#kanera modern au
spectre83 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla Additional Tags: Modern AU, kind of, First Kiss, Flirting, Kanan Loves Hera at the first sound of her voice in Every Universe Series: Part 1 of Soulmates in Every Universe (YOTP 2023 Prompts) Summary:
My take on a Modern AU where Kanan is just a bartender who falls head over heels for a beautiful commercial airline pilot who happens to walk into his bar one night.
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voidartisan · 5 months
Modern AU: Rebels Era
Kanan and Hera met while she was in college; the official story is that they were volunteering in the same program for homeless and at-risk youth (which is technically true). Hera because it was a cause she was interested in, Kanan mostly because it was court-mandated community service after he was charged with public intoxication and disturbance of the peace.
The real story is that they met at a street race but shhhh
Hera has a degree in automotive engineering and is an off-road racing driver. Kanan works driving buses and bartending part time for his friend Okadiah
They live together but it’s kind of unclear whether they’re married. Zeb thinks they aren’t but Sabine could have sworn that Hera told her that they eloped
Kanan continued volunteering because he found the work *gag* fulfilling. And he’s pretty good at mindfulness stuff, actually (mostly thanks to being raised by Depa). Hera doesn’t have as much time anymore but she still stops by every now and then 
Sabine is a teenage runaway who crashes on their couch, but, for legal reasons, doesn’t “live” there (this is a lie) and for these same legal reasons Kanan and Hera technically have no idea who she is or that she ran away
Ezra is a homeless kid who Kanan saw attempting to shoplift directly in front of Kallus and ended up bringing to a homeless shelter because it’s better than juvie, at least. He signed up for the program that Kanan volunteered in, met Hera, and just kind of ended up not leaving after being invited over for dinner
Zeb rents out a room in Hera and Kanan’s place. His occupation is undefined but he has a tense relationship with the local constable (Kallus) and practices traditional Lasan martial arts. He could probably stop paying rent at any time and no one would care until the power got shut off
Chopper is Hera’s immortal, irritable, ugly old cat that she’s had since she was twelve and hates everyone besides her
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kanerallels · 5 months
My first contribution to Spring Fling, run by @monthly-challenge!
Day 2: Green
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Pairing: Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla
Had it been any other person, any other encounter, any other voice, Kanan probably would have just brushed it off and moved on.
Bumping into some stranger in the hall of the VA? That was normal enough. Getting around with about 75 percent of his vision gone was something he was still getting used to, and the building was pretty full on an average day.
So when he bumped into someone while leaving a meeting he’d been at, Kanan caught himself quickly. “Sorry,” he said, stepping back to let whoever it was by.
“No worries,” they said— she said. It was a woman’s voice, and the very sound of it rooted Kanan to the ground, speechless.
He’d been alive for 25 years, fought in a war, lost people he loved, and made a variety of highly questionable decisions. And in that time, Kanan had seen and heard a lot, both ugly and beautiful.
This voice? It blew all of them away. Both gentle and firm, with a musical quality that sent warmth through his bones and made his heart skip a beat. It was absolutely exquisite, and Kanan knew, without a doubt, that he absolutely had to know the woman it came from.
She was already walking away, towards the elevator, by the time Kanan recovered enough to come to this conclusion. And by the time he’d started to move or speak or do anything, the elevator door was already sliding shut.
All he’d seen, with what was left of his vision, was a bright, vibrant flash of green.
From a shirt or a scarf, or something else entirely? Kanan didn’t know. All he knew was that the color was burned indelibly into his memory, and that he definitely needed to find out who that woman was.
He took the stairs, but when he made it to the lobby a floor below, the woman was long gone, leaving behind the memory of her voice. Kanan bit back a frustrated growl. Don’t worry, he told himself. If she was at the VA, it was for a reason. Which means I might bump into her again.
So he stayed calm, and headed out. Unfortunately, he was late for lunch with his friend Zeb thanks to his searching. The burly man was waiting in the usual booth at their favorite diner when Kanan made it.
“Oh, thanks for bothering to show up,” he said as Kanan slid into the seat across from him.
“Sorry,” Kanan said with a grimace. “I didn’t think I was going to be that late. But I— got distracted, and then the cab had to take a detour thanks to some accident. Did you order already?”
“I waited like ten minutes, but then I got bored,” Zeb said with a good-natured snort. He wasn’t the type to hold a grudge over one being late. “What exactly distracted you so much you forgot about lunch with your best mate?”
“I didn’t forget,” Kanan corrected. “I just got distracted, like I said.” The waitress approached, and Kanan ordered. He and Zeb had been coming to the diner since long before he’d lost his vision, and the menu was ingrained in his memory.
As were the staff, for that matter, and Kanan frowned as the waitress walked away. “We don’t know her, do we?”
“Nope,” Zeb said, slurping from his drink. “Some Russian kid Quinlan picked up. Now, are you being evasive, or am I going nuts?”
Kanan hesitated, then admitted, “You’re not going nuts. I was distracted by… someone I met. She and I bumped into each other in the hall—”
“Ohhh,” Zeb said, and Kanan didn’t need to see him to know a smirk was stretching across his face. “She?”
“It’s not like that!” Kanan protested, then paused. “Well… it is a little. But it’s not like I had enough time for anything to happen.”
He recapped the incident for Zeb, lingering just a little on what he remembered of the woman. Especially her voice— he probably lingered a little too long on that.
“Right,” Zeb said as the waitress reappeared, carrying both of their meals. “So you fell head over heels for this girl you met one time, and you’re gonna do what about it?”
