#and when they were all cheering for benji
charlie-rulerofhell · 3 months
i love them, your honour
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ellecdc · 1 month
okay but….
what about an angsty/fluffy fic for poly!maruaders + lily x reader. like the reader gets overwhelmed to she leaves when their hanging out or something and the marauders + lily get terrified that they did something wrong 😔 but they comfort her and make sure shes okay! 🫶🏻
marauders + lily x fem!reader when things become too much for her
CW: brief panic/panic attack, healthy coping skills though, hurt with comfort, also run on sentences used as a tool to portray panic - the gif I made uses artwork by @/upthehillart
You had to admit that the combined bravery of four Gryffindors could, at times, be contagious. 
One example of having contracted momentary bouts of boldness was when Remus, Lily, James, and Sirius convinced you that Marlene’s birthday party was going to be ‘a lot of fun’. 
And between James’ excitement, Sirius’ cocky confident smirk, Lily’s hopeful smile, and Remus’ reassuring eyes, you believed them.
And it had been fun; at least getting ready with Lily in the boys dorm room as they all wolf whistled and showered you with compliments every time you pulled a brush through your hair or tried on a new top.
It had even been fun when you got downstairs and watched James, Sirius, and Lily dance their hearts out from your place curled up on Remus’ lap.
But then….
But then there were far more dancers on the floor. And then James came over, begging you and Remus to join them on the floor to which you staunchly refused but insisted Remus didn’t need to sit here on your behalf. And then everyone came back to the sofas but so did Marlene and Mary and Dorcas and Peter and Benjy and Gideon and Fabian and Emmeline and Amelia and Frank and Alice. And then they started a game of Truth or Dare during which they mercifully allowed you to fade into the background, but then you quickly became horribly embarrassed that they were handling you with kid gloves. And then you became embarrassed that you had to be handled with kid gloves. And then a conversation started about the hottest people at Hogwarts and Sirius began bragging that he was dating most of them, shooting you a salacious wink as he pulled Lily tight into his side. And then James joined in to say the group of you were five tens which basically made you 500’s and then Peter had to tell James that he wasn’t doing the maths properly and then you felt like the noise of everyone’s voices talking over each other was a physical presence in the room that was slowly closing in around you and you could feel everyone looking at you and those who weren’t looking at you were definitely thinking about you and it was too much, too much, too much.
So, as James had Peter in a headlock and Lily was on Remus’ lap and Sirius was standing behind the chair that Remus and Lily were currently occupying, leaning forward on his elbows as he cheered James on, you snuck through the portrait hole and rushed down the halls of the ancient castle to look for a hiding spot to completely break down. 
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Sirius felt his blood run cold when he looked up only to see you missing from your seat.
Damn it. He knew; he knew he should have been sitting with you.
Remus had told him and James to keep an eye on you, which was Remus-talk for “don’t overwhelm her, you sods”, so he refrained. 
But now you were gone and it was probably his fault.
He quickly tapped Remus’ shoulder as he moved to haul James off of Peter (who never even thanked Sirius for his service, mind you) and made for the portrait hole.
“What the hells, Pads!?” James pouted petulantly. “I was winning!” 
“I don’t know where our girl went.” He stated, ignoring James’ protest as he looked up and down the hall outside of the Gryffindor common room.
“Well here’s one.” James offered as Lily stepped through the portrait hole, quickly followed by Remus.
“What’s going on?” Lily asked.
“Where’s dovey?” Remus added severely, moving down the hall as if following her trail. 
“I don’t know.” Sirius admitted; his voice falling far more vulnerable than his usual boastful and arrogant affectation. 
James quickly moved over and pulled Sirius into his side. “I think it was my fault.” He whispered miserably.
“No Pads.” James reassured. “I was being too much.”
“I shouldn’t have made her feel pressured to come.” Remus said with a sigh. 
“We shouldn’t have drawn attention to her.” Lily mused as she chewed on her cuticles. “Oh god, what if this was too much? What if we’re too much? What if this is what makes her decide she can’t handle us?” 
“Whoa, whoa.” James interjected, pulling Lily’s hand away from her mouth. “How about we start with finding her, yeah?”
Lily and the boys were in agreement as they began their search of the castle. 
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You felt ridiculously childish sitting on the cold stone floor hugging your knees to your chest as tears fell silently in some random alcove on the fourth floor of Gryffindor tower.
What were they thinking, being with someone as pathetic as you? This would do it, certainly; this is what would make them realise you weren’t worth their time. You couldn’t even sit through one sodding party for their sakes. 
You were such a fraud, agreeing to participate in a relationship you had no business in; silly, foolish, selfish.
They were all going to know it.
You were spiralling, that much was clear. You knew you tended to get like this when things became too much.
“Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, Y/N.” You sighed to yourself, closing your eyes as you tried to take some steadying breaths.
Your breathing exercises were interrupted when you heard hurried footsteps making their way towards you. 
“Y/N?” Sirius called out quietly; though he may as well have screamed at you with the way your heart sped up and your breathing became erratic, eliciting a fresh stream of tears to start cascading down your face. 
“Hey, hey babydoll.” He cooed at you as he knelt beside you; the others appearing behind him with matching looks of concern. “You’re alright baby, you’re okay. Can you take some deep breaths for me?”
You let out a choked sob and shook your head quickly, causing Sirius to turn behind him in search of help. 
“Here, angel.” James said, taking Sirius’ spot and pulling you into his lap before wrapping his strong arms around you and squeezing. “But you have to take some big breaths for me, okay? Can we do them together?”
You worked hard to try to emulate the dramatic breaths James was taking for your benefit; and though yours were far shallower and much more shaky, he showered you with praises at every exhale. 
“What happened, darling?” Lily asked cautiously as she knelt in front of you and James, taking a moment to push some of your hair away from your face. 
“Too much.” You admitted through a hiccup, keeping your answer short lest your breathing become erratic again.
“Were we too much?” Sirius asked, his voice timid and his face vulnerable; you hated it.
You hated it even more knowing that you were the one to put it there.
“I’m not good enough.” You blurted; voice uncharacteristically high as you spoke through an ever present lump in your throat. “I can’t be-be brave like you, I…I can’t. I tried but I- I can’t. And I’m not good enough; I’m no good for you.” 
“Well that’s enough of that.” Remus decided; words strict but tone soft. “I like to think I’m able to decide what’s ‘good enough’ for me, and I’ve decided that’s you.”
“Yeah, and Moony’s the smartest out of all of us, so I trust his judgement.” James teased gently, wiggling his arms around you in an attempt to get you to smile.
“Well I take offence to that.” Lily responded as she looked at James wryly. 
“Second smartest.” Remus corrected; nudging Lily with his foot.
“Now that may not say much about them, though.” Sirius continued, his voice taking on the tone alerting you to his particular brand of teasing. “I mean, they do willingly put up with me and Prongs.”
James scoffed in faux offence as Lily and Remus chuckled. 
“If we can put up with these two,” Lily said as she dramatically motioned towards her two boyfriends with her head. “Then you’re a breeze, my love.”
You let out a sigh and burrowed your face into James’ neck who was all too happy to snuggle you closer.
“What upset you, dolly?” Sirius asked gently.
“It was just…”
“A lot?” Remus offered, causing you to nod.
“Anything we could have done to make it less…much?” Sirius offered again.
You left your sanctuary in James’ neck to look up at the long-haired boy before offering him your hand.
As if he’d only been waiting for the offer, he quickly fell to his knees beside you and pulled your hand into his chest with both of his. 
“I don’t want any of you to be less.” You whispered.
James let out an awe as he snuggled you closer and Sirius pressed a small kiss to your knuckles. 
“I didn’t mean to make you all leave your friend’s party.” You admitted shamefully. “I’m sorry; you don’t have to stay here with me; I can just go to bed.”
James made a protesting sound as Sirius scoffed and Remus shook his head with a fond smile.
“I think I speak for all of us when I say we are exactly where we want to be, darling.” Lily offered with a wink. 
You had to admit that you were, too.
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enchantedbarnes · 2 years
Uncle Buck
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: You take your nephew to a Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson Q&A event. The mischievous 8-year-old asks if he can get in line to ask a question. Against your better judgement you agree and let him go up by himself.
Word Count: 626
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
A/N: I had no intention to write anything on this account but here we are. Excuse the mess.
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A young boy - 8 years old, dark hair and eyes full of mischief - walks up to the microphone.
"Hi, I have a question for Bucky..." He asks shyly.
The moderator nods, "What's your question for him, little man?"
The boy looks over at the seats nearby behind him and smirks, turning back to the stage with some more confidence this time.
"Will you marry my Aunt?"
The crowd let's out collective gasps, giggles, and awws. There's some cheering and a loud "OW OWWWW."
You inhale quickly and choke on your own air supply, trying to compose yourself. "BENJAMIN!!!"
You're horrified and shrink down in your seat while pulling your hood up over your head for added cover.
While you contemplate the fastest way to snatch the little traitor and get out of there as swiftly as possible you hear Sam's loud laugh echo through the room.
"I assume that was your Aunt and you're Benjamin?" Bucky asks while smirking.
Tiny traitor nods while grinning ear to ear. "I'm Benji, Auntie's name is Y/n and she thinks you're sooo handsome," he exaggerates with an eye roll, "and she's super fun and pretty and you'd be the coolest unc--"
Exit plan secured you jump out of your seat and rush over to cover his mouth and pull him back from the mic. Your hood still up and head ducked down.
"You said you were asking about the mechanics of his arm, you tiny little punk," you mutter at him but the microphone still picks up what you said.
While you have him secured in a headlock you quickly speak into the mic, avoiding all eye contact. "I apologize, I've never met this child before... I'm going to return him to the proper authorities immediately."
Picking your nephew up as quickly as you can, you toss him over your shoulder. His fit of giggles exploding while he tries yelling out again, "But he hasn't answered yet!"
"He's free later tonight, Aunt Y/n!" Sam shouts while you retreat to the back of the conference room towards the exit. "Your future family seems nice," he jokes while nudging Bucky's arm.
Benji tries to shout back across the room, "SHE IS FREE TOO!! EVERY NIGHT!!"
You shove the exit door open, "You're so dead. On my pick up days for school I will be blasting every embarrassing song I can find with the windows down. I'm going to start saving now and I will be buying every ad space available in your future yearbooks and I will be plastering them with your baby photos. And not the cute ones." Like this kid ever took a photo that wasn't cute.
The two of you walk around a food truck area set up outside the conference space. Benji is happily eating a pretzel you only bought so your sister wouldn't kill you for neglecting her child. You grab a seat at a small table to people-watch while he finishes up his undeserved treat.
You let your hood down, setting your vibrant and wild hair free. The color is easy to pick out in a crowd.
Benji is explaining in great detail the plot to a video game he has been playing with his friends and how one level keeps tripping them up.
The chair next to you slides back, "Is this seat open?" A deep voice asks.
Benji grins, "Yes!"
You already know who it is, but you're still startled when you look over and see none other than Bucky Barnes sitting with you and the small trouble matchmaker.
"So... is the potential cool Uncle position still available?" He smirks, hand on his chin looking over at both of you.
This little punk might be getting free pretzels and ice cream for life.
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Alright folks! By popular demand, here is part 2!
Uncle Buck Returns
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Happy Birthday, Papa!
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Warning: Tooth rotting fluff.
Summary: It's Miguel’s birthday.
You knew that when Miguel was with his arms sprawled on the bed and his back faced you, he was deep asleep.
Sliding off the bed carefully, you went to Gabi's room and Benjamin's. Both with a It's Papa's birthday, you ready?
Benjamin was a little reluctant to wake up, but eventually he did. Sliding off his bed he went to the kitchen with you.
"Let's not make much noise ok? Let Papa sleep for a bit longer."
Benjamin smiled sleepily as he got to fetch his gift. Gabi on the other hand helped you with breakfast while Rosie was still asleep in her crib.
You made Miguel's favorite meal. Green  Chilaquiles for breakfast. One of the first things he cooked for you when you began dating. Gabi then started to wrap her present as you finished breakfast and brewed a special blend of coffee he adored.
Luckly, you had done a little cake, Gabi and Benjamin had decorated it. Gabi did the letters and Benji the little swirls of meringue.
In the motions, a few hours had gone by. He had had a rough week at work. Stress got him tired and even less talkative than usual. He was almost silent.
Five minutes before his alarm would go off, Benjamin, Gabriella and a now awake Rosie would enter your room when he was still asleep. You motioned for your children to come in as you put Baby Rosie on the bed, you then went to fetch his breakfast. His alarm went off.
Miguel rubbed his eyes and yawned, a bit surprised to see Rosie next to him instead of you.
"Happy Birthday to you~"
You started singing from the doorframe as you entered with a tray on hands, Gabi and Benji joined you with giggles.
"Happy birthday, dear Papa"
You put the tray on his nightstand to then kiss him. Benjamin scrunching his nose with a little 'ew'
"Happy birthday to you."
Rosie cooed at him as his children clapped and cheered him.
"I love you." You smirked and took Rosie off the bed, "All on Papa! Go go go!" The room was filled in with laughter and squeals as Gabi and Benji tried to tackle him down. A grin on his face.
There was a deep and sheepish yet genuine laugh coming from him. Sometimes he often felt like dreaming. Like he had been doused and high in dopamine. The family he sometimes fantasized wasn't a mere idea anymore.
It was very much real and his little children gave him so much joy, but they wouldn't exist without you. What he did to deserve you, he didn't know. But he knew that asking your forgiveness and rekindle things all those years ago had beyond worth it. Every day of his life spent with you and his children were the best gift someone could ever give him.
It filled his chest with something so overwhelmingly warm and peaceful. Like he always wanted.
"Look Papa! Got you something" Benjamin sat before him and handed a  small bundle he had wrapped himself.
"Gracias campeón. Let's see..." (Thanks, champ)
He unwrapped the little bundle carefully, revealing a little card you had helped Benjamin to write along a bag of a expensive coffee blend you had eyed him considering, but chose to buy the snacks for Gabi and Benji.
