#and we studied the same in uni too! (X graduated last year. i'm still on the road lmao)
andreakedavra · 1 year
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
In too deep
Summary: Reconnecting with Jungkook you realise you never really knew him.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Warning ⚠️: Yandere behaviour
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His eyes were so pretty why would anyone blame you for falling but nobody told you his love was a maze with no escape
He stared at you with those precious doe eyes.
"Little Dove."
Your last memory of Jungkook has been of this shy kind boy who was so easily flustered that it was comical that was two years ago.
"Jungkook." You breathe out his name.
"You sound so sexy when you say my name dove."
You blush. You had no idea he could be like this.
Fiery intimidating but so in control.
You are dressed in your favourite sexy red outfit. You watch him as he checks you out shamelessly.He is dressed in a red shirt with way too many buttons open and skinny black ripped jeans.
He catches you looking at him and smirks.
How you had landed in this situation was a bit complicated.
Your younger sister was getting married. Your mother had asked you about your partner. Promising to set you up herself if you had denied. You had told her you were seeing someone but it was too early to meet the parents.Your sister had suggested meeting them on a double date.
Searching for a convincing guy proved harder than you had thought possible so after your sister had sent you the date for the date. Your fear became real.
Hurrying from work one fateful day you crashed into Jungkook transferring the cream of your cupcake into his shirt. You and Jungkook studied at the same University. He was the famous prodigy of the computer science department. Even though you joined at the same time he was completing his PhD when you graduated. You had met him at the lamb skewers shop located near your college.
"I'm sorry...Ju... jeon Jungkook., I'm y/n remember .. we went to the same uni we used to meet at the lamb skewers shop."
"Hi y/n. I remember" He replies.
"I'm so sorry I'm in a hurry please take my buisness card.. call me or text me your account for cleaning." You say giving him your card and leaving for work.
He called you later asking you to treat him to coffee instead and you obliged.
It was then you spilled the fact you needed a fake boyfriend.
"I could be one." He offered.
" You sure. Like 100%...Like definitely."
"I am."
"Remember when in college you never dated because you were an IU fanboy." You teased.
"Come on I never called you out for listening Mono on repeat." He countered.
"Wait when did I tell you I listen to Mono."
"You've put it on your story so many times."
"Oh OK fair enough. But you have to admit Kim freaking Namjoon. Like I totally get stanning IU like I love her fashion you're lucky she does dramas. But I'd hate it if they made RM the second lead which reminds me of Jin oh my god like talk about underrated just like I can listen to him for hours."
For the next hour or so you talked about your favourite artists.When it was time to leave you realised how much you actually enjoyed his company.
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Jungkook didn't have the heart to tell you he no longer liked IU. That one day he'd seen you eating those lamb skewers without abandon and couldn't forget that sated look on your face.
Slowly he'd gotten obsessed over you. It had started innocent enough. Checking your social media. Liking your pictures. Walking the places where you'd likely be.
You saying hello to him always made his day. Then graduation came and you left for work and he still had time to finish his degree so he hacked your social media. Then your email. Read up all the things you wrote or saved. Saved all your pictures. Sometimes even watching the cctv infront of your house. He even hacked into servers so that you could shop your hearts content at very discounted rates.
He turned himself into the man you'd dream of. And then as if it were fate you came right into his arms. He himself couldn't have planned it better. Of course it would happen after all both of you were fated to be together.
He could see how you were slowly opening upto him as he continued spendingtime with you. He had the perfect excuse to cling to you and he couldn'tbe happier.
"Let me save your picture as my wall paper." He told you.
You were momentarily stunned at his request.
"So when your sister spots it she believes you." He explains.
"Omg you're a genius Jungkook." You blink in realisation and your lips upturn. You felt like an excited conman.
"That's why you chose me love." He returns smoothly.
He loved the flustered look on you.
He drives you to the meeting place in his car. Its a sleek jeep car.
"Nice car." You compliment.
He grins at you pleased. As if luck was against you you drop the perfume bottle in his car.
"I'm sorry. " You apologise sincerely. Ofcourse you had to end up doing something you'd never done before. You only meant to take out your compact to use one last time before exiting the car.
Oh god. This scent your scent was going to drive him crazy.
"Don't move or you'll hurt yourself let me help you out." Jungkook says regaining himself.
You nod in agreement. He opens the door.
You had decided to wear sandals which complimented your dress but had no heels. If you stepped on the glass you were going to injure yourself.
He removed big pieces using a tissue.
"Lean on me and get out." He instructed.
You carefully look down it was dark in the parking area so you couldn't see clearly. Suddenly you felt Jungkook's strong sturdy arms lift you up. You let out a strangled groan in fright. Clinging to him tightly. You didn't want to accidentally fall.
For a while he held you there. He so wanted to slam your back against the car door and kiss you senseless. But that would have to wait. He couldn't scare you away. Not when things were going so well it was only a matter of time afterall.
Hand in hand you enter the restaurant to find your sister and her fiance sitting waiting for you. She looks shocked.
"Oh my god you really must like him." She says without preamble.
"Like look at the lipstick mark on his neck. Sis."
You look like a deer caught in head lights. True to your sisters words there is a lipstick mark on his neck.
"Won't you introduce us." Your sister prompts.
"Oh yes of course. Guys this is Jungkook. Kook this is my sister and her fiance, they're getting married in 6 months.."
"It's nice meeting you " He says shaking hands with your brother in law.
Your sister decides to give you space or give her attention to her fiance more precisely. For which you are grateful.
When the food arrives Jungkook takes it upon himself to feed you never the one to miss an opportunity. He charms both your sister and her fiance and makes your cheeks heat up with attention. His arm stays wrapped around your waist the whole time. When you and your sister go to the washroom together she gushes about how happy she was for you and that Jungkook literally couldn't take eyes of you. You count your scheme a success.
You feel a twinge of sadness that it was fake which you carry as Jungkook walks you to your door.
"Are you not feeling well?"
"I'm just tired." You tell him.
"Alright I will leave it to you then. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Kookie." You say and turn to open your door suppressing a yawn.
A warm jacket lands on your shoulders. You feel Jungkook's breath on your neck his lips almost touching your ear and arms on your shoulders as he makes adjusts the jacket.
"You know that this doesn't have to be goodbye. You.Can.Still.Call.Me .. if you miss me even if its 1am." His voice lowers " Sweet Dreams baby."
But why do you feel that sleep has left you for the night.
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Slowly Jungkook creeps into your life. It's not obvious but the transition from fake boyfriend to real boyfriend occurs smoothly.
He's the perfect boyfriend. It's almost like he's out of your make a boy list. He brings you flowers and gifts. Treats you like a princess. Even your family is in love with him. Complementing you for finding such a gem of a person.
Maybe that's why you ignore the red flags because in your rosy world everything is red.
He hates when you ditch him for your friends even though your meetings are almost always preplanned. Always waiting for you, sometimes you find him sleeping on the couch of your living room with the TV on othertimes he disappears for days with no reply to your messages and calls. It often ends up in either of you in tears. Spontaneous meets are impossible he always finds something reasonable to stay for.
"Let's live together." Jungkook says one night as he cooks for you.
He recieves no reply, he turns to find you busy on your phone playing the game you've become addicted too.
"Love." He says.
"Yes Kookie." You say he frowns.
"I said let's live together."
"Aren't we already both of us almost always sleepover anyway."
"It's not the same." he pouts.
" Aw baby won't you get tired of me. I'm so messy I don't think I want to risk it yet." You say closing your phone to look up at him.
"I would never tire of you." He says.
