#and too many songs i imagine having an mv help
lyss-butterscotch · 1 year
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jmdbjk · 3 months
Why I don't expect promotion for Muse to be similar to RPWP or Golden...
...or any other release before that.
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band is doing well for not having it's artist available. In fact it is outstanding. There were many other prominent artists who released music on the same day and are currently hitting up the interview circuit and other promotional activities. Our boy debuts at #4 on Global Spotify and he's somewhere on a military base.
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See the post here.
That is pretty outstanding for not having the artist available to promote. Name another artist in which this has happened.
Perhaps a dead one... let's just not go there.
"But the Youtube views are low..."
I think since the popularity of Tiktok, the use of YouTube and therefore its influence has diminished somewhat. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be more views. We all know the challenges we have with YouTube. We just have to do the best we can with using YouTube.
Help boost views. Watch the MV here.
"But Right Place Wrong Person was heavily promoted..."
Namjoon was all over his own IG often, almost every day for a while, along with the staff he appointed to post on the @rpwprpwprpwp Instagram account. Perhaps this created a perception that RPWP had some heavy promotion when he was doing all that himself and it was keeping it in front of us so consistently.
The BigHit instagram chat channel is being used for Muse and has been very engaging. It is convenient for Jimin in case he is able and does repost or create a story with any of that content.
I've seen a lot of buzz in the media on both sides of the Pacific regarding SGMB and Muse. That means BigHit sent out press kits. I saw at least one radio group posting they had the song and it was ready to include in their rotations. We'll see if they actually follow through. But that means BigHit sent it to radio.
"Jimin and the members need to post about it..."
It is more of a challenge for Jimin and Jungkook to be online because of the location of their base. If it is in the mountains as was mentioned earlier this year, their internet connection may not be as reliable or strong enough to allow much use. Soldiers may also be restricted as to if they can even use it if the base itself needs it for military operations or if its encrypted for security or whatever myriad of reasons why they can't access it.
If they had reliable internet service where they are, we'd be seeing JK on TikTok more often. But... perhaps TikTok is one of those apps that they are discouraged from using as it is China-based and why JK created the Instagram account for Bam.
Perhaps they are free to do what they want only when OFF base and out of the area during their days off. We don't know what their restrictions are.
People just have to come down to earth and think. Jimin is in the military. I'm most certain that Jimin is being Jimin and focused on his duties. He is wearing fatigues and a helmet and going out everyday doing drills and training including firing ammunition out of a big ass piece of warfare equipment. He is listening to reports from his commanders about what is going on regarding North Korea and what his base will be expected to do if anything should escalate. He should be focused on his duties not focused on what is happening out here.
It is Saturday. Not sure what their alert status might be on a weekend. But we have to be cognizant that JM and JK are the closest to the DMZ of any of the members and will be activated first should anything occur.
I am constantly thinking about how every time we hear of nonsense from NK that JM and JK have to hear it every day too and any contingency they will be ready for in case anythng happens.
NK fired missiles the other day. Yesterday maybe? Some sort of rocket that can launch multiple missiles in one shot. It's chilling. Now imagine you are mere miles from the border and must react with your own weapons of mass destruction should anything become more aggressive.
Jimin worked and created, then he left it for us while he is doing his duty. I'm never going to expect him to do anything else until he is discharged. Unless he is able and wants to. Otherwise I want him doing what he feels he needs to do in order to get through this for himself and Jungkook.
I am very, very happy Namjoon was able to and wanted to participate in his own album's release as much as he was able. But some people have the same expectation that Jimin should too.
I'm never going to expect it from Jimin.
"The company is not doing enough..."
Surely everyone knows this is not a big long vacation for them. It may be a break from their careers and their real personal lives but its not a vacation by any means.
They keep saying its not easy. Perhaps they mean its not easy sitting in a military base carrying out a routine day in day out.
Or perhaps they say its not easy because they are on constant alert. They cannot give any details because their locations and their activities are classified information. Surely, surely, people can realize that right?
See? My brain is always thinking I just don't say a lot of what it comes up with. Because it serves no purpose to talk about it except to create worry. Just like people screaming at the company, it creates stress and negativity.
There is only so much public facing promoting the company can achieve especially when its been planned with the artist's involvement. Since I don't know (and neither does anyone else) what the entire promotion plan is, how can anyone speak on the promotion plan? Just because another member's release was handled a certain way does that mean it should be done the same for all? Not necessarily.
Stationhead listening party schedule:
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This is an ad I just saw from BigHit.
Yes, this is an ad and not a repost, I've seen it twice already and it is not on the @BTS_bighit accounts feed:
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These are posts promoting SGMB on streaming platforms:
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Of course, if you use any playlists on streaming platforms, check the songs on the list and turn off/delete the ones you don't want to stream. Or create your own playlists.
The people printing their own posters, putting them up in public and asking for them to be displayed is WONDERFUL! THAT is the energy Army are known for!
Also the UK issue with the random inclusion making it disqualified. A fix may or may not be in the works. Constant screaming to the company won't make it happen faster or at all if it can't be done logistically. All screaming does is make everyone feel bad, including Jimin if he sees it.
@OfficialCharts is UK based and posted about Jimin and SGMB:
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But since people began screaming since day one, every time another step in the promotion process occurs, screamers will take credit for it and vehemently scream it only happened because they were screaming when the reality is, no one knows whats on the promotion schedule.
Those of you telling people not to buy the album now but to wait and buy it when it releases? THAT IS USEFUL AND PRODUCTIVE INFORMATION!
We, as Army, know how, what and when to buy in order to impact the charts. I know you didn't forget any of that. So stop screaming and do something productive like tell people how to work around this apparent obstacle until it is fixed or in case it never gets fixed.
The screaming at BigHit to do their job is not productive or useful at all in helping Jimin at this point. It only displays negativity and lowers morale for those who don't know what to do.
We are a month away from the album's release for god's sakes, the pre-promotions are paced to keep interest.
They can't all be thrown out all at one time.
Whatever comes out as pre-promotions will be things that were planned in advance and not knee jerk reactions to the screamers.
"If we don't say anything, things will never change for Jimin."
That is your perception. Jimin is very much in control of his own life and career. He can change anything he wants to. Feel free to scream about it, I know its different strokes for different folks. But constantly screaming and trending it surrounds Jimin's activities with stress and negativity. I know you know how to communicate your concerns to the company discreetly. And we know they see our communications because they ask us for help to identify those who are carrying out slanderous and illegal activities against our guys.
If you want to help, communicate to the rest of the fandom the steps they can take to actually help increase streams, views and sales.
Even if the company plasters posters everywhere, WE, THE FANS, are still the ones who do the streaming, buying, viewing and supporting. Its in our hands now. We know what to do!
After all is said and done, I trust Jimin. He's in control of his life.
And he has Jungkook with him. That's the smartest fucking thing ever.
Please go stream it now on your preferred streaming platform.
Please go share some of the various positive news media stories out there on your socials.
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sophietv · 1 year
The Ultimate Thread Of Koincidences (2020) Part 2
Ok, I exceeded the pictures limit. So here's part two of all the Koincidences I could find for 2020.
If you haven't seen the other part, I highly suggest you do before reading this one:
Fall of 2019 (X)
2020 Part 1 (X)
As always, I'll include links to posts about specific part of Kaylor Lore to give more context. So when there's a (X) beside something it's to give you more information and help you understand better.
July 23rd:
Where we left off.
Karlie also posted that day a video for Kode With Klossy with a code. And in the code you can read really well : "Easter Egg"
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July 24th:
Folklore is out.
So many references to Karlie in there.
But two things worth mentioning:
That line.
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Source: Kwyw
And the fact that baby is the 13th word after Levi in cardigan:
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Also. Shoutout to the Cardigan's merch that has three stars just like Karlie's Express bomber's jacket (from 2017).
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Thanks Vegasborn on Twitter for finding this.
Another thing worth mentioning is that in Big Sur, there's a vineyard called Folktale and the font is really close to Folklore's.
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Still July 24th
Kimby post a bunch of pictures of Big Sur on Instagram
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July 25th:
Kimby likes a Folklore meme on Instagram:
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Karlie likes a post of Christian Siriano that says that mentions Taylor.
