#and yeah to 7000 episodes
leeuwchen · 2 years
Filmidee: Die in die Jahre gekommene Boyband "The Schillerboys" will es noch mal wissen und startet eine große Comeback-Tournee. Die Karten verkaufen sich gut, doch die Jungs ahnen nicht, dass Bandmanager Richy Huber ein doppeltes Spiel mit ihnen spielt... Dann beginnt auch noch Bandleader Eazy heimlich eine Affäre mit Richy. Wird er seine Bandkollegen verraten?
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© RTL/Bernd Jaworek
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Love Sea - Episode 1
Like I said before I'm feeling chatty today so I'm just gonna write while I watch and then decide if I'm gonna post. I'll probably post. If you're reading this I obviously did. Anyway I've had dinner and now I have my coffee. How are we feeling about another Mame show? I haven't read anything about this one. I went into Wedding Plan sceptic, to say the least, and it was a wonderful surprise. Although Love in the air part 2 was not a pleasant experience, I will do my best to have an open mind. OK. Let's do this.
-The sea is always a plus. I miss it so much. -LOL the slow-mo. We get it, we're suppose to be drooling. -This is an important pen. ok maybe not. is it just for the title shot? -This place is gorgeous. Heaven indeed. -No one will get this, but I just rewatched Barakamon and this is exactly what happens when Handa gets to the island as well. Heaven for some. Hell for others. -Are they gonna write 'southern dialect' on top of the subs every time he speaks??? -See I don't know thai, so how different is the southern dialect really? If anyone knows please tell me. I'm really curious now. -I don't think it's because he has a pretty face though. I'm sure he suffered some trauma and that's why he's an asshole. -Oh her. I missed her. Is she gonna be a couple too? Does this have a gl side couple? -oh hello Ja. you're here too? I'm pretty sure I watched the trailer for this but apparently I don't remember anything. -This hostility feels so forced. Like they are creating the enemies in 'the enemies to lovers' as we speak. -I'd like a Martini. But I don't have vermouth. Life is so unfair. -I like that he keeps speaking in dialect. It's so petty I love it. - That backfired now but I'm sure this is all atitude and Mut will actually be thinking about this moment later. -Declarations like this in a bl are guaranteed to mean exactly the opposite. -It's because of people like this guy that hotels have so much food waste. That's probably the most depressing think about working in a hotel. Also costumers like him. -'Money can't buy me.' That's just something people say. How much? 5000 bhts? let me just quickly google how much that is. 125,65 euros as of right now. Just to not speak the dialect? I think you can get more. 7000... 10 000… 15000… so that's around 376 euros. Not bad for basically doing nothing. -This whole convo is reminding of Auto in DR. 'Yeah, throw money at me. Screw dignity' -I'm really enjoying Fort. The sarcasm is delicious. -I really miss the beach. -This proposal sounds..indecent. -The last man on earth thing again. You're just asking for it now. -Yiwa is back. I know that's not her name here but it's too soon. Rehearsing in front of the mirror. I should do this. I'm sure it would save me some headaches. -Second person in a ql that can't change a lightbulb. Oh wait she's lying. Is this like Dee? She pretends she can't change the lightbulb just so the girl does it for her? Very mysterious. What is she planning... - I also don't get it. What does having sex have to do with anything? -That was fast. Already thinking of him? I guess if rude is your thing who am I to judge? or have they met before? have they met as kids??? The plot thickens. just in my head tho. -Never trust auto-save. Just when you need it, it will let you down. -That was so dramatic. Like I get that this is probably a trauma response but that was a lot. He's been an asshole this whole time, how am I suppose to empathise? Mut is a better person than me. -I choose clams. I love clams. But on land. I'm getting seasick just from watching. The End oh wait. there's more. wait what did he say? There were no subs for that bit. Oh well he's already smitten.
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That's a nice background for the credits. I wonder if it will change with the episodes. Like Gaya Sa Pelikula. Probably, right?
Well that was...okay. Too early to say much but I'm enjoying Mut. And Yiwa is back on my screen! And I'm really happy to have a show set on the beach. I shall continue watching this for now.
I won't do this every time though. Today is an aberration. It was a weird day but I have too much energy.
I should check on the elections, I'm sure that will bring my mood right back down. Oh but tomorrow is a holiday so I can do nothing all day. I'm happy again. Ok. bye.
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savagewildnerness · 5 months
Initial thoughts on episode 1, under the cut....
OK, that was incredible. A few initial thoughts...
- I absolutely adored how poetically it was written - it really had the feeling of a play and to me felt a step up from the writing in S1 even
- Delainey was fantastic and the animosity borne of love between Claudia and Louis was incredibly powerful. I loved how she holds Claudia's pain in, yet you can feel it and I loved her vampire nature. She feels very true to Claudia's character. Wonderful. Oh you are going to break our hearts, Delainey.
- Jacob was all of the feelings. Oh Louis.
- Armand! Oh YES! Assad is SO GOOD. I need MORE ARMAND.
- Lestat was like an actual angel. I didn't expect Dreamstat scenes to be so powerful, but that final scene of the episode, where Louis is telling Claudia "You and me" etc. actually made me cry and it was Lestat's face - how he looks at Louis and how he looks at Claudia that achieved that. How is Sam so powerful? Lestat didn't even utter a word. It's making me remember - has anyone seen the film The Place Beyond the Pines? Well there's a character in it who dies early on, but they haunt that entire film, and even when he's not on screen, I can feel Lestat haunting, here. But yeah, that last moment - so emotional.
- The music is utterly divine... in fact I would go so far as to say it is a little bit TOO good, because at the start of the episode, I was finding it really quite hard to concentrate on the actors' dialogue as the music was just so beautiful I was unable to take in both the music and the dialogue! Like, my heart was feeling the music too much and my brain couldn't concentrate on the words as well as it!
- Though she was great (& I think the revenant alone would have been hard to convey on screen due to them not speaking so I see why she is inserted here), I'm a bit sad about the female vampire, because that's clearly the old Queen Vampire from The Vampire Lestat, so Lestat isn't going to get to meet her now that Claudia and Louis have met her instead. She even is the one who tells Lestat the Devil's Road phrase, but here she tells it to Louis and Claudia. Still, it did work for the story. It's just my own little issue of sad we won't see her in the theatre.
- Dark, how Louis just leaves the humans to deal with chopping off people's heads with an axe. This is a different Louis - distanced from his humanity.
- Interesting the glimpses we're getting of hoe Claudia feels let down by Louis already...
- The line about Lestat's death being the only death of 7000 that felt like murder was woah, YEAH powerful
- I found it really interesting that we already got flashes of Louis' memory, like he is remembering elements right away... and he's already asking for the missing pages of Claudia's diary
Also - that sound when Louis and Armand were in bed... what was that?
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just before I rewatch ep2 I wanted to just get my thoughts out.
[this is kinda long so the rest is below]
so with the whole plot line of iris going missing, I'm guessing it's because she was going to do a welfare check on the women she mentioned at the shelter when tk was there. otherwise idk why it would've been highlighted.
Carlos is going to think this is tk's fault because maybe he didn't know that tk went to chat with her? but even then it seems a bit off.
also with the divorce papers being signed, she thinks they should get an annulment(?) so either that's a plot hole or a really odd thing for a kidnapper to make someone do?
unless you have to divorce because you can annul a marriage? I literally have no clue whatsoever, I took gcse history and that's the only reason I know what an annulment is, my knowledge stops there.
either way it seems weird? maybe that's what sparks an argument between tk and Carlos. when he comes back and explains, maybe tk's like wot? or maybe they really do have to divorce before they can annul? because at the moment this seems to be the only reason. I guess tho this won't impact the wedding timeline much at all. because theyve still got 8 weeks seeing as only 1 day has passed since ep1.
so then it leads me to believe that Carlos getting hurt will impact the timeline, because for some reason I really don't think they'll get married in 8 weeks because otherwise they'll have to condense the whole story down into one episode= one day.
I know their timelines aren't strong on lone star but come on with the whole Tommy and her pastor thing. it's gonna suck if u get it day by day its not a realistic time frame for development.
because its going to happen after episode 8, it also makes me think that there will be a time skip by at least normal standards of one episode= 1 week.
does any of this make sense?
I'm pretty interested in this storyline at the moment too, it allows for so much character development with Carlos because we actually get him on screen for like more than 2 minutes. and we get actual tarlos content too. other than 7000 edited out scenes that will never see the light of day.
moving on from tarlos, I'm just like okay why is Owen with the nazis? but at least it's not another love interest. couldn't they just let him be like s1 Owen when he was a more attentive dad. he did have that video call with tk where he said they need to work on their relationship last season so I'm hoping that will be built up all through this season and not just in 1 scene in episode 8.
I like how they're putting Owen with the crew more, getting him with judd and Tommy is probably a good idea. and I also think that the police sergeant guy will be a double agent because its predictable and they're not going to kill Owen off. I'd like him to get some friends and be a more relatable character instead of a meh one. tho I will admit I did really like his episode last season when you find out his back story.
so yeah alot to think about after ep2, I'm hyped for Tommy's storyline!
and I literally cannot wait for Paul's arc this season!!!!!!!
and I'd like some more time with the ryders too and wyatt. it was nice last season seeing them being a family and I'd love for that to continue. and some grace solo plots too!! I know it's alot to ask but it is an ensemble cast and I love to see all the characters have their own arcs and not just focus on Owen all the time.
like marjan hasn't really had a solo plot since s2 that didn't involve Owen or really any of her own character growth. I'd love to find out more about her. in her two central eps this season!!
and mateo too he's getting a solo episode for himself and I can't wait either, he's such a good character and I think away from Owen he could also have some growth.
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phatburd · 1 year
4 and 18?
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Oh man, I went on a blocking spree during this last season of Star Trek: Picard.  Mainly blocking people for wildly shitty ignorant ass takes that did not jive with Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
I had a coworker who claimed he’s never watched an episode of Next Gen, and still considers Next Gen to not be “real” Star Trek, and enjoys shitting on it whenever possible. Except this wasn’t in 1988, but in the 2020s.  And that’s really pathetic.  Dude, that is not something to be proud of and build your personality around. And I consider a lot of the current bashers of “NuTrek” to be just as pathetic, and that’s why I went on a blocking spree.
I’ve blocked people in the TOG fandom too, including a relatively popular fic author whom I will not name.  Let’s just say I saw the receipts for their exceptionally anti-semitic takes on their Twitter account.  Also, Noriko may be a weird, racist, weeb fantasy, but that doesn’t give license to be racist back about it.  So so blocked.
