#and we know martin has being lying from the start
noveratus · 10 months
Do you ever think about the symbolism that Martin liked spiders? Like, it makes sense that Jon hated them from a narrative standpoint. It is a foreshadowing of their overall role as the main antagonist and the ones responsible for orchestrating everything. They have been manipulating Jon since he was a child.
And yet Martin likes them.
Do you ever think of why, even though the spider is said to be the only fear aspect with the ability to think, we never really interacted with it? Only Anabelle? Like, the eye is a large part of season 5 as it always watches, always looms over everyone, and yet, we still know very little about the spider by the end of the show. We know more about the unknown and the dark than we know about the spider.
So I once again ask, why does Martin like spiders?
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Daddy’s Girl
pairing: Daniel x Stroll Reader
summary: you start dating the one driver your brother hates more than anyone
a/n: thanks for the request!!
requests open masterlist
“Lancie, you can’t just leave me here!” you pout at your older brother.
“Sorry, I have to go. Go be a pain in the ass somewhere else, you brat,” Lance replies as a sibling tends to do. You huff and walk towards where you assume Aston Martin is, but you end up lost a minute later.
“Are you lost?” an Australian man says behind you. You quickly turn about-face, looking at what might be the most handsome man you’ve ever seen.
“A little, yeah,” you blush, quickly looking down so you aren’t just staring at him.
“I’m Daniel, where is a beautiful girl like you going?” He asks, hoping you’ll look at him again with your beautiful eyes.
“Aston Martin, my name is Y/n,” you introduce yourself, extending your hand for him to shake it, purely on reflex. Daniel takes your hand in his and doesn’t let go.
“You’re in luck, I’m going to my garage right beside it. Might as well give you the tour while we’re at it,” he says and that’s when it clicks. This is Daniel Ricciardo, the guy who your brother really doesn’t like. Shit. The two of you chat and laugh as he shows you around.
“Thanks for the tour,” you blush a little as you stand outside VCARB and Aston Martin, not really wanting to let his hand go. He doesn’t either, your hand fits perfectly in his. Daniel knows exactly who you are, he’s been crushing on you for a few months since he saw a photo Lance posted of you.
“Can I take you out for dinner or coffee sometime?” he asks, a little hopeful you’d agree since he was still holding your hand. You quickly agree, typing your number into his phone.
“Text me,” you smile, heading into the familiar green space.
“There you are, sweetheart, I was getting worried!” your dad says, walking to you.
“Sorry Daddy, I was exploring,” you aren’t technically lying as you hug your father.
“That’s okay, just let me know where you are next time, okay?” he asks. relieved you aren’t hurt. You are his baby girl after all.
“I promise. Lance just had to leave and I didn’t know where I was,” you admit.
“He should know better, I’ll talk to him later. Do you want tea? Coffee? Breakfast? Did you eat?” Lawrence starts to fuss over you. You can’t lie to yourself, you enjoy that your dad spoils you, to him you can do no wrong, even if he has a no boys until you are 25 policy.
Over the next few months you accompany your brother to his races, under the guise that you really enjoyed going the first time. You’ve been secretly seeing Daniel, your now boyfriend. It’s thrilling, rebelling against your dad.
“Danny,” you grin, jumping into his arms in the small alley between the two motorhomes.
“Hi baby,” he hugs you tight, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“I missed you,” you breathe in his scent.
“It’s only been a few hours, baby. You should be wearing my team shirt, you’d look so hot,” he smirks and you jokingly hit his arm.
“Don’t say that in front of my father, he’ll have an aneurysm,” you laugh, Daniel watches happily as your face scrunches with the laugh.
“Noted,” he is just content to be holding you in his arms.
“Speaking of, I want you to properly meet my dad and Lance,” you say a little shyly. You know how fast gossip travels around the paddock now, and you don’t want to be exposed before you have a chance to tell your family.
“Anything for you, Y/n, as long as you are ready for it,” Daniel kisses your head.
“Thank you for agreeing, I just don’t it to get out before we tell our friends and families. They deserve better than that,” you admit, Daniel’s heart swells. You have a reputation for being a spoiled daddy’s girl from people who don’t know you, but he knows you and how kind you are.
“Just let me know when and where,” he promises, knowing that your family is everything to you. He can ignore his rocky relationship with Lance, he just hopes Lance can. You chat and make out for a few more minutes before parting.
“Daddy, is it okay if I invite a friend to dinner with us tonight?” you ask, giving your dad the look he can never say no to.
“Of course sweetheart, I’ll add an extra spot to our reservation,” Lawrence is curious about who you are inviting, but he doesn’t push it. You grin, texting Daniel the details. You pick Daniel up in your custom DB12, he takes a second to appreciate the car. It’s racing green exterior and tan interior with black detailing. Daniel isn’t sure why he didn’t expect you to drive it, but he also feels like it perfectly fits you.
“Have you pushed this baby to her limits?” Daniel asks with his cheeky smile.
“I may not be a race driver, but I do know how to properly appreciate all she can do,” you grin, neither confirming or denying.
“That’s my girl. Anything I should know?” He asks and you properly look at his outfit, navy dress pants paired with a white dress shirt that has the top couple buttons undone and navy suit jacket.
“Just that you look handsome, and to be yourself. I like you for who you are, that should be enough for them,” you tell him, so close to saying that you love him. Daniel’s hand rests on your leg as you drive, the hum of the engine filling any lulls in conversation. You enter the private dining room a couple steps ahead of Daniel so you can properly introduce him, your Dad and Lance stand up.
“Daddy, Lancie, I’d like you to properly meet my boyfriend, Daniel,” Daniel walks in behind you, immediately going to your father to shake his hand first, then Lance, then pulling out your seat for you. He takes a seat beside you, you hold his hand under the table, giving it a squeeze.
“Your boyfriend?” Lance asks, visibly hurt. He had told you that he didn’t like Daniel, and he wishes you had told you.
“I really like him, Lance. He treats me like a princess and makes me happy,” your eyes plead with your brother as he stands up.
“Sorry, I just need a second,” Lance tells your father and steps into the hallway.
“He makes you happy?” Lawrence asks you, trying to ease your distressed look. You just nod. “I’m not thrilled, but if he makes you happy, that’s what matters,” your dad says and you feel Daniel squeeze your hand, and you look at him. Daniel nods, as if he’s reading your mind.
“I’ll be right back, Daddy, I need to talk to Lance,” your voice is a little shaky as you join your brother in the hallway. You can hear your dad interrogating Daniel.
“Lancie?” You ask softly, your brother facing away from you.
“Y/n, please, I just need a minute,” you can hear the strain in his voice, but something keeps you from backing down.
“I’m really sorry, I wanted you to know in case it got leaked by someone, you and Dad are one of the first to know,” you say, hoping it helps.
“You should’ve told me before you ever even went on a date with him. You know I don’t like him,” Lance turns to you, clearly upset.
“I’m going home, tell Dad please,” Lance huffs, mad at you and you feel a pit in your stomach.
“Lance, please,” you fight with every fiber of your being not to cry.
“I’m not mad at you, I promise. I just need to be alone and process it,” Lance hugs you, and while you are sure he’s lying about not being mad, it does help. Truthfully, he’s mad at Daniel. To Lance, he is using you to get back at you. You take a second before entering the dining room again.
“Lance is going home, he said he needed to be alone,” you sit at your seat, Daniel’s hands immediately finding yours.
“Daniel seems like a good guy, even if he is too old for you. I will allow it, but if you hurt her you will never find yourself in a race again,” Lawrence threatens, and you know he isn’t bluffing.
“Yes, sir. Your daughter is perfect in every way, I would never dream of hurting her,” Daniel replies, looking at you, eyes full of admiration, a look that you easily return. Lawrence silently notes to look into Daniel’s Red Bull contract.
“I’ll talk to Lance, you know he likes to over react,” Lawrence says, signaling for the waiter to take your order.
It takes a couple weeks for Lance to start talking to you again, and after a few months of watching you and Daniel together, he lets the negative feelings go. By a year later, they are like brothers, and you think that Lance and Lawrence like Daniel better than you. Especially since Lawrence gifted Daniel a similar version of your car.
“Y/n, what would’ve happened if your dad and Lance both never came around,” Daniel asks one afternoon as you lounge beside the pool, his arm wrapped around you.
“Probably would’ve dumped you. I couldn’t hide and lie from Daddy for too long, too much of a Daddy’s girl for that,” you smile with a small shrug. Daniel sits up a little, you look up at him.
“Yes you are,”
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I’m kind of obsessed with the Jonmartin timeline and how Jon slowly fell in love with Martin, mostly off tape over seasons 2 and 3. I wrote a little bit of an essay trying to pinpoint the shifts and moments when we can tell something has changed. I love fanfics but I am just so interested in trying to figure out what happened in canon as close as possible. Of course this does involve speculation of emotions that we have no way of actually knowing because Jon Sims does not talk about his feelings.
Anyway it’s long-ish.
Jon fell in love with Martin over season 2 but didn’t start to realize it until late season 3 just before The Unknowing.
Martin starts the show with a crush on Jon. In MAG 22 when Martin makes his statement about the worms Jon feels guilty over how all of the pressure he’s put Martin under drives him to put himself in danger and he has Martin move into the archives to protect him which may be the first caring gesture he has made towards Martin but it’s a big one. Martin, who had a decent size crush on Jon beforehand, is blown away by this and his crush becomes a real big one.
Jon tries to continue being hard on Martin but he does noticeably soften towards him. His criticisms are half-hearted.
During Jane Prentice’s attack when Martin and Jon are in document storage Martin calls Jon out and properly snaps at him for dismissing the supernatural and Jon actually sees Martin in this moment for the first time. Martin had never talked back to him in such a way and Jon can now see him as not just his assistant who makes a lot of mistakes but as an equal who might know better than him in some aspects. They have their heart to heart and Jon is able to be honest for the first time since taking this job. He admits he’s scared and it’s okay, well it’s not okay because Jane Prentice might be moments away from killing them, but Martin doesn’t think any less of him. And then Jon asks if Martin is a ghost and he’s wrong and it was stupid but Martin makes fun of him in a way that doesn’t hurt and Jon isn’t used to that. And Martin, seeing this open and fragile and slightly dumb part of Jon, starts falling in love.