I love you, Papa :)
A little smiley face he had started drawing in every surface.
"You picked this too, champ?" Benji beamed at him and hugged him. Miguel kissed his head, "Gracias, gracias, gracias, Pequeñín. Me encanta. " (Thank you little one. I love it)
"Happy Birthday Papa" Gabi squeezed him and gave him a red paper bag decored with some of his favorite stuffs. Coffee mugs, lab tools, a little Lego figurine and spiders.
"Gracias Solecito" Gabi watched expectantly as he opened the gift. A pair of bunny slippers his size, and a customized little watch with a spider logo she often saw in his things.
"Got some of my allowance to get it customized for you." He kissed the top of her head and smiled sheepishly. He was overwhelmed, in the good sense of the word.
"Gracias, princesa. Imma wear it for work."
"This one is from Rosie" You pulled a little blue paperbag with a little card with her footprint on it next to a heart. He chuckled at the detail and opened the bag. A new pair of special sunglasses. His old ones fell when they got to another pool day.
They'd help with his photophobia. His arms reached for Rosie and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you, mi Rosita Fresita. I love it." He kissed repeatedly at her cheeks, earning him a bubbly giggle.
"And finally, my gift."
Miguel chuckled with a tiny smirk.
"That's for later, mi amor. But here."
You gave him a little black envelop and sat next to him.
"Remember when you told me about this astrophysics and research conference you wanted to go but you were kept in the waiting line?"
His eyes widened as his hands carefully pried the envelop open. An invitation with his name was written in golden serif caps.
"Mi amor... This.... You shouldn't have"
"Well, too bad cause you're going."
You kissed him with a reassuring smile.
"I've got this. Imma be fine."
"You must go, Pa" Gabi urged him. He couldn't say no to that. Or any of the love he was getting.
"Alright, alright. I will."
"Now, make a wish, cariño."
The little cake was the last straw. He blew the candles.
"Mordida! Mordida!" (Bite! Bite!)
Gabriella chanted and as Miguel bit, he got smeared in cake frosting. But this time he got his little revenge. He painted Gabi a bit of whiskers in her cheeks, a dollop on Benji's nose. He pressed a little tiny drop on Rosie's cheek and then pulled you to kiss him.
"Ew" Gabi and Benji spoke almost at unison as you were also smeared in cake frost and crumbles. The kiss even sweeter than before.
"Happy birthday cariño."
You put Rosie in her crib for her nap and as soon as you got in your room, strong arms hugged you, cradling you closer. His frame nearly engulfing you.
"¿Estás bien?" (Are you ok?)
He said nothing but hugged you tighter. Your hands rubbed on his back soothingly. A deep breath warmed your shoulder.
"Thank you." When he broke the embrace you cupped his cheeks and he kissed one of your palms. Red eyes seized you in soft look only you were worthy to get. A look of unbridled love.
"Thanks for always making it better."
You beamed and you hugged his waist at his words.
"We're just giving back all the love you give us, corazón."
"I promise to make it-"
"Miguel. Mi amor. It's your day. Your day, big guy." You smooched and giggled, "Enjoy it."
He crushed you in his arms and you giggled in between squeals.
"Can I have my late present now?"
"Nu uh. We gotta get ready."
His brow raised in suspicion as you smirked
"Whatever for?"
"Another surprise. After that and when the kids are asleep? I'm all yours."
You kissed him once more before going to the door. His words stopped you.
"Mi reina?"
He blew a kiss to you, earning a giggle.
"Te amo"
"También te amo, Papasito."
You blew the kiss back and went back to get Benjamin ready.
It was his birthday, and best one so far.
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campbenji · 15 days
*JWCT SPOILERS* very messy first thoughts
OH BOY here we go
-ben and darius's dynamic was epic. the hug. the roadtrip scenes. "is your friend okay?" "no 😊". ben getting darius out of his isolation cabin and darius grounding him in ep2. the parallels with s3ep7. "you kiss your mother with that mouth?" i'm gonna be thinking about that scene for days. their ship is still a swim to me but please they better keep whatever the fuck they have going on in s2 because it's fucking wonderful
-i love that they took the chance to give more light to duos we didn't see much in jwcc. teamups we didn't often see like ben and sammy, THE B-DUO, and darius and sammy got very special moments here
-the amount of pictures/videos from the six years in between??? the brooklynn flashbacks??? we were so well fed
-BRAND!!!!!! i got so happy when i heard him the first episode, he's clearly been checking on his brother and i'm glad he's ok
-bowman family FEAST. brand and darius talking over the phone. the pictures on the cabin. kenji saying he calls mrs. bowman once a week and all the nice things he said about her. the whole mess between kenji and darius. "we're brothers, right?" i died dead. i love this family your honor
-sammy. she's got so much going on and we desperately need to talk about it. i'm so worried about her, she's desperately trying to avoid confronting what happened with brooklynn, with yaz and her own trauma, and then they casually dropped on us that her family isn't speaking to her and never elaborated on that?? sammy, who's love and care for her family was her biggest motivation in jwcc?? i need to know what happened because it must've been big
-mateo!! i liked him a lot, he definitely doesn't want to get into any of this mess but still dabbles around a bit to help the kids, which i respect. also i hope we get to meet his daughter hiraya, she sounds really cool
-MS MICROBANGS (or the handler, or whatever name we're calling her). what is her deal. who is she working for. she's so uncanny, literally almost robotic i need to know more about her
-brookenji over i cheered. don't take this personally i've never been a fan of this ship and a part of me knew they weren't going to last long
-the animation increased in quality so much. the scene after ben, yaz and sammy get out of the sinking van is so well done it's so pretty to look at. and the t-rex with the explosion behind her? it reminds me so much of toro in the tunnels in s1ep8, and i haven't tested this out but i feel like if you put them one next to the other the improvement would be so noticeable.
-also related to the point above: that thing when a character's eyes start filling up with tears but they don't cry just yet? 10/10. chef's fucking kiss
-sure jwct has the same tv-y7 rating as jwcc, but from minute 1 it's obvious it's not the same audience they're talking to. it's not a big change in tone, like for example adventure time/distant lands/fionna and cake, but it's there, you can tell they know it's not little kids watching anymore
-BUMPY IS HAVING A BABY BUMPY IS A MOM NOW they had me shit scared for her and then they pulled a freaking egg my heart was literally pounding. anyways i hope they get both bumpy and the egg somewhere safe and that they name the new anky "speckles" (i've gotten so attached to that name in the last 24 hours it's insane)
-YASAMMY THE QUEENS THAT YOU ARE. their relationship was stellar this season, i was scared when i saw that they were apart but their issues felt organic to their relationship and i just love how they were written in the show, they are still so in love with each other and i can't wait to see where they go next season. they're everything to me
-yeah they were apart for half the season but. benji crumbs. the egg cradle scene. kenji helping ben after he got hit with the stun gun. basically all they did was act like they knew each other but idc. we are so back.
-the brooklynn reveal was... meh?? it could've been more rewarding if they waited until s2 to reveal she's still alive, but at least i hope they take their time before reuniting her with the rest of the camp fam. also i can't believe ppl even guessed what arm she was going to lose y'all have prophetic powers or smth
-bringing daniel back to kill him the same episode was an insane move btw. i would've normally complained but it's all worth it for causing the panic attack scene in ep7. kenji's reaction felt so genuine, i'm forever in awe at how well this show writes grief and trauma
-i'm so conflicted about darius's confession. i like dinostar, but i feel like it wasn't needed for darius to be in love with brooklynn to explain the voicemails and the way he was dealing with her death. she was one of his closest friends, his grief made sense even with them being platonic. on the other hand, i love how he admitted it to kenji and the fact they didn't turn it into a huge fight between them; also, "i didn't know i could even feel that way" aroace/acespec darius truthers never lose
-maybe it's just that i need to rewatch, but i'm lost as to where they're going next season?? i know they're getting on a boat but where does that go?? what are they trying to do?? there's so much happening my head is spinning
-ben... he kind of felt like the comic relief for most of the show, the first episodes showed him as being really paranoid again and struggling with being alone, but halfway through the season they just sort of forgot about it?? idk something was off
-bring back kenji's old latin spanish va idk who this guy is but that is not kenji i can't do this. i'll survive the loss of ryan potter but i won't survive this
anyways yeah i think those are most of my uncooked thoughts, overall i really liked the season, i can't believe we got to see the kids again this is still so unreal to me
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babygirlbenji · 27 days
What Does Love Sound Like? - Ben Chilwell
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a/n this is heavily inspired by this song from anyone but you!! it makes me sob anyway here is something super short but very sweet i cooked up for ya <3 mwah
For many years, Ben had wondered what love would feel like. What love would sound like. He had had relationships here and there, of course, but none of them ever filled that void, that chasm in his chest of what love truly felt like. What it sounded like. 
But then he met you. And it was like all of his answers came at once. 
He realised that love felt like your arms wrapping around his neck after a long time apart. It felt like your hand fitting perfectly into his as you walked to the shops on a sunny June day. It felt like your sleeping body on his as he ran his fingers through your hair. Love felt like looking at you across the dining table as you chatted with his mum. It felt a little bit like watching you get ready for work, carefully applying your makeup to accentuate your already stunningly beautiful features. It felt a bit like the peace he felt as you read your book while he played FIFA with the boys, occasionally looking over at you and smiled softly. It felt like the warm, fuzzy feeling he got when he came home from a win to a homemade dinner made by you, the table set with cutlery and a couple of candles. It felt like the emotion he felt seeing you interact with kids, knowing that you would be the best mummy to your little ones when the time came. Love felt like the nerves but excitement he felt when he got down on one knee to ask for your hand forever. It felt like him getting up in the night to feed your little one as you were just simply too exhausted. 
He realised that love sounded like your cheers when you won at MarioKart, and all he could do was laugh. It sounded like you saying ‘I love you, Benji’ casually before bed, before you left for work, before he went to a game. It sounded like you trying to train Oscar to give paw, telling him what a good boy he was when he finally succeeded. It sounded like you singing to ABBA in the kitchen while you made dinner, not realising that he had come home early. It sounded like your giggles as you doubled over with laughter at your own joke, which in turn made him laugh more than the joke itself. It also sounded like your car pulling into the driveway, knowing that loving hugs and gentle kisses were mere moments away. It sounded like your gentle snores filling the room as he fell asleep, curled up next to you. It sounded like your teary voice saying ‘I couldn’t sleep’ after an argument, finding him on the sofa in the living room. Love sounded like your families cheering as you kissed for the first time as husband and wife. It sounded like the screaming cries of your first born child, making their appearance into the world known with the strongest pair of lungs the doctors had ever known. 
Ben had wished for a magical love for years. An all-encompassing, sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of love. And boy, was he going to treasure it and you for the rest of his life. 
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The guest - PT 2
Jack Dawkins x fem reader fic. Requested story.
PT one here.
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You rushed through the town to the hospital, finding Jack walking out.
"Doctor Dawkins? Excuse me doctor?" You call out to him. Upon hearing you he turns, a smile drawing across his lips.
"Hello Miss y/l/n. A bit late for you to be put isn't it?" He asks, sauntering over to you.
"I'm sorry Doctor. I just needed to ask if you're heading to a poker game?"
His eyes narrowed at you.
You sigh, "okay. Do me a favour, do not take the twenty six pound bet. Fold and leave." You implore him.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"I can't tell you how I know but please trust me. Darius will cheat you. Please just do this for me." You ask. Jack looks at you curiously.
"I don't know how you know but sure, I'll fold if it goes to twenty six pounds." He replies, a small grin on his lips, "I don't suppose you'd like to come with me would you?"
In all honesty, yes you'd love to go with him, but you figured it would be better if you returned to the Governor's house. You bid him a goodnight and darted away from him again. Making your way back to the house and resting back on the guest bed.
Jack sat around the table.in the captains quarters a hand of cards held between his fingers. He glanced around at his opponents. The sun was coming up outside, causing a dim glow around the room. Jack looked at his pocket watch, a surgery was scheduled for.in twenty minutes. He had a good hand but your words were playing in his mind. Looking at the pile of coins in front of him Jack chose to fold his hand.
"Oh come now, Doctor. I thought you had bigger balls than that." Darius laughed.
"We can discuss the size of my manhood another day, I have to save a life." Jack quipped, spinning on his heel.
The awaiting crowd chanted in the theatre as Jack ran up to Sneed. The two doctors waltz into the operating room and Jack turns to the crowd.
"Gentlemen. The Royal Hospital somewhat proudly presents Dr. Rainsford Sneed and the much celebrated Dr. Jack Dawkins." The crowd cheers, "Now, we have a fine one for you today, gents. A leg, shattered. Falling down a mine shaft, was it?" He looks to Hetty the head nurse, "The question, though, is who cuts?" He and Snees take their places either side of the table and Jack flicks a coin into the air. Hetty captures it and announced the heads.
"Me." Jack threw up his arms to his sides before sweeping round to the other side.
"I bet you can't do it under forty three" Sneed whispers.
"A pound says twenty nine." Jack grins.
"When have you ever had a pound?"
"As soon as you lose. Gentlemen! Dr. Sneed here seems to think that I can't amputate this leg in less than his record of forty three seconds. Well, I beg to differ!" Jack played up for the crowd, he wouldn't admit it out loud but he loved the adoration. He turns to the patient.
" Mr. Champflower, this will be the worst thrity seconds of your life, but I promise, I will make it as quick as I can. Your favourite memory. Take your mind there now." The operation begins and within twenty eight seconds the leg had been amputated and seen up. Jack gave Mr champflower a drink of medicinal whiskey as Hetty began wrapping the leg in a bandage.
"Come on hot shot, we have a new shipment of convicts to deal with." Sneed explained as the two men gathered their medical bags and made their way outside. Two tables had been set up for them with a line of English convicts waiting their turn. Hours passed him by as he mindlessly gave each one a health check.
A young woman stepped up to his table, Jack felt putty for the girl, her round face reminded him of the girls he had known as a child.
"Milly Wince."
" And your crime?"
