#and yall just.... dont see the cognitive dissonance???
snekdood · 10 months
listen, all im sayin is its pretty funny to me when the same person whos all like "my uwu baby!!!" toward a serial killer in some show also apparently lacks empathy when people who've done far less shit just simply exist and they dont want them to
how do you fail to extend empathy to actual humans but its so easy for you to do with this guy that if he was real would be entirely irredeemable in every capacity?
#how am i not supposed to feel like your affection for the serial killer is bc thats... just what ya wanna do to ppl you hate#and then theres just. 0 self reflection. 0 understanding of becoming the thing you hate.#iunno its just inchresting to watch.#something something doesnt effect reality sure ok bud but ya dont think its weird how easy you can extend empathy to *that* guy?#at allllllllllllll?#but if someone real idk. yells at a cat. they're the worst human?#hmm 🤔#i kinna just think you're a child personally but id love to understand why you think you're so normal to act this way abt ppl#'You dOnT UnDeRsTaNd!!! hE KILLS PeOple bEcAuSe HeS rEJeCtED!!!!!!!!!'#meanwhile the news: people are saying this shooter was bullied and had no friends and thats why he killed!!!#yall: HES IRREDEEMABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#and yall just.... dont see the cognitive dissonance???#its either you can understand why someones like that and can have all this empathy for them or ya dont ya gotta pick one hoe#not saying ya gotta go be a serial killer stan. im pointing out how you're basically no different but posture like you are#and like you're better.#just bc you huddle in this corner relating to the worst character possible and act like its queer coded somehow doesnt make you any better#also not saying its wrong to like shitty characters! im talking about a very specific type of person here.#if you can have empathy for shitty characters- maybe the shittiest ppl alive if they were real- it shouldnt then be so hard for#you to have empathy for someone whos real and hasnt even done a quarter of what that character has done. thats all.
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masayomi · 7 months
so funny to me that ppl on this website pretend to care about tswifts jet emissions. like yall dont actively spread misinformation and propaganda about the animal agriculture industry (which is responsible for like 15% of greenhouse gas emissions vs the entire aviation industrys 2%) to the point where yall genuinely come off as climate change denialists. especially when most of u live in western countries, like sure the main problem is ceos putting profit over the environment and lobbying politicians to keep them from stepping in, but YOUR lifestyle is still fundamentally unsustainable. like do yall genuinely believe that when the rapture Revolution™ comes and we all live in peace and harmony with nature overnight that not a single thing about ur lifestyle is gonna change? that ur still gonna be eating dead animals three times a day? and i know theres little most ppl can do about how sustainable their lifestyle is especially when so many are just doing there best to make ends meet, but lets not pretend like all this hemming and hawing about how eating beans and rice is classist actually (despite meat consumption being positively correlated with GDP per capita and lower income americans being more likely to be vegan and vegetarian) and tswift flying home to see her bf every weekend is single handedly drowning the philippines is anything other than yall trying to assuage your guilt and cognitive dissonance by deluding yourself into thinking u have nothing to do with climate change
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yonpote · 5 months
I need to know why and how you were anti-phannie from 2014-2016
alright here we go i get to talk about THIS shit now.
i was generally anti-rpf at that point, and honestly? i think it was for fair enough reasons as some people were a bit too eager about showing (general) youtubers stories they wrote about them sucking and fucking their friends. i think i was also pretty high and mighty about being a somewhat oldhead phannie tbh, like ugh do these gaming-channel-only people even know about dan being super edgy and offensive 🙄 and lowkey it was a lot of subtly misogynistic "i'm not like other girls" type shit like i was sooo much better than yall cuz i hadn't watched that video (yet.)
