#and when i told her today that they were coming to nash she said with the biggest smile
hearts-hunger · 1 year
the work bestie knows of my gvf obsession but only in a very specific way because she latched onto the story that josh burst his eardrum for some reason and now only refers to him as “your boyfriend with the broken ear”
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once-upon-an-imagine · 6 months
I’d love a request where the reader is Bobbys daughter and dating Buck. It’s a hot day and the reader has gone to the firehouse to see everyone but she ends up feeling unwell because of the heat and Buck looks after her.
hello, love! ahh thank you so much for this request! and thanks to everyone who voted! it's my first time writing for Buck so I hope you like it! also, I'm not sure why, I swear I read somewhere that Bobby didn't know they were dating so that's kind of the course this took, so I hope that's okay! Warnings: reader faints because of the heat; I think that’s it, but always let me know if I missed anything Disclaimer: I don’t own 9-1-1 😊 gif isn’t mine 😁
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"Okay, how does this look?" you asked, placing the lasagna in the middle of the table. Buck had texted you that the team was on their way back so you needed to hurry up.
"For the third time, honey, yes. It looks good" Athena said as she brought the bread with her and you went over to finish the salad you were making. You had learned a thing or two from your father and you started to actually enjoy cooking. It brought the two of you together after you lost the rest of your family, and it usually helped calm you down, but not today. "Look, I know you're nervous about telling your dad about you and Buck, but you need to breathe and relax" she said, walking closer to you.
You had been seeing Buck for a long time now. At first, you didn't want to tell your dad, mostly because you weren't even sure if the two of you were serious. Then, it got serious quickly and the two of you agreed to tell your dad when you were both ready. So now, because the two of you wanted to move in together, you knew you had to tell him. So, here you were, cooking your father's favorite meal for lunch, and hoping to have your dad in a good mood for later tonight when you were going to finally tell him.
"I know, I know" you said to Athena, who had kindly volunteered to help you since it was her day off. "It's just... my dad has hated every single boyfriend I've had" you told her.
"Oh, I know. He's told me about all the insipid, idiot, good-for-nothings you've dated before" she said, making you widen your eyes at her. "His words not mine" she said, making you roll your eyes. "But he adores Buck, like his own son. I mean, they even went to a Bruce Springsteen concert together" she reminded you.
"Ugh, I know, nobody loves Springsteen as much as those two" you said, making Athena let out a chuckle. "Look, I know he loves Buck... as part of his team. I'm not sure if he's gonna love Buck as my boyfriend" you said, nervously.
"Of course he will. Because as much as he loves Buck, he loves you more than anything and anyone" she reminded you. "And he's going to see how happy he makes you" she smiled.
"You really think so?" you asked, smiling back.
"I really do" she nodded. It actually meant a lot to you what Athena thought too. You knew she didn't particularly like Buck at first, but she had mentioned to you how he's changed and how she sees that the two of you brought out the best in each other. "Looks like they're here" she said, when you saw the truck pulling into the station.
"Okay" you said, placing the salad on the table. "I think the bear claws are done" you said, wiping your hands on your apron, and went over to the oven.
"Really? You had to make his favorite dessert?" Athena said, rolling her eyes. "Aren't you trying a bit too hard?"
"Better safe than sorry" you smiled nervously.
"Hey, what's all this?" Hen asked, being the first one to get upstairs.
"Do I smell your dad's famous lasagna?" Chim was the next one to appear. "Please tell me I'm right" he smiled, seeing at the setup table.
"You are correct" you smiled.
"Oh, this is why you're my favorite Nash" he smiled.
"Hey! I heard that" you heard your father coming up. "This is a nice surprise" he smiled, looking at the two of you before he went over to his wife and gave her a kiss.
"Yeah-" Athena started before you interrupted her.
"It was Athena's idea" you quickly said. "I uh, just... tagged along to help with the cooking" you smiled as Buck and Eddie finally made it upstairs.
"Hey, little Nash" Eddie said, walking over to greet you. Aside from Athena, he was the only one who knew about the two of you. And Christopher.
"Well, I'm happy to see you" Bobby said, before walking over to you and kissing your head. "Both of you" he added. "This looks good, duck" he smiled as you rolled your eyes a little.
"Why is it that he calls you duck?" you heard Chimney ask when he was taking his seat.
"Why does he call you Chimney?" you smirked and he glared at you.
Your dad laughed and walked over to the table with Athena as he started telling Hen and Chim that he called you duck because you used to be a really grumpy kid and when you were a toddler, you sounded like Donald Duck whenever you argued with him about something.
"Hey" Buck said, walking closer to you as you walked to the oven. "How are you feeling?" he smiled.
"I'm... fine" you smiled wearily.
"You're a terrible liar" he chuckled.
"I know" you said, opening the oven and feeling the heat struck you. It was already extremely hot outside. This just made it ten times worse. "I'm just a little nervous" you said, getting back up, suddenly feeling dizzy, and making you drop the tray with bear claws a bit faster and louder than you intended on the counter, getting the attention of the four people on the table.
"Whoa" Buck said, worriedly, getting closer to you.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Eddie asked. "You're sweating a lot"
"Yeah, no I just... felt a bit light-headed" you said, placing your wrist on your forehead.
"Did you eat something today? Maybe you need to sit down" Buck said pulling you closer to him. "Look at me" he instructed.
"I'm fine, sweetheart-" you tried smiling before Buck saw your eyes roll over to the back of your head and you collapsed in front of him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, preventing you from falling all the way to the ground.
"Bobby!" Buck yelled, even if Bobby was already rushing to you as Buck and Eddie carried you to the sofa.
"Chim! Hen! Get your bag!" Bobby ordered. "What happened?"
"I think it's the heat" Eddie said as Chimney came running back up with his bag, handing Hen what she needed.
"Did she eat anything at all today?" she questioned.
"Not while she was with me" Athena replied.
"She didn't have breakfast either" Buck said, feeling guilty. He was the main reason why you were late and didn't have breakfast.
"What? She didn't?" Bobby asked, confused. "Wait, how do you know that?"
"Um... she texted me?" Buck smiled, nervously as Eddie and Athena shared a look, thinking it was probably best to give everyone some space.
"You two... text each other?" Bobby asked as Chimney and Hen shared a different, confused look.
"Oh, I did not see this coming" Chim muttered to Hen.
"Seriously? You didn't?" she asked before going back to examining you.
You slowly opened your eyes and realized you were at the 118 station and you had a cold cloth pressed against your forehead. You tried to sit up but Buck quickly ran over to you.
"Whoa, easy there, love" he said, sitting on the coffee table in front of you. "Hi" he smiled sweetly at you, offering you a bottle of water. "How are you feeling?"
"A bit dumb, to be honest" you chuckled, accepting the water and taking a sip. "W-what happened?"
"You fainted" he reminded you. "Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me you hadn't eaten today?"
"I'm sorry" you frowned. "I didn't think it would be a big deal. I didn't have time to eat this morning and, then I went to work, and then I started cooking and I lost track of time and, I guess the heat didn't help" you said shyly.
"No, it didn't" your dad said, walking over and sitting on the edge of the sofa. "How are you feeling duck?"
"A bit better" you said.
"Well, it's a good thing your boyfriend is always alert and quick on his feet" he said, casually.
"Yeah, he- wait, what did you say?" you froze, realizing what he'd just say. "Did I hit my head?" you asked Buck. "Did my dad just call you my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, sweetheart" Buck smiled apologetically. "I know you had a whole thing planned tonight, but I let it slip that you didn't have breakfast today, and well... I kind of told him" he explained.
"Y-you did?" you asked, feeling a bit nauseous again. "Does he know we're moving in together?"
"He does now" Buck said with a tight-lipped smile.
"You're moving in together?" your dad asked.
"I uh-" you stuttered. "Y-yeah" you admitted. "W-we were going to tell you tonight at dinner" you insisted.
"Is that why you came to make my favorite lunch? So I'd be in a good mood?" he asked, knowing you too well.
"M-maybe?" you smiled. "A-are you mad?"
"No, honey. I'm not mad" he chuckled, pulling you closer and kissing your temple. "I don't love the fact that you hid it from me for so long" he added. "But I'm glad you're with someone who I know cares about you as much as I know Buck does" he smiled. "And, if I'm being honest, I kind of suspected it for a while" he said, surprising you.
"You did not" you glared at him.
"You both are terrible liars and I mean, you only make bear claws when you're giving me bad news" he smirked, making you roll your eyes.
"Wait, does that mean, I'm bad news?" Buck asked.
"What? N-no" you said unconvincingly. "I make them when I'm not sure how he will react" you insisted.
"Yeah" Bobby said. "To bad news" he repeated with a chuckle. I'm glad you're happy, duck" he told you.
"Thanks, dad" you smiled. "I really am" you told him.
"I'm gonna go get you something to eat, okay?" he said, getting up and kissing your head again. "Don't ever scare me like that again" he muttered before walking away.
"So, your dad knows about us" Buck smiled at you.
"Yeah, and it didn't go bad at all" you said, excitedly.
"Not bad at all? Sweetheart, do I need to remind you that you just fainted?"
"Well, yeah but... I mean aside from that" you pouted, making him smile at you before giving you a peck on the lips.
"You really scared me" he said, worriedly.
"I'm sorry, love" you insisted.
"You don't have to apologize" he said. "Especially since it was kind of my fault you didn't have breakfast" he said, blushing a little. "But now that we are going to live together, I will make sure you don't leave the house without eating first" he instructed, making you roll your eyes a little.
"Fine" you smiled before he leaned in for another kiss. "I love you" you told him.
"I love you too" he smiled.
The End
A/N: aahhh! I hope you loves liked it!
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
Jensen Ackles and Jeffrey Dean Morgan | New Jersey Convention, Main Panel (April 16, 2023)
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“hey dad! times been good to ya” (x)
when jensen and danneel had crushes on each other but were tied up with other people jensen wrote her a note that said “not now. but someday” and she still has it (x)
jdm was on jensens first date with danneel bc JENSEN INVITED HIM BC HE HAD NO IDEA IT WAS A FIRST DATE (x)
jensen: jdm got off a motorcycle in slomo and i saw hilarie’s jaw on the floor. she had no idea who he was (x)
fan: fav backstage moment from cons jdm: when i told everyone i was having a daughter bc i wasnt supposed to  (x)
jensen: when we announced the end of spn and at SDCC there were 7000 people and i told jared “take this in. this is it”  (x)
*everyone arguing over an answer* jensen; glad we figured that out. great job jdm: im still confused (x)
jensen got in trouble for sharing info abt a project last con so he will not be saying ANYTHING (x)
fan; SOLDIER BOY COMING BACK? jensen: uh…….no comment  (x)
theyre talking about their daughters jdm: mine will be the death of me jensen: one will be the death of me and the other will take care of me jdm; mine will be twerking over my grave jensen: HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW DADDY  (x)
.@JDMorgan : the year I did #Supernatural and Grey's Anatomy changed my life #SPNNJ (x)
.@JensenAckles getting the part of Tony in West Side Story in high school was life changing - after his baseball coach talked him into doing it. (x)
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the drama teacher at Jensen’s school wanted him to be in the spring musical and his baseball coach was like “you’ve played with me for three years. go give this a shot i promise we’ll be in the front row”  (x)  a talent scout was at the play and told jensen that he had it and he should come to LA and he went “lol take a hike” (x)  THE ROLE WAS TONY IN WEST SIDE STORY!!! and his whole baseball team was like “woah ” (x)
jensen: getting into the industry is harder now that it was back then jdm: i dont even know how to get an agent now jensen: yeah dont ask us for advice  (x)
Question: Jensen, what was your favorite thing about soldier boy? JDM: the codpiece. *crowd laughs* JDM: sorry, I thought you were asking me.  (x)
the boots soldier boy wore on the show are the same ones that dean wore on spn. they’re called carolinas  (x)
jensen: jdm texted me when i was getting fitted and he was immediately like “SHOW ME THE COD PIECE” and i was like “perfect timing i have five of them lined up which one” AND JDM SAID “PICK THE BIGGEST ONE” (x)
fan; nash was amazing. is there hope for touring in the future for radio co? jensen: thanks it took a lot of drugs jdm: he’s not lying  (x)
jensen: touring might be aggressive but anything is on the table  (x)
jdm: i watched it online and i remember texting you being like “what the fuck is going on that was amazing” (x)
jensen looked at steve and said “this is a bad idea we should leave” right before going on bc louden swain KILLED and they didnt wanna follow that  (x)
.@JensenAckles : even tho it was a vengeful mission, John set out to right a wrong. In The Winchesters we wanted to show John before that trauma.  (x)
jensen says the pilot of spn “holds up today”  (x)
fan: whats your fav format to play in (movies, tv, voice acting, etc) jdm; whatever has the best writing. we knew supernatural was going to be good by the first ep (x)
jensen turns towards tv bc he doesnt know where it’ll go and where it will end (x)
jensen: ive done soap operas and that was 20-24 pages of dialogue a day (x)
jensen: i heard “anyway you want it” in the car and almost got out before the second chorus hit bc i thought i was late for stage (x)
fan: go to karaoke song? jensen: have u ever done karaoke? jdm: never in my life. i think you asked me once and i said “goodnight 👋🏻 ” jensen: right but it was more like “goodnight 🖕🏻  (x)
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liaromancewriter · 5 months
It Happened One Miami Night (3/?)
Series Premise: A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they?
Fandom: Choices Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,430
Series Masterlist
A/N: I live! Seriously, though, I've been really sick the last few days; today's the first day I've actually felt like writing. I also don't know where I'm going with this series except for this idea of filling in blanks for moments we didn't see. Pray that I figure it out before I start rambling.
Submission for @choicesaprilchallenge24; dialogue prompt "come on, it'll be fun"
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She might have been invited (ordered, more like) under false pretenses, but that didn’t mean she was wasting this opportunity. Still in awe of hearing medical greats in person, Cassie Valentine put her hands together for the chorus of applause that followed Dr. Hadley’s fireside chat.
Ethan Ramsey, the epitome of medical excellence, was Cassie’s ultimate inspiration. Yet, Rebecca Hadley, with her profound knowledge and charisma, was a close second in Cassie’s admiration.
Cassie's eyes darted hopefully towards the front as the room began to clear. Her heart sank at seeing the long queue of Dr. Hadley’s admirers. Disappointment washed over her, but she was determined not to let this opportunity slip away. However, the organizers pulled Dr. Hadley away before she could step forward.
Cassie checked the event schedule on the conference app and figured she had enough time to grab some swag for Elijah before the next session. She still hadn’t heard from Ethan.
No! She wasn’t going to think about him. This time was for her.
Ethan was her attending, that’s it. No, he wasn’t Ethan. He was Dr. Ramsey. Cassie repeated this to herself, a mantra reminding her of her resolution to move on and break the spell he’d cast on her.
