#back when i first came out as bigender one of my friends was confused on which pronoun set to use
purpleheartemote · 1 year
what do you mean by no pronouns? i’m a little confused
prefer just being called one of my names instead of pronouns being used. think of that meme that’s like “This is Bill. Bill doesn’t care whether someone does [x] or [y] for [z], be like Bill.”
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Yesterday i finally had my prom and my friend's mum took a photo of our friend group at the start and sent it to my parents
When i came back, they were like "we know your secret. The reason why you really wanted to wear a waistcoat to prom" and they would not elaborate, they just kept repeating that they know my secret.
And i was panicing. The reason why i did want to was because i am bigender and just wanted that kind of look because just a dress was too feminine. So i started internally panicing, i felt my heart racing but i kept a poker/confused face, and was asking them "what secret" and was thinking did i not hide my new pride pin well enough? Why were they looking in my room? Did i leave something somewhere else in the house? And i was so conffused why they were smiling, because they are incredibly queerphobic and expressed their opinions constantly.
I was just waiting for one of them to say they found out, then start giving me a lecture, disown me, or say they are starting conversion therapy, or do something worse, i don't know vuut then my sister was just like, "because all of your friends wore waistcoats :)" (and we did not coordinate that, it was a coincidence.) I had to like, calm myself down without showing that i was panicing in the first place which worked but i hated that experience so much, it was terrifying
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vlovers19 · 4 years
Hello my favorite blogger
What baffles me these days is my own reaction. A few days / weeks ago I was sure about my thoughts about Vmin and now suddenly not anymore. How so ? Why am I suddenly sad and hurt? I'm not a shipper and Vmin is / was just real for me all the years.
I love Taehyung! He's my bayes. I love his voice and his unique manner. Since Vmin also belongs to Jimin, I also love Jimin, but different from Taehyung.
What amazes me is that; How can you repeatedly, at intervals a few days or a few weeks, change your own feelings in such a way? How can Jimin, from all these feelings about Tae, suddenly come back to hot feelings about Joonkook?
They sing an almost sweet song / FRIENDS / with all the promise and then suddenly it's over, like magic, we come back to Jikook.
How after what we saw at BV4, what we, as Viminists, read and heard at the beginning of the year - straight from Vmin's mouth, should we now assume that it was all just such an unimportant thing? We saw Vmin; at Grammy, Mama, and others ... we heard what the members say about Vmin, we almost received a declaration of love from Taehyung to Jimin, we got a glimpse into the Vmin relationship where Jimin told, like her always, in the agency "Face to face" calls, like Vmin calls each other when one of them is alone, how important they are to each other. Jimin said that Taehyung is a very important person to him, his only equal friend, and that he wouldn’t mind it staying that way forever. The mood that Vmin spread had to be real because not only did I believe in it, but thousands of other people who had nothing to do with BTS or Vmin before.
Suddenly everything turned but Taehyung (as we have just seen on ISLAND) still stays at Jimin's side. I don't think Taehyung would post all the things if he had known that Jimin would actually rather be with JK or even have feelings for him.
 Taehyung is a proud person and I don't think he would run after anyone who has no feelings for him.
He also wouldn't try to grab his hand or look into his eyes and write love songs if he knew Jimin was in love with JK.
That is my opinion, even if the situation makes me sad, I believe that this confusion has happened recently, is not dependent on Vmin but on the company and its marketing strategy.
I remember myself that the recordings we got are almost 1 year old or even older. The BV4 and the other Vmin things happened later. That, the pictures with the Jimin sitting on Jk, amazes me. In the way Jimin does it again and again with Joonkook, I don't understand. These are childish images, like boys who are going through puberty. I don't understand how people see these pictures as signs of love ??????
Jk also does these games with Suga, also does Taehyung with RM or with Jin etc etc ... but they don't get the attention
 BUT this way Joonkook sometimes pushes Jimin forward is not loving at all but pasively aggression, in my opinion.
In any case  ; something is going on, maybe something is behind or even rotten.
I saw a video once, there were no cameras on, only fans who probably sneaked in there. They filmed the situation with a mobile phone and the quality is bad but good enough to see how loving Vmin was. How Taehyung embraced Jimin, how Jimin snuggled up to Tae, it sat like love.
Afterwards we got official bra shots after the gig, and Vmin pretended they had nothing in common.
Jimin is bigender
This means that the expression of his gender identity is between male and female, he can either consciously or unconsciously switch between perceiving primarily male and primarily female appearance and self-image. His appearance is not only expressed through clothing, but also through body language, choice of words or inner feelings about oneself.
Taehyung knows and accepts everything about Jimin.
"I am from the moon, and you from the stars" ..... we are a mystery
I purple you
Hello Gosia, how are you doing? I share your thoughts and I understand everything. Though, I don't believe they are dating but I believe they have strong feelings for each other.
Like I once said, the era of Vmin showing us all that PDA as a result of their unit is over and now we'll go back to normal.
This is what we get for being shippers. One day you think your otp is real, the next moment, you are seeing one of them or both of them snuggling up to others as if few days ago, they weren't acting as if it was only them in the world.
Honestly, the person who confuses everyone is not Jungkook, it's not Taehyung...it's Jimin. Why do I say so? It's because he alternates his affections between them. One minute, he is all lovey dovey with Taehyung, the next moment, he's all lovey dovey with Jungkook.
What you percieve as Jungkook being agressive is actually his teasing personality. From debut till now, he has been known to tease and 'bully' his hyungs. Pushing them around, playing...
There's this boxing thing he does with Jin which is simply hilarious. But despite this, he is respectful and does what ever his hyungs tells him to do. As far as I know, while they were living together in the dorm, he was in charge of doing everyone's laundry and Jimin himself said that one day when he overdid his teasing towards him, he came to him at night and apologized for it.
Now, Jungkook would show any affection with his hyungs even Taehyung. Back then, he frequently slept on Jin's bed. Jin wrote about it during bon voyage Malta where they wrote letters to each other. He also likes hanging out with Suga. He is the only one who dares to trouble him while in his studio.
Despite all the PDA Jikook has been showing, it doesn't seem to affect Taehyung and Jungkook's relationship. They seem perfectly okay with each other. They don't look like people who are fighting for love. Once in a while, they even flirt.
There are two explanations for this. First, that there's nothing going on between the three of them at all.
Secondly, if there was, there's no need to be jealous.
For shippers like us, we are of the belief that something is going on between them but Taehyung and Jungkook's behavior doesn't indicate that there's any bad blood between them which is always the case when you are fighting for love.
And you are also correct about the fact that Taehyung cannot be holding on to Jimin when he's not interested in him. Taehyung is a very handsome and eligible bachelor that thousands of people want a taste of. Both men and women. If i was in his shoes, if Jimin isn't interested, it will hurt but it can also be seen as dodging a bullet because of the risk involved in actually dating him. It would be better to move on but instead, we see that there's still cordiality between them. Taehyung continues to show his affections for Jimin a lot not so much on camera but off cam showing that something is really fishy because he doesn't seem affected by what's going on between Jimin and Jungkook.
Jimin is in the middle of two men who are not even fighting because of him. It's people that are actually fighting the battle for them. Acting ridiculous, fighting on social media when the people involved don't even care and are just going about their lives like always.
Which is why part of me believes this is a strategy to keep people talking about the group. With all these, there's always something to talk about with Bts much like how we are doing right now.
Vmin has always been reserved with their affection but one thing I noticed is that if they do PDA, they just don't show it like that. There must be something backing them. For example, in 2015 or so when they recorded an amateur drama of two boys breaking up. One would see it and think, that's really gay but you have no basis or proof to show that it's gay. Why? Because they will tell you they were simply acting.
