#and yeah you were sort of a shitty brat but you were 13 and it was just the normal sort of shitty that kids are at that age
mollypaup · 10 months
<head in my hands thinking about arasol again
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meteor-cities · 4 years
training wheels || levi ackerman
i've grown quite fond of writing on my phone considering the fact that it stresses me out less to look at a screen i can maneuver easily (i have 20/40 vision). even though i wish i could figure out how section breaks work on here. (update: it involves changing to markdown and i refuse to spend twice the time on some shitty piece of writing to get the desired format)
cw: nothing!
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20 Years Before
"Levi! Wait up!" you complained, watching the older boy run up a hill, leaving you behind. You whined, tripping over your skirt, falling over. You were used to it now; there was no need for anybody to worry. But Levi did, and he turned around instantly, going back down the hill to grab your hands.
You looked up with a certain fondness. You hated when anybody tried to help you with things. You hated when any member of the Garrison would rush to you if you fell while you and Levi were downtown in the marketplace. Sure, you were only 5, but you were also very independent, very bold as a child.
Levi was a different case entirely, though.
In many cases, people saw the two of you as just a mischeivious pairing, always up to no good. And in many cases, that was true. Some people would debate on whether he was your older brother or some other kind of relative, but there was a stark difference. You were a freckled little girl with hair that tended to be very wildly red in the sunlight (though, if you asked Levi, he'd swear on his life it was more of a brown with some weird red undertone). He was a black haired boy with slightly more tanned skin than you, but that was only because Levi refused your attention if you didn't protect yourself from the sun. And you also spent less time outside than he had.
The family history wasn't much different, though.
Both of you were from very rough backgrounds. His mother was careless, especially since the departure of her husband. Your father was a drunk and almost always gone. Both of your families were poor and insignificant to most others, both your parents had some sort of underground history.
But there were highlights. Mrs. Ackerman was kind to you when you visited in her own way, usually with braiding your hair, which Levi pretended not to care about but secretly he liked seeing his wild haired best friend become a new person. She knew how to take care of your cuts and scrapes. Levi and his mother were the only people you ultimately trusted.
"I don't understand why you insist on running in such long skirts," Levi complained as he helped you back on your feet, wiping away the dirt and grass from your palms.
You whined. Lately, Levi was getting to be further away from you, and it appeared to you that he never slept much anymore. He'd show up to your house the next day with bandages on his face and in some cases, dried blood on his hands. You made a point to try and take care of him, but you couldn't help that Levi was older than you and ultimately bigger than you.
To him, that meant he didn't need to be taken care of.
Levi frowned at your expression, grabbing your hand and walking with you the rest of the way up the hill, plopping down on the ground in the shade.
"Hey, look. Flowers," he pointed out, leaning against the tree. You smiled, beginning to pick quite a few and setting yourself a few centimeters from Levi, beginning to twist the stems into natural versions of things.
After a while, you looked up at the now sleepy Levi, grabbing his hand.
"What, kid?" he spoke without opening his eyes. You took this as an opportunity to place a ring you'd made out of the smaller flowers on his finger, giggling.
"I wanna..I wanna marry you someday.."
Levi treated these types of confessions as something childlike, considering how he was 8 and you were 5. He opened his eyes, looking down at the flowers around his finger then at you, grabbing your face and squeezing it. "You're so lame."
You laughed, pulling on Levi's wrist. "Let me gooooo," you complained. He gave in, releasing your face, watching how your cheeks turned red from where his fingers were. You pouted, leaning over to rest your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes.
In your mind, nobody was as cool as your best friend. Whether or not you could grasp the concept of marriage, you'd still thought in some sense that you'd be with him eternally.
15 Years Before
You heard a thud on the window of your room, and you woke up slowly, getting up to open the window, wiping the sleep away from your eyes.
There Levi was, now 13. Except, he was beat up, and there was an older man standing next to him. You looked at the man, recognizing the symbol on his jacket.
Immediately you ran downstairs to meet Levi. What happened? Why was Levi with someone from the Survey Corps?
The man smiled, and you glared, walking over to Levi to throw your arms around him.
Levi sighed, ruffling your hair. "Hey, brat. Listen to that oldie for me, alright?"
You looked up, confused. What did Levi mean? You looked back at the man, gripping tighter to Levi's shirt.
"Hey little lady. Levi here tells me that you're his friend, correct?"
You nodded slowly, keeping your arms around Levi. "What's it to you?" you muttered. Levi laughed nervously, rubbing your back. "Be nice.."
The man knelt down to your level, sighing. "Your friend is in some trouble. He's going to be joining me for now, alright?"
You furrowed your brows, looking up at Levi. "W..what? But.."
Levi shook his head, flicking your forehead. You complained, poking his side, which made him wince since you'd somehow found a bruise that'd been growing there since his last fight.
"I'm saying goodbye for now, okay?"
You teared up, shaking your head, throwing yourself against Levi's body. He grunted, grabbing your body naturally but with some pain in it. Levi never left you. Levi never said goodbye to you. So why now?
You heard your father walking out, heard him ask what the situation was, and promptly felt your body being pulled from Levi's. You began to cry, reaching out for Levi.
"Quit it, kid. He's the monarchy's property, now."
You sobbed as you watched Levi stand there, feeling your father carry you into the house. You thought for a second you could see a tear on Levi's face, but at the moment, who knew what your blurry vision saw?
Your Levi. Your best friend. The person who practically taught you how to survive. He was going to be a member of the Survey Corps, which meant awful things to you. You knew a majority of them died outside the walls. You knew that they rarely got to see their families.
And the second you saw the door shut, you promised that as soon as you could, you'd join them, too. Because, even at the age of 10, you couldn't stand the idea of not being by his side when he died.
5 Years Before
Goddamn it, you were in trouble again. And now you were following a squad leader to someone's office, and now you were regretting even being there in the first place. You shouldn't have put up such a fight with that new cadet girl.
"Yo, is it true?" the woman you were following asked. You raised your head, biting your lip. "Is what true?"
"You said Levi Ackerman during that argument, didn't you? Do you know him?"
You nodded slowly, looking away. The cadet said some nasty things about Levi, words you couldn't fathom anybody saying about Levi.
The squad leader laughed, throwing her arm around your shoulders. "Not the first time someone had a foolish crush on the captain."
Wait a minute. Captain?! Wasn't that who you were going to right now?
You felt your hands become shaky as the woman knocked on the door. After speaking her name, and waiting for a moment, she opened the door.
You had to keep yourself from letting your jaw drop.
"You've got yourself another secret admirer, captain."
The man - no, Levi - glared at the woman, clicking his pen in an agitated manner. "You're dismissed, Hanji."
Hanji laughed, leaving the office with the door shutting behind her.
You nodded quickly, taking your seat, wiping your sweaty palms on your thighs. Levi bit the end of his pen before setting it down, sighing.
"You've not changed in the past 10 years, kid."
You nodded, looking down. You felt your leg began to bounce, feeling yourself on the verge of tears.
"Oi, brat. Look at me."
You raised your head, watching Levi stand up. He motioned for you to stand up as well, and you did, fidgeting with your hands.
"Come here." Levi opened his arms, and you took that opportunity to throw yourself into them, feeling your tears spill. It'd been a decade. A decade since you got to be in such close proximity to Levi.
"I missed you," you whispered, hiding your face in his chest. Levi sighed, rubbing your back.
"Yeah, me too."
You stayed like that for a while until Levi made the move to separate the two of you, wiping away your tears.
"Stop crying. Or I'll kick you."
You laughed, leaning into his hands. Same old Levi Ackerman. The same person you've admired for years.
"I can't let you stay here for too long. So promise me one thing: stop fighting with other girls over me for once, yeah?"
You nodded quickly. "I can't help it.."
"Foolish. You're fighting over something you already have."
You paused, staring at Levi. He smiled slightly, ruffling your hair. "I take marriage confessions seriously, kid."
You blushed, looking away. You'd hoped he wouldn't remember that.
"You're free to go, now. But only if you'll come back later."
"Oh, yeah of course.." You smiled, chewing on the inside of your cheek. Before you turned to leave, you felt his lips on your cheek.
"I missed you, loser."
"Levi! Be nice," you complained. He chuckled, letting you leave as flustered as you were.
You saw him again. And he was still your Levi.
"Miss! Miss wait up!"
You heard the fast paced footsteps of one of the cadets running towards you. You raised an eyebrow. You had paperwork to busy yourself with, and unfortunately, it looked like this kid had more of it.
He caught up to you, catching his breath. You sighed, grabbing the forms in his hands.
"Captain said he needs approval for- for reassignment of some of the other cadets.."
You nodded, patting the kid's shoulder. "Sure. You're free to go."
The kid nodded, and you smiled at his salute before he ran off again. You turned to finish your walk.
Unfortunately, it was interrupted by one of the doors opening and someone grabbing your wrist.
You gasped, almost ready to smack the person behind the touch when you recognized the face. You whined, pulling your wrist free. "Levi! Don't do that!"
Levi laughed, opening the door further. "I'm lonely. Pay attention to me."
You rolled your eyes, entering the office space and plopping yourself down on the couch, sighing.
"If you were really lonely, you'd be asking Hanji to-"
You were interrupted by Levi's sudden kiss, which you sank into after a moment. Goddamn him and his tendency to be so spontaneous.
"Don't state the obvious, babe."
You glared, kicking his ankle. He rolled his eyes, setting himself next to you.
"Levi, I have work of my own, you know.."
He nodded proudly, kissing your neck. "I know. But I don't."
"And I'm bored."
You sighed, grabbing his face. "Levi."
He hummed in response, watching your expression.
"What's really going on here?"
Levi hesitated, getting up slowly. "Do you wanna take a walk with me for a moment?"
You furrowed your brows, nodding and getting up. Levi nodded, walking out with you.
The two of you walked for a while before you couldn't see HQ anymore, and when the moon was the only thing illuminating the world before you.
"You know, when we were little, you always told me you wanted to marry me, and I thought you were kinda corny."
You laughed, nodding. You kicked at the grass, smiling slightly.
"I don't think it's corny anymore."
You raised an eyebrow, looking at Levi. "What do you mean by that?"
Levi hummed, pulling a small object from his pocket and grabbing your hand. You felt the cool metal, and you felt frozen for a moment, looking at the piece of jewelry placed on your finger. It was like a metal version of the pathetic flower ring you'd made for Levi 20 years ago.
"I think I wanna marry you, too, stupid."
You pouted, throwing your arms around his neck. "Levi, you asshole.. How much did you spend to have that made?"
He shook his head, kissing your cheek. "Not nearly the amount that I would've spent 20 years ago."
You smiled a little, tearing up. Even now, 20 years later, while standing in a field completely different from the one at home, your Levi was still the same. The same kid who pretended he didn't love you as much as he did. The same kid who watched his mother do your hair every morning. The same kid who threw rocks in the river with you and made fun of you for making wishes on weeds.
Foolish, you thought. Maybe he didn't believe on wishing on weeds, but the one wish you always wished came true at that moment. You could tell he knew that, so you refrained from saying it.
The same kid who taught you to swim and taught you to ride his bike without the training wheels was now the person you were bound to spend forever with, and you were happy.
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earthrealmlesbian · 5 years
Cassie x Frost?
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Cassie makes the mistake of rocking the seats. She doesn't even go crazy but her fate is sealed. Frost gets startled by it then immediately seeks revenge by shaking them hard enough to make Cassie scream and hold on for dear life.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? Cassie has a pretty high sex drive! She's not really into sex in crazy places though so she'll wait till they're behind closed doors. She's down for making out in riskier places however.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? They.....don't shower together almost ever. Cassie likes scalding hot showers and Frost is a demon that likes hers cold. (it started as a training thing and now she's genuinely hooked) Sometimes they'll compromise and run the shower at a normal temp specifically so they can enjoy sexy times.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Cassie likes to walk around in a training bra and boxer shorts pretty often or nude straight out of the shower until she's dry. Frost complains that she's not gonna be ready in an emergency or if they get attacked. Cassie laughs it off. She's ready to start swinging irregardless.
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Cassie. Frost doesn't ask her to but she saw Johnny do it often enough growing up and thinks it's just the thing to do if you need space after an argument. It doesn't happen often since they're usually able to hash it out but if things get serious Cassie is on the couch until Frost calms down and asks her to come back to bed.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Both though Frost is hesitant to admit it at first. Cassie takes pictures of everything but she's got a folder dedicated to pictures of Frost making cute sleeping faces.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? (This got long oops) Frost in both cases. Frost stewed in her feelings for Cassie for awhile. She was mad at herself for wanting her so bad when she was supposed to be concentrating on her training ( Kuai Liang please have a talk with your child) and refused to act on her feelings for a long time. Cassie was smitten too but respected that Frost seemed hesitant to act. They were sparring one day when the dam broke. Frost managed to pin Cassie who was laughing way too much for someone that just lost a match. Frost couldn't even be mad because she realized then just how much she wanted whatever they had to keep going. She admitted she loved Cassie before she could lose her nerve. Cassie jokes she should have let herself get manhandled sooner if she wanted to get Frost to make a move.
