#and was also both my and my best friend's first representation of lesbianism lmao it triggered so many gay crises
snixx · 2 months
pll was my entire adolescence i swear to god. like i grew up on that franchise it also was the original catalyst for turning my entire friend group gay
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She’s the child of the red riding hood and the big bad wolf. Don’t question it to okay. Also she was the first character I thought of when I saw this!
She’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf! She’s a werewolf!
Love her design very much. She gets a lot of great outfits. Also, another version of Red Riding Hood that incorporates both the girl and the wolf together.
1: ever after high was iconic and amazing and so well written and i'm really bitter that it was cancelled so i think cerise deserves this win (i do too) 2: her design is really good. like no one else could EVER if you ask me 3: wolf girl. do i NEED to say more. ...honestly, my brain cannot bring out any more words so fingers crossed someone else submits her and she gets some ACTUAL GOOD propaganda (sorry cerise forgive me)
She’s a badass red riding hood with a secret (her dad is the big bad wolf)
She's the daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, so she has wolf ears and is really strong. She's supposed to be the next Red Riding Hood so she should count.
She's the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf making her a daughter of forbidden love and thus a double representation of Little Red Riding Hood's age-old story of maturity and adolescence.
She's really cool! She was born from a forbidden romance between the wolf (don't worry he turns into a human lmao) and Little Red Riding Hood and has to hide her heritage from other people which I think is really interesting. Also her hood is really pretty.
She's the daughter of red riding hood and is meant to take over that role when it's her time
she slays so hard!! while technically shes not THE little red riding hood, she is her daughter and the FUTURE little red riding hood. shes also half wolf, which is really cool!! and yea. she slays.
idk she’s just cool & definitely gay
She’s meant to be the next Red Riding Hood but her whole bit is that not only is her mom Red Riding Hood, her father is the Big Bad Wolf and she needs to keep it a secret. The best of both worlds. The tween girls went crazy for the wolf thing. Had a pretty doll and cool outfits. Has an older sister who’s meant to be the next Big Bad Wolf (Ramona Badwolf) who she comes into conflict with. Identity crisis! She was everything to eleven year old me
She’s half wolf, she has cool white streaks in her hair, she’s a jock with super speed and I like her a lot.
she turned me lesbian.
Fan favourite, my first lesbian crush on a character
She is a daughter of previous Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf, how cool is that
She’s a furry yeuwu
she’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf. she’s a wolf girl. i love her
Her big bad wolf is her mutant soldier boyfriend. She shot him once and honestly he was into it. Probably bi. Helped start a revolution.
Her wolf is actually. Um. A genetically modified soldier with wolf traits. At the beginning its not very obvious but by the end of the series yeah she's. She's a monsterfucker. Anyway that's not really relevant but I just think she's pretty cool (not because she's a monsterfucker)
She's a french farmgirl and a pilot who ends up in a plot to overthrow the queen of the moon. The big bad wolf is a genetically-altered soldier that she falls in love with. She's short-tempered, straightforward, and fiercely loyal.
"Grown up" Fairy Tales are a lot of fun. this one is also a cool mix of LRRH and BatB. She can totally take care of herself and her wolves are in for quite a story.
She’s a badass?
her family runs a restaurant and she’s friends with a furry
she's french. she's loud. she falls in love with the wolf (a guy named wolf who is genetically modified somehow). she sells tomatoes and gets in fights and just wants to find her grandmother. she is literally the little red riding hood character in a series of books retelling fairy tales in an alternate universe in space and I love her
she has a gun and she’s pretty cool. sorry she’s french if it helps it’s like 500 years in the future france. also she’s bisexual (TO ME!!! no straight woman thinks the things she thought about winter aka the character based on snow white)
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roseworth · 10 months
pls elaborate on ur dream outlaws team im entranced 🥺
blushes and twirls my hair 🥰 im so glad u asked
basically its jason rose lorena connor & kara. and its exactly as messy as it sounds
so first of all one reason i like these 5 is that there is representation across the spectrum of thoughts on killing. jason kills (relatively) often, rose kills very deliberately and not as much as jason, lorena (to me) is willing to kill but doesnt really do it, kara wont kill but may step aside and let someone else kill if she thinks they deserve it, and connor wont kill and doesnt like it if anyone else kills
also in my head this is NOT red hood and the outlaws. its just outlaws. because connor's in charge. i dont think any of them have any leadership skills (lmao) but connor is so much more able to rein them in than anyone else, and everyone likes him so hes a neutral party to be a "leader"
heres where im gonna get annoying and go over everyones individual dynamic with each other:
jason & rose: i literally talk about these two like once a day so im sure you can guess but theyre toxic besties. if one of them gets into a fight then the other joins. theyre haters together and theyre also both the worst ever
connor & jason: i dont think connor would ever hold a grudge so he doesnt hate jason for kidnapping his sister and blowing her up. HOWEVER. hes certainly not happy about it. jason respects connor as a hero so he doesnt deliberately try to get on his nerves, and connor is just a good person so he usually wont cause problems. but he doesnt like jason (for the mia thing and the fact that hes. yk. awful) so theyre not exactly chummy. but because of jason respecting connor he wouldnt kill in front of him
kara & connor: theyre close given that theyre the "Heroes" on the team. like,, theyre all good but kara and connor are the ones that are unequivocal Good Guys since they dont kill and they have the family name n all. i think they would bond over carrying on a legacy (connor as ga after ollie died, kara with krypton in general) and they'd get along rly well
lorena & kara: LESBIANS. listen to me. they both have the same experience of having their whole life destroyed and their family dead, then coming out of that experience and immediately choosing to be a hero and help their new world. lorenakara is my best rarepair in the sense that they've never interacted but i KNOW if they did they would be gfs. theyre parallels of each other. i think that both of them (especially kara) would be so excited to have someone with such a similar experience that knows how it feels. they should fall in love
jason & lorena: she likes him (mostly) but he wouldnt like her at first. he would be annoyed by her at first bc she tends to be upbeat and he would get tired of that. BUT eventually she grows on him bc shes not naive shes just being positive bc what else can you do!!! she had a normal childhood for the first 17 or so years of her life so i think he would find it hard to relate to her (but also everyone else on the team has that problem bc. none of them had normal childhoods) but they'd be friends after a while, esp after he saw her in one of her "im so pissed off im gonna beat someone up about it" moments
kara & jason: she doesnt like him. pretty much just because hes an asshole, no personal grudge besides him being him. kara's not really willing to let it go when someones rude to her and jason is rude to everyone. they'd get into fights a lot bc theyre both stubborn and will not let anything go, and they usually have opposing viewpoints so it does not go well
