people forget is that although Dazai is kinda different in this fic, he is still a member of the mafia and has still killed people in the past, although he is more fleshed out in this and cares more about people outside himself (even if he doesn’t realise it) then he was in cannon at this age he wouldn’t have had much of a problem with killing Madame Pomphrey
Remember people this is DAZAI he HAS killed people and will continue to do so also the reason in cannon he gives to why he wants die IS THAT HE SEES NO VALUE IN LIFE so why would he value other people’s lives
ahem rant over please tell me your thoughts on the new chapter also if you disagree with anything I said or have a different understanding of anything
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concernedbrownbread · 4 months
Hello, i am a fellow reader from A03 who likes your fic ‘The promise of Dawn’ very much.My username is ‘Fatchoppedsalad’.I am interested in talking about himiko. Though i dont know what to ask.
..Ah! How was himiko’s past life? It was given that she was somewhat of a political figure or was going to be one but she died before winning the election. Others than that if its okay with you. Could you please tell me more.
Sorrybtw iam a huge sucker for spoilers🌚
Heyy thanks so much for the ask!!! I really appreciate your comments on the fic! I would LOVE to talk more about Himiko.
Okay so the thing about her past life is that … we don’t know much about it. We’re not really meant to. In the next chatpter (ch4) we see a bit more of the fact that Himiko pretty much Does Not Care. The only person she ever mentions fondly is her “PR guy” and the fact that she was kicked out of her parent’s house. She mentions that she was a”governer” of a “province.” I used those words SPECIFICALLY because I didn’t want her to be associated with the usual US/Japan and those were the most generic versions of those levels of power/division that I could think of. All we really know was that she was probably a middle-aged politician. I love keeping it vague!
She’ll drop random hints throughout the fic because of course she still remembers it, but it’s mainly comedic.
Also, can I please rant about motifs? Imma rant about motifs: Spoilers below.
Okay, Himiko has 3 main motifs: suns, spiders and death. The last I’ll elaborate on as the second arc rolls around, but I’ve (tried to) set up the first two. The first is obvious: Himiko is constantly crowned by the sun, literally my QUEEN (also her being a Princess is going to be a Thing later, thus the usage of “Hime” already). The spider thing I’ve tried to be a little more subtle about but … the book is literally titled the Weaver. Her plots are webs. The very first scene is eight minutes. I have no subtlety for this.
I AM trying to have subtly for the various unfolding “mysteries” like the underground press and the whole Root debacle. Chapter 4 has a bunch of foreshadowing but okay … looking back maybe not subtle. Looks like I need to rewrite this lmao. Hopefully I can get it out by next week!
Anyway, the spoiler is she's going to get a spider summons soon! But before she does, she's going to get her death motif going by getting a scythe. As Himiko develops, especially in the second arc when she begins properly training with her team + eventually finds the underground press, she's going to become something of a monster. A polite, smiling monster that strikes beautiful, beautiful fear in the hearts of people.
A small spoiler for chapter 5, where the Nine Tails Attack happens ... she's going to mimic something very similar to what Kurama does (with the KI). It's a form on ninshu, and she uses it liberally when she figures out how to. After all, what is cooler? Killing someone or making them feel as though they will literally DIE if they cross her.
Feel free to shoot me another ask! I love them!
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burinazar · 2 months
(idk who will care about this post but i think long schpiels on extremely specific Thoughts About Media is a major use case for tumblr so you’re getting it anyway) i think i wouldn’t at all have my feeling of disconnect re the rest of fandom’s* interest in Bondord if he had been a woman. this isnt a bizarre critique of some sort its just a funny thought about me and what i like. twisted inversion of motherhood with a mad scientist character feels like, the concept has More For Me than the same with fatherhood and would create more intrinsic interest in the character
*especially ‘my cohort’ — the contingent who seems to have similar predilections like fic/shipping activity and also much of the portion of the fandom that’s, like, adult women — largely those folks are big Bondrode fans and enjoy Guebon and i’m like, i relate to your habits guys but have very little interest in your man. (for those who haven’t heard me bitch about this before: i dont hate him but i have littlr interest in seeking out art or fic of him or anything and I’m kinda sad that he’s the only adult character who ever got like figures and nendo and stuff.)