i was generally not into these sorts of fandoms to begin with. i wasnt on the superwhopotterlock side, i was on the homestuck/dangan ronpa/anime of the month side of tumblr, if that gives you an idea of what i was like lol. around 2014-15 i was very much in a community that is kinda similar to what you might see on twitter now, where if you had any interests in media that portrayed anything problematic, that means you are in full support of that problematic thing. if dan howell said something racist in 2010, it doesn't matter that he wasn't being racist in 2015 he's still racist and liking him makes you a racist etc. and of course, rpf is included in problematic topics. if you ship real people, even if said people say they don't mind it, you are a sick pervert and you should be in the loony bin for being so depraved. and if you write or read any fiction that has immoral acts, it means you support those acts in real life too and you are trying to normalize abuse and SA (yknow as if whitecishetpatriarchy hasnt normalized that enough) and you're a danger to children and you deserve to rot in prison (yknow as if a queer person writing stories about queer people hasnt heard that one before)
now here's the real kicker. in 2015-2016 i ran a game grumps fan blog where i did talk about shipping the grumps. "wait how were you anti-rpf if-" well have you ever heard of this thing called Lying? or perhaps even, Cognitive Dissonance? i HAD to run a separate blog for this interest, because if my friends knew i consumed slashfic about arin and danny they would stop being friends with me and think im this evil horrible monster etc. genuinely that was where my brain was at, and is a little bit the reason i decided to this day, to make my phannie accounts completely separate from my main accounts.
nowadays, none of my non-phannie friends actually give a fuck and i do occasionally talk about dnp being silly gay white boys w them! at this point i dont post about em on main just out of respect like "hey im sure you dont actually want to hear about british yaoi constantly regardless of our level of friendship so i'll keep it over here okay?"
also, yeah i grew out of thinking consuming media with deplorable acts makes me deplorable. my favorite tv show is hannibal. i know its shocking, but i dont actually support serial killer cannibals. i will say, i dont fuck with "pro/anti" language with regards to what is considered "problematic" or having that be an identity marker. i think that people are free to write fiction as they please so long as its all properly tagged for people who dont enjoy that kind of content to avoid. but i also think there can be and often are problems in the way these stories are written, and yeah if all the romance stories you read growing up involve some sort of force or danger, that CAN normalize this sort of action as inherent to romance stories/real life romance. but i think thats an issue with like, society at large, and it's not on an individual fic writer to be educating teens who read their dead dove fic despite the explicit rating and tags.
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anadrenalineslut · 2 years
To be clear with yall, I love men. I love my brothers and sisters all equally.
I don't say things like most men are rapists to hurt men, but rather because I believe that the only way we can move forward in social justice is by healing the wounds that the patriarchy has inflicted on us. I don't believe rape is a biologically determined factor, because I don't believe humans evolved to rape. Rape in nature usually has a reproductive purpose but in social species, it's not really needed as a tactic because well.... you can just get consent from someone instead.
Like, most mating processes require consent from both parties and especially in our species, with our advanced cognition we are able to recognize the importance of bodily autonomy. We are able to evolve as a species because we understand bodily autonomy to such a degree, we are able to encourage cooperation as a survival tactic instead of aggression or dominance.
I believe that for most of our history, we have looked to other animals to determine what's natural but I think that's a huge mistake. Not only is deferring to science 100% of the time inherently white supremacist thinking, but our unique control over our biology puts us in a position where we don't need to defer to science all the time.
Like, for example, body modification. Yes, there are conversations to be had about societal pressures etc (the conclusion of those conversations is not to get rid of the option all together but rather to limit and heavily regulate marketing practices to use the central approach instead of the peripheral approach to persuasion because we know the cause of these things is capitalism) but as humans, if we can safely allow body modification.... why shouldn't we?
Take your God out of it, don't talk to me about the purity of the human body. What scientific evidence do you have that body modification is a "sin"? This is what the transphobic rhetoric in society comes down to really. It comes down to a central belief that you are mutilating a sacred vessel somehow, and riding it of its "purity." You believe that "half tit, half penis" bodies are somehow "freaks" or "unnatural" but why? Why do you believe that? What evidence do you have to suggest that type of body shouldn't exist?
Is it biology? Hermaphrodite species exist all over the globe, so it can't be. Is it our human specific biology? No, we have plenty of intersex individuals in our biology.
You see, if you dont understand the basics of human psychology, you won't be able to answer why you believe that type of body is "unnatural" and therefore, why intervention is necessary to stop those types of bodies from existing?
I'm sorry to my trans friends who have to see me use this type of language, but I hope you stick around to see why I have to use this language to deconstruct the belief surrounding this type of language. I'm so sorry if my words are hurtful, I do not mean them to hurt you and I personally do not believe them at all. I love you.
