#and would just. keep on calling me ross instead of using either pronoun
purpleheartemote · 1 year
what do you mean by no pronouns? i’m a little confused
prefer just being called one of my names instead of pronouns being used. think of that meme that’s like “This is Bill. Bill doesn’t care whether someone does [x] or [y] for [z], be like Bill.”
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mutantsrisingrpg · 5 years
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Congratulations ADDISON! You’ve been accepted as EPIMETHEUS with a FC change to JOEL KINNAMAN.
When writing Tierney’s skeleton, I tried to hint at how his emotions are something that can rule him - and you picked up on that right away. In fact, you picked up on it, wrapped it, and delivered it to us with a backstory that tore at my heart as the bow. ‘Had he always been a mutant?’ God, the way his power was discovered hit me in the face and I loved it. The theme of taking care of his family is one that I’m excited to see translate to the Blackburn Syndicate. I can’t wait to see Tierney flex his big dumbass energy on the dash! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
NAME/ALIAS: addison/hellsign
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers.
AGE: 20
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: EST, uhhhh activity level….6
In Character Information:
DESIRED ROLE: Tierney Sinclair, FC: Joel Kinnaman
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cismale, he/him/his
To sum him up, BDG - big dumbass energy. But anyway:
Tierney (Irish): lord’ or ‘master
With names like these, at age 40, why the hell was he just a hitman, a tool for other people to use? Like every man when close to power, he should want that power, right? With Tierney, I think that was the last thing he wanted. Let me explain.
The only time he ever came close to being a “lord” or a “master” was taking care of his brothers growing up. Not that he would ever demanded them to call him that, it wasn’t some kind of title he would’ve liked to keep since it never felt like he ruled over them. Power equated to responsibility and he was a boy forced to become a man. He does not trust himself with power, he doesn’t know what he’ll do with it. Being a hitman is simple. He can clearly see the line between success and failure and he knows what it takes to achieve both. That’s where he gets his comfort. Some people may perceive this as laziness. But Tierney had been alive for 40 long years now. It was about time things became easy.
Epimetheus (Greek): afterthinker, hindsight, foolish Sinclair (Scottish): pure, renowned, illustrious
“red eyes” “always with malice” “burn of whiskey” “rusty pipe…whole world a show”
Why was he so EMOTIONAL??? Perhaps, he was a fool because he was ruled by anger. I thought I had more thoughts than just this, but yeah, he’s just an emotional man showing signs of intermittent explosive disorder.
TW: murder/death
Dallon Sinclair was a good cop turned dirty. It was the sort of thing that happens when you knock up your mutant informant. Katelyn Monroe never wanted this baby, but she wasn’t about to die getting rid of it either. At one point, what they had between them was love. This was that one point.
Regardless of the gun pointing to his head, Dallon sworn to protect Katelyn and his unborn child. But his tenure in the depths of the underworld didn’t last very long. After a close shoot-out, Dallon came home and begged Katelyn, please, let me marry you, let us get out of here. Her boss didn’t like that very much.
When Tierney first opened his eyes, the world was a bright flashlight. He was born in the back of a car, seats pushed down with sheets thrown on haphazardly. A night in July, new moon in the sky enveloping the world in darkness. Nothing spectacular about it. Later on, his mother would tell him the story of a car chase, screeching wheels, leaving flames in their wake. He would never remember it.
Here was what he knew: his father was a paranoid old fuck; his mother was a fleeting apparition; his brothers were the only ones worth anything. He would die for them. Really un-fucking-fortunate that he wound up killing for them instead.
Katelyn Monroe came back into their lives like a raging hurricane.
Look, Tierney was only a Sinclair through blood, never by meaning. All that fucking purity shit that was supposed to come with it, circumstance never allowed it. They lived on the outskirts of Chicago’s underbelly and he dove right in to provide for his brothers whenever his father would swan dive back into his own darkness. Fucking faster than going to college somewhere and getting a good job. Tierney fought for money. He scammed for money. He robbed for money. He had a damn line. But somehow, holding Keaton and Charlie in his arms, he couldn’t remember why he had it in the first place. She wasn’t going to take from them anymore.
Katelyn Monroe lied motionless, blood soaking the wood under her. Dallon Sinclair hung like an ornament, his head secured in the wall. The floating glass didn’t fall until Tierney collapsed to his knees.