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Cassie. She visits the Lin Kuei temple often enough and sweaters are a necessity so she'll steal one of Frost's. "You could just bring your own if you know you're visiting." Cassie says she (conveniently) forgot.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? Cassie won't wake Frost up from what little sleep she gets because she values her life. Frost has awful insomnia though so if Cassie wakes from a dream and finds her awake then she'll tell her about it. Frost rarely has nightmares because she rarely sleeps. Cassie unfortunately has nightmares often. Headcanon that Kuai Liang is a great singer and would sing to Frost in private to soothe the raw edges of her nerves when her temper flaired. (fuck you nrs, Kuai Liang cares) She picked up the habit and does the same for Cassie to get her back to sleep.
10) Who is more likely to cheat? (at games) Cassie and it drives Frost up the wall. Johnny taught Cassie how to be the most merciless cheater at every game he knows. Card games, board game, shitty playground games that kids go hogwild for. Doesn't matter. He taught her how to cheat her way to victory. Frost didn't even know you could cheat at monopoly and yet! Cassie manages.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Cassie teases Frost all the time about it. She thinks it's especially funny considering how many months Frost pined after her. Frost gets flustered about it and grumbles how they've been together a long time and to quit being a brat.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Cassie but Frost gets into it to since she's a sucker for competition. She starts freezing food into little bullets though and then all hell really breaks loose.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Cassie can't sing well but boy does she try. Sometimes she'll get lucky and Frost will join in but only in private and she grumbles about it. She's thankfully a better singer.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Frost likes to look like a hardass but she actually enjoys physical affection. Cassie's more keen on initiating but Frost will usually oblige If they're not walking around the temple. If they're out shopping Frost will hook a thumb into Cassie's belt loop to keep her close. It's sort of a protective gesture. Neither do butt grabbing unless they're home alone.
15) Who writes the others name on their wrist? Neither though Cassie might doodle Frost's name during boring meetings.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Neither. They're embarrassing. Just.....no. Cassie is louder in bed.
17) Who is more protective? Cassie. Her parents, Uncle Jax and Raiden* were all fiercely protective growing up. She learned to be the same. That's just what you do for your loved ones as far as she's concerned.
*Raiden has good uncle/grandpa energy and I'll die on that hill*
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Frost. She sits awake long after Cassie falls asleep most nights. She'll discuss Lin Kuei drama or upcoming missions.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? Cassie drives! Not terribly surprisingly.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? Cassie is the one to fall asleep on Frost's lap more often than not. Frost might grumble a bit but she thinks it's endearing. She'll carry Cassie gently to bed when it happens. Frost will nap (don't tell the grandmaster) on Cassie's lap once in a blue moon.
21) Who cuts the others hair? Frost will trim Cassie's hair if she asks but Frost's haircut requires a bit more than Cassie knows how to do so she'll go to a barber.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? Frost isn't awful at sexting but it's embarrassing for her to try so she generally doesn't. She prefers to dirty talk in person where she can actually do the things she's talking about. Cassie likes to send cute little messages throughout the day. Frost kinda likes that Cassie thinks about her often enough to send them.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Both have struggled in the past with feelings of inadequacy. While they're confident women in their own right, they both have moments were insecurity bleeds through. Sometimes they'll look at each other and think "Damn, she's on a whole other level than me." They're quick to reassure each other in those momenta. Both deal with loss pretty well but Frost definitely loses more sleep thinking about Cassie dying on a mission.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Cassie initiates dancing of any kind. Frost can dance but she's stiff so it's not something they do often. Frost always conveniently puts an end to it quick by picking Cassie up for kisses.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Frost, honey, I'm so sorry you're dating the daughter of Johnny Cage. Cassie learned from the master. Not the sex jokes, but the puns. God the puns. The internet taught her the sex jokes unfortunately. Frost's not known peace since that first god awful joke.
26) Who kissed first? Frost. Back to who said I love you first, Frost confessed right there in the training room and then kissed Cassie senseless while they laid there bruised and sweaty. Cassie thought it was pretty hot honestly.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Depending on where they're staying they might order a greasy ass pizza if they can't sleep OR sneak into the temple kitchen and make some horrific combination of barely edible food. Frost will glare daggers if Cassie whines for some water but she'll usually get it.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? Neither write poems or love songs but Frost can be talked into singing some popular love songs in private.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Listen...both. It's less about impressing one another though. They just get so competitive. Neither wants to admit that their pride can get the better if them, Frost especially, but :)
Cassie: Look at this sick flip I can do, babe.
Frost: Oh yeah? Watch me shoot ice out of my hands to fly like some fucked up version of iron man.
Cut to them both getting scolded by a medic.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Cassie used to be a little embarrassed about her glasses but as she gets older she's more confident about it, especially when Frost tells her they suit her.
Thank you for sending this in! It was a lot of fun~
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violetsmoak · 5 years
Pieces of April [4/?]
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21099044/chapters/50202530
Summary: On the anniversary of his death, Jason’s second life takes an abrupt new turn and he’s faced with a challenge that neither Batman nor the All-Caste prepared him for.
Rating: PG-13 (rating may change later)
Warning(s): Past Jason/Isabel, kidfic, minor canon character death (pretty sure you can guess who, not either of our boys!), I’ll add more warnings/tags as I think of them.
Canon-Compliance: Takes place in between the two RHATO series, so after Roy and Kori and before Artemis and Bizarro.
Author’s Note: In which panicking Jason needs someone to help ground him...
First Chapter
Jason only just makes it to the nearest bathroom and upchucks everything he’s consumed in the past five and a half hours.
He is left with only the same sweaty, stomach-warbling panic he remembers from the most frightening moments in his life.
Finding his mother’s limp body in a piss-stained back alley. Making a run from Batman and being unable to escape that heavy, gauntleted hand clamping down on his shoulder. The first time he jumped off Wayne Tower with only a reinforced grapple line to hold him up. The first time he got shot. The first time he watched Bruce break down in front of him.
His first and last moments looking at a too-wide smile and the gleam of a bloodied crowbar. A timer ticking down to zero.
It doesn’t make sense.
In the vast procession of frightening and dangerous screw-ups that litter his life, the news that he has a kid shouldn’t fill him with so much dread. But right now, he feels paralyzed and can’t even sort through his spinning thoughts long enough to figure out why.
Jason wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and stumbles out of the bathroom, ignoring wary looks sent his way by several hospital staff. His stomach is still flip-flopping, but he doesn’t think he’s doing to puke again, so now…he just needs to move.
Once he escapes the maternity ward, he has no idea where he’s supposed to do next. The largest part of himself wants to leave the hospital—and the situation—as fast as possible and not look back.
It’s what he does, isn’t it? Get into a jam, leave a trail of fire and debris, and then move on to the next job so as the avoid the consequences as long as possible.
But that’s just it, isn’t it? Can’t avoid consequences forever.
He planned an entire vengeful crusade around that premise and as for himself, he’s never been one to try to avoid what’s coming to him. It’s just usually when he throws himself headlong into complicated situations, he has a pretty accurate idea of what the outcome will look like.
Not this time, though.
This time, his wandering is as aimless as he thoughts, having no direction and no destination in mind. Doors and stairwells and different hospital wards pass him but he barely registers.
“I’ll be back with your daughter.”
This—now—a daughter—a baby: it’s too much. Too much information or implication or whatever it is blocking the part of his brain that thinks ahead. There’s just too much.
Sometimes when things get to be too much, you need to take a step back, chum.
Bruce’s voice echoes in his head somewhere, rising above the gibbering panic.
Most of the time you’ll have too little information to go on—but very occasionally, you’ll have too much. In either case, there are drawbacks, but you still take the same approach. Focus on one aspect at a time. Move through your process as slowly, methodically as possible. You must have all the facts before you can formulate a cohesive plan of attack.
Jason snorts, shaking his head and the thought away with it.
Because Bruce was clearly slow and methodical when the demon brat appeared on the scene. The way Jason’s heard, the kid shows up and the same night he’s living at the manor.
B’s biggest problem has always been how quick he is to go down the accidental-kid-acquisition route.
Which makes him about the last person Jason wants to be thinking about right now. Even just thinking about what his reaction would be if he found out about Jason’s situation makes his skin crawl. All he needs on top of things is judgement and disappointment the way only Batman can get just right, especially when it comes to Jason.
(Not least of all because Bruce was the one to make him sit through a painful and—what Jason believed, up until now, to be—completely unnecessary talk about safe sex back when Jason met his first girlfriend.)
As messed up as Bruce and his methods sometimes were, more often than not it’s those early lessons that kept Jason alive. Especially after he died.
Isabel is dead.
That’s a fact.
Something solid, something he can deal with, as shitty as it feels to do so.
Jason knows how to deal with the dead—hell, he was the dead. It doesn’t get any closer than that. There’s a routine to it, expectations and procedure—
He can start with that.
Destination finally in mind, he sets off.
Hospitals are the same everywhere, really. If you look like you know where you’re going and walk with enough confidence in your stride, people don’t question you or your presence.
Jason finds the hospital mortuary with relative ease, orchestrates a distraction for the morgue attendant with the same, and heads inside. A cold chill creeps up his spine at the familiar, ever-present lingering stench of formaldehyde. He’s had nightmares of that smell ever since he woke up from his coma, and he doesn’t know why since he was stone-dead before he went anywhere near a morgue.
He snags the attendant’s discarded tablet on his way past the empty desk and scans down the list of names, teeth clenching when he recognizes what he’s looking for.
Maria Isabela Ardila, 25. Preliminary cause of death, contingent on full postmortem: pulmonary abruption.
So she hasn’t been autopsied yet, which means she’s not in a drawer. It’s only been about two hours…
Jason ducks into the adjacent lab, glancing at several gurneys with body bags on them. He doesn’t even need to check the identifying tags; only one of them contains a body of Isabel’s height and build.
He approaches the body bag slowly, is barely aware of his arm reaching out, of carefully unzipping it over her face.
And there she is.
Pale now, no more color in her cheeks, hair limp with dried sweat. Her jaw is slack, expression devoid of the light and spark that drew her to him in the first place.
He’ll never see it again.
Jason swallows.
It’s not like he was in love with her or anything, but it was a close thing—if given the chance, he might have one day felt for her the way he felt for Essence. The knowledge that he’s lost yet another potential human connection is another blow he wasn’t expecting today.  
“What the hell were you thinking?” he murmurs, fists balling.
He’s angry, but not at her for being dead. Well, okay, he is a little. Not completely because from what he understands, what killed her is something that could happen to anyone.
No, what he’s angry about is the fact she was pregnant and didn’t tell him. That she both kept and kept secret the fact she was having his kid, never gave him a chance to know about it or to try to convince her why it would be a bad idea.
And now she’s dead and if it hadn’t been for him—if he hadn’t met her—she’d still be alive right now.
The skin over his knuckles is pulled painfully tight now, and he forces himself to loosen his fist and shake it off. Slowly, he reaches out and lays his palm across Isabel’s forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs. “This is all my fault.”
He backs away, threading his fingers through his hair in an effort to keep himself from lashing out with fists.
This is so messed up. This is so…too much.
And sitting in the morgue is probably not helping.
He paces back and forth a minute longer, before digging into his pocket for his phone. It’s time to contact the one person who can usually knock him out of his own head.
Roy has gone through this. Hell, Jason watched him go through it, he was there when Jade told him that he was a father. Roy knows what it’s like to have something like this dropped on you out of the blue.
It takes longer than normal to get through, but Roy answers all the same.
He sounds rough, but not strained in the way Jason would associate with imminent explosions. He can only hope his own voice is a little stronger. It takes a bit, mouth opening and closing soundlessly as he tries to figure out what to say.
“I’m in a mess,” he manages. “And I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do.”
“Gotham style mess, or alien mess?” Roy asks warily.
“I…have a kid.”
There’s nothing but the sound of static for several breaths, and then, “…Say again?”
“A kid. A…baby, technically. She’s…I just…found out. An hour ago? Seems like longer—”
He’s pacing again.
“Whoa, hold on, slow the hell down, what do you mean you have a kid? How—?”
“Do I really need to paint a picture?” Jason hisses.
“Nah, I’m good—but shit, Jay, this is—whoa.” Pause. “Are you okay?”
It’s the first time anyone’s out and out asked him. Drake sort of did, but that was buried under the guise of assessing if he was injured.
“Not really,” he admits. Then, “Isabel’s dead.”
“What? No—how is that related to—?”
“She’s the mother. Was the mother. She bled out delivering the…”
The baby.
His daughter.
“Shit.” Roy groans, exhaling harshly. And again, “Shit. Jay. I’m sorry, man. I know things didn’t work out, but…she was cool.”
“Yeah…” Jason swallows. “Roy, I have no fucking clue what I’m supposed to do.”
“No kidding. Okay. I hear ya buddy. First of all, take a breath. Or five hundred.” Somehow it’s less irksome being told to breathe by Roy than his replacement. “This is big. You’re allowed to freak out, but not so much where you lose your head, okay? And look at it this way, at least Isabel wasn’t an internationally renowned assassin that more often than not wanted to kill you.”
Jason coughs out an unexpected, manic chuckle at that.
“Where are you right now?”
“Hospital. Technically, the morgue.”
