#and urianger ... everything with him ...... and papalymo ..... lyse ...............
astrxealis · 2 years
wow i get all like this over ffxiv but imagine when i finish nier
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anneapocalypse · 6 months
I have joked before that Stormblood feels like the writers thought they maybe went too hard on Major Character Death™️in Heavensward and so almost nobody gets to die. But looking back over the arc of the Scions as a whole, I think Stormblood through Endwalker are really the Scions learning (if slowly) that Heroic Sacrifice is not always the answer, and also growing closer to one another as people as a result. Especially for those of us who didn't play 1.0, I think it's so easy to forget sometimes that these characters just survived an apocalypse--and lost the guy who was the glue holding them all together. I think a lot of what feels like the Scions being cavalier with their comrade's life in ARR is the fact that they are all waiting, consciously or unconsciously, for their own Louisoix Moment, and they're so deep in that mindset that they probably don't even realize how it feels to an outsider, that understanding that they're all ready to die. Because when that moment does come, they all take it. Moenbryda takes it, Minfilia takes it, Papalymo takes it... and the rest are left to pick up the pieces.
And what do they do with those pieces? After Moenbryda's death Urianger goes on a very long arc where he starts mired in isolation and self-flagellation, but ultimately comes to see that turning to his friends for help is better than suffering alone. Alphinaud faces down the arrogance that made him so easy to manipulate and becomes better at working with others and not over and around them. Alisaie comes to terms with her grandfather's death and pushes those around her to see alternatives to sacrifice. Lyse decides to stop hiding, to live as herself, and to fight for what she believes in, ultimately becoming a leader in her newly-freed homeland. Thancred learns to better respect the agency of the people he loves while still acting as a protector. Y'shtola begins--slowly, and haltingly, but she does begin--to share her struggles with her friends instead of keeping everything to herself. G'raha, after years of secrecy and preparing to sacrifice himself, finds himself given a second chance and a new life to share with the people he loves. Estinien finds deeply meaningful friendships with people he would have once considered his enemy, and lets go of a life of solitude in favor of joining the Scions.
There's a reason the Scions don't really feel like a family in ARR. There's a reason that, to me, they do feel like one by Endwalker. Sometimes media will try to force a found family dynamic between a group of characters who don't even necessarily like each other very much; FFXIV lets the cracks in the Scions show early and then shatters them, then brings them back together in a long journey of reforging those bonds and making them stronger than they ever were.
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abimee · 1 year
Papalymo really existed in two total expansions and died .5 seconds into the second one. I miss him, he didn’t get like anything
they slipped that bullshit about yda in last second too and expected me to not wish we got more of original yda and papalymo before fake yda and papalymo.
i thinl like. like okay its not that haurchefant and papalymo died that get to me because i dont think killing off a character i like equals BAD WRITING like people sometomes get but i do think like. both papalymo and haurchefant were the weakest kills compared to stuff like wilfred and ysayle because we literally had so little time with them before the out of left field death. and i guess haurchafent makes a bit more sense but i really do wish he was AROUND FOR HEAVENSWARD MORE. LIKE AT ALL to really drive home why he had become so investedin us. or even in ARR. i wish he popped up everywhere. i think he really had a promising character
and papalymo too but papalymo gets it even WORSE and THATS what makes his death haunt me. because first off i really like his bit. 40 year old lalafell scholar whos probably the most well versed in the group and closest to lewey sewey whos ornery and aggressive (and we dont know WHY but i like to imagine he was always that ornery because he had to hide yda's secret. ik he was ornery in 1.0 but i enjoy it considering it shows in-game like when yda tries to introduce herself and papalymo cuts her off to introduce her instead. again this is a plot point they really couldve shown some fun stuff with). i really do think papalymo wouldve done amazing in shadowbringers. but i liked that he was very to the point and i wish he had more time to actually be part of MSQ rather than have him and yda hang back for everything. and i think it wouldve been amazing if instead of having him do all of that wrt shinryu at the beginning they at least wouldve killed him at the end to encase zenos-shinryu in an aether ball so that at least if papalymo died they couldve killed zenos along with him and made me smile.
but deep in the trenches of my brain i will be thinking about what ifs where papalymo was in shadowbringers and lyse stayed behind in ala mhigo so now papalymo is just some 40 year old man in an entirely new world and urianger rolls up with a child that looks like minfillia and papalymo has to babysit her and learn to be nicey. and i smile thinking about how the pixies would be able to punk him so easily
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jakey-beefed-it · 1 year
If Varian is a nicknamer, what are the nicknames he's come up with for the Scions or any other NPCs who come to mind?
Got long, also some spoilers, so here's a cut
Alisaie- Starts off calling her 'red' for the hair ribbon (the only way he can tell the twins apart at a glance at first) and occasionally , progresses to 'kid' and then just her name or Ali. Sometimes still calls her 'kid,' especially when she's goin' through it, as in 'c'mere, kid' [hug]
Alphinaud- Starts off calling him 'fancy lad', by late ARR he more often calls him 'General' with mild if obvious sarcasm (the unheard 'Armchair' going before it still very apparent) but by the time Heavensward starts up properly he is calling him 'kid' like Alisaie. By late Heavensward it's Alphy more often than not. Once or twice he slips and just calls him 'son'.
Krile- Professor. Where Varian comes from, 'Professor' is something you call a know-it-all busybody more often than a career descriptor. Krile doesn't need to know that. Alisaie has definitely picked up on it. Alphinaud would be scandalized if he figured it out.
Lyse- Basically calls her by whatever name she's going by at the time- though in ARR he might refer to her as 'knuckles' in an approving sort of way, like he listens to Papalymo's plan, hears that her alternative plan is to go in swinging, and says 'I'm with knuckles, on this one.' By Stormblood he invariably uses her name in the slightly awkward way you might with a crush.
Papalymo- Mostly called him by his name, though when he'd be particularly hard on Yda, Varian might take her aside like 'You gonna let that pompous runt talk to you like that?'
Tataru- What do you call the heart of your weird organization who throws her entire everything into keeping it going, learning new skills the way people pick up cool rocks? You call her whatever the hell she wants.
Thancred- When Thancred is on his game (coming to the rescue at critical moments, infiltrating enemy strongholds), Varian calls him by his name. When Thancred is being a horndog or drinking heavily, Varian tends to refer to him as 'Slops'. Like, grabbing his shoulder and hoisting him onto a chair so he doesn't drown in his own vomit, 'Come on, slops, keep it together'.
Urianger- Has a number of nicknames. Most of them revolve around how fucking odd he is. His penchant for Batmanning into a scene when no one knew he was even around has earned him the nickname 'Wigs' as in he wigs people the fuck out.
Y'shtola- Has never been anything but 'Y'shtola'. Varian respects her and low-key is afraid of the results if he tried to give her a nickname. Best case scenario, she retaliates proportionally, and if 'little sun' is any indication, people don't come back from Y'shtola nicknames.
Aymeric- Starts off with low-key contempt, something with the same in-universe ring as 'choir boy' but also 'fucking cop', not sure exactly what it'd be. But by the time the man is charging into a fortified position to rescue hostages all while tearing open his very fresh near-mortal wounds, there's no fucking way Varian says anything but his name with anything less than maximum respect.
Edmont- Calls him 'chops' in conversation with Alphinaud and Tataru like once (the facial hair), but quickly grows to really respect and admire him and by the end of Heavensward has to resist the urge to call him 'dad' sometimes.
Estinien- Dragoon abilities mean he gets nicknamed 'hops' a lot of the time. Also somewhat disparagingly calls him 'killer'; as in he recognizes a fellow Rabid Dog but doesn't feel like Estinien has enough self-awareness or restraint to really manage that without getting people hurt. He grows into it though, and thus gets upgraded- 'Estinien' when directly addressed, 'surly' when being referenced (only in his own presence- like 'Alphy, you and surly go check out the path').
Haurchefant- The man literally keeps charging in to the rescue on a chocobo. Varian starts jokingly calling him 'hero.' Then it's not a joke. Then it's really not a joke.
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kraefishh · 11 months
heavensward spoilers under the cut for those who follow me that havent finished it. as well as me dumping about my wols
Starting off with Aymeric.... I love him. I love him very dearly. I love how the story acknowledges that the wol is apprehensive about accepting drinks from people even if they know it will probably be fine. ALSO EVERYTHING ABOUT TAHT CONVERSATION.... it hit. it did. i love Aymeric.
AND THEN-- I really met Alisaie when doing coils and then met her 30 minutes after finishing it because i did coils back to back with 3.4 and HRHJGMMHHFHM. like I liked her but she really did just skyrocket into my top 5 characters within a few set of quests. AND HOUUAUGUHGHG MAN.
the stuff with Ga Bu..... the poor baby. AND THE STARGAZING SEQUENCE. SOLIDIFIED ALISAIE TOP 5.
ARDBERT IS HIS OWN CAN OF WORMS. HE IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERS EVER. TRULY. PUNCHED ME RIGHT IN THE GUT. ME AND MY WOL BOTH. "we never aspired to be Warriors of Light." THAT WAS A SUCKER PUNCH TO THE FACE. THATS MY WHOLE SHIT. THATS MY WHOLE THING WITH MY WOLS. "We fought and we fought and we fought... until there was no one left to fight. We won ...and now our world is being erased from existence."
^ Quite literally my whole point about what my wols struggle with. They give EVERYTHING to the fight. to the cause. and in the end, it never is enough. It never was enough, for Alidae. she gave up at the end of ARR cause she lost hope that she could do enough. T'lyr was forced to take a break, lest he resign himself to burnout and destruction of self. Sthallona never returned to the fight after the Calamity. she no longer wanted to have to prove herself to the world that she was enough.
and here it is. in the fucking game. in personified form. rar you warned me and i really didn't understand. I Understand Now.
oh also dont get me started on Urianger. I've already resigned that I have to put him on my top ffxiv character list. I was losing my goddamn mind the entire time about his double crossing scheme.
OH SPEAKING OF URIANGER. AND JUST IN GENERAL. THE VOICE ACTING???? THE VOICE ACTING??? tHE VOICE ACTING!!!! The voice acting in this patch was phenominal. I was worried I wasn't going to like Urianger's voice after swearing by Gideon Emery AND THEN WAS PROVEN WRONG WITHIN SECONDS. Ardbert, again, is his own can of worms. Joe Dempsie really put his all into this role and I could not thank him enough. I quite literally almost cried and news flash: I don't cry at things. Very easily.