Kanan shrugged. “Find her, I guess? Thanks,” he added as the waitress set his sandwich in front of him, along with his drink. “How hard could it be? I just need to talk to all the women in Lothal City until I find one that sounds—”
“Like an angel from your dreams?” Zeb said, snickering as he took a bite from his burger.
“I was going to say familiar,” Kanan said, scowling at him.
The man chuckled. “Sure, mate. Well, you’ve got the VA to start with. Maybe ask Piett. He and Veers know everyone around there, and if they don’t know her, they’ll know someone who does.”
“Good point,” Kanan said, his heart lightening a little. Veers was his former CO, and between him and his best friend Piett, they had a handle on pretty much everything that went on in both the VA and Lothal City. (Although it helped that Piett’s sister in law was a state senator.) After their meal, Kanan headed home planning to speak to them the next day.
He didn’t have to wait that long.
While he knew it made him something of a stereotype, Kanan liked to stop at the same diner every morning before work. He’d been going there for years, and the owner, Quinlan Vos, had been close with his mother. So he could usually count on cheap— or free, depending on if Vos’s wife was there— coffee, and a decent breakfast.
What he hadn’t counted on, however, when he stepped inside, was finding someone in his usual booth. In fact, Kanan had been expecting it so little that he’d sat down before he realized someone was sitting across from him.
“Oh— sorry,” he said, starting to slide out of his seat.
“No apologies necessary.”
Kanan froze. That was the voice— warm, slightly amused and curious, and stunningly gorgeous. And, as he gave her a proper look, there was the green. Her hair, by the looks of things. It was unexpected, and fit her well. Really well, he thought.
“Do we know each other?” she asked, her voice thoughtful. “You look familiar.”
For a moment, Kanan couldn’t speak. A long moment, as it turned out, because she asked, “You speak English?”
“Words fail me.”
There was no mistaking her smile, gentle and wry, as she said, “So they do.”
Recover, Jarrus. Pull yourself together. “Um.” Not a strong start. “We, uh, we actually met the other day,” he told her. “Bumped into each other at the VA— literally.”
“That’s right,” she said. “Which is why you sat down next to me?”
Kanan couldn’t help himself— he laughed. “Believe it or not, this is a complete coincidence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it happened. But this is my favorite spot, at my favorite diner.” 
It’s almost like fate, the unhelpfully romantic side of his brain whispered.
He elected not to say that part out loud.
“Well, you may as well stay, then,” she told him serenely. “I’m Hera.”
“Nice to meet you, Kanan.”
A smile crossing his face, Kanan said, “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine.”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
Writing Prompt Ask Game!
Hera and Sabine
Literally anything. lol. You are so creative. In any time or au, Sabine points out the obvious to Hera, and Hera is the one who gets flustered.
Oh, fun fun fun! This one turned out longer and idk if it's quite what you were thinking of, but... it's what happened when I started writing? anyway, this is set in a modern AU!
“Hera, I am not blind!” Sabine said, shoving her bagel into her mouth. “You adore Kanan. Kanan adores you. You’re always together! Would you just stop beating around the bush and propose already?” Hera looked, frankly, flustered. “Sabine, you know Kanan and I are taking this slow—” “You practically live in each other’s houses! And you’ve been together for going on… six years? How slow are you going to take it?” Sabine demanded, loudly, but keeping her voice low enough that only about half the people at Panera heard them. “Consider: just get married already. There’s tax benefits, one rent to pay instead of two, and Ezra can stop dying of mortification every time he accidentally calls you mom.” “Sabine,” Hera insisted, giving her a look that said pipe down! “This is not a discussion we are having.” Sabine was not going to be deterred. Hera and Kanan were basically married already, and the only reason they weren’t actually married was because they both had generational trauma that made them afraid to truly commit. Sabine, being kind of an expert on generational trauma herself, was going to fix this problem. “Your anniversary is coming up this summer,” Sabine pointed out. “Why don’t you two go somewhere nice for a week? You can pop the question then.” Hera looked like she was going to object, so Sabine threw her hands in the air. “If you’re worried about where to put the kid while you're away, just leave him with Zeb. Or even at my house!” “Sabine—” Sabine clasped her hands together in a slightly-exaggerated way. “Please. Hera, I am actually offering to let a fifteen-year-old boy, and not just any fifteen-year-old boy, the world’s most insufferable fifteen-year-old boy, stay in my family’s home, where he would annoy the crap out of me, give me horrible secondhand embarrassment with every word he said to either of my parents, and Tristan would probably dare him to steal my diary or do some other unforgivable thing that would turn us into eternal mortal enemies. It would be a mess, and I am begging you to consider the option. I am that desperate for you and Kanan to just get this over with.” “Why?!” Because if Kanan and Hera weren’t honeymooning in less than three months, Sabine was going to owe a lot of money to Zeb, but she wasn't going to admit that.
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hcoct8xfi · 2 months
Alright, late night flare up and I have a bone to pick with some Kanera fanfiction....
Remember, if you write in your fanfiction that Kanan does not die in the oil tank explosion, he's still blind. I commonly see fanfic writers write in their fanfic that Kanan does not die in the explosion and he can miraculously see again. You have to remember the whole reason Kanan could see again for a few split seconds was because he was going to die and the force allowed him to see again. It annoys me when writers will have Kanan miraculously healed or worse, completely write his blindness out of the story without any explanation because it's 'easier' to not have any disabled characters (And this is after the Maul incident). Like yeah, you can write whatever you want, but, it feels lazy honestly. If you're going to write out a characters disability that significantly impacts them throughout the show, at least come up with a reasonable explanation.