" I stole clothes for me baby, but he died on the way over."
That made Jack sad, pitty swept over him.
"What was his name?"
" Benjy."
" She can help the schoolma'am." He says to the redcoat behind her. Hetty wrote down the girl's name and new job in the book beside Jack.
" But I can't read." She whispers to him.
"It's all right, they'll teach you." He says with a small smile, " All right, next."
A man dressed in old, dirty clothing steps up, his hands bound in iron chains. Jack looked up, his world shattering in an instant.
"Hello, Dodge. Been a time? Dog got your tongue?" The old.man laughed. Jack jumped up grabbing the man's shoulder and dragging round a corner.
"You're dead. They hanged you 15 years ago in Newgate." He says shakely, pushing Fagin to the wall.
"Surprise, surprise." Fagin chuckled, looking around himself, "What are you? Why are they all salutin' you like you're royalty?" He asks.
"I was a navy surgeon, an officer." Jack explains and takes a step backward.
"Oh. You've done well for yourself, boy. I'm proud of you."
"What are you doing here, Fagin?"
" Well, Her Majesty and I thought that I could benefit from a bit of quiet time in the colony." He laughed again.
" Now, listen to me. I can decide your fate with a stroke of my pen, so if one word gets out about our past..." jack begins, Fagin throws up his hands.
" No, I would never do that. Never. Never. To even think it hurts. No. I'm here for you, just as I hope you're here for me. Because sometimes, a covey gets pushed into a corner like a rat, and the only way out is to bite. So, don't make me bite you, Dodge." Fagin says.
"What do you want?"
"Well, a little bird flapped in and whispered to me that you'd escaped from prison in London. Do they hang escaped convicts here? I'll take that as a yes. Don't fret, I'd never give you up, just keep me off that chain gang." Fagin almost thinks of begging.
Gaines appears around the corner, "Dawkins. Everything all right?"
"Yes. I thought he might have something contagious, but it's just his stench." Jack lied quickly.
" Where's he going? I need another on the chain gang. Doesn't matter if he doesn't last that long." Gaines asked eyeing Fagin.
"No, I was thinking of making him my convict servant."
The trip to the seamstress had gone well and you stood with Belle in a new pastel green dress. You had to admit, though the corset was foreign to you it felt nice to be such a lovely dress. The two of you walked out of the shop towards the carriage, the two of you laughing together. It was nice speaking with her. Sharing your medical knowledge with her, making sure you didn't give too much away.
"You have to tell me about either. Do they use it in the hospital you're from?" She asks. The driver giddied the horses and it pulled away.
"Oh l, yes. It's brilliant, in full use. We use it for all the surgeries." You say happily. Outside the driver is calling out to the people on the streets when you feel a bump, more than a bump. The whole carriage rocked and you were sure it was close to toppling. It stopped and you got out as fast as you could knowing what must have happened.
Just as you'd thought the boy, Charlie was lying on the road, his leg split open. You drop down beside him and tear at the material of his trousers leg before tying it just below the knee. Glancing quickly around you grabbed the thick hat pin from your new hat and used it to tighten the tourniquet. As you worked people gathered and were chatting loudly one woman called out for a doctor. Jack appeared beside you.
"I've tied a tourniquet, but it isn't tight enough."
"that must have hurt your arm." He says looking between you and the child. You grinned but didn't reply.
"It's all right. I'm gonna sort you right out." He said to Charlie reassuringly. His tone was even softer than you remembered from the show.
"Can you fix it?" Belle asks.
" I'll need to amputate."
"no." You breathe out.
" What about Bircher's procedure to save it?" Belle questioned.
"Miss, please, To do that, I would need to drill into his leg bones, and insert pegs to knit them back together again. He would die of shock and pain." He argues his case.
"Not if you take the pain with ether." You interject almost to yourself.
" The Yankee Dodge?" Jack looks at you curiously .
"Yes." Belle becomes excited.
"That is unproven." He remind sher.
" Except for Morton in Boston and Liston in London. Do you even read The Lancet?" She bites at him.
"Not while I have strength, no. Anyway, that chump of a Governor has banned ether, so Prof wouldn't let it near the hospital." Jack explained
" That's just idiotic." Belle scoffed. Look, I've got-"
"Look, m'lady, one of us is a qualified surgeon and the other one is carrying a bloody parasol. So, thank you, but would you mind awfully sodding off." He cut her off and you sniggered under your breath.
"Okay enough, look Jack, Fagin get the boy in the carriage, Belle has an idea." You grinned at them and got to your feet, pulling Belle to the side.
"What are you talking about?" She asks in a whispered tone.
"You have everything we need at your house. Get us there quickly." You say raising your eyebrows at her. Belle's smile was wide with mischief and excitement. Behind you Jack had gotten Charlie into the carriage and jumped in. You and Belle got in alongside them, Belle sat beside Charlie's head meaning you had to squeeze in beside Jack, your hip bumping his as you did. He glances at where you touched him before raising his eyes to meet yours. A whimper from Charlie pulls his attention away.
"Hey, it's not too bad, Charlie boy. I've seen much worse at sea. Plus, you're gonna have a terrific scar." He attempts to reassure the lad.
"A stump." Belle scoffs, "Instead of using ether, you're going to butcher the boy and condemn him to beggary?"
" Thank you. Wonderful bedside manner you've got. You've got a knack for it." Jack sneered at her.
"Someone's got to stick up for him. If only you'd listen." She tried to fight back. Charlie grabbed for Jack's arm.
"You're not gonna take it?" He asked.
" I promise, I am going to save your life." Jack spoke softly to him, then turned his attention back to Belle, "You listen to me, you upstart. I'd give anything to trial that surgery Anything. Surgery without pain would revolutionise medicine."
Your hand comes out to take Belle's, "The biggest risk to any surgeon is the addiction to feeling like God. You are gambling against death with only your wit for ante, and that is bloody exhilarating. But the risk is not yours. There is a person beneath your hands. And the moment the cutter forgets that, and gives into his ego, then the patient is lost." You explain to her.
"A surgeon is lost." Jack adds as she Huff's at you both.
"Might I suggest you find your backbone?" She bit, folding her arms over her chest.
Jack felt the carriage turning to the left instead of right, "the hospital is that way!" He spoke out.
"We aren't going to the hospital." Belle quipped.
"Why, he doesn't have much time, you ridiculous woman...this is the Governor's house." Jack realises.
"Yes it is." You say pulling Jack's eyes to you.
"This is your idea?" He asks, almost impressed.
"Not really. Belle, go in and get your supplies. I'll make sure the way is clear." You say to her as the carriage is pulled to a stop.
You jump out a little too quickly and feel your breath catch in your lungs. Jack is beside you, concerned .
"I'm fine, just getting used to this corset." You say brushing him off and running into the building. You can hear the Governor's gathered guests upstairs and hoped everything would work out just as it did in the show.
Belle came running to you, her surgeon's kit tucked under her arm.
"Here give it to me, go get them." You say grabbing the equipment from her and placing it on the side board behind you. As quietly as you could you emptied the table and pulled it forward into the space beside the stairs, just as they were carrying Charlie in.
"Here we'll have to do it here." You say calling them over.
"Not ideal." Belle scoffs as she nervously checks up the stairs. Her father was already bringing his guests down. You stop at the head of the table, one hand beside Charlie's head and the other reaching to your chest.
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon
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justabigassnerd · 7 months
Kidnappings and Mountain Fights
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Pairing - Ethan Hunt x daughter!reader
Word count - 5,553
Warnings - violence, near death experiences, gun violence, blood, injuries, possible swearing
Summary - when attempting to stop Walker and Lane, you're taken hostage and your dad fights to save you
A/N - hey y'all I'm finally back with a new part of Lil' Hunt (cheering anyone?) sorry it's taken me so long to upload a new fic I've been grappling with motivation for a while. for a bit of context, for the Lil' Hunt universe, Julia and Ethan were a couple but never married. Luther was convinced Ethan would marry her and leave the IMF but because of the dangers of Ethan's job and his dedication to the IMF they split up (so kinda similar to the movie but no marriage). anyways I'll stop rambling, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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The Syndicate was back. This time they had claimed the name ‘The Apostles’ although there was absolutely nothing holy about them or their mission. Your dad and his team had attempted to get the three plutonium cores the Apostles were after but after they had taken Luther hostage and put his life on the line, the cores were lost because your dad wasn’t willing to gamble with Luther’s life. You respected your dad so much for protecting Luther above everything. His team had always been his family and he wasn’t going to put a mission above Luther’s life. The IMF had been beyond mad at your dad for losing the plutonium and so the CIA had sent August Walker with your dad to attempt to retrieve the cores.
Since then, you had found yourself travelling from Paris to London where your dad was instructed to bring Solomon Lane after your dad had worked with a broker named Alanna Mitsopolis in Paris who, under the assumption that Ethan was a killer named John Lark, had him take part in an attempt to get Solomon Lane in exchange for the plutonium with one being given as a down-payment upfront. Your dad of course, did not want to get involved with such a crime but kept his cover as Lark and had Benji and Luther ready to extract Lane so he didn’t end up in the hands of Alanna and her brother Zola.
Having to see Solomon Lane again after everything he had put you and those you cared about through was awful. You hated hearing his taunts as your dad and the others tried to grill him for information. Ilsa had taken to keeping you away from Lane, making sure he couldn’t target any taunts your way and to try and keep your mind off the whole thing. You were so grateful for Ilsa doing that because it really helped you distract yourself from the terrorist who was being held captive and it was nice to see Ilsa again after she went her own way after crashing at your safe house for a few days.
However, despite things looking like they could, for once, go smoothly. It turned out that after trying to accuse your dad of actually being John Lark, it had been Walker the whole time and after an intense gunfight between Walker and the Apostles and your dad and his team, Director Hunley was killed in the skirmish and both Lane and Walker had gotten away in the chaos. Your dad had attempted to chase Walker down while you, Benji, Luther, and Ilsa had moved to a new safe location, but he was unsuccessful in his efforts. In the new safe location in London, you sat with Luther and Ilsa while your dad was with Benji in another part of the building discussing their next move.
“Luther, do you think you guys will actually be able to stop them?” You ask quietly as Ilsa and Luther exchange a soft look with each other. They knew your words weren’t coming from doubt of your dad and the team’s abilities, they were more than likely coming from a place of fear.
“We won’t stop until we have all three cores and Walker and Lane are gone.” Luther assures you softly, his gentle voice bringing some semblance of comfort to you but both Ilsa and Luther could tell you weren’t fully convinced by his words. After all, it was nuclear weaponry that was in play. In the blink of an eye thousands, or even millions of people could be killed if Walker and Lane were not stopped.
“We’re going to stop them y/n/n.” Ilsa then says, wrapping a gentle arm around your shoulders and tugging you into a side hug as you lean comfortably against her side, fighting back the ever threatening tears. You didn’t know why you were getting like this; you’d lived through a bunch of missions and your dad, and his team had never let you down so far.
“y/n, can you come here for a moment sweetheart?” You heard your dad’s voice come from across the room, making you pull away from Ilsa slightly, nodding silently and getting up from your chair and crossing to your dad.
“You know, in all the years I’ve known Ethan I’ve learnt he cares for everyone. But his daughter will always be his top priority.” Luther muses softly, watching you cross to Ethan before glancing at Ilsa whose attention had fallen to him.
“I expect as much, she means a lot to him.” Ilsa says, her gaze drifting back over to you and Ethan, watching how Ethan tugged you into a gentle hug and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. It was obvious to anyone that Ethan cared about you a lot.
“She means the world to him. But I also know that Ethan cares a lot about you as well.” Luther then says, also watching your interaction with Ethan and he could tell that the hug alone had helped bring yours and Ethan’s moods up a little. Upon realising what Luther had said, Ilsa directed her attention back to him, curious to know more.
As Ilsa and Luther continued to talk, you had moved to join Ethan at the window, watching the people of London hurry down the streets like their lives depended on it.
“Are you ever jealous of people like that? Not having to worry about saving the world more times than anyone can count?” You ask quietly, glancing at your dad as his gaze remains fixed on the world outside. You knew he had a normal life before the IMF, but he never spoke about it. Not to you at least.
“Very rarely.” Is the most you get from your father in response to your question and you don’t dare to push any further.
“When we find out where Walker and Lane are heading, we’re going to head out as soon as possible.” Ethan then says, glancing briefly over at you as you nod lightly, inhaling sharply to try and subdue your nerves.
“Okay.” You mumble, not once objecting when Ethan gently reaches out for you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you into his side like Ilsa had done moments before.
“Hey guys not to disturb you or anything but I’ve got a location.” Benji then says, rushing through the room with his laptop perched precariously on his hand as he rushes to the table Luther and Ilsa were sat at with your dad following behind quickly, leaving you stood by the window. You knew you should probably join the team so you could at the very least be aware of where you were going and what the plan was, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move, your eyes drifting to the bustling people below and muttering quietly to yourself.
“Sometimes I’m jealous of them.”
When you eventually joined the group, you found out that you were heading to a medical camp near the Siachen Glacier. As you make the journey to the location, Ilsa soon figures out that Walker and Lane are planning on setting off the nuclear bombs so that the water supply of India, Pakistan, and China would be contaminated which could lead to a huge loss of life. As the car you were all in approaches the medical camp, you started to feel tense and nervous again. You felt like something was going to go wrong, especially with Walker and Lane potentially at the camp. As the car pulled to a stop, you all took a moment to put a comm in before climbing out of the vehicle.
“Let’s split up, I’ll check this tent while you guys’ fan out and let everyone know if you find anything. y/n, stay in someone’s sight at all times.” Ethan says, glancing at everyone in turn before focusing on you as you nod, all too used to that phrase by now.
“Got it.” You say as the rest of the team nods in agreement, and you all begin to take off, scanners in hand ready to search for the bombs before you heard something that stopped you all in your tracks.
