#and we sit & watch the tours come through (bc apparently it was an open house? also yeah the rain stopped & the ground is dry lol)
butterballbuttnakey · 2 years
Oh I forgot to mention that I've had two dreams about jacob 🥴🙃
They're in the tags if yall wanna see how weird my mind is lmao 😅🙈
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fallingsunflower · 3 years
So, I guess here comes the Camille ☕️ (if you wanna call it that)
Sorry in advance this gonna be a fucking long one.
If you have any questions just ask.
I honestly don’t know if I should be impressed or concerned that my brain still remembers so much details about this shitshow. But I guess their plan did work in the end.
So you asked about Camille. I honestly don’t even know where to start with that one. I don’t know for how long you’ve been a fan of Harry and how intensively you stan him, but this one send my bullshit detector right off in the same way that Holivia does.
Can’t really explain it but I just smell if something isn’t right. It’s not only that way with Harry but in general. I just KNOW if something doesn’t add up.
The reason hamille wasn’t overdone and ppl believe it was bc it was marketed to be real. It wasn’t for promo in the sense Holivia is or to be shoved in ppls faces. The point was to have a relationship to fall back on when his album came out to be the “long term relationship” described in the songs. To have a certain narrative if you want to call it that.
They only were papped 2 (+the time at the Classic East concert.) They went to really popular places where you only go to when you want to get papped.
Other than that they only posted „sneaky fanpics“ which was on purpose to make them look „private“ but they were anything but that.
I actually had saved so much stuff as proof till recently when I deleted it all bc it honestly has been 3 years and I didn’t think I needed it anymore to help me explain lol. And please don’t make the mistake of looking up Hamille timelines, bc they’re all created by shipper afterwards so 95% of the shit is wrong, in the wrong order or they added the wrong pics to certain events. (If you want to look for pics, specific dates and stuff look them up individually and NOT through shipper pages or similar shit.)
Alright, back to explaining why it was so obvious. Disclaimer: I‘m just gonna point out the most obvious things but there is way more.
Harry started following Camille back in June 2016. They have several mutual friends (Waseem, Alexa Chung, Matt Hitt etc) so I assume they‘ve met before. She didn’t follow back though till shortly before the „relationship“ started. So after Harry followed her in 2016 she started to tag him in posts of her and her friends ass and did that video moaning his name while grabbing her boobs (classy 🤢). Shortly afterwards Harry unfollowed for a while and started follow her again before the mess began.
Fast forward to 2017. After doing „Dunkirk“ and about to bring his debut album out they started the first attempt at what I call a failed narrative with Tess. Not gonna go over that again bc one anon pointed out right how fake it was. They got rid of her rather quickly after she posted several times from his house which wasn’t the „private way“ they intended it to go.
So they were looking for someone to replace her. Cue Camille entering the scene.
Perfect person for the narrative as she’s half french (goes well with Dunkirk promo), is a VS model, have mutual friends and she has several ex bf who have written songs/albums about her. She’s the picture perfect muse for his second album.
Please let’s first talk about chemistry and body language bc I can’t even say how awkward they always were around each other. First the two pap pics from the sushi place and in front of the gym/ yoga place: both times both had closed off body language either crossed arms, Harry walking 3 steps ahead, faces didn’t look pleased at all and rather irritated or as of they just had a fight/ were in the middle of a fight (especially the pic from in front of the yoga place). No touching or anything involved in any pap pics. If you didn’t knew they were supposedly „dating“ you wouldn’t see it.
Let’s get to their behavior at the „sightings“: they weren’t seen much together outside of touring. But when they were seen we got pics in like 95% of the cases and people meeting them always said they didn’t seem like a couple (apart from shippers who made up shit about them all the time).
Even in every „sneaky pic“ there was as much chemistry as in Holivia -> none!
We got a few pics or even videos were you could see them backstage or besides the stage (e.g. 2017 Toronto show: while Muna is on stage Harry and Camille stand awkwardly 3 feet apart from each other, both closed off body language, not interacting with each other. You’d think as they were still in their honeymoon phase at that time and in private, seemingly not knowing that anyone could see them that they acted more coupley or at least would not stand there like 🧍🏻 🧍🏻. (Have you seen him interact with Xander while watching 1D’s opening act? Total opposite to Hamilel and they were „just friends“. Also in other pics Harry would rather cling to her bag / coat etc that he was holding so he didn’t had to touch her or anything. I think the only time we saw them „touch“ was that Classic east concert („relationship debut“) when he awkwardly held her shoulders and she was swaying weirdly. She even tried to touch him or get him to sway with her but he shot that down immediately 🤣. I could go on for longer but you get what I mean...
The next weird thing is, that she was down in literally the pit or sitting with „regular fans“ 97% of the time. Without Harry’s bodyguard around. Sometimes Jeff was with her but mostly she stood there alone. Everyone knew that she wasn’t really popular and liked around fans, so why would you put your gf in the pit with all the crazys or why would you as a gf want to be in the crowd at most shows when you could watch from the side of the stage or backstage? Also the fact that we always knew when she was at a show because she was always „spotted“ even the few times she was indeed staying at the side of the stage, she didn’t stay hidden. Sometimes we even joked about how she wanted to be part of the band or something by how close she stood there in the open. But whenever Anne for example was on tour or close friends of his or whatever they always had someone walking with them for protection and Anne never was like „in the pit“ like Camille. She never followed any of Harry‘s close private friends or family. Only people who she could gain something from. Like Lambert, Jeff, Teasedale, the Crawford’s etc. And she was never at any of the London or Manchester shows where basically all of his friends and family were. Even though she would have had definitely time bc she posted herself and friends doing nothing or trolling in LA all the time in that time. When she was at that show in Paris in 2018, she brought her friend who lives in Paris and her cousin I think. We got backstage pics of them all and Harry and Camille staying as far away from each other in that pic as possible. She was seen leaving as well after that show with her friends out through the main entrance. This was also the show Anne was at and an awkward hugging video of them both came out. Tbh it’s not clear where Camille and co were sitting bc they moved around the arena the whole night. At one point you can see Anne and Camille standing next to each other and all of a sudden Camille was „hugging“ Anne but Anne was so surprised that she was just standing there like 🧍🏼‍♀️ and waited till it was over (that „hug“ looked more like as if Camille tried to tackle Anne 😂). Also serious question and not to make it sound weird, but it deadass looked in that video as if Camille just waited for a sign to go for that hug and that it was being recorded. Because the way the camera was pointing at them all of a sudden and they were just lucky enough to catch that on camera? Yeah sure...
