#and without watching it you miss meeting kanan jarrus
supernuttyninja · 2 years
To all yall Kenobi watchers: PLEASE take this time to watch Star Wars Rebels as well. Like, isn't it time?? You're already on Disney Plus. Just go for it. Take the Plunge. See what the Grand Inquisitor is supposed to be. C'mon, what's the harm in watching the first few seasons?
Sure, it starts slow, but so did clone wars, right? Besides, the further into the show you go the more worldbuilding and character development you get. And who doesn't love that sort of thing?
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kanerallels · 3 years
Inquisitor Au please?
“I will hunt you to the ends of the galaxy!” The Inquisitor hissed. Hera let out a laugh that infuriated him and… some other emotion he could place. “I love you too!”
however you do it is fine I just really like the idea of inquisitor Kanan meeting this rebel pilot and going “pretty girl make brain go brrrrrrr” Kanan.exe has stopped working.
That is literally how I picture this au going, so you are in luck!
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla
Rating: T (angst and some violence)
Word Count: 4,680
Read on AO3!
The Inquisitorus were feared across the galaxy, renowned for their viciousness and the trail of death they left in their wake. Their task— to hunt down the remnants of the Jedi Order and eradicate them and the nascent Rebellion at any cost. A cost which was almost always paid in innocent lives. The only Force user more feared was Lord Vader himself— but he was only ever spoken of in terrified whispers.
There were many rumors about the Inquisitorus, however, about the darkness that seemed to hover around their members. About how they moved with eerie silence and speed, about what their training had to have been, about where they came from.
Only a few came near the truth, at least in the Third Brother’s case.
He’d had a name once, before the Empire had taken him and handed him over to their instruments of torture. They’d told him and his fellow prisoners to forget who they’d been before, that they were what the Empire said they were now. But he’d always been stubborn. So he clung to his memories, reciting them over and over, trying to hold onto what he was.
They’d won out in the end. They always did, he knew now. But like he’d said, he was stubborn. And he managed to keep some parts of himself. His name he was born with was gone, but there was no way he’d use the number the Empire gave him when he didn’t have to.
Luckily, new names were something he’d been thinking over a lot up until he’d been captured. So to himself, and the few friends he’d made— however reluctantly— within the Empire, he was Kanan. One of many secrets he kept from the Empire, one that he kept quiet at all costs.
A bang on his door jolted him out of his sleep, and the door slid open. Kanan’s hand was halfway to his lightsaber when the tall, dark-haired figure stepping through the door spoke. “Get up, the Grand Inquisitor wants to see us and we’re almost late.”
Blinking the bleariness of sleep out of his eyes, Kanan squinted at Dark, his fellow Inquisitor and, bizarrely enough, friend. For the first few years here, he’d kept to himself as much as possible. But when Dark had… joined them and nearly been beaten to death by some of the other Inquisitors, Kanan had saved him. Dark had repaid the favor later on, and they’d started to watch each other’s backs.
Which was very necessary when you were working with psychopaths. Not that we’re a whole lot better, Kanan thought wryly.
Hauling himself off of his cot, he grabbed a shirt and pulled it over his head. “How late?” he asked, heading towards the chest where he kept his armor. His lightsaber— which he’d kept a simple double-bladed affair, unlike the other Inquisitor’s saber design— stayed at his side at all times.
“If we’re not there in five minutes, stuff gets ugly,” Dark said, and Kanan cursed under his breath as he yanked open the chest and started pulling out his armor.
“Why didn’t you go without me?”
“What, and leave you to be skinned like a blurrg on your own? I’d never miss out on the fun. Besides, I… wanted to make sure you hadn’t gotten lost.”
Kanan could read the subtext beneath that one easily enough. More often than not, the two of them found themselves victims of the other Inquisitor’s vicious training sessions. “Not lost,” he said, starting to strap on the armor. “I might have snuck out to get a drink last night, though. Fox got me back here.”
He glanced over his shoulder to see Dark grimace. “Sounds fun.”
Letting out a mirthless snort, Kanan said, “Wanna bet?”
As he finished putting on his armor, Dark let out a sigh. “Glad he’s your babysitter and not mine.”
“Not my babysitter,” Kanan muttered, which wasn’t quite true. The older man had been assigned to command the stormtroopers that worked under Kanan. They didn’t get along for a multitude of reasons, but even Kanan had to admit they worked together surprisingly well. And Fox had his back, for whatever reason.
“Well, let’s get a move on so he isn’t babysitting a corpse,” Dark said, lobbing Kanan his helmet, which had been left at the foot of his cot. He caught it, tucking it under his arm, and the two of them headed out of the room quickly.
The Inquisitors had been almost always stationed at the Fortress Inquisitorus on Nur until a recent incident had rendered the base unusable. Now, they were staying in the Imperial Palace, a temporary situation that Kanan absolutely hated.
It wasn’t just that even after the renovations the Emperor had done, it still looked like the Temple here and there. That every step seemed to hold a ghost, a memory from the boy Kanan had been, who’d died at the hands of the Empire.
No, it was the fact that there were so many kriffing people. Servants seemed to invade every hallway, even the area where the Inquisitors were staying, which had been marked off limits except to those chosen by the Emperor. Kanan avoided interacting with them— he knew he made people uncomfortable, and he was okay with it. When it was stuck-up Core Worlders or Admirals who looked down their noses at Force users until they were two inches from a humming red saber. The servants didn’t necessarily deserve intimidation.
(and if he was being honest, which he rarely was, he didn’t like them seeing his face. He didn’t like anyone seeing his face, least of all himself, which was why he almost always wore his helmet unless it was only him and Dark, or Fox.)
The two of them rounded another corner, and as it so often did, the familiarity of the place hit Kanan like a solid blow to the jaw. For a moment, he was sure he’d look up and see Sammo or Cal or one of his other younglings, or Master Windu striding down the corridor.
But he didn’t. Instead, he ran straight into a servant coming from the opposite direction.
Staggering backwards, Kanan almost dropped his helmet— why haven’t I put that on yet? he thought, managing to keep himself from grimacing outwardly. He caught his balance, looked up to see who he’d run into— and froze.
She was a non-human, which was unusual for the Imperial Palace. However, she was a Twi’lek, which was less unusual. Her skin was a vibrant shade of green, outmatched only by her eyes, which caught Kanan’s in a way that was totally unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Elegant features, a baggy servant’s smock and a startled expression all combined to create a woman that struck Kanan completely dumb.
Her gaze locked with his, and Kanan’s heart, which had nearly stopped at the sight of her, started again, pounding hard. The expression she wore was startled, but curious and only slightly nervous. Force, Kanan thought. She’s breath-taking.
Dark clearing his throat jolted him out of his thoughts. “Do excuse us,” he said to the Twi’lek, his tone polite, but slightly brusque. “We need to get going.” Grabbing Kanan by the arm, he tugged him forward, and the two of them started down the hallway again.
As they walked, Dark muttered, “Kriff, Kanan, if the Rebellion knew you were this affected by pretty women, they’d be able to take you out in a heartbeat.”
“Shut up,” Kanan growled, feeling himself flush slightly. Remembering his helmet, he shoved it on, relieved at the ability to hide from, if not his problems, then at least his friend’s teasing.
Sort of. As they headed towards the meeting room where the Grand Inquisitor was waiting, Dark mused, “You know, I don’t really see you react to women often, and certainly not like that. You’re just… blown away.”
