#but yeah it was a really nice chill little date 🥺
maraeffect · 1 year
okay today was like the first time since surgery that i've been able to exist as a human outside my house!! and i had a great time even though i am PAYING FOR IT. HEAVILY 💀
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leclerced · 9 months
reader early into relationship with danny and maybe it’s even the first time she is staying the night at his house and she ends up getting her period and not knowing and she wakes up in the middle of the night and she was just in some shorts and a tshirt and they were kinda cuddling but they still aren’t SUPER close yet like i’m talking this is week 3-4 and some is on him and she wakes him up and he is so chill about it like he isn’t phased at all he is just like “yeah no problem i got this, do you need medicine? there are pads and tampons under my bathroom sink. i’ll grab you some clothes. i can bring you water for the pills. no seriously it’s no big deal , to be honest i needed to wash my sheets anyways… aren’t you supposed to wash them once a month? it’s been like 6, so really you helped baby!” and he slips that baby is SO naturally and y/n is just like i’m gonna marry you.
ugh i love this sm. i want bf danny esp early relationship honeymoon phase ajkdndne bye im gonna go cry in the work bathroom.
the sheets thing is so real tbh. he’s so doting on her for the next week like she thought he was being nice bc she was stressed ab it but no the entire week he’s asking if he can get her anything, rubbing her back and stomach when cuddling, he def says he’s going to the grocery store and comes back w groceries plus heating pad, candy, ice cream, stuffed animal, flowers. anything he saw and thought might offer her a little comfort went in the basket. she’s literally falling in love with him bc of it like he comes home and you cannot convince me otherwise but he yells honey i’m home every time he walks through the door. her seeking him out in the kitchen where he’s putting up the groceries and he shows her all the things he got her and she’s just like 🥺 i need u to stop, we have gone on three dates and i dont want to scare u off but like genuinely im so hormonal rn and i want to marry you. and danny's like hahah well you know we're going to vegas soon…
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dootznbootz · 7 months
Aspec Penelope and Odysseus mean a lot to me and I want to ramble about it as it makes me really happy 🥺
If you don't like, don't read! Someone being aspec or sex-repulsed or sex-neutral is not insulting allos or people who are sexually active!!! And even then, some aspecs ARE sexually active just like these two end up being! This is all headcanon and any aphobes will be yeeted into the wine-dark sea. (semi-inspired by epic the musical but also...not.)
Aspec Odypen!
Both are aspec, demisexual specifically and are just like that. While they ARE Athena's pets, she didn't "make them ace". (It may have influenced why she's fascinated by them alongside their cleverness)
Both have situations that make it somewhat different in how they experience it though. I'll have what they both experience first. (Kind of just explaining what it feels like being aspec in a way, except they're shittier about it) Then Penelope as her's needs less explanation. For once in my life, Penelope isn't the one with the most stuff on her 😭
"Oh that person's very strong! Impressive! Oh, wait, is this supposed to be sexual? ...hm...Alright, I guess."
"Alright, I posed this way and looked at them like this and they seemed more open to this idea. Taking note for manipulation..."
"Goddamnit, I don't want you, I want all that silver 😩"
*sees what takes place during certain events (Symposium-esque event)* "...Yeah, I'm not doing that."
Both are pretty in their own way and use that to their advantage to get the things they want. Both get almost weirdly offended when outwardly flirted with and/or propositioned. Kind of sex repulsed (that changes when with each other but before they never really even think about it as..."What is everyone talking about? What do you mean "needs"?")
Friends? Absolutely!!! Not knowing someone but getting to know them eventually? Yeah! But the idea of only wanting to date or have sex because of appearances genuinely perplexes them both. Also, they weirdly test people and are just straight up weird and picky.
"How stupid and naive can you be to wish to court someone you know so little about? A stranger? I look pretty only to get what I want and that's not you... Yeah, we definitely won't work out. I'm going to rob you to teach you a lesson in how looks can be deceiving. I'm pretty but I'm also shitty."
"...You want to do what?! ...uh, okay... You know, what? >:) I know a place. Yeah, us naiads use it. Yep, just around here. Yes! The water is perfectly safe! Don't worry about the leeches! They're harmless! Completely normal leeches" *Steals their clothes and jewelry and leaves them to the very not-normal leeches.* What? It's not like they died!!! They shouldn't have been so stupid to trust me knowing nothing about me!"
Both also have hubris as their flaw so they also have a very shitty superiority complex about this. Fellow aspecs, don't do this!!! It's not nice!!! These two are both mean and nice and this is one of the ways they're mean. Very "While you were out doing whatever, I studied the blade" bullshit. Also, a "Me being unaffected by beauty makes me better at manipulating. Look at how stupid they get when I look all pretty, Athena. I absolutely made them believe that that was a fair deal!!!" Athena kind of encourages this behavior
Meeting each other is a very humbling experience for them both. They both actually learn that there's nothing wrong with being vulnerable with people, just because THEY'RE likely to mess with you doesn't mean EVERYONE is.
Onto Penelope Specifics
For one thing, Penelope is used to people immediately going nuts over Helen and she doesn't mind having less of the attention. As mentioned before, doesn't happen often but when people wish to possibly date, she tests, then sees "okay, I don't see this happening. I'm going to fuck with you now". She'll also just start doing weird shit in a "you think you can handle me?" way.
Thankfully, Icarius and Periboea are chill AND somewhat overprotective so the footrace usually goes in her favor of "I do not like them." Until Odysseus but you know. She just sees she won't click with most people.
Icarius and Periboea have a pretty happy marriage and she thinks that's sweet. One of her siblings doesn't have a happy marriage sadly and that's a big thing later on but she sees Helen and Menelaus with their childhood sweetheart thing going on and the other nymphs and thinks "Guess that won't be happening for me...I can be a fun river auntie." As she's kind of planning to be dedicated to the rivers fully if she can.
She also was there when Helen got kidnapped by Theseus :'D That does affect her.
Her actually testing him the same way he does when they first meet is part of the reason he falls for her so hard. "You do the same shit I do. Not only that but you were actually able to trick me! Wait, that broach, are you also one of Athena's pets?! And now we're scuttling about the castle basically entirely intuned to exactly what we're gonna do?! Oh, gods, that was so fun! Ugh, be my WIFE! 🥴 Wait, no! Sorry I scared/lied/overwhelmed you! Please give me a chance"
Her not getting a lot of genuine romantic attention has influenced her a little bit though.
She's genuinely pretty but it's in an unconventional way (sharp teeth, weird eyes, "Born in a Creek", etc.) So while at first on Ithaca, she was considered very strange, as naiad ties get better with her influence and people get more used to her, it's a "Oh, shit, she IS pretty." Also, she aged like wine. Why the suitors wanted her (also yeah, "I want to be king") and why she just didn't want them. Ofc, she wants Odysseus but she's also just someone who is usually unimpressed. (as Odysseus is as well.)
Odysseus Specifics
Very much a hopeful romantic. His mom and dad have a very loving marriage, (I want to write a thing on their love story), and knowing how his dad never took a concubine (It literally says he doesn't in the Odyssey). He wants what they have.
"Being with someone who you can be your complete self with, show all the good and the bad to and still loving each other despite it all. That's love."
As someone who is a person of many twists and turns, he desperately wants to find someone to show ALL his sides to.
So first up we have the fact that he blames the fact that he's never felt sexual attraction on the boar scar injury. (Boar Scar Idea Stuff Here) It's easier that way as he doesn't necessarily want to think about himself as being different. It makes people "pity" him in the sense of "Oh, you poor thing, you're so beautiful but that boar ripped you apart so horridly. Taking away your ability to feel such things and leaving a disgusting scar."
It's very frustrating for him because he IS very beautiful and so people are attracted to him often. He wants to be left alone. He knows what he wants. Fuck off.
Ancient Greece was fine with Nudity but he, being quite ripped up and "not all there" by the boar, isn't really comfortable with it. People often stare and him, being hotheaded, he's like "What are you looking at? I'll kick your ass!". It's kind of a convenience though because it also makes people leave him alone.
He's had "one relationship" but it was basically just a kiss. He had a one-month romance with someone that ended badly.
Then OdyPen meets each other. >:D
Clarifying this as I know I talk about it a lot with how "Odysseus was in love at first sight" and... YEAH. but also not. It's more of a "This is the fucking best and I KNOW that we'd be incredible together." He chills out a bit as he got that ADHD (they both do) and was all up in his emotions. Other folks with ADHD know when you get too excited and just...become a LOT. It was that. He calmed down a bit and realized he WAS overwhelming her, STILL wants to marry her but isn't in love yet as they JUST MET. And they finally get to know each other more and then he actually falls in love.
Penelope was always somewhat intrigued by him but it was only when he chilled out a bit and let her lay the ground rules of them getting to know each other. And she was in deep denial, then she was hit by a truck when she couldn't deny it any longer.
During the War
He doesn't have any listed concubines (Hecuba was an old woman in her 60s-70s...Be reasonable.) and even in the Iliad, he thinks of Penelope often. And when offered, he threatens or just is passive-aggressive, and eventually people understand that "I wouldn't do that if I were you. He'll probably stab you."
With the fact that in the funeral games, he is mostly invested in getting the shiny and fancy ITEMS instead of winning for the pretty slaves. That also gives me big "I don't fucking care about that, WHERE'S THE MONEY?!"