You take a bite of the food he's cooking almost burn your tongue in the process too.
"Ah hot.. so tasty." You complement.
He rushes to offer you a glass of cool water. You were so careless how could he let you live by yourself. You miss the dangerous glint in your eyes.
A few weeks later out of seemingly nowhere your apartment burns down, you move in with Jungkook.
"Atleast we get to live together." Jungkook cheers you up. You nod and let him hold you.
In the morning you find yourself thirsty from all the crying and Jungkook is in the shower when you wake up. There's no water in the bedroom. You trudge to the kitchen. You are turning the cap of the water bottle when Jungkook's voice stops you.
"Don't drink that's kerosene." He warns and swears under his breath.
"Why do you have Kerosene kookie." You ask confused and turn to find him shirtless and hair wet. You let out a sound that sounds something like a squeak and put your hands on your eyes.
"Wear a shirt Jungkook."
He laughs and its a lovely sound. "As you say Dove."
"You want to have a barbecue night this weekend." He asks you as he wears his shirt and you look away so as to not choke.
"It's fine but I'd be in the ER if you didn't come on time."
"Maybe I should reward you for stating safe then huh?" He asks a devilish glint in his eyes.
"Are you trying to kill me with your good looks Jeon Jungkook."
"Ha I was trying to be a good boyfriend and reward you if you continue being a bad girl I might have to punish you." You scoff.
He's near you before you notice and picks you and pins you to the bed and starts tickling you until you are in tears.
You look so beautiful his crying pretty baby.
Your life continues down hill as if your apartment burning wasn't bad enough your company makes cuts and you are left jobless.
"It's fine jagi you have me." Jungkook consoles.
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"We were fated jagi there's no world in which your heart isn't mine. Don't worryI will take care of you."
He back hugs you as you cry yourself to sleep.
He feels sorry that you are so distraught but he has to take precautions for the sake of your relationship. A little hacking goes a long way.
After all everything is fair in love and war.
Soon you rely completely on him so when Jungkook proposes on your parents anniversary party. The proposal includes a song , a bouquet of your favourite foods, a pair of flower crown and a ring.
"I want you, body heart soul and I want your every thought to be mine, every breath to be mine; I want to consume you and be consumed by you. Will you be mine?"
You say yes. And something about the exchange of flower crowns is so intimate that it seems like matrimony and it scares you.
Later with the ring on your finger and everyone congratulating you there's a part of yours that still feels unsettled.
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"I just lost my job Jungkook, I can't afford a wedding." Yountell your fiance as you look at your bank statements.
"I have enough money love." He assures you.
"Its your money, I am not a gold digger." You complain.
Jungkook's eyes take on a dangerous glint.
"So anything you want is necessary and if I ask for something of my money then it's a waste of money."
"I didn't mean that Jungkook."
"I don't know.. I love you but if you really dont want to marry then what can I do.. if you hate me then I deserve to die becauseif the person I love most hates me there's no point of living is there.."
"What no Jungkook no of course not..."
He picks up the knife he was using to cut apples to feed you and hands it to you.
He brings your hand to his neck the knife nicking it , red blooms against his pale skin and a drop of blood escapes.
"If you decide to leave you might as well kill me."
He says and for the first time you are truly afraid of the man. You throw the knife away.
He falls to his knees infront of you covers his face and starts sobbing. Your heart hurts how could you say anything to hurt this man after all he's done for you.
"I'm sorry baby .. so sorry .. I never meant it like that. I wanna marry you.. and stay with you always. Don't be sad please." You console him wiping his tears.
"Y-you pr-promise?" He asks innocence dripping from his doe eyes.
"Of course baby. I love you. I just hate being a burden." You tell him.
"You're never a burden." He assures you.
"Hmm.... let's go out for dinner.. tomorrow we can start checking out halls for the ceremony then."
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Your wedding goes smoothly even if you were worried that Jungkook got cold feet because he started spending a lot more time away then ever before. Jungkook enjoyed the desperation that colored your eyes as they searched for him. He had been busy taking care of all inconveniences after all. This was a pleasant side effect.
You are basking in the glow of Jungkook's warm body as the haze of your honeymoon fades. Tomorrow you'd be home.
"Love." Jungkook's husky voice sends delicious shivers down your spine.
"Could you move please?" You request.
"Are you hungry or do you want to go to the bathroom."
"I think I need to stretch my limbs."
"No." He says his hold tightening.
You stay silent for a while letting your husband get his way.
"I almost don't want to go back you confess."
"We aren't." He replies.
You frown.
"What do you mean Jungkook."
"Call me yeobo."
"Jungkook." He stays silent.
"Yeobo. Please explain yourself."
"I got a transfer here"
"Why didn't you tell me." You ask frowning.
"I'm sorry, it was very sudden and I didn't want to stress you. "
Jungkook spends the rest of the evening showering you with his love and you have no choice but to agree.
Two more obstacles he thinks. One making you forgive him after you realise your educational qualification won't land you a job here not that he'd let you work and the other sealing your fate with a child. Though he would enjoy the latter for now Jungkook has to cut of the Internet. Afterall you didn't need anyone but him and he you.
It was a rainy day, a few months after you're phone was malfunctioning as usual. You decide to check Jungkook's computer for a weather update.
It's an honest mistake when you enter your birthday instead of your wedding date as password. The content on the screen confuses you until realisation dawns upon you.
The door opens to reveal Jungkook who's face hardens as he sees your expression.
"It's nice you know I was tired of hiding how much I loved you, after all there should be no secrets between me and you."
He comes behind you using your hand on the mouse to shut it off.
"It's late baby let's go to bed shall we." He says voice low husky seductive as it is every night as if the events of last few minutes didn't happen.
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The last part might be rushed because tumblr posted instead of saving might edit later or maybe I'll let it be who knows. Yeah so this was chilling in my drafts and I finally decided to write it. Enjoy don't forget to comment and reblog. Drop your love. Tell me what you think. Any other ideas please feel free to send. Have a lovely day.
Taglist: @mwitsmejk ; @captainsjoongs ; @sweetwolfcupcake ; @manchuria ; @ynaught ; @minshookie29 ; @douknowbts
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Oh babe, do I have tea for you. This is fully a rant so by all means feel free to ignore/delete.
But man oh man
Context: my friends roommate got a crush on me (a very obvious one) and we went to a party during which I held his (and my other friends) hand as to not get lost in the crowd. That apparently translated to me "leading him on" when I, the next day, gently rejected him by saying I'm not looking for a relationship. My closet irl friend took his side, was off with me for weeks, only for me to find out not even three days after the party the same guy who's "heart I broke" was flirting and trying to get with my own roommate (which I didn't mind since ofc I didn't like him, which is why I rejected him, but he still made a big deal over it?? Even tho he clearly wasn't as "depressed" about it as he claimed??). When I decided to talk it out, I was made out to be the bad guy too!
I'm mostly mad, kinda sad, and just missing my CR boys because comfort characters, who can't you be real 😭 (tl;dr I hate my university sometimes)
"Not all men" You're right Dorian Storm, Ashton Greymoore and Mollymauk Tealeaf would never
- 🌸
OMG 🌸 Ty for sharing with me, I love uni gossip. Long ass reply incoming, lemme dissect this scalding hot tea and provide some of my own ☕:
First off, I'm sorry that you had to go through the miscommunication and drama. People can suck and make you feel sucky, but you're amazing and you handled the situation well!! You didn't lead anyone on; some folks romanticise people/actions in their heads and think simple platonic acts are romantic. You didn't give into pressure and stood up for your feelings which is something I only started to do in the last couple years. You deserve someone who's easy to read and who gets you, and who doesn't make you feel uncomfy or make you out to be the "bad guy."
