#and while the rock will definitely affect imogen
agentdumortain · 1 year
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(Top row: cover art from Jackie Cohen’s solo EPs About Yesterday and Give It Time. Bottom row: cover art of one of Stunts’ EPs “Leaning Backward” and their most recent release, “Didn’t See That Coming”.)
Jackson Cohen, better known as Jackie, is the frontwoman of one of alternative’s underdog up-and-coming bands Stunts. She tells me before she’s even sat down that she never expected to be where she is today. “I know a lot of people say that kind of thing under these circumstances, but I mean it in every sense.”
We discuss the obvious first; how the element of surprise, virality, and speed affects the path and struggles of becoming a public figure. But the singer feels that the "unexpected" sentiment she holds is even more relevant to her and the band's evolution since highschool. "I don't think our music is what we imagined it'd be at all, but we're pretty in love with it. That's a good thing!"
Cohen’s earliest works, both solo and collaborative with various members of Stunts, (past and present) are a far cry from what you’ve most likely heard from her today. Psychedelic pop, sweet and swooning, are accurate descriptors—sometimes even synthesized.
All of those elements are still found in Stunts’ recent projects, but the trajectory of their music has undoubtedly shifted into something heavier. Not darker, but in the literal way, with more weight. Post-punk and rock influences are obvious, especially in lyricism. There’s an air of confidence and lived experience that wasn’t present before. The singer names Jeff Buckley, Slowdive, The Smashing Pumpkins, and The Cure, as just a snippet of her and her bandmate's inspirations. “Y’know, I think—doesn’t everybody want to be someone else a little bit?” She smiles with some humor at the thought, but it’s clear she believes it.
“About Yesterday”, Cohen’s first EP, can be found scattered in many corners of the internet, (not on any formal streaming platforms, as it is rife with uncleared samples) where it’s often named as a favorite by indie popheads from all backgrounds. She made it in her basement with the help of her older brother and a few of his musician friends. “Realizing your older siblings are cool is a tough pill to swallow,” she jokes. “But at some point or another, they realize you’re kind of cool too, and that opens up a whole new world of opportunity. He [Jackie's brother] definitely encouraged my, um, my—penchant for music? That feels dorky to say."
“Artists like Imogen Heap, TV Girl, Mazzy Star; I looked up to them for sure while making that, [About Yesterday] and most of my other stuff too, to be honest. I think it was comfortable and fun to work in that style. I was able to express myself how I needed to at that time, and I still am, it just sounds hugely different from when I was 16.”
I ask her how that change in sound, as vague as that is, came to be. Does she attribute it to anything specific, or feel like it was a natural progression?
"Working as a team, probably? That will always yield different results and force you to "evolve" in some way or another. I was doing the band and my own thing at the same time, [in highschool] though, so if I came up with something I knew wouldn’t fit with Stunts, I could still take it somewhere else if I really wanted to. But I think meeting my friends, my bandmates, that was a really big part of the shift. Probably the biggest. They all have their own unique tastes and styles in what they consume and create. I grew up going to shows, but they have taken me to probably hundreds more at this point, and shown me stuff I wouldn't find on my own. They’re so versatile as musicians and artists, they’re always open to trying all these different things, but they don’t lose their standards or vision in the process. Ever. Um, they’re the best. Sorry—I’m rambling," she laughs. "Does that answer that question at all?”
Not even minutes later, we've bounced through several different subjects, Jackie sometimes asking me more questions than I can ask her. When I had reached out for an interview, she eagerly accepted the opportunity and invited me to come to her apartment rather than my initially suggested café. "Coffee shops can get so fucking loud!" She had emailed me.
We're still in her living room, which also serves as a makeshift studio. (She clarifies: "None of the real recording happens here, I think I would've been evicted by now if that were the case.") The space is small and full, but well organized. There's a few photos framed on her desk-side wall above her monitor, a handful of them I recognize as cover art. I ask her if there's any story behind them.
"Oh—ha, I was really into film in highschool. I still am, I just don't have as much time or opportunities for it right now. But yeah, some of the photos I've used for cover art are mine. Some are just ones I dug up from my parent's basement." She follows my gaze, which lingers on one cover that has been an object of speculation since it's release. "Give It Time."
I glance back at her, understanding if she doesn't want to elaborate on it. Most fans believe it's a photo of her and Seven Lawless, her ex-bandmate and ex-boyfriend, (who, at the time of the EP's release, were both in Stunts but their relationship was not yet public.) but the pixelated editing has left it fairly ambiguous. There are other plausible theories floating online about who it could be.