I know some people will say, "Well, Kanan could see through the force so he really wasn't blind in the first place." Yeah, no. A lot of people seem to think that if you have any accommodations for your disability that help you function on a daily basis, it means that you are no longer disabled. At the end of the day, Kanan is still blind, whether he can see through the force or not.
I've seen the same thing happen with Echo. Some writers will not write in his prosthetics or any of his disabilities. Even in modern day AU's.
There is a lot of 'healing' in shows and amoung characters. I honestly find it sad that some writers do this. I totally understand that approaching the topic of disability and writing disabled characters is not easy at first. If you are curious on how to better write your disabled characters, research their disability, ask disabled writers for advice and some sort of guidance.
(Also, if I got anything wrong or incorrect in this, please educate me.)
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ladyanidala · 5 months
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Hello hello!
Welcome to my fledgling masterlist, the place where you'll find just about everything I have written over on AO3. Below, you'll find my works, request guidelines, and anything I think of after I publish this. Enjoy!
Reader Insert
Alternate Universes
(Eventually this section will be updated with individual chapters and more masterlists, but as of 5/7/2024, I can't be bothered)
We're Not Needed Here
General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi General of the 212th Battalion, has had enough.
Series link is here.
Her Step Forward
In the galaxy far, far away that we know and love, Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side, leaving destruction and death in his wake.
In another galaxy slightly closer, yet still far, far away, the wife of Anakin Skywalker took a step forward on Mustafar, not backward.
Series link is here.
Letting Go
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi have kept Duchess Satine Kryze alive. The mission is complete, and they're heading back to Coruscant for a well deserved rest.
They never make it back.
Series link is here.
And With A Cry, My Chains Are Gone
It is the eve of the Fall of the Republic, and Anakin Skywalker is terrified of losing his wife.
The Force isn't having it.
Story link is here.
This story centers on Olyssia, a young woman with amnesia who finds herself aboard one of the Venators belonging to the 501st. The only thing she can remember is the order to kill Palpatine.
What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were dead. His corpse stayed behind on Mustafar, while hers was on a backwater planet, trying to survive for the sake of her children.
Commander Thorn had defected. There was nowhere in the galaxy he could go, and he wanted out. He was tired of fighting.
Story link is here.
Event Participations
Obitine Week 2023
The series can be found here.
Left on Read - based on a prompt found in the wild on Tumblr. Fox goes home to surprise his brothers, and none of them see him. Modern AU.
My Time Has Come (Brother, Let Me Weep) - Fox finds out about Ponds' death from the shiny grapevine. Soldiers can't mourn, and so he doesn't.
Seeping Through My Memory - Ahsoka can't stop seeing death when she closes her eyes. She ends up at Anakin's quarters, desperate for comfort and life to go back to normal.
The Bad Batch
You Weren't There (Brother, I'd Hold You To The End) - Crosshair can't handle living after everything he's done. He sends a final message to the Batch. Written before s3 aired.
Jedi Survivor
Ghost Star, Are You Very Far? - Two times Kata gets to hear a story about her parents.
Request Guidelines
So you found your way down to the bottom of the abyss- ah, the masterlist. Welcome! I can only assume you're either curious about what I'll write, or you want to request something yourself. Either way, happy to have you here!
A couple rules...
I will not write smut or suggestive content. I don't feel comfortable writing literary porn whatsoever. Any requests asking me to write smut will be deleted. (If you're ever interested as to why I won't write it, feel free to send a message/ask! I don't mind talking about it!)
I will not write clonecest or same sex romantic pairings. Again, these are things that I'm simply not comfortable with. Any asks for these will be deleted.
Beyond those two things above, go wild! I love a challenge, and am down to write platonic and romantic pieces.
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accidental-spice · 1 year
Art Game: 77
I answered 77 here!! But here's some Kanera art,of them in a modern AU!! They're younger, which is why Kanan is beardless
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Thanks for the ask!!
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kyoshiwarrior1997 · 2 years
I'm interested in the Spring Break wip, could you pls tell us about that one?❤️
Sure thing!
It's based on my Sabezra Modern AU. Basically, the Ghost crew decides to go on vacation during their college Spring Break. It will have Sabezra, a little bit of Kanera and the crew spending time together.
Thanks for the ask!
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spectre83 · 1 month
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Domestic Fluff, Married Couple, Married Life, Married Sex, Kitchen Sex, Bathtub Sex, Pregnancy, Food Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Wake-Up Sex, Medical Conditions, Mentions of Cancer, Family Planning, Family Issues, Death of a Parent, Father-Daughter Relationship, Strained Relationships, Marital angst, Car Sex, High Risk Pregnancy, discussion of pregnancy risks, Medical Jargon, Medical Procedures, Medical Trauma, Semi-Public Sex, Baby Shower, Hospitalization, Traumatic childbirth, Premature Babies, so much parental angst, Father-Daughter Slow Burn Reconnection Series: Part 14 of Now That I’ve Found You Summary:
Getting married was the easy part.
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pretchatta · 3 years
the laws of spectre dynamics
I know it’s been a little while, but the university au continues! future updates will be more frequent, and you can always subscribe on AO3 to get notifications for each new chapter.
prev. chapters | chapter three
rating: teen; kanan jarrus/hera syndulla; 3.5k words
The pale morning light streamed through a gap in the curtains. Lying on her front, cheek pressed into the pillow, Hera’s eyes fluttered open. She wasn’t sure what time it was, but she could tell that it was still early.
She stretched, luxuriating in the feeling of soft sheets against bare skin. Lazy Saturday mornings always felt good. She rolled onto her side and was reminded of the other reason this particular morning felt so good; the man lying behind her. The very attractive, very naked man.
Kanan was on his side, his chest now pressed against her back. He sleepily draped an arm over her waist as she settled against him and dragged his fingertips lightly over her stomach.