Not to forget, she didn’t seem to have a lanyard like for example Anne had, so everyone would knew that she could move around the arena and crew as she wanted which is fucking weird not to have as a girlfriend especially if you’re apparently on tour for many dates. This also mean she couldn’t join them when she wanted but had to contact Jeff or Harry before so they could give her a lanyards for that specific date or a sticker with AAA. Sometimes she wore a lanyard but that was literally the VIP lanyard that you got when you bought a VIP ticket like any other fan. Didn’t mean she could move freely around the venue. Even weirder is that she put that AAA sticker on the back of her phone after she left tour 2018 and placed it obviously in lots of her insta stories and posts on insta (one where you can see that sticker is still up). Fan behavior not that of a real girlfriend!
Camilles mum followed Hamille shipper accounts at one point and liked a post of them. After that shippers were unbearable. Which mum follows a shipper account on insta? 😬
What I also find weird is that she was barely working and when she did she posted only like 2 about it. I mean it’s part of her job to post stuff like that?! But she went radio silent more often then not to let fans guess if she was with him or if she would turn up somewhere.
Her friends who are all are well in their 30s or older made often „jokes“ about Harry or implied stuff about him or 1D and posted this on their stories and she was laughing with them most of the time... what a girlfriend huh...
Another thing is, she was never at his house in London. Because she was never at any of the UK dates besides that one gig he did for X -factor. They were not much in London at the same time. And when she was alone in London or with her friend, they literally stayed at an AirBnB or a hotel. So I ask you, why would she as his gf of a few months not stay at his place while she’s in the UK? Or that one time when she was in the UK making it look like she was waiting for him coming back from tour in Asia and he stayed extra long there (a week or two) even after tour in Asia finished and she was in London. But he went rather out partying in London. I don’t blame him.
When she was at his show in Milan (2017) she met a „fan“ and they took a selfie in the restroom (classy 🥴🤐) during the concert. Idk but this is one thing which is really questionable bc people were speculating she was at this show but we hadn’t gotten pics yet. So that she then took a pic with a „fan“ coincidentally seems really fishy to me. Also that said „regular fan“ had allegedly floor tickets as you could see in the videos and pics she posted in the beginning of the concert. But after the pic with Camille she all of sudden appeared on the balcony as well, close to where Camille and more VIP guests were. So how did she end up there if she didn’t have connections or was told to take a pic with her so then being on the balcony was her „reward“? To add this woman was close to Camilles age so this scenario makes just less and less sense the longer you think about it.
In May she was still on tour with her then bf in Tokio. In July just two weeks before they were seen together for the first time that awkward Grimmy interview happened. Where he specifically asked about her. And Harry said he „ didn’t know her“. Fucking weird to bring up such a private topic on radio and then be seen not even 2 weeks later. (Not gonna argue on that one, it’s the same like the wedding weekend pap walk just more subtle).
Then there were so many pics of him backstage at that concert, pics with fans, official pics, „sneaky fan sightings“ in the audience... He looked rather uncomfortable holding her shoulders while she was dancing. We know Harry goes often to concerts but when did we ever get so many pics from one? Mostly it’s a blurry pic of him or one backstage pic with the artist, not like the ones we got and certainly not that many. Plus we got an relationship article the day after.
Funny is also how he was on vacation in Muskoka with the Gerbers and Anne at the end of July 2017 shortly before the first spotting of Hamille and Camille no where to be seen.
Now I‘m gonna point out inconsistencies and such might be in chronological order, might be not.
I think the next time we saw them was a „sneaky fan pic“ (just the two of them) without a source from Beverly Hills hotel at lunch. Her friend Lauren posted a instastory being at that hotel right then and there and deleted the story like 5 minutes afterwards. She wasn’t in the pic of the „fan“ so my bet is she was the one taking the pic.
Coming to the stunt props. The „ring“ he was suddenly wearing on his pinky was from Camille. She only wore it once for a photoshoot in 2013 and then all of a sudden she wore it in every story she posted for the next 2 weeks right BEFORE he was wearing it and literally made such a show out of showing that ring that it was so cringey to watch at.
Not to forget his Pink Floyd shirt that was featured in his Rolling Stones mag interview that she not only wore but posted a few instastorys with showing it up close so every Harry fan could identify it from the distinctive holes in it.
Funny was the times she wore „his necklace“ and again posted several stories wearing it and even went to an event with it that Kendall wore before. After people pointed the connection to Kendall out, she never wore it again 😂😂 Harry being papped leaving a gym while wearing Camilles ex shirt was peak comedy.
Camille making a post saying „goodbye“ to her friend Lauren before Christmas in a really distinctive fur coat. Then New Years dinner pics with Jeff, Camille and co came out. Harry looking bored as always around her. Then the weirdest thing: he took fan pics while holding Camilles distinctive fur coat in his hands in every fucking pic. And it wasn’t that cold to wear a fur coat! Why couldn’t she hold it herself while he took the pics or Jeff or put it on the chair beside him? That wasn’t really slick of them.
Then Camille having a girls trip to Corsica and literally posting so fucking often being girls only in cars an what not. Harry was in London out with Mitch and was also seen on other occasions so I assume he went to Corsica for maybe 2 days max to get pics in. (Her cousin/ goddaughter of her mum posted a pic with Harry in Corsica in 2018 from that time). Mind you they could have just „dating“ for maybe 5 week’s max at that time bc they were never at the same place at the same time before maybe late June, and that’s when Robin died and he was home so I doubt that’s when they met. I assume 1.st proper meeting was in early July or after the Grimmy interview.
Harry filmed the Manchester special for his album in Manchester literally right before he went to HC with Camille. Yet Grimmy, one of his best friends at least at that time, never followed her or hung out together.