When I had first arrived at her door, she told me: "I'm an open book with most things, as long as you don't have bad intentions." And I'm not in the business of prying into subjects like that for anyone I interview—but she smiles at me warmly when she realizes what's caught my eye.
"I didn't take that one actually. It's still one of my favorites, though."
There's a comfortable lull in the conversation while I continue to examine the wall, until I point to one that looks only slightly out of place among the rest. There's about five people (you can probably guess who) squished into the frame, all half-dressed and soaking wet with wild grins plastered onto their faces.
She immediately bursts into a fit of laughter. "Okay, maybe not that one. My manager might kill me."
Stream "Didn't See That Coming" here.
This is the first part of a pre-BOTB interview miniseries about my @infamous-if OC, Jackie Cohen. Whiplash Magazine is local to her home county's music scene but a lot of their audience is spread out online too. :)
The album cover edits were inspired by @spider-actual’s edits for their Infamous band Shelter In Place, go check them out they are so cool !!!
Original sources of the photos used for album art: About Yesterday / Give It Time / Leaning Backward / Didn't See That Coming
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"No!" Laudna shouts, inky tears trailing down her face, pacing the length of the room as her hands pull at her hair. She feels an artificial warmth attempt to wrap around her, but she quickly fights against the feeling and glares at the woman before her.
"You deliberately kept this from me, so don't you dare try to force me to calm down."
Imogen stares down at her feet in shame, the gnarlrock shattered on the floor between them. She takes a step forward, barely managing to hold her resolve.
"I didn't touch it," she argues weakly, her hands fidgeting at her sides.
Laudna whips around and for the first time in their relationship, Imogen is afraid. Instead of their usual warmth, Laudna's eyes hold only fury and pain, the intensity of which knocks the breathe out of Imogen and crushes her heart.
"It doesn't matter, Imogen!" In a flash, Laudna takes off her ring and displays it for her to see. "We promised no more rocks. You promised me. And yet you didn't bother to tell me about this, even though you've had it for days!"
Something bitter and dark twists in Imogen's chest, an acrid taste filling her mouth. "Yeah well, it's not like you kept your promise either."
Laudna's eyes widen in shock and betrayal. Before Imogen can take back her words, Laudna throws the ring at her, hitting her solidly in the shoulder, Imogen only just managing to catch it in her hands. A piece of Imogen's soul shatters when she realizes what she's said.
"No, wait, I didnt-"
"How dare you," Laudna growls out, her voice the deadliest Imogen has ever heard. She might as well have commanded Imogen to be silent with how her entire body freezes.
"I had no control over my body when that happened," Laudna snaps, her fists clenching and black ichor starting to drip from where her nails are piercing her skin. "You kept this rock, knowing what Delilah made me do!" She steps forward, her hands shaking at her side.
"You know very well that I was worried about what that rock was doing to you, but do you have any idea how it feels to know you didn't care enough about my safety to keep that fucking rock away from me?"
Imogen can only stare as Laudna takes another step forward, her shame and guilt and fear rooting her to the spot.
"You shattered the other rock, so why on earth would you keep this one? If it hadn't been for Orym, that," Laudna points at the pile of shards at Imogen's feet, "would have been just another way for Delilah to prove to me that I'm nothing more than a puppet!"
Imogen forces herself forward, her hand reaching out. "I'm sorry-"
Laudna swats her hand away and turns her back to Imogen, her shoulders shaking. Imogen takes another tentative step forward, desperation and rapidly growing anxiety clawing at her chest.
"She was right," Laudna whispers, the words tearing what remains of Imogen's heart to shreds.
"Laudna," Imogen pleads with a whisper, her eyes stinging with tears as she cradles the ring to her chest.
"I need some time, Imogen. Please," she begs, a sob escaping her lips. "I need to be alone right now."
"A-alright." With a deep breath, Imogen walks to the door, only turning back once her hand rests on the handle. Laudna remains where she was, her back turned and her shoulders hunched. Tears blur Imogen's vision as she fights to hold herself together enough to open the fucking door. As she leaves, Imogen sends out one final thought.
I love you, and I'm sorry.
Laudna severs their connection.
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musicmixtapes · 6 years
June 6, 2018 Mix
Hey everyone,I haven't been as timely with the mixes as usual because it's summer and there's way more distraction, but I love finding old music and making it new again and I really feel that this week with some of the selections. 