After Martin finds Gertrude’s body Jon is one track minded and focused on finding out what happened. Martin, giving his statement about the tunnels, is in tears not because he found a body and was scared, but because he accidentally left Jon. Jon was too distracted with finding answers at the moment but he heard it and absorbed it over time.
Season 2 Jon is full of nothing but paranoia and is unwilling to trust anyone but it’s his obsessive observations that lead him to getting to know Martin enough to love him. When Jon tries to come back from leave early Martin forces Jon to go home and rest more. Jon wonders what Martin is hiding but reasons that, no Martin is actually concerned about his health. Jon thinks Martin gave him a fake jar of ashes to calm him down, he doesn’t seem to think this gesture is part of a conspiracy, he genuinely thinks of this gesture as Martin lying to him to make him feel better. Jon notes that Martin has been very attentive to his needs and recovery and that he is interested to hear Jon’s theories about Gertrude. He remarks that he has observed Martin’s competence and cunning. Of course Jon is ridiculously paranoid and interprets this attention as some kind of plot against him to slow down his investigation and sees these positive attributes of Martin as reasons to see him as a threat, but again, Jon is absorbing it all. The lines in Jon’s supplementals about Martin’s attention to him implies that they’re spending a lot of time together off tape, at least more than they ever used to, probably at Martin’s insistence and Jon accepting this time by justifying to himself that he needs to watch Martin.
In MAG 53 Jon mentions that Martin hovers near him when he goes to the canteen and Martin says it’s because he’s concerned (based on Jon’s lie about how he got the cut from Michael). Martin offers to pick Jon up a sandwich from the cafe and bring it back for Jon. He doesn’t ask Jon to come with him and Jon acts like he’s annoyed to be around Martin when he sits with him in the canteen, but Jon decides No instead of me refusing the gesture for food or saying yes please pick up that sandwich for me, he says “I’ll come with” making another decision to spend time with Martin when he doesn’t have to. Maybe Jon tries to justify this to himself again by saying he’s keeping an eye on Martin but Jon has made no efforts to go spend extra time with Tim, who was an equal suspect, even before Tim was mad at Jon. (And may I add, if Jon tried this tactic with Tim, going out to lunch, watching him by spending time with him etc. maybe Tim wouldn’t have ended up being so angry with Jon.) But Jon is definitely making the effort to spend time with Martin when it frankly has nothing to do with his investigation no matter how he tries to spin it.
In MAG 56 when Jon makes Martin tell him what he’s been hiding and he finds out Martin had lied on his CV he is so relieved that he is giddy. He is smiling, laughing and stuttering. To Jon’s ‘rational’ mind this doesn’t fully clear Martin of suspicion but emotionally this really seems to be a weight off of his shoulders. On a subconscious level he can start to allow the time they’ve spent together to mean something other than just spying.
Meanwhile Martin can see what a hard time Jon is having and he can see him spinning out of control with paranoia and Martin tries really hard to defend him, maybe not the best thing, we know Martin is a bit of an enabler for Jon, but for Jon’s emotional arc of falling in love with Martin it is important that Jon hears Martin defending him to Tim in MAG 58. Martin never stops calling Jon out on his shit like when he tells Jon that he needs to talk to Tim and that Tim isn’t wrong but nowadays it feels like everyone is constantly calling Jon out, not that he doesn’t deserve it, but when Martin calls him out it’s still clear that he cares, whereas anyone else talking to Jon just seems to speak to him with malice.
At the beginning of season 3 Jon is hiding out and staying at Georgie’s place. We know from Season 4 MAG 149 that Jon used to go on about Martin to Georgie “a lot”. Georgie got the full story about The Archives in MAG 93 and Jon decides to move out of Georgie’s place in MAG 99 when he was then kidnapped by The Circus. There’s usually a week of time that passes between episodes unless otherwise implied and 93 and 94 take place over the same conversation on the same day so I’ll assume 5 weeks in which Jon was going on about Martin a lot with full context. He probably talked about him before then too only more cryptically. Importantly though in the Season 4 Q&A Alex asks, Who knew that Jon liked Martin first, Jon or Martin? And Jonny said “Georgie” so even though Jon didn’t know it yet, he was obviously smitten (at least obvious to Georgie who has dated Jon and recognizes signs of affection and romance in him more than anyone else would).
When Jon talks to Martin in MAG 102 there is a very slight almost imperceptible sweetness in Jon’s voice that we’ve never heard before. The way he assures Martin that it’s ok that he didn’t know he was kidnapped. There is a lot of awkwardness and frankly a lot of heavy breathing from both of them for probably just standing there. Their casual talk about the overall institute and Hannah who is having her baby and had that thing with the milk in the break room last year, Jon doesn’t know who she is but Martin knows that Jon knows her probably because they had been around her together since they spent so much time together last year but Jon was too paranoid and she had nothing to do with the plot, it’s just a very normal and domestic moment. Jon tells Martin he knows he’s been reading statements and Martin is just worried Jon will be jealous that he’s taking some of his job but instead Jon is just concerned for him. It’s different and they both know it’s different and they can both feel the conversation is charged with something but they don’t know what. “It’s not too late. Unless the world ends” means a lot in this conversation, yes it does literally mean it’s not too late for them to talk and continue whatever friendship they were stumbling towards in season 2. It’s not too late for them to pick up this weird, oddly charged and tender conversation that may be leading somewhere else. It’s also foreshadowing that it sort of is too late because their world will end when Jon effectively dies stopping the Unknowing.
By MAG 114 Jon says that he has listened to all of the tapes and has therefore heard the gossip about he and Martin. I think something clicked in his brain when he heard that Martin has a crush on him. He probably never considered that idea because things like romance are never on the forefront of his mind especially when he is in active danger, which he has been for the last 2 years, and even more so he wouldn’t expect someone to have feelings for him in general. Being conscious of the notion that Martin has feelings for him lead him to consider all of the strange feelings he’s been having about Martin over the last year and a half in a way that he might not have gotten to on his own until much later. It’s all part of the plan that Jon suggests Martin stay back at the Institute in front of Elias but Jon is genuinely relieved that Martin will be safer there.
In MAG 117 Jon talks about Daisy and Basira’s bond and how he’s been having to do everything by himself. He’s envious of their bond and we can tell he’s been thinking about how things could be if he had someone (Martin) by his side. I don’t think this part of his testament would have played out this way had he not been thinking a lot since he heard the tape. When he addresses the “office gossip” he is flustered. Possibly embarrassed that Georgie, who he trusts, was giving out this personal information to Melanie but I actually think he’s used to that specific type of gossip about him and I think that the nervous stutter and searching for words comes from trying to address the other part of the gossip, which he is still trying to wrap his head around.
It isn’t confirmed but I do think that Jon listened to everyone’s testimony before leaving and he heard Martin’s “I need him to be ok”. Later in MAG 139 Jon says “I need him to be okay. I just do.” I don’t think he’s consciously repeating the same phrase but I think this phrase has lived with him ever since he heard Martin say it and now it’s just organic to Jon too.
I genuinely do believe that at this point, as of MAG 117, all of Jon’s feelings for Martin are already there and internally he has at least accepted romantic feelings even if he wouldn’t have called it love then.
Jon is put in a 6 month coma the next night and is in a full tilt romantic arc the moment he wakes up. Not 20 minutes after waking from his coma he wants to see Martin, he’s surprised that Martin wasn’t there for him the moment he woke up. Maybe if you asked him the next day he’d say it was a silly notion for him to just expect Martin to be there at any given point no matter when he woke up, but a part of him accepted and knew that if Martin could have he would have been there.
Anyway, all this is to say that if he woke up from a coma desperately in love with Martin all of those feelings had to have been present before the coma. I know there was a lot more thought and consideration and emotional work that Jon had to do over season 4 before he could have been ready for his love to literally save Martin but all of the feelings were there by the time he woke up.
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katemartinismywife · 6 months
baby mama - k.m
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☺︎ kate martin ☺︎ ☺︎ part one ☺︎
finding out you're pregnant Dani and Kate were on a lunch date when Dani got the call. "Hold on babe" Dani excused herself from the table and walked to the family restroom, entering and locking the door behind her. "Hey, Dr. Anderson! I'm doing great, you?"
Dani was trying to push past the small part to get the actual reason why they called. "I am sure you know why we called... the IVF treatment finally worked" Dani was in shock. It has taken multiple treatments for this to actually work.
Dani went through multiple mental troubles thinking that she couldn't give Kate the family she wanted. On the other hand, Kate hated how much these treatments affected Dani, so they had decided that if it didn't work one last time they were going to adopt.
"Danielle? Are you okay?" Dr. Anderson worried over the phone. "Yes. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for everything." Dani wiped her tears off her face ending the phone call. Dani took some time to get herself together.
"You okay? You were gone for awhile" Kate asked seeing the look on her wife's face. "Yes baby, I am good" Dani leaned over the table giving Kate a quick kiss. "I love you" Dani smiled squeezing Kate's hand.
telling kate you're pregnant "Baby! I'm home!" Kate yelled placing her keys on the counter. "Hey sexy" Dani smirked kissing her wife's softly. "I missed you today" Kate stretched out letting her weight fall on Dani. "You can't be tired. I have a surprise for you" Dani smiled up at her.
"What is it?" Kate questioned looking around the house. Dani grabbed her arm pulling her onto the living room couch. "Cover your eyes" Kate smiled placing her hands over her eyes. Dani ran to their room grabbing two boxes.
"Open your eyes"
"Baby what is all this?"
"Open them. I can't wait any longer" Dani replied hiding her smile. Kate looked at her giddy wife and opened the smaller box. She shook the box thinking it was empty since it was so light. She opened the box seeing fairy lights surrounding a note. "Baby" Kate pouted already about to cry.