She thought this weekend was already proving challenging, recalling their conversation after the Nash debacle. They hadn’t even been to their suite yet or figured out how they were going to spend two nights in close quarters. Would he casually dismiss her from his presence then, too?
Shaking off the anxiety, she entered the exhibit hall and made a beeline for the first table. They gave out branded pens; they were nothing special, but her friend wasn’t picky. Besides, Elijah lost at least two pens daily and would use them all.
With her tote bag bulging, she was halfway down this row when she spied a booth handing out frisbees. She sped up, grabbing the last one as someone reached for it. Cassie turned sideways and found herself in a tug-of-war with another attendee.
“I was here first,” she tugged the plastic disk a little too forcefully.
“Debatable.” The man grinned charmingly before letting go. “But my mother raised a gentleman,” he glanced at her lanyard, “Cassie.”
“Thanks,” she stared at the name tag in her line of sight, “Evan. My compliments to your mother.”
“Wait till I tell her how her lessons on manners led me to my future wife.” The twinkle in his eyes told her he was joking.
“Wow, you’re easy,” Cassie quipped. “Beat a guy at the Swag Olympics, and his true intentions come out.”
His lips twisted in a half smile, and he eyed her tote. “First conference?”
“Is it that obvious?”
Evan laughed. “First-timers always grab too much stuff. Then, you realize you can’t possibly take it home in your carry-on and start throwing out perfectly good swag.”
That made her pause. The space in her luggage was indeed limited. Still, she promised Elijah goodies, and she would deliver them.
“It’ll be okay,” she shrugged, unconcerned.
“I heard Panacea’s giving out briefcases,” Evan said, stepping closer, just at the edge of her personal space. “I was just heading there.”
Cassie caught the unspoken invitation in his voice and the interested look in his eyes as he peered intently at her. She started to decline, not wanting another run-in with Declan Nash, when their phones pinged.
“Oh wow, I don’t believe it,” Evan exclaimed, staring at his phone. “They just added Dr. Ramsey to a panel. It starts in twenty minutes.”
He glanced at her over his phone’s screen, his eyes filled with eager excitement. “He’s amazing. Man, what I’d do to work with him. I tried matching at Edenbrook last year, but their residency is super competitive.”
“I know,” Cassie said quietly, but Evan didn’t hear her as he continued talking.
“…got into Grady, so not a total loss. How about you?”
“Edenbrook. First year, internal medicine.”
Evan’s eyes widened. “Have you met Ramsey, then? What’s he like? Are rounds with him a masterclass in diagnostic excellence?”
Cassie wasn’t sure how to respond. Was she supposed to tell a stranger that she had not only met Ethan but fallen hard for him? That when he focused those laser blue eyes on her, she melted, heat pooling in her belly, fingers itching to touch him everywhere?
Ethan was a complicated man who hid his emotions behind an austere exterior. But when he let his guard down and let her in, she fell through a rabbit hole, knowing her life would never be the same again.
“Rounds with him are intense,” was all Cassie said, keeping her expression neutral.
Ten minutes later, she reluctantly followed Evan into the ballroom where Ethan’s session was taking place. Despite the last-minute announcement, the room was almost full, with just a few empty seats scattered around the room.
“See? I told you the room would be packed early,” he said, scanning the space.
They shoehorned their way to the center of the room, hopping over bags and feet to park themselves on two chairs in a row of theater seating. Cassie almost tripped over the ankles of a woman who wasn’t keen to let them pass, but Evan helped keep her upright.
Cassie’s heart skipped a beat when she saw Ethan’s tall figure standing off to the side of the raised dais. He must’ve gone to the suite, for he was now wearing a blazer over the black shirt and gray slacks from this morning.
He hadn’t noticed her, and she doubted he would, given the size of the crowd. Still, she slumped slightly in her seat, practically hiding behind the person seated in the row before her.
“What are you doing tonight?”
She turned to face Evan, her brow raised in confusion.
“A few of us are getting together later,” he explained hurriedly. “It’s nothing fancy—cheap booze, music, dancing on the beach.”
“I don’t know,” she hesitated. “I’m here with my attending. He might need me for work.”
“All night?” Evan asked skeptically. “He doesn’t seriously expect you to be on call all weekend? Give the old man the slip and join us.”
When she still looked doubtful, he insisted, “Come on, it’ll be fun. Give me your number. I’ll text you the details.”
Cassie scoffed. “What makes you think you’ve earned my number?”
“My eternal optimism?”
“Nice try,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m on the conference app. Ping me the deets there. No promises.”
The emcee called the room to attention, and the commotion around them died down, replaced by excited anticipation. He introduced the session topic and speakers, reading a brief bio for each panelist.
Despite her earlier intention, Cassie straightened in her seat, unable to look away as Ethan joined his fellow panelists on the stage. As soon as the applause subsided, the moderator smoothly jumped into the discussion, throwing Ethan the first question.
Sprawled in a deep armchair, he held the microphone close to his lips, punctuating his point with a wave of his hand. He spoke eloquently, captivating everyone in the audience and the panel.
Cassie envied his effortless confidence and hoped that one day, she would be as secure in her abilities as a doctor.
She noticed how relaxed Ethan was now compared to earlier. He was in his element now, and it showed. Unlike the uncertainty of the situation with Naveen, sharing his opinions on managing medical resources during large-scale emergencies was easy.
Evan tried to engage her in conversation, leaning too close for comfort, but she ignored him beyond a quick nod. She hadn’t reflected on this topic before but found the discussion and subject area fascinating.
Cassie thought she knew Ethan’s career well, being his biggest fan and all. But she had no idea he’d volunteered in disaster zones during his residency and fellowship. Was there anything the man hadn’t done in the ten short years since he became a doctor?
And was he just as good in bed as he appeared out of it? The naughty voice broke through her thoughts, making her blush.
Cassie surreptitiously scanned faces around her to make sure no one had noticed her face turning red (or the way her skin flushed from the neck down as her breath hitched). It was damn inconvenient.
Listening to Ethan being, well, Ethan, was clearly turning her on.
So much for her resolution. All Ethan had to do was talk passionately about medicine, and she was ready to kiss his breath away.
The weekend just got a whole lot more complicated.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year
Thank you 🥰🫨
Pairings: Ravi Panikkar x Erin Nash (OC)
Warnings: pregnancy and birth mentions
Note: so this is set in the same universe as the Bobby x Reader blurb “I Love You” but with a slight modification made so instead of Reader it’s an OC (Tamara). The plots are exactly the same just one allowed me to be more free with my image of the characters than the other
Adore (4+1)
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Ravi’s only plan that day after work was to come home, chuck his bag across the floor, flop onto his couch and fall asleep. He’d only just thrown his bag off to the side when there was a knock at his door and he groaned internally. He didn’t think there could possibly be anything enticing enough to rouse him away from his original plan, but when he opened the door and barely even had a chance to say hi before Erin walked right past him and into the kitchen with a big paper bag the thought crossed his mind that perhaps there was one thing.
“Hey I know you had a long shift today, but I figured you’d be starving since you got off before dinner and I know dad hasn’t been working so the food is probably questionable anyways, and you don’t ever eat nearly as much as you should with all the work that you’re doing,” Erin said without wasting a breath and unpacking the bag she had brought with her.
“Erin, slow down,” Ravi chuckled.
“Sorry,” she said, feeling her cheeks warm up in embarrassment due to her rambling. “I brought your burritos from your favourite place. I thought we could have dinner together.”
Ravi came over to his friend and wrapped her tightly in his arms.
“Erin, you are my favourite person in the world right now,” he said. “I was just going to come home and crash and I didn’t even realize how hungry I was until I smelt-oh my God is that the steak burrito?”
“Yep,” Erin laughed and handed it to him. “And your favourite drink to go with it,” she handed him a giant bottle of sparkling mango juice.
Ravi couldn’t help himself, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and dragged her and the food to the couch.
Ravi was so hungry he ate his first burrito before Erin could even get halfway through hers.
“Lucky I got you another one,” she chuckled and pulled more food out of the bag.
This time he ate a little more slowly as they chatted and caught up over the time they hadn’t seen each other. Erin opened the mango juice and took a sip straight from the bottle before passing it over to Ravi who laughed as she drank from the comically large bottle.
Erin told him about another odd thing her supervisor had done recently when she had gone in to look over some things for her thesis with her and Ravi just watched her with the sweetest look in his eyes.
“Ravi, why are you looking at me like that,” she chuckled.
“I just…adore you,” he smiled.
“Okay someone’s feeling a little sappy,” she playfully nudged him.
“No I mean it,” he sat up properly. “You know what I need before even I know it. You remember my favourite things, you come and tell me the most random stories about your supervisor, what more reason do I need?”
“Alright,” she smiled. “I’ll take your word for it Panikkar.”
“Ravi,” Erin stopped him quickly. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Of course you can, Erin your dad is my boss,” he emphasized. “If I can face him every day at work, you can meet my parents.”
“I know, I know,” she nodded but squirmed with stress. Ravi gently grabbed her wrists and got her to look him in the eye. “I just really want them to like me.”
“They’re going to love you,” he assured you. “That’s a Panikkar promise.”
Ravi gave her a quick kiss for comfort and she nodded once more, taking a deep breath before Ravi knocked on the door.
When the door opened, the couple barely had a moment to breathe before they were engulfed in warm hugs from both Ravi’s parents.
“Erin, it's so good to meet you,” his mother said. “You’re just as beautiful as he described.”
She came to gently cradle Erin’s face in a motherly way and Erin couldn’t help but smile, maybe Ravi was right this wouldn’t be so bad.
“Please let’s go inside, dinner is ready,” his father ushered them in and Erin admired the home her boyfriend had grown up in. It reminded her of her parents’ first house in Minnesota, a little bit on the smaller side, but not lacking in personality.
“Erin, I hope Ravi’s made you his favourite dish before,” his mother said.
“Barbecued chicken seasoned with some masala spices right?” she turned to Ravi and he nodded his head.
“Did he ever tell you how that came about?” his father asked.
“No I don’t think he has?” she shook her head while Ravi pulled out her chair for her.
“Must have slipped my mind,” he squeezed her shoulder. “I don’t know why mama finds it so funny.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s funny,” his mother offered, placing a dish full of chicken on the table while his dad brought the rice. “You’ll see why I like the story once I tell it,” she assured Erin. “Ravi’s father and I were always worried that since he was born here in LA, he wouldn’t appreciate the food we grew up on as much as the food all the other kids around him were eating, but one day he comes back from class and asks me if we can have barbecue for dinner. So I try to throw something together and decided to season the chicken with some masala spices. Lo and behold, Ravi becomes obsessed with the dish and we have it once a week for the rest of the year. He’d share it with his friends, ask for it on his birthday, anything, you name it.”
“Oh that is sweet,” Erin grinned. “I’m not sure how much Ravi’s told you about my family, but food is very big for us. My dad was training to become a chef before he was a firefighter. So I’m very glad you guys are sharing this with me.”
“Of course,” Ravi’s father nodded. “Anyone who’s important to our son is important to us.”
Erin smiled again and the two older Panikkar’s didn’t hesitate to begin to serve her food.
The conversation around the dinner table was lighthearted with lots of laughs. Erin knew Ravi was not easily embarrassed, but his parents seemed to know all the right stories to tell to make him hide his face in mortification.
After dinner was over, Ravi and Erin cleared the table together and Ravi asked Erin if she felt okay to spend some time with his parents without him while he washed the dishes.
“Yeah, I think I’ll be okay,” she nodded and they shared another quick kiss before parting ways.
Erin sat next to Ravi’s mother who took her hands in her own and began recounting stories of her son from his childhood.
“What was it like growing up in Minnesota?” his father asked.
“Cold,” Erin chuckled, “but it was home. I played hockey as a kid so I have a lot of memories from tournaments and games. My parents were my biggest cheerleaders. I think you guys would actually get along really well.”
“From what Ravi tells us I think so too,” Mr. Panikkar nodded.
“Ravi,” Erin called. “What’s a good story from my childhood that I can tell?”
“The one about when Mari was born,” he responded.
Of course he would pick that one. Erin chuckled and thought to herself.
“Alright, so my sister Mariella was born under pretty interesting circumstances. My mother’s pregnancy with her was quite difficult so my dad wanted to treat her to a weekend away before she was due. I stayed with my uncle during this time, but it turns out my sister had no intention of waiting until her due date and came early. My dad had to deliver her in the cabin they were staying in and it was a whole thing,” she waved her hand. “Anyways, when my parents came over to my uncle’s home with my baby sister I refused to believe she was my sister because I didn’t meet her at the hospital like my parents had promised. It took them a whole month to convince me that she was, in fact, my little sister and during that first month I made their life absolute hell because I thought she was some sort of imposter sent out to steal my parents from me.”
Erin could hear Ravi laughing from the kitchen and his parents joined in with him, the story was ridiculous but she was six and headstrong, it took a lot to deter her from her opinions.
When Ravi came back into the living room, he saw Erin squished between his parents, bent over a photo album, sharing stories and laughing together like they’d known each other for ages.
The night soon came to an end and Erin and Ravi were sent on their way with containers of food and dessert.
After the door closed behind them, Ravi pulled Erin close and pressed a firm kiss to her lips.
“I adore you,” he smiled. “And I think it’s safe to say my parents do too.”
Erin laughed and simply pressed another kiss to his lips.
“Good, because I love them.”
Ravi wrapped an arm around Erin’s waist and sighed contentedly when Erin rested her head against his shoulder as they walked to the car.
Erin yawned and stretched her arms out only to have her yawn stifled by a kiss.
“Good morning Mrs. Panikkar,” Ravi mumbled against her lips and she couldn’t help but grin.
“Morning, Mr. Panikkar.”
When her eyes finally adjusted to the warm morning light pouring into their room, she turned around to face her husband only to be pulled in close to his chest.
“How long have you been staring at me,” she asked with a chuckle.
“Oh not too long, just half an hour,” Ravi shrugged.
“Half an hour?!” Erin laughed. “Ravi, you should have woken me up!”
“You just looked so peaceful,” he tilted her chin up to look at him. “And I know better than to disturb the bride and her beauty sleep.”
“Says the guy who threw a fit when I woke him up at nine for a dentist appointment,” Erin rolled her eyes and Ravi laughed.
Erin let one of her hands rest against Ravi’s cheek before running her fingers through his hair. She couldn’t believe she was married, and lucky enough to be married to her best friend.
“I love you,” she smiled with a look of fondness in her eyes.
“I love you too,” Ravi leaned down and kissed her slowly, savouring every moment.
When they pulled apart he took her hand and pressed small kisses along the intricate designs so carefully drawn on them.
Ravi thought Erin had been a saint, listening to both of their parents and including them in the planning process while still making the wedding their own.
