#kanera university au
aaeeart · 3 months
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it's the shock of being threatened with death that's gotten her so frozen. no other reason
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achingly-shy · 4 months
if anyone and i mean anyone has kanera fic recs please send them my way!!!!
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strigeart · 6 months
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droolingvenus · 28 days
Enter Here:
Hello, and welcome to my little corner of Hell! You can call me Venus, I'm not new to this hellsite by any means and I finally decided it was time to carve out the niche in the Star Wars fandom that I always dreamed of someone else making.
On this blog, I will be posting various headcanons, blurbs, quotes, fanart, possibly fanfictions of my own writing, all relating to what I consider to be my favorite ships, including rare pairings and a variety of ships that I think I came up with because I am single IRL and would really rather not be.
I personally write a ridiculous amount of self-indulgent fanfiction that I don't post anywhere and only write for my own enjoyment, but my preferred pairings and AUs are very rarely anywhere near canon. I always hoped there were more people with uncommon interests in the fandom, but after years of no luck, I've made the decision to find them myself, or convert some people...
My main ships that I enjoy writing about/am interested in exploring are:
Quinfox/Foxquin/Vox (Quinlan Vos x Commander Fox)
Codywan (Commander Cody x Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Blyla (Aayla Secura x Commander Bly)
Quinobi/Obiquin (Quinlan Vos x Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Rexsoka (Extremely wary of this one, I would only explore the concept post-Clone Wars Era as Ahsoka is... A child before the end of the War... Yeah, none of that please)
Kanera (Kanan Jarrus x Hera Syndulla)
Dinluke (Din Djarin x Luke Skywalker)
Wreckme? (Padme Amidala x Wrecker? Weird one that I think ONE SINGULAR PERSON has art of and now it lives in my brain dumpster and I've been toying with it a bit)
I'm curious about Kit Fisto x Aayla Secura a Commander Bly, but I haven't actually explored it much, so if you've got any thoughts or favorite fan works, feel free to send them my way!
These are the ships that I currently find myself interested in and writing about, but I'm open to hearing about what other people might like, my only boundaries are non-familial/platonic ships between clones, that's not my cup of tea, and any Master/Padawan ships, something I'm not interested in and would prefer to not engage with, you do you, of course.
I also enjoy at least two AUs, one that I believe pre-dates my use of it and the other is a very common one: Sith AU (Duh) and Victory Ball AU (In which the Clone War ends in a Republic-Jedi victory and things are all made right, Palpatine will always die, usually in increasingly hilarious or vengeful ways, depending on how my day went)
I am a SUCKER for the Soulmate trope/AU, and if anyone ever wants my thoughts on a specific ship being soulmates, ask! I will gladly babble my nonsense to any who wish to hear it!
I will forewarn that I am likely to post about ships + reader, for example, I'm already planning for my first real post to be a Quinfox x reader headcanon, so if you're like me and are polyamorous or LGBTQ+ in another way, you're welcome to send things in too! There's room for everyone around here, my little deal is that no one can be harmed and it can't be an illegal relationship (Examples include but are not limited to: Non-Con, incest, underage/of age partners, abusive dynamics/themes, coercion,) in our standards. As long as it would be legal here, I can usually give it a chance, though if you want me to write about a ship committing crimes together... That's a different story, I have access to Google and no respect for my search history, if you want to hear about being Codywan's assassin/lover, shoot me an ask, I have thoughts ;)
Lastly, I will post NSFW and suggestive content at some point and while I will do my best to add many tags and warnings, if you can't handle that risk and/or you are under 18, GO AWAY. I'm not sorry that I'm an adult and that I enjoy adult content, and anyone who doesn't want to see it is more than welcome to leave.
Ageless blogs and blogs run by minors will be blocked, and it will not be warned or nice, I don't want you here and if you're truly mature, you should be mature enough to respect that this space is not for you.
Asks are open, requests are open, ranting in the asks is more than welcome, feel free to send any questions in and I'll get to them ASAP!
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kanerallels · 6 months
For the kick-in-the-pants (lol) game. The Sabezra Aladdin AU ofc!