"No, no don't cry please" Dani frowned sitting beside her wife. Kate fanned her eyes with the card laughing. "I love you so much" Dani said letting a tear fall. Kate saw the short sentence and looked at her wife.
"You're lying. Please don't play with me" Kate laughed wrapping her arms around Dani. "Open the other box, there's more" Dani laughed leaning her head against her shoulder. Kate quickly opened the box seeing two more of the same note with three pregnancy test in the box.
"I'm confused?" Kate looked at her wife. "Three babies in my belly" Dani smiled pointing at her stomach. Kate rested her elbows on her knees with her hands on her face. "Baby" Dani placed kisses on Kate's head and rubbed her back.
"I love you" Kate muttered kneeling in front of Dani. She placed soft kisses onto her belly.
"We love you so much more"
three heartbeats "How does it feel to be mommies," Dr. Anderson asked the happy couple. "Tiring already" Dani laughed rubbing her growing belly. "I love it. I can't wait for them to be here" Kate smiled squeezing Dani's hand.
"Today we are going to look at each baby and hear all three of their heartbeats" Dr. Anderson placed the ultrasound gel onto Dani's stomach. "You mommies ready?" Kate and Dani both nodded smiling. The room filled with loud beating. "That's baby A, they're the ones sitting on your bladder" Kate wiped hers and Dani's tears once they started pouring.
"Here's baby B. They are flipping you off right now. They don't like being woken up" Dr. Anderson laughed seeing the angry baby. "Reminds me of someone I know" Kate spoke side eyeing Dani. "Shut up" Dani quietly laughed wiping her face.
"Here baby C. The quiet one. Sweet angel face" Dr. Anderson let their heartbeat play before cleaning Dani off. "Thank you, Dr. Anderson" Kate smiled at the lady before looking at her wife. "I can't believe we are having three babies" Dani leaned back dramatically.
"Praying baby b doesn't have that much sass like you do" Kate smirked dodging a soft nudge from her wife. "I'm not sassy. Now let's go get some Olive Garden" Dani smirked giving Kate a kiss.
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
Hi I love your writing!! I wish I had that talent. I was wondering if you have any thoughts of what happened next after Omega Daniel and Baby Alpha Max mated
anon you are very sweet! for you, i hope you like it
When Daniel woke up in his Singapore hotel room, every inch of him was throbbing. His head, his thighs, his fucking hole. His neck. He'd wanted to get up, to tugs the curtains the rest of the way closed so the the evil sliver of sunlight bathing his face would disapear, but he couldn't. Half lying on top of him, Max's hands were covering his skin possessively, one on his tit and one low on his stomach, fingers splayed wide.
This is still nice, a treterous part of Daniel's brain had told him.
Then, Max had looked up at him to smile, letting Daniel see the dried blood at the corner of his mouth, and he'd realised how fucked they both were.
"You are angry at me," Max says for the sixth time since they boarded the plane. Max's plane, his new and flashy private charter that Daniel had teased him for being a poor attempt of an omega magnet.
He'd pushed Max off him in the bed earlier, shoved his clothes towards him a little harder than necessary with shaking hands and told him to go and wash his face. Standing behind him in the mirror, Daniel had inspected his own neck, and yes- They were fucked.
Fucked, fucked, fucked.
Now, he supresses a sigh, and like, the urge to jump out of the emergency exit.
"I'm not angry," he promises, also for the sixth time, not looking up from where he's organising his intently Spotify playlists. "I'm just focusing. You know I have TuPac and Lana Del Ray in the same playlist right now? A tradegy."
He wishes he could actually listen to the music, but his stupid headphones are stuffed into his bag, out of battery.
"I do not know who either of those people are." Max says, and Daniel can hear the scowl on his face without having to see it, but now he can like, smell it. Max's annoyance, the way his scent gets all sour.
Right, he let Red Bulls golden boy mate him. Christian is going to murder him, and then Helmut is going to dance on his grave.
Still, Max's statement is ridiculous enough to have him momentarily distracted from his bouncing leg, and the impending sense of doom.
"Come on Maxy," he says, looking up in dismay. TuPac is a little before Max's time, but he can't be mated to someone who doesn't know who Lana Del Ray is. It's just- No.
He bursts into an over dramatic crooning of Video Games, just to punish him a little for his ignorance.
"Daniel," Max says, and then with his serious face finally melting into softness as he starts giggling, he scootches closer to Daniel on the seat. "Daniel, I am of course trying to be serious. I did not mean to."
That has Daniel's song fading into silence.
There's a moment where Daniel realises how he could play this and probably get away without so much as one bad word from Christian, but- Even though it would be easy, it's not fair, to Max. To lay the entirety of this shit sandwich at his doorstop.
"I know," he says honestly, keeping his eyes fixed now on where he's flipping his phone over and over in his hand. "It- Look, it's not like I stopped you. It's not- It's not like I didn't want it too, maybe."
For a moment, Max says nothing as the recycled air in cabin starts to get sweeter.
When he speaks, his voice sounds tentatively hopeful, and it tugs at something in Daniel's chest.
"Yeah," he promises, and on a whim, he lifts his arm for Max to curl underneath.
Max follows Daniel to his apartment.
Daniel opens his mouth to ask Max if he's lost, to remind him his apartment is two floors up but-
"What movie should we watch?" Max asks, already toeing his shoes off at the door like a good boy. "Martin told me about this very funny one and I thought you would like it. I will get him to text me the name. What do you want for dinner, also?"
Daniel closes his mouth, hand coming up to rub through the curls sitting at the nape of his neck. He needs a haircut.
"You're, ah- You're staying?" He eventually asks, following Max to where he's sat himself down on the sofa and started fluffing up the pillows next to him- presumably the ones he wants Daniel to sit on.
"Of course," Max says, looking up from his handy work, pleased. Then, "on the plane, Daniel, you said you wanted this too. And you are my omega now, so of course, I want to be here with you."
Daniel nods. "Right."
Max gets up from the sofa when Daniel doesn't move any closer, comes to stand in front of Daniel, and takes both of his hands in his.
"I know I am young," he says, so earnest, and Jos Verstappen's horrified face flashes in Daniel's mind for a split second before disappearing. "Probably you think I will be bad, but I- I want to try. To be good. A good mate."
He leans in then and kisses Daniel. It's nothing like the eager, clumsy kisses of the night before, it's just- Soft. The way you'd kiss somebody if you loved them.
"I wanted you for a really long time," Max admits, like a secret against Daniel's lips when he pulls back, and Daniel supposes Max thought it was. He probably didn't realise he had a crush that could be seen from outer space, if he couldn't see Daniel had one right back.
"Me too, Maxy," he says and kisses him again, because this close to Max it's impossible not to. It shouldn't feel this good, shouldn't make something tight in Daniel's chest uncoil, but it does. "Alright. Alright, fuck it, lets- Let's do it."
They made their bed, it might be nice to try lying in it.
"I am coming up."
They're sat in Daniel's car, the one he drives when he's in England, parked in front of the Red Bull Factory. Typical to British weather, it's raining, big fat dropplets of water spalttering against the windshield, falling from a grey sky.
"Max, it's okay," Daniel says, leaning across the gear shift to touch his knee. "I can tell him on my own."
Daniel is the one who should have known better and told Christian no in the first place. Except-
Since Singapore, since them, they've not spent a night apart. It's been some of the best sex of Daniel's life, followed by the best nights of sleep he's had all season. Like something inside him knows he's safe. This isn't what they planned, but no matter what Christian says, neither of them are giving it up.
Lifting his other hand, Max touches proudly at the mark on Daniel's neck. He has a matching one now, on his tit because Daniel is who he is, and because Max had shyly asked for it 'over my heart.'
"I am coming with you," Max says again, firmer. He takes Daniel's hand and it makes him shiver. "Daniel, you are not on your own, not anymore."
"Alright," Daniel relents, nodding. He's still getting used to it too, having an alpha, but also just having someone who wants to take care of him. "But you can't let him chew me out, okay?"
Max's eyes narrow, his expression turning dark.
"Like he would dare," he mutters but it just makes Daniel laugh, scrubbing a hand through Max's hair roughly.
"Easy tiger," he says, because this thing is something they're both still learning but- Together. They can do it together. "I need me, my alpha and my boss all in one piece if that's alright by you."
The clouds from Max's expression cleared, a sunshine smile taking over his face.
"Your alpha?" He repeated, smugly.
"Yeah, yeah," Daniel said, opening the car door but unable to hold back his own grin. "Get in the building Verstappen, before I kick your ass up the stairs myself."
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zabala0z · 25 days
S3 is once again killing me again with all the lore and I love it. School started up so I might be slower with my thoughts but I got episodes 92, 93, 94 and 95 to talk about!!!
MAG 92: Nothing Beside Remains
Elias makes me want to eat my phone, similar to that one guy from MAG 65 :) I was like screaming the whole time. Of course he can see everything, he literally called the police before Daisy came. I took that as "oh he has spies" but no he can see everything, I hate that. Is Jon eventually gonna get that ability or does The Eye give different gifts. Elias hasn't shown any "compellling" sort of power so I assume the latter. ALSO MORDECAI LUKAS?? I need to see a statement from a Lukas member cause what is up with that family, I'm dying.
Guess Basira is now working there. Hope Elias is paying her. the fact he won't tell Jon shit is so funny to me. So The Stranger is now, basically, the confirmed main villain. BBEG yknow? Mildly terrified, I hate circuses and mannequins so this season is gonna like body me
Not much to say on MAG 93 but whatever entity has the whole "gross shit" as its deal, I'm guessing this falls under it. Purple fungus, the obsessive cleaning, etc. Also yaaay Breekon and Hopes!! Again!11!! get out! Poor Georgie. Love her for being like "Do you even have qualifications??". Jons explanation helped me a lot because during Elias's explanations, I'm mostly just muttering curses to myself because I HATE Him. Avatars. Baller. So Jude Perry was the avatar of The Desolation (destruction, fire, etc) Michael Crew was the avatar of The Vast (sky??, emptiness, general loneliness) and then like Jon is an avatar and I'm guessing so is Elias. I think you can have more then one avatar but anyways.
