#and to snuggle into some Thicc Tiddies
eight-cats-in-a-box · 2 years
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Reasons why Jet Black is the Ultimate Husbando:
1. He can cook
Look at him and tell me he DIDN'T treat his mama right
That's right
You can't
3. He hasn't broken hearts
Only had his heart broken
(rip 😔)
4. He likes bonsai trees
Again, canon
Anyone who likes plants is (usually) a kind soul
I won't elaborate bc ✨spoilers✨ but ya
7. He's good with kids
He's so mom friend omg
Again, canon
8. Sweet boi
Couldn't harm a soul
But he has to
He's a ✨cowboy✨
9. Thicc
Look at him
He's built like a BRICK WALL DAMMIT
MANS GOT MORE TIDDY THAN I DO (not self deprecation, just observation)
World cold, world hard(shut up), tiddy soft, tiddy warm
10. Warmf
Good snuggles
Good hugs
Overall 10/10 Bf/husband
Wish he was real
✨But alas,✨ my fair Romeo shall remain fiction
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this gif is so cute fml
Reasons why Spike Spiegel is Ultimate Husbando #2:
1. Floof
Look at him
He would APPRECIATE head scritches
Somf boi
2. Strong man
He can fight like he's dancing, he would give INCREDIBLE snuggles
lanky green bean lookin ass
3. More trauma
Also got his heart broken
Poor boi needs hugs
But he's too cool for that
no he's not go hug him
4. Fashion
He wears a SUIT
5. Good with his hands
Do I need to elaborate 7w7
6. Flirt
Fucking flirty
7. Can drive
Bc we all know that's awesome
And he drives like a champ
Got the speeding tickets to prove it/ref
8. Probably a good kisser
Idk just a hunch
why is he not realllll aaaaaa
9. He's so sweet when he wants to be
But he's so depressed
And it's so sad
10. He absolutely has tiddy
It's canon
EDIT: Since y'all seem to like my crackfic writing, why don't you check out some of my other stuff?
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celelorien · 2 years
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snuggle time~
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tothemeadow · 2 years
Pillar Masterlist Pt. 2
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Kocho Shinobu
Pretty Present
Kinktober Day 2: Shinobu presents you a gift and you eagerly accept it (female) [NSFW]
Kinktober Day 5: you want Shinobu to give you what you want (female) [NSFW]
One, Two, Three
Kinktober Day 7: you’re Shinobu’s pretty little pet and she adores you (female) [NSFW]
The Biggest
you’re only slightly taller than Shinobu but you hold it over her constantly (female)
Quarantine Cuddles
just some straight up fluff with Shinobu (GN)
Bun in the Oven
pregnancy HCs
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Shinazugawa Sanemi
Bratty Sanemi
Kinktober Day 1: Sanemi’s a mouthy brat and you put him in his place (GN) [NSFW]
Gimme Gimme
Sanemi just wants your attention, dammit! (GN)
All She Wrote
Sanemi knew he lost a long time ago, but it still hurts to watch his loved one with someone else (female) [angst]
Sanemi with Someone who Doesn’t like Blood
(self-explanatory) (GN)
I Bet You Wanna
in which Sanemi tries to woo you (GN) {+ Sabito}
you have a dark sense of humor 
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
he has an S/O that is a fairy
Receiving Flowers
you give him flowers uwu
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Kanroji Mitsuri
A Prayer
her body, the temple. you, the worshipper (GN) [slight NSFW]
I’m in Control
Kinktober Day 5: Mitsuri makes a bottom out of you (male) [NSFW]
Darling, What did You do for Those Pearls?