With how Nauplius (Palamedes' father), tried to get Penelope to believe that "oh your Odysseus plans to replace you." and how she was like "pfft, fuck that. That's a load of shit. My Odysseus would never. Get outta my palace." that yeah, Penelope knows how he rolls.
With he's quite uncomfortable with Nausicca's crush on him despite her being young and beautiful.
Even in the beginning, the fact that he saw Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world, and was still like "eh...Ooooh, who's that woman over there that's causing chaos?". He's unaffected by beauty.
He leaves his tent alone in Book 10 of the Iliad. Like, I cannot stress enough how aspec Odysseus feels to me lol
Odypen already give Aspec vibes in the Odyssey but hearing "Man of the House" with Epic and that "She's who I saved my virginity for" was like an "YES! ASPEC!" and yeh :D He wasn't technically "saving it for her", he just never wanted it til Penelope.
Alongside "Done For" a lil bit!
"...I'm not sure I follow... What do you mean by lust? Penelope's not here...oh no..."
Idk makes me happy to write them aspec! 🥺
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ladytauria · 10 months
Jaytimkon high School fic???? Maybe with popular skater boy Tim 🥺🥺🥺
Sending love and inspo!!!
i adore hs aus xD i did reference skater tim, though maybe not the popular part so much ^^;
i decided to go established timkon & pre-jaytimkon for this one~ i hope you like it!! thank u sm for the prompt <3
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>> AO3 <<
“Oh my god, Tim. Just ask him out already.” Kon hisses, startling Tim out of his thoughts.
Or. Well.
He wasn’t really thinking so much as he was stealing glances across the library, where Jason has his nose buried in a book. He always does. Even at lunch, Jason doesn’t really sit with anyone; just picks an out of the way table to read while he eats.
It’s cute. Especially when he gets really into it, and forgets he’s in public; mouthing the words, making faces, even uttering soft noises.
Tim would feel bad about sneaking glances if he didn’t know Kon’s been doing the exact same thing.
“I— The whole school knows we’re dating, Kon.”
“I’ll go with you.” Kon shrugs, twirling a pencil between his fingers. “So he knows it’s chill.”
Tim glares. “Then why can’t you ask him out?” he hisses. Tim’s not the only one crushing, here. Why does he have to be the one to ask?
Kon rolls his eyes. “Because I asked you out,” he says, like that has any bearing on anything whatsoever. He pauses, then adds, “Also, you liked him first.”
“Yeah, which means you have experience.” Tim chooses to ignore the second part.
“Also means you’re in desperate need of some.” Kon rolls his eyes. Tim pouts at him, but Kon stares back at him, unimpressed. “Dude. You are like… one more longing sigh away from leaving him anonymous love letters. Just ask him out.”
Love letters… Tim hadn’t thought about that angle. Jason’s social media presence is pretty sparse, except for a book blog he updates two or three times a week. Hadn’t Jason said something about the secret admirer trope in romance a bit ago? But was it positive or negative…? Hm.
“Oh my god. Babe.” Kon put his face in his hands. “That’s not a suggestion. Please don’t make me call Cassie.”
Tim stills. If Kon calls Cassie, it’s really only a matter of time before Cissie and Bart get involved. And while it’s possible they could take Tim’s side— Tim doesn’t want to listen to it.
“We could sign the letter?” he offers anyway.
Ah. Kon’s no-bullshit tone has entered the chat.
Fair enough. Tim would probably end up spending weeks just trying to compose the damn thing before giving up entirely. Fine. Okay. Tim can wing it. He’s great at that.
He drags his hands down his face. “Okay. Fine," he says. "I can do that."
Kon pats his arm. “You’ve got this, babe.”
Tim appreciates Kon’s confidence, even if he doesn’t share it.
It takes Kon’s foot nudging his ankle for him to stand. The space between their tables seems insurmountable, like Jason might as well be separated from him by an ocean. Tim looks back at Kon.
Kon, again, looks unimpressed. The raised brow and crossed arms are very Ma Kent. Tim almost tells him so, but thinks better of it. Instead, he turns.
Okay. Ask Jason out. Tim can do that. He’s done scarier. Asking a cute guy out is nothing compared to getting his ass kicked at the skate park. Besides, he knows Jason. He’s the only reason Tim passed English last trimester, after all, and he was… surprisingly patient about it. Well. It was a little rough at first, but. Then something shifted, and it got easier, and Tim. He’d thought he’d liked Jason before, but actually getting to talk to him—
Maybe Kon had a point about his pining.
At least if Jason rejects him, he'll be nice about it.
The insurmountable gulf between them is surmounted in but a few measly seconds—just barely long enough for Tim to get his bearings. His heart is still beating a touch too fast.
Jason looks up from his book. “Can I help you?” Tim can’t help but think he looks like a disgruntled cat. It’s cute. His expression shifts, a little, when he realizes it’s Tim. “Oh. Hey, Timmers. Need somethin’?”
Now or never. “Yeah,” he says. He grips the back of an empty chair, just to have something to do with his hands. “Do— Kon and I were planning on getting ice cream after school today. We were… wondering if you wanted to come?”
Confusion creases Jason’s brow. “That… I wouldn’t want to intrude on your date,” he says slowly.
“You wouldn’t be,” Tim says, immediately. “You— We want you there.” He pauses, and then, to clarify, adds, “On the date. ‘Cause. It’ll still be a date, if, um. If you’re okay with that.”
Jason looks at Tim. Then he looks over at Kon, who winks.
Tim’s never seen anyone turn that shade of red before. The color paints all the way down Jason’s neck, and under the collar of his uniform. “I—“ His tongue darts out, wetting his lips. He looks nervous. Tim can relate.
He pulls the chair out with his foot, sitting. “I know it’s probably kind of sudden,” he says. “Um. You can say no, if you want to. And—um. If you need more time to think about it, that’s okay too. We can go out another day.” He pauses, the wheels of his mind spinning. “It’s not a trick, either. I promise.”
He almost holds out his pinkie, because he’s embarrassing like that, but. He manages to stop himself.
Jason’s mouth works a couple more times before he finally manages, “I’d like— Ice cream sounds good.”
Tim sinks back into his seat. His cheeks ache from his grin—he’s pretty sure he looks like an idiot, but. He doesn’t really care. “Cool,” he says.
Jason smiles back. “Cool,” he repeats, softly.
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moonjxsung · 9 months
hi star my little moonlit angel 😔💖💖
aa im having like the most stressful week and idk where to talk abt it so i hope you dont mind me dumping for a sec :((
exams are killing me rn and idk if its finals week or my final week cs holy shit i am dying 😭😭
ive been pulling all nighters trying to get all my projects and group studies done and my exams are DEF not helping in my case and idk if ive even been eating properly there's probably a spoiled banana from last week in my bag somewhere atp 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ (im going mentally insane)
i havent even properly been on tumblr in a while and my social media is blowing up w notifs and dms from friends and ive been too busy to check it either tbh
honestly im hoping itll all turn out well by next week cs is my winter break 🤧
on another note i wanted to dump on my exes when all your anons were doing it but i was too scared to but now i genuinely need to tell u abt this because umm
my fwb is like a super nice guy and ive been friends w him for a while but i recently found out hes rlly good friends with one of my exes ⁉️
basically i asked (my ex) out once and he said yes and i thought we were chill but a few friends ended up asking him if we were dating like two days later without asking me for confirmation first and he said no.. (??)
i assumed he js didnt want like a too public relationship with everyone knowing so to clarify i asked him what was up and he said he ended up having second thoughts on me because his friends called me a red flag and he doesnt like the fact that i have guy friends and im close with them.... (💀💀)
so then i said oh okay..? 😭 and was over it but almost a month later he asked me out and atp he just gave me the icks so i made an excuse saying that i wanna focus on academics and not do anything relationship wise and he said he would wait 😭😭 (he in fact did not pick up the hint!)
then a little over month later he asked me out AGAIN and i said no i dont think i like you anymore sorry and he said oh that's fine and i thought we were chill??
