#and why after *finally* getting out with such chaotic newfound power
abyssmarked · 11 months
so like, i haven’t really talked about neph’s experience at the brothel she was a slave at much ( and i don’t plan on going into any gruesome detail here, mostly just how i perceived the environment and the strict rules she lived by for a decade, but trigger warnings just in case ), but i imagine it was tailored to the higher class. the setting was a massive temple-like, stone building, multiple stories, cells in a dingy dungeon underground. anywhere where rich clientele might inhabit within the building was lavishly decorated— a common area where drinks and ‘live entertainment shows’ would be held, all of the rooms which could be paid for and used were better than a lot of the best inns in the realms.
it was crawling with guards. the girls’ personal sleeping quarters weren’t nearly as fancy, not in the slightest, but they were clean. they had to be clean, it was a rule. clean rooms, clean bodies— prim and proper. often there were four to six girls in one very small room, sleeping in bunk beds with thin mattresses and thin blankets. each girl had designated tasks, chores to have completed throughout the building, keeping it clean and looking presentable— making beds, cleaning blood, they were even responsible for a lot of the cooking, given limited resources to make enough food for each of them to survive.
regardless of having mostly free reign of the place, no place was private. someone was always, always watching, in every room, in every corner. if girls were seen trying to speak to one another in a secretive manner, or caught trying to plan some kind of escape, examples were made of them. the girls weren’t even allowed to become too close with one another, no touching, no ‘fraternizing’. the men in charge often would put some girls in positions of authority overs, these girls were treated slightly better— they found ways to make it incredibly difficult to build trust with one another. i also imagine nepharia was definitely one of the girls to climb that inner hierarchy of fuckery, anything for the slightest amount of relief, and maybe to try and build a rapport with the higher powers of the brothel— prove that she can be trusted, so they she might one day have some kind of upper hand, regardless of the girls she needed to throw under the bus to do it.
fuck, the other girls probably hated her.
on the business side of things, the doors would close to wealthy clientele at the beginning of the week, then reopen at the start of the weekend— giving the girls about five days to prepare for the next. every single girl is to be accounted for and dressed in the proper attire that was assigned ( usually, the attire was modest in nature, which somehow made it more disgusting in neph’s mind ) at the exact time the beginning of every weekend before the doors are opened. they’re already paid for in advance, waiting in assigned rooms for their client to arrive, and any girl that might be patron-less is assigned to the common area, to offer their services there.
if any of the rules were broken, or any of them got out of line in any way, the first warning is a lashing, then you’re sent to solitary confinement underground, in a small, windowless room, sealed with magic, only a small slot in the door to receive enough food and water to live for days, sometimes weeks, depending on the punishment. you sit with nothing but a bucket as a toilet that doesn’t get changed and cleaned the entire duration you’re there, and a mat on the ground for sleeping. the walls are thin and you’re close enough to where they send the really strong-willed girls who just couldn’t conform, and have to listen to their screams as they are tortured, healed, and tortured again. and if none of that works to break you?? well, they simply kill you.
after making a deal with a devil ( one of her regular clients, who only ever bought her to speak riddles at her ), and acquiring her warlock powers and learning of her true nature from said devil, he showed her what she could really do now. she didn’t immediately go ape shit, though. she was smarter than that. she had worked her way up, the owner of the brothel himself held her in high regard, well, as high as you can regard someone you literally keep as a slave. she probably used mad charm spells to convince him to take her out somewhere, away from the brothel, just the two of them. should would kill him quick, and his guards, and then just be so fucking elated that she can just…. go. be. she honestly probably doesn’t even go back to the brothel, not even to save anyone— she hadn’t made friends, but enemies. friends weren’t allowed. she might have tried to tell some kind of authority what was going on, and she just was unlucky enough to find the authority that was involved in keeping that place running— basically just murdering her hope that justice actually existed in the world, or that good men existed.
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bestworstcase · 8 months
Any thoughts on what the role of the Maidens are in the overarching narrative of RWBY. Because they are developed as characters and not as just keys to get the plot coupons of the relics.
conceptually the maidens represent ozma's dedication to the divine mandate, right. reading between the lines of the fairytale in context with what we know about how ozpin operates, it is pretty obvious that he empowered the maidens intending them to act as his agents in his crusade against salem. in this sense his present-day conspiracy's dehumanizing treatment of the maidens as relic-guardians is not a corruption of their "true purpose" but the extreme logical end result of what ozma made them to be.
with respect to ozma as a character, the obvious symbolic line between his four daughters and the four maidens suggests some things about how ozma might have viewed his own children—particularly if taken into consideration with 1. his abject horror when the eldest turned out magical without the blessings of his god, and 2. all four girls vanishing from the scene as ozma moves to attack salem, which presumably indicates he has no idea what happened to them after that point. we don't actually know why ozma tried to sneak the girls away that night, and the common assumption that he feared salem was a danger to them and went down fighting to protect them from her has some obvious holes (the girls are not shown during the fight, ozma isn't even depicted as fighting defensively at all, and when the smoke clears after the castle falls, salem's a pile of ash).
and then there's this in his commentary on 'the story of the seasons':
However, despite the prevalence of powerful wizards and witches in our fairy tales, the world has never known the levels of magic described here—for which we should be grateful. I fear that if unrestricted magic use were possible, the results would be chaotic and catastrophic. Better to leave such fanciful notions comfortably in the realm of fantasy!
given how ozma reacted to his daughter's magic, and how tightly ozpin controls the maidens, "unrestricted" strikes me as the key word here. the god of light told him that humankind was diminished, a mere fraction of what they once were, without the brothers' presence and ozma understood that to mean "humans can't have magic except by divine fiat" and his ideological view on magic is accordingly uneasy.
i think the narrative purpose of the maidens is to interrogate that discomfort: he created them by imparting his own god-given magic to young women he trusted to faithfully serve his divine mandate… and then he lost control of that power because it developed an inheritance system directly at odds with his intention. (if a maiden dies violently, and her killer is a young woman, the magic will most likely be inherited by her killer; and if she dies without a suitable candidate in her final thoughts, the magic chooses a new vessel in accordance with its own will. ozma cannot use the maidens to attack salem without effectively ceding that power to her. i am inclined to think that's precisely WHY the magic passes itself on in this manner.)
and of course the narrative thread connecting each seasonal arc is that the maidens are all in some way breaking free from ozpin's control: cinder kills him, raven walked away, penny chooses who she wants (winter) instead of making the pragmatic choice (weiss), winter leaves ironwood behind to fall with his city. by virtue of being the literal keys to ozpin's reliquaries the maidens are sort of the locus of his ideological failures; literally human beings reduced to objects.
(<- all of this is one of my reasons for thinking the branwen twins' shapeshifting is the key to whatever additional protections ozpin put in place to conceal the beacon vault.)
salem's side of this is also interesting in that she has always struck a rather ambivalent tone with cinder regarding the maidens: "your newfound strength brings with it a crippling weakness," "remember that it comes with a cost," and so forth. notably, her interest in the maidens is strictly in relation to the vaults, which have only housed the relics since ozpin's tenure as headmaster, and both ozpin and qrow have referenced circumstances in which the identity of the maidens became "unclear" (as opposed to maidens ending up under salem's control). i am unconvinced that salem cared about the maidens in the slightest before ozpin decided to link them to the vaults.
i do think there is probably a thread being developed here in regard to the ozlem girls, if only because the symbolic line is very clear (the original four maidens in the fairytale were sisters and their colors match the ozlem girls); i don't think the maidens are the daughters in any literal sense, whether whole or in part. the implicit similarity between ozma's exploitation of the maidens and his interest in ruby's silver eyes—when silver-eyed bloodlines originated from him—is probably telling. his implicit assumption that salem intended to use their daughters, coupled with his obvious projection of his own suicidal ideation onto her, likewise. we know that he lied to and manipulated salem throughout their marriage because the god of light told him she was irredeemable; to what degree would that perception of her color his relationship with their children?
<- the maidens are inextricable from this question because he made them by sharing his magic between four sisters whom he apparently, if the fairytale colors are any indication, emotionally associated with his daughters. and in the broader sense, the maidens represent the family he sacrificed on the mandate's altar; representations of his daughters that he can use as pawns in his crusade against salem.
there's also a more general purpose the maidens serve in relation to salem's "no victory in strength" thesis in that the point of a character becoming a maiden is not to Be Powerful, and in fact the maidens are all defined by their vulnerability:
amber is introduced in a coma pending extraction of her soul
pyrrha is coerced into becoming a vessel for someone else
cinder loses her eye and her arm as a consequence of becoming the fall maiden
the last spring maiden died under circumstances that have left raven emotionally shattered more than a decade later
fria is subjected to extreme medical neglect in a futile attempt to control her final thoughts
penny is mutilated, infected with a virus to strip her of agency, and ultimately murdered because of the maiden's power
winter receives the magic as a gift but spirals into guilt-stricken despair because she couldn't save her friend or her sister
all underscored by salem's repeated warnings that the power comes with a cost and various illustrations of how "godlike power" not only isn't a trump card but becomes a liability if treated like a trump card (see: amber vs CEM and penny vs ace-ops). so the maidens are an important building block in that theme as well.
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iheartgod175 · 8 months
Limelight on These Legendary Adventurers! Retrospective
AKA the post where I yell about two of my favorite characters in KonoSuba and how much I loved this event!
SPOILER ALERT: Contains spoilers for the Dust spin-off.
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So, uh…yeah. Part of the reason I wasn’t on Tumblr for much of the first part of the year is because I was busy playing KonoSuba Fantastic Days like mad, because the characters featured in this month’s Legendary Fest were Dust and Rin!
I started out playing this game with very little knowledge of it—my brother watched the anime, but I didn’t aside from some clips—and thought it was pretty cool. Less grindy than Revue Starlight and Princess Connect, generous in terms of rewards and power creep isn’t nearly as bad as those two games. As such, I left it as a strictly F2P game—no money is poured into it whatsoever. When I did my first pulls, I kinda wanted Darkness because I liked her the best out of Kazuma’s party, as well as maybe Kazuma. The two initial URs I ended up getting, though? Initial Dust and Rin, which carried me through the first part of the game until I got better cards.
(And that ended up being a blessing in disguise since I read later on that both Kazuma and Darkness’ initial cards SUCKED).
And over time, as I started playing more, I really ended up liking both of their characters. Rin is the most levelheaded and chill adventurer thus far, and is in general a no-nonsense, but sweet girl. Dust, meanwhile, is a street punk who’s more perverted than Kazuma, gambles his money away and literally lives in jail, often depending on Rin to bail him out, but is a fairly competent adventurer when he puts his mind to it and, despite his chaotic gremlin energy, does have a good side (mostly seen in the light novels). These two are often seen bantering and bickering majority of the time they’re in the same room, but they make a good team. And while I like Kazuma’s party as well as other characters in the series (Amy, Melissa, Darkness, Megumin, Chris, Yunyun, Iris, and Mitsurugi to name a few), these two are probably my top tier characters. So I ended up trying to collect most of their cards, though I’ve mostly succeeded on collecting Dust. The dude loves me so much that he’s spooked several of my pulls, lol.
Later digging into the series not only led to me learning that there was a spinoff focused on Dust, but within that spin off, it turns out that there are some unresolved tensions between them?? The event references some of that spinoff, too?? And both units are pretty busted in game?? You know I had to go all in on this event. I usually don’t save my gems, but I spent months saving up for Dust and Rin (even though I lost 15K gems on Forbidden Adventurer Aqua) because I really wanted both of them. Sadly, I was unable to pull Rin, while I got INSANELY lucky with Dust, pulling him three times, with the last one being when he was already limit broken. 😡 Ah, well. Maybe when they release the gacha for the featured Wind element, I’ll be able to finally add Rin. In the meantime I will be happy with my boy Dust.
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As for the event story, I quite enjoyed it (read: fangirled over it) because it gives some insight to their dynamic, and has a wholesome ending, too.
Rin and Dust are recruited by Lolisa to raid a dungeon that she wants to give to Lord Vanir, and the succubus promises that she’ll let them have whatever’s inside as a reward. What’s inside turns out to be some old clothes that for some reason fit them perfectly, lol, but they take them regardless, namely due to the fact that the dungeon collapses after they defeat the monsters inside. Not long after that, they return to town, where to Rin’s surprise, Dust is hailed as hero. This is mostly due to the effects of his costume. And while he did warn Rin and Lolisa to escape, he does take advantage of his newfound fame and exaggerate some of the story. Which pisses Rin off, but there seems to be a deeper reason as to why she’s not keen on Dust’s status as an adventurer improving—a reason that’s quickly picked up on by Lolisa. This comes to a head when they fight a wyvern outside of the town, and they start arguing. When a dragon appears, they attempt to escape, only for Rin and Lolisa to get hit by the dragon’s tail. Dust decides to go all out on fighting the dragon by himself…
…at least, that’s what Rin thought before she blacked out. Turns out that he retreated while carrying the two of them, which results in him failing the quest and losing his improving reputation. This doesn’t bother Rin, though—in fact, she’s rather pleased and invites him for drinks. And thus, the event ends.
Now, within the series proper, these two are constantly bickering, but they do care for each other. While he’s not above making crass remarks about her, Dust will go out of his way to help her and make her happy. As for Rin, the game kinda supports that Rin does have feelings for Dust, from debating about whether to give him chocolate, to this particular event where she outright says that she can support him with her new powers…and immediately takes it back, LOL XD. They definitely have that “old married couple” dynamic, which even Iris picked up on, haha.
The light novels featuring him (which also features Rin and the rest of his party), however, kinda gives insight into how Dust feels about Rin—he mentions that she strongly resembles the princess that Dust protected at one point, although he later separated her from the princess and started to see her as her own person, noting that he was captivated by her, and that he can be himself around her rather than the strict, uptight knight he was before. They have a lot of cute moments in that spinoff, although things don’t go anywhere between them in the end sadly.
Between Dust’s antics and Rin having to keep him in line, though, things are pretty ambiguous between them. Plus, I think Dust is pretty obtuse to the idea that someone would be in love with him—Lolisa straight up had to tell him that Rin thinks the world of him, and he looked kinda freaked out by it. We didn’t get to know what his real thoughts were on it, or get a proper conversation between them, but at least he’s aware now and that counts as something!
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If there’s a follow-up where Dust acknowledges this I will go absolutely insane. MAKE IT HAPPEN SESISOFT
I know a few folks won’t really support this ship. And I get it. But personally, I think it can go either way! I just love that for all the crap they talk about each other, they have each other’s backs.
Alright, I think that’s enough yelling for now. Thanks for reading my TED Talk, lol XD
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myburntwritings · 11 months
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Day 11: Fav Duet (Dance/Plot) After seeing all the other posts for Day 11, I'm starting to think this day should be "Fav Duet, and tell us why it's Apollo/Cassandra in Klub."
But still...
This is where I start to cry as I try to choose only one.
This show is chocked full of incredible duets. In fact, I would say that duets create the majority of the dances.
I'm trying to list them all in my head. It's not going well. Or it's going too well, depending on how you look at it.
There are duets I loved because of their beauty. Duets that affected me emotionally. There are duets that brought me such joy and laughter. There are also duets that told such intricate stories that it is almost impossible to consider them in the same realm of the question.
But, like the majority I've seen so far: the duet I'm choosing is Apollo and Cassandra in Klub. Out of the tryptic of dances at the beginning of Apollo and Cassandra's loop, this is the one I feel we saw the most of the personality of the two characters, and the differences in their performers and how they were interpreting this incredible emotional journey.
This is the one and only time (in my opinion) that we see Cassandra's truly playful side. She is reverent before, scared and angry afterwards. She is determined later in the loop. Vengeful even. But never playful except in this one short scene.
As well as being a beautiful and emotional duet, this scene also contains some of my favourite dance phrases.
Ingrid Kapteyn's Cassandra experiencing such glee and excitement as she tests her new gifts, hips swaying and hair flowing.
Georges Hann's Apollo firing an arrow at Cassandra as she uses her newfound gift of prophecy to escape his every move.
Seirian Griffiths' Apollo's whirling, chaotic, screaming smackdown of Cassandra, sending her to the floor. The timing and power of it is gasp-inducing.
Seirian Apollo standing on the U shaped bench, and Pin Chieh Cassandra in the space between the seats, as Apollo moves on top of the seats, directing Cassandra to dance the way he chooses. Or perhaps he's dancing to her tune... Depends on how you look at it.
Where my choice of a favourite solo was so performer dependent, this dance gets top spot because I have loved it so completely no matter the pairing of performers. Each pairing brings something new, exciting, and stunning to the portrayal.
When I first heard that Tim Bartlett (one of my early favourite performers) would finally be playing Apollo (something I had wanted to see for the entire run of the show to that point,) this was the dance I was most excited for. And he twisted his half of this duet into something so dark and furious. The commanding and belittling tone he put into some of his moves was an entirely different experience. Reaching for Cassandra's hand at the end, there was nothing apologetic about it, unlike with the other Apollos I saw and loved. Apollo had already made his decision, and it was Cassandra's refusal that cemented it.
This twist of the performance, even with the same choreography and timings, really solidified what I already knew: that these performers are all impossibly talented. That as little as a facial expression, or the motion of a single gesture, could switch out an entire character for me.
Which, leads me back to why this is my favourite duet. Because it is this dance that says the most about Apollo and Cassandra's tragic relationship, which is, for me, one of the most emotional stories in the show.
Some other duets that were in the running for my personal favourite: Blue Monday (Artemis and Apollo in Peep) Battle of the Worlds (Artemis and Apollo lightning dance) Apollo gifts Cassandra with Prophecy Apollo curses Cassandra to never be believed Apollo and Zagreus in the Crate Room Zagreus and Eurydice on the DDR Apollo and Zagreus chase from Troy to Mycenae Neoptolemus tries to save Patroclus Patroclus and Iphigenia in Ciaccos Artemis revives Iphigenia
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skullhub · 8 months
MUSE PROFILE: Edward Brock/Venom (E - 56210)
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Name: Edward Allan Brock
Age: 21
Pronouns: He/him, They/them
Height: 6'10"
General Alignment: Chaotic neutral
General personality: Mean-spirited, Overzealous, Mischievous, Gets jealous easily, Arrogant, Slightly Sadistic, Power-hungry, Unpredictable, Argumentative, indecisive.