Mitsuri and Muichiro are your pretty, pretty sugar babies... (female) [NSFW]
Quarantine Drabble
you and Mitsuri spend another day in domestic bliss (GN)
That’s My Cup of Tea
some dating HCs (GN) [50 Follower Special Prompt]
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Iguro Obanai
Praise Daddy
Kinktober Day 3: Obanai deserves all the praise he can get (GN) [NSFW]
In my Dreams
in a faraway town, people are going missing, and it’s up to Obanai to get to the bottom of it; he wasn’t expecting that a succubus was behind them all (female) [NSFW]
Obanai the Science Guy
some Kimetsu Gakuen HCs
Valentine’s w/ Obanai
SFW & NSFW Valentine’s celebration (GN)
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
he has an S/O who’s scared of thunderstorms
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Himejima Gyomei
My Immortal
Gyomei curses himself for being blind (GN) [angst]
you snuggle on Gyomei’s tiddies (GN)
Gyomei with a Thicc S/O
(self-explanatory) (female) [both SFW & NSFW]
Part 1
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 4 years
OKOK but this; shirakumo being an early riser and aizawa a night owl, shirakumo scolding aizawa on the times he wakes up and aizawa is still awake so their little s/o just climbs out of bed and drags them both back/ to sleep bc c u d d l e s
Y E S I took some liberties with this because aksjlfah aizawa being awake since 6am and shirakumo waking up at 6am ... an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. I didn’t go this route though. 
Shirakumo is an ungodly annoying early bird. Doesn’t matter how much sleep he’s gotten - as soon as that alarm goes off, he is fully alert and throws open the curtains with a determined smile on his face. He tries so hard to make you and Aizawa fall into a healthier circadian rhythm, so he hopes that by forcing you both to wake up earlier, you will go to sleep sooner, too. That never works for Aizawa and he is endlessly grumpy about it, so Shirakumo sometimes goes easy on him. 
But there is nothing more persistent than a bored Shirakumo. He feels lonely in the morning and wants you both there with him to have a delicious breakfast together. This man has mastered the art of fluffy pancakes and a million ways to cook eggs. The smell alone has you crawling out of bed when you’re barely conscious, and the sight of the messy kitchen wakes you up fully. Shirakumo may be a god at cooking but he does not clean up after himself. 
There are times when you are ready to get up, but the sight of Aizawa’s extremely cuddly appearance makes you rethink your decision. He always has this soft, relaxed expression while he sleeps, hair fanned out over his pillow. You know that he will wake up as soon as you touch him because he is a light sleeper, but you can’t help yourself. He radiates warmth and he’s got thicc tiddies and strong arms that you want wrapped around you. 
And the grumbly moan he makes when you snuggle up to him always makes your heart flutter. Aizawa pulls you into a comfortable hold while he is half-asleep, sighing into your hair and nuzzling his prickly face closer to you. It’s absolute heaven. You are buried under your thick blanket together and your legs are entwined and you are quickly succumbing to the temptation to fall back asleep.
Not on Shirakumo’s watch. It’s a bright, sunny morning, he’s got a lot of plans for you three today, and he wants to get started as soon as possible. You know he means business when he doesn’t even falter at the sight of how cute you look with Aizawa. But as soon as he comes close enough to poke Aizawa’s face and pull the blanket away, your hand sneaks out like a snake to grasp his wrist. 
You always win in the end. Always. Shirakumo says he will humor you - just a few minutes and then you’re outta here - but he makes one vital mistake. He spoons Aizawa, and if you wanna get out of bed, then you do not come near Aizawa. His sleepiness is infectious, his warmth and huggable torso is impossible to resist, and when he puts his hand over Shirakumo’s as they both hug your waist, Shirakumo knows he is completely trapped. One cannot simply move Aizawa when he is in this rare mood. All Shirakumo can do is press some kisses to Aizawa’s neck and let you both sleep. 
When you are in the middle of these spooning sessions, there is no chance in hell any of you will get any sleeping done. Too much horny energy, which almost always starts with Shirakumo groping you until you are needy enough to rope Aizawa into it. But this is a story for another day.
