#accepted: epimetheus
godsofhumanity · 2 years
To be perfectly fair, pretty much EVERY Greek god has committed murder at least once. Except Hestia. She’s a sweetheart ^_^
ohh i saw this post on reddit pointing out that Hestia literally never does anything to prevent any of the terrible things that go down on Olympus, and therefore, she is a bystander, which, in its own right, is pretty bad... and i know that in the context of a meme page, i'm not supposed to be applying modern morals to the Olympians,, but i can't get it out of my head.. and anyways. was Hestia really the sweetheart we make her out to be? 🤔🤔🤔 food for thought.
anyways,, the one guy i can always stand behind no matter what is my man Prometheus. he has a pretty big role in myths, but honestly, i can't find any fault in him... so he's my nomination for Ancient Greek Sweetheart of the Year 2022.
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tylermileslockett · 9 months
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The punishment of Pandora's jar illustrated by me
Seeking retribution for being betrayed by prometheus, Zeus forms a cunning punishment for humanity. He orders ingenious Hephaestus to mix water and soil to form a maiden: Pandora, the first woman of the mortal race. The olympians impart gifts and attributes into her. From Athena, the skill of needlework and weaving, Aphrodite; “cruel longing and dares that weary the limbs.” Hermes; …”a shameless mind and deceitful nature.” Athena clothes her in a “silvery rainment” and an “embroidered veil,” the Charities offer necklaces of gold, and the Horai crown her head with spring flowers. Hephaestus forges a crown of gold for her head.
Zeus then orders Hermes to deliver Pandora carrying a jar as a wedding gift to Prometheus’ brother, Epimetheus, (who had already been warned by Prometheus never to accept gifts from Zeus.) But bewitched by her beauty and splendor, Epimetheus accepts. But Pandora’s curiosity gets the better of her and she opens the jar, releasing ills, toil, sickness, sorrow, and mischief into the world of humankind. She covers the jar before the final trait can escape: Hope. So it thus remains for mortals to use.
On one hand, this tale can certainly be a reflection of misogyny from a patriarchal society. On the other hand, this simplistic and sexist view clearly wasn’t universally reflected amongst all greek cultures and mythic literature, with the creation of powerful female heroines like Atalanta and Penthisilea who exercise real agency in their destinies, or goddesses like the mother goddess of Ephesian Artemis in Anatolia, or the war-like Aphrodite Areia of Sparta. Even more nuanced are the vengeful female antiheroes like Cyltemnestra or Medea, who lash back at the patriarchal suppression they face.
Like this art? It will be in my illustrated book coming in October 🤟❤️🏛 check my top 2 links in my linktree in my bio to join my newsletter for updates and to join the kickstarter notification page. 
What do you think about hesiods portrayal of pandora in his tale?
Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024.
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acediathemelancholy · 9 months
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So Prometheus was the one who stole fire from the gods to give to humanity in Greek mythology, which allows human civilization to begin. Tetsu spends the majority of his time in the demon of pride's space searching for fire. While the only potential source of light is gripped in the immortal's hands.
Prometheus' story is closely connected to the story of Pandora. Both are Greek myths concerning the origin of human civilization. On top of that, most of the versions of the story have Zeus sending Pandora down as revenge for Prometheus' deception. Pandora is supposedly the first woman sent to tempt humanity to open her jar (mistranslated later as a box) that contains all the evils of the world.
In some versions, Prometheus himself accepts Pandora as his wife and in others his brother Epimetheus marries her. Either way, the evils are unleashed on the world, but elpis (hope) remains in the jar. Later, these stories often were interpreted in conjunction with biblical creation myths, like Adam and Eve.
This confrontation between Tetsu and the demon of pride occurs at the same time as Pandora ravages the city. Algernon helped unleash Pandora on Tokyo as part of a scheme to get revenge Saint Germain, whose deception stole the life/fire of a child he truly cared about.
Anyway, this is probably why when Saint Germain lists possible relationships he could be to Kuro, he included lover. Prometheus and Adam are both mythical figures associated with the beginnings of human civilization. "Adam" as in Kuro is the first servamp and whose creation marks the beginning of Servamps's timeline. Because Saint Germain is Pandora, the sometimes wife of Prometheus, and Saint Germain created the concept of an Eve, named after the wife of Adam.
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raayllum · 2 years
re: essay titled “deceptive gift giving in greek mythology”
Actual essay (not my own) here
“After the theft of the cattle Hermes performs a sacrifice which we shall see later, is a paradigm of the reciprocal relationship between god and man”
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“Before Hades permits her return to Demeter, he promises Persephone divine prestige if she agrees be his wife and also offers her a deceptive gift of food, the pomegranate”
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“We have seen that Demeter is characterized as a giver (and with holder) of gifts, while Persephone is characterized as a receiver of gifts. In the same myth we also see the female as a gift herself, who creates relationship and obligation”
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“In the story of Prometheus the seemingly reciprocal institution of sacrifice is presented as a means by which humanity cheats the gods: it is another instance of how more can be gained by giving than by taking, even in the relationship between man and god”
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Prometheus’ two most famous myths are mentioned, according to the Theogony with the order being Prometheus tricking the gods’ into choosing the lesser of two possible sacrifices from humanity, and so Zeus steals fire from them as punishment, and Prometheus steals it back (and is then punished and chained to the rock, per tradition). 