But of course!! I'm making lovely amounts of progress thanks to you guys
As he finished his story, Kanan shook his head slowly. “Wow. I can’t believe— how is it that you managed to be lucky enough that you lied to your girl, and when she found out, she didn’t try murder you?” “Probably because he wasn’t doing it for money,” Ahsoka said. “For instance.” “Fair point.”
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ladyanidala · 5 months
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Hello hello!
Welcome to my fledgling masterlist, the place where you'll find just about everything I have written over on AO3. Below, you'll find my works, request guidelines, and anything I think of after I publish this. Enjoy!
Reader Insert
Alternate Universes
(Eventually this section will be updated with individual chapters and more masterlists, but as of 5/7/2024, I can't be bothered)
We're Not Needed Here
General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi General of the 212th Battalion, has had enough.
Series link is here.
Her Step Forward
In the galaxy far, far away that we know and love, Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side, leaving destruction and death in his wake.
In another galaxy slightly closer, yet still far, far away, the wife of Anakin Skywalker took a step forward on Mustafar, not backward.
Series link is here.
Letting Go
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi have kept Duchess Satine Kryze alive. The mission is complete, and they're heading back to Coruscant for a well deserved rest.
They never make it back.
Series link is here.
And With A Cry, My Chains Are Gone
It is the eve of the Fall of the Republic, and Anakin Skywalker is terrified of losing his wife.
The Force isn't having it.
Story link is here.
This story centers on Olyssia, a young woman with amnesia who finds herself aboard one of the Venators belonging to the 501st. The only thing she can remember is the order to kill Palpatine.
What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were dead. His corpse stayed behind on Mustafar, while hers was on a backwater planet, trying to survive for the sake of her children.
Commander Thorn had defected. There was nowhere in the galaxy he could go, and he wanted out. He was tired of fighting.
Story link is here.
Event Participations
Obitine Week 2023
The series can be found here.
Left on Read - based on a prompt found in the wild on Tumblr. Fox goes home to surprise his brothers, and none of them see him. Modern AU.
My Time Has Come (Brother, Let Me Weep) - Fox finds out about Ponds' death from the shiny grapevine. Soldiers can't mourn, and so he doesn't.
Seeping Through My Memory - Ahsoka can't stop seeing death when she closes her eyes. She ends up at Anakin's quarters, desperate for comfort and life to go back to normal.
The Bad Batch
You Weren't There (Brother, I'd Hold You To The End) - Crosshair can't handle living after everything he's done. He sends a final message to the Batch. Written before s3 aired.
Jedi Survivor
Ghost Star, Are You Very Far? - Two times Kata gets to hear a story about her parents.
Request Guidelines
So you found your way down to the bottom of the abyss- ah, the masterlist. Welcome! I can only assume you're either curious about what I'll write, or you want to request something yourself. Either way, happy to have you here!
A couple rules...
I will not write smut or suggestive content. I don't feel comfortable writing literary porn whatsoever. Any requests asking me to write smut will be deleted. (If you're ever interested as to why I won't write it, feel free to send a message/ask! I don't mind talking about it!)
I will not write clonecest or same sex romantic pairings. Again, these are things that I'm simply not comfortable with. Any asks for these will be deleted.
Beyond those two things above, go wild! I love a challenge, and am down to write platonic and romantic pieces.
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hcoct8xfi · 2 months
Okay, so a couple days ago, I made I post while I was in a flare up about how I was irritated with some Kanera fanfiction or some fanfiction involving Kanan Jarrus, which you can find here 👇
I expressed how frustrated I was with some people who will completely write Kanan's blindness out of their fanfiction because it's 'easier' to not have any disabled characters in their story.
I said that if you find yourself struggling to write a disabled character, reach out or take pointers from disabled writers. Well, even though no one asked for it, I decided I should give a few pointers on how to write disabled characters.