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scary-lasagna · 5 years
What would EJ, Ben, Toby and Dark Link look for in an s/o? (Personality, appearance)
Lord I wrote alot lmao
He enjoys people who are mellow and quiet.
Loud people annoy him and drain all of his strength.
But he'd rather have someone loud who accepts his eating habits than someone who's quiet and judgemental.
He'd also want someone who's willing to give him space when he needs it. He's a strict introvert and needs to be alone sometimes to recharge all of his energy.
But Jack would appreciate someone ho's willing to cuddle when he is. He loves his s/o and wants to be in their arms whenever he can.
He wouldn't mind an s/o that's clever and intelligent. EJ happens to be more logical, so conversations with a more clever-than-average s/o would be ideal to him.
Even if he doesn't talk that much.
Even if he might not like it, a jokester would suit him well. Jack still has a dumb-silly teenager still inside of him, and an s/o that jokes around and likes to have fun might bring out that side of him.
He's not picky appearance-wise, given he sees himself as a living rotting turnip.
Poor boi has low self-esteem.)
And he finds himself lucky someone is attracted to him in the first place.
But he'd like someone with a little bit of thiccness. Thighs to rest his head on and hips to pull towards him on lazy Saturday mornings.
Brunettes and blondes also tend to catch his attention.
He also thinks tattoos and body mods are cool as hell.
And he wouldn't mind someone non-human for that matter. He's a demon, and he might like someone who he can relate to without that voice in the back of his mind reminding him that a human so may judge him more for being a monster.
He'd rather be with someone who won't get on his ass for being a lazy fuck all the time.
And of course, they'd have to have a lot in common for it to work out.
He'd prefer a gamer s/o, like him. Gaming is a huge part of his life (unlife?), and he'd like to spend it with someone he likes.
If not, they should be willing to try so they can bond and have fun together sometimes.
BEN would also love someone that jokes around alot. He's a little shit himself, so he's going to be pulling pranks on his s/o anyways.
But once they get him back??? Oh lord it's on.
I guess cooking is a personality trait??
He loves food, and he'll love anyone who can cook a good meal. Bonus points if it's healthy, which means that they care about his well being since he eats junk food all the time.
BEN is a dirty blonde, so he likes darker colored haired people.
Like, brunettes and red hair. But the occasional blonde might be able to strike his eye.
BEN is a thighs and ass kind of guy, so he's going to prefer a thicc s/o.
Someone he can comfortably cuddle with and snuggle up to at night.
He'd also rather have a more innocent/pure looking s/o.  Someone with bright eyes and he couldn't help but hug them cause they're so cute. But deep down, they're really the most badass person you've ever seen.
He'll dig that. But other than that, he’s not too picky as long as you don’t look like Jeff or smth.
Toby would like someone who he can be able to relate to.
Someone with a troubled past like his, and someone who understands what he's been through and what he's going through.
He'd like a relationship where they can always build off of each other to become better people.
But there are points where he's going to require someone to ground him when he starts to spiral.
Anxiety attacks are frequent with toby, and he's going to need someone to calm him down when they strike.
That goes the same with his bipolar disorder. He's able to get angry and depressed and everything in between over simple things. His s/o should be ready to deal with these and help him feel better.
Toby is also clingy so his s/o should be able to deal with that as well, along with his clumsiness that he's not able to help.
Our boi isn't too picky when it comes to appearances.
As long as you don't wear clown make-up or look hella scary, he'll find himself thinking you look more beautiful as the days roll by.
But he'd prefer someone a little more on the lean side.
Toby is skinny himself, so he'd like someone that would match his body type.
Expect him to pick his s/o up on the regular tho.
He loves to feel the frame of their body against him.
But Toby likes anyone with soft hair that he can pet.
Or smooth skin compared to his rough-looking hands.
But if you have a cuddle-worthy buddy, he'll gladly sleep on you.
Dark Link
Dark is emo as hell.
Like, to the point where you get a lil bit of second-hand embarrassment from what he says sometimes.