He promised himself he wouldn’t cry, but when he saw Erin walk out dressed in a beautiful flowing lehenga — at the insistence of his own mother — he couldn’t keep the tears at bay.
“What are you thinking about?” Erin asked, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Last night,” he tilted his head downwards so his forehead could rest against hers. “How lucky I am to have you in my life, how I just adore you.”
“I’m just as lucky,” Erin insisted. “I got to marry my best friend.”
“We’re both a little screwed for tonight though,” he chuckled. “Family dinner.”
“Oh God, Mari and Val are going to be relentless,” Erin groaned.
“Don’t worry I have a game plan,” Ravi assured Erin.
“Which is?”
“Tell on them. Specifically to your mother.”
Erin burst out laughing and nodded her head,
“A perfect plan,” she kissed him once more, thinking she’d never been happier in her whole life.
“Oh my goodness,” Tamara whispered. “She’s so-she’s so precious.”
Erin and Ravi smiled, looking down at the sweet little new born baby in their arms, the baby they had created.
“Everyone, this is Mina Panikkar,” Erin introduced. “Mina meet your grandparents and aunties.”
Ravi and Erin both gave their daughter a kiss before passing her first to Erin’s mother, Tamara, who was immediately crowded by the rest of the relatives.
Bobby quickly slipped away to give a kiss to his own daughter and remind her of how proud he and her mother were of her.
Ravi was glued to his wife’s side, unable to believe there was a time when he thought this wouldn’t be a good idea. The second Mina was born, any lingering remaining senses of doubt had vanished, all that mattered was her and Erin. It was that simple.
Ravi sat next to Erin on the hospital bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her gently into his side.
“If you’re tired you can sleep,” he whispered to her.
“I’m okay,” she assured him. “Plus you think I’d miss this show?” she pointed to her parents and in-laws already smothering her child while her sisters stood annoyed in the back that they weren’t getting their turn.
“Hey Mari, where’s Buck?” Erin asked.
“He wanted to bring you guys something, he’s on his way,” she said. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore, a little dazed,” Erin admitted. “But happy. I’m very happy.”
“What about you, Ravi?” Valerie jumped in.
“I’m not gonna lie I freaked out when she went into labour, but now that Mina’s here and healthy and safe,” he shrugged, there wasn’t a word to encompass what he was feeling.
“You guys seem really at peace,” Mariella noted.
“Yeah,” Erin sighed. “It’s easy to feel that way when you know your baby’s going to be so loved.”
Ravi pressed a kiss to Erin’s temple as they watched the grandparents finally let Mariella and Valerie get a little closer and come say hi to their niece.
“Erin,” he whispered.
“Yeah, V?”
“I adore you.”
Erin smiled and curled in closer to her husband.
“Good. That’s the least I deserve after pushing a human out of my body after growing it for nine months.”
Ravi chuckled and kissed Erin once more.
“Yes, it definitely is.”
“Mommy! Mom! Psst!”
Erin blinked her eyes open and saw her daughter leaning forward on the edge of her bed.
“Wake up! Daddy’s coming with a surprise!”
Erin yawned with a small chuckle, it wasn’t much of a surprise now, but she listened to her daughter and sat up on the bed, pulling her up there with her.
“Did Daddy send you in here to see if I was awake?” Erin asked and Mina nodded.
“Daddy! Mommy’s awake!” she yelled and Erin laughed, this was definitely not the way Ravi wanted things to go.
The door opened to their room and Ravi came in with baby Anush strapped to his chest and a tray full of breakfast foods and coffee.
“I’m assuming there’s no point in saying surprise?” he asked and Erin nodded. “Happy anniversary sweetheart.”
“Happy anniversary, Ravi,” Erin and Ravi shared a sweet kiss before Mina decided to break them apart.
“Mommy look, I helped Daddy with the waffles,” she pointed and Erin gave her a smacking kiss on her cheek.
“I see that! Thank you my lovey,” Erin grinned. “And thank you too,” she held Ravi’s hand and looked at him fondly while her son lay fast asleep against his chest.
“There is one thing though that is really a surprise,” he pulled something out of his pocket. “Just a little present.”
She took the envelope from his hands and peeled it open only to see two seasons tickets to the Anaheim Ducks.
“What do you think? Date nights for the next little bit?” he asked.
“Ravi, I adore you,” she chuckled and brought him in for another kiss. “I adore how you know me, how you love me, how you love our children. I adore every single piece of you.”
A bright smile made its way to Ravi’s face and he easily slipped his hand into Erin’s.
“The feeling is mutual,” he kissed her hand. “Very much mutual.”
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Tags: @lostinthefandoms11 @honeybrowne
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amltdaily · 4 months
Before last weekend, I had no idea that Gary Mendez’s death and my mom’s had anything to do with each other.
(This is a TV story, I promise. Just stick with me.)
Last week, I had the honor of moderating some panels at ATX TV Festival in Austin, Texas. I love moderating, funneling a ton of preparation and research into what — if I do my job right — becomes a fun and illuminating conversation. One of my panels was titled “TV Screens for Cancer,” and it was sponsored by Hollywood, Health & Society. Despite what might at first glance seem like very grim subject matter, I was really looking forward to the opportunity to ask a bunch of TV writers about the cancer storylines they’d crafted over the years.  
I had a personal reason for wanting in on the discussion, too. My mother, Susan Roots, died in May 2021 from Stage IV breast cancer.
The fact of that sentence, by the way, is still as surreal to me as it was the week she passed. I don’t have much memory of when, in a fog of grief and distracted by funeral arrangements, I contacted ABC publicity to let them know I couldn’t make a prearranged phone interview with A Million Little Things creator/showrunner DJ Nash. I’d covered the show since its start; I vaguely recall being grateful, given the tight timelines related to broadcast finales, that our Season 3 finale call was moved to a time more convenient for me.
The conversation I eventually had with Nash, though, stands out in clear detail in my brain. I sat at my parents’ white kitchen table, wearing a shirt of my mother’s because I hadn’t brought enough clothes with me when I rushed home. I was about to launch into my questions when he gently interrupted.
“Tell me a story about your mom,” he said.
If you’ve had the experience of witnessing a loved one in the terminal phase of an illness, you know how tough it can be to think of any time when your shared lives didn’t revolve around the soul-grinding details, and how hard it is to think about anything else once the person has passed. When to administer morphine. Which hospice nurse is coming today. Which setting on the hospital bed brings the least discomfort. Nash’s kind, simple request delivered me from that for a moment.
I told him about a car ride I’d had as a kid with my mom, her mom and her aunt. The horn malfunctioned while we were on the highway, honking randomly, loudly and with abandon at the unsuspecting drivers all around us. My mom, grandmother and great aunt couldn’t stop laughing. My mom gasped for breath, wiping at her streaming eyes as she tried to hold it together so we didn’t run off the road. I cackled too, partly because the horn really was ridiculous, partly out of the novelty of seeing these three women lose themselves in such unhinged fashion.
Nash listened. He chuckled. When I was done, we went on with the interview as planned. I’ve been lucky to have a lot of great conversations with people who make TV over the years, but that one stands out — even more so now, for reasons I’ll get to in a minute.
For those unfamiliar with A Million Little Things, it was an hour-long drama that ran on ABC for five seasons. It followed a group of friends in Boston. At the end of the series, one of the friends — Gary Mendez (played by James Roday Rodriguez), whose experience as a breast cancer survivor was an integral part of the show — died of lung cancer.
As A Million Little Things’ boss and the arbiter of Gary’s fate, Nash was a great fit for the ATX panel last weekend. He was joined by fellow TV writers Erica Green Swafford (New Amsterdam), Adam Weissman (The Good Doctor) and Stephen Hootstein (Chicago Med), all of whom generously engaged with my questions about how to balance realistic portrayals of cancer and making good TV.
Remember how I said I like to be super-prepared for panels? Nash knocked all of that askew when, in front of the audience, he revealed something he hadn’t shared before.
“There’s a moment in the finale that was put in for you,” he said, referring to our conversation years before. “When Walter says to Rome, ‘Tell me a story about Gary.’”
ATX (which is owned by TVLine’s parent company, PMC) filmed the event, so you can see my surprise in the video at the top of this post. I was touched. I was flummoxed. I turned an even deeper shade of red than I normally do while public speaking. Reporters are taught to cover news, not make themselves the center of it. So while I was (and am!) flattered by Nash’s gesture, it was a little unsettling suddenly to find myself on the other side of things.
Most of all, though, I felt a deep gratitude that my mom’s existence was, in an indirect yet careful way, immortalized in a medium she adored.
When the panel was over, after making Nash swear to me yet again that he was telling the truth about the origin of Walter’s line, I confessed that I’d since stolen his story thing and used it when I didn’t know what to say to someone who was grieving. I recommend it.
So there you go: A brief moment of human connection in an industry that traffics in transactional conversations left us both with something meaningful. And somewhere, my primetime-drama-loving mom is absolutely overjoyed that she’s now a part — however far removed — of TV lore.
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anon911andbuddie · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you where still taking prompts if so I had an idea for a Eddie and Buck one where it’s after the lawsuit and Bucky is back working but everyone is avoiding him and when they get a call they leave him behind to clean. All the stress gets to him and one day while everyone is out on a call Bucky had another embolism. He calls 9-1-1 and another house saves him and the 118 comes back to blood on the floor and two fire fighters waiting to tell them what happened.
This one is long overdue. It has been started in my drafts for a long time. And I finally got to finish it. Hope you guys enjoy it.
-Scarlet 📕
Content warnings: Blood, coughing, struggling to breathe, panic, fear, passing out, intubation, pulmonary embolism, ambulances, hospitals, pain, guilt, anger.
Away Team
Buck looked around the empty station and felt the pain in his chest get worse. The call had the full crew out. As the pain persisted Buck realized it wasn't the usual ache that came with working these days. No, this was a different but familiar pain. It hurt, and he felt a cough in his throat, even deep in his chest. He reached up to where his radio should be and remembered he didn't have his radio on him. Why would he? It was just another way for them to yell at him. So he grabbed his phone, and as stupid as it made him feel, he dialed 911. Coughing as he did. He did his best to explain between choking coughs and gasping breaths. He somehow managed to get his location out as he dropped to his knees in the vacant truck bay. He looked down and frowned. He'd just cleaned that floor, and now it had blood on it. Bobby was going to be so pissed. Buck could hear the dispatcher's voice through his speaker, but he was no longer able to understand her. He blacked out.
His consciousness returned with a sudden jolt. The coughing made his chest burn, and something was in his throat. It all hurt. A firm hand stopped him from pulling at the tube in his throat. 
"Easy, Buckley," an unfamiliar voice told him. "You're having a hard enough time already. No need to make it worse." How did they know his name? Where was he? Buck looked around and realized he was in an ambulance. He looked up to see a paramedic he didn't really know. The confusion must have been clear on his face because the paramedic sighed but smiled. 
"You called 911, do you remember?" He thought about it, and he remembered what had happened. He nodded as much as he could. 
"Okay, that's good," the paramedic smiled. "I'm Mel. I work with the 122."
Buck nodded again in acknowledgment.
"I have to ask, Buckley," Mel said. "Dispatch said you told her it was an embolism. You have one before?" 
Buck nodded. 
"You on blood thinners?"
He nodded again. 
"You take your meds today?"
Buck tried to remember if he did. He half shrugged, an action that didn't help his sore and exhausted body. 
"Okay," Mel nodded as she began to check his vitals again. "That is honestly more than I figured I'd get with the tube in. Just relax now, Buckley. We'll be at the hospital soon."
"You seeing this, Bobby?" Chim asked as they neared the station and saw a fire engine that didn't belong to their house in front of the bay's open doors. 
"Yeah," Bobby said as he eyes the truck as they got closer. 
"What the hell is the 122 doing here?" Eddie asked as they pulled in beside the engine. 
"Let's find out," Bobby said as he got out and approached the pair of firefighters that were blocking them from pulling into the station.
"Captain Nash?" One of the men asked.
"That's me," Bobby looked between the men. 
"Is that blood?" Eddie asked as he joined them. He looked around the empty bay. "Wait, where's-"
"Buckley will hopefully be at Good Samaritan by now," the second firefighter said.
"What happened?" Bobby asked, his heart rate picking up as he took it all in. There were discarded gloves and blood on the floor. 
"We were going to ask you the same thing," the first said.
"Who are you?" Chim asked.
"Morris and Jameson from the 122." The one named Jameson said.
"What happened to Buck?" Bobby asked.
"He called 911," Morris said bluntly. "Never had a call to another station before. Our captain said it never really happens.
"Why? Is he alright?" Eddie asked.
"He was coughing up blood," Jameson answered, gesturing to the spots on the floor. “Heard something about an embolism.”
"That can't be right," Eddie said. "He is on blood thinners." 
Morris eyed Eddie skeptically. "Diaz, is it? That's why we're here to talk to Captain Nash. Our captain has a few concerns."
"Where is your captain?" Chim asked. 
"He decided it best to go with Buckley," Jameson told him. “Said the guy sued the department once already and that he wanted to make sure he didn't have any reason to do it again. Best care and all that." 
"He dropped the suit," Hen said. 
Jameson shrugged. "They said that, but we're still confused on how an embolism risk is not only on duty but alone. That seems a bit-"
"He isn't working calls. That is why he was here," Bobby said. "A sort of light duty."
"So you're a man down on calls?"
"For now," Bobby said. 
"Riiight," Morris said. "Might be for a lot longer now."
"So he had another embolism?" Bobby tried to get the conversation back to how Buck is now. 
"It was what dispatch said he managed to say," Jameson answered. "She wasn't sure because sounded like the guy was coughing up a lung, and from how we found him, I believe it. The guy was collapsed on the ground struggling to breathe and coughing up blood. So seemed right to the medics. They got a tube in, we loaded him up and got him out of here."
"Oh, Buckaroo," Hen said as she shook her head. She reached over and gave Eddie's shoulder a squeeze. He'd gone quiet and a bit pale as they listened to them talk. 
"But honestly, we're a bit confused because Deluca used to talk about how close you guys are, but your own guy had to call for us? How does that even happen?"
"It is a long story," Bobby sighed. 
"We got until the boss calls us out, and I'm sure the chief will want to hear." With that, Bobby took the two firefighters to his office.
"You okay?" Hen asked Eddie.
"He is on the blood thinners. How could this happen?" Eddie asked, his eyes glued to the blood splatters on the ground. 
"Well, meds can fail," Hen said.
"But they usually don't-"
"He couldn't remember if he took them," they all looked up to see another member of the 122 come through the doors.
"What?" Eddie asked. 
"Or at least that was what I could figure out with just yes and no questions in the rig," she said. "He might be on them, but he had to have missed more than just one dose for this to happen." She gestured to the mess on the ground.
"He was awake? Is he okay?" Eddie asked. 