Now, before we get started, I wanted to clarify that I myself am disabled. I have a physical disability that causes chronic pain as well as other symptoms that flare. I also have a psychiatric disability as well as being neurodivergent. I did state in my original post that if I was wrong or incorrect in any way, to please educate and correct me. The same thing applies to this post.
1. Keep this as a golden rule, disabled characters in sci-fi or fantasy, will translate to disabled characters in Alternative Universes. I would argue that Kanan would probably not be a difficult character to write in fanfiction. A good chunk of season 3 and a bit of season 4 in Star Wars Rebels was dedicated to how Kanan copes and accommodates his blindness. Of course there is no acceptable excuse to write out a characters disability out of your story, but, writing Kanan would not be that hard to write and accommodate in your story.
2. So I may get some comments saying, "Well, how do I explain how Kanan became blind in a modern AU?" Well, there's two answers for that, one, that's up to you and how you choose to write that. Second, you don't have to explain how your character became disabled or why your character is disabled. A common misconception is that disabled people have to explain why they are disabled, and that's just not true. It's also rooted in ableism. Phrases like "What happened to you?" or "Why are you using [insert mobility device]?" are ableist and inappropriate to ask because you could possibly be asking someone to relive or rehash trauma that they have. And also, disabled people do not owe you an explanation, nor a justification of their existence. So mind your business and your ableism.
3. Avoid tropes such as the inspiration p*rn, or "tragic burden" in your stories. Again, disabled people do not have to justify their existence by being an "inspiration". Yes, disabled people are capable of doing inspirational things, but we're not inspirational for just existing. Next, don't constantly potray your disabled character as a "tragic burden". Yes, it's a huge adjustment when you have acquired a disability and it can be very burdensome. But, once you learn how to accommodate your disability, such as managing your symptoms, support groups, or finding a community, you start to find your rhythm. Always remember to show the good and the bad that come with disability. Also, remember that we are allowed to be upset about our disability and mourn the life we once had, but, a lot of us do not constantly think about it to the point where that is our only thought throughout the day.
4. This is kind of like number three, but, if your disabled character is in a relationship, do not make it one of those "Well, I see the person, not the disability." Yes, this may sound good at first, but what you're actually saying is that you don't want to acknowledge our disability, and that's a huge problem. Yes, acknowledge us as people, but, acknowledge us as disabled people. Disability does impact our lives, and I personally would not want to be in a relationship with anyone, romantic or friendship, that completely ignored that I'm disabled.
5. It's a VERY good idea to research your characters disability. Research how it may impact your character, if they require any mobility equipment, therapies, or other accommodations. I promise, this research will help you with your character so much. It will help make your character more accurate.
6. Don't put this fear mongering over disability in your story. There's already a lot of stigma surrounding disability as it is. Remember, disability is a part of life, and at some point, we all will become disabled. Some of us just become disabled young or are born disabled. Also, don't not try and demonize mobility aids. Using a wheelchair, crutches, cane, walker, etc. is not a sad or unfortunate thing. They do what they are meant to do, aid our mobility. They help us and give us so much freedom.
7. Listen to more disabled writers. Disabled writers can help a lot with advice and guidance with disabled characters. Listen to their experiences on their disability, how it impacts them, and any sort of ableism they may have faced (if they are willing to talk about it).
8. Have fun writing your disabled characters. Once you get the hang of writing disabled characters, it won't be as hard as you originally thought. Writing disabled characters is not complicated at all, especially when you educate yourself.
I hope that I was able to assist some of you with writing disabled characters. Just remember that there are so many disabled writers out there that will give tips and pointers on how to write disabled characters. 🫶🏼
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undying-lilies · 8 months
2, 11, and 23 for the writer ask game?
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
according to AO3, we've got:
Families of Choice
Father-Daughter Relationship
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
aside from "angst" being my top tag ... the rest of those are pretty accurate XD
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I mean, I think it depends on the fic for me. of course I have favorite characters (cough cough Cal) and many favorite ships, but there isn't really one that I've written for over and over again. except for maybe Kanera. they might be the ship I've written for the most lol
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
hmmm. well, I was thinking about an AU a friend and I made once where Omega convinces Fennec to come with them in TBB S1 and Fennec does only so she can get "closer" to her target, but she reluctantly gets sucked into the found family and ends up not kidnapping her at all and becomes her cool crime aunt - and how great that AU was. I think I started a one-shot for that somewhere ...