“Shut up or I’ll make you,” Kanan snapped, his tone sharp. Dark fell silent, although he could sense his friend’s amusement bubbling beneath the surface. This isn’t going away anytime soon, he thought with an internal sigh.
They only just made it to the room where the Grand Inquisitor was waiting for them in time. Stopping outside, Kanan glanced at Dark. “You ready?”
Straightening up, Dark swept a hand over his hair and flipped up the collar of his long black coat, which he wore instead of armor or a cape. “Am I ever? Let’s get this over with.”
Kanan keyed open the door to the office, and the two of them stepped inside. The room was almost entirely dark, the corners thick with shadows despite the window in one corner. Standing in front of the window was a dark silhouette, hands clasped behind his back that seemed to radiate cold.
Holding back a shiver, Kanan stepped forward and opened his mouth to speak. But the Grand Inquisitor spoke first. “Third Brother. Eleventh Brother. You’re late.”
“My apologies, Grand Inquisitor,” Kanan said quickly. He knew better than to try and explain. He had more than a few scars from being taught that lesson.
“You’re lucky that I need you both in good shape right now,” the Grand Inquisitor said icily as he turned around. His yellow eyes locked on them as he continued, “I have missions I need each of you to take. Eleventh Brother, there’s a senator who’s causing us some problems. Take care of them with whatever methods you deem necessary.”
“Yes, Grand Inquisitor,” Dark said, his gaze lowered to the ground. Kanan didn’t glance at him, just stood up straight and waited for their commander to speak to him.
“Third Brother. The rumors of the Force-sensitive child on Thabeska have cropped up again. You are to take your troops and investigate this and the rumors of rebellion in the area.” The Grand Inquisitor paused, then added, “You may recall what happened to the last Inquisitor we sent to look into this.”
Kanan felt a shiver go down his spine as he remembered it. The first Inquisitor they’d actually lost in the line of duty. His face a charred mess and his saber gone. Kanan hadn’t known him, nor had he wanted to. He felt no grief at his loss.
But someone was out there killing Inquisitors. And that was something of a concern for Kanan, as a member of the Inquisitorus.
He’d be lying if he said that was the only reason it was of interest, if he said that he wondered if there might be another Jedi out there. But all he said was, “Yes, Grand Inquisitor.”
“Good,” the Pau’an said, his eyes like yellow flint. “Attempt to keep yourself from failing in the same way, or your punishment will be… deserving of your transgressions.”
Feeling his gut clench, Kanan nodded. “Understood.”
“Excellent. Now get out.”
The two of them quickly obeyed, heading out the door and down the hall. As they walked, Dark muttered, “Well, it could have been worse. Seven wasn’t there.”
Shuddering at the thought of the Mirialan Inquisitor, Kanan said, “Agreed.”
His helmet’s internal comlink beeped, and he reached up and keyed it on. A message popped on the visor, where a small screen was embedded:
Meeting room A debrief, five minutes.
“Fox wants a debrief,” he told his friend. “I gotta go.”
“Right— good luck with your mission,” Dark told him, clapping him on the shoulder. “Don’t die.”
“You, too,” Kanan replied.
They parted ways, and Kanan made his way to the room Fox had specified. The walls blurred around him as his mind moved to his mission on Thabeska.
All the intel they’d received pointed towards there being a Force-sensitive child on that planet. There had been admittedly mixed reports, but if there was fresh intel… it must be something big, Kanan thought, his stomach churning.
He’d been sent on blessedly few recruitment missions, and he hated them. Hated watching a Force user fight, trying to protect themself, only to fall in the end, eyes turning the same foul yellow as his own. Maybe it was because he saw himself in them.
Still, a mission was a mission. It was all supposed to be the same. Except that this was a child. A little girl if Kanan was remembering the reports right. And he was supposed to take her from her family and put her in the hands of Imperial torturers. And despite what he’d become, Kanan didn’t think he was okay with that.
But his other choice was death.
Maybe that would be easier, he thought as he reached the meeting room and keyed open the door. It was empty— Fox was clearly running late— and Kanan sank into a chair near the back, his mind still spinning. Refuse to do it, let the consequences be what they are. Let the Empire end this. But there was no way whatever ending the Empire chose for him would be fast. Pulling off his helmet, he dropped it onto the table next to him and buried his hands in his face.
He sat there, turning the situation over in his head, for a long time before the door finally hissed open behind him, and he heard footsteps. Not waiting for Fox to speak, Kanan said, “We have our mission. Thabeska. There’s— there’s supposed to be a Force-sensitive child there. We’re to bring her back at any cost.”
Shaking his head, he couldn’t hold back a cynical laugh. “Bet this wasn’t what you were hoping for when you started fighting for the Republic, huh?”
There was no response. Kanan stared out the window in front of him, not seeing the view. His next words slipped from his mouth slowly, words he knew he shouldn’t speak but had to get out. “I don’t think I can do this. But my other choice is… less than palatable. I’m… stuck.”
“What if there was a third option?”
The voice that spoke was not Fox’s. It was musical and warm and calm and distinctly female, and also the most beautiful thing Kanan had ever heard. Startled, he moved to his feet, turning towards the sound.
The last thing he saw were a pair of determined green eyes, then a burst of blue from a stun bolt crashed into him, and he passed out.
~ ~ ~
“Shuttle 616, you are cleared for hyperspace travel. Be on your way.”
Reaching forward, Hera keyed the com and said, “Thank you, Control. I’m on my way.”
She switched it off, and glanced at her droid. “Chop, calculate the jump to hyperspace.”
“Yes, Captain,” Chopper beeped. With his help, it was only a matter of seconds before the stars around them blurred into the flickering blues of hyperspace.
Leaning back in her seat, Hera exhaled, long and hard. She hadn’t been able to breathe properly for the entire mission— and not just because of the smog on Coruscant. Invading the capital planet was a foolish enough idea on most days, but sneaking into the Imperial Palace? Hera still didn’t quite believe she’d pulled it off.
It helped to have a man on the ground. Commander Fox, a former member of the Coruscant Guard, had helped sneak her into the Palace in the guise of a servant— no one was going to notice one more Twi’lek, keeping her head down and avoiding attention.
Until they did, Hera thought, her thoughts flickering back over her mission.
She’d been there as a special request from Fulcrum. Or, according to the agent, as a favor for a friend. Apparently, there was an Imperial in the Palace who was willing to defect. All Hera had to do was pick him up.
Upon arriving and contacting Fox, Hera quickly realized that this was an exaggeration, and left out some of the most important parts. Like the fact that this defector was an Inquisitor, who actually had no idea that he was about to join the Rebellion.
Flashing back to her conversation with Fox, Hera remembered the man’s serious expression as he said, “Look, he’s basically a good kid. But he’s gone through a lot, and he’s in a dark place. He doesn’t want to be part of this, though. Whether he knows it or not.”
“And you think I can convince him to leave the Empire?” Hera had asked, her voice skeptical.
Shrugging, Fox said, “No kriffing idea. But Fulcrum said you can, and I tend to trust their judgment. It’s a good habit to get into.”
So they’d set up a trap for the Inquisitor, who Fox told her was the Third Brother. “He has another name,” the clone had added. “One he chose. But I think I’ll let him tell you about that.” It had all gone smoothly— the Third Brother had been there, Hera had stunned him, and she and Fox had smuggled him out of the Palace and onto the Ghost.
There were just two little problems. One, Hera had a kriffing Inquisitor, of all things, on her ship. The other was, somehow, a little more complex.
“So, do we plan on dealing with our guest?” Chopper beeped, pulling her out of her thoughts.