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This is the day of the infamous : "OMG did you just called me "daddy"?" tweet.
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July 26th:
Martha Hunt does a post wearring a Cardigan with the caption "Peter losing Wendy"
Karlie liked that post
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July 27th:
Derek did a post about Cardigan on Twitter. (I can no longer find it).
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July 30th
Taylor comment a tweet with two fairies emojis....
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Just like Karlie's caption on her post dancing in a Cardigan, 13 days before Folklore's release...
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Karlie does a post on Twitter wich is a recall of a 2015 photoshoot, where she posed as Betty Crocker...
With the caption:
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August 2020:
August 3rd:
Karlie's Birthday. Exile becomes a Radio single.
This is one of the two tracks where William Bowery has writting credits.
August 17th:
Betty becomes a radio single.
Still in Karlie's birthday month.
It's the second track where William Bowery has writting credits on.
August 18th:
The Lakes official lyrics video is out.
"I don't belong, and my beloved neither do you"
August 20th
Karlie does a YouTube video on Klossy.
Lots to unpack in this video.
Let's start with how it tied to The Lakes and those lyrics.
One of the books she presents is nammed "Beloved".
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Also. Behind her, the firs clok on the wall is the same as the clock in Cardigan's MV, without the mechanism and glass.
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And another very cute Koincidence is this:
Novembre 2020:
Novembre 13th:
Taylor has her Musicians on Musicians interview with Paul McCartney. (X)
So many interesting things in that interview...
We learn that Taylor was in LA when lockdown happened... and so was Karlie.
2. This whole part about Peace. She is litteraly describing her relationship with Karlie and the Love Blackout.
Swift: That’s the best. I want to hear current things, too, to update me on where the artist is. I was wondering about lyrics, and where you were lyrically when you were making this record. Because when I was making Folklore, I went lyrically in a total direction of escapism and romanticism. And I wrote songs imagining I was, like, a pioneer woman in a forbidden love affair [laughs]. I was completely …
McCartney: Was this “I want to give you a child”? Is that one of the lines?
Swift: Oh, that’s a song called “Peace.”
McCartney: “Peace,” I like that one.
Swift: “Peace” is actually more rooted in my personal life. I know you have done a really excellent job of this in your personal life: carving out a human life within a public life, and how scary that can be when you do fall in love and you meet someone, especially if you’ve met someone who has a very grounded, normal way of living. I, oftentimes, in my anxieties, can control how I am as a person and how normal I act and rationalize things, but I cannot control if there are 20 photographers outside in the bushes and what they do and if they follow our car and if they interrupt our lives. I can’t control if there’s going to be a fake weird headline about us in the news tomorrow.
McCartney: So how does that go? Does your partner sympathize with that and understand?
Swift: Oh, absolutely.
McCartney: They have to, don’t they?
Swift: But I think that in knowing him and being in the relationship I am in now, I have definitely made decisions that have made my life feel more like a real life and less like just a storyline to be commented on in tabloids. Whether that’s deciding where to live, who to hang out with, when to not take a picture — the idea of privacy feels so strange to try to explain, but it’s really just trying to find bits of normalcy. That’s what that song “Peace” is talking about. Like, would it be enough if I could never fully achieve the normalcy that we both crave? Stella always tells me that she had as normal a childhood as she could ever hope for under the circumstances.
3. That part where Taylor has many questions about fame and having kids.
Swift: Did that give you a lot of anxiety when you had kids, when you felt like all this pressure that’s been put on me is spilling over onto them, that they didn’t sign up for it? Was that hard for you?
Novembre 17th:
Karlie announces her pregnancy online.
She also wears the Amulette de Cartier.
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Novembre 22nd:
Taylor does the biggest lie of all time.
There's also the Swift-Kloss Family Crest in the frame on the table.
VERY important piece of Kaylor Lore (X)
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Novembre 24th:
Did Karlie just announced the first re-record? (she did announce Folklore in advance as well as Midnights and Speak Now and so much more).
Also eye theory.
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Novembre 25th:
Long Pond Studio Session is released on Disney +
There's A LOT of hints to Karlie in there:
She wears the same boots that she wore at Big Sur.
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She wears a ring called "Soleil" (sun).
Almost the same as she wore in Cardigan MV
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And she wears a daisy shirt
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Another interesting thing. Is that part where she talks about who William Bowery is.
And Jack is like : "I thought you were doing a bit when you said "Joe and I wrote a song"... I thought it was gonna be like when people write cute songs about their animals "
Karlie's dog is nammed Joe...
Decembre 2020:
Decembre 1st:
Spotify wrap is out. And in Taylor's there's two adult cats and a baby cat.
And a post-it saying : It still feels like March.
(Levi was born on March 11th)
Also the post it seems to point where the possible due date.
The Grammy's were pushed back only in January, so she had no way to know they would happen in March yet.
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Source: KwYw
There you have it! All the Koincidences I could find for 2020.
If there's some missing, don't hesitate to tell me so I can add it.
Here's the two masterposts that hepled me make this one: (X) (X)
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BPP, am really really interested to read your thoughts on Seven!
Ask 2: Hey bpp, can i be honest?? Ive been checked out of the fandom but still keep track of any music releases. So i didnt know abt any rumors abt 7. Imagine me being kind of disappointed that it’s another english song from jk when i watched the mv😅 it feels like his most promoted songs since last year has been all eng song… idk i wanted & expted something diff… i didnt like l&r, dreamers and now 7… it’s back to back lol. Tbf i didnt like My You too and thats in korean. At least not enough to listen!again after the first listen.
Im happy that still with you is finally on spotify tho. I’ll still be waiting excited for his album whenever it comes out. Hopefully ill find something i like in it!!
[BPP Note: Both asks above were sent before my "I don't like it..." post. The asks posted below were sent afterwards.]
Ask 3:
Same here
All the hype didn't matched with the song
1. rest members songs had so much depth and substance to it while this was the cliche boy chasing a girl song. Like we always dont need deep songs but the quality could be so much better. This was like just another pop song.
I think I'll put this on same level as BAD DECISIONS. But for bad decisions, atleast the chorus was staying on my mind while for this nothing was catchy enough for us to humm. Just because it's JK it will get hype but otherwise it's so generic. I think I liked LEFT and RIGHT way better than Seven. Even the rap portion felt so unnecessary and boring.
2. MV was kinda nice because of the production but concept was too shallow, the stalking and chasing was so outdated. In my country we have like 9293928843837 MVs in this same concept that not many make the same theme songs again.
3. The choreography. We haven't seen the full version. But for tiktok they do the highlight portions if that's so mediocre idk how rest will be. It was again giving the same mediocre showing off choreography and for me backdancers ruined it with their awkward moves.
4. they wanted this song to be played everywhere around the world. But there was nothing catchy enough to attract gp or go viral on tiktok, even if we sped it up. The only way to make everyone listen is to shove it down their throat but doing payola. But idk if investing in payola is worthy for the song. I also doubt the longietivity, as for me it was boring after 2 listens. I'll rather listen Like Crazy or wildflower or closer 20 times than listening this once.
5. I HOPE he'll bring something fresh to the table for his album and don't involve this mediocre producers who uses the same formula and same superstar persona to make a song successful. He is so much talented to sing a song which is so rich in melody and lyrics. And he can produce way better songs by himself.
Prolly a 4/10 for me
Ask 4: troye sivan's rush (which also came out last night) is exactly what I wish Seven was. I don't mean that in a 'I expect the things JK to make to be gay' way just in the way it's a fun, very danceable, sexy summer song that doesn't pull its punches. Something about seven feels too run through a commercial sanitizer a few times, even with the explicit lyrics.
Hi Anon(s),
Jungkook likes to fuck.
Rather, Andrew Watt likes to fuck and thinks Jungkook can relate.
JK has been talking about wanting to show more mature and explicit sides of himself for a good long while now. So I’m glad he’s finally gotten to do that, confirming for us why he keeps getting noise complaints from his neighbours since the mattresses all over his apartment don't help.
BTS has made songs explicitly referring to sex before (though it's been mostly the rapline doing so). So it's nothing new but I guess it's cool JK gets to share with us that he too has sex.