During the last bon voyage where they were in the kitchen acting all 'gay' One would see them and go 'what the hell are these two doing' but there's no basis because they will just tell you they were role playing.
They always have a back up for all their actions like when they were talking about their song friends and revealed weird things. It was even in that interview Taehyung revealed that his inspiration for his song 4'o clock came when he was waiting for Jimin early that morning at a park. Jimin himself talked about getting drunk before meeting Taehyung. Taehyung revealed he took pictures of him that Jimin wasn't even aware of no doubt making people raise their eye brows a bit. But before you can even think too much, they bring up an excuse reminding people they are just two friends.
Another example is their song 'friends'. I read a post by @btsandvmin where she mentioned that the lyrics of the song sounds romantic. If you were hearing the song without knowing the title was friends, you will think it's a romantic song but once that title 'friends' has been put, that basis has been wiped away conditioning us to think that the song is platonic when it's not really the case. Not once was the word 'friends' used. Through out, what we saw and heard was soulmates.
These two are careful. Every action has an excuse but with Jikook, it's right in your face to the point that a lot of people think they are dating. Why make it so obvious when you know how homosexuality is viewed in the country. Unless, there's really nothing to hide so there's no need to be cautious and they just show it all. But off cam, he decides to sing a song with Taehyung. After their vacation, he meets with him, stays close to him with his head on his shoulder and his hands in between his legs. Taehyung tweets sweet things about Jimin despite what he does with Jungkook. If it were the normal case, such 'love' would instantly turn into resentment. Resentment towards the both of them. Instead of tweeting sweet things about Jimin and wanting to sing duets with him, he wouldn't even want to have anything to do with him anymore (Because he's breaking his heart) causing the relationship in the group to even get affected. I don't know about you but I know I would feel resentment.
The entertainment world is not as simple as we think. To stay relevant is actually hard work especially when there are the younger upcoming generations rearing up to take your place. And to stay relevant, people need to talk about you. BTS is what they are today because all kinds of people love them. The straights, the non-straights... people of different denominations and cultures and they have to satisfy all these people. Take for instance, their newly released single Dynamite. They are Koreans and apart from Namjoon, not a single one of them can speak English yet they do it for us to satisfy the cravings of international fans. That is what it means to be in the entertainment industry.
About Jimin being bigender, we aren't sure as he hasn't come out to say such but with his changing personality, it's actually a possibility
But Vmin knows that one day these cheers will come to an end and when that day comes, they'll still be together however way they want.
Thanks for this ask and keep believing in Vmin. I purple you too. Have a great day 💜💜
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thatgaydemigodnerd · 5 years
A little bit of both pt 3
Tw: mentions of truscum
The final part of the series.
I wanted to post this sooner but I didn't manage to finish it untill today.
This is for week two of @fander-pride-meetup representation, although it's already in week three, I still wanted to post this.
This will have a happy ending, as it's the conclusion to the story.
Roman was non-binary.
Until they weren’t.
Or at least, that’s what they think?
Truth be told it still felt good to see themselves as feminine, but they couldn’t deny that there was an edge of masculinity in them. They were so confused as they screamed into their pillow.
Rolling onto their back and hugging their pillow they unplugged their phone from their charger and opened Google, typing 'both guy and girl' into the search bar. When that gave mainly stuff about intersex people they added gender to the end.
They scrolled though the various links, seeing some Tumblr stuff, they shuddered, they’d heard about Tumblr but they didn’t want to see any of it with their own two eyes. Their eyes found a link that seemed promising, when they clicked on it they saw a lost of words with definitions behind them, they started reading to see if there was anything.
That’s when they saw it, that word that explained it. Bigendered. Both male and female. Something just felt right about that. Roman finally felt like they knew what was going on with their gender.
Excitedly they texted Virgil
Non-binary royalty: dude I got something to tell you can I call you
Patches: Sure.
Roman smiled widely as they tapped on the call button, Virgil answered immediately.
“What’s up?”
“I figured out my gender! I think. I was thinking about how I still felt like a woman, but at the same time I also felt like a man, so I googled for both guy and girl, and I found out about bigendered. Both male and female, it just feels right.” Roman couldn’t suppress a smile as they said it.
“That’s great! I’m happy for you. Do I need to switch pronouns again?”
Roman paused, they hadn’t thought about that. He took a moment to try out different things. She thought back to when she identified as a trans woman, but then he remembered that he also never really felt bad. And he had started to miss it a little bit when they weren’t using it.
“Could you try mixing things up and using both he him and she her?” Roman asked unsure about himself.
“Sure, I’ll try to remember. I’d say the whole punching thing is still standing but I’m not sure when you’d actually punch me.”
“I’ll see about that, thanks anyways.”
Roman hang up with a smile, she really did feel good about this. She went through his contacts and tapped on Patton’s name, sending him a text.
Non-binary royalty: I think I finally figured out my gender
Non-binary royalty: I’m pretty sure I’m bigendered, both male and female
Non-binary royalty: please use both he/him and she/her for me
Roman put away his phone and laid back on her bed, waiting for Patton to respond.
Patton had done as he promised and had gotten better about the whole transgender thing. He had done research himself but had also just asked questions to Roman when he was confused about stuff. Roman had warned him about the misleading stuff posted by truscum and Patton listened, being critical of sources and what they say.
Roman checked her phone again to see Patton had responded.
Patdad: Okay kiddo :D
Roman was smiling at his phone as it buzzed from receiving a text message from Virgil, Roman quickly switched over to him.
Patches: Do you want to come over to celebrate?
Non-binary royalty: sure
Roman got up and walked over to Virgil’s place with a smile and a Happy spring in her step.
He arrived at the same time as Patton, waving at him, when Virgil opened the door.
The two walked in to see that Virgil had actually decorated the house as much as he could in fifteen minutes, there were some balloons laying on the floor or taped to the walls. There were bowls of chips and bottles of soda on the table, and Virgil had pulled out a few board games from his closet.
“You really didn’t have to put in all this effort.” Roman said as he looked around amazed.
“Sure I did, this is a great thing, also I still feel bad about how I used to treat you, so I’m making up for it.”
“At least someone is.” Roman said with a sigh.
���What do you mean kiddo?” Patton asked confused.
“It’s nice to have you two as my friends again but it just isn’t the same with Logan here, even if he is a truscum.”
“Yeah, but he can change that, you can’t change being trans, so until he decides to be better he’s out of the group.” Virgil shrugged.
“I do agree with Roman, it has been odd hanging out without Logan, maybe we should help him change so he can join us again?” Patton said hopefully.
“its hard arguing with someone who has set their mind on disagreeing with who you fundamentally are. And besides, arguing about being trans doesn’t noticeably impact him while it greatly affects me because it feels like a direct attack on me.” Roman said as she lowered his shoulders, seemingly tired from just thinking about it.
Patton put an arm around her shoulders and smiled. “We’ll be there to help you, we can back you up or take over if it’s too much for you.”
“Yeah, Logan is a man of science, if we find the proper sources he must see that he’s wrong and change his mind on the matter.” Virgil added.
Roman didn’t say anything as he thought it over, he did like the idea of having their friend group be complete again.
The three of them set out on the internet to find facts and sources, gathering them all in a word document, with short summaries and links, and then set out to write out the arguments. The celebration long forgotten.
Roman was feeling very nervous as Patton knocked on Logan’s door, the last time she saw him they didn’t part on good terms.