You're doing great lovely, I hope things get better asap xx
Second, oh my gosh what is it with university??
Like, as of right now, I haven't had too much experience with relationships honhonhon because I wanted to look after myself and my studies. Pre uni, I had been flirted with and been on "not dates" that were in fact dates, but I only realised it after going on them lol #oblivious. But ever since I joined college, people who I have no interest in have misjudged my friendliness and mistaken it for flirting. And I'm just here like "🧍 I don't know what my type is, but it's not you lol."
I met this one dude on the first day, and we hit it off cuz he also watches Critical Role (I don't have any critter friends irl so I was thrilled!), but I ruled him off my potential suitor list because he mentioned that he was looking forward to getting black out drunk at his fast approaching prom(?) (it's not called that where I'm from but it's a universal word for a dance after your final year of high school before going to college idk idk), and I'm not really into that as a lifestyle but I was happy being a friend of his :)
I didn't hear from him for like a month cuz we're in different courses, but he randomly hit me up TWO DAYS BEFORE HIS PROM asking me to be his date and I replied "bro idk how to tell you this but I didn't even go to my OWN prom I have nothing to wear XD" (I celebrated my highschool graduation with my closest friends privately instead) But like, imagine if I had said yes. He would've gotten so drunk, possibly pass out, and I would be basically by myself, with no one who I knew around, for like five hours, at a venue two hours away from where I live. Basically in the middle of nowhere. Like no thank you: I'd be miserable x
Honestly I've experienced so much in my first year of uni life, but I'm hoping to be more active in clubs and all next year and maybe take a dip in the dating pool (and pursue someone I actually like) if I manage to scramble together some confidence 💜
Also I completely agree: the CR babes would treat you right, absolutely, 1,000% 👌
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creambunnie · 3 years
Once Again📖
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ONEWE - Kanghyun x Y/N (angst)
From : Kang Pingu 🐧
- if you are done taking pictures with your family and friends, meet me in the classroom for a bit♡ -
you grinned when you received his message and excused yourself from your parents and friends before heading towards the classroom of the last year of your highschool life.
it was finally your graduation day and Hyungu planned to celebrate together after celebrating with your families respectively.
you arrived at the classroom but no one was there. you pouted and decided to wait by sitting on one of the desks. you scanned the classroom for the last time, absorbing every single detail of the place where you created bittersweet memories with your classmates. it was also the place where Hyungu confessed about his feelings to you.
you smiled widely as you recalled his bold yet funny confession. he put up a brave front but was actually so nervous that when you responded back to his feelings, he fell down because his knees got weak. your friends were quite worried when they heard you started dating Hyungu. well, Hyungu did not really have a good reputation, among the students and the teachers.
but you ensured your friends that you would be careful and that you were sure Hyungu was serious about your relationship.
you snapped out of your thoughts and decided to wait for Hyungu at the door. you peeked out to see if your boyfriend was already on his way to the classroom, but instead, a couple caught your eyes.
they were at the staircase, the girl was backfacing you so you did not see her face. the boy's head was also tilted to the side so his face was blocked too.
"oooh, a new couple? but really? at the stairs? i wonder who that guy is, he looks super familiar." you thought and was about to give the 'couple' their private space when the boy straightened up, revealing none other than Kang Hyungu. he smiled at the girl and stayed for a while as the girl patted his head before walking down the stairs towards your classroom.
you blinked a few times as you tried to process what you just witnessed. you felt your heart squeezed in pain as tears started flowing down your cheeks.
"did... did i just jinxed myself?". you mumbled to yourself. you quickly took your bag and wanted to leave quickly but Hyungu was faster.
he opened the door with a big smile but it quickly turned into worry when he saw you crying. "babe? what happened?". he asked softly as he approached you.
you avoided him and was about to exit the classroom when Hyungu grabbed your wrist as he balanced the box he was carrying with his other hand and his body.
"babe, what happened??". he asked again.
you sniffed and pulled your hand away. "you, all these while i thought you changed. but i was wrong. you are still the same playboy Kang Hyungu. old habits die hard, huh? you came here late because you were having a fun time with another girl? i should have listened to my friends. dating you was a mistake,".
Hyungu frowned, confused about what you were talking about.
"huh? what do you mean? i was late because i was preparing my presents for you,". Hyungu explained.
you frowned deeper at his words. "i saw everything, Hyungu. you don't have to lie! if i am not a good partner, then just tell me that, no need to cheat behind me, just break up with me!".
Hyungu was confused at your sudden burst of anger. "but you're the only one that i like! have you seen me flirting with others when i started dating you?".
you rolled your eyes and glared at him. "i wouldn't know, you might have done it when i'm not around!".
Hyungu sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. "do you not trust me?". he asked.
"no, i don't.". you replied without hesitation. you gulped your pain when you see the hurt in his eyes.
"look into my eyes and tell me that you didn't feel any sincerity from me in these 5 months that we've been together." Hyungu asked with teary eyes.
your heart felt so painful. but you had to do what was best for you. you promised your friends to be careful so you were going to keep that promise.
"it must have been fun playing with me, right? just like how you played with other girls. i really thought i was the special person who could change you. but i was being pathetic. i'm just an idiot who fell for the school's infamous playboy.".
a tear finally fell on Hyungu's cheek. he was hurt. extremely hurt. he then stretched his arm to give you the box that he had been carrying since just now.
"i want to give some presents to congratulate you for graduation. please accept them." he managed to whisper.
you frowned at his sudden change of topic and slapped his hands away together with the box.
you heard something broke when the box made contact with the hard ground. if you didn't know any better, you would have thought that you just heard your heart shattered.
Hyungu froze on his spot as he stared at the box. you quickly ran out of the classroom before you softened back up for your ex.
and that was the last time you met Hyungu before the both of you moved on with your lives. you remembered to quickly block Hyungu's number and blocked him on every social medias that you had. you didn't want anything to do with him anymore.
you were embarrassed of yourself. you were so proud when you started dating Hyungu, you were so confident that he was serious about you. but at the end, it was just your imagination. he didn't change at all.
~4 years later~
after graduating from high school, you got accepted into your dream university and studied in Japan for 4 years majoring in journalism. writing has been your hobby since you were little and aiming to be a well-known journalist was your ambition.
it was not easy to leave things back at your home country behind you especially after getting your heart broken so harshly on your graduation day. but you believed working hard towards your dream was a good way to distract yourself from all the unnecessary drama.
you focused on school and excelled all your semesters. you became the best student and was given the honour of being the valedictorian of your cohort.
it was finally time for you to come home to your family. they did visit you a few times when you were in Japan, but the feeling of coming back home was different.
From : Yubi❤
-you're back in South Korea?! great timing, our class reunion is next Saturday. you better come after skipping 4 years of our reunion dinner !!! we all miss you🥺-
you sighed as you read the message from your close friend. you were not really someone who likes to socialise with others, it's true they were your highschool classmates, but it had been years since you've met them. you might be awkward.
From : Yubi❤
-if you even think of skipping, i'm gonna drag you out of your house😠-
you chuckled and rolled your eyes.