“as the favor that the performance of sacrifice brings, not by taking anything overtly from the gods but by offering them a gift, the bones covered with fat, which turns out to be no gift at all; he conceals an act of taking with an act of apparent giving” 
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“The gods finally achieve their revenge and respond success Prometheus' act of deceptive gift-giving by giving humanity a gift in return [...] The gods the unwary Epimetheus the woman Pandora, who seems to be beneficial for mankind but actually is a source of trouble. As in the myth of Demeter, the female is the ultimate gift within society, through whom survive [...] Like all gifts, Pandora is a highly ambiguous commodity and this gift brings with it both good and bad — in sum, the complexities of culture”
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“In this myth two fundamental cultural institutions, sacrifice and marriage, are depicted as complementary acts of accepting deceptive gifts that pass between god and men”
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“Yet the paradigmatic gifts we see exchanged in the myth of Prometheus — the bones covered with fat and the beautiful Pandora — are hollow, and through the mutual exchange of gifts the gods end up with less than what had (they will no longer receive meat), and men end up with more of what they do not want (because of Pandora mankind's woes are increased). Underneath the veneer of gift-giving — a veneer as deceptive as the fat on the bones, or the beauty of Pandora — lies strong animosity between man and god. As expressed in the myth of Prometheus, culture is the sublimation of vengefulness an greed into the activity of gift-giving, so that the gift is the most subtle and devastating of weapons available to cultural man”
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More parallels to my “the takeover of Lux Aurea as the Siege of Troy” meta from forever ago with mentions of the fact that Troy could not fall so long as it had the Palladium (statue of Athena) within its walls, thus the Trojan Horse allowing the Greeks to sneak in and steal it, much the way Viren and Aaravos mar Lux Aurea’s orb and gift the Sun staff ultimately to Claudia. 
“The Greeks not only take the Palladium from the Trojans but give them a gift as well, the Trojan horse, which brings destruction upon Troy. The giving of the Trojan Horse and its acceptance, which leads to a definition of ethno-politcal reality (the Greeks triumph over the Trojans and their allies), form a mortal parallel to the giving and accepting of the golden apple, which lead to an ordering of the cultural values that the vying goddesses (Paris chooses Aphrodite, who offers him a wife; over Hera, who offers him kingship; and over Athena, who offers him victory in war).” 
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“The gift is a cultural weapon by which the gifter can ‘win’ against the receiver. The effects of the subtle process of giving and receiving are more significant and lasting than the effects of thievery. The act of giving is a cultural refinement of the natural act of taking. In Hesiod’s Works and Days it is said that ‘giving is good, but taking is bad, a bringer of death’“
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
POMEGRANITE - Which myth would they relate to most?
JAM - Can they cook?
CANDY - Do they have a sweet tooth?
Thank you for the ask, @zackprincebooks!
I'll go with some of the cast of Supernova Initiative, namely Jack Tithus, Kye Thalax and Deimos Soll!
POMEGRANATE - Which myth would they relate to the most?
Jack Tithus - Prometheus
"[...] One day, Zeus distributed gifts to all the gods, but he didn't care much for humans. The Titan Prometheus, however, because he loved and felt sorry for humans, climbed up on Olympus and stole the fire from Hephaestus' workshop, put it in a hollow reed, and gifted it to the humans. This way, humans could create fire, warm up, and make tools. Zeus became very angry when he heard about this. He took Prometheus to a high mountain, the Caucasus, and chained him on a rock with thick chains made by the smith god, Hephaestus. And every day, Zeus would send an eagle that ate Prometheus’ liver. For thirty years Prometheus remained bound in the Caucasus, until the great hero Hercules, Zeus’ demigod son, released him finally from his torment. [...]"
Kye Thalax - Icarus
"[...] The labyrinth in King Mino’s palace was designed by a famous inventor and engineer, Daedalus. It is said that Athena herself taught Daedalus. King Minos commissioned to Daedalus and his son Icarus the construction of the labyrinth that would held the monster Minotaur. After finishing their work, King Minos imprisoned father and son inside the labyrinth, in an effort to prevent knowledge of his labyrinth from spreading to the public. Father and son were thinking hard on how to escape until Daedalus came up with an idea. They gathered a lot of feathers from birds and glued them together with wax thus, making four large wings. They tied the wings to each shoulder and fled from the island of Crete. Daedalus had warned Icarus not to fly close to the sun because the wax would melt. After passing the island of Delos, the boy, forgetting himself, flew high towards the sun. The hot sun softened the wax that held the feathers together and Icarus fell in the sea and drowned. Daedalus named the place where his son fell Icaria, in his memory. [...]"
Deimos Soll - Pandora's Box
"[...] After Prometheus gave the fire to humans, Zeus decided to take vengeance. He ordered Hephaestus to create the first human woman out of soil and water. Each god gave the woman a gift: Athena gave her wisdom, Aphrodite beauty, Hermes cunning, and so on. The name of the woman was Pandora (meaning “all gifts” in Greek). Zeus gave Pandora a jar, warning her not to open it under any circumstances, and sent her to Prometheus’ brother, Epimetheus. Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept any gifts from Zeus. However, Epimetheus accepted Pandora who, although tried hard to resist the temptation, opened the jar and released all evils upon the world. Hatred, war, death, hunger, sickness, and all the disasters were immediately released. [...]"
JAM - Can they cook?
Jack - Yes, he can! And quite well at that! Though - as I usually say - his usual (and favorite) dish consists of basically the space version of dino nuggets with hot chocolate lmao. He knows how to cook because he has been his little sister's guardian for years now, and so he had to learn how to properly look after her, and that includes preparing food.
Kye - I'm not sure lol. Since he is good at survival, I would assume that he knows how to prepare a dish or two for himself, but I can't say if it would be tasty or not lmao.
Deimos - He knows, especially the basics, and his dishes are quite decent. But he does remark that he is nowhere near as good at it as Jack, and quite honestly, Deimos is right lol. Still, his dishes aren't bad, they're just average. And he's fine with it, to be honest!
CANDY - Do they have a sweet tooth?
Jack - YES. Yes, he does. His favorite beverage, to this day, is hot chocolate, for a reason after all. He also loves candy and all kinds of desserts. Since sweet things were quite expensive in the moon where he grew up - and he was a street urchin who rarely had enough money to stay alive - desserts and candy were rare, sweet treats that he grew to adore whenever he got the rare chance to have some. And now that he is a rich intergalactic thief, he can have all the candy that he wants!
Kye - Hates sweets, but mostly because they remind him of someone from his past (who loved desserts) that he couldn't save. Because of it, candies and desserts kinda became something he associates with sadness, so he kinda just avoids those so as not to feel the emotional whiplash.
Deimos - Eh. I mean, he likes sweets, but he doesn't like eating sweet things all the time. An occasional bag of candies or a platter of cookies? Sure he loves those, in moderation. But if it is too sweet it makes his stomach turn. He prefers a milder amount of sugar.