hopefully no one takes this personally lol. hell, i don’t care if Bon fans think Belaf is boring! that is in fact vastly preferable to people who are randomly mean about my ships. please feel free to just ignore my favorite characters’ existence instead.
anyway like
if he’d shown up as A Horrible Science Woman and then the movie recast her into Also A Loving (But Still Horrible) Mother i’d probably like this chara much more. it’s not like because Ooh Evil Woman Hot or something. actually i think i still wouldn’t find her hot the way most of the aforementioned Bondord Enjoyers do. i pick up a new ‘character i think is actually hot’ very rarely and then they stay forever. i have very limited slots for that tbh. (also this is just me complaining now and no longer relevant but such characters tend to be pretty unpopular lol and have very little r18 content/fic available and generally this drives me to despair. i drew a picture about the top offenders once.)
it’s more..i think the fucked up inversion of motherhood is more intrinsically interesting to me than with fatherhood. it’s just a personal interest thing. i think that sort of thing is neat. if i ever bother to go watch chainsaw man it’ll be because i know that’s a thing that it gets into and many people like what it does there. also there’s how much i dig mapping parts of this show onto other parts (in fact this is already the context in which i do manage to find him interesting sometimes — the Riko Waz Bondird sliding scale of what lines you’ll cross is the one context in which i have a brain cell to focus on this guy lol.) and in that regard motherhood is part of the premise of the show and all and ways it can be inverted and fucked up is a big deal in my favorite arc even if this isn’t *why* it’s my favorite arc. so i think i’d also enjoy being able to make more parallels with it. even though the general parallel of ‘versions of parenthood’ is still available, i think bad mad scientist fathers are just a less intrinsically Oh Cool concept to me than ‘bad mad scientist mother.’ (Yes I Do Like Prospera Btw)
related: even though I love love love Waz and you guys know this, it also took a while for that to click into place after meeting him. but one time I saw Oriole’s girlWaz tenderly cradling one of the Irukos and i instantly realized that if he had been a woman and the visual of him with the baby and a knife had thus inevitably channeled inverted motherhood and dovetailed with the existing examinations of motherhood in the arc and in abyss as a whole, i would have loved him instantly instead of having to let my thoughts on him percolate.
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identityarchitect · 5 months
ok hold on just for clarification are you like. pro transid etc.
i try and stay out of transid discourse for a variety of reasons:
with transdisability / transneurodivergency, i find it difficult to understand who the discourse serves? like, witch-hunting transautistics is not beneficial to me, as an autistic person, and if a transautistic is helping with fighting systemic anti-autistic ableism/sanism, then good.
i also find it difficult to understand exactly how transdisability / transneurodivergency is harmful beyond the emotional response of "how dare you romanticise my suffering". it's an extremely niche online discourse, online resources (i.e "tips on managing autism" posts, pages/blogs about disability, etc) cannot be depleted, and irl resources are either locked behind a diagnosis, difficult to get ahold of, or both, that i have no concerns that a transdisabled/transnd person will ever meaningfully take resources or whatever. the worst that could happen is that some impressionable preteen gets a really weird perspective of disablity/neurodivergency but like, they do that already
like even if some department of work and pensions dickhead is like "people on the internet are calling themselves transdisabled we need to develop a more rigorous screening process that will make more disabled people want to die when trying to get on benefits", thats not really the fault of transdisabled people? that's just systematic ableism.
it's not a discourse i'm currently capable of participating in or even researching without the kneejerk "they're romanticising my suffering" reaction, and if i am going to participate in it then i want to do so with a clear head and an understanding mindset, both of which i can't achieve right now
and there are, of course, cases where someone who is autistic finds transautistic to be a helpful "gateway label" (where their previous/current identification as transautistic helps them in realising/acknowledging/accepting their autism), there are probably people with a super weird relationship with being autistic (like, someone who was diagnosed as a child, and then their family hid this from them or gaslit them about it, etc, and then they later find out that they're autistic) who find transautistic to be a useful label,
with transrace, i'm white and i do not have a strong enough understanding of race like at all to have an opinion on any of it.