Family: Unnamed father, unnamed mother
Home: Inkopolis square, Inkadia/Splatsville, The Splatlands
Backstory: Eddie Brock used to be your average octoling living in Inkpolis square. He used to be great friends with PB before he started to garner any traction for his heroic actions, having stayed friendly with him until Eddie's jealousy started to progressively take over his thoughts the more PB talked about his hero-ing life with him. Over time he eventually began to resent Parker for his newfound fame and seemingly good life, having desired to take PB's place and live his life for a long time up until he tried to actually act on his intrusive thoughts with the help of his new "friend".
During the final battle of Splatocalypse, Eddie finally snapped and Venom had finally made itself known after having influenced Brock since late 2017. The symbiote and it’s host attacked PB, dead set on making sure they secured the life that they so wanted. They’d nearly succeeded, having somewhat mauled the inkling before he’d successfully gotten out of their grasp.
In a last ditch effort to try and kill PB, Eddie charged straight for him with the intent to tear the hero’s head off. But the pair were a few seconds too late, before they managed to end the spider’s reign for good, PB had blasted them both with the Princess cannon and sent them plunging to their death into the murky waters below.
Or so, that’s what everyone had thought for the past 3 years. Turns out Eddie and Venom’s death had been wrongfully assumed, and once 2022 had rolled around reports started spreading through the splatlands about a strange, inky black monster lurking on the coast of anarchy bay. With multiple cases of salmonid bones washing up on the shores not too soon after the anarchy bay cryptid sightings. Those who have seen the bay cryptid have been making assumptions that it’s the late Eddie Brock, but due to their fear of approaching the creature no one can really prove it’s true.
His disappearance and potential reappearance still remains a mystery up to the present day, and it’s said that PB Parker is the only one who knows the full truth about Edward Brock and why he disappeared.
Extra Info: Eddie is on a semi-carnivorous diet due to the symbiote, he doesn't eat Inkling brains but he eats Salmonid brains instead to satisfy venom’s urges.
Eddie has a second row of teeth behind his normal “teeth” and he often bites his tongue by accident when be’s not paying attention.
Eddie thanks to the mutations actually has gills, and his membrane is strong enough that he no longer explodes whenever he gets thrown into a body of water. He also cannot drown due to having adapted to have gills on his sides.
Eddie used to be a lot skinnier when he was younger but due to the symbiote making him adapt to his new environment and the hydrostatic pressure, he’s gained more weight and thus became more durable.
Eddie suffers from abnormal symptoms of ink overflow to where his hands and feet are consistently coated in black ink, when the ink on his hands harden they can actually form claws that can be dangerously sharp (Sharp enough to be able to tear at non-inkfish flesh.)
Eddie unfortunately smells like low tide often due to having hung around salmonid territories a bit too long.
Eddie and Venom are both fans of anything horror related and have a massive collection of horror dvds and vhses. He even has a couple posters he restored.
Ed's a big fan of upcycling and his earrings are actually upcycled fish hooks that he took from an old tackle box.
Voice claim: Chris Evans (Lucas Lee)
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saphirered · 3 years
Hai I love your writing and I was wondering if you could do more verin x reader, like how would he react after finding out about essek, and he searched for him then he met the m9 and reader ?
Hope this turned out the way you wanted it! 😘
After the disappearance of his brother, Verin could simply not let it go. The Shadowhand disappeared from Exandria’s surface overnight without a word of warning. No traces left. No signs of a struggle that may indicate his enemies having gotten to him. Why would Essek leave everything behind willingly? Everything he gave his life for in service of the Bright Queen and the Kryn Dynasty? There had been suspicions about a traitor amidst the Bright Queen’s court but Verin simply refused to believe that to be Essek. His brother would never… Would he?
Verin, much like his brother is resourceful and shares a similar determination to reach a goal by any means necessary. That goal right now; finding Essek. Verin’s unsure what he will do once he finds his brother. There’s so many questions… But what if the rumours are true? No. He can’t think like that just yet. He will not tarnish that reputation through speculations. He needs answers first. He needs to find Essek.
Months of searching, following whatever traces he could find. Verin had to look to the past any ties before Essek’s disappearance. That lead to a group of strangers. A colourful bunch of chaotic individuals seemingly defying all odds when faced with them. Verin may not be able to track Essek but he could try and find these people… The Mighty Nein.
Heavy bag over one shoulder dressed in fine clothes you stroll through low-lit halls flanked by two guards. Radiating a sense of authority and sternness you stop in front the metal bars, on the other side a redhead leaning back against the wall looking up at you innocently without a single worry.
“Master Widogast, I’ve been told you’re here on suspicions of corrupting the minds of your students. Do you have anything to say for yourself?” You address your friend. This never ends. Caleb gets himself arrested because someone finds out what he’s allegedly been teaching at the Academy. He’s dragged off to a holding cell and your disturbed amidst your work day to get him out again. This time you’ve made him wait though. You had an important meeting you couldn’t get out.
“It’s all just a mistake. You’ll find my students can vouch for me and prove this misunderstanding to be nothing more than part of the curriculum of theoretical transmutation.” You dig through your bag, take out a scroll and hand it to one of the guards. The guards reads it over awaiting your command.
“Well, hurry up! Release this man before I have you written up for unlawfully keeping one of the Soltryce Academy’s most beloved teachers.” The guard quickly jumbles with the keys and the barred door is unlocked. Caleb gets up and you step aside to allow him to exit. The guards wait, not entirely sure what to do next. What did you expect of newbies…
“Are you really going to stand around loitering? Back to work.” The guards scurry off and you and Caleb walk next to each other exiting the building and into the streets. Once you’re both in the clear you drop your more rigid behaviour and punch the wizard in the shoulder.
“What was that for?” He exclaims rubbing his arm. That’s gonna bruise.
“The only reason I took this job is to get you and the others out of trouble when you inevitably got yourself in a mess again but between Beau’s bar fights and your borderline treason, I swear you’ll be the ones that will lose me my job.” You’re only half serious. You can’t count the times you’ve had to bail the Nein out for their antics and have definitely been abusing your newfound power to do so. The king might be an asshole but at least the pay is good and the benefits better.
Reaching your destination, wizard at your side discussing who might have spilled the beans on Caleb’s rather liberal teachings you open the low fence to the garden. In the garden you’re met with the familiar disguise of your friend Essek, sunhat to guard him from the harsh sunlight, gardening gloves on harvesting some vegetables. Upon seeing you he grabs the basket next to him and joins the two of you with a smile.
“While I’d hoped this wouldn’t become a habit, thank you, for getting Caleb out trouble, again. Your endless efforts are certainly appreciated. We are in your debt many times over.” The disguised drow sends the redhead a loving glance as he addresses you.
“And don’t you forget it. One day I might come and collect.” You grin at Essek with the pleasure of turning his own words against him. Of course you didn’t mean them. They’re your friends and you’ll never seriously ask for anything in return for anything they ask of you.
“Clever.” Essek speaks sarcastically smiling at your comment.
“But if you feel inclined to repay me for my hard work, you can make sure you’re both on time for dinner tonight. The gang’s getting back together and you’re expected.” Essek hands you the basket he’s carrying providing you with the resources of a home cooked meal for the gathering of the evening. It’s been a while since everyone’s been at the same place the same time.
“I’ll do what I can but I make no promises.”
“All, I can ask for.” You turn your attention to Caleb. “That reminds me.” A quick inconspicuous motion of your hands allows you to summon a small stack of papers. Another perk of your job; getting information the higher ups want to keep to themselves. Luckily a lot of them have assistants that are much easier to get that information from.
“Beau and you can get back to work. But not tonight! Tonight’s work free, for all of us.” Caleb quickly leafs through the ledgers you’ve handed him.
“You know, if you ever grow bored of the court life, you can always join me in teaching free thinking and magic at the Academy…” Caleb jokes as you pick up the basket ready to leave the wizards to the rest of their day.
“And who’s gone bail us both out then?” You laugh over your shoulder closing the fence behind you. Back to your home and prepare for the evening. You can’t help but feel like you’re being followed. You pay close attention to the shadows and for just a moment you’re sure you see something, or rather someone. Choosing not to pursue you continue on to your home. It’s not like your place of residence is a secret to anyone.
The house is noisy, happy chatting and laughter fills the dining room. How you’ve missed this. The table has been set, plates, cutlery and all, a multitude of decanters and bottles ready and filled, and plates and platers filled with food are added one by one. There’s something for everyone, everyone’s favourites.
“Yasha, can you take the cupcakes out of the oven for me?” You ask the barbarian wearing her floral embroidered apron stirring a pan on the stove as you plate the smoked pork. Yasha plates the baked goods by flavour and carries the tray to the dining room as you follow behind with your platter. Cheers erupt from the rest of the Nein as you and Yasha place the final dishes on the table. Everyone takes their seats and digs in pouring themselves drinks, taking whatever they desired, happily conversing about what everyone’s been up to in the past few months, talking about new plans for the future and the nostalgic adventures of the past together. You’ll have to get back to that some day. Maybe soon?
Despite the happiness of the whole event you still can’t get over this feeling you’re being watched. It’s not scrying, your home is protected from it and you feel safe to assume it’s not anyone from the Assembly or the king’s council. So who is it?
Verin watches the group as they enjoy their feast, his brother among them. He looks happy and content, as if the weight of the world has been lifted from his shoulders. Is this what he left Xhorhas for? He always wanted more, so how could Essek be content with a normal life? No matter the motives he’s loved, they’re his friends, something he never truly had before.
Then talks about the beacons came up. Mentions of the past missing ones and newfound ones. Aeor and its connection to Dunamis long before the Dynasty. The theoretics and potential of the beacons and the continued pursuit of studying them. Within the Dynasty this could be considered sacrilegious. And it made it look more and more Essek was guilt of the treason others suspected him of. His brother was a traitor and a disgrace in the eyes of the Dynasty and his family.
So why does Verin feel like none of that matters? He should be angry. He should dispose of his brother right here, right now in the name of the Bright Queen. But he can’t bring himself to it. His brother is happy, fought free from the expectations of others and the demanded unwavering loyalty to the Luxon and the Dynasty. Essek did exactly what he couldn’t.
You excuse yourself from the table making an excuse about checking on dessert and retreating to the kitchen alone. This feeling of being watched was getting on your nerves but tonight should be one without trouble and conflict. You’ll figure out if this watcher in the shadows poses a danger to you and your friends, if so you’ll dispose of them. If it can be postponed until tomorrow, then tomorrow you’ll deal with it but not tonight. Tonight is about peace, friends and family getting back together.
So when you reach the kitchen you open the window taking out the lattice work pies and cakes you’d made and left to rest and cool down before the Nein’s arrival. You get the batter you made and begin making some waffles. While you wait for them to be done you hum to yourself and sit in the open windowsill looking out over the city, inconspicuously looking around for your uninvited guest. The first batch is done and they haven’t showed up yet. Alright, you’ll make a second batch and some extra whipped cream while you’re at it.
Then you catch a glimpse of a shadow. You can’t make out all the details but the attire and a flash of pristine white hair leaves you to think it’s a drow. Thinking on your feet you cast hold person but the drow remains unaffected. Before you know it you’re pushed a few steps back into your kitchen. Supporting himself on the windowsill he holds a finely made blade to your throat. You lift your hands in surrender showing you have no ill intend…yet and are willing to talk and listen.
“My quarrel is not with you but one wrong move and I will not hesitate, mage.” The drow threatens you. You don’t doubt his words but this isn’t your first rodeo. If he tries anything he’s in for a fight. Getting a closer look you study the man’s features. There’s a sense of familiarity and you’re quick to conclude he must be related to Essek in some way. Broader build and longer hair but same features and eyes. He’s probably a fair bit taller too standing up straight instead of crouched in a windowsill.
“Perhaps not but it might be if you do not get out of my windowsill in the next few seconds.”
“Is that a threat?” He pushes the blade a little closer and you feel the cold steel against your skin, one move and it cuts.
“No. But take a look outside. You’ll see the torchlight of the guard patrol. Get inside.” A quick glance over his shoulder gives you the chance to take a step back from the drow and pick up your whipped cream and continue whisking before it loses its structure. He jumps inside and away from the window as you whisk completely indifferent to the fact a stranger just held a sword to your neck and entered your home even with your invitation.
“You must be Verin Thelyss.” You state putting the now finished whipped cream in the ice box. Verin stands there wary of you, expecting you to make a move and attack him at any second but you’re not and even from your demeanour he can gather you have no ill intent towards him. Not at all what he expected, but then again he didn’t expect to find his brother in the capital of the enemy nation of the Dynasty having dinner with a bunch of (previous) adventurers, some of which holding ranks within the Empire no less.
“You’re questioning my motives and calmness.” You lean against the counter crossing your arms. Verin lowers the blade but you’re unsure if it is because of defeat or he doesn’t see the purpose in holding you at sword point any longer.
“Why not just let me be caught by your guards? Why invite me inside your home?” Verin watches your every move, every twitch. You can see the same confusion and uncertainty and panic you’ve seen in Essek many times before so you offer a soft smile. Best you can do for him right now is stay calm, don’t make any uncertain moves and approach him with gentleness. You’re sure with how long you’ve been feeling like being watched today he’s been the one responsible and he’d have caught onto your conversations from the shadows.
“Call it a leap of faith. I trust Essek. He trusts you. You’ve done nothing to prove you have any ill will towards my friends so until you prove me otherwise you’ll be welcome.” You move slowly grabbing two knives. Putting one on the counter and sliding it over a little away from you until it touches one of the pie dishes.
“You’re good with a blade right? You can help me cut these pies and cakes and we can talk.” You gesture to the kitchen knife. Verin looks at you as if you’ve gone insane. Maybe you have but it’s more likely you’ve faced much worse than the likes of him. You move your own knife and he watches you as you begin dividing the cake in even slices.
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“You don’t.”
“Then why should I listen to you?”
“Because you’re still standing here in my kitchen.” You laugh plating the slices of cake on another silver platter neatly.
“Verin, if you came here to kill your brother you would have tried so this afternoon. That you haven’t only shows you’re not here for that. You have questions. You want answers. Now I’m not just going to let you walk into my dining room until I’m certain that the information you got and the questions I answer will not lead you to violence. So you help me get dessert ready. If you prove your intensions for your brother and my friends are honourable you can join us for dessert. If you prove a danger to them, I will allow you to leave this place tonight but should you ever return I will be the least of your worries.” Verin takes the knife and tests the grip as if it’s a dagger as he looks at the apple pie in front of him. He stabs the knife down carefully and cuts downward repeating evenly spaced out. You wait for him to talk not feeling like you should initiate conversation just yet.
“The one who stole the beacons and handed them over to the traitor mages of your Empire, it was my brother’s doing.” More of a statement than a question you nod. Diving straight into the deep end, aren’t we? No matter, better rip the bandage off quickly.
“It hit us hard as well. Though, I can’t say it was surprise.” You’re not sure how to place what you read from Verin. Pity? Disappointment? And a good bit of acceptance thrown in the mix.
There truly was a sense of acceptance because no matter how much he might want to deny it, just like you said, there had already been that underlying suspicion it was Essek given his aspirations. It’s one of those things that leaves you hoping something isn’t true and you wilfully suppress the possibility until there’s no other way around it and you’re faced with the truth. If what you said is true and what he gathers from your conversation with the Nein and you now, you found out in the moment. He’s only learning about this in the aftermath.
Essek lied to your faces, pretended to be your ally to cover for himself and yet you still found it within yourselves to forgive or at the very least accept everything he had done so maybe, just maybe he could try to do the same. Still he has many more questions but he’s unsure if you can answer all of them.
“I won’t ask you to forgive and I certainly won’t ask you to forget, but I will ask you to give your brother a chance. In his time with us he’s truly been trying to make up for his mistakes and repent for his sins and while they may not all be washed away in his lifetime, it’s a start. He’s just as much of a misguided tool, as most of us, promised an a glimpse of power by forces bigger than him and without a way out when he realised the gravity of his actions and the consequences.” You finish up the last pie and put the knife to the side. Verin hangs onto your every word.
“When we were about to walk into certain death gathering what we could, he told us that if something were to happen to him, we should come find you because despite everything, you were one of the only people he felt he could trust.”
“Then why didn’t he trust me with this? Why depart without a word?”
“Because burdening you with that information would put you in the same place he put himself in. He came here, to a place he knew you couldn’t follow. He left a place he would endanger everyone he cares about because he knows you, just like the rest of us would fight the entirety of the Dynasty just to keep him safe.” You’re right. Verin know you’re right because he would have stood with his brother in the end despite what crimes he had committed. Essek was not the master of this grand scheme but he played his part. He’d spend his life making up for it but at least he will work towards making this world a better place. Verin can only aspire to do that very thing; protect the people he cares about and make this world a better place.
“I still have many questions.” Verin breathes. It’s a lot to process and that’s okay. This is just the start but it is the most difficult part. You grab the plates and platters balancing them on your arms.
“Maybe you should ask him yourself. Why don’t you join us for dessert, Verin?” He doesn’t know how to respond. While you told him you’d let him join, he didn’t expect it to be now or with so little certainty on your end, but maybe you knew more than you let on. Without a verbal response Verin grabs the remaining dishes from the counter and waits for you to lead the way.
Entering the dining room Beau and Veth are in the middle of a drinking contest each with their own decanters of wine. Veth slams down the now empty decanter.
“Momma’s still got it children!” Veth exclaims cheering as Beau sits back disappointed, two more gulps and she’d have won. Yasha comes in telling her she’ll win next time. Fjord passes over a hand full of coins to Jester who calls him a loser poking his cheek giggling. Kingsley is on the verge of challenging Veth to a drinking contest of their own and Essek carefully manages to grab a bottle to refill his and Caleb’s glasses before this goes south. Caduceus is watching the chaos unfold deliberating wether or not he should get some hangover tea ready because they will need it if this keeps going.
When you enter, the cheers for dessert fall quiet quickly seeing the drow behind you carrying several pies. Essek freezes up and Caleb naturally takes a bit of a defensive position without breaking the dinner setting. Verin albeit awkwardly steps out next to you as you helping you put the plates on the table. With a wave of your hand you call over another chair to be put at the head of the table. You gesture for the man to sit and he does debating wether or not this was the right decision as all eyes fall on him. You take your own seat.
“Well, come on guys, dig in!” Not needing to be asked twice they do, some wary of Verin but you know they’ll ease up soon enough.
“So you’re Essek’s brother? He didn’t say you’re a hot boi too. Jeeze Essek, is everyone in your family pretty?” Jester asks stuffing her mouth with a piece of cake. Verin is taken aback by the blue tiefling’s comment and the identical faces he and Essek make are enough to send most of the table in a giggle fit. You cover your own response to this for your own sake.