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@saturnine-saturneight @diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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halidom-confessions · 2 years
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@ the anon who @ me because I was upset everyone forgot everything.
Yes, I do want them to remember. Honestly, their bonds that they had before the new world mean so much more since they worked hard to keep it in the first place. But now that bond is just all gone? It feels so empty unsatisfactory to me.
With the Zethia thing, I'd personally want to remember those bad experiences so I can learn from them and grow stronger. But I also don't know if that's what I'd actually want if I was Zethia as I'm just basing my opinion on traumatic past experiences I had. Back then I did wish I could forget everything, but now that I'm stronger and made progress and had good experiences because of those traumatic experiences, I no longer wished to forget those things and accepted they are a part of me. There are some things I think about like how I'd be like if those bad things never happened to me and where I would be now if they didn't happen, but then I think about the people I wouldn't have ever met if and all the good things that came from those bad experiences that I would've never had experienced if I didn't have those bad experiences to begin with. All in all, that's just my opinion though and I'm not Zethia but that's what I would've personally wanted.
And yeah, I know Midgard remembers... but think about it, once he dies, no one will ever remember what happened before. That's just forgotten forever. And not only that, since he's the ONLY one that remembers, he is literally like Zhongli from Genshin Impact. "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, but where are those who share the memory?" Even if he does meet them all again, he literally can't talk about the experience because no one would believe him. Poor Midgard is all alone with these old memories. 
 However, I do agree that your points are completely valid though. Especially the Euden thing. Looking at it again, if they all didn't get their memories erased, some of the bad guys like Volk and Beren wouldn't have gotten a happy ending. And some of the dead ones like Mordecai and Gatov's kingdom wouldn't come back. It doesn't show in the main story, but we can assume everywhere else is also fine as well. Saiga's wife is alive, and he didn't kill his master. Aldred lives a normal happy family life with his sister and parents. Hawk didn't have to kill his friends. Maybe Xander and Nefaria get their kingdoms back too. Leviathan doesn't accidentally kill a lot of people before meeting Euden. Epimetheus doesn't get abandoned. Etc etc.
My opinion now is that some of the really close ones should've been allowed to keep their memories and know the truth of what happened before the "good times." Like a secret between them and only them. That would've been a nicer ending.
In response to this confession
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senatushq · 1 year
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NAME. Epimetheus AGE & BIRTH DATE. Prehistoric & Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Demigod ( Avariel ) ABILITIES. Animal Manipulation & Zoolingualism OCCUPATION. Unemployed FACE CLAIM. Darren Barnet
It was always so difficult to be liked and to have eyes on you. That was how Epimetheus felt all the time. Born to Raphael, a blessed seraphim, and a high elf, Isegra, from the fields of Hyperborea, he was one of the first avariel to grace the world. His brother, Prometheus came just a few seconds after. That fact would be something that would often be mentioned as the years went on. However, from the moment the small avariel was born, he was meant to be important. Power flowed through his veins from both parents, power that would come to be a blessing and a curse. He was just a baby, but him and his brother were destined to be great. They were destined to be the bearers of something absolutely magnificent.
It always seemed that Epimetheus was more willing to accept the gods than his brother ever would be. The elves would come to be fey once Hyperborea fell and all he could truly think was how disappointing it was that his animals that he had just started to learn to create would have to suffer as well. People were always…disappointing. Whether they were gods or elves or fey, there was always an ulterior motive for all of them. Nevertheless, he followed his brother in assisting Ulthar, Oztalun and Titania to create a new world. While the fey created seasons and the gods created Eden, he was left to create the animals that would soon inhabit this world that had been created. Oztalun had had chosen Epimetheus as his favorite and it only served to make the demigod work harder at creating everything for these gods. There were some that were good and then there were the others.
Perhaps Prometheus had been onto something when he had looked upon the gods in disdain. It had never been said aloud, but it was clear to Epimetheus just what his brother thought. He had always chalked it up to them being twins. The other avariel was of the utmost importance to him. Of every other person that he could know, Prometheus had always been his truest form of love. Second to his brother would always be his animals. The king of afterthought was what most would come to think of him as. They had never said the words to him directly, but it was always obvious that Epimetheus never truly thought anything through. Every animal created was beautiful to him. However, there was always something that went wrong. Oztalun would bless his creations with life and then they would attack each other. It was always a saddening sight when he would lose another of his children that he had worked so hard to create. And the dinosaurs? That was always, and would always be, the worst thing that had ever happened. That triceratops did not deserve the fate that had come to it and yet it had suffered just like every other animal. It had seemed there would be no end to the sadness that enveloped him every time he lost any of them.
When he had said the best thing that had ever happened to him had been just having Prometheus at his side, he had never expected to lose him, too. It had been years of torture for his brother, but Epimetheus had made a promise that he would always be there for him when he was freed. And he was. There had been many losses and some wins in the time since, but they were together again in Elysia. Oh, Elysia. If there was any place that felt more like home to him than anything else, it was that divine place. Every animal he had ever created that had been lost to him because of his own lack of thought had ended up in Elysia. Every canine, every bird, feline, they were all exactly where he wanted them to be at his side. In all honesty, Epimetheus would have never left if it weren’t for his brother. The gods loved him and so did every other being that inhabited the realm. Druids admired him for knowing every tiny fact about every single animal ever created. Why would he ever want to leave a place like that where he was loved by gods and had all of his animals with him?
But he did. Epimetheus followed his brother to this mortal realm with no real goal in mind other than to simply help those that needed it. The one perk came with seeing all of his creations still flourishing in various ways. There were times where he would cry from seeing the deaths of some animals, but he knew he would see them again once he stepped back into Elysia. They would all be there. He just knew it. Even that little cat that had hissed at him on the street. Maybe they would have liked him more if they had hooves.
+ charming, imaginative, open-minded - gullible, pretentious, oversensitive
played by kenyer. est. she/her.
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whiskeysorrows · 1 year
Greek Legendary Women: Pandora
The Story:
Prometheus and Epimetheus created all living creatures, including humans
Prometheus tricks Zeus into getting the worst parts of the sacrifice over humans (puts fat over bone and intestine over meat). Zeus gets angry
Zeus forbade use of fire on earth.