A pained exhale at that. “Isabel, right?”
“And the kid?”
“Up in the maternity ward still.” Jason pauses. “Drake’s keeping an eye on her.”
“Drake? As in Tim Drake?”
“Don’t sound so surprised, you’re the one who picked up the damn phone and sent him to babysit me.”
“Yeah, but that was before...”
“Before it turned out there was actual babysitting involved?”
Jason swallows back another wave of mounting hysteria.
“He’s as weirded out by this as I am, and I don’t know how long it’s going to be before he tattles to the Bat cavalry. Could really use someone in my corner on this one.”
“It sounds to me like you already do,” Roy points out, “at least in the short term.”
“Yeah, well, he’s never been in this situation, unless Wayne’s PR-team is a lot better at their jobs than I thought.”
Roy sighs heavily, in a way that immediately has Jason’s shoulders tense.
“You know I’d be there in a second if I could. But right now, I’m kinda…tied up.”
Jason frowns. “Literally or metaphorically?”
“Little bit of both?”
“Do you need me to—?”
“No! No, you have your own issues to deal with right now. The kind that trump mine, and your first instinct can’t be to leave Gotham in your rear-view instead of dealing with this.”
Why not? Jason wants to ask but doesn’t.
“Look, Jay…” Roy sighs, weary. “This sort of thing…there’s nothing I can tell you that to give you an easy answer here. Kids…every kid is different. It’s always different, so…you gotta go with your gut. Ain’t nothing anyone else can tell you to do. And as messed up as you are right now, it’s not about you. It’s about what’s best for her.”
Jason nods at this even though Roy can’t see him. Maybe if he focusses on that—distances himself from the situation, thinks about the baby like it belongs to someone else. Needs to think about it like some Crime Alley orphan he’s rescued and needs to take care of.
Until he figures it all out.
“Listen, whatever you decide, I’m with you man. Ride or die, even if I’m not there right this second. Soon as I can, I’m there,” Roy goes on. “Until then, whatever you do, don’t try to go it alone. I know from experience trying to deal with a tiny human on your own is asking for trouble.”
Jason inhales slowly, scowling at the sharp smell in the air and forces an exhale. “So don’t run Drake off.”
“Or try to kill him.”
Jason glances back to Isabel’s body on the gurney, stares at the lifeless face that will never smile again. Thinks of the infant upstairs who may or may not look like her, but who is definitely his.
“I have to get back upstairs,” he says. “Got some decisions to make.”
And that’s putting it lightly…
He starts to hang up, but then Roy speaks again. “Hey, Jaybird?”
“Bouncing baby girl, that’s…” his best friend swallows so heavily it’s audible across the line. “That’s something.”
Jason knows he’s thinking about Lian.
“Yeah, man, it’s…it’s definitely something.”
Hm, I think next chapter we'll check in with Tim's POV, just to switch things up...
Your feedback matters! I want to know what you think of my story, so feel free to leave kudos, a comment or as many of these emojis as you want and let me know how you feel!
❤️️ = I love this story! 😳 = this was hot! 💐 = thank you for sharing this 🍵 = tea spilled 🍬 = so sweet and fluffy! 🚔 = you’re under arrest! the writing’s too good! 😲 = I NEED THE NEXT CHAPTER 😢 = you got me right in the feels
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An Opera on Separation - Chapter 3
Prologue | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | CH. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16 | Ch. 17 | Ch. 18 |
Summary: Emily settles in to her new life in the city, while having a fortunate encounter with Zig at the teacher’s lounge. Queenie join the ranks of the New York drug dealers.
Rating: M -  Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.
Notes: Howdhy-ho, everyone! How’s Monday for you? How did you like the (shitty) TJ finale?
Today we have a Michael Jackson classic as theme song, so give it a listen. Also, I don’t bite (hard), so subscribe to the taglist and to my blog for all the juicest updates!
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Smooth Criminal
The days passed by quickly, and soon enough it was Thursday. Emily barely noticed her first week of employment go through her, mostly because she has been so busy trying to get a footing of her new teaching career, all in the while juggling a burden in form of a parent and the set-up of an apartment.
All on her own, mind you.
She sure felt tired, but the weekend was impending, and she surely wouldn’t mind sleeping the Sunday away. It was cheap entertainment, after all.
The woman was jolted back from her thoughts by a voice coming from behind her back: “Hey, Emily.”
“Oh, hi, Zig!” She smiled at him. “I don’t see you since the meeting.”
“Yeah, I use my lunch time to have my office hours, but my students decided to give me a reprieve today.” His pearly whites flashed at her. “How are you doing, Emily? We barely had any time to talk these last few days.”
Zigmund Ortega. Only brother to four sisters. The bad boy of the Hartfeld Knights. Connecticut’s Double Threat. He was a friend from college of Emily’s, a dear one at that. They met back on her freshman year, when he worked as a barista on her favorite coffeeshop on campus.
Zig was the first recipient to the Second Chance Scholarship Program, sponsored by the now-former-NFL player and current Senator for Maine, Christopher Powell. As students, she and Chris were close friends, and when he decided to put forward Zig as a test student for the endowment.
Since Chris’ choice was due much to her own insistence, Emily felt highly-responsible about the young man. While she admits to her own hovering, it did forge a lasting relationship between them.
After Graduation, not unlike most of her relations back then, the friendship between them faded slowly, both immersed in their own lives. However, she did know that he majored in Mathematics, achieving his degree with honors and high praise amongst the New English academic community.
“I’m fine. I’m a little overwhelmed with the move and New York City, but I’m really pumped up.” Her lips turned up and her eyes shone. “It’s my first experience as a teacher. I won’t lie, it has been really hard, but I’m loving it so far!”
“Heh, that’s the feeling, alright. It’s that kind of profession you give your all, and it’s so worth it!” He smirked in response. “But, tell me, why Mrs. Sterling chose this school out of all others to teach?”
Her expression dimmed. “I’m Ms. Harper, now. Nathan and I got divorced back on Spring.”
The hazel eyes widened. The man sure wasn’t expecting that. “Jeez, Em, I’m sorry. I didn’t know!”
“Don’t worry. It’s not like it was on the papers or anything. We agreed we preferred to keep it discreet.” The redhead dismissed. “But tell me, Mr. Dean’s List, I could ask you the same question. You could teach anywhere you wanted. Why Lydia Child?”
“Well, sure I could teach at some college or at that Lanes prep school. Heck, I sure would earn a lot more cash than I do here.” He pondered. “But, those students have a whole bunch of opportunities. Here in Rosewood Creek, we’re all these kids got. I just feel I’m more needed here than anywhere else.”
“That’s… that’s very noble of you.” Emily said, surprised and admired with his reasoning. “I’m sure you’re very appreciated around here. I mean, I don’t interact much with the younger pupils, but the GED students love your classes, and the other teachers all seem to sing you praise in the halls.”
Zig let out a self-conscious laugh. “I don’t do this for being praised.”
The woman’s head nodded. “I know. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it.”
“I suppose it’s nice to be recognized for it.” He conceded.
Before long, the bell rings. “Well, that’s me.” The redhead said.
“I’ll see you around, then.” He responded.
She beamed at him. “You sure will.”
Queenie Rhodes was a rightful mess.
With the hair tied on a wide, straight bun on top of her head, a muddy-colored dress she borrowed from her daughter’s bland wardrobe and no make-up whatsoever, she looked just like some Human Sciences professor.
It was a necessary evil, however, as she had to blend in the crowd that attended Columbia’s library.
She strutted confidently to the reference desk and said to the librarian: “Good morning. Could you tell me where the metaphysics books are located at?”
“It’s all the way in the back, to your left.” The aide pointed. “Do you want me to accompany you?”
“There’s no need, thank you.” The older woman smiled and walked away.
Queenie walked over to the aisle, her short heels tapping on the sleek floor. The wide windows of Butler Library let in the soft sunlight from the outside, as the day was overcast.
Her sources say that particular area of the library was used for all sorts of shady deals and exchanges. It didn’t come as a surprise, as the place had little attendance, and its positioning within the building did not favor natural lightning.
She found a table and sat next to a young girl, dressed on a heavy coat and fidgeting.
“Did you bring it?” The girl anxiously asked.
Queenie takes the small vial off her book bag and hands it over to the girl. “Twenty doses of focus pills. Two hundred dollars.”
She slides two hundred-dollar bills, which Queenie shoves on the bag. The girl pops a pill and the woman slides the chair back again and stand up to leave.
It was way too easy to sell those stressed students some sleeping pills as amphetamine. Not only that particular brand of sleep medicine was much cheaper than Adderall, it also took weeks for them to realize the problem was the drugs, not the fact they were only too tired for it to work.
By then, they would have forgotten all about her, and they wouldn’t be able to complain.
As she was leaving, she stopped by the reference desk. “Hey, miss? I saw a girl passed out on the desk over at the back.”
The librarian huffed, stressed. “Not this again! Thank you, ma’am, I’ll take care of it.”
Emily unlocked the front door of her apartment and announced, a little too loud for such a small place: “Mom! I’m home!”
As she placed her bag on the kitchen counter, her mother, laid on the couch reading a fashion magazine, greeted her: “Hey, honey. How’s work today?”
“Just fine.” She commented, as she walks into the kitchen. “I had lunch with Zig today.”
“Oh, that hunky friend of yours from college, right?” The older woman asks, captiously. “Shame he ends up on such a filthy place!”
“We ended up in ‘such a filthy place’, as you so gracefully put it.” The redhaired points out, rather annoyed. “It’s not shameful. And, in any case, Zig works at Rosewood Creek by choice.”
“Work dignifies man, and all that crap, I know.” Queenie dismissed. “Why would someone in their right mind choose to work in Uptown Manhattan?”
“He’s a very talented teacher, mom. He thinks the children here would benefit more than the spoilt brats at Park Avenue.” She counters. “I don’t want to have this discussion again with you. How was your day?”
“I picked up the groceries like you asked me to.” She responded.
“And where’s the change?” Emily asks, defying.
“There was no change. The money you left me was short.” The older woman responded, closing her magazine and walking over to the kitchen.
The daughter shook her head. “Mom, there’s no way the money I gave you wasn’t enough for food.”
“Ugh, fine!” Queenie pulled a twenty-dollar bill from her bra. “Here.”
The youngest looked at the money and at the woman. “Are you absolutely sure that’s all?”
“Yes, Emily!” She demeans. “This is all.”
The ginger took the bill and placed it on the purse with a cautious look to the woman. The matriarch held the poker face, mostly because there was thirty more dollars of change she pocketed.
Instead, the woman said: “What’s for dinner?”
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An Opera on Separation - Masterlist
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gracieheartspedro · 7 years
Stuck With Me (Steve Harrington x Reader) PART 3
NOTE: Hey guys! I’m so so so so 4739x sorry. I just got caught up with school and things at home have been hectic. The response to this story really blew my mind and I’m happy everyone is loving it. Please enjoy and rememeber to message me if you would like to be on the tagged list! xoxo -M
TIDBIT: After this, I won’t be including much more of Hopper, since he’s supposed to be secondary. I got carried away. Trust me, more of Steve and the reader soon! just had to fill in these gaps and plus hey! who doesn’t love a little Jim Hopper? 
Word Count: 3127
Warnings: cussing, fighting, slight slight slight violence, reader being clueless and have slight anger issues
Part 1  Part 2
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We pull up to the Byer’s residence. I only see Jonathan’s car, so I know Joyce must be out with Will. She took him everywhere, always hovering over him. I sort of felt bad for him. Steve parked the car, and we got out in silence. We approach the door, and Steve knocks. Jonathan comes to the door within a minute, looking at us up and down, confused. Inside, I see Nancy sitting on the couch in the living room.
“Hey guys…” Jonathan says, his voice unsteady.
“We need to talk.” Steve says bluntly. Jonathan nods, letting us in.
I smile towards Nancy, “Hey Nance.”
“What are you two doing here?” She says, standing up from her comfy spot. The couch was older, worn, but was comfy when I sat there when I came for dinner and movie with Hopper and Jane.
“We need to talk about Jane.”
“Your Jane?” Jonathan says looking towards me.
“Apparently Steve thinks her and her friends are mutants from X-Men or something and he said you two could explain to me what the fuck he’s talking about.” I explain, walking more into the house. Steve plops down on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees.
“Steve, why are you making us tell her?” Nancy tries to whisper.
“Tell me what?!” I yell, chuckling a little. This was ridiculous.
Jonathan swallows, his uncomfortable stance making me uneasy. “Jane is….”
“She comes from the same place that killed my best friend.” Nancy explains, “Did Hopper not tell you?”
My heart stops, “He told me about her mom.”
“Her mom, the crazy lady on I-65, who said her daughter was stolen by government officials?” Steve blurts out. I furrow my eyebrows, looking at Jonathan and Nancy for more.
“She said her daughter Jane was taken by higher ups in the government and said they planned on experimenting on her.” Jonathan says, tucking his hands in his pockets.
I let out a long sigh, “It’s all made up though, right?”
They all look at each other with serious expressions, “No… We don’t think so.” Nancy responds, putting my mind into a downward spiral.