"He was conscious and as okay as someone can be with a tube shoved down his throat, though I guess his sister said he'd had a trach before, so I guess he has had worse."
"Maddie is there?" Chim said as he pulled out his phone. 
"If that is his sister, then she was on her way last I heard from my captain."
"But is he-" 
"As fun as this game of 20 questions is, where are Morris and Jameson?"
"In talking to our captain," Hen said.
"Can you take me to them?" The medic asked. 
"Sure, he'll be glad to hear Buck was awake." Hen said as she leads her toward Bobby's office. 
Chim pulled his phone from his ear. "Maddie's not answering."
Eddie rubbed at his face and looked down at the blood again. "Why wouldn't he call us?" 
"You're seriously asking that?" Chim said, causing Eddie to look up at him.
"What the hell does that mean?" Eddie said. 
"I mean, if you haven't noticed, this whole situation is a disaster. I thought that scene at the store was bad, but been more than a bit frosty around here since he came back."
"Don't you put this all on me. That’s-" Eddie said, a sharp edge to his tone.
"I'm not. I just-" Chimney started. 
"This is on all of us," Bobby said as he approached them. "But mostly me. I should have been keeping a closer eye on him." They all watched as the 122 went back to their vehicles and left. 
"Can we go see him?" Eddie asked. 
"After we get this place cleaned up."
Buck woke up to the sound of harsh whispers.
"No, this is all your fault. You had one job, to keep your team safe, including my brother. You don't get to pick and choose who on your team you care about. You are their captain, his captain-"
"Mads," Buck managed to call out. His voice sounded off to his own ears, and his throat felt like someone sandpapered it. But at least the tube was out. 
"Hey, take it easy. Your vocal cords took a bit of a beating," Maddie said as she rushed back to his side and held up a styrofoam cup with a straw. He took a drink, and it helped soothe his throat a bit, but not much. He looked up at the door and saw Bobby standing in it. Buck forced himself not to flinch but must have failed when he felt his sister squeeze his hand. 
"This is what I didn't want to happen," Maddie glared at Bobby. "You-"
"I know this is my fault," Bobby said. "I know I failed Buck. I figured he'd be fine at the station, that he-"
"He is sitting right here," Buck grumbled.
"I know, and I am so sorry Buck," Bobby said. "This should never have happened I-"
"If the 122 hadn't read you the riot act, would you even be here?" Maddie asked.
"Of course, he is still a part of the team, still one of us." Bobby nodded.
"Got a funny way of showing it," Maddie huffed.
"Maddie," Buck cautioned. 
"No, Evan," Maddie held his hand between hers. "They treated you terribly. You dropped the suit and did everything they asked, and they still let this happen."
"They didn't make me miss my meds," Buck admitted.
"About that, Buck, when did you stop taking them?" Bobby asked.
"I didn't intentionally do it. I just ran out and couldn't get to the pharmacy because I had to work."
"You should have told me. I would have-" Bobby started to say.
"Don't," Maddie cut him off. "Do not make him feel bad about this. You assigned his shifts. You assigned him every chore in the book. He could have died, and you guys would have come back and found him dead in the station. The one you are supposed to be in command of."
"I know, and that is something I have to live with,” the captain admitted, “Knowing how close we were to losing Buck, and it was absolutely preventable. If we had just paid more attention."
"Damn right you should have," Maddie said, glaring at him. 
"I know, and you can't possibly know how sorry I am." Bobby turned to look at Buck and took a few steps closer. "If you want to transfer out, I would understand, we all would, and I know nothing can change what we did, but I promise if you come back things will be better."
"Why would I transfer? What house would want the guy that sued his boss and the department?" Buck said, his face reflecting his depressive state. 
"Well, the 122 was quick to call us out. One of the old 118 crew had told them about us, and what they saw didn't mesh with that idea, and they had a lot of questions. You made quite an impression on them. I'm sure you could-"
"You promise if I come back that everyone won't hate me, and I will get to do more than grunt work, right?" Buck asked. 
"I assure you most of the team has already changed their tune," Bobby said.
"I don't know,” Buck said, his doubts clear in his tone. “Eddie was so pissed before-"
"I'm sure if Eddie was still angry he wouldn't be out in the waiting room,” Bobby informed him, “the others too."
"Unless he came to yell at him some more," Maddie grumbled.
"If his reaction when we got back to the station was anything to go by,” Bobby said to try and assure them, “I doubt he'll do much yelling, but only Eddie can really answer that."
"So you are really sure they don't hate me?" Buck asked.
"We don't hate you, Buckaroo," Hen replied. They all looked up to see Hen, Chim, and Eddie at the door. 
"Right," Buck said, not really believing her. 
"Buck," Hen started but was stopped by Eddie.
"You might not believe us now, and that's on us," Eddie said as he moved closer to Buck's bed. "And if we have to earn that back, we will.”
Buck looked up at his sister. “Is this really happening? I’m not dead, right?”
“They’re lucky you aren’t dead, or your lawsuit would look trivial compared to the hell I would have raised,” Maddie admitted without hesitation. “And as tempting as doing it anyway seems and as much as I’d love to see these 3 sweat it, I won’t do that to you.” She squeezed her brother’s hand. “You’ve been through enough.”
“I just want to go back to normal,” Buck said. 
“Evan…” Maddie started.
“We can’t go back, can’t change what is done,” Bobby admitted. “Believe me. I wish I could. But we can do better going forward.”
“And we will,” Eddie stated.
“All of us,” Hen added.
“Yeah, what they said,” Chim nodded. 
Maddie shook her head but asked, “And you’ll make sure he gets back on his feet and stays that way?”
“Of course,” Bobby agreed.
“You swear you’ll actually have his back this time?” Maddie looked at Eddie.
“On my life,” Eddie answered. 
“I will hold you to that, Diaz,” Maddie told him.
“Maddie, please, I just-” Buck started.
“I’m not going to be sorry about holding them accountable, Evan. You wouldn’t be here if they did their jobs. I’m not going to stand here and listen to them make empty promises. They don’t get to try and save their own asses just because another crew called them out.”
“We won't make the same mistake again,” Bobby assured her. 
“I’ll make sure they don’t.” They turned to see Athena standing in the doorway.  
"Good," Maddie says. She did still trust Athena.
"I just want to go back to work," Buck says.
"And you will after you're cleared for duty," Bobby says.
"But they will not be standing in your way this time," Athena says. “Their superiors have assured me.”
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that even I got a call from the fire chief and the captain of the 122. And they will be keeping an eye on things. And so will I."
Buck groans and drops back against the pillows. 
"Evan," Maddie says. "It means they are taking this as seriously as it should be. This sort of thing should never have happened." She glares at her brother's team. "The chief probably just wants to make sure it doesn't happen again."
"And it won't,” Bobby insists. “We'll take whatever punishments the department sees fit. If that's having to put up with inspections and even an investigation, that's fine. We'll do it."
"Technically, I don't think we broke any written rules," Chim points out. Earning a glare from Maddie. "But it was still wrong," he adds. "Hen and I should have stepped in when you came back." 
"We should have been checking in with you on how you were feeling and how the meds were going," Hen adds. "We're the medics on the team. Everyone's well-being is supposed to be even more important to us. And we botched that."
"We never wanted this to happen," Chim says. "No one wants you to suffer."
Buck huffs, but it turns into a cough. 
Eddie is at his side before he can even get a breath in.
"Slow breaths, as deep as you can without it hurting," Eddie tells him. He goes to put a hand on Buck's back, but the younger man flinches. And Eddie pulls away like he was burned. Maddie rubs her brother's back instead. 
"Thank you for the update, but Evan needs his rest," Maddie says sternly. Shutting down any further conversation. "Athena, you are welcome to stay, but I must ask the rest of you to leave."
"Understandable," Bobby acquiesces. "Let us know when you're feeling better, Buck. Then we can discuss your schedule." Buck nods. Bobby turns to the team. "Let's go." He can tell Eddie wants to fight him in this. "We can discuss this later."
Once back at the station, Eddie stares at the now clean spot that was the only hint that Buck had ever been in trouble. 
"Eddie," Bobby starts. "You need to give him time. Maybe we both need to start by telling him why we've been so hard on him. I know you hate seeing him hurting as much as we all do, but Maddie is right. We owe him an explanation. We owe it to him to fix this. To be better. I'm going to go call the chief. We may be in for a tough few weeks, but it's…well, it's deserved. We made this mess. I made this mess. Now it's time to face the consequences." He gave Eddie a pat on the shoulder before heading to his office. 
Bobby was right. They needed to fix it. And Eddie had a good idea of where to start. If Buck was still in the hospital in the morning, Eddie was going to bring Christopher to see him. If he was back home, then he and Christopher would bring him breakfast. Either way, starting tomorrow morning, Buck would have Christopher back. It may take Buck longer to let Eddie back in, but this would be a start. A peace offering. Yeah, that was a good plan. But first, he needed to call Carla and endure whatever lecture he was about to get. She has been Buck's friend longer than Eddie was. She would not be happy about what happened, but he was sure she would help him. She would help for Christopher's and Buck’s sake. She cares for them both. Eddie might have to work to get back in her good graces now too, but maybe a few added paid days off might help. Maybe. Either way, he had a plan.
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
All It Took Was One Look - Chapter 4
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*Warning Adult Content*
After that crazy family episode Jeanine, Eric and I made plans to hang at Starbucks for a while.
It was our favorite hangout spot.
It was a Sunday and I was dying to get out of this house, Nash was still hounding me about what mom was talking about on Friday.
He just didn't believe me and I was starting to get annoyed.
I literally had to slam the door in his face and lock it, he was knocking yelling to open the door for a whole five minutes till he finally gave up.
I mean damn do I looked like a damsel in distress?
I can handle myself. Jeez.
And this is the reason why I'm planning my escape from this loony bin I call a home.
I took a quick shower, towel dried my hair;.m
My hair was naturally straight so I didn't have to waste my time on it.
I bumped into Connie on the way down stairs.
I quickly grabbed her by the arms and steadied her on her feet.
"Dang Con, my bad," I said to her, I really don't think that she heard me though since she hand her iPod in.
I walked past her into the kitchen where my dad was drinking coffee and reading a new book.
Sitting at the table across him I took an orange off the table and began to peel it.
It was silent for a long while.
I was half done with my orange when my dad finally looked up from him book and said something.
"So what's on your agenda for today?" he asked meeting my gaze.
I shrugged stuffing the rest of my orange in my mouth.
"Eric and Jayare coming to pick me up to go to Starbucks."
I got up to throw the peels away and turn towards him leaning a hip on the counter.
He nodded taking a sip of coffee.
"You should take Connie with you. She's been bored all day," he suggested.
I frowned at him like he was crazy.
Connie has friends, she doesn't need to hang out with mine.
"She has her own friends. She doesn't need to hang with mine," I voiced my thoughts.
He sighed and shook his head.
"I think her and Jennifer had a fight. She's been moping around here all weekend. So I thought you could be a good big brother and take her mind off of it. Or is that just social suicide," he said with a fake shocked face.
I suppressed my smile as I shook my head at him.
"Okay, okay. I'll take her," I huffed at him leaving the kitchen with slouched shoulders.
I knocked on Connie's door.
"Come in," she yelled.
Opening the door I saw her laid out on her back reading some teen magazine.
'Con and her magazines,' I thought mentally shaking my head.
I looked around her room and saw all the posters and articles she had torn from them tapped to her walls.
Her room was a sky blue but every inch of the walls were coved in her stupid posters and pictures of friends.
Looking over to her, she was staring at me impatiently.
"Hurry up and get dressed were going out," I said before turning to leave.
"Okay," her chipper voice followed me as I left.
I grabbed my cell-phone from my room and called Jay.
"Hey man," Eric's voice startled me, did I call the right person?
As I was about to check he said.
"Yes you called the right number dumbass but Jay's driving," he said.
I rolled my eyes... smart ass.
"We're almost there," I heard Jay yell through the phone.
"Yeah like she said we're almost there," he said.
"Oh okay. I just called to let you guys know that Connie's coming with us," I told him and heard him repeat it to Jay and regrettably her scream.
'OMG I miss her we have so much to talk about.'
I held the phone away from my ear wincing as it started to ring.
God I hated it when she did that.
"Tell her to warn a person first before she goes all banshee statues," I growled at Eric.
He chuckled repeated it to her.
Connie came in my room and sat on my bed waiting for me.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes at my cell-phone causing her to giggle.
"What?" I asked Eric because I missed what Jay was saying.
"She said to get off and shove it," he repeated, I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah I'll shove it in her mouth," I said.
Connie looked at me with as her jaw dropped.
Oops I forgot I had to be g-rated around her.
"You do know you're on speaker right?" I heard Jay say.
I shrugged and said...
"Doesn't change a thing."
"Whatever jackass. We're outside now. Hurry up. I NEED MY CAFENIE," she screamed again but this time I just hung up.
My friends are just as crazy as my family.
"Come on," I told Connie as I left the room.
We bounced down the stairs.
"I'm leaving," I yelled to whoever was listening.
I heard my dad answer, asking if Connie was with me and I answered yes, rolling my eyes as we made our way to the car.
As we climbed in the back seat Jay turned to look at us.
She looked at me with a big smile.
"Hello fat cow," she yelled in a fake British accent.
"Hello fatter cow," I responded with the same.
"Hey Con Con," Jay said excitedly.
"Hey, Jay," she said smiling brightly.
At least she was happy.
I'm going to have to ask her what happened with Jennifer at some time..
"Hey man," I heard Eric said from the front seat reaching back here to do the guy handshake.
"Hey," I said, back at him.
"Alright. It's time for my daily dose of COFFEE," Jeanine yelled before pealing out of the drive way.
Not long after, we were at Starbucks ordering.
"And you, sir?' the lady asked me.
"I'll have a mocha frap with an extra shot, no whip, please," I said then looked down at Connie.
"What do you want?" I asked her taking out my wallet.
"Same as you," she said walking over to where Eric and J sat as I paid and went to join them.
"So how's life Con Con," Jay asked, taking a sip of her drink.
I don't know how she did it but her coffee was already ready when we got here.
We all gave her a crazy look which resulted in...
"What, I got hook ups bitches..." and sat down enjoyed her crack because that was what coffee was to her.
"Ah. A bummer..." Connie answered.
"Aww, why?" she asked her straw still in her mouth, like a breathing tube or something.
Eric noticed as well and we started cracking up.
She gave us a weird looks before focusing back on Connie.
"Well me and my best friend got in to it on Friday," she muttered.
Now I'm listening.
"Oh and what happened?" Jay asked straw still in her mouth.
"Well I mean we were having a great time, we were watching the new season of vampire diaries and then her cell-phone rang so I grabbed it playing around, you know. But when I saw who was calling. I got mad. I mean why would he call her?"
"Aiden. Connie."