a week later my messages BLEW UP one day and my guy friends were all snitching on him telling me that he's gong around slutshaming me and talking shit abt me for no reason and he said i was desperate and asked him out 3 times when he said no and he was never interested in me in the first place.. and then proceeded to sexualize my body and say weird ass shit abt it to everyone and they believed that i was a desperate whore or smth 😭
this happened a year ago but i was walking down the halls around a month ago and i saw him with his friends so i just rushed past
and his friends were like "oh isnt that the bitch who liked you?" and i heard him say "oh yeah she liked me like a year ago" and then proceeded to sexualize me while i was right fucking there but i dont even want any more drama w him so i dont bother saying anything back or leaking messages or wtv i js hope karma gets back at him 😭
and now idk if i should tell my fwb abt this?? or maybe it doesnt really concern me but it bothers me that hes hanging out with a guy like that and im conflicted on what to do
its not like i have the right to tell him who to be friends with either so 🤷‍♀️
what should i dooo
-《as always, your occasionally appearing but always stalking ☘ annonie》
(p.s. do you have any spotify song reccomendations 🥺🥺)
much lovee
Pooooookie you can always vent here ily ily :(
I’m so sorry to hear you’re stressed from exams :(( I’m rooting for you okay !! Please make sure to eat whenever you can (even if it’s something small!) and stay hydrated :( what’s the use of doing good on finals if your body gives out on you :(
No I feel u on the social media thing I get SO stressed when I have DMs or texts or whatever I just flat out don’t check them. I think I have 200 unread texts rn (it’s been around 1000 at some point) and I know im such a shitty friend but I just cannot respond to them 😭😭 I gotta put me first you guys
WINTER BREAK NEXT WEEK THOOO hang in there baby it’ll get better soon 🥺🫶🫶🫶🫶
OH MY GOD???? Pookie that’s fucking disgusting I’m so sorry you’re dealing with men like that rn???? I had a veryyyy similar situation with a guy who my friend tried to set me up with at a party who kinda liked for a little bit and then when I said I was comfortable being in a relationship he started slutshaming me to everyone under the fucking SUN and apparently he had a discord group where I was just CONSTANTLY the topic of conversation and when I heard about it I cried so hard ☹️ in my case I also had people who were friends with him and I voiced to them that it made me severely uncomfortable. Like the people in my life should know about the people who wronged me (especially if I’m sleeping with them??) and it just made me feel safer. It’s obviously up to you but I would probably tell him just so that he knows that’s someone you’re weary about and you don’t feel safe around ☹️ your safety and your wellbeing is the most important thing pookie ☹️ keep me posted if you need anything at all okay I love you lots and I’m sorry you’re going through this ☹️🫶
Song recs song recs yes here are some I’ve been listening to on repeat all week (there’s only like one kpop song in there but it’s my fav kpop song of all time so TRUST it was gonna make it to the list) I’ve been listening to Glass Animals, TV Girl and M83 on repeat for the entire year I think 😭😭
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I love you endlessly okay keep you chin up better days are coming for us !! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 soon it’ll be winter break and you can just sit back and drink hot chocolate and tell me all about it and say you lived through it. Hang in there my love
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clarenecessities · 8 months
ummmm what about. uhhh those women from the supergirl show. now that i type that im pretty sure one of them is supergirl
oh, buddy. yes, one of them is supergirl.
disclaimer: i have never and will never watch the cw's supergirl, bc i love myself
What made you ship it?
well it TURNS OUT that there's a lot of overlap in Supercorp shippers and Catradora shippers, for some reason. can't imagine why! [puts a blanket over my venn diagram's cage]
so i went a little insane after she-ra came out (you remember) and read about 6k fics, just scrolling through the tag with some filters on & clicking on anything that looked interesting. it was a very interesting time in our lives. a lot of me going "huh? whah?" in call. birth of the scorpia disclaimer.
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but eventually i ran out of she-ra fics. and i like... i couldn't stop, you know? and it turns out that some of the best she-ra authors have written a lot of supergirl fics. so it kept coming up when i was on author-specific binges. and i got curious! i'm a curious guy!
and then it turns out they're really cute >:( they're adorable, damn it.
ik i'm never gonna be able to drag you into this hole with me, since you already have a designated CW trainwreck, but if you're ever feeling bored the first one i ever read was really fucking funny and requires zero knowledge of canon. i didn't know alex's pronouns until halfway through bc i'd never heard of her (literally supergirl's sister). initially i clicked on it bc "superhero pretends to date her civilian identity" sounded hysterical but like... kara is so sweet, and so socially inept. and lena is a human disaster who just wants to help. and they both have crippling abandonment issues and no chill whatsoever
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i like that they appreciate each other. the version of them that i've constructed piecemeal from other people's opinions is such that like... they've both been pretty miserable, right? lena watched her mom die when she was like 4 years old and then got adopted by the luthors, kara watched her planet explode & pawned off by clark (who was like 30 years older than he was supposed to be bc of DC bullshit) on some human family and had to pretend to be normal for a decade or so.
and they both hide that pretty well, kara with kindness and lena with unapproachable businesswoman...ness... but they're both immediately fascinated by each other. and they're both sort of genuine with each other, even when they're in 'nice but bumbling civilian' or 'ruthless luthor' mode. so where it gets interesting for me is those moments they reach a mutual understanding of something, or where they trust each other in spite of Every Other Thing.
in like their first meeting lena says she's just a woman trying to make a name for herself outside of her family & asks if they can understand and kara is like "🥺 yeah..." and like they were just kind of fucked from there. sigh. you don't know how good you have it with riverdale polycule man. fuckin CW.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
i have many but the one that comes up most often isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
“khap zhao rrip” is fucking nonsense. it does not mean 'i love you'. it's SVO instead of VSO and zhao is a noun why are you even including kyrptahniuo if you're just going to find-and-replace random words.
listen. listen to me. zhaoivodh khap rrip. it is literally easier than french. nobody fucking does it right logan it makes me feel insane
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 11 Reaction
Well, Julio is unsurprisingly getting his ass beat for having no chill when confronting Genaro about his dealings with Cristina. Oooh shit they beat him unconscious, good thing Dagoberto and Atala were already there.
The journey of finding Serapio Ayala even more endearing continues. Dagoberto woke Julio’s ass up with cold water and Ayala’s like “what the hell man you could’ve been way nicer about that!” I really do like him fr fr.
Ok Ayala is starting to have more and more grandpa energy by being surprisingly kind and patient w/ Julio. He DID notice Julio’s got a little crescent moon tattoo on his bicep that gave him pause!! I wonder what the significance of that is! (Other than being excellent fuel for my Vampire/Werewolf fanfic idea).
OK, Benjamin (the head butler) having a son he wishes he could visit much more often absolutely tracks with how fondly he treats Andrés. Of course Teresa is rude about it 🙄. Mercedes continuing to be ridiculously awesome and endearing and leaving Felipe in the dust like “bitch I’m a military brat you think I don’t know how to ride a horse?! Watch me!” I love her!!
GOD you know what I do actually feel bad for Alfredo, he’s not totally innocent but it’s not like he intentionally knocked Sofía down the stairs. His biggest crime so far has been ignorance. All he wants to do is well by his wife and future child, the remorse is very real. But Sofía is fully under her mother’s thumb and almost just as scared of Alfredo’s mother as she is of her own.
Noooo 😭 not Isabel and Andrés frantically asking each other “where’s Julio?” at the same time goddddd. They’re seriously so alike, pobrecito Andrés is like “he didn’t come back last night 🥺” I’m normal I am NORMAL I promise I’m normal!
It’s so weird when you can’t stand a character but love to see how she’ll be awful next and not even like a fun villain way but in a “oh god what is she up to NOW?” way. Literally all Ángela did was ask Natalia if Belén had dated anyone else and Belén is all “I’m feeling SO bullied rn” and tries to sick Teresa on her??? Like, girl, really?! Teresa only wants your baby, she doesn’t care about your ass!
Matilde is here! She really went “surprise bitch, let’s go to the pool Isabel bby! 😎” meanwhile Jacinto out here swallowing his tongue because he ain’t got the guts to tell Isabel what Diego has ordered him to do.
Sooooo 😤 Teresa is making Belén Ángela’s new assistant in order to keep her from going after her and DAMN that “we punish others for the mistakes we can’t forgive ourselves for.” Line is so RAW. Teresa is such an intriguing character, she’s awful but she acts unusually human around Ángela, it’s fascinating. And as much as Ángela is on the money about Belén being Extremely Awful, Teresa is also RIGHT, ugggggh 😍
Aw! Hell yeah, Jacinto sticking his neck out and going to search for Julio personally since Isabel and Matilde can’t take the car. Guess it’s time for poor Isabel to get dragged into Sofia and Alfredo’s marital disputes, maybe she can talk a little sense (maybe even strength) into Sofia… or not 😬 but you know what? Isabel is being a good sister anyway even tho she’s really worried about Julio. Matilde is like “girl you are out here giving too much of yourself.” I KNEW I was gonna frickin like her!!
Ah I see, it’s time to replace Dr. Santamaría since Teresa kicked him out for trying to be honest. Oh of COURSE promoting Belén gets her a raise, honestly that’s probably what Señorita García was looking for in the first place when she went to Teresa, she’s a sly vixen for sure. Ooh! Nice fake out but I still don’t think Teresa knows Diego is Belén’s baby daddy but knowing her she’ll probably find out soon 👀
OHHHH okay! The little moon tat is an anti-Profieran thing ok ok ok ok. Ayala is letting Julio off with a warning but THIS type of thing must’ve been what the actors/show runners were talking about when they said o e of the unique changes they made from the original Spanish Gran Hotel was adapting the story to Mexico’s history at that time. Oh my goddd the little historian in my brain is eating this shit up!! I have so much to look up later!
Matilde smacking Isabel upside the head with logic like “lemme get this straight, you’re engaged to that asshole Montejo, so how are you gonna juggle that and going back to school AND this lil’ crush you got” MAN Isabel NEEDED somebody who isn’t out to get something from her who’s like, on her level! This is gonna be such a good character dynamic I was getting sooo bored of the only other decent person she got to banter with being Julio. And like, Andrés a little but Andrés has all that internalized classism shit going on and won’t speak with her like she’s his equal (at least not yet).
?!?!?? Ok ok ok SOMEBODY just paid the telegram guy for information (reporting Teresa and Diego’s appearance in town and the telegrams they sent) we don’t get to see their face or hear their voice and Pascual is dead OMFG what if it’s CRISTINA?!?!???!