The question I posed to my friends immediately after watching the MV is, “Do you know who's been doing A&R for BigHit since 2020? I really need to know who is doing A&R for BigHit in America because they’ve been doing an appalling job lately. I'm starting to wonder if it's an inside job cause this song is kinda ass.”
That was me ~11 hours ago.
I didn’t like the song.
I’ve streamed Seven about 20 times since then I think, took a break from the song for a few hours, watched his GMA performance, caught a few minutes of the Wlive, then listened to it again just before writing this post and…
I still don’t like it.
Jungkook did a good job on the song, Latto's verse wasn't terrible, and while the song itself isn’t bad… the song isn’t good either.
It’s painfully, and at this point it’s a pattern so I have to add, predictably, mediocre.
Reserving judgement for the album, but Anons, I agree with you for the most part. The suits at BigHit are trying but they are woefully out of touch with the reasons BTS blew up in the West in the first place. I don't even feel like spending any energy doing a review or even trying to explain what I mean. So I'll just ramble on for a bit but try to keep it brief.
I have to give BigHit some credit because I can see what they're going for here. Andrew Watt is a very celebrated producer in the US, he won the Grammy award for Producer of the Year in 2021, he's got A listers in his portfolio. So, he's not a cheap name to book and I can see why the suits at BigHit thought he's the genius to gift them a song clinically designed for American radio.
But that pandejo phoned it in. There isn't a lick of creativity to be found anywhere in all 3 minutes and five seconds.
It reminds me of VIBE by Jimin and Taeyang, as the closest analog to the vague dissatisfaction morphing into annoyance and then pragmatic rationalization I experienced in that same sequence when listening to it the first few times.
The song is disappointing because we've all heard it before. Too many times, and we're bored of it. We've heard JK sing this sort of song for years, as covers mostly. So on one hand, while I guess it's nice JK gets to have an American summer JB-reject pop tune of his own, it's not good enough to be the track that introduces him to the world as a solo artist.
It's fine for any white, blonde, blue-eyed heartthrob that can ride on a pretty face and implicit bias to rack up accolades, it's not good enough for Jungkook.
And BigHit needs to start using whatever leverage a US$10.6 billion market capitalization buys you in Hollywood, to insist for songs that are at least as good as the songs made by BTS members and produced by their in-house team. It's a waste of money and everybody's time to fly a battalion to LA just to record 2014's summer hit in 2023.
In my opinion.
Still With You > Stay Alive > My Time > Stay > Left & Right > My You > Dreamers > Seven
All that said, I can't ignore JK has a taste for songs like this, and it's not his fault the song is shit (he didn't write, compose or produce it), so technically he shouldn't be punished for it. And the song is made for radio, while it's not my personal taste a lot of people really like the song (one of my friends likes Seven the most out of all the BTS releases so far), and it will catch on with some support. So, ARMY will support it including me, just to a lesser degree than I've done so far. Fingers crossed JJK1 has something solid on it.
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sugar-omi · 5 months
i have a handful of songs i love listening to while playing olba (to the point where i cant listen to them without thinking about cove LOL) and i think kissaphobic by make out monday is just. cove's anthem, basically. it perfectly encapsulates his anxiety over being romantic with the MC when they start dating. it especially fits for when you're dancing with cove at the charity event, even if ur not dating yet
*link | *lyics
first of all. the way the MV is a prom setting is CRAZY. BUT THE FUCKING VOCALS IS CRAZIER ITS SO FUCKING GOOD WHAT THE FUCK
i.. am adding this to my playlist. wow. please share what other songs you listen to bc you must be holding onto a treasure trove !??!
but wow.. this is so cove, youre so right. it's so perfect to portray his anxiety, and that verse
" But I can't get too close to you my darling, can't get too close And God help me if I do, you'll leave me broken hearted You'll leave me stitching my lips up again, "
it makes me think of at the end of step 3, when cove doubts if your relationship will last. idk how many of you have seen it, but i believe theres a post where GB said MC is the only one cove would date n that otherwise, he remains single.
you just know that cove and MC breaking up (or not being friends, or never dating) would be a kill his heart. like i hate rejecting cove in step 4 after crushing the entire game, because imagine loving someone most of your life!!!
it's your entire life as far as you're concerned! those 8 years before cove n MC met wouldn't mean anything because it'd be a total haze, all those years spent together with something sparking between em... n still never coming to fruition. EVEN WORSE. MC ending up with derek or baxter after all that (i'm more so thinking of when he says "I'm fine now" after you date baxter, at the end of baxter's DLC during the party for anyone who doesn't know what part he says that.)
god my heart would shatter if i was him
jfc you're making me spiral LOL IT'S SO GOOD. ok gbye imma go play this on loop for hours straight
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f1-disaster-bi · 6 months
ok so bap girly here again and can I say I got sucked in back to a 2nd gen kpop binge and omfg imagine a "please don't" k.will au with lando having to see the man he loves marry someone else and he has to be best man and 😭😭 im crying here
I don't blame you. If I wasn't on a Fletcher kick, I would be binging rn and omg K.Will!! I haven't heard anyone mention him in so long, and I can only think of two songs with mv's that are as sadder or sadder (Severly - ftisland and Baby I'm Sorry -MYNAME, wasn't even a myname fan and that HURT)
I was thinking Max F but I'm still on my George/Lando kick (and now a max/charles/lando kick)
Lando and George being George's best man because George lost a bet to Alex years ago so Alex is officiating. Lando is George's next choice, they've been friends for years. Lando has always been there for him even when they've had their spats, and George wants his best friend by his side for his wedding
And Lando....Lando grins and bears it because he loves George. It's always been George for Lando, but he knows that George will never love him in that way. They had a drunken kiss once, and George had a whole panic attack about how he's not gay, he can't be gay, and begs Lando not to tell anyone. Lando just laughs off the kiss, reassures George that one kiss doesn't change anything even though inside he has been breaking because he has loved George for so long and this just proves he can't ever be the one George falls in love with
To make everything worse, Lando genuinely likes George's fiancée. They get a long as if they've always been friends. Alex even jokes that George got himself a female Lando because her and Lando have so many similarities and that just makes it worse. Lando can't help but think that if he was a girl then George would have loved him, but he keeps it all inside. He hides his pain with smiles, he celebrates with them for every major achievement and he stands with them on their wedding day. He tells them they're the perfect couple, makes a speech about them being the definition of love, and later sneaks out to get air.
When George finds him, George is worried about him. He's asking if it's too much for Lando because he knows Lando isn't the fondest of crowds but Lando just fakes a smile and lets George pull him back inside to dance until he can slip away again and this time he has to leave because he can't do this. He can't watch George be so happy, and the guilt over hating his happiness is killing Lando, He ignores calls and texts, and eventually has to pull over because he's just sobbing because he wanted it to be him. He wanted to the one George loved, and it hurts. It hurts to feel selfish and jealous and resentment over something that he should let go off so he just cries
And maybe, just maybe, makes up his mind that he needs a fresh start without George in his life because he can't be the friend George wants, and George can't be the love that Lando wants
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sminiac · 7 months
its me 🦭 anon again!! i absolutely love what you wrote for my request oh my godd, especially keeho's. i can't stop thinking about how teasing he'd be now that you've talked about it, and the way his grip would be so tight tryna keep your legs apart😮‍💨i might babble on too much rn but the thought of cumming hard over his tongue already yet he doesn't even pull away at all. i got a feel he'd wanna overstimulate you further and suck even harder just to make you writhe beneath him. just bc he thinks you're so adorable when you can't push him away bc he's holding you down😵‍💫😵‍💫 he's just mumbling some excuse about how he wants to lick you clean of your release that's why he isn't done yet, . ..also feel like he really gets off on the way you're trying your best to keep your noises down so yall don't get caught, he loves seeing you so helplessly pleasured, knowing he's driving you so crazyy
jiung too🫣 the way you wrote for him seems so romantic i love it a lottt, imagine being spoiled by him fr. i absolutely love dedicated guys aagh. oh and morning head w him means a soft session of him eating you out so so cute, especially when he feels you tug lightly on his hair still so messy just from waking up yk. he's obsessed w ur moans bc he loves ur voice from when you've just woken up too🫠🫠i need a jiung rn
...actually im gonna admit im just a baby p1ece, i became a fan because i really can't stop listening to their new song , "killin it":''') i was wondering if you have any recommendations for like shows/series i could watch of piwon to get to know them better? like weekly reality shows of them if they have any, idk where to start :(
Overstim w Keeho? I’m actually so ???? The way he literally would try to come up with some fleeting excuse so he can keep himself nestled between your legs, it wouldn’t even completely make sense but you relent because he just looks so pretty and the slackness of your legs jolting with every suck of his lips followed by his tongue feels so good.