He's also quick to anger, so he'd like someone who can deal with that.
Someone's who's level headed and can be able to calm him down.
But if he gets too rowdy, he'd like someone tough to put him in his place.
But once he gets in a relationship, he gets very protective over his s/o.  And he'll throw some rounds with someone who insults them.
In light of that, Dark would like someone who plays along with this and lets him be the lead in the relationship.
You know the 'big tiddy goth gf' meme?
Yeah, that's what he looks for in an s/o.
Dark hair, dark clothing, etc.
He doesn't mind weight either way, but he wouldn't like anyone who's too under/overweight.
But if he had a choice, he would pick an average weighted s/o. Not to thicc or skinny. But full enough so he can get some squeeze their hips when he pulls them close.
He'd also like someone physically strong, he play-wrestles and rough houses a lot. So he doesn't have to worry about hurting his s/o if he's the one being pinned.
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jackalopesao3 · 4 years
Could you please do some sfw and nsfw headcannons of the obey me undatables (minus Luke because he's my son) with a chubby reader who is just the purest thing on earth and she wears cute skirts and dresses in pastel colours and loves cute plushies pretty please?
Hi there, Anon! I'll do the NSFW under the stop sign!
Undateables with pure, pastel, chubby reader who loves plushies!
🔥 He loves your chub. Thick thighs? Heck yeahs. Tummy pouch? Loves it! Chubby cheeks? Yes please! He will love every inch of your body! He will shower you with praises and kisses.
🔥 You are the perfect cuddling partner for him! You're so soft and squishy and he just wants to hold onto you forever! He likes to be the big spoon in bed.
🔥 Your pure and sweet nature captivates him. It's different being around you than it is around most other people he's come across. He's never felt so genuinely happy and relaxed with someone before. Diavolo loves that he can be himself around you.
🔥 He loves your dresses and pastel aesthetic. You look so cute! He loves to pick you up (no matter how tall/chubby you are) and carry you around. Your pastel looks so nice against his red.
🔥 Once he learns you love plushies, this boy will shower you in them. Seriously. He will fill your room in the House of Lamentation with them if you let him. He will give you a room in his castle JUST for your plushies. This boy will spoil you rotten.
⏳ Barb loves a thicc s/o too. This man loves every body type and appreciates them all in his own way. He will definitely tell you how beautiful you are multiple times throughout the day.
⏳ Your pastels and dresses remind him of a little doll which he finds absolutely adorable. You are wearing the perfect attire for a tea party. Barbatos loves to have intimate little tea parties with you. He may even buy you a few new dresses for your wardrobe.
⏳ Barbatos would not understand the love of plushies as he's never owned any but he would definitely buy you some more for your collection. He'll be interested in what types of plushies you have and if you gave them names.  
⏳ Barb might be a little worried he'll corrupt you. You're so pure and you make his heart feel whole.
✨ Solomon thinks your extra chub is adorable. He likes to squeeze your love handles and cup your rear. The way your face heats up when he does this is super cute and he'll let you know that. His personal motto is, “Thick thighs save lives.”
✨ He thinks your dresses and pastel aesthetic makes you look like a cute little fairy or a wood nymph. Sometimes, he'll just catch himself staring at you in the middle of class. You're just so sweet and beautiful.
✨ Solomon is most likely to tease you out of all the undateables for your love of plushies. If he sees you snuggling with one, expect him to say, “God, I wish that were me.” He'll also buy you some new plushies for your collection. You're definitely getting a Cthulhu plushie from him.
✨ You're so pure! While he thinks that's sweet, he'd be super tempted to corrupt you, not in a bad way, of course. 😉
💫 Angel boy thinks all body types are beautiful. Your chubby body reminds him of an adorable cherubim. He likes to come up and hug you from behind, you feel so soft in his arms.