Okayyyy, new character just got introduced that makes my blood run cold about things that I know happen later. We’ve got our new doctor and I’m making some new, disquieting connections in my head. Never trust anyone directly on Teresa’s payroll, not ever 🤐 Dr. Lazaro has quite an iconic voice tho, I feel like I’ve heard him somewhere else. Okay so Doc Lazaro recognizes Diego’s last name and Diego’s hackles went up. So many shady motherfuckers up in here! 👀
Okay so we’re getting some implications that Jacinto miiiiiiiiiiiight be Violeta’s baby daddy?? I don’t think so though considering he didn’t behave as though he recogiese her in the market a few episodes ago. Regardless, his weird possessiveness of her when he doesn’t know her is starting to verge from tragic to creepy and I hope some stuff happens to make it Not That. Julio has returned to do thing the more reasonable way. Genaro’s information on his sister… for more fighting *SIGH*
And according to Genaro, Cristina stole raw materials from the hotel to sell to him and that she did indeed get fired for stealing but even if that is true I have the sneaking suspicion that isn’t the whole story or Genaro has good reason to fuck with him.
Oh WOW we are already implying Matilde has a thing for old men I had HEARD she and Serapio are a thing but that side comment about Doc Lazaro being handsome is amazing foreshadowing if true.
Isabel is so relieved Julio is back and Andrés is doing the whole “I’m gonna be mad about something else but really I’m angry with you for scaring me” thing. Aaaand yet again we have resident porcupine Julio taking out his fear for his sister onto Isabel, the only totally innocent Alarcón in this entire god dang family because, and I can’t emphasize this enough, he’s an idiot (affectionate and derogatory).
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butterballbuttnakey · 2 years
Oh I forgot to mention that I've had two dreams about jacob 🥴🙃
They're in the tags if yall wanna see how weird my mind is lmao 😅🙈
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rillils · 3 years
bucky on the run
steve is looking for him
they meet
they talk
bucky: i can get by on my own
steve: you dont have to
NONNIE!! I'm so sorry it took me a few days to reply to this, but NONNIE, NONNIE YOU'RE A GENIUS 💕💕💕 Please forgive me, I just couldn't resist 🥺 A little post-catws fic, 2404 words, just because.
It’s not until Paris that Bucky takes pity on him.
Maybe he only does it because it’s the ass-freezing end of January; and he still remembers, sometimes, how the cold used to make him softer before. How his body would know with the first chill – that it was time to hold, now, to open his arms; make his chest into a welcoming haven for the slim shape curled up on the other side of the bed.
Maybe he does it because Steve’s sitting on his doorstep, ass glued to the frosty stone and long legs gathered up to his chest, not like the (mostly) inconspicuous spy Natalia taught him to be, but rather like a sad puppy left out in the rain. Knowing, of course, that Bucky would see him long before he even realized that Bucky was near; accepting that Bucky could turn on his heel and disappear without a word, and still giving him the choice. Sentimental fuck.
Steve stands up the moment he sees him, white sprays of snow still settled over his hunched shoulders, like he’s the saddest gargoyle on the roofs of Notre Dame. Bucky wants to dust it off for him, cover Steve’s wind-burned cheeks with his hands and warm the red tip of his nose with a kiss.
He stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets instead, watches Steve’s breaths puff soft clouds of steam from his lips.
“Rogers,” he says. Walking around in this cold with your ears all bare like that? Your Ma would kill us both.
“I just want to talk.” Steve swallows. “Please.”
Bucky makes him wait. One second. I’m getting you a fucking beanie, just you wait and see. Two seconds. Earmuffs too. Pink. And fluffy. Pink and fluffy.
“Come on, then,” he nudges, snow crunching under his boots as he steps back. “I’ll let you buy me coffee.”
The café’s toasty warmth is tempting, really. But Bucky’s not ready to sit at one of those cozy little tables with Steve, in the direct line of fire of Steve’s hopeful golden retriever eyes, bumping knees with him like two kids on a date. Which is why they end up with coffee to go and a side view of the Seine.
The promenade is quiet when they stop to lean against the railing, only the occasional passersby disturbing the fresh snow with the muffled crush, crush, crush of their footsteps.
Steve is quiet, too. His gaze is fixed vaguely on the murky waters as he takes a small sip of coffee, rosy tongue wetting the seam of his lips, and maybe Bucky wasn’t ready for this, either. For Steve’s presence beside him. For the way he still curves his shoulders and hangs his head somewhat, tries to make himself small, irrelevant, as if the very fact of him didn’t brighten up every inch of space he occupies in this world. As if he didn’t carry the whole of this universe in his heart and a handful of stars in his eyes.
No, Bucky was not ready for this.
“You know, you almost got me. In Calgary,” he says, his voice only the tiniest bit raspy. “Just barely missed me in Lisbon, too, if I’m being honest. Bristol, maybe.”
Steve turns his head to him, Sirius and the North Star twinkling in the pure blue of his eyes, and seriously, how fair is that.
“Cyprus, too?” He tries softly, a smile already curling up the corner of his mouth.
“Sure,” Bucky finds himself saying, then purposefully burns his tongue with his first mouthful of latte. “Sure, Cyprus too.”
Steve nods, grinning down at the paper cup cradled in both of his gloveless hands. His pale knuckles are purpling quickly in the cold, and Bucky only just keeps himself from scoffing. Always such a martyr, sweetheart.
“Yeah, yeah, stop looking so smug.” Steve does not stop looking so smug. If anything, he smiles brighter, a nice little flash of teeth, and the apples of his cheeks grow pinker against his fine eyelashes.
Bucky’s fingers itch to touch, right there, oh, right there. He could run the pad his thumb over the delicate halfmoon under Steve’s eye, feel the heat of his skin – the faint brush of Steve’s eyelashes against his fingertip, ticklish, like the flutter of butterfly wings.
God. Not ready for this. Never fucking ready for this. “Thought I told you to stop coming after me, anyways.”
Steve snorts. “Oh, yeah.” He unzips his jacket and slips one hand inside, producing a little scrap of paper from an inner pocket. He unfolds it carefully, revealing the yellow tint of a post-it note, the quick scrawl inside spelling out Quit it, Rogers. “Yeah, I got your message.”
It’s the way he says it, soft and endeared, that makes Bucky’s skin feel flayed raw. The way Steve smooths his thumb over the smudged black ink, and holds the folded note in his fist for a long, long moment before tucking it away again, that makes this pang of longing poke like a knife into the most tender parts of Bucky’s heart.
Of course Steve kept it. A sticky square of paper Bucky left behind in Nice – or was it Marseille? – some four months ago, all of three words scribbled in one of those strong-smelling markers, just because Bucky didn’t have anything better at hand. Of course Steve would keep it, carry it in his breast pocket and sigh over it, perhaps seek comfort in it, as if it was a damn love letter. The mere thought of it makes Bucky’s chest burn with guilt.
(Maybe he should have left him a love letter. Should have torn a page off his notebook, one of the dozens filled with Steve, Steve, and words for Steve, words about Steve, words he’ll never say to Steve, words he should whisper against Steve’s lips someday, like I remember the warmth of your breath on my skin, and God but I love youand Did your kisses always taste like peaches and butter or was it just the one time, ‘cause I can still taste you in my dreams at night.) (Steve deserved more. Steve always deserved more than life gave him.)
“You never could take a hint, could you.”
“Not for anything,” Steve says. “Not when it comes to you.”
Bucky honest-to-god sighs, and watches the warm ghost of his breath fade into the cold morning air.
He hasn’t smoked since nineteen-forty-five, but God does he wish he could feel the familiar weight of a cigarette between his fingers right now; taste the grounding bitterness of smoke on his tongue when he turns to Steve, says, “What’s it gonna take for you to go home, Steve?”, because now he’s gone and put that look in Steve’s eyes, and he can’t face this alone, God help him, he ain’t got the strength for it.
“There’s no home without you, Buck.”
And it would– Jesus, it would hurt less if Steve didn’t mean it. But he does, he means it, heart in his hand and soulful eyes and all, and it’s so unbearable, Bucky wants to throw his fucking arms around Steve’s fucking neck and stay tucked there for fucking ever, that’s how bad it, how bad it makes him ache.
His foot takes an instinctive step back, flesh hand clenching dangerously around his latte.
“Don’t say that, don’t– Don’t make it difficult, Steve, fuck.”
“Then don’t ask me,” Steve says, gentle and steady, like Bucky can’t see the sheen of unshed tears in his eyes already. “If you don’t wanna hear me say it, don’t ask me. But it’s the truth. You gotta know that, Buck. ’S the only truth I never doubted in my life. You and home, that’s one and the same to me. Always has been.”
So earnest, his boy. His sweet, sweet boy.
All these years and Bucky still hasn’t figured out how Steve does it – how he manages to lay himself bare like this, and still have Bucky feel like he’s the one being cut open and bleeding love all over the place. Fuck you, you’re the only home I want to come back to, he wants to say. You’re too good, honey, wish I could keep you, he wants to say. I shouldn’t be allowed to keep you.
“If I asked you to leave,” he starts, swallowing past the thickness in his throat. “If I said that I don’t want you around.”