rose & kara: rose hates women! she has never gotten along with another female character and shes not starting now. rose & kara would have a lot of the same problems that jason & kara do, in that theyre both stubborn and rose will go out of her way to pick fights with her. a big problem that rose would have is that she doesnt trust people and she doesnt like not having control, so having a kryptonian around would make her uncomfortable given that if kara decided to kill all of them rose knows she couldnt do anything about it. so shes very wary of kara and a little threatened, so when she gets nervous she gets meaner (<- cop car by mitski). i dont think kara would have a big problem with rose other than that rose keeps being mean to her. eventually they would get along better though :)
connor & rose: im sorry in advance for acknowledging connor in robin 2021. but these two met on lazarus island and sorta became friends so they would still be getting along here! he understands her pretty well and obv still tries to stop her from killing but they work well together <3 i also think that connor would try so hard to get rose to like. take care of her mental health. and be emotionally open. it wont always work but he'll still try
lorena & connor: honestly. this is the only combo that i have 0 thoughts on hkjafhadjfhf i dont think that they have personalities that would specifically connect or clash with each other. they'd get along but theyre also kinda just people that happen to be on the same team fhakjfhadjfk theres not a lot that just the two of them can use to relate to each other
rose & lorena: rose still hates women!!! rose would like lorena more than she likes kara, but they would still bicker all the time. tho their fighting would be more ribbing each other instead of actually being antagonistic, then moving on to heckling other people. basically ideal lorena & rose dynamic is statler & waldorf
uh oh shes moving onto trios now (not every possibility though fhajdfhsadk just my favs hehe)
jason & rose & lorena: uh oh the moral compass is gone! someones gonna die! these three are all haters and are willing to kill so bad things will happen when its just the three of them
lorena & rose & kara: they would have the most catastrophic girls' night in existence and it would be so fucking funny i need it
connor & jason & rose: basically the angel & devil on rose's shoulders. i also think that this trio would give connor the worst experience of his life
connor & kara & jason: pretty much the opposite of the previous one. honestly funnier to me that jason would be having a terrible day because kara and connor are essentially taking turns stopping him from doing whatever he wants to do
so thats the gist of their dynamics <333 in my head the team is in calfornia (and also we're pretending california is only like a mile long bc star city is in NorCal and san diego is in SoCal but i need them to be right next to each other so connor and lorena are in the same area hfjakfakdafh) which also means that jason would get to be pissy about it since hes out of gotham and out of his element
i also have arcs i made for all of it. that i wont go into detail about bc ill get embarrassed about how much ive thought about it hfksjdfhasdjkf but the big picture is all of them struggling with loneliness then coming together and all hating each other a little but still working well as a team. then eventually jason goes back to gotham bc he hates being away from it, lorena dies, kara kills someone then goes into a guilt-fueled self-exile, then its just rose & connor going hm. what now. rose has a breakdown because everyone left and connor is trying to stop her from becoming the joker
actually i am gonna talk about lorena because i have thought so much about how i would put her back into canon. first of all i would say that sub diego has just been there the whole time but everyone forgot about it :( lorena is basically the sole protector of sub diego since arthur left a long time ago and there are no cops or other heroes there. also everyone in sub diego doesnt like her (mostly because shes the only one that can go to the surface so theres a lot of people bitter about that). she spends most of her time underwater but she comes up because there are various problems making their way to sub diego, then she joins the team to have other people around while still looking out for the best interest of her city. also i decided that the way she finds out she can breathe above water is too boring so what happens instead is that she swims to the surface as a suicide attempt the realizes that she wants to live right as she goes above water but its too late but then its not bc omg she can breathe air!!!
alright i think thats all i have. if u read all of this...... im sorry. i dont think any of it is actually coherent its just my stream of consciousness directly onto the page
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
Sukitara (with and without past sukka) and kyalin (with and without past tenzlin) qwq for the ask game 👉👈
with past sukka-dont ship
1) i dont ship sukitara because i genuinely think they would be like the best gal pal duo. to me ive always seen them as super close best friends and they remind me of me and my best friend because my best friend is katara to a goddamn t. (she thinks im zuko but our dynamic is such a suki katara friendship) and idk i rlly just prefer them as best friends
2) maybe is the ship didnt remind me of my best friend and i i could ship it more. also if past sukka is in the equation i rlly dont think katara would date sokkas ex. i dont see that in the equation i dont think shed do that to him because i have a feeling sokka could be kinda weird ab that like bro thats my sister. hed be supportive ofc but also like,, i think itd be awk.
3) just as all the other ships i dont ship if i saw a rlly good argument as to why they could work or maybe a rlly cute fic or fanart of them my opinion could be easily swayed! my opinions on ships change all. the. time. i used to not shup zutara and then i saw the CUTEST fanart for them and decided “i need to read a fic for them rn to see if i actually like it” and the zutarians reccomended so many amazing fics and now i firmly ship zutara! who knows i may ship sukitara tomorrow lmao
sukitara- without past sukka
kinda ship??? idk im neutral ig on this
1) i like the idea of it but idk im still linda sceptical ab it. i still see them as best friends hut also... best friends to lovers is an ELITE TROPE. like theyd already be so close and know everything ab one another and just add love and romance to it? omg so cute. shit i think i may have just changed my own mind ab it LMAO
2) seeing as there is no past sukka in this form of the ship i like it a lot better because siblings dating exes always sits weird with me. like if i dated one of my sisters ex boyfriends that would be soooooooo weird to me. but thTs just me!! and since there is no past sukka thats not an issue anymore. okay yeah ive changed my mind i do ship sukitara with no past sukka lmao. i think if sukka was a ship at some point in whatever universe theyre in theyd end up married lol. i dont believe in past sukka. its sukka or bust for me. but not past sukka means sokka and suki are shipped with other ppl in my little universe im thinking of. i dont know if any of this makes sense oopsies.
3) i guess since ive decided i ship this now something i dislike about the ship is the fact that ive literally seen maybe one (1) piece of content for them and that was as a minor minor minor background ship for a zukka fic. if i rlly wanna ship this im gonna need more content lol.
kyalin with past tenzlin and without past tenzlin
1) i ship this so hard because even watching lok for the first time the first time i saw lin i thought she was gonna be a lesbian and then they said she used to date tenzin and i was like,,, wtf. im sorry i could never picture the two of them together. but kyalin makes so much sense in my fantasy. when i first saw fanart for them i was like omg this is gorgeous.
2) i like this ship because theyre both badass milfs. i like old wlw relationships because so many wlw relationships are between teenagers or young adults in lretty much any fandom and this gives fans a fanon glimpse of some lasting loving older wlw (for lack of better word) representation (ik its not representation since it isnt canon but its the best word i can think of) and i think thats so heartwarming and cute because we deserve stories of wlw relationships that last past teenage and young adult years. lifelong loves people!!!