“Good morning,” came his deep voice from behind her, roughened by sleep. She felt him nuzzle the back of her head and press a kiss to the base of one lek. 
She twisted to lie on her back so that she could look at him. His long hair was loose and sleep-tousled, and his face looked a little different without his glasses – more elongated, even though his features were the same. Her eyes travelled over the smooth, light brown skin, crooked nose and the small beard that covered his chin. His teal eyes looked steadily back at her from under his thick, angular eyebrows. 
“Morning,” she said, feeling her mouth curve into a warm smile. She tilted her head up so their lips could meet in a chaste kiss. “Did you sleep okay?”
His eyes sparkled and he smirked at her. “Better than okay,” he replied. “You?”
Her eyes dropped to his mouth as she thought back to just how she’d fallen asleep. “Oh, I had a great night.”
He leaned in to brush his lips over her jaw. His arm was still hooked over her waist, and his hand was warm where his fingers splayed over her ribs.
“Unfortunately I can’t stay long,” he murmured. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”
“Help yourself, there are spare towels in the hamper.”
He gave her another quick kiss and then extricated himself from the tangle of limbs and bedsheets. Hera sleepily watched him cross the room to the door, appreciating the view in the morning light. Kanan turned at the doorway and caught the direction of her eyes. He smirked before disappearing into the hall, and a few moments later she heard the shower come on.
She let her eyes drift shut, and must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew all was quiet. She felt a little more awake now, so sat up and surveyed her room. Clothes were strewn over the floor, though it took her a moment to realise they were all hers. She listened again, and heard nothing; had he dressed and left while she was sleeping? She knew he had to leave, but he seemed like the kind of person to at least say goodbye first...
Her eyes fell on the scrap of paper on her bedside table that hadn’t been there last night. It looked like a torn-off section of what might have once been an envelope. A few mathematical formulae were scrawled in one corner, but they had been crossed out by the same pen that had added a note in elegant handwriting.
I’ve gone to the shop down the road for breakfast, your key was still in the door from last night. I’ll be back in 10.
She felt a pang of guilt about her empty fridge. She’d needed to go grocery shopping for a few days now, but had kept putting it off, living off instant ready-meals. There was nothing she could do about it now. At least there was milk for coffee.
Though she didn’t know how long it had been since he’d left, she decided she should have time for a quick shower. She hurriedly grabbed her clothes off the floor of the bedroom and made the bed in case he came back before she was out. Even though he had played an equal part in creating that state, she still felt a need to tidy things up a bit. 
As Hera made her way to the bathroom, she was reminded that there were also clothes in the hallway. She found Kanan’s sweater vest in the pile with her coat, and couldn’t help but smile as she neatly folded it and set it on the end of the bed.
In the shower, her body went through the familiar routine as her mind reflected on the previous night. She’d been looking forward to the date from the moment they’d arranged it in the library, and it had gone better than she could ever have dreamed. Their conversation in the foyer of the Vasar-Corellia building hadn’t been the first time she’d seen Kanan; her office on the second floor overlooked the courtyard below, and she’d often seen him crossing it. He’d caught her eye immediately.
She’d been able to discern that he wasn’t a student, and he clearly worked in the Chemistry building, but not much more besides. Very few members of academic staff looked like that, so she couldn’t help but pay attention whenever she noticed him. 
Sometimes, when she assumed he was running late, he’d run his hand over his hair and a few strands would fall out around his face. Or his glasses would slide down his nose and he’d push them back up with the knuckle of his index finger as he walked. Sometimes, he wasn’t late, and would stroll across the courtyard holding a to-go coffee cup, his other hand tucked into his pocket. At those times he usually had a distant look on his face, like he was deep in thought.
Sometimes he’d be waylaid by students – that was how she’d known for sure he was part of the teaching staff. She’d marvelled at how easily they’d approached him, but he’d always seemed ready and willing to answer whatever questions they had. She assumed he was a good teacher.
And then she’d finally got the chance to talk to him – properly, not when she had to go set up a lab or talk to someone about a careers fair. Apart from the weird moment as they’d left campus when he’d seemed like he was trying to impress her, he’d been a perfect gentleman and excellent company. Talking to him had been so easy, and with how much they’d had in common she felt like they could have kept going well into the night.
As it was, she was not disappointed with how they had spent the night. It certainly wasn’t how she’d planned to end the evening, but that kiss… It had been electric, like no-one she’d ever kissed before. And the things he could do with his mouth…
She forced herself to focus on washing herself before she could get distracted. Yes, last night had been incredible. He hadn’t even technically gone yet and she was already hoping for a second date.
She finished up in the bathroom and was just pulling on clean clothes when she heard the sound of the front door opening. She finished wrapping a soft scarf around her head – grey, matching the top she wore above orange harem pants, her usual weekend clothes – and went out to the hall. Kanan was just closing the door behind himself.
He was back to being the Chemistry professor again; the clothes from last night (minus the sweater), glasses, hair pulled back neatly behind his head. He held a carrier bag in one hand, and the other came up to run over his hair as he caught sight of her in front of him.
“Hey, you’re awake!” He started towards her, but didn’t give her an opportunity to respond as he launched into an explanation of his absence. “You’d fallen asleep when I came out of the shower, but I was thinking I still had some time before I have to go, and I thought you might like breakfast – we did say we’d have coffee today, so why not coffee and breakfast? – and since you didn’t seem to have much in, I thought I’d just go out and pick up a few things – I hope you don’t mind I took your key, I didn’t want to wake you up but I do need to keep an eye on the time for Ezra –” 
He was talking quickly, the words almost tripping over themselves as he tried to get them out. “Do you like omelette? I can make something else if you’d rather – or, if you want me to leave, I can just go now–”
She cut him off with a kiss. It was very effective.