“I suppose so,” she agreed, moving to her feet. “Is he awake?”
“Nah, we’d hear more thrashing and yammering if he was.” As Hera headed for the door, Chopper rolled after her, asking, “What are you going to do with him?”
“I’ll let you know when I figure it out,” Hera said wryly.
She left the cockpit and headed into the cargo bay, sliding down the ladder quickly. At the bottom, she turned and looked at the black-clad figure who was currently handcuffed to the wall.
“What are we going to do with you?” she murmured to the unconscious Inquisitor. He, being unconscious, made no reply.
Curiosity tugged at Hera, and she stepped closer to him. Kneeling beside him, she studied him closely. He was human, with tan skin and dark hair that was tied back from his face rather messily. It looked like he wasn’t much older than her, maybe a few years. The hard lines of his face were significantly relaxed now that he was unconscious, unlike when she’d found him earlier in the meeting room.
Oh, and he was also the most gorgeous man Hera had ever met.
Part of her really, really disliked the fact that she was this attracted to an agent of the Empire, a man who’d surely killed and tortured far, far too many beings. But even now, she felt her gaze lingering on his strong jawline, the dark hair, the lips that had yet to move into anything resembling a smile—
Hastily pulling her gaze away, Hera moved to her feet and stepped back. Closing her eyes, she took in a quick breath. Okay, Hera. Keep your eyes on the goal here. Complete your mission, recruit him to the cause, and try not to die in the process. Nothing else matters.
It was the faintest sound that alerted her— a rustle of clothing or shifting of limbs, maybe. But it made Hera open her eyes, and meet those of the Third Brother.
His eyes… they were the one flaw, other than the fact that he was probably a murdering psychopath. They were yellow. Not gold like a Pantoran, but a rancid, sickly yellow, rimmed slightly with red. It made him look like he was rotting from the inside out— and in a way, he almost was, Hera reflected.
“Where am I?” he asked, his deep voice slightly gravelly.
“On my ship,” Hera replied evenly.
“I see. And who exactly are you?” So far, he had yet to show any anger or outward emotion— which was either good because he was staying calm, or very, very bad.
Hera hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should answer his question. But she was here to recruit him, and the first step for that would be trust. “I’m Hera,” she said.
Something flickered in the Inquisitor’s eyes. “Hera,” he murmured, his voice soft and gentle as he spoke her name, a certain warmth about him.
That disappeared seconds later as he narrowed his eyes at her. “Care to explain what I’m doing on your ship?”
Well, there’s really no way to sugarcoat this. “I abducted you,” Hera said matter-of-factly. “Or took you captive, really.”
One of his eyebrows shot up, and his expression almost looked impressed. “You abducted an Inquisitor. From the Imperial Palace.” Shaking his head, he said, “You’re either the bravest woman I’ve ever met or completely insane. How did you even know where to find me?”
“Are you flattering me to try and get information out of me?” Hera said warily, not quite sure what to think. So far, he seemed less angry and more impressed than she’d expected.
“Not exactly,” the Inquisitor said, a frown crossing his face again. “Really, how did you know where to find me? The only person who knew where I was going was—” he stopped, his face growing pale. “Fox. Fox is a part of this.”
Hera studied him as his expression transformed into… pain. Hurt. Something like resignation. It only lasted a moment, but she knew what she’d seen. Another piece of proof that this Inquisitor wasn’t just some monster. I can do this, she thought, confidence building up in her chest.
She realized he was still watching her intently, his jaw tight. “You can deny it all you want,” he said, his voice cold and hard, not holding the same humanity as moments earlier. “You won’t fool me. So what is this? He finally got tired of waiting for the right time to put a blaster bolt in my back? Or did he feel guilty, and sent you to do his dirty work?” Leaning forward, he said, “Trust me, it won’t be as easy as you think.”
“This is not about Fox,” Hera said firmly. “And it’s certainly not about killing you.”
“That would be a first,” the Inquisitor drawled, dropping back against the wall. “Okay, I’ll ask. Why did you lock me up in your ship if not to kill me? What exactly is this all about?”
“It’s about…” Hera hesitated, wondering how to explain. “It’s about what you said when I found you in that meeting room, about wishing there was some third option, something that wasn’t the Empire or—”
“Dying,” he finished for her. “Right. Well, it was just empty-headed rambling, that you weren’t even supposed to hear.”
“But I did,” Hera said quietly. “And I think I know what that third option is.”
Something flashed in his eyes, and Hera knew what it was. It was hope, no matter how hard he tried to push it down. “Tell me,” he said, his voice hoarse and almost desperate.
Taking a quick breath, Hera said, “The Rebellion.”
There was only silence for a beat, then the Inquisitor laughed. The noise was sharp and harsh, and Hera suppressed a flinch as he shook his head. “I said something that doesn’t end up with me dead. The Rebellion is going to lose this fight.”
“You’re wrong,” Hera said matter-of-factly. “We can succeed against the Empire. All we need is hope, and enough faith that we can keep going.”
“Hope doesn’t win wars.”
“You might be surprised.”
Shaking his head, the Inquisitor said, “I changed my mind. You’re definitely insane. Let me go, and I’ll let you live.”
Hera was sure she was imagining the look in the man’s eyes— something akin to respect— as he rolled them. “Clearly you don’t know enough about Force users,” he muttered, closing his eyes. And then he froze, every muscle in his body going rigid. His eyes flicked open and locked on her, and for the first time Hera actually felt something approaching fear. “What. Did you. Do to me?”
“I didn’t do anything—”
“Why can’t I feel the Force? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?” He lunged forward, stopped short by the cuffs on his arm, and Hera flinched, her hand slipping towards her blaster.
The Inquisitor stopped abruptly, his gaze locked on her hand. For a moment, he didn’t move, then slowly and deliberately he stepped back until his back pressed against the wall. When he met her gaze again, Hera was caught totally off guard by the shame in his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I never— I’m sorry. I’ve never been this cut off from the Force. I didn’t expect… I won’t hurt you.”
Force, Hera thought. He’s a mess. But he has so much fear, and he needs help. So I guess for now, he’s my mess. “It’s okay,” she told him. “And I can explain. Have you ever heard of ysalamir?” When he shook his head, Hera explained, “They’re lizard-like creatures that are native to Myrkr. They create a Force neutral bubble that negates Force sensitivity.” At this point, she was just glad that the smuggler she'd contacted had been able to get her one. “The effects are based on range, and they're not permanent.”
His relief was palpable as he nodded slowly. “Thank you.” Hera could almost see the walls coming back up as he asked, “So what exactly is your plan here?”
“Well, I have other things to attend to,” Hera said briskly, relieved that they were getting back on track. “So you have a choice. You can wait on the ship and we can argue Rebellion stuff when I get back, or you can come with me and we can argue Rebellion stuff. I have plenty of time.”
“You might, but I don’t,” the Inquisitor replied, his voice grim. “If the Grand Inquisitor doesn’t get a report about Thabeska from me, it’ll make death by joining the Rebellion look very tempting.”
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes at his quip, Hera said, “Fox has that covered. As far as the Grand Inquisitor is aware, you’re on the ground on Thabeska, sneaking around and investigating. You can’t make contact at risk of being discovered.”
“Not bad,” the Inquisitor murmured. “If all the Rebels are as smart as you, you might actually have a chance in this thing.”
This time, Hera did roll her eyes. “You’re hilarious. Your choices remain. What’s it gonna be?”