Anyways, if you do take a basic psychology course however, you understand that the reason someone might come to view that type of body as unnatural is because they are relying on social categorization and heuristics to inform their view of the world. If a person believes that the human form can only come in 2 ways based on anecdotal evidence of "I've only ever seen these 2 ways expressed before" well then of course they will believe that anything outside of that is "unnatural." They are experiencing cognitive dissonance when they encounter that type of body they've never seen before, so their best resolution without evidence is "well it must be an exception to the rule." Mix that in with cultural ideas of gender and boom transphobia exists.
The reason I say this is because the same reasoning for a lot of transphobia relies on these same types of heuristics and social categorization, but in a more skewed manner. For example, women who are transphobic will try and justify their discomfort at seeing a trans body as natural because well "males are an inherent threat to women." Not only do they subtly dehumanize the person by referring to them as "male," something that I've literally never understood why people justify doing because you never say just the fucking sex. It's male humans you morons anyways. Anyways I digress.
What I'm getting at here is that social categorization and heuristics are distorting the logic here as well. By claiming that being born with a penis makes you an inherent threat of rape, you are saying there is something in the genetic expression to make a penis rape is encoded in there as well. And this is just not based in any scientific fact whatsoever. Like, male humans are not encoded to rape female humans. Our entire history proves otherwise, our classification as a social species proves otherwise.
But by associating the cis men's culturally programmed desire to rape with a biologically programmed desire to rape, they are then able to justify classifying the penis as a threat to them. This is where the cognitive dissonance is taking place. They are unable to identify the cultural factors that come into a cis man's desire to rape, and thus they are able to identify another factor (the penis) as the cause of rape.
But by claiming that the penis is an inherent threat to women, you are actually encouraging rape culture to thrive. Rape culture thrives on the assumption that men are biologically predisposed to rape. They just can't fucking help it is the reason why people give to explain away deciding to rape someone (minor rapists are very interesting for a different reason maybe I'll make a post on my thoughts on that later) as an adult. They want to escape accountability so they claim its biological.
But by endorsing this excuse, you are putting some of the responsibility on the victim because if there is a biological factor to rape, then we do have to take that into account when raising the gender that gets raped. If male penises were programmed to rape, then we would have a responsibility as a culture to minimize triggering that response to rape as much as possible. Like, that's why "what was she wearing" and "was she drinking" are used as excuses. Because all of rape culture relies on the assumption that male humans are biologically programmed to rape and to want to rape female humans.
That's why this all feeds into each other, because if we don't identify that rape is a correctable behavior, we enable not just patriarchy, transphobia, white supremacy blah blah but also the prison industrial complex as well. Like, much of the pushback against abolishing prisons in the US is "you want rapists on the street!?!?!"
Which like no, not if they haven't gotten serious therapy first. But, it's designed to stop conversations about what prison abolition is and what it would look like in a perfect society. Like, if you say rapists can be rehabilitated, many people take offense to that as being pro rapist? Like, people will actively label this narrative that I've presented as being "pro-rape" or "pro-rapist." And like, sure, since I'm advocating for the humanity of rapists, I guess you could classify it as being pro-rapist but why do you have such a visceral reaction to the suggestion that rapists can change?
That rape is a correctable behavior, that you can teach a rapist not to be a rapist but it requires engaging with the concept and legacy of white patriarchy in a way that our institutions do not want us to engage with. You cannot come to the conclusion that rape is learned without understanding African tribes being shocked at the concept of war rape, without understanding how being a man equates to being a rapist in white culture, you cannot understand these things without understanding how gender was constructed in Africa to be so oppressive and how Islam is a cultural response to Christianity and white supremacy at its core. You cannot understand how your view of men is reductive and simplistic and contributes to the very thing you wish to abolish without understanding how other cultures defined manhood in nonproblematic ways.
You cannot come to this conclusion without years of research into sociology and that is why Republicans are attacking public education so heavily at the moment. They wish to get rid of the most basic tool against fascism we have: education.
