#and we’re staying in a hotel bc its 4 hours away and we dont want to drive at night
aquablues-archive · 2 years
ok im back idk if racially motivated is the right word but it was just . weird like idk
#SO#we r here visiting my brother / touring the college he goes to right#and we’re staying in a hotel bc its 4 hours away and we dont want to drive at night#by we i mean my parents and our neighbors who r our close friends#and we parked right outside the hotel#which was allowed btw like it was free ans there was no time limit for parking there (this is important)#and when we got out the car this old white man is just watching us like ok whtv hes just there rigjt ? WRONG#FNSKNF#after we got our rooms we (me / my mom / two of my neighbors )#leave the hotel to walk around the area#and when we got across the street#not like directly across but diagonally ?? it was a cross section like if we were in the top right corner#the hotel would be in the bottom left#doesnt matter just know that we were FAR from the hotel#and the same old white man walks ALL THE WAY TO US#to tell us we need to move our car#because we had been there for 45 minutes already#which was weird bc there was another car that had been there BEFORE us which he should have been aware of since he had been sitting there#the whole time#and the reason i think it was racially motivated (?) was because he came up to us#when it was me and my mom (two cambodian women) our neighbor (a hispanic woman) and her son who is mixed#but my neighbors husband (who is white) had been to and from the car multiple times while that man had been sitting there didnt get told off#about the car being there#but he kept telling US we had to move#like straight up arguing#he DOES NOT WORK THERE btw#and when my neighbors husband went to move fhe car#he told us he sat in it for a while to see if anybody would tell him to move it#bc u can see it from the front desk inside#and nobody told him anything
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lechet · 5 years
what happened yesterday
(its at a doctors office, and its vERY long)
So I have to get my bloodwork done every like 6 months I think, so I went to the doctor after I got off work to do that yesterday. 
I love my doctor, she used to stay at the hotel for like 2 months straight and she’s a little older tiny lady, if she saw you she’d give you $5 without fail. She’s super nice and convinced me to start going to her while she was staying at the hotel.
So we get in there, get back in there, no problem - I had the 4 year old w/ me yesterday. So we’re sittin’, waitin’, all of a sudden I just hear some dude screaming in the front, like the entire doctor’s office could hear him. He’s apparently brought his nephew up there and the nephew (gathered from his uncle’s screaming) is HIV+, they weren’t even suppose to be at the doctor’s office today because the grandma’s in the hospital but he was just trying to take care of the nephew because the nephew was feeling nauseous --- there was A LOT more than that to the story, this man was spilling everything in their life, screeching it like a banshee, but I don’t wanna relay it because it’s all triggering material.
I am runnin’ on three hours of sleep. I got the door propped open a bit, I’ve got the 4 year old on the other side of the room on my phone just in case this guy comes in the back. He’s in front of my doctor - who has barricaded herself between the waiting room and the back office and will not let him come back there until he calms down, which he ain’t. The nephew meanwhile is alone in the check-in room. The 4 year old w/ me’s a little scared but I’m doing my best to joke to her about it. 
Doctor’s like, after 8 minutes, we’re gonna have to call the police if you don’t calm down, he’s like “call the fuckin’ police!” So they do and he leaves the doctor’s office.
Plainsclothes officer gets there, he’s taking statements, y’know how they do. The nephew boy pokes his head out of the little vital-taking area they got him sequestered in - he looks at me and I give him a little wave, and he waves back at me, and he’s so scrawny it breaks my heart, he had to be like 10.
I’ve already got the whole thing planned out once the guy leaves because people like that always come back and I go worst-case scenario esp because I got the 4 year old w/ me. Like if the guy comes back with a gun (because he was really acting that wild), I can lock this door, we can hide behind this away from line of sight, that kinda shit.
My doctor comes back there to do my blood and I’m asking her if she’s okay, joking with her about how me and I think this patient next door to me were ready to throw down for her if that guy had hit her, tryin’ help the nerves. 
The police want her statement before she has time to get my blood so I’m like that’s fine, no worries, she goes out there and then the little nurse comes in and tries to do it from my hands and I’m like :-) i’ll just come back if my doctor can’t do it bc she does it in the arms and ima have a breakdown if you stick that needle anywhere near my hands (which my dr knows) and i dont wanna scare the 4 year old anymore than what’s been done (i didnt say that last part).