Steve’s whole body turns to face him; the whole mountain slope of his shoulders, the spun gold of his hair, the crease between his eyebrows that Sarah always said was made to be kissed goodnight.
“You’d have to mean it, Buck,” Steve says, love fierce in his eyes, his coffee forgotten at his side, “You’d have to mean it. ‘Cause the only way I’m turning my back on you, is if you look me in the eye and tell me that you never want to see me again, and mean it with everything you’ve got.”
And really, with all his talk of justice and fair fights, you’d think he’d at least give Bucky a chance. But the second Bucky meets Steve’s gaze, all he can do is sit back and watch his best intentions crumble in his hands like a fucking granola bar, one pathetic little piece at a time.
“And if I said–” Don’t cry, motherfucker don’t cry. “–said that I don’t need you.”
“I know you don’t.” Christ, but that one hurts. Hurts to hear Steve say is so simply, so matter-of-factly, like it’s a basic notion he’s been holding onto forever, and Please, please tell me that you don’t actually believe that, God. “But I need you. I need–” Steve’s free hand twitches, almost, almost reaches out, Bucky can see it – see the faltering of Steve’s breath, the long line of his body swaying just so into Bucky’s space before he reins himself in again. “I need to know that you’re safe,” Steve finishes eventually. “That you will be safe, even when I’m not around.”
Bucky’s jaw clenches minutely. “I can take care of myself.”
“I know,” Steve agrees, easy as anything, his voice soft like a coating of fresh snow. Bucky hates him so much. So much.
“I can get by on my own,” he rasps, and he could have tried to make it ugly, make it cruel, but it wouldn’t have made a single speck of a difference. Not with Steve so close he can smell the minty undertone of his aftershave. Not with Steve’s eyes so gentle they make his throat feel tight, and full, and raw.
Somewhere in a corner of his mind, he hears the words before Steve even utters them.
“But you don’t have to, Buck. You don’t have to.”
The latte slips from Bucky’s fingers and splashes between their feet with a muffled thump, and he wonders, briefly, if the Parisians will come for his head for defiling their precious streets – he would even feel sorry, really, if it wasn’t for the heartbeat pounding in his ears, or the sting of salt burning just behind his eyes.
“Goddammit, Steve,” he snarls, with his hands fisted in the lapels of Steve’s jacket and this ache, this ache thrumming behind his ribs, “I don’t need you– here, making a target of yourself because of me, risking your neck for me, again–”
Steve. Steve just smiles at him. Drops his own coffee on the French, slushy ground and fits his big bear paws around Bucky’s face, cupping his cheeks with a tenderness so vast, it makes Bucky’s heart hurt just to witness it.
“’S my own neck, Buck. I can do whatever I damn well please with it.”
His hands are so cold, and Bucky has missed them so, so much, so much, God.
Damn him. Damn him and the snowflakes caught in his eyelashes and the golden halo of his hair, and the grooves of his palms where Bucky’s jaw slots in so perfectly, as if they were but pieces carved out of each other.
“Go back to your life,” Bucky tries miserably.
Steve’s thumbs smooth over his cheekbones, wiping away tears Bucky hasn’t even shed yet.
“It’s barely even life without you.”
Bucky sniffles pitifully. “Go back to your friends, then.”
Steve leans in close, pressing a kiss to Bucky’s brow. His lips are warm, but the tip of his nose is a tender pinprick of cold against Bucky’s hairline.
“They’re not the same as you. No one will ever be the same as you.” He covers Bucky’s hand with his own, holding it to his chest where it’s still clutching at his jacket. “There’s a place for you right here, see,” Steve says, and his voice, his voice trembles, “center of my heart, Buck, shaped like you, wantin’ you, and nobody else can quite fit.”
And. And it’s the look in his eyes, you know.
The one that turned British lady heads, and made tired soldiers throw themselves back onto the battlefield right along with him; the one that put the soul back into a hollowed machine, and nearly landed Steve at the bottom of the Potomac for it.
Bucky was powerless against it then, and he is now, too; so he does the one thing he’s been wanting to do all along. He surrenders. Steps into the coffee puddle at Steve’s feet and lets Steve meld them together, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, his own gloved hands grasping at the back of Steve’s coat while Steve curls icy fingers over the nape of his neck.
“You really are just a stubborn fuck, aren’t you,” Bucky all but whimpers.
Steve chuckles; the wetness of his breath feels like a kiss against Bucky’s skin. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
It’s quiet; so quiet, Bucky swears he can hear his heart beat within, feel each individual du-dum, du-dum, du-dum, safe and steady in his chest. Alive. He feels– alive.
“I don’t want you to go,” he murmurs.
“So I won’t go,” Steve murmurs back.
“I want you to stay.” Stay. Stay. Stay, his heart keeps beating.
Steve kisses his cheek. His nose. The arch of his eyebrow. “So I’ll stay.”
“I need you. I do. Stevie–”
Steve’s mouth doesn’t taste like peaches and butter today, but coffee will do just fine.
Yeah, coffee will do just fine.
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sunghun · 3 years
jay as your skater boyfriend
requested; yes!!
warnings; uhmm some cursing and mentions of scraped hands/knees??
note; this is so long. goodbye.
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when you first met...
skater bf jay........
mm what a Thought
now as previously mentioned
when you two first met
he was kinda cold and came off as a little dismissive
not to mention the fact that he looked really good intimidating as hell
so you were like damn :/ the hot dude with the skateboard doesn’t like me ://
he was actually just low-key nervous and kinda shy
bc he thought you were really pretty :(
so he didn’t talk much to keep from saying smth embarrassing
but finds out as soon as you leave how badly that backfired on him when jake (ur mutual friend who introduced you to each other) was just like
“bro what the hell was that”
“what? what’s wrong??”
“i should be asking YOU that. do you not like y/n :(“
and he’s just like wydm!! y/n is so cute! and pretty!! and nice!!! and i think i’m in love!!!!
and thus begins the journey of jay’s insufferable pining
when he finally confessed....
omg but the next time you guys met he was like. overly friendly with you
bc he wanted to make up for the last time
but really all it did was confuse you
like is he just being nice bc jake told him to??
or does he just feel guilty??
you are confusion
omg but he tried SO hard to look cool in front of you by doing Cool Skateboard Tricks idk what else to call them u guys
but half the time you weren’t even paying attention and when you WERE he’d mess up and just embarrass himself
no but a few months later when he was trying some new move he fell and scraped his hands and knees :(
and you got So worried :((
you insisted that he let you help him
which i mean. he’s obviously not gonna say no to lol
so you guys were just sitting on a bench in front of the convenience store where you got some stuff to clean him up with
the sun is starting to set
and just the way that it’s shining against the side of your face and through your hair
they way that you’re so concentrated on applying the band-aid to his hand just right
that you were so concerned for him
he just can’t hold it in anymore
“i really like you, y/n.”
you just fucking froze lmao
“but…i thought you hated me?”
and he's just like o_o "Huh??"
"yeah i mean the first time we met you were kind of...idk intimidating, and you didn't really talk, but then you started being nicer and i just thought that you were doing it for jake :("
and that just makes him so 🥺🥺🥺
he took your hand in his so gently while looking into your eyes
"y/n, i promise you nothing about the way i treat you has anything to do with jake. if i had known that was the way you felt i would've confessed a lot sooner. the only reason i didn't say much when we first met was because i didn't wanna look stupid, but obviously that didn't work because i made the person i like the most think i hated them. i guess i don't need any help looking stupid, i'll do it all on my own."
and you can't help but laugh
and jay just looks at you with LITERAL heart eyes omg
you can't stop yourself from leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek
"if it makes you feel any better, i really like you too."
and thus begins your relationship :D
when you started dating...
pls you two are cute AF
definitely a fan of pda but like in a chill way
like any time you're together jay's hand is practically glued to yours
also likes having his arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist
loves to kiss you in front of the guys just to make them jealous 😜 like lol. single losers
skateboarding dates :(
like after he teaches you how to ride y’all will just skate around together while holding hands :((
luuuuuvs to take you out on late night dates
like going to the playground at midnight and just sitting on the swings and talking about everything and nothing 🥺😭
also veryvery protective of u!!
definitely the type of guy to walk closer to the road when you’re near the street
and really he just likes taking care of you in general
like you don’t even have to ask him for a jacket.
you two will meet up and he’ll notice that it’s a little chilly and you don’t have a sweater or anything
so he just takes off his hoodie and gives it to you
“but babe what about you?”
and he’ll just shrug with a cocky little smirk and be like “guess we’ll just have snuggle close. you know, for body heat.”
would defs tie your shoes for you 🥺🥺
and if you’re ever like “i can do stuff by myself you know 😠 i’m not a baby 😠😠”
he’ll just give you a lil kiss and say “you’re not A baby but you’re MY baby” 🥺🥰
he’d also get you lots of little gifts and things bc they remind him of you
your favorite is the teddy bear he got you when you were sick :(
wait but he would be SUCH a good kisser like 👀👀
everyone complains about you two making out all the time even tho you don’t do it that often
but like hello have you seen him??? you go bestie get that fine ass man
anyways i’ll stop here for that part otherwise things may take a more ✨mature✨ turn and i’m not quite legal yet lol
come see me again in about 3 months and we can talk about that
wait but he would call you So many pet namesssss
whether it’s just a cute version of your actual name or something like angel, sweetheart, sugar, etc.