💫 He loves the way you dress and your attitude. Are you sure you're not an angel? He likes to dance with you and watch your pastel dresses swirl around you as he twirls you.
💫 What are plushies? He'll ask you a bunch of questions about them, finding them quite cute. Simeon will definitely buy you a few more for your collection like a Pegasus and a unicorn.
💫 You are so pure and sweet that he's still not entirely convinced that you're not an angel. Being with you makes him feel warm and fuzzy.
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🔥 Diavolo will leave hickeys everywhere on your body: bite marks on your inner thighs, purple hickeys under your breasts, he likes to bite and suck anywhere you have some extra chub.
🔥 He will insist on wearing your thighs as earmuffs. Don't be afraid to sit on his face. In fact, please do. He's a big boy and he likes looking up at you as he fucks you with his mouth.
🔥 He loves to grab your ass and massage it or reach up to play with your chest while he goes down on you.
🔥 Please ride his dick! Diavolo loves watching your chest bounce as he's thrusting up into you.
⏳ Barbatos is definitely a closeted kinkster. He'll tie you up, whip you, and edge you over and over again until you're begging and crying for release. He likes leaving welts on your skin but only in places no one else will see. You are his pure little doll.
⏳ He’ll buy you a pastel blindfold and a pastel gag to match your attire. He loves to tease you and watch you squirm as you anticipate what he's going to do to you.
⏳ Barbatos loves to grip your love handles as he rails you from behind. He has a lot of stamina so he can take you again and again and again until you're a blubbering mess.
⏳ Barb will always reward you when you're a good girl. Do you want him to reward you with his fingers, tongue, or dick? Maybe he'll fuck you with all three.
✨ He is definitely a kinky bastard. He likes to tie you to the bedpost and have his way with you, loves the way you tremble and shake in the bindings. Solomon will use magic in the bedroom. Pretty much anything you can imagine, he'll be glad to do.
✨ Like Diavolo, he will want to wear your thighs as earmuffs. In fact, he will loudly let you know that his ears are cold several times throughout the day, in front of anyone else that's around (except for Luke, he keeps his lewdness in check when there are youngins around).
✨ No matter how much taller or bigger you are than him, he will hold you up against the wall and fuck you thoroughly.
✨ Solomon will also insist that you ride his dick while he plays with your chest and squeezes your love handles.
💫 Well, now you've gone and done it, you've corrupted an angel. He gets real hot under the collar when he thinks of you and those cute little dresses you wear and what you're hiding under them.
💫 He will buy you lingerie to match your pastel aesthetic. It doesn't stay on your body for too long though but he enjoys seeing you in it before he ravages you.
💫 Simeon will worship your body in the bedroom. He leaves soft kisses all over you and gives your chub fond squeezes. He likes to gently drag his teeth over your flesh and swirl his tongue over your more sensitive areas. He's a gentle and giving lover.
💫 He will suck your tiddies and massage them. If you want to be a pillow princess, he'll gladly go down on you for hours and watch you writhe on the bed.