That was the first time Tierney was aware of his powers. The second was later that night, floating his parents’ bodies into the graves hastily dug under the new moon. Now that he was a mutant (shit, had he always been a mutant?), more doors opened and more questions were asked. There were several syndicates for mutants in Chicago, but Blackburn caught his eye. Protection. And fuck, Tierney knew enough to know that he’d be way over his head to think he could do this on his own now (shit, had he always been a mutant?). Using his connections from the neighborhood fighting ring, he got some names and a way in. And the rest was history.
Okay, for CIARA SAWYER, I first noticed how young they were which gave me some pseudo-sibling vibes. They’re around his brothers’ age so I totally see Tierney taking them under his wing when they were younger. To Ciara, Tierney is why they still have a job within and outside of the syndicate. The two already work well together, but I think Tierney would’ve sought Ciara out even if they didn’t and make sure they learn how, projecting onto Ciara to cope with his failed relationships with his brothers. Ciara’s power is invisibility, but I also think personality-wise, they prefer to be unknown, or at least, try to be unknownable (“[Tierney doesn’t] ask too many prying questions” —so they prefer him). For whatever reason, they trust Tierney to see them and that means more to Tierney than he’ll ever say.
“They have moral differences that clearly set them apart, but the similarities that they share are what makes Tierney hate them the most… What bothers them is how they notice the barely contained anger sitting behind their eyes because they’ve seen it too many times in their own mirror.”
Gerrard Bermudez: Jem Family, goals of a Mutant Supremacy.
They don’t kill/torture though.
Scare-tactic, bruiser
Doubles as a bodyguard when unassigned to a mission.
Hyperion - “God of Watchfulness, Wisdom and the Light”
1. One of the titan children that overthrew their father 2. Profitor on Cornerstone Convenience 3. No rules
Tierney Sinclair: Blackburn Syndicate, with a focus on being a safe haven, not necessarily political
Hitman - kills (+ malice = murder)
Epimetheus - “afterthinker, hindsight, foolish”
1. No positive trait for humans
I think it’s kind of ironic that despite being in different groups with very different goals, they are more closely aligned with each other’s organization.
The Blackburn Syndicate, for the past 17 (excuse me, SEVENTEEN) years, has been trying to shed its reputation as a crime-ridden mob. Here’s the thing though. Tierney is a hitman, he kills people but oh it’s okay because he’s one of the good guys. His anger feeds into a motive of justice. Gerrard is all bark and no bite, hiding under the Jem Family because of fear. Their anger is selfish and unproductive. Chaotic for the sake of chaos. That’s what Tierney believes anyway. To him, Gerrard is a victim that wants to be a school bully. Seeking revenge instead of avenging. In his post, his history with Gerrard “has long been forgotten.“ With Gerrard, their history is constantly brought up with snide remarks and an upturned nose. Tierney lies to himself because how can their history be forgotten when he can always feel it looming over him every time he’s in the same room with Gerrard? I think whatever happened between them solidified their morals and had them join different organizations with different goals. And it eats at Tierney to be so close to Gerrard—thanks to the treaty—but yet, they’re still lost to him. (This may change since I’m coming at this with the headcanon that the two were friends… not to god-mod Gerrard or anything). So really this hatred stems from heartbreak. (Tierney is a Cancer, of course).
AND LIKE… NOT TO GOD-MOD GERRARD OR ANYTHING, but if I were to hate Tierney, it’d be because of his hypocrisy and self-delusion. It’s like… what you do is bad but when I do it, it’s okay because I’m better than you. Which, bullshit. So I’m really interested to explore that.
Honestly, the idea of Tierney having brothers stems from me thinking all white men look the same. I see one picture of Joel Kinnaman and I’m like is this Luke Mitchell?? Anyway, CHARLIE - Luke Mitchell, KEATON - Ross Lynch.
Okay, let me just get my family headcanons out of the way first.
Tierney’s oldest memory was of his little brother. He was six years old, eyes wide with wonder, with his hands reaching out for the warmth of his brother. They weren’t in a car this time. The Sinclairs finally had a house with a dining table, though the sheets might have been the same. Tierney wasn’t the first one to hold Charlie in his arms, but he was the first Sinclair to do so.
Tierney had his father, but Charlie had Tierney. And with those six years between them, Tierney always felt like Charlie was his.
Charlie, when he was younger, couldn’t pronounce Tierney so he called him Ernie.
Tierney used to walk Charlie home from school. Waited outside and everything because he got out earlier.
Being six years apart, they were never in school together so he had to teach Charlie how to fight so people wouldn’t mess with him.
Charlie never did like fighting though. And Tierney wasn’t above picking on kids so they’d leave his brother alone.