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falllpoutboy · 5 years
one thing i've always noticed with the difference between twitter/everyone else versus tumblr is that everyone on the twitter/everyone else side LOOOOOOOOOOOVES tony like they are tony's hype squad and also a lot of people of color love him as well but as soon as you go to tumblr, the tony antis are such a loud minority that spout random shit and make it seem like poc HATE tony when thats not the case at all LMAO (hopefully this made sense hehe & this is in relation to that anon abt s*nf*rt*ne)
YES YES you’re absolutely right listen i’ve been on both sites for a while now and like. tony antis have been one of the loudest minority/subfadom of the marvel fandom for like 4 years now and im just. so tired. nobody cares about your fake woke ‘we should eat the rich’ analysis of a fictional character who has no real life ramifications other than inspiring and entertaining the masses. a lot of irl people love mcu and comic tony and they’re just still mad about aou or civil war or a certain character or ship for some reason. sorry to yall who literally cant have fun. sorry to yall who have misinterpreted his decade long story of redemption, continual evolution and sacrifice but i’m different. 
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fairycosmos · 4 years
ppl on here be complaining about poverty thru their iphones 4000 and mac laptops while sipping matcha iced coffee and using their earpods or whatever the fuck and wonder why the rest of us living in the third world using stolen or free wifi with our shitty androids and no water to shower and eating once a day cant take them seriously. girl ya'll are privileged too in your so called poverty and yall dont see that shit cos you love bein victims lmao
ok i mean i don't understand why you're coming at me specifically with this aggression because i literally agree with you and have not stated otherwise. it's one of the things about capitalism that disgusts me the most, the cognitive dissonance, which i fully acknowledge i experience myself. you're right, most of don't realize how lucky we are and we get stuck on everything we don't have rather than realizing that a lot of people don't even have access to basic amenities. we've grown accustomed to having food, clean water, internet etc and i don't blame you for finding that ridiculous when you have been denied those things. so i would never compare first world poverty to third world poverty especially bc the latter is a direct result of the first world. and i don't deny my own privilege when it comes to being from the uk either. if i ever post about my financial struggles i am talking about them in an isolated way i.e not comparing them to people who obviously have it way worse. i am literally just venting my issues like. in no way am i saying they deserve to be prioritized over mass poverty and destitution.
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honeyfreckled · 3 years
a messy ramble/rant on what tfatws is tryna pull here. ik i was told this would happen, but a stupid hoe can still be pissed
ok where are my well spoken leftists who know how to explain things and aren’t bumbling dumbasses like me? need yall to do me a solid and help me compose my jumbled thoughts enough to form actual sentences and make a coherent analysis on exactly what we are all watching tfatws do here. 
yes, yall warned me this was gonna happen bc big media will never portray anarchism as anything other than violent, dangerous, and misaligned. bc the media corp would cease to exist under anarchy. it directly profits from capitalism, neoliberalism, and imperialism. they are the real villains but this is their narrative to spin, their content and platforms. the franchise must be protected at all costs and continue netting profit- which they need capitalism in order to do, so they must present themselves on the right side of history. they push for supposed reform nowadays, they say we won’t achieve anything w direct action. that anarchists are a terror group hellbent on inflicting violence on the innocent when in actuality that is DISNEY/MARVEL’s gig when u take into account how they run and operate by taking advantage of their marginalized, minimum wage workers and being in cahoots w the govt agencies they feature in their media. they keep the status quo by getting the individual to either fear anarchy, believe it to be a moot cause, or grow tired/complacent w any political discussion and instead only show interest in the otherworldly/fictional parts of these shows. 
yes, im aware of the way mega media pivots when popular opinion changes. but im not able to put my finger on how they achieve it so insidiously and without snags. how they move w the times w/out addressing or rectifying their own despicable practices. capitalist media like disney/marvel is able to do this a lot more covertly than others imo. u have to catch yrself from falling down into the distraction trap and remind yrself that marvel is about as left as jeff bezos. but god how they warp the political stances to make themselves seem on the right side of things can be invisible to ppl who dont have any previous knowledge of real anarchism or even leftism and how neoliberalism like this is effective propaganda.
esp to the stans who are just there to watch their favorite yt actor and ride for his character so hard they’ll eagerly buy into whatever message is being pushed out of sheer fanaticism. doesn’t help that this show is definitely more palatable to the “woke” section of the audience who thinks marvel is rlly doin something radical here. plus like i said, we have to consider the fact that so many members of the target audience aren’t looking out for propaganda like this. they have been taught to recognize only blatantly obvious propaganda that goes against their more liberal principles. they don’t recognize this as propaganda bc they like it and don’t feel a knee-jerk reaction against it. the show seems convey a message they view as a “finally someone said it! finally marvel is woke and i can watch without shame! this is how our heroes should be!” what the mcu is doing in this phase is rlly fucking scary bc imo this kinda presentation is more dangerous. it’s harder to pin down and extremely easy for folks to give props to and not wanna critique. it will age better than other mcu phases which makes critical left analysis seem nit picky and folks dont wanna hear it.