All that Hopper told me? All that bullshit was made up? He has been lying to me and I haven’t picked up the weirdness I’ve been living in?
“When I first met her, Mike called her “El” short for Eleven. She has numbers tattooed on her, and you’ve never noticed?” Nancy asks, pointing to her wrist, where the tattoo I guess should be.
“She wears long sleeves! Guys…” I mutter, “This is outrageous. Why would my uncle lie?”
“To protect you from her?” Steve guesses.
“She’s not dangerous, you asshole!” Nancy yells, turning to Steve. He laughs, trying not to take her comment so seriously.
“She threw a demodog through that window!” Steve points to the huge window in the living room. What the fuck is a demodog?
Nancy rolls her eyes, “She was protecting all of us!”
“Guys!” Jonathan yells, realizing I was confused and absolutely shattered. My heart felt like it was going a million miles a minute and I could hardly pay attention to the conversation anyway. He walks closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?”
I nudge him away, “No! I’m not okay! I’m living with a crazy girl and my uncle is hiding shit from me! And the only way I find out is because the guy I really fucking like acts weird in front of them! I’m not okay! I am really not!”
“You really like me?” Steve perks up. I shut him down with a glare and he retreats.
“Steve…” Nancy mutters. As soon as she says his name I instantly want to implode. I can’t cry. I can’t cry. I stifle a sob, and turn away towards the door.
“Let’s go Steve. You’re taking me to get food, and then home. I need to be home by midnight.”
The abrupt change in conversation made them all stare up at me, dumbfounded. I handle situations like this. I get news, I shut down, I want to think about something else. I couldn’t control myself and my tears any longer in front of them, so changing the direction of the interaction is my escape route.
Steve got up and nodded, “A-alright.”
“Y/N…” Jonathan began, wanting to begin again, but I shut him down with a wave.
“You guys shouldn’t have told me. I was better off in the dark,” I began, “But hey, now that I know and we are discussing family dynamics, we can start a conversation on why the fuck your mom hovers over your brother.”
I turn to Nancy, “Or why your parents don’t give a shit about where you and your brother are.”
Then, Steve, “Or why you think it’s okay to get involved in other people’s family shit when it’s none of your fucking business!”
I turn on my heels, opening the front door, without another word. I was furious, hurt, and mortified. I couldn’t believe this all transpired because Jane stared at Steve. I couldn’t believe that he thought he had the right to my family’s business. I didn’t know these people, and they didn’t know me.
Steve trailed behind me as I walked quickly to the car, talking under his breath. I decided to ignore him or else he’d have a black eye by the end of the night. I get in the passenger seat, slamming the door as I sit.
“You don’t need to slam things.”
Count to 5.
I do this thing when I’m upset. I count to 5 and by the end of it, I am either calm or ready to cry it all out. As Steve started the car and began to back up, I began to cry. I choked out a sob, holding my hand to my mouth. He huffs, but not in an insensitive way, but more in a “Man I Really Messed This Up, I’m A Shitty Person” kind of way.
It all came down to the fact that my uncle lied to me. The man who I believed to be the most truthful man in my life, ended up betraying that. I was torn. Maybe they are lying and playing a sick joke on me.
But in my heart, I knew that they wouldn’t do that. I knew they weren’t trying to make me mad, and they didn’t deserve the shit I said to them, but in the heat of the moment, it’s like a balloon. Blow after blow, you pop. And I popped.
Steve started driving towards town, not saying anything. The only sound was my occasional sob and the music humming softly. I stopped crying when he pulled into a space right in front of the local diner. It was called “Sally’s Stop and Dine Diner”. It was probably older than my uncle. I remember coming to it when I was younger and me and my mom used to eat here every time we visited. We sat in the same booth, got the same meals, and talked about the same things. I haven’t been since I was 13.
“I’m sorry.” Steve muttered, “I didn’t want to butt in.”
I licked my lips, turning to him. I can’t imagine how red my face is.
“You did, though. You assumed responsibility for something that was none of your business.”
“I couldn’t just… I couldn’t just watch you be lied to. You deserve better than that.” He says, trying to grab my hand. I pull away, shaking my head.
“You don’t get to decide that.”
I open the door, getting out. The diner lights illuminated the street, and I walk in without bothering to see if Steve was behind me. I smiled at the ladies behind the counter, their old faces sagging in defeat. I sat at my table and grabbed a menu. I scanned it, found exactly what I wanted, and waited. The doorbell rang, indicating someone was coming in. I look up and see Steve walking in my direction. He sits in front of me, not taking his eyes off my tear stained cheeks.
“Decided to join?”
“Yeah, you may hate me, but I don’t hate you and don’t want you to be alone.” He says, as the waitress with a white dress and red apron approaches our table. I tell her my exact order, and she smiles.
“You’re Diana’s daughter, right?”
Her name made me stiffen. I look up at the woman, who was smiling down at me.
“I remember you, Y/N. I went to school with your mama. You look exactly like her. Sound just like her, too.” The aged woman says, her eyes not leaving mine.
“Thank you…” Is all I could say. We had a mutual understanding in that moment. Everyone in this town knew about her, what happened, except maybe the people who didn’t know her.
She walks away once she takes Steve’s order.
The exchange shifted my mood. I fold my hands, looking beside me to the empty table.
“When I was 10, my mama took me up here to visit my late Grammy and Hop. She sat in that very seat you’re sitting in,” I look over to his tentative gaze, “And she told me that Hopper’s daughter Sara was dying. She was only 5. She told me the real reason we were here was because Sara had days left and we had to be here for Uncle Jim.”
He let me continue.
“I remember when Sara was born. Blonde hair, bright blue eyes. I remember thinking I wasn’t the only grandkid anymore. I envied her. Her mother was a bitch and said I was being dramatic and a brat. But Hop? No… He bought me a gift the day she was born. It was this doll that was terrifying and had this awful red hair. He told me that when I squeeze it, to imagine it’s him. So whenever I was sad, I would have him... He has always been the dad figure in my life. I never had one, I had my Uncle Jim.”
Steve smiled, trying to keep his gaze on me.
“That’s why I’m hurt. I’m not hurt that Jane isn’t who they told me she was. I’m hurt that my Uncle Jim lied to me to protect her and not me.”
We ate in silence, Steve not saying anything unless I asked him a question. Once we finished, he paid, and we left. The waitress told me to stop by more, and she’d love to see me again. I smiled and nodded.
Driving home, it was 11:26. I turned up the radio a little louder, trying to break the silence I created. I notice Steve’s hand on his pant leg. I just stared at it for a moment.
This wasn’t completely his fault. If I was in his shoes, I probably would’ve done the same thing. He was thinking of me. He wanted to ensure I was aware of my surroundings and safe. He may have not done it in the best way, and he may be stupid and unaware of things, but he tried. He didn’t want to hurt me or fight with me. And once he finally listened and shut up, I realized he was probably the best listeners next to my Mom.
I put my hand on top of his and squeezed.
“What are you doing?” He asks quietly.
“Thank you for listening.”
The music took over and the drive ended within a couple minutes. Pulling up to the house, I turn in my seat to face Steve. He just turns his head. My hand still softly placed on top of his.
“I’ll call you okay?” I say, trying to crack a smile. He nods. I let go, turning to open the door.
“Hey…” He softly grabs my arm so I’m facing him again, “I truly am sorry.”
“I know.”
Walking inside, everything was in slow motion. The lights were still on, which only meant that Uncle Jim was still awake. I walk up the porch, waving towards Steve as he drives away. I unlock the door with my key, cracking it open. His head turns towards me, before it snaps back to the TV screen. I shut the door behind me, kicking off my shoes. I creep over to the couch, plopping down beside him.
“How did it go?” He asks in a monotone voice.
“Honestly?” I turn to him, “Awful.”
His eyebrows furrow, finally glancing in my direction. “What did he do?”
I had a lump forming in my throat, my eyes welling with water. “It wasn’t him who did anything.”
“Well what happened then?”
“Where’s Jane?” I ask, quietly.
“She’s sleeping, I’d assume.”
“She isn’t moving things with her mind? She isn’t talking to her mom through the soundwaves surrounding us or something?”
His face drops, “What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about.”
He leans forward, grabbing a lit cigarette from the ashtray in front of him. He ponders for a moment, not making eye contact with me.
“I wanted to tell you.” He mumbles, still not looking at me. The very statement made all those previous feelings rush back.
“Oh did you now? When?”
“When the time was right!” His loud, unexpected tone shakes the house.
“So, when exactly? When the guilt of lying to me took over? Or has that not happened yet.” I retort.
“No, when you were okay enough to talk to about serious stuff. You just lost your mom and I didn’t want to add onto your stress, Y/N. Cut me some slack!”
“No! No! You lied and you betrayed my trust for someone who isn’t even blood. I’m the last person on this goddamn Earth who is actually blood to you! How dare you? How dare you do that?!” I was irate now. All the anger was for this point. I stand up, looking down at his contorted face, “You told me this whole long fake story to protect her?! What about me?! You are supposed to protect me. You’re supposed to tell me the truth no matter how hard or awful it is!”
“Your mother had just fucking died! I am not going to just lay more shit on you! You got here what, a month or two ago? I was going to tell you, but when you were more…”
“More what?”
“More stable.”
We were both screaming, “Oh don’t pull that card!”
“You are just like your mother! You shut down when everything is too much. You act like everything is the end of the goddamn world!”
“I may look like her and talk like her, but I am not my mother! I am strong and capable! I can handle my fucking emotions.” Lie. Kinda.
“Then, what the hell are you doing now?!” His eyes widened as he waited for my answer. I was getting nowhere. He wasn’t seeing my point and I don’t think he ever would.
I stare him dead in the eye, “You are the closest person in my life, and you let me down. You fucking let me down for some random girl from a laboratory! You betrayed my trust, and you think I’m just going to be okay with that? Bullshit!”
With tears streaming down my face, I lean in closer to him, “What do you think Sara would think of you?”
As soon as it slips my mouth, a book flies across the room and right into my side. I lean over in pain, holding my rib cage. What the fuck?
“Hey!” Hopper yelled towards Jane’s door. I see her standing there, her arm extended, blood running down her nose.
I see red.
“Looks like fucking Magneto decided to join us!” I laugh maniacally, “How’s it going little one? Did you hear me earlier? About how you ruined my life?”
She gives me the deadliest look. “Don’t talk to him like that.”
“Tell me… What are you going to do? Throw something at me? Choke me? How about use your little abilities to fucking fight the Soviets or something and leave us alone? That’s what you were made for right?”
“Jane!” Hopper yells, “Go to bed!”
“Yeah J- Wait… Eleven. Go to bed. You have a playdate tomorrow.”
Her eyes soften, as she sees Hopper shift behind me, watching us closely. She’s controlling herself. She’s holding back.
“Stop!” The sound of his guttural and turbulent voice makes us both jump, “You both! Stop!”
His licks his lips, trying to think what to say next. He starts covering his eyes with his hand, letting out a soft groan.
“Can we just…” He inhales sharply, “Can we just breathe? Can we do that?”
I grow silent, as his hand pulls away from his eyes. He has tears streaming down his face. It was rare to watch him cry. I’ve only seen him cry twice. Sara’s funeral and when he saw me a month ago at the morgue. He was an ugly crier, to say the least. But hearing him sob and get choked up, only made me want to cry.
“Y/N… I’m sorry for lying to you. I fucked up and I’m sorry. I should've told you before I even brought you here. But…” He contemplates, “We are all you got now. Me and Jane. We are your family. We yell, we fight, yeah, but that’s family. At the end of the day, I love you and I never intentionally try to let you down. You just… Every time I look at you, I see your mother and it hurts. I’m still dealing with these feelings and raising you two girls. It’s an adjustment period right now, but we will figure it out. But from this day forward, I’m going to stop acting like you’re wounded and incapable, and be honest with you. Okay?”
I watch his demeanor change, he stands up and walks over to me. He extends one arm. As much as I wanted to push away, I let him pull me into a hug. After a minute, the tears fall down my cheeks and onto his shirt. I felt around set of arms wrap around me, holding onto me.
This was my home. My fucked up, dysfunctional, always a mess of a home. I didn’t have to say anything to know that words were forgiven. I just felt it. Maybe it was the adrenaline come down, but with their arms wrapped around me, I felt safe again. Something I hadn’t truly felt since my mom.
“Family doesn’t end or start with the blood in your veins,” Hopper starts, “It’s the people who would love you even when you want to fucking hate them.”
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Chapter 1
This was not the way Levi wanted to start his day. Especially not today of all days, yet somehow he was standing in the middle of his favourite tea shop with scolding hot tea staining his crisp white shirt, and some shitty teen staring at him like it was all his fault. It wasn't his fault the kid didn't even bother looking as he came out from behind the counter and walked right into him. The shitty brat too dim witted to even offer the slightest word of apology. No. This wasn't how he wanted to start today of all days at all.