No shame in being new to piwon! None at all, just means you’re someone else who I can share my thoughts with :b
I think their ‘PLOG’ playlist would help with remembering their names and faces quite well, their voices too, just so they’re more distinct from each other, and so you can get a better feel of their personalities because it’s mainly the boys yapping, the videos are fairly short if you have a smaller attention span :b
I’d recommend watching their vlogs too! For example ‘P1HARMONY in WORLD’ on YouTube is really comforting and fun, especially so you can get a semi-familiarness with them outside of the more traditional curated section of their life, if that makes sense! Just because personally I love the rawness of the members just whipping out a camera and being silly without bright hot lights in their faces and a general wave they have to follow. ‘HARMONY CLIP’ is also a really good playlist, there’s a lot of comfort videos in there for me, it mainly consists of vlogs from their tours, bts of their mv’s, all that fun stuff, kind of similar to in world.
‘피원모하니’ playlist has all the professionally produced videos, ex: (SAESSAK HARMONY, HARMONY FOREST, LEGENDARY MOVE, HARMONY ADVENTURE) which I’m pretty sure consists of mini games and such? I myself haven’t even made it through all the videos :,)
Ahhh also their practice videos are really entertaining to watch, if you’re wanting to get into some of their more ‘dated’ discography! ‘BFF choreography video’ and ‘BIGBANG Dance practice kcon 2023’ are my favs!
I hope I’m of some help, and don’t worry about watching every single video they’ve ever released because there’s so many and it can seem overwhelming! Have fun <3
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cryiling · 1 year
what do we think about kpop idol au revalink where revali is from a big 3 company (i feel like he gives sm or yg but idk) and link is from a smaller company, but they get into a dating scandal because of dispatch's stupid dating dump at the end of the year or whatever
revali is appalled to have dating rumors with this little runt from a nugu group (he's lying, link is totally his type), meanwhile link is losing his shit bc it's his idol it's THE revali 🫣
im gonna use this ask as an excuse to talk about idols!link and revali bc I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS
first of all revali is def giving agust d vibes, that fuck capitalism and the government sorta songs, and he definitely writes his own music (he thinks that artists who don't write their own music aren't real artists). no wait like genuinely. have u guys seen the lyrics for all the songs on d-day?? and like the mv for amygdala?? totally breaking kpop industry norms and I can totally see revali doing that, like yes babes talk abt your mental health and traumatic experiences, pop off king !
I bet revali prefers doing hip hop style dances, like you're never gonna catch him doing those rlly simple trendy dances. nah he out here doing flips and bboying and stuff 😭 hmm like think back down or halazia level dances (bye not me finding a way to bring halazia into any conversation SJDHSJF)
also he definitely only sings live, no lip syncing for him. one day he gets sick and loses his voice but he still has a performance that day, and his manager is like PLS just lipsync to the track, literally no one will get mad I promise, and he's like bitch no and just has his fans sing the whole song (he goes viral for this, his fans bragging abt how revali would never stoop to the level of lip syncing while his antis are calling him lazy for having his fans do all the singing, then revali's fans clap back at those ppl and pull up the receipts of all the times their faves lip synced)
ok we need stage name and fandom for revali. hm tbh I feel like he would just keep his name as his stage name, like he probably thinks the idea of stage names is cringy 💀 help I need fandom name ideas. like, vale or something BYE. his company probably came up with a whole list of possible fandom names and he said no to all of them, atp his manager just picked one for him 😭
u mentioned revali is from a big 3 company, hmm yeah I'm getting sm vibes from him. how long do u think he trained for? probably a couple years, like 6? so he's very insistent that all his accomplishments are from his hard work
OK let's talk abt link! idk many small companies but ummm let's say like, gf or something (they have kingdom, slay!). do u guys know that one idol from loona I think? and she was a trainee for only one day? yeah that's link 😭 he auditioned for the company and they're like you're great! debut asap pls
link is just here to have a good time honestly, like he's going live at 3am to do drunk karaoke like jungkook fr 😭 he really has a passion for singing and performing, and at the end of the day he's just doing this for funsies, he doesn't let the stress get to his head too much, which, king behavior honestly
ik u said he's from a nugu group but honestly I'm seriously loving the soloist vibe from him, like if he was in a group he'd probably end up as the wonyoung of the group bc he just has that main character energy 😭
I can see link doing more upbeat/poppy songs, but he does the occasional ballad + contemporary dance combo that his fans go FERAL for. or,, omg. imagine him doing criminal by taeyang... 😊
his stage name.. L!NK bc he's quirky and not like other girls 😧 I bet his song titles are either in all caps or all lowercase too, he insists "it's for the aesthetic 🥺"
hm what sort of situation are they in where dispatch makes a dating scandal for them? OUHH MAYBE theyre both mcs for a music show (ignore that it's usually one guy and one girl) and they do one of those performances together and ppl are like 🤨⁉️ like imagine them doing the iconic dolphin dance together ✋ fans go CRAYZEEE the fancams hit like 20m views because their chemistry together really shines, even with such a simple song
their companies see how good they are for each other's publicities, so they really push for more of their schedules to be together.. which ofc comes at the cost of the dating scandal. they're hanging out together at some cafe idk, their managers told them to go hang out in the hopes that they would get some more publicity. what they WEREN'T expecting is for dispatch to declare that they're dating??? (that's a lie, link's manager (zelda) definitely knew smth like that would happen and she's the biggest revalink supporter 🤞)
when revali hears about this, he has a freaking meltdown to his manager teba, like 😭 lying facedown on the couch screaming into a pillow, "they think we're DATING?$:$;&2!;@/@ they really think a senior idol would go out with a rookie!!???!: SHUT UP TEBA HE IS NOT MY TYPE-"
meanwhile link has the BIGGEST celebrity crush on revali, like you know how jungkook is with namjoon? yeah 😭 so when the dating scandal comes out, link is just so flattered that people would think that he's worthy to be with revali- he's going around to anyone who will listen and is like "people think I'm with revali 😦🥰🥰" zelda is like girl calm down you're not actually together
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headdaze · 3 months
for your lil ask post: (if that doesn’t work just imagine me flopping around like a fish outta water all sad and emo like bc i hate mobile)
FISH ILYSM YES IT DID WORK LOLLL yeah mobile is a pain (mostly bc I hate texting RIP) so I feel u, like I have to add tags onto posts so they don't get buried but it's so annoying to type out all of them and then add the little hashtag to actually make it a tag so these days I literally just do "reblog now" and then later on desktop i'll add tags 😂
now those of you who have been stalking my recent reblogs will probably expect me to yap abt svt and believe me I could & I would but im gonna take this chance to yap about my current fav gg my beloved 💖 KISS OF LIFE 💖 for the ask game - for those of yall who don't know they're under S2 entertainment (not one of the "famous" companies to my knowledge), have four members, and debuted pretty recently in 2023!!
✦ my first bias: belle her vocals literally make me feel like i could die happy. also she's so competent (i love competency) & just so unintentionally funny sometimes and always slays so yes i love her so much
✦ my current bias(es): ot4 😭 i feel like sayinh anything else is a CRIME, imo they're the best when they're together and vibing bc the way they all just hang out and have fun together reminds me a lot of my own friend group 🥹
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): they're newer so not too many eras to choose from & also all of them are SLAYS SO here's the best from each for me - kiss of life (debut album): I'm weak for belle's countdown (prechorus SLAYSSS) & shh is surprisingly addictive / born to be xx: all of it. amazing. says it is really beaitufl and calm, but bad news always gets me hyped!! / midas touch: it's a single album so only two songs BUT THEY GO SO HARD!!!