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astromechs · 11 months
hi caitlin! trick or treat!! 🎃
hello hello!
time for a sneak ramble at... well, let's just say i'm adding to an existing fic idea and fleshing it out into a wider universe. as you can see from my blog today, i'm finally finishing rebels for the first time and having a complete breakdown, lol, so that's my preface for — canon denial au is now not just a rebelcaptain fic, but also a kanera one. let's just say the force might've spared jyn and cassian off the beach on scarif, there might've been more to kanan's death than met the eye, and —
honestly, i just started thinking about how these characters would all interact with each other, and with the characters from the original trilogy, so i wanted them all around through the years after the battle of yavin and through endor and beyond. like, i think jyn and kanan would have a lot to connect on, being people whose lives were ruined by war and being initially reluctant to become involved because of their past trauma, hera and cassian is another interesting one because they're so Devoted To The Rebellion but they're both on a quest to learning how to balance being people again through that, jyn befriends hera and by consequence chopper who's now her droid bff (imagine those shenanigans lol), etc etc
and just, you know. something something rebellions are built on hope
ask box trick-or-treat (fic writer edition)!
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
#2, 3, 5, and 11 for the Ao3 ask game, please!!!
2. How many fics did you post this past year?
15 news ones and 1 update to an old one!
3. How many fandoms/pairings did you write for this past year?
oh goodness that is a BIG question. ummm
Fandoms: Star Wars, Framed, and Lost in Space (counting crossover mashups there's also How To Train Your Dragon, the Avengers, Tangled, Frozen, The Shuttle, The Little Princess, The Secret Garden, and The Lunar Chronicles.)
Pairings: Sabezra, Kanera, Obitine, Anidala, Dinbo, Fennbo, Blyla, Hanleia, Knightwolf, Rebelcaptain, Rexsoka*, Vostress, Merrical, and a couple OCxOC and canon character x OC ships!
*standard disclaimer: it's an AU, no age gap
5. What fic surprised you with how much interaction it got this past year?
Probably Starbirds And Wolves! I was expecting a mediocre reaction and instead a lot of people liked it and it even got a FANART!!!!
11. Do you have playlists for any of your fics/wips?
I mostly have "soundtrack" playlists with instrumental pieces that fit the vibes, but I also have lyric-music playlists for Time Heals, the Teenage Rebellion AU, the Promises AU, and kinda one for the Dumpsterverse (it's ezra's in-universe crush playlist lol)
Thank you for the ask!! :D
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yubsie · 2 years
2022 Fanfiction in Review
I am shamelessly stealing this format from @shenanigans-and-imagines​ because it was neat
Fics Written This Year
1. Old Fashioned Teenage Rebellion
(Star Wars, Hera and Breha hang out at a café while Sabine, Leia and Holdo run an op at a teen club)
2. All the Things he Didn’t Say (Star Wars, Bail and Hera discuss a lot of things during Rogue One... and don’t discuss many others
3. Just Because (Star Wars, Kanera, all the little moments matter more than the big gestures)
4. Alliance Regulation 327 Section Besh (Star Wars, Kanera, Sabine finds out that the second officer can officiate Kanan and Hera’s wedding and everyone argues over who that is)
5. Little Ship (Star Wars, text of an in universe picture book. Rogue Podron made me do it.)
6. Jappa Berry and Tuska Pear (Star Wars, Bail brings Owen a warning and Luke ice cream)
7. He Wanted to Say (Firefly, Zoe/Wash, Zoe loves Wash but is too stupid to realize it, Wash loves Zoe but is too stupid to say it, the narrator has had it with BOTH of them)
8. No Regrets (Star Wars, Han/Leia, Han says how he would have proposed if he’d taken the time to plan it. Rogue Podron made me do it.)