Virgil squeezed his arm and she looked at him, seeing him smiling reassuringly at her.
Logan opened the door and straightened his tie, his eyes going over the three people in front of him.
“For what reason may the three of you be gathered in front of my door. I was under the impression that you all were refusing to talk to me.”
“And do you know why?” Virgil asked him as he stared him in the eyes.
“Well, Roman stopped associating with me after I discovered he is not actually transgender and has merely been pretending to be so for attention. And both you and Patton stopped associating with me when you started associating with Roman again.”
“Now listen here yo-“ Roman began but Virgil grabbed her shoulder and shot him a warning look.
“That is actually why we are here, we wanted to talk to you about whether or not you can be trans without dysphoria.”
Logan sighed and stepped out of the way. “Very well, come inside.”
They all say down around Logan’s dinner table, Virgil pulled out his phone in which they’d written down their arguments. Patton started off from the top of his head. “Scientists agree that there is a difference between being transgender and having gender dysphoria, with gender dysphoria being categorized as a mental disability.”
Virgil picked up next “Furthermore, there are many people who experience gender euphoria but no gender dysphoria, this still makes them transgender.”
Roman took a deep breath and began talking next, she knew that he was with friends who would help him and support her, so she laid out his heart for Logan. “It just feels so right for me to be bigendered, and yes, I don’t have dysphoria, a part of me is a man which makes it so that I don’t mind my man body, but that doesn’t take away that I am part woman as well. I am transgender, no matter what you may think.” Roman didn’t dare look at Logan, looking instead at her hands or the wall or anywhere else, hut after he finished she finally looked into Logan’s eyes. Logan didn’t say anything, he seemed deep in thought.
“My sources say differently, my aunt is transgender herself and after she came out of the closet I interviewed her on all sorts of matters, mainly about being transgender. She explained to me that there are many people who say they are transgender but in fact are not, and are only pretending so for attention. Those people do not experience gender dysphoria and thus can not be transgender. I understand now that I should not have trusted her word without doing some research myself. I will come back to all of you at a later date. You have given me a lot to think about.”
Virgil was the first to stand up, followed by Roman herself. Patton looked at Logan for a bit longer but stood up as well and walked after the other two, closing the door behind him.
“That went so much better than I could have ever imagined.” Roman said as he let out a breath he had been holding.
“Logan has always been someone who doesn’t want to be wrong, and no matter how much he hated admitting he was wrong, he will change his ideas and views if you can present good arguments.” Patton said with a smile. “He’ll be our friend again soon enough.”
Logan one day had simply showed up at Romans house when Virgil was hanging out with her, had said only sorry, and sat down to join their conversation just like that. And Roman was happy with that, he was happy that their friend group was back together again. He knew they fully supported her and loved her, and he loved them back.
The end.
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asiryn · 6 years
Healing Vision Headcanons: Olette/Xion/Namine/Sora/Riku Edition
will be putting this behind a cut for the length. will contain a bit of kh3 spoilers behind the cut. refer to this post for background knowledge about this verse.
as indicated by the title, this post will all be about that ship, and the subset ships of olette/namine, xion/namine, xion/olette, sora/riku, and sora/namine.  
- namette, namishi, xiolette, soriku, and sonami will all be romantic ships
- olette/sora, olette/riku, xion/sora, rikushi, and namiku will all be more on the queerplatonic end of the spectrum
- sora is pan; riku is gay; olette is a lesbian; xion is a lesbian demisexual; namine is a demiromantic ace
- xion is intersex, but i’m still deciding between her either being a trans girl or nonbinary; i’m similarly undecided about namine, tho for her i’m deciding between bigender or nonbinary
- originally in the HV, soriku and namixiolette were going remain separate. but then i played kh3, and my sonami feels were really reawakened with a vengeance; when i went to look up fanfic for the ship, i was distressed to see that the majority of them were all alternative CoM angst endings---there was pretty much no fluff, none where sora and namine just got to be happy together. so---i’m being the change that i want to see in the world :3
- many years ago now (o.o ...god saying that makes me feel old), i wrote an olette/namine fanfic, which essentially details how i think they could have met in the canon verse, and even now it’s still essentially my headcanon. this is a bit of a spoiler for the end of that fic, but namine ends up having to wipe herself from olette’s memory. in the HV, when olette sees namine again for the first time after kh3, all her memories come back, and she remembers her again
- xion and namine bond over their similar experiences of being forgotten by the ppl they cared about
- part of the reason that xion and namine are drawn to olette is bc, compared to most of the ppl they’ve known, she’s so simple and uncomplicated; she’s warm, genuine, honest, easygoing, affectionate, and compassionate, and so she’s like a breath of fresh air to them
- sora’s feelings for riku have been present for a long time, though before the events of the series, he was a bit oblivious to the true, romantic nature of those feelings, mostly bc he just didn’t really dwell on it that much. all he knew was that riku was his favorite person to be around, and he was content w/ that
- but as they grew older, and especially as riku hit puberty, riku’s relationships with both sora and kairi started to take a downward swing. riku started getting very jealous of sora and kairi’s relationship, bc he was realizing that he was in love with sora, and wanted all of sora’s attention to himself, especially romantically. but riku was also experiencing an incredible amount of internalized homophobia, and he started lashing out at sora, which drove sora into spending more time with kairi
- riku’s parents were extremely homophobic, and so riku grew up knowing from a pretty young age that he was in love w/ sora, and also that those feelings were Wrong, but no matter how much he tried to ignore them, they never went away. and as he grew up, riku knew perfectly well that his parents would kick him out, at best, if they found out he was gay, and so he grew up with a crippling fear of abandonment, and he especially became terrified of losing sora too (riku attempting to share a paopu fruit w/ sora was partially motivated as a way to ensure that sora would never abandon him)
- ftr, when sora and riku are finally together and are going to go home after kh3, they discuss how they want to handle their relationship, and when riku finally reveals his parents’ emotional abuse, sora refuses to let riku go back to living w/ them. so first they come out to sora’s mom, who’s supportive and agrees to let riku live w/ them from now on, and then after they pack up riku’s belongings, they come out to riku’s parents and the community on their own terms (bc after everything they’ve been through, they refuse to be ashamed about this, and they know that word would travel fast anyway); riku’s parents react as expected, but at this point, riku’s done giving a shit about them, and so he moves in w/ sora 
- (this is the beginning of hikari becoming the pioneer of what i call the gaywakening of destiny islands; she’s on a one-woman crusade to bring about queer education, rights, and pride, and it is 50% her being determined to be the most supportive parent in all the known universe, and 50% her being passive-aggressive as fuck towards riku’s parents. but the details of her crusade will be for another post XP)
- by the beginning of kh1, sora was starting to feel more flashes of attraction to riku. when riku first attempted to share a paopu fruit w/ him, sora kind of panicked, and thought that riku was just teasing him, and so sora tossed it away (riku of course took this as a total rejection)
- the next day, when riku brought up the idea of sharing a paopu fruit w/ kairi, was when sora’s confusion over his feelings really started. bc of general compulsory heterosexuality, and bc destiny islands was a more conservative community and thus had a lot of casual homophobia, sora never much questioned the assumption that boys and girls could only date each other (not that he had really given dating much thought before then, either). and w/ the assumption that strong relationships between boys and girls always ended up as romances, sora started wondering if his feelings towards kairi were romantic, and whether he did want to share a paopu fruit w/ her. complicating this was the fact that he really didn’t like the idea of riku sharing a paopu fruit w/ her, though he didn’t quite understand why, combined w/ the fact that he hated feeling like he was only ever second best to riku
- all of riku’s anguish came to a boiling and breaking point in kh1, as riku perceived all of sora’s actions as him choosing to abandon riku, just like he’d always feared. at this point, riku felt that he needed to be needed and necessary, and his whole identity was built on the idea that his friends needed him to be their strong protector, and he couldn’t really cope w/ the idea of sora not needing him after all; he latched onto saving kairi bc she really did need help
- as the series went on, sora became more fixated on the idea of kairi; she came to sort of represent the home that he missed so much. and w/ everyone else just assuming that it was So Obvious that sora was in love w/ kairi, he went along w/ that assumption too. upon his reunions w/ kairi and riku in twtnw at the end of kh2, and the wildly different emotions they each had inspired in him, sora began to realize the truth of his feelings, but he was still mostly in denial. when they were all home for a brief bit before the mark of mastery exams, sora was being confronted w/ the fact that his ideal of both kairi and Being Home weren’t matching up w/ the reality and things were awkward between them, but sora tried to tell himself that it was just bc they still needed more time
- all of this was even further compounded by the fact that sora fell in love w/ namine during re:com, and tho he couldn’t recall the memories of her, his feelings for her were still there, along with the aching sense that he had forgotten something important. seeing namine again at the end of kh2 really sparked and stirred up his feelings again, but sora had no context to understand them (how could he be in love w/ someone that he didn’t even know?). he kind of tried to convince himself that these feelings were for kairi, but he knew that they weren’t really
- obvs, after kh3, sora remembers (and thanks) namine; the circumstances of this aren’t fully fleshed out. partially it’s bc it’s tied in with my indecision about in what way i should alter the canon scenes of kairi being fridged. on one hand, bc i feel that the whole affair of kairi dying was entirely superfluous, i could tweak it so that she never dies. on the other hand, i could go with kairi ‘dying’ in the battle, but in a more heroic self-sacrificial way (maybe she took a hit meant for sora or someone else), and then there being an actual story arc where sora and riku go and save her. it would essentially involve them collecting the pieces of her and putting her back together (like sora did for himself in the final world), but with more...effort involved. and in said story arc, there could be an event that triggers sora into remembering namine, or something to that effect.  