3) i genuinely dont have anything i dislike ab this ship. i see content for them a LOT and i dont rlly read lok fics all the much but im sure if i did i think id see a decent amount of kyalin stories because of how popular they seem to be on tumblr. also suggestion: kyalinzumi. i saw some art for the three of them once and even tho i lowkey ship izumi wnd bumi ii i thought oh my god this is SO CUTE. and i loved it. just something to think about. i love milfs lmao.
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favberrys · 4 years
No one asked this and no one cares, but here’s my personal opinions about every glee ship:
Finchel: they had their cute moments, but in general I really dislike them as couple. They brought the worst out of each other when they were together, Finn made Rachel insecure and was also incredibly possessive of her (not in a cute way) and Rachel pressured Finn too much. She wanted to control him and often tried change him, they’re too different and not compatible. I think Rachel needs someone more simalar to her or someone who can understand her, because Finn really didn’t get Rachel.
Klaine: I’m neutral about klaine, I don’t hate them, but simply I’m not invested into this ship. They aren’t toxic, but I think their relationship has many issues and is a little unhealthy sometimes.They had a good start, but as the show went on they got worse. I love Blaine, he’s my gay son, but he was too jealous and controlling about Kurt. Kudos for the gay representation, i acknowledge their huge impact on the lgbt community
Brittana: wow what can I say about them ? They’re everything, best friends to lovers excellence. Brittana had a rough start, but their dynamic became a beautiful and mature relationship in which they always supported and loved each other. Even when they dated other people, Santana and Brittany respected each other. It had and still has a huge importance for the sapphic community, it is good representation and one of the first big teen wlw couples. Brittana are the definition of soulmates
Quick: absolute trash, Puck got Quinn drunk on wine coolers and then had sex with her while she was still drunk. There was nothing consensual about that. The fact that rib never acknowledged this is disgusting. They had very little interactions, their relationship was not developed. Puck and Quinn have literally nothing in common, they’re not compatible in any way and them getting together at the end always irked me because in s3 Quinn said she didn’t care about all the boys she dated in the past. If you ship them idc it’s fine, but I hate this pairing. It’s a huge no from me, I think Puck liked Quinn only because she was hot.
Faberry: THEY’RE MY RIDE OR DIE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE TO ME. Enemies to lovers excellence, I know faberry was queerbaiting, but I still ship them after all these years. They have chemistry, lots of yearning and sexual tension, impossibly high angst level. This is the only pairing in which I will accept the trope “homophobic jock falls in love with the person they bully”. At first they were terrible to each other, but they managed to built a nice relationship and I seriously think Rachel was the only one for Quinn because she was the only person who always showed Quinn love and support even when they were enemies. I also think that Rachel felt something more than platonic for Quinn at some point (always ranting about how beautiful Quinn is ? That’s gay)
St berry: I like them, I know they had little screen time and they weren’t even supposed to be a thing according to rib (bc they planned on making finchel endgame), but I think they’re compatible, Jesse is probably the only person who could keep up with Rachel. They have many things in common and even though he was shitty to her at first, he redeemed himself. Rachel and Jesse have good romantic chemistry and excellent musical chemistry, their duets are amazing. I’m happy they got together in the end.
Pezberry: oh boy they’re so hot together, lots of sexual chemistry, they could have been enemies to friends to lovers excellence or at least friends with benefits, but ryan murphy is a coward. I enjoy their scenes, they’re hilarious together and always make me laugh. I think they’re a pretty explosive duo, pezberry has great musical chemistry, all their duets are iconic and there’s a lot of sexual tension between them, they’re definitely compatible in bed but idk if they would last in a long term relationship.
Quinntana: this pairing was very random in my opinion because Quinn and Santana lowkey hated each other and always wanted to destroy each other, BUT they are very hot together, they’re probably the most gorgeous couple on glee because both dianna and naya are insanely attractive. Quinntana gave me my sapphic!quinn rights and I’ll be forever thankful about that, they’re compatible in bed, but I like them only as friends with benefits. I don’t see any romantic chemistry between them, mostly because they were always competing about who was the hbic of the school. I don’t think they would last as a stable couple. I wanted to see more of quinntana though.
Fabrevans: if Quinn had to end up with a man, the only heterosexual Quinn ship I tolerate is fabrevans because Sam was really kind, sweet and good to her. Sadly she wasn’t very interested in him, he was just the hot new guy soon to become quarterback and I think she dated him for popularity. I don’t think they would have lasted in a long term relationship, they were cute together romantically speaking but I don’t ship them.
Samcedes: should have been endgame, definition of wasted potential
Tike: should have been endgame, even though I don’t care about Mike and Tina they were really good together, the love was genuine. Tike is one of the few heterosexual couple I don’t mind
Artittany: is a huge no from me, they had zero chemistry and he treated her like trash, artie deserved to be cheated on lol (I’m joking no one deserves that but I really don’t like artie because he’s sexist, misogynistic and he also treated all his gfs like crap)
Seblaine: I honestly don’t see it, Sebastian was definitely interested in Blaine, but Blaine always only had eyes for Kurt. Still I think they should have dated in s6, it would have been fun to see Kurt jealous about his nemesis dating his ex bf. I like the idea of Seblaine having a one night stand, but I don’t ship them as a couple. I also don’t like Sebastian very much, sorry.
Fuinn: A HUGE NO, they were aesthetically pleasing together, but that’s it. They didn’t have sexual tension, they just had tension. Fuinn is a little dysfunctional in my opinion, they get together, they break up and then start dating again just like finchel. I honestly don’t think they were in love, but they cared about each other in a platonic way. Finn wasn’t a good boyfriend to Quinn and Quinn constantly manipulated him. I don’t like them as a couple, they’re too messy.
Blam: best friends to lovers excellence, lots of wasted potential. I’m not saying they should have been endgame, but Sam and Blaine should have dated. I like the idea of Sam discovering he’s bi or pan and exploring his sexuality with someone who cares about him. They have chemistry and I like their dynamic. I also fancy their duets and I think they could have fallen in love with each other.
Hevans: ok if I squint I can see it, they had potential, Kurt was definitely attracted to Sam and Sam was kind of curious about him, I’m sure he admires Kurt and cares about him, but I don’t ship them together
Sebtana, Finntana, Pucktana: ABSOLUTE TRASH DON’T SHIP CANON LESBIAN CHARACTERS WITH MEN, IT’S INCREDIBLY HARMFUL AND INVALIDATING. There are so many heterosexual ships, why do you have to take away from the gays the few lgbt characters we have ?
Quinncedes: i don’t ship them romantically, but I ship them as best friends. I wished their friendship was more developed, Quinn and Mercedes were so good to each other.