The next thing is her being in Holmes Chapel. She hinted at it on insta, like she did EVERY time she would be around Harry. Also appearing in every pic of him in the background when she was around. Even posted a story of random people with Harry’s voice in the background. That’s also a point why it was so obviously fake.
She posted in a train and captioned it with something like „England ❤️“ and then a cow (similar to Olivia with the hedgehog and caption) and then appeared in every pic we got of him that weekend.
She turned up to several of his shows, yet NEVER to his hometown shows (neither London or Manchester) where all his family and friends were at. She also only followed people beneficial to her career like Lambert, Jeff and co but never anyone of his real friends or family even though Gemma followed her after Christmas 2017 (which was taken as the „proof“ that they spend Christmas in HC🤦🏻‍♀️ and we got this photoshopped pic of Hamille which turned out was an old pic of originally Harry and Gemma. Glenne also never followed her and Camille was also never seen with Glenne it was only ever Jeff around and people noticed that (probably why we got now the joyride etc including Glenne).
Ok so what do we have next? The charity gig where his mum celebrated her 50th bday with everyone wearing a yellow flower crown. Everyone besides Camille. She wasn’t invited and just was brought to them while Harry was already singing a song, Gemma looking annoyed in the video her friend posted. Before Harry’s set was over someone came and took Camille with them again while Anne, Gemma and co stayed in the crowd. So why was she even going to them and didn’t stay backstage if she clearly wasn’t invited to celebrate with Anne and co and left before Harry even finished his set. We got also pics of a bday dinner with Anne, Harry, Gemma and all the friends from the concert but without Camille. This was also the gig where he was groped on stage.
After that charity gig in late October Harry went to tour in Europe. He stopped wearing the ring and seemed happier than before somehow. I went to the Cologne show and let me tell you, it was fucking nuts! His energy and the way he was smirking all the time not to forget Kiwi twice.
You’d think Camille would have been quiet now on sm that Harry wasn’t around, but it was exactly the opposite! It was like as if she had to remind everyone that that „relationship“ was still „on“ after he ditched that ring bc she was literally unbearable on insta. We got her and friends singing SOTT on karaoke (while she was wearing the Kendall necklace like mentioned previously), then she did a whole photoshoot (sorry but that’s just what it was) with her friends Djuna + Nik whit a very distinctive blue totebag Harry was carrying around just a week or two before while meeting fans in LA and she did the same thing like she did with the ring and posed with that bag in every angle. As if all that wasn’t enough in the space of 3 days she then celebrated Halloween with her friends and 2 or 3 of them wore costumes that reminded of 1D and Harry. All this happened between his cologne show and Halloween. Trolling at its best.
Then Camille decided to turn up to tour in Europe but she didn’t choose days when he actually had time off (even though she evidently didn’t do anything in LA besides trolling the last few days) so she decided to pop up when Harry had shows back to back and needed to travel to them as they were all over Europe. He had two more Berlin 7.11. and an event in London on the 6th) before she turned up on 8.11. in Amsterdam where she met Ella his cousin who followed Camille then (but Camille never followed back), 9.11. Italy x-factor, 10.11. Milan , 11.11. London X-Factor). He clearly didn’t have any time then which gets even more ridiculous if you know that she was back in LA by Monday the 13th the latest bc a photographer „exposed“ her being on set early that day. So why did she even bother turning up to tour that time when she could have done earlier and be at his homeshows?
Another thing is, when Harry went to NYC at the end of January 2018 to perform with Fleetwood Mac he didn’t take her instead he took Jeff and Xander was there as well. But no Camille. Right before was one of the rare times they got papped. Harry as always looking irritated around her. And them looking as if the soccer mom collected her son from practice😂
On his b-day her friend Lauren posted Camille chilling at their home reading and hanging out with her. Harry was officially MIA but a good friend of mine actually saw him while walking her dog the next day in Hampstead rather covered up with another guy (assuming his trainer or PA) trying not to be seen. She is not a huge fan of Harry and only knows him bc I‘ m a fan but she texted me right away saying something was weird about how he was trying to not be seen.
And on cue allegedly someone (real estate Agent from London) said he was on her flight to London over a week later (even though I knew he was already there for a while).
So the last time they were actually seen together was the day they were papped (I think that was even the day of the Grammys).
Then the thing about her quitting smoking bc she was „ dating“ Harry 🤣🤣. The way she even lied about that. She posted a video and made a few instastorys throughout that year to say how long she didn’t smoke at that time „bla, bla, bla“ and Harries ate that shit up. She was caught so many times lying in regards to that. Her friends and co were the ones to always expose her accidentally. She appeared in so many stories in her friends stories were she smoked a cigarette and not „just“ a juul like she always liked to pretend (not that a juul would be any better lol). Harry probably didn’t like it when he had to be around her for longer periods of time and she would smoke around him or smell of smoke so she had to pretend she cared for his sake and quit publicly. To say is also that she publicly started smoking again after she came back from tour end of March/beginning of April 2018.
Now speaking of the big tour in 2018. Camille seemed to had joined tour again at some point. She was at the Paris show like mentioned earlier but then only joined tour 2 dates or something later in. Someone „exposed“ her of staying with friends in each city she went on tour with at that time instead of staying with him. I think he also got fed up with her bc Harry & band + some of the crew went to museums in each city. But of course Camille had to post something every time they were at a museum and so it didn’t take long till fans caught on and turned up en masse in these museums so he couldn’t go there anymore. I would have been pissed too if I were him. And girls who’s dad is the director of one of the museums did meet Harry at the museum and he invited them to the show and backstage. These girls said Harry and Camille didn’t look or behave like a couple at the museum, he was mostly around the band and she on her own. And backstage the same thing. She was kinda just there and nothing more. Not long after that she left tour and only turned up at the Ireland show and then later the NYC and LA one.
Speaking of the Ireland show, that must have been the most awkward thing ever. I saw a few videos from people who did constantly film the side of the stage and she is staying alone there with the sound guys while Mabel was performing and Harry was standing backstage with Jeff and the band, watching Mabel and preparing for their prank they did on Mabel.
Twice Harry is walking past Camille and didn’t even acknowledge her. She was once again just standing there. You could almost feel bad for her, but only almost. Then he went to prank Mabel on stage with the rest of the band and was so affectionate with Mabel something you never saw him be with Camille.