so like, idk if i can really be described as pro or anti transid? i try not to make myself the arbiter of people's internal experiences & i want to extend compassion and understanding to as many people as i can. i dont know enough or care enough to really make a comment on it.
my opinion on transplural is different because its like. a thing that you can do? no matter whether or not it's a good thing, or should be done, or if certain groups of people should do it, or what it should be called, or how it should be done, it is possible for someone who has been a singlet for their entire life to create a new guy in their brain and thus be plural.
is transplural a super good term? is it transphobic? i mean, i don't think so. other people probably disagree with me, but i don't really find that relevant. i don't see a way that it's tangibly harmful or transphobic beyond, again, "youre romanticising my suffering", and i don't really have an interest in discoursing about whether or not something is harmful based on my or someone else's kneejerk reaction to it
and honestly, if someone considers their plural journey to be similar to transitioning, hell yeah! queer the identity.
but i mean, with the post i made, the person did literally say "i am in support of people creating systems" (which is what willogenic means) but then also said "i am not in support of people creating systems". if it were the term transplural specifically, they made no indication of that
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mrstsung · 6 months
You know how people dont listen and think a pill will make all the problems go away when actually it's only to help you,not cure you.
Yeah. Make shang tsung more like
"Hey guys i found stuff that may help ease you. It will help ease all your pains and problems."
So no he doesn't say cure. He says eases. And without treatment,tlc,and care. Nobody will truly heal.
Plus making him pathetic (more so liu kang doing so and expecting him to not get pissed at knowing his whole existence is because of petty beef lou had with him FROM ANOTHER TIMELINE LIFE. And never was told,thus once again the cycle continues because you didn't fucking tell him WHY IT WAS BAD,WHAT HE WAS DOING AND WHY HE SHOULD HAVE A CHANGE OF HEART OR CHANCE TO CHANGE?! like liu how can you AND raiden fumble shang tsung by doing the same fucking shit. But somehow liu is worse with this. Because raiden did it to protect the realms. Liu kang does it because he's fucking a petty whore. But i digress. No shang tsung,despite being written like shit. Still is in the right because how can a man under poverty and corruption live like he do? Like you think outworld and edania won't become corrupt just because it look nicer or shao kahn aint a problem?! Ha! Look at real world empires. Yeah,how did they turn out?! Same shit. Just mystical. Nothing changes. Really. Honestly. Liu kang should have stayed dead. I loved liu. Emphasis on LOVED. Now i can't stand this bitch. Especially how they are doing him now. Fr.)
Anyways. Back to shang.
I feel him being good at many trades. But not really a master in them. He's legitimate. But people are assholes not listening to him. Or they dont want him rich,because you know damn well the rich ruling class wouldn't want a commoner to believe they can have good things in life right?! So this in turn shines a light.
No edania,outworld. Isn't actually at peace just because no war. Or shao kahn isn't a problem. No. It becomes its own problem. Like rome. It falls to corruption and greed. Empires fall one way or another.
Down with the fucking bourgeoisie! That's how i see it. Shang was a small part in the people uprising against an already corrupt regime. Kitana was a fucking fool for believing,mileena knew but didn't know how to say it due to they positions. Sindel is revealed to be no damn better than shao kahn or jerrod. In fact,it goes to show all of them are fucking pretty terrible people to the poor. Privilege and class is something that is so skirted by in mk and its kinda interesting that nobody else sees this.
Sure at the end of the day. Vidyagaem. But damn if ya gonna tell a story. There are better ways to do it.
Especially if you add fantasy politics. The point of world Building is to actually build a believable world and people and characters. Not just make it plot convenient for the masses.
See this is why shang tsung is more and more the only fucking good thing left about mortal kombat.
"Shang tsung was right about the gods!?"
*glocks gun*
"You fool! Always has been!"