“Eh-Thank you? I think? Though, if my company is undesired I can leave…” Verin suggests unsure how to further approach this doubting this is the right place for this.
“Nonsense. If our friend invited you to join, for whatever reason, you’re welcome.” Fjord assures. He knows you wouldn’t just allow this without a reason and just by the attitude of the guy, he gets a pretty good estimate there’s no malicious intent in Verin right now.
“Yeah and while you’re here you can tell us about all the embarrassing shit Essek did when he was a kid.” Beau punches Essek’s shoulder past Caleb who’s quick to get out of the monk’s way. Essek rubs the spot she hit teeth clenched but smiling nonetheless.
“So, Verin, what are your intentions here?” Caleb asks an open question hoping to get more insight in the drow’s motives. While he trusts your judgement one can never be too certain and he’d rather not be face to face with Essek’s brother on their way home should that scenario arise.
“I-“ Verin tries to find the words picking them carefully. “I thought I knew before but now I don’t know. I came to find my brother and I found him, among friends. I have many questions, some answered by your gracious friend but I think for now, I’d like to truly meet my brother’s friends because if this is the company he finds himself in, I can only ask to witness his happiness.”
It’s a strange feeling for Verin to come to that conclusion. When he left Xhorhas he considered he might be bringing back the corpse of his brother, by his hand or someone else’s depending on circumstances, or bring him back in chains for treason to be tried in front of the Bright Queen. What he didn’t expect is to be met by an alternative that would change his views on everything. He realises that with your stories and those of the Nein he was just as lost as all of you, but now he’s found a group of people that willingly accept whichever path he chooses for himself without expectations, rules or conditions.
Verin first hand gets to experience why Essek chose to leave everything behind and give it up for these people. They are his friends, his family and he’d never be alone again if they can help it. Perhaps Verin can experience that too one day. The Mighty Nein will make sure he does because as we know, once you get involved with them, your life changes forever.
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wishonastar7 · 3 years
Timely Fate6
Starting the Paid Service(5)
The panicking started immediately as soon as the clear box hit the floor with a loud thud and the remaining crickets jumped out. Yoo Sangah looked a bit concerned as she watched the commotion, wiping her hands with the wet wipe, while Kim Dokja looked as if he had expected something like this to happen.
Our eyes met. I stared straight at him in the eyes, daring him to question my actions but he stared back and nodded his head. Of course, he would agree, I did almost the same thing that he had in the original novel of 'Omniscient reader's Viewpoint.'
"H-hey why would you do such a thing-"
Some turned their heads to glare at me while the others immediately scurried forward.
"You son of a bitch."
"You better start looking for them quickly, there are only three minutes left." Dokja intervened, crossing his arms as he confronted the small group of people that had started walking towards me.
His words were a signal for the people to start looking everywhere on the subway train. They crouched down to look under seats and in between cracks.
"Yes! I got one! Aaaack! N-no...stop-!"
The joy that the more fortunate ones gained after finding an insect quickly dissipated as they also became targets of the others and their malicious attacks. The carriage quickly became chaotic.
"Hey, why'd you do that? Shouldn't you have just given them the insects?"
Looking back, I saw that Kim Namwoon had directed his gaze towards me and had finally decided to quit being silent. I looked at the silver-haired teen, annoyance creeping up my neck, but I responded calmly.
"There are twelve people left."
"What?" He tilted his head to the side, confused.
"Only three insects were remaining inside the net."
He frowned, quickly mulling over my words, before he quickly put on an ear-splitting grin. "Kekekeke, twelve to three? Not all of them will be able to survive, right? So you threw the net and the lucky ones would find the remaining three?"
"Don't make me laugh!"
"...." He was starting to piss me off.
"A normal person with common sense wouldn't do that sort of thing without a reason." He grinned, as he looked up at me with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. "Tell me honestly...You just wanted to see this scene, didn't you?"
And there was the question. [Exclusive skill, Character List is activated] a message rang in my ear. Though I was surprised, I made sure not to show it.
[Character Information]
[Name: Kim Namwoon
Age: 19
Constellation Support: None (Two constellations are showing interest in this person)
Private Attribute: Chunnibyou (General)
Exclusive Skills: Unusual Adaptability lv. 3, Knife Fighting lv.1, Blackening lv.1
Overall Stats: Stamina lv.3, Strength lv.4, Agility lv.6, Magic Power lv.4
Overall Rating: A chuunibiyou who was blackened by a special occasion. It is recommended that you don't get involved with him.]
Kim Namwoon wasn't like most chuunibiyous. Unlike the others that had decided to end their own suffering because they couldn't endure the nightmare that had become a reality, Kim Namwoon became know as the Delusional Demon.
He had been waiting for the destruction of the world the entire time and had adapted at an 'unusual speed.'
He looked from me to Dokja and back. "Why don't you two team up with me?" There was a few seconds of silence as Dokja and I met eyes.
[The character 'Kim Namwoon' has a favorable impression of you]
[Your understanding of the character 'Kim Namwoon' has now increased]
I looked at the notification that had popped up in front of me, my face not betraying anything. I closed my eyes, pretending to be mulling through the idea. I opened my eyes to see Dokja was staring at me.
I smiled at him, tilting my head to the side. He stared at me before grinning. We looked at Kim Namwoon, who had been watching our little play, before speaking at the same time.
Immediately, his face contorted a bit before returning to that annoying smirk. "Ah, what a shame. I mean it. Then can you step aside? I have something to do with that old lady behind you." I could feel Yoo Sangah stiffen behind me. Gilyoung's hand on my hoodie tightened.
"What do you want?" Dokja asked, crossing his arms as he looked down at the arrogant chuunibyou.
The other leaned his head back, "Do you have to ask?"
"You aren't catching the insects?"
I held my breath. "Insects? Why would I catch that? I've already caught one in front of me." He grinned down at the old lady who was struggling to breathe and was bleeding.
Yoo Sangah immediately moved in front of the grandma, fear prominent in her eyes but radiating a protective aura. I couldn't help but feel proud of her.
I looked back at Kim Namwoon. He had a murderous aura.
He was every bit the person I had always imagined him to be.
[The character 'Kim Namwoon' has a slight decrease in favor towards you and your companion 'Kim Dokja']
He stared right at Kim Dokja, his eyes occasionally moving onto me. "Well, aren't you going to move aside?"
Kim Dokja crossed his arms and tilted his head, his eyes closing as he feigned a serious thinking expression. I snorted, turning the other way when Kim Namwoon's slightly confused by slowly reddening eyes turned towards me, oops, he was getting angry.
"Hah...it's really a tough decision." Kim Dokja muttered to himself, yet speaking loud enough for those around him to hear.
Kim Namwoon stared at him. "What?"
Kim Dokja smiled, looking at the white-haired boy as if he was looking at the eyes of an innocent child that wouldn't grow to be a young man obsessed with blood and murder. "I won't move aside." He said in an almost doting tone.
"Haha," Kim Namwoon chuckled darkly, "Are you two going to imitate the Apostle of Justice? Hey, do you have multiple personalities? Fuck you."
He looked at me directly in the eyes, completely ignoring the taller man in front of me. "Who cares what the others go through, the type of place this country has regressed to is nothing that can be saved with a bit of compassion."
He looked at me, his dark eyes seemed to be glowing when he spoke. The words he had spoken weren't in the official novel or the novel based off of the original, 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.'
But there was truth in his words, I knew it. Still, I couldn't think about what he said, my mind was focused on one word.
I knew that Dokja would be focused on the fact that his words hadn't been in the original novel but the fact that, during this life, I knew Yoo Jonghyuk on a personal level only the realization that he had regressed three times already, made my heart stutter. It all felt real now.
Kim Dokja, Yoo Sangah, and Lee Gilyoung weren't just characters from a book. Now they were real. The years of interactions I had had with the 'characters' of a novel felt like years I had gone through in befriending people.
Not that they weren't people before, because they were.
They were all people just like me only, I hadn't thought of them that way. I had thought of them as lesser than what they were.
I felt hot tears prick the corner of my eyes, I hurriedly rushed to wipe them, thankful for the fact that no one had caught me in the act.
Kim Namwoon's cackle brought me out of my musing. "No, wait a minute. It couldn't have been, could it?" He cackled, holding his stomach. "Did you throw over the net just to do this from the beginning? Really?"
His question was directed to me. I leveled myself, fatigued and unwilling to answer him "...".
"You wanted to save the grandma? Hahaha! Amazing! Really fucking amazing! No? Yes?" What the hell was this idiot saying.
"Ah..." He sighed, shuffling. "It turns out the two of you are the type of people I hate the most."
'Hah....you're the type of person I hate the most too, ok?' I thought to myself silently, readying myself to block the first hit sent my way.
[The character 'Kim Namwoon' despises you and your companion 'Kim Dokja']
"What did you say?"
Dokja lowered his head, seemingly casually avoiding the punch that flew over his head eve before Kim Namwoon's words were over.
"Oh? Not bad.." He said as he sent a right cross in my direction. I stepped aside, watching the fist move towards me and back. There was a hint of heat as his fist moved, proving that it wasn't any ordinary punch.
[Blackening Lv.1]
"Oh~ You too?"
"Not bad, not bad at all." The grin that had formed on his face turned maniacal.
A dark aura rose from his body, enveloping him from head to toe. He looked at me in the eye, I stared right back only to be met with glowing pupils. I couldn't help but shiver.
This was an exclusive skill of his 'chuunibyou' trait. It was rare rough to release an exclusive skill before the end of the first scenario, but Kim Namwoon was already showing one. It was expected of him though, after all, there was a reason who he had been recruited by the main character.
Hah... this was really starting to get too predictable. I really didn't want to but-
Peeok! I felt my shoulder spasm where he hit me, with my mixed martial arts experience I might be able to go against him.
[Your understanding of the character 'Kim Namwoon' has increased]
[You and your companion 'Kim Dokja' are close to the conditions of use for the exclusive skill 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint' Lv. 1]
Here it was.
[The conditions of use for the exclusive skill 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint' Lv. 1 has been reached for you and your companion 'Kim Dokja!']
Kim Dokja sent me a look of surprise, Kim Namwoon struck again.
His fist narrowly missed Dokja, who had been distracted, and came my way once more. I pulled on his arm and sent him towards the ground.
"Haha, what's this?" He turned to look at me from the ground he had been pushed towards and..unlodged his fist from the ground. A faint fist mark remained, he was realizing this newfound strength of his little by little.
Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!
"Haven't I become stronger?" He grinned, the fist that could break bones with a single blow kept on hitting the ground. Kim Namwoon let out a frustrated growl.
"Ah, why can't I hit you?"
Of course, he couldn't hit us. Thanks to 'Omniscient reader's Viewpoint' we could observe Kim Namwoon's attack direction like we were reading his thoughts.
[Right side]
Dokja moved away from the direction of the attack.
[Left eye]
I bent down to avoid the fist and sent a fist towards his gut, his attention immediately moved towards me.
"You're a little different aren't you Princess?" I glared at the nickname, disgust welling up in the back of my throat as his attention.
I held my hands up in front of me and sent a jab towards him, I hit him square in the eye. He grinned at me as he sent a sidekick towards my waist. I caught his leg, and twisted it, he yelped in both shock and pain.
I grinned, grabbing his collar and hitting him square in the jaw and then in the same eye. Dokja came up behind him and threw him to the ground, his head banging loudly against it.
"Are you ok?" He asked me, taking my clenched fists into his hands and rubbing my knuckles lightly.
"Yeah," I smiled. "I'm ok."
Kim Namwoon got back up, a frustrated snarl on his face as he hurriedly sent a punch towards Dokja, face grimacing in pain as he stood on the twisted leg.
I jumped away and towards the grandmother and the others, I pointed to the timer that had been slowly decreasing. "There are less than two minutes left kid, you better hurry." I stood in a protective stance if Kim Namwoon killed anyone he would be able to pass this scenario.
He grinned, knocking himself into Kim Doja and pushing the older man to the ground. He pulled something out of his bag. A blade shone in the fluorescent light. It was-
"-a portable MacGyver Knife." Dammit, I had forgotten. This kid was a diehard military otaku.
There was an obvious link between the technical skill 'Knife Fighting' and the strengthening skill 'Blackening'. It was obvious to which direction the knife was pointing.
It was an unavoidable attack but I had to do some quick thinking, I changed the direction my body pointed towards, and instead of my heart, the knife pierced my shoulder. The deep cut on my shoulder immediately spilled red.
I gritted my teeth, pain searing on my skin as my vision shook.
"Ha-Neul!" I heard the voices of others call out as I struggled to keep my attention on Kim Namwoon.
"Hahahaha! Now die."
Less than a minute and thirty seconds left. I pitied the grandmother, I swear I really did, but it was time to use 'that'.
"Chungil High School, 2nd Year, Kim Namwoon. I have one question for you." I stated, reciting the same lines Kim Dokja had said to Kim Namwoon from the novel.
"I wonder....do you think an insect egg is a living thing?" I took out the cricket I had killed earlier from my pocket. Its egg-sac was abundant, then the sound of popping as fluid trailed down my hand. The disgusting feeling spread over my hand and I felt bile rising in my throat as I heard a message.
[You have killed a living thing]
[100 coins have been earned as additional compensation]
[You have killed a living thing]
[100 coins have been earned as additional compensation]
[You have killed a living thing]
Multiple messages bombarded my ears.
He frowned, "Insect eggs? Are you trying to waste time?"
I chuckled, shrugging. "I guess so."
"How would I know something like that? I've always slept during bio." He looked at my bloody shoulder, face contorting into a happy laugh. "But there is something that I'm sure of. Wanna know what?"
"...What is it?"
"You will die right now!" He moved the swiss knife before I could answer in an attack that was hard to avoid.
[A large number of coins have been acquired! Do you wish to check the coin usage tips?]
I snorted, omitting the explanation that entered my ears as I snarled at the teen, there was no need to listen when I already knew the contents.
"Hah! Me dying? No, it's you who will die!" I spat out, muttering something else quietly.
[2.700 coins have been invested into 'stamina']
[Stamina Lv. 20 → Stamina Lv. 30]
I would think about that later.
[Your stamina has increased dramatically!]
[The durability of your body has greatly increased!]
Kim Namwoon's knife penetrated my heart, to be exact, it looked as if it was penetrating my heart.
My skin had turned rock solid, not even a scratch remained. His eyes widened in astonishment.
"H-how?" His eyes moved from the stab wound in my shoulder to the knife that should've been lodged directly into my heart.
"Let me tell you the correct answer to my question: Yes. An egg is a living thing."
"And in spawning season, female crickets can lay over 100 eggs, sometimes over 200 eggs.
"What are you saying?"
"There's no need to understand. Since there's barely a minute left."
Finally, fear appeared over Kim Namwoon's face. "Aaaaaah! Die! Die! Diediediediedie!"
The knife moved towards my neck, there was no reason to move.
It must've been since the area was more vulnerable than the chest. There was a slight scratch this time, nothing to be worried about though.
"Kim Namwoon."
Behind us, people were crawling around that section of the train, searching for crickets. Some had already given up, others were still searching and once they suspected someone already laying hold of one, they attacked.
"You were right about one thing. I am the same type of human as you."
Maybe I could've saved some of those people.
"Shit! Fuck! Why won't you die?! JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY!"
50, 45, 40...
The knife barely left any scratches, small beads of blood bled from a few of the scratches. 45 seconds left when Kim Namwoon opened his mouth, dropping the knife and kneeling in front of me.
"S-save me...p-please."
"Save me! Please! Please!"
I grinned, "Why should I?"
[You are close to the conditions of the exclusive skill 'Capture the Target' Lv. 1]
[The conditions of the exclusive skill 'Capture the Target' Lv. 1 have been met]
[Do you wish to 'Capture the Target → Kim Namwoon?']
Oh? What a pleasant surprise.
[Accept or Decline]
25 seconds left.
"People's lives are important! Th-that's obvious!"
"That is the rule of the old rule. This is a new world, just as you said. A new world requires new laws."
20 seconds.
"I don't want to die! Please! I don't want to die!!"
His face contorted as he wailed, tears and snot covering his face.
I smiled down at him, my face gentle and showing a fond look. He continued wailing, closing his eyes.
15 seconds left.
"Then.." He looked up at me, desperation in his eyes.
10 seconds.
"Be a good boy from now on, ok?" He nodded frantically, grasping at the ends of my hoodie. "Accept," I said quietly, a golden light forming like a bracelet on my wrist. A golden 'string' of light trailing down from the bracelet to the neck of Kim Namwoon.
5 seconds.
A notification appeared from my [Companions] 'tab' as gasped sounded around me. Kim Namwoon stared at the golden light that had slowly disappeared into nothingness, a confused look appearing in his eyes before he caught sight of the timer.
He wailed out in fear, desperately searching for his knife that had been kicked away by Dokja at some point.
[The given time has run out]
Throughout the train, the sound of heads exploding came like a chain reaction.
[Paid settlement will begin]
One head, two, three, four...
They were like bloody fireworks introducing us to a new era. I watched the scene with joy, a bit of guilt, and an unidentifiable feeling swarming n my gut.
It was unnerving how calm I was.
[You have killed 156 living things.]
[Kill History: 1 cricket, 155 cricket eggs]
[You have killed non-resistant living things. The numbers of coins you have acquired is now reduced by half]
[7,800 coins have been acquired]
[The number of coins used towards stats level up is automatically subtracted]
[The 'Mass Murder' achievement has been gained through excessive killing]
I looked up towards the mirror and saw a streak of blood on my face, I didn't bother wiping it away, knowing the blood was on the window.
There was a lurching feeling as the train started moving once more, making the familiar sound of the train.
Soon, light-flooded in, and the darkness was finally lifted from the windows. We had arrived at the surface ground section of Line 3 between Apgujeong and Oksu.
From the outside of the window, we could see the Han River and Seoul.
Ahhh, someone let out a moan of relief.
It didn't take long for the moan of relief to change to one of both terror and disbelief. The landscape outside the window was no longer the one of the Seoul and Han River we had all became familiar with as children.
Smoke and dust rose from the ruined city, my heart pierced at the sight of the devastated city.
The Han River bridges had collapsed, its waters dyes red from the blood of fallen soldiers as a monster, while amongst the fallen buildings, trampled on a K1 tank like it was a Christmas toy.
[Main Scenario #1-- Proof of Value has ended.]
[300 coins have been acquired as a basic clearance reward]
[100 coins have been reduced for the channel usage fee]
[Additional compensation settlement will now begin]
One world was destroyed and a new world was born.
Dokja and I looked at each other, our eyes reflecting the mess that the other ad become.