After that show the trolling did turn down a bit for a while but like 2 days before the concert she posted a Mick Jagger pic and everyone knew she would turn up in NYC. And she proved us right bc she posted about being on a plane the minute she stepped foot in said plane 🤦🏻‍♀️. At the show itself she was in the crowd/pit with with Xander, Waseem, Matt Hitt & Jeff but Jeff had to fetch her again a lanyard at first for that day bc she still hadn’t one although allegedly „dating“ him for nearly a year at that time. You’d think she had one for the whole tour but nope. And after the concert Harry was once again out with friends while she stayed with another friend in NYC. Between the NYC and LA show she was seen being cosy with Alexander Skarsgard and then her now bf Theo Niarchos. To the LA show she turned up with Djuna, Nik and another friend. All of them sat up pretty high in the nosebleeds while Kendall and co where in the family and friends lounge right above pit. And Camille and co left a little earlier before the show finished and left through the front entrance. Suspicious is also that the „break up“ was announced like exactly on the year mark of the start their „relationship“. Sorry that I wrote so much. And I probably still missed a lot but I hope it’s gotten clear what I mean.
I'm still reading this through but wanted to post for those asking about it!!
Thank you!
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cultgambles · 6 years
Just The Girl
I was listening to just the girl by the click five and idk man i was inspired ™ to write for roger.. Please be kind! This is my first fic for the guy…
Side note: I can never read x readers with real people bc i think it’s just weird but I can for roger? But like, I imagine him as Ben!Roger in specifically the movie and i guess it’s not real real? Anyway…enjoy
Requests are open (but i am slow) | i have a tag list too (she’s empty)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1711
“Roger, what was that performance? C’mon, you can’t hold Freddie–a-and the band back,” Paul chastised.
“Well I think he saw a girl in the crowd he fancies. They never come to our shows, why did they decide to come to this one? Of course, it’s the one that’s not as spectacular,” Freddie chuckled.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roger replied haughtily, stalking off.
“He knows,” Freddie whispered loudly.
Roger made his way to a nearby bar he had happened to see passing by. He ordered a beer and watched a group of girls stumbling over each other to reach a girl on the dance floor. He squinted.
“Wait. [Y/N]?” he shouted. Her head popped up from the crowd and gave a sly smile, pushing past the people surrounding her.
“Rogah Tayla! Nice performance today.”
He took a sip of his beer, “Eh, could have been better.”
“Yeah, but the part where you go ‘ready Freddie?’ Mmm, I love that part.”
Roger smirked slightly, looking [Y/N] up and down. “So, will you let me take you home tonight?”
“Hm, no,” they laughed, “I’ve got my eye on a cute girl I saw earlier.” [Y/N] pointed towards the entrance was. There were at least five cute girls Roger could see.
“Which one?”
“The blonde.”
“I’m blonde.”
“In the red dress.”
“I’m wearing a red jacket.”
“What is this, Taylor?” [Y/N] watched the girls dance for a moment and bid him a quick farewell. “Got things to do, ya know how it is.”
“Abbey! Wanna get outta here?” he heard them yell. Watched them wrap their arms around the blond chick’s waste and watched them place a kiss to apparently Abbey’s temple. He saw them both giggle and step out of the bar.
Roger threw back his drink and slammed some cash on the counter.
The night air was cold, biting at the tip of his nose and eyelashes. He kicked at the pavement.  “Damn, that [Y/N]. How can she just lead me on like this? I mean, last week, we had a good bit of fun, but this week she acts like I don’t even exist. UGh! I’m sounding like a teenage girl. He thought of their laugher and was quickly pulled into a silent reverie.
“Wow, man, you’ve got it bad. We’ve been trying to get your attention for the past three minutes,” Brian coughed.
“How did I get back here so fast? I swear I was just outside the pub…”
“Bet he’s been thinking about [Y/N] the entire time then. Oh! Let’s call her up to hang out!”
“Nah. She went home with someone,” Roger shrugged.
“A guy?” John questioned.
“No. A girl called Abbey I think? She even kinda looked like me!”
“That’s cold, mate,” said Brian. Roger flopped onto the couch.
“Tell me about it. Remember when we had that school reunion and she pushed me in the pool? I couldn’t even wear my clothes after that they were so wet.”
“Oh, of course I remember that.”
“Well. I say we get this [Y/N] girl up here at some point to hang out. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met em. What do they even look like?” Freddie questioned, twirling a glass of wine.
“Hm…They’ve got bright purple hair now…And they usually wear leather jackets?”
“Roger may always go for those ditzy girls, but I think he’s got a thing for bad girls.”
“Don’t they always wear dark lipstick too?” Deaky piped up.
“What? How does everyone know this girl but me? Roger, invite her over,” Freddie pouted.
“Yes your highness,” he responded, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, I’m going to bed. See ya guys tomorrow.”
“Invite her!” Freddie shouted after him. He turned back to the rest of his bandmates. “So, think he’s got a chance? They sound like a lesbian goddess to me.”
Roger was definitely not going to invite them anywhere.
“If I recall, they used to hook up sometimes during university. But then [Y/N] would disappear for a bit.”
“An enigma, huh?”
“Oh definitely.”
The next day was a day spent in the city, as the boys had no performances or tours. Freddie, like always, was eccentric and hounding on Roger to invite [Y/N] dinner.
“No way! I don’t want you blokes to embarrass me,” Roger shrugged.
“I’ll ask [Y/N], then,” Brian piped up.
Freddie clapped his hands together. “See? We’ve got at least one sane person!”
“Yeah. I’ll just call her up then.”
“NO! You will: not do that.”
“C’mon, Rog, maybe Brian wants to see his longtime friend. It doesn’t even have to be about you.”
“…Ugh. You guys are never gonna give this up, huh? Fine. Do it. I don’t care,” Roger threw his hands up in the air, letting out an exasperated sigh.
“Yessss!!!” Freddie fist pumped the air. “Bri dear, go on and call [Y/N] then!”
“Alright, alright.” Brian fished a couple of coins out of his pocket and stepped into the phone booth.
“Hello?” he heard their sleepy voice drift through the receiver.
“It’s me. Brian.”