9. Best Laid Plans (Star Wars, Kanera. Sabine wants to know how Kanan proposed to Hera. He never had the chance, but he had ideas!)
10 We Need a LIttle... (Star Wars, Kanera, Kanan throws a every winter holiday at once party to boost morale)
11. Or the Order Will Come to You (Star Wars, Kanera, part one of the Shatterpoint Order AU in which Kanan lives and ends up rebuilding the Jedi Order based on what he learned because the Force isn’t giving him a choice)
Takeaways from reflecting on your kick-ass writing, or kick-ass lack of writing:
Wow, I wrote a lot this year. I did three different exchanges and really like what came out of each of them. Turns out I like writing to prompts as long as I’m not at risk of having to write a “The Cylons never attacked” AU!
The really wild thing is working on all this frankly incredibly self indulgent fic is that it’s been really energizing me to work on my original stuff as well. I’ve been getting a lot done on that side as well.
Most surprising fic you wrote this year:
Or the Order Will Come to You. Literally everything else in my profile is a oneshot. The last time I wrote a multi-chapter fic I was in high school (which is why it’s not on AO3), but then this absolute beast decided to happen. I’ve written several novel length drafts of original fiction, but this is the first time I ever had to get SCRIVENER out for a FANFIC.
How you grew as a writer this year:
I think the big thing is what I mentioned above about letting fanfic energize my original writing. Just constantly saying “If I don’t indulge me, who will?” lets me think more about what I want to do outside a fanfic space.
What’s coming in 2023:
Obviously more Shatterpoint. Five times Wes sat at Hobbie’s bedside and one time Hobbie sat at Wes’s. Also, believe it or not, there’s an E rated fic in the works where Chopper gets sick of the UST on the Ghost. There’s also a really angsty (with a happy ending) Kanera fic I’m planning but I”m not ready to go into detail about that one publicly yet.
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pretchatta · 2 years
I would love to hear more about The Laws of Spectre Dynamics!!
thank you friend!!
TLoSD is a very low-stakes modern AU set in a university where the Force is actually Theoretical Physics and I get to make dumb science puns. Kanan and Hera are lecturers, Ezra is a kid Kanan is tutoring, Sabine is an early entry student of Hera's and works at the place Ezra takes his exams, and Zeb is a friend of Hera's as well as Ezra's coach who he's currently living with for lack of better options. The biggest drama is that Kanan asks Hera on a date and they forget to exchange contact details. It's going to be around 9 chapters in total – 3 are already posted, a 4th is finished and a 5th is on the way, but I want to have it completely done before I resume posting. I'll put a snippet from when Kanan meets Sabine in chapter four under the read more!
ask me about my wips!
Sabine, meanwhile, reached for her papers and pulled one out from the middle. It looked like the list she’d been marking as each candidate arrived and Kanan assumed she was about to input it into the computer, however before she could fully extract it the already-precarious pile shifted at the movement and half slipped off the desk to fall on the floor.
The papers spread out as they fluttered down, covering an impressive area of the office’s small floor space.
Sabine cursed and immediately clapped a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, I shouldn’t swear –”
“Don’t worry about it, here,” Kanan reassured her, gathering the papers nearest to him and handing them back to her. 
Kanan paused over handing her the last one. They were drawings, he saw; sketches and paintings of people and animals in various active poses.
“Did you draw these?” he asked, his eyes running over the colourful lines.
Sabine’s face brightened. “Yep! What do you think?”
“They’re gorgeous,” he said honestly.
She beamed. “Thanks! I’m trying to get some of my work shown in a local gallery.”
Kanan passed her the sheet he was holding. “I don’t know much about art, but they’d be crazy not to take it.”
Sabine shrugged as she slipped the drawings into a folder. “I’ve heard the gallery owner is pretty discerning in his tastes.”
“Are there other galleries in Lothal?”
“Nope, just the Mitth,” she said with a shake of her head. “Your form’s ready, by the way – you just need to get the candidate’s parents to sign it, and hand it in before the date of the final exam.”