...I was the only reader who knew the true outcome of this world.
[You have now become 'Kim Namwoon's master, in place of his constellation]
I looked down at the white-haired teen who was looking down at his hands, obvious shock on his face.
There was still this kid to deal with.
[The character 'Kim Namwoon' had a favorable impression of you'
[The character 'Kim Namwoon's favorability had increased]
[The character 'Kim Namwoon's favorability had increased]
[The character 'Kim Namwoon's favorability had increased]
[The character 'Kim Namwoon's favorability had increased]
I sighed. This child.
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minijenn · 3 years
Keys Comm #5
Woooo baby we got a big ol bundle of angst with this comm. Its for an anonymous commissioner, who wanted some angsty interactions between Sora and Young Xehanort following (spoilers?) Sora officially joining the Organization in Keys. This is a pretty fun dynamic to explore (its why its popped up in the last two chapters cause I think its fascinating), so enjoy the angstfest ahead (also if you reblog this do not tag any ships bc thats not what this is if you do i will scratch your eyes out k thanx!)
Even though he’s died on more than one occasion, Sora has never felt closer to death’s door than he does now. Now that he’s following his foes willingly, walking through the gates of a castle he’d once stormed as a conquering hero. Only to return as nothing more than a lowly slave.
Ansem and Xemnas head off in separate ways not long after they arrive, leaving Sora alone with Young Xehanort. The young master turns to him with his usual calm grin, though it's tinged with a touch of smug satisfaction that Sora might have once found sickening. But now, he can only incline his head in forced respect for his master, listening in solemn silence to whatever it is he has to say.
“Welcome to your true home, my thirteenth,” he says cordially. “After your last visit here, I trust you know your way around, so I’ll spare you the grand tour. I will, however, gladly show you to your room.”
Sora glances up at this, caught off guard. “...My room?”
“Of course,” Young Xehanort beckons him to follow as he continues on through the castle’s grayscale halls. “Did you really think we’d be barbaric enough to force our most invaluable member to sleep in a dungeon cell?”
“That’s… exactly what I was thinking…” Sora mutters, glancing down.
“I know,” Young Xehanort returns, reminding him yet again that his thoughts are essentially an open book to be read by his master, both old and young alike. “Still, I’m sure you’ll appreciate the room we’ve prepared for you. It used to belong to our previous thirteenth member, you know.”
Sora’s gaze snaps up when he hears this, a pang of grief tugging at his heart at even this indirect mention of Roxas. At even just the thought of any of the beloved friends he’s now lost forever. That grief stings even more when he steps through the threshold of the chamber Young Xehanort takes him to, a clean, largely vacant bedroom that he can all too easily imagine Roxas occupying. A bedroom that’s meant for the Organization’s thirteenth member, both back then… and even now.
“You can take all the time you’d like to settle in later,” Young Xehanort says, still standing in the doorway. “Your induction ceremony is set to begin shortly, and you mustn’t be late for it.”
“I-induction?” Sora glances back at him, confused.
“A way for you to formally accept your place among your fellow members,” Young Xehanort explains. “Believe me when I say they’re all very eager to welcome you into the fold, Sora. However, you will not stand before your Organization wearing that.”
Sora looks down at his usual clothes, already anticipating where this is likely going. Even so, he tries to bite back the rising dread when he asks the obvious question. “What will I be wearing then?”
Young Xehanort’s former grin returns as a bundle of black fabric appears over his outstretched arm. Sora takes in a small, sharp breath when he sees it, the final piece to tie his hideous new appearance together, meant to show exactly what side he stands on now. The side of darkness, the side of his master, the side of Organization XIII.
Sora says nothing as he takes the coat, staring down at it in muted despair. Of course, Young Xehanort only serves to rub salt in the wound with what he has to say next. “Wear it with pride, my thirteenth. It was made to help you to look the part of the role you’re very soon about to play.”
“...What “part” is that anyway?” Sora dares to ask, even though he knows he shouldn’t. “Now that I’m here, don’t I at least deserve to finally know why you chose me and what you want me to do?”
“You’ve already been told why,” Young Xehanort tells him as he turns to leave. “As for what… you’ll learn that in due time, my thirteenth. For now, you have an hour to prepare for your ceremony. I’ll be back to collect you when you’re ready. And remember: everything from the life you knew before must be cast off before you step into our ranks. You belong to us now, Sora; never forget that.”
“I-I won’t… master,” Sora replies, wishing with every fiber of freedom his ruined mind and broken heart has left that he could.
“Very good,” Young Xehanort says, still smiling as he leaves his thirteenth vessel to himself. True to his word, he returns exactly an hour later, and is visibly pleased to see Sora fully clad in his new black coat, finally ready to perfectly fit in among his fellow seekers of darkness.
“Our attire suits you well, Sora,” Young Xehanort notes as he looks over his newest vessel. “Isn’t this much better than those ridiculous clothes the lights gave you to wear?”
Sora doesn’t answer; instead, he glances back at those clothes, folded neatly on the bed behind him. Young Xehanort notices them too, as well as the look of longing written all over Sora’s face. Longing for something he can no longer be a part of. “I’ll dispose of those for you,” he offers, extending a hand out to receive them.
Sora hesitates, his sights still set on the clothes before he briefly offers his master a morose, pleading glance. “C-can I keep them? Please?”
“Really?” Young Xehanort raises a critical eyebrow at this request. “You wish to keep something that will only ever serve to remind you of all of the pain and turmoil you’ve been through? Didn’t you come here to escape the grief the loss of the lights left you with? Wouldn’t you much rather forget about the life you left behind? Don’t you want a fresh start, Sora? A clean slate? A new beginning with your new family?”
No, Sora desperately wants to say, but he doesn’t. He knows he can’t; because whatever family he used to have and love so dearly is long gone now. And the only one he has left is a family he never once thought he’d be a part of. Until now. “Y-yes,” he says softly, a single tear streaking down his cheek. “I do…”
“Then let us go so that family can receive you,” Young Xehanort says, his hand still held out. “But first, your old clothes.” Sora hesitantly nods, slowly taking the clothes from his bed before handing them over to the young master, his hands trembling all the while. “You may not believe it yet, my thirteenth,” Young Xehanort continues, urging Sora onward down the hall. “But you truly do belong here with us. At long last, you’re finally home.”
Sora says nothing to this, his head hung in saddened silence as he begins his solemn march to his long-awaited induction ceremony. Young Xehanort lingers behind for a moment as a dark corridor appears behind him and Saïx steps out of it, exactly as he requested. “Burn these,” the young master coldly commands, handing Sora’s old clothes over to the other member before he continues on his way. “I never want to see them again.”
Sora quickly finds that in a world with no real passage of time, the days blend together in a dull, dreary drudgery. He isn’t given any specific tasks to carry out like his fellow members are, with his master merely explaining that his true role is meant to be carried out “at a later time”. So instead, he’s largely left to his own devices. And most of that idle time is spent alone in his room, overwhelmed by grief as he openly despairs over everything that he so swiftly lost.
That grief hardly stays contained to his room however. His powers react to his immense misery, blackened spikes bursting from the gray ground not just in his chambers, but throughout the hallway surrounding it too. Complaints begin to file in from the other members, who find the unbreakable spires to be a gaudy nuisance at best and an impassable obstacle to getting around their own home at worst. And those complaints are what prompts Young Xehanort to pay his newest vessel a visit in the hopes of nipping this newfound problem in the bud.
He enters his thirteenth’s room without knocking, finding Sora sitting on his bed, his knees pulled to his chest and his face buried in them as he weeps softly. Countless black spikes litter the area surrounding him, all but destroying the once pristine room. Young Xehanort scowls as he steps past one of those spikes, interrupting his vessel’s despondent sobs when he speaks up.
“Why are you still mourning over the past?” he asks and Sora glances up with a startled gasp, his eyes still red with tears. “It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve joined our ranks, my thirteenth. You must learn to move on.”
“I-I… I can’t…” Sora looks away, his voice quiet and pained. “I miss them so much…”
“No, you don’t,” Young Xehanort counters as he approaches the bed. “What you miss is the memory of how you felt about them. If you let those feelings go, then you can finally find the strength to move forward.”
“I… I don’t know how to let them go…” Sora admits, leaving out the fact that he doesn’t want to let them go either. That he doesn’t want to forget them or how he felt about them or how much he loved them, how much he still loves them, even now that they’re all long gone.
“Then allow me to show you,” Young Xehanort extends a hand out. And despite his better judgement, it's a hand that Sora anxiously takes as he lets his master ease him into properly sitting up.
“The lesson you need to learn here is a simple one,” Young Xehanort begins, taking a seat on the bed next to him. “Your emotions weigh you down; they always have, and if you continue to let them get the better of you, they always will. You’ve been letting those emotions, your fear, your grief, your worry, cloud your mind and rule your heart. Your magic thus responds to them in turn, making your powers chaotic and uncontrollable.” He places a hand against one of the several spikes surrounding them. “Stopping those emotions from coming completely will take much time and practice for someone as young as you, but you can accomplish it eventually. In the meantime, you can start by suppressing them. And in doing so, you can finally begin to truly live the new life I’ve so generously given to you.”
Sora stays silent for a long moment upon hearing all this, trying to soak it all in. His tears have stopped by now as he finally takes stock of the mess his magic has made of his room, at the disastrous danger he’s always known his powers to pose. He tries to call them back in, but with his sadness still stirring so strongly within him, he finds it to be a largely impossible feat. Unless… “Suppress them?” he looks to his master, lost and confused. “Y-you mean… pretend I don’t feel… anything anymore?”
“Precisely,” Young Xehanort nods. “Pretend… until everyone around you believes in the mask you’ve put on. Until you believe in it yourself. And when you do, suddenly you’ll find that you won’t even have to pretend any longer. The mask will become real.”
This kind of advice is something that’s entirely new to Sora. All his life, he’s been told that his emotions are important, that they matter, that they’re what make him strong, what make him bold, what make him human. But now, he’s being told to throw those emotions away, to cast them off and put on the same mask of cold indifference that every other one of his fellow members so easily wears. It’s not a mask he wants, nor is it one he welcomes; but if it can numb the pain he still so powerfully feels, at least in some small way, then it's a mask he knows he might as well wear. At least until he doesn’t have to anymore.
So he closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath, and forces those emotions back into the depths of his heart. For as difficult as it might be, he somehow shoves the grief, the guilt, the pain, all of it under the surface, just as his master had said. And, when he opens his eyes again, he finds that every single one of the spikes his emotions had unintentionally created… is gone.
“I… it worked…” he balks, genuinely surprised.
“So it did,” Young Xehanort nods his approval. “But this is just the start of what you could do if you learned to truly control your powers, Sora. Your magic is very unique, so strong, yet so untamed in its current state. The lights wanted you to lock that magic, that part of yourself that’s so natural and so special, away simply because they deemed it to be ‘dangerous’. But here in the darkness, you’re free to wield those powers however and whenever you please. You’re finally free to be yourself.”
Free… not to express his emotions anymore, but his powers in their place. And really, now that he’s come all this way and has started settling into his place among the shadows, that’s exactly what Sora realizes he needs to do. To embrace who he is now… and leave behind whoever he used to be.
“P-please,” he begins, looking to his master earnestly. “I want to… I’ve never been able to…” he trails off, shaking his head as he steadies himself and starts his request again. “C-can you show me how to use my powers the right way, master?”
Young Xehanort grins broadly, a spark of what almost seems like pride flashing across his face as he places a hand on his newest vessel’s shoulder. “Oh, my thirteenth,” he says, his grip on the boy tightening ever so slightly as he speaks. “I would be more than happy to.”
Sora does what he can to avoid the other Organization members. He isn’t fond of the idea of forming a friendly relationship with any of his foes-turned-allies, and he’s certain just about all of them feel the same. So he mostly keeps to himself, only really leaving his room for the sake of magic lessons with his master and to fetch some food every few times a day. For the most part, he isn’t bothered by any of the other members he happens to pass by on his way to the castle’s kitchen. A few, such as Vexen or Demyx, will sometimes shoot him dirty looks, but otherwise won’t say anything to him. But of course, today on his way to get something for lunch, he’s unfortunate enough to quite literally run into two of the members who openly hate him most.
He’s largely lost in his own thoughts when he rounds a corner, only to collide squarely into Larxene. “Ugh! Stupid brat!” she hisses, harshly shoving Sora to the ground. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!”
“Now, now, Larxene,” Marluxia says as he steps in to stand alongside her. “We shouldn’t be so rude to our newest member. After all, I’m sure it's very hard for him to focus on much of anything other than how much he misses his dearest, now-dead friends…”
“Pfft,” Larxene snorts out a laugh. “Yeah, poor little kiddo must be soooo lonely.” She grins wickedly as she suddenly reaches down, grabbing Sora by the front of his coat and pulling him up off the ground. “If you’re that bummed out, why don’t we keep you company for awhile?”
“N-no thanks,” Sora shudders, trying his best to pull away from Larxene’s surprisingly tight grip. “You really don’t have to-”
“Nonsense,” Marluxia says with a smug smirk to perfectly match Larxene’s. “We’d be remiss if we didn’t take the opportunity to spend some… quality time with our newest member. And besides-” Sora gasps in sudden fear when Marluxia summons his deadly scythe, Larxene’s knives flashing into her free hand as she holds them up threateningly. “We both have some unfinished business with you, number thirteen.”
Larxene abruptly throws him to the ground once more, calling upon a dark barrier in the space behind Sora to keep him from slipping away. “Aw, don’t look so scared, Sora,” she chuckles as both her and Marluxia brandish their weapons. “We just wanna have a little fun with you…”
“Fun indeed…” Marluxia agrees, drawing the tip of his scythe in dangerously close to Sora. “And perhaps… just a little payback too…”
Sora is unable to stifle a pained cry as the scythe suddenly rips across the right side of his jaw, creating a long, deep cut that tears all the way up toward his nose. The blood from it leaks across the rest of his face, to the point that he accidentally catches a taste of the bitter fluid when it inevitably leaks into his mouth. He doesn’t get a chance to nurse the new wound however, before a sharp, brutal shock ripples its way through his body, sending him flying back hard into the barrier behind him. Larxene laughs in twisted amusement as she keeps her electrifying magic pouring into him, until he quickly reaches the point where he can’t bear the agony of it any longer.
“S-stop!” he cries in the seconds between shocks. “P-please… stop…”
“You’ve resorted to begging for mercy?” Marluxia sneers unsympathetically. “And just when I thought you couldn’t get any more pathetic.”
“Seriously, what are you? Some kind of dumb dog that thinks those sad little puppy eyes of yours will convince us to cut you some slack? Please,” Larxene scoffs, raising her knives to toss them his way. “Get over yourself. You might have gotten lucky enough to beat us both before, but you’re nothing now.”
“Nothing more than a shadow of who you used to be,” Marluxia adds, raising his scythe high for another painful strike. Sora braces himself for the brunt of both attacks, closing his eyes and shielding himself away from the vicious torture they both intend to put him through. And yet in the end, those attacks never come.
He opens his eyes seconds later when he hears the sounds of Marluxia and Larxene’s weapons striking solid metal. The pair winces in apt surprise when Young Xehanort fends them off, using a bit of his own dark magic to swiftly shove them both away. He stands in the space between the duo and Sora, his Keyblade called upon seemingly for the purpose of defending his newest vessel from their violent ire.
“Do you two really have nothing better to do with your time than harass our newest member?” he scowls coldly at Marluxia and Larxene as they begin to pick themselves back up from his brutal attack.
“W-we were just-”
“I know exactly what you were doing,” Young Xehanort abruptly cuts Larxene off. “Whatever disdain you might harbor for our thirteenth must be put behind you. He is one of us now, and I expect you to treat him as such. Do you both understand or is that too much for your simple minds to comprehend?”
Marluxia and Larxene exchange frustrated glance at this, both of them clearly humbled and embarrassed by their young master’s admonishment. In the end, however, Larxene crosses her arms, simply nodding as she glares away. Marluxia is similarly bitter as he offers his answer aloud. “Yes, master.”
“Then in that case, you’re both dismissed to return to your actual duties instead of wasting your time standing around here,” Young Xehanort instructs, dismissively waving them both away.
The pair quickly retreats after this, though not before they both look past Young Xehanort to offer Sora one final hateful glare. He only barely hears Larxene hiss something about him being “master’s pet” to Marluxia before they round the next corner, finally leaving him alone with that master once more.
“I apologize for the misguided hostility of your fellow members, Sora,” Young Xehanort turns to him, extending a hand out to help him up. “It seems as though some of them are having a hard time letting the past go. Are you alright?”
As shaken as he still is by the recent attack, Sora struggles to collect himself enough to do much of anything else outside of accepting the hand his young master is offering to him. “I… y-you… you saved me…” he mutters, bewildered by the very thought.
“Of course, I did,” Young Xehanort offers him a cordial, almost kindly smile. “You’ve suffered more than enough by now. There is no need for you to suffer any more, especially at the hands of your own allies. You’ve been through enough of that when you were back with the lights, I’m sure.”
Sora sighs at this mention of his lost friends, though he maintains his mask well enough as he lightly traces the scar now marring most of his face. He flinches when Young Xehanort suddenly reaches out to touch it too, though as soon as his fingers so much as skim the still-bleeding cut, his skin weaves itself back together, the pain that it caused him all but disappearing completely.
“There,” the young master tilts his vessel’s chin up a bit to inspect his now-clean face. “Like it never happened. After a few more of our lessons together, I’m sure you’ll be more than capable of defending yourself against the petty wrath fellow members might decide to inflict against you. But until then, you can depend on me to protect you, my thirteenth.”
Even against the emotions he’s still trying to keep hidden under the mask, Sora can’t help but feel something he can’t believe he has toward his young master of all people. A sense of genuine gratitude, a deep, genuine gratefulness for the protection Young Xehanort is offering him, for the kindness he’s extended toward him in a time when he so desperately needs it most. In the absence of anyone he might have once sought that same sort of kindness from instead. “T-thank you… master,” he whispers, bowing his head in respect that, perhaps for the first time, is completely earnest, completely on his own accord.
“Think nothing of it, my thirteenth,” Young Xehanort’s smile widens in the satisfaction of knowing he now has Sora exactly where he wants him. In knowing that he now owns every part of his thirteenth vessel: body, heart, and mind alike. “After all, it’s my job to warmly welcome you into our ranks. And I’m so glad to see that you're finally starting to feel like you’re right at home here with us. With me.”