Quinntina: have they even interacted with each other ? (Lmao I’m joking again don’t get pressed, you can ship what you what). I don’t ship it, they’re cute and I lowkey like Tina, but it’s not my cup of tea. Still it’s a wlw ship, so I don’t have anything against it.
Wemma: no
Artie x Tina: I don’t even know their ship name, imagine how much irrelevant they are to me. Again I don’t like how artie treats women, I don’t ship them and Tina deserves better than him.
Samchel: underrated af, i’m not saying they should have been endgame because they wouldn’t have lasted in a long term relationship, BUT they were cute together. Sam was really good for Rachel, he made her more humble and helped her to heal after Finn died. They deserved more development and had a lot of potential. I don’t remember what happened in s6, but I liked samchel dating, I don’t mind them as a romantic couple, even though they’re not very compatible.
Brochel: it was not as bad as rib tried to make us believe. I don’t ship them but they have sexual/romantic chemistry and also musical chemistry. I’m neutral about Brody and Rachel, he was hot, but he was also incredibly boring and one dimensional
Julyberry: the sexual tension between them is so high, i loved it when they did all that jazz, I think they should have been fuck buddies or had a one night stand. Lots of sexual and musical chemistry, i lowkey ship them bc milf!kate hudson rights. Maybe after Rachel graduates at nyda, they could date
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badmoon--rising · 3 years
Wolf’s bane
Personally I think Laura should have killed Harris she deserves it and also fuck Harris
the banter in this car is the best I love these three so much
I always thought it was really funny how the extra on set pushes open the school door and both stiles and Scott walk through on her side completely crowding her like????????? Why the fuck didn’t you just open the door on your side
“Ur thinking about her in the shower aren’t you??” “Yeah...” I love them
The madness of Jackson just going one google search and then he just knows
First of all can Jackson stop slamming things next to Scott stop scaring him like that, second of all it would be really funny if both Scott and Jackson didn’t know what they were talking about here, I wish Jackson got it completely wrong LMAO I might make a comic about this sometime soon
God stiles you look so fucking trans on this beautiful day
Stiles saying fuck my first game ever I’m gonna help Scott is really cute I love best friends
Ohhhhh fade and then return ;__; Scott and Stiles song.....
Stiles adhd moment thank you representation
God what is UP with teen wolf and their obsession with extreme close ups I hate it
God I’m sorry you guys Jackson is insufferable I hate his acting I can’t care about his problems at all
Lydia you’re a lesbian
Oh my god this scene. Incredible.
Dad moments :’))))))))))
God. Stiles and Danny. Shut up
God Stiles hates him so much it’s so funny
The Argents are a cult I’m just gonna say it again
Chris be nice to Scott :( for the love of god
Stiles giving up the game for Scott (and helping Derek) is just so :’)
Scott is trying so hard I’m so sorry Jackson is an idiot
Evil Jennifer #1
Love how Stiles and Derek are always like “I hate you so fucking much and I wish you were dead but also if you’re in any mortal danger I will save your life so fast”
The scrambling :)
God........ genuinely though poor Derek, he thinks this is the last of his family and now he’s trying to not be killed by him
Fuck you Harris I hate you
God penis hale you are the most obnoxious bitch ever
Kate is such an actual fucking predator it’s so disturbing
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rivetgoth · 4 years
I had this friend I met in the Hetalia fandom in like 8th-9th grade who was like, a lot older than me (I was like 12-13 when we met and she was like 17 or so), and we were REALLY close for a really long time, we'd talk and call every day and it got to a point where she was really dependent on me in this awful way where she would like constantly threaten suicide if I didn't answer her texts fast enough and shit like that. She was really rich cuz her dad was a doctor and one time she bought me an entire fucking Xbox One (I did not ask for it like... I'd always been a PlayStation gamer LOL) because she didn't have anyone to play Halo with her. My family still has it and uses it as a DVD player/Netflix machine.
Anyway the really batshit thing about this person (BESIDES the fact that she was like, definitely a pedophile who loved shota and frequently sexted me after she'd turned 18+ and I was like 14 and she also had both a bestiality and incest fetish that she'd talk to me about constantly — I was a kid I had no moral concept of anything and just liked being edgy and feeling mature) was that she was like. A chronic liar who constantly faked identities. And for years after cutting off contact with her I would look back and realize that she had faked even more than I had noticed at the time. The thing is, I knew for sure she wasn't lying about her home life -- Her address, what she looked like, her dad's profession, her age, her house, her pets, etc, were all things I had proof of. But when I knew her she was constantly remaking her Tumblr to escape drama she'd start, and she would constantly make side blogs under pseudonyms and pretend it wasn't her (sometimes it would be random shit like aesthetic blogs under different names or ask blogs for characters or smthn, other times it was like, callout blogs for people she had gotten into drama with where she would pretend to be someone else defending her). I assumed back then that I was always going to be in on it, because she would always tell me whenever she made one of these fake accounts, and sometimes she would encourage me to make a new account too as a sort of roleplay thing where we both pretended to be people we weren't... Until I learned that she wasn't always telling me. Every so often, I would become mutuals with a new account who would start messaging me about my interests and strike a conversation with me. Then something would slip and my "new mutual" would admit that they had actually been my friend all along... Which should have made me immediately cut contact because that's weird as shit, but I was young and she was a close friend, so I would just sorta accept it.
She ended up being like, horrifically transphobic. She got run off her blog twice for being specifically transmisogynistic, first insisting that she was allowed to headcanon canon trans women as feminine men and then on her next blog insisting that lesbians couldn't be attracted to trans women. I was still young and closeted and she was one of my closest friends and was constantly messaging me that the situation was making her suicidal and she was just wording things wrong and totally supported trans people and people just weren’t giving her the benefit of the doubt and she was still learning so I tried to just stay out of it without losing her. Then... I came out as trans lol. She stopped replying to me when I first came out and then made a bunch of vents on her tumblr about how much it upset her and about how “using he/him pronouns for AFAB people is triggering” for whatever fucking reason. She told me her “best IRL friend” who she had introduced me to once on Skype but who never logged in again after and who refused to ever do a group call or anything (definitely another fake account) said that it was irrational for me to expect my friends to respect my pronouns so soon after coming out and that I shouldn’t be upset if I get misgendered. Then she apologized but told me my name and pronouns would never fit me. As you can imagine, as a little baby trans kid who was closeted from my family and terrified of even having come to terms with being trans, I didn’t really have a great defense.