Spotify Playlist 1. Where Did Your Truth Go? by Girl Skin - Listen carefully especially in the beginning to the laughing conversation, the city sounds etc, its such an interesting layering behind the simple guitar and piano. The words are very philosophy based around conformity in society and wearing a mask to fit in. 2. Dancing In The Moonlight (It's Caught Me In Its Spotlight) by Thin Lizzy - A classic that I will always sing and dance to, but I listened to this because I first heard the Alt-J slowed down version (featured on a previous Music Mix) and wanted to hear the original which is amazing in its own right. 3. Africa by Weezer - I was so excited when I saw that Weezer took on this icon of a song originally done by artist 'Toto' and I was definitely impressed by their garage rock take of it, although some portions still remained true to its 80s original which I loved as well. 4. Shake Your Lonely by Twin Peaks - When they sang in beautiful harmony "I know I'll be the only girl to shake your lonely heart" well, I really felt that on a relatable level. The chilled out indie folk vibes I get from this is so beach and summer feels, love the horns featured too. 5. Cigarette by Marika Hackman - I felt like I was listening to this in a small dimly lit bar with Marika sitting on a stool with this song. It just gives you those feelings and I love the minor chord progressions that go on throughout, especially the line "lit a cigarette and gave it a kiss" it's just very perfect. 6. Night And Day by Fred Astaire - The story behind my discovery of this song is me listening to Beatles Sirius XM in the car and hearing Ringo Starr do his version of this classic and then them playing Astaire's croony lulling version right after. And obviously I fell in love with the jazzy vintage vibes, especially the trumpet. 7. I Won't Hurt You by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - I treat this song as a spoken poem because it's so beautiful that I think it needs to be read while being listened to simultaneously. It's essentially about the speaker wanting someone to appreciate and love them because they feel dissociated from the world. Also there's the sound of a heartbeat throughout the entire song which is amazing. 8. One Day Like This by Elbow - Shout out to my girl Devlin for showing me this brilliant gem that I had never heard of before the other day! I love this one, it takes you through a relationship going through tumultuous times but one party wanting to just forget about it and move on to a better time. But the truth is that life isn't like this, all the speaker wants is just one beautiful day to appreciate love. 9. Thirteen Sad Farewells by Stu Larsen - I've definitely been getting back into the folk genre recently, I think that the lyrics here are so story-like, so they're very easy to follow, but they definitely make you think as well. I'm not sure what the significance behind 13 is, but perhaps alluding to the unluckiness of the number and his bad luck in relationships and that he has no more goodbyes after that. 10. Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac - I guess I'm putting some iconic songs on this mix, but icons deserve to be recognized every once in awhile too, not just obscure weird songs. Then again, this song is pretty edgy what with it's clear meaning of a woman who frequently does cocaine and how it affects her and her visions. The woman this song is about will never change her ways and it does note bode well for people to love her because they will become broken. 11. I Want To Break Free by Queen - Happy Pride Month! Had to include a song that celebrates people who quite literally need to break out of the typical and express who they really are. Mercury was one of the first male singers/icons to come out, especially for the time period in which Queen was performing, it was quite bold. This song you will sing along to whether you like it or not. 12. U + Ur Hand by P!nk - This. Song. It means everything to me and whenever I get nervous to go out to a party where I know people will be judging me or thinking that I'm there for them, I listen to this. P!nk knows what's up and the fact that she is leaving a man who has wronged her and treated her badly with his hand to soothe himself, makes me feel like I can do the same. 13. Make Out In My Car (Sufjan Version) by Moses Sumney - A super simple song that is sung by Sufjan? I'm not really surprised, but I am so in love with this little tune that should be in an independent movie. The sentiment that the speaker doesn't want to sleep with the love interest, but simply just kiss is SO romantic and slow going and sweet. 14. Beige by Yoke Lore - A song about wanting to see someone's bad parts, the realest part of a person, what's going on inside of them rather than what they portray to the world. That is a beautiful sentiment. Also this is an interesting music genre cross over because it begins as a folky song but then becomes kind of electro-folk? I love it, it's pretty original. 