Thanks to that one incident his whole day had been thrown out of whack and was now running late for a meeting that would change his life enough as it was. When Levi had hit and passed 25, he'd thought he'd be safe from ever having to take an omega for a mate, his unusual scent and pheromone sensitivity making it damn near impossible to even stomach having an omega around, but some how, by some unlucky throw of the dice, an omega who was actually compatible with him had been found, and what was even worse was the fact the kid had only just presented. He found the whole thing disgusting and disgraceful, but by law he was in no position to argue. Omega's were a rare commodity, and only an alpha and omega could breed more omegas. That was why the government had made it mandatory for all alphas and omegas to register their DNA so that they may be matched "for the good of society" or some bullshit. Today his days as a single alpha came to an end and he'd be collecting his omega.
Having been forced to return home and shower, Levi couldn't deny his alpha side was quietly boiling at anger over the morning's incident, having been disrespected so openly in public. Go back 20 years and he'd have been well within his rights to beat some sense into the kid, but now days everyone was supposed to be treated as an equal. It didn't even occur to him that he might have been in the wrong, or that the snarl that boiled up from his throat might have scared the teen... no... none of this shit was his fault.
Arriving at the office, Levi was greeted by Isabel. The woman wasn't his personal secretary per say, but she seemed to have taken the role on somewhere along the line. Isabel was definitely everything he wasn't, the woman never seemed to let anything get to her, and always wore a cheeky smile as if she was scheming something mischievous. Passing him the files for today, Isabel's smile was even larger than normal
"You're late"
"I know. Are they here?"
"Yep, both he and his parents are here"
He...? So his mate was a guy? For someone who had never been in a relationship he honesty didn't know how to take it. As it was, he'd only taken care of things down there to keep his alpha reined in and he couldn't say that it ever felt really good
"They're in your office"
Levi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The wall of glass right beside them meant he could see that for himself as plainly as he could see Isabel standing just short of his door
"Thank you, Izzy"
Slipping past the woman, Levi turned into his office. He'd only taken two steps into the room when he realised something was terribly wrong
"Oh hell no. I am not marrying this arsehole!"
"Eren! You don't even know him"
"I know enough"
"What did you do now?"
"Why do I have to be the one who did anything wrong? He walked into me. I was trying to do my job and he took a step back and straight into me"
Levi couldn't help the involuntary growl that escaped his throat
"I'm sorry sir, he used to be such a cute kid, but presenting as an omega has left him feeling a..."
"Mum. He doesn't give a shit. Can't you smell how much he wants me gone?"
"Eren, you're just imagining it"
"I'm not imagining it. Ask him yourself"
Forcing himself to cross and sit in the deep red office chair behind his desk, Levi cleared his throat, he might be an arsehole, but the kid was a shitty brat
"You were the one who walked into me, and you didn't apologise either. Now your name is Eren right?"
The kid nodded in his direction, his wide green eyes filled with fury
"Eren, answer him"
"Fine. God. Just back off. Yes, my name is Eren"
"Yeager. Look, isn't this all in the paperwork the government sent you"
"It is. But unlike you, I'm making an attempt"
"So you're one of those? You like chatting up 13 year old boys?"
"Eren! That's enough! You're being incredibly rude to Levi right now"
"You're the ones being rude. Oh look, your 13 year old son just spent a week doing all sorts of messed up things because his stupid body has to decide he was an omega. Quick! Let's register his DNA and then pair him up straight away. Let's not ask him what he wants. Yeah. Let's do that"
He had to give the kid points for being straight up about it all. Not many people, alpha or omega, had the balls to talk so straight and openly to him
"So you're 13"
"He is and as he's just presented he's never been mounted or marked"
Grisha... he vaguely remembered that being the father's name... whatever it was, he didn't care for the way the man talked about his own son
"Let's get down to business. You've brought your signed papers of transfer right?"
The woman... Carla? Nodded as she pulled a small pile of papers from her handbag
"I know Eren is a handful, and I know he's stubborn and quick to anger... but he's still my baby. Please. Please take care of him..."
Unlike Grisha, Carla's words struck him as being full of genuine concern for her son. Eyeing him resentfully as Levi took the papers, the teen openly mocked him by releasing a blast of sweet citrus tones, which Levi found weren't totally unappealing... though he'd never state as much openly when Eren was still just a child
"I have no desire to lay my hands on a child"
Grisha sat straighter in his chair
"Are you trying to say there is something wrong with our son?"
"No. I'm trying to say that at 13, he is too young to be bred. A child can hardly be expected to take care of a child of his own, or understand the consequences of mating and breeding. I will take him into my custody, but I will not breed him until he comes of legal beta age"
Grisha looked scandalised, while Carla looked relieved. An omega was never really given any legal rights no matter their age, but an alpha was declared an adult at 16 and a beta at 18. By which time he was certain this whole mistake would have been sorted out and Eren would be moved to his rightful alpha
"Would you like me to give you a minute?"
Carla opened her mouth, but Grisha shook his head
"There's no need. He's legally in your custody now"
"I was asking Eren, not you"
Grisha's thin lips seemed to thin further as he scowled, obviously none too impressed with being taken down a peg
"Fine. Whatever"
Leaning in to hug him, Carla sniffled lightly
"Eren, you're always welcome at home... and I want you to call me. Everyday. No matter what time..."
"If I'm welcome at home, why are you getting rid of me?"
If Levi could have legally left the kid with his parents, he definitely would have. He hadn't signed up for babysitting duty
"Honey, you know it's not like that. You're my son and if it didn't have to be like this..."
"It's fine mum. I get it. Doesn't mean I have to like it... or him"
Carla sighed softly
"Eren please..."
"I'll call you tonight"
"Just... just don't forget I love you"
"Carla, stop coddling the boy. He needs to grow up and stand on his own two feet"
With that Grisha rose to his feet, before pulling his wife from Eren and leading her from the office. If Eren was even a tenth of an arsehole that Grisha was, then they definitely weren't going to be compatible.
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btspremiumtrash · 4 years
Cirque de Bangtan (j.jk x p.jm) part 2
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⇓ Ship: Jeongguk x Jimin
⇓ Genre: Series, Non-idol! AU, Enemies to Lovers, Supernatural AU, Circus AU, Eventual Smut
⇓ Summary: Jeongguk recently moved from Busan to big city Seoul. His parents kicked him out. Something about “You’re 22 and still living with your parents. Get the hell out and get a damn job!”
He couldn’t hear them as he was two steps ahead of them by packing up his bags and slamming the door in their faces. Every interview he got, he never heard back from them. Most of his days were spent just trying to find somewhere to rest his head and drown his sorrows. Life is hard when things aren’t spoon-fed to you as Jeongguk comes to realize.
Now he’s all by his lonesome. Luckily for him, he finds a flyer. A potential job. A circus job yes, but he was desperate for any sort of payment. Little did he know, life as he knew it was about to get a whole lot more interesting... Werewolves. Vampires. Clowns. Not even God could prepare Jeongguk for the complete turnaround on his once normal lifestyle.
⇓ Word ct.: 3.9k
⇓ Warnings: cussing, pg-13
⇓ Chapter 1
Jeongguk was woken up by his alarm he set for himself at an ungodly—6:00 pm—hour. He wanted to get a head start for the new job that he had to be there for at 8:00 pm for his first opening performance. 
His new job. 
Those three words were still new to him. He couldn’t believe that in a few hours, he would be working his first shift. Doing something he was already doing, granted. But baby steps. Now he was getting paid real money. Or so he hoped. 
With newfound motivation in his steps, he cleaned himself up, parted his hair to the side, put on some black tight-fitting jeans along with a black graphic T-shirt, and was on his way out the door. He greeted the very nice and cute receptionist, Lalisa, on his way out. Her auburn bangs covered her luscious eyebrows while the rest of her hair was in a professional bun. 
Lisa, as he likes to call her, was Jeongguk’s first friend outside of the ones his father forced him to keep in touch with. Big names like Kim Jennie and Mark Lee whose families worked together with the Jeons, hence why they wanted their kids to stay in touch if something were to ever happen to their successful businesses. It was always business first and family second with big names like theirs. 
But Lisa was different. She was a foreigner. Her family started this hotel business when they got to Korea and prided themselves on bringing their Thai traditions of hospitality to Seoul and many other parts of South Korea. She grew up in the hospitality business and therefore knew how to comfort a lost soul like Jeongguk’s. She was the first person he ever spoke to that didn’t know about him, his name, his family, anything like that, and therefore he began to enlighten her about himself. It didn’t hurt his pride because, at that point in his life, he didn’t have any pride left. 
“You look like you’ve got somewhere to be, huh?” She grinned. 
Jeongguk stopped and walked up to her desk, giving her the same closed smile she cast his way. “Yeah. I finally got a job! Can you believe it?” 
Shaking her head, she shrugged. “Can’t say that I do, Mr. Jeon, but if you say so...” She dragged until an idea came to mind. “Where do you work? Maybe I can end my shift early and drive you there if you want.” 
Jeongguk froze. He didn’t want Lisa to find out he worked at a circus. His pride was finally kicking off and having Lisa drive him to his job would only knock it right back down again. He couldn’t afford that. Maybe some other time when he sees just how well they pay him. But he had to make up some sort of excuse that she would buy. 
He shook his head. “Oh, I don’t think you have to drive me there. It’s only a fifteen-minute walk from here. I think I can manage. Thank you though.” 
“Of course! Just be back here at a reasonable time tonight. Clients were a little upset to hear you and whatever company you brought over outside their door at 1 am. I don’t feel like vouching for you again.” 
Company? Jeongguk remembered that Jimin walked him home the other night, and not out of the kindness of his heart. He wondered if Jimin even had a heart with the way he argued to Jimin about having a hotel being his permanent residence instead of an actual apartment. He kept rambling on about his poor life decisions as if he knew the shit he went through. He didn’t know a damn thing. He slammed the door on his face when he heard enough. Note to self: Don’t force Park Jimin to take you home. 
“This is where you live?” 
They just arrived at Jeongguk’s hotel room. Odd, Jeongguk thought since he quite vividly remembers Jimin saying that once they get to his block, he’s going home. Now he was standing right outside his place. Great. Maybe he won’t try and murder him in his sleep if he fucks up a performance, Jeongguk hoped. Despite the mental image of Jimin using a knife to slit his throat and laughing manically, Jeongguk still kept a level head. Getting the keycard out of his pocket, Jeongguk nonchalantly said, “It is. Problem?” 
“Uh, yeah.” Jimin scoffed. “Why the fuck do you not live in an apartment like every other sane person?” 
Jeongguk turned his attention toward the older man. He looked him up and down to see if he was seriously judging his lifestyle right now and sure enough, based on how deadly serious he looked, he wasn’t joking. “Who the fuck are you to judge?” 
“Aren’t you a Jeon? You couldn’t have gone for a penthouse—” 
Oh no. He played the family name card. Wrong move. Jeongguk pushed Jimin to the nearby wall and pinned him there. “Listen here, asshole. Yes, I’m a fucking Jeon. I’m Jeon Jeongguk. And I bought this hotel room because I didn’t feel like putting an even bigger dent in my pocket than I already have. But don’t think that because of my last name that I’m loaded. I wouldn’t need this stupid fucking job anyway—” 
Jimin heard just about enough. Before he could insult his job, Jimin pushed Jeongguk back to his door, making a loud thud sound. Probably the noise the neighbors were complaining about to Lisa. Growling, Jimin locked eyes with the younger man—who was, unfortunately, taller than him and therefore had to look up to see him but that didn’t stop the sheer dominance he radiated off his body—and said, “Choose your next words very carefully, little one. I see now why your parents set you free on your own, brat. Now before I do something I may regret, I’m going to say this once and only once: Insult the circus or anyone working in Cirque de Bangtan, I will make your life even worse than it already is. You may have money, but I have claws. And trust me, they work a hell of a lot better than money.” 
Jimin lets go of Jeongguk, who could hardly breathe even after being let go of. He’s gotten death threats on Overwatch before. But nothing like this. And no one like him. He was truly terrified. He dared ask what he meant by claws. Real claws? No way, werewolves don’t exist. But could they? He’s starting to think that they could. 
Regardless, Jeongguk mustered up whatever courage he had left to let himself in his hotel room, slamming the door shut in fear that Jimin would try something. But to his surprise, Jimin didn’t kick down his door and slit his throat. Instead, he sighed and said, “Don’t be late tomorrow night. You’ve got the 8-10 shift.” 
Jeongguk didn’t reply, too afraid that his voice might reflect how scared he was. He heard Jimin’s footsteps echoing down the hallway back to the elevator. Finally, he was gone. He breathed a sigh of relief. 
There’s no way he signed up for this kind of job, right? It's not even Day 1 and he’s already gotten a death threat from his coworker. He felt a lump grow in his throat as he struggled to swallow it down. How the hell was he supposed to work with these people? He’s nothing like them. 
The fight that he and Jimin had made Jeongguk go to bed a little earlier than he would’ve liked to. He needed his wet dreams about Lee Jieun. Only they would make up for the shitty night he had. And lucky they did. Otherwise, he would’ve never had the determination to go back to that circus job. 
After reliving that horrible night in his head, he returned to planet Earth to give Lisa reassurance that he would never come home with Park Jimin ever again. “Yes ma’am.” He waved her goodbye as he left the hotel. 
“Nice work, Jimin. You need some water?” Jimin’s best friend, Kim Taehyung, the clairvoyant vampire, asked him as Jimin came back from his performance of jumping through rings of fire in his wolf form. He nodded, to which Taehyung handed him a cold one from underneath his table.  