- again, undecided if i want to change the canon paopu fruit scene into being a sorikai friendship moment instead, or if i’ll keep the canon version, but with the reading that it happened bc sora and kairi were both still suffering from compulsory heterosexuality, and still trying to force themselves into believing that they liked each other romantically; if i go with the saving kairi story arc, it would be the latter option
- continuing on with ‘saving kairi’ story arc, in this version, when sora and riku go off to save her together (on a meta-textual level, it’d be a way for their story to come full circle: they’re back where they started, but they’re going to do it right this time; instead of having petty fights with each other over who gets to save kairi, they’ll save her together), sora still would have been in denial about the true nature of his feelings for riku. but travelling together with him, and actually spending time with riku after being apart for so long, sora will start to understand his feelings better
- riku of course already knows that he’s deeply in love with sora and is pining, but he’s trying to keep his distance, bc sora and kairi are ‘together’ now (and mostly riku is just resolved that he won’t let his jealousy get the better of him this time, and he’s determined to be the best and most supportive friend that he can be)
- romantic moments and almost kisses keep happening anyway, but riku tries to tell himself that he’s imagining things and reading too much into it, while sora struggles with acceptance of his true feelings
- even still, sora and riku won’t actually get together until after sora and kairi have some sort of conversation where they finally talk through everything and can admit that they only love each other as friends, and they finally put to rest their attempts to force romantic feelings for each other
- after coming to an understanding with kairi, sora will then seek out to riku finally talk things out with him and to confess his true feelings (and there’ll be a lot of happy tears, probably)
- even tho sora might be a bit hesitant to potentially rock the boat this early in his new relationship w/ riku, in the interests of honesty and full disclosure, and having by this point remembered namine and had all those feelings come rushing back to the forefront, sora will quietly confess to riku that he thinks he might be in love with namine too
- to sora’s surprise, riku’s quiet for a moment, but then tells him that he’s honestly not really surprised, as he’s always thought that a lot more went down between sora and namine in castle oblivion than namine tried to let on; at this point, riku reminds sora that he spent the majority of a year w/ namine while she was trying to fix his memories, and he remembered her heartbreak and anguish as she essentially worked to erase herself from sora’s memories, tho she tried to conceal her pain
- riku remembers this as being one of the big turning points for him as a person, bc instead of being jealous about namine being in love w/ sora too, he just empathized w/ her instead, and thought that they were/would be suffering the same pain of being in unrequited love w/ sora, as he thought they’d both have to watch sora be in love w/ kairi
- while sora and riku are off saving kairi, and incidentally saving namine as well, during that time, xion and olette are meeting and getting to know each other as friends
- xion and olette may have already started going on a few dates by the time sora and riku get back w/ kairi, and namine is given her own body again; sora and riku get together not long after they get back
- at first, namine is more focused on forming friendships; during this time, the person she becomes closest to is xion, bc again, they can both empathize w/ each other a lot
- during this time, sora and namine are trying to keep their promise of being friends for real this time, but it’s not quite working out bc they’re both kinda pining for each other
- all the while, namine is coming to terms w/ her asexuality, and she’s also starting to fall for xion especially, but also olette; namine tends to experience a lot of insecurity and anxiety, and she becomes terrified of possibly ruining her friendship w/ xion, and so ends up confiding in her all of her angst. xion assures her that she’s not ruining anything, and that she’s interested in namine as well, but admits that she doesn’t really know what she’s doing either, and suggests that they consult w/ olette, who’s pretty much the relationship expert
- olette is the one who helps namine understand her asexuality, and suggests the polyamory option; xion and olette have an allosexual relationship, while their relationship w/ namine is purely ace
- meanwhile, riku can’t stand seeing sora be unhappy, and so he goes to consult w/ olette, and together they arrange for all five of them to sit down and hash everything out, w/ the end result being that sora and namine will also be dating; their relationship is also purely ace, and sora’s w/ riku is allosexual
- after kh3, axel and saix effectively adopt roxas and xion, and they’re all living in twilight town now
- sora and riku are of course living w/ sora’s mom on destiny islands, and namine was adopted by kairi’s dad, and so now she’s living w/ kairi (at first namine was afraid of kairi being mad at her for dating sora, but kairi’s perfectly fine w/ it)
- if the ‘saving kairi’ story arc didn’t happen, then during the amount of time that it would have taken for sora and riku to save her, that time was instead sora and kairi attempting to date each other; when they realized that the relationship wasn’t working for them and neither of them were happy, they finally gave up on being in denial and called it quits. during that time, riku and namine were pining for sora, while in this version, namixiolette fell for each other at around the same time and pace (instead of it being xiolette first, and then namine coming into the relationship later)
- after sokai stopped dating, the ot5 getting together went down pretty much in the same way as in the ‘saving kairi’ story arc
- is it perhaps excessive that namine has two girlfriends, a boyfriend, and a queerplatonic partner? imo, she’s been alone and isolated for far too long, so i’m giving her all the love that she deserves (and she’ll also have ALL the friends; a few of the ones she’s closest to being kairi and terra)
- every one of the ot5 ships will just be full of softness and gentleness 
- sora and olette.....are just gonna be such BROS to each other (in general, olette is just cultivating her butch lesbian #aesthetic these days). she’ll be like this w/ roxas too, but they’ll just constantly be playing video games and skateboarding; xion’ll be getting in on this too
- okay, so xion and riku’s relationship. during Days, when xion was absorbing sora and his memories, she did experience and kinda channel sora’s feelings for riku (and for his part, riku felt something of an echo of sora from her). so while she doesn’t experience those feelings for herself anymore, she still remembers the echo of it, and so things are a bit awkward between them at first (also riku still feels guilty about essentially coercing xion and roxas into dying). eventually they do find common ground and settle into a comfortable friendship (also, xion experienced the same thing in regards to kairi)
- for sora, he had a similar problem w/ xion, in that he experienced a lot of roxas’s feelings towards her (tho that was mostly the pain of losing her), so he still remembers the echoes of those emotions. but again, he ends up really becoming bros w/ her and olette
- olette and riku probably took the longest to really bond, tho they eventually did bc they discovered they liked doing little crafts together
- being both introverts, riku and namine find a lot of solace in each other when they just need some quiet time; olette and sora are both extroverts, w/ xion being somewhere in the middle
- olette does have some playful flirting going on w/ kairi, but it’s never anything serious. xion and kairi like sparring w/ their keyblades together
- if the five of them ever moved in together, it’d probably be in either twilight town or destiny islands. there’d be at least 3 bedrooms (one for if someone needed some alone time, one for cuddles, and one for activities that would not involve namine)
- the more likely option is that soriku and xiolette would each have their own houses/apartments (in destiny islands and twilight town, respectively), and namine would bounce back and forth between them. both places would have at least 2 bedrooms each
- soriku’s place is probably more of a cottage that’s closer to the seaside than the center of the mainland, while xiolette’s place is an apartment. namine has rooms set aside for her in both places, and her belongings are scattered between them. big things like her easels for paintings and canvases and things like that are at soriku’s cottage, which has more space than xiolette’s apartment, etc. 