“I’ll go with you,” the Inquisitor said. “Better than sitting on this ship all day— I think I’d get tired of the view eventually.”
“Alright then,” Hera said, hope building inside her. She had a chance at this. She could convince him, if he’d just listen. All it took was a little trust.
Which reminded her. “If we’re going to be in public together, I’m gonna need a name though.”
“I’m the Third Brother,” the Inquisitor said almost mechanically, like he’d been trained to say it. Conditioned. And he probably had, Hera thought.
“That’s not a name,” she told him. “What about the one you were born with, or a nickname?”
His yellow eyes remained on hers for a minute, thoughtful. “I don’t use my birth name anymore,” he said, his voice low. “But… you can call me Kanan.”
“Kanan,” Hera repeated, and she really had to be losing her mind, because she thought she saw the smallest hint of a smile cross the man’s face at the sound of her saying his name. As long as she was losing it, though— she stepped forward, bending over the cuffs that attached him to the wall, and opened them.
They clattered to the ground, and Hera offered him a hand. Almost warily, Kanan took it, and Hera helped him to his feet. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kanan.” Lifting an eyebrow at him, she added, “Let’s make sure it stays that way.”
The first real smile she’d seen crossed Kanan’s face, and he looked so incredibly human that way that Hera could almost forget about his yellow eyes or his anger a few moments earlier. “Your wish is my command, Captain Hera. Mind telling me where we’re going?”
“It’s an Outer Rim planet,” Hera told him. “Not much to look at, but I hear the moon is stunning. It’s called Gorse.”
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pretchatta · 3 years
the laws of spectre dynamics
I know it’s been a little while, but the university au continues! future updates will be more frequent, and you can always subscribe on AO3 to get notifications for each new chapter.
prev. chapters | chapter three
rating: teen; kanan jarrus/hera syndulla; 3.5k words
The pale morning light streamed through a gap in the curtains. Lying on her front, cheek pressed into the pillow, Hera’s eyes fluttered open. She wasn’t sure what time it was, but she could tell that it was still early.
She stretched, luxuriating in the feeling of soft sheets against bare skin. Lazy Saturday mornings always felt good. She rolled onto her side and was reminded of the other reason this particular morning felt so good; the man lying behind her. The very attractive, very naked man.
Kanan was on his side, his chest now pressed against her back. He sleepily draped an arm over her waist as she settled against him and dragged his fingertips lightly over her stomach.
“Good morning,” came his deep voice from behind her, roughened by sleep. She felt him nuzzle the back of her head and press a kiss to the base of one lek. 
She twisted to lie on her back so that she could look at him. His long hair was loose and sleep-tousled, and his face looked a little different without his glasses – more elongated, even though his features were the same. Her eyes travelled over the smooth, light brown skin, crooked nose and the small beard that covered his chin. His teal eyes looked steadily back at her from under his thick, angular eyebrows. 
“Morning,” she said, feeling her mouth curve into a warm smile. She tilted her head up so their lips could meet in a chaste kiss. “Did you sleep okay?”
His eyes sparkled and he smirked at her. “Better than okay,” he replied. “You?”
Her eyes dropped to his mouth as she thought back to just how she’d fallen asleep. “Oh, I had a great night.”
He leaned in to brush his lips over her jaw. His arm was still hooked over her waist, and his hand was warm where his fingers splayed over her ribs.
“Unfortunately I can’t stay long,” he murmured. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”
“Help yourself, there are spare towels in the hamper.”
He gave her another quick kiss and then extricated himself from the tangle of limbs and bedsheets. Hera sleepily watched him cross the room to the door, appreciating the view in the morning light. Kanan turned at the doorway and caught the direction of her eyes. He smirked before disappearing into the hall, and a few moments later she heard the shower come on.
She let her eyes drift shut, and must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew all was quiet. She felt a little more awake now, so sat up and surveyed her room. Clothes were strewn over the floor, though it took her a moment to realise they were all hers. She listened again, and heard nothing; had he dressed and left while she was sleeping? She knew he had to leave, but he seemed like the kind of person to at least say goodbye first...
Her eyes fell on the scrap of paper on her bedside table that hadn’t been there last night. It looked like a torn-off section of what might have once been an envelope. A few mathematical formulae were scrawled in one corner, but they had been crossed out by the same pen that had added a note in elegant handwriting.
I’ve gone to the shop down the road for breakfast, your key was still in the door from last night. I’ll be back in 10.
She felt a pang of guilt about her empty fridge. She’d needed to go grocery shopping for a few days now, but had kept putting it off, living off instant ready-meals. There was nothing she could do about it now. At least there was milk for coffee.
Though she didn’t know how long it had been since he’d left, she decided she should have time for a quick shower. She hurriedly grabbed her clothes off the floor of the bedroom and made the bed in case he came back before she was out. Even though he had played an equal part in creating that state, she still felt a need to tidy things up a bit. 
As Hera made her way to the bathroom, she was reminded that there were also clothes in the hallway. She found Kanan’s sweater vest in the pile with her coat, and couldn’t help but smile as she neatly folded it and set it on the end of the bed.
In the shower, her body went through the familiar routine as her mind reflected on the previous night. She’d been looking forward to the date from the moment they’d arranged it in the library, and it had gone better than she could ever have dreamed. Their conversation in the foyer of the Vasar-Corellia building hadn’t been the first time she’d seen Kanan; her office on the second floor overlooked the courtyard below, and she’d often seen him crossing it. He’d caught her eye immediately.
She’d been able to discern that he wasn’t a student, and he clearly worked in the Chemistry building, but not much more besides. Very few members of academic staff looked like that, so she couldn’t help but pay attention whenever she noticed him. 
Sometimes, when she assumed he was running late, he’d run his hand over his hair and a few strands would fall out around his face. Or his glasses would slide down his nose and he’d push them back up with the knuckle of his index finger as he walked. Sometimes, he wasn’t late, and would stroll across the courtyard holding a to-go coffee cup, his other hand tucked into his pocket. At those times he usually had a distant look on his face, like he was deep in thought.
Sometimes he’d be waylaid by students – that was how she’d known for sure he was part of the teaching staff. She’d marvelled at how easily they’d approached him, but he’d always seemed ready and willing to answer whatever questions they had. She assumed he was a good teacher.
And then she’d finally got the chance to talk to him – properly, not when she had to go set up a lab or talk to someone about a careers fair. Apart from the weird moment as they’d left campus when he’d seemed like he was trying to impress her, he’d been a perfect gentleman and excellent company. Talking to him had been so easy, and with how much they’d had in common she felt like they could have kept going well into the night.
As it was, she was not disappointed with how they had spent the night. It certainly wasn’t how she’d planned to end the evening, but that kiss… It had been electric, like no-one she’d ever kissed before. And the things he could do with his mouth…
She forced herself to focus on washing herself before she could get distracted. Yes, last night had been incredible. He hadn’t even technically gone yet and she was already hoping for a second date.
She finished up in the bathroom and was just pulling on clean clothes when she heard the sound of the front door opening. She finished wrapping a soft scarf around her head – grey, matching the top she wore above orange harem pants, her usual weekend clothes – and went out to the hall. Kanan was just closing the door behind himself.
He was back to being the Chemistry professor again; the clothes from last night (minus the sweater), glasses, hair pulled back neatly behind his head. He held a carrier bag in one hand, and the other came up to run over his hair as he caught sight of her in front of him.