“Oh! My favorite person. Why the HELL did you wake me up so early?”
“Uh, it’s noon.”
“Yeah! That’s basically the middle of the night!”
“What kind of clock are you on–no. This isn’t what I called to talk about it. Freddie and me and you to come over for dinner. Or go out somewhere. Your choice.”
“Dinner with the famous rock band? Sounds tempting, but I think I’ll have to pass.”
“I thought I was your favorite person?” Brian half smirked.
“[Y/N], babe, come back to bed,” another voice whined.
“In a minute, Abbs. Gotta go Brian. Don’t wait up,” and with that, the line clicked dead.  Brian sighed, dropping the phone back into the holder and stepped out of the booth.
“Well how’d it go?!”
Brian could see Roger lift his head slightly from where he was leaning cooly against a building wall. “Unfortunately, it’s the middle of the night for [Y/N] and she doesn’t want to come over anyway.”
“Awe,” Freddie pouted. “Rog, where’s [Y/N]’s house? Deaky, what do you have to say about the matter?”
“I think we should leave them be,” Roger and John said simultaneously.
“You guys are no fun.”
In truth, Roger, Deaky, and Brian both knew they were practically under their friend’s building.
Deaky looked up, and could barely see [Y/N]’s retreating figure from the window. “Yeah. Leave ‘em be.”
“Ugh! How can she ignore me like this! And yet, she’s just the girl I’m looking for?!” Roger shook his head.
“Hey! You’re Roger! And the rest of you must be Queen, yeah?” A female voice piped up. Roger glared slightly, recognizing the girl from yesterday who [Y/N] took home.
“Yeah, and you’re that chick [Y/N] took home, huh?”
The girl smirked, “Yeah, what’s it to ya!”
Roger frowned and shrugged slightly.
“Roger dear is jealous,” Freddie whisper shouted.
“Shut UP! I’m not!”
“Not what?”
“[Y/N]!” Deaky smiled, side hugging them.
“Hey Deaks. What’s up?”
“Thought you were asleep,” Brian looked them up and down.
“Yeah, I was. But a certain someone woke me up.”
“OH! So you’re the infamous [Y/N] I keep hearing Roger talk about? I’m Freddie! Nice to officially meet you!”
“Rog talks about me, hmm?” [Y/N] smirked, pressing up against him. “Hey, Taylor.”
“Hey, [Y/N], wanna go get coffee?” Abbey asked.
“Nah, you go on ahead. I’ll see ya later,” they said, throwing up a peace sign.
The girl pouted a bit, but mumbled a ‘see ya later’ and went on her way.
“Why don’t you grab lunch with us then? I mean, while you’re here,” Roger stuttered.
“Awe, that’s cute,” [Y/N] said, patting his cheek. “Guess so, I’ve got nothing better to do. Besides, now there’s two gays in the house. That means….”
“More trouble!” Freddie chimed in.
“You’re bi though…” Brian laughed.
“Eh, saying I’m gay is easier than explaining I like guys and gals. You know how it goes.”
“No…not really.”
‘Whatever, Freddie understands. Right, Fred?” In response, he laughed and nodded, saying something about the gay agenda.
The gang decided to get sushi, the rest of the boys silently agreeing to force [Y/N] and Roger to sit next to each other.
“Thought you guys wanted to wait for dinner, but now we’re having lunch? Wild,” [Y/N] said, kicking up their feet on the chair adjacent to them.
“Well. Obvious change of plans,” Roger snorted to which [Y/N] rolled their eyes.
“You guys already act like a married couple,” Freddie commented.
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not.”
“Anyway, I can’t wait for your next album, guys.”
“You listen to our stuff a lot, then?” Deaky asked.
“Uh yeah, you guys are amazing. Don’t let it get to your head though.”
“Too late,” Brian laughed, watching Roger glean with pride.
The group stayed for a couple hours, and [Y/N] bailed early because of their job. “Bye guys. Bye Roger,” they said, kissing him on the corner of his mouth.
Roger gestured to [Y/N]’s retreating form wildly. “They’re a mystery! Maybe they’re too much for me?! Why do I keep coming back to them?!”
“Ya just got it bad, man,” Bri laughed, patting him on the back. “I’m sure it’ll work out. Eventually.”
“He’d wait that long,” Freddie said, elbowing him in the side.
“I’m sure [Y/N] had a good time, so we’re probably gonna see more of ‘em,” Deaky said, “I’m kind of excited. We haven’t hung out in a while. You know, with becoming famous and all.”
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all-the-love-harold · 7 years
Paris in October - Part 3
Part 1 I Part 2 
You were sat next to Harry on a private jet that was taking you to London and you couldn’t believe that just two weeks ago you were sitting on your couch in your tiny apartment in Sydney considering cancelling your trip to Paris all together because you were afraid you’d get lonely by yourself.
After the show the other night you had gone back to your hotel room completely buzzing from what had just happened.  You found it hard to believe that not only had Harry asked you to go to his show in Paris, but he had now asked you to go back to London with him.  He had a show in Germany on Friday which gave you time to pack all your stuff up before he came back to Paris to meet you.
It was only a short flight, but it gave you more of a chance to get to know Harry, which you were grateful for considering you were going to be spending the next week or two with him in a place you’d never been before. You were excited to see the UK, you’d always want to spend more time there, but you could never bring yourself to miss Paris in October and you never had enough time or money to do both. But here you were, on a private jet, with an incredibly handsome, down to earth guy that wanted to show you around his home country.
“So, this ex of yours sounds like a dick” Harry said in attempt to get to know you a little better
“Yeah, we were together for like 9 years, and when I got a job in the city and had to move away it got too much he dumped me”
“*whistles* wow 9 years”
“Yep, I was 14 when it started, I always saw myself marrying him” you admitted “apparently not”
“You’re better off without him, a job in the city is way more interesting than a home town boyfriend”
“You’re not wrong there, I don’t particularly like Sydney, but I’m so glad I moved out of my hometown, I love my job”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a play therapist, I use play to help sick kids understand what they’re going through”
“Now that just sounds like the best job ever”
“Not as great as yours” you said gesturing around the plane
“I’m very lucky to get to do all this” he nodded
“You sure are” you smiled “I should let my friend know that I’m going to London with you, She’ll freak” you said, searching through you bag for your phone. Once you found it Harry took out of your hand
“Let’s send her a photo of the both of us” he said, opening the camera app and leaning in close to you to take a selfie. You took the phone back, looking at the photo
“I look like shit, but you look good, and that’s all she’ll be looking at anyway”
“Are you kidding Y/N, you look incredible”
You giggled, enjoying the compliments, while it had only been a month since you and Mike had broken up, it had been a long time since you had felt beautiful around a guy, and Harry definitely made you feel beautiful.  