Soon she started being really woke like 2014 style Tumblr SJW to save face, she came out as nonbinary and told me in private it was because she felt bad when people called her cis during discourse (she absolutely wasn't nonbinary) and she coined a "new sexuality" that was "attraction only to people you perceive as feminine, regardless of how they identify" -- what this actually meant was "attraction to cis women and not trans women." She ran an aroace help blog despite not being aroace? And made a bunch of pride flags that I still see around sometimes to this day. She would start fights a lot and try to out-woke people and got into a bunch of drama with other SJW types of the day, got into a bunch of drama with TumblrInAction and Mogai-Watch and shit like that, and she claimed for a short while that she had a headmate (FWIW I totally believe DID is a legitimate thing but like. Trust me on this one.) who was transphobic and that it made her so sad, she told me that it was actually that headmate that had been transphobic before, and every so often her headmate would front out of nowhere and misgender me and use really abusive language like calling me a cunt or a bitch or whatever. She started making these "intersex nonbinary" OCs who she would constantly make porn of under the guise that they were representation for LGBT people who were just like, extremely fetishistic cuntboys and dickgirls (they were “intersex” to explain why they could be “girls with natal penises” or “boys with natal vaginas”).
At that same time, she somehow always managed to have these random, very sporadically active trans women mutuals who were apparently amazing friends of hers, who shared some interests with her but also would defend her when people brought up her past, with these long-winded “Well, I’m a trans woman and I think what she said is perfectly justified and everyone makes mistakes and she’s always been a good ally!!” Then one day some trans woman received an ask from her account where she claimed to be a “black trans woman” (she was, of course, a white cis woman) and she freaked out and claimed she had “been hacked by TiA or 4Chan to make her look bad” — I realize now she had just been sending anon messages pretending to be things she wasn’t and forgot to hit anon LOL. Late in all of this she also got into a bunch of hot water for being really antisemitic and saying she didn’t trust Jewish people because they were just like Christians and like, 5 seconds later she came out as Jewish and wrote this whole long sad vent about how she had had internalized antisemitism and then started going by a random Hebrew name LMAO.
In the end the final breaking point was when I found her secret TERF blog, where she had been making posts for months about how trans men are just insecure women who are trying to escape misogyny by stepping on the backs of “fellow women” and using me as a fucking example, and also saying that me not coming out as a trans man had been “basically rape” since she had been SEXTING me when she was 18+ and I was 13-14+ and that it was traumatic to know someone she had trusted was secretly identifying as a man LMAO. She was also obviously saying all sorts of transmisogynistic things, but also had these really bizarre fetish posts about wanting trans women to fuck her...? I confronted her about it and she literally fucking out of nowhere told me that she was in the emergency room with a mysterious illness that might kill her and she was allowed to have her phone but due to privacy laws couldn’t send a picture as proof. While “in the hospital” she deleted the TERF blog and her personal blog. I had known her for literal YEARS at this point (we had met when I was 12-13 or so and by the time we no longer spoke I was a few months from 17), and I was completely stunned to fucking hear this person trying to pull “I’m in the hospital with a deadly disease” at being confronted for some shit like that LMAO. I made a post about it on my public and another “trans woman friend” of hers logged in to vehemently defend her by saying that there’s nothing wrong with AFAB women being untrusting of trans people because female oppression is uniquely traumatic and that there’s nothing wrong with women expressing their sexuality by sexting minors as long as the minor consents and that I was the real predator for “hiding that I was a man” (remember, I’d been a 13 year old closeted trans boy), before never logging in again... 😭 One of the last times we ever talked was when she demanded I refund her for the fucking Xbox and I refused.
Anyway, the long-term aftermath of that is that a few people online (in some random cringe areas of the internet) who archived some of her antics still think that I also wasn’t a real person, since they caught onto how much she lied about too, so they think I was also a sock puppet and I have no interest in clarifying and making myself known to those people LOL. I have no fucking idea where she is now, she deactivated everything after her being a TERF came out. There’s like, so much more to that I could say because I knew her for YEARS and, like I said, she was one of my “closest friends.” Her parents had wildly expensive pure bred designer dogs that she would make Vines of. She wrote Beatles real person fan fiction. For her birthday one year I made her a shirt on Zazzle with an inside joke about one of her OCs... does she still have that? Either way, she was easily the most batshit person I’ve ever known closely online and I will forever associate the Hetalia fandom with people like that.
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raviposting · 5 years
Big Sky Country and A Courtesan of Rome
Nice thank you! 
Big Sky Country: Favorite storyline in a book? Least favorite storyline? So favorite storyline would just have to be all of Perfect Match. One consistent plot through the entire series and I thought it was just phenomenal! Least favorite would probably be well, I’d say Passport to Romance but you need to actually have a plot for that either of the storylines in HSSCA. I like the book and the characters actually, but the betrayal aspect was dumb to me because most characters never apologized and it seemed to come out of nowhere. And then the second one with the presidency was worse for me. I just...didn’t really get why it was a big deal or why they thought Lorenzo would ever have the power to run the school to the ground lmao. Honestly at the beginning of that plot I went “oh okay so how do I make it so that neither my twin or Rory win” and I was a little disappointed that the chance for neither to win wasn’t a thing lmao 
A Courtesan of Rome: Do you play your MCs as yourself or as a character? Both...ish? So I headcanon most of my MCs to be Indian/biracial with Indian being one half lol, and a lot of them have a name that starts with a J, and I hc them all as being bi (though some may prefer guys or girls more heavily) so I’m sure on one level I do view them as representations of myself. And some of them match with me personality wise (the NB MC really captures my dumbassery, I’m usually a mom friend, and I too, like the TRR MC, love fancy hats) but I also like giving them different names and (try) to make them look as differently from each other as I possibly can. Even on replays, like on TRR, I have different MCs because I like viewing it as separate stories and I try to give them different personalities (as best as possible), and it’s why I think I don’t get as upset with storylines like others in fandom do, like with The Royal Heir (which...still that being said has huge writing errors esp with Hanna), because to me it’s not an MC who has my beliefs or anything but a whole separate character who only really represents me race & sexuality wise (which also is probably why! BC unfortunately the books are usually not always mlm or lesbian friendly in terms of their writing consistency but that’s a whole different subject and I’ve rambled enough lmao) 
The only MC that I know for sure I played as myself was The Freshman. It was the first game I played on the app and I definitely projected myself a lot onto my mc, to the point that I tried to make a decently similar looking MC and gave her my name lmao. A lot of the choices I made LI wise were really based on like, viewing my MC as what I would do in the situation and that’s really the only time I 100% played as myself in a game 
Original Ask Game
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[This post really doesn’t make sense but you should deffo have some experience with the game Resident Evil 2 : Biohazard (2019) -- here’s a short livestream of the 30-minute demo by some cool video journalists and a H U G E L Y Y influential horror gamer’s video of the demo, as well. (And here’s a favourite artist who is probably the very one you can blame for me wasting your time/gushing sm lol...) ]
Input/commentary is sincerely, absolutely, and aggressively, encouraged! ! 
