#and velma got rid of him and that love!!
trollinstinct · 2 years
they are a family. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!!!!
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can you do human Alastor with reader who’s like Velma Kelly from the musical Chicago? Fem reader please! and maybe mimzy is a bit jealous?
A/N: I love Chicago and Velma Kelly! I’ll be basing it off of the movie version just because it’s easier for me but tysm anon for your request!! I was on a writing block / super long break, but i’m hoping to try and get into the swing of things again! Hopefully I’ll be posting more and getting requests out since I have some good ones I do wanna expand on! We all know I’m a fien for human Alastor so I was really excited to write this.
Warnings: mentions of death & murder, fluff
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All That Jazz
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He thinks you’re too full of yourself
He doesn’t like it about you, but also doesn’t like when other people insult you
Hes seen you live before, and honestly he was impressed
You dance quick and can keep up with him when you both dance together
He loves when you sing All that Jazz, he’s even rehearsed with you before
Now he does know about your sister and how you… you know, got rid of her and your ex-husband
Unfortunately for him, you work at Mimzys rival speakeasy, so Alastor sneakily goes to see you, though he doesn’t really care if Mimzy does find out
In his opinion his darling doe is a fine better singer than Mimzy but he’d never tell her that
He doesn’t have too, not when Mimzy drags him and a few of their other friends to your club to see you preform
Mimzy quote ¨didnt know why you were so popular¨
I mean for christs sake you killed a man and your own sister!
Well now she understands why you’re so popular, after seeing the way you sang and danced on stage
People were cheering and clapping by the end of your number, but you had so much more in store for them tonight
Especially if you knew you were being watched by a certain someone
You shake your hips a bit more and lift your skirt just enough to entice the crowd, give them something a little more to look forward too
Mimzy almost dies when you and Roxie do a number together, the guns and the flare, the white coats and dresses
People throwing roses at the two of you as you both exit the stage and Mimzy is fuming in her seat, no wonder her club is losing money when they have two acts practically running around naked on stage
Alastor meets you backstage in your dressing room where you’re freshening up your hair
Your manager comes in with Alastor in toe, his grin wide as he holds out a bouquet of roses.
¨You were great tonight dear!¨ He says, handing the flowers to you. Your dressing room has various bouquets all from him sitting on different shelves and tables.
¨Thank you so much, these will go right next to my mirror.¨ You say, taking the bouquet from Alastor with a kiss on his cheek. He smiles as he watches you put the bouquet next to your mirror.
¨ Would you like to get dinner dear? I hear a new restaurant has opened and it would be nice to give it a try. What do you say?¨ He asks, before you smile at him through the mirror.
¨I think I like that idea ¨ you say.
Heaven forbid anyone ever offend you in his presence, he WILL throw a fit and then go on a ten minute rant about how good of a dancer and singer you are.
Will sing with you while he plays the piano
Will ask you to sing for him whenever, but loves when you sing to him before bed
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What bothered me the most about the Velma show was just the sheer lost potential it had. Like, for one, the reveal of what was actually going on was actually so intriguing? Like, okay, the army general trying to put a stop to 'meddling kids' protesting the war so he teams up with a scientist for brain swapping experiments only to steal her work and put her in a asylum, and then Victoria, the general's daughter, restarting the experiment to swap her son's brain out and hypnotizing Diya into helping her and hypnotizing Velma to have hallucinations? Bruh. All of that sounds interesting and has such story potential. But it feels like the show doesn't focus a lot on actually doing detective work, so there's no sort of slow progression into figuring out what's going on. Even when they do things to try and progress the mystery, it doesn't really feel like they do? Like they don't focus on it. I would've really liked it if they slowly solved the mystery over the course of the show, doing active steps to solving clues each episode with the typical amount of breaking an entering and stealing and interrogation and such.
Also, when Velma mentioned the whole thing with the scientist, Edna, doing 'white people shit' and I feel like they could've done something with that. This is a white man stealing a black woman's work, and then when she refuses to give her any more of her work he throws her into an asylum. This is something so tragically rooted in reality. Maybe have like a whole flashback dedicated to Edna, like Velma went to the asulym based on a clue and got the full story from her. It would go through Edna's mindset of having good intentions with her work, only to get no financial backing because she's a black woman. And then the general shows up and gives her the money she needs. Only for the general to start controlling what the brain swapping would ultimately be for, and Edna slowly loses her morals as she doesn't want to lose him as a sponsor. Then when he steals her work, that's when it all comes to a head, having a mental breakdown and realizing that even if with his sponsorship that would allow her to do other projects that might do some good, the general would just take credit again. So she gets rid of all her reasurch, and she's been rotting in this asylum ever since. But it sort of feels brushed over in the show.
As for the gang's personalities, I'm not entirely against them being more asshole like, but I feel like it could be done a bit differently. I'ma start their personalities off with a blank slate and rewrite them along with the story structure. Let's start with the big one; Velma. So here's the thing; literally nobody cared when her mom went missing. Her mom seemed to be the only one that cared about her (I'm going to make it so Norville and her aren't friends at the start of the show). Her dad clearly doesn't want her and is very neglectful, and then turns around and blames Velma for Diya leaving (I'd like it if Velma and her mom actually had a mutual good relationship with each other, not just Velma assaulting her the whole time), the police don't try that hard because they think Diya just abandoned her family too. Velma is the only one who cared to look. Instead of just getting hypnotizing immediately after her mom's disappearance, that seemed odd, she spends the past two years looking, the only one looking. Maybe she gets on the right track so that's when she gets hypnotizing into not solving mysteries. So that's when the show starts, with Velma feeling useless and frustrated that she can't find her mom without hallucinating and making no progress because of it. She won't ask for help from anyone because she feels like nobody's on her side, and she feels the only way a person would help her is if she tricks them or threatens them. So she's jaded, dismissive of people because she thinks they're dismissive of her, but she does adore figuring things out. Especially if it's difficult, she loves the challenge of it. She carries a bunch of little puzzles on her at all times.
Now Norville, who I'm going to now call Shaggy because I'd like it if he had the nickname or just gained it somehow during the show so i'm going to say he did in my rendition, his whole personality I probably had the second biggest problems with. But anyway, it's kinda glossed over but I would like it if it wasn't, his parents don't like the way he is. I think they wanted a different child, one they could point to and be like "yep, that's definitely the principle/guidance counclor's son". When he was younger he tried to fit their mold, but it was never good enough so eventually he just stopped trying, becoming a slacker. I think Shaggy cares the most about other people and their well being. He also has a weird amount of obscure talents he brings out at random moments. ALSO, he is having a Scooby. Scobby won't talk, but he'll always be around Shaggy as a service dog, maybe for anxiety or something. This could also result in disappointment from his parents, cause even tho his dad is a guidance counselor, I get the vibe that his parents only care if the students are 'perfect', and the guidance counselor would try to manipulate the students into becoming 'perfect' during sessions, and if not then they're discarded, and Shaggy was discarded. I think he helps Velma, and Velma is very suspicious about it.
As for Daphne, I'd like it if she was a little older when she was abandoned by her parents, like 6 or something. So she remembers them and remembers the abandonment, and when she sees her dad on the news she recognizes him, setting off her journey of reconnection. And I think remembering her life beforehand would really amp up her feelings of being left. She had been interrogated about her parents when she was young but she was little enough to not fully understand the criminal activities she saw, and she still doesn't really, her memories skewed by her thinking her childhood was normal before she was abandoned. I like her doing violent and impulsive things, probably derived from her formative years with her criminal family. I think she's also very manipulative, but in a nice way sort of. Like you wouldn't even know she manipulated you. This is because she's a bit of an empath, very good with people, but doesn't care for them like Shaggy. Also, her adoptive moms could have an arc where they're not detectives, they just happen work in the police station. When Daphne gets involved with her crime parents, they pull out some detective work of their own. After that they could become a sort of ally to the gang, and maybe sort of start taking over the police station with the help of Daphne's manipulation.
And then Fred. His whole family life is terrible; his parents think he's a defect, that he's not tough or smart enough to be the heir of the company. Kinda similar to Shaggy, but instead of shutting down and leaning into the whole 'failure' thing, Fred doubles down. He is determined to be perfect, went to military school and just came back this year. (tie in his military school into trying to solve the mystery with the general and such) I think he likes planning things, crafting traps. He's very tactical, and he honestly thrived in military school because of it, but he had been miserable. Because deep down he doesn't care about the family business or the military or whatever; he actually dreamt of being a superhero. He adored those superhero comics as a kid that took down the bad guy, that's what he wanted, to just make the world a better place. Of course, those comics weren't allowed so he had to sneak them, something he hadn't done in years, because now he acts like how his parents want although it's still never enough. Underneath it all, he's actually a himbo and over the course of the show he slowly becomes his true self, solving mysteries and forming plans to take down the bad guys like in those comics. Also the way his mom was going to swap his brain because she just hates who he is that much; that's going to mess him up.
It seems like the gang all have messed up parental relationships they're dealing with, which I feel could've been utilized. They all, in a sense, feel unwanted, that they aren't enough for the people that are supposed to be the closest to them. They could've bonded over that, making each other feel wanted, a slowburn friendship from the four of them, as none of them are used to letting people in. Also, they're sort of the next generation of 'meddling kids', which I also felt could have more emphasis. Maybe it means like they actually care about the world, that they want to do some good, whilst the people they're up against have all the power and opportunity in the world and they just use it to keep themselves on top. Maybe show some parallels between the 'meddling kids' back then and the 'meddling kids' now, and what became of the 'meddling kids' of the past.
I dunno, I just feel like despite having a cool premise they spent the whole show trying to be satirical towards other teen mystery shows or something instead of actually trying to tell a story. I also liked the animation style. The hallucinations looked cool. So yeahhh.
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ummpati · 1 year
What is one episode you wish didn't exist in the series and what is one that you wish we got more of?
Also I like how you write Elijah :)🫶
hello, I'm so sorry this took so long, I'm just seeing this now!!
hmm, while I don't particularly HATE any episodes if I could get rid of one, it would definitely be that one haunted house one with Meghan and Velma(?) It was a two-parter, 'The Insane Asylum' I think it was called.
and I would have LOVED if we got more side stories in general; but full-fledged episodes? Probably the Death-Con arc or the sports festival/Vengence High; I find them so interesting I wish we got more than a few lines from them! How cool would it have been to get a side story just about them??? Also at Kyran's farm!!! I loved those episodes so much its unreal
And thank you sm!!!!! We didn't get much of him in canon so there is a lot I get to play around with :))
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nerdygirl8203 · 2 years
Y’all… I came up with a new scooby doo spinoff.
It starts out with most of the gang already friends except for Daphne. She’s a popular bitch. HOWEVER in the beginning of the first episode she realizes how toxic her friend group is and is then in the back of some scenes (not drawing any focus to her so when you rewatch you see her) and sees how shitty her “friends” are to the gang. She apologizes and at first the gang doesn’t trust her. Then she brings in the beloved character of scrappy doo who is a stuffed dog she made for scooby from scraps she had from some clothes she made! Scrappy is a non speaking character and is Scooby’s toy now. He loves scrappy and loves Daphne now. This happens in the first 1-2 episodes. That’s it. She realizes her “friends suck” in the first episode and by the end of the second she gives scooby the stuffed dog she made out of scrappys.
Daphne is the muscle. She has done kick boxing and MMA since she was a child! He parents are rich “cool” parents (think the mom from Mean Girls).
In the first episode (first 5 minutes) we see daphne listening to a true crime podcast but have to hide it when her “friends come around”. We also see her hiding how good her grades are in a later scene. She gets an A and then lies and says she only gets a C when pestered by her “friends”. As soon as she starts to be around the gang her “friends” make fun of her and daphne stands up for them WITHOUT them being present. She is doing it on her own accord without expecting gratitude.
Shaggy is a stoner because he has anxiety and the edibles help him calm down. He is hella aromatic but it’s not a big thing. They mention it and just move on. We love shaggy and don’t fuck with his character too much.
Fred is a dork. He’s on the chess club and that’s where he learned his love of trapping. He also is a hardcore feminist. People bullied a kid when they were younger for wearing ascots so he started to wear one with the kid so the kid wasn’t alone and now wears is all the time. That is a side character who is lovable named Fate (we will come back to them.