“No problem.” Kanan stood but paused at the door, freshly-printed form in hand. “Good luck with the art gallery.”
Sabine gave him a small smile. “Thank you.”
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strigeart · 4 months
No art this time, sorry, I was really occupied doing the 7 fanart for @spectre-week and a piece for my portfolio.
I could add that, but it's totally unrelated to this AU or Star Wars😅
@opalknight is helping me with the editing, so you should find fewer errors or occasions where I forgot to add information because I was sure I already did (but I didn't, because my memory sucks).
I really hope you're enjoying my silly story.
I really appreciate every like,comment, kudos and sharing!
I love you all!
Have a nice weekend!
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spectreleaders · 3 years
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[ID: Digital art featuring Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars Rebels, in an alternate universe setting inspired by the anime Castlevania. They are sitting on the floor of the Jedi Temple Archives with their backs against a crate, sharing a blanket. Hera is leaning against Kanan and they both have sad expressions, with Kanan looking away and Hera looking down contemplatively. Kanan's hair is loose and hangs over his face and his facial hair is scruffy and unshaved. He wears a shirt with the Jedi Order symbol on the chest, and Hera is wearing an orange poncho and headwrap. Subtitles read as follows: - Am I really that sad? - You are. I think you've just lived with it for so long you don't notice it anymore. End ID.]
"And then... sometimes... you tell me no one was ever lonely in this temple, and you offer to share your dusty old blanket."
My Kanera x Castlevania mashup AU in honor of the end of the show! Trevor Belmont is just medieval Kanan Jarrus and you know i'm right 📣 (and i love him for it 😭) original screencap:
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kanerallels · 3 months
Kanera in a fantasy AU if you please?
It's almost embarrassing how hard it was for me, a fantasy writer/reader, to come up with an idea for this. My brain just would not brain! But eventually, I. Low key wrote a little thing set in the same universe as my book series lol
“I still don’t know how a reputable lord’s daughter ended up hiding out in the woods, running from the law,” Kanan commented, glancing at her sideways as he took a drink from his cup.
Hera shrugged easily. “I’ve told you before—my father doesn’t define who I am.”
“I know that,” Kanan assured her. “Just, you know, it’s not something you see everyday.”
She lifted an eyebrow at him. “You do realize that one of the number one criminals in the area is in the exact same boat, he just happens to be a man?”
“Good point,” Kanan said. “Robin is a reckless little punk, though. You’ve got more common sense.”
“Well, I’m sitting here having a drink with you instead of finishing my supply run,” Hera pointed out. “That’s not exactly smart.”
“I like to think my rugged good looks might have something to do with that,” Kanan said, and Hera rolled her eyes at him.
“You would, wouldn’t you?”
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 years
Guess what?
It has been exactly one year since I published my first fic on AO3 (but also anywhere)! What a year it’s been, I say, glancing over my ever-growing WIP folder.
In that year, I’ve written 32 works, for a total of 142037 words (not counting the WIPs. There’s a lot of words in those WIPs.).
All Star Wars, so far: 13 works in Thrawn (2017), 15 in Thrawn: Ascendancy, 8 in Rebels, 5 in Outbound Flight, 5 in the Prequel Trilogy, 3 in the Clone Wars, 2 in the Original Trilogy, 1 in Kenobi, and 1 in Aftermath. Most in multiple categories.
In honor of another year of writing (hopefully), here’s a roundup of all my fics!
(It’s long, so!)
The Gambler : A Rebel!Thrawn AU, starting with my first ever fic! Three parts, with vague plans for a fourth at some point.
Glimpses of a Better Galaxy : A collection of fics from an AU where Order 66 never happened, and other fix its. Starts with an Outbound Flight Fix-It, but most are following the events of Get F***ed, Palps! and its consequences. 3 parts, at least one more on the way.
Samakro’s Bathtub : A fluff series starring the Springhawk captain’s bathtub, which by all rights should be Samakro’s (says him). Gen, all Ace/Aro characters. 3 parts, possibly one more in the works.