“Hey, you’re awake!” He started towards her, but didn’t give her an opportunity to respond as he launched into an explanation of his absence. “You’d fallen asleep when I came out of the shower, but I was thinking I still had some time before I have to go, and I thought you might like breakfast – we did say we’d have coffee today, so why not coffee and breakfast? – and since you didn’t seem to have much in, I thought I’d just go out and pick up a few things – I hope you don’t mind I took your key, I didn’t want to wake you up but I do need to keep an eye on the time for Ezra –” 
He was talking quickly, the words almost tripping over themselves as he tried to get them out. “Do you like omelette? I can make something else if you’d rather – or, if you want me to leave, I can just go now–”
She cut him off with a kiss. It was very effective.
“Omelette sounds lovely,” she told him. 
He seemed to relax, from either the kiss or her words, or possibly a combination of the two. “I’ll make a start.”
“As long as it’s not going to make you late.”
“Nah, this won’t take long.” He followed her into the kitchen and set the bag down on the counter, pulling out his ingredients.
“I suppose if you’re making me breakfast I could make you that coffee?” she offered.
He flashed her a smile that made her heart leap. “I wouldn’t say no.”
There was barely room in Hera’s kitchen for two people, and they had to carefully co-ordinate who was at the sink or fridge or counter at any one time. Despite this, as the two of them bustled around the small space Hera couldn’t help but notice how right it felt. She’d always considered herself to be someone who was happy in her own company and didn’t need anyone else to make her complete, but there was something very comforting about how easily she fell into the sheer domesticity of making breakfast with Kanan. The only thing missing was Chopper bothering her for his breakfast.
Soon, the air was filled with the rich smell of coffee and the sound of bacon sizzling in the pan. Kanan made quick work of the omelette, expertly dividing it in half before serving onto two mismatched plates. Hera poured the coffee and took the mugs to the table, where she was reminded that her dining situation was very much set up for one. 
She shifted the stack of mail that had accumulated on her second dining chair to an armchair so that Kanan could sit down. She considered herself a fairly neat person, but to outsiders she knew her system seemed chaotic. She had a place for everything, and everything was in its place – it was just that the places weren’t necessarily where one might logically assume them to be. 
If Kanan’s going to be here more often I’m going to need a new place to put my mail.
The thought crossed her mind unbidden, and she chastised herself. There was no guarantee that they’d do this again. Yes, he had suggested meeting up again last night, and she was pretty sure he’d enjoyed their date as much as she had, but it still didn’t mean anything for certain. She shouldn’t make any assumptions about where things were going, or she’d be setting herself up for disappointment. She shook her head as if to clear it and went to get them some cutlery.
Kanan turned out to be a great cook. The omelettes were perfectly done, and tasted delicious. Their easy banter resumed as they ate, and continued after they were done and simply sat sipping their coffees.
During a natural lull in the conversation, she caught Kanan gazing at her with an unmistakable softness. He seemed to realise it, and snapped back to himself.
“I should wash up.” He took her plate and stood up.
“Don’t be ridiculous, you cooked!” she protested, following him back into the kitchen. “I’ll do it.”
He set the plates in the sink and turned to the frying pan, but she grabbed his hand before he could take it.
“Stop it.” She had to step close to him in order to hold both hands, and in the tiny space she ended up pushing him against the counter. “I told you, I’ll wash up.”
“I’m just trying to be a good houseguest.”
She grinned up at him. “You’ve already been great.” She pushed up onto her toes to close the small gap between them. His mouth was still warm from the coffee, and he smelled faintly of her soap mixed with something she was realising was uniquely Kanan. She liked it. Her grip on his wrists relaxed as he twisted his arms away to encircle her waist. The kiss was soft and slow, with none of the urgency of their kisses the previous night. She felt a flutter of sparks somewhere near her stomach.
The moment was interrupted by a buzzing noise. A phone, yet again, although this time it was Kanan’s. He broke away and fumbled in his pocket.
“Sorry, I –” He looked at the screen and swore. “It’s Ezra, I should take this.”
Hera waited patiently while he answered the phone. She heard the panicked voice of a teenage boy on the other end, but couldn’t make out the words.
“It’s okay, calm down. I haven’t left yet, and don’t worry about it, I’ve got one you can use. Is there anything else you need? Good. I might be a little later than I said, but only a few minutes. Just try to stay calm, you’ve got nothing to worry about – remember, it’s only a practise test. I’ll see you soon.”
He put the phone down. 
“His calculator’s broken, and last-minute nerves are making everything worse,” he explained with a shrug. “I should really get going though, I didn’t realise the time.”
“Of course!” She stepped back, giving him room to move out of the kitchen. “Go, I don’t want you to be late.”
“Thanks, though. For – letting me stay.” He blushed. She found his awkwardness very endearing.
“Thanks for breakfast,” she replied with a grin.
He started making for the door, with her following. “Hey, maybe we could still get that coffee sometime?”
“Sure! Or we could do this again – dinner, I mean.” It was her turn to blush. She wasn’t exactly opposed to a repeat of their other activities, but she didn’t want him thinking that was all she was after.
He gave her a warm smile. “I’ll call you.”
He leaned down to give her a goodbye kiss in the doorway. She could tell he’d only meant it to be a quick one, but neither of them seemed inclined to stop. The kiss deepened and her arms slid around him. The sparks were back, this time with a touch of heat. She allowed herself to enjoy it for a few moments, and then firmly pushed at his chest.
“Go. Ezra’s waiting.”
He still lingered, his bright eyes gazing down at her. “Maybe I’ll see you on Monday?”
“I’d like that,” she replied softly.
Kanan pressed a final kiss to her forehead before turning to stride away down the path. She watched him go, her smile lingering on her lips. 
The sound of the door closing seemed to echo in the hallway. Now that Hera was alone, her home was a lot quieter.
No Chopper, she thought to herself. He was with Zeb, one of the few friends she’d made since moving to Lothal six months ago. She’d asked him to check in on Chop while she was out and feed him his dinner, but he’d texted her while Kanan was walking her home to say that Chopper was being clingy (translation: destructive) without her around and so he’d taken the cat home with him. 
It was sweet, especially considering that Zeb and Chopper didn’t really get along, but her friend knew how much she cared about her cat. She should probably go pick him up before Zeb did something stupid, like shave all of his fur off. She’d never known if he was serious about that threat and didn’t want to find out.
Hera did the responsible thing and finished cleaning up in the kitchen before making the short walk to Zeb’s place. She rapped on the door in her usual rhythm and didn’t have to wait long for it to be opened. Before she could even greet the lasat on the other side, a yowling streak of orange and white launched itself into her arms.
“Oof,” she grunted as she caught him. “Hello, Chop, it’s good to see you too.”
Chopper was not a small cat. It wasn’t only that he was permanently overweight from constantly managing to get into his sealed food containers, though that did play a part in it – he was also generally very large. Fortunately, Hera was well used to his way of greeting her.
Zeb sniggered from the doorway. “Morning, Hera.”
“Hey, Zeb,” she said, settling the familiar weight in her arms and straightening up. “Thanks for looking after him.”
Zeb’s expressive green eyes looked doubtful. “Not sure he’s so grateful.”
“Was he okay?”
“He was his usual self,” he replied, shrugging his huge shoulders. “He’s been waiting for you by the door since I gave him breakfast.”
“Well, he just wants to – wait, do you have guests?” She’d caught sight of rumpled blankets in the living room behind him.
“Wha’?” He turned to see what she was looking at. “Oh, yeah. Just a friend staying over. He didn’t mind Chop being around.”
“Did they get along?”