To : Yubi❤
-okay okay, i will come, just text me the venue when it's confirmed.-
you scanned the huge hotel and took a deep breath before walking through the grand entrance. "wow they must be rich to book such a fancy place." you mumbled as you went to the customer service counter to ask for the room number that was booked for your class dinner.
as the staff was looking through the lists, you couldn't help but check out the beautiful architecture. your gaze fell to the floor as you realised that each tile had a different design. "wow, this hotel is totally on another level.". you whispered as you analysed them one by one.
a pair of pink shoes stopped walking and caught your eyes. you raised an eyebrow and looked up slowly to see the owner of the pink shoes.
your breath hitched. you made eye contact with the person. the person's eyes widened as he saw you. just as he was about to walk towards you, a lady grabbed him by his arm and dragged him away, she probably didn't notice you who were a few metres away.
"oi Kanghyun!! will you hurry up and walk? they're all waiting for us in the room already!!". the lady called the person by his nickname.
your thoughts were interrupted when the staff tapped your shoulder gently. "your room number is 3. i will bring you there". you nodded and bowed slightly to thank the staff.
you were now in front of the room. loud excited voices could be heard from the inside. *such youthful energy* you thought and knocked on the door before opening it slowly.
the previous noise quietened down at your entrance. you were frozen at the door. *w--why are they staring at me*. you smiled awkwardly and waved your hand at them.
"hi?". the second you greeted, your former classmates cheered and some even ran to you and gave you hugs and pats. "y/n!! we missed you so much!" "y/n! you are finally home!" "welcome back!!" "how was school in Japan?".
"there there guys, y/n needs to sit first at least. your questions can wait. the evening is still young!". Yubi came to your rescue. you gave her a grateful smile. Yubi smiled back and hugged you tightly. "welcome back!!".
you caught up with your friends. some were working full time at big companies, some were getting engaged, some just finished their studies, like you. you were engrossed in your conversation when a word, or a name, from the table next to you caught your ear.
"Kang Hyungu, how many girlfriends have you had in uni? still a playboy aren't you?" one of the boys joked.
your hand curled up into a fist. you were about to shoot the other table a glare when the lady who dragged Hyungu earlier defended him.
"this guy? trust me, he never dated anyone after highschool. he focused on his studies and never looked at girls. he rejected everyone who confessed to him. i was shocked too, you know being his classmate in highschool and seeing his abrupt change in uni, a whole new experience."
your former classmates widened their eyes as they looked at Hyungu, who was eating silently. his composure was still as cool and cold as ever.
"you are kidding !! he couldn't even be single for a week back then! what do you mean he never dated after highschool?".
the lady, Ara, nodded her head and sighed. "i don't know who broke his heart so bad he didn't even want to date or befriend other girls. that's why i'm stuck to his side." Ara explained and knocked Hyungu's head. Hyungu pouted and rubbed his head as he looked up.
after eavesdropping the conversation, you were surprised too. you turned to look into the direction of his table and saw his pouty face. you gulped. "cute..." you mumbled and quickly turned away when the both of you accidentally made your second eye contact for today.
you almost forgot he was your former classmate too, of course he would be here. you were just too busy with your close friends that you didn't realise his presence earlier.
from your peripheral vision, you sensed Hyungu still staring at you. after a few seconds, you finally let out the breath you were holding in unconciously when you see him turn his head away.
"bye bye y/n!! see you again soon!!" Yubi bid you goodbye as her boyfriend came to pick her up. you waved back at her and waited by the entrance for your ride.
"y/n?". you felt your head tingled as you heard a familiar gentle voice calling your name. you looked up from your phone only to be greeted by none other than Kang Hyungu.
"Hyu--Hyungu... it's been a while". you managed to breathe out.
Hyungu gave a small smile and nodded.
it was awkward. after all, you separated on bad terms and never contacted each other ever since.
Hyungu moved closer to you. his expression looked sad yet happy.
"can i hug you?". Hyungu suddenly asked. you bit your lips. you hesitated before nodding slightly. letting him hug you won't hurt, right?
when his arms wrapped around you, your emotions from 4 years ago surged up again. his gentle yet tight hug. his warm scent. his soft face buried into the crook of your neck.
you were frozen. everything was too overwhelming.
"i mis--" Hyungu's words were interrupted when someone called out your name.
you snapped out of your zone and gently pulled yourself away from Hyungu. Hyungu let you go hesitantly as he wiped his teary eyes and looked at the person who called your name.
"ah Harin!! did you wait for long?" you approached the person earlier and patted his shoulder. Harin shook his head and looked at Hyungu.
you thought it was only right to introduce them to each other. "Harin, this is my former classmate, Kang Hyungu, and Hyungu, this is Ju Harin, we went to the same university". Hyungu gulped and bowed slightly towards Harin.
"ni--nice to meet you. thank you for taking care of y/n! i--i should excuse myself now.". Hyungu said as he quickly left you and Harin. Harin shrugged his shoulders and led you to his car.
it had been so long since you came back home, you finally had the time to walk around your neighbourhood. you realised that in the span of 4 years, alot of things could change. you continued walking in the homey streets until you reached your favourite bookshop. you smiled widely and quickly entered it. you were happy the shop was still there.
your body automatically brought you over to the comics section. you enjoyed all sorts of genres but comics were your stress reliever. your eyes widened at some new collections.
"ooh, this one looks interesting". you mumbled as you picked up the new crime comic. "that one is good, you should read it". you jumped at the sudden voice beside your ear.
you quickly turned to your side. Hyungu backed away abit and gave a cheeky smile.
"wh-what are you doing here?". you asked abit too loud than usual because you were shocked. Hyungu blinked and chuckled with a pfft.
"i am here to buy some books, then i saw you looking at that good comic so i decided to greet you. yo!".
you nodded awkwardly and wanted to walk away but Hyungu's words stopped you.
"you know, i can suggest you other new good comics that will surely suit your taste!". you bit your lip and shook your head. "it's okay, i just wanted to look around. thanks for your offer". you bowed and quickly walked away.
Hyungu watched your back moved away from him. his shoulders dropped as he pouted. *did i scare her away?* he thought as he went to the cashier to pay for his books.
you felt blood rushing to your face as you exited the shop. you totally forgot that Hyungu also regularly visits that shop. heck, it used to be one of the places where you always went to during your dates.
despite his bad boy image, Hyungu was surprisingly an avid reader. he always had the best recommendations. you were tempted by his offer but you thought it was weird to suddenly be close again with him.
your mood was abit down after the encounter as old memories came flooding back to your mind. *ah, i thought 4 years were enough to forget about him. but meeting him twice right after coming back like this is not helping at all* you thought as you walked back home.
you tapped your foot on the ground, following the rythm of the song that you were listening to as you waited for Harin in the mall.
you planned to meet up at 2pm but he was abit late so you waited for him inside since the weather was hot.
"we meet again!" you heard as you felt one of your earpiece being pulled out softly. you jumped and turned only to be greeted by none other than, you guessed it, Kang Hyungu.
you frowned and took out your other earpiece. "at this rate, i feel like you're stalking me". Hyungu chuckled and shook his head. "no no, i was here since morning, i had some stuff to do, and then i saw you here alone".
"i'm actually waiting for Harin. ugh why is he so late? i'm hungry.."
when he heard the name, Hyungu's smile was gone. his current expression was unreadable. "oh, well then, i will wait here with you". you let Hyungu be as you scanned the crowd for Harin.
"how was Japan?".
"it was great and refreshing. school was okay too, abit hard but i survived. how about you? you graduated from uni too right recently?". Hyungu nodded.
"i started working at the music shop here, today is actually my off day but i had to fix some things so yeah.."
your mouth turned into an "O" shape as you heard him. he was very interested and quite talented in music back in highschool, it was not a surprise for him to pursue something related to music.