“Julia?” All of you stopped in your tracks upon hearing your dad speak, and you turned around to see him and a woman face to face. You didn’t recognise the woman at all, and therefore had no idea how she knew your dad. You turned to look at Benji and Luther to see if they recognised her and to your shock you saw them exchanging a knowing yet concerned look with each other. Tearing your gaze from the two, you looked back at your dad.
Ethan was shocked at seeing Julia again. It had been years since he last saw her. He had to split up with her for her own protection and now she was in danger because of him again. Before Ethan could say anything, he heard a male voice calling out to Julia and Ethan looked over in the direction of the voice and saw a man approaching with a smile before he looked back at Julia.
“Does he know?” Ethan asks quickly, formulating a lie in his head when Julia shakes her head no. The man reaches Julia, standing alongside her as she wrapped an arm around him.
“This is my husband, Eric.” Julia introduces the man to Ethan as both men smiled, reaching out to shake hands.
“Rob Thorne. Doctor Rob Thorne.” Ethan’s faux name leaves his mouth easily, no hesitation as he shakes hands with Eric.
As Ethan and Eric converse, Julia finds her eyes wandering, catching a glimpse of four people watching the three talk and her smile soon shifts when she recognises Benji and Luther. She didn’t recognise the woman at all, and she couldn’t stop the raised eyebrow that occurred when she caught sight of a young girl among the ranks. She glanced back over at Ethan, catching the tail end of Eric talking about their guardian angel who helped out with them being here in the first place and she didn’t miss how Ethan’s expression faltered and she knew that him being here, along with the presence of Benji and Luther, that there was danger.
Just after Eric dismissed himself from the conversation, disappearing into the medical tent just behind Ethan, he turned to Julia who glanced back in the direction of you and the rest of the team before looking back at Ethan.
“I didn’t know the IMF was hiring kids now.” Julia says, no malice in her tone but clear worry and protectiveness over you despite not knowing you.
“No, y/n’s not IMF. She’s my daughter.” Ethan says, briefly glancing your way and seeing you and the others still watching the interaction.
“You have a daughter?” Julia asks, puzzled and not at all anticipating that answer from Ethan.
“It’s a long story, Julia. I am so sorry.” Ethan mutters as he pulls Julia into a hug before taking off with his team leaving Julia alone to worry about what dangers could await her.
After your dad left the conversation with Julia you could tell there was an added tension in the air. You had no idea who Julia was, but you could tell she was someone your dad cared about deeply which only added fuel to his fire. The five of you, using your scanners, search the camp for the bombs and eventually stumble across one and when you see Luther open it, the situation becomes ten times more real for you and you inhale shakily, eyes fixed on the nuclear weapon in front of you. You’re vaguely aware of the team talking about their next move but none of it was really processing in your head at all. The only thing that shook you out of your thoughts and focused your attention was your dad gently taking you by the shoulders and ducking down so he was in your line of sight.
“y/n, listen to me carefully. I need you to find Julia and tell her and her husband to start getting people out of here in case things go wrong. And then you’re going to ask her to take you with her.” Ethan instructs, watching you carefully as your eyebrows furrow and you shake your head.
“Dad no I’m not leaving you.” You insist, not wanting to leave him.
“It’s safer this way, trust me. We don’t have time to argue about this, you need to go. If we stop Walker, I’ll find you, I promise.” Your dad says hurriedly, briefly glancing behind you to look at Luther who was glancing between the bomb and Ethan. Without responding to your dad’s words, you hugged him tight before turning around and running back the way you had come from in the first place in search of Julia.
Searching a whole medical camp for Julia turned out to be a mammoth task. You’d only seen her from a distance, so you were desperately trying to remember some of her features, so you’d recognise her when you saw her.
After searching the first tent that your dad had been stood outside when he saw Julia and getting no results, even after asking around, you went to head back outside and as you rushed around, eyes surveying the people walking around, you ran straight into someone’s chest, nearly sending you stumbling back to the floor had the person’s hands not shot out to steady you.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-” You start to say, a thank you readying itself on your tongue, but your words faltered when you looked up and realised who it was you bumped into just as their grip on your shoulders tightened.
“Hello junior.” Walker said, an evil grin covering his face as your expression shifts to one of fear as you attempt to pull away, every attempt futile as Walker holds on to you with a grip so tight, you’re sure not even the strongest person in the world could get out of it if they tried. Knowing you stood no chance of getting free from Walker’s iron grip, the next plan in your head was to just scream bloody murder and hope your dad heard you somehow. However, Walker seemed to know your next move before you even made it and wound one hand around you after pulling your comm out while the other clasped across your mouth, muffling any screams that left your mouth as he pulled you towards one of two helicopters and harshly shoved you on one while yelling at the pilot to take off, quickly restraining you to the seat as the helicopter begins to take off. You had no idea why Walker was taking you or where, but you did know that you were scared. You had no clue if your dad even knew you were gone and that thought scared you more than anything else.
“You know, you’d be a good addition to my group. With Ethan out of the way and a bit of training, you’ll make a fine addition to our ranks.” Walker says, leaning towards your ear, his voice making an uncomfortable shiver run down your spine as you lean away, glaring at him.
“I’d never work for you.” You spit venomously, willing your glare not to falter when Walker just chuckles menacingly in response.
“Oh, we have ways to break you down.” Walker says, his threatening words hanging in the air as your strong façade begins to crumble and true terror began to cling at you. You had only seen a small bit of Walker’s violent tendencies. You knew he had been the one to kill Hunley, but you could tell that if he really wanted something, he’d stop at nothing until he got it. The further the helicopter travelled from the medical camp the more worried you got. You just wanted your dad.
It appeared that someone watching over you felt particularly generous because you could’ve sworn you could have cried when you caught a glimpse of the other helicopter being piloted by your dad. Walker was looking the opposite way to you so thankfully your dad was able to move out of his view before he turned around. You had no idea what your dad’s plan was, but you knew he at the very least had the foundation of a plan even if it wasn’t a fully fleshed out one.
When you felt the helicopter shake, you began to figure out what your dad’s plan was. He was trying to disable the helicopter as best he can without causing it to crash horrifically so he wouldn’t hurt you. You weren’t one hundred percent sure about how your dad was going to achieve it, but you trusted him. Walker of course caught on to what your dad was attempting to do and leant behind him, grabbing a large gun and positioning it ready to fire at your dad but before he did anything he turned to face you, jaw clenched and a mix of anger and madness in his eyes.
“You try anything, and your ass is out of this helicopter.” He hisses lowly, his words enough to strike fear into you so you don’t try to stop him. All you could do was watch helplessly as Walker attempted to shoot your dad down. You longed to do something, anything to stop him but you knew he’d follow through on his threat. Thankfully, being in a moving helicopter meant Walker’s aim was not as accurate as he’d like it to be. However, he managed to get a few lucky hits on the helicopter rotors which caused terror to leap into your stomach as you watch the helicopter rotors set on fire. You wished you could help your dad somehow, but you were completely powerless to help, if you tried anything, Walker would be quicker and would have no qualms about throwing you out of the helicopter without so much as a second thought. Knowing your dad was going to move on to a potential plan b, you mentally prepped yourself for whatever it was that he came up with.
It turned out your dad’s master plan was to crash his helicopter into Walker’s. Thankfully, you had your seatbelt on and so when the now destroyed vehicle had stopped rolling down the mountain, you hadn’t sustained any serious injuries. Your ribs were aching, and you could taste blood on your lip, but you figured that was the worst of it. Thinking it was safe to attempt an escape when part of the helicopter broke and burning oil started to pour on Walker’s face, you unbuckled your seatbelt and went to move but it was quickly obvious to you that the helicopter hadn’t stopped somewhere safe for you to get out and soon the helicopters were both plummeting again and this time you flew out of the damaged helicopter and landed quite painfully on your side, aggravating the pain that was already settled in your side. Sitting up, you blinked rapidly to clear the blurriness from your eyes from where you had more than likely hit your head against the floor. Noticing your dad begin to get to his feet you scramble to stand up, instantly making your way over to him.
“y/n, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Ethan asks instantly, noticing your bloody lip and surveying you for any further injuries.
“I’ll live.” Is all you say in response as Ethan glances over your shoulder, noticing Walker getting to his feet and without hesitation pushing you behind him.
“Stay behind me.” Ethan says protectively, positioning himself in front of you so you were fully blocked from Walker’s view. You were frozen in place watching the two men fight and grapple for the detonator. You knew you could try and get the detonator, maybe you’d be able to figure out how to deactivate it, but you knew if you got it, you’d quickly become a target to Walker and given his sheer size and stature, you stood no chance.
When your dad and Walker were hovering dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, you darted towards the two men. Whether you were aiming to grab the detonator or attempt to haul your dad away from the edge you hadn’t decided but the moment you got there, Walker was beginning to topple over the edge and his hands instinctively reach out to grab anything to keep him steady, unfortunately that happened to be you and your dad. The three of you fell over the cliffside and thankfully you and your dad were able to grab onto the cord of the hook from one of the helicopters that was hanging suspended on the cliffside. Unfortunately, Walker had also managed to grab onto the cord as well and all three of you began to attempt to climb up the cord, hoping the hook wouldn’t slip. As you climbed up the cord, you felt something grab your foot and you looked down to see Walker clinging to your foot, getting a full view of his burnt face and evil grin as you attempted to wiggle your foot free, head swimming with nothing but panic. You looked up at your dad who had noticed you weren’t right behind him and saw the look of pure terror in your eyes as Walker clung to you gleefully. Without saying a word Ethan was able to communicate with you, his eyes told you everything you needed to know. All you had to do was relax and remember what you had been taught. With newfound determination, you looked back down at Walker, using your free foot to kick him in the face. It took three blows to the head to finally loosen his grip and cause him to slip further down the cord, giving you and your dad time to climb.
“y/n when you get up move away from the edge and don’t try anything. Okay?” Ethan says as he temporarily stops climbing, moving around the cord so you could climb past him.
“What?” You question, stopping in your climbing efforts but Ethan encourages you to keep going, watching as you near the top.
“Just move away from the edge and the cord. Trust me.” Ethan says up to you, watching as you reach the top, looking down and nodding at his words before hauling yourself back onto the top of the cliff. You force yourself to your feet, wincing at the hot pain that flares up in your foot but carry out your dad’s wishes, limping away from the edge and the cord and anxiously awaiting what was going to happen.
All of a sudden, the hook came flying loose from the rock it had latched onto, sending it flying over the edge and you hear the sound of the helicopter plummeting to the ground.
“Dad!” You cry out, limping hurriedly back over to the edge but stopping yourself to save yourself from looking over the edge and seeing your dad missing. As your eyes flick down to the detonator, you realise you need to figure out how to deactivate the bombs and just as you go to move closer to the item, a hand reaches up and grabs the detonator and then soon you see your dad’s head pop up over the edge, making your eyes immediately well up with relieved tears.
“Dad, you’re okay!” You breathe out, limping over to him and helping him back up onto the cliff, noticing his injuries and watching him worriedly as he doesn’t have any energy to sit up at all.
“Is the detonator…?”
“Done. It’s done.” Ethan manages to say, his voice weak as he lies on his back, barely able to keep his eyes open as you ease yourself down to be kneeling next to him.
“Hey, you gotta keep your eyes open, dad. Someone will find us, but you have to stay awake. That’s what you always say, right? Always keep them conscious. That applies to you as well dad. Come on. Please?” You begin pleading when you notice your dad’s eyes slip shut. When your words and gentle nudges do nothing to bring him back to consciousness you swore you could feel bile rising in your throat at the thought of your dad dying in front of you. You frantically try to remember everything you’d been taught by your dad and his team and immediately pulled your coat off, lying it over your dad to keep him warm as you fight back a shiver as the cold mountain air immediately hits your skin. You had no idea if help was coming nor if they’d be able to find you up on this mountain, but you did know that you had to keep your dad alive no matter what.
As you checked your dad’s pulse and fight back a frown at his light breaths, you hear helicopter rotors and perk up, hoping and praying it’s someone who’s come to save you. A helicopter soon hovers in your line of sight and as it eases itself down to land on the cliff, you’re relieved to see people you remember seeing around the medical camp instead of people who worked for Walker.
“Take him first.” You insist, forcing yourself to your feet as the medics ease your dad onto a stretcher and ease him onto the helicopter as you limp along behind them, climbing in with the help of another medic who helps ease you down onto a seat. As the medics begin their treatment on your dad, one of them removes your coat and hands it to you.
“No, my dad needs it.” You say, moving to push the coat back to the medic before the man sat next to you takes the coat and turning to you.
“He’ll be okay now. Giving him the coat definitely helped while he was exposed to the elements, but he’ll be okay from now on.” The man says softly, holding your coat out for you to take which you do so gently, draping the coat over your lap.
“Your dad will be just fine, we’ll do our best for him and once we’ve landed my wife will check you over, it looked like you were limping. Am I right?” The man then says, glancing over at you while you nod hesitantly.
“I’ll only let someone check my ankle if my dad is checked first.” You say firmly, locking eyes with the man as he nods.
“Well my wife knows your dad so I think it would be best for her to check your ankle while we work on your dad, so she doesn’t stress herself out worrying.” He says, a gentle smile gracing his face as he watches you nod again, this time with less hesitation.
“I’m Eric, by the way. Sometimes knowing someone’s name can help you feel a bit more comfortable.” Eric introduces himself to you, his smile never fading as you shyly give him your own name.
Eric kept you company and kept your mind off your dad for the helicopter journey, the moment the helicopter made contact with the ground the medics working on your dad were instantly easing the stretcher out and rushing to the nearest medical tent as you watched on.
“Come on, kid. We’ll find Julia and she can check you over.” Eric says, helping you limp your way over to the medical tent and quickly locating his wife, calling her over and pulling her gaze away from Ethan.
“Eric, what’s happened?” Julia asks worriedly, crossing to her husband and gently grabbing his arms, looking back at Ethan before looking at you.