EEEEHAHAHAHA THEN WE GET TO THE WORD OF THE MOTHER MINFILIA. THAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE RIPPED WHAT LITTLE LEFT OF MY EMOTIONAL STABILITY TO SHREDS. "Minfilia don't you dare I don't have the emotional capacity tonight," I say to my sibling, right as she appears, having not even experienced the cutscene yet. I was right. I did not have the emotional capacity. (Side note: neither did Alidae! guarantee she was holding back tears the entire time.)
Thancred was on the verge of tears too I don't care what you say. That is his sister that he is saying goodbye to for (to his knowledge) probably the last time.
Oh I'm SO MAD that Y'shtola and Krile and Lyse (yes I know about Yda being Lyse such is the curse of being on the internet) and Papalymo weren't there to say goodbye too. like I understand that would have been a lot of voice acting and a lot of models to fit on screen, BUT THEY DESERVED THAT :(((
and I finished the 'An Ending to Mark a New Beginning' quest already in shambles. but I knew there was going to be some kind of teaser cutscene to wrap up the patch. I was Wholly expecting something pertaining to Papalymo or Yda in set up for Stormblood. and well lets just say I was Wrong.
Something you should know about me, I got abnormally attached to two characters. Those who know me personally, it should not be a surprise as to why I got attached to them. And for those who don't its anybody's fucking guess. Those two characters being Cid and Nero respectively.
anyway thank you for your time. TL;DR I am not normal about Ardbert, Alisaie, and Nero. I don't think I will emotionally recover from this patch for a solid week and I am so sorry for those close to me that will have to hear about it (and to those who already have)
I have to work later tonight. I have not slept. <- this was posted at 6am.
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tallbluelady · 2 years
Hello pls share more about X’rhun Tia’s fencing club for ladies
The very tl;dr of X'rhun Tia's Fencing Club for Ladies is that I saw firelightmuse's Yume and G'raha in some very pretty regency shots. It got me in the mood and I made some shots with Rowan and Urianger and had a few rambly posts. (And also a Hark! A Vagrant shitpost.)
That was going to be it until Netflix's Persuasion came out. I decided to watch some reviews before spending my time on it myself and... hoo boy, the critics were properly furious at the adaptation. I remember taking a walk after watching the reviews and my spitegoblin declared that could I write better. So I wrote two chapters in like two weeks, and then promptly ran out of steam. Turns out that writing Eorzeabeathan when you're trying to copy Ms. Austen's works is much more trying than I anticipated!
But, uh, I got it outlined if I ever get the energy to pursue it again. Under the cut cuz I'm wordy...
-Louisoix survives the battle of Charteneau. IDK how it happens, but he returns to Sharlyan and the Circle of Knowing just kind of vibes around Eorzea for the next five years.
-He hires X'rhun Tia and Arya to teach fencing/red magic for Alisaie and opens it up to the public.
-Alfinne's aether still gets messed up from Charteneau, but she's getting treated by Papalymo.
-Papalymo returns to Sharlyan, and invites Alfinne and Rowan to come with so he can keep treating her.
-Rowan meets Alisaie at the Fencing Club and then gets invited to various social functions through that connection.
-Which includes meeting Urianger.
-AND THEN because I decided there needed to be more drama, Emet-Selch is visiting Sharlyan as a diplomat.
-The group figures that he's not quite who he says he is, and Louisoix summons the others back to try and keep Sharlyan safe.
-This includes Moenbryda, who is just the embodiment of chaos to Urianger's and Rowan's slow and sweet romance.
-That gets resolved when she reveals that she's more interested in women at that point and starts dating Lyse.
-But not before she teases Rowan by setting up a fencing duel between the two of them for Urianger's heart.
-So all the Scions are there (maybe even Minfilia, I'm not sure where I would put her).
-And they're trying to figure out what to do with Solus (because Emet is the type of person who would name himself Napoleon when trying to hide the fact that he was Napoleon, emperor of France).
-And Rowan is learning Red Magic and is very good at it and the Fencing Club has like, a recital or what ever?
-And it catches Emet's eye cuz of course it does.
-So then he keeps trying to get her attention or what ever.
-And because this is all the most self-indulgent exercise anyways, he challenges Rowan to a fencing duel.-To ensure that she actually participates, he promises to have Garlemald cease all hostilities if she actually goes through with it, and to hunt down the Circle of Knowing if she does not.
-So obviously, Rowan agrees.
-But he also adds more to the wager! If she wins, he'll help their cause. But if he wins, she has to marry him!
-So, you know, drama.
-Because I'm going for an Austenian angle, Rowan ultimately wins.
-And then Urianger proposes and they all live happily ever after :)
There's also more regency flavoring to everything, like Forchenault doesn't really like Rowan's "wild influence" on his children, but that's what I got. Feel free to borrow ideas or what ever!
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lambs-rest · 1 month
The Converging Light
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Track: Mary On A Cross (official slowed + reverb) - Ghost (YT)
Y’shtola did not let her sight drift from Granye for more than a moment as they emerged from the aether current, arriving at the aetheryte situated in the sleepy village of Wright. The roegadyn had seemed out of sorts since they reunited. Y’shtola had quickly strong-armed Granye into sitting down on the paved stone floor and allowing her to tend to the garish wound that graced her shoulder before they left the seclusion of Amaurot. Granye had complied without any sort of protest or hand-waving. It was highly unusual behaviour for her. Considering everything that had just transpired with the Emissary, Y’shtola felt it only right to be worried.
Indeed, all along the walk to Eulmore she was quiet and distant, save for the sudden remembrance and gifting of a slice of Archon loaf from Tataru. But Y’shtola did not see the concerning pattern of her aether fighting itself again, which was a small comfort to her, so she did not press the matter. There was no question that Granye was sullen about the revealed truth of Elidibus’ being, and the sorceress was not eager to press her about the matter, nor the related ensuing inexplicable fit she had experienced. Granye’s mood only seemed to lift when they reached the Canopy of Eulmore and they spied their friends gathered around the Chais. Perhaps, Y’shtola thought as she watched Granye stride in first, she would have to appease herself with that smallest mercy for the time being.
“Forgive us our lateness.” Y’shtola said smoothly. “Master Chai, my congratulations on your appointment. By all accounts, you are a capable mayor.”
He smiled bashfully, almost waving a hand. “Oh, I have capable friends, my lady. I must say it’s good to see you looking hale and whole again.”
“The credit for that lies with my own capable friend, without whom I might never have escaped my abductor.”
Granye’s smile faded into a frown as the rest of those gathered reeled back at the word.
“Your what!?” Thancred blurted.
“’lidibus. He took advantage of Y’shtola bein’ weakened. Snatched her up before I could stop ‘im.”
“And Granye fought valiantly to rescue me.” she added with a smile, though it disappeared quickly. “But that is the least of our story. I have uncovered the truth of his being, and even managed to verify with the Emissary before he…parted ways with us.” she finished delicately. “It is just as we feared. The Elidibus we know is indeed a primal, fuelled by hope. It is this very fact that drives him to inspire hope among the people of Norvrandt even now – that he may continue to carry out his sole reason for existing: his duty.”
“A primal… That would explain why Elidibus has been fostering faith in the Warrior of Light. While you were enjoying your audience with the wandering heart of Zodiark, we were busy dispatching the last of the black-masked Ascians. A task which proved almost insultingly easy.” Thancred said wryly. “Formidable though we undoubtedly are, they were obviously sent to provide encouragement for budding heroes. Once cannot help but wonder how many times the ploy has been used before…”
Granye turned away, her stomach churning. Neither Papalymo nor Lyse were here to reminisce with her about the battle under Gridania’s Guardian Tree – the black-masked Ascian, the first encounter she ever had with a person wearing their robes. Had it all been a ploy? She wanted to tell herself that it couldn’t have been – to what end?
The balance. It’s always about the balance with them, isn’t it?
The Seventh Umbral Calamity had been one of darkness – Astral, chaos – if Granye’s struggling memory recalled from Urianger’s lesson in his cottage in Il Mheg. And what had she become? The Warrior of Light. The only problem was that she had become too strong to bend to their plans.
A light weight on her arm brought her attention, and she looked down into Ryne’s concerned pale blue eyes. The others were still talking, but their words sounded faint to her.
“Are you all right?” she asked quietly. “I understand that this isn’t the news you wanted to hear…”
Granye forced a smile and patted her hand. “Aye. I’m nae exactly jumpin’ fer joy…but I’ll be fine. Thanks fer askin’, dove.”
Ryne opened her mouth, about to speak, when Dulia-Chai’s delighted voice cut across everything.
“Oh my, what a spectacular sky!”
They all turned toward The Grand Dame’s Parlour’s opulent panoramic window view, only to see dark – almost abyssal – sky. She blinked when she thought she saw a faint streak of orange sputter and die on the horizon. Until she saw it again.
Her feet carried her through the parlour at a run, urging her to push past the other Scions who also rushed to see. Granye almost flew off the boardwalk when the sky opened up over her head, aglow with dark orange storm clouds, and streaks of fire tearing across them. Her gaze continued to lift up, following the flashes of lightning until she craned her neck to see the swirling vortex of orange looming directly above, snapping with bolts of electricity and bellowing distant, thunderous booms.
“Is that… Amaurot!?” Ryne’s baffled gasp beside her wrenched Granye’s gaze from the seemingly falling heavens, and to the horizon.
Her gut churned and a cold sweat broke over her back. The once sunken city stood upon the waves, wobbling in place like a mirage, a ghost determined to haunt her just as much as its re-creator did.
Scenes came unbidden to her mind replacing the already fading view of Amaurot’s twisting spires – gentle faceless robed figures, falling to their knees under ash and fire, disappearing into a smouldering hell. The world from above, a marble pock-marked with flames and death, the end of everything they held dear. The hollow roar of Therion’s many faces, eyes and mouth blooming with harsh white light as it howled a destructive spell into being.
And then suddenly the deafening boom of an explosion rocked above her very head. She flinched violently, hunching over and slapping her hand over her ears, gritting her teeth as heat licked at her back. All she could think of were the meteors, crushing those helpless Ancients beneath their cosmic weight.
She didn’t realise she was shaking until she opened her eyes to see Alphinaud standing under her, reaching up with his hands to hold her wrists. She could feel her arms practically rattling in his gentle, loose grasp. His lips moved, but she couldn’t hear what he was saying, her ears still ringing with Therion’s bellow.
“Should we make a stand here? Or retreat to the Crystarium?”
Ryne’s questions cleaved through her fog like a hot knife, a bell ringing clearly through the din. The Crystarium.
“Granye, can you hear me?” Alphinaud’s voice reached her next, and then slowly the rest all filtered in.
“I…I have to go.”