Prometheus stole fire from workshop of Haesphaetus in a fennel stalk and gave it to humans
Zeus got angrier
Punishes Prometheus by chaining him to a rock and getting an eagle/vulture to pluck out his liver for eternity
Prometheus warns Epimetheus to anot accept gift
Punishes man by creating Pandora and wedding her to Epimetheus
Pandora opens the pithos the gods gave to her as a 'wedding gift'. All evils in the world escape (famine, disease, war, ect.)
Hope remains in jar.
Pandora becomes world's first mother and gives birth to a daughter, Pyrrha.
Man Lived in Paradise Before and Hell After (Hesiod's Theogony):
"lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not upon them"
"made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils...they had all good things"
"They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by blessed gods."
"and [Zeus] gave them a second evil...whoever avoids marriage and the sorrows that women caused, and will not wed, reaches deady old age without anyone to tend his years, and ... when he is dead, his kinsfolk divide his possessions amongst them."
Interpretation of Story:
Women came after men - less important
Women's nature is deceptive - Pandora a punishment
Women as the "fall from grace" of mankind - a curse
Women only necessary bc of childbearing abilities (not needed before bc no-one aged or died)
Women a mistake that Epimethius shoul've seen in hindsight
Hope as the only comfort mankind gets or as another curse (false-hope)
Gods tyranical and mercurial in blessings
Hesiod's Work and Days (What the Gods gave Pandora):
"ordered famed Haesphaetus to mix earth and water...put human speech and strength in it and make the pretty form of a maiden, alike in looks to the immortal goddesses"
"Athena to teach her crafts, and the weaving of the...loom"
"Aphrodite...to sprinkle charm about her face, as well as desire that would cause trouble, and sufferings that would gnaw at one's limbs"
"Hermes...to put in her a bitch's mind and a thievish nature"
"Athena clothed and styled her"
"godly Graces and Lady Persuasion put trinkets upon her skin"
"the messenger...put lies and crafty words and a thievish nature into her heart"
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eleanorbriarsterm3 · 5 months
Greek Mythology
Week 4
30 of the Most Famous Tales from Greek Mythology (greektraveltellers.com)
Pandoras Box
"After Prometheus gave the fire to humans, Zeus decided to take vengeance. He ordered Hephaestus to create the first human woman out of soil and water. Each god gave the woman a gift: Athena gave her wisdom, Aphrodite beauty, Hermes cunning and so on. The name of the woman was Pandora (meaning “all gifts” in Greek). Zeus gave Pandora a jar, warning her not to open it under any circumstances and sent her to Prometheus’ brother, Epimetheus. Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept any gifts from Zeus. However, Epimetheus accepted Pandora who, although tried hard to resist the temptation, opened the jar and released all evils upon the world. Hatred, war, death, hunger, sickness and all the disasters were immediately released. "
I liked the story of Pandora's box as it includes a lot of the Gods and Goddesses, and is something that links them all together. The story is similar to Adam and Eve, where one small action led to all evils in the world. I could use this story in some of my images, by laying over some of the words.
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The collage is Pandora opening the box and releasing the evils. I then made her have two more heads, one that couldn't speak and one that was screaming. If you look closely you can see it.
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paradoxius · 10 months
Pandora was called the all-giving. Prometheus the fore-thinking came to her. She was the earth, and of that earth he created many children. These children of Pandora lived easily and without care upon the fruit of the untilled land, for their mother was all-giving. They weakened neither with sickness nor with age. Death did not come for them.
Yet they left no mark upon the world as they passed to and fro. They moved no stones nor hew no trees. They were unsexed and could not procreate of themselves. They were ignorant of fire.
Their mother, seeing this, entreated heaven that her children be given fire, the only gift that like milk from her bosom flowed not. The King of Heaven refused, crying that her race would then transgress the firmament and, with burning brands, set the abode of the divine alight.
So Pandora the all-giving gave a gift to heaven, as if to apologize for a disrespectful request. It was a great quantity of the wine that in those days fermented on the vine and flowed in great rivers. The gift was accepted with thanks and sayings of friendship and forgiveness, but it was treacherous.
Late in the night, when the divine host was drunk and riotous, Prometheus stole into heaven with an olive bough and lit it in the heavenly hearth. Hiding the fiery branch beneath his hunched shoulders, he brought it back to his children.
Soon, celestial outriders came before the King of Heaven to tell him what they had seen: the children of Pandora bore the gift of fire. They lit and warmed their evenings with bonfires and cooked the fruit of the untilled land upon hearths. They had felled many trees, first to fuel their gift of fire, and then to burn out into boats and to build shelters to keep the rain off their hearths.
The King of Heaven raged and tore at his beard. Still, he had wits enough about him to call for Prometheus to be brought in before his throne. He demanded Prometheus confess his crime, and promised that he would be a lenient judge to a repentant thief, but Prometheus the fore-thinking refused to speak.
So then the King of Heaven called for Epimetheus, the after-thinking brother of Prometheus, to be brought in before him. He demanded Epimetheus bear witness against his brother, making again the promise that he would be merciful, and Epimetheus complied. Epimetheus told the King of Heaven he had seen his brother return home with the burning branch, and only realized his mistake when the heavenly host bound Prometheus to be tortured for all of his deathless days.
For Pandora, the King of Heaven devised a yet crueler punishment. He sent her an emissary with a sealed gift for her children under the pretense of thanking her for her gift of wine. She did not yet know that her crime had been discovered, as Epimetheus was detained in heaven, and so she accepted the treacherous gift.
As ever before, Pandora gave this gift to her children. Deeply thankful for their fire and excited at the promise of yet another gift from heaven, they instantly unsealed the vessel. But within were many wicked things now loosed upon the world: sickness and frailty, toils and hunger, cruelty and deprivation, death.
The first to die was Pandora herself. Now, the earth is other than it was. It yields not its gifts so freely. The land must be tilled, and the land to be tilled must be warred over, and famines and sicknesses live upon that land, and time must be spent to work the land and war for the land and to bear and raise children up to work the land and war for the land and bear and raise children up, and all of these things bring death.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
Headcanons for the Wives of King Neptune's Half-Brothers.