- sora, riku, and xion are all officially keyblade wielders/masters, so that’s pretty much their occupations. olette is probably going to be attending university soon, and namine will probably go to art school (probably just for the experience more than anything else)
- tbh, idk what olette would be studying at university. maybe business management and/or marketing, bc she found she really liked working at scrooge’s bistro and wants to take over it someday? maybe she wants to open her own small business. maybe it’s a sports scholarship. fashion or graphic design? idkkk
okay, i think that’ll be enough for this post. if i have more headcanons about this ship, i’ll be making another post for them, bc this one is already probably far too long XDD
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streaks-of-lavender · 6 years
Fander Pride Meet Up Entry
Hello! Spoonfullofcrofters here! You can call me pretty much whatever, some know me as Adrian, some Quinn, a lot of people just call me Carrot based on my email address. I am a genderfluid, aroflux bisexual. He/him or they/them pronouns, please.
I first realised that I was bisexual in 9th grade, when I came across the term on BuzzFeed. Ever since I was little there had been signs that I didn’t know how to recognise. Or maybe I was too scared. Because I didn’t know you could be bisexual. As in, I didn’t think it was physically possible. It had to be one or the other, no in between at all. I wasn’t biphobic or anything, just ignorant. No one had ever even said the word “bisexual” to me before. I didn’t know it existed. As far as I knew, it was gay or straight, that was it. And so for a long time it terrified me to no end. I knew I wasn’t gay. I’d liked guys before, I was attracted to guys, so I couldn’t possibly be gay. Right? For a long time I was in denial. I tried to ignore that part of me, tried to pretend it didn’t exist. It was around when I started high school that I couldn’t ignore it anymore. It demanded to be acknowledged. There had been so many little things. The “boy” I saw one day in fourth grade and thought was cute, until they turned around and I realised it was a girl, but I still thought she was cute. That time I was watching a show and a character that hadn’t been seen for a while showed up, and my first thought was, “Damn, she got hot.” That one shook me up for a good two days. The time I said to my mother, when she asked, “IDK. Either one, I guess, it doesn’t really matter.” I legitimately said to my mother “Could be either, I don’t care” and still thought I was straight. Currently laughing at baby bisexual me. Then one night I was killing time on BuzzFeed, and I saw an article about problems bisexual people have. I’m not sure what compelled me to click on it, but I did. I read it. Then all the comments. Then searched BuzzFeed for more, and when I’d read everything, proceeded to Google. I’ll admit I was a bit in shock. Suddenly here was a word, here were people like me, here was the answer I’d been searching for. It didn’t take me long to start calling myself bi. It was something I’d always been, no matter how much I tried to repress it. The only difference was that now it had a name. My gender identity was a much more complicated process.
As did my sexuality crisis, my gender crisis began on the internet, on YouTube this time. I was watching Mileschronicles. His old version of the gender tag, to be specific. He said something along the lines of, “I don’t feel entirely like a girl, but I don’t really feel any pressure to figure out what else I feel like, either.” I thought, “What’s the big deal? No one feels completely girly all of the time. Mostly it’s just kind of meh.” and then I thought, “Wait.” That was that door open now. This, however, was not nearly as easy and clear cut as the end of my straight phase had been. I was terrified and shocked and uncertain. How could I not be a girl? I’d always been a girl! Sure, most of the time I wasn’t the most feminine person, but that didn’t mean I was a boy or anything! As per usual, I took to the internet for answers. I learned about all sorts of identities. Nonbinary, agender, bigender, demigender, genderflux. I could never seem to settle on one, though. Ironically, the one I never really looked into was genderfluid, because I thought, “no, that’s definitely not it.” Currently facepalming, brb. Part of the reason I was having such a hard time was my uncertainty. This was uncharted territory here. Sure, my mom and brother were both gay, but this was completely new. Was it true? Was I lying? Could I be making it up? Then I found a tumblr post saying, “If you have to ask, then the answer is probably yes,” which helped. The other issues was that I couldn’t pin it down. I’d find one thing that felt right and go, “Oh, this must be it!” But then a few days later it would feel wrong again. At the time I thought I was faking it. Now I realise it was just changing. It took me a lot of reflection and more than a few all-nighters to start really understanding and becoming comfortable with it. Suddenly so many things made sense. Why I was so much more bothered than all the other girls during our fourth grade Human Growth and Development unit. Why when I’d go shopping to buy clothes for a chorus concert, the thought of having to wear a dress made me so uncomfortable, but a few nights later I would be longing to pull out the skirt buried in the back of my closet. Why every little part of puberty felt so utterly wrong. I didn’t want to start wearing that awful flowery deodorant my mother wanted me to. I didn’t want to wear a bra. And I did NOT want to get my period. The first few times I had it were awful. I was mortified. I was shocked. I wanted to hide under the covers until the sun went away. At the time I think it was because I thought I was too young, but looking back, there was more to it. This bone deep sense of NO, WRONG, THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, THIS IS NOT ME. I would get so confused when sometimes I would be watching someone like Zoella on YouTube and it would leave me feeling absurdly feminine, wanting to run around the room and scream at the top of my lungs, “I’m a girl!!” which never made sense, because of course I was. What else would I be? Genderfluid, that’s what. At the time I just had no idea.