18.  it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Andromache of Scythia before she met any of the others.  Okay, yeah, I’ve been guilty of some of it too, but fucking hell, 7000 years of history is fucking intimidating to work with.  Lots and lots of rich possibilities to work with, but so intimidating.  She’s older than Otzi the Iceman, but Doggerland was already underwater by the time she was born.  Horses were domesticated after she’d already been alive for a millenia.  The Green Sahara was vanishing.  She was contemporaneous with Eurasian cave lions, atlas bears, and aurochs.  I have one headcanon where her tribe were nomadic bison hunters on the steppes.
Someday, I’m gonna knuckle down and write this shit out.
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earmo-imni · 2 years
Me: Yeah I’m normal
Also me: *has taken nearly 7000 screenshots of the Seven Deadly Sins anime and it only covers 1 movie 2 24-episode seasons and a few episodes of season 3 with more to go*
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 260
American Nightmare/Heaven Sent
“American Nightmare”
Plot Description: after several victims are shipped to death by an unseen force, Sam and Dean begin to suspect a deeply religious family that lives off the grid
EXCUSE ME?? We’re getting season 2 flashbacks in the recap?? Back to when Sam had psychic powers???
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: yeah, I just don’t see myself as someone who would receive the stigmata
Mmmm, fake stigmata. She had no side wounds
Dean, no. Do not discount your feelings on this. It’s WEIRD to have your mom back like this, and it’s NORMAL to feel awkward about how things are going and how she left
Ugh…these writers do know how to twist a knife some days. Turns out the dead woman worked for child protective services and when the boys asked her former subordinate if she had any enemies she said “you don’t make a lot of friends when sometimes the best thing you can do for a family is split them up” in front of DEAN?? Yeah, he’s mad about that
You get used to the suits when they’re pretending to be fbi agents, and clergy uniforms when they’re pretending to be priests, but you never quite get used to the chunky sweaters when they have to be child psychologists or cps workers
Is……is that the dead daughter?? Actually alive and locked in the basement???
This family is so fucked up.
Dean, don’t do this. This random Wiccan woman is not the problem here.
Pfffffft, Sam not even really knowing if he’s psychic any more
What if the mom’s lying about if the daughter caused the accident?
SHE PUT RAT POISON IN THEIR FOOD??? And stabbed the son????? Bestie, your daughter is not the devil, you were going to murder your whole family.
Awww. Dean’s done some thinking about how Mary’s thinking
Oh…I remember that tattoo from a different episode. Ugh. The London Men of Letters are so fucking annoying.
“Heaven Sent”
Plot Description: trapped in a world unlike any other, the Doctor faces the greatest challenges of his lives
I’ve got an hour and 20 minutes to watch this 54 minute episode…
I wish they’d cut down on his soliloquies, though I suppose with Clara no longer around he doesn’t really have anyone to talk to
Ooooooo, he is unnerved by whatever’s following him
He’s got some…um…interesting philosophies “if they threaten you with death, show them who’s boss. Die faster”: how to deal with being in a torture chamber
So……and I can’t believe I’m gonna say this. In fact, I hate that I will…the TARDIS is also a little bit the Doctor’s mind palace. He uses it differently than Sherlock, but the same basic concept is there
I’m sure, in due time, this’ll be interesting…but I’m just not feeling it. It’s just the Doctor being clever to an imaginary audience on his side of the fourth wall who it seems he’s pretending is Clara
The setting is the most interesting thing. He’d in this castle that keeps jumbling around and resetting every so often
God…..but I want to look up and see that many stars
Is…the thing following the Doctor the Hybrid (half time lord, half dalek)? Following him around the castle like some Ghost of Christmas Future-ified Minotaur?
He might not be the only person to lose someone but he is among the very few to seemingly lose everyone
Old man vs 20 ft thick wall. Who will win? The answer may surprise you: the creature that’s been following the old man
Oh this prison is inhumane. Gallifrey clearly doesn’t even have a Geneva…
Can’t believe he’s been stuck in a time loop for 7000 years
20,000 now??
This montage had taken us billions of years into the future and he’s mourned Clara and spoken to her like she was right there with him every day of it. Sometimes grief be like that
Oh…the Hybrid is not literal half dalek….perhaps it’s because the Doctor has been told over and over he’d make a good dalek. Maybe because he killed all the time lords…
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sillyfanatic · 2 years
ahhhhh just tweaked my blog and I feel like it looks much better now!! the format was bothering me, it was like. hard to look at PFNSHS hopefully it’s much better now!!
I’m gonna include a small vent under the cut here!! vvv
right. trigger warnings before I begin; I’m gonna be talking about depression, mental illness in general, as well as some harmful traits that come along with them,, mentions of suicidal ideations (it’s small but I can never be too careful)
if any of this stuff triggers you, please don’t keep reading!
alright time to say way too much about my personal life to strangers on the internet
anywho,, yeah I’m sorry for the inactivity / lack of updates! I’m not apologizing to anyone in particular, no one’s really even bothered me for new chapters (to that I am VERY thankful, I’ve had / still have another ao3 account and uhh. sometimes people can be a little rude, demanding rather than asking and just weird stuff like that. don’t get me wrong though, that’s like 1% of people but it still doesn’t really encourage you, yknow?? I’m rambling, let me get back on track)
Anyway, I’m apologizing because I really w a n t to be writing :/ I crave it so desperately but I just can’t. It feels like I’m just constantly going through a depressive episode, like I emerge from one and I don’t have time to breathe before I get dunked under again,,
the fortunate thing is that when I do finally rid myself of this, I tend to get like really creative for a day?? last chapter of a strabge bond, I’d struggled to write the first few paragraphs over the course of a few days and then WHAM I wrote 7000 words in a fucking day like I’m some sort of magician??
I miss it, I miss having ideas and energy and a will to live and it’s just so fucking draining.
I’ve been consuming an inhuman amount of fanfic because all I seem to be able to do is like laying in bed.
Anyway, all is horrible and I’m inherently online and yet very very distant. That’s all I have to say, I didn’t really write this for anyone except myself, I don’t feel as though I have many to confide in. And I like oversharing online.
That being said, I’m going to turn off my lights and try to find the lord of the rings movies so that I can watch them in the dark (headache bound rn) (also I watched the hobbit two weeks ago because I was too depressed to think and wowowo I cry every fucking time)
until later my loves <3 (wish me out of this episode so that I can WRRRRIIIIIITE!!!!!)
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zilabee · 4 years
Please elaborate on how Robert Fraser was trying to sell the beatles to the kray twins. This is the craziest thing I've heard in a while, but I totally believe it
I can’t elaborate very far really.  Basically beatle-shampoo made this great post a while ago, about all the things we casually gloss over in beatles fandom, and she linked to another great blog post, that in turn links to this bit of Tony Sanchez’s autobiography which you have to take with many pinches of salt, but which, among other things, says that the Kray Twins wanted to control the Beatles and filter their money away, and because Robert owed them money and knew the Beatles, he was somehow supposed to ‘deliver’ them:
It transpired that Ronnie and Reggie had met the Beatles manager Brian Epstein at a gay club in London and had discovered that not only was Epstein gay, but that Epstein was also building up large debts at their casino. They also knew that Robert Fraser was good friends with the Beatles themselves. The twins had decided that the Beatles cash cow was too big to ignore and that they would like to grab a slice of the action for themselves. The plan was simple. The twins would write off Fraser’s debt if he could deliver to them the Beatles on a platter.
It seems like a terrible way for the Kray Twins to get to the beatles - Brian Epstein also had huge debts with them, and had drug issues of his own, and was very easily blackmailable etc etc, so their deciding to go through Robert in the first instance seems unlikely to me.  
But all the same, when I read it I came over all emo like ‘oh god was the person Paul thought was his friend secretly just trying to sell him to the Kray Twins, why can’t Paul McCartney have nice things???’ So I read back some of the things Paul says about Robert, and then more about Robert in general, and honestly there’s nothing in Robert’s entire life to suggest that anyone who knew him would be at all surprised if he decided to sell him to the Kray Twins - or hold it against him afterwards.  It’s a glorious way he lived.  There’s this tremendous acceptance among his entire circle that yes, he might very easily completely screw you over at any moment, and then judge you for being upset about it, and then forget what he’d done and ask you for a loan, which you would give him because what else could you do?  
You have to remember that Robert just didn’t believe in consequences, and the Kray Twins didn’t want to murder the beatles, just take their money away, and Robert didn’t think other people’s money was at all important.  So I don’t know if it’s true, but I do think he’d have been fine with it and absolutely not expected anyone to take it personally if he’d managed it.  I also think it wouldn’t have worked because they loved Brian more than people (even Brian *) ever expected them to, so that bit seems plausible to me.
The other thing, though, is that it’s important not to believe anything Tony Sanchez says.  So I don’t know.  Other things he says are:
that Robert encouraged Tony to get John hooked on more and more drugs so that he would be easier to control
that he then introduced Yoko to John as a minder to keep him doped up and feed him ideas
and then set himself up for a drug bust in order to get arrested in order to go to prison in order to avoid the Kray Twins (? I think that’s what it’s saying)
Yeah.  I would argue there’s a good chance that Tony was getting John hooked on drugs because Tony is a DRUG DEALER, and not because Robert told him to.  And I’d say the Yoko thing is a total conspiracy theory.  And if Robert did set himself and the Stones up for the Redlands bust, it’s worth remembering that nobody seriously thought he would or should go to prison for it, so it was a terrible plan if the plan was to go to prison.  And... I mean there’s a whole episode after the bust where Tony persuaded Robert to give him £7000 (about £100,000 in today’s money) in order to bribe the News of the World and Scotland Yard into dropping the case, and then the case was very much not dropped and nobody could get in touch with Tony for several months and the money was never seen again.  So... yeah, maybe we don’t believe everything Tony says about Robert.  
So I sort of want to believe it and could believe it, but don’t really believe it, but still love it.  And I know what you mean about it sounding crazy, but I think in some ways it sounds crazy because the Kray Twins seem almost imaginary, but when you remember that they were real, and read about the kind of shit that was going on then, it sounds a lot more like ‘yeah probably’.  