“I don’t know what’s happened fully, but I need you to check y/n over. She’s been limping and I don’t know if she’s sustained any other injuries.” Eric says quickly, his focus not leaving Julia as he calms her down. Once Julia has calmed down, Eric helps you sit down in the tent before dismissing himself to check on your dad. As Julia crouches down, easing your trouser leg up and helping you ease your shoe off you hear the worried voices of the team and your head shoots up, locking eyes with them the moment they all enter the tent.
“y/n, oh my god you’re alive.” Benji says first, rushing over to you and embracing you without a second thought, making you wince at the ferocity as your ribs scream in pain.
“Benji, my ribs.” Is all you need to say and Benji immediately let’s go, apologising profusely.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Ilsa crosses to you next, gently taking your hand and squeezing it softly as you look up at her.
“Please go and check on dad. You guys should be with him.” You say and Benji and Ilsa both nod, going off in search of your dad while Luther grabs a chair and eases himself down next to Julia.
“Luther, you should go and check on dad too.” You say, wincing as Julia applies a bit of pressure to the tender part of your ankle.
“I’m staying here Lil’ Hunt.” Luther says as he shakes his head, refusing to move.
“Lil’ Hunt? Is that his nickname for you or did your dad start that one?” Julia asks, glancing up at you as she grabs the bandage to wrap around your ankle.
“That was all Luther. He’s been calling me that ever since I could remember.” You say with a small smile, the fondness of the nickname never lost on you.
“So Luther’s been in your life a while then?” Julia muses as she busies herself with binding your ankle.
“Benji too. Ever since I was born.” You say with a nod as Julia looks up at you after completing what she was doing before looking over her shoulder at Luther.
“You poor girl. Putting up with those three must be tough.” Julia says, a small breathy laugh escaping your lips as Luther rolls his eyes.
“It’s not too bad, if you don’t count all the missions.” You shrug, not wanting to insult your family too much.
“Well… I’m glad you’re happy with them. You seem like a good kid. Ethan’s done a good job with you.” Julia says as you slide your shoe back on, wincing at your rib pain once more before you straighten up. You didn’t know your dad’s history with Julia, but you could tell that they had been close at one point. Maybe you’d get answers another day but for now, just meeting Julia was enough.
“Let me check your ribs because I heard you mention them earlier and you’ve been wincing a lot when you’ve moved around.” Julia then says, tending to your ribs and concluding you most likely had one or two that were broken and warned you to take it easy for the next few days to ensure they healed properly. As Julia finished up her examination after cleaning the cut on your lip, Benji comes rushing in to inform you that Ethan was waking up and all three of you were quickly on your feet and Luther was helping you limp over to where your dad had been taken to and when you got there, Julia had joined Eric in checking Ethan over and making sure he was okay while you and the team stood to the side. After Eric and Julia had finished talking to Ethan, Ilsa took their place, and you watched their interactions with a soft smile. You knew your dad truly cared for Ilsa and you could tell she cared for him too, you just hoped something would become of it so your dad could be happy.
“y/n, come here.” You’re snapped out of your thoughts by your dad’s soft voice and look over at him to see him watching you with a small smile, lightly gesturing for you to join him which you do so without hesitation.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more careful. I-”
“Sweetheart, stop apologising. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Ethan says softly, reaching up and cupping your cheek to get you to focus on him and stop talking.
“But… Walker got me and then you almost died.” You say, tears springing to your eyes as you think of how close you had gotten to losing your dad.
“Walker getting you wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known he was there. And I’m okay. We both are. I promise.” Ethan promises, his soft smile never leaving his face as you sniffle and nod, trusting your dad’s words.
“We’re okay.” You echo as Ethan removes his hand from your cheek and you glance back at the team, all of them wearing similar soft smiles.
You were all okay. Walker was dead and Lane was recaptured. The mission had been another success.
You wished luck to whoever your family went up against for their next mission because you knew your family would win against all odds. Whoever tried to end the world or cause a war wouldn’t know what hit them and your dad and his team would come out on top like they always did. Any enemies stood no chance and you hoped they knew it.
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helyiios · 1 month
Talking your ear off
“I’m not a damsel in distress,” Benji notes, not really smiling. He standing in the middle of a barren room, hands on his hips. His lips are coated in fresh blood, not his, though, and his knuckles are busted and so is his left brow. He’s definitely going to have a black eye, and some bruises near the ribs.
He stares at the man at his feet, lying dead and in a pool of his own blood. To say it didn’t feel good to go a little wild would be a lie—he was never one to feel guilty about taking a life. Which, okay, when you put it like that, it does sound a little weird. It’s not like he doesn’t care. It’s more nuanced. He doesn’t, hasn’t, ever, considered random people’s lives much more important than those of his friends.
Now, he’ll save the world, and he’ll be happy to do so. But if, let’s say, he has to kill a dozen of people to help Ethan, well. You know. He’ll probably do it.
The nightmares would follow, and he would never quite feel at ease with the blood on his hands, that was for sure, but he didn’t have his friend’s moral compass. Despite being an awkward and bubbly technician, he was also a little more jaded than people gave him credit for. Which was part of the whole clumsy IT-guy persona, sure, and for a while it had worked. But his time in Team Hunt had taught him to let go of some of these aspects. He was a little freer.
Back to the point. The man had lunged at him and they’d fought for a good five minutes, and Benji’s brain had switched to the hurt, kill, incapacitate, hurt side of it, because that how he’d survived so far. And, he means, it’s not like he’d had complaints, so…
There are steps behind him, and turns slowly, resting a hand on his ribs, watching Ethan barge in the room, eyes wild and gun in hand. When he spots him standing, breathing, and relatively unharmed, he visibly relaxes.
“All good there ?” he asks, scanning the room to check for more traps—there were none, Benji had already double checked, walking up to him slowly. “Are you hurt ?”
“Well, my eye’s a little fucked up,” Benji supplies, “and he got my ribs good. But apart from that, I’d say I did a good job here,” he smiles, catching the surprised stare the other had sent him.
“What’s up with the—huh,” Ethan gestures at his mouth, “did you bite your tongue ?”
“What ? Oh.”
Benji shakes his head, pointing at the man and then at a bit of flesh resting slightly further away from his body.
“Bit his ear off.”
“You bit his ear o—what the hell, Benji ?”
“What ? I didn’t have anything on me, and teeth enamel is notoriously really strong. It didn’t take me very long, but he was really loud, and it was quite bloody,” he grimaces, rubbing his lips to try and get blood off, “kind of gross, if you ask me.”
“…but you’re…okay ?” Ethan asks again, patting his arms, “it’s not your blood, right ?”
“As good as new, darling,” Benji grins, visibly beaming. “Did you manage to retrieve the info needed ?”
“Huh ? Oh, yeah, yeah,” his lover mutters, still inspecting him closely, narrowing his eyes at the busted eyebrow. “We’ll get you checked in the van. Brandt and Jane are back, too.”
“Oh ! Isn’t that lovely,” the other cheers, taking a step forward, stepping over the dead body without a care in the world, “this is one of our most efficient mission by far.”
“Well, we are the best of the best,” Ethan offers with a laugh. “God I kind of want to…” he pauses, staring at his lover, gaze dropping to his mouth, “yeah.”
“Ethan, love, I too would rejoice in Frenching you madly against this wall, but to be quite honest, I don’t think it’s exactly hygienic.”
“It’s hot, though.”
“What is ?”
He hesitates, ears red. Benji would find it endearing if he wasn’t so high on adrenaline and if he wasn’t starting to feel hard in his pants.
“That you bit his ear off,” Ethan finally says, still staring at him. “I didn’t think you’d…do…that.”
Benji’s eyes widen, and before he can stop himself he’s laughing loudly, head tipped back, a hand laid flat on his stomach. This only seems to make Ethan more and more flustered, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck in shame.
“Oh, my God,” the younger of the two men says, “is it like that time when I stabbed that woman to death and you watched ?”
“You were really agressive with it. It was a little intimidating.”
“Just say that you like it when I lose my shit,” Benji snorts, playfully punching the other man’s arm, “I can’t believe it. What’s next, you’ll get off on me breaking someone’s knuckles ?”
Ethan shrugs.
“Possibly. Have you ? Ever ?”
“Have I ever what ?”
“Broken someone’s knuckles.”
Benji hums, looking up as if deep in thought.
“I crushed some guy’s hand, once ? But in my defence, I was trying to make sure he wouldn’t be able to use his gun. Bit of a, huh, desperate mesure, if I’m honest here.”
“I like it when you get a little wild,” Ethan growls, cornering him against the wall despite it all, hands roaming on the other’s body, settling on his hips. “I don’t think you realise how good of a look it is on you.”
“What, the blood ?”
“Yes. Well, as long as it’s not yours, at least.”
“You’re a weirdo,” Benji smiles, almost licking his bloodied lips before remembering their state and stopping himself. “A weirdo who gets off on his boyfriend killing bad guys.”
“What can I say,” Ethan shrugs, holding him tighter, “I like the manic spark in your eyes.”
“We really need to get back to the van.”
“Can’t I at least get a little kiss before ?”
“Do you want to, like, catch every STD possible ?”
Benji just laughs, kissing his cheek wetly, smearing it with blood.
“Hold that thought, darling. I’ll make it up to you once I’m all clean.”
Ethan pouts but lets him go anyway, opting to hold his hand instead.
“Promise ?”
“Yeah,” his lover grins wickedly, squeezing his hand appreciatively. “Promise.”
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aashwarr · 1 year
15 questions. 🤎
i was tagged by multiple simmers! i’m trying to be more active here, so i wanted to participate! i’m tagging anyone who wants to participate as well!
1. are you named after anyone? ashley banks from fresh prince!
2. when was the last time you cried? like two hours ago when i watched ratatouille LMAO.
3. do you have kids? i have one pup named benji, but no kids. i’m not ready for those lil things anytime soon. 
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? all the time, especially with my sister.
5. what sports do you play/have you played? cheer & dance! 
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people? their attire and how they present themselves (not me being materialistic lol). i don’t judge someone’s character solely based on this, but it’s def the first thing that catches my eye.
7. eye color? dark brown, almost black. 
8. scary movies or happy endings? cliché romcoms all the way! 
9. any special talents? i’m a very quick learner!
10. where were you born? i’m from the southern united states. 
11. what are your hobbies? self-care, watching romcom movies & anime, playing video games, trying new restaurants & bars, traveling, going on walks. 
12. do you have any pets? benji! he’s a 3 year-old miniature schnauzer who doesn’t like men (taught him well LMAO).
13. how tall are you? i’m 5’2. 
14. favorite subject in school? art & dance. 
15. dream job? i’m currently doing it. :’) a full-time content creator, part-time sims youtuber!
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fangirlvibez · 1 year
The Bradshaw son and Seresin daughter - part 7
Characters: Bradley Bradshaw x female!OC Madison Ella Hanscott, Son!OC Nicolas Peter Bradshaw, Jake Seresin x female!OC Quinn Kelsell, Daughter!OC Hazel Alexandra Seresin, Son!OC Benjamin Jacob Seresin, OC!Connor Malcolm Oxland
Warnings: in this chapter: mention about (teenage) pregnancy. (Let me know if I forgot a warning)
Summary of the story: The 16 year old daughter of Jake Seresin gets pregnant. The dad: the 18 year old son of Bradley Bradshaw. How will the dads react to their kids becoming teen parents.
A/N: English is not my first language, so if there is any spelling or grammar errors: please let me know
Previous part - next part - masterlist
His homescreen was a picture of Hazel with Mac, taken a week later when they switched the kids for their parent-son day. He loved his small family.
While Nick and Bradley were having their conversation in Bradleys office, Hazel decided to take the twins grocery shopping with her. She had invited Connor that evening for dinner to celebrate the first day at Top Gun. “Okay kiddos, ready to go buy some food to make dinner for dad and Uncle Rex?” She asked her twin boys, looking at the rearview mirror of the rental car. Both boys where strapped in the seats and cheered at what their mom said. Hazel laughed before turning on the car and driving to the grocery store.
After a twenty minute drive the young mom parked the car close to the entrance of the store. She takes of her seatbelt before turning to her kids. “I will take you out of the car and you will hold my belt loop when we are walking towards the store. Than you can sit in the shopping cart. If you let loose of my belt loop and run off, I will get you and we will turn back home, Okay?” She asked, making sure her kids understood her. “okay mommy” Benji said while Mac nodded at his mom. Hazel smiled while she opened her door to get her kids out of the car. She was glad her kids listened well to her. She was proud of Nick and herself in raising such fine boys, even when they were only 4 years old.
When inside, Hazel picked up Benji first to put him in the shopping cart, Mac followed. “Okay, I will put items around you, I don’t want you to play with them unless I say so and if you throw something out of the cart, I will take you out and you can walk next to me, okay?” She asked her boys again. The kids nodded. “Okay then let’s start shopping” Hazel said, taking a grocery list out of her purse.
“Mommy, mommy, you can’t forget the cake mommy” Benji said, pointing at a birthday cake when they pass the bakery aisle. Hazel laughed: “why would we need a cake Benji” “for daddy and Uncle Rex, mommy. You said celebating and celebating means cake” the 4 year old explained to his mom. Hazel laughed once again at the mispronunciation of her son. “You are absolutely right Benji” she agrees. “But we are not celebrating a birthday, so let’s get this brownie cake, it’s dads favorite.” “I like brownies too mommy” Mac said proudly. “I know sweetie” she said while placing the cake next to Mac.
The small family keeps shopping, not knowing a familiar person stood frozen from afar, following the family with her eyes while holding a watermelon in her hands. No, it couldn’t be. The woman was hallucinating, she didn’t just see her daughter walk into the store with 2 kids. She didn’t just hear both kids call her daughter mommy. That woman couldn’t be an older version of her daughter. Quinn stood frozen for another 5 minutes before placing the watermelon back and starts walking around the store. Not caring she left her shopping cart behind. She only need to see the woman again to make sure she didn’t see her daughter.
After passing the fourth aisle Quinn freezes once again. She could hear a laugh coming from an aisle further. A laugh only a young boy could make. And then she hears a woman’s laugh. A laugh Quinn knew all too well. That laugh belonged to her daughter. Slowly she walking towards the aisle, hiding behind the closed samples bars, standing next to the rows of cereals, she looked into the aisle.