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puke93 · 7 years
I'm gonna tell ya'll about my 7 rats
Sunny is super sweet. She’s weird when you pull her out of the cage cause she holds onto the bars for dear life for some reason. She loves to be held and get tummy kisses and licks my nose when I do it. Absolute angel never does anything bad except for when she attacked my cat. Very fluffy and like a little cotton ball and is always lickin and wanting to run around and hang out with you
Richie is very squishy and limp but loves to get petted and scratched and kissed and often while i’m doing something snakes under my hand and flips over like tickle me bitch. Likes to fight Capone and hates playing with other rats and is kinda shy but she’s a good bean for when you’re sad cause she always knows. Also let’s you touch her stump arm and play with her little bald nub and pretends she still has her right hand all the time
Reefer’s definitely a butch lesbian. She’s a good girl who’s cool with hanging out and getting pets but she likes to try and claw her way into your mouth to French you. Really big beefy girl. Likes bagels and harassing Richie. Also enjoys trying to eat the earwax out ya ears. Likes to be forced down and petted and pretends she hates it but always comes back for more
Burrito is hellfire if you try to do anything kind to him. You just gotta sit and mind ya own business and not get scared cause he smells fear. Stomps when he walks. You can’t pet him or pick him up but sometimes he’ll walk by and drag his thicc belly over your hands and it’s godly squishy and warm. Fat boi who loves all food except for raspberries. Likes to attack my dinosaur pillow when angry (which is always)
Klaus is my fuckin G. He’s so fat and squishy. Loves being picked up and kissed and snuggled. Doesn’t usually lick but he still shows that he loves you. Steals food sometimes but that’s alright cause he’s a thicc boy. Often sits like a person and blows himself while yo watch. 10/10 good boy. Pee pee boy too tho cause he likes to dribble all over ya flesh
Capone is such a cutie pie omg. So soft and gentle. Loves to get tiddie rubs while you hold her. Very playful and energetic and loves Gatorade and coffee. Super pretty too. I usually don’t have 1 on 1 hangs with her but I should more often. Kinda small for her age but doesn’t let reefer push her around either
Weiß is a cool guy but definitely a meth head. When you hold him he struggles and goes stiff cause he hates it but isn’t mean about it. Steals food all the time. Bffs with Klaus tho. Still a nice guy whom I love and care for and force my affection on. Not thicc but weirdly long and lanky. Surprised me by being a seal point when I thought he was albino so he’s a real bamboozler
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tothemeadow · 4 years
Masterlist (Pillars)
 Masterlist for All Pillars
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Tomioka Giyuu
you wait for your beloved to come home (GN)
To See You Smile
all you want is to see him smile (GN / female)
Autumn Day
you pick out the perfect pumpkin with Giyuu (GN) [50 Follower Special Prompt]
Don’t Do It
Kinktober Day 5: why give into his wishes when you can have fun? (female) [NSFW]
Sweet Things
Kinktober Day 6: Giyuu’s always gentle when it comes to you (female) [NSFW]
Six Hearts Under
Giyuu can’t feel anything but guilt after your death; that is, until your spirit shows up (GN) [angst]
Dreaming of the Other Side
even after your death, Giyuu still finds comfort in the thought of you (GN) [angst]
River of Love
Giyuu’s stuck in a love triangle with you and Sabito
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
he has an S/O who’s scared of thunderstorms
he has an S/O that is a fairy
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love
you shyly give him flowers along with your confession uwu (GN)
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Rengoku Kyojuro
Kyojuro catches bugs with his children (female)
Forgive My Guilt
after you have a confrontation with death, Kyojuro feels more than guilty for not being there to protect you (GN) [angst]