That was almost two years ago now. Things were rough at times, but I’ve been blessed with the most understanding and supportive family in the world, the best possible friends, and probably the best possible environment, and I am so happy. My parents accepted me as soon as they got over their initial shock. My friends made adjustments without batting an eye. My teachers started using my new name without question when the guidance counselor emailed them. Sure, things might have been a bit hard at first, but I’m doing okay. For the first time in forever I feel like I’m going to be alright. And potential reader, whatever you’re going through right now, you’ll be alright too. If you need it I’ll be here to support you every step of the way. Take it easy, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals (I’ve always wanted to say that). <3
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peach-cake-slice · 7 years
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I honestly have many OCs, most part of them might don’t be interesting for most part of you but I guess I’ll talk about one of them anyway xP And for this I’ll use my Yuri on Ice OC, called Max. I made him for a RP with @chubbybloomykitty and @blackcatfishingdreams where all the skaters are judging on a kind of “The Voice” skating version xP And our OCs are competeting on this contest having Yuuri and Viktor as their couchies :) If you want to know more about it send an ask to me or to one of my two friends xP But before I start answering this I’ll talk a little about Max [WARNING: THIS CHARACTHER IS QUEER, IF YOU DON’T SUPPORT IT DON’T SEND ME BULLSHIT TALKING ABOUT HOW BEING QUEER IS WRONG OR ANY “PENIS AND VAGINA” SHIT. THANK YOU? THANK YOU] Max is an 17 years old, AMAB (assigned male at birth) boyflux with a short curly hair (sometimes leave it straight), brown eyes and white skin. He likes to use make up and “girly” clouthes sometimes but usely goes for the most neutral visual they can. You can use whatever pronouns with them (from he to zir) and he won’t feel bad, they just don’t want you to treat them as a cisgender boy xP Ok, I guess it was all I could say before starting (I should really try to draw them -v-’’’) let’s go then <3
1. Their voice
Max’s voice is pretty chill and soft, it’s not so deep but also not so acute but it deppends on their emotions (usually makes a really acute voice when have strong emotions. It’s  unusual from them to make a deep voice, unless they are singing)
2. Their smile
Booooy, he has one of the most beautiful smiles of all my OCs until now. Because of their radiant personality he likes to smile a lot specially close to their friends and loved ones <3 (that doesn’t mean that they can’t be savage or sassy tho (¬ ͜ʖ¬) )
3. Their Greatest Achievement
Welp, that’s a good question... Since we didn’t decided who will win the contest yet I guess their greatest achievement until now was to quit their parents house to pratice their skating and get to be noticed by their idols. It’s something that I didn’t discussed to any of my friends yet but their parents awalys were very queerphobic and never supported their dreams and hobbies. And after their father find out that they had a boyfriend (currently ex bf, but that’s another story...) they reacted very strongly and the only thing that came to Max’s mind was to run away as quick as possible. After this, they made everything they could to be strong and get to an big skating contest despite all prejudice they suffered on the process and show to everyone that queer people (specially nb people) DO exists and can be whatever they want. They never hided their gender identity or their sexuality to anyone since then. So be one of the finalists of a big contest with 2 of their idols was something REALLY important to them.
4. Their insecurities
This is something that Max tries their best to hide from everyone but their past are awalys hunting them. They often gets pretty scared of walking on streets and accidentily meet their parents or their former bf again. Why? Well, since their parents is something obvious let’s just talk about their former bf. Welp, he and Max know each other since they were just children and Max awalys felt something for him. They started dating hided from their parents then ran to live together and help each other with their dreams. He awalys made Max very happy and showed all support in the world with everything Max wanted to do (buy a skirt, learning light make up, change their civil name to their social name, etc...) and Max were very happy thankful for all of this. But then one night, when Max woke up in the middle of night and listened to him talking with someone on the phone about them. When they noticed it, they went to the living room to listen the rest of the conversation he was having and what he heard was “I’m trying what I can to make him realize that this queer thing is bullshit. Even tho *insert Max’s civil name here* seems to want to become a girl he awalys take it back and try to have his maculinity back. Maybe he is just afraid that I broke up with him if he decides to be a girl, or is just confused... I’m trying my best to help him to decide it but he insists on this Non Binary shit”.  Well, short speaking... Max started to cry, slaped his face before he could turn off his phone and ran away one more time. After this all this words kept hunting their mind and sometimes gave him terrible nightmares.
5. Their shortcomings
Max is often very impulsive and don’t think too much before decide something. They never were able to see if they have some depression or anxiety disorder because they never looked for a psychologist or any other specialists to find this out. They are headstrong and don’t give up on one point of view easily (which sometimes is good but sometimes can be really mad).
6. How do they deal with grief.
Skating or simply dancing awalys helped them to deal with anything, specially if this is a happy song, and sometime they just slack off and watch animes or play indie video games <3 (my sweet nerd :’D)
7. How they like to dress
Usually, Max tried to dress as neutral as possible with a large sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers. On special occasions they like to use one of the dress or the skirts their friend usually like to give them <3
8. What they like to eat
*inhales* Ok, we are talking about what they like to eat or what they CAN eat? xP Max usually goes for vegan food not because they are actually vegan, they are more for vegetarian, but because it’s yummy and it helps them to have a good meal and control their weight at the same time (also they LOVE to cook and have a great fun doing all the types of vegan meal by themselve xP)
9. Their theme
Master of Tides - Lindsey Stirling This song was used on their first presentation for the contest and he played as a strong pirate playing with his enemies <3 And this song is the one that I’m planning to use for their final presentation (just thinking tho). And think both fits as their themes because they fit with their strenghtness and their fragility respectively
10. Their fashion sense
They don’t actually have one (?) they just go with the style they are currently into xP They like the punk style and the goth style but it’s awalys that they use it for themselves.
11. Their family life
Max’s family had a rich life and owned a very important executive business company. Lucky for Max, they never got envolved with skating or any kind of  ice sport but it doesn’t make their fear of ocasionally meeting their parents disappear.
12. Their romanticaly life
Max only date once so far and had small relations with some people (usually guys). Max is kinda afraid of seriously moving on and date again and gets really nervous with the idea of falling in love to someone again But to their sadness (or not  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) they are currently between an amazing bigender person they met on the contest’s cerimonial party, called Gemna, and a boy from his team called Toby.
13. Their embarrassing memory from years ago
Being recorded while performing and singing Steven Universe’s song drunk xP (Specially “Giant Woman” and “Do It for Her”)
14. How they react to burning their tongue with food
Covering their mouth and blow all the heat they can out while sheding some little tears :’)
15. How they react to brainfreeze
Put their hand on their head and curse xD
16. Their dreams
Other than just winning the contest, they want to open a LGBT+ Friendly Dancing School <3
17. Their ambitions
To be an inspiration to all queers and see they saying that they changed their life somehow by giving them the hope that they can fight against all their prejudice and be the heck they want to be and do the heck they want to do
18. How they sleep
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19. Their reaction to betrayal
Boy, Max can forgive many things but betrayal is not one of them. If they ever find out that someone is betraying them, they will make sure that the person will be cient that they know it and then will treat them like they never had existed and like an invisible person.
20. Their reaction to a mystery love letter
Blushing (!?!?!?) and get really nervous about who sent this xD
21. How they react to pain
.... You mean physical pain or mental pain (?) If it’s mental they try to make their best to don’t show it to anyone as long as they can and to not cry because someone can come and see it or call him and get worried if they don’t hang up.
22. What they are like on two hours of sleep
They never sleep just two hours if someone try to wake them up like this their reaction is just to say “ok” and sleep again against their own will xP
23. How they act when they are sick
Max becomes an unseless vegetable when they are sick and make everything pretty slow, speacially on understanding things xP
24. What motivates them
Other then all their objectives and stuff? THIS GODDAMN SONG! 
25. Why I enjoy them
Boy... They are my child...I don’t know how to explain this, I just love them so much and I want to protect them with all my powers ;u;Aaaaaaand that’s it :3 I hope you enjoy them <3 Tell me if you did!
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dreaming-jun-chu · 8 years
Rock and Riot review
 Warning: This post is very long! I will have a typed up summary/shorter version come very soon.