15. Ya Ya Ya by You Won't - People getting together over having shared issues with their parents? Sounds like it would make an interesting song, and it totally does in this one. This gave me serious Father John Misty vibes with the interesting chord choices and simple voice with cool words sprinkled in. This was released a couple years ago, but they're a seemingly unknown band so they deserve the hype. 16. Poem by U.S. Girls - You might think this was an 80s song if I didn't tell you otherwise. U.S. Girls are very individualistic, with their electro-indie-pop tunes and their obvious affection for poetry, which drew me into them, because I also am a huge poetry fan/poet myself. Kind of reminds me of some Imogen Heap songs so if you're into that, definitely listen to the rest of this album. 17. Jmy Attendais Pas by Clea Vincent - Another electro-pop song, except more fun because it's in French! I actually translated the lyric page so I could see exactly what the song was about and I highly recommend you do the same if you don't speak fluent French because the sentiments are so sweet in addition to it being such a fun song anyway. 18. Halloween Party by Soda Club - My friend Maeve's cousins' partner is the drummer in this saxophone driven dream pop band which is currently on a tour in which they are playing songs from their EP and also some other fun tunes! They are amazing live, but I specifically connected with this song and how the speaker repeats the phrase "who am I supposed to be?" to take it further than it just being about a costume on Halloween, but goes into the existential sense which I love. 19. Ruin Your Night by Sorcha Richardson - Everyone needs to have this in their feels/alternative/driving playlist because everything about it is the quintessential alternative song that belongs in your life. I love the message driven feeling to this song that the speaker is bad for the love interest and knows it, but will pursue the love anyway and ruin things. 20. All These Things That I Have Done by The Killers - This is in no way an underrated song and is generally hyped up enough, but I feel like I got away from it for awhile and was focused on a lot of other songs by The Killers and kind of forgot about this one. The buildup of this song is everything, like the fact that it starts with one sound and becomes a whole chorus of people singing by the bridge part of the song. Amazing. Iconic. Hope you enjoyed this week's mix! I'll probably have 1-2 more mixes out before I embark on my journey to France for my poetry course! Stay tuned in and rock on Xoxo,
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tweetermixtapeclub · 8 years
Greetings! Matt here! After doing some thinking on how to structure my first playlist for the group, I thought it’d be fun to provide a sort of snapshot of my musical tastes. An introduction! Me in song form? Not exactly, but close.
The mix is titled THE MEAN because it shows where I’ve seemed to settle as a music fan - everything that’s been exciting me most in the last few years is reflected here in some way even if not all my favorite songs made the cut. But like I can’t use up all my fav songs in the first go-round, ya know?
Los Campesinos! - “By Your Hand”
I think the world would be better off if every mixtape opened with a Los Campesinos! song (they mean a lot to me, just like that Phonogram comic said). Choosing one for this here mixtape wasn’t super easy, but “By Your Hand” made the cut because it was my semi-reintroduction to the band after they kinda dissolved into the musical ether while I was transitioning from torrenting/purchasing to streaming. I hadn’t checked in on them in a while, and this track - which opens their fourth record - blew me away.
By the way, they just put out their new record and it’s really, really good.
WHY? - “Fatalist Palmistry”
WHY’s lead singer Yoni Wolf, like Gareth Campesinos!, has a way with words that affects me at a core level. The way they frame simple relationship issues as world-imploding, body-disfiguring incidences like cats clawing out eyeballs. This is one of Why’s more straightforward, melodic tunes, but I first gravitated towards them because of how well they mix genres. If you like this one, try some more!
Pompeii - “Numbers”
Next up is a really gorgeous song about eating disorders. This sort of melodic rock music was especially important when I lived at home and attended my religious alma mater, because it was easy to digest by those around me. Limited opposition by parents and less complaints by roommates, that sort of thing. This is from Pompeii’s first album, Assembly, which is one of the more underrated / underexposed records I’ve latched onto. Beautiful compositions, some great string work, strong lyrics.
Dear And The Headlights - “Run In The Front”
Dear And The Headlights’ “Run In The Front” is a fun, explosive shift from Pompeii’s somberness. This is my favorite of their songs, but if you hear this you’ll understand their schtick immediately - shouty vocals over acoustic guitars that explode into VERY GOOD CHORUSES THAT ARE MADE FOR SCREAMING ALONG TO WHILE DRIVING. They only ever put out two records (‘07 & ‘08) which is a damn shame.
Bad Bad Hats - “Psychic Reader”
WHOAH who woulda thought that Bad Bad Hats would be the first band to be featured twice on this blog? This is off of their debut full length (I believe they’re still offering it for free) which was one of my favorite albums of 2015. There’s a simplicity to their song structure that still manages to feel full and propulsive.