“Well, no, but come on, it’s Chopper…”
Yeah, expecting Chop to get along with a stranger was perhaps a little too optimistic. 
“Good point. It does explain why he’s so keen to get home.” The cat was squirming in her arms, trying to get comfortable and grumbling quietly.
“So how’d the date go?” Zeb asked.
Hera couldn’t help her smile. “It was good. Really good. We had a lot in common.”
“Yeah?” There was a knowing look on his face. “Think he’s gonna make it to the third date?”
Right. Because the few times she’d tried dating before, it had never gone beyond two dates. Zeb had said she might like them more if she let them stay the night, and she’d brushed his comment off by saying she wouldn’t do that before the third date. 
“I mean, I would definitely like to go on a third date. And a second, obviously. But, uh, he doesn’t need to make it that far for, um…” She trailed off, but Zeb’s eyes widened and he smirked in an all-too-knowing way.
“Wow. Must’ve been a really good date,” he teased.
She shrugged, realising she was happy enough not to feel self-conscious. Chopper mewed indignantly at the movement. “Yeah. It was.”
“And how was the…?”
“What? Just asking. I know it’s been a while.” He didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed.
She looked away, flushing. “I’m only here to get Chopper. Maybe next time we go out for drinks, I’ll tell you about it.” 
Zeb chuckled. “Alright, so let’s talk about how I did you a favour by getting the furball out of your lekku for the night, because there’s actually something you could do for me in return. My nunaball team’s playing an away game next weekend, and the kids could use all the support they can get. It’s in Bahryn – d’you think you could make it?”
She mentally flicked through her calendar. Part of her wanted to keep the next few weekends free in case Kanan wanted another date, but she immediately rejected that idea out of impracticality. “Sure, I don’t have any plans for next weekend yet.”
“You could even bring Kanan if he’s interested. Get that second date.”
Was she really so easy to read? Or did Zeb just know her too well...
“Isn’t Bahryn the team that are your sworn enemies?” she asked, changing the subject.
“...Yeah, that might be why we need the support.”
“Alright. I’ll be there.”
He gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Hera.”
She shifted Chopper in her arms, which were starting to ache. “We’d better get back. But I’ll see you next weekend!”
“See you then!” He waved from the doorway as she turned to leave, feeling glad that it was only a short walk back.
When she let herself back in through her front door, releasing Chopper into the hall, Hera had to restrain herself from immediately checking her phone. Of course Kanan wouldn’t have sent her a message yet, he probably wasn’t even done with Ezra’s exam. Maybe she could text him – wish Ezra luck with the exam, or just straight up ask if he wanted to get lunch on Monday.
Wait… Did she even have his number? Had she given him hers? She felt her heart fall through her stomach as she realised that no, despite all their promises, they had never actually exchanged contact information.
Okay, so no texting. That was fine. She could just run into him in Jhothal on Monday. She saw him from her office window so often, it would be easy to arrange. Right?
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reedroad · 4 years
im gonna guess that you're swamped with asks about that quiz but i gotta say. as a typhoon fan i feel so seen (and out of curiosity, which characters did you put for each lyric? im a sucker for character playlist type stuff)
not as much today, so you’re fine!! ive been loving the amount of typhoon fans coming out of the woodwork. umm let me check
The moths are all gonna die now/Impale themselves on the things that the like, now/I couldn't watch so I burned my own eyes out - luke skywalker, kaytoo, obi-wan kenobi, yoda, kanan jarrus, poe dameron, bodhi rook, baby yoda, ezra bridger (associated this song with sacrifice, remorse, desperation, recognizing your own mistakes, wanting desperately to help people)
I haven't slept in several nights and I'm not tired/Who protects the ones I love when I'm asleep?/Though there's little I can do, I say a prayer/That when the wolves come for their share/They'll come for me - leia organa, kaytoo, the mandalorian, r2d2, rey skywalker, kanan jarrus, hera syndulla, finn, baze malbus (protecting someone they care for without thought or question, intense loyalty, stubbornness, the vibe of declaring you’d rather die before the people you love)
All that being and nothingness, on the same möbius strip/Sleep and waking up - mace windu, the mandalorian, maul, c3po, yoda, cassian andor, kylo ren, boba fett (feeling trapped in a cycle that they created, going through the motions, ruled by the past)
I told you, I told you/I have nothing left with which to hold you/I lean up against you/We need heat where we’re gonna go/(I have been there I should know) - jyn erso, anakin skywalker/vader, obi-wan kenobi, chewbacca, bodhi rook (loss leading to a feeling of inexplicable emptiness, trauma they can’t escape from, acceptance of own mortality, desperation to hold the people they love one more time)
So long, my sweet/Maybe next time that we meet/We'll be whole, we'll be weightless, we'll be free - padme, anakin skywalker/vader, kanan jarrus, hera syndulla, ahsoka tano, baze malbus, shmi skywalker (loving someone so completely with the knowledge you can’t keep them forever, losing that person but still loving them after they’re gone, cherishing their memory, waiting for them regardless)
Each time I wake I’m still alive/Outlived my expiration date imagine my surprise/A backwards take on the book of Job/His life was wager and mine’s a joke/Give him what he wants he will never know/He’s tied up trying to let himself go - luke skywalker, chirrut imwe, lando calrissian, obi-wan kenobi, rey skywalker (the idea of suffering based on a bet from some higher power, living through hardships against all odds, faith, lando is here just because of the word wager don’t @ me)
Unhand me, I am not a criminal/And if I am, I paid the man just let me go/Soon enough you will be dancing at my funeral - kaytoo, r2d2, han solo, maul, c3po, cassian andor, chopper, boba fett (okay this one is just funny bc i picked characters who are straight up actual canonical criminals or murderers except c3po who i could just hear say “unhand me, i am not a criminal” so if you got c3po because you chose this and it doesnt fit you, it’s because i was having fun)
I learned to talk/Said I'd be Caesar/Or nothing at all - padme, leia organa, count dooku, sheev palpatine, qui-gon jinn, hux, galen erso, grand admiral thrawn, sabine wren, cassian andor (ambition, the pursuit of power to achieve your goals, the knowledge that words are powerful, belief that they can get shit done, etc)
im sure i missed a character here or there, there was a lot of them........ i know i put some characters multiple times, and others only once, dont @ me, some of them fit more than one
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houseswolo · 5 years
Day 3 - 'Tis The Season To Be Thirsting
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The reveals are running a couple days late thanks to our mods getting lost in finishing @nanowrimo (HUGE PROPS to everyone who participated!) - stick with us, we have some awesome people in store!
"Stand with me, Rey"
(Twitter: @MyJediLife | Ao3: MyJediLife)
What got you into Star Wars?
I was 3 when I saw ANH at the drive in with my family. It's my earliest memory. Fast forward 40 years or so, when my best friend Jennifer decided we were watching SW together online. When I saw Adam's face, I was gone all over again... my obsession came roaring back.
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
Honestly... I think I became hardcore Reylo with the hand touch.
Why do you write / make art?
Because I have these idiots in my brain telling me to write their stories, and if I don't I may go insane.
The Object of your Thirst…
CLYDE LOGAN. (Or Adam Driver in all other forms)
Which Adam look do you like the best?
Umm.. his Clyde look. Long hair, scruff... goatee and stache.
Which Adam avatar/ role do you like the best?
It's me, people. Clyde Logan.
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
His hair - NO - his lips - WAIT - his eyes... everything. I choose everything.
Favorite Star Wars Movie
The Last Jedi
What do you like to write / draw / paint the most?