There stood her daughter once again, holding up one of her kids to pick small cereal box from the top shelf. The boy she was holding had his tongue stuck out, focussing on completing his task of picking the box. Quinn’s eyes follows the laughing sounds and land on the boy in the shopping cart. He was laughing at his brother. Than she heard her daughter laughs again and her eyes wander back towards the woman. She has grown so much. She turned from a pretty teenage girl to a stunning young woman. She became a mother, and from what Quinn could see, her daughter became a great mother too.
Quinn got tears in her eyes. How she missed her daughter so much. Like her husband, she never forgave herself for putting her trough what she put her through. She felt guilty of what she did. She thought back to her own pregnancies. How difficult they were for her, the morningsickness that lasted for months, the moodswings that made her lash out on Jake, even though he hadn’t done anything, the midnight cravings where Jake had to leave to the midnight store to get the exact right food for her. the constant back pains and food cramps that went so intense she sometimes cried herself to sleep too. And that was only with one child. She couldn’t imagine what she had to go through with two kids at once. Quinn knew she was taking care for by Nick. She knew Nick treats her right before, during and after the pregnancy.
The boy completed his mission and got the cereal box from the top shelf. His brother cheered while Hazel put the boy back in the cart. “Great job Mac” she said kissing the young boy on his forhead. “You will get the next ingredient from the shelf Benji” she told the other kid, who smiled at her.
Quinn froze for a third time in those 20 minutes that passed by. Benji and Mac, the twins names were names Hazel and Nick were very open about naming their children. Quinn can still remember the first time she heard the name Benji come from her daughters mounth.
A newly 7 year old Hazel was opening a birthday from her grandparents. Her whole family was standing around her, watching the young girls smile. She gasped before showing the present to her parents. “Look mommy, daddy, it’s a baby doll” she said, holding the doll in her hands like she seen her mom do with Benjamin when he was born. “I see sweetie, what is their name?” Jake had asked his daughter. Hazel put up her thinking face, which had made the family laugh. “I know!” She said excited. “I’m gonna name them Benji, like Benjamin. That way, I will have my own Benjamin” she explained to her parents. Years later, Hazel kept saying she would call her firstborn baby boy Benji. No one thought she would keep that promise.
A couple of years later Quinn heard the second name pass by. Nicks kitchen was being renovated. Meaning Nick couldn’t concentrate one bit on his homework. Jake and Quinn let Nick use their kitchen table to study at when the library was closed. One day Nick was doing some Science homework when Jake noticed an egg with a face drawn on sitting on the table. “Why is there an egg on the table and why does it have a face?” He asked the room. Quinn was preparing for dinner, while Bradley was waiting for Nick to finish his homework to take him home. “Oh that’s Mac” Nick had answered. “It’s this thing we need to do for school. You need to look after an egg and the persons egg who can survive the longest can win something” he explained. “Mac? You give it a name?” Bradley laughed at his son. Nick laughed akwardly. “Yeah we had to give a name to make the experience real or something. I thought Mac was a cool name. Who know I can name my future child that” he laughed.
Quinn laughed at the memory. Of course Nicolas Peter Bradshaw would name his kid after an egg project from school. She decided to leave the young family alone. She didn’t want to make a scene and didn’t know how her daughter would react to seeing her mother after 5 years. Quinn turned around, ready to look for her shopping cart when she bumped into an other customer, making their shopping cart to flip over. Hazel looked over at the noice, only for her to freeze this time. Quinn stood with her back to Hazel, but she can hear the shock in her voice when one word came out of her mounth: “mom?”
Taglist: @confusedpimp @dempy @michael-loves-chickens @massivedetectivestudent @starkleila @shanimallina87 @angelbabyange @memoriesat30 @mirrorball-6 (if your username is crossed out it means I couldn’t tag you) (let me know if you want to be tagged)
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Love Bites: Chapter 5
Series Masterlist
Two months passed by slowly for Y/N as she couldn’t wait to go on tour. Ultraviolet celebrated Christmas and New Year together, having a good time drinking and just being boisterous.
Finally the time had come for the tour to start. Doug has been begging to go with them since ‘Rock of Ages’ was filmed but Y/N put her foot down. She remembered the disastrous conversation that ended the discussion.
“Doug for the last time, why would you want to come on tour?” Y/N asked as she ran a hand through her hair.
“To spend time with my girlfriend, is that too much to ask?”
“Doug we’ve been over this.” Y/N groaned.
“And it seems that we have to go over it again. I should come with you.”
“What about all your complaining about lack of money. You are the one who is insistent that I get a ‘real job’ yet you are more than happy to quit yours. What will we do for money then?” Y/N had to admit that maybe it was wrong of her to pull that card but for the last month and a half Doug had been going on at her about joining on tour. Nobody else’s partner would be joining and Ultraviolet simply couldn’t afford the extra expense of another person.
That and she didn’t want him there. She wanted to enjoy this time and not have another repeat of the night in the pub after their show. Y/N dread to think what Def Leppard really thought of her after Doug’s little performance then.
“Fine. You probably don’t want me there so you can fuck whoever you want.” Doug spat at her and with that he turned around and stormed off.
Doug hadn’t mentioned anything about joining her on tour again, but passive aggressive comments were made, making Y/N countdown the days until she would leave. Of course to start with they would be in between the UK and Europe and in the middle of March they would be going to America until the end of June.
The day they had to leave, Doug was barely talking to Y/N. He seemed to still have a chip on his shoulder and Y/N wasn’t going to do anything to cause an argument. She was too excited for that. 
She double checked that she had everything packed and sat all her bags by the front door. Benji would be coming by to pick her up for the first venue along with his girlfriend. They had to be early to sort out their luggage. Doug had said nothing about seeing her off, which made her relax a little bit. At least she wouldn’t have to risk a scene in public, or in front of Def Leppard.
“I’m now off.” Y/N called as she saw Benji pull in outside. She didn’t get a response and sighed to herself as she went to go find Doug. He sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea. It was obvious that he could hear her shout for him.
“I’m going now.” She told him as he continued to look away from her.
“I heard.”
“Fine. I’ll see you in a few months then. With that she made her way to the front door and collected her bags. Doug had followed and stood a few steps behind her. 
“You’ll call won’t you?” Doug asked her, causing her to turn around. If Y/N didn’t know him as well as she did then she might have thought he cared. But she knew that he only wanted to keep checking up on her. To keep the peace she nodded her head and opened the front door.
No more words were shared between the two as Y/N picked up her bags and made her way to Benji’s car.
“He let you come then?” Benji spoke as soon as she shut the door.
“Reluctantly, yes.”
That was all that was said on the matter. 
When they got to the venue, Y/N and Benji were met with Tammy and Johnny who had come together. The aura of excitement that surrounded the four was thick as they waited to put their bags on the bus they would be using. It was nothing fancy but enough for the four of them.
Y/N heard a commotion coming from behind her, where the five Leppards were making their way towards them, all of them displaying the same energy as Ultraviolet. 
“Are we all ready?” Joe asked as he clapped his hands together. Everyone cheered like a bunch of children, earning odd looks from the venue staff. Peter Mensch and Ultraviolet’s manager Gavin came up to the group, smiles on their faces. 
“It’s great to see you all getting along so well. You will all be spending a lot of time together over the next few months.” Peter told them all as he looked at Gavin.
“So if Y/N, Tammy, Johnny and Benji want to come with me and we’ll sort your bags out then go to soundcheck.” Gavin looked in between the people he was talking to. Y/N could feel the adrenaline build up inside of her, all her dreams about to come true. A quick bye was said between the bands before they went their separate ways with their luggage. 
As Ultraviolet weren’t that popular yet they didn’t have the money for over the top stage outfits so they made due with what they had at home. This meant that the band were responsible for their own clothes and that they had more bags to transport with them. 
After they dropped their bags off, Ultraviolet made their way to soundcheck. This would be the biggest crowd that Ultraviolet had played in front of and throughout soundcheck, Y/N could feel the nerves creeping up on her. She was getting reassuring looks from Tammy who could already tell from her best friend’s demeanour that she was scared.
However, there was one person in the room who managed to calm Y/N down. Joe had come to watch, along with Sav and Rick. No one could guess where Phil and Steve were. As Y/N sang into the microphone, she made eye contact with Joe who had a gentle smile on his face. The kind of smile that could put all the world to rights and it was directed at her.
The butterflies in her stomach were going haywire as her focus was on him. It was like his gaze was removing any worry from her whilst his smile was uplifting her to perform to the best of her ability.
At the end of their soundcheck, they made way for Def Leppard to do theirs. Y/N went backstage to the makeshift dressing room that was set up for them. Due to lack of room, the two bands would be sharing and Y/N and Tammy would have to change in the bathroom for some modesty.
Y/N was sitting backstage doing her makeup when Def Leppard finished. The rest of Ultraviolet were dotted around the room and chatter filled the previously peaceful silence immediately. Smiling at them all, Y/N stood up and went to her small bag where she had that evening's outfit stored before she went to the bathroom to change. 
Trying not to take too long, she quickly swapped her clothes before putting her jeans and old t-shirt in the bag. As she walked out of the bathroom she was met with something solid.
“Sorry love.” She heard a familiar deep voice announce as he put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. Y/N peered up into Joe’s green eyes.
“I wasn’t looking where I was going, sorry.” Y/N told him as she found herself still in his grasp.
“Don’t worry Y/N.” Joe smiled at her. “You were great earlier.” He told her, referencing the soundcheck.
“Thank you.” She squeaked, which made Joe smile even more, showing the dimple on his left cheek.
The two stood there in silence as they stared into each other’s eyes. Joe thought that she might just be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, especially as she looked up at him with those doe eyes of hers.
They hadn’t realised how long they had been standing there until they heard two people clearing their throats. Looking over they saw Sav and Tammy watching them.
Would anyone like to be tagged when I update this series?
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catb-fics · 4 months
🎸 Van’s your typical man when he sees boobs with a pretty face. I’ve always worn henleys undone unintentionally and caught Van looking a few times. After we got to know each other better he started complimenting me more and I cought him looking at my boobs all the time .I sprayed him with water like a poorly behaved animal a few times. He fell asleep on my shoulder and his head fell onto my boobs and he let off the most subtle smirk I’ve ever seen. He got up, kissed me, farted and darted
I cut my hair from long to short years ago and he was not a happy camper. When it grew out again he was very happy so it’s safe to say he’s a big fan of long hair
We went to petco for crickets to feed my niece’s bearded dragon and Van was having a conversation with the parakeets. Bondy and Bob were cheering on all the puppies graduating from dog training school and Benji got his finger stuck in a cat cage
🎸 anon your asks are so wonderfully weird and specifically detailed I never know what you’re going to come out with next 😂 At this stage I don’t even care if it’s not true as it’s so entertaining!
Van would be welcome to fall asleep on my boobs any time but alas there isn’t much of a pillow there 😭
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leupagus · 1 year
In my head I'm calling this "its glory is all moonshine"
In which the most feared agent of the IMF requests uppies.
'Just get in the goddamn car, you fun-sized pain in my ass,' Luther bellowed. Ilsa tried not to flinch, but Luther had an impressive set of lungs. He'd been accepted to the Manhattan School of Music to sing opera, she'd heard, but had elected to attend MIT instead. What a different world it would be if Luther Stickell had gone onto the stage.
She and Benji and Ethan would probably be dead, for a start.
They were standing (or sitting, in Ethan's case) outside the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi, where they'd all been unceremoniously deposited following the mission in Kashmir three days ago. Ilsa had a somewhat disoriented memory of the journey here — 'Spot of concussion, I should think,' a cheerful round-faced doctor had told her — but the last day and a half was clear enough: dozing in one of the chairs in Ethan's room, playing pinochle with Benji at a nearby cafe, arguing with Luther about which season of Call the Midwife was best while they floated lazily in the hotel pool.
'You're not really selling me on this,' Ethan was saying, rolling his wheelchair back and forth. 'The last time I got in a car with you, you drove us off a cliff.'
'You drove a helicopter off a cliff the other day,' Ilsa reminded him. Ethan made the face that she was rapidly associating with him admitting the point but being deeply unhappy about it.
Luther, meanwhile, had finished shoving the last of their things into the boot. 'Do I have to carry you bridal-style? Because I've done it before and I will do it again.'
Ethan gave him a long look, then lifted his arms. 'What did your daughter used to call it?' he asked. 'Uppies?'
'Fuck you, Hunt,' Luther said, stomping over to the car. 'I'm driving.'
'Do I get shotgun?' Ethan called after him.
'Up your ass, maybe.'
Ilsa glanced over at Benji. 'Are they always like this?'
'Usually worse, I'm afraid,' he muttered back.
'I thought they were just catty with each other because of — you know, the job.'
'No, he's been verbally abusing me for almost twenty-two years,' Ethan said, absently tilting his wheelchair until Benji, impatient, hip-checked the back of it and sent Ethan crashing back down to all four wheels. 'And this guy's been physically abusing me for thirteen.'
'Twelve,' Benji corrected. 'And genuinely, Ethan, please remove thine arse from the wheelchair and get in the car.'
'You haven't told me where we're going,' he said, tilting again. Ilsa was almost impressed by how deeply irritating he was. Three days ago he'd been half-dead on that mountain; now he was trying to get his own colleagues to kill him.
'America,' she informed him, righting his chair a bit more gently than had Benji; Ethan still looked outraged at the presumption. 'You are, according to the doctors, in need of rest and relaxation.'
'I don't know what you've heard about America, but it's not a very restful place right now,' Ethan observed.
Benji made an irritated noise in the back of his throat, like he'd swallowed an eggroll sideways. 'Please, for the love of all that is holy in this world, get in.'
'Well, since you used the magic word,' said Ethan, levering himself upright. It looked painful and ill-advised. 'Am I supposed to be doing this?' he asked, wobbling slightly.