But seriously. Having him a novice is fine but making him weak for plot to make liu kang "the nicer god" is pathetic and weak writing.
Nah. Shang tsung is supposed to be "that bitch you don't fuck with. Less you wanna die" type of character. This could have been avoided if you were nice to him and he had friendship. Seriously.
You can see and smell the bias from the character.
Which would have been a perfect opportunity to make liu kang dark or evil or something! Like falling from grace like raiden a mirror to "if you aren't careful you become what you hate!" And mirrors shang tsung in that "nah you aint that different than me. You're actually worse"
Like there could have been something epic. Or good guy shang tsung whaaa?! But nope
Nrs just wants to keep same ol same status quo while guising it as something new.
Nah nrs is the quacks. Not shang.
Bite me boon. Suck my nuts.
And honestly,shang tsung deserves better than this shit.
Especially after cary hiroyuki tagawa reprised his role after many years. All for you to be doing this shit again.
Nah i stan shang tsung not because im a shang tsung tsimp.
Nah i stan him because some of these people suck and are fucking mean.
( Especially when again a lot of shit once again can be easily avoided but nope,shitty plot. Also fire god liu fanboys specifically,are mean af. And rude. Hella rude. All because people said they feel bad for shang. Regardless if they personally agree with him or not. It's fucking rude to be an asshole to someone randomly,just because someone feels bad for a bad guy. I thought we were past this shit. Villains are very much loved especially nowadays given how the world be and irl governmental corruption and society be,so what gives?! You mad he got more pu**y than you ever could?! Is that it. You mad because he got more popular than liu kang chosen quack now? Maybe if nrs didn't write liu kang to be an insufferable prick. Maybe people would like fire god liu kang. And again shang tsung to me no matter what kind of life he has,good or bad. He refuses to live in squander. Regardless you could write him many ways. However one thing stands throughout all of them. He's fucking good at whatever he sets his mind to. So to make him pathetic lil welp is ooc and ridiculous af. And pisses me off. And makes me not really care for liu kang. At all. Like he could drop dead in the next game and i wouldn't cry. Same with every other character,i dont really feel anything profoundly with any of them. The only one I'd care for is shang tsung. Because he's the only fucking character that seems to have a good head on his shoulders despite the shitty writing and predicament he was placed in. )
Look this is me venting. Like this is a jab at asinine people,and the game writers. Especially when NRS should damn well do better but they don't. They dont want compelling villains,they want palatable villains. Complacency. And not a morally grey character that is funny enough,honest to god telling the truth. They hate it when the devil is right. But y'all know. Shang knew the corruption of things. But instead of making things actually livable. Nope. They make him a mockery. No offense but that's why it was so easy for him to become a dark sorcerer again. Wouldn't you? Could have been easily avoided. Very easy. Especially if liu was "so damn powerful" enough to prevent it. Its not because he's always this way. No it's because YOU MADE IT THAT WAY! period.
Fellow Shang stans,my shang tsimps. I'm sorry.
Hey at least we got fanfics,hcs,and each other.
Regardless of what form,timeline,no matter how shitty the writing is,no matter how asinine the fans can get. There are people who understand. And whatever you look like shang.
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Know I will always love him.
💚🐍- mrstsung
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nonbinarygamzee · 7 months
something to be said about how homestuck as a continuity kind of gets away with the presentation of themes of csa and assault without ever having to commit to being stories that actually talk about those things because despite an at times overwhelming presence on the narratives at large, these topics only ever get Addressed in particular scenarios. most pointedly as means of blanket condemnation of characters the story already doesnt want you to like but keeps running into the trouble of having written them with more sympathy than intended. otherwise its all safely swept away into the implied, into the vague. for me, that only functions as another layer of alienation,to see things that happened to me and that have continued to literally control my life, regarded as like. a plot device. and i dont think every story that talks about abuse, especially sexual abuse, has to do so with this veil of horror and unease, because theres something to be said about making it a taboo too far that other direction, right. too horrible to speak about, thus too horrible to teach about.