Velma is lesbian and Shaggy is her beard. He was the first person she ever told and he supports her whole heartedly. Her parents suck and aren’t supportive so he is her beard until they get out of high school and can move in together. Velma makes the scooby snacks. They look like Shaggy’s edibles because scooby got sad when Shaggy wouldn’t share.
Scooby is scooby. He’s a Great Dane who loves his family (the gang). He gets Scrappy and starts to treat it almost like a babydoll. He tucks ut in and pushes himself to get past being scared to “be a good role model” and “wants to get rid of the monsters” for scrappy.
Fate is Velma’s girlfriend. Fate is trans (male to female). They wore an ascot as a kid as a way to wear a scarf without being “gay”. Fred comes in the next day wearing one and they become best friends immediately. It’s not as bad when you have a friend to lean on. Fate helps Velma a lot. When Velma is hyper focusing she will help Velma out. This is a fully fleshed out character and is the one who painted the mystery machine.
Shaggy, Velma and Fred all have a true crime podcast. Daphne finds out about this and joins. They first let her because her uncle is the police chief and she convinced him to let her look at some cold cases with her friends (she 100% used that as a way to convince them to let her join). They all soon bond and start solving these mysteries.
I will most likely keep adding to this. Tell me your ideas too please!
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dolphs-world · 11 months
Feeling a bit tired so I'm just going to write a bit about movies. I'll write some actual analysis on Television and internet trends that annoy me next week. Would also love to talk a little bit more about Shovel Knight. But for now, movies. Starship Troopers was so good that I remembered the protagonists name, Johnny Rico. Will have to rewatch Total Recall. Heat and Once Upon a Time in America were the best of those types of films and they were still only halfway decent. I really don't get why these movies and these types of movies are beloved. Walk Hard and The Producers are the funniest films I've seen in a while and both of their songs are beautiful. Not too long either. Didn't have much actual depth for those reviews but these next 3 I do. Saw the FNaF movie with friends. They really didn't like it. I'm starting to question their opinions when it comes to these movies. One of them also didn't like the Mario movie and it seemed to be because they expected too much out of it. I loved the Mario movie, it was surprisingly funny. But the FNaF movie. It was fine. It is going to be an incredibly dated movie but for some reason that didn't annoy me as much. I don't know why it was set in the year 2000 or why there was a court subplot or really what Vanny's motivations. She seemed really muddled. But it was cool seeing such noticeable practical effects. Honestly, I think the movie would have been better if it was even more family friendly. Get rid of the onscreen murders and that whole subplot anyways, it made Mike's fears of the robots more valid. To make him seem crazy they had to have him beat someone up. Should have just outright said that Matthew Lillard was William Afton, not try and play it up as a reveal. It was funny that they casted someone from Scooby Doo as even he could have figured out this mystery without Velma's help. But yeah, if you got rid of some of this stuff you could have cleaned up the characters a bit more, made Afton a threat. Play to the child audience you know you have. The only thing that annoyed me about the movie is the reaction. Low critic scores have caused fans to try and analyse every aspect as if this movie is high art. Or maybe they just genuinely believe that. I saw threads of people explaining how the babysitter didn't want to ruin Mike's life, which was obvious. They're acting like they're peeling back the layers to a deep movie. It's called understanding emotions. Brazil, Brazil, one of Doug Walker's favourite movies. I didn't like it. I liked the look. It's crazy how people act as if the dystopia is the real world as opposed to the scenes where he was a birdman and escaped with Jill. But yeah, actually made me appreciate 1984 more. At least I understand what he thinks he's fighting against in that movie, and the last third of that book is great. You actually get to see the torture! (I felt like Zach Snyder writing that line. I get the importance and messaging of the book. I get why the characters like each other, although talk at each other as opposed to to each other, and the importance of them meeting up again later in life). But Brazil. It just didn't work. It didn't really blend reality and dreams well to make the ending a twist. You know that it's in his head. It doesn't make sense that Jill likes him back. Ian Holm's character was kind of pointless. I don't know. I don't know how to explain. I've been thinking about this film on and off again and all I can say is read 1984 and A Brave New World instead. Although I don't like 1984, only the last third is good, the second is a slog, you understand it's importance. And A Brave New World is actually good. Brazil was not.
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wheelsup · 3 years
okay but can you imagine spencer washing your hair for you?
like, i never (ever) let anyone (at all) touch my hair, but i feel like he'd be really gentle about it, and there is just something so soft and tender to me about the idea of washing someone's hair for them 🥺
that’s my dream <3 ik you didnt specifically ask for a blurb but i think about this very often. i wrote two versions of this, but this one (with two bickering best friends who are v much in love) won my heart. 
wc: 1.6k   contains: friends (to crushes, maybe ;) ), injured reader. gn!reader
“Spence, I promise you that I can do it by myself,” you huffed, attempting to yank off your tank top as you walked toward the hotel bathroom, using only one arm while trying to keep the other as still as possible.
“I’d be more inclined to believe you if you didn’t sound like you were going to cry,” he snickered, following hot on your trail as you tried to escape his hovering. 
“You’re being dramatic.” 
“Oh really? Lift your arm up, then.” He leaned his hip against the marble counter, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for you to do it. One obnoxiously smug eyebrow arched on his forehead.
Sometime during the case, you’d gotten into a brief tousle with a suspect, who just had to run away when approached. If Morgan had been there, you wouldn’t have even batted a lash, but he wasn’t. So not only had you detained him by yourself, you also wound up with a minor pulled muscle in your shoulder. 
You shot him a sarcastic smile, toothless and irritated, and raised your right arm into the air. He let out an airy scoff. 
“Other one, smart ass.”
Your arm dropped down to your side, your smile falling with it as you turned sharply towards the shower. 
“Look, I’m disgusting right now. So either I suck it up and shower, or you’re going to smell me until the day we solve this case.”
Spencer’s nose crinkled at the gross truth. He wasn’t ungentlemanly enough to tell you, but sharing a bed with a coworker was quite a quick way to discover if they were in need of a shower or not. Your shoulder might be out of service, but both of you could agree that hygiene was a bigger priority. 
“You can’t even move. Just… just let me help you.”
You snorted. “Nice try, Reid. I’m not letting you shower with me.”
He rolled his eyes at your use of his last name. You only called him that when you were annoyed with him. He pushed off the counter and turned to the wall, hitting the light switch and earning a shriek from you as the room suddenly went dark. 
“I won’t look,” he shrugged, amusing no one but himself. 
“You’re a clown, you know that?” you muttered under your breath, drawing back the shower curtain and fumbling around, searching for the knobs in pitch black. “Absolutely fucking theatrical.” 
You found them moments later and ran the water, testing the temperature on the back of your hand. By the time it went from cold to warm, you noticed that he still hadn’t moved. From the sliver of light peeking under the door, you could make out just his silhouette in the corner, perched on the vanity. 
He was being stubborn about this. That, and the comforting fact that you couldn’t see a single thing –– thankfully, not even his face –– wore you down.
“Close your eyes,” you murmured. 
“It’s already pitch black in here ––”
“Close your eyes, Reid.”
Sighing through his nose, he did just that. To make sure you knew it, and also maybe just to be annoying, he made a show of getting off the counter and turning himself around to face the wall. You peeled out of your clothes as quickly as you could. In the process, you caught the long shower curtain under the heel of your foot and, as you stumbled over it, accidentally dragged it along, sending the metal curtain hooks screeching as they slid along the bar.  
The second you found your ground, you immediately shot daggers into the back of Spencer’s head, waiting for him to make a joke. As if he could feel them, he bit back his quip. Not without letting a barely contained cackle slip under his breath. 
“Okay,” you warned, stepping into the shower. Grabbing the end of the shower curtain, you pulled it tightly over your body to cover yourself as you poked your chin out to talk to him. “I’m in.”
Spencer turned and approached the shower, eyes still shut with his hands out in front of him, feeling the walls for guidance. He was still mocking you for making him close his eyes. You raised your brows; he must’ve thought he was quite funny. 
“You look like Velma when she loses her glasses.”
That knocked the funny bone right out of him. His hands dropped to his sides.
“Just get your hair wet and hand me the shampoo.” 
You drew the curtain shut again as you dipped your head under the shower stream, coming back moments later with sopping wet hair and a little bottle of complimentary hotel shampoo. 
He let you sit on the floor of the bathtub, just slightly removed from the spray of the water. Your back was to him, as he kneeled down on the tile floor, just outside of the bathtub so he didn’t have to get wet. You bent your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them.
Spencer first pushed up the sleeves of his sweater as far as he could before deciding to remove it altogether for the sake of protecting the wool against stray water. The cuffs of his work shirt were unbuttoned and rolled up to his elbows as he got to work.
Taking a healthy quarter-sized amount of shampoo into his palm, he lathered it between his hands before running soapy fingers through your scalp. The pads of his fingertips softly dug in as he carefully massaged the shampoo in.
When he started working his fingers in patterns, putting pressure near your temples and increasing it as he dragged them up the curve of your scalp, you let your eyes close. He was getting rid of a headache you didn’t even realize you had. 
The tension you’d been carrying in your shoulders eased a little, and it made him think about how much you probably needed this. One of his hands came down to massage the muscle between your neck and your good shoulder, knowing it was best to just let the hot water do its magic on the bad one. 
When the shampoo had been sufficiently lathered, he stood up and detached the shower head, bringing it down to you so you didn’t have to move. You leaned your head back for him as he carefully rinsed the soap out.
You weren’t going to ask, but thank God Spencer told you to hand him the conditioner next. This, he slathered all over the ends of your hair, making sure all of it was sufficiently covered in conditioner before loosely twisting it into a low, makeshift pony for you. 
“Mm. I was about to ask how you’re so good at haircare,” you chuckled lowly to yourself, in a half-sleepy voice with your forehead resting on your knees. Dangerously close to falling asleep. “Then I remembered what you used to look like.”
You had a lazy smile on your face just thinking about the days where Spencer’s hair used to be down to his shoulders. He looked so pretty like that (not that he didn’t look pretty now, too), you always wondered why he got rid of it. 
“Remember when I got shot in the knee?” he hummed, returning to work your shoulder. He adorned a tiny smile of his own as he started to reminisce. “You came by my house at least once a week. Brought me meals, watched movies with me. Helped distract me from the pain. Even drove me to my physical therapy appointments.” 
You mm-hmm’d that you remembered.
“You pretty much did everything shy of helping me bathe. Though, I feel like you would’ve helped with that, too, if I asked.”
You both laughed at that. You hadn’t really noticed the parallels of your situation, being injured and needing his help for once. He was happy to repay the favor. 
“I’ll, uh. Let you wash your body yourself,” he said, coming out of his daydream for a moment. He rinsed his hands off and got up, patting down his wet hands on his trousers. With one nod from you to confirm that you’d be able to do it, he quickly exited the bathroom to give you privacy. 
You emerged seventeen minutes later, clad in pajamas with towel-dried hair. Spencer was still awake as you crawled onto the bed beside him, more than ready for bed after that. He looked to the side to ask you how the rest of your shower was, and before he could get it out, you shuffled up next to him, winding one arm around his and resting your head on his chest.
“I take it you had a good shower?” he laughed. This was one of his “I told you so” moments, and for once, you didn’t mind it. 
“Mhm,” you smiled, chuckling behind it as you shut your eyes. You were falling asleep fast. “Spence, the scalp massage…” 
“Was good, right?” he boasted, inflating his own ego a bit. 
You nodded against his shoulder, not caring if you helped blow up his ego another two sizes. Burrowing deeper into the covers, nestling tighter against Spencer, you got one more quip in before falling asleep. “S’good that I think I have a crush on you now.” 
Joke or not, he pulled the blanket higher until it reached your chin, holding you with both arms and kissing the top of your head before falling asleep himself.