Hyungu saw a familiar face among the crowd. "oh there's H--" he cut his own words when he saw a lady beside Harin, her arm linked with Harin's.
*he is late because he is with another girl? he is cheating on y/n at the place that they're meeting up at?? how dare he?* Hyungu thought as he tried to block your view from Harin. *i gotta protect y/n*.
"yo y/n!! y/n?" Hyungu heard Harin's voice but he still stood in front of you, blocking Harin from seeing you.
you frowned and gently pushed Hyungu aside. "oh Harin! you are finally here!!!" you slapped Harin's arm and quickly turned to the lady beside him.
"Dani!!! you are here too!" you greeted and hugged the lady. Dani hugged you back and passed something to you. "i'm sorry,,, i misplaced the souvenier i bought you so Harin had to search for it with me, that's why we were late.". you cooed at Dani and patted her head. "aww it's okay, thank you for the gift!".
Hyungu looked at the scene with a confused look. you finally remembered him being there and introduced him to Dani. "Dani, this is Hyungu, my former highschool classmate, Hyungu, this is Dani, my former housemate back in Japan!".
Hyungu frowned. *Harin is cheating on y/n with her former housemate?!?!*.
"oii mr boyfriend, where are we going to eat at?". Dani turned to Harin and asked.
Hyungu's eyes widened. *huh???huh???*
"you and y/n are not dating each other?" Hyungu blurted out as he pointed towards you and Harin.
you and Harin looked at each other and shivered in disgust at the same time. "never!! why would you even think that?!" you asked. Harin quickly wrapped his arm around Dani and shook his head. "Dani is the only one for me".
"then why did he pick you up the other night?".
you bursted a pfft, Hyungu's face was hilarious. he was furious and confused at the same time.
"the three of us had plans after my dinner, so Harin picked me up. Dani was in the car too. Harin, being the gentleman he is, volunteered to escort me personally to the car".
Dani couldn't help but laugh too. you were the one who introduced her to Harin anyways, it was funny to think that someone misunderstood Harin and your relationship.
"ok that aside, let's go eat, i'm so hungryy" you whined and linked your arms with Harin and Dani. Hyungu's eyes twitched when he saw how comfortable you were with Harin.
"Hyungu should join us too!! the more the merrier!" Dani invited Hyungu. Hyungu was about to reject but seeing your flustered expression, he quickly accepted the invitation. he kind of missed seeing this side of you.
you ended up walking beside Hyungu while the lovely couple led the way to Harin's recommended restaurant.
the walk was quiet between the two of you. Hyungu felt abit guilty for being selfish, he accepted the invitation, totally ignoring your feelings.
"if you don't want me to join, i can back away now." Hyungu said. you quickly shook your head and unconciously tugged his sleeve. "i don't mind.. please join us". Hyungu grinned at your response. "alright, i will stay".
as you arrived at the restaurant, Dani excused herself to the bathroom. you decided to help Harin with the orders while Hyungu reserved a table for the four of you. the other reason you volunteered to help was so that you didn't have to be alone with Hyungu.
Dani came back from the bathroom and went to Hyungu. "oh y/n is helping Harin? then i will sit here and chat with you!".
Hyungu gave a small smile. he was still abit awkward around other girls if he was alone. "Hyungu, you like y/n don't you?" Dani attacked with an innocent smile.
Hyungu was taken aback but nodded anyways. like was an understatement. you were in his mind every second for the whole 4 years, meeting you once again made his dull world colourful again.
Dani giggled and poked Hyungu's arm. "you are so obvious. don't worry, i will help you!" Dani winked and quickly backed away when you and Harin came with your food. Hyungu pursed his lips into a thin line. he didn't know what Dani was up to.
you sat beside Dani, acrossed from Hyungu. you focused on your food and Dani, trying your best not to stare at the handsome Hyungu.
"so y/n, do you have anyone you like now?" Dani randomly asked you. your hand paused from picking up food for abit before chuckling awkwardly. "hahaha what a question, Dani. hmm i don't think i like anyone now". you swore your voice was trembling.
Dani smirked slightly at your response and was about to turn to Hyungu when Harin chirped into the conversation. "eh? how about that Jungwoo guy? don't you have a crush on him?".
you gulped as you felt your whole face became warm. "Ju-Jungwoo? he is cute, but i just admire him from afar. i don't like like him..."
Harin raised an eyebrow. "really? then why are you so emba--" his words were cut off when Dani kicked his leg under the table. she signalled him towards Hyungu and widened her eyes as if saying "have some sense Ju Harin!!". Harin pouted and continued eating his food.
there was definitely tension between you and Hyungu now. Dani tried to lighten up the mood with another topic as her plan A failed. she really wanted to help Hyungu.
after the meal, you and Harin started discussing some matters related to your future job, which was the main agenda for today's meet up. you switched seats with Dani so that you were opposite of Harin.
Dani called out Hyungu's name softly. "sorry for earlier. i just wanted to help but Harin interrupted. anyway, i'm gonna move to plan B later." Hyungu frowned and glanced at you and Harin who were engrossed in the discussion before leaning closer to the table. "what exactly are you planning??". Hyungu whispered.
Dani smirked and whispered her ideas. Hyungu listened carefully and processed her words. "so, what do you think?" Hyungu slowly nodded, agreeing to her plan.
it was finally time to separate. while Harin and Dani were going back by car, your house was just a walking distance from the mall.
"oh! Hyungu, do you have anything after this? why don't you walk y/n home?"
you almost choked on your own saliva and quickly shook your head. "i-i can go home by myself". Hyungu patted your head and gave a big smile. "i can, no, i want to walk you home!".
you sighed in defeat and nodded. "fine then. thanks Harin and Dani for today! and i'll email you the file later, Harin." Harin nodded and bid you goodbye before leaving with Dani.
you looked at Hyungu and pointed your finger awkwardly to the direction that you were going to. Hyungu walked beside you in silence. you too walked quietly, selfishly enjoying the warmth of his company.
"it feels like we are back to highschool days where i always walk you home". Hyungu started.
you just listened, not responding to his words. "we should go visit the bookshop again together one day. i remember how you would always frown slightly when you read the description of some comics, not because you hated them, but you actually loved them that your expressions couldn't be controlled. also the little pout when the volume you wanted was sold out and we have to either go to another shop or buy them online. oh and remember when--"
"that was all 4 years ago, Hyungu. can we not talk about it anymore?" you said with a slight firmness in your voice.
Hyungu paused for abit before chuckling. "for these 4 years, i've been trying to think of what you meant by me having fun with another girl that's why i was late" your fists curled into a fist as you felt your head become heavy.
"i really like you, y/n. i was serious about our relationship back then. you changed me, you were the only one that i like, i never look at other girls when i started dating you. i was hurt when you said those things to me. i really didn't understand"
you stopped in your tracks as you faced Hyungu with teary eyes. he really dared to lie to you even after 4 years?
you were about to hit his chest but he grabbed your wrist. "i finally figured it out".
~4 years ago~
Hyungu ensured that he had wrapped the big box of gifts for you properly. he carried the box carefully and walked down the staircase towards your classroom.
it was a bit difficult for him to see what was in front due to the box and Hyungu accidentally bumped into someone. he panicked for abit and quickly hugged the box to his body tightly.
"sorry, i didn't see you there!" Hyungu apologised.
the person he bumped into also apologised. "ah Hyungu? sorry! i was in a rush. oh no your hair! are you meeting anyone now?".
Hyungu's hair was a bit out of place after bumping into Ara. "is it bad? i'm meeting my girlfriend!" Hyungu asked, worried about his appearance. he wanted to look his best for you.