his favorite is baby tho 🥺 bc as stated earlier he just likes to take care of you 🥺🥺
pls he loves u so much 🤧 sobbing actual tears rn
alright i’m gonna stop here otherwise i may go on all day lmao
basically skater bf!jay is an absolute dream and i low-key made myself sad writing this
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content-consummer · 3 years
helllo new blog, can i request general kaoru dating hcs? both sfw and nsfw if that's fine
Yo yo yo~! Ngl at first I didn’t like him cuz of his playboy nature but his random shyness and silliness is adorable ^^ 🌸
Nsfw under cut❗️
Kaoru Hakaze x reader sfw/nsfw relationship headcanons
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Kaoru is shy boi
If you have read the stories Yes he is a playboy but towards us he is cute shy bby
The beginning of him catching feelings for you was when you saw him looking for a new surfing board
You asked why he seemed upset and he literally just looked like a smol puppy when he told you his old one broke when he was trying a new trick
After getting to know him more outside of ES you two eventually became a couple
#loves going on dates with you
He too in love and mesmerized and dating you makes him extra soft
Kaoru enjoys going to the amusement park, on cafes for the pancakes 😩
When walking he holds your hand and if the weather is chilling he even does the thing were he puts it in his pocket 🥺
Sometimes your date gets sabotaged by the rest of the UNDEAD. Rei keeps teasing, Koga keeps cursing him for not going to practice and Adonis is just 🧍‍♂️
Asks for smooches 24/7 and he gets super embarrassed by cheek kisses
Once you told him you wanted to learn how to surf.
He literally picked you up like a board and took you to the sea to teach you
Super nice and patient surf teacher
When you talk to other guys he puts his arm around your waist to show them you two are dating
Kaoru can recognize you from your scent. Not gonna lie it is a little weird but well that’s Kaoru for ya
You cut your hair a bit? Wow nice haircut! A new perfume/cologne? Damn you smell so sweet it really suits you. New outfit? MY GODDESS YOU LOOK MWAH MWAH BEAUTIFUL I SHALL SIMP
Yeah he is a total simp for you. No questions asked. He see you. He simp. And Rei won’t stop for calling him out for everytime he blushes when you smile at him.
You two got matching necklaces 😙
It has been confirmed he is a malewife. He cook, he clean he best wife.
Like I said he shy. The first time you were going to do the dirty he shyly asked you to turn around because he was too embarrassed to even remove his shirt
He is a bottom even if he acts like a top
Kissing gets him so damn excited and without thinking he gets hard from it without even wanting to
When he wants to do it he acts a little bit clingy and whiny
“C-can we please do it” 🥺 “I have been good haven’t I 🥺🥺”
He has a praise kink. Telling him how good he is making you feel or how much of a good boyfriend he is, he just melts
Give him oral, kiss the tip and ask him to keep looking at you. Kaoru.exe has malfunctioned
Kaoru LOVES IT when you touch him
His neck, his torso, his thighs he just goes 🤤
He is so fun to tease in public. Soft touches on his thigh near his crotch or whispering dirty promises
He just looks at you full of want and desire and man…doesn’t he look ride-able right now
Once he surprised you by wearing a cute maid outfit and did the “would you like dinner? A bath…. O-or me?”
He be looking submissive and breedable
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born-to-lose · 3 years
The Boy Next Door
Pairing: Middy Cruz/Mitja Toivonen x reader
Requested by @thetimecrystal
Summary: Your new neighbor is way too hot and the fact that he's in a band certainly doesn't make it better.
Tags: fluff
Words: 1,413
A/N: I know I've been promising you this fic for months, but I finally got around to write it for Middy's birthday! Also a little thank you to Mica for ordering a Santa Cruz CD for me 🥺💖
Tag list: @warriorteam1924 @slashscowboyboots @losers-yurio @lost-in-the-80s @lucyboytom @blood-on-blood @bakugos-number-one-girl @jennyggggrrr @tuffduff @jonesyownsmyheart @rhyetaylor62 @forgotten-bass @smells-like-perfect-senses
Tip me if you want!
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You had just moved into a new apartment building yesterday and today you decided to briefly introduce yourself to your closest neighbors, more precisely the ones living across the hall and next door. The two you had already talked to were around your age and pretty nice. Now there was only the person who lived to the right of you left to meet.
The moment the door opened you forgot how to speak. A young man with long blonde hair in a ponytail and a really cute smile was standing in front of you. He was wearing a grey t-shirt, black jeans, black fuzzy socks and a padlock necklace.
"Hi, I'm Middy," he introduced himself, making you realize that you still hadn't said anything.
You cleared your throat. "Hi, I'm (y/n). I just moved in next door and I wanted to say hello."
"Oh, welcome! Are you new here?"
"Well no, I've lived in another building in Helsinki for one and a half months," you explained.
"Then it's not too late for me to show you around, is it?" He smirked, but somehow you could tell he was genuinely interested in showing you the city. "Anyway, if you need help moving in or anything, you can ask anytime! Sometimes I might be at band practice, but when I'm here, I'd be happy to assist you!"
"Thank you so much! You play in a band?"
Middy shifted from one foot to the other, leaning against the doorframe. "Yes, I'm a bassist."
"Ooh, what's the band called?" You were glad that this conversation wasn't going the awkward way and you had something to talk about.
"Santa Cruz. If you want to come to a show, I'll let you know when we play the next one. You just tell me when you have time and I'll give you some dates, okay?"
"Thanks, I'd like that. I should be free in the evenings from Thursday onwards."
His eyes lit up as you accepted his offer. "Alright, I'll come over later to give you the gig dates for this weekend then?"
You were starting to get flustered because it kind of sounded like he - the hot blonde bassist next door you may or may not already had a crush on - wanted to go on a date with you. "Yup, see you!"
When you came back to your apartment, you immediately closed the door behind you, looking at your friend who was waiting there for you the whole time with wide eyes. "Abort mission, I repeat, abort mission."
Your friend gave you a confused look. "What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?"
"Yeah and he's too attractive," you whined, sitting on the edge of the bed you had already set up yesterday. "I can never speak to him again."
She shrugged and continued putting the dishes in the cupboard. "Well, then I will if you don't want him."
"No no no, I didn't mean it like that!" you quickly said and she raised her hands, chuckling, "Chill, I'm not going to steal your man. What else do you know about him other than that he's attractive?"
"He's in a band. A bassist. And I have a feeling he wants me to come to one of his shows."
"Hey, but that's great! What's your problem then?"
You threw your head back in frustration. "No, you don't get it. He's like, really hot."
"I don't know, I haven't seen him."
"Hold on, let me search for his Insta." You grabbed your phone and typed Santa Cruz in the Instagram search box, scrolling through the following list until you found a guy called Middy. After looking through his profile for a moment, you showed your friend a picture of him.
She stared at it with her mouth open and took your phone away, clicking on a few more photos of him. "Wow, dollar store Duff McKagan is asking you out and you're ungrateful? Couldn't be me. Damn…"
"He didn't actually ask me out, he only said if I wanted to come to a gig, he'd let me know when they'd play one," you clarified.
"This is basically asking you out." She raised an eyebrow at you, giving you your phone back. "You could also just look concert dates up online. He's offering to tell you personally when you can see him play."
Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door and you walked over to open it. Middy was standing there, his hands in his pockets. "Hey again- is this a bad time?" he asked as he spotted your friend in the room.
You shook your head. "Not at all, don't worry."
"Okay, I just wanted to give you the concert dates I promised you." He pulled a piece of paper out of his jeans and said, "On Friday, we're playing at On the Rocks at 20 o'clock and on Saturday, there's a gig at Tavastia at 20.30 o'clock. In case you want to come to one of those…"
He handed you the paper and you briefly read it again before looking up at him. "Can I come to the Friday gig?"
"Of course! I'll pick you up here at 19? If you don't mind, obviously," he added with a smile.
You fumbled with the piece of paper, beaming. "Sure! Thanks for stopping by."
"No problem! I need to go to rehearsal now, bye!" He picked up his bass case that was leaning against the wall next to the door and waved as he walked downstairs.
"What a snack," your friend commented before he was even gone and you were sure he still heard that, quickly closing the door in embarrassment. She playfully rolled her eyes. "What? I'm just saying what you're only thinking."
"I mean, yeah, but still. He definitely heard that!" you whisper-yelled.
"Why are you whispering in your own apartment? Anyway, I hope you brought some hot clothes for your date," she smirked.
Friday couldn't come soon enough and eventually, you were impatiently waiting for Middy to show up, all dressed up for the gig. You nearly tripped on the way to the door when he knocked and after a brief look in the mirror, you opened the door with a beaming smile.
His eyes widened as he looked you up and down. "Wow, you look great," he said, meeting your eyes. "Are you ready?"
You nodded and the two of you made your way to his car. During the car ride, Middy asked you about what you were doing in Helsinki and you asked him about him and his band. Basically, you didn't run out of topics and by the time you reached the venue, you knew him better than any of your previous dates after one evening.
Once you walked into the club, he had to go backstage to prepare for the concert. "I hope you enjoy the show!" He took his hat off and bowed dramatically before leaving to meet with his bandmates.