That was how he got a rep as a bully.
But if he liked you, he’d protect you too.
He got higher grades on the homework he did with Charlie because Charlie would ask him to explain everything and make him think through shit.
But usually he would do them during homeroom on the days they were due.
Tierney THINKS his powers activated on that fateful day, but really he’s had them this whole time and never fucking noticed.
It’s not that he’s good at finding things. He just subconsciously moves them closer.
He was able to hold Charlie because of his telekinesis. Charlie didn’t float because Tierney wanted to hold him in his arms.
At Fight Club, he expected to win with his punches and kicks, so he did.
Tierney had his fists locked by his side, but his mom flew out the door because he wanted it more.
He couldn’t join the Jem family because his father wasn’t a mutant and he had loved Katelyn, who was, and protected his family, who were. He couldn’t join the Jem family because his mother was a mutant and she hurt them more than anybody else.
Remember how I said that his connection with Ciara was to make up for his failed relationships with his brothers?
Charlie had a fiancé who was actually working for a small org that wanted to test mutation implementation (and Charlie were to be one of their victims). Tierney found out and mentally manipulated him to feel sick and disgust whenever he was with Charlie so they’d break up. Charlie found out that Tierney did that (but not the reason why).
Keaton never felt close to Tierney (mostly because of the age gap) and growing up, Tierney was mostly away working for the syndicate (not that Keaton knew that). Also, Charlie told him what happened and honestly fuck Tierney.
Tierney’s favorite color is yellow.
He never falls first, but he falls the hardest.
I mostly listened to THIS while writing this app. To me, it represents Tierney’s softness but also his desire to keep everybody at far more than arms’ length.
ok i was never into mob/mafia rpgs but i’m so FASCINATED by the premise of mutantsrising anyway anyway i’m super pumped for it. i would apologize for sending in like 2k of analysis but i know yall live for this soooo YOURE WELCOME i hope i did well and this MAKES SENSE I’VE NEVER CONNECTED SO HARD WITH AN OLD MAN
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avengeher · 7 years
Brave Little One. 5.
Summary: The one where Captain America refuses to sign the accords and the ink of your signature was practically already drying on the page.
Pairing: Steve/Reader (female pronouns)
Words: 1400+
A/N: Alright, this is a bit all over the place but we’re about back into the action and I'm excited guys. But we gotta get there first, and i don't actually hate the build up lol
The room they stuck you and Bucky into was no better than a prison. It was windowless, quiet and far too large for just the both of you. The men who’d put you in here, sliding you by an angry Captain America, Falcon and random agents like some fucking parade, had left without a word and you wondered what they’d do to you next.
“They are going to have us psychologically evaluated.” You weren’t saying Bucky was a mind reader but if you were to say something, it would be that Bucky is a mind reader. “They’ll want to see how dangerous I am, and you.” He didn’t look at you despite the fact that his ‘cage’ was facing yours and you didn’t blame him, letting the silence settle over you both like an itchy blanket til you couldn’t take it anymore.
“What’s your name?”
“You know my name.”
“No, I know that Steve calls you Bucky. What do you want to be called?” You stretched your legs out, leaning back against the glass wall once more as his eyes snapped to yours, beginning to calculate you. He was sizing you up, and once again, you didn’t blame him. You were an unknown factor; plus, you'd already done the same to him.
“Bucky is fine.” You nodded, glancing at the hinges of your cage to see if you could possibly get out. All you needed was a sliver of open glass, then it was game over.
“What is it you can do?” You didn’t spare him a glance, shrugging your shoulders instead. “I saw you move the rocks.”
“I can do a little bit of everything when elements are involved. Earth, fire, water, air, the whole shebang.” He didn’t respond and you finally locked eyes with his. “Do I scare you Bucky?” He seemed surprised you were not only continuing to talk to him, but asking his opinion and you wondered how long it’d been since he’d gotten to just choose something, not having it decided for him.
“Are you scared of me?” 
“Answering a question with a question isn’t very polite.”
“Assuming that everyone you meet is scared of you isn’t very polite, either.” You quirked a smile, a laugh escaping as you nodded at him.
“You’ve got jokes Mr. Barnes, but you still haven’t answered me.” You didn’t know why you were so insistent that he answered. Perhaps you were searching for validation, or you just wanted someone to understand you. Either way, you weren’t letting it go.
“No.” Internally, you breathed a sigh of relief. Someone wasn’t scared of you.
“Me either.”