Already Gone
you can’t get over your late husband (GN) [angst, 50 Follower Special Prompt]
Eat Your Cake and then Some
where Kyojuro indirectly pops the question (GN) [50 Follower Special Prompt]
Golden Boy
there’s a beauty to Kyojuro’s warmth when it’s raining outside (GN) [NSFW, 50 Follower Special Prompt]
My Dear Brother
Senjuro accompanies Kyojuro on the Mugen Train mission and learns what it means to protect others - especially his brother [angst]
you and Kyojuro share some snuggles while riding out a storm (GN)
Kinktober Day 4: for once, Kyojuro’s bent over for you (GN) [NSFW]
Kinktober Day 5: Kyojuro shows off how pretty you are (male) [NSFW] {+ Tengen}
Fluid Movements
Kinktober Day 6: beats aren’t the only thing dropping in the club (AFAB, GN (kinda)) [NSFW]
Surprise, Surprise
Kinktober Day 7: Kyojuro was not expecting to see that when he came home from a long mission (female) [NSFW]
you argue with Sanemi on the regular; one day, things take a turn for the worst. Kyojuro finally decides to step in. (GN)
Want You, Need You
you belong to Kyojuro, right? then why are with another guy? (female) [yandere, dark themes]
Together Forever
you’re Kyojuro’s, you know. whether you like it or not (female) [yandere, dark themes]
To My Love
Kyojuro’s jealous of your close relationship with Giyuu... Shinobu convinces him otherwise (GN)
Devil Inside
Being a slayer, Kyojuro knows how wrong it is to be absolutely whipped for a demon. It’s not his own fault that you give him mind-blowing sex. (female) [NSFW, COMMISSION]
A Wild Beast
Kyojuro comforts you over the fact that you’re breathing technique is slowly turning you into a wolf (GN)
Being the Flame Pillar’s tsugoku is no easy task; saving his brother, however, proves to be something else entirely. (GN) [angst, COMMISSION]
Picking Daisies
Kyojuro wants to make you his, but someone else is in the way... (female) [yandere, dark themes]
Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
you waited all day to give your crush some Valentine’s chocolates, only to be shot down by somebody else; turns out your crush had the same idea... (female/GN)
Coming Under Fire
Kyojuro decides to take your relationship to the next level while teaching you how utterly amazing you are, no matter what anyone else says. (female) [NSFW, COMMISSION]
you’re jealous of the relationship between Kyojuro and Mitsuri (female)
Falling Leaves, Rising Hearts
some autumn HCs for Kyojuro (GN) [50 Follower Special Prompt]
Hear My Heart
you’re deaf and Kyojuro’s a sweetheart (GN)
Your Tummy is Cute
you have a very soft tummy and you’re insecure about it (GN)
Yandere HCs
(self-explanatory) [dark themes]
My Shiny Teeth and Me
you’re self-conscious about your teeth (GN)
Milk Bags for Days
Kyojuro has a busty S/O (female) [spicy]
Valentine’s w/ Kyojuro
fluffy Valentine headcanons! (GN)
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
he has an S/O that is a fairy
Birthday HCs
how he celebrates his birthday! [SFW & NSFW]
It’s Just Fluff
Kyojuro with a chubby S/O (female)
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love
you shyly give him flowers along with your confession uwu (GN)
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Tokito Muichiro
Muichiro’s eyes are certainly beautiful (GN)
White Wedding
you and Muichiro get married (female)
I am Babey (Among Us AU)   /  part 2
Muichiro is an Impostor but swears to protect you (GN) {+ Pillars}
you keep Muichiro warm (GN) [50 Follower Special Prompt]
Muichiro breaks your heart (GN) [angst, 50 Follower Special Prompt]
Feed Me
where Muichiro is a vampire and you’re delicious (female) [spicy, 50 Follower Special Prompt]
With Eyes Shut
Kinktober Day 4: vampire Muichiro cannot get enough of you (female) [NSFW]
Blue Moon
Kinktober Day 6: your blood is too sweet for Muichiro to deny (female) [NSFW]
Make Me
Muichiro is a pompous little brat and you put him in his place (female) [NSFW]
Muichiro and Inosuke are your special boys who love your breasts and everything that comes with them (female) [NSFW]
Darling, What did You do for Those Pearls?