A minute later, he returned and handed you a VIP passport, laughing, "Sorry, I forgot this one. Meet me backstage after the gig."
"Oh, thank you! Good luck," you called after him.
You really did enjoy the show and while you loved the music, your eyes were glued to Middy, watching his every move. At times, you even caught him looking back at you and stepping closer to the edge of the stage where you were standing. When the gig ended, your face was hurting, which meant you had been grinning like an idiot the whole time. But it was worth it, you were having the time of your life.
Remembering what he had said to you before the show, you made your way to the backstage area to meet him. The security guy checked your passport and let you through to where Middy was waiting, leaning sideways against the wall. "I assume you liked the show?"
"You were amazing!" You walked up to him and he didn't make a move to step back, instead he just smiled even wider the closer you came.
"Thank you," he whispered, followed by a pause. Of all things you expected him to say next, he asked, "Sorry if this is too forward, but can I kiss you?"
"Yeah," you replied almost inaudibly before leaning in to kiss him softly. When you pulled away, Middy intertwined his fingers with yours. "Are you free tomorrow?"
You smiled. "Of course."
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: 1-A is in third year and classmates with the reader who’s bf is hawks, they haven’t told anyone yet and the whole class is watching hawks’ interview and they ask him if he has a gf and he’s like yeah and blurts it out and they all look at her like 👁👄👁
• You and Hawks haven't been dating long.
• 6 or so months. That's very recent
• but the two of you had decided it was best to keep quiet about it for a couple of reasons
• First off, you both worked as heros, you weren't sure how the public would react- or how that could be used against you
• and second, your age.
• you were almost nineteen
• you'd be graduating highschool soon.
• you could make your own damn decisions
• he was only 24
• that's a 4 year age gap
• to you and him, it didn't really matter.
• but to the public, you werent so sure how they'd react
• and the two of you had also come to the conclusion that it'd be best to hold off on anything sexual until you had graduated- just in case they tried to use that in an argument.
• the most you two did was make out
• he was a sap anyway, having no problem with cuddling up with you on his couch as you two watched shitty horror movies that should've never been made
• and peppering kisses along your neck and your cheeks
• a pecking your lips as he played with your hands
• @ the only man you'd ever be soft for
• and he indulged in whatever weird shit you liked to do, no questions asked.
• and he always, ALWAYS, made sure you felt okay and comfortable.
• he was such a fucking sweetheart and you'd be dammed if the fucking lublic messed that up.
• they could be vicious.
• news station reporters will do anything for money and they have little to no remorse for the people they affect
• so you figured it'd be best to leave it hidden until your graduation
• class 1a knew you were dating /someone/
• they just didn't know /who/
• and believe me when I say they'd been trying to pry it out of you with no luck
• "hey we're going to the movies, you should invite someone, like oh- I dunno, someone special? Your boyfriend maybe?"
"Why would I do that? Movie nights are our special thing, i don't want to ruin it with someone outside of our friend group."
• @ mina crying bc she wasn't expecting that answer
• @ sero being genuinely moved bc he wasn't expecting that either
• @ Denki hugging you for resisting temptation
• plus he was probably busy
• they also try to look over your shoulder when you text
• but you've already got that shit taken care of 😌
• shits on a whole separate app
• its hidden
• So one day, your precious birb boy tells you he has an interview
• and you hype him the fuck up, obviously
• he calls you right before the interview so you can hype him up some more
• And you promise him you'll watch it
• and you will bc theres so much material you can make fun of him with
• so you settle onto the couch, Mina on you left, Tokoyami on your right, everyone else in their respective spots
• and it begins
• the first thing he's asked is 'you look to be in a good mood today, Don't you?'
• n he kinda glances at the camera with a smile and nods. 'Yeah, I am.'
• your heart flutters
• thats your man 🥺
• the interview is pretty calm, the lady seems nice enough and you watch with a small smile as he answers questions
• he's just chilling
• most of the questions were about his job, why he stays, his favorite parts, some of the scariest/best moments- so on and so on
• but then it gets a little more personal
• "well tell us about home life, what's it like off duty?"
• And the faithful question
• "do you have anyone special in your life,"
• and hawks is just so blessed out at the thought of you that it just slips out
• he's like yeah!! I do! She's amazing.
• and then he says your name
• your eyes widen
• Clasd 1a looks at you like 👁👄👁
• "That's who you were dating!!!!@!!"
• uh oh
• cats out of the bag
• everythings going to shit
• you've got like 4 people texting you
• Aizawa tried to call
• Youre outside of school friends are losing it
• Mina is screeching in your ear
• Tokoyami is just staring
• "Guysssss," you whine. "Fucking calm down,"
"How the actual /fuck/ did you manage to bag hawks?" Bakugou furrows his brows
"I'm funny. We annoy endeavor together. That's it."
"I mean there's more than that," Todoroki mumbled.
"What? How would you know."
"Please, he talks about you all the time "
"You knew????"
"Yes, my father and I knew. He couldn't keep the secret when he first asked you out. He says you're very pretty and sweet. And you quote on quote, put up with his birb shit. And that you play with his hair a lot, and-"
"Please, please shut the fuck up." You groan
• of course there are a million questions
• how long
• when did he ask you out?
• whats his favorite movie?
• have you two kissed yet
• have yall fucked (thanks for the question mineta)
• do you hold hands?
• is he scared if wiggly fingers like actual birds are?
• does he move his head randomly like birds?
• "Soooo, how long?"
"Six months yesterday. We went to dinner. And by that I mean we got chicfila because I can't eat his usual chicken spot and then we went home."
"aw you're calling his house home already,"
"Chako, get fucked."
• "when did he ask you out?"
"Great question Aoyama, I'm so glad you asked- yall remember when I got stabbed that one time."
"Ya." There was a collective nod
"Remember how I passed out from blood loss?"
"Ya." Another collective nod
"when i woke up, is when he asked me. It was super dramatic."
• You werent lying
• jt was
• He was terrified
• and when you woke up, as soon as you had adjusted, he spilled everything he had bottled up
• and the kiss that followed was long and desperate
• his hand cupped your cheek and your hands made home in his hair, fingers threaded between strands
• it was a kiss that broke off into many more short and needy kisses
• that left your breaths short and cheeks red
• foreheads touching as you leaned against eachother
• it still made your heart flutter
• but dramatic was the only word they were gonna get for it
• "so all this time, it was him?"
• then the faithful question
• "Don't you think he's a little old for you?"
"He just turned 24, and im almost 20. I don't see the problem. About 4 years age gap."
"Oh, okay then."
"I think you guys are cute. For real," mina smiles. "I see it now. I see the chemistry."
• theyre supportive 🥺
• Aizawa is also supportive, a lil hesitant but over all supportive
• but you leave all that exolaining for the next day
• instead once the designated time is set, you retreat to your room and call him
• "so cats out of the bag, huh?"
He laughs softly. "Sorry babe, I just got excited when they mentioned it."
You hum. "Thats okay,"
"We'll be okay. Promise."
"'M more worried about you,"
"I'll take care of it. Don't worry." He flashes you another grin and you can't help but feel yourself calm down
• and he did just like he said he would
• it wasn't a problem :)
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dcmidivine · 3 years
ship meme for crunch & their new relationship pls 🥺
this is gonna be a long one
Who is more aggressive in bed?
ok so tai is by far the more aggressive person of the two of them in day-to-day life but then he's like omg but caspar<3333............... and would (at least at first) be weirdly hesitant to initiate anything that falls on the more sexual side bc u know he's a romantic guy, he likes to wine and dine a gentleman before taking them to bed
and then i feel like caspar is just like wow that date was so nice :) now i'm going to take your clothes off
Lights on or off?
you know i think it changes from time to time and also depends if there's any light coming through the window
also if they're at caspar's place they can turn off the overhead lights and use the tiktok colour changing LED strip lights that i Know caspar has don't lie to me
Who does what chores?
i feel like tai would end up doing most of the chores? not bc caspar wouldn't do them but bc i bet caspar procrastinates doing them and meanwhile tai has such a routine that he just gets to it before caspar does (and tai is used to living with roommates so he's in the habit of just cleaning up after himself as he goes)
Who gets babied when they’re sick?
oh please this isn't even a question, it's caspar
Who makes breakfast?
hmmm it can depend because on mornings where tai goes for a run he'll usually just have a protein shake and then by the time he comes back and showers he's on his way to the next part of his day and wouldn't think about it any further
BUT on mornings where he doesn't go for a run he has a little bit of extra time because he'll shower at the gym so he'll make breakfast for the both of them and either bring it to cas in bed (if he's awake) or leave it on the counter for him with a little post it note saying good morning (if he's asleep)
but also when cas makes toaster waffles (which he seems like he'd enjoy) he makes an extra one for tai so that counts too
Where would they go on their honeymoon?
oh maybe somewhere like new zealand? i don't think somewhere tropical, but still somewhere warm that was near the water
What are their quirks while sleeping?
cas goes out adventuring in his sleep, tai sleeps on his stomach with no pillow like a freak
also there's no way cas doesn't steal the blankets in the middle of the night but it's okay because tai runs super warm anyway
What is their favorite activity as a family?
they're pretty happy doing anything with the other person's company! i feel like they really like going to look at christmas lights together tho and on a more regular basis they watch a lot of clouds
Who is the stricter parent?
i don't think either of them would be all that strict? i think cas would be a little more easygoing if their kids were misbehaving but tai was raised by three hippie parents who were all about laissez-faire parenting and he turned out fine
i bet it would end up the kind of thing where both of them are super chill parents so the older sibling (i'm thinking two kids for some reason) would be just weirdly protective like "omg you're gonna let them do that??" and cas and tai are like uh....... yeah?