Leon Scott Kennedy is nooooooooooot supposed to be any heterosexual woman`s fantasy because he is bisexual let me get into it
👉 First like the whole thing with Ada manipulating him? 
but it’s unfair to Leon who’s actually incredibly...human?
And the other thing is that (and I probably have made it really clear) Resident Evil and the fandom are so ... weird and racist but I like seeing all the changes from the remake as well as (to a lesser degree) backtracking through the games where Leon’s appeared
I love seeing him in 2019 being completely off-the-bat friendly towards Claire and then flirting -- and it being okay with me???? I went ahead and looked up tags on here and @/mikaeled had a drawing of the RE 2 protagonists 
The first protagonist, Claire, is drawn with the bi flag colours
The second protagonist, Leon, got the ace flag
THAT made me want to tap into fandom a little bit more and I went on Twitter and Pixiv and got to see some weird fantasies of being a really controlling Leon but on the other hand saw amazing depictions of Claire being in a loving relationship with a Leon whose kindness lined up with my first exposure of him. (The other day I had a similar experience looking up lesbian/bi claire redfield on this hellsite and someone wrote that Claire is a lesbian -- big big yes -- but added in the tags that “Leon is a trans bi guy!”)
Why not get into it a bit while I’m overcaffeinated?
👉 Leon and Ada is ... weird and people can read weird, bad things into it especialllllllllly if you consider “yellow fever” but it can also be smth super cute where a bi guy and a really cool girl he meets allows him to survive the events of RE 2 (1998) because she is literally mourning the death of her boyfriend in Umbrella. I think that Capcom unbeknownst to their demonic loudmouth staff have created some really thoughtful chances for representation and that helped them get so big--so Ada and Leon are good
But like...
Claire is right there! Leon and Claire become friends like that and tbh they make my bisexual heart melt as individuals. As a couple I feel hope imagining the ways they’d buck the trend of alienation and the threat of abuse...I feel like I care nothing for the fandoms, the creators, and even a majority of the games’ plot points, but here Leon and Claire are, making me feel so much pride because they show that there’s a way for men and women to be ... healthy while in love. They’re the couple that’d be great peer parents (Shirley is a big part of their game they’re protagonists of, and I love how she is written both in 1998 and 2019 which parallels how Moira Burton is written--and completely diverges from the tragedy of the pigeonholey writing of Ashley Graham) and then while they’re wonderful supports to Shirley and are intimately “””together””” in many aspects of life I believe that they’re the type to not even date because the intimate devotion and protection or sticktoitiveness of a friendship ends up building first, because it matters more. Which is not to say that when they do get into a relationship it’s anything but one that is rare.
It’d be r.a.r.e.!!
look at this ... fucked me up 
👉 In regards to this rare kind of love, the key isn’t sympathy or understanding and cooperation even through struggles ranging from PTSD to personality clashes through the years, nor is it chemistry and attractiveness (yeah I will go on record that they’re for better or worse based off of Caucasian models who are paid to be taken pictures of in real life and it fucking shows like I’d be a dishonest bisexual if not just a bad bisexual if I said I didn’t wanna ram both of them into a mattress shut up).To me it’s how Claire is as much of a hero as a typical Die Hard movie hero and YET no more of a hero compared to Leon who is, very clearly, atypical. That’s the biggest part. I love the atypicality. Leon’s seen as hot but approachable and even “a little baby who’s an incompetent rookie cop” but he isn’t... the usual cop, a.k.a. a batt*rer and a **pist and a vio*ent threat and a pig... He’s known to be a soft kind person in the remake.... so to me... 
I love him for Claire but I love the possibility that Leon Scott Kennedy’s bi and gender-nonconforming, and asexual (being demisexual) and not-cisgender and completely proud. I love that he could be this and he IS as good as this ...and he supports lesbians and bi women and alll trans and gnc and nb people unequivocally, maybe,,? Yes? Sbshshdjdjd 
Granted this is all a LOT. Let me defend myself and say that perhaps this is a hyperfixation for me but I’m the type that likes to mix into some of the emotions a tiny nugget of logic so let me make the disclaimer that, ya boi isn't an easy 'n convenient character that's hot into which I as a reader can insert myself... For me I’ve pieced something together that brings comfort and makes some sense. I like to think that he is a survivor of gay-bashing, ostracization, financial abuse, emotional abuse, ****, humiliation, public threats, familial bullshit such as custody battles and gaslighting and is transgender but he’s proud... he’s proudly trans and perhaps he is touchaverse and in terms of sexuality is bi/pansexual while in terms of who he has dated before it’s very messy as he is very aggressively misandrist and hates men and perhaps he’s very stone when he is in a mewd -- and perhaps transphobia makes him go into a rage and he has actually gotten in lots of trouble before as a kid which came back to bite him and he’s lost family and found family and best friends and the loss really hurt and made his choice to go to police academy ring hollow by the end of his training and made him a big believe in social justice and in defending people who society left behind and in therapy and self-change and in accountability (he ISN’T a selfinsert prOMISE!!) but he’s been through a lot aaaaaaaa lotttttt like idk hes just a dude sure
he’s just a dude.b,ut theres a reason zombies don;t faze him!
LOVE THAT. That part.
👉 to sum up: i support the remake fans not being uncritical and loving on the cast of characters and leon specifically! there’s a reason he recently bucked the trend of masculinity and (21 years of fandom and 21 years of problematic annoying fans, perhaps also writers, aside) has always been objectifiable, that is, seen as hot/a sidepiece/specifically desirable for women--but just /: not /: women /: as in /: Women slash str8s /: . . . .RETCH lmao he’s a gun toting hero that is very atypical but not in a disempowering manner -- rather, in an empathetic and emotional one and I want to see the RE2 protagonists heal through a life changing care and tender friendship rather than bonding through liferuining catastrophes 💓��💓but what I am trying to say in the end is that they are so inspiring both together and as individual protegonists due to their abiliy to weather thru struggles that I as a qtwoc immigrant in America can identify with🤧 
[📍]  tl;dr   -- - 💓cute pan pew pew man is loving and cute ! :> also claire is 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 so cute...........................pls support/refute my theory
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amethysttide · 6 years
Queer baiting. Now a lot of people are saying others complain because their ships didn’t become canon and we got what we’re promised. I, as someone who couldn’t care less regarding if my ship becomes Canon and as a part of the lgbt community, can say that’s bullshit. 