On our way to London!!!
Hahaha no! I didn’t sleep with him! I was backstage at his show and I met his band and we drank champagne that was probably worth more than my entire life, and I said I didn’t really have anything planned for the rest of my trip, so he asked me to come back to London with him
And now we’re here, on a private jet, about to land in London
What did I tell you about getting onto private jets with strangers?!!?!
If I’m to quote 17 year old you correctly “life’s too short to pretend you don’t like Harry Styles” and I’m on a private jet with Harry Styles, so I’m taking your advice
Omg you didn’t tell him I used to say that did you?!?!?!
I hate you
You don’t
I don’t you’re right, but please be careful, I know he’s pretty and famous and you’ve been listening to me talk about him for years, but you’ve just met the guy and if you end up dead in a foreign country I’ll have to kill you
There was a car waiting for you and Harry outside the airport once you’d made it through security. The car took you back to his place and you spent the majority of the journey looking out the window, admiring the city.
“I can’t believe you’ve been coming to Paris for the last five years and the most you’ve seen of London is Heathrow airport”
“It’s a great airport”
He laughed as the car pulled up outside his house, thanking the driver and helping you out of the car, making sure to grab both yours and his luggage out of the boot.
“I can carry my stuff Harry”
“Now I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I let you carry your own bags, would I” He said punching the code into the security gate, struggling to hold all the bags “My keys are in my pocket, you mind grabbing them out?”
“Sure” You giggled, reaching into his left pocket, getting dangerously close to his crotch but getting hold of the keys quickly “Which one is it?”
“The big one” he motioned towards the biggest one that on the key chain, and you grabbed it and unlocked the door and walked in “don’t go too far, the alarm will go off” and you stopped dead in your tracks not wanting to set it off. He put the bags down and punched the code into the alarm turning it off
“Go free” He chuckled, and you walked ahead, looking around, feeling very out of place in such an incredible house. Your apartment was nice, but nothing like this. He watched as you looked around, a little in awe of how beautiful you were when you were so unaware of it.
He took you upstairs and showed you were you would be staying for the next few days, he had offered to pay for you to stay in a hotel if you didn’t feel comfortable staying with him, but you’d spent enough time by yourself recently and thought it would be nice to stay in a real house for a few days and he was more than happy to have you. The room was beautiful, with a king-sized bed and a window overlooking London, you were glad to be here, and excited to see what Harry had planned for you over the next few days.
That afternoon, after you’d both had a chance to rest a little, Harry decided to take you out for a walk in the park that was down the road from his house. He’d always loved it there, in the summer it was so green and luscious, the trees that lined the path provided much needed shade from the sun and it was always filled with people, out enjoying the warm weather, usually with their pets, and if it was possible, the park was even more beautiful at this time of the year, filled with orange leaves and almost bare trees. Harry took your hand as you walked down the path, the park was almost empty, expect for a few people walking their dogs.
“It’s a squirrel!” you stopped walking and let go of Harry’s hand so that you could point to the squirrel. He chuckled at how excited you were and watched as you moved closer to the edge of the path.
“Never seen a squirrel before love?”
“Shhhh, you’ll scare it away”
Harry laughed at you some more “They’re used to people love, he’s not going to run away, unless you get too close”
“Look at his little paws Harry, look how cute he is”
“Honestly love, have you not seen one before?”
“We don’t have them in Australia, oh my god, look at the way he runs, look at him go, I love him”
The squirrel ran back up the tree and you put your phone away while Harry grabbed your hand again, leading you off the path towards the pond that sat opposite the deserted playground. You stayed there for a while watching the ducks and chatting about Harry’s tour, before he noticed that you were starting to get cold. The sun was setting, and the wind had picked up a little and what had started out as a lovely afternoon stroll, was beginning to turn miserable as it got colder.
“Should we head back?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your hand “Your hands are freezing”
“They’re always cold, but I wouldn’t mind heading back now”
“I make a mean hot chocolate, if we stop by the corner shop on the way past, I’ll grab everything, and we’ll warm up with those before we have dinner”
“I’ll never say no to chocolate”
The store looked like it was getting ready to close when you walked in, but Harry quickly grabbed the milk, cocoa powder and a bar of chocolate, knowing exactly where everything would be and took them to the counter to pay.
“Harry!” The shop assist said, “Long time no see, where have you been?!”
“On tour” He flashed that dimpled smile at the old man “Got a show in London tomorrow night, you coming?”
“Me?” the man laughed “Sorry H, not really my cup of tea”
“You don’t know what you’re missing” you chimed in, winking at Harry, hoping that he would notice
“New Friend H?” he winked at Harry
“This is Y/N, I met her in Paris, but she’s never been to England before, so I thought I’d show her around”
“I’m George” he said reaching his arm out to introduce himself, you shook his hand “H has been coming here since he moved to London, he’s my most valued customer, disappears a lot though”
“I bet” you laughed as harry took his wallet out of his pocket
“8 pound 50” Harry handed over a 20-pound note
“Keep the change, that’ll make up for my absence” he took the bag off the counter and you grabbed your hand “Cya George”
“It was nice to meet you” you said as you walked away. The walk back to Harry’s wasn’t long but it had gotten much colder outside, so you were glad to see house appear when you turned the corner. Once you got inside, Harry took your coat off for you and hung it up on the hook near the door, and doing the same with his own and making his way to the kitchen and filling a pot with the milk he had just bought. You sat down on one of the stools that sat under the island bench and watched as he chopped the chocolate up.
“This better be good Styles, I’ve got high hopes”
“Maybe lower your expectations a little, it’s good, but not that good”
“Chocolate’s chocolate” you admitted “Where can I find the mugs?”