Intelligence Gathering for Fun and Profit : What if the Rebel crew managed to sneak a camera into Thrawn’s office? Revelations and new missions ensue! Two parter, the main fic and a small Kanera coda.
Through Darkness : I love my OCs... love giving them horribly tragic backstories! My Jedi OC, Kazellis, survives the Clone Wars and Order 66, but not intact. Two parter, one more longer saga on almost finished, a prequel planned.
To be continued:
This’ll Make a Great Story at our Second Wedding : A Thranto ghost marriage with political shenanigans and Thrass, sower of chaos. Technically within the Glimpses universe, so everything’s mostly fine! Part 2 in the works.
It’s Not Easy Being Evil : Cool Ranch Vader, i.e. Vader defects and it’s up to Piett and a handful of random officers to impersonate him in order to not get executed! This can’t possibly go wrong. Part 2, which will be a collection of shorts, partly written.
Mismatched : What if Vurass was adopted by the Irizi instead of the Mitth? An AU about family, politics, and miscommunication.
Five Times Thrawn Explained and One Time He Didn’t Have To : Six conversations Thrawn had with his friends, family, and others about being Ace/Aro.
Five Times Thrawn Gave Ba’kif a Headache and One Time He Was Someone Else’s Problem : The trials and travails of Ba’kif’s bottle of ibu’prof’en as he deals with Thrawn’s nonsense.
Five Times Eli Played for Spite and One Time He Played for Fun : Badass!Eli fic featuring card games and Eli being brilliant and petty.
A Walk in the Park : A conversation between Thrass and Thrawn for Gen Ascendancy 2022, featuring birdwatching and bug hunting!
The Curse of the Dramatis Personae : A humorous fic based on the Greater Good typo listing Samakro as an Ufsa Cousin, featuring bureaucracy and paperwork!
Night Rising : Che’ri meets a friend through her tap-click games.
A Funny Story About Bananas : A humorous fic featuring Thrawn, the Chimaera crew, bananas, and mild allergies.
Trials of the Academy : Hurt/Comfort featuring Eli’s bad day and Thrawn’s attempt to help. (Gen).
Apropos : Apros’s perspective of the final battle of Lesser Evil. Contains spoilers!
Really? Again? : Greyshrike fam cuddle pile, featuring Apros!
The Death of a Family : A look at Chiss culture and the family dynamics of the merit-adoption system, featuring the Kivu Family.
Walking Among Shadows, Do You See Them Grow? : A character study featuring Thrawn and a Force-Sensitive child.
Everything is Fine : Thrass lives on a farm and everything is fine! That’s it, that’s the fic.
A Study in Forestry : A very silly fic I wrote while studying for exams. It’s. Uh. Educational, I guess.
Not Thrawn Stand-alones:
It Takes Two to Tango : Aftermath Sinjir/Conder fic filling in the missing scenes of their relationship.
Out of the Gutter and Into Hell : Reva’s “escape” from the Temple, based on episodes 1-2 of Kenobi.
Stand-alone WIPs:
Sortie : a Rebel!Samakro AU. Outlined, first section written.
Tusken Ghosts : Kenobi hears the story of the demon who slaughtered a Tusken tribe. First draft written, editing in progress.
Zero Station : The fall of the Sith Empire and the ramifications for its vassal state, the Chiss Ascendancy. Rough outline, first section written.
Bsivi Myths : An ancient Chiss legend from the time of the freezing of Csilla. Written, editing in progress.
Crotalus & Viperidae : The shared history of Jedi Master Viperidae and Sith Lord Crotalus (OCs). Outlined, first section written.
“You’ll never know how lucky you were” : Sandman fic, AU where Burgess captures Death. With beta.
A Visit From Death : Sandman fic, Death comes for Roderick Burgess. With beta.
100 Years : Sandman fic, Lucienne waits for the return of Dream. With beta.
Rise, Wrath, Ruin : a three-part original work following Boudicca’s rebellion through a fantasy version of Britain. Rough outline, first chapter started.
(Always feel free to hop into my inbox with questions, comments, or just to chat, I love talking about this stuff :) )
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