At the San Diego Comic Con they confirmed Shiro, one of the main characters and the leader of Voltron, is lgbt and had an ex-fiancé on Earth, named Adam who we will meet in Season 7. Naturally everyone were extremely excited, because we’re getting what we’ve been waiting for; representation, with no other than the most popular character who is a Japanese man of color, who is disabled and suffers from PSTD. They promoted it with saying we’ll understand some relationships thanks to that, said we’ll get Shiro’s most emotional scene there were several official posters of the two of them and the crew was so, so proud of themselves! People from other Fandoms were happy for it, even some began watching the show. But there was an interview where the creators said they don’t even remember who voiced Adam, later some leaks of his possible death were released, but we still held onto the hope.  Fast forward this Friday, season 7 dropped and we got-! 
To see one minute flashback of Adam in the first episode where he and Shiro break up (Even tho if we weren’t told they were in a relationship, everyone could’ve argued they were best friends instead.) we didn’t see him until a few episodes later, once again in a short flashback in which… He dies. Just like that half of the rep is gone. Once Shiro comes back to Earth we’ve seen him “mourn” over Adam’s death, by looking at his photo saying sorry and moving on the next 20 seconds. I’m not even kidding. Other than the interviews nowhere in the show was it mentioned he was lgbt, wasn’t talked about, wasn’t discussed, nothing. 
We also got two characters who were heavily hinted to be in a lesbian relationship, but said characters tortured a kid for fun and like died I guess. They hit us with both the psychopath lesbians and bury your gays. 
One of the voice actors tried to defend by saying this is a Show about war and that we should be grateful, because even if we didn’t get what we wanted it didn’t mean it was queer baiting. Even though the only one to die this season was a gay man of color and some other background characters. While we got set up for three possible Heterosexual couples and a reunion of one. Obviously, it’s not the va fault for what’s happening in the show, but defending like that when they, themselves are a part of the community was wow. 
Naturally everyone were angry and extremely hurt and upset by it, there’s an account of Twitter who posts letters for the vld writers and reading how hurt people are its seriously upsetting, many adults and teenagers who expected to see themselves represented in a media are completely heartbroken and its understandable. I was too. Alas, the entire crew seems to be ignoring the reason we're upset. 
And a lot of others problems regarding character treatment, plot, relationships (platonic and romantic ones.),pacing, but this will get way too long lmao. Hope I cleared up a bit for you! 
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hazelnut-icecream · 5 years
Do all girls girls girls asks please 🌈🌈🌈
👧 - at what age did you realise you were a lesbian?
25 officially... although I've really known for a long time and refused to acknowledge it.
🥰 - who was your first crush?
Rose from Titanic
👩‍❤️‍👩 - when did you get together with your first gf and what is something you loved about her?
I think I was 14 or 15? she and I were really close, I could talk with her about anything.
💘 - have you ever fallen in love?
🚫 - an awful comphet moment/how did you get over your comphet/have you ever experienced comphet?
I experienced comphet my entire life up until recently. an awful comphet moment… probably every time I stayed in a relationship with a man who was emotionally or otherwise abusive because of just how deeply I craved approval from them. I got over it by critically evaluating my motivations for wanting relations and relationships with men… and then even when I did know, it took loving myself enough and having the resolve to not be self-destructive.
↕️ - are you a top, bottom or verse?
😍 - best thing about being a lesbian
how right it feels to be with women
😣 - worst thing about being a lesbian
how motherfucking LONELY it is
💋 - do you have a type of girl you like?
I like every type of girl
☕️ - what’s something you wish more people knew about you?
that I’m full of love and trying my best
🐾 - cat or dog lesbian?
a both lesbian
🧸 - how do you feel about the tumblr ‘soft innocent lesbian’ aesthetic?
I mean lesbians can be soft. and lesbians are so fucking cute and lesbian love can be so wholesome and sweet. and we deserve to celebrate that aspect of ourselves. I am sometimes soft. but like anyone we’re also layered and complex and have multidimensional personalities and nobody is soft all the time. also there’s a huge lack of representation in that aesthetic. skinny white cis lesbians aren’t the only soft lesbians.
🌈 - ever been to pride? If so tell a story from then.
yes. I don’t really have a story from going to pride other than I always have a good time.
😈 - strap or no strap?
⛅️ - what was your coming out experience like/what do you think it will be like?
long and complicated. I’ve been out as bi since I was a teenager to select people. but not really publicly. but coming out as a lesbian has been more difficult, especially with family. even friends have been a little less than supportive about it in some cases. I’m not all the way out, either. not everyone knows. not even my whole family knows. and some of those who do know are blatantly homophobic so. yeah not a perfect experience.
🙈 - most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a girl
helicopter the strap, maybe? lmao
🥉 - what do you think of the useless lesbian stereotype?
it’s true for me. I am a useless lesbian lol
🥺 - what is something a girlfriend can do that makes you feel giggly and full of butterflies?
surprise me. like we’re going to run an errand but then she pulls into a restaurant and takes me to lunch. puts a little note in my lunchbox. hugs me from behind unexpectedly. kisses me when I’m not looking. I love little surprises. from the right person, they’re always guaranteed to make me feel giggly and full of butterflies.
❓- flannel, denim or leather lesbian?
hmmm I look good in leather… but I’m more of a flannel lesbian most days.
👄 - most attractive thing about a girl
0 notes
sharksfood · 7 years
so this thought just came into my head and i want to explore it.
in my life i’ve only seen 3 films so far that i read as books before they became movies. im not counting comic books/graphic novels that became movies bcs thats a little different, books that became tv shows, or plays that became movies. but its interesting to think about that.
i didnt read harry potter until well after the films (all of them lmao) were released, i’ve never read how to train your dragon, i’ve never read the hobbit/lotr, the animated alice in wonderland came out in the 50s, i have only recently read the last unicorn, i read World War Z after the movie came out (and ive never seen all of the movie), and i read the neverending story when i was cast in the play.
the books that i read before they came out in film are; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Warm Bodies, and Goosebumps.
Goosebumps kind of fits but it was made into a tv series first, and im not sure if i read the books or saw the shows first. i did both, i know that much.
I read Warm Bodies only bcs I wanted to see the movie but thought the book would be cool to read (its amazing and has a completely different feel from the movie), and Lion Witch Wardrobe was bcs my dad read it to me when I was younger. That and The Magician’s Nephew are the only Narnia books ive ever read.
I was going to try and read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children before the movie came out, but that work out for me.
if you want to count comics and graphic novels, then the list gets bigger. but comics already have the characters drawn out, so unlike books, you dont have an idea in your head on what the character looks like. that is so often changed in film, plus you loose so much detail and nuance when you go book to screenplay to film (this is also true with comics, but its still different)
However, and the biggest reason as to why I’m thinking about this, two movies will be coming out in the next few years, and both of them are based on my favorite books of all time (aside from the alice books of course). 