Ah, the 1950s in the United States. 
Poodle skirts!
Civil Rights Movement.
Homophobia and Transphobia.
These are the reality to that time period. As much as people want to erase the “sucky” parts, that’s the reality of it and it shaped how we view ourselves as queer people of color.
That’s where Rock and Riot comes in. And let me say: It’s not good.
Rock and Riot is an LGBT comic about queer kids and kids of color in the 1950s finding love. The comic prides itself on it’s diversity to not only race but to sexuality and gender. To queer white kids, it’s extremely diverse and “progressive”. To queer people of color like me, it’s really offensive and just plain jarring.
Going chapter by chapter, I will tell everything wrong with not only the chapter but for the overall story.
Chapter 1
It starts off with the main protagonist, Connie, riding up with her school gang The Jacquettes. While traveling down the hallway, she notices this blonde hair and blue eyed girl named Carla and instantly falls for her. Connie then goes through the “i’m gonna impress her” motions of flexing her muscles, smoking to seem cool and driving her car in donuts before finally speaking to her.
Let’s pause that for a second.
Connie is African-American/Black while Connie is White. During the 1950s, you’d be hard pressed to find a Black person really speaking to a White person if it wasn’t during a musical scene or at the Black person’s job. 
If this town is based in the Northern to Midwestern United States; while there wasn’t Jim Crow like in the South, Whites and Blacks (and by extension, anyone who was of Color) were segregated by tradition.
And the interracial relationships during that time; they got ALOT of shit for it. 
Chapter 2
So, the second chapter deals with Connie and Frankie, the leader of the rival school gang, the Rollers, get into an argument over...something, it wasn’t memorable. Frankie’s a sexist pig, Connie’s upset and they roll into the water and mess up their hair.
Pausing again.
If we wanna be realistic: Frankie would probably be aggressively misogynoirist against Connie. Sexism for White women is not the same as sexism for Black women. If you want to keep sexism, don’t treat it as if the sexism white women face is universally the same for all women. 
He implied that Connie isn’t tough enough to wear a jacket. 
If this was toward a White woman, this line would make sense. White women are always seen as too weak, too small and not tough enough.
On the flip coin, Black women are treated as the opposite. Black women are seen as too manly, too tough, and too emasculating to even be around. That a Black woman’s “masculinity” is too much for a White man.
Yeah, it’s a small comment but even a small comment like that really puts in perspective that the author didn’t do any research. Especially in the 1950s.
There’s other comments Frankie prolly would say but I’ll leave that to your imagination. 
Chapter 3
So the next chapter deals with Connie and Carla’s first date. They’re at a drive-in movie. So Carla asks if it’s normal for couples to go there and hook up. Connie falls over herself trying to say that they dont have to hook up and carla kisses Connie on the cheek.
In the next few pages, we see Clyde and Eugene (members of the Rollers) getting nervous about being alone together. Of course, they show signs of liking each other before Frankie comes up and honks their horn. The other two members of the Rollers went to Clyde’s house and his sister told them he was on a date. Edd asks if a girl bailed on Clyde and that’s why he’s hanging with Eugene.
Pausing once again.
On a story point of view, this scene is awkward. Why would Frankie and Edd disrupt Clyde’s date? The scene is supposed to be funny but it comes off as awkward. Unless it was actual important business regarding their school gang, there’s no reason for them to barge in. I don’t care if that’s the type of people they are: they aren’t about to be my friends if they pull a stunt like that on me. This chapter was poorly written.
Chapter 4
Hope everyone’s ready for the next chapter cause here’s where “trans-friendly” writing rears its ugly head.
So the next day at school, there’s a new kid named Ace. Connie and Frankie want Ace as part of their gang. if you don’t mind, i’d like to insert what Ace looks like here
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So Connie and Frankie try and recruit Ace into their gang with no success until the two leaders begin to argue with one another in front of Ace. Ace asks why the leaders want Ace so bad. While Connie and Frankie yell their crap, Ace dismisses both of them and leaves.
Rolly, a “sweet’ member of the Jacquettes, comes and talks to Ace. They have a talk and Rolly explains how she was once part of the Rollers and Connie's gang accepted her in. So Ace says that neither of the gang is right for Ace and that Ace has a gang already.
Pausing again.
There’s a reason why I avoided pronouns for Ace intentionally for the summary of this chapter. Ace is supposed to be non-binary and uses They/Them pronouns. This wouldn’t be a problem...If Ace told them. A friend of mine actually asked “why are they using They/them pronouns for this trans man?”
When i told him that Ace is supposed to be non-binary, he was a bit...miffed to say the least. Because it doesn’t make sense for these characters to know Ace’s pronouns without knowing or even asking. I’d actually like it better had Connie said “She” and Frankie say “He”; because the scene where Ace gets angry and doesn’t want to be part of either gang would make more sense. And Ace revealing to Rolly that they don’t see themselves in either gang feel more natural.
But because Frankie and Connie immediately used they/them pronouns, it’s feels forced. As if the author is afraid of showing transphobia. In the 1950s.
Concerning Rolly; she is out, wearing dresses and uses She/Her pronouns. Pre-HRT. And passes.
I can’t speak for trans women so I won’t say much about Rolly other than, the fact she passes, out and no one gives a second glance is concerning.
But, i can talk about Ace. To give you a bit of a perspective, i am Bigender. I use He/Him and She/Her pronouns. I don’t pass nor am I androgynous. Nor do i want to. 
Ace being androgynous is a major trope of NB trans folks and if you havent heard: WE ARE TIRED OF THAT BULL. Some of us are still NB and don’t pass. While the other members of Ace’s gang don’t pass: Ace is front and center. Ace is the face of the gang and the face we see first before the other three.
Every trans person that appears in this comic either passes or everyone instantly knows the pronouns said trans person uses.
Chapter 5
So the next chapter is fairly unmemorable. Connie’s gang notices that connie’s been acting strange and believe she’s dating a boy.
The author doesn’t seem to to know whether her world has transphobia/homophobia/racism or not and it’s overall confusing. Why wouldn’t Connie’s gang accept her being a lesbian? 
I barely remember what happened with Clyde and Eugene in this chapter so...I can’t really comment on this one. It’s unmemorable.
Chapter 6
Do you remember the paragraph above mentioning whether the author not know whether she wanted racism in her world or not? Here’s where everything starts going down the drain.
So Connie goes to the diner where Carla works. Because they don’t get to be together often, Carla suggests they go to a little dance hall to be together and hang out when she gets off. 
So when they go to the Dance hall, the bouncer says Carla can go in but Connie can’t. That because they’re under new management, they can’t let Connie in because of complaints.
Connie, surprisingly, acts a bit realistic here and suggests they just go. Carla gets angry and yells at the bouncer and says she’ll reveal that he’s been having little dates with the librarian and possibly would tell his wife before saying “let’s take our business else where.”
They go to a little lake and comment how no one will judge them there and they have their little date.
Let’s go back to the author for a second. On her Rock and Riot tumblr, she said that this comic is supposed to be the 1950s without the “suck’ as she says it. Which means, there’s supposed to be no homophobia. There’s supposed to be no Transphobia. And certainly, there’s supposed to be no Racism. But Sexism for Whites TM is okey-dokey.
Please decide whether you want Racism or not in this comic. Personally, i don’t like that you nixed it just because you wanted a “happy” comic when the 1950s was a turning point and led into alot of revolutions and movements.
This incident pops up and then disappears. It’s barely mentioned again or at all. 