Ara reached out her hand to help but Hyungu leaned away. "it's okay, i can do it by myself".
Ara rolled her eyes and flicked Hyungu's forehead. "yeah but you can't see yourself, i can. here squat down abit, you have to look extra handsome for you girlfriend! after bumping into you, the least i could do is help you look presentable".
Hyungu hesitated but squatted for abit and tilted his head for Ara to help. Ara fixed Hyungu's hair and patted his hair for the last step.
"all done! now go impress your pretty girlfriend!"
Hyungu grinned cheekily at the thought of you and thanked Ara before heading towards the classroom.
and that was when the harsh break up happened.
a tear fell down your face as you finished listening to his explanation.
"it was all just a misunderstanding! and i totally understand you, i should have been more careful. i really really like you, y/n. i was sincere for all those months. you heard Ara the other day right? i didn't date anyone at all after you. thoughts about you occupied my mind 24/7. i wanted to reach out to you but.. you blocked me on all platforms. i came to your house a few times but your mother said you didn't want to meet anyone. the next time i visited, you already went to Japan. i tried asking your close friends on how to contact you but, they didn't like me so they didn't help me at all. they said i didn't deserve to talk to you anymore because i hurt you. so i waited for fate to bring us back together. and that night, when i saw your face after so long, i felt so happy".
more tears flowed down your face. Hyungu wiped them away with his thumb as he felt himself tearing up too.
"i'm..... i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry" was all you managed to say to Hyungu as you started sobbing into his chest. Hyungu hugged you as he rubbed your back.
"can we go back to our happy moment, y/n? i missed you so much." Hyungu whispered as he sniffed.
you pulled yourself away from Hyungu and rubbed your eyes before cupping Hyungu's face with one of your hands. you carressed his face gently with your thumb and shook your head.
"that was all 4 years ago, Hyungu. we can never go back to those happy time. things aren't the same anymore"
Hyungu frowned and leaned into your palm. "then we can start over. things don't have to be the same. i just want to be with you again".
you let his face go. "my feelings for you are not the same anymore, Hyungu. how can we start over if my heart is already closed?"
"you're lying." Hyungu said as his voice trembled.
you chuckled bitterly. "i'm sorry for hurting you Hyungu. i really am. i just, want to focus on building up my career now. i was offered a job back at Japan and i don't want to lose this opportunity. i can't afford to be distracted by relationships. i can't accept your feelings like how i accepted them in highschool. i have other commitments to focus on now. i'm...sorry"
Hyungu clutched onto his chest as he felt nothing but pain in his heart.
you slowly walked away from Hyungu but was stopped by Hyungu's soft voice.
"i won't disturb you anymore but i just want to know one thing. do you hate me?".
you gulped and took a deep breath before turning around to look at his pained face.
"of course not, Hyungu. i will never hate you."
Hyungu gave a small smile despite tears falling down his face non-stop.
"thank you y/n".
you turned away as your feet quickly led you back to your house. you ran up to your room and locked your door before breaking down fully.
you buried your face in between your knees as your sobs echoed in the room.
*you don't deserve to talk to me? i'm the ONE who doesn't deserve to talk to you, Hyungu* you thought.
Hyungu was so gentle and kind to you, he loved you so much but just because of your insecurity, you ruined everything.
you didn't even let him explain things back then and said hurtful words to him. and yet he continued liking you and wanting to clear up the misunderstanding even after years of not meeting each other.
you didn't deserve such a kind person. you didn't deserve his love. you were embarrassed to even face Hyungu now after knowing the truth.
you hated yourself for again escaping from reality. you contacted Harin, asking for the job process to be quickened.
*this will make me forget about him. this will help me forget about him* you chanted and fell asleep from the exhaustion of crying and from the pain in your heart for lying to Kang Hyungu.
a/n: how was it? haha i hope yall enjoyed the roller coaster ride!
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Studyblr Intro Post - Hi!
Hello Studyblr World!
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I’ve sort of been lurking/posting in the studyblr community for a while now, but I want to really get more involved this year, especially because I have a Youtube channel I’m trying to grow now x Sooo, here is my official introduction post! 
About Me:
My name is Melissa
Pronouns are she/her and I just turned 22 a few days ago!
I’m starting my final year of Politics and International Relations after doing a year abroad in Berlin last year
I study at Queen Mary University in London but am from the US
This is my sideblog & studyblr I made, which goes along with my Youube channel MeliO - my main account is @equinesanonymous, where I post everything else (tbh most of it is quite political at the moment, but I try to keep this account a sort of peaceful place!)
I am the sort of person who need to be super organised. I always have an email inbox at 0, and write down everything, from what I want to say on the phone with a friend to ideas for writing. So as you can imagine, bullet journals are basically my life. 
But I also spend no time at all making them 'aesthetic’ because I am
 not an artistic person
Academic Stuff
I'm just starting my dissertation on how farmers and agrarian communities are utilizing legal challenges to fight devastating climate change. It’s a super interesting topic that coincides with a lot of my personal interests, but my goodness it is very depressing mostly because all of our lives will be drastically changed in the next few decades due to climate change and we’re doing very little to stop that because of the inherent short-termism that capitalism is built to reward and we need to restructure our entire attitude to the natural world and way of living in it to actually stop the most devastating change but even if we stopped emitting tomorrow we can still expect huge amounts of destruction suffering and dramatic change so that’s something to look forward to.
I’m going into law after I graduate, so I will be doing the GDL (conversion course, basically a legal catch up degree because I didn’t study law in undergrad) and LPC/SQE in London over the next 2 years. I'll then be working for 2 years in a City law firm in London!  Hence my name - eventually, I will someday actually be a lawyer (solicitor to be exact)
Environmentalism/activism (as may be guessed from my disso topic)
I love gardening and have a continually-growing plant collection
Social justice & change (tho I post more on my @equinesanonymous account)
Romantic period movies & crime/legal dramas (unlike the rest of humanity apparently, I thought Broadchurch was amazing)
I basically listen exclusively to either classic rock or low-fi study music between the hours of 6 am and 10 pm, then between 11 and 5, I listen to one radio station that does classical music)
I love horses. I rode loads before starting university and have started itching to get back into it, but it's very tricky being on a student budget and schedule! But I have big plans for some horse-related adventures in the future so we'll see what that holds :)
I am NOT a fan of online uni - I genuinely miss going to lectures!
I write articles for some online journals! Mostly about politics and law
What do I do on here? Why do I have a Studyblr/Tube?
I like to make content. It's so cool that I can post something and other people think 'yeah that's pretty too/or that's helpful thanks!'. So that’s part of it, particularly for my tumblr
The study community is so lovely and uplifting, I want to make my own place in it and get involved!
Particularly with the process of getting into law in the UK/getting a vacation scheme/training contract, I think I have built up quite a lot of understanding of the system and experience which I hope can be helpful to other people looking to do the same. That’s mainly videos I plan on making for my Youtube channel, so if that’s something you’re interested in be sure to subscribe here!
Goals (for the next year-ish)
Finish my short story (surprise! I’m writing a short story!) 
Continue studying Russian (I'm juuusstt starting now, but I want to finish my textbook by the end of the year, which goes up to like, advanced beginner level)
Keep improving my German (I'm about B.2 level after studying in Berlin for 6 months last year, but I want to not forget any of it!)  
Perhaps take up Spanish!
Finish my dissertation and get a first in my overall degree, even with basically my entire degree being online this year :/
Grow my Youtube and Tumblr, and just get involved here, make some friends, and hopefully help some people
Post things relatively frequently, but not obsess over having them be very aesthetic or pretty, just enjoy the process of making them 
Who inspired me?