“We have to go.” he corrected, not letting go of her wrists even as she lowered her hands. “We’re under attack, Granye. We have to lead our foe away from these people. Do you understand?”
The way she blinked several times more, staring out to the horizon before she nodded shakily, gave Alphinaud little comfort.
“You are to stay in the rear beside me, Granye. Understood?”
He expected – hoped – for some kind of joke or sass at him being the one to order her, but she only nodded again.
Thancred was forced to crash-land their borrowed airship in the rocky canyons of Ahm Araeng. The fact that the starshower continued even as they crossed from Kholusia and entered the hot landscape was not lost on Granye. She could only assume that the falling sky was visible all over Norvrandt, and that meant Elidibus was only ramping up his efforts. Despite the battle they had already waged, and the fresh wound in her shoulder, she knew she would have to be braced to face him again, and soon.
Alphinaud was keeping true to his word, flanking her as they stayed farther towards the back of their group, Thancred and Ryne leading the charge with Urianger and Alisaie close behind. Y’shtola, she noticed, was also lingering closer to her than the others. It wasn’t wholly a surprise after what had happened in Amaurot. They put down the first batch of glittering gold spectral warriors quickly, but before they could bemoan the gaping hole in the trolley tracks that yawned before them, shouts from above caught their attention.
“Hah! When I saw that airship come down, I had my suspicions, but it is you!”
People from Mord Souq were lined up along the ledge, waving and jumping, and she recognised Cassard waving down at them. The Mords at his side chattered to each other before man and beast alike all began to push a great big red boulder that was situated next to them. Thancred and Ryne both bolted from the vanguard as it began to fall, the collision of stone-on-stone cracking mightily through the canyon, ringing their ears and making them all cringe as the enormous boulder fell into the hole.
“I haven’t the faintest what’s going on, but you’d best keep moving!” Cassard hollered down at them, waving exaggeratedly, even as he beamed.
They waved their thanks and picked their way over the uneven boulder’s surface, Thancred crossing first and waiting on solid ground. He leaned over, taking Ryne’s hand and guiding her over the gap. “A little warning wouldn’t have gone amiss.” he muttered, the sight of the giant rock tilting toward him still seared into his mind.
Alisaie jumped clear over the gap on her own after Ryne was clear. “I can’t fault their haste when we are somewhat pressed for time.” she said quietly, taking the moment to wave at the people remaining on the ledge.
Not even a minute later down the path and more glowing white sigils blossomed over the red earth, golden warriors emerging from the pillars of light left in their wake. “This is rather getting on my nerves!” Thancred declared, settling into a fighting stance once again.
The ground rumbled yet again, and they froze, staring as instead of another rock, two Talos dropped down behind the spectral warriors. A smile crossed Thancred’s face as the warriors glanced back, their focus suddenly divided as they were boxed in. “Well, perhaps it’s not all bad.”
It wasn’t until they entered Lakeland and were joined suddenly by Giott, Cerigg, Granson and Lue-Reeq that Granye’s mind began to churn instead of idle numbly. Their presence and banter as they seamlessly folded into fighting alongside the Scions made her think of the evenings when they would meet, drink and dine at the Wandering Stairs. The place where she had made so many new and delightful memories, not just with them, but with the folks who worked there, and with…
The multicoloured crystals weighed heavily in her satchel.
She couldn’t let Elidibus get away with this. She couldn’t allow him to take this world – a world that had barely clawed its way back from oblivion – and condemn it, and the people who filled it, again.
She would try. She had to try. If not for her sake, then for the Ascian she had left behind.
Of course she was still upset at him. Of course she was frustrated. But as light gathered around Giott’s tiny fist, building to an audible hum, Granye remembered that day at the Aetherochemical Research Facility. She remembered the fire that consumed her – the determination to do what she wanted, not to bow to the pressure of others. She remembered how Igeyohrm’s death had crushed to dust what little restraint she had left after losing both Haurchefant and Ysayle to dreaded duty.For too long she had been scared of Elidibus – how to handle him, how to approach him, how she would endure their inevitable clash. Ever since she saw the mirror in Yotsuyu’s hands in Castrum Fluminis, she had been afraid of him.
Granye had tried to mend the seemingly enormous divide between their kind with Emet, and he had rebuked her with betrayal and turmoil. He had pushed her to the very edge of her wits, and his death had only caused her more grief.
This time she had to do better. She had to fight harder – for her beliefs, for her goals. And for the soul she had shackled to flesh.
She would never forgive herself if she was the reason Lahabrea was the sole survivor of his kind.
So, she would find Elidibus and she would make him back down. She would tamp down his primal instincts if she had to. She would rise up as many times as he knocked her down and force him to see sense. If he had forgotten…then she would make him remember. Even if it cost her everything.
“Granye. Are you all right?” Alphinaud asked, looking up at her. She wore a terribly pensive frown, and hadn’t even waved goodbye to the four adventurers who had joined them when they parted ways at the huge stone gate.
With a blink Granye looked down at him, a slow smile spreading over her lips and easing the crinkle in her brow. “Aye. Sorry to have worried ye, Alphie.”
“Seriously? This is a real person somewhere?” Thancred’s disbelief made them both look toward him. He was staring at a giant hulking muscle-bound man clad in pelts and with a beast’s head around his own, hefting an enormous cudgel of a blade.
Alphinaud watched their champion ready her bow and follow Thancred and the others into the area that would evidently be their arena of battle. From the moment the skies had filled with dark clouds and the mirage of falling stars, she’d had the same distant, haunted stare in her eyes. He’d seen it before, and both times it had been the wake of devastating loss. Her reassurance had done little to truly soothe him. Alphinaud had a sinking feeling that Granye would be struggling with her emotions again, and soon.
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She hated leaving the Scions behind. Sure, it had been the most sensible decision, and it wasn’t like the last time they had pushed her forward, staying behind one-by-one until…
They had all come an incredibly long way since the Bloody Banquet. She had to stop fretting.
Granye fixed her gaze upon the Crystal Tower’s blue spire, glittering a sickly dull hue against the murky burnt sky. There was no doubt in her mind that Elidibus had seized the Tower and was now using it – and G’raha Tia – to summon the endless waves of shades. Which meant she’d be in for one hell of a fight. And if Lahabrea had decided to throw his lot in with the Emissary… She didn’t want to consider that. He wouldn’t be an obstacle on her path like he had in the past, but he would certainly present his own challenges.
The sound of faint moaning brought her to a screeching halt, boots sliding over the dirt path. Moaning, out here, in this situation? Granye scanned the lilac forest to her right, then her left, eyes carefully raking the ground beneath the trees.
There was no chance she could miss the bright, unnaturally blue glow slumped to the forest floor beneath the shadow of some particularly large trees. The blue glow, and the red robe.
She was sprinting up the incline towards him before he even managed to lift his head. Only when she was closer did she realise that the unidentifiable mass beside him was Beq Lugg, the poor Nu Mou keeled over on their side.
“What in the seven hells happened!?”
The air felt sucked from her lungs when G’raha’s lifted head revealed that the blue crystal that had so recently extended across to his other arm was now blooming up through his very clothes, circling tighter around his throat like a noose.
“My friend… How did you…?”
“Never mind tha’, robin! What happened?”
“Elidibus… He took us unawares.” G’raha grimaced, before staggering, slumping ever further as his body began to violently shake. The glowing blue parts of his arms shone brighter, and flakes of crystalline shards began to peel off him. Granye dropped to her kneels, hands ready to render aid. But what aid could she possibly give him for this?
“It was all we could do…to raise a ward to hinder his steps… And so we fled…” Beq Lugg whimpered, barely able to move. “But he took it… The vessel with the Exarch’s memories… Forgive me… Forgive me…”
Granye reached out and gently put her hand on their head, trying to soothe them. “’s all right, love. He’s not an easy bugger to come up against. I‘s all right.”
G’raha Tia hissed against the ebbing pain in his limbs, inhaling sharply. This feeling, he knew, was the side effect of Elidibus’ abuse of the Tower. “The vessel bears not only my memories, but my blood – the blood of Allagan royalty…granting him the means to control the tower. And with it, he as performed I know not how many summonings, calling forth heroes from across the rift. And as you can see,” he held out his arms, riddled with dull and glowing blue crystal alike, “the burden upon the tower is beginning to tell.”
“Upon the tower? Upon yerself more like!” Her face scrunched up into a tight frown. “…If I didnae have to save me strength fer the bloody Emissary, I’d cuff ye one right now, robin!” G’raha looked at her, surprised, and Granye met his gaze. “…This is how ye got to be part crystal in the first place, isnae it? Because ye were tryin’ to summon me.”
He sheepishly forced a smile. “Not entirely, I assure you.”
The way her scowl deepened in her brow told him she wasn’t convinced. She got to her feet. “You leave ‘lidibus to me. I’ll cut off his use o’ the tower right quick.”
“No! I won’t let you go alone. Not this time.” He struggled to his feet before she could protest. “The Crystal Tower is my responsibility. The Crystarium… I cannot allow his exploitation of the people’s hopes and dreams to go unpunished.” He held her gaze firmly – a look that reminded her of the day the doors of the Crystal Tower closed behind him. “I am going to the Crystal Tower, with or without your blessing – though I would rather it were with.”
She pursed her lips and crossed her arms. “…I cannae persuade ye to sit still?”
“You cannot.”
His condition deeply concerned her. His clothes were turning to crystal for goodness’ sake! But he would not back down. She deflated with a sigh and looked away. “Fine. But the moment you have any issues, we’re stoppin’!”
G’raha’s ears bounced up and his face lit up with a smile. “Thank you, my friend!” He looked back at Beq Lugg. “I will send for help. Stay strong, my friend, and take heart. Though mine own unfortunately slipped our grasp, it is due to your bravery that we rescued the other spirit vessels from Elidibus’ clutches.”
Granye knelt down and patted Beq Lugg comfortingly one more time before the two of them set off. At first she was worried that G’raha would keel over, but it seemed like his stride was unaffected.
“First I would make haste to Accensor Gate – only briefly.”
“Aye! Can ye manage a run?”
“My arms are stiff, not my legs.” he teased. Granye pulled her bone flute from the aether and blew the melody of a Peloton, invigorating winds gently brushing around them for a moment. “Start runnin’!”
Only once the Accensor Gate was on the horizon, its wooden posts and beams poking over the brown rock mountains, did Granye cease the casting of Peloton to hasten their steps.
“G’raha, I have to make a detour ‘fore we climb the tower.” she admitted, needing to warn him before it was too late.
He glanced at her and nodded. “You wish to speak with Lahabrea.”