✦ how i got into them: this is a really weird story that I'm just gonna tell bc I can and I will -- I saw Jii (cover artist on Youtube) uploaded a short of her Chinese cover of Midas Touch & Jordan Orme (also a youtuber) analyzed the music video… but tbh I was annoyed to see it everywhere RIP LOL and then eventually watched Jii’s short and was like “wait this is actually so banger” so I watched the Midas Touch MV then watched Jordan Orme dissect it .. then idk how but eventually I just went on a KIOF listening spree, listened to all their discography and the rest is history >3< I will say I feel like the moment I was like "yeah i love them to death" is when I watched their midas touch part switch dance; i feel like it really showed off their fun energy and made them feel very real, in a way.
✦ which member would be my best friend: oh help i actually don't know since i don't know TOO TOO much abt each of their personalities - maybe natty?? maybe i'm biased bc i have a best friend whose name is pretty similar to hers 😂
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): shimmery metallic pink, X's, hearts, anything NEAR midas touch/greek mythology as any concept :D
tysm fish again for letting me yappp ily/p 🫶💘
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snapdragons-sunshine · 10 months
An Introduction
Hi, I go by either Snap or Newt. I've had a Tumblr blog before, but this time I want to create one solely focused on writing, whether that be relating to writing or just writing in general. I have a bunch of main wips as of this time (not counting my short stories or the occasional oneshots/flash fiction pieces I do that I call fanfiction but I don't think can really be counted as such).
wips with titles
Lost Paradise. Set in Italy, possibly in the 1800s, and is dark fantasy with religious themes. So far, I have the rough draft done but just keep on procrastinating with the editing. tag is: lost paradise.
Seven Nights in Roseblood Hall. Short vampire-centric story about a murder mystery that I started writing for Halloween this year but haven't completed yet. I have written about four chapters of the first draft. tag is: seven nights at roseblood hall.
The Secret Sun. Possibly a stand alone story, possibly a short story in a sequence of four stories. I haven't decided yet. I know the Secret Sun is a historical story set in a fantasy (or alternate world) with time travel as the main theme. tag is: secret sun.
Cecilia and the Ghosts is a short story (hopefully) that is about a girl that can see/hear ghosts, and is told from the point of view of her friend Alexander, who is a star that is sometimes also a human. tag is: cecilia and the ghosts.
wips without titles (yet)
a sci-fi apocalyptic story that doesn't have a set plot yet but that has so far been exclusively created from listening to too many Imagine Dragons songs. tag: imagine dragons story/id story.
a fanfic story with a lot of semi-ocs that is centered around the cast from the HoneyWorks mvs ai no scenario, light proof theory, cherry blossoms dance at dawn, and pride revolution. tag: reincarnation story.
Some of my other, older stories and wip projects I may post about from time to time. Zehm is a fantasy universe that I've created, somewhat outside of story writing, and I use zehm tag for it. There are a lot of characters and worldbuilding/lore I have for Zehm, but I'm always down to talk about it. Thinking up more and more stuff for it is always an enjoyment of mine.
I primarily enjoy writing fantasy (urban fantasy is my jam :) and mythical/fairy tale like stuff, but I also have a weakness for historical novels if they have a magic aspect. I do enjoy a writing challenge, though - and I hope that making this blog will help me with that.
I also really enjoy reading, so I'm always down for book or fic recs.
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linagram · 1 year
a (very late) introduction to linagram!
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hi! since the second trial is going to start soon i hope so and also i've noticed some new people following this blog, i thought that it would be a good idea to make a post like this! i think it will be useful for both new people who don't know much about my ocgram, but still want to learn more and people who are following this blog since the first trial, because i've actually never mentioned some of this information before!
(yes i know it would be better if i just added all of this to my pinned. i know. i will leave a link to this post there sjskslsl)
"Why Linagram?" Because this OCgram is named after me! :D And also because I'm bad at coming up with names and titles. Also [2], at first it was just a tag I used for my Milgram OCs before I created this blog, so yeah.
"What about the guards and the prisoners?" This OCgram actually has more than one guard (if you don't count Jackalope as another Canongram guard) and right now there's two guards (last name, first name order): Sanada Eiji and Andou Miki. There's also ten prisoners, just like in canon (same name order): Miyagawa Akio, Hanasaki Aimi, Ishizu Shun, Chiba Naomi, Sanada Kei, Yoshioka Eiko, Yano Asahi, Maruyama Yurika, Kuroki Riku and Himura Reina. After the first trial, all prisoners were forgiven except three of them: Akio, Kei and Yurika. 
"Is this OCgram connected to Canongram?" It kinda is and it kinda isn't. It shares a lot of things with Canongram, like music videos, ten prisoners, also some prisoners share things like personality traits, backstory details, etc with the canon prisoners, but it's also very different from Canongram: more than one guard has to participate in the voting process, Jackalope almost never appears (though he will appear very soon) and doesn't really play an important role (he wasn't even there to explain how everything works) and also both guards are related to the prisoners. You have probably already noticed that Eiji shares a last name with one of the prisoners and that's his brother. Miki is related to one of the prisoners as well. I imagine that this OCgram takes place a few years before Canongram, but I'm not sure how many. Also, a lot of the MVs often have scenes that look like they're actually happening from someone else's POV, like a victim or a side character's and not just the prisoner's. Most of the time it's just done to make the MVs more interesting, but you can interpret it as the victims/side characters trying to help you/the guards figure out what actually happened, if you want! The victims play a big role here in general, since the guilty prisoners can not only hear the voices judging them, but they can hear their own victims' voices or even see them too. Maybe Milgram is the victims' new home too.
"Is this OCgram connected to the light novel?" I admit, I was kinda inspired to do the whole "haha what if the guards were actually the prisoners' siblings" thing because of the novel's plot twist (even though it wasn't the exact same thing) (and also because i just thought it would be a cool concept, like wow, your sibling is one of the prisoners now. what are you gonna do), but nope, this OCgram isn't really connected to it.
"How does the voting process work?" Both guards have to talk about everyone's crimes and watch the MVs together. After that, they have to decide if they will forgive them or not. However, Eiji and Miki's morals and personalities are very different: Eiji thinks all of them deserve to die for their sins and Miki wants to forgive them. So yeah, they have to somehow convince each other that their opinion is the only right one. After that, they both have to vote them innocent or guilty.
"How will the second trial go?" I will post both pre-T2 voice dramas first, then I will post the album covers (+ song titles and preview lyrics), everyone's T2 profiles and then I will start posting their voice dramas which will also include their MV descriptions and polls. You can vote them innocent or guilty based on literally anything: their crime, their personality, their design, etc. Metavoting is fine too though it doesn't mean that everything will go exactly as you planned, hehe. After each prisoner pair's voice dramas get posted, I will write their interrogations as well (for example, if Akio and Aimi's VDs were posted, that means I will also post their interrogation soon).
"Can we send questions for the interrogations?" Yes! And you can also simply ask them questions even if it's not for the interrogations, like, if you just want to learn more about them or talk to them, haha. You can interact with them too if you have Milgram OCs as well :] And yes, you can send questions and interactions for the guards too!  
"Do you already know what you're gonna do for the third trial? Are all prisoners actually dead and we have to decide if they should go to Heaven or Hell? Is this all just an experiment? Do you have something completely different in mind?" I know that it's still only the second season of Canongram and it would probably be better for me to wait for the third season and maybe I will do that, but also I just kinda decided to go wild and do something original :D I already have some ideas for the third trial and the "big reveal", but don't be surprised if it turns out to be completely different from canon! 
"Does your OCgram include any triggering topics?" Since this is Milgram, yeah, death and murder is like, the whole thing, but just to be safe, here are all the warnings (i suck at these, so i'm sorry if some of them sound like i'm not being serious or something, I JUST HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DESCRIBE THEM): bullying, self-harm, suicide, physical and emotional abuse, toxic relationships in general (platonic, romantic, etc), sexual themes (nothing too nsfw and nothing like that gets actually shown or described in detail, but it's there just so you know sjsjksks), characters get beaten up and injured in different ways (especially now that it's season 2), one of the guards is obsessed with punishing everyone so yeah, he's gonna say and do a lot of scary things, one of the murder victims was literally ten years old, derealization/depersonalization, hallucinations, literally all of them (including the guards) need therapy, like i'm sure all of them have at least one undiagnosed mental illness, stalking, harassment, some murders were very brutal, some future MVs will have elements of body horror and gore, but nothing too scary or detailed. If you find anything potentially triggering that I haven't mentioned here, please let me know! 