“You’re not scared of yourself?”
“I meant I’m not scared of you.”
“You should be.” He mumbled, fingers on his left arm clenching around the armrests as he glanced up into the corners. “They are listening.” You could recognize an attempt at a subject change anywhere, and you let him get away with it this time because this was not the place to be making friends.
Neither of you said another word after realizing they were indeed listening and would be noting each word with careful consideration. Well, you didn’t speak out loud. You kept your gaze locked with his, communicating in the simple flick of eyes and silent agreements.
You had to escape because the only way Ross was going to let you leave was in body bags.
Stev was barely able to catch Bucky’s eye as they hauled the crates with you both in them, out into the open. He hadn’t even gotten a glimpse of you and he knew Ross was doing it on purpose, but Bucky still knew him so well. With a head nod, tap of two fingers, Stev knew their code for ‘its okay’ anywhere.
“What are you going to do them?” He demanded of Evrett Ross, the guy’s smug little rat face rubbing him the wrong way.
“Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition.”
“The girl did not do anything.” T’challa was suddenly on their side and it almost made Stev’s head swivel. He was certain the guy hated them after Sam’s cat comment.
“She tried to help an escaped convict escape.”
“We weren’t trying to help him escape, we were trying to bring him in without him being shot on site.” Evrett gave him a look that spelled ‘i don't believe you’ before turning on his heels and walking away. “Asshole.”
“Dang Cap, you kiss your mama with that mouth?” Sam tried to lighten the mood but Stev was too pissed now. The Ross’ were just a bunch of grade a jerks.
Luckily, they hadn’t tried to lock him or motor mouth Sam in a cell but a rather spacious office. Although it did feel like they were on display in a glass fish bowl. That is where Stark found him pacing about, overlooking the control room. He should have known something was up when Stark produced two old fountain pens, waxing poetic about putting Buck in a psych facility instead of a Wakandan prison.
“And what about her?” Steve nodded in the vicinity of the control room where they were watching you and Bucky be put into holding but he still couldn’t see you. It was really pissing him off.
“She is willing to sign, so we let her sign and I get you and Wanda reinstated.”
“What about Wanda?” Steve had picked up the pen, already leaning into ink the tip. He didn’t care if every member of the team, the governments of the world or anyone else thought signing was right. You did, and that’s what counted in his opinion. He had, had way too long to think on the ride here and realizing that you had followed him into every death-defying situation, all the fights and not once doubter or questioned him was like a punch to the gut. He had taken that for granted, not realizing that the only reason he was 100% positive about each situation is because you were too. Now he was questioning himself. Which moves had led to this, which ones did you follow just because he was leading you - how many almost got you killed and yet you still trusted him, loved him and the one time you disagree he basically calls you a traitor in the middle of everyone?
“She’s fine, currently confined to the compound with Vision for company.” And there it was. The reason he couldn’t sign. Wanda, the young girl who’d faced so much atrocity, was being held against her will because she was ‘too dangerous’. All they were doing was affirming her self hatred for herself.
“Gosh Tony. Every single time, every time I think you see things the right way-“
“What? It’s 100 acres with a lap pool. It’s got a screening room. There is worse ways to protect people.”
“But who are you protecting Tony? Civilians? Because it certainly isn’t Wanda!”
“I am protecting her because she’s not a US citizen, refusing to sign and they are chomping at the bit to get her away from the public.”
“So locking her up yourself is the way to do it?”
“They don’t grant visas to weapons.”
“She’s a kid Tony!”
“Give me a break Steve!” There was a heavy moment, both breathing a little too harshly and Steve found himself looking around the room for your calming face. It broke his heart not to find it there. He had to get you out. “I’m doing what has to be done.”
“You keep telling yourself that.” He tossed the fountain pen beside the other. “I’d hate to break up the set.” He fled from the room, anger coursing through his veins as he found the room they'd stuffed Sam, Natasha and now Sharon in.
“You okay?” Sam questioned, accepting the curt nod as good enough. That’s all Steve was able to give at the moment.
Sharon took stock of the people around her, the broken team with a semi-broken leader and sighed to herself. These people were going to get her fired. She accidentally leaned onto the control switch and the TV above them flickered to life, the crates containing you and Bucky finally being locked into place as the sound cut on. Steve’s eyes flickered to hers, noticed her nonchalant attitude and gave her a nod of thanks. She chalked it up to a win for the good guys.
Brave Little One Tags: @curlycals, @supernaturalham, @ohdarlingsx, @lanadelmatte
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