Granye’s shoulders slumped as they walked. “Is it really that obvious?” He only smiled and shrugged gingerly. “I’m sorry, robin. With the state yer in-”
“Please, there is no need to apologise. I completely understand your fears. I can say that Elidibus seemed to be none the wiser to his presence in the Crystarium. His focus was wholly fixed upon using the tower to his advantage.”
His observation brought her more relief than she would have liked. But G’raha’s gaze lingered on her.
“Not to put too great a pressure upon you, but do you have a plan?”
Her face seemed incapable of making any expression other than frowning today. “I might. But I need to see ‘brea first. An’ even then…it’s a bloody long shot at best.”
“Do what you must. I shall lift the ward only when you are ready. …I have faith you will succeed, Granye. There’s an indefatigable air of determination about you.” he added after a moment.
Granye flashed him a smile. Whatever that meant.
They came upon the outpost and two Crystarium guards met the at the gate, both of them having to look twice to realise who had arrived at their post.
“W-Warrior of Darkness! Exarch! We were not notified of your coming!” stammered the elf.
G’raha shook his head. “It wasn’t planned. I need you to assemble a rescue party. Our friend Beq Lugg lies wounded in a clearing to the west. Pray go to their aid with all haste.”
“At once, my lord! M-May I ask how they came to harm? There’ve been reports of enemies in our midst – spectres who appeared after the starshower. Do they have something to do with it?”
He seemed reluctant to answer, and Granye thought perhaps she could come up with some sort of excuse-
“Yes. The man who attacked Beq Lugg is also responsible for the starshower and the appearance of the spectres.”
She blinked rapidly, surprised that he just came right out and said it. She had gotten so used to him hiding secrets as the ‘Crystal Exarch’ that it felt novel to hear it come right out and tell them the truth.
“I have no time to explain, but know that the individual in question does not seek to do indiscriminate harm. If you do not bar his servants’ path, they will not turn on you. You are to leave this foe to us, understood? Meanwhile, I ask that you alert the rest of the guard, and focus on maintaining calm in the city.”
“Understood.” Another familiar voice answered, prompting them all to look back behind the guards.
“Lyna!” The authority with which G’raha had just addressed the two guards evaporated at the sight of her, clad in her outstanding red-caped uniform.
“I shall take charge of matters in the city. Find Beq Lugg – now!” she ordered the elf and galdjent guards, sending them off at as great a sprint as their armour would allow.
“‘No time to explain’… Hmph.” G’raha’s ears drooped when Lyna crossed her arms, repeating his words back at him. “The graver the matter, the less inclined you are to speak of it. Even when it is plain for all to see – like what is happening to you.” When her eyes pointedly stared at his now crystalline left hand he almost tried to hide it behind his robes.
“Lyna… This time there truly is no time.”
The captain seemed resigned to such words, but she wore a smile. “I know, my lord. Were matters otherwise, I believe you would even be willing to speak of your past if pressed.” She lowered her head. “Yet I remain afraid to do so. Afraid that what I might learn would make a stranger of you.” She shook her head, chastising herself. “…Forgive me. There is no time.”
Granye glanced down at the miqo’te and widened her eyes, lifting her brows and glancing back at Lyna once she had his attention. She tilted her head toward Lyna before more aggressively nodding in her direction.
Crude a pantomime as it was, G’raha understood what she was indicating full well. He nodded and walked toward her, stopping a few steps away.
“…Lyna. Do you remember the time you got lost in the tower when you were little, and I searched for you for hours on end? And the cake I baked for your tenth nameday. That hideous lump the good people of the Mean covered up with beautiful candles…” His hands began to rub one another, making a muted crystal clinking sound as he couldn’t help but soothe himself. “And your hapless first encounter with the sin eaters as a guard. Afterwards, you threw yourself into your training, pretending nothing was wrong, though I could see the tears in your eyes…”
Lyna lifted her head, staring at him with her mouth slightly ajar, eyes swimming with emotion as he fondly recounted events – events which she was sure he had forgotten. And when he met her gaze, it was with the same loving expression she remembered glimpsing from under that nigh eternally up hood when she was a child, still short enough to see underneath it.
“All these moments that we shared, all the feelings that accompanied them…they are as real as aught that came before, and nothing will ever change that – will ever change what we mean to one another.” His head bowed. “If I have made you worry, then I beg your forgiveness. Heavens know you deserve better – that you deserve the time. Through the darkest of days, you have kept faith with me, standing tall as a proud daughter of the Crystarium – as an example to us all. I count myself blessed to have had you in my life, and I want you to know that.”
She let out a shaky exhale, looking down and to the side. “Why do you speak so? As if this were our last meeting? Truly, you have a knack for making people worry.” It was the only thing she could say to keep her voice from shaking. G’raha leaned back, startled, glancing back at Granye who only clicked her tongue and shook her head.
“Besides,” Lyna continued, “it is you who are an example to us all. You who have led us through countless trials. And you who will lead us through countless trials to come. So go, my lord. Do what you must. …But take care.”
He nodded. “I will. And once this is over, I will make time. I will answer all your questions. I swear.”
The sky was falling again.
Something was definitely wrong with him. He was standing there, staring out the window like a dumbstruck namazu. Wasn’t his plan supposed to be to go looking for Elidibus? If this didn’t herald the Emissary’s return to Lakeland, then Lahabrea wasn’t sure what did.
But instead of seeking out his brethren, like he had so daringly schemed, he was sitting in the inn room, waiting. Waiting for what, exactly? Did he expect Elidibus to somehow know he was sequestered away in the Pendants? Was he expecting rescue?
Deep in his soul, he knew what he was waiting for. Who.
Where there was trouble, she was bound to follow. And yet…the sky had remained full of clouds and meteors for quite some time. Perhaps she was still on the Source and wouldn’t learn of this until much later.
Then…what were they to do in the meantime?
…How strange it was – how absurd – to be on their side of unfolding events for once.
He contemplated sending a missive to one of the Scions – Ryne or one of the twins, at any rate – asking for any updates. Lahabrea had kept to himself for days and had little idea what they were doing. He could guess. If Elidibus was making his move, then surely he would have deployed what black-masked members of their ranks remained. Such tasks were usually left to others, like himself. But without others there to fulfil their roles, Elidibus would have to work doubly hard.
The sudden rattle of the door behind him nearly made Lahabrea’s soul jump out of his flesh, wards be damned. Who dared to shatter his days of introspective silence with such a noise?!
They were both catching their breath as their eyes locked.
She looked wrung out. There were smudges of dust on her face – she’d already been in a fight. He couldn’t help but wonder what it had been about this time.
“Granye.” Her name was a croak on his suddenly parched tongue.
Without ceremony or warning, Granye swept toward him and put her hand on his shoulder, herding him away from the window and to the table. Caught by surprise, he could only follow her lead.
“We dinnae have enough time. I need ye to tell me right now,” she pulled out a small pouch and tugged open the drawstrings, then carefully poured its contents onto the table, “which one is ‘lidibus’?”
Lahabrea’s eyes fell slowly to the glittering multicoloured array of baubles suddenly before him. For a moment he didn’t recognise them. The colours swam, the shapes blurred until he blinked a few times and focused. His eyes widened slightly, and his heart felt both like a stone and about to leap from his throat all at once.
“Where…where did you get these?”
“’brea, please, I dinnae have time. Which one?”
His first instinct was to hiss and shout, to demand his answers first. How had she come across their most valued artifacts!? What – who – gave her permission to even gaze upon them, let alone to possess them!?
His hand stretched out, fingertips brushing over the many faceted faces of the crystals sprawled haplessly before him. His hand came to a stop over the grey, colourless stone, almost entranced by its pale shimmer. He picked it up carefully and placed it in his palm, cradling it.
“…This one. This is his.”
She had never seen Lahabrea so subdued under his own will. He seemed to be elsewhere, in a trance. Until he looked up at her with an unusually distressed expression.
“What is happening?”
She plucked the grey stone from his hand, visibly startling him, his gaze following the stone as she put it one of her many pockets. “What are you planning to do with that!?” he shouted, crowding her, glaring up at her face, a mere breath away from reaching out his hands to search her person for it.
“Which one is yers?”
His face twisted in anger as she bushed his questions aside. “Granye-!”
“’brea, I really do not have time to explain! Please, which one is yers?”
He slowly settled back on his heels and looked back down to the pile. He picked out the light blue stone, this time clutching it tightly so as not to allow her the opportunity to snatch it. To his dismay, she began to gently sweep the rest of the crystals back into the pouch. Panic seized him and he grabbed her arm with his free hand, squeezing it tight enough to make her pause.
“Whatever it is you’re planning to do with them, you cannot! They are far too precious to be misused!”
She shut her eyes, a deep sigh escaping her. “…I know. I know what they are. I know.”
“I really don’t think you do!” he insisted dubiously.
But she only prised his hand off her, put the pouch back in a secure bag and stepped away from him. It was an act that made the pit of his stomach writhe. She wasn’t answering any of his questions, or assuaging any of his fears. It almost felt like she couldn’t…
She was at the door before he managed to muster his words.
She stopped, tilting her head only slightly back in his direction, as if she didn’t have the time to even look at him properly.
“What are you going to do?”
Her silence was so heavy that he feared she would leave without answer. But turn around she did, and it became all too apparent that her brusque behaviour was not due to a continued grudge against him. She was on the verge of tears.
“Everythin’. I’m goin’ to do everythin’ I can. …Be safe, Lahabrea.”
She was gone as suddenly as she came, leave the door open in her wake, and a yawning pit in his gut. His hand squeezed his crystal tightly, until the sharp edges bit into his skin.
She had said goodbye like that once before – it was still a vivid enough memory to give him goosebumps.
It was just like their meeting at the Bureau of the Secretariat.
She was going into a battle that she wasn’t confident she would survive.
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starsandauras · 2 years
Prompt 19: Turn a Blind Eye
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt 19: Turn a Blind Eye
It was very obvious that Urianger was quite fond of Brigid, if one knew enough to look for it.
Alisaie noticed it first, of course she did, soon after that affair with the Binding Coils. The times that both her and Brigid’s paths crossed at the Waking Sands, she only had to silently stand and watch, eyes narrowed, seeing the way Urianger’s hands minutely fidgeted every time Brigid smiled at him. And Brigid smiled quite a bit, making Alisaie worry for the hems on his sleeves, the way he kept tugging at stray threads.
It was… strange, to her, to see a woman she was slowly coming to think of as a sister, pull such a reaction from the man she had long thought of as an elder brother. She puzzled over it, wondering what it could be about, before she finally realized: Urianger had behaved the same way when he and Moenbryda had been younger. Upon that realization, that Urianger of all people was infatuated with Brigid O’Donnell… she promptly put it out of her mind, deciding she was absolutely not going to think about it.