* You know that bit of Beatles history where Brian tries to get the Beatles to agree to new management and they all tell him to fuck off, and he finds it very touching but also deeply upsetting because he isn’t really coping and their trust in him is a weight in his beautiful heart?  He was almost certainly trying to secretly sell them to the Kray Twins and... I just love that they were casually tripping along with no idea that everyone they loved was trying to sell them to gangsters.  I mean, god knows their lives were complicated enough.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh Season Zero: The Yo-yo Crimes of Jounouchi Pt 2
OK, last we left off, we were in a different Youtube video. This one I grabbed off of 2 different videos (you’ll see their watermark in the corner change) and it makes me appreciate the quality that our other episodes have been, honestly. A little bit of compression going on in these, just to give you even more of that nostalgic feel of watching a bootleg anime from the 90′s your brother got from his weird high school friend’s Napster account.
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Because this is done with subtitles on, it takes more caps to cover it. Part of why I rewrite the dialogue in these recaps is to help abridge stuff, and so consider yourself warned...there’s a lot of caps in this one. For most of you, that’s probably not much of a problem. But I’m just letting you know because...I sure wasn’t expecting it to be over 40 caps for half an episode, and I’ll probably just type less to make up for that. (Tumblr keeps Erasing All My Words anyway, so this is for the best, but that’s a tech issue I already went into in another post.)
(read more under the cut)
So, to start off, Yugioh and co. walk up to a bar like a really weird version of a bar joke and are like “do you know where we can find the yo-yo gang?” And, much like a video game npc, the bartender was like “I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about, and I heard every part of their intimate conversation. Let me give you all the details, children.”
Hey, PS, there’s an entire Wikipedia entry about the bar joke. And that is wild. Apparently the first bar joke was from Ancient Sumeria, and Wikipedia was like “Here is the Sumerian joke, but we Do Not Get it. Please don’t try to get it.”
The joke being: "A dog walked into a tavern and said, 'I can't see a thing. I'll open this one'."
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Damn. I can’t believe the Sumerians were onto meme humor before we ever invented memes. They were in the Galaxy brain over there in the land before time, holy crap. Depositing their memes knowing that 7,000 years later mankind would look at the world’s first joke and be like “I don’t get it!” while all the millennials and zoomers with our MB of nonsense memes on our phones are like “No. I get it.” Good on you Sumerians, that is freakin the best joke ever made. 7000 years to get to the punch line of confusing the hell out of all us. Bless.
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They promptly tell Miho that everything was resolved and that she should go to bed and she was like “Cool!” and exited stage left. Bye, I guess. Anzu also went home, but she didn’t have to be tricked into doing it, she just went the hell to bed.
(PS, I just realized that if I want to write less...I should probably not look up Wikipedia articles about the world’s first ever bar joke. But y’all, habits die so freakin hard, and I just feel like it’s very pertinent to this Yugioh recap, although I know it’s really not.)
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Yuugi and Honda decide to visit the warehouse and harass Jounouchi. In the context of the show, they’re going out of their way to pull their best friend out of society’s systemic downward pull of a life of crime and most likely turning into exactly like his Father. But, the way that it’s storyboarded makes it look a lot like these kids just show up out of the corner and this gang was like “Damn it, again? OMG small children, please leave us alone!”
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Honda hands over the symbolism sash, to which Jounouchi symbolically says “Nyeh.”
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And Honda didn’t take it very well.
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After tending to his kidneys for a little while, Honda decided to go back at it again at the Krispy Cream and do some sort of insane parkour over this completely ordinary fence.
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Ah, the very first instance of real duel law where you duel over a relationship. In later seasons duel law is invoked for things like Mai’s marriage and the right to date Tea (and then just kind of forgetting you ever won the right to date Tea twice). But to think the very first time was Honda dueling for the right of Jounouchi to be part of nerd gang because Jounouchi had fallen to the dark side yo-yo gang across the street run by some 40 year old man with blue hair.
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How many times is Honda gonna fight with a broom? Like are they just magnetized to his location? where are they even coming from?
Freakin janitor powers over here, put him in a Final Fantasy style RPG. I want to see what his limit break would be.
Not like it matters, because Hirotani very quickly explains why these yo-yo’s are at all a threat.
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Which honestly shouldn’t be...so lethal? Seems like the weight is all you need, not really the spikes. But it’s at least stronger than Honda’s janitor stuff.
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Unfortunate for Honda that he just destroyed an antique.
So with lightning reflexes, Yuugi does what he does most:
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The death yo-yo ricochets back and does this little itty bitty scrape to this guy’s face and he’s real bothered by it. Although it’s like...well dude, you’re a 50 year old high schooler, I don’t think people will notice the scrape compared to everything else falling apart in your life.
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And so then the Yugioh Season Zero team was like “oh shoot is it time to torture Yuugi???” and they got hella excited.
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Like I thought it was just Yuugi’s class that were a bunch of disturbing criminal disasters, but I guess it’s the whole city. Like...was Yuugi’s class the good school?
I mean, it can’t be, there’s no way...
but like...is there a good school in this universe? How does anyone survive till graduation? If you so much as disgrace a yo-yo, you will get the torture treatment that I sure did expect in Yakuza games, but not so much in Yugioh, tbh.
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Just a reminder: This is the third time we’ve beat up Yuugi this episode. Within the first meeting of Yuugi and Hirotani, he beat the tar out of Yuugi within eye shot of Jounouchi. So like...Jounouchi was reallllllllllllllllly lax on that deal, right? Like...he took his toot sweet time to realize “yeah this just ain’t ever gonna happen.”
And then the yo-yo wars begin.
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Just like Solid Snake crawling through the radiation chamber.
Hirotani throws his Fyper-yoyo, Jounouchi intercepts with his Eireboy, and Hirotani’s completely terrible yo-yo just flies off the string again because Hirotani should have just sticked to using his fists. No wonder they wanted to recruit Jounouchi so badly, their yo-yo game is so off.
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We never get a door to darkness in this episode, dipping our enemies into mind horrors. Instead, we get home-alone style traps. But, this makes sense. Not only do the show makers have to make Yuugi avoid solving problems with magic in front of Jounouchi, they also have to make it Jounouchi’s choice to leave Hirotani behind. If Yuugi did it for him in like...some sort of duel law situation...then that sort of leaves out Jounouchi’s choice in the equation.
Not like this ever really comes up in later seasons, since who even follows through with duel law and marries Mai? But like, it does feel like Season Zero calls out the later Seasons a bit in this regard. Honda got beat up because he tried to win Jounouchi back by force (or game, I guess.) That was just another form of coercion on the heels of Hirotani’s. What Jounouchi actually needed was to make his own decision to leave.
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...most other anime I’d be like “I’m sure that’s just a translation error” but not this one.
So Yuugi runs to the roof where Jounouchi will never see this.
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My audible sigh reading this line about fight club roof.
These stupid gang members went into Yuugi’s native territory, not just a fight club roof, but on a warehouse? They were dead before they arrived.
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This was like maybe 3 frames of animation in just rapid succession, it was pretty silly and good.
Reminder that like 4 minutes ago, Yuugi was about to get like executed on a meat hook.
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Speaking of getting executed on a meathook:
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Hope you like the idea of glass in your eyes, because this anime’s got it.
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They chase Yuugi around, in a sequence that was done mostly to conserve frames, so you rarely saw the ground until this shot:
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Lots of falling down this episode, but unlike Tea, who fell from a warehouse ceiling once and just kind of rubbed her ass after and was like “ah damn it.” these guys won’t come out of it virtually unscathed.
Also, Honda is here now:
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Jumping off of his symbolic sash trapeze, he decides to do in Hirotani for good.
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Hey so like...walk the dog is a fairly gentle walk that a yo-yo does slowly on the ground right?
Just pointing out how sensitive Hirotani’s fingies are.
And he...didn’t appear to be dead, so I don’t have to add to the bodycount...but it’s gonna be a real long road for recovery.
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And now, with the gang back together Jounouchi is back at school knee deep in make up assignments he’ll probably completely ignore since we know that in a years time, these fools are going to be trapped on Pegasus’ island, and at that point school will be just that place you talk about when you try to remember why you’re friends with Bakura.
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---hey aren’t those chairs attached to the desks?
Because...holy crap, Anzu.
Honestly this is what you see before you die, but I guess Jounouchi died off screen after the episode ended, so I don’t have to add him to the deathcount (again). RIP.
Alright! That took like...8 tries to get Tumblr to save this one, but it managed! (well...I guess “managed” isn’t the word you’d use for a typing program that takes 8 tries to save)
Next time, we’ll be back to S5, for an arc I’ve heard is kind of boring. We’ll see. If it truly is, I can condense episodes into fewer posts. Or maybe it’s a secret gem? I guess we shall see.
And if you just got here this is a link to read all the Season Zero recaps from the start:
(there’s also a link to read all the Yugioh posts we wrote from the start in chrono order but straight up, this file won’t freakin save, and I just can’t even will myself to look up that link again. It’s on the home page of this blog on the right.)
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todd--chavez · 2 years
today i went to main street and sat in Meet Fresh and started putting together a plan for my new york trip. here’s the link of it. i need to plan it out so i get the ok from philip and alyssa on when i can crash at their places before i book tickets. it’s a little complicated because im going to go to new york first and then up to rhode island, and from there road trip to maine. and then obviously id have to come back to rhode island to drop off the car and stay at alyssa’s for a bit to catch an amtrak back to ny, and then stay there until my flight out of ny back to the west. 
i think it might be cold in maine. and ill probably be missing the fall foliage, but thats fine. i wonder if the cool climbing rocks will be closed too. oh well. it should still be cool to visit. i also dont know what im going to do in vermont or new hampshire. 
went biking before dinner, and i feel like i still have sleep debt from waking up for won’s sunrise hike the other day. am i getting old? i feel like it didnt affect me that much in the past. 
oh yeah and we watched the first episode of season 1 survivor. interesting. im still not used to watching reality tv. 
the loser of this bingo challenge(the reason why im writing this) has to edit a video with all the footage that we all are recording of us doing our challenge. and i really dont want to edit a video, i have so much other random stuff on my list of things to do. but val said she only did 3 things. and i’ve done 9-ish. so i might have a chance. but theres still like 2 weeks so we’ll see. 
anyway. im pretty excited to plan out my east coast trip. the road trip to maine is going to be a solo trip so that’ll be cool. also the whole trip is going to be like one month. i need to calculate how much money the trip will cost. $2000 maybe? flights from SF to NY are actually not bad though, i guess there’s lots of flights back and forth. i think the stay in maine will be the biggest cost. ill just have to eat it up. 
other than that, the only other trip i’m considering this year is visiting cathy in austin. 
ive been tracking my spending and currently im on track to be within the 6000 budget. the trips are going to cost me, but it seems like on a normal month i spend about $250, and i should be spending less than 500 a month if i want to stay within the $6000. yeah i’ll probably go over. for 2023, i’ll change it to $7000. i don’t know. thats really surprising that i spent less than 6000 last year. the joshua tree road trip was less than $500. oh half dome was only $250... and sacramento was maybe $500. none of these trips involved planes though. 
anyway. that was a tangent. tomorrow is monday. back to the grind. i feel like i should take some more friday’s off and do something. otherwise i’ll just be at home until the fall when i do these trips. i should really do another glamping trip. that one place in mendocino looks nice and well priced. im just so turned off at gas prices right now. do i just need to eat the gas cost. its going to cost about $65. thats not the worst i guess but sounds gross. if i could get someone to join me....