ABOUT THE TIME the nurse lady’s given up on trying to talk me into doing the hands, the guy has COME BACK because we hear him start screaming again - nurse runs out shuts the door - suddenly just SHATTERING 
He’d busted out the receptionist’s window, the glass has cut the front desk girl, it’s everywhere. The head nurse dashes back and gets that little bucket (y’know that they tote the medical stuff around in) that they’d left in my room that had the needles and stuff for blood-work ‘cos it had bandages and shit in it.
The 4 year old is cowered behind the patient-sitting-thing with my phone, asking me DID THEY SHOOT HIM?? ‘Cos it was so loud.
They got the guy in handcuffs cos a Geared Up Officer is there, he got his hand cut too. There’s blood all in the waiting room, I don’t know if the guy cut himself up after he busted out the window. They won’t let us leave for a little bit because of it. They’re taking pictures of everything.
Some woman gets there who the police say is the aunt, she’s got some other guy with her so I don’t know if that was the uncle’s wife or like a separate aunt, but the police won’t let her take the boy until she signs some paperwork and of course DFCS is gonna get involved. They go into a different little room.
The nephew hesitantly comes back out I guess ‘cos he’s heard his aunt, but he’s trying to ask the little nurses - in the weakest voice I’ve ever heard - where’s his uncle, what happened to him - and after everything the uncle had been saying about their lives, that was the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. The nurses try to play with him a little, going, “Oh, it’s alright, he’s alright -- did you eat all of your animal crackers? You couldn’t have eaten all of them that fast! You gotta show me how you did it!” 
So then they come back there - and the 4 year old is WIRED now - and are like ‘we can finish taking your blood if you want since we were almost through with you’ and I’m like nawh buddy that’s alright, we can reschedule (pls reschedule), which they are happy to agree too I guess they thought I’d get mad?? since I was almost done?? but i am HAPPY to reschedule and they’re relieved and apologizing and I’m like nawh buddy we fine.
So we get around there because they don’t want us to go anywhere near the waiting room because it’s covered in glass and blood, and all of the nurses are on this other side of the building and they are shit-talking y’know how y’do after a Thing like that. Meanwhile I’m discreetly catchin a picture of the glass in the back. 
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anyway we ended up being able to leave at like 6, so -- just kind of passed out yesterday after got home, after that and only three hours of sleep, and the 4 year old being so anxious about it she couldn’t talk the rest of the day, just sucking her thumb and twirlin’ her hair like crazy. Wild day.
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thedoctorisadhd · 7 years
what's once on this island about?
i hope ur happy anon, bc this took me literally like six hours im not exaggerating even a little
short answer: so u take the original plot of the littlest mermaid and u plunk it down rIGHT in the middle of 1920s haiti, right
long answer (like, REALLY long answer. like REALLY long. im sorry i dont know how to summarize when there are so many good things):
“there is an island where rivers run deep…”
“where the sea, sparkling in the sun, earns it the name, ‘jewel of the antilles.’”
“an island where the poorest of peasants labor —”
“— and the wealthiest of the grand hommes lay.”
“two different worlds on one island!”
“the grand hommes, owners of the land and masters of their own fates.”
“and the peasants, eternally at the mercy of the wind and sea, would pray constantly to the gods.”
those are the four storytellers, beginning the play. lydia started the first line, then abby, then dori, then natalie, and repeat.
(oh yeah, also this is the jr version. also, i dont know everything bc i was backstage the majority of the time)
so the gods that the beach people / peasants are dancing to, theres 4 of them. asaka (played by lavanya in our production) is the goddess of the earth, erzulie (played by luke who’s closeted, so i change it to a god, erzulio) beautiful goddess of love. agwe (played by ian) is the god of the sea, and papa ge (eli, of course, and it’s literally pronounced papa gay), my personal favorite, is the sly demon of death
and this is all described in the first number “we dance”
stay tuned yo it gets better.