(Meanwhile Alphinaud didn’t realize until years later, when they were in the First, as they watched Urianger slowly take Brigid’s hand and hesitantly brush his lips against her knuckles. The young man had turned about as red as Alisaie’s hair tie and swung his head around to look at his sister, his expression saying everything. Alisaie had only scoffed and mashed her hand against his face and turned his head back around. Brothers, honestly.)
Papalymo was the next to notice, an eyebrow popping up as he watched Urianger glance around, as though tracking something in the air. “She passed through this morning,” he said, pushing back an amused smile as the other man froze for a brief moment.
“Forgive me,” he started after a moment, collecting a book and studiously using it to avoid looking at Papalymo. “I fear I do not understand thy meaning.”
The older man scoffed before looking back down to his pretzel. “Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you,” he scolded, though there was little heat in it. “That rose of hers lingers, we’ve all noticed it. If there’s something you wish to tell her, she’s only a ‘port away.”
Urianger shifted uncomfortably, shaking his head. That was enough for Papalymo to let it lie, there was no sense in pushing matters after all.
(Lyse had laughed until she cried, when she found out, once everyone was safely home. “Papalymo was right!” she cheered even as she wiped her face. “He would be so happy for you!”)
Moenbryda had noticed instantly, of course. How could she not, when he had written such glowing letters about this woman? Upon catching sight of her in the Stones one evening, the way Brigid curled up at the bar, a small travel harp in her hands, she laughed and prodded Urianger with her elbow. “I still can’t believe it’s her!” she teased, eyes twinkling. “That little slip of a woman!”
“Her fair and seemingly frail features doth belie her ferocity, both of arms and of will,” he protested weakly, but he smiled slightly as Moenbryda laughed again.
“So you’ve told me!” She looked over at Brigid again and sighed, a note of fondness touching it. “So of course she’s managed to turn not only your head, but Thancred’s besides.”
Urianger fidgeted with his sleeves, pulling at a thread, knowing that Brigid would bat at his hand if she caught it. Moenbryda instead tapped a finger on his shoulder, her own soft admonishment. “Thancred’s head is oft turned by fair features,” he pointed out, “He is not so discerning as he should.”
“Ah, but he doesn’t stay if there’s not a brain behind that fair face,” she rejoined, grinning. “You should say something to her!” she encouraged, prodding Urianger’s shoulder again. “You said their relationship wasn’t exclusive, ask her for a drink!”
“I would not wish to risk our friendship, so newly made, with an ill-timed overture!” he protested, stronger this time. Moenbryda shook her head affectionately and sipped from her drink.
“Then I will,” she said with a grin as she lowered her tankard. Before Urianger could completely grasp her meaning, the Roegadyn woman stood and began to approach Brigid. “Bri!” she called out, that grin still on her face. “I already drank your boyfriend under the table, think you can do better?”
Urianger could only watch, a creeping fear running through him, as Brigid laughed brightly, the sound of silver bells flowing through the room to reach his ears. “Thinkin’ you’ll be winnin’ then?” she asked, handing her harp to the bartender for safekeeping.
(In the morning they declared a tie, the two women leaning against each other and singing bawdy songs, already the best of friends.)
Thancred was one of the latest to notice, though in fairness to him, for quite a long time his eyes were settled on the beautiful Brigid, and not the equally as handsome Elezen that had gone quite the fool over her. But once his eyes were looking in that direction, he had to wonder how he had missed it for so long.
The fidgeting, yes of course. The distraction by her scent, could only be expected. The way he spoke of her, one would have to be a fool not to hear it. But it was The Gift, as he termed it in his mind, that truly caught his attention.
It was a staff, that much was clear from the cloth wrapped around it as Urianger presented it to Brigid. He wracked his brain, trying to think of some occasion for such a gift, and he came up with nothing as Brigid unwrapped it.
The soft gasp that left her lips was loud and clear through the room as she beheld it. As long as she was tall, black with gold gear like cappers at each end of the wood. And at the very top sat what appeared to be half an astrolabe, the large blue ball partly encompassed by part of the outermost circle, while a pair of smaller balls, one red and one white, orbited it. Hydaelyn and the moons Menphina and Dalamud, he thought. He was amused at the spike that jutted out just above Hydaelyn, the shorter end pointing at what was the one remaining moon.
“‘Tis beautiful,” she breathed, looking up at Urianger, eyes wide with awe.
“Whilst I am aware of thy recent favoring of the blade,” Urianger started, and Thancred knew that had to be a prepared speech, “I have been informed thy previous staff befell an untimely demise.”
Brigid laughed, shaking her head. “Connor was fallin’ on it,” she explained. “Was crackin’ it clean in two.” They all ignored Connor’s shouted objection from being thrown under the chocobo cart so quickly. “I wasnae havin’ time to be replacin’ it or havin’ it repaired.” She weighed it in her hands before nodding, smiling up at Urianger. “She’s bein’ perfect, I’ll be treasuring her always.”
(It didn’t escape his notice, years later, as Alisaie received her own weapon from Urianger, how the man made gifts of weapons to the women he loved.)
“I was knowin’, ‘course,” Brigid said one day, before they had all returned from the First, when the three of them were curled up in Urianger’s bed. It came from out of nowhere, making both men blink at her. She laughed and turned to curl against Urianger, looking up at him from where her head was pillowed on his chest. “You were bein’ fond of me for years~” she sang, giggling as she did.
Urianger’s face resembled nothing less than a just landed fish, mouth working with no sound escaping, and Thancred burst out laughing, curling into himself as he did, covering his face with his hand, fingers carding into his hair.
Brigid hummed, brushing her hair off her own shoulder. “You were seemin’ so shy then, so I wasnae thinkin’ anythin’ of it. ‘Ventually I was decidin’, maybe I was mistakin’ it, ‘specially after Cred was bein’ born.” She shrugged, settling back down. “Bein’ glad ‘twas bein’ wrong,” she murmured.
Thancred was still catching his breath from laughing, leaving Urianger to scramble for something to say in response. Finally he gave up, instead leaning in to kiss her softly. “Thou art beautiful,” he murmured, “and perfect, and I shall treasure thee always.”
(He had, and he would.)
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allycryz · 2 years
Nerys as a Recruitable NPC
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Name: Nerys Eluned
Alternate Name or Alias?: The Azure Dragoon, later the Crimson Dragoon
Race & Job: Duskwight Elezen, Dragoon (in Trusts can also be DRK, will pick up DNC in EW)
Nickname: Any, honestly
Default Tarot Card: VIII. Strength
Do they have the Echo? If so, how did they discover it?: Yes, she discovers during a heated moment with fellow Duskwight Lancer Foulques and they came to blows. It allowed her to save him from falling to his death
How/where does the WoL meet them?: If WoL starts in Gridania, Papalymo and Lyse introduce Nerys to you as someone who has also recently discovered their Echo. Otherwise they will meet during the Coerthas portion of ARR where she has just been selected by the Eye to be a co-Azure Dragoon. She will help you as a fellow newcomer to Ishgardian society
How are they recruited into the Scions?:  Nerys will appear again during 2.55 to hold off the attack on the Steps of Faith and express interest in the Scions but will put off joining for now, as she is currently finding her place as a co-Azure Dragoon. She is present for much of HW and you can recruit her to join the Great Dravanian Field Trip. You must recruit her to get the True Ending in the Vault
Post-HW she hangs up her the mantle of the co-Azure Dragoon and joins the Scions fully, accompanied by Haurchefant if you unlocked the Vault's True Ending
Romanceable?: Nerys is romanceable to any gender WoL unless you are playing as a monogamous WoL. If that is the case, you can only pursure the Friendship Route or Found Family Route
Where they are in the open world: 
ARR, Gridania Beginning: Southern Shroud near Buscarron's Druthers
ARR, level 36: First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena near Alberic
HW: Various
SB: Rising Stones to start, then primarily Rhalgr's Reach
ShB: When you travel to the First she is said to be on the road with Haurchefant, you later find the two in Il Mheg with Urianger
EW: Various, ends in Thavnair with Haurchefant and Estinien
Default saying: (when you want to talk to them in open world, how do they respond?)
(End of ARR) I'm glad to see you again, friend. Tell me of your travels!
(Start of HW) I expect to run into Ser Estinien soon...I pray we get along better this time
(end of HW) Tataru sent word ahead to have rooms prepared for Haurchefant and I in the Rising Stones. Looks like it's official
(SB) I'll watch over things at the Reach while you're in Doma. I promise to keep an eye on Y'shtola
(ShB, Il Mheg) "You're here! We three were ah... organizing books. Ahem."
(ShB, 5.1) "I...sorry. I'm honestly still reeling from everything that happened. And Emet..."
(EW, Team Thavnair) "Please...I need lassi...."
(Post EW) "The map led us to a series of tunnels and slides underground and amazing treasures...but also a Giant Mandragora.'"
What do they typically do off-screen?: 
Train, bake, forage, go on dates
Things they Generally Approve of:
+ Kindness
+ Helping others
+ Any sweet treat
Things they Generally Disapprove of: 
+ Being unkind for the sake of it
Are they in a Grand Company? Which one?:
No (in the main timeline she is only in a GC because it was politically required to affiliate post-Ifrit)
Within the Scions:
Thancred, Haurchefant, Y'shtola, Urianger, Emet, Estinien, Riol (lovers)
Tataru, the twins, Hoary, Coultenet
Outside the Scions:
Aymeric, Ysayle, Hilda, Hien, Hyth, Cid, Nero, Steph, X'rhun others (Lovers)
Sid, Alberic, Rielle, Ryne, Gaia, many others
Small side mission(s):
Nerys is part of the Coerthas portion of ARR MSQ and heavily involved in HW MSQ. You will need to recruit her and complete several quests to get True Endings for Ysayle, Haurchefant, Yotsuyu, and Emet. There are also a handful of BTN quests in the SB questline where she is there helping Fufucha and you get to meet her family in the East Shroud.
Potential tarot card changes:
If not recruited/kept as an adventurer: Will turn into Justice if not recruited and will go after Thordan on her own. You will then need to aid her in Azys Lla.
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starlightcleric · 2 years
Iris for Belle from the flower prompt list?
Iris - your friendship means everything
They had come a long way in the many moons of being the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Belle stood in the center of the Rising Stones. Where it had once been full of bustle and life, it was now packed up and empty. They had done it. They had saved the world. And now they were done.