The thrill of the crowd could be heard from possibly miles away and that wasn’t just because of Taehyung’s supernatural ability to hear even the slightest sound was exaggerating it. Jimin’s performance was arguably the one that brought in the most money for Cirque de Bangtan. No one questioned the existence of a werewolf. They’ve read enough Twilight to accept that they do exist. The only person who doesn’t know because he—along with his also sheltered friends—was shielded from these kinds of creatures is Jeongguk. 
Taehyung’s shift already ended about thirty minutes ago when he predicted the futures of possibly ten people. That’s ten more people than the previous night, so there’s progress there. Were they right? Only the future (and Taehyung) knows for sure. Sometimes he told them what they wanted to hear. Other times he would tell the truth only if it was beneficial to them. And still, he found that he was paid more whenever he lied. Humans are so weird. Glad he was never one of them. 
Jimin looked at his phone. Seven o’clock. Newbie’s shift would be starting soon. Only one problem: he didn’t smell Jeongguk anywhere. Meaning that either he got cold feet and quit his job before he could even arrive. Or he got mobbed by rogue wolves. He prayed for the former since Namjoon would kill him otherwise for not making sure he was safe. It was Namjoon’s voice at the back of his head that stopped Jimin from busting Jeongguk’s door open and teaching that brat some respect last night. And it’s currently that same man’s voice telling him to go look for him. I fucking hate you, Kim Namjoon. Get out of my goddamn head already. 
“Worried about a certain someone?” Taehyung prodded. Of course, he knew the answer to this due to his clairvoyance. But it never hurt to ask. 
He growled in irritation, appalled that Taehyung would even suggest that he was worried about that stubborn brat. “No. I’m worried about myself being ripped to shreds by a certain someone because I didn’t do my job.” 
Crossing his arms, Taehyung felt like being a bit more a bother to his friend than usual. So, he kept poking at the wolf. “Really? Seems to me like you are.” 
“Now isn’t the time for jokes, Tae. You do know that—” 
“Ko Ko Bop is in town? Or to be more specific will be in town? They aren’t here now, but they will be in due time. I’m thinking in about two weeks. Care to bet with me?” 
It’s always a game with someone like Taehyung. He knows the outcomes, so why even bother with being serious. He told Seokjin and Namjoon yesterday about the predictions, but he left out the future tense of will be, which prompted Namjoon to recruit Jeongguk quicker than he would’ve liked. Namjoon would’ve liked for Jeongguk to find out about Cirque de Bangtan the natural way of just stumbling upon it or a friend bringing him here and him liking it so much that he would end up working for them. Not end up hearing about it via a flyer. But no matter because Jeongguk had accepted. Now it was a matter of time until they would become the number one circus in the whole world as they so rightfully deserve. 
Jimin huffed at the mischievous vampire, giving into his gambling. He doesn’t know why he indulges in this behavior. But he does know that no other member could handle it. Hence why he and Taehyung make a great duo.  “I’d say a week.” 
“Good. And what does the winner get?” 
“A get-out-of-jail-free card.” 
Taehyung rolled his eyes in boredom. “Come on, man. You can’t be serious.” 
Jimin crossed his arms, a smile playing across his face. “Oh, but I am. You never know when you need someone to bail you out. What if you accidentally kill someone from drinking too much from them? Then what? Who else is gonna put up with you? Because let me tell you, that’s a full-time job, mister.” 
Taehyung gasped in shock and put a hand to his heart to display—dramatically—how hurt he was that Jimin would say that. “How dare you! I have not overdrunk in years! I know how to control myself, unlike some people...” 
Jimin scoffed. “And what are you implying?” 
“Oh, don’t think I forgot about how hungry you were that you got rid of the last recruit before he made it to the door,” Taehyung sassed. “Let’s hope this recruit will be able to perform before you sink your teeth into him, hmm?” 
And at the mention of the recruit, Jimin finally caught his scent. It was hard to miss. Did he put on cologne? His scent was usually softer than what he was smelled of. Whatever. He was here now, meaning he hadn’t gotten mauled by wolves and Jimin can live another night. 
Noticing that Jimin didn’t hit him with another snarky remark, he knew that he had other things on his mind, making the vampire smirk. He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder, prompting him to leave his tent. “Go get ‘em, tiger.” 
Before Jimin could respond to him, he was pushed out of Taehyung’s tent and right into Jeongguk’s built chest. Fuck, was he that much taller than him? That’s a thought he had put to the side for now. While Jeongguk was apologizing profusely, Jimin couldn’t care less. Right now, he had to show Jeongguk to the performance tent where he would be putting on his first show. 
“Took you long enough, brat. Let’s get you ready. Follow me.” 
Jeongguk was led to a tent near the bigger one in the center by Jimin. It took him a few more minutes than expected to get to the circus. To be fair, if he didn’t see the big crowd that was leaving the circus, he would’ve lost his way there and miss his first performance and probably lose his job. He could’ve used his phone. If it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t charge it while he was sleeping last night. Too freaked out by Jimin, he needed an ample amount of YouTube and Pornhub to get his mind off him and drift peacefully to sleep. But now here he was, right next to where his nightmares began. 
Jimin pushed Jeongguk inside the tent. “You have ten minutes to put on something in there. Don’t worry; we washed everything before you came today. When you’re done, come on out.” 
“Yessir,” Jeongguk exclaimed to Jimin. He looked around the tent and the many drawers and closets within. His eyes fell to the darker wooden closet. He opened it and found the outfit of the night. A black glittering tuxedo with dark purple stripes and a white dress shirt with black buttons. Oh yeah, this was an outfit for the one and only Jeon Jeongguk to rock. He even found shoes that fit him surprisingly well since he never told them his shoe size. Maybe they had another member that coincidentally had the same shoe size as him. That would have to be his best bet for now because Jimin was an impatient man. 
His back turned to the wall of the tent while humming to himself, he didn’t hear Jimin opening the flap to give Jeongguk a five-minute warning. Jimin caught the sight of Jeongguk’s bare toned golden back. He works out? Because goddamn does it show. It was only a glimpse but Jimin so desperately wishes he had the power to reverse time to see it again and again. Or perhaps the power to stop time altogether and snap a picture for his pleasure. 
Wait a sec. 
His pleasure? 
No way. 
There’s no way he’s falling for this brat. He would kill himself twice if that was the case. He ducked out before Jeongguk turned back around. Maybe his wolf is acting up because his heat is coming soon. He hated it so much because he would have to take the whole week off so that he wouldn’t kill the customers. He didn’t like leaving the circus since his performance draws in the most attention and therefore the most money. But alas, he can’t control his wolf during times like those, so he was helpless to change that fact. It’s moments like these that make him regret becoming this hairy creature. 
Meanwhile, Jeongguk put on the finishing piece of a sparkling purple bow tie and matching top hat. He looked like a circus freak. Like one of those ringleaders, he thought. Oh well, couldn’t get any more embarrassing from here on out. 
He went outside to greet Jimin, unaware of the peeping Tom and what he witnessed in the dressing tent. Jimin continued as if he didn’t see what he saw and felt whatever it was he did. Leading the boy to the back entrance of the main tent. The audience was chatting rather loudly, waiting for their next form of entertainment to grace their presence. In that domineering voice that made Jeongguk shrink into his shoes, he leaned forward to Jeongguk’s ear. “Don’t mess this up, little one.” 
Somehow, Jeongguk was able to respond to Jimin despite the tone of voice Jimin spoke to him with that would usually render him speechless. In fact, with that same cockiness that he was born and raised with. “Wasn’t planning on it.” 
Jeongguk stepped into the tent, silencing the crowd. Immediately, the speakers blared with a voice that resembled that of that Kim Seokjin fellow he remembered meeting yesterday. “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our newest member of Cirque de Bangtan, The Top Hat Singer!” 
The Top Hat Singer? Why that name of all names for him? Whatever. He’ll have to change his stage name eventually. For now, he needed to provide to the audience the “Singer” part of his newfound name. And boy, did he intend to. 
The lights went out for a split second, only to return with all lights on Jeongguk. He gulped, realizing that singing in acapella would have to do for his first performance. He could’ve gotten away with just singing “FOOLS” again. But he wanted to prove that he was versatile enough to sing other songs. So, he went with “2U”. Based on how Seokjin was the announcer, he would surely be listening to his song. Maybe that could change his opinion on having a singer as a performer in a circus. If he was able to woo the crowd that was. 
But judging by how they were swaying along with his voice, he had a feeling that he was doing a better job than both he and Seokjin thought he would. It was Jimin however, who knew that the brat had a pair of good lungs on him and never doubted him for a second, hence why he lingered to listen to his voice for a few more minutes before he left. After all, he’s been watching him since the beginning. Although he still wishes that it was him up there singing a duet with the boy, he pushes those feelings aside, choosing instead to go back to his tent. His work for the day was done. Including his overtime with Jeongguk. 
When Jeongguk’s performance ended, the crowd was in an uproar, demanding an encore, despite Jeongguk singing nonstop song after song. He felted empowered. Like he could get used to this attention. He took his bow and picked up the flowers and money the audience threw his way. The speakers went off again with Kim Namjoon as the speaker this time. “As much as The Top Hat Singer would love to sing for you all for the rest of the night, the circus is closing soon. He will be back tomorrow and on behalf of Cirque de Bangtan, we hope you also return. Have a wonderful night, ladies and gentlemen.” 
It was almost sad to hear the audience sighs of disappointment, but the sound of them cheering for Jeongguk to continue drowned out all those negative feelings. This is the attention he needed. Not because of his family’s wealth or their talents. But because of his talents. Now that he had experienced it, there was no way he was letting this job go. 
“He’s hooked,” Seokjin pointed out to Namjoon. 
Namjoon looked at that light in Jeongguk’s eyes. He truly enjoyed his first performance. He inclined his head. “So, should we tell him?” 
Seokjin shrugged. “You’re the leader, Namjoon. It’s your call.” 
“Hmm...” Namjoon hummed to himself, trying to debate whether or not to drop the bomb on Jeongguk. Then he makes up his mind. “We tell him tomorrow night.” 
Seokjin exhaled like he was exhausted already. “Oh boy. I’ll need a bottle of soju. I can tell that he won’t take it well. With him being a Jeon and all.” 
They both laughed at each other, but quickly silencing themselves and leaving the tent when Jeongguk turned around to try and figure out where that laughter came from. He couldn’t find them, so he picked up his money and flowers and headed off to the dressing tent to change back his clothes. 
In the dressing tent, he was met by the card dealer of the group, Jeong Hoseok. Wearing a red shimmering suit with a black dress shirt and matching red shoes. He even had on shades despite it being pitch black out here. He looked Jeongguk up and down and cocked his head to the side. “Are you new here or something because I’ve never seen a face like yourself.” 
Jeongguk nodded. “Just did my first singing performance not too long ago.” 
“Ah, so that was your performance,” Hoseok said, taking off his shades. “Thought it was Jimin doing overtime. Only he could get the crowd that riled up. Glad to know that he has an equal. Maybe even his superior.” He winked at that last part which made Jeongguk’s cheeks flush a shade of red he never thought he could until now. 
Hoseok held a hand out for Jeongguk to shake. “Name’s Jeong Hoseok. I’m the card dealer and the opening performer for the circus.” 
Jeongguk shook his head, introducing himself as well. “Jeon Jeongguk... You might know my family based on my surname but I’m nothing like—” 
Jeongguk’s train of thought stopped. He thought he would have to deal with another Jimin incident where he already knew about his family and used that as fuel to get Jeongguk fired up. Luckily, this was more of a Lisa situation where he knew nothing about the Jeons. He would take the latter over the former any day. So, instead of getting into his whole family history, he simply said, “Nevermind.” 
The tent was silent. Awkwardly silent. Jeongguk wanted to change his clothes in peace. It’s bad enough he barely knew these people. But it’s even worse for them to see parts of him that he rather stay hidden from their prying eyes. As if sensing Jeongguk’s awkwardness, Hoseok put his shades on the back of his head. “Alright, I’m gonna head out. Stay safe out there, kid. See you tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, you too,” Jeongguk said as Hoseok walked out. Finally, Jeongguk could undress without any unwanted attention on him. 
He dressed in his attire from earlier in the night when he first arrived and headed back to his hotel room. What a night tonight was. 
0 notes
knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Missing The Point Entirely
(Points at a rock on the ground) this is your head (Points up at a cloud) That’s the point.
Cool Uncle.
Oh hey! Another way to make Qrow “I drink because EDGE, and I break rules all the time” Branwen seem ‘cool.’ Because that is totally something to teach to kids in you KID-FRIENDLY SPIN-OFF SHOW! - This was weak, and was actually kinda painful to sit through. Can’t wait to see how the fans try to use this skit as “proof” that Qrow is actually Ruby’s dad, though. - Maybe that will be fun.