(its so good. dont ever listen to any version besides the chatham one i can guarantee you that any non-eli papa ge, any non-luke erzulie / erzulio, any non-lavanya asaka, any non-ian agwe, any non-lydia / dori / abby / natalie storyteller will not be as good)
so basically theres this storm, and in this storm is a little girl and the gods are like “no papa ge we’re not killing her you fuck” and they irresponsibly plunk her down in a tree
and so tonton julien (ben) and mama euralie (izzy) come along & are like “holy shit a kid” (and this girl is crying her eyes out of course bc as mr adam creatively put it to the girl who played young ti moune, “you were just dropped in a tree by some randos you’ve never seen before in your entire life”) but like theyre poor and dont have a lotta food and shit so they try to leave but the gods, showing some small modicum of responsibility, like, use the force to pull them back. so these peasants adopt ti moune and name her ti moune and theres a whole big number about her growing up called “one small girl” which i quite like actually
then ti moune is grown up (sammie) and she sings about like “whats my destiny yo” all naive in “waiting for life” and sees a car which is a big ol lead-in to the next number. which brings us to
so in the beginning of “rain” theres this HILARIOUS section of dialogue with the gods picking mangos and here it is bc i cant not include it man
asaka: 🎵 pick a mango! 🎵
agwe: 🎵 a juicy mango! 🎵
erizulie: 🎵 a lovely mango! 🎵
papa ge, being Himself: 🎶 a poison mango! 😈 🎶
[all of the other gods look at papa ge]
anyway, after that theyre all proposing things to do to get ti moune less naive, with such wonderful suggestions from these dumbasses as “splash her with a wave” and “scare her half to death”. and then erzulie is like “yeah u do that imma give her what she wants bye” and the other gods are like “????????????” and shes just like “You Heard Me” and just goes like “Love Can Conquer Anything!!!!!!! :)))))))) ❤️💞💕💚💛💙💜💝💘💗💖❣️” and papa ge is like “that’s bullshit this whole thing is bullshit that’s a scam fuck the love here’s like two reasons why” and they argue (and asaka remarks that this is “more amusing than mangos”) and the gods are all “HMMMM🤔🤔” and then they all go “A BET!”
and the gods all start like pitching in to set up this bet, so like erzulie gives her strength and asaka’s gonna guide her but then papa ge interrupts like “IM GONNA MAKE HER CHOOSE” and then johnny boy i mean ian i mean agwe then calls dibs on choosing the circumstances of the bet
and u remember that car right? well ian agwe is like “that. thats the place where the 2 worlds meet” and he creates a big ol storm and in the song he says (one of my favorite lines, actually) “rain makes the road such a dangerous place” (he did amazing in that song but i feel kinda bad bc like. he was overshadowed by the other gods who are all incredible singers, and parts of it were too low for him. like, eli can sing as high as he did, but ian really cant sing that low)
also they used the fish flags from the seussical two years ago when sammie’s sister sidne played the cat in the hat. i always found it hilarious that dori of all people they couldve chosen played a fish
ANYWAY. so the car is goin down the road and crash oh no a car accident. totally not what agwe was (shot)gunning for
and so ti moune pulls this guy outta the car right, and — by the way, now we’re in this super intense number called “pray” — and this song is real fuckin good alright.
my opinion upon this is based almost solely on the fact that within the first like ten lines of this epically long song a peasant, talking about the guy that got pulled outta the car (daniel, that’s his name), says, literally: “papa ge wants him!” i will remind you that papa ge is pronounced “papa gay” and what makes it even more astronomically fuckin funny is that both hank, the guy that played daniel, and eli, who as u may know played papa ge, are mlm.
anyway no one wants to help daniel even tho he’s Actively Dying bc Fuck The Grand Hommes, Am I Right Guys We Cant Do Anything Were Peasants And There Is Sanctity That We Must Never Talk To Look At Or Think About A Single Grand Homme, Ever™ but ti mounes gonna help him bc Fuck You Guys and she keeps him alive while tonton julien goes to find the guys family after she’s Finally persuaded the guy to do this
and ti moune doesnt sleep for Three Fucken Days by the way. thats important in the next number
also daniel is supposed to be good looking so of course ti moune Falls In Love With Him despite never having seen him before in her entire life, and also hes unconcious the Whole time. i dont understand the heterosexuals
anyway, tonton juliens at the gate to daniels family hotel and he’s like “pls let me in i need to speak to monsieur beausome!” and the gatekeepers like “get the fuck away my guy” and hes like “no but its urgent!!” and the gatekeeper SLAPS BEN [LAST NAME REDACTED]*
so ben i mean tonton recovers and like seriously gets down on his knees and begs and the gatekeeper is still like “FUCK! NO!” and then ben fucking [last name redacted]* SCREAMS SAVAGELY “I HAVE FOUND HIS SON!” HOO BOY
and then at the end of pray you hear a long high note and then one specific girl takes it HIGHER ????????? idk who it is for sure but im willing to put my money on lavanya bc jesus christ can that girl sing
*people always say bens full name when referring to him for some reason, so it’s not ben bc which ben? it’s not ben b. it’s ben [last name redacted].
so pray goes ge STRAIGHT into forever yours. not the reprise, thats later.