idk. i think a lot about how as a teenager i was very into using the terms trauma/torture porn to describe why things hurt me so deeply, and how i feel now is kind of different, but moreso for realizing i was always kind of using it. differently. not to say i wasnt obviously a product of my environment in the hellscape of 2010s internet feminism, but like... for all it is a term reliant on demonization of porn as a stand in for sexual desire, i think its pretty evocative as relying on porn as a stand in for the horrors of an industry that uses bodies without care for those bodies. not to say porn is alone in that obviously, but theres a difference to me between a story that just invokes ideas of rape and assault in a way that is lackluster, or lazy, or clunky. vs a story whos insertion of these topics seems to function almost entirely as a means of shutting down a conversation. of reasserting that x character actually deserves everything without a shred of understanding and youre kind of the bad guy for thinking otherwise, since he like, totally raped/beat/molested that girl/child/whatever. and as further means of justification when those characters are then brutalized themselves, with a lot less obscurity than the supposed crimes they are committing.
i probably wont, because i doubt it would be pleasant for literally anybody else, but as ive been working on this little project idea of mine, i keep considering in application just going full ham on these themes, because ultimately in making anything sequential about homestuck, im kind of caught in this space of tearing open the walls of conversation the story (and its continuations) have been trying to shut down. i do not want to have that conversation on homestucks terms because homestucks terms have always prioritized telling me and people like me why we are wrong for feeling any kind of way, often before we even say it all, and then throwing our own experiences back in our faces and calling us perpetrators. if you want to have a story about the evils of preying on children, then actually have it.
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treatcute · 1 month
on treat's relationship w her family
(& how it ties into the rest of the plot & world building [sort of. kind of. & also my personal thoughts.]...)
i find it absolutely amazing that all of treat's struggles don't stem [directly] from family issues but her own fears. as much as i adore characters who have Issues™️ with their families, we already have two main characters who have unstable connections to arguably the most reoccurring person whom they're related to (mochi & manjuu, moxie & her mother), and trick, the other main character, is literally on a journey to find their lost master (aka, closest thing to family bc he raised them) who has gone into hiding after sending trick off to join treat's pack...
[more under cut]
it's a really interesting change from "all of your families have something deeply wrong with them" (which is tied directly into the world-building and the overarching plot being alluded to irt the hierarchy in this society, in which witches are on top, animal folk fighting it out among themselves due to the food chain perpetuated by the witches, and the humans who have, largely, disconnected themselves from the rest of society & thus don't represent a problem to anyone else unless they cross paths)
treat's fear is, indescribably, not wanting to disappoint her parents with the prospect that she's polyamorous. wolves are shown to be tied to traditions that have been passed down for generations, shown in not only the moon ceremony, but the subtle implication of treat finding it comforting to talk about things that are mainly a thing in her pack -- ie. the ushankas (being linked to after mochi's cardigan is mentioned), & how happy she seemed to get when she got to talk about moving igloos, even though it was linked to the reason of "the other animals don't like it when we're around [because we're wolves]") -- and it's clear in this regard that treat values her family and pack so much that, even when nothing else points to the idea they could react to the news negatively, she fears that making them upset will change this relationship with them forever. and it's why instead of facing her fear head on, with kind, understanding people, she runs because she fears being outcasted directly. its why she reacts so negatively when the rabbits chastise her, how she doesnt want to be alone but would prefer subjecting herself to that solitude (becasue she "deserves" it) rather than being forced into it by others. but, not the point...
& it. means a lot to me that even after everything, when treat gets the courage after knowing mochi & moxie will be by her side, that her pack is shown to be incredibly understanding and they still love her. of course, there's mixed reactions -- fennel & powder are varying degrees of upset; in which fennel is distraught that she abandoned her and upon returning immediately introduces her new girlfriends, & though she uses language that suggests she's condemning treat for breaking tradition, you can clearly tell she still genuinely cares about her & shows a familiar fondness in the dinner scene later; & powder is definitely cold about the fact treat left and just came back, but struggles to explain to moxie that he's not mad because she's polyamorous, in fact, he could care less due to being aroace, etc -- candy & cotton need a bit longer to process, as they're the older members of the pack and therefore more tied to the moon ceremony, having been subject to it themselves and knowing of its importance & the feeling of being married under the moon and whatnot. nonetheless, as cotton states, they want the best for their daughter; even if they dont get it right away, they'll try, just for her.