“Top left” he said adding the chocolate to the milk and stirring until it melted, while you took two mugs out of the cabinet and placed them on the bench beside the stove. He turned the stove off and poured the milk into the mugs, topping it off with some marshmallows and cocoa powder.
“All yours” he said, handing you a mug “Let’s go sit in the living room, I’ll put the heater on”
You followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch, and he sat down right next you, after turning the heater on.
“You’re right, you do make a mean hot chocolate”
He smiled, taking a sip “I told you”
“So I’ve told you about my ex, it’s your turn to tell me about yours, and don’t try and pretend you’ve only got a few, Suze has given me the rundown ”
He looked at you for a second, contemplating what he could say next, not wanting to make himself look bad “How much do you know?”
“Taylor Swift, Kendell Jenner, and a few others, you don’t have to tell me everything, just give me something, so that I don’t feel like I’ve over shared”
He nodded, staying quiet for a minute “Taylor was a long time ago, so was Kendell really, it’s been a long time since I’ve dated anyone”
You nodded, edging a little closer to him “Have you ever been in love?”
“I don’t think so, have you?” he asked without really thinking “Sorry, that’s a stupid question, you were in a 9 year relationship”
“I don’t know if that was love or convenience though, it was easier to stay together than it was to break up, until I moved”
He put his mug down on the coffee table and put his arm around you “It must be hard to move on from something like that, even if you weren’t in love with him, he was a big part of your life”  
You leant your head on his chest, this was the first time in weeks that you’d let yourself think about it properly and you were glad that Harry was here to comfort you. You turned you head and looked up at him “Thank you, for being so understanding” you said, “I’ve known you for less than a week but you’ve made being on the other side of the world a little easier”
He leant down, brushing his lips against yours “It’s been my pleasure love” he pulled back a little, so that he could look into your eyes and placed his hand in your jaw touching it softly “You deserve more than what he gave you.” His eyes lingered on your lips for a second and then he kissed you tenderly, cupping your face with both his hands and slowly pulling back to pepper little kisses along your jaw before returning to your lips and kissing you deeply.
The rest of the evening was spent stealing kisses from one another while you watched movies that you’d both seen before. You both called it an early night and went to bed by 10, knowing tomorrow would be a busy today.
The next day was spent exploring London with Harry. He made sure to avoid all the tourist spots, instead taking you to all his favourite places, most of them private enough for him to stay hidden from prying eyes, but still out and about in the city. You were quickly falling in love with this city, and Harry was quickly falling in love with you. He was completely in awe of you, he appreciated the normalcy of your life but saw a side of you that was far from dull. Your light hearted, and relaxed personality was a nice change from the intensity of women he had previously dated, and your shared sense of humour meant that spending time together was a lot of fun.
That afternoon, before he had to head to the venue for the first of the two London shows, you found yourselves sitting on a bench at Primrose Hill, overlooking London sipping on two warm cups of tea, enjoying a moment of peace before things got crazy tonight.
“I want you to meet my Mum tonight” he said as he took a sip from his mug
“It’s a little early isn’t it?” you weren’t expecting Harry to introduce you to his family yet, ever really. You were really enjoying what the two of you had, and as much as you liked him, you couldn’t see it lasting much longer than your trip “I only met you four days ago”
“I really like you Y/N, I told you last night that I haven’t dated in a long time, but I can see us being together, I want this to work, I want it to be more than a Holiday fling”
“I live in Australia Harry, it’s a 23-hour flight”
“That’s why I want you to meet my mum tonight, I’ll make it work with us, I’ll be there in a couple of weeks anyway with the tour and if things are still working between us, I’ll make sure I come visit whenever I have time off, and I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to introduce you to her again”
“This is all moving very fast H” you said finishing off your tea
“I know love, but that’s kinda how things are with me, if things don’t move fast then they don’t move at all”
“I do really like you Harry, please don’t think I don’t, but I hardly know you”
“You’ll get to know me, just give it a chance”
“It’s a lot of pressure meeting you Mum”
“It’ll just be a quick introduction tonight, and if you come to Manchester with me in a few days, you can talk again”
“I can deal with that” you said resting your head on his shoulder “and of course I’m coming to Manchester with you, I’ve got nothing else to do”
He laughed, planting a gentle kiss on your head. Hearing Harry tell you that he wanted this to be more than a holiday fling had you excited, you liked him a lot, but everything that’s happened since you met him had been so surreal but, you couldn’t imagine a world where you dating Harry Styles would actually work. You were, however, going to give it chance, because you liked him a lot than you expected you would. In the last four days you had felt more special than you had in the nine years you had been with Mike. You were falling for Harry and as fast as it was going, you didn’t want it to stop.
And that’s part 3! I hope you’re all enjoying it so far, it’s looking like there’s going to be two more parts, and if there’s anything you’d like to see happen, please let me know 
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papersandkeyboards · 7 years
4/11-17: The Spring Break Series; Part 5 (End): Ended Spring Break with Something Grand
FRIDAY, APR 15, 2016.
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(^calon paparazi)
Sitting right smack in the middle of probably the driest states of the United States, people who didn’t know a lot about the Grand Canyon would assume that the place was dry and hot all year round.
However, I found out that the top of the Grand Canyon—logically—was situated high above the sea level. The South Rim, in which most of the tourist activity took place, stood in an average elevation of 6800ft (that’s more than 2 kilometers, if you don’t mind, Americans), and the canyon itself went as deep as 2400ft (700m) above sea level.
If we had the right page on Geography, we would know that as elevation rises, temperature decreases, and vice versa. With that in mind, it can be safely stated that the temperature at the bottom of the Grand Canyon is always gonna be hotter than the temperature above.
Thinking about this, now it made sense to me why Karen and Eric hiked down the Grand Canyon in January. It might be dead cold at the top of Grand Canyon in January, but down at the bottom it was pretty warm. Wise decision to make, instead of climbing down Grand Canyon in, say, June, because if it was already hot at the top of Grand Canyon, people might as well bring raw meat to cook over a mere rock down at the bottom. Very hot.