“Omelette sounds lovely,” she told him. 
He seemed to relax, from either the kiss or her words, or possibly a combination of the two. “I’ll make a start.”
“As long as it’s not going to make you late.”
“Nah, this won’t take long.” He followed her into the kitchen and set the bag down on the counter, pulling out his ingredients.
“I suppose if you’re making me breakfast I could make you that coffee?” she offered.
He flashed her a smile that made her heart leap. “I wouldn’t say no.”
There was barely room in Hera’s kitchen for two people, and they had to carefully co-ordinate who was at the sink or fridge or counter at any one time. Despite this, as the two of them bustled around the small space Hera couldn’t help but notice how right it felt. She’d always considered herself to be someone who was happy in her own company and didn’t need anyone else to make her complete, but there was something very comforting about how easily she fell into the sheer domesticity of making breakfast with Kanan. The only thing missing was Chopper bothering her for his breakfast.
Soon, the air was filled with the rich smell of coffee and the sound of bacon sizzling in the pan. Kanan made quick work of the omelette, expertly dividing it in half before serving onto two mismatched plates. Hera poured the coffee and took the mugs to the table, where she was reminded that her dining situation was very much set up for one. 
She shifted the stack of mail that had accumulated on her second dining chair to an armchair so that Kanan could sit down. She considered herself a fairly neat person, but to outsiders she knew her system seemed chaotic. She had a place for everything, and everything was in its place – it was just that the places weren’t necessarily where one might logically assume them to be. 
If Kanan’s going to be here more often I’m going to need a new place to put my mail.
The thought crossed her mind unbidden, and she chastised herself. There was no guarantee that they’d do this again. Yes, he had suggested meeting up again last night, and she was pretty sure he’d enjoyed their date as much as she had, but it still didn’t mean anything for certain. She shouldn’t make any assumptions about where things were going, or she’d be setting herself up for disappointment. She shook her head as if to clear it and went to get them some cutlery.
Kanan turned out to be a great cook. The omelettes were perfectly done, and tasted delicious. Their easy banter resumed as they ate, and continued after they were done and simply sat sipping their coffees.
During a natural lull in the conversation, she caught Kanan gazing at her with an unmistakable softness. He seemed to realise it, and snapped back to himself.
“I should wash up.” He took her plate and stood up.
“Don’t be ridiculous, you cooked!” she protested, following him back into the kitchen. “I’ll do it.”
He set the plates in the sink and turned to the frying pan, but she grabbed his hand before he could take it.
“Stop it.” She had to step close to him in order to hold both hands, and in the tiny space she ended up pushing him against the counter. “I told you, I’ll wash up.”
“I’m just trying to be a good houseguest.”
She grinned up at him. “You’ve already been great.” She pushed up onto her toes to close the small gap between them. His mouth was still warm from the coffee, and he smelled faintly of her soap mixed with something she was realising was uniquely Kanan. She liked it. Her grip on his wrists relaxed as he twisted his arms away to encircle her waist. The kiss was soft and slow, with none of the urgency of their kisses the previous night. She felt a flutter of sparks somewhere near her stomach.
The moment was interrupted by a buzzing noise. A phone, yet again, although this time it was Kanan’s. He broke away and fumbled in his pocket.
“Sorry, I –” He looked at the screen and swore. “It’s Ezra, I should take this.”
Hera waited patiently while he answered the phone. She heard the panicked voice of a teenage boy on the other end, but couldn’t make out the words.
“It’s okay, calm down. I haven’t left yet, and don’t worry about it, I’ve got one you can use. Is there anything else you need? Good. I might be a little later than I said, but only a few minutes. Just try to stay calm, you’ve got nothing to worry about – remember, it’s only a practise test. I’ll see you soon.”
He put the phone down. 
“His calculator’s broken, and last-minute nerves are making everything worse,” he explained with a shrug. “I should really get going though, I didn’t realise the time.”
“Of course!” She stepped back, giving him room to move out of the kitchen. “Go, I don’t want you to be late.”
“Thanks, though. For – letting me stay.” He blushed. She found his awkwardness very endearing.
“Thanks for breakfast,” she replied with a grin.
He started making for the door, with her following. “Hey, maybe we could still get that coffee sometime?”
“Sure! Or we could do this again – dinner, I mean.” It was her turn to blush. She wasn’t exactly opposed to a repeat of their other activities, but she didn’t want him thinking that was all she was after.
He gave her a warm smile. “I’ll call you.”
He leaned down to give her a goodbye kiss in the doorway. She could tell he’d only meant it to be a quick one, but neither of them seemed inclined to stop. The kiss deepened and her arms slid around him. The sparks were back, this time with a touch of heat. She allowed herself to enjoy it for a few moments, and then firmly pushed at his chest.
“Go. Ezra’s waiting.”
He still lingered, his bright eyes gazing down at her. “Maybe I’ll see you on Monday?”
“I’d like that,” she replied softly.
Kanan pressed a final kiss to her forehead before turning to stride away down the path. She watched him go, her smile lingering on her lips. 
The sound of the door closing seemed to echo in the hallway. Now that Hera was alone, her home was a lot quieter.
No Chopper, she thought to herself. He was with Zeb, one of the few friends she’d made since moving to Lothal six months ago. She’d asked him to check in on Chop while she was out and feed him his dinner, but he’d texted her while Kanan was walking her home to say that Chopper was being clingy (translation: destructive) without her around and so he’d taken the cat home with him. 