It stung and twisted her stomach, knowing no matter what came now, this chapter of her life was over. Without the Scions, she wouldn’t be who she was today.
Papalymo and Lyse (then still masquerading as Yda) in the Black Shroud, who were the first to find her, the first to welcome her to the Scions. Always bickering, but deeply caring. Papalymo enough to sacrifice himself for the rest of them.
But not the first of her friends to go. Minfilia, ever deeply in touch with Hydaelyn, who wanted to take on all the problems in the world. Eventually she did, sacrificing herself to save the First. But Belle liked to remember her as the mortal woman she had been, always ready with a smile over a cup of tea.
Thancred never took it well. Once a debonair young man, the weight of the world fell on his shoulders and he bore it. It took a while for his smile to come back, and it never was with the same ease. He clung to those left tighter for those lost.
Perhaps Y’shtola would never show how much she cared, she kept her feelings close to her chest, but her actions spoke. It was practically a habit for her to tap into forbidden magic in a show of heroics. Thank the Twelve they had always worked out thus far.
Then there was Urianger, who after everything they had been through still hesitated to call himself her friend. Forever holding himself apart and playing games in the shadows, he doubted his worth to everyone else. But they could never get by without him, this calculated but gentle man.
All the Scions would be lost without Tataru. For all their heroics, Tataru was the one who kept everything running behind the scenes. Maybe they didn’t let her know their appreciation enough (if only she would stop trying to learn combat), but Tataru as herself was one of the most powerful and influential women in Eorzea now, if not internationally. Woe to those who crossed her or her friends.
And who could forget the twins? Alphinaud and Alisaie, so bright and so earnest and so young. Belle had been ready to throw down with their father and still hadn’t quite forgiven him. The world tried its hardest to break them already. But through it all they kept their hope.
And no one kept Alphinaud humble like Krile. Always quick to knock him down a peg when he got too haughty, but always lovingly. A skilled healer, even if not combatant, Krile served as the heart and conscience of the group since Minfilia’s loss. 
The other Student of Baldesion, G’raha had already gone through so much for the sake of the world. One man with two pasts, somehow he kept himself sane and optimistic after all the suffering he had seen. One day they would go on an adventure together. She had promised.
The newest member of the Scions, there was so much she could say about Estinien. He had been so skittish, so opposed to letting anyone in. Yet his pain only began to heal when he opened up. To Alphinaud. To Belle. Maybe she even loved him, for all that she would never be able to hold him in one place.
Her friends, who had followed her to the edge of the universe and back. Every last one of them had been willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. And even when all seemed lost, they had never given up on her. But now it was time to turn a new page and go their separate ways. This was the end, but maybe this wasn’t goodbye.
So Belle closed the door to the Rising Stones behind her, hoping beyond hope that fate would bring them together again.
flower meanings prompts
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pippuns · 3 years
Deidre gets many hugs now don't worry. Her bio family is messy as hell but she got adopted to the Fullest within Ishgardian Law by Edmont for her 20th birthday before Stormblood. Also Hydaelyn (me) decided that a certain someone (Haurchefant) needed to be brought back for the sake of emotional support in Endwalker. I also put him on the first so he's really ping-ponging around with them XD. It takes a long time for the Scions to truly understand the kind of support she needs, but they know her now!!! It took a couple Rough Events (esteem rage + 'hey zenos is here to kill me in case I become a Light Warden because he's the only fucker who could possibly win' ) for the older scions (aka not the twins) to Really know her but by Endwalker, they're finally actually as close to her as group as they thought they had been during ARR.
What kind of relationship quirks does Alwynn have with each of the scions?
LETS GO!!! ADOPTION!!!! WHAT DEIDRE DESERVES!!! omg AND haurchefant resurrection?? we really win them all here. thanks hydaelyn. i'm glad eventually the scions get to Really Know her for deidres sake please sirs she's child:tm:
early scion interactions between alwynn mainly had them be the scions local cryptid who never really stuck around or slept in the waking sands with everyone else (or at all tbh) and really only showed up to do favors for minfilia before vanishing again for a while (alwynn's a legacy wol trying to learn how to interact with the world again and make up for lost time). they warmed up a lot to the rest of the scions after praetorium and the coils were dealt with.
for more light-hearted stuff though uhh
y'shtola gave alwynn an impossible puzzle to solve to see how long it would take them to give up. alwynn is still trying to solve it.
alwynn likes bringing back weird curiosities from their travels to see if urianger knows anything about it. he always does and always gives them a lecture as to their origins and historical importance. its their goal to eventually bring something back that completely baffles urianger. this is not possible, but they haven't been deterred.
alwynn likes to knit blankets when they're traveling via boat or airship, so there's a corner in the scions' headquarters that has an abundance of soft knitted blankets. peak location for a sleepover
while all the scions were falling asleep t the end of stormblood, alwynn stress knit a ton of blankets for them. when they wake up back at the source its to an abundance of large stress squares.
alwynn has a rather large scar on their right hand from one night when they went out drinking with thancred and he challenged them to play the knife game as fast as they possible could. they immediately accidentally stabbed their hand. they were banned from going out drinking with thancred for a while after that.
they're also incapable of saying no to dumb challenges (not out of a sense of pride or anything but just because their gauge of Normal Human Actions is completely skewed) so lyse would dare them to do increasingly dumb and baffling shit. papalymo eventually put a stop to it.
haurchefant passed on the "hot choccy makes everything better" habits to alwynn when they were both still teens so the scions are used to hot choccy nights for the smallest inconveniences. alphinaud probably got some hot chocolate his first night in the falling snows and started crying because of this.
one time when they were writing in their journal one of the other scions noticed and asked to add a footnote. this specific journal has since become a scrapbook for all the scions.
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redwhitebreeze · 2 years
Now, as for what Rasetsu thinks of the Scions, this is gonna be a bit of a long one and filled with spoilers up to Endwalker,
Lets start with the first ones he met: Yda and Papalymo. He never ended figuring out the latter, he respected him as a comrade for the many times he helped and how he introduced us to the Scions, Rasetsu always saw him as “someone doing his own thing” and so he never bothered to deepen their relationship, a bit of a regret was there when Papalymo gave his life to contain Shinryu, as he knew nothing good would come of giving Tupsimati to the disciple of the selfless Louisoix but still he tried to understand and respect his sacrifice, sometimes Rasetsu blames that lack of communication on the age difference, with Rasetsu being on his late twenties and Papalymo being on his 40s.
As for Yda, he saw her as a very energetic young girl, just like him trying to make it in this land, as she mostly never revealed anything before Baelsar’s wall, Rasetsu had her in a bit of a little sister/cousin position, being there to support her if needed, so imagine how hard he went when she revealed herself as Lyse and they went onwards to liberate Ala Mhigo, he saw her growth up close, how she wanted to help despite not being in her home for years, almost forgotten by everyone. That determination really showed Rasetsu that Lyse was not a young lady and was on the scions for a reason, when they sparred he really gave it his all and developed a tight bond with her, though not expressed with words. He’s always happy to see her following her own path and now remembers fondly those first days in Gridania.
Thancred is a man who Rasetsu considers a friend and confidant, he really likes how freely he handled his life during ARR, and felt for him when Lahabrea took advantage of him, it was the first time he feared losing someone despite not being that close. After hearing his story during the reunion after repelling the Warriors of Darkness, Rasetsu ended respecting him even more for his survival skills and was happy to be working with him again. he sees the scion as a good example of how people can grow both physically, mentally and spiritually. During the adventures at the First, if not for the urgency of the situation, Rasetsu would have liked to sit down with Thancred to have a talk about how to be honest with yourself, one of the happiest moments for Rasetsu was finally sitting down with him, Y’shtola and Urianger to have a drink in Sharlayan, he really loves those three. Thancred is the person who has given Rasetsu the most frights out of all the scions, with the Lahabrea incident, the banquet incident, the prelude to Shadowbringers and his sacrifice at the Ultima Thule.
Urianger was at first a mysterious man for Rasetsu with the cowl and googles and everything, though he found himself trusting the scion in no time. Rasetsu loathes secrets and people not being open with each other, so imagine how he took the “betrayal” during the battle against the Warriors of Darkness, after everything was explained, they were no doubts but Rasetsu still decided to treat him with a bit less of respect, both in a way to get back at him for the anxiety of the betrayal and since their bond was somehow strengthened. At the moment of Moenbryda’s death, Rasetsu cursed his ignorance of the situation and not being able to console Urianger in a way that mattered, also because he really started to appreciate Moenbryda. He also appreciates how the Elezen has grown since they first met, a stout heart and clear convictions can take you very far and despite having more forays in the deception department, Rasetsu understands the reasoning behind them and often teases him to show it shouldn’t take it too seriously. Also enjoyed knowing Urianger was a light drinker.
Rasetsu had a bit of a crush on Y’shtola at first, since he likes women with strong personalities she really appealed to him, but after working together to stop Titan he realized he had little to no chance so he left it at that, thus focusing to gain her friendship, he’s not a fan of her lifestream antics and sadly cannot commit to teasing her with remarks about her nude returns. Most of the time he respects her for her wisdom and decisiveness and really enjoys when they visit Matoya because it’s one of the few chances of seeing her being meek and careful with her words. As someone who also wishes to know more about the world, Rasetsu respects Y’shtola’s search for knowledge and is willing to help whenever possible because it will also teach him stuff. He does his best to be casual though he lets some “ma’am” out every once in a while and tries to play it off as a playful remark. He’s sad that the times he was playful and she struck back, he couldn’t continue the conversation due to the situations at hand. Rasetsu really treasures the time between him, Y’shtola, Thancred and Urianger as they’re the closest to this age and respects as comrades and friends.
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heretic-altias · 3 years
FFXIV Characters as Star Stable Players
Went through a ton of them talking to my friends and thought maybe some people out there somewhere might enjoy these so look below the cut to begin bc there's a lot of them.
Alphinaud: Every horse is level 15. He feeds them every day. Meticulously plans the best gear out for racing and studies each track. Top high score racer on his server, also does champs in his spare time. Will talk about racing to anyone who will listen
Alisaie: All her horses range from levels 1-5 and are depressed. She never feeds them, she's not wasting star coins on stable care when she could be saving up for another horse for her collection. Beat Alphie in a championship one time, will not let him live it down. Spends most of her time either chasing Alphie around or messing with her friends.
Thancred: has no idea what hes doing but Ryne really likes this game so he's playing with her. Lets her pick and name horses for him.
Ryne: Adores all of the horses. Roped both Thancred and Gaia into playing with her. All of her horses have names and personalities and she loves talking about them. Never asks for star coins because they're expensive, but Thancred always gifts her some on double sc weekend.