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zoinkshaggy · 3 years
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stats --
name: remus russell rogers
faceclaim: ricardo hoyos
age: 21 years
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: bisexual, biromantic
birthday: february 4th
zodiac: aquarius
abilities: none
occupation: college student
traits: boyish, committed, selfish, sarcastic, caring
likes: fallout, drums, allison, pumpkin spice, picnics, smoking, sneakers, camping, swearing, taco bell
dislikes: papercuts, feeling stupid, mustard, celebrities, lavender scents, urinals, peeps, set times, baseball caps, skinny jeans
biography --
remus didn’t know stability until he was eleven years old. dropped off at the police station with no explanation the year he was supposed to start kindergarten, he bounced from foster home to foster home until he landed in the rogers’. no one wanted the angry kid. and the longer that he went on feeling unwanted, the angrier he got. he assumed shaggy and velma were just another stop along the way, already accepting of the idea he’d end up aging out of the system and he’d be in someone else’s house next year. but they were different. their kindness from the beginning never wavered. they didn’t see a stubborn, rebellious, broken preteen. they saw a sad, lonely little boy. he didn’t need to be fixed, he just needed to be loved. he fought the love at first, waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never did. eventually he was able to accept that this was his family. instead of changing homes in a few months, he changed his last name. and his first, because he didn’t want to be the namesake of the man that abandoned him. trouble always found its way in, though, and just as he’d allowed himself to believe everything was okay, his new parents shipped him off... with no explanation, the way his birth parents had. he’d noticed that his father had stopped joking as much, wasn’t eating, sleeping in too late, but he still managed to convince himself it was all about him. it was his fault. his family had come to realize how much they didn’t want him, and instead of admitting it they decided to get rid of him by sending him and his sister to a school in another city. they kept in touch, but remus began to become reserved and angry all over again. it was a slippery slope. it led to alcohol addiction before he was legal, outbursts at the people that were supposed to be his friends. he was destroying everything he knew, including himself. but he reached a point where he realized he needed help. it’s been over a year now since he’s picked up a drink. therapy has helped some, but it’s the support system that made him able to get through it. now he can see with a clear head that everything isn’t always about him. shaggy had been struggling too. it wasn’t that he was a burden, it was that sometimes things aren’t okay and you have to work through them. people make mistakes and bad decisions. the world doesn’t revolve around him. his family is still his family. he’s still loved. along with his sobriety, remus has been turning to healthier coping mechanisms --- apologies to the other people who live in his apartment, he bought a drum set --- and being more open and honest. he’s in love, in a healthy relationship for the first time. life is all around better than it ever has been before. except for one little thing. the person that keeps trying to contact him and broke into his home, insisting they’re his birth mother. his birth mother, whom he recently found out died seven years ago.
connections --
*annyoance: any gender, any age. he’ll try his best to be nice to them. but this person just gets on his very last nerve. he doesn’t wish them any ill will, he just wants them to leave him alone. childhood friend: jordan bellefonte. now that the angst has died down from him practically abandoning her when they were foster siblings then pushing her away, he considers jordan one of his best friends again. family, even. dad: shaggy rogers. his dad is pretty lame, but it’s the coolest thing about him. he’s glad he’s doing better now, and he knows that he can come to him whenever he needs to. *ex girlfriend: female, close in age. before his relationship with allison, remus was definitely toxic, and there’s plenty of room for angst and regret on his end. maybe he even loved her, but they just couldn’t work. ex, kind of: perry van dort. they had a... thing. shortly after remus was adopted and realizing he might be into boys too. it’s safe to say perry was his bi awakening, but he was too afraid to make anything public, so to this day he’s his biggest secret. *foster family: any gender, any age. either fostered by their parents and it didn’t work out or someone else that was in the system and ended up in the same home at the same time. girlfriend: allison hawkins. remus has no idea how he got so lucky. from the moment he met alli, he was drawn to her. now that he they’ve been official for over a year, he still can’t wrap his mind around being able to call her his. honorary friends: mystery inc and van dort kids. his parents are loyal to the people they care about. it’s only natural he’d also care about their friend’s kids he grew up around. mom: velma rogers. remus is definitely a mama’s boy. he had a lot of distrust coming into yet another new home, but it was easy to warm up to velma. he loves her so much. probably his favorite person in the entire world. *music buddy: any gender, any age. they can come over and sing or play guitar or something while he bangs on the drums. fair warning, he isn’t that great, but he’s getting better. past drinking buddy: aya leu. the two of them partied hard when they partied. he kind of abandoned her, because he can’t be around that kind of life and stay sober. *tutor: any gender, any age. remus has never been good at school. his grades have been better lately, mostly thanks to this person taking the time to explain things how he can understand it. he’ll pay for the service. he just wants to graduate. sister: olive rogers. remus wasn’t sure he ever wanted siblings because that would draw attention away from him, but he got over that hurdle and he’s glad olive came around. she’s the best big sis he could ask for.
* open connection, this could be you !! hmu.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
Torn: Remus Lupin Story: PS OC:Chapter Five: Fearless First Year
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Remus Lupin Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Remus Lupin x Vega Black (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
“You occasionally see one, and it’s the thrill of a lifetime. But mostly all you ever see is a cloud of dust after they are gone. It’s their stubborn ability to survive that makes them so remarkable.” — Velma “Wild Horse Annie” Johnston
Chapter Song Inspiration: 
“Fearless” - Olivia Holt 
Days turned to weeks and by now all of Hogwarts had come to know Rowan Black as the Feisty First Year. Much to her embarrassment. James wouldn't shut up. Sirius was no help. They'd made BUTTONS with her face on them surrounded charmed blue flames. "Here, get your Feisty First Year buttons! The Rebellious Ravenclaw!" Vega’s blood boiled as she watched the two of them walk around the courtyard passing out buttons like she was some kind of freak at the circus. "James!" she hissed at him and he whirled around to see the very angry little eleven year old. "Come here!" "Ah, here she is now, ladies and gents!" he grinned and nudged Sirius who winked at her mischievously. She deadpanned at the both of them before searching out the only person who she could reason with. A person who just so happen to be hiding his face in a book. "Remus." she said placing her hands down on the table in front of the shy Gryffindor. He cleared his throat and looked up at her sheepishly, "Vega..." She arched a brow at him. "I didn't have anything to do with it..." he lied. Those stormy grey orbs narrowed at him viciously, "I'm a fairly good lie detector, Remus John Lupin." His brows rose into his hair line, "How did you know my middle name?" "I'm also wildly observant." she seethed. "Now, make them stop." "I can't..." he mumbled not wanting to go against his only friends. Although, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little afraid of her. Eleven or not....Vega had the ability to be terrifying when she wanted to be. "Coward." she snapped and he sunk further down. She was angry now but maybe she'd forgive him when she saw what was coming. "Step right up! Take your chance! Who's brave enough to face off against the Feisty First Year?!" James boasted and she rounded on him. "James Potter!" she hissed. "I am NOT getting in a fight." "There she goes, boys! Wound up already! Who's brave enough to take her on?" Sirius added. "Sirius...Orion...Black..." she seethed at her older cousin. "Stop encouraging him!" "What's the matter bitty baby? Afraid of a rematch?" Vega knew that voice and she glowered over at her older cousin....who now had her wand back...and an entourage. "Bellatrix, dear cousin!" Sirius boasted with a grin and started towards her, "Have a button!" "Get that thing away from me!" Bella snapped and slapped his hand away from her. "Oh, come now!" Sirius smirked. "Say, you beat V in a rematch and we'll put YOUR face all over the buttons!" "Sirius!" Vega snapped at him in disbelief. "I will not-" "What's wrong?" Bella sneered. "Afraid of a little competition....frightful first year?" Vega glanced over at her older cousin, Andromeda with an arched brow. "You're encouraging this?" Vega pressed in irritation. "No." Andromeda said. "I'm not." "And if I were to accept?" Vega challenged....effectively causing a roar of applause at a possible dueling match making her sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose. 
"Hypothetically speaking," Andromeda began. "If you were to accept in my presence I'd be obligated to stop you but since I've just remembered my potions homework....I'll be going over there." Andromeda said with a knowing smirk. For a prefect...she was oddly cool about a lot of things. Vega narrowed her eyes and ground her teeth together. They were idiots. All of them. Absolute idiots. "Let's do this." The students around her roared to life and Bella smirked. "One on one." Vega said. "Wand to wand." "Afraid cousin?" Bella taunted. "No, but I'm not stupid." Vega snapped. "You've always been a cheater. People who lack talent tend to go that route." A round of laughter coursed through the students at Bella's expense. "You little!" Bella snapped drawing her wand but Vega had already cast the disarming charm....landing Bella's wand in her hand. Again. "It's your temper than blocks your vision, Bella." Vega sighed with a shake of her head...though never taking her eyes off her opponent. Vega tossed it back to her. "Again." she said. The fire in Bellatrix' eyes told her that she aimed to hurt her this time but Vega was prepared. She never wanted to hurt others but Bella had a way of pressing her buttons. What happened next was fast and rapid fire. Hexes, curses, deflections and disarming charms flew between the two girls like lightning. Beams of light and gusts of power. What started as a simple duel had quickly turned into something else and Andromeda had already joined the group again. "You little blood traitor!" Bella roared at her younger cousin. "No one is here to protect you now! I can show you how our family treats traitors!" "Bellatrix!" Andromeda snapped but the grin on her younger sister's face told her she wouldn't be stopping. "Bella, no!" Andromeda lunged forward. She recognized the wand movement of the Cruciatis curse. Bellatrix turned on Sirius because she knew that was the way to get to Vega anyway. However, Vega had cast a protective shield in front of him throwing her back. "Get. away. from. him." Vega growled visciously. "Struck a nerve have I?" Bella smirked. “Ready to give up, Bitty Baby?” 
“Not likely.” Vega said. 
“Scared little baby!” Bella cackled. “Shaking with fear!” 
Vega snapped her wand around her head like a whip and the students backed up as the protection shield in front of Sirius widened....and encased the two girls in a dome. Andromeda ran forward in a panic but smacked into a barrier between herself and the girls. Things had escalated far quicker than she had anticipated....and now she couldn't stop it. Her fist beat on the barrier and she was soon joined by Narcissa and Sirius. "Sirius, make her stop!" she pleaded. "I can't!" he said. "She's protecting me! You can't talk to her when she's like that!" "Vega!" Andromeda said. "Take it down! Bella, don't you dare!" But she was too late. Bellatrix had turned to her younger with a glare. She took in the younger girl's form. She was using magic that was a bit beyond her level...and it was taking a toll on her. Blood ran from her nose and her grey eyes took on a glossy appearance. "Look at you." Bella sneered. "You're not even worth the air. Perhaps, I should just rid us all of you now. You can join your dirty blood traitor parents! Dear old dead mummy and daddy!”  "Sirius..." Andromeda whispered in horror. "Someone get the headmaster! Go! Somebody get some help!" Several beams of light and red sparks were shot into the air to alert the staff while other students ran for help. "Bellatrix! No!" Andromeda stared at her sister. She knew that look. Bella thrived on power. She thrived on having something's life in the palm of her hands. She was the child who set ant hills on fire. She was the child who choked frogs until they stopped moving. She was dark...and she loved seeing the light leave things. She could see now that she planned to do the same to Vega. Bella raised her wand, "Good bye, cousin." Vega struggled to her feet but she stood as tall as she could. She'd be damned if she let Bella take her on her knees. She'd give it all she had....even if it killed her. "Avada Kedavr-" "Expecto Patronum!" A beam of silver exploded from Vega’s wand.
“You got it, love.” she heard her father’s voice in her ear causing tears to well up. 
“Show ‘em what we’re made of, babydoll.” her mother’s voice in her other ear. 
Vega pushed the last bit of magic she had into the spell and an enormous horse erupted from the tip of Vega’s wand and charged forward.  
 It reared up over Bella's stunned form that had been blown backwards onto her back. 
The magnificent creature let out a powerful sound as it stood over the shaking second year's form. "I'm sorry!" Bella cried. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't- please don't!" Vega struggled to stand as she concentrated on the magic she'd just performed. It was far too advanced for her to even attempt and yet somehow she'd managed to do it. But it had taken every last bit she had left. As she collapsed, the horse vanished, the barrier broke and a rush of feet surrounded both the girls. The last thing Vega heard before she lost consciousness was, "That's impossible. A first year has never been able to perform a barrier spell that solid." "Barrier? Are you blind? She just produced a full formed patronus! This is amazing! My sister is amazing!"
“Not your sister. Your cousin.” 
“Oh fuck off! That’s my baby sister! My fucking amazing, badass, queen of a baby sister! This is fucking wicked!”  "Mr. Potter take Mr. Black to the Gryffindor common room immediately!" It made her smile a bit Sirius’ ability to be an absolute dork at the worst possible moment. It was that thought that let her slip into the darkness peacefully while the whispers ignited around her. 