It was sweet, especially considering that Zeb and Chopper didn’t really get along, but her friend knew how much she cared about her cat. She should probably go pick him up before Zeb did something stupid, like shave all of his fur off. She’d never known if he was serious about that threat and didn’t want to find out.
Hera did the responsible thing and finished cleaning up in the kitchen before making the short walk to Zeb’s place. She rapped on the door in her usual rhythm and didn’t have to wait long for it to be opened. Before she could even greet the lasat on the other side, a yowling streak of orange and white launched itself into her arms.
“Oof,” she grunted as she caught him. “Hello, Chop, it’s good to see you too.”
Chopper was not a small cat. It wasn’t only that he was permanently overweight from constantly managing to get into his sealed food containers, though that did play a part in it – he was also generally very large. Fortunately, Hera was well used to his way of greeting her.
Zeb sniggered from the doorway. “Morning, Hera.”
“Hey, Zeb,” she said, settling the familiar weight in her arms and straightening up. “Thanks for looking after him.”
Zeb’s expressive green eyes looked doubtful. “Not sure he’s so grateful.”
“Was he okay?”
“He was his usual self,” he replied, shrugging his huge shoulders. “He’s been waiting for you by the door since I gave him breakfast.”
“Well, he just wants to – wait, do you have guests?” She’d caught sight of rumpled blankets in the living room behind him.
“Wha’?” He turned to see what she was looking at. “Oh, yeah. Just a friend staying over. He didn’t mind Chop being around.”
“Did they get along?”
“Well, no, but come on, it’s Chopper…”
Yeah, expecting Chop to get along with a stranger was perhaps a little too optimistic. 
“Good point. It does explain why he’s so keen to get home.” The cat was squirming in her arms, trying to get comfortable and grumbling quietly.
“So how’d the date go?” Zeb asked.
Hera couldn’t help her smile. “It was good. Really good. We had a lot in common.”
“Yeah?” There was a knowing look on his face. “Think he’s gonna make it to the third date?”
Right. Because the few times she’d tried dating before, it had never gone beyond two dates. Zeb had said she might like them more if she let them stay the night, and she’d brushed his comment off by saying she wouldn’t do that before the third date. 
“I mean, I would definitely like to go on a third date. And a second, obviously. But, uh, he doesn’t need to make it that far for, um…” She trailed off, but Zeb’s eyes widened and he smirked in an all-too-knowing way.
“Wow. Must’ve been a really good date,” he teased.
She shrugged, realising she was happy enough not to feel self-conscious. Chopper mewed indignantly at the movement. “Yeah. It was.”
“And how was the…?”
“What? Just asking. I know it’s been a while.” He didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed.
She looked away, flushing. “I’m only here to get Chopper. Maybe next time we go out for drinks, I’ll tell you about it.” 
Zeb chuckled. “Alright, so let’s talk about how I did you a favour by getting the furball out of your lekku for the night, because there’s actually something you could do for me in return. My nunaball team’s playing an away game next weekend, and the kids could use all the support they can get. It’s in Bahryn – d’you think you could make it?”
She mentally flicked through her calendar. Part of her wanted to keep the next few weekends free in case Kanan wanted another date, but she immediately rejected that idea out of impracticality. “Sure, I don’t have any plans for next weekend yet.”
“You could even bring Kanan if he’s interested. Get that second date.”
Was she really so easy to read? Or did Zeb just know her too well...
“Isn’t Bahryn the team that are your sworn enemies?” she asked, changing the subject.
“...Yeah, that might be why we need the support.”
“Alright. I’ll be there.”
He gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Hera.”
She shifted Chopper in her arms, which were starting to ache. “We’d better get back. But I’ll see you next weekend!”
“See you then!” He waved from the doorway as she turned to leave, feeling glad that it was only a short walk back.
When she let herself back in through her front door, releasing Chopper into the hall, Hera had to restrain herself from immediately checking her phone. Of course Kanan wouldn’t have sent her a message yet, he probably wasn’t even done with Ezra’s exam. Maybe she could text him – wish Ezra luck with the exam, or just straight up ask if he wanted to get lunch on Monday.
Wait… Did she even have his number? Had she given him hers? She felt her heart fall through her stomach as she realised that no, despite all their promises, they had never actually exchanged contact information.
Okay, so no texting. That was fine. She could just run into him in Jhothal on Monday. She saw him from her office window so often, it would be easy to arrange. Right?
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Chapters: 1/3 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary:
Hera gets flashbacks from time to time. It's to be expected, especially when you've experienced a traumatic abduction at the hands of the serial killer you're supposed to be incriminating. To avoid interfering with work, she takes a break with Kanan, hoping it will clear her head.
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kanerallels · 9 months
Kanera, high-school theatre au?
Oh I had a LOT of fun with this one (has never been to a real high school)
“Excuse me? Is this where the line for tryouts for the school musical starts?”
Kanan was pretty well known for his quick wit and ability to come up with smooth responses, especially where girls were concerned. (not that he was actually in a relationship— his grandfather had pretty strict rules where that kind of thing was concerned, the cornerstone of which was “school comes first.”)
But when the girl behind him spoke, he froze. He’d been part of the theater program at Lothal City High for years, and he’d never heard this voice before.
He’d known it if he had. It was melodic and rich, like warm honey and the song of a violin. The tone was calm and matter of factly confident, but none of that took away from the unspeakable beauty of it.
Turning, Kanan saw the girl behind him standing with her arms folded, one eyebrow lifted in a half-amused, half-challenging question. Her hair was twisted back from her face in green dyed braids. Similarly vibrant green eyes studied him, bright against her brown skin. She was wearing a band t-shirt and a leather jacket, and despite only looking to be a year or two younger than him, he’d never seen her before in his life.