The first is Captain Underpants! I know that this is a book series with words and pictures, so technically its a graphic novel series, but they’re kids books! and those tend to have an awful lot of pictures. This series was my FAVORITE (other than the alice books) as a kid!! they were fun, hilarious, relatable, and just all around super great. So when i saw the trailer for the animated film that’s coming out this year based on the series i was ECSTATIC!! Were it live-action i would be bummed out since kids picture books usually fair better when animated (im not a fan of the diary of a wimpy kid movies....) but this animation is handled a lot like The Peanuts movie. The animation look like a color and 3D version of the exact art style!! its wonderful and im SO EXCITED
The other one, and this i am VERY VERY nervous about, is Ready Player One. that is my favorite sci-fi novel ever. i often say its my favorite book ever bc it deserves more love! and i do so much love it. ive reread it i dont even know how many times. and what do you know, they’re making it into a movie!! when i heard about this i had so many mixed feelings, and most of it has to do with the style of the book and the characters.
-Ready Player One Spoilers-
In Ready Player One the protagonist starts out as a dirt poor, fat, unattractive teen boy, and later he gets more physically fit/healthy and rich. he claims to still be unattractive at this point (mostly bcs he jues doesnt like how he looks and he looses all his body hair). this is very important to the character! i’m afraid that in this movie hollywood will do as they always do and make him a skinny conventionally attractive teen from the get-go. people will probably pull the Holes excuse of “the filmmakers didnt want to make the actor gain a bunch of weight and then loose it all” BULLSHIT they can cast a fat actor! and through his training and as they film the movie he can loose some weight or they can use movie magic (like when they made chris evans a scrawny little thing). its not that hard, people.
Another character, and this was super important to me and was a big subplot, is that Wade best friend, Aech, whom he only knows through the game (OASIS) plays as a white, straight, guy avatar, but they’re actually a black lesbian named Helen. And she plays this avatar to protect herself and to get a job and be taken seriously within OASIS. is super sad she has to do this, but its a big part of her character. she’s also fat as well, and im REALLY worried that in the movie she’s going to be a skinny straight white girl.
Two other characters who have important characteristics are Art3mis (Samantha) and the creator of OASIS James Halliday. Art3mis is Wade later love interest and GF. She is notable bcs her avatar is just like her, a chubby girl with black hair, but sans her port-wine birthmark. I know they’ll keep her birthmark, since its an intimate reveal, but they’ll probably make her skinny and i hate it. Now it’s only half canon in the books, but i’ve chosen to go with it, but at one point Wade talks about James Halliday’s childhood and his personality and all that, and mentions that he might have been autistic. Now, since it’s only he “might have been” in the books, the filmmakers will probably not make him autistic. That’s fucking sad to me, I mean, it would be amazing!! This character is one of the smartest, most famous, most prolific video game programmers/designers in history!! And he’s autistic! That is some wonderful representation and the filmmakers should jump on that opportunity. It’ll inspire so many autistic people who have a passion for video games to pursue their dreams. But, i have a hunch they wont go with it.
Two other characters, Daito and Shoto, are Japanese young guys who claim to be brothers (and their characters are) but are just friends in the real world. My initial hunch was that the filmmakers would keep them Japanese, but given the recent whitewashing of important Japanese characters, I have my doubts.
My few other concerns are that this movie won’t have 80s pop culture as the main style and focus of the era they book is set in, not to mention OASIS and most of people’s interests. It’s incredibly important to the novel, but so many dystopian movies choose to go with gritty, futuristic, edgy stuff. The other concern is how they will handle the real life vs OASIS look, since over half of the book takes place inside a VR video game. I’ve seen news that they are utilizing VR technology, but i havent read too much. I’m wondering if they’ll animate all of OASIS and the avatars and action and anything in the video game! That would be awesome.
So these are all my thoughts. I havent looks at who they’ve cast yet, so I’m going to do that right now. I do know that Steven Spielberg is directing it, which could be fantastic or terrible. Okay, cast time.
So the IMDB doesnt say who is cast as Daito and Shoto, but Wikipedia says that Win Morisaki of PrizmaX will play him, which is great! I hope that’s what happens.
Art3mis/Samantha will be played by Olivia Cooke, who in my opinion is way too old. She’s older than me! The character’s age (i think) isnt mentioned in the book, but she’s got to be 17-20, and Olivia Cooke looks older than that. She’s also not chubby, but hey, maybe they’ll fit that. She also doesnt have the birthmark, but that’s gonna be makeup. (wouldve been cool if they found an actress with a port-wine stain on her face...)
Parzival/Wade will be played by Ty Sheridan. He was Cyclops in X-Men Apocalypse. He’s the right age, but way too fit and attractive. DAMN IT Well, I guess there’s always makeup and special effects, but i’m 80% sure now they wont make Wade fat.....
Aech/Helen will be played by Lena Waithe who is almost PERFECT. She’s much older than Aech, who is around 18, but like Samantha i imagine they’ll have make up and acting to cover it. My biggest concern is that she’s not fat like Aech, which means they’ll use a body suit or effects or Lena will gain weight, or they wont do anything.....
T.J. Miller will be playing I-r0k, who is another OASIS player and a bigtime douchebag jerk. This is perfect. We don’t know his age, or really anything other than his personality and avatar, and T.J. Miller is hilarious so this/ll be great.
Mark Rylance will be playing James Halliday, witch is fine by me. He’s not quite what I imagined, but thats what makeup and wigs are for. He’s worked a lot with Steven Spielberg, so that makes sense as to why he’s cast here. I just hope he can portray an autistic character well and with respect.... (would be better if he IS autistic but ya know.....)
Simon Pegg will be playing Ogden Morrow, the co-creator of OASIS, and thats perfect. No complaints.
Nolan Sorrento (the antagonist of the book and head of operations at Innovative Online Industries) will be played by Ben Mendelsohn, who was Director Krennic in Rouge One. He is much older and not quite and slimy as I imagined him, but this can totally work. I pictured Nolan Sorrento as Andrew Scott in my head, since he seems like the perfect evil, charismatic, slimy, attractive but ugly inside business man.
So, after looking at the current casting choices im a little let down, but still excited! I’ll have to wait patienly for the trailer, since this thing is coming out in 2018. Dang, this turned into a Ready Player One post, but its been on my mind recently.
If you read through all of this, good job! let me know what you think! i probably dont talk about Ready Player One very often but thats bcs i dont know anyone in real life (other than my dad) who has read this book, and the online fandom seems nonexistent. Who knows?
But yeah, I guess I made this post bcs I wasn’t able to share the collective nervousness, complaints, and excitement of Harry Potter or LotR or Percy Jackson fans when their fav books became movies.
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