Hopefully, this explains how this OCgram works! If you have any questions, feel free to send them!
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aryasage · 7 months
RISE—a debatable "analysis"
so, league of legends and the word alive just recently released rise (redux) as a celebration of the original rise, and it made me realise just how many versions of rise have been released over the years. and then, i thought, well. why shouldn't i go over all of them? it's not like anyone's stopping me :]
so, enjoy my thoughts on every version of rise that i could find! supposedly there was a nightcore version at some point but i couldn't find anything official so it will have to stay off the list for now. also jackeylove has some opinions to share from when each of these came out.
his text looks like this
my actual thoughts look like this
don't blame me for tumblr formatting options they all suck ok
RISE (2018)
youtube spotify
next year it’s gonna be me in the music video just you wait we’re gonna destroy this thing
nostalgia-wise, this isn’t my favorite worlds song. definitely not my favourite mv, but production-wise, i can’t imagine any worlds song that could top this one. although mako has worked on every worlds song since at least 2017 (i think 2016 too, but i can’t easily verify that) except for 2̷̨̫̫͓͕̀̓0̷̡̠̹̭͉́2̶̳͕̟̜̄̓̀͗́2̶̠͉͆̍, he absolutely popped off with this one in particular. the gravelly effect added to his vocals helps demonstrate the weight of the lyrics, and then when it’s taken off for telle’s RISE, it feels even clearer, like they’re breaking through all the barriers to go higher, to literally rise above it all. the bpm (177!) can be felt right at the start, a frantic pace demonstrating just how quickly you could lose everything, how fast you need to move, and the bridge has some of my favourite lyrics in all of riot’s songs. i love nearly all of the worlds songs, but the storytelling in this one is wonderful even without the mv.
RISE - Remix (2018)
youtube spotify
better than the original version no competition 
rookie looked over my shoulder while i was writing this and laughed at me because he says the rap sucks. well FUCK YOU i’m writing all this in voidtongue from now on how about YOU suck fucking music snob asshole why are you so good at singing
on a lyrical level yeah sure rookie’s right; half of it is product placement. however. sometimes noise is good. i usually don’t like remixes, but here it works, because more going on doesn’t take away from the song; just makes it more hype. i don’t follow bobby or ikon much but his flow here is really clean and it’s just a vibe. i think recently i’ve listened to this version much more than the original just because of how much more energy it has, and while it doesn’t have the same feel, i still really like it
RISE - Live (2018)
honestly don’t even care it was that bad. we got to laugh about it and then we won so if anything it was just a good luck charm
good thing we weren’t in view at the start of the performance though i think rookie was crying although from laughter or just how bad it was i’m not sure
okay yeah. mako completely threw this one i have no idea what he was on
HOWEVER. telle did great. and yk what once bobby came on mako sounded fine.
it’s still obviously. not good. but it could have been worse. my main problem with it isn’t even the performance it’s the fact that riot turned the mics way down for opening ceremonies after 2018 which is a CRIME LET THEM SING LIVE (it was a bit better for rise 2023 but the other songs were still very loud on the backtracks. i get that some singers aren’t great at the whole projecting thing but come on you can’t tell if you can’t even hear them over the backtrack.)
RISE - UNSECRET Cover (2021)
youtube spotify
yeah i can vibe to this right about now
i like this version a lot but out of all the official releases i think i have to put it fourth through no fault of its own but just because it feels like there’s something missing. it’s gritty and it’s definitely a vibe but there aren’t the layers of production that you don’t notice until they’re missing, especially with how flat the RISE feels. of course, this makes sense—it’s riot forge, and production is all attributed to UNSECRET, but it’s a shame that by any other standards it’d be an absolute banger but here it falls just short. fun fact though, this was the version i put on my playlist for when i was writing nmftg (and no i haven't forgotten about the behind the scenes stuff i promised. it's coming soon i swear)
RISE - Demo
hm. so maybe he can sing
there’s a reason i heap so much praise on mako. these are demo vocals and just the layers here give me chills, not to mention how much of a sucker i am for strings. i would pay so much for a full album of a full version of all of his silly little string arrangements for all the worlds (and other riot songs, let’s be real) songs he worked on. you have no idea. can’t judge it as a full song but if it were it would be very high on my list
RISE - Live (2023)
0/10 should have been ME at the top of the rift i would have kicked gumayusi’s ASS
look, i’m biased. but seeing mako’s redemption was everything (and if you haven’t seen the clip he posted, absolutely check it out) and the orchestral instrumental slowing it down instead of the more frantic opening and hard beat gave it a more serious weight that felt especially appropriate for the revival of the song and the ongoing themes of 2023 worlds, with the Glory and the previous winners looking for redemption (even though wbg were complete frauds). it’s a perfect rendition for that ceremony and honestly like. thanks for not doing a season start cinematic riot the rise redemption was a banger you can tell just how much being able to do that performance meant to them and the emotions brought me to tears watching it live
i am glad they brought back season start song for this year though :)
also mako’s jacket was really really cool look
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Rise (Redux) (2024)
youtube spotify
this is my personal anthem no i will not elaborate
telle’s vocals on this track are just so full of emotion that i can’t not love it. add to that my soft spot for rock and you get just a beautiful song. i can’t say whether or not it’s my favourite, just due to how new it is, but it’s undoubtedly great, and you should listen to it :)
anyway, i hope at least someone enjoyed my somewhat random thoughts! i love talking about music, especially riot's, and ranting about worlds anthems is what got me writing ppau in the first place, so it holds a special place in my heart. if people are interested, maybe i'll do something else talking about the worlds anthems! or maybe no one cares and this is going into the void. oh well. it was fun to write, especially with jackeylove's little comments. love him.
if you saw a typo no you didn't this is a thousand words of pure brainrot and nothing else
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doesnot-really-exist · 7 months
Roasting the Absolute Perfection (I can't with this title)
Context: Eden is my fav unit
Warning: images
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I'm not gonna lie, the song reminds me of Turbulent Storm. From all the techno music to its progression, like it's calm before suddenly– yeah you know
But unlike Turbulent Storm that is catchy and can be sung, this Absolute Perfection doesn't really get stuck in my head.
Seriously, Turbulent Storm is so catchy though, I never read the lyrics but I can like Go ahead! Blablabla uhh Kimi no frontierrrr cross the storm! Koete Ike, koete Ike, yeahhhh
Exceed also lives rent free in my head, or any other enstars songs I've repeated so many times, so maybe? The Absolute Perfection will get stuck in my head too beyond the aaaaaaaa… aaaaaaaa…. Haaaaaaaaa…. Aaaaaaaa x2
(I-it's like a 2000s barbie movies song)
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But it's at last, like finally, a Nagisa-center song holy sheet, how many years have it been? Even in Adam, Melting Rouge Soul is Ibara-center. and in shuffle, it's just Sakumas. At least Hiiro got Vermillion and Hysteric Humanoid before the Black out see-saw but Nagisa's are just uh basic songs like Awakening Myth, The genesis etc. Oh there's Deep eklipus. But does it really count.
So anyway his voice would just be overshadowed by others, imho if I hear them sing together all I can hear is Hiyori
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And the MV is also kinda lacking at a glance with the only effects being butterflies, light up tower, color-changing sky, lotus on the ground, fire sprinkler, some smoke & lighting (basic) and the random ray of divine light at the beginning. Oh and the giant gate.
But if I imagine that stage irl, it's extremely cool though, with sheer size of everything and the fricking 360° sky changing colors (the heck is this stage, are they in the Las Vegas round building). It's amazing.
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And I absolutely love the giant gate, it reminds me of Virgo Shijima's ability.
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Pictured: Shijima attacking Suikyo with Four Doors of the Buddha
Wait, I'm here to roast. So I get that their theme in this song is like eastern paradise, but those clothes are inexcusable. It's not that bad, but the white pearl necklace is just… horrible…
The symbolism is there though
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And also, a pearl is a gemstone (but not a stone). As a gemstone enjoyer, ofc Nagisa also has it in his feature scout 2 outfit.
His fs 2 is white, complete with absolutely perfect transparent white gloves, the pearls are perfect there.