Ilsa got under his right arm as Benji grabbed for his left. 'We'll have to ask Luther when the last time you asked if you were supposed to be doing something,' she said, and his soft chuckle was warm in her ear.
'I get no respect,' he murmured, then complained loudly when she shoved him into the backseat and took shotgun for herself.
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your-divine-ribs · 17 hours
Forbidden Part 20
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Words: 1.4k
Just a short update here - I’m now halfway through posting what I’ve written of this story so far 🖤
Forbidden Masterlist Main Masterlist
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You find concentrating in your classes hard enough at the best of times but it's near on impossible the way that your body physically aches for Van as you watch him pace slowly back and forth, delivering the lecture in his usual captivating style. You lean back in your seat, letting your gaze trail lazily over every inch of him whilst the soothing sound of his voice washes over you.
There's something so mesmerising about watching him up there, the way he commands the attention of every student in the room. He looks completely at ease, confident, energised somehow, any hint of anxiety or agitation that he exhibited earlier totally melted away. It's as if the simple act of seeing and connecting with you has revived him like some kind of magical elixir. And he has exactly the same effect on you.
It's hard to believe that you'd tossed and turned in bed all night, agonising over doing the right thing and digging deep to find the strength you needed to break off your improper relationship and walk away. All it had taken was five minutes in his presence and you'd been reduced to compliant, submissive putty in his hands, any shame you'd felt at Bob's disapproval completely overshadowed by the throbbing need between your legs.
Weak... that's what you were... weak.
But bad girls never do the right thing, do they?
The thought brings a sly smile to your lips as you squeeze your thighs together under the desk.
Surely it's not natural, the way you feel almost constantly aroused since you've embarked on your affair. It doesn't take much at all to set you off. Just one suggestive comment or a fleeting touch from him is enough to make you abandon all of your morals and blindly follow him down whatever sordid path he chooses to lead you on, not just willingly but shamelessly so.
"Okay guys, that brings us to the end of the lecture... and remember there's only one more week before your exams, so I trust you'll all be working really hard revising and spending less time down the pub." Dramatic groans echo around the room, prompting Van to crack a grin.
"But it's not all doom and gloom," he continues, scanning the faces in the room, his eyes flitting to meet yours. "Of course you'll all be getting very excited about the history department trip to Italy. Don't forget I need deposits in by next week's class at the very latest though."
A chorus of whoops and cheers goes up from your fellow students but you don't partake. Money's tight at home, you've blown most of your student loan on rowdy nights out all semester and there's no way you can afford to even put down the deposit, let alone pay for the whole trip. Five nights in Italy doesn't come cheap. You sigh inwardly, trying to ignore Erica's shrill excited giggle, concentrating on sliding your books into your bag instead. You take your time, hoping everyone will be eager to leave so no one will see you slipping into Van's office yet again.
There seems like little point expending too much energy on lamenting a missed trip to Italy when you have other, more pressing issues to deal with. Like the fact that you're soon going to be alone with Van again after your last few exhilarating encounters. Your heart's already fluttering faster than a humming bird's wings at the thought of what he might have planned for you.
The loud chatter eventually starts to subside as the crowd filter out of the door but still you keep your head down, aware that Van's also taking his time packing away, both of you pretending like you aren't waiting for each other. You're so intent on not acknowledging him that when you feel the presence of a tall figure looming over your desk you're startled, quickly looking up, your surprise swiftly evaporating when you see Benji standing there wearing one of his trademark shit-eating grins.
"Come on then, where is she?" He smirks.
"Where's who?" You reply, eyes darting behind him to see Van lingering, head down as he shuffles around some paperwork on the desk.
"Y/N," Benji laughs, hoisting his rucksack on to his shoulder. Now you're really confused, and mildly irritated too. You're eager to get to Van's office and you don't need Benji inadvertently cock-blocking.
"What the hell are you going on about now?" You glance at Van again, see him still hovering over the desk, head bowed. It looks like he's intently reading his lecture notes but you know better. He's waiting for you, listening in, probably gauging how you act around him when you're with others. It makes you nervous. "Look, I don't have time to muck about, I've got... errr... I've got something very important to do... some revision if you must know."
Benji chuckles. "There ya go again. You're an imposter, I know it! Sneaking off from drinks out to do coursework? Turning up for lectures super-early?" He grips your shoulder gently, giving you a playful nudge. "What've you done with the real Y/N? I want her back. She was way more fun!"
"Yeah well, turns out just being fun isn't enough to pass my exams and make sure I don't get kicked off the course this summer."
You can see Van watching you in your peripheral vision now. He's hardly being subtle about it but Benji's oblivious, back turned and full attention on you. "There's no way you're failing. I know your last semester's marks were crap but you'd have to completely bomb the exam not to pass. You're perfectly clever enough. You could probably scrape through without even revising. A few of us are off to grab an early lunch at that pizza place in town if ya wanna come instead of doing boring revision?"
"When you've finished your... motivational talk Benji, I'd quite like a word with Y/N actually... about her very important revision."
Van's voice suddenly booms out and Benji visibly jumps, a shocked expression on his face as he whirls around to face Van.
"Jeez... I thought you'd gone..."
"Evidently," Van smiles, but there's little humour in it. There's a coldness in his eyes that makes you wince and Benji definitely clocks it. His face creases into an uneasy smile as he backs away, mumbling how he'll see you later before he's turning quickly and making for the door, pushing through and leaving you and Van alone.
"It's not surprising you struggle to meet your deadlines with so many.... distractions."
There's obvious disdain in Van's tone and you wonder where it stems from. Is he genuinely concerned about your success on the course or is it something else? Your mind whirls, throwing up a scenario you never would have dreamed of, but the possibility excites you. Is he... jealous?
"I'd hardly call Benji a distraction," you say, watching him closely, noticing a muscle twitch under his eye. He's tense.
"You two seem very close," he replies quickly. "You spend a lot of time together."
"Well we do live together so I guess it's inevitable." You shrug, picking up your bag, then you find a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you step around the desk. "Anyway... you're a fine one to talk about distractions!"
You keep your eyes on him as you approach, watching his own smile mirror yours. It's warm now, any chill melted away. His eyes trail down your frame slowly and then rake back up as he audaciously appraises you in a way that sets you on edge but simultaneously makes you feel powerful.
"Maybe there's a lesson to be learnt here... about keeping your focus... on what's important."
"A lesson?"
Your breath catches in your lungs, compressed by a sudden tightness that's nerves and arousal and excitement all at once. He steps around the desk and towards you, coming to a stop just a foot away, looking down on you.
"Give me five minutes... then come to my office. Don't let anyone see you come in."
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justabigassnerd · 8 months
First (Official) Meeting
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Pairing - Ethan Hunt x daughter!reader
Word count - 4,734
Warnings - mentions of bombs, violence, death threats, fears of abandonment
Summary - a month after catching Solomon Lane, you meet Ilsa for the first official time, this time without the bombs and threats
A/N - it took about twenty years but I'm finally here with a new Lil' Hunt fic! (did anyone cheer?) I am so sorry this took so long my motivation is all over the freaking place idk what's going on. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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After finally catching Solomon Lane and ending the Syndicate. Ethan knew he had found someone he could trust in Ilsa. She saved his life more than once and even protected you after Lane kidnapped you and used you as a bargaining chip to get the disk he craved so much. Due to the dangers of both Ethan and Ilsa’s jobs, they weren’t able to keep in regular contact for the sake of remaining as safe as possible in between missions.
You were more than okay with that fact. You knew Ilsa had saved not only your dad but you too, but you couldn’t shake the off feeling you had about her. You just couldn’t forget what went down in the train station mere minutes before Lane’s men grabbed you and hauled you off. You heard Ilsa and your dad talking, your dad trying to get her to help the IMF out, and Ilsa had talked about how the IMF wouldn’t need him soon enough, and that he’d be discarded once they deemed fit. And after saying that you heard her asking Ethan to run away with her. It crushed you. The silence that followed hurt even more. You expected Ethan to shut Ilsa down, to say there was no way he was leaving you, Benji, and Luther behind. But his silence signalled to you that he was genuinely considering it. That he, even for a moment, thought about leaving his team behind. You knew that your dad probably didn’t want a kid while being an agent. His silence spoke volumes to you as you pulled the comm out of your ear and muttered ‘I need some air’ to Benji before walking off right into the hands of Lane’s men.
After you had been rescued and you, Ethan and the team were back stateside, Ethan had noticed a change in your demeanour. You were quiet, less involved in conversations and barely gave him a second glance. You were disappearing off to the sanctuary of your room moments after eating dinner. Ethan couldn’t blame you for your shift in behaviour. You’d been held captive and forced to have an explosive vest strapped to you while in your dad’s presence. It was natural for anyone to be shaken up in that situation, but it didn’t stop Ethan from being worried about you. It took several attempts on Ethan’s part to get you to open up about the kidnapping and the events that transpired before. It happened one night after you had a nightmare, Ethan had heard your cries and rushed into the room, gun in hand as he quickly surveyed for danger before rushing to your side, pulling you into his arms and helping you find your breath. He didn’t force you to talk, he just wiped your tears and let you recover in your own time. However, once you recovered your breath, he never could have anticipated your next words.
“Were you really going to leave us to run away with Ilsa?” Your voice was barely a whisper, thick with tears and Ethan would’ve missed it entirely had you not been curled up in his arms. At your words, Ethan was instantly shaking his head.
“No, I could never.” He says, unable to believe you’d think such a thing.
“But when she asked, you went silent. It was like you were genuinely considering it.” You argue, another wave of tears attacking you, making you curl further into your father and grab a fistful of his shirt as if it will singlehandedly keep him with you no matter what.
“The question took me off guard, sweetheart. I could never leave you, Benji, and Luther behind. Either we all go or none of us go. I promise you; I’m not leaving you, ever.” Ethan knew it was a big promise he was making, especially given his line of work and the constant danger that followed him around like an eager puppy. You spent the rest of the night before you fell back asleep, talking to your dad about everything you had been feeling since London and he did his best to comfort and support you. Talking to your dad about how you felt which led to you beginning to reintegrate back into the group which made all three men incredibly happy at getting to see you smile and involve yourself with everyone again after a month of nothing more than one-word answers and curt nods.
One day, a couple of days after you started returning to your normal self, Ethan found himself walking around the local area. There was no suspicious activity, nor any mission for him to be on, he was just overly cautious and channelled that energy into going on a walk so he could keep an eye out for anyone who may want to cause harm. As Ethan wandered around a nearby park, eyes surveying every person present in the ways only an IMF agent could before he caught a glimpse of an all-familiar face.
Ilsa was stood a way away, sunglasses sat on her face, but Ethan knew it was her. He’d always be able to recognise her in a crowd, even with the most intricate of disguises. She didn’t do any more than offer a tiny smile before Ethan began gravitating towards her. He hadn’t seen her since everything that went down with Solomon Lane in London, and he just wanted to see how she was doing.
“Ilsa.” Ethan breathed the second he reached her, embracing her in a gentle hug that she is quick to reciprocate.
“How have you been, Ethan?” Her voice is no louder than a soft whisper by his ear as she speaks, widening Ethan’s smile as he holds her.
“I’ve been okay for the most part. How are you?” Ethan admits, pulling away to look Ilsa in the eye as she removes her sunglasses, setting them atop her head.
“Still figuring things out. But I’m doing okay.” Ilsa says, nodding and keeping her small smile on her face, forever trying to be strong and not let her defences down, even in Ethan’s presence.
“You should come to the safe house, lay low with us for a while and get to know my team a little better.” Ethan offered; voice low as he briefly glanced around to make sure there was nobody mingling nearby. Everyone in the park was too busy doing their own thing, walking with a loved one, playing fetch with their dog, or playing catch with their kid. Ilsa debated Ethan’s words for a moment, thinking of what her alternative options could be until she finally reached a conclusion to the debate in her head as she nodded.
“Okay, but only for a few days. I’ll have to move on again soon.” Ilsa says, receiving a gentle nod from Ethan in return. He wasn’t overly keen on the fact that Ilsa had to keep moving around but if it kept her safer then he wouldn’t stop her, not that he could ever stop her from doing something once she’s set her mind on it. After getting the okay from Ilsa, Ethan began to lead her back to the safe house, both agents on their guard the whole walk, expecting danger to appear at any given moment. Thankfully, both agents made it back to the safe house unharmed and entered the building, hearing the sound of laughter and following it to where you, Benji, and Luther were sitting around the table, clearly laughing at something someone had said. All heads turned to look at Ethan as he walked in, and Ethan didn’t miss how you smiled at him and then your smile faltered when your eyes flicked over to Ilsa. There was a tense silence after the laughter died out which was soon replaced by the sound of chair legs scraping across the floor.
“I need the bathroom.” You mutter, quickly excusing yourself and rushing off as Benji and Luther watch you leave before exchanging a glance before Luther gets up and heads into your room, knowing that’s exactly where you will head once you’ve hidden away in the bathroom for a moment. Benji stayed put and glanced back at Ilsa.
“You alright?” Benji said, lifting his hand for the slightest wave as Ilsa nodded, immediately noting the tension filling the room. Despite that, Ethan invited her further in, inviting her to take a seat and get used to the house. As Ilsa perched on the edge of a seat, sat on guard, ready for any potential attack, Ethan pulled Benji aside.
“What was that for?” He hisses lowly, making Benji raise an eyebrow.
“I just said ‘you alright’ I didn’t know you had a problem with that. Look Ilsa’s British she’ll get it.” Benji started, defending his actions when Ethan shushed him.
“No, not that. You, Luther, and y/n gave a weird look when Ilsa walked in. What was that for?” Ethan reiterates, watching as Benji clears his throat awkwardly, glancing over Ethan’s shoulder to make sure Ilsa wasn’t eavesdropping before looking back at Ethan.
“Have you forgotten that she tried to kill me that night at the opera?” Benji says, eyes wide at the thought that Ethan might have chosen to overlook that fact.
“Didn’t she kill the guy who was trying to kill you?” Ethan asks, eyebrow raised as he counters Benji’s point.
