#and she’s still afraid
abyssmarked · 11 months
so like, i haven’t really talked about neph’s experience at the brothel she was a slave at much ( and i don’t plan on going into any gruesome detail here, mostly just how i perceived the environment and the strict rules she lived by for a decade, but trigger warnings just in case ), but i imagine it was tailored to the higher class. the setting was a massive temple-like, stone building, multiple stories, cells in a dingy dungeon underground. anywhere where rich clientele might inhabit within the building was lavishly decorated— a common area where drinks and ‘live entertainment shows’ would be held, all of the rooms which could be paid for and used were better than a lot of the best inns in the realms.
it was crawling with guards. the girls’ personal sleeping quarters weren’t nearly as fancy, not in the slightest, but they were clean. they had to be clean, it was a rule. clean rooms, clean bodies— prim and proper. often there were four to six girls in one very small room, sleeping in bunk beds with thin mattresses and thin blankets. each girl had designated tasks, chores to have completed throughout the building, keeping it clean and looking presentable— making beds, cleaning blood, they were even responsible for a lot of the cooking, given limited resources to make enough food for each of them to survive.
regardless of having mostly free reign of the place, no place was private. someone was always, always watching, in every room, in every corner. if girls were seen trying to speak to one another in a secretive manner, or caught trying to plan some kind of escape, examples were made of them. the girls weren’t even allowed to become too close with one another, no touching, no ‘fraternizing’. the men in charge often would put some girls in positions of authority overs, these girls were treated slightly better— they found ways to make it incredibly difficult to build trust with one another. i also imagine nepharia was definitely one of the girls to climb that inner hierarchy of fuckery, anything for the slightest amount of relief, and maybe to try and build a rapport with the higher powers of the brothel— prove that she can be trusted, so they she might one day have some kind of upper hand, regardless of the girls she needed to throw under the bus to do it.
fuck, the other girls probably hated her.
on the business side of things, the doors would close to wealthy clientele at the beginning of the week, then reopen at the start of the weekend— giving the girls about five days to prepare for the next. every single girl is to be accounted for and dressed in the proper attire that was assigned ( usually, the attire was modest in nature, which somehow made it more disgusting in neph’s mind ) at the exact time the beginning of every weekend before the doors are opened. they’re already paid for in advance, waiting in assigned rooms for their client to arrive, and any girl that might be patron-less is assigned to the common area, to offer their services there.
if any of the rules were broken, or any of them got out of line in any way, the first warning is a lashing, then you’re sent to solitary confinement underground, in a small, windowless room, sealed with magic, only a small slot in the door to receive enough food and water to live for days, sometimes weeks, depending on the punishment. you sit with nothing but a bucket as a toilet that doesn’t get changed and cleaned the entire duration you’re there, and a mat on the ground for sleeping. the walls are thin and you’re close enough to where they send the really strong-willed girls who just couldn’t conform, and have to listen to their screams as they are tortured, healed, and tortured again. and if none of that works to break you?? well, they simply kill you.
after making a deal with a devil ( one of her regular clients, who only ever bought her to speak riddles at her ), and acquiring her warlock powers and learning of her true nature from said devil, he showed her what she could really do now. she didn’t immediately go ape shit, though. she was smarter than that. she had worked her way up, the owner of the brothel himself held her in high regard, well, as high as you can regard someone you literally keep as a slave. she probably used mad charm spells to convince him to take her out somewhere, away from the brothel, just the two of them. should would kill him quick, and his guards, and then just be so fucking elated that she can just…. go. be. she honestly probably doesn’t even go back to the brothel, not even to save anyone— she hadn’t made friends, but enemies. friends weren’t allowed. she might have tried to tell some kind of authority what was going on, and she just was unlucky enough to find the authority that was involved in keeping that place running— basically just murdering her hope that justice actually existed in the world, or that good men existed.
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FNAF Cassidy is nervous to meet Abby,,
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thepunchingbag · 1 year
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right in the motherfucking feels
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dingledraw · 4 months
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Lady Antonia J. Crowley
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claraoswalds · 4 months
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It's racist, my dear, to be blunt. People come from outside, they think we're all witches and druids. For God's sake, child, you walked into a piece of string!