And she was also the most beautiful girl he’d ever met.
“Um,” he stammered, trying to recover a little. “Y— yeah.”
“You okay there?”
Kriff, her voice was stunning. He wondered idly if this was what the sirens in myths had sounded like, then realized she’d asked him a question. Luckily, he had an answer for this one.
“Words fail me.”
The corner of her mouth tipped up, and Kanan wanted nothing so much as to see her full smile. “So they do.”
“Are you new here?” he asked, shooting her a charming grin— hopefully it would help make up some lost ground. “I haven’t seen you around before.”
“Yes, I’m new,” the girl said, looking more amused than enamored. 
“I’m Kanan.” He paused, but she didn’t offer any comment. “And you are…”
The girl gave him a sympathetic look. “Not interested, I’m afraid.” Without waiting for a response, she stepped past him and headed into the auditorium. Kanan watched her go.
Huh. This year’s musical is going to be very interesting.
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
Another ask?! If you’re still doing them:
Road trip! (Because I know what that one is!)
Graveyards (Because I THINK I know what that one is)
Rebels Princess Bride (Because who can get enough of it really?)
the Road Trip AU is one I've only posted about once before, but here's another bit of it!
“So, are we gonna find a motel, or just sleep in the Ghost again?” Hera asked, rubbing her eyes and gripping the steering wheel as they sped down the interstate.
“No offense, dear, but I don't think my back can take another night of sleeping in your station wagon,” Kanan yawned.
“Yeah?” she raised her voice, directing it to the other three in the backseat. “How about you guys?”
“Yes, please,” grumbled Zeb, Kanan's older brother, who'd wormed his way into their road trip (not that Hera was complaining, Zeb was a really sweet guy.)
Hera waited for an answer from the kids, but there was none. Glancing into the rear-view mirror, she could clearly see why—both her fiancé's son and Sabine were fast asleep, curled under a plaid picnic blanket that still had a fleck or two of grass on it.
Oh. Maybe Hera had turned the air conditioning up too high again.
Graveyards and ghost towns is the sequel to November blizzards! With a lot of family fluff and a bit of angst, because I'm me
Ezra was back where he started, eight years ago today.
Sitting in a graveyard and trying not to cry.
It was a foggy morning, half-past five, when Maul was still asleep and he could climb out the window and run off to be alone. The mist filled up the dips in the hills, hiding the ground from sight. Some people would call it creepy or haunted, but he didn’t believe in ghosts.
What was gone was gone, and he liked it that way. It made it easier to keep moving forward.
And finally, well, I have two Princess Bride AUs, but they're stored in the same doc. So here's some of TPB: Sabezra Edition.
The Princess turned, giving Ezra a curious look. “Father thought it would give a good impression to the people if I married a commoner.”
“Oh, I know that. Everyone heard The Prince’s announcement that both his children would be matched with low-born people. But, why me?”
Leia sighed sorrowfully. “I don’t know. If it had been up to me, I’d be marrying the stable-boy.”
“Mm-hm. Han, is his name. He’s seven years older than I, and he’s dreamy and infuriating and some days I want to kill him and others I think I can’t live without him. But… Father chose you. And we’re both bound by his decision. Not—” she sat up sharply, looking right at him, seeming to mistake the pain on his face for offense. “—that I dislike you. I just… don’t love you. Can’t love you. Because I loved someone else. Still do.”
“It's alright. I was only remembering. There was a blacksmith near where I grew up, and his apprentice…” Ezra trailed off, swallowing around the lump of grief in his throat. “Well, you have a stable-boy, and I had a forge-girl.”
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gayskywalkcrs · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIR MOSS!!!!!!! UR AN OLD MAN NOW!! i hope u have a fantastic wonderful day bc u deserve only the best :)) can i pls get. spectres / rebels modern au. with fluff :)
only a week late!! BUT. here!
"I've changed my mind," Kanan says. "Letting you get me into archery was the best decision I've ever made."
Hera snorts from behind him, dropping her forehead onto his shoulder and moving her hands down to his waist. She presses her hips closer to his and a kiss to his jaw, then starts correcting his posture.
"Elbow down, love." She taps it and Kanan moves down so it's level with his chin. "I am fully aware that you wanted me to do this in a sexy way, just so you know, but I'm too invested in making sure your form is good."
"You focus on my form, I'll focus on the horny," Kanan jokes, waggling his eyebrows in such an endearingly dumb fashion that Hera can't help but kiss him.
"Maybe if we both focus on your form you might actually hit something," Hera teases. Kanan gasps, faux offended, and proceeds to lament at how horribly his wife treats him.
"Such cruelty from such a pretty woman," he bemoans. "I can't believe you'd treat me like this. This is homophobia and racism and sexism. I have been hate-crimed."
Hera outright laughs at that, dropping her hold on Kanan so that she can double over and use her hands to try to muffle her laughter. "Racism," she giggles. "I'm from Haiti, you dumb fuck."
"And I'm Latino, what's your point?" Kanan shoots back, a grin on his face. "Racism, I tell you. You are conspiring to bully me over my terrible archery skills because I'm Latino and you're not."
"Bozhe moy," comes a tired, Russian voice. "They're at it again, Zeb."
Hera looks behind her, a wide smile on her face. Aleksandr Kallus, Zeb's mysterious Russian boyfriend whom Hera is fairly sure is ex-FSB, is walking over to them with a pistol at his waist, his ear defenders round his neck, and Zeb's arm round his hips. Ezra trails behind them, looking dejected.