Vega Black. 
Not the Feisty First Year. 
The Fearless First Year. 
Chapter Four 
Chapter Six Coming Soon
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Hello my lovelies!
Woooo child!  We got some friction! How do we feel about Vega fiesty retaliation? I’d love to hear from you!
Here is another rewrite of a previous work of mine that I had on Mibba! I did a bit of reworking on the character, her name and her backstory because I just felt like she deserved more!  I would love to know what you think of little Vega!
So please comment, reblog with thoughts and/or smash the ask box!  I do so love hearing from you my loves!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
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@theladyofmasks @aengsty
@ tb-ctn
Love, Kenny
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x14: Last Holiday
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March was so long ago
Sam’s doing research, Dean’s making burgers, Jack is hitting his existential saving the world phase, and the bunker is falling to pieces.
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The brothers head to the basement to investigate the failing plumbing. They find the bunker “grid control center thing thingy”. I believe that is the technical term. Dean decides to channel his inner Sam Wesson and turn it off and on again. And it seems to work! 
Good job, Meat Man!
He heads to his bedroom with his victory beer and burger, only to be surprised by a kindly looking woman folding his Scooby-doo underthings. 
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They find out the woman is named--well, she’s called Mrs. Butters. She’s a wood nymph. She lives in the bunker and helps the Men of Letters. She cleans, does laundry, cooks, and reinforces mid-century misogynistic stereotypes, you know, the usual. 
The brothers find out that she thinks it’s the year 1958. Dean breaks the news that it’s actually 2020. (From a 1958 perspective, 2020 seems SO FAR in the future. WTF?) Mrs. Butters is confused and horrified. She asks about the Men of Letters she cared for. They’re all dead, Dean informs her. 
“That’s why they didn’t come back,” she responds. It seems that when the Men of Letters never came back from the ceremony, she placed the bunker and herself in standby mode. Mrs. Butters is upset at learning about the passage of time, but instantly jumps into caretaker mode, noting it’s been an age since they’ve had a home cooked meal or celebrated the holidays (she also seems to think that they don’t wash their clothes, but I can’t imagine either Sam OR Dean as anything but mostly clean.)
She then activates her magic to bring the bunker to full power. The monster radar on the map table starts chirping. 
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Dean’s super excited about the new development, but Sam is a bit skeptical. Dean assures Sam it’s ok, and if it’s not, they’ll deal with it. They decide to head out on a vamp hunt, but Dean tells Jack (through his door) that they have a guest and she’s making snickerdoodles. 
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During Sam and Dean’s Impala broment, Sam wonders if it’s the best idea to have Mrs. Butters in the bunker. Dean doesn’t see the problem. “Ignoring your trauma doesn’t make you healthy,” Sam points out. (F U C K --i am ded) 
Mrs. Butters makes Jack a sandwich. 
Meanwhile, two vamps living the Big Swig life are quickly dispatched by Sam and Dean Winchester. (Note: They were drinking blood from blood bags, not from people. Were they really that bad? What happened to the gray area of hunting, SAM???? I only say this because I think this is highlighting the true evil of the Men of Letters...and Sam and Dean, super excited for their own toys for once, don’t stop to think about their actions.) 
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They come home to find the bunker decked out for the Christmas season. (HEARTS to the map table with a giant tree and train set.) Mrs. Butters even made cookies. JOY TO THE WORLD INDEED!
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Breakfast in the bunker brings a skeptical Sam, a millennial Jack (I think he’s really a zennial?), and a nightshirt adorned Dean ready for breakfast made by Mrs. Butters. 
(Dean’s nightshirt gag was funny as a cartoon, but less funny as the promos rolled out, and just fell flat during the episode itself.) Mrs. Butters wonders what Jack is, and then hands him a magic smoothie. 
Suddenly the bunker alarm goes off and Dean’s in Ghostbuster mode. “We got one!” Dean exclaims and the brothers head out on a lamia hunt. 
Jack stays behind to drink smoothies and help Mrs. Butters with the dishes. 
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Mrs. Butters asks about Jack’s dad, Lucifer, but Jack only tells her about his family --Sam, Dean, Cas, and….Mary. He confesses to killing her. Mrs. Butters’ response is GOLD. She appears to sympathize with Jack. She tells Jack that life gives us second chances, and then offers him another magic smoothie. 
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Later, while drinking another smoothie, Jack finds Mrs. Butters rifling through some files in the library. He then heads to investigate what she was looking at. In the drawers he finds an old file on Mrs. Butters, and a film reel.
The film reel shows a smug Cuthbert Sinclair recounting the recovery of a wood nymph from a Thule (Nazi) laboratory. Our domestic, smiling Mrs. B was responsible for the deaths of at least two hundred Nazi soldiers before she was restrained. Apparently wood nymphs are docile until their home and family are threatened. Cuthbert introduces Mrs. B in the reel: she’s “agreed” to join the Men of Letters for “service and security.” She then proceeds to rip the head off a bound Nazi and offer up tea and cookies. Jack recoils in horror. 
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Jack runs to warn Sam, but Mrs. B reveals that Sam is getting ready for a hot date. WITH EILEEN!!! Sam comes out, dressed to the nines in a collared shirt, tie, SWEATER VEST, and nice coat. Good lord, Sam! <3
Mrs. B drops a quick fact on Dean: she fixed his broken TV. Dean’s eyes light up. The DEAN CAVE IS OPERATIONAL! This is sufficient distraction for Dean. 
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As Dean runs off, a concerned Jack decides to follow Mrs. B down to the demon dungeon. He confronts her with the film reel evidence. “How did it make you feel?” she asks him, not at all surprised that he’s found her out. She thinks he enjoyed watching the agony on screen, and that he’s a danger to Sam and Dean.
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Jack protests that he would never hurt the Winchesters and we get an extremely close up shot of a distraught Mrs. B asking Jack if he thinks they keep him locked up to keep other people safe. (I imagine Mrs. B asking, “Is getting locked up to keep the world safe a normal thing? Asking for a friend.”) She mojo-chucks Jack against a wall! He’s as weak as a puppy and fails to fight back.
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She smiles at him. All those smoothies were full of nephilim-depowering goodness, chock full of vitamins, arrowroot, and JAWBONE. She’s going to rid the world of all monsters, starting with the ones in the bunker.
She greets Dean in the kitchen with a fresh grilled cheese sandwich. “You’ll need your strength so we can go kill Jack,” she tells him calmly.
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“Damn it,” Dean bursts out when she pulls out the archangel blade. “We had a good thing going but of course you had to go full Nurse Ratched.” He suggests an alternative plan: free Jack and continue their blissful new cohabitation as one big happy family. Cut to a little while later - and Dean winds up locked up alongside Jack.
Mrs. B greets Sam when he gets home and gives him the quick summary: Jack’s controlling Dean’s mind and she has them both trapped so they can be killed. How efficient! Sam plays along enough that I don’t notice in the first viewing that he’s shed his tie and unbuttoned that collar after that date! 
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Back in Sam’s room, he calls Dean who is...still trapped in the room with Jack. WITH his phone. I guess Mrs. B doesn’t understand cell phones? Also, Dean didn’t call to give Sam a head’s up so he could enjoy his date. Dean Bean, the support is nice to see. What a hopeless ROMANTIC, though.
The Winchesters have gotta take out Mrs. B, and both admit that they just never quite got around to researching HOW. I mean, there was Christmas and Thanksgiving and BOXING DAY breakfast… Dean tells Sam to start with the console in the boiler room while he and Jack try to escape. 
Jack offers to use his power to escape. When Dean shoots down that plan, Jack proposes that Dean still thinks of him as a monster. Dean uses his words! He hasn’t forgotten what happened to Mary, and he still has some anger, but he’s not going to let Jack die!
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Sam stalks Mrs. B through the bunker and when he finds her, he hilariously hides his gun behind his back. And reader, I…. I don’t know. I think that sweater vest is getting to me because I have gone full on Velma with this shot. LOOK AT THAT BIG LUG!
For Velma Heart Eyes Science:
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Mrs. B traps Sam and offers to help him understand, the same way Cuthbert helped her to understand. And no, it’s not with snuggly kittens and cookies! Sam argues for Jack. He’s a kid who’s already undergone way too much trauma in his short life! (I agree!!!) Mrs. B does NOT agree with this assessment. Pulling from Cuthbert’s playbook, she pries a fingernail off of Sam. It’s gooey! There are sound effects! While re-watching this scene, I actually put my hand over my eyes. It’s fine! 
Dean tries to use the blade to hack the cuffs off of Jack, but his attempt is useless. He just blasts Jack against a wall instead. That gives him an idea, though. “Pain is just weakness leaving the body,” Dean counsels Jack, positioning him in front of the exit door. He hacks at the cuffs again, throwing Jack against - and through the door. Well…...ooookay.
Now free, Dean and Jack head for the console and hit the reset button. The bunker turns a worried red and Mrs. B corners the three of them in the library. She’s going to stop Jack and save them! Sam tells her that Cuthbert TORTURED her to bend her to the Men of Letters cause. She can’t kill Jack!
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“He can save the world,” Dean tells her. The whole mission of the Men of Letters is to do just that! (No pressurrrrrrrre, Jack!) That’s the magic phrase for Mrs. B, though. She breaks down in tears, and relents. In the end, she still loves the Men of Letters she knew (even if she entered into it in an entirely awful way). 
A little while later, she’s healed Sam’s hand and bids them farewell. She longs for the forest. When she leaves, the magic of the bunker will be diminished once again. But that’s fine! Dean just needs a grill and a nice TV room to take his honey on a date, amirite? Also, Dean doesn’t need fancy map tables and “whatever that telescope thing is.”
“It’s an interdimensional geoscope,” she corrects him carefully. Dean protests: he looked through it recently and didn’t see anything! “That’s not good,” Mrs. B proclaims softly. I hand her the Understatement of the Year Award.
Mrs. B counsels Dean to eat his vegetables, Sam to cut his hair, and Jack...to save the world. She whooshes out.
Later, Sam tries to tease out Jack’s feelings. Jack’s worried. For a supposed god-killing machine, he was easily trapped. Dean interrupts this existential crisis by arriving in the library with a covered cake stand. Whipping off the cover, we see Dean’s made Jack A BIRTHDAY CAKE! They put a single candle in it because OMG Jack is just a little baby. 
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Dobby the Quote Elf:
We fought the devil. I killed Hitler. I think we can handle a few old pipes
Meat man coming to town!
Ignoring your trauma doesn’t mean you’re healthy
We all do things we’re not proud of but life gives us second chances and it’s our obligation to hold onto them.
Somebody’s shopping at Ambercrombie and bitch
Tell you what we’re gonna do. We’ll go downstairs… We’ll let Jack go. Forget this ever happened
Dang it. Dang-- Damn-- Damn it!
I’ve already had one monster take my family from me. I won’t have it happen again
He loves that apron
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finleyjean369 · 3 years
My dream villagers for Animal Crossing New Horizons
So I've recently got back into ACNH after a VERY long break. Totally forgot I had Bitty moving out, Carmen moving in. But when I got back into the game Renée (one if my starter villagers) asked to leave. I said sure and the next day Merengue shows up to my campsite and I got her to move in. Great! Merengue is one of my dreamiest villagers I've wanted her awhile. I have most of my dream villagers already with the exception of 3 or 4. So currently on my island of Moloka'i I have....
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Antonio! He was a starter villager and I'm never letting him go! He is husbando material. He is a dream villager and is stuck on my island.
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Benjamin! He is the goodest boy and so sweet I could eat him up! Also another dream villager.
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Hippaeux. Gives me very much gay uncle vibes. Who doesn't love their gay uncle, guncle? I had him in my town in New Leaf and I fell in love with him there! He is a dream villager as well.
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Marina is beauty and grace and just the cutest! I love her. Also another dream villager of mine she is so sweet.
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Took me awhile to get to like Naomi but she crawled her way into my heart and I love her. Though I might try and replace her eventually with Velma, a snooty goat villager.
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Merengue! I've wanted her in my island for a very long time. Ugh just the aesthetic about her and she is super sweet and kind. Obviously a dreamie villager.
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Tia is one of my absolute favorite villagers! Elephants being my favorite animal and all and I love Normal type villagers. Again another dreamie villager, I was so happy when I got her ambiio card in the mail!