MAG 94: Dead Woman Walking
Jon refereed to the entity as "The End" which, using my notes, was mentioned in Mary keys statement when gertrude asked where the book came from and Mary said "The End" and said she could never serve it, not finding death interesting. Wild that she can't feel fear anymore??? Like damn. This kinda read as someone in a depressive state in some form. Or like a nihilistic person. Cause like "everything ends, time, it has already ended". Wild.
Not much to say on MAG 95 but I did understand the context vaguely which is more then what I can say for the other war statements. Also Martin and Basira friendship??? Love it. She gets really engrossed in books. I dunno if she was like lying or this is something supernatural related but I love Basira
MAG 96: Return to Sender
Literally screeching oh my god. The fact these things just hijacked this mans business is almost funny. They also talked with a circus ringmaster. Nikola Orsinov? gregor Orsinov? A different one. the statement was given 1996 and Gregor was the leader around the 40's but Nikola, by her description I think, sounded young. So. Who was this ringmaster? Maybe Im getting the timeframe wrong. or they're like eternal. Maybe they like just shed skin and steal a new body, just going by the same last name- okay I don't know.
Also, SARAH BALDWIN???? Welcome back girl. The fact the gorilla skin was stolen by gertrude means she was trying to stop The Unknowing, and likely that's why its been this long for it to happen, because they need that skin. Ew. The Stranger loves skin a little too much. Also Sarah being filled with sawdust and cloves. Great. If Not Sasha was shot, would we have seen that? Or is it different with every one of those, NotThem.?
Anyways, I think that's everything. Every statement, I'm kinda thinking, "which entity does this fall under" now that I know the surrounding universe. Tough since I only know 6 by name and I think there's more. 6 too many entities for this world though
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theanxiousghostartist · 5 months
A collection of theories and speculation from TMAGP 13
Celia: It's interesting that (assuming she is telling the truthee about Jack/his age) that she would have chosen the name Jack for her baby. Jack is an old nickname for John. I know names aren't really a big factor in the show (Jonathan Sims took his name for the main character of TMA lol), but it's still interesting. Also, she mentioned that it had been a few years since she "moved here" but we know that Chester, Norris, and Augustus showed up about a year and a half ago (the first episode mentions a year, but Same mentions in this episode that it had been about 6 months since he got the job). So we have 3 possibilities, assuming that Celia is from TMA and that Chester and Norris are Jon and Martin (and Augustus is probably Magnus):
1. Time works differently. Celia showed up a few years ago, probably 1-2 years before Jon and Martin, therefore time could work differently for Jon and Martin in the computer system.
2. Celia is lying. I don't remember hearing an glitches while she was talking, so this may be unlikely, however, it is possible that Celia showed up around the same time as Jon and Martin and lied about it to Sam to giver her more of a past. In this episode, she said Jack is around a year old, which could fit into this timeline, if Jack was a premie or if Jack came with her either from TMA or he randomly showed up when she arrived.
3. Celia could have just said the time frame wrong. It's possible that Celia could have said a few years, when she actually arrived around a year and a half ago. This would be untrue, but technically not a lie as a year and a half could be counted as 2 years, which could be counted as a few years. It's possible that she did this intentionally or it's possible that she actually thinks it was a few years. Since she was having "a werid time," her memories could be messed up, especially if she traveled from TMA.
Sam's past: Sam said everything started going wrong after the Institute, which eventually landed him at the OIAR. Could this be the Web's doing? We know that the Web has manipulated a future archivist before, with the Web being the first to mark Jon, so it's possible that it's doing the same to Sam.
Lena & Gwen's discussion: Lena says that her group is "managing the bad guys" which makes me wonder: Is something else controlling the fears? Did the Web take over? Or did this world just figure out how to deal with the fears?
Personally I think it's either a different entity entirely controlling the fears/keeping them in line or the Web (we already know that the Web has manipulated most of the fears before, with Gertrude's/Agnes's bond, Jon, the eyepolcolypse, ect).
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houdinicarpenter · 6 months
When Tara's hysterical screaming interrupts her phone call, Sam goes to investigate and finds herself in for a challenge.
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fandom: Scream characters: Tara Carpenter, Sam Carpenter, Chad Meeks-Martin, & Mindy Meeks-Martin content: sfw tickle fic, post Scream VI, siblings doing stupid shit a/n: i'm very nervous to post this. i originally wrote it as an experiment and had no intention of posting it, but i've been encouraged to do so by some dope-ass people (even if they have no idea what it is that i wrote). also... if this fic looks/reads familiar to you, no it doesn't 🤫
Around her little sister’s scream-laughing, Sam pressed the phone against her ear, closing the other with her ear to hear Danny’s voice on the other end.
“I’m good Wednesday or Friday. So, whichever day you’re free…”
“Uh…” She took a moment to think it over, before a loud squeal cut into her thoughts. She refocused. “Wednesday… I think?”
“Okay, I—�� Before he could finish his reply, Tara’s hysterical vocals drowned him out again.
Sam sighed and brought a hand to her head. “Danny, can you just hold that thought for a minute? I’m gonna have to call you back. My sister’s screaming about something, and I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
“Thanks.” She hung up and left her phone on the couch as she made way towards Tara’s room, where the noise was coming from. She busted open the door. “What is going on?!” 
Tara was lying halfway in Chad’s lap and halfway on the floor, her face bright red and chest heaving, while Chad held her against him and Mindy moved away from her. She looked between the three, expecting an answer.
“Tara was being a little turd, so we tickled the hell out of her,” Chad reported. Still in his hold, his girlfriend looked up desperately at her sister. 
“More like they tried to kill me!” Chad snaked a couple fingers into her underarm and gave it another scratch, to which silenced the younger Carpenter with a ticklish whine. “Stop it!”
The eldest just sighed and shook her head. As irritated as she’d seemed on the phone, now that she knew what the noise was all about, she couldn’t help but give a playful roll of her eyes. Even at 20 years old, her baby sister was still as ticklish as she’d been when they were kids. She’d always fallen victim to the quote-unquote, “Tickle Monster,” when she’d get on Sam’s bad side. Of course, she’d never hurt her, like other older siblings might. However, all the older Carpenter had to say when Tara was starting to get on her nerves was, “I’m gonna get you, Tara, if you don’t stop.” It was enough to warn the little girl off, unless she was feeling extra risky that day—which she did a lot. “Okay, well, keep it down,” she told them, “I was on the phone, all the way in the living room, and I couldn’t hear over the screaming.”
But Mindy just shrugged. “It’s not our fault she’s so ticklish,” she insisted, nodding towards the youngest.
Her brother kissed the top of his girlfriend’s head, before he let her go and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I did not expect that.”
While she watched Tara retreat onto her bed for safety, Sam crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe. “Yep. She’s always been that way,” she confessed, making the other’s already-flushed face darken even more.
She glared at her. “Oh, don’t act like you’re not ticklish, Sam. I know you are.” If Sam was going to expose her, like it was nothing, then two could play it that game. “Mom and Dad got you good many times, and so did I.”
Before her big sister could say anything to defend herself, Chad challenged, “Okay, but is she as ticklish as you?”
Tara met his gaze confidently, even leaning forward a bit to show her sincerity, “Yes.”
“No,” Sam immediately objected, gaining all of their attention.
“Ooh…” Mindy glanced between the sisters. “Somebody’s lying…” She and Chad exchanged glances, before she put her hands up towards each sister. “Maybe we should test it?”
Tara shook her head, when the twins looked at her. “Don’t look at me, I just did my test. I’m still trying to recover.” She pointed at Sam, “That’s the liar, right there. Test her.”
But when she received all eyes again, Samantha shook her head with a disbelieving scoff. “This is ridiculous. I’m leaving.” Right as she turned around to walk out, her younger sister’s voice fought her to stay.
“Why?” she quizzed, leaping off the bed and slipping past the threshold to stop her from leaving. “Don’t think you can take it?” There was a sparkle in her eyes that mimicked her child years. After what just happened, she had nothing to hide, but Sam was another story.
“I can take it!” the older snapped, not realizing how defensive she sounded.
“Then, why not?”
“Because it’s stupid.”
“Then, prove me wrong,” Tara insisted, stepping forward to force her sibling to back up into her bedroom. Sam’s brow hardened a little, which made her go on to propose, “For a full minute, we get to tickle you and see if you’re as bad as me.”
The other was already rolling her eyes and sighing, indirectly saying everything she’d been insinuating about it. “Tara…”
“What?” she grinned. “If you think it’s so stupid and you insist that you’re not as ticklish as I remember, then one minute should be nothing, right?” She took another step forward, cornering her further. “If you win, you can choose to do or make me do anything you want. You can have revenge, make me do the dishes or make me cook dinner for a week, whatever you want,” she offered. “But if I win, I get bragging rights, and I get to tell Danny.”
“Ooooohhhh,” Chad teased the idea as he looked up at Sam, who was now almost standing in front of him. 
This made Tara’s smirk grow as she raised her eyebrows. But her big sister just blinked at her, unfazed.
“You’re serious?”
Instead of replying, the younger just took a step back and held her hand out for a deal-making handshake. Her smile dropped into a serious expression. “Deadly.”
On the inside, Samantha was groaning at how ridiculous this idea was, but she knew if she were to keep refusing, none of them would get off her back. It was a minute. 60 seconds. That was it. After, she’d be free to walk away without being hounded about irrelevant nonsense. She had to admit, she truly didn’t know how she’d take this ‘challenge,’ because Tara was right, it had literally been years since she’d been in a situation like that. And everybody and their dog knew just how much she’d changed from her younger self.
“Fine, I will do it, to make you get off my ass…” 
Tara’s head tilted in a form of a nod, “Fair enough.” She then made way to her bed and jumped up on it, spinning around to sit like a dog. She tapped the space next to her, “Take a seat, Sammy.”