Gaia: Another one in the 'never feeds the horses club' has one Friesian and insists it's the best horse in the game and the only one she needs. It's level 15 bc she literally never rides another horse. Mostly plays with Ryne. Wrote a backstory for her horse at Ryne's urging, it's very edgy and tragic.
Y'shtola: Rarely plays. Saves up for a horse, logs on, buys it, takes pictures of it, and leaves for another two months until she can afford another.
Urianger: Spends 300 years naming each horse. Has an entire backstory for his character and all of their horses. Obsessed with the lore, frequently writes long lore posts for sso tumblr. Ryne loves reading his fics. Owns all of the old disc games, spent forever trying to get ahold of them and now treasures them.
G'raha Tia: The WoL likes this game so he expected it to be amazing. Ended up playing mostly with the others, but not really on his own. He just really likes hanging out with everyone else. Thinks all of the horses are nice, could never criticize a new release. Probably named his starter after the WoL or asked them to name it for him.
Emet-Selch: Hates every update. Writes long tumblr posts about how the game is terrible now and used to be better. Only rides old models, has thousands of star coins saved because he refuses to buy any of the new horses.
Lahabrea: Constantly leaves comments on sso's instagram about what they should add to the game. Takes it personally when those things don't appear literally the next week. People wonder why he still plays this game bc all he does is complain on instagram over stupid things. Still adores each of his horses and knows their names and personalities.
Elidibus: Analyzes every update and its pros and cons. Thinks SSO should hire him. Posts carefully worded critique posts that he spent hours thinking out. Forgets to actually play the game because he's so focused on doing this.
Aymeric: Loves taking screenshots. Will carefully coordinate every outfit and tack set he has and loves spending his time on it. Probably an instagram celebrity, maybe even an ambassador. Owns a well known club. Only says nice things about the game online to avoid drama, but admits criticisms to his friends.
Estinien: Instagram famous only because he's in Aym's club and Aym posts about him a lot. Complains about other players annoying him. Eventually privates his account bc Aym's fans are driving him insane. People probably wonder why Aym hangs out with him. Lets Aym take screenshots of him and goes to all the club events even though he'd rather just play his msq and save up for horses because he knows Aym is happy.
Lucia: acts as the co owner of Aym's ingame club. Helps filter out some of the chaotic join requests they constantly get. Manages the wait list, handles the club instagram page. Likes to run her training route every day.
Haurchefant: Thinks every horse is great, also in Aym's club. Loves being an instagram celebrity and talks to his fans all the time. Writes lots of posts about how great his friends and the game are. He's just here to have a good time.
Zenos: wants to race against everyone all the time. Gets mad if you say no. Competes with Alphie for those top scores on the server. Probably has one of those ongoing weirdly dark Instagram story accounts where characters like die and horses are stolen/abused and such.
Ysayle: collects pretty horses and enjoys screenshotting them. Likes light colors and a winter type aesthetic. Her club is the other big club on the server besides Aym's. They all ride white horses and matching outfits. She tries really hard to diffuse any drama in the community.
Hien: honestly just probably having a fun time. Likes to host tumblr meet ups just to talk to the people and hang out. Posts mediocre memes that are really only successful bc he's the most active meme page on tumblr. Everyone knows he's a really chill guy.
Arenvald: Probably plays with Alphinaud sometimes but is a little lost when Alphie starts talking about his racing obsession. Still likes to hang out with him even though Alphie crushes him whenever they race.
Minfillia: Owns the club all the scions are in, but it's really just a club for their friend group to chill in. Probably plans events for them all and coordinates everything so that everyone can make it. Takes good care of all her horses, reminds everyone to buy stable care each week even if they dont actually do it.
Lyse: Only feeds the horse she's riding. Loves running championships just for fun on whatever horse she happens to have when the announcement pops up for one. Chats with other players in the race waiting areas, and sometimes even in global if theres nothing happening.
Papalymo: Plays with Lyse. Tries to tell her she'd have more success in champs if she fed her horses and got some tack with actual stats, but she doesn't listen. Sometimes lets her beat him so she feels good about the race.
Fandaniel: insane. Constantly bugs the game and glitches into locked areas. Brags about it to anyone who will listen.
Magnai: really wants to start a romance RP in global. Never finds anyone who wants to play bc everyone reminds him they're against the game's rules.
Sadu: probably making fun of Magnai in global. Likes to start fights in that chat.
Nero: loves finding glitches and testing exploits. Knows a concerning number of ways to use cheat engine for funny things without being banned. Never actually cheats and uses these things solely for meme purposes. Probably leaks horse coats/models online before release just to watch the chaos.
Cid: Also good at finding bugs, but does so in order to report them to SSO support. Nero hates him reporting all the good bugs.
Ardbert: Has a little friend group club with the the other heros from the first. Doesn't really use social media, they prefer to just use their discord server with each other. All of them train together most afternoons.
Tataru: Her gear closet is perfectly organized. Every horse has an assigned stall. Also writes them backstories. Plans out her star coin saving months in advance and exactly what horses she'll buy in what order. Does not stray from it even if a new one comes out, she'll add it on to the end.
Krile: Another lore nerd, started playing at the same time Alphie did and sometimes reminds him about what he was like as a new player. Loves writing and responding to lore posts. Her and Urianger probably interact online a lot.
Louisoix: Played star stable years ago, was super famous in the community. Quit playing a couple years ago but everyone still talks about him. Others desperately try to be like him, but nobody can fill his shoes in the community.
Forchenault: Writes extensive posts of what he thinks of the game, mostly complaints. Will fight anyone who disagrees. Refuses to meet up with anyone else ingame, nobody actually knows if he even logs on still or just complains. Thinks actually playing every day is a waste of time.
Ashai: Instagram fanboy for zenos and his weirdly dark story. Zenos isn't even famous, he has like 220 followers, but Asahi worships the ground he walks on. Runs a fanpage for him where he just reposts Zenos's screenshots/edits and talks about how great they are. Draws fanart too, but he's a terrible artist. Zenos pretends he doesnt exist. Purposely switched his server to the one Zenos plays on and always keeps an eye out for him.
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charlottedabookworm · 3 years
#9 - Friable
this one isn’t really clicking with me, it’s late, and i’m also not feeling great so this is just a little introspective piece about set’s trauma over his friends death and his (justified but unlikely) fear that they’ll stop being his friends when the truth about the time travel (and kidnapping thancred... and working with the ascians...) comes to light. blanket spoilers up to shadowbringers
The problem with a foundation of lies is that it is friable.
Set loves the scions; they’re his friends and his family and he trusts them at his back, with his past, in his home. He loves them.
He misses them. 
This time will be better for them, they are going to make certain of it, but he misses the scions he knows so well. He misses Minfilia who sacrificed everything she is and was to save another world, who gave of her aether and memories to protect a scared girl. He misses Papalymo and the steel in his voice and the stone in his eyes as he stood straight-backed and made the same decision his mentor once did.
He misses Thancred and Y’shtola, irrevocably changed by their trip into the aether and all the more world-weary for it. Lyse, bright and confident and free and grieving, standing with her people. Urianger, more settled in himself and his abilities, cloak long since cast aside.
People who these scions will never be and- Set does not want them to become the people he has lost, he would burn the empire fore events played out the same way, and yet-
X’tefh’a misses his friends and he will never see them again.
One day, they’ll tell them. One day, he and Alisaie and Alphinaud will sit the scions down and explain exactly what it is that they have done. 
Some day, the scions will realise that their entire relationship with them is built on half-truths and lies and manipulations.
(They kidnapped Thancred)
He doesn’t doubt that they will understand. It’s even more doubtful that they’ll ask them to leave the scions. They will likely even still trust them but…
It will never be the same.
The relationships, the friendships, that Set has tried so hard to rebuild will crumble into dust and he doesn’t want to consider how much it will hurt. It already does.
They will never forgive him for this and he has accepted that. He can and will live with that pain.
(It’s worth it)
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lizzy-frizzle · 3 years
Lizzy Frizzle About
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Name: Elizabeth (Lizzy) Frizzle [Elizabeth (Lizzy) Dotharl, post marriage]
Unsundered Name: (I still don’t know haven’t thought that far yet)
Gender: Woman
Age: 24 as of current patch
Race: Au Ra Raen
Relationship: Married to Sadu
Family: 2 adoptive parents (deceased), 2 birth parents (alive but unknown), 2 unknown siblings (alive)
Orientation: Lesbian
Nameday: (Equivalent of May 5th, I can’t remember right now x.x)
Abilities/Talents: She’s very sneaky, She can calm Sadu down, she’s very empathetic and is good at comforting people when sad
Job: Ninja, Scholar, Monk
Appearance description: Spikey black hair with blue highlights, blinding white scales, the smallest adult Au Ra, freckles, more scales than typical Au Ra, Brown eyes with Red limbal ring around the iris
Unique features (scars, tattoos, etc.): a scar going through her left eyebrow, a scar going down her left side, and claw mark scars on her right arm
Personal Beliefs (religious or otherwise): Used to be mostly indifferent, saw gods as challenges for a while, since dating and marrying Sadu, her beliefs line up with the Dotharl, where the soul gets reincarnated after death. (Events in shadowbringers reaffirmed this belief)
Residence: She has a house in the black shroud, and she shares Sadu’s tent in the Dotharl Khaa
Birth place: The Ruby Sea
Dreams: She dreams of being a mom, and having a quiet uneventful life in the shroud with her wife
Fears: She fears losing her loved ones, or through inaction causing the world to suffer horrible fates
Introverted / Extroverted / Ambiverted (bold what applies)
How do they handle stress?: Not well, she’s susceptible to breakdowns
What’s the state of their living quarters? (messy, clean, etc.): Super tidy, Sadu leaves stuff all over the place and it drives Lizzy up a wall
How do they handle meeting new people? She’s super shy and it takes a long time to warm up to new people
When facing certain doom, what’s their outlook?: Lizzy defies doom and simply tells it to go away
What do they do to relax? She likes to rest in a field or on a couch with Sadu, resting her head on her lap
What’s their favourite outfit?: Her goggles, her favourite oversized sweatshirt, with a skirt and some leggings, with her sneakers
Traumas/Personality quirks: After experiencing multiple friends dying, she’s developed an incredible fear for the safety of those close to her. Before meeting Sadu she was much more introverted, and avoided physically hitting people, but after they met Lizzy learned how to use daggers and became increasingly more lethal. When Lizzy is mad people say that it reminds them of Sadu but from a small god-killing lizard with knives
About Them as of Current story patch: Lizzy spends her free time with Sadu trying to prepare for their child on the way, though she’s also started picking up more of the Khatun responsibilities from Sadu for the Dotharl tribe so she could get more rest.