so. forever yours. in a STUNNING turn of events (sarcasm. absolutely the least stunning thing after the whole “papa gay wants him” in pray), the VERY fucking FIRST LINE IN THIS WHOLE FUCKING STUPID HEARTFELT SONG is literally ti moune saying “i am a tree, holding away the storm”. are you fucking serious. are you kidding me. you waste the first line on that monstrosity,
anyway basically what happens in this is ti moune is singing about tending to daniel here it is
i am a tree holding away the stormhere in my arms i’ll keep u safe and warmeven the gods wont dare to cross this linewhere my life is forever yoursand you are mine
and on that last word, “mine”, papa ge joins in and it is fuckin CHILLING, not LEAST bc eli has the voice of a fuckin angel (and sammie too, but i think eli’s is just slightly better)
so eli stalks in and the first thing papa ge does, in a True demonstration of the gay / ge agenda, is Drag The Het.
(then he goes on to say “this boy is mine”)
so eli’s also got a knife (a fake one) and this is another Important Thing so yeah
anyway sammie ti moune should “TAKE MINE FOR HIS.” (her life she meant) and papa ge is SHOOK. he just … stops. “wot”
so yeah. ti moune, in one of The most IMPRESSIVE displays of heterosexual tomfoolery and ridiculousness i have Yet Seen (scene), trades her life for this Complete Fuckin Stranger she pulled out of the car wreck whomst has not as of yet spoken a Single word to her bc HE’S BEEN UNCONSCIOUS THE WHOLE TIME!?
and heres another good line, the first gay daddy nico diangelo himself eli papa gay papa ge has had since “wot”: i am the road / leading to no return
(and this is also where eli goes REALLY high. like not for basically everyone else, but for him)
then daniels two dads apparently, grant and hugh, pick him up and take him back to the hotel and ti moune is like “NOOOOOOO” and makes mama and tonton let her leave to go find daniel, and frankly i am not very interested in this specific part of the song so fuck that i skipped it lmao lets get to lavanyas fuckin SOLO
alright. “mama will provide”. exactly what it says on the tin, taking it into account that asaka would be mother earth i guess
really all this one is is lavanya’s fuckin angelic voice and What Exists In Nature, and i cant very well put lavanya’s voice down on the page for yinz to hear can i? the only notable thing i can really think of besides this next piece a dialogue  will share w u is in the beginning theres a bunch of ensemble doing weird repeating acapella and some hopping in like frogs. “COO COO coo coo cOO COO COOO” “SHAH shaSHA-ah” “buuuuu BUM! BUM! bum” its sounds slightly weirder than it is
anyway here’s the best dialogue:
everyone: MOSQUITOS??
asaka: HA!
ok, so ti moune finds daniel who doesnt know who she is bc, you know, he was unconscious the entire time. she gets him to know she was the one who nursed him tho. and they go to the front of the stage and ti moune sits and daniel puts his head on her lap. again, poor hank
now, “human heart”. jesus. i have literally cried over this song.
so erzulie goes out on stage to where hank is slowly suffering, probably, and sings this GODS DAMN BEAUTIFUL SONG about like, love n shit i guess. the storytellers and the other three gods act as a sort of choir. that’s pretty much all there is to say about human heart tho. moving on
ok so for “pray (reprise)” the gossipers (which are apparently supposed to be the storytellers, but fuck that thats lame, give my Cool Hoes lianna and taylor parts tbh) go out on stage and sing about how daniel is spending all his time w a peasant and shes a witch and yadda yadda yadda. and then theres some lame romance shit that i dont have fuckin time for
anyway, the song culminates with daniel’s father comin out on stage (lmao). which father, u ask? he had two of em? well that was grant and hugh, this one’s iain. conclusion: daniel has three polyamorous gay dads. this is the gayest production of a play ive ever seen. i mean papa ge? “papa ge wants him”? the fact that tonton means uncle so mama euralie and tonton julien arent married? “this boy is mine” coming from daddy gay himself? the fact that daniels last name means beautiful man? the “beautiful god of love” (as luke said, refusing to misgender himself in his introduction U GO LUKE)? the fact that out of the main cast (the 4 gods, the 4 storytellers, daniel, ti moune, andrea, mama euralie, and tonton julien) there are literally eight (8) actors who Arent straight (id bet that two others arent str8 and or / cis as well but im not sure)? just change daniel to danielle and itll be perfect
ayway daniel’s 3rd dad comes out on stage and tells him to stop this nonsense, young man ANYWAY NEXT SONG
in “some girls” the rich guys at the hotel all are doing a really lame colorless boring dance. then this girl andrea (ava) comes out and sings about the rumors about ti moune, that she’s stupid or wild, and daniel tells her to stop, then ti moune arrives and andrea really condescendingly asks her to dance for everyone and daniel encourages ti moune
so ti moune does a slow lame dance and then it gets loud and wild and fun! then when she’s done andrea goes to daniel and is like “she’s in love with you you oblivious fuck if you care at all you’ll tell her —” (unclear about what he’s caring about) and andrea is interrupted by ti moune who’s like “HI I HEARD MY NAME WHATCHA WANT ANDREA” and daniel goes and breaks her fuckin heart right
how he does this is he’s like “oops sorry i thought u would realize that we could never marry bc andrea and i are already engaged (since we were babies)”. daniel demonstrates an amazing amount of calmness about being forced to marry this girl he’s known all his life, and an incredible amount of insensitiveness bc TI MOUNE WAS NEVER FUCKIN TOLD THAT HE WAS ENGAGED. honestly i loathe literally every single character in this play except for the gods and the storytellers lmao
the reprise of forever mine.