While she looked calm on the outside, the older Carpenter’s heart started to pick up speed as she moved towards her assigned spot. She sat down with a sigh, to which invited her sister to move behind her, making a half-circle around her like a cat to its human’s leg.
“Just to let you know,” she warned, “if you start to get out of control, Chad’s gonna have to hold you.”
“What the—”
“You agreed to a minute, we shook on it!” she reminded, cutting her off. “You’re strong, so I can’t trust that you won’t fight for escape.”
Sam just wanted to get it over with, as much as she was quickly growing to hate it. She swallowed uneasily, but luckily Tara didn’t hear.
“Chad, Mindy, what are you still doing down there? I’m gonna need backup!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Chad leapt off the floor, while Mindy came around the opposite side of the bed and pulled her phone out.
“You better be timing this shit,” Sam growled.
“I got it right here,” Mindy flashed the screen in the others’ direction. “Tell me when, T.”
Tara sat down right at her sister’s back and rubbed her hands together like she usually did when she was about to kick someone’s ass in a game. “Go!”
Not even a second after the cue was given, Samantha felt her sibling’s fingertips skitter up her back and through her hair to get to her neck. Instinctively, she stiffened, but she stayed where she was. A swarm of chills flooded her, but it wasn’t the cold-type. It was the kind that told your brain that your skin was crawling, and it wasn’t sure how to respond.
Tara still maintained her confidence as she drug her perfectly filed nails around to the sides of her neck, threatening to further explore the soft underside of her throat. She got more of a reaction here, the older’s shoulders jerking up, while a small noise emitted from her larynx. Bingo. She then put her lips up to her ear, intentionally whispering, “Is Sammy afraid of the Tickle Monster?” Whispering into her ear had always been something Sam couldn’t stand, because it tickled.
And like she expected, her older sister twisted away, her face cringing as she closed one eye and hissed in irritation. Baby pink talons slithered beneath her chin, which made her try to back up, but she just ended up bracing against Tara.
The younger Carpenter giggled at this and slithered her fingers down her collarbone and into her underarms. The owner’s spine twisted, clenching her arms to her figure, but it just trapped her dangerous touch. 
Sam’s barrier broke, and she started to snicker as she tried to twist away. However, a different pair of hands crept onto her torso to keep her where she was, and just that contact made her snickers turn into giggles. She pulled her knees up and tried to push Chad off of her.
“I didn’t even start ticking her, and she’s already laughing.” Chad looked over at Tara, who encouraged him with a nod.
“Well, get on it! Time’s running out!” She relieved her sister from scratching at her underarms and went back up to her neck.
Her boyfriend shrugged and obeyed her order as he attacked the victim’s abdomen and ribs with menacing fingertips. 
A loud whine came from Samantha, before she erupted into full-on laughter. She kicked out in a struggle to gain a grip on the mattress to push herself out of her 2nd tormentor's reach.
Tara had to work around her writhing, making her think back on what she had claimed before she agreed to this. “You’re squirming a lot for someone who swore they could take it, Saaam,” she teased in a sing-song voice.
Beneath her dominance, the older Carpenter choked out, “Shu-hu-hut up, Ta-ha-hara!” She shook her head, shoving her hands against Chad’s.
From the head of the bed, Mindy shouted, “She’s tryin’ to get away! Chad, switch places with Tara!” She held her phone up, “She’s got 40 seconds!”
The pair did so, in a smooth transition, Tara not taking her hands away from her sibling as she tickled down her sides and in between her ribs.
Given his size, Chad was able to get a hold on Sam pretty quickly. He slipped his forearms beneath her arms and dragged her back until she was mostly on the bed, holding her upper body in his lap, like he had done with Tara only minutes ago. There, he was able to twist his wrists to occupy her collarbone, some of her neck, and her upper ribcage.
The underdog was in a constant cycle of guffaws and wheezing, her face bright red from the intensity, which mimicked her little sister’s patterns as well. She wasn’t even able to get words out before Tara took things to the next level. 
She slipped her hands beneath her big sister’s shirt and forced it up, before going after her bare stomach. “How about this, Sammy?” she taunted as she earned a squeal from her new tactic, “Does this tickle even more?”
Samantha gave a hard buck, her head throwing back into Chad, which she instantly regretted when his fingers danced on her exposed throat. She pulled her head down. “NAAH-HA-HA-HA! TA-HA-HARA-HA-HAAA!” Her knees yanked in, but to no avail, simply leaving them to kick out again in another buck.
Her sibling kept one hand on her fluttering belly, while the other controlled her legs by raking her nails into her inner thighs. “It’s not just me!”
“20 seconds!”
“Come on, Sam! Finish it out!” Chad cheered her on from above, even though he was busy scratching at her ribs. He retreated one arm enough to then tickle beneath her underarm again. “Find your inner Loomis! Prove Tara wrong!”
The older Carpenter nearly shrieked, when he did this, one hand weakly holding Tara’s wrist while she tried to bear the handle he had on her left ribcage to shrug out of his new point of captivation. “S-STAA-HA-HA-HAP! I C-CA-HAAA—” Her voice gave out in another violent wheeze.
With the grace of a cat, Tara eased up on her contribution to leap over her big sister and finish the rest of the time on the opposite side. Her back was turned to Mindy as she tore into Sam’s lower abdomen, slipping her nails beneath her beltline to assault the sensitive flesh between her hips that she knew would throw her overboard. “I almost forgot about this spot!” A squeal-entwined “no” answered her, and she trailed one hand away to skitter down her bent leg, catching the sole of her foot. “And here!”
Sam retreated her leg instantly. “NO, TA-HARA, DO-HO-HO-HON’T!” She braced her heel into the bed to try and push herself up out of her lying position. 
However, before her baby sister could do anymore damage, the timer went off and was followed by Mindy lunging forward.
The female twin broke the challenge to wrap her arms around Tara’s waist and pull her backwards. “Extra 15 seconds for Tara!” she announced, pinning her against her and digging her fingers into the younger’s stomach. “TICKLE ATTACK ON THE CARPENTER SISTERS!”
Tara exploded into shrill laughter, still too weak from earlier to push her off. “NO-HO-HO! STOP! THA-HA-HAT’S NOT FAI-HA-HA-HAIR!”
“Careful what you wish for, babe!” Chad teased and continued his playful torment on Sam, while his girlfriend’s familiar squeals and laughter filled his ears.
The younger Carpenter kicked and shook her head furiously as Mindy raised one hand to wave her fingers in front of her view. She was just as much a victim to air-tickles—when already under the ticklish spell—making her squeal when those dreadful words came from her attacker’s tongue.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle,” Meeks-Martin taunted, then unleashed merciless fingertips everywhere Tara couldn’t cover.
“AAHHH-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA! NAH-HA-HA-HAT THA-HAAT!” She bucked and thrashed, receiving karma for her cruel treatment on her older sister. “MI-HINDYYY-HE-HEEE!”
Chad was the one to call everything off after 15 seconds, which was more like 20 for Mindy and Tara. “Alright, Mindy! That’s a wrap, they look like they’re about to pass out,” he told her.
Luckily, his sister obeyed and let Tara lean against her as she recovered.
The football player sighed as Samantha covered her eyes with one hand and rested the other on her still-exposed stomach, panting almost in-sync with her sister. He glanced over to his sibling. “Aw, I kinda feel bad now…”
Before she could reply, Sam did, breathlessly. “Good… You should…”
“Hey,” Mindy piped up, “It was your sister’s idea!”
Tara pushed herself up from leaning against the twin, glaring over her shoulder. “Yeah. And you messed it up!” she hissed, shoving her away. “The point was to target Sam, not me!”
But her former attacker just chuckled, “I know. But I couldn’t resist.”
She rolled her eyes and looked over at Chad. “So, what’s the verdict? Did I win?” She then glanced at the others.
Chad shrugged, “I don’t know… Sam doesn’t break as easily or quickly as you do.”
“That’s because she was trying! You guys caught me off guard,” she countered, then pointed to Sam, “She was expecting it!”
Mindy gave the younger Carpenter the benefit of the doubt, “Sam is a lot more squirmy than Tara is, though. Tara just kinda gives up.”
This made the youngest frown, “Okay, that’s rude. But it’s a point…”
By now, Samantha had caught her breath enough to sit up on her own, even though her abs ached from the laughing onslaught. She cleared her throat and combed through her ruffled hair. “Just make a decision,” she ordered as she pulled her shirt down to its intended length, “I told Danny I’d call him back, because Tara was being too loud.”
Finally, Chad put his hands up in defeat. “Honestly, I think it’s a tie,” he decided.
His girlfriend rolled her eyes and slouched her shoulders, “Okay, fine, but I still get my share of winning, right?”
Behind her, Mindy nodded, “Sure, but because y’all tied, Sam gets her pick on what you have to do, too.” She glanced up to the eldest, who stood up and continued to adjust her shorts.
The other two looked in her direction too.
“What do you want, Sam?” Tara asked in partial disappointment.
Her sister rubbed her hand over her face, then glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll think about it,” she answered, the small smirk pulling at her lips promising something that Tara would dread. Rightfully so though, with how she handled the so-called challenge. Oh, she would make her decision wisely. 
Chad chuckled at that response, while the younger Carpenter groaned. Beside them, Mindy jumped up.
“Alright!” She clapped her hands and pointed to Sam, “Now that that’s over, Sam, go call Danny back and finish your conversation. After that, we’ll watch the movie.”
Her brother nodded. “Agreed. Can’t have a slumber party with the Core Four without a good movie.” He glanced over to Tara as she slid off her bed and started towards the bathroom.
“I’ve gotta pee now, thanks to you, Mindy!” her voice carried as she shut the door.
That’s when Sam decided to take her leave. “Okay, I’ll let you know when I’m done. Or if you guys wanna go ahead and set it up, you can do that, but our TV’s a little different than the one that y’all have, so you might wanna wait for Tara.”
From beyond the bathroom door, Tara hollered. “Tell Danny to expect some dirt on you, in the near future!”
She just rolled her eyes and shook her head as she walked out.