History: Lizzy lived with her biological family in the Ruby Sea, but one day when she was really young her family was attacked while travelling via ship. She fell overboard and nearly drowned, but was saved by the kojin. She got thrown into the orphan system and eventually got adopted by a family in Gridania. Shortly after, she made changes to her gender and and mostly stayed home avoiding social interactions out of fear of being judged, since there was no Au Ra’s in the shroud. When the calamity hit, her parents were casualties in it, and she survived for several years by staying out in the shroud. When she turned 18 she decided to try and become an adventurer, starting as a conjurer to try and help people, she later branched into arcanist and then scholar as she loved pouring into books and absorbing information. She never thought about pursuing anyone romantically until she saw Sadu on the steppe, when she first met her she was incredibly quiet, and whenever Sadu looked at her in any way she blushed a lot. After the nadaam, Lizzy made efforts to try and win Sadu’s heart, eventually succeeding, and they were married the month after the starlight festival. They had a dotharl wedding and an eorzean wedding, to accommodate everyone possible, and respect their personal traditions. Shortly after their wedding scions started dropping and then shadowbringers happened. During shadowbringers, Lizzy feared for her own life, and after visiting Sadu for what she believed was the last time. Resulting in Sadu becoming pregnant.
Feelings towards others: (add or remove as relevant)
- Yshtola – Lizzy thought she might have had feelings for Y’shtola for a while, but ultimately decided they were incompatible. Lizzy does still admire Y’shtola and looks up to her in many ways.
- Alphinaud – Baby. He’s just a little man. Lizzy feels bad for all of his failures, and hopes that he makes it through this period of his life with minimal trauma.
- Alisaie – Baby, but she needs to be put into time out. She puts herself in danger too many times.
- Thancred – Lizzy appreciates Thancred, and after she became a ninja they bond over infiltration techniques. She let him hold her daggers once and regrets it to this day.
- Urianger – ‘Prithee thee’ shut up. Lizzy hates how he talks. She will defend him with her whole life, but please for the love of Nhaama shut up.
- Tataru – Adorable, fierce, a force to be reckoned with. Feral.
- Papalymo – Lizzy has a respect for him, he taught her a bunch before she became a scion
- Cid – A very nice man, she treats him like her grandfather but he’s only like 10 years older than her
- Nero – Lizzy didn’t like him at first and wanted to have him utterly not involved at the beginning of Omega. She’s fine with him now, but thinks he’s a little know-it-all
- G’raha – Lesbian finds herself wanting to Protect local cat boy. Not sure why.
- Ascians – She understands their pain and their motives, but cannot justify the countless deaths at their hands
- Lyse – A fellow punchy girl, likes sparring with her, even if Lizzy wins every time.
- Magnai – Hate.
- Cirina – A very cute woman, Lizzy enjoyed spending time with the Mol
- Yugiri – A fellow ninja, originally taught Lizzy loose concepts before proper training, Lizzy deeply respects her, and hopes she’s happy
- Gosetsu – Friend shaped old man
- Fordola – Lizzy doesn’t trust her. She feels like Fordola is if you took Sadu but made her evil. Both tried to kill Lizzy, but it’s ok when Sadu does it.
- Yotsuyu - :( Lizzy feels really bad about this.
- Asahi – Friend because of Meeps. If it weren’t for Meeps Lizzy would NOT trust him.
- Other Warrior of Lights – Friends!!!! Lizzy loves her friends!!! She feels bad about not spending as much time with them because of the everything.
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lucian-ffxiv · 3 years
Trachyngeim Aerstwyda
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thanks for the template @lizzy-frizzle​
Name:  Trachyngeim Aerstwyda
Gender:  Female
Age: 19 at the start of ARR
Race:  Roegadyn
Relationship: Single
Family: Pfardaeg (father), Thubyrthota (mother), Blauswys (sister)
Orientation: Bisexual
Nameday:  11th sun of the 1st umbral moon
Abilities/Talents:  The tallest person she knows (max height Roegadyn, after all), she can reach up to the top shelf like no problem. She’s not very good at most crafts, but is very adept at gathering. does giving me gender feels count as a talent
Job:  Dark Knight; also Monk, Gunbreaker. She’s dabbled a lot, though, in things like black magic, red magic, and the art of the dancer.
Appearance description: 7′6″ tall, with short red hair. Toned muscles, though she’s not as muscular as her strength would suggest.
Unique features (scars, tattoos, etc.): Red facial tattoos, symmetrical on both sides of her face.
Personal Beliefs (religious or otherwise): She used to think of the stories of the primals as nothing more than stories - boogeymen that kept children up at night. Her mother told her of Leviathan, while neglecting to tell her of the primal’s hand in the death of her parents. Needless to say, slaying the boogeyman has led Trachyngeim to have her personal beliefs thrown into turmoil, and they’ve been there for a while.
Residence:  Ul’dah is essentially her home. It was where she got her start as an adventurer, and despite her personal connections to Ishgard and Ala Mhigo, Ul’dah shall be where she considers home.
Birth place: On a boat to Limsa Lominsa, as her parents and elder sister made the journey.
Dreams: To repay the kindness of others that for so many years of her life she felt undeserving.
Fears: While not afraid of self-sacrifice per se, she is afraid of what would happen to those she cares about should she become unable to aid them any more. After all, if word got out that the Warrior of Light was all washed up, or dead, some of her past enemies would surely not hesitate to exact their revenge.
Introverted / Extroverted / Ambiverted  (bold what applies)
How do they handle stress?: At first, she would just go to the Pugilist’s guild in Ul’dah to see if anyone wanted a spar. Now that she’s famous, though, that’s not really an option anymore. So now, she’s tried to transition to less violent methods of stress relief. Really, though, she just wants someone she could spar with like the good old days.
What’s the state of their living quarters? (messy, clean, etc.): Clean. Cleaning helps distract her from how she feels sometimes.
How do they handle meeting new people?: Used to be that she’d meet a new person every once in a while, but now her... duties as international hero and savior ensure she is inundated with new faces. It can get a bit overwhelming sometimes.
When facing certain doom, what’s their outlook?: “Just a little bit further.”
What do they do to relax?: There’s a spot in the Coerthas mountains that is hard to reach. She uses a mount to fly up there and watch out over the snow.
What’s their favourite outfit?: Currently, a rather comfortable bit of formalwear she picked up in Kugane.
Traumas/Personality quirks: She can go from laughing with friends to being deadly serious in a matter of seconds. She’s trying to get better at managing these shifts in tone.
About Them as of Current story patch: N/A (not there yet lol - in the patch content quests of Stormblood rn)
History:  She never actually met her father, growing up. That also meant, though, that she never really had a last name, per se. This led to a fair bit of teasing from other Roe she grew up near. She took the name Aerstwyda, First Willow, in an attempt to assert herself as the beginning of something new, but this only led to further teasing. At one point when she was a teenager, several of her peers even conspired to lure her into the ocean and push her in - only to be rescued by a wandering Dark Knight who happened to be passing that way from Ishgard. It was they who first noticed the power of Trachyngeim’s dark side, though they were not wont to teach her such things at her age. It was this incident, though, that finally made her realize that she wasn’t undeserving of kindness, and that there were a great many debts that needed to be repaid. At that point, she decided to learn to fight, and utilized her impressive strength in becoming a skilled hand-to-hand fighter at a young age. Eventually she struck out on her own towards Ul’dah, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Feelings towards others: (add or remove as relevant)
- Yshtola –  She’s got a bit of a crush on Y’shtola, though she’s not good enough with her feelings to admit it. She’s come close a few times, but running in a sewer from people wont to kill you isn’t the best time for it.
- Alphinaud –  She’s friends with Alphinaud, but in that true best friend way where she loves to tease him about all the little things and laughs along with Krile, or Alisaie, or whoever else might be teasing him at the moment.
- Alisaie –  Definite friends here, if for no other reason than their shared past-time of poking fun at Alphinaud.
- Thancred –  He rubbed her the wrong way when they first met, this “handsome stranger”, but eventually grew on her. She felt really bad for not noticing how hard he was pushing himself until it was too late.
- Urianger –  She can never tell what he’s really thinking, and it concerns her.
- Tataru –  Would protect with her life.
- Papalymo - :(
- Minfillia -  :(
- Ser Aymeric - She fell for him, hard. She wouldn’t even think about saying anything - it would be quite a conflict of interest. But she’s sure she’s seen him do things to imply he feels the same way, so maybe, once everything’s over...
- Cid –  He’s like the cool grandpa of the group. She can’t wait to see what new amazing machine he and the Ironworks create next.
- Zenos –  Terrible human being. Killing him felt good.
- Gaius –  Killing him, on the other hand, felt hollow. He himself didn’t put up much of a fight - it was mostly the Ultima Weapon. She didn’t even really land a killing blow.
- Nero –  Why can’t this guy stay gone?
- G’raha –  She respects his sacrifice.
- Ascians - She wants to personally kill every ascian alive.
- Lyse - She laughed when Lyse challenged her to the fight on the Destroyer’s palm, but she put up a good fight. It was her first real chance to spar with someone else in a long time.
- The Grand Company Leaders -  Kan-E-Senna always calms her to be around. Merlwyb is someone she respects for her directness, at the very least. Being an Immortal Flame herself, it’s always surreal to have Raubahn treat her as more than just another officer.
- Magnai - She didn’t like him. While she isn’t one to scoff at religion, she does feel that the belief that every man has a woman especially made for him to be laughable.
- Sadu - Definitely someone to never cross. There was that time during the contest, but that was in the spirit of competition. As a fellow wielder of explosive magic on occasion, she knows how bad of an idea it would be to make her angry.
- Cirina - Could become a fearsome warrior one day, if given the proper training. She’d be glad to help train her, too.
- Yugiri - Perpetually impressed by what Yugiri can do with the ways of the shinobi. Beyond that, though, she trusts Yugiri to keep secrets more than some of the other characters.
- Gosetsu - Similar to Thancred, Gosetsu went from grating to endearing in her mind. She was very conflicted when he reappeared after the castle, though.
- Fordola - She knows what it feels like to be teased for something that was of no fault of her own. She wants to feel bad for Fordola, she does, but there’s always the legions of people hurt by her hand.
- Yotsuyu - She also feels bad for Yotsuyu, but not so bad that she won’t mind fighting her.
- Asahi - She would kill Asshat if she got the chance.
- Other Warrior of Lights -  She’s more than happy to step back into the shadows and let others have their time to shine.
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