Juno (Lord Jupiter's Wife)
She's the Daughter of Iapetus and Klymene
Her Brothers are Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus
Works at a Fashion Store with a Few Side Friends that she now has, even after she divorced Jupiter.
Favorite Colors are Pink, Gold, White, Teal, and Blue
Used to be a Princess at her own Kingdom until when she met Jupiter
She cares deeply for her Children (both her Sons and her Daughters).
Throughout her life with Jupiter, she was deeply unaware of her Husband's affairs and only cared and kept her duties as a Queen ongoing.
She's very sweetly kind and generous towards her own subjects.
Like Jupiter, she can get easily angered when insulted (so she blasts them).
She enjoys fun places like the Beach
She does enjoy drinking tea for Morning Times (so she's a Morning Person).
She loves to wear Jewelry a lot (it makes her more fashionable)
After when she divorced Jupiter, she found a New Husband named "Antonio" who was much more Faithful and Loving than Jupiter.
When Antonio and Juno got to know each other, they somehow fell in love since Antonio was a kind and caring Man, even after when he was being friendly towards Juno's own children.
Considering that Juno and Amy are both divorced Wives of their Former Asshole God Husbands, they can relate to one another as they do share a few conversations about their own lives and how that they hated when their own Husbands treated their own Sons like Dirt.
Unlike Amy, she used to approve of her Ex-Husband's idea of their Children being "High Worthy of a Rank Appearance" that would make them better rulers, until when she looked on how her Ex-Husband truly treated her own Sons (Ares and Ralph) worse, she devotedly cared for them and treated them so much better to make them feel even more loved.
When she met Valerie, she wanted to reason on how she got Jody (she even met her Stepdaughter when learning the Backstory of how Her Ex-Husband met Valerie).
Juno and Valerie often became Good Friends, even when Juno felt sorry of what her Adulterous Ex-Husband did to Valerie and other Women.
She has a Pet Poodle named "Porsha" (who Antonio gave their own Pet Dog to Her as a Present for a Family Dog).
Sometimes, when she's not around with her Family, she would usually go on a Guys' Trip with her Brothers (being the Only Female Member that she is).
Persephone (Emperor Pluto's Wife)
She's the Daughter of Ceres (her Father is Unknown)
She is more Down to Earth and Willing Gentle as she's the Goddess of Spring.
In her Childhood, she was a lot Immature (Bubbly, Fun, and Optimistic) until she grew very Mature, Sympathetic, and Well-Meaning.
Throughout her own life, she had been sheltered by her own Mother because Ceres was often a Helicopter Mother (she wanted to protect her Daughter from Strangers or Perverted-Men who wanted her).
Persephone hangs around with Other Animals in the Forest as they're all her friends (think Snow White).
She met Pluto when they were both in Kindergarten and Persephone really liked Pluto as a friend (but she didn't know his secret crush on her).
She used to be called "Kore" but she ended up disliking that name, so she changed her own name into "Persephone"
Persephone is very extremely hard working in the Harvest Time when she's around in the Spring and Summer time.
She convinced her own Mother that she wanted to stay with Pluto because she wanted to be independent of things on her own but Ceres finally accepted Pluto, Persephone hugged her own Mother and Thanked her.
She's a Fun and Loving Aunt to her own Nieces and Nephews (especially to Mindy).
She can calm down her own Husband whenever Pluto is angry or has his own Bad Days.
Has a Massive Animal Lover that she is, she would often rub and pet Cerberus whenever she pats their own Dog.
Persephone feels very sorry for Poor Amy and even though that she is glad that Neptune did at least got what he deserved, she is at least happy that Amy's got a better spouse to live for but at least she does acknowledge on what is best for their Daughter (Mindy).
Since she has Plant Powers, she can grow Vines and even Flowers as well.
When she's VERY furious, she can turn into her own Scary Appearance and would use her own Veins for her own ventful anger.
Sometimes, when Pluto comes up and visits her every each year, they often would have a Nice Picnic (along with their own Children) for a Special Visit.
Persephone didn't approve of her own Mother wanting to be the most "Perfect Girl" in the World since she always truly wanted to be her own self for what she was truly made for.
She often reads her own Children (Zack and Eve) some Bedtime Stories in her Children's Younger Days.
Her Relationship with Pluto is very much Healthier and Beautiful than Jupiter and Neptune's marriages with their own Ex-Wives.
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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The Punishment of Pandora’s Jar
         Seeking retribution for being betrayed by prometheus, Zeus forms a cunning punishment for humanity. He orders ingenious Hephaestus to mix water and soil to form a maiden: Pandora, the first woman of the mortal race. The olympians impart gifts and attributes into her. From Athena, the skill of needlework and weaving, Aphrodite; “cruel longing and dares that weary the limbs.” Hermes; …”a shameless mind and deceitful nature.” Athena clothes her in a “silvery rainment” and an “embroidered veil,” the Charities offer necklaces of gold, and the Horai crown her head with spring flowers. Hephaestus forges a crown of gold for her head.
Zeus then orders Hermes to deliver Pandora carrying a jar as a wedding gift to Prometheus’ brother, Epimetheus, (who had already been warned by Prometheus never to accept gifts from Zeus.) But bewitched by her beauty and splendor, Epimetheus accepts. But Pandora’s curiosity gets the better of her and she opens the jar, releasing ills, toil, sickness, sorrow, and mischief into the world of humankind. She covers the jar before the final trait can escape: Hope. So it thus remains for mortals to use.
After the Pandora story in Theogany, Hesiod goes on to detail negative aspects of women and their influence on Humanity. On one hand, this can certainly be a reflection of misogyny from a patriarchal society. On the other hand, this simplistic and sexist view clearly wasn’t universally reflected amongst all greek cultures and mythic literature, with the creation of powerful female heroines like Atalanta and Penthisilea who exercise real agency in their destinies, or goddesses like the protective mother goddess of Ephesian Artemis in Anatolia, or the war-like Aphrodite Areia of Sparta. Even more nuanced are the vengeful female antiheroes like Clytemnestra or Medea, who lash back at the patriarchal suppression they face.