Commissions are CLOSED
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rosecolouredmind · 4 years
Nicholas Scratch x Reader
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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Part Four:
The Angel of Mercy
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First, it was his soul.
Nick never regretted the fact that he was born a warlock. He had powers, longevity, and led a lifestyle of envy. So, when he came of age, he signed on the dotted line in the Book of the Beast. Ever since then, the word ‘regret’ had never once entered his vocabulary.
There was a slim chance he’d ever be called upon to do something untoward, and if it did happen, well...what’s one sin in exchange for a life of frivolity and debauchery?
But next...it was his heart.
Lust, power, knowledge; dedicating his soul to the Dark Lord came with massive perks, and he wasn’t exactly complaining when one of them manifested in the appearance of Sabrina Spellman.
No...Sabrina Morningstar.
He couldn’t explain exactly how or why. His devotion, his loyalty; It had been stolen away by yet another Morningstar, his heart charmed and mind swayed. The powerful capabilities the young witch displayed did nothing but endear him to the demure, compassionate mor(t)ality she fought so hard to keep.
Sabrina Morningstar-Spellman was both the enticement and innocence of the flesh of the lamb... and it would have done Nick well to remember that the lamb is but the spawn of the Beast.
Suddenly, Nick found himself dancing a little too closely with the Devil; twin stars he pledged himself to ended up with him finally learning the word regret once the last pledge left his lips:
Nicholas Scratch, for the love of his life and the containment of it’s keeper, volunteered to be the flesh acheron.
And now, Nick found himself trapped in an everlasting Hell even the darkest of his nightmares couldn’t have begun to manifest.
The Baphomet and the lamb; the Degraded and the Pure. Both were sides of the same twisted fate he’d found himself a part of, desperate to escape. His mind had long since melted into a pool of chaos and intense fear. He’d tried countless ways to just end it all, if only Lucifer were so kind. He no longer had a life to speak of; just endless suffering and eternal doom. His life wasn’t supposed to be like this…
Not like this.
Nick thought himself a pretty gifted warlock, and had long since placed protection charms upon his mind and body should anything or anyone with malicious intention attempt to try him.
He doesn’t know what he was thinking at the time he convinced Sabrina, the coven, and himself that it was a good idea to use his own body as the flesh acheron, but he does admit that hubris and naivete played a part. And at the moment of that final “I love you” to Sabrina, he accepted his fate and was determined to face it no matter what happened to him.
Unfortunately for Nick, you can’t guard against the Devil.
Lucifer made quick work of him, and Nick soon found himself in a never-ending cycle of pain and torture he couldn’t have even fathomed beforehand. Suddenly, his life’s outlook was being eternally violated by the Dark Lord without reprieve. And from what it looked like, it was only a matter of time before he completely broke and the Dark Lord once again took up his mantle of dominating Hell and eventually Earth. All that would be left of Nick and his sacrifice would be any empty shell of a person who no longer knows how to exist as one.
So when the lamb arrived and saved Nick from the Baphomet, he supposed he should have been grateful. Happy, even. Nick had gone to Hell for Sabrina Spellman, and she’d gone to Hell to save him.
But as time still seemed to stretch on without end, he started to break.
Though it wasn’t exactly her fault, Sabrina could never understand what her father put him through because of her. Coupled with her lack of even really trying, her wish for him to just sweep everything under the rug and go back to how things were left him feeling more than a little resentful.
The resounding silence of his once scrambled mind did nothing but make for a much effective echochamber of his worst memories; memories which were exceedingly numerous and fresh. Nick looked for something, anything to fill up or dull that silence; most of which were methods not exactly healthy for him and definitely not healthy for his relationship.
It didn’t take long for the Morningstars to steal away Nicholas Scratch, and it was with resounding disgust that they spat back out all three parts of him they’d taken, broken beyond recognition.
Now stuck dealing with his many issues alone, the tortured boy clung to the only achingly fleeting memories that kept him grounded in rationality instead of spiraling into illusions of the dreadful abyss looming in his haunted mind. And as he replayed the images of the illuminating figure who reminded him that he was still human and that his heart was still beating, to his displeasure he’d found that he wished he had more.
She visited exactly 12 times.
Twelve blessed encounters, each one increasing his fervor more than the last; her presence was like a drug to Nick, a sustenance that he would easily admit to himself he couldn’t go without any longer.
While (Y/N) did explain to him that her powers were limited inside Hell and there wasn’t much of a chance she could directly free him, he couldn’t stop himself from pining after her whenever she was absent. At first, images of Sabrina had been what kept him going. He constantly reminded himself that she was probably doing all she could to save him, and when she actually did, he told himself that everything would finally be okay again.
Nick and Sabrina picked up exactly where they left off, eager to get back to each other again. He reminded himself, Satan be damned, he loved her; otherwise he’d have never sacrificed himself for her to begin with.
Nick had gone to Hell for Sabrina Spellman, was tortured by the Devil himself, and at the time, he had no regrets.
But things couldn’t go back to the way they used to be. He couldn’t go back.
That doesn’t mean that Sabrina didn’t try to help him in whatever way she could, but once she revealed her new royal status, Nick’s remaining feelings of responsibility towards the blonde Morningstar withered away along with the rest of the kinders of their relationship.
Nick was back amongst his coven, friends, lover; but he still felt so achingly alone and afraid all the time. He wanted to feel something, anything other than the despair Lucifer Morningstar so thoroughly imprinted into his being. Despite the love he told himself he felt for the little Morningstar, the literal spawn of his trauma, the only beacon he could rely on to keep him sane was the memory of you.
And as he reminisced on your serendipitous encounters, to his shame, he couldn’t help but compare.
After a while, it had become hard for Nick to separate the daughter from the father, the lamb from the Baphomet. In his intense resentment, he’d gotten to the point where his mind was becoming absolutely blank as it gave in to the invading presence of the sheer evil he’d been fighting against for so long…
And then an angel descended, and he’d nearly cried out in tears and praise for the false God.
It had taken him a while to realize that Lucifer’s presence couldn’t be felt anymore, and even longer to convince himself that it wasn’t a trick. He would close his eyes and see his demons warping beneath the surface, twisting his psyche into a weak, chaotic mess. He would open them and still see red, the color of a neverending hellscape created specifically to terrorize his soul and break him apart piece by piece, rebuilding and breaking again until nothing original was left. He saw despair, and he felt it as well. A gloom so deeply settled into his being that it would have been impossible to get rid of; a shell of the person he’d once been.
So no, Nick couldn’t tell you if his eyes were ever open or closed, because it made no difference to him at all. And one day in that eternity of Hell, Nick finally came to realize he regretted being all alone...
So, pray tell, when a lonely, broken boy suddenly feels someone wipe away his tears, what ever should he say?
He could only posture himself and pray.
The warmth and comfort his angel brought him blessed him with a near orgasmic experience, abruptly tugging him from the brink of despair. For a moment, he questioned if she, if he — was even real, or if Lucifer was really trying that hard to live up to his name as the harbinger of lost home and doom. But when the blessed hands caressed his face, and those saintly eyes pierced through the darkness forever in his view to meet his own, all he could feel was intense relief -- and shame.
Shame over who he was, where he’d gotten himself, and how he’d gotten there.
Surely someone who dedicated their life and soul to the Devil himself didn’t deserve the presence and grace of a literal angel in the darkest moment of his life?
So, with his eyes wide open once again, he cried. He cried at her grace, and at her mercy. Even after she coaxed him down from his delirium and explained who she really was, he wept at the sheer exuberance he felt that she even appeared -- let alone helped him -- just when he was forgetting what it felt to feel anything but pain and suffering. She was his angel, godly or not, and he thanked his lucky stars that it was his fate to be able to meet her in that moment.
Soon, between visits, it became her face, not Sabrina’s, that he’d found had kept him going. (Y/N) had become his symbol of hope, his new god, his only savior. Disillusioned with giving his life to people who only harmed him, (Y/N) became his new religion as he found himself praying to the stars and the Fates for her speedy return. Every time he was graced with her presence, he understood that whatever was written in the stars for him couldn’t have been so bad if he was able to meet her in between the lines.
And when Nick found himself finally out of Hell and in Sabrina’s arms again, he was fully prepared to keep his newfound faith close to his heart and out of the sight of others. Everything that had happened to him was incredibly personal, whether it be his time with you or with the Dark Lord. But when Sabrina revealed her new status as Queen of Hell to him and effectively admitted that everything he’d been through -- his sacrifice, his loss, his pain -- was all for nothing, Nick felt as if time had stopped and his heart had caved in.
He tried his hardest to be okay; with his life, with his coven, with Sabrina. He began coping in the only way he knew how, which admittedly did more harm than good. But without your presence to pull him from the brink, Nick found himself spiralling down the dark depths of his memories with no foreseeable end and without support. Eventually, the pent up resentment and mind games the Dark Lord still insisted on playing with him even after his escape got to him, and he lashed out. The Morningstars took everything from him; his heart, his body, his soul. The coven, Sabrina; no one actually understood him or the anguish he had experienced -- still experienced -- every second of his existence since that final pledge left his lips. The increased sense of isolation brought up his darkest thoughts and feelings, and soon he found himself not only cut off from Sabrina, but from the rest of the coven as well.
As the witches found themselves caught off guard by the arrival of the pagans, Nick instead would find himself staring up at the night sky, alone, searching for his hope.
And while the witches were more concerned with the moon, Nick was waiting for the stars.
As it was predestined, one very particular night Nick felt a very particular warmth bloom across his chest. He smiled, and smiled as wide as his face would allow at that. Because as he watched a very particular star fall from the sky, he knew finally:
The person he placed his faith in didn’t let him down.
Author’s Note: Here’s part 5! Next chapter should be out next Sunday.
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hereliesbeetlejuice · 4 years
Guys I really wanna talk about Step Right Up for a second because when I tell you I’m obsessed with this demo song.
First of all the music - for anyone who doesn’t know back in DC act 1 ended with a newly released Beetlejuice transforming the house into a haunted carnival complete with killer clowns that literally tear Maxie Dean limb from limb (you can probably guess why it was taken out). This song takes place in that haunted carnival setting and uses the same circus-like backing music as Broadway still uses when BJ chases them out of the house. It’s fun, chaotic, and the perfect balance of playful and sinister which in my opinion very well mirrors how the musical is the balance between the light-hearted cartoon and the slightly darker movie. This song just encapsulates the “yeah we’re scaring the shit out of you, but we’re having so much fun doing it!!” aspect that I love.
But I especially love the way this song establishes the power dynamic between Beetlejuice and Lydia in their newfound partnership immediately - and Lydia is the one in power. Even better, Beetlejuice gives Lydia the power!! Willingly and enthusiastically!!
In the DC version of the show their friendship was less of a touching comradery and more of a distrusting but mutually beneficial partnership between two very smart and evenly matched individuals. Even in the Broadway version we see this dynamic in Say My Name, each always trying to get the upper hand on the other to prove they are the quicker, wittier one.
That’s why I was so surprised but SO excited to realize that in Step Right Up this changes. After she releases him Beetlejuice immediately shows his gratitude and proves her trust is in the right hands by making this scene all about her. When she released him Lydia gave him what he’d always wanted: the power to roam the living world free and visible after a millennia of being ignored. And so in a show of good faith he gives her what she’s always wanted: the ability to finally make herself visible to the people she felt ignored by.
The entire song is him having the time of his life hyping her up, using his powers to give her the power to get her revenge on the adults of the house but allowing her to do it all herself because he knows what it means to her. His whole first verse in the song is about how the adults should have never underestimated her, because he understands what she’s capable of, and now with his help she’s gonna make them understand too.
And boy are he and Lydia gonna have fun with it.
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unoriginalias · 3 years
A chaotic coronation
Warnings for horror I guess
It had been only a day since the loss of his right wing and his hunger was yet to return. It had taken him hours just to stand from the pile of his blood, his fingers aching in the most familiar way. He felt like he had lost a part of himself, both figuratively and literally. Flight was something his family held over most other nobility in the palace. The way their beautiful feathered wings allowed them to soar at unrivaled speeds was a constant reminder to those that sought the throne. He had lost them... The only thing that set him apart from the others had settled in his stomach. How could he return home with only a single wing? He would be disowned by his father- he would be no better then his filthy twin brother. The injured Raven stumbled through the neverending sands, unable to move above a snails pace. With only a single wing he was off balance in every step, unable to walk properly.
The Raven clutched the golden crown tightly in his bloodied fist. He had yet to dawn the crown after awaking from his episode of derangement. He had been unable to bring himself to leave it in the pool of blood, as if afraid the object might cry out in despair. He was torn from his thoughts as the sand below him shifted unexpectedly causing him to trip forwards, his eyes catching a glimpse of the sheer drop he was now falling from. As if the sands had finally decided to free him at the worst possible time. The familiar feeling of his body suspended in the air rushed over him as a smile stretched from the corners of his face. The breeze in his hair, the ruffle of feathers. It all felt so free, so weightless. He would spread his wings outward just as he had done thousands of times before, ready to soar once more. Suddenly his eyes would be forced open as his memory was cut short. He had only a single wing and as it stretched outward to catch the air within its newly regrown feathers he would begin to spiral into a nose dive.
"No- nononono!" He would cry out into the unforgiving air, nausea threatening to slip him into a state of unconsciousness. His hands moved to shield his face from the rapidly approaching ground. In his left hand remained the golden crown that seemed to resonate in an almost hypnotic way. As if out of some newfound instinct the Raven found himself pulling the crown onto his head, the piece of gold fitting his head perfectly. As if it were fashioned for him and him alone. But why did it burn? Why did it feel as though the crown was burrowing into his skull? His brain felt exposed to a million bees and wasps, the sensation of his very soul being digested. His eyes surged with energy as his once deep purple orbs became charged with golden energy. His bones seem to disintegrate and reform stronger then before, his skin becoming rugged and hard. Gradually the Raven lost himself within the ever growing darkness of his mind. The impact only seconds away.
Once again his eyes would flutter open to a bloodstained dirt crater, the familiar sensation of soft sand against skin becoming nothing more then a fever dream. He was alert almost instantly, having been forcefully knocked unconscious enough to finally get used to the aching of bones and mind that accompanied the sensation of waking. In his first attempt to sit up he would find that his body had been irreparably mangled, his continued living a mystery he had simply no time to ponder. His lungs had been reduced to a pin cushion at the hands of his vertebrae, his spinal chord spiking upward through the rest of his body. His legs resembled a Bionicle after being crushed under a semi truck. As much as this should have hurt it seemed as though none of his injuries dwelled on him. In fact, he was completely numb. His entire body felt like a limp noodle, unable to move anything other then his head. It was a terrifying feeling of pure helplessness.
His head turned to the side of the crater as the crunch of footsteps on loose dirt alerted him to the presence of another living being. Several other footsteps followed as more and more creatures amassed around the pit, fear building within the helpless Raven. Eyes loomed over the edges of the crater, each set of glowing red irises adding to the tension of the situation. The creatures began flooding into the pit, ravenously clawing over one another as a sea of spider legs dug into the dirt. There were hundreds of them, nightmarish abominations. A human head fashioned onto a scorpions body, spider limbs poking out from the sides. The large scorpion tail was not fashioned from its usual vertebrae but instead being replaced with a long humanoid arm. "No! Stop! Stop it!" He would choke out, his vocal chords somehow functioning perfectly well. Upon his command he would feel a surge of power wreak havoc upon his body, the sensation of his skull being opened up and feasted upon making its second appearance. But as his eyes shone with golden might, his plead was heard by every single creature that hoarded around him. They all stopped completely, as if time had frozen for all but him. They refrained from even breathing, those that had been unfortunate enough to be mid step fell forwards. "What the fuck?! Get away from me!" He would hiss in a fit of fear, the sensation causing him to scream in agony. Just as they had followed his previous order, the mass of terrifying bugs began to flee from the crater, never to be seen again. 'What the fuck? What the fuck was that?' He would question himself as he wished to simply curl up into a ball and hide. However his body was broken and so for now he would stay.
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Ch 3: Imbalance
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The Auction House Masterlist 
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson X OFC
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Nothing goes as planned, that’s just all there is to this chapter. It just gets worse.
A/N: It might get better? Maybe?
Words: +5,100
After a brief recovery and being helped into thankfully warm and fluffy lounge clothes, Treasure felt numb for lack of a better word. Shuri explained it was the meds and as they wore off she would feel cold for the rest of the night, but to get comfortable and rest. Natasha was the one to guide her back to the small quiet room that appeared was hers, leaving Treasure alone after it appeared she was OK, with the promise of bringing her a meal.  
The woman was all too thankful she had been granted time to herself. It gave her a moment to ponder over the god Loki and what he meant to her. The ex-assassin wasn’t going to lie, with the device gone, it was a shock memories and feelings began to slowly return within hours of its removal.
There was a familiarity to the dark god that had been eyeing her when he passed. The odd comfort she took when they first met in the lab, her body betraying her and allowing him to do what he willed with it. There had been no fight left in her with him around that day, chocking it up to how powerful the god was and instinct to not get hurt.
No, this was deeper, there was even a familiarity to Thor as well, and she needed to know why.
Finally acknowledging the tablet she held onto, gingerly a finger pressed over the screen, spelling out what she was after. In seconds the display was flooded with videos, articles, and photos of the god in question along with images of Asgard, and the New Asgard that now resided in Norway.
This puzzled her more. Why was there a New Asgard?
No, she couldn’t get sidetracked, she needed to find out about Loki. Pressing to another interview that appeared to be of both Thor and Loki by a news reporter, the dark god looking irritated to say the least.
It wasn’t several minutes in and the reporter turned to Loki, noting the small tic the man had when he began to insult someone. She noted it with Thor, but the god never took the bait, though Loki may.
“And what are your plans, Loki,” the man began, an edge to his tone, making even her bristle.
The hate filled glare Loki sat the reporter with made her own blood run cold and the man shift nervously in his seat.
“To assure the Aesir of New Asgard are kept safe from imbeciles such as yourself who would twist words to gain the upper hand,” the god spoke, Thor not moving to stop Loki while the reporter began to speak once more.
“You speak of the Aesir as if they are your own blood, but they aren’t are they,” the man spoke up.
She seen Loki begin to seethe, taking a breath in as Thor began to speak, but the reporter cut them off.
“And what of the newest asset the Avenges have taken from HYDRA to rehabilitate,” the man smirked at the newfound knowledge.
“How do you know of her? That is information privileged only to the team,” Thor snarled himself. It was apparent Treasure wasn’t to be spoken of outside of the facility, but the media had their ways unfortunately.
The moment Thor got to his feet; he was followed by Loki, who went for the interviewer.