🫣 welp... there you go
p.s. i've already been requested a pt. 2 for this so i'll be working on that in the near future. i don't know if i will be posting that one, but if this one does ok or if someone mentions they want me to share the 2nd part, i will consider :)
yolo, right?
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fancifulplaguerat · 1 year
Need to rant about the Marble Nest because I just. I cannot get over it. It is everything to me. Every time I hear “Birdies... birdies... Gather ye here...” I want to eat door hinges and run up the walls and put myself in a blender
There’s something utterly tragic to me about the image of Daniil lying in bed delirious and feverish and dying while these children who care about this weird Capital doctor so much are trying to break his fevers like he taught them to, and it fucks me up even more considering when Spichka asks Daniil who looks after him when he’s sick Daniil just. Doesn’t answer him. And the narrator’s line (I love that they got Martin Cooke he absolutely ate and imo elevates the entire game) “a warm, dry hand seemed to have touched your forehead soothingly. It’s going to be all right” OH MY GOD I just. I can only wretch and sob about the fact that Daniil is being taken care of and at least for a moment he feels like it’s all going to be okay, exactly as he’s been saying throughout the beginning. Also when the narrator says “Somewhere, bells are chiming, softly. Bells are chiming around the marble nest. The bells, are chiming, softly.” Not only does Cooke’s delivery make me feral beyond words (particularly that last one where he whispers ‘softly’) but I mean. surely this is referring to Daniil hearing his own goddamn funeral bells which just SCREAMING CRYING BITING SCRATCHING COMMITTING UNSPEAKABLE ACTS. 
Plus when Spichka warns Daniil against giving Shrew nuts because, as we learn, Shrew wants to let Daniil die. I unfortunately can’t find the exact quote but I believe Spichka says smth about how Shrew doesn’t think it’s right for Daniil to suffer as he is (there is blood in my mouth !!!!!). She clearly just wants Daniil to rest and not be in pain anymore; she thinks she can create a Focus so she can still talk to him. I’m also Highly Emotional about Spichka because he’s so adamant about Daniil continuing to live, even if it’s just in his fever dream, this poor kid just wants Daniil to keep going. These kids have known Daniil Bitchelor for all of ten days and they care about him so much !!! 
I’m also hung up on everyone telling Daniil that he doesn’t know how to die properly, especially when Aspity likens him to a child covering his eyes because he doesn’t want to see the truth, which gets me too because it makes me think about how defeated and afraid Daniil probably is when he realizes what’s going on. I think it’s even more tragic in the sense that Daniil is dying having failed to meet Simon and save Thanatica, failed to prove death can be conquered, and couldn’t even protect the Town from the plague, either, and I can’t imagine Daniil would handle any of that well. I feel like he’d think everything—plague and all—was his fault, especially with the context of the Executor/Death saying, “Who was the murderer: a sickness that let no second go to waste—or you, who bothered not to hurry? I think it’s the latter.” 
Also when Daniil does agree to die properly and the Executor tells Daniil “Give me your hand,” and Daniil can say “Here it is”,,,,,, Yes I am being dramatic but actually it makes me insane to imagine Daniil finally taking Death’s hand after fighting it for so many years. Even though I love this horrible little man with all my heart, I disagree with his whole “no more death” thing. I’m not going to like. Expound on my philosophy about death here aafnkgk but suffice it to say I like the idea of Daniil accepting that death is not something that can be defeated; though, I don’t think his idealism is useless or a negative trait, only that it has to be tempered with some realism. 
So here is as good a point as any to scream about endings. 
It's a cycle. A pause. Things will change. And the day starts anew.
That. Tjat second sentence is lodged in my cortex and it is not coming out I ougghh I love stories that repeat so much. And I’ve played the Marble Nest just. Too many times (and I’ll do it again) and I might be imagining it, because I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it, but every time I’ve gotten a different ending the game is a little different when I play it again. I find that extremely immersive if I’m not just gaslighting myself, because it puts the player in the same situation as Daniil, with things changing subtly; you get to accompany Daniil on his Fun Fever Delirium Death Adventure. On the one hand I think it’s a little painful that Daniil is going to just live in this delirium forever, but on the other one, I like how Daniil’s decision to repeat the day encapsulates continuing to fight for life, even if it seems hopeless or in vain.  It feels very “Do not go gentle into that good night / Rage, rage against the dying of the light"
And finally The transition is real, and the timeline continues. So does the entity I call myself.
I don’t want to get into meta too much, but. I kind of like this line knowing people have written/drawn/etc. endings to this nightmare where Artemy saves him with panacea (Magpie Crown’s “Conjunction of Spheres” animatic !!). All these different endings people have given Daniil’s story in general. This is silly but I like to think of it as yeah, The Powers That Be played a cruel game with you, but other people are kinder to you (or make you suffer more, depends on their persuasion). Your story keeps going, depending on who picks up the thread, you’re going to keep going. 
Anyway everyone go watch CodexEntry’s video on the Marble Nest <3 
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the-holy-ghosted · 4 months
*putting on a moustache and sunglasses*
So like what’s the deal with ghosted what’s that about
now see the deal with Ghosted is that it's not what happens within the events of the film that captivates me so much, though don't get me wrong i love this film to bits, but rather, it's the idea of what happens after the whole thing that makes me FUCKING NUTS
because the whole thing is relatively cut and dry in the sense that we don't have to guess about what happened before and we don't have to guess about how everybody is feeling in the present. we know (MOST) important characters backgrounds and what they're doing at Falkhill and slowly revealing Paul's context was pretty interesting if not a little abrupt at the end there but its the very last scene of this film down to the very frame that flips the whole hour and a half you just watched over on its head and prevents me from getting a good night's sleep because i can't stop thinking about it
explaining the plot of this movie is hard without sounding like im writing a pretentious review and not just talking out of my ass on tumblr but for my followers who haven't watched this movie and dont care enough to: Ghosted (2011) is set in a british prison in which Jack (John Lynch) is a long time prisoner who's wife just dumped him apparently on the anniversary of their sons death (tough break) and is being advised by his friend and cellmate Ahmed (Art Malik) (who does NOT get HALF as much screen-time or plot relevance as he DESERVES,) to find something to put his mind to and be proud of outside of his failures Paul (Martin Compston) is a prisoner who was just transferred out of a Young Offenders prison AS FAR AS WE'RE TOLD... though its noticeable from the beginning that hes not a very good liar and his story is suspicious at best Clay (Craig Parkinson) is kindof The Guy of their prison wing whos dealing drugs to other prisoners and assumes the position of authority over everybody else, though compared to other inmates with bigger cliques, his foundations are shaky. the description of this film on letterboxd calls him "the wing beast" and i have never cried laughing so hard reading something in my life
Clay and Jack both hone in on Paul immediately for different reasons. Jack, after his pep talk with Ahmed, sees Paul as a source of "a little self belief, something to be proud of", but Clay scoops him under his wing for being relatively young and impressionable. This puts Jack and Clay at odds with each other. after some plot, Paul gets into very big trouble with Clay and after An Incident is promptly plopped into Jacks hands, who had requested Paul move into his cell earlier but didn't have a good enough excuse for it. Well You've Got A Bloody Good Reason Now ect ect
Jack and Paul buddy up immediately and its noticable that Paul is sort of filling in the empty space where a son would be for Jack, however we discover that Paul has been lying about his past to everybody, including Jack. he lied about his family and he lied about having only just been transferred from Y.O. and hadn't been telling the whole truth about his sentence. what the truth ends up being, in a nutshell, is that Paul is accidentally responsible for the death of Jack's son, having been the one who started the house fire he died in (we were never even told that Jack's son died in a house fire before this, we are only told this in Paul's flashback at the end of the movie and are supposed to act, like, surprised?? whatever). consequentially, Jack flips his lid and prompts my personal favorite scene in this film in which he beats the living shit out of Paul with his bare hands and immediately regrets it the second the adrenaline wears off, hitting an alarm button within the cell that alerts the guards.
the guards whisk him away and he is put in solitary confinement, which we find out was actually the first sequence of the film where hes shown with an absurdly long beard, and considering every other fucking scene he's in is of him shaving his face, i assume this is to show just how long he's been kept in solitary confinement, which quite honestly was kindof exciting to realize at the end of the film.
and then. the end scene.
after solitary, Jack is put in cuffs and brought to see Paul who looked Extremely Dead after Jack had him, but hes not dead! just almost dead. Jack is sat next to him and tries to apologize but starts to cry, reaching out a hand to hold Paul's but retracting it regretfully. Paul, having looked unconscious not five seconds before, moves his hand to place it over Jack's...
and then the movie ends. and i am left writhing on my floor in anguish BUT NOT BEFORE I EXPLAIN TO YOU THAT THIS
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THIS is what the deal is with Ghosted
the pathetic gestures of "im sorry" and "its okay" are what kill me. sorry is nowhere near enough to justify anything that EITHER of them did, NOR should they be forgiven. AND YET.
and what gets my gears going is the thought of what everything looks like AFTER this scene. after they've bonded so close and after Jack already thought that Paul stopped lying to him, thinking that he could protect Paul from Clay now... after they started to fill the spaces for people they were missing in their lives... and after they've RUINED each others lives. They Have Ruined Each Others Lives and yet Paul probably would have had to DELIBERATELY ASK for them to bring Jack to see him because he just BEAT Paul within an INCH of his life and would NOT !! have brought Jack to see him upon Jack's own request!! Paul would have wanted to see him too!! after all this what does their relationship look like now... the image of father and son has been all but shattered in each other's eyes, one can assume, but are they still close... does the guilt and responsibility drift them apart or does it pull them inseparably together? Ahmed tells Jack that "there is no such thing as coincidence, only fate" but what does their fate look like... does it end here or does it mean that they're together indefinitely? the end of this film swings the door wide open and i think about it. way too often. unacceptably often, even.
all in all theres no reason that this should be my favorite film but it is. if nothing else it's made me look into the other actors involved and branch out with a to-watch list as long as my arm that will only get longer once i branch out from there. is it the perfect movie? no this film is mediocre at best. have i made a number of my friends sit down and watch it and listen to me yell incoherently about it? of course i have.