Reylogan. Soulmates is a close second.
Your TRoS Prediction
Bendemption by Kylo Ren dying to help get rid of Palpy, and being brought back by some very familiar Force Ghosts as Ben Solo... ending with him and Rey and a binary sunset.
If you were an aesthetic... (colors, images, feels....)
Angst, swirls of dark greens, purples and black.
If you were a candy bar, what would your name be?
Sweet & Nutty
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating? 
On my couch, headphones on and music cranked up high.
Are you a dom or sub? 
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
In the back of a 1966 Volare in a state park.
What's your kink?
Adam Driver
Use three words to describe yourself.
Loyal, creative, loving
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
I am living my best Jedi life? I have no idea. It just sounded cool.
Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
Little spoon.
Do you like it rough or soft? 
Favorite toy
Favorite fic you read
Forbidden by koderenn, Cable Guy by littlemistake, LWABOC by diasterisms, Unravel Me by UnderTheCancerMoon
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
River Deep, Mountain High
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
From the EU: Jacen & Jaina Solo. Maz Kanata and the Mandalorian from Canon.
(Twitter: @thoseindarkness | Ao3: thoseindarkness)
What got you into Star Wars?
My Mom when I was a baby, though TLJ brought me into the fandom and publishing fics.
What made you a Reylo? Lightbulb moment!
All the amazing and detailed meta that I saw on Tumblr after TLJ. When I went for re-watches in the theater I wondered how I'd missed all those sexual overtones the first time around.
Why do you write / make art?
Because the voices in my head would drive me crazy if I didn't let them out to play.
The Object of your thirst...
Kylo Ren (in the mask), Ben Solo (out of it), Rey, Hux, Poe, Rose, Holdo. I'm an equal opportunity thirsty.
Which Adam look do you like the best?
That 70's running shoot he did. That's how I like him, lean and wiry, not buff. He's got a great build for it.
Which Adam avatar/ role do you like the best?
Tie between Ben and Phillip Altman.
Which part of Adam do you like the best? 
The way his jowls wrinkle when he's emoting.
Favorite Star Wars Movie
Movie: Rogue One. Story: Rebels.
What do you like to write / draw / paint the most?
The real world in every messy, ugly, complicated detail. I think the idea of literature as pure escapism is flawed. I like to show the world as it is and then reveal the beauty in the imperfections. There cannot be light without darkness.
Your TRoS Prediction
I'm not getting my hopes up for anything and can't wait for it to be over. That's when the story group can have the reigns back and start pumping out all the stories that will backfill what really happened in the 30 years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. That's what I'm most looking forward to.
If you were an aesthetic... (colors, images, feels....)
I think my username says it all. 😘
If you were a candy bar, what would your name be?
I don't know what it would be called, but it would have dark chocolate, Nutella and raspberry.
What's your ideal environment for writing / creating? 
At my desk at home, one of my comfy hoodies on, a cup of coffee, some good mood music, and a Reylo fic prompt.
Are you a dom or sub? 
Lifelong switch.
What's the most exotic/wierd place you've gotten intimate?
You're going to have to define exotic/weird. I've gotten intimate in semi-public and group settings. I once went through a tollbooth topless while being fondled. Does that count?
(HS: Hells yeah, that counts 😆)
What's your kink?
An inquisitive mind. Not kidding. That will turn me on faster than anything else could.
Use three words to describe yourself.
those in darkness
Meaning behind your nick / ID name
In high school I liked to come up with AIM screen names by creating these evocative incomplete sentences. Like quoting song lyrics without the songs. "thoseindarkness" was one of those names. I liked it so much I've kept it all these years and it's always been either a nerd or writing aligned username for me.
Are you a big spoon or little spoon?
Lifelong switch.
Do you like it rough or soft? 
Yes, please.
Favorite toy
The goat 🐐
Favorite fic you read
Very tough call between Wanting by Minkel23, Score by SpaceWaffleHouseTM, and Requiem for a Monster by roane. They are all *very* different.
Favorite fic you wrote or favorite art you made
All the ones I haven't shared yet. Particularly the canon post-TRoS story I've been sitting on since TJL came out.
Favorite SW character besides Kylo and Rey
Kanan mother fucking Jarrus! Since this is a thirst highlight I may as well tell you... I would do such naughty things to that man. Or have Hera do them for me. 🖤
Meet the other Thristies!
Thirst Order Advent Calendar Day:
1 | 2
cc: @tazwren @deadlikemoi @drnucleus @ashtyntaytertot @lostinqueue-ffa @my-jedi-life @shestoolazytologin @kaybohls @nite0wl29 @cosmo-gonika @wilsonthinks66 @roguesinside @areylofan @3todream3 @koderenn @queenoferebor @thereylowritingden @housedadam @house-crylo @houseplaidam
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sw-kanan-asks · 8 years
Chandelier - Hotspur
Here we go. Finally
“Where do you hide your halo?”
Ugh. The questioncomes from behind her. The bar is dimly lit and she doesn’t have time for this.She’s busy looking for her contact without actually looking for her contact. If Draav sees her with someone else it’llscare him right off.
“Look buddy, just get on your way ‘cause I’m busy right now.” Hera states.
“Oh you look busy alright, busy looking for someone; I’m assuminga supplier of some sort. Of course in a place like this it could be illegalweapons, but you don’t seem that way. I’m going to guess information against theEmpire in a place like this.”
Hera twisted around. She came face to face with the man fromearlier. Jarrus - if she remembered his name right. He’s got a bruise on the sideof his face, no doubt because of standing up to Vidian and then Sloane. Herbiting retort is lost on her tongue.
“Look darling, a heaven sent beauty like you stands out in aplace like this. But at least let me buy a drink for the lovely angel thatsaved me.” He sends the offer with a wink and it’s all Hera can do not to givehim a punch along with her scowl. She’s rethinking about recruiting him now.
“No thanks, apparently as everyone can tell this hole, I’mbusy.” She hisses into his face.
“I’m offering to help you blend in darling.”
The Ghost is bigger than what Kanan thought it’d be. Aftergetting off Gorse, which was a trip and a half, it’d been about a week and hewas still a little sore. But Hera is a brilliant pilot and well the Ghost,while not looking like much, it a pretty good ship. Hera takes good care ofher.
There was no denying that the twi’lek had caught Kanan’seye. Her passion was something he’d long left behind. It was intoxicating. Andfreeing. Actually caring about something again, he knew most of actions onGorse had been Caleb’s choice, but after meeting Hera, he couldn’t be mad athimself.
He sees Hera and Chopper in the loading bay as he sauntersin.
“What time do you have to be back in heaven?” He says as hesettles against one of the crates.
“Practicing your lines for the next unlucky sentient thatcatches your eye?” Hera shoots back at him with Chopper cackling at him in thebackground.
“One might have caught my eye.” Kanan says, not discouraged.
“Well then luv, if I ever meet them, I’ll convey my condolences.”Hera says walking away. Chopper is laughing again rolling after her. But Kanandoesn’t really hear it. Ignoring his unsettled stomach that just came up, hecontinues onto the Ghost.
“Let’s get going luv, unless you want to miss the next dropoff?”
Kanan gets out of his head whilegetting into his chair. But he finds himself not able to reply, only able tolook at Hera. She doesn’t notice, she’s too busy doing pre-flight checks.
He’s unable to tear himself away,at least until Chopper zaps him, laughing again.