At this point she could feel the gods rage as he stalked to the man, slipping Thor’s grasp as the dark god grabbed the reporter from his seat. Not a word escaped Loki’s barred teeth as he held the man who continued to spout obscenities at the two. She wasn’t seeing rage as the man continued to speak of her, of her disposition, of details that no one outside the compound should know.
Loki appeared nervous as his grip tightened, the god mouthed something she almost didn’t catch. Slowing the video, she watched the movement of his lips, the way they formed ‘my mate’ had her heart throbbing as he was jerked back, and the footage cut.
His mate? No, there was no way she had a soulmate, let alone it be him. Loki was a thousand years old, surely he had one already or was past the point of having one. This, this was-.
In moments guts twisted, dropping the tablet, she knew, deep down she knew. This didn’t feel right.
What is my little mate doing today, came an echoed voice from the past, bouncing in her skull like a rubber ball.
A shaky hand went to stitches holding healed flesh, sending a twinge of pain that had raging mind focusing.
I'm looking at the flowers, all I ever see is snow, a young voice answered as she placed her head in jittering hands in attempts of easing the sudden nausea.
I see dove, which is your favorite, came a kind retort that made it feel as if she was swimming in a sea of black, images still to smoky to make out.
Desperately she forced the heels of her hands into her eyes to do anything but this. The once sure assassin felt like a floundering mess of emotion that was not calming.  
Loki, her young voice called out in laughter, mist subsiding to show someone in deep green and black clothing kneeling to wrap arms around a smaller her, -she appeared 12-, as the older version stepped around the two.
“You're such a clever girl,” the younger Loki spoke to the young Treasure. “I can’t fool you can I?”
“Were soulmates silly, of course you can’t,” the young Treasure pipped up.
God, she was so young, so innocent then. This had to be before they had begun training her, or whatever had transpired to make her into this.
Oh god! No, this wasn’t right!
A flare of dread made already twisted guts worse and had her sprinting to the bathroom to lean over the toilet to dry heave. There was no food, seeing as Shuri ensured she had nothing before the operation but that didn’t make it hurt any less, every muscle in her body strained.
A brief flicker behind her eyes made aching body shiver as she slumped to the floor before the toilet on her ass. Her face was burning hot as the image flashed again, a young girl, a young her with fingers twined with a young Loki, tugging him through a beautiful garden.
“Nonononononono,” gritty voice murmured, burying her head into jittering hands, trying to stop the flood of memories.
Loki was her soulmate, the Loki, the very one that tried to destroy new York, the very one who was there. That is why he studied her, why-.
She can’t do this. Rushing to her feet, Treasure wasn’t sure if she felt sorry for herself or Loki but came to the conclusion it was Loki for having such a broken thing as herself for a soulmate. It never bothered her before, but now it was a thousand times worse.
Actions erratic, all skill was thrown out the window as her heart pounded harder and thoughts ran hand in hand with the image of she and Loki. Guts twisted as she opened the door to step into the hallway and into the very god she was trying to avoid.
Grabbing her before she could spill into the floor, Loki held the frightened creature up right as she glared at him. The god seen the recognition, knew what it meant for both of them and mustered a smile, though he felt his guts twist that something was horribly wrong.
“You remembered,” Loki began, keeping hopes down so not to suffer heartache.
Her hesitation, the look of sheer terror told him all he needed to know. “Let go,” she spat jerking out of his hold to stand before him nervously.
Heart about to beat out of her chest, somehow she forced her body to take a step towards the god, reaching out as if to touch but pulled back.
One thing she could never let go of was touch hurt. Touch was awful, the only reason to touch was to harm. Though the brief touch he had steadied her with didn’t, but still not worth the risk. Keeping his gaze, Treasure shied away as he reached out only to pull back as well. She got the sense he felt the same about touch.
The shift of someone behind Loki made her immediately rush back into the room and slam the door.
“She’s terrified of me,” Loki huffed to himself as Thor stepped up next to him.
“No, it's more than that, she’s terrified of the thing she has become, of the thing you are soulmates with,” Thor spoke up, finally voicing what the golden god knew to be truth.
Loki turned to the oaf. Glaring the other down he had a feeling Thor knew. “You’ve known this whole time,” Loki spoke hotly glaring at his brother.
“Aye, I’ve seen only one other worthy of the gaze you sat her with. Needless to say, I'm glad you found each other,” Thor spoke up.
“Appears the feeling isn’t mutual,” Loki spoke, growing quiet as he spotted Steve, Bucky and Shuri coming their way.
Shuri ran ahead, stopping at the door to the woman's room. “Have you checked on her,” the teen asked them.
“You could say that. She’s troubled by something,” Thor spoke up just as the teen pushed the door open with Bucky and Steve on her heels.
More memories flooded overactive mind as Treasure took a seat on the bed to attempt to calm. This was a help to no one. Why couldn’t they just have left the device? Let someone else buy her? It would have been better; ignorance was more comforting than the truth.
The sound of the door swinging open had her looking up to Shuri but focusing on Loki as he entered last. In moments she was on her feet, going for the god to place a hand to his chest without hesitation and putting all her weight into.
Loki jerked to a stop the moment she touched. He didn’t want to hurt her, the fear and confusion she felt ate him alive. Honestly he wasn’t sure how she wasn’t a wreck of flesh on the floor or what was keeping her upright at the moment.
“Hey, it's OK,” Bucky spoke up, hurrying to pull her back only for her to jerk away and press her hand to Loki’s chest once more.
“No, it's not. Leave,” she snarled at the god who remained calm as she stared him down. In her chaotic thoughts she willed him to leave, eyes narrowing as she kept the flood of memories at bay.
“No,” came the gods dry reply, in no way deterred by her demand. His soulmate was hurting, and he knew how to help, whether she wanted it or not.
“Now,” she snarled, but the longer she pressed her hand into his chest the more her resolve wavered. Eyeing him nervously, Treasure watched, even flinched as Loki reached to wrap a hand around the wrist before him to carefully pry it away.
“No,” he responded, taking a step forward for her to step back. Carefully he guided her to the bed, making her plop onto the mattress before releasing her.
Looking her over, Loki slowly stepped back, they knew the entire room focused on them. It was tearing him apart inside to not be able to wrap his arms around her and hold her close; but he feared the same could be said for her. Loki felt that part of them was dead. Their relationship had been compromised by the past along with recovering memories, and possibly that damned device. 
“Ok. We need to talk about this,” Steve spoke up hinting to Loki. Making the two of them break the stare down to focus on the blond, the entire room tense as they watched the silent exchange between Loki and Treasure. It looked heartbreaking to say the least. 
“What is there to talk about,” Loki began stoically, unconsciously taking a step towards Treasure as if to protect her from an unseen threat. Her nervous shift made him realize how close he had gotten but felt calm caress his unease at the situation, this was a comforting move for her, he just wished he could touch her.
Loki noted the look Bucky sat them with, there was no mistake the metal armed soldier knew what this was. “I read the manual,” Bucky began. “It stated when she slept she dreamed of a man fitting your description until they fitted that device. I’m betting you may know more about that then we can learn from a dusty journal.”
Lifting his chin, Loki wasn’t about to let them whittle him down, force him to confirm what every one of them in that room knew was true. He had half a mind to take Treasure in his arms and disappear to New Asgard but one look at Thor told him that may not be the best idea at the moment.
“What would give you that idea,” the dark god finally broke the silence, a shuffling of his mates bare feet had him note she had moved closer to him, even if she didn’t mean to.
The brunet let out a huff of aggravation at the god who was being more than stubborn. “The way you watch her. The way your muscles tense to reach out to comfort her. I don’t believe in coincidence,” Bucky spoke up, taking a step forward to test a theory and found it true as Loki moved a step closer to Treasure, now shielding her from the four of them.
“Neither do we,” Thor broke the silence, he knew something had to be said or it was going to turn into a fight. The older god knew his brother well enough to know he would go beyond what was necessary to keep her safe.
Loki fixed his brother with a deadly glare that stated he keep quiet but knew it was in vain.
Desperately Treasure tried to distance herself from the conflict. The shuffle of Loki so close, she needed him, he was right there, she needed him and all he could do was argue with the others. She willed herself to touch him, he could help but wasn’t, why was he not touching her?
Touch hurt! It was worse than the hell she was suffering now.  
“She’s his soulmate,” Thor blurted before Loki could stop him, ignoring his brother as he looked to the others. 
“Is it true,” Steve asked Loki who pressed his lips to a thin line but nodded begrudgingly. 
“Ok,” Steve began, as much as he didn’t trust Loki, the bastard had been on their side and seemed to be doing better. “We will talk more about this-.”
A slight commotion getting their attention as Shuri had taken a seat next to Treasure, but the woman had gotten to her feet, stepping away from them all and glaring at Loki. 
“No we want, leave,” she snarled like a rabid wolf, violet orbs boring into them all. 
This wasn’t the way Loki wanted this to happen. He felt her disparity, her rage and was unable to will himself forward for his own fear. Turning his body towards his soulmate, panic ate at his mind.  
“It’s alright, Loki-,” Bucky began, taking a step towards her only to pause. 
“No,” she snarled yet again, advancing on Loki, and to everyone’s surprise the god stood motionless and allowed her to rage as tears rimmed her eyes. It was no mystery she was trying to break his heart, wanted him hurt so he would leave her alone and broken, but no one had ever explained it was all but impossible to accomplish. 
“I think all this soulmate talk is bullshit! And if it is true,” she paused, chest heaving with the effort it was taking to be so vicious to the god before her. “Then it’s only fair mine would be you! It should seem fitting that two miserable creatures such as us would be bound by fate as a cruel, shitty joke!”
Keeping his gaze, Treasure knew this done no good. It was only destroying her frail mental state more and doing nothing to harm the one before her. Loki, her soulmate, her true love she was trying so desperately to destroy but it was back firing. Chest became tighter as she refused to allow a tear to fall, holding her head high as she struggled to breathe, tunnel vision creeping in.
“You don’t mean it,” Loki whispered faintly, noting she didn’t dare shed a tear. She was doing the same as him, he seen muscles flinch, jerk to touch.
“You’re right! I don’t know what I mean! Any of this! How do I know this isn’t some mind fuck! SHIELD was HYDRA; or the other way around. And the past few days you have followed me as if I may break. Maybe that’s what this is,” Treasure stressed, not caring any longer if it appeared she was having a difficult time processing all that was going on.
“You’re not breaking down,” Loki breathed quietly, stepping almost flush, a hand slowly moving next to her side to steady her as she wavered. He could feel her weakness, this was what had been discussed may happen if she was flooded with memories all at once. 
“All this is just being overwhelmed from the surgery and the past few hours, it will calm,” Steve piped up seeing the look she gave Loki.
Taking in a deep breath she hated the feeling of being weak, a light touch along her bicep made a tingle run shivering body and every nerve ending felt as if it was on fire. Only true pairings caused this, and it made it worse. 
“Overwhelming doesn’t describe it. You call finding out you are my soul mate-, all you did! The destruction of New York, Thanos-,” she continued weakly but had to pause, she felt lightheaded as the god before her didn’t flinch at her accusations.
“It wasn’t his fault. It’s a long story but believe me,” Thor spoke up for Loki who looked to be retreating into himself. “He has more than redeemed himself.”
Nervously she looked to Loki, then the others. Heart throbbing, making her chest ache to the point she couldn’t breathe. This was him. This was how she was making him feel, it was horrible, and it wasn’t working as Loki moved forward, causing her to panic and jolt back into the chair that was thankfully behind her.  
He had been quick with seidr, placing the chair to catch Treasure, Loki could feel the coldness of her skin as he continued to caress along her bare arm. Kneeling before the shivering wreck, the god was quiet as he conjured a fluffy fur to drape over her shoulders. 
Moving slowly to place it around Treasure, “I know what you are doing,” he huffed so quietly she barely heard. Getting to his feet, Loki strode out of the room and into his own. 
The fur was more than warm, it was calming as Shuri stepped forward to take the gods place and began to speak calmly while Treasure allowed her mind to blank. 
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It had grown quiet in the compound; Loki having made one last check on his mate without anyone noting via a cloaking spell. Truth be told Loki didn’t approve of the small room they provided her with not far from his own, but it would have to do for now. Settling down in the plush armchair in his own, Loki picked up the book on the table next to it. 
Flipping a page just as a quiet knock came at his door. Of course someone would decide now was a good time as any to disturb him. Letting out a huff he got up to answer the door. Hadn’t they questioned him enough about his bond to Treasure, Thorn- neither of these were her real names.
Placing a hand on the knob, Loki immediately knew it was Treasure on the other side. Opening it slowly, the god met her gaze as she looked him over. It appeared she was going to remain silent as violet orbs studied him close.
“Come in,” he spoke watching her nod and step in. Shutting the door behind her, Loki wasn’t prepared but was able to catch the large framed woman the moment he turned, and she leapt into his arms. Wrapping one arm under her buttocks and the other around thick torso as hers wrapped his neck to hold tight and Loki managed to keep them both out of the floor.  
It was unexpected but the god went with it as soft lips pressed to his, staggering for a moment until he steadied in the center of the room. He couldn’t get over the feel of her fingers lacing into his hair, holding her lips to his as he pressed his tongue past them for a taste. Breaking the kiss for her to sit up in his arms, forehead to his. 
“I remember. My name, who you are,” she breathed across his lips. 
“Thank the Norns. My heart, my everything,” Loki spouted uncontrollably and to his own shock.
“Take me to bed?”
“Of course,” he panted, taking strides towards the bed, placing her down gently before leveraging over her form that he noted was covered in a thin T-shirt, appearing she wore nothing else. This made him smile, meeting her gaze as she appeared to tease him. 
A sound making its way to his ears. A scream?
“You need to wake up,” she spoke making him puzzle at her, his lovers expression of playfulness turned sour in seconds. 
“What-,” Loki puzzled.
Another scream. This time it sounded as if it was for help. 
“Wake up Loki! I need you! Please,” the woman under him yelled before he jolted awake in his armchair. 
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They had her. Again. Strapped into the chair to make into the image they wanted. When they done this in reality she didn’t make a sound, she knew better, but always in dreams she screamed. This time was worse, fire leached through her veins and throughout her entire body. The restraints nothing but cotton she couldn’t break no matter how much she tried. 
Tear clouded eyes looked around, noting she was surrounded in walls of glass. It was a round glass cage, that she seen someone on the outside of, beating against it with their fist. Trying to push aside the pain, she needed to see who they were as the scientist paused to look and scoff. 
“He will never reach you in time,” one laughed in her ear as she focused on the man on the other side of the glass. Golden armor, green and black leathers, long black hair barely touching his shoulders with a gaunt look to his face, extremely pale, tortured, Loki.
He was yelling for them to stop, appearing beyond pissed as he punched the glass for it to crack. Looking to the scientists, it was clear they didn’t care, the pressure of something sharp placed to her temples immobilized her head. This didn’t stop her from thrashing about as shattering glass echoed around her the moment pain flared to life at the base of her skull. 
Hands and arms freeing allowed her to sit up, screaming and reaching to the god who was rushing towards her. Reaching out for a hand to wrap in her own as eyes opened to an empty room and a hand going to her nape that ached with phantom pain. 
A loud ruckus at her door made Treasure realize her screams hadn’t been silent. It was enough to wake the dead and turn blood to ice in ones veins. And of course Loki would be the first on the scene. 
Loki all but dislodged the door from its casing, having decided just popping in would make it worse. Finding Treasure huddled on the bed, covered in a cold sweat as he got close, reaching out for her but stopping. The look she gave was pure betrayal and he wasn’t sure why. Everyone watched as the woman got to shaky feet to ram a finger into the gods chest. 
It was Loki. He should have saved her. It was irrational, but that was how it felt. When HYDRA found out she dreamed of the same person every night, they found a way to take that from her. 
“Why didn’t you save me!? You were right on the other side of the glass and you watched them tear me apart,” she snarled at the god who was unsure how to respond. The look in her eyes told him though it was a nightmare, she felt betrayed by him.
Maybe she was right to think so. Maybe he had betrayed her by not searching for her sooner. But how was he to know when she was born? Was it a thing he missed because he was to arrogant or was he simply not good enough? 
“It was a bad dream,” Bucky spoke, hurrying to pull the irate woman away from Loki. None of them were sure if Loki would snap, even if she was his soulmate, this wasn’t the god that she would have known according to Thor who came forward. But then again neither was she. 
“I don’t care! You should have saved me,” she spat jerking from Bucky to stand toe to toe with Loki who betrayed no emotion until now. A mix of anger and bewilderment taking over as he took in a breath to speak. 
“I’m trying,” Loki began calmly, hating himself for not being more vigilant in finding her. 
“Don’t you-,” she began but in anger the dark god cut her off, towering over her as resolve snapped. 
“How can I if you want allow me too,” Loki snarled, the lost child returning to violet orbs, fingers twitching at her side as if she was wanting to reach for him. 
“Figure it out,” she sneered, finally looking away to leave the room, pushing around everyone. 
Finding her way to the common room, Treasure took a seat on the couch and rammed the heels of her hands into her eyes. Trying to block the pain, to think. Fingers lacing into loose hair to tug at the darker strands to make pain elsewhere.
Calm, warm hands snaked into her hair to pull her own from the tangled mess she was twisting them in. Quietly Natasha kneeled before her meeting troubled gaze with a kind smile. “I know it felt real but it’s not. And Loki-, well he’s just as lost as you are,” Natasha began, feeling her loosen so she could take her hands in her own and hold them before her. 
Honestly Natasha couldn’t believe she was taking up for Loki.
Slowly Treasure nodded she understood. The ex-asset was beyond tired, but if she dreamed she knew she wouldn’t get much. A motion making her look away from the red head to spot Loki, Thor, Bucky, and Steve. It made her antsy when she met Loki’s gaze, they had both tore into each other with the short words they spat.
Carefully Loki stepped ahead of the others, pausing next to the women. His fingers moved as if to reach out but stopped. 
“I’ve got her,” Natasha spoke up, nodding for them all to leave, but none budged.
“Maybe we should give them a moment,” Thor spoke up, watching Loki and Treasure close.  
Loki looked between them all and noted tired violet gaze doing the same. 
“It should be here,” Bucky spoke up hinting Natasha step away. “It’s neutral ground.”
Hesitantly she looked to Natasha who nodded it was ok. “You have to speak to him sometime,” she admitted as Treasure nodded in understanding. 
Scooting to the opposite end of the couch as the others left them alone, Treasure waited patiently as Loki stepped forward to take a seat next to her. Growing quiet between them, her hands folded into her lap as the child like look returned to her features. 