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What Could've Been For Prodigal Son Season 3
Okay, so I already made this post by reblogging to one of my other posts but I thought I'd make an official post for it so I can make more for the "other future seasons" lol:
Version 1:
Martin dies and things happen more or less the way they do in my fic "Carved in the Cradle" (yes, this is a shameless plug lol)
Version 2:
Martin is in a coma for most of the season.
Malcolm goes on a spiral and locks himself away from the world for months.
Dani and Gil, maybe with Jessica, go to have a real talk with him and Malcolm just looks disheveled. Not like he's been attacked, but he's just numb and self-loathing.
Dani is the one to ultimately bring him back by just saying the specific phrase, "Defending yourself against a serial killer doesn't make you a bad person" because she separates the fact that it was his father and focuses on the fact that father or not, Martin Whitly is a serial killer who tried to kill Malcolm.
Malcolm returns to work, and we get a couple of normal case episodes, maybe some focused on the rest of the team like Edrisa and her firefighter guy, JT struggling with being a tired new dad, maybe an episode about fathers and daughters and we get a flashback episode about the day Dani’s father died (I'm convinced it was an unexpected death), and of course, a Jackie episode.
All the while, Martin is in a coma but is completely in Malcolm’s head, like in 2x09.
We definitely get a Christmas episode this season, we get Brightwell moments until they have a cheesy kiss under the mistletoe moment and that's when they unofficially get together.
I say unofficially because they don't talk about how it changes things between them until the episode that would come after.
Malcolm also comes clean to her about what happened to Endicott. At first Dani is rightfully upset about being lied to but tells him to continue with the rest of the story because she knows it's been eating away at him. She gets legitimately angry when she finds out about Ainsley’s stunt with the pig's blood because messing with someone in that way is never okay, especially when that someone was just trying to do what they could in the moment. Malcolm tells Dani that he understands if she doesn't want to be with him now, but he felt wrong starting anything with her without her knowing everything.
And of course, Dani says that she still wants to be with him, to try this out between the two of them because all she's ever really wanted from him that he wasn't already giving was full honesty. She's still a little miffed at him for lying but she does understand why he did it, doesn't condone, but understands.
There would be revelations that call back to Season 1 and how perhaps Jessica, assuming that Martin was having an affair, wasn't completely off base.
An episode with Edrisa’s parents involved in a case or having useful info about their victim, but we also learn how she became who she is.
We have a theater episode and find out JT's mom is actually a successful Broadway actress and she's even more bombastic than Jessica. It makes Malcolm more confused when JT says that Malcolm’s mom has a good calm energy but then he meets JT's mom and understands.
A beauty pagent case episode for sure, and Dani and Malcolm both go undercover. They've been keeping their relationship under wraps (maybe only Gil knows because if they didn't tell him, he'd figure it out). There are a lot of Brightwell heavy moments, and Malcolm is reminded of his dream he had a year prior. Both Dani and Malcolm experience jealousy for the first time. It was different when they were just friends because neither felt like they had reason to be jealous but now that they're taking things slow, neither like the idea of someone else trying to get romantically involved with them.
Where is Ainsley in all this, you might ask?
She's taken up a six month job overseas to just get away from it all. She doesn't want to come to terms with the fact that Martin tried to kill Malcolm, she's mad at Malcolm for stabbing their father (again), and she's mad at Jessica because no matter how much she loves her mom, she always has beef with Jessica.
When she gets back after the New Year, she still will not talk to Malcolm and Dani can see that it hurts him.
Ainsley tries to get between Malcolm and Dani because how dare he even try to be happy when their father is still in a coma. It doesn't work, of course. This isn't the end of it.
If you were wondering about Gil and Jessica, no worries, they've been smooth sailings the whole time, even with the Jackie episode. It's revealed that Jessica never disliked Jackie but the reason she didn't go to her funeral was because she didn't want to see them put her friend and her son's second mother (the only one who could get him to actually eat anything when he refused to) in the ground, it was selfish but it hurt too much. She also stayed away from Gil because she had feelings for him and out of respect for both him and Jackie, she didn't want to seem like she was going after him immediately after Jackie passed but then the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years.
Gil and Jessica have a really healthy relationship now and that's what matters.
The season ends with an episode of a case of a young woman (can't decide if her name should be Lorelai or Katherine) who was almost murdered. She was raised by a single mother and she's also recently married, having married someone in the Whitlys rich circle of society. She's a bit of a social outcast because of her past (or her mother’s past) and she never knew her father, she doesn't even know his name.
They catch her attacker but not before they try killing her again but she does land in hospital. She's in need of a blood transfusion and Malcom happens to be the same blood type so he offers to help.
They find out a few important things.
The girl was born in either late 1999 or early in the early 2000 (I haven't decided yet lol), and she and Malcolm happen to share more than a bloodtype, they share DNA. The reason she never knew her father was because her mother never wanted her to know that dear old dad was arrested in 1999... for killing 23 people.
The season ends with Martin's eyes shooting open and man, he looks pissed!
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wanna-be-bold · 5 months
For @ejzah - based on this post and Deeks' dream in 10x01
He wakes up slowly, the golden sunlight streaming through the curtains and bathing their room in a warm glow. Rolling over he sees Kensi lying there on her back and he can't help but smile as he stares at her in awe.
She must feel his staring because she wakes then, rolling her head over to look at him where he's leaning over her.
Her gray tank top has ridden up overnight, showing off her belly. She was 7 months pregnant with their twin girls. Their miracles.
Pushing himself up he hovered over her, pressing a kiss to her swollen belly before laying his head on it. He could feel the kicks of his daughters and it made him pause, a sense of deja-vu washing over him.
“You know, I had a dream like this once.” Kensi ran her hand through his hair, brushing his locks away from his face. He had let it grow longer over the past few months, looking more like it did when they first met.
“Oh yeah? When was that?”
“Mmhmm. It was when we were in Mexico, while I was unconscious. I had a dream that we were laying here, just like this, and you were pregnant and so beautiful. And then I woke up and you weren't pregnant and I-” he stopped talking and Kensi could feel a drop of wetness on her skin from a lone tear. “For the longest time after we got back I kept having these, these flashes of you being pregnant and then suddenly you weren’t and, I know it wasn’t even real but I would just get this sense of loss…” her heart breaks as he trails off, probably remembering the way he felt back then.
“Baby why didn’t you ever say anything?” Her voice breaks a little and she can feel the tears forming as she thinks about all of the pain and emotions that he had been holding onto alone for almost 6 years.
He sits up then to face her, his hand falling on her stomach out of habit.
“We had just had that argument about having kids and leaving NCIS and then everything happened in Mexico and honestly my memories of that time were questionable. Half of the time I never knew if it was something that actually happened, something I dreamed while unconscious, or something that my mind thought I had dreamed back then. Besides, I didn’t want to bring up anything from that argument when we were back in a good place. I wanted to put it all in the past.”
“I’m so sorry Deeks.” She tries to lean forward but her belly makes it impossible. Instead she grabs his hands in hers and pulls him forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close.
“What for baby?” His breath fanning her lips somehow makes the tears fall and she sniffles.
“For making you think that you had to deal with that alone for so long.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” She started to speak up but he stopped her with a soft kiss before pulling back to reassure her. “I’m serious. You have nothing to apologize for because we’re here. We made it through that and we got married and now we’re having two little girls and I couldn’t be happier.”
His eyes were glassy now as he thinks of how far they’ve come. From 2 partners who annoyed the hell out of each other to husband and wife. Father and mother.
“Yeah?” He nodded as much as he could with their foreheads pressed together. “Gosh I love you so much Martin Deeks.”
“I love you too Kensi. And our little Blye-Deeks babies.”
Both of them shedding tears he leaned forward, pulling her into a kiss as he thanked the universe for sending him undercover in that fighting ring 14 years ago, unknowingly leading him to a life he could never have imagined - a wonderful life with the woman he loves and soon to be three daughters.
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duskkodesh · 4 months
What are your thoughts on the Lisa Trusiani run of Morbius The Living Vampire and what are some of your favourite and least favourite moments of the run.
I'll have you know I went back and reread these issues just so I could give them a fair shake. When I was younger I could recall page numbers things happened on, now I'm lucky if I recall breakfast. I'm going to try to make a compliment sandwich. I think her writing tried a lot of bold things. None of them fit the character. Insert 2nd good thing here. I feel like... she wanted to write a crime novel and kind of got shoehorned into a hero title, and I'm in this weird position because Morbius in the 90's went VERY heavy on the melodrama with very little comic camp. It was the era of 'edgy' unironically. But even with that knowledge Morb feels like this weird stand in of his former self. Like he stepped into someone's really weird RP and doesn't fit at all. There are things, facets that strike true to the character occasionally but the writing and pacing are just weird. Every single damn scene with a woman it feels like a creepy dude hits on her. Jack loses all his brain cells. Martine doesn't have emotions supposedly yet goes full aggressive bitch. And do not get me started on Lena who has very little depth or personality somehow despite the writer's best efforts. Facts change between pages. A patient is stable, a patient is bleeding out. Character is conscious, now he's not. Things like that. It's slapdash. Sidenote: If these are the only issues you ever read of Morbius he would be highly intolerable as a character and spends most of his time drooling over Lena for... some reason? And it's not like he doesn't get full stupid over women, but usually they come onto him. It's almost a requirement. This time he spends the run mostly simping. (Do we still say simping?) The rest of the time he's talking outside his normal verbal style, treating friends like shit, treating Martine like shit, running out on patients, and generally being dishonest but not in his usual lying to himself way. Weird enough that the only other writing Trusiani ever did for Marvel was for Barbie comics, and she also did a bunch of non-fiction kids books about the founding fathers of the US. I feel like they knew the comic was dying, and wanted a fast wrap up maybe with key points the Marvel heads planned ahead so they moved her in, but the writing has the air of someone who didn't know the character even from the earlier comics in that run. 3/10 Don't ask me about the art. I've made my feelings on that very clear and my eyes hurt from issues 31-32. Have mercy on me.