Other villagers I am attempting to get rid of and don't deserve pictured in this post are Wolfgang, Lumberg and Carmen (I highly dislike peppy villagers all that chic and fab and wanting to be pop star just isn't my jam.) And maybe Naomi, but who knows?
Villagers I WANT on my island....
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This bad bish Muffy, I love gothic style and with Renée gone I'll want another sisterly villager.
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Genji! Antonio will need a workout buddy after all and I love jock type villagers. Peppy is really the only personality type I don't like.
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Lastly Kabuki! I do enjoy a good cranky villager being quite the grouch myself at times. I also really like his design.
As you have noticed I smug/snooty and normal/lazy are my favorite personality types. With normal being my most favorite. I do enjoy a good sisterly and cranky villager though. Granted jock villagers can get annoying bit peppy villagers with their "that's so fab" business and Carmen literally had the audacity to call my island "drab" when she moved in. Likely really my island is 4⭐ right now. Bish my island isn't drab, just covered in flowers in the places I don't know what to do with yet. Lol I sound like a smug/snooty villager, don't I? Anywho I might have to cheat and just yet the ambiio cards for the rest of my dreamy villagers.
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Why do you hate Scooby Doo Mystery Inc so much?
Hate is a pretty big word that I really don’t like to throw around that often because to me it implies zero redeeming qualities and that it never should have existed. I don’t think the Scooby world would be better off if MI never existed because despite it’s flaws there was a pretty huge following for it in the beginning. It did something that wasn’t all that common for CN shows at the time and that was trying to take a more serious and heavy-handed approach to the Scooby gang’s lives. It also brought back the concept of an overarching story line that was pretty well done before it go so convoluted (the last Scooby show to do that was 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo and that was back in the 80′s). It showed that the standard Scooby formula actually worked really well with this sort of set up. 
It also is the best looking show and I really do mean that. The art-style is appealing to the eye and the color pallet was shooting for this whole neon noir that worked really well. The directing and camera work is set up like a teen slasher movie and it meshes nicely with the vibe the show is going for. The designs for the monsters are also pretty memorable from the first season and look great. Like I can remember most of the episodes from the first season simply because of the set pieces and monster designs (the episode where they end up in a house underground is one of my favorites aesthetically).
This was also the first series with Matthew Lillard as Shaggy since the 2002 and 2004 live-action films and he does a great job for sure. The performances from the whole cast are good as a whole (not exactly off brand for them).
There’s the episode “Night Terrors” that got like 11 year old me shipping Shaphne in the first place.
So there are definitely some things I respect from MI and I wouldn’t say that I hate the show. I think strongly dislike suits my feelings more.
Despite the fact that it did a lot for Scooby it also messed a lot of it up (this is coming from someone who watched it several times all the way through). The story got too complicated and there were a lot of unresolved plots and character actions that didn’t make sense.
I think the worst crime it commits - and the one that my animosity is directed at - is that it’s characterization was the worst out of all the shows. It tries to sell the gang as the town outcasts who only have each other but most of the time I can’t buy that they’re close friends because of all the times they just stop talking to each other. It really feels like they hang out with each other on accident and would really be with literally anyone else. Most of the first season just feels like Daph is there because Fred is there and she wants Fred to jump her so.
The gang’s relationship is a key element of every Scooby show and if you leave the impression that they aren’t that close than you’ve got five characters acting independently that sometimes solve mysteries together.
Not to mention how badly the gang themselves are written.
I’ll start with Shaggy because he’s my guy and his treatment in MI makes me sad. Overall, I think he’s the most “in character” out of everyone but that still isn’t saying much. A lot of his development is through either Scooby or Velma and the Velma development was handled as poorly as possible. I know this show came out during a period where putting the guy on the receiving end of an abusive relationship was funny but that doesn’t make it okay. It’s played for laughs but even when I was little I didn’t think Shag being in a controlling relationship was amusing. When he breaks up with Velma (for a completely valid reason that doesn’t even mention her abuse of him) he’s painted as the bad guy and it’s brought up for the rest of the show. That effectively ruined his connection with the rest of the gang and now he’s more or less just there. He doesn’t get any emotional heart-to-hearts or scenes showing his relationship with the gang (the most he gets is with Daphne ironically). 
Most of the conflicts he alone faces are connected to Scooby or food and I feel like they could have explored so much more with him. Especially since that was the whole selling point of the show to begin with. The consistent fact that Shag is the glue that holds the gang together isn’t an element in this show either. I figured they might explore his obviously neglectful parents who still don’t seem too attached to the having a kid thing. But that didn’t happen and any outstanding Shaggy moments in the show aren’t as deep as the show promises.
Daphne easily gets it the worst. Her whole character is like completely dependent on Fred’s current attitude of her. Which is a shame because the show has these undertones of implying that Daphne is this eccentric, dorky, rich girl and I have no problem with that but nothing is done with it. Literally all of her characterization comes from Fred and any major development with her also comes from Fred. Season one her is pining for his affections relentlessly to the point that is seems kinda ridiculous. Even when they try and have Daphne “give up” on him she doesn’t even really do that. She’s just more inward about her feelings. I can’t even think of anything else to say about her because everything about her is just “SHE IS INTO FRED” in big red letters all over the story. I will mention that she is kinda sexualized in this show but it isn’t all that extreme. It’s not exactly illegal for a sixteen year old girl to wear bikinis (that she wears to get Fred’s attention of course). She did pull the teenager wearing lingire way before Riverdale did so props I guess (not really I still don’t understand the point).
It’s disappointing because Daphne is such a charming and lovable character in every show she’s in. Yet in MI she’s blown down to Fred’s arm candy and even when they promise to give her a character beyond that they really don’t. She falls back into the same relationship dynamic with him despite the supposed character growth.
MI Velma is given the backwards character arc of being the victim in an emotionally detached relationship. And it always confuses me because it’s obvious she had no interest in who Shaggy is because she wanted nothing to do with his life and kept trying to change him. Ironically she was trying to turn him into her arm candy and somehow convinced herself that he was the bad guy for not wanting to be that. The show wants you to feel bad for her because a boy chose a dog over her - but that isn’t even what happens! He states that he really isn’t ready for the kind of relationship Velma wants with him and that is painted as him choosing his dog. She holds that over him and Scooby’s heads for the rest of the show and I still don’t feel bad for her because she literally tried to force him to get rid of his dialogue quirk through physical harm. And he felt bad about it until the end of the episode????
When she isn’t abusing one of her best friends she’s usually talking down to all three of them because she’s perfectly aware that she’s smarter than them. Yet she’s the one who gets the most interesting story. Working for Mr. E and having an obvious lesbian relationship with Marcie are like actual things that progressed her character. Neither Shag or Daph get this treatment  and they don’t even get any character development to begin with. But every time I finish the show I stay at the same conclusion that I don’t like her all that much. Her redeeming quality could be her brutal sarcasm but that’s a character quirk that doesn’t fix who she is.
Oh Fred, dear little Fred. The one with the actual character arc that remains consistent. His character just got regulated to the dude-bro of your dreams with a trap/ascot obsession??? It’s pretty jarring to watch because Fred from the older shows is like this sweet guy who tries to play the mature one in the group. And then MI took that and threw it away so they could turn him into Captain Oblivious who only notices his feelings for Daphne when she expresses even the smallest bit of disinterest in him (how many relationships have I seen like that irl? Too many). There’s also the unspoken rule that all Fraphne development happens through jealousy (it’s been that way since Zombie Island and is still a regular thing). 
The thing is, there’s so much I could say about Fred yet not really all that much. He gets the most story and arguably the most screen-time. He prioritizes so many things over Daphne’s feelings for him and when they’re dating Daph states that she feels like one of his traps because he’s so controlling. He breaks her heart like it’s no big deal but then we’re supposed to believe he still loves Daph enough to actually stalk her?? The more I think about it the more shocked I get.
Actually, the more I talk about this show the more shocked I get. Mystery Incorporated has always been held to a higher regard as the best Scooby show. But that’s coming from the crowd that didn’t watch everything Scooby-Doo had to offer. 
Aside from the great art and animation, the integration of a greater evil happening behind the scenes, and probably the best score as well, MI’s flaws outweigh all of the good things it brings to the table. I try to give it another chance and I am always disappointed because nothing is accomplished or done with the characters and that’s what I was promised. An overarching plot suggests character development and progression but we don’t get that. Instead we get the butchering of a cast of characters we love and a bogus ending that makes zero sense in the context of anything.
TLDR; MI sucks but I would still watch it everyday for the rest of my life if it meant I never had to watch Scoob! again.
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imagine-riverdale · 5 years
Bully-Sweet Pea Imagine
Requested by: https://shembonzi.tumblr.com/
I’m sorry it took so long! I finished this a few weeks ago and completely spaced and forgot to post it. I’ve been having a hard time doing anything lately.
  For years Arienne knew that she had feelings for the tall Serpent with the neck tattoo. The same Serpent who had bullied her whilst they were younger, well up until a year ago, that is.
“Your pigtails are stupid.” The six-year-old Sweet Pea stated tugging on Arienne’s pigtails whilst she was sitting on the playground. Arienne said nothing as she played with her doll. “Your doll is dumb.” Sweet Pea stated as he pulled the doll from Arienne’s hands before pulling its head off and laughing when Arienne began to cry.
“You always have your nose stuck in a stupid book.” Sweet Pea’s voice filled the library of Southside Middle School, as he snatched the book out of her hands. “Why can’t you be normal?” He tossed her book back on the table.
“I am normal. Normal is a loose word with many different meanings.” She stated. “One person’s normal is another’s abnormal.” She stated looking over at the boy, whom was so much taller than her already.
“You’re weird.” He huffed storming out of the library taking Arienne’s book and tossing it in the trash on his way out.
“Still reading stupid books.” Sweet Pea stated entering the library of Southside High.
“Go away Sweet Pea.” Arienne stated not looking up from her book when he entered the library.
“That was rude.” Sweet Pea stated falling into the seat across from her and tilting her book cover up to read it. “Nice.” He stated as Arienne looked up from her book.
“What do you want?” She asked finally noticing the look on Sweet Pea’s face, it was one of sadness. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Sweet Pea shook his head before standing up and leaving the library.
As the two grew older, Sweet Pea’s teasing turned to bullying. He began calling her mean names and being all around horrible to her. Things never evolved to a physical level for Sweet Pea, as his mamma raised him to never hit a girl. Along the way Arienne, somehow, fell in love with Sweet Pea, and Sweet Pea fell in love with her.
The last time Arienne had seen Sweet Pea was after their encounter in the library of Southside High. Now, their school had been closed and they were forced into new districts, Arienne originally was sent to a school in Greendale before her Aunt Velma fought for her to be enrolled at Riverdale High. So, a week after the kids from Southside High started going to Riverdale High, Arienne walked in, much to Sweet Pea’s surprise.
“I see there’s no getting away from you. I had dreamed.” Sweet Pea stated stepping up next to Arienne as she was grabbing her things from her locker.
“Yes, well, I’m glad you dream of me Sweet Pea.” Arienne turned to the boy and smirked. “But at this point there is no way of getting rid of me, so get used to it.” She shut her locker and began walking away. That was the start of a beautifully secret friendship. While attending Riverdale High, Arienne spent most of her time in the library as they had a plethora of books that she couldn’t find at Southside High. Over the first few weeks Arienne felt herself being watched, and only after a month had she found out that Sweet Pea had kept his eyes locked on her every move.
“You know it’s rude to stare.” She stated nonchalantly one afternoon. Not looking up from her book until hearing the huff of the tall Serpent before he fell into the chair across from her. “I’m surprised this is the first time I’m seeing you Sweet Pea.” She stated. “Well since I arrived here that is. No more teasing?” She asked finally looking up at from her book. Sweet Pea sat across from her just staring before mumbling.
“Fuck it.” Leaning over the table Sweet Pea pulled Arienne’s face to his and kissed him, thus causing Arienne to drop her book with a thud onto the table.
“Sweet Pea,” Arienne’s voice was cut off by Sweet Pea kissing her again, this time Arienne caught up and kissed him back with just as much fever.
“Never have I met someone who infuriates me as much as you.” He muttered pulling away from the girl.
“I’ve never met someone who was as much of an ass as you.” She teased, a small smile spreading on her face.