“What do you remember,” Loki finally spoke, noting her move as of cold once more. Tenderly Loki reached out a hand to produce the same fur she had left on her bed as she fidgeted nervously. 
“Nothing, I remember nothing,” she spoke coldly, taking the fur quickly as if he may take it away, scooting into the arm of the chair and curling up under it, watching him close. 
“I know what you’re doing, but it won’t work,” Loki spoke quietly holding her gaze, obvious he was becoming impatient with her lies. 
Preparing to speak, she paused as a dagger appeared in his hand and he held it out to her. “If you believe every lie you spouted today and just now I suggest you take this and drive it into my heart. It’s made of uru, and I assure you, it will do the job efficiently. I have no doubt you are well trained in how to make a swift kill,” he deadpanned, hinting she take the dagger to which she looked away. 
She knew as well as he did if she ended his life, it would do more than drive her to the brink of insanity. “No,” she snipped looking out the window. 
With a huff the god got to his feet and stormed back to his room the door slamming shut for effect as she looked down the hall. 
“Loki,” Thor spoke up as he entered after his brother who spun on him. 
“No! Don’t you dare tell me this will get better! To give it time! I’m doing all I can-,” Loki snarled. 
“We know, but at this point you know it is entirely up to her.”
“Don’t you think I know that!? Don’t you think I want to touch her, tell her what her real name is? To take her in my arms; but she will not allow it.”
“It’s not only her brother,” Thor snipped harshly making the god pause in his rage. “You are trying to hide your care for her. You act as if we will use her against you and you know better than to go about it this way. I suggest you go about this gentler than you already have.”
Angrily Loki twisted his hand, hatefully snarling about always being watched as he stormed out of the room and back to the sitting area to find her fighting sleep. 
Gently Treasure felt sleep take her, a warm caress over cool temple had her leaning into the touch and shutting tired eyes. She could smell Loki on the fur, body relaxing against her will as she began to slowly drift off to sleep. 
“You don’t need to be falling asleep on this dreadful lounge,” Loki whispered mostly to himself as he carefully took her in his arms to carry to her room. 
Tags: @marshyrebelcloud​ @cruel-kitten​ @moonfaery​ @dark-night-sky-99​ @gramaeryebard​  @katstablook​ @andiyholly​ @jovanna-shewolf​ @nickyl316h​ @aslandia726​ @furstinnajoelle​ @itsbqueenthings​ @collinsstanharbour​ @jazzieomega​ @moonlightprime​ @bambamwolf87​ @tomhardy41​ @get-loki​ @drakonwild​ @alexakeyloveloki​  @scorpionchild81​ @devilbat​ @cherrygeek86​ @jessiejunebug​ @jane-777​ @wegingerangelica​
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exaltatuss · 4 years
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“I have found my limit a thousand times, and still I press further.” -Arlene
General Info:
Name: Arlene Carnelian Title: Scarlet Revenant Occupation: Dimensional Traveler (Current) Race: “Human” (As she claims herself to be, still) Gender: Female Age: Appears to be in her early 20s Height: 192 cm Morality Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Eye Color: Both Gray (Formerly), now heterochromic (Right Eye Gray, Left Eye Red, although both eyes can shift into Red at times)  Hair Color: Red Misc: Has a few scars on her face
Level-headed, calm, and otherwise stoic, Arlene certainly is one who had seen better days. However, she’s far from being cold, as she’s someone who also is able to display some humor every once in a while, whenever she feels like it. Sometimes, the humor passes off as dry, but its nevertheless humor. 
Having a steel temperance hardened by experience, she’s one who doesn’t really yield or break under pressure, at least in regards to pressure many others are unable to act calmly on. Thus, she would be able to still choose the best course of action possible. This, also helps in fights whenever she cannot possibly avoid them.
However in terms of the inner workings of her mind, she repeatedly affirms herself that she’s still human. That she IS human, as if clinging on to whatever remains in her that’s retains her humanity. Others who reiterate that she isn’t human would find it the easiest to set her off. After all, the events that had culminated to her being now would still be fresh from memory. 
 Call it obsession, a delusion even, but it is undeniable that she has enough fortitude to believe that she still is human, despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
Hailing from a world that’s plunged into conflict with otherwordly invasive beings the people of that world had dubbed as the Kyropterans, Arlene was no stranger to battle and survival. Having been orphaned at a young age, and witnessing her younger sister die from a Kyropteran attack, it was her driving force on why she wanted to survive and be strong enough to help others in the fight against them to repel them. 
Sure, there was deep seated anger against such creatures, and indeed, as a child, it was natural to voice out her strong yearning for vengeance against them. Most of the children her age who had gotten the same treatment as such did display such bravado at that time.
However, as she aged, such feelings mellowed out. A subversion, if one may. She knew that such a mentality, when brought along with her, would become a baggage, and a liability, for she had seen this on some of the people she knew upon growing up. Thus, after serving her time on studying, she would join her kingdom’s defense force against the Kyropterans, in which she would be able to form fire-forged and tempered friendships, the squadron she was in being what she considered as close to family as possible.
During one of their incursions, on one of the Kyropteran hives found by the scouting team, they got blindsided and ambushed, with Arlene having been separated from the rest, and trapped in some sort of underground temple ruins. While finding for an alternative route that leads back up, her further inspection in the ruins, along with the inscriptions etched on the wall, this seem to line up with a legend she had read in books in her earlier years. Accounts speaking of a fabled “Scarlet Spear”, that pierces through the thickest of hides, that can break through any form of armor, and most importantly, it having the power to slay gods.
The Kingdom she was part of had such strong belief, no, the rest of her world strongly believed of the existence of such Scarlet Spear, as she recalled, with every major power treating it the ‘Holy Grail’ of weapons, for not only legends, but also historical figures that had claimed to have wielded it, had felled beasts that now form this very world’s ecosystem, and landmarks, the fauna growing over their massive bodies after countless generations.
However, said historical figures also met untimely deaths, and such, some believed that said weapon should not be wielded by mortal hands.
Alas, call it wishful thinking, but Arlene did thought that if such a weapon still existed in this world, if such a weapon hasn’t been buried to oblivion and forgotten by time, then it would be very pivotal to have it, in order to finally drive the invasive Kyropterans out of their world.
Interestingly, instead of looking for a way out, its as if something had beckoned her to march deeper on the underground ruins, guiding her safely across trapped hallways, rooms, and the like, up until she had reached the chamber where the supposed Scarlet Spear resides, and there she found... a woman. A woman who claimed to be the spirit of the spear that this world revered so much. Interestingly enough, said spirit also claimed that she’s exactly what she had been looking for to take it up, and relieve this world of the Kyropteran invasion, that had plagued them for a few generations down the line.
Of course, Arlene had asked about those that wielded it in their history that had died mysteriously after some history of wielding it, to which the spirit had answered simply that their souls are not truly pure, and such seeds of impurity eventually manifested as rot, in the spiritual sense, and that of all potential wielders it had seen in its existence, Arlene was the only one who had a pure soul.
Thus, it struck her an offer. To wield it, with but one, simple, trivial condition:
“Open yourself to me, so I can see what you cherish most. What you strive to protect.”
The spirit’s voice being soothing and compelling, Arlene would accept, taking the hand of the spirit subconsciously, and before she knew it, the spear is now being held by the hand she had extended, along with it, a surge of power she hadn’t believed she could feel herself in her lifetime.
Power unimaginable.
Thus, bursting out of the ruins, she had returned to assist on getting rid of the Kyropteran Hive, and with her newfound powers, that which the spirit had taught her to use telepathically, there were but very minimal casualties on their end.
Of course, with what Arlene had displayed with her new arsenal, everyone believed without doubt that the fabled Scarlet Spear had chosen her.
Several days, and months have counted on, and several Kyropteran territories were recaptured, the invasive species’ range of control and influence becoming less and less suffocating for them. However, along the line, some people from Arlene’s squadron, that which she had grown fond of, died along the line, too, with all leads pointing to it being the handiwork of the Kyropterans.
Soon enough, they would reach one of the central hives of the Kyropterans. One of the pivotal ones. Successfully eliminating this central hive would deal a huge blow on the Kyropteran’s forces, and strength, in general, as well as a chunk of territory reclaimed for Arlene’s kingdom.
However, during the climactic moment of the incursion, the spirit of the spear had manifested, and drove her arm through Arlene’s chest.
The shock from such suddenness, of course, prevented her from reacting accordingly, only managing out to utter out why did the spirit do such. To which the spirit simply replied with
“Haven’t you caught on? I lied.”
And thus, everything was clear now to Arlene.
The gibberish she had heard from way back then was clearer now, from when she had contracted with the spear:
“Open yourself to me, so I can see what you cherish most. What you strive to protect. So I can see what I can take pleasure taking away from you.”
The ‘spirit’ is not really a spirit, but the spear itself, given flesh, given life. A humanoid entity, an Immortal Slayer, whose name goes by Sangria.
Not wasting any more time, Sangria had sent thousands upon thousands of barbs piercing every single one of Arlene’s veins from the inside, before leaving her to die.
At least that’s supposed to be the end of it.
The moment Arlene had woken up for who knows how long, she really can’t believe that she was still alive, somehow. Yet, the moment she had looked around, she had seen nothing but ruination. The central hive was down, yes. But so is the kingdom she had called home in the distance. Thick smoke enveloping it, and its territories.
Everything taken away from her.
Now she realized that the deaths of the people she had cherished weren’t from Kyropterans, but from Sangria herself, from right under her nose. Of course, it was something Arlene would grieve about, for quite some time, as this struck just as hard as when she was orphaned before.
Several years onward, that which number Arlene had given up counting, the moment she had enough grieving, she had discovered several of the abilities she had learnt while wielding Sangria was till intact with her, along with some new ones, as well, abilities that very much mean that she isn’t human anymore...
No... no, that’s something she would deny. She is human. She’s still human. That’s what she believes in, and that’s something she affirmed herself during those years.
Thus, with her world plunged into even deeper conflict, and her kingdom now burnt to the ground, and in ruins, Arlene traveled from one world to another, with one constant was her having the title and been called as ‘The Scarlet Revenant’, who claims to be a “passing-by warrior”, heading where the wind leads her.
-Having survived from the supposed lethal blow from Sangria, Arlene was able to keep what she had learned and acquired from the Immortal Slayer via ability sharing, which are, to name a few, but are not limited to: Portal Creation, Enhanced Strength, Speed, Durability, Perception Blocking, Cognitive Blocking, Regeneration, and Invisibility. Of course, she is also able to wound and/or kill what can be considered as immortal now, too, but that depends on the degree of injury she inflicts. Sometimes she wonders if Sangria really inflicted a lethal blow on her that time, too.
-Despite her claims that she’s still human, she’s far from being human this time, her body composition being similar to that of what she had wielded, minus the part of her turning into a weapon too, or having a weapon form. One can consider her a Quasi-Immortal Slayer, to be precise: Seemingly similar in structure, composition, and function to such, but not quite, as she is not truly such. An accidental creation due to Sangria’s apparent failure on killing this individual who used to be one of her many wielders, for some reason. An existence that should not have been.
-Alas, due to the above, Arlene now has a personal weapon that she can use, that which she claims to be from “the remnants of that spear’s flesh that were once stuck within her in the form of the barbs that had supposedly done her in.”:
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Such weapon takes the appearance of a sword, crude in design, and an amalgamation of flesh and steel, a representation of the wrongness of her existence. It can appear and disappear on her will, and thus, make it come in handy whenever she requires of it.
-Due to her status as not being a human anymore, that does certainly would mean that Arlene had stopped aging, which would also mean that her well-developed body would remain as is, as well.
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-Another indicator of her not being fully human now is the fact that her eyes have different colors. She was never heterochromic, up until her rebirth, that is. Sometimes, both eyes would be red, but that only happens whenever she’s really in a heated battle.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
166. Sonic the Hedgehog #98
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Sonic Adventure 2
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Patrick "Spaz" Spaziante Colors: Patrick Spaziante and Nelson Ribeiro
Welcome to Sonic Adventure 2, everyone! Now, you would be excused for thinking that the comic would want to handle such a highly anticipated and ultimately successful game in the same manner as it did the first one, but you would be wrong! I'm going to spoil it for you right now - we only get part of the story in the comics. This one issue used to cover the entirety of the game, and as we'll see this presents some serious problems. But let's dive in, I'll save my rants for after we go over everything.
So our story doesn't actually begin where the previous issue left off. Instead, it begins three months ago, right on the tail end of the previous Sonic Adventure, in fact. The comics never really did address exactly what happened to Eggman in between being chased out of Station Square by Silver Sonic, and returning to Robotropolis. Well, as it turns out, he ended up being chased, somehow, all the way to one Prison Island, where Silver Sonic cornered him and blasted the ground out from under him, causing him to fall down a dark hole. Satisfied that it had killed him, Silver Sonic returned to Station Square to resume its defensive protocol there, but in actuality he had fallen into a secret lab with something very interesting hidden inside…
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Now fast forward to a mere week ago. In the dead of night within Station Square, a mysterious figure broke into a top-security vault to steal the city's last remaining Chaos Emerald. Silver Sonic tried to prevent the theft, but…
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News of the theft soon reached the desk of the city's president, who mistook the figure as the hero who had defended Station Square from Chaos mere months ago, because apparently in every Sonic canon, no one can ever tell Sonic and Shadow apart, not even Sonic's best goddamn friends. Seriously, at least in the anime it's explained as being a deliberate set-up by GUN to cover their own asses regarding the Project Shadow disaster years ago. I know I've joked before about Sonic being an extremely average-looking Mobian hedgehog which is why he's so easily mistaken for other people, but seriously, Shadow and Sonic's profiles and quill style don't even look alike, let alone their fur color.
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That is a very bizarre-looking Rouge. For whatever reason, they decided to draw her a lot in this era with like… claw hands, and I don't even understand where they got that from. In the game itself one of her upgrades is called "Pick Nails" and I guess you could extrapolate that to mean razor-sharp nails under her gloves that don't show up on her low-poly 3D model or something, but all her 2D art depicts her with normal-looking rounded fingertips, so I don't even know. Anyway, the comic goes on about how the president put together an elite task force to track Sonic down and arrest him for his supposed crimes, and now they've finally found him just outside Knothole. Man, if some randos from Station Square could find where Knothole was, how the hell has Eggman not figured it out yet? They pull out actual, deadly rifles and start firing wildly at him, and he dances around cheekily, stealing their guns and taunting them. This ends when they shoot an electrified net onto him, and soon he's handcuffed in the back of their helicopter, being taken to the hidden city. Of course, we know how this goes from here - he breaks free inside the 'copter and bursts out its side, peeling off a strip of metal to use as his makeshift skateboard, because even though this isn't the 90s anymore, it's still the 90s.
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We're then treated to a short montage of Spaz's interpretation of City Escape - landing on the streets, surfing down sloped roads, soaping on walkway rails and leaping over any obstacles in his way. Honestly, the action is a bit hard to follow - Spaz is certainly a talented artist in many respects, but I think his decision here to move on from his somewhat simpler designs from before hurts rather than helps, as the action and lines become so chaotic that you have to really concentrate to follow what's going on. There's just a bit too much happening, so that your eyes are drawn all over the place without really focusing on a specific focal point of each image. But anyway, we all know how City Escape ends - with the iconic GUN truck chase!
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And that's… it! No, seriously, that's all we get for the actual story of SA2. The final text box invites us to play the game itself to see how it all ends, but there's a number of problems with that, the foremost being that the game takes place in an entirely different canon. We've got completely different circumstances that led up to these events. We've got characters missing - Tails still hasn't been returned to Knothole yet, Knuckles is off somewhere else struggling with his newfound powers, and humans aren't even the dominant species on the planet like they are in the game. This would leave any comic fan with a bitter taste in their mouth, as there's no actual resolution provided and no explanation for how the story will play out with so many of the original players out of commission. Many issues from now, Ian Flynn actually addressed this exact problem and gave a condensed version of events to explain exactly what we're missing, so at least we have that to look forward to in the future. There is one more story after this, and I have additional problems with that one, but let's cover the rest of the issue before I give my final opinions.
As the Shadow Awakes!
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Ron Lim Colors: Frank Gagliardo
So this story actually jumps us back fifty years to see Shadow's beginnings. Professor Gerald, Eggman's grandfather on his mother's side, has been working for a long time on his latest project, which he hopes will see the end of disease and untimely death and even be able to cure his granddaughter Maria's unspecified terminal illness. This project is, of course, Shadow the Hedgehog, who, as an excited and astonished Gerald watches, begins to move inside his pod. The inexplicably-brunette Maria suddenly calls him at his lab, telling him that she can see a military spaceship flying toward the ARK, their space station, and Gerald, in a panic, orders her to come to him. He knows that the military is here to take possession of his project, and believing them to be too simple-minded to understand his intentions for the project, wants to evacuate immediately. He's immediately proven right, as the military men who board the station scoff at the idea that an "old scientist and his crippled granddaughter" could pose any trouble to them as they intend to take the professor's project by force. Gerald sends Maria and Shadow, the latter now out of his pod, to evacuate in an escape pod, but of course, we know how this ends…
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I think this is the only Sonic media I can think of that actually directly shows Maria dying. In both the game and the anime, the shot happens offscreen, and Shadow is ejected before Maria actually takes her last breath. I do have a problem with how the scene is portrayed here, however, as a big conflict that Shadow goes through during SA2 is his vast misinterpretation of her last request to him, whereas here she seems to just die immediately without saying another word. The military takes Gerald into custody, and shortly thereafter recovers Shadow from the escape pod, taking them both to Prison Island where they force Gerald to continue his work under their supervision. Gerald, however, is devastated at Maria's death, and thus plans out his revenge in secret under the guise of continuing his work as demanded.
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The military eventually caught on to his nefarious plans, and had Gerald executed and Shadow sealed away in suspended animation on Prison Island, where it remained undisturbed and forgotten for the next fifty years. Of course, this is what Eggman found on the island, and now he's poised to use his grandfather's own work to conquer the world. My biggest problem with this story, ultimately, is that it essentially acts as one huge spoiler for the game. Everyone now, almost twenty years on, probably knows the general gist of the story, but this comic was published when it was still very new, and this entire story basically spoils the biggest twist in the game right off the bat. Furthermore, in this story, Shadow literally wakes up, goes straight to the pod, watches Maria - who he knows nothing about - die, and then gets sealed away in his stasis pod for fifty years. There's literally no time for him to even develop a personality, let alone a relationship with Maria, which is the single most important thing in his backstory. I believe this was later retconned, but this is still a huge thing to overlook in an adaption of this game.