Who would be the big spoon?
tai wants to hold cas
Who would wake up first?
LMAO i feel like sometimes tai wakes up a solid six hours before cas
Do they have nicknames for each other?
they've called each other cosmo and spirit since they were kids but at this point neither of them can remember why or how those nicknames came about
tai would also 100% call cas 'love' after a while
What happened when they met each other’s parents?
they've both met each other's parents on multiple occasions! tai does Not like caspar's adopted parents for many reasons, but tai's parents adooooore caspar! one of tai's dads is a photographer and actually gave caspar his first camera when he was younger c: tai's mom pepper ends half her phone calls to him by telling him to say hi to cas for her
How do they apologize after an argument?
very quickly, i feel like it would normally be tai apologizing because it would normally be his fault hvlskdfsdf
What would they be like as parents?
i think they would be good parents! but idk if cas wants kids and tai could go either way
Who is the better cook?
tai's decent at cooking! he also enjoys it and he likes the gesture of making lunch or dinner for his boyfriend
Who is more romantic?
they can definitely both be romantic but i think it's tai
What sort of gifts do they get for each other?
something thoughtful and normally homemade! they're both artists and both appreciate art so most of their gifts are creative. when it isn't for a certain occasion like christmas or a birthday, i feel like tai would buy flowers for cas and cas would pick flowers for tai
Who gets jealous easiest?
tai 😶
Who gets more excited for events? (e.g. birthdays, christmas…etc)
hmmm probably tai but cas goes along with it
Who is the most adventurous?
cas c:
Who is the most protective?
if ANYONE said a mean word to cas..... honey, you've got a big storm coming
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
they WERE childhood sweethearts lmfao but they were adorable of course! tai was homeschooled and caspar's parents were strict so every afternoon tai would ride his lil bike to cas's school and meet him outside so he could walk him home, and then on the weekends they explored the forest beside tai's house and built a little fort there that was just for them
Song to sum them up?
how about a whole playlist
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penaltbox · 3 years
yeah i was so annoyed. i just went to update you one day and saw i was logged out. and it was a whole mess. but i’m back! omg happy belated birthday j!!!! T and i are good. hes super excited bc we go to visit his family in less than a month now. im scared out of my mind :) even though ive met his parents and theyre so nice. but were going to their home! thats scary. and meeting T’s hometown friends. but T’s really looking forward to it and its so cute.
we actually hung out yesterday. had a chill night in with movies and hot chocolate (with marshmallows and whipped cream bc why do one when you can have both?!) and movie number two did not get watched at all 🙈 im not complaining though 🙈
Well I’m glad you’re back!! Thank you ☺️☺️ it was a pretty good birthday! Oh my gosh that’s so exciting that you’re visiting so soon! I totally understand the nerves though and I’d be the same way for sure. That’s a lot to take in at once but luckily you’ve met them before. That should ease things a little at least. I bet he’s so excited to show you around (& off!). Stop that sounds like the cutest little lowkey date night 🥺 well and then the rest of the night 👀👀 I’m so glad you guys are still so good. It makes my heart happy.
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roseymess · 3 years
hello Tanni ✨✌️ i see you open an exchange reading, if you don't mind about it – can i have a reading about first date and what yoongi dislikes about me? 😬
i think i need to improve my intuition again and need to believe more on myself, so this exchange option is a great chance for me🖐️
anyway here's your reading *i try my best huhu i really hope you like it 💞🌸* and if you find out there are some parts which you don't like or not resonate, i'm sorry for it 😭🥺
💐 your first date with WWH's Jin :
han river appear in my head?? with the sunny sky and windy day. the energy feel so calming🌸 maybe both of you will have a date on spring season? you wearing black shirt or black dress?
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your first date might be on the side of han river, enjoy the scenery together. as i said, the energy is so calming and both of you will share some deep or just random talk together. jin at the moment gonna share his hardship of being an idol and you know his face seems so dramatic ahahaha, i know the story is deep but his face OMG i cant handle it. you get a caught have little giggles by him because you found out his face seems funny 😅 but well, you understand his story deeply inside your heart. he might get little sulky after he found out you have giggles on him *what a cute baby*, then you give him a patback and said "i know the story might be hard and important for you, babe. my heart also feel what you feel "
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AND HE LUV THAT PATBACK OMG 🤯 he seems emotional at that moment and he almost want to wipe his eyes, but as you know our jin haha he only said "yeah my eyes get tired after take a look of that river too long" hahaha OMG. you give your wisdom to him, he feels there's someone who can understand inside his little heart💞 *so sweeet*
you both might have picnic date? he will bring you food who he cooks by himself and let you try it. he will crack the silent moment while you looking at the scenery by his dad jokes😅 and then – he feel shy by himself oh GOD please help him.
overall the dynamic both of you are chill. you both might have sweet, cute, funny and warm first date ✨🌸
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🤯 what Jin dislikes about you :
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he dislikes when you cant hear his story deeply. i mean as the reading before, you know deeply and understand but OMG jin seems such a moodmaker😅
he dislikes when he cant give you his help, he feels a bit dissappoint about it. are you kind of independent person? he also dislikes when you sometimes can take his word to heart and maybe emotional, but again jin doesnt mean of it. when you give him your own opinion and he finds out that its not based on his logic, he will dislikes it. *he kind be stubborn as well* i mean you like give someone advices, but jin is the type of person who only want to listen 🖐️ *a patback is more needed for him* he also dislikes when you overwork yourself and don't have a time for him, but i sense he is forgiving person?? he might dislikes about it but he gonna act like he is fine 🤔🙃
thats all from me ^^
wishing you have a nice day 😉✌️
Hi!! Thank you for the reading 🤧🤧🤧
Your feedback: Honestly,even I thought of Han river when I think of our date. So you could be right about that. I think someone said Jin would see me as his caretaker but as the oldest member he is always being responsible,so seeing me as a caring figure for him is huge. Yes,I sometimes don't know how to react when people cry in front of me. So me giving an awkward hug is...well so me. Ahhh, picnic date that's so romantic 😩😩😩Hehe,Jin is so shy I will be sure to help him.
Now as for dislikes,the first part or line might be wrong since for me, whenever someone is sharing their story,I myself find it disrespectful to not listen to them or try to understand them. I think Jin and I would have a good understanding. Hence,the care taker line coming in.(also the Jin gif you used,what were you thinking???)
Now,apart from that,YOU DID NOT NEED TO EXPOSE ME LIKE THAT 😭😭Girl your intuition is gold. I am sort of hyper independent,which I recently found out is also a result of trauma. Bruh,he wants to help me but i don't , because I don't wanna depend on anyone😩😩Yes yes,I take words to my heart, especially if it's from my closed ones. Like I am very sensitive,🤧🤧🤧And omg??? My Pisces venus and Virgo moon is always like this,that yes,I am good at giving advices,and when someone doesn't listen to it I do get mad a bit. And very often I tend to be a bit more dreamy so Jin being the logical one actually saves me. awe,I do over work. A lot. But I will try to save my time for my fs. This reading was really an eye opener 🙃🙃🙃Thank you so much😍😍
Your reading:
Your first date with Yoongi:
I am seeing musical notes. So there's a high chance you went to his place. Yoongi and you would be like,so adorable. I think Yoongi would treat you like his babygirl🥺He never wants to make you feel upset. So,moving on,I see you and him talking a lot about music? Like ,music,food. Uh,the food looks delicious. I do see some expensive taste coming along. Though Yoongi usually prefers stay at home dates,he wants to spend his time with you in a luxury restaurant.
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Yoongi would be telling you a out his work,his music. He might also open up about his past. He thinks that you are someone who can be a bit childish so he appreciates how you listen to him. For Yoongi,you might come across as someone who posses a lot of childlike innocence. And he feels good everytime he meets you or sees you. He thinks you are absolutely precious.
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Yoongi and you would drink wine,holding hands, touching each other's hands. Yoongi himself is surprised by his actions. He doesn't do these type of things. So he himself can see how much of an influence you have over him.
He wants to take you home but I do see you and him again spending the night watching movies over at your place. Yeah,so your first date might last for two days. Yoongi really feels happy to be on this date with you. You make him feel things he has never felt.
Overall I get calm,soothing, expensive vibes from your first date with Yoongi
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What Yoongi would dislike about you:
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Um,as much as Yoongi likes your child like innocence,Yoongi sometimes wouldn't like that.
It can be that he is explaining something serious and you don't take it seriously. So he finds it annoying.
He loves your positivity but sometimes feels that you are too much of a baby,like someone who might need constant reassurance.
Yoongi might also dislike it if you constantly put yourself down. Do you do this? Like maybe compare yourself to others and feel bad? Yoongi thinks it's completely pointless since you are literally amazing.
He might also be lazy and dense to your needs at times.
But I think Yoongi would manage you well at the end of the day.
Hope it resonates. Please leave a feedback 💋💋💋
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