Our names being called interrupted her story.
I quickly got up and grabbed the drinks thanking the lady and heading back.
Handing Connie hers and a straw I went back to focusing on her.
"Thanks," she said to me before continuing.
"So anyway, like I said I was confused as to why he was calling her. So I asked her but she started acting weird and wouldn't look me in the eye, then I just knew. She was going out with Bobby, MY Bobby," she said animated.
She had a scowl on her face.
Then it hit me, she said 'My Bobby.'
She's only fourteen, she doesn't need to be dating.
Or calling them hers.
I mean I'm seventeen and I haven't even been kissed... Don't judge me.
"No. So this bobby guy is like your boyfriend or something?" Jay asked consumed in the story.
"W-well not exactly, it's just that I really like Bobby, ever since fifth grade and here comes Jen trying to steal him from me. She knows how I feel about him," she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.
I looked over to Eric who was shaking his head at how ridiculous this conversation was.
"So she finally told me that Bobby asked her out and she... said.... yes. So I left and haven't talked her since."
"Well hun let me tell you something," Jay began.
"A boy isn't important enough to ruin your friendship with Jennifer. So here what you do. You go back to your friend's house tell her that what she did was wrong especially if she knew how you felt about it. Then sit down and finish watching vampire diaries because Damen's a sexy beast," she finished... taking a congratulatory sip from her drink.
I shook my head.
"Yeah Con you shouldn't even be thinking about boys in the first place," I told her sternly.
"Your one to talk," she scoffed as she sipped her frappe.
My heart stopped as I realized what she said and who was sitting at the table.
My gaze snapped towards Eric and he had a confused look on his face.
He was frowning at Connie before he turned to me.
I looked to Jay with pleading eyes, she caught it.
"Sooo, E-r-i-c," she said dragging out his name to grab his attention.
"Did you meet any hot girls in Alaska? Oh, wait they were probably all cold weren't they, am I right?" she said raising her hand to him for a high five.
Eric stared at her with wide eyes before busting up.
"Ne-never i-in your l-life say that again," he exclaimed clutching his stomach as he hunched over the table.
"What, I thought it was clean," She grumbled around her straw.
"Yeah but it was so puny," Eric said taking a deep breath.
"No but seriously I didn't know that place was hiding all those furry booted babes, I would have visited my pops a long time ago. Like the time when I found out what my dick could do."
This caused me to choke on my coffee, Connie was hitting my back as hard as she could. It really didn't help.
Once I caught my breath I gave Eric a death glare.
"What?" he asked giving me and innocent look.
"My sister's at the table," I hissed glaring at him.
His mouth formed an 'o' then he grinned sheepishly.
"My bad Con," he said to her and she just waved it off.
"You're such a pig," Jay said taking a swig of her drink.
"Oink, oink baby," he said wiggling his eyes suggestively.
Connie started to laugh at that.
I just shook my head, ever since we had seen that 'Saved by the Bell' episode this is how these conversations ended.
"So Aiden, are you up to going with me next time to my pops so we can wreak havoc on the ladies?' he asked, looking at me intently.
I just laughed nervously.
"Y-yeah, l-let's get in th-those pants," I said awkwardly clearing my throat.
I caught Connie's frowning face.
"What? But I thought you were..." Jay quickly stated coughing loudly causing Eric to pat her back worriedly while I shoved Connie's straw in her mouth.
"Let's not let this go to waste," I said patting her head. I sighed grabbing my coffee.
My hairs going to turn grey before this day even ends.
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fl0oferdo0fer · 9 months
As Christmas Day approaches in less than 48 hours, I’d like to remind everyone what Christmas is truly about!
“In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place while[a] Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3 And everyone went to their own town to register.
4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. 5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”
16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,
18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.”
-Luke 2:1-20
Also, here are some songs to listen to that aren’t all about jingling bells and Santa’s sleigh!
-Light of Christmas by Tobymac/ Owl City
-The First Noel by Tobymac/ Owl City
-Christmas This Year by Tobymac/Leigh Nash
-Little Drummer Boy by Tobymac
-Mary’s Boy Child by Tobymac/ Jamie Grace
-O Come, All Ye Faithful by Tobymac
All of these songs can be found on Spotify!
(You can probably guess my music taste through these haha)
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toxicwhitemale · 1 year
The day I came home!
"Seven Bridges Road" by The Eagles. And if I may. Crosby Stills Nash - Southern Cross. My story. I remember the good old times when my dad would have friends over and this music would be playing. I was an army brat. We lived in Germany until I was six. Then we were in DC and my dad worked at the Pentagon. Fast forward 40yrs. I'm home from Iraq. Early. With injuries. Didn’t tell anybody I was coming home. Found my wife sleeping with my best friend. I got disowned from my church of 10 years. And basically was told it was my fault. As the man of my household, I was not to providing something my wife needed. I walked out of the church with both my middle fingers flying in the air. I made a statement, I didn’t force her to open her legs. She made a decision on her own. Nothing you just told me is in the Bible. Thats a man’s law, that’s your words not gods,. 10yrs in the Army. 3 honorable discharges. I'm going through a divorce and going onto disability at the same time. Not a quick process!! No income. For almost a year! Everything I own has been re-pulled except my Harley.. I'm just getting over 30 days of bed-rest. By-myself. After a mayor surgery. No help. 12 Bags of garbage waiting to be taken out. Because I couldn't walk at the time. Been living on door-dash. I reached out to The American legion in my town. I'm taken in overnight. I have more friends than I know what to do with. My Harley has two flat tires. The Legion decided I needed to go on a veteran's run with my bike. That I needed to get out!! They put new tires on my bike. Gas, food! They paid for everything. Sent me with a sponsor. Who never left my side or left me wanting or thirsting for anything. And still today, I'm proud to call him my friend. I never felt judged or awkward. They put me upfront with the combat vets. All the bikes were jamming tunes. And we're riding in a formation and those 2 songs came on and I immediately got taken back to my childhood. I Started weeping and I couldn't stop. I'm not out of sorts or anything, I still have my shit together. The other men seen me. And made a circle around me with their bikes. So nobody could see me. Someone said "Welcome Home?" Not sure what he was talking about ,,He said I was coming home..and that it was okay to let it all out. I told them didn't understand. Someone said..Your "feeling again...your feelings are coming back. For Some soldiers it takes years. Some are home..but never really came back. Your homecoming is happening right now!! Welcome home..BROTHER!! I can't explain what happened there..that day..But if one thing would've changed in the past..It wouldn't have happened. And I can tell you...It was the music. And I'm happy it happened. Back in Ames I get introduced to the former Legion commander who is now my best friend. And he has his own band plays guitar and the harmonica. I never held a guitar before that day. And the sponsor I had was and still is in a band. They taught me the basics and I took off with it. And as it turns out, I’m a natural with the harmonica. As we were talking about my journey. We both start to fell a heavy burden about other vets out there like me. Denny and I started the Ames Music mission as a way to find people like me. That might have talent, but need a voice and need a connection. Then we started what is called the jam 552 . It’s an open jam that we host once a month. It’s just another way to reach out. There’s nothing like watching a lady who’s about 80 years old. Walk into an open gym with her own drum set ..lol. I was told that I’d never be able to play the guitar or sing. I lost my hearing in my right ear when I was overseas due to explosions. I have horrible neuropathy in my fingers. I can’t feel the guitar strings. I actually can shred my finger tips off if I’m not careful. I'm now in my own band. I have small undergound recording studio. I write, sing, and play music. And I help others put their words to song. Thanks for letting me share.
0 notes
angelsdevils · 3 years
Nash Gold J
Title: Protection Fluff No Warning
Your grip on your books tightened as Nash blocked your way from leaving. Your back was against the lockers, and his face was extremely close to yours. You felt red rise up your cheeks, and you avoided the look on his face.
"Hey, why are you avoiding me?" Nash asked. You looked down at your shoes, but he gripped your chin so you could meet his eyes.
"I-I have to go, Nash, please move."
"Not until you agree to go out on a date with me," your eyes flickered to his. You knew Nash wasn't the one to give up; once he set his eyes on you, he would do anything and everything to get you. You chewed on your lips and leaned back when he moved your lip from your teeth.
"Can you at least tell me why you don't want anything to do with me? Because that's the way, it seems."
"Nash, it's not like that. I just- you... I mean..."
"Fuck. You are so cute when you get flustered," Nash cut you off. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. After doing that, he trailed his knuckles down your cheek, causing you to tense.
"Why not just hang out with me for the time being? I mean, it looks like you need it badly."
"I can't; I told you already."
"I feel like that is not the truth. You are trying to avoid me still."
"I swear, please. My dad would get mad if I were not home on time. So please, move."
Nash watched your face, trying to find any hint that you were trying to avoid him. Once he realized how worried you looked, he let a small sigh out. He finally parted away from you and allowed you to leave.
"Can I walk you home at least?"
"Sorry!" You ran away from him, and he blinked.
"I am surprised you let her go," Jason said. Nash turned to him but shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"Next time, I will convince her."
"Give up, go for someone that actually wants you. You have so many girls wanting to date you."
"That may be true, but she is different."
"Don't tell me you plan to settle down, and you are only 18."
"I just might; I mean, can you blame me?"
"You are serious, aren't you?"
"Well, anyway, we have been challenged for a basketball game. Are you up for it?"
"Are you seriously asking Jason? Of course, I am; let's go."
"Figured you would say that; everyone else is already at the court."
Jason and Nash both made their way to the basketball court; Nash's mind was on you the entire time they were walking. Though when it came to the game, all thoughts left his mind. Of course, the Jabberwocks crushed their opponents.
"That was too easy!" Jason laughed loudly as the other team hung their heads. Nash only smirked as he wiped the sweat from his face.
"So, what are you guys doing today?" Nick asked. Everyone shrugged their shoulders.
"Nash is probably going to go home and think about that one girl. What is her name? (Y/N) (L/N)?" Zack said. Nash shot him a glare knowing he was never going to hear the end of it.
"If she gives him a chance, Nash may end up settling down," Jason laughed.
"Ha. Ha. Very much, shut up," Nash rolled his eyes. He grabbed his bag, and they all began to leave.
"Just repeating what you said. You are seriously thinking about it."
"Dude, you are too young to settle down. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Nick said. Nash shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the teasing remarks directed to him.
"Even if I do, you guys wouldn't be able to pull someone as sweet and innocent as her."
"Like you?" Jason asked, and Nash shot him a glare.
"She will come around eventually."
"So you say," Allen said. Nash sighed softly; he had to admit it was hard convincing you to give him a chance.
They continued walking down the street, but they all stopped once they heard yelling. They stared at the house, then others, and they shook their heads.
"Man, I swear the yelling never ends at that house. Every time I pass it, the same person is always yelling," Jason said.
"Maybe he is a drunk..." Nick trailed off, and they nodded.
"Let's go; I don't want to be involved," Nash groaned. He began walking, and everyone followed him. Though they stopped once, they heard the screen door slam open.
"Just keep walking..." Nash trailed off, but Jason grabbed his shoulder.
"Doubt you want to do that. I think you may want to see who it is."
"Nope, if the police are called, we have to worry about all of that mess," Nash said.
"Even if it's that (Y/N) chick?"
"What?" Nash stopped and turned around there. He was able to see it. You were at the receiving end of your father's abuse. He could practically see red, so you weren't lying.
"Why the hell were you late? Huh!? I told you to be home right after school! And you come home 30 minutes late!"
"I-I'm sorry, dad, I had to stay after for a teacher..." You had tears in your eyes trying to avoid your father's hits. Nash felt like shit; it was his fault you were getting hurt.
"I know that look; we are getting involved," Jason said.
"Damn straight; it's my fault she got home late," he said. He walked to your father and shoved him off of you.
"Dude, fuck off. She doesn't deserve that!" Nash practically growled. Your eyes widened in shock, and the others stood in front of her.
"Mind your own damn business; she is my property. I can do what the fuck I want" Nash punched him in the face, cutting him off.
"She isn't property; she isn't an object."
"Nash~s-stop!" You got up and grabbed his arm, but Jason held you back.
"Don't get in the way."
"It's going to be okay; let Nash handle it."
"So, that is what you were doing. Being a slut~ I should have known. Such a disgrace to the family."
"Shut the hell up; she isn't even doing anything. I just can't stand around when someone I know is being abused by the person supposed to protect her. You are such a lousy father. (Y/N), let's go," Nash said. He turned around and grabbed your hand.
"Get back here now!"
"She isn't going anywhere near you!" Nash yelled. You struggled a bit, scared what your father would do, but Nash shot you a look. You instantly quit struggling and looked over at his friends. They were walking in the opposite direction.
Once the two of you reached what you assumed was his home, you instantly tensed up. He noticed and turned to you, and he had a soft look in his eyes.
"I am not going to do anything to you. I just want to clean those wounds before they get infected."
You nodded your head, and he led you inside, setting you on the couch. You looked around the house and realized that he must have had a lot of money. His house was much bigger on the inside from what you saw, and the decor was amazing.
Nash went to grab the first aid kit before coming back. He got on his knees in front of you and began to clean your wounds. You flinched slightly, and Nash apologized quietly. Once he was done cleaning your wounds, he looked at you.
"Why didn't you tell anyone you were being abused?"
"I don't want people getting involved."
"So it's better just to ignore it and be beat on by your father?"
"(Y/N), how long has this been going on?"
"Do we have to talk about this? I really don't want to."
"I won't force you, but I rather you not go back."
"I have nowhere else to go," you said. You were playing with the end of your shirt.
"Do you have any friends? You are way too sweet not to have friends."
"None that I am close to. At least not close enough."
"I see, well. This may be way out there, but I have a spare bedroom. Or, report your dad to the police so he can be arrested and you can stay home."
"I- Can I stay here? Until tomorrow? Then report him to the police? I don't want to deal with it today. I am so tired, and everything hurts."
"Of course," Nash said. He pushed your stray hairs behind your ear again. You felt a slight blush on your cheeks, and he leaned in and kissed your bruised cheek. Your eyes widened, and he pulled away before standing up.
"Well, I am hungry. Am I going to order food? Want anything specific?"
"N-No, anything is fine."
Nash nodded his head and went to the kitchen, leaving you there on the couch. You finally touched your cheek where his lips were. You shook your head but smiled to yourself.
'He isn't as bad as I thought; maybe giving him a chance wouldn't be so bad. After all, he helped me.'
"(Y/N), I ordered pizza. Is that fine?"
'His teammates aren't so bad either; they were gentle with me. I didn't know Nash could be so gentle.'
"(Y/N)?" Nash called your name again.
'Now that I think about it, he hasn't even tried flirting with me. He had every chance too...'
"Are you okay?" Nash walked over to you. He sat down beside you, realizing you were completely zoned out.
'His lips were soft and gentle on my cheek...wait, am I crushing on him?'