Wow, I have never seen someone miss the point so entirely: The show is portraying Qrow as IRRESPONSIBLE for all of this, using Taiyang as a straight man and Butt Monkey in the joke. Seriously, you act like Taiyang wasn’t even there when his reactions ARE THE PUNCHLINE. No wonder you found it weak: You completely glossed over the funniest part of the skit. In fact, you don’t even MENTION Taiyang at all despite being integral to the skit. Jesus chirst: How do you fail at this level of not getting a joke? Oh right, you don’t understand that misery is important to comedy.
Clean Behind the Ears.
Whe… Where was the joke? Was the joke that Michael Sun decided to wake up Kerry Neptune JUST to tell him that he was going to the shower? - Is this an inside joke or something?
... And once again: the like completely flies over your head. THe joke is the upcoming misery of the Geist Grimm (Who I think was an excellent addition to the series but rather unutilized) . If you had added in SOMETHING about the Grimm then this could have been a valid critique. But since you completely disregard the punchline AGAIN, you just come across as bitching.
Cool Dad.
This was also painful. Mostly because the things that Qrow was saying made no sense. Also what he was doing. Is it normal for his nieces to watch him do some dives? - And does he wear that cape EVERYWHERE? - Though, personally, I think it would have been funnier if Coco had called Tai weird - If only for the gag of the voice actors.
... Okay, you judge an entire skit with several jokes in it... on the end...right after an iconic moment in RWBY Chibi...
Dudeblade, you suck at reviewing comedy. You ignore jokes entirely, ignore the punchline, cherry pick what is going on, are completely oblivious to how comedy is setup and focus on only the most miniute details: You are failing at these reviews. S either get good or shut up.
Movie Night.
Okay, yeah. This got a laugh out of me. It’s enjoyable to poke fun at movies. Superhero movies are always about origin stories, romance stories typically have an idiot, etc, and etc. And then all the rest. Also, this is the reason why when I go out to a movie with my friend, we already know in advance what we’re going to watch.
Are you not gonna comment on how the movies they suggest are reflective of who they are (Pyrrha wants to see a romance with Jaune, Sun wants to see a cop movie ect.) or what about the subversions/parodies in the movies (like how when Jaune tries to “save” Pyrrha, he ends up failing completely or how about when Neptune lampshades the “wlaking away as something explodes” cliché and acts like a normal person when it happens: freaked the fuck out ect?) These are all jokes too and they are a part of the skit: Ergo, you need to review them. Once again: You fail, except you fail at being POSITIVE as well. Especially since you DIDN’T address everything so they don’t know if the parodies/character interactions where good or not.
Wore it better.
… Oh I get it. Neo was inspired by a female Roman cosplayer, and here, Neo is the one cosplaying… I hope that that’s the joke, otherwise I’m just looking like an intellectual. And who wants that when you watch a comedy show that’s the spinoff of a serial show that makes fun of men in dresses?
No, no you don’t. You don’t look like an intellectual because you have been constantly failing at the very definition of reviewing seeing as you completely forget to mention Roman is there as his lines are the build up as well as separate jokes (Weiss is seen as a spoiled brat, Roman has an irrational hatred of Ruby) as well as the punchline being his silent response in Neo’s own way of talking to how she wears HIS uniform. And yeah, she does wear it better. Who knew you could make a trenchcoat and boulderhat cute?
Evil Genius.
Yes Ozpin. You should feel guilty for doing stuff like this. You are basically making CHILD SOLDIERS to fight a war with Salem that YOU probably started… At least Jaune got hurt. I enjoy it when Jaune is the victim of slapstick. I like to think that it’s karma for not respecting Weiss’ refusal to go out with him.
Okay... There is so much wrong with this... “review” that I dunno wher eto begin.
At the beginning I suppose: It was NEVER once hinted at that Ozpin STARTED the war except by Salem...WHO IS THE BIG BAD. In fact, the only reason you say this is because you have a hate boner against the male characters and automatically think all males are default the bad guys (https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/163808997355/what-you-see-in-the-mirror) and that you were whiteknighting Salem (http://dudeblade.tumblr.com/post/160955995697/rwby-theory-ozpin-is-a-fraud) ... USING A NON-CANONICAL SOURCE OF INFO.
You also ignore the fact that Ren and Ruby where getting hurt as well. And the fact that Ozpin was sending them to find random stuff like how he just sort of launched them into the woods to find chess pieces in Volume 1 and how Ruby and Ren caught onto what Ozpin was doing but Jaune didn’t. AKA you failed to review the FULL skit.
And by this logic, Pyrrha getting shot was karma too because she did the exact same stuff as Jaune...but WORSE in a lot of cases. Look at how much of an asshole you look like now.
Uh… is the joke here the fact that Jaune’s weapon is so simple and straightforward that maintenance isn’t something needed- Waitaminute! Why doesn’t he sharpen it? Isn’t that basic sword maintenance 101? - Ugh, incompetent Jaune is incompetent.
The joke was that everyone else was being professionals at doing weapon mantinece but the one person who was never trained as a Huntsman fails in such a ridiculous way that you have to face palm. Like Port whom you completely ignored AGAIN.
The what-glove? … Eh, I’m just going to assume that Ruby saw that Roman was having a bad day, and decided to sheer him up with that slapstick. That feels better, and doesn’t make Ruby out to be more incompetent than Jaune… Also, what is evil about Wi-Fi? If Wi-Fi is evil, doesn’t that make any company that uses the internet evil? I mean, by that same stretch of logic, RoosterTeeth is evil because it uses Wi-Fi… If you are one of those Critical Fans, go nuts with this logic.
Once again, you completely overlook Neo whose reactions are a PART of the joke, the OTHER evil inventions while lampooning how they always malfunction, and that the Froyo stopped Ruby while all of Roman’s complex inventions. AKA the complex plans fail while the simple accident WORKS.
Except this is has even MORE problems. Like the implication that Ruby can’t be incompetent, like she has to always be good at everything or she can’t have isolated instances or slip ups. AKA he’s literally criticizing Ruby for not being a Mary Sue when in the past he criticized for Jaune being a Mary Sue in his eyes.
And the part about the Wi-Fi is pathetic because the Wi-Fi was added on after the “embodiment of evil!” comment, meaning that by the way English is structured, Wi-Fi would logically not be included in the “evil” category. And then he ends by encouraging Insane Troll Logic in order to bash Rooster Teeth.
So to recap: Dudeblade does not understand comedy in the slightest, completely ignores certain aspects of skits (read: most of the skits), has a severe bias against male characters that seeping into his reviews meaning pretty much every review involving a male character is gonnq be shitty, whiteknights females and acts like they can do no wrong and SHOULD do no wrong and outright encourages people attacking Rooster Teeth for stupid reasons.
TL;Dr: Dudeblade should be doing anything critical. He does not have the capacity for it.
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Not Super on Time at this Point but Whatever
Sometimes I am not able to be as timely as I prefer with my posts. This is one of those times. I am still going to pontificate on the Super Bowl even though it was four days ago.
The outcome was appalling. I don’t care for the Patriots. I think Tom Brady is a douche. I think Gisele is the worst. I think Bill Belichick is smug and homeless looking all at the same time. That Julian Edelman is a stud though and even though Rob Gronkowski is dumb as a box of rocks, he’s really pretty funny. But more than that the Falcons should be deported. How do you blow a 25 point lead in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl? You will never, ever live that down.
The Schuyler Sisters singing America the Beautiful was a delight. Look, y’all, more than just white people can sing patriotic songs! It’s like there’s diversity in this country or something. In stark contrast, white as fuck Luke Bryan sang the National Anthem. It was fine. He’s not the world’s best singer but he’s not the worst. I’m certain he’s helping to make America great again.
Halftime, halftime, halftime. Bring it, Gaga. I will not hear it if you don’t agree with me. That was the BEST halftime show in years and years. Certainly since Prince, may he rest in peace. Like her or not, the woman is a talent. I’m sure there was a backing track somewhere but for the most part ol’girl was singing. I feel like you could tell by how she was breathing. The dancing was kick ass. There were gays and brown people and all sorts of funky folks. Loved it more than my luggage.
Let’s discuss commercials. In a nutshell, they sucked donkey balls. There is nothing worse than mediocrity when it comes to Super Bowl ads. Most were mediocre at best.
1.       Google Home…a little overwrought.
2.       Michelin…been there, done there.
3.       Avocados from Mexico…the secret society has nothing to do with avocados. I laughed. But not for the right reasons and not having anything to do with the product being advertised.
4.       Mobile Strike with Arnold…I’m not a gamer. Maybe it resonates with the target. Maybe Arnold’s ratings are down. Maybe he released his taxes when he was governor of California. Maybe I just don’t care.
5.       H&R Block with IBM Watson…get every last deduction. Get errrry one. This one was decent. In the grand scheme of things, I’d give it a B+.
6.       Skittles…Romance? Is that what it was? Terrible.
7.       Busch Beer…Buschhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh was very clever. But Busch? Really? How fucking white trash. At least AB didn’t rag on the craft beer industry. So there’s that. I’ll give it a B.
8.       American Petroleum Institute…Yep. I get it. Oil is a part of our lives and more that that, it makes things better. But ethanol is going to catch on. Bless my corns, I believe it to be true.
9.       GoDaddy…Rick Astley is trying to make a comeback. Good luck. D+.
10.   LifeWtr…I guess basically introducing a new product on the Super Bowl will generate awareness.  That’s a bazillion dollar gamble. Bully for you for taking a risk.
11.   Intel with Tom Brady…don’t care. D+.
12.   AirBnB…#weaccept. Sharp, sharp, sharp. Makes a nice statement but still feels on target and based on an insight. I’ll give it an A. One of the only A’s, in my opinion.
13.   World of Tanks…Fuck off.
14.   Yellow Tail…Another shitty booze brand. I get it though. Mass market products make sense. Honestly, Yellow Tail isn’t that bad. It was fun and was pretty cute. A-.
15.   Pirate’s Life…I’m not sure how you judge a movie trailer as a Super Bowl ad so I’ll just say I have NO interest whatsoever in this movie. Let the ship sink, Johnny. It’s over.
16.   Pistacchios…Who doesn’t love elephants? It was decent. Final grade = B-.
17.   Buick…with Cam Newton. I guess it was fine. I don’t really like him. He’s kind of a brat. Sack up and don’t whine, you big baby. One must be careful with celebrities. They can be polarizing.
18.   Logan…another trailer. I’m intrigued. I like that it’s rated R. Maybe that means a little full frontal from Hugh Jackman. I wouldn’t complain.
19.   T Mobile…with the Biebs, Gronk and TO. T Mobile is trying to make themselves happen. Who uses T Mobile? It reminds of the final few holdouts who wouldn’t give up their Blackberrys.  Meh,
20.   Honda CRV…chasing dreams. I get it. Potentially overly aspirational for a pretty affordable car but at least it had some sort of strategy behind it.
21.   Bai Bai…with JT and Christopher Walken. At this point all I can remember about Bai Bai is the celebrs in the spot. I think it’s food or beverage. Or maybe feminine hygiene or maybe toilet bowl cleaner. Fail.
22.   Transformers: Rise of the What the Fuck Ever…nope.
23.   Tide..with Terry Bradshaw. I didn’t hate it. That’s saying a lot.
24.   Sprint….I can’t read my notes so I don’t know what this ad was about. My bad.
25.   Coca Cola…tying it all back to food makes sense. I have very strong correlation between eating at McDonald’s and Coke. An A- for sure.
26.   The Handmaid’s Tale…should I know what this is? I’m slightly intrigued and slightly nonplussed.
27.   WeatherTech…America. Fuck yeah.
28.   Febreeze…something having to do with halftime. I don’t remember anymore. I should have written this sooner.
29.   Alfa Romeo…I guess we’re trying to make Alfa Romeo happen in the US. Good luck. I’m not sure now is the best time to introduce a foreign product in this country.
30.   Michelob Ultra…95 calories and you can still do Crossfit when you drink it. Feels like a streeeeeetch.
31.   TurboTax….Humpty Dumpty. A decent attempt at humor. But I have no interest in seeing this spot 100,000 times. Hopefully they don’t run it as part of their regular ad rotation.
32.   Lexus…nothing interesting or different or new. Could have been any Lexus add on during any other show. Make it special. Or at least try.
33.   Fate of the Furious…money talks and that’s why Charlize Theron is in this movie.
34.   Squarespace…with John Malkovich. I don’t really understand what one does on or with Squarespace. Maybe that means the ad wasn’t meant for me.
35.   Wendy’s…othrguys.com. Decent. But Wendy’s will never be chosen ahead of McDonald’s in my world.
36.   Xfinity…I don’t care.
37.   The Hammer Insurance…WTF?
38.   Kaplan University…Really?
39.   Arby’s…2 for $5. Seriously? An offer during the Super Bowl? That’s just dumb,
40.   Menard’s…save big money. This was probably a regional insertion that not everyone saw.
41.   Audi…equal pay for women. This has caused quite a stir because apparently Audi as a corporation has a pretty shitty track record with female pay and female representation at the senior exec level. Ooopsie poopsie. Don’t try to take a social stand when you can’t internally back it up.
42.   Mr. Clean…the man who cleans. In my opinion, this was the very best spot of the Super Bowl. A VERY clear insight. A VERY clear benefit. A VERY clear target. A+++++++++.