and speaking of her parents, candy just. drives me insane. i like to think both parents had a good role in raising treat, but as of now we only know more about her mother's attempts at raising treat to be who she is. she taught her to not hunt for food, that the salmon in the river & whatever they could trade with the witches would be enough to sustain them -- even going so far as to warn her of another pack, the pack they left when she was young, that they were hunters, and should not be trusted. it also creates a distinct line between the food chain we are familiar with and this world's, which is confirmed not to be earth, and it's a detail i really enjoy. it extinguished the concern i had with the animal metaphor for racism, which is part of why i also appreciate this game so much. but anyway, candy specifically cares so much for treat, going so far as to defend her (& powder + fennel) from tundra when they fought about it... it's so good. it's so good
(&, while i don't have the spoons to elaborate as much: there's also the note of candy's acceptance of treat's departure even though she ran away without telling anyone. she loves her. treat is a full grown adult, capable of making her own decisions, which ties into her acceptance later on; treat deserves to have her own identity, she knows herself better than anyone else, and if learning who she is meant she has to leave, candy's willing to accept that rather than keep her daughter trapped because she loves her so much... & something something that tying into how she'd be no better than tundra back in glaze if she tried to chastise treat for leaving vanilla. etc etc)
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redstrewn · 10 months
The 7 august 2023 redstrewn perception of Leander
Before you read:
Nothing in here is new. It's all things I've already rambled about and theories others have already shared. I'm just dumping all my thoughts in one place.
I'm crass so there's gonna be sexual jokes in there
Disclaimer 1: This perception is based on many theories by other people. I don't claim to be the original speculator for these ideas.
Disclaimer 2: Plz don't yell at me for my insane delusions of Leander. You dont have to agree and I don't expect you to.
Onto my perception of Leander.
In my opinion,
His hogging of MC is due to the following:
Primarily, their power.
He has plans for it I think. The hands could have connections to fogfall (Vere, paraphrased from memory: "You're like me: not quite human, not quite monster." Vere emerged from fogfall. The soulless that attacked MC seemed more interested/distracted by their hands).
Leander could be interested in fogfall serving him—increasing his ability with magic, which is a distortion of/messing with reality. He's got motifs of what's often considered the territory of god(s) that mortals aren't to meddle with, lest they suffer terrible consequences. (Heaven, underworld, life cycle/resurrection, immortality/eternity, crossing planes/boundaries, dislike of the unknown.)
Along with his apparent egotism from his uquiz result, his erased fatal flaw, repeated use of the word "hero," and "Mages lust for power. It's always their downfall," I think it's not unreasonable to assume he intends to meddle with exactly the things mortals are told not to mess with. He's described as a rebellious mage after all (I think. Going from memory here).
Leander is taken aback by MC's power, noting its contrast from other curses he's dealt with. Considering it can completely overtake another's mind and, in my opinion, also affected Leander before he got ahold of himself (his expression dropping and seeming to reach for MC's throat), it seems to be highly powerful and thus...something exactly a mage would lust for.
Secondarily, their vulnerability.
People have many differing opinions on Leander: whether he's a yandere, if he treats MC like special or if he's just like that to everyone, if he's actually an asshole or just naïve, etc. But there's one thing that's pretty much indisputable and canon: he's got a mad savior complex. He and his Hounds act as Lowtown's helpers and his attitude to Vere in his relationship chart spells this out clearly.
Enter MC. Completely hopelessly clueless on even the most basic customs of Eridia. Desperate and broke and with nobody to turn to. To top it all off, he can give them something no one else can: normal touch that they're starving for.
If that isn't the ultimate wet dream of a guy with a mad savior complex, I don't know what is. Pretty sure he would've cum on the spot after MC responded "yes" to his question, "Am I the first person you've touched like this?" if he didn't care about weirding out MC LMFAO.