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winryofresembool · 3 years
Things We Lost in the Fire, ch 35
aka Caleo uni au
Fic summary: Calypso starts studying at a new university, but to her annoyance her new flatmate is a loud mouthed mechanic who also likes to sneak his dog in whenever. But as she learns to know him better, she realizes they might have more in common than what she first thought. Eventually, even the darkest secrets come out…
Chapter summary: Final Waystation chapter, yay!
Or: In which Leo and Calypso both make some progress.
A/N: OK, first of all, within these 3 weeks we have hit 3 pretty big milestones! 1) It was this fic's first anniversary this friday so hooray for that! Can't believe this story has been in my life so long already. 2) We've reached 7000 hits on ao3! It's crazy to think so many of you are reading this even though not all that many seem to like Caleo! And 3) We have also reached 90k words with this chapter! No, when I started planning this fic I definitely did not plan to make it over 100k words but that really seems to be the direction it's going to :'D I /do/ however hope that once we finally get the flatmates back to their flat, we are (slowly) starting our journey towards the 'final arc'. But how many words will that take? Only Apollo knows, I guess.
Alright, enough rambling! Now, enjoy and please, please, please, let me know what you think of this chapter (and the previous one if you haven't) because I /really/ do want to know what you think. Was it about time? Are these two being too sappy? And all that stuff!
Words: 4287
Genre: romance & hurt/comfort
Warnings: none
previous chapter / AO3
After the whole ‘kitchen episode’ Leo and Calypso went back to spend some time with Leo’s family who were playing Monopoly in Waystation’s small library. Calypso had expected to be questioned about what had happened in the kitchen. To her surprise, though, Emmie just briefly asked if the flatmates had managed to resolve their issues, to which they answered a quick ‘yes’, and that was the end of that conversation. Even though Calypso was grateful that she or Jo hadn’t asked more, at the same time, one part of her did want to tell them.
Once a new round of Monopoly was finished (with Leo winning, even though the others kept whispering to him that he should let Georgina win), it was already pretty late and Leo and Calypso withdrew into their respective rooms. When it got quiet in the hallway, though, there was a knock on Calypso’s door.
“Who is it?” Calypso asked from her bed where she had been resting, thinking about the events of that day.
The voice from the other side of the door said: “Just me, Leo. Can I come in?”
“Sure, as long as you don’t do anything funny while in here,” Calypso replied, half joking, half serious.
“What, nothing funny? But Leo Valdez and fun go hand in hand,” he claimed through the door.
Calypso rolled her eyes at him even though he couldn’t see. “Ugh, you know what I mean. Listen, I know we are… um…” she stopped to taste the word in her mouth, “... dating now, but I have decided that I want to take it slowly. Too many bad experiences in the past. I hope you get that.”
“Alright, I understand,” Leo said to her relief. “Don’t worry, I won’t be trying anything ‘funny’ as you called it. I’m a man of my word!”
“In that case, you can come in here,” Calypso told him, sitting up on her bed.
Leo entered the room, still wearing the day clothes (surprisingly, jeans and a white shirt this time, and not his favorite overalls. While Calypso loved the overalls, she did have to admit that he looked pretty nice in the current outfit) even though it was already pretty late. Calypso herself had changed into her pajamas, a pink flannel shirt and pants that matched it. She followed Leo to a small couch opposite to her bed, sitting down next to him. At first she kept some space between them but after some hesitation and some encouraging looks from Leo, she finally snuggled up by his side, leaning her head on his shoulder. Her hand was laying on her pajama pants and he lowered his on it, tracing the outline with his thumb. Calypso was happy to notice he felt nicely warm on the cool winter night.
“I am glad we can do this now,” she said quietly, watching their hands.
“Me too. Although, we could probably have done it a whole lot earlier if we weren’t so damn stubborn,” Leo reminded her.
“Ouch. Yeah, that is probably true,” Calypso admitted, closing her eyes.
“So… it’s been a day,” Leo said when a silence fell between them. “It has…” Calypso agreed. “Weird how this morning seems to have happened like a year ago.” “Yeah…” Calypso shifted slightly on her spot by Leo’s side. “Can I ask you a question, though? How are you feeling now? You know… after… everything...”
“I… it’s hard to say,” Leo answered. “I’m not gonna claim that us kissing fixed all of my problems. Nah, it doesn’t work like that. Don’t get me wrong, it was awesome but - woah, am I really saying this? - I think the opening up part was more important. It clarified some things in my head. You know, like what I want to do and what I should do. And the fact that you have experienced something similar… This is probably gonna sound awful, but I was kinda relieved to hear that. Don’t get me wrong; I wish that you wouldn’t have had to go through any of that, but since you have… it means we understand each other. I can trust that you won’t judge me, which I honestly can’t say about all the people.”
“Yeah.” Calypso nodded slightly, not removing her head from his shoulder. “I know what you mean. I feel the same way.”
“And…” Leo continued, and Calypso imagined a grin spreading on his face, “Now I have some good memories to associate Christmas with. That definitely doesn’t hurt, right?”
“I’m glad I managed to give you something else to think about, then.” Calypso smiled.
“You certainly did. For real, I’ve had to pinch myself a couple of times this evening,” Leo confessed.
“Why?” Calypso frowned.
“Because it’s hard to believe it’s true. I mean this. Us.”
“And why is that?” Calypso wanted to know.
“Because you’re great in practically every possible way while I’m… me?”
Calypso raised her head from Leo’s shoulder and gave Leo her best ‘are you kidding me’ look. “Listen to me now. Aside from your guilt complex, you really should work on your self esteem some more. You’re a good person, Leo, even though you don’t always seem to think so. Of course you have your flaws just like I do, but I don’t love some superhuman version of you. Me from a few months ago is probably shaking her head so hard right now, but here’s what I think: you’re smart. And funny when you’re not trying to. And persistent. Hard-working. You make fixing things seem effortless. And you’re ready to put your loved ones’ happiness before yours. In fact, I think sometimes you care so much that it hurts you. But it only makes me care about you even more."
Leo was quiet for a while, probably still trying to swallow Calypso’s words.
“Woah, um… Thanks, Sunshine. I guess two people can really see the same thing very differently.”
“Yes, we can,” Calypso agreed. “I bet your view of me is also very different from how I see myself.”
“You’re probably right there.”
Calypso decided to change the topic when it got quiet. “Do you think that your family has any idea? About what happened between us?”
“I think we did our acting pretty well.” Leo grinned against her hair. “It’s pretty suspicious, though, that they didn’t ask us anything.”
“Well, better that way than trying to answer some awkward questions,” Calypso noted. “Um… I hope you know that I would really like to tell them about us, but… it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“I know. You just want to protect me, right? I would also want to protect you if I was in your situation.”
A comfortable silence fell between the couple. Calypso was happy to notice that Leo was so relaxed in her company that he didn’t even swing his legs back and forth like he often did. Eventually he spoke:
“Hey… you asked me how I am doing but what about you? I know I haven’t made this day easy for you…”
“I appreciate you asking. To be honest? I’m doing pretty well now. This night has been… unexpected, to say the least. I didn’t think I would be brave enough to get over my worries, but here we finally are. It’s a bit scary…” Calypso noticed Leo’s hand twitching slightly on hers, so she was quick to add: “... but like you said, also relieving. Don’t worry, I will be sticking to my word. There are no take backs now,” Calypso reassured him.
“Good.” Leo nodded.
“Hey... “ Calypso said when she spotted something on the nearby desk. “I, uh, know that we both have been really testing our boundaries today, but there’s something I would still like to try. That is, if that’s OK with you.”
“Alright. What is it?” Leo asked curiously.
“My mum always used to light up some candles by the windowsill on Christmas night when I was a kid. She said she did that in memory of those who weren’t there to celebrate with us anymore. That’s a tradition that’s stuck with me until now. Emmie put some candles over there…” Calypso nodded towards a desk by the window, “... earlier today, but I didn’t know how you would feel about me using them, so I didn’t. But… What do you say? You could take it as a part of your training.”
Leo didn’t seem to love the idea at first but finally he gave in.
“Alright. But just one. And it needs to be far from all the other objects.”
“Yes. Don’t worry, we both will keep a watchful eye on it.”
Calypso felt Leo’s eyes on her the whole time as she rose from the sofa and lit up the candle. He was seemingly relieved when she sat back down next to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “You know all about the fire’s dangerous sides…” Calypso started with a calming tone, “... but it can be very useful too when used right. It can ruin, but it can also help to build new things. A lot of your precious machines wouldn’t exist without fire, right? Have you ever stopped to consider that?”
Leo frowned at her, taking her words in. “Are you trying to say that fire has many different sides to it, just like us people? But if we only choose to see the negative, we will never understand the positive sides?”
“Yes, basically. We are both very judgemental towards ourselves, but today was a good example that not everyone sees us the same way.”
“Yeah… You’re not wrong there… I’ll try to remember that.”
“Me too.”
Calypso noticed Leo glanced at the candle briefly before his eyes returned to her. He was still a little stiff but a lot less so than when Calypso had lit up the candle.
“I was thinking…” he said suddenly. “Since we are official now and all that… Should we, you know, do something together… you know, outside our flat… sometime? When this vacation is over?”
“You mean like a date?” Calypso asked, surprised by the chance of the topic. But then again, she figured it might have been his way to try to distract himself. “Hmmm, let me think…” Leo already looked a bit worried for a moment before she finally started smiling at him. “Alright. I suppose we can do that.”
“And will we resume our movie nights? And cooking sessions?” His eyes lit up almost like the candle on the desk.
“Of course, you weirdo. I don’t think I have any reason to avoid you anymore, now that you know…”
“Know what?” Leo grinned. “That you think Leo Valdez is pretty damn hot?”