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opera-ghost · 6 months
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it's immensely funny to me how andrew lloyd webber read this passage from the book and was like yeah the journey down to the phantom's lair is this really breathtaking magical gondola ride where christine is just captivated by the strange and fantastical beauty of it all (see below)
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when in the novel they're both like in a rowboat in the dark with christine scared out of her mind and confused as hell while erik is paddling like he's out for an extreme day of fishing and just staring christine down for the entire duration of the journey without blinking once . like mind you his eyes quite literally GLOW in the DARK and he's just fucking staring into her soul and silently rowing and probably not even breathing like
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my-name-is-apollo · 25 days
I find it funny that for 2+ years Hades game fans speculated why Apollo wasn't in the game and the most popular theory was that he didn't want any drama with Achilles (some even saying that he'd be scared of Achilles) but turns out that he just. didn't give a fuck about Hades' family.
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malboraslihangifs · 3 months
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by   clicking   the   source   link   you   will   be   directed   to   a   total   of   120   gifs   of   abbie   hern   in   my   lady   jane   season   one   available   on   my   discord   server.   she’s   biracial   (black   and   welsh),   so   make   sure   to   have   that   in   mind   when   building   your   muse.   the   gifs   are   all   sized   268x150   and   made   from   scratch   by   me.    likes   and   reblogs   are   always   welcomed   if   you   find   these   helpful   !
DO   NOT:   redistribute,   resize,   repost   or   include   any   of   the   following   gifs   in   another   gif   hunt,   use   my   gifs   in   any   tab*o   things,   smut   threads,   in   krps   ,   if   you   are   blocked   or   if   you   use   turkish   fcs   with   non   turkish   names.
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goyurim · 10 days
after seok ryu being such a constant bulldozer in seung hyo's life it was so refreshing to see seung hyo be the bulldozer in seok ryu's life for once
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Ruby: I was born in 2004 and-
Me, able to hear the dice in my head rolling for psychic damage: H u h
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
Average historian denies all gay relationships statistic false!
No-Lesbians Ruth Franklin, who lives in an archive and denies any possible sapphic interpretation of Shirley Jackson’s work 50 times a day, is an outlier adn should not be counted
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antirepurp · 3 months
the way jolyne breaks so much convention as a jojo protagonist from not being introduced as an inherent badass and having to earn the right to be called that over the course of the story to her life being over from the moment that story begins while still not painting the events of it as a soul-crushing tragedy but rather a journey through which she reconciles and finds new meaning and purpose to herself as a person. i love jojo stone ocean i wish women were real
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anonymocha · 4 months
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Me and the robot wife if I’m being completely honest
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abitcaughtinthemiddle · 4 months
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While ruminating on how stressful part 2 is going to be watching Penelope struggle to reveal herself as LW to Colin, I keep thinking about the whiplash she must be feeling.
She had spent so many years longing for Colin and had just come to terms with giving him up and starting a new life without the man she loves.
She was going to marry Debling and continue being Whistledown. That was the biggest draw for her, outside of getting away from her family- it was Whistledown. She wouldn’t have love but she would have solace in her work, her writing.
And now, in the span of one night, she has to come to terms with the rest of her life being completely different than what she thought it would be.
I know we’re all stressing for her to tell Colin, but I really do empathize with her probably feeling incredibly overwhelmed on top of being afraid of losing every last good thing in her life.
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cuepickle · 10 months
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Stranger Things x Breakfast Club AU (part ?)
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syaolaurant · 2 months
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20 years old MC, Sebastian, Ominis & Anne ~ . To be honest I still have yet decided on the crew's career after graduation. But I have some thoughts about grown-up Seb will work as an Unspeakable for the Ministry, Ominis may become a healer and Anne may work as a potioneer and help Ominis.
For Violette I'm still hesitating between her becoming an ancient magic researcher or gemologist. But I'm sure that both were not what a 5th year Violette wanted to do, she dreamed of becoming a professional fortune teller 😅😅
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