idk if it’s a matter of them not seeing this as propaganda at all, or just not caring that it is bc they are too devoted to who they stan they’re able to use cognitive dissonance w shows like this bc he’s in them. perhaps most of them are liberals, so they have no problem w a media conglomerate whose billion dollar franchise operates w govt contracts and is required by fractions of the armed forces/pentagon/fbi to get final script, edit, and cut approval from those govt agencies. 
before yall hardcore leftists and anarchists tell me anything, ik i shouldn’t be watching this ok. at least im p*rating it rather than helping to feed the beast. it’s just. disappointing and sad to see them vilify and lie on a group who rlly isn’t the problem irl, and does more to combat terrorism than fucking enact it. that has always been an argument against anarchism. one that holds less and less weight nowadays when the majority of domestic terrorism is committed by white supremacists, who belong to a fucking variant of fascism, which is what anarchists are fucking against! AHHHHH! wtf dlkjfalkdjfkls!!!! (btw yes ik my educated leftists don’t fuck w any disney media bc the valid critiques on the disney oligarchy as a whole is enough reason to just know it’s all trash but maybe someone else is watching this and ready to analyze it too)
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zigsexual · 6 years
It's so funny that the group that wants a ~block list~ and think you're evil go on about 'minions' and yet... you get 10x more hate than I've ever seen them get. 🤔
right…… i dont understand the cognitive dissonance going on there like i have genuinely never seen them get actual hate. and the shit i get like i dont even post 80% of it i just block the IP address so i mean yall dont even see the worst shit lmao….. these fools have the audacity to talk mad shit on me but ive never sent anyone hate in my life and i can rest easy knowing that!
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qu33rr1t4bl3 · 6 years
yall are. annoying about this. i have never in my life guilt tripped anyone over being vegan. most vegans dont do that, its a fabricated stereotype. it literally is you folks who feel guilt because im sitting there eating chips or whatever, holy shit. yall get a guilty conscience just by seeing vegans being alive, and that has nothing to do with vegans and 100% to do with your own cognitive dissonance
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poetiiicnjustus · 6 years
Tumblr media
There is understanding, overstanding and Innerstanding. Believe, know , become... When I say i dont adhere to a specific religion that does not mean I hate religious people or even that i want to convert them that's not why I seek and share knowledge. We all religiously brush our teeth but have been given flouride in book form. All the spookism associated w our divine human experience as spirits is to our detriment.Spirituality science and physics is all connected. Isimply ask that you seek edification beyond your belief which I'll explain more about in my first book. Im writing this Book to connect those with their divine selves regardless of different beliefs. Believing is cool but once that happens you must KnowThySelf to access your potential. Believe, know, then become. Belief is fickle. Your truth is not mine. If someone believe God told them to sacrafise their first born to him or some crazy shit like that I don't have time to argue about who they talking to in they head or if god really said that shit. This person and I have conflicting beliefs either way my DNA and psyche embedded in me that killing is wrong. I can go on but I wont. U get my point. If i had to label my spirituality then id say Metaphysics is my religion and love is my intent.Some of y'all claim to be Christians but don't know what Christconsciousness is and how to actually access the messages intent because the esoteric teachings about said topics have been dismissed as evil.once new info is presented many still use cognitive dissonance so they can go to 'heaven' which is a level or state of consciousness. Actually moreso to avoid hell which is where we are. Go to YouTube and watch a video called "The exact location of hell" and youll see why im so passionate about my peoples misguidance in the name of anything outside ya self. Yall tripping I'm just pickin ppl up. Y'all seen me on this shit for how long now. I got youngins out here in Suitland getting out of jail like dam. Bruh all that u was speaking was real. We need A unite. Yeah I know negus but before then heal. #alchemy #ALLISMIND #saveyourself #christconsciousness #transmutationofinnerg #POETIIICBELIKE #BELIEVEKNOWBECOME #love
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