Calypso knew that Leo was most likely expecting her to lash at him, so she decided to use a different kind of tactic. She gave him a flirtiest smile she could muster, and replied:
“Sure. Let me tell you a little secret: when you are wearing those overalls you always do, my heart feels like it’s doing somersaults in my chest…”
Leo blinked at her a couple of times as if he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“Wait, what? What did you just say?”
Calypso snorted. “Just playing your own game, you know.”
“Oh, alright. I see now.” Leo’s ears went red, which amused Calypso a lot.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” she chirped at him, poking his cheek playfully.
“Har har.”
Calypso pressed a kiss on his cheek.
“I hope you know I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t 100% comfortable around you. I had already decided that I would not… I would not allow myself to go through what I already did several times before, but you just had to make me break my promise to myself.”
“And you know what?” Leo turned his head so they were eye to eye. “I’m not sorry at all that I made you do that.”
“Of course you aren’t,” Calypso rolled her eyes at him. They kept gazing at each other for a moment before Calypso’s urge to kiss her fool of a boyfriend got too strong. It was a light and gentle kiss, one that she hoped told him that she was happy to be where she was and also proud of him for being able to handle the flame of the candle.
“Whoa, what was that for?” Leo asked once Calypso had pulled away.
“Just to shut you up for a moment,” Calypso lied.
“Nah. You wouldn’t want me to do that,” Leo grinned at her knowingly.
“Alright. Maybe I wouldn’t. So keep talking,” Calypso encouraged him.
“Okay,” Leo obliged. “About what?”
“Anything, really. Something silly and light, Leo Valdez style.”
Leo seemed to think about Calypso’s request for a moment.
“Hey, have you heard about the time when Jason had a party at his father’s house without him knowing and Piper…”
Leo continued telling her silly stories about his friends (even though a few involved also Percy, that didn’t ruin Calypso’s mood). From that they moved onto other things, such as what an ideal date would be for each of them (their opinions differed less than expected, to Calypso’s surprise), the favorite place they had ever visited (Calypso remembered Malta and the nearby islands quite fondly), and how fast Georgina would build her 1000-piece puzzle. The time flew by as they talked and Calypso was surprised to notice at some point that it was almost 3 AM and the candle had gone out a long time ago without either of them noticing. Leo snuck back into his room as quietly as possible, but not without giving Calypso one last good night kiss in the dark hallway before they separated.
The Christmas break was coming to an end and it was Leo and Calypso’s last full day at Waystation. Calypso felt a little bitter sweet about it; on one hand the vacation had been a bit of a rollercoaster emotionally, but on the other hand everything had ended better than she had dared to expect. She knew that she and Leo still had plenty of work to do when it came to their communication skills and of course she was also worried something would go wrong – specifically, regarding her father – but it still felt so freeing to be able to tell what she really thought and to be able to love and be loved.
She would of course miss the people of Waystation. Georgina was adorable and seemed to have basically adopted Calypso as her big sister at this point. She enjoyed teaching things to the girl; baking, gardening, sewing, even a little bit of singing… She was also pretty quick-witted for someone of her age and Calypso was quite certain that she did know that something was going on between her and Leo no matter how hard they were trying to deny it. Leo’s mothers were also great people and they had already told Calypso that she was welcome to Waystation any time she wanted. They also mentioned that they didn’t mind if she kicked Leo’s butt a bit sometimes when he deserved it. She had thanked them and told them that she’d keep their advice in mind.
The final day didn’t go entirely without surprises. Emmie had quickly mentioned that they would be getting more dinner guests that day, but Calypso hadn’t been prepared for the entire Hunters of Artemis crew to show up. They were old acquaintances of Jo and Emmie, the group’s former coaches, and the older women still asked them to drop by whenever they were nearby. To Calypso’s surprise, when she heard about the visit, her instinct to flee was not quite as strong anymore as it had been when she had last seen Thalia and Reyna.
“Are you OK with this?” Leo asked after Emmie had gone back to greet the visitors. “I remember that you weren’t eager to talk to them at the Halloween party and now I understand why… If you wanna, like, go out and check the foster animals or something like that, we can do that.”
“I think… I think it’s time for me to face my past,” Calypso replied. “I can’t do that if I hide every time I see someone who used to know Zoë…”
“That’s a fair point,” Leo agreed. “But still, don’t push yourself too hard.”
Soon the couple was in the hallway where everyone had gathered.
“Oh, there you two are!” Jo exclaimed when she saw them. “I was already starting to wonder if you had gone back to your flat earlier than planned.”
“Oh, nah,” Leo denied, waving his hand nonchalantly. “We just had some things we needed to discuss.”
Jo looked at him suspiciously, probably wondering what exactly they had discussed. “Hmm. Well, it’s good that you seem to be on speaking terms again. Anyway, Calypso, I believe you haven’t met these people before, so say hello to the Hunters of Artemis. Thalia Grace…” She pointed at a young woman with dark, spiky hair, whom Calypso remembered from the Halloween party. “Reyna Ramírez-Arellano…” Another dark haired girl, with a long braid, however, nodded at Calypso. “And here’s…” Jo continued her introductions but the names simply went through her brain and didn’t stay there. Maybe it was the Leo influence, she wondered; she didn’t remember having issues with focusing earlier.
“Hi, all.” She tried to sound confident but she didn’t think she succeeded very well. Surely Reyna and Thalia remembered how she had spent a whole night trying to avoid talking to them, getting drunk and throwing up in Piper’s bathroom in the end. “Hello,” Reyna spoke first. “I believe I’ve seen you once before. At Jason’s place last month, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Calypso had to admit reluctantly. Well, at least she wasn’t drunk in a mythology themed costume right now, she thought, so she had a chance to give them a bit better picture of herself than earlier.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you properly now,” Reyna said and shook her hand.
“Likewise,” Calypso told her, although she still felt like she was not living up to the meaning of her name, ‘she who conceals’.
“And you probably saw Thalia at that party too. Jason’s sister. My… friend.” Reyna glanced at the other girl quickly when she said the word ‘friend’.
Calypso noticed the slight hesitation and remembered Leo and some others as well mention that the two girls most likely had something going on even though they had to hide it because of their status on their archery team. She knew better than to bring that up, though.
“Hello, Thalia. Yes, I remember seeing you there,” she replied, mainly to be polite.
Before anyone had time to say anything else, Jo told the group that the guests were free to explore the house or do anything they wanted while she and Emmie were finishing the dinner and setting the tables. Many of the Hunters headed back out to the yard to see the animals or do a little bit of exercising before the meal, but Reyna and Thalia had apparently spent their afternoon practicing so they needed a little down time. Leo asked Calypso if she would have preferred to go to help Emmie and Jo but she remained stubborn. If she couldn’t do this now, she didn’t know she would be able to do it, so she guided Leo to the living room where Reyna and Thalia had gone.
When Thalia heard they had entered the room, she turned towards them.
“We didn’t really get a chance to talk the last time I saw you,” she noted bluntly.
“Sorry about that; I was having a bit of a rough day back then, to be honest,” Calypso replied vaguely.
“To me it looked like you were having the most fun out of all of us,” Thalia said, but Reyna elbowed her in the ribs. “Hey!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Calypso sighed. “I wasn’t acting like myself that evening.”
“We all have those days…” Reyna reassured her.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Calypso shrugged.
“Someone mentioned that your last name is Astal,” Thalia noted when it got quiet again. “Is that true?”
“Yes, unfortunately it is,” Calypso replied, getting a bit anxious because she knew where this conversation was heading to. “Why do you ask?”
Her hand quickly reached for Leo’s, who was still standing next to her, and even though she couldn’t hold it in front of the others, feeling his fingers right next to hers felt reassuring.
“Because it’s probably not a very common last name, right?” Thalia inquired, “and we used to have someone on our team whose last name was Astal before she took her mother’s last name. Zoë Nightshade, does that ring any bells?”
“Yes. She was my older sister,” Calypso confirmed, feeling herself stiffen a bit.
“Oh… I’m so sorry… I mean, I heard what happened to her… Just horrible.” Thalia shook her head.
Calypso was struggling to find the right words, but Leo quickly tapped on her back with his fingers when the others didn't notice and that helped her to root herself. “I don’t think there are any words to describe it,” she mumbled. “Um, did you know my sister well?”
“Not as well as some others on our team, to be honest. I had only been on the team for a few months before we heard the news about the accident…” Thalia said. “But she seemed like such a great person. One of our most talented archers for sure, and really determined. She was always the first on the field and the last to leave.”
“That… that does sound like her,” Calypso smiled a bit sadly. “Did she… did she ever talk about her home life to you?”
“Not much.” Thalia shrugged. “A bit.”
“Oh… What did she say?” Calypso wanted to know.
“I did get the impression that she really hated her father. And her mother lived somewhere far, apparently? But she did mention her sisters every once in a while. Did she have any other younger siblings besides you?” Thalia asked.
“No, she didn’t. She was the second youngest and I am the youngest of the group. Big family… But is there a reason why you ask that?”
“You see, she did sometimes talk about her baby sister. I remember that she always wished she could do more for her because she thought her sister deserved better than what she… Wait, what’s wrong?” she stopped when she noticed Calypso’s reaction.
Even though Calypso had tried her best to stay calm, once she heard what Zoë had said about her, she couldn’t stop the tears anymore. Leo quickly stepped in front of her while she tried to recover and glared at Thalia angrily.
“Calypso was there when the accident happened,” he blurted. “Do you think she really wants to talk about her the whole time?”
“I thought she would be happy to hear that her sister respected her a lot,” Thalia attempted to defend herself.
“But…” Leo wanted to continue the debate but Calypso stopped him.
“No, Leo, it’s OK.” She put a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s not OK!” Leo exclaimed.
She took a deep breath and withdrew herself from Leo’s arms. “It is. I mean… It's not easy for me to talk about her, but it’s like I said earlier. I need to learn to live with this. Does it hurt? Yeah. But I’m also thankful for hearing her say that about me. She wished I could experience a better life than she did prior to her joining the Hunters. I hope that if she’s watching me right now… from wherever she is… she’s happy for me. Well… I’m not out of the woods yet, as you can surely see right now," she chuckled ironically, referring to her teary face, "but… you know. I’m getting there. I’m feeling better than I have in a long while. And that’s what counts.”
“I don’t know what your source of happiness is, but whatever it is, I’m sure she would be happy for you.” Thalia nodded approvingly.
“Some things are better kept secrets,” Calypso replied mysteriously, turning to Reyna. “Did you know my sister?”