Ezra was adopted when he was seven and Hera and Kanan were each twenty. He'd been a surly, snappish kid, traumatised by the deaths of his parents only a few months before his adoption. He could've been Kanan's kid by birth, with how similarly they act.
"First you don't let me shoot and then I have to see Mom and Dad being all gross?" The fourteen-year-old complains. "Sabine would let me have a gun."
"No she wouldn't," Aleksandr says firmly. "After lunch I will teach you the air rifle - will that make you feel better?"
Ezra whoops, doing a strange little dance Zeb had taught him the first time they'd met. He's never truly grown out of it - not that Hera cares, she actually really likes the fact that Ezra feels comfortable enough around them to express his happiness - and it makes Zeb smile.
"Don't point the arrow at your feet!" Aleksandr snaps at Kanan, who starts and lifts the bow back up. "If you shoot your foot then you will have problems walking for a very long time."
"Bloody KGB," Kanan teases. He slowly relaxes the bow and takes the arrow out of the nock, putting it back into Hera's quiver.
"That's racist," Aleksandr says, folding his arms and looking at Kanan with an unflinching expression. Kanan stares back, baffled, and Aleksandr's eyebrow twitches from the effort he goes through to hold in his laughter.
Hera watches it click in Kanan's head; he yelps, smacking Aleksandr with his bow. "You are the only white person here!" Kanan retorts, laughing. "This has got to be the most ethnically diverse family in existence!"
And because Hera loves riling him up: "Technically Aleksandr adds to the diversity of the group, love."
Kanan groans.
send a (belated) birthday writing prompt?
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hcoct8xfi · 2 months
Okay, so a couple days ago, I made I post while I was in a flare up about how I was irritated with some Kanera fanfiction or some fanfiction involving Kanan Jarrus, which you can find here 👇
I expressed how frustrated I was with some people who will completely write Kanan's blindness out of their fanfiction because it's 'easier' to not have any disabled characters in their story.
I said that if you find yourself struggling to write a disabled character, reach out or take pointers from disabled writers. Well, even though no one asked for it, I decided I should give a few pointers on how to write disabled characters.
Now, before we get started, I wanted to clarify that I myself am disabled. I have a physical disability that causes chronic pain as well as other symptoms that flare. I also have a psychiatric disability as well as being neurodivergent. I did state in my original post that if I was wrong or incorrect in any way, to please educate and correct me. The same thing applies to this post.
1. Keep this as a golden rule, disabled characters in sci-fi or fantasy, will translate to disabled characters in Alternative Universes. I would argue that Kanan would probably not be a difficult character to write in fanfiction. A good chunk of season 3 and a bit of season 4 in Star Wars Rebels was dedicated to how Kanan copes and accommodates his blindness. Of course there is no acceptable excuse to write out a characters disability out of your story, but, writing Kanan would not be that hard to write and accommodate in your story.
2. So I may get some comments saying, "Well, how do I explain how Kanan became blind in a modern AU?" Well, there's two answers for that, one, that's up to you and how you choose to write that. Second, you don't have to explain how your character became disabled or why your character is disabled. A common misconception is that disabled people have to explain why they are disabled, and that's just not true. It's also rooted in ableism. Phrases like "What happened to you?" or "Why are you using [insert mobility device]?" are ableist and inappropriate to ask because you could possibly be asking someone to relive or rehash trauma that they have. And also, disabled people do not owe you an explanation, nor a justification of their existence. So mind your business and your ableism.
3. Avoid tropes such as the inspiration p*rn, or "tragic burden" in your stories. Again, disabled people do not have to justify their existence by being an "inspiration". Yes, disabled people are capable of doing inspirational things, but we're not inspirational for just existing. Next, don't constantly potray your disabled character as a "tragic burden". Yes, it's a huge adjustment when you have acquired a disability and it can be very burdensome. But, once you learn how to accommodate your disability, such as managing your symptoms, support groups, or finding a community, you start to find your rhythm. Always remember to show the good and the bad that come with disability. Also, remember that we are allowed to be upset about our disability and mourn the life we once had, but, a lot of us do not constantly think about it to the point where that is our only thought throughout the day.
4. This is kind of like number three, but, if your disabled character is in a relationship, do not make it one of those "Well, I see the person, not the disability." Yes, this may sound good at first, but what you're actually saying is that you don't want to acknowledge our disability, and that's a huge problem. Yes, acknowledge us as people, but, acknowledge us as disabled people. Disability does impact our lives, and I personally would not want to be in a relationship with anyone, romantic or friendship, that completely ignored that I'm disabled.
5. It's a VERY good idea to research your characters disability. Research how it may impact your character, if they require any mobility equipment, therapies, or other accommodations. I promise, this research will help you with your character so much. It will help make your character more accurate.
6. Don't put this fear mongering over disability in your story. There's already a lot of stigma surrounding disability as it is. Remember, disability is a part of life, and at some point, we all will become disabled. Some of us just become disabled young or are born disabled. Also, don't not try and demonize mobility aids. Using a wheelchair, crutches, cane, walker, etc. is not a sad or unfortunate thing. They do what they are meant to do, aid our mobility. They help us and give us so much freedom.
7. Listen to more disabled writers. Disabled writers can help a lot with advice and guidance with disabled characters. Listen to their experiences on their disability, how it impacts them, and any sort of ableism they may have faced (if they are willing to talk about it).
8. Have fun writing your disabled characters. Once you get the hang of writing disabled characters, it won't be as hard as you originally thought. Writing disabled characters is not complicated at all, especially when you educate yourself.
I hope that I was able to assist some of you with writing disabled characters. Just remember that there are so many disabled writers out there that will give tips and pointers on how to write disabled characters. 🫶🏼
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