@myhoneststudyblr @her-muses @fluencylevelfrench @lattesandlearning @coffeeandbookworld @unknown-notes @kimcaaam @studywithmariana @busy-study @saff-studies @imperfect-productivity @thestupidlawstudent @autumndesk​ @memoirs-of-a-future-lawyer​ @audreys-notes​ @german-lingots​ @life-and-law-studies​ @lawandcaffeine​ 
Also message me please! I want to hear from people and chat about uni - especially with everything being all weird and virtual this year 
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seoschangbin · 5 years
no worries! sorry for my late reply too though😭are you done with this semester now??? i hope you can have a fun break filled with nothing but rest n love!!!💞omg biochem sounds like the worst... are u done with that portion of your major tho??? and oh man i wish i was close to graduating😭i'm a third year (US usually has 4) but i think i'm gonna have to stay for an extra year so... got two more years left🚶🏻‍♀️wbu? i hope the suffering of uni is almost over for you🤗💕-🎁💫
no don’t apologize!! u can always take ur time 💖 and yes i’m done and free!! master gave rachel a gre grade rachel is FREE!!!! nd omg ur too sweet i also hope ur break is filled with rest nd love!! (love from ME) i am done with biochem thankfully!! but i truly thought i would never survive and i’m taking only fun stuff next semester hehe i’m looking forward to it! 😌 aww you’re more than halfway though you got this!! enjoy the rest of ur time i feel like it’s gone by so fast anyways so it’ll be nice to have an extra year 🥰 i’m actually graduating in april! aaah!
i hope that last final you took went well!!! n i also hope that you're enjoying some freedom now😤💞omg really? :0 way to go felix!!! gosh he gives me such bestie energy, i always wanna hype him up🥺🤲🏼voices n hellevater!!!! some of the best songs omg. i've been having skz on repeat lately and wow grow up n awaken are on constant repeat, i've fallen for those songs again!!!💞side effects choreo is a lot of fun!!! it's the best to dance along to heh. -🎁💫
still fingers crossed over the last one but nothing i can do about it now so i’ll forget about it 😞 omg me TOO felix is just so baby and sunshine.. when he smiles i’m like bro.. what do u want.. i’ll give u anything.. ur so cute.. . 😳 and me too but levanter album mjdkgj grow up makes me feel so nostalgic 😭 awaken is a banger too but the two are so different 😳and omg do you dance?? :O 
ooo so miroh has somewhat of a soft spot for you as well then!!! its such a great song but i always think about how chan wanted to add an elephant sound to it hngjkfjsldk. winning 1st for levanter!!! so proud of the boys🥺🤲🏼at first i thought how cute it was of hyunjin to upload two photos then i realized it was bin...😐he doesnt wanna spoil us too much i guess😔got7 is great!!! but i def feel more at ease with skz since i'm being more chill with them!!!🙇🏻‍♀️💞-🎁💫
tbh.. maybe i should just say all titles songs have a lil soft spot in my heart 😭 omg i always forget he said that kjdgkajd chan .. what goes thru his mind! i’m so happy they got their second win before the end of the year it’s what they deserve 💖 nd truly changbin playing me like that.. ok... 😐 are you a jyp kind of person then hehe?
literally😭i wanna watch hyunjin's recent vlives but then i think do i really wanna put myself through this n fall even More for sir hwang😔finding skz!!! i watched the first episode a while back before i got drowned with uni work, so i'll have to pick it up again! woojin in that ep tho, his Power. sometimes buzzfeed does some really cute video ideas with groups so it'd be fun to see!!! and ooo monsta x i've been wanting to get into them honestly!!!💕-🎁💫
mskdgjskdg STOP SIR HWANG 😭😭 he;s so soft n endearing fr stop that sir hwang.. honestly ur right.. woojin was so powerful in that episode i need to go back and rewatch it.. not sure if ur familiar w victon but the same energy bt woojin + their leader in their running man episode nd it just sends me everytime.. skz x buzzfeed 2020 bls.. let us see it! omg i hope u get into mx!! they’re so funny and pure i love them 😞💖
binnie is taller than me but not by much so i can call him tiny, plus he just exudes and Is teeny energy🥺🥺🥺n felix's mind!!!! best binnie stan huh😌gosh i was the same too))): woojin was climbing up the bias list for me too before the News occured. we still coping😎😎😎gosh i Still need to watch the aussie line vlive, i've seen clips n it looks so funny n cute😭i was thinking if i should have you guess who my bias is but!!! i think i'll just say hehe-🎁💫
omg i know changbin is like Tinie baby energy the ep where he did the zipline thing!! baby!! felix nd changbin just have the cutest friendship i love them 😣 vibe.. we still feelin that wooj hole It’s Fine 😔omg yes the aussie line vlive was just the purest.. felix x egg... pure... pure and good! 
it's changbin!!!💕so i'm also changbin biased!!! he's actually been number one for a while now... binnie not letting chan win for too long i guess😤but i say both are my ults!!! i can never choose between them🥺and yes i'm on break now!!! i don't have many plans honestly, i'm just going to relax n probably game the whole break! gotta give myself some down time before this next semester😔but i'll probably make some time to keep up with my language studies. wbu? any plans???-🎁💫
omg changbin nd chan. interestin! changbin is the cutest so changbin stans we goin through it! u 🤝 me suffering bin fans.. ooh what kind of gaming are u into! definitely bls take the break to relax and energize urself for the new semester.. only good things for us for 2020!! i’m going on vacation starting next week so i’m going to be on the beach! 
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luvdsc · 3 years
Hihi Cat! I've come to deliver some good news! (This is pretty long huhu ToT)
MY ERB HAS BEEN APPROVED AND I CAN PROCEED TO RECRUIT PARTICIPANTS!! Ahh it's been such a blessing to be able to proceed immediately! I've actually hit my target amount of participants in less than a day (IT'S CRAZY) but I'm gonna collect more responses cuz the more the better! (Would you wanna check the questionnaire out? I can PM you the link!! :3)
Also also I PASSED THAT FINALS! The one I took a day after my vaccination (1st dose) ToT GAHH I'm so happy I won't even ask for more, it's enough :3
I've been writing my thesis during this sem break but it's progressing pretty slowly cuz I've been so drained from last semester and the vaccine itself. Huhu but I've written a brief rundown for my proposal so there's a rough idea there, just needa rly assemble it into a clear narrative. And yes I agree! Psychology studies are a beautiful fusion of science & human essence imo, and its fascinating learning more abt ourselves and how we as the human species progress in life ya know? 😌
I got my second dose exactly a week ago and got the same side effects - headache, arm soreness, hunger, fatigue; I felt like a fusion of psyduck & snorlax HAHAHAHA 😂 - it wasn't anything serious so yay I'm fully vaccinated! (in a few weeks time keke I'll be)
HAHAHAHA my vaccination appointments were pretty eventful. The nurses and volunteers were all so warm and friendly! I'm the type of person who feels whatever's being injected into me, it's not the pain that I wanna distract myself from (it wasn't pain tbh) but that sluggish discomfort I get from the needle ejaculation >//< sooo as they showed me the vile and syringe before injecting me, I prepped my Yangyang photocard in my hand. During my second dose, the nurse thought I had some fancy way of taking a video when in actual fact I was just looking at my Yangyang photocard hehe UwU she asked me whether I wanted to see the needle going in (smtg I can't look at tbh) and I was like HELL NAH ToT
And also some recap from the previous ask!