“No, unfortunately not,” Reyna replied. “I joined this group only a couple of years ago. Thalia’s been on it way longer. But I’ve heard a lot of stories about her from some of our older teammates, and it sounded like she was someone everyone looked up to. Even our coach complimented her sometimes and she never compliments anyone unless for a very good reason.”
“It sounds like she was really enjoying her life and had great people around her before… you know. It’s… great. I saw how hard she fought to get out of our father’s grip and do what she really wanted. She was happy with you guys.” The evil side of Calypso’s brain wanted to add that ‘she was happy until I messed it up for her’. She considered the fact that she managed to call herself out before she said that sentence aloud as some kind of progress.
“Yeah. I really think she was,” Thalia reassured her.
Calypso gave her a small, sad smile. “Good.”
After that the group started talking about other things. Thalia told Calypso some stories about Jason. Reyna explained why she had decided to join the Hunters even though she had already been doing well on another team before that. Leo also contributed to the stories sometimes and at some point, Calypso noticed that she was feeling quite at ease with this group. Even though Zoë was still briefly mentioned on a few occasions, it didn’t bother her as much anymore. Some kind of lock had opened inside her and she didn’t plan to close it anymore.
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upslapmeal · 4 years
Revolution of the Daleks
Can you believe Spyfall was just one year ago? Yeah neither.
a long time ago in a galaxy far far away....
ok Chibbs no need to remind us how long ago 2019 feels we know
ah glad to see the Big Onscreen Place Names haven’t gone anywhere
and now I wish I’d actually rewatched Resolution
you should have gone to a service station for your tea mate
how did they know he would stop at the lone tea and burgers stall anyway
eyy it’s Misfits guy
(who I’m sure has been in many other things)
water pistol dalek
well I guess even daleks have to face being replaced by a robot one day
“You built this yourself?” “Yes well I was inspired by all the times daleks have invaded London”
Chibbs’ DW is definitely a Serious Drama™️ in the way that RTD’s was soap and Moffat’s was......Moffat
I do genuinely wonder if kids enjoy/follow the more Serious Drama™️ bits
but come on Chibbs give us FUN give us RIDICULOUS
FINALLY the Doctor
hi Angela the weeping angel
I would have expected Angela to be imprisoned with some sort of watching eye to stop her moving
I wonder what that specific weeping angel did to make it worse than all the other weeping angels and deserving of space jail
yikes what happened to the peaceful ood
I see that the pting is in jail to atone for war crimes
The Doctor in jail feels a week bit ~when will my prince rescue me~
idk I feel as though I would have expected the Doctor to be trying to get out
I guess she’s using it as thinking time re: the whole timeless child jazz
did nobody ever notice the TARDIS house magically appearing on top of what I presume must have been some park overnight?
Detective Yaz
spider guy spider guy commits crimes a spider can
which unsurprisingly include tax fraud
hiding things up his arse again, good to see nothing’s changed
“we live in uncertain times” oh boy did Chibbs not know how hard that would hit when he wrote it
ey back with the human dalek puppets
“I had a suite with a cocktail lounge” I love knowing that this must have been during Nine’s time
“they took 7000 other offences into consideration” you were saying about Jack committing crimes to break you out, Doc?
“it’s been a tough few decades” yeah I know we’ve all had a rough 2020 you ain’t special
warm greeting from Graham - “you what?”
confrontational Yaz!
man genuine companion/Doctor conflict is something that has really been missing during Chibbs’ era
shame about the costume change though, Jack was right about it suiting her
Rose mention <3 </3
though Jack I think you’re giving the Doctor a wee bit too much credit with the whole immortality thing
interesting seeing Yaz choose to follow the investigation with Jack over sticking with the Doctor
“Being with the Doctor you don’t get to choose when it stops” unless you are absolute legend Martha Jones
I’m really enjoying this Yaz/Jack conversation
the sonic blaster!
.....when did that one dalek get a chance to start a clone farm in Japan???
loving Ryan and the Doc getting a proper conversation and how it differs from Yaz’s with Jack in how the 10 months has affected them
though let’s be honest 10 months is far from the worst the Doctor has done
“same Doctor, same Ryan, nothing’s changed” something something Ryan should have had a better arc something
this speech about change feels like something the Doctor would usually give to a companion
tbh Ryan things like purchase order numbers were bugging me too so I gotta side with knockoff Trump here
Doc if they managed to build a giant cloning facility from across the world then I’m sure they are very capable of getting to their casings
man I must have missed the daleks when I went through passport control this morning
“first the cyberdudes, now the daleks, no alien ship is safe from us two bad boys” 🤜🏻 “stop taking weird Graham” 👍🏿
Gwen Cooper <3
Ryan :’(
hug twooo
Graham :’(
hug threee
a bit of a weird exit since I’m sad to see them go but still feel as though I barely know them
especially Ryan
idk for their last episode I feel as though though the two of them should have had a lot more focus in the plot
got to do something big
hopefully we’ll still see them around, even if they’re not travelling
the benefit of this is we get more time rounding out Yaz as a character
Ryan and Graham, off you go to save the world
Grace :’(
Well as an episode this was perfectly enjoyable and it was good fun having Jack back but MAN if those two exits didn’t hit home how there’s just been something missing with the companions this era - let’s see how it goes next series when it’s just Thirteen and Yaz...and Dan Dan Companion Man.
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cat-26 · 4 years
Okay so I basically wrote down all my impressions as I was watching Techno’s stream for MCC 9 (this is basically me commenting to the void)
My main takeaways were:
- Techno is so relaxed and calm!? This is great. Also he is getting back in contact with his friends, yes please. No need for pressure Techno.
- F1nn is awesome! (Also, the cosplay??)
- Techno has played too many Skywars game; even without knowing what is happening, he dominated Skybattle
- Techno might join them for Among Us tomorrow?!
- Apparently next MCC is different? (And Techno doesn’t know if he wants to sign up?)
Now, for all the void-screaming:
~Start of the stream~
F1nn5ter cosplayed as Techno!! I heard he would but this is awesome! 
Also poor Techno he can’t breathe Game 1: sky battles "Weeellllcooome guyys to another episode of Skywars!!" - YESSS Techno was so lost but thousands of skywars videos made him invincible Techno to F1nn: "Dress for the job you want, and you dressed as Technoblade!" Game 2: TGTTOSAWAF I actually like that Techno seems not to have so much pressure this time. Like, of course he wants to win but he seems more relaxed. I like the dynamic in this team. Techno has mentioned Tubbo multiple times. I really want to see them interact. (I would love a Tommy/Techno/Tubbo team next mcc, but it probably can’t happen) Decision dome: They get 4 crossbows to kill chickens? I thought it was 1/team, 4 is kinda too much? Game 3: parkour Pete is not doing well? Techno is on 8-1 and Pete just completed stage 6... I wonder what happened.I’ll see why in his VOD I guess. "Believe in the me that believes in myself" - Techno He was so happy to be tied for 1st in parkour hahaha Making fun of people for practicing: "they could have watched anime like me like a real winner" Game 4: HITW “What's battle box?" "It's PvP" "Now I really want to play hole in the wall" Tubbo won!!! GO TUBBO!!! The leafblower guy really knows Techno's schedule! (Please tell us Leafblower man, we would like to know) (Let's hope he's a good omen) TUBBO GOT TOP 5!!! Break time/audience takeover Tubbo is trending hahaha of course he is, he’s in Dream’s team
The whole discussion on the duel hahaha “How could we determine who is a better player? What if...” I definitely like this team dynamic
About his chat calling him bad: "My viewers know that I have the potential to be the best ... This is not a coping mechanism." TECHNO WON AUDIENCE TAKEOVER!!! HOW? The duel really was for who stayed on youtube Game 5: Battle Box "We might not win but it's fun" YES TECHNO PLEASE KEEP THIS MINDSET, HAVE FUN, NO PRESSURE!! The made it so you can't see the power ups hahaha Once again, Techno broke the game They destroyed the Blue Bats (poor fruit) Techno: “Good job Finn”  F1nn: “Someone clip that so I can hear it at night”
Techno is DESTROYING F1nn killed Dream!!! You go, Finn!! "Killing Dream is a lucrative business model" - Techno Techno dragging Scoot for stealing his team/friends. Tommy killed Techno hahaha he’ll never hear the end of it They lost to Green and Red! Did Red only win against them? I am amazed at Techno relaxed attitude. I really hope this stays the same.
Techno is truly too good at 1.16 PvP now Game 6: Ace Race He did so well. He is being suppotive :')
All of them making fun of F1nn pfff hahaha Game 7: Survival Games Calvin "you have me!" when Techno is stressed about doing SG Blue bats are GOOD they’re winning this Awww he went to spectate Phil specifically (before realizing he killed him hahaha) I love how people thought the Blue Bats were underdogs HAHAHAHA BUT 7000 POINTS? Game 8: Sands of Time Techno: How much sand do we have? Finn: A lot? Techno: How much!? I NEED A NUMBER Finn: 7, I have 7 Techno: Oh, ok, that's good"
Techno and his chat have a chaotic relationship Did Dream get the coal dispenser trap? The one Pete’s team got (~2 MCCs ago?)  I'm so mad at MrBeast about how he treats Techno... (I don't hate him, just his treatment of Techno) Dodgebolt: Techno is being so petty hahaha but honestly good for him, he’s had way too much hate and salt  "Last time I dropped out of the top 5 because Dream died in Sand of Times - to be fair he did really good in the rest of the tournament" - even when he is making fun of him he stays nice Dream fans: don't be mean to Techno! Dream is the 1st Techno fan, so hating him is dumb.  Long monologue vs Dream, go Techno! You deserve the love "For at the people that always cite MCC individual rankings: now they have to cite speedrunning!" I'm so surprised than Cyan didn't do better BLUE BATS!!!! What a comeback!!!! Also HBomb won 3 times now, right? He deserves it! He takes this championship so seriously, and he believed in his team from day 1 End of the stream: Okay I am so happy for Techno! He is so happy and relaxed and he deserves not having all the pressure in the world. Like, I know he wanted a good individual placement and that's pressure but that is nothing compared to usual. He seems way better now Techno joined Reeeed  He is so confused by George-simping hahaha I feel so bad for himm he can't talk to his friendsss
He left. Honestly, I would have done the same I really feel the jumping from call to call by Techno, that's me at parties He really wants to keep streaming, it seems like?