What do you think of Hesiod and the way he portrays women as evil in his Theogany?
Like this art piece? It will be in my illustrated book coming in October on Kickstarter 🤟❤️🏛 check my top 2 links in my linktree above in my bio to join my newsletter for updates and to join the kickstarter notification page. Thanks for your support Tumblrs! xoxo
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masteryoftheseas · 11 months
@takenamiss (Helios) asked: “You’re like me, cousin. Easy access choices. Aren’t Oceanids wonderfully present in times of need? Titans? Whole different story. If you like to hunt, sure.” He thought of Epimetheus and smiled one of his bright smiles. That hunt had just been a game at first but now he enjoyed no lover more. “Although from what I saw it was not Metis’ love-making that got her involved with Titans and Kings. She seemed quite boring, actually.”
"Who in Tartarus's name claimed I wanted easy? And I am nothing like you, Helios. You have no prospect in family or legacy. You go from lover after lover. That is not the hunt I am interested in. I desire a bride. A mother for my future children. A partner." Pallas growled at his cousin. Despite his pursuit for a bride, he encountered many oceanids who practically threw themselves at him for a chance at marriage. And while marrying an oceanid would sour his father, he couldn't marry just anyone. He needed someone with passion, who could keep up with him. Wouldn't fear him after returning in a bloody mess from battle. He needed someone strong...in more ways than one. Oceanids...were often meek creatures. Useless. All except his beloved Metis. A titaness among her sisters.
Why couldn't his father accept her? She outsmarted her sisters, kept Pallas sane and calm. Without her, he was a ticking time bomb. Ready to blow...even by the shortest fuse.
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Anger swallowed Pallas whole as Helios rambled on about Metis. She was still a sensitive subject for him, even if their split was amiable. She would always have a place in his heart as his first love. His brow arched and lips pursed, the very image of the Ram marking his face. His large hand grabbed Helios by his jaw and lifted the golden titan up from the ground. Feet hovering the ground slightly. "You will shut your mouth about Metis. She is worth more than you in every way. You are a creep, cousin. Dare speak so lowly about her again and I will make sure the last thing you see is me."
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a-c-h-w · 2 years
What about the rest of SQ?
{ Sanford and Deimos are pleasantly subdued.
{ Victor is set for execution at 7:00 tonight.
{ 2BDAMNED has been. . . returned to his former glory.
{ Dave and his partner, Bert, have been enrolled in the MAGnification program.
{ Skinner has been properly returned to our side.
{ Dylan- or, I suppose, "Bossman"- is to be dismembered to aid in Dave and Bert's MAGnification.
{ The hirelings, Carpathian, Alcina, and Epimetheus, and their leader, are to be brainwashed and accepted into our ranks.
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mutantsrisingrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations CAITLIN! You’ve been accepted as EPIMETHEUS.
Tierney is a skeleton that I hold near to my heart and it’s clear from your application that he’s just a dear to you, Caitlin! The backstory that you weaved together for him not only broke my heart, but made me actively root for him. The bit about Blake and how important he was to Tierney was such a great addition to him and added another layer that pulled at my heart. “But nothing good lasts forever,” whew did that line slap me across the face. I can’t wait to see where you take Tierney on the dash! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 27
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: CST; Due to the current pandemic I have lost my job. I’m currently under a shelter-in-place order at my parents place so I have…a great deal of time. Sure, there are days I’m not around but those days are usually cleaning and shopping days. We’re trying to get attached to a schedule with….some success. So I’ll be pretty darn active for a while. In the event the pandemic is over I’ll let you know how my activity will change but that strikes me as a ways off.
In Character Information:
DESIRED ROLE: Tierney Sinclair; Epimetheus
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Male, he/him
Tierney is a lot of things. But at his heart he’s a boy reaching out for a hand to hold. He’s been denied so much in life and now that his life is in his hands he wants to grab the things he never had. Family. Friends. Purpose. He’s been adrift for so long, lost in a world he doesn’t understand and that doesn’t want him, that finding solid ground to stand on has never been easy. And now that he’s found all of those things he’s finding life isn’t as simple as reaching for your goals and taking them. He struggles with himself some days. He wants to be the boy that never got to be and the man he’s proud of being today. He’s tugged between finding out what normal might have been or could be and doing what he’s good at and known for. It’s like a game of tug of war that he can never win.
Content Warning: child abuse, murder, death
Tierney Sinclair was born to a single mother in the slums of Las Vegas, Nevada on September 8, 1979. And that was all he ever knew of his life before the orphanages. Abandoned on the doorstep of a local orphanage with nothing more than his name and a ratty hospital blanket. The Las Vegas Home for Orphans was not a kind place to grow up, especially not for a mutant. Tierney’s powers first manifested when he was three and throwing a tantrum. The bottle of milk he wanted so badly, rather miraculously, appeared next to him because he’d willed it. Easy enough to ignore, which is exactly what everyone opted to do. Mutants were trouble and the last thing they wanted here was mutant trouble. That was, until one of his tantrums caused one of the workers to black out and wake up two hours later.
He was four when he was given to the government for testing. And they tested him for years. Tierney was thirteen when they slapped a level five rating on him and finally released him to a mutant “friendly” orphanage out in Las Vegas. Not that life in the orphanage was much easier than life in the lab. Unaccustomed to the modern world Tierney found himself behind his peers in almost everything. Lost and alone in such a strange and different world made him an easy target for some of the tougher kids in the orphanage and they bullied him relentlessly. It all stopped the day Tierney snapped, nearly killing one of his biggest tormentors. He was punished severely for his actions and Tierney found he just didn’t care. He’d had enough of being walked on and over like a door mat. He was Tierney-fucking-Sinclair and woe to the person who thought him a push over.
Between his powers and his dangerous penchant for using them when angry Tierney did a lot of orphanage hopping until he aged out of the program at eighteen. Life outside the system proved to be….difficult, at best. With a petty crimes rap sheet as long as his arm and a level five label on top of that Tierney found no forgiveness is the world of humans. He survived on odd jobs and theft. Stealing was easy enough when all you had to do was wiggle your fingers at a lock and convince the elderly security guard to look the other way. It was stealing that landed him in the Blackburn Syndicate’s lap. Over confident in his abilities he ended up stepping into the middle of one of their cons at just the wrong moment, causing the whole job to flop. Some would say it was luck that they got out alive, but everyone there knew it was Tierney’s powers and fast thinking that got them all out and in one piece. That didn’t stop the Syndicate from being angry though and they presented Tierney with an offer he couldn’t refuse. Join them or die.