Chapter 7
Another unmemorable chapter, sadly. It’s supposed to be how Rolly came to join the jacquettes. I can’t say much on it because it’s unmemorable and just a rip from “Look at me, i’m Sandra Dee” from Grease.
Chapter 8
I’m gonna admit, i had to read back over this cause I remembered only bits and pieces. This chapter deals with Connie catching Clyde and Eugene making out in the classroom when everyone’s gone. 
The chapter ends with Clyde and Eugene trying to cover up their making out as Clyde does push ups.
It was quite a bland chapter at an attempt at creating drama. Which, I could realistically see Connie catching Eugene and Clyde making out behind the school.
Chapter 9
So Carla, Connie, Clyde and Eugene are at Suzy’s diner. Sadly, this chapter was pretty damn unmemorable except for the next part.
Clyde asks how Connie and Carla knew they were different (how they found out they were gay).
Connie said she never liked men. Carla said she doesn’t have a preference.
Connie never liking men is such a horrible stereotypes of Lesbians. She could have said “I felt more comfortable around girls” or even “I tried dating men for a bit but I never really felt a connection”. ANYTHING.
I feel it’s even worse given that she’s a Black Lesbian at that.
So the four of them continue talking UNTIL~
Their respective school gangs show up and catch them “in the act”.
So to cover their asses, Connie and Clyde pretend to date and so does Eugene and Carla.
This doesn’t make sense in a world where homophobia shouldn’t exist. 
So Debby freaks the hell out, Frankie is angry. Debbie tells Connie that she’s not part of the Jacquettes anymore and Frankie is angry.
Now, from what i assumed: Connie created the Jacquettes or atleast came up with the idea. Wouldn’t it make more sense for Debby to say that they quit the Jacquettes than severing a tie with connie? When Connie’s the leader?
Chapter 10
This chapter was...not written well, but none of these chapters really were.
So this chapter deals with Ace’s gang, The Bandits. They’re selling answers to quizzes and tests to students. A few students say that their answers are bogus and won’t shop with them again.
So the members go to Ace and they come up with a plan.
Now, this next part is annoying to me because it’s fairly obvious that the author isn’t a Spanish speaker...Nor was this necessary.
So while Ace and the Bandits devise a plan, Ace’s mother comes in and tells them to stay hydrated for stealing tests and Ace responds that they’re writing essays
NOT ONLY THAT, why the fuck would Ace’s mother be okay with them stealing tests? I hope it was a joke. a horribly written joke.
Ace gets the brilliant idea to rewrite the tests.
So Ace and the bandits break into the school (again, apparently) and rewrite the tests and answers. 
James Bond/Mission Impossible reference noted.
So the next day, the school kids all get their tests...And apparently, the teachers nor the entire school does an investigation on why one of the choices on the tests is “What is your gender?”
If Ace and the Bandits are supposed to be inclusive; they fall extremely short. I didn’t like this chapter. At all.
Chapter 11
If there was a chapter that the author did that I completely and utterly loathed? It’s this one. And with complete good reason.
So Connie goes to Carla’s house and climbs up Carla’s tree, calling out to her girlfriend and throwing rocks at her window.
First off: Connie is Black. Second, Connie is Black in the 1950s. ANYONE could tell you that Connie going into (what i will assume) an All White Neighborhood is a death sentence first.
Thirdly: Connie is Black in the 1950s climbing a White person’s house. Neighbors during this time were nosy as fuck. Connie’s Black ass would have been shot out that tree faster than Taylor Swift switches boyfriends.
If Connie wasn’t shot by Carla’s father or Carla’s neighbors, the police would have shot her out that tree,
So Connie goes to Carla (after finding out Carla is on the bottom floor and that she needs to keep the noise down cause Carla’s daddy is home) and they talk. Debby and Triss won’t talk to her but Rolly will. 
Carla asks if she thinks Connie should tell Rolly the truth.
I’ll pause for this one
I would think Rolly of all people would be the only one to know Connie’s a lesbian. Then again, I guess drama to make drama?
So carla suggests that Connie tells them all and Connie is worried they’d see her differently.
I’d like to make a mention that this comic is supposed to be a world where the 1950s had no suck. So it still doesn’t make sense that Connie keeps this to herself...if Homophobia isn’t suppose to exist.
So Connie kisses Carla and tries to make out with her...But Carla says she left her iron on. Connie asks if she ever gets frustrated and Carla says she wants to wait til she’s married.
Connie retorts that them getting married is as likely as a Black President.
P. A. U. S. E.
Aside from Connie climbing up that tree, this line boiled my blood the most. Racism isn’t supposed to be in this world and yet, Connie drops this line?
Yes, in the 1950s and 1960s, White people told Black folks that a Black President was completely unlikely. That Black folks could NEVER be president. 
I’d give this line a pass...If it weren't for the nonsensical hypocrisy of this entire comic. If the 1950s were played straight and correct, this line makes sense. For the world the author established, it makes no sense whatsoever.
So Carla says she never saw the point in physical activities and wants to wait. Connie respects that. Carla’s dad comes in and Connie jumps out the window.
Oh and apparently there’s a scene with Clyde and Eugene. I almost forgot about that part. Wasn’t particularly interesting.
Chapter 12
This was a chapter that really wasnt necessary to begin with so I won’t say much other than, it’s a flashback chapter. It gives insight to how the Rollers and Jacquettes were made but other than that, not necessary.
Chapter 13
This chapter is completely cringe worthy. This chapter doesn’t boil my blood as much as Chapter 11; but it’s cringe-worthy and completely forced.
So Debbie and Frankie get into a fight and they get detention. So instead of just Frankie and Debbie getting detention; both gangs get detention.
This doesn’t make sense as, unless the other members joined in, there’s no reason for the entire gangs to be there in detention. I don’t give two blueberry muffins and a puppy; Guilty by association doesn’t work in public schools...Or private schools. Or any school. 
If only you and another person was caught fighting, only you two get detention.
Anyway, Connie freaks out and Debbie wants to go off on Connie for “dating” Clyde.
Rolly comments that she’d smack both of Frankie and Debbie had she been there. Debbie calls out that Rolly was with that “Ace girl”.
I’m only pausing because I actually appreciate this. That realistically; Debbie doesn’t know Ace’s pronouns and wasn’t told so she’d immediately say “she” or “girl”. I dunno about you all; but I’m for it. 
So Rolly outs Ace as “Non-Binary” without permission...And without Ace being there to ok it. Thanks Rolly.
And so Debbie riles up so much that Connie comes out and says she’s dating Carla.
This is where this entire scene is just forced to high heaven.
This starts a chain of people coming out of the closet about their sexualities. Debbie’s dating Triss and Frankie is dating or atleast pining after Sasha, a jock.
Edd is the oddman out and says he doesn’t like anyone when Rolly asks if anyone else is going to come out.
This chapter was incredibly forced and just bad on all accounts. Outing someone without permission is horrible. It doesn’t matter if that character is trans as well. If Rolly is out, awesome. I don’t know if Ace is out because no one has asked nor have they said they were.
Honestly, this comic was a roller coaster that continued to spiral downward. Personally, i like the art. The art, in my opinion, is the best part of this comic.
The colors are nice and I love the panels. It’s a simplistic style. It’s nothing truly special but I like simplistic cartoony styles. So it’s part of the reason i stuck around was because of the art.
But the story, the premise, all of it...Downright bad if not very offensive. 
So if i could rate ONLY the art: 7 out of 10. There’s a few off model issues here and there but the colors and composition are nice.
The rating of the story: 0 out of 10. It’s incredibly boring, it cant decide whether it wants the phobias and -isms or not, only showing up when it wants to.
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