There's no need to apologise for the delayed response okie!! UwU my sem break is ending this week, but I've spent my time completing my academic research trainee tasks (transcribing audio clips), I've also created the content & design for my uni's newsletter, did some thesis writing, and I took a course on financial planning on Coursera to prep myself for the adulting life ToT
And idm sharing my back up / failed topics! I didn't have a lot of cards in my hands, but here are some of em!
1) time perspective and meaning in life 2) anticipatory nostalgia 3) not a topic but a variable! fragility of happiness / happiness aversion
what ideas did you settle on for yr art pieces? If you dm sharing, I'd love to hear abt it! 💖💖💖
Tbh I can't think of a fav ice cream flavor hmm 🤔 i rly didn't think it'd be so hard thinking of a fav ice cream flavor but the first that comes to mind is green tea! I like them milky flavored ice cream😍 though my fav from this ice cream place I go to is thai milk tea, it's so fragrant and milky!! 🥺💖 I just got myself a tub of milk & biscoff gelato keke UwU what's yr fav ice cream flavor? :3
For my course structure:
We have 2 long sems (Jan - Apr, & Aug - Dec, 16 weeks) & a short sem (May - July, 9 weeks)! Our sem breaks are only around a month then it's back to sleepless nights ToT AND YES those weeks were the most stressful weeks ever 🥺😭 I'm glad I'm graduating soon for that reason 😂(though idk what awaits in the working world ToT that is another fear I have :/)
Thank you for being part of this journey and being open to listening to my lil adventures! 🥺🙆🏻‍♀️💖😭 esp w the amount of responses and ppl helping me, I feel a lil more motivated to work and excel in this pregnancy (thesis, I call it pregnancy cuz it's around 9 months too HEHE) Since the pandemic, it's been pretty hard separating studies & hobbies :/ I've learnt it the hard way from my period cramps last sem (mine's the severe type where you can faint ToT), and it was also on my last paper for finals !! Very traumatizing ._. but I'll continue to manage myself better! :3
Huhu Cat since you're working now, I also wanna ask abt yr experience in job seeking! Cuz unemployment is a real deal here esp. w everything that's going on :') I don't have working experience either (only had 1 through internship) and it literally feels like I'm going into the unknown ToT I've been running over some case studies and assessments just to better prep myself for this. Do you have any advice as someone who's already working? UwU
Take care and stay lovely as always!! 💖💖💖
hi, sweetpea !!!! 🌸 omg major congratulations for getting your ERB approved, honey bee !!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 that’s absolutely amazing, and I’m uber proud of you 🥺💗💗 also, it’s wonderful that you hit the required number of participants so quickly !!!!! (And I would love to participate if the questionnaire is still open 🤧)
AND HECK YEAAA CONGRATS ON PASSING THE FINAL TOO 🤩🤩🤩🤩 big congrats to you all around, miss smarty pants 💓💓💓
Oh gosh, I hope you got to rest during your semester break too ): you’re working so hard, please remember to take care of yourself !! 💕 your mental health is more important 🤍 have you finalized your proposal now? And omg yes exactly !!! It’s so interesting to see the thought process behind an action and how it can be manipulated or influenced by various stimulants or there’s also the argument between nature versus nurture too and how that affects psychology and it’s just all so cool to learn about 🤩
Omg you had so many symptoms, I’m so sorry to hear that 😭 I only had a sore arm, but that’s what happens when I get any shot 🤧 I hope you’re feeling better now 💘💘
I’m really glad to hear that the nurses and volunteers were kind and friendly !! it’s always comforting to have nice people as doctors, especially when you’re trusting them to stick a needle in you bshdjdjdkd omg yangyang to the rescue !!!! 💞💞 we’re not allowed to record record any medical appointments, like I think the nurse thought the person in front of me in line was recording when they were getting their vaccine and said they weren’t allowed to do that 😅 and aaaaa I always have to look when they inject me, I don’t like being taken by surprise 🤧
oh my gosh you were so productive over your semester break !!!! :o and oooo you do content & design for your school’s newsletter? Do you do stuff like graphic designing and write articles? 💓 and how was the financial planning course !! Did you learn a lot? Did you like the studies? :’)
aaaaa those topics sound so cool ??? 🤩🤩 I would definitely be down to read about those omg 💛
for my 3D design class, I decided to do lightbulbs and flowers as my overarching theme for my art pieces !! I included a couple pictures below under the cut at the bottom 💓 the first one is a soft sculpture made out of newspaper, and there’s a pencil next to it for size reference, the second one is made of wires that I shaped myself, and the third one is made of foam boards that I cut and assembled myself as well 💕 and I included a picture of my final painting project! it’s a triptych and I believe the size was like 18 x 24 for each one? If you click on the picture, it should be better quality!
omg I love green tea ice cream too !!!!! 🍵🍦 I like going to somi somi for their matcha and milk swirl ice cream with red bean taiyaki 💚 I only had thai milk tea ice cream once, but it was phenomenal 🤩 I wish they sold it near me too !! milk and biscoff :o I’ve never tried that flavor! I’ll have to see if it’s sold around here :’) green tea is my favorite, but I also really like everything but the... from Ben and Jerry’s !! 💛 also alcoholic ice cream.... like there’s this one kind where it was a breakfast esque type with vanilla, corn flakes, and bourbon, and it was delicious 😋
omg what 😭😭 you’re basically going to school year round with no break bahsjdjdjdkd when I was in uni, i had a month off for winter break (usually something like dec 9 - jan 9) and then mid june to mid September off, so around three months of summer vacation? Your school schedule sounds absolutely brutal 💀💀
and omg of course !!! Thank you for letting me be a part of the journey 🥺💗 bdjdjddj pregnancy omg that’s such an interesting way of seeing it :o sending you all my love and support for a successful delivery of your thesis baby 🥰🥰 oh yeah, it’s definitely been a struggle to separate everything, especially when the lines between home and workspace blur with online school or working from home. And oh my god ???? Are you okay ?? Did you go see a doctor or take any medication? I hope you’re feeling better now !! Please take care of yourself 😭
ah, I got my job through my internship, so I’m not sure how helpful I will be 😅 but during the process of interviewing for internships, there were several rounds for each company that range from a group interview, a one on one interview, video interview where they give you random questions that you have to answer on the spot (some of mine were discuss the stock market, give a sales pitch on something you’re interested in, etc), a test, etc. I think it’s different depending on the job you’re going for, but that’s what I had to do in the business field! It’s important to study and prep for all of this!! It’s like taking an verbal exam for one of your classes. And also make sure to study the company’s website and familiarize yourself with what they do/sell.
My one piece of overall advice would be about interviews! Interviews are important in which the person interviewing you is seeing if you’ll be a good fit with the company, not in terms of skill, but personality. They already know you’re qualified and have good skills - that’s how you got the interview. With the interview, they’re essentially trying to see how personable you are and if you will work well with their team. Some people are so intent on proving their skills that they kinda just rattle off all their achievements and whatnot, and it’s like... the interviewer already knows this, it’s all on the resume they reviewed when they decided to give the interview offer. Be friendly, open, maybe make a little small talk at the beginning (“hey, how are you? any weekend plans / how was your weekend?” This is what I did for all my business interviews, and I got an offer back from every one 🤧💗), make appropriate jokes / be a little funny, just show that you’d be a fun person to have in the office whom people will want on their team, but that you will also be dedicated to the job and work hard 💘
And thank you so much, honey bee!!! 💞 I hope you’re doing well and having a good week , and please take care as well 🌷🌷
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