“So, we agree.” Sweet Pea stood up. “I’ll see you here tomorrow.” He called behind him as he left the library, sat atop of Arienne’s discarded book was a sticky note with a phone number. That was the start of Arienne and Sweet Pea’s relationship.
Most of their relationship happened in the library over the next few weeks, the two getting to know each other. After about a month Sweet Pea vocalized his feelings, not love or anything like that but that he liked her and a few weeks later Arienne confirmed she loved him, which she understood when Sweet Pea couldn’t say it back as she knew it took people different amounts of time to love.
After three months of being together people began suspecting things weren’t right, mainly the Serpents and the other kids whom had gone to Southside High and witnessed the interactions between Sweet Pea and Arienne. It wasn’t until a student, who had gone to Southside High was in the library checking out a book for a history project, did he see what everyone thought to be true. Arienne and Sweet Pea were sitting in the back making out, so the kid wanting to prove it, took a picture and forwarded it to everyone he knew.
Walking out of the library that day after school Arienne and Sweet Pea assumed everyone was gone but waiting outside the doors of Riverdale High was none other than a group of Serpents and Arienne’s two closest friends, Jennifer and Gina.
“You two have anything to tell us?” Toni Topaz asked crossing her arms and looking at the couple.
“No?” Arienne stated looking to Sweet Pea nervously, it wasn’t that they didn’t want people to know they were together, they just never mentioned it to anyone, they liked their privacy.
“Well Mike was in the library today and saw quite a scene.” Gina stated motioning to her boyfriend that stood off to the side. “Luckily he was able to take a picture and send it to us. And oh! To our surprise was it you kissing a boy who tormented you growing up!”
“Okay hold up, tormented?” Arienne asked shaking her head. “My relationship had nothing to do with you Gina.” Arienne stated. “It has nothing to do with anyone but me, and Sweet Pea.” Arienne looked to Sweet Pea who stood glaring at the Serpents that were giving Arienne dirty looks.
“You guys have a problem with us?” Sweet Pea looked to the Serpents who didn’t respond at first.
“Nah man.” Fangs stepped forward. “We support you until the end.” He told his friend. “Even if that means you’re with Arienne.” Sweet Pea nodded at his friends. “Though, we don’t appreciate the secrets.”
“Good.” Sweet Pea stated. He and Arienne got into his truck. Before Sweet Pea was able to pull out of the spot Arienne turned to him.
“So, you’re okay with telling everyone about us?” She asked touching his arm.
“I am one hundred percent okay babe, promise. What about you?”
“Well.” Arienne smiled at him. “I am so ready to show everyone we’re together.” She leaned over and kissed him. “I love you Sweet Pea.”
“And I love you.” Sweet Pea smiled at her. Both knew everything that happened in their past is what brought them together.
As always, thank you all so much for reading. I am terribly sorry it took so long!
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Continue Duke's Monsterween...
By Looking At The Sequel To Scooby Doo The Movie, Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed...
Written By James Gunn, Before He Made...
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This Film Sees Mystery Inc Donating Some Of The Costumes From Their Famous Capers To The Coolsonian Museum In Their Hometown Of Coolsville..
But When A Mystery Man In A Costume, Brings The Pterodactyl Ghost To Life And Steals All The Costumes, It's Up To Mystery Inc To Find Out Who He Is And Stop Him Before He Brings The Other Costumes To Life...
Will They Do It Before An Unscrupulous Reporter Ruins Their Reputation As Mystery Solvers?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed...
The Film Starts With Mystery Inc Arriving At The New Coolsonian Museum Where They're Holding An Exhibit On Mystery Inc's Greatest Foes...
Hey, Look, Pat O'Brien Is There To Tell Daphne Not To Tell The Press About What He Said On Her Answering Machine...
Meeting Their Fans As They Enter The Museum (2 Of Them Being Smallville's Toyman And The Red SPD Ranger) Fred Is Briefly Interviewed By One Of The Film's Antagonists, Heather Jasper Howe (Played By Batgirl) Before They Go In..,
After They Give The Press A Tour Of The Museum, We Meet The Curator Of The Coolsonian Museum, Named Patrick (Played By Seth Green)
Who Only Took The Role So He Could Do This On Robot Chicken...
Also He'll Be Velma's Love Interest For This Movie...
With Velma Playing Hard To Get With Patrick, We Get A Bit Of A Spooky Atmosphere As Daphne Discovers That The Pterodactyl Ghost Costume Is Alive...
(End At 2:20)
After The Attack, Velma Discovers A Secret Hatch Where The Pterodactyl Ghost Was Along With A Scale From The Ghost Himself...
Fred Talks With Jasper-Howe About The Case Only For Her To Make Mystery Inc And Shaggy And Scooby Look Bad During Her Report....
With The Gang Blaming Themselves For Not Making Sure That Shaggy And Scooby Don't Get Everything Wrong, The 2 Friends Overhear And Blame Themselves For Being Screw-ups...
This Leads Them To Decide To Become As Good Of Detectives As Their Friends And...Failing At The First Try...
But As Shaggy And Scooby Attempt To Act Like Good Detectives In Front Of The Others, Fred, Velma And Daphne Discover That That The Scale From The Museum Is A Real Pterodactyl Scale...
Which Leaves The Only Question Being Who Could Create A Real Pterodactyl Ghost, This Leads Daphne To Bring Up The Original Pterodactyl Ghost, Jonathan Jacobo, Who Wrecked Havoc As The Pterodactyl Ghost Because He Wanted To Create Real Monsters...
But After He Attempted A Prison Break Which Lead To His Untimely Demise...
However, Jacobo's Cellmate, Jerimiah Wickles (The Black Knight Ghost) Was Released 2 Months Ago, Also The Black Knight Ghost Was One Of The Costumes Stolen...
So, They Go To Wickle's Mansion (Which Looks Like The Mansion From The Opening From The Series) Only To Fall Into A Trap When They Ring The Doorbell...
But Luckily Daphne Very Cleverly Uses Make-Up Items To Open The Lock...
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Splitting Up To Search For Clues, Fred, Daphne And Velma Discover Glowing Footprints And A Book By Jonathan Jacobo On How To Create Your Own Carbon Based Monsters...
While Shaggy And Scooby (After Having A Sinatra Moment)...
Discover A Clue With The Words "Faux Ghost Tonight" Before Running Into A Very Real Black Knight Ghost..
(End At 3:04)
Returning To Their HQ, Shaggy And Scooby Don't Stay Long Faking Scooby Having Rabies So They Can Go To The Faux Ghost While Velma Discovers That The Pterodactyl Scale Contains Randamonium (Which Is One Of The Ingredients On How To Create Monsters)...
And With Randamonium Being Located At Silver Mines, They're About To Go Check Out The Old Abandoned Mining Town In Old Coolsville Until Patrick Shows Up Causing Velma To Become As Scared As A Bunny Rabbit As She Crawls Away Like A Baby...
With Daphne Giving Velma Advice, She Then Does A Quck Makeover...
(Start At 1:31, End At 1:39)
If She Wore That On Her First Date With Hawkeye, I Can See Why He Married Her...
Meanwhile, At The Faux Ghost, Scooby And Shaggy Discover That Tonight Some Of Their Former Enemies Are Throwing A Party There, So They Decide To Go Undercover So They Can Find Wickles...
Going Through The Crowd They Eventually Find Wickles And Have An Inkling He May Be The Bad Guy But They're Not Certain.,,
After A Dance Scene, Their Covers Are Blown And They're Chased Out Of The Faux Ghost...
Meanwhile, Fred, Velma, Daphne And Patrick Arrive At The Coolsonian Only To Discover That The 10,000 Volt Ghost And The Black Knight Ghost Have Stolen The Rest Of The Costumes...
As Patrick Decides To Go Off To Figure Things Out On His Own, Fred Gets Misquoted Again By Jasper Howe, Which Leads Daphne To Tell Her To Back The Hell Off...
But Howe Fires Back At Daphne Saying That While Everyone Has A Reason To Be In The Gang, What Good Is She Except For Being Just A Pretty Face...
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Eventually She Says Something That Makes Daphne Believe That Howe Is The Mystery Bad Guy But Just As They're Talking The Bad Guy Shows Up, Meaning Howe Is Not The Bad Guy
And To People Who Knew Who The Bad Guy Was From The Very Beginning Of This Movie And Are Saying Who The Bad Guy Is In The Comments , Kiss My Ass And Don't Spoil It For The People Who Actually Like This Movie...
As Jasper Howe Leaves Bummed At The Fact She Got No Footage Of That...
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Patrick Runs Into Shaggy And Scooby Who After Seeing Him Interrogate A Customer At The Faux Ghost, Have Suspicions That Patrick's The Mystery Guy But Again Aren't Sure...
Afterwards, Shaggy And Scooby Follow Wickles To The Old Abandoned Mining Town Where They Run Into The Skeleton Men But They Eventually Lose Them When The 2 Friends Discover A Secret Elevator...
As Fred, Velma And Daphne Arrive At The Mining Town, They Talk For A Bit About What Jasper Howe Said To Daphne And About Patrick Before Going To Talk To Wickles Who...Isn't Up To Anything Sinister...
Yes, Apparently They Interrupted A Pitch Meeting That Wickles Was Giving To A Couple Of Investors About Turning The Old Mining Town Into A Summer Camp...
As Long As It's Not Run By Peter McNichol And Christine Baranski, Then I'll Consider Sending My Kids There...
Asking Wickles About The Monster Attacks And Jacobo, He Has No Idea About The Monster Attacks And While He Was In Jail, Jacobo And Him Weren't Pals, So, Yeah, He's No Longer A Suspect...
Going Down In The Secret Elevator, Shaggy And Scooby Discover A Secret Laboratory But While They're Looking For Clues, Scooby Accidentally Drinks One Of The Formulas Inside Of The Fridge...
(Start At 0:14, End At 1:55)
Smart Scooby Attempts To Create A Formula To Change Them Back But Muscle Bod Shaggy Throws The Formula And Causes An Explosion, Which The Others Hear. Still Having A Little Bit Of The Formula Left, Shaggy And Scooby Are Reverted Back To Normal...
With Fred Disappointed At Shaggy And Scooby's Actions, Velma Tells Him To Shut Up So They Can Look Inside Of The Villain's Lair...
Once Inside, The Team Find The Monster Making Machine That Is Turning Costumes Into Real Life Monsters, Meaning That He Not Only Needs The Costumes To Make The Monsters But That He Already Had A Pterodactyl Ghost Costume...
This Leads Velma To Believe That Patrick Is The Bad Guy And That He Only Was Interested In Her To See What They Knew, Shaggy Somewhat Confirms This With How Patrick Was Acting At The Faux Ghost...
As The Others Go Off To Find A Way To Shut The Machine Down, Shaggy And Scooby Play With It And End Up Bringing More Monsters To Life, Including The Zombie, Captain Cutler's Ghost, Miner 49er, And The Tar Monster
No Creeper?!? That's It! From Now On This Movie And I Are Enemies...
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I'm Kidding, Of Course, But Still I Wish They Got Rid Of Either The 10,000 Volt Ghost Or The Skeleton Men So They Could Have Added The Creeper Because They're Basically Useless...
With The Other Members Finding That The Monsters Are Alive, Fred Disconnects The Control Panel (Which Looks Like The Transmooker From Spy Kids 2) So Him And The Team Can Race Toward The Elevator...
However, They're Soon Confronted By The 10,000 Volt Ghost Who Follows Them Up As The Skeleton Men Appear Right Behind Them...
After Fred, Velma And Daphne Escape In The Mystery Machine, We Get A Trashboard Sequence With Shaggy And Scooby Who Are Being Chased By The Skeleton Men, But They Eventually Land In The Mystery Machine And Escape...
Meanwhile In Coolsville, A Ghost Pirate Ship Hovers Over The City As The Mystery Guy Demanding That Mystery Inc Turn Themselves In Or He'll Destroy The City...
First Off, How Are You Sailing On A Pirate Ship When Redbeard's Ghost Wasn't One Of The Monsters You Brought Back...
I Mean It Makes Even Less Sense Than The Titanic Magically Appearing At The Dock...
(Start At 0:14, End At 0:26)
That...Was Not Funny,.,
With Their Headquarters Being Dominated By Idiots Who Won't Wear A Mask Because "Their Rights Are Being Violated"...