But hiking down the Grand Canyon was supposedly an activity that should be well-prepared—physically and logistically—which was exactly why we weren’t doing such thing in this occasion. Like I said, just touristy things. Guided tours, information boards and pamphlets, and pictures. And cheap souvenirs. #sorrynotsorry for being a tacky tourist, really. Kapan lagi.
We drove for around an hour or more from Flagstaff to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Flagstaff already stood in high elevation to begin with, but the road we took to the Grand Canyon was a dead-straight road that wasn’t steeply inclined it didn’t feel like we’re gaining so much altitude. When we got there, it was so chilly it didn’t feel like spring break. In fact, the high elevation did kill the ‘spring break’ vibe, kind of like what Flagstaff did to me the night before, because this was what I found on the ground:
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But I wouldn’t complain. I like snow. Gotta enjoy its existence while I still got the chance.
The Grand Canyon was… well, grand. The weather was perfect: it might be chilly, but it wasn’t raining. The skies were bright blue with big blobs of white clouds. The air was fresh and breezy. I haven’t experienced being in such a big open space in a long time. And it felt refreshing.
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I might have about a hundred pics of the Grand Canyon, but I didn’t have a lot of words for it, except that… nature really was magnificent. Way to go, God.
There were so many ledges and spots that would have been seriously beautiful to watch the whole canyon from or to get my picture taken from, but those spots were mostly unfenced, and none of us would like to risk it, so we went to the safe spot, the designated viewing ‘balcony’ for tourists. But even the view from there was amazing enough already.
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What a pretty layer-cake-like structure. Unlike the tan lines of the Hoover Dam, these layers of the Grand Canyon should have been shaped over millennia.
And being a nationalist exchange student I was, of course I just had to do a mandatory pic of me with my flag in an American landmark.
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(I probably shouldn’t have worn green hijab because that combined with the flag made me look somewhat Hungarian)
We could also see the bottom of the rim, where people go to camp for days. Karen told me people usually hire a mule to bring their stuff down and up, since it’s kind of exhausting to bring two-three-day camping supplies, including food and water, down and up the rim for miles. Heck, it should have taken way longer than just some miles because it was ALREADY ‘some miles’ if you pull a line straight down from the top to the bottom of the rim, let alone the walking trail which should take many more miles to avoid steepness. I saw at the bottom of the rim, somewhere, ran the Colorado River—or maybe a branch of the Colorado River—along which sides the trees were growing much greener than the other greens in the surrounding area.
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We walked this trail called “Trail of Time”, which purpose was to walk the visitors through the journey of the Grand Canyon, geologically. The trail entirely was 2.83 miles (4.56 km), but I personally didn’t think I walked THAT much. But then again, if I try to remember, I was pretty tired and the trail was waaaaay longer than what I expected.
The trail was filled with information boards and polished model of different kinds of rocks. I’m not a person of Geology, but these rocks did have interesting patterns of layers and curves and colors. Each meter walked on the trail marked one million year of the Canyon’s geologic history, like this:
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I didn’t read through all of the information on the boards, but it was fun with the viewing tube that gave you a real-life sight of what kind of rock layer was being talked about on the information board. The tubes were specifically set to one point of target, which were specific part of rock of the Canyon that correlated to the rock explained on the board.
This is what I like about making public facilities educational with effort not to make it boring, instead of, say, copy-and-pasting information straight out of Wikipedia and put it on a board for people to read.
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We found a quite pretty unfenced place where we could take pictures too, though. Haha.
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We walked some (and by some, I meant quite some) distance until we found a restaurant at the end of the trail. Ta-da! Stomach is hungry.
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A classic log cabin design, with the deer head mounted on the wall and all (wait are those creatures with huge antlers called deers too bc i’m not sure). After that we took the bus back to our parking lot (because nope, no more walking thank you) and hit the road to Phoenix, AZ.
(not after an effort to find cheap souvenirs—I didn’t remember what they were selling but somehow I walked our of the store with nothing because, apparently, nothing in the store fit my criteria) (ya)
If the way across Nevada was a hot desert with patchy bushes, the way across Arizona was a hot desert with bunches of huge red rocks.
Well, not that our trip all the way from Grand Canyon to Phoenix was all red rocks, but when we reached the city of Sedona and the sun started to glide westward approaching the horizon, the scene got real pretty.
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Wish it was in Utah, which supposedly specialized in cool red rock boulders. Well, gotta save some things for later, am I right?
(menunggu hujan duit)
And we finally reached the city of Tempe, Arizona, and had our dinner there.
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Kalau saya bilang ke orang-orang saya pergi ke Amerika dan mengunjungi kota Tempe, yang ada kayaknya malah diketawain ya.
Real quick. Visited Karen’s uncle in a retirement home (is that the correct term?), then went to his house to help cleaning up his house. It’s pretty obvious that Phoenix stood right smack in the middle of a huge desert, with the adobe buildings and all, so I wonder why was I surprised when I found a LOT of jerrycans full of water hidden all over his house (“in case of a drought,” Karen said, emphasizing the water shortage problem experienced by the state and surrounding states despite the Hoover Dam’s existence). We ended up using the water for plants.
Also, Phoenix was hot. If I were to compare, it was probably as hot as Duri (>30 Celcius in the middle of the day), but it was so... dry, like, so different from Indonesian hot. I couldn’t even understand how to explain it, but the sun was so intense and it was so dry. Oh, and, no wind, at all. Plus, what made it so extreme to me was the fact that I had just been through my past 7 months living in cold weather. I was at a point of life where 15 Celcius counted as ‘warm’ and 20 Celcius means ‘real hot and sunny yay let’s play outside all day’.
The next day we went to Scottsdale for none other than *drumroll* souvenirs! Then caught the plane back to Seattle in the afternoon. For some reason, when we arrived in the evening, I got this crazy headache, so I went straight to bed.
...yeah. That was all.
Incredibly exciting spring break, and most definitely super-duper-out-of-this-world unforgettable half a month. Demi apa kayaknya baru pertama kali ini jalan-jalan panjang ke mana-mana selama dua mingguan. Sempat ketemu artis lagi. cihuy.
Absolutely couldn’t thank enough my parents (both natural and host), but this time their kindness and love couldn’t save me from what’s coming the next day.
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But for now, need sleep. Headache.
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