But anyway, yeah, that's it. That's all we get for the time being. A few brief glimpses of Shadow, and one whole cameo from Rouge. It will be a while yet before Shadow gets to make his reappearance, since like in the game, at the end of their adventure he falls from space and is subsequently believed to be dead. Honestly, the entire thing kind of gives off the impression that they felt like they had to make some kind of comic tie-in to the game, but didn't feel like interrupting what they already had going with the whole "Sonic goes to high school" thing, which is clearly far more interesting of a story. So they basically went "yeah, something like this happened, but now let's just get back to the real story." It's honestly very weird, so weird that, again, they needed a later fix-it issue to explain everything, but for now, we'll just have to move on.
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dunkshotdreaming · 5 years
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Masterlist || World at a Glance
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➵ Na Jaemin
↳ A young wolf from the Redfur clan, very playful but very dependent. Is known for his kind heart and flirty ways. Would offer the clothes off his back to help someone in need without hesitation. Best friends with fellow wolf Jeno, as they grew up together, and very protective of their youngest member, Jisung. Acts almost like a parental figure to his subunit of younger members along with Renjun, who try their hardest to keep the troublesome bunch out of harm's way (or any accidental exposure).
➵ Lee Jeno
↳ A young wolf from the Silveridge clan, shy at first but is an absolute ball of energy. Very athletic yet very lazy; a bundle of dualities that lie beneath a beautiful smile. Best friends with fellow wolf Jaemin, both of whom never cared about territorial rivalries. Also very close to Doyoung and Jaehyun, who like to keep a close eye on this sweet and naive little werewolf. Despite his canine nature, he has a fascination for feline creatures, going so far as to adopt a few of his own to study them. The other wolves are shocked at how well the kittens take to Jeno, rather than running at his scent.
➵ Huang Renjun
↳ A curious vampire with a fascination for their otherworldly members: the aliens Winwin and Yangyang. Likes to put up a snarky front at times, but is the sweetest little biter you'll ever meet. Very close to the younger members of their group, especially the werewolves.  Is a great help to Yuta when he gets unintentionally turned after being bitten, and takes him under his wing until he's sure the fledgling can handle his own. Doesn't have to wear a pendant like Yuta's as he's a full-blood vampire, born and raised. Renjun's artistic side helps him explain himself in ways words can't... even when a good portion of his artwork looks an awful lot like a bloody Rorschach test.
➵ Qian Kun
↳ The new alpha of the Goldensnout clan. Always seems to have trouble handling the young pups of the pack, and often has to put his foot down to intimidate them. Fatefully ends up with fellow pack member Yukhei as bandmates in Wayv. Loves nothing more than to enjoy some good music while he dotes on the others; especially good at cooking, and uses his heightened sense of smell to his advantage.
➵ Wong Yukhei
↳ Luckily for his alpha, fellow wolf Yukhei is great at dealing with the young pups of the pack... whenever he doesn't end up playing into their antics, that is. A lively young wolf who has a nose for causing trouble, usually unintentionally, as he's naturally clumsy. Has a warm heart and soft spot for his bandmates, usually treating them as part of his own little pack. Diligently obeys Kun, and trusts him entirely. Loves to tease the resident vampire, whenever possible.
➵ Jung Jaehyun
↳ A member of the Silveridge clan. Very athletic, prides himself on being one of the strongest members of the pack. Comes off as very confident but is actually very shy; is always terrified someone will find out about his secret. Dotes on the younger and older members alike, and is a great shoulder for them to lean on in tough times. Very close to fellow wolves Taeyong and Jeno, the latter of whom gets babied quite often, despite his displeasure.
➵ Lee Taeyong
↳ Alpha of the Redfur clan, as well as the leader of the musical group all the boys belong to, known as NCT. Has a lot on his plate and often relies on Jaehyun to talk things over with. Has the exterior of a wolf with bared fangs, but the interior of a little pup ready to play. Also close to pack member Jaemin, and taught him a lot of what he knows. Taeyong's life may be incredibly busy, but his great leadership skills always shine through both of his demanding roles.
➵ Dong Sicheng
↳ Most commonly known as Winwin by his newfound earthling friends. Sicheng and Yangyang crash landed on Earth roughly six years ago, not reuniting until they both ended up being recruited for a musical group known as Wayv. Whereas Yangyang is a burst of energy, Sicheng is more calm and philosophical (and still holds himself responsible for getting stuck on Earth); very homesick for his birth planet, Scorlirsus. Gets doted on a lot by his other members; often mistaken for an elf due to his singular pointed ear.
➵ Liu Yangyang
↳ Whereas Sicheng is more often than not the rational one of the two, Yangyang is a chaotic bundle of adventure and joy. His laugh can be heard from miles away, if you listen hard enough. Misses his family and home planet, but is happy to have finally reunited with Sicheng at long last. Loves to race, and used secretly borrow the space pods to do so. Never obtained a nickname as his name was already fairly easy for the others to remember. Misses Scorlirsus, but is also really enjoying his adventures on Earth.
➵ Kim Dongyoung
↳ Most commonly referred to simply as Doyoung, this fallen angel is often the butt of his bandmates' jokes. Tries to set a great example for the younger members, and practically had a hand in raising many of them throughout their time together. Jeno is the only one who really listens though, and earns himself the title of Best Son, at least in Doyoung's eyes. An amazing singer, and isn't afraid to use the powers of his enchanting voice to entice people to do things for him. After all, why work harder when you can work harder?
➵ Ten
↳ This tricky little siren is both alluring and infuriating. Loves to challenge Doyoung at every turn, the sheer power his voice carries overturning any enchantments his bandmate tries to place on others. Lives to tease, and often gets on Kun's nerves, though they secretly enjoy each other's company greatly. Very fluid in his movements, as he's used to swimming in water; this translates to mesmerizing dance moves on land, which eventually earns him a spot in Wayv. Latches onto Hendery when he first joins the surface world as a resident, who helps him learn how to fit in, allowing him to blend almost seamlessly. Must soak in water for an absolute minimum of half an hour a day, or risk losing his breath and drying out. Legend has it he choked on a fruit once and now refuses to go anywhere near them.
➵ Moon Taeil
↳ An actual angel, quite literally. Whereas Doyoung had his fall from grace, Taeil has miraculously managed to stay in the good graces of the divine. Has a healing like quality to his voice, and anyone who listens to it becomes wrapped with its calmness, almost like a blanket. The eldest of his bandmates, but gets along pretty well with both younger and older members due to his playful nature. Exceptionally skilled when it comes to music, and can play a wide range of instruments; loves to play his harp on nights off, which always helps the others sleep.
➵ Park Jisung
↳ The youngest of all his bandmates to date, and one of the most energetic. This sneaky little shapeshifter is incredibly talented. His shifty powers translate into the ability to rap and sing, as well as dance, making him a triple threat within the group. Is ironically allergic to animals, though he can turn into them without much trouble. Loves to turn into any one of the other members and cause widespread confusion, a true mischievous spirit you can't help but love. Babied endlessly by the others, and pretends he has to deal with Jaemin's over-affectionate nature as if he hates it.
➵ Mark Lee
↳ The one, lone human of NCT. Used to have Yuta to relate to, until the poor man was bitten and turned one night. Was initially terrified at being surrounded by so many supernatural beings, but grew accustomed; loves being able to use their talents to his advantage. Constantly the butt of their superpowered jokes, but always mesmerized by what the others are capable of. Feels left out sometimes, but Johnny is always quick to reassure him of his extraordinary human talents.
➵ Johnny Seo
↳ A powerful sorcered who moved across the world in search of a precious gem with powers unheard of.. ends up joining a band to allow him to stay in the country, and instead finds a precious bond within NCT. Can often be seen building or brewing, and casts minor spells at his convenience. Casts protective spells on his clumsier and unluckier bandmates, disguising his affection for his newfound little brother Mark behind an army of jokes (that everyone can see through anyway).
➵ Lee Donghyuck
↳ Goes by the name of Haechan, but loves to refer to himself in the third person as Fullsun. As his father is Apollo, Haechan is a demigod with the blinding power of the sun (as do many of his scattered half-siblings). Very affectionate, the embodiment of warmth and light, paired with the heat of his temper and constant teasing. Nearly made an enemy out of Doyoung once with his pranks, and adores teasing poor human Mark for his priceless reactions.
➵ Nakamoto Yuta
↳ Was a human until just the other day, was turned into a vampire and is now learning to deal with his life flipped upside down. Never wanted to become part of the supernatural realm that nearly all of his bandmates are from, and yet finds himself joining anyway. Was accidentally bitten while away on tour and must now live with the consequences. Has to have his pendant on at all times when in the sun, or else he'll slowly burn and turn to ash. A rather moody bandmate as of late, but given his circumstances, no one can really blame him. Bandmate Renjun, a full-blood vampire since birth, helps teach Yuta everything from how to feed and self control to the ways of the sun and his new strengths. Was forced to take a brief break from his unit known as NCT 127 as a result, but manages to successfully rejoin once he's adapted to his new life. Yuta is often found teasing their last remaining human, Mark.
➵ Zhong Chenle
↳ Though formerly teased for his dolphin-like laugh, it's no surprise that Chenle actually grew up by the ocean. Unlike Ten, Chenle did not live in the water, but has great control over it. He can control the rain, the seas, and even people's own bodies if he so desired. Best friends with Jisung, and they love to get into all sorts of trouble together. Is also very close with Kun (though he and Yangyang are both banes in the elder's existence at times), as well as Jaehyun.
➵ Xiao Dejun
↳ Also known as Xiaojun, for short. Laughs every time Winwin gets mistaken for an elf, when in fact, he's the member of elvish nature. Conceals his ears well, but allows his magic to seep through his beautiful voice. Cautious around animals, but absolutely adores plants and nature in general. Dislikes when Chenle plays with the weather, claiming it could cause an imbalance. Gets along well with all of his Wayv bandmates, but especially with Hendery, as they grew up together.
➵ Wong Kunhang
↳ Ironically enough, Kunhang is the complete opposite of his childhood friend, Xiaojun. Hendery, as he now goes by, is the son of a demon and a human. Typically good-natured and easygoing, his temper and vengeance know no bounds if someone he cares about gets hurt. Will stop at nothing to make things "fair" as he sees fit. Powers include but are not limited to: manipulation of fire, control of air currents, and destruction of physical properties. Has a real soft spot for Yangyang, and are often seen goofing off together. This half-demon is very close to a certain mischievous siren, and taught him almost everything he knows about fitting in with the human world.
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➵ Sayuri & Kaoru
↳ Two siblings, both members of the Blackwolf clan; childhood friends of the Alpha (reader) and trusted board members of the pack. Form almost a little council when the three unite. Sayuri's mate is a Silveridge, which had caused tension in the past; though that, now the clans are allied, is no longer a problem. Sayuri’s mate just so happens to be the related to the clan’s leader, as his elder sister is the alpha.
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returnofdedsec · 5 years
I played Borderlands 3
Finally played borderlands 3. Beat the campaign as FL4K in less than a week. In a few different ways, it both delighted me and disappointed me. Spoilers galore, read at your own risk. Also this is all my own opinion, what would/is/could be better/changed is all based on my own likes, dislikes, and general feelings about the game.
1.  the villains - the Calypso twins are my type of antagonists. People who think they're hot shit, who think they're untouchable, who's pride and vanity are as big as a star. They use their charm and their talent to get what they want, and when that doesn't work they turn to violence and kill everyone who gets in their way. But that's ALL they are. They're vain, and self - absorbed, and have no loyalty to each other, which COULD be an interesting plotpoint, if Borderlands ever played on it.
Troy and Tyreen are twins, born conjoined, and Troy is referenced as always being sick in his childhood. Tyreen is obviously the dominant twin, and while the relationship between two siblings is unique, the way their siblingship was explored was miniscule and narrow. It was obvious Troy had some sort of resentment towards Tyreen, because he needed her Siren powers to live (Whether men can become corrupted and weak under the power of a Siren, or if Troy simply was a piece of Tyreen that needed to be joined to her to survive is still under debate in my eyes,) but his resentment towards her is hinted at maybe. Once. Twice, probably, but that was really only shown after he absorbs Maya.
They hint at Troy maybe, MAYBE, betraying Tyreen, or at least causing their ultimate downfall because of his newfound Siren powers. Never happens. Why? Who knows.
They feel more like business partners than siblings, their relationship so watery. If Tyreen is so powerful, and Troy so miniscule in her eyes, it makes no sense for her to keep him around. Troy needs Tyreen, Tyreen doesn’t need Troy. What keeps him around? A bond between twins? It doesn’t make much sense.
If I were Gearbox, I would’ve really ramped up a sibling rivalry. Have Troy go just off the deep end with his new powers, butting heads with Tyreen full throttle, and having that rivalry dynamic utterly destroy them as they become Gods and turn the universe into their personal battleground. OR I would’ve made them so close, they really only have each other to rely on. I wanted to see Troy and Tyreen be ride or die, like a lot of siblings were. When Troy died, I was hoping for SOME real emotion from Tyreen, but found none. There was no venom, no real regret or sorrow, and even with Tyreen being a sociopath who steps on everyone who gets in her way, she didn’t even show a moment of triumph as she leeched his power away and opened the Great Vault.
I was hoping to see some venom from Tyreen, a real sociopath on the same caliber as Handsome Jack, or an unhinged and violent Troy, who dotes on his twin sister and knows his place as her weaker half. Their performances, while really fun and entertaining, only showed the evil, annoying Calypso twins. We see a bit of Troy’s assholeish-ness when he’s holding Elpis, but there was nothing really else to their performances.
TLDR; Calypso twins, while fun antagonists, left a lot lacking.
2. Sirens - There were a lot of things I didn’t expect when it came to the Sirens in BL3, and what I didn’t expect the most was Tannis becoming one. So it leaves me to two conclusions. One, when Sirens die, their powers are transferred to another person, basically just transferring that power to another woman upon death, which means theres a very slim ability pool for Sirens. Or, two, Tannis somehow leeched the power from Angel’s body to herself. Either way, I think it constrains the powers of Sirens, and keeps it in such a small funnel, when Sirens could exist anywhere within the galaxy. To have a character who was, before, just human, and turn her into a Siren, is such a weird choice. I fully believe Sirens can willingly give away their gift to someone of their choosing (Maya and Ava,) but having a character like TANNIS become a Siren is…..ridiculous. It felt like they had a wheel of female characters, and spun it and when the dial hit Tannis they went “Alright, that’s fine.”
I love Tannis. Even her weird, pseudo-sexual self from the Commander Lilith DLC, I love her. But having Tannis as another Siren, especially when she is like a full-fledged Siren with already established abilities from such an iconic character like Angel, is so….ODD. Tannis worked better as just a weird scientist, and having her as a Siren dilutes what was a unique character. And then there was the issue of Tannis having Angel’s abilities, and not an ability unique to her. It felt like they didn’t know what powers to give Tannis, so they just spun a wheel and shoehorned in Angel’s power.
If I were Gearbox, I would’ve played more on an Angel AI. In the Commander Lilith DLC, in the prototype Angel AI Core, Tannis asks you to download the information on Angel, and you see a glimpse of Angel’s eyes on the download console that flickers into view. This leads a logical conclusion of two things, in my opinion. One, that Tannis downloaded an ACTUAL Angel AI constructed from ECHO recordings, and revealed that at Carnivora. Or, two, Tannis built her own Siren technology in the form of a weapon or personal exoskeleton. It was odd that Tannis somehow either recieved Angel’s powers after her death through the universe, or they somehow transferred to her as she downloaded and recieved the data from Angel (because Angel’s whole deal was her being able to hack into and control machinery and electronics, so Tannis recieving the powers that way isn’t so far-fetched.)
TLDR; Odd choices with the Sirens all around
3. Gameplay - As always, Borderlands 3 was as fun and frenzied as I expected. I played FL4K, and did a Mr. Chew run using only the perks in that skill tree. I don’t know if it was the build I was using, or what, but Borderlands 3 felt much more chaotic and fast-paced than any of the previous BLands games, and I gave most of the Vault Hunters throughout every game a full/partial run. I found myself on the edge of my seat, and swerving with FL4K as I ran them through an area and sent an irradiated Mr. Chew out and using Torgue shotguns and sliding arounnd. It was a lot of fun, and I’m definitely gonna do other runs where I use the Meat Thief (Jabber) and Baroness (Spiderant) builds, as well as trying out every other Vault Hunter. The loot was great, and as always with a Borderlands game, I never felt like I was grinding out to beat a boss or farm for better loot. I barely did any sidequests my first run, and I never felt under - powered as I faced bosses and enemies.
It was also a welcome sight to see things like: Small enemies spawning during boss battles so you can Second Wind yourself, friendly NPCs fighting by your side so during certain parts you have a partner to revive and help you, and (I don’t know if anyone else is a collectible hunter like myself,) plenty of collectibles that immerse you in the lore of the game. The customization options were plenty fun, as well as the meaty voice acting from the current BL3 VH’s, which (in my opinion) made already charming characters more charming.
The characters, both old and new, were fantastic. For the most part, nothing has changed so drastically that there’s a giant divide between characters across games (Besides a few exceptions.) We don’t see all of the previous Vault Hunters, but the ones we do see are crafted lovingly and I loved seeing them (despites all the bullshit that happens.) For other NPCS, vital or not, I loved their personalities, loved their designs, and even the smallest NPCs dug themselves a little crevice in my heart :) Also loved the amount of LBGT characters in the game (Zane is pansexual, Lorelei is trans, FL4K is nonbinary, Hammerlock and Wainwright Jakobs are gay and in a relationship, as well as the return of Moxxi and Ellie, who i believe are both bisexual.)
TLDR; Borderlands 3 is fun and fast - paced, give it a shot and you will like it :)
All and all, this is a true - to - the - bones Borderlands game. Nothing has changed much from the other games, it’s the long - awaited third game to a beloved storyline! However, some of the story falls short, and certain parts I can’t help but be disappointed by (Not to mention during my run I ran into a number of bugs, such as NPCs getting stuck on doorways, or enemies clipping into the environment, or my bullets/melee hits not connecting despite me being RIGHT up in their business.) However, with all of the hype that followed BL3, I think it was near impossible to expect it to exceed the popularity that BL2 and TPS collected and the fans it amassed.
TLDR; BL3 is a bit flawed, a bit weird in places, but out of everything, it is crazy fun that will keep you coming back to it, again and again.
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