She makes her way into the lovely hole-in-wall that theircontact picked. Inside on her way to the bar, she notices Kanan in one of theside booths as she comes in. It’ll be another 30 minutes before her – their informant would expect her to behere. Although their contact was set upthrough Fulcrum, Hera hasn’t had the chance to inform Fulcrum of her newaddition. So unfortunately they can’t come ‘together’ for the information. Twopeople is a deal breaker and Hera won’t let Fulcrum down. But Kanan didn’t wanther to go alone.
Besides I can at leastwatch your back, that’s what crew mates are for. Let me be a part of this team. Hera shakes Kanan’s voice out of herhead. He did have point, that doesn’t mean she had to like it.
“Where do you hide your halo?”
Hera twist around as she Kanan’s voice. Kanan would swear itwas some trick of the dim lights as she did, it had to have been a trick causehe could’ve almost said she looked like she had a halo.
Hera just glares at him.
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person3in3progress · 8 years
The Smuggler, the Pirate, and the Bounty Hunter.
So this came to be basically because I had this strange idea that Boba Fett and Kanan Jarrus would make really interesting foils seeing as Boba has issues with Jedi for killing his Dad, Kanan has issues with clones for betraying him and killing his Master who is basically his mom. Plus they are both angst teens trying to make their way in a huge Galaxy alone. Then Hondo and Katooni showed up and decided it was also their story. Hence the mess below. If anyone is interested I would love to talk more about my crazy AU, just send my a message.  
Kazke Ohnaka smiled to herself as the bartender passed her a cup of whatever the local brew was. She had no intention of drinking it but being in a bar without a drink made someone stick out and if there was anything she had learned in the past years few years, it’s how to hid. The job she was currently working on was not yet over, nonetheless Kazke felt confident about it going smoothly. Herself and two humans Hondo hired, had infiltrated a small gang that was gaining influence. All that was left was passing off the intel to Hondo and receiving their pay.
The job itself had started pretty rough. Kazke had worked with Boba Fett before, though it had always been with been with Hondo in charge. She knew he was stubborn and did not like working with others but he always got a job done. The wild card had been the new guy, Kanan Jarrus. Kazke was not sure why Hondo had hired the other teen. Kanan was a jack of all trades smuggler, he could shoot well, was a half decent pilot, could talk his way out of trouble and was a surprisingly good cook. If she was honest, it was probably due to Hondo’s not so secret bleeding heart towards orphans. Not that Kazke could complain about that feature of Hondo’s, it was after all the reason she was still alive. Quickly she banished that thought, now was not the time to dwell on the past. She had left her two partners at a table in the corner and while she was pretty sure they would not start anything, it was best not to risk it.
Their relationship had been extremely rocky. Kanan had almost bailed when he realized who their third partner was. He probably would have if they had not been in the void of space at the time. Instead, the two ignored each other for most of the trip and the beginning of the job. They had reached some form of uneasy truce after bar fight had devolved into a firefight with Stormtroopers. Whatever negative feelings they had for each other were dwarfed by shared disgust of Stormtroopers.
Back at the table, Kanan was sloughing against the side wall while Boba sat at a bar stool, between the two they had full sight of the bar. She was going to miss those paranoid bastards after the job ended.
On her way over to them, Kazke noticed Hondo. He was tucked in a dark corner almost completely hidden. She only knew where he was because he had been the one to teach her to hide. It was good to see the old weequey again. This job had taken over three months and Kazke was ready to go home.
At first she had resisted thinking of anywhere as home or familiar but somehow that old pirate and his ship had snuck in and decided to make themselves at home in her life. So now, Kazke had made them her home and they would just have to deal with it.
When she reached the table Kanan and Boba had chosen, the two were discussing blasters, again. She teased them and changed the conversation topic to random everyday things. In about twenty minutes Hondo was going to swagger over to their table, try and cheat them, fail, pay, and leave with the information he wanted. Kazke would meet up with him later to enact the second part of their con on the gang. Of course, since that was the plan, nothing went like that.
Five minutes into idle, but friendly chatter a black armored figure marched into the bar without warning. All three teens tensed and prepared for a fight on instinct, as did seemingly most of the bar’s patrons. The being was slim and lithe but the hard edges of their armor gave them a harsh appearance. In the center of the mass of black and dangerous was the Imperial Cog.
They wadded to the center of the bar scanning the crowd as they parted it. Everyone was quiet, keeping the attention of the Empire’s agent away from them. The slender figure stopped in the center of the dark and dingy bar, her voice was surprisingly soft but forceful.
“You will tell me where the Jedi is.”  
It could not be mistaken to a question.
An old besalisk with scarred skin and a straight spine stood up.
“Last I heard, you killed them all.”
The only response that the statement received was the quiet thud of a head hitting the ground and the high pitch hum of the being’s crimson blade.
Kazke was paralyzed. She had no idea what to do. She wanted to run away, she wanted to hide, and she wanted so badly to be with Hondo. It was like being back in the first weeks after Katooni had fled her childhood home. Everything was fear, confusion, mistrust, and all she could do was stand still in the torrent.
The being continued to prowl the bar searching for their target, slowly approaching the corner that the teens were in.
That was when a commotion on the other side of the bar started. Hondo stood in the midst of the noise which apparently came from a table he had turned over and was currently standing behind, facing the Imperial agent.
“Ah, hello. You said you were looking for Jedi, yes? Hondo might know a thing or two about that. But what would you do for an old pirate in return?”
Hondo was standing tall with his arms spread out wide, like a showman at a circus gathering all the attention to himself.
“If you value your continued existence you will speak.” Her voice was soft, yet it carried over the harsh silence. It also did nothing to phase Hondo, he simply shook his head.
“Tsk, remember, don’t demand for something you can ask for. Luminara loved that one so I am sure you heard it many times.”
Never demand for something you can ask for, that was an old crèche saying, mostly used by the masters in charge of the toddlers, but how did Hondo. . .
Someone grabbed Kazke’s elbow, she turned, instincts readying to fight, but it was just Boba. His face was blank of all emotion like when they were working. His left hand was resting on Kanan’s shoulder, who looked as unsteady as she felt. His face was unusually pale and his knuckles were white from how hard he griped his blaster.  
Quietly, Boba started moving them towards the exit behind the being as they stalked Hondo. The Dark Side poured out of her like a burst pipe, uncontrollable, random, and with vigor. Rage and pain suffocated both the air and the Force.
“You will die for that. But first you will tell me where the Jedi is.” The voice is no longer soft, it was harsh and laced with a powerful Force suggestions, one Hondo completely ignored.
“Ah, but that would not be very good business practices.”
She hissed and lunged at Hondo who stepped out of the way. Simultaneously, one of the patrons jerk back and bumps Kanan, who has his blaster drawn halfway before thinking. The other customers around them turn to watch Kanan, bringing with them the attention of the dark sider. The red glow of her lightsaber illuminates her pale green face and the series of mirialan tattoos across her checks.
“Bar . . .” is all the escapes Kazke’s mouth before Hondo drags the attention back to himself by throwing a drink at the woman, Barriss Offee. The same woman who had taught Katooni how to heal Petro’s twisted ankle after an accident while the two had been sparring. She was now focused on Kazke’s mentor with deadly intent. Rage flooded the room and taste like bile in the back of her throat. Underneath it but clear and sharp Kazke hears Hondo’s voice.
Immediately, she felt Kanan turn and take off. She follows dragging Boba along from where he is still holding onto her elbow. It was not until the three teens reached hyperspace in Boba’s ship that Kazke realizes that when Hondo had thrown the drink at Barriss, he hadn’t touched the glass.                
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