'Wait, but now that I am thinking about it, I always liked him...'
Nash frowned slightly and shook your shoulder, trying to gain your attention.
"HUH? WHAT NO, I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!" You jumped and blurted out. Nash moved his hand away, shocked, before he grinned at you. Once you realized what you said, you turned to meet his eyes. That's when you realized that you were screwed.
"Who do you not have a crush on?" Nash asked. You gulped slightly and quickly shook your head.
"N-No one."
"So you have a crush on someone?"
"Then who do you not have a crush on?"
"Stop saying that; it's confusing. You are going to get me to say something."
"Could it be you have some feelings for me?"
"N-No... I- You, we, NO!"
Nash chuckled slightly and leaned closer to your face. You froze on the spot as his lips hovered over yours gently.
"If you want me to stop, just tell me," he said. You couldn't form the words, and he waited for you to move away or reject him. Once he realized you weren't going to reject him, he gently cupped your face.
"(Y/)-" You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. Nash eye's widened but instantly began to kiss back with a smirk.
You weren't sure what overcame you, and once you realized what you did, you parted.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry."
"Shh, don't apologize. Let me kiss you again." He grinned and pressed his lips to yours once more. He pulled your smaller form to him and hugged you tightly. Your heart was racing as you melted into the kiss, and you sighed into it. Once he finally parted on his own accord, he pressed his head against your forehead.
"I have been waiting to do that for so long. You have no idea. So I am assuming you are finally accepting my feelings for you now?" He asked, and you nodded.
"I think-"
"If you say you think we should wait, no. No, we shouldn't. I waited long enough; I want you as my girlfriend. I am willing to stop seeing other girls if you accept me. I only want you."
"Nash, really?"
"Yes, really. So will you accept me?"
"I will accept you..."
"Finally!" He pulled you to his chest and fell back on the couch. You blushed but smiled widely.
"I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Nash. Thank you for everything."
Title: Protection
No Warning
Your grip on your books tightened as Nash blocked your way from leaving. Your back was against the lockers, and his face was extremely close to yours. You felt red rise up your cheeks, and you avoided the look on his face.
"Hey, why are you avoiding me?" Nash asked. You looked down at your shoes, but he gripped your chin so you could meet his eyes.
"I-I have to go, Nash, please move."
"Not until you agree to go out on a date with me," your eyes flickered to his. You knew Nash wasn't the one to give up; once he set his eyes on you, he would do anything and everything to get you. You chewed on your lips and leaned back when he moved your lip from your teeth.
"Can you at least tell me why you don't want anything to do with me? Because that's the way, it seems."
"Nash, it's not like that. I just- you... I mean..."
"Fuck. You are so cute when you get flustered," Nash cut you off. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. After doing that, he trailed his knuckles down your cheek, causing you to tense.
"Why not just hang out with me for the time being? I mean, it looks like you need it badly."
"I can't; I told you already."
"I feel like that is not the truth. You are trying to avoid me still."
"I swear, please. My dad would get mad if I were not home on time. So please, move."
Nash watched your face, trying to find any hint that you were trying to avoid him. Once he realized how worried you looked, he let a small sigh out. He finally parted away from you and allowed you to leave.
"Can I walk you home at least?"
"Sorry!" You ran away from him, and he blinked.
"I am surprised you let her go," Jason said. Nash turned to him but shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"Next time, I will convince her."
"Give up, go for someone that actually wants you. You have so many girls wanting to date you."
"That may be true, but she is different."
"Don't tell me you plan to settle down, and you are only 18."
"I just might; I mean, can you blame me?"
"You are serious, aren't you?"
"Well, anyway, we have been challenged for a basketball game. Are you up for it?"
"Are you seriously asking Jason? Of course, I am; let's go."
"Figured you would say that; everyone else is already at the court."
Jason and Nash both made their way to the basketball court; Nash's mind was on you the entire time they were walking. Though when it came to the game, all thoughts left his mind. Of course, the Jabberwocks crushed their opponents.
"That was too easy!" Jason laughed loudly as the other team hung their heads. Nash only smirked as he wiped the sweat from his face.
"So, what are you guys doing today?" Nick asked. Everyone shrugged their shoulders.
"Nash is probably going to go home and think about that one girl. What is her name? (Y/N) (L/N)?" Zack said. Nash shot him a glare knowing he was never going to hear the end of it.
"If she gives him a chance, Nash may end up settling down," Jason laughed.
"Ha. Ha. Very much, shut up," Nash rolled his eyes. He grabbed his bag, and they all began to leave.
"Just repeating what you said. You are seriously thinking about it."
"Dude, you are too young to settle down. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Nick said. Nash shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the teasing remarks directed to him.
"Even if I do, you guys wouldn't be able to pull someone as sweet and innocent as her."
"Like you?" Jason asked, and Nash shot him a glare.
"She will come around eventually."
"So you say," Allen said. Nash sighed softly; he had to admit it was hard convincing you to give him a chance.
They continued walking down the street, but they all stopped once they heard yelling. They stared at the house, then others, and they shook their heads.
"Man, I swear the yelling never ends at that house. Every time I pass it, the same person is always yelling," Jason said.
"Maybe he is a drunk..." Nick trailed off, and they nodded.
"Let's go; I don't want to be involved," Nash groaned. He began walking, and everyone followed him. Though they stopped once, they heard the screen door slam open.
"Just keep walking..." Nash trailed off, but Jason grabbed his shoulder.
"Doubt you want to do that. I think you may want to see who it is."
"Nope, if the police are called, we have to worry about all of that mess," Nash said.
"Even if it's that (Y/N) chick?"
"What?" Nash stopped and turned around there. He was able to see it. You were at the receiving end of your father's abuse. He could practically see red, so you weren't lying.
"Why the hell were you late? Huh!? I told you to be home right after school! And you come home 30 minutes late!"
"I-I'm sorry, dad, I had to stay after for a teacher..." You had tears in your eyes trying to avoid your father's hits. Nash felt like shit; it was his fault you were getting hurt.
"I know that look; we are getting involved," Jason said.
"Damn straight; it's my fault she got home late," he said. He walked to your father and shoved him off of you.
"Dude, fuck off. She doesn't deserve that!" Nash practically growled. Your eyes widened in shock, and the others stood in front of her.
"Mind your own damn business; she is my property. I can do what the fuck I want" Nash punched him in the face, cutting him off.
"She isn't property; she isn't an object."
"Nash~s-stop!" You got up and grabbed his arm, but Jason held you back.
"Don't get in the way."
"It's going to be okay; let Nash handle it."
"So, that is what you were doing. Being a slut~ I should have known. Such a disgrace to the family."
"Shut the hell up; she isn't even doing anything. I just can't stand around when someone I know is being abused by the person supposed to protect her. You are such a lousy father. (Y/N), let's go," Nash said. He turned around and grabbed your hand.
"Get back here now!"
"She isn't going anywhere near you!" Nash yelled. You struggled a bit, scared what your father would do, but Nash shot you a look. You instantly quit struggling and looked over at his friends. They were walking in the opposite direction.
Once the two of you reached what you assumed was his home, you instantly tensed up. He noticed and turned to you, and he had a soft look in his eyes.
"I am not going to do anything to you. I just want to clean those wounds before they get infected."
You nodded your head, and he led you inside, setting you on the couch. You looked around the house and realized that he must have had a lot of money. His house was much bigger on the inside from what you saw, and the decor was amazing.
Nash went to grab the first aid kit before coming back. He got on his knees in front of you and began to clean your wounds. You flinched slightly, and Nash apologized quietly. Once he was done cleaning your wounds, he looked at you.
"Why didn't you tell anyone you were being abused?"
"I don't want people getting involved."
"So it's better just to ignore it and be beat on by your father?"
"(Y/N), how long has this been going on?"
"Do we have to talk about this? I really don't want to."
"I won't force you, but I rather you not go back."
"I have nowhere else to go," you said. You were playing with the end of your shirt.
"Do you have any friends? You are way too sweet not to have friends."
"None that I am close to. At least not close enough."
"I see, well. This may be way out there, but I have a spare bedroom. Or, report your dad to the police so he can be arrested and you can stay home."
"I- Can I stay here? Until tomorrow? Then report him to the police? I don't want to deal with it today. I am so tired, and everything hurts."
"Of course," Nash said. He pushed your stray hairs behind your ear again. You felt a slight blush on your cheeks, and he leaned in and kissed your bruised cheek. Your eyes widened, and he pulled away before standing up.
"Well, I am hungry. Am I going to order food? Want anything specific?"
"N-No, anything is fine."
Nash nodded his head and went to the kitchen, leaving you there on the couch. You finally touched your cheek where his lips were. You shook your head but smiled to yourself.
'He isn't as bad as I thought; maybe giving him a chance wouldn't be so bad. After all, he helped me.'
"(Y/N), I ordered pizza. Is that fine?"
'His teammates aren't so bad either; they were gentle with me. I didn't know Nash could be so gentle.'
"(Y/N)?" Nash called your name again.
'Now that I think about it, he hasn't even tried flirting with me. He had every chance too...'
"Are you okay?" Nash walked over to you. He sat down beside you, realizing you were completely zoned out.
'His lips were soft and gentle on my cheek...wait, am I crushing on him?'
'Wait, but now that I am thinking about it, I always liked him...'
Nash frowned slightly and shook your shoulder, trying to gain your attention.
"HUH? WHAT NO, I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM!" You jumped and blurted out. Nash moved his hand away, shocked, before he grinned at you. Once you realized what you said, you turned to meet his eyes. That's when you realized that you were screwed.
"Who do you not have a crush on?" Nash asked. You gulped slightly and quickly shook your head.
"N-No one."
"So you have a crush on someone?"
"Then who do you not have a crush on?"
"Stop saying that; it's confusing. You are going to get me to say something."
"Could it be you have some feelings for me?"
"N-No... I- You, we, NO!"
Nash chuckled slightly and leaned closer to your face. You froze on the spot as his lips hovered over yours gently.
"If you want me to stop, just tell me," he said. You couldn't form the words, and he waited for you to move away or reject him. Once he realized you weren't going to reject him, he gently cupped your face.
"(Y/)-" You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. Nash eye's widened but instantly began to kiss back with a smirk.
You weren't sure what overcame you, and once you realized what you did, you parted.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry."
"Shh, don't apologize. Let me kiss you again." He grinned and pressed his lips to yours once more. He pulled your smaller form to him and hugged you tightly. Your heart was racing as you melted into the kiss, and you sighed into it. Once he finally parted on his own accord, he pressed his head against your forehead.
"I have been waiting to do that for so long. You have no idea. So I am assuming you are finally accepting my feelings for you now?" He asked, and you nodded.
"I think-"
"If you say you think we should wait, no. No, we shouldn't. I waited long enough; I want you as my girlfriend. I am willing to stop seeing other girls if you accept me. I only want you."
"Nash, really?"
"Yes, really. So will you accept me?"
"I will accept you..."
"Finally!" He pulled you to his chest and fell back on the couch. You blushed but smiled widely.
"I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Nash. Thank you for everything."
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 3 years
It’s A Bet
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Requested by Anonymous  Bobby Nash x female reader. Where he moves to Los Angeles for the first time and meets the reader and they have their first date when he becomes captain of the 118 team?
“Come on Guys this isn’t right.” you said
“It’s just fun and games.” Hen said 
You rolled your eyes and got back to stocking up the ambulance.
“I don’t want any part of this leave me out of it.” you yelled out. 
Next thing you know this strange and husky voice you never heard before joined the conversation.
“I got fifty buck he stays i’ll take that action.” the voice said. 
You never heard them before so you stopped what you were doing and looked back out. You went to speak up but then Chimney cut you to the chase. 
“Let me guess your the new captain.” he asked 
“Yeah I am and nice to know you all got some kind of faith in me.” He said laughing to himself. 
Next thing you know the bell rang everyone packed up and went out. You were riding in the truck that day. Siting up front to him and watching him be so confused to where he was going and getting frustrated in traffic. 
You arrived at the salon where the lady getting her hair done had a bad allergic reaction and her head was swollen like it was huge. 
“She’s an actress getting ready for a role.” you said to him as the medics did there thing. 
“ How do you know that?” He asked you with a confused look on his face. 
“It’s LA you can always tell.” you said laughing at him and he laughed back. 
The rest of the day was just as eventful with a loose chicken with a knife that was apart of a chicken fitting ring. Then a restaurant burned down. 
By the end of the day you saw him in his office just sitting there with this look on his face. 
So you went up to him and knocked on the door. He looked up and signaled you to come in. 
“So you're regretting your decision already?” you asked, smiling at him
“I think I might be out of fifty bucks soon,”he said laughing with you
“ I don’t think so i mean it was an eventful first day but were get there. Besides i don’t want you to leave just yet.” you said smiling at him. 
He seemed to perk up at you when you said that and it made him smile.  There was just something there that you were picking up on. 
“Yeah I think there might be some things keeping me here. I am willing to give this shot.” he said smiling up at you.
“So now that’s decided how about after shift I show you around give you the official LA tour take you to those instagram cafe’s that way your really fit in.” you asked him hoping he would say yes or this would be awkward. 
“Yeah of course I would love that.” he said 
“It’s a date.” you told him
“A date i’m looking forward to.” he said 
The rest of the shift went by super slow because you were excited about your plans. When you went to change out Hen and Chim both noticed that you and Cap had a extra pep in your step. 
So they both decided approach you slamming your locker door shut as you were putting on some make up.
“What the hell is going on between the two of you.” Chim asked 
“Yeah it’s something and were going to find out.” Hen added. 
“Its nothing I swear i just have plans.” you said shrugging your shoulders. 
“Yeah both you and him suddenly have plans.” hen said 
“So I don’t know what he does in his spare time.” you said opening up your locker to finish getting ready. 
They both walked away talking about it acting like detectives like they knew what was up. You knew they weren’t going to let it go until they found out. So you didn’t say anything and let them have their fun. 
Bobby was waiting for you down by the cars and you both smiled real big at each other and you waved at him. 
“You look lovely today.” he said to you
“Well I did the best I could after coming off an overnight shift.” you said 
“Well you look amazing and if this is you coming off shift I can’t wait to see you off.” he said 
Your face blushed and you laughed 
“Wow Captain Nash we haven’t even had our first date yet and you already want more.” you said 
“What can i say you leave a wonderful impression.” he said 
“Why thank you so do you.” you said 
You both got into your car and you drove him around. Showing him the whole LA experience. The chinese theater and the walk of fame. It was time to eat and you took him to a local hotspot away from the tourists. 
It was a simple burger place and you both loved it. It was such an amazing day and you never felt this way before. 