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They Head Back To Their Old Treehouse Headquarters, Where After A Flashback Velma Remembers Randamonium Has An Algorithmic Cross Currency Of -4.1 To One And If She Uses Her Old Multiple Resonance Imaging Device, She May Be Able To Reverse The Monster Making Process...
Managing To Fix The Device, They Get The Control Panel Ready To Reverse The Monster Making Process When On The Monster Machine, Mystery Inc Find That They Soon Have Company When Shaggy And Scooby See Captain Cutler's Ghost Rising From The Swamp By Their Treehouse...
After Losing Captain Cutler's Ghost, They're Soon Followed By The Pterodactyl Ghost, Who They Lose Just As Quickly...
Arriving At The Mining Town, They're Confronted By The Black Knight Ghost Who Fred Decides To Deal With, While The Others Go To Place The Device On The Monster Machine....
But On Their Way, The Team Dwindles When Daphne Goes To Deal With The 10,000 Volt Ghost And Velma Goes To Distract The Skeleton Men, But Not Before Telling Shaggy And Scooby That They're Not Screw-Ups And That She Always Wanted To Be As Carefree As They Are...
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Fred And Daphne Manage To Defeat Both The 10,000 Volt Ghost And The Black Knight Ghost As Shaggy And Scooby Are Stopped By Miner 49er Before They Can Reach The Monster Machine...
But Eventually They Manage To Defeat Miner 49er With The Power Of Flaming Farts As Velma Escapes The Skeleton Men By Going Down A Vent...
Landing On The Ground, Velma Discovers That Whomever's Behind This Has A Shrine To Jonathan Jacobo. Patrick Enters And Tries To Help Velma But She Runs Away To A Metal Bridge Which She Falls Through..,
Patrick Catches Her And Tries To Help Her Up, But She's Afraid To Trust Him Because He May Be The Bad Guy But When He Says Something Romantic, Velma Let's Him Pull Him Up...
Only For Him To Be Carried Off By The Pterodactyl Ghost (Who I Thought Was Already Beaten)..
But Back To Shaggy And Scooby Who Are Having A Ghostly Encounter With A Rather Delicious Ghost...
(Start At 0:13, End At 0:59)
The Team Enters The Monster Hive Where The Monster Machine Is Only To Be Confronted By The Monsters And The Mystery Man..
Each Member Of The Team Except Scooby Is Being Held By The Tar Monster But Luckily Scooby Frees Them With The Help Of A Fire Hydrant..
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(Start At 0:51, End At 2:27)
(In Scooby's Voice) Motherrucker!
With The Monsters Turned Back Into Costumes, The Mystery Guy Is Captured And Is Revealed To Be Heather Jasper Howe, Who Used Her Cameraman, Ned To Take Her Place As The Mystery Man When Daphne Figured Everything Out...
And The Reason Is Because Heather Jasper Howe Is Actually Jonathan Jacobo, Who Was Revealed To Be Alive When Velma Found A Newspaper Clipping Of Jacobo In Front Of The Coolsonian When It Was Under Construction...
Now What Better Way To End This Movie Than With American Idol Winner Ruben Studdard (Why Not? We Got Clay Aiken On The Soundtrack So Why Not Get His Competitor?) And A Game Code For The GBA Game That Doesn't Work...
Believe Me I've Tried It...
This Movie Is About As Good As The First One...
The Story Is Well Written, The Characters Are Better Than They Were In The First And The Monsters Are Very Well Designed, All In All, I Say See It...
Tune In On Friday As We Look At The Real Reason I'm Reviewing Scooby Doo During This First Week Of Monsterween...
But Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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janeofcakes · 5 years
Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Ten Feet from the Pack: Chapter 3
Hi, Everyone! I hope you’re all still out there and are staying healthy. Hopefully, this will give a little distraction if only for a few minutes. I love you all!!
So while you sit back and wonder why, I got this fuckin’ thorn in my side. Oh my god, it’s a mirage. I’m tellin’ y’all, it’s sabotage.                                                                                            --The Beastie Boys, Sabotage
John Watson stands in front of a quaint house wondering what the fuck he’s doing there. It’s been two weeks since his first day in the stadium. Fourteen days since he spoke with Molly Hooper about her suspicions. It has been in the back of his mind ever since as he has read medical records in his office, spoken to the skaters in the exam and training rooms, and even while making dinner or reading a book in his flat. It is especially on his mind while he watches the ladies practice and god, he cannot believe how hard they hit on the track. He has seen hockey players crumple under hits like these and they are covered with pads. Frankly, John is surprised there are not more injuries throughout the year, especially since these are only the practices.
He blows out a breath and takes his hands out of his pockets. John had plenty of chances to change his mind when he looked up the retired doctor’s address and while driving the hour and a half to the cheerful little neighborhood. He is here now. He might as well get on with it. 
Striding up to the house, he takes in its white siding and dark green shutters. Many of the windows have boxes containing bright red poppies and small daisies. It’s like it was pulled right from Wizard of Oz and deposited in a Detroit suburb. John steps onto the porch where there is a single wicker chair sitting just to the left of the door and suddenly visions of the stereotypical old man perched on his porch with a shotgun, yelling at children to get the fuck off his lawn pop into his mind. A small smile teases at the corners of his mouth as he directs his attention to the door again and hesitates before knocking. He has no idea what to expect from this man. John glances at the chair again and then knocks firmly. The door opens almost immediately to reveal a man with greying hair and a smile that lights up his whole face. He looks almost joyful. And the epitome of Mr. Rogers, tan cardigan and all.
“I wondered if you’d get up the nerve to knock,” he remarks in a friendly tone. “I saw you drive up from the kitchen window.”
“Um...sorry,” he huffs an embarrassed laugh. “My name is John Watson. I’m looking for Dr. William Wiggins.”
“You found him, and it’s Billy,” the man answers warmly. “What can I do for you, John Watson?”
“Uh...well, I’m not exactly sure,” he cringes, lifting a hand and cupping the back of his neck. “You see, I’m the new doctor for the Detroit Rock City Rollers.”
“Ah, and you want to pick my brain, eh? Some of the ladies are probably different now, you know.”
“Yes, probably, but that’s not what I had in mind, actually,” John bites his lip and wonders how the hell he is going to explain this without sounding insane. He clears his throat and knows exactly how Molly felt. God, what is he even doing here? “I’ve only been here a couple of weeks and I… Molly Hooper...”
“Ahh,” Billy breathes, stepping back from the doorway. “Molly sent you. Come in, John Watson. Come in.”
Moments later, the two men are seated in the living room. John is on the couch and Billy sits in the recliner just opposite. John purses his lips with no idea how to start. To his surprise, the older man beats him to it and cuts right to the chase while he’s at it.
“She shared her suspicions with you.”
“Yes,” John breathes. He swallows and leans forward, sitting on the edge of the couch. “She told me about the accidents.”
“They weren’t accidents, Dr. Watson,” Billy’s voice is stern and his eyes are so intense a pang of discomfort jets down John’s spine. “Every one of those incidents was sabotage.”
“Can you prove that?”
“No,” Billy sighs. John feels himself deflating and he cannot hide his disappointment. Billy shakes his head. “I could easily see there were more injuries than usual. It was as plain as the nose on your face. Didn’t really occur to me that it could be anything other than a series of unfortunate accidents until Molly brought it up.”
John’s eyes are glued to the elderly man and he waits quietly for him to go on. Billy picks up a glass of lemonade from the side table and takes a drink. He had offered John a glass before they sat, but John had respectfully declined. Billy holds the glass in both hands and shakes his head once.
“I was taking a look at her knee. It was a follow-up visit weeks after to make sure it had healed well. She went very quiet when I asked her how it felt. I knew there was something on her mind, but I didn’t say anything,” he shrugs. ”I knew she would tell me when she was ready.”
“She told you it wasn’t an accident.”
“She checked all of her equipment a few hours before the bout. It was all fine, but a bearing came loose and the wheel flew right off,” Billy’s voice is very grave. “Even that could have been coincidence, but her knee pad blew out as soon as she hit the ground. There’s no way. No way in hell.”
“Who were you playing?” John asks.
“The Detroit Demons.”
“There are two teams in Detroit?”
“It’s a big city,” Billy replies. “They are Rock City’s biggest rival. Bouts with them are always the worst and hardest hitting.”
“Were they always playing them when it happened?” John is intrigued.
“No,” Billy places the glass on the coffee table between them. “It didn’t seem to matter who the ladies were playing and that made it harder to find a pattern.”
“Did you consider the possibility that it might be someone skating with Rock City?” John all but whispers. It is a huge gamble. The man might clam up and throw him out at just the suggestion. He had worked with Rock City a long time. He is sure to have plenty of pull with Mrs. Hudson and the staff. One angry phone call about paranoid and insulting accusations could get John fired before he has even started. John waits and watches the doctor for signs of anger that do not come.
“No,” Billy shakes his head. “I can’t believe it of them. Any of them.”
“Did you notice it happening more or less during a certain part of the season? Or in certain places?”
“Not really. It happened every few bouts. Sometimes five in between, sometimes ten. Derby is like hockey, Dr. Watson. There are a lot of bouts.”
“Tell me about it. I saw the schedule for the first time this morning,” John furrows his brow. Attacks on the team with no discernible rhyme or reason leave little room to find the answer to the mystery. How could John find clues where there aren’t any and without Velma Dinkley declaring ‘jinkies’ when one does present itself?
Staring at the lemonade glass on the table, deep in thought, John does not notice Billy studying him closely. The older man wears a thoughtful expression. He is learning as much from and about John as the doctor is from him.
“I’m sorry. I wish I could be of more help,” he says finally.
“I think you can,” John replies, meeting the man’s eyes again. Billy tilts his head curiously. When John speaks, his voice is low and deadly serious. “Molly mentioned poison. She said you were poisoned.”
Billy’s expression darkens and he nods slowly.
“She really has put her trust in you,” he says quietly. “Yes, I was poisoned. I made sure everyone was told it was a bad case of food poisoning to avoid panic, but a couple of them knew what really happened. They could tell.”
“Molly was one of them.”
“And you didn’t tell anyone else?”
“No,” he answers plainly, averting his eyes to the table for a moment. “I retired and moved on. That’s what whoever did it wanted and I’m too old to deal with that shit.”
“So they still don’t know?” John asks, incredulous. “Didn’t you think one of them might be next?”
Billy leans close and stares into John’s eyes. John follows suit, anxious to hear Billy’s next words. Knowing the risks, how could this man keep such a secret?
“Someone wanted me out, Dr. Watson. I was the clear target and there was no sense worrying the team. Yes, there were accidents, but only with minor injuries. I had no reason to believe anyone was in mortal danger.”
“Does Greg know at least?”
“Molly knows.”
“Jesus,” John runs a hand through his hair and lets out a long breath, “someone else should know. Greg or Mrs. Hudson. Someone should be watching out for more accidents. Molly can’t do it while she’s on the track.”
“You know now,” his words silencing John. “Now you can help Molly find out who’s doing it and then prove it. I have the tox report, but it isn’t much good without a suspect and proof.”
“What was it?” John asks after puffing out an almost flustered breath. “What did they use?”
John’s brows raise as he blinks in disbelief. He leans back on the couch for the first time since he sat. He turns everything around and around in his mind, trying to put it all together in a way that makes sense. Who would target the Rock City players and their doctor, especially their doctor? Another team? Why? The answer is obvious. To be on top. To win the championship. But why Billy? Why not Sherlock? He rebuilt the team from the ground up. 
The answer hits John like a slap in the face.
“They wanted to get rid of you and bring Anderson in,” he says as a piece clicks into place.
“Maybe,” Billy replies thoughtfully. He gives John a look and narrows his eyes. “You have met Sherlock?”
“Yes,” John answers with a short laugh. Billy raises his brows. John presses his lips together and looks at the old man. He has an almost mischievous glint in his eye. Should John tell him what he really thinks?
“Honestly?” John sighs when the man nods. “I don’t know what to think. He’s so easy to talk to and it makes me feel like I’ve known him my whole life. Then he’s cold and distant and would rather do anything but talk to me. He avoids me at practices and basically ignores me at meetings. He’s a fantastic coach though and boy, can he skate. He’s amazing.”
John looks back at Billy to see a smile growing on his face. He looks down at the floor and corrects himself.