“Well, what about when she used those shock paddles on me to get away with the disk?” Benji then argues, remembering the pain of the paddles against his back all too well, fighting back a shiver as he remembers it.
“She was being forced to do that stuff, Benji. Did you forget that she helped me rescue y/n? Or that she helped us catch Lane?” Ethan counters, watching as Benji begins to shuffle, fighting his hardest not to look awkward under Ethan’s glare.
“No I didn’t forget that… but-”
“Benji, you need to stop judging her on past actions. You trust me, right?” Ethan cuts Benji off, knowing it won’t do anyone any good to have tensions like this within the safe house. Upon hearing Ethan’s question, Benji softened.
“Of course I trust you.” He answers, watching Ethan nod before speaking again.
“I trust Ilsa. If you don’t feel ready to trust her yet, then that’s fine but at least trust my judgement here.” Ethan says, his voice low as he looks at Benji, watching as his friend nods slightly.
“Okay, Ethan.” Benji says, looking down like a child getting scolded and Ethan nods once more before backing away to join Ilsa while Benji remains where he was stood.
As Benji and Ethan were talking, you had entered your room after hiding away in the bathroom to collect your thoughts and nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw Luther perched on your bed.
“Jeez Luther, a little warning would be nice.” You say, a nervous laugh tagged onto the end of your sentence as you close the door behind you.
“I apologise. I just wanted to check in with you. I saw the way you reacted when Ilsa walked in.” Luther says gently as you cross to sit next to him on the bed, instantly fiddling with your hands and avoiding eye contact.
“I’m okay, Luther.” You say, barely glancing up at him as he frowns, not trusting your words.
“y/n, it’s okay to not be okay. I can help if you tell me. I won’t tell your dad if you don’t want me to.” Luther urges, watching as you think on his words, debating whether you open up to him or not.
“Promise you won’t tell dad?” You whisper, looking back up at Luther as he begins nodding instantly.
“You don’t want me to tell him, I won’t tell him.” Luther promises, his voice never straying from his gentle tone. With confirmation that this conversation won’t make its way to your father, you nod your head and begin to talk.
“You already know that Ilsa was there when I had that bomb strapped to my chest. But she said to dad’s face that her instructions after getting the disk for Lane were to kill me and him. I know she didn’t, and maybe she never would’ve even given the chance, but hearing something like that is terrifying, Luther. And even if she hadn’t done that… I don’t know Ilsa that well and I’m scared she’ll be like every other outsider who’s come to the team.” You admit quietly, looking down at your wrist and fiddling with the silver charm bracelet that sat happily on your wrist. Luther took in your words carefully nodding as he listened to you speak and understanding where you were coming from. Before replying, Luther silently asked permission to bring you in for a hug which you accepted instantly, always happy to have a hug from anyone in your family.
“You have every right to be cautious after what happened. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?” Luther starts, feeling you nod slightly against him.
“I understand why you’re so cautious about someone from outside the team coming here for a while. You have every right to feel the way you’re feeling. However, I would recommend you try and at least be civil with Ilsa. She’s on our side she was just in a bad situation.” Luther urged softly, looking down at you as you shifted slightly in his embrace to look up at him.
“I know I should. I know dad likes her a lot as well. But it’ll be so hard.” You admit, embarrassed to admit it but Luther just nods softly, no hint of judgement on his face.
“Just do your best Lil’ Hunt.”
It turned out that your best was sitting in the furthest possible corner with your head in a book and avoiding any and all conversation with Ilsa.
Over the days that Ilsa was staying at the safe house, she made significant progress in building trust between herself and Ethan’s other team members. Luther pretty much trusted her straight out of the gate, Luther had used Ilsa as a way to track down Ethan when both Ethan and Benji had disappeared to hunt for Lane. Luther had known that Ethan trusted Ilsa and since Luther trusted Ethan, he had no reason to doubt Ethan’s judgement. Benji was a tougher nut to crack, he was cautious because of the alleged two times she tried to kill him, but after a day or two Benji conversed with her a little more and they began to form a friendship of sorts.
You, however, were much more difficult to get through to. Ilsa couldn’t blame you, after all, you had heard her admitting Lane’s orders were for her to get the disk and then kill both you and Ethan. Ilsa, of course, never would’ve followed that order, despite her cover she never would’ve been able to bring herself to kill you or your father, but you didn’t know how far she’d go to maintain cover. Ilsa figured that you believed she would’ve done it for the sake of her cover. Ilsa wished to be able to prove to you that you can trust her, she knew Ethan told you multiple times a day that you could talk to her to try and build up a bond, you were just struggling with everything.
One day, Ilsa had seen you reading a book that she recognised. In mostly working alone Ilsa often fell to reading books to provide herself with comfort and gave her a way to pass the time. Taking a deep breath, Ilsa crossed the room and eased herself down on one of the other chairs around the table, keeping a good distance between you and her as she gauged your reaction. You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye briefly before turning your attention back to your book.
“Hi y/n, how’s the book?” Ilsa asks tentatively, watching as you shrug and let out a slight hum in response.
“You know that book is one of my favourites so if you ever want to talk about it, I’m more than happy to chat about it with you.” Ilsa then offers, receiving another hum and shrug. You were not playing ball and Ilsa could tell. You were trying to keep a barrier between the two of you and Ilsa didn’t want to force herself into your life if you really wanted nothing to do with her. With a small sigh, Ilsa got up from the chair and left you be, not wanting to disturb or upset you. As she crossed the room, she made eye contact with Ethan who offered her a small smile and a mouthed apology on your behalf.
Ethan, without even knowing of the conversation you had with Luther the day Ilsa arrived, knew exactly why you were shutting down and acting this way. He couldn’t fault you for being cautious. And he couldn’t blame you for worrying about how Ilsa may treat you, especially given how a lot of IMF agents have treated you in recent years.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Ethan said as he entered your room, a gentle smile on his face as he crossed the room and perched on the edge of your bed, watching you put your book down and smile at him.
“Hi, dad.” You reply, expecting him to give you a hug and ask you about your day before bidding you goodnight as he usually did each night.
“I’ve noticed you’ve not really spoken to Ilsa. Is this because of London?” He asks, noticing you tensing slightly at his words, glancing away from him before looking back at him and nodding lightly.
“And because I’m scared she’ll be like the others.” You admit meekly, fiddling with a loose thread on your duvet cover to distract yourself from seeing the potential upset in your dad’s eyes.
“Oh, sweetheart. Ilsa’s not like them I promise you that. And I know she’d never hurt you either.” Ethan says softly, he’s not the first person to tell you that but hearing it from him eased your mind slightly. He was there when you had the bomb strapped to your chest. He heard the threats yet still trusted Ilsa to help him catch Lane.
“If you give her a chance, I bet you’ll see how well the two of you will be able to get on. You trust your old man, right?” Ethan continues, moving further up the bed to pull you into his arms which you accept instantly, curling into him.
“I trust you.” You reply, head resting just above his heart as you listen to the steady thumping.
“I wouldn’t willingly encourage this if I didn’t trust Ilsa. She’s someone I care about and who I know you’ll learn to like too. Don’t tell her I said this, but she likes you already.” Ethan says gently, his chest rumbling gently under your head with each word spoken.
“She does?” You question, lifting your head slightly to look up at him as he smiles down at you.
“Oh definitely. When we went our separate ways after catching Lane, the last thing she said to me was ‘watch out for y/n, she’s a good kid’.” Ethan says, the words burned into his memory. He saw the slight smile that crossed your lips before you buried yourself back into his chest.
“I’ll try to make more of an effort with her.” You promise, beginning to realise that if Ilsa really was as bad as your mind was making her out to be, she’s had several opportunities to wipe out you and the team or steal valuable IMF information. Instead, she’s been hanging out with everyone, getting to know them that little bit more. And with your dad’s words swirling around your head, you went to bed that night with a whole new perspective.
The next day, by the time you’d rolled out of bed and showered, you entered the main room to find your dad, Ilsa, Benji, and Luther sitting around the table conversing about something that, judging by the looks on their faces, could be serious. You didn’t want to disturb them, but you were curious, so you remained where you were stood, listening to them discussing the suspicious activity Luther had picked up on and listening to them discussing how to deal with it. Everyone seemed to have different ideas, and no one was able to agree with the other.
“y/n, what do you think?” Ilsa had noticed you walk in and how you mingled nearby to listen. You were Ethan’s daughter, and she was sure you’d be able to come up with a good plan of attack. When no one shut down Ilsa trying to involve you, you spoke up as an idea came to mind.
“Since you guys don’t actually know if it’s a genuine threat or just petty crime you could just go on a walk around, have a look around. But take Ilsa with you as well. Benji and Luther can run extra surveillance from here.” You suggest, shrugging lightly as the team exchanges a look, nodding in agreement before looking back at you.
“That sounds like a pretty good plan, y/n.” Benji says with a grin, both he and Luther instantly turning their attention to their laptops and hacking into what they need to gain access to cameras in the nearby area. As Ethan and Ilsa prep to go out, Ilsa crosses to you, a nervous expression you’ve never seen on her before displayed across her face.
“You’re really okay with me going with your dad on this?” She asks softly, watching the soft smile covering your face as you nod.
“I am. I trust you and I know you’ll bring my dad back.” You say and Ilsa swore she could’ve fallen apart right then and there. She doesn’t know what happened overnight to make you trust her, but you were trusting her to go out on surveillance with Ethan and knew she’d bring him back to you.
“I won’t let you down.” Ilsa promises quietly just as Ethan calls over to her, now ready to head out and you watch her cross to your dad, the two of them sharing a smile and a nod before heading out of the door.
While Ethan and Ilsa were investigating where they’d heard of suspicious activities taking place, Ethan figured that now was a good time as any to have a private chat with Ilsa. Turning off his comm after informing Benji he’s going to do it, he motions for Ilsa to do the same and once she’s done so he speaks up.
“I noticed you talking to y/n before we left, and she was smiling. Making progress?” He asks, kicking aside a damp cardboard box to look for any evidence of the activities he’d heard of.
“A little. She was saying that she trusts me and knows I’ll get you back in one piece.” Ilsa replies with a small smile, already playing the moment back in her head.
“She’s had it rough. A lot of people from outside the team would see her and subsequently see a burden.”
“But she’s not.” Ilsa cuts in, quickly apologising to Ethan who shakes his head with a slight chuckle before sobering up to continue with what he was saying.
“Of course, she’s not. But a lot of people did think that and would treat her pretty badly. It’s why she struggles with opening up to new people. It’s only ever been me, Benji, and Luther her whole life so when she’s supposed to trust people who treat her badly… it’s hard on her.” Ethan continues, peeking around an alley corner and heading down it with Ilsa close behind.
“I’d never treat her like that.” Ilsa swears as Ethan glances at her, the smallest of smiles on his face.
“I know you won’t. And I think she’s beginning to know that too.”
Back at the safe house, you were awaiting Ethan and Ilsa’s return after both of them cut off their comms. Neither Benji or Luther could pick up on any suspicious activity and figured that the two would be back before too long. As predicted, the two came in within fifteen minutes muttering how it was a dead end that pointed to nothing more than petty crime. You hugged your dad instantly upon his arrival, which he of course reciprocated before you crossed to Ilsa.
“Thank you.” You say, looking up at her as she nods with a smile.
“I said I wouldn’t let you down.” Ilsa replies with a wink as you smile.
“You know… I’m halfway through that book you said you liked if you wanted to talk about it with me?” You offer, noticing how Ilsa’s eyes immediately lit up and you grab your book off the table before heading to the sofa with her. You both sit on the sofa as you begin to animatedly talk about the parts you’ve read, including the big midpoint plot twist. Ilsa engaged with your thoughts and shared some of her own, both of you grinning.
“Did we just get replaced? That fast?” Benji says incredulously, watching you and Ilsa interact while Ethan and Luther chuckle.
“We’re not being replaced, Benji.” Luther assures his friend, clapping him on the shoulder as all three men watch you with smiles of their own.
For the rest of the day you hung out with Ilsa, getting to know her and her getting to know you. You were so thankful that every question she asked was about getting to know you and not just your dad. Everyone who spent time with the team tried so hard to get information about Ethan from you. But Ilsa was different. She genuinely wanted to get to know you and you had so much fun getting to hang out with her. It was also nice to have another girl to talk to, being able to get advice and help about certain topics you struggled talking to your dad about. When it came time to go to bed you found yourself wishing you could stay up all night talking with her, but you didn’t want to be any more of a nuisance, so you left her be with a goodnight before heading to your room to sleep.
The next morning, you woke up eager to continue your book chat with Ilsa after reading a few more chapters before going to sleep but when you showered and changed and entered the main room you saw Ilsa slinging her back over her shoulder.
“What’s going on?” You question, looking from person to person awaiting an answer.
“I’m going somewhere else y/n. I was only planning to stay a few days anyway.” Ilsa says, speaking softly as you approach her, all sorts of emotions displayed on your face as you try to process everything.
“You can’t stay a bit longer?” You ask, fighting back a frown when she shakes her head with a gentle smile.
“It’s safer for all of us if I move on.” She explains and you understood her reasons, though it didn’t mean you liked it.
“Is there a way I can keep in contact with you?” You then ask, watching as Ilsa nods, pulling out her phone and getting her number out for you to copy down into your own phone.
“Now you can message me whenever you want.” She says as both of you tuck your phones away. As she starts to say her goodbyes to Benji, Luther, and your dad you start to regret taking so long to open up to her.
“Goodbye y/n.” Ilsa says, turning back to you when you suddenly wrap your arms around her for a hug, smiling when you feel her arms wrap around you.
“Goodbye Ilsa, I’ll miss you.” You whisper before pulling away.
“I’ll miss you too. I can’t imagine it’ll be too long until we see each other again.” Ilsa says, her smile never leaving her face as you nod, watching her bid one last goodbye to everyone before exiting the safe house.
While you were upset you hadn’t spent as much time as you now wished you had with Ilsa, her words comforted you slightly. She was right, you’d see each other again.
It was just a matter of time.
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