“So let me make another bet for you.” you told him 
“Okay what it is, I'm interested.” he said sitting up in his seat 
“I’ll bet that were going to be eating here next year together celebrating our one year anniversary. You said 
“Well that’s a bet I’m willing to take a chance on if I like my odds.” Bobby said 
“Good, I like my odds too.” you said 
The rest of the date went by amazing and you were sure this was something that was going to last forever. 
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juleswritesthis · 2 years
My Thoughts: 9-1-1 5x16 May Day
HOLY SMOKES. Incredible, emotional, and beautiful episode of 9-1-1 on FOX. Writer, director,& editor deserve so much kudos. I am so astonished they packed so much story, character development and action into 43 minutes of television.
May Day. I’m so proud of May. She is her mother’s daughter. She’s strong & courageous and proved she bid someone great today! I love how she stood up for herself with Claudette then was the first to admit that she did want credit. I love her quick thinking & immense bravery, how she galvanized Claudette to get her moving. I love that she called Bobby ‘My Dad’ and meant it. Bravo May!
Papa Bear Bobby? Bobby is the greatest Papa Bear! I love his conversation with Athena and the way he said ‘mess with my kid you mess with me’. I think she fell in love with him again. Loved the Nash/Grant scenes but was hoping for a family hug. Bobby hears May is trapped and he instantly changes to Man on a mission! I loved his determination to save May at all costs. And I’m so glad he did get to save his daughter this time.  
Firefighter Eddie Diaz. Yeah, baby my guy is back! No joke when he got into his gear without hesitation & ran into that building, I clapped. The way he immediately responded, his instincts, quick thinking and calm under pressure saved so many lives. Linda is right being a firefighter is Eddie’s calling. Icing on the cake was his big smile when Linda said God has spoken. Its about time we see him smile that big again.
Han Brothers Unite. These two were just a pleasure to watch today. During the first scene I wanted Chimney to listen to what Albert was telling him. I’m glad he recognized that & loved their conversation at the end. Also, full circle moment for Chimney, he saves his little bro where he couldn’t save Kevin. (Here come the tears again). 
Lucy and Taylor Meet & Greet. I don’t even know what to think here and I’m still not sold on this storyline. But Lucy’s face when Taylor walked off made me snort so loud. I couldn’t help it!
Buck & Eddie Roadshow. So happy to see these two working together again. Like Chim/Hen, Buck & Eddie are incredible parters. They work together by instinct, watching them is like watching a symphony, perfectly timed, and effortless. Buck’s whole blood clot story, Eddies incredulous face, & Carson’s comment about taking their show on the road had me in stitches!
Yououou Are Not Alone. The way everyone just ran to help Bobby when Lucy radioed the mayday he was down. Buck and Eddie sprinted so fast I barely saw them. Bobby means so much to everyone & even surrogate father some. Though love the song they used; I will always link it to the Eddie Begins flashbacks, so kind of wish they had chosen a different one, something Unique to link only to this beautiful scene.
Josh Instant Love Connection. I’m so happy that it seems Josh finally gets a sweet boyfriend. Josh asking Sue if they do background checks on contractors though. Poor guy is still so traumatized after 2 years! 
Evil Jonah Unmasked. The fandom had Jonah tagged as suspicious even evil weeks ago, but I can’t believe he killed Claudette! He has been stopping these victims’ hearts so he can restart them and get all the credit as a big hero or whatever. What a freaking psycho!  
RIP Claudette. I may not have agreed with her teaching methods, but dang it Claudette deserved to live! After her and May finally find common ground, we find out a back story where she survived a previous fire, and she survives this fire, Jonah kills her? I’m so mad and so very sad for her. Totally did not expect that ending though. What a shock!  
In Hen We Trust. I’m so glad Hen instinctively knows Jonah is suspect as all heck. My lady Karen is right, Hen didn’t trust him from the start. I’m so glad she told Hen to follow her instincts. I can’t wait to see Hen bring that murderer down!!! 
Making with the Funny. (10 points for anyone who knows that reference 😊). This episode is so emotionally charged but also has great moments of levity. Like Eddie’s “today YOU are a guest in this house” and Josh’s response. Lmao. And countless other moments that make this episode so fun to watch in between the action and emotion. 
Mayday. Perfect title is so perfect from the focus on May and this being “her day” to the use of mayday throughout the episode as distress call, to the entire episode being a distress call as in the call center in distress. Really can’t get a better title if they tried. I have to say though, Eddie’s first Mayday? HOT!!! (so many puns so little time 😉). 
Definitely the best episode of the season (which given 5B is amazing!) and maybe in the top episodes of the show. I’m still bewildered we got so much in 1 episode. Yes, Maddie was missing, but everyone else, even side characters and guest stars had story and development. So brilliant. I can’t wait to see what the writers have in store for us next week and then finale! BRING IT! 
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Hidden~ Eddie Diaz x Nash! Reader
A/N: Not edited because I'm in school, but I will edit later. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I plan to go by episode when I get to season 3 plots.
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Flashback to 2003
Narrator's POV
'The fifth game. This was the fifth game he has missed this year. He wasn't even there to comfort me in the ambulance.'  Y/N sat angrily on the hospital bed, with a cast on her foot. She was so mad at her father. For the second year in a row, Her father has missed all her activities.
She knows why he isn't there, but she thought that when her father told her that he was getting married and having another child, he would at least make time for her. Now, she is in the hospital with only her mother by her side.
The doctor walks into the room with a smile. "Well young lady, you are free to go. Your mother can sign you out at the front desk, and then you may go," The doctor said.
As I'm getting ready to go, Bobby runs in. "I'm so sorry. Marcy had a doctor's appointment, and I lost track of time," he says.
Y/N hops away, using her crutch, and rolls her eyes. "Y/N,"  Bobby calls out defeated. "She scored the winning goal before breaking her leg. When she saw your team come to her rescue, she thought that maybe, just maybe, her father would still see all her hard work. It seems like you care about your new family more, but get this through your head, Robert. She... Is... Your family," Y/M/N says with an angry tone.
Bobby stood in the hospital room looking at the bed where his daughter laid, injured. He knew he messed up. He knew he was losing his daughter. She is almost a teenager. He had to make it up to her.
Bobby's POV
I know the best way to make it up to Y/N. Ever since she was little, she loved riding with me and the crew as we saved people's lives. I told Marcy that even though I had to work I was also going to spend time with my daughter. She was okay with that.
Y/N's Pov
When my dad picked me up, I didn't know what to expect. I was still injured and mad, so what could we possibly be doing. I got into the car when I noticed his work bag.
My face lit up when I figured out what was happening. "Am I going to work with you," I questioned my father? "Yeah, and I have a surprise for you," my dad said while watching the road. He tried to hide his smile but I knew it was there.
When we got to the Firestation, everyone greeted me. I saw some old faces and some new ones. We walked to the changing room. When we entered, my dad opened his bag and handed me some clothes. "You got me one of your uniforms," I said while jumping up and down. He nodded his head and we headed out.
The ride was so cool. Even though I still had my cast on, the fire crew let me put out a small fire with the hose. It was so cool. We then had to help out a gruesome fight. The gory calls were always the best. We ended the day with the team going out for burgers and milkshakes.
I had so much fun with my dad. The next day, I went to school still wearing my dad's fire department shirt he gave me.
Present Day
Narrator's POV
When Bobby saw the woman he once called his baby girl, he knew he had to see her. He sat in the hospital lobby along with Eddie remembering the conversation he had with Athena.
2 hours ago
Bobby's POV
"What's wrong? It looks like you've seen a ghost," Athena asks with a chuckle. I keep a very serious look and say, "I did. That was my daughter." Athena looks at me with a serious/confused face and asks, "What?!"
"When I was young, I was also reckless," I said with a sigh. "So is every man in the world, but go on," Athena said jokingly.
I gave Athena the summary of my life before LA, "Y/N was a drunken mistake, but I still loved her. When I got with Marcy, I didn't hang out with her as much. Then I had the kids. When the fire happened, I knew I couldn't be around Y/N, so I did what I thought any father would do to protect their child. I ran. Now she's here in LA, with a son, and teaching Eddie's kid."
"Well, it seems like Y/N being back is a sign. Maybe you could get a second chance with her. You are great with May and Harry, why can't you use what you learned to better your relationship with your daughter?"
Narrator's POV
Y/N woke as the Nurse was checking her vitals. Y/N groaned and said, "What happened, and where is my son?" The nurse jumped and said, "Oh, Miss Nash you're awake. Well, you were in a car accident. Your son is fine. He is in the children's ward with minor injuries."
Y/N let out a breath, with the knowledge that her son was fine. "You have some visitors. I'm gonna let them in now."
'Visitors? What visitors? I just moved here. Did my mom find out somehow?' Y/n's thoughts took a pause as her door opened. It was two firefighters. One I knew for a fact was Eddie, and the other was someone who looked familiar, but I had no clue who they were.
"Eddie? What are you doing here?" Y/N asked smiling. He tried to give me a hug without hurting me. "Well, Chris has school on Monday, so I had to check on his new favorite teacher," he joked. Y/N laughed and smiled. Bobby watched his daughter with his co-worker. Y/N looked toward the familiar stranger.
"Hi, I'm Bobby Nash. I'm the LAFD's 118 fire captain." When Y/N heard the name, she instantly remembered the name. "Dad?" she said with tears in her eyes. Bobby wiped the tears from his eyes and walked over to his daughter. Eddie moved out of the way so that his fire captain could reunite with his daughter.
"Yeah baby, it's me." Y/N couldn't believe her eyes. Eddie decided to let the family talk and went to have a nurse bring Y/N's son to her room. "You left me," Y/N said now fully crying. "Let me explain. I was having a hard time at work, and it set me off. I did some things that I regret to this very day. I couldn't protect some of my family, but I knew I could protect you from the darkness inside of me. I didn't know what the best thing to do was, so I ran. I am so sorry," Bobby explained wholeheartedly.
Y/N instantly went in for a hug. She still had tears in her eyes, but she was happy. Still sad, but happy she gets another chance with her father. "I saw you today. You may not have been there to save me when I broke my, but you were there to save me today." Bobby smiled when a little boy walked into the room with Eddie.
The boy ran in. "Mommy," the boy yelled to the top of his lungs. Eddie helped him onto the bed. "Hi, baby. Zach, this is Bobby and Eddie. Eddie is Chris' dad an-" Y/N was cut off by her son, "The Eddie you said looked hot." "Shhh," Y/N said with a finger to lips. Eddie and Bobby watched the two and chuckled.
Y/N explained to Zachary that Bobby was his grandfather, and Zach was so happy. The 4-year-old almost ran Bobby down with the hug he gave. Y/N and Bobby were so happy to have their family back.
Eddie's Pov
After the visit to the hospital, I think it is safe to say that I like Y/N. The hard part was telling Shannon. She is Christopher's mother. I walked into the house to see Shannon and Chris making pizza.
"Daddy!" "Hey buddy," I say picking him up, "How was school?" "School was awesome. Y/N taught me math using M&M's, and then we got to eat them. During recess, Y/N and her son Zach played with me." The way Chris talked about Y/N made me like her even more. "When mommy picked me up we went to the store for ice cream and pizza. She said we're gonna watch a movie," Christopher said with a huge grin. Just when I think I want something, I remember that sometimes what I want isn't all about me.
The food finished cooking, and we sat down as a family and ate. We watched 'A Bug's Life' before Shannon left. I went to put Christopher to bed, but before he went to bed I wanted to have a talk. "Buddy, if I wasn't with mommy, but you could still hang out with her, you would be fine with that right." He looked at me and said, "We just got her back. Do you not love her anymore."
"No, I will forever love your mommy, but she's been gone for so long that I think it is time for me to move on." "Are you talking about with Miss.Nash, because I saw the way you looked at her, and it was the same way I look at my dessert," I laughed at his joke.
"I like Miss. Nash and I love mommy. I don't want to lose them." What he said gave me a lot to think about. "Ok, bud. Go to sleep," I said standing by the door. I turned off the light and headed to my room. I got ready for bed and slept on my thoughts.
Taglist: @notanordinaryprincess95 @jjpogueprincess @wiypt-writes
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bright-molina · 3 years
Emergency Contact
synopsis: Sometimes it takes an accident and the revelation that Buck is Luke's emergency contact to really bring the Buckley-Mercer (et al) Family to the same page.
fandoms: Julie and the Phantoms x 911
relationships/characters: Buckley!reader (gender neutral), Alex Mercer, Evan Buckley, Luke Patterson, Athena Grant, Maddie Buckley (all relationships are familial/platonic)
word count: 2503
warnings: mentions of minor injuries (and I mean minor, sprained ankle, minor concussion is all)
a/n: @biqherosix surprise! Catch me pushing the Buckley-Mercer family agenda cause I can. For anyone wondering, we're running with the idea that they're cousins. I honestly have no idea where this came from, I wrote it at like midnight yesterday. And it only figures that the first thing I post in forever is a crossover that is mostly self-indulgent but I promise I'm trying to get the hang of things again.
For those of y'all that haven't seen 911 but still wanna read: one, I appreciate you so much oh my gosh, two, I highly recommend it and three, all you really need to know for this one is that Buck is a firefighter with the 118, Athena Grant is a police officer, and Maddie is Buck's older sister and a 911 dispatcher. If I missed anything and you wanna know feel more than free to ask!
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The absolute last thing you expected was your phone ringing well past midnight.
“Don’t answer it.”
Alex’s voice sounded from beside you, muffled by the pile of blankets he was buried under. You rolled your eyes and reached for your phone only to have him snatch it out of your grip and stuff it under the blankets alongside him.
“Give it back!”
“No,” Alex crossed his arms tighter, ignoring the second ring completely. “It’s probably Buck checking to see if we’ve gone to sleep yet, if you answer he’ll know we’re still up.”
“Like Buck would voluntarily be up right now. He’s fifteen hours into a twenty four hour shift,” You leaned back against the couch, knowing there was no tearing the phone away from Alex. “Will you at least check who it is to make sure it’s not Maddie?”
Alex groaned, loud and exaggerated, before sticking his head underneath his blankets to check your phone. You were just barely able to hear his panicked ‘uh oh’ before he put on his best fake tired voice and answered, “Hello?”
“Alexander Mercer, what are you doing awake at this hour?”
“I wasn’t awake.”
“Sure you weren’t. Give the phone to y/n.”
He was handing you the phone in a flash and you could see his wide eyes in the dim blue light coming from the living room tv. “It’s Athena.”
“Thanks, I heard. And I told you so,” You smacked him with your pillow when he stuck his tongue out and he quickly ducked back under the blankets. Whether he was hiding from you or Athena was up for debate. “Hi Athena.”
“Y/N,” Uh oh was right. You recognized the tone in her voice immediately. Exasperated and tired with a little bit of worry laced through. “You wouldn’t be able to get ahold of Buck would you?”