It was simple enough to say yes and shake the hand that sealed his fate. He slipped into life with the Syndicate with ease, surprising even himself. He job hopped for a while, struggling to find his place in the group. It was only after Blake Ryans, the Syndicate’s hitman, took him under his wing that he found it. Killing didn’t come naturally to Tierney but Blake never let him back down. He always said that if the government deemed him as dangerous he may as well live up to it, right? And eventually, he did. Blake crafted him into the best hitman he could be, expertly passing on the wealth of knowledge he’d accrued over the years. Tierney soaked it all up like a sponge and within three years had become Blake’s second in command, trusted enough to do Syndicate jobs on his own sometimes. But nothing good lasts forever.
On a job gone wrong Blake was lost and never returned. Tierney waited, and waited, and waited; but it became increasingly clear Blake was dead. He wasn’t surprised when the Syndicate asked him to step up and take Blake’s job, citing they’d been planning on asking him to do it anyways in the next couple of years. It was an easy enough yes. Blake never returned and after a while Tierney found he’d stopped waiting for him. It’s what Blake would have wanted anyways. He’s been the Syndicate’s most trusted hitman for years now, a job he takes great pride in. The Syndicate has become the only family he’s ever known and he’s exceptionally protective of them because of it. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to protect them. Nothing.
ABIGAIL IMANI - (The tug towards what ‘normal’ could have been.) Tierney knows…almost nothing about this woman, save for the fact she’s always getting a cup of coffee when he is. At first it was just a weird coincidence but after a while it simply became routine. It’s easy to talk with her over things that don’t really matter. She makes him feel almost normal.  What it’s like to be a person rather than the scary mutant most people peg him for these days. With Abigail he’s simply Tierney, the guy who likes too much sugar in his coffee.
CIARA SAWYER - (Another chance. Living vicariously through another.) Tierney can’t explain what drew him to Ciara the first time they met. Maybe it’s because he saw a little of himself in her or maybe it was the way she looked at him and smiled despite his reputation. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t really care. Like Blake all those years ago he tucked her under his wing and has tried to help her find her place in the Syndicate. He never expected someone as soft and quiet as Ciara to wind up being his most trusted asset in the field. Sure, the first couple of jobs were…bumpy but Ciara was a fast learner now they’re like a well oiled machine. He makes their car keys dances and she robs them blind. It’s brilliant. He hasn’t told her, but he’s resoundingly proud of who she’s become. There’s no one he’d rather work with out in the than her. It’s no secret that Tierney is soft on Ciara but woe to the person that tries to exploit that. If there’s one good thing he leaves behind in this world it will be her. He tries his hardest to shelter her from the more grisly aspects of his role in the Syndicate with varying degrees of success.
GERRARD BERMUDEZ - (The tug towards who he is today. Someone to rail against who isn’t afraid to rail back.) Tierney doesn’t hate Gerrard but he certainly doesn’t like him very much. No one knows why, not ever Tierney himself. It was such an instant distaste that lingers on his tongue like bad fish. He avoids him when he can…and when he can’t he’s not afraid to push at his buttons. It’s almost entertaining to see how far he can get sometimes.
Content Warning: murder. abuse, violence, guns
-> Tierney doesn’t like killing. He never has. He knows it’s an odd trait to have in a man who is literally hired to kill people, but it’s something his mentor Blake instilled in him from the minute he started training him. Tierney will never kill someone simply because they are there. If they’re not his target then they don’t matter. He goes to great lengths to avoid unnecessary bloodshed but it’s happened on the rare occasion. He regrets those deaths and only those deaths. -> Some might say Tierney has a nasty habit of over planning his hits, but Tierney would disagree. He likes having a plan, likes watching as all the little pieces fall into place. It’s a heady sense of accomplishment. And the coup-de-grace? The ending parts. Tierney might not like shedding blood unnecessarily but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like shedding it altogether. There’s something heady in holding someone’s life in your hands and knowing exactly what you’re going to do with it. -> Tierney is trained in every aspect of killing imaginable. He’s talented with a gun, with his fists, and with his powers. It doesn’t matter how it happens so long as it happens, so Blake made sure Tierney could do the job any way imaginable. -> Outside of off hand remarks and vague references there is no one in the Syndicate who knows anything about Tierney’s life before the grand fuck up. Anyone that’s tried to ask about it has been rudely told to fuck off or out right ignored. As far as Tierney is concerned his life didn’t start until the Syndicate found him. -> Don’t touch Tierney without his permission. Years of abuse have made him a distrustful and jumpy man. Touching is prohibited to everyone except those he trusts and even then, he’s never been the kind of person who liked hugs anyways. -> Tierney never really managed to adapt to the modern life style that surrounds him. He’s hopeless when it comes to anything more complicated than the texting feature on his phone. Computers have always been a mystery to him and he’s perfectly okay with that. There are plenty of others out there that can do what he wants. If that means he has to ask or intimidate he’s flexible. -> Tierney is a staunch believer that mutants deserve more than they’ve got. Deserve more than a childhood of cruel experiments and homes. He wants mutants to be treated as equals instead of dangerous lab rats. It might not happen in his life time but he wants to pave the way for others like him. He buts heads with people who think mutants are more than humans. He wouldn’t wish his life on even them. -> Tierney doesn’t own a car. He owns a motorcycle. In fact, he owns four. He’s a grease monkey when it comes to bikes and can’t say no to a good deal. He finds something very soothing in spending a day working on one of his bikes. The Syndicate pays him well, but there’s people out there who pay him more for one of his custom bikes. -> Tierney has amazing control over his powers. But his powers have always been deeply tied to his emotions. He’s stronger when he’s feeling a powerful wash of emotions than when he isn’t. He hasn’t lost his cool in nearly twenty years but the effects of it can be damaging. He tries not to let himself get too overwhelmed. -> Tierney’s powers are tied to his hands. He can do things without them but using his hands as focus points helps him with the accuracy of his powers. There is no physical sign that Tierney is using