so. ti moune is alone on stage and she goes like “gods please are u listening help me” and then. u hear. eli’s fucking amazing evil laugh and the gay himself appears
and he’s like u gotta keep ur promise ti moune im here to collect on that Soul
did i mention elis voice is beautiful? no i dont care, im sayin it again, eli [last name redacted] has the voice of an angel
anyway he’s like “u gave him ur soul, now u have to PAY” (the line he used here is “i am the price you’ll pay” and that sounds cool as shit)
and so “father homosexual,” as he was dubbed by luke, takes out his knife and sings “your life is forever mine” and holds the knife to ti mounes neck and ti moune yells “PLEASE DONT” and and and
he stops.
“trade your life for his.”
so papa ge gives her the knife and tells her to go stab daniel and he sings “i am the road that leads to no return” as he walks to the left side of the stage, and erzulie appears at the right side and sings human heart as papa ge continues with his verse from the first forever mine as ti moune struggles towards and away from daniel, straining, being pulled by opposite forces, love and death, and the two unite in singing “forever mine!” and ti moune casts the knife to the floor and screams “NO!”
and the music stops
and daniel sees the knife and picks it up
and says “why?!”
(fuckin bitch shoulda stabbed him when she had the chance)
and ti moune gets cast out and like, withers away at the gate neither eating nor sleeping, and then daniel comes to the gate with andrea at his wedding and sees ti moune and gives her a coin when she runs after him, and she collapses and the gods, sOMEHOW GAINING SOME MINISCULE VIEW OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR FUCKIN ACTIONS, all start CRYING. (erzulie won the bet) and erzulie hugs ti moune and papa ges probably off somewhere feeling sorry for himself bc you cant fuckin see him in the footage (nah, he’s off at the side of the stage with the other two gods neither of whomst you can see either), and mama euralie comes to sing this sad and pretty number “part of us” and then tonton and baby ti moune arrive as well for some fuckin reason,
and mama euralie says,
“and then the gods blessed her and turned her into —”
and then the gods hit their staffs on the floor (ian a bit gentlier bc his was falling apart bc he wouldnt stop fucking licking the fucking ribbons, ian) “a tree!”
and the tree comes up, forwards this time thankfully (phew) and and the tree fuckin cracks the walls of the hotel, get rekt scrubs, and the tree fuckin stalks daniel i guess, and daniels son sits by the tree and looks up and theres a peasant girl in its branches, and ti moune touches everyones hearts and also their livers, and everyone starts singing “why we tell the story”
also, fun story real quick, ive never actually seen eli dab i dont think (that’s something i need to accomplish real soon), and the dance he went off to the side and did with like, lydia, and agwe and ben [last name redacted] and daniels son and hugh — i guess all the boys in musical theater and also lydia, and the dance they have to do looks pretty damn like dabbing, and like, eli’s holding his staff so he cant do a true dab, really, but he can do a one armed one — but no. his dancing looks more like fuckin waving. ben [last name redacted] is dabbing, daniels son is dabbing, im like 80 percent sure ian’s dabbing directly behind eli, gloria’s dabbing in the back, but no, nOT ELI. im pretty sure he’s deliberately avoiding it smh
whOOP exciting parts over. now it’s time for Sad Half Circle Around Tree Girl i guess
“the stories that we weave,” and the storytellers and daniel’s son and the peasant girl in tree moune’s branches all come to the front and —
“there is an island where rivers run deep…”
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