“I could,” You sat up straighter and Alex peeked out from under the blankets again, craning his neck to listen in on the conversation. “Is something wrong? Can’t you call Captain Nash?”
“I could,” Athena echoed your words back to you and you heard muffled shouting in the back. “But Captain Nash isn’t Luke’s emergency contact.”
“His what!”
“It’s not a big deal!” Luke’s voice. It was him who had been shouting. “I’m fine!”
“The cast you’re wearing says different,” There was a click on the other end of the line and Alex tripped over the discarded blankets and pillows as he rushed to look for the car keys. “We couldn’t reach him and Maddie was his second emergency contact but May said she went home early today.”
“Yeah, uh, she -” You put on your shoes as fast as possible and reached for the nearest sweater, one you were sure wasn’t yours. “Jee’s teething so she - she’s probably busy with her. What happened? Luke -”
“Is fine. You just focus on getting to the station and bringing Buck to Med cause he’s gotta fill out some papers. I’ll stay here with him until you do.”
“Okay. Okay we’ll be there soon.”
“Y/N put me on speaker,” Athena must’ve been able to hear the panic in your voice. She knew both you and Alex well enough to know every emotion that was running through you both at that moment. “I want both of you to listen to me. Luke is okay. A little scratched up. Maybe a bruised ego. But he’s just fine, I promise you.”
If there was anybody you trusted it was Athena Grant. So you and Alex shared a look, thanked her, and sprinted out of the apartment wondering what on earth Luke had gotten himself into.
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“What do you mean you don’t know!”
“Athena didn’t tell us anything!” You shouted right back at Buck despite knowing it probably wasn’t the best idea given the time or the circumstances. Alex was a few feet away, talking quietly to Chimney to have him relay a message to Maddie. She’d be less angry if the news came from him.
“I thought he went back home,” Buck shook his head before jogging down the stairs and you followed him. He all but charged to the locker room and started shoving all his things in the duffel he always carted with him from the apartment to the station and back. “I thought he was okay.”
It wasn’t until then, until you caught a glimpse of his reflection in the little mirror in his locker surrounded by pictures, that you realized something. Evan Buckley, the firefighter, your brother who always seemed so fearless, was scared.
Buck’s mind was racing at a million miles an hour. He kept going through every piece of information he could from the last two days. Luke had promised him. Sworn he was going back home to his parents. He should’ve known better. They were too much alike and he should’ve known better.
He supposed the worrying came with the territory. The anxiety and panic and not knowing were all things he didn’t like but things he would bear if it meant making sure one of his own was okay.
He had always been protective. You were the youngest Buckley and he took it upon himself to make sure you had a better life than him and Maddie had had. Alex was family and he didn’t hesitate to give him a home when he needed one, metaphorically and literally.
And somewhere along the way the Buckley-Mercer family had grown without him realizing it. Alex had brought his band, his friends, over for dinner once and from that moment on they became a fixture in his life.
Bobby, who was surprised the first time Maddie grinned and hugged him, telling him how proud she was of him. Reggie, who was the first to accept a place in their makeshift home, needing the support and love they offered more than anything. And Luke, who was stubborn and wore his heart on his sleeve and fit right in with them.
And Buck couldn’t believe he had let them down. He couldn’t believe that he tried so hard to let Luke know he was there for him and he had failed. If he had just paid a little more attention then -
“I know what you’re thinking,” Your voice cut off his thoughts and he paused for a moment before continuing.
“No you don’t.”
“You’re blaming yourself. It’s what you always do,” You watched as he pocketed his phone and zipped up the bag. “It’s what you did when I thought I could jump off the swing and ended up with a broken arm even though you couldn’t have stopped me. It’s what you did when Alex had that really bad allergic reaction even though none of us knew he was allergic in the place. It’s what you’re doing now.”
Buck slammed the locker shut without meaning to and silently wondered how you seemed to know everything about him when he seemed to know nothing about any of you, not really. He wasn’t like you or Maddie or Alex and that had never been more clear.
“I’m not blaming myself. I just -” He sighed and walked out of the locker room, past you and Alex, and around to the drivers side of the car. He didn’t get in yet. Instead he glanced between the two of you. “I’m not Maddie. I don’t know how to tell what you guys are thinking. I don’t know how to do the things she does. I can’t help how she does. But - but maybe if I could then -”
“You’re right,” You cut him off, already knowing where he was going. “You’re not Maddie. But we don’t need another Maddie, we need Buck.”
“Y/N’s right,” Alex leaned against the top of the car and gave an easy shrug. “Maddie does family dinners every week and helps us with homework and keeps superhero bandaids around for when Reg and Bobby come back from the skate park with scrapes all over them. But you host game nights and come to every one of our practices when you’re not here and tell really bad jokes when you know we need to hear them.”
“They aren’t bad -”
“Yeah they are,” Both you and Alex answered in sync, successfully pulling the faintest laugh from Buck.
“You’re Buck,” You repeated and finally opened the door of the car. “And when Luke left home he came to you. Athena said you’re his emergency contact because he trusts you more than anyone else. We all do.”
It took less than a couple seconds for Buck to nod and get in the car, the two of you following his lead. Moments later he was speeding away from the 118 and in the direction of the hospital, determined to be where he was needed.
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“You’re an idiot, Luke Patterson.”
“Wow thanks,” Luke rolled his eyes from where he sat on the couch, an action that earned him a scolding from you, and kept picking at the fabric of the pillow he was holding to him.
It was nearing mid morning and you had all gotten back to Buck’s apartment only a short while ago. The combined insistence and intimidation coming from both Buck and Athena meant the doctors had no choice but to run as many tests as necessary until they were positive Luke was fine.
Your eyes scanned his face again, a habit you’d picked up from Maddie, in an attempt to assess the damage once more to be sure nothing had gone wrong in the last ten minutes.
A butterfly bandage on his forehead above his left eye. Some scrapes on his arms from the fall. The brace around his right ankle propped up on the coffee table and some pillows. A tear in his favorite flannel that you were already patching up.
“What were you thinking?” You sighed and dropped your hands, turning in your spot beside him to look at him and read all the expressions flashing across his face. “You got hit by a car, Luke.”
“I did not!” He flinched when Alex, fast asleep across the other couch, shifted a little at the noise. Buck did the same thing upstairs in the loft, though he recognized the sound of talking and opted to listen in. “I swerved out of the way. The bike lost control and I hit the pavement but I’m fine.”
“The mild concussion and sprained ankle beg to differ,” You stared again. Luke refused to meet your eyes, refused to look anywhere around the apartment that wasn’t the pillow on his lap. He’d been doing the same thing since Buck had nearly busted down the door of the room he’d been sitting in at the hospital. “What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know,” Luke finally sighed, knowing you wouldn’t let it go any time soon. “I just - I did go home. At first. And i-it was okay until my mom started doing that -that thing she does. The voice, talking down, asking when I was gonna start getting serious, telling me I should do better. I tried but she wouldn’t stop saying all of it so I -” His shoulders sank and his head hung low and you moved closer. “I left.”
“So why didn’t you come back here?” You reached out, hand on his arm in an attempt to get him to hear you. To listen to you. To talk to you. “What made you think you couldn’t?”
It took a few moments but when Luke finally looked up his eyes were watering and he looked unsure. He looked scared and he was never scared. “I didn’t want to disappoint anyone else.”
“I don’t know if you know this,” You gave a sigh and leaned against the back of the couch on one arm. “But we are, historically, a pretty messed up family.”
You successfully pulled a laugh from Luke and a muffled ‘shut up’ from Alex only made the two of you laugh more. But when the laughter faded away you were left with the ghost of those doubts. Present and needing closure. To be acknowledged and reassured.
“There is nothing you could do that would disappoint Maddie and Buck, believe me,” You gave him a faint, sad smile and for a second he wondered what memories were the source of it. “And you never have to be scared. We’re your family and we’re here for you. Me and Alex and Buck and Maddie. Athena who stayed with you until we got there and after. Chimney who’s breaking the news to Maddie to save us all. Albert. May. Bobby. Reggie. You have all of us. I hate to break it to you but you’re a part of our weird little family and we aren’t going anywhere any time soon. So please, please never feel like you have to hide from us. You’re home here, Luke.”
And he believed every word. For a moment he wondered why he ever doubted it in the first place. It was evident in the way he had a designated spot at the dining table at Maddie’s place. In the way his clothes took up a good amount of space in one of the dressers upstairs. In the pair of house keys that hung on a chain around his neck. Reggie and Bobby were also given a pair long ago.
“Does one of you want to explain to me what the hell happened!” The sound of the door being thrown open startled all of you. Alex sat up quickly and Buck came barreling down the stairs to meet Maddie at the door.
Bobby and Reggie came in after her, holding piles of various items she’d insisted on bringing with. They were followed moments later by Albert carrying bags filled with takeout and then Chimney with Jee-Yun in her car seat.
It was dead silent for a moment as Maddie looked between her siblings, her cousin, and the boy she considered one of her own. They were all her family and that was that.
Finally the silence was broken by Luke leaning over in your direction and quietly asking, “Hey, does home have a place I can hide from Maddie until she’s less mad?”
“Oh, Luke,” You offered him a smile he recognized as a slightly sympathetic yet playful one. “There is nowhere you can hide where Maddie’s anger, love, and aggressive post-injury nurturing won’t reach. Good luck.”
She sat in your spot the moment you stood up and was immediately making sure Luke was okay. Her eyes scanned each injury just as yours had and when she finally let him take a breath he looked around.
All of this, the chaos that was unpacking the various takeout boxes. Setting up a little station on the kitchen island with various medical supplies. Chasing Jee-Yun around as she crawled and wobbled all around the place. Music playing softly in the background as everyone smiled and talked and felt relieved that he was okay.
This was home. Luke was sure of it.
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breaniebree · 3 years
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By the time she made it to work, she was running twenty minutes late and had missed breakfast. She shoved the rest of the blueberry muffin one of the house elves had given her into her mouth just as she slid into her desk. Kingsley had finally returned to work and he merely lifted an eyebrow at her.
“Sorry,” she said. “Late start.”
Kingsley cleared his throat. “Now that Auror Lupin has finally graced us with her presence, I’d like to talk about what’s been going on while I’ve been absent. I’ll speak to each team individually throughout the day. Lupin and Higgins, I’ll see you first.”
Tonks grabbed her files before she hurried out after Higgins and into Kingsley’s office.
“Glad to see you back, Sir,” Tonks said. “How was the time off?”
“Boring as fuck,” Kingsley said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Now, update me. What have you two been working on?
Higgins cleared his throat. “Lupin and I have been working with Baxter and Atwell on the Novak case as well as dealing with the MISPERS that have been creeping up. With the Ministry explosion we lost some of those files and Lupin’s been trying to recover them with the evidence department. I’ve been hunting down leads on Death Eater haunts and dealing with Dementor sightings.”
“Why isn’t Lupin going with you?”
“I’m on desk duty, Sir,” Tonks said.
Kingsley’s eyebrow rose. “Were you injured in the explosion?”
Tonks shook her head. “No, but I’m pregnant.”
Kingsley’s eyes widened in surprise. “Well, shit. Congratulations, Dora.”
“Thanks,” she said, placing a hand over the tiny bump. “It’s still new, but Remus and I are excited. I trained Rex well, Sir. We’re coordinating everything while I stay in the office.”
“Good, good,” he said. “Keep me posted on what you’ve been finding. Send in Proudfoot and Savage next.”
Tonks and Higgins left him to send in the next Aurors and she smiled at Higgins. “Let me know as soon as you check out the location. Take Baxter with you.”
Higgins promised to check in before he headed out. Tonks moved back to her desk, sighing as she looked over the huge pile of files. Desk duty wasn’t fun at all. She had finally finished going over every single file on every Death Eater and every crime believed to be committed by a Death Eater from 1968 to 1982. She colour coded them by crimes and made notes on anything that had remained unsolved and anything that she felt could pertain to knowledge they could use now. It had taken her the better part of a month to do so.
Now she needed to look at the recent cases which went back to the first Azkaban breakout back in 1993. She’d been at it two hours before her stomach demanded it was time for a snack. A glance at the clock told her that Remus would still be teaching and she contemplated whether she could sneak off to Hogwarts to meet him for lunch. But first, she needed sustenance.
Tonks made her way to the back where the pantry was full of crisps, nuts, and biscuits. As usual, all of the good biscuits were gone so she settled for a bag of salted crisps. She wasn’t up to taking a trip to Ministry Munchies just yet. She took the long way back to her desk, wanting to stretch her legs and frowned when she heard voices coming from the conference room.
Kane tended to use the room as his personal office more often than the desk he’d been given in the bullpen, but as far as she knew he was supposed to be working alone today on whatever it was that he worked on behind closed doors. Her brow furrowed as she heard the woman’s muffled voice.
“But I love you, Nash! Can’t you see that we belong together? How can you think that I don’t love you?”
“I don’t think that you know what love is, Harmony,” a man’s voice exclaimed. “Love can’t be bottled and it certainly can’t be forced. I love Katherine, why can’t you understand that? We will never be together!”
“Nash, please!”
“Come near me again and I’ll tell the Aurors everything, Harmony,” Nash warned. “I’ll tell them about the love potion you gave me, about the other men you’ve seduced and drugged. This is your last chance. Leave Katherine and I alone.”
Tonks pushed open the door to the conference room. Kane leaned back in his chair, feet propped up on the table with files opened around him. One file was open in his lap as he spun a quill around between his fingers. The back wall was lit up with the images of the handsome Desmond Elliot with his sweeping blond hair and well muscled physique as he was displayed shirtless across from the beautiful Hattie Taylor.
“Nash! I love you! Please, give me another chance!”
“Pft, you don’t deserve him,” Kane muttered as he reached for the bag of sweets on the table. “Don’t let her sweet talk you, Nash. You belong with Katherine. Everyone knows that.”
Tonks’ lips curved as she leaned against the doorjamb. “Hidden Passions? Really, K?”
He almost tripped attempting to stand, the file falling to the floor as he tapped his wand twice over the wireless and the image disappeared.
“Er, it was just… on. I needed some background noise.”
“Sure,” Tonks said, closing the door behind her. “Background noise. That’s why you used the codeword to project it onto the wall and are rooting for Nash and Katherine.”
At Kane’s scowl, she continued.
“My mum’s a big fan and according to her, Desmond Elliot is much too good looking for his own good. Nashville Tucker has been quite the favourite character since he joined the show in the last year.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Kane said, turning back to his file. “As I said, it was just background noise.”
“Uh-huh,” Tonks said, moving to take a seat at the table with her crisps. “I needed to stretch my legs and I was hungry.”
“You mean the baby was hungry.”
“Same difference,” Tonks said. “King’s back.”
“Yes, I spoke to him already. He’s itching to jump back in,” Kane said, clearing his throat. “While I have you in here, Lupin, can you take a look at that file on the top?”
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