“It’s amazing. And the team is phenomenal. I’ve only seen scrimmages so far, and I’m just learning the rules, but they are really good. They communicate so well with all these signals that look like they’re just shaking out a kink or something.”
“That’s pure Sherlock,” Billy grins openly now. “He’s very clever.”
“Yeah, well, he’s certainly good at avoiding what he doesn’t want to deal with,” John grumbles. 
“He is very opinionated,” Billy laughs, “and has one hell of a stubborn streak. He can be a handful.”
He pauses and looks at John with a wisdom John has not seen since his mother closed her eyes for the final time. He sighs deeply and his expression softens.
“He gets his signals crossed when it comes to sentiment. He’s been burned before.”
“Sentiment?” John furrows his brow. 
“He’s a good ally to have, Watson,” Billy says instead of answering. He leans forward again and looks at John intently. “After what you’ve told me, I can see now that whatever was going on is more serious than I thought. I was a fool for not seeing it then.”
He shakes his head, his face now full of regret and urgency.
“I may not have been the only target after all. You and Molly have to stop it before something terrible happens. Get Sherlock to help. He will face the devil himself for the ladies. He’ll listen to the two of you. Don’t dismiss him as a lost cause.”
“No offense, Billy, you know him better than I, but why would he believe me? He doesn’t believe Molly.”
“Strength in numbers, Watson. He trusts Molly and she trusts you.”
“She says he trusts me,” John gives a half laugh and turns his head away from the older man. He can feel an unexpected low burning anger in his gut, though it is not directed toward Billy. He continues, suspicious and spiteful. “I suppose I should believe her since they’re thick as thieves. There’s something going on between them.”
“Careful, Watson,” Billy says in a quiet, warning tone. “There are some things one should stay away from. Leave it be.”
John looks back at him and then shakes his head.
“He’ll listen to you and Molly, John,” Billy says in a voice of absolute certainty.
John looks up in surprise at the sound of his first name. Billy is wearing a decisive expression and nodding his head slowly.
“Trust me.”
There you go! The plot thickens. Anyone surprised and pleased to see Billy in an extremely different role? Haha! Tickles me pink! I can’t wait for y’all to see what’s coming up next. I’ll just say one thing...dinner?
@zentris @toooldforthissh-stuff @shana-movershaker @melmey-fanfics @louise175dk @221b-carefulwhatyouwishfor @technicallywiseoncns @underestimatemethatwillbefun @jhamishw @weirdlittlegoofball @superwholockpotterincamelot @superwholocklmt @ladidragonuniverse @kittenmadnessandtea @srebrnafh @welcometomyharddrive @annecumberbatch @kingdomofbrokenhearts @philliphooper @whodwantmeasaflatmate @gloriascott93 @vvaticancameoss @cow-mow @echosilverwolf @spazzz32 @absentmindedstuff @swissmissing @shuukichan @maeliandmyself @wtgilsa @thetranslucentwallaby @red-pen-revolution @britishaccentfan @dischorde @plasticstrawsmuggler
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glasswingsndreamz · 5 years
Jealousy Only Breeds More Jealousy (2)
Fandom: The Outer Worlds
Pairing: Felix Millstone x Reader
AO3 Link
Chapter Summary: You're having a real rough time. At least Nyoka has put her plans into action. You're just not sure how you feel about it.
“Wow, I didn’t know you would be that bad at flirting. I thought you were kidding,” Nyoka snickered to herself as she recalled all the failed attempts you had at the bar. Just thinking about it sent her into another fit of giggles.
“Please never bring that up again. I don’t even want to think about that,” you said with a groan as you helped lead her back to the ship. You’d never be able to show off your face at that specific bar again.
Perhaps you should have listened to Nyoka and had a couple of drinks to help loosen up. Then it might have gotten rid of your nerves and you might have avoided embarrassing yourself when somebody tried hooking up with you at the bar. He was even a cute fella which only added onto your nervousness. The guy was even sweet enough to buy you a drink and continue a conversation with you as you fumbled with what to say to him. Then you just had to accidentally spill the drink he purchased on his lap. Nyoka was already having the time of her life laughing at your misfortune, only for it to turn into hysterics when you embarrassed yourself further by accidentally elbow the guy in the face and give him a nosebleed.
Yeah it wasn’t a good experience.
So it was an understatement to say you were relieved when you finally made it to the ship after hauling Nyoka all the way there as her support.
“I promise I’ll help you next time,” Nyoka said, when you brought her back to her room.
“Jeez you both look like a wreck. What have you two been up to?” Ellie said, catching sight of you and Nyoka.
Nyoka did her best to stifle her laughter at the question, absolutely replaying what happened in her mind again. You could feel your face heating up in embarrassment as Nyoka explained what happened at the bar in between her fits of giggles.
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d actually go after someone else.” Ellie said, a hint of amusement on her face. At least she didn’t laugh out right in your face at how badly you managed to fuck up.
“Huh? What do you mean?” you asked.
“At least half the crew knew about your little crush on Felix. I’m just glad you’re over it now. I never really got why you were interested in him in the first place.”
“You have to be joking. Please tell me nobody else knows about my crush,” you practically beg, hoping it’s all an elaborate prank.
“Wait. Don’t tell me you still like him.”
You couldn’t look her in the eye.
She sighed as if disappointed. Your lack of a response was enough of a confirmation to her. “Y’know, I really don’t understand it. At least go through with it and confess to him or something. We’re all getting sick of the way you look at him like a lovesick puppy. It’s disgusting.”
Well that certainly did nothing to help ease the uncomfortable feeling that had been lingering for hours now.
“Ohh forget about her. Don’t even worry about it. I have a plan. I have a plan for you. It’s gonna be fantastic,” Nyoka reassured you, slapping you on the back. The fact that she was drunk did not ease your fears in the slightest either.
“Yeah, thanks Nyoka,” you said as you lead her to her bed. She fell back on the bed, nearly passing out immediately as soon as most of her body was on top of the surface. With a groan you fixed her legs so she was laying horizontally on her bed instead of nearly falling off. By that time she was already deep in sleep. Gripping one of her boots in your hand, you tugged back on it and slid it off her foot and set it beside her bed and did the same with the other boot she wore.
Feeling even more worn out than before, you turned off the light in Nyoka’s room, shutting the door behind you and finally returning to your own quarters on the ship.
You barely had the energy to slip off your clothes and change into something more comfortable to sleep in. It was a relief when your head finally hit the pillow and you pulled the covers up to your chin.
Tomorrow you would brush off today’s events. Tomorrow you would move on and it would be a better day. At least that’s what you hoped for as you drifted off to sleep.
The next day was not much better. In fact it was a far worse, but in a very different way.
“Wow, I’m glad we didn’t stay for lunch,” Felix said as you, Nyoka and him exited the house, blood stained on all of your clothes. It nearly took all your restraint to keep the bile from rising in your throat. You swallowed back the burning acrid taste of it.
It wasn’t the first time you had killed a human being. Far from it at this point.
We killed a family.
Sure they were cannibals. Sure they were even going to feed you human flesh without any of you knowing. Most likely they were going to kill and eat all three of you two if you hadn’t killed your way out of it. Even if you hadn’t discovered the body upstairs.
They would have killed us if we didn’t fight back.
You take deep breaths as you try to block the images of the gruesomeness of it out of your mind. Their children seemed to be innocent for the most part. That’s what made it so much worse. It was as if the son had no clue what was going on. Fuck.
“Boss?” Felix is the first to notice. His voice was soft, cautious and the way he’s looking at you makes you feel crushed. He looks alarmed, almost a mix of fear and shock. It’s then that you notice the wetness on your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, you’re alright,” Nyoka said, moving to your side and gently rubbing your back. “It’s okay. We didn’t have a choice...”
"Yeah, who knows what might have happened if we just left them," Felix joined in, both companions now crowded around you. After all, it was a rare occurrence to see their captain so vulnerable.
It was meant to be reassuring, a comfort to hear, but you knew it was a lie. You could have just gone out the other door that lead to the balcony. You could have retrieved Braxton’s ID and left. Even then you would have been haunted. The question of whether or not they would continue to kill others and eat the evidence. It had to be stopped and you chose to end it before anything else could happen. Still the voice in the back of your head nagged at you, asking questions that made you want to scream. What if you could have done something different? What if you could have convinced them to stop?
It didn’t matter now. You had made your choice and you would have to accept the consequences that came with the blood on your hands.
The tears wouldn't stop no matter how hard you tried to keep them at bay. It was the first time your crew members had seen you cry. In fact it was the first time you've cried since you left the Hope. It wasn't just this situation that caused you to break. Everything that had lead up to this point crashed into you. This was just the last crack in the wall that sent everything crumbling.
It took a couple day to push down the events from the other day. It was enough for you to collect your bearings and return to your duties. There were things that needed to be done whether you were up for it or not. Besides you had faced worse and lived through it all the same. This was no different. It was almost strange how much easier it was getting to handle the horrible situations you kept running into. The crew all seemed to pick up on your emotions, once you returned to the ship, each of them offering their support in their own way. Both Nyoka and Felix kept a close eye on you, doing their best to cheer you up and keep your mind off of things. They probably thought it was only because of the other day since you didn't bother to explain the mental breakdown you had in front of them. Their kindness was more than what you could ask for.
Now you were ready to move on and most likely bottle everything up again until the next bursting point came along.
“I’m so sorry,” you said when you returned Braxton’s ID tag to Velma and explained what became of the worker. It was a horrible situation which made you feel even worse for what you were about to ask for next.
“I know I mentioned this before and I’m sorry to ask, but could we get that poster Grimm has been asking for?” you asked in a rush, already feeling anxious about having to ask for it after reporting her friend’s death.
“Yeah, yeah. I guess it’s only right after what you did,” Velma said.
Inwardly you cringed at how defeated she looked when she handed over the poster you had been trying to get your hands on since the moment you landed on this headache-inducing planet.
Awwwww, poor Nell, you thought as you tried to conceal your smile. It was petty but you couldn't help but feel giddy that you had actually bested her in the situation. Besides, from what you had heard, Grimm seemed much more desperate for it considering how persistent he's been. Besides, you agreed to help him out first anyway.
"Hey Grimm, we got your poster finally. Sorry it took a while," you said once you found him near the landing dock. It wasn't difficult considering he was almost exactly in the same place you first met him.
It was cute how excited he was when you handed it over.
"Wow! I really can't thank you enough," Grimm said ecstatically. "Here, you've earned them."
"Actually," Nyoka interrupted before he could finish pulling out his bit cartridges. "I think there's something else you could do for the captain," she said, giving you a wink.
Oh no.
"Oh sure. What can I do for you?" He asked with a kind smile. His gaze landed on you expectantly, as if you knew what the hell Nyoka was talking about.
“Why don’t you take our lovely captain out to the bar tonight and spend those bits on them there,” Nyoka suggested innocently.
“Like a date?” Grimm asked.
“Well I get off around six, if you don’t mind waiting until then. Did you want to meet there?” he asked you.
“Y-yeah that sounds fine,” you said, taking a moment to respond as you struggled to form words. Of course Nyoka would have something like this planned, and in front of Felix too! It would feel too rude to say no now after he already agreed to it. You hadn’t even been the one to ask Grimm out and yet you still felt guilt creeping into your gut. There was curiosity too, chanting for you to look and see how Felix reacted. The idea that he might not even care at all is what kept you staring straight ahead.
“Woah boss, you’re really gonna go out with someone who made us do his dirty work?”
Looks like you wouldn’t even have to guess how he felt about it after all.
“Huh? It was just a poster, Felix. It’s not a big deal,” you said, genuinely surprised by the outburst. When you turn to face him, he seems not at all pleased by the escalating situation, but he doesn’t add anything more to the conversation.
“I’ll see you later then,” Grimm said.
Fuck, his smile was really cute.
“I’ve gotta say captain, it took you long enough to finally get a date,” Nyoka joked when you all made it back to the ship, earning an unamused look from you.
“I still don’t know why you agreed to it. The guy’s a moron,” Felix said.
You decided to ignore the irony in that.
“I don’t know. He seems like their type,” Nyoka smirked at you. “He’s cute, dumb, and nice enough.”
“Sounds like they have bad taste.”
Nyoka burst into laughter at Felix’s comment. Turning around, you headed towards your quarters as you attempted to force yourself to stop blushing. After all, you had a date to get ready for later.
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