I hope we get a Techno-HBomb team one day. It would be great
Philzaaaa So many screenshootss hahahaha
DreamSMP CAMEO???!!!! YES PLEASE it would really funny Bannerlord got murdered by the the training arc "my wife, abandonned"... poor Sora and Dora Haha the screenshot bm to Clavin Among us YEAH "I feel like I've changed over the years (...) I just want to be a good guy that find the TRUTH" Philzaaa joined!!! Dream is so mad (Techno is so nice because he is really trying to not be too mean) "That reddit is going to rot your brain" - Philza, that is why I don't go there I love this chat with Philza. Yes I really want Techno playing Among Us! (And he wants to start playing tf2 with them again! Yes Techno be healthy and happy!) They are talking tf2, I understand nothing. But they are happy so good! Oh they didn't know he was still live hahaha typical Oh Tommy is here now, it'll be fun. Tommy: “I breathe good air” Techno: “That is one of your most admirable qualities” I can't, everything he says is gold "This is a hostile takeover of the Sleepy Bois" - Techno to Scott Tommy is part of the sleepy bois!! Hahaha but RIP vlog gun They are negotiating Philza hahaha (maybe a Phil-Techno team next time?) Tubbo is in the same call as Techno... good enough I guess?  Among us tomorrow?? Yes please Okay Tommy is really the little brother to Wilbur Techno is so uncomfortable with the Shubbles conversation, he just wants to beat up people with his knockback stick but no one is there
~this is the end of me screaming into the void!~
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redshirtgal · 4 years
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Sometimes Memory Alpha picks the worst photos to represent a character. For example, this one. Identified only as a sciences crew woman in “The Alternative Factor,”  this young lady looks like the last person in the world you would want to approach. That look would freeze winter in its tracks. But did you know this episode was not her only appearance?
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But actually, she has quite a pleasant smile and seems to be on good terms with Charlene Matthews and her assistant.  One thing we can determine by both photos is that she has quite a distinctive hair style. And that makes it easy to identify her throughout the several episodes she is in.
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Going by production order, this young crew woman first appeared as part of the audience in this scene of “The Conscience of the King.” Sadly, it is impossible to determine where she is because of the lighting. Even sadder, she is never given a name in any episode. So our only recourse is to either make up one or call her by her stage name, Carey Foster. And since the only made up name we could think of was Yeoman Side Flip.... well, yeah. Carey Foster is a much better choice.
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Foster appears for the second time in “The Squire of Gothos” (in the upper left corner) merely as one of those crew members who blend into the background on the bridge. Although she is certainly going somewhere in a hurry. 
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Her appearance in “The Alternative Factor” was her third as a science crew woman. Not only does her hair style stand out but so do her long legs. Those legs might be part of the reason the crewman is grinning while he is watching her carry her coffee starting with the moment she pulls it out of the food synthesizer slot and all the way up to the moment she joins Lt. Masters and her assistant. Btw, watch this scene on your own and see if you can identify the crewman who seems so entranced with her. One odd factoid worth noting - according to Star Trek Fact Check (http://startrekfactcheck.blogspot.com/) , it appears that Carey Foster along another extra were upgraded from background extra to performer. Which we believe means they both were paid SAG wages. The blog backs this up with notes from the production sheet. That’s a nice little bump in salary, so evidently (as the blog surmises) both Carey Foster and another extra by the name Tom Steele were part of a deleted scene in which they both had a line. We don’t even see this male extra in the final version so we can’t tell if he is the same Tom Steele who was an extra in “Bread and Circuses.” At least Ms Foster’s part was kept in the scene after the deletions were made. 
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The next time we see her is in “This Side of Paradise” when she is part of the crew who beamed down to Omicron Ceti III to join Spock, McCoy, Sulu and the others who have already decided to stay there rather than serve on the Enterprise. In the first photo, you can easily identify Carey from the back of her head. But if you aren’t sure, take a look at the second photo where she turns slightly to the side and you can tell it is the same crew woman.  Also, take a good look at the hair of the young lady in front of her. We can’t be positive, but the color and style of her hair looks very much like that of the red skirt in the front of the audience at the end of “The Conscience of the King.”  How frustrating that we recognize her in that episode but cannot identify where Carey Foster appears. 
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Carey exchanges her science blues for technical services red in “The Devil in the Dark.” She is practically the first person the captain sees when he exits the turbolift and returns to the bridge at the end. And yes, that is definitely the same actress as the science crew woman we saw in “The Alternative Factor.” One look at that hair...
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In “Errand of Mercy” Carey Foster is still in her red uniform and appears to be handing Captain Kirk a tricorder instead of a clipboard just before the Klingon attack at the start of the episode. 
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We could not make a positive ID but we are almost sure this is the final appearance of Carey Foster in “Operation Annihilate.” The hair is close to the right color and there certainly is an upturn in her hair where it hits her shoulders. Production notes verify she is in this episode, according to Memory Alpha. However, we can’t promise you this is her. Still, she has had an amazing run. Carey Foster appeared in a total of seven episodes, which is pretty good for an extra. Not many of the ones who played a unnamed crewman got called back for more than two or three episodes. Why was this actress so lucky? 
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(Above - two early publicity photos of Carey Foster. Note the hairstyle in the second photo)
Possibly because she first appeared in several episodes of The Lieutenant, the first television series created and produced by Gene Roddenberry. After all, Joseph D’Agosta was The Lieutenant’s assistant casting director and became the casting director for Star Trek’s entire run. This could easily be a coincidence but then many actors who appeared on Star Trek also appeared in The Lieutenant including Gary Lockwood, Don Marshall, Leslie Parrish, and Nichelle Nichols.  Actually, Carey’s first Hollywood break was through her talent as a dancer. She had always wanted to dance since she was a young girl. She was so talented, she was allowed to enter an elite dance studio at the age of eleven, where she was given a full scholarship. On the day of her audition, she encountered her role model, Leslie Caron. Two of her dance studio classmates were Annette Funicello and Liza Minelli.  At age 16, she auditioned for a part in West Side Story. She and the other girls followed the directions of both Jerome Robbins and Director Robert Wise and she was one of the lucky ones chosen for a part. However, because her young age required a tutor on set and specific work hour requirements, she and some other young ladies were let go. But even though her dance career got off to a rough start, Miss Foster still found work dancing in industrial entertainment films (which were the subject of a fascinating documentary called Bathtubs Over Broadway).
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 A choreographer friend got her a stint working at the recently opened Cal-Neva Lodge in Lake Tahoe. Frank Sinatra was the owner and she recounts that he took the younger dancers under his protective wing, asking them to point out anyone who bothered them. From there, she landed a spot as one of the dancers seen on The Dean Martin Show.  With more exposure, Carey was able to successfully land work as a dancer in several Hollywood movies. Above is her appearance as one of the Winter-A-Go-Go dancers in the movie of the same name.  She is the second dancer from the right (in front of the young man in the green sweater).
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There was another better known actress in this movie by the name of Julie Parrish, who played DeeDee. She is the young lady dressed in purple in the promotional poster to the left. We know her as Miss Piper, the assistant of Commodore Mendez in “The Menagerie,” Part One. 
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Carey Foster also appeared in similar roles in Annette Funicello’s Pajama Party and Elvis Presley’s Kissin’ Cousins. Carey is the one in the teal top above. At the bottom of the photo you can see a girl with a yellow bikini top. That is the female lead of the movie, Yvonne Craig. Carey remembers Elvis as being very personable and starved for conversation with the younger cast members. Annette Funicello, on the other hand, was stand-offish and didn’t spend much time socializing on the set. Ms Funicello’s name is probably not familiar to many people outside of us Baby Boomers who remember her as the darling of many a Walt Disney production.
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Not listed in her IMDb credits, but confirmed in an interview with Carey Foster (as Emmy Lou Crawford) in the Santa Barbara Sentinel, was an appearance in the 1969 blockbuster hit, Hello Dolly! She is the lady in the yellow dress seated to Barbara Streisand’s left. This would have been one of her last appearances in Hollywood, although she was an assistant choreographer on 1969′s television special for Jack Benny’s birthday celebration. By that time, Carey was married and had a family. Her husband, John Robert Crawford, had a one film Hollywood career. Howard Hawks hired him based purely on his race car prowess to appear in Red Line 7000. The only thing noteworthy about that movie was the appearance of up and coming co-star James Caan. Together they had one daughter, Sean Crawford. Hollywood was losing its appeal and Carey Foster was now becoming more interested in making sure her daughter had the best education possible.
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To achieve that, Carey Foster went back to using her real name of Emmy Lou Crawford and became a certified Montessori instructor. And of course, a dance teacher. Now she and her daughter Sean have opened their own studio, Inspire Dance. From that smile on her face, Emmy Lou seems to revel in encouraging young dancers just the way she was growing up.
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hellyeahomeland · 5 years
“Fucker Shot Me”: an HYH recap
A day after Haqqani turns himself over to the Americans, the Americans are turning him over to G’ulom. Saul and Haqqani pull up to Ghazi Stadium, where G’ulom has been holding the Taliban fighters.
G’ulom is standing outside, in a cape, like he’s Andre Leon Fucking Talley (to be clear, we stan). Haqqani says he’s ready and Saul gets out of the car to give another speech that G’ulom is definitely not listening to about Justice and Due Process and Integrity. G’ulom fulfills his end of the bargain, releasing the prisoners, who all make a beeline for Haqqani because, well, he’s the Emir! Saul warns G’ulom that if he doesn’t treat Haqqani with respect, “your world will explode.” So that’s coming. 
Saul goes back to Kabul station and Mike and Jenna have something to tell him.
Jenna: Remember how yesterday I had one job, which was to get Carrie on the plane to Germany? Saul: Yeah… Jenna: Well, I fucked that up. Mike: Carrie was photographed at the airport getting in a car with everyone’s favorite Russian hunk. Yevgeny Gromov! Can you believe it? Saul: Yes. I mean, no! How surprising. Mike: They could be halfway to Moscow by now. Saul: First, chill. Second, doubtful. Carrie is all about saving her friend Max. She’s probably somewhere in Pakistan. Mike: This is an outrage. Rules! I must follow them! I’m referring this to the FBI. Saul: Whatever. Send me a text or something when you find her ok byeeeeee
Carrie and Yevgeny are somewhere in Pakistan, it turns out. They’re listening to the radio, which is such a quaint thing for two lovers frenemies to do together. The radio report is about Haqqani turning himself in, and they get to talking about the CIA’s working theory that Carrie is a traitor who told her Russian handler—Yevgeny—about the president’s helicopter so that he could alert Haqqani who could fire an RPG! Phew. That’s a lot. They’re both like “yeah that didn’t happen” but also realize the, like, component of weirdness of the situation since they’re off on this road trip together and look extra double super suspicious now. “Ironic,” Carrie says while gazing out the window.