Thirdly, his egotism
Truthfully, this is related to his savior complex—it derives from egotism.
He loves attention and dislikes being ignored canonically. To MC, he is special to a metaphorically and literally magical extent: because only he can continuously, over a possibly infinite future, offer them something they've never had in their entire life.
Won't an egotistical guy get excited over that?
MC is special to him because he knows he is special to MC. He knows his magic can't cure them. But he can offer a taste of it the way no one else can.
"Despite his popularity, he isn't close to anyone." Like the saying goes, being alone in a crowd (Bloodhounds in his case) is the loneliest feeling of all.
So why isn't he close to anyone?
It's on purpose
Eridia's currency is information. Baring oneself (metaphorically at least) to anyone poses more risk in this city than elsewhere. He's a leader. Leaders need followers. Followers need someone to believe in. For people to believe in someone, they must have good reputation. Baring his flaws poses risk to that.
Nobody want him lol
I think it would be funny if he's popular and has a good enough reputation that people respect and adore him...but know that they're better off not getting with him lol. Vere looked into his soul and fucking hates what he saw. I don't have enough evidence for this take. Just that it would be fucking hilarious.
Was he chasing after the other LIs because he's lonely?
He seems to be the type to chase anyone down (or at least anyone that may be able to offer him something) whether that's just to gather information talk over drinks/dinner or recruit them into his Bloodhounds.
So, okay, yeah maybe it's not just that he's lonely but he also gets to gather more information by picking people's brains. And also he gets to add onto his growing gang that does his bidding. And also he could convince and influence others to do things he wants (like he does with MC! "Noooo haha MC stick with me the rest can't help youuu").
He could be both lonely and networking like the business major that he is 🤷‍♀️
What's his fatal flaw?
"Mages lust for power. It's always their downfall."
🎵 Love's gonna get you killed. But pride's gonna be the death of you, and you and me 🎵 — "PRIDE." by Kendrick Lamar
God complex! Savior complex! Egotism! The deadliest of the seven deadly sins! The sin of Satan himself that caused him to be cast out of heaven! The cause of Icarus's great fall! The damnation of Faustus! Give it up for HUBRIS everybody!
It's all about arrogantly believing you can handle or know better about greater powers you're told no one should or can.
Gosh, how embarassing this would be if people knew your fatal flaw was considered the worst of all flaws...and about being the biggest failure too. If I was an egotistical guy worried about my reputation, I'd scratch out my fatal flaw too.
Does he care about MC at the time of demo?
He cares about them a lot! Because of their power, his savior complex, and his egotism! The loneliness probably helps. He's special to them so they're special to him!
So he likes them?
Sure! He loves how much their power can do for him and how much they feed his ego!
Wait what? Is he just using them?
😬🤭 Don't worry, he's lonely. He'll probably end up actually caring enough to honestly think about what's actually best for MC and not just his selfish intentions...eventually...at some point...maybe?
But he's jealous! He likes them then, yes?
I mean...I wouldn't want to lose a source of great power and ego boost to anyone else as an egotistical mage, personally. Especially not my rival that I'm actively trying to kill.
This perception of Leander is too dramatically horrible. He can't be as uncaring as you think.
I think he likes to think he cares! He probably likes thinking of himself a hero who does no wrong and only does what's best. Even if the means might be a little unconventional or reprehensible to some people.
But I also think he's highly fucking delusional about it all. Probably why people get deranged/insane vibes from him.
I think his head is so far up his own ass he can't fucking see he's clearly being more selfish than he might like to think. He's so convinced he knows better, runs away from his cushy home, runs away from enrolling into the elite institution to do his own thing and make his own group to run his own set of people. He says something like, "I'm just as good as the Senobium. Better, even."
That's some audacious shit! That sounds like a man who doesn't know his own shortcomings. And he is according to his uquiz and the fucken slashing of his fatal flaw. HUUUUUUUBRIIIIIIIIS. He's delusional about himself: his feelings, intentions, knowing what's best, whatever.