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And in SS, the outfit is also white.
Meanwhile, I dislike the pearl necklace on the MV with passion. It just looks gaudy or like Miss Piggy from the Muppets or Lisa Simpson (sorry not sorry). The illustrated picture doesn't look as bad as in the MV though.
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Butterfly symbolism is also kinda overused nowadays, so yeah just check out the TV tropes page.
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Tldr; they thought they could get away with the outfits, stage, and song… they did. (Help). But definitely Psyche's Butterfly >>>>>>>>> Absolute Perfection
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mekatrio · 10 months
too sick to draw or do anything else which means its the perfect time to watch mca and be a little autistic nitpicky bitch about it. planning to do a post like this per episode, this one's for episode One. well episode one part one bc nothing in my life is easy and i keep forgetting theres a fucking image limit for posts 🙄
- I HATE THIS FUCKING ANIME ok i needed to get that off my chest...... groaned so loudly at the first four seconds fucking... Church Bells and POLES?!?!? POLES?!?!!! i hate shaft's enviromental choices ok moving on
- how the fuck did i not realize that ayano's VA is rena ryuugu lmfao its all i can hear nowadays
- right theyre on a fucking clock... for some reason.... also honestly i dont like ayano's voice that much. like the voice is fine but i dont think it fits ayano's character
- also this clock sucks i wish it was like more More you know more gears more machinery like ep12 insanity ok wait. are shinaya 3d models here lmfao.. maybe?
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- i like this line. saur mysterious
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- hahaha.... the Kaien Panzermast
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now that i think abt it i have no idea why its called kaien panzermast. like i what its referring to (the song siren thing thats telling kids to go tf home) but what the hell is a Kaien Panzermast?
- this scenery is near meaningless to kagepro literally just a whole bunch of nothing when i say i hate shaft's choices for this anime..... like what is any of this shit. also orange??!? orange of all colors..... god damn man
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-- this part is cool tho. a bit too heavy handed in the symbolism but i appreciate the gesture
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- lol at this:
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BECAUSE SHE DIDNT! not until 2017 lmfao. this makes me suspect that the revelations from mr2 were initially supposed to be in the anime. but in the end for whatever reason it couldnt fit itself there, so the only revelation we got was The First Tragedy Exists. and no elaboration.... now that i think of it, iirc me and many fans were pretty thrown off from this opening back when it first aired cuz this was like, the first time we've seen ayano act like this. wait. let me check my timeline
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ok nvm lol. second time. first time shes ever like this is in the manga:
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but anyways back in 2013/2014 before the LTM episode, there was like no context whatsoever for Why Is Ayano Like That. so that was a doozy
- damn can u imagine working on some songs writing a novel and getting these amazing voice actors to voice ur characters... ohhh i wouldnt know how to act
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i mean thats um. one way to show a timeline getting thrown away... I Guess. ignoring the fact that Mary Has Long Hair (which she shouldnt), its a cool visual idea but the execution is um... hfjkssjk
- hehe
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headphone actor mv on the left and mca countdown thingy on the right. holy shit they are near identical damn, i just thought they were similar but no, its practically identical. thats so cool T_T if only the rest of this anime was this cool.... whatever onwards i go
- shintaro's stupid futuristic high-rise apartment... i loathe thee
- the fuck is this
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- first instance of shaft's trademark of putting random shit on the screen and im already annoyed its gonna be bad for me for the rest of this rewatch if i can even last that long. i know i will at least til ep 10 (11???) cuz i need to see baby mekatrio
- no aku benci lmfao shaft hates to animate so much they threw this story into the future so they could just conveniently project things onto shintaro's cyberwall hahaha..... i fucking hate this anime
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- looks like shintaro was drawn by 4 different artists in these various shots that only span like 5 seconds
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- damn in the anime its not even ene's fault that shintaro spilled the soda lmfao. thats all on him this time
- also shinene's voices are srsly perfect
- XX you say...... 🤨
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- storyboarding sucks shit they went from flashback to not a flashback to flashback again my fucking god dude. the only reason i can make sense of any of it is cuz im rewinding every little thing
- literally no reason to add 'roomie' to this translation but it made me laugh so I GUESS
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maybe i should hunt for the official crunchyroll subs. but im too lazy
- lmfao
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text from Mekakucity Talkers 24, translated by x0401x. only difference from tht and the screenshot is that shintaro still has hair lol
- hm. i wish it made a bigger deal of shintaro leaving the house. yeah he threw a fit but i wish the actual stepping outside aspect was more dramatic yknow. like how Children Record emphasized it
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- also curiously this episode is missing this sentence from shintaro abt someone rebuilding the city bit by bit which is in the novels and the manga, which is meant to foreshadow saeru's influence. but then again the first 17 manga chapters are taken nearly word-by-word from the novels so maybe thats all it is 🤷
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- also it took like 6 minutes for shintaro to leave the house... theres other things being done ofc, establishing shinene's dynamics, quick exposition of how ene ended up with shintaro to begin with, and spilling soda onto the computer and leaving the house. but i feel like it wouldve been better if the anime stuck to what the novels + mr1 does, where ene blares a loud fucking alarm. that quickly establishes shinene's dynamic and easily leads to a So You Must Be Wondering How I Got Here type of thing, and then knock over the soda leave the house bam easy. instead the anime really took its time with like..... idk making shinaro look ikemen. yeahhh not the best choice, especially considered how rushed the last few episodes are gonna be. ok back to watching the anime
- also aku benci x2 like its only futuristic when its convenient which is soo fucking Lazy. theres literally no reason for this story to be set in the future. like all this city scenery is based off actual modern day Kashiwa its just... ugh. barely any care put into this anime at all
- this anime is cool sometimes
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- reused this pencil texture from the start of the episode... wonder how many times ill be seeing that
- the fucking comedic timing of these terrorists lmfao. and right theyre clowns... for some reason....
- also dude ill still never understand why only their thumbs are the only parts ziplocked like what. also isnt that harder to animate... THIS STUPID ANIME
- this is a completely fair reaction to having kano shuuya speak to you for the first time
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- no the fuck he isnt he hasnt thought of shit my god.
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that comic person on here was not lying shaft really fucked up the order of events here bigtime. kano only speaks to shintaro after shintaro's done brooding.... also seto doing fuckall lol. ik he'll say smth in like 2 seconds but i do find it funny that we've seen him for like the past minute and he hasnt said shit
- ok but its cool that kano's hand just doesnt obey the ziplock.... very clever of the artists to just make him put his hands behind his head and other gestures to indicate that theres something up with him
- why are his eyes red.
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linabirb · 11 months
For the milgram ask game! 1, 2 for all the MVs, as well as 18 for all the prisoners. :>
tysm aurora!!
1. "favorite song lyrics?"
"if only i could do what anyone else could do, the right future unfairly chose the wrong me"
"you praised me by saying "you're crazy", thank you, i'll do my best"
"if with one click and i can reset everything, can i be your favorite this time?"
"mommy, look, i've done great, "there, there, my good boy!""
"am i a bad girl? please don't answer. what do you want to do? please tell me"
"what type of girl do you like? i want to become like that, but that's probably too hard for me"
"i'm the one who chose, let you and you and you all in"
"so nauseating... so creepy.. will you please disappear? "phew. anyway!""
"let's just do it, please smile"
"desire, bestow and desire again, the episode reloading on an endless loop"
"you apologize if you do something wrong, you learn that even before words, don’t you?"
"you and you, throwing around rules for fun, hoisting up morality and feeling good, should I succumb, make your wish come true? Full of yourselves, are you?"