Frou Frou - “Must Be Dreaming”
Quick jump back in time here to 2002 when Imogen Heap joined with Guy Sigsworth for the short lived group Frou Frou. GARDEN STATE introduced the world to “Let Go,” but “Must Be Dreaming” was always my favorite track from the record. One of my fondest memories is blasting this album on a particularly rainy day while driving around my home town.
The Blue Nile - “Tinseltown In The Rain”
Despite being the oldest song on this mix, “Tinseltown” is actually the song that’s newest to me. The lead singer of Los Campesinos! put out a playlist the featured this track and it’s been present on nearly every mix I’ve made since. It’s an absolutely gorgeous Bowie-esque soundscape that fits any situation.
Carly Rae Jepsen - “Your Type”
I honestly could have pulled tracks from Carly Rae’s E•MO•TION (and the album’s Side B) out of a hat to see which one to include here, but “Your Type” wins the day...for no other reason than it’s the track I’ve listened to the most this week. I’ve always loved pop music, and Carly is producing the best around right now. Excellent collaborators, the voice of an angel, a fascination with the cycles of Love...can’t get enough.
Destroyer - “Downtown”
I’ll never forget the first time I heard a Destroyer song. The disconnect between what I was hearing and the actual artist name totally blew me away, and I love introducing people to Dan Bejar’s work to see if it shocks them as much. This track is off Destroyer’s excellent album KAPUTT which came out the year I got married and provided the soundtrack to that entire wonderful and stressful time. Sick bass lines, an emphasis on saxophones...it’s absolutely stunning, and that’s not just the nostalgia speaking.
Motion City Soundtrack - “LG FUAD”
I grew up in a religious household and one of my first personal vices was putting in headphones and listening to music that wasn’t shy about using curse words. So naturally this is the Motion City Soundtrack that ends up here. It’s playful, crass, and taps into an emotional insecurity that I find to be pretty universal.
Wild Beasts - “Reach A Bit Further”
Wild Beasts (another of my favorite bands) are consistently putting out strange, esoteric albums. I first encountered them when I was making the shift from more traditional pop-punk to what I guess would be categorized as the indie-rock, Pitchfork-y crowd and they really puzzled me. The awkwardness of their vocals. The emotional honesty. This track prominently features their two vocalists and I find it suuuuuper romantic.
Broken Social Scene - “7/4 Shoreline”
Following up Wild Beasts with another of my all time favorite bands, Broken Social Scene. Here’s a great example of one of their more straightforward, rockin tracks that still highlights their perfect blend of catchy melody and lo-fi, cluttered approach. It’s an awesome wall of sound.
Bloc Party - “This Modern Love”
Is this the best song ever written? I guess I’ll let you be the judge, but it’s definitely up there.
Say Anything - “Alive With The Glory of Love”
I considered Max Bemis my personal Jesus for a not insignificant portion of my life, and I’ve continued to follow him as he maneuvers the Say Anything brand towards stranger and more independent destinations. This song was their breakout single, and it still holds up as a perfect example of Max’s signature vocal delivery and the amazing musicianship that was part of a band at their prime.
As a sidenote, why does Spotify only have the edited version of the album????????
Frightened Rabbit - “My Backwards Walk”
This song ends with the immortal refrain “You’re the shit and I’m knee deep in it” which I once said to an ex girlfriend assuming she’d find it endearing. My love of this sentiment encapsulates my attachment to Frightened Rabbit - even though I’m happily married, I’ve always reveled in their broad, often heartbreaking romantic themes. This song in particular is able to portray emotion in such a specific, truthful way - not wanting to leave a physical space because it means leaving a person.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! - “In This Home On Ice”
I first heard Clap Your Hands Say Yeah in a beachy book store while on my first real day trip with a new group of friends. Similar to Wild Beasts there’s an abrasiveness to the vocals that fascinated me and remains a huge part of the appeal. This was always my favorite track off this, their first and most popular album.
Twin Shadow - “Run My Heart”
Every mix needs to end with a piano outro (I guess), and what better way to go out than this strange, fiercely independent track from Twin Shadow. The dude has put out three fantastic records that posture the singer-songwriter as a guy who is both too cool for love and absolutely obsessed with it. I can’t help but think that this particular track summarizes the contradictory, posturing attitude I see in his music - no one who isn’t emotionally vulnerable could craft so many songs about emotional vulnerability. Plus, it features another fantastically explosive chorus.
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