his powers outside of someone who knows that when his hands are moving…things are moving. For Tierney manipulating his powers feels like a string of energy connecting him to his target. He can equate it to almost being like a puppeteer. -> Tierney has a fantastic amount of fortitude when it comes to using his powers for an extended period of time but after a while he will start to get tired, especially for tricks that require his full concentration. -> Power Break Down: ——> Telekinetic Choking: The ability to choke someone without physically touching them. One of the first of Tierney’s powers to manifest and one of the ones he relies heaviest on even now. He must be within sight of his target in order to achieve this power but his range can be as long as a basketball court if he concentrates. ——->  Telekinetic Homing Effect: The ability to cause an object to lock onto a target and follow them until they collide. This trick is one of Tierney’s most useful. And he’s always found it fun to grab someone’s bullet and send it back at them, even if they run. Tierney doesn’t know the full extent of his range but again, he must see the person in order to send anything with homing capabilities at them. ——-> Telekinetic Object Manipulation: The ability to move objects by focusing on them. Probably the best distraction technique ever. Nothing gets people to stop paying attention to their surroundings like their car keys dancing out of their pocket, right? It’s taken him many years but Tierney is now capable of performing this talent with a multitude of objects at the same time. The bigger the object the more concentration it takes. Also a useful skill for picking locks and one he mastered early in his petty crime days. There isn’t a lock he hasn’t been able to pop, yet. Tierney’s range for this is huge but he must be able to see the objects he’s moving if he wants any degree of success. ——-> Telekinetic Mental Manipulation: He’s not able to take over someone’s mind and turn them into his puppet but with a little meddling he’s often able to get people to do things they weren’t prone to doing before. Looking left instead of right, forgetting to check the closet doors, little things that can have a big impact on a job at any given time. Tierney isn’t afraid of his abilities but he hasn’t explored this one as much due to lack of useful targets. His range on this is fairly short and for anything bigger than a stray adjustment or two must put his full concentration on the target. ——-> Psionic Explosion: The ability to create a large mass of energy that can cause huge amounts of damage. Using this power exhausts Tierney and he rarely uses it unless it’s an emergency or a last resort. What little he knows about it comes from the tests he underwent as a child and the two times he’s been forced to use it in his adulthood. Both times leveling a building.
ANYTHING ELSE: Nope! All good on my end! Let me know if you need anything from me!! <3
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pelideswhore · 2 years
more of my prometheus hc's for @godsofhumanity
in that moment, he was irate and willing to do everything. for his pride and honour, to prove to Prometheus that he too could be merciless, but also to give him a second chance, because deep down, he still loved and cared for him endlessly
and so Pandora was created. he felt the slighest bit guilty for doing what he was doing, so he tried to keep himself out of the creation as much as possible, allowing his children to give Pandora her gifts instead of him
when he gave Pandora the box and told her not to open it, a part of him wished she would listen and not open it. he didn't want to hurt Prometheus, but he had to.
Prometheus was away when Pandora arrived. he knew Zeus would strike where it hurt Prometheus the most, so he was expecting Epimetheus to be harmed and had warned him not to accept any gifts from Zeus. Epimetheus and Zeus had known each other during Zeus and Prometheus' friendship, but not enough that Zeus cared about what happened to Epimetheus.
Aphrodite made sure Epimetheus couldn't say no to Pandora, regardless of what Prometheus had said. they were married before Prometheus could even return (Prometheus enjoyed using mortal modes of transport, and stayed away from his divinity as much as he could)
when he was back, he knew Pandora could only mean trouble. but he could see how happy Epimetheus was with her and didn't want to take her away from him, so he said nothing. besides, Epimetheus would only shrug him off as jealous if Prometheus tried to convince him to split from her
what Prometheus didn't expect was that Zeus would harm the mortals. Prometheus knew he hated them of course, but when Pandora's box was open, Prometheus was hurt. Zeus had achieved his goal, but the effects, the suffering of humanity didn't stop.
eventually, Prometheus returned to Olympus for the first time after he had stolen the fire. Zeus is happy to see him, he expects (or hopes?) that Prometheus has come to apologize, he wants to reconcile with him, but instead Prometheus asks Zeus to stop the suffering of the mortals now that he had achieved his goal.
Zeus refuses. in reality, he wished he could but he couldn't stop their suffering. once plague, famine, pestilence were out of Pandora's box, they couldn't be tamed
so Prometheus offers to sacrifice himself. Zeus is shocked, but he can't say no. saying no now would be to show weakness, to admit defeat. he agrees.
and so, Prometheus is chained to a rock, forced to helplessly watch his beloved humans suffer, eternally reminded of his own immortality, his own divinity. Prometheus' punishment remains incredibly symbolic. an eagle returning every day to feast on Prometheus' liver. the eagle obviously symbolizes Zeus, but what's also important to know, is that the liver symbolized back then what the heart symbolizes nowadays. Prometheus' punishment is to have his heart eternally torn out by Zeus—just like he had torn out Zeus' heart through his betrayal
though Zeus couldn't stop humanity's suffering completely, he could help them through it. this was how he and other gods started to put mortals in their care. this was why Zeus started mingling with mortals, for Prometheus' sake. creating a whole new race of heroes, a race of heroes to protect humanity when Prometheus couldn't. Heracles among them.
Prometheus had already warned Zeus about the threat of him being overthrown long before any of this happened, but back then, Zeus was careless. now, he was paranoid. out of a mix of fear and longing for his friend, Zeus ordered Heracles to break the chains
Prometheus arrived at Olympus stumbling, disheveled, golden ichor stained his toga, but Zeus had never been happier to see him. he felt young again. Prometheus was wary, but he'd seen everything Zeus had done for humanity from his rock. Zeus had repented.
because there were enough heroes on earth to protect mortals, Prometheus could dial back from his role as the protector of people without a bad conscience. Zeus and Prometheus were able to spend their time together again, causing bullshit whenever they could. for old time's sake.
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