I want to fucking swing a bat against his thick skull, honestly. He'd make a great piñata.
End note
Honestly thought this post would be longer but I don't know what else to ponder about this rascal.
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welcometocapitalism · 5 months
im worried that my previous ask is way too aggressive and might make you feel defensive and thats not helpful at all so i just want to explain that im so angry because it breaks my heart to see other people being violently harassed into submission just for saying something that isnt a popular opinion. you are quite literally being gaslit by a bunch of strangers who desperately dont want to have to think that hard about the material consequences of their own behaviors.
they are simplifying the issue in order to make you look unreasonable so that they can completely dismiss your opinion while giving you no way to defend yourself without making yourself look worse. its manipulative and coercive and vile. they have tricked you into condemning your own behavior and reinforcing that self doubt that THEY planted in you in the first place.
they are convincing you that you have to police yourself otherwise they will do it for you and they arent going to be nice about it.
they intentionally misunderstood what you were saying so that they could ignore the point you were making and thus avoid taking responsibility for their personal role in our capitalist society.
they are operating on this us vs them mindset of "good people" vs "bad people" and they think that they are a "good person" and that you are trying to maliciously assert that theyre actually a "bad person." its fascist behavior. they dont want to acknowledge their place in the web of life because then they have to be more careful about how they act and they simply do not want to. they think its their god given right to not have to do anything thats difficult and reflecting on how you are influenced by the oppressive systems you live in is not just difficult but uncomfortable!
you are forcing people to confront some very very uncomfortable truths about themselves and they are reacting the only way they know how: by lashing out at the people around them.
it is a reflection on THEM not YOU. their reaction doesnt say anything about you or the opinion you stated and everything about the experiences and expectations and knowledge that inform the way they think about the world around them.
i just dont feel comfortable standing by and watching this happen to someone else. so i dont know what it means to you but, i completely agree with your original point and i am more than happy to defend it if you dont feel comfortable doing so. i know how scary it can be to face down a mob of people who you know might turn to violence if you dont comply and i know most people dont find it as easy to take harassment as i do. i am more than willing to fight the fight if you cant.
idk just. be kinder to yourself. you cant let these people get to you. i knows it so fucking hard. its so so fucking hard. but you dont have to do it alone.
i hope youre okay.
hey fren, I've seen it all but I'm sorry I'm not gonna respond to all that, I'm very thankful for your kind thoughts and words but it's kinda a bit much 😅
just know we're on the very same track about the whole thing. It's absolutely hilarious what some people wrote to me about an already reworded opinion on pillows, and i can genuinely just laugh about that
this entire thread turned so badly into satire with so many layers that it could almost be considered an artistic expression. after all, this is the internet, which was kinda the original ordeal of the post, and I took it and made it 1000% funnier by writing too quickly and then people came and made it 10000% funnier by becoming embarrassingly entrenched in some random ass online discourse
I like to half jokingly call this kind of behavior 'internet sickness', since as you also noted you can find this kind of behavior all over the internet. people see an entire universe full of people that seemingly get the attention they don't, but humans are fueled with attention, so sometimes you see someone do literally anything for that tiny tad of attention, even if they don't mean it. this may sound familiar from the way I word my posts sometimes, because as I made clear as day, I'm not better than that sometimes.
Admittedly, I also suppose not all of the angry asks and comments would have been so hostile if tumblr would show late reposts with their comments on an original post more clearly, which isn't so easy. This is why I pinned yet another polarizing post about it with a comment about the situation 🤭 some people would rather click to start another shitstorm than click to find out there's no reason for them to freak out. But often in the internet people don't freak out of hostility, but because they realize (but refuse to accept) they identify with something about the cause in some way, so that would be a positive thing I suppose. It's up to each of us individually to grow from that.
i don't get hard feelings about these people, and genuinely as a former Twitter user I'm kinda used to it. it's just an annoyance at some point, but I suppose it's also the attention I was looking for 💁
After all, I get to post this lyrical masterpiece once more in a well fitting context
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