"but i guess some of it is my fault, maybe it’s ok as it is"
"just one more time before saying goodbye, i’m just kidding, please forget i said that"
"let’s meet up inside the pain, a place just for me, postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret, the stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note, "i love YOU""
"i told you i'm the queen and it's always the same, god gave me everything, everything is as i wish"
"sorry for hurting you, i didn't mean it, i am doing this just because of being bored, we are just the same"
"after you cry a lot, of course it will end up that way, choose, how to live your life, we only live once"
"now slowly close your eye, put your regret on display"
""throw down", ethics is a delusion, i’m still guilty even if the morning comes"
"killing, extracting, i still won’t see them again, i need to be tagged as RED"
"the correct answer, i don’t yet know, but there are lives that need safeguarding, so hey, prolong my life, i’m indispensable"
"i can't help myself because i want to see your cute confused face, i'm sorry"
"i pretended to be a good girl, but really, i don't want to say "i'm okay""
"we fought sometimes, i was happy to get hurt, let's have matching pain, this sickness is pretty bad"
"clothes food shelter + love and miss you, "see you next week?" sounding in cadence"
"my lethal weapon: "this is how to be in love with you""
"this can't go on, something's got to give, i even love saying the words "i love you""
"tell me, oh tell me, why can't i just do it right"
"i imagined that you saying "see you" is the same as "it's over""
"where did i go wrong, probably from the beginning"
"it's for the sake of true love, who wouldn't lie for that?"
"i wanted to be loved, just like a cat"
"but it’s not scary at all, because it’s love"
"the "it can’t be helped", from the scum who can’t be helped that makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, GUILTY"
"so nary a sound can be uttered a second time, i’ll crush your throat too"
"after you cry, repent, and kneel, it’s now your turn to say that hopeless "i’m sorry""
"so there is no second time, i’ll give back the judgment that you gave to me"
"remember MY cries, MY repents, MY words of "i’m sorry" that i said to you?"
"snuggle together and say "good night", switch, shake up that brain"
"i'm probably not to blame, it's probably nothing"
"welcome home, another day, another day with that hardly barely there of a smile"
"cling to me, hoist me up as your "savior", stand up and sing your gratitude"
"shall we replace the poor soul, and the miserable delusion, "i didn’t mean to offend”, "i won’t do it again", how many wins in a row?"
"laugh and i can get to like myself"
"i want to be drowning in the knowledge that i am right"
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
SO UH. tumblr pic limit happened. so um. everyone gets only two frames even though there's SO MANY MORE I WISH I COULD SHOW.
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18. which non-deco vocaloid songs do you think suit them?
haruka: this is like. the most basic choice anyone could ever make and i'm definitely NOT the first person to say this but yeah sure you're a useless child by kikuo will do. also mmmmmaybe happy days by ghost and pals?? that one feels like a more romantic song to me (I MEAN IT STARTS WITH "KISS MY TONGUE MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER JDJSDKSLSL) but like.. some lyrics really remind me of haruka.. wanting to go back to the time when you were happy.. when you were loved.. but also knowing you'll never be the kind of person other people want you to be and you've lost the qualities/traits that they loved you for..
yuno: i've seen this one before and romeo and cinderella by doriko reminds me a lot of her! because. yeah. yeah. also ladylike by kira bc girlboss vibes!
fuuta: UH... bad girl online by minus-p... IDK????
shidou: UHHHHH.... if we're just.. talking about vibes.. maybe the disease called love by neru???
mahiru: hmmm i might be reaching here but.. ykw i'll go with a clingy boy sticking for 15 years by manbo-p. the level of desperation and loyalty shown there really reminds me of mahiru.
kazui: I DON'T KNOW....
mikoto: fruiting bodies by r.i.p bc. i mean. y e a h
kotoko: again. no thoughts. head empty. sometimes i forget that she exists and i apologize
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lethalfragmentation · 10 months
HI!!! I’m really glad to find someone who also appreciates this MV series, it definitely deserves more recognition!
Idk if I have too many specific thoughts on them but I’ll give it a shot!
Disclaimer: While the lyrics are very literal my understanding of Japanese is minimal, so for things that don’t have an EN translation I’ve been using Google Translate + going off things that JP fans on Twitter have mentioned about it (also using Google Translate…..OTL). If anything is inaccurate feel free to correct me!
I don’t think the characters formally have names (Bakui’s wavebox had multiple people asking but nothing was ever confirmed…?) so I’ll just refer to them by titles.
The Thief/Writer/Young Man: Headcanons… He gives me the impression of having a reserved and somewhat finicky personality even prior to his spiral into sin. For some reason he struck me as the kind of person to try to write a mystery novel, but since he ends up mired in the crime and underworld business that he once thought of for fiction, it eventually loses its charm and becomes the source of his writer’s block. Although the lyrics in 斑紋胡蝶譚 seem to indicate that he’s reached the end of the road, I like to think someone found some of his manuscripts once he fled and at least preserved them so they didn’t just end up in the trash… 
I’m also a little curious about the specifics regarding his family history since the songs drop hints here and there… In Romance in Full Bloom, he mentions that the heiress is out of his league and that he doesn’t know much about dancing and wine, and in Cheap Visionary, he’s obviously struggling financially, saying that the money that he took from his parents before leaving has dried up. But in 狂犬夜行譚 it looks like he was part of a wealthy family prior to his entanglement with his boss… maybe this is why he’s so good at keeping a mask and performing thievery? Also, it seems like his boss had a hold on those associated with the young man’s history, so I’m not sure if he’d been a target/accomplice the whole time or was just particularly unlucky.
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^ I really like this shot for some reason... I think his forehead is a charm point lol
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^ I also love this sequence in Cheap Visionary/狂犬夜行譚 a lot! The variations he rotates though are really fun and it's really effective at portraying his struggle with his sense of self
Unrelated but I think he and Narou (from For Dear Life) should meet since they both embody the struggling artist archetype haha
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The Heiress/Young Woman: Despite growing up in such a stifled environment she gives me the impression of having an assertive and crafty personality when allowed to express it. Although it isn’t the first time someone has gotten close to her with the intention to steal her inheritance, it’s been a long while since she’s made the mistake of letting her guard down. The young man considers his soul stained from all the crimes he’s committed, but I feel like if they met again, she would be pretty understanding aside from forgiving him for stealing.
Also, it’s kind of subtle but she doesn’t seem at all surprised when she enters the dream in 斑紋胡蝶譚 unlike the young man, who seems a little disoriented to me (well, he did just kill a man). Maybe it’s because she’s used to dreaming and imagining scenarios to escape the current cage of her life...?
I'm glad she got a larger role in the series! Her design is really simple but cute... My post-MV cope is that the young man follows the railroad tracks to where the young woman's train is going, eventually meeting in real life and helping him change his identity/sponsoring his writing endeavors. He is similarly familiar with the workings of upper class dealings and how easily they can coexist with underworld business, so I think he could help her navigate affairs once she inherits the company from her family. At the very least, he would be able to alleviate the boredom by weaving the stories that were unable to escape his pen while he was selling his soul.
For some reason 御涙頂戴 by Miyuu/Teniwoha makes me think of them too… but it might be because they're close together on one of my playlists.
Random thoughts about the 斑紋胡蝶譚 MV:
Although it’s bittersweet, I think it’s a perfect place to end on. I’m not sure if Makabe-san has any more plans for this series, but I hope he and Bakui-san work together again in the future!
Nene’s vocals complement the dreamy mood and Makabe-san’s vocals so well! <3 I like the softer direction this song took compared to the previous three, which were high energy and chaotic.
The butterfly motif… people mentioned how butterflies are associated with the departed (especially given the lyrics), but I couldn’t help but think about how the use of dreams reminded of me Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Dream, esp in regards to the two characters’ regrets finally resolving despite not actually meeting in person 🥹
My favorite part is at 3:13 where the action has a rotoscoped feeling to it… it’s totally different from Bakui’s usual animation style which makes it more impactful to me! I love the color scheme as well, the limited color palette is reminiscent of the dream sequences in THINGS SO FAR and DIE IN THE SEA.
I was saying this earlier but this series is a really good showcase of Bakui-san’s growth as an animator/artist and I’m really glad Makabe-san lets them have a noticeable amount of freedom when handling the MVs…(me pointing at the first mural in 斑紋胡蝶譚: nunokami sighting ⁉️👆) 
Like... they’ve been trapped in the Nilfruits basement for part of this year (lol) and since he’s really popular there are probably stricter guidelines for the MVs and promo material? So it's nice they can exercise their own flair outside of their original works. I remember Bakui saying they like drawing characters’ angry faces the most, and it really looks like they had fun portraying the young man’s inner turmoil and the MVs in general for this series!
...I did not mean to write this much... But thanks for reading my disorganized thoughts, I hope they're to your liking :-]
If you have any headcanons/etc I'd love to hear them as well! Thank you for the ask! :'D
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