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They pull up to a checkpoint. Yevgeny gets out of the car because he is In Charge. He approaches two guys, who are actually his homies, inquiring about where “the American” (Max) is. They have a line on him.
Carrie and Yevgeny’s next stop is a small Pakistani village. Again Yevgeny gets out of the car and instructs Carrie to stay. But we all know (and he should too by now!) that if you tell Carrie not to do something, she turns into a four-year-old child who instantly must do that thing. Plus her spidey senses are tingling. Maybe she recognizes some of these structures? She hops out of the car and ends up at a gravesite. Rows upon rows of graves with the year “2014” etched across the bottom. Uh oh. A few split-second flashbacks later and… yep, these are the graves of the people she dropped a bomb on in “The Drone Queen.”
Carrie: Quit fucking with me. Yevgeny: Heh? Carrie: Quit 👏 fucking 👏 with 👏 me  Yevgeny: I’m not fucking with you. Carrie: Coolio, so we just happened to end up at the village I decimated four years ago in the event that probably more than any other haunts my waking nights? Yevgeny: What do you think happens after you decimate a village with a bomb, Carrie? We come in, help them rebuild the mosque, and develop contacts. It’s not a coincidence we’re here. But I’m not fucking with you. Carrie: I’m changing the subject now. What did the imam say? Yevgeny: He knows where Max is. Come on.
Saul, resident hottie Scott Ryan, and Not Martha Boyd are gathered around a conference table in Kabul station, talking to Linus and his homies back at the White House. They’re all very concerned that Haqqani’s trial will be a sham, he’ll be put up against a wall and shot, and that will mean more violence and more instability, and certainly not an end to “The Forever War.” Not Martha mentions that the lead judge is a woman she knows from some embassy events and she’s fair and independent so they can probably influence her (umm… what?)! Their meeting is interrupted by Hayes, who’s apparently just wandering the halls of the West Wing searching for something to do. He’s generally displeased this is all taking place behind his back, but no one thinks he can do anything, so it’s understandable. He flatly denies Saul’s request to declassify some intelligence that could prove Haqqani is innocent, asks again for the “action plan” to kill more brown people, and storms out.
Back in Carrie/Yevgeny land, Yevgeny continues to pry about the drone strike. He says again he didn’t put two and two together, then proceeds to ask actual personal questions like, “so is that why you left the CIA?” Carrie explains her mental state in season four, which is not something she’s ever done, but it’s interesting nonetheless. She catches herself at the end again questioning whether he’s being truthful or not, because if he is, she doesn’t know why. Poor Carrie has no concept of a personal relationship that’s not transactional.
They eventually arrive at the house where Max is being kept. Again, Yevgeny does all the talking. Carrie storms in to find Max, sprawled out on a mattress, one arm still handcuffed to the bed frame. Immediately she springs into nurturing, concerned Carrie, which is not a hat she wears often (side note: when will Carrie wear another hat?). Max says he’s fine but the narsty wound they show in close-up confirms otherwise. He explains that he doesn’t have the flight recorder anymore but he didn’t want to make a big deal about it, lest it suggest the flight recorder was not just some random red boxy thing. “You did good,” Carrie assures him.
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Unfortunately, their touching moment ends right there because a few trucks full of Taliban soldiers pull up to the house. They uncuff Max and then cart him off. Yevgeny looks on helpless. Carrie tells Max she will find him. Then she goes off on the dude who let them in. Yevgeny has to physically restrain her. He looks in her eyes, tells her he’ll take care of this while Carrie attempts to calm her breathing. Did anyone else get the indication he has definitely done this before? He was too effective for that to be a rookie attempt. Anyhoozles, Yevgeny finally gets the location where they took Max, so it’s off to stop #3.
At Dover Air Force Base, Hayes is asking Linus for his unconditional loyalty, which is always something you want a president to be asking for. He’s really miffed that people are going behind his back but Linus says something like “we gotta be in the information flow, man.” Hayes repeats the phrase back, and you definitely get the indication he’s the type of person who uses words and phrases wrong all the time without realizing. Again, he’s the president! Don’t you feel safe?
Oh, the reason they’re at the base is because Hayes had an empty casket shipped back on Air Force One for a photo op. And surprise, surprise! G’ulom came over too. I’m sure they’ll have tons to talk about.
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Elsewhere in Pakistan, Saul is grasping at straws and goes to Bunny’s home. Tasneem is there, because they have no secrets between them. Saul pleads for their help coming up with a way to help Haqqani. If they don’t, there will be another war, right at their border, and that’s not great for America, but they’re 7000 miles away. It’s really not great for Pakistan, because it’ll be right on their doorstep. Bunny is having none of it. The Americans play hot and cold with Pakistan, asking for their help whenever it suits them and in the interim killing their citizens, withholding aid, and generally being massive dicks. Enough already!
Saul sees himself out, but Tasneem surprisingly comes knocking on his car window. She’ll help him. Why? She doesn’t want to watch the world burn. This is a surprise because I thought that was Tasneem’s defining quality.
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Carrie and Yevgeny arrive at stop #3, which is a field just above where Max is being kept. Carrie scopes out the house. It’s barely being guarded, but who knows how long that’ll last. She decides to phone a friend, but Saul never answers his damn phone. So she decides to phone a Single White Female.
Jenna: Carrie? What the hell? You made me look like an idiot. Carrie: Made you? Lol ok. Anyway, please listen. Mike: What are you doing, Carrie? Carrie: Oh, great, you again. I found Max. Y’know, that thing you guys were doing anything in your power to accomplish? I did it in like 12 hours. Mike: Who are you with? Carrie: ...Breezing by that question. Anyway, here are the coordinates. Will you call special ops? Max is in critical condition, I don’t know how much longer he can make it.  Mike: Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in? Carrie: Do you have any idea how much I don’t give a fuck? Just call special ops. Bye. [click] Mike: You are now a fugitive, your case is with the FBI, Carrie…? CARRIE?
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In the Oval Office, Hayes and G’ulom meet for an “unofficial summit.” Hayes reads a headline on his iPad that declares “The Two Presidents,” which… is certainly a true thing about them. Hayes hems and haws about going back to war with the Taliban, and G’ulom says some manipulative stuff about the US being all-powerful fighters who could totally put them away in two to three weeks. Hayes doesn’t even know he’s being manipulated though and plays right into G’ulom’s hand. He eats this shit up! He loves hearing about American dominance and how he could be the steward of it. If it means murdering even more brown people, that’s just a bonus!
Saul and his new BFF Tasneem arrive at the home of the lead judge for Haqqani’s trial and plead with her that he’s innocent. She asks for literally any evidence and their response is “just trust us, two perfect strangers who barged into your house late at night.” She’s highly skeptical until Tasneem pulls up a news article about the RPG that hit one of the Taliban caravans back in episode two. That was meant for Haqqani, because he wanted peace and the ISI didn’t, and he still agreed to the peace deal. This is apparently enough to sway her, so she agrees to a continuance for one week while Saul and Tasneem figure out what to do.
Carrie is taking a light nap in the back seat of Yevgeny’s truck when he wakes her. Some more cars have arrived at the house where Max is. She peers through the binoculars to see Jalal Haqqani rolling up with his crew. Shit. Jalal enters the room where Max is being held and asks him who shot down the helicopters. “What helicopters?” Max cooly replies. Max 4 President!
Above, Carrie is panicked and phones Mike again. Mike admits that no, special ops isn’t coming. It’s too risky, they haven’t scouted the site, etc. Carrie, totally missing the point, offers to scout the site herself. The issue, of course, isn’t with the site, it’s with Carrie herself. She’s a rogue agent, calling from a Russian sat phone. Who else is even listening in on this call? Carrie says, verbatim, “I don’t underestimate the difficulty.” Whenever Carrie goes searching for euphemisms (“That is a mischaracterization!”) you know she’s in deep shit and that she knows she’s in deep shit. She pleads with Mike that Max is one of ours and we can’t just abandon him. He says they’re doing all they can, which is of course a lie. This must all feel eerily reminiscent of Brody and Tehran for her, a slow-motion car crash she’s powerless to stop.
In need of something, anything, to do, Carrie asks Yevgeny for his gun. She’s going to scout the site herself, at least see if Max is still alive. Yevgeny reluctantly agrees but vows to book it if she gets in trouble, which is also of course a lie.
In Kabul, Saul visits Haqqani in his cell, which is also eerily reminiscent of the cage they kept Brody in in season three. He tells him of the continuance he secured and Haqqani is like, “bro, why are you doing all this?” Saul says it’s because he’s innocent. Haqqani knows the truth though: after forty of years of war, none of them are still innocent.
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In the court room, one by one the judges file in. The last and presiding one, however, is not the woman Tasneem and Saul met the night prior. That’s right, G’ulom pulled the ol’ trial judge switcheroo! This new guy is definitely not ordering a continuance. He gives a speech about the pain and suffering Haqqani has inflicted on thousands of people. How he killed both presidents. He sentences him to death. Saul looks on horrified. He calls Linus, who informs him that Hayes has asked for new perspectives on Afghanistan, and John Zabel is in the Oval Office meeting with him as they speak. They are extremely disgusted, so we know John Zabel must suck. Outside the courthouse, crowds have gathered in celebration of the announcement of Haqqani’s inevitable execution.
In the Oval Office, Linus interrupts the meeting between Hayes and John Zab—oh my god, it’s Hugh Dancy! Ok, ok, we all knew it would be Hugh Dancy, but it’s still exciting! He has a terrible haircut, awful facial hair, and gives off general vibes of hot evilness. He makes a few incredibly racist remarks, praises Hayes’ quick action in avenging Beau Bridge’s death, and talks about next steps. Linus comes thisclose to doing a Jim Halpert on The Office impression.
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A few Taliban soldiers come into Max’s room and drag him up. He groans and yells. Outside, Carrie, gun in hand, makes her way to the perimeter of the house. They’ve carried Max into the courtyard and are pulling an orange jumpsuit on him. He screams in protest, doing everything he can to resist. Jalal stands in front, camera and tripod at the ready. Carrie watches in horror, beginning to put the pieces together. They pull Max’s glasses off and she pulls her pistol up, ready to shoot.
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Suddenly, Yevgeny grabs her from behind, his hand over her mouth, muzzling her cries. He puts her against a wall (why is this so sexual??) and stares into her eyes. “No,” he whipsers. For once, she listens.
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