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mxsoyo · 1 year
Watching every Dracula adaptation! #2
Dracula (1931) starring Bela Lugosi
Next up is the first authorised film adaptation of Dracula. The movie is actually based on a play adaptation from 1924, which explains some of the changes they made.
Should you watch it? Yes, but not for the reasons you might think. The movie is very funny (not intentionally), great to watch with friends. It is also free to watch on the Internet Archive. It is still recognizably the story of Dracula, but a lot of the details have been changed, especially the characters, so beware of that if that bothers you.
↓ Character and Story Changes + notable moments under the keep reading. ↓
Character Changes: -Renfield takes up Jonathans role of the young solicitor traveling to Transylvania in the beginning of the movie. Until he is put under Draculas influence where goes back to his book version after that. Dwight Fryes performance as essentially both Jonathan and Renfield are both very entertaining. Like that man is giving 200%. -With Bela Lugosi starring as Dracula, this movie was definitely the starting point of the sexy-fication of the character. Even thought I think this Dracula has even worse social skills than his book counterpart. -Mina is actually Jack Seward’s daughter in the movie, I assume this change was made to explain why the main characters would be hanging around at the sanatorium. Personality wise she is a bit blander than her book counterpart, partially because she spents a good chunk of her screen time under Draculas influence. -John Harker (just John, not Jonathan in this version) has been definitely changed for the worse. They made him the sceptic that doesn’t understand what is going on and is constantly doubting Van Helsings advice. He feels a bit more like a douchy version of Arthur than Jonathan. -Like I said, Jack Seward is Mina’s father in this version and is the character in name only and in the fact that he owns a sanatorium. -Lucy (her surname has been changed to Weston) is a single girl since Arthur and Quincey don’t appear. She has a stronger interest in the macabre and has a small crush on Dracula (despite everything about him). -Van Helsing gets a lot of good lines in the movie, he seems a lot less eccentric, and Dracula remarks that he has heard of him. But he is not yet the badass expert vampire hunter later movies make of him. -The movie also added two prominent characters the sanitarium worker Martin the and nurse Briggs, which both serve as a kind of comic relief. Story Changes: -As far as I know this is the first time the female vampires (Draculas roommates) are referred to as his wives. -We get a lot more scenes from the point of view of Dracula -Dracula actually introduces himself to the main characters as their next door neighbour and casually comes over for conversation before they find out he’s a vampire -Lucy dies very shortly after being introduced, but the plotline of the gang trying to keep her alive was given to Mina instead - The ending is surprisingly anticlimactic. They find Dracula lying in his coffin in Carfax Abbey, Van Helsing kills him off-screen, while John looks for Mina. -Afterwards Van Helsing also says they should leave without him, they do and then the movie just ends
Notabel Moments: -The movie starts with Swan Lake out of all songs and then is dead silent when it comes to background music afterwards -The opossums and armadillos (classical Romanian wildlife)
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-this GIANT BEE (totally not a normal sized Bee jerusalem cricket in a miniature coffin)
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-The BATS!!! Oh my god the spirit halloween bats! The bat driving the carriage?! -the spirit halloween plastic spider on a string -”I never drink... wine.” is such an iconic line, that I was surprised it’s not from the book, this also goes for ”the strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him” -The best scene in cinema history! I cant do it justice by explaining it, you’ll have to watch it yourself, it’s at 1:03:20
Next Up: Dracula (1958) starring Christopher Lee
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tortugatalks · 2 years
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𝗪𝗞 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝘄'𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀 "𝗪𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗲 𝗶𝗳 𝗜 𝗪𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗺?" 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻|ᴴᶜˢ
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𓆉 gender neutral reader
𓆉 established romantic relationship
𓆉 no warnings!
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Martin Kratt
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"oh yeah, definitely!"
━ does not hesitate at all! already knows you're asking this for shits and giggles and is very much happy to indulge you.
━ goes on to say that he'll keep you warm inside a comfy and spacious glass container with plenty of soil! a nice bedding with enough moisture—all that jazz! all things considered, that's pretty sweet of him... until he jokes about keeping you around for composting, feeding you banana and melon scraps, which now that you think about it, is starting to sound like a nightmare if that's mostly all of what you're gonna do.
━ for as much as you insist on changing the subject, martin takes that as his cue to tell you about the many amazing creature powers of the worm and how there's no shame in being one! trust him, he's seen how they are first-hand!
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Chris Kratt
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"a worm?" he laughs. "why would you be a worm?"
━ skeptical, but plays along. though, he does puts a little too much thought into it. like obviously he loves you, so there's no change in his feelings if you were to suddenly turn all wormy, but the actual aspect of you being a worm does make the gears in his head turn.
━ realistically speaking, he would want for you to be happy, and maybe traveling around the world in a container wouldn't be the happiest way for a worm to live. so? he wholeheartedly tells you that he'll put you in a secure habitat with your own little worm friends. living free and in the wild!
— so caught up in the euphoria of him wanting what's best for you that for like a minute you lived in a world where he didn't just say he'd let you go.
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Aviva Corcovado
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hums, "are we talking hypothetically or...?"
━ immediately thinks about how you'd look as a worm and gets a huge kick out of it. she apologizes, but she just can't help it! the imagery is a wild one for sure.
━ would honestly prefer you to be kept as a human. what if she were to accidentally knock you over or step on you? what if she lost you? what if you were to fall out the tortuga when up in the air?! nonno, being a worm is simply not an option!
━ confidently assures you that she'd do whatever it takes to revert you back to your human state, biology be damned! and not a sliver of doubt. if anyone could figure it out, you know it's her.
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".... yeah... of course...?"
━ you know damn well she's lying.
━ she mulled over it a bit, that's clear, but the instant grimace that came after was enough to make you cackle. she knows you saw it, so it takes everything in her to smile the most natural looking grin she could muster. knowing her, she's terrible at masking her honest feelings.
━ comes clean and admits that she loves you a lot, but having a lover as a worm would gross her out. i mean, how would she kiss you? you'll be all slimy!! point out how she literally imagined kissing a worm and she'll just gag as she tries to run away from you. no way is she doing this today!
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Jimmy Z
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"if you were a what—? a WORM?!"
━ confusion. and. shock. now where'd this come from? this has to be some sort of trick question!
━ frets more about the reasons WHY you would even be turned into a worm in the first place. a science experiment gone wrong? ZACK?! you're not trying to tell him something, are you?
━ ultimately tells you that, yes! of course he would! he'd keep you all snug in his pocket and feed you tiny meals from the larger meals he'd be making for the rest gang. will include you in everything he does! ...now who's gonna tell him that it'd be much more complicated than he thinks it'd be?
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just-an-enby-lemon · 8 months
I'm rewatching the end of TMA before TMAGP comes out tomorrow and I have a lot of thoughts about the interdimentional trolley problem:
The thing is I always belived Jon was right - I even consider the fact that there is more stories to be told in this multiverse it's another proof things got worse because of them - but I used to think the others were wrong for the right reasons and Jon was right for the wrong. And while I understand everyone's reasoning rewatching it I think I was wrong.
I had convinced myself that Jon just wanted to end the world via killing everyone because he was suicidal and wanting to martyr himself. And as I was watching the debate. Understanding that both yeah Jon no one is going to hear you when you're being a lil' bitch about it (his "you just wanna stab Jonah" was low and bs and he knew it) and also everyone's motivations, how Melanie and Georgie just did so much to protect people and still lost them in the end, Basira's lonley pilgramage into the domains watching everyone's suffering and Martin's hope. And like Martin dismissing Jon EVERY SINGLE TIME with the whole "you're just suicidal" argument (in softer ways but still) almost convinced me again. But than Jon sayed: "so we are going to just hope for the best then" and it clicked to me.
For four whole seasons Jon has just been lying to himself hoping for the best: that he would prove he deserved his promotion and everything would be okay, that he could just ignore Prentiss and the worms and pretend to be a skeptical and the supernatural wouldn't attack him, that if he discovered who killed Gertrude every tension in the Archives would resolve itself and everyone could be friends, that if he broke the tabble he would kill the NotThem and if he killed the NotThem Sasha might be back, that they were actually doing all that for a good cause, that if they stopped the Unknowing everything would be fine, that he was not really turning into a monster, that he could just stop taking live statements after the first one and all would be okay, that after the bullet Melanie would forgive him, that if he survived rescuing Daisy he would show he was usefull and Basira would forgive him, that if he stopped the Black Sun, that if he rescued Martin from the Lonely, that if he just Knew more, discovered more, that if... And he was wrong every single time. He was just gaining trauma and turning it into bad decisions rinse and repeat in the hope that this would be the one thing that would solve everything and it ended the world.
So he hears: "If we send the fears alway probably it won't be really that bad, the thousands of universes won't really end and this broken traumatized universe will heal and everything will be fine, we just need to do this one thing." And is it a surprise he is skepticall?
I get Jon more. That's more than being a martyr is wanting to take the actual hard decisions and deal with the consequences instead of just hoping for the best one more time.
I get everyone more. I understand why they choose it. The want to fix things. Like I totally think Jon is right but also if I was on the debate I would vote to send the fears away, I would go to every reason on the book for it. And like don't get me wrong Jon is doing it because he is suicidal and because he just doesn't want more guilt (wich is weird because for me is a guilt either way scenario) but as everything is more complex.
Also I think that while they would have made the same decision the characthers we know would be a bit happier in the finale if both everyone wasn't so obviously against even hearing Jon even less considering his points from the start and Jon wasn't being an unsurferable asshole defending his points, like he got into defensive attack mode so quickly and like I get it, it's frustrating to not be heard but also holy shit he was such an asshole. Like they where still at least humoring him until he started just accusing everyone all the fucking time. I love Jon but he is a really hard person to talk to because he will go for the personal shit and the "you're evil actually" the moment you challenge his beliefs. But them if this bitches could do a healthy comunication they wouldn't even be there so what's new.
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