43.   Snickers…the live spot with Adam Driver was a gimmick. Gimmicks rarely work. This did not work.
44.   Anheuser Busch…immigration and August Busch coming to the states. I liked it. It told a nice story. Was ironically very topical and relevant even though AB shot the spot 3 months ago and couldn’t have possibly known about the whole travel ban insanity. But, of course, August Busch was white and that makes it OK…..no offense to AB. That’s a dig on errrrything else.
45.   T Mobile…with Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg. Can-o-bisque or cannabis? Get it? That’s almost clever. But what does it have to do with cell phones? Nothing. Fail.
46.   Persil..with Bill Nye the Science Guy. I guess we’re still trying to make Persil happen in the States. I’m not sure this spot is going to push them over the edge.
47.   Kia…with Melissa McCarthy. She’s comedy gold. This sorta kinda worked.
48.   Stranger Things 2…we just watched the pilot episode. Loved it. This is apropos of nothing.
49.   The Walking Dead…They need to bulk up the ratings since people fled like crazy given the completely bleak first half of this season. I concur that it was all a bit much but there ain’t so sunshine and rainbows in the zombie apocalypse.
50.   Fiji…earth’s finest water. I see what you did there. A solid B.
51.   Baywatch…apart from Zac Efron’s body this movie just looks terrible.
52.   Alfa Romeo…see number 29.
53.   T Mobile…with 50 Shades of Grey or Darker or Whatever. Make it stop!
54.   Wix.com…with Jason Statham and Gal Gadot. I do not know what one does with or on Wix.com.
55.   Turkish Airlines…moving free. Not bad and by this point, I’m pretty much over the whole thing so anything that even makes sense is going to be viewed favorably.
56.   Alexa…with My Girl. Not horrendous. That’s positive when considering the amount of dreck.
57.   T Mobile..data limits. I literally can’t even with T Mobile.
58.   Nintendo Switch…I don’t care about video games but this looked relatively cool.
59.   Spuds McKenzie…Bring that dead dog back to life, Bud Light. Nothing better than a recycled icon and the ghost of a deceased pit bull.
60.   Mercedes…I don’t really remember anything about this spot except that it featured Patty the Daytime Hooker who was a character on My Name is Earl. I love that actress. She is simply the best actress working in Hollywood in her ability to play white trash.
61.   Alfa Romeo…the third time is the charm. Except it’s not. No more. See number 29 and 52.
62.   Sprite…with Lebron James. Much as I love Lebron James, I am nearly positive this was not a new spot and the Coca Cola Company can pony up for a new spot for the Super Bowl. That’s cheap.
63.   KFC…something having to do with gold. Meh.
64.   Tide…another go. That’s a lot of Tide for one Super Bowl.
And that’s that. Super Bowl LI is in the books and we have a few months without football. But that’s OK because March Madness is juuuuuuuust about to knock on my door. That shit is my jam.
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Second draft
This was not the way Levi wanted to start his day. Especially not today of all days, yet somehow he was standing in the middle of his favourite tea shop with scolding hot tea staining his crisp white shirt, and some shitty teen staring at him like it was all his fault. It wasn't his fault the kid didn't even bother looking as he came out from behind the counter and walked right into him. The shitty brat too dim witted to even offer the slightest word of apology. No. This wasn't how he wanted to start today of all days at all.
Thanks to that one incident his whole day had been thrown out of whack and was now running late for a meeting that would change his life enough as it was. When Levi had hit and passed 25, he'd thought he'd be safe from ever having to take an omega for a mate, his unusual scent and pheromone sensitivity making it damn near impossible to even stomach having an omega around, but some how, by some unlucky throw of the dice, an omega who was actually compatible with him had been found, and what was even worse was the fact the kid had only just presented. He found the whole thing disgusting and disgraceful, but by law he was in no position to argue. Omega's were a rare commodity, and only an alpha and omega could breed more omegas. That was why the government had made it mandatory for all alphas and omegas to register their DNA so that they may be matched "for the good of society" or some bullshit. Today his days as a single alpha came to an end and he'd be collecting his omega.
Having been forced to return home and shower, Levi couldn't deny his alpha side was quietly boiling at anger over the morning's incident, having been disrespected so openly in public. Go back 20 years and he'd have been well within his rights to beat some sense into the kid, but now days everyone was supposed to be treated as an equal. It didn't even occur to him that he might have been in the wrong, or that the snarl that boiled up from his throat might have scared the teen... no... none of this shit was his fault.
Arriving at the office, Levi was greeted by Isabel. The woman wasn't his personal secretary per say, but she seemed to have taken the role on somewhere along the line. Isabel was definitely everything he wasn't, the woman never seemed to let anything get to her, and always wore a cheeky smile as if she was scheming something mischievous. Passing him the files for today, Isabel's smile was even larger than normal
"You're late"
"I know. Are they here?"
"Yep, both he and his parents are here"
He...? So his mate was a guy? For someone who had never been in a relationship he honesty didn't know how to take it. As it was, he'd only taken care of things down there to keep his alpha reined in and he couldn't say that it ever felt really good
"They're in your office"
Levi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The wall of glass right beside them meant he could see that for himself as plainly as he could see Isabel standing just short of his door
"Thank you, Izzy"
Slipping past the woman, Levi turned into his office. He'd only taken two steps into the room when he realised something was terribly wrong
"Oh hell no. I am not marrying this arsehole!"
"Eren! You don't even know him"
"I know enough"
"What did you do now?"
"Why do I have to be the one who did anything wrong? He walked into me. I was trying to do my job and he took a step back and straight into me"
Levi couldn't help the involuntary growl that escaped his throat
"I'm sorry sir, he used to be such a cute kid, but presenting as an omega has left him feeling a..."
"Mum. He doesn't give a shit. Can't you smell how much he wants me gone?"
"Eren, you're just imagining it"
"I'm not imagining it. Ask him yourself"
Forcing himself to cross and sit in the deep red office chair behind his desk, Levi cleared his throat, he might be an arsehole, but the kid was a shitty brat
"You were the one who walked into me, and you didn't apologise either. Now your name is Eren right?"
The kid nodded in his direction, his wide green eyes filled with fury
"Eren, answer him"
"Fine. God. Just back off. Yes, my name is Eren"
"Yeager. Look, isn't this all in the paperwork the government sent you"
"It is. But unlike you, I'm making an attempt"
"So you're one of those? You like chatting up 13 year old boys?"
"Eren! That's enough! You're being incredibly rude to Levi right now"
"You're the ones being rude. Oh look, your 13 year old son just spent a week doing all sorts of messed up things because his stupid body has to decide he was an omega. Quick! Let's register his DNA and then pair him up straight away. Let's not ask him what he wants. Yeah. Let's do that"
He had to give the kid points for being straight up about it all. Not many people, alpha or omega, had the balls to talk so straight and openly to him
"So you're 13"
"He is and as he's just presented he's never been mounted or marked"
Grisha... he vaguely remembered that being the father's name... whatever it was, he didn't care for the way the man talked about his own son
"Let's get down to business. You've brought your signed papers of transfer right?"
The woman... Carla? Nodded as she pulled a small pile of papers from her handbag
"I know Eren is a handful, and I know he's stubborn and quick to anger... but he's still my baby. Please. Please take care of him..."
Unlike Grisha, Carla's words struck him as being full of genuine concern for her son. Eyeing him resentfully as Levi took the papers, the teen openly mocked him by releasing a blast of sweet citrus tones, which Levi found weren't totally unappealing... though he'd never state as much openly when Eren was still just a child
"I have no desire to lay my hands on a child"
Grisha sat straighter in his chair
"Are you trying to say there is something wrong with our son?"
"No. I'm trying to say that at 13, he is too young to be bred. A child can hardly be expected to take care of a child of his own, or understand the consequences of mating and breeding. I will take him into my custody, but I will not breed him until he comes of legal beta age"
Grisha looked scandalised, while Carla looked relieved. An omega was never really given any legal rights no matter their age, but an alpha was declared an adult at 16 and a beta at 18. By which time he was certain this whole mistake would have been sorted out and Eren would be moved to his rightful alpha.
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Random musings
This was not the way Levi wanted to start his day. Especially not today of all days, yet somehow he was standing in the middle of his favourite tea shop with scolding hot tea staining his crisp white shirt, and some shitty teen staring at him like it was all his fault. It wasn't his fault the kid didn't even bother looking as he came out from behind the counter and walked right into him. The shitty brat too dim witted to even offer the slightest word of apology. No. This wasn't how he wanted to start today of all days at all.
Thanks to that one incident his whole day had been thrown out of whack and was now running late for a meeting that would change his life enough as it was. When Levi had hit 25, he'd thought he'd be safe from ever having to take an omega for a mate, his unusual scent and pheromone sensitivity making it damn near impossible to even stomach having an omega around, but some how, by some unlucky throw of the dice, an omega who was actually compatible with him had been found, and what was even worse was the fact the kid had only just presented. He found the whole thing disgusting and disgraceful, but by law he was in no position to argue. Omega's were a rare commodity, and only an alpha and omega could breed more omegas. That was why the government had made it mandatory for all alphas and omegas to register their DNA so that they may be matched "for the good of society" or some bullshit. Today his days as a single alpha came to an end and he'd be collecting his omega.
Having been forced to return home and shower, Levi couldn't deny his alpha side was quietly boiling at anger over the morning's incident, having been disrespected so openly in public. Go back 20 years and he'd have been well within his rights to beat some sense into the kid, but now days everyone was supposed to be treated as an equal. It didn't even occur to him that he might have been in the wrong, or that the snarl that boiled up from his throat might have scared the teen... no... none of this shit was his fault.
Arriving at his uncles house, Levi knocked lightly before waiting on the maid to let him in. His uncle might be off galavanting around and doing as he pleased, but in his absence the house still ran like a well oiled machine and as the black sheep of the family Levi was expected to keep his distance. Today however, his meeting with his omega would take place in the ancestral home of the Ackerman's. Forcing a smile as Frieda opened the door, the woman shook her head with a light sigh
"You're late"
"I know. Are they here?"
"Yes, both he and his parents are here"
He...? So his mate was a guy? For someone who had never been in a relationship he honesty didn't know how to take it. As it was, he'd only taken care of things down there to keep his alpha reined in and he couldn't say that it ever felt really good
"They're in the front drawing room with refreshments"
"Thank you, Frieda"
Slipping past the woman, Levi turned into the room immediately to the right. He'd only taken two steps into the room when he realised something was terribly wrong
"Oh hell no. I am not marrying this arsehole!"
"Eren! You don't even know him"
"I know enough"
"What did you do now?"
"Why do I have to be the one who did anything wrong? He walked into me. I was trying to do my job and he took a step back and straight into me"
Levi couldn't help the involuntary growl that escaped his throat
"I'm sorry sir, he used to be such a cute kid, but presenting as an omega has left him feeling a..."
"Mum. He doesn't give a shit. Can't you smell how much he wants me gone?"
"Eren, you're just imagining it"
"I'm not imagining it. Ask him yourself"
Forcing himself to cross and sit in the deep red recliner closest to the fire grate, Levi cleared his throat
"You were the one who walked into me, and you didn't apologise either. Now your name is Eren right?"
The kid nodded in his direction, his wide green eyes filled with fury
"Eren, answer him"
"Fine. God. Just back off. Yes, my name is Eren"
"Yeager. Look, isn't this all in the paperwork the government sent you"
"It is. But unlike you, I'm making an attempt"
"So you're one of those? You like chatting up 12 year old boys?"
"Eren! That's enough! You're being incredibly rude to Levi right now"
"You're the ones being rude. Oh look, your 13 year old son just spent a week doing all sorts of messed up things because his stupid body has to decide he was an omega, quick, let's register his DNA and then pair him up straight away. Let's not ask him what he wants. Yeah. Let's do that"
He had to give the kid points for being straight up about it all. Not many people, alpha or omega, had the balls to talk so straight and openly to him
"So you're 13"
"He is and as he's just presented he's never been mounted or marked"
Grisha... he vaguely remembered that being the father's name... whatever it was, he didn't care for the way the man talked about his own son
"Let's get down to business. You're brought your signed papers of transfer right?"
The woman... Carla? Nodded as she pulled a small pile of papers from her handbag
"I know Eren is a handful, and I know he's stubborn and quick to anger... but he's still my baby. Please. Please take care of him..."
Unlike Grisha, Carla's words struck him as being full of genuine concern for her son. Eyeing him resentfully as Levi took the papers, the teen openly mocked him by releasing a blast of sweet citrus tones, which Levi found weren't totally unappealing... though he'd never state as much openly when Eren was still just a child
"I have no desire to lay my hands on a child"
Grisha sat straighter in his chair
"Are you trying to say there is something wrong with our son?"
"No. I'm trying to say that at 13, he is too young to be bred. A child can hardly be expected to take care of a child of his own, or understand the consequences of mating and breeding. I will take him into my custody, but I will not breed him until he comes of legal beta age"
Grisha looked scandalised, while Carla looked relieved. An omega was never really given any legal rights no matter their age, but an alpha was declared an adult at 16 and a beta at 18. By which time he was certain this whole mistake would have been sorted out and Eren would be moved to his rightful alpha.
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