Mitsuri and Muichiro are your pretty, pretty sugar babies... (female) [NSFW]
A Touch too Much
all Muichiro wants to do is please his mistress... (female) [NSFW]
Blue Lilies
in the late hours of the night, your only sense of comfort is Muichiro (GN)
Of Cream and Lace
Muichiro and Inosuke in pretty dresses and panties. That’s it. (female) [NSFW]
Cleanup in Aisle Four
during a shopping trip, Muichiro and Inosuke get a bit restless due to the toys you put them (female) [NSFW]
you and Muichiro are simply addicted to each other (female) [NSFW]
you sit in Muichiro’s lap and gaze up at the stars (GN)
Game On
it’s only fair that Muichiro gets his revenge on you after you distract him from playing his game, no? (female) [NSFW]
In Ill Health
Muichiro comforts you when you’re feeling sick (GN / female)
Memory Goes Brrr
Muichiro has an S/O with a horrible memory, just like him (GN)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
he has an S/O who’s scared of thunderstorms
I Put a Spell on You
Muichiro reacts to you wearing the dancer outfit from Shantae (female) [suggestive themes]
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Iguro Obanai
Praise Daddy
Kinktober Day 3: Obanai deserves all the praise he can get (GN) [NSFW]
In my Dreams
in a faraway town, people are going missing, and it’s up to Obanai to get to the bottom of it; he wasn’t expecting that a succubus was behind them all (female) [NSFW]
Obanai the Science Guy
some Kimetsu Gakuen HCs
Valentine’s w/ Obanai
SFW & NSFW Valentine’s celebration (GN)
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
he has an S/O who’s scared of thunderstorms
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Kocho Shinobu
Pretty Present
Kinktober Day 2: Shinobu presents you a gift and you eagerly accept it (female) [NSFW]
Kinktober Day 5: you want Shinobu to give you what you want (female) [NSFW]
One, Two, Three
Kinktober Day 7: you’re Shinobu’s pretty little pet and she adores you (female) [NSFW]
The Biggest
you’re only slightly taller than Shinobu but you hold it over her constantly (female)
Quarantine Cuddles
just some straight up fluff with Shinobu (GN)
Bun in the Oven
pregnancy HCs
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Himejima Gyomei
My Immortal
Gyomei curses himself for being blind (GN) [angst]
you snuggle on Gyomei’s tiddies (GN)
Gyomei with a Thicc S/O
(self-explanatory) (female) [both SFW & NSFW]
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Kanroji Mitsuri
A Prayer
her body, the temple. you, the worshipper (GN) [slight NSFW]
I’m in Control
Kinktober Day 5: Mitsuri makes a bottom out of you (male) [NSFW]
Darling, What did You do for Those Pearls?
Mitsuri and Muichiro are your pretty, pretty sugar babies... (female) [NSFW]
Quarantine Drabble
you and Mitsuri spend another day in domestic bliss (GN)
That’s My Cup of Tea
some dating HCs (GN) [50 Follower Special Prompt]
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Shinazugawa Sanemi
Bratty Sanemi
Kinktober Day 1: Sanemi’s a mouthy brat and you put him in his place (GN) [NSFW]
Gimme Gimme
Sanemi just wants your attention, dammit! (GN)
All She Wrote
Sanemi knew he lost a long time ago, but it still hurts to watch his loved one with someone else (female) [angst]
Sanemi with Someone who Doesn’t like Blood
(self-explanatory) (GN)
I Bet You Wanna
in which Sanemi tries to woo you (GN) {+ Sabito}
you have a dark sense of humor 
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
he has an S/O that is a fairy
Receiving Flowers
you give him flowers uwu
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Uzui Tengen
More and More
after being away for so long, Tengen’s just glad to see you (GN) [NSFW]
Tengen is just too pretty (GN)
Daddy is too Good to Me
Kinktober Day 3: Tengen’s way too amazing to look at and you want more (female) [NSFW]
Love you, Hate you
Kinktober Day 6: what Tengen wants, Tengen gets. it’s not his fault you’re stubborn (female) [NSFW]
Kinktober Day 7: an absolute stranger brings you the night of a lifetime (female) [NSFW]
A Healing Heart
After a grueling training session with Tengen, you’re hurt badly. Granted, you and Tengen don’t always get along, but he seems to feel guilty... Amongst other things. (female) [COMMISSION]
Sugar Daddy 
Valentine’s w/ Tengen
SFW & NSFW Valentine’s celebration (GN)
Calling Them Daddy Over Text
(self-explanatory) (uses pictures)
he has an S/O that is a fairy 
Kiss Kiss Fall in